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F i n e s t a n d r a r e s t w i n e s<br />
including Hermitage la cHapelle 1952-2009<br />
direct From tHe cellars oF paul Jaboulet aine<br />
new york 11 & 12 november 2011
Finest and Rarest Wines<br />
including Hermitage la cHapelle 1952-2009<br />
direct from tHe cellars of paul Jaboulet aine<br />
AucTION IN NEw YORk<br />
FRIDAY 11 NOVEMBER 2011 I 6:30 PM<br />
SATuRDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2011 I 9:30 AM<br />
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contents<br />
8 Session One: Lots 1–379<br />
82 Session Two: Lots 380–1560<br />
204 Index<br />
222 Shipping/Collection/Storage Form<br />
224 Glossary of Abbreviations<br />
225 Conditions of Sale<br />
226 Conditions for Live Online Bidding<br />
227 Important Information for Purchasers at Wine Sales<br />
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230 Absentee/Telephone Bidding Form
When Caroline Frey contacted me about a very special Hermitage La Chapelle sale<br />
with a formidable array of vintages, all coming direct from the property, I went home<br />
and found a bottle of the fabulous 1996, explaining to my husband as I opened it that it<br />
was a celebration – he did not complain! I have been salivating ever since – just looking<br />
at the list of historic bottles, in an unprecedented range of formats too, has been a<br />
mouth-watering, if slightly frustrating, experience.<br />
The reality of this great event is that the Frey family decided to allow Sotheby’s access<br />
to some of their most remarkable library wines. Together we have created this unique<br />
sale that gives all lovers of La Chapelle an extraordinary opportunity to buy this iconic<br />
wine over a period of six decades. This, of course, encompasses the ownership of the<br />
Jaboulet family and, from 2005, the Frey family.<br />
When I was very young and before I joined the wine trade, there were a few wines that<br />
were, for me, magical, unreachable treasures that I yearned to taste. Vega Sicilia was<br />
one, La Chapelle was another. Then, living in Paris and wine shopping at the Nicolas<br />
on the Ile St.Louis (delivery to me, on the Ile de la Cité, was by bicycle), I happed upon<br />
a wine that simply said it was Hermitage 1961. It was sublime. Afterwards I learned<br />
that it was La Chapelle – there had been an accident of ordering or labelling, I know not<br />
which, but my friends and I were definitely on the winning side. If ever a wine was<br />
‘complete’, this was it. There was not a corner that it did not reach.<br />
Later, in the profession, I met the late, great Gérard Jaboulet, a force of nature who<br />
travelled the world singing the praises of Syrah in the Northern Rhône and educating<br />
us all in the nicest possible way, mainly by opening bottles over very good meals. I used<br />
to meet him quite often in Asia (he loved fishing in Malaysia!) and, surprisingly, these<br />
great Syrah Rhônes were marvellous with Asian food, although I confess that my real<br />
passion is La Chapelle with grouse, or partridge on Savoy cabbage, in colder climes and<br />
followed by Vintage Port, which Gérard also loved!<br />
Named after the little chapel of St.Christopher at the top of the Hermitage hill, La<br />
Chapelle is principally from the single ‘climats’ of Méal, Bessards and Greffieux,<br />
together with Rocoules and La Croix and sometimes Diognières. There is no set rule<br />
for the amount of La Chapelle that is made each year – it depends upon tasting. The<br />
driving force behind the selection process is reproducing the Chapelle bouquet and<br />
taste, which for some is black cherries and cigars, for others smoke and leather and for<br />
yet more searchers after ‘le mot juste’, wet undergrowth and game. The structure is<br />
there, the fruit is there and all the complex variations on the theme develop over the<br />
years in bottle. It comes from a steep-sloped region that is on the cusp between north<br />
and south, tannic expression at first from the former, sensual warmth emanating from<br />
the latter. What more could anyone ask?<br />
Please try these great vintages of La Chapelle for yourself and invent a new vocabulary<br />
to describe the wine’s sorcery.<br />
Serena Sutcliffe M.W.<br />
Head of International Wine Department<br />
I 8 I
RHONE<br />
HERmitagE La CHapELLE<br />
Upon his return from the crusades, the knight Gaspard de Stérimberg<br />
settled down to a peaceful life on the Tain l’Hermitage hill. It is there<br />
that he built the famous chapel (left) that has overlooked the Rhône<br />
Valley since the 13th Century<br />
In 1919, the chapel passed into the ownership of the Jaboulet family.<br />
This family traces their winemaking heritage back to 1834 and, from<br />
1919 to 2005, they produced Hermitage La Chapelle from carefully<br />
blending the greatest vineyards on the Hermitage hill.<br />
Moulded by the Rhône, by glaciers and by winds, the Hermitage<br />
vineyards offer a range of terroirs unique in the world. The granite<br />
outcrops of Les Bessards, the south-facing white pebble slopes of<br />
Méal, the hillocks of Les Rocules and Les Murets, and even the lower<br />
slopes of Les Greffieux bring out the richness and complexity of Syrah.<br />
It is from blending all these terroirs that the ‘La Chapelle’ Hermitage is<br />
created and has become known as one of the standard bearers of the<br />
appellation.<br />
The 1961 vintage has gone down in history as one of the greatest wines<br />
in the world. Other great vintages include 1964, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1990,<br />
1991, 2003, 2005, and 2009<br />
Area Planted:<br />
Average Production:<br />
21 ha<br />
2,000 cases<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1952 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
1 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $11,000-15,000<br />
I 11 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1959<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 607,319 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 17th of September and finished on the<br />
2nd of October. The weather was very good throughout the year<br />
and throughout the harvest. The vintage produced very healthy<br />
grapes, with great ageing potential.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1959 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Deep, dark, mature colour. Complex, dried attic apples on the nose,<br />
even Seville oranges. Dried Grisons beef and dried leaves. Such<br />
sweet treacle on the palate. Toast with prune jam. The fruit is still<br />
luscious, full of damson richness, softness and chocolate charm. A<br />
voluptuous vintage. SS.<br />
See illustration<br />
2 1 mag (owc)<br />
per lot: $8,000-11,000<br />
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1961<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 535,039 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 13th of September and finished on the<br />
23rd of September. A temperate Winter and good weather in the<br />
early spring started off well for the vines, but heavy rains in early<br />
June led to significant damage and lower yields. Fortunately, the<br />
weather for the rest of the season was ideal and went on to<br />
produce an exceptional vintage.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1961 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
The colour is barely touched by age. A great bouquet of smoky<br />
violets and smoked reindeer meat. The extraordinary richness on the<br />
palate is astonishing. Sheer, rich coffee. Unparalleled glycerol. Rich<br />
leather, black winegums and liquorice. A masterpiece of gigantic<br />
proportions. A later bottle had an incredible nose of damp forests<br />
and a deep, violet and iron taste. Gloriously sweet and ripe. Drunk<br />
recently with Pétrus '61 and Latour '61 and, for some, it was the<br />
winner! One can understand why. SS.<br />
See illustration<br />
3 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $60,000-100,000<br />
LOTS 2, 3<br />
I 13 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1962<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 893,467 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 28th of September and finished on the<br />
13th of October. Conditions during the Winter were normal with<br />
some frost. Cool weather conditions continued well into early July.<br />
By mid-July, weather conditions had improved dramatically and the<br />
rest of the Summer was hot and dry. The harvest was very<br />
successful in quantity and quality, but this vintage is somewhat<br />
overlooked because of the famous 1961.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1962 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
The '62 and '59 seem the same colour. Nose of bittermints,<br />
chocolate and cassis. Great black (Russian?) leather. Raisins and<br />
roses. Great taste of roasted raisins. Soft dried damsons fruit.<br />
Prunes. Dry, but intoxicating. A panopoly of great dried fruit. Figs<br />
at the end - still juicy. SS.<br />
4 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $6,000-9,000<br />
5 1 mag (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-5,000<br />
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1964<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 918,471 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 16th of September and finished on the<br />
4th of October. Weather conditions were very cold during the<br />
Winter and throughout the Spring. Warm weather arrived in June<br />
and continued on to the harvest. The harvest produces supple red<br />
wines with low acidity and excellent ageing potential.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1964 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Deep molasses colour. Vegetation and smoke on the nose, with<br />
cassis, cinnamon and cloves. A touch of sharpness and lots of<br />
earthiness. On the palate one feels the acidity, excellent fruit and<br />
aromatic tannins, which are just beginning to dry. Supple and easy<br />
but with marked character and personality. SS.<br />
6 6 bts (owc)<br />
7 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $4,500-6,000<br />
8 2 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
I 14 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1966<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 951,282HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 23rd of September and finished on the 8th of<br />
October. While conditions in the winter were mild, this changes during the<br />
Spring and poor weather continues until a favorable change in August which<br />
lasts through to the harvest. A difficult year is saved by the last two months<br />
before the harvest and leads to an excellent vintage for Hermitage La Chapelle.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1966 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
A bit yellower than the '69 and '67. Lots of links with the 1967 on the nose. A<br />
superb, rich, aromatic bouquet of great class. Rich, youthful mint and cassis.<br />
Intense, persistent and full of spicy chocolate. Voluptuous taste. More acidity<br />
than the '67. Great prunes and damsons. Superb attack and freshness. Coffee<br />
liqueur at the end. SS.<br />
9 6 bts (owc)<br />
10 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $6,000-10,000<br />
11 2 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $5,000-7,000<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1967 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Mature but deep colour. Majestic bouquet of utter complexity. Nose of a pot<br />
pourri of flowers. Deep dried apricots. Riveting mocha and raisins. Incredible<br />
taste of currants, dried apricots, tar and cassis. Great wine. So seamless all<br />
through. Extraordinary layers of fruit. The fruit profile is so young. It leaps out of<br />
the glass at you and lasts so long in the mouth. Still great black fruit and yet with<br />
maximum aromatic complexity. Startling. SS.<br />
12 6 bts (owc)<br />
13 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,500<br />
I 15 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1969<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 678,345 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 23rd of September and finished on the<br />
18th of October. A mild winter and Spring, but in June unusually<br />
cold weather arrives. Fortunately, in July warm weather returns<br />
continues all the way to the harvest. A large healthy crop of grapes<br />
leads to wines with a deep rich color and superb ageing potential.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1969 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Mature but deep colour. One of the best bouquets of the whole<br />
tasting. Extreme fruity richness. Quite wonderful scent of great<br />
breed. Heady marinated raspberries - perhaps marinated in La<br />
Chapelle '69! Intense and lingering - totally addictive. Great<br />
"vegetation" and fruit richness on the palate. The tannins are drying<br />
but are overlaid with complex dried fruit flavours of figs and prunes.<br />
Fascinating. A very "adult" wine. Great diversity and individuality of<br />
flavour. SS.<br />
14 6 bts (owc)<br />
15 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,700-2,250<br />
16 2 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-2,000<br />
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1970<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 1,498,354HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 22nd of September and finished on the<br />
17th of October. The cold weather began early and led to a long<br />
cold Winter with warm weather only arriving at the end of May.<br />
The months of July and August endure a period of very hot<br />
weather and on the 20th a light rain is welcome before the<br />
beginning of the harvest. A large harvest producing wines with<br />
supple tannins and good potential.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1970 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Deepest, blackest, thickest and youngest colour of the trio 1972, 1971<br />
and 1970. Rich fruity, treacle and molasses nose. Really intoxicating.<br />
Heady, smoky and meaty. Enormous fruit and youthful acidity. Has<br />
lasted in an extraordinary robust and fresh manner. No overt tannins,<br />
just a perfect "balance of power". Elegance and a cherry centre<br />
flavour that is riveting. A huge success and a relative surprise. SS.<br />
17 6 bts (owc)<br />
18 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,700-2,250<br />
19 2 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />
I 17 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1976<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 1,776,423 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 6th of September and finished on the<br />
21st of September. Flowering took place at the beginning of June<br />
and a period of hot dry weather with almost no rain ensues for the<br />
months of June, July, and August. Beneficial rains arrive in the<br />
Autumn and, climactically, it is nearly a perfect year for Syrah. A<br />
large harvest leads to a controversial vintage which has shown well<br />
in the following years.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1976 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Deep, dark molasses. Gloriously rich, "vegetal" nose. Musky, meaty<br />
- mixture of beef and lamb! Exotic cinnamon and coffee too. Toffee<br />
taste. Great richness. Great plummy fruit. So soft and melting and<br />
yet huge layers of flavour. Forget this vintage of La Chapelle at your<br />
peril. Drink now. SS.<br />
20 6 bts (owc)<br />
21 6 bts (owc)<br />
22 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
23 2 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1978<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 1,858,004 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 5th of October and finished on the 23rd<br />
of October. Flowering is late and begins only on the 15th of June,<br />
but exceptional weather arrives and continues for the months of<br />
July, August, and September. The weather is perfect for the<br />
harvest and produces exceptional wines which initially are closed,<br />
but prove throughout the years to be superb wines.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1978 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Deep, mature and dense to the rim. Deeply intoxicating, warm<br />
arabica coffee nose. Chocolate, cocoa and total allure. Cinnamon.<br />
On the palate it is so elegant and delicious with such style and class.<br />
This has now matured to so much finesse - the tannins have been<br />
tamed and the fruit has maintained all its persistence. Finishes halflacy<br />
and half-pure power. The balance ensures longevity, if you can<br />
resist it now. Violets at the end. SS<br />
See illustration.<br />
24 6 bts (owc)<br />
25 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $10,000-15,000<br />
26 3 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $10,000-15,000<br />
LOTS 23<br />
I 19 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1979<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 1,882,892 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 25th of September and finished on the<br />
22nd of October. Winter begins with mild conditions and becomes<br />
more severe over time. A mild Spring turns into a very dry Summer<br />
with some slowing of growth for the vines. Harvest is briefly marred<br />
by rain which is quickly remedied by the famous Mistral wind. The<br />
resulting wines are of good to excellent quality, although slightly<br />
reduced from a lack of acidity due to the drought in Summer.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1979 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Deep and mature. Lovely, spicy, elegant scent. A touch of cocoa to<br />
go with the fruit, which is so fresh inspite of the drought in this<br />
vintage. Quite "sharp". Lots of fruity attack. Red fruit rather than<br />
black. Not as "thick" as the great years, but a very nice, elegant<br />
profile. SS.<br />
27 6 bts (owc)<br />
28 6 bts (owc)<br />
29 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1982<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 2,484,541 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 13th of September and finished on the<br />
30th of September. An unusually mild Winter leads to a very good,<br />
dry Summer with flowering taking place in early June. An early<br />
harvest begins and produces a large crop of very healthy grapes. A<br />
perhaps surprising vintage, in terms of quality, which has gone<br />
somewhat unnoticed.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1982 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Deep, but mature colour. Wonderfully scented - sheer mature fruit<br />
perfume. Red fruit, roses and violets. Intriguing roses - pure Syrah<br />
fruit. On the palate, lovely, delicious fruit, underpinned by rich,<br />
vegetal flavours. A magnificent La Chapelle for now. It has a lovely<br />
acidity "lift" at the end and simply melts in the mouth. SS.<br />
30 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,750<br />
31 2 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
I 20 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1983<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 1,932,971 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 16th of September and finished on the<br />
6th of October<br />
Winter brings a lot of rain and snow and the rain continues into the<br />
Spring. Flowering begins in early June as warm weather arrives.<br />
The warm weather lasts all the way to the harvest, albeit with a little<br />
rain at the beginning of September. The grapes produce a vintage<br />
with excellent acidity and tannin-a very good year for Hermitage<br />
La Chapelle.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1983 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Huge “Burgundian” nose with a deep scent of damp forests. Tannic<br />
and yet ultimately sweet, leathery and rich. Recently, a nose of damp<br />
earth. Rich, warm taste of herbs and peat. Succulent. Drink now, at<br />
its quarter century. SS.<br />
See illustration<br />
32 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
33 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
34 3 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1985<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 2,432,095 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 23rd of September and finished on the<br />
8th of October. A warm June turns into a very hot Summer and<br />
continuesuntil a little rain arrives in mid August. Warm weather<br />
returns for the harvest and the resulting wine is very good, but<br />
closed and will need time to develop. A very successful vintage.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1985 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Very good crimson colour, just maturing and shading off at the rim.<br />
Wonderfully rich "Burgundian" bouquet of wet earth and vegetation.<br />
Very liquorice and "rubber" taste - rich and "vegetal", in the good<br />
sense! Mocha notes. Very curranty at the end. Coffee tannins. I<br />
love drinking this now. SS.<br />
35 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
36 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
I 21 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1988<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 2,567,747 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 19th of September and finished on the<br />
8th of October. A mild Autumn leads to an equally mild Winter<br />
without snow. Spring arrives with warm weather and produces a<br />
very good growing season. A small amount of rain at the end of<br />
July and then a very hot August, but perfect weather for the<br />
harvest. The wine produced is a very thick, full bodied Syrah with<br />
excellent ageing potential.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1988 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Very deep, but more mature than the '89 or '90. Wonderfully<br />
"cedary" nose. Very classic. Quite unlike other vintages, showing the<br />
chameleon character of La Chapelle. Blackcurrants and black<br />
pepper. Intense cassis. So pure. So clean and fruity. A very classic,<br />
almost "Cabernet" profile. <strong>Full</strong>-bodied and tangy. Beautifully<br />
structured. A real keeper. Irony at the end. SS.<br />
37 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
38 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1989<br />
The total harvest of the Côte du Rhône wines was 2,676,547 HL.<br />
The harvest began on the 12th of September and finished on the<br />
6th of October. Again, a very dry Winter without snow and Spring<br />
begins with excellent weather and flowering beginning at the end<br />
of May. The Summer is hot and dry with August extremely hot.<br />
Good weather returns for the harvest and a great vintage is<br />
produced from very healthy fruit again with great ageing potential.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1989 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Deep black crimson. Gloriously “oriental”, exotic bouquet. Cloves,<br />
musk, smoky roses. So exciting. Wildly spicy scents and a mouthful<br />
of spices. Utterly rich and luscious. So thick and velvety. A huge joy.<br />
Coffee and cocoa at the end. “Hot” and rich, but beautifully<br />
harmonious and with the “lift” of answering acidity to balance exotic,<br />
macerated prunes. I adore this. Another bottle had a vivid bright<br />
colour and a wonderfully fresh raspberries and loganberries nose. A<br />
huge mouthful of luscious red fruit, with soft tannins, glycerol and<br />
spice-box flavours. I am passionate about this wine. Stop press at 19<br />
years old: wonderfully projected nose of heathery fruit, spices and<br />
black pepper. Great inky fruit on the palate. Superb and silky<br />
textured. Demands black truffles to accompany it! SS.<br />
39 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
40 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
41 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-5,000<br />
I 23 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1990<br />
The harvest began on the 19th of September and finished on the<br />
1st of October. A mild and rainy Winter continues into a cool and<br />
wet Spring with flowering almost finished by the end of May. A<br />
very hot, dry Summer ensues with temperatures often over 100<br />
degrees(38⁰C). Light rain falls just before the harvest with the<br />
actual harvest taking place under ideal conditions. Exceptional<br />
grapes are produced and the resulting wine is often thought of in<br />
the same terms as the great 1961.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1990 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
At 18 years old, this is now superb drinking, marrying brambly tannins<br />
with elegant fruit. Succulent on the palate, with just the right amount<br />
of grip, and a long finish. SS.<br />
See illustration<br />
42 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $6,000-9,000<br />
43 3 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,500-4,500<br />
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1991<br />
The harvest began on the 15th of July and finished on the 11th of<br />
October. A cold and wet Winter leads to a cold and windy Spring<br />
with flowering beginning in early June. Things change and<br />
Summer starts with a heat wave beginning in July and continuing<br />
through August. Rain begins in mid-September and continues to<br />
mid October. The harvest produces a small crop which is of<br />
surprising quality and shows great promise.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1991 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Totally thick and black, just showing the beginnings of maturity at the<br />
rim. Marvellous, almost “Burgundian” rich nose, like deep layered<br />
vegetation. Superb projection. Cinnamon toast. Pure liquorice on<br />
the palate. Lovely richness, with drier tannins underpinning. Roasted<br />
aspects. Rich plums. Great wine in a very one-off genre. Black<br />
liquorice and leather finish. Another bottle, at 17 years old, was all<br />
smoky cassis on the nose, with a great blackcurrant and liquorice<br />
taste. Sumptuous stuff and more concentration than the 1990. Rich<br />
black cherries. SS.<br />
44 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
LOTS 42, 43<br />
I 25 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1995<br />
After a mild Winter, Spring begins with relatively cool weather and<br />
sporadic rainfall continues through May. The Summer is very hot<br />
and is followed by more rain just before the harvest. The harvest<br />
opens and continues in excellent weather and although quantities<br />
are small, the grapes produced are very healthy and 1995 is a<br />
promising vintage.<br />
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 1996<br />
A mild and rainy winter is followed by a cool, dry Spring. Warm<br />
weather returns in June and flowering takes place quickly. Large<br />
rainfall is recorded in July and August and, as a result, maturity is<br />
delayed in September. The rain ends and the harvest takes place<br />
under dry conditions and healthy grapes with a a deep color are<br />
produced with excellent acidity and great potential.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1995 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Last tasted from magnum. Wonderful wild herbs nose - almost like<br />
Chave's wine - so it must be Hermitage! Marvellous, wild taste.<br />
Gummy and full of cherries. SS<br />
45 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
46 3 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1996 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Really deep, thick and black. Unbelievable "legs". This has a real<br />
"cassis" nose. Intense, "classic", spicily scented. Crushed<br />
blackcurrants. Damp leaves. Massive wine. Huge tannic structure.<br />
Strong acidity, which augurs wells for the future. Has everything.<br />
Will last for 50 years. Could this be like the '61? The formidable<br />
arrangement of fruit, acidity and tannin gives it superpower status.<br />
SS.<br />
47 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,200<br />
48 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
49 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,200<br />
I 26 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 2003<br />
An extraordinarily hot and dry Summer is followed by the earliest<br />
harvest at Jaboulet since 1947. The harvest begins on August 26th<br />
The grapes produced are quite high in alcohol and very<br />
concentrated. The resulting wine is quite concentrated and the<br />
color extremely dark. A very rich wine has been produced with<br />
exceptional flavors.<br />
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 2004<br />
A very hot Summer was ameliorated by cool nights, thus<br />
producing a far different harvest to that of 2003. The harvest<br />
began on September 14th in dry weather with normal<br />
temperatures. The grapes produced have excellent acidity and<br />
alcohol levels. Concentration may be a little less than the 2003, but<br />
the balance and aroma may be a little superior to the 2003 vintage.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 2003 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Louis Jaboulet said that only the 1947 was harvested as early as this<br />
2003. Extremely spicy, full of black fruits and wild herbs. Absolutely<br />
lovely at 5 years old - this is the joy of 2003 pretty well everywhere.<br />
Vivid and vivacious and totally true to itself. SS.<br />
50 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
51 1 jero - 3 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $250-350<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 2004 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
See illustration<br />
52 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />
53 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />
54 1 methusaleh - 6 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $850-1,100<br />
55 1 balthazar -12 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,700-2,250<br />
I 27 I
Within the Frey family, the passion for wine has been passed on for<br />
generations and today, Jean-Jacques Frey shares that passion with<br />
his daughters.<br />
The family are important shareholders in Maison Billecart-Salmon,<br />
which is making exceptional wines, and proprietors of the classified<br />
growth Château La Lagune; they acquired Domaines Paul Jaboulet<br />
Aîné in 2005.<br />
Caroline Frey was trained as an oenologist at Bordeaux University.<br />
At the age of 32 she made her first vintage at Château La Lagune in<br />
2004. Today, she manages Domaines Paul Jaboulet Aîné and<br />
Château La Lagune and continually strives to achieve the highest<br />
quality wines at each of these properties.<br />
“To produce a good wine, you have to be careful all the year to all the small<br />
details from viticulture to vinification, ageing and bottling.”<br />
Caroline<br />
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 2005<br />
The harvest began on the 12th of September and finished on the 30th of<br />
September. A warm Spring and Summer were marked by an absence of rain<br />
and this continued until mid August when the rains arrived and gave a helping<br />
hand to the maturing process for the grapes. The grapes produced have and<br />
excellent acidity as well as alcohol levels . The quality of the grapes have led to<br />
the production of an excellent wine which will need time to develop.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 2005 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Wonderful immediacy on the nose. So clean and frank. All the structure of<br />
Hermitage plus red cherries and liquorice. Excellent balance. SS.<br />
56 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
57 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
58 2 jero - 3 liters (owc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
59 1 salmanazar - 9 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
60 1 nebuchadnezzar - 15l (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
I 29 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 2006<br />
The harvest began on the 25th of September and finished on the<br />
6th of October. Conditions in the Rhône Valley were perfect in<br />
2006; a cold dry winter followed by a mild rainy Spring and warm<br />
and mild Summer with just enough rain. Conditions allowed grapes<br />
to achieve optimum maturity in each plot before harvest. The<br />
resulting wine is highly complex with superb tannins and acidity<br />
ensuring a very long life for this vintage.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 2006 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
Incisive, direct nose of real impact. Irony, fruity and with marvellous<br />
ripe tannins. Long finish. Huge promise. SS.<br />
See illustration<br />
61 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
62 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
63 6 mags (owc)<br />
64 6 mags (owc)<br />
65 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
66 3 jero - 3 liters (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
67 1 methusaleh - 6 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
68 1 salmanazar - 9 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
69 1 melchior - 18 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-5,000<br />
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 2007<br />
The harvest began on the 21st of September and finished on the 9th<br />
of October. An unusually warm Spring led to an early flowering and<br />
the weather then turned to rain for a good part of the Summer.<br />
Careful work in the vineyard was required to ameliorate the effects<br />
of the rain on the vines. An unusually long harvest paid dividends by<br />
allowing the grapes extra time for maturity. These efforts were<br />
rewarded with grapes achieving good acidity levels and well judged<br />
tannins.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 2007 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
70 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
71 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
72 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
73 2 jero - 3 liters (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />
74 1 methusaleh - 6 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />
75 1 salmanazar - 9 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
I 31 I
HERmitagE, La CHapELLE 2009<br />
The harvest began on the 4th of September and finished on the 29th of<br />
September. Spring was marked by a great deal of rain in April and May with<br />
temperatures rising and accelerating the growth of the vines and with flowering<br />
taking place rapidly in the final days of May. A warm and dry Summer led to<br />
very healthy grapes with disease this year almost non-existent. Weather for the<br />
harvest was perfect with warm days and cool dry nights. Several passes through<br />
the vineyards were made in order to ensure picking the grapes at peak maturity.<br />
The resulting wine is a densely colored Syrah with well judged acidity and great<br />
balance.<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 2009 Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
See illustration<br />
76 12 bts (owc)<br />
77 6 bts (owc)<br />
78 6 mags (owc)<br />
79 3 jero - 3 liters (owc)<br />
80 3 jero - 3 liters (owc)<br />
81 1 methusaleh - 6 liter (owc)<br />
82 1 methusaleh - 6 liter (owc)<br />
83 1 salmanazar - 9 liter (owc)<br />
84 1 melchior - 18 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
per lot: $1,700-2,250<br />
per lot: $2,750-3,750<br />
per lot: $6,500-9,500
this cellar, recently removed from ideal custom built private temperature<br />
controlled storage, features the greatest Châteaux with a focus on the superb<br />
1990 vintage. Wines on offer include lafite and Château Mouton Rothschild as<br />
well as Gruaud larose, Pichon Baron and lynch Bages all in case quantities and all<br />
in parcel quantities. Not to be missed is a rare opportunity to acquire not one but<br />
two millennium mathusalem of louis Roederer Cristal again from the great 1990<br />
vintage.<br />
Property of a lady<br />
throughout the centuries, lafite has proved that this is a wine that ages in the<br />
most ethereal way. lafite combines elegance, breed and scent with sustained<br />
power, a miracle of balance and nobility. the extraordinary terroir and position in<br />
Pauillac have always been matched by the Rothschilds’ sense of quality and vision,<br />
resulting in a wine that has mythical status. Continuity is vital in producing a great<br />
wine and the wine-making brilliance of Charles Chevallier from the 1990s to the<br />
present day has added extra lustre to this exceptional liquid, with the fame of the<br />
property spreading further throughout the world.<br />
When serving lafite, decant it well in advance of drinking as its bouquet and taste<br />
amplify to multi-faceted dimensions on contact with the air. At the Château itself,<br />
they double decant, back into the original bottle with its unchanging, instantly<br />
recognisable label. lafite matures slowly, developing gloriously with bottle age, as<br />
historic tastings have shown. Collect lafite for yourself and watch it grow! ss.<br />
Château Lafite 1988<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Lot 85: 2 nicked and 1 slightly stained labels, 1 nicked capsule Lot 86: 3 slightly<br />
scuffed and 2 slightly corroded capsules, Lot 87: u. 1bn, wine comes from 2 different<br />
importers, 4 slightly stained and 4 slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly corroded capsule<br />
72% Cabernet sauvignon in this vintage. Pure, cedary nose. Pure silky taste.<br />
Coffee and chocolate. Very classic then - and now. this wine just gets better and<br />
better. In 2009, at several dinners, a deep, spicy nose of great intensity. Cassis<br />
and raisins. Great, rich, cedary taste that is totally convincing and a real ‘grand vin’.<br />
Meaty too, in the very best sense. An obvious keeper – I am so glad I still have<br />
some to comfort me in my old age! In 2010, this is still so young. such a classic,<br />
almost vanillin top Médoc. ss.<br />
85 12 bts (cn)<br />
86 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $9,500-12,000<br />
87 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $4,750-6,000<br />
88 3 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $4,750-6,000<br />
lots 90-92, 108-109
Château Lafite 1989<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1 bottle comes from a different importer, 1 bottle slightly stained from<br />
original tissue, otherwise excellent appearance<br />
the middle of a stunning trio of lafites and my absolute favourite.<br />
67% Cabernet sauvignon, 33% Merlot. Meaty, spicy, rich nose, heady<br />
and exotic. silky, rich, dense and blackcurranty on the palate.<br />
opulent and thrilling. the depth is totally in balance. thick and<br />
mouth-coating. I wrote that it was absolutely dreamy at 19 years old<br />
and, for me, it tops the 1990, which is quite a feat. I still hold to this in<br />
2011, when I have had the luck to drink it on several occasions.<br />
Extremely scented nose of great class and breed. smoky too. Great<br />
‘family’ similarity with the 1988. Almost minty/chocolatey in flavour.<br />
A lovely sweet, ripe finish. I think this will go on for ever. ss.<br />
89 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $3,500-5,000<br />
Château Lafite 1990<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Lot 90: 4 nicked labels Lot 91: u. 2bn, 3 heavily stained labels from<br />
original tissues, 2 nicked labels, 2 slightly stained labels Lot 92: Wine<br />
comes from 2 different importers, 5 nicked labels, 5 slightly stained<br />
labels, 2 tissue stained labels,<br />
57% Cabernet sauvignon, 13% Cabernet Franc, 30% Merlot. this<br />
has that wonderful cassis, wild cherries and herbs nose that is pure<br />
lafite. Great finesse of texture. Rich chocolate berries on the palate.<br />
Elegant, fresh and youthful at 18 years old. Not the huge mouthful of<br />
the 1989 but, as usual with lafite, long on the finish. In 2010, deeper<br />
aromatics on the nose than in the 1989. Glorious beauty and<br />
silkiness. less emphatic end to it than 1989, denoting the bigger<br />
harvest. Coffee liqueur finish. In Hong Kong from Jeroboam, a<br />
beautiful, ‘scented garden’, lafite bouquet. lovely chocolatey taste.<br />
Deeply intense, aided by the Jero effect. In 2011, supper at home,<br />
still in its infancy, all silky, smoky black fruit, with enormous power<br />
behind it. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
90 12 bts (cn)<br />
91 12 bts (cn)<br />
92 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $11,000-15,000<br />
Château Lafite 1994<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1 nicked and 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
tremendous breed, warmth and come-hither lafite projection on the<br />
bouquet. Coffee-ish fruit. Not big but long lafite lingering finish.<br />
ss.<br />
94 6 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $6,500-9,000<br />
Château Lafite 1995<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
10 import labels partially attached to main label, 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Wonderfully voluptuous bouquet, stamped with First Growth class.<br />
Black cherries and glycerol invade the senses. Coffee beans and<br />
pure cassis on the palate. A thoroughbred, to use a racing term -<br />
and what could be more apt? In 2009, a very luscious nose and<br />
almost a Merlot opulence. A real taste of chocolate and spiced<br />
plums. this is all over you, with its very thick texture. ss.<br />
95 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $9,500-12,000<br />
Château Lafite 1996<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Every single time I taste this wine, I am aware of its greatness –<br />
power, class, nobility and yet with the utter finesse of lafite. Dense<br />
and thick with damson flavours – I have always thought it eternal. At<br />
13 years old, the bouquet was all deep aromatic intensity and<br />
spiciness. terrific Cabernet sauvignon depth and concentration on<br />
the palate. ‘Grand vin’ of the first order. I do not find the mint now,<br />
replaced by black cassis, dimension and, finally, attack, proving that it<br />
has a long way to go – not that I would turn it down now…..It is truly a<br />
knock-out. Again, at a 2009 dinner in Hong Kong, a glorious spicy<br />
nose, like the smell of Christmas pudding cooking! Huge black<br />
cherries and liquorice taste. Perfect composition, bursting with fruit<br />
and health. Big impact wine. ss.<br />
96 10 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $12,000-18,000<br />
Château Lafite 1990<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1 nicked label, 1 nicked capsule<br />
57% Cabernet sauvignon, 13% Cabernet Franc, 30% Merlot. this<br />
has that wonderful cassis, wild cherries and herbs nose that is pure<br />
lafite. Great finesse of texture. Rich chocolate berries on the palate.<br />
Elegant, fresh and youthful at 18 years old. Not the huge mouthful of<br />
the 1989 but, as usual with lafite, long on the finish. In 2010, deeper<br />
aromatics on the nose than in the 1989. Glorious beauty and<br />
silkiness. less emphatic end to it than 1989, denoting the bigger<br />
harvest. Coffee liqueur finish. In Hong Kong from Jeroboam, a<br />
beautiful, ‘scented garden’, lafite bouquet. lovely chocolatey taste.<br />
Deeply intense, aided by the Jero effect. In 2011, supper at home,<br />
still in its infancy, all silky, smoky black fruit, with enormous power<br />
behind it. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
93 4 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $6,000-9,000<br />
Château Lafite<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1990 (1 bt) u. bn, slightly stained label<br />
2000 (2 bts)<br />
97 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $4,000-6,000<br />
I 36 I
the power and glory of latour are undisputed. the consistency of<br />
latour, due to its fabulous gravel soil, great situation near the<br />
Gironde and a succession of inspired winemakers, is unrivaled. It is a<br />
wine that can start slowly and then takes off like a rocket. It is always<br />
profound with many layers of taste, a real reflection of the heart of<br />
Pauillac. latour is famous for producing impressive wine in more<br />
modest vintages, but it knows how to seize great vintages and make<br />
them monuments. ss.<br />
Château Latour 1985<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Lot 98: All levels bn or better, slightly wrinkled labels, otherwise very<br />
good appearance, owc has damaged lid, Lot 99: u. 3bn, 2 slightly<br />
scuffed labels<br />
smoky, dark fruit bouquet. Just like eating blackberries! Crunchy,<br />
juicy fruit - so full of health. ss.<br />
98 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $4,250-6,500<br />
99 8 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,750-3,750<br />
Château Latour 1994<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Pure latour, cedary nose. Amazing the imprint of the Château is so<br />
strong. so inky and rich in minerals. Excellent 1994. so meaty and<br />
fleshy. A very "grand vin" nose which transcends the year. Real<br />
complexity. A great chocolate, cassis and mocha taste. this is<br />
remarkably good wine, in and out of the context in 1994. ss.<br />
101 5 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
Château Latour 1996<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly stained label<br />
textbook latour cedary nose. Inky flavour, with a touch of anise.<br />
Chocolatey tannins. A majestic, irony latour of enormous class. A<br />
monument in terms of structure and a work of art in terms of creative<br />
genius. ss.<br />
102 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $7,000-10,000<br />
Château Latour 1990<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
2 heavily stained labels, slightly scuffed and nicked labels, 1 stained<br />
label, 3 slightly stained labels<br />
As a seventeen year old, this became accessible. Cassis nose. soft,<br />
enveloping taste, with chocolate flavours. spicy and juicy - one can<br />
drink lots of it! Wonderfully elegant, fragrant nose at 20 years old.<br />
Great finesse and tremendous length. A real taste of red cherries.<br />
ss.<br />
100 10 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $5,000-7,000<br />
I 37 I
Mouton, as it is affectionately known by all its devotees, is the most<br />
opulent and exuberant of all the Firsts, a reflection of the two huge<br />
personalities that have headed the Château since 1920, Baron<br />
Philippe and then Baroness Philippine de Rothschild. the great cassis<br />
depths of this wine seduce everyone who appreciates the finest<br />
Bordeaux. It is a gloriously forceful, flamboyant wine, voluptuous and<br />
powerful. Philippe Dhalluin, Mouton's talented technical Director,<br />
has been at the Château since the harvest of 2003 and the stunning<br />
beauty of the wines has been further strengthened by meticulous<br />
attention to detail in vineyard and cellar. Many of my own greatest<br />
wine drinking experiences revolve around Mouton throughout this<br />
century and the last. Magnificent Mouton is a sensory photo on the<br />
mind that stays with one for life. ss.<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1985<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 4bn, 1ts, 7 slightly scuffed and 2 nicked labels, 2 nicked capsules<br />
Wonderful scent of flowers and fruit – this is really the forest fruits<br />
vintage. opulent and briary on the nose. lots of fruit on the palate<br />
but less defined, less deep and less Cabernet sauvignon in character<br />
than the 1986. Roses on the finish. this Mouton appeals to<br />
absolutely everyone. In 2011, just so luscious, opulent and winning -<br />
in fact, a real "winner"! ss.<br />
103 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $3,500-4,500<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1990<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Lot 108: u. 1bn, 1 slightly stained, 1 nicked and 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Lot 109: u. 5bn, 1 slightly torn label, 3 slightly scuffed labels, 2 nicked<br />
labels<br />
opulent, plummy nose, almost evolving into a liqueur. Flavours of<br />
leather, tobacco and prunes. You can certainly drink this from now.<br />
the last bottle I had, in 2010, had a simply wonderful, fresh bouquet<br />
that enchanted everyone at the table. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
108 12 bts (cn)<br />
109 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $3,750-5,000<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1995<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked label, import labels partially attached to<br />
main labels<br />
lovely, sleek, boysenberries bouquet, turning to cherry liqueur.<br />
Coffee, loganberries and sheer, bouncy health on the palate. A<br />
touch of cherries on the finish. Very glowing. last tasted in 2010 in<br />
Hong Kong from Jeroboam. Wonderfully expressive, ‘out there’<br />
bouquet. this is all blackcurrant berries. Beautifully structured and<br />
composed on the palate. superb juiciness fills the mouth. ss.<br />
110 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $4,000-6,000<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1986<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, 2ts, 1 heavily stained label, scuffed and slightly stained labels, 2<br />
nicked labels<br />
this has always been stunning, mammoth wine and, at 24 years old,<br />
everything is confirmed. the most incredible roses-in-full-bloom,<br />
cassis bouquet – almost hyacinths. Extraordinary aromatic impact.<br />
Huge black fruit intensity and density, with coffee beans at the end.<br />
ss.<br />
104 9 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $6,000-9,000<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1988<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Lot 105: u. 2bn, 3 slightly stained labels, 1 nicked label, 2 nicked<br />
capsules, 2 slightly scuffed labels Lot 106: u. 7bn, 1 slightly torn label,<br />
otherwise very good appearance Lot 107: u. 8bn, slightly bin scuffed<br />
labels, 1 slightly stained label<br />
An absolute classic, cedary, top Pauillac nose. More acidity than in<br />
1989 with great projected fruit. Emphatic and cigary. this is a<br />
keeper. ss.<br />
105 12 bts (cn)<br />
106 12 bts (cn)<br />
107 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $3,250-5,000<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 2000<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Great, almost overpowering nose. Creamy, blackberry, bloomy,<br />
voluptuous. Briary and brambly. Black fruit in abundance, oozing<br />
incredible health and up-front, vivacious beauty. A monolithic but<br />
silky wine that will go down in history. In 2011, a luscious, opulent,<br />
blackcurrant bouquet. Gloriously fresh and incisive. Just screams<br />
healthy fruit at you, with a great Mouton terroir sign-off. ss.<br />
111 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
Château Margaux is the most imposing building of all the First<br />
Growths, its neo-classical elegance reflected in the sheer aristocratic<br />
bearing of the wines. the superb scent of Margaux fascinates - so<br />
alluring, so complex and so giving. the Mentzelopoulos régime<br />
wines are unerringly consistent in quality, often topping the charts<br />
against the toughest opposition. there is weight and depth, added<br />
to the breed and class that come from this fabulous terroir. Modern<br />
vintages are giants, brilliant creations of technical director, Paul<br />
Pontallier, exuding richness and rewarding the drinker with undying<br />
memories. ss.<br />
Château Margaux 1982<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 5bn, 3vts, slightly torn capsules, slightly soiled labels, excellent color<br />
and clarity<br />
In early 2010, we compared this with the 1983 at a dinner party at<br />
home and the room was (still) divided! An ethereal scent, even<br />
comparable to the 1961 in depth and class, and a taste of<br />
loganberries, blackberries and pepper. the texture has real finesse<br />
and, of course, it is deliciously ripe. David and I just give this top<br />
prize. In 2011, a deeply scented bouquet of wild herbs and smoky<br />
blackcurrants. slips down like silk. Prunes, walnuts and elegance. ss.<br />
112 8 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $6,000-9,000<br />
Château Margaux 1990<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 6bn, bin scuffed labels, 1 pen marked label<br />
Drunk with the 1989 at a sotheby's lunch recently, with the room<br />
dividing on individual preference. this is true First Growth beauty,<br />
with its projection of silky, approachable fruit and sleek bilberry taste<br />
- a smoothie of a wine. utterly tempting and full of black fruit, it has<br />
perfect balance and irreproachable class. last tasted from magnum.<br />
Extremely aromatic nose. so soft and melting. so sweet and svelte.<br />
Absolutely ready. ss.<br />
113 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $5,000-7,000<br />
Château Margaux 1996<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
5 slightly stained labels, 1 stained and nicked label<br />
Pure cassis on the nose - almost like a liqueur but with excellent<br />
freshness. <strong>Full</strong>, blueberry taste. Incredibly dense and aromatic.<br />
lovely coffee bean finish. A very great wine and, yet again, proof of<br />
Paul Pontallier's technical skill and wine making flair. ss.<br />
114 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-5,000<br />
Château Margaux 2000<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
this has always had, from the start, a great rosy bloom to the<br />
bouquet, maybe a reflection of the 1900 when it was young? Violets,<br />
finesse and sheer class. Great freshness on the palate. Blackberry<br />
jam. Great spicy black fruit all through it. Huge tannins that are so<br />
soft and fresh. luscious redcurrants at the end. In 2011, glorious<br />
woodsmoke and blueberries on the nose. A touch of aniseed on the<br />
finish. Great nobility and breed. ss.<br />
115 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
Haut Brion is the connoisseur's First Growth, sumptuous, soft,<br />
elegant and fine, so come-hither you sink into it. the hidden depths<br />
in its velvet folds of flavour are a revelation, with the extraordinary<br />
Cohiba notes leading to a spicy, constantly intriguing taste. With age,<br />
Haut Brion simply melts in the mouth, while in youth it is delicious<br />
before the other Firsts emerge from the chrysalis. this is the classiest,<br />
finest-textured wine from Pessac-léognan, with its unique, almost<br />
"peaty" flavors. ss.<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1988<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
8 French Tax Stamps on capsules, slightly scuffed labels<br />
Extraordinarily spicy, minerally, Havana nose, with deep spicy plums.<br />
the extra acidity projects the bouquet in an amazing way. stunning<br />
flavour on the palate. Deep black wine. Minerally and earthy. sweet<br />
finish plus leather and iron. this is a great buy. ss.<br />
116 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1989<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
Bin scuffed labels<br />
In 2011, this is a huge, monumental, deep-coloured wine. the fruit<br />
and peat flavours are all there, plus massive structure. Just watch it<br />
develop into an adult. ss.<br />
117 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,250-3,250<br />
I 39 I
Château Haut-Brion 1990<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
Bin scuffed labels, 2 slightly nicked labels<br />
A staggeringly marvellous scent of violets, cedarwood, blackberries<br />
plus total freshness. Extraordinary gummy, coffee richness on the<br />
palate. Great mocha finish, like chewing cane sugar and coffee<br />
beans. Another bottle, at 19 years old, was absolutely stunning in all<br />
its sumptuous glory. In 2011, an exhilarating, magic bouquet of warm<br />
spices, undergrowth and heather. Glorious leather and cigars on the<br />
palate – absolutely gorgeous. Velvet tannins. lovely, mature,<br />
elegant and with so much vibrant sweet fruit. this wine will always<br />
be one of my favourites, the one I choose when offered the run of<br />
anyone’s cellar, including my own, where it has almost run out! ss.<br />
118 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $5,500-7,500<br />
Château Brane Cantenac 2000<br />
Cantenac (Margaux), 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Very good Margaux scent. lovely finesse and class with that silky<br />
texture of the best Margaux. Redcurrant and briary fruit.<br />
119 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
the sheer expression of st.Estèphe comes to us from this great<br />
property, just over a little stream from lafite and Pauillac. As the<br />
ground rises, you see the wonderfully exotic architecture of Cos, a<br />
landmark in the Medoc and one of the most distinctive of all its<br />
labels. Jean-Guillaume Prats conducts the affairs of Cos with<br />
enormous aplomb, each year turning out wines that possess that real<br />
st.Estèphe flavour and ‘bite’, incredibly pure and indubitably longlived.<br />
they are monuments of minerality and impact, with a great,<br />
long sign-off on the palate. ss.<br />
Château Cos d’Estournel 1978<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 5bn, glue striped and slightly soiled labels<br />
Dense colour. lovely vivid cassis and black fruit nose. Violetty. lots<br />
of vibrant vivid fruit. Absolutely excellent. satiny finish. ss.<br />
120 5 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Château Cos d’Estournel 1990<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 123: 2 slighlty scuffed labels, Lot 124: Slightly scuffed labels<br />
served at a wonderful dinner in Champagne and it was really<br />
glowing, plump, full of fruit and now truly opened out and expressive.<br />
ss<br />
See illustration<br />
122 12 bts (cn)<br />
123 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,900-2,500<br />
124 10 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
Château Cos d’Estournel 1996<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 125: 5 slightly scuffed labels, 2 slightly stained labels, 1 nicked label,<br />
7 import labels partially attached to main labels Lot 126: 8 slighlty<br />
scuffed labels, 3 nicked labels, 3 import labels partially attached to main<br />
labels, Lot 127: 6 slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked label, 2 import labels<br />
partially attached to main labels, Lot 128: Slightly scuffed labels<br />
At 12 years old, just so blackberry on the nose - but decant to give it<br />
maximum air. Real Cabernet backbone - this year the Cabernet<br />
sauvignon content was 65% (to 35% Merlot), up 5% on the usual mix.<br />
Absolute succulence behind the severity of the vintage, with a totally<br />
'black' character. In 2010, this is minty, fresh, cedary and with great<br />
depth. ss.<br />
125 12 bts (cn)<br />
126 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
127 10 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
128 3 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Château Ducru Beaucaillou 1982<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1 nicked label, 1 nicked capsule<br />
Enormous freshness on the nose. Great "frankness" of bouquet.<br />
Huge depth of flavour which unfolds in multi-dimensional fashion.<br />
Immensely breedy and seductive. still could go the distance. ss<br />
129 4 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Château Cos d’Estournel 1985<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, 9 slightly scuffed labels and 2 nicked labels, 3 nicked and 2<br />
slightly corroded capsules<br />
All blackberry opulence on the nose. Gloriously spicy and rosy.<br />
lovely meaty, toasty taste. Excellent rich and thick. A superb 1985<br />
that has just hit maturity. ss.<br />
121 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />
lots 122-124, 130<br />
I 41 I
one could hardly describe this impressive second Growth as a<br />
"secret" but its outstanding quality and consistency is relatively<br />
unsung, except by those who regularly indulge in it. the important<br />
structure and huge, glossy fruit are unfailingly present. Gruaud<br />
larose means grandeur in the glass. ss.<br />
Château Gruaud Larose 1982<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
3 import labels partially attached to main labels, 2 slightly stained labels,<br />
1 slightly scuffed label, otherwise excellent appearance<br />
Wonderfully intense, concentrated nose, many-layered, cassis, with a<br />
touch of tar - a feature of this property. Great, totally complex wine.<br />
A simply marvellous bottle which enchanted us all in a big tasting of<br />
grand, classed-growth names. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
130 6 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Château Gruaud Larose 1990<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 131: Import labels partially attached to main labels, French Tax<br />
Stamps on capsules, 1 scuffed label, 7 slightly scuffed labels, 2 nicked<br />
labels Lot 132: Import labels partially attached to main labels, French<br />
Tax Stamps on capsules, slightly scuffed labels Lot 133: Capsules with<br />
French Tax Stamps, scuffed labels, import labels partially attached to<br />
main labels<br />
At 21 years old, lovely tar and roses nose – Bordeaux’s answer to<br />
Barolo! tremendously aromatic. Briary and smoky on the palate.<br />
Berries, raisins and real concentration. ss.<br />
131 12 bts (cn)<br />
132 12 bts (cn)<br />
133 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
A super-second that would be King! the late Michel Delon honed<br />
and crafted this wine to increasingly majestic levels, with a decreased<br />
amount of grand vin to second wine that really raised the stakes, and<br />
his son Jean-Hubert has continued in this vein. the structure of<br />
lascases, especially in great Cabernet sauvignon years such as 1996,<br />
is almost latour-like. After all, it is next door. ss.<br />
Château Léoville Lascases 1978<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, 1vts, heavily damp stained labels, 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Huge aromatic intensity. Amazingly peppery, even irony, almost<br />
shiraz character the last time I had it! Has much more ‘présence’<br />
than most 1978s and more flesh. ss.<br />
136 3 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Château Léoville Lascases 1990<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 137: u. 2bn, 1vts, 3 slightly scuffed and 2 nicked labels, Lot 138: u. 1ts,<br />
1 bottle comes from a different importer, 2 nicked labels, 2 import labels<br />
partially attached to main labels, 4 red wax stained labels, 6 red wax<br />
stained capsules<br />
Gloriously luscious, spicy bouquet, with lots of breed. so glossy and<br />
rich in the mouth. Absolutely superb. Has stayed so young and<br />
fresh at 19 years old. A winner from the start, it more than lives up to<br />
all its early promise. In 2011 in Hong Kong, this had a glorious juicy<br />
freshness and stunning rich glycerol. I feel it is even better than their<br />
1982. ss.<br />
137 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />
138 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
Château Gruaud Larose 1996<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, import labels partially attached to main label<br />
Great breed on the bouquet, very spicy on the palate. Classic, with<br />
perfect balance, and harmony between power and elegance. Perfect<br />
profile and length of flavour. ss.<br />
134 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Château Gruaud Larose<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1988 (2 bts) Slightly scuffed labels, 1 slight sign of seepage<br />
1990 (8 bts) u. 2bn, capsules with French Tax Stamps, slightly scuffed<br />
labels, import labels partially attached to main labels<br />
135 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
CHAtEAu GRuAuD lARosE<br />
I 42 I
this cru gives a scent and taste that is pure st.Julien, with elegance,<br />
fragrance and style. there is also a fleshy finesse of texture that is<br />
particularly winning. the 80 ha vineyard receives meticulous<br />
attention from owner Didier Cuvelier and consultant Michel Rolland,<br />
including a very innovative system of checking the water supply to<br />
the vines in order to control the work programme for the soil. the<br />
property’s reputation has, justifiably, soared and now we have three<br />
superb, but very different, léovilles – tasting them together is both<br />
educational and very enjoyable. ss.<br />
Château Léoville Poyferré 1995<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
At 16 years old, this has a lovely, vibrant, black fruit nose, oozing lush,<br />
plush splendour – really impressive. Perfect on the palate, with<br />
beauteous balance and pure st.Julien classed growth pedigree.<br />
Remarkable quality, giving intense pleasure. the whole wine<br />
department was totally enthused by this when we tasted it after a<br />
buoyant New York sale! ss.<br />
139 6 mags (cn)<br />
140 6 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $850-1,100<br />
Château Léoville Poyferré 2000<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Very vivid, lively nose which continues on to the palate. Great<br />
freshness and juicy fruit. Perfect balancing acidity. Very "crunchy".<br />
shows the class of the léovilles. ss.<br />
141 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />
In the two great vertical tastings on Montrose, that I have done, it is<br />
immediately obvious it is one of the most exciting and long-lived<br />
wines in the whole of Bordeaux. there is an inimitable flavour of the<br />
ocean in the wines, minerally and even "salty". the texture is dense<br />
and tight-knit, with great complexity of taste. ss.<br />
Château Montrose 1986<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 6bn, soiled and damp stained labels<br />
142 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
Château Montrose 1990<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 8bn, 1vts, 3 slight signs of seepage, scuffed and soiled labels, 3 stained<br />
labels<br />
A recent bottle was divine, with its glorious, pure, blackberry nose<br />
and enormous finesse of texture. Velvety and opulent, so stylish and<br />
generous. Better than ever. ss<br />
143 9 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Château Montrose 1996<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
lot 144: 3 heavily stained labels, slightly scuffed labels, 9 stained labels,<br />
lot 145: Heavily stained labels, 2 nicked labels, slightly scuffed capsules<br />
Here one gets the Cabernet sauvignon in full flight. superb<br />
richness, body and roundness. Glycerol and fat. Really super-spicy,<br />
ripe Cabernet sauvignon fruit. All this and elegance too. ss<br />
144 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
145 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
this great second Growth from the heartland of Pauillac has refound<br />
its former glory from a past epoch, entailing a plethora of<br />
improvements and investment. the property was acquired by AXA<br />
in 1987, guided to a higher level by Jean-Michel Cazes and, since<br />
2000, Christian seely who has gone even further with stricter<br />
selection from the historic 40 ha core of the estate. ss.<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Baron 1989<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 147: 2 slightly soiled labels<br />
Dense, spicy, "hot" nose. Really plummy taste. A touch of<br />
"glühwein" here - a very 1989 trait. A real coffee finish. thick and<br />
mouth-coating, again a feature of the vintage. ss.<br />
146 12 bts (cn)<br />
147 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
148 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Baron 1990<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 149: 5 slightly scuffed labels Lot 150: u. 2bn, slightly soiled labels,<br />
Lot 151: Slightly scuffed labels, 2 nicked labels, capsules with French Tax<br />
Stamps<br />
In 2011, terrific cedary youth on the nose. Really fabulous definition.<br />
the fruit is youthful and the depth is profound and there is a<br />
wonderful meaty, chocolatey finish. ss.<br />
149 12 bts (cn)<br />
150 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
151 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
I 43 I
Château Pichon Longueville, Baron 1999<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Classic cedary Pauillac nose with rich chocolate overtones. soft<br />
tannins in a year that can sometimes be green. snappy Cabernet<br />
sauvignon with some richness underneath. ss.<br />
152 6 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $950-1,200<br />
the super-second that is universally loved and respected. the<br />
fabulous terroir, linked to inspired ownership, both lead to a wine that<br />
is brim-full of breed and beauty. the 1982 remains one of the<br />
wonders of the wine world, so dense and full of flavour one can<br />
almost bite into it. ss.<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1986<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Heavily damp stained labels<br />
Very aromatic and very cedary on the nose. so scented. Very<br />
Cabernet. Cassis and blackberries. so smooth and classic. ss.<br />
153 8 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1989<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 1bn, 2 slightly stained and 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
such a classy nose of real breed and ripeness. such freshness, with<br />
huge fruit and fat covering the tannic structure. Very Merlot finish.<br />
superb. It is so exotic but is it classic? And does that matter?!<br />
Recently, a hot, melting nose, with the strong vintage character<br />
overriding the Pichon lalande character. sweet and pure coffee and<br />
cocoa on the palate. Coffee beans plus all the oriental spices. so full<br />
of texture you can eat it. Recently, luscious damsons nose. Vanillin<br />
and cedarwood. Very soft and supple at 20! ss.<br />
154 9 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1990<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1 stained and slightly torn label, 10 slightly stained labels, slightly<br />
scuffed labels<br />
this is drinking really well now and it is just so consistent. Coffee<br />
nose, melting on the palate, cigary finish. A thoroughly worthwhile<br />
wine. ss.<br />
155 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $850-1,100<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1994<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Slightly stained and slightly scuffed labels, 2 nicked labels<br />
lovely spicy nose. lovely meaty attack. Delicious and velvety. A real<br />
miracle in the year, with no dryness. ss.<br />
156 6 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1995<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 157: Damp soiled labels, 1 stained label Lot 158: Wine comes from 2<br />
different importers, slightly soiled labels, 3 scuffed labels<br />
Very Merlot, plummy, even st. Emilion nose! luscious, opulent taste,<br />
without the huge complexity of 1996 - more straightforward. onedimensional,<br />
but what a dimension! Chocolate finish. ss.<br />
157 12 bts (cn)<br />
158 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,700-2,250<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1996<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Damp spotted and soiled labels, 1 slight sign of seepage<br />
Glorious, winning aromatic bouquet of a top vintage. stunning<br />
damson taste. Drenched in intense fruit. the base of great<br />
concentrated Petit Verdot. Cassis and walnuts at the end. Pure<br />
Cabernet beauty as well. utterly luscious, a total A1 wine. the<br />
glycerol to match the structure - immense fruit. It has everything.<br />
Great richness surrounds the power. At 14 years old, smoky berries<br />
on the nose. Beautiful, classic lines. Excellent tannic structure allied<br />
to deep, serious fruit. A keeper. ss.<br />
159 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />
Château Cantenac Brown 2000<br />
Cantenac (Margaux), 3ème Cru Classé<br />
Great Margaux scent. Violets and cedarwood. A mouthful of tannic<br />
depth. Needs time. ss.<br />
160 12 bts (owc)<br />
161 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
there is a succulence and generosity about Palmer that makes it<br />
immensely popular with connoisseurs in every country. the scent of<br />
Margaux combined with more Merlot than is usual in the Médoc<br />
ensure delicious drinkability at all stages of its life. It is easy to be<br />
passionate about Palmer. ss.<br />
Château Palmer 1990<br />
Cantenac (Margaux), 3ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 162: 4 slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked capsule, capsules with French<br />
Tax Stamps, Lot 163: Capsules with French Tax Stamps, Lot 165: 2<br />
slightly torn labels, 2 nicked labels<br />
Very blackberry bouquet, excellent, with superb, luscious black fruit.<br />
Perfect Palmer. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
162 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />
163 8 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />
164 6 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />
165 4 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />
lots 164-165, 168-169<br />
I 45 I
Château Palmer 1995<br />
Cantenac (Margaux), 3ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 166: Capsules with French Tax Stamps, Lot 167: 7 slightly scuffed<br />
labels, capsules with French Tax Stamps, Lot 169: 2 slightly scuffed<br />
labels<br />
Very ripe and succulent on the nose, with beautiful Merlot shining<br />
through. utterly luscious, but with very good backbone. Beautifully<br />
contstructed. Glowing coffee beans and roses. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
166 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
167 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />
168 6 mags (cn)<br />
169 6 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
Château Beychevelle 1985<br />
St. Julien, 4ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 170: u. 1bn, 1vts, damaged owc, 1 slightly scuffed label, Lot 171: 5<br />
import labels partially overlap edge of main labels, 1 nicked and 1 slightly<br />
scuffed label, 1 nicked capsule<br />
A real, cedary, Pauillac bouquet. some depth to it. <strong>Full</strong>, herby, velvety<br />
taste. ss.<br />
170 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $650-950<br />
171 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
Château Beychevelle 1986<br />
St. Julien, 4ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 172: u. 3bn, 2vts, nicked capsules, 5 different style capsules, Lot 173:<br />
2 slightly stained labels, slightly sunken corks<br />
lovely cassis nose - classic st Julien in this vintage that really loved<br />
the appellation. lots of juicy, cedary fruit on the palate. the tannins<br />
are so soft now. lap it up. ss.<br />
172 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
173 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Château Branaire Ducru 2000<br />
St. Julien, 4ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 175: 3 slightly scuffed labels, Lot 176: 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
A meaty, berryish nose. A great mouthful of cedary flavour, great<br />
depth and velvety glycerol. this is really good, the best Branaire for<br />
an age. Glorious cassis finish and length. the property has improved<br />
a great deal since 1988, but this is something else. ss.<br />
175 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
176 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Château Lafon Rochet 2000<br />
St. Estèphe, 4ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 177: 3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
A lovely cedary nose. so much bright fruit on the palate. Black<br />
cherries and chocolate. ss.<br />
177 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-450<br />
178 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Château Talbot 2000<br />
St. Julien, 4ème Cru Classé<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 3 nicked labels<br />
Very fruity st.Julien nose. lots of lovely inky fruit on the palate.<br />
Very attractive indeed. lovely finish of violets. ss.<br />
179 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $650-950<br />
Château Cantemerle 2000<br />
Macau (Haut Médoc), 5ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 180: 1 slightly scuffed label, Lot 181: 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
lovely loganberry fruit on the nose. Jammy. A real taste of cooking<br />
black fruit in the pan. ss.<br />
180 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
181 10 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $250-350<br />
Château Beychevelle 2000<br />
St. Julien, 4ème Cru Classé<br />
7 bin scuffed and 5 nicked labels<br />
Complex, classy nose with greater dimension than the 2001. lovely<br />
flavours of cigars, coffee and black fruit. Just sink into this, but it will<br />
also age gracefully. ss.<br />
174 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />
Château Clerc Milon 2000<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 182: Slightly scuffed and slightly stained labels, 1 nicked label,<br />
damaged owc, Lot 183: 3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
182 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
183 10 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Château Grand Puy Lacoste 1999<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
A real nose of all the black fruits. Almost a tarry taste, lighter at the<br />
finish than in the middle. Ends delicately, with lingering cassis. ss.<br />
184 10 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $250-350<br />
I 47 I
the Cazes family's signature Pauillac which wins friends wherever it<br />
goes. It is a Fifth Growth that punches way above its weight,<br />
epitomising what Bordeaux is all about. the blackcurrant fruit and<br />
expressive character of the wine make it highly desirable. ss.<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1982<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 185: Stained and slightly scuffed labels, 6 corroded capsules Lot<br />
186: u. 7bn, 2vts, 3 levels into neck, stained and slightly scuffed labels, 1<br />
nicked capsule, slightly corroded capsules<br />
Warm, spicy nose, with a touch of mint, à la Mouton! terrific richness<br />
and sweetness on the palate, with a hint of tar. Glorious, velvety<br />
wine. In 2010, fabulous crimson colour and a real spicy, blackcurrant<br />
bouquet. so immensely classy. An unbelievably glossy fruit taste,<br />
oozing health, seduction and sheer drinkability. seamlessly beautiful<br />
all through. Incredibly fresh and all pure, crunchy pleasure. ss.<br />
185 12 bts (cn)<br />
186 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1990<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 187: Soiled labels, 1 nicked label Lot 188: 4 French Tax Stamps on<br />
capsules, slightly scuffed labels, 1 stained label Lot 189: Slightly scuffed<br />
labels, 2 stained labels Lot 190: u. 6bn, soiled labels, Lot 191: u. 1bn, 2vts,<br />
1 bottle comes from a different importer, 4 French Tax Stamps on<br />
capsules<br />
A really classy, cedary bouquet. Perfect fruit. lovely silky texture,<br />
typical of 1990. Delicious now - drink before the bigger 1989.<br />
Absolutely beautiful. ss.<br />
187 12 bts (cn)<br />
188 12 bts (cn)<br />
189 12 bts (cn)<br />
190 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
191 8 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1996<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
Stained and slightly scuffed labels, import labels partially attached to<br />
main labels<br />
Rich, cedary, cigary nose. And rich cassis taste. A great lynch<br />
Bages - exemplary. Cassis liqueur at the end. ss.<br />
192 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
this great Pauillac Fifth Growth is now back to where it ought to be<br />
- at the top. under Alfred tesseron, it is reaching the heights of its<br />
fabulous 1929! Enormous attention to viticultural practices<br />
contributed to this success. ss.<br />
Château Pontet Canet 1996<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
1 bin scuffed label<br />
Real “grand vin”, Pauillac nose, shows its class and great terroir. Big,<br />
powerful, Cabernet sauvignon wine, even inky and “iodé”. terrific<br />
future and a Pontet Canet that takes us back to past glories. ss.<br />
193 6 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Château Pontet Canet 2000<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
A tremendous wine right from inception. A great, huge, powerful,<br />
fruity mouthful. Amazing cedary fruit. this has everything to go two<br />
generations. Big and bloomy. At 8 years old, I was completely<br />
captivated. Great class and lusciousness. Pure Pauillac. Really<br />
impressive. Another 1929? ss.<br />
194 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Château Pontet Canet<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
1995 (3 mags) 1 bin stained label, 1 slightly stained label<br />
1996 (5 bts) Slightly scuffed labels<br />
195 5 bts and 3 mags (cn, cn)<br />
per lot: $600-800<br />
Château Smith Haut Lafitte 2000<br />
Martillac (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé<br />
At 11 years old, vibrant, exciting nose of vivid black fruit and cigars.<br />
Complex and totally redolent of its region. Great fruity taste, oozing<br />
health and vitality, in that special 2000 way. A huge success. ss.<br />
196 11 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Château Pétrus 1990<br />
Pomerol, Cru Exceptionnel<br />
Slightly scuffed capsule<br />
there is a deeper colour on the 1990 than on the 1989 – denser.<br />
Incredibly opulent, plummy Pétrus. Very voluptuous. Wonderful<br />
dried fruit flavours – almost Napa-like. Mocha and mint notes.<br />
Extraordinary, ultra-ripe plums and prunes taste. Atypical. sweet<br />
aniseed finish. ss.<br />
197 1 bt (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
I 48 I
Château Pétrus 1994<br />
Pomerol, Cru Exceptionnel<br />
1 nicked and slightly torn label<br />
sweet, scented nose. Mature and ready. soft and sweet. ss<br />
198 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
Michel Rolland’s own Pomerol property, where he and his oenologist<br />
wife Dany exercise their skills to make a wine that is always rewarding,<br />
supple and rich. ss.<br />
Château Le Bon Pasteur 1997<br />
Pomerol<br />
Lot 199: Wine comes from 2 different importers, 5 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Lot 200: Wine comes from 2 different importers, slightly scuffed labels<br />
199 12 bts (cn)<br />
200 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Château La Conseillante 1995<br />
Pomerol<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Great, multi-dimensional nose of pure class. Every kind of spice<br />
imaginable - I even found cardamom. superb, majestic taste with<br />
endless layers. Coffee finish. this is quite remarkable and a great<br />
Conseillante. ss.<br />
201 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Château l’Eglise Clinet 1998<br />
Pomerol<br />
2 slightly scuffed and 1 slightly stained label, 1 import label partially<br />
attached to main label<br />
You simply must not miss this one. ss.<br />
202 3 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Château Lafleur Gazin 1999<br />
Pomerol<br />
Lot 204: 1 nicked label, 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
203 12 bts (owc)<br />
204 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $250-350<br />
Château Trotanoy 1990<br />
Pomerol<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly stained label, 2 nicked capsules, owc<br />
missing original lid<br />
In 2011, an absolutely sumptuous nose of chocolate (very trotanoy),<br />
tinged with iron. on the palate, so rich that it is like a deep pile<br />
carpet – my husband, David Peppercorn’s accurate assessment!<br />
Gloriously glycerol. lush, but with a mega tannic structure so it will<br />
see (most) of us out. Pure bliss. such personality, with the marked<br />
individuality of the cru, which I happen to adore. ss.<br />
205 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,250-3,250<br />
under Jacques Hébrard and, since 1991, Pierre lurton, Cheval Blanc<br />
continues to dazzle. the brilliant technical team at the property<br />
coaxes the maximum from this plateau just over the road from<br />
Pomerol, where gravel ridges bestow class to the wine and the high<br />
percentage of Cabernet Franc gives such scent. And the voluptuous<br />
character? that is the magic ingredient, which can be perceived<br />
throughout. Cheval Blanc is stunning drunk when it is relatively<br />
young, but it also ages in exotic multi-dimensional fashion. ss.<br />
Château Cheval Blanc 1990<br />
St. Emilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé (A)<br />
u. 1vts, 3 heavily stained labels, 3 slightly stained labels, 1 scuffed<br />
capsule<br />
Vintage from 11 september to 25 september – only the 1945 and the<br />
1989 were picked earlier during this century. strict thinning out in this<br />
prolific vintage produced 38 hl/hectare. 55% Merlot, 45% Cabernet<br />
Franc. 13.5% alcohol. the overripe Merlot this year was balanced by<br />
Cabernet Franc freshness. Very black colour. this is a really exotic<br />
style, all spices and leather. truffles and candied fruits. Deep layers<br />
of formidable, damp earth flavours. the dream comparison with<br />
1989. In 2011 from double magnum, a nose of figs. toast and<br />
caramel. An amazing array of scents. Fabulous, sweet, spicy<br />
cinnamon on the palate. Pure silk. tremendously seductive with<br />
sweet leather at the end. ss.<br />
206 10 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $9,000-12,000<br />
Château Cheval Blanc 2000<br />
St. Emilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé (A)<br />
Wine comes from 2 different importers, slightly scuffed labels, 1 pen<br />
marked label<br />
Vintage from 14 september to 28 september. A generous 42<br />
hl/hectare made. 13.5% alcohol (although they recorded 14.9% in the<br />
Merlot from clay this year). 50% Cabernet Franc, 50% Merlot.<br />
Vanilla and coconut on the nose. Incredibly rosy fruit. luscious. still<br />
with many dimensions to develop. Glorious health and exuberance<br />
that is copybook 2000. tasted in 2010 in Hong Kong from<br />
Jeroboam. Black cherries mixed with a Guerlain scent’s intensity on<br />
the nose. then the violets kick in. Almost a touch of vanilla on the<br />
palate, then glorious chocolate-covered strawberries. In 2011 from<br />
bottle, a warm, spicy leather nose. Great red fruit liveliness. Just a<br />
stunning charmer. In magnum, so fruity and youthful, with superb<br />
energy. Great, luscious plums and such beautiful definition. ss.<br />
207 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />
Château Figeac 1985<br />
St. Emilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé (B)<br />
u. 7bn, 1vts, slightly scuffed and slightly damp soiled labels, 3 slightly<br />
torn capsules<br />
Powerful Figeac that has years ahead of it. ss.<br />
208 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />
I 49 I
Château Beauséjour Bécot 2000<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru Classé<br />
Capsules with French Tax Stamps, slightly scuffed labels<br />
Cedary, ‘classic’ nose. lots of extract and tannins. solid. ss.<br />
209 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
Château La Dominique 2000<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru Classé<br />
210 12 bts (owc)<br />
211 10 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
per lot: $350-450<br />
Château Monbousquet 1997<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru<br />
u. 1ts, 2 slightly scuffed labels, 1 sign of seepage, wine comes from 2<br />
different importers<br />
212 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $250-350<br />
Château Monbousquet 1998<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru<br />
Lot 213: 2 slightly scuffed labels Lot 214: 2 nicked and 2 slightly scuffed<br />
labels, Lot 215: 1 slightly scuffed label,<br />
transformed under the ownership of Gérard Perse, with new cellars<br />
and reduced yields, the wines are now dense and big impact,<br />
reinforced by 100% new oak barrels and no fining or filtering. the<br />
1998 should see most of us out. ss.<br />
213 12 bts (cn)<br />
214 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
215 5 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $550-750<br />
Château Monbousquet 1999<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru<br />
5 slightly scuffed labels<br />
lovely, vivid red fruit nose. A beautiful mouthful of silky smooth,<br />
briary fruit. ss.<br />
216 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
217 6 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
Mixed Lots<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1970 (1 bt)<br />
u. 1hs, glue striped, nicked and damp stained label, import label partially<br />
attached to main label<br />
Château Latour 1987 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1988 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1994 (1 bt)<br />
Scuffed label<br />
219 4 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Château Haut Brion Blanc 1990 (1 bt)<br />
Scuffed label, import label partially attached to main label<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1997 (1 bt)<br />
Scuffed and nicked label<br />
Château Haut-Brion 2000 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
220 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />
Château Ducru Beaucaillou 1986 (1 bt)<br />
Nicked label<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1995 (3 bts)<br />
Slightly stained and scuffed labels<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Baron 1999 (2 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
221 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Château Lafleur Gazin 1998 (11 bts)<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked label (cn)<br />
Chateau Haut -Beausejour 1998 (12 bts)<br />
1 slightly stained label (cn)<br />
222 23 bts<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Château La Gaffelière 1998 (9 bts)<br />
2 bottles come from different importers, 2 import labels attached to<br />
main labels, slightly stained labels, 1 nicked label (sc)<br />
Château Grand Pontet 1998 (6 bts)<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels (sc)<br />
223 15 bts<br />
per lot: $250-400<br />
Château Monbousquet<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru<br />
1997 (5 bts)<br />
1998 (7 bts)<br />
218 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $600-850<br />
Château Haut Brion Blanc 2000<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)<br />
Scuffed labels, 1 nicked label<br />
224 10 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
I 50 I
olivier Bernard is a magician with his white wines which have always<br />
been fascinating at Domaine de Chevalier. they last amazingly in<br />
bottle, as shown by olivier when he has mounted vertical tastings<br />
going back decades – the wines remain simply unbelievably fresh.<br />
However, it is difficult to resist them young, in all their predominantly<br />
sauvignon splendour – locals tend to match the youthful wine with<br />
oysters. But the approximately 30% sémillon and the fermentation<br />
and aging in oak casks give it the gravitas to go the distance, with its<br />
compact, intense bouquet and flavour. the tiny production makes<br />
this even more of a treasure. ss.<br />
Domaine de Chevalier Blanc 1998<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), Grand Cru Classé<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Incredible spice on the nose. so much excitement. such luscious,<br />
opulent black fruit with cinnamon and spice. Vanilla pod finish. one<br />
of the greatest wines ever produced in my humble opinion. ss.<br />
225 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $950-1,200<br />
Château d’Yquem 1988<br />
Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />
u. 1bn, 1vts, 1 heavily stained label, 1 slightly stained label, 1 scuffed and<br />
wine stained capsule<br />
the harvest finished on 25 November, with fantastic weather and no<br />
rain. An almost Madeira-like bouquet with a whiff of sercial. Pure<br />
zests of oranges and lemons as well as bread and butter pudding<br />
with cloves. sweet candied mandarin oranges. so vivacious at the<br />
end. Classic, multi-dimensional Yquem. ss.<br />
230 2 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Château Gilette 1970<br />
u. 7bn, 5vts, French Tax Stamps on capsules, 5 torn labels, stained and<br />
scuffed labels<br />
231 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $850-1,100<br />
Domaine de Chevalier Blanc 1999<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), Grand Cru Classé<br />
2 nicked and 3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Floral oranges and lemons on the nose. A huge wine, so full and rich<br />
with a nutty finish. Just so dimensional. silky vanillin at the end. ss.<br />
226 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
Domaine de Chevalier Blanc<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), Grand Cru Classé<br />
1998 (7 bts) 1 slightly stained label<br />
1999 (4 bts)<br />
227 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $700-950<br />
Château Smith Haut Lafitte Blanc 1998<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)<br />
5 slightly scuffed labels<br />
lovely scented fragrant sauvignon nose - remember the unusual 5%<br />
sauvignon Gris here. lovely grapefruit, lingering flavour. Delicious.<br />
ss.<br />
228 9 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $200-300<br />
Mixed Lot<br />
Château Trotanoy 1983 (1 bt)<br />
Stained and scuffed label, slightly corroded capsule<br />
Château Raymond Lafon 1988 (1 bt)<br />
Heavily wine stained label<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1989 Paul Jaboulet Aîné (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed and slightly stained label<br />
Barbaresco, Asili de Barbaresco 1995 Bruno Giacosa (1 bt)<br />
Slightly stained label, label loose on right side<br />
Château du Tertre 1996 (1 bt)<br />
Bin scuffed label<br />
Chateau Haut -Beausejour 1998 (3 bts)<br />
Château Lafleur Gazin 1999 (1 bt)<br />
Château Smith Haut Lafitte 2003 (1 bt)<br />
Capsules have French Tax Stamps<br />
232 10 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
Château de Fieuzal, Blanc 1996 (9 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels (sc)<br />
Château Pape Clément, Blanc 1999 (7 bts)<br />
5 slightly scuffed labels (sc)<br />
229 16 bts<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
I 51 I<br />
Gevrey Chambertin, Champeaux 1999 Philippe Naddef<br />
Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />
Wrinkled, nicked and slightly torn labels, 1 missing label, capsule<br />
removed to reveal fully branded cork<br />
236 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $200-300<br />
Volnay, Clos des Chênes 1999 Nicolas Potel<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
3 slightly stained labels, 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
237 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $250-350<br />
3.51 ha (8.6 acres) average production 1,000 cases, average age of<br />
vines: 39 years<br />
Pommard 1998 Regnard<br />
Côte de Beaune<br />
Slightly bin scuffed and soiled labels, 1 stained label<br />
238 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $150-250<br />
the Domaine owns 50% of this vineyard. Aged in barrels purchased<br />
from cooper François Frères, as all the DRC wines are, they benefit<br />
from a superb position in the vineyard and, in the great vintages,<br />
Richebourg is like velvet come to life. ss.<br />
Richebourg 1990 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
Heavily wine stained labels, slightly sunken corks<br />
At 18 years old, a wonderful, haunting bouquet of roses and wet<br />
earth. subtle and complex. A taste of meat and violets. such silky<br />
finesse and so many nuances in the flavour. Now ready to drink. ss.<br />
233 8 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $7,000-10,000<br />
Romanée Conti 1992 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
Bottle # 685, heavily damp stained label and vintage neck label<br />
quite an earthy nose. Meaty and even "charred." soft and ready. A<br />
touch of roast on the taste. Good acidity. Just a touch dry at the<br />
end with some gaminess. this is now mature. slips down in silky<br />
fashion. ss.<br />
234 1 bt (cn)<br />
per lot: $4,000-5,500<br />
Nuits St. Georges 1997 Dominique laurent<br />
Côte de Nuits<br />
235 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $200-300<br />
Musigny, Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 1978<br />
Comte Georges de Vogüé<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
u. 2x3cm, 1x3.5vts, heavily stained and soiled labels, 2 nicked labels,<br />
excellent color and clarity<br />
this is now absolutely ready, full of breed, complexity and lingering<br />
flavours that melt in the mouth, showing the finesse of this grand cru.<br />
ss.<br />
239 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
Mixed Lots<br />
Beaune, Clos des Ursules 1993 louis Jadot (3 bts)<br />
2 nicked labels<br />
Clos Vougeot 1995 louis Jadot (9 bts)<br />
French Tax Stamps on labels, 2 slightly stained labels, 1 nicked label<br />
240 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-500<br />
Vosne Romanée 1997 Dominique laurent (11 bts)<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels, 2 nicked labels, 1 slightly stained label (cn)<br />
Volnay, En Chevrets 1997 Champy Père et Fils (7 bts)<br />
1 partially torn and loose wrinkled vintage neck label, 1 scuffed vintage<br />
neck label (sc)<br />
241 18 bts<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
I 52 I
Vosne Romanée 1996 Dominique laurent (7 bts)<br />
3 partially torn labels, 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Morey St. Denis, Clos Sorbets 1997<br />
Domaine Bernard serveau (12 bts)<br />
2 nicked, 1 partially torn and 1 slightly scuffed labels (cn)<br />
Pommard 1998 Regnard (2 bts)<br />
1 capsule missing on top, 1 slightly scuffed label (sc)<br />
242 21 bts<br />
per lot: $350-450<br />
RHONE<br />
Gigondas Les Reinages 1998 Delas Frères<br />
Rhône<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked label<br />
243 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $200-300<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape Les Calcernières 1998<br />
Delas Frères<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Lot 244: 4 slightly scuffed labels, Lot 245: Slightly scuffed labels<br />
244 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $200-300<br />
245 17 bts (cn, sc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Mixed Lot<br />
Hermitage Blanc, Marquise de Tourette 1996<br />
Delas Frères (3 bts)<br />
Scuffed labels, 1 partially torn label, 1 capsule missing on top<br />
Gigondas Les Reinages 1998 Delas Frères (8 bts)<br />
4 slightly scuffed labels<br />
246 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $150-250<br />
Louis Roederer, Cristal Brut 1990<br />
Lot 247: Packed in original wooden presentation case, Methuselah #<br />
1161, excellent appearance Lot 248: Packed in original wooden<br />
presentation case, Methuselah # 686, excellent appearance<br />
63% Pinot Noir, 37% Chardonnay and 3% oak fermented. A Pinot<br />
Noir year. In 2009, a little more yellow in colour than the greentinged<br />
1996. Initially, also, more floral on the nose, but then it<br />
becomes exotic and figgy, plus milk chocolate and fruit cake. so<br />
creamy and fruity on the palate. With air, the Pinot Noir in the blend<br />
really comes out – one could be in Beaune on a smoky November<br />
night! that searing Cristal focus (maybe from their beloved<br />
Verzenay vineyards?) takes you right to the heart of it. It becomes<br />
increasingly lemony, with such warmth and generosity, finishing on a<br />
slightly ‘marine’ note. My, so far, unrealised dream is to marry this<br />
with a black truffle en brioche! My most recent bottle came at the<br />
end of 2009, disgorged in september 2006. Very slight ‘oxidation’<br />
gave chocolate and truffles on the nose and great nuttiness. Very<br />
toasty and intense. Mature, rich, ripe and full on the palate – one<br />
senses the dry, sunny year. ss.<br />
247 1 methuselah - 6 liter<br />
248 1 methuselah - 6 liter<br />
per lot: $9,000-12,000<br />
Far Niente, Cabernet Sauvignon 1995<br />
Napa<br />
Slightly nicked label<br />
249 1 imperial - 6 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
I 53 I
this cellar, assembled with great care by an astute collector,<br />
represents all that is great in Bordeaux - from cases of Château<br />
lafite 1990 and 2000 to latour, Mouton Rothschild and Margaux all<br />
from the legendary 1982 vintage. Also offered are some of the finest<br />
wines ever made by Cheval Blanc, including cases of 1982, 1985 and<br />
2000. Rounding out this extraordinary collection are three vintages<br />
of Pétrus, including a case from 1995.<br />
All wines in original wooden cases; most purchased on release.<br />
Recently removed from professional temperature controlled storage.<br />
Property of a New York Gentleman<br />
throughout the centuries, lafite has proved that this is a wine that<br />
ages in the most ethereal way. lafite combines elegance, breed and<br />
scent with sustained power, a miracle of balance and nobility. the<br />
extraordinary terroir and position in Pauillac have always been<br />
matched by the Rothschilds’ sense of quality and vision, resulting in a<br />
wine that has mythical status. Continuity is vital in producing a great<br />
wine and the wine-making brilliance of Charles Chevallier from the<br />
1990s to the present day has added extra lustre to this exceptional<br />
liquid, with the fame of the property spreading further throughout<br />
the world.<br />
When serving lafite, decant it well in advance of drinking as its<br />
bouquet and taste amplify to multi-faceted dimensions on contact<br />
with the air. At the Château itself, they double decant, back into the<br />
original bottle with its unchanging, instantly recognisable label.<br />
lafite matures slowly, developing gloriously with bottle age, as<br />
historic tastings have shown. Collect lafite for yourself and watch it<br />
grow! ss.<br />
Château Lafite 1983<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 1bn, parts of original tissues adhered to 3 labels, 1 nicked label, 2<br />
slightly stained labels, 2 nicked capsules<br />
60% Cabernet sauvignon in this vintage. In 2009, it had a sweet milk<br />
chocolate nose, with cedary and forest floor notes. And cedary<br />
flavours dominate the taste too. smoked cèpes finish. A real<br />
pleasure to drink. ss.<br />
250 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $8,500-11,000<br />
Château Lafite 1988<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 1bn, original tissues<br />
72% Cabernet sauvignon in this vintage. Pure, cedary nose. Pure<br />
silky taste. Coffee and chocolate. Very classic then - and now. this<br />
wine just gets better and better. In 2009, at several dinners, a deep,<br />
spicy nose of great intensity. Cassis and raisins. Great, rich, cedary<br />
taste that is totally convincing and a real ‘grand vin’. Meaty too, in<br />
the very best sense. An obvious keeper – I am so glad I still have<br />
some to comfort me in my old age! In 2010, this is still so young.<br />
such a classic, almost vanillin top Médoc. ss.<br />
252 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $9,500-12,000<br />
Château Lafite 1989<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Original tissues<br />
the middle of a stunning trio of lafites and my absolute favourite.<br />
67% Cabernet sauvignon, 33% Merlot. Meaty, spicy, rich nose, heady<br />
and exotic. silky, rich, dense and blackcurranty on the palate.<br />
opulent and thrilling. the depth is totally in balance. thick and<br />
mouth-coating. I wrote that it was absolutely dreamy at 19 years old<br />
and, for me, it tops the 1990, which is quite a feat. I still hold to this in<br />
2011, when I have had the luck to drink it on several occasions.<br />
Extremely scented nose of great class and breed. smoky too. Great<br />
‘family’ similarity with the 1988. Almost minty/chocolatey in flavour.<br />
A lovely sweet, ripe finish. I think this will go on for ever. ss.<br />
253 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $9,000-12,000<br />
Château Lafite 1990<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Original tissues, 5 slightly stained labels from original tissues<br />
57% Cabernet sauvignon, 13% Cabernet Franc, 30% Merlot. this<br />
has that wonderful cassis, wild cherries and herbs nose that is pure<br />
lafite. Great finesse of texture. Rich chocolate berries on the palate.<br />
Elegant, fresh and youthful at 18 years old. Not the huge mouthful of<br />
the 1989 but, as usual with lafite, long on the finish. In 2010, deeper<br />
aromatics on the nose than in the 1989. Glorious beauty and<br />
silkiness. less emphatic end to it than 1989, denoting the bigger<br />
harvest. Coffee liqueur finish. In Hong Kong from Jeroboam, a<br />
beautiful, ‘scented garden’, lafite bouquet. lovely chocolatey taste.<br />
Deeply intense, aided by the Jero effect. In 2011, supper at home,<br />
still in its infancy, all silky, smoky black fruit, with enormous power<br />
behind it. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
254 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $11,000-15,000<br />
Château Lafite 1985<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 1bn, 4 slightly corroded capsules, otherwise excellent appearance<br />
this is a total joy, and it always has been. At 24 years old, it had a<br />
really meaty/plummy nose – it comes out at you like a train, which is<br />
exciting! Great healthy red fruit on the palate, a feature of these<br />
lovely 1985s. Immensely satisfying. Perfectly composed, as the very<br />
best Claret should be. ss.<br />
251 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $9,500-12,000<br />
lots 254, 266<br />
I 55 I
Château Lafite 1995<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Wonderfully voluptuous bouquet, stamped with First Growth class.<br />
Black cherries and glycerol invade the senses. Coffee beans and<br />
pure cassis on the palate. A thoroughbred, to use a racing term -<br />
and what could be more apt? In 2009, a very luscious nose and<br />
almost a Merlot opulence. A real taste of chocolate and spiced<br />
plums. this is all over you, with its very thick texture. ss.<br />
255 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $9,500-12,000<br />
Château Lafite 2000<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Great scent, dominated by loganberries when it was young. superb,<br />
juicy black fruit on the palate. such a ripe finish, mouthwatering all<br />
the way through. In 2011, that real, total super-healthy 2000 nose to<br />
it. one now senses the opulence of this wine, with all its layers. such<br />
a vivid taste of plums. such fresh acidity – still a baby. this will last a<br />
century if desired, so think two generations on. ss.<br />
256 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $22,500-32,500<br />
Carruades de Lafite 1999<br />
Pauillac<br />
257 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,250-4,250<br />
the power and glory of latour are undisputed. the consistency of<br />
latour, due to its fabulous gravel soil, great situation near the<br />
Gironde and a succession of inspired winemakers, is unrivaled. It is a<br />
wine that can start slowly and then takes off like a rocket. It is always<br />
profound with many layers of taste, a real reflection of the heart of<br />
Pauillac. latour is famous for producing impressive wine in more<br />
modest vintages, but it knows how to seize great vintages and make<br />
them monuments. ss.<br />
Château Latour 1982<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 2vts, 1ts, original tissues, excellent appearance<br />
Rich, fabulous nose, so cedary. Great cedary fruit on the palate. still<br />
almost one-dimensional. this gets sweeter and sweeter. superb,<br />
rich wine. In 2008 from an Imperial, it was absolutely stunning,<br />
sweeping all before it – the best I have ever had. An incredible treat.<br />
In 2011, from bottle, this was just so incisive and youthful, dense and<br />
powerful. ss.<br />
258 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $18,000-25,000<br />
Château Latour 1983<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 5bn, 2vts, 5 levels into neck, original tissues, excellent appearance<br />
259 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,250-4,500<br />
Château Latour 1985<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 6bn, 3 nicked capsules, 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
smoky, dark fruit bouquet. Just like eating blackberries! Crunchy,<br />
juicy fruit - so full of health. ss.<br />
260 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $4,250-6,500<br />
Mouton, as it is affectionately known by all its devotees, is the most<br />
opulent and exuberant of all the Firsts, a reflection of the two huge<br />
personalities that have headed the Château since 1920, Baron<br />
Philippe and then Baroness Philippine de Rothschild. the great cassis<br />
depths of this wine seduce everyone who appreciates the finest<br />
Bordeaux. It is a gloriously forceful, flamboyant wine, voluptuous and<br />
powerful. Philippe Dhalluin, Mouton's talented technical Director,<br />
has been at the Château since the harvest of 2003 and the stunning<br />
beauty of the wines has been further strengthened by meticulous<br />
attention to detail in vineyard and cellar. Many of my own greatest<br />
wine drinking experiences revolve around Mouton throughout this<br />
century and the last. Magnificent Mouton is a sensory photo on the<br />
mind that stays with one for life. ss.<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1982<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 4bn, 3vts, 3 slightly scuffed labels from wooden case dividers, 1 nicked<br />
capsule, 3 slightly corroded capsules, otherwise excellent appearance<br />
this is a legend in its own lifetime and each time I taste it there are<br />
different facets. It is often pretty massive, meaty and chunky with an<br />
'iodé' element that almost resembles a st. Estèphe. At other times,<br />
even in large format, it is pure essence of cassis, sweet, soft and<br />
velvety. Watch it evolve and raid the cellar when it hits the note that<br />
really speaks to you. It is always succulent, spicy and sweet. In 2008,<br />
it was just so luscious, opulent and winning, all-over violet creams.<br />
on David (Peppercorn's!) birthday, it had an overwhelming, scented<br />
nose, exotic, haunting and all-enveloping. sensational, soft fruit on<br />
the palate, so sweet and ripe. total allure. the ultimate come-hither<br />
First Growth. In 2011, a deep, plummy nose and luscious, mouthfilling,<br />
liquid velvet on the palate. still tannic. Imposing wine. ss.<br />
261 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $14,000-20,000<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1989<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 1bn, 6 slightly scuffed labels from wooden case dividers<br />
this is a very great Mouton, with the Merlot picked from 6th<br />
september and the Cabernet between 16th and 25th september, the<br />
earliest vintage at Mouton. lovely spicy nose, like a glühwein made<br />
of Cabernet sauvignon. Concentrated, exotic and very chocolatey.<br />
one of the best, and most seductive 1989s in Bordeaux, with depth<br />
and a long finish. At home, in 2011, it was so beautiful, spicy and<br />
deep, even a little “earthy” on the finish. ss.<br />
262 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,750-5,000<br />
I 56 I
Château Mouton Rothschild 1990<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Import labels partially attached to main labels<br />
opulent, plummy nose, almost evolving into a liqueur. Flavours of<br />
leather, tobacco and prunes. You can certainly drink this from now.<br />
the last bottle I had, in 2010, had a simply wonderful, fresh bouquet<br />
that enchanted everyone at the table. ss.<br />
263 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,750-5,000<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1995<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1 nicked label<br />
lovely, sleek, boysenberries bouquet, turning to cherry liqueur.<br />
Coffee, loganberries and sheer, bouncy health on the palate. A<br />
touch of cherries on the finish. Very glowing. last tasted in 2010 in<br />
Hong Kong from Jeroboam. Wonderfully expressive, ‘out there’<br />
bouquet. this is all blackcurrant berries. Beautifully structured and<br />
composed on the palate. superb juiciness fills the mouth. ss.<br />
264 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $4,500-6,500<br />
Château Margaux is the most imposing building of all the First<br />
Growths, its neo-classical elegance reflected in the sheer aristocratic<br />
bearing of the wines. the superb scent of Margaux fascinates - so<br />
alluring, so complex and so giving. the Mentzelopoulos régime<br />
wines are unerringly consistent in quality, often topping the charts<br />
against the toughest opposition. there is weight and depth, added<br />
to the breed and class that come from this fabulous terroir. Modern<br />
vintages are giants, brilliant creations of technical director, Paul<br />
Pontallier, exuding richness and rewarding the drinker with undying<br />
memories. ss.<br />
Château Margaux 1982<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 4bn, 5 import labels partially attached to main labels, 4 nicked and 6<br />
slightly corroded capsules, otherwise very good appearance<br />
In early 2010, we compared this with the 1983 at a dinner party at<br />
home and the room was (still) divided! An ethereal scent, even<br />
comparable to the 1961 in depth and class, and a taste of<br />
loganberries, blackberries and pepper. the texture has real finesse<br />
and, of course, it is deliciously ripe. David and I just give this top<br />
prize. In 2011, a deeply scented bouquet of wild herbs and smoky<br />
blackcurrants. slips down like silk. Prunes, walnuts and elegance. ss.<br />
265 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $9,000-12,000<br />
Château Margaux 1990<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Drunk with the 1989 at a sotheby's lunch recently, with the room<br />
dividing on individual preference. this is true First Growth beauty,<br />
with its projection of silky, approachable fruit and sleek bilberry taste -<br />
a smoothie of a wine. utterly tempting and full of black fruit, it has<br />
perfect balance and irreproachable class. last tasted from magnum.<br />
Extremely aromatic nose. so soft and melting. so sweet and svelte.<br />
Absolutely ready. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
266 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $10,000-15,000<br />
Haut Brion is the connoisseur's First Growth, sumptuous, soft,<br />
elegant and fine, so come-hither you sink into it. the hidden depths<br />
in its velvet folds of flavour are a revelation, with the extraordinary<br />
Cohiba notes leading to a spicy, constantly intriguing taste. With age,<br />
Haut Brion simply melts in the mouth, while in youth it is delicious<br />
before the other Firsts emerge from the chrysalis. this is the classiest,<br />
finest-textured wine from Pessac-léognan, with its unique, almost<br />
"peaty" flavors. ss.<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1995<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
1 nicked label<br />
Innate breed, intense perfume and absolute First Growth impact on<br />
the nose. terrifically luscious in the mouth and so full of black fruit<br />
depth. A simply marvellous wine, silky and magnificent. Hedonistic<br />
heaven. Another bottle was all spice box, liquorice and cigars -<br />
tremendous. then, at 16 years old, still young and vibrant, with an<br />
incredibly spicy nose. Roses, smoke and sandalwood. this could go<br />
for 50 years. ss.<br />
267 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $4,000-5,500<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1998<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
total toast, coffee and blackberries nose. Roses and tobacco.<br />
Marvellous voluptuous, velvety taste. <strong>Full</strong> of glycerol and complex<br />
flavours. A "smoke in the fireplace" wine. such finesse of texture,<br />
while la Mission has such definition. Monumental Haut Brion with<br />
decades to go. In 2011, an extraordinary nose of total intensity.<br />
sumptuous and scrumptious - great, wild stuff. ss.<br />
268 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $4,000-5,500<br />
I 57 I
the sheer expression of st.Estèphe comes to us from this great<br />
property, just over a little stream from lafite and Pauillac. As the<br />
ground rises, you see the wonderfully exotic architecture of Cos, a<br />
landmark in the Medoc and one of the most distinctive of all its<br />
labels. Jean-Guillaume Prats conducts the affairs of Cos with<br />
enormous aplomb, each year turning out wines that possess that real<br />
st.Estèphe flavour and ‘bite’, incredibly pure and indubitably longlived.<br />
they are monuments of minerality and impact, with a great,<br />
long sign-off on the palate. ss.<br />
Château Cos d’Estournel 2001<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 269: 1 nicked label Lot 270: 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
At 10 years old, a real cedary nose. Class on the palate with a minty,<br />
aniseed finish. Great freshness. ss.<br />
269 12 bts (owc)<br />
270 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
the very word Pétrus creates a "frisson" unlike any other wine name<br />
- and the liquid in the glass induces a dream-like silence as its<br />
enormous, almost roasted flavour envelops the palate. the sheer<br />
exoticism of this revered vineyard, where clay combines with Merlot<br />
to make something wildly heady, needs to be experienced by<br />
everyone once in their life (preferably many more times!). Pétrus<br />
does not taste like other Bordeaux - it is not "classic" but<br />
stupendously original, full of oriental spice box flavours which unfold<br />
endlessly. A one-off wine that inhabits a world of its own and, of<br />
course, a rarity due to its small (11.4 hectare) size. ss.<br />
Château Pétrus 1988<br />
Pomerol, Cru Exceptionnel<br />
u. 1ts, 1 slight sign of seepage<br />
toffee and caramel on the palate. Very soft, exotic tannins. Not<br />
massively concentrated on its last outing so you can drink it from<br />
now. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
272 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $14,000-20,000<br />
Château Pétrus 1995<br />
Pomerol, Cru Exceptionnel<br />
1 nicked label, 1 wrinkled capsule<br />
this was the driest year since 1945, except for 1961. We used to say<br />
it was a bit ‘reined in’, a touch ‘Protestant’ even. Well, at 14 years old<br />
and at a dinner in Hong Kong, it was decidedly ‘Catholic’ and not a<br />
bit inhibited! Intense, warm leaves nose, the ‘maquis’, or scented, wild<br />
undergrowth, in full bloom. Immensely tempting. Great red fruit<br />
taste, brimming over with health and vivacity. lovely silky finish. A<br />
superb mouthful and signature Pétrus, hardly surprising in an<br />
excellent year for Merlot. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
273 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $16,000-22,500<br />
Château Pétrus 1986<br />
Pomerol, Cru Exceptionnel<br />
u. 2bn, excellent appearance<br />
Fresh, mocha and red fruit nose. Cinnamon. Vibrant, very red fruit<br />
character. lacks real richness but I think it is a notch above the 1985.<br />
ss.<br />
271 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $13,000-20,000<br />
lots 272, 273<br />
CHAtEAu PEtRus<br />
I 59 I
under Jacques Hébrard and, since 1991, Pierre lurton, Cheval Blanc continues to<br />
dazzle. the brilliant technical team at the property coaxes the maximum from this<br />
plateau just over the road from Pomerol, where gravel ridges bestow class to the<br />
wine and the high percentage of Cabernet Franc gives such scent. And the<br />
voluptuous character? that is the magic ingredient, which can be perceived<br />
throughout. Cheval Blanc is stunning drunk when it is relatively young, but it also<br />
ages in exotic multi-dimensional fashion. ss.<br />
Château Cheval Blanc 1982<br />
St. Emilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé (A)<br />
Lot 274: 2 slightly glue stained labels, otherwise excellent appearance Lot 275: u. 1bn,<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels, otherwise excellent appearance<br />
Vintage from 20 september to 2 october. An astonishing 54 hl/hectare made -<br />
160,000 bottles of 1982 were produced when the average is 90-100,000. And this<br />
in a drought year! the crop was so healthy that no sorting was necessary. 12.8%<br />
alcohol - somewhat surprising in today's context. Fresh acidity on the palate,<br />
again a surprise as we all know that acidities were low in this hot year. Ebullient,<br />
lush and all over you. At heart, it is a velvety, supple, rich and chocolatey wine with<br />
a tannic kickback to make you sit up and take notice - as we do. In 2011, quite a<br />
meaty nose. Really big tannic structure on the palate, with a rich, liqueur finish.<br />
ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
274 12 bts (owc)<br />
275 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $10,000-15,000<br />
lots 274-275<br />
I 61 I
Château Cheval Blanc 1985<br />
St. Emilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé (A)<br />
1 nicked capsule, otherwise excellent appearance<br />
48.8 hl/hectare which is high for Cheval Blanc. the vintage took<br />
place from 1-17 october. only 12.5% alcohol which seems low<br />
nowadays! still so fresh – the Cabernet Franc gives that element,<br />
but it was also a great Merlot year. smoky leather bouquet.<br />
Glorious red fruit, a real mark of 1985. utterly delectable. In 2011,<br />
this has a really briary nose of ‘wine and roses’! A fabulous, lush,<br />
fresh, succulence on the palate. And the true sweetness of ripeness<br />
of both the Cabernet Franc and the Merlot. Another bottle had<br />
great intensity on the nose. Coffee liqueur bouquet and a coffee<br />
bean taste. ss.<br />
276 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-5,000<br />
Château Cheval Blanc 2000<br />
St. Emilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé (A)<br />
Lots 277-278: Original tissues<br />
Vintage from 14 september to 28 september. A generous 42<br />
hl/hectare made. 13.5% alcohol (although they recorded 14.9% in the<br />
Merlot from clay this year). 50% Cabernet Franc, 50% Merlot.<br />
Vanilla and coconut on the nose. Incredibly rosy fruit. luscious. still<br />
with many dimensions to develop. Glorious health and exuberance<br />
that is copybook 2000. tasted in 2010 in Hong Kong from<br />
Jeroboam. Black cherries mixed with a Guerlain scent’s intensity on<br />
the nose. then the violets kick in. Almost a touch of vanilla on the<br />
palate, then glorious chocolate-covered strawberries. In 2011 from<br />
bottle, a warm, spicy leather nose. Great red fruit liveliness. Just a<br />
stunning charmer. In magnum, so fruity and youthful, with superb<br />
energy. Great, luscious plums and such beautiful definition. ss.<br />
277 12 bts (owc)<br />
278 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $8,000-12,000<br />
Experiencing Yquem is a journey into flawless excellence, into the<br />
heart of endless layers of richness, profundity and exotic flavours.<br />
tasting Yquem is awe-inspiring, both for its beauty and also because<br />
of the constant awareness that this degree of opulence and<br />
concentration can only be achieved at the cost of immense skill, care<br />
and financial sacrifice. Making sauternes, with its elements of<br />
botrytis and extreme ripeness, forever at the mercy of the weather, is<br />
always a fiendish pursuit, but making Yquem goes into new realms of<br />
endeavour - it is a world unto itself. ss.<br />
Château d’Yquem 1990<br />
Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />
4 slightly stained labels, owc has damaged lid<br />
Deeper colour than '97 and '95. Beautiful lanolin nose. touch of<br />
crème brûlée and smoke. Now, the primary flowers have gone and<br />
intriguing grapefruity, allspice and orange elements are creeping in.<br />
Huge spicy richness on the palate. seville oranges and a touch of<br />
pepper. Buttery honey. so expansive and so beautifully balanced<br />
between sugar and acidity. Poised perfection. What the French call<br />
an "incontournable"! In magnum, it is incredibly young - and so<br />
creamy. At sweet sixteen, and from Jeroboam, this was totally 'on<br />
song', luscious, all-enveloping and super-opulent. You just cannot<br />
put it down, even at the end of a long, challenging dinner - or,<br />
perhaps, because of the long, challenging dinner! Certainly, I went<br />
home purring, after having made serious inroads into the Jero. then<br />
there was a Double Magnum, with its incredible nose of peaches with<br />
a taste of peach kernels, and I wondered if the large formats are even<br />
better than the bottles in 1990. this was until my last bottle in 2010,<br />
which had such finesse in spite of a bouquet almost enveloped in<br />
sugar and a fantastic fruit bowl flavour. ss.<br />
279 9 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,750-5,000<br />
the lafite Rothschilds acquired this emblematic sauternes property<br />
in 1984, adding it to their stable of fabulous, and fabled, wines. the<br />
superb position of the vineyards ensures its place among the greatest<br />
sweet wines of the world, further enhanced by the formidable<br />
improvements introduced by the new owners. these included a new<br />
cellar in 1989 to extend the vital ageing in barrels which is so<br />
necessary for the top sauternes, with new construction again in<br />
2000. severe selection and thus very limited production are the<br />
route to absolute quality, together with the great skill of estate<br />
manager Frédéric Magniez, under the overall technical control of<br />
Charles Chevallier. the ultimate class of the sémillon grape, married<br />
to the truly magical ingredient of ‘pourriture noble’, or noble rot,<br />
results in a wine that is opulent and rich, while always remaining<br />
elegant, balanced and refined. A glass of Rieussec is more than<br />
liquid dessert – it is nectar. ss.<br />
CHAtEAu RIEussEC<br />
Château Rieussec 1996<br />
Sauternes, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
An amazing bargain at anywhere near this price. Exceptional wine of<br />
great class. ss.<br />
280 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-450<br />
I 62 I
<strong>Full</strong> cases of lafite 2000 and 2005 highlight this cellar dedicated to<br />
the five First Growths in the greatest vintages. the great 2000 from<br />
Mouton Rothschild is on offer while 2005 is a focus for latour and<br />
Margaux as well as Haut Brion<br />
Recently removed from private temperature controlled storage<br />
Property of a Gentleman<br />
throughout the centuries, lafite has proved that this is a wine that<br />
ages in the most ethereal way. lafite combines elegance, breed and<br />
scent with sustained power, a miracle of balance and nobility. the<br />
extraordinary terroir and position in Pauillac have always been<br />
matched by the Rothschilds’ sense of quality and vision, resulting in a<br />
wine that has mythical status. Continuity is vital in producing a great<br />
wine and the wine-making brilliance of Charles Chevallier from the<br />
1990s to the present day has added extra lustre to this exceptional<br />
liquid, with the fame of the property spreading further throughout<br />
the world.<br />
When serving lafite, decant it well in advance of drinking as its<br />
bouquet and taste amplify to multi-faceted dimensions on contact<br />
with the air. At the Château itself, they double decant, back into the<br />
original bottle with its unchanging, instantly recognisable label.<br />
lafite matures slowly, developing gloriously with bottle age, as<br />
historic tastings have shown. Collect lafite for yourself and watch it<br />
grow! ss.<br />
Château Lafite 1994<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
tremendous breed, warmth and come-hither lafite projection on the<br />
bouquet. Coffee-ish fruit. Not big but long lafite lingering finish.<br />
ss.<br />
281 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,500<br />
Château Lafite 1995<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Wonderfully voluptuous bouquet, stamped with First Growth class.<br />
Black cherries and glycerol invade the senses. Coffee beans and<br />
pure cassis on the palate. A thoroughbred, to use a racing term -<br />
and what could be more apt? In 2009, a very luscious nose and<br />
almost a Merlot opulence. A real taste of chocolate and spiced<br />
plums. this is all over you, with its very thick texture. ss.<br />
282 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $4,750-6,500<br />
CHAtEAu lAFItE<br />
I 63 I
Château Lafite 1999<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Draconian selection produced this level of quality. Early on, there<br />
was an aromatic nose, not as ripe as 2000 and 2001, and a real coffee<br />
taste which was very winning. on its tenth birthday, a really<br />
interesting mocha and cassis nose, with a touch of cloves. Very<br />
lanolin texture. Not absolute ripeness, but a very good cherry<br />
flavour. ss.<br />
283 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $8,000-11,000<br />
284 8 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $5,000-7,000<br />
Château Lafite 2000<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Great scent, dominated by loganberries when it was young. superb,<br />
juicy black fruit on the palate. such a ripe finish, mouthwatering all<br />
the way through. In 2011, that real, total super-healthy 2000 nose to<br />
it. one now senses the opulence of this wine, with all its layers. such<br />
a vivid taste of plums. such fresh acidity – still a baby. this will last a<br />
century if desired, so think two generations on. ss.<br />
285 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $22,500-32,500<br />
Château Lafite 2005<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Great, warm, spicy nose. Big, huge, massive rich wine. An absolute<br />
‘must have’, combining the enormous breed of lafite with depth and<br />
profundity. Great, long, cassis finish. A giant, in all senses of the<br />
word. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
286 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $14,000-20,000<br />
the power and glory of latour are undisputed. the consistency of<br />
latour, due to its fabulous gravel soil, great situation near the<br />
Gironde and a succession of inspired winemakers, is unrivaled. It is a<br />
wine that can start slowly and then takes off like a rocket. It is always<br />
profound with many layers of taste, a real reflection of the heart of<br />
Pauillac. latour is famous for producing impressive wine in more<br />
modest vintages, but it knows how to seize great vintages and make<br />
them monuments. ss.<br />
Château Latour 1999<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
A great, 1er Cru, Pauillac/cedary nose. Big flavour with layers and<br />
dimensions. superbly "juicy", healthy wine. Extremely long on the<br />
palate. ss.<br />
287 9 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,750-5,000<br />
Château Latour 2000<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
In 2011, an absolutely classic Pauillac nose, stupendous. Deep cassis<br />
taste of huge concentration and length. Great, four-square structure.<br />
Archetypal latour that hits the spot. ss.<br />
288 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Château Latour 2005<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
Huge plums and roses nose. so silky-textured but with great flesh<br />
and body. Irony and tannic in the latour way but with wonderful red<br />
fruits and freshness to balance. ss.<br />
289 6 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $3,500-5,000<br />
CHAtEAu lAtouR<br />
lots 286, 294, 295<br />
I 65 I
Mouton, as it is affectionately known by all its devotees, is the most<br />
opulent and exuberant of all the Firsts, a reflection of the two huge<br />
personalities that have headed the Château since 1920, Baron<br />
Philippe and then Baroness Philippine de Rothschild. the great cassis<br />
depths of this wine seduce everyone who appreciates the finest<br />
Bordeaux. It is a gloriously forceful, flamboyant wine, voluptuous and<br />
powerful. Philippe Dhalluin, Mouton's talented technical Director,<br />
has been at the Château since the harvest of 2003 and the stunning<br />
beauty of the wines has been further strengthened by meticulous<br />
attention to detail in vineyard and cellar. Many of my own greatest<br />
wine drinking experiences revolve around Mouton throughout this<br />
century and the last. Magnificent Mouton is a sensory photo on the<br />
mind that stays with one for life. ss.<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 2000<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Original tissues<br />
Great, almost overpowering nose. Creamy, blackberry, bloomy,<br />
voluptuous. Briary and brambly. Black fruit in abundance, oozing<br />
incredible health and up-front, vivacious beauty. A monolithic but<br />
silky wine that will go down in history. In 2011, a luscious, opulent,<br />
blackcurrant bouquet. Gloriously fresh and incisive. Just screams<br />
healthy fruit at you, with a great Mouton terroir sign-off. ss.<br />
290 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Château Margaux 2000<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
3 slightly stained labels<br />
this has always had, from the start, a great rosy bloom to the<br />
bouquet, maybe a reflection of the 1900 when it was young? Violets,<br />
finesse and sheer class. Great freshness on the palate. Blackberry<br />
jam. Great spicy black fruit all through it. Huge tannins that are so<br />
soft and fresh. luscious redcurrants at the end. In 2011, glorious<br />
woodsmoke and blueberries on the nose. A touch of aniseed on the<br />
finish. Great nobility and breed. ss.<br />
293 9 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $7,500-10,000<br />
Château Margaux 2005<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
this was bottled late, in November/December 2007, as the wine is<br />
so huge - it certainly could take this extra barrel age. Incredibly<br />
intense red fruit and smoke nose. luscious blackberries in the<br />
mouth. Great class and complex aromatics. Coffee beans and such<br />
fresh acidity, a feature of the year in spite of 2005 being the driest<br />
year ever recorded, as I was told at the Château. the wonders of<br />
nature never cease to amaze. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
294 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $7,000-10,000<br />
Château Margaux is the most imposing building of all the First<br />
Growths, its neo-classical elegance reflected in the sheer aristocratic<br />
bearing of the wines. the superb scent of Margaux fascinates - so<br />
alluring, so complex and so giving. the Mentzelopoulos régime<br />
wines are unerringly consistent in quality, often topping the charts<br />
against the toughest opposition. there is weight and depth, added<br />
to the breed and class that come from this fabulous terroir. Modern<br />
vintages are giants, brilliant creations of technical director, Paul<br />
Pontallier, exuding richness and rewarding the drinker with undying<br />
memories. ss.<br />
Château Margaux 1996<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1 slightly stained and 3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Pure cassis on the nose - almost like a liqueur but with excellent<br />
freshness. <strong>Full</strong>, blueberry taste. Incredibly dense and aromatic.<br />
lovely coffee bean finish. A very great wine and, yet again, proof of<br />
Paul Pontallier's technical skill and wine making flair. ss.<br />
291 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Haut Brion is the connoisseur's First Growth, sumptuous, soft,<br />
elegant and fine, so come-hither you sink into it. the hidden depths<br />
in its velvet folds of flavour are a revelation, with the extraordinary<br />
Cohiba notes leading to a spicy, constantly intriguing taste. With age,<br />
Haut Brion simply melts in the mouth, while in youth it is delicious<br />
before the other Firsts emerge from the chrysalis. this is the classiest,<br />
finest-textured wine from Pessac-léognan, with its unique, almost<br />
"peaty" flavors. ss.<br />
Château Haut-Brion 2005<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
there is just so much scented breed on the nose – evidence of<br />
superb Cabernet sauvignon. All the alcohol is so integrated. A<br />
huge, rosy taste of such ripe fullness. Gummy textured, with<br />
stunning red and black fruit. so much liquorice. Great éclat. A<br />
world-beater that will last for ever. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
295 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Château Margaux 1999<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
An outstanding nose of sheer class, red and black fruit, cedarwood<br />
and woodsmoke. this could only be a 1er Cru. A tremendous taste<br />
of forest fruit and best Havanas. Great "sweetness" and opulence to<br />
match the structure. superb. ss.<br />
292 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
Château Latour 1988 (4 bts)<br />
u. 1bn, 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Château Margaux 1997 (2 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
296 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />
I 66 I
Château Latour 1995 (3 bts)<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1995 (3 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
297 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
the very word Pétrus creates a "frisson" unlike any other wine name<br />
- and the liquid in the glass induces a dream-like silence as its<br />
enormous, almost roasted flavour envelops the palate. the sheer<br />
exoticism of this revered vineyard, where clay combines with Merlot<br />
to make something wildly heady, needs to be experienced by<br />
everyone once in their life (preferably many more times!). Pétrus<br />
does not taste like other Bordeaux - it is not "classic" but<br />
stupendously original, full of oriental spice box flavours which unfold<br />
endlessly. A one-off wine that inhabits a world of its own and, of<br />
course, a rarity due to its small (11.4 hectare) size. ss.<br />
Château Pétrus<br />
Pomerol, Cru Exceptionnel<br />
1992 (2 bts) 1 nicked label<br />
1996 (1 bt)<br />
298 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,750-3,750<br />
Château Lynch Bages 2000<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
73% Cabernet sauvignon, 15% Merlot, 10% Cabernet Franc, 2% Petit<br />
Verdot<br />
lovely blackcurrants and cedarwood on the nose. Good flavours<br />
and body. Rich and opulent. ss.<br />
301 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,900-2,500<br />
Château Pape Clément 2005<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), Grand Cru Classé<br />
302 12 bts (owc)<br />
Château d’Yquem<br />
Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />
1986 (1 bt) u. bn<br />
1988 (2 bts) Slightly scuffed labels<br />
1990 (4 bts) 1 nicked and 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
2005 (2 bts)<br />
303 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,400-1,800<br />
per lot: $2,250-3,250<br />
the sheer expression of st.Estèphe comes to us from this great<br />
property, just over a little stream from lafite and Pauillac. As the<br />
ground rises, you see the wonderfully exotic architecture of Cos, a<br />
landmark in the Medoc and one of the most distinctive of all its<br />
labels. Jean-Guillaume Prats conducts the affairs of Cos with<br />
enormous aplomb, each year turning out wines that possess that real<br />
st.Estèphe flavour and ‘bite’, incredibly pure and indubitably longlived.<br />
they are monuments of minerality and impact, with a great,<br />
long sign-off on the palate. ss.<br />
Château Cos d’Estournel 1995<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Very plummy, spicy nose. Heady and intoxicating on the palate, with<br />
the plummy, ‘jammy’ 40% Merlot coming through and yet lovely<br />
freshness at 13 years old. one of the most impressive left Bank<br />
wines in this vintage. ss.<br />
299 8 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
the Cazes family's signature Pauillac which wins friends wherever it<br />
goes. It is a Fifth Growth that punches way above its weight,<br />
epitomising what Bordeaux is all about. the blackcurrant fruit and<br />
expressive character of the wine make it highly desirable. ss.<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1996<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
Rich, cedary, cigary nose. And rich cassis taste. A great lynch<br />
Bages - exemplary. Cassis liqueur at the end. ss.<br />
300 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Caymus Vineyards, Special Selection, Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
1997 (2 bts)<br />
Silver Oak, Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley 1997<br />
(1 bt)<br />
Silver Oak, Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley 1999<br />
(2 bts)<br />
Caymus Vineyards, Special Selection, Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
1999 (2 bts)<br />
Caymus Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon 1999 (2 bts)<br />
Silver Oak, Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Valley 2000<br />
(2 bts)<br />
Joseph Phelps Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon, Insignia 2001<br />
(1 bt)<br />
304 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Niebaum Coppola, Rubicon 1986 (1 bt)<br />
Niebaum Coppola, Rubicon 1987 (1 bt)<br />
Niebaum Coppola, Rubicon 1988 (1 bt)<br />
Niebaum Coppola, Rubicon 1989 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Niebaum Coppola, Rubicon 1990 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Niebaum Coppola, Rubicon 1994 (1 bt)<br />
Niebaum Coppola, Rubicon 1995 (1 bt)<br />
Niebaum Coppola, Rubicon 1997 (1 bt)<br />
Groth, Cabernet Sauvignon, Reserve 1998 (2 bts)<br />
Groth, Cabernet Sauvignon 1999 (2 bts)<br />
305 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
I 67 I
several First Growth verticals are on offer here, including full cases of eleven<br />
vintages of Margaux and six of Haut Brion. Also, not to be missed, are full cases of<br />
lafite 1982 and 1986.<br />
Recently removed from private temperature controlled storage<br />
Property of a Gentleman<br />
throughout the centuries, lafite has proved that this is a wine that ages in the<br />
most ethereal way. lafite combines elegance, breed and scent with sustained<br />
power, a miracle of balance and nobility. the extraordinary terroir and position in<br />
Pauillac have always been matched by the Rothschilds’ sense of quality and vision,<br />
resulting in a wine that has mythical status. Continuity is vital in producing a great<br />
wine and the wine-making brilliance of Charles Chevallier from the 1990s to the<br />
present day has added extra lustre to this exceptional liquid, with the fame of the<br />
property spreading further throughout the world.<br />
When serving lafite, decant it well in advance of drinking as its bouquet and taste<br />
amplify to multi-faceted dimensions on contact with the air. At the Château itself,<br />
they double decant, back into the original bottle with its unchanging, instantly<br />
recognisable label. lafite matures slowly, developing gloriously with bottle age, as<br />
historic tastings have shown. Collect lafite for yourself and watch it grow! ss.<br />
Château Lafite 1982<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, 2vts, 2ts, original tissues, 2 heavily stained labels, 6 slightly stained labels from<br />
original tissues<br />
65% Cabernet sauvignon in this vintage. obviously, I have watched this great<br />
wine from birth and it is evolving slowly, in that inimitable lafite way. In 2009, it<br />
has kept its intensely aromatic nose of enormous concentration – amazing when<br />
one considers the high yield of the vintage. Again, surprisingly, given the hot year,<br />
the taste is full of youthful acidity. Decant well in advance of drinking as it plumps<br />
out with every hour that passes, a sure indication of the very long life ahead of it.<br />
In 2010, there is almost a smoky nose. It is just so youthful, even haunting in its<br />
flavours, with a finish that borders on the eternal. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
306 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $37,500-50,000<br />
Château Lafite 1986<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Excellent appearance<br />
69% Cabernet sauvignon, 16% Cabernet Franc, 15% Merlot. I have always been<br />
passionate about this wine although some people found it a bit unfriendly at the<br />
beginning. A star at Carlo Wolf’s great lafite vertical in 2009 – it has ‘moved’ a<br />
lot in the last couple of years. A great Cabernet sauvignon year in the Médoc,<br />
giving density and depth. It now has a formidable aniseed nose – fascinating. the<br />
exceptional concentration is its ‘leitmotif’, its flavour dark chocolate and mint.<br />
Giant wine and, at 25 years old, it has never shown as well. take every opportunity<br />
to acquire and, preferably, to drink this. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
307 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $14,000-20,000<br />
lots 306, 307<br />
I 69 I
Château Lafite 1990<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1 nicked label, 7 scuffed capsules from wooden case dividers, slightly<br />
damaged owc<br />
57% Cabernet sauvignon, 13% Cabernet Franc, 30% Merlot. this<br />
has that wonderful cassis, wild cherries and herbs nose that is pure<br />
lafite. Great finesse of texture. Rich chocolate berries on the palate.<br />
Elegant, fresh and youthful at 18 years old. Not the huge mouthful of<br />
the 1989 but, as usual with lafite, long on the finish. In 2010, deeper<br />
aromatics on the nose than in the 1989. Glorious beauty and<br />
silkiness. less emphatic end to it than 1989, denoting the bigger<br />
harvest. Coffee liqueur finish. In Hong Kong from Jeroboam, a<br />
beautiful, ‘scented garden’, lafite bouquet. lovely chocolatey taste.<br />
Deeply intense, aided by the Jero effect. In 2011, supper at home,<br />
still in its infancy, all silky, smoky black fruit, with enormous power<br />
behind it. ss.<br />
308 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $11,000-15,000<br />
Château Lafite 1995<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
3 stained labels from original tissues<br />
Wonderfully voluptuous bouquet, stamped with First Growth class.<br />
Black cherries and glycerol invade the senses. Coffee beans and<br />
pure cassis on the palate. A thoroughbred, to use a racing term -<br />
and what could be more apt? In 2009, a very luscious nose and<br />
almost a Merlot opulence. A real taste of chocolate and spiced<br />
plums. this is all over you, with its very thick texture. ss.<br />
309 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $4,000-6,000<br />
Mouton, as it is affectionately known by all its devotees, is the most<br />
opulent and exuberant of all the Firsts, a reflection of the two huge<br />
personalities that have headed the Château since 1920, Baron<br />
Philippe and then Baroness Philippine de Rothschild. the great cassis<br />
depths of this wine seduce everyone who appreciates the finest<br />
Bordeaux. It is a gloriously forceful, flamboyant wine, voluptuous and<br />
powerful. Philippe Dhalluin, Mouton's talented technical Director,<br />
has been at the Château since the harvest of 2003 and the stunning<br />
beauty of the wines has been further strengthened by meticulous<br />
attention to detail in vineyard and cellar. Many of my own greatest<br />
wine drinking experiences revolve around Mouton throughout this<br />
century and the last. Magnificent Mouton is a sensory photo on the<br />
mind that stays with one for life. ss.<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1985<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, 5vts, 2ts, 3 levels into neck, original tissues, 7 slightly scuffed<br />
labels from wooden case dividers, 1 nicked capsule, 2 slightly corroded<br />
capsules<br />
Wonderful scent of flowers and fruit – this is really the forest fruits<br />
vintage. opulent and briary on the nose. lots of fruit on the palate<br />
but less defined, less deep and less Cabernet sauvignon in character<br />
than the 1986. Roses on the finish. this Mouton appeals to<br />
absolutely everyone. In 2011, just so luscious, opulent and winning -<br />
in fact, a real "winner"! ss.<br />
310 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,500-4,500<br />
Château Margaux is the most imposing building of all the First<br />
Growths, its neo-classical elegance reflected in the sheer aristocratic<br />
bearing of the wines. the superb scent of Margaux fascinates - so<br />
alluring, so complex and so giving. the Mentzelopoulos régime<br />
wines are unerringly consistent in quality, often topping the charts<br />
against the toughest opposition. there is weight and depth, added<br />
to the breed and class that come from this fabulous terroir. Modern<br />
vintages are giants, brilliant creations of technical director, Paul<br />
Pontallier, exuding richness and rewarding the drinker with undying<br />
memories. ss.<br />
Château Margaux 1985<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, 1 heavily wine stained label, 1 wine stained label, 2 slight signs of<br />
seepage<br />
opulent, mocha, smoky nose, with cinnamon and black fruit.<br />
Blackcurrant flavour. A wine that is mega-present. In 2010, this is<br />
really blooming, with great finesse of texture and huge blackberry<br />
fruit. Here, mineral complexity is married to pure lusciousness. ss.<br />
311 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $4,000-5,500<br />
Château Margaux 1986<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
5 slightly stained labels, 2 damp stained labels, 1 nicked label, slightly<br />
corroded capsules, 2 nicked capsules<br />
Concentrated bouquet of pure Médoc class. Glorious cassis and<br />
currants taste. this is a great Margaux of huge richness and<br />
dimension. stupendous. At 23 years old and from magnum, the<br />
concentration is huge, with glossy glycerol covering the power.<br />
Coats the mouth. A real 1986 Cabernet sauvignon wine, as all the<br />
First Growth Médocs are this year. In large format, it needs 10-20<br />
years more. ss.<br />
312 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $5,000-7,000<br />
Château Margaux 1988<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1 nicked label, 2 scuffed capsules, 2 nicked capsules<br />
Great cedary bouquet. Intense cassis and briars. Mint. Finesse of<br />
texture, which is a very Margaux feature. Expresso finish. ss.<br />
313 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Château Margaux 1989<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
4 slightly stained labels<br />
Wine gums, leather and liquorice on the nose. Immensely cinnamon<br />
bouquet and cinnamon stick flavour. soft, open, roasted taste. so<br />
different from the 1990 in spite of similar weather conditions. Almost<br />
sandalwood. so sweet and seductive. Melts in the mouth at 20<br />
years old. last tasted in 2010 in Hong Kong from Imperial. lovely<br />
smoky cassis nose. spice and liquorice on the palate. Extraordinary<br />
definition and heathery tastes. Big wine in a big format. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
314 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $4,000-6,000<br />
I 70 I<br />
lots 314, 315
Château Margaux 1990<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Excellent appearance<br />
Drunk with the 1989 at a sotheby's lunch recently, with the room<br />
dividing on individual preference. this is true First Growth beauty,<br />
with its projection of silky, approachable fruit and sleek bilberry taste<br />
- a smoothie of a wine. utterly tempting and full of black fruit, it has<br />
perfect balance and irreproachable class. last tasted from magnum.<br />
Extremely aromatic nose. so soft and melting. so sweet and svelte.<br />
Absolutely ready. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
315 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $10,000-15,000<br />
Château Margaux 1993<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
5 slightly scuffed labels, 2 stained labels<br />
lots of new wood but very good class too. superb for the year. Just<br />
so much body. utterly more-ish. Depth. ss.<br />
316 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Château Margaux 1994<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
quite a muted nose for Château Margaux but breed on the texture.<br />
touch of vanillin. still very young. ss.<br />
317 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,500-4,500<br />
Château Margaux 1996<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Capsules slightly scuffed from wooden case dividers<br />
Pure cassis on the nose - almost like a liqueur but with excellent<br />
freshness. <strong>Full</strong>, blueberry taste. Incredibly dense and aromatic.<br />
lovely coffee bean finish. A very great wine and, yet again, proof of<br />
Paul Pontallier's technical skill and wine making flair. ss.<br />
318 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $6,000-9,000<br />
Château Margaux 1997<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 2 nicked labels, 1 bottle comes from a different<br />
importer<br />
319 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
Château Margaux 1998<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Extraordinary cassis nose. In the mouth, very showy black fruit.<br />
Coffee and sweet redcurrants on the finish. My last bottle, drunk at<br />
a splendid dinner in Aspen, was sheer joy immensely scented and<br />
vibrant, a very classy powerhouse of a wine that stunned eighty<br />
discerning drinkers (plus me!) ss.<br />
320 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,750-4,750<br />
Château Margaux 2001<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
At 8 years old, this is just so gloriously gummy and black cherryish.<br />
Intense too. Roses also chime in. Glycerol and totally yummy. so<br />
fresh and inviting. this is a beautiful wine, a real ‘sleeper’. ss.<br />
321 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,500-4,500<br />
Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux 1990<br />
Margaux<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Really rich, powerful spiced plums nose. thick dense texture. Packs<br />
a real punch. Great loganberries taste. still has time to go. ss.<br />
322 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,300<br />
I 72 I<br />
Haut Brion is the connoisseur's First Growth, sumptuous, soft,<br />
elegant and fine, so come-hither you sink into it. the hidden depths<br />
in its velvet folds of flavour are a revelation, with the extraordinary<br />
Cohiba notes leading to a spicy, constantly intriguing taste. With age,<br />
Haut Brion simply melts in the mouth, while in youth it is delicious<br />
before the other Firsts emerge from the chrysalis. this is the classiest,<br />
finest-textured wine from Pessac-léognan, with its unique, almost<br />
"peaty" flavors. ss.<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1985<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
2 slightly stained labels<br />
lovely blackberry fruit on the nose. so opulent and scented. so<br />
refreshing and vivacious with glorious fresh acidity. such a seductive<br />
silky texture. so complete with red and black fruit in abundance. At<br />
24 years old, comparing it with the 1982, the 1985 was just more<br />
entrancing! ss.<br />
323 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $4,000-5,500<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1986<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
3 nicked and 1 slightly stained label, otherwise very good appearance<br />
In 2011, this is really lovely, ready and oozing luscious flavour. the<br />
wonderful scent leads to that peat and iron character of Pessacléognan.<br />
Elegance as well. Big finish and a great wine. ss.<br />
324 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,500-4,500<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1988<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
Extraordinarily spicy, minerally, Havana nose, with deep spicy plums.<br />
the extra acidity projects the bouquet in an amazing way. stunning<br />
flavour on the palate. Deep black wine. Minerally and earthy. sweet<br />
finish plus leather and iron. this is a great buy. ss.<br />
325 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1990<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
A staggeringly marvellous scent of violets, cedarwood, blackberries<br />
plus total freshness. Extraordinary gummy, coffee richness on the<br />
palate. Great mocha finish, like chewing cane sugar and coffee<br />
beans. Another bottle, at 19 years old, was absolutely stunning in all<br />
its sumptuous glory. In 2011, an exhilarating, magic bouquet of warm<br />
spices, undergrowth and heather. Glorious leather and cigars on the<br />
palate – absolutely gorgeous. Velvet tannins. lovely, mature,<br />
elegant and with so much vibrant sweet fruit. this wine will always<br />
be one of my favourites, the one I choose when offered the run of<br />
anyone’s cellar, including my own, where it has almost run out! ss.<br />
326 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $6,000-9,000<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1995<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
Innate breed, intense perfume and absolute First Growth impact on<br />
the nose. terrifically luscious in the mouth and so full of black fruit<br />
depth. A simply marvellous wine, silky and magnificent. Hedonistic<br />
heaven. Another bottle was all spice box, liquorice and cigars -<br />
tremendous. then, at 16 years old, still young and vibrant, with an<br />
incredibly spicy nose. Roses, smoke and sandalwood. this could go<br />
for 50 years. ss.<br />
327 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $4,000-5,500<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1996<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
still almost purple. Deep Havana scent. Nose of jam cooking.<br />
Coffee and chocolate powder. Concentrated acidity and fruit. Real<br />
middle palate of raspberries. Blackberry finish. quite soft, compared<br />
to 1996s from the Médoc, so you will not have to wait so long. In<br />
2011, a very cigary nose. And an amazing peaty taste with liquorice<br />
and cherries. ss.<br />
328 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,500-4,500<br />
A silky sip of Château Ducru Beaucaillou is a total evocation of<br />
st.Julien. the scent, fruit and depth of this great second growth<br />
oozes class, a liquid tribute to terroir and the winemaking intelligence<br />
and integrity of the Borie family, the late Jean-Eugène, François-<br />
Xavier and, since 2003, Bruno Borie. When the wines are young,<br />
they have huge, black-fruit impact that is almost edible and this<br />
quality enables Ducru vintages from the seventies, sixties and Fifties<br />
to show with such grace. the sleek texture and alluring layers of<br />
taste on a mature bottle of Beaucaillou is difficult to beat, as those of<br />
us who know the 1961 can attest. the 1966 is marvelously exciting,<br />
the 1970 legendary, the 1975 quite brilliant and the 1982 immensely<br />
breedy and seductive. the wines from 1995 onwards have<br />
impressive definition and great style and no one should be without<br />
the 2003 and 2004, two fabulous wines of dramatically different<br />
character, as dictated by two wildly differing climatic conditions.<br />
the essence of Bordeaux is all here. ss.<br />
Château Ducru Beaucaillou 1996<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Glorious complexity of a great Cabernet sauvignon wine - finesse<br />
and definition. Inky, irony, an absolute long-term keeper. Great<br />
cassis finish. In 2010, a real blueberry nose and a huge, black fruit<br />
and coffee taste, with lots of glycerol. A really big wine, silky and<br />
with so much harmony and length on the palate. ss.<br />
329 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,400-1,800<br />
I 73 I
One could hardly describe this impressive second growth as a<br />
"secret" but its outstanding quality and consistency is relatively<br />
unsung, except by those who regularly indulge in it. the important<br />
structure and huge, glossy fruit are unfailingly present. gruaud<br />
larose means grandeur in the glass. ss.<br />
Château Gruaud Larose 1989<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 4bn, 2vts, 1ts, 5 levels into neck, slightly scuffed labels, 1 slight sign of<br />
seepage<br />
Real breed on the nose. complex, deep fruit on the palate. a super<br />
mouthful. ss.<br />
330 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
the cazes family's signature Pauillac which wins friends wherever it<br />
goes. It is a Fifth growth that punches way above its weight,<br />
epitomising what bordeaux is all about. the blackcurrant fruit and<br />
expressive character of the wine make it highly desirable. ss.<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1989<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
Capsules with French tax stamps, import labels partially attached to<br />
main labels<br />
In 2011, this is absolutely splendid, a show-stopping bottle. the most<br />
marvellous, deep cassis nose – true lynch bages. Voluptuous,<br />
succulent chocolate fruit on the palate. Pure joy. ss.<br />
334 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
Château Gruaud Larose 1990<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
at 21 years old, lovely tar and roses nose – bordeaux’s answer to<br />
barolo! tremendously aromatic. briary and smoky on the palate.<br />
berries, raisins and real concentration. ss.<br />
331 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1990<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, 4 slightly stained labels<br />
a really classy, cedary bouquet. Perfect fruit. lovely silky texture,<br />
typical of 1990. Delicious now - drink before the bigger 1989.<br />
absolutely beautiful. ss.<br />
335 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
the super-second that is universally loved and respected. the<br />
fabulous terroir, linked to inspired ownership, both lead to a wine that<br />
is brim-full of breed and beauty. the 1982 remains one of the<br />
wonders of the wine world, so dense and full of flavour one can<br />
almost bite into it. ss.<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1990<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1 slight sign of seepage<br />
this is drinking really well now and it is just so consistent. coffee<br />
nose, melting on the palate, cigary finish. a thoroughly worthwhile<br />
wine. ss.<br />
332 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1995<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
blackberries/Merlot nose comes through. soft and opulent and<br />
ready. Will make many friends. ss.<br />
336 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,400-1,800<br />
Château Phélan Ségur 1996<br />
St. Estèphe, Cru Grand Bourgeois Exceptionnel<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Wonderful, lively st.estèphe nose of salty winds and black berries.<br />
lovely inky/fruity taste. a terrific 1996, worthy of a cru classé. ss.<br />
337 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Château Beychevelle 1995<br />
St. Julien, 4ème Cru Classé<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Violets and redcurrants bouquet. loganberries. Quite short finish.<br />
Delicious relatively young. ss.<br />
333 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Domaine de Chevalier Rouge 1989<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), Cru Classé<br />
1 nicked label<br />
lovely whiff of havanas. glorious earthy/minerally taste. Very<br />
definite. Will last another 50 years. an enormous success. ss.<br />
338 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Château Canon La Gaffelière 1990<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru Classé<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
339 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
chateau lynch bages<br />
I 74 I
Château d’Yquem<br />
Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />
1975 (2 bts) u. 1bn, scuffed labels, 1 nicked label<br />
1976 (2 bts) u. 1bn, 1vts, 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
1983 (5 bts) All levels bn or better<br />
340 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,750-3,750<br />
the power and glory of latour are undisputed. the consistency of<br />
latour, due to its fabulous gravel soil, great situation near the<br />
gironde and a succession of inspired winemakers, is unrivaled. It is a<br />
wine that can start slowly and then takes off like a rocket. It is always<br />
profound with many layers of taste, a real reflection of the heart of<br />
Pauillac. latour is famous for producing impressive wine in more<br />
modest vintages, but it knows how to seize great vintages and make<br />
them monuments. ss.<br />
stars from the left bank include 6 magnums of latour 1990, as well<br />
as Margaux 1995 and lynch bages 1989 in parcel quantities.<br />
Offerings from the Right bank not to be missed include angelus<br />
1990.<br />
Recently removed from private temperature controlled storage, part<br />
of a much larger collection<br />
Property of a gentleman<br />
Château Lafite 1982<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 2vts, excellent appearance, 3 original tissues<br />
65% cabernet sauvignon in this vintage. Obviously, I have watched<br />
this great wine from birth and it is evolving slowly, in that inimitable<br />
lafite way. In 2009, it has kept its intensely aromatic nose of<br />
enormous concentration – amazing when one considers the high<br />
yield of the vintage. again, surprisingly, given the hot year, the taste<br />
is full of youthful acidity. Decant well in advance of drinking as it<br />
plumps out with every hour that passes, a sure indication of the very<br />
long life ahead of it. In 2010, there is almost a smoky nose. It is just<br />
so youthful, even haunting in its flavours, with a finish that borders on<br />
the eternal. ss.<br />
341 4 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $12,000-16,000<br />
Château Latour 1990<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Wine comes from 2 different importers, 1 slightly scuffed label,<br />
otherwise excellent appearance<br />
as a seventeen year old, this became accessible. cassis nose. soft,<br />
enveloping taste, with chocolate flavours. spicy and juicy - one can<br />
drink lots of it! Wonderfully elegant, fragrant nose at 20 years old.<br />
great finesse and tremendous length. a real taste of red cherries.<br />
ss.<br />
343 6 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $6,500-9,500<br />
Château Latour 1995<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
7 slightly scuffed and 2 slightly stained labels<br />
a nose of rose hips and totally classy red fruit, marked deep with<br />
latour terroir – and it does not get much better than that.<br />
exceptional fruit, tannin and acidity balance. archetypal First<br />
growth Pauillac and such an individual signature on the finish.<br />
Inimitable latour, fully open and expressive at a dinner in hong Kong<br />
in 2009. From an Imperial in 2011, lovely finesse of texture and<br />
massive red fruit. ss.<br />
344 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $5,000-7,000<br />
Château Lafite 1986<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1 import label partially attached to main label, otherwise excellent<br />
appearance<br />
69% cabernet sauvignon, 16% cabernet Franc, 15% Merlot. I have<br />
always been passionate about this wine although some people found<br />
it a bit unfriendly at the beginning. a star at carlo Wolf’s great<br />
lafite vertical in 2009 – it has ‘moved’ a lot in the last couple of<br />
years. a great cabernet sauvignon year in the Médoc, giving<br />
density and depth. It now has a formidable aniseed nose –<br />
fascinating. the exceptional concentration is its ‘leitmotif’, its flavour<br />
dark chocolate and mint. giant wine and, at 25 years old, it has<br />
never shown as well. take every opportunity to acquire and,<br />
preferably, to drink this. ss.<br />
342 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $9,000-13,000<br />
latOuR baRell cellaR<br />
I 75 I
château Margaux is the most imposing building of all the First<br />
growths, its neo-classical elegance reflected in the sheer aristocratic<br />
bearing of the wines. the superb scent of Margaux fascinates - so<br />
alluring, so complex and so giving. the Mentzelopoulos régime<br />
wines are unerringly consistent in quality, often topping the charts<br />
against the toughest opposition. there is weight and depth, added<br />
to the breed and class that come from this fabulous terroir. Modern<br />
vintages are giants, brilliant creations of technical director, Paul<br />
Pontallier, exuding richness and rewarding the drinker with undying<br />
memories. ss.<br />
Château Margaux 1983<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Lot 345: Excellent levels and appearance, Lot 346: u. 2bn, 2 import<br />
labels partially overlap bottom edge of main labels, 1 partially torn<br />
capsule, 1 slightly stained label<br />
We put this up against the 1982 at an early 2010 dinner party at<br />
home and, yet again, some guests had it as their favourite. certainly,<br />
now, it has gained in richness and roundness and is indubitably great<br />
wine, with chocolate, spices, orange and cassis on the nose and<br />
plums, damsons and orange skins on the palate. It really melts in the<br />
mouth and yet it is a powerhouse of a wine. In 2011, such plummy<br />
impact on the nose. you just sink into this. Fabulous and almost<br />
vanillin. ss.<br />
345 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $5,000-7,000<br />
346 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />
Château Margaux 1995<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Lot 347: 5 slightly scuffed labels Lot 348: 7 slightly scuffed labels, Lot<br />
349: Slightly scuffed labels<br />
Wonderful scent of wild herbs and heather in flower. exuberant<br />
spiciness, huge depth, fat and superb class. this is very serious wine.<br />
a glorious finish of cassis and blackberries. ss.<br />
347 12 bts (sc)<br />
348 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $4,000-6,000<br />
349 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,000<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1982<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 1x4cm, 3 slightly scuffed labels, otherwise very good appearance<br />
this is a fabulous wine. Just when you think it could not get any<br />
more delicious, it comes up and hits you in the face with its sheer,<br />
knock-out beauty. Outstandingly rich and spicy, so chocolate, so<br />
young and so fresh. One cannot gulp enough of it and it remains<br />
long on the palate in all its smoky, velvety glory. In 2009, in double<br />
magnum, it was stupendous and on new year's eve 2010, in bottle, it<br />
was gloriously silky. ss.<br />
350 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,750-3,750<br />
I 76 I
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1990<br />
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé<br />
1 slightly stained label<br />
a great undergrowth, cigars and cedarwood nose, now, at 21 years of<br />
age, showing beautiful, rich maturity. It rolls round the mouth in<br />
smoky splendour, soft, deep-flavoured and multi-dimensional. a<br />
seriously complex wine that is now drinking dramatically well – firing<br />
on all cylinders. ss.<br />
351 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,750-3,750<br />
Château Cos d’Estournel 1982<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
5 slightly stained labels, 1 nicked and 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
last tasted from magnum at 28 years old. this has the real stamp of<br />
its appellation and the roasted berries of 1982. Dense liquorice and<br />
spicy aromatics with luscious raisins at the end. In 2011, a wonderful<br />
spicy nose. and a very "oriental" taste like the pagodas of the<br />
château itself! ss.<br />
352 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />
Château Ducru Beaucaillou 1995<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 353: 1 slightly scuffed label, Lot 354: Wine comes from 2 different<br />
importers<br />
a wonderful nose of red fruit. great "fragrance". extraordinary taste<br />
of loganberries. great ripeness and beauty. a star. ss.<br />
353 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
354 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
Château Gruaud Larose 1986<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, 1vts, 1 bottle comes from a different importer, 7 import labels<br />
partially attached to main labels, slightly scuffed labels<br />
a great, overwhelming st. Julien "monster" nose. Red fruit and spice,<br />
cedarwood and damsons. Real yardstick stuff - just put a steak over<br />
the vine cuttings and get on with it! ss.<br />
355 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Château Léoville Lascases 1982<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels, 2 nicked and 1 slightly stained labels<br />
terrific bouquet, complex, powerful, blackcurrants and very scented.<br />
Marvellous flavour, majestic and with great breed, liquorice and<br />
cassis. the beautiful taste and lovely succulence are backed by firm<br />
tannins. this is First growth quality, with great balance and a great<br />
future. In 2011, it had a deeply aromatic, intense bouquet, spicy and<br />
concentrated. Irony/sweet black fruit on the palate. so much power<br />
and tannin and, it seems, eternal youth. ss.<br />
356 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $4,000-5,500<br />
Château Léoville Poyferré 1990<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Very rich and vibrant. lovely bouncy fruit. Very fresh and youthful.<br />
still evolving, with a fine future. ss<br />
357 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
this great second growth from the heartland of Pauillac has refound<br />
its former glory from a past epoch, entailing a plethora of<br />
improvements and investment. the property was acquired by aXa<br />
in 1987, guided to a higher level by Jean-Michel cazes and, since<br />
2000, christian seely who has gone even further with stricter<br />
selection from the historic 40 ha core of the estate. ss.<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Baron 1990<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 358: 3 slightly scuffed labels Lot 359: Wine comes from 2 different<br />
importers, slightly scuffed labels, 2 nicked labels, Lot 360: Wine comes<br />
from 2 different importers, 5 slightly scuffed labels<br />
In 2011, terrific cedary youth on the nose. Really fabulous definition.<br />
the fruit is youthful and the depth is profound and there is a<br />
wonderful meaty, chocolatey finish. ss.<br />
358 12 bts (sc)<br />
359 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
360 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,500<br />
chateau la MIssIOn haut bRIOn<br />
I 77 I
the super-second that is universally loved and respected. the<br />
fabulous terroir, linked to inspired ownership, both lead to a wine that<br />
is brim-full of breed and beauty. the 1982 remains one of the<br />
wonders of the wine world, so dense and full of flavour one can<br />
almost bite into it. ss.<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1986<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 1bn, 1 nicked capsule<br />
Very aromatic and very cedary on the nose. so scented. Very<br />
cabernet. cassis and blackberries. so smooth and classic. ss.<br />
361 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1988<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 1bn, 1 slightly scuffed and 1 nicked label<br />
classically cedary and a great Pauillac nose. so clean and defined.<br />
Pure fruit and perfect structure. the '89 is more complex and<br />
alluring, the '88 more classic. ss.<br />
362 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1989<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Wine comes from different importers, 2 slightly scuffed and 1 nicked<br />
label<br />
such a classy nose of real breed and ripeness. such freshness, with<br />
huge fruit and fat covering the tannic structure. Very Merlot finish.<br />
superb. It is so exotic but is it classic? and does that matter?!<br />
Recently, a hot, melting nose, with the strong vintage character<br />
overriding the Pichon lalande character. sweet and pure coffee and<br />
cocoa on the palate. coffee beans plus all the oriental spices. so full<br />
of texture you can eat it. Recently, luscious damsons nose. Vanillin<br />
and cedarwood. Very soft and supple at 20! ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
363 7 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1990<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
this is drinking really well now and it is just so consistent. coffee<br />
nose, melting on the palate, cigary finish. a thoroughly worthwhile<br />
wine. ss.<br />
364 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1995<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
6 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Very Merlot, plummy, even st. emilion nose! luscious, opulent taste,<br />
without the huge complexity of 1996 - more straightforward. Onedimensional,<br />
but what a dimension! chocolate finish. ss.<br />
365 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
Château Calon Ségur 1982<br />
St. Estèphe, 3ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 4bn, 1vts, 2 nicked and 1 bin torn labels<br />
spicy, sweet violets on the nose. easy drinking, mineral and yet sweet<br />
at the same time. ss.<br />
366 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Château Palmer 1989<br />
Cantenac (Margaux), 3ème Cru Classé<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
last tasted from Jeroboam and incredibly young in this format. so<br />
rich and full of spices and vanilla. beautiful plummy nose. smoky.<br />
Quite a pruney finish – mocha and cinnamon. Melts in the mouth.<br />
Ready. ss.<br />
367 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1989<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 368: 4 slightly scuffed labels Lot 369: 9 slightly scuffed labels Lot<br />
370: Slightly scuffed labels<br />
In 2011, this is absolutely splendid, a show-stopping bottle. the most<br />
marvellous, deep cassis nose – true lynch bages. Voluptuous,<br />
succulent chocolate fruit on the palate. Pure joy. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
368 12 bts (sc)<br />
369 12 bts (sc)<br />
370 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
lOts 368-370, 363<br />
I 79 I
Château Lynch Bages 1990<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 1bn, 1vts<br />
a really classy, cedary bouquet. Perfect fruit. lovely silky texture,<br />
typical of 1990. Delicious now - drink before the bigger 1989.<br />
absolutely beautiful. ss.<br />
371 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
Château Angélus 1990<br />
St. Emilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />
Import labels partially attached to main labels, otherwise excellent<br />
appearance<br />
a touch more overripe than the 2000, but in the same department<br />
for quality. exotic notes that even look a bit like 2003. a liqueur-like<br />
character. the dry herbs of the south. silky, smoky, mocha in the<br />
mouth - mature and ready. cinnamon. sweeter at the end than the<br />
'89. a classic, great st. emilion but I think the 1989 will last longer.<br />
last drunk from double magnum in 2009, it was very vanillin and as<br />
delicious as usual. ss.<br />
372 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
Mixed Lots<br />
Château Léoville Lascases 1983 (4 bts)<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Château Ducru Beaucaillou 1988 (1 bt)<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1989 (2 bts)<br />
Slightly stained and slightly scuffed labels<br />
Château Léoville Lascases 1989 (2 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
Château Ducru Beaucaillou 1989 (2 bts)<br />
373 11 bts (sc)<br />
Château Cheval Blanc 1983 (2 bts)<br />
Scuffed labels, 1 nicked capsule<br />
Château La Conseillante 1990 (1 bt)<br />
374 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
per lot: $800-1,200<br />
Château Canon 1988 (2 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
Château Pavie 1989 (4 bts)<br />
u. 1vts, 1ts, 1 slightly scuffed label, 1 partially torn capsule<br />
Château Cantemerle 1989 (2 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
Château Haut Marbuzet 1989 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label, nicked capsule<br />
Château Olivier Rouge 1989 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly stained label<br />
Château La Dominique 1990 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
375 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-700<br />
chateau DucRu beaucaIllOu<br />
I 80 I
Château Troplong Mondot 1989 (4 bts)<br />
1 slightly stained label<br />
Château Pavie Macquin 1989 (6 bts)<br />
1 nicked capsule<br />
376 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $850-1,200<br />
RHONE<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle 1990 Paul Jaboulet aîné<br />
Excellent appearance<br />
at 18 years old, this is now superb drinking, marrying brambly tannins with elegant<br />
fruit. succulent on the palate, with just the right amount of grip, and a long finish.<br />
ss.<br />
377 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
Hermitage, Le Gréal 1990 Marc sorrel<br />
378 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Mixed Lot<br />
Château Gruaud Larose 1966 (1 bt)<br />
u. 4.5cm<br />
Château Palmer 1979 (1 bt)<br />
u. ts<br />
Château Petit Village 1982 (1 bt)<br />
u. bn, slightly scuffed label<br />
Hermitage Rouge 1988 guigal (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed and slightly stained label and vintage neck label<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape, Clos Mont Olivet, Cuvée Papet 1989 (1 bt)<br />
Chipped wax capsule<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape Rouge, Les Cailloux, Selection Reflets 1990 lucien &<br />
andré brunel (4 bts)<br />
Beaune, Les Avaux 1990 louis Jadot (3 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
379 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-750<br />
I 81 I
SESSION twO<br />
Saturday 12 NOvEmbEr 2012 at 9:30 am<br />
LOtS 380–1560
this collection of wines, part of a much larger cellar, has been<br />
assembled over the years by one of our most knowledgeable clients.<br />
the greatest producers of Montrachet feature here including<br />
Domaine leflaive with 2000 and 2001 on offer, 2004 from Domaines<br />
des comtes lafon, 1999 and 2002 from Ramonet and three vintages<br />
of Montrachet, Marquis de laguiche from Joseph Drouhin including<br />
five cases of 2005 in both bottles and magnums. champagne is also<br />
a feature here with rare Dom Perignon Rosé in magnum including<br />
wines from the 1990, 1995 and 1996 vintages. a particular focus on<br />
the stellar champagne vintage 1996 follows with cases of salon le<br />
Mesnil, taittinger comtes de champagne and Pol Roger cuvée<br />
Winston churchill<br />
Recently removed from temperature and humidity controlled private<br />
storage<br />
Property of a West coast connoisseur<br />
In spring 1995, the champagne wizard Joseph henriot bought<br />
bouchard Père, thereby ending family ownership, although<br />
christophe bouchard remains as technical director. this is, of course,<br />
an amazing domaine and a very important négociant house, and<br />
Joseph henriot committed himself to restoring both to their former<br />
glory. bouchard Pere et Fils is the biggest single vineyard landowner<br />
in the cote d’Or, with a range of wonderfully exciting “climats”.<br />
Joseph henriot’s reputation for fostering quality, so evident during<br />
his time as head of Veuve clicquot, has led to exciting<br />
developments, and expansion, acquiring the thirty hectare Ropiteau-<br />
Mignon domaine and in 1998 the important chablis producer<br />
William Févre. From 2005, all of the winemaking and élevage has<br />
taken place at a large, new winery near savigny lès beaune and<br />
quality has continued upwards. ss.<br />
Chevalier Montrachet, La Cabotte 2004<br />
bouchard Père et Fils<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
Lot 381: 1 nicked and 5 torn labels<br />
380 12 bts (owc)<br />
381 6 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
Montrachet 2004 bouchard Père et Fils<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
382 22 hbs (cn, cn)<br />
383 6 bts (owc)<br />
Montrachet 2007 bouchard Père et Fils<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
384 3 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
It is difficult to extract much information from the brilliant Jean-<br />
François coche, but few would disagree that he is burgundy’s white<br />
wine magician. at the head of his 11.5 hectare domain since 1973, he<br />
knows exactly what he is doing, preferring massal selection to clones,<br />
pruning short to green-harvesting, wild to selected yeasts and<br />
varying doses of new oak depending on the wine and the vintage.<br />
there is no filtration – but lots of thought and reflection. the result<br />
are wines of such clarity and style, far from obvious, fat côte de<br />
beaune examples. Instead, you see minerality and perfect balancing<br />
acidity which gives the wines great longevity, even at the most<br />
modest level. the power and the glory lie in wait for you. ss.<br />
Corton Charlemagne 1999 J.-F. coche-Dury (1 bt)<br />
Meursault, Perrières 1999 J.-F. coche-Dury (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
385 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,700-2,500<br />
First produced by the Domaine in 1964, but the first vintage to be<br />
released was 1965. Partially based on soil analysis by claude<br />
bourguignon, the Domaine has reintroduced ploughing both le<br />
Montrachet and Romanée-conti with horses. the Domaine believes<br />
compacting the soil with heavy tractors can lead to less microbial<br />
activity and therefore damage this unique terroir. this small holding<br />
produces an average of only 250 cases of this extraordinarily<br />
powerful and complex wine which is keenly sought after by collectors<br />
and creates an atmosphere of excitement whenever it appears at<br />
auction. ss<br />
Montrachet 2003 Domaine de la Romanée-conti<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
31 and 37<br />
In 2010, absolutely enchanting. a great figs nose, with the addition<br />
of dates – all very 2003. so silky and so rich on the palate, allied to<br />
elegance. sweet honeysuckle on the finish, with a touch of those<br />
dates again. so accessible already, a feature of the vintage. ss.<br />
See illustration<br />
386 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $4,000-5,500<br />
I 84 I
Maison Joseph Drouhin, which is now again owned, as well as run by,<br />
Robert Drouhin in combination with his extremely capable and<br />
technically trained children, is a highly reputed beaune négociant,<br />
offering wines whose trademark is elegance and finesse, in contrast<br />
to the current fashion for extraction and deep colour. Drouhin is also<br />
an important domaine proprietor - many people forget how much it<br />
owns in chablis. combining tradition with new developments,<br />
Drouhin is always willing to try fresh techniques if they are<br />
improvements. Red wines are fermented in open cuves with floating<br />
chapeau, using natural yeasts and long, temperature - controlled<br />
macerations. the white grapes are pressed slowly, with the last<br />
pressings not used, and fermentation takes place in 228-litre casks.<br />
the white and red beaune clos des Mouches are flagships, but all<br />
are to be highly recommended. the chablis is influenced by oak and<br />
is delicious. the négoce business buys in grapes to turn into wine<br />
with the same care it gives of its own domaine. the business only<br />
sells ac bourgogne and has never created a vin de marque. ss.<br />
Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche 2000<br />
Joseph Drouhin<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
Scuffed labels<br />
glorious scent of lime and fresh ginger - pure class. lovely lanolin<br />
smoothness on the palate, gleaming with health and beauty. Finish<br />
of orange zest. In 2009, full, nutty and with tremendous fat and<br />
length, balanced by freshness. Rich, round, orangey and impressive.<br />
ss.<br />
387 2 bts and 1 mag (cn)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche 2004<br />
Joseph Drouhin<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
Lot 388: Original tissues Lot 389: Labels slightly scuffed from wooden<br />
case dividers, owc has damaged lid Lot 390: Labels slightly scuffed from<br />
wooden case dividers Lot 391: Labels scuffed from wooden case<br />
dividers, Lot 392: 2 slightly glue stained labels<br />
388 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
389 12 bts (owc)<br />
390 12 bts (owc)<br />
391 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
392 6 mags (oc)<br />
per lot: $2,750-3,500<br />
Montrachet 2005 louis Jadot<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
395 12 bts (cn)<br />
Montrachet 2005 louis Jadot<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
396 8 bts (owc, sc)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,700<br />
a superb domaine making the kind of burgundy I like. there is an<br />
emphasis on organic and now biodynamic viticultural methods and a<br />
researcher’s attitude to winemaking policy. late harvesting is<br />
favoured as well as low yields. the reds age for two years in thirty per<br />
cent new oak, the whites for twenty-one months - in one of the<br />
coolest cellars in burgundy. there is no filtration here, and both the<br />
red and white wines usually need years to be at their best, when they<br />
are profoundly thrilling. Dominique lafon has continued the<br />
winemaking tradition of his father, René, and there is no greater<br />
reputation in burgundy to uphold. ss.<br />
a .32ha parcel planted in two stages by auguste and Pierre Morey.<br />
average age of vines:<br />
average production:<br />
46 years<br />
100 cases<br />
Montrachet 2004 Domaine des comtes lafon<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
Packed in individual owc's<br />
See illustration<br />
397 3 bts<br />
per lot: $6,500-9,000<br />
Montrachet, Marquis de Laguiche 2005<br />
Joseph Drouhin<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
Labels scuffed from wooden case dividers, Slightly scuffed label<br />
393 4 mags (owc, cn)<br />
per lot: $1,700-2,250<br />
Pierre-henry gagey and technical director Jacques lardière oversee<br />
this remarkable house, one of burgundy's most impressive<br />
operations. and these are great vintages. ss.<br />
Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet 2005 louis Jadot<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
394 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
I 85 I<br />
this is a great, if not the great, old family domaine for white<br />
burgundy. It demonstrates what a white wine can be, given the right<br />
soil, the right vines and the right combination of tradition and sense<br />
of inquiry. It's also the springboard for the whole region's move<br />
towards organic grape farming. the domaine is managed by anneclaude<br />
leflaive, a worthy successor to the legendary Vincent<br />
leflaive who died in 1993 (and I pay tribute to his skill, integrity, and<br />
unmatched joie de vivre). anne-claude began the conversion to<br />
biodynamics, complete by 1998, and worked with Pierre Morey, her<br />
winemaker until recently. the wines are bottled after about eighteen<br />
months following an élevage in oak pièces and small stainless steel<br />
vats. let yourself be seduced by their honeyed smoothness - if you<br />
have not already succumbed to the heady bouquet. I have been both<br />
thrilled and uplifted by countless bottles, in all their aristocratic and<br />
multi-dimensional glory. these are wines that have highlights and<br />
energy. ss.<br />
Meursault, Sous Le Dos d''Ane 2007 Domaine leflaive<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
398 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Puligny Montrachet, Les Pucelles 2005<br />
Domaine leflaive<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
399 4 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Bâtard Montrachet 2005 Domaine leflaive<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
3 labels slightly scuffed from wooden case dividers, 1 slightly raised cork,<br />
capsules scuffed and slightly torn<br />
See illustration<br />
400 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,900-2,500<br />
Chevalier Montrachet 2004 Domaine leflaive<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
401 3 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Vineyard holdings:<br />
average Vine age:<br />
average Production:<br />
8.21 ares (.2 acres)<br />
51 years<br />
300 bottles<br />
Montrachet 2000 Domaine leflaive<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
#25<br />
402 1 bt (cn)<br />
Montrachet 2001 Domaine leflaive<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
See illustration<br />
#31<br />
403 1 bt (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
per lot: $2,250-3,250<br />
lOts 403, 407, 397, 386<br />
I 87 I
this is one of the most magic names in the whole of burgundy. With<br />
17 hectares, 4 grands crus and 11 Premiers crus (8 white, 3 red),<br />
plus red and white village wines, this Domaine combines quantity (in<br />
burgundian terms!) with stupendous quality. noël and Jean-claude<br />
Ramonet manage their estate with acumen and skill - noël may<br />
appear impish, but his attitude to his wines is dead serious. the<br />
richness, multi-layered flavours and longevity of the wines are<br />
legendary, at every level. tasting at the Domaine confirms the utter<br />
sureness of touch. this is a grand cru-dominated collection, with<br />
wines of huge complexity that live long on the palate and in the<br />
memory. ss.<br />
Bienvenues-Bâtard-Montrachet 2002<br />
Domaine Ramonet<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
4 bottles have different style capsules with French tax stamps, wine<br />
comes from 2 different importers, scuffed labels<br />
404 11 bts (sc, owc)<br />
per lot: $1,700-2,250<br />
Bâtard Montrachet 2002 Domaine Ramonet<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
1 bottle misshapen<br />
405 3 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $850-1,100<br />
Montrachet 1999 Domaine Ramonet<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
Slightly wrinkled labels, 1 scuffed label, 1 slight sign of seepage, 1 stained<br />
vintage neck label, wrinkled capsules<br />
406 2 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,250-3,250<br />
Montrachet 2002 Domaine Ramonet<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
1 different style capsule, 3 capsules with French tax stamps, 1 bottle<br />
comes from a different importer, 2 wrinkled, 2 scuffed and 1 slightly<br />
stained labels<br />
See illustration<br />
407 4 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-5,000<br />
Corton Charlemagne 2005 Faiveley<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
408 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
Corton Charlemagne 2004 georges Roumier<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
Slightly scuffed capsules<br />
409 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
the legendary François Raveneau died in 2000, but his son Jean-<br />
Marie had already been making these wines, the most complex in<br />
chablis, since the mid 1980s, and he has since been joined by his<br />
elder brother bernard. classic grands and Premier crus, wood aged<br />
in oak feuillettes averaging seven or eight years old, and built for long<br />
life in bottle. the brothers practise a near-organic approach in the<br />
vineyards, use only hand-harvesting, and avoid cold stabilization. the<br />
wines that result are stupendous examples of the genre. ss.<br />
Chablis, Montée de Tonnerre 2005 Domaine Raveneau<br />
Chablis, 1er Cru<br />
410 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Chablis, Montée de Tonnerre, Domaine Raveneau<br />
Chablis, 1er Cru<br />
See illustration<br />
2004 (1 mag)<br />
2005 (2 mags)<br />
411 3 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $900-1,300<br />
lOts 400, 411<br />
I 89 I
ROULOT<br />
Meursault, Les Tessons, Clos de Monplaisir 2005<br />
Domaine Roulot (2 bts)<br />
Meursault, Les Tillets 2005 Domaine Roulot (2 bts)<br />
412 4 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Musigny, Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 1999<br />
comte georges de Vogüé<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
1 label slightly scuffed from wooden case divider<br />
417 9 bts<br />
per lot: $4,500-6,500<br />
Mixed Lot<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Baron 1998 (4 hbs)<br />
Puligny Montrachet, Les Truffières 2002<br />
Michel colin-Deléger (3 mags)<br />
Puligny Montrachet, Les Caillerets 2007<br />
Domaine de Montille (2 bts)<br />
413 4 hbs, 2 bts and 3 mags (sc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,400<br />
La Tâche 1990 Domaine de la Romanée-conti<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
the fame of this wine goes before it, but I never understood why<br />
some think it is "better" than Romanée-conti 1990 - it is just<br />
different (thank goodness) and a touch more forward and up front,<br />
as it always is. explosive raspberries on the palate - just unstoppable<br />
stuff. In 2009 from magnum, it had a deep colour and a wonderfully<br />
rich, mysterious, smoky black fruit nose. cassis, vanilla pod and<br />
blackberries bouquet. utterly voluptuous. a giant wine of extreme<br />
splendour and total intensity. extraordinary depth and layers. Well, it<br />
is supreme and so beautiful that the room was speechless. ss.<br />
414 1 bt (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,750-3,750<br />
Bonnes Mares 1999 Domaine Dujac (1 mag)<br />
Charmes Chambertin 1999 Domaine Dujac (1 mag)<br />
Slightly stained label<br />
415 2 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Vosne Romanée, Cros Parantoux 1990 henri Jayer<br />
Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />
Nicked and slightly stained label, capsule cut to reveal fully branded<br />
cork<br />
as "cult" as you can get in burgundy - and sublime quality too. ss.<br />
416 1 bt (cn)<br />
per lot: $4,250-6,000<br />
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1975<br />
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, nicked and slightly corroded capsules, 1 slight sign of seepage, 1<br />
nicked, soiled and slightly stained label, 1 slightly soiled label stating<br />
"Relabeled in 1994", excellent color and clarity<br />
Dark as the night. Immensely complex, intellectually fascinating nose<br />
- a pretty good sensual experience too! chocolate and spices. On<br />
the palate, so full and sweet. a wondrous wine of immense allure and<br />
seduction. Fresh acidity to match the sweetness. heavenly. Ripe<br />
plums and great havanas at the end. I think this is a chef d'oeuvre.<br />
another bottle had an inky, cassis, aniseed nose and the taste was so<br />
soft, sweet and violetty. the wine remains a complete one-off. ss.<br />
418 2 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />
Château Haut Brion Blanc<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)<br />
1988 (3 bts) Nicked and slightly scuffed labels, import labels partially<br />
attached to main labels<br />
1993 (1 bt)<br />
419 4 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $950-1,300<br />
RHONE<br />
Hermitage, Monier de La Sizeranne 1998 chapoutier<br />
420 12 hbs (cn)<br />
per lot: $250-350<br />
Côte Rôtie, La Landonne 1989 guigal (2 bts)<br />
1 slightly stained vintage neck label (sc)<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape, Cuvée Marie Beurrier 1990<br />
henri bonneau (1 bt)<br />
Slightly sunken cork, slightly scuffed label (cn)<br />
421 3 bts<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
I 90 I
ITALY<br />
Sassicaia 1988<br />
Slightly raised corks, 1 slightly soiled label<br />
Very vibrant and full of spicy cassis on the nose. Deep and intense,<br />
with the imposing character of the vintage. a strong, sweet leather<br />
taste – compare with cheval blanc! tannin, fruit and acidity<br />
perfectly in tune. a terrific finish of blackcurrant, liquorice and dark<br />
chocolate. this is really impressive wine. ss.<br />
422 2 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />
AUBERT<br />
Aubert Pinot Noir, UV Vineyard 2004 (2 bts)<br />
Aubert Pinot Noir, Reuling Vineyard 2004 (1 bt)<br />
Aubert Chardonnay, The Quarry 2005 (1 mag)<br />
Aubert Chardonnay, Lauren 2005 (1 mag)<br />
423 3 bts and 2 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />
Dom Pérignon, Rosé 1996<br />
55% Pinot noir, 45% chardonnay. the nose is all peat and malt,<br />
turning to wild strawberries and nectarine honey. becomes<br />
increasingly haunting with air. Damp earth then creeps in. a taste<br />
like vanilla ice. Rose petals and rosewater. great delicacy, which<br />
(almost) masks the power. ss.<br />
426 3 mags (oc)<br />
per lot: $1,900-2,500<br />
Pol Roger, Cuvée Winston Churchill 1996<br />
Packed in individual gift boxes<br />
the tenth vintage made of this cuvée. absolutely stunning at 12<br />
years old and will last much longer. Wonderful briochy nose. great<br />
full taste with that underlying 1996 acidity that augurs so well for the<br />
future. Real breed and huge depth – superb. huge potential. a<br />
“churchill” vintage. It has some points of comparison with the 1955<br />
vintage. ss.<br />
427 6 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Without a doubt, the iconic prestige cuvée of champagne. the<br />
style goes right back to the first Dom Pérignon, the 1921 launched for<br />
new year's eve 1936 on the French luxury liner le normandie.<br />
Drawn from an astounding 600 hectares of grands crus, it has the<br />
additional advantage of being made by the brilliant Richard<br />
geoffroy. DP, as it is fondly known, has enormous éclat and depth<br />
and the ability to age with grace, for the ever-growing number of<br />
wine lovers who adore mature champagne. It is as fascinating to<br />
compare vintages of DP as with bordeaux top châteaux. ss.<br />
Dom Pérignon, Rosé 1990<br />
Packed in individual presentation cases<br />
last tasted from magnum. 50% Pinot noir, 50% chardonnay.<br />
smoky cashew nuts on the nose. almost a touch of beer! that must<br />
be the malty element. then the Pinot noir tends to kick in, finally<br />
resembling a côte de nuits. a lot of vinosity. a real 'strawberry<br />
bowl' taste. so silky - a remarkable texture. so alluring. Figs and<br />
candied oranges at the end. ss.<br />
424 6 mags (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $5,500-7,500<br />
Salon Le Mesnil, Blanc de Blancs 1996<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
428 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $2,750-3,750<br />
Taittinger, Comtes de Champagne, Blanc de Blancs 1996<br />
Lot 429-430: Original tissues<br />
this is just simply fabulous – everything one could want in a blanc de<br />
blancs of total class and tremendous balance between concentration<br />
and acidity, the hallmark of the year. ss.<br />
429 12 bts (2 oc)<br />
430 12 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $2,250-3,250<br />
Dom Pérignon, Rosé 1995<br />
Packed in individual presentation cases<br />
425 3 mags (oc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
the VIneyaRDs OF DOM PeRIgnOn<br />
I 91 I
Union Square Cafe is a legendary New York institution and its<br />
founder, Danny Meyer, has given a new meaning to restaurant<br />
hospitality, with unbending standards and amazing consistency.<br />
Union Square is all about warmth and welcome - all with an ease<br />
that the Italians term "sprezzatura". And Italy springs to mind as<br />
the lively surroundings, the gutsy, fresh tastes of the food and the<br />
sheer 'fun' of a lunch or dinner here are all an intrinsic part of the<br />
picture. I personally have especially joyous memories of occasions<br />
at the Cafe, the informality of the guests and the professionalism of<br />
the staff, the atmosphere of generosity and the love of life<br />
approach, whether in parties of friends, or just snatching a bite at<br />
the bar. Fine ingredients, beautifully sourced, are part of the magic<br />
- and so are the wines.<br />
This 'Italian' spirit of the place is reflected in the wines, as Danny<br />
feels that their up-front appeal, character and soulful flavours<br />
march in tandem with the immediacy of the food style. So, when<br />
raiding the Reserve Cellar, up came great vintages of some of<br />
Italy's most alluring wine names and regions, in years that could be poured at Thanksgiving<br />
in a few weeks, surely the most suitable moment to share delicious wine and food with<br />
family and friends.<br />
And then there are treasures like the wondrous Vouvrays from Huet, a personal addiction,<br />
Grand Cru Alsace and Château Grillet, as well as Premier Cru White Burgundy 'to go'.<br />
This is a 'drinking collection' that spreads the Union Square Café message of life<br />
enhancement, a philosophy that we all share with Danny, whether treating ourselves to a<br />
trip to one of his establishments, or creating that same 'gioia di vivere' in our own homes.<br />
S.S.<br />
Serena Sutcliffe M.W.<br />
Head of International Wine Departmen<br />
I 92 I
LoTS xxx
ITALY<br />
The wines of Giuseppe Quintarelli are some of the most sought<br />
after in the world. A traditionalist but also a perfectionist, Quintarelli<br />
has created the standard for which all Veneto reds are judged. His<br />
legendary Amarone, Recioto, and Alzero follow the practices and<br />
extraordinarily detailed standards enacted by his father and<br />
grandfather before him. Extended cask maturation and rigorous<br />
grape selection lead to immense complexity of flavor and richness<br />
and allow for long term aging before their release.<br />
Amarone della Valpolicella, Classico Riserva 1995 Giuseppe<br />
Quintarelli<br />
Veneto<br />
431 12 bts (oc)<br />
432 12 bts (oc)<br />
433 12 bts (oc)<br />
434 12 bts (oc)<br />
435 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
436 4 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
Valpolicella Classico Superiore 1999<br />
Giuseppe Quintarelli<br />
Veneto<br />
See illustration<br />
445 12 bts (oc)<br />
446 12 bts (oc)<br />
447 12 bts (oc)<br />
448 12 bts (oc)<br />
449 12 bts (oc)<br />
Valpolicella Classico Superiore 2000<br />
Giuseppe Quintarelli<br />
Veneto<br />
450 12 bts (oc)<br />
451 12 bts (oc)<br />
452 12 bts (oc)<br />
453 12 bts (oc)<br />
454 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Amarone, della Valpolicella, Classico 1998<br />
Giuseppe Quintarelli<br />
Veneto<br />
See illustration<br />
437 12 bts (oc)<br />
438 12 bts (oc)<br />
439 12 bts (oc)<br />
440 12 bts (oc)<br />
441 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
Alzero, Cabernet Franc 1997 Giuseppe Quintarelli<br />
Veneto<br />
455 12 bts (oc)<br />
456 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />
Alzero, Cabernet Franc 1998 Giuseppe Quintarelli<br />
Veneto<br />
457 12 bts (oc)<br />
458 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
Recioto Della Valpolicella 1997 Giuseppe Quintarelli<br />
442 12 bts (2 oc)<br />
443 12 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />
444 6 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Rosso Ca del Merlo 1999 Giuseppe Quintarelli<br />
Veneto<br />
459 12 bts (oc)<br />
460 12 bts (oc)<br />
461 12 bts (oc)<br />
462 12 bts (oc)<br />
463 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
LoTS 437-441, 445-449<br />
I 95 I
Based in the Annunziata sub-zone of La Morra commune in Barolo,<br />
this estate, overseen by winemaker Walter Porasso, consists of a<br />
mere twenty hectares with top cru vineyards on the prime slopes of<br />
Arborina, Gattera, and Rocchettevino. In addition to his singlevineyard<br />
Barolos, Gianfranco Bovio produces a wide range of highquality<br />
wines that highlight the specific terroir of La Morra, including<br />
Dolcetto and Barbera.<br />
Barolo, Vigna Arborina 1998 Gianfranco Bovio<br />
Piemonte<br />
464 24 bts (2 owc)<br />
465 12 mags (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $400-700<br />
per lot: $400-700<br />
A & GN FANTINO<br />
Brothers Alessandro and Gian Natale Fantino base their operations<br />
in Monforte, producing two Barolos from the highly regarded Dardi<br />
zone of Bussia, of which the Vigna dei Dardi encompasses seven<br />
hectares. Alessandro, who studied under the legendary Bartolo<br />
Mascarello, is steeped in traditional Piedmont winemaking, but the<br />
brothers do apply a modern touch to their winemaking through the<br />
use of barrique maturation. Wines selected by US importer, Robert<br />
Chadderdon, however, are aged in cask, and are more traditional in<br />
style than those sold elsewhere and aged in smaller, French oak<br />
barrels.<br />
Barolo, Vigna dei Dardi 2000 A & GN Fantino<br />
Piemonte<br />
470 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-700<br />
Barolo Vigneto Gattera 1995 Gianfranco Bovio<br />
Piemonte<br />
466 24 bts (2 owc)<br />
Barolo Vigneto Gattera 1996 Gianfranco Bovio<br />
Piemonte<br />
467 24 bts (2 owc)<br />
Barolo Vigneto Gattera 1997 Gianfranco Bovio<br />
Piemonte<br />
See illustration<br />
468 24 bts (2 owc)<br />
Barolo Vigneto Gattera 1998 Gianfranco Bovio<br />
Piemonte<br />
469 24 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $400-700<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
per lot: $500-800<br />
per lot: $500-800<br />
Barolo, Vigna dei Dardi 2001 A & GN Fantino<br />
Piemonte<br />
471 12 bts (oc)<br />
472 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Barolo, Vigna dei Dardi, Riserva 1998 A & GN Fantino<br />
Piemonte<br />
473 12 bts (oc)<br />
474 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Barolo, Vigna dei Dardi, Riserva 1999 A & GN Fantino<br />
Piemonte<br />
475 12 bts (owc)<br />
476 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
An historic site first established in the 18th century and located in the<br />
Manzoni Soprana area of Monforte d’Alba, Rocche dei Manzoni was<br />
purchased by Valentino Migliorini in 1974, and is now under the sole<br />
direction of his son Rodolfo. The estate’s Barolos are made in a sleek,<br />
modern style, with 100% new French oak maturation. The Santo<br />
Stefano di Perno vineyard is the jewel in the crown of Rocche dei<br />
Manzoni’s single-vineyard Barolos; the others being the Vigna d’la<br />
Roul and Big ‘d Big.<br />
Barolo, Vigna Big 1995 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
1 nicked label<br />
477 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-700<br />
LoTS 494-496, 468<br />
I 97 I
Barolo, Vigna Big 1996 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
478 12 bts (oc)<br />
479 12 bts (oc)<br />
480 12 bts (oc)<br />
Barolo, Big 'd Big 1997 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
481 12 bts (oc)<br />
482 12 bts (oc)<br />
483 12 bts (oc)<br />
484 6 mags (oc)<br />
485 6 mags (oc)<br />
486 6 mags (oc)<br />
Barolo, Big 'd Big 1998 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
487 12 bts (owc)<br />
488 12 bts (owc)<br />
489 12 bts (owc)<br />
490 6 mags (owc)<br />
491 6 mags (owc)<br />
Barolo, Big 'd Big 1999 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
See illustration<br />
Lot 493: 1 nicked label<br />
492 12 bts (owc)<br />
493 12 bts (owc)<br />
494 6 mags (owc)<br />
495 6 mags (owc)<br />
496 6 mags (owc)<br />
Barolo, Big 'd Big 2000 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
497 12 bts (owc)<br />
498 12 bts (owc)<br />
499 12 bts (owc)<br />
500 6 mags (owc)<br />
501 6 mags (owc)<br />
502 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
per lot: $350-450<br />
per lot: $350-450<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Barolo, Big 'd Big 2001 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
Lot 505: 1 nicked label<br />
503 12 bts (owc)<br />
504 12 bts (owc)<br />
505 12 bts (owc)<br />
506 6 mags (owc)<br />
507 6 mags (owc)<br />
508 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
Barolo, Vigna Capella, S. Stefano di Perno 1996<br />
Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
509 12 bts (oc)<br />
510 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Barolo, Vigna Capella, S. Stefano di Perno 1997<br />
Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
511 12 bts (oc)<br />
512 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Barolo, Vigna Capella, S. Stefano di Perno 1998<br />
Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
513 12 bts (owc)<br />
514 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
515 6 mags (owc)<br />
516 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Barolo, Vigna Capella, S. Stefano di Perno 1999<br />
Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
517 12 bts (owc)<br />
518 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Barolo, Vigna Capella, S. Stefano di Perno 1999<br />
Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
519 6 mags (owc)<br />
520 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
I 98 I
Barolo, Vigna Capella, S. Stefano di Perno 2000<br />
Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
521 12 bts (owc)<br />
522 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
523 6 mags (owc)<br />
524 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Barolo, Vigna d'la Roul 1999 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
533 12 bts (owc)<br />
534 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
535 6 mags (owc)<br />
536 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Barolo, Vigna Capella, S. Stefano di Perno 2001<br />
Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
525 12 bts (owc)<br />
526 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
527 6 mags (owc)<br />
528 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Barolo, Vigna d'la Roul 1996 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
529 12 bts (oc)<br />
530 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Barolo, Vigna d'la Roul 1998 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
531 12 bts (owc)<br />
532 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
Barolo, Vigna d'la Roul 2000 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
537 12 bts (owc)<br />
538 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-450<br />
539 6 mags (owc)<br />
540 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-450<br />
Barolo, Vigna d'la Roul 2001 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Piemonte<br />
541 12 bts (owc)<br />
542 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
543 6 mags (owc)<br />
544 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
I 99 I
Mixed Lots<br />
Barolo, Vigna Big 1995 Rocche dei Manzoni (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Barolo, Vigna Gattera 1999 Gianfranco Bovio (12 bts)<br />
1 nicked label (owc)<br />
545 24 bts<br />
per lot: $450-750<br />
Barolo, Big 'd Big 1999 Rocche dei Manzoni (12 bts)<br />
(owc)<br />
Barolo Vigneto Gattera 1999 Gianfranco Bovio (12 bts)<br />
1 slightly stained label (owc)<br />
546 24 bts<br />
per lot: $550-850<br />
Quatr Nas 1999 Rocche dei Manzoni<br />
Langhe<br />
547 12 mags (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $300-500<br />
Though the great elder statesman of Barolo Bartolo Mascarello<br />
passed away in 2005, his daughter Maria Teresa continues his legacy<br />
of producing wines of exceptional quality using a classical approach<br />
passed on from generation to generation. The grapes used are a<br />
blend from Canubbi, San Lorenzo, Rue and Rocche with exhaustive<br />
grape selection, long maceration and aging in large old barrels. This<br />
simple approach leads to wines of enormous local character and<br />
consistent excellence.<br />
Barolo 1998 Bartolo Mascarello<br />
Piemonte<br />
548 12 bts (oc)<br />
549 12 bts (oc)<br />
550 12 bts (oc)<br />
551 12 bts (oc)<br />
552 12 bts (oc)<br />
553 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Barolo 1999 Bartolo Mascarello<br />
Piemonte<br />
554 12 bts (oc)<br />
555 12 bts (oc)<br />
556 12 bts (oc)<br />
557 12 bts (oc)<br />
558 12 bts (oc)<br />
559 12 bts (oc)<br />
Barolo 2000 Bartolo Mascarello<br />
Piemonte<br />
560 12 bts (oc)<br />
561 12 bts (oc)<br />
562 12 bts (oc)<br />
563 12 bts (oc)<br />
564 12 bts (oc)<br />
565 12 bts (oc)<br />
Barolo 2001 Bartolo Mascarello<br />
Piemonte<br />
566 12 bts (oc)<br />
567 12 bts (oc)<br />
568 12 bts (oc)<br />
569 12 bts (oc)<br />
570 12 bts (oc)<br />
571 12 bts (oc)<br />
Barolo 2003 Bartolo Mascarello<br />
Piemonte<br />
572 12 bts (oc)<br />
573 12 bts (oc)<br />
574 12 bts (oc)<br />
575 12 bts (oc)<br />
576 12 bts (oc)<br />
577 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $650-900<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
I 100 I
Barolo, Bussia Riserva 1999 Pianpolvere Soprano<br />
Piemonte<br />
1 nicked label<br />
578 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Barolo, Bussia Riserva 2000 Pianpolvere Soprano<br />
Piemonte<br />
579 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Brunello di Montalcino Castelnuovo dell"Abate 2000<br />
Poggio di Sotto<br />
Tuscany<br />
585 12 bts (oc)<br />
586 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
Brunello di Montalcino Castelnuovo dell"Abate 2001<br />
Poggio di Sotto<br />
Tuscany<br />
587 12 bts (oc)<br />
588 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $650-950<br />
Barolo 2001 Eraldo Viberti<br />
Piemonte<br />
580 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Barolo, Riserva 1999 Eraldo Viberti<br />
Piemonte<br />
581 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Barolo, Riserva 2001 Eraldo Viberti<br />
Piemonte<br />
582 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-700<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Brunello di Montalcino Castelnuovo dell"Abate 2003<br />
Poggio di Sotto<br />
Tuscany<br />
Lot 589: Slightly loose labels Lot 590: Slightly loose labels<br />
589 12 bts (oc)<br />
590 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Founded in 1980 by Pierluigi Talenti, and now operated by his<br />
grandson Riccardo and assisted by consulting oenologist Carlo<br />
Ferrini, the Talenti wines have resisted many modern trends to<br />
maintain the family style set forth by Piero, one of the founding<br />
fathers of Brunello di Montalcino. The Paretaio vineyard is just two<br />
hectares among the family’s holdings planted with Sangiovese clones<br />
selected specifically by Pierluigi, and from which the Brunello di<br />
Montalcino Riserva is made. Approximately 800 cases of the Riserva<br />
are produced annually.<br />
Brunello di Montalcino Castelnuovo dell"Abate 1999<br />
Poggio di Sotto<br />
Tuscany<br />
583 12 bts (oc)<br />
584 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Brunello di Montalcino Riserva, Vigna del Paretaio 1999 Talenti<br />
Tuscany<br />
591 12 bts (oc)<br />
592 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
I 101 I
Brunello di Montalcino Riserva, Vigna del Paretaio 2001 Talenti<br />
Tuscany<br />
593 12 bts (oc)<br />
594 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Rosso Di Montalcino 2005 Poggio di Sotto (12 bts)<br />
Partially loose labels (oc)<br />
Rosso Di Montalcino 2005 Poggio di Sotto (12 bts)<br />
Partially loose labels (oc)<br />
Iugum Dipoli 2005 Peter Dipoli (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Iugum Dipoli 2005 Peter Dipoli (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
595 48 bts (4 oc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1986<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 1ts, heavily stained labels, excellent color and clarity<br />
This has always been stunning, mammoth wine and, at 24 years old,<br />
everything is confirmed. The most incredible roses-in-full-bloom,<br />
cassis bouquet – almost hyacinths. Extraordinary aromatic impact.<br />
Huge black fruit intensity and density, with coffee beans at the end.<br />
SS.<br />
596 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1995<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Original tissues<br />
Lovely, sleek, boysenberries bouquet, turning to cherry liqueur.<br />
Coffee, loganberries and sheer, bouncy health on the palate. A<br />
touch of cherries on the finish. Very glowing. Last tasted in 2010 in<br />
Hong Kong from Jeroboam. Wonderfully expressive, ‘out there’<br />
bouquet. This is all blackcurrant berries. Beautifully structured and<br />
composed on the palate. Superb juiciness fills the mouth. SS.<br />
597 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
I 102 I
Château Léoville Lascases 1982<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
2 heavily stained labels, 3 stained labels, 1 bottle comes from a different<br />
importer, 4 import labels partially attached to main labels, excellent<br />
color and clarity<br />
Terrific bouquet, complex, powerful, blackcurrants and very scented.<br />
Marvellous flavour, majestic and with great breed, liquorice and<br />
cassis. The beautiful taste and lovely succulence are backed by firm<br />
tannins. This is First Growth quality, with great balance and a great<br />
future. In 2011, it had a deeply aromatic, intense bouquet, spicy and<br />
concentrated. Irony/sweet black fruit on the palate. So much power<br />
and tannin and, it seems, eternal youth. SS.<br />
598 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />
Gombaude Guillot produces fruit from over 8 hectares of vineyards,<br />
mostly in western Pomerol. Yields, kept low with high average vine<br />
age, are about 35-40 hectolitres per hectare and help produce an<br />
elegant house style of ripe, pure and fresh fruit.<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Rouge Vieilles Vignes 2006<br />
Bruno Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune<br />
606 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Santenay, Les Gravières 2006 Bruno Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
607 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Santenay Rouge 2006 Bruno Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune<br />
Vielles Vignes, Vielles Vignes<br />
608 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Château Gombaude Guillot 1999<br />
Pomerol<br />
599 24 bts (2 owc)<br />
Château Gombaude Guillot 2000<br />
Pomerol<br />
600 12 bts (owc)<br />
601 12 bts (owc)<br />
602 12 bts (owc)<br />
603 12 bts (owc)<br />
604 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Santenay, Champs Claude 2004 Marc Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune<br />
609 36 bts (3 oc)<br />
J.M. GAUNOUX<br />
Pommard, Perrières 2005 J. M. Gaunoux<br />
Côte de Beaune<br />
610 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $500-750<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Château Gombaude Guillot<br />
Pomerol<br />
1999 (12 bts)<br />
2000 (12 bts)<br />
605 24 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $550-750<br />
Pommard, Perrières 2006 J. M. Gaunoux<br />
Côte de Beaune<br />
611 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
I 103 I
Volnay, Clos des Chênes 2006 J. M. Gaunoux<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
612 12 bts (oc)<br />
613 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Pommard, Perrières 2005 J. M. Gaunoux (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Meursault Rouge, Criots 2006 J. M. Gaunoux (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Meursault Rouge, Criots 2006 J. M. Gaunoux (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
614 36 bts<br />
per lot: $500-750<br />
Pouilly Fuissé, Vieilles Vignes 2006 Domaine Auvigue<br />
Mâconnais<br />
615 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Boudriotte 2006<br />
Bruno Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
616 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, La Maltroie 2006<br />
Bruno Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
617 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Les Chaumes 2006<br />
Bruno Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune<br />
See illustration<br />
618 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $400-700<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
LoTS 668-669, 618, 665-667<br />
I 105 I
Chassagne Montrachet, Morgeots 2006 Bruno Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
619 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Puligny Montrachet, Les Truffières 2006 Bruno Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
620 12 bts (oc)<br />
621 12 bts (oc)<br />
622 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Les Chaumes 2006<br />
Bruno Colin (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Morgeots 2006 Bruno Colin (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
623 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $550-750<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Les Chaumes 2006<br />
Bruno Colin (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, La Maltroie 2006 Bruno Colin (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
624 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $550-750<br />
A brilliant address for White Burgundy, the wines until recently being<br />
made by Pierre-Yves Colin-Morey who took over from his father<br />
Marc in 1995. 2004 was the last vintage Pierre-Yves made at the<br />
domaine and from 2005 onward the wines are now being made by<br />
his brothers Joseph and Damian. This is a domaine always looking<br />
for the purest wines reflecting the best terroir and, to that end, they<br />
have recently reduced the toast on all their barrels, ended use of<br />
herbicides and now use only ploughing in the vineyards.<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Les Caillerets 2003<br />
Marc Colin (12 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels (oc)<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Les Enseignières 2005<br />
Marc Colin (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
627 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Les Chaumes 2005<br />
Philippe Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune<br />
628 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Chassagne Montrachet , Les Chenevottes 2005 Philippe Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
629 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, En Remilly 2006<br />
Michel Colin-Deléger<br />
Côte de Beaune<br />
630 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, La Maltroie 2002<br />
Michel Colin-Deléger<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
3 partially loose labels<br />
631 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Les Caillerets 2003<br />
Marc Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, Slightly scuffed labels<br />
625 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Les Vergers 2003<br />
Michel Colin-Deléger<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
632 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $200-400<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Les Enseignières 2005<br />
Marc Colin<br />
Côte de Beaune<br />
626 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, La Maltroie 2002<br />
Michel Colin-Deléger (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, Boudriotte 2006<br />
Bruno Colin (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
633 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $350-550<br />
I 106 I
Chassagne Montrachet, Les Vergers 2003<br />
Michel Colin-Deléger (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Chassagne Montrachet, En Remilly 2006<br />
Michel Colin-Deléger (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
634 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $300-500<br />
RHONE<br />
Since 1999 Jasmin has been run by Patrick, the fourth generation to<br />
farm the family domaine. Vines used range in age up to 60 years old<br />
and spread across 11 parcels in both the Côte Brune and the Côte<br />
Blonde. There is only one wine made, usually about 1,200 cases<br />
produced annually, predominately touched only by hand and usually<br />
made in a lighter, more floral style of Cote Rôtie.<br />
J.M. GAUNOUX<br />
Meursault, Goutte d'Or 2006 J. M. Gaunoux<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
635 12 bts (oc)<br />
636 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $250-350<br />
Côte Rôtie 2001 Domaine Jasmin<br />
644 12 bts (oc)<br />
645 12 bts (oc)<br />
646 12 bts (oc)<br />
647 12 bts (oc)<br />
648 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Meursault, Perrières 2006 J. M. Gaunoux<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
637 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Puligny Montrachet, Les Folatières 2006<br />
J. M. Gaunoux<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
638 12 bts (oc)<br />
639 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Meursault, Genevrières 2005 J. M. Gaunoux-Hudelot<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
640 12 bts (oc)<br />
641 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $350-550<br />
Côte Rôtie 2004 Domaine Jasmin<br />
649 12 bts (oc)<br />
650 12 bts (oc)<br />
651 12 bts (oc)<br />
652 12 bts (oc)<br />
653 12 bts (oc)<br />
654 6 mags (oc)<br />
655 11 mags (oc, cn)<br />
Château Grillet 2001 Neyret-Gachet<br />
Lot 656-658: Original tissues<br />
656 12 bts (owc)<br />
657 12 bts (owc)<br />
658 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
per lot: $550-750<br />
per lot: $350-550<br />
Meursault, Genevrières 2006 J. M. Gaunoux-Hudelot<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
642 12 bts (oc)<br />
643 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Château Grillet 2002 Neyret-Gachet<br />
Lot 659-661: Original tissues<br />
659 12 bts (owc)<br />
660 12 bts (owc)<br />
661 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-550<br />
Château Grillet 2004 Neyret-Gachet<br />
Lot 662-664: Original tissues<br />
662 12 bts (owc)<br />
663 12 bts (owc)<br />
664 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-550<br />
I 107 I
Château Grillet 2005 Neyret-Gachet<br />
Lot 665-667: Original tissues<br />
See illustration<br />
665 12 bts (owc)<br />
666 12 bts (owc)<br />
667 12 bts (owc)<br />
LOIRE<br />
Vouvray Clos du Bourg 1ère Trie 2002 Huet<br />
See illustration<br />
Loire<br />
668 12 bts (oc)<br />
669 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Vouvray Le Mont, Moelleux, 1ère Trie 2002 Huet<br />
670 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Vouvray Clos du Bourg, Demi-Sec 2005 Huet<br />
671 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Vouvray, Le Mont, Demi Sec 2005 Huet<br />
672 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
ALSACE<br />
Jean Boxler, who has been at the helm of this estate since 1995 when<br />
he was 21 years old, has perpetuated the distinction, consistency and<br />
quality of his family’s domaine, achieving outstanding wines from the<br />
wide array of Alsace varieties. This estate only produces<br />
approximately 5000 cases annually from its 26 hectares under vine,<br />
much of which consists of grand cru vineyards like the famous<br />
Sommerberg and Brand sites, all of which are organically farmed.<br />
Gewurztraminer, Brand 2005 Domaine Albert Boxler<br />
Alsace, Grand Cru<br />
675 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Pinot Gris, Sommerberg 2004 Domaine Albert Boxler<br />
Alsace, Grand Cru<br />
676 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Riesling Brand 2005 Domaine Albert Boxler<br />
Alsace, Grand Cru<br />
677 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Riesling, Sommerberg, "E" 2005<br />
Domaine Albert Boxler<br />
Alsace, Grand Cru<br />
678 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Vouvray Clos du Bourg 1ère Trie 2002 Huet (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Vouvray Le Mont, Moelleux, 1ère Trie 2002 Huet<br />
(12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
673 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $550-750<br />
Vouvray Clos du Bourg, Demi-Sec 2005 Huet (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Vouvray, Le Mont, Demi Sec 2005 Huet (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
674 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Riesling, Sommerberg, Vendange Tardive 2004 Domaine Albert<br />
Boxler<br />
Alsace, Grand Cru<br />
679 12 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-700<br />
Domaine Dirler The Dirler family has produced wine in Alsace since<br />
1871, and the domaine is now headed by fifth generation Jean Dirler<br />
and his wife Ludivine Cade. Many changes have been made in the<br />
vineyards, and the entire domaine has been farmed organically and<br />
biodynamically since 1998; it’s 18 hectares consisting of 42% grand cru<br />
vineyards: Saering, Spiegel, Kessler, and Kitterlé.<br />
Gewurztraminer, Kessler 2001 Domaine Dirler<br />
Alsace, Grand Cru<br />
1 nicked label<br />
680 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
I 108 I
Gewurztraminer, Saering 2003 Domaine Dirler<br />
Alsace, Grand Cru<br />
681 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Gewurztraminer, Spiegel 2004 Domaine Dirler<br />
Alsace, Grand Cru<br />
682 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Riesling, Saering 2004 Domaine Dirler<br />
Alsace, Grand Cru<br />
683 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Riesling, Saering 2005 Domaine Dirler<br />
Alsace, Grand Cru<br />
684 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Muscat, Spiegel 2005 Domaine Dirler<br />
Alsace, Grand Cru<br />
685 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
Billecart-Salmon Rosé, Cuvée Elisabeth 1998<br />
Champagne<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
686 5 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
per lot: $300-500<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Banyuls, Clos Chatart 1993 Jacques Laverrière (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Collioure, Clos Chatort 1999 Jacques Laverrière<br />
(12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Banyuls, Clos Chatart 1999 Jacques Laverrière (12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
Collioure, Clos Chatort 2000 Jacques Laverrière<br />
(12 bts)<br />
(oc)<br />
687 48 bts (4 oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
OPUS ONE<br />
Opus One 2003<br />
Napa<br />
Original tissues<br />
688 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Tokaji Aszú, 6 Puttonyos 1996 Istvan Szepsy<br />
Lot 689: Original tissues Lot 690: 1 slight sign of seepage, original<br />
tissues<br />
689 12 hlf.liters (oc)<br />
690 12 hlf.liters (oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Tokaji Aszú, 6 Puttonyos 1999 Istvan Szepsy<br />
Lots 691-692: Original tissues<br />
691 12 hlf.liters (oc)<br />
692 12 hlf.liters (oc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
I 109 I
1990 AND 1993 ROMANEE CONTI<br />
Rarest Romanée-Conti from 1990 and 1993 as well as 1982 Mouton<br />
Rothschild<br />
Purchased on release and recently removed from private<br />
temperature controlled storage<br />
Property of Gentleman<br />
1.80 ha (4.32 acres), average production: 450 cases, average age of<br />
vines: 52 years<br />
In 1760, the Prince de Conti bought the lower part of La Romanée,<br />
and a myth was born. The de Villaine and Leroy families acquired<br />
Romanée-Conti in 1850 and they still own and run the Domaine<br />
jointly. It is interesting that in 1850 Romanée-Conti was estate<br />
bottled – then this ceased for a period and restarted in 1911. Thus,<br />
the essence of Romanée-Conti was captured but, in my view, never<br />
tamed! It is a wild, extraordinary wine, unpredictable and constantly<br />
mutating as it matures, but always true to its indubitably great self.<br />
The care lavished on Romanée-Conti is shown to all the wines of the<br />
Domaine, but the breed and refinement in the taste of Romanée-<br />
Conti would point to an indefinable “something extra” in this 1.80 ha<br />
plot. Tradition is respected (Romanée-Conti is always vinified in<br />
wooden vat number 17 which dates from 1862), but not blindly<br />
revered for its own sake. Short pruning, organic fertilizer, low yields,<br />
high average age of vines, late picking, selection of grapes, long<br />
fermentation with natural yeasts, 70-100% vin de presse added to<br />
give quality tannins and good acidity, new Tronçais oak barrels from<br />
wood the Domaine dries itself, almost no racking (and then only by<br />
gravity), fining with 3-4 egg whites per cask only in some years<br />
according to the character of the vintage, no filtration – all this is<br />
taken for granted. But Romanée-Conti is more than the total of a<br />
mass of intricate manoeuvres – it is the pure silk and intoxicating<br />
aromas and flavours that appear, as if by magic, from mere marl and<br />
limestone. SS.<br />
Romanée Conti 1993 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
Bottle #647, slightly damp soiled label, excellent level, color and clarity<br />
Last tasted in Methuselah. Wonderful nose of wild herbs on the<br />
‘garrigues’. The taste gets fuller and fuller in the glass, very much<br />
due to the large format bottle, I feel. A superb vintage. SS.<br />
694 1 bt (cn)<br />
per lot: $5,000-7,000<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1982<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. bn, nicked capsule, damp and glue stained label, excellent color and<br />
clarity<br />
This is a legend in its own lifetime and each time I taste it there are<br />
different facets. It is often pretty massive, meaty and chunky with an<br />
'iodé' element that almost resembles a St. Estèphe. At other times,<br />
even in large format, it is pure essence of cassis, sweet, soft and<br />
velvety. Watch it evolve and raid the cellar when it hits the note that<br />
really speaks to you. It is always succulent, spicy and sweet. In 2008,<br />
it was just so luscious, opulent and winning, all-over violet creams.<br />
on David (Peppercorn's!) birthday, it had an overwhelming, scented<br />
nose, exotic, haunting and all-enveloping. Sensational, soft fruit on<br />
the palate, so sweet and ripe. Total allure. The ultimate come-hither<br />
First Growth. In 2011, a deep, plummy nose and luscious, mouthfilling,<br />
liquid velvet on the palate. Still tannic. Imposing wine. SS.<br />
695 1 bt (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Romanée Conti 1990 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
Bottle #1930, slightly sunken cork, scuffed vintage neck label, slightly<br />
soiled label, scuffed capsule, excellent level, color and clarity<br />
A very great wine, the epitome of that Romanée-Conti silkiness.<br />
The full aristocratic dimension of the wine is in full flower here,<br />
packed with concentration and fruit to the maximum degree. SS.<br />
693 1 bt (cn)<br />
per lot: $10,000-20,000<br />
I 110 I
An extraordinary collection of Italian stars from Piemonte including<br />
1978 Barbaresco Sori Tildin from Angelo Gaja, 1990 Barolo<br />
Monfortino from Giacomo Conterno and from Tuscany over twenty<br />
vintages from Sassicaia including 1968 and 1985 with several verticals<br />
from the 1970s to the 1990s. Rarest Port and Yquem complete this<br />
collection with a focus on the great 1947 vintage from Taylor, Quinta<br />
do Noval and Yquem.<br />
Recently removed from private temperature controlled storage<br />
Property of a New York Gentleman<br />
ITALY<br />
GAJA<br />
What can one say about Angelo Gaja that has not already been said,<br />
both by his admirers worldwide, but also by his Piedmontese<br />
neighbours, which is the greatest compliment. For this is the man<br />
who single-handedly brought Piedmontese wine-making into the<br />
modern era and forced it to realise its true potential. We have all<br />
learned a great deal from him - and we have certainly drunk some<br />
extraordinary wines that he has made. He knew that Nebbiolo<br />
grown in the finest sites in the zones of Barolo and Barbaresco could<br />
shed its rustic character and become noble and he set about<br />
reducing yields and introducing small French oak barrels as a means<br />
to this end. But the brilliance of Gaja is much more than this. His<br />
passion and commitment are reflected in the huge personality and<br />
concentration of the wines which have mind-blowing, myriad flavours<br />
and terrific volume and length on the palate. They are stunning with<br />
white truffles, as I was lucky enough to see very recently at an “onsite”<br />
visit! SS.<br />
Barbaresco, Costa Russi 1998 Gaja<br />
Piemonte<br />
Bin scuffed labels<br />
697 6 bts (sc)<br />
Barbaresco, Sori San Lorenzo 1993 Gaja<br />
Piemonte<br />
Bin scuffed, nicked and slightly soiled labels<br />
698 8 bts (sc)<br />
Barbaresco, Sori Tildin 1988 Gaja<br />
Piemonte<br />
Bin scuffed and slightly soiled labels<br />
699 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
Barbaresco, Costa Russi 1993 Gaja<br />
Piemonte<br />
Nicked and bin scuffed labels<br />
Violetty scent and taste - drink now. SS.<br />
696 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />
I 111 I
Barbaresco, Sori Tildin 1990 Gaja<br />
Piemonte<br />
Slightly scuffed label and capsule<br />
See illustration<br />
700 1 mag (cn)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Barolo, Sperss 1994 Gaja<br />
Piemonte<br />
Bin soiled labels, 2 nicked labels<br />
At 14 years old, this has a violetty nose and a lovely chewy, chunky<br />
taste. Tannin and raspberries. Should be terrific with roast rabbit! SS.<br />
706 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Barbaresco, Sori Tildin 1993 Gaja<br />
Piemonte<br />
Soiled and bin scuffed labels<br />
701 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Barbaresco, Costa Russi 1978 Gaja (4 bts)<br />
Slightly soiled labels, 1 nicked and 1 stained label, excellent color and<br />
clarity<br />
Barbaresco, Sori San Lorenzo 1978 Gaja (3 bts)<br />
Heavily damp stained and soiled labels, 2 nicked labels, excellent color<br />
and clarity<br />
See illustration<br />
702 7 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />
Barbaresco, Costa Russi 1982 Gaja (4 bts)<br />
Nicked and bin scuffed labels, slightly soiled labels, excellent color and<br />
clarity<br />
Barbaresco, Sori San Lorenzo 1982 Gaja (3 bts)<br />
Damp spotted and soiled labels, excellent color and clarity<br />
Barbaresco, Sori Tildin 1982 Gaja (3 bts)<br />
Damp spotted and bin soiled labels, 2 nicked labels, excellent color and<br />
clarity<br />
703 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,700-2,250<br />
Barbaresco, Sori San Lorenzo 1983 Gaja (1 bt)<br />
Bin torn and slightly soiled label<br />
Barbaresco, Costa Russi 1988 Gaja (3 bts)<br />
Slightly bin scuffed labels<br />
Barbaresco, Sori Tildin 1989 Gaja (1 bt)<br />
Scuffed, nicked and slightly soiled label<br />
704 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,300<br />
Barbaresco, Sori San Lorenzo 1997 Gaja (3 bts)<br />
Nicked and slightly scuffed labels<br />
Barbaresco, Sori Tildin 1998 Gaja (4 bts)<br />
Nicked and slightly scuffed labels<br />
705 7 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,700<br />
Barolo, Sperss, Gaja<br />
Piemonte<br />
1991 (1 bt) Nicked and slightly soiled label<br />
1995 (5 bts) u. 5bn, nicked and bin scuffed labels<br />
707 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-600<br />
Barolo Monfortino, Riserva 1990 Giacomo Conterno<br />
Piemonte<br />
Stained and slightly scuffed labels<br />
708 4 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
The King of the Super Tuscans and still a monument to excellence<br />
and longevity - I have superb examples from the Seventies in my<br />
cellar (address not supplied!). Sassicaia launched Bolgheri on the<br />
wine-making map, with the grapes coming from four plots over 60<br />
hectares. Usually 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Cabernet<br />
Franc, the wines are classy 'racehorses', with breed and stamina,<br />
standing up nobly to the best competition from round the world. SS.<br />
Sassicaia 1968<br />
u. 1bn, 1vts, 1ts, 1 bottle comes from a different importer, 1 import label<br />
partially attached to main label, heavily stained, scuffed and faded<br />
labels, 1 nicked capsule, 1 slightly corroded capsule, excellent color and<br />
clarity<br />
709 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
Sassicaia 1970<br />
u. 1vts, 1ts, 1 stained, slightly scuffed and faded label, 1 torn , stained,<br />
scuffed and and partially missing label, 1 import label partially attached<br />
to main label, 1 slight sign of seepage, excellent color and clarity<br />
Great scent. So much class. Pure raw truffles and beautiful youthful<br />
acidity balance. What a blast from the past. SS.<br />
710 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Sassicaia 1971<br />
u. 1ts, 1t/hs, stained and faded labels, excellent color and clarity<br />
711 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
LoTS 700, 702<br />
I 113 I
Sassicaia 1982<br />
u. 1vts, wine comes from 2 different importers, 2 slightly stained labels<br />
and 1 slightly penmarked label, 1 nicked capsule<br />
This might be called a ‘feminine vintage’, if the phrase were still<br />
allowed! Red fruit and cinnamon on the nose. Cedary too. Very full<br />
of dry spices. A superb taste of cassis and loganberries. It really is<br />
like eating spoonfuls of fruit, with a touch of aniseed on the finish. At<br />
28 years old, this has reached its optimum point where the wine just<br />
demands to be drunk. SS.<br />
712 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-900<br />
Sassicaia 1985<br />
u. 1vts, 1 import label partially attached to main label, 1 slightly scuffed<br />
label<br />
This miraculous wine is the product of extremely warm, dry weather,<br />
but similar weather now would not result in such a balanced wine –<br />
the alcohol would surely have been much higher. Here, in spite of<br />
the low yields in 1985, the alcohol is perfectly normal. Beautifully<br />
healthy, lustrous nose imbued with great red fruit freshness – and this<br />
is at its quarter century! Plums and redcurrants. Such finesse of<br />
texture. Lovely gummy flavour, with liquorice, vanilla pod and a<br />
touch of menthol. Just so true all the way through, with a glorious<br />
finish of toast and mixed fruit jam. The persistence of flavour is<br />
amazing. All the plaudits are more than deserved. SS.<br />
See illustration<br />
713 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Sassicaia 1988<br />
Very vibrant and full of spicy cassis on the nose. Deep and intense,<br />
with the imposing character of the vintage. A strong, sweet leather<br />
taste – compare with Cheval Blanc! Tannin, fruit and acidity<br />
perfectly in tune. A terrific finish of blackcurrant, liquorice and dark<br />
chocolate. This is really impressive wine. SS.<br />
See illustration<br />
714 1 d.mag - 3 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Sassicaia 1990<br />
Wine comes from 2 different importers, 2 import labels partially<br />
attached to main labels, 1 slightly stained label<br />
At 20 years old, this has a beautiful, refined scent, with such lovely<br />
violetty notes that one feels like dabbing it behind the ears for total<br />
allure. Fresh, sweet mint. Now soft and velvety. Sweet, with lots of<br />
coffee and a surprising meaty (like lamb!) finish. Delicacy too. Now<br />
beautifully evolved. SS.<br />
See illustration<br />
715 4 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
Sassicaia 1992<br />
u. 1bn, 1 bottle comes from a different importer, 1 import label partially<br />
attached to main label, 1 nicked label, 1 stained label, slightly stained<br />
labels<br />
716 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Sassicaia<br />
1972 (2 bts) u. 1t/hs, 1 level into neck, 1 stained and faded label, 1<br />
scuffed and slightly stained label, 1 nicked capsule<br />
1974 (2 bts) u. 1vts, 1t/hs, 1 heavily stained and faded label, 1 scuffed<br />
and stained label, wine comes from 2 different importers, excellent color<br />
and clarity<br />
1975 (2 bts) u. 1vts, 1ts, stained and faded labels, slightly corroded<br />
capsules<br />
717 6 bts<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,900<br />
Sassicaia<br />
1976 (1 bt) u. t/hs, stained and slightly scuffed label, excellent color and<br />
clarity<br />
1977 (1 bt) u. hs, stained label, import label partially attached to main<br />
label, excellent color and clarity<br />
1979 (1 bt) Stained label, import label partially attached to main label<br />
1980 (1 bt) Stained and nicked label, import label partially attached to<br />
main label<br />
1981 (1 bt) u. vts, stained and faded label<br />
1982 (1 bt)<br />
1983 (1 bt) Slightly scuffed label<br />
1984 (1 bt) Slightly faded label, import label partially attached to main<br />
label<br />
1986 (1 bt) Wine stained label, slight sign of seepage<br />
1987 (1 bt) u. bn, slightly scuffed label<br />
1988 (1 bt)<br />
1989 (1 bt)<br />
718 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,900<br />
Sassicaia<br />
1977 (1 bt) u. ts, stained and faded label<br />
1979 (1 bt) Stained and faded label, slightly corroded capsule<br />
1980 (1 bt) Stained label, slight sign of seepage<br />
1981 (2 bts) Wine comes from 2 different importers, 1 import label<br />
partially attached to main label, 1 slightly stained and slightly scuffed<br />
label<br />
1983 (1 bt) Slightly scuffed label<br />
719 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-950<br />
Sassicaia<br />
1984 (1 bt)<br />
1986 (1 bt) u. bn, import label partially attached to main label, slightly<br />
stained label<br />
1988 (1 bt) Import label partially attached to main label<br />
1989 (1 bt) Slightly faded label<br />
1991 (1 bt) Damp stained label<br />
1993 (1 bt)<br />
720 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-950<br />
LoTS 715, 713, 714<br />
I 115 I
Sassicaia<br />
1995 (1 bt) Slightly stained label<br />
1996 (4 bts)<br />
1997 (1 bt) Slightly scuffed label<br />
721 6 bts (sc)<br />
Sassicaia<br />
1991 (2 mags)<br />
1993 (2 mags) Slightly scuffed labels<br />
1994 (2 mags) Slightly scuffed labels<br />
722 6 mags (cn)<br />
Masseto 1993 Tenuta Dell'ornellaia<br />
Tuscany<br />
723 1 bt and 1 mag (cn)<br />
Messorio Merlot 2004 Le Macchiole<br />
IGT Toscana<br />
Original tissues<br />
724 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $850-1,200<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
per lot: $550-800<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
This is an amazing time for this great Tuscan property. Its wines are<br />
recognised as never before as the best that Italy can produce and<br />
they afford some of the great drinking experiences that can be found<br />
worldwide. The almost Margaux-like quality of ornellaia, with its fruit,<br />
breed and fine texture, contrasts gloriously with the thicker, denser,<br />
exotic Merlot of Masseto. Both wines are many-layered, unfolding<br />
on the palate to a long, lingering finish, a reflection of the complex<br />
marine, alluvial and volcanic soils of this breathtakingly beautiful area.<br />
If ever there were bottles of liquid landscape, these are they! SS.<br />
Ornellaia 1995<br />
Tuscany<br />
u. 2bn, 2vts, stained and slightly faded labels, 2 nicked labels<br />
This was the highest ever production but superb weather married<br />
this with great quality. Lovely fresh, red fruit nose with a real,<br />
prolonged scent. Great fruit and body on the palate. A monument!<br />
An utterly complete wine, so fruity that it explodes on the palate now<br />
but will go any distance you want. Will probably be like redcurrant<br />
liqueur 20 years hence. Totally succulent on the finish. In 2011,<br />
scented in a distinctly "Margaux" way. Violetty. Dense, velvety and<br />
yet with real elegance. Juicy and fresh, with an aniseed flavour and a<br />
touch of irony definition on the finish. SS.<br />
725 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Ornellaia<br />
Tuscany<br />
1988 (8 bts) u. 1bn, slightly scuffed and faded labels, 1 nicked label<br />
1990 (4 bts) 3 slightly scuffed and nicked labels<br />
726 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />
I 116 I
Ornellaia<br />
Tuscany<br />
1993 (1 bt) Slightly stained label<br />
1996 (8 bts) 6 slightly stained labels,1 scuffed label<br />
727 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,000<br />
Sammarco 1990 Castello dei Rampolla<br />
Tuscany<br />
u. 2bn, wine comes from 2 different importers, 5 nicked labels, 5 slightly<br />
stained labels<br />
728 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
SOLAIA<br />
Produced from a plot of vineyard of the same name, Solaia is a<br />
bewitching blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and 20% Sangiovese that<br />
ages magnificently and has real complexity. SS.<br />
Solaia 1994 Antinori<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
729 9 bts (sc)<br />
Solaia<br />
1997 (1 bt) Slightly scuffed label<br />
1998 (6 bts) Slightly stained labels<br />
730 7 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-950<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Barolo Brunate, Bricco Rocche 1985 Ceretto (4 bts)<br />
Heavily scuffed and nicked labels, excellent color and clarity<br />
Barolo, Bricco Rocche 1985 (2 bts)<br />
u. 1bn, stained labels<br />
Barolo Brunate, Bricco Rocche 1990 Ceretto (4 bts)<br />
Stained labels<br />
Barolo, Prapo 1990 Ceretto (2 bts)<br />
1 slightly stained label<br />
733 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Tignanello 1978 (1 mag)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Tignanello 1980 (1 mag)<br />
Stained, scuffed and nicked label<br />
Tignanello 1981 (1 mag)<br />
u.ts, slightly scuffed label<br />
Sassicaia 1988 (1 mag)<br />
Slightly stained label, slightly loose label<br />
Brunello di Montalcino 1990 Campogiovanni (1 mag)<br />
Slight sign of seepage (cn)<br />
Brunello di Montalcino 1993 Argiano (1 mag)<br />
(owc)<br />
734 6 mags<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Barolo, Bussia Soprana 1990 Aldo Conterno (3 bts)<br />
2 slightly stained labels<br />
Barolo Colonello 1996 Aldo Conterno (6 bts)<br />
Scuffed labels, 1 nicked label<br />
735 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $700-950<br />
Solaia<br />
1982 (1 bt) Scuffed label<br />
1985 (1 bt)<br />
1988 (6 bts) Slightly scuffed labels<br />
731 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,300<br />
Barolo Gia Opera 1985 Marchesi di Barolo (4 bts)<br />
1 stained label, 3 slightly stained labels, slightly faded labels<br />
Barolo, Cascina Francia 1988 Giacomo Conterno (5 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked label<br />
736 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $550-800<br />
Mixed Lots<br />
Sammarco 1983 Castello dei Rampolla (1 bt)<br />
Scuffed and faded label<br />
Barbaresco, Bricco Asili 1995 Ceretto (2 mags)<br />
1 slightly stained label<br />
Barolo, Prapo 1996 Ceretto (4 bts)<br />
732 5 bts and 2 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1990<br />
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé<br />
A great undergrowth, cigars and cedarwood nose, now, at 21 years of<br />
age, showing beautiful, rich maturity. It rolls round the mouth in<br />
smoky splendour, soft, deep-flavoured and multi-dimensional. A<br />
seriously complex wine that is now drinking dramatically well – firing<br />
on all cylinders. SS.<br />
737 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,750-5,000<br />
I 117 I
Château Cos d’Estournel 1982<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Bottles: u. 2bn, 1 slightly raised cork, nicked capsules, wine comes from<br />
2 different importers, slightly bin soiled labels, 1 torn label, Half Bottle:<br />
Slightly glue stained and bin scuffed label<br />
Last tasted from magnum at 28 years old. This has the real stamp of<br />
its appellation and the roasted berries of 1982. Dense liquorice and<br />
spicy aromatics with luscious raisins at the end. In 2011, a wonderful<br />
spicy nose. And a very "oriental" taste like the pagodas of the<br />
Château itself! SS.<br />
738 1 hb and 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,700-2,250<br />
Château Ducru Beaucaillou 1982<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, 1vts, wine comes from different importers, nicked and bin scuffed<br />
labels, slightly soiled labels<br />
Enormous freshness on the nose. Great "frankness" of bouquet.<br />
Huge depth of flavour which unfolds in multi-dimensional fashion.<br />
Immensely breedy and seductive. Still could go the distance. SS<br />
739 7 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
one could hardly describe this impressive Second Growth as a<br />
"secret" but its outstanding quality and consistency is relatively<br />
unsung, except by those who regularly indulge in it. The important<br />
structure and huge, glossy fruit are unfailingly present. Gruaud<br />
Larose means grandeur in the glass. SS.<br />
Château Gruaud Larose 1982<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, 1vts, slightly bin scuffed labels, 1 nicked and 2 slightly stained<br />
labels, scuffed capsules and 1 nicked capsule<br />
Wonderfully intense, concentrated nose, many-layered, cassis, with a<br />
touch of tar - a feature of this property. Great, totally complex wine.<br />
A simply marvellous bottle which enchanted us all in a big tasting of<br />
grand, classed-growth names. SS.<br />
740 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
Château Gruaud Larose<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1981 (2 bts) u. 2bn, slightly scuffed labels<br />
1983 (5 bts) u. 1vts, 1ts, bin scuffed labels, 2 nicked labels, scuffed<br />
capsules<br />
1995 (3 bts) Slightly scuffed labels<br />
743 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-600<br />
Château Léoville Barton<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1985 (6 bts) u. 2bn, 3vts, 2ts, bin scuffed labels, 3 stained labels, nicked<br />
capsules, 2 bottles come from a different importer<br />
1989 (1 bt) Soiled and scuffed label, scuffed capsule<br />
1990 (5 bts) 4 capsules with French tax stamps, 1 bottle comes from a<br />
different importer, slightly soiled labels, scuffed capsules<br />
744 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />
Château Léoville Lascases 1982<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 3bn, nicked, bin scuffed and bin soiled labels, nicked capsules<br />
Terrific bouquet, complex, powerful, blackcurrants and very scented.<br />
Marvellous flavour, majestic and with great breed, liquorice and<br />
cassis. The beautiful taste and lovely succulence are backed by firm<br />
tannins. This is First Growth quality, with great balance and a great<br />
future. In 2011, it had a deeply aromatic, intense bouquet, spicy and<br />
concentrated. Irony/sweet black fruit on the palate. So much power<br />
and tannin and, it seems, eternal youth. SS.<br />
745 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
Château Montrose 1995<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
2 slightly soiled labels, 1 stained and 1 scuffed label<br />
Vanilla pod and mocha nose. More and more comes out of it.<br />
Tannic, "salty" finish, typical of St. Estèphe. SS.<br />
746 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Château Gruaud Larose 1986<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 3vts, 1t/hs, bin scuffed labels, 2 slightly stained labels<br />
A great, overwhelming St. Julien "monster" nose. Red fruit and spice,<br />
cedarwood and damsons. Real yardstick stuff - just put a steak over<br />
the vine cuttings and get on with it! SS.<br />
741 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Château Montrose<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1964 (1 bt) u. vts, Nicolas stamped label, soiled, stained and torn label,<br />
excellent color and clarity<br />
1982 (10 bts) u. 4bn, 3vts, 1ts<br />
1989 (2 bts)<br />
747 13 bts (cn, sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,000<br />
Château Gruaud Larose 1994<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Nicked and bin scuffed labels, 3 stained labels<br />
St Julien rosy fruit on the nose. Fruit that is really luscious for the<br />
year. Really successful. SS.<br />
742 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $300-500<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1986<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 1bn, slightly bin scuffed labels<br />
Very aromatic and very cedary on the nose. So scented. Very<br />
Cabernet. Cassis and blackberries. So smooth and classic. SS.<br />
748 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
I 118 I
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1989<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, slightly bin soiled labels<br />
Such a classy nose of real breed and ripeness. Such freshness, with<br />
huge fruit and fat covering the tannic structure. Very Merlot finish.<br />
Superb. It is so exotic but is it classic? And does that matter?!<br />
Recently, a hot, melting nose, with the strong vintage character<br />
overriding the Pichon Lalande character. Sweet and pure coffee and<br />
cocoa on the palate. Coffee beans plus all the oriental spices. So full<br />
of texture you can eat it. Recently, luscious damsons nose. Vanillin<br />
and cedarwood. Very soft and supple at 20! SS.<br />
749 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-950<br />
Château Boyd Cantenac 2000<br />
Cantenac (Margaux), 3ème Cru Classé<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Lovely cedary scent. Enormous cassis fruit. Big and vibrant. Great<br />
health and strength. Cannot remember liking a Boyd-Cantenac as<br />
much as this. SS.<br />
750 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Château Lagrange (St. Julien) 2000<br />
St. Julien, 3ème Cru Classé<br />
Lovely ripe, winning nose of violets. Enormous fruit and power on the<br />
palate. Excellent soft tannins. Long finish of plummy fruit and vanillin.<br />
Real attack and richness. Will last for decades. SS.<br />
751 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
Château Grand Puy Lacoste 1982<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 3vts, 5ts, 1hs, wine comes from 2 different importers, 2 slightly sunken<br />
corks, bin scuffed and soiled labels, scuffed capsules<br />
Very flavoury nose. Rich molasses taste. Class on the finish. SS.<br />
752 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />
The Cazes family's signature Pauillac which wins friends wherever it<br />
goes. It is a Fifth Growth that punches way above its weight,<br />
epitomising what Bordeaux is all about. The blackcurrant fruit and<br />
expressive character of the wine make it highly desirable. SS.<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1982<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, 4vts, 1ts, bin scuffed and slightly soiled labels, 1 nicked capsule<br />
Warm, spicy nose, with a touch of mint, à la Mouton! Terrific richness<br />
and sweetness on the palate, with a hint of tar. Glorious, velvety<br />
wine. In 2010, fabulous crimson colour and a real spicy, blackcurrant<br />
bouquet. So immensely classy. An unbelievably glossy fruit taste,<br />
oozing health, seduction and sheer drinkability. Seamlessly beautiful<br />
all through. Incredibly fresh and all pure, crunchy pleasure. SS.<br />
753 7 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,700-2,250<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1985<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 3bn, 6vts, 3ts, slightly scuffed and bin soiled labels, slightly corroded<br />
capsules<br />
A real "petit Mouton" nose of deep cassis! Tremendous fruity depth,<br />
blackberries and bilberries. Lovely. Sweet finish. SS.<br />
754 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
Château Lynch Bages<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
1978 (1 bt) Slightly soiled label, scuffed capsule<br />
1983 (1 bt) u. ts, stained and scuffed label, scuffed capsule<br />
1988 (2 bts) u. 1bn, bin scuffed labels, 1 stained label, scuffed capsules<br />
1989 (2 bts) Bin soiled labels, nicked labels and scuffed capsules<br />
755 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-900<br />
Château Gloria 2000<br />
St. Julien<br />
756 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
I 119 I
Mixed Lots<br />
Château Brane Cantenac 1982 (6 bts)<br />
u. 4bn, 2vts, very good appearance (sc)<br />
Château Ferrand Lartigue 1995 (12 bts)<br />
(owc)<br />
757 18 bts<br />
per lot: $550-750<br />
Château Léoville Lascases 1975 (2 bts)<br />
u. 1vts, 1ts, bin soiled labels, scuffed capsules<br />
Château Léoville Barton 1975 (2 bts)<br />
u. 1ts, 1t/hs, 1 slightly sunken cork, bin soiled labels<br />
Château Beychevelle 1982 (6 bts)<br />
u. 1bn, 2vts, 1t/hs, wine comes from different importers, bin soiled labels,<br />
1 nicked label<br />
Château Léoville Barton 1982 (1 bt)<br />
u. bn, bin soiled label<br />
Château Léoville Lascases 1989 (1 hb)<br />
Bin scuffed and soiled label<br />
758 1 hb and 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />
Château Léoville Barton 1982 (7 bts)<br />
u. 3bn, 1vts, bin soiled labels, 1 stained label, nicked capsules<br />
Château Talbot 1982 (5 bts)<br />
u. 2vts, slightly sunken cork, 2 bottles come from a different importer,<br />
slightly bin scuffed labels<br />
759 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />
Experiencing Yquem is a journey into flawless excellence, into the<br />
heart of endless layers of richness, profundity and exotic flavours.<br />
Tasting Yquem is awe-inspiring, both for its beauty and also because<br />
of the constant awareness that this degree of opulence and<br />
concentration can only be achieved at the cost of immense skill, care<br />
and financial sacrifice. Making Sauternes, with its elements of<br />
botrytis and extreme ripeness, forever at the mercy of the weather, is<br />
always a fiendish pursuit, but making Yquem goes into new realms of<br />
endeavour - it is a world unto itself. SS.<br />
Château d’Yquem 1892<br />
Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />
u. ts, recorked by Whitwhan's in 1985, stained facsimile label,<br />
Whitwhan's capsule, medium amber appearance<br />
760 1 bt (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Château d’Yquem 1947<br />
Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />
u. vts, nicked and stained label, soiled capsule, recorked at the château<br />
in 1990, amber appearance<br />
one of the hottest, driest years of the century. The harvest at<br />
Yquem lasted from 13 September until 13 october, in a heatwave.<br />
Warm, bright amber colour. Glorious orange flavour, so elegant for a<br />
1947 and with no volatile acidity perceptible. So poised, so beautiful,<br />
so stunning. Ageless beauty and a great bottle. From magnum on<br />
its 60th birthday a great caramel brûlé bouquet. Sumptuous and<br />
well-structured. More masculine than the 1948. Burnt sugar. Pure<br />
mandarins on the palate. So thick. Smoky figs, with a wonderful<br />
citrus finish. Then, drunk from magnum in 2011 and château stock.<br />
This was, immediately, the greatest Yquem 1947 I have ever had –<br />
and I have had a few! A bouquet of caramelised currants, just<br />
extraordinary, followed by pomegranates. A touch of bananas, as<br />
they are done in New orleans. So totally creamy and thick in texture<br />
and yet with such a ‘lift’ of freshness at the end. Magical clementine<br />
flavours. Flawless perfection. All of us were reduced to reverential<br />
silence, for a while anyway! SS.<br />
761 1 bt (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />
Château d’Yquem 1983<br />
Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />
Lot 762: u. 2bn, 4vts, 1 bottle comes from a different importer, 1 label<br />
scuffed and 1923 written on label, 2 slightly stained labels, Lot 763: u.<br />
3bn, 4vts, 2 slightly raised corks, 3 slight signs of seepage, slightly bin<br />
scuffed labels, 3 slightly stained labels, soiled capsules<br />
one sometimes gets the alcohol on the nose in 1983, mixed with<br />
dried apricots, crystallised zests, with notes of smoky grapefruit. I<br />
have also met an enticing raisiny bouquet, orange crème caramel<br />
middle and oranges and dried apricots finish, still with freshness as<br />
the acidity was very high this year. It was grapefruit botrytis on the<br />
nose, a less pure botrytis perhaps than in Yquem of this century, with<br />
an incredible sugar/boiled sweets taste. SS.<br />
762 11 hbs (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,400-1,800<br />
763 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,400-1,800<br />
Château d’Yquem<br />
Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />
1961 (1 bt) u. hs, torn, stained and soiled label, slightly sunken cork,<br />
stained capsule<br />
1976 (1 bt) u. vts, sign of seepage, torn capsule, slightly raised cork,<br />
stained and torn label, stained capsule<br />
1986 (1 bt) u. ts<br />
764 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,300<br />
I 120 I
Château Climens<br />
Barsac (Sauternes), 1er Cru Classé<br />
1983 (4 bts) Stained labels<br />
1986 (5 bts) u. 2bn, scuffed and slightly soiled labels<br />
1988 (2 bts) u. 2bn, bin scuffed and slightly stained labels<br />
765 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Château Rieussec<br />
Sauternes, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1979 (1 bt) u. vts, stained and torn label<br />
1982 (1 bt) u. bn, stained and soiled label<br />
1986 (1 bt) stained label<br />
1988 (8 hbs) Bin scuffed and soiled labels, scuffed capsules<br />
766 8 hbs and 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Mixed Lots<br />
Château Filhot 1970 (3 hbs)<br />
u. 1bn, 1vts, 1 bottle comes from a different importer, soiled and stained<br />
labels, corroded and scuffed capsules<br />
Château Filhot 1983 (7 hbs)<br />
u. 2bn, damp stained and soiled labels, scuffed capsules<br />
Château Filhot 1986 (6 hbs)<br />
u. 3bn, 3vts, soiled labels, scuffed capsules, 1 stained label<br />
Château Coutet, Cuvée Madame 1986 (1 mag)<br />
Torn capsule, stained, torn and heavily faded label, slight sign of<br />
seepage<br />
Château Filhot 1988 (1 hb)<br />
Stained label<br />
767 17 hbs and 1 mag (cn)<br />
per lot: $500-750<br />
Château Rayne Vigneau 1978 (1 bt)<br />
u. vts, scuffed and soiled label<br />
Château Lafaurie Peyraguey 1983 (5 bts)<br />
u. 3bn, 2vts, bin soiled labels, 2 slight signs of seepage, corroded<br />
capsules, slightly stained labels<br />
Rabaud-Promis 1986 (6 hbs)<br />
u. 3vts, slightly soiled labels, import labels partially attached to main<br />
labels<br />
Château Lafaurie Peyraguey 1989 (3 hbs)<br />
Stained capsules, 1 label written on with pencil<br />
768 9 hbs and 6 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Château Doisy Védrines 1983 (10 hbs)<br />
u. 1bn, 1vts, 6 heavily stained labels, bin soiled and scuffed labels,<br />
scuffed capsules, 2 torn capsules<br />
Château Raymond Lafon 1983 (3 hbs)<br />
u. 2bn, scuffed capsules, 2 nicked capsules<br />
Château d'Arche 1988 (11 hbs)<br />
u. 2bn, bin scuffed and soiled labels, scuffed capsules, 2 torn capsules<br />
769 24 hbs (cn)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Château Guiraud 1986 (4 bts)<br />
u. 3bn, 1vts, bin scuffed labels (cn)<br />
Château Rayne Vigneau 1988 (11 hbs)<br />
1 slight sign of seepage, slightly scuffed and bin soiled labels, scuffed<br />
capsules (sc)<br />
Château Guiraud 1988 (10 hbs)<br />
u. 1bn, bin scuffed labels<br />
770 21 hbs and 4 bts<br />
per lot: $550-800<br />
Château Climens 1988 (11 hbs)<br />
Bin scuffed and soiled labels, scuffed capsules, 2 slightly stained labels<br />
Château Filhot 1988 (9 hbs)<br />
Bin soiled labels, 1 stained label<br />
Château La Tour Blanche 1988 (4 hbs)<br />
771 24 hbs (cn)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
I 121 I
Château Suduiraut 1988 (8 bts)<br />
u. 1bn, slightly bin soiled labels<br />
Château Lafaurie Peyraguey 1988 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly stained label<br />
Château Raymond Lafon 1990 (1 bt)<br />
772 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-600<br />
Château d’Yquem 1988 (3 hbs)<br />
1 scuffed label, 1 bottle comes from a different importer<br />
Château de Fargues 1990 (1 bt)<br />
u. bn, stained label<br />
773 3 hbs and 1 bt (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-600<br />
Château Tirecul La Gravière, Cuvée Madame 1995<br />
Monbazillac<br />
Nose of hazelnut honey. Wonderfully toffee-ish. Like liquid caramel.<br />
SS.<br />
774 10 hlf.liters (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-500<br />
Gevrey Chambertin, Premier Cru 1985 Maison Leroy<br />
Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />
Stained and soiled labels, 2 nicked vintage neck labels, 2 slight signs of<br />
seepage<br />
775 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Musigny, Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 1990<br />
Comte Georges de Vogüé<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked label<br />
This wine has evolved slowly and it now looks as if it still has some<br />
way to go, given its concentration, dose of new wood and dense<br />
texture. The smoky black fruit is very tightly-knit, displaying flavours<br />
of Burgundian undergrowth as well as a certain reined-in reserve<br />
which breaks down as the dinner party progresses, reflecting the<br />
mood of the guests! SS.<br />
776 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,800<br />
Corton Les Marechaudes 1983<br />
Prince Florent de Mérode (3 bts)<br />
u. 1x3cm, soiled and scuffed labels, 2 slightly sunken corks<br />
Corton 1983 Bouchard Père et Fils (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label, scuffed capsule<br />
Clos Vougeot 1988 Château de La Tour (1 bt)<br />
Scuffed label<br />
Clos Vougeot 1990 Château de La Tour (5 bts)<br />
Bin scuffed and soiled labels<br />
777 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Chevalier Montrachet 1997 Domaine Leflaive<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
Slightly stained labels, 1 nicked label, 1 slightly raised cork, 2 slightly<br />
stained vintage neck labels<br />
This is pure limes all the way through and perfectly ready from now.<br />
SS.<br />
778 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
Corton Charlemagne 1989 Maison Leroy<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
Import labels partially attached to main labels, scuffed and slightly<br />
soiled labels, 2 nicked capsules, 1 nicked and 1 slightly stained labels<br />
779 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />
Bâtard Montrachet 2003 Paul Pernot<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
2 partially torn labels, 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
780 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Chevalier Montrachet 1988 Michel Niellon (2 bts)<br />
u. 1x3cm, 1x3.5cm, slightly stained and slightly scuffed labels, slightly<br />
corroded capsules, 1 nicked label<br />
Montrachet 1995 Remoissenet (3 bts)<br />
1 stained label, slightly scuffed labels, 2 slightly stained labels<br />
781 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Corton Charlemagne 1989 Tollot Beaut (1 bt)<br />
Slightly stained label<br />
Corton Charlemagne 1992 Bonneau du Martray (4 bts)<br />
u. 1x3cm, slightly stained labels, 1 nicked label<br />
Corton Charlemagne 1992 Georges Roumier (1 bt)<br />
Nicked and slightly scuffed label<br />
Corton Charlemagne 1995 Bonneau du Martray (2 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
782 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-750<br />
RHONE<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape, Barbe Rac, Chapoutier<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
1990 (6 bts) u. 2x3.5cm, 1 heavily stained label, 3 slightly stained labels<br />
1995 (4 bts) 1 slightly stained and nicked label<br />
783 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-900<br />
I 122 I
Tokaji Aszú, 4 Puttonyos 1992 Disznoko (1 hlf.liter)<br />
Tokaji Aszú, 5 Puttonyos 1993 Royal Tokaji Wine Company<br />
(2 hlf.liters)<br />
Scheurebe Trockenbeerenauslese No. 3 1995 Kracher (3 hbs)<br />
Welschriesling Trockenbeerenauslese No. 1 1995 Kracher (3 hbs)<br />
Gewurztraminer, Furstentum, Sélection de Grains Nobles 1996<br />
Domaine Weinbach (4 hbs)<br />
Gewurztraminer, Heimbourg, Vendange Tardive 1996<br />
Zind-Humbrecht (3 bts)<br />
784 10 hbs, 3 hlf.liters and 3 bts (2 sc)<br />
per lot: $450-600<br />
Vega Sicilia, ’Unico’ 1981 (2 bts)<br />
u. 1bn, 1vts, slightly scuffed labels<br />
Pesquera Janus 1994 Alejandro Fernandez (5 bts)<br />
u. 1bn, 1ts, slight signs of seepage, 3 slightly scuffed and 2 slightly<br />
stained labels, 2 scuffed capsules<br />
Pesquera Millennium Reserva 1996<br />
Alejandro Fernandez (2 mags)<br />
785 7 bts and 2 mags (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Without a doubt, the iconic prestige cuvée of Champagne. The<br />
style goes right back to the first Dom Pérignon, the 1921 launched for<br />
New Year's Eve 1936 on the French luxury liner Le Normandie.<br />
Drawn from an astounding 600 hectares of Grands Crus, it has the<br />
additional advantage of being made by the brilliant Richard<br />
Geoffroy. DP, as it is fondly known, has enormous éclat and depth<br />
and the ability to age with grace, for the ever-growing number of<br />
wine lovers who adore mature Champagne. It is as fascinating to<br />
compare vintages of DP as with Bordeaux top châteaux. SS.<br />
Dom Pérignon 1966<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels, otherwise very good appearance, color, clarity<br />
and levels<br />
A bouquet of warm brioche. Big and busty, but also so fresh. SS.<br />
786 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
Dom Pérignon 1985<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
<strong>Full</strong>, rich and deep – utterly superb D.P., with more heart and gravitas<br />
than the 1990. The most bread-and-honey nose, mixed with<br />
caramel, nutmeg and allspice. A texture of breadcrumbs on the<br />
palate, grainy and ‘biteable’. oranges and gingernuts, sweet, ripe<br />
and full. A chef d’oeuvre. Last tasted in magnum in 2010 and as<br />
beautiful as ever. Really floral, briary nose with a touch of orange<br />
zest. Honied, almond blossom and nuts on the palate – pure silk.<br />
SS.<br />
787 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,400-1,800<br />
I 123 I
Dom Pérignon 1999<br />
2 nicked labels<br />
788 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Dom Pérignon, Rosé 1982<br />
1 slightly scuffed label, packed in individual wooden gift boxes<br />
Such a fresh nose. So fresh on the palate and with the acidity of the<br />
Chardonnay in 1982 coming through. SS.<br />
See illustration<br />
789 4 bts (owc, cn)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
Dom Pérignon, Rosé 1995<br />
See illustration<br />
790 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Dom Pérignon<br />
1975 (1 bt) Slightly scuffed label, foil torn and mostly missing<br />
1978 (4 bts) 2 scuffed and 1 nicked labels. 2 nicked foils, 1 torn and<br />
mostly missing foil<br />
1982 (3 bts) Scuffed labels, 1 nicked label<br />
791 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
Louis Roederer, Cristal Brut 1988<br />
54% Pinot Noir, 46% Chardonnay (a high percentage as this was a<br />
Chardonnay year) and 11% oak fermented. Some would call 1988 the<br />
last of the ‘classic’ years as from 1989 the climate entered a warm<br />
cycle. Cristal always displays a haunting bouquet and a texture of<br />
pure lace - in the 1988 there is also underlying vinosity and structure<br />
which make it awe-inspiring. At the end of 2009, I tasted a bottle<br />
that was disgorged in September 2006. White truffles and dried<br />
apricots on the nose, plus orange skins that were almost smoky. Look<br />
out for the candied citrus too which comes from the Chardonnay. A<br />
real taste of marmalade with great freshness and hazelnuts at the<br />
end. Liquid honeysuckle. SS.<br />
794 1 jero - 3 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,900-2,500<br />
Louis Roederer, Cristal Rosé Brut 1989<br />
Clear tape adhered to foil of one bottle<br />
795 3 bts (sc)<br />
Louis Roederer, Cristal Brut<br />
1994 (3 bts)<br />
1995 (1 bt)<br />
1999 (1 bt)<br />
796 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
per lot: $750-1,100<br />
KRUG<br />
Few great wine collectors, even if they concentrate on red wines,<br />
bypass Krug Champagne. Its power and sheer vinosity appeal to a<br />
connoisseur of the greatest Bordeaux and Burgundy, and collectors<br />
have a tendency to preface their tastings and dinners with a glass of<br />
this majestic Reims "institution". Some even go so far as to organize<br />
vertical tastings of Krug in its own right, recognizing the unique<br />
properties of this Champagne in terms of development and maturity.<br />
SS.<br />
SALON<br />
Salon Le Mesnil, Blanc de Blancs<br />
1982 (2 bts) Scuffed labels, 1 nicked label<br />
1983 (4 bts) Slightly scuffed labels<br />
797 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
Krug, Clos du Mesnil 1981<br />
Bottle #'s 11756, 11757, 11758, 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Gently honied bouquet - really classy. Beautiful on the palate - all<br />
there. The fruit and acidity, class and beauty are perfectly together.<br />
SS.<br />
792 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
Krug, Clos du Mesnil<br />
1983 (2 bts) Bottle #'s 12181, 12182<br />
1985 (2 bts) Bottle #'s 9101, 9103<br />
1989 (2 bts) Bottle #'s 14869, 14916, 1 scuffed label<br />
793 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $3,500-5,000<br />
Taittinger, Comtes de Champagne, Blanc de Blancs<br />
1986 (1 bt) Nicked label<br />
1988 (1 bt) Nicked label<br />
1989 (1 bt) Scuffed and partially torn label<br />
1990 (7 bts) 2 nicked and 2 slightly stained labels, 3 capsules with<br />
French tax stamps<br />
1994 (1 bt) Scuffed and nicked label<br />
1995 (1 bt) Slightly scuffed label<br />
798 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
LoTS 790, 789<br />
I 125 I
Taittinger, Comtes de Champagne Rosé<br />
1981 (1 bt) Scuffed label, sticker adhered to label<br />
1982 (1 bt) Scuffed and partially torn label<br />
1985 (1 bt) Slightly scuffed label<br />
1986 (1 bt)<br />
1991 (1 bt) Slightly scuffed label<br />
1996 (3 bts) Slightly scuffed labels<br />
799 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,700<br />
Mixed Lots<br />
Bruno Paillard Blanc de Blancs 1983 (2 bts)<br />
1 slightly scuffed and nicked label, 1 torn foil<br />
Bruno Paillard Brut 1985 (2 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
Deutz, Cuvée William Deutz Rosé Brut 1990 (2 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked label, bottles signed in gold pen<br />
Pierre Peters Blanc de Blancs 1995 (6 bts)<br />
1 heavily stained and torn label, 2 nicked and 2 slightly scuffed labels, 1<br />
torn foil<br />
804 12 bts<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Veuve Clicquot, Brut 1970 (4 bts)<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels, stickers adhered to foils<br />
Veuve Clicquot, Brut 1980 (4 bts)<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels, 3 stickers adhered to foils<br />
Veuve Clicquot Brut Vintage Reserve 1985 (4 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 1 sticker adhered to foil, 1 slightly stained label<br />
800 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Philipponnat, Clos des Goisses 1985 (1 bt)<br />
(sc)<br />
Dom Ruinart, Blanc de Blancs 1988 (5 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, bottles signed in gold pen<br />
Diebolt -Vallois Brut 1990 (1 mag)<br />
(cn)<br />
805 6 bts and 1 mag<br />
per lot: $600-850<br />
Veuve Clicquot, Brut 1982 (3 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 2 stickers adhered to foils<br />
Veuve Clicquot, Brut 1983 (1 bt)<br />
Veuve Clicquot, La Grande Dame 1993 (2 bts)<br />
1 slightly scuffed and nicked label, 1 nicked foil<br />
801 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Bollinger, Grande Année 1990 (5 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, bottles signed in gold pen<br />
Pol Roger, Brut 1990 (7 bts)<br />
Scuffed labels, 2 nicked labels, 1 stained label, 5 bottles signed in gold<br />
pen, 5 foils with French tax stamps<br />
806 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />
Veuve Clicquot Rose Reserve<br />
Champagne<br />
1978 (2 bts) Slightly scuffed labels<br />
1979 (1 bt) Slightly scuffed label<br />
1996 (5 bts) 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
802 8 bts (sc)<br />
Pol Roger Rosé 1982 (5 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
Pol Roger, Brut 1988 (4 bts)<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
803 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
PORT<br />
Dow 1985<br />
1 partially torn label, 2 slightly scuffed labels, 2 nicked labels<br />
This is changing a lot at the moment with the nose slightly dormant<br />
but with spirity fruit on the palate and a dry, liquorice finish. SS<br />
807 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
Graham 1963<br />
u. 1bn, 2vts, bottled by Grant's of St. James, London, stained and<br />
scuffed labels, 1 partially torn label, 2 slight signs of seepage, excellent<br />
color and clarity<br />
This is pre-Symington Graham - they bought the house in 1970. I<br />
always call it the 3 Gs Port - Glorious Graham Glycerol. At 45 years<br />
old, it has extraordinary richness and voluptuousness. There is a real<br />
kickback of alcohol and strength. It simply rolls round the mouth.<br />
Landmark Vintage Port. SS.<br />
808 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
I 126 I
Quinta do Noval 1947<br />
Both labels entirely missing, fully branded capsules indicate shipper and<br />
vintage<br />
809 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
Quinta do Noval 1985<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 2 nicked labels, 1 slight sign of seepage<br />
Very "burnt damsons" nose and flavour. Soft. Ready. A bit of spirit<br />
at the end. SS.<br />
810 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Warre 1985 (8 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 2 nicked labels<br />
Dow 1985 (4 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
815 12 bts (sc)<br />
Calem 1990 (11 bts)<br />
(sc)<br />
Cockburn 1994 (10 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 3 nicked labels (sc)<br />
816 21 bts<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
TAYLOR<br />
Taylor 1947<br />
u. 2bn, all labels missing, 1 "sold at Christie's London, England" paper<br />
label, bottled by Corney & Barrow in England, slight signs of seepage,<br />
fully branded capsules confirm vintage and shipper, excellent color and<br />
clarity<br />
811 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Taylor 1977<br />
u. 4bn, stained and slightly scuffed labels, signs of seepage<br />
Floral, scented nose, without the impact of, say, 1970. Heathery<br />
perfume. Spirity sweet. Tastes of rich cocoa and leather. Very<br />
plummy finish, with prunes and cherries. Refined texture. Bonbons<br />
at the end. SS.<br />
812 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Taylor<br />
1970 (3 bts) u. 2bn, 1vts, 2 chipped and mostly missing wax capsules, 1<br />
capsule entirely missing, stained and scuffed labels, 1 nicked label, signs<br />
of seepage, excellent color and clarity<br />
1994 (1 mag) Label entirely missing, fully branded capsule confirms<br />
vintage and shipper<br />
1994 (1 bt) Scuffed and stained label<br />
813 4 bts and 1 mag (sc, cn)<br />
per lot: $450-700<br />
Mixed Lots<br />
Calem 1983 (6 bts)<br />
1 slightly scuffed etched label<br />
Ramos Pinto 1983 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label (sc)<br />
Smith Woodhouse 1994 (11 bts)<br />
1 nicked label, slightly scuffed labels (sc)<br />
Quinta do Vesuvio 1996 (4 bts)<br />
2 slightly stained and 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Quinta do Vesuvio 1997 (6 bts)<br />
Original tissues, packed in wooden presentation box<br />
814 28 bts<br />
per lot: $600-850<br />
Sandeman 1963 (1 bt)<br />
u. vts, chipped and partially missing wax capsule, bottled in UK, stained<br />
and nicked generic typed label<br />
Calem 1977 (8 bts)<br />
u. 3bn, 1 slight sign of seepage, 1 slightly scuffed etched label, excellent<br />
color and clarity<br />
Croft 1977 (1 bt)<br />
u. bn, scuffed and faded label, slight sign of seepage<br />
Gould Campbell 1977 (1 bt)<br />
Heavily stained label (sc)<br />
Chateau Reynella Port 1981 (12 bts)<br />
Stained and slightly scuffed labels, 4 nicked labels (sc)<br />
Chateau Reynella Port 1981 (3 bts)<br />
Stained and slightly scuffed labels (sc)<br />
817 26 bts<br />
per lot: $500-750<br />
Moscatel 1900 Cossart Gordon & Co. (2 bts)<br />
Paper and stenciled labels, stenciled labels slightly faded, excellent color<br />
and clarity<br />
Madeira Bual Solera 1900 Vinhos Justino Henriques (1 bt)<br />
u. bn, bottle # 198 of 500, nicked and stained label, chipped and<br />
partially missing wax capsule, excellent color and clarity<br />
818 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-700<br />
Tokaji Aszú, 5 Puttonyos 1974 Monimpex<br />
Soiled labels<br />
819 12 hlf.liters<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
I 127 I
CULTS<br />
Excellent Bordeaux from both sides of the Gironde including an<br />
Imperial of Lafite 1989, plus California superstars Screaming Eagle<br />
and Scarecrow.<br />
All purchased on release and recently removed from professional<br />
storage<br />
Property of a New York Collector<br />
Throughout the centuries, Lafite has proved that this is a wine that<br />
ages in the most ethereal way. Lafite combines elegance, breed and<br />
scent with sustained power, a miracle of balance and nobility. The<br />
extraordinary terroir and position in Pauillac have always been<br />
matched by the Rothschilds’ sense of quality and vision, resulting in a<br />
wine that has mythical status. Continuity is vital in producing a great<br />
wine and the wine-making brilliance of Charles Chevallier from the<br />
1990s to the present day has added extra lustre to this exceptional<br />
liquid, with the fame of the property spreading further throughout<br />
the world.<br />
When serving Lafite, decant it well in advance of drinking as its<br />
bouquet and taste amplify to multi-faceted dimensions on contact<br />
with the air. At the Château itself, they double decant, back into the<br />
original bottle with its unchanging, instantly recognisable label.<br />
Lafite matures slowly, developing gloriously with bottle age, as<br />
historic tastings have shown. Collect Lafite for yourself and watch it<br />
grow! SS.<br />
Château Lafite 1989<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Nicked label, owc missing original lid<br />
The middle of a stunning trio of Lafites and my absolute favourite.<br />
67% Cabernet Sauvignon, 33% Merlot. Meaty, spicy, rich nose, heady<br />
and exotic. Silky, rich, dense and blackcurranty on the palate.<br />
Opulent and thrilling. The depth is totally in balance. Thick and<br />
mouth-coating. I wrote that it was absolutely dreamy at 19 years old<br />
and, for me, it tops the 1990, which is quite a feat. I still hold to this in<br />
2011, when I have had the luck to drink it on several occasions.<br />
Extremely scented nose of great class and breed. Smoky too. Great<br />
‘family’ similarity with the 1988. Almost minty/chocolatey in flavour.<br />
A lovely sweet, ripe finish. I think this will go on for ever. SS.<br />
820 1 imperial - 6 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $6,000-9,000<br />
Château Lafite 2005<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Great, warm, spicy nose. Big, huge, massive rich wine. An absolute<br />
‘must have’, combining the enormous breed of Lafite with depth and<br />
profundity. Great, long, cassis finish. A giant, in all senses of the<br />
word. SS.<br />
821 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $7,000-10,000<br />
Château Cos d’Estournel 1994<br />
St. Estèphe, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Only 40% new oak was used this year. The nose is spicy, and the<br />
flavour is meaty and "salty". Fresh and tangy. Finesse of texture with<br />
a cedary finish. A very creditable 1994. SS.<br />
822 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Château Léoville Lascases 1996<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
50 hl/ha. 70% Cabernet Sauvignon, 14% Merlot, 16% Cabernet<br />
Franc. The year that Jean-Hubert Delon took responsibility for the<br />
wine. Red brick colour. Great refinement and elegance on the nose,<br />
with a nice spicy character. Very long flavour. Classic Cabernet<br />
Sauvignon style. Not overly rich, but very refined, pure and elegant.<br />
This can continue to improve over many years. Last tasted from an<br />
Imperial in Hong Kong in 2010. Spicy, aromatic, very Médocain<br />
nose. Woodlands and cherries. Cherry jam fruit on the palate. So<br />
fresh and juicy, maybe even more so in this format. SS.<br />
823 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1994<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Lovely spicy nose. Lovely meaty attack. Delicious and velvety. A real<br />
miracle in the year, with no dryness. SS.<br />
824 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Château Grand Puy Lacoste 1996<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
A nose of a truly great wine and a vintage that was made for the<br />
property. Pure taffeta. Tremendous health of grapes married to a<br />
natural concentration of both sugar and acidity. A touch of aniseed<br />
and so much juicy, minty black fruit. Lip-licking good. A trace of<br />
cigars on the finish. For those who like great ripe Cabernet<br />
Sauvignon, this is it. SS.<br />
825 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
I 128 I
Château Pontet Canet 1994<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
Alfred Tesseron did a great deal of crop thinning this year, much to<br />
his father's dismay! The result is a very direct, crisp, blueberry wine<br />
that absolutely slips down. SS.<br />
826 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux 1995<br />
Margaux<br />
Real nose of breed. Touch of vanillin. Superb fruit and balance.<br />
Outstanding. SS.<br />
827 4 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Château Clinet 1994<br />
Pomerol<br />
828 1 imperial - 6 liter (cn)<br />
Château Clinet 1995<br />
Pomerol<br />
829 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Château l’Eglise Clinet 1995<br />
Pomerol<br />
1 nicked label, 1 slightly stained label, 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Denis Durantou's magic wine, in a luscious vintage. SS.<br />
830 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
Château Faugères 2001<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru<br />
Lot 831: Capsules with French tax stamps Lot 832: 1 stained label, 1<br />
slightly scuffed label, capsules with French tax stamps<br />
831 12 bts (owc)<br />
832 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
Château La Gomerie 1995<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru<br />
833 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $650-950<br />
Château Monbousquet 1994<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru<br />
Lot 835: Damaged owc<br />
834 12 bts (owc)<br />
835 6 mags (owc)<br />
836 5 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
per lot: $350-450<br />
Château Haut Brion Blanc 1994<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves)<br />
Last drunk from magnum. The most wonderful limey/lanolin,<br />
persistent bouquet. Drenched flower petals. Silky smooth. Beautiful<br />
fresh acidity. I just find this addictive. SS.<br />
837 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
Scarecrow Cabernet Sauvignon 2008<br />
Napa<br />
Lots 838-839: Original tissues<br />
838 3 bts (owc)<br />
839 3 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Jean Phillips' microscopic venture hit the road running, one might<br />
say, screaming with the 1992 vintage which is now almost impossible<br />
to find. We shall have to wait and see what effect the March 2006<br />
sale of this winery has on future wines. No one tastes these often,<br />
especially since phylloxera took its toll, making their rarity even more<br />
acute. But my few "sightings" of Screaming Eagle have totally won<br />
me over - they have a glossy richness and glycerol to them that I find<br />
nowhere else. SS.<br />
Screaming Eagle, Cabernet Sauvignon 2008<br />
Napa<br />
Lots 840-841: Original tissues<br />
840 3 bts (owc)<br />
841 3 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,750-3,750<br />
I 129 I
△<br />
Recently removed from professional storage<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 1996<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1 scuffed and 1 slightly torn label<br />
Deep-layered minty cassis on the nose. Terrific blackcurrant and<br />
coffee flavours. So long on the palate. Huge wine that will last for<br />
ever. Power, depth and richness. Beautifully constructed wine. Last<br />
tasted from an Imperial in Hong Kong in 2010. Heavenly minty<br />
freshness. So young in this format, brimming with robust health and<br />
huge structure, with a blackcurrant winegums finish – winegums are a<br />
British sweet, or candy! SS.<br />
842 5 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
△<br />
△<br />
Château Léoville Lascases 1982<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, slightly soiled labels, slightly scuffed capsules, 1 nicked capsule,<br />
excellent color and clarity<br />
Terrific bouquet, complex, powerful, blackcurrants and very scented.<br />
Marvellous flavour, majestic and with great breed, liquorice and<br />
cassis. The beautiful taste and lovely succulence are backed by firm<br />
tannins. This is First Growth quality, with great balance and a great<br />
future. In 2011, it had a deeply aromatic, intense bouquet, spicy and<br />
concentrated. Irony/sweet black fruit on the palate. So much power<br />
and tannin and, it seems, eternal youth. SS.<br />
843 6 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
Château Angélus 2000<br />
St. Emilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />
50% Merlot, 50% Cabernet Franc<br />
Tobacco, spices, more complex than 2001 on the nose. Red fruit.<br />
One senses the structure, the depth, the tannins. Incredible sweet<br />
complexity. Like eating a food. utterly complete. At 8 years old,<br />
incredibly 'iodé', rich and full of roses and glycerol. Another bottle<br />
had a thick, dense Damascus plums taste and sweet, candy finish.<br />
SS.<br />
844 1 bt<br />
per lot: $200-300<br />
△<br />
Vosne Romanée, Les Beaux Monts 1996<br />
Domaine Leroy<br />
Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />
845 10 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
I 130 I
A terrific line-up of the top producers from Burgundy including Robert Groffier,<br />
Domaine Dujac and Hubert Lignier including his great 1993 Clos de la Roche.<br />
Selections from Bordeaux include 1986 Margaux while sublime wines from Jean-<br />
Louis Chave include 1978 Hermitage<br />
Almost all wines purchased on release and carefully stored in an immaculate<br />
temperature and humidity controlled private cellar<br />
Property of a Dallas Collector<br />
In spring 1995, the Champagne wizard Joseph Henriot bought<br />
Bouchard Père, thereby ending family ownership, although<br />
Christophe Bouchard remains as technical director. This is, of course,<br />
an amazing domaine and a very important négociant house, and<br />
Joseph Henriot committed himself to restoring both to their former<br />
glory. Bouchard Pere et Fils is the biggest single vineyard landowner<br />
in the Cote d’Or, with a range of wonderfully exciting “climats”.<br />
Joseph Henriot’s reputation for fostering quality, so evident during<br />
his time as head of Veuve Clicquot, has led to exciting<br />
developments, and expansion, acquiring the thirty hectare Ropiteau-<br />
Mignon domaine and in 1998 the important Chablis producer<br />
William Févre. From 2005, all of the winemaking and élevage has<br />
taken place at a large, new winery near Savigny lès Beaune and<br />
quality has continued upwards. SS.<br />
Chambertin, Clos de Bèze 1999 Bouchard Père et Fils<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
1 slightly stained label<br />
846 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />
Clos de la Roche 1996 Domaine Dujac (1 bt)<br />
Clos Saint Denis 1998 Domaine Dujac (2 bts)<br />
Caspules with French tax stamps, 1 heavily stained label<br />
847 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-800<br />
Gevrey Chambertin, Clos St. Jacques, S. Esmonin<br />
Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />
1996 (8 bts) 1 scuffed and 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
1999 (3 bts)<br />
848 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-600<br />
Charmes Chambertin, Geantet-Pansiot<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
1995 (1 mag)<br />
1996 (7 bts) 1 nicked label<br />
1996 (1 mag) Slightly scuffed label, import label partially overlaps top<br />
edge of main label, capsule with French tax stamp<br />
1999 (4 bts) 1 slightly scuffed label, capsules with French tax stamps<br />
849 11 bts and 2 mags (cn, sc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Bonnes Mares 1999 Robert Groffier (2 bts)<br />
Chambolle Musigny, Les Amoureuses 2001<br />
Robert Groffier (4 bts)<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels, capsules with French tax stamps<br />
850 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Richebourg 1999 Alain Hudelot-Noëllat<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
851 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Romanée St. Vivant 1999 Alain Hudelot-Noëllat (3 bts)<br />
Clos Vougeot 1999 Alain Hudelot-Noëllat (4 bts)<br />
852 7 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,300<br />
I 131 I
Pierre-Henry Gagey and technical director Jacques Lardière oversee<br />
this remarkable house, one of Burgundy's most impressive<br />
operations. And these are great vintages. SS.<br />
Bonnes Mares 2002 Louis Jadot<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
853 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Clos des Lambrays<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
1999 (4 bts) Capsules with French tax stamps<br />
2005 (4 bts) Slightly stained labels<br />
858 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Chambertin, Clos de Bèze 2002 Louis Jadot<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
1 bin scuffed label<br />
854 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Echézeaux 2002 Mugneret-Gibourg<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
859 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Gevrey Chambertin, Clos St. Jacques, Louis Jadot<br />
Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />
1996 (6 bts)<br />
1999 (5 bts) 1 slightly stained label<br />
855 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $300-450<br />
Volnay, Clos des Chênes 1995 Michel Lafarge (2 bts)<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Volnay, Clos des Chênes 1995 Michel Lafarge (1 mag)<br />
Volnay, Clos du Château des Ducs 1995<br />
Michel Lafarge (1 bt)<br />
Volnay, Clos du Château des Ducs 1996<br />
Michel Lafarge (4 bts)<br />
Wrinkled and partially torn labels<br />
Volnay, Clos des Chênes 1996 Michel Lafarge (3 bts)<br />
2 nicked labels, 1 import label partially attached to vintage neck label<br />
856 10 bts and 1 mag (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,100<br />
Clos de la Roche 1993 Hubert Lignier (2 bts)<br />
1 nicked and slightly scuffed label<br />
Morey St. Denis, Les Chaffots 1995 Hubert Lignier<br />
(3 bts)<br />
857 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Charmes Chambertin, Sérafin Père et Fils<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
1995 (4 bts)<br />
1998 (6 bts)<br />
860 10 bts (sc)<br />
Charmes Chambertin, Vieilles Vignes 1996<br />
Truchot (5 bts)<br />
Clos de la Roche 1996 Truchot (4 bts)<br />
861 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,000<br />
per lot: $950-1,300<br />
I 132 I
Mixed Lots<br />
Vosne Romanée, Les Suchots 1990 Jacques Cacheux (1 bt)<br />
Richebourg 1995 Denis Mugneret (2 bts)<br />
Richebourg 1996 Denis Mugneret (3 bts)<br />
Vosne Romanée, Les Suchots 1996 Jacques Cacheux (5 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
Mazis Chambertin 1998 Louis Jadot (1 bt)<br />
Capsule with French tax stamp<br />
862 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $850-1,200<br />
Corton, Les Bressandes 1995<br />
Chandon de Briailles (4 bts)<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Corton 1996 Bouchard Père et Fils (3 bts)<br />
Corton, Les Bressandes 1996<br />
Chandon de Briailles (1 mag)<br />
Stained and nicked label<br />
Corton, Pougets 1998 Louis Jadot (1 bt)<br />
866 8 bts and 1 mag (sc)<br />
per lot: $250-400<br />
Clos de la Roche 1993 Domaine Lecheneaut (1 bt)<br />
Slightly stained and nicked label<br />
Bonnes Mares 1995 Fougeray de Beauclair (3 bts)<br />
1 slightly stained label, 1 nicked vintage neck label<br />
Bonnes Mares 1996 Fougeray de Beauclair (5 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
Clos de la Roche 1996 Domaine Lecheneaut (1 bt)<br />
863 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Latricières Chambertin 1993 Domaine Ponsot (1 bt)<br />
Chambolle Musigny, Les Fuées 1996<br />
Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier (3 bts)<br />
Chambolle Musigny, Les Charmes 1996<br />
Domaine Ponsot (3 bts)<br />
Clos de la Roche, Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 1996<br />
Domaine Ponsot (2 bts)<br />
Nicked labels<br />
Chambolle Musigny, Aux Beaux Bruns 1998<br />
Denis Mortet (1 bt)<br />
Capsule with French tax stamp<br />
864 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-900<br />
Echézeaux du Dessus 1995 Jayer-Gilles (2 bts)<br />
1 nicked and 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Echézeaux 1996 Haegelen-Jayer (3 bts)<br />
Nuits St. Georges, Les Hauts Poirets 1999 Jayer-Gilles (1 bt)<br />
Echézeaux du Dessus 2002 Jayer-Gilles (4 bts)<br />
867 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $550-750<br />
Gevrey Chambertin, Les Champs Chenys 1995 Joseph Roty<br />
(1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Gevrey Chambertin, Le Fonteny 1995<br />
Joseph Roty (1 bt)<br />
Scuffed label<br />
Chambolle Musigny, Les Cras 1999 Ghislaine Barthod (1 mag)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Gevrey Chambertin, Les Cazetiers 1999<br />
Sérafin Père et Fils (6 bts)<br />
4 stained labels<br />
Chambolle Musigny, Les Cras 1999 Ghislaine Barthod (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Chambolle Musigny, Aux Beaux Bruns 1999<br />
Ghislaine Barthod (1 bt)<br />
868 10 bts and 1 mag (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-1,000<br />
Clos Vougeot 1995 Robert Arnoux (4 bts)<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Mazis Chambertin 1998 Louis Jadot (4 bts)<br />
Capsules with French tax stamps<br />
Clos Vougeot 2004 Louis Jadot (4 bts)<br />
865 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-750<br />
Vosne Romanée, Les Beaux Monts 1996<br />
Bruno Clavelier (5 bts)<br />
1 nicked and 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Vosne Romanée, Aux Brûlées 1996<br />
Bruno Clavelier (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Vosne Romanée, Aux Reignots 1999<br />
Bouchard Père et Fils (6 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
869 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-700<br />
I 133 I
Griotte Chambertin 1996 Joseph Drouhin (3 bts)<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Latricières Chambertin 2005 Camille Giroud (3 bts)<br />
Chambertin 2005 Camille Giroud (2 bts)<br />
1 slightly stained label<br />
870 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Nuits St. Georges, Les Boudots 1996<br />
Méo-Camuzet (5 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Nuits St. Georges, Les Boudots 1996<br />
Gérard Mugneret (3 bts)<br />
1 slightly torn and loose label, 1 slightly stained capsule<br />
Nuits St. Georges, Les Damodes 1999<br />
Jayer-Gilles (3 bts)<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Nuits St. Georges, Les Hauts Poirets 1999<br />
Jayer-Gilles (1 bt)<br />
871 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-950<br />
Mazis Chambertin 1996 Philippe Naddef (4 bts)<br />
Clos Vougeot 1999 Dominique Laurent (4 bts)<br />
Charmes Chambertin 1999 Dominique Laurent (2 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
Echézeaux 1999 Dominique Laurent (1 bt)<br />
Capsules with French tax stamps<br />
Mazis Chambertin 1999 Philippe Naddef (1 bt)<br />
872 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-700<br />
Bonnes Mares 1999 Bouchard Père et Fils (6 bts)<br />
Capsules with French tax stamps<br />
Corton 1999 Bouchard Père et Fils (6 bts)<br />
5 capsules with French tax stamps, 2 nicked and 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
873 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-850<br />
Volnay, Les Champans 1995 Marquis d’Angerville (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Pommard, Clos des Epeneaux 1996 Comte Armand<br />
(1 mag)<br />
Volnay, Taillepieds 1999 Marquis d’Angerville (2 bts)<br />
Volnay, Taillepieds 2000 Marquis d’Angerville (1 bt)<br />
Chablis, Les Clos 2005 René & Vincent Dauvissat<br />
(3 bts)<br />
Chablis, Preuses 2005 René & Vincent Dauvissat (2 bts)<br />
874 9 bts and 1 mag (sc)<br />
per lot: $700-950<br />
Château Margaux 1986<br />
Margaux, 1er Cru Classé<br />
u. 2bn, 2 nicked labels<br />
Concentrated bouquet of pure Médoc class. Glorious cassis and<br />
currants taste. This is a great Margaux of huge richness and<br />
dimension. Stupendous. At 23 years old and from magnum, the<br />
concentration is huge, with glossy glycerol covering the power.<br />
Coats the mouth. A real 1986 Cabernet Sauvignon wine, as all the<br />
First Growth Médocs are this year. In large format, it needs 10-20<br />
years more. SS.<br />
875 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1990<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), 1er Cru Classé<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
A staggeringly marvellous scent of violets, cedarwood, blackberries<br />
plus total freshness. Extraordinary gummy, coffee richness on the<br />
palate. Great mocha finish, like chewing cane sugar and coffee<br />
beans. Another bottle, at 19 years old, was absolutely stunning in all<br />
its sumptuous glory. In 2011, an exhilarating, magic bouquet of warm<br />
spices, undergrowth and heather. Glorious leather and cigars on the<br />
palate – absolutely gorgeous. Velvet tannins. Lovely, mature,<br />
elegant and with so much vibrant sweet fruit. This wine will always<br />
be one of my favourites, the one I choose when offered the run of<br />
anyone’s cellar, including my own, where it has almost run out! SS.<br />
876 4 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
Château Canon 1990<br />
St. Emilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé (B)<br />
5 import labels partially attached to main labels, slightly scuffed labels, 1<br />
stained label, 1 slightly sunken cork<br />
Cedary, damp cellar nose. Meaty, but a bit vegetal if one is really<br />
fussy. Roasted flavours on the palate. SS.<br />
877 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
I 134 I
Château Calon Ségur 2000<br />
St. Estèphe, 3ème Cru Classé<br />
1 slightly scuffed and 1 slightly stained label<br />
In 2011, a “salty”, edgy, beautiful St. Estèphe nose. Heather and tar.<br />
<strong>Full</strong>, healthy, rich plummy taste. Just brimming with youthful verve.<br />
SS.<br />
878 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Troplong Mondot 1995<br />
St Emilion, Grand Cru Classé<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked label, wine comes from 2 different<br />
importers<br />
Warm, plummy nose, absolutely of its cru. Real blackcurrant taste<br />
plus a touch of vanillin. Very sumptuous and opulent on the finish.<br />
Strong and powerful. SS.<br />
878A 11 bts<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
Mixed Lots<br />
Château Gruaud Larose 1982 (2 bts)<br />
u. 2bn, slightly corroded capsules, otherwise excellent appearance<br />
Château Calon Ségur 1982 (2 bts)<br />
u. 1vts, 1ts, slightly scuffed labels, excellent color and clarity<br />
Château Montrose 1982 (1 bt)<br />
u. bn, heavily stained label, excellent color and clarity<br />
Château Léoville Poyferré 1982 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed and slightly stained label, import label partially attached<br />
to main label<br />
879 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,300<br />
Château Léoville Lascases 1986 (4 bts)<br />
Wine comes from 2 different importers<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande 1986 (3 bts)<br />
u. 1bn, wine comes from different importers, slightly scuffed labels, 1<br />
heavily damp stained label<br />
880 7 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,100-1,600<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1986 (3 bts)<br />
u. 1ts, wine comes from different importers, 1 stained and faded label,<br />
slightly scuffed labels<br />
Château Cos d’Estournel 1986 (3 bts)<br />
u. 1bn, wine comes from 2 different importers, slightly scuffed labels<br />
Château Lynch Bages 1986 (1 mag)<br />
u. vts, slightly scuffed label<br />
Château Cos d’Estournel 1990 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
881 7 bts and 1 mag (sc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,300<br />
Château Cheval Blanc 1986 (2 bts)<br />
Scuffed labels, 1 nicked capsule<br />
Château Haut-Brion 1986 (1 bt)<br />
Import label partially attached to main label, slightly scuffed and slightly<br />
stained label<br />
882 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
I 135 I
Château Latour à Pomerol 1989 (2 bts)<br />
Scuffed labels<br />
Château Le Tertre Rôteboeuf 1990 (3 bts)<br />
2 import labels partially attached to main labels, 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Château Trotanoy 1990 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly stained label<br />
Château Pavie 1990 (1 bt)<br />
u. vts<br />
Château La Dominique 1990 (1 bt)<br />
Import label partially attached to main label<br />
883 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,100-1,600<br />
Château La Fleur Pétrus 1989 (1 bt)<br />
Château La Fleur Pétrus 1995 (5 bts)<br />
Château Certan de May 1995 (6 bts)<br />
Slightly stained labels, 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
884 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,300<br />
Château d’Yquem<br />
Sauternes, 1er Grand Cru Classé<br />
1975 (3 bts) u. 2vts, wine comes from 2 different importers, import<br />
labels partially attached to main labels, 2 nicked labels, stained labels<br />
1988 (1 hb)<br />
1990 (3 bts)<br />
885 1 hb and 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,250<br />
Château Rieussec 1990<br />
Sauternes, 1er Cru Classé<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels, 1 stained label, 1 slightly stained label, 1 slight<br />
sign of seepage<br />
Last tasted from half bottle at 18 years old. A nose of orange zest,<br />
apricots and caramel. Amazing creamy taste. Incredibly high<br />
residual sugar. utterly captivating and convincing as a great, super<br />
sugar-charged giant. SS.<br />
886 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $550-750<br />
Château Rieussec<br />
Sauternes, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1983 (1 bt) Scuffed and nicked label<br />
1986 (1 hb) Slightly scuffed label<br />
1988 (3 bts) 1 nicked label<br />
1988 (1 hb) Slightly scuffed label<br />
1990 (14 hbs) 6 slightly scuffed labels<br />
887 16 hbs and 4 bts (sc)<br />
RHONE<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Clos des Papes, Paul Avril<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
1995 (6 bts)<br />
2003 (4 bts) 1 partially torn label<br />
888 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $550-800<br />
Ermitage, Le Pavillon 1995 Chapoutier<br />
2 nicked and 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
889 6 bts (sc)<br />
Hermitage Rouge 1995 Jean-Louis Chave<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
890 12 bts (sc)<br />
Hermitage Rouge, Jean-Louis Chave<br />
1978 (1 bt)<br />
1988 (6 bts) Slightly scuffed labels<br />
1989 (4 bts) 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
891 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
Hermitage, La Chapelle, Paul Jaboulet Aîné<br />
1988 (1 bt) Nicked, slightly stained and slightly scuffed label<br />
1989 (4 bts) u. 1x3cm, 1x3.5cm, 2 slightly stained labels<br />
1989 (2 mags) 1 slightly scuffed and nicked label<br />
892 5 bts and 2 mags (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,900<br />
Côte Rôtie, Jamet<br />
1995 (4 bts)<br />
1998 (5 bts)<br />
893 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
I 136 I
Bandol, Cuvée La Migoua, Domaine Tempier 1990<br />
(1 bt)<br />
Bandol, Cuvée La Tourtine, Domaine Tempier 1994<br />
(1 bt)<br />
Slightly stained label<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape, Vieilles Vignes 1995<br />
Domaine de Marcoux (3 bts)<br />
Bandol, Cuvée La Tourtine, Domaine Tempier 1995<br />
(2 bts)<br />
Bandol, Cuvée Cabassaou , Domaine Tempier 1995<br />
(1 bt)<br />
Bandol, Cuvée Cabassaou , Domaine Tempier 1996<br />
(3 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
Bandol, Cuvée La Tourtine, Domaine Tempier 1996<br />
(1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
894 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-800<br />
Château de Beaucastel Rouge 1995 (3 bts)<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape, Cuvée de Mon Aieul 1998<br />
Pierre usseglio (4 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 2 nicked labels<br />
Château de Beaucastel Rouge 1998 (1 mag)<br />
Nicked label<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape, Cuvée de Mon Aieul 2003<br />
Pierre usseglio (3 bts)<br />
Capsules with French tax stamps<br />
895 10 bts and 1 mag (sc)<br />
per lot: $550-850<br />
ITALY<br />
Tignanello<br />
1995 (1 bt)<br />
1997 (3 bts) 2 nicked and scuffed labels<br />
1997 (1 mag) Slightly scuffed label<br />
896 4 bts and 1 mag (sc)<br />
per lot: $550-750<br />
Bryant Family, Pritchard, Cabernet Sauvignon 1994<br />
(1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Harlan Estate 1995 (1 bt)<br />
Araujo, Cabernet Sauvignon, Eisele Vineyard 1995<br />
(1 bt)<br />
898 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Clarendon Hills, Astralis 1997 (2 bts)<br />
Slightly wrinkled labels<br />
Torbreck Run Rig 1998 (3 bts)<br />
Clarendon Hills, Astralis 1999 (2 bts)<br />
Torbreck Run Rig 2001 (3 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
899 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Château Gilette 1967 (1 bt)<br />
Scuffed label<br />
Fonseca 1970 (1 bt)<br />
Berry Brothers & Rudd bottling, slightly stained and nicked label<br />
Warre 1977 (1 bt)<br />
u. bn, slightly scuffed label<br />
Château Lafaurie Peyraguey 1986 (4 bts)<br />
u. 2bn, slightly scuffed labels<br />
Château Climens 1986 (1 bt)<br />
Bin scuffed label<br />
Château Lafaurie Peyraguey 1988 (3 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
900 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-650<br />
Clos Erasmus 1995 (5 bts)<br />
Clos Mogador 2001 (6 bts)<br />
3 slighlty scuffed labels<br />
897 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $850-1,100<br />
I 137 I
Romanée-Conti, La Tâche, and Montrachet all purchased on release and recently<br />
removed from professional temperature controlled storage.<br />
Property of a Gentleman<br />
The Domaine, as it is known, is iconic. Much more important, it also produces the<br />
most extraordinary wines in Burgundy - and it has been doing so for some time.<br />
The generations responsible for the Domaine change, but the terroir remains. And<br />
these are very special vineyard parcels indeed, married to meticulous care and<br />
philosophy leading to low yields and healthy, ripe grapes, at whatever cost. During<br />
the 1990s, vineyard policy has been organic, with co-owner Aubert de Villaine<br />
monitoring everything with his usual attention to detail. Domaine de la Romanée-<br />
Conti wines evolve and develop dimensions in a way that resembles a mosaic -<br />
points of bouquet and flavour making up a harmonious whole that becomes more<br />
beautiful as it unfolds in the glass. Yes, these are hedonistic wines and, yes, they are<br />
not like any other. The trick is in capturing what these remarkable plots of vines<br />
can give and letting them express themselves through minimum intervention and<br />
enlightened nurturing. SS.<br />
La Tâche 2005 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
Beautiful, noble, sweet violets and raspberry nose. Damp earth and a touch of<br />
cinnamon. Great, huge, “woody” flavour. In full, rosy bloom. Very black fruit<br />
aftertaste. Cassis and blackberries. Big tannic structure. Then, from magnum in<br />
2009. Deep, but very bright, crimson colour. The sheer breadth and dimension of<br />
the bouquet is (almost) indescribable. Raspberries, roses, cassis and redcurrants.<br />
Heady. Dramatic, violetty, sweet taste. So intense and with such a concentrated<br />
core to it. Amazing blackcurrant finish. Flawless. A liqueur-like texture.<br />
Combines being ethereal with being rich. Much later, in the almost empty glass,<br />
Cognac/vanilla/eau de vie! Stupendous. SS.<br />
901 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $4,500-6,500<br />
Romanée Conti 2005 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
#58 and 59<br />
Tighter less open nose at this stage than La Tâche which is always the case. Notes<br />
of tobacco and liquorice. So elegant and streamlined. A completely different<br />
texture from La Tâche. A huge concentrated kernel, or centre, of cassis. Tightknit<br />
heart. Still guarding its best secrets for us. Will be a landmark Romanée-<br />
Conti. SS.<br />
902 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $14,000-20,000<br />
Montrachet 2005 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti<br />
Côte de Beaune, Grand Cru<br />
#147, 439, 621, 1 scuffed and slightly soiled label<br />
903 3 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $9,000-12,000<br />
I 138 I
This collection focuses on the 1996 and 2000 vintages including two cases of<br />
Duhart Milon Rothschild 2000 and 2000 Léoville Lascases in magnum.<br />
Almost all of these wines are still in their original wooden cases and most were<br />
purchased on release<br />
Recently removed from professional storage<br />
Property of a Gentleman<br />
Throughout the centuries, Lafite has proved that this is a wine that ages in the<br />
most ethereal way. Lafite combines elegance, breed and scent with sustained<br />
power, a miracle of balance and nobility. The extraordinary terroir and position in<br />
Pauillac have always been matched by the Rothschilds’ sense of quality and vision,<br />
resulting in a wine that has mythical status. Continuity is vital in producing a great<br />
wine and the wine-making brilliance of Charles Chevallier from the 1990s to the<br />
present day has added extra lustre to this exceptional liquid, with the fame of the<br />
property spreading further throughout the world.<br />
When serving Lafite, decant it well in advance of drinking as its bouquet and taste<br />
amplify to multi-faceted dimensions on contact with the air. At the Château itself,<br />
they double decant, back into the original bottle with its unchanging, instantly<br />
recognisable label. Lafite matures slowly, developing gloriously with bottle age, as<br />
historic tastings have shown. Collect Lafite for yourself and watch it grow! SS.<br />
Château Lafite 1996<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Every single time I taste this wine, I am aware of its greatness – power, class,<br />
nobility and yet with the utter finesse of Lafite. Dense and thick with damson<br />
flavours – I have always thought it eternal. At 13 years old, the bouquet was all<br />
deep aromatic intensity and spiciness. Terrific Cabernet Sauvignon depth and<br />
concentration on the palate. ‘Grand vin’ of the first order. I do not find the mint<br />
now, replaced by black cassis, dimension and, finally, attack, proving that it has a<br />
long way to go – not that I would turn it down now…..It is truly a knock-out. Again,<br />
at a 2009 dinner in Hong Kong, a glorious spicy nose, like the smell of Christmas<br />
pudding cooking! Huge black cherries and liquorice taste. Perfect composition,<br />
bursting with fruit and health. Big impact wine. SS.<br />
904 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $15,000-20,000<br />
905 2 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
I 139 I
The power and glory of Latour are undisputed. The consistency of<br />
Latour, due to its fabulous gravel soil, great situation near the<br />
Gironde and a succession of inspired winemakers, is unrivaled. It is a<br />
wine that can start slowly and then takes off like a rocket. It is always<br />
profound with many layers of taste, a real reflection of the heart of<br />
Pauillac. Latour is famous for producing impressive wine in more<br />
modest vintages, but it knows how to seize great vintages and make<br />
them monuments. SS.<br />
Château Latour 1999<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
A great, 1er Cru, Pauillac/cedary nose. Big flavour with layers and<br />
dimensions. Superbly "juicy", healthy wine. Extremely long on the<br />
palate. SS.<br />
906 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $5,000-7,000<br />
Château Latour 2000<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
In 2011, an absolutely classic Pauillac nose, stupendous. Deep cassis<br />
taste of huge concentration and length. Great, four-square structure.<br />
Archetypal Latour that hits the spot. SS.<br />
907 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $12,000-20,000<br />
Mouton, as it is affectionately known by all its devotees, is the most<br />
opulent and exuberant of all the Firsts, a reflection of the two huge<br />
personalities that have headed the Château since 1920, Baron<br />
Philippe and then Baroness Philippine de Rothschild. The great cassis<br />
depths of this wine seduce everyone who appreciates the finest<br />
Bordeaux. It is a gloriously forceful, flamboyant wine, voluptuous and<br />
powerful. Philippe Dhalluin, Mouton's talented Technical Director,<br />
has been at the Château since the harvest of 2003 and the stunning<br />
beauty of the wines has been further strengthened by meticulous<br />
attention to detail in vineyard and cellar. Many of my own greatest<br />
wine drinking experiences revolve around Mouton throughout this<br />
century and the last. Magnificent Mouton is a sensory photo on the<br />
mind that stays with one for life. SS.<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
1982 (1 bt) u. vts, slightly stained label, nicked and slightly scuffed<br />
capsule, otherwise excellent appearance, color and clarity<br />
1990 (3 bts) Wine comes from 2 different importers, capsules with<br />
French tax stamps, 1 slightly stained label with parts of original tissue<br />
adhered to main label<br />
1995 (1 bt)<br />
909 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,250-3,000<br />
Château La Mission Haut-Brion 1999<br />
Talence (Pessac-Léognan), Grand Cru Classé<br />
Immensely scented loganberries on the nose. Strongly woodsmoky<br />
on the palate. A real cassis heart to it, in La Mission's way. Finegrained.<br />
A touch of chocolate on the finish. So approachable.<br />
Another bottle had a lovely woodsmoke and violets scent and a<br />
glorious brambly, loganberries taste. Great finesse of texture. So it is<br />
gloriously consistent. SS.<br />
910 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
One could hardly describe this impressive Second Growth as a<br />
"secret" but its outstanding quality and consistency is relatively<br />
unsung, except by those who regularly indulge in it. The important<br />
structure and huge, glossy fruit are unfailingly present. Gruaud<br />
Larose means grandeur in the glass. SS.<br />
Château Gruaud Larose 1990<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Capsules with French tax stamps, 1 nicked label<br />
At 21 years old, lovely tar and roses nose – Bordeaux’s answer to<br />
Barolo! Tremendously aromatic. Briary and smoky on the palate.<br />
Berries, raisins and real concentration. SS.<br />
911 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />
Château Mouton Rothschild 2000<br />
Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé<br />
Great, almost overpowering nose. Creamy, blackberry, bloomy,<br />
voluptuous. Briary and brambly. Black fruit in abundance, oozing<br />
incredible health and up-front, vivacious beauty. A monolithic but<br />
silky wine that will go down in history. In 2011, a luscious, opulent,<br />
blackcurrant bouquet. Gloriously fresh and incisive. Just screams<br />
healthy fruit at you, with a great Mouton terroir sign-off. SS.<br />
908 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $12,000-18,000<br />
I 140 I
Château Gruaud Larose 2000<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
In 2011, a real, elegant, totally Médocain nose – talk about ‘spirit of<br />
place’! Spicy and heathery. Gloriously rich and ‘tarry’. Great bilberry<br />
fruit with soft ripe tannins at the end – and then the ‘iron’ catches up.<br />
So Gruaud, so Bordeaux, so wonderful, especially with cave-aged<br />
Gruyère. SS.<br />
912 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Château Figeac 2000<br />
St. Emilion, 1er Grand Cru Classé (B)<br />
A real ‘grand vin’ nose of class and breed. Glorious cassis scent.<br />
Fabulous richness and liquorice opulence. So clean and crisp with<br />
very red fruit. Lovely sweetness at the end. A winner for the future.<br />
At 10 years old this has a great deep colour and a nose and taste that<br />
is so cedary – or is it oaky? So amazingly sweet on the palate – full<br />
of glycerol. This is a really superb 2000. SS.<br />
917 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Château Léoville Barton 2000<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Wonderful ‘inky’, coffee and cinnamon nose. Glorious fruit, acidity<br />
and oak, in all the right proportions. Huge wine – a looming giant.<br />
utterly convincing and emphatic, with a lovely mocha finish. SS.<br />
913 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />
Château Léoville Lascases 2000<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Capsules with French tax stamps, 1 nicked label, 2 scuffed capsules<br />
from wooden case dividers<br />
In 2011, a really classy, cedary nose of true top Médoc, almost etched<br />
it is so precise. A marked liquorice, wine gums taste, with so much<br />
sweet, ripe, healthy 2000 fruit. Melts in the mouth at this relatively<br />
young age. In Imperial, it is just so young and bouncy. SS.<br />
914 6 mags (owc)<br />
per lot: $3,250-4,250<br />
Château Ausone 1961 (1 bt)<br />
u. ms, import label partially attached to main label, slightly stained and<br />
faded label, slight sign of seepage, excellent color and clarity<br />
Château Lafite 1978 (1 bt)<br />
Stained and slightly scuffed label, excellent color and clarity<br />
Dom Pérignon, Rosé 1990 (1 bt)<br />
Packed in individual gift box<br />
918 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,300<br />
Penfolds Grange 1997<br />
South Australia<br />
919 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />
The beautifully managed 73 hectares of vines at this cru classé provide<br />
textbook Pauillac of character and depth. under the same ownership<br />
and control as Lafite, the estate benefits from great technical knowhow<br />
and all necessary investment. The vineyard is now really mature<br />
as a result of the enormous renovation that took place after the<br />
property was acquired by the Rothschilds in 1962 and the different<br />
parcels are identified and handled individually in order to bring the<br />
grapes to the cellar at optimum ripeness. Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
dominated, the wines mature in barrels from the Lafite Rothschild<br />
cooperage. SS.<br />
Château Duhart Milon Rothschild 2000<br />
Pauillac, 4ème Cru Classé<br />
Lots 915-916: Capsules with French tax stamps<br />
Really classy, beautifully Pauillac nose. Lovely, slightly aniseed taste.<br />
Very satisfying. At 10 years old, a wonderful spicy, aromatic, cedary<br />
nose, plus cassis and black cherries. Young, vibrant, strong and<br />
powerful, with great tannic structure. This has a long life ahead of it.<br />
SS.<br />
915 12 bts (owc)<br />
916 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />
I 141 I
This cellar, meticulously assembled by two collectors, offers bidders<br />
the greatest wines from the Napa Valley. Producers include Joseph<br />
Phelps with over 11 cases on offer including 2001, 6 vintages on offer<br />
from Opus One including an imperial of 1990, and five vintages of<br />
Elevation 1147 from David Arthur including an imperial of 2004.<br />
Classic Châteauneuf du Pape as well as the future stars of the Rhône<br />
also on offer here including cases of 1998 and 2001 Hommage à<br />
Jacques Perrin from Beaucastel. Rarest Cuvée da Capo from Pegau<br />
includes a methusaleh of 2000 and not to be missed is a full case of<br />
Deux Ex Machina Clos St. Jean from 2007. Burgundy concludes this<br />
outstanding collection from California and France with 4 vintages of<br />
Musigny on offer from Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier including the<br />
stupendous 2005.<br />
Recently removed from custom-built private temperature controlled<br />
storage<br />
Property of Southern Gentlemen<br />
ABREU<br />
Abreu, Cabernet Sauvignon, Madrona Ranch 2001<br />
Napa<br />
Bin scuffed and nicked labels<br />
920 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-600<br />
Established by David, Joye and Bob Long in 1985, David Arthur<br />
produces 100% of their Cabernet from grapes grown on their<br />
Pritchard Hill estate, where they farm 21 acres of vineyards. The<br />
Elevation 1147 is 100% Cabernet Sauvignon and represents the “best<br />
of the best” that is produced on the estate.<br />
David Arthur Cabernet Sauvignon Elevation 1147 2004<br />
Lot 924: Signed bottles, 2 scuffed labels Lot 925: Scuffed and slightly<br />
nicked label, signed bottle Lot 926: Scuffed and nicked label, signed<br />
bottle<br />
See illustration<br />
924 3 d.mag - 3 liters (3cn)<br />
per lot: $450-600<br />
925 1 imperial - 6 liter (cn)<br />
926 1 imperial - 6 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
David Arthur Cabernet Sauvignon Elevation 1147 2007<br />
Lot 927: Original tissues Lot 928: Signed bottle<br />
927 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $250-350<br />
928 1 imperial - 6 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
David Arthur Cabernet Sauvignon Elevation 1147<br />
2002 (4 bts)<br />
2003 (3 bts)<br />
2007 (4 bts)<br />
929 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Abreu, Cabernet Sauvignon, Madrona Ranch 2002<br />
Napa<br />
Original tissues<br />
921 2 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Abreu, Cabernet Sauvignon, Madrona Ranch 2004<br />
Napa<br />
Original tissues<br />
922 3 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $450-700<br />
Abreu, Thorevilos 2004<br />
Napa<br />
Original tissues<br />
923 3 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $450-600<br />
David Arthur Cabernet Sauvignon Elevation 1147<br />
2003 (1 mag)<br />
2004 (2 mags) Stained labels, 1 nicked label<br />
2004 (2 bts) Nicked labels<br />
2005 (10 bts) 2 nicked labels<br />
930 12 bts and 3 mags (cn, sc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
David Arthur Cabernet Sauvignon 2004<br />
Napa<br />
931 12 bts (sc)<br />
David Arthur Cabernet Sauvignon 2005<br />
Napa<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
932 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
LOTS 924, 966, 987-995<br />
I 143 I
David Arthur Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
Napa<br />
2002 (1 bt)<br />
2003 (3 bts)<br />
2004 (4 bts) 1 nicked label<br />
2007 (4 bts)<br />
933 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Carter Cellars Coliseum Block Cabernet 2006<br />
Napa<br />
Lot 941: 7 slightly scuffed labels Lot 942: 6 slightly scuffed labels, 1<br />
nicked label<br />
941 12 bts (cn)<br />
942 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,200<br />
Barnett Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon, Peacock Family<br />
Vineyard 2005<br />
Napa<br />
934 12 bts (cn)<br />
935 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Blankiet Estate Cabernet Sauvignon, Paradise Hills Vineyard<br />
2003<br />
Napa<br />
Lot 936: 1 stained and scuffed label, 2 slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked<br />
label Lot 937: 1 nicked label, 1 slightly scuffed label, 1 slightly stained<br />
label<br />
936 12 bts (sc)<br />
937 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />
Blankiet Estate Cabernet Sauvignon, Paradise Hills Vineyard<br />
2003<br />
Napa<br />
2 bin scuffed labels<br />
938 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Blankiet Estate Cabernet Sauvignon, Paradise Hills Vineyard<br />
2004<br />
Napa<br />
939 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Blankiet Paradise Hills Vineyard, Merlot<br />
Napa<br />
2002 (7 bts) 1 torn, 1 scuffed and 2 slightly nicked labels<br />
2003 (5 bts) 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
940 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-900<br />
Carter Cellars Beckstoffer To Kalon Vineyard Cabernet 2003<br />
(5 bts)<br />
Stained labels, 1 nicked label, 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Carter Cellars Coliseum Block Cabernet 2003 (1 bt)<br />
Nicked label<br />
Carter Cellars Beckstoffer To Kalon Vineyard Cabernet 2006<br />
(6 bts)<br />
4 slightly scuffed labels<br />
943 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
I think I first realized that Caymus Special Selection was not only one<br />
of the greatest wines made in California, but a very great wine in the<br />
context of world wine-making when I attended one of Bipin Desai's<br />
vertiginous vertical tastings. The tasting was held in L.A. and we<br />
drank the Special Selections from 1975-1990 over some spectacular<br />
food at Valentino. I was deeply impressed by the complexity of the<br />
wines which, for me, is the real criterion of quality and I was also<br />
struck by Chuck Wagner's direct approach, professionalism and zest<br />
for life. More recently, in Napa we did a vertical tasting of younger<br />
vintages, which was equally impressive. SS.<br />
Caymus Vineyards, Special Selection, Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
2001<br />
Napa<br />
Sign of seepage, wine stained label<br />
944 1 d.mag - 3 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $300-500<br />
Caymus Vineyards, Special Selection, Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
Napa<br />
1999 (2 bts) Slightly bin scuffed labels<br />
2000 (2 bts) Slightly bin scuffed labels<br />
2001 (6 bts) Slightly bin scuffed labels<br />
945 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Chappellet Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pritchard Hill<br />
Estate Vineyard 2005<br />
Napa<br />
946 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
I 144 I
Ann Colgin’s meticulously-run stable of wines was first established in<br />
1992 with the Herb Lamb Vineyard. It has now been joined by<br />
Tychson Hill, Cariad and the Ix Estate, where visitors to her state of<br />
the art winery enjoy incredible views over Lake Hennessey. The<br />
wines are luscious, complex, very velvety and obviously crafted with<br />
enormous care by the talented Marc Aubert. The wonderfully<br />
healthy fruit is left to express itself in a very pure, but gloriously<br />
flamboyant way. SS.<br />
Colgin, Cabernet Sauvignon, Herb Lamb 1998<br />
Napa<br />
1 torn label with tear covered in paint, 1 nicked and 1 scuffed label<br />
Mark Aubert's first vintage. Nose of a young great Pauillac. Superb<br />
balance and freshness. Young, vibrant, lovely acidity at the end.<br />
Beautifully plush and full of silky fruit. I like the style. SS.<br />
947 4 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Colgin, Cabernet Sauvignon, Herb Lamb<br />
Napa<br />
1999 (1 bt) 1 nicked label<br />
2003 (2 bts)<br />
948 3 bts (sc)<br />
Colgin, Cariad 2003<br />
Napa<br />
2 nicked labels, 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
949 6 bts (sc)<br />
Colgin Cellars IX Estate Red Wine 2006<br />
Napa<br />
950 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $450-600<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />
Colgin, Cabernet Sauvignon, Tychson Hill 2003 (2 bts)<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Colgin Cellars IX Estate Red Wine 2003 (3 bts)<br />
951 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-800<br />
Continuum 2005<br />
Napa<br />
5 original tissues<br />
952 6 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Continuum 2006<br />
Napa<br />
Lot 953: Original tissues Lot 954: Original tissues, 1 slightly stained<br />
label<br />
953 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
954 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Dalla Valle, Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
Napa<br />
1995 (4 bts)<br />
1998 (2 bts) 1 pen marked label<br />
1999 (2 bts) Slightly scuffed labels<br />
2001 (4 bts) 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
955 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-950<br />
Dominus 2002<br />
Napa<br />
3 slightly bin scuffed labels<br />
Cabernet Sauvignon 85%; Cabernet Franc 8%; Merlot 3%; Petit<br />
Verdot 4%<br />
Rich, black fruit nose. Bursting with health and vivaciousness. Sweet<br />
aniseed and spicy blackberries. Needs rich food! The tannins are<br />
wonderfully ripe. This is a highly sensual wine with a pure redcurrants<br />
finish. SS.<br />
956 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,100<br />
Far Niente, Cabernet Sauvignon 2000<br />
Napa<br />
957 1 imperial - 6 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Far Niente, Cabernet Sauvignon 2003<br />
Napa<br />
Lot 959: Slightly scuffed label<br />
958 1 d.mag - 3 liter and 1 imperial - 6 liter (2cn)<br />
959 1 imperial - 6 liter (owc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
I 145 I
Far Niente, Cabernet Sauvignon 2006<br />
Napa<br />
960 12 bts (owc)<br />
961 12 bts (owc)<br />
962 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
MERUS<br />
Merus Cabernet Sauvignon 2005<br />
Napa<br />
5 nicked labels<br />
969 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $850-1,300<br />
Paul Hobbs, Cabernet Sauvignon, Beckstoffer Tokalon 2005<br />
Napa<br />
Original tissues<br />
963 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
Merus Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
Napa<br />
2003 (3 bts) 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
2003 (1 mag)<br />
2004 (8 bts) 3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
970 11 bts and 1 mag (sc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,300<br />
Paul Hobbs, Cabernet Sauvignon, Stagecoach Vineyard 2005<br />
Napa<br />
6 original tissues<br />
964 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $700-900<br />
Paul Hobbs, Cabernet Sauvignon, Stagecoach Vineyard 2003<br />
(7 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
Paul Hobbs Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 (1 bt)<br />
965 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Jericho Canyon Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2005<br />
Napa<br />
1 scuffed label, 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
See illustration<br />
966 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
Peter Michael, Cabernet Sauvignon, Les Pavots<br />
Sonoma County<br />
2002 (2 bts)<br />
2006 (5 bts) 1 nicked label<br />
971 7 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-900<br />
One of the most historic wineries of California, its legacy enriched by<br />
the famous Paris Tasting of 1976. This is highly respected Cabernet,<br />
one of the most ageworthy red wines of California. SS.<br />
Château Montelena Estate, Cabernet Sauvignon 2002<br />
See illustration<br />
Napa<br />
972 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Kamen Estate Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
Sonoma Valley<br />
2001 (1 imperial - 6 liter) Inscription written on bottle<br />
2002 (1 imperial - 6 liter) Slightly scuffed label<br />
967 2 imperial - 6 liters (2 cn)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Château Montelena Estate, Cabernet Sauvignon 2003<br />
Napa<br />
Lot 973: 5 slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly stained label, 2 nicked labels<br />
Lot 974: 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
973 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
974 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Lewis Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 2004<br />
(3 bts)<br />
Lewis Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 2005<br />
(8 bts)<br />
Lewis Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 (1 bt)<br />
968 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-650<br />
LOTS 972, 979-981<br />
I 147 I
OPUS ONE<br />
Opus One is the creation of two visionary spirits, Baron Philippe de<br />
Rothschild and Robert Mondavi. Both men saw far ahead of their<br />
contemporaries and drove their idea of a vinous joint venture with<br />
the determination that marks out great people.<br />
From the start, Opus One stood out, catching the mood of wine<br />
lovers who wanted a great new classic, with added exuberance. It is<br />
the expression both of Napa's vitality and French polish, with glorious<br />
glossy fruit over the structure which is born of fabulous soil and<br />
rigorous viticultural techniques. SS.<br />
Opus One 1980<br />
Napa<br />
u. vts, slightly stained label, scuffed and slightly corroded capsule,<br />
number 231 of 237 bottles<br />
Blackberry nose of enormous freshness. Silky elegance. So<br />
“bordelais”. Glorious black cherries on the finish, with a gummy, rich<br />
texture. SS.<br />
975 1 imperial - 6 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Opus One 1990<br />
Napa<br />
Slight sign of seepage, scuffed label<br />
Exceptionally spicy, glühwein nose. Thick, ripe damsons on the<br />
palate. Mouth-melting. Perfect at 18 years old. SS.<br />
976 1 imperial - 6 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
Opus One 1992<br />
Napa<br />
Sign of seepage, wine stained label<br />
Smoky, warm earth bouquet. A rosy scent steals up on you.<br />
Cinnamon and cloves on the nose. Forceful tannins - needs time.<br />
Very meaty. SS.<br />
977 1 imperial - 6 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Opus One 1999<br />
Napa<br />
Scuffed label<br />
Intense, focussed, cassis bouquet. Great black and red fruit taste.<br />
Beautiful tannic structure. Dark chocolate, brambly finish. SS.<br />
978 1 imperial - 6 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />
Opus One 2003<br />
Napa<br />
Lot 979: 1 slightly scuffed label, 1 nicked label Lot 980: 3 slightly scuffed<br />
labels Lot 981: 2 nicked labels<br />
See illustration<br />
979 12 bts (sc)<br />
980 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,000<br />
981 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,100-1,500<br />
I 148 I<br />
Opus One 2004<br />
Napa<br />
982 6 bts (owc)<br />
Pahlmeyer Blend, Proprietary Reserve 2005<br />
Napa<br />
1 nicked label<br />
983 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Joseph Phelps has played a dynamic role in Napa Valley, having<br />
pioneered vineyard-designated wines, and the Bordeaux-style<br />
Insignia. SS.<br />
Joseph Phelps Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon, Insignia 2001<br />
Napa<br />
Lot 986: 1 nicked label<br />
Gummy, blackberry, liquorice nose. Great glossy fruit on the palate<br />
with a coffee finish. So thick and mouth-coating. SS<br />
984 12 bts (sc)<br />
985 12 bts (sc)<br />
986 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,400<br />
Joseph Phelps Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon, Insignia 2005<br />
Napa<br />
See illustration<br />
Lot 991: 1 nicked label<br />
987 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
988 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
989 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
990 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
991 12 bts (sc)<br />
992 12 bts (sc)<br />
993 12 bts (sc)<br />
994 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,400<br />
995 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-700<br />
Joseph Phelps Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon, Insignia<br />
Napa<br />
1994 (2 bts) 2 slightly scuffed and 1 nicked label<br />
1997 (2 bts) 1 nicked label<br />
1999 (2 bts) 1 nicked label<br />
2001 (1 bt)<br />
2002 (3 bts) 1 nicked label<br />
2005 (2 bts)<br />
996 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />
Joseph Phelps Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon, Insignia<br />
Napa<br />
2003 (5 bts)<br />
2006 (6 bts)<br />
997 11 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,100
Joseph Phelps Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon 1996<br />
(1 d.mag - 3 liter)<br />
Nicked label<br />
Cakebread Cellars, Cabernet Sauvignon 1997<br />
(1 imperial - 6 liter)<br />
u. bn, slight sign of seepage, stained label<br />
Joseph Phelps Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 (12 bts)<br />
998 12 bts, 1 d.mag - 3 liter and 1 imperial - 6 liter (2cn, 2oc)<br />
per lot: $550-800<br />
Quilceda Creek Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
Columbia Valley<br />
2003 (3 bts)<br />
2005 (2 bts)<br />
1006 5 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,100<br />
PlumpJack, Cabernet Sauvignon 2006<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
999 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Ramey Cellars, owned and started by David and Carla Ramey in the<br />
Napa Valley in 1996, have quickly made a name for themselves by<br />
producing wines easily recognizable by their rich and lush style.<br />
Currently producing several Cabernet, single vineyard Chardonnay<br />
and Syrah, their flagship wine is the Pedregal Vineyard Cabernet, a<br />
wine that will surely stand the test of time.<br />
Founded in 1990 by Jim and Carolyn Pride, these now 82 acres<br />
produce 7 wines including the Reserve Claret and Reserve Cabernet<br />
both of which feature an additional eight months ageing in bottle<br />
prior to release. The Reserve Cabernet is 100% Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
and the Reserve Claret is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot,<br />
Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot.<br />
Pride Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon 2006<br />
Lot 1000: 6 slightly scuffed labels Lot 1001: 3 slightly scuffed labels Lot<br />
1002: 2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
1000 12 bts (oc)<br />
1001 12 bts (oc)<br />
1002 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Ramey Jericho Canyon Vineyard 2002<br />
1 slightly pen marked label, 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
1007 8 bts (sc)<br />
Ramey Jericho Canyon Vineyard 2003<br />
5 scuffed and 3 slightly nicked labels<br />
1008 12 bts (sc)<br />
Ramey Jericho Canyon Vineyard 2004<br />
Lot 1010: 2 slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked label<br />
1009 12 bts (sc)<br />
1010 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
per lot: $450-700<br />
per lot: $350-550<br />
Pride Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
2004 (10 bts)<br />
2006 (12 bts) 6 slightly scuffed labels<br />
1003 22 bts (sc, oc)<br />
per lot: $550-750<br />
Ramey Jericho Canyon Vineyard 2005<br />
Lot 1011: 1 slightly scuffed label Lot 1012: 2 slightly bin scuffed labels, 1<br />
nicked label<br />
1011 12 bts (sc)<br />
1012 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-800<br />
Pride Mountain Vineyards, Merlot 2006<br />
6 slightly scuffed labels<br />
1004 24 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Pride Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 (7 bts)<br />
Scuffed labels, 2 nicked labels<br />
Pride Mountain Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2003<br />
(1 bt)<br />
Pride Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 (3 bts)<br />
1005 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-600<br />
Ramey Cabernet Larkmead Vineyard 2004<br />
Napa<br />
Stained labels<br />
1013 6 mags (cn)<br />
per lot: $450-700<br />
Ramey Cabernet Sauvignon, Pedregal Vineyard 2005<br />
Napa<br />
3 slightly soiled labels<br />
1014 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
I 149 I<br />
Ramey Cabernet Sauvignon, Pedregal Vineyard 2006<br />
Napa<br />
1015 11 bts<br />
per lot: $650-900
Ramey Diamond Mountain District 2002 (3 bts)<br />
Ramey Claret 2002 (1 bt)<br />
Ramey Cabernet Sauvignon, Pedregal Vineyard 2004 (5 bts)<br />
Ramey Cabernet Sauvignon, Pedregal Vineyard 2005 (3 bts)<br />
1016 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-750<br />
Diamond Creek, Cabernet Sauvignon, Gravelly Meadow 2004<br />
(4 bts)<br />
Diamond Creek, Cabernet Sauvignon, Gravelly Meadow 2005<br />
(4 bts)<br />
Diamond Creek, Cabernet Sauvignon, Red Rock Terrace 2005<br />
(3 bts)<br />
Diamond Creek, Cabernet Sauvignon, Volcanic Hill 2005 (1 bt)<br />
1022 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Revana Family Vineyard Cabernet<br />
Napa<br />
2001 (2 bts)<br />
2003 (10 bts)<br />
1017 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $450-700<br />
Revana Family Vineyard Cabernet 2001 (1 bt)<br />
Kamen Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2002 (2 bts)<br />
1 nicked and slightly scuffed label<br />
Laura Zahtila Beckstoffer George III Vineyard Cabernet 2004<br />
(9 bts)<br />
Heavily damp stained and torn labels<br />
1023 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $250-400<br />
Spottswoode, Cabernet Sauvignon 2003<br />
Napa<br />
2 nicked labels<br />
1018 12 bts (sc)<br />
Spottswoode, Cabernet Sauvignon 2005<br />
Napa<br />
5 original tissues<br />
1019 6 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Staglin Family Vineyard, Cabernet Sauvignon<br />
Napa<br />
1996 (9 bts) 5 damp stained, 3 slightly scuffed and 1 nicked labels<br />
2003 (5 bts) 1 nicked label<br />
1020 14 bts (2 sc)<br />
per lot: $650-900<br />
Cakebread Cellars, Vine Hill Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon 2003<br />
(1 bt)<br />
Cakebread Cellars, Vine Hill Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon 2004<br />
(2 bts)<br />
Cakebread Cellars, Cabernet Sauvignon Benchland Select<br />
2004 (2 bts)<br />
Cakebread Cellars, Vine Hill Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon 2005<br />
(2 bts)<br />
Cakebread Cellars, Cabernet Sauvignon Benchland Select<br />
2005 (2 bts)<br />
Cakebread Cellars, Vine Hill Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon 2006<br />
(2 bts)<br />
1021 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Beringer, Cabernet Sauvignon, Private Reserve 2004 (7 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
Diamond Creek, Cabernet Sauvignon, Volcanic Hill 2004<br />
(2 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
Diamond Creek, Cabernet Sauvignon, Red Rock Terrace 2004<br />
(2 bts)<br />
1024 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-750<br />
Opus One 1991 (2 bts)<br />
Caymus Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon 1991 (1 bt)<br />
Joseph Phelps Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon, Insignia 1994<br />
(2 bts)<br />
Ridge, Cabernet Sauvignon, Monte Bello 1994 (1 bt)<br />
Caymus Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon 1997 (3 bts)<br />
Dunn Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon 1997 (2 bts)<br />
Nicked labels<br />
1025 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,400<br />
Spottswoode, Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 (6 bts)<br />
PlumpJack, Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 (6 bts)<br />
2 torn and 1 nicked labels<br />
1026 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-800<br />
Groth, Cabernet Sauvignon 1991 (2 bts)<br />
1 slightly stained label, 1 slightly sunken cork<br />
Jordan, Cabernet Sauvignon, Alexander Valley 1991 (1 bt)<br />
York Creek Vineyards Meritage 1994 (4 bts)<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
York Creek Vineyards Meritage 1997 (5 bts)<br />
2 nicked and 1 slightly scuffed labels<br />
1027 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $250-400<br />
I 150 I
Arrowood, Cabernet Sauvignon 1991 (1 bt)<br />
Kathryn Kennedy, Cabernet Sauvignon 2001 (1 bt)<br />
Altamura, Cabernet Sauvignon 2001 (1 bt)<br />
Barnett Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon, Spring Mountain<br />
District 2002 (2 bts)<br />
Axios, Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 (5 bts)<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Metisse Napa Red 2004 (1 bt)<br />
1028 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $350-550<br />
Abreu, Cabernet Sauvignon, Madrona Ranch 1999<br />
(1 bt)<br />
Nicked label<br />
Hundred Acre Cabernet Sauvignon, Kayli Morgan Vineyard<br />
2003 (2 bts)<br />
1029 3 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Karl Lawrence, Cabernet Sauvignon, Gary Morisoli Vineyard<br />
Reserve 2002 (1 bt)<br />
Robert Foley Claret 2004 (6 bts)<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Karl Lawrence, Cabernet Sauvignon, Gary Morisoli Vineyard<br />
Reserve 2004 (5 bts)<br />
1030 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-850<br />
Napanook, Dominus Estate 2002 (4 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
Jericho Canyon Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 (4 bts)<br />
1 scuffed label<br />
Lewis Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 (4 bts)<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
1031 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Bugay Vineyards Sonoma County 2002 (6 bts)<br />
Slightly stained labels<br />
Lewelling Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon, Wight Vineyard<br />
2004 (5 bts)<br />
Bin scuffed labels, 1 nicked label<br />
1032 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Château Montelena Estate, Cabernet Sauvignon 2002 (5 bts)<br />
2 slightly stained labels, 1 slightly nicked label<br />
Blankiet Estate Cabernet Sauvignon, Paradise Hills Vineyard<br />
2002 (4 bts)<br />
Dalle Valle, Cabernet Sauvignon 2002 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Blankiet Paradise Hills Vineyard, Merlot 2002 (1 bt)<br />
Scuffed label<br />
1033 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-800<br />
I 151 I
Hollywood & Vine 2480 2003 (3 bts)<br />
Rudd, Oakville Estate 2003 (2 bts)<br />
Carter Cellars Coliseum Block Cabernet 2003 (3 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
Rudd, Oakville Estate 2004 (1 bt)<br />
Chappellet Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pritchard Hill<br />
Estate Vineyard 2005 (3 bts)<br />
1034 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $550-750<br />
Lail Vineyards, J. Daniel Cuvée 2003 (5 bts)<br />
1 nicked label<br />
Cakebread Dancing Bear Ranch 2003 (1 bt)<br />
Cakebread Dancing Bear Ranch 2004 (2 bts)<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Joseph Phelps Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 (1 bt)<br />
Scuffed label<br />
Joseph Phelps Vineyards, Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 (1 mag)<br />
1035 9 bts and 1 mag (cn)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Oakville East Exposure Cabernet 2005 (11 bts)<br />
4 nicked labels<br />
Paul Hobbs Beckstoffer Dr. Crane Vineyard 2005<br />
(3 bts)<br />
1036 14 bts (owc, sc)<br />
per lot: $600-850<br />
RHONE<br />
Paul Avril, one of the first producers in the Châteauneuf-du-Pape<br />
appellation, began bottling wines under the Clos des Papes label in<br />
1896. Paul-Vincent Avril, the fourth generation to operate the<br />
domain, fashions wines of great finesse and elegance. Today, the<br />
property covers 32 ha and following their own lead as one of the<br />
great tradionalists, produce just two bottlings of Châteauneuf-du-<br />
Pape, one red and one white.<br />
Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Clos des Papes 2005 Paul Avril<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Lot 1037: 4 slightly scuffed labels Lot 1039: 1 capsule with French tax<br />
stamp Lot 1040: 4 slightly scuffed labels, capsules with French tax<br />
stamps Lot 1041: 2 capsules with French tax stamps, 2 slightly scuffed<br />
labels Lot 1042: 1 slightly scuffed label, capsules with French tax stamps<br />
1037 12 bts (sc)<br />
1038 12 bts (cn)<br />
1039 12 bts (cn)<br />
1040 12 bts (sc)<br />
1041 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $850-1,200<br />
1042 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Clos des Papes 2006 Paul Avril<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Lot 1043: Capsules with French tax stamps Lot 1044: Capsules with<br />
French tax stamps, 2 stained labels<br />
1043 12 bts (cn)<br />
1044 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Clos des Papes 2007 Paul Avril<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Lot 1045: 2 slightly torn and 1 nicked labels, capsules with French tax<br />
stamps Lot 1046: 2 nicked labels, capsules with French tax stamps<br />
1045 12 bts (sc)<br />
1046 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,400<br />
I 152 I
This is the estate of the redoubtable Perrin family which has been at<br />
the pinnacle of wine producing in the appellation for decades.<br />
unusually, all 13 permitted grape varieties are grown at the 100<br />
hectare property - here they particularly like Mourvèdre and<br />
Counoise. The vineyard has been organically managed since 1964<br />
and the wines are aged in oak foudres. The stupendous Hommage<br />
à Jacques Perrin is only made in great vintages - you will never taste<br />
a more noble Mourvèdre-dominated wine. Maturing Beaucastel<br />
wines in your cellar, ready for consumption at the optimum moment,<br />
is a very worthwhile occupation. SS.<br />
Château de Beaucastel Rouge 2000<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Lot 1047: 1 slightly stained and 1 slightly scuffed label Lot 1048: 2<br />
slightly scuffed labels Lot 1049: 1 loose vintage neck label, 2 slightly<br />
scuffed labels<br />
1047 12 bts (sc)<br />
1048 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $850-1,200<br />
1049 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Château de Beaucastel Rouge 2004<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Lot 1051: 9 bin scuffed labels Lot 1052: 6 bin scuffed labels, 3 slightly<br />
scuffed labels<br />
1051 12 bts (sc)<br />
1052 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $600-800<br />
Château de Beaucastel Rouge 2005<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Wild herbs and heather on the nose. Clearly this has long ageing<br />
potential. SS.<br />
1053 12 bts (cn)<br />
1054 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $600-900<br />
Château de Beaucastel Rouge 2006<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
1055 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Château de Beaucastel Rouge 2001<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Slightly nicked and scuffed labels<br />
Totally classic and, in 2011, at a medium stage of evolution. Real<br />
depth of fruit, definition and minerality. SS.<br />
1050 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
I 153 I
Château de Beaucastel, Hommage à Jacques Perrin 1998<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
7 capsules with French tax stamps, wine comes from 2 different<br />
importers, 1 heavily scuffed label, 6 slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked label<br />
60% Grenache, 30% Mourvèdre, 10% Counoise, Syrah and others.<br />
Selection of the best parcels of older vines.<br />
Incredible wild herbs nose, with wild mint predominating. quite<br />
glorious. One's mouth is coated with rich glycerol and it has all the<br />
flavours in the world on the palate. A triumph of soil, climate,<br />
viticulture, winemaking and spellbinding stuff. SS.<br />
See illustration<br />
1056 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $4,000-6,000<br />
Michel and Marc Chapoutier have turned this family house around<br />
and recent vintages have been impressive. This collection includes<br />
Ermitage Le Pavillon from very old vines at the foot of Les Bessards<br />
on the Hermitage hill and its white counterpart Ermitage, de l'Orée<br />
from the parcel of Le Méal. SS.<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape, Barbe Rac 2007 Chapoutier<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Lot 1062: Original tissues<br />
1062 12 bts (cn)<br />
1063 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Château de Beaucastel, Hommage à Jacques Perrin 2000<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
1057 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,250-3,000<br />
Château de Beaucastel, Hommage à Jacques Perrin 2001<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Lot 1058: Slightly scuffed labels, 1 vintage neck label missing Lot 1059<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
1058 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $4,000-5,500<br />
1059 1 d.mag - 3 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
Château de Beaucastel, Hommage à Jacques Perrin 2004<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
u. 6cm, slightly scuffed label<br />
1060 1 d.mag - 3 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Château de Beaucastel, Hommage à Jacques Perrin 2005<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
1061 3 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape Combe des Fous 2007<br />
Clos St Jean<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Lot 1065: 1 French tax stamp adhered to capsule<br />
1064 12 bts (cn)<br />
1065 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
Chateauneuf du Pape Deus Ex Machina 2007<br />
Clos St Jean<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
1066 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
1067 11 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,900-2,500<br />
GUIGAL<br />
A formidable name with which to conjure in the Northern Rhône.<br />
Marcel Guigal is a genius, as is his son Philippe and the heavenly trio<br />
of great Côte Rôtie wines, La Turque, La Landonne and La Mouline,<br />
bear witness to their talents. These wines capture that elusive<br />
combination of power, depth of flavour and harmony, amazingly<br />
created from very long aging in 100 percent new oak. But wines of<br />
such substance and individuality can take it. La Mouline emerges<br />
from the Côte Blonde of Côte Rôtie, La Turque and La Landonne<br />
from the Côte Brune, but La Landonne contains no white Viognier<br />
grapes amongst the Syrah. There is little in the wine world to equal a<br />
comparison between these three magisterial wines. SS.<br />
Côte Rôtie, La Mouline 2005 Guigal<br />
Capsules have French Tax Stamps, 1 partially torn label<br />
1068 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
LOTS 1076-1083, 1071, 1056<br />
I 155 I
Côte Rôtie, La Turque 2005 Guigal<br />
8 slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly stained label<br />
1069 10 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $3,000-5,000<br />
Chateauneuf du Pape, Cuvée de la Reine des Bois 2001<br />
Domaine de la Mordoree<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
1070 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
The 11 different vineyards that form the Domaine du Pégau are a<br />
mosaic of all that is fascinating in Châteauneuf, involving a<br />
complicated logistical exercise of blending that gives us the Cuvée<br />
Réservée. The decision to create, in some years, Cuvée da Capo is<br />
not taken lightly and it delivers a blast of the sun-drenched south to<br />
take us through the winter months. SS.<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape, Pegau, Cuvée Capo 2000<br />
Lot 1071: 6 capsules with French Tax Stamps, 6 nicked labels Lot 1072:<br />
Slightly scuffed label, chipped wax capsule, slight sign of seepage<br />
See illustration<br />
1071 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
1072 1 methuselah - 6 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,500-3,500<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape, Pegau, Cuvée Capo 2003<br />
Lot 1073: 3 partially torn labels, capsules with French Tax Stamps Lot<br />
1074: Capsule with French Tax Stamp Lot 1075: Partially missing wax<br />
capsule, scuffed and nicked label<br />
1073 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $2,250-3,000<br />
1074 1 mag (cn)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
1075 1 methuselah - 6 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,000-3,000<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape, Domaine Pégau, Cuvée Reservée 2003<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Lot 1077: 7 slightly scuffed labels Lot 1078: 4 slightly scuffed labels,<br />
capsules with French Tax Stamps Lot 1079: Capsules with French Tax<br />
Stamps Lot 1080: Capsules with French Tax Stamps Lot 1081: 10<br />
capsules with French Tax Stamps, 1 wrinkled label Lot 1082: Chipped<br />
wax capsule, slight sign of seepage, torn label Lot 1083: Torn label,<br />
mostly missing wax capsule, slight sign of seepage<br />
See illustration<br />
1076 12 bts (sc)<br />
1077 12 bts (sc)<br />
1078 12 bts (sc)<br />
1079 12 bts (sc)<br />
1080 12 bts (sc)<br />
1081 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
1082 1 salmanazar - 9 liter (cn)<br />
1083 1 salmanazar - 9 liter (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,600<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape , Clos du Caillou, Réserve 2000<br />
Vacheron - Pouizin<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
Capsules with French Tax Stamps, bin scuffed labels<br />
1084 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,300<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape, Réserve Auguste Favier 2007<br />
Saint Préfert<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape<br />
1085 12 bts (cn)<br />
1086 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
1087 10 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
I 156 I
Mixed Lots<br />
Château de Beaucastel Rouge 1989 (1 bt)<br />
Hermitage Rouge 2002 Jean-Louis Chave (6 bts)<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
1088 7 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-650<br />
Château de Beaucastel Rouge 2001 (6 bts)<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Châteauneuf du Pape, Domaine Pégau, Cuvée Reservée 2003<br />
(5 bts)<br />
Capsules with French Tax Stamps, 1 nicked label<br />
Ermitage Blanc, Le Méal 2003 Chapoutier (1 bt)<br />
Capsule with French Tax Stamp<br />
1089 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Michel and Marc Chapoutier have turned this family house around<br />
and recent vintages have been impressive. This collection includes<br />
Ermitage Le Pavillon from very old vines at the foot of Les Bessards<br />
on the Hermitage hill and its white counterpart Ermitage, de l'Orée<br />
from the parcel of Le Méal. SS.<br />
Ermitage, L'Ermite Blanc 1999 Chapoutier<br />
1 slightly scuffed label, capsules with French Tax Stamps<br />
1090 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Léoville Barton came into its new Golden Age when Anthony<br />
Barton took over from his uncle Ronald. He has projected it into the<br />
forefront of the great Second Growths, the absolute expression of St.<br />
Julien and a wine of perfect composition and balance between the<br />
fruit of the appellation and real structure. Anthony has always<br />
married the traditional with modern touches in his approach to both<br />
the vineyard and the cellar continuing, for instance, to use wooden<br />
fermenting vats as he loves the heat distribution in them. He is one<br />
of the few who do not practice green harvesting, preferring to keep<br />
yields low by pruning short at the right moments, a very natural way<br />
to achieve concentration on the vine and thus something really<br />
impressive in the bottle. One can unerringly recommend Léoville<br />
Barton. SS.<br />
Château Léoville Barton 2003<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
Lot 1093: 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Deep, plummy, spicy nose. Really opulent and luscious. Terrific<br />
chocolate and mocha taste, laced with blackcurrant liqueur! Deep,<br />
huge and long-lasting. SS.<br />
1093 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
1094 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Château Léoville Barton 2005<br />
St. Julien, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
A very ‘grand vin’ nose. Terribly cassis. Terrific taste – immediately<br />
impressive. The clear acidity of the vintage, with layers of flavour.<br />
This has a long way to go. SS.<br />
1095 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />
Ermitage Blanc, Le Méal 2004 Chapoutier<br />
Capsules with French Tax Stamps, bin scuffed labels<br />
1091 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,400<br />
Ermitage, L'Ermite Blanc 2004 Chapoutier<br />
Capsules with French Tax Stamps, scuffed labels<br />
1092 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,600-2,250<br />
Château Pichon Longueville, Baron<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1990 (3 bts) 2 stained labels, 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
1995 (7 bts) 2 wine stained and heavily damp stained labels, 2 slightly<br />
scuffed labels<br />
1096 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $850-1,100<br />
I 157 I
Château Pichon Longueville, Lalande<br />
Pauillac, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
1982 (1 bt) u. bn, slightly scuffed and slightly faded label, slightly<br />
corroded capsule<br />
1990 (3 bts) Wine comes from 2 different importers, 2 slightly scuffed<br />
labels<br />
2003 (2 bts) Nicked and slightly scuffed labels<br />
1097 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Château Rausan Ségla 2005<br />
Margaux, 2ème Cru Classé<br />
See illustration<br />
1098 12 bts (cn)<br />
1099 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />
Château Branaire Ducru 2005<br />
St. Julien, 4ème Cru Classé<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
Very velvety and mouth-coating. Reaches all the corners. There is<br />
always cassis fruit at Branaire. SS.<br />
1100 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Château Grand Puy Lacoste 1995<br />
Pauillac, 5ème Cru Classé<br />
Slightly scuffed labels, 5 nicked labels, 2 slightly stained labels<br />
Black fruit and mint on the nose – open and soft. Very scented.<br />
Mint on the palate. Very melting now. Juicy finish. SS.<br />
1101 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Clos du Marquis 2003<br />
St. Julien<br />
1 nicked label, 2 slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked capsule<br />
1104 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Château La Mondotte 2005<br />
St. Emilion<br />
8 slightly scuffed labels, 1 nicked label<br />
Lots of liquorice on the nose. Incredible chocolate, cassis and<br />
blackberries taste. Excellent structure and huge heart. Fruit, tannin<br />
and acidity - the magic threesome. Again, in 2009, big, thick, oaky<br />
wine, with lots of structure and fruit. A real keeper. SS.<br />
1105 12 bts (2 owc)<br />
per lot: $3,500-5,000<br />
Château Pavie Macquin<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru Classé<br />
1995 (5 bts) 2 stained labels, 1 slightly scuffed label<br />
2003 (3 bts) Capsules with French Tax Stamps<br />
1106 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
Christine Valette's landmark St. Emilion and a wine of great depth. SS.<br />
Château Troplong Mondot 2005<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru Classé<br />
See illustration<br />
1107 12 bts (sc)<br />
1108 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $3,000-4,000<br />
Château Larcis Ducasse 2005<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru Classé<br />
1102 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,500-2,250<br />
Château Monbousquet 2001<br />
St. Emilion, Grand Cru<br />
3 slightly stained, 5 nicked and 1 slightly torn labels<br />
1109 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $400-550<br />
Château Pape Clément 2005<br />
Pessac-Léognan (Graves), Grand Cru Classé<br />
1103 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $1,400-1,800<br />
Clos l’Eglise 2004<br />
Pomerol<br />
1110 8 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $650-900<br />
LOTS 1098-1099, 1107-1108<br />
I 159 I
Mixed Lots<br />
Château La Tour Haut-Brion 1989 (2 bts)<br />
1 slightly scuffed label<br />
Château Lagrange (St. Julien) 1989 (2 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
Château Cantemerle 1989 (1 bt)<br />
u. bn<br />
Château Lagrange (St. Julien) 1990 (3 bts)<br />
1 import label partially overlaps bottom edge of main label, 1 slightly<br />
scuffed label<br />
Château Haut Batailley 1990 (1 bt)<br />
Le Bahans du Château Haut Brion 1993 (1 bt)<br />
Scuffed label<br />
Château Duhart Milon Rothschild 1994 (1 bt)<br />
1111 11 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $750-1,100<br />
Château Ducru Beaucaillou 1995 (5 bts)<br />
2 stained labels<br />
Château Léoville Poyferré 2003 (4 bts)<br />
Wine comes from 2 different importers, 2 capsules have French Tax<br />
Stamps, 1 label loose on left side, 2 nicked labels<br />
Château Ducru Beaucaillou 2003 (3 bts)<br />
1112 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />
Charmes Chambertin 2005 Domaine Bachelet (2 bts)<br />
Gevrey Chambertin 2005 Domaine Bachelet (6 bts)<br />
1116 8 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-950<br />
Gevrey Chambertin Mes Favorites 2005 Alain Burguet<br />
Côte de Nuits<br />
3 slightly scuffed labels<br />
1117 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $350-500<br />
Chambertin, Clos de Bèze 2005 Alain Burguet (4 bts)<br />
Bin scuffed and slightly soiled labels<br />
Gevrey Chambertin, Clos de la Justice 2005<br />
Alain Burguet (6 bts)<br />
1118 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $650-950<br />
Château Grand Puy Lacoste 1995 (4 bts)<br />
Slightly scuffed labels<br />
Château Calon Ségur 2003 (3 bts)<br />
Scuffed labels<br />
Château Montrose 2003 (1 bt)<br />
Slightly scuffed label<br />
Château Pontet Canet 2003 (1 bt)<br />
1113 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Vosne Romanée 2003 Sylvain Cathiard (3 bts)<br />
Stained labels, 2 nicked and 1 slightly torn labels<br />
Vosne Romanée, Aux Reignots 2005 Sylvain Cathiard (6 bts)<br />
Vosne Romanée, Aux Malconsorts 2005<br />
Sylvain Cathiard (3 bts)<br />
1119 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $950-1,400<br />
Nuits St. Georges, Les Meurgers 2005 Sylvain Cathiard (6 bts)<br />
Chambolle Musigny, Les Clos de l'Orme 2005<br />
Sylvain Cathiard (6 bts)<br />
1120 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
Pommard, Clos des Epeneaux 2002 Comte Armand<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
5 slightly scuffed labels<br />
1114 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $300-400<br />
Pommard, Clos des Epeneaux 2005 Comte Armand<br />
Côte de Beaune, 1er Cru<br />
1115 12 bts (2 oc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />
Romanée St. Vivant 2005 Sylvain Cathiard (3 bts)<br />
Clos Saint Denis 2005 Domaine Heresztyn (3 bts)<br />
Mazis Chambertin 2005 Domaine Maume (2 bts)<br />
Charmes Chambertin 2005 Domaine Maume (2 bts)<br />
1121 10 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,400-2,000<br />
I 160 I
Vincent Girardin set the seal on his meteoric rise with his deal to<br />
lease twelve hectares of highly desirable Grand and Premier Cru<br />
vineyards from Henri Clerc of Puligny-Montrachet, and, also in 2002,<br />
with his move from Santenay to a brand new three-million Euro<br />
winery in Meursault. Even with his new vineyards, his success has<br />
been chiefly as one of the new breed of Burgundy négociants - a<br />
career that began in 1994. His strength is in offering clean, modern,<br />
stylish wines. SS.<br />
Clos Vougeot 2005 Vincent Girardin<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
1122 12 bts (oc)<br />
Bonnes Mares 2005 Vincent Girardin<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
1 nicked capsule<br />
1123 12 bts (oc)<br />
per lot: $800-1,200<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />
Chambertin, Clos de Bèze 2005 Louis Jadot (3 bts)<br />
Gevrey Chambertin, Clos St. Jacques 2005<br />
Louis Jadot (6 bts)<br />
1124 9 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,000-1,500<br />
Volnay, Clos des Chênes 2005 Michel Lafarge (6 bts)<br />
Volnay, Les Caillerets 2005 Michel Lafarge (4 bts)<br />
Volnay, Clos du Château des Ducs 2005<br />
Michel Lafarge (2 bts)<br />
1125 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $700-1,000<br />
Pommard, Les Pézerolles 2005 Michel Lafarge (8 bts)<br />
Volnay, Clos du Château des Ducs 2005<br />
Michel Lafarge (4 bts)<br />
1126 12 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $750-1,000<br />
Vosne Romanée 2004 Domaine Leroy (6 bts)<br />
Bin scuffed and nicked labels, 1 torn label, chipped wax capsules<br />
Nuits St. Georges 2004 Domaine Leroy (6 bts)<br />
Bin scuffed and nicked labels, 1 torn label, chipped wax capsules<br />
1127 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,300-1,900<br />
Vosne Romanée, Clos du Château 2005 Liger-Belair<br />
Côte de Nuits<br />
1128 12 bts (owc)<br />
per lot: $850-1,200<br />
Echézeaux 2005 Mongeard-Mugneret<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
7 scuffed labels<br />
1129 12 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $1,200-1,800<br />
Frédéric Mugnier stopped moonlighting as an airline pilot to give the<br />
vines his full attention. These are wines at the top of the ladder,<br />
made in a style which brings out all that is best in Chambolle: scent,<br />
subtlety, laciness of texture, and great persistence. SS.<br />
Nuits St. Georges, Clos de la Maréchale 2005<br />
Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier<br />
Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
1130 6 mags (oc)<br />
Chambolle Musigny, Les Amoureuses 2002<br />
Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier<br />
Côte de Nuits, 1er Cru<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels, 1 slightly stained label<br />
1131 6 bts (sc)<br />
per lot: $500-700<br />
per lot: $1,800-2,500<br />
I 161 I
Bonnes Mares 2002 Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
2 slightly scuffed labels<br />
1132 6 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $900-1,200<br />
Musigny 2002 Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier<br />
Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru<br />
Amazing, distinguished nose. Intensity, length, complexity, all without<br />
excessive heaviness. Liquid velvet. Touch of cassis liqueur.<br />
Enormous length. SS<br />
1133 5 bts (cn)<br />
per lot: $2,000-2,750<br />
Gevrey Chambertin Mes Favorites 2002 Alain Burguet (6 bts)<br />
Vosne Romanée, la Colombière 2002 Liger-Belair<br />
(3 bts)<br />
Scuffed labels, 2 slightly stained labels<br />
Gevrey Chambertin, Les Perrières 2002<br />
Domaine Heresztyn (1 bt)<br />
Nicked and scuffed label<br />
Nuits St. Georges, Les Boudots 2003<br />
Gérard Mugneret (6 bts)<br />
1 slight sign of seepage, 1 scuffed capsule<br />
1140 16 bts (2 sc)<br />
per lot