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AUG <strong>2010</strong><br />
Michael Cera<br />
prepares for<br />
battle in<br />
Universal’s<br />
SCOTT<br />
The Official Magazine of NATO<br />
AUG <strong>2010</strong> VOL. 146 NO. 8<br />
24 Concessions<br />
Calorie champions / How to upsell like an evil genius / Open up and<br />
say, “hmmm…”—17 healthy snack alternatives that will sell<br />
30 Special Report > Piracy<br />
Tales from the front line of the industry’s war on camcording / The<br />
penalty of piracy / To beat the enemy, know the enemy / Does piracy<br />
hurt the box office?<br />
36 Big Picture > Scott Pilgrim vs. The World<br />
4 Peanut Gallery<br />
We ask about your favorite deserted<br />
island snack<br />
6 Industry Briefs<br />
Roundup of the latest announcements<br />
from the world of exhibition<br />
8 Executive Suite<br />
Exhibition takes a stand on VOD<br />
windows<br />
By John Fithian<br />
and Patrick Corcoran<br />
11 Industry News<br />
Geneva convention to tackle<br />
entertainment branding<br />
By John Scaletta and George Rouman<br />
12 Show Business<br />
The love of show<br />
By Phil Contrino<br />
14 Timecode<br />
Abandon hope all ye who enter here<br />
By Kenneth James Bacon<br />
19 Congratulations<br />
Fandango celebrates an important<br />
milestone<br />
By Phil Contrino<br />
56 Classifieds<br />
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Ballad of the bone-breaker > Actor Michael Cera<br />
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Great Scott! > Director Edgar Wright<br />
PROMOTION Rock on! > Strike a perfect, promotional chord<br />
AWARDS<br />
16 Front Line<br />
John Thompson, St. Louis, MO<br />
18 Front Office<br />
Julia Marchese, Los Angeles, CA<br />
20 Marquee Award<br />
Gold Class Cinemas,<br />
South Barrington, IL<br />
44 On the Horizon<br />
Secretariat / Jackass 3D / Paranormal<br />
Activity 2<br />
46 Coming Attractions<br />
Step Up 3D / Middle Men / The Other<br />
Guys / Eat, Pray, Love / Lottery Ticket /<br />
Nanny McPhee Returns / The Switch /<br />
Takers / Going the Distance<br />
48 Book It!<br />
Flash reviews and recommendations of<br />
films that should be on your radar<br />
54 Booking Guide<br />
Nearly 150 films that you can book<br />
right now, complete with contact info,<br />
film formats, audio formats and more<br />
Peter Cane<br />
Kenneth James Bacon<br />
EDITOR<br />
Amy Nicholson<br />
Sara Maria Vizcarrondo<br />
Patrick Corcoran<br />
John Fithian<br />
Gary Klein<br />
S. Matthew Bauer<br />
Pam Grady<br />
Ray Greene<br />
Pete Hammond<br />
Cole Hornaday<br />
Wade Major<br />
Matthew Nestel<br />
Steve Ramos<br />
R. Roosevelt<br />
Ed Scheid<br />
Ally McMurray<br />
EDITOR<br />
Phil Contrino<br />
Tim Cogshell<br />
Alex Edghill<br />
Tyler Foster<br />
Joe Galm<br />
Daniel Garris<br />
Barbara Goslawski<br />
Mark Keizer<br />
John P. McCarthy<br />
Richard Mowe<br />
Steve Simels<br />
Christian Toto<br />
Rodrigo Peña<br />
Melissa Savignano<br />
Ben Rosenstein<br />
230 Park Ave., Ste. 1000<br />
New York, NY 10169<br />
212-627-7000 tel<br />
866-902-7750 fax<br /><br />
Palm Coast Data<br />
800-877-5207<br /><br />
9107 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 450<br />
Beverly Hills, CA 90210<br />
310-876-9090 tel<br />
866-902-7750 fax<br />
Jonathan Margolis<br />
the michael alan group<br /><br />
2 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
There has been a lot of head-swiveling this month at Boxoffice—it’s a wonder we don’t all<br />
have stiff necks. You see, we’ve been spending our time looking forward and back.<br />
Looking back, we’ve all been spending time in the archive, which we are pleased to share<br />
with you in our brand new online feature called The Vault. It’s an issue-by-issue, page-bypage<br />
presentation of nine decades of Boxoffice Magazine. We’re proud of our past, and we’re<br />
especially proud of how we’ve brought our past into the future. You can read all about it in<br />
Ken Bacon’s Timecode beginning on page 14.<br />
We’ve been looking ahead using WebWatch, our exclusive technology that finds and<br />
interprets everything said about movies online. There is lots of word of mouth on the Internet—we’ve<br />
tracked 20,000,000 comments in just a few months, not to mention the millions<br />
of Tweets and Facebook fans we track on an hourly basis. What it all means is that we can<br />
accurately predict box office performance and extract other valuable information from the<br />
biggest and most reliable sources available.<br />
I hope you can join us on our trips to the past and the future.<br /><br />
Insurance<br />
Services<br />
for the<br />
Theatre<br />
Industry<br />
Coming in <strong>August</strong> at and<br />
BOXOFFICE’s WebWatch Data<br />
Your patrons are talking on the Internet about which movies they want to see and<br />
which ones they don’t. With our new subscription service you can see successes<br />
and failures coming miles away instead of being surprised by them.<br />
Facebook & Twitter Tracking<br />
Make sure to follow our daily tracking of activity on these two wildly popular social<br />
media site.<br />
Reviews<br />
Will Eat Pray Love, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and The Expendables (above)<br />
prove that <strong>August</strong> is not simply a dumping ground? Check out what our critics have<br />
to say to find out.<br />
News-Reeling?<br />
Let and digest all the reports and rumors<br />
for you! Check our site daily for breaking industry news.<br />
Exclusive Interviews<br />
BOXOFFICE talks to the creative talent behind the films you need to know.<br />
BOXOFFICE (ISSN 0006-8527) is published Monthly for $59.95 per year by Boxoffice Media, LLC, 9107 Wilshire<br />
Blvd, Suite 450, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Periodical Postage Paid at Beverly Hills, CA and at additional mailing<br />
offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to : BOXOFFICE, 9107 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 450, Beverly Hills , CA<br />
MOC<br />
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AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 3
If you could take only one concession to a deserted island, what would you pick?<br />
Mike Mitchell<br />
Director, Shrek<br />
“I’d have to take the giant pretzel—no salt—and a gigantic packet of<br />
mustard. That’s my favorite, and not a lot of concession stands have<br />
that. It’s hard to find the giant pretzel these days. Man, when I find<br />
those I’m so happy. It has to be soft and bready, and if they don’t<br />
have one without the salt I just rub it against my jeans until the salt<br />
flies off and then I cover it in mustard and eat it. If I get mustard all<br />
over myself, I don’t even care.”<br />
Michael Cera<br />
Actor, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World<br />
“Those little chocolate balls. Crunch balls. Those<br />
bars of Crunch in tiny pebble form. Buncha<br />
Crunch! It’s really good. I’ve eaten a lot of it.”<br />
Rob Schneider<br />
Actor, Grown Ups<br />
“They’re starting to put in the healthier cookies, but snack food has<br />
to stop poisoning people. I want some healthy food in there. It’s<br />
not a concession, but the only thing I’d want to take is Patricia, my<br />
fiancee.”<br />
Nikkole Denson-Randolph<br />
VP of Specialty & Alternative Content, AMC<br />
“Peanut M&M’s. I was going to go with water but that’s boring, if<br />
healthy. If I’m on a desert island, I just want to be happy! Peanut<br />
M&M’s make everyone happy.”
If you could take only one concession to a deserted island, what would you pick?<br />
Mike Mitchell<br />
Director, Shrek<br />
“I’d have to take the giant pretzel—no salt—and a gigantic packet of<br />
mustard. That’s my favorite, and not a lot of concession stands have<br />
that. It’s hard to find the giant pretzel these days. Man, when I find<br />
those I’m so happy. It has to be soft and bready, and if they don’t<br />
have one without the salt I just rub it against my jeans until the salt<br />
flies off and then I cover it in mustard and eat it. If I get mustard all<br />
over myself, I don’t even care.”<br />
Michael Cera<br />
Actor, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World<br />
“Those little chocolate balls. Crunch balls. Those<br />
bars of Crunch in tiny pebble form. Buncha<br />
Crunch! It’s really good. I’ve eaten a lot of it.”<br />
Rob Schneider<br />
Actor, Grown Ups<br />
“They’re starting to put in the healthier cookies, but snack food has<br />
to stop poisoning people. I want some healthy food in there. It’s<br />
not a concession, but the only thing I’d want to take is Patricia, my<br />
fiancee.”<br />
Nikkole Denson-Randolph<br />
VP of Specialty & Alternative Content, AMC<br />
“Peanut M&M’s. I was going to go with water but that’s boring, if<br />
healthy. If I’m on a desert island, I just want to be happy! Peanut<br />
M&M’s make everyone happy.”
Christie digital cinema projectors have<br />
reached the “end of the world.” The Packewaia<br />
Cinema in Ushuaia, Argentina—the southernmost<br />
city in the world—has installed a Christie<br />
3D digital projection system that is already<br />
playing to packed houses. Operated by Gama<br />
<strong>Pro</strong>ducciones, whose partners, Fabian Fiocchi<br />
and Pablo Drajner, oversee diverse media, promotional<br />
and event production ventures, including<br />
the management of a local TV station, the<br />
Packewaia Cinema is one of only a handful of<br />
theaters in a city of 65,000 and was built more<br />
than a decade ago inside a former naval station.<br />
The Cinema Advertising Council unveiled its<br />
new report on cinema advertising revenues.<br />
Total cinema advertising industry revenues of<br />
CAC members—more than 82 percent of U.S.<br />
movie screens—grew by nearly two percent to<br />
$584,067,000 in 2009, despite a year that saw<br />
spending in other traditional media decrease<br />
significantly. Top national cinema advertising<br />
categories in 2009 included Apparel, Auto,<br />
Entertainment, Retail, Consumer Packaged<br />
Goods, Travel and Wireless. Additionally,<br />
growth in 2009 was attributable to increasing<br />
activity across a broad spectrum of emerging<br />
categories, from Cable Television Networks,<br />
Cosmetics, Financial and the Military.<br />
Screenvision signed a new exhibitor agreement<br />
with Santikos Theatres LLC, the largest<br />
family-owned theater circuit in Texas. With<br />
this deal, Screenvision expands its presence<br />
in the key Houston and San Antonio markets.<br />
The deal represents Santikos’ first partnership<br />
with a cinema advertising company providing<br />
Late Preshow advertising. Santikos currently<br />
operates eight theater locations and 106<br />
screens in Houston and San Antonio. “We<br />
are committed to providing our guests with a<br />
superior cinematic experience on every level,<br />
and partnering with Screenvision on an enhanced<br />
national advertising program is in line<br />
with that mission” said Art Seago, Santikos<br />
Theatre’s COO. Santikos Theatres have VIP<br />
screens, IMAX screens, D-BOX motion seats<br />
and full service bars and restaurants, including<br />
two theater locations that operate as cinemaeateries.<br />
Santikos plans to complete its digital<br />
cinema roll-out to all theatre locations by the<br />
end of <strong>2010</strong>.<br />
BABY, IT’S<br />
Packewaia<br />
Cinema in the<br />
southern-most<br />
city in the<br />
world: Ushuaia,<br />
Argentina<br />
GDC Technology has opened a new East<br />
Coast office in Sterling, VA near Washington<br />
DC, to help meet the growing demand for GDC<br />
digital cinema servers in the US. “We have seen<br />
significant growth in our customer base and<br />
GDC has delivered more than 1,000 digital cinema<br />
servers to America in the last 12 months,”<br />
said Tim Folk, Executive Vice President. “Our<br />
customers are expanding their commitment and<br />
believe in the performance and reliability that<br />
our digital cinema servers are able to deliver. To<br />
support their commitments, we are expanding<br />
our US resources.” Added founder Dr. Man-<br />
Nang Chong, “I am also proud to mention our<br />
West Coast office in Burbank, California is expanding<br />
its technical staff as well.”<br />
B&B completed its second all-digital theater<br />
in Waynesville, MO and will be converting its<br />
third location in Claremore, OK this month,<br />
with plans to convert a handful of more theaters<br />
before the end of the year. The new Dolby<br />
7.1 sound system has been selected for the<br />
larger auditoriums. Said B&B’s Brock Bagby,<br />
“The 7.1 system is getting a lot of press and<br />
we find it exciting that we are putting it in.”<br />
Cinedigm Digital Cinema Corp. announced<br />
the worldwide release of Theatre Command<br />
Center-Enterprise (Enterprise), a powerful<br />
software solution designed to streamline and<br />
automate circuit-wide digital cinema operations.<br />
Enterprise was designed in conjunction with<br />
Cinedigm’s Theatre Command CenterTM TMS<br />
to provide real-time, consolidated digital theater<br />
information and to centralize certain scheduling<br />
and content management tasks and allow<br />
exhibitors to save significant time and money<br />
through automation. Real-time events and<br />
statuses from all networked digital theaters are<br />
captured in a robust central Enterprise database<br />
for unprecedented operating control and business<br />
intelligence. Enterprise will also streamline<br />
and automate the calculation and reconciliation<br />
of virtual print fees. “The Theatre Command<br />
Center is already the most automated and easy<br />
to use TMS on the market. Enterprise moves<br />
us very close to our goals of 15 minute weekly<br />
scheduling and virtually hands-free theater<br />
operations, while dramatically increasing circuitwide<br />
awareness, efficiency and control,” said<br />
Jim Miller, president of Cinedigm Software.<br />
Carmike Cinemas announced the launch of<br />
its BigD Large Format Digital Experience at<br />
its Columbus, Georgia, Carmike 15 complex.<br />
The auditorium will include a wall to wall giant<br />
screen measuring 78 feet wide and 35 feet<br />
tall, custom luxury seating, the latest in 7.1<br />
surround sound and digital projection for both<br />
2D and 3D features. Carmike premiered BigD<br />
on the opening of Salt, and the chain plans to<br />
open 24 more locations by the end of 2011.<br />
“Whether it be a movie, concert, sporting<br />
event, motivational speaker or church service,<br />
patrons will find BigD placing them at the<br />
heart of the event,” said Dale Hurst, Carmike’s<br />
director of marketing.<br />
Sony <strong>Pro</strong>fessional today announced new<br />
digital cinema dealers across Europe as part<br />
of its drive to meet the ever-growing demand<br />
for its 4K projection systems. Sony <strong>Pro</strong>fessional<br />
has signed agreements with three new dealers:<br />
Sound Associates in the UK, <strong>Pro</strong>tronic AG in<br />
Switzerland, and Hulskamp in the Netherlands.<br />
“We are fully committed to further strengthening<br />
our channel partnerships in Europe<br />
and continuing to deliver compelling cinema<br />
experience,” said Oliver Pasch, head of digital<br />
cinema at Sony <strong>Pro</strong>fessional in Europe. “Working<br />
hand in hand with these specialist dealers,<br />
we can jointly deliver outstanding 2D and<br />
3D technology to support cinemas exhibitors<br />
across Europe.”<br />
Commemorating the 75th anniversary of<br />
Elvis Presley’s birth, Warner Home Video, Elvis<br />
Presley Enterprises, Inc. and NCM Fathom<br />
are presenting Elvis on Tour: 75th Anniversary<br />
Celebration, a special in-theater event featuring<br />
remastered film footage shot with The<br />
King on tour and in concert. Broadcast to more<br />
than 460 select movie theaters on July 29 th ,<br />
it includes never-before-seen Elvis tour footage<br />
as well as montage sequences produced<br />
by Academy Award-winning director Martin<br />
Scorsese.<br />
National CineMedia has entered into a network<br />
affiliate agreement with Great Escape<br />
Theatres, an Indiana-based cinema chain, for<br />
the presentation of cinema advertising and<br />
NCM Fathom entertainment and business<br />
events in theaters. Under the terms of the<br />
exclusive multi-year agreement, 26 Great Escape<br />
Theatres—with 307 screens in Georgia,<br />
Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Nebraska, Missouri,<br />
Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee<br />
and West Virginia—will join the NCM Cinema<br />
Network in September <strong>2010</strong>. “Great Escape<br />
Theatres are a great complement to our network,<br />
as they provide additional geographic<br />
coverage in key Midwestern and Southern<br />
markets,” said Kurt Hall, NCM’s president and<br />
chief executive officer.<br />
IMAX and The Walt Disney Studios announced<br />
a new agreement to release three additional<br />
3D pictures to IMAX theaters in 2011.<br />
The titles included are Mars Needs Moms,<br />
starring Seth Green and Joan Cusack, slated<br />
for release on March 11, 2011 and executive<br />
produced by Robert Zemeckis; Pirates of the<br />
Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, starring Johnny<br />
Depp and Penelope Cruz, slated for release on<br />
May 20, 2011 and Cars 2, slated for release on<br />
June 24, 2011.<br />
6 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 7
JOHN<br />
NATO<br />
President<br />
and Chief<br />
Executive<br />
Officer<br />
Even though current data and discussions suggest a<br />
relatively stable theatrical-to-DVD window, we remain<br />
concerned about a longer-term possibility on a different<br />
release platform. As described previously [May<br />
issue] a few cable company and studio executives have<br />
indicated their desire to experiment with high-priced<br />
home video on demand, or movie-streaming or download,<br />
in a much shorter window. We have discussed<br />
this issue over the past few months with many, many<br />
domestic and international exhibitors and have been<br />
pleased to learn each company has a strong individual<br />
resolve to protect the theatrical window. At the same<br />
time, the statements from some cable and studio leaders<br />
have recently become more alarming.<br />
As reported in the Wall Street Journal in May, Time<br />
Warner cable company executives proposed to studio<br />
leaders the creation of a 30-day premium VOD window.<br />
Warner Bros. CEO Barry Meyer subsequently<br />
indicated that he would be “open to such an offering,<br />
but added that 30 days is likely too short of a time lag.”<br />
Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer stated in early June<br />
that, “We think windows right now are really about to<br />
explode, and, for content owners and distributors, have<br />
really significant improving margin possibilities.” Jeffrey<br />
Katzenberg added that “theater owners have to<br />
get comfortable with the fact that they are not serving<br />
their business well with their approach to<br />
windowing.”<br />
Given the intensity and growing number of<br />
these dangerous statements, NATO’s leadership<br />
decided that a public statement was<br />
necessary. Joined by a supportive statement<br />
from our European colleagues at the International<br />
Union of Cinemas (UNIC), NATO issued<br />
a public statement on June 16. NATO’s<br />
and UNIC’s statements follow.<br />
John Fithian, NATO President and CEO<br />
Patrick Corcoran, NATO Director of Media and Research<br />
WINDOW<br />
With the FCC’s approval of the use of Selectable<br />
Output Control (SOC) technology, there has<br />
been a lot of discussion and speculation in<br />
the media regarding the overall issue of release windows<br />
and, in particular, the prospect of the introduction of<br />
a premium Video on Demand (VOD) window into the<br />
marketplace. From the first introduction of ancillary<br />
revenue streams, release windows have played a vital role<br />
in the studios’ development of economic models related<br />
to the production, marketing, distribution and exhibition<br />
of movies. Although film making is at its core a creative<br />
process, it is also a business model that requires financial<br />
risk-taking and discipline to support and reward the creative<br />
talent upon which business success depends.<br />
While we understand the decision of the FCC to allow<br />
content protection of valuable movies in a marketplace<br />
rife with piracy, NATO and its members have long<br />
maintained that a robust theatrical release window is<br />
vital for the health of theatrical exhibition and the movie<br />
industry as a whole. The FCC decision changes neither<br />
that view nor exhibitors’ resolve to protect the window.<br />
The “traditional release window” of 120 days to the home<br />
the MPAA acknowledged in its FCC petition continues<br />
to serve the industry well. The distribution side of the<br />
industry recognizes its value as well. Indeed, in the last<br />
six years, the average theatrical release window has not<br />
varied more than nine days (between 131 days and 140<br />
days).<br />
While exhibitors understand the new pressures that a<br />
weakened DVD market creates for their studio partners,<br />
four decades of box office growth and three straight years<br />
of record-breaking theatrical box office argue for caution<br />
in tampering with a business model that clearly works.<br />
Sequential release (higher value release formats come<br />
earlier in the sequence and command a premium) is well<br />
understood by the consumer and works for the industry.<br />
Collapsing windows muddies the value proposition for<br />
the consumer, blurs distinctions between theatrical and<br />
“straight-to-video” and undercuts one of the important<br />
selling points for theatrical exhibition—the timeliness of<br />
the exclusive event.<br />
Every ticket sold in the theatrical window can be effectively<br />
priced, something that cannot be said for the ancillary<br />
windows—even a “premium” early VOD window.<br />
How many viewers per household will watch each<br />
premium-priced offering? Three? Five? More? At what<br />
price point? The studios have been unable to resist the<br />
8 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
inexorable downward price pressure and<br />
commoditization of its products in later<br />
windows. Why move that pressure forward<br />
to the one window that has been free of it?<br />
The studios seem to understand this, as<br />
their battle to carve out a DVD sell-through<br />
window against the $l-a-night kiosk rental<br />
services demonstrates. It is baffling that<br />
they would try to introduce the same kind<br />
of profit-cannibalizing self-competition into<br />
their highest value distribution channel. A<br />
premium VOD window will neither solve<br />
the DVD slump nor end the problem of<br />
film theft. If past is prologue, technological<br />
locks will be overcome with technological<br />
crowbars, and earlier availability of pristine<br />
digital copies will facilitate and proliferate<br />
illegal duplication. The solution to the<br />
industry’s problems is to grow the revenue<br />
pie, not change the size of the slices.<br />
Theater owners around the world are<br />
investing millions of dollars to make available<br />
to filmmakers, audiences and studios<br />
the latest in digital and 3D projection. They<br />
have made that investment in the interest<br />
of the cinematic arts and with the understanding<br />
of a reliable product flowfrom<br />
their distribution partners. Studios are<br />
supporting this revolutionary transition<br />
through virtual print fee payments.<br />
Unilateral tampering with the business<br />
conditions that make such investment possible<br />
threatens the logic of the industry’s<br />
investments.<br />
While some proponents of “new media”<br />
make promises and predictions of large<br />
profits, they ignore the bigger picture. The<br />
revenue stream from motion pictures can<br />
best be optimized by intelligently integrating<br />
new technologies and ideas such<br />
as premium video on demand with other<br />
existing, proven revenue streams. Theatres<br />
offer the most control of the product and<br />
the most revenue. A short window with the<br />
potential to siphon off a significant number<br />
of moviegoers benefits neither the studios<br />
nor today’s high-tech theaters.<br />
Many observers point to the lessons to<br />
be learned from what is left of the music<br />
industry. The lesson is not that new media<br />
should replace old media, for that has been<br />
shown to result in smaller overall revenues.<br />
Rather the question to be answered is how<br />
can revenues be maximized by integrating<br />
new and old media?<br />
In introducing a new VOD premium window<br />
it is incumbent upon the studios to start<br />
a dialogue with all elements of the industry:<br />
creative, production, finance, distribution,<br />
exhibition and home media. Any promotion,<br />
advertising, marketing or testing of<br />
premium VOD needs to be done within the<br />
existing in-home window time frame. After<br />
a period of time, results should be measured<br />
to evaluate the impact on the other windows<br />
and adjustments made accordingly.<br />
While individual theater companies<br />
must and will make decisions about release<br />
window changes in their own company’s<br />
interest, three things are essential as our<br />
industry evolves:<br />
■<br />
Public negotiation creates confusion<br />
and bad blood between partners.<br />
We are keenly aware of the irony in<br />
using the media to call for an end to<br />
negotiating through the media, but<br />
the point is no less valid. Recent trial<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 9
■<br />
■<br />
balloons and public statements regarding<br />
possible windows and price<br />
points are harmful to the industry.<br />
No surprises. Exhibitors cannot be<br />
blind-sided by unusually short windows<br />
after they have already booked<br />
and begun playing a movie in their<br />
theaters.<br />
A seat at the table. The release<br />
window on a movie is as important<br />
a consideration to exhibitors as any<br />
other element of booking a movie.<br />
Whatever changes the studios seek<br />
to make to their release window<br />
models, it is absolutely essential that<br />
theater owners be fully involved.<br />
It would be irresponsible to put today’s<br />
successful model at risk by introducing<br />
a potentially destabilizing change in the<br />
existing windows platform that has allowed<br />
the American movie industry to develop<br />
into the preeminent movie industry in the<br />
world.<br />
Adopted by the Executive Board of Directors<br />
of the National Association of Theatre<br />
Owners on June 14,<strong>2010</strong><br />
UNIC (International Union of Cinemas)<br />
notes and strongly supports<br />
today’s statement by the National<br />
Association of Theatre Owners regarding<br />
the recent decision by the US Federal<br />
Communications Commission to approve<br />
the use of Selectable Output Control<br />
technology, and the resultant coverage in<br />
US national media about the potential introduction<br />
of a premium Video on Demand<br />
window into the marketplace.<br />
UNIC represents exhibitors from 18<br />
European territories. As such its members<br />
work with different film release patterns<br />
and release windows, the latter being<br />
shorter in some countries than others, and<br />
regulated to a greater or larger degree from<br />
territory to territory. However all share US<br />
colleagues’ concern about the potentially<br />
damaging impact of media speculation<br />
about the recent FCC decision and join<br />
them in calling on colleagues in the industry<br />
to ensure that discussions arising from<br />
that are conducted in a disciplined manner.<br />
The UNIC position on the issue of<br />
release windows remains unchanged. It<br />
recognizes that attempts to develop new<br />
business models in the film industry are<br />
an inevitable feature of a dynamic sector.<br />
However, whether as a response to increasingly<br />
fragile DVD income or in an attempt<br />
to thwart piracy, such developments should<br />
not occur at the expense of the one part<br />
of the value chain which undoubtedly<br />
works—theatrical exhibition.<br />
Contact:<br />
Paris, June 16th, <strong>2010</strong><br />
Ad Weststrate President<br />
email:<br />
Hortense de Labriffe Chief Executive<br />
Phone: +33 142 893 150<br />
email:<br />
UNIC (International Union of Cinemas) represents<br />
exhibitors from 18 countries (Germany, Austria, Belgium,<br />
Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom,<br />
Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Norway,<br />
The Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey and Sweden)<br />
with more than 28,000 screens and 800 millions admissions<br />
per year. Companies such as AFM, Europalaces,<br />
Kinepolis Group, Mars Entertainment Group,<br />
UGC, Utopolis Group and Vue are also members.<br />
10 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
GENEVA<br />
Disney hosts two seminars on<br />
perfecting the theatrical experience<br />
by John Scaletta and George Rouman<br />
Hollywood returns to the Heartland<br />
on September 28-30 when hundreds<br />
of exhibitors, studio executives,<br />
vendors and industry experts gather at<br />
NATO of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan’s<br />
Geneva Convention held at the Grand Geneva<br />
Resort & Spa in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.<br />
Two Disney Institute Seminars—Approach<br />
to People Management and Approach<br />
to Inspire Creativity—are included as part<br />
of the convention package. The Disney Institute<br />
seminars have been selected specifically<br />
to help theater owners and managers<br />
brand a positive and unique moviegoing<br />
experience.<br />
One key aspect of that experience is<br />
the people who work at the theater. The<br />
Disney Institute’s Approach to People Management<br />
provides several strategies to get<br />
a competent, knowledgeable, engaging,<br />
and creative staff. People Management will<br />
teach ways that managers and executives<br />
can train, develop, and retain highly-skilled<br />
employees who understand and convey<br />
the truths and values of their business. The<br />
result is not only improved service, but<br />
also better profits. High management turnover<br />
and a young, untrained staff will have<br />
a negative economic impact—more than<br />
you think.<br />
Since movies are all about creativity, the<br />
second seminar, Approach to Inspire Creativity,<br />
provides ways to develop an environment<br />
where new ideas and collaboration<br />
flourish. Managers will learn techniques<br />
to analyze their theater’s “organizational<br />
creativity” and how it affects the success of<br />
their organization. The seminar will also<br />
examine the four key components of the<br />
organizational creativity model: organizational<br />
identity, collaborative culture, structural<br />
systems and the leader.<br />
As co-chairs of the Geneva Convention,<br />
we are dedicated to filling the <strong>2010</strong> Geneva<br />
Convention with relevant content for<br />
managers as well as for owners. Our agenda<br />
is bursting at the seams with events and<br />
seminars, making it a great value for everyone<br />
in the industry.<br />
Register for The <strong>2010</strong> Geneva Convention<br />
at or call<br />
convention headquarters at (262) 532-0017<br />
for more information.<br />
■<br />
ARE...<br />
Coming off of a lucrative 2009 and a<br />
bright future, The Geneva Convention<br />
proudly taps Lionsgate as its <strong>2010</strong><br />
Studio of the Year. Lionsgate has developed<br />
both the Tyler Perry and Saw<br />
franchises and audiences eagerly anticipate<br />
the release of new films from<br />
these filmmakers.<br />
Celebrating their 125th anniversary,<br />
C. Cretors & Company is considered<br />
by many to have been the catalyst for<br />
the billion-dollar concession industry.<br />
Presently, they are one of the largest<br />
manufacturers of popcorn, hotdog and<br />
cotton candy equipment in the nation,<br />
among other specialty equipment. A<br />
longtime partner with exhibitors both<br />
large and small, The Geneva Convention<br />
is honored to call C. Cretors &<br />
Company its <strong>2010</strong> Vendor of the Year.<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 11
PHIL<br />
Editor<br /><br />
THE LOVE<br />
OF SHOW<br />
Ben Gallaty proves<br />
salesmanship doesn’t take<br />
decades of experience<br />
About a month and a half after<br />
launching our new websites, I received<br />
the most enthusiastic and<br />
encouraging feedback from Ben<br />
Gallaty, the 21 year old Assistant<br />
Manager at the Cinemagic Stadium<br />
in Menomonie, WI. Ben posted<br />
the following message on my<br />
Facebook wall:<br />
“Dude, I f***ing love that Boxoffice<br />
now incorporates the Twitter/Facebook<br />
side of movies. It really<br />
makes me happy to see that<br />
the film industry is beginning to<br />
embrace social networking.”<br />
Talk about a great pull quote!<br />
I<br />
met Ben at this year’s ShoWest, and right<br />
away I could tell that he was a genuine<br />
movie buff. We know our own kind. Sadly,<br />
some people have become jaded by the harsh<br />
side of our industry—they’ve lost that passion<br />
for movies. That’s why it’s always refreshing to<br />
talk to someone like Ben.<br />
Gallaty recently celebrated four and a<br />
half years as an employee of the Cinemagic<br />
Stadium. He started out as an usher and<br />
worked his way up to Assistant Manager. The<br />
exhibition industry has been a natural fit for<br />
the Wisconsin native.<br />
“I actually got my first job to support<br />
my movie-going habits,” explains Gallaty. “I<br />
washed dishes for about a year before<br />
managing to convince an ex-girlfriend<br />
to put a good word in for me and I got<br />
hired at the theater four days before<br />
Christmas.”<br />
Gallaty has an innate sense of how<br />
to effectively reach moviegoers. That’s<br />
important for exhibition during a<br />
time when the conventional rules of<br />
the game are changing so rapidly.<br />
Ben’s Facebook album is full<br />
of pictures of him and his friends<br />
dressed up in costume to support<br />
new releases. They serve as a<br />
prime example of one eternal rule:<br />
enthusiastic theater workers lure<br />
enthusiastic patrons.<br />
“My favorite films to market for<br />
are comedies, specifically R-rated<br />
ones,” says Gallaty. “A huge part of our<br />
customers stem from the local college<br />
and it’s a lot of fun to do promotions<br />
through the local bars, local bands<br />
and local clubs to draw in the twentysomething<br />
demographic. Films like<br />
Hot Tub Time Machine and Get Him<br />
to the Greek really play well with our<br />
customer base, so they’re the easiest<br />
and most exciting to put out there.”<br />
Yet while Gallaty is aware of<br />
conventional tips to bolster the<br />
theatrical experience, he’s also got a<br />
few new tricks up his sleeve.<br />
“When it comes to marketing<br />
to the younger generation, I firmly<br />
believe in the power of the cell phone<br />
combined with mob mentality,” says<br />
Gallaty. “Since I live in a small town,<br />
it’s extremely beneficial that we have<br />
a few high schoolers in our employ<br />
all the time. This allows us to sponsor<br />
homecoming dances, prom, stuff like<br />
that with free movie passes, or to give<br />
them old standees to use as props for plays, etc.<br />
In regards to the power of the cell phone itself,<br />
if we do a pre-sale, I’ll ask a few of my younger<br />
employees to text a few friends—it spreads like<br />
wildfire.”<br />
Gallaty points to the ridiculously strong<br />
response to pre-sale activity for The Twilight<br />
Saga: Eclipse. “I had four employees text five<br />
friends each and almost four hundred people<br />
knew within two or three hours.” That’s proof<br />
of the power of phones.<br />
“The new generation of employees and their<br />
cell phones has been revolutionized by social<br />
media and social networking,” notes Gallaty.<br />
“We are, and will continue to be, a wired nation.<br />
We are addicted to technology and instant<br />
gratification.”<br />
“My town doesn’t have a billboard for Toy<br />
Story 3, but everyone is excited about it because<br />
Disney has ads all over YouTube, Facebook—<br />
they even sponsored a Trending Topic on it for<br />
Twitter. We, the film industry, have the power<br />
of the Internet at our hands, with hundreds of<br />
millions of people on Twitter and Facebook<br />
waiting to listen and we’re barely even<br />
scratching the surface.”<br />
One of the most important responsibilities<br />
that people in the exhibition industry now<br />
face is pushing the superiority of the theatrical<br />
experience over the many other entertainment<br />
options that bombard customers.<br />
“As a manager, I have to not only maintain<br />
my customer base, but expand it as well,” says<br />
Gallaty. “I am fighting against Netflix, RedBox,<br />
torrenting, YouTube, X-Box, etc. on a daily<br />
basis. Because of this, I tend to no longer ‘push’<br />
whatever movie is coming out that week—<br />
instead I push two-hour vacations. I came to the<br />
movies as a kid not because I wanted to see a<br />
specific movie, but because I wanted to escape<br />
for as long as possible. As I grew up, I realized<br />
a lot of people are attempting to do the same. I<br />
don’t sell people a ticket to Eclipse, I sell them<br />
the opportunity to go on a two-hour vacation to<br />
a different reality than their own.”<br />
In addition to working at the Cinemagic<br />
Stadium, Ben has launched a small production<br />
company called Beartrap On Your Face<br />
<strong>Pro</strong>ductions. His hope is to build it into<br />
something profitable that can enable future<br />
filmmakers to take part in the art form he<br />
adores.<br />
So where does Ben see himself in 20 years?<br />
“In a movie theater watching a movie. I love<br />
theater management, but first and foremost, I<br />
am a lover of watching movies and I hope to<br />
procure a job that allows me opportunities to<br />
see more movies.”<br />
■<br />
12 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
<strong>2010</strong><br />
Screen Gems’ Resident Evil: Afterlife opens Sept 10, <strong>2010</strong><br />
06.24.11 Disney Cars 2<br />
08.06.10 Disney Step Up 3-D<br />
08.20.10<br />
The Weinstein<br />
Company<br />
Piranha 3D<br />
09.10.10 Screen Gems Resident Evil: Afterlife<br />
09.17.10 Lionsgate Alpha and Omega<br />
09.24.10 Warner Bros.<br />
Legend of the Guardians:<br />
The Owls of Ga’Hoole<br />
10.15.10 Paramount, MTV Jackass 3D<br />
10.22.10 Lionsgate Saw VII<br />
10.29.10 Universal My Soul to Take<br />
11.05.10 DreamWorks Megamind<br />
11.19.10 Warner Bros.<br />
Harry Potter and the<br />
Deathly Hollows (Part 1)<br />
11.24.10 Disney Tangled<br />
12.10.10 Fox<br />
The Chronicles of Narnia:<br />
The Voyage of the Dawn<br />
Treader<br />
12.17.10 Disney TRON Legacy<br />
12.17.10 Warner Bros. Yogi Bear<br />
2011<br />
01.14.11 MGM The Cabin in the Woods<br />
01.14.11 Sony The Green Hornet<br />
02.11.11 Summit Drive Angry<br />
02.11.11 Miramax Gnomeo and Juliet<br />
03.04.11 Universal Sanctum<br />
03.11.11 Disney Mars Needs Moms!<br />
03.25.11 Warnr Bros. Sucker Punch<br />
04.08.11 Fox Rio<br />
04.15.11 Summit The Three Musketeers<br />
05.13.11 Screen Gems Priest<br />
05.20.11 Disney<br />
Pirates of the Caribbean:<br />
On Stranger Tides<br />
05.26.11<br />
Paramount<br />
(DreamWorks)<br />
Kung Fu Panda:<br />
The Kaboom of Doom<br />
06.17.11 Warner Bros. Green Lantern<br />
07.01.11<br />
Paramount<br />
(DreamWorks)<br />
Transformers 3<br />
07.15.11 Warner Bros.<br />
Harry Potter and the<br />
Deathly Hollows (Part II)<br />
08.03.11 Sony The Smurfs<br />
08.19.11<br />
The Weinstein<br />
Company<br />
Spy Kids 4:<br />
All the Time in the World<br />
08.26.11 New Line Final Destination 5<br />
09.23.11 New Line<br />
Journey to the Center<br />
of the Earth 2<br />
10.07.11 DreamWorks Fright Night<br />
10.21.11 Warner Bros. Contagion<br />
11.04.11 DreamWorks Puss in Boots<br />
11.11.11 Universal Immortals<br />
11.11.11 Sony Arthur Christmas<br />
11.18.11 Warner Bros. Happy Feet 2<br />
12.09.11 Sony Hugo Cabret<br />
12.16.11 Fox<br />
Alvin and the Chipmunks:<br />
Chip-Wrecked<br />
12.23.11 Paramount<br />
The Adventures of Tintin:<br />
The Secret of the Unicorn<br />
2012<br />
03.02.12 Universal Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax<br />
03.30.12 Paramount The Croods<br />
05.18.12 Paramount Madagascar 3<br />
05.25.12 Sony Men in Black 3<br />
06.15.12 Disney Brave<br />
07.13.12 20th Century Fox Ice Age: Continental Drift<br />
09.21.12 Sony) Hotel Transylvania<br />
11.02.12<br />
Paramount<br />
(DreamWorks)<br />
The Guardians<br />
11.16.12 Disney Monsters Inc. 2<br />
2013<br />
03.22.12 Disney Reboot Ralph
JAMES<br />
BACON<br />
Creative<br />
Director,<br />
Media<br />
MAN WITH<br />
A PLAN<br />
Developer<br />
Cosmin<br />
Andriescu and<br />
his team from<br />
Sparktech<br />
Software rebuilt<br />
Vault from the<br />
ground up.<br />
At long last, we are delivering our complete collection to our web<br />
visitors—and you won’t want to leave once you enter The Vault<br />
A<br />
few years ago we decided to digitize our<br />
library of back issues. Get a scanner,<br />
some storage and, critically, a minion.<br />
Done. Some felt an assistant would be best for<br />
this task and in some parts of the world a henchman<br />
is normally used. But for our purposes, a<br />
minion would be ideal. Scanning our little magazine,<br />
we thought, would be a piece of cake.<br />
Not so.<br />
Our back issues, as you can see in the fine<br />
iPhone photo below, are bound in hardback volumes<br />
of about 12 issues each. I’m sitting in the<br />
room that houses them at this moment. With<br />
about 2900 issues bound in this fashion, you can<br />
imagine the difficulty in laying each page flat on<br />
a scanner and the time required to digitize nearly<br />
300,000 pages—one at a time. An option was to<br />
dismantle these bound books, but they, and the<br />
pages that the ink is printed on, are fragile. It<br />
took months to accomplish the scanning and we<br />
thank the poor schmoes<br />
with the white gloves—<br />
you wore white gloves didn’t<br />
you?—who completed<br />
the task.<br />
But what can you do<br />
with a 1400-page PDF? As<br />
it turns out, not a lot. The<br />
finished scanned volumes<br />
weigh in at over 120 mb<br />
each and there are nearly<br />
200 of them. To put them<br />
in some sort of condition<br />
for our site visitors to<br />
search, view and enjoy,<br />
we needed to split these<br />
volumes into single issue<br />
documents and then<br />
single-page PDFs with<br />
logical organization and<br />
file-naming conventions.<br />
Sadly, there is no button<br />
on Boxoffice <strong>Pro</strong>duction<br />
<strong>Pro</strong>duction<br />
Assistant Ally<br />
McMurray sifts<br />
through the<br />
volumes<br />
Assistant Ally McMurray’s<br />
keyboard labelled<br />
“Do That.”<br />
A great destination for<br />
viewing digital magazines<br />
is the Webby-award<br />
winning service, Issuu, headquartered in one of<br />
those countries always still playing in the World<br />
Cup after the US team has gone home. Why not<br />
have Issuu host our 90 year old archive at issuu.<br />
com, we asked ourselves, for all the world to<br />
see? So, the eager Ms. McMurray spent weeks<br />
uploading the editions, entering metadata and<br />
watching the little stopwatch on screen twitch<br />
and twirl as each magazine was post-processed<br />
by Issuu. If you visited our first iteration of the<br />
Boxoffice Vault at, you were viewing<br />
issues via Issuu’s (yes, that got confusing for<br />
us, too) very elegant page-turning technology.<br />
But we weren’t finished.<br />
It’s important to us that our archives become<br />
an unmatched resource for researchers and film<br />
fans alike. When the producers of Alex Stapleton’s<br />
upcoming documentary King of the B’s: The<br />
Independent Life of Roger Corman, contacted us for<br />
assistance in researching her subject (a major<br />
name in our magazine for decades), we found<br />
that our search tools were not of a caliber that<br />
met their standards or ours. Luckily, we had the<br />
fine Ms. McMurray available to scour through<br />
the bound volumes for ads and articles relating<br />
to Mr. Corman and we’re pleased to report that<br />
you’ll be seeing material from the pages of Boxoffice<br />
on screen this fall.<br />
To devise and launch a eminently searchable<br />
archive on our own site, we enlisted developers<br />
from Sparktech Software, led by Cosmin<br />
Andriescu. It’s a difficult challenge—presenting<br />
hundreds of thousands of pages in a searchable<br />
fashion that’s easy to navigate and allows visitors<br />
the ability to download individual pages in addition<br />
to complete issues. We are pleased to report<br />
that the new Vault exceeds all of our expectations.<br />
Click on over and see for yourself.<br />
Adding power and precision to the searchable<br />
archive is our tag team, led by Josh Cottingham.<br />
The tag team is carefully going through every<br />
page adding detailed metadata—tagging—to<br />
maximize the relevancy of search results.<br />
The care and feeding of the Boxoffice Vault<br />
doesn’t end with the launch. We will continue to<br />
add more material, more information and more<br />
features as we move forward. Feedback is important<br />
to the team, so don’t be shy about emailing<br />
me or calling at 3 a.m. Yeah, like I’ll answer. ■<br />
14 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
WEB IS 3D!<br />
These beautiful,<br />
full-color gatefold<br />
announcements<br />
were a staple of<br />
the magaizne for<br />
decades. You can<br />
get a taste this<br />
rare art in The<br />
Vault<br />
Now available for viewing and enjoying at Nearly<br />
300,000 pages of movie news, classic ads and reviews will be soon be<br />
available and just a mouse click away<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 15
John Thompson<br />
Greeter<br />
The Tivoli Theatre<br />
St. Louis, MO<br />
Nominated By<br />
Dale Sweet<br />
General Manager<br />
About the Tivoli > Built in 1924, the<br />
Tivoli Building is the most prominent<br />
edifice in The Loop area of St. Louis<br />
and is listed in the National Register of<br />
Historic Places.<br />
On May 24, 1924, the ornate Tivoli Theatre<br />
opened to the public. The St. Louis<br />
Post-Dispatch described the theatre as<br />
having “luxury and splendor eclipsing<br />
that of any other St. Louis theater” and<br />
“the pièce de résistance of glorified<br />
beauty.”<br />
Goodrich Quality Theaters Inc. has<br />
given audience the goods since 1930,<br />
Architects, designers and sightseers have<br />
and they’re still going strong with 28<br />
toured the restored Tivoli Theatre, marveling<br />
at the marquee, the 29 foot tall<br />
locations and 252 screens<br />
vertical sign, the newly-built box office,<br />
the vestibule with its terrazzo floor and<br />
ornate ceilings, the new seats, recessed<br />
ceiling domes, proscenium arch, side<br />
wall arches, stage, orchestra pit and lush<br />
burgundy curtain.<br />
Elegant display cases have been filled<br />
with movie memorabilia including<br />
Marilyn Monroe, Little Rascals, Wizard<br />
of Oz and Marx Brothers dolls, a statue<br />
of Vincent Price and a plaster Maltese<br />
Falcon. Golden-age poster collages<br />
and original posters of St. Louis-related<br />
movies, actors and actresses line the<br />
corridors. With the renovation complete,<br />
people could once again enjoy seeing<br />
great movies as they were filmed to be<br />
seen—on a big screen in an architecturally<br />
stunning setting.<br />
(from the website of Landmark Theatres)<br />
TO COME<br />
Life begins at 70<br />
by Cole Hornaday<br />
Youth is wasted on the young? Not for<br />
John Thompson. At age 70, Thompson<br />
has been the face of the Tivoli Theatre<br />
in St. Louis, Missouri for more than 30 years.<br />
A doorman by trade, Thompson spent decades<br />
posted outside luxury urban high-rises in the<br />
hot and cold extremes of high plains weather,<br />
where he deflected the elements with his<br />
signature smile and warmth.<br />
Now, Thompson’s seen more often within<br />
the lobby than upon its stoop, and he’s become<br />
a beloved presence in the old movie theater.<br />
“John’s just a real incredible exhibition industry<br />
professional,” says Tivoli GM Dale Sweet.<br />
“He’s everything you could want and more.”<br />
According to Sweet, it’s Thompson’s love of film<br />
that landed him the job at the Tivoli. “He first<br />
started working here because he was a regular<br />
patron and had worked at other arthouses.<br />
Evidently he just kept bothering then-manager<br />
Alan Resnick for a job every time he came to the<br />
show—and finally Alan said, ‘Okay.’”<br />
Since 1979, Thompson has been a tireless<br />
Tivoli employee. Between this gig and his other<br />
as a doorman in the ritzy St. Louis suburb of<br />
Clayton, Thompson often clocked in a 75-hour<br />
work week. When his doorman position was<br />
eliminated due to cutbacks, Thompson turned<br />
much of his focus to the Tivoli—and then the<br />
septuagenarian’s life took another radical turn<br />
when the perennial bachelor fell truly, madly,<br />
deeply for one of his regular patrons.<br />
“John always said he was ‘Single, but<br />
looking,’” Sweet chuckles. His amusement<br />
quickly turned to amazement when Thompson<br />
convinced his crush, Fran, to give him a date.<br />
“John had been a sedentary person in terms of<br />
his lifestyle and that sort of thing, and now it’s<br />
really amazing to see him and Fran bicycling in<br />
Forest Park.”<br />
Even Sweet can see the couple are an<br />
incredible match. The joy they find in the other’s<br />
company is an inspiration to staff and patrons.<br />
“John used to be something of a workaholic,<br />
but Fran has cut down John’s work schedule<br />
considerably. Once there was an extended period<br />
of time where John was away and people were<br />
very worried: ‘Oh my God, is everything all right<br />
with John? Where is he?’ ‘He’s just fine, he and<br />
Fran are in Italy.’ It’s really amazing.”<br />
More inquisitive than a person half his age,<br />
Thompson aims to keep his mind open to the<br />
changing times. “I’m trying to stay in touch with<br />
what’s going on with young people today—I’m<br />
trying not to lose touch. I don’t think I know<br />
anymore than anybody else just because I’ve<br />
lived a long time. If I’ve learned anything, it’s<br />
that things are tenuous and you have to be lucky<br />
to be in a place for a long time. If you are in<br />
one place for a while, people do look to you for<br />
certain things.”<br />
Thompson’s days are fuller than ever. If<br />
he’s not attending a ball game played by one of<br />
Fran’s 11 grandchildren, the two are taking in<br />
a Leonard Cohen concert, traveling abroad, or<br />
spending quiet nights with his nose deep in a<br />
book on film theory.<br />
Still, as a Grade-A greeter, nothing has<br />
changed in Thompson’s modus operandi.<br />
Thompson still regularly feeds patrons’ parking<br />
meters during lengthy screenings, escorts<br />
elderly regulars to their cars and passes out<br />
umbrellas when it rains. “I’ve been here 15 years<br />
and I’ve gotten to know people who come here<br />
regularly, but I doubt there’s any other human<br />
being with the kind of retention and honest<br />
consideration and care as John,” says Sweet.<br />
Thompson says he’s been fortunate to have<br />
the supportive relationship of his Tivoli staff<br />
and patrons. “I’m real lucky in so many ways,”<br />
says Thompson. “I’ve been lucky in the places<br />
I’ve worked. When I was much younger I was<br />
pretty much of a bum—I feel like I got more<br />
chances and did better as I got older.”<br />
■<br />
BOXOFFICE is looking for winners—theater employees you consider to be genuine role models making a significant, positive impact<br />
on your theater operations. Monthly winners of the BOXOFFICE Front Line Award receive a $50 Gap Gift Card! To nominate a theater<br />
employee send a brief 100– to 200-word nominating essay to Be sure to put ‘Front Line Nomination’ in the<br />
subject line.<br />
16 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
Somewhere...<br />
deep below the restless subduction zone at the<br />
eastern edge of Puget Sound, in the shadow<br />
of the volcanic Cascade Range, there exists<br />
hidden beneath a slippery zone of Lawton clay<br />
a hatchway hewn from the ancient timbers of<br />
the now threatened Whitebark Pine.<br />
As truth became legend, and legend became<br />
myth, the stories of what lay hidden for nearly<br />
a century remained unchanged. The stoic,<br />
unbending believers of these tales—scholars,<br />
philosophers and kings—are now, finally,<br />
being rewarded for their resolute and steadfast<br />
faith in the veracity of what lies beneath.<br />
Using techniques first described by<br />
Muckleshoot tribal elders at a potlatch nearly<br />
100 years ago, stout-hearted adventurers and<br />
treasure seekers recently uncovered evidence<br />
of a vast network of tunnels and caverns<br />
behind this portal, hundreds of meters below<br />
a farmer’s field. At long last, the gateway to<br />
the catacombs has been breached to reveal…<br />
A big pile of magazines. About 3000 of them.<br />
film history at your fingertips<br />
Julie Marchese<br />
Guest Coordinator<br />
The New Beverly Cinema<br />
Los Angeles, CA<br />
Nominated By<br />
Michael Torgan<br />
Owner<br />
“Julia Marchese puts herself on the movie<br />
map with a riveting performance…”<br />
–Joe Dante, director of Gremlins<br />
ALL THAT<br />
Cinephile takes her own star bow<br />
by Cole Hornaday<br />
The <strong>2010</strong> US Census has no tally for<br />
dreamers, but it’s a safe bet the majority<br />
live in Tinseltown. Every busboy is<br />
a future leading man, every waiter has a<br />
screenplay and the gal serving you popcorn has<br />
a 6 am screen test that could be her big break.<br />
Needless to say, many jobs in the<br />
entertainment industry are staffed with<br />
broken-hearted hopefuls—but not always.<br />
Sometimes that gal scooping popcorn is<br />
seconds away from her big screen debut.<br />
After completing her degree in acting<br />
and film at UC Irvine, Julia Marchese found<br />
herself pounding the Hollywood pavement<br />
like a million other would-be entertainers. As<br />
an actor and film buff, she gravitated to the<br />
New Beverly Cinema, a cult classic repertory<br />
house that is a cinephile’s slice of heaven on<br />
earth. Marchese instantly fell in love with<br />
the old cinema and spent the next five years<br />
petitioning late owner Sherman Torgan for a<br />
job. Her persistence paid off.<br />
“She’s completely committed to the place<br />
and wants to make sure people have a special<br />
time when seeing a film here,” says Sherman’s<br />
son and owner Michael Torgan. “In the years<br />
following my dad’s death—when the theater’s<br />
future was uncertain and it could use a<br />
positive boost—she’s been one of a handful of<br />
people dedicated to inviting filmmakers and<br />
actors to the theater to discuss their work.”<br />
“It’s normally men working at the theater,”<br />
says Marchese, “and I had to prove that I was<br />
worth my movie knowledge salt to these<br />
embittered film geeks.”<br />
And she did. Ultimately, Sherman endowed<br />
Marchese with the honor of coordinating the<br />
presentations of celebrity guests like Peter<br />
Bogdonavich, Joe Dante, Rian Johnson, Edgar<br />
Wright, Eli Roth, John Landis and Diablo Cody.<br />
Marchese is seldom at a loss for words.<br />
Which is why her most memorable Q&A was<br />
with ’80s teen heartthrob Donovan Leitch. “We<br />
screened The Blob, which he’s in, and a movie<br />
called The In Crowd,” recalls Marchese. “I’ve<br />
had to get used to meeting people that I am<br />
admirer of and being professional about it. I<br />
had my questions prepared and Donovan came<br />
up on the stage and he kissed me on the cheek<br />
and I completely lost it. Everything in my brain<br />
was gone and I stood there with this stupid<br />
look on my face. Everyone started laughing<br />
because it was clear that I had just completely<br />
blanked.”<br />
Eventually she recovered her composure in<br />
time to face an even bigger challenge: her film<br />
lead debut.<br />
“Honestly, it sounds so hokey, but it was<br />
really a dream come true,” says Marchese. “To<br />
see my first starring role on the big screen at<br />
the New Beverly—which is my favorite place<br />
in the whole world—was just so wonderful.<br />
And to be in a crowd where you know these<br />
people are true movie fans, so they’re really<br />
going to tell you what they think.”<br />
Golden Earrings, written and directed by<br />
friend and New Beverly colleague Marion<br />
Kerr, stars Marchese as a woman who rapidly<br />
descends into madness when her best friend<br />
mysteriously disappears.<br />
Though it’s their first time collaborating on<br />
a film, Kerr’s relationship with Marchese dates<br />
back to their college days, a link Marchese says<br />
has spawned its own creative shorthand. “We<br />
have such a great rapport. We don’t have to<br />
really explain it to each other—we just have it.”<br />
Positive feedback for Golden Earrings is<br />
mounting. “I knew the response was not going<br />
to just be ‘Oh, you were great!’ but to hear,<br />
‘Wow this is much better than I thought it<br />
would be!’ And to have these directors I have<br />
looked up to like Joe Dante and Rian Johnson<br />
see it and praise it was just completely mindblowing,”<br />
says Marchese.<br />
Golden Earrings has since screened to<br />
accolades at the Independent Spirit Festival<br />
and Dances with Films.<br />
Of tomorrow, Marchese doesn’t ask for<br />
much. “I see the New Beverly in my future<br />
forever, honestly. I love it so much and to<br />
be in a place where the love of film is so<br />
genuine is wonderful. But I hope to be able<br />
to do independent film as well—I don’t have<br />
aspirations to be a big Hollywood star.”<br />
Upon the outing of Quentin Tarantino as<br />
New Beverly’s long-time secret benefactor, he<br />
declared: “As long as I’m alive, and as long as<br />
I’m rich, the New Beverly will be there.”<br />
Marchese may yet see all her dreams come<br />
true.<br />
■<br />
BOXOFFICE is looking for winners—managers, operators and executives you believe to be the real stars—exhibition professionals making<br />
a significant, positive impact on operations, employees and the bottom line. To nominate a front office star for the monthly BOXOFFICE<br />
Front Office Award, send a brief 100 to 200 word nominating essay to Be sure to put ‘Front Office Nomination’ in<br />
the subject line.<br />
18 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
Fandango celebrates an<br />
important milestone<br />
by Phil Contrino<br /> has<br />
sold a lot of tickets<br />
since that very first<br />
one for the summer<br />
2000 remake of Gone<br />
in 60 Seconds.<br />
The company,<br />
semi-recently<br />
acquired by Comcast<br />
Media Interactive in April 2007, is now<br />
celebrating its 10 th anniversary and the<br />
bright future ahead. Online sales records<br />
are constantly being broken (Thanks,<br />
Twihards) and the business of helping<br />
people avoid long lines continues to<br />
evolve.<br />
Thirteen months after their launch,<br />
Fandango sold their millionth ticket in<br />
July 2001, and the company hasn’t stopped<br />
gaining momentum. With the help of<br />
crafty marketing, they’ve has become a<br />
household name. Ask a moviegoer what<br />
technique Fandango uses to promote<br />
itself? They’ll blurt, “Bag Puppets!”, the<br />
wise-cracking creations that have become<br />
a staple of the theatrical experience.<br />
Devised in 2003 to push the newly-created<br />
1-800-Fandango, the Bag Puppet campaign<br />
was a clear sales success.<br />
Fandango has also built a well-rounded<br />
Web experience with interviews, blogs and<br />
trailers that draw regulars to buy tickets on<br />
their website.<br />
“It brings more traffic to our site, as<br />
people know it’s a one-stop destination for<br />
movie fans,” says Robert Macias, director<br />
of studio and exhibitor relations. “It’s<br />
like impulse shopping. Fans might go to<br />
our site for an exclusive Robert Pattinson<br />
interview and once they’re ‘sucked in,’ they<br />
may just decide to buy an Eclipse ticket<br />
as an impulse buy. The Web is one of the<br />
few places where you can watch a trailer<br />
or interview and buy a ticket at the same<br />
time—and then go back and review the<br />
film for fellow fans, encouraging them<br />
to buy more tickets. It’s a great way to<br />
cultivate loyal customers.”<br />
2005 was another landmark year for<br />
the company, when Fandango’s sales<br />
accounted for 11 percent of Star Wars:<br />
Revenge of the Sith’s $108.4 million opening<br />
weekend haul.<br />
Macias points to Revenge of the Sith as<br />
one of the defining moments when he<br />
knew that online ticketing was here to stay.<br />
“With Star Wars: Episode III, you started<br />
seeing less fanboys lining up since they<br />
had bought their tickets in advance on our<br />
site,” says Macias.<br />
Yet online sales have expanded far, far<br />
away past the “fanboy” demographic. In<br />
June 2008, the ticketing site accounted for<br />
16 percent of Sex and the City’s opening<br />
weekend, proving moviegoers in capes and<br />
Manolos are afraid of walking up to the<br />
ticket booth and hearing the words, “It’s<br />
sold out.”<br />
That summer, the hits kept coming.<br />
Fandango accounted for 13 percent of The<br />
Dark Knight’s record setting $158 million<br />
opening weekend as well as 12 percent of<br />
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’s debut.<br />
Considering that it broke several major<br />
box office records, it should come as no<br />
surprise that Avatar is the company’s<br />
strongest seller of all time.<br />
Says Macias, “We knew Avatar was<br />
going to be big—but we didn’t know it was<br />
going to be that big. Every week, it stayed<br />
at the top of the Fandango Five, and ended<br />
up selling more tickets for us post-release<br />
than it did pre-release.”<br />
As of press time, The Twilight Saga:<br />
Eclipse holds the distinction of being<br />
Fandango’s best pre-seller.<br />
Macias cites Twilight phenomenon as<br />
another example of why people flock to<br />
Fandango in order to make sure they can<br />
enjoy the theatrical experience. “It’s a<br />
pleasure to experience a movie on the big<br />
screen with an audience. Films just don’t<br />
work the same way on a small screen.<br />
Whether it’s a comedy where you have<br />
200 strangers all laughing at the same<br />
insanely funny joke—or 200 strangers<br />
gasping at the same time at a surprising<br />
moment—there’s nothing like the bigscreen<br />
experience. Go see Eclipse with<br />
an audience of rabid fan girls and you’ll<br />
see what I mean—half the fun is in the<br />
audience participation.”<br />
Of course, Fandango’s success would<br />
not be possible without exhibitors and<br />
their willingness to tackle new techniques<br />
for ticket sales.<br />
“It’s been great getting to know all of<br />
our exhibitors and seeing that we’re all in<br />
it for the same reason: to share the magic<br />
of movies,” notes Macias.<br />
So what does the future hold for<br />
Fandango?<br />
“Hopefully we’ll be able to sell tickets<br />
more in advance,” says Harry Medved,<br />
director of public relations. “We generally<br />
sell tickets up to 45 days in advance. With<br />
New Moon it was two and a half months<br />
in advance; for Avatar it was a little<br />
more than three months. With highly<br />
anticipated blockbusters, it makes sense<br />
to start selling tickets even earlier so<br />
that theaters can make their plans, start<br />
scheduling show times and figuring out<br />
how many screens they need to show the<br />
films on. We hope we can work with the<br />
exhibitors and the studios in the future<br />
to schedule show times even earlier than<br />
we do now to create greater efficiency for<br />
theater owners.”<br />
“We will use the phone for<br />
everything—whether it’s buying tickets<br />
on the phone or redeeming them on<br />
the phone with your mobile bar code,”<br />
adds Macias. “It’s so easy to do all of this<br />
without having to re-enter your credit card<br />
information—and I think m-commerce<br />
will take off in many fields, not just for<br />
movie ticketing.”<br />
The site launched mobile ticketing in<br />
March <strong>2010</strong>, which enables moviegoers to<br />
simply scan a bar code from their phones<br />
in order to gain admittance. No printing,<br />
no paper, no hassle required.<br />
“We’re always looking to find new ways<br />
to make it easier to get into the movies,”<br />
says Macias. “We need to spread the word<br />
about our new technologies to customers,<br />
but also to our exhibitor partners and<br />
show them the value. It’s an easier way to<br />
incorporate a night out at the movies into<br />
our customers’ busy lifestyles.”<br />
■<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 19
Gold<br />
Standard<br />
First class ticket<br />
By Cole Hornaday<br />
When a rainy day spoils the plans of most folks, it means an afternoon<br />
in front of the TV; for industry executives, it inspires a whole new<br />
mode of moviegoing. Many question the wisdom of opening a new<br />
business in the current economic climate. Even more question the sanity of betting<br />
money that cautious audiences will pony up for a premium ticket for a cinema-dining<br />
experience. But attendance has skyrocketed since Gold Class Cinemas<br />
opened its first US location in South Barrington, Illinois in the winter of 2008.<br />
(continued on page 22)<br />
20 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
Patrons can enjoy the easy-to-eat regional menu<br />
prepared fresh to order by an in-house chef<br />
Enter the lobby and instead of the roar of<br />
video games and popcorn poppers, you’ll<br />
find a fully-stocked stocked bar<br />
Gold Class Cinemas is like flying first class.<br />
Patrons select their seats online prior to arriving<br />
at the cinema and are led to their own comfy<br />
recliner<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 21
Following its success in Australia, the<br />
Gold Class Cinemas concept and brand<br />
launched around the world—in Asia,<br />
Europe and now its first North American<br />
location in South Barrington, Illinois<br />
Patrons are escorted to plush recliners<br />
minutes before the movie begins. Builtin<br />
call buttons can summon staff at any<br />
time.<br />
(continued from page 20)<br />
“The concept originated in Australia about<br />
12 years ago,” says Gold Coast Cinemas Vice<br />
President of Marketing, Mark Mulcahy. “We’re<br />
trying to create an experience for every person<br />
that goes to the movies that a studio executive<br />
might have when they go into a screening room<br />
on the lot.”<br />
According to Mulcahy, the idea began germinating<br />
during an afternoon meet-up between<br />
Roscoe “Roc” Kirby, founder of the Village<br />
Roadshow cinema chain and film productioncompany,<br />
and then-CEO of Warner Bros., Terry<br />
Semel.<br />
“They were touring theater sites and it<br />
started raining,” says Mulcahy. “They needed to<br />
come up with an alternative game plan. They<br />
decided they were going to go see a movie and<br />
Kirby asked Semel, ‘Where do you go to the<br />
movies?’ He said, ‘I usually just watch them on<br />
the lot at the screening rooms.’” If people who<br />
live and breathe movies aren’t choosing to do so<br />
at public theaters like Kirby’s Village Roadshow<br />
cinemas, what would lure them in? An idea was<br />
born.<br />
Upon his return to Australia, Kirby mulled<br />
over the notion of an elite movie theater experience<br />
coupled with the cinema-eatery model.<br />
And he built them—Down Under there are<br />
more than a dozen luxury cinemas with screens<br />
that seat less than 40 people, all feasting on<br />
mini risotto balls, cheese plates and local Cabernets.<br />
And when Gold Class Cinemas broke<br />
ground in Chicago alongside the $200 million<br />
Arboretum of South Barrington Shopping Center,<br />
the plan was a first-class facility from the<br />
doorknobs to the rivets.<br />
“When you walk into Gold Class, you enter<br />
a lounge that looks nothing like a traditional<br />
cinema,” says Mulcahy. “Instead of feeling compelled<br />
to go and stand in line, you sit down, you<br />
have a chance to relax and unwind and then we<br />
present you with a menu and an 80-bottle wine<br />
list—30 more available by the glass—and 12<br />
beers on tap.”<br />
Being seated inside the 40-seat Gold Class<br />
auditorium is like riding first class in an airplane.<br />
The plush, golden-orange seats not only<br />
recline—they have buttons to summon wait<br />
staff.<br />
“Most of our employees have a hospitality<br />
background and they go through six weeks of<br />
training before they hit the floor,” says Mulcahy.<br />
“We go through mock-service exercises<br />
and get them tuned up for serving in the dark<br />
cinema. They have got to pass various certifications<br />
so that they really do provide excellent<br />
customer service.”<br />
Meals from the local-based menu are prepared<br />
fresh by an in-house chef. The wait staff<br />
is prompt and knowledgeable. “If you were to<br />
ask ‘What glass of wine would go well with this<br />
chicken Caesar salad?’ they would be able to<br />
suggest something that’s on the wine list,” says<br />
Mulcahy.<br />
And like tucking in for a flick over the Atlantic,<br />
Gold Class Cinemas stocks blankets and<br />
pillows. Stay awake after that bottle of Shiraz<br />
and soak in their super-wide screens, all-digital<br />
projection and sound and 3D.<br />
Opening the first Gold Class Cinemas in the<br />
mellow American Midwest was a calculated<br />
risk. “You have to remember, in cities like<br />
Los Angeles, you already had places like the<br />
Arclight—or in Texas where you have Alamo<br />
Drafthouse—people have already been introduced<br />
to the cinema and dining concepts. But<br />
there haven’t been that many in the Midwest, so<br />
I think for us the growth there has taken a little<br />
bit longer.”<br />
Mulcahy admits to trepidation. “I’m going to<br />
tell you, the community was a little bit skeptical,”<br />
Mulcahy recalls. “If you look at the history<br />
of theaters in the Midwest, it’s very common for<br />
it to take a while for communities to warm up<br />
to a new concept. But soon they are very much<br />
embraced after people go in and experience the<br />
concept.” And this Chicago suburb has started<br />
to eat it up—with lobster rolls and blue cheese<br />
potato chips on the menu, how could they not?<br />
Smiles Mulcahy, “From what we’ve seen lately,<br />
they are definitely big supporters.”<br />
■<br />
22 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
Offer incentives to your staff<br />
It’s surprising how far people will go when<br />
embroiled in a little competition. (I once<br />
worked at a theater that held a week of<br />
game show movie trivia battles to brag<br />
about who was the biggest geek—great<br />
place to work.) What’s of value to your<br />
staff? (Cash usually works.) Set thresholds<br />
for rewards and you’ll be restocking large<br />
bags and cups on a weekly basis.<br />
Advertise your bargains<br />
Not all concessions are<br />
diet-killers—here are<br />
the four best for every<br />
craving<br />
SWEET<br />
COTTON CANDY 2.5 oz, 300<br />
calories, 0 grams of fat<br />
SOUR<br />
SOUR PATCH KIDS 5 oz, 420<br />
calories, 0 grams of fat<br />
SALTY<br />
CHILD’S POPCORN (no butter)<br />
350 calories, 16 grams of fat<br />
SAVORY<br />
320 calories, 4.5 grams of fat<br />
HOW TO<br />
Be fast, clear and flash your<br />
cash<br />
by S. Matthew Bauer<br />
A movie theater’s bread and butter is, well,<br />
popcorn and butter. So why not do everything<br />
possible to wring loose change out<br />
of those who would’ve otherwise just gone<br />
with a small soda? Feel no shame in pricing<br />
so that your patrons see a value; the key is<br />
all in the delivery. As a former concession<br />
jockey, I can tell you that the upsell is a<br />
tough sell. If half-heartedly pitched to patrons,<br />
they’ll see it as a transparent con and<br />
walk away with nothing more than a cup of<br />
ice. We’ve got to upsell, but we’ve got to do it<br />
the right way.<br />
Explain upselling to your staff<br />
Before I was in management, many of my<br />
former employers saw this as counter-intuitive.<br />
Their theory was that minimum wage<br />
workers might revolt if they understood that<br />
their “for a quarter more,” plea would rake in<br />
extra thousands. But explaining how things<br />
work is a gift of logic and trust—the extra<br />
schooling could motivate the brightest to<br />
contribute more to the team.<br />
I could never figure out why the theaters<br />
I worked at left all the up-selling to the<br />
larynxes of the common concession<br />
worker. Signage is key. Spell out to your<br />
customers how much more junk food<br />
an extra Sacajawea will get them. Most<br />
concession staff are good, but in the last 15<br />
years of experience, I’ve worked alongside<br />
people who barely had the wherewithal to<br />
push buttons corresponding to items being<br />
purchased. These were the sole salesmen<br />
tasked to deliver a tactical sales pitch?<br />
Now advertise professionally<br />
Guess how many times I’ve heard overzealous<br />
teenaged concession staff praise themselves<br />
for the scented marker and posterboard<br />
sign they made to explain concession<br />
deals to patrons. (Rhetorical question, but,<br />
for the record: 218 times.) Panhandlers make<br />
their own signs; you run a legitimate business.<br />
Unless your staff are artists who can<br />
make your theater stand out, suggest to your<br />
district manager that corporate marketing<br />
intervene.<br />
Make the deals clear<br />
Why do lines at Starbucks take years?<br />
Their menu is as unclear as a Uwe Boll<br />
movie. You’ve run the numbers and figured<br />
that selling a tray of nachos with a<br />
medium soda and large popcorn will net<br />
you the biggest profit while making your<br />
patrons full and happy. The public—who<br />
just wants a bit of soda, maybe a snack and<br />
to get to their seat—won’t stand around to<br />
figure out that deal. And consider the time<br />
spent having your concession staff explain,<br />
time potential customers might be tapping<br />
their feet and thinking about walking<br />
away. Keep things moving, keep their interest<br />
and keep everybody (and their wallets)<br />
content and happy.<br />
■<br />
24 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
OPEN UP<br />
AND SAY,<br />
“HMMM...”<br />
Which of these 17 proposed<br />
healthy concession snacks can<br />
make (easy) money?<br />
by R. Roosevelt<br />
APPEAL > The go-to indulgence of health<br />
nuts. Dr. Phil endorsed eating nuts by the<br />
fistful when he knocked off inches from his<br />
waistline and every woman’s mag pushes<br />
almonds as a source of healthy protein.<br />
Snackers will eat them up—raw, roasted or<br />
flavored with spices and sugars—though<br />
likely they’ll want large enough portions to<br />
void any health consciousness.<br />
EASE > Delivered pre-bagged, they’re easy<br />
to serve and store. Still, nuts are costly and<br />
they’ll have to be marked up dauntingly<br />
high to make a profit.<br />
SCORE > 7<br />
APPEAL Hummus, a flavorful chickpea<br />
dip, is as synonymous with health as<br />
Birkenstocks are with hippies. And hummus<br />
with veggies has been the go-to sneer<br />
for concessionaires who can’t imagine<br />
audiences will put their money where<br />
their mouth claims it is. With good reason.<br />
Though delicious, hummus eaten with carrots<br />
and celery is noisy and soft triangles<br />
of pita are difficult to navigate in the dark.<br />
While United Airlines reports they’ve<br />
had brisk sales of a hummus plate during<br />
flights, it’s impossible to imagine enough<br />
hummus-lovers—myself included—choosing<br />
to smear their fingers in garbanzos<br />
during a Stallone movie.<br />
EASE > A nacho tray doubles easily for a<br />
hummus and vegetable holder. Still, industrial<br />
sizes of chickpea dip aren’t handy,<br />
and even if they were, it’d be unappetizing<br />
ladling it out like melted cheese. Add the<br />
complication of cutting fresh vegetables<br />
every morning and it’d only make sense if<br />
several dozen platters were ordered every<br />
day.<br />
SCORE > 3<br />
APPEAL >Stand-alone smoothie restaurants<br />
like Jamba Juice make good business blending<br />
bananas, strawberries and ice for $4.50<br />
a pop and they’re kid and parent-approved.<br />
Inside the multiplex, exhibitors could easily<br />
charge that or more for a healthy-sounding<br />
frozen drink that could sell quite well in the<br />
summer heat.<br />
EASE > Unlike Jamba Juice, however, the<br />
concession stand is too busy to even dream<br />
about offering a wide variety of flavors.<br />
A few combinations of fruit is all it can<br />
handle, though frozen bags of berries could<br />
cut down on prep time. A costlier, but time<br />
and quality-saving option comes from companies<br />
like f*REAL who sell their aerating<br />
blender along with 16 oz cups of pre-made<br />
frozen drinks in flavors like Strawberry<br />
Swirl, Tropical Burst and Wildberry Whirl<br />
(all under 290 calories—about the same as<br />
an Icee, but hey, who’s asking?). And for the<br />
indulgent, they also offer full fat milkshakes.<br />
SCORE > 7<br />
APPEAL >Bottled water gave the concession<br />
stand a boost—so could its costlier cousins<br />
which include the Pepsi brands <strong>Pro</strong>pel and<br />
Sobe Life Water and the Coca-Cola subsidiaries<br />
SmartWater and Vitamin Water. These<br />
drinks sell well in convenience stores, but<br />
the catch is patrons are familiar enough<br />
with the price point that they’ll have the<br />
same sticker shock they bemoan for $3.50<br />
bottled water.<br />
EASE > Add some visible extra refrigeration<br />
and you’re all set.<br />
SCORE > 6.5<br />
GRAPES<br />
APPEAL >In size and munching motion,<br />
they’re a uber-healthy sub for popcorn. Tall,<br />
clear plastic cups of grapes—especially<br />
a medley of red and green—look clean,<br />
healthy and crisp. Since plastic baggies of<br />
grapes are crushable, parents won’t secretly<br />
think they should just smuggle them in<br />
themselves and younger kids will happily<br />
snack away.<br />
EASE > Grape stems are a pest. Plucking and<br />
packing them into containers is time-consuming,<br />
yet audiences won’t want to fiddle<br />
with wresting them off the vine in the dark.<br />
SCORE > 5<br />
APPEAL >Italian sodas are fizz and flavor<br />
without the sugar and calories of regular<br />
pop. They couldn’t be simpler: a few pumps<br />
of flavored syrup, ice and carbonated water.<br />
(Add a splash of half-and-half if patrons<br />
want it creamy.) Starbucks has sold high fat<br />
and calorie versions topped with whipped<br />
cream for years, but their popularity is still<br />
making inroads among customers who don’t<br />
yet realize they can enjoy guilt-free bubbles<br />
at less than 50 calories a cup. Introducing<br />
them to Italian sodas will be your biggest<br />
challenge.<br />
EASE > Bottles of syrup cost on average $7—<br />
for a shockingly small investment, you can<br />
appeal to patrons of sophisticated and sweet<br />
tastes with flavors like cherry, chocolate,<br />
amaretto, vanilla, lime, peach and pomegranate.<br />
SCORE > 8<br />
YOGURT<br />
APPEAL >McDonalds has been offering fruit,<br />
yogurt and granola parfaits with moderate<br />
success for the last several years to fast food<br />
patrons who see them as an alternative to<br />
a quick, greasy meal. They might not sell<br />
as well to health-conscious movie-goers<br />
who want a treat, not a speedy necessity.<br />
At the same time, frozen yogurt stands<br />
have sprouted like mushrooms across the<br />
country—the lower calorie treat hasn’t been<br />
this trendy since the late ’80s. But this twist<br />
is, their resurgence in popularity is largely<br />
due to vendors offering an array of wacky<br />
self-serve toppings like Fruity Pebbles and<br />
sliced kiwi.<br />
EASE > Yogurt parfaits can be outsourced<br />
to catering companies and delivered a few<br />
times a week, but that will take a bite out<br />
of profits. To compete with frozen yogurt<br />
shops, theaters will have to invest in at least<br />
a dozen toppings and find counter space.<br />
Between installing a machine and preparing<br />
orders at the counter, yogurt is more hassle<br />
than it’s worth.<br />
SCORE > 3<br />
APPEAL >It’s a surprise more stands don’t offer<br />
cartons or small bags of crunchy pretzels<br />
or pretzel chips with a mustard dip. Low<br />
calorie, no-fat and salty enough to sell that<br />
extra soda, they’re an addictive snack that<br />
can be dressed up by keeping the pretzels<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 25
“no more naked popcorn!”<br />
Kernel Season’s White Cheddar popcorn seasoning<br />
is Number One everywhere across the United States<br />
while Nacho Cheese is Numero Dos. But what<br />
about their more exotic flavors? Here’s a sampling<br />
of Kernel Season’s other flavorings and the states<br />
where they are the most popular.<br />
Chili/Lime MO, CO Salt & Vinegar MI<br />
Jalapeño TX, NM, AZ, LA, NV Chocolate Marshmallow VA, KY<br />
Apple Cinnamon AR, TN Ranch OK, FL, CA<br />
Barbeque WI, MN, IA Parmesan NJ, PA<br />
Cajun IL, WA Caramel NY, OH<br />
toasty warm, rolling them in<br />
flavored powders, or offering a<br />
choice of high end mustards and<br />
horseradish dips.<br />
EASE > Another brainstorm that<br />
can be easily handed off in a<br />
nacho carton. Pretzels are easily<br />
bought in bulk, are relatively<br />
low cost and have a long shelf<br />
life—and ditto for most dips,<br />
which can be kept on display<br />
behind the counter.<br />
SCORE > 8<br />
APPEAL > Several fast food<br />
chains now offer a choice<br />
between fries and pre-bagged apple<br />
wedges in their kiddie meals.<br />
Tykes under eight are used<br />
to mom ordering them a Red<br />
Delicious instead of a deep fried<br />
tuber. Dressed up for dipping<br />
with peanut butter or caramel<br />
and peanuts, parents and kids<br />
could agree on them as a fair<br />
concession compromise. A few<br />
too many sticky caramel smears<br />
"Add the warmth of a by gone era"<br />
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in the dark, however, and mom<br />
might be relieved when Junior<br />
wants Junior Mints.<br />
EASE > Many vendors now offer<br />
pre-bagged apples and small<br />
cartons of dip. Dips will store<br />
well; apples, less so. The more<br />
complicated—and appealing—<br />
the extras, theaters will have to<br />
figure out a better packaging<br />
system than separate containers.<br />
With a price point of $3.50<br />
or above, it could be worth a<br />
tryout.<br />
SCORE > 7<br />
APPEAL > The carnival seller is a<br />
no-fat, low-calorie snack. Teens<br />
crave that salt and sour taste—<br />
Sour Patch Kids, anyone?—and<br />
if you tout its innocuous calorie<br />
count, high school girls could<br />
be the biggest purchaser. Vats of<br />
giant dills are an easy entrant,<br />
but what might sell is a cup of<br />
crisp spears. And it won’t help<br />
its health stats much, but if you<br />
already have a kitchen, they’re<br />
26 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
irresistible deep fried with ranch dressing.<br />
EASE > Go the massive Costco jar route<br />
and all you need is display space. Spruce<br />
it up a bit and you can charge more for<br />
your trouble. (And that sodium could kick<br />
people to upgrade to a large soda.)<br />
SCORE > 6<br />
APPEAL > The dieter’s dirty secret is that<br />
often a full well-balanced feast is healthier<br />
than a guilty snack. Light turkey, ham or<br />
BLT sandwiches on whole grain bread pack<br />
a nutritional punch that doesn’t hit the<br />
waistline. Still, in many areas, patrons don’t<br />
go to the movies for a meal—you’ll have to<br />
make standout BLTs to change their minds,<br />
the kind that inspire the hungry to wait and<br />
order their fave at the multiplex.<br />
EASE > A hassle. If you don’t already have a<br />
kitchen, making sandwiches won’t be worth<br />
the investment until you’re sure your audience<br />
will pony up for them. As an entry, you<br />
could outsource your sandwich-making, but<br />
without that freshly made personal touch,<br />
sales won’t be significant.<br />
SCORE > 4<br />
APPEAL > Clif Bars and Luna Bars and their<br />
athletic siblings, Power Bars, have taken<br />
over a full aisle in some grocery stores.<br />
They’re not just for soccer players; they’re<br />
for soccer moms. But that means many<br />
patrons might already have an in-case-ofemergency<br />
bar stashed in their bags. And<br />
anything you can eat in four bites won’t<br />
make audiences feel like they’re enjoying<br />
the full theatrical experience. Instead, your<br />
main purchasers will only be those desperate<br />
for a snack to tide them over until after<br />
the movie when they can eat something<br />
they actually want.<br />
EASE > At least three flavors should be on<br />
display to give patrons the feeling of choice.<br />
It’s doubtful audiences will buy enough to<br />
make them worth the shelf space.<br />
SCORE > 3<br />
APPEAL > These nuggets of oat and sugar<br />
are synonymous with health. Too bad they<br />
aren’t that healthy—granola’s fat content is<br />
enough to make Richard Simmons pause.<br />
The fitness conscious in the know will<br />
know not to chow eight ounces of sweet<br />
kibble. But, like dieters who drench Cobb<br />
salads in bleu cheese dressing, sometimes<br />
what opens wallets is the impression—not<br />
actuality—of making the “right” decision.<br />
Channel the imagination of the caramel<br />
corn stand in your local mall to dress up<br />
your granola with seasonal tie-ins and<br />
gourmet dried fruits and and you can charge<br />
a hefty premium for your clusters.<br />
EASE > Again, sales will be stronger if<br />
patrons associate your theater or chain with<br />
a treat they can’t get anywhere else, or at<br />
least, a treat that’s tough to find. Granola<br />
can be made in large batches and stored in<br />
cellophane bags with pretty ribbons and a<br />
stick-on label, it will last several weeks and<br />
be its own advertisement.<br />
SCORE > 5<br />
APPEAL > Teens who used to guzzle<br />
Mountain Dew for the caffeine kick have<br />
upgraded to energy drinks and the proliferation<br />
of flavors and lo-carb formulas have<br />
made the niche beverage go mainstream.<br />
Where once Red Bull took up one shelf, its<br />
offspring hogs a whole fridge display. At<br />
the theater, you can charge at least a dollar<br />
more than the going convenience store rate,<br />
and with summer blockbusters clocking in<br />
at ever-longer running times, your audience<br />
will be grateful.<br />
EASE > Coordinate with your distributor<br />
to see which brand they handle, add extra<br />
display refrigeration and all systems are<br />
go. Choose at minimum two formulations:<br />
regular and zero or lo-carb.<br />
SCORE > 9<br />
SALADS<br />
APPEAL > Even manly men eat salads if<br />
they’re smothered in buffalo chicken.<br />
And some cinema eateries have had great<br />
success adding greens to their menu. But<br />
the average theater that isn’t prepared to<br />
install a kitchen and side tables for patrons<br />
to rest their salad bowls should think twice.<br />
Without the certainty of a resting place, audiences<br />
won’t want to wrangle with a bowl<br />
of chopped vegetables in the dark. As ever,<br />
you’re possibly also up against a reluctance<br />
to see your theater as mealtime.<br />
EASE > Prepackaged salads are plenty and<br />
they don’t suffer from the same stigma as a<br />
saran-wrapped sandwich. If you’re certain<br />
your crowd would gobble them up, but your<br />
concession counter doesn’t yet want to go<br />
full upscale, you may be better off outsourcing<br />
salad bowls rather than slicing fresh<br />
veggies every day. Study your neighborhood.<br />
A Greek salad that might sell great<br />
in one block could be outshined by a Chef<br />
salad in another zip code.<br />
SCORE > 2<br />
APPEAL > Nachos with melted cheese are a<br />
dream for the tongue and a nightmare for<br />
the gut. One simple substitution—or really,<br />
second option—would considerably cut<br />
down on fat and calories. Follow Taco Bell’s<br />
lead and offer patrons a choice between<br />
cheese or salsa. (They charge an extra quarter<br />
for the switch which increases sales by<br />
seeming to add value.)<br />
EASE > Giant jugs of watery salsas couldn’t<br />
be simpler. More enticing to customers<br />
(though more taxing to exhibitors) are<br />
kicked-up salsas with black beans or corn,<br />
or fresh pico de gallo with chopped tomatoes<br />
and onions. Since theaters already have<br />
the chips and tray, it’s possible to try a trial<br />
run to see if your patrons crave the choice to<br />
go cheese-less.<br />
SCORE > 8<br />
APPEAL > It’s been over a decade since good<br />
coffee went mainstream and movie theaters<br />
are still playing catch-up. A decent espresso<br />
machine is a hardy investment that could<br />
in turn boost sales of sweets—who doesn’t<br />
love chocolate with their coffee? And while<br />
the fatty, blended Frappuccinos of the<br />
chains are an artery nightmare (the mocha<br />
has 660 calories!), a whole milk latte weighs<br />
in at only 180 calories and an Americano<br />
(espresso with hot water) has just a slender<br />
20.<br />
EASE > Think simple. You’re not trying to<br />
compete with Starbucks; you’re trying to get<br />
people who rarely buy soda to buy a beverage.<br />
Think Americanos and lattes, simple<br />
enough you can train any employee to<br />
master the espresso machine in 15 minutes.<br />
And if it’s hot outside, also offer them iced.<br />
Along with the machine, espresso drinks<br />
will need new cups and lids (and room to<br />
store them), but at upwards of $2.50 a pop,<br />
you’ll earn your investment back in less<br />
than a month.<br />
SCORE > 10<br />
■<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 27
Wants To Move You<br />
Any way you add them up, the stats proving the impact of D-BOX<br />
are hard to ignore. As D-BOX continues the progressive rollout<br />
of its motion technology in commercial theatres around the world,<br />
over 100,000 paying moviegoers have been wowed by D-BOX<br />
MFX Seating, with an overpowering 91% satisfaction rate.<br />
In-theatre surveys conducted by OTX Research also reveal<br />
that over 90% would recommend the D-BOX experience to others.<br />
Clearly Hollywood and the general public are starting to take notice!<br />
D-BOX Technologies President & CEO Claude Mc Master<br />
has his own theory as to why the technology has become such<br />
a resounding success so quickly: “Movies are all about being<br />
immersed in another world, about feeling heightened emotions.<br />
Watching a movie in D-BOX MFX Seating is an immersive<br />
experience, both physically and emotionally.”<br />
The impact is far-reaching, explains Mr. Mc Master: “Not only<br />
are we delighted to work with major movie studios like Warner<br />
Bros Pictures, The Walt Disney Studios, Universal Pictures,<br />
Summit Entertainment, Sony Pictures, Overture Films, Lionsgate<br />
and Focus Features, but we’re now seeing our technology used<br />
for different applications. D-BOX has recently been applied in<br />
OEM markets. One example is Therapeutic Motion Simulation<br />
in Europe. Another is institutional applications, which also have<br />
the potential to be a significant new market for us, led by the<br />
December <strong>2010</strong> reopening of the Moscow planetarium, refitted<br />
with D-BOX motion seating.<br />
Mr. Mc Master has overseen a huge expansion since the D-BOX<br />
commercial theatre launch in Spring 2009. “We’ve significantly<br />
increased our footprint in Canada and the US, and even in Asia,”<br />
he explains. “We’ve signed up more than thirty new theatres in<br />
just over a year! And it’s obvious as to why. D-BOX is win-winwin<br />
for everyone. Studios, exhibitors and D-BOX all benefit from<br />
the new, recurring revenues that our technology generates, while<br />
audiences are willing to pay a premium to have their moviegoing<br />
experience taken to the next level.”<br />
Theatre operators agree. Art Seago, Chief Operating Officer<br />
at Santikos Theatres, has witnessed patrons sharing their<br />
excitement for D-BOX. “This product has been able to bring<br />
back customers for us. As well, new customers are passing<br />
two or three other theatres to come try out D-BOX. They are<br />
experiencing the Santikos Theatre and they are becoming regular<br />
customers for us. D-BOX has given us the competitive edge,” he<br />
notes, adding that teens and twentysomethings are often texting<br />
friends about D-BOX before they even leave the theatre lobby.<br />
Survey results back up the theory that D-BOX extends the pool<br />
of potential customers for exhibitors. Over 30% of D-BOX<br />
moviegoers traveled more than twenty-one miles for the added<br />
experience of D-BOX MFX Seating, with 17% even willing to<br />
travel over forty miles just to find a D-BOX equipped cinema!<br />
With this kind of customer loyalty, it’s no surprise that wordof-mouth<br />
has spread like wildfire. D-BOX Technologies created<br />
the buzz through strong marketing initiatives — supporting new<br />
releases with PR, advertising, online publicity, social media, and<br />
the ever-popular demonstration kiosks that enable moviegoers<br />
to try out the D-BOX Experience directly in the lobby of the<br />
theatre.<br />
To date, almost twenty feature films have already been signed<br />
with Hollywood studios. Moviegoers will have the opportunity<br />
to enjoy D-BOX titles during the remainder of <strong>2010</strong>.<br />
Warner Bros’ much-anticipated Inception, Lionsgate’s<br />
The Expendables and Disney’s eagerly awaited Christmas release<br />
Tron: Legacy are slated for D-BOX Motion Code TM .<br />
The D-BOX business model has seen success at multiple locations<br />
in theatre chains such as Galaxy Theatres, UltraStar Cinemas,<br />
Santikos Theatres, Cinema West and Emagine Theatres,<br />
with more to come. Digital theatres require minimal investment<br />
for the installation of D-BOX MFX Seating, and the fact that<br />
D-BOX is practically a turnkey motion solution has driven<br />
adoption levels higher across the continent and beyond.<br />
“With over a year’s experience behind us, our customers love<br />
the D-BOX experience and we love the contribution to our bottom<br />
line. For immersing our patrons in the movie experience, D-BOX<br />
can’t be beat,” says Rafe Cohen, President of Galaxy Theatres.<br />
Moving audiences certainly seems<br />
to be a smart business move…<br />
With over a year’s experience behind us, our customers love the D-BOX<br />
“<br />
experience and we love the contribution to our bottom line. For immersing<br />
our patrons into the movie experience D-BOX can’t be beat.<br />
- ”<br />
Rafe Cohen, President of Galaxy Theatres.<br />
D-BOX MFX SEATING BRINGS an unmatched<br />
realistic immersive experience to movie viewers,<br />
moving them out of their homes and into your<br />
theatres.<br />
reality that makes audiences feel like they are part<br />
of the film. From swerves, bumps, take-offs and<br />
free-falls to the gentle swaying of the ocean, every<br />
D-BOX MFX seat has its own motion intensity<br />
controller for ultimate personalization.<br />
WITH MINIMAL INVESTMENT, a new revenue<br />
stream, steady pre-sale tickets, regular D-BOX<br />
content and audience satisfaction rates over 90%,<br />
D-BOX really moves your bottom line...<br /><br />
Tales from the front line of the<br />
industry’s war on camcording<br />
by Amy Nicholson<br />
Usually when a theater confronts a<br />
person recording off their screen, the<br />
pirate is the defendant. But a 22 year<br />
old patron is suing a Chicago moviehouse<br />
for $200,000 after they arrested<br />
her filming clips of New Moon “to<br />
capture the title and beginning as a<br />
memory of this exciting event...and<br />
to capture her favorite actor taking<br />
his shirt off,” argued her lawyer. The<br />
woman, Samantha Tumpach, spent two<br />
days in jail and was threatened with<br />
three years in prison. In return, she<br />
and her lawyer turned the charges into<br />
an anti-piracy PR nightmare that had<br />
even New Moon director Chris Weitz<br />
stepping in to call her case “terribly<br />
unfair.”<br />
Yet on-the-spot apprehension of<br />
suspects has been credited as one<br />
of the best weapons against piracy.<br />
NATO and the MPAA's $500 reward<br />
program for theater employees who<br />
catch criminals in the act has helped<br />
turn the tide of the war. This works.<br />
But the Chicago case reminds us that<br />
it's important to get it right—and that<br />
it's too tough to go alone.<br />
30 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
“It's very important to work with<br />
MPAA rep, your field investigator<br />
and your local police department,”<br />
says Karen Scott, director of marketing<br />
for Malco Theaters. “We follow the<br />
Standard Operating <strong>Pro</strong>cedures from<br />
the MPAA. The most important thing to<br />
remember is not to touch the person. Just<br />
interrupt the transmission—you can't<br />
just go in and tackle them.”<br />
According to Tumpach, the situation<br />
escalated when the theater manager<br />
insisted that the police officers who<br />
responded to the scene demanded she<br />
be arrested. Especially when a situation<br />
seems murky, it's doubly important to be<br />
firm, but diplomatic. As Scott describes,<br />
“Ask them to please delete the images,<br />
and if it's not an innocent mistake but<br />
a person of a higher degree, call the authorities<br />
and hope that they will respond<br />
fast enough to get the person while<br />
they're still there.”<br />
What's understandably frustrating<br />
for exhibitors and their staff is it means<br />
that even when they're in the right, in<br />
the moment, they may have to swallow<br />
their feelings and stay calm. Take an<br />
incident at the Cinemark 16 in Gulfport,<br />
Mississippi, when GM Ray Boyce and his<br />
employee Colin Tabor had to confront<br />
two hot-tempered camcorders.<br />
“This young lady was definitely<br />
recording the movie,” recalls Boyce. “She<br />
was a teenage girl and I think her older<br />
friend was using her to record to sell to<br />
someone else, the idea being that the<br />
younger girl was a juvenile.” Boyce and<br />
his staff escorted them from the theater<br />
and held them until the police could<br />
arrive. The women couldn't leave, but<br />
they sure could get loud. “It was quite<br />
ugly—they ended up getting arrested for<br />
threatening my people. A couple of my<br />
assistant managers had to go to court and<br />
testify against them. It was quite bizarre,”<br />
he says, adding with a wink, “The young<br />
ladies involved were not very nice—<br />
and part of the reason they reacted so<br />
strongly is that they were probably going<br />
to make a lot of money.”<br />
Of course, in the first few years of<br />
the in-theater fight against piracy, even<br />
police officers were still learning how to<br />
handle these situations. The first time<br />
Wil Townsend, GM of the Regal Salisbury<br />
16 in Salisbury, Maryland, called for<br />
backup, “The police barely knew what<br />
to do, and we were so new at<br />
it we had a hard time helping<br />
them,” he recalls. “They<br />
seemed surprised that we<br />
were calling them, but wrote<br />
the incident report and filed<br />
it nonetheless.” The NATO/<br />
MPAA rewards program was<br />
so new that Townsend was<br />
shocked when the $500 check<br />
actually showed up for his<br />
star employee. “Funny thing<br />
was we never even told the<br />
employee that there was a<br />
reward and she had left us<br />
for another job. Luckily she<br />
was still working in the mall<br />
nearby and we knew where<br />
she was. It was fun showing<br />
up at her other job to give her<br />
a $500 check for something<br />
she had done a couple of<br />
months earlier.”<br />
Now, on Fridays, Saturdays<br />
and Sundays, Regal Cinemas<br />
employs off-duty police officers<br />
who step in as extra authority in camcording<br />
incidents. They're a great help—and<br />
so, too, are calm parents, as GM Michael<br />
Fletcher found when several young teens,<br />
all minors, were caught recording swaths of<br />
a big release on their cell phones at his Regal<br />
Majestic 20 in Silver Springs, Maryland.<br />
“They were clearly concerned but listened<br />
to the officer explain the situation before<br />
jumping to conclusions,” says Fletcher. “The<br />
parents were so upset that their children<br />
committed a crime that I can promise they<br />
heard about it for a good while after that<br />
day.” For this instance, a warning was a wise<br />
choice that could be an example for how<br />
seriously his multiplex took piracy. Adds<br />
Fletcher, “In turn, I am sure they told all of<br />
their friends and family what happened to<br />
them for simply recording a little bit of the<br />
movie on a phone.”<br />
We're living among a generation of kids<br />
and teenagers who don't innately recognize<br />
that piracy isn't a victimless crime. “I see my<br />
role as educational,” says Ray Boyce, who<br />
makes a point to school his staff—and sometimes<br />
his customers—on piracy's harm. “On<br />
busy nights when we have a big movie and<br />
folks are waiting for it, like just now with<br />
Eclipse at the midnight shows, I talk about<br />
piracy to the people waiting in line. I don't<br />
just stand there and preach, but I tell them<br />
some of the things we're looking out for so<br />
Google ‘Twilight Eclipse Bit Torrent’ and you’ll find nearly<br />
4,000.000 links<br />
that they can help watch, too—you never<br />
know who can help.”<br />
But as all exhibitors know, it's tough to<br />
make quick judgment calls when stakes are<br />
high and stories are confusing and shifty.<br />
Scott recalls an incident that struck a Malco<br />
theater that reminded her of just how high<br />
the stakes can be.<br />
“There was a ring in town hitting numerous<br />
retailers, including us, and we were able<br />
to meet with the Sheriff's Department Alert<br />
Team, a special team that focuses solely on<br />
retail theft: piracy issues, stolen goods, the<br />
whole nine yards,” says Scott. “They circulated<br />
pictures of the suspects and we were<br />
able to get that information to our managers—we<br />
helped catch one of them.”<br />
“Usually that kind of activity is tied back<br />
to gangs and drugs. Sometimes there's even<br />
much bigger outfits tied back to the mafia,”<br />
says Scott of her experience with the crime<br />
ring. “That's why it’s important to work<br />
with the police department—these groups<br />
have their little fish out there trying to get<br />
their hands on our product and then selling<br />
it for $5 in our parking lots.”<br />
Piraters may have ever-smaller cameras<br />
(“Check cupholders—these new cameras are<br />
so small that they don't always emit light to<br />
make them obvious,” cautions Scott), but<br />
exhibitors have preparation and communication.<br />
When it comes to catching camcord-<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 31
Hi Nicholas, please feel free to leave your house open every time you go out and<br />
please tell your family to do so, please invite people in the streets to come in and take<br />
things from you, not to make money out of it by reselling it but just to use it for themselves<br />
and help themselves. If you think it’s normal they take my work for free, I’m<br />
sure you will give away all your furniture and possessions and your family will do the<br />
same. I can also send you my bank account information since apparently you work for<br />
free and your family too so since you have so much money you should give it away...<br />
I actually like to pay my employees, my family, my bank for their work and like to get<br />
paid for my work. I’m glad you’re a moron who believes stealing is right. I hope your<br />
family and your kids end up in jail one day for stealing so maybe they can be taught<br />
the difference. Until then, keep being stupid, you’re doing that very well. And please<br />
do not download, rent, or pay for my movies, I actually like smart and more important<br />
HONEST people to watch my films.<br />
Best regards,<br />
“The average [film cost] is something like $60 million, but the average cost of making<br />
a movie in Europe is $3.5 million. That’s the way things are really competing. I think<br />
the American film industry is going to become like the rest of the world and people<br />
won’t get paid as much...It’s the only way you can stop piracy; there is no other way.<br />
You have to get a very, very aggressive enforcement program so that people do have<br />
consequences to stealing, but you also have to be able to offer it to them in the home<br />
for the same price they can get it on the street. It won’t be DVDs—DVDs aren’t going<br />
to be around too much longer. If you can get it at home for $2, then why would you<br />
go on the street and get a bad version?”<br />
“In film, we have definitely felt threatened by piracy. We saw the music industry crash<br />
and burn in its efforts to stop it...The music industry saw it coming, they tried to stop<br />
it and they got rolled over. Then they started suing everybody. And now it is what<br />
it is...People are discriminating about the experience. They want to own it, have it<br />
on an iPhone when they want it and they want the social experience of going to the<br />
cinema. These are really different experiences. And I think they can all co-exist in the<br />
same eco-system.”<br />
“The internet is killing cinema. People sit there watching a movie on a tiny screen. You<br />
can’t beat it, you’ve got to join it and deal with it and also get competitive with it. We<br />
try to make films that are in support of cinema, in a large room with good sound and<br />
a big picture...I’m sure we’re on a losing wicket, but we’re fighting technology.”<br />
ers, stay on top of the big signs—watch body<br />
language, seating choices, out-of-season<br />
clothing—and scan theaters frequently and<br />
with night vision goggles if available. But<br />
also stay dogged about the details. Send photos<br />
of suspicious characters around to nearby<br />
managers so that they'll be on the lookout.<br />
“Communication is vital,” says Scott.<br />
“There's always someone who has the next<br />
scam: stolen passes, fake passes, the old picking<br />
up stubs and trying to get a refund. Our<br />
managers are good about round-robining to<br />
say, 'This just happened at my theater, they<br />
might be headed your way. It all ties back to<br />
the same people.’”<br />
■<br />
Pirates are hit with jail time for<br />
their actions<br />
by Phil Contrino<br />
Hollywood studios are pushing for<br />
more than a slap on the wrist when<br />
it comes to punishing pirates. Jail<br />
time is now a very real possibility.<br />
In June 2009, 28 year old Jack Yates was<br />
sentenced to six months in jail for making a<br />
pirated copy of The Love Guru. Yates worked<br />
at a Burbank-based tape duplication company<br />
that Paramount farmed out to make a<br />
promotional copy for The Tonight Show with<br />
Jay Leno. First, Yates accused co-workers and<br />
Paramount employees of releasing the copy<br />
onto the Internet. When that didn’t work,<br />
he delivered a convoluted yarn in which his<br />
grandmother gave away a copy that later<br />
another person pirated, and that ultimately<br />
led to the act of piracy by another person.<br />
The courts didn’t buy it.<br />
While it’s difficult to attach an accurate<br />
monetary loss to any instance of piracy, The<br />
Love Guru certainly wasn’t in a position to<br />
afford any damage. After being ravaged by<br />
negative reviews, the Mike Myers comedy<br />
raked in a glum $32 million domestically<br />
during its entire theatrical run.<br />
In February <strong>2010</strong>, Robert Henderson of<br />
Grandview, Missouri was sentenced to a<br />
two year prison term and ordered to pay a<br />
$24,738 fine because of his decision to camcord<br />
The Dark Knight, 2008’s biggest worldwide<br />
earner. Unfortunately, a lot of people<br />
32 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
tried to make the narrow-minded point that<br />
since Knight was able to gross more than<br />
$1 billion worldwide, piracy must not be<br />
having much of an impact. The rationale<br />
behind such an argument is flimsy at best.<br />
Should Wal-Mart stop worrying about shoplifters<br />
since it’s already such a successful<br />
company?<br />
Even though those are the two cases that<br />
have garnered the most attention, piracy<br />
busts are continually in the news. Just this<br />
summer, five men were arrested in Mumbai<br />
for selling pirated CD copies of Iron Man 2.<br />
Tracking the sources of piracy isn’t easy.<br />
Chances are that a bootleg copy of Inception<br />
goes on quite an adventure before it ends up<br />
on a street corner in New York City and in<br />
the hands of a gullible tourist. Yet with the<br />
aggressive moves being made to put pirates<br />
behind bars, there will eventually be fewer<br />
sources to track down.<br />
While there are bound to be people who<br />
complain that jail time is a harsh penalty<br />
for piracy, the message that it sends is loud<br />
and clear: the movie industry does not want<br />
to experience the same kind of hemorrhaging<br />
of profits that have crippled the music<br />
industry.<br />
But the industry must enlist good PR<br />
when piraters argue that Hollywood is persecuting<br />
its own customers. As a case study<br />
in what not to do, take Nicolas Chartier. The<br />
French producer of The Hurt Locker made<br />
headlines in February when his email plea<br />
for votes got him banned from the Oscars.<br />
(He watched his film take top prize from a<br />
house party.)<br />
In May, he was in the news again<br />
when his company, Voltage Pictures, announced<br />
plans to sue tens of thousands<br />
of illegal downloaders. That’s aggressive,<br />
but understandable: The Hurt Locker was<br />
being pirated online five months before<br />
its stateside release. But when a bystander<br />
wrote Chartier to express his dismay at the<br />
suit, Chartier responded with a vitriolic<br />
defense of anti-piracy law that crossed the<br />
line when he sniped, “I hope your family<br />
and your kids end up in jail one day for<br />
stealing.” [Chartier’s email can be seen at<br />
the top of page 32] Chartier’s missive went<br />
viral and earned the producer a heap of bad<br />
press and the attention of the ACLU, which<br />
is investigating his lawsuit’s legality. A PR<br />
slip like that lets the bad guys win—and<br />
this is a fight the industry can’t lose. ■<br />
GUESS WHO?<br />
To beat the enemy,<br />
know the enemy<br />
by Boxoffice Staff<br />
Movie thieves aren’t born, they’re<br />
swayed. And the reasons might surprise<br />
you. The stereotype suggests<br />
a teenaged boy in his bedroom furiously<br />
downloading and trading the<br />
latest blockbuster. But when BOXOF-<br />
FICE found and interviewed self-proclaimed<br />
“pirates,” it quickly became<br />
clear that to combat movie theft, the<br />
industry must look beyond cliché. “Pirates”<br />
have as many different motives<br />
as a twisty spy thriller—and the good<br />
news is, they all want theaters to lure<br />
them back inside.<br />
Turn the page to learn how to<br />
win their hearts and minds.<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 33
WHO<br />
Classics<br />
professor,<br />
Female, 45<br />
WHY ><br />
The first time<br />
I pirated a<br />
movie, it was<br />
Orgasmo during<br />
that window<br />
when<br />
it wasn’t in<br />
theaters or on<br />
DVD. Now I’ll<br />
torrent old<br />
stuff I haven’t<br />
seen in ages that isn’t on Netflix Instant or<br />
Hulu. It’s convenience. I’ll come home after<br />
a bad day and need to see a favorite movie<br />
right that minute—I haven’t gone to a video<br />
store in years. The last movie I downloaded<br />
was an HD rip of The Good, The Bad and The<br />
Ugly. I’ve never bought a pirated movie. Copied<br />
DVDs still have those annoying unskippable<br />
anti-piracy ads and trailers.<br />
WHAT MAKES HER GO LEGIT > I prefer to see<br />
most everything in the theater. If there’s<br />
someone I want to watch a movie with, huddling<br />
around my computer will never do.<br />
DVDs on the HD TV or a trip to the theater are<br />
in order. I’d be a lot happier with the theater<br />
experience if I felt like I was getting my money’s<br />
worth—I’ve experienced subpar sound,<br />
unreliable picture quality and the inevitable<br />
30 minutes of commercials and trailers.<br />
WHO<br />
Part-time<br />
clerk,<br />
Female, 28<br />
WHY ><br />
I download<br />
movies I<br />
want to<br />
watch because<br />
I can’t<br />
always get<br />
a babysitter<br />
for my two<br />
girls. If there<br />
were cheaper<br />
popcorn and<br />
soda, I could take the kids more for things<br />
I want to see. If they’re going to be bored<br />
and restless anyway, it’s already hard to<br />
buy two extra tickets, and then when you<br />
add on all the candy to keep them quiet<br />
and happy...of course, I’d have to do the<br />
same thing even if I was dragging my husband<br />
on a date night. We don’t agree on<br />
movies much. I know it’s wrong—and I<br />
swear I really am a good person in the rest<br />
of my life—but downloads are my thing.<br />
WHAT MAKES HER GO LEGIT > Most of the<br />
movies we see in the theater are kids’ movies,<br />
since the whole family can go. But I<br />
like arranging special nights out at the theater.<br />
I had a girls’ night for Sex and the City<br />
2. I’m also doing the whole Twilight thing,<br />
watching all three movies on the 29th. I’ve<br />
been looking forward to that all summer.<br />
WHO<br />
Video game<br />
tester,<br />
Male, 25<br />
WHY ><br />
There are<br />
two kinds<br />
of movies<br />
I’ll pirate.<br />
Obscure<br />
arthouse<br />
movies<br />
that aren’t<br />
playing by<br />
me, and junk<br />
movies I<br />
wouldn’t actually pay for—I’m just kind<br />
of curious about how bad they are. I’ll<br />
watch pirated copies because I really<br />
have no desire to see it in the theater<br />
anyway. The studios aren’t losing my<br />
business.<br />
WHAT MAKES HIM GO LEGIT > My friends<br />
and I don’t have girlfriends or anything. We<br />
live by one good theater that plays a lot of<br />
random stuff, so going to the movies is what<br />
we do—at least one night a week. We’ll go<br />
out to watch something we even already<br />
own on DVD, like Taxi Driver or Groundhog<br />
Day. It’s cool to see them for the millionth<br />
time with a bunch of people around and a<br />
big, fat soda and a flask of whiskey. I love<br />
movies—even if I watch a pirated movie,<br />
I always actually buy the movies I like on<br />
DVD or Blu-ray.<br />
A BIG BYTE Does piracy hurt the box office?<br />
by Amy Nicholson<br />
Internet wags and download defenders argue that movie piracy<br />
doesn’t hurt the box office—it reflects it. Take the top-downloaded<br />
film of 2008: The Dark Knight. Pirates argue that many of the<br />
seven million viewers who downloaded the Christopher Nolan blockbuster<br />
had already paid to see the film in theaters. They just wanted<br />
to see it again—now. In fact, the argument goes, home viewers who<br />
downloaded first were likely inspired to buy a legit ticket to see the<br />
explosions big. And for The Dark Knight, those arguments might be<br />
right. But like a deep sea fishing net that also catches dolphins and<br />
turtles, many of most popular pirated movies haven’t had The Dark<br />
Knight’s success—the #3 download that same year, The Bank Job,<br />
made only $64.3 million in theaters. That nearly 5 ½ million saw<br />
their fun, well-reviewed flick online is cold comfort to director Roger<br />
Donaldson and star Jason Statham. Clearly, for every piracy “winner,”<br />
there are even bigger losers. Here are the most-pirated films<br />
of 2008 and 2009...and the surprising to-date top downloads of <strong>2010</strong>.<br />
2008<br />
Rank Title Downloads Value *<br />
1 The Dark Knight 7,030,000 $996.5<br />
2 The Incredible Hulk 5,840,000 $262.3<br />
3 The Bank Job 5,410,000 $64.3<br />
4 You Don’t Mess With the Zohan 5,280,000 $201.8<br />
5 National Treasure: Book of Secrets 5,240,000 $457.4<br />
6 Juno 5,190,000 $231.3<br />
7 Tropic Thunder 4,900,000 $187.2<br />
8 I Am Legend 4,870,000 $584.2<br />
9 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 4,400,000 $104.5<br />
10 Horton Hears a Who! 4,360,000 $296.9<br />
34 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
WHO<br />
Systems<br />
Analyst,<br />
Male, 35<br />
WHY ><br />
I live in a<br />
small town<br />
and a lot of<br />
movies aren’t<br />
available in<br />
the theater.<br />
A lot aren’t<br />
available<br />
legally in the<br />
US either—<br />
A. Newley’s<br />
porn musical Heironymous Merkin. I pirate<br />
TV episodes of the new Doctor Who. BBC<br />
America cuts about 12 minutes out of every<br />
episode for commercials, so you don’t see<br />
the entire thing unless you steal it.<br />
WHAT MAKES HIM GO LEGIT > I like crazy<br />
new action movies in the theater. We’ve got<br />
three boys and I like going to the movies<br />
with my family; it’s a social experience. I’d<br />
go more if there was more variety, beer, quality<br />
food and comfortable seating. I have no<br />
reason to watch pirated stuff at home unless<br />
it’s my only alternative. I prefer watching<br />
higher quality video, so a lot of pirated stuff<br />
doesn’t work for me. My wife doesn’t mind<br />
low quality as much, so mostly when I am<br />
watching it, it’s because I’m watching with<br />
her. Copied DVDs have the best quality—<br />
not to mention that downloads can hide<br />
really awful stuff like rootkits and viruses—<br />
but even then, lots of videos are compressed<br />
one way, then extracted and compressed<br />
again. Once I got fooled into buying the first<br />
four seasons of House and ended up with TV<br />
channel logos, bad encoding, DVD menus in<br />
Chinese, the works.<br />
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2009<br />
<strong>2010</strong><br />
Rank Title Downloads Value *<br />
Rank<br />
Title<br />
1 Star Trek 10,960,000 $385.4<br />
2 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 10,600,000 $834.9<br />
3 RocknRolla 9,430,000 $25.7<br />
4 The Hangover 9,180,000 $459.4<br />
5 Twilight 8,720,000 $384.9<br />
6 District 9 8,280,000 $204.6<br />
7 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 7,930,000 $929.3<br />
8 State of Play 7,440,000 $87.8<br />
9 X-Men Origins: Wolverine 7,200,000 $373.1<br />
10 Knowing 6,930,000 $183.2<br />
1 Green Zone<br />
2 She’s Out of My League<br />
3 Hot Tub Time Machine<br />
4 The A-Team<br />
5 Remember Me<br />
6 The Book of Eli<br />
7 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time<br />
8 The Wolfman<br />
9 Kick-Ass<br />
10 Robin Hood<br />
* in millions<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 35
Michael Cera goes from awkward to rawkward<br />
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a shot of adrenaline into the heart of <strong>August</strong>. Based on a bestselling<br />
graphic novel, the bright, fast and furious action comedy directed by Edgar Wright<br />
(Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) stars Michael Cera as a slacker musician who falls for a cutie with<br />
a curse: to stay with Mary Elizabeth Winstead, he’s got to fight her seven evil exes, a phalanx that<br />
includes beefy superheroes Chris Evans and Brandon Routh and angry geeks Kieran Culkin and Jason<br />
Schwartzman. Oh, and ninjas. With Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarantino and Jason Reitman buzzing about<br />
their love of the film—and the hyper Internet anticipation—Scott is poised to conquer late summer.<br />
BOXOFFICE talks to Wright and Cera about brawlin’, rockin’ and taking <strong>August</strong> from zero to hero.<br />
by Amy Nicholson<br />
F<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
vs. the world<br />
Michael Cera would do anything for love (even eat a cat)<br />
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever<br />
done for love?<br />
than I’d ever felt. We had to do three takes.<br />
That’s three cats.<br />
Oh boy. Maybe destroy a lot of friendships<br />
and burn a lot of bridges. Cut all my ties and<br />
get rid of everything.<br />
That’s one of the things I love about the<br />
comic—Scott’s the hero, but he’s not really<br />
that great of a guy.<br />
A slash and burn approach.<br />
Yeah, I would just kind of destroy my life.<br />
To make the other person feel guilty?<br />
Desperation, I think. I don’t know if guilt<br />
is the word—maybe lighting a fire under<br />
them.<br />
For Scott Pilgrim, you got to return to Toronto<br />
to shoot. What was it like being on<br />
set but knowing you could see your family<br />
and friends that night if you wanted?<br />
My parents live about an hour away, so I<br />
went home to an apartment that the movie<br />
rented for me. But I haven’t gotten to film<br />
there since I was a kid, so it was really great.<br />
Is your celebrity different there? Are you<br />
the hometown hero?<br />
I don’t know? That’s an interesting question.<br />
I guess I don’t really think about it, or I avoid<br />
thinking about it.<br />
Are the girls different in Toronto versus<br />
LA?<br />
Yes. They’re different in the guys they want<br />
to be around. It’s a completely different<br />
world. LA is different from a lot of places,<br />
though. It’s its own weird bubble, don’t you<br />
think? Did you grow up here?<br />
Michigan and Texas, but now that I’m<br />
here, I agree—and it’s a bubble that seems<br />
impossible to leave. My family is right by<br />
the Canadian border in Michigan and we<br />
used to cross the lake to go to a theme<br />
park called Storybook Gardens in London,<br />
Ontario. It’s two hours from Toronto—ever<br />
go?<br />
No! What happens there?<br />
It’s all about nursery rhymes. There’s<br />
Humpty Dumpty and Three Men in a<br />
Tub—a giant spiderweb, a giant shoe.<br />
Sometimes, I convince myself I imagined<br />
it. I was hoping for confirmation. Alas.<br />
You’re outspoken about your love for<br />
Los Angeles, which I understand. You can<br />
do anything here—last night, we ate live<br />
octopus.<br />
Whoa—how did it feel?<br />
Primal. Like you’re on the top of the food<br />
chain looking down at your plate.<br />
I believe it. For Scott Pilgrim, I had to tear off<br />
a cat’s arm with my teeth. It was kind of the<br />
same thing. I felt so...human. More myself<br />
When we started the film, Edgar gave us<br />
each a sheet with ten things we had to know<br />
about our character. Like a study guide to<br />
make sure we were all on the right path.<br />
And the top thing on my list was that Scott<br />
thinks he’s the hero of his own imaginary<br />
movie.<br />
Even before he has to fight for Ramona’s<br />
heart, as a rock star he’s the hero of the<br />
stage.<br />
Exactly. It’s like that scene in MacGruber<br />
when you realize that he’s not the good guy.<br />
Val Kilmer’s the villain, but that’s because<br />
MacGruber stole his pregnant fiancée and<br />
made her get an abortion. That’s why he<br />
hates MacGruber.<br />
That movie was really underrated. I kept<br />
trying to get people to see it, but it was<br />
like bashing my head against a wall.<br />
My friends all really liked it.<br />
It’s anti-comedy. Where there’s supposed<br />
to be a joke, they pull it back.<br />
You have to know comedy really well to do<br />
that.<br />
You don’t strike me as a professional fighter,<br />
and as someone who’s never been in a<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 37
fight myself, I’m curious about the training<br />
you had to do for Scott Pilgrim?<br />
The kind of fighting I was doing isn’t much<br />
like fighting. It’s more like dance. It’s a<br />
rhythm that you get into with another<br />
person—finding their rhythm, blocking<br />
their punches. I did get kicked in the throat<br />
while we were training, full force, by a man<br />
who was a Mandarin fighting champion. It<br />
knocked me down backwards onto my back.<br />
He was supposed to kick my chest—I had a<br />
big chest guard shield on, but he went too<br />
high and kicked me square in the throat.<br />
What did that feel like?<br />
You know, it was shockingly...not so painful?<br />
All these guys helped me up. They were<br />
really freaked out because since I was the<br />
main actor, they would have been in deep,<br />
deep trouble if I had gotten hurt. So they<br />
quickly picked me up and asked if I was<br />
okay. I didn’t really feel anything. I think<br />
my adrenaline might have stopped me from<br />
feeling the pain—or maybe it just didn’t<br />
hurt that much. Maybe getting kicked in the<br />
throat isn’t that painful.<br />
Maybe that’s the secret ultimate fighters<br />
know. We’re super-impressed, but they’re<br />
so amped up on passion and energy that<br />
they don’t feel a thing.<br />
Right. I also got kicked in my hand while we<br />
were training. I was doing the thing where I<br />
throw my hand down and block a kick and<br />
these guys—who are amazing at stopping<br />
their foot at the exact same point in the air,<br />
however many times, they kick the precise<br />
spot—maybe my hand went too low, or his<br />
foot went too high, but he hit the base of<br />
my pinkie finger in between my pinkie and<br />
ring finger. It felt like it sprained whatever<br />
muscle is right there. And it felt like a train<br />
had hit my hand. It hurt so much.<br />
And you need your hands to be nimble for<br />
all of your guitar scenes.<br />
Luckily, it was a month before during training.<br />
It went away.<br />
Obviously, you’re now an awesome fighter.<br />
If you weren’t held back—crippled, even,<br />
by having to follow stunt choreography—<br />
which of your opponents could you take in<br />
a fight?<br />
I could easily kill Mary Elizabeth Winstead.<br />
I would just hit her straight in the face and<br />
see how she reacts.<br />
The kind of move where if she worries that<br />
she’ll never be pretty again, she’ll quit.<br />
It’s all about knowing your opponent’s<br />
weakness.<br />
I’d just break her nose in an instant. It’s the<br />
perfect level. Her nose lines up to my upward<br />
palm thrust.<br />
Jason Schwartzman?<br />
I think me and Jason probably have a similar<br />
fighting technique. I can’t speak on his fighting<br />
history, but I feel like he and I would<br />
just throw sporadic, flailing arm blows.<br />
They wouldn’t even be specific enough to be<br />
named “punches” or “slaps,” just us hoping<br />
that the weight of our arm connects to the<br />
other person.<br />
Like the final fight in Kick-Ass.<br />
Like that. I saw a fight like that in real life.<br />
Growing up, these two guys were talking<br />
about fighting after school in the woods<br />
and it turned into this thing where everyone<br />
knew they were going to do it—they<br />
couldn’t get out of it. So we went in the<br />
woods with fifty kids and we climbed on<br />
this big mound of dirt that some kids had<br />
built to ride their dirt bikes on. They’re<br />
standing on this mound with a circle of kids<br />
watching and they’re so afraid. Neither of<br />
Dangerous curves ahead as Mary Elizabeth<br />
Winstead comes with seven angry exes<br />
38 BOXOFFICE JULY <strong>2010</strong>
them would throw a punch. They both had<br />
their fists up and they’re just looking at each<br />
other, moving their feet a little bit, for such<br />
a long time. Five minutes. Both terrified.<br />
Then, one of them went for a punch and<br />
it landed on the other kid’s nose. It started<br />
bleeding profusely. The first kid backed off<br />
and freaked out. They ended up both getting<br />
suspended because when one of their moms<br />
saw them, he said he’d been in a fight. She<br />
reported it and got them both suspended.<br />
It’s funny hearing you describe a real fight<br />
because all most people ever see is movie<br />
violence. It’s rare that there’s a physical<br />
fight right in front of you—I think I’ve<br />
only ever seen two. And both times, it<br />
was weirder and messier and clumsier and<br />
worse than any movie I’d ever seen.<br />
Have you seen some vicious fights?<br />
Once—it was outside of a music club when<br />
I was in high school. It was so bad that this<br />
guy I didn’t know who just happened to<br />
be in the parking lot with me, from then<br />
on, we were friends. We’d both seen this<br />
thing that we didn’t want to see. Every<br />
time we saw each other, we shared a look<br />
and a head nod. Like we’d been in a war<br />
together, even though neither of us had<br />
thrown a punch—we were 15 feet away.<br />
That must have been really disturbing to<br />
make such an impression.<br />
I’m a Catholic school girl. I hadn’t seen<br />
a lot of that. But what I find interesting<br />
about the violence in Scott Pilgrim is it’s<br />
so inspired by videogames. Even when<br />
you throw a punch, it says, “Whoosh!” It’s<br />
comic violence.<br />
There’s no blood in this movie at all, which<br />
is interesting because there’s so much<br />
extreme violence. It doesn’t feel gory ever,<br />
or gratuitous or disturbing. It’s always a<br />
cartoon. You feel safe while watching it. You<br />
don’t think anyone’s going to be disfigured.<br />
There’s something about that that makes<br />
it more of a comedy and less of a violent,<br />
bloody murder movie.<br />
And the style of the comedy itself is really<br />
unique. It’s set in this blasé Toronto where<br />
people have dishwashing jobs and crash<br />
on other people’s couches. It’s all very,<br />
very mundane. But when somebody gets<br />
punched, they burst apart into gold coins.<br />
I’m curious about that balance.<br />
I haven’t seen the film yet myself, but<br />
the first half hour is like what you just<br />
described: it’s these kids living in Toronto<br />
and there are these relationship dynamics.<br />
You’re getting a sense of what their lives are<br />
like, what this group of friends is like. And<br />
then 30 minutes into it madness starts happening.<br />
It’s so fast and you just have to go<br />
with it—you’re caught up in it and all of a<br />
sudden, people are fighting and they know<br />
how to fight, even though there’s no reason<br />
for them to. People are exploding into coins<br />
and people are flying and shooting fireballs.<br />
To me, it’s not very different from what<br />
Edgar was doing in Spaced or in Shaun of the<br />
Dead. He has a way of getting away with that<br />
stuff. There’s a scene in Spaced where they<br />
have a big shootout with finger guns.<br />
Like the way he handles the cop genre in<br />
Hot Fuzz. I heard to prepare for the film,<br />
you read Sun-Tzu’s The Art of War.<br />
Did I say that? [Laughs] I listened to a little<br />
bit, but not the whole tape. I need to finish<br />
it.<br />
So what’s next?<br />
I don’t have any other job lined up right<br />
now. We’re going to be promoting this probably<br />
all the way until September. There are<br />
other little things here and there that I’m<br />
working on, but I don’t have anything big<br />
lined up. Which is nice, actually.<br />
That will give you time to keep writing for<br />
McSweeney’s.<br />
Yeah, I’ve been doing that, actually. And<br />
walking around. Reading and writing. It’s<br />
very relaxing.<br />
I’ll be killed if I don’t ask about the<br />
Arrested Development movie.<br />
The last I heard, it was happening. But that<br />
was a long time ago, now. I had lunch with<br />
Mitch [Hurwitz, creator] sometime over a<br />
year and a half ago. We talked about doing<br />
it. But I don’t think he’s written the script<br />
because he’s working on a show now with<br />
Jim Vallely and Will Arnett [Wilde Kingdom,<br />
whose pilot was just picked up by Fox]. I’m<br />
pretty sure they’re going to be doing that for<br />
ROCK ON!<br />
Strike a perfect,<br />
promotional chord<br />
Here are two things Scott Pilgrim has that<br />
other flicks don’t: video games and rock ’n’<br />
roll. And who loves both of them? Teenagers<br />
and twenty-somethings. (Though the<br />
Rolling Stones are also on the soundtrack,<br />
Pops.)<br />
Every town has a music scene, and the<br />
smaller it is, the more passionate the fans.<br />
On opening weekend, host a parking lot<br />
concert—a Battle of the Bands would be<br />
doubly apropos—and time it to complement<br />
a big nighttime screening. You don’t<br />
have to go it alone: reach out to your local<br />
radio stations, college stations, alt-weekly<br />
or music stores for help in putting it together,<br />
coordinating bands and reaching<br />
an audience. Invest the effort and reap free<br />
press and great goodwill.<br />
Another tactic is to reach out to the gamers<br />
in your neighborhood with a video game<br />
challenge. Scott Pilgrim is launching its own<br />
video game on <strong>August</strong> 10th, and you can<br />
be the first on the block to show it. Mount<br />
it in the lobby with a controller and invite<br />
people to play it for five minutes a pop. At<br />
the end of the weekend, whoever earned<br />
the highest score during their window wins<br />
the actual game and can take it home and<br />
perfect their skills. A nearby video game<br />
store might be game to pitch in with prizes<br />
if it can boost their own sales—give them a<br />
call. Ask: “Are you ready to rock?”<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 39
a little while. I can’t really tell if it’s something<br />
where we need to strike while the iron<br />
is hot, or if more time will go by and it will<br />
still be fine to do it. I’d like to.<br />
It doesn’t seem like interest has abated and<br />
the show’s been off the air for what, three<br />
years? Four?<br />
Four, yeah. It’s nice that people still want to<br />
see it. I think it could be good. Really fun.<br />
That’s also got to be a little intimidating<br />
that everyone expects it to be the best<br />
movie of all time.<br />
That’s true. It’s never good to start an endeavor<br />
with high expectations right off the<br />
bat.<br />
If it comes together, you should give<br />
interviews telling people how bad it’s<br />
going to be.<br />
That’s a great idea. I’m sure that whoever’s<br />
giving us money will love that.<br />
Or you could do public debates with Tony<br />
Hale. He’ll say it’s bad, you’ll say it’s good.<br />
At least you’ll be on the producers’ good<br />
side. But back to the summer ahead, the<br />
two films people are most anticipating are<br />
Inception and Scott Pilgrim.<br />
GREAT<br />
SCOTT!<br />
I feel sorry for Inception. When does it come<br />
out?<br />
July 16th.<br />
Yeah, it’s so close to the Fourth of July. Everyone<br />
is still going to be popping firecrackers,<br />
there’s going to be napkins and watermelon.<br />
It’ll be a mess. Confetti everywhere.<br />
What do you know about it—you’re<br />
Canadian.<br />
We have Canada Day. It’s July 1st.<br />
Aw, that’s so cute.<br />
It’s kind of like when it’s your birthday and<br />
you have a big party, but your little sister<br />
feels left out. So your parents throw her a<br />
little party, too, with a little cake. Poor Christopher<br />
Nolan.<br />
■<br />
Edgar Wright on romance,<br />
busting beyond genre flicks<br />
and why he didn’t find cameos<br />
for Simon Pegg and Nick Frost<br />
This is your first feature film that doesn’t<br />
riff off one genre.<br />
In a way, I was keen to get out of that. With<br />
both Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, the<br />
idea was to mix in so many flavors that it<br />
becomes its own thing. I hope with Scott<br />
Pilgrim, there’s many facets to it—sometimes,<br />
people say it’s a negative when you<br />
make things that can’t be put in one box,<br />
but I strive to do it like that. Essentially, it’s<br />
a comedy, but there’s a big romantic element<br />
and a musical element and an action<br />
element. On top of that, there’s gaming.<br />
Before, you’ve been judged on the<br />
creativity you’ve brought to a genre.<br />
Here, for the first time, you’re facing a<br />
wall of fan boys who will measure you for<br />
faithfulness against the original comic,<br />
though you’ve already said your ending<br />
will be different.<br />
It’s tricky. It’s been great to have the access<br />
to Bryan [Lee O’Malley, author of the comic]<br />
and the books. I got involved in this six<br />
years ago when the book was first given to<br />
me, and I’ve been working on it on and off<br />
for five years. When we first started working<br />
on it, there were only two books published.<br />
By the time we were shooting, there<br />
were five. We had bits of six. And throughout<br />
the production, I’ve had access to all<br />
six and access to Bryan. And Bryan, unlike<br />
some fans, is actually the person who is<br />
very supportive of making changes because<br />
40 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
to see through that? Scott definitely jumps<br />
through a lot of hoops and in the film, by<br />
the time he gets to the fourth act, he’s wondering<br />
whether it is really worth the trials.<br />
And also, Ramona’s character, the way she<br />
sees it, is she’s had a hex put on her. She<br />
doesn’t like all the attention and she would<br />
much rather have a quiet life. She’s gone to<br />
Toronto to get a quieter life.<br />
Hearing you say that—and also, some of<br />
the shots in the film: a woman with bright<br />
dyed hair, white snow—reminds me of<br />
Eternal Sunshine.<br />
A couple of people have said that about<br />
the park scene. The film takes place in a<br />
Toronto spring. It’s April yet it’s snowing<br />
really hard, which is very realistic for Toronto,<br />
as we found out. It’s in the middle of<br />
an April cold snap. When I read the books,<br />
I fell in love with Bryan’s art work of snowy<br />
Toronto—it’s one of those cities that looks<br />
amazing snowbound, and we wanted to<br />
keep that.<br />
You gave everyone in the cast a list of ten<br />
facts about their character. Michael Cera<br />
said his number one was that he’s the star<br />
of his own movie.<br />
he understood that the book is the book and<br />
the film is the film. Rather than try and do a<br />
condensed version of the book, we’ve taken<br />
the structure and done something fairly<br />
different with it and the same characters.<br />
The main thing is to get the spirit of the<br />
books, and the humor and tone. The biggest<br />
change adaptation-wise is that it takes<br />
place over a shorter time span. The books<br />
are about a long term relationship over<br />
the course of a year. In the film, it’s a ten<br />
day fling. The idea is that we show a whole<br />
relationship in the course of ten days. That<br />
makes it sound like How to Lose a Guy in Ten<br />
Days. Can I say nine days?<br />
Or eleven.<br />
Eleven days it is.<br />
Do you think Scott and Ramona are a good<br />
Edgar Wright and his band of mayhem-starting<br />
musicians<br />
couple? In the comics, that’s nebulous.<br />
We tackle that in the film very much, as<br />
well. One of the nice things in the film is<br />
that she’s the archetypal dream girl. She’s<br />
literally his dream girl—he met her in a<br />
dream before he really meets her. So Scott’s<br />
initial reaction is, “This must be the girl<br />
because I dreamt about her before I met<br />
her.” From there, it’s the hardship of surviving<br />
having the crap beaten out of him by<br />
seven different people. Is it really worth it?<br />
And I think that’s a metaphor for relationships—how<br />
hard do you want to fight to be<br />
with someone? And then when you’re with<br />
them, how much are you going to fight to<br />
keep going? It’s an uphill struggle. A lot of<br />
people deal with other people’s baggage:<br />
their hearts, their revelations that come<br />
out once you’ve started dating. Then, it’s<br />
about how much do you love that person<br />
Those were written by me and Michael Bacall<br />
[co-writer], but we got Bryan to add fun<br />
facts for the cast. They weren’t supposed<br />
to reveal them to other people—some had<br />
quite big bombshells in them—and we told<br />
the actors not to divulge them. That fun fact<br />
about Scott pretty much says everything<br />
about the movie. Scott Pilgrim is the star of<br />
the movie in his head. That really explains<br />
the tone of the movie because it’s almost<br />
as if the movie is one big dream sequence.<br />
Scott Pilgrim is a massive daydreamer.<br />
Even in the way he conducts himself, some<br />
people when they read the comics say that<br />
he’s a bad person for some of the stuff he<br />
does. He’s definitely flawed. But he’s not<br />
intentionally selfish. He’s slightly blinkered<br />
and he lives in his own little bubble of<br />
importance. In a way, you can even factor<br />
the gaming into that. He lives his life like<br />
a character in one of his games. He doesn’t<br />
necessarily think about the feelings going<br />
on around him. I like to think that Scott<br />
Pilgrim the film is almost a solipsist’s movie<br />
of this character and the rest of it is just a<br />
figment of his imagination or a highly exaggerated<br />
version of events. There’s a point in<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 41
Wright cracks up Cera and Winstead with his<br />
smooth moves<br />
the film in the beginning where there are<br />
these dream sequences. When I showed it<br />
to Jason Schwartzman [who plays Ramona’s<br />
ex, Gideon], he said possibly the nicest<br />
thing anyone could say about the start. He<br />
said, “Wow, the start is almost like a Luis<br />
Buñuel film.” Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie<br />
is one of my favorite films. It’s almost<br />
like the opening is one of those Russian<br />
dolls of dream sequences. And hopefully<br />
when someone watches it, they’ll be like,<br />
“Hang on—does he ever wake up?” As far as<br />
I’m concerned, Scott Pilgrim never wakes<br />
up, and what you’re watching is his highly<br />
exaggerated, surreal version of events.<br />
As in how in Buñuel films, everything starts<br />
off seeming normal, but off in a way you<br />
can’t put your finger on. And then it builds<br />
until the world’s gone insane.<br />
That’s the idea. It’s a gift to be able to do it.<br />
Even though I worked with Universal on<br />
Shaun of the Dead, this is really my first US<br />
film and studio film proper. It’s a gift to be<br />
able to bring it to the screen uncompromisingly.<br />
I think it’s got the elements of the<br />
basic boy-meets-girl story, yet at its core, the<br />
beat of it, it’s a romantic comedy or a musical.<br />
With the central love triangle, it’s counterpart<br />
is Grease. With massive fighting.<br />
Tell me about the Ferris Wheel. Michael<br />
Cera said I had to ask, but he didn’t give<br />
me any context.<br />
[Laughs] We had this thing about Scott<br />
Pilgrim, about what he’s like as a character.<br />
He swings like a pendulum between being<br />
really cocky and sure of himself to having<br />
a full-on nervous breakdown. And so our<br />
note was that he’s half-Ferris and half-Cameron<br />
from Ferris Bueller. We called it the Ferris<br />
Wheel and I drew a diagram for Michael.<br />
On one side, it said [Matthew] Broderick<br />
and on the other side, it said [Alan] Ruck. It<br />
had an arrow so Scott Pilgrim could swing<br />
between. The night before we started film,<br />
me and Michael Cera and Michael Bacall<br />
watched Ferris Bueller’s Day Off as our good<br />
luck film. And I had the art department<br />
make a wooden Ferris Wheel as a prop. It<br />
had a moveable arrow so Cera could ask,<br />
“What’s the Ferris rating on this scene?”<br />
and I’d say if it was closer to Ruck. Then<br />
it was a really sad irony that John Hughes<br />
died whilst we were filming. We were all hit<br />
hard any way by that, but it was also kind of<br />
spooky because the film and the books—as<br />
do all youth comedies—owe a lot to John<br />
Hughes. I took a photo on the day he died<br />
and wrote a eulogy to him on my blog on<br />
the set. I had “R.I.P. J.H.” up on the set for<br />
the day.<br />
Here, when people throw punches, they<br />
pop up on the screen as “Ka-pow!” How<br />
can you reclaim that from Batman?<br />
I like the Batman punches. Most comic book<br />
movies try to do one of two things: they try<br />
to be super-realistic like The Dark Knight,<br />
which goes for this dark naturalism. The<br />
other thing people try to do is, like Sin City<br />
or 300, stylized but super gritty. The great<br />
thing about Scott Pilgrim I saw when I read<br />
the books was that this is my chance to do a<br />
Pop Art film. It’s fun and energetic and kind<br />
of like Roy Lichtenstein. I like the comic<br />
book movies that go all out and be bubblegum<br />
films like Danger Diabolique, the Mario<br />
Bava film, or even the ’80s Flash Gordon.<br />
I like the ones that have a lack of pretention—they<br />
say, “You know what? This is a<br />
comic book movie.” They have bright colors<br />
and just go for it. Scott Pilgrim is a blackand-white<br />
book, but the covers are really<br />
colorful. It goes between the two: there’s the<br />
naturalistic, mundane normal scenes with<br />
the muted palette, but as the film explodes,<br />
42 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
the colors come in. Kind of like Eternal Sunshine<br />
as you referenced, Ramona’s hair is the<br />
first bright color that you see. I like the idea<br />
of absolutely embracing the colorfulness<br />
and making the whole thing an eye candy<br />
explosion. An eye and ear candy explosion.<br />
Actually, that sounds like wax made into a<br />
gummy-bear, which doesn’t sound too nice.<br />
Arm candy is a completely separate thing.<br />
How does that play into your second draft<br />
of Ant-Man? I’ve heard conflicting reports:<br />
that you’re making it naturalistic and that<br />
you’re making it a comedy?<br />
I haven’t actually started the second draft<br />
yet—I’m not going to be able to until this<br />
film is out—but what we wrote for the first<br />
draft, and what Marvel really liked, is that<br />
it’s funny but it’s a genre film. It’s about the<br />
level of comedy that Iron Man has. The idea<br />
is to make a high-concept genre film where<br />
it’s within another genre. His suit and its<br />
power is the big gadget and it takes place<br />
in the real world. I just wanted to do something<br />
that was slightly different than the<br />
superhero origin film. I felt that between<br />
that and the various mad scientist, crazy<br />
doctor films that we’ve all seen, this would<br />
be a way into an origin that was slightly<br />
different. I’m not really a multi-tasker—I<br />
haven’t done anything since Marvel liked<br />
our first draft.<br />
Does that take a huge leap of faith when<br />
you choose your next project, knowing it<br />
will be your life for the next 24 months?<br />
Pretty much. For better or for worse. A lot<br />
of directors have three things going at once,<br />
or before their new film comes out, they<br />
make sure they’ve got the next one signed,<br />
sealed and delivered. I just try and put so<br />
much into everything that, every job I’ve<br />
done, I’ve ended up working myself into<br />
the ground to the point of collapse. I’ve<br />
already planned my collapse on this film. I<br />
know exactly what week I need to be dropping<br />
dead. You know what’s crazy? It’s also<br />
a nice thing, but that people always want<br />
to know what’s next. I did the red carpet<br />
at the MTV awards and pretty much every<br />
interview went like this: First question: “So<br />
tell us about Scott Pilgrim?” Well, it’s this<br />
film and blah-blah-blah and it’s coming out<br />
on <strong>August</strong> 13 th . “So what’s next for you?<br />
Ant-Man?” Hey, I haven’t even finished Scott<br />
Pilgrim yet! It’s 110 minutes long and there’s<br />
lots to talk about when you see it—I promise!<br />
I hope that when I do interviews after<br />
people have seen the film, they won’t just<br />
ask me what’s next.<br />
It’s good that people care, but it must feel<br />
like, “This isn’t enough?”<br />
That’s always been the case, even back<br />
on Hot Fuzz. “So, tell us about Ant-Man?” I<br />
think if I actually made Ant-Man and then<br />
did press for that, Lord knows what people<br />
might say afterward. The world might end.<br />
Maybe it’s the Mayan Calendar. When I<br />
finally make Ant-Man, what will be left<br />
to talk about? I guess let’s talk about the<br />
meaning of life, or something. It’s <strong>2010</strong> and<br />
the Mayans say the world is going to end in<br />
2012. Ant-Man will have to be scheduled before<br />
then. That doesn’t give it long to play.<br />
Speaking of worlds ending, have you<br />
figured out how you want to destroy the<br />
planet in World’s End, the last in your<br />
genre trilogy of Shaun and Hot Fuzz?<br />
That’s something Simon [Pegg] and I came<br />
up with the idea for. Everything feels like<br />
I’ve been writing it for years, but we did<br />
come up with the idea for it after Hot Fuzz.<br />
The nice thing about doing films with Simon<br />
and Nick [Frost]—hopefully if we get<br />
the chance to do this third one—is it will be<br />
like Michael Apted’s Seven Up series. Every<br />
time we get together, we get older with the<br />
characters. Spaced was about people in their<br />
mid-twenties, Shaun was about turning 30<br />
and this one will be about getting into your<br />
mid-to-late thirties. We’re all getting older,<br />
and the characters are getting older as well.<br />
It’s one of the reasons we never returned<br />
to do a third season of Spaced—it just felt<br />
wrong. You never want to see those characters<br />
get older. But hopefully we can do it<br />
with different stories. We have an idea for<br />
World’s End. I’m kind of glad we’ve had a<br />
break because people start to second guess<br />
you. And you want to try to subvert things.<br />
I love Mel Brooks and the Zucker Brothers,<br />
but on the Hot Fuzz press tour, the only<br />
question would be, “You’ve done cop films,<br />
you’ve done zombie films—what’s next?”<br />
I don’t want to be so easily put into a box.<br />
We’d always bristle when people would use<br />
the word ‘spoof.’ They are comedies and<br />
they are pastiche, but I hope at least the<br />
finished product feels like a film in its own<br />
right. Even if they have very silly titles—<br />
Shaun of the Dead is a particularly silly title.<br />
When we were making it, people would<br />
say, “You’re not really going to call it that?” I<br />
couldn’t imagine it called anything else!<br />
Were you tempted to find roles for Simon<br />
and Nick in Scott Pilgrim?<br />
No, I didn’t want to. I felt like I wanted<br />
people to be excited about the next time we<br />
work together with them as the leads. I felt<br />
like them doing a one-scene cameo in Scott<br />
Pilgrim would be doing them a disservice.<br />
It would just be paying lip service—we<br />
shouldn’t do it because people think we<br />
ought to, we should work together because<br />
we want to. In fact, I even said to the casting<br />
director that I didn’t want to have any Brits<br />
in the film at all. I wanted my first North<br />
American film to have all North American<br />
actors. One Brit slipped through without<br />
me knowing. Satya Bhabha is actually from<br />
around the corner from me in London, but<br />
he completely fooled me in the audition.<br />
Were you on Simon or Nick or your fellow<br />
Brits’ enemy list?<br />
I think they understood. The crazy thing<br />
is it’s almost like Lord of the Flies. Jason<br />
Schwartzman and Chris Evans are the oldest<br />
people in the film. There are no adults<br />
in the film. Unlike the comic, you don’t see<br />
anybody’s parents. The film’s actually casting<br />
age-appropriate for once, which not a<br />
lot of films do. It was amazing shooting it<br />
because everybody was between the ages of<br />
19 and 28.<br />
Did that make you feel unjustly old?<br />
I definitely felt like the older brother. I hope<br />
I wasn’t a dad figure, I’d like to be the older<br />
brother.<br />
Or the cool uncle.<br />
That makes me feel a little nervous.<br />
I read you might be brainstorming ideas<br />
for a sequel called Scott Pilgrim vs. 2012?<br />
You’re joking.<br />
I’m not joking. The Internet is gossiping.<br />
That’s bullshit! [Laughs] I can comprehensively<br />
say that that is bullshit.<br />
■<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 43
Secretariat<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Walt Disney Pictures CAST Diane Lane, John<br />
Malkovich, Dylan Walsh, Scott Glenn, Fred Thompson,<br />
A.J. Michalka, Kevin Connolly, Margo Martindale, Eric<br />
Lange, Drew Roy DIRECTOR Randall Wallace SCREEN-<br />
WRITER Mike Rich PRODUCERS Mark Ciardi, Gordon Gray<br />
GENRE Drama RATING PG for brief mild language RUN-<br />
NING TIME TBD RELEASE DATE October 8, <strong>2010</strong><br />
n 2003, Universal chased down seven<br />
Oscar nominations with Seabiscuit. The<br />
inspirational horse track drama didn’t<br />
win a single one, and its $148.3 million<br />
international gross wasn’t much of a payback<br />
for the $87 million production, but that’s not<br />
slowing down Walt Disney Studios from opening<br />
the gates for their own equine uplifter.<br />
Secretariat stars Academy Award nominee<br />
Diane Lane as Penny Chenery, the Virginiabred<br />
housewife who took over her father’s<br />
horse farm and bred an unlikely champion.<br />
Along with eccentric trainer Lucien Laurin,<br />
2003<br />
2001<br />
1981<br />
2004<br />
2002<br />
2009<br />
2005<br />
2009<br />
2009<br />
1998<br />
$120,277,109 / $158,574,297<br />
BOXING<br />
ALI<br />
$58,203,528 / $81,896,995<br />
$58,972,523 / $168,644,445<br />
$64,378,453 / $82,416,860<br />
$75,600,977 / $103,625,477<br />
$255,959,000<br />
$67,264,853 / $83,425,207<br />
SOCCER<br />
$442,008<br />
RUGBY<br />
$37,491,960<br />
$17,451,088 / $29,581,268<br />
* limited US Release<br />
** Not true-life, but … it’s The Dude, man<br />
all data from<br />
Diane Lane plays<br />
a horse-mad<br />
housewife<br />
played by equally eccentric actor John Malkovich<br />
as a brash oddball in Bermuda shorts,<br />
Chenery took a huge gamble on a upstart<br />
young horse. She bet—and bet right—that<br />
Secretariat would win the Triple Crown, and<br />
along the route she turned herself and her<br />
horse into one of the media sensations of<br />
1973.<br />
Director Randall Wallace has had some<br />
success putting together pedigreed historical<br />
dramas. The Man in the Iron Mask and<br />
We Were Soldiers fared respectably; better<br />
were his screenplays for Braveheart and Pearl<br />
Harbor, though Disney has tapped Mike Rich<br />
of Finding Forrester and The Rookie to pen<br />
this pricey sports flick. Their hope is that Lane<br />
will appeal to women, sports and horses to<br />
everyone. Last year, while sumptuous retro<br />
flicks did decently during awards season, they<br />
didn’t rake in much at the box office. But<br />
Secretariat himself would advise the industry<br />
not to count him out.<br />
■<br />
44 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
Jackass 3d<br />
FEEL THAT?<br />
The hits will be<br />
harder in Jackass<br />
3D<br />
Distributor: Paramount Cast: Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Steve-<br />
O Director: Jeff Tremaine Writer: Preston Lacy <strong>Pro</strong>ducers: Spike<br />
Jonze, Johnny Knoxville, Jeff Tremaine Genre: Documentary/Action<br />
Rating: TBD Running time: TBD Release date: October 15, <strong>2010</strong><br />
Why make a threequel for an MTV show<br />
that’s been off the air for years? Consider<br />
this: Jackass Number Two made eight times<br />
its $11 million production cost. And—shockingly—it<br />
was a critical darling, at least more of one than you’d<br />
expect for a film with a segment on milking horse semen.<br />
(Tom Green tried and failed to do it artistically.)<br />
Jackass 3D has been the focus of much internet<br />
buzz for the last four years and fans were delighted to<br />
hear it was officially slated. When the trailer screened<br />
during New Moon, guys bought tickets to Twilight<br />
just to get a glimpse of the carnage. And even though<br />
dozens of the stunts have already been announced,<br />
that’s no spoiler for people who can’t wait to see just<br />
how Bam Margera broke three ribs and a shoulder<br />
during shooting.<br />
Two things are different this go around. First, star<br />
Steve-O has given up drinking. Drunken dares used to<br />
be part of the clan’s ethos, but lead Johnny Knoxville<br />
calmed fears that his friend has gone square, saying,<br />
“Steve-O is probably getting the best footage out of<br />
everybody. He is really going for it. He wants to prove<br />
to everyone he can do these stunts sober.” And now,<br />
those stunts will be in 3D. Camera man Lance Bangs<br />
described the new look as “utterly crazy—everything<br />
in 3D looks as brightly colored as candy.” With the<br />
audience seeing the pain even more from the guys’<br />
perspective, expect those yelps of sympathy and<br />
disbelief to rattle the theater.<br />
■<br />
Paranormal<br />
Activity 2<br />
Distributor: Paramount Cast: TBD Director: Kip Williams<br />
Writer: Michael R. Perry <strong>Pro</strong>ducers: Jason Blum, Oren<br />
Peli Genre: Horror Rating: TBD Running time: TBD Release<br />
date: October 22, <strong>2010</strong><br />
The release date of Paramount’s followup<br />
to the wildly profitable ghost story is<br />
just three months away and rumor has<br />
it, director Kip Williams is still in pre-production.<br />
Even original stars Katie Featherston<br />
and Micah Sloat aren’t in agreement if they’re<br />
even in the cast. “I’m waiting to hear,” said<br />
Featherston last month. “If I get that phone<br />
call, I will be there. I will be scared or happy<br />
or whatever they want me to be.”<br />
Sloat sounds<br />
more like he has<br />
the inside scoop,<br />
telling MTV, “I<br />
know a lot I can’t<br />
tell you. All I can<br />
tell you is I’m very<br />
excited for the<br />
project—it’s really<br />
cool, it’s gonna be really interesting and it’s<br />
not gonna suck.” Nobody wants another<br />
Blair Witch 2. And Paramount’s been working<br />
hard behind the scenes to make sure that<br />
more money won’t mean more problems.<br />
While the budget’s going to be exponentially<br />
greater than the $15K debut, the casual<br />
production schedule has the air of a film that<br />
wants to capture the intimate immediacy of<br />
the original, infamously shot by director and<br />
writer Orin Peli in just seven days.<br />
Peli is signed<br />
on as a producer<br />
of the film, but to<br />
direct, Paramount<br />
first tapped Saw<br />
VI helmer Kevin<br />
Greutert. Lionsgate<br />
pulled him<br />
citing contractual<br />
obligations, and so Paramount turned its<br />
attention to everyone from Akiva Goldsmith<br />
(A Beautiful Mind) to Brian De Palma. Williams<br />
won out. He’s best known for another<br />
haunted house flick, 2004’s The Door in the<br />
Floor, which starred Kim Basinger and Jeff<br />
Bridges. Can he and Paramount pull off another<br />
media coup? With their teaser trailer—<br />
security cam footage of a house, a dog and<br />
a baby—debuting in front of Eclipse, they’re<br />
determined to try.<br />
■<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 45
Porntrepreneur<br />
Luke Wilson<br />
turns a flash into<br />
cash<br />
Step Up 3d<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Touchstone Pictures CAST<br />
Harry Shum Jr., Adam G. Sevani, Sharni<br />
Vinson, Rick Malambri, Ruby Feliciano,<br />
Stephen Boss, Keith Stallworth DIRECTOR<br />
Jon Chu SCREENWRITERS Amy Andelson,<br />
Emily Meyer PRODUCERS Erik Feig,<br />
Jennifer Gibgot, Adam Shankman, Patrick<br />
Wachsberger GENRE Music/Drama/<br />
Romance RATING PG-13 for brief strong<br />
<strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2010</strong><br />
> 2008’s Step Up 2: The Streets<br />
did d solid enough box office that<br />
Disney and Touchstone are graduating<br />
a new class of dancers to<br />
the big screen. As ever, between<br />
the dancing and the romancing,<br />
there’s a lot of heavy<br />
breathing. But this time,<br />
every ery muscle in the<br />
leads’ six packs<br />
will gleam in<br />
3D, enough<br />
of a novelty<br />
that teen<br />
girls might<br />
just get their<br />
boyfriends to the<br />
multiplex.<br />
Middle Men<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Paramount CAST Luke Wilson, Giovanni Ribisi, Gabriel Macht, Jacinda Barrett,<br />
James Caan, Terry Crews, Laura Ramsey, Rade Sherbedgia, Kevin Pollak, Graham McTavish,<br />
Kelsey Grammer, Diane Sorrentino DIRECTOR George Gallo SCREENWRITER George Gallo,<br />
Anthony Weiss PRODUCERS Christopher Mallick, William Sherak, Jason Shuman, Michael Weiss<br />
GENRE Drama/Comedy RATING R<br />
for strong sexual content, nudity, language, drug use and<br />
violence RUNNING TIME 105 min. RELEASE DATE <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2010</strong><br />
> On day<br />
one, there was the Internet. Day two, Inter-<br />
net porn. And day three, web entrepreneurs learned<br />
to use<br />
the quest for flesh to make money. Luke<br />
Wilson stars in this real life-inspired dramedy<br />
of a<br />
cash man who learned how to reroute the<br />
dough through a third party--and learned the<br />
consequences of messing around with the Russian<br />
Mob.<br />
CAR 54, DON’T BOTHER<br />
The<br />
Other<br />
Guys<br />
Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg,<br />
Dwayne Johnson, Samuel L.<br />
Jackson, Steve Coogan, Andy<br />
Buckley, Ben Schwartz, Anne<br />
Heche DIRECTOR Adam McKay<br />
SCREENWRITER Chris Henchy,<br />
Adam McKay PRODUCERS<br />
Patrick Crowley, Jimmy Miller<br />
GENRE Action/Comedy RATING<br />
DATE <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2010</strong><br />
EDS<br />
PANDORA?<br />
The teen dancers<br />
of<br />
Step Up 3D<br />
want to be this<br />
summer’s stunninng<br />
bodies<br />
> Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne “The Rock”<br />
Johnson o are the baddest cops on the beat. But<br />
pencil-pushers Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg<br />
have moxie—the type of boisterous naivety that<br />
makes<br />
crooks chuckle. Adam McKay has written<br />
and directed Ferrell’s best (Anchorman, Talladega<br />
Nights, Step Brothers) and here’s hoping this gives<br />
him a much needed hit.<br />
46 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
HINDU<br />
The queen of<br />
the box office<br />
travels to India in<br />
this best-selling<br />
adaptation<br />
FATHER<br />
But mom<br />
Jennifer Aniston<br />
doesn’t know<br />
The Switch<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Miramax Films CAST Jennifer Aniston, Jason<br />
Bateman, Jeff Goldblum DIRECTOR Will Speck, Josh Gordon<br />
SCREENWRITER Allan Loeb PRODUCERS Albert Berger,<br />
Allan Loeb, Bradley Thomas, Ron Yerxa GENRE Comedy<br />
RATING PG-13 for mature thematic content, sexual material including<br />
dialogue, some nudity, drug use and language. RUNNING<br />
TIME TBD RELEASE DATE <strong>August</strong> 20, <strong>2010</strong><br />
Eat, Pray, Love<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Columbia CAST Julia Roberts, Richard Jenkins, Javier<br />
Bardem, Richard Jenkins, Billy Crudup, James Franco, Viola Davis<br />
DIRECTOR Ryan Murphy SCREENWRITERS Ryan Murphy, Jennifer Salt<br />
PRODUCER Dede Gardner GENRE Drama RATING R for brief strong<br />
language RUNNING TIME TBD RELEASE DATE <strong>August</strong> 13, <strong>2010</strong><br />
> Julia Roberts and Oprah Winfrey make this late summer drama a heavyweight<br />
contender. Based on the bestselling memoir (which Oprah flogged in two episodes),<br />
this globetrotting tale about a mid-thirties woman who sets off to find<br />
herself has name recognition and wish fulfillment on its side. And it can’t hurt that<br />
writer-director Ryan Murphy just scored a hit with the FOX show Glee.<br />
Lottery Ticket<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Warner Bros. CAST Bow Wow, Ice Cube, Brandon T.<br />
Jackson, Naturi Naughton DIRECTOR Erik White SCREENWRITER Abdul<br />
Williams PRODUCER Matt Alvarez, Mark Burg, Broderick Johnson,<br />
Andrew A. Kosove GENRE Comedy RATING PG-13 for sexual content,<br />
language including a drug reference, some violence and brief<br />
underage drinking RUNNING TIME TBD RELEASE DATE <strong>August</strong> 20, <strong>2010</strong><br />
> The good news is Bow Wow has just won $350 million in the lottery. The bad<br />
news is he’s got to protect his ticket over the Fourth of July weekend—and his<br />
neighbors are primed to seduce and steal to get their share. Cameos from every rapper/actor<br />
on the block including T-Pain and Ice Cube have been designed to give<br />
this comedy a box office boost.<br />
Nanny McPhee<br />
Returns<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Universal Pictures CAST Emma Thompson, Maggie<br />
Gyllenhaal, Rhys Ifans, Maggie Smith, Asa Butterfield, Ralph Fiennes<br />
Tim Bevan, Lindsay Doran, Eric Fellner GENRE Comedy/Family/<br />
Fantasy RATING PG for rude humor, some language and mild thematic<br />
elements RUNNING TIME 109 min. RELEASE DATE <strong>August</strong> 20, <strong>2010</strong><br />
> Britain loves to export its magical nannies, and we like receiving them. 2006’s<br />
Nanny McPhee, written by and starring Emma Thompson, made modest money in<br />
the states and darned fine money abroad. This sequel, set in the countryside during<br />
WWII, has gotten good enough reviews in Europe that it should go down like a<br />
spoonful of sugar.<br />
> This Jennifer Aniston comedy about a woman<br />
whose male best friend (Jason Bateman) secretly<br />
replaces her artificial inseminator’s, um, material,<br />
with his own was once called The Baster. The new<br />
title might be a bunt, but Miramax hopes the delicate<br />
mix of edgy concept and America’s sweetheart<br />
is a crossbreed women want to see.<br />
Takers<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Screen Gems CAST Matt Dillon, Paul Walker, Hayden<br />
Christensen, Idris Elba, Chris Brown, T.I., Michael Ealy, Steve<br />
Harris, Jay Hernandez, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Zoe Saldana,<br />
Johnathon Schaech DIRECTOR John Luessenhop SCREENWRITERS<br />
Peter Allen, Gabriel Casseus, Avery Duff, John Luessenhop<br />
PRODUCER William Packer GENRE Crime/Thriller RATING PG-13 for<br />
intense sequences of violence and action, a sexual situation/<br />
partial nudity and some language. RUNNING TIME TBD RELEASE<br />
DATE <strong>August</strong> 20, <strong>2010</strong><br />
> Michael Ealy, Chris Brown, Paul Walker, Idris<br />
Elba and Hayden Christensen play robbers with<br />
a gift for the flashy score. When cop Matt Dillon<br />
vows to track them down, it’s five against one, and<br />
there’s a lot of firepower. Screen Gems has delayed<br />
this release three times. Will the fourth opening<br />
date be a charm?<br />
Going the Distance<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Warner Bros. CAST Justin Long, Drew Barrymore, Ron<br />
Livingston, Jim Gaffigan, Kelli Gellar, Rob Riggle, Jason Sudeikis<br />
DIRECTOR Nanette Burstein SCREENWRITER Geoff LaTulippe<br />
PRODUCERS Jennifer Gibgot, Garrett Grant, Adam Shankman<br />
GENRE Romance/Comedy RATING R for sexual content including<br />
dialogue, language throughout, some drug use and brief nudity<br />
RUNNING TIME TBD RELEASE DATE <strong>August</strong> 27, <strong>2010</strong><br />
> If any rom-com this summer will capture (500)<br />
Days of Summer’s sparkle, it’ll be this charmer that<br />
stars real life couple Drew Barrymore and Justin<br />
Long as Chicago sweethearts with the bad luck<br />
to meet just weeks before she moves to California.<br />
Early word is the flick is both authentic and<br />
funny—a recipe for good word of mouth.<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 47
The Imperialists are Still Alive<br />
BOOK IT!<br />
BOOK IT! ><br />
Little gems that<br />
could pay off at the<br />
box office<br />
“Why can’t we be friends?” asked a<br />
Transformer to this year’s Sundance<br />
darling. In this issue of BOOK IT!, BOX-<br />
OFFICE talks to a quirky theater owner<br />
making that fun introduction. Alongside<br />
boutique indies, he’s installing D-BOX<br />
seats and 3D. That’s the sound of summer<br />
<strong>2010</strong>: studios and scrappers making<br />
sweet harmony. Read on to find our<br />
picks for the indie hits and undistributed<br />
gems you should book today--and our<br />
tips on how to make sweet music by<br />
reaching their right audience.<br />
In addition to our Internet eavesdropping<br />
through WebWatch, we occasionally<br />
indulge in the old-fashioned<br />
kind. Especially at trade shows. We<br />
recently overheard two seasoned exhibitors<br />
talking about the current state of the<br />
independent filmworld. “How are you<br />
booking independent pictures?” asked<br />
the first. “What independent pictures?”<br />
replied the second.<br />
And there you have it. The independent<br />
film distribution system is broken. The<br />
capital freeze and changing business<br />
models in Hollywood are among the flies<br />
in the ointment, but the fundamental<br />
truth is that millions of moviegoers will<br />
pay to see “small” films on big screens.<br />
Welcome to BOXOFFICE’s modest<br />
proposal to help solve the problem:<br />
BOOK IT!, our guide to the independent<br />
films we think are worthy of your<br />
attention.<br />
Imperialists’<br />
Élodie Bouchez<br />
is strong and<br />
cool<br />
CAST Élodie Bouchez, Karim Saleh, José María de Tavira DIRECTOR/SCREENWRITER Zeina Durra PRODUCER<br />
Vanessa Hope GENRE Comedy RATING Unrated RUNNING TIME 90 min RELEASE DATE TBD<br />
BOOK IT > Vanesa Hope /<br />
Steve Ramos says…<br />
> Imagine your favorite episode of Sex and the City: replace Carrie Bradshaw<br />
and Co. with a hip, ethnic cast and the result is first-time feature filmmaker<br />
Zeina Durra’s The Imperialists Are Still Alive!, a witty, stylish tale of Middle<br />
Eastern ex-pat Asya (Élodie Bouchez) working, playing and loving in Manhattan<br />
with her artist friends. French actress Bouchez has been seen in CQ, The<br />
Dreamlife of Angels and a multi-episode arc on TV’s Alias. Like its title (borrowed<br />
from Jean-Luc Godard), the film is filled with stylish ’60s influences.<br />
By setting her Manhattan tale around Middle Eastern ex-pats, Durra makes<br />
great use of the post 9/11 war on terrorism and the impact politics makes on<br />
the lives of these friends, though she stays connected to the comedy. Think<br />
young, fresh, edgy and adventurous, and of course reach out to the Middle<br />
Eastern community.<br />
■<br />
California Company Town<br />
76 min RELEASE DATE July 24 NY<br />
BOOK IT > Lee Anne Schmitt / 313 304 4588 /<br />
Matt Nestel says…<br />
> California’s boomtowns of yore and their infinite orange groves have undergone a mass exodus—what<br />
remnants remain look and feel like nuclear fallout. Documentarian Lee Anne Schmitt<br />
scouted her shots many moons before she locked and loaded her camera with reels of 16mm stock.<br />
The result is a jarring jaunt through the underbelly of Americana, a study of a failed town that’s<br />
full of austerity and woe. With the country fueling anger towards big businesses that are failing the<br />
nation, frame screenings with an after-doc talk back—consider inviting local professors or journalists<br />
for a publicity boost.<br />
■<br />
Southern District Zona Sur<br />
CAST Ninón Del Castillo, Pascual Loayza, Nicolás Fernández, Juan Pablo Koria, Mariana Vargas, Viviana Condori DIRECTOR/SCREEN-<br />
WRITER Juan Carlos Valdivia PRODUCER Gabriela Maire GENRE Drama; Spanish- and Aymara-languages, subtitled RATING Unrated RUN-<br />
BOOK IT > Cinenómada / / 011 (5912) 211 27 50 / 011 (5912) 278 59 42<br />
Steve Ramos says…<br />
> A sublime tale of societal conflicts and the decline of the upper class unfolds in an exclusive<br />
enclave in writer/director Juan Carlos Valdivia’s jewel-like, Spanish-language drama, Southern<br />
District (Zona Sur). That’s the name of an affluent valley neighborhood of La Paz—and arguably<br />
the last refuge of the country’s blue bloods as they struggle to maintain their plush lifestyle and<br />
stop the rise of Bolivia’s indigenous people, the Aymara. In most cities, the wealthy live above<br />
the working-class people in hilltop neighborhoods, but in La Paz they live below in a spectacular<br />
valley of sprawling, slate-roofed homes. Valdivia and cameraman Paul de Lumen make great use<br />
of their setting via rotating camerawork and choreographed images. What elevates the film is<br />
Valdivia’s quiet storytelling, attention to Bolivian customs and courageous use of silence. Most<br />
tales of the spoiled rich tumble in the tabloid arena of Gossip Girl, but Southern District unfolds<br />
48 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
like the best John Cheever story as adapted by Carl Dreyer. Premiering in<br />
North America at Sundance <strong>2010</strong>, Southern District combines artful technique<br />
with a socio-political plot that specialty film fans will find attractive—reel<br />
them in by reaching out to Spanish-language audiences and radio stations<br />
and nearby schools.<br />
■<br />
Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Arthouse Films DIRECTOR Tamra Davis PRODUCERS David Koh, Lilly Bright, Stanley Buchthal,<br />
Alexis Spraic GENRE Documentary RATING Unrated RUNNING TIME 88 min RELEASE DATE July 21 NY<br />
Ray Greene says…<br />
> A fine, visually handsome<br />
biographical documentary<br />
about the brief life—and even<br />
briefer career—of the great 20th<br />
Century graffiti pop artist …<br />
and a film that demonstrates all<br />
the strengths and weaknesses<br />
of what might be called the<br />
“cinema of personal affiliation.”<br />
Directed by Tamra Davis, a filmmaker<br />
and Basquiat associate<br />
who conducted a seemingly<br />
limited but relatively global<br />
interview with the artist (and<br />
Madonna ex) at the height of his<br />
notoriety, Child benefits from<br />
Davis’ close affiliation with her<br />
subject. But would be even better<br />
if she fully appreciated the<br />
distinction between detailed analysis and advocacy. Despite some technical<br />
limitations, Child is a commercial slam-dunk; production costs were presumably<br />
minimal, and Davis’ artful and comprehensive use of archive footage<br />
gives this Child an epic sweep. Expect art aficionados and students, pop culture<br />
junkies and the crowd that assembles around car crashes and celebrity sightings<br />
to give this film notable arthouse traction.<br />
■<br />
Life During Wartime<br />
DISTRIBUTOR IFC CAST Shirley Henderson, Ciaran Hinds, Allison Janney, Michael Lerner, Ally Sheedy,<br />
Paul Rubens, Paris Hilton, Michael Kenneth Williams DIRECTOR/SCREENWRITER Todd Solondz PRODUCERS<br />
Christine K. Walker, Derrick Tseng GENRE Dark Comedy RATING Unrated RUNNING TIME 96 min. RELEASE<br />
DATE July 23 NY<br />
Ed Scheid says...<br />
> In Life During Wartime, writer/director Todd Solondz (Palindromes, Welcome to<br />
the Dollhouse) revisits the deadpan dysfunction of the family from 1998’s Happiness<br />
and invites along characters from his other films. Using different actors<br />
than the earlier works, Solondz and his game cast capture his trademark black<br />
comedy, but the film does not probe as deeply into Happiness’ dark emotions.<br />
Solondz’s name and the eclectic acting ensemble, that ranges from Charlotte<br />
Rampling to Paris Hilton to Paul “Pee-wee Herman” Reubens, should draw an<br />
edgy arthouse audience.<br />
SAID?<br />
It’s splitsville<br />
for the unhappy<br />
couple of Wah<br />
Do Dem<br />
Wah Do Dem<br />
DIRECTOR/SCREENWRITER Ben Chace, Sam Fleischner CAST Sean “Bones” Sullivan,<br />
Norah Jones, Carl Bradshaw PRODUCERS Ben Chace, Sam Fleischner,<br />
Katina Faye Hubbard RATING Unrated RUNNING TIME 76 min RELEASE DATE<br />
June 18 NY/LA<br />
BOOK IT > Daniel C. Murray / 917 226 4107 /<br /><br />
Steve Ramos says...<br />
> Norah Jones receives top billing in the sparkly<br />
lost-in-Jamaica drama, Wah Do Dem (Jamaican Patois<br />
for “what’s wrong with them”) but she only appears<br />
in the independent feature at the start. The spotlight<br />
belongs to Sean “Bones” Sullivan of the rock band<br />
Sam Champion, playing a Brooklyn musician dumped<br />
by his girlfriend prior to a planned Jamaican cruise.<br />
Sullivan’s easygoing performance syncs perfectly with<br />
writers/directors Ben Chace and Sam Fleischner’s<br />
dreamlike storytelling. Max is on a vacation nightmare,<br />
but after another Chace and Fleischner remain<br />
focused on the spiritual side via handheld camerawork,<br />
frequent use of natural light and long passages<br />
of silence. Wah Do Dem kicks off its DIY platform<br />
release in New York and Los Angeles and strong<br />
word of mouth and added publicity over Wah Do<br />
Dem musical acts The Congos and Suckers will help<br />
attract youthful film fans and well as music buffs. Get<br />
it touted on public or college radio by giving away a<br />
couple pairs of tickets.<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 49
BOOK IT! (continued from page 49)<br />
The Concert<br />
DISTRIBUTOR The Weinstein Company CAST Alexei Guskov, Dmitry Nazarov, François Berléand, Mélanie<br />
Laurent, Miou-Miou, Valeriy Barinov DIRECTOR Radu Mihaileanu SCREENWRITERS Radu Mihaileanu, Alan-<br />
Michel Blanc, Matthew Robbins PRODUCERS Alain Attal GENRE Comedy; French-language, subtitled RAT-<br />
ING Unrated RUNNING TIME 119 min. RELEASE DATE July 23 NY/LA, <strong>August</strong> 6 Exp.<br />
MON DIEU<br />
Inglourious<br />
Basterds’<br />
Mélanie Laurent<br />
makes music in<br />
The Concert<br />
Wade Major says…<br />
> Just one short decade ago Harvey Weinstein might have shepherded a film<br />
like The Concert to both box office gold and Oscar glory. Its hallmarks are those<br />
on which Miramax—during its glory days when the Weinsteins were still at<br />
the helm—established its reputation: funny, heartfelt, tasteful, unabashedly<br />
European and profoundly humanistic. The story centers on a once-renowned<br />
Russian conductor whose refusal to cow to Soviet-era anti-Semitism destroyed<br />
his career, dooming him to a job as the Bolshoi’s janitor. But when he intercepts<br />
an urgent fax requesting that the Bolshoi step in to replace a cancellation<br />
at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris, an unwieldy, impossible scheme to<br />
resurrect his career—and those of his similarly disgraced former colleagues—<br />
begins to take shape. It is, by any stretch of the imagination, preposterous, yet<br />
Mihaileanu’s goal has little to do with the maintenance of verisimilitude—if<br />
anything, this is Kusturica-lite, a gentle parable about forgiveness, redemption<br />
and the persistence of impossible dreams.<br />
■<br />
Lebanon<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Sony Classics CAST Yoav Donat, Itay Tiran, Oshri Cohen, Michael Moshonov, Zohar Shtrauss<br />
DIRECTOR/SCREENWRITER Samuel Maoz PRODUCER Uri Sabag, Anat Bikel, Moshe Edery, Leon Edery, David<br />
Silber, Benjamina Mirnik. Ilann Girard GENRE Drama; Hebrew-, Arabic-, French- and English-languages,<br />
subtitled RATING R for disturbing bloody war violence, language including sexual references, and some<br />
nudity RUNNING TIME 93 min. RELEASE DATE <strong>August</strong> 6 NY<br />
Pam Grady says…<br />
> Like Ari Folman’s Waltz with Bashir, Samuel Moaz’s Lebanon was made by a<br />
middle-aged man trying to come to terms with his service in the Israeli army<br />
during the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. But while Folman dressed his story in animation<br />
and documentary, Moaz focuses on the drama (and trauma) that confront<br />
a quartet of young tank soldiers in the opening hours of the war. After a year on<br />
the festival circuit that included stops at the Venice, Toronto International, New<br />
HYBRID<br />
HOUSE<br />
Silicon Valley’s Camera<br />
7 shelters specialty and<br />
commercial fare<br />
by Sara Maria Vizcarrondo<br />
Jack NyBlom, founder of The Camera Cinemas chain<br />
in Santa Clara County, California, used to drive an<br />
hour north to UC Berkeley’s Pacific Film Archive to<br />
watch repertory screenings. “I’d just started college and<br />
a theater became available and I thought ‘Shoot! This<br />
is a way to see the movies we want!’” NyBlom had his<br />
brainstorm in 1975, decades before “Indie” was a brand,<br />
and well before he ever realized mixing mainstream titles<br />
with boutique films would be the recipe for his success.<br />
NyBlom couldn’t predict that the late ’90s would bring<br />
major corporate chains to his neighborhood. But when<br />
they appeared, his theaters—which had grown beyond<br />
rep titles to specialty and foreign films, too—had to be<br />
flexible to meet the community’s mixed interests and<br />
50 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
ACT<br />
Filmmaker<br />
Alejandro Adams<br />
manages the<br />
Camera 7, which<br />
plays both<br />
specialty and<br />
commercial fare.<br />
In the lobby, the<br />
theater’s third<br />
3D screen waits<br />
to be installed<br />
stay in the competition.<br />
He’d have to satisfy<br />
the traditionally<br />
dueling arthouse and<br />
mainstream audiences<br />
under one roof, which<br />
is like getting the Hatfields<br />
and the McCoys<br />
to play nice—that is,<br />
if the Hatfields paid in<br />
concessions and the<br />
McCoys paid in word<br />
of mouth and brand<br />
loyalty.<br />
Next to Toy Story 3 in<br />
3D, NyBlom’s Camera<br />
7 Theater in Campbell,<br />
California, shows the<br />
Sundance successes Joan<br />
Rivers: A Piece of Work<br />
and Winter’s Bone. Next<br />
door to these, he’s gutted<br />
a theater to outfit it<br />
with D-BOX seats. As he<br />
describes it, his mission<br />
is to “bring a perfect balance”<br />
to the theater.<br />
One key part of his<br />
team is Amy Choice,<br />
who came on as director<br />
of marketing in 2005.<br />
Back then, NyBlom had<br />
four functioning theaters:<br />
a four-house theater<br />
in nearby Los Gatos<br />
for costume drama and<br />
upscale commercial<br />
fare; a three-screener<br />
downtown for specialty<br />
and foreign titles; the<br />
more-mainstream Camera<br />
12, just a block from<br />
the 3; and the Camera<br />
7—the hybrid heart of<br />
the chain.<br />
Choice’s first task was to unite the<br />
brand identity of these locations. “When I<br />
started five years ago, they had a different<br />
logo for each theater,” she says.“I scrapped<br />
that and used the one Camera Cinemas<br />
bug.” Choice also had a hand in organizing<br />
the 7’s extra programming. She launched<br />
Diaper Days, a set screening at which<br />
parents are encouraged to bring their children<br />
to sleep while they watch grown-up<br />
movies, which then spawned Diaper Date<br />
Nights, a biweekly nighttime screening<br />
for couples with small children. Spurred<br />
ADOBE<br />
Built as a<br />
theater when<br />
its surrounding<br />
shopping center,<br />
The Pruneyard,<br />
was errected, the<br />
theater’s seen<br />
many changes<br />
since NyBlum<br />
purchased it in<br />
2005<br />
on, Choice now also organizes screenings<br />
of operas and ballets, Midnight Movies, a<br />
membership rewards program called the<br />
Camera Cinemas Club and sing-a-longs.<br />
“We’re not in San Francisco with all their<br />
eclectic communities; we didn’t know how<br />
it was gonna go,” says Chance. So she put<br />
even more energy into making it click with<br />
the community. “I pitched a sing-a-long to<br />
some local press, made keepsake songbooks<br />
and it was a huge success—the grosses were<br />
huge.”<br />
But with all these divergent offerings,<br />
it’s hard to keep the theater from looking<br />
unfocused. Citing brand identity as a group<br />
goal, Choice said, “We needed to have one<br />
identity so people could be loyal.“<br />
“The biggest tension is a fight for<br />
screens,” NyBlom says. “It changes with the<br />
time of year, but if you look at an overall<br />
year, the Camera 7 probably programs half<br />
specialty and half mainstream.”<br />
Adds Camera 7 Manager Alejandro Adams,<br />
“This hybrid identity is hard to maintain.<br />
It’s through sheer force of will—one<br />
wears his indie film cape and smiles and<br />
says, ‘Please excuse the mess of the D-BOX<br />
demo. Winter’s Bone is in theater 3.’”<br />
Adams is a well-known local filmmaker<br />
who’s become savvy in the strategic use of<br />
social media. He’s a smart choice to help advertise<br />
the chain—he’s become a brand himself.<br />
“They’re hiring a brand—this makes us<br />
unique in this business because in addition<br />
to the press release that would announce my<br />
promotion, I would be issuing a release that<br />
says, ‘My films will be available on Netflix in<br />
a few months.’ It’s a filmmaker brand used<br />
to advertise a brick-and-mortar theater.”<br />
And there’s room for other employees<br />
to pitch in. Adams is pushing for staffproduced<br />
viral videos for their pre-show<br />
content and signage, including drawings, by<br />
employees. “We’ll be touching on the stuff<br />
that the corporate theaters don’t care about.”<br />
And their neighborhood perspective has<br />
given them another great brainstorm: inviting<br />
local journalists and critics to program<br />
their own favorite films at the theater—can<br />
you say free publicity?<br />
Camera Cinemas credits its success to<br />
diversity and commitment, which in it’s<br />
own way is a type of consistency. Take their<br />
indie programming. Says NyBlom, “If we<br />
commit to running an artfilm we realize it’s<br />
going to need a few weeks for it to find its<br />
audience.” NyBlom knows how to get the<br />
most out of one film—and he also knows<br />
how to sustain a community, build a film<br />
culture and adopt the latest technology. For<br />
35 years, he’s navigated the indie tides and<br />
the digital explosion by staying flexible and<br />
focused. He might be a hybrid, but he’s no<br />
monster—he’s a box office beauty.<br />
■<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 51
BOOK IT! (continued from page 50)<br />
York and San Francisco International film festivals, this Best Film nominee at<br />
the Israeli Film Academy awards arrives in theaters for a late summer arthouse<br />
release. Intense and claustrophobic, the film’s appeal to fans of personal stories<br />
and antiwar drama, as well as moviegoers interested in the history and politics of<br />
the 1982 campaign, should translate into modest box office success.<br />
■<br />
Flipped<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Warner Bros. CAST Madeleine Carroll, Callan McAuliffe, Anthony Edwards, Aidan Quinn,<br />
Penelope Ann Miller, Rebecca De Mornay, John Mahoney, Morgan Lily DIRECTOR Rob Reiner SCREEN-<br />
WRITERS Rob Reiner, Andrew Scheinman PRODUCERS Rob Reiner, Alan Greisman GENRE Comedy/Drama<br />
RATING PG for language and some thematic material RUNNING TIME 90 min. RELEASE DATE <strong>August</strong> 6 ltd.;<br />
<strong>August</strong> 27, <strong>2010</strong> Exp.<br />
Get Low<br />
Robert Duvall<br />
plans his exit<br />
from the planet<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Sony Pictures Classics CAST Robert Duvall, Sissy Spacek, Bill<br />
Murray, Lucas Black, Bill Cobb DIRECTOR Aaron Schneider SCREENWRIT-<br />
ERS Chris <strong>Pro</strong>venzano, C. Gaby Mitchell PRODUCERS Dean Zanuck, David<br />
Gundlach GENRE Drama/Comedy/Mystery RATING PG-13 for some thematic<br />
material and brief violent content RUNNING TIME 102 min. RELEASE<br />
DATE July 30 NY/LA<br />
Pam Grady says…<br />
> Reclusive Robert Duvall is an object of fascination<br />
and wild rumors in his small, Depression era<br />
Southern town, a hermit suspected of extravagantly<br />
evil deeds. In director Aaron Schneider’s<br />
funny, touching debut, as Duvall nears the<br />
end of his life, his decision to set the record<br />
straight with a “living funeral,” roils the town<br />
and old ghosts even as it forces him out of his<br />
self-imposed isolation. A deft blend of drama,<br />
comedy, mystery and a touch of romance, this<br />
self-financed indie received the benediction of<br />
the Sundance Film Festival as one of its “Premieres”<br />
selections, thanks in part to a perfect<br />
cast that includes Bill Murray and Sissy Spacek.<br />
Get Low’s robust characters, dry wit and great<br />
performances will appeal strongly to a mature<br />
audience. Sony Classics’ strategy to release the<br />
film in summer as counter-programming to the<br />
season’s popcorn blockbusters should pay handsome<br />
dividends at the box office.<br />
■<br />
Pete Hammond says…<br />
> Returning the territory he explored in Stand By Me, his landmark 1986 film<br />
about pre-teen adolescence, the Oscar-nominated and much-loved Rob Reiner<br />
scores with one of his finest films in years. A story of awkward first love told<br />
from the dueling points of view of a pair of seemingly mismatched eighth<br />
graders, Flipped is set in the years between 1957 and 1963. With a soundtrack<br />
chock full of golden oldies, this sweet and perceptive film may initially appeal<br />
more to nostalgia-inclined parents than their kids (or grandkids), but it strikes<br />
the right chord to win appreciative audiences on all sides of the age spectrum.<br />
In an unusual move for modern majors, Warner Bros plans to treat this as a<br />
specialty item, platforming in early <strong>August</strong> before going wide at the end of the<br />
month. Tender loving care is just what this gem needs.<br />
■<br />
The Disappearance of Alice Creed<br />
DISTRIBUTOR Anchor Bay CAST Eddie Marsan, Martin Compston and Gemma Arterton DIRECTOR/SCREEN-<br />
WRITER J Blakeson PRODUCER Adrian Sturges GENRE Thriller RATING R for violent content, pervasive language<br />
and some sexuality/nudity RUNNING TIME 98 min. RELEASE DATE <strong>August</strong> 6 ltd.<br />
Pam Grady says…<br />
> This impressive first feature from writer/director J Blakeson boasts a deceptively<br />
simple plot: two ex-cons kidnap a young woman for ransom. But plot is<br />
only the mechanism that Blakeson uses to explore character and psychology<br />
in this edgy, economical thriller. Dazzling turns by stars Eddie Marsan, Martin<br />
Compston and Gemma Arterton (Clash of the Titans)—along with unrelenting<br />
suspense and a wealth of black humor—will appeal to an arthouse crowd<br />
tough enough to take its violence.<br />
■<br />
Animal Kingdom<br />
Distributor: Sony Pictures Classics CAST Ben Mendelsohn, Joel Edgerton, Guy Pearce, Luke Ford, Jacki<br />
Weaver, Sullivan Stapleton, James Frecheville DIRECTOR/SCREENWRITER David Michôd PRODUCER Liz<br />
Watts GENRE Drama/Crime RATING R for violence, drug content and pervasive language RUNNING TIME<br />
112 min. RELEASE DATE <strong>August</strong> 13 NY/LA<br />
Pam Grady says…<br />
> Frying pan or fire? After a Melbourne teenager’s heroin-addicted mother<br />
fatally overdoses, he’s sent to live with his thieving grandmother and uncles in<br />
David Michôd’s explosive directing debut. A complex narrative that combines<br />
52 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
a gangster thriller with a dysfunctional family drama, it’s been gaining<br />
buzz since its Sundance world premiere. More character-driven<br />
than action-packed—and very deliberate—this is aimed at an audience<br />
with an attention span who is willing to be invited into this<br />
violent clan. The rare crime film made more for the arthouse than<br />
the multiplex, with careful handling it should rack up healthy box<br />
office numbers.<br />
■<br />
Cairo Time<br />
The gorgeous<br />
romance of Cairo<br />
Time<br />
DISTRIBUTOR IFC Films CAST Patricia Clarkson, Alexander Siddiq, Tom McCamus DIRECTOR/<br />
SCREENWRITER Rubba Nadda PRODUCERS Daniel Iron, David Collins GENRE Romance RATING<br />
TBD RUNNING TIME 88 min. RELEASE DATE <strong>August</strong> 6 NY<br />
Steve Ramos says…<br />
> By embracing the gentle spirit of classic Hollywood romances<br />
like An Affair to Remember, filmmaker Ruba Nadda makes a<br />
modern love story sure to please mainstream specialty audiences<br />
interested in a sweet break from more challenging fare. Beautiful<br />
photography of the Cairo cityscape, good use of attractive leads<br />
Patricia Clarkson and Alexander Siddig and a lovely score by Irish<br />
composer Niall Byrne bring added polish to the fast-paced drama.<br />
IFC purchased US rights after its showings at the Toronto International<br />
Film Festival, and it should experience good reviews and<br />
strong response from older arthouse moviegoers.<br />
■<br />
10550 Camden Dr.<br />
Cypress, CA 90630<br />
Craig Sholder<br />
714-236-8610<br /><br /><br />
Inside front cover<br />
55 Madison Ave., Ste. 300<br />
Morristown, NJ 07960<br />
Suzanne Tregenza Moore<br />
973-290-0080<br /><br /><br />
Back cover<br />
P.O. Box 2128<br />
Mail Drop DY-02<br />
Dalton, GA<br />
Steve Magel / 706-879-4055<br /><br /><br />
PG 26<br />
100 Potrero Ave.<br />
San Francisco, CA 94103<br />
Christie Ventura / 415-558-2200<br /><br /><br />
PG 5, 13<br />
2172 de la <strong>Pro</strong>vince<br />
Longueuil, QC<br />
J4G 1R7 CANADA<br />
888-442-3269 ext. 225<br /><br />
PG 28<br />
313 Remuda St.<br />
Clovis, NM 88101<br />
575-762-6468<br /><br />
PG 4<br />
208 Industrial Dr.<br />
Ridgeland, MS 39157<br />
601-853-9005<br /><br /><br />
PG 1<br />
10700 Medallion Dr.<br />
Cincinnati, Ohio 45241<br />
Stephanie Goodin<br />
513-769-7676<br /><br /><br />
PG 10<br />
AD INDEX<br />
KERNEL<br />
1958 N. Western Ave.<br />
Chicago, IL 60647<br />
Krystal LaReese-Gaul<br />
773-292-4576<br /><br /><br />
Inside back cover<br />
44 Montgomery St., 17th Fl.<br />
San Francisco, CA 94104<br />
Steve Elkins<br />
800-951-0600<br /><br /><br />
PG 3<br />
P.O. Box 547<br />
Shamokin, PA 17872<br />
Ginger Seidel<br /><br /><br />
PG 56<br />
9832 Evergreen Industrial Dr.<br />
St. Louis, MO 63123<br />
John Irace / 314-329-9700<br /><br /><br />
PG 35<br />
ODELL’S<br />
8543 White Fir St. #D-1<br />
Reno, NV 89523<br />
Arthur Anderson<br />
775-323-8688<br /><br /><br />
PG 7<br />
10497 Centennial Rd.<br />
Littleton, CO 80127-4218<br />
Bruce <strong>Pro</strong>ctor<br />
303-973-8989<br /><br /><br />
PG 33<br />
3 Reuten Dr., P.O. Box 558<br />
Closter, NJ 07624<br />
Felicia Bompane<br />
201-784-5800<br /><br /><br />
PG 23<br />
Enhance Your Concessions, Lobby & More!<br />
4 Hartford Blvd.<br />
Hartford, MI 49057<br />
Mary Snyder<br />
865-212-9703x114<br /><br /><br />
PG 7<br />
SCHULT<br />
900 N.W. Hunter Dr.<br />
Blue Springs, MO 64015<br />
800-783-8998<br /><br /><br />
PG 7<br />
7216 Sutton Pl.<br />
Fairview, TN 37062<br />
Rusty Gordon<br />
615-799-6366<br /><br /><br />
PG 56<br />
400 Technology Pkwy.<br />
College Station, TX 77845<br />
Romney Stewart<br />
979-446-0173<br /><br />
PG 53<br />
SUPPLY CO.<br />
3157 Norbrook Drive<br />
Memphis, Tennessee 38116<br />
800-733-8249<br /><br />
PG 56<br />
P.O. Box 8279<br />
Symonds Street<br />
Auckland, New Zealand<br />
Meika Kikkert<br />
011-649-357-3600<br /><br /><br />
PG 9<br />
555 West Goodale St.<br />
Columbus, OH 43215<br />
Timothy Carroll<br />
614-559-2453<br /><br /><br />
PG 15<br />
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AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 53
Action = Act Arthouse = Art Documentary = Doc Family = Fam<br />
Adventure = Adv Biography = Bio Drama = Dra Fantasy = Fan<br />
Animated = Ani Comedy = Com Epic = Epic Foreign Language = FL<br />
CBS FILMS 310-575-7052<br />
FASTER Wed, 11/24/10 Dwayne Johnson, Salma Hayek George Tillman Jr. NR Act/Dra<br />
BEASTLY Fri, 3/18/11 Neil Patrick Harris, Vanessa Hudgens Daniel Barnz PG-13 Fan/Hor/Rom<br />
DISNEY 818-560-1000 / 212-593-8900<br />
STEP UP 3-D Fri, 8/6/10 Sharni Vinson, Rick Malambri John Chu PG-13 Mus/Dra/Rom Digital 3D/Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
TALES from EARTHSEA Fri, 8/13/10 LTD. Mariska Hargitay, Timothy Dalton Goro Miyazaki NR Ani/Adv/Fan 115<br />
YOU AGAIN Fri, 9/24/10 Kristen Bell, Sigourney Weaver Andy Fickman PG Com Quad/Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
SECRETARIAT Fri, 10/8/10 Diane Lane, John Malkovich Randy Wallace PG Dra/Spt Quad/Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
TANGLED Wed, 11/24/10 Kristen Chenoweth, Mandy Moore Glen Keane/Dean Wellins NR Ani/Com/Fam/Mus Digital 3D/Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
TRON: LEGACY Fri, 12/17/10 Michael Sheen, Jeff Bridges Joseph Kosinski NR 3D/Act/SF Digital 3D/IMAX/Quad<br />
I AM NUMBER FOUR Fri, 2/18/11 Alex Pettyfer, Sharlto Copley D.J Caruso NR SF Quad<br />
MARS NEEDS MOMS! Fri, 3/11/11 Seth Green, Joan Cusack Simon Wells NR Ani/CG Digital 3D/Quad<br />
AFRICAN CATS Fri, 4/22/11 Alastair Fothergill/Keith Scholey NR Doc<br />
FOCUS 818-777-7373<br />
THE AMERICAN Wed, 9/1/10 George Clooney, Violante Placido Anton Corbijn NR Dra/Sus Dolby Dig/DTS/Dolby SRD/Scope<br />
IT’S KIND OF A FUNNY STORY Fri, 9/24/10 EXCL. NY/LA Kier Gilchrist, Emma Roberts Anna Boden/Ryan Fleck PG-13 Dra DTS/Dolby SRD/Flat<br />
SOMEWHERE Wed, 12/22/10 EXCL. NY/LA Stephen Dorff, Elle Fanning Sofi a Coppola R Com/Dra 98 DTS/Dolby SRD/Flat<br />
THE EAGLE OF THE NINTH Fri, 2/25/11 Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell Kevin Macdonald PG-13 Dra DTS/Dolby SRD/Scope<br />
JANE EYRE Fri, 3/11/11 LTD. Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender Cary Fukunaga NR Rom/Dra Dolby SRD/Flat<br />
HANNA Fri, 4/8/11 Cate Blanchett, Saoirse Ronan Joe Wright NR Adv/Thr DTS/Dolby SRD/Scope<br />
FOX 310-369-1000 / 212-556-2400<br />
RAMONA AND BEEZUS Fri, 7/23/10 Selena Gomez, Ginnifer Goodwin Elizabeth Allen G Com 104 Scope/Quad<br />
VAMPIRES SUCK Wed, 8/18/10 Ken Jeong, Parker Dash Jason Freidberg/Aaron Seltzer PG-13 Com<br />
MACHETE Fri, 9/3/10 Danny Trejo, Robert DeNiro<br />
Robert Rodriguez/Ethan<br />
Maniquis<br />
NR Act/Adv/Cri/Thr<br />
WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS Fri, 9/24/10 Shia LaBeouf, Javier Bardem Oliver Stone PG-13 Dra 135 Scope<br />
UNSTOPPABLE Fri, 11/12/10 Denzel Washington, Chris Pine Tony Scott NR Act/Dra/Thr Scope<br />
LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS Wed, 11/24/10 Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway Edward Zwick NR Dra Flat<br />
Fri, 12/10/<strong>2010</strong> Ben Barnes, Skandar Keynes Michael Apted NR Adv/Fam/Fan 3D/Scope/Quad<br />
GULLIVER’S TRAVELS Wed, 12/22/10 Emily Blunt, Jason Segel Rob Letterman NR Adv/Com 3D/Scope<br />
MONTE CARLO Fri, 2/11/11 Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester Tom Bezucha NR Rom/Com<br />
BIG MOMMAS: LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON Fri, 2/18/11 Martin Lawrence, Brandon T. Jackson John Whitesell NR Com<br />
DIARY OF A WIMPY KID 2: RODRICK RULES Fri, 3/25/11 Rachael Harris, Steve Zahn NR Com<br />
RIO Fri, 4/8/11 Anne Hathaway, Neil Patrick Harris Carlos Saldanha NR Ani/CGI 3D<br />
FOX SEARCHLIGHT 310-369-1000<br />
NEVER LET ME GO Fri, 10/1/10 LTD. Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley Mark Romanek R Dra/Thr/SF Scope/Quad<br />
CONVICTION Fri, 10/15/10 LTD. Sam Rockwell, Hillary Swank Tony Goldwyn R Dra/Bio Flat<br />
LIONSGATE 310-449-9200<br />
SEASON OF THE WITCH Fri, 3/19/10 Nicolas Cage, Ron Perlman Dominic Sena PG-13 Act/Dra/Hor 98 DTS/Dolby SRD<br />
THE EXPENDABLES Fri, 8/13/10 Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham Sylvester Stallone R Act<br />
THE LAST EXORCISM Fri, 8/27/10 Ashley Bell, Patrick Fabian Daniel Stamm NR Hor/Sus<br />
ALPHA AND OMEGA Fri, 9/17/10 Christina Ricci, Justin Long Ben Gluck/Anthony Bell NR Ani/Adv/Com 3D<br />
BURIED Fri, 9/24/10 LTD. Ryan Reynolds, Samantha Mathis Rodrigo Cortés NR Mys/Thr 95<br />
SAW VII 3-D Fri, 10/22/10 Tanedra Howard, Tobin Bell David Hackl NR Hor/Sus 3D<br />
THE NEXT THREE DAYS Fri, 11/19/10 Russell Crowe, Elizabeth Banks Paul Haggis NR Cri/Rom/Dra<br />
Fri, 1/14/11 Halle Berry, Oprah Winfrey Tyler Perry NR Dra<br />
TYLER PERRY’S MADEA’S BIG HAPPY FAMILY Fri, 4/22/11 Tyler Perry Tyler Perry NR Com<br />
MGM/UA 310-449-9200 / 212-708-0300<br />
RED DAWN Wed, 11/24/10 Josh Peck, Chris Hemsworth Dan Bradley NR Act<br />
THE CABIN IN THE WOODS Fri, 1/14/11 Richard Jenkins, Anna Hutchison Drew Goddard NR Com/Fan/Hor 3D<br />
MIRAMAX 323-822-4100 / 917-606-5500<br />
THE SWITCH Fri, 8/20/10 Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman Josh Gordon/Will Speck PG-13 Rom/Com<br />
GNOMEO AND JULIET Fri, 2/11/11 Emily Blunt, James McAvoy Kelly Asbury NR Ani/Fam/Com 3D<br />
OVERTURE 424-204-4000 / 212-905-4200<br />
JACK GOES BOATING Fri, 9/17/10 LTD. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Ryan Philip Seymour Hoffman R Dra 89<br />
LET ME IN Fri, 10/1/10 Chloe Moretz, Richard Jenkins Matt Reeves NR Hor<br />
PARAMOUNT 323-956-5000 / 212-373-7000<br />
DINNER FOR SCHMUCKS Fri, 7/30/10 Steve Carell, Paul Rudd Jay Roach PG-13 Com 114 Flat/Quad<br />
WAITING FOR “SUPERMAN” Fri, 9/17/10 LTD. Davis Guggenheim NR Doc 102<br />
JACKASS 3-D Fri, 10/15/10 Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O Jeff Tremaine NR Doc/Act/Com 3D<br />
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 2 Fri, 10/22/10 Tod Williams NR Hor<br />
MORNING GLORY Fri, 11/12/10 Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford Roger Michell NR Com<br />
THE FIGHTER Fri, 12/10/10 Christian Bale, Amy Adams David O Russell NR Dra SCOPE<br />
TRUE GRIT Sat, 12/25/10 Matt Damon, Jeff Bridges Ethan & Joel Coen NR Dra/Wes<br />
Fri, 1/7/11 Ashton Kutcher, Natalie Portman Ivan Reitman NR Rom/Com<br />
RANGO Fri, 3/4/11 Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher Gore Verbinski NR Ani/Act/Adv<br />
FOOTLOOSE Fri, 4/1/11 Julianne Hough, Dennis Quaid Craig Brewer NR Com/Dra/Mus<br />
THE CROODS Fri, 3/30/12 Chris Sanders NR Ani/Adv/Com 3D<br />
MEGAMIND Fri, 11/5/10 Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt Tom McGrath NR Ani/Fam 3D<br />
ROCKY MOUNTAIN PICTURES 801-943-1720<br />
STANDING OVATION Fri, 7/16/10 Jeana Zettler, Al Sapienza Stewart Raffi ll PG Mus 108<br />
EXPECTING MARY Fri, 9/10/10 LTD. Elliott Gould, Lainie Kazan Dan Gordon NR Fam 99 Dolby SRD/Scope<br />
SAMUEL GOLDWYN PICTURES 310-860-3100 / 212-367-9435<br />
LEGENDARY Fri, 9/10/10 LTD. Patricia Clarkson, John Cena Mel Damski PG-13 Dra/Spt<br />
SONY 310-244-4000 / 212-833-8500<br />
SALT Fri, 7/23/10 Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber Phillip Noyce PG-13 Act/Sus Dolby Dig<br />
THE OTHER GUYS Fri, 8/6/10 Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg Adam McKay NR Act/Com Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
54 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>
Horror = Hor Live Action = LA Performance = Per Science Fiction = SF Suspense = Sus Urban = Urban<br />
Kids = Kids Martial Arts = MA Political = Poli Stop-Motion Animation = SMAni 3D = 3D War = War<br />
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered = LGBT Mystery = Mys Romance = Rom Sports = Spr Thriller = Thr Western = Wes<br />
EAT, PRAY, LOVE Fri, 8/13/10 Julia Roberts, Billy Crudup Ryan Murphy PG-13 Dra Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
TAKERS Fri, 8/27/10 Paul Walker, Hayden Christensen John Luessenhop PG-13 Act/Cri 108 Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE Fri, 9/10/10 Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter Paul W.S. Anderson NR Act/Thr 3D/IMAX<br />
EASY A Fri, 9/17/10 Stanley Tucci, Emma Stone Will Gluck NR Rom/Com Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
THE SOCIAL NETWORK Fri, 10/1/10 Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake David Fincher NR Dra/Com Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
BURLESQUE Wed, 11/24/10 Cher, Christina Aguilera Steve Antin NR Dra<br />
EVERYTHING YOU’VE GOT Fri, 12/17/10 Jack Nicholson, Paul Rudd James L. Brooks NR Dra/Com<br />
COUNTRY STRONG Wed, 12/22/10 Gwyneth Paltrow, Tim McGraw Shana Deste NR Dra<br />
THE GREEN HORNET Fri, 1/14/11 Seth Rogen, Enzo Cilenti Michel Gondry NR Act/Adv 3D<br />
RESTLESS Fri, 1/28/11 Mia Wasikowska, Schuyler Fisk Fus Van Sant NR Dra<br />
THE ROOMMATE Fri, 2/4/11 Cam Gigandet, Leighton Meester Christian E. Christiansen NR Cri/Mys Scope<br />
JUST GO WITH IT Fri, 2/11/11 Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston Dennis Dugan NR Rom/Com<br />
BATTLE: LOS ANGELES Fri, 3/11/11 Michelle Rodriguez, Aaron Eckhart Jonathan Liebesman NR Act/SF 3D<br />
BEAUTIFUL GIRL Fri, 3/11/11 NR Sus<br />
BORN TO BE A STAR Fri, 4/22/11 Christina Ricci, Stephen Dorff Tom Brady NR Com<br />
SONY PICTURES CLASSICS 212-833-8851<br />
ORLANDO - REISSUE Fri, 7/23/10 EXCL. NY/LA Jimmy Somerville, Tilda Swinton Sally Potter Dra 93 Dolby SRD/Flat/Scope<br />
GET LOW Fri, 7/30/10 EXCL. NY/LA Lucas Black, Bill Murray Aaron Schneider PG-13 Cri/Dra 100 Dolby SRD/Scope<br />
LEBANON Fri, 8/6/10 EXCL. NY Reymond Amsalem, Ashraf Barhom Samuel Maoz R Dra 90 Dolby Dig/Dolby SRD/Flat<br />
ANIMAL KINGDOM Fri, 8/13/10 EXCL. NY/LA Guy Pearce, Ben Mendelsohn David Michod R Cri/Dra 112 Dolby Dig/Scope<br />
aka San qiang pai an jing qi<br />
Fri, 9/3/10 EXCL. NY/LA Honglei Sun, Xiao Shen-Yang Yimou Zhang NR FL/Dra 95 Dolby Dig/Scope<br />
YOU WILL MEET A TALL DARK STRANGER Wed, 9/22/10 EXCL. NY/LA Naomi Watts, Josh Brolin Woody Allen R Rom/Com Dolby Dig<br />
TAMARA DREWE Fri, 10/8/10 EXCL. NY/LA Gemma Arterton, Luke Evans Stephen Frears NR Com 111<br />
MADE IN DAGENHAM Fri, 11/19/10 EXCL. NY/LA Rosamund Pike, Miranda Richardson Nigel Cole NR Dra 113<br />
THE ILLUSIONIST Sat, 12/25/10 EXCL. NY/LA Jean-Claude Donda, Edith Rankin Sylvain Chomet NR Dra/Ani 113<br />
ANOTHER YEAR Wed, 12/29/10 EXCL. NY/LA Jim Broadbent, Lesley Manville Mike Leigh NR Com/Dra 129 SCOPE<br />
SUMMIT 310-309-8400<br />
RED Fri, 10/15/10 Mary-Louise Parker, Morgan Freeman Robert Schwentke NR Act/Com<br />
DRIVE ANGRY Fri, 2/11/11 Nicolas Cage, Amber Heard Patrick Lussier NR Thr 3D<br />
THE THREE MUSKETEERS Fri, 4/15/11 Christoph Waltz, Logan Lerman Paul W.S. Anderson NR Act/Adv 3D<br />
UNIVERSAL 818-777-1000 / 212-445-3800<br />
CHARLIE ST. CLOUD Fri, 7/30/10 Zac Efron, Kim Basinger Burr Steers PG-13 Dra/Rom Quad/Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD Fri, 8/13/10 Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead Edgar Wright PG-13 Act/Adv/Com Quad/Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
NANNY MCPHEE RETURNS Fri, 8/20/10 Emma Thompson, Maggie Gyllenhaal Susanna White PG Com/Fam 109 Quad/Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU Fri, 9/17/10 Matt Damon, Emily Blunt Geogre Nolfi NR Rom/SF Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
CATFISH Fri, 9/17/10 LTD. Henry Joost/Ariel Schulman NR Doc 94 Quad<br />
MY SOUL TO TAKE Fri, 10/29/10 Denzel Whitaker, Max Thieriot Wes Craven R Hor/Sus 3D/Quad<br />
LITTLE FOCKERS Wed, 12/22/10 Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller Paul Weitz NR Com<br />
Fri, 1/14/11<br />
Vince Vaughn, Kevin James Ron Howard NR Com Quad<br />
KIDS IN AMERICA aka YOUNG AMERICANS Fri, 1/28/11 Topher Grace, Anna Faris Michael Dowse R Dra/Com Quad<br />
NIGHT CHRONICLES: THE DEVIL Fri, 2/11/11 Chris Messina Drew Dowdle/John Erick Dowdle NR Hor/Sus Quad<br />
JAMES CAMERON PRESENTS SANCTUM Fri, 3/4/11 Richard Roxburgh, Alice Parkinson Alister Grierson NR Adv/Dra/Thr 3D<br />
THE DARK FIELDS Fri, 3/18/11 Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro Neil Burger NR Dra/Sus Quad<br />
HOP Fri, 4/1/11 Russell Brand, James Marsden Tim Hill NR CGI/Com<br />
YOUR HIGHNESS Fri, 4/8/11 James Franco, Natalie Portman David Gordon Green R Com/Fan<br />
WARNER BROS. 818-954-6000 / 212-484-8000<br />
INCEPTION Fri, 7/16/10 Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page Christopher Nolan PG-13 Act/SF 142<br />
IMAX/Scope/Quad/Dolby Dig/<br />
DTS/SDDS<br />
CATS & DOGS: THE REVENGE OF KITTY GALORE Fri, 7/30/10 Chris O’Donnell, Jack McBrayer Brad Peyton PG CGI/Com 100 3D/Quad/Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
FLIPPED Fri, 8/6/10 LTD. Penelope Ann Miller, Rebecca De Mornay Rob Reiner PG Rom/Com/Dra 90 Quad/Flat<br />
LOTTERY TICKET Fri, 8/20/10 Ice Cube, Bow Wow Erik White PG-13 Com 105 Scope/Quad/Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
GOING THE DISTANCE Fri, 8/27/10 Drew Barrymore, Justin Long Nanette Burstein R Rom/Com Quad<br />
THE TOWN Fri, 9/17/10 Ben Affl eck, Jon Hamm Ben Affl eck NR Dra/Cri/Rom Quad<br />
Fri, 9/24/10 Hugh Jackman, Hugo Weaving Zack Snyder NR Ani/Adv/Fant 3D/IMAX/Scope/Quad<br />
LIFE AS WE KNOW IT Fri, 10/8/10 Katherine Heigl, Josh Lucas Gary Berlanti PG-13 Rom/Com Quad<br />
HEREAFTER Fri, 10/22/10 Matt Damon, Cecile De France Clint Eastwood NR Thr Quad<br />
DUE DATE Fri, 11/5/10 Robert Downey, Jr., Zach Galifi anakis Todd Phillips NR Com 100 Quad<br />
HARRY POTTER 7 Fri, 11/19/10 Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson David Yates NR Adv/Dra/Fan 3D/IMAX/Scope<br />
YOGI BEAR Fri, 12/17/10 Dan Aykroyd, Justin Timberlake Eric Brevig NR Ani 3D/Quad<br />
UNKNOWN WHITE MALE Fri, 1/7/11 Liam Neeson, January Jones Jaume Collet-Serra NR Dra/Thr Quad<br />
THE RITE Fri, 1/28/11 Anthony Hopkins, Colin O’Donoghue Mikael Håfström NR Dra Quad<br />
BOBBIE SUE Fri, 2/11/11 Cameron Diaz NR Com Quad<br />
HALL PASS Fri, 2/25/11 Owen Wilson, Jason Sudekis Peter & Bobby Farrelly NR Com Quad<br />
SUCKER PUNCH Fri, 3/25/11 Vanessa Hudgens, Amanda Seyfried Zack Snyder NR Act/Fan/Thr 3D/IMAX<br />
RED RIDING HOOD Fri, 4/22/11 Amanda Seyfried, Max Irons Catherine Hardwicke NR Sus Quad<br />
WEINSTEIN CO./DIMENSION 646-862-3400<br />
THE CONCERT aka Le concert Fri, 7/23/10 EXCL. NY/LA Aleksei Guskov, Mélanie Laurent Radu Mihaileanu NR FL/Com/Mus 119<br />
THE TILLMAN STORY Fri, 8/20/10 LTD. Josh Brolin Amir Bar-Lev NR Doc 97<br />
PIRANHA 3-D Fri, 8/20/10 Elisabeth Shue, Jerry O’Connell Alexandre Aja R Hor/Thr Digital 3D<br />
NOWHERE BOY Fri, 10/8/10 Ann-Marie Duff, Aaron Johnson Sam Taylor Wood R Bio/Dra 98 Dolby Dig<br />
THE COMPANY MEN Fri, 10/22/10 EXCL. NY/LA Ben Affl eck, Tommy Lee Jones John Wells NR Dra/Com 109<br />
THE KING’S SPEECH Fri, 11/26/10 LTD Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush Tom Hooper NR His/Dra<br />
BLUE VALENTINE Fri, 12/31/10 LTD Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams Derek Cianfrance NR Rom/Dra 120<br />
SCREAM 4 Fri, 4/15/11 Neve Campbell, David Arquette Wes Craven NR Hor/Sus Dolby Dig/DTS/SDDS<br />
AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> BOXOFFICE 55
DRIVE-IN SCREEN TOWERS since 1945. Selby<br />
<strong>Pro</strong>ducts Inc., P.O. Box 267, Richfield, OH 44286.<br />
Phone: 330-659-6631.<br />
the best pricing on good used projection and sound<br />
equipment. Large quantities available. Please visit<br />
our website,, or call 1-888-<br />
409-1414.<br />
EQUIPMENT. Stand-alone ticketing or fully integrated<br />
theater ticketing and/or concessions systems are<br />
available. These fully tested, remanufactured Pacer<br />
Theatre Systems have extended full-service contracts<br />
available. Complete ticketing and concessions systems<br />
starting at $2,975. Call Jason: 800-434-3098;<br /><br />
COM. New and used projection and sound equipment,<br />
theater seating, drapes, wall panels, FM transmitters,<br />
popcorn poppers, concessions counters, xenon<br />
lamps, booth supplies, cleaning supplies, more.<br />
Call Cinema Consultants and Services International.<br />
Phone: 412-343-3900; fax: 412-343-2992;<br />
CY YOUNG IND. INC. still has the best prices for<br />
replacement seat covers, out-of-order chair covers,<br />
cupholder armrests, patron trays and on-site chair<br />
renovations! Please call for prices and more information.<br />
800-729-2610.<br />
Find today’s best available new seating deals 575-<br />
762-6468 Sales Office.<br />
TWO CENTURY PROJECTORS, complete with base,<br />
soundheads, lenses. Pott’s 3-deck platter,like new.<br />
Rebuilt Christie lamp,goes to 150 amps. Model H-30.<br />
603-747-2608.<br />
the old style slotted letters? We buy the whole pile.<br />
Any condition. Plastic, metal, large, small, dirty,<br />
cracked, painted, good or bad. Please call 800-545-<br />
8956 or write<br />
MOVIE POSTERS WANTED: Collector paying TOP $$$<br />
for movie posters, lobby cards, film stills, press books<br />
and memorabilia. All sizes, any condition. Free appraisals!<br />
CASH paid immediately! Ralph DeLuca, 157 Park<br />
Ave., Madison, NJ 07940; phone: 800-392-4050; email:<br />;<br />
POSTERS & FILMS WANTED: Cash available for<br />
movie posters and films (trailers, features, cartoons,<br />
etc.). Call Tony 903-790-1930 or email<br />
old microphones, old theater sound systems and old<br />
vacuum tubes. Phone Tim: 616-791-0867.<br />
COLLECTOR WANTS TO BUY: We pay top money<br />
for any 1920-1980 theater equipment. We’ll buy all<br />
theater-related equipment, working or dead. We remove<br />
and pick up anywhere in the U.S. or Canada.<br />
Amplifiers, speakers, horns, drivers, woofers, tubes,<br />
transformers; Western Electric, RCA, Altec, JBL, Jensen,<br />
Simplex & more. We’ll remove installed equipment<br />
if it’s in a closing location. We buy projection<br />
and equipment, too. Call today: 773-339-9035.<br />
email<br />
buying projectors, processors, amplifiers, speakers,<br />
seating, platters. If you are closing, remodeling or have<br />
excess equipment in your warehouse and want to turn<br />
equipment into cash, please call 866-653-2834 or email<br /> Need to move quickly to close a location<br />
and dismantle equipment? We come to you with<br />
trucks, crew and equipment, no job too small or too large.<br />
Call today for a quotation: 866-653-2834. Vintage equipment<br />
wanted also! Old speakers like Western Electric and<br />
Altec, horns, cabinets, woofers, etc. and any tube audio<br />
equipment, call or email:<br />
buy and sell good used theater equipment. We provide<br />
dismantling services using our trucks and well-equipped,<br />
professional crew anywhere in the United States. Please<br />
visit our website,, or call 1-888-<br />
409-1414.<br />
FOR SALE<br />
First run movie theater. Vibrant Vermont college<br />
town. Vaudeville stage, 3 screens, 298 seats, renovated.<br />
$850,000. 802-999-9077.<br />
FOR SALE Independent owned & operated, eight-screen,<br />
all stadium-seating theater complex located in suburban<br />
Chicago. Completely renovated in 2004. Seating capacity<br />
for 1,774 people within a 48,000-square-foot sqft building<br />
on 5.32 acres. Preliminary site plan approval for expansion<br />
of additional screens. <strong>Pro</strong>ximate to national/regional retail<br />
and dining. Strong ticket and concession revenues. Excellent<br />
business or investment opportunity. Contact Kevin<br />
Jonas at 305-631-6303 for details.<br />
$735,000, land, bldg., equip., NW Wisconsin. Priced<br />
$50,000 below appraised value. 715-550-9601.<br />
FIVE-PLEX THEATER FOR SALE in the beautiful Florida<br />
Keys. Business established in 1974 with no competition<br />
within 40 miles. Completely renovated five years ago. Call<br />
Sam: 305-394-0315.<br />
THEATER FOR RENT 1,500 seating capacity. No hanging<br />
balconies. Largest single screen in Chicagoland. Over<br />
500,000 potential patrons, serving NW side of Chicago<br />
and suburbs. Contact<br />
THEATERS FOR SALE Three screens (370 seats), North<br />
Florida. First-run, no competition 60 miles. Additional<br />
large multipurpose room (75 seats), with HD projector on<br />
13.5-by-7-foot screen for birthday parties, conferences,<br />
receptions and café. Contact 850-371-0028.<br />
ground floor opportunity in Arizona. New and popular<br />
7’6” Value Series Retracta-Belt ®<br />
$69<br />
+ UPS<br />
Knocked-Down<br />
Shipping saves over 50%<br />
Patent Pending Brake<br />
creates the safest post<br />
Built-in Sign Frame<br />
Adapter<br />
All Parts Easily<br />
Replaceable<br />
Universal Belt Clip<br />
works with most<br />
existing posts<br />
800.733.8249<br /><br />
“Brew and View” concept in outstanding area. Contact<br /><br />
GREAT ESCAPE THEATRES is a regional motion picture<br />
exhibition company with 24 individual locations that<br />
include 275 screens throughout the Midwestern United<br />
States. Founded in 1997, Great Escape is one of the fastest-growing<br />
movie theater operators in the country. We<br />
are currently seeking a motivated individual to fill our position<br />
as the chief financial officer or vice president of finance<br />
and accounting. Please send resumes to amccart@<br /><br />
have management positions open in Los Lunas, Taos and<br />
Espanola, NM. Prior management experience required.<br />
Salary commensurate with experience. Send resumes to<br />
2209 Miguel Chavez Rd. BLDG A Santa Fe, NM 87505 or<br />
email to<br />
FLECTORS! Ultraflat repolishes and recoats xenon reflectors.<br />
Many reflectors available for immediate exchange.<br />
(ORC, Strong, Christie, Xetron, others!) Ultraflat, 20306<br />
Sherman Way, Winnetka, CA 91306; 818-884-0184.<br />
FROM DIRT TO OPENING DAY. 20-plus years of theater<br />
experience with the know-how to get you going. 630-417-<br />
9792.<br />
AGGRANDIZE YOUR THEATer, auditorium, church or<br />
school with quality used seating. We carry all makes of<br />
used seats as well as some new seats. Seat parts are also<br />
available. Please visit our website, www.asterseating.<br />
com, or call 888-409-1414.<br />
ALLSTATE SEATING specializes in refurbishing, complete<br />
painting, molded foam, tailor-made seat covers, installations<br />
and removals. Please call for pricing and spare<br />
parts for all types of theater seating. Boston, Mass.; 617-<br />
770-1112; fax: 617-770-1140.<br />
DOLPHIN SEATING At, find<br />
today’s best available new seating deals: 575-762-6468<br />
Sales Office.<br />
FOR YOU. Industry veterans and current exhibitors with<br />
40-plus years’ experience. Will manage every aspect of<br />
operations and maximize all profits for you. Call John<br />
LaCaze at 801-532-3300.<br />
ATER CHAIN is looking to expand via theater acquisitions.<br />
We seek profitable, first-run theater complexes with<br />
6 to 14 screens located anywhere in the USA. Please call<br />
Mike at 320-203-1003 ext.105 or email:<br />
FOR SALE<br />
3-screen theatre in Marshall,<br />
MO. Owner will carry back<br />
some financing. Contact<br />
Dennis 816-407-7469<br />
56 BOXOFFICE AUGUST <strong>2010</strong>