KIRMES & Park REVUE (English) Special Salzburg Dult (Vorschau)
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N o 162<br />
1/2011<br />
&<br />
€ 8,50<br />
£ 5,90<br />
Revue<br />
Gebühr<br />
bezahlt<br />
B 14432<br />
VDZ No 77467<br />
IAAPA<br />
ESPAÑA<br />
&<br />
Revue<br />
INDEX<br />
ISSN 1436-6525<br />
appears 12 x per year<br />
■ Gemi Verlags GmbH<br />
Pfaffenhofener Straße 3<br />
85293 Reichertshausen<br />
Tel.: +49 (0) 84 41/40 22-0<br />
Fax: +49 (0) 84 41/718 46<br /><br /><br />
■ Managing Directors<br />
Gerd Reddersen<br />
Rudolf Neumeier<br />
■ Chief Editor<br />
Karl Ruisinger<br />
■ International Representative<br />
Translation, Advertisements<br />
Agi Reddersen<br />
Tel.: +49 (0 ) 84 41/8 10 57<br />
Fax: +49 (0 ) 84 41/8 61 05<br /><br /><br />
■ Editorial Manager „Kirmes“<br />
Ralf Schmitt<br />
■ Editorial Manager „<strong>Park</strong>“<br />
Frank Lanfer<br />
■ Editorial Office East Germany<br />
Rolf Orschel<br />
Tel.: +49 (0) 170/492 7557<br />
■ Representative Great Britain<br />
Michele Emmett<br />
Tel.: +44(0)7811 915118<br /><br />
■ Editorial Assistant<br />
Heike Genz<br />
■ Calendar of Events<br />
Richard Veldhuis<br />
■ Production<br />
Westner Medien GmbH<br />
■ Printing<br />
Kössinger AG Schierling<br />
■ Advertisements<br />
GEMI Verlags GmbH<br />
■ Sales and Marketing<br />
Gerd Reddersen<br />
■ Subscriptions<br />
DataM-Services GmbH<br />
Postfach 91 61<br />
97091 Würzburg<br />
Tel. +49 (0) 931/4170-178<br />
(Mo-Do 8-17, Fr 8-15)<br />
Fax +49 (0) 931/4170-179<br /><br />
■ Cover<br />
Norman Vogt<br />
Applies to advertisement price list 1/07<br />
from 01.01.2007<br />
All rights reserved. No part of this magazine<br />
may be duplicated or published without written<br />
permission from the publisher. This prohibition<br />
also pertains to the commercial duplication<br />
by copying, input into an electronic<br />
database, and duplication onto a CD-ROM.<br />
Certified active member of the<br />
JANUARY 2011<br />
Facts – Observations – Short Portraits. . . . . 4<br />
Aviator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6<br />
España . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8<br />
<strong>Salzburg</strong> <strong>Dult</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14<br />
Showmen’s Transport Vehicles . . . . . . 22<br />
Historic Wiesn. . . . . . . . . . . . 24<br />
OLDIE<br />
The Golden 50’s . . . . . . . . . . . 30<br />
Reports about <strong>Special</strong>ly Selected Events. . . 34<br />
Kirmes-Highlights en miniature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46<br />
IAAPA Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . 50<br />
Personality IAAPA Europe. . . . . . . . 68<br />
Current News from the <strong>Park</strong>-Scene. . . . . 70<br />
BOOK<br />
Text & Photos:<br />
Ton Koppei<br />
Text & Photo: Michael H. Faber<br />
The Leipzig Kleinmessen<br />
events, which<br />
have been held since<br />
1907, rank among the<br />
oldest German Volksfest<br />
events. Even in the 19 th<br />
century, the Leipzig<br />
Trade Fairs were characterised<br />
by an ever increasing<br />
number of fairground<br />
attractions.<br />
Gabriele Klunkert’s now<br />
published dissertation<br />
The Halloween festival famously<br />
celebrated in the USA<br />
has also become increasingly<br />
popular in Europe over the<br />
past years – and is now also<br />
a frequent theme on the fairgrounds.<br />
The showmen at the fair held in<br />
the Belgian city of Liège last<br />
Autumn seized upon Halloween<br />
as a welcome occasion<br />
to entice visitors with specially decorated attractions<br />
and special initiatives. Almost all attractions<br />
featured Halloween decorative elements,<br />
such as spiders, ghosts, broomsticks<br />
and pumpkins. On the main day (November 2 nd )<br />
wizards and magicians strolled across the fairground,<br />
and little presents were distributed to<br />
the youngest visitors. The creepy Halloween setting<br />
was further enhanced by the fantastic location<br />
of the Liège fair, where the showman operations<br />
are built up in close proximity to each other<br />
beneath the many trees along the 1.5 kilometre<br />
Boulevard d'Avroy. Thanks to these special<br />
Halloween events, the six-week event was well<br />
attended right up until its closing day. ■<br />
“Exhibitions and Public<br />
Entertainment at the<br />
Leipzig Messen in the 19 th<br />
century – a survey of economic<br />
and social history”,<br />
is the first systematic<br />
record of almost all the exhibitions<br />
held at a fair town<br />
for the entire 19 th century.<br />
For this dissertation, the<br />
author analysed files covering<br />
some 8,300 individual<br />
fairground concessions,<br />
coming across many<br />
showman name. The book<br />
is published by the Cuvillier<br />
Verlag, 576 pages, with<br />
images and a showman<br />
data file on CD-R: ISBN:<br />
978-3-86955-384-9, 57.90<br />
Euro.<br />
■<br />
Text & Photo:<br />
Norman Vogt<br />
During a visit to the fair in<br />
Stiring Wendel / France<br />
(20 kilometers from Germany)<br />
we discovered a<br />
Hook-A-Duck where the<br />
“first prize” was living fish,<br />
which eked out a living in a<br />
small plastic aquarium just<br />
half the size of a shoe box,<br />
with no regard to prevailing<br />
temperatures. The aquarium<br />
is “enhanced” by a little<br />
plastic palm tree, which is<br />
apparently meant to create<br />
a “nice view” for these poor<br />
creatures to enjoy. This was thought absolutely<br />
inappropriate, even by visitors to the fair in Stiring-Wendel,<br />
who stood in front of the little container<br />
shaking their heads, feeling pity for the unfortunate<br />
little creatures. In this case, the first<br />
prize is a guaranteed 'dud'!<br />
■<br />
Text & Photo:<br />
Norman Vogt<br />
Text & Photos:<br />
Ton Koppei<br />
Since the season of 2010, the showman family<br />
Löffelhardt has operated its “Aviator”. The<br />
family ride built by the Fähtz firm has thereby<br />
adopted a very successful theme, and is now<br />
presented in its third design. Originally, the attraction<br />
went into operation many years ago as<br />
the “Hollywood Star”, and was last operated by<br />
Schaak under the name of “Stardust”. ■<br />
For the last Dürkheim<br />
Wurstmarkt, Anja<br />
Ruppert-Keller came<br />
up with a clever feature:<br />
a ride vehicle from her<br />
Dietz ride was converted<br />
into the “Wurstmarkt<br />
car”. The beautiful Mercedes<br />
convertible was<br />
equipped with the typical<br />
symbols of the largest<br />
wine festival in the<br />
world, such as the characteristic<br />
“Dubbeglas”<br />
glass, the Ferris Wheel,<br />
the names or logos of<br />
the wine producers,<br />
and the origin of the<br />
wines or grapes. ■<br />
We have been requested by a number of our worldwide customers to procure ride constructions<br />
from these above mentioned manufacturers. This may well be an opportunity for you to sell<br />
attractions that you no longer require.<br />
Please only offer ride constructions that have flawless record books and a free-of-fault TÜV<br />
certificate.<br />
Please forward applicable documents with latest photos and a realistic asking price direct<br />
to FAB sarl.<br />
Your partner in the amusement<br />
industry for over 28 years.<br />
25 A Boulevard Royal<br />
P.O. Box 819<br />
L-2018 Luxembourg<br />
Tel: + 352 47 10 83<br />
Fax: + 352 22 41 89<br />
Email:<br />
Website:<br />
Zena Roberto’s<br />
“Aviator”<br />
Zena Roberto’s “Aviator” is<br />
the only “Baby Aviator” example<br />
still touring throughout<br />
Italy. This unusual track<br />
ride was built by Technical<br />
<strong>Park</strong>, who also manufactured<br />
a number of stationary park<br />
versions of this ride type.<br />
Text & Photos:<br />
Norman Vogt<br />
Aviator<br />
Leonardo DiCaprio and Cate Blanchette, which<br />
was a huge success in the box office in 2004,<br />
and presented the life of pioneer aviator Howard<br />
Hughes (1905 to 1976).<br />
Zena Roberto<br />
The five aeroplanes, fixed to<br />
a guide track on their undercarriages,<br />
accommodate a<br />
total of 20 people (4 people per<br />
plane). The “Aviator” ride is<br />
suitable for both children and<br />
adults. To start off, the complete<br />
aeroplane group is taken<br />
up to the highest point of the<br />
track, before the ride speedily<br />
drops down. On the curves, the<br />
aeroplanes swing outwards<br />
providing a lot of fun to the passengers.<br />
The gondola train is<br />
powered by several motors, located<br />
between the individual<br />
gondolas.<br />
The train travels around the<br />
track a couple of times before<br />
returning to the station platform<br />
- and terra firma. The design of<br />
the ride by the Turin showman<br />
Zena Roberto is based on the<br />
“Aviator” movie, starring<br />
The ride from<br />
different perspectives<br />
Transport requires<br />
two centre<br />
trailers, one of<br />
which is also<br />
used as the station,<br />
while the<br />
paybox is loaded<br />
on a separate<br />
trailer. The “Aviator”<br />
has ground<br />
measurements of 20 x 18 metres, and is 7<br />
metres high. Zena Roberto’s “Aviator” is<br />
mainly presented at Lunaparks in the north<br />
of Italy, its tour schedule includes, among<br />
other venues, Arona, Pavia, Andorra, Novi<br />
Ligure, Vigevano, Legnano, Savona and<br />
Turin.<br />
■<br />
The huge Funhouse<br />
“España” from Valeriano<br />
Diana<br />
A new Walkthrough construction<br />
has turned out to be<br />
the hit on the fairgrounds in<br />
Northern Italy – namely, the<br />
brand new XXL-sized Funhouse<br />
“España” that the Italian<br />
Royal <strong>Park</strong> firm from Spilamberto<br />
has built for Valeriano<br />
Diana from Meleo. In addition<br />
to its extra large size<br />
and unusual theme, the two<br />
centre trailers - both being<br />
assembled into the construction<br />
at an angle to the rear<br />
rather than in a straight line<br />
with the fairground course –<br />
are another special feature of<br />
the attraction, making it look<br />
even larger.<br />
Text & Photos: Norman Vogt<br />
The owner Valeriano<br />
Diana (l) and Angelo Diana<br />
España<br />
The measurements speak for themselves: the “España”<br />
has three levels, a total front length of 27 metres,<br />
is 11 metres high and 6 metres deep and has a<br />
course length of more than 300 metres – that’s “jumbo<br />
sized” without any doubt! The novelty<br />
from Valeriano Diana celebrated<br />
its successful première at the<br />
Luna <strong>Park</strong> in Viareggio (Tuscany),<br />
where it was not only admired by the public but also<br />
by an extraordinarily large number of colleagues, who<br />
came just to look over the attraction. Due to the high<br />
visitor attendance, the investment made by the showman,<br />
who is also the owner of two other Funhouses,<br />
has already paid off. The première in Viareggio was<br />
followed by events in Lucca, Lissone and Legnano. At<br />
the end of, and as the highlight of this season, the attraction<br />
will be presented in Genoa, where one of the<br />
Spanish love of<br />
life and traditions are<br />
depicted on the façade of<br />
the Walkthrough construction<br />
largest Italian fair events will open its gates on December<br />
4 th . In addition to the slanted arrangement of<br />
the attraction, the suspension bridges on the third level<br />
and the wobbling steps provide for an unusual visual<br />
appearance of this construction. The countless<br />
obstacles along the interior and the exterior course, offering<br />
a mixture of proven and popular elements, such<br />
as rolling barrels, various kinds of moving floors, a<br />
glass labyrinth, sliding poles, vibrating floors, conveyor<br />
belts, compressed air jets and folding staircases,<br />
leave the visitors hardly any time to breathe. The owner<br />
is particularly proud of the laser tunnel, as well as<br />
The laser tunnel in the<br />
inside area of the “España”<br />
View from the side<br />
at the upper level<br />
Clearly noticeable: the two<br />
centre trailers of the attraction<br />
placed at an angle<br />
the spiral slide, which – as an exceptionally novel feature<br />
- can turn itself around by way of an electronic control<br />
system. Water is also generously dispersed along<br />
a foggy section of the course. With the aid of a special<br />
PLC system many of the effects can be meticulously<br />
controlled, and thereby perfectly fine-tuned to the respective<br />
visitor groups from the paybox by the operator.<br />
The construction is monitored by a modern camera<br />
system. The design of the huge front is dedicated<br />
to Spanish customs and traditions, including scenes<br />
from the controversial topic of the corrida de toros, or<br />
“bullfighting”. Anyway, the design with pictures of<br />
proud toreros fighting in the bullring, the raging crowd<br />
The spiral slide turning<br />
around itself<br />
or senoritas clad in magnificent dresses, the design<br />
has been perfectly matched to the theme “Spain”.<br />
Power-saving LED lighting as well as spotlights in the<br />
Spanish national colours of red and yellow provide the<br />
perfect illumination for the construction after sundown.<br />
Even the music matches the short trip to Spain on the<br />
fairground, with vivacious Spanish folk music being<br />
played over the loudspeakers, which also entertains<br />
the public in front of the attraction. Every now and then,<br />
a loud “Viva España” ” can be heard from the loudspeakers<br />
with the individual letters of the name sign<br />
“dancing” to the rhythm. “Olé!”<br />
■<br />
Georg & Birgit Schweizer<br />
Schnepfenreuther Hauptstr. 22<br />
90425 Nürnberg<br /><br /><br />
Telefon: 01 77 / 6 28 29 62<br />
(Georg Schweizer)<br />
Telefon: 01 77 / 314 14 10<br />
(Birgit Schweizer)<br />
Wir produzieren live vor den Augen unseres Publikums.<br />
Genießen Sie unsere Spezialitäten in verschiedenen Variationen.<br />
Hhmmm – lecker!<br />
Die Ausgestaltung unserer Geschäfte beweist die Liebe zum Detail.<br />
Wir arbeiten u.a. mit stromsparenden Leuchtmitteln und<br />
verwenden umweltfreundlich hergestellte Rohstoffe.<br />
Maße: 6 m x 2,5 m<br />
Anschluss: 10 kW<br />
Maße: 5 m x 2,5 m<br />
Anschluss: 10 kW<br />
Maße: 5 m x 2,5 m<br />
Anschluss: 5 kW<br />
Wir zusammen<br />
wünschen Ihnen<br />
einen guten Start<br />
ins neue Jahr und<br />
eine erfolgreiche<br />
Saison 2011!<br />
Zum 35. Mal gilt mit unserem<br />
Knusperhaus zu Pfingsten wieder das Motto: Der Berg ruft!<br />
Jetzt neu mit gläserner Backstube.<br />
BIO-Betrieb Adolf & Werner Schweizer GmbH<br />
Turnerheimstraße 20a • 90441 Nürnberg • Telefon: 01 71 / 7 70 71 31<br /> •
ACTION DVDs im <strong>KIRMES</strong>-SHOP<br />
RIDE THIS is the new DVD Video series for ride enthusiasts,<br />
technology passionate, fairground and ride<br />
lovers<br />
RIDE THIS Vol. 1 shows 84 minutes of brilliant<br />
video recorded and cut ride sequences with many<br />
tastefull split screen sequences<br />
RIDE THIS Vol. 1: 25 stationary and transportable<br />
amusement attractions and coasters from current<br />
highlights to popular fairgrounds classics.<br />
Recordings were taken in the year 2009 at theme<br />
parks and fairgrounds in Germany and the Benelux<br />
countries, digitally filmed and in high quality 16:9<br />
resolution<br />
Film 01 – Major Rides 1: Sledge Hammer (Huss Giant<br />
Frisbee), Fly Away (Huss), El Voladeur (Huss Topple<br />
Tower), El Toro (Huss Breakdance), Stratosphere Swing<br />
Tower (KMG Hi Swing), <strong>Park</strong>our (Gerstlauer Suspended<br />
Polyp), Enterprise (Huss <strong>Park</strong> Version), Enterprise<br />
(Schwarzkopf), Screaming Eagle (Huss Shot’n Drop),<br />
Speed Flip, The Tower (C. Blume), Devil Rock (Huss<br />
Flic Flac), Diamond Wheel. running time: 43:09 min<br />
THE 7 th <strong>KIRMES</strong> DVD<br />
Film 02 – Major Rides 2 & Rollercoasters: Typhoon<br />
(Gerstlauer Rides Eurofighter), Teststrecke (Schwarzkopf<br />
Doppel Looping), Thunderloop (Schwarzkopf Looping<br />
Star), Traum Boot (Weber), King Kong (Huss/ Heimo),<br />
Shuttle (Huss Ranger), Top of the World (Nauta Bussink),<br />
Octopus (Schwarzkopf Monster 2), Troika (Huss), The Eagle<br />
(Huss Condor), T-Rex Tower (Huss Shot’n Drop), Enterpise<br />
(Huss transportable Version). running time: 41:32 min<br />
Bonus Feature:<br />
5 Dia shows with<br />
more than 500 photos<br />
(Total runningtime<br />
over 40 minutes)<br />
NEW<br />
available immediately<br />
€25,-<br />
incl. postage and<br />
handling in Germany<br />
Combined Offer 4: order all 4 DVDs<br />
€ 85,– (inland) (incl. postage and handling) • Europe abroad: € 90,–<br />
other countries: € 95,–<br />
Combined Offer 3: order 3 current DVDs<br />
€ 65,– (inland) (incl. postage and handling) • Europe abroad: € 70,– • other countries: € 75,–<br />
Combined Offer 2: order 2 current DVDs<br />
€ 45,– (inland) (incl. postage and handling) • Europe abroad: € 50,– • other countries: € 55,–<br />
Technical<br />
equipment:<br />
DVD video, PAL 16:9<br />
regional code „o“,<br />
Dolby Digital TM Studio<br />
Mono compatible,<br />
Subtitles. Languages:<br />
German, <strong>English</strong><br />
✃<br />
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Kirmes DVD RIDE THIS VOL. 1 at a price of € 25,– (inland)<br />
(incl. postage & handling) • Europe abroad: € 30,– • other countries: € 35,–<br />
Kirmes DVD GET READY 2 SCREAM at a price of € 25,– (inland)<br />
(incl. postage & handling) • Europe abroad: € 30,– • other countries: € 35,–<br />
Kirmes DVD Kombiangebot 4 (4 DVD) at a price of € 85,– (inland)<br />
(incl. postage & handling) • Europe abroad: € 90,– • other countries: € 95,–<br />
Kirmes DVD Kombiangebot 3 (3 DVD) at a price of 65,– (inland)<br />
(incl. postage & handling) • Europe abroad: € 70,– • other countries: € 75,–<br />
Kirmes DVD Kombiangebot 2 (2 DVD) at a price of € 45,– (inland)<br />
(incl. postage & handling) • Europe abroad: € 50,– • other countries: € 55,–<br />
❏ Total amount<br />
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Please pay<br />
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card only!<br />
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Date ■ Signature
Scenes from the <strong>Dult</strong> 2010<br />
in <strong>Salzburg</strong><br />
As was the case last year, the<br />
winter months are an ideal opportunity<br />
to publish reports and<br />
– more importantly still – photos<br />
concerning highly prominent<br />
Volksfest events in Europe.<br />
This time, the focus will be<br />
on selected events in France,<br />
Spain and Italy – and the opener<br />
is a portrait of the largest Volksfest<br />
in Western Austria, the<br />
<strong>Salzburg</strong> <strong>Dult</strong>, with a tradition<br />
stretching back more than 900<br />
years.<br />
Text:<br />
Photos:<br />
Ralf Schmitt<br />
Ralf Schmitt, Richard Krolzig,<br />
Wild & Team<br />
<strong>Salzburg</strong> <strong>Dult</strong><br />
years. This time the Austrian<br />
showmen were joined by colleagues<br />
from Germany and<br />
Holland, who brought their attractions<br />
to <strong>Salzburg</strong>. In<br />
Since the 1970 s , the nine-day event has been held 2010, it was possible to engage a total of 97 attractions<br />
for the <strong>Dult</strong> – that was 25 up on the previous<br />
on the spacious exhibition grounds, both inside<br />
the exhibition halls and in the outside area, and always<br />
begins at Pentecost. After<br />
year. By the way, the event management’s motto for<br />
the <strong>Dult</strong> had seen some lacklustre<br />
years during the last decade,<br />
and there had even been signs of<br />
a creeping decline, there is now a<br />
noticeable upward trend. Contracting<br />
an exhibition team that<br />
tried out many new ideas was a<br />
decision that already paid off in<br />
2009, as it noticeably increased<br />
the number of international participants<br />
during the last two<br />
Appealing background<br />
setting for the “Black Hole”<br />
the <strong>Dult</strong> 2010 was “XXL”. “We have more operators<br />
than ever, including many new ride attractions which<br />
have never been presented in <strong>Salzburg</strong> before,” said<br />
<strong>Dult</strong> director Michaela Glinz at the press conference<br />
prior to the event. In 2010, there was a change of operator<br />
of the main gastronomic operation; in other<br />
words the beer hall located directly at the entrance<br />
to the fairground. While this important <strong>Dult</strong> fixture<br />
was operated by a Munich firm in 2009, this year’s<br />
operator was the “Team Kongress Gastronomie<br />
<strong>Salzburg</strong>”. Under the management of its General<br />
Manager, Josef Voithofer, it was not only in charge of<br />
the gastronomy in the large “Stieglhalle” but also of<br />
the new “<strong>Dult</strong>stadl” in hall 7. While the traditionalists<br />
among the visitors got their money’s worth of traditional<br />
music, cold Stiegl beer and culinary delicacies<br />
in the Stieglhalle, the programme in the “<strong>Dult</strong>stadl”<br />
was focused more on young people, offering interactive<br />
events, such as a song contest, and Austrian<br />
pop and karaoke competitions. By the way, the<br />
The procession to the exhibition<br />
grounds, the entrance<br />
with automatic visitor logging<br />
mechanism, and the top attraction<br />
2010: “Around the World”<br />
Free fall experience<br />
for younger visitors in<br />
Stampfer’s “Drop Zone”-Tower<br />
“Breakdance” (Rüdiger),<br />
“Sombrero” (Wiesbauer) and<br />
“Round Up” (Gschwandtner)<br />
entrance to the <strong>Dult</strong> (open daily from 10 a.m. to midnight)<br />
is free – and accessible only through the main<br />
entrance to the exhibition grounds. It is a smart factor<br />
that one of the turnstiles at the entrance registers<br />
the actual visitor numbers to the fairground – this<br />
time precisely 124,700 visitors were registered between<br />
May 22 nd and May 30 th - 20,000 visitors up on<br />
the previous year.<br />
The opening day was very well attended. This may<br />
well have also been due to the great procession,<br />
featuring many groups and 50 horses proceeding<br />
from the city centre (Residenzplatz) to the exhibition<br />
grounds, and which was enjoyed by many a visitor.<br />
From there on it was just “have fun”! Strolling across<br />
the <strong>Dult</strong> was quite an enjoyable experience and held<br />
many surprises for the visitors, as due to the combi-<br />
Ferris Wheel with<br />
sponsor logo and a view<br />
into the new thoroughfare<br />
with “Apres-Ski-Party” and<br />
“Around the World”<br />
nation of the open air fairground and the roofed-over<br />
exhibition halls they could not take in all the attractions<br />
offered in just one glance. In the first “open air”<br />
area, located just beyond the aforementioned Stiegl<br />
beer hall, visitors were enticed by the “Breakdance”<br />
(Rüdiger), the Ejector Seat “Hot Shot” (Dölle), “Sombrero”<br />
(Wiesbauer), “Round Up” (Gschwandtner),<br />
“Alpenrausch” (M. Kollmann), Rutsche (Göbel), Simulator<br />
(Falthauser), “Kamikaze” (Strassmeier),<br />
“Drachenpalast” (Medwed) and the “Geisterspuk”<br />
(Bachmaier). Next followed the hall with kiddie rides,<br />
most of which were from the showman Alfred Winkler,<br />
who presented as many as six kiddie attractions,<br />
including the “Taga-J”, a pony ride, the<br />
Bungee-Trampoline and “Samba-Balloon”. These<br />
were joined by the “Crazy Boat” and the “Snow Convoy”<br />
from the Raab firm, as well as kiddie rides and<br />
“Schlittenfahrt” (Bachmeier)<br />
in combination with Bruch’s<br />
“Bellevue” Ferris Wheel in<br />
front of snow-capped<br />
mountain peak<br />
A ride without shoes –<br />
but “suspended: Stessl’s<br />
“Outbreak”. The Ghost Ride<br />
from Bachmaier and Strassmaier’s<br />
“Kamikaze” were also<br />
presented<br />
a number of well-chosen<br />
concession stalls.<br />
At the end of the hall,<br />
visitors were able to<br />
catch the first glimpse<br />
of the main fairground<br />
through the huge glass<br />
façade, with the<br />
“Bellevue” Ferris<br />
Wheel from the Bruch<br />
firm forming the visual<br />
“centrepiece” (now for<br />
the second time). On<br />
this occasion, the fairground accommodated the two<br />
<strong>Salzburg</strong> debutantes, the “Sky-Rocker” (Rüdiger)<br />
and “Black Hole” (Schierenbeck), as well as the ride<br />
attractions “No Limit” (Thurner), “Drop Zone”, and<br />
“Crazy Wave” (Stampfer), Autodrom (Gschwandtner)<br />
“Petersburger Schlittenfahrt” (Bachmaier), the<br />
“Booster” and the “Flipper” (Rüdiger).<br />
The Rüdiger family from Graz, which has participated<br />
in the event since the very first <strong>Dult</strong>, built up four<br />
large attractions this time. “The <strong>Dult</strong> is a fixture in our<br />
tour schedule, and we are happy to be approved to<br />
the event every year,” says Helmuth Rüdiger. Next<br />
was for the first time a new festival thoroughfare,<br />
Snapshots: the <strong>Salzburg</strong> <strong>Dult</strong><br />
2010<br />
Speed: “Booster”<br />
and “Flipper” from Rüdiger.<br />
The younger visitors were<br />
able to compete in “1-litre<br />
beer mug hoisting”<br />
which probably won't be used at the <strong>Dult</strong> 2011<br />
though, as a new hall is being constructed. In any<br />
case, this new section without doubt livened up the<br />
2010 event. This new thoroughfare was occupied by<br />
special crowd pullers, such as the go-kart track<br />
(Fackler), Stessl's “Outbreak”, the giant ride “Around<br />
the World” (van der Beek), and the “Apres-Ski-Par-<br />
View into the Stiegl hall and a selection of<br />
concession stalls at the <strong>Salzburg</strong> <strong>Dult</strong><br />
Bachmaier’s<br />
“Petersburger Schlittenfahrt”,<br />
a detail from the<br />
Ghost Ride, and a view<br />
into the hall with the kiddie<br />
attractions<br />
ty” Funhouse (Fackler) – which celebrated its première.<br />
The supporting programme offered, among<br />
other special events, the “Traditional Costumes<br />
Day”, speed-dating in the Ferris Wheel, morning<br />
beer event in the Stiegl hall on both opening Sundays<br />
and on Whit Monday, the Family Day on Tuesday,<br />
and a fireworks display on the <strong>Dult</strong> Friday –<br />
presented by multiple award-winning Christian<br />
Czech and his team. Moreover, the “Line Dance<br />
Convention” attracting more than 2,000 dancers and<br />
visitors, was held on the exhibition grounds during<br />
the last two opening days, attracting additional visitor<br />
attendance. By the way, a coupon on the <strong>Dult</strong> flyer<br />
provided the visitors with free use of the <strong>Salzburg</strong><br />
city bus services.<br />
At the end of the event, the General Manager of the<br />
Messezentrum, Henrik Häcker, provided a positive<br />
review of the fair: “The <strong>Dult</strong> 2010 was a big success!”<br />
And then on behalf of the event management,<br />
Michaela Glinz added: “Visitor attendance was particularly<br />
overwhelming at Pentecost. On the opening<br />
day there were already twice as many visitors as last<br />
year.” Moreover, much to the delight of the beer tent<br />
operator Josef Voithofer, 10,000 grilled chickens and<br />
25,000 half-litres of beer were served.<br />
The overall success was due not least to the exhibition<br />
team’s professional marketing which included,<br />
among other strategies, the exemplary website<br /> The <strong>Salzburg</strong> <strong>Dult</strong> 2011 will be held from<br />
Juny 11 th to 19 th .<br />
■<br />
Self-service at the<br />
Slush stall and hot Currywurst<br />
at the “Chiliking”<br />
Jacob (Musikpalast) Photo: Rolf Orschel Goetzke (Rocket) Photo: Michael Petersen<br />
Hoffmann (Kiddy-Ride) Photo: Rolf Orschel Beinhorn (Gastro) Photo: Peter Reuther<br />
Engelbrecht (Breakdance) Photo: Rolf Orschel Krebs (Dodgems) Photo: Rolf Orschel<br />
100 % Spaß total! Überzeugen<br />
Sie sich selbst!<br />
Wir danken allen Geschäftspartnern, Freunden und Kollegen für die<br />
gute Zusammenarbeit. Wir wünschen allen frohe Weihnachten und<br />
ein gesundes und erfolgreiches Jahr 2011! Thilo Janßen & Söhne<br />
Tel. 0178 / 4 49 68 65 •
Entire kindergarten<br />
groups and school classes<br />
rushed the historic kiddie<br />
carousels<br />
We have already featured a number<br />
of detailed reports about the<br />
“Fahrt ins Paradies” and the<br />
“Calypso” rides, but the “Historic<br />
Wiesn” - on the occasion of<br />
the 200 th anniversary of the<br />
world’s largest Volksfest in Munich<br />
– presented many more<br />
historic treasures for consideration.<br />
The ample array of tributes<br />
to the history of the Wiesn exceeded<br />
all expectations: more<br />
than half a million visitors enjoyed<br />
fairground attractions<br />
from the good old days, presented<br />
in the southern section of the<br />
Theresienwiese.<br />
Historic Wiesn<br />
Text:<br />
Photos:<br />
Ralf Schmitt<br />
Ralf Schmitt, Norman Vogt,<br />
Helmut Bresler, Heiko Schimanzik<br />
There was much to discover<br />
inside the museum tent and in<br />
the outside area<br />
Even lovers of<br />
historic tractors and<br />
showman wagons got<br />
their money's worth<br />
The historic kiddie<br />
swing<br />
Dr. Florian Dering<br />
from the Munich City<br />
Museum during the build up<br />
OLDIE<br />
The Schmetterlingsbahn<br />
“Die goldenen 50er”<br />
from the Stoll family<br />
After a thorough restoration<br />
and a number of test runs during<br />
spring, the Stoll family<br />
from Erfurt presented its<br />
completed, newly purchased<br />
Schmetterlingsbahn, or Butterfly<br />
Ride, “Die goldenen<br />
50er” at the autumn market in<br />
Nordhausen. The name of the<br />
ride is derived from 1955 –<br />
the year it was built.<br />
Text: Rolf Orschel<br />
Photos: Rolf Orschel, Archive Stoll<br />
The Golden 50’s<br />
Ivonne and Torsten Stoll<br />
Built by the Gundelwein firm of Wutha near<br />
Eisenach, the small Switchback was toured<br />
for more than 40 years before being decommissioned<br />
in the late 1990s. Two years ago, Jürgen<br />
Stoll purchased the ride from the showman<br />
Camillo Franzelius from Schkeuditz, who had<br />
taken it over from his brother and had eventually<br />
put it into storage on his property. After the purchase,<br />
the ride was transported to Erfurt and unloaded.<br />
Originally, the Stoll family had planned<br />
to merely preserve its new acquisition and repair<br />
and restore only the bare necessities.<br />
The Ride was Completely Renovated<br />
However, when the ride was built up in the hall,<br />
they found that it was largely built out of wood,<br />
had badly suffered from the ravages of time. Af-<br />
OLDIE<br />
The ride in a blaze<br />
of light after sundown<br />
The original centrepiece<br />
prior to restoration<br />
ter careful consideration,<br />
they decided in<br />
favour of a complete<br />
restoration and to<br />
equip the ride with<br />
the best available<br />
technology. Having<br />
dismantled the attraction, Jürgen Stoll and his<br />
son Torsten immediately began, in the winter of<br />
2008, to create a new base out of heat-immersion-tempered<br />
galvanised steel in the winter of<br />
2008. The axle of the small centre trailer was removed<br />
and replaced by rollers so that it could<br />
be transported on the newly built baggage van.<br />
Next, the platforms were rebuilt. The frames<br />
were also built out of heat-tempered galvanised<br />
steel and fitted with high-quality steel sheeting<br />
afterwards. Moreover, new floor segments and<br />
Snapshot during<br />
restoration<br />
OLDIE<br />
Restoration was<br />
carried out in the family's<br />
hall in Erfurt<br />
INFO<br />
■ Diameter: 14 m<br />
■ Power: 12 kW<br />
■ 2 transport vehicles<br />
(1 baggage van + paybox)<br />
The paybox comes from a<br />
“Polyp” ride and was newly furbished<br />
stairs were built during the last<br />
two winters. The newly built<br />
and padded gondolas were<br />
equipped with pneumatic tyres<br />
and the lighting system and the<br />
electrical equipment were<br />
completely renewed, and the<br />
drive system was modernised.<br />
The worn out slip ring motor<br />
was removed and replaced by<br />
a cage motor. In addition, the<br />
water starter was replaced by<br />
a frequency converter for continuous<br />
control of the motor rotational<br />
speed with a joystick during both forward<br />
and reverse rides. The modern drive with overhauled<br />
gears guarantees a smooth run with a<br />
high initial torque. Moreover, new light strips for<br />
the arms and a high-quality steel crown were<br />
built for the centre of the ride and equipped with<br />
a LED-lighting system. Finally, the old series<br />
lamps were removed from the light grid rings and<br />
replaced by neon clefs and stars.<br />
The Paybox stems from a “Polyp“<br />
By the way, the paybox comes from the former<br />
“Polyp” ride from Dieter Rausch. It was equipped<br />
with a new roof and modern interior furnishing.<br />
Additionally, the Stoll family equipped the ride<br />
with a new roof and a centrepiece canvas. The<br />
restored and carefully modernised Schmetterlingsbahn<br />
celebrated its première at the Volksfest<br />
in Nordhausen, where the nostalgic-looking<br />
ride roused pleasant childhood memories in<br />
many older visitors.<br />
■<br />
€ 15,– € 10,–<br />
im Inland inklusive Versandkosten<br />
<strong>KIRMES</strong>-SHOP<br />
Ein spannender Blick<br />
hinter die Kulissen<br />
Schaustellerfrauen berichten mit viel Witz und<br />
Charme über ihr abwechslungsreiches,<br />
aber hartes Leben auf der Reise.<br />
Henriette Stamer erzählt aus einem<br />
erfolgreichen Schaustellerdasein<br />
– aus einer liebenswürdigen Welt,<br />
die der normale Bürger<br />
nur von der Glitzerseite her kennt.<br />
Der Berg -<br />
Das Phänomen Erlanger<br />
Bergkirchweih<br />
Herausgegeben von<br />
Ralf Birke und Klaus Karl-Kraus,<br />
auf 184 Seiten reichhaltig bebildert.<br />
Das Buch bietet eine umfassende Führung<br />
durch die Historie der Fahrgeschäfte,<br />
Buden und Belustigungen.<br />
€ 10,–<br />
€ 28,–<br />
im Inland inklusive<br />
Versandkosten<br />
Kombi-Preis:<br />
„Das Karussellmädle“ & „Mit Romantik<br />
hat unser Beruf nichts zu tun“<br />
im Inland inklusive<br />
Versandkosten<br />
€ 15,–<br />
€ 20,–<br />
€ 15,– € 10,–<br />
im Inland inklusive Versandkosten<br />
1. Reihe Mitte<br />
Ein Schaustellerleben<br />
Die mitreißende Geschichte<br />
eines leidenschaftlichen<br />
Schauspielers, der als Kind<br />
einer großen Schaustellerfamilie<br />
auf dem Jahrmarkt aufwuchs.<br />
Reduziert<br />
€ 10,–<br />
im Inland inklusive<br />
Versandkosten<br />
✃<br />
✃<br />
Bitte einsenden an:<br />
Das Angebot gilt solange der Vorrat reicht!<br />
■ Ich bestelle _ Stck. „1. Reihe Mitte“ zum Preis von € 10,– je Exemplar<br />
■ Ich bestelle _ Stck. „Der Berg“ zum Preis von € 10,– je Exemplar<br />
■ Ich bestelle _ Stck. „Mit Romantik...“ zum Preis von € 10,– je Exemplar<br />
■ Ich bestelle _ Stck. „Karussellmädle“ zum Preis von € 10,– je Exemplar<br />
■ Ich bestelle _ Stck. KOMBI-PREIS: „Karussellmädle“ & „Mit Romantik...“ zum Preis von € 15,–<br />
Den Betrag habe ich<br />
■ in Vorkasse bar<br />
■ als Verr.-Scheck*<br />
(*nur Inland!) beigelegt.<br />
GEMI<br />
Postfach<br />
85291 Reichertshausen<br />
Alle Preise im Inland verstehen sich inklusive Versandkosten.<br />
Versandkosten Ausland: Europa € 5,– / außerhalb Europas € 10,– )<br />
■ Gesamt<br />
❏ Ich bezahle per Kreditkarte: ❏ VISA ❏ MASTERCARD ❏ DINERS CLUB ❏ AMERICAN EXPRESS<br />
Credit Card Nr.<br />
gültig bis<br />
Name<br />
Straße<br />
PLZ ■ Ort<br />
Datum ■ Unterschrift
Ferris Wheel and “Airwolf”<br />
at the Cannstatter Volksfest<br />
Text:<br />
Photos:<br />
Ralf Schmitt<br />
Ralf Schmitt, Norman Vogt<br />
Wasen highlights<br />
for years: “Transformer” and<br />
“Star Flyer”<br />
Due to the weather, the first days of the Cannstatt<br />
Wasen (September 24 th to October 10 th 2010) fell far<br />
short of expectations. However, during the second<br />
week (and especially the final weekend), autumn<br />
presented itself to its very best, so that by the conclusion<br />
of the event some 3.8 million visitors had<br />
provided satisfactory financial results.<br />
Due to the 98 th "Landwirtschaftliches Hauptfest" agricultural<br />
festival also being held on the Wasen fairground<br />
during the first opening week of the Volksfest,<br />
the showmen moved closer together again – and the<br />
public was presented an altogether attractive fairground.<br />
There were no striking layout mistakes or inconsistencies<br />
this time, as has been the case in the<br />
past, particularly in the section behind the fruit column<br />
(this area was not available this time due to the agricultural<br />
festival). While the Ferris Wheel from the<br />
Hablützel & Bruch AG made its first-time appearance<br />
at the Cannstatt Wasen, replacing the Steiger-Ferris<br />
Wheel that had been presented at the event for<br />
decades, was “responded to” by the Steiger OHG by<br />
taking out an advertisement in the “Cannstatter Volksfestzeitung”<br />
(free-of-charge fairground newspaper),<br />
sending a friendly though perhaps somewhat smug<br />
message of greeting to Swabia, expressing “<br />
wishes from the world’s largest transportable Ferris<br />
Wheel from Oldenburg”. The large beer tents had been<br />
further equipped with additional gardens, galleries<br />
and a sometimes elaborate decoration and accessories.<br />
“With the tents we’ve made it into the Champions<br />
League,” said the speaker for beer tent operators,<br />
Werner Klauss, qualifying his statement “but the<br />
turnover has only reached European League status.”<br />
Many a visitor missed the large Almhüttendorf (Renol-<br />
di), merely a smaller version of which was built up on<br />
another site this year. And the entrance area (at the<br />
bric-a-brac market) gave rise to many a dismayed<br />
frown, as the magnificent wooden entrance gate had<br />
disappeared. It was replaced by a simple garland of<br />
pennants, which might have been suitable for a village<br />
fête, but by no means for the largest showman festival<br />
in the world! There were rumours among the showmen<br />
that this – just as may have been the case with the<br />
widening of the footpaths on the bric-a-brac market –<br />
was the organiser’s short-term reaction to the previous<br />
tragic incidents at the love parade in Duisburg. Be that<br />
as it may, this was visual evidence of inadequacy. It<br />
would be interesting to know the legal basis on which<br />
the security personnel at the entrances barred visitors<br />
(even harmless senior citizens) from taking even the<br />
smallest of plastic water bottles with them into the fairground.<br />
Could they really pose a threat? Negative<br />
repercussions resulting from the demonstrations<br />
protesting the “Stuttgart 21” urban project, focused<br />
primarily on the Stuttgart Central Railway Station,<br />
which gradually approached a climax at the time of the<br />
Volksfest, affected the event only marginally; a beer<br />
tent operator, for example, explicitly banned the shrillsounding<br />
whistles that had characterised the protests<br />
inside the tent. On a more positive note, the police announced<br />
that the number of crimes committed at the<br />
Volksfest had decreased. After the finale, Andreas<br />
Kroll, General Manager at the in.Stuttgart summed up<br />
the event: “The final opening weekend was one with<br />
the highest visitor attendance in the Wasen history. All<br />
in all, we registered 3.8 million visitors who celebrated<br />
on the Wasen fairground during the 17 days.” The<br />
showman spokesman Joachim Hohl also proffered his<br />
positive review: “Visitor attendance on the Family Days<br />
has increasingly improved from year to year. In particular,<br />
the second Family Day can be almost compared<br />
with a Saturday or a Sunday.”<br />
■<br />
The 98 th Landwirtschaftliches<br />
Hauptfest was also held on the<br />
Wasen fairground<br />
Banned from the beer tent:<br />
shrill-sounding whistles<br />
This year, not a feast for<br />
the eyes: the dreary entrance<br />
area<br />
“Flipper” (Meeß) and<br />
“Golden Wheel” (Jost) in Alzey<br />
Text & Photos: Norman Vogt<br />
When the days gradually get shorter again, wine<br />
growers harvesting their grapes herald the autumn<br />
season. And once the grape harvest and the processing<br />
of the grapes are over, festivals are held in<br />
most wine-growing towns. Such is the case in<br />
Alzey, where the wine festival begins on the third<br />
Friday every September (this year from 17 th to 18 th ).<br />
The festival was first held in 1933 and was only cancelled<br />
during the Second World War from 1941 to<br />
1946. This wine festival - which is well-known and popular<br />
far beyond the Rhein Hesse region - is a mixture<br />
of a wine festival, a cultural festival and a fair event in<br />
the Alzey town centre. Organised by the city authorities,<br />
the 5-day event attracts more than 100,000 visitors<br />
every year. The centrepiece of the festival is the<br />
wine and champagne terrace on the Kronenplatz,<br />
where the wine growers from the Alzey<br />
region offer their products in 16 beautiful<br />
pagoda tents. As part of a wine tasting on Saturday<br />
during the wine festival, the city awards<br />
a public figure for his or her merits to wine and<br />
the wine culture in the Rhein Hesse region with<br />
the “Scheuplakette”. This year, the prize winner<br />
was the TV celebrity chef Horst Lichter. All<br />
in all, 60 showman attractions were approved<br />
to one of the two fairgrounds, which are connected to<br />
each other by a thoroughfare of marketer stalls. While<br />
the “Beach Party” from Milz/van den Bosch, the “Magic<br />
House” (Kutschenbauer) and the dodgem track<br />
from Nickel were placed on the first fairground this<br />
time, the “Breakdance” (Bruch), “Flipper” (Meeß) and<br />
the “Golden Wheel” Ferris Wheel (Jost) were the attractions<br />
built up on the second fairground. A pony ride,<br />
kiddie carousel, kiddie track ride and Jet Ride were<br />
spread across the whole entertainment area. The original<br />
“Rheinhessische Dorf”, or “Rhein Hesse Village”,<br />
offering seating for up to 1,000 visitors, offered the<br />
guests culinary delicacies and a varied entertainment<br />
programme. On Monday, the fireworks display at the<br />
72 nd wine festival enticed a large number of visitors and<br />
on Tuesday most of the participating showmen were<br />
able to report positive results.<br />
■<br />
Text & Photo:<br />
Michael Petersen<br />
Première in Wuppertal:<br />
the Schwebebahnkirmes<br />
From October 22 nd to 25 th<br />
the “Schwebebahnkirmes”<br />
was held for the first time<br />
on the Wuppertal Circusplatz<br />
on the Carnaper<br />
Straße. This new event<br />
also marked the end of this<br />
year’s fairground season<br />
in the largest city in the<br />
Bergisches Land region.<br />
The Wuppertal Showman Association had gone to<br />
great lengths to establish the new fair event, twice<br />
publishing advertisements and up-to-date reports<br />
during the week of build up in the Wuppertal daily<br />
newspaper with the widest circulation, to call attention<br />
to the coming event. Moreover, new posters<br />
had been drafted, which were not however, printed<br />
according to the design ordered. While the primary<br />
colour ordered was bright red, the posters<br />
were delivered with a brown background. Even<br />
though the size of the text was too small, about 100<br />
of the misprinted posters were put up along Wuppertal’s<br />
main streets. The fairground was fully<br />
fenced-in and information panels announcing<br />
rules of conduct were put up. Throughout the event<br />
security personnel from an Essen firm patrolled the<br />
fairground. These measures effectively prevented<br />
incidents and fights, and provided for a peaceful<br />
and orderly fair event. For the first time in years, the<br />
Carnaper Platz could be appealingly filled to capacity<br />
and laid out with appealing ride attractions<br />
and a glass labyrinth. Contrary to our preview,<br />
there were a number of changes, yet it must be said<br />
that these had a positive effect on the overall image<br />
of the fair. As the fairground can only be laid<br />
out as a classic circuit course, the Family Coaster<br />
“Twister” from Kaiser and a Bungee-Trampoline<br />
(Smith) were built up on the southern top-end site<br />
of the fairground, whereas the “Fliegende Teppich”<br />
(Hartmann) and - for the first time - Noack’s “Musik<br />
Express”, were built up on the northern side. The<br />
sites in the inner circle of the fairground were occupied<br />
by the dodgem track from Fuhrmann,<br />
Jansen’s “Breakdance”, the “Aqua-Labyrinth”<br />
(Markmann), “Höllentaxi”(Senk) and the “Free<br />
Style” from Agtsch, with the swing effectively<br />
placed on a corner site opposite the main entrance.<br />
The heralded “Sky-Glider” (Prumbaum)<br />
however could not be presented due to a technical<br />
fault. For the first time, the fair on the Carnaper<br />
Platz opened on the Friday and closed the following<br />
Monday. On the opening day, visitor attendance<br />
was much lower than the showmen had<br />
hoped for though. Nevertheless, the first opening<br />
day of the Schwebebahnkirmes closed with a brilliant<br />
fireworks display, and on the Saturday afternoon<br />
the event was mainly attended by families<br />
with children. After the promising start to the day,<br />
its conclusion was quite disappointing due to<br />
strong downpours that discouraged the public.<br />
Unfortunately, this proved also to be the case on<br />
the Sunday. Although many visitors rushed the fairground<br />
once again on Family Day, losses incurred<br />
due to continuous rain at the weekend could not<br />
be made up for. As a result financial results fall<br />
short of expectations. Summary: With the new concept,<br />
a shorter duration of the event, a new schedule<br />
and an intensive advertising campaign, the<br />
Wuppertal Showman Association is definitely<br />
heading in the right direction. Apart from one game<br />
stall, the Schwebebahnkirmes was occupied by<br />
attractive fairground attractions at its première and<br />
offered appealing entertainment for both young<br />
and old. Unfortunately, the weather was not at all<br />
ideal and put a bit of a “downer” on the event. ■<br />
“Bayern-Wippe”, “Caesars<br />
Wheel” and the Galloper in<br />
Paderborn<br />
Text & Photos:<br />
Raf Schmitt<br />
In addition to the summer<br />
“Hauptlibori” week, the citizens<br />
of Paderborn and their guests<br />
celebrate their “Herbstlibori” in<br />
autumn as the closing event of<br />
the fair season, this year from<br />
October 23 rd to 31 st .<br />
Just as the large Groß-Libori, the<br />
smaller twin “Herbstlibori”, can<br />
look back to a long tradition: dating<br />
back to 1627. In addition to the<br />
“Caesars Wheel”, Musik-Express,<br />
“Breakdance”, “Geisterhotel”, and<br />
the “Paderborner Bodenmühle”,<br />
the novelty swing “Rocket” and the “Bayernwippe”<br />
Hopser were deployed on the 500-metre fair-mile.<br />
Among the concession stalls visitors encountered not<br />
only well-known operations from the large Groß-Libori,<br />
but also attractions not standing a chance of being<br />
approved to the Hauptlibori. This time there was a<br />
quite simple Chinese snack booth and the undecorated<br />
ski hut from a local hotel owner.<br />
■<br />
BREMEN<br />
Freimarkt début for<br />
Goetzke’s “Rocket”<br />
The police were also<br />
involved in the Freimarkt<br />
procession<br />
“Geisterschloss” and<br />
the “Europa-Rad”, a short-term<br />
replacement in Bremen<br />
Text: Ralf Schmitt<br />
Photos: Ralf Schmitt, Uwe Holzmann<br />
Although it was no record<br />
Freimarkt event, the overall visitor<br />
number at the end of the 17-<br />
day fair (October 15 th to 30 th ) hit<br />
the usual 4 million target, despite<br />
the rainy second weekend.<br />
The topic much discussed in the<br />
days prior to the Freimarkt opening<br />
was the short-term absence of the<br />
Steiger Ferris Wheel, which had<br />
been so seriously damaged in a dismantling accident<br />
(thankfully without any personal injuries) at the Oldenburg<br />
Kramermarkt on Monday that its appearance had<br />
to be cancelled. The Freimarkt team, under the management<br />
of Claudia Lange, organised an adequate replacement<br />
ride on the same Monday evening, namely<br />
the “Europarad” from the Kipp family, who miraculously<br />
made the impossible possible, relocating the<br />
wheel from the company premises in Bonn to Bremen<br />
and building it up ready for operating at the Freimarkt<br />
opening on Friday. Claudia Kipp said: “When we learnt<br />
about the decision from Bremen, countless friends and<br />
colleagues spontaneously offered to help. We were<br />
very impressed!” Despite continuous drizzle many<br />
visitors made a first stop at the Freimarkt event on the<br />
Bürgerweide fairground on the opening evening. During<br />
the opening, a première took place in the Bayernzelt,<br />
where David McAllister was the first Prime Minister<br />
of Lower Saxony to give a guest speech. He tried<br />
to win over the public with the rhetorical question<br />
“What are 200 years of Oktoberfest in Munich compared<br />
to 974 years of Bremen Freimarkt?” Carl-Hans<br />
Röhrßen, General Manager of the Bremen Showman<br />
Association, disclosed the reason for inviting McAllister:<br />
“50 percent of our visitors come from Lower Saxony.<br />
We thought that on the occasion of the 975 th anniversary,<br />
it was high time a representative from the<br />
neighbouring German state had a say.” There were<br />
once again complaints from the "City-Initiative" retailers,<br />
who would like to have the Freimarkt procession<br />
postponed from the second Saturday to the following<br />
Sunday, arguing that the procession impeded the access<br />
to their shops.<br />
As usual the small Freimarkt was held on the market<br />
square in the city centre, where visitors encountered a<br />
new “original carousel" this time, namely the historic<br />
fairytale carousel from the Mondorf family, which replaced<br />
the multi-level carousel. The seats on the giraffe<br />
and zebra mounts of the carousel from 1898 were<br />
much coveted among the younger visitors, and the<br />
sculpture of the Bremen Town Musicians set up by<br />
Mondorf was a popular, much-photographed and filmed<br />
motif. Back on the Bürgerweide fairground, the Freimarkt<br />
novelties, “Lach+Freu-Haus” (Distel), “Rocket” (Goetzke)<br />
and “Transformer” (Schmidt) were highly popular<br />
with the public, just as were the Freimarkt debutantes<br />
“Omni” and “Hex'n Wippn”. Moreover, the roofed over<br />
attractions, such as the “Troika” (Heine) and the “Petersburger<br />
Schlittenfahrt” (Burgdorf), were very well<br />
attended (and not only due to frequent rainfalls). The<br />
superb live show at the “Geisterschloss” from Judenhofer-Kunz<br />
caused a huge furore. The swing “Flash”<br />
(Weber) was also very well received. Placed on a generally<br />
unfavourable site, it made a magnificent visual<br />
impression on this location thanks to its distinctive ride<br />
pattern. Only very few will have known that Roie’s<br />
“Crinoline” (next to the Ferris Wheel) made its last<br />
rounds at the Freimarkt before being sold. If this had<br />
been announced in the Bremen daily press or at the<br />
ride itself, many Freimarkt visitors would certainly have<br />
been enticed to take one or a number of rides on this<br />
carousel once again.<br />
Well worth mentioning are the information panels that<br />
the Freimarkt organisers had initiated at prominent attractions,<br />
giving<br />
valuable information<br />
on the history of the rides concerned. The 27-<br />
year old sailor Dominic Heinke set a new record on his<br />
favourite ride “Breakdance” (Dreher), being whirled<br />
around on the cult ride for precisely 12 hours and 12<br />
minutes in a single stretch – and (supported by the<br />
Dreher/Vespermann family) raising funds for the<br />
Deutsche Knochenmarkspenderdatei, or German<br />
Bone Marrow Donor Centre (DKMS) with this stunt. A<br />
look forward: The Bremen Freimarkt 2011 will be held<br />
from October 14 th to 30 th .<br />
■<br />
“Frisbee” (Robrahn) and<br />
“Omni” (Kinzler) in Bremen<br />
The Mannemer<br />
Oktobermess 2010<br />
Text & Photos: Norman Vogt<br />
The largest Volksfest in the Pfalz region was<br />
opened on September 25 th – and after many years<br />
there was also a traditional beer tent at the Mannemer<br />
Mess (until October 10 th ) on the Neuer<br />
Messplatz fairground.<br />
Previous history: A few days after last year’s Oktobermess,<br />
another organiser held the Oktoberfest on the<br />
Alter Messplatz, about one kilometre away, which<br />
was occupied with a Ferris Wheel, a number of<br />
booths and a large tent (seating for 2,000 guests),<br />
proving to be a huge success. The tent alone registered<br />
more than 14,000 visitors last year. Under the<br />
motto: “Home of the Hosewackler” the beer tent is<br />
now to become a part of the traditional Oktobermess<br />
on the new fairground, where a classic tent had been<br />
absent of late. The two organisers, Thomas Sprengel<br />
Fun at the Veteran<br />
Car Ride and the thoroughfare<br />
approaching the beer tent<br />
from the City Events Mannheim (Oktobermess)<br />
and Arno Kieglele from DeMi-Promotion (Oktoberfest),<br />
have now amalgamated the events<br />
– so that both of them will benefit. Prior to this<br />
merger, the idea had also been largely positively<br />
received by the showmen. Inside the<br />
tent, Bavarian specialities such as grilled<br />
chicken, pork knuckles and Weisswurst were<br />
offered, together with Helles beer and Weissbier<br />
– accompanied by authentic Bavarian live<br />
music. The entrance fee was five Euros. Next<br />
to the tent, a beer garden was built up, with free<br />
entry for everybody. On the weekends, the<br />
beer tent was well attended – although not jampacked,<br />
but on weekdays visitor attendance<br />
was quite modest. As for the new fairground: Novelties<br />
for Mannheim were the Family Coaster “Mexico<br />
City” and the “”River Rafting” water ride. There were,<br />
bizarrely, two rides called “Eclipse”: firstly, a Korten’s<br />
Propeller Ride, and secondly the “Bratpfanne” from<br />
Störzer. Other rides presented were Spangenberger's<br />
“Magic”, Nickel’s “Super-Wellenflug”, Schmidt’s<br />
“Beach-Party”, Zinnecker’s “Bayern-Breaker”,<br />
Lagerin’s “Virus”, Hofmann’s “Aqua Velis”, Kipp’s “Action<br />
House”, Zinnecker’s “Geister Villa”, Kollmann’s<br />
“Top Spin”, Sterzenbach’s “Seesturmbahn”, Göbel’s<br />
“Rutsche”, and Tedesco’s Simulator.<br />
Both Family Days were very well attended, the second<br />
one boasting a higher turnover. At the conclusion<br />
of the event, the showmen's reviews ranged broadly<br />
from poor to very good.<br />
■<br />
HAAN<br />
Text & Photos:<br />
Michael Petersen<br />
A section of the Haan Fair<br />
from above<br />
From September 25 th to 28 th , the<br />
garden city of Haan was once<br />
again transformed into a fairground<br />
with an unparalleled atmosphere,<br />
with attractive fairground<br />
attractions being<br />
placed in the city centre, the<br />
Kaiserstraße and side streets,<br />
as well as on the entire city<br />
squares.<br />
This year, the 624 th Haan Fair yet<br />
again attracted thousands of visitors. Meanwhile, the<br />
Wednesday prior to the opening has developed into<br />
a true highlight for the locals, as the large fairground<br />
attractions are allowed to be built up only on this day.<br />
In the industrial area near the A46 autobahn, the<br />
showmen in their vehicles were already impatiently<br />
waiting for this moment. Shortly before 2 a.m. the imposing<br />
convoy finally set out for the city centre. On<br />
Thursday, the concession stalls were built up. This<br />
time, there is no denying that neither the assembling<br />
of the participating showmen nor the official opening<br />
brought much joy for the Mayor, as the increase of<br />
fairground fees had resulted in massive showman<br />
protests. There is also no denying that the 20-million-<br />
Euro loss of trade tax revenue is not exactly peanuts<br />
for a small city like Haan. And the fairground fees<br />
from the showmen will certainly not make up for this<br />
loss. The fees in Haan have already reached break-<br />
ing point anyway.<br />
On a more positive note, however, at the opening<br />
ceremony Rolf Ostermann was honoured for his<br />
commitment to the fair events in Haan and Witten.<br />
During the Haan fair, the showmen are allowed to<br />
park their traction units and baggage vans for free<br />
on his premises. The strikingly strong turnover weekend<br />
at the Haan Fair was followed by disappointing<br />
business on the weekdays. Although turnover<br />
dropped due to poor and rainy weather, the participating<br />
showmen were quite satisfied with their results<br />
when the 4-day event was over. The layout of<br />
the fairground precisely conformed to the preview in<br />
the Kirmes & <strong>Park</strong> Revue, issue<br />
Nr.158, and the selection<br />
and presentation of the attractions<br />
was very successful.<br />
Next year, the 625 th Haan<br />
Fair will be celebrated with a<br />
number of additional events<br />
and changes. To mark the<br />
anniversary, it will be opened<br />
as early as the Friday, at<br />
about 5 p.m. Moreover, a<br />
nostalgic fair will be built up<br />
in the adjoining city park. ■<br />
Text & Photos:<br />
Michael Petersen<br />
The weather was quite beautiful throughout the Bocholt<br />
Fair, which was held on the third weekend in<br />
October (15 th to 18 th ). As it did not rain throughout<br />
the event, apart from the opening day, losses incurred<br />
on the first day could largely be made up for<br />
on the remaining three days.<br />
Fairground director Markus Kock had carried out a<br />
number of changes - giving the largest fairground of<br />
the Bocholt Fair, the Berliner Platz, a new character. For<br />
example, the sites of the two dodgem tracks were<br />
changed. While the “Drive In” dodgem track moved to<br />
the centre row, the “Formel 1” example was built up on<br />
the traditional Ghost Ride site. The outer row of the<br />
Berliner Platz (town hall side) was prominently occupied<br />
this time; next to one of the dodgem tracks appeared<br />
the “Shake”, the large “Daemonium” Ghost<br />
Ride, and the “Breakdance”. The site of the Bocholt<br />
cult ride “Octopussy” however remained unchanged.<br />
Also on the Berliner Platz visitors were able to enjoy the<br />
“Wonder-Wheel” Ferris Wheel, the large “XXL” Swing,<br />
the “Star-Flyer, a nostalgic chain ride, the “Phoenix”<br />
and the “Musik Express”.<br />
The “Loopingschaukel” Swing was placed in the access<br />
area to the Bayernfestzelt, and both the “Intoxx”<br />
and the “Bayernrutsche” slide were built up on the<br />
Meckenemstraße. However, the site of the slide was<br />
unfavourable, as it was built up in the entrance area<br />
and was therefore presented from its rear side. As a<br />
result, it could hardly present its remarkable visual<br />
appeal to its very best.<br />
The placement of the “Drop Attack” Free Fall Tower,<br />
built up slightly off the circular course in the Schanze<br />
area and hidden away behind trees, was another mistake.<br />
The sites of the “High Impress”, the “Remmi Demmi”<br />
Funhouse and the chain ride were, however, very<br />
effective. These bold decisions with regard to relocations<br />
are generally well worth praising, as it resulted in<br />
a completely new and exciting layout of the Berliner<br />
Platz. The programme in the always very crowded Bayernfesthalle<br />
provided a happy partying atmosphere,<br />
with Olaf Henning celebrating his 10 th performance at<br />
the Bocholt Fair. Michael Wendler was not absent either;<br />
he sang at the closing of the fair. As is tradition,<br />
numerous guests from the neighbouring Netherlands<br />
happily celebrated inside the Bayernfesthalle on the<br />
Saturday evening.<br />
Despite continuous rain on<br />
the opening day, most of<br />
the showmen were highly<br />
satisfied with their financial<br />
results, but there were also<br />
sections with low turnover<br />
on the fairground. The operations<br />
built up on the left<br />
side of the Aa bridge, for example,<br />
are somewhat “off<br />
the beaten track”, as most<br />
of the visitors follow the circuit<br />
course on the right side<br />
over the Schanze and towards<br />
the city centre. ■<br />
Impressions of the<br />
Bocholt Fair<br />
Text & Photos:<br />
Norman Vogt<br />
“Mirage” and “Techno<br />
Dance” in Breda-Ginneken<br />
From September 1 st to 5 th , an<br />
amalgam of a fair event, a street<br />
festival, live performance and a<br />
sales fair awaited the public in<br />
the Ginneken suburb of Breda.<br />
Many stalls offering handcrafted<br />
articles, local specialities and<br />
clothes were built up and invited<br />
the visitors to meander through.<br />
Due to beautiful weather and live<br />
music, the beer gardens, bars and<br />
restaurants filled quickly and the<br />
showman attractions on the adjoining<br />
fairground enticed the public.<br />
Other rides presented were the<br />
“Crazy Dance Machine”, “Mirage”,<br />
“Beach Polyp”, de Weijer’s “Techno<br />
Dance”, the dodgem track<br />
“Route 66”, “Halloween” and the<br />
“Jet Bob”. The younger visitors enjoyed<br />
a Bungee-Trampoline, Horse<br />
Carousel, Minicar, pony ride, “Circus<br />
Race” and a Jet Ride. ■<br />
GELDROP (NL)<br />
Text & Photos:<br />
Norman Vogt<br />
Impressions of the<br />
Geldrop Fair<br />
The small town of Geldrop is located five kilometres<br />
east of Eindhoven.<br />
IIn the 19 th century it was a classic factory town<br />
(wool and textiles), but production ceased for many<br />
decades before being resumed in the early 1960s.<br />
For the fair event (September 4 th to 8 th ), the 38,000-<br />
resident city was transformed into a fun mile, with<br />
showman attractions and stalls being placed along<br />
the pedestrian precinct and the adjoining squares.<br />
The Funhouse “Rue de Paris”, Stroucken’s “Rock It”<br />
and the “Enterprise” celebrated their Geldrop première<br />
this year. While the “Booster” Propeller rotated<br />
by the houses at the entrance to the fairground,<br />
the “Breakdance”, the “Tornado”, and the second<br />
Walkthrough construction “Walking Street” attracted<br />
the public to the rear section of the fairground.<br />
The selection of fairground attractions was rounded<br />
off with the Family Coaster “Bugs and Bees”, a<br />
dodgem track and various kiddie rides. ■<br />
Welcome on board the “Enterprise”<br />
FORBACH (F)<br />
Text & Photos:<br />
Norman Vogt<br />
This year’s Forbach Kirb (October 8 th to 17 th ) surprised<br />
the public with what were, for this fairground,<br />
a surprising number of novelties.<br />
One of the most striking changes was the replacement<br />
of the often-presented “Halloween” Ghost Ride<br />
with the multi-storey attraction “Hook the Old”. Moreover,<br />
the Family Coaster “Le Cobra” was turned by<br />
90° - thereby managing to occupy a top-end site.<br />
While the regular guest, the go-kart track was absent<br />
this time, the “Speed Maxx” Propeller from Martin<br />
Rudy, which had celebrated a successful debut last<br />
year, appeared again. The two-storey Walkthrough<br />
construction “Brasil” also made a<br />
second appearance this year.<br />
The “Move It” from Laurier, virtually<br />
“sandwiched” between the<br />
“Taiga Jet” Matterhorn and<br />
Kiener’s “Crazy Dance”, was contracted<br />
as the top attraction. The<br />
“Discovery” rocket was also presented<br />
again. Further attractions<br />
built up were the very beautiful<br />
“Tourbillon” Caterpillar Ride, the<br />
“Toboggan” slide and the “Le’s<br />
Barjot’s” Walkthrough. ■<br />
Many novelties at<br />
the Forbach Kirb<br />
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For the 11 th time, the Stimmbergpark-Hotel<br />
in Oer-Erkenschwick<br />
was the meeting point for circus<br />
and fairground model builders<br />
from Germany and Europe during<br />
the first weekend in November.<br />
With free admittance, visitors<br />
were able to admire 60 dioramas<br />
and more than 1,000 models<br />
built to all common scales, in the<br />
large ballroom of the hotel.<br />
Text & Photos:<br />
Michael Petersen<br />
It was noticeable that many reproductions and models<br />
were designed true-to-detail. On close inspection,<br />
“I love you” could be read on the gingerbread<br />
hearts in a fairground diorama, and looking through<br />
the window of a circus caravan, a teddy could be discovered<br />
sitting on the bed. Once again, model<br />
builders and other interested parties used the opportunity<br />
for a lively 'experience exchange'. A number of<br />
exhibitors also offered models and accessories for<br />
sale, and the exhibits covered almost everything relating<br />
to fairgrounds and circuses. Also interesting was<br />
the ample selection offered by small series manufac-<br />
1:87 fairground diorama from Mischa de<br />
Graaf<br />
turers. 1:24 scale models of old circus vehicles complete<br />
with interior furnishing were presented by<br />
Thomas Kind. In addition to their size, these filigree<br />
models with their large expanse of detail were an impressive<br />
sight. He also presented his new Circus<br />
Barum models for the first time at an exhibition, with<br />
the paybox wagon being particularly noticeable, re-<br />
Models relating to the<br />
circus from Thomas Kind<br />
produced true to detail. On a 6 m 2 ground area, Nico<br />
Bundt presented his imposing 1:87 scaled Circus Krone<br />
diorama. This model of the largest circus in Europe<br />
made quite an impression due to its picturesque design,<br />
with a medieval city district and the large circus<br />
vehicle fleet. Many little details and skilfully reconstructed<br />
everyday scenes rounded off this extraordinary<br />
presentation. Among other models there were<br />
also a number of 1:160 scaled fully-functional<br />
carousels. Mischa de Graaf from the Netherlands once<br />
again presented his new fairground diorama on a 1:87<br />
scale. A Dutch nostalgic ride could also be admired,<br />
the ride sequence of which is identical to the original.<br />
This fairground model was also reproduced in detail,<br />
including fairground posters and power junction boxes.<br />
In addition to parts of his fairground shop presentation,<br />
Rolf Sommer (<br />
also presented several novelties. The models of most<br />
impressive designs were a popcorn carriage, the vehicle<br />
fleet of the showman Bruno Dreßen, and a waffle<br />
bakery. All the models are now available in kit form. The<br />
1:87 scale Circus-Krone<br />
model and the fairground<br />
diorama from Nico Bundt<br />
diorama from Uwe Thiel, showing a fairground during<br />
build up, was once again a real eye catcher. He had<br />
Fairground during build up<br />
from Uwe Thiel<br />
Popcorn carriage and<br />
vehicle fleet from the Dreßen<br />
firm by Rolf Sommer<br />
“Höllentaxi” , built by<br />
Werner Meinhardt and equipped<br />
with a lighting system by Stefan<br />
Hirschfeld<br />
Build up dioramas with the<br />
“Revolution” and the “Happy<br />
Sailor” from Erich Moorhofer<br />
Vehicles and figures from<br />
an American circus procession<br />
from Guido Ross<br />
built most of the vehicles and fairground attractions<br />
himself, and presented for the first time an Allround<br />
model that he had built himself true-to-original, which<br />
had been completed only shortly before the exhibition.<br />
The highlights at the exhibition also included Barth's<br />
spectacular Flying Circus ride, which had been skilfully<br />
and expertly reproduced trueto-original<br />
on a scale of 1:87. This<br />
year, Stefan Hirschfeld presented<br />
a number of novelties on his miniature<br />
fairground, which is equipped<br />
with fantastic lighting elements,<br />
with the Höllentaxi built by Werner<br />
Meinhardt being certainly the most<br />
noticeable. Stefan Hirschfeld had<br />
also equipped this model with a<br />
complete lighting system – a feast<br />
for the eyes. Christian Geist presented<br />
a confectionery wagon with<br />
an interior furnishing not previously<br />
thought possible! Taking a closer<br />
look at this extraordinary 1:16<br />
scale model one could hardly believe<br />
their eyes. Erich Moorhofer has busied himself<br />
with fairground model construction for decades. This<br />
time, he presented two build up dioramas of, among<br />
other attractions, the Revolution and the Happy Sailor<br />
models. Vehicles and figures for an American circus<br />
procession were built by Guido Ross.<br />
■<br />
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The dinosaur among<br />
the exhibitions in the<br />
amusement industry<br />
returned to Orlando ten<br />
years ago<br />
The world’s largest trade exhibition<br />
for the amusement industry<br />
will now apparently be<br />
presented in the world capital<br />
of entertainment for quite a<br />
while. Ten times in Orlando in<br />
Florida in a row is far better<br />
than another experience in Atlanta<br />
in Georgia or some other<br />
city that cannot offer anything<br />
to trade visitors due to closed<br />
theme parks at that time of the<br />
year, but to bind to only one<br />
place of issue for such a long<br />
period is hugely presumptuous<br />
on the part of the umbrella<br />
organisation IAAPA, as far as<br />
future visitor numbers are concerned.<br />
Text:<br />
Frank Lanfer<br />
Photos: Frank Lanfer, IAAPA,<br />
Stefan Zwanzger, Diverse<br />
The Harry Potter area at<br />
Islands of Adventure<br />
IAAPA Expo<br />
Despite all the criticism, an annual rotation<br />
between Las Vegas and Orlando, as was<br />
originally planned, would have been without<br />
a doubt more appealing, nevertheless: the<br />
Greater Orlando area with its many different<br />
theme and amusement parks, evening<br />
entertainment, and not least the pleasant<br />
climate at that late time of the year, is a big draw<br />
for all trade visitors.<br />
For example Orlando entices with its three latest<br />
large attractions: the Flying Coaster “Manta” from<br />
B&M at SeaWorld (see KPR 7/2009), the innovative<br />
coaster “Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit” from<br />
Maurer Söhne at Universal Studios (See KPR<br />
12/2009), and naturally the new theme area “The<br />
Wizarding World of Harry Potter” at Universal<br />
Islands Of Adventure (see KPR 7/2010). This<br />
year’s social event took place there, and 2,200<br />
paying guests could enjoy an exclusive evening<br />
with Harry and his friends.<br />
The fact that this IAAPA summary appears more<br />
straightforward as the year before is not only due<br />
to the fact that there is naturally a lot less news to<br />
report due to the EAS event in Rome taking place<br />
only a few weeks previously, but also that this<br />
year’s event was substantially smaller than two<br />
years ago, when the IAAPA-expo took place in<br />
Orlando. In actual fact a good quarter of the huge<br />
exhibition hall was not occupied, however this<br />
was so well concealed that it was not noticeable<br />
to most of the 14,800 trade visitors.<br />
All novelties that were already mentioned in our<br />
EAS review two months ago are not mentioned<br />
again in this report, so reference should be made<br />
to the KPR-edition 11/2010 in this respect. In<br />
addition to the many new installations for 2011<br />
that can happily be announced (or have already<br />
been done so), there were even a number of real<br />
novelties to be found in the sense of new creations<br />
at the stands of a number of exhibitors. And<br />
because this has become quite rare in a once<br />
very innovative branch, we are introducing these<br />
attractions as a priority.<br />
The “Hollywood Rip Ride<br />
Rockit” at Universal Studios<br />
with vertical lift and exciting<br />
“non-inverted loop”<br />
The Flying Coaster “Manta”<br />
at SeaWorld Orlando<br />
Splashtacular as of<br />
now offers water slides and<br />
also pipe slides with<br />
interactive Light Points<br />
splashtacular<br />
The most creative manufacturer among the water<br />
slide firms, once again introduced a number of<br />
creations rich in ideas this year. For example the<br />
further development of the Bowl Slide under the<br />
name of “Double Balls Eye” with two two-seat<br />
tubes/rafts that give the possibility to circle in the<br />
huge funnel simultaneously.<br />
Interesting also is the installation of LED-“Point<br />
Lights” areas that have to be touched by the<br />
sliders in order to attain the highest possible<br />
number of points.<br />
The “Moving Ride” slide however appears to be<br />
particularly spectacular. In this case not only is<br />
the starting ramp lifted upwards mechanically, but<br />
a point of pipe turns during the drop. However,<br />
one side of this section is only a mockup and quite<br />
unusual for viewers to look at. The real pipe section<br />
does however offer a drop, a hill, or a side<br />
redirection for the sliders, depending on the<br />
actual position.<br />
The rotating part of the<br />
slide looks spectacular to all<br />
viewers, and is extremely<br />
unusual for water slides<br />
Despite the crazy 85 metre<br />
total height, the “Mission Space”<br />
attraction is transportable<br />
The KMG-team at the<br />
IAAPA-Expo proudly presenting<br />
its world novelty<br />
KMG<br />
“Mission Space” is the name of the new attraction<br />
from the manufacturer from the Netherlands,<br />
which already reveals a lot about the height: a<br />
total of 82 metres will be reached by the transportable<br />
attraction, which is currently under construction<br />
and will go to showman Tony Kroon in<br />
the second week of April, celebrating its première<br />
in Rotterdam. The two ten-seat suspended gondolas<br />
will be lowered hydraulically for passenger<br />
loading, and even during the ride itself move up<br />
and down ten metres three times a minute, whilst<br />
the centre piece construction that looks similar to<br />
a building crane turns on its own axis, providing<br />
a flight path of 80 metres diameter. The maximum<br />
ride height will be 62 metres, ground measurements<br />
25 by 21 metres, and buildup will not require<br />
a crane.<br />
KMG is also working to capacity this year as usual:<br />
a 24-seat “Afterburner” with new lap restraints<br />
instead of the usual overhead restraints used until<br />
now will go to the American Morey’s Pier amusement<br />
park in March 2011, a 16-seat “Freak Out”<br />
and a Miami will be delivered to two unnamed<br />
customers in the USA, a “Booster” will go to New<br />
Zealand, Sweden and France will each receive a<br />
“Speed”, and in August 2011 the German showman<br />
Küchenmeister will take delivery of a large<br />
“XXL”-swing.<br />
Huss Rides<br />
The Bremen manufacturer revealed a number of<br />
new developments on the quiet, which will be<br />
mixed into the amusement branch. There are apparently<br />
five new ride ideas that will be upgrades<br />
of classic Huss attractions, keeping the technical<br />
prototype risk for operators to a minimum, but<br />
giving significant novelty effects. One will be the<br />
further development of the “Enterprise” or alternatively<br />
“Fly Away” adult ride, and there is also a<br />
tower based construction in the development<br />
phase, which can function as an up to 60 metre<br />
high landmark of the park concerned, and will be<br />
marketed accordingly. One eagerly awaits other<br />
realizations by Huss over the next years.<br />
Concrete projects will be a maritime designed<br />
“Airboat” to be delivered to a park in California,<br />
and at the same time a number of attractions – a<br />
“Giant Frisbee“, a “Top Spin” and a 120 metre<br />
high “Skytower” will be delivered to a new theme<br />
park from the Chinese OCT-Group in Buhan.<br />
A comparison of the “X”<br />
track cross-section (above) with<br />
that of the Dietrich plans<br />
Even in comparison with<br />
the train segments of the “X”<br />
(front) the lighter structure is<br />
impressive<br />
Jordan Dietrich<br />
Two coaster sensations were offered at the same<br />
time, and not from the well known manufactures<br />
either, but from an individual inventor from the<br />
USA. One of his ideas is a “2-in-1” coaster, a type<br />
of Duelling or Racing coaster, whereby the<br />
American Jordan Dietrich concept can be used<br />
on both sides on a number of track sections.<br />
Whether or not the real g-forces can be controlled<br />
so easily as on the model remains anybody’s<br />
guess initially. The idea to use one track for two<br />
coasters is however noteworthy.<br />
Even more innovative is the new interpretation of<br />
a 4D-coaster. Inspired by the problems that Arrow<br />
Dynamics (later taken over by S&S) had with the<br />
realization of its new type of “X”-coaster at Six<br />
Flags Magic Mountain, Dietrich had developed a<br />
more compact track system with only one<br />
additional steel pipe running in the centre, which<br />
mechanically controlled the rotation of<br />
the seats. The technology on the<br />
coaster cars has also been essentially<br />
reduced so that the block train, in<br />
comparison to the Arrow/S&S versions,<br />
can be considerably lighter and<br />
at the same time have more pleasurable<br />
rotations.<br />
Both ideas have been patented by<br />
Jordan Dietrich, and can be called for<br />
by interested manufacturers. Insofar,<br />
a realization may well be questionable,<br />
but it would be great to come<br />
upon more of this type of spectacular<br />
4D-coaster.<br />
The cross section of the<br />
track makes it easier to understand:<br />
2 in 1<br />
S&S<br />
Ownership changes have come about at the earlier<br />
compressed air specialist company S&S Power<br />
from the US-Mormon state Utah in that long<br />
time shareholder Larsen MacColl Partners LP has<br />
united all shares for itself, whilst General Manager<br />
Rich Alan and Sales Manager Kevin Rohwer<br />
have retained their positions.<br />
New also is the extended portfolio through the<br />
“Small Rides Division” which now contains kiddie<br />
and family attractions. Two of them were presented<br />
in the outside area during the IAAPA-Expo: a<br />
“Frog Hopper” and a compressed air operated<br />
swing in a miniature format – at least when compared<br />
to the “Screamin’ Swing” construction of<br />
this type. Children can already partake with a<br />
height of 90 centimetres. The ready to ride “Junior<br />
Swing” was very attractively designed with large<br />
cockatoo and butterfly figures. At the exhibition<br />
stand itself, a part of a train of the third Launched<br />
Coaster of the new generation was presented,<br />
which will go into operation following the installations<br />
“ring°racer” at Nürburgring and “Shangrila<br />
Snowfield” at the Chinese Happy Valley Shenzhen<br />
in 2011, in another Chinese <strong>Park</strong> in Wuhan.<br />
By the way Nürburgring: the so-called “ring°racer”,<br />
once publicized as the fastest coaster in the<br />
world with its 217 kilometre per hour speed, is<br />
supposedly definitely opening in May 2011.<br />
abc rides<br />
Merlin Entertainments signed a contract during<br />
the exhibition for the purchase of another indoor<br />
Freefall Tower for the new Blackpool Dungeon.<br />
Additionally a River Rapid and an interactive water<br />
attraction called “Muschelkarussell” will also<br />
be delivered in the 2011 season.<br />
The “Marbel Race”, introduced at the EAS (and<br />
introduced in our EAS summary) caused a lot of<br />
potential customer interest in particular. Also interesting<br />
for visitors<br />
was the interactive<br />
“Seashell Ride” according<br />
to abc Manager<br />
Willy Walser, which in<br />
actual fact had already<br />
been introduced two<br />
years ago, opening the<br />
new Smart Rides product<br />
series at the time.<br />
“In the case of our<br />
product” emphasized<br />
Walser, “the platform<br />
does not have to be lifted<br />
or lowered for passengers<br />
to have dry feet<br />
during loading. The<br />
gondolas turn automatically<br />
towards the out-<br />
The very colourful kiddie<br />
attraction from S&S<br />
A train element of a<br />
Launched Coaster from S&S<br />
The interactive “Seashell<br />
Carousel” from abc rides<br />
Two further projects in the<br />
Smart Rides segment from abc:<br />
“Zeppelin” and “Ice Bear”<br />
side”. The “Seashell Ride” is available in various<br />
designs, measures 13 metres in diameter and<br />
accommodates four passengers in one of the<br />
eight gondolas. Equipped with water pistols, passengers<br />
can also spray each other.<br />
Once again Willy Walser from the Swiss manufacturing<br />
company abc rides, introduced new<br />
ride construction ideas in the Smart Rides series,<br />
which appear to have hit the pulse of the times:<br />
new types of interactive attractions for reasonable<br />
installation and maintenance costs. For example<br />
the “Ice Bear” available also with other themes<br />
where four pairs set forth on each of the oppositely<br />
rotating platforms. But the classic attractions<br />
also belong in the Smart Rides portfolio,<br />
such as the ten metre high “Riesenschaukeln”, in<br />
this case powered mechanically, or the “Zeppelin”<br />
(ten metres in diameter and five metres<br />
high). Newly introduced was a “Twin Wheel” variation<br />
in a mining design. The gondola accommodating<br />
a maximum of two passengers reaches a<br />
ride height of up to eight metres.<br />
Dynamic Motion Rides<br />
New structuring at the Austrian 5D Explore have<br />
been announced: whilst the firm with the same<br />
name continues with the theming of constructions,<br />
film realization and also the marketing of the<br />
Vienna Riesenradplatz, David Vatcher and Dr.<br />
Michael Prager, company lawyers for 5D until<br />
now, are now responsible alone for the marketing<br />
and erecting of the “Flyboard” attractions with<br />
their newly founded Dynamic Motion Rides<br />
GmbH. Following the successful continued operation<br />
of the prototypes at the Vienna Prater and in<br />
<strong>Salzburg</strong>, a double construction will be delivered<br />
in the year 2012 to an as yet unnamed Six Flags<br />
park.<br />
Mondial Rides<br />
From non-confirmed sources, the litigation<br />
instigated by Funtime against Mondial has had<br />
negative results. In any case, the manufacturer<br />
And another two ride<br />
ideas from Willy Walser:<br />
the viewing ride “Twin Wheel”<br />
and the “Riesenschaukel”<br />
from the Netherlands has gone on the offensive<br />
and offers in addition to the four 95 metre high<br />
huge flyers that will go into operation in the spring<br />
at four Cedar-Fair-<strong>Park</strong>s, a further variation of the<br />
“WindSeekers”. Interested park operators now<br />
can choose from versions with a height between<br />
65 and 95 metres, or constructions with 24 suspended<br />
seats instead of 64.<br />
Ride Entertainment Group<br />
Italian theme park is to receive an undefined attraction<br />
as well. Six Flags Over Texas has already<br />
been delivered three attractively themed trains for<br />
the “Texas Giant” coaster erected in 1990, which<br />
will have to go through a gender reassignment by<br />
March 2011: the 43 metre high and 1,500 metre<br />
long wooden coaster (1990 erected by Dinn/Summers)<br />
will receive steel tracks and with that will<br />
become a so-called Hybrid Coaster.<br />
Typical Texan: the front<br />
car of the new coaster train is<br />
designed with a longhorn for<br />
the “Texas Giant” oozes power<br />
and arrogance<br />
Austrian “Starflyer” manufacturer Funtime was not<br />
present at the IAAPA exhibition this year personally,<br />
but was represented by its American agent.<br />
Adam Sandy from Ride Entertainment announced<br />
that Funtime will be delivering two huge chain<br />
rides to Six Flags Inc. – Six Flags Discovery Kingdom<br />
(California) will receive a 45 metre high<br />
version, and Six Flags St. Louis (Missouri) will be<br />
erecting a 70 metre high standard version.<br />
Gerstlauer<br />
Gerstlauer Amusement Rides can look back at a<br />
very successful year, as in addition to the already<br />
announced “Eurofighter”-attraction for Six Flags<br />
Over Georgia, Canobie Lake <strong>Park</strong> is also to received<br />
a coaster of this type, however the exact<br />
size has not yet been revealed by Siegfried Gerstlauer.<br />
Further along, the North German Hansa-<br />
<strong>Park</strong> has ordered a family coaster from Gerstlauer,<br />
following the opening of its “Eurofighter” in 2009,<br />
which, as is the case of the spectacular “Fluch<br />
von Novgorod” is to have a Viking theme. The Belgian<br />
Plopsa Coo near Spa will receive a not yet<br />
named Spinning Coaster from the manufacturer.<br />
And the earlier “Gremlins Invasion”- hall at Movie<br />
<strong>Park</strong> Germany will also have a coaster installed<br />
by Gerstlauer, most probably with a Darkride<br />
sequence. <strong>Park</strong> Manager Wouter Dekkers is very<br />
happy about the new attraction that will open<br />
officially in June 2011. “We’re really happy that our<br />
new owner Parques Reunidos has approved<br />
investment in a new attraction”. Additionally, an<br />
The international team<br />
from TAA Industries on the boat<br />
deck<br />
Mike and Dick Chance test<br />
the second “Unicoaster”<br />
personally before delivery /<br />
illustration of “SkyWheel” at<br />
Myrtle Beach<br />
TAA Industries<br />
The Spanish Theming Attractions and Animatronics<br />
had most probably erected the most creative<br />
exhibitor stand in Orlando: a wrecked pirate<br />
ship, with which Capitan Udo Weisenburger had<br />
already successfully arrived at the EAS in Rome.<br />
The heavily expanding company will be responsible<br />
for the theme concept and the design realization<br />
of the Indoor Coaster at Movie <strong>Park</strong> Germany<br />
as well as the design execution of the new<br />
Dive Coaster at Germany’s Heide-<strong>Park</strong>, which will<br />
be set into the scene impressively as an octopus.<br />
Further contracts from Merlin Entertainments<br />
were the realization of the Egyptian themed<br />
overnight huts at Legoland Deutschland, and the<br />
inside design of the SeaLife Centre in Dallas.<br />
Chance Morgan<br />
A second major ride type “Unicoaster” will be<br />
erected during the 2011 season at the San Diego<br />
Mission Bay Boardwalk – purchaser is the San<br />
Diego Coaster Company (operator of the classic<br />
wooden coaster “Giant Dipper”), and not the<br />
operating company of the rest of the attractions<br />
on the same location, which recently had to file<br />
for bankruptcy. The adult ride will be called<br />
“Octotron” and has a two-seat gondola on all<br />
eight arms, which somersault according to the<br />
wishes of the passengers, sometimes more,<br />
sometimes less. The company is also completing<br />
the contracted 60 metre high Ferris Wheel “Sky-<br />
Wheel” by Landmark/Bussink, which with its 42<br />
LED-illuminated gondolas, will open in May 2011<br />
at the entertainment and amusement area Myrtle<br />
Beach Landing (South Carolina). The operator will<br />
be the Myrtle Beach Sky Wheel, LLC., a joint venture<br />
between Koch Development Co. and Pacific<br />
Development, both from St. Louis (Missouri).<br />
Further along, Ronald Bussink announced the<br />
construction of a new type of Ferris Wheel, which<br />
can at long last be realized after five years of development.<br />
It will be an 80 metre high construction<br />
with only six and not the usual and in general<br />
eight supports (the highlight: the front masts are<br />
able to withstand pressure and wind), which also<br />
lightens transport and build up considerably. A<br />
round in one of the 54 cabins accommodating up<br />
to eight passengers takes between 15 to 20<br />
minutes. Before operation and construction was<br />
taken over by Dutch Wheels (Vekoma), the prototypes<br />
were built by Maurer Söhne according to<br />
agreements made, and will be ready for testing<br />
on the Munich company<br />
grounds, punctually to<br />
the Oktoberfest 2011,<br />
said Bussink.<br />
US Thrillrides<br />
Bill Kitchen, the inventor<br />
of the “Unicoaster”, “Skycoaster”<br />
and “SkyVenture”<br />
attractions had already<br />
introduced his new<br />
“SkyQuest” idea at last<br />
year’s IAAPA-show. This<br />
is a type of hang-glider<br />
concept as a closed system,<br />
whereby – as is the<br />
case of a cable car – the circular cable is accelerated,<br />
and not the gondola. In Orlando the first<br />
customer for such an attraction was announced,<br />
and will be produced by Kitchen for the first time<br />
together with a subcontractor. The Indianapolis<br />
Zoo will receive the world’s first “SkyQuest” from<br />
US Thrillrides for the 2012 season – however it will<br />
be downgraded as a “people mover” or alternatively<br />
a normal cable car, as acceleration on the<br />
round course is not scheduled.<br />
SBF / Visa<br />
The Italian manufacturer presented two of its latest<br />
rides in the exhibition hall, ready for testing:<br />
the kiddie free fall tower “Heli Hopper” is available<br />
in various sizes and designs. And the round ride<br />
named “Airborne Shot” has eight loosely suspended<br />
arms each for two persons, which at a<br />
speed of 13 r.p.m. produces a flight circle of 13.2<br />
metres<br />
The downgraded “Sky-<br />
Quest” to cable car attraction<br />
from US Thrillrides<br />
Two of SBF/Visa presented<br />
attractions “Airborne Shot”<br />
(left) and “Heli Hopper”<br />
The Chinese coaster from<br />
The Gravity Group<br />
This is the way the<br />
undoubtedly breathtaking<br />
“High Five” element works<br />
Lower pictures: the “Wie-<br />
Flyer” from Wiegand Slides<br />
The Gravity Group<br />
The specialist for Hybrid Coasters (wooden<br />
tracks on steel constructions) is erecting a<br />
double-wooden-coaster for the Chinese OCT<br />
Happy Valley <strong>Park</strong> in Wuhan, which will simultaneously<br />
be China’s first Racing Coaster at the<br />
opening of the park in autumn 2011. Both of the<br />
1,100 metre long tracks offer not only partly<br />
dissimilar track sections (for example the first<br />
drops are different from one another), but as<br />
highlight the so-called “High Five” element will be<br />
used here for the first time, in that the parallel<br />
running tracks run tilted at 90° for a short moment,<br />
so that the heads of the passengers near each<br />
other. The construction and the buildup are as<br />
usual by Gravity, the completion by Martin &<br />
Vleminckx.<br />
And three further coasters from the Gravity Group<br />
will be completed by 2011: already in March, a<br />
“Twister” will go into operation at the Swedish<br />
theme park Gröna Lund, to be followed by “Zippin<br />
Pippin” at Bay Beach <strong>Park</strong>, and “Wooden Warrior”<br />
at Quassi Amusement <strong>Park</strong>, both in the USA.<br />
Wiegand Slides<br />
As a further development of the “Hexenbesen”,<br />
Wiegand presented the so-called “Wie-Flyer”, in<br />
which from the spring of 2011, ride guests can fly<br />
through the air at up to 40 kilometres per hour in<br />
closed all-weather gondolas. Two passengers sit<br />
behind each other in the futuristic airplane<br />
gondola that is equipped with an infinitely variable<br />
electrical motor, controlled by the pilots. An automatic<br />
distance control on the 500 metre long section<br />
prevents collisions. The location will be the<br />
new Inselsberg-Funpark that has come into being<br />
around the already existing 1,000 metre dry toboggan<br />
run. Further adaptations will be erected<br />
by Heege here: “Flying-Fox”, “Nautic-Jet”, “Luna<br />
Loop” and “Sky Dive”.<br />
Further information was given by Junior Manager<br />
Hendrik Wiegand about the sale of four new<br />
“Alpine Coasters” for the North American market.<br />
The company is particularly proud of the past season:<br />
in the business year 2010, 24 constructions<br />
were erected by the Wiegand company worldwide.<br />
The theming of two interactive<br />
towers from Heege at the<br />
Spanish park Port Aventura<br />
Heege<br />
Eleven (!) cable control towers will be opened<br />
worldwide in the year 2011, and leading the way<br />
are three examples each of this beloved classic<br />
to the new Legolands in Florida and in Malaysia.<br />
They will have the typical Lego-design, as still<br />
known from other parks of this group. Further<br />
along a tower will each go to Estonia, the Swedish<br />
holiday resort Camp 2000, and to the Italian<br />
Rainbow Magic Land. Two especially interesting<br />
examples will be erected in the Spanish theme<br />
park Port Aventura, which will be installed in the<br />
new “Sésamo Aventura” theme area with further<br />
kiddie attractions, with appropriate design. Last<br />
but not least, a cable car will be delivered to<br />
Greece.<br />
The “Topsy Turvy” water<br />
slide from ProSlide at Adventureland<br />
USA<br />
Garner Holt builds a huge<br />
themed area for the Howe<br />
Caverns<br />
SB International<br />
The Swedish manufacturer of kiddie driving<br />
schools that recently delivered three to Ferrari<br />
World, and is also very much present at various<br />
Legolands, is probably to erect a further example<br />
at Wildpark Lüneburger Heide. In this case<br />
however it would have a special theme and will<br />
be presented from 2011 as the “Children Farm”.<br />
The design of the scenes would be taken over by<br />
the Bremen wood construction firm Ghepetto.<br />
Garner Holt<br />
The animatronics specialist has been contracted<br />
by the Galasso family to extend the natural grotto<br />
Howe Caverns in Cobleskill in the US-State of<br />
New York with a new attraction. Emil Galasso: “My<br />
vision is to create a destination resort. Even during<br />
these tough economic times, we're getting<br />
nearly 200,000 visitors a year to Howe Caverns.<br />
We want to give them more to do while they're<br />
here”. An important component should form the<br />
new 20 hectare sized “Dinosaur Canyon”, giving<br />
the visitors the opportunity to interact with the 24<br />
prehistoric creatures from Garner Holt.<br />
Mack Rides<br />
We have already reported about the “Twist ’n’<br />
Splash” with Spongebob-theming for Blackpool<br />
Pleasure Beach, however for 2011, Maximilian<br />
Röser from Mack promises a completely new type<br />
of ride that will also celebrate its première in England<br />
– unfortunately no further information was<br />
given. And after the company-owned Europa-<br />
<strong>Park</strong> was able to successfully put into operation<br />
the Launched Looping attraction “blue fire” in<br />
2009, Mack has announced a strong interest for<br />
this type of large coaster, for example the Italian<br />
Etnalandia has ordered a 30 metre high and 500<br />
metre long coaster example. The attraction however<br />
is to have a normal lift system without looping,<br />
but offering lots of airtime-hills and wild<br />
directional changes.<br />
Additionally a Powered Coaster for Ocean <strong>Park</strong> in<br />
Hong Kong is being produced,<br />
and another “Twist ’n’ Splash”<br />
has been ordered. Already a<br />
Spinning Coaster has been<br />
contracted by the French Parc<br />
Le Pal, which will be operated<br />
with a block train similar to the<br />
“Sierra Sidewinder” at Knott’s<br />
Berry Farm. The layout however<br />
is to be designed to be substantially<br />
faster than the Californian<br />
version. And visitors to<br />
the Austrian Märchenwald am<br />
Neusiedlersee will also be happy<br />
about a novelty from Mack in<br />
the near future.<br />
Vekoma<br />
Four attractions for the Italian Rainbow Magic<br />
Land (“Madhouse”, “Sky Shuttle”, “Minetrain”,<br />
“Junior Coaster”) have already been delivered to<br />
the customer, and the Chinese Red Sun <strong>Park</strong> will<br />
be handed over a “Motorbike Coaster” in February,<br />
which will more than likely be followed by the<br />
new type of “Junior Boomerang” at <strong>English</strong> Drayton<br />
Manor <strong>Park</strong> in April, “That has to be visualized<br />
as a classic Vekoma-“Boomerang” said Charlotte<br />
van Etten, “but without inversions.” More information<br />
was not available from the company due<br />
to customer requirements. Further installations for<br />
2011 are a “Giant Inverted Boomerang” for Jin<br />
Jian <strong>Park</strong> in Shanghai, and a “Junior Coaster” for<br />
the ORA Themepark in Turkey.<br />
ProSlide<br />
The company was particularly proud of this year’s<br />
IAAPA award “Best New Water Ride” given to the<br />
Canadian water slide manufacturer for its “Topsy-<br />
Turvy” slides that were erected at a number of<br />
water parks during the past season – for example<br />
at Wild Wadi (Dubai), Aquatica (Florida), Darien<br />
Lake (New York) and Adventureland USA (Iowa).<br />
The “Duelling Hydro Magnetic Mammoth” slide<br />
was introduced in a model form as a new creation.<br />
As it is, press speaker for Pro-Slide, Tara Casey,<br />
is very certain that the “Hydro Magnetics” belong<br />
in the future. This is shown by the success of the<br />
very large construction “Wildebeest” at Holiday<br />
World, which went into operation during the past<br />
season.<br />
The large attraction<br />
“Wildebeest” at Holiday World<br />
(USA Sate of Indiana) has a<br />
number of magnetic catapult<br />
sections in the track system<br />
Premier Rides<br />
The largest installation for Premier Rides for the<br />
upcoming year will be erected in Indonesia, as<br />
the Para Group in Bundung is opening a new<br />
shopping mall together with the largest indoor<br />
park in the country. And highlight of the Trans Studio<br />
will be a Catapult Coaster with magnetic<br />
operation. Similar to the American “Mr. Freeze“<br />
variations, the train shoots per<br />
magnetic operation (from zero<br />
to 112 kilometres per hour in 3.8<br />
seconds) initially towards a<br />
Top-Hat, before, following a<br />
second LIM-section, the train<br />
runs off a vertical ramp and returns<br />
to the station backwards.<br />
Premier Rides presented a train<br />
segment at its exhibition stand<br />
in Orlando that will be used on<br />
the new high speed attraction.<br />
A car for Trans Studio was<br />
already presented at the IAAPA<br />
exhibition<br />
The gigantic coaster from<br />
Premier Rides will be erectet at<br />
the new indoor park named<br />
Trans Studio<br />
Clockwise from above<br />
right: a view of the Intamin<br />
track attraction “Half Pipe”,<br />
“Impulse Coaster”, “Twisted<br />
Impulse Coaster”, and “Topside<br />
Impulse Coaster” (images are<br />
not on scale to one another)<br />
Both attractions at Six<br />
Flags Magic Mountain: the<br />
“Reverse Freefall Coaster” and<br />
the new “Green Lantern”<br />
Intamin<br />
Intamin was awarded “Best New Product” for its<br />
“Family Coaster with Freefall” (namely “Thirteen”<br />
at the <strong>English</strong> <strong>Park</strong>, Alton Towers). Inasmuch then,<br />
it’s no wonder that a second example of a similar<br />
type (with freefall sequence and launch section)<br />
but with a different layout, is planned for a European<br />
theme park for 2012.<br />
Already the order books for 2011 are well filled:<br />
for Six Flags Magic Mountain there will be a delivery<br />
of a “Zac Spin Coaster” (same layout as in<br />
Gröna Lund), but also a newer, more open and<br />
lighter car for the already existing “Reverse<br />
Freefall Coaster”. A 40 metre high “Surf Rider” has<br />
been ordered by Volker Meyer from Atallah <strong>Park</strong><br />
in Saudi Arabian Jeddah, and a similar ride will<br />
go to Disneyland Hong Kong (identical to the attraction<br />
at Disneyland Paris). A new 55 metre high<br />
“Topside Impulse Coaster” with LSM-operation,<br />
whereby both ends will be slightly kinked inwards<br />
will be delivered to a new Chinese park. New here<br />
also is the seat order to the side of the tracks,<br />
which is similar to “Zac Spin” cars.<br />
There have also been heavy enquiries within the<br />
areas of water attractions and tower constructions,<br />
emphasised Sascha Czibulka from Intamin:<br />
the Chinese Dinosaur <strong>Park</strong> will receive a 25 metre<br />
high “Spillwater” with vertical lift, the Italian park<br />
in Valmontone has contracted a 20 metre high<br />
“Spillwater” and a large Rapid Ride. Ocean <strong>Park</strong><br />
in Hong Kong will also be erecting a Rapid Ride.<br />
In the tower segment, in addition to the reconstruction<br />
at the Swedish Liseberg (the existing<br />
View Tower will become a Freefall Tower), there<br />
will be two new viewing towers erected: a 110 metre<br />
high construction in Taipei and a 150 meter<br />
high version for the Texas State Fair. Further along<br />
there will be a new Monorail track erected in<br />
Europe, Africa, and China, however not in theme<br />
parks, but to be used as urban transport.<br />
Sascha Czibulka also advised that a new product<br />
separation has come to Intamin/Ride Trade: in<br />
future there will only be Intamin Transportation<br />
and Intamin Amusement Rides. Both sections will<br />
have their head office in Liechtenstein; the last<br />
mentioned encompasses all products for the<br />
amusement industry. Intamin also promises many<br />
new attractions for 2012 (especially in the coaster<br />
segment) about which naturally we will be reporting.<br />
■<br />
Europa-<strong>Park</strong> boss Roland<br />
Mack (left) held the much heeded<br />
speech during “Lunch and<br />
Learn” and met up with Robert<br />
and Gottlieb Löffelhardt from<br />
Phantasialand in the evening<br />
Centre photo row (l-r):<br />
Interesting costume from<br />
Stagecraft / Three “Tilted Kilt”<br />
ladies from francise firm Destination<br />
Fun / A “MEGAtube” element<br />
from Whitewater West<br />
The game of skill “Stinky Feet” from Bob’s Space Racers is<br />
both stationary and transportable<br />
The model of an interactive Darkride idea from a new supplier<br />
by the name of Eastern European Rides<br />
INFO<br />
Text:<br />
Jochen Peschel<br />
The printed images here are<br />
all original pages from the<br />
catalogue Chinese Amusement<br />
Rides 2010 that was<br />
distributed at the IAAPA Expo<br />
in Orlando. The firm or alternatively<br />
the exhibitor calls itself<br />
in two different ways: Beijing<br />
Zhongli Weiye Amusement<br />
Facility Co., Ltd, and also Universal<br />
Amusement. ■<br />
On this page there are two<br />
united illustrations that have<br />
both been taken over from<br />
other manufacturers: “Flying<br />
Mars” is the “Star Fire” from<br />
Preston & Barbieri, and “Space<br />
Flying” actually is called<br />
“Swinger” and is from Mondial<br />
Even manufacturer Huss<br />
Rides wasn’t spared: the pictured<br />
“Giant Frisbee” is in actual<br />
fact a “Giant Frisbee” in a new<br />
Chinese park<br />
The large branch exhibitions of<br />
the amusement industry return<br />
every year. And with the same<br />
regularity there are complaints<br />
about violations against intellectual<br />
property rights.<br />
So the time is very near for juridical<br />
action to be taken against<br />
these violations. During only a<br />
few exhibition days speedy decisions<br />
have to be made as to<br />
whether an injunction be applied<br />
for and finally enforced. Whilst<br />
copyright and trademark infringement<br />
lead to a decree without<br />
any problems, as was the<br />
case at the EAS 2008 in Munich,<br />
this action can prove difficult<br />
particularly in the case of patent<br />
infringements. However, must<br />
the situation always lead to juristic<br />
means immediately? This always<br />
involves effort and expense.<br />
An alternative could be an extrajudicial<br />
agreement. This basically<br />
is none other than a contractual<br />
agreement, whereby one is obligated<br />
to certain behaviour in<br />
the written form. To express a<br />
declaration of intent however, the<br />
authorized representative person<br />
must be present, or at the<br />
very least be available in the<br />
short-term. Additionally neither<br />
party would be likely to rush<br />
rashly into such a commitment<br />
without receiving legal counsel<br />
first. A quick solution to this type<br />
of conflict in this way is then not<br />
to be expected. Much more sensible<br />
appears to be a more informal<br />
way: the involvement of a<br />
neutral mediator.<br />
Such a mediator should be principally<br />
from the exhibition organiser.<br />
In the case of IAAPA, the<br />
exhibition regulations and the<br />
tenancy agreement for the stand<br />
contain certain passages regarding<br />
intellectual property, but<br />
however hardly refer to the issues<br />
in general. Interesting is the<br />
code of behaviour, non compliance<br />
of which leads to expulsion<br />
from the organisation – enforced<br />
and not only voluntary. For reasons<br />
of credibility, the implementation<br />
of these rules should not<br />
fall through.<br />
Naturally nobody can expect the<br />
organiser to undertake a hasty<br />
review of patent infringements.<br />
And it is understandable that he<br />
does not wish to alienate the<br />
alleged violator – after all he is a<br />
customer. However on the other<br />
hand, the holder of rights is also<br />
a customer. For the organiser it’s<br />
a thankless situation, however he<br />
should not remain inactive. He<br />
should sit each party down for<br />
discussion, and in the case of evident<br />
infringement the violator<br />
should be required to desist in<br />
continuing previous actions –<br />
when this order is not carried out,<br />
the organiser should not allow<br />
continued participation for the<br />
duration of the exhibition. This is<br />
the very least that one can expect.<br />
■<br />
Above left: the “Magic<br />
Cars” are photos from Disneyland<br />
Paris of the “Cars” from<br />
Zamperla / Photo above: the<br />
illustration and photo of “Aoil<br />
Water War” in reality shows a<br />
“Splash Battle” from Preston &<br />
Barbieri<br />
Here also photos and sketches<br />
simply taken over from<br />
other manufacturers, in this<br />
case the “SkyWheel” at Skyline<br />
<strong>Park</strong> and the concept “Loop-<br />
Launch” with a non-inverted<br />
loop from Maurer Söhne, both<br />
of which have been named<br />
“Magic Loop Coaster”<br />
Interview:<br />
Frank Lanfer<br />
Andreas Veilstrup Andersen<br />
is leaving. Karen Staley<br />
is arriving. We met up<br />
with the still Executive<br />
Director of IAAPA Europe<br />
and his designated successor<br />
at the IAAPA-Expo,<br />
and conducted a short interview<br />
with both.<br />
Karen, you were up<br />
until now, together with<br />
Andrea Kolar, responsible<br />
for the EAS exhibition.<br />
What were your duties?<br />
Karen Staley: I was already working for IAAPA<br />
earlier, and when in 2004 the merger with the Euro<br />
Attractions Show took place, I was to unite both<br />
exhibitions as harmoniously as possible. This also<br />
entailed explaining to members where we came<br />
from, what we want, and how we can best achieve<br />
our objectives together.<br />
In the earlier years there were a number of<br />
resentments about the IAAPA influence. Could<br />
the situation be placated?<br />
And despite all this you have decided to<br />
leave IAAPA?<br />
Andreas Veilstrup Andersen: Although I would<br />
have liked to remain for a longer period with IAAPA<br />
Europe, especially as we still have so much to do<br />
for the future, but I simply couldn’t say no to the offer<br />
from Sweden. It’s like coming home, once a park<br />
operator, always a park operator. I’m really looking<br />
forward to my new role as General Manager at<br />
Liseberg.<br />
Karen Staley: The EAS exhibition was already<br />
a good product, when it was taken over by IAAPA,<br />
but we were able to formalise all matters somewhat,<br />
and internationalise. Membership of IAAPA Europe<br />
and with that of the international umbrella organisation<br />
is a supplementary membership. We definitely<br />
do not want to compete with the national associations<br />
with which we, in almost all cases, have a<br />
good and continually growing relationship. Furthermore<br />
I wish to emphasis that we follow a European<br />
agenda and therefore we are loyal to our<br />
members.<br />
Did you receive the tempting offer from the<br />
<strong>Park</strong> Manager Mats Wedin personally?<br />
Andreas Veilstrup Andersen: That would have<br />
been very simple. No, I was chosen from more than<br />
100 candidates. But naturally I have a good relationship<br />
with Mats, and I did have already a good<br />
relationship with him during my time at Tivoli in<br />
Copenhagen.<br />
Karen, you also speak exelent German. How<br />
did that come about?<br />
Andreas, have things changed over the past<br />
years?<br />
Andreas Veilstrup Andersen: Oh yes, these<br />
days there are a lot more products, better press<br />
communication, new advanced training measures<br />
such as for example safety seminars, and happily<br />
more members. When I took over the position three<br />
years ago, there were 500 member companies;<br />
today IAAPA Europe unites 800! We are therefore a<br />
stronger and influential part of the umbrella organisation<br />
of IAAPA.<br />
Karen Staley: Unfortunately not really perfect.<br />
But I lived in the city of Crailsheim near Stuttgart<br />
until I was 13 years old, before my parents moved<br />
to Maryland and Virginia in the USA. When I was<br />
young there, I loved to visit Hersheypark, and it’s a<br />
dream come true that I can work in the amusement<br />
branch.<br />
Dear Karen and dear Andreas, thank you<br />
very much for this interview. I wish you both a<br />
lot of success in your future duties and challenges.<br />
■<br />
Text:<br />
Photos:<br />
Frank Lanfer<br />
Tropical Islands<br />
Overnight stays at the water park in the world’s<br />
largest self supporting hall have not been an<br />
insider tip for a long time. Around the clock<br />
swimming and/or holidays in one of the many<br />
stylish beach bars even entice families as well as<br />
young adults – in particular and naturally during<br />
the cold seasons of the year, when the hall temperature<br />
hardly sinks below 25° Celsius.<br />
However without a doubt staying overnight on a<br />
sun lounger direct on the “South Seas” pool or in<br />
one of the 2 or 4-man tents in the sand dunes is<br />
not everybody’s beer. And for this reason there are<br />
really exclusive overnight stays possible since a<br />
few weeks ago, under the 107 m high hall roof in<br />
so-called standard and premium lodges.<br />
92 individual apartments will be ready by Christmas,<br />
and the premium class especially, of a 4-Star<br />
category, will leave nothing to be desired.<br />
Breakfast – as is for other overnight possibilities –<br />
will be served in some generous themed restaurants.<br />
Overnight prices vary between 98 Euro (for a normal<br />
lodge) to 169 Euro per room (for a premium<br />
lodge). In comparison: tents cost 24 to 37 Euro per<br />
person, the basic night surcharge “under the free<br />
hall construction” is 15 Euro per head (in addition<br />
to a day pass, 28.50 Euro). The teepee-tent-village<br />
continues to be in operation and there is also the<br />
first completed Novasol-holiday apartment directly<br />
near the Tropical Island dome. All in all – and in<br />
comparison to many experience baths and thermal<br />
baths – a relatively affordable short holiday in<br />
the tropics.<br />
■<br />
Text:<br />
Frank Lanfer<br />
A special exhibition at the Musée de Cluny has<br />
taken place for two and half months, and will close<br />
on the 3 rd of January. An exhibition that has been<br />
dedicated to the most successful comic character<br />
in Europe, a character which simultaneously is a<br />
type of national hero for the French: Asterix.<br />
On the occasion of the 50 th birthday of the comic<br />
heroes, the Musée de Cluny in Paris has exhibited<br />
the Roman “Frigidarium Thermae” that once was<br />
excavated from the northern area of ancient Gaul<br />
and is these days integrated into the museum. And<br />
even after the exhibition comes to an end, the<br />
exhibition catalogue is still available in hardcover<br />
Uderzo and Goscinny even<br />
make fun of a “work of art”<br />
which is particularly well known<br />
in France: in Asterix the Gaul a<br />
comic hints at the historic<br />
painting “Vercingetorix throws<br />
down his arms at the feet of<br />
Julius Caesar”, by Lionel Noel<br />
Royer<br />
form in various languages, for example<br />
in German for 12 Euro from<br />
Ehapa Verlag (;<br />
ISBN 978-3-7704-<br />
3378-0). In the exhibition as in the Asterix<br />
in the Museum catalogue, there<br />
are countless treasures previously<br />
unpublished from the private<br />
archives of the families Goscinny<br />
and Uderzo. Among them are the<br />
original drafts and sketches from<br />
Albert Uderzo, and manuscripts<br />
from René Goscinny. Photos from<br />
the history of origin of the comic<br />
success, an in-depth chapter about<br />
the architecture that can be seen in<br />
the comics and pictures, historic<br />
paintings and graphic interpretations,<br />
round off the overview of the<br />
huge comic success on 48 pages<br />
in format DIN A4.<br />
■<br />
René Goscinny and Albert<br />
Uderzo work closely<br />
together<br />
XX 71
For the winter period Europa-<strong>Park</strong> has once again<br />
thought up something very special as compensation<br />
for the closed rides during the cold period of<br />
the year, and has engaged an additional and temporary<br />
attraction – the “Bellevue” Ferris Wheel from<br />
showman Oscar Bruch. The back park area “Island”<br />
was chosen as an ideal location, where all<br />
other attractions, with the exception of the coaster<br />
“blue fire”, are also open during the winter period.<br />
<strong>Park</strong> guests can enjoy a 55 metres high round trip<br />
while drinking their glogg in one of the 42 almost<br />
closed cabins until the 9 th of January, with the<br />
exception of the Christmas days.<br />
■<br />
Photo:<br />
Europa-<strong>Park</strong><br />
There have been speculations about the next<br />
large investment at Heide-<strong>Park</strong> (Merlin Entertainments)<br />
for a long time. But even the interim<br />
confirmed rumours that there were intentions to erect<br />
the highest coaster<br />
in the world with a<br />
150 metre height<br />
proved to be unfounded.<br />
Nevertheless there<br />
will be a mega attraction<br />
for Heide-<br />
<strong>Park</strong> in 2011, and<br />
one can say even for<br />
the whole of Germany:<br />
the first B&M<br />
Dive Coaster in the country will be erected there!<br />
Although with a length of 476 m it will be the second<br />
shortest B&M coaster of all times following the<br />
“Oblivion” at Alton Towers, even the only 350 m<br />
long Dive Coaster in England has convinced park<br />
guests for over 12 years, so one can really be happy<br />
about the new adaption at Heide-<strong>Park</strong>. The<br />
coaster at Heide-<strong>Park</strong> will be named “Krake”, will<br />
have a track difference of 40 m, and as in England,<br />
will have a tunnel (with a track difference of 54 m).<br />
But this will be phenomenally designed and will<br />
give the passengers, 6 in each row, the illusion of<br />
dropping down the throat of a huge octopus. After<br />
a few moments in pitch darkness the survivors will<br />
be expelled by an imposing water effect. An Immelmann<br />
and a Camelback follow on the next track<br />
stretch before the station is reached once again.<br />
Additionally there is to be an impressive water<br />
section on the park lake, known from substantially<br />
larger constructions of this type in the USA, hence<br />
the name “Krake”.<br />
■<br />
Inside view with a suspended<br />
gondola from “Big Bad<br />
Wolf” (earlier Busch Gardens<br />
Europe) in the foreground<br />
A car from the<br />
Schwarzkopf “City Jet” (earlier<br />
Gilian’s Wonderland Pier)<br />
Text:<br />
Photos:<br />
Frank Lanfer<br />
Gary Slade<br />
Different to earlier plans, the “National Roller<br />
Coaster Museum of America”, in short NRCMA,<br />
has not been able to bring its own building<br />
designs to reality, with available funds being<br />
only sufficient for a type of barn construction<br />
without windows and without an appealing<br />
exterior design.<br />
For many years money has been gathered from<br />
private donations, particularly from coaster fans,<br />
but it was finally the 25,000 US-Dollar donation<br />
from Gary and Linda Hays, owners of the Cliff’s<br />
Amusement <strong>Park</strong> in Albuquerque, that made construction<br />
possible. And that was more urgent than<br />
ever as there had been many exhibits gathered<br />
that have to be displayed – or at the very least<br />
appropriately stored. An adequate exhibition is<br />
not possible, but without a doubt the situation is<br />
better than nothing. This shows however that<br />
unfortunately even in the USA, where the culture<br />
of amusement receives much stronger support<br />
and appreciation than for example in Europe and<br />
especially Germany, where theme parks and fairgrounds<br />
are still not considered noteworthy by the<br />
educated classes, is not considered worthy of<br />
sponsorship.<br />
Additionally aggravating also is that the states still<br />
have to accrue cultural contributions from private<br />
or alternatively economic initiatives. And so the<br />
idea and the financial support of the Coaster<br />
Museum is a purely personal issue that the state<br />
doesn’t have anything<br />
to do with, and definitely<br />
not in a monetary<br />
aspect. And that’s the<br />
way it is in a free enterprise<br />
system: no better<br />
than a socialistic system,<br />
both of which<br />
every now and again<br />
struggle with which<br />
culture belongs to<br />
mankind and which<br />
doesn’t.<br />
■<br />
Rescued train parts from<br />
Prior & Church stem from the<br />
1969 demolished “Big Dipper”<br />
(Jantzen Beach) and from the<br />
still existing “Giant Dipper”<br />
(Belmont <strong>Park</strong>)<br />
Front car from<br />
Schwarzkopf’s “Tidal Wave”<br />
(earlier Frontier City) / photo<br />
left down: Neon name sign from<br />
“Thriller” (the coaster itself is<br />
located in the meantime at the<br />
Mexican Isla San Marcos Parque<br />
Temático, and is called<br />
“Tsunami” there<br />
XX 73
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Please send to: Gemi Verlags GmbH, Postfach, 85291 Reichertshausen<br />
This subscription order can be called in writing within 10 days by notifying Gemi Verlags GmbH, Postfach, 85291 Reichertshausen, Germany. The<br />
time limit for cancellation begins 3 day after the date of posting my order. The time limit is ensured and proved by the timely posting of cancellation.<br />
Date/City<br />
Signature<br />
Ihr Partner für das Schaustellergewerbe<br />
D-34613 Ziegenhain<br />
Kasseler Straße 44<br />
Tel. 06691/3536<br />
Fax: 0 66 91 / 59 97<br /><br /><br />
Rustikale Verkaufswagen bis 3,5 to<br />
speziell nach Ihren Wünschen gefertigt<br />
FOR SALE<br />
Workshop for figure and decoration<br />
construction<br /><br />
Tel:+49(0)351/8470241<br />
For sale or Exchange Walkthrough<br />
Attraction, Mack, 2<br />
trains, 20 x 10 m, front and roof<br />
new, TÜV 2013, mirror maze,<br />
moving staircase, rolling barrel,<br />
ready for touring, vehicle<br />
registered.<br />
Tel. + 49(0)163/8086555<br />
or +49(0)177/7055198<br />
Zamperla Dragon with Backflash,<br />
ready for touring, good<br />
condition, new lighting, 1 centre<br />
trailer, 1 material wagon, 7<br />
m, 1 paybox, built up 21 x 14<br />
m, 30 kW, with books from Werner<br />
Strengel, 170.000,- Euro<br />
O.N.O. Contact Gemi Verlag<br />
GmbH – Code Nr. K01-01/11<br />
HanomagR40, built 1948,<br />
complete new restoration, for<br />
highest offer, currently 48.000,-<br />
Euro. Tel:+ 49(0)175/2479588<br />
Roundabout, Man. Reverchon<br />
(Route 66), ready for<br />
touring with special inspection,<br />
price O.N.O. 200,000 Euro,<br />
would take mobile home with<br />
kiddie room or kiddie ride in<br />
payment. Interested?<br />
Tel:+49(0)8735/536<br />
or +49(0)177/6546223<br />
Cash buyer searching for<br />
cars from ride type L’Autopede<br />
from Belgium, please offer<br />
all you have.<br />
Tel: + 31 653486142<br />
Transport Problems? We’ll<br />
•<br />
BUDERO<br />
• • • • • •<br />
•<br />
• • • • • • • •<br />
• • • • • • • • • • • •<br />
All types of tarpaulins according to<br />
your requirements, for large and small<br />
ride, show, and walk-through operations<br />
BUDERO B.V.<br />
Vrijkenstraat 2<br />
6088 PA Roggel NL<br />
Ph. (0031) 475/492445<br />
Fax (0031) 475/494390<br /><br />
Besuchen Sie uns auf dem Delegiertentag<br />
in Paderborn ab 17. Januar 2011<br />
solve them! National and International<br />
Schausteller-Trans-<br />
Service Ewert Tel: + 49 (0)<br />
171 5822722<br />
Rumanian Employment<br />
Agency: Here you will find personnel<br />
from Rumania for your<br />
showman operation.<br />
Tel: +40/757 855175<br />
Require foreman for the 2011<br />
season. Truck licence essential!Contact<br />
0043-664-1009907<br />
or + 43-664-4000394.<br /><br />
park model with many updated components<br />
including software (films).<br />
Also ideal as a travelling attraction.<br />
Very interesting price.<br />
Gambit Leisure GmbH • Lindenweg 11 • 28355 Bremen<br />
Tel. 0421 257 55 33 • Fax 0421 257 55 35<br />
Email:<br />
Aus gesundheitlichen<br />
Gründen<br />
Einmaliges Fischgeschäft<br />
mit eigener Brötchenbäckerei<br />
und Ausschank.<br />
Auf jedem Festplatz<br />
ein Hingucker!<br /><br />
Hersteller Fahrzeugbau Pfaff, Baujahr 2004, bestehend aus 2 Anhängern, hydr. absetzbar,<br />
aufgebaut 12 x 5 m. Das Geschäft ist technisch und optisch in Top Zustand, komplett eingerichtet<br />
mit allem erdenklichen Inventar. Sofort und ohne weitere Ausgaben betriebsbereit!<br />
Außenfassade kompl. Echtholz, wunderschön dekoriert, 5 lebensgroße Piraten, 11 m hohes<br />
Segel, 3 Palmen 3 m hoch, kompl. Bestuhlung (60 Sitzplätze), extra stehender Piratentisch<br />
3 m und vieles mehr. Nach Abbau der Dekoration zu 100% für Weihnachtsmarkt geeignet.<br />
Inventar (Auszug): Wiesheu Backofen mit Gärschrank, vollautom. Brötchenteiler WP, Spiralkneter Kemper, gr.<br />
Ubert Backfischfriteuse mit Panadebecken, Doppelbeckenfriteuse, gr. Kühlzeile (3 TK Truhen, 1 TK Schrank),<br />
Kühltheke, gr. Rührmaschine für Bierteig, 2 gr. Kupferabzüge, Fußbodenheizung, beheizte Wasserleitung.<br />
Preis 360.000,-<br />
René & Angelika Otto GbR, Am Erlicht 4, 07586 Bad Köstritz, Tel. 0163/7526706<br />
Zur Information an alle Veranstalter: Sollte das Geschäft nicht verkauft werden,<br />
wird es mit Liebe und Engagement von uns weiter betrieben! René und Angelika Otto<br />
„Wer nicht bestrebt ist,<br />
besser zu werden,<br />
hat aufgehört,<br />
gut zu sein.”<br />
Wir bedanken uns<br />
bei allen<br />
Platzmeistern und<br />
Behörden für das<br />
entgegengebrachte Vertrauen und<br />
empfehlen uns für die Saison 2011!<br />
P. & C. Wunderle<br />
Vogelherdstr. 4 • 90419 Nürnberg<br />
Tel. 0151/ 22 63 72 38<br />
www.sommer-frü<br />
Hansestadt Lüneburg<br />
Ergänzende Ausschreibung<br />
Lüneburger Weihnachtsmarkt<br />
vom 23.11. bis 23.12.2011<br />
Zwei Kinderfahrgeschäfte<br />
Bewerbungen bis 28.02.2011 erbeten an<br />
Hansestadt Lüneburg – Bereich Ordnung<br />
Postfach 25 40 – 21315 Lüneburg<br />
Unvollständige Bewerbungen werden nicht bearbeitet.<br />
Die für den Weihnachtsmarkt geltenden Vergaberichtlinien<br />
und Teilnahmebedingungen können ab 01.05.2011<br />
schriftlich angefordert werden.<br />
Kleiner, gepflegter, gut eingeführter<br />
in zentraler Lage, aus familiären Gründen sofort zu verkaufen.<br />
Ratenzahlung möglich.<br />
Angebote unter Chiffre-Nr. K01-12/09 an die<br />
Gemi Verlags GmbH, Postfach, 85291 Reichertshausen.<br />
Verkaufe neuwertige Schienen<br />
für Falgas Eisenbahnzug<br />
(große Spur) 54 Meter Länge.<br />
Holzschwellen, Baujahr 2006,<br />
gerade Schiene 3 m, Kurve 2,20 m.<br />
Preis pro Meter 28,- €<br />
Telefon 0172-8464398<br />
Ihre e Kasse K<br />
klingelt<br />
Wollen auch Sie, dass Ihr<br />
und Ihr Geschäft zum Tagesgespräch wird, dann fordern Sie unseren Katalog<br />
mit mechanisch beweglichen Reklamefiguren an. Selbstverständlich<br />
sind wir auch in der Lage, SONDERANFERTIGUNGEN nach Ihren Wünschen<br />
zu gestalten. Wir sind seit nunmehr 36 Jahren Ihr zuverlässiger Partner.<br />
Besuchen Sie uns auch im Internet (mit Video).<br />
Peter Stühler • Werbefiguren • Horst Baumann e.K.<br />
Karl-Bröger-Str. 32 • 90765 Fürth • Tel. 0911 / 79 36 60 • Fax 79 38 29<br />
E-Mail: • Internet:<br />
Karussells der Spitzenklasse<br />
R. VÖLZ<br />
Industriestr. 3<br />
44577 Castrop-Rauxel<br />
Tel. 0 23 67/83 37<br />
Fax 0 23 67/17 67<br />
Nach wie vor liefern wir:<br />
Schindeldächer,<br />
Reetdächer, Mauerwerke<br /><br />
Für die historische Kirmes,<br />
Markt und Freizeitpark:<br />
Über die Idee und den Entwurf, in<br />
traditionellem Handwerk gefertigt,<br />
liefere ich Ihnen<br />
Schilder, Preistafeln, Dekoteile.<br />
Ich freue mich über Ihre Anfrage.<br />
Ihr Schilder-, Schrift- und<br />
Dekorationsmaler: Meister Johann<br /><br />
Die Zugnummer für Feste, Märkte, Jubiläen<br /><br />
die einzige Modellbahn im Ausstellungswagen<br />
Telefon 01 72 / 5 38 56 79<br /><br />
Lackiererei<br />
0671/794 7420<br />
Tel. 07191/ 34 0135<br /><br />
Wet Protect Feuchtigkeitsschutz<br />
Fax 07191/ 34 0136<br />
US-Trailer<br />
& Zubehör<br />
ab Elkhart, Indiana<br />
500 S. Zub.-Katalog, Schutzgeb.10,-€<br />
In Deutschland:<br />
Tel. 06195-960507, Fax 960512<br /><br />
Rolf Auf dem Berge<br />
Lawyer<br />
Focal point: traffic law and claims for damages<br />
Am Markt 14<br />
49565 Bramsche<br />
Telephone +49 (0) 54 61 / 30 30<br />
Telefax +49 (0) 54 61 / 26 41<br />
Mobile +49 (0) 1 72 / 301 9694<br />
E-Mail:<br />
Schausteller-Versicherungen<br />
Transport – Haftpflicht – Kfz<br />
Altersvorsorge – Unfall – Kranken<br />
Klaus Rübenstrunk<br />
Hagener Straße 244 • 44229 Dortmund<br />
Tel.: (02 31) 9 76 10 20 • Fax: (02 31) 9 76 10 21<br />
Mobil: 0171 / 828 58 68<br />
E-Mail:<br />
Gerd Römgens<br />
Expert appraisal for the Showman Industry, Damages,<br />
Conservation of Evidence, and Appraisal Reports<br />
Tel. +49 (0) 171/ 264 89 29 and +49 (0) 2154/208308<br />
Fax: +49 (0) 2154 / 20 83 13<br />
Mail:<br /> u.<br />
Gerd Römgens • Jupiterstr. 17 • 47877 Willich<br />
Ihr Partner für das Schaustellergewerbe<br />
D-34613 Ziegenhain<br />
Kasseler Straße 44<br />
Tel. 06691/3536<br />
Fax: 0 66 91 / 59 97<br /><br /><br />
Moderne Verkaufswagen bis 3,5 to<br />
speziell nach Ihren Wünschen gefertigt<br /><br />
Text<br />
Basic<br />
rate for<br />
1-3 Lines:<br />
8,- €<br />
M<br />
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A<br />
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V<br />
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R<br />
T<br />
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T<br />
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4 lines:<br />
11,- €<br />
5 lines::<br />
14,- €<br />
6 lines::<br />
17,- €<br />
7 lines::<br />
20,- €<br />
8 lines::<br />
23,- €<br />
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26,- €<br />
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29,- €<br />
Text price for 1x Edition €<br />
❑ Please insert my advertisment under a code number (Cost 5,– €) €<br />
❑ Specimen copy (5,50 € incl. postage & handling per edition) €<br />
❑ The advertisment should appear for months (Multiply by total price) €<br />
❑ 10 % discount for 12 months ❑ 5 % discount for 6 months €<br />
❑ The total amount can be debited to my credit card, details below. TOTAL €<br />
❑ Visa ❑ Matercard ❑ Diners Club ❑<br />
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American Express<br />
categories<br />
(please mark with a cross)<br />
❑ For Sale<br />
❑ Purchase<br />
❑ Job Market<br />
❑ Business<br />
Connections<br />
❑ Deadlines<br />
❑ Contacts<br />
❑ Model Construction<br />
please contact us on<br />
Tel. 49 (0 ) 8441/40 22 13<br />
Please send to:<br />
Gemi Verlags GmbH<br />
Postfach<br />
85291 Reichertshausen<br />
Please complete<br />
without fail!<br />
– Publication only by advanced payment or credit card. –<br />
Service<br />
✘ shows where ENGLISH VERSIONS are available<br />
• 01069 Dresden, Wiener Platz 4<br />
• 01097 Dresden-Neustadt, Schlesischer Platz 1<br />
• 01109 Dresden, Wilhelmine-Reichard-Ring 1<br />
• 04109 Leipzig, Hbf, Willy-Brand-Platz 5<br />
• 06112 Halle, Hbf, Bahnhofplatz 1<br />
• 06844 Dessau, Fritz-Hesse-Str. 7<br />
• 10117 Berlin-Friedrichstr., Georgenstr. 14-18<br />
• 10178 Berlin, Alexanderplatz, Dircksenstraße<br />
• 10243 Berlin, Am Ostbahnhof<br />
• 10623 Berlin, Fernbahnhof Zoo<br />
• 10829 Berlin-Südkreuz/West, Neumannstr.<br />
• 12439 Berlin-Schöneweide, M.-Brückner-Str. 42<br />
• 12521 Berlin, Flughafen-Schönefeld, Terminal D E G<br />
• 12681 Berlin, Boxberger Str. 3-9 / Haus 3 / Halle 2 West<br />
• 13405 Berlin, Flughafen Tegel, Haupthalle, Bon Voyage<br />
• 18055 Rostock, Konrad-Adenauer- Platz<br />
✘ 20099 Hamburg, Hbf., Glockengiesserwall<br />
• 20354 Hamburg, Bahnhof Dammtor, Theodor-Heuss-Platz<br />
• 21337 Lüneburg, Bahnhofstr.<br />
✘ 22765 Hamburg, Paul-Nevermann-Platz<br />
• 23558 Lübeck, Am Bahnhof<br />
• 24114 Kiel, Sophienblatt 27-29<br />
• 25337 Elmshorn, Otto-Hahn-Straße 15<br />
• 25813 Husum, Poggenburgstraße 12<br />
• 26122 Oldenburg, Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 26125 Oldenburg, Wilhelmshavener Heerstr. 32<br />
• 26382 Wilhelmshaven, Bahnhofsplatz 1<br />
• 26789 Leer, Bahnhofsplatz<br />
• 27472 Cuxhaven, Bahnhof Haus 1<br />
• 27570 Bremerhaven, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 73<br />
• 27749 Delmenhorst, Wittekindstr. 10/ZOB<br />
✘ 28195 Bremen, Bahnhofsplatz 15<br />
• 28199 Bremen, im Flughafen, Flughafenallee 20<br />
• 29221 Celle, Im Bahnhof, Bahnhofsplatz<br />
• 29525 Uelzen, Am Bahnhof<br />
• 30159 Hannover, Ernst-August-Platz 1<br />
• 30669 Hannover, Flughafen, Terminal A<br />
• 31582 Nienburg, Bahnhofstraße<br />
• 32052 Herford, Bahnhofsplatz 1<br />
✘ 32423 Minden, Bundesbahnhof 12<br />
• 33102 Paderborn, Bahnhofstr. 29<br />
• 33330 Gütersloh, Willy-Brandt-Platz-2<br />
• 33602 Bielefeld, Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 34117 Kassel, Bahnhofsplatz 1<br />
• 34131 Kassel, Wilhelmshöher Allee 253<br />
• 35037 Marburg, Bahnhofstr. 33<br />
• 37073 Goettingen, Bahnhofsplatz 1<br />
• 38102 Braunschweig, Berliner Platz 1<br />
✘ 39104 Magdeburg, Bahnhofstr. 68<br />
• 40210 Düsseldorf, Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 41460 Neuss, Presse & Buch im Bhf., Theodor-Heuss-Platz<br />
• 42103 Wuppertal, Döppersberg 37<br />
• 42277 Wuppertal, Berliner Platz 15<br />
• 42283 Wuppertal, Winklerstraße 2<br />
• 42859 Remscheid, Bahnhofsplatz 12<br />
• 44137 Dortmund, Koenigswall 15<br />
• 44629 Herne, Konrad-Adenauer-Platz<br />
• 44649 Herne, Heinz-Rühmann-Platz<br />
• 44787 Bochum, Buddenbergplatz, Süd-Ausgang<br />
✘ 45127 Essen, Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 45468 Mülheim, Dieter-aus-dem-Siepen-Platz 3<br />
• 45657 Recklinghausen, Große Pferdekamp Str.<br />
• 45879 Gelsenkirchen, Im Bahnhof<br />
• 46045 Oberhausen, Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 46395 Bocholt, Hindenburg Str. 1<br />
• 46446 Emmerich, im Bahnhof<br />
• 46535 Dinslaken, im Bahnhof<br />
• 47051 Duisburg, Mercatorstr. 17<br />
• 48143 Münster, Berliner Platz<br />
• 48431 Rheine, Hauptbahnhof 1<br />
• 49074 Osnabrück, Im Bahnhof<br />
• 49356 Diepholz, Am Bahnhof<br />
• 50667 Köln, Bahnhof 1<br />
50667 Köln, Trankgasse 11<br />
• 50679 Köln-Deutz, Otto-Platz 7<br />
• 52064 Aachen, Bahnhofsplatz 2a<br />
• 52351 Düren, Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 53111 Bonn, Am Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 53173 Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Moltkestr. 43<br />
• 53879 Euskirchen, Bahnhofstraße<br />
• 54292 Trier, Bahnhofsplatz 1<br />
• 55116 Mainz, Bahnhofsplatz 1<br />
• 55543 Bad Kreuznach, Europaplatz<br />
• 56068 Koblenz, Bahnhofsplatz 2<br />
• 57072 Siegen, Am Bahnhof 16<br />
• 58089 Hagen, Berliner Platz 3<br />
• 58239 Schwerte, Bahnhofstraße 35<br />
• 58452 Witten, Bergerstr. 35<br />
• 58644 Iserlohn, Bahnhofsplatz 2<br />
• 59065 Hamm, Willy-Brandt-Platz 1<br />
• 59227 Ahlen, Bahnhofsplatz<br />
✘ 59423 Unna, Bahnhofstr. 74<br />
• 59494 Soest, Bahnhofstr. 2<br />
✘ 60051 Frankfurt, Im Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 60594 Frankfurt, Diesterwegplatz 51<br />
• 61169 Friedberg, Hanauer Str. 44<br />
• 63450 Hanau, Im Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 63739 Aschaffenburg, Ludwigstr. 2, Hbf.<br />
• 64293 Darmstadt, Platz der Deutschen Einheit<br />
• 65190 Wiesbaden, Bahnhofsplatz 2<br />
• 65428 Rüsselsheim, Im Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 66111 Saarbrücken, Im Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 66424 Homburg, Im Bahnhof<br />
• 66538 Neunkirchen, Bahnhofstraße<br />
• 67434 Neustadt, Bahnhofsplatz 4<br />
• 67547 Worms, Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 67655 Kaiserslautern, Bahnhofstraße 1<br />
✘ 68161 Mannheim, Bahnhofsplatz 17<br />
✘ 69115 Heidelberg 1, Willy-Brandt-Platz 5<br />
✘ 70173 Stuttgart, Arnulf-Klett-Platz 2<br />
• 70174 Stuttgart-Mitte, Th.-Heuss-Passagen<br />
• 70372 Stuttgart/Bad Cannstatt, Bahnhofstr. 30<br />
• 71638 Ludwigsburg, Bahnhof 14-18<br />
• 72072 Tübingen, Europaplatz 17<br />
• 72764 Reutlingen, Bahnhofstr. 3<br />
• 74321 Bietigheim, Bahnhofsplatz 1<br />
• 75175 Pforzheim, Bahnhofsplatz<br />
✘ 76137 Karlsruhe, Bahnhofsplatz 1<br />
• 76227 Karlsruhe, Hauptbahnstraße 1<br />
• 76646 Bruchsal, Bahnhofsplatz 12<br />
• 79098 Freiburg, Bismarckallee 3<br />
✘ 80335 München, Hauptbahnhof, Arnulfstr. 3<br />
✘ 81667 München, Orleansplatz 10<br />
• 86150 Augsburg, Viktoriastraße 1<br />
• 86154 Augsburg, Ulmer Str. 53<br />
• 87435 Kempten, Bahnhofplatz<br />
• 87509 Immenstadt, Bahnhofstr. 39<br />
• 87527 Sonthofen, Bahnhofstraße<br />
• 87561 Oberstdorf, Bahnhofsplatz 1<br />
• 87700 Memmingen, Bahnhofstr. 3<br />
• 89073 Ulm, Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 89312 Günzburg, Bahnhofsplatz 5<br />
✘ 90411 Nürnberg, Flughafenstraße 100<br />
✘ 90443 Nürnberg, Im Hauptbahnhof<br />
• 91207 Lauf, Bahnhofsplatz 1<br />
• 92224 Amberg, Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 5<br />
• 92637 Weiden, Bahnhofstr. 28<br />
• 94032 Passau, Bahnhofsplatz 29<br />
• 94315 Straubing, Bahnhofsplatz 13<br />
• 95028 Hof, Bahnhofsplatz 12<br />
• 95444 Bayreuth, Bahnhofstr. 20<br />
• 95615 Marktredwitz, Bahnhofsplatz 7<br />
• 96052 Bamberg, Ludwigstraße 6<br />
• 96450 Coburg, Lossaustr. 4<br />
• 97070 Würzburg, Bahnhofsplatz 4<br />
• 97424 Schweinfurt, Im Bahnhof<br />
• 99084 Erfurt, Willy-Brandt-Platz 12<br />
Wir suchen SCHAUSTELLER !!!!!<br />
„1050 Jahre Hadmersleben”<br />
Wann: 01. – 03. Juli 2011 in 39387 Hadmersleben<br />
Bewerbungen können schriftlich mit den üblichen Angaben und aktuellem Foto<br />
bis zum 31.01.2011 eingereicht werden.<br />
Stadt Oschersleben (Bode) • Kulturabteilung • Markt 1 • 39387 Oschersleben (Bode)<br />
eine Kollektion, die sich sehen lassen kann.<br />
Farbkatalog mit 1000 abgebildeten Modellen gratis<br />
Schmuckimport-Großhandel ALFRED MAHLER<br />
Lönsstraße 52 • 48317 Drensteinfurt-Rinkerode<br />
Telefon (02538) 714 • Fax (02538) 354<br /><br />
Bürozeiten: Mo-Do 8-12 Uhr und 13-17 Uhr<br />
Seit 1983<br />
Ihr preiswerter Lieferant<br />
für Schmuckwaren.<br />
Wir beliefern nur Wiederverkäufer.<br />
Firma D.ART<br />
Ihr Spezialist für Polyesterarbeiten,<br />
Airbrushbemalung und Fahrzeugbau<br />
Wir fertigen für Sie Polyesterfiguren,<br />
Gondeln, Fassaden,<br />
Schindeldächer, Mauerwerke usw.<br />
Meisterhafte Airbrushbemalung in 1A-Qualität!<br />
Fahrzeugbau, Verkaufshütten, Weihnachtshütten,<br />
Chipkassen, Imbissgeschäfte und vieles mehr.<br />
Sprechen Sie uns an!<br />
D.ART • Dariusz Zalewski • PL-44-295 Lyski, ul Leśna 5<br />
Beratung: Darius Zalewski • Tel. 0048 / 694 / 189 486<br />
Mobil (D): 0174 / 733 55 37 • E-Mail:<br />
• Markt schöner Dinge •<br />
58300 Wetter/Ruhr<br />
im Stadtsaal • jew. 11-18 Uhr<br />
Hobby- und Kunsthandwerk,<br />
antik- und Sammlerobjekte<br />
jetzt schon seit 21 Jahren !<br />
termine 2011:<br />
22. + 23. Januar<br />
09. + 10. April<br />
05. + 06. November<br />
Eintritt: kostenlos für alle Besucher<br />
Anmeldung/Info:<br />
Angelika Mönch<br />
0151-17820745<br />
mailto:<br /><br />
Atriathermika Thermoisolationsfarbe • Energiesparfarbe<br />
Generalvertretung Deutschland<br />
Hierfür suche ich noch freie Handelsvertreter<br />
Ich führe mehr als 1.000 Artikel aus dem Bereich Handwerkszeug, vom Hammer<br />
über Schraubendreher, Zangen, Schlösser, Knarrenkästen, Bits-Bohrer, Pinsel usw.<br />
Für Selbstabholer ist mein Lager in der Leipziger Str. 67, 42109 Wuppertal,<br />
Tel. 0202/750051, Fax 0202/750666, E-Mail:<br />
Von Montag bis Freitag jeweils 9.00-17.00 Uhr geöffnet, andere Zeiten sind nach<br />
telefonischer Rücksprache möglich. Auch hier gilt Mindestauftragswert 100,- €.<br />
Komplette Preislisten kann man aus dem Internet herunterladen oder anfordern bei<br />
Rosolino Favatella • Leipziger Str. 67 • 42109 Wuppertal<br />
Tel. 02 02 / 75 00 51 • Fax 02 02 / 75 06 66<br />
Im Einkauf liegt der Segen<br />
Schmuckpaket für Einsteiger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 125,00<br />
Nickitücher 50 x 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 0,50<br />
Armbänder und Fußketten vergoldet und versilbert . . . . . . € 0,50<br />
Anhänger an Kette vergoldet und versilbert . . . . . . . . . . . . € 0,50<br />
Echte Seeopalketten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 0,75<br />
Singender Fußball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 0,95<br />
100 ml Parfum, 30 Sorten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 1,95<br />
Herrliche Holzketten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 0,75<br />
Lederketten<br />
mit Kreuzen, Peacezeichen, Adler usw., 50 Sorten . . . . . . . . € 0,50<br />
Ärmelhalter, gold, silber, schwarz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 0,50<br />
Haarreifen, 100 verschiedene Modelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 0,50<br />
Scundies, Haarbänder, Samt, alle Farben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 0,50<br />
Weitere 1.000 Artikel am Lager.<br />
B. Gendera • Mode-Neuheiten<br />
Rheinbabenstr. 5 • 46483 Wesel • Tel. 02 81/2 79 84 • Fax: 02 81/2 20 65<br /> • E-Mail:<br />
The complete<br />
Kirmes & <strong>Park</strong> Revue Team<br />
wishes all our readers,<br />
advertising customers,<br />
marketers, showmen<br />
and fairground fans<br />
a Merry Christmas<br />
and a Happy and Successful<br />
New Year 2011!<br />
undesweiter<br />
Versand<br />
…keiner steht schneller!<br />
02 28<br />
46 69 89<br />
Fax 461564<br />
53227 Bonn (Beuel) Röhfeldstr. 27<br />
BAB 59 - Abf. Pützchen<br />
•<br />
BUDERO<br />
• • • • • •<br />
Contact person also for Germany<br />
D. Hinzen<br />
Tel. (0031) 6 531450 03<br />
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ist Montag 3. Januar<br />
Nebelfluid<br />
jetzt auch im<br />
und wie bisher am LKW auf<br />
allen großen und kleinen Plätzen<br />
NEU<br />
NEU<br />
NEU<br />
GÜNDRA, Worms<br />
Tel./Fax 06241 / 333 90<br />
NEU<br />
Ihr Partner für<br />
das Schaustellergewerbe<br />
seit über 80 Jahren<br />
Kasseler Str. 44 • D-34613 Schwalmstadt - Ziegenhain<br />
Tel. 0 66 91/35 36 • Fax 0 66 91/59 97<br /> •<br />
M. Ulrich<br />
C. von Berg<br />
S. Haring<br />
L. Heppenheimer<br />
U. Schilling<br />
H. Distel<br />
E. Distel<br />
S. Hettenbach<br />
T. Hartmann<br />
Wir wünschen unseren Kunden und Freunden ein frohes Weihnachtsfest<br />
und bedanken uns für das Vertrauen und die gute Zusammenarbeit.<br />
Einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2011 und auf eine neue erfolgreiche Saison!<br />
Mit besten Grüßen Familie Andreas und Willi Dietz