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<strong>DR</strong>. <strong>MD</strong>. <strong>MOMINUL</strong> <strong>HOQUE</strong><br />

Associate Professor, Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Rajshahi,<br />

Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh<br />

Tel: +880-721-750041/4109, Fax: +880-721-750064 Cell: +880-1713-177431<br />

E-mail: mominbio@yahoo.com<br />

Objective<br />

To build up a career in research, education and teaching, especially in the<br />

field of Structural Biochemistry (X-ray crystallography).<br />

Education<br />

D. Sc. 2008 in the field of Structural Biology of Life Science from<br />

Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Tokyo Institute of<br />

Technology, Japan.<br />

M. Sc. (Thesis Group) 1998 from the Department of Biochemistry and<br />

Molecular Biology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh with a First Class<br />

secured first position.<br />

B. Sc. (Hons) 1997 from the Department of Biochemistry, University of<br />

Rajshahi, Bangladesh with a First Class secured first position.<br />

H. S. C. Passed in 1993 from Kushtia Government College, Kushtia,<br />

Bangladesh with a First Division.<br />

S. S. C. Passed in 1991 from Khas Mathurapur High School, Kushtia,<br />

Bangladesh with a First Division.<br />

Research<br />

Experience<br />

One year research experience upon the title “Purification, Characterization<br />

and Structure-Function Analysis of Jute Seed Proteins” in the Protein<br />

and Enzyme Research Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry and<br />

Molecular Biology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.<br />

Doctoral research in the field of X-ray crystallography, particularly<br />

macromolecular crystallization, X-ray data collection, data processing,<br />

phase determination, structural refinement and three-dimensional<br />

structure determination of Proteins and Nucleic Acids in the Graduate<br />

School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Tokyo Institute of Technology,<br />

Japan. During the period of my doctoral study I had experience of<br />

working at Photon Factory (Tsukuba, Japan) with synchrotron radiation.<br />

Work<br />

Experience<br />

Working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry<br />

and Molecular Biology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh,<br />

from 16 th March 2010 to till date. Also worked as a Lecturer and<br />

Assistant Professor in the same institution from 18 th December 2002 to<br />

15 th March 2010. During this time I have taken in both graduate and<br />

undergraduate classes the following courses: Molecular Biology,<br />

Biochemistry, Oncology, Immunology, Nutrition and Metabolism etc in<br />

theoretical and practical classes. I also conduct theoretical and practical<br />

examinations and grading the students.

Publications<br />

1. Shimizu, S., Juan, E.C.M., Miyashita, Y., Sato, Y., Hoque, M.M., Suzuki, K., Sagara,<br />

Sunoda, M., Sekiguchi, T., Dock-Bregon, A., Moras, D. & Takénaka, A. (2009). “Two<br />

complementary enzymes for threonylation of tRNA in crenarchaeota; crystal structure of<br />

Aeropyrum pernix threonyl-tRNA synthetase lacking a cis-editing domain”. J. Mol. Biol.,394,<br />

286-296.<br />

2. Hoque, M.M., Shimizu, S., Juan, E.C.M., Sato, Y., Hossain, M.T., Yamamoto, T., Imamura,<br />

S., Suzuki, K., Amano, H., Sekiguchi, T. Sunoda, M., & Takénaka, A. (2009). "Structure of<br />

D-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase prepared in the presence of the substrate D-3-<br />

hydroxybutyrate and NAD + ." Acta Crystallogr., F65, 331-335.<br />

3. Hoque, M.M., Shimizu, S., Hossain, M.T., Yamamoto, T., Imamura, S., Suzuki, K., Sunoda,<br />

M., Amano, H., Sekiguchi, T. & Takénaka, A. (2008). “The structures of Alcaligenes faecalis<br />

D-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase before and after NAD + and acetate binding suggest a<br />

dynamical reaction mechanism as a member of the S<strong>DR</strong> family.” Acta Crystallogr., D64,<br />

496-505.<br />

4. Shimizu, S., Juan, E.C.M., Miyashita, Y., Hoque, M.M., Suzuki, K., Yogiashi, M., Tsunoda,<br />

M., Dock-Bregeon, A., Moras, D., Sekiguchi, T. & Takénaka, A. (2008). “Crystallization and<br />

preliminary crystallographic studies of putative threonyl-tRNA synthetase from Aeropyrum<br />

pernix and Sulfolobus tokodaii.” Acta Crystallogr., F64, 903-910.<br />

5. Juan, E.C.M., Hoque, M.M., Shimizu, S., Hossain, M.T., Yamamoto, T., Imamura, S.,<br />

Suzuki, K., Sekiguchi, T. & Takénaka, A. (2008). “Structure of Arthobacter globiformis urate<br />

oxidase-ligand complexes.” Acta Crystallogr., D64, 815-822.<br />

6. Juan, E.C.M., Hoque, M.M., Hossain, M.T., Yamamoto, T., Imamura, S., Suzuki, K.,<br />

Sekiguchi, T. & Takénaka, A. (2007). “The structures of pyruvate oxidase from Aerococcus<br />

viridians with cofactors and with a reaction intermediate reveal the flexibility of the activesite<br />

tunnel for catalysis.” Acta Crystallogr., F63, 900-907.<br />

7. Noman, A.S.M., Hoque, M.A., Haque, M.M., Pervin, F and Karim, M.R. (2007).<br />

"Nutritional and anti-nutritional components in Pachyrhizus erosus L. tuber." Food<br />

Chemistry, 102, 1112-1118.<br />

Papers presented in international and in Japan conferences<br />

1. Hoque, M.M., Juan, E.C., Shimizu, S., Kondo, H., Hossain, M.T., Suzuki, K., Imamura, S.,<br />

Yamamoto, T., Sekiguchi, T. & Takénaka, A. (2006)."X-ray analyses of 3-hydroxybutyrate<br />

dehydrogenasefrom Alcaligenes faecalis." Joint conference of the Asian Crystallographic<br />

Association and the Crystallographic Association of Japan, Tsukuba, Japan, November, 2006.<br />

2. Hoque, M.M., Shimizu, S., Hossain, M.T., Yamamoto, T., Imamura, S., Suzuki, K., Sunoda, M.,<br />

Amano, H., Sekiguchi, T. & Takénaka, A. (2007). "Crystal structure of D-3-hydroxybutyrate<br />

dehydrogenase (HBDH) complexed with NAD + and acetate reveals the substrate recognition and<br />

catalytic mechanism." Annual meeting 2007 and General Assembly of the Crystallographic<br />

Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, December 2007.

3. Hoque, M.M., Shimizu, S., Hossain, M.T., Yamamoto, T., Imamura, S., Suzuki, K., Tsunoda, M.,<br />

Amano, H., Sekiguchi, T. & Takénaka, A. "The substrate recognition and the catalytic reaction<br />

mechanisms of D-3-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase." XXI Congress and General Assembly of<br />

the International Union of Crystallography, Osaka, Japan, August, 2008.<br />

Language<br />

Proficiency<br />

English – Fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing.<br />

Bengali – Native Language.<br />

Japanese – Poor in Listening and speaking<br />

Computer<br />

Skill<br />

Efficient in operating the following<br />

M S Word<br />

M S Excel<br />

M S Power Point<br />

Adobe Illustrator<br />

Operating system: Windows, Linux, Macintosh<br />

Softwares: HKL-2000, CrystalClear, Refmac, CNS, Quanta<br />

Personal Father’s Name : Nakib Uddin<br />

Information Mother’s Name : Mrs. Anowara Khatun<br />

Permanent Address<br />

: Vill.– Muslim Nagar, Post-Mohish<br />

Kundi 7052, P. S.- Daulatpur,<br />

Dist. – Kushtia.<br />

Date of Birth : 1 st November 1976<br />

Nationality<br />

: Bangladesh<br />

Sex<br />

: Male<br />

Marital status<br />

: Married<br />

Blood Group<br />

: O(+)ve<br />

Hobbies<br />

Reading<br />

Travelling<br />

Music<br />

Games<br />

Leadership<br />

Experience<br />

Worked as a leader of Bangladeshi student’s organizations in Japan and<br />

celebrated various functions and festivals. Worked as a leader of student<br />

welfare organization at the Rajshahi University campus. This<br />

organization celebrates different national days, arrange cultural activities,<br />

provide counseling for students and motivate students to develop human<br />


References<br />

1. Professor Akio Takénaka<br />

Faculty of Pharmacy<br />

Iwaki-Meisei University<br />

Chuodai-iino, Iwaki, Fukushima 970-8551<br />

Japan<br />

Tel & Fax: +81-246-29-5354<br />

E-mail: takenaka.a.aa@m.titech.ac.jp<br />

2. Professor Mitsui Sekine<br />

Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology<br />

4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku<br />

Yokohama 226-8501<br />

Japan<br />

Tel: +81-45-924-5706<br />

Fax: +81-45-924-5772<br />

E-mail: msekine@bio.titech.ac.jp<br />

3. Professor M. Tofazzal Hossain<br />

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology<br />

University of Rajshahi<br />

Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh<br />

Phone: + 880-721-750041/4109 (Office)<br />

Fax : + 88-0721-750064<br />

E-mail: thossainbd@yahoo.com

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