tonnes - WEEE Ireland

tonnes - WEEE Ireland

tonnes - WEEE Ireland


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The National Compliance Scheme for electrical recycling • Annual Report 2005/2006<br />

The National Compliance<br />

Scheme for electrical recycling<br />

Annual Report 2005/2006<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong><br />

<strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Print on recycled paper<br />

Suite 18 The Mall,<br />

Beacon Court,<br />

Sandyford,<br />

Dublin 18.<br />

T: +353 (0) 1 2999320<br />

F: +353 (0) 1 2959419<br />

E: info@weeeireland.ie<br />

W: www.weeeireland.ie<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong><br />


Preface<br />

The EU has recognised Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (<strong>WEEE</strong>) as the fastest growing<br />

waste stream in Europe. To ensure the protection of the environment, legislation was brought<br />

forward requiring all member states to introduce regulations and achieve specified targets regarding<br />

the collection, recycling and reuse of <strong>WEEE</strong> with particular emphasis on hazardous waste. <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

<strong>Ireland</strong> was given Approved Body status under the Regulations and, working in partnership with all<br />

stakeholders implemented a Compliance Scheme that has enabled its affiliated Producers to fully<br />

satisfy their regulatory requirements.<br />

Foreword<br />

Dear Reader,<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> founding members worked for over two years in<br />

preparing for the implementation of the <strong>WEEE</strong> Directive. This detailed<br />

planning resulted in one of the most successful NEW compliance schemes<br />

in Europe. We were proud to be able to start our compliance scheme on the<br />

obligatory commencement date, 13th August 2005, and were one of a few<br />

new schemes throughout Europe to meet this deadline.<br />

Contents<br />

Preface / Forward<br />

Leo Donovan CEO<br />

Our Strategy<br />

Who are <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

Ministerial Approval<br />

Stakeholders<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> Forum<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

One of the key challenges facing <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> was the lack of existing<br />

infrastructure in <strong>Ireland</strong> with a limited amount of Local Authority Civic Amenity<br />

Sites (only 79 at present). We immediately rolled out a scheme to collect directly<br />

from Retailers and other commercial entities and now <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> collects directly<br />

from over 700 collection points including retail stores servicing more than 1,000 outlets.<br />

Raising public awareness was also a key objective. We addressed this with an advertising campaign in all the<br />

national papers, as well as articles and interviews in trade magazines. I appeared on all the national TV stations<br />

including headline news on RTE 1 on our opening day.<br />

The introduction of a visible contribution to the Producer Recycling Fund (PRF) on the purchase of new equipment<br />

proved an important tool in highlighting to the public the environmental management costs and informing them of<br />

the <strong>WEEE</strong> take back service on offer.<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> recognises that the scheme would not be as successful without the co-operation and effort of ALL<br />

stakeholders. From the start each stakeholder knew their obligation and each one delivered.<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> has developed strong working relationships with other compliance schemes throughout Europe<br />

via the <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum. The <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum which is the centre of excellence for electronic recycling, provides a<br />

forum where all compliance schemes throughout Europe can share experience. <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> sits on the board<br />

of the <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum and was proud to host the Forum’s international conference in Dublin in November 2006.<br />

Over 150 delegates participated from 25 countries, representing compliance schemes, Producers and government<br />

departments.<br />

Manufacturers/Importers who join the <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> scheme are fulfilling their Producer responsibility for the<br />

management of historic household <strong>WEEE</strong> which was placed on the market prior to 13th August 2005. To date<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> has collected well above the EU target on behalf of its affiliated Producers.<br />

We have had a great start to the <strong>WEEE</strong> scheme in <strong>Ireland</strong> but we face many more challenges going forward. With<br />

the much appreciated assistance of my Board of Directors, staff and consultants I am confident we can build on the<br />

success of <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> in the future.<br />

Leo Donovan CEO<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Producers<br />

Retailers<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> Recycling<br />

Process<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> Contractors<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> Collection<br />

Total Tonnage 05/06<br />

Tonnage Breakdown<br />

Awareness<br />

Media Promotion<br />

List of Affiliated<br />

Producers (31st<br />

December 2006)<br />

Glossary of Terms<br />

Conclusion Kieran<br />

Whelan Chairman<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

12<br />

14<br />

16<br />

18<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

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Our Strategy<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> was set up to provide Irish Producers with a Compliance Scheme that would<br />

meet their obligations under the Waste Management (Waste Electrical and Electronic<br />

Equipment) Regulations SI 340 of 2005.<br />

Members who are fully compliant with our terms and conditions are exempt from directly<br />

providing financial guarantees, collection and treatment and producing <strong>WEEE</strong> waste<br />

management plans and reports for household electronic waste. <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> provides a<br />

collective solution for these requirements.<br />

“To provide a cost effective solution for Consumers<br />

and Producers in compliance with the Irish<br />

Regulations on the recycling of electronic waste.”<br />

“To be the centre of excellence for the recycling of<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> in <strong>Ireland</strong>, to achieve the best in class for<br />

collection and recycling techniques”<br />

Mission Statement<br />

Legal Framework<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> is a company limited<br />

by guarantee and is a “not for<br />

profit’ organisation<br />

Founding Members / Board of Directors<br />

There are 20 founding electronic Producers who set up <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> and provided the time<br />

and financial resources to initiate the scheme.<br />

The Board of Directors are appointed by the Founding Members, they have the responsibility<br />

of appointing the CEO, ensuring the scheme is run in accordance with the Regulations and<br />

that it provides the most cost effective solution for compliance on behalf of Consumers and<br />

the affiliated Producers.<br />

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Who are <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

Founding Members<br />

EDI<br />

AV Import<br />

Kieran Whelan<br />

ASD<br />

Chairman / Secretary<br />

Lorenz Zimmerman<br />

Siemens<br />

Vice Chairman<br />

Board of Directors<br />

Michael O’Shea<br />

Panasonic<br />

Vice Chairman<br />

Leo Donovan<br />

CEO <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Director<br />

Cel O’Reilly<br />

Philips<br />

Director<br />

Des McCormack<br />

Whirlpool<br />

Director<br />

Tom Moriarty<br />

Dell<br />

Director<br />

Pat McCarthy<br />

Dimpco<br />

Director<br />

Claire Penny<br />

IBM<br />

Director<br />

Donal Buckley<br />

IBEC<br />

Former Director<br />

Declan Collins<br />

BEKO<br />

Former Director<br />

Management Team<br />

Leo Donovan - CEO<br />

A former Managing Director of one of <strong>Ireland</strong>s leading<br />

recycling companies, Leo has been involved in<br />

electronic recycling since 1992 and is responsible for<br />

the setting up and running of <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Laurence Kieran - Operations Manager<br />

Laurence looks after our subcontractors to ensure<br />

that <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> secures the best collection and<br />

recycling services at the best prices. He has carried<br />

out extensive reviews of the latest technologies and<br />

services available in Europe.<br />

Linda Byrne - Finance Manager<br />

Linda is in charge of all financial issues; her<br />

responsibility is to ensure that the scheme is well<br />

financed and that affiliated Producers pay their<br />

market share of environmental management costs.<br />

Elizabeth Barry - Compliance Manager<br />

Elizabeth looks after our growing membership base,<br />

providing detailed information to Producers/Distributors<br />

on their obligations in order to be compliant under the<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> legislation<br />

Conor Leonard - Collections Manager<br />

Conor has been responsible for the very successful<br />

roll-out of <strong>WEEE</strong> collections directly from Retailers.<br />

He is also piloting innovative solutions for various sectors<br />

to improve collection rates on an ongoing basis.<br />

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Approved by Minister<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> was granted approval as an approved body under Article 32 of the Regulations<br />

for a period of 5 years by Dick Roche, Minister of the Environment, Heritage and Local<br />

Government.<br />

Under Article 32 (3) of the Regulations the conditions of approval state that, Members with<br />

financial obligations under Article 16 are required to display Environmental Management Costs<br />

in respect of household <strong>WEEE</strong> under the relevant categories.<br />

Plans for the Future<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> plans to further develop the<br />

collections infrastructure within our allocated<br />

areas and to improve public awareness for<br />

the collection and recycling of <strong>WEEE</strong> with<br />

particular focus on the return of waste from<br />

small electrical appliances.<br />

Global Solutions<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> is implementing best international practice in the collection and recycling of <strong>WEEE</strong> in <strong>Ireland</strong>.<br />

We carried out a comprehensive international tender for services in 2006 and visited recycling facilities in <strong>Ireland</strong>,<br />

the UK and Europe to identify the best recycling partners in the market.<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> plays a very active role in the <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum technical working group and is one of the first schemes<br />

in Europe to introduce designated recycling lines for the de-pollution and recycling of Large<br />

Household Appliances (LHA’s)<br />

The collection services and techniques employed by our sub-contractors are innovative and<br />

designed to provide for a safer environment through cost effective recycling of <strong>WEEE</strong>.<br />

Industry Managed<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> is a scheme set up by the industry and works closely with all affiliated<br />

Producers and the trade associations including IBEC. The policies of <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

are derived from the views of these trade associations, and approved by the board of<br />

Directors.<br />

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Work with all stakeholders<br />

The success of the scheme is dependant on the relationship and co-operation of all <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

stakeholders<br />

• Department of Environment • Local Authorities<br />

• <strong>WEEE</strong> Register Society • EPA<br />

• Trade Associations • Distributors/Retailers<br />

• Producers • Contractors<br />

• Consumers<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> has nurtured a strong working relationship with stakeholders working toward<br />

a shared responsibility approach in this Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme<br />

Financed by visible fee<br />

The collection of historic household <strong>WEEE</strong> is financed by way of Environmental Management<br />

Costs (EMCs). EMCs are passed along the supply chain, and for Categories 1,2,4,5 & 6 shown<br />

at retail level as visible contributions to the Producer Recycling Fund (PRF). Producers of<br />

Category 3 EEE pay EMCs based on the ongoing volume and cost of recycling IT&T <strong>WEEE</strong>.<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> was instrumental in the introduction of these fees on behalf of the trade<br />

associations. EMCs are approved by the <strong>WEEE</strong> Register Society and based on submissions<br />

from compliance schemes and other shareholders. With the economies of scale achieved in<br />

relation to the volume of <strong>WEEE</strong> collected and the increase in values of recycled fractions it was<br />

possible to reduce the visible fees within the first 12 months of operation.<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Producer Members are obliged under the terms of Government approval to<br />

display EMCs as approved by the <strong>WEEE</strong> Register Society.<br />

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Mission<br />

The <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum is the centre of excellence for electronic recycling and provides a forum where all compliance<br />

schemes throughout Europe can share experience.<br />

The mission of the <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum is to facilitate throughout Europe that take-back systems for<br />

discarded electrical and electronic equipment are operated in the most efficient manner.<br />

The <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum aims to collect, to exchange and to compare information amongst its<br />

members to strive for excellence in <strong>WEEE</strong> collective take-back systems.<br />

Directors<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> was appointed to the board of the <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum within six months of becoming a full member. As<br />

a board member <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> was responsible for hosting and organising the <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum’s first conference<br />

since the implementation of the Directive. <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> also represent the board of the <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum on the<br />

working group responsible for reporting to the EU Commission on issues relating to potential<br />

changes to the EU Directive in 2008.<br />

Technical Meetings<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>’s Contracts Manager is part of the <strong>WEEE</strong> Forums Technical working group,<br />

which reviews various items such as sampling and batching material to gather accurate<br />

results for reporting, along with setting and agreeing recycling standards for different families<br />

of <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

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Recycling standards<br />

The <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum has taken the initiative to introduce recycling standards for the various families of <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

collected. The <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum recognises the importance of treating material the same way in all EU member<br />

states and introducing common standards so that recycling figures from different countries can be compared<br />

like with like. Recently published standards include best practice treatment for CFC and non<br />

CFC refrigeration equipment.<br />

Reporting Tool<br />

In order to assist compliance schemes in reporting the recycling rate achieved by their subcontractors the <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

Forum has developed reporting software that will track the collected <strong>WEEE</strong> material and record how the material<br />

has been recycled in the various fractions. This software has been well received by the EU<br />

Commission and the European Electronic Recycling Association (EERA)<br />

For more information on this please log on to www.weee-forum.org<br />

Conference<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> hosted the <strong>WEEE</strong> Forums International conference in Dublin in November 2006 where over 150<br />

delegates participated from over 25 countries representing Compliance schemes, Producers and Government<br />

Departments.<br />

The main message from the <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum conference was the importance of combining<br />

the spirit of friendship and the fusion of processes to deliver a powerful focus on<br />

electronic recycling in Europe.<br />

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Producers<br />

Producers Obligations<br />

Producers of EEE who place product onto the Irish market are obliged to register with the <strong>WEEE</strong> Register Society and then<br />

comply with the <strong>WEEE</strong> Regulations by ensuring they meet their market share obligations for recovery of <strong>WEEE</strong> from consumers.<br />

Overall <strong>Ireland</strong> has to achieve an annual rate of 4kg of <strong>WEEE</strong> per head of population by 2008. Producers must ensure this <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

is treated in an environmentally sound manner and report on this treatment and output to the Environmental Protection Agency.<br />

All registered Producers must display their <strong>WEEE</strong> Register Number on invoices, credit notes, delivery dockets etc.<br />

to customers and ensure the wheelie bin symbol is indelibly marked on EEE and relevant information on <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

given to consumers with the product.<br />

Role of <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Producers of household EEE and lighting equipment can join <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> for cost effective compliance with the<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> Regulations. <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> employs licensed sub contractors to collect and recycle <strong>WEEE</strong> from collection points<br />

nationwide and then reports to the EPA and Department of the Environment on the treatment, methodology<br />

and fraction output from this process. The advantages of being part of our collective compliance scheme<br />

operating to internationally recognised best practice standards have been acknowledged by the 400+<br />

Irish Producers who are registered with <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>.<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> Register Society and the <strong>WEEE</strong> Blackbox<br />

The collection and recycling of <strong>WEEE</strong> is funded by contributions to the Producer Recycling Fund (PRF). All<br />

Producers report, in strict confidence, directly to the <strong>WEEE</strong> Blackbox the EEE placed on the market each<br />

month and our members are then invoiced by <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> for the relevant Environmental Management<br />

Costs (EMC). Visible EMCs for many categories of EEE are labelled as a contribution to the<br />

Producer Recycling Fund (PRF) and shown on invoices and till receipts throughout the<br />

supply chain to ensure transparency in the system.<br />

Enforcement<br />

The <strong>WEEE</strong> Blackbox, on behalf of the <strong>WEEE</strong> Register Society examines Producers’ records to determine the validity of<br />

information reported in their monthly returns. <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> offers all members a pre-examination service to help prepare<br />

for this inspection in advance. The Office of Licensing and Guidance in the EPA oversee the enforcement activity on all<br />

responsible parties involved in <strong>WEEE</strong>. They inspect Producer and Distributor premises to check all required<br />

documentation and notices are in place and follow up on non registered Producers. To date they have<br />

successfully prosecuted 3 Producers for non-compliance with the Regulations with more cases pending.<br />

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Retailers<br />

Retailer Obligations<br />

Retailers are obliged to register with their Local Authority as a Distributor of EEE and this<br />

gives them an exemption from waste storage and collection permits within clearly defined<br />

limits for <strong>WEEE</strong>, which would normally apply.<br />

Visible Fees<br />

To maintain transparency in the system and raise awareness around <strong>WEEE</strong>, Retailers must display an A3 notice<br />

in-store at their point of sale informing customers of relevant environmental management costs on new equipment.<br />

They also have to inform customers in writing of their <strong>WEEE</strong> take back options. The contribution to the Producer<br />

Recycling Fund (PRF) must be clearly shown to consumers in a 3 point pricing format on shelf pricing displays, price<br />

brochures, advertisements etc. The Retailer section on the <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> website gives information on<br />

all of these requirements.<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> Take Back<br />

Retailers are obliged to take back on a like for like basis, <strong>WEEE</strong> from customers purchasing new equipment. They are<br />

also obliged to take back <strong>WEEE</strong> from customers on delivery of new EEE and should give at least 24 hours notice of<br />

this delivery to allow waste appliances to be presented in a clean and safe way disconnected from all mains. Internet<br />

and Catalogue sellers of EEE also have Retailer obligations for <strong>WEEE</strong> and must comply with the specific requirements<br />

detailed in the Regulations.<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Collection Services<br />

To help Retailers cope with the influx of <strong>WEEE</strong> at their premises and to ensure all <strong>WEEE</strong> is collected<br />

and recycled in a responsible manner <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> offers Retailers in their allocated area a back<br />

door uplift service if they have a minimum of 4 pallets of <strong>WEEE</strong> for collection. Retailers<br />

with smaller amounts of <strong>WEEE</strong> or in addition to this service can bring <strong>WEEE</strong> taken<br />

back from consumers to their local Civic Amenity Site.<br />

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<strong>WEEE</strong> RECYCLING PROCESS<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> Families<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> is collected in 5 family groups<br />

for processing<br />

Public Collection Site<br />

Consumers bring old appliances back<br />

free of charge to collection points<br />

nationwide<br />

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From Start to Finish<br />

Transportation<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> is transported by permitted<br />

vehicles to licensed treatment facilities<br />

Recycling <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

Each of the <strong>WEEE</strong> family groups go through specific<br />

treatment processes and are separated into fractions such<br />

as metals and plastics to be used again in manufacturing<br />

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Contract Partners<br />

Rehab Group<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> is continuously developing it’s partnership with the Rehab Group, who<br />

provide training & education for people with special needs or learning difficulties. In<br />

partnership we have expanded our Schools Awareness Program, whereby we reward<br />

participating schools with a refurbished computer.<br />

www.rehab.ie<br />

CEDAR Resource Management Ltd<br />

CEDAR provides collection & processing services to <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> for LHA/FF/CRT &<br />

Mixed <strong>WEEE</strong>. Based on the outskirts of Dublin, they provide a valuable service in Leinster<br />

and Cork.<br />

www.cedar.ie<br />

KMK<br />

KMK Metals Recycling Ltd<br />

Provides collection & processing programs for all families of <strong>WEEE</strong>, excluding lighting,<br />

to <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>, mainly supporting Local Authority & other collection sites in West & the<br />

Midlands area’s. A proactive partner working with <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> & Local Authorities to<br />

provide public collection days in rural <strong>Ireland</strong>.<br />

www.weeerecycle.ie<br />

Indaver<br />

Indaver <strong>Ireland</strong> ltd<br />

Indaver provided collection and processing services to <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> during the first year<br />

of operation for LHA/FF/CRT & Mixed <strong>WEEE</strong>. Indaver was very supportive in rolling out of<br />

the scheme at the start.<br />

www.indaver.ie<br />

Techrec <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

Techrec <strong>Ireland</strong> operates a <strong>WEEE</strong> processing facility, in partnership with Immark, located<br />

in Dublin. The facility handles all categories of <strong>WEEE</strong> except lamps, on our behalf,<br />

sourced from both the retail & the public collection programs.<br />

www.techrec.ie<br />

Veolia<br />

VEOLIA Environmental Services<br />

Contracted to <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> as a service provider, VEOLIA provide solutions for the<br />

collection & transport of <strong>WEEE</strong> material in the greater Dublin area. Operating from both<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> & Public collection points they provide solutions to suit different needs.<br />

www.veolia.ie<br />

ENVA <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

ENVA provide a logistics & treatment solution to <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> for Fluorescent tube<br />

recycling. ENVA service the Local Authority & Commercial sites within the <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

network, providing containers for the collection of lamps.<br />

www.enva.ie<br />

ILR<br />

Irish Lamp Recycling<br />

ILR has been at the forefront of lamp recycling in the Irish market. By providing collection<br />

& treatment solutions to <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>, ILR is an integral part of the success of the lamp<br />

recycling program. Irish Lamp Recycling also provides a collection & recycling solution for<br />

luminaires.<br />

www.ILR.ie<br />

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Process Flow<br />

Upon receipt of a collection request a logistics contractor<br />

arranges for the <strong>WEEE</strong> material to be collected from the<br />

authorised collection point. A variety of collection vehicles<br />

and appropriate receptacles are used to carry out the<br />

collection. Material is picked up from each individual<br />

collection point in five different <strong>WEEE</strong> families, namely;<br />

fridge/freezers (FF), large household appliances-non cold<br />

(LHA), mixed <strong>WEEE</strong> (Mixed), Televisions and Computer<br />

Monitors (CRT) and fluorescent tubes (Lamps). <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

is transported either directly to a treatment plant or to a<br />

bulking up facility where material is assembled prior t o<br />

shipping. The material is weighed in and<br />

prepared for treatment or onward<br />

movement. Regular sampling of<br />

the <strong>WEEE</strong> material takes place at<br />

this point to break down the five<br />

families into the ten official categories<br />

of <strong>WEEE</strong> as per Schedule 1 of the<br />

Regulations.<br />

Fridge/freezers (FF) are shipped to dedicated refrigeration<br />

appliance treatment facilities. <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> has used<br />

treatment plants in United Kingdom, Germany and Belgium.<br />

Cables are removed as a first step in the treatment process.<br />

CFC and hydrocarbon materials together with any other<br />

hazardous substances are removed prior to each appliance<br />

being shredded and separated into its constituent fractions.<br />

Any remaining CFC is further removed<br />

from the appliance foam. Each pure<br />

fraction is sent for recovery, thermal<br />

treatment or landfill.<br />

Typically recycling rates of 90%<br />

plus are achieved in refrigeration<br />

treatment.<br />

Large Household Appliances – non cold (LHA) hazardous<br />

substances such as capacitors, fluorescent tubes and large<br />

circuit boards together with cables and concrete blocks are<br />

manually removed prior to each appliance being shredded.<br />

Any remaining hazardous items are further removed by<br />

hand picking and the material separated into its constituent<br />

fractions. Each pure fraction is sent for recovery, thermal<br />

treatment or landfill. Typically recycling<br />

rates of 60%-80% are achieved in<br />

LHA treatment. All LHA from <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

<strong>Ireland</strong> has been treated in <strong>Ireland</strong>.<br />

Mixed <strong>WEEE</strong> (Mixed), is comprised of Small Household<br />

Appliances, IT Equipment, Consumer Equipment, Tools,<br />

Toys and Monitoring and Control Instruments. Collected<br />

Mixed <strong>WEEE</strong> is being treated in <strong>Ireland</strong>, Germany and<br />

Holland. Hazardous substances such as capacitors,<br />

batteries, and ink and toner cartridges are manually<br />

removed prior to the material being shredded. Any<br />

remaining hazardous items are further removed by hand<br />

picking and the material separated into its constituent<br />

fractions. Each pure fraction is sent for recovery, thermal<br />

treatment or landfill. Typically recycling rates of 50%-<br />

75% are achieved in Mixed <strong>WEEE</strong> treatment.<br />

Televisions and Computer Monitors Cathode Ray<br />

Tubes (CRT) are manually disassembled from each set<br />

and the other fractions separated for recycling. Each<br />

CRT is then split into its front and cone glass fractions<br />

with the phosphorous layer being removed from the<br />

inside. Each type of glass is shipped<br />

abroad separately for recycling.<br />

Phosphorous dust is sent for<br />

hazardous waste treatment.<br />

Typically recycling rates of 95%<br />

are achieved in CRT treatment.<br />

All CRT’s from <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> are<br />

treated in <strong>Ireland</strong>.<br />

Fluorescent Tubes (Lamps). Mercury from Fluorescent<br />

Tubes is removed, glass and metal fractions are<br />

separated for recycling. Mercury is shipped abroad for<br />

hazardous waste treatment. Typically recycling rates of<br />

95% plus are achieved in Lamp treatment. All Lamps<br />

collected by <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> have been<br />

treated in <strong>Ireland</strong>.<br />

Each collection of <strong>WEEE</strong> from<br />

an individual collection point is<br />

documented and traceable to<br />

final fraction level and end use.<br />

All contractors used by <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> are<br />

independently audited for compliance with all statutory<br />

regulations and industry best practice. The new<br />

“Reptool” IT package will allow us greater efficiency and<br />

accuracy in the calculation of recycling rates per each<br />

official <strong>WEEE</strong> category.<br />

ART_4_Annual Report.indd 13 09/03/2007 15:46:19

Collection of <strong>WEEE</strong> throughout <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> is collected from Local Authority Civic Amenity Sites (CAS) and other designated <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

<strong>Ireland</strong> (WI) collection points including retail stores and commercial entities around the country.<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> has now been allocated 80% of <strong>Ireland</strong> for the collection of household <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

and collects lighting equipment from all 26 counties.<br />

Our website www.weeeireland.ie has details of CAS around <strong>Ireland</strong> for Retailers and the<br />

general public.<br />

West<br />

WI Collection Points 98<br />

Local Authority<br />

Collection Points 18<br />

Total 116<br />

Midlands<br />

WI Collection Points 62<br />

Local Authority<br />

Collection Points 7<br />

Total 69<br />

Cork<br />

WI Collection Points 66<br />

Local Authority<br />

Collection Points 11<br />

Total 77<br />

14<br />

ART_4_Annual Report.indd 14 09/03/2007 15:46:38

<strong>WEEE</strong> Collection Points of <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Rest of <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

WI Collection Points 74<br />

Local Authority<br />

Collection Points 18<br />

Total 92<br />

Dublin/Wicklow/Kildare<br />

WI Collection Points 241<br />

Local Authority<br />

Collection Points 14<br />

Total 255<br />

South East<br />

WI Collection Points 81<br />

Local Authority<br />

Collection Points 11<br />

Total 92<br />

ART_4_Annual Report.indd 15 09/03/2007 15:46:56

EU Target<br />

The EU Commission set a target for all member<br />

states to collect 4kg per annum of waste electrical<br />

and electronic equipment for each head of<br />

population.<br />

Due to the poor infrastructure in <strong>Ireland</strong>, the<br />

Irish government was granted derogation on the<br />

collection of 4kg until 2008.<br />

From the 13 August 2005 <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> set about<br />

collecting as much <strong>WEEE</strong> as possible,<br />

by providing 622 additional<br />

collection points in addition to<br />

the 79 L.A. collection points.<br />

This initiative has resulted<br />

in <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> collecting<br />

7.89kg per person in 2006.<br />

Nearly twice the EU target.<br />

Total Tonnage 05-06<br />

Collected Local<br />

Authority<br />

Civic Amenity Sites<br />

3,078<br />

TONNES<br />

05<br />

13th August 2005<br />

to<br />

31st December 2005<br />

Collected<br />

Retailers<br />

2,467<br />

TONNES<br />

Total Collected<br />

5,545<br />

TONNES<br />

Obligation for 2005:<br />

to collect from 50% of the population for 4.5 months<br />

Population: 2,117,463<br />

EU Target 4kg per head of population<br />

Kg collected per head of Population: 6.28Kg<br />

Materials Recovered<br />

4,315<br />

TONNES<br />

Hazardous<br />

Treated<br />

36<br />

TONNES<br />

Landfill<br />

1,194<br />

TONNES<br />

16<br />

ART_4_Annual Report.indd 16 09/03/2007 15:47:16

Collected Local<br />

Authority<br />

Civic Amenity Sites<br />

10,852<br />

TONNES<br />

06<br />

1st Jan 2006<br />

to<br />

31st December 2006<br />

Total Collected<br />

20,892<br />

TONNES<br />

Collected<br />

Retailers<br />

10,040<br />

TONNES<br />

Obligation for 2006:<br />

to collect from 50% of the population for Jan to July<br />

to collect from 80% of the population for Aug to Dec<br />

Population: 2,646,828<br />

EU Target 4kg per head of population<br />

Kg collected per head of Population: 7.89Kg<br />

Collection and Treatment<br />

Collection Area<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> commenced collections of<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> on the 13th August 2005 and was given<br />

responsibility to collect from 50% of the country<br />

determined both by land area and population. Our<br />

collection commitments for this period covered<br />

the West, Midlands and South East regions plus<br />

Wicklow, South Dublin and Dublin City Council<br />

areas.<br />

With <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> members representing 80%<br />

of the total EEE placed on the Irish market as<br />

of 31st July 2006, <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> increased<br />

their collections to cover 80% of the country by<br />

population and land area. In August 2006 our<br />

collection commitments were expanded to cover<br />

Donegal, Cork, Kildare and Dun Laoghaire-<br />

Rathdown in addition to our prior allocations.<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>’s public collection points are<br />

detailed on a flash map on our web page. This<br />

map details location, contact details and opening<br />

times for all the Civic Amenity Sites. See more<br />

Information at www.weeeireland.ie<br />

Lamps/luminaires<br />

In addition to our regular collections, <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

<strong>Ireland</strong> collects waste fluorescent tubes (lamps)<br />

from all 26 counties. This collection program was<br />

commenced in August 2005 and since then <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

<strong>Ireland</strong> has increased the number of collection<br />

points solely for lamps to 302.<br />

Collection Points<br />

Materials Recovered<br />

16,258<br />

TONNES<br />

Hazardous<br />

Treated<br />

136<br />

TONNES<br />

Landfill<br />

4,498<br />

TONNES<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> now collects from 79 Local Authority<br />

Civic Amenity Sites. In order to maximise the<br />

collection of <strong>WEEE</strong>, <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> introduced<br />

an additional collection program in 2006. <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

<strong>Ireland</strong> now collects directly from over 700<br />

collection points, which service over 1,000 Retail<br />

outlets directly.<br />

ART_4_Annual Report.indd 17 09/03/2007 15:47:25

Units Collected<br />

05 06<br />

Units<br />

Units<br />

Fridges 28,000 95,000<br />

Large Household Appliances 85,000 290,000<br />

Small Household Appliances 68,000 375,000<br />

IT Equipment 55,000 315,000<br />

Computer Monitors 9,000 40,000<br />

Consumer Equipment 30,000 210,000<br />

Televisions 19,000 95,000<br />

Lamps 250,000 1,322,000<br />

Tools 11,000 65,000<br />

approximate data used for illustration purposes only<br />

18<br />

ART_4_Annual Report.indd 18 09/03/2007 15:47:45

Categories<br />

05 06<br />

Tonnes % Tonnes %<br />

Fridges/Freezers 1123 20% 3739 18%<br />

Large Household Appliances 3381 61% 11484 55%<br />

Small Household Appliances 191 3% 1054 5%<br />

IT&T E/ECommunications 291 5% 1523 7%<br />

Consumer Electronics 452 8% 2425 12%<br />

Lighting 58 1% 383 2%<br />

Tools 47 1% 281 1%<br />

Toys 0 0% 0 0%<br />

Medical Equipment 0 0% 0 0%<br />

Monitoring Equipment 2 0% 3 0%<br />

Automatic Dispensers 0 0% 0 0%<br />

Total 5545 100% 20892 100%<br />

ART_4_Annual Report.indd 19 09/03/2007 15:48:05

Awareness<br />

Schools Programme<br />

In 2006 <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> developed a schools education and awareness programme on a pilot basis for national schools. The<br />

schools involved were participating in the Green Schools project with An Taisce and welcomed the opportunity to gain more<br />

recycling points toward their Green Flag.<br />

The programme involved <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> team members meeting each class to give information on recycling waste electrical<br />

equipment and answer the many questions pupils had on the process. A note was sent to each pupil’s home from the school<br />

encouraging parents and pupils to bring small <strong>WEEE</strong> for recycling to school on a designated day. On average 1kg per pupil<br />

from each school was collected and each school involved was presented with a certificate of participation and a donation<br />

from <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> of a refurbished computer for use in classroom activities.<br />

In 2007 <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> will be rolling out this schools programme in our designated collection area in<br />

partnership with RehabRecycle. Our new mascot Sparky will be used on the accompanying literature and<br />

website downloads to promote awareness on <strong>WEEE</strong> recycling with the younger audience.<br />

LA Collection Days<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> held 20 public collection days in various locations throughout<br />

<strong>Ireland</strong> in partnership with the relevant Local Authorities and/or local waste<br />

contractors. The areas chosen for these collections days were primarily<br />

those where the general public did not have access to a <strong>WEEE</strong> collection<br />

facility in their locality. The days proved a great success with on average<br />

over 6kg of <strong>WEEE</strong> collected per head of estimated local population and<br />

received very positive local press coverage.<br />

Island Collection<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> has also braved the elements to collect <strong>WEEE</strong> from<br />

Inisboffin Island and Aran Island where the island inhabitants do not have<br />

a regular <strong>WEEE</strong> collection service available to them. Over 10 <strong>tonnes</strong><br />

of old washing machines, fridge freezers, TVs and many smaller items<br />

were loaded from both islands onto our sub contractor’s vehicle at the<br />

ports and ferried back to the mainland for processing.<br />

20<br />

ART_4_Annual Report.indd 20 09/03/2007 15:48:27

Media Promotions<br />

TV & Radio<br />

Over the last 18 months <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> has actively promoted the recycling activity being<br />

carried out on behalf of Producers. Leo Donovan was interviewed on radio and television at<br />

key times during the early implementation of the Regulations and following the first release of<br />

recycling information in 2006.<br />

BBC News 24 came to Dublin in December to film on the success of the <strong>WEEE</strong> Regulations<br />

in <strong>Ireland</strong> in light of the impending UK legislation. The report was shown worldwide over<br />

Christmas.<br />

Newsprint<br />

Since August 13th 2005 <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> has also been<br />

the subject of articles in the national press and specialist<br />

trade journals including the Irish Electrical Review and the<br />

Irish Hardware Journal. These articles promote the profile<br />

of <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> and its members as well as raising<br />

awareness among the business community and general<br />

public on the implications of the <strong>WEEE</strong> Directive for all<br />

stakeholders.<br />

Website<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> redesigned its website in 2006 to meet the ongoing demand for<br />

information from Producers, Retailers and the general public. Producers wishing to join<br />

the scheme can apply online for an electronic application pack. The list of Producers<br />

registered with <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> is regularly updated to reflect the compliant status of<br />

Members.<br />

ART_4_Annual Report.indd 21 09/03/2007 15:48:46

Affiliated Producers - December 31st 2006<br />

20:20 Logistics <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

3M UK PLC t/a 3M <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

4E-Fulfillment.com Ltd<br />

T/A 4GiftsDirect.com<br />

A. Hartmann & Son Ltd<br />

A. Molins & Co. Ltd<br />

ABC Abrasives Ltd<br />

Acco-Rexel Ltd.<br />

ACEC Distributors Ltd<br />

AEF Limited<br />

Aerogen <strong>Ireland</strong> Limited<br />

Aiden Hanna Wholesale Ltd<br />

Aldi Stores <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Alfred Briggs Lurgan (AB Distributors)<br />

Alienware Ltd<br />

Ambassador Communications Ltd<br />

T/A Homeline<br />

American Power Conversion<br />

AMO <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Amway (UK) Ltd<br />

Anthony Tully Components Ltd.<br />

Apple Computer International<br />

Appliance Solutions<br />

AR O’Hare & Co. Ltd<br />

Arc Tec Welding Ltd<br />

Argos<br />

Arjo (<strong>Ireland</strong>) Limited<br />

Armstrong Electronics Ltd.<br />

Arqiva Limited<br />

Arrow Emergency Lighting<br />

AS Watson Ltd T/A Superdrug<br />

Asbis Limited<br />

ASD Appliance Sales & Distribution Ltd.<br />

Ash Technologies<br />

Atlantic Homecare<br />

Atlanticdigistat**<br />

Audio Vision Import Ltd.<br />

Audio Warehouse Ltd<br />

Automated Technical Controls Ltd<br />

Avnet Technologies<br />

Avocent International Ltd<br />

Avon Ltd<br />

B Cool 2 Ltd T/A B Cool Gadgets<br />

B&G Limited<br />

B&Q <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

Baro Lighting <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Batteryman Ltd<br />

Bayfield Supplies<br />

Beaumark Ltd<br />

Beaumex Ltd.<br />

BEE Business Electronic Equipment Ltd<br />

Beko <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Beyond 2000 Ltd<br />

Bitech Engineering<br />

Black & Decker<br />

Bluestone Sales & Distribution Ltd.<br />

Bob Bushell Ltd<br />

Bodel Distributors Ltd<br />

BPI Telecom<br />

Brett Supplies Ltd<br />

Brighter Image Ltd<br />

Brother International Group<br />

Brown Thomas & Co Ltd<br />

BT Communications <strong>Ireland</strong> Limited<br />

Buffalo Technology <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

Burke Bros Son & Co Ltd<br />

Business Improvement Ltd<br />

Business Management Systems Ltd<br />

C & M Direct Sales Ltd<br />

C&F Quadrant Limited<br />

Calcul Intl. Ltd<br />

Campbell & Cooke Limited<br />

Canon <strong>Ireland</strong> Business Equipment<br />

Carnival Trading Company Ltd<br />

Carrigcastle Ltd T/A Prismatics<br />

Cassidy Electrical<br />

Castit Limited<br />

Caulfield Industrial Ltd<br />

Celtic Telecom<br />

Charles Nolan & Co Ltd<br />

Charlie Sheils<br />

Chefaro <strong>Ireland</strong> Limited<br />

Chelsea Stores t/a Daisy and Tom<br />

Chilton Electrics<br />

Cisco Systems Linksys (Asia) Ptd. Ltd.<br />

City Electrical Factors<br />

Claire’s Accessories<br />

Clarity Computer Distribution Ltd.<br />

Classic Hardware Ltd<br />

Clear E Solutions<br />

Clever Stuff Ltd<br />

Clifford Electrical Ltd<br />

CMS Peripherals Ltd<br />

Colet Products Ltd.<br />

Conlon Quinn Ltd<br />

Conns Cameras<br />

Coopers Ltd<br />

Cucina Ltd.<br />

Curtis Holt Ltd T/A Toolbank<br />

D O’ Sullivan Graphic Supplies<br />

D Ryan Enterprises T/A AMP Distribution<br />

DABS.com PLC<br />

Danfay Ltd<br />

David Lowe & Co Ltd<br />

Debenhams Retail Ltd (<strong>Ireland</strong>)<br />

Dell Products Europe<br />

Demesne Electrical Sales<br />

Design Sense Lighting<br />

Diamand Teck Distribution Ltd<br />

Diffreen Enterprises Ltd<br />

Digital Media Direct<br />

Dimpco<br />

Dimplex Cleaning Systems<br />

Dominic Fleming Electrical Accessories Ltd<br />

Domus Projects Ltd.<br />

Draper Tools (<strong>Ireland</strong>) Ltd<br />

Drumms (Ashmore Millington &<br />

McCormack Ltd)<br />

Dunnes Stores<br />

Dyson <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

E.J. Bodkin & Co. Ltd.<br />

Early Learning Centre<br />

Earthridge International Ltd<br />

Eason & Son Ltd<br />

Eazy Pass Ltd<br />

ECI Lighting Ltd<br />

EDI Electro Diesel <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

EDL Effective Distribution Ltd<br />

EEW Ltd<br />

Egan Electrical Equipment Ltd<br />

Ei Electronics<br />

Eircom<br />

Electric Power Tool Company Ltd<br />

Electrium (<strong>Ireland</strong>) Ltd.<br />

Electrobuy Ltd T/A Euronics <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Electroplus Cable & Satellite Ltd<br />

Elemex Ltd<br />

Elkaso Ltd<br />

Emarno Ltd<br />

EmCon Systems<br />

Emergency Response Ltd<br />

Energizer <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

Engineering Power and Lighting Ltd<br />

Envirosci Ltd.<br />

EPT-Irl-Ltd<br />

ESAB Group (<strong>Ireland</strong>) Ltd<br />

Ethos Technology Ltd<br />

Etrip Services <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

Eugene Ward<br />

T/A Socket Tool Company<br />

Euro Sales Ltd<br />

Eurogrove International Ltd<br />

Eurosales International<br />

EWL Electrical Ltd<br />

Excel Electric Group Ltd.<br />

F.A. Wyatt & Co. Ltd<br />

Falks Lighting Ltd.<br />

Fashion Services Ltd T/A Carin Salon<br />

Supplies/Sally Hair & B<br />

FGH (Dublin) Limited<br />

Finlay Communications (Irl) Ltd<br />

Fisher & Paykel Appliances<br />

Fitzgerald Lighting Ltd<br />

Flaherty Markets<br />

Fleming Medical Ltd<br />

Frowsley Services Ltd.<br />

T/A BB Distribution<br />

FTI Fire Technology <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

Fuji Photo Film (<strong>Ireland</strong>) Ltd<br />

Fujitsu Siemens Computers<br />

Fusion Technologies<br />

Future Sounds Ltd<br />

G Dalton & Co<br />

Galaxy Components Ltd.<br />

Garrabridge Ltd<br />

Garrymore Construction Ltd<br />

t/a Lighting & Interiors<br />

GE Lighting<br />

GE Security<br />

Glamox <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

Grafton Group Public Ltd Company<br />

T/A Pulsar Direct<br />

Grenchen Time Ltd<br />

Groupe Seb UK Ltd<br />

Hafele <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd.<br />

Hahnel Industries Ltd<br />

Harvey Norman Trading (<strong>Ireland</strong>) Ltd<br />

Headstock Distribution Ltd.<br />

Heatons Ltd.<br />

Highway Wholesalers Ltd<br />

Hi-Jack Tools Ltd.<br />

Hillcrest Agencies<br />

Hilti Fastening Systems <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd.<br />

Hitachi Europe Limited<br />

Home Audio & Video Ltd<br />

Homebase<br />

Huawei Technologies (<strong>Ireland</strong>) Co. Ltd<br />

Hubris Ltd<br />

Hughes Dynamic Marketing<br />

Hutchinson 3G <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

IBM International bv<br />

IBM <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

iBotz <strong>Ireland</strong> Limited<br />

Indur Ltd<br />

Intek Ltd<br />

iQon Technologies<br />

Irish Drugs Ltd<br />

ISA <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

James Mcmahon Ltd<br />

James Shorten t/a Food Waste<br />

Disposers (<strong>Ireland</strong>)<br />

JC Barrett T/A Richmond<br />

Electrical Wholesale<br />

Jessops Photographic <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

JJ Freeney & Co Ltd<br />

JJ McQuillan Son & Co<br />

John Cumiskey & Sons Ltd<br />

John McKenna Lawnmower Spares<br />

John Norris Lamps<br />

John Stafford & Sons (Dublin) Ltd<br />

Johnson & Johnson Medical<br />

Joseph Murphy (Ballina) Ltd<br />

JP Distributors Ltd<br />

JVC <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

22<br />

ART_4_Annual Report.indd 22 09/03/2007 15:48:53

Affiliated Producers - December 31st 2006<br />

KAL Kitchen Accessories Limited<br />

Kapp and Peterson Ltd<br />

T/A Peterson of Dublin<br />

Karcher Limited<br />

KCI Medical Ltd<br />

Kendemar Ltd<br />

Kenwood Ltd.<br />

Kestra Electroweld Ltd<br />

Kevin Broderick Ltd<br />

Kilkenny Welding Supplies<br />

Kitchen Applicance Distributors Ltd<br />

Kleeneze UK Ltd.<br />

Laboratory Supplies<br />

Lamp Source<br />

Lamps & Lighting Ltd<br />

LED Lighting & Electric<br />

Distribution Group Ltd<br />

LED Lighting Concepts Ltd<br />

Legrand <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd.<br />

Lenovo International BV<br />

Lexmark International Limited<br />

Leydens Ltd<br />

LG Electronics (UK) Ltd<br />

Lidacel Ltd<br />

Lighting World Ltd<br />

Lumitech Ltd<br />

M Donnelly & Co Ltd<br />

M. Kelliher 1998 Ltd.<br />

Macromusic Wholesale<br />

Maddens TV Rentals Ltd<br />

t/a Maddens Entertainment<br />

Magimix <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Magnet Ltd<br />

Malone Lighting (<strong>Ireland</strong>) Ltd<br />

Maplin Electronics Ltd<br />

Marketing Incentives Ltd<br />

Marks and Spencer (<strong>Ireland</strong>)<br />

Marlboro Trust<br />

McDowell & Co. Ltd<br />

McGrath Electronics Components Ltd.<br />

MCK Electrical Ltd.<br />

Mckechnie Cleaning Services<br />

McLoughlins<br />

Memory Bank Ltd<br />

Mentor Lighting Ltd. T/A The Light Store<br />

Metroplex <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Meyer Electrics (<strong>Ireland</strong>) Ltd.<br />

Michael Herbelin UK Ltd<br />

Microsoft <strong>Ireland</strong> Operations Ltd.<br />

MicroWarehouse Ltd<br />

Midia Ltd<br />

Miele <strong>Ireland</strong> Limited<br />

Minelab International<br />

Mitisubishi Electric Europe BV<br />

Mocad Ltd<br />

Modern Plant Limited<br />

Modern Veneer Importers Ltd.<br />

Monaghan Electrical Wholesale Ltd<br />

Monster Cable<br />

Montara Limited<br />

T/A Total Import Solutions<br />

Mountband Trading Ltd.<br />

MP Doyle Group Limited<br />

MP&E Trading Company Ltd.<br />

Mullingar Electrical Wholesale Ltd<br />

Murray Nolan Ltd<br />

Musgrave Supervalue Centra<br />

Musgrave Wholesale Services<br />

Music Maker<br />

MWD Electronics<br />

NAA Limited<br />

Natelex National Electronics Society<br />

t/a Expert <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

National Association of Deaf People<br />

National Hardware<br />

National Pen Ltd<br />

Naturalife Health Ltd<br />

Nespresso UK Ltd<br />

Next Retail Ltd<br />

Nilfisk Advance<br />

Nilmack Ltd<br />

Noel F Kenny Electrical Ltd<br />

T/A Kenny Distributors<br />

Novar <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

Novo Nordisk Limited<br />

NRG <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

O Keeffes of Kilkenny Ltd<br />

O2 Communications <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

O’Donovan Engineering Ltd<br />

OKI Systems (<strong>Ireland</strong>)<br />

O’Neills Electrical Ltd.<br />

Option Wireless Ltd<br />

Origo<br />

Osmosis <strong>Ireland</strong> ltd<br />

Osram Ltd<br />

Outdoor Garden Products Ltd<br />

Palm Global Operations Limited<br />

Panametrics Limited<br />

Panasonic <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd.<br />

Patina Lighting Ltd<br />

Paul Casey t/a Pace Wholesale<br />

Paul Sheeran Jewellers (Johnsons<br />

Court) Ltd T/A Paul Sheeran Jewellers<br />

PC Cubed Ltd.<br />

PC Pro Computers Ltd<br />

PC Systems<br />

PE O’Brien & Sons Ltd.<br />

Peat Wholesale Ltd<br />

Personal Computer Science<br />

Petcare<br />

Peter Curran Electric Ltd<br />

Peter Mark<br />

Pfizer Consumer Healthcare <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Phibsboro Electrical Wholesalers Ltd<br />

Philip Brady Lighting<br />

Philips Electronics <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

Photo Import Ltd.<br />

Pianos Plus<br />

PJ Hyland Ltd<br />

PK Lighting Ltd<br />

Plant & Electrical Supplies Ltd<br />

Plasma & LCD Flatscreen Ltd<br />

Poppers-Senco Irl ltd<br />

Portobello Distributors Ltd<br />

Primark t/a Penneys<br />

Procter and Gamble UK<br />

Professional Audio Ltd<br />

Profile Emergency Lighting Ltd.<br />

Progress Electroplating<br />

& Manufacturing Co. Ltd<br />

Project Lighting Equipment Ltd<br />

Protim Abrasives Ltd<br />

Quality Goods International<br />

Radio Fence Ltd.<br />

Radionics Ltd.<br />

Radius Communications<br />

Realtime Distribution Ltd.<br />

Rehan Electronics Ltd<br />

Rhino Industrial Ltd.<br />

RMD Lighting T/A Century Lighting<br />

Rovada Watch<br />

RS Sales Ltd<br />

Sanmina-SCI <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Sanyo <strong>Ireland</strong> Limited<br />

Schneider Electric <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Scott & O’Shea<br />

Sean Fitzpatrick Wholesale Ltd<br />

Sharp Electronics (UK) Limited<br />

Sharptext Ltd<br />

Sherlane Agencies<br />

Shomar Ltd<br />

Shop Direct <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

Siemens Ltd<br />

Sierra Communications Limited<br />

Sight & Sound Distributors Ltd<br />

Sigma Telecom<br />

Signet Trading Ltd T/A Ernest Jones Ltd<br />

H Samuel Ltd<br />

Sigtec Ltd<br />

Slingsby Mail Order Limited<br />

Smyths Toys Ltd.<br />

Solas Geal Distribution Ltd<br />

Solus Bulbs & Batteries<br />

South West Wholesale Ltd.<br />

Spaldings <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

Spark Promotions Limited<br />

Spectrum Distribution Ltd<br />

Spicers <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd.<br />

Spray-Chem Ltd<br />

Sprayquip Ltd<br />

Squareone Distribution<br />

Stefan Runge<br />

T/A Exaktool<br />

Superquinn<br />

T O’Reilly (Electrical Supplies) Ltd<br />

TEF Tullamore Ltd<br />

Tekelek Europe Ltd<br />

Tesco <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

The Bizmart Group Ltd T/A Bizmart<br />

The Carphone Warehouse<br />

The Delph Centre<br />

The Phone Accessories Company Ltd.<br />

The Swatch Group (UK) Limited<br />

Thorn Lighting <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Timemark Ltd<br />

TNS Distribution<br />

Topcon T/A Topcon (<strong>Ireland</strong>)<br />

TOS Distribution Ltd.<br />

Toymaster Ltd<br />

Tucks Ltd.<br />

Urbis Lighting<br />

VEEE Industries<br />

VELUX Company Ltd.<br />

Vendek<br />

Virgin Retail<br />

Vita-Mix Corporation<br />

VJ’s World of Home<br />

Fitness Equipment Ltd<br />

W Cooney Electronics<br />

Walker Technology Products Ltd<br />

Walker Trading Ltd.<br />

Waltons Musical Instrument<br />

Galleries Limited<br />

Waterford Stanley<br />

Weir & Sons<br />

Wella <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Wesco Electrical Ltd<br />

Whirlpool <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

Whitgale Ltd General Lighting<br />

Willie Duggan Lighting Ltd<br />

Wink Lighting<br />

Woodie’s DIY<br />

WRTL Exterior Lighting<br />

Wurth <strong>Ireland</strong> Ltd<br />

Xerox (<strong>Ireland</strong>) Ltd<br />

Zapkey Ltd<br />

Zenith Electrical Appliances Ltd<br />

ART_4_Annual Report.indd 23 09/03/2007 15:49:00

Glossary<br />

The following provides useful detail on some of the terminology and bodies described throughout the report.<br />

It does not pertain to be a legally binding description and should not be interpreted as such.<br />

Legislation<br />

“Waste Management Acts” Waste Management Acts 1996 to 2005 including<br />

all amendments and accompanying Regulations<br />

“<strong>WEEE</strong> Directive” European and Council Directive 2002/96/EC of 27 January<br />

2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment<br />

“<strong>WEEE</strong> Regulations” SI No. 340 Waste Management (Waste Electrical and<br />

Electronic Equipment) Regulations 2005<br />

“The RoHS Directive” European Parliament and Council Directive 2003/95/EC<br />

on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and<br />

electronic equipment<br />

Stakeholders<br />

“DOE” or “DOEHLG” Department of the Environment Heritage and Local<br />

Government www.environ.ie<br />

“EPA” Environmental Protection Agency; the Office of Licensing and Guidance<br />

within the EPA is the section charged with enforcing the <strong>WEEE</strong> Regulations<br />

www.epa.ie<br />

“Local Authority” Local governing bodies for counties and regions around<br />

<strong>Ireland</strong> responsible for an extensive range of services.<br />

“Producer” Any person who, irrespective of the selling technique used, including<br />

by means of distance communication;<br />

• manufactures and sells EEE under his or her own brand<br />

• resells EEE produced by other suppliers under his or her own brand<br />

• imports EEE on a professional basis into the State<br />

• exports EEE on a professional basis from the State to another<br />

Member State<br />

• distributes EEE from a Producer who is not registered with the<br />

Registration Body<br />

“Distributor” means any person who provides EEE on a commercial basis<br />

to the party who is going to use it. Under the Regulations a Retailer is also a<br />

Distributor.<br />

“<strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong>” An approved body licensed by the Minister for the DOEHLG as<br />

a compliance scheme under the <strong>WEEE</strong> Regulations 2005 www.weeeireland.ie<br />

“<strong>WEEE</strong> Register Society” The Irish Registration Body which performs the<br />

registration functions under the <strong>WEEE</strong> Regulations as approved by the Minister<br />

www.weeeregister.ie<br />

Other Detail<br />

“EEE” Electrical and Electronic Equipment means equipment dependent on<br />

electric currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work and equipment for the<br />

generation, transfer and measurement of such currents and fields, designed for<br />

use within specific voltage ratings; and falling under the categories as set out<br />

in the <strong>WEEE</strong> Directive and defined further by <strong>WEEE</strong> Register Society Category<br />

listings<br />

“<strong>WEEE</strong>” Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment as defined by the <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

Directive<br />

“Historic <strong>WEEE</strong>” EEE placed on the market prior to 13th August 2005<br />

“Future <strong>WEEE</strong>” EEE placed on the market after the 13th August 2005<br />

“B2C” <strong>WEEE</strong> from private households means <strong>WEEE</strong> which comes from private<br />

households and from commercial industrial institutional and other sources which,<br />

because of its nature and quantity, is similar to that from private households. Also<br />

referred to as Business to Consumer <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

“B2B” <strong>WEEE</strong> from uses other than private households apart from that mentioned<br />

above. Also referred to as Business to Business <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

“EMC” Environmental Management Costs invoiced by compliance schemes to<br />

Producers to fund the collection and recycling of historical B2C <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

“PRF” contributions to the Producer Recycling Fund are shown to consumers as<br />

part of the price display on certain categories of EEE<br />

“Families of <strong>WEEE</strong>” describes the groups <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> applies to collections<br />

of <strong>WEEE</strong> prior to treatment<br />

• LHA – Large Household Appliances<br />

• Fridge/Freezers – refrigeration equipment containing coolant gases<br />

• Mixed <strong>WEEE</strong> – includes tools, small appliances, toys, IT&T equipment<br />

• CRTs – equipment containing cathode ray tubes, i.e. TVs and monitors<br />

• Lamps – gas discharge lamps i.e. fluorescent tubes<br />

“Black Box” is an online database which serves the Registration Body’s function<br />

to collate market share data confidentially<br />

“Category of EEE” refers to the categories into which various types of EEE<br />

fall. Categories are defined by the category listing published and updated by the<br />

<strong>WEEE</strong> Register Society. It is the responsibility of each Producer and distributor to<br />

ensure they are using the most up to date version of the Category Listing<br />

1 Large Household Appliances<br />

2 Small Household Appliances<br />

3 IT& Telecommunications Equipment<br />

4 Consumer Equipment<br />

5 Lighting Equipment<br />

6 Electrical and Electronic Tools<br />

7 Toys, Leisure and Sports Equipment<br />

8 Medical Devices<br />

9 Monitoring and Control Instruments<br />

10 Automatic Dispensers<br />

“Civic Amenity Site” is a purpose designed facility for reception and temporary<br />

storage of <strong>WEEE</strong> operated by or on behalf of a Local Authority or a private sector<br />

operator<br />

“Collection Point” is a civic amenity site or other facility for the receipt, storage<br />

or recovery of <strong>WEEE</strong>.<br />

“Recovery Facility” means a facility for the deposit, refurbishment, treatment,<br />

recycling or recovery of <strong>WEEE</strong><br />

“Recycling” means the reprocessing in a production process of the waste<br />

material with the exclusion of energy recovery<br />

“Reuse” means any operation whereby <strong>WEEE</strong> or its component parts are used<br />

for the same purpose for which they were conceived<br />

“CFC” Chlorofluorocarbon gas used as a refrigerant in fridges and freezers<br />

24<br />

ART_4_Annual Report.indd 24 09/03/2007 15:49:04

Chairman’s Conclusion<br />

Dear Reader<br />

I am very pleased to bring to you our first annual published report.<br />

The founding principles of <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> were to provide a cooperative approach<br />

to handling the obligations of the <strong>WEEE</strong> Directive for all concerned parties; to<br />

leverage from this a shared commitment and skill base, and to ensure that <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

and the Electrical and Electronic industry would play its part in keeping our<br />

environment green and ecologically friendly.<br />

Whilst being a Producer Scheme we recognise that we have many partners and that there are many stakeholders.<br />

Thanks are due to our colleagues in the Waste Collection Industry and to those public servants in the Department<br />

of the Environment whose practical approach to implementation has helped in no small way our success in<br />

achieving 7.8kg per head of population which amounts to 195% of our initial required European Target. Credit is<br />

due to all those Political parties whose input and debate assisted in drafting the legislation. I would like to<br />

especially thank the industry Retail base whose wholehearted embracing of their joint obligations has been<br />

fantastic and indeed the public can be justly proud of these companies whose all round commitment to our<br />

environment is a credit to them. A special note of thanks has to go to the Public who showed their belief in<br />

maintaining a green and safe environment by achieving this 7.8kg.<br />

We recognise that a large part of our success has been our funding by way of the contribution to the Producer<br />

Recycling Fund and we also recognise that whilst guardians of this public purse we have an obligation to ensure<br />

that these funds are wisely spent and invested to provide a financially sound fully compliant compliance scheme.<br />

By collaborating and sharing overheads whilst dealing specifically with each sectors individual obligations, we<br />

have managed in a short space of time to bring about one of the most successful compliance schemes in Europe.<br />

Under the guidance of your Board, our Management team led by our Chief Executive Leo Donovan <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong><br />

has built up a compliance scheme which is widely admired in Europe and is looked upon by our colleagues in<br />

Europe in the <strong>WEEE</strong> Forum as an example of what can be achieved with effective committed and collaborative<br />

resources.<br />

In the main our compliance scheme focuses on B2C business and we offer a service to all categories as required<br />

by the <strong>WEEE</strong> Directive. We are still evolving and there are many challenges and opportunities ahead. The area of<br />

B2B is proving to be somewhat difficult to interpret and is still the subject of review within the stakeholder body.<br />

New obligations such as those of the Batteries Directive offer opportunities for us to grow and expand our range<br />

of services to a wider base of customers.<br />

I am satisfied that <strong>WEEE</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> is well placed to continue its success into the future.<br />

Kieran Whelan<br />

Chairman, Weee <strong>Ireland</strong> Limited<br />


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