ALBA 2007 – 1 plc - Irish Stock Exchange

ALBA 2007 – 1 plc - Irish Stock Exchange

ALBA 2007 – 1 plc - Irish Stock Exchange


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liquidator) and such proceedings are not, in the opinion of the Trustee, being disputed<br />

in good faith with a reasonable prospect of success, or an administrator being<br />

appointed, or a receiver, liquidator or other similar official being appointed in relation<br />

to the Issuer or in relation to the whole or any substantial part of the undertaking or<br />

assets of the Issuer, or an encumbrancer taking possession of the whole or any<br />

substantial part of the undertaking or assets of the Issuer, or a distress, execution,<br />

diligence or other process being levied or enforced upon or sued out against the whole<br />

or any substantial part of the undertaking or assets of the Issuer and such possession<br />

or process (as the case may be) not being discharged or not otherwise ceasing to apply<br />

within 30 days, or the Issuer initiating or consenting to proceedings relating to itself<br />

under applicable liquidation, insolvency, composition, reorganisation or other similar<br />

laws or making a conveyance or assignment for the benefit of its creditors generally,<br />

provided that, in the case of each of the events described in sub-paragraphs (ii), (iii) or (v) to<br />

this paragraph (a), the Trustee has certified to the Issuer that such event is, in its opinion,<br />

materially prejudicial to the interests of the Noteholders or the holders of at least 25 per cent. of<br />

the Principal Amount Outstanding of the Most Senior Class of Notes has directed the Trustee to<br />

certify that such event is materially prejudicial to their interests, provided that in such event the<br />

Trustee shall have no liability to any Noteholder or any other person in respect of such<br />

direction.<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Upon any declaration being made by the Trustee in accordance with paragraph (a) above that<br />

the Notes are due and repayable, the Notes shall immediately become due and repayable at their<br />

Principal Amount Outstanding, together with accrued interest as provided in the Trust Deed.<br />

So long as any part of the Notes remain outstanding the Issuer will, upon becoming aware of the<br />

occurrence of any Event of Default, give notice in writing thereof to the Trustee, the Swap<br />

Counterparty, the Liquidity Facility Provider and the Cap Provider.<br />

Condition 10: Enforcement of Notes<br />

At any time after the Notes have become due and repayable, the Trustee may, at its discretion and<br />

without further notice, take such proceedings against the Issuer as it may think fit to enforce the Notes,<br />

together with accrued interest and/or to enforce the Security. The Trustee shall not be bound to take<br />

any such proceedings unless (x) it shall have been so directed by an Extraordinary Resolution of the<br />

holders of the Most Senior Class of Notes or so requested in writing by the holders of at least 25 per<br />

cent. of the Principal Amount Outstanding of the Most Senior Class of Notes and (y) it shall have been<br />

indemnified and/or secured to its satisfaction. No Noteholder, Couponholder nor Receiptholder may<br />

take any action against the Issuer to enforce its rights in respect of the Notes or to enforce all or any of<br />

the security constituted by the Issuer Security Deed otherwise than through the Trustee unless the<br />

Trustee, having become bound to do so, fails to do so within a reasonable period and such failure shall<br />

be continuing or, having been requested to do so by the holders at least 25 per cent. of the Principal<br />

Amount Outstanding of the Most Senior Class of Notes, fails to reach agreement within a reasonable<br />

period with such class regarding its indemnification, provided that in such event the Trustee shall have<br />

no liability to any Noteholder or any other person in respect of the actions of such other persons.<br />

Condition 11: Meetings of Noteholders, Modifications, Consents and Waiver<br />

The Trust Deed contains provisions for convening meetings of A1 Noteholders, A2 Noteholders, A3<br />

Noteholders, B Noteholders, C Noteholders, D Noteholders, E Noteholders and F Noteholders to<br />

consider any matter affecting their interests, including the sanctioning by an Extraordinary Resolution

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