Do Ghairm le Gaeilge - St. Patrick's College - DCU
Do Ghairm le Gaeilge - St. Patrick's College - DCU
Do Ghairm le Gaeilge - St. Patrick's College - DCU
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<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
an earnáil phoiblí • gnó • cultúr • na meáin • aistriúchán<br />
deiseanna in Éirinn, ó thuaidh agus ó dheas • teagmhálacha úsáideacha • próifílí céimithe • post a fháil<br />
Arna thacú ag an Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe & Gaeltachta agus ag an Údarás um Ard-Oideachas.<br />
gradireland – á chur i do láthair ag do Sheirbhís Gairmeacha agus á fhoilsiú ag<br />
Scoil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, an Léinn Cheiltigh,<br />
Bhéaloideas Éireann agus na Teangeolaíochta, UCD<br />
UCD School of Irish, Celtic <strong>St</strong>udies, Irish Folklore and Linguistics<br />
MA: Scríobh agus Cumarsáid na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (Riarachán)<br />
MA: Scríobh agus Cumarsáid na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (Ateangaireacht)<br />
MA: Scríobh agus Cumarsáid na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (Aistriúchán)<br />
MA: Scríobh agus Cumarsáid na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
(Eagarthóireacht & Cóipeagarthóireacht)<br />
*MA: Scríobh agus Cumarsáid na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (Iriseoireacht)<br />
Cúrsaí nua máistreachta i Lárionad de Bhaldraithe do Léann na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>,<br />
Scoil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, an Léinn Cheiltigh, Bhéaloideas Éireann agus na<br />
Teangeolaíochta, UCD, ag tosú i mí Mheán Fómhair 2009, chun freastal<br />
ar an éi<strong>le</strong>amh breise ar chéimithe <strong>le</strong> sainsci<strong>le</strong>anna <strong>Gaeilge</strong> de bharr Acht na<br />
dTeangacha Oifigiúla agus stádas oifigiúil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> san Aontas Eorpach.<br />
AN CLÁR<br />
Modúil ar theanga agus ar shainsci<strong>le</strong>anna teanga: Aistriúchán, Eagarthóireacht/Cóipeagarthóireacht,<br />
Iriseoireacht, Riarachán, Ateangaireacht<br />
Modúil ar theicneolaíocht an eolais<br />
Sci<strong>le</strong>anna taighde agus taithí oibre / tionscnamh taighde mar chuid den chúrsa<br />
Féach programmes<br />
Fad: Cúrsa bliana lánaimseartha<br />
<strong>St</strong>ruchtúr an chláir: 8 uair léachtaí in aghaidh na seachtaine (4 modúl in aghaidh an tseimeastair)<br />
Léachtaí tar éis 4.00 i.n. de ghnáth<br />
Dáta Tosaigh: Meán Fómhair 2009<br />
Grád 2.2 sa Ghaeilge ag <strong>le</strong>ibhéal bunchéime nó a chomhionann<br />
Gach eolas i dtaobh foirmeacha iontrála, spriocdhátaí agus sonraí na gcúrsaí ó:<br />
Kath<strong>le</strong>en Clune, Riarthóir na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, nó An Dr Regina Uí Chollatáin,<br />
Scoil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, an Léinn Cheiltigh, Bhéaloideas Éireann agus na Teangeolaíochta, UCD,<br />
Áras Newman, An Coláiste Ollscoi<strong>le</strong>, Belfield, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath 4.<br />
Tei<strong>le</strong>afón: + 353 1 7168385 Ríomhphost: kath<strong>le</strong>,<br />
Is cúrsaí iad seo atá á gcur ar fáil mar chuid lárnach de gheallúint UCD chun oideachas ceannródaíoch ceathrú <strong>le</strong>ibhéal<br />
a sholáthar agus a ndéantar comhordú orthu tríd an Scoil Iarchéime, Coláiste na nEalaíon agus an Léinn Cheiltigh, UCD.<br />
Tá na cúrsaí seo á gcur ar bun <strong>le</strong> tacaíocht ón Roinn Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta tríd an Údarás um Ard-Oideachas.<br />
*ar fáil ó 2006
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Scríofa ag Coiste Gairmeacha <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> GCI<br />
Clár Ábhair<br />
<strong>Do</strong> ghairm <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Réamhrá maidir <strong>le</strong> do ghairm <strong>le</strong><br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong>............................................................2<br />
Post a fháil ........................................................4<br />
CV samplach ....................................................5<br />
Réimsí oibre<br />
An earnáil phoiblí ..........................................7<br />
An earnáil phríobháideach ........................9<br />
Cultúr: na healaíona, oidhreacht agus<br />
teanga ..........................................................10<br />
Na meáin ........................................................11<br />
Aistriúchán agus ateangaireacht ........12<br />
Próifílí céimithe ......................................14<br />
Oiliúint agus forbairt<br />
Oiliúint agus cúrsaí iarchéime ..............17<br />
A–Z fostóirí agus soláthróirí cúrsaí......19<br />
Teidil sa tsraith seo<br />
Fógróiri<br />
Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> ....................................................20<br />
An Chomhair<strong>le</strong> um Oideachas Gaeltachta<br />
agus Gaelscolaíochta ........................21<br />
Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál ......................27<br />
Coláiste Phádraig ........................................29<br />
DIT ....................................................................22<br />
Fiontar <strong>DCU</strong> ..................................................24<br />
Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ..........................................23<br />
Gael Linn ........................................................26<br />
Gaelport ........................................................27<br />
Ionad na dTeangacha,<br />
Ollscoil na hÉireann, Má Nuad ......28<br />
UCD ............................................................TIDCT<br />
Údarás na Gaeltachta................................30<br />
TIDCT = taobh istigh den chlúdach tosaigh<br />
Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences •<br />
Business <strong>St</strong>udies, Commerce &<br />
Economics • Computing & IT •<br />
Construction • Engineering • Finance<br />
• Hospitality & Tourism • Journalism &<br />
Media • Law • Languages • Property •<br />
Psychology • Sa<strong>le</strong>s & Retail • Science •<br />
Social Work • Teaching & Education •<br />
Work Experience & Internships<br />
An Fáinne<br />
Tá <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> gradireland á fhoilsiú ag Graduate<br />
Careers Ireland agus ag GTI Specialist Publishers Ltd (Éire).<br />
Cúntóir taighde Ben Shorten<br />
Tionscadal arna bhainistiú ag Coiste Gairmeacha <strong>le</strong><br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> GCI<br />
Comhchathaoirligh: Muireann Ní Dhuigneáin, Ceann,<br />
Seirbhís Gairmeacha, Ollscoil Chathair Bhai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
An Dr Emer Ní Bhrádaigh, Fiontar, Ollscoil Chathair Bhai<strong>le</strong><br />
Átha Cliath<br />
Baill den choiste: Cora Cregan, Oifigeach Gairmeacha,<br />
Coláiste Phádraig, Droim Conrach<br />
Orlaith Tunney, Comhair<strong>le</strong>oir Gairmeacha, Coláiste na<br />
Tríonóide, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
Catherine Lyster, Ceann Gairmeacha, Institiúid<br />
Teicneolaíochta Leitir Ceanainn<br />
Louise Simpson, GTI Ireland<br />
Aistriúchán eTeams, An Scairbh, Co an Chláir.<br />
Eagarthóir Penny Ki<strong>le</strong>y<br />
Fógraíocht An Dr Emer Ní Bhrádaigh, Lisa Carroll, Louise<br />
Simpson<br />
Dearadh & táirgeadh Nick Winchester<br />
Léitheoir Profaí An Dr Gearóid Ó C<strong>le</strong>ircín<br />
Foilsitheoirí Chris Phillips, Adrian Wood<br />
Teil +353 (0)1 645 1500<br />
Facs +353 (0)1 645 1510<br />
Ríomhphost<br />
Gréasán<br /><br />
Clódóirí Head<strong>le</strong>y Brothers, Ashford, Kent, UK<br />
ISBN: 1 84318 631 4 ISSN: 2009-2245<br />
Tá Gairmeacha <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> buíoch as an tacaíocht a<br />
fuarthas uathu seo a <strong>le</strong>anas:<br />
Institiúidí bhaill an choiste i gcomhair iasachta don<br />
tionscadal<br />
• Ollscoil Chathair Bhai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath (Fiontar agus<br />
Seirbhís Gairmeacha, Forbairt & Tacaíocht Mic Léinn)<br />
• Seirbhís Comhair<strong>le</strong> Gairmeacha Choláiste na<br />
Tríonóide, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
• Seirbhís Gairmeacha Choláiste Phádraig, Droim<br />
Conrach<br />
• Seirbhísí Gairmeacha, Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Leitir<br />
Ceanainn<br />
© Aibreán 2009 Graduate Careers Ireland agus GTI<br />
Specialist Publishers Ltd (Éire). Gach ceart ar cosaint. Ní<br />
ceadmhach aon chuid den fhoilseachán seo a atáirgeadh<br />
ar bhealach ar bith, <strong>le</strong>na n-áirítear, ach gan é a bheith<br />
teoranta do, é a fhótachóipeáil nó é a chur i gcóras<br />
aisghabhála i bhfoirm ar bith gan cead a fháil roimh ré i<br />
scríbhinn ó Graduate Careers Ireland. Tá sé seo faoi réir<br />
eisceachta amháin .i. fótachóipeáil ag institiúidí ar baill iad<br />
de Graduate Careers Ireland. Ba chóir aitheantas iomlán a<br />
thabhairt do gach ábhar a úsáidtear ar an mbealach seo. Is<br />
iad tuairimí an údair féin iad na tuairimí a nochtar sna<br />
hailt agus ní chiallaíonn foilsiú na dtuairimí seo gurb<br />
ionann iad agus tuairimí Graduate Careers Ireland agus<br />
GTI. Cé go ndearnadh gach iarracht chun cruinneas an<br />
ábhair san fhoilseachán seo a chinntiú, ní féidir <strong>le</strong>is an<br />
údar ná <strong>le</strong>is na foilsitheoirí glacadh <strong>le</strong> freagracht as aon<br />
mhíchruinneas, nó as aon chaillteanas iarmhartach a<br />
tharlaíonn mar thoradh ar mhíchruinneas ar bith den<br />
chineál seo, nó aon chaillteanas ei<strong>le</strong>, díreach nó<br />
iarmhartach, a tharlaíonn i ndáil <strong>le</strong> faisnéis atá san<br />
fhoilseachán seo.<br />
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong>2009 | 1
<strong>Do</strong> ghairm <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Réamhrá maidir <strong>le</strong> do<br />
ghairm <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Réimse fáis<br />
Bíonn réimse <strong>le</strong>athan deiseanna ag céimithe a bhfuil<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> acu chun an teanga a thabhairt isteach ina gcuid<br />
gairmeacha. Cuireann líofacht sa Ghaeilge ar chumas<br />
céimithe gairmeacha suimiúla a fhorbairt, ní hamháin<br />
sna réimsí níos traidisiúnta cosúil <strong>le</strong> múinteoireacht, <strong>le</strong><br />
haistriúchán agus <strong>le</strong>is na meáin, ach san earnáil ealaíon<br />
agus chultúrtha, in eagraíochtaí san earnáil phoiblí agus<br />
i ngairmeacha cosúil <strong>le</strong> cúram sláinte, TFC agus<br />
margaíocht.<br />
Tá forbairt na teicneolaíochta faisnéise agus<br />
cumarsáide (TFC) tar éis dul chun sochair gach<br />
mionteanga. Tá borradh curtha aici faoi bhogearraí,<br />
shuíomhanna gréasáin agus léiriúcháin chraolta trí<br />
mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Tá go <strong>le</strong>or acmhainní ar líne ar fáil<br />
anois do mhic léinn ar mian <strong>le</strong>o a líofacht agus a<br />
gcruinneas a fheabhsú. Mar thoradh ar fhorbairtí TFC, tá<br />
méadú ag teacht freisin ar líon na ndaoine a bhfuil cónaí<br />
orthu thar <strong>le</strong>ar atá ag obair <strong>le</strong>is an teanga.<br />
Tá an t-aitheantas don Ghaeilge mar theanga oibre<br />
oifigiúil den Aontas Eorpach, agus Acht na dTeangacha<br />
Oifigiúla (2003) tar éis cur <strong>le</strong>is na deiseanna atá ar fáil do<br />
chéimithe atá líofa sa Ghaeilge. Tá meas níos mó ar<br />
ilteangachas i gcomhthéacs pan-Eorpach. Déanann an<br />
<strong>le</strong>abhrán seo cur síos ar na gairmeacha éagsúla atá ar fáil<br />
do chéimithe, dóibh siúd ar mian <strong>le</strong>o oibriú <strong>le</strong>is, nó tríd,<br />
an Ghaeilge amháin, agus dóibh siúd ar mian <strong>le</strong>o í a<br />
thabhairt isteach ina gcuid oibre ar bhealach éigin.<br />
Cá bhféadfainn a bheith ag obair?<br />
Tá deiseanna ar fáil ar fud na hÉireann, go háirithe i<br />
gceantair Ghaeltachta i nDún na nGall, i Maigh Eo, i<br />
nGaillimh, i gCiarraí, i gCorcaigh, i bPort Láirge agus sa<br />
Mhí, agus san earnáil phoiblí.<br />
Tá deiseanna ann chun a bheith ag obair thar <strong>le</strong>ar i<br />
gCoimisiún na hEorpa go príomha, ach tá deiseanna ann<br />
freisin i Meiriceá Thuaidh agus i dtíortha an AE i<br />
múineadh na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>.<br />
Féach <strong>le</strong>athanaigh 7–13 chun sonraí a fháil maidir <strong>le</strong><br />
réimsí éagsúla oibre.<br />
Ag obair san earnáil phoiblí<br />
Tá os cionn 300,000 duine fostaithe sa tseirbhís phoiblí<br />
agus sa státseirbhís i bPoblacht na hÉireann. Bhí meas<br />
riamh ar chumas <strong>Gaeilge</strong> san earnáil phoiblí agus<br />
tugadh spreagadh don chumas sin, agus tá go <strong>le</strong>or post<br />
dá dteastaíonn líofacht sa Ghaeilge, go háirithe i<br />
gceantair Ghaeltachta agus i sláinte agus oideachas.<br />
Ceanglaíonn Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla ar an<br />
rialtas agus ar chomhlachtaí poiblí seirbhísí áirithe, agus<br />
ábhar priontáilte agus ar shuíomhanna gréasáin, a<br />
sholáthar trí Ghaeilge. Clúdaíonn an reachtaíocht seo<br />
658 comhlacht poiblí, <strong>le</strong>na n-áirítear gach roinn rialtais,<br />
gach údarás áitiúil, An Garda Síochána, Óglaigh na<br />
hÉireann, Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte, BSL agus<br />
an Leabharlann Náisiúnta. Tá os cionn 150 de na<br />
comhlachtaí seo tar éis scéimeanna teanga a thabhairt<br />
isteach chun an reachtaíocht a chur i bhfeidhm faoi<br />
mhaoirseacht an Choimisinéara Teanga.<br />
Fostaíonn <strong>St</strong>átseirbhís Thuaisceart Éireann duine as<br />
gach triúr oibrí i lucht saothair Thuaisceart Éireann agus<br />
tá sí faoi réir ag an gCairt Eorpach do Theangacha<br />
Réigiúnda nó Mionlaigh. Tá feachtais ar bun ag iarraidh<br />
Acht <strong>Gaeilge</strong> sainiúil do Thuaisceart Éireann, a bheadh<br />
cosúil <strong>le</strong> hAcht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla sa Phoblacht.<br />
Bíonn folúntais ann ó am go ham ina mbíonn gá sainithe<br />
<strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong>oirí.<br />
Féach <strong>le</strong>athanaigh 7–8 chun sonraí a fháil maidir <strong>le</strong>is na<br />
deiseanna fostaíochta éagsúla san earnáil phoiblí.<br />
2 | <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009<br />
<strong>Do</strong> ghairm <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
<strong>Do</strong> chuid sci<strong>le</strong>anna a fhorbairt<br />
Tá réimse <strong>le</strong>athan cúrsaí iarchéime ar fáil trí mheán na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> faoi láthair do mhic léinn ar mian <strong>le</strong>o <strong>le</strong>anúint<br />
<strong>le</strong>na gcuid oideachais agus tuil<strong>le</strong>adh eolais agus<br />
sci<strong>le</strong>anna a fháil chun dul <strong>le</strong>is an mbunchéim atá acu.<br />
Spreagtar céimithe chun na hacmhainní ar líne go léir a<br />
luaitear sa <strong>le</strong>abhrán a úsáid agus chun úsáid rialta a<br />
bhaint as meáin agus acmhainní faisnéise na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
chun tuiscint a fhorbairt ar na hearnálacha éagsúla agus<br />
ar na deiseanna atá ar fáil.<br />
Téigh i dteagmháil <strong>le</strong> seirbhís gairmeacha do<br />
choláiste chun comhair<strong>le</strong> a fháil maidir <strong>le</strong> gairmeacha,<br />
cur i láthair CV agus teicníc agallaimh san áireamh, agus<br />
chun cabhair a fháil chun do chuardach poist a <strong>le</strong>athnú<br />
amach an méid agus is féidir. Féach na treoracha maidir<br />
<strong>le</strong>is na hearnálacha ei<strong>le</strong> sa tsraith seo, atá liostáilte ar<br />
<strong>le</strong>athanach 1, freisin.<br />
Féach <strong>le</strong>athanaigh 17–18 chun eolas a fháil faoi staidéar<br />
iarchéime.<br />
“‘Is buntáiste ollmhór a bhí sa Ghaeilge dom, agus<br />
is trí Ghaeilge a bhí a lán de mo chuid oibre.’<br />
Aonghus Óg McAnally, aisteoir<br />
‘Tá i bhfad níos mó deiseanna ann anois ná mar a bhí. Tá<br />
dearcadh ag daoine i <strong>le</strong>ith na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> mar uirlis iontach<br />
ghnó agus mhargaíochta. Is cuid mhór dár ngnó í an<br />
Ghaeilge, agus tá fás ag teacht ar an gcuid sin i gcónaí.’<br />
Sadhbh Bhreathnach, gairmí margaíochta<br />
Léigh tuil<strong>le</strong>adh faoi na céimithe seo agus faoi chéimithe ei<strong>le</strong> atá ag obair trí<br />
Ghaeilge ar <strong>le</strong>athanaigh 14–16.<br />
Céard a theastaíonn ó fhostóirí?<br />
Léiríonn scrúdú a rinneadh ar iarratais ar phoist in<br />
earnáil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> <strong>le</strong> déanaí go bhfuil tábhacht ar <strong>le</strong>ith<br />
ag baint <strong>le</strong>o seo a <strong>le</strong>anas nuair atá post <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> á lorg.<br />
• Céim in ábhar ar bith<br />
• Ardchaighdeán <strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus Béarla – scríofa agus<br />
labhartha<br />
• Suim ar <strong>le</strong>ith sa Ghaeilge<br />
• Eolas maidir <strong>le</strong> heagraíochtaí <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Féach <strong>le</strong>athanach 4 chun <strong>le</strong>ideanna a fháil maidir <strong>le</strong><br />
hiarratais agus <strong>le</strong> hagallaimh.<br />
Cúig <strong>le</strong>id chun <strong>Gaeilge</strong> a thabhairt isteach<br />
mar chuid de do shaol oibre<br />
• Cuir ‘Cuirtear fáilte roimh chomhfhreagras i n<strong>Gaeilge</strong>’<br />
sa bhosca sínithe ar do ríomhphost.<br />
• Úsáid teachtaireacht tei<strong>le</strong>afóin dhátheangach, nó<br />
abair ‘Go raibh maith agat’ ag an deireadh.<br />
• Ceannaigh Fáinne. Is biorán beag é seo a léiríonn<br />
cumas agus fonn <strong>Gaeilge</strong> a labhairt <strong>le</strong> daoine. Tá siad<br />
ar fáil ó<br />
• Mol <strong>Gaeilge</strong> a úsáid i straitéis mhargaíochta nó in<br />
ábhar bolscaireachta d’eagraíochta.<br />
• Déan tairiscint labhairt thar ceann d’eagraíochta (más<br />
cuí) ar chláir raidió agus teilifíse áitiúla agus náisiúnta,<br />
nó ábhar scríofa a chur ar fáil i n<strong>Gaeilge</strong> do na meáin<br />
chlóite.<br /><br />
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009 | 3
<strong>Do</strong> ghairm <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Post a fháil<br />
Rudaí ar cheart iad a mheas nuair atá post <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> á lorg agat.<br />
N<br />
uair atá tú ag déanamh cinneadh maidir <strong>le</strong> hiarratas<br />
ar phost, cuimhnigh cé mhéid <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar mian <strong>le</strong>at a<br />
úsáid go laethúil. Tá eagraíochtaí áirithe a<br />
fheidhmíonn go hiomlán trí Ghaeilge, agus tá cuid ei<strong>le</strong> ann a<br />
úsáideann an Ghaeilge i gcomhthéacs an Bhéarla. Más mian<br />
<strong>le</strong>at tú féin a thumadh sa teanga, dírigh ar eagraíochtaí<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong>, ar mheáin na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> nó ar eagraíochtaí atá<br />
lonnaithe sa Ghaeltacht. Má tá tú ag iarraidh a bheith ábalta<br />
roinnt <strong>Gaeilge</strong> a úsáid, aimsigh cuideachtaí a bhfuil<br />
eagraíochtaí <strong>Gaeilge</strong> i measc a gcuid cliant, nó a bhfuil suim<br />
ag an mbainistíocht shinsearach sa teanga.<br />
Tá sé riachtanach go mbeidh an litriú i do CV cruinn (sna<br />
<strong>le</strong>aganacha <strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus Béarla araon). Tá roinnt litreoirí<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar fáil ar líne ( Ceart nó GaelSpell) nó trí na<br />
forlíontáin Ghaeilge saor in aisce i gcomhair Firefox,<br />
OpenOffice agus Thunderbird. Is féidir iad a cheannach do<br />
Microsoft Word ar PC agus Mac chomh maith. Mura bhfuil<br />
fáil agat ar cheann de na táirgí tráchtála seo, iarr ar dhuine<br />
éigin do CV a phrofú sula seolann tú isteach é.<br />
Ba chóir go gclúdódh do chuid taighde cibé ar chóir don<br />
CV a bheith i n<strong>Gaeilge</strong> nó nár chóir, agus cén teanga oibre a<br />
bheidh i gceist sa phróiseas earcaíochta agus roghnúcháin.<br />
Féach <strong>le</strong>athanaigh 5–6 chun CV samplach a fheiceáil a<br />
léiríonn suim agus cumas an iarrthóra sa Ghaeilge.<br />
Má ghlaoitear ort i gcomhair agallaimh, coinnigh súil ar<br />
na meáin Ghaeilge chun go mbeidh an t-eolas is déanaí agat<br />
maidir <strong>le</strong>is an earnáil. Faigh amach an mbeidh d’agallamh trí<br />
Ghaeilge nó trí Bhéarla nó an mbeidh scrúdú scríofa mar<br />
chuid de. Déan athstaidéar ar aon téarmaíocht a<br />
d’fhéadfadh a bheith ag teastáil uait. Is acmhainn den scoth<br />
é<br />
Chun tuil<strong>le</strong>adh <strong>le</strong>ideanna a fháil maidir <strong>le</strong> CV agus<br />
agallaimh, féach ar eolaire gradireland agus<br />
nó ar shuíomh gréasáin sheirbhís gairmeacha do choláiste.<br />
Acmhainní<br />
• Cruinneog: Bogearraí seiceála<br />
litrithe agus gramadaí<br />
• Nuachtán Náisiúnta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> – an ghníomhaireacht<br />
trasteorann do chur chun cinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Tairseach Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> maidir <strong>le</strong> faisnéis faoin teanga<br />
• Údarás na Gaeltachta: údarás réigiúnach<br />
na Gaeltachta<br />
AINM Sadhbh Bhreathnach<br />
JOB Ceannasaí Margaíochta agus<br />
Forbartha<br />
FOSTÓIR <strong>St</strong>illwater Communications<br />
OIDEACHAS BA (Idirnáisiúnta)<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus Tíreolaíocht (2000);<br />
MSc i nGnó & Teicneolaíocht an<br />
Eolais (2001)<br />
Tar éis an choláiste, bhí a fhios agam go raibh mé ag<br />
iarraidh dul isteach i ngnó éigin, rud éigin cruthaitheach<br />
go háirithe: is taobh níos beomhaire den ghnó a bhí sa<br />
mhargaíocht domsa.<br />
Ghlac mé post in Airgeadas agus Seirbhísí<br />
Custaiméara in L’Oréal chun mo chos a fháil sa doras,<br />
mar go raibh a fhios agam go mbeadh roinnt<br />
margaíochta i gceist ann. Chaith mé timpeall sé bliana<br />
ansin, agus arduithe céime á dtabhairt dom go dtí go<br />
raibh mé i mo Bhainisteoir Táirge. Chuala mé scéal ansin<br />
go raibh deacracht ag stiúrthóir <strong>St</strong>illwater duine <strong>le</strong> taithí<br />
mhaith margaíochta a labhair <strong>Gaeilge</strong> a aimsiú. Rinne<br />
mé teagmháil <strong>le</strong>is, agus taobh istigh de choicís bhí post á<br />
thairiscint acu dom. Is cinnte go raibh tionchar ag an deis<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> a úsáid ar mo chinneadh glacadh <strong>le</strong>is an bpost<br />
seo, mar bhí mé i gcónaí ag iarraidh a bheith in ann an<br />
Ghaeilge a thabhairt isteach i mo shaol oibre.<br />
Tá dhá thaobh <strong>le</strong>is an méid a dhéanaim. Caithim<br />
<strong>le</strong>ath mo chuid ama ag obair <strong>le</strong> cliaint, na cliaint<br />
Ghaeilge go háirithe, sna réimsí ina bhfuil taithí agamsa:<br />
brandáil, dearadh lógó, sainchomhairliúchán cumarsáide<br />
agus caidreamh poiblí. Sa <strong>le</strong>ath ei<strong>le</strong> de mo chuid oibre<br />
bím ag caitheamh <strong>le</strong> <strong>St</strong>illwater mar chliant trí obair a<br />
dhéanamh ar fhorbairt na cuideachta.<br />
Leideanna do chéimithe<br />
Ceapaim gur féidir <strong>le</strong>is a bheith deacair go <strong>le</strong>or teacht<br />
isteach san earnáil seo. Ba chóir duit do chuid taighde a<br />
dhéanamh i gceart ar líne agus a fháil amach cé hiad na<br />
cuideachtaí a dhéanann a gcuid gnó trí Ghaeilge, nó a<br />
dhéanann cuid den ghnó trí Ghaeilge ar a laghad. Áit<br />
mhaith <strong>le</strong> breathnú is ea na gradaim ‘Barr 50’, do<br />
chuideachtaí a dhéanann méid áirithe dá gcuid gnó trí<br />
Ghaeilge.<br />
4 | <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009<br />
<strong>Do</strong> ghairm <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
CV Samplach<br />
Mark O’Rourke<br />
32 Páirc Fhionnradhairc<br />
Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath 3<br />
Teil: 01 8843340<br />
Ríomhphost:<br />
Oideachas<br />
2008–2010<br />
MA sa Ch<strong>le</strong>achtas Dátheangach (páirtaimseartha), Fiontar, <strong>DCU</strong><br />
Feasacht Teanga; An Ghaeilge agus an Dlí; Dátheangachas agus Fiontraíocht; Modhanna Taighde<br />
1 & 2; Earcú agus Forbairt Foirne, Freagracht Chorparáideach agus Dátheangachas; Bainistíocht<br />
Acmhainní Eolais; Scéim Reachtúil don Dátheangachas; Reachtaíocht Teanga agus Caighdeán<br />
Seirbhíse; Foilsitheoireacht agus Dearadh Dátheangach; An Ghaeilge sa tSochaí<br />
Chomhaimseartha.<br />
Ábhar tráchtais: Ról na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> i gCumann Lúthch<strong>le</strong>as Gael.<br />
2008<br />
BA sna Daonnachtaí, Coláiste Phádraig, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath H2:1<br />
An bhliain dheiridh 2007–2008<br />
Béarla: Litríocht, teanga agus anailís<br />
Nua-<strong>St</strong>air: <strong>St</strong>air na hÉireann, na Breataine, na hEorpa agus Mheiriceá.<br />
Ábhair tionscadail: Spórt in Éirinn san fhichiú haois<br />
1999–2004<br />
An Ardteistiméireacht, Pobalscoil Charn <strong>Do</strong>mhnaigh, Dún na nGall<br />
Béarla B, Fraincis B, <strong>Gaeilge</strong> A, Matamaitic B, Ceol B, Ealaín gnáth<strong>le</strong>ibhéal B, Fisic B.<br />
<strong>St</strong>air fostaíochta<br />
2008 go dtí an t-am i láthair<br />
Cúntóir Margaíochta, Oideas Gael, G<strong>le</strong>ann Cholm Cil<strong>le</strong><br />
Margaíocht a dhéanamh ar chúrsaí turasóireachta cultúrtha do mhargaí Éireannacha agus<br />
idirnáisiúnta; cúram custaiméirí <strong>le</strong> linn na gcúrsaí.<br />
Meán Fómhair 2006 – Lúnasa 2007<br />
Cúntóir Tionscadail, Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne<br />
Thug mé cúnamh don <strong>St</strong>iúrthóir <strong>le</strong> margaíocht agus bainistíocht cúrsaí cónaitheacha. Chinntigh<br />
mé go ndeachaigh gach rud i gceart sna cúrsaí go léir. Rinne mé comhordú ar tháirgeadh an<br />
bhróisiúir bhliantúil agus ábhar cúrsa do na mic léinn.<br />
Samhradh 2006<br />
Múinteoir Cúnta, Irish Centre for Ta<strong>le</strong>nted Youth, Ollscoil Chathair Bhai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
Chabhraigh mé <strong>le</strong> p<strong>le</strong>anáil agus múineadh na scríbhneoireachta cruthaithí trí Ghaeilge do ghrúpaí<br />
déagóirí 15 bliana d’aois a bhí roghnaithe go speisialta.<br />
Samhradh 2005<br />
Múinteoir Cúnta, Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne, Bai<strong>le</strong> an Fheirtéaraigh, Co. Chiarraí<br /><br />
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009 | 5
<strong>Do</strong> ghairm <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Obair Dheonach<br />
Samhradh 2008<br />
Rinne mé obair dheonach <strong>le</strong> Habitat for Humanity, Khammam, Andhra Pradesh, an India, faoi<br />
scáth IndiaBUILDS, tionscnamh straitéiseach chun tithíocht fheabhsaithe agus córais séarachais<br />
bainteacha a chur ar fáil do 250,000 duine.<br />
2005–2006<br />
Teagascóir, Clár BITE, Scoil Chuimsitheach Bhai<strong>le</strong> Munna, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
Chuir mé teagasc duine ar dhuine ar fáil i n<strong>Gaeilge</strong> do scoláirí Ardteistiméireachta. Fuair mé<br />
taithí maidir <strong>le</strong>na bheith ag obair <strong>le</strong> daltaí faoi mhíbhuntáiste.<br />
Próifíl sci<strong>le</strong>anna<br />
Cumarsáid: táim ábalta labhairt agus scríobh go soiléir i n<strong>Gaeilge</strong>, agus tá sársci<strong>le</strong>anna cur i<br />
láthair agam.<br />
Sci<strong>le</strong>anna eagraíochtúla: tá seónna léirithe agus imeachtaí eagraithe go rathúil agam sa choláiste<br />
agus in Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne.<br />
Sci<strong>le</strong>anna cruthaitheacha: táim bainteach <strong>le</strong> drámaíocht agus scríbhneoireacht chruthaitheach.<br />
Obair bhuíne: d’fhorbair mé na sci<strong>le</strong>anna seo trí ghníomhaíochtaí oibre agus fóillíochta.<br />
Ceannaireacht: bhí mé mar cheannaire foirne <strong>le</strong> HFH in India i Samhradh 2008.<br />
Ríomhairí: Microsoft Word 8.0, Excel 7.0, SPSS.<br />
Teangacha: líofa sa Ghaeilge, Teastas RELSA in TEFL.<br />
Ábhair spéise agus gnóthachtálacha<br />
Snámh: snámhaí den scoth, boinn buaite agam ag na Cluichí Pobail.<br />
Téatar: Uachtarán ar Chumann Drámaíochta Naomh Pádraig in 2007, stiúradh agus<br />
aisteoireacht déanta agam in a lán léiriúchán.<br />
Scríbhneoireacht: filíocht agus gearrscéalta <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, ghlac mé páirt i bhFéi<strong>le</strong> Bhliantúil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
ó 2005–2009.<br />
Scannáin: scannáin idirnáisiúnta go háirithe, a thugann tuiscint ar chultúir ei<strong>le</strong>.<br />
Moltóirí<br />
An Dr …<br />
Ceann Roinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Coláiste Phádraig<br />
Droim Conrach<br />
Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath 9<br />
Teil: 01-8842000<br />
Ríomhphost:...<br />
An tUasal…<br />
<strong>St</strong>iúrthóir<br />
Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne<br />
Bai<strong>le</strong> an Fheirtéaraigh<br />
Co. Chiarraí<br />
Teil:...<br />
Ríomhphost:...<br />
6 | <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009<br />
Réimsí oibre<br />
An earnáil phoiblí<br />
á an státseirbhís, gach roinn den rialtas láir, na<br />
húdaráis áitiúla agus comhlachtaí atá maoinithe go<br />
Tpoiblí mar chuid den earnáil phoiblí. Tá poist riaracháin<br />
agus theicniúla ag gráid éagsúla ó <strong>le</strong>ibhéal iontrála go<br />
bainistíocht shinsearach clúdaithe faoin gcatagóir seo. Tá<br />
deiseanna ar fáil sna sainréimsí seo a <strong>le</strong>anas freisin.<br />
Oideachas<br />
Poblacht na hÉireann<br />
Tá buntáiste iontach acu siúd atá líofa sa Ghaeilge, go<br />
háirithe do phoist cosúil <strong>le</strong> múinteoirí bunscoi<strong>le</strong>, múinteoirí<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> i meánscoi<strong>le</strong>anna príomhshrutha, múineadh sa<br />
Ghaeltacht, nó in oideachas trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ag <strong>le</strong>ibhéal<br />
ar bith, ón réamhscoil go dtí an tríú <strong>le</strong>ibhéal.<br />
Naíonraí: Tá os cionn 280 naíonra trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar<br />
fud an oi<strong>le</strong>áin, a fhreastalaíonn ar <strong>le</strong>anaí ó thrí bliana d’aois<br />
go dtí cúig bliana d’aois.<br />
Gaelscoi<strong>le</strong>anna: Tá scolaíocht trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar<br />
cheann de na réimsí is mó fás san oideachas in Éirinn. I mí na<br />
Nollag 2008 bhí 136 bunscoil agus 27 meánscoil trí mheán<br />
na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> sa tír, anuas ar an 133 bunscoil agus 22<br />
meánscoil Gaeltachta. Is minic a bhíonn deacrachtaí ag na<br />
scoi<strong>le</strong>anna seo teacht ar chéimithe a bhfuil na cáilíochtaí cuí<br />
acu chun folúntais a líonadh. Teastaíonn ard<strong>le</strong>ibhéal <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
labhartha agus scríofa uathu siúd atá ag smaoineamh ar<br />
ghairm sna Gaelscoi<strong>le</strong>anna.<br />
Tríú <strong>le</strong>ibhéal: Tá méadú ag teacht ar líon na n-institiúidí tríú<br />
<strong>le</strong>ibhéal a chuireann cúrsaí trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar fáil i<br />
ndisciplíní éagsúla. Féach ‘Oiliúint agus cúrsaí iarchéime’ ar<br />
<strong>le</strong>athanaigh 17-18 chun tuil<strong>le</strong>adh eolais a fháil.<br />
Foghlaim aosach: Tá suim sa Ghaeilge ag méadú i measc<br />
daoine fásta a bhfuil cónaí orthu in Éirinn. Clúdaíonn sé seo<br />
daoine a d’fhoghlaim <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar scoil cheana agus ar mian<br />
<strong>le</strong>o a dtuiscint ar an teanga a mhéadú, agus iad siúd ar mian<br />
<strong>le</strong>o an teanga a fhoghlaim ón tús. Tá ranganna <strong>Gaeilge</strong> á<br />
dtairiscint trí ionaid phobail don fhoghlaim aosach, ionad<br />
teanga na státseirbhíse, eagraíochtaí <strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus an earnáil<br />
tríú <strong>le</strong>ibhéal.<br />
Deiseanna fostaíochta ei<strong>le</strong> san oideachas: Tá deiseanna ann<br />
ag <strong>le</strong>ibhéal sinsearach taobh istigh de Chigireacht na Roinne<br />
Oideachais, sa Chomhair<strong>le</strong> Náisiúnta Curaclaim agus<br />
Measúnachta, sa Chomhair<strong>le</strong> Múinteoireachta, sa tSeirbhís<br />
Náisiúnta Síceolaíochta Oideachais agus sa Bhord Náisiúnta<br />
um Leas Oideachais.<br />
Tuaisceart Éireann<br />
Forbairt atá tarlaithe <strong>le</strong> déanaí is ea an méadú atá tagtha ar<br />
líon na nGaelscoi<strong>le</strong>anna agus tabhairt isteach Teastas<br />
Iarchéime san Oideachas (Dara Leibhéal) trí Ghaeilge atá á<br />
reáchtáil ag Ollscoil na Ríona i mBéal Feirste, Ollscoil Uladh<br />
agus Coláiste Ollscoi<strong>le</strong> Naomh Muire i mBéal Feirste i<br />
gcomhar <strong>le</strong>na chéi<strong>le</strong>. I mí na Nollag 2008 bhí 32 Gaelscoil<br />
bunscoi<strong>le</strong> agus ceithre Ghaelscoil dara <strong>le</strong>ibhéal i dTuaisceart<br />
Éireann.<br />
Thar <strong>le</strong>ar<br />
Tugann Clár Fulbright na gCúntóirí Múinteoireachta<br />
Teangacha Eachtrannacha deis do chéimithe <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> dul<br />
ag obair i gcoláistí agus in ollscoi<strong>le</strong>anna sna <strong>St</strong>áit Aontaithe<br />
a chuireann ranganna <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar fáil. I measc na gcritéar<br />
incháilitheachta tá <strong>Gaeilge</strong> líofa, bunchéim, taithí<br />
mhúinteoireachta agus suim i bhfeidhmiú mar ambasadóir<br />
cultúrtha d’Éirinn. Cuireann Fulbright deiseanna ar fáil<br />
d’acadóirí <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ag gach <strong>le</strong>ibhéal chun múineadh nó<br />
taighde a dhéanamh i <strong>St</strong>áit Aontaithe Mheiriceá. Tá<br />
dámhachtainí <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ag Fondúireacht Ollscoil Éireann<br />
Cheanada freisin.<br />
Sci<strong>le</strong>anna a theastaíonn<br />
• Cumarsáid<br />
• Cruthaitheacht<br />
• Eagar<br />
• Solúbthacht<br />
• Foighne<br />
• Ionbhá.<br />
Féach próifíl Sheána Uí Rodaigh ar <strong>le</strong>athanach 16 chun<br />
léamh faoina bheith ag obair mar mhúinteoir bunscoi<strong>le</strong>.<br />
Sláinte<br />
Tá réimse níos <strong>le</strong>ithne roghanna ag gairmithe sláinte <strong>le</strong><br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> taobh istigh den tseirbhís sláinte, sa Ghaeltacht go<br />
háirithe. D’fhéadfadh go mbeadh ar ghairmithe sláinte a<br />
mbíonn teagmháil dhíreach acu <strong>le</strong> hothair seirbhísí a chur ar<br />
fáil trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Chun tuil<strong>le</strong>adh eolais a fháil faoi<br />
ghairm <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> sna seirbhísí sláinte, féach an<br />
Treoir<strong>le</strong>abhar Gairmeacha Sláinte (Health Careers Handbook),<br />
a d’fhoilsigh FSS in 2007.<br />
Sci<strong>le</strong>anna a theastaíonn<br />
• Cumarsáid<br />
• Eagar<br />
• Foighne<br />
• Breathnóireacht<br />
• Obair bhuíne<br /><br />
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009 | 7
Réimsí oibre<br />
Forbairt na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Tá cur i bhfeidhm Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla tar éis cur <strong>le</strong><br />
líon na ndeiseanna do dhaoine dátheangacha inniúla i<br />
bpoist a dhéanann an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn nó a<br />
fhorbairt.<br />
Oifigigh Ghaeilge: Fostaítear oifigigh Ghaeilge in údaráis<br />
áitiúla, i ranna rialtais agus i gcomhlachtaí poiblí cosúil <strong>le</strong><br />
BSL, FSS agus institiúidí tríú <strong>le</strong>ibhéal. Tá siad freagrach as an<br />
n<strong>Gaeilge</strong> a chur chun cinn go hinmheánach agus as<br />
maoirsiú a dhéanamh ar chur ar fáil sheirbhísí na<br />
heagraíochta trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Déanann siad comhordú<br />
ar aistriú cáipéisí ar líne agus clóbhuailte, agus eagraíonn<br />
siad ranganna teanga agus imeachtaí cultúrtha.<br />
Sci<strong>le</strong>anna a theastaíonn<br />
• Cumarsáid<br />
• Eagar<br />
• Cruthaitheacht<br />
• Litearthacht ríomhairí<br />
• Cumas dul i bhfeidhm ar dhaoine<br />
• Eolas agus tuiscint ar earnáil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Obair bhuíne.<br />
Féach próifíl Chris <strong>Do</strong>rgan ar <strong>le</strong>athanach 15 chun léamh<br />
faoi obair mar oifigeach <strong>Gaeilge</strong>.<br />
Seirbhísí teicniúla agus gairmiúla<br />
Tugann an earnáil phoiblí obair amach ar chonradh do<br />
dhaoine aonair nó d’eagraíochtaí a oibríonn san earnáil<br />
phríobháideach ar féidir <strong>le</strong>o seirbhísí a chur ar fáil mar<br />
aistritheoirí, dhearthóirí gréasáin, shainchomhair<strong>le</strong>oirí TFC,<br />
dhlíodóirí, chuntasóirí, dhearthóirí grafaice srl.<br />
Obair sa Ghaeltacht<br />
Tá oifigí ag an Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta<br />
i roinnt ceantair Ghaeltachta. Ní mór do chomhlachtaí ón<br />
earnáil phoiblí a fheidhmíonn taobh istigh de cheantair<br />
Ghaeltachta a bheith ábalta seirbhísí a chur ar fáil trí mheán<br />
na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>.<br />
Is é Údarás na Gaeltachta an comhlacht poiblí atá<br />
freagrach as forbairt shóisialta, chultúrtha agus<br />
eacnamaíoch na Gaeltachta. Cuireann sé tacaíocht ar fáil do<br />
ghnólachtaí nua-thionscanta chomh maith <strong>le</strong> heagraíochtaí<br />
forbartha teanga agus pobail. Cuireann sé printíseachtaí<br />
agus scéimeanna oiliúna bainistíochta ar fáil do dhaoine a<br />
bhfuil cónaí orthu sa Ghaeltacht chomh maith. Tá roinnt de<br />
na meáin chraolta agus na meáin chlóite lonnaithe sa<br />
Ghaeltacht (féach ‘Na Meáin’ ar <strong>le</strong>athanach 11). Tá pobal<br />
bríomhar ealaíon i gceantair Ghaeltachta, na<br />
hamharcealaíona agus na taibhealaíona ina measc, a<br />
fhaigheann tacaíocht ó Ealaín na Gaeltachta (féach ‘Cultúr’<br />
ar <strong>le</strong>athanach 10).<br />
• Oibrigh mar cheannaire ógra nó mar mhúinteoir <strong>le</strong><br />
coláiste samhraidh <strong>Gaeilge</strong>.<br />
• Déan obair dheonach <strong>le</strong> heagraíocht oideachais nó<br />
forbartha thar <strong>le</strong>ar.<br />
• Oibrigh ar scéim oideachais i gceantar faoi<br />
mhíbhuntáiste.<br />
• Glac páirt in oiliúnú spóirt.<br />
• Déan obair dheonach <strong>le</strong> heagraíochtaí cúraim cosúil <strong>le</strong><br />
Barnardos, Focuspoint nó Amnesty International.<br />
• Bí páirteach i gCumann Gaelach agus i gcumainn<br />
ealaíon do choláiste.<br />
• Faigh post samhraidh sa Ghaeltacht.<br />
• Glac páirt i gcláir chreidiúnaithe, idir chláir sheachchuraclaim<br />
agus chláir dheonacha. Tugtar<br />
comhpháirteachas poiblí air seo.<br />
Acmhainní<br />
Ginearálta<br />
• Ag cosaint Cearta Teanga: Suíomh<br />
gréasáin oifigiúil an Choimisinéara Teanga<br />
• Folúntais i rialtas áitiúil<br />
• Suíomh gréasáin<br />
earcaíochta státseirbhís Thuaisceart Éireann<br />
• An tSeirbhís um Cheapacháin Phoiblí<br />
•<br />
Sláinte<br />
• Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte<br />
Treoir<strong>le</strong>abhar Gairmeacha Sláinte<br />
(Health Careers Handbook), FSS 2007<br />
•<br />
Oideachas<br />
• Acmhainn maidir <strong>le</strong> múineadh na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> i<br />
scoi<strong>le</strong>anna<br />
• Cuardach gairmeacha<br />
oideachais<br />
• Liostaí folúntais oideachais<br />
• Suíomh gréasáin oifigiúil Choimisiún<br />
Fulbright<br />
• www.gaelscoi<strong>le</strong> Cur chun cinn agus forbairt<br />
scolaíochta trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Fondúireacht Ollscoil Éireann Cheanada<br />
• Forbairt Naíonraí Teo – ag tacú <strong>le</strong> cur<br />
chun cinn an luathoideachais agus cúram <strong>le</strong>anaí trí<br />
mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
•<br />
Obair dheonach<br /><br />
8 | <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009<br />
Réimsí oibre<br />
An earnáil phríobháideach<br />
ar <strong>le</strong> tuarascáil a d’fhoilsigh an tÚdarás um Ard-<br />
Oideachas, fuair os cionn 60 faoin gcéad de mhic<br />
Dléinn Phoblacht na hÉireann a bhain amach céim<br />
baitsiléara onóracha in 2006 fostaíocht san earnáil<br />
phríobháideach ar dtús. Feidhmíonn an earnáil<br />
phríobháideach taobh istigh de speictream <strong>le</strong>athan<br />
gníomhaíochtaí agus is minic a chuireann sí seirbhísí agus<br />
earraí ar fáil don earnáil phoiblí. Is margadh ionchasach<br />
suntasach é pobal na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, daoine aonair chomh maith <strong>le</strong><br />
heagraíochtaí, do na hearraí agus na seirbhísí seo. Tá go <strong>le</strong>or<br />
cuideachtaí tosaithe ag díriú ar an margadh seo agus ag<br />
tairiscint a gcuid seirbhísí trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, chun sochar<br />
a bhaint as an deis seo.<br />
Mar an gcéanna <strong>le</strong> forbairt gairme in aon earnáil ei<strong>le</strong>,<br />
bíonn dul chun cinn bunaithe ar fheidhmíocht, agus, sna<br />
cuideachtaí níos mó go háirithe, an cumas seasamh amach<br />
sa slua. Is féidir <strong>le</strong>is an n<strong>Gaeilge</strong> cabhrú <strong>le</strong>is seo.<br />
Tá a lán deiseanna ann do chéimithe chun a gcuid<br />
gnólachtaí beaga féin a bhunú agus a fhás. Má tá an cumas<br />
agat oscailt sa mhargadh a fheiceáil agus sochar a bhaint as,<br />
b’fhéidir gurbh í seo an rogha cheart duitse. I measc na n-<br />
eagraíochtaí rialtais a chuireann tacaíocht ar fáil do<br />
ghnólachtaí nua-thionscanta tá Údarás na Gaeltachta, Foras<br />
na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (gnólachtaí atá bunaithe ar an teanga amháin)<br />
agus Boird Fiontar Contae áitiúla.<br />
Roghanna fostaíochta<br />
Tá deiseanna ann i roinnt réimsí do lucht labhartha na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus dóibh siúd a bhfuil suim acu sa Ghaeilge.<br />
Earcóidh cuideachtaí céimithe a bhfuil cáilíochtaí, taithí agus<br />
sci<strong>le</strong>anna teicniúla acu atá ábhartha dá ngnó. Chuirfeadh<br />
cuideachtaí a dhíríonn ar phobal na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> suim i gcéimithe<br />
a bhfuil na sci<strong>le</strong>anna seo acu mar aon <strong>le</strong> hard<strong>le</strong>ibhéal<br />
líofachta sa Ghaeilge.<br />
Tá roinnt fiontar beag agus meánmhéide a sholáthraíonn<br />
seirbhísí agus a dhéanann a ngnó go hiomlán trí mheán na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Samplaí díobh seo is ea aistriúchán, seirbhísí dlí,<br />
cuntasaíocht, tacaíocht theicniúil, dearadh grafaicí, dearadh<br />
suíomhanna gréasáin, fógraíocht, caidreamh poiblí,<br />
margaíocht, ailtireacht, díolacháin agus seirbhísí<br />
custaiméara. <strong>Do</strong> chuideachtaí a fheidhmíonn trí Bhéarla den<br />
chuid is mó, cuireann ball foirne inniúil dátheangach ar a<br />
gcumas pobal na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> a mhealladh, ós rud é go<br />
dtaitníonn <strong>le</strong>is an bpobal sin seirbhísí a bheith á dtairiscint<br />
dóibh ina rogha teanga ag cuideachtaí príomhshrutha.<br />
Forbraíonn sainchuideachtaí TFC bogearraí agus<br />
teicneolaíochtaí a thugann faoi cheisteanna atá uathúil do<br />
lucht úsáide na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>. D’fhéadfadh céimí a bhfuil an<br />
meascán ceart de sci<strong>le</strong>anna teicniúla agus líofacht teanga<br />
aige nó aici gairm an-sásúil a fháil sa réimse seo, ní hamháin<br />
in Éirinn ach i bpobail dhátheangacha ar fud an domhain ina<br />
bhfuil pobal mionteanga.<br /><br />
Cuireann cuideachtaí ilnáisiúnta fáilte roimh éagsúlacht<br />
chultúrtha ina gcuid eagraíochtaí agus fáiltíonn siad roimh<br />
an deis a bheith mar chuid den phobal áitiúil ina<br />
gcraobhacha ar fud an domhain. In Éirinn, d’fhéadfadh sé go<br />
gcuimseodh sé seo an Ghaeilge a úsáid ina gcuid ábhair<br />
margaíochta nó poiblíochta, a gcuid straitéisí margaíochta<br />
nó ina gcláir chorparáideacha um fhreagracht shóisialta.<br />
Sci<strong>le</strong>anna teicniúla agus gairmiúla<br />
Margaíocht<br />
Tionscnaíocht<br />
Obair bhuíne<br />
Cumarsáid<br />
Tuiscint ar earnáil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>.<br />
Acmhainní<br />
• Boird Fiontar Contae agus<br />
Cathrach<br />
• Tairseach Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> maidir <strong>le</strong> faisnéis faoin teanga<br />
• Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> – an ghníomhaireacht<br />
trasteorann do chur chun cinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Údarás na Gaeltachta: údarás réigiúnach<br />
na Gaeltachta<br />
Féach <strong>le</strong>athanach 4 chun léamh faoi obair Sadhbh<br />
Bhreathnach sa réimse margaíochta agus forbartha agus<br />
<strong>le</strong>athanach 16 chun léamh faoi phost Robert Smyth mar<br />
shainchomhair<strong>le</strong>oir bainistíochta.<br />
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009 | 9
Réimsí oibre<br />
Cultúr: ealaín, oidhreacht agus teanga<br />
s cuid bhríomhar de shaol sóisialta agus eacnamaíoch na<br />
hÉireann í earnáil an chultúir. Cé go n-oibríonn roinnt<br />
Icéimithe mar ch<strong>le</strong>achtóirí ealaíon, tá deiseanna ann freisin<br />
d’fhoireann theicniúil, oideachais agus riaracháin taobh istigh<br />
d’eagraíochtaí tacaíochta.<br />
Na hEalaíona<br />
Tá go <strong>le</strong>or deiseanna ann do chéimithe san earnáil seo: taobh<br />
istigh d’údaráis áitiúla, ealaíona sa phobal, bainistíocht<br />
imeachtaí, na hilmheáin, dánlanna agus féinfhostaíocht.<br />
Cuireann Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, Ealaín na Gaeltachta agus na<br />
Comhairlí Ealaíon, thuaidh agus theas, tacaíocht ar fáil<br />
d’eagraíochtaí ealaíon <strong>Gaeilge</strong> trí mhaoiniú tionscadail agus<br />
d’ealaíontóirí aonaracha trí sparánachtaí agus trí<br />
chónaitheachtaí. Is buntáiste ar <strong>le</strong>ith é cáilíocht i ndisciplín<br />
ealaíne nó deartha, nó i stair ealaíne, bainistíocht ealaíon nó<br />
na taibhealaíona.<br />
Féach próifíl Aonghus Óg McAnally ar <strong>le</strong>athanach 14<br />
chun léamh faoi obair mar aisteoir agus próifíl Fhrainc<br />
Mhic Chionnaith ar <strong>le</strong>athanach 15 chun léamh faoi obair<br />
mar bhainisteoir imeachtaí agus margaíochta.<br />
Cur chun cinn agus forbairt teanga<br />
Fostaítear oifigigh teanga ag <strong>le</strong>ibhéal áitiúil agus náisiúnta in<br />
eagraíochtaí pobail agus eagraíochtaí seachbhrabúsacha.<br />
Fostaíonn údaráis áitiúla oifigigh Ghaeilge a oibríonn i<br />
gcomhar <strong>le</strong> heagraíochtaí áitiúla ealaíon agus teanga ina<br />
gceantair.<br />
Ritheann eagraíochtaí ógra <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, cosúil <strong>le</strong> Feachtas,<br />
Ógras agus Cumann na bhFiann, clubanna ógra ar fud na tíre.<br />
Bíonn baint ag grúpaí pobail agus ag comharchumainn ar fud<br />
na Gaeltachta go háirithe <strong>le</strong> cur chun cinn agus forbairt na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Cuireann Gael Linn agus Conradh na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> réimse<br />
<strong>le</strong>athan seirbhísí oideachais agus cultúrtha ar fáil ar fud na<br />
tíre. Is scáthghrúpa í Comhdháil Náisiúnta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> a<br />
dhéanann ionadaíocht ar go <strong>le</strong>or eagraíochtaí <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
seachbhrabúsacha. Is é Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> an comhlacht<br />
cistiúcháin trasteorann náisiúnta do chur chun cinn agus<br />
forbairt na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>.<br />
Ós rud é go mbíonn sainchúram réasúnta <strong>le</strong>athan ar go<br />
<strong>le</strong>or de na heagraíochtaí a bhíonn ag cur na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> chun cinn,<br />
fostaíonn siad daoine ó réimse <strong>le</strong>athan disciplíní cosúil <strong>le</strong>o seo<br />
a <strong>le</strong>anas: margaíocht, oideachas, airgeadas, bainistíocht<br />
imeachtaí, foilsiú agus caidreamh poiblí.<br />
Oidhreacht<br />
Tá deiseanna fostaíochta ann do choimeádaithe, d’fhoireann<br />
oideachais, do threoraithe/bhainisteoirí turais agus do riarthóirí<br />
ag músaeim agus suíomhanna oidhreachta ar fud na tíre.<br />
D’fhéadfadh cuid mhór ábhair Ghaeilge a bheith i measc<br />
na mbailiúchán a bhíonn ag <strong>le</strong>abharlanna agus cartlanna,<br />
agus ní mór do <strong>le</strong>abharlannaithe atá fostaithe sa chóras<br />
<strong>le</strong>abharlainne poiblí riachtanas <strong>Gaeilge</strong> a chomhlíonadh.<br />
Bíonn cartlanna ann i réimse <strong>le</strong>athan eagraíochtaí mar na<br />
meáin, údaráis áitiúla, eagraíochtaí oideachais agus mar<br />
fhiontair phríobháideacha.<br />
Cuireann an réimse turasóireachta cultúrtha deiseanna<br />
ar fáil do lucht labhartha na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> freisin, sa Ghaeltacht go<br />
háirithe, agus is minic a fhostaíonn údaráis áitiúla oifigigh<br />
oidhreachta. Bíonn cáilíocht ábhartha i stair, seandálaíocht,<br />
staidéar <strong>le</strong>abharlainne nó cartlanna, béaloideas, stair<br />
ealaíne, bainistíocht músaem, oideachas nó dearadh, ag go<br />
<strong>le</strong>or daoine a oibríonn san earnáil oidhreachta.<br />
• Bí páirteach sna cumainn ealaíon/teanga sa choláiste<br />
• Cláraigh do nuachtlitir Gaelport<br />
• Déan obair dheonach <strong>le</strong> himeachtaí agus féilte<br />
cultúrtha ealaíon nó <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, nó bí ag freastal orthu<br />
• Oibrigh mar threoraí nó mar oibrí eolais ag<br />
suíomhanna oidhreachta i rith tréimhsí saoire<br />
• Cuir suim i gcaomhnú an chomhshaoil<br />
• Bain sochar as deiseanna<br />
• Forbair cuntas teiste d’obair <strong>le</strong> gníomhaíochtaí pobail<br />
agus/nó teanga.<br />
Acmhainní<br />
• An Chomhair<strong>le</strong> Ealaíon<br />
• Comhair<strong>le</strong> Ealaíon Thuaisceart<br />
Éireann<br />
• www.colmcil<strong>le</strong>.net Colmcil<strong>le</strong> – cur chun cinn úsáid na<br />
dteangacha Gaelacha idir Éire agus Albain<br />
• An Comhlachas Náisiúnta<br />
Drámaíochta<br />
• Ealaín na Gaeltachta – Ag forbairt agus ag<br />
cothú na n-ealaíon dúchasach agus comhaimseartha sa<br />
Ghaeltacht<br />
•<br />
• Tairseach Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> maidir <strong>le</strong> heolas faoin teanga<br />
• An Chomhair<strong>le</strong> Oidhreachta<br />
• Cumann na gCartlannaithe<br />
(An Ríocht Aontaithe agus Éire)<br />
10 | <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009<br />
Réimsí oibre<br />
Na meáin<br />
T<br />
á na meáin chlóite, na meáin chraolta agus na meáin<br />
dhigiteacha clúdaithe san earnáil iomaíoch seo. Is<br />
buntáiste ar <strong>le</strong>ith é a bheith in ann feidhmiú go<br />
dátheangach sna réimsí seo, ós rud é go gcuireann sé ar do<br />
chumas a bheith ag obair ar réimse níos <strong>le</strong>ithne tionscadal<br />
ná mar a d’fhéadfadh daoine nach bhfuil líofa ach in aon<br />
teanga amháin a dhéanamh.<br />
Bealach iontach chun dul i gcion ar fhostóirí ionchasacha<br />
sa réimse seo is ea a léiriú dóibh go bhfuil suim agat sna<br />
meáin trí obair a dhéanamh <strong>le</strong> stáisiúin raidió phobail nó<br />
dheonacha cosúil <strong>le</strong> Raidió na Life ( agus<br />
Raidió Fáilte (<br />
Na meáin chraolta<br />
Craolann raidió agus teilifís RTÉ ( cláir agus<br />
ceannlínte nuachta éagsúla trí Ghaeilge, agus roinneann<br />
siad seomra nuachta <strong>le</strong> TG4 ( Tá RTÉ Raidió na<br />
Gaeltachta, stáisiún raidió pobail a dhéanann formhór dá<br />
chuid clár féin, lonnaithe i nGaeltacht na Gaillimhe <strong>le</strong> fostáisiúin<br />
i gcontaetha Gaeltachta ei<strong>le</strong>.<br />
Déanann TG4, atá lonnaithe i nGaeltacht na Gaillimhe<br />
freisin, coimisiúnú ar chuideachtaí léiriúcháin<br />
neamhsp<strong>le</strong>ácha seachtracha ar fud na tíre chun roinnt<br />
mhaith dá chuid clár a dhéanamh. Díríonn roinnt de na<br />
cuideachtaí seo go hiomlán ar léiriúcháin Ghaeilge, agus<br />
bíonn cuid ei<strong>le</strong> acu ag déanamh clár <strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus Bhéarla<br />
araon. Tá formhór na léiritheoirí neamhsp<strong>le</strong>ácha<br />
Éireannacha mar bhaill de Léiritheoirí Scái<strong>le</strong>áin na hÉireann.<br />
Tá aonad <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ag BBC Northern Ireland i mBéal Feirste<br />
a chraolann ar an teilifís agus ar an raidió araon, agus tá<br />
méadú ag teacht ar an aonad seo.<br />
Ní mór do na stáisiúin raidió phobail agus thráchtála go<br />
léir a fheidhmíonn i bPoblacht na hÉireann líon áirithe clár<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> a bheith san áireamh ina sceidil.<br />
Tá cistiú ar fáil do lucht déanta clár agus scannán <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
ó Choimisiún Craolacháin na hÉireann, ó Chiste<br />
Craoltóireachta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, ó Bhord Scannán na hÉireann<br />
agus ó Filmbase. Déanann na craoltóirí TG4, RTÉ agus BBC NI<br />
coimisiúnú ar chláir freisin. Cuireann an clár Síol<br />
( tacaíocht agus aitheantas ar fáil do dhaoine<br />
nua a léiríonn bua scríbhneoireachta agus stiúrthóireachta.<br />
Tá réimse scéimeanna ag an gCiste Craoltóireachta <strong>Gaeilge</strong>,<br />
<strong>le</strong>na n-áirítear Scéim Oiliúna i sci<strong>le</strong>anna léiriúcháin don<br />
teilifís d’iontrálaithe nua, scéim oiliúna do léiritheoirí atá i<br />
mbun foghlama agus sparánacht i gcomhair forbairt<br />
sci<strong>le</strong>anna.<br />
Na meáin chlóite<br />
Foilsíonn na meáin chlóite Béarla méid teoranta trí mheán na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Tá roinnt foilseachán <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ann, <strong>le</strong>na n-áirítear<br />
Foinse agus Saol (páipéir nuachta), Comhar, Feasta, nós* (irisí).<br />
Na meáin dhigiteacha<br />
Tá na meáin dhigiteacha fíorthábhachtach do na teangacha<br />
neamh-fhor<strong>le</strong>athana ar fud an domhain. Tugann cuideachtaí<br />
ríomhairí ilnáisiúnta go háirithe tacaíocht do scéimeanna<br />
nuálacha meáin agus tá go <strong>le</strong>or deiseanna ann do chéimithe<br />
chun tionscadail spreagúla nua cheannródaíocha a fhorbairt<br />
i réimsí cosúil <strong>le</strong> hoideachas, siamsaíocht nó fógraíocht.<br />
Acmhainní<br />
• <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar an BBC<br />
(suíomh gréasáin dátheangach)<br />
• IPA Administration Yearbook and Diary<br />
• Irish Media Directory<br />
•<br />
• gradireland Journalism & Media<br />
Na meáin chlóite<br />
• Iris idirlín do lucht labhartha na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Feasta – Iriseán liteartha míosúil <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Nuachtán Náisiúnta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Iris Ghaeilge<br />
Teilifís<br />
• Gréasán de na gnólachtaí meáin<br />
atá lonnaithe i nGaeltacht Chonamara<br />
• Gréasán Scannán agus Teilifíse na hÉireann<br />
• Léiritheoirí Scái<strong>le</strong>áin na<br />
hÉireann: comhlacht ionadaíoch do léiritheoirí<br />
neamhsp<strong>le</strong>ácha scannán, beochana agus teilifíse<br />
• <strong>St</strong>áisiún teilifíse <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Raidió<br />
• <strong>St</strong>áisiún raidió Top-40<br />
• <strong>St</strong>áisiún raidió náisiúnta <strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus<br />
Gaeltachta<br />
Cistiú & Tacaíocht<br />
• Coimisiún Craolacháin na hÉireann<br />
• Ionad acmhainní seachbhrabúsach do<br />
lucht déanta scannán.<br />
• Bord Scannán na hÉireann:<br />
gníomhaireacht náisiúnta scannán na hÉireann<br />
• Gníomhaireacht<br />
náisiúnta scái<strong>le</strong>áin do Thuaisceart Éireann<br />
• Síol: ag tacú <strong>le</strong> scríbhneoireacht scripte<br />
teilifíse trí Ghaeilge.<br />
Féach próifíl Áine Ní Bhreis<strong>le</strong>áin ar <strong>le</strong>athanach 14 chun<br />
léamh faoina bheith ag obair mar iriseoir craolacháin.<br /><br />
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009 | 11
Réimsí oibre<br />
Aistriúchán agus ateangaireacht<br />
T<br />
á Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla (2003) agus aitheantas<br />
don Ghaeilge mar theanga oifigiúil oibre den Aontas<br />
Eorpach tar éis cur <strong>le</strong>is na deiseanna atá ar fáil i réimsí<br />
an aistriúcháin agus na hateangaireachta.<br />
Is éard atá i gceist <strong>le</strong> haistriúchán ná téacs a chur ar fáil i<br />
dteanga agus i gcultúr éagsúil do lucht léitheoireachta agus<br />
do chuspóir ar <strong>le</strong>ith.<br />
Úsáideann roinnt aistritheoirí gairmiúla bogearraí<br />
aistriúcháin ina gcuid oibre laethúla. Bheifí ag súil go<br />
soláthródh aistritheoirí a bhfuil taithí acu ar an obair suas <strong>le</strong><br />
2,000 focal in aghaidh an lae, ag brath ar an gcineál téacs.<br />
Bíonn scrúdú bliantúil ag Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> mar chuid dá<br />
chóras creidiúnaithe - Séala Creidiúnaithe d’Aistritheoirí<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Cuirtear iad siúd a bhaineann amach grád sách ard<br />
sa scrúdú seo ar phainéal aistritheoirí creidiúnaithe Fhoras<br />
na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Ní mór do na haistritheoirí seo tabhairt faoin<br />
scrúdú gach cúig bliana chun fanacht ar an bpainéal.<br />
Ní mór duit Scrúdú Ballraíochta Gairmiúil Chumann<br />
Aistritheoirí agus Teangairí na hÉireann (ITIA) a bhaint<br />
amach chun a bheith mar Bhall Gairmiúil den Chumann,<br />
chomh maith <strong>le</strong> hidir dhá bhliain agus cúig bliana taithí a<br />
bheith agat agus/nó cáilíocht a bheith agat mar<br />
aistritheoir/ateangaire. Bíonn na caighdeáin is airde<br />
aistriúcháin á n-éi<strong>le</strong>amh ag gach custaiméir, eagraíochtaí<br />
poiblí, comhlachtaí rialtais in Éirinn, institiúidí na hEorpa<br />
agus eagraíochtaí príobháideacha san áireamh.<br />
Tá an ateangaireacht difriúil ón aistriúchán sa mhéid is<br />
go bhfuil sí bunaithe ar chumarsáid béil, seachas ar<br />
chumarsáid scríofa.<br />
Is minic a bhíonn na hábhair a bhíonn aistritheoirí agus<br />
ateangairí ag láimhseáil sainiúil go maith, agus mar sin<br />
bíonn gá <strong>le</strong> réiteach agus c<strong>le</strong>achtadh ar an ábhar atá i gceist.<br />
Is minic a fhorbraíonn oibrithe gairmiúla sa réimse seo<br />
saineolas ar réimsí cosúil <strong>le</strong> gnó, dlí nó <strong>le</strong>igheas tar éis roinnt<br />
blianta. Tá an téarmaíocht a bhaineann <strong>le</strong> hábhar ar <strong>le</strong>ith<br />
mar chuid lárnach den saineolas sin. Moltar cáilíocht<br />
iarchéime a fháil i staidéar an aistriúcháin nó san<br />
ateangaireacht. Ba bhuntáiste bunchéim i dteangacha a<br />
bheith agat, ach níl sé riachtanach.<br />
Aistriúchán<br />
Ar an obair atá ar fáil tá aistriúchán, léamh profaí, logánú<br />
bogearraí, fotheidealú, bainistíocht tionscadail, comhordú<br />
teanga agus bainistíocht cáilíochta.<br />
Tá deiseanna fostaíochta ann d’aistritheoirí in<br />
eagraíochtaí poiblí, i gcomhlachtaí rialtais, in institiúidí na<br />
hEorpa agus in eagraíochtaí príobháideacha. Tá a seirbhís<br />
aistriúcháin (agus ateangaireachta) féin ag Tithe an<br />
Oireachtais – Rannóg an Aistriúcháin.<br />
Tá an tseirbhís aistriúcháin is mó ar domhan á feidhmiú<br />
ag an Aontas Eorpach. Tá deiseanna ar fáil chun dul ag obair<br />
mar riarthóir, mar aistritheoir agus mar dhlítheangeolaí. Ní<br />
mór d’iarrthóirí páirt a ghlacadh i gcomórtas oscailte chun<br />
post buan a fháil taobh istigh d’institiúidí an AE. Bíonn poist<br />
shealadacha nó ar bhonn conartha ar fáil ó am go ham.<br />
Chun fostaíocht bhuan a fháil mar aistritheoir taobh istigh<br />
den AE, ní mór duit an cumas a bheith agat oibriú <strong>le</strong> trí<br />
theanga Eorpacha. Ón uair go ndearnadh teanga oifigiúil<br />
oibre de chuid an AE den Ghaeilge in 2007, tá éi<strong>le</strong>amh seasta<br />
ann do dhaoine ar féidir <strong>le</strong>o aistriú go <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, agus tharlódh<br />
sé go dtiocfadh méadú ar an éi<strong>le</strong>amh seo sna blianta atá<br />
amach romhainn.<br />
Tá roinnt aistritheoirí a oibríonn taobh istigh<br />
d’eagraíochtaí, ach oibríonn an chuid is mó acu ar bhonn<br />
neamhsp<strong>le</strong>ách.<br />
Is fostaithe ar thuarastal iad aistritheoirí inmheánacha a<br />
oibríonn go lánaimseartha in eagraíochtaí poiblí nó i<br />
gcuideachtaí aistriúcháin príobháideacha, agus an Ghaeilge<br />
mar shainábhar ag cuid de na cuideachtaí sin.<br />
Is iondúil go mbíonn saoraistritheoirí féinfhostaithe agus go<br />
n-oibríonn siad ón mbai<strong>le</strong>. Bíonn siad á gcoimisiúnú ag<br />
gníomhaireachtaí aistriúcháin nó ag cuideachtaí go díreach.<br />
Faigheann cuideachtaí na daoine seo ón liosta d’aistritheoirí<br />
creidiúnaithe ó shuíomh gréasáin Fhoras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus ó<br />
chlár Chumann Aistritheoirí agus Teangairí na hÉireann.<br />
Sci<strong>le</strong>anna a theastaíonn<br />
• Líofacht agus cruinneas i do theangacha oibre<br />
• Litearthacht ríomhairí<br />
• Cumas sprioc-am a bhaint amach<br />
• Discréid (tharlódh sé go mbeadh ábhar íogair/rúnda i<br />
gcáipéisí)<br />
• Taighde<br />
• Aird ar mhionsonraí agus caighdeáin arda<br />
• Saineolas ar réimse ar <strong>le</strong>ith<br />
• Bainistíocht gnó (saoraistritheoirí).<br />
Ateangaireacht<br />
Is in imeachtaí de chuid an Oireachtais, i gcomhdhálacha<br />
idirnáisiúnta, in imeachtaí dlí agus i gcúram sláinte is mó atá<br />
deiseanna fostaíochta in Éirinn ag déanamh<br />
ateangaireachta do Ghaeilgeoirí dúchasacha. Úsáidtear<br />
ateangairí <strong>Gaeilge</strong> i bParlaimint na hEorpa agus i gCoimisiún<br />
na hEorpa freisin.<br />
Ní mór d’iarrthóirí páirt a ghlacadh i gcomórtas oscailte<br />
chun post buan a fháil taobh istigh d’institiúidí an AE. Mar<br />
rogha ei<strong>le</strong>, is féidir <strong>le</strong> hateangairí a bhfuil scrúdú<br />
creidiúnaithe bainte amach acu obair neamhsp<strong>le</strong>ách a fháil.<br />
Is é an riachtanas bunúsach d’ateangaire a oibríonn laistigh<br />
den AE ná an cumas a bheith ag obair <strong>le</strong> trí theanga<br />
Eorpacha ( an teanga dhúchasach san áireamh).<br />
D’fhéadfadh sé go ndéanfaí an riachtanas an tríú teanga<br />
12 | <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009<br />
Réimsí oibre<br />
Eorpach a bheith acu a chur ar <strong>le</strong>ataobh d’ateangairí a<br />
oibríonn <strong>le</strong>is an n<strong>Gaeilge</strong> mar gheall ar ghanntanas iarrthóirí<br />
a bhfuil na cáilíochtaí cuí acu.<br />
Sci<strong>le</strong>anna a theastaíonn<br />
• Teacht aniar<br />
• A bheith in ann díriú ar rud ar <strong>le</strong>ith<br />
• Cumas strus a láimhseáil<br />
• Sláinte fhisiciúil mhaith<br />
• Cuimhne den scoth<br />
• Anailís<br />
• Éisteacht ghéar<br />
• Urlabhra shoiléir<br />
• An cumas athrú ó ábhar go hábhar gan choinne<br />
• Obair bhuíne.<br />
• Lean ort ag cur feabhais ar do chuid teangacha.<br />
• Téigh i gc<strong>le</strong>achtadh ar na bogearraí aistriúcháin a<br />
úsáidtear sa tionscail, mar shampla Trados, Wordfast<br />
agus Dejà Vu.<br />
• Déan taighde ar na sainfhoclóirí agus na hacmhainní<br />
ar líne ( atá ar fáil don Ghaeilge.<br />
• Féach ar shuíomh gréasáin Ard-<strong>St</strong>iúrthóireachtaí<br />
Aistriúcháin agus Ateangaireachta an AE (féach thíos).<br />
• Uaslódáil do CV agus samplaí de do chuid oibre chuig<br />, acmhainn aistriúcháin d’aistritheoirí<br />
agus do ghníomhaireachtaí.<br />
• Seol do CV chuig cuideachtaí aistriúcháin cuí.<br />
• Lorg socrúchán oibre cuí.<br />
• Faigh cáilíocht.<br />
• Tabhair faoi scrúdú Fhoras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>.<br />
• Bain amach ballraíocht i gCumann Aistritheoirí agus<br />
Teangairí na hÉireann.<br />
Acmhainní<br />
Ginearálta<br />
• Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> – an ghníomhaireacht<br />
trasteorann do chur chun cinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Tairseach Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> maidir <strong>le</strong> heolas faoin teanga<br />
• Údarás na Gaeltachta: údarás réigiúnach<br />
na Gaeltachta<br />
• Cumann Aistritheoirí agus<br />
Teangairí na hÉireann<br />
• Eolaire acmhainní um aistriúchán<br />
gairmiúil<br />
•<br />
• gradireland Graduate Careers in Languages<br />
An Eoraip<br />
• An Oifig Eorpach um Roghnú Pearsanra<br />
• Ard-<strong>St</strong>iúrthóireacht<br />
Aistriúcháin an AE<br />
• Ard-<strong>St</strong>iúrthóireacht<br />
Ateangaireachta an AE<br />
Nuair a d’fhág mise an coláiste, ní raibh mé tar éis<br />
smaoineamh ar dhul ag obair mar aistritheoir mar níor<br />
thuig mé an méid deiseanna oibre a bhí ar fáil. Fuair mé<br />
post mar riarthóir oifige i gcuideachta áitiúil sa<br />
Ghaeltacht. Bhí siad díreach ag tabhairt faoi mhargadh<br />
an aistriúcháin agus d’iarr siad orm breathnú ar roinnt<br />
aistriúcháin chun an caighdeán, comhsheasmhacht srl. a<br />
sheiceáil. Uaidh sin, bhog mé isteach sa rannóg<br />
aistriúcháin. Chaith mé bliain go <strong>le</strong>ith ag obair mar<br />
aistritheoir/léitheoir profaí ansin, agus ansin bhog mé<br />
go eTeams, áit a bhfuil mé ag obair mar<br />
aistritheoir/léitheoir profaí <strong>le</strong> dhá bhliain anuas.<br />
Is é an ról atá agamsa ná aistriúcháin<br />
d’ardchaighdeán a chur ar fáil, ag cinntiú go bhfuil an<br />
téarmaíocht chuí á húsáid, go bhfuil gach aistriúchán<br />
scríofa de réir an Chaighdeáin Oifigiúil agus gur léiriú<br />
cruinn atá ann ar théacs an bhunfhoinse Béarla. Tá<br />
sprioclíon focal <strong>le</strong>agtha síos dúinn atá <strong>le</strong> baint amach go<br />
laethúil. Is tionscadail do ranna rialtais, do chomhlachtaí<br />
poiblí agus d’eagraíochtaí stáit is mó a aistrímid.<br />
Oibríonn Emer Ní Shuibhne mar aistritheoir / léitheoir profaí<br />
<strong>le</strong> eTeams International Ltd. Tá céim aici sa Ghaeilge agus an<br />
Léann Dúchais (Béaloideas agus Eitneolaíocht).<br />
Tá dhá phríomhghné i gceist <strong>le</strong> mo phost. Is é an t-<br />
aistriúchán an chéad cheann acu seo. Is éard a bhíonn i<br />
gceist <strong>le</strong>is seo ná cáipéisí dlí a aistriú go <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ó<br />
Fhraincis agus ó Bhéarla.<br />
Is í an ghné ei<strong>le</strong> de mo chuid oibre ná réiteach i<br />
gcomhair na féidearthachta go mbunófaí foireann<br />
dlítheangeolaithe <strong>Gaeilge</strong> sa Chúirt. Tá naisc <strong>le</strong> forbairt<br />
<strong>le</strong> hollscoi<strong>le</strong>anna agus <strong>le</strong> heagraíochtaí ei<strong>le</strong> in Éirinn<br />
faoina choinne seo. Réitíomar bróisiúr faoi ghairm an<br />
dlítheangeolaí <strong>Gaeilge</strong> <strong>le</strong> déanaí chun poiblíocht a<br />
thabhairt don obair a dhéanaimid sa Chúirt. Tá sé i<br />
gceist againn a theacht go hÉirinn am éigin freisin chun<br />
labhairt <strong>le</strong> mic léinn agus céimithe a bhfuil suim acu sa<br />
réimse oibre seo.<br />
Ceann de na rudaí is fearr faoin bpost ná gur láthair<br />
oibre shuimiúil agus bhríomhar í an Chúirt. Tá sí<br />
ilchultúrtha agus ilteangach. Is breá liom a bheith ag<br />
obair trí Ghaeilge taobh <strong>le</strong> taobh <strong>le</strong> daoine ó go <strong>le</strong>or<br />
náisiúntachtaí ei<strong>le</strong>. Taitníonn sé liom freisin go bhfuil an<br />
deis agam mo chuid sci<strong>le</strong>anna teanga a fhorbairt.<br />
Oibríonn Órla Ryan mar dhlítheangeolaí <strong>le</strong> Cúirt Bhreithiúnais<br />
na gComhphobal Eorpach. Tá céim aice sa Dlí agus Fraincis<br />
agus tá sí cláraithe faoi láthair <strong>le</strong> haghaidh MA sa Ch<strong>le</strong>achtas<br />
Dátheangach.<br /><br />
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009 | 13
Próifílí céimithe<br />
AINM: Áine Ní Bhreis<strong>le</strong>áin<br />
POST: Iriseoir <strong>le</strong> Nuacht RTÉ/TG4<br />
OIDEACHAS: BA, <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, <strong>St</strong>air<br />
(2007); ag déanamh MA i Scríobh<br />
agus Cumarsáid na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> faoi<br />
láthair<br />
AINM: Aonghus Óg McAnally<br />
POST: Aisteoir<br />
FOSTÓIR: Féinfhostaithe<br />
OIDEACHAS: BA i <strong>St</strong>aidéar Téatair<br />
(2002)<br />
Is trí sheans dáiríre a fuair mise an post atá agam anois,<br />
trí shocrúchán oibre mar chuid de mo chéim MA.<br />
Chaitheamar seachtain ag obair i seomra nuachta Nuacht<br />
RTÉ agus seachtain <strong>le</strong> Nuacht TG4. Roinnt seachtainí tar<br />
éis dom mo chuid taithí oibre a chríochnú, tairgeadh post<br />
páirtaimseartha dom ag obair mar iriseoir réigiúnach do<br />
Nuacht TG4. Tá mé lonnaithe i mo bhai<strong>le</strong> dúchais, Gaoth<br />
<strong>Do</strong>bhair, agus cuirim tuairiscí agus pacáistí nuachta ar fáil<br />
faoi imeachtaí reatha. Is meascán de scéalta laethúla<br />
agus scéalta níos fadtéarmaí a bhíonn i gceist, a dhíríonn<br />
ar imeachtaí áitiúla agus náisiúnta araon.<br />
Le linn dom a bheith ag déanamh mo bhunchéime,<br />
chuir mé isteach ar phost <strong>le</strong> RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta ina<br />
bhfo-stáisiún i nDún na nGall. Bhí mé ag obair mar<br />
fháilteoir páirtaimseartha ar dtús. Ina dhiaidh sin bhí mé<br />
ag obair ar chlár na bhfógraí áitiúla agus ansin ar an gclár<br />
iarratas. An bhliain dár gcionn tairgeadh post dom ag<br />
léamh na nuachta.<br />
Gníomhaíochtaí laethúla<br />
Ar maidin téim i dteagmháil <strong>le</strong> m’eagarthóir, atá<br />
lonnaithe i nGaillimh, chun scéalta an lae a phlé. Nuair a<br />
bhíonn mo scéal agam, cuirim glaonna ar agallaithe agus<br />
socraím agallaimh <strong>le</strong>o. Bíonn orm blaiseadh den scéal a<br />
scríobh, chomh maith <strong>le</strong> script, agus teastaíonn píosa os<br />
comhair an cheamara uaireanta freisin. Freastalaím ar<br />
chruinnithe áirithe de na húdaráis áitiúla, ar sheoltaí agus<br />
a <strong>le</strong>ithéid sin. Má tharlaíonn mórimeacht (cosúil <strong>le</strong><br />
timpiste nó dúnadh monarchan) bítear ag súil go mbeinn<br />
ar an láthair.<br />
Taistealaím <strong>le</strong> m’fhear ceamara, agus pléim an scéal<br />
<strong>le</strong>is chun a theacht ar an mbealach is fearr chun tabhairt<br />
faoi. D’fhéadfadh scéal a bheith ag teastáil i gcomhair<br />
Nuacht RTÉ ag 5.20i.n. agus ansin arís i gcomhair TG4 ag<br />
7i.n, rud a chiallaíonn go mbíonn bainistiú ama antábhachtach.<br />
Glaoitear orm scaití freisin chun cúnamh a<br />
thabhairt scéal a chlúdach i gcomhair Six One News nó<br />
Nine News ar RTÉ.<br />
Is é an rud iontach faoin aisteoireacht ná nach bhfuil a<br />
<strong>le</strong>ithéid de rud agus ‘gnáth-sheachtain’ ann. Lá amháin tá<br />
tú ar sheit scannáin, an chéad lá ei<strong>le</strong> ag éisteacht, i<br />
gc<strong>le</strong>achtaí an lá ina dhiaidh sin, agus ag déanamh dráma<br />
raidió an lá ina dhiaidh sin arís. Is féidir <strong>le</strong>is a bheith<br />
deacair go <strong>le</strong>or do dhóthain airgid a shaothrú san<br />
aisteoireacht <strong>le</strong> maireachtáil air, agus mar sin caitheann tú<br />
réimse <strong>le</strong>athan sci<strong>le</strong>anna a bheith agat chun go mbeidh tú<br />
in ann tabhairt faoin obair go léir a thagann do bhealach.<br />
Tá an éagsúlacht go hiontach; bíonn an obair úrnua i<br />
gcónaí. Bíonn tú ag obair <strong>le</strong> haisteoirí nó stiúrthóirí nua i<br />
gcónaí, nó i gcathair nua ar thuras – bhí an t-ádh orm an<br />
deis a bheith agam a bheith ag obair <strong>le</strong> daoine cosúil <strong>le</strong><br />
Pierce Brosnan, Anne Hathaway agus Seamus Heaney.<br />
Is dúshlán é an easpa cinnteachta a thagann <strong>le</strong>is an<br />
tslí bheatha sin: ag suí thart ag fanacht go mbuailfidh an<br />
fón, ag fanacht <strong>le</strong>is an gcéad phost ei<strong>le</strong>. Ní mór duit<br />
meon láidir a chothú chun a bheith ábalta cur suas <strong>le</strong>is<br />
na huaireanta nach n-éiríonn <strong>le</strong>at in éisteachtaí. Ní<br />
fhei<strong>le</strong>ann an tslí bheatha seo do dhuine atá ag lorg poist<br />
bhuain inphinseanaithe ón 9 go dtí 5!<br />
Cén chabhair a bhí sa Ghaeilge?<br />
Is buntáiste ollmhór a bhí sa Ghaeilge dom, agus tá cuid<br />
mhór de mo chuid oibre tar éis a bheith trí Ghaeilge.<br />
Tagann sé ar ais go dtí an pointe bunúsach faoi sci<strong>le</strong>anna<br />
éagsúla a bheith agat mar aisteoir. Caithfidh tú oiread<br />
agus is féidir <strong>le</strong>at a dhéanamh ionas go mbeidh tú<br />
feiliúnach don oiread páirteanna agus is féidir.<br />
Chomh maith <strong>le</strong>is sin, ní bhíonn oiread daoine ag<br />
éisteachtaí i gcomhair róil Ghaeilge, rud a mhéadaíonn<br />
an seans go bhfaighidh tusa an post. Ní mór<br />
smaoineamh chomh maith, mar gheall ar an gcaoi a<br />
bhfuil cúrsaí maidir <strong>le</strong> cistiú ealaíon, gur minic a bhíonn<br />
na stiúrthóirí, na haisteoirí agus na léiritheoirí is fearr ag<br />
obair ar léiriúcháin Ghaeilge, agus mar sin níl aon<br />
bhealach gur ‘gaol bocht’ atá sa téatar nó sa<br />
scannánaíocht Ghaeilge.<br />
14 | <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009<br />
Próifílí céimithe<br />
AINM: Chris <strong>Do</strong>rgan<br />
POST: Oifigeach Cumarsáide agus<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
FOSTÓIR: Comhair<strong>le</strong> Cathrach Chorcaí<br />
OIDEACHAS: BComm i Margaíocht<br />
agus Bainistíocht; Céimí de chuid MII,<br />
Ball d’Institiúid Chaidreamh Poiblí na<br />
hÉireann<br />
Go bunúsach, is oifigeach cumarsáide dátheangach mé. Tá<br />
dhá ghné i gceist <strong>le</strong> mo phost. Gné amháin is ea géilliúntas<br />
<strong>le</strong> hAcht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla agus tacú <strong>le</strong> heagraíochtaí<br />
maidir <strong>le</strong> teanga agus cultúr na hÉireann a chothú, agus is í<br />
an ghné ei<strong>le</strong> ná a bheith ag obair mar oifigeach cumarsáide<br />
ag plé <strong>le</strong>is na meáin chlóite agus chraolta.<br />
Clúdaíonn an chéad chuid soláthar sheirbhísí<br />
Chomhair<strong>le</strong> Cathrach Chorcaí do mhuintir Chorcaí trí<br />
mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Má bhíonn nuacht TG4 nó RnaG ag<br />
lorg urlabhraí chun labhairt <strong>le</strong>o faoi cheann dár gcuid<br />
tionscadal, is mise a dhéanann sin go hiondúil faoi láthair.<br />
Tá sé de dhúshlán agam sci<strong>le</strong>anna agus inniúlachtaí<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> a mhéadú taobh istigh de stiúrthóireachtaí agus<br />
ranna na Comhair<strong>le</strong> ionas nach mise amháin a bheidh i<br />
mbun na hoibre seo. Is mé atá freagrach as aistriúcháin<br />
bheaga anois is arís freisin. Cuirtear amach chun<br />
tairisceana na cáipéisí, p<strong>le</strong>ananna agus tuarascálacha atá<br />
níos mó.<br />
Tugann mo phost an tsaoirse dom an Ghaeilge a chur<br />
chun cinn ar bhealaí níos samhlaíche. Is féidir liom cabhrú<br />
<strong>le</strong> heagraíochtaí cosúil <strong>le</strong> Peop<strong>le</strong>’s Republic of Cork, a<br />
tháinig chugam <strong>le</strong> smaoineamh i gcomhair oíche<br />
shóisialta uair sa mhí arb í an Ghaeilge an ghnáththeanga<br />
ann. Áit go bhféadfá ceol den scoth agus <strong>Gaeilge</strong> den<br />
scoth a chloisteáil gan aon duine ag breathnú thar do<br />
ghualainn ag rá, ‘tá an díochlaonadh mícheart agat ansin’.<br />
D’infheistigh mé méid suntasach airgid i<br />
gcomharthaíocht Ghaeilge don Nollaig - comharthaí a<br />
deir ‘Beannachtaí na Féi<strong>le</strong> agus Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise’ -<br />
agus tá aiseolas an-dearfach faighte agam ón bpobal i<br />
gcoitinne agus ón bpobal gnó, rud a thugann anspreagadh<br />
dom.<br />
Tá mé in ann níos mó a dhéanamh <strong>le</strong>is an bpost seo ós<br />
rud é gur tháinig mé chuige <strong>le</strong> cúlra i gcumarsáid agus<br />
margaíocht – tá mé in ann é a dhéanamh níos ábhartha<br />
agus níos suimiúla.<br />
AINM: Frainc Mac Cionnaith<br />
POST: Bainisteoir Imeachtaí &<br />
Margaíochta<br />
FOSTÓIR: Cultúrlann Mac Adam Ó<br />
Fiaich, Béal Feirste<br />
OIDEACHAS: BA sa Léann Éireannach<br />
(2002)<br />
Is réimse é seo ar chuir mé spéis ann i gcónaí. Nuair a bhí<br />
mé i mo mhac léinn ollscoi<strong>le</strong>, bhí an-bhaint agam <strong>le</strong>is an<br />
gCumann Gaelach ansin agus d’eagraigh mé imeachtaí<br />
éagsúla mar chuid de mo chuid oibre ansin. Is cuimhin<br />
liom ag an am gurbh aoibhinn liom slí bheatha a bheith<br />
agam sa chineál oibre sin, agus tá mé ag ceapadh go<br />
bhfuil post faighte agam ina bhfuil sé sin tarlaithe.<br />
Caithim go <strong>le</strong>or de mo chuid ama ag eagrú chlár na n-<br />
imeachtaí – ag dul i dteagmháil <strong>le</strong> healaíontóirí agus <strong>le</strong><br />
ceoltóirí srl agus ag fáil imeachtaí don trí mhí atá amach<br />
romhainn. Ansin réitím an bróisiúr i gcomhair imeachtaí<br />
an tséasúir. Bíonn orm a bheith i láthair ag gach imeacht<br />
chun maoirsiú a dhéanamh ar réiteach seomra agus chun<br />
aon rud ei<strong>le</strong> a theastaíonn a dhéanamh – obair ar an<br />
doras, sa bheár, nó fiú a bheith i m’ fhear an tí. Is é an<br />
taobh ei<strong>le</strong> de mo chuid oibre ná an mhargaíocht.<br />
Déanaim póstaeir, bi<strong>le</strong>oga eolais agus bróisiúir a<br />
dhearadh, seolaim amach eolas ar ríomhphost agus sa<br />
phost agus eagraím fógraíocht sna meáin.<br />
Buaicphointe<br />
Bhí ceolchoirm amháin a bhí againn a bhí ina<br />
buaicphointe ar <strong>le</strong>ith. Bhí grúpa amhránaíochta <strong>le</strong>anaí,<br />
beirt cheoltóirí áitiúla ar an bhfidil agus ar an gcláirseach,<br />
amhránaí aitheanta ar an sean-nós agus cór <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
againn. Is é an chaoi ar tháinig sé <strong>le</strong> chéi<strong>le</strong> ar an oíche a<br />
d’fhág chomh speisialta é. Bhí an teach lán - rud a<br />
thugann seó maith i gcónaí, mar dá mhó an lucht<br />
féachana, is fearr an t-atmaisféar – bhí gach duine ar<br />
stáitse thar cionn agus bhain gach duine an-sásamh as<br />
an oíche. Ceapaimse gur léiriú a bhí ann ar gach dá<br />
seasann an Chultúrlann, agus ba léiriú iontach é ar<br />
láidreacht na n-ealaíon agus na teanga.<br />
Ceapaim gurb é an rud is fearr do chéimithe ná obair<br />
dheonach a dhéanamh; tóg cibé cén obair atá ar fáil san<br />
earnáil inar mhian <strong>le</strong>at a bheith ag obair. Má tá tú go maith<br />
ag do chuid oibre, ní bheidh fostóirí i bhfad ag tabhairt do<br />
chumas faoi deara agus tairgfidh siad post duit.<br /><br />
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009 | 15
Próifílí céimithe<br />
AINM: Robert Smyth<br />
POST: Sainchomhair<strong>le</strong>oir<br />
Bainistíochta<br />
FOSTÓIR: Accenture<br />
OIDEACHAS: BA in Eolaíocht na<br />
Bainistíochta agus <strong>St</strong>aidéir Chórais<br />
Faisnéise (2006)<br />
AINM: Seána Ó Rodaigh<br />
POST: Múinteoir Bunscoi<strong>le</strong><br />
OIDEACHAS: BSc in Airgeadas,<br />
Ríomhaireacht & Fiontraíocht (BA<br />
Gnó & <strong>Gaeilge</strong> mar atá anois) (2000);<br />
Dioplóma Iarchéime san Oideachas<br />
(Bunscoi<strong>le</strong>) (2003)<br />
Thosaigh ‘gluaiseacht’ na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> in Accenture trí<br />
thimpiste, beagnach. Tugann Accenture an deis<br />
d’fhostaithe dhá lá ‘carthanachta’ a thógáil in aghaidh na<br />
bliana chun a gcuid ama agus sci<strong>le</strong>anna a úsáid ar<br />
mhaithe <strong>le</strong>is an bpobal. Bhí sé de mhuineál agamsa cead<br />
a iarraidh mo chéad lá carthanachta a úsáid chomh luath<br />
is a tháinig mé ar ais ó m’oiliúint tosaigh i Londain agus<br />
Chicago. Bhí gean agam ar an n<strong>Gaeilge</strong> <strong>le</strong> fada, agus tá an<br />
ráiteas ‘Cuirtear fáilte roimh chomhfhreagras i n<strong>Gaeilge</strong>’ i<br />
mo shíniú ríomhphoist ó bhí mé sa choláiste. D’fhreagair<br />
ár mbainisteoir Saoránachta Corparáidí, Carmel Woods,<br />
an ríomhphost i n<strong>Gaeilge</strong> – an chéad fhreagra a fuair mé<br />
riamh ar an síniú!<br />
Chun scéal fada a dhéanamh gearr, chinneamar rud<br />
éigin a dhéanamh chun an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn<br />
faoinár gclár Saoránachta Corparáidí. Is bealach amháin<br />
atá sa Ghaeilge inar féidir <strong>le</strong> c<strong>le</strong>achtas Éireannach<br />
Accenture, gnólacht domhanda, a éagsúlacht a<br />
cheiliúradh. Tar éis dúinn comhair<strong>le</strong> mhaith a fháil ó<br />
Fhoras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, chuireamar togra faoi bhráid an<br />
<strong>St</strong>iúrthóra Bainistíochta Náisiúnta, Mark Ryan. Chuir sé<br />
an-tacaíocht ar fáil dúinn agus bhí sé sásta a bheith mar<br />
urraí feidhmiúcháin dúinn – agus bhí ár gCumann<br />
Gaelach ar an saol.<br />
Tá <strong>Gaeilge</strong> úsáidte againn taobh istigh de chuid d’ár n-<br />
ábhair mhargaíochta níos <strong>le</strong>ithne; sheolamar <strong>le</strong>agan<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> dár mbróisiúr in 2007. Chruthaigh sé sin, chomh<br />
maith <strong>le</strong>nár n-urraíocht ar na gradaim Barr 50 do<br />
ghnólachtaí a úsáideann an Ghaeilge, go bhfuil ról ag an<br />
n<strong>Gaeilge</strong> i margaíocht rathúil chuideachta. Is ar an <strong>le</strong>ibhéal<br />
pearsanta a bhí go <strong>le</strong>or den aiseolas a fuair mé, freisin.<br />
Déanaim iarracht an fáinne a chaitheamh chomh minic<br />
agus is féidir liom. Níor tharla sé fós go raibh mé ag obair<br />
do chliant in Éirinn gan casadh <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong>oir in áit éigin<br />
san oifig. Is rud í an Ghaeilge a bhíonn agat i gcoiteann <strong>le</strong><br />
daoine ei<strong>le</strong> láithreach agus mar sin is uirlis iontach í chun<br />
caidreamh ar <strong>le</strong>ibhéal níos pearsanta a bhunú <strong>le</strong> cliant.<br />
Bhí mé tar éis smaoineamh ar mhúinteoireacht nuair a bhí<br />
mé san idirbhliain ar scoil, ach faoin am ar tháinig mé<br />
chomh fada <strong>le</strong>is an séú bliain bhí níos mó suime agam in<br />
ábhair ghnó agus chinn mé céim sa ghnó a dhéanamh trí<br />
Ghaeilge. Thaitin an smaoineamh nuálach a bhí ar a chúl<br />
liom agus bhí suim ar <strong>le</strong>ith agam sa ghné fiontraíochta de.<br />
Is buntáiste breise a bhí ann go raibh an chéim trí<br />
Ghaeilge. Bhí roinnt againn sa rang nár fhreastail ar<br />
Ghaelscoil, ach d’fhoghlaimíomar go tapa.<br />
Nuair a bhí mo chéim bainte amach agam, chuaigh mé<br />
ag obair san airgeadas ar feadh tamaill ach chinn mé<br />
ansin nárbh é sin a bhí uaim. Chuaigh mé ag taisteal agus<br />
nuair a d’fhill mé ar an mbai<strong>le</strong> thosaigh mé ag obair mar<br />
mhúinteoir ionaid. Thaitin sé go mór liom agus chuir mé<br />
isteach ar an Dioplóma Iarchéime san Oideachas<br />
(Bunscoi<strong>le</strong>). Tá mé ag múineadh anois <strong>le</strong> sé bliana anuas.<br />
Tá áthas orm a bheith ábalta <strong>Gaeilge</strong> a úsáid i m’ionad<br />
oibre agus mar chuid de mo phost, ach téann sé níos faide<br />
ná an scoil. Bhí múinteoir <strong>Gaeilge</strong> den scoth agam sa<br />
mheánscoil agus thug sé grá don teanga dom nár chlis air<br />
riamh. Is dóigh go spreagann sé sin mé chun an Ghaeilge a<br />
mhúineadh go paiseanta. Féachaim timpeall anois agus<br />
braithim an-dearfach faoi thodhchaí na teanga agus faoi<br />
na deiseanna oibre atá ar fáil do dhaoine ar mian <strong>le</strong>o an<br />
Ghaeilge a bheith mar chuid dá saol laethúil.<br />
Feicim athrú ar dhearcadh an phobail maidir <strong>le</strong>is an<br />
n<strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Ceapaim go bhfuilimid ag bogadh ar aghaidh<br />
ónár gcoimpléasc ís<strong>le</strong>achta iar-choilíneach ar deireadh<br />
thiar thall. Nuair a fheiceann tú cuideachtaí ag seoladh fón<br />
<strong>le</strong> téacsáil thuarthach i n<strong>Gaeilge</strong>, tá a fhios agat go bhfuil<br />
pointe suntasach sroichte maidir <strong>le</strong> staid na teanga! Tá mé<br />
páirteach i mbunú Gaelscoi<strong>le</strong> nua i mo cheantar agus is<br />
iontach an rud é chomh díograiseach is atá na<br />
tuismitheoirí ar an gcoiste. Tá siad tiomanta do go mbeidh<br />
a <strong>le</strong>anaí ábalta an Ghaeilge a labhairt, mar tá go <strong>le</strong>or díobh<br />
féin nach bhfuil ábalta í a labhairt agus tá aiféala orthu<br />
faoi sin.<br />
16 | <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009<br />
Oiliúint agus forbairt<br />
Oiliúint agus cúrsaí iarchéime<br />
Tá go <strong>le</strong>or institiúidí tar éis cúrsaí nua a fhorbairt sa Ghaeilge féin agus trí mheán na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> a chabhróidh <strong>le</strong>at réiteach i gcomhair do ghairme.<br />
T<br />
á os cionn 50 cúrsa oiliúna agus iarchéime á múineadh<br />
trí Ghaeilge a chuireann an fórsa oibre lánoilte a<br />
theastaíonn ar fáil d’earnáil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Cé go<br />
dteastaíonn ard<strong>le</strong>ibhéal <strong>Gaeilge</strong> labhartha agus scríofa i<br />
gcás fhormhór na gcúrsaí, tá cúrsaí ann freisin atá dírithe ar<br />
chéimithe ar mian <strong>le</strong>o a gcuid sci<strong>le</strong>anna teanga a fhorbairt.<br />
Tá cúrsaí áirithe á reáchtáil i gcomhar <strong>le</strong> heagraíochtaí<br />
gairmiúla nó tá taithí oibre ábhartha mar chuid díobh, agus<br />
d’fhéadfadh sé seo cabhrú <strong>le</strong>at bealach isteach a fháil i do<br />
rogha earnála.<br />
Tá cistiú chun tabhairt faoi na cúrsaí seo ar fáil ó réimse<br />
<strong>le</strong>athan foinsí, údaráis áitiúla, Coistí Gairmoideachais agus<br />
fostóirí ina measc. D’fhéadfadh daoine a chónaíonn sa<br />
Ghaeltacht a bheith i dteideal cistiú scoláireachta ó Údarás<br />
na Gaeltachta do chúrsaí iarchéime ar <strong>le</strong>ith. Tá roinnt<br />
scéimeanna scoláireachta taighde iarchéime ag an<br />
gComhair<strong>le</strong> um Thaighde sna Dána agus sna hEolaíochtaí<br />
Sóisialta (<br />
Bíonn cúrsaí áirithe, iad siúd a bhaineann <strong>le</strong> teanga agus<br />
litríocht go háirithe, a dteastaíonn bunchéim i n<strong>Gaeilge</strong> nó<br />
in ábhar bainteach faoina gcoinne.<br />
Cuimsíonn an liosta seo a <strong>le</strong>anas scéimeanna oiliúna<br />
agus cúrsaí iarchéime lánaimseartha agus páirtaimseartha<br />
trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus cúrsaí <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ginearálta a bhí ar<br />
fáil roimh fhoilsiú an treoir<strong>le</strong>abhair seo. D’fhéadfadh<br />
tuil<strong>le</strong>adh cúrsaí a bheith forbartha ó shin i <strong>le</strong>ith. Tá liosta<br />
nuashonraithe <strong>le</strong> fáil ar<br />
Na healaíona agus oidhreacht<br />
Na hEalaíona<br />
• Ard-Dioplóma sna Dána (Drámaíocht) – Acadamh na<br />
hOllscolaíochta, OÉ, Gaillimh<br />
• MA (Drámaíocht) – Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta, OÉ,<br />
Gaillimh<br />
Oidhreacht<br />
• Teastas i Léann an Bhéaloidis – Scoil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, Ollscoil<br />
na hÉireann, Gaillimh<br />
• Dioplóma Iarchéime/Ard-Dioplóma i mBéaloideas na<br />
hÉireann – An Coláiste Ollscoi<strong>le</strong>, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
• MA/Ard-Dioplóma sa Léann Dúchais – Coláiste na<br />
hOllscoi<strong>le</strong> Corcaigh<br />
• MA sa Ghaeilge agus sa Léann Ceilteach – Ollscoil na<br />
Ríona, Béal Feirste<br />
Gnó agus TFC<br />
• MSc/Dioplóma Iarchéime i nGnó agus i dTeicneolaíocht<br />
an Eolais – Fiontar, Ollscoil Chathair Bhai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
• MSc (Teicneolaíocht Faisnéise) Acadamh na<br />
hOllscolaíochta, OÉ, Gaillimh<br />
Oideachas<br />
Múinteoireacht bunscoi<strong>le</strong><br />
• Teastas Iarchéime san Oideachas (trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> –<br />
Bunscoil) – Coláiste Ollscoi<strong>le</strong> Naomh Muire<br />
• Dioplóma Iarchéime san Oideachas (trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
– Bunscoil) Coláiste Mhuire, Marino<br />
• Dioplóma Iarchéime san Oideachas (Bunscoi<strong>le</strong>); Coláiste<br />
Froebel<br />
• Dioplóma Iarchéime san Oideachas (Bunscoi<strong>le</strong>); Coláiste<br />
Mhuire Gan Smál<br />
• Dioplóma Iarchéime san Oideachas (Bunscoi<strong>le</strong>); Coláiste<br />
Phádraig<br />
• Ard-Dioplóma sna hEalaíona in Oideachas Bunscoi<strong>le</strong>,<br />
Coláiste Hibernia (ar líne)<br />
• An Scrúdú <strong>le</strong> hAghaidh Cáilíochta sa Ghaeilge, Coláiste<br />
Mhuire Marino (cúrsa agus cáilíocht riachtanach do<br />
bhunmhúinteoirí a fuair a gcuid oiliúna taobh amuigh de<br />
Phoblacht na hÉireann, seachas an PGCE, Coláiste<br />
Ollscoi<strong>le</strong> Naomh Muire)<br />
Múinteoireacht ag <strong>le</strong>ibhéal iarbhunscoi<strong>le</strong><br />
• Teastas Iarchéime san Oideachas (trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> –<br />
Iarbhunscoil) – Ollscoil na Ríona, Béal Feirste, Ollscoil<br />
Uladh agus Coláiste Ollscoi<strong>le</strong> Naomh Muire.<br />
• Dioplóma Iarchéime san Oideachas (trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
– Iarchéimí) – Ollscoil na hÉireann Gaillimh<br />
Ei<strong>le</strong><br />
• Teastas i Múineadh na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> d'Aosaigh – Ionad na<br />
dTeangacha, Ollscoil na hÉireann Má Nuad<br />
• Dianchúrsa Ullmhúcháin don Dioplóma Iarchéime san<br />
Oideachas – Gaelchultúr<br />
• MA (Teagasc Teangacha – <strong>Gaeilge</strong>) – Acadamh na<br />
hOllscolaíochta, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh<br />
• MA i Múineadh agus i bhFoghlaim Dara Teanga –<br />
Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Phort Láirge<br />
• MPhil sa Teangeolaíocht Fheidhmeach – Coláiste na<br />
Tríonóide, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br /><br />
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009 | 17
Oiliúint agus forbairt<br />
Forbairt teanga<br />
• MA i Scríobh agus Cumarsáid na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (Riarachán) – An<br />
Coláiste Ollscoi<strong>le</strong>, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
• MA/Dioplóma Iarchéime / Teastas sa Ch<strong>le</strong>achtas<br />
Dátheangach – Fiontar, Ollscoil Chathair Bhai<strong>le</strong> Átha<br />
Cliath<br />
• MA sa Ghaeilge Fheidhmeach – Institiúid Teicneolaíochta<br />
Bhai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath/Gaelchultúr<br />
• MA (P<strong>le</strong>anáil Teanga) – Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta,<br />
Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh<br />
• MA/Dioplóma Iarchéime sa Nua-Ghaeilge – Ollscoil Uladh<br />
• MA sa tSochtheangeolaíocht – Ollscoil Luimnigh<br />
Litríocht agus teanga<br />
Cuireann na hinstitiúidí seo a <strong>le</strong>anas réimse de chúrsaí<br />
iarchéime ar fáil sna réimsí níos traidisiúnta den Ghaeilge<br />
cosúil <strong>le</strong> filíocht, prós, Luath-Ghaeilge, Meán-Ghaeilge,<br />
béaloideas agus stair na teanga:<br />
• Ollscoil Chathair Bhai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
• Coláiste Mhuire Gan Smál, Luimneach<br />
• Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh<br />
• Ollscoil na hÉireann, Má Nuad<br />
• Ollscoil na Ríona, Béal Feirste<br />
• Coláiste Ollscoi<strong>le</strong> Naomh Muire, Béal Feirste<br />
• Coláiste Phádraig, Droim Conrach<br />
• Coláiste na Tríonóide, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
• Coláiste na hOllscoi<strong>le</strong> Corcaigh<br />
• An Coláiste Ollscoi<strong>le</strong>, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
• Ollscoil Luimnigh<br />
• Ollscoil Uladh<br />
Na meáin<br />
Na Meáin Chraolta<br />
• Ard-Dioplóma i Léiriúchán Teilifíse – Institiúid<br />
Teicneolaíochta Phort Láirge/Nemeton<br />
• Ard-Dioplóma i gCumarsáid Fheidhmeach (Craoltóireacht<br />
& Iriseoireacht Raidió agus Teilifíse) – Acadamh na<br />
hOllscolaíochta, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh<br />
• MA i mBainistíocht agus i bPolasaí Scannán agus Teilifíse<br />
– Ollscoil Uladh (scoláireachtaí do lucht labhartha na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar fáil ó Chiste Craoltóireachta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>)<br />
• MA i gC<strong>le</strong>achtas Clár Faisnéise – Ollscoil Uladh<br />
(scoláireachtaí do lucht labhartha na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar fáil ó<br />
Chiste Craoltóireachta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>)<br />
Na Meáin Chlóite<br />
• MA i Scríobh agus Cumarsáid na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (Iriseoireacht) –<br />
Ollscoil na hÉireann, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
• MA i Scríobh agus Cumarsáid na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (Eagarthóireacht<br />
agus Cóipscríbhneoireacht) – Ollscoil na hÉireann, Bai<strong>le</strong><br />
Átha Cliath<br />
Aistriúchán agus Ateangaireacht<br />
Aistriúchán<br />
• Dioplóma/MA i <strong>St</strong>aidéar Aistriúchán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> – Ollscoil<br />
na Ríona, Béal Feirste<br />
• Dioplóma Iarchéime/MA i <strong>St</strong>aidéar an Aistriúcháin –<br />
Ollscoil Chathair Bhai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
• Dioplóma Iarchéime i dTeangacha Feidhmeacha agus<br />
<strong>St</strong>aidéar Idirchultúrtha – Ollscoil Chathair Bhai<strong>le</strong> Átha<br />
Cliath<br />
• Ard-Dioplóma (Léann an Aistriúcháin) – Acadamh na<br />
hOllscolaíochta, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh<br />
• Ard-Dioplóma san Aistriúchán – Ionad na dTeangacha,<br />
Ollscoil na hÉireann Má Nuad<br />
• MA i Scríobh agus Cumarsáid na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (Aistriúchán) –<br />
An Coláiste Ollscoi<strong>le</strong>, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
• MA i n<strong>Gaeilge</strong> Fheidhmeach agus Aistriúchán – Institiúid<br />
Teicneolaíochta na Gaillimhe – Maigh Eo/Europus<br />
• MA (Léann an Aistriúcháin) – Acadamh na<br />
hOllscolaíochta, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh<br />
• Cúrsa do Dhlítheangeolaithe – Óstaí an Rí/Gaelchultúr<br />
• MPhil san Aistriúchán Liteartha, Coláiste na Tríonóide<br />
Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
Ateangaireacht<br />
• MA i Scríobh agus Cumarsáid na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (Ateangaireacht)<br />
– An Coláiste Ollscoi<strong>le</strong>, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
• MA san Ateangaireacht Chomhdhála – Acadamh na<br />
hOllscolaíochta, An Coláiste Ollscoi<strong>le</strong>, Gaillimh<br />
Cúrsaí Ginearálta <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Ardoideachas<br />
• Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge – Ionad na dTeangacha, Ollscoil na<br />
hÉireann, Má Nuad<br />
• Teastas Eorpach na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, Ionad na dTeangacha, Ollscoil<br />
na hÉireann, Má Nuad<br />
• Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge Fheidhmeach – An Coláiste<br />
Ollscoi<strong>le</strong>, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
• Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge – Coláiste na hOllscoi<strong>le</strong> Corcaigh<br />
• Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge – Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh<br />
Ei<strong>le</strong><br />
• Gaelchultúr – cúrsaí oíche ó bhun<strong>le</strong>ibhéal go hard<strong>le</strong>ibhéal<br />
• Conradh na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> – cúrsaí oíche ó bhun<strong>le</strong>ibhéal go<br />
hard<strong>le</strong>ibhéal<br />
• Gael Linn – cúrsaí oíche ó bhun<strong>le</strong>ibhéal go hard<strong>le</strong>ibhéal<br />
• Scoi<strong>le</strong>anna agus Coláistí Gairmoideachais – cúrsaí ó<br />
bhun<strong>le</strong>ibhéal go hard<strong>le</strong>ibhéal<br />
• Gae<strong>le</strong>agras – cuireann Gae<strong>le</strong>agras cúrsaí <strong>Gaeilge</strong> éagsúla<br />
ar fáil saor in aisce do dhaoine atá fostaithe sa<br />
státseirbhís. Cuireann go <strong>le</strong>or eagraíochtaí san earnáil<br />
phoiblí cúrsaí ar fáil dá bhfoireann oibre freisin.<br />
18 | <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009<br />
Fostóirí agus soláthróirí cúrsaí<br />
A-Z<br />
fostóirí agus<br />
soláthróirí cúrsaí<br />
Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> ....................................................20<br />
An Chomhair<strong>le</strong> um Oideachas<br />
Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta 21<br />
Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál ......................27<br />
Coláiste Phádraig ........................................29<br />
DIT ....................................................................22<br />
Fiontar <strong>DCU</strong> ..................................................24<br />
Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ..........................................23<br />
Gael Linn ........................................................26<br />
Gaelport ........................................................27<br />
Ionad na dTeangacha,<br />
Ollscoil na hÉireann, Má Nuad ......28<br />
UCD ............................................................TIDCT<br />
Údarás na Gaeltachta................................30<br />
TIDCT = taobh istigh den chlúdach<br />
tosaigh<br />
Úsáid an t-eolaire A–Z chun<br />
taighde a dhéanamh ar fhógróirí!<br />
Sonraí teagmhála<br />
riachtanacha<br />
Chun tuil<strong>le</strong>adh cabhrach a fháil maidir <strong>le</strong> post a lorg, téigh chuig<br /><br />
Ná déan dearmad <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> de chuid gradireland a lua i d’iarratais ar phoist.<br /><br />
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009 | 19
P<br />
Ag tacú <strong>le</strong>is an oideachas Ián-Ghaeilge agus<br />
Gaeltachta, agus <strong>le</strong> múineadh na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Soláthar áiseanna teagaisc<br />
• Seirbhísí taca<br />
• Taighde<br /><br />
1,000s of vacancies<br />
100s of employers<br />
place<br />
to find<br />
your job<br />
cláraigh anois<br /><br />
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009 | 21
MA sa Ghaeilge Fheidhmeach<br />
Scoil na dTeangacha, Dámh na nEalaíon Feidhmeach,<br />
Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Bhai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
i gcomhar <strong>le</strong> ...............<br />
Cúrsa páirtaimseartha dhá bhliain<br />
a thosaíonn mí Eanáir<br />
• Cúrsa dírthe orthu siúd ar mian <strong>le</strong>o ard<strong>le</strong>ibhéal cumais a<br />
bhaint amach sa Ghaeilge scríofa agus labhartha.<br />
• Oiriúnach d’fhostaithe na hearnála poiblí, daoine atá ag obair<br />
sna meáin, múinteoirí, aistritheoirí agus daoine ei<strong>le</strong> a bhíonn<br />
ag obair trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Scoláireachtaí ar fáil<br />
DIT - céim chiallmhar i dtreo na todhchaí<br /><br />
Tuil<strong>le</strong>adh eolais:<br />
Suíomh:<br />
Ríomhphost:<br />
Tei<strong>le</strong>afón: 01-4022828
Fostóirí agus soláthróirí cúrsaí<br />
Fiontar <strong>DCU</strong><br />
Céard atá suntasach faoi Fiontar?<br />
Tá aitheantas bainte amach ag céimithe Fiontar ar fud an domhain, i<br />
gcomhlachtaí airgeadais agus bogearraí, san earnáil phríobháideach agus<br />
phoiblí, agus i réimse na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Tá an-fhás tagtha ar Fiontar ó bunaíodh an<br />
scoil sa bhliain 1993 <strong>le</strong> céimeanna nuálaíocha idirdhisciplíneacha trí mheán na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> a chur ar fáil. Nascann Fiontar an Ghaeilge <strong>le</strong> saincheisteanna<br />
comhaimseartha, <strong>le</strong> teicneolaíocht na faisnéise agus <strong>le</strong> dea-ch<strong>le</strong>achtais<br />
bhainistíochta an lae inniu. Ba é Fiontar a d’fhorbair agus<br />
Cá bhfuil céimithe Fiontar anois?<br />
Tá céimithe de chuid Fiontar ag obair i bpoist shinsearacha i mórchuid d’eagrais<br />
aitheanta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, ina measc: • COGG (An Chomhair<strong>le</strong> um Oideachas<br />
Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta) • Comhdháil Náisiúnta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> • Conradh<br />
na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> • Cumann na bhFiann • Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> • Gaelscoi<strong>le</strong>anna • Gaillimh<br />
<strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> • Nuacht RTÉ • Raidió na Gaeltachta • Údarás na Gaeltachta.<br />
Tá céimithe freisin ag obair i gcur chun cinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> in eagrais phoiblí agus<br />
phríobháideacha, ina measc: • An Chomhair<strong>le</strong> Mhúinteoireachta • Coimisiún<br />
Craolacháin na hÉireann • Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte • Goog<strong>le</strong> • MET<br />
Éireann • <strong>St</strong>illwater Communications.<br />
D’fhreastail go <strong>le</strong>or múinteoirí ar na cúrsaí agus tá cuid acu anois ina<br />
bpríomhoidí. Tá céimithe ei<strong>le</strong> i bpoist i <strong>le</strong>ithéidí Accenture agus L’Oreal, agus<br />
bhunaigh céimithe ei<strong>le</strong> a gcomhlachtaí féin, mar shampla E<strong>le</strong>vease agus<br />
Gaelchultúr.<br />
Teastas / Dioplóma / MA sa Ch<strong>le</strong>achtas Dátheangach<br />
Tugann an cúrsa seo deis do chéimithe léargas idirnáisiúnta agus réimse <strong>le</strong>athan<br />
sci<strong>le</strong>anna a fhorbairt do chur chun cinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Tairgtear an cúrsa ar bhonn<br />
páirtaimseartha <strong>le</strong> meascán de sheimineáir ar campas agus foghlaim ar líne. Tá<br />
sé an-fheiliúnach dóibh siúd ar mian <strong>le</strong>o slí bheatha mar oifigeach <strong>Gaeilge</strong> a<br />
fhorbairt. Bunaítear an mheasúnacht ar fad ar thograí praiticiúla a bhaineann<br />
go minic <strong>le</strong> poist agus <strong>le</strong> gairmeacha na mac léinn.<br />
Dioplóma / MSc i nGnó agus i dTeicneolaíocht an Eolais<br />
Tugann an cúrsa seo deis ar <strong>le</strong>ith do chéimithe réimse <strong>le</strong>athan sci<strong>le</strong>anna gnó,<br />
bainistíochta agus ríomhaireachta a fhorbairt ní amháin do ghairmeacha trí<br />
mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ach i rogha <strong>le</strong>athan réimsí. Tairgtear an cúrsa ar bhonn<br />
lánaimseartha agus páirtaimseartha. Tá an cúrsa an-fheiliúnach do mhúinteoirí<br />
agus dóibh siúd atá ag obair in earnáil an chúltúir, ar mian <strong>le</strong>o ról bainistíochta,<br />
riaracháin nó ceannaireachta a fhorbairt. Bíonn meascán d’obair phraiticiúil<br />
agus scrúduithe mar mheasúnacht ar an gcúrsa seo.<br />
Na Daonnachtaí Digiteacha: Taighde Ceannródaíoch<br />
Tá deiseanna ag iarchéimithe taighde a bheith rannpháirteach sna tograí<br />
taighde éagsúla atá ar siúl in Fiontar, sa bhainistíocht, san fhiontraíocht, i<br />
dteicneolaíocht na faisnéise agus go háirithe sa téarmeolaíocht agus sna<br />
daonnachtaí digiteacha. Tá foireann taighdeoirí sa téarmaíocht agus i<br />
dteicneolaíocht na faisnéise ag obair ar an mbunachar náisiúnta téarmaíochta<br />
don Ghaeilge,, agus ar bhunachar logainmneacha na hÉireann,<br />, áiseanna a d’fhorbair Fiontar i gcomhar <strong>le</strong> Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus <strong>le</strong>is<br />
an mBrainse Logainmneacha.<br />
Ollscoil Chathair Bhai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath<br />
Tá cáil ar <strong>le</strong>ith ar OCBÁC as cúrsaí nuálaíocha idirdhisciplíneacha agus tá anmheas<br />
ag fostóirí ar chéimithe na hollscoi<strong>le</strong>. Cuireann OCBÁC béim ar <strong>le</strong>ith ar<br />
fhoghlaim fhéintreoraithe agus ar thaithí phraiticiúil i gcomhar <strong>le</strong> forbairt<br />
int<strong>le</strong>achtúil.<br />
Fiontar, <strong>DCU</strong>, BÁC 9<br />
Teil +353 (0)1 700 5614<br />
R-phost<br />
Suíomh gréasáin<br />;<br />
• Cultúr<br />
• Cur chun cinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Dátheangachas<br />
• Feasacht Teanga<br />
• Forbairt na Gaeltachta<br />
• <strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus Dlí<br />
• Sochtheangeolaíocht<br />
• Téarmaíocht<br />
• Airgeadas<br />
• An Earnáil Dheonach<br />
• Cumarsáid Ghnó<br />
• Cuntasaíocht<br />
• Earcú agus Forbairt Foirne<br />
• Fiontraíocht<br />
• Freagracht Chorparáideach<br />
• Margaíocht<br />
• <strong>St</strong>raitéis<br />
• Turasóireacht<br />
• Bainistíocht Acmhainní Eolais<br />
• Bunachar Sonraí<br />
• Foilsitheoireacht agus Dearadh<br />
• Líonraí<br />
• Ríomhthráchtáil<br />
Ar líne R-phost post<br />
24 | <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009
‘Ceannródaíoch’<br />
‘Úsáideach, ábhartha, spreagúil’<br />
‘C<strong>le</strong>achtais nua-aimseartha don Ghaeilge’<br />
‘Saineolas dúchasach agus idirnáisiúnta’<br />
‘Sci<strong>le</strong>anna taighde’<br />
‘Forbairt ghairmiúil’<br />
‘Sci<strong>le</strong>anna nua in ábhair shuimiúla’
Foghlaim <strong>Gaeilge</strong> <strong>le</strong> Gael Linn<br />
agus cuir <strong>le</strong> do dheiseanna oibre !<br />
• Ullmhaigh i gcomhair agallamh<br />
oideachais & proifisiúnta trí mheán na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Cúrsaí <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar fáil ar 5 <strong>le</strong>ibhéal<br />
• Cúrsaí Samhraidh do mhúinteoirí<br />
cáilithe agus dóibh siúd a oi<strong>le</strong>adh<br />
lasmuigh den stát<br />
• Gearrchúrsaí oíche<br />
• Ranganna beaga & múinteoirí <strong>le</strong> taithí<br />
Breis eolais: Gael Linn (01) 6751200 nó<br /><br />
1,000s of courses<br />
100s of providers<br />
place to<br />
find your<br />
course<br />
cláraigh anois<br />
26 | <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009
Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál<br />
Mary Immaculate Col<strong>le</strong>ge<br />
Roinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Tá cáil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar Choláiste Mhuire gan Smál <strong>le</strong> fada an lá is tá breis is mí<strong>le</strong><br />
mac/iníon léinn ag gabháil don Ghaeilge mar ábhar acadúil ag <strong>le</strong>ibhéal na fochéime<br />
(B.A agus B.Ed) sa Roinn fé láthair.<br />
Deiseanna Taighde (MA /PhD)<br />
Tá taighde déanta ag foireann Roinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ina réimsí speisialta agus i ngnéithe<br />
éagsúla de theanga, de litríocht agus de chultúr na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus tá rogha fhairsing<br />
ábhar agus modh staidéir ar fáil ag mic/iníonacha léinn ag <strong>le</strong>ibhéal na hiarchéime<br />
(MA/PhD), idir chúrsaí múinte agus mhodh an taighde amháin.<br />
Tuil<strong>le</strong>adh eolais ón gCeann Roinne,<br />
An Dr. Áinéad Ní Mhuirthi<strong>le</strong><br />
Teil: 061-204900/204535<br />
Ríomhphost: Ainead.NiMhuirthi<strong>le</strong><br />
ag déanamh difríochta<br /><br />
<strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009 | 27
Fostóirí agus soláthróirí cúrsaí<br />
Ionad na dTeangacha, Ollscoil<br />
na hÉireann, Má Nuad<br />
Tá cáil ar Ionad na dTeangacha Ollscoil na hÉireann Má Nuad mar cheannródaí i<br />
réimse léann na dteangacha, go háirithe i réimse na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, idir fhoghlaim,<br />
theasgasc agus thaighde. Ta forbairtí nuálacha curtha chun cinn ag an Ionad atá<br />
ina gcrann taca anois ag mic léinn tríú <strong>le</strong>ibhéal, ag múinteoirí agus ag<br />
foghlaimeoirí <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar fud na tíre agus thar <strong>le</strong>ar - VIFAX, Teastas Eorpach na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus cúrsaí d’ fhoghlaimeoirí neamhsp<strong>le</strong>ácha ina measc.<br />
Cuireann Ionad na dTeangacha, Ollscoil na hÉireann Má Nuad, fáilte roimh<br />
iarratais ar na cúrsaí seo a <strong>le</strong>anas:<br />
Dioplóma Iarchéime san Aistriúchán (Ar líne)<br />
Cúrsa dhá bhliain páirtaimseartha ar líne dírithe ar dhaoine ar mian <strong>le</strong>o barr<br />
feabhais a chur ar a gcuid sci<strong>le</strong>anna aistriúcháin. Toisc gur cúrsa ar líne é, tugann<br />
sé solúbthacht don mhac léinn nach bhfaigheadh sé trí chúrsa traidisiúnta a<br />
dhéanamh. Tá an cúrsa seo oiriúnach do dhaoine gur mhaith <strong>le</strong>o dul <strong>le</strong>is an<br />
aistriúchán mar ghairm bheatha in Éirinn nó thar <strong>le</strong>ar, áit a bhfuil éi<strong>le</strong>amh níos<br />
mó ná riamh ar aistritheoirí cáilithe.<br />
Teastas i Múineadh na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> d'Aosaigh (TMGA)<br />
Ta méadú as cuimse tagtha ar líon na bhfoghlaimeoirí fásta <strong>Gaeilge</strong> <strong>le</strong> roinnt<br />
blianta anuas in Éirinn agus thar <strong>le</strong>ar. Cúrsa páirtaimseartha thar bhliain acadúil<br />
é seo a ullmhaíonn múinteoirí don seomra ranga <strong>Gaeilge</strong> d’aosaigh. Sa chúrsa<br />
seo, baintear <strong>le</strong>as as na forbairtí is déanaí sa teangeolaíocht fheidhmeach agus<br />
cuirtear in oiriúint don seomra ranga <strong>Gaeilge</strong> é. Ta an cúrsa seo dírithe ar<br />
dhaoine ar mian <strong>le</strong>o cur <strong>le</strong>na gcuid sci<strong>le</strong>anna teagaisc nó ar dhaoine<br />
neamhcháilithe ar mian <strong>le</strong>o fostaíocht a fháil san earnáil seo.<br />
Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge<br />
Is cúrsa páirtaimseartha thar dhá bhliain é seo a bhfuil sé mar chuspóir aige<br />
oiliúint sa Ghaeilge a chur ar fáil <strong>le</strong> go mbeidh siad siúd a ghlacann páirt ann in<br />
ann a ngnó pearsanta agus gairmiúil a dhéanamh go cruinn agus go<br />
héifeachtach trí mheán na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Glactar <strong>le</strong> Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge ó OÉ Má<br />
Nuad in áit onóracha ag an Ard<strong>le</strong>ibhéal san Ardteistiméireacht mar riachtanas<br />
iontrála don Chúrsa Iarchéime sa Bhunmhúinteoireacht.<br />
Teastas Eorpach na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Is é Teastas Eorpach na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (TEG) an t-aon chóras scrúdaithe agus cáilíochta<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> atá ar fáil d’ fhoghlaimeoirí fásta in Éirinn agus thar <strong>le</strong>ar. Tríd an gcóras<br />
seo is féidir <strong>le</strong> foghlaimeoirí fásta ag gach <strong>le</strong>ibhéal, idir ghlantosaitheoirí agus<br />
úsáideoirí <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar ardchaighdeán, barr feabhais a chur ar a gcuid sci<strong>le</strong>anna<br />
teanga ar bhonn struchtúrtha céimithe. Tá aitheantas faighte ag na scrúduithe<br />
seo ó ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe).<br />
Tuil<strong>le</strong>adh eolais ar na cúrsaí seo agus ar spriocdhátaí ar fáil ó:<br />
01 7076417 / 7083737<br /><br />
Ionad na dTeangacha, Ollscoil na<br />
hÉireann, Má Nuad<br />
Teil 00353 (0)1 7086417 / 7083737<br />
R-phost<br />
Suíomh gréasáin<br /><br />
es/index.shtml<br />
• teanga, cultúr agus aistriúchán<br />
• oideachas<br />
28 | <strong>Do</strong> <strong>Ghairm</strong> <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> 2009
Coláiste Phádraig<br />
Droim Conrach, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath 9.<br />
coláiste de chuid ollscoil chathair bhai<strong>le</strong> átha cliath<br />
Cúrsa iarchéime dhá bhliain ar fhad atá sa Chúrsa MA seo. Is iad cuspóirí an<br />
chúrsa ná go dtabharfaí deis do mhic léinn:<br />
• Barr feabhais a chur ar a gcuid sci<strong>le</strong>anna teanga<br />
• Tuil<strong>le</strong>adh eolais a chur ar theanga, ar litríocht agus ar shaíocht na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
• Taighde a dhéanamh ar ghné éigin den Ghaeilge a bhfuil spéis ar <strong>le</strong>ith acu inti.<br />
Riachtanais Iontrála<br />
BA nó BOid Onóracha nó a chomhionann <strong>le</strong> grád 2.2 sa Ghaeilge<br />
Eagrú an Chúrsa<br />
Is é a bheidh i gceist ná cúrsa teagaisc a mhairfidh bliain amháin agus obair<br />
bliana ei<strong>le</strong> ar mhiontráchtas mar aon <strong>le</strong> freastal ar sheimineáir thaighde.<br />
MA ar bhonn taighde agus PhD<br />
Tairgeann Roinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> MA ar bhonn taighde agus PhD freisin.<br />
Tuil<strong>le</strong>adh eolais ó Roinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>.<br />
(Bunmhúinteoireacht)<br />
Is cúrsa lánaimseartha é seo a mhaireann bliain go <strong>le</strong>ith, d'fhonn deis oiliúna<br />
mar bhunmhúinteoirí a thabhairt do chéimithe tríú <strong>le</strong>ibhéil.<br />
Tuil<strong>le</strong>adh eolais <strong>le</strong> fáil ón:<br />
Oifig Iontrála, Coláiste Phádraig, Droim Conrach, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath 9.<br />
Tei<strong>le</strong>afón: +353 (01) 884 2025/ 8842096 /8842013<br />
R-phost:<br />
Suíomh gréasáin:<br />
<strong>St</strong> Patrick’s Col<strong>le</strong>ge, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.<br />
Your career with Irish<br />
public sector • business • culture • media • translating<br />
opportunities in Ireland, north and south • useful contacts • graduate profi<strong>le</strong>s • getting a job<br />
Supported by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and the Higher Education Authority.
Scoil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, an Léinn Cheiltigh,<br />
Bhéaloideas Éireann agus na Teangeolaíochta, UCD<br />
UCD School of Irish, Celtic <strong>St</strong>udies, Irish Folklore and Linguistics<br />
MA: Writing and Communication in Irish (Administration)<br />
MA: Writing and Communication in Irish (Interpreting)<br />
MA: Writing and Communication in Irish (Translation)<br />
MA: Writing and Communication in Irish<br />
(Editing and copywriting)<br />
*MA: Writing and Communication in Irish (Journalism)<br />
New Masters courses in Lárionad de Bhaldraithe do Léann na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, UCD<br />
School of Irish, Celtic <strong>St</strong>udies, Irish Folklore and Linguistics, starting in<br />
September 2009, to cater for the increased demand for graduates with<br />
specific Irish language skills as a result of the Official Languages Act and the<br />
official status of Irish in the European Union.<br />
Modu<strong>le</strong>s on language and on specific language skills: translation, editing / copyediting, journalism,<br />
administration, interpreting.<br />
Modu<strong>le</strong>s on information technology<br />
Programme includes research skills and work placements / research projects<br />
See programmes<br />
1 year full-time course<br />
8 hours of <strong>le</strong>ctures weekly (4 modu<strong>le</strong>s in each semester)<br />
Most <strong>le</strong>ctures after 4.00 p.m.<br />
<strong>St</strong>arting date: September 2009<br />
Grade 2.2 in Irish at primary degree <strong>le</strong>vel or equiva<strong>le</strong>nt<br />
Information regarding application forms, deadlines, and details of the courses from :<br />
Kath<strong>le</strong>en Clune, Riarthóir na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, or An Dr Regina Uí Chollatáin,<br />
Te<strong>le</strong>phone: + 353 1 7168385, UCD School of Irish, Celtic <strong>St</strong>udies,<br />
Irish Folklore and Linguistics, Newman Building, University Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin, Dublin 4.<br />
E-mail: kath<strong>le</strong>,<br />
These courses are part of UCD’s commitment to innovate fourth <strong>le</strong>vel education and are coordinated through the UCD<br />
Graduate School of Arts and Celtic <strong>St</strong>udies. The courses are supported by funding from the Department of<br />
Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and through the Higher Education Authority.<br />
*availab<strong>le</strong> since 2006
Your career with Irish<br />
Written by GCI Gairmeacha <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> Committee.<br />
Contents<br />
Your career with Irish<br />
Introducing your career with Irish ..........2<br />
Getting a job ....................................................4<br />
Samp<strong>le</strong> CV ........................................................5<br />
Areas of work<br />
Public sector ....................................................7<br />
Private sector....................................................9<br />
Culture: arts, heritage and language..10<br />
Media................................................................11<br />
Translating and interpreting ..................12<br />
Graduate profi<strong>le</strong>s....................................14<br />
Training and development<br />
Training and postgraduate courses ....17<br />
A–Z of employers and<br />
course providers......................................19<br />
Tit<strong>le</strong>s in this series<br />
Advertisers<br />
Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> ....................................................20<br />
An Chomhair<strong>le</strong> um Oideachas Gaeltachta<br />
agus Gaelscolaíochta ........................21<br />
DIT ....................................................................22<br />
Fiontar <strong>DCU</strong> ..................................................24<br />
Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ..........................................23<br />
Gael Linn ........................................................26<br />
Gaelport ..........................................................27<br />
Language Centre, NUI Maynooth ........28<br />
Mary Immaculate Col<strong>le</strong>ge ......................27<br />
<strong>St</strong> Patrick’s Col<strong>le</strong>ge ....................................29<br />
UCD ................................................................IFC<br />
Údarás na Gaeltachta................................30<br />
IBC = inside back cover<br />
Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences •<br />
Business <strong>St</strong>udies, Commerce &<br />
Economics • Computing & IT •<br />
Construction • Engineering • Finance<br />
• Hospitality & Tourism • Journalism &<br />
Media • Law • Languages • Property •<br />
Psychology • Sa<strong>le</strong>s & Retail • Science •<br />
Social Work • Teaching & Education •<br />
Work Experience & Internships<br />
Wearing a fáinne can open doors<br />
gradireland Your career with Irish is published by Graduate<br />
Careers Ireland and GTI Specialist Publishers Ltd (Ireland)<br />
Research assistant Ben Shorten<br />
Project managed by GCI Gairmeacha <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Committee<br />
Co-chairs: Muireann Ní Dhuigneáin, Head, Careers Service,<br />
Dublin City University<br />
Dr Emer Ní Bhrádaigh, Fiontar, Dublin City University<br />
Committee members: Cora Cregan, Careers Officer, <strong>St</strong><br />
Patrick’s Col<strong>le</strong>ge, Drumcondra<br />
Orlaith Tunney, Careers Advisor, Trinity Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin<br />
Catherine Lyster, Head of Careers, Letterkenny Institute of<br />
Technology<br />
Louise Simpson, GTI Ireland<br />
Translation E-Teams, Scariff, Co Clare.<br />
Editor Penny Ki<strong>le</strong>y<br />
Advertising Dr Emer Ni Bhrádaigh, Lisa Carroll, Louise<br />
Simpson<br />
Design & production Nick Winchester<br />
Proofreaders Laura Cook, Olivia Rowland, Julia Sad<strong>le</strong>r<br /><br />
Publishers Chris Phillips, Adrian Wood<br />
Tel +353 (0)1 645 1500<br />
Fax +353 (0)1 645 1510<br />
E-mail<br />
Web<br />
Printer Head<strong>le</strong>y Brothers, Ashford, Kent UK<br />
ISBN: 1 84318 631 4 ISSN: 2009-2245<br />
Gairmeacha <strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> acknow<strong>le</strong>dges the support of the<br />
following:<br />
The committee members’ institutions for secondment to<br />
the project:<br />
• Dublin City University (Fiontar and Careers Service,<br />
<strong>St</strong>udent Support and Development)<br />
• Trinity Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin Careers Advisory Service<br />
• <strong>St</strong> Patrick’s Col<strong>le</strong>ge, Drumcondra Careers Service<br />
• Letterkenny Institute of Technology Careers Service<br />
© April 2009 Graduate Careers Ireland and GTI Specialist<br />
Publishers Ltd (Ireland). All rights reserved. No part of this<br />
publication may be reproduced by any means including,<br />
but not limited to, photocopying or stored in a retrieval<br />
system in any form without prior written consent of<br />
Graduate Careers Ireland. This is subject to the sing<strong>le</strong><br />
exception of photocopying by Graduate Careers Irelandmember<br />
institutions. All items so used should be fully<br />
acknow<strong>le</strong>dged. The views expressed in artic<strong>le</strong>s are those<br />
of the author and their publication does not necessarily<br />
imply that such views are shared by Graduate Careers<br />
Ireland and GTI. Whilst every care has been taken in the<br />
compilation of this publication, the author and publishers<br />
cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies, or for<br />
consequential loss arising from such inaccuracies, or for<br />
any other loss, direct or consequential, arising in<br />
connection with information in this publication.<br />
Your career with Irish 2009 | 1
Your career with Irish<br />
Introducing your<br />
career with Irish<br />
A growth area<br />
Graduates fluent in the Irish language happily enjoy a<br />
wide variety of opportunities to incorporate the<br />
language into their careers. Fluency in Irish enab<strong>le</strong>s<br />
graduates to develop interesting careers, not only in the<br />
more traditional areas such as teaching, translation and<br />
the media, but also in the arts and cultural sector, in<br />
public sector organisations, and in professions such as<br />
healthcare, ICT and marketing.<br />
The development of information and communication<br />
technology (ICT) has benefited all minority languages. It<br />
has precipitated a growth in Irish language software,<br />
websites and broadcast productions. There are many<br />
online resources availab<strong>le</strong> to students wishing to<br />
improve their fluency and accuracy. ICT developments<br />
have also <strong>le</strong>d to an increasing number of peop<strong>le</strong> based<br />
overseas working with the language.<br />
The recognition of the Irish language as an official<br />
working language of the European Union, and the<br />
Official Languages Act (2003), has <strong>le</strong>d to increased<br />
opportunities for graduates fluent in Irish.<br />
Multilingualism is increasingly valued in a pan-European<br />
context. This book<strong>le</strong>t outlines the variety of careers<br />
availab<strong>le</strong> to graduates, from those who wish to work<br />
exclusively with, or through the language, to those who<br />
would like to incorporate it into their work in some way.<br />
Where could I work?<br />
Opportunities are availab<strong>le</strong> throughout Ireland, but<br />
especially in the Gaeltacht areas in Counties <strong>Do</strong>negal,<br />
Mayo, Galway, Kerry, Cork, Waterford and Meath, and in<br />
the public sector.<br />
Opportunities to work abroad exist primarily in the<br />
European Commission, but also in North America and EU<br />
countries in Irish language teaching.<br />
See pages 7–13 for details about different areas of work.<br />
Working in the public sector<br />
In the Republic of Ireland, there are over 300,000 peop<strong>le</strong><br />
employed in the civil and public service. Ability in Irish<br />
has always been respected and encouraged in the public<br />
sector with many positions requiring Irish language<br />
fluency, especially in Gaeltacht areas and in health and<br />
education.<br />
The Official Languages Act requires the government<br />
and public bodies to provide certain services, and printed<br />
and web-based material, through Irish. This <strong>le</strong>gislation<br />
covers 658 public bodies, including all government<br />
departments, all local authorities, An Garda Síochána,<br />
the Defence Forces, the Health Service Executive, the ESB<br />
and the National Library. Over 150 of these bodies have<br />
introduced language schemes to imp<strong>le</strong>ment the<br />
<strong>le</strong>gislation as overseen by the Language Commissioner.<br />
The Northern Ireland Civil Service employs one in<br />
three of the Northern Irish workforce and is subject to<br />
the European Charter for Regional or Minority<br />
Languages. There are campaigns for a specific Irish<br />
Language Act for Northern Ireland, similar to the Official<br />
Languages Act in the Republic. There are occasional<br />
vacancies that specify a need for Irish language speakers.<br />
See pages 7–8 for details of the different job<br />
opportunities in the public sector.<br />
2 | Your career with Irish 2009<br />
Your career with Irish<br />
Developing your skills<br />
A wide variety of postgraduate courses are currently<br />
availab<strong>le</strong> through the medium of Irish for students who<br />
wish to further their education and to comp<strong>le</strong>ment their<br />
primary degree with additional know<strong>le</strong>dge and skills.<br />
Graduates are encouraged to use all the online resources<br />
suggested in the book<strong>le</strong>t and to regularly use the Irish<br />
language media and information resources in order to<br />
develop an understanding of the various sectors and the<br />
opportunities availab<strong>le</strong>.<br />
For careers advice, including CV presentation and<br />
interview technique and for assistance in maximising<br />
your job search, contact your col<strong>le</strong>ge careers service.<br />
P<strong>le</strong>ase also refer to the other sector guides in this series<br />
listed on page 1.<br />
See pages 17–18 for information about postgraduate<br />
study.<br />
“‘Irish has been a huge advantage, and a large<br />
portion of my work has been through Irish.’<br />
Aonghus Óg McAnally, actor<br />
‘I have yet to work for a client in Ireland where I haven’t<br />
met a gaeilgeoir somewhere in the office. It’s something<br />
that you immediately have in common with other peop<strong>le</strong><br />
and it’s a great tool to establish a relationship with a client<br />
on a more personal <strong>le</strong>vel.’<br />
Robert Smyth, management consultant<br />
Read more about these graduates and others working in Irish on pages 14–16<br />
What do employers want?<br />
An examination of recent applications for jobs in the<br />
Irish sector reveals the following as important strengths<br />
when looking for a job in Irish.<br />
• A degree in any subject<br />
• Excel<strong>le</strong>nt standard of Irish and English – both written<br />
and spoken<br />
• A keen interest in the Irish language<br />
• A know<strong>le</strong>dge of Irish language organisations.<br />
See page 4 for tips on applications and interviews.<br />
Five tips for incorporating Irish into your<br />
working life<br />
• Include ‘Cuirtear fáilte roimh chomhfhreagras i<br />
n<strong>Gaeilge</strong>’ in your e-mail signature box.<br />
• Use a bilingual phone message, or say ‘Go raibh maith<br />
agat’ at the end.<br />
• Buy a Fáinne. This is a litt<strong>le</strong> pin that indicates a<br />
proficiency and a willingness to speak in Irish to<br />
peop<strong>le</strong>. These are availab<strong>le</strong> from<br />
• Suggest incorporating Irish into your organisation’s<br />
marketing strategy or publicity material.<br />
• Offer to represent your organisation (if appropriate)<br />
on Irish-speaking national and local radio and<br />
te<strong>le</strong>vision programmes, or provide copy in Irish for the<br />
print media.<br /><br />
Your career with Irish 2009 | 3
Your career with Irish<br />
Getting a job<br />
Things to consider when looking for a job using your Irish language skills.<br />
W<br />
hen choosing where to apply for a job, consider the<br />
amount of Irish you wish to use on a daily basis.<br />
Some organisations operate exclusively through<br />
Irish, whereas some incorporate Irish into a mainly English<br />
context. If you are looking to immerse yourself in the<br />
language, focus on Irish language organisations, the Irish<br />
language media or Gaeltacht-based organisations. If you<br />
want to be ab<strong>le</strong> to use some Irish, identify companies whose<br />
clients include Irish language organisations or whose senior<br />
management has a keen interest in the language.<br />
It is essential that the spelling in your CV is accurate<br />
(both in the Irish and English versions). There are a number<br />
of Irish spellcheckers availab<strong>le</strong> online (eg Ceart or GaelSpell)<br />
or via the free Irish language add-ons for Firefox, OpenOffice<br />
and Thunderbird. They are also availab<strong>le</strong> to purchase for<br />
Microsoft Word on PC and Mac platforms. If you are unab<strong>le</strong><br />
to access one of these commercial products, ask someone to<br />
proofread your CV before sending it.<br />
Your research should include establishing whether or not<br />
your CV should be in Irish and also what the working<br />
language of the recruitment and se<strong>le</strong>ction process will be.<br />
See pages 5–6 for a samp<strong>le</strong> CV that highlights the<br />
candidate’s interest and aptitude in the Irish language.<br />
If you are cal<strong>le</strong>d for interview, stay up to date with the sector<br />
by keeping an eye on the Irish-language media. Find out if<br />
your interview will be in Irish or English or if it will include a<br />
written test. Brush up on any terminology you might have to<br />
use. is an excel<strong>le</strong>nt resource.<br />
For more CV and interview tips, consult the gradireland<br />
directory and or your col<strong>le</strong>ge careers service<br />
website.<br />
Resources<br />
• Cruinneog: Irish spell and grammar<br />
checker software<br />
• Education careers search engine<br />
• Education recruitment website<br />
• National Irish language newspaper<br />
• Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> – the cross-border<br />
language promotional agency<br />
• Comhdháil Náisiúnta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>'s<br />
language information portal<br />
• Údarás na Gaeltachta: Gaeltacht regional<br />
authority<br />
4 | Your career with Irish 2009<br />
NAME Sadhbh Bhreathnach<br />
JOB Head of Marketing and<br />
Development<br />
EMPLOYER <strong>St</strong>illwater<br />
Communications<br />
EDUCATION BA (Int) Irish and<br />
Geography (2000); MSc Gnó &<br />
Teicneolaíocht an Eolais (2001)<br />
After col<strong>le</strong>ge, I knew I wanted to get into business of<br />
some sort, particularly something creative: marketing<br />
was just a more colourful side of business for me.<br />
I took a job in Finance and Customer Services in<br />
L’Oréal to get my foot in the door because I knew that<br />
there would be some marketing involved. I spent around<br />
six years there, working my way up to Product Manager. I<br />
then heard through the grapevine that the Director of<br />
<strong>St</strong>illwater was finding it difficult to get someone with<br />
good marketing experience who spoke Irish. I ended up<br />
getting in contact with him and within a fortnight they’d<br />
offered me a position. The opportunity to use Irish was<br />
definitely something that persuaded me to take this job<br />
because I’ve always wanted to be ab<strong>le</strong> to incorporate<br />
Irish into my work life.<br />
There are two sides to what I do. I spend half my time<br />
working with clients, particularly the Irish language<br />
ones, in my areas of experience: branding, logo design,<br />
communication consultancy and PR. The other half of my<br />
job involves treating <strong>St</strong>illwater as a client by working on<br />
the development of the company.<br />
Tips for graduates<br />
I think it can be quite difficult to get involved in this<br />
sector. You should do your research properly online and<br />
find out all the companies that do business through<br />
Irish, or at <strong>le</strong>ast partly through Irish. A good place to look<br />
is the ‘Barr 50’ awards, for companies that do some part<br />
of their business through Irish.<br />
There are a lot more opportunities now than there<br />
were. Peop<strong>le</strong> really see it as a great business and<br />
marketing tool. We’re not just doing work in the Irish<br />
language because it’s all we can get: Irish is a huge part<br />
of our business and it’s growing all the time.<br />
Your career with Irish<br />
Samp<strong>le</strong> CV<br />
Mark O’Rourke<br />
32 Fairview Park<br />
Dublin 3<br />
Tel: 01 8843340<br />
E-mail:<br />
Education<br />
2008–2010<br />
MA in Bilingual Practice (part time), Fiontar, <strong>DCU</strong><br />
Language Awareness; Irish and Law; Bilingualism and Entrepreneurship; Research Methods 1 &<br />
2; Recruitment and <strong>St</strong>aff Development; Corporate Responsibility and Bilingualism; Information<br />
Resource Management; <strong>St</strong>atutory Language Schemes; Language Legislation and Quality<br />
Customer Service; Publishing and Bilingual Design; Irish in Contemporary Society.<br />
Thesis topic: The Ro<strong>le</strong> of the Irish Language in the GAA.<br />
2008<br />
BA in Humanities, <strong>St</strong> Patrick’s Col<strong>le</strong>ge, Dublin H2:1<br />
Final year 2007–2008<br />
English: Literature, language and analysis<br />
Modern History: Irish, British, European and American history<br />
Project topics: Sports in 20th century Ireland<br />
1999–2004<br />
Leaving Certificate, Carndonagh Community School, <strong>Do</strong>negal<br />
English B, French B, Irish A, Mathematics B, Music B, Lower <strong>le</strong>vel Art B, Physics B.<br />
Employment history<br />
2008 to date<br />
Marketing Assistant, Oideas Gael, G<strong>le</strong>ann Cholm Cil<strong>le</strong><br />
Marketing of cultural tourism courses to Irish and international markets; customer care during<br />
courses.<br />
September 2006–August 2007<br />
Project Assistant, Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne<br />
Assisted Director in marketing and management of residential courses. Ensured smooth running<br />
of all courses. Co-ordinated production of annual brochure and student course material.<br />
Summer 2006<br />
Teaching Assistant, Irish Centre for Ta<strong>le</strong>nted Youth, Dublin City University<br />
Assisted in planning and teaching creative writing in Irish to groups of 15 year old specially<br />
se<strong>le</strong>cted young students.<br />
Summer 2005<br />
Teaching Assistant, Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne, Bai<strong>le</strong> an Fheirtéaraigh, Co. Chiarraí<br /><br />
Your career with Irish 2009 | 5
Your career with Irish<br />
Voluntary Work<br />
Summer 2008<br />
Volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, Khammam, Andhra Pradesh, India, under the umbrella<br />
of IndiaBUILDS, a strategic initiative to serve 250,000 peop<strong>le</strong> with improved housing and<br />
related-sanitation over five years.<br />
2005–2006<br />
Tutor, BITE Programme, Ballymun Comprehensive, Dublin<br />
Provided one-to-one tuition in Irish to Leaving Certificate students. Gained experience of<br />
working with disadvantaged pupils.<br />
Skills profi<strong>le</strong><br />
Communication: can speak and write c<strong>le</strong>arly in Irish, excel<strong>le</strong>nt presentation skills.<br />
Organisational: successfully produced shows and organised events in Col<strong>le</strong>ge and in Oidhreacht<br />
Chorca Dhuibhne.<br />
Creative: involved in drama and creative working.<br />
Team work: developed through work and <strong>le</strong>isure activities.<br />
Leadership: was <strong>le</strong>ader of team with HFH in India in Summer 2008.<br />
Computers: Microsoft Word 8.0, Excel 7.0, SPSS.<br />
Languages: fluent Irish, RELSA Certificate in TEFL.<br />
Interests and achievements<br />
Swimming: keen swimmer, won medals at Community Games.<br />
Theatre: President of <strong>St</strong> Patrick’s Drama Society in 2007, directed and acted in numerous<br />
productions.<br />
Writing: poetry and short stories as <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, participated in annual Irish Language Festival from<br />
2005-2009.<br />
Film: particularly international films giving insight into other cultures.<br />
Referees<br />
Dr …<br />
Head of Irish Department<br />
<strong>St</strong> Patrick’s Col<strong>le</strong>ge<br />
Drumcondra<br />
Dublin 9<br />
Tel: 01-8842000<br />
E-mail:...<br />
Mr/Ms …<br />
Director<br />
Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne<br />
Bai<strong>le</strong> an Fheirtéaraigh<br />
Co Chiarraí<br />
Tel:...<br />
E-mail:...<br />
6 | Your career with Irish 2009<br />
Areas of work<br />
Public sector<br />
T<br />
he public sector incorporates the civil service, all central<br />
government departments, local authorities and<br />
publicly funded bodies. Jobs include both<br />
administrative and technical positions at varying grades,<br />
from entry <strong>le</strong>vel to senior management. Opportunities are<br />
also availab<strong>le</strong> in the following specialist areas.<br />
Education<br />
Republic of Ireland<br />
Those fluent in Irish have a great advantage, particularly for<br />
positions as primary teachers, Irish teachers in mainstream<br />
secondary schools, teaching in the Gaeltacht, or in Irishmedium<br />
education at any <strong>le</strong>vel, from preschool to third <strong>le</strong>vel.<br />
Naíonraí: There are over 280 Irish-medium nurseries, or<br />
naíonraí, all over the island, catering for children from three<br />
to five years of age.<br />
Gaelscoi<strong>le</strong>anna: Irish language medium schooling is one of<br />
the fastest growing fields of education in Ireland. As of<br />
December 2008 there were 136 primary and 27 secondary<br />
Irish language medium schools in the Republic, in addition<br />
to the 133 primary and 22 secondary Gaeltacht schools.<br />
These schools often have difficulty finding suitably qualified<br />
graduates to fill vacancies. A high <strong>le</strong>vel of both spoken and<br />
written Irish is required for those considering a career in<br />
Gaelscoi<strong>le</strong>anna.<br />
Third <strong>le</strong>vel: An increasing number of third <strong>le</strong>vel institutions<br />
provide Irish-medium courses in various disciplines. See<br />
‘Training and postgraduate courses’ on page 17–18 for more<br />
details.<br />
Adult <strong>le</strong>arning: There is a growing interest in the Irish<br />
language amongst adults living in Ireland. These include<br />
those who have previously studied Irish in school and who<br />
wish to improve their know<strong>le</strong>dge of the language, and those<br />
who wish to <strong>le</strong>arn the language from scratch. Irish language<br />
classes are offered through community adult education<br />
centres, the civil service language centre, Irish language<br />
organisations and the third <strong>le</strong>vel sector.<br />
Other employment opportunities in education:<br />
Opportunities exist at senior <strong>le</strong>vels within the Inspectorate<br />
of the Department of Education, in the National Council for<br />
Curriculum and Assessment, the Teaching Council, the<br />
National Education Psychological Service and the National<br />
Educational Welfare Board.<br />
Northern Ireland<br />
A recent development is the growth in Gaelscoi<strong>le</strong>anna and<br />
the introduction of an Irish language medium Postgraduate<br />
Certificate in Education (Second Level) run jointly by Queen’s<br />
University Belfast, the University of Ulster and <strong>St</strong> Mary’s<br />
Belfast. As of December 2008, there were 32 primary and<br />
four second <strong>le</strong>vel Gaelscoi<strong>le</strong>anna in Northern Ireland.<br />
Overseas<br />
The Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA)<br />
Programme offers Irish-speaking graduates the opportunity<br />
to work at col<strong>le</strong>ges and universities in the United <strong>St</strong>ates that<br />
offer Irish language classes. Eligibility criteria include fluent<br />
Irish, a primary degree, teaching experience and an interest<br />
in acting as a cultural ambassador for Ireland. Fulbright also<br />
offers opportunities for Irish-language academics at all <strong>le</strong>vels<br />
to teach or conduct research in the USA. The Ireland Canada<br />
University Foundation also has Irish language awards.<br />
Skills required<br />
• Communication<br />
• Creativity<br />
• Organisation<br />
• F<strong>le</strong>xibility<br />
• Patience<br />
• Empathy.<br />
Health<br />
Health professionals with Irish have a broader range of<br />
opportunities within the health service, especially in the<br />
Gaeltacht. Health professionals who have direct contact<br />
with patients may all be required to deliver services through<br />
the medium of Irish. For more details on a career with Irish in<br />
the health services, see the Treoir<strong>le</strong>abhar Gairmeacha Sláinte<br />
(Health Careers Handbook), published by the HSE in 2007.<br />
Skills required<br />
• Communication<br />
• Organisation<br />
• Patience<br />
• Observation<br />
• Teamwork<br />
• Ethics.<br />
See Seána Ó Rodaigh’s profi<strong>le</strong> on<br />
page 16 to read about working<br />
as a primary school teacher.<br />
Irish language development<br />
The imp<strong>le</strong>mentation of the Official Languages Act has<br />
precipitated a growth in opportunities for competent<br />
bilingual peop<strong>le</strong> in jobs promoting or developing the Irish<br />
language.<br /><br />
Your career with Irish 2009 | 7
Areas of work<br />
Irish language officers: Irish language officers are employed<br />
in local authorities, government departments and public<br />
bodies such as the ESB, the HSE and third <strong>le</strong>vel institutions.<br />
They are responsib<strong>le</strong> for promoting the Irish language<br />
internally and overseeing the provision of the organisation’s<br />
services through the medium of Irish. They co-ordinate the<br />
translation of online and printed documents, and organise<br />
language classes and cultural events.<br />
Skills required<br />
• Communication<br />
• Organisation<br />
• Creativity<br />
• Computer literacy<br />
• Influencing<br />
• Know<strong>le</strong>dge and understanding of the Irish language<br />
sector<br />
• Teamwork.<br />
See Chris <strong>Do</strong>rgan’s profi<strong>le</strong> on page 15 to read about<br />
working as an Irish language officer.<br />
Technical and professional services<br />
Work is contracted out by the public sector to individuals or<br />
organisations working within the private sector who can<br />
provide services as translators, web designers, IT consultants,<br />
lawyers, accountants, graphic designers etc.<br />
Working in the Gaeltacht<br />
The Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs<br />
has offices in some Gaeltacht areas. Public sector bodies<br />
operating within Gaeltacht areas must have the ability to<br />
provide services through Irish.<br />
• Work as a youth <strong>le</strong>ader or teacher with an Irish<br />
summer col<strong>le</strong>ge<br />
• Volunteer with an overseas education or development<br />
organisation<br />
• Work on an education scheme in a disadvantaged<br />
area<br />
• Become involved in sports coaching<br />
• Volunteer with caring organisations such as<br />
Barnardos, Focuspoint or Amnesty International<br />
• Become involved in your col<strong>le</strong>ge’s Cumann Gaelach<br />
and arts societies<br />
• Get a summer job in the Gaeltacht<br />
• Participate in accredited voluntary and extracurricular<br />
programmes, also known as civic<br />
engagement.<br />
Údarás na Gaeltachta is the public body responsib<strong>le</strong> for<br />
the social, cultural and economic development of the<br />
Gaeltacht. It supports private enterprise start-ups as well as<br />
community and language development organisations. It also<br />
provides apprenticeship and management training schemes<br />
for Gaeltacht residents. A number of broadcast and print<br />
media are located in the Gaeltacht (see ‘Media’ on page 11).<br />
There is a vibrant arts community in Gaeltacht areas,<br />
including visual and performing arts, supported by Ealaín na<br />
Gaeltachta (see ‘Culture’ on page 10).<br />
Resources<br />
General<br />
• Protecting Language Rights: Official<br />
website of the Coimisinéir Teanga<br />
• Vacancies in local<br />
government<br />
• Northern Ireland Civil Service<br />
Recruitment Website<br />
• Public Appointments Service<br />
•<br />
Health<br />
• Health Service Executive<br />
• Treoir<strong>le</strong>abhar Gairmeacha Sláinte (Health Careers<br />
Handbook), HSE 2007<br />
•<br />
Education<br />
• Resource for teaching of Irish in schools<br />
• Education careers search<br />
• Education vacancies listings<br />
• The Fulbright Commission official<br />
website<br />
• www.gaelscoi<strong>le</strong> Promotion and development of<br />
Irish-medium schooling<br />
• Ireland Canada University Foundation<br />
• Forbairt Naíonraí Te – supporting the<br />
promotion of Irish-medium early education and care for<br />
children<br />
•<br />
Voluntary work<br />
• Citizens Information<br />
Board<br />
• Comhlámh: Action and Education for<br />
Social Justice<br />
• Gaisce - the President’s Award (Ireland’s<br />
National Chal<strong>le</strong>nge Award)<br />
• Volunteering Options project<br />
(Comhlámh)<br />
• Voluntary Service International<br />
• VSO Ireland: International Development Charity<br />
•<br />
8 | Your career with Irish 2009<br />
Areas of work<br />
Private sector<br />
ccording to a report published by the Higher<br />
Education Authority, over 60 per cent of Republic of<br />
AIreland students who graduated with an honours<br />
bachelor degree in 2006 gained initial employment in the<br />
private sector. The private sector operates within a broad<br />
spectrum of activities and often provides services and goods<br />
to the public sector. The Irish language community, which<br />
incorporates individuals as well as organisations, represents<br />
a considerab<strong>le</strong> potential market for these goods and services.<br />
To exploit this potential, many companies have begun to<br />
target this market and to offer their services through the<br />
medium of Irish.<br />
As with career development in all sectors, progression is<br />
based on performance and, particularly in the larger<br />
companies, the ability to make yourself stand out from the<br />
crowd. Irish can help with this.<br />
There are p<strong>le</strong>nty of opportunities for graduates to<br />
establish and grow their own small businesses. If you have<br />
the ability to spot and exploit a niche in the market, this<br />
might be the choice for you. Government organisations that<br />
support new business start-ups include Údarás na<br />
Gaeltachta, Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (language-based businesses<br />
only) and local County Enterprise Boards.<br />
Employment options<br />
There are opportunities for Irish-speakers and those with an<br />
interest in Irish in several areas. Companies will recruit<br />
graduates with qualifications, experience and technical skills<br />
re<strong>le</strong>vant to their business. Graduates who offer these skills in<br />
addition to a high <strong>le</strong>vel of fluency in Irish may be of interest to<br />
companies targeting the Irish language community.<br />
Some small-and medium-sized enterprises involved in the<br />
provision of services may conduct their business so<strong>le</strong>ly<br />
through Irish. Examp<strong>le</strong>s include translation, <strong>le</strong>gal services,<br />
accounting, technical support, graphic design, web design,<br />
advertising, PR, marketing, architecture, sa<strong>le</strong>s and customer<br />
services. For companies that deal mainly in English, having a<br />
competent bilingual member of staff offers them the<br />
opportunity to appeal to the Irish-language community, who<br />
appreciate being offered services in their language of choice<br />
by mainstream companies.<br />
Specialist ICT companies develop software and<br />
technologies addressing issues unique to Irish language users.<br />
A graduate with the right b<strong>le</strong>nd of technical skills and<br />
language fluency could find a very rewarding career in this<br />
area, not only in Ireland, but also in bilingual communities<br />
around the world with a minority language community.<br />
Multinational companies welcome cultural diversity in their<br />
organisations and relish the opportunity to become part of the<br />
local community in their branches around the world. In Ireland,<br />
this may involve incorporating the Irish language into their<br />
marketing or publicity material, their marketing strategies or<br />
their corporate social responsibility programmes.<br />
Skills required<br />
• Technical and professional<br />
• Marketing<br />
• Initiative<br />
• Teamwork<br />
• Communication<br />
• Understanding of the Irish language sector.<br />
Resources<br />
• County and City Enterprise Boards<br />
• Comhdháil Náisiúnta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>'s<br />
language information portal<br />
• Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> – the cross-border<br />
language promotional agency<br />
• Údarás na Gaeltachta: Gaeltacht regional<br />
authority<br />
See page 4 to read about Sadhbh Bhreathnach’s work in<br />
marketing and development and page 16 to read about<br />
Robert Smyth’s job as a management consultant.<br /><br />
Your career with Irish 2009 | 9
Areas of work<br />
Culture: arts, heritage and language<br />
T<br />
he culture sector is a vibrant section of the Irish social<br />
and economic landscape. Whi<strong>le</strong> some graduates work<br />
as arts practitioners, there are also opportunities for<br />
technical, educational and administrative staff within<br />
supporting organisations.<br />
Arts<br />
There are many opportunities for graduates in this sector:<br />
within local authorities, community arts, event<br />
management, multimedia, gal<strong>le</strong>ries and self-employment.<br />
Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, Ealaín na Gaeltachta and the Arts Councils,<br />
north and south, all support Irish language arts<br />
organisations through project funding and individual artists<br />
through bursaries and residencies. A qualification in an art<br />
or design discipline, or in art history, arts management or<br />
the performing arts, is a distinct advantage.<br />
Heritage<br />
Job opportunities exist for curators, education staff, tour<br />
guides/managers and administrators at museums and<br />
heritage sites around the country.<br />
Libraries and archives may have a high proportion of Irish<br />
language material in their col<strong>le</strong>ctions, and librarians<br />
employed in the public library system must meet an Irish<br />
language requirement. Archives exist in a wide range of<br />
organisations such as media, local authorities, educational<br />
organisations and private enterprises.<br />
The area of cultural tourism also offers opportunities for<br />
Irish-speakers, especially in the Gaeltacht, and local<br />
authorities employ heritage officers. Many who work in the<br />
heritage sector have a re<strong>le</strong>vant qualification in history,<br />
archaeology, library or archive studies, folklore, art history,<br />
museum management, education or design.<br />
See Aonghus Óg McAnally’s profi<strong>le</strong> on page 14 to read<br />
about working as an actor and Frainc Mac Cionnaith’s<br />
profi<strong>le</strong> on page 15 to read about working as an events<br />
and marketing manager.<br />
Language promotion and development<br />
Language promotion officers are employed at local and<br />
national <strong>le</strong>vel, in public and not-for-profit organisations.<br />
Local authorities employ Irish language officers who<br />
collaborate with local arts and language organisations in<br />
their area.<br />
Irish language youth organisations, such as Feachtas,<br />
Ógras and Cumann na bhFiann, run youth clubs throughout<br />
the country. Community groups and co-operatives<br />
throughout the Gaeltacht are particularly involved in Irishlanguage<br />
promotion and development. Gael Linn and<br />
Conradh na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> provide a wide variety of educational<br />
and cultural services throughout the country. Comhdháil<br />
Náisiúnta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> is an umbrella group representing<br />
many Irish language not-for-profit organisations. Foras na<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> is the national, cross-border funding body for Irish<br />
language promotion and development.<br />
As the remit of many of the language-promotion<br />
organisations is quite broad, they employ peop<strong>le</strong> from a<br />
wide range of disciplines such as marketing, education,<br />
finance, event management, publishing and public relations.<br />
Skills required<br />
• Fluency and accuracy in Irish.<br />
• Communication<br />
• Organisation<br />
• Innovation<br />
• F<strong>le</strong>xibility<br />
• Influencing.<br />
10 | Your career with Irish 2009<br />
• Become involved in the arts/language associations in<br />
col<strong>le</strong>ge<br />
• Register for Gaelport news<strong>le</strong>tter<br />
• Volunteer with or attend arts or Irish language<br />
cultural events and festivals<br />
• Work as a guide or information worker at heritage<br />
sites during holiday periods<br />
• Take an interest in environmental conservation<br />
• Take advantage of opportunities<br />
• Develop a track record of involvement in community<br />
and/or language activities.<br />
Resources<br />
Arts<br />
• Arts Council of Ireland<br />
• Arts Council of Northern Ireland<br />
• www.colmcil<strong>le</strong>.net Colmcil<strong>le</strong> – promoting the use of the<br />
Gaelic languages in and between Ireland and Scotland<br />
• An Comhlachas Náisiúnta<br />
Drámaíochta (National Drama Association)<br />
• Ealaín na Gaeltachta – developing<br />
indigenous and contemporary arts in the Gaeltacht<br />
•<br />
Heritage<br />
• The Heritage Council<br />
• Society of Archivists (UK and<br />
Ireland)<br />
Language promotion<br />
• Comhdháil Náisiúnta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>'s<br />
language information portal<br />
Areas of work<br />
Media<br />
his highly competitive sector includes print, broadcast<br />
and digital media. The ability to operate bilingually is a<br />
Tdistinct advantage in these areas, enabling you to work<br />
on a wider range of projects than peop<strong>le</strong> with fluency in just<br />
one language.<br />
A great way to impress prospective employers in this area<br />
is to show them you are interested by getting involved in<br />
community or voluntary radio stations or publications, such<br />
as Raidió na Life and Raidió Fáilte.<br />
Broadcast media<br />
RTÉ Radio and Te<strong>le</strong>vision broadcast a number of programmes<br />
and news bul<strong>le</strong>tins through Irish, and share a newsroom<br />
with TG4. RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, a community radio<br />
station which makes most of its own programmes, is based<br />
in the Galway Gaeltacht with sub-stations in other<br />
Gaeltacht counties.<br />
TG4, also based in the Galway Gaeltacht, commissions<br />
external, independent production companies around the<br />
country to make many of its programmes. Some of these<br />
companies concentrate so<strong>le</strong>ly on Irish language productions,<br />
whi<strong>le</strong> others make Irish language as well as English<br />
language programmes. Most Irish independent producers<br />
are members of Screen Producers Ireland.<br />
BBC Northern Ireland has an expanding Irish language<br />
unit in Belfast, broadcasting on te<strong>le</strong>vision and radio.<br />
The growing number of commercial and community<br />
radio stations operating in the Republic of Ireland are<br />
required to include a certain amount of Irish-language<br />
programmes in their schedu<strong>le</strong>s.<br />
Funding for Irish language film and programme makers<br />
is availab<strong>le</strong> from the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland,<br />
the Irish Language Broadcast Fund, the Irish Film Board, and<br />
Filmbase. The broadcasters TG4, RTÉ and BBC NI also<br />
commission programmes. The Síol programme offers<br />
support and recognition to new ta<strong>le</strong>nt in writing and<br />
directing. The Irish Language Broadcasting Fund has a range<br />
of schemes including the New Entrants Scheme, Trainee<br />
Producer’s Scheme and Skills Development Bursary.<br />
Print media<br />
The English language print media publish a limited amount<br />
through the medium of Irish. There are a number of Irish<br />
language publications, including Foinse and Saol<br />
(newspapers), Comhar, Feasta, nós* (magazines).<br />
Digital media<br />
The digital media are especially important to <strong>le</strong>sser-used<br />
languages worldwide. Multinational computer companies<br />
are particularly supportive of innovative media schemes and<br />
there are many opportunities for graduates to develop<br />
exciting new, cutting edge projects in areas such as<br />
education, entertainment or advertising.<br />
Resources<br />
General<br />
• Irish on the BBC<br />
(bilingual website)<br />
• RTÉ<br />
• IPA Administration Yearbook and Diary<br />
• Irish Media Directory<br />
•<br />
• gradireland Journalism & Media<br />
Print media<br />
• Internet magazine for Irish speakers<br />
• Feasta – A monthly Irish language literary<br />
journal<br />
• National Irish Language Newspaper<br />
• Irish Language magazine<br />
Te<strong>le</strong>vision<br />
• Network of media businesses<br />
based in the Connemara Gaeltacht<br />
• Irish Film and Te<strong>le</strong>vision Network<br />
• Screen Producers<br />
Ireland: representative body for independent film,<br />
te<strong>le</strong>vision and animation producers<br />
• Irish language te<strong>le</strong>vision channel<br />
Radio<br />
• Top-40 radio station<br />
• Irish language radio station, located<br />
in Belfast<br />
• Radió na Life: Irish language radio<br />
station, located in Dublin<br />
• National Gaeltacht and Irish language<br />
radio station<br />
Funding & Support<br />
• Broadcasting Commission of Ireland<br />
• Not-for profit filmmaker’s resource<br />
centre<br />
• Ireland’s national film agency<br />
• National screen agency<br />
for Northern Ireland<br />
• Síol: supporting Irish language te<strong>le</strong>vision<br />
script writing.<br />
See Áine Ní Bhreis<strong>le</strong>áin’s profi<strong>le</strong> on page 14 to read about<br />
working as a broadcast journalist.<br /><br />
Your career with Irish 2009 | 11
Areas of work<br />
Translating and interpreting<br />
T<br />
he Official Languages Act (2003) and the recognition of<br />
Irish as an official working language of the European<br />
Union has resulted in increased opportunities in the<br />
area of translation and interpreting.<br />
Translation involves producing a text in a different<br />
language and culture for a specific audience and purpose.<br />
Some professional translators use translation software in<br />
their day-to-day work. Experienced translators would be<br />
expected to produce up to 2,000 words per day, depending<br />
on the type of text.<br />
Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> holds an annual exam as part of their<br />
accreditation system – Séala Creidiúnaithe d’Aistritheoirí<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong>. Those who pass this exam are included on the Foras<br />
na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> panel of accredited translators. These translators<br />
must pass the exam every five years to remain on the panel.<br />
To become a Professional Member of the Irish<br />
Translators’ and Interpreters’ Association (ITIA) you are<br />
required to pass the Professional Membership Examination,<br />
in addition to having between two and five years’ translation<br />
experience and/or a qualification as a translator/interpreter.<br />
The highest standards of translation are demanded by all<br />
customers, including public organisations, government<br />
bodies in Ireland, the European institutions and private<br />
organisations.<br />
Interpreting differs from translation in that it is based on<br />
spoken and not written communication.<br />
Much of the subject matter dealt with by both<br />
translators and interpreters is specialised in nature, so<br />
preparation and familiarity with the subject area in question<br />
is required. Professionals in this area often develop expertise<br />
in and know<strong>le</strong>dge of a subject area such as business, law or<br />
medicine after a number of years. Subject-specific<br />
terminology is an integral part of that expertise. A<br />
postgraduate qualification in translation studies or<br />
interpreting is advisab<strong>le</strong>. A primary degree in languages is<br />
preferab<strong>le</strong>, though not essential.<br />
Translation<br />
The work availab<strong>le</strong> includes translating, proofreading,<br />
software localisation, sub-titling, project management,<br />
language co-ordination and quality management.<br />
Employment opportunities for translators exist in public<br />
organisations, government bodies, the European institutions<br />
and private organisations. The Houses of the Oireachtas<br />
have their own translation (and interpreting) service –<br />
Rannóg an Aistriúcháin.<br />
The European Union operates the largest translation<br />
service in the world. Opportunities are availab<strong>le</strong> to work as<br />
administrators, translators and lawyer-linguists. To secure a<br />
permanent position within EU institutions, candidates must<br />
pass an open competition. From time to time, temporary or<br />
contract positions become availab<strong>le</strong>. To obtain secure<br />
employment as a translator within the EU, it is necessary to<br />
have the ability to work with three European languages.<br />
Since Irish became an official working language of the EU in<br />
2007 there has been a steady demand for peop<strong>le</strong> who can<br />
translate into Irish and this demand may well increase over<br />
the next few years.<br />
Some translators work in-house, but most work on a<br />
freelance basis.<br />
In-house translators are salaried employees, working on<br />
a full-time basis in public organisations or in private<br />
translation companies, some of which specialise in the Irish<br />
language.<br />
Freelance translators are usually self-employed and work<br />
from home. They are commissioned by translation agencies<br />
or companies directly. Companies source these from the list<br />
of accredited translators from the Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> website<br />
and from the ITIA register.<br />
Skills required<br />
• Fluency and accuracy in your working languages<br />
• Computer literacy<br />
• Ability to meet deadlines<br />
• Discretion (documents may be of a sensitive nature)<br />
• Research<br />
• Attention to detail and high standards<br />
• Subject area specialisation<br />
• Business management (for freelancers).<br />
Interpreting<br />
Opportunities in Ireland are primarily availab<strong>le</strong> in Oireachtas<br />
proceedings, international conferences, <strong>le</strong>gal proceedings<br />
and in healthcare, interpreting for peop<strong>le</strong><br />
whose first language is Irish. Irishlanguage<br />
interpreters are also<br />
used in the European Parliament<br />
and the European Commission.<br />
To secure a permanent<br />
position within EU institutions,<br />
candidates must pass an open<br />
competition. Alternatively,<br />
interpreters who have passed the<br />
accreditation test can be employed as<br />
freelancers. The basic minimum<br />
requirement for an interpreter working<br />
within the EU is the ability to work with<br />
three European languages (including the<br />
mother tongue). Due to a shortage of suitably<br />
qualified candidates, the requirement for a<br />
third European language may be waived for<br />
interpreters working with the Irish language.<br />
12 | Your career with Irish 2009<br />
Areas of work<br />
Skills required<br />
• <strong>St</strong>amina<br />
• Focus<br />
• Ability to cope with stress<br />
• Good physical health<br />
• Excel<strong>le</strong>nt memory<br />
• Analysis<br />
• Acute hearing<br />
• C<strong>le</strong>ar speech<br />
• Ability to switch subjects without warning<br />
• Teamwork.<br />
• Continue to work on your languages<br />
• Familiarise yourself with the translation software<br />
used in the industry, for examp<strong>le</strong> Trados, Wordfast and<br />
Dejà Vu<br />
• Research the specialist dictionaries and online<br />
resources (eg availab<strong>le</strong> for the Irish<br />
language<br />
• Check out the website of the EU Directorates General<br />
for Translation and for Interpretation (see below)<br />
• Upload your CV and samp<strong>le</strong>s of your work to<br />, which is a translation resource for<br />
translators and agencies<br />
• Circulate your CV to re<strong>le</strong>vant translation companies<br />
• Seek a re<strong>le</strong>vant work placement<br />
• Obtain a qualification<br />
• Sit the Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> test<br />
• Join the Irish Translators’ and Interpreters’<br />
Association.<br />
Resources<br />
General<br />
• Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> – the cross-border<br />
language promotional agency<br />
• Comhdháil Náisiúnta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>'s<br />
language information portal<br />
• Údarás na Gaeltachta: Gaeltacht regional<br />
authority<br />
• The Irish Translators and<br />
Interpreters Association<br />
• Directory of professional translation<br />
resources<br />
•<br />
• gradireland Graduate Careers in Languages<br />
Europe<br />
• European Personnel Se<strong>le</strong>ction Office<br />
• EU Directorate General for<br />
Translation<br />
• EU Directorate General for<br />
Interpretation<br />
When <strong>le</strong>aving col<strong>le</strong>ge, I hadn’t really considered working<br />
as a translator as I didn’t realise the opportunities that<br />
were availab<strong>le</strong>. I got a job as an office administrator in a<br />
local company in the Gaeltacht. They were just<br />
beginning to branch into the translation market and<br />
asked me to look over a few translations to check for<br />
quality, consistency etc. From there, I moved to the<br />
translation department. I spent the next year and a half<br />
working as a translator/proofreader there and then<br />
moved to eTeams where I’ve been working as a<br />
translator/proofreader for the past two years.<br />
My ro<strong>le</strong> is to provide quality translations, ensuring<br />
that the appropriate terminology is used, that it is<br />
written in Caighdeán (the official standard) and that it is<br />
an accurate ref<strong>le</strong>ction of the English source text. We<br />
have set target word counts to be met on a daily basis.<br />
We mostly translate projects for government<br />
departments, public bodies and state organisations.<br />
Eimear Ní Shuibhne works as a Translator/Proofreader with<br />
eTeams International Ltd. She has a degree in Irish & An Léann<br />
Dúchais (Folklore & Ethnology).<br />
There are two main aspects to my job. The first is<br />
translation. This involves translating <strong>le</strong>gal documents<br />
from French and English into Irish.<br />
The other aspect is preparing to possibly set up a<br />
team of Irish language lawyer-linguists at the Court. This<br />
involves developing links with universities and other<br />
organisations in Ireland. We recently prepared a<br />
brochure on a career as an Irish language lawyer-linguist<br />
to publicise the work we do at the Court. We also plan<br />
to come to Ireland at some stage to speak to students<br />
and graduates who are interested in getting involved in<br />
this field.<br />
One of the best things about the job is that the Court<br />
is a very interesting and lively place to work. It is<br />
multicultural and multilingual. I really enjoy working<br />
through Irish alongside peop<strong>le</strong> of many different<br />
nationalities. I also really like that I can develop my<br />
language skills. I attend weekly French language classes<br />
at the Court and I’ve had the opportunity to do language<br />
classes abroad. I attend regular <strong>le</strong>gal seminars organised<br />
by the Court on its jurisprudence and I also attend<br />
regular workshops on the French <strong>le</strong>gal system and on<br />
French <strong>le</strong>gal vocabulary.<br />
Órla Ryan works as a Lawyer-linguist for the Court of Justice<br />
of the European Communities. She has a degree in Education:<br />
Law and French and is currently enrol<strong>le</strong>d on an MA in<br />
Bilingual Practice.<br /><br />
Your career with Irish 2009 | 13
Graduate profi<strong>le</strong>s<br />
NAME Áine Ní Bhreis<strong>le</strong>áin<br />
JOB Journalist with Nuacht RTÉ/TG4<br />
EDUCATION BA, <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, <strong>St</strong>air (2007);<br />
currently enrol<strong>le</strong>d on MA, Scríobh<br />
agus Cumarsáid na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
NAME Aonghus Óg McAnally<br />
JOB Actor<br />
EMPLOYER Self employed<br />
EDUCATION Bachelor in Theatre<br />
<strong>St</strong>udies (2002)<br />
I got my current job primarily by chance, through a work<br />
placement as part of my MA degree. We spent a week in<br />
the Nuacht newsroom in RTÉ and a week with Nuacht<br />
TG4. Several weeks after comp<strong>le</strong>ting my work experience<br />
I was offered a part-time job working as a regional<br />
journalist for Nuacht TG4. I’m based in my hometown of<br />
Gaoth <strong>Do</strong>bhair and provide reports and news packages<br />
on current events.<br />
I have always had an interest in journalism, and in<br />
the Irish language. During my undergraduate degree, I<br />
applied for a job with RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta in their<br />
<strong>Do</strong>negal sub-station. I progressed from part-time<br />
receptionist to filling in on the programme on local<br />
notices and then on the requests programme. The<br />
following year I was offered a job reading the news.<br />
Daily activities<br />
In the morning I make contact with my editor, who is<br />
based in Galway, to discuss the day’s stories. Armed with<br />
my story, I make calls to interviewees and set up<br />
interviews. I also have to write a <strong>le</strong>ad-in (the taster to the<br />
story) and a script, with a piece-to-camera also<br />
sometimes needed. I attend certain local authority<br />
meetings, launches and such. If a major event occurs<br />
(such as an accident or factory closure) I’m expected to<br />
be present at the scene.<br />
I travel with my cameraman and discuss the story<br />
with him to gauge the best way of tackling it. A story<br />
may be required for RTÉ Nuacht at 5.20 pm and then<br />
later for TG4 at 7.00 pm, so time management is very<br />
important. I am also occasionally cal<strong>le</strong>d upon to help<br />
cover a story for RTÉ’s Six One News or Nine News.<br />
You get to meet a wide variety of peop<strong>le</strong> in this job,<br />
and quickly <strong>le</strong>arn to mix and interact with them all.<br />
Although a lot of travel can be tiring, you get a chance to<br />
go to places that the general public don’t always see.<br />
Providing news and putting the county and the regions<br />
surrounding it on a national station is also a big bonus.<br />
The great thing about acting is that there is no ‘typical’<br />
week. One day you’re on a film set, the next at an<br />
audition, the next in rehearsals, the next doing a radio<br />
play. Acting can be a tough profession in which to earn a<br />
living, so you have to have a diverse skills set to be ab<strong>le</strong><br />
to tack<strong>le</strong> all the work that gets thrown at you.<br />
The variety is fantastic; it always keeps it fresh. You’re<br />
constantly working with new actors or directors, or in a<br />
new city on tour – I've been lucky enough to work with<br />
peop<strong>le</strong> like Pierce Brosnan, Anne Hathaway and Seamus<br />
Heaney. The lack of security that comes with that<br />
lifesty<strong>le</strong> can be a chal<strong>le</strong>nge: sitting around waiting for<br />
the phone to ring, waiting for the next job.<br />
How has Irish helped?<br />
Irish has been a huge advantage: a large portion of my<br />
work, both on stage and screen, has been through Irish. It<br />
comes back to the point about having diverse skills as an<br />
actor. I regularly attend workshops to keep refining my<br />
skills, sometimes working on a particular sty<strong>le</strong> of acting,<br />
sometimes dance/movement-based classes, sometimes<br />
stage combat. You have to do everything in your power<br />
to make yourself as ‘castab<strong>le</strong>’ as possib<strong>le</strong>.<br />
Also, because fewer peop<strong>le</strong> will be auditioning for<br />
Irish language ro<strong>le</strong>s, your chances of landing the part are<br />
instantly improved. It’s also important to remember that,<br />
given the situation with arts funding, often the best<br />
directors, actors and producers are working on Irish<br />
language productions, and so in no way is Irish language<br />
theatre or film ‘the poor relation’.<br />
Tips for graduates<br />
See as much theatre as you can, get to know what kind<br />
of theatre you like and what companies you’d like to<br />
work with. Always look to develop and diversify your<br />
skills through workshops. Consider registering with an<br />
agency who will promote and represent you. Invite them<br />
to your shows.<br />
14 | Your career with Irish 2009<br />
Graduate profi<strong>le</strong>s<br />
NAME Chris <strong>Do</strong>rgan<br />
JOB Communications and Irish<br />
Language Officer<br />
EMPLOYER Cork City Council<br />
EDUCATION BComm in Marketing<br />
and Management; Graduateship of<br />
MII, Member of Public Relations<br />
Institute of Ireland<br />
I’m basically a bilingual communications officer. There<br />
are two aspects to my job. One aspect is compliance with<br />
the Official Languages Act and supporting organisations<br />
fostering the Irish language and culture, the other is as<br />
communications officer dealing with the print and<br />
broadcast media.<br />
The first part involves providing the services of Cork<br />
City Council to the peop<strong>le</strong> of Cork through Irish. If TG4<br />
news or RnaG are looking for a spokesperson to talk<br />
about one of our projects, that’s usually me at the<br />
moment. My chal<strong>le</strong>nge is to build Irish language skills<br />
and competences within the directorates and<br />
departments of the Council so it’s not just me doing this<br />
work. I’m also responsib<strong>le</strong> for incidental translation.<br />
Larger documents, plans and reports go out to tender.<br />
Promoting Irish<br />
My job also allows me the f<strong>le</strong>xibility to promote Irish in<br />
more imaginative ways. I’m ab<strong>le</strong> to help organisations<br />
like the Peop<strong>le</strong>’s Republic of Cork, who came to me with<br />
an idea for a social night once a month where the lingua<br />
franca is Irish. Somewhere you could have great music<br />
and great Irish without anyone looking over your<br />
shoulder saying, ‘You’ve the wrong dec<strong>le</strong>nsion there’.<br />
I invested a significant sum in Irish language signage<br />
for Christmas – signs saying ‘Beannachtaí na Féi<strong>le</strong> agus<br />
Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise’ – and I’ve been getting great<br />
feedback from both the general public and the business<br />
community, which is hugely encouraging.<br />
My brief also includes organising events for<br />
Seachtain na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>. One year, for examp<strong>le</strong>, we put on a<br />
free first public screening of Cré na Cil<strong>le</strong> in the local<br />
arthouse cinema, The Kino, which was a first screening<br />
outside of festivals.<br />
Coming to this job with a background in<br />
communications and marketing means that I can make<br />
more of it – I can make it more re<strong>le</strong>vant and more<br />
interesting.<br />
NAME Frainc Mac Cionnaith<br />
JOB Events & Marketing Manager<br />
EMPLOYER Cultúrlann Mac Adam Ó<br />
Fiaich, Belfast<br />
EDUCATION BA in Irish <strong>St</strong>udies<br />
(2002)<br />
This was always an area I wanted to get into. When I <strong>le</strong>ft<br />
col<strong>le</strong>ge, I went into education for a whi<strong>le</strong> and also<br />
academia, but I never really felt comp<strong>le</strong>tely at ease in<br />
either of them. When I was a university student, I was<br />
very involved with the Cumann Gaelach there and a lot<br />
of the work I did involved organising different events. I<br />
remember at the time wishing I could make a living out<br />
of the sort of work I was doing and I think I’ve found a<br />
position where that’s exactly the case.<br />
A lot of my time is spent on programming – getting<br />
in contact with artists and musicians etc and securing<br />
events for the next three months. Then I produce the<br />
brochure for the season’s events. I have to be present at<br />
each event to oversee the setting up of rooms and do<br />
anything else that needs to be done, like working on the<br />
door, at the bar or even being the fear an tí. The other<br />
side of my work is the marketing.<br />
A highlight<br />
One concert we had was a particular highlight. We had a<br />
great line-up: a children’s singing group, two local<br />
musicians on fidd<strong>le</strong> and harp, a well known sean-nós<br />
singer and an Irish-language choir. It was the way it<br />
came together on the night that made it really special.<br />
We had a full house – which always makes for a great<br />
show because the bigger the audience, the better the<br />
atmosphere – the acts performed fantastically and<br />
everyone really enjoyed the evening. I think it summed<br />
up everything that the Cultúrlann stands for and was a<br />
wonderful ref<strong>le</strong>ction of the strength of arts and<br />
language.<br />
I think the best thing for graduates to do is to<br />
volunteer; take whatever work is going in the sector that<br />
you wish to go into. If you’re worth your weight,<br />
employers will very soon pick up on your abilities and<br />
you’ll find yourself being offered a job. If you prove that<br />
you’re willing to work and you have the drive and the<br />
capabilities to go for it, the work will find you.<br /><br />
Your career with Irish 2009 | 15
Graduate profi<strong>le</strong>s<br />
NAME Robert Smyth<br />
JOB Management Consultant<br />
EMPLOYER Accenture<br />
EDUCATION BA in Management<br />
Science and Information Systems<br />
<strong>St</strong>udies (2006)<br />
NAME Seána Ó Rodaigh<br />
JOB Primary School Teacher<br />
EDUCATION BSc in Airgeadas,<br />
Ríomhaireacht & Fiontraíocht (now<br />
BA Gnó & <strong>Gaeilge</strong>) (2000);<br />
Postgraduate Diploma in Education<br />
(Primary) (2003)<br />
The Irish ‘movement’ in Accenture began almost by<br />
accident. Accenture offer employees the chance to take<br />
two ‘charity days’ per year to employ time and skills for<br />
the good of the community. I somewhat cheekily asked to<br />
use my first charity day as soon as I returned from my<br />
initial training in London and Chicago. I have long had a<br />
passion for the Irish language and have had the<br />
expression ‘Cuirtear fáilte roimh comhfhreagras i n<strong>Gaeilge</strong>’<br />
(‘correspondence in Irish welcome’) in my e-mail<br />
signature since col<strong>le</strong>ge. Our Corporate Citizenship<br />
manager, Carmel Woods, replied in Irish – my first ever<br />
response to the signature!<br />
To cut a long story short, we decided to do something<br />
to promote the Irish language under our Corporate<br />
Citizenship programme. The Irish language is one way in<br />
which the Irish practice of Accenture, a global firm, can<br />
ce<strong>le</strong>brate its diversity. Having received solid advice from<br />
Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong>, we made a proposal to the Country<br />
Managing Director, Mark Ryan. He was hugely supportive<br />
and agreed to be our executive sponsor – our Cumann<br />
Gaelach was born.<br />
Successful marketing<br />
We have also used Irish within some of our wider<br />
marketing materials; we re<strong>le</strong>ased an Irish version of our<br />
brochure in 2007, both in print and online. That, coup<strong>le</strong>d<br />
with our sponsorship of the ‘Barr 50 –Top 50 Companies<br />
with Irish’ awards proved that Irish can play a part in the<br />
successful marketing of a company.<br />
Personal feedback<br />
Much of the feedback I’ve received has also been on a<br />
personal <strong>le</strong>vel. I try to wear the fáinne as often as I can: I<br />
have yet to work for a client in Ireland where I haven’t met a<br />
gaeilgeoir somewhere in the office. It’s something that you<br />
immediately have in common with other peop<strong>le</strong> and in that<br />
respect it’s a great tool, in a very positive sense, to establish<br />
a relationship with a client on a more personal <strong>le</strong>vel.<br />
I had thought about teaching when I was in transition<br />
year in school but by the time I got to sixth year I was<br />
more interested in business subjects and decided to do a<br />
business degree through Irish. I liked the innovative idea<br />
behind it and the enterprise aspect really appea<strong>le</strong>d to<br />
me. The fact that it was through Irish was an added<br />
bonus. There were a few of us in the class who had not<br />
gone to Gaelscoi<strong>le</strong>anna but we <strong>le</strong>arned quickly.<br />
Having graduated, I worked in finance for a whi<strong>le</strong> but<br />
decided it was not for me. I went travelling and on my<br />
return home decided to do some substitute teaching. I<br />
loved it and applied for the Postgraduate Diploma in<br />
Education. I have now been teaching for six years.<br />
I am delighted to be ab<strong>le</strong> to use Irish in my workplace<br />
and as part of my job but it goes beyond school. I had the<br />
most incredib<strong>le</strong> Irish teacher in secondary school and he<br />
instil<strong>le</strong>d a love for the language in me that has never<br />
faded. I suppose that inspires me to try to teach Irish in a<br />
passionate way. I look around now and feel very positive<br />
about the future of the language and the job<br />
opportunities that are open to peop<strong>le</strong> who would like<br />
Irish to be part of their daily lives.<br />
I see a change in peop<strong>le</strong>’s attitude to Irish, especially<br />
in young peop<strong>le</strong>. I think we are finally getting over our<br />
post-colonial inferiority comp<strong>le</strong>x. When you see<br />
companies bringing out phones with predictive text in<br />
Irish you know the language has reached a tipping point!<br />
I’m involved in the founding of a new Gaelscoil in my<br />
area and the enthusiasm of the parents on the<br />
committee is incredib<strong>le</strong>. They are committed to their<br />
children being ab<strong>le</strong> to speak Irish, as many of them can’t<br />
and they regret this.<br />
For graduates who are thinking about teaching, I<br />
would advise them to do a primary degree first and then<br />
a postgraduate course. I think you get a more rounded<br />
life experience which you bring to the classroom. Also do<br />
a lot of subbing beforehand.<br />
16 | Your career with Irish 2009<br />
Training and development<br />
Training and postgraduate courses<br />
Many institutions have developed new courses in and through Irish that can help<br />
prepare you for your career.<br />
ver 50 postgraduate and training courses taught<br />
through Irish provide the burgeoning modern Irish<br />
Olanguage sector with the highly skil<strong>le</strong>d workforce it<br />
needs. Whi<strong>le</strong> most courses require a high <strong>le</strong>vel of oral and<br />
written Irish, there are also courses aimed at graduates<br />
looking to improve their language abilities. Some courses<br />
are run in conjunction with professional organisations or<br />
include re<strong>le</strong>vant work experience, which could be the key to<br />
getting a foothold in the sector of your choice.<br />
Funding to undertake these courses is availab<strong>le</strong> from a<br />
variety of sources, including local authorities, Vocational<br />
Education Committees and employers. Gaeltacht residents<br />
may be eligib<strong>le</strong> for Údarás na Gaeltachta scholarship<br />
funding for certain postgraduate courses. The Irish<br />
Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences<br />
( has a number of postgraduate research<br />
scholarship schemes.<br />
See below for an outline of Irish-language-medium fulltime<br />
and part-time postgraduate courses, training schemes<br />
and general Irish-language courses availab<strong>le</strong> at the time of<br />
going to press. Other courses may have been developed<br />
since then. An up-to-date list is availab<strong>le</strong> on<br /><br />
Arts and heritage<br />
Arts<br />
• Higher Diploma in the Arts (Drama <strong>St</strong>udies) – Acadamh<br />
na hOllscolaíochta, NUIG<br />
• MA (Drama <strong>St</strong>udies) – Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta,<br />
NUIG<br />
Heritage<br />
• Certificate in Folklore <strong>St</strong>udies – School of Irish, NUIG<br />
• Postgraduate Diploma/Higher Diploma in Irish Folklore –<br />
University Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin<br />
• MA/Higher Diploma in Léann Dúchais – University<br />
Col<strong>le</strong>ge Cork<br />
• MA in Irish and Celtic <strong>St</strong>udies – Queen’s University,<br />
Belfast<br />
Business and ICT<br />
• MSc/Postgraduate Diploma in Business and IT – Fiontar,<br />
Dublin City University<br />
• MSc in Information Techology – Acadamh na<br />
hOllscolaíochta, NUIG<br />
Education<br />
Primary <strong>le</strong>vel teaching<br />
• Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Irish Medium –<br />
Primary) – <strong>St</strong> Mary’s University Col<strong>le</strong>ge<br />
• Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Irish Medium -<br />
Primary) – Coláiste Mhuire, Marino<br />
• Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary) – Froebel<br />
Col<strong>le</strong>ge<br />
• Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary) – Mary<br />
Immaculate Col<strong>le</strong>ge<br />
• Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary) – <strong>St</strong> Patrick’s<br />
Col<strong>le</strong>ge<br />
• Higher Diploma in Arts in Primary Education – Hibernia<br />
Col<strong>le</strong>ge (online)<br />
• An Scrúdú <strong>le</strong> hAghaidh Cáilíochta sa Ghaeilge – Coláiste<br />
Mhuire Marino (essential course and qualification for<br />
primary teachers trained outside of the Republic of<br />
Ireland, with the exception of the PGCE, <strong>St</strong> Mary’s<br />
University Col<strong>le</strong>ge).<br />
Post-primary <strong>le</strong>vel teaching<br />
• Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Irish Medium –<br />
Post-Primary) – Queen’s University Belfast, University of<br />
Ulster and <strong>St</strong> Mary’s University Col<strong>le</strong>ge<br />
• Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Irish Medium -<br />
Postgraduate) – NUI Galway<br />
Other<br />
• Certificate in Teaching Irish to Adults – Language Centre,<br />
NUI Maynooth<br />
• Intensive Preparatory Course for the Postgraduate<br />
Diploma in Education – Gaelchultúr<br />
• MA (Language Teaching – Irish) – Acadamh na<br />
hOllscolaíochta, NUIG<br />
• MA in Second Language Learning & Teaching – Waterford<br />
Institute of Technology<br />
• MPhil in Applied Linguistics – Trinity Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin<br />
Language development<br />
• MA in Irish Language Writing and Communication<br />
(Administration) – University Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin<br />
• MA/Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate in Bilingual<br />
Practice – Fiontar, Dublin City University<br />
• MA in Applied Irish – Dublin Institute of<br />
Technology/Gaelchultúr<br /><br />
Your career with Irish 2009 | 17
Training and development<br />
• MA (Language Planning) – Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta,<br />
NUIG<br />
• MA/Postgraduate Diploma in Modern Irish – University of<br />
Ulster<br />
• MA in Sociolinguistics – University of Limerick<br />
Literature and language<br />
The following institutions offer a range of postgraduate<br />
courses in the more traditional areas of the Irish language<br />
such as poetry, prose, Early Irish, Midd<strong>le</strong> Irish, folklore and<br />
history of the language:<br />
• Dublin City University<br />
• Mary Immaculate Col<strong>le</strong>ge, Limerick<br />
• NUI Galway<br />
• NUI Maynooth<br />
• Queen’s University Belfast<br />
• <strong>St</strong> Mary’s University Col<strong>le</strong>ge, Belfast<br />
• <strong>St</strong> Patrick’s Col<strong>le</strong>ge, Drumcondra<br />
• Trinity Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin<br />
• University Col<strong>le</strong>ge Cork<br />
• University Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin<br />
• University of Limerick<br />
• University of Ulster.<br />
Media<br />
Broadcast media<br />
• Higher Diploma in TV Production – Waterford Institute of<br />
Technology/Nemeton<br />
• Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Communication (Radio<br />
and Te<strong>le</strong>vision Broadcasting and Journalism) – Acadamh<br />
na hOllscolaíochta, NUIG<br />
• MA in Film and Te<strong>le</strong>vision Management and Policy –<br />
University of Ulster (scholarships for Irish speakers<br />
availab<strong>le</strong> from Irish Language Broadcast Fund)<br />
• MA in <strong>Do</strong>cumentary Practice – University of Ulster<br />
(scholarships for Irish speakers availab<strong>le</strong> from Irish<br />
Language Broadcast Fund)<br />
Print Media<br />
• MA Irish Language Writing and Communication<br />
(Journalism) – University Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin<br />
• MA Irish Language Writing and Communication (Editing<br />
and Copywriting) – University Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin<br />
Translating and interpreting<br />
Translation<br />
• Diploma/MA in Irish Translation <strong>St</strong>udies – Queen’s<br />
University, Belfast<br />
• Graduate Diploma/MA in Translation <strong>St</strong>udies – Dublin<br />
City University<br />
• Graduate Diploma in Applied Language and Intercultural<br />
<strong>St</strong>udies – Dublin City University<br />
• Postgraduate Diploma (Translation <strong>St</strong>udies) – Acadamh<br />
na hOllscolaíochta, NUIG<br />
• Higher Diploma in Translation – Language Centre, NUI<br />
Maynooth<br />
• MA in Irish Language Writing and Communication<br />
(Translation) – University Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin<br />
• MSc in Applied Irish and Translation – Galway-Mayo<br />
Institute of Technology/Europus<br />
• MA (Translation <strong>St</strong>udies) – Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta,<br />
NUIG<br />
• Lawyer-Linguist Course – King’s Inns/Gaelchultúr<br />
• MPhil Literary Translation, Trinity Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin<br />
Interpreting<br />
• MA Irish Languge Writing and Communication<br />
(Interpreting) – University Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin<br />
• MA in Conference Interpreting – Acadamh na<br />
hOllscolaíochta, NUIG<br />
General Irish courses<br />
Higher Education<br />
• Diploma in Irish – Language Centre, NUI Maynooth<br />
• Teastas Eorpach sa Ghaeilge, Language Centre, NUI<br />
Maynooth<br />
• Diploma in Applied Irish – University Col<strong>le</strong>ge Dublin<br />
• Diploma in Irish – University Col<strong>le</strong>ge Cork<br />
• Diploma in Irish – NUI Galway<br />
Other<br />
• Gaelchultúr – evening courses from beginners to<br />
advanced<br />
• Conradh na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> – evening courses from beginners to<br />
advanced<br />
• Gael Linn – evening courses from beginners to advanced<br />
• Vocational Education Schools and Col<strong>le</strong>ges – courses from<br />
beginners to advanced<br />
• Gae<strong>le</strong>agras – for peop<strong>le</strong> employed in the civil service,<br />
Gae<strong>le</strong>agras provides various Irish language courses free of<br />
charge. Many public sector organisations also provide<br />
courses for their staff.<br />
Resource<br />
• Postgraduate courses and advice<br />
• Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta <strong>Gaeilge</strong> –<br />
Gaeltacht based & Irish medium university education<br />
• Conradh na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (Gaelic League) –<br />
voluntary language promotion organisation<br />
• Dublin City University’s<br />
interdisciplinary School: courses and research through the<br />
medium of Irish<br />
•<strong>le</strong>agras Gae<strong>le</strong>agras: promoting<br />
the Irish language throughout the Civil Service<br />
• Irish language consultancy and<br />
training. Offers online Irish language courses.<br />
18 | Your career with Irish 2009<br />
Employers and course providers<br />
A-Z<br />
of employers and<br />
course providers<br />
Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta<br />
<strong>Gaeilge</strong> ....................................................20<br />
An Chomhair<strong>le</strong> um Oideachas<br />
Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta 21<br />
DIT ....................................................................22<br />
Fiontar <strong>DCU</strong> ..................................................24<br />
Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ..........................................23<br />
Gael Linn ........................................................26<br />
Gaelport ..........................................................27<br />
Language Centre, NUI Maynooth ........28<br />
Mary Immaculate Col<strong>le</strong>ge ......................27<br />
<strong>St</strong> Patrick’s Col<strong>le</strong>ge ....................................29<br />
UCD ................................................................IFC<br />
Údarás na Gaeltachta ..............................30<br />
IFC = inside front cover<br />
Use the A–Z directory<br />
to research advertisers<br />
Essential contact<br />
information<br />
For further help with searching for jobs, go to<br />
Remember to quote gradireland Your career with Irish on your job application<br /><br />
Your career with Irish 2009 | 19
P<br />
Supporting education through Irish, Gaeltacht<br />
education and the teaching of Irish<br />
• Provision of teaching resources<br />
• Support Services<br />
• Research<br /><br />
1,000s of vacancies<br />
100s of employers<br />
place<br />
to find<br />
your job<br />
register now<br /><br />
Your career with Irish 2009 | 21
Faigh blaiseadhden<br />
Ghaeilgein ITBÁC<br />
Get a taste for Irish in DIT<br />
Oifig na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Ranganna & Cláir Ghaeilge, Imeachtaí Sóisialta & Cultúrtha<br />
Irish Classes & Programmes, Social & Cultural Events<br />
Scéim Cónaithe <strong>Gaeilge</strong> & Scoláireachtaí Gaeltachta<br />
Irish Language <strong>St</strong>udent Residence & Gaeltacht Scholarships<br />
Aistriúcháin, Comharthaíocht & Seirbhísí i n<strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Translations, Signage & Services in Irish<br />
Scéim Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla<br />
Official Languages Act Scheme<br /><br /><br />
01 402 7504
Employers and course providers<br />
Fiontar <strong>DCU</strong><br />
What’s special about Fiontar?<br />
Fiontar graduates have an excel<strong>le</strong>nt reputation worldwide, in finance and<br />
software companies; in the private and public sectors and in the Irish language<br />
sector. Fiontar has grown a lot since its inception in 1993, providing innovative<br />
cutting edge interdisciplinary courses through the medium of Irish. Fiontar links<br />
the language with contemporary issues, with ICT, and with current best<br />
management practice. It was Fiontar which <strong>le</strong>d the development of and<br /><br />
Where are Fiontar graduates now?<br />
Fiontar graduates are working in senior positions in many well-known Irish<br />
language organisations, including: • COGG (An Chomhair<strong>le</strong> um Oideachas<br />
Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta) • Comhdháil Náisiúnta na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> • Conradh<br />
na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> • Cumann na bhFiann • Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> • Gaelscoi<strong>le</strong>anna • Gaillimh<br />
<strong>le</strong> <strong>Gaeilge</strong> • Nuacht RTÉ • Raidió na Gaeltachta • Údarás na Gaeltachta.<br />
Some graduates are working in promoting the Irish language in public and<br />
private organisations, including: • Broadcasting Commission of Ireland • -<br />
Goog<strong>le</strong> • Health Service Executive • MET Éireann • <strong>St</strong>illwater Communications •<br />
The Teaching Council<br />
Many teachers have attended the courses and some are now school principals.<br />
Others work in companies such as Accenture and L’Oreal, and some have<br />
established their own new enterprises – for examp<strong>le</strong> E<strong>le</strong>vease and Gaelchultúr.<br />
Certificate / Diploma / MA in Bilingual Practice<br />
This course gives graduates the opportunity to develop an international<br />
perspective and a wide range of skills to promote the Irish language. The course<br />
is offered on a part-time basis with a combination of on-campus seminars and<br />
online <strong>le</strong>arning. The course is very suitab<strong>le</strong> for those who would like to develop a<br />
career as an Irish language officer. All assessment is through practical projects<br />
often related to the students’ jobs.<br />
Diploma / MSc in Business and IT<br />
This course gives graduates the opportunity to develop a wide range of business,<br />
management and ICT skills, to develop a career in a wide range of contexts as<br />
well as the Irish language sector. The course is offered on a full-time and parttime<br />
basis. The course is very suitab<strong>le</strong> for teachers and for those working in the<br />
cultural sector, who wish to develop management, administrative or <strong>le</strong>adership<br />
ro<strong>le</strong>s. Assessment is a combination of exams and practical work.<br />
Digital Humanities – Cutting Edge Research<br />
Postgraduate researchers have the opportunity to work on the various research<br />
projects conducted in Fiontar – in management, entrepreneurship, ICT and<br />
especially in terminology and the digital humanities. A team of terminology and<br />
ICT researchers work on the national terminology database for Irish, and<br />
the placenames database of Ireland,, two resources developed by<br />
Fiontar in conjunction with Foras na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> and the Placenames Branch.<br />
Dublin City University<br />
<strong>DCU</strong> has a particular reputation as an innovative interdisciplinary university,<br />
whose graduates are well respected by employers. <strong>DCU</strong> places particular<br />
importance on self-directed <strong>le</strong>arning and on combining practical experience<br />
with intel<strong>le</strong>ctual development.<br />
Fiontar, <strong>DCU</strong>, Dublin 9<br />
Tel +353 (0)1 700 5614<br />
E-mail<br />
Web,<br /><br />
• Bilingualism<br />
• Culture<br />
• Gaeltacht Development<br />
• Irish and Law<br />
• Language Awareness<br />
• Language Promotion<br />
• Sociolinguistics<br />
• Terminology<br />
• Accountancy<br />
• Business Communications<br />
• Corporate Social Responsibility<br />
• Finance<br />
• Marketing<br />
• Recruitment and <strong>St</strong>aff<br />
Development<br />
• <strong>St</strong>rategy<br />
• Tourism<br />
• Voluntary Sector<br />
• Databases<br />
• E-Commerce<br />
• Information Management<br />
• Networks<br />
• Publishing and Design<br />
APPLY<br />
online e-mail post<br />
24 | Your career with Irish 2009
‘Cutting edge’<br />
‘Useful, re<strong>le</strong>vant, inspiring’<br />
‘Innovative practices for Irish’<br />
‘Local and international know<strong>le</strong>dge’<br />
‘Research skills’<br />
‘Professional development’<br />
‘New skills in interesting subjects’
Learn Irish with Gael Linn<br />
and enhance your career opportunities !<br />
• Prepare for educational & professional<br />
placement interviews ‘as <strong>Gaeilge</strong>’<br />
• Irish courses at 5 <strong>le</strong>vels availab<strong>le</strong><br />
• Summer courses for teachers and those<br />
trained outside the state<br />
• Short intensive evening courses<br />
• Small classes & experienced teachers<br />
Contact: Gael Linn (01) 6751200 or<br /><br />
1,000s of courses<br />
100s of providers<br />
place to<br />
find your<br />
course<br />
register now<br />
26 | Your career with Irish 2009
Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál<br />
Mary Immaculate Col<strong>le</strong>ge<br />
Roinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong><br />
Tá cáil na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ar Choláiste Mhuire gan Smál <strong>le</strong> fada an lá is tá breis is mí<strong>le</strong><br />
mac/iníon léinn ag gabháil don Ghaeilge mar ábhar acadúil ag <strong>le</strong>ibhéal na fochéime<br />
(B.A agus B.Ed) sa Roinn fé láthair.<br />
Deiseanna Taighde (MA /PhD)<br />
Tá taighde déanta ag foireann Roinn na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> ina réimsí speisialta agus i ngnéithe<br />
éagsúla de theanga, de litríocht agus de chultúr na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> agus tá rogha fhairsing<br />
ábhar agus modh staidéir ar fáil ag mic/iníonacha léinn ag <strong>le</strong>ibhéal na hiarchéime<br />
(MA/PhD), idir chúrsaí múinte agus mhodh an taighde amháin.<br />
Tuil<strong>le</strong>adh eolais ón gCeann Roinne,<br />
An Dr. Áinéad Ní Mhuirthi<strong>le</strong><br />
Teil: 061-204900/204535<br />
Ríomhphost: Ainead.NiMhuirthi<strong>le</strong><br />
ag déanamh difríochta<br /><br />
Your career with Irish 2009 | 27
Employers and course providers<br />
The Language Centre,<br />
NUI Maynooth<br />
The Language Centre at NUI Maynooth is a <strong>le</strong>ader in the fields of language<br />
teaching, <strong>le</strong>arning and research, particularly with regard to the Irish language.<br />
Innovative language teaching and <strong>le</strong>arning methods pioneered by the Centre are<br />
successfully used by third <strong>le</strong>vel students, teachers and <strong>le</strong>arners of Irish both in<br />
Ireland and abroad. Examp<strong>le</strong>s of these are VIFAX for Irish language, Teastas<br />
Eorpach na <strong>Gaeilge</strong> (European Certificate in Irish) as well as courses for semiautonomous<br />
<strong>le</strong>arners.<br />
The Language Centre, NUI Maynooth now invites applications for the following<br />
courses:<br />
Postgraduate Diploma in Translation (Online)<br />
This two-year part-time course is aimed at prospective students who wish to<br />
perfect their Irish translation skills. The course is delivered online, which offers a<br />
greater degree of f<strong>le</strong>xibility to the student than traditional modes of delivery.<br />
The postgraduate diploma in translation is suitab<strong>le</strong> for those who wish to<br />
pursue a career in translation in Ireland or abroad, in response to increased<br />
demand in recent years for suitably qualified Irish language translators.<br />
Certificate in Teaching of Irish to Adults (TMGA)<br />
The number of adults returning to <strong>le</strong>arn Irish both in Ireland and abroad has<br />
increased exponentially in recent years. This one-year part-time course prepares<br />
teachers for the Irish-language adult <strong>le</strong>arner environment. The latest<br />
developments in applied linguistics are explored in the course and adapted to<br />
suit the Irish-language classroom. This course is aimed at prospective students<br />
who wish to develop their existing teaching skills or those who would like to<br />
gain a teaching qualification with a view to working in the adult education<br />
sector.<br />
Diploma in Irish<br />
The aim of this two-year part-time course is to prepare participants to express<br />
themselves effectively through the medium of Irish in their personal and<br />
professional lives. The Diploma in Irish from NUI Maynooth meets the Irish<br />
language entry requirements for the postgraduate diploma in primary school<br />
teaching.<br />
European Certificate in Irish (TEG)<br />
The European Certificate in Irish is the only examination and qualification<br />
system in the Irish language for adult <strong>le</strong>arners in Ireland and abroad linked to<br />
the Common European Framework of References for Languages. Through this<br />
system, adult <strong>le</strong>arners at all <strong>le</strong>vels, from beginners to advanced, can improve and<br />
perfect their language skills by following a structured step-by-step syllabus.<br />
These exams are recognized by ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe).<br />
Information on all of the above courses and closing dates are availab<strong>le</strong> from:<br />
W:<br />
T: 01 7076417/7083737<br />
E:<br />
W:<br />
The Language Centre, NUI Maynooth<br />
Tel +353 (0)1 708 6417/708 3737<br />
E-mail<br />
Web<br />
courses/index.shtml<br />
• languages, culture and translation<br />
• teaching and education<br />
• private healthcare<br />
28 | Your career with Irish 2009
<strong>St</strong> Patrick’s Col<strong>le</strong>ge<br />
Drumcondra, Dublin 9.<br />
a col<strong>le</strong>ge of dublin city university<br />
IRISH<br />
This is a two-year postgraduate programme.<br />
It aims to give students the opportunity to<br />
• Achieve excel<strong>le</strong>nce in language skills<br />
• Deepen their know<strong>le</strong>dge of Irish language, literature and culture<br />
• Engage in supervised research on a chosen topic within the course<br />
Entry requirement<br />
An honours BA or BEd or equiva<strong>le</strong>nt, with a minimum 2.2 grade in Irish<br />
Organisation of studies<br />
The programme consists of one year’s taught course and one year’s work on a<br />
minor thesis as well as attendance at research seminars.<br />
MA by Research and PhD<br />
The Irish Department offer MA by Research and PhD also.<br />
Further information availab<strong>le</strong> from the Irish Department.<br />
This is an eighteen-month full-time course for the purpose of enabling third<br />
<strong>le</strong>vel graduates to train as primary teachers.<br />
For further information p<strong>le</strong>ase contact:<br />
Admissions Office, <strong>St</strong> Patrick’s Col<strong>le</strong>ge, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.<br />
Te<strong>le</strong>phone: +353 (01) 884 2025/ 8842096 /8842013<br />
Email address:<br />
Web address:<br />
Coláiste Phádraig, Droim Conrach, Bai<strong>le</strong> Átha Cliath 9.<br />