Confirmed Hunts 2013 - Northeast Big Buck Club
Confirmed Hunts 2013 - Northeast Big Buck Club
Confirmed Hunts 2013 - Northeast Big Buck Club
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Banquet <strong>Hunts</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />
Below is a listing of last year’s hunts. Most will be available again. We are currently working on the hunts for <strong>2013</strong>. Check website for<br />
updates.<br />
<strong>Hunts</strong> in italics have been verified for the <strong>2013</strong> banquet<br />
1) New Brunswick – Deer Hunt. Taxis River Outfitters (506) 279-2930 Pre rut/rut hunt! 1 week deer hunt!<br />
<strong>2013</strong> or 2014. Rifle, muzzleloader or bow. Lodging and meals included. This is a great outfitter! Members have shot multiple<br />
monsters with them in the past. Arrive Sunday, leave Saturday. Fully guided. License not included. Value - $2100.<br />
2) NC- Bow Deer Hunt. North Carolina. Carolina Woods and Waters. (252) 826-3635 or (252) 341 9804. (2) 4 –<br />
day bow hunts for whitetails and bobcats, <strong>2013</strong> or 2014. Read about this excellent outfitter in our magazine! We have an awesome<br />
annual hunt with this outfitter! Shoot 6 deer, 2 bucks and 4 does, or all does. This place is a blast to hunt! 100% opportunity.<br />
Guiding/stands/lodging included. Season runs Sept 10-Sept 29. Meals not included, but kitchen provided. Beautiful lodge and LOTS<br />
of deer. License not included ($80). Value $1800.<br />
3) West Central Il Archery deer hunt Performance Outdoors 1-800-996-0477. Hancock County, IL. 5-<br />
day PRE RUT bow hunt in <strong>2013</strong>, Arrive October 20 st in the afternoon. Hunt Oct 21-25 th . Depart the morning of Oct 26 th . Guided<br />
<strong>Hunts</strong> in our Illinois Hancock camp include all meals and lodging. We average having 15 stands in the air per client in<br />
camp. Dinner will be served hot to the clients, while breakfast and lunch is help yourself style. All the fixings and goodies are there.<br />
License and transportation to camp NOT included. This hunt offers the opportunity to harvest 2 deer, 1 buck and 1 doe. Minimum<br />
130 P&Y inches. Performance Outdoors will work hard to get you a trophy buck! Average buck harvested scored in the 140-150<br />
range. Performance Outdoors also has camps in Iowa and Kansas where the same quality experience is delivered. Value: $2200.<br />
Additional hunters may join the winner for a great discount (save $800) off the hunt ($1200)!<br />
4) IL- Deer Bow Hunt Backwoods Whitetails Outfitters (309) 224-2853 7 day guided whitetail hunt<br />
from October 1st - 7th in 2012. Hunt may also be booked for <strong>2013</strong>. No fines, no fees & no minimums! Success rates from 50 -<br />
65%. Fulton County. Hunters can start from our preset stand but will need to bring a self climber or a portable with climbing<br />
stick. Lodging, meals and guiding included. Hunter must provide his own transportation to and from the hunting site, but guides<br />
will take care of retrieving, photographing and removal of the game from the timber. Winning bidder also has the option of<br />
upgrading to another hunt by paying the difference in upgrade costs! Upgrade dates & options are subject to availability. Value<br />
$1900<br />
5) Kansas- Deer Bow Hunt. Mid-West Monsters (518) 491-2152 This hunt is for October 2014. Incredible<br />
archery whitetail hunt in north-central Kansas. Pick one of the first 3 weeks. Guiding, lodging and meals included. Hunt Monday<br />
thru Friday (5 days). 18,000 acres of private leases and public lands along the famous Republic River. So much land that much of it<br />
goes unhunted! Minimum antler size is 130 “. Outfitter has climbers or will move stands according to deer movement. All<br />
transportation (to and from airport and stands) provided. Local butchering available. Value-$2,000<br />
6) ME- Deer Hunt. Maine. Western Maine Outfitters. (207) 364 -7500 extension 106. Bow or gun. Peak rut hunt week of October<br />
30th to November 6th, 2012, or hunt available open dates in <strong>2013</strong>. Please let outfitter know immediately which year you will<br />
hunt. Newly remodeled camp on Webb Lake in Weld, Maine. Private land also available. The cabin is yours from Sunday to<br />
Sunday and will accommodate up to 10 guests! Hunt 6 full days, Monday thru Saturday. Guides will point you in the right<br />
direction. Some tree stands available, but bring your own climber as well. Lodging included. Full kitchen available. Bring/cook<br />
your own food. License not included. Must have 4X4 transportation. Value-$2,000<br />
7) Manitoba- Deer Hunt. Olson Brothers Outfitting (204) 659-2455. <strong>2013</strong> (subject to availability) or<br />
2014. Bow, gun or muzzleloader. Dates for both years available including PEAK RUT! Call early to book. Taxes, fees, guide service,<br />
meals, accommodations, travel to and from airport in Winnipeg, capping of game, are all covered and the hunter must just show up<br />
with gun or bow and necessary clothing. A 192 inch monster was taken while last years winning bidder was hunting! Hunting<br />
license (apx $300 Canadian), and gratuities are not included, and are at hunters discretion. Multiple award-winning deer have been<br />
shot at this camp! An incredible hunt, valued at $3000!<br />
8) Kansas-Whitetail Deer Hunt. Tines and Spurs Outfitters. Owner- Jeff Bottoms (620) 515-4519 8000<br />
acres of private land in unit 12! This hunt is for the 2014 season. 140 inch minimum or 4 ½ year old deer. Average buck scores 150!<br />
Your choice of weapon/season. Muzzleloader- 5-day hunt, mid September. Hunt bachelor groups in the crops. Best chance at a<br />
monster! Last year’s 2 biggest deer came during this hunt (170 and 188 inches). If you don’t tag out, you can come back during the<br />
gun season and hunt with your muzzleloader for $500. Archery- 6-day hunt. Season runs Sept 16-December 31, including PEAK OF<br />
THE RUT! Preset stands or use one of their climbers so you can move around according to deer movement. Rifle- 5-day hunt.<br />
Season runs first 2 weeks of December. No more than 6 hunters in camp! 1 tag (buck or doe) but you can buy up to 4 additional doe<br />
tags ($40 each). Apply for tags (about $400) in April. %100 draw last 5 years. Outfitter will assist you. Only 37 hunters in 2012 with<br />
incredible results…Gun-%100 percent success. Muzzleloader- %90 success. Archery- %72 opportunity on 140+ . Amazing! Outfitter<br />
will pick you up at airport (either Tulsa or Wichita). Guide, meals, lodging all included. Bring friend(s) on this hunt and they take<br />
%10 off their fee. What a hunt! Value- $3000.
9) MA - Outer Cape Cod Striper/Bluefish Fishing. “Nothin’ Yet Charters” (508) 255-8005. Website:<br /> Small private boat for up to 3 people. Very personalized. Chatham, Monamoy Rips, Nauset Beach area.<br />
Meals not included. Value - $500<br />
10) NY- Lake Ontario Fishing Trip- T-K Charters (800) 747 9880 July <strong>2013</strong> out of Oswego. 6-hour charter! All<br />
tackle provided. License, meals and Lodging not included. Value $500<br />
11) NS - Bear. Nova Scotia. <strong>Big</strong> Meadow Brook Outfitters (902) 761-2325. This is a fall bear hunt<br />
over bait for bear in <strong>2013</strong> or 2014. 5-day hunt, any weapon. Arrive Sunday, hunt Monday-Friday. Fall bear season is the 2 nd week of<br />
Sept thru mid Dec. Any weapon. The population of bears in Nova Scotia is roughly 12,000. Only 200-250 bears are harvested each<br />
year so there are lots of mature bears around. They shoot multiple 400 pounders every year with their biggest being 560 pounds!<br />
Great small mouth fishing in the lake as well! Lodging, meals, guides and transportation to and from Yarmouth included. Value -<br />
$1500<br />
12) ME- Fall Bear Hunt. Maine. Harry’s Lodge (207) 765-3955 Bob and Jackie Paasch. Hunt Maine for big bruins! Open dates<br />
available for 2012 (Sept). Lodging, guides and meals included. License not included. Value-$1375<br />
13) Newfoundland - Trophy Black Bear Bow Hunt. Fall hunt. Victoria Outfitters Ltd. (709) 745-1048.<br />
Victoria River area. Lodging and meals included. Open dates, 5-day hunt Aug 29-Sept 2012 or same 2 weeks available for <strong>2013</strong>.<br />
Arrive Sun, leave Saturday. There is a $300 airport pickup fee. You can hunt both weeks for an additional $1000. A second bear<br />
can be shot for $1000 trophy fee. Great fishing as well. Tags and taxes not included. They just finished their spring season and had<br />
a near %100 opportunity rate! The bears average 300-400 pounds! 500-pound bears are shot every year! Bear hunting paradise!<br />
You can even bring a second hunter for %15 off their hunt. Value - $2200<br />
14) ME- Fall Bear <strong>Hunts</strong>- Maine - Western Maine Outfitters 207-364-7500 ext.106. This is a hunt package for 2 hunters. 2 semi<br />
guided bear hunts over bait during the <strong>2013</strong> season. The hunts include 2 active pre baited stands, bait for the week, and lodging<br />
for 2 hunters .Hunt 6 full days Monday thru Saturday, arrive on Sunday and depart the following Sunday. Transportation,<br />
meals, game care , and licenses not included. Please call the Outfitter as soon as possible to reserve your dates. Value of this<br />
package is $2,000.<br />
15) NB - Bear. New Brunswick. Nashwaak River Outfitters (506) 457-1543. 5 day hunt.<br />
This is a spring OR fall bear hunt over bait for bear in <strong>2013</strong> or 2014. Spring bear season is mid April – late June and any weapon can be<br />
used. Fall bear season is the 2 nd week of Sept (2 week, bow or crossbow only) or Oct 1-Oct 23 (any weapon) Lodging (like a deer camp<br />
with hot showers and electricity), semi-guided, field dressing included. License/ Meals not included but a kitchenette is available to cook<br />
your own food, or you can upgrade to have meals for an additional $300. 80 to 90% opportunity over the last 4 years! While the camp<br />
may not be 5-star accommodations, Nashwalk River Outfitters has a history of consistently putting their clients on bears! Additional<br />
hunters get %10 off cost of hunt if they accompany the winning bidder. Value - $1200<br />
16) ME - Bear Hunt. Allagash Wildlife Sporting Camps (207) 398-4251. Opening week bear hunt over bait 2014. Meals and lodging<br />
included. License and $10 a day gate fee to enter north Maine woods not included. Value $1500<br />
17) African Safari – Africa Maximum Safaris. This donation is for two hunters and two observers. The hunting season is from 1 st of March<br />
to the 31 st of November <strong>2013</strong>/2014. Value $17,600!! (See flyer on table)<br />
18) Idaho - Elk Bow Hunt Little Lost Outfitters (802) 886-8356 Rut hunt! This hunt is for the 2nd week<br />
in September, 2014 season. This hunting package includes guide (1x1), meals and accommodations in the central mountains of<br />
Idaho. Spot, stalk and call big bugling bulls! The hunting area (unit 51) is 670 square miles providing plenty of room to roam. The<br />
hunt will be either from a low base camp or from a pack-in camp. <strong>Hunts</strong> are conducted using 4x4 trucks, on foot, and on<br />
horseback...depending on where the elk are at the time. Lower canyon hunts and high country treks! The outfitter has land available<br />
for hunters of any age and ability. Outfitter will pick you up at the Idaho Falls airport. All you need to bring is a sleeping bag and<br />
your hunting gear. License: appx $416 for elk tag, plus $300 for non resident license. Guides will field dress and cape your animal<br />
and prepare antlers for travel (included in price of the hunt). Butchering and handling fees (transport to taxidermist) are not<br />
included. Mule deer, mountain lion and black bear hunting also available! A separate license (appx $300) gives you a chance to take<br />
one of these 3 trophies! Additional deer tags also available if you take a cat or bear. An additional $500 trophy/handling fee applies<br />
to taking an addition animal. Land owner tags may be available, but not guaranteed. Moose, antelope, and mountain goats also call<br />
this place “home!” This is the hunt of a lifetime!! Value- $4100
19) Newfoundland - Trophy Moose bow or rifle Hunt. Fall hunt. Victoria Outfitters Ltd. (709) 745-1048.<br />
Victoria River area. Lodging and meals included. Over the counter license included!! Fully guided. Open dates, 5-day hunt<br />
(Archery) Aug 27-Sept7 2012 or same 2 weeks available for <strong>2013</strong>. Rifle/muzzleloader Oct 28 or week of Nov 7. Arrive Sun, leave<br />
Saturday. There is a $300 airport pickup fee. Taxes not included. You can hunt both weeks for an additional $300 per day. You<br />
can combo the hunt with bear hunting for only $700 (spot and stalk) or$ 1200 (baited). Taxes and bear license included with combo<br />
bear hunt. The bears average 300-400 pounds! Free small game hunting as well (grouse, snowshoe hare, coyote). Great fishing as<br />
well (September hunt).Over %90 success rate on moose in Newfoundland. The population is over 120,000. Holy cow… you’re<br />
gonna fill your freezer! Moose hunting paradise! Value - $4200. Minimum bid $2000<br />
20) Argentina –Incredible Dove Hunt. Maers & Goldman Outfitters. Contact John Whiddon (850)545-1463.<br /> Hunt is for 5 people. Additional hunters/non-hunters may be added for only $500 per person. Fly<br />
into Cordorba. Must be used by July 20, 2014. Best wing shooting in the world!! 5-star accommodations and meals. All lodging, meals<br />
and adult beverages included. All transportation included. Laundry, gun cleaning and bird boys included. Gratuities, license ($65 per<br />
day) and Argentina reciprocity fee ($160., good for 10 years) not included. No limit on doves! Bring your own gun or rent one there.<br />
Ammo must be purchased at camp ($13-14 per box). You’ll go through boxes of shells each day! Value $14,000. Minimum bid $2000<br />
($400 per person).<br />
21) Tennessee-Wild Boar. – Wilderness Hunting Lodge- 931-839-2091 No license required. Hunt<br />
year round. Expires July 2014. Meals and lodging included. 3 day hunt! Fully guided! You can even use dogs if you like. Russian<br />
and razorback boars available. Field dressing, processing and packaging not included, but available. Any weapon! Value $725<br />
22) ME – Snowshoe Hare Hunt. Pine Grove Lodge Bob and Andrea Howe. (207) 672-4011. 2 hunters, 1<br />
day hunt. 1 night lodging and meals included day of hunt. Extra nights lodging for $35 each. Call asap for dates. Season- Oct 1-<br />
March 31, <strong>2013</strong> (excluding November). Booking expires March 31, <strong>2013</strong>. value $330. License not included. Free kid hunt<br />
23) NY – Youth Deer Hunt. Don Graves (413) 625-2001. 3-day hunt for youth. 14 or 15 years old only. Hunt is for 1 youth and<br />
accompanying guardian. Rifle or muzzleloader. Lodging and meals included. Any deer is legal. There is a $5 license fee for the youth<br />
which can be purchased at Walmart. Tons of deer and a good chance of tagging out the first day! Chenango County, NY. Hunt is for<br />
the <strong>2013</strong> season. On April 7, 2012 Don received the Massachusetts sportsmen's council Sportsmen of the Year award. Minimum bid is<br />
$250. Value- $750<br />
-All hunts/trips MUST be paid for immediately at conclusion of individual auction. Cash, check, or credit cards accepted.<br />
-All hunts/fishing trips will be raffled, auctioned, silent-auctioned, or given away at the banquet. <strong>Hunts</strong> may be subject to<br />
change or dismissal. If minimum bids are not reached, the hunt may not be awarded and used at a future date at the<br />
club’s discretion