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SCHOOL <strong>OF</strong> DENTAL SCIENCES<br />

<strong>MASTER</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>RESTORATIVE</strong> <strong>DENTISTRY</strong><br />



Master of Restorative Dentistry<br />

(Conservative Dentistry, Periodontics or Prosthodontics)<br />


The Master of Restorative Dentistry is a new specialty program, which<br />

will be offered by the School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains<br />

Malaysia. This program comprises of specialty in the field of<br />

Conservative Dentistry, Periodontics and Prosthodontics.<br />


The Master of Restorative Dentistry in the specialty of Conservative<br />

Dentistry, Periodontics or Prosthodontics is established to train dental<br />

graduates to become restorative specialists. Up to the year 2005, there<br />

are only three restorative specialists in the Ministry of Health.<br />

Therefore, the establishment of the programme by the School of Dental<br />

Sciences, <strong>USM</strong> could help in fulfilling the country’s needs to increase<br />

the number of specialists to accommodate for the increase in<br />

population and standard of oral health care. Other than that, as<br />

knowledge of dentistry and technology of dental materials advances,<br />

more graduates become interested to further their study to update their<br />

knowledge and skills. Up to date, the University of Malaya is the only<br />

university in our country offering dental graduates to pursue their study<br />

in the specialty of Restorative Dentistry. As a result, the need for a<br />

similar program established by the School of Dental Sciences is<br />

recommended to increase the number of restorative specialists in our<br />

country.<br />


The Master of Restorative Dentistry program has been initiated upon<br />

request by the Oral Health Division, Ministry of Health to increase the<br />

number of restorative specialists in the country. Some requests were<br />

received from international students.<br />


The Master of Restorative Dentistry (Conservative Dentistry,<br />

Periodontics or Prosthodontics) degree has several objectives. The<br />

degree is designed to provide the candidates with the following:<br />

i) Opportunity to advance their knowledge and skills in a specialized<br />

area of restorative dentistry,<br />


ii) Educational component required for the specialist training, and<br />

iii) Knowledge and skills in research methodology, critical evaluation of<br />

data and originality in thought and research design.<br />


On completion of the Master of Restorative Dentistry course, the<br />

candidates should be able to:<br />

1) Acquire advanced knowledge and greater understanding of dentistry<br />

applicable to the field of restorative dentistry.<br />

2) Demonstrate special skills in the provision of clinical services<br />

applicable to the field of restorative dentistry.<br />

3) Demonstrate highly developed problem-solving abilities in the<br />

discipline area, characterized by flexibility and multidisciplinary of<br />

approach.<br />

4) Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the principles, current<br />

developments and research methods applicable to the field of<br />

restorative dentistry.<br />

5) Evaluate and synthesize the research and professional literature in<br />

the discipline.<br />

6) Prepare individuals for a career in the field of restorative dentistry.<br />

7) Maintain self- development by continuing education and knowledge<br />

updating.<br />

6. <strong>PROGRAM</strong> <strong>OF</strong> STUDY<br />

The Master of Restorative Dentistry program is a CLINICAL<br />

COURSEWORK program in which the research component comprises<br />

about thirty (30) percent of the whole program of the study.<br />

7. DURATION <strong>OF</strong> STUDY<br />

The minimum duration of study is four (4) years while the maximum is<br />

seven (7) years. However, each case is judged on a case-by-case<br />

basis on appeal from exemption from the FRACDS (Fellowship of the<br />

Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons) Primary Examination.<br />


8. STUDY FEE<br />

The fee for the Master of Restorative Dentistry ((Conservative<br />

Dentistry, Periodontics or Prosthodontics) program is RM 26,000 per<br />

year.<br />


Qualifications for admission<br />

The candidate should:<br />

a) Have a bachelor’s degree in Dentistry (BDS, DDS or an equivalent<br />

degree).<br />

b) Have at least three years post-registration experience in dentistry,<br />

either in the Ministry of Health (MOH) or other institutions<br />

recognized by the University’s Senate.<br />

c) Obtain at least a credit in Bahasa Malaysia in SPM (for Malaysian<br />

citizens) or equivalent examination.<br />

d) Pass the assessment for admission, which has been decided by<br />

the School and Ministry of Health.<br />

e) Have good physical and mental health.<br />


Application forms can be obtained from the Institute of Graduate<br />

Studies by attaching one envelope (measuring 28cm × 40cm) and RM<br />

1.20 stamp. Please write “Postgraduate Studies Application” and<br />

“Master of Restorative Dentistry” on the top left of the envelope. The<br />

candidates also need to enclose a Money Order or Postal Order of<br />

RM 10.00 under the name of Universiti Sains Malaysia and send it to:<br />

Dean,<br />

Institute of Graduate Studies,<br />

Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800,<br />

Minden, Penang<br />

Every application must be attached with academic qualifications and<br />

certified clinical experience and 2 passport photographs.<br />

All applicants must be certified by the School board and the final<br />

decision will be made by the University Senate.<br />

Any queries pertaining to the contents of program, program structure<br />

and others, can be directed to the School of Dental Sciences,<br />

Universiti Sains Malaysia, Health Campus, 16150 Kubang Kerian,<br />

Kelantan.<br />


11. <strong>PROGRAM</strong> STRUCTURE<br />

This program shall consist of three phases: Phase I, II and III.<br />

11.1 Phase1 is the first year of the Master of Restorative Dentistry<br />

program. It comprises of instructions in Basic Medical and Dental<br />

Science subjects such as Pathology, Physiology, Biochemistry,<br />

Microbiology, Anatomy and Histology over a period of six (6) months<br />

The candidates have to sit for their primary examination (equivalent to<br />

primary FRACDS) at the end of semester I Year 1. The final six (6)<br />

months of Year 1 comprises of operative techniques in the skill<br />

laboratory and clinical training in General Dental Practice (GDP) as<br />

well as introducing the students to research methodology and<br />

biostatistics.<br />

11.2 Phase II is the second year of the Master of Restorative program. It<br />

comprises of a research component in the specialty option chosen by<br />

the students. There are also clinical practices in conservative,<br />

prosthetics and periodontics throughout the year.<br />

11.3 Phase III is the third and fourth year of the Master of Restorative<br />

Dentistry program. It comprises of complex clinical practices in the field<br />

of conservative dentistry, prosthetics or periodontics chosen by the<br />

candidates. There will also be course work such as lectures and<br />

seminar. Research component in the specialty option continues,<br />

leading to the submission of a dissertation three months before the end<br />

of Year 3 followed by a viva defense.<br />

The Year Four program comprises of a three (3) month clinical<br />

attachment in the specialty option, either in the Faculty of Dentistry,<br />

University of Malaya or other clinical training centre recognized by the<br />

University. Advanced clinical practices and coursework in the specialty<br />

option continues until near the completion of the course.<br />

Table 1 on page 6 shows the outline of the Master of Restorative<br />

Dentistry program<br />


Table 1. OUTLINE <strong>OF</strong> STUDY <strong>PROGRAM</strong> STRUCTURE<br />

Phase Year Duration Contents<br />

I 1<br />

II 2<br />

6 months<br />

6 months<br />

12 months<br />

Basic Medical and Dental<br />

Sciences<br />

Assessment:<br />

Primary Examination<br />

(equivalent to FRACDS).<br />

Introduction to Research<br />

Methodology and Biostatistics<br />

Operative Techniques<br />

Clinical Practices (GDP)<br />

Course Work<br />

Assessment:<br />

Continuous Assessment<br />

Research Project<br />

Clinical Practices<br />

Course Work<br />

Assessments:<br />

Continuous Assessment<br />

III<br />

3<br />

6 months<br />

6 months<br />

Clinical Practices<br />

Research<br />

Course Work<br />

Assessment:<br />

Continuous Assessment<br />

Year 3 Examination<br />

(equivalent to FRACDS Final<br />

Examination)<br />

Clinical Practices<br />

Research<br />

Course Work<br />

Assessments:<br />

Submission and Defense of<br />

Dissertation<br />

4 3 months<br />

9 months<br />

Clinical Attachment<br />

Advanced Clinical Practices<br />

Course Work<br />

Assessments:<br />

Continuous Assessment<br />

Final Case Presentation<br />


DETAILS <strong>OF</strong> STUDY <strong>PROGRAM</strong><br />

In general, approximately 50% of time in the program is committed to clinical<br />

training and experience. The remainder of the time is committed to<br />

coursework (20%) and research (30%). This distribution accords with the<br />

international best practice for clinical specialisation in dentistry.<br />

The weightage of clinical training and exposure in the disciplines of<br />

Conservative Dentistry, Prosthodontics and Periodontics will be distributed<br />

almost evenly during the first two years of the Master of Restorative Dentistry<br />

program. At the beginning of Year 3, the candidates can further decide to<br />

specialize in either one of the specialties which is Conservative Dentistry,<br />

Periodontics or Prosthodontics.<br />

The candidates will also be required to participate in the undergraduate<br />

teaching programs of the School at an appropriate level, as part of their<br />

training. This will normally consist of preclinical and clinical supervision of<br />

undergraduate students, for at least one session per week throughout the<br />

Master of Restorative Dentistry program.<br />

YEAR 1<br />

The candidates will study Basic Medical and Dental Sciences subjects for 6 months<br />

and sit for the Primary examination equivalent to primary examination of the<br />

Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (FRACDS) in early<br />

December. The candidates will also need to undertake sessions in operative<br />

techniques and clinical training in General Dental Practice for the final six months.<br />

They will also attend the Research Methodology and Basic Statistics classes to<br />

introduce them to critical analysis of the literature, planning a research design and<br />

protocol and writing a thesis. This is intended to assist them in developing the<br />

necessary analytical and writing skills that are needed for thesis preparation and<br />

publication. Identification of a suitable study area and discussions regarding research<br />

projects with the respective supervisors will be carried out during the final six months<br />

of Year 1. The appointment of a supervisor shall be done when the candidate’s field<br />

of research is approved. Where necessary, the appointment of a co- supervisor may<br />

be done.<br />

Assessments<br />

Primary Examination (equivalent to FRACDS primary examination)<br />

Continuous Assessments<br />

YEAR 2<br />

Embarkation of research projects shall start early, once the proposals have been<br />

approved. The students are advised to complete their research projects and data<br />

collection and analyses during Year 2. Clinical practices in the field of Conservative,<br />

Prosthodontic and Periodontic will also be carried out. Knowledge of management of<br />

patients from other disciplines will also be taught. The students will need to present<br />

some seminars regarding certain topics.<br />

Assessment<br />

Continuous Assessments<br />


YEAR 3<br />

Clinical practices will focus in the field chosen by the candidate, either in<br />

Conservative, Prosthodontics or Periodontics. Assessment will be based on the<br />

overall clinical performance including patient management throughout the period.<br />

Patients’ cases are folioed and will be presented at regular intervals throughout the<br />

program. The candidates will also need to present some seminars on selected topics<br />

on a regular basis. In year three students will sit for phase II examination equivalent<br />

to FRACDS final examination.<br />

Submission of dissertations shall be done one month before the end of year 3,<br />

followed by a defense viva. The candidates are also encouraged to publish their work<br />

and present at the national and/or international dental research conferences.<br />

Assessment<br />

Year 3 (equivalent to FRACDS Final Examination)<br />

Submission and Defense of Dissertation<br />

Continuous Assessments<br />

YEAR 4<br />

The candidates will undertake their clinical attachment in the selected centre during<br />

the first three months of their Year 4. A local supervisor will be selected to assist and<br />

monitor the candidate’s progress throughout the period.<br />

The candidates will see and manage cases that are more complicated in their final<br />

year of clinical practices. They will also need to present some seminars on more<br />

advanced topics at regular intervals. Some multidisciplinary seminars involving other<br />

disciplines such as Oral Surgery and Orthodontics may be carried out to render the<br />

candidates with multidisciplinary approach in managing certain dental cases.<br />

As part of their examination, the candidates will present their case reports based on<br />

interesting cases that they encounter and manage.<br />

Assessment<br />

Final Case Presentation<br />

Continuous Assessments<br />


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