Our brand - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Our brand - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Our brand - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew


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Brand<br />


<strong>Our</strong> <strong>brand</strong><br />

This document is a guide to the <strong>brand</strong><br />

communication style for <strong>Kew</strong>.<br />

It explains what our <strong>brand</strong> stands for, how<br />

it’s expressed, and how the creative elements<br />

fit together in all our communications.<br />

The guide should be followed when<br />

commissioning, designing or delivering<br />

any kind of communications.

Contents<br />

<strong>Our</strong> <strong>brand</strong> 4<br />

Master<strong>brand</strong> logo 8<br />

Colour palette 31<br />

Typography 34<br />

Imagery 55<br />

In application 69<br />

Brand architecture 92

<strong>Our</strong> <strong>brand</strong>

<strong>Our</strong> <strong>brand</strong><br />

A strong <strong>brand</strong> is one of the most valuable<br />

assets an organisation owns. To make it truly<br />

powerful it needs to be applied consistently<br />

so anyone dealing with the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong><br />

<strong>Gardens</strong>, <strong>Kew</strong> knows who we are and what<br />

we stand for. Everyone has a part to play in<br />

doing this and bringing our <strong>brand</strong> to life.<br />

These guidelines are to help you represent<br />

our <strong>brand</strong> consistently.

6 <strong>Our</strong> <strong>brand</strong><br />

At the heart of any <strong>brand</strong> is a big idea. Simple.<br />

Memorable. True.<br />

For the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong>, <strong>Kew</strong> this big idea is<br />

Plants Matter.<br />

For health. For pleasure. For beauty. For life.<br />

A simple but powerful expression of what we believe<br />

in. Plants Matter is the focus of everything we do.<br />

Helping us make the right choices.<br />

Part of our DNA – invisible, but vital.

7 Brand platform<br />

With Plants Matter at its heart, our <strong>brand</strong> platform<br />

is a summary of all the elements that make<br />

<strong>Kew</strong> special.<br />

<strong>Our</strong> vision for the future is about the impact<br />

we want to make.<br />

<strong>Our</strong> positioning is the unique place we occupy<br />

in the world.<br />

<strong>Our</strong> offer describes what we do for all<br />

our audiences.<br />

<strong>Our</strong> values are the things we believe in that drive<br />

the way we do things.<br />

<strong>Our</strong> personality is the image we want to project.<br />

The Brand Platform is the essential tool to help<br />

us make the right decisions in everything we do.<br />

<strong>Our</strong> vision<br />

A world where plant<br />

and fungal diversity are<br />

cherished and maintained<br />

<strong>Our</strong> positioning<br />

<strong>Kew</strong> is the global hub<br />

for plant knowledge and<br />

a leading champion<br />

of plant conservation<br />

Plants<br />

Matter<br />

<strong>Our</strong> values<br />

Relevance<br />

Sustainability<br />

Rigour<br />

Openness<br />

Collaboration<br />

<strong>Our</strong> personality<br />

Pioneering & confident<br />

Trusted & intelligent<br />

Friendly & welcoming<br />

Entrepreneurial & savvy<br />

<strong>Our</strong> offer<br />

<strong>Kew</strong>’s world famous<br />

gardens and scientific research<br />

unlock the power and wonder<br />

of plants for everyone

Master<strong>brand</strong> logo

9 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Colour variations<br />

Three-colour master<strong>brand</strong> logo

10 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Colour variations<br />

White master<strong>brand</strong> logo on <strong>Kew</strong> dark green

11 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Colour variations<br />

White master<strong>brand</strong> logo on <strong>Kew</strong> mid green

12 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Colour variations<br />

White master<strong>brand</strong> logo on <strong>Kew</strong> light green

13 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Colour variations<br />

White master<strong>brand</strong> logo on photography<br />

Always ensure good legibility of the master<strong>brand</strong><br />

logo when using it on photographic backgrounds

14 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Colour variations<br />

Master<strong>brand</strong> logo in <strong>Kew</strong> mid green

15 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Colour variations<br />

Master<strong>brand</strong> logo in <strong>Kew</strong> dark green

16 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Colour variations<br />

Master<strong>brand</strong> logo in Black

17 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Colour variations<br />

Three colour<br />

Single colour (<strong>Kew</strong> mid green or dark green)<br />

Single colour (Black & white)

18 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – X Do nots<br />

X Do not put the master<strong>brand</strong> logo<br />

in a box or any other shape<br />

X Do not alter the relationship<br />

between the mark and the <strong>Royal</strong><br />

<strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong> lettering<br />

X Do not distort the master<strong>brand</strong> logo<br />

X Do not put the master<strong>brand</strong> logo<br />

on an overly complicated background<br />

where it becomes illegible<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> GaRdens<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> GaRdens<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> GaRdens<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> GaRdens

19 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – X Do nots<br />

X Do not use the master<strong>brand</strong> logo<br />

in other colours (that have not been<br />

specified in these guidelines)<br />

X Do not try to recreate the<br />

master<strong>brand</strong> logo<br />

X Do not add a suffix to the<br />

master<strong>brand</strong> logo<br />

X Do not ‘squash’ the logo<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> GaRdens<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> GaRdens<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> GaRdens<br />

FoR Kids

20 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Exclusion zone<br />

& minimum size<br />

The master<strong>brand</strong> logo should always have<br />

breathing space. This can be determined by the<br />

width of the ‘e’.<br />

The minimum recommended size for the<br />

master<strong>brand</strong> logo is 30mm wide (150 pixels<br />

online). In exceptional circumstances when it has<br />

to be used below this size please remove the ‘<strong>Royal</strong><br />

<strong>Botanic</strong> gardens’ wording. It should never be used<br />

below 10mm wide (75 pixels online).<br />

30mm (150 pixels)<br />

10mm (75 pixels)

21 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Recommended sizes<br />

A1<br />

Logo width: 120mm<br />

Margins: 30mm<br />

A2<br />

Logo width: 80mm<br />

Margins: 20mm<br />

A3<br />

Logo width: 55mm<br />

Margins: 15mm<br />

A4<br />

Logo width: 40mm<br />

Margins: 10mm<br />

A5/DL<br />

Logo width: 40mm<br />

Margins: 10mm

22 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Recommended size for<br />

items where <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong> cannot sit<br />

under the main logo, e.g. Book spine / pencils<br />

In these circumstances it can be placed as shown here.<br />

10mm spine<br />

Logo width: 7mm

23 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Positions on the page<br />

The logo works most effectively if the K in <strong>Kew</strong> is<br />

left aligned, we also want it to be in a prominent<br />

position so top left is the preferred position.<br />

In exceptional circumstances it can be positioned<br />

elsewhere. The master<strong>brand</strong> logos (right) are<br />

numbered 1 to 4 in order of preference.<br />

The logo should not be centred.<br />

1 4<br />

2 3

24 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Relationship<br />

to the <strong>Royal</strong> Crest<br />

The <strong>Royal</strong> Crest should not be used as a logo<br />

or replace our main logo but can be used as an<br />

endorsing mark where appropriate.<br />

Appropriate circumstances would include where<br />

the royal connection adds significant weight or<br />

impact. Examples could include formal invitations,<br />

scientific publications or overseas publishing.<br />

It should always be physically separated from the<br />

master<strong>brand</strong> logo in order to prevent confusion.<br />

It should be positioned as an endorsement rather<br />

than another logo.<br />

Ideally, it should appear on a different page<br />

or at a minimum underneath the main logo.

25 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Relationship to the<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> Crest<br />

When using the <strong>Royal</strong> Crest with the master<strong>brand</strong><br />

logo, the <strong>Royal</strong> Crest size is determined by the<br />

height of<br />

the letter ‘K’ and <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong> lettering.<br />

The exclusion zone can be determined by the<br />

size of the <strong>Royal</strong> Crest when they are being used<br />

together.<br />

The minimum size is 20mm wide and it can only be<br />

used in <strong>Kew</strong> dark green, black or white.<br />

45mm<br />

20mm<br />

the <strong>Royal</strong> crest can either be positioned:<br />

bottom left corner, in which case it should<br />

be left aligned with the master<strong>brand</strong> logo;<br />

or it can be positioned in the bottom right<br />

hand corner (as shown in the example on<br />

the right). it should never be positioned<br />

alongside the master<strong>brand</strong> logo. the<br />

examples above show the minimum<br />

amount of space permitted between the<br />

master<strong>brand</strong> logo and the <strong>Royal</strong> crest.

26 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo –<br />

Relationship to the <strong>Royal</strong> Crest<br />

For certain corporate uses (e.g. formal invitations,<br />

business cards etc) it can used on the same side but<br />

the Master<strong>brand</strong> logo should still lead, so the Crest<br />

should be positoned bottom left or right.<br />

See examples...<br />

AnnA QuEnBy<br />

Head of Public Relations<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong>, <strong>Kew</strong><br />

Richmond, surrey tW9 3aB, UK<br />

T +44(0)20 8332 5619<br />

M +44(0)7766 162 855<br />

F +44(0)20 8332 5610<br />

E a.quenby@kew.org<br />

www.kew.org<br />

The Director and Trustees of the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong>, <strong>Kew</strong><br />

request the pleasure of the company of<br />

at the presentation of the<br />


by Sir David Attenborough OM CH CVO CBE FRS<br />

In the Jodrell Lecture Theatre<br />

on Friday 9 September 2011 at 3.00 pm and afterwards to an<br />

afternoon tea in the School of Horticulture<br />

RSVP by 20 August: Judy Hancock, Administration Officer,<br />

School of Horticulture, <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong>, <strong>Kew</strong>,<br />

Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB<br />

Telephone: 020 8332 5545<br />

Facsimile: 020 8332 5574<br />

Email: J.Hancock@kew.org<br />

Please be seated by 2.50pm<br />

Please bring this card with you<br />

Entry by Jodrell Gate. Please see map overleaf

27 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo – Relationship to the<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> Crest<br />

When using the master<strong>brand</strong> logo and the <strong>Royal</strong><br />

Crest on A4 (and bigger), align the <strong>Royal</strong> Crest with<br />

the address details.<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong>, <strong>Kew</strong><br />

Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK<br />

T +44(0)20 8332 5000<br />

F +44(0)20 8332 5197<br />

www.kew.org<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong> <strong>Kew</strong> has exempt charitable status. Printed on 100% recycled paper♲

um<br />

n both<br />

in<br />

where<br />

ssible<br />

black<br />

sion<br />

ater<br />

w’<br />

e<br />

always<br />

he<br />

logo.<br />

main<br />

ls.<br />

X<br />

28 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo & third party logos<br />

See example of <strong>Kew</strong> leading and a third party<br />

endorsing X (left). In this case, a lead sponsors’ logo<br />

will represent an area up to 70% of <strong>Kew</strong>’s logo.<br />

See example X of a third party leading and <strong>Kew</strong><br />

endorsing (middle).<br />

See example of both parties on an equal level<br />

(right).<br />

Guidelines on minimum size and the exclusion<br />

zone should be followed (page 21).<br />

X<br />

X<br />

0.5X<br />

9.4 Sponsors and funding partners<br />

When sponsors and funding partners appear on <strong>Kew</strong> materials<br />

there are a set of rules that help determine positions and<br />

relationships of elements.<br />

Millennium Seed Bank funding partners’logos<br />

Funding Partners<br />

When using the MSBP logo, its<br />

two supporting partners’ logos<br />

should always be included as<br />

endorsements to the Project. They<br />

should always appear horizontally<br />

in the order illustrated.<br />

Clear space<br />

Shown here is the minimum<br />

clear space that should<br />

surround and lie between both<br />

logos.<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

sion logo should never<br />

ith the height of the<br />

aining proportional.<br />

mstances, e.g. business<br />

le must be used.<br />

32<br />

9mm<br />

Colour variants<br />

The logos should appear in<br />

their full colour versions where<br />

possible. If this is not possible<br />

they should be printed in black<br />

or reversed white out.

clear space that should<br />

X<br />

surround and lie surround between and both lie between both<br />

29 Master<strong>brand</strong> logo & logos. third party logos logos.<br />

Where possible the <strong>Kew</strong> master<strong>brand</strong> logo should<br />

lead and it should always have the same visual<br />

X<br />

presence as the logos around it.<br />

X<br />

X<br />

Colour variants Colour variants<br />

The logos should The appear logos in should appear in<br />

their full colour their versions full colour where versions where<br />

possible. If this possible. is not possible If this is not possible<br />

they should be they printed should in black be printed in black<br />

or reversed white or out. reversed white out.<br />

Size Size<br />

The Millennium The Commission Millennium Commission<br />

logo should never logo be should greater never be greater<br />

than the height than of the the ‘ew’ height of the ‘ew’<br />

from the MSBP from logo. the TheMSBP logo. The<br />

Wellcome Trust Wellcome logo will always Trust logo will always<br />

cover 60% the cover area of 60% the the area of the<br />

Millennium Commission Millennium logo. Commission logo.<br />

This X proportion This should proportion remain should remain<br />

consistent on all consistent materials. on all materials.<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X 0.5X<br />


30 Endorsing<br />

Here are two examples where the master<strong>brand</strong><br />

logo is endorsing an event or campaign.

Colour palette

32 Colour palette – Primary & secondary<br />

You can use all of these colours all year round plus<br />

black and white. Always match to the uncoated<br />

CMYK reference. Tints can be used for internal<br />

layouts, for example, charts and diagrams.<br />

Primary<br />

Secondary (Logo can only be used in primary colours)<br />

Winter Spring Summer Autumn<br />

C56 M0 Y100 K0<br />

PANTONE 376 U/C<br />

R153 G204 B0<br />


C70 M0 Y0 K0<br />

PANTONE 298 U<br />

PANTONE 2915 C<br />

R60 G185 B230<br />

C40 M45 Y0 K0<br />

PANTONE 2645 U<br />

PANTONE 2645 C<br />

R170 G150 B220<br />

C0 M20 Y100 K0<br />

PANTONE 121 U<br />

PANTONE 1225 C<br />

R255 G200 B50<br />

C0 M30 Y65 K15<br />

PANTONE 7407 U<br />

PANTONE 7509 C<br />

R200 G155 B75<br />

C60 M0 Y100 K27<br />

PANTONE 370 U/C<br />

R102 G153 B0<br />


C90 M50 Y0 K0<br />

PANTONE 285 U<br />

PANTONE 2727 C<br />

R0 G115 B205<br />

C0 M85 Y15 K0<br />

PANTONE 213 U<br />

PANTONE 205 C<br />

R220 G70 B125<br />

C0 M55 Y90 K0<br />

PANTONE 144 U<br />

PANTONE 7413 C<br />

R230 G130 B0<br />

C0 M85 Y85 K0<br />

PANTONE 7417 U<br />

PANTONE 7416 C<br />

R220 G80 B50<br />

C85 M0 Y100 K55<br />

PANTONE 7483 U/C<br />

R39 G94 B55<br />


C90 M0 Y50 K0<br />

PANTONE 327 U<br />

PANTONE 7473 C<br />

R0 G135 B110<br />

C85 M85 Y0 K0<br />

PANTONE 2745 U<br />

PANTONE 2725 C<br />

R60 G45 B170<br />

C10 M90 Y0 K0<br />

PANTONE 206 U<br />

PANTONE 7432 C<br />

R200 G0 B100<br />

C0 M80 Y30 K30<br />

PANTONE 7420 U<br />

PANTONE 7419 C<br />

R150 G30 B65

33 Colour palette – Element of green<br />

Ensure that you always have an element of green,<br />

either within the image, the type or the<br />

master<strong>brand</strong> logo.<br />

Helping<br />

the planet breathe


Typography<br />

<strong>Our</strong> <strong>brand</strong> typeface is Frutiger.<br />

Frutiger should be used for all<br />

applications, except for typing letters,<br />

powerpoint, internal documents, or<br />

online HTML text. In these cases, use<br />

Arial as the default font.<br />

Keep typography simple. Do not<br />

overcrowd layouts and do not use too<br />

many type sizes. Use weight to draw<br />

emphasis instead.

36 Typography<br />

To add flexibility, the full Frutiger family can be<br />

used including...<br />

Frutiger 45 Light<br />

Frutiger 46 Light Italic<br />

Frutiger 55 Roman<br />

Frutiger 65 Bold<br />

Frutiger 66 Bold Italic<br />

Frutiger 75 Black<br />

Frutiger 95 Ultra Black

37 Typography<br />

For body copy always use Roman, picking out<br />

headings with Bold<br />

Frutiger 45 Light<br />

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 £&*?!<br />


Frutiger 55 Roman<br />

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 £&*?!<br />

aBcdeFGHiJKlMnoPQRstUVWXyZ<br />

Frutiger 65 Bold<br />

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 £&*?!<br />


38 Typography<br />

For titling use light, black and ultra black<br />

Frutiger 75 Black<br />

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 £&*?!<br />


Frutiger 95 Ultra Black<br />

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

1234567890 £&*?!<br />


39 Typography<br />

Italics should be reserved for Latin names, for adult<br />

facing materials. For family materials they can be<br />

more widely used.<br />

Frutiger 46 Light Italic<br />

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

1234567890 £&*?!<br />


Frutiger 66 Bold Italic<br />

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

1234567890 £&*?!<br />


40 Typography

41 Typography<br />

Condensed can be used where you have limited<br />

space, for example on forms. They can also be used<br />

for illustrative purposes.<br />

Frutiger 47 Light Condensed<br />

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 £&*?!<br />


Frutiger 57 Condensed<br />

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 £&*?!<br />


42 Typography<br />

Frutiger 67 Bold Condensed<br />

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 £&*?!<br />


Frutiger 77 Black Condensed<br />

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 £&*?!<br />


Frutiger 87 Extra Black Condensed<br />

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 £&*?!<br />


Typography<br />

The following examples demonstrate<br />

the way that Frutiger can used to<br />

reflect a variety of personalities to suit a<br />

diverse range of communications, from<br />

formal to fun.

When using expressive typography,<br />

take inspiration from nature...

45 Typography<br />

Type can be simple...<br />

Frutiger 55 Roman<br />

Frutiger 46 light italic

46 Typography<br />

Type can reflect growth...<br />

Frutiger 45 Light<br />

COME<br />

AND<br />

SEE<br />

WHAT’S<br />

NEW<br />

SPRING<br />


47 Typography<br />

Type can be decorative...<br />

Frutiger 65 Bold

48 Typography<br />

Type can be decorative...<br />

Frutiger 65 Bold

49 Typography<br />

Type can be expressive...<br />

Frutiger 45 Light<br />

Frutiger 65 Bold<br />

Exhibition<br />

continues<br />

September<br />


50 Typography<br />

Type can be expressive...<br />

Frutiger 47 Light Condensed

51 Typography<br />

Type can be decorative...<br />

Frutiger 95 Ultra Black

52 Typography<br />

Type can be decorative...<br />

Frutiger 75 Black

53 Typography<br />

Type can be expressive...<br />

Frutiger 45 Light

54 Typography<br />

Type can be fun...<br />

Frutiger 65 Bold


Imagery<br />

Use simple, engaging, high quality<br />

imagery. A wide range of imagery<br />

is available to express the variety<br />

of personalities found across the<br />

organisation. Example themes<br />

will be shown over the following<br />

pages. Illustration and typographic<br />

treatments are also options.<br />

When using any of these types of<br />

imagery, ensure that the logo is<br />

fully legible.

57 Imagery – Do use<br />

Abstract/texture Close up/detail SEM

58 Imagery – Do use<br />

The grounds The architecture The plants

59 Imagery – Do use<br />

The visitors The scientists The horticulturists

60 Imagery – Do use<br />

<strong>Botanic</strong>al illustration<br />

Graphic illustration<br />

Patterns inspired by nature

61 Imagery – Do use<br />

Commissioned ‘handcrafted’ illustration Commissioned ‘handcrafted’ illustration Sculpture/art in the Grounds

62 Imagery – Do use<br />

Typographic illustration<br />

Graphic textures<br />

Cut outs<br />

or none,<br />

or few,<br />

do hang<br />

Upon those<br />

boughs which shake<br />

against the cold,<br />

Bare runied choirs,<br />

where late the<br />

sweet birds sang.<br />

In me thou see'st the<br />

twilight of such a day<br />

As after sunset<br />

fadeth in the west;<br />

Which by and by<br />

black night doth take away,<br />

Death's second self,<br />

that seals up all the rest.<br />

That time of year thou mayst in me behold<br />

In me<br />

thou<br />

see'st the<br />

glowing of<br />

such<br />

That on<br />

the ashes<br />

of his youth<br />

doth lie,<br />

As the death-bed,<br />

whereon it<br />

must expire,<br />

Consum'd with<br />

that which it was<br />

nourish'd by.<br />

This thou<br />

perceiv'st,<br />

which makes thy<br />

love more strong,<br />

To love that well, which thou<br />

must leave ere long.<br />


63 Imagery – Do use<br />

Info graphics and diagrams to bring facts<br />

and figures to life...<br />

20% OF THE WORLD’S<br />



AMAZON<br />

1786<br />


DOLOR<br />


1885<br />



DOLOR<br />


1919<br />


DOLOR<br />


1882<br />


DOLOR<br />


1906<br />


DOLOR<br />


64 Imagery – X Do not use<br />

X Clichéd imagery<br />

Don’t use models, use real people<br />

People should be natural, not posed<br />

X Clip art<br />

Does not represent high quality<br />

It’s not an ownable style<br />

X Uninspiring imagery<br />

Imagery should be engaging and well<br />


65 Imagery – X Do not use<br />

Stock library illustration which doesn’t reflect<br />

the quality of the <strong>Kew</strong> offer...<br />


66 Imagery – X Do not use<br />

X Bad crops<br />

Do not crop out the main focus<br />

of the image<br />

X Low resolution<br />

Images should be used no lower than 300dpi<br />

X Busy shots without a focus<br />

Keep compositions simple

67 Imagery – X Do not<br />

X Flip imagery<br />

Pictures of plants and architecture should never<br />

be flipped or rotated.<br />

Right way

68 Imagery – X Do not<br />

Use devices, drop shadows or keylines unless<br />

necessary.<br />

X<br />


In application

In application<br />

When bringing all these elements<br />

together it is important to ensure your<br />

design is simple, allows text to breath<br />

and keeps different images and type<br />

styles to a minimum.

Environmental care<br />

When considering your design brief<br />

please also consider sustainability issues<br />

and take into account the following:<br />

All printed material should be produced<br />

using environmentally friendly methods<br />

as much as possible. We aim to use<br />

recycled and where possible, uncoated<br />

paper, and work with print companies<br />

who have suitable environmental<br />

accreditation. Designs should be<br />

created specifically to look good on<br />

recycled, uncoated paper, while print<br />

runs and locality of print companies<br />

should also be considered to reduce the<br />

carbon foot print.<br />

Please follow these recommendations:<br />

Paper should to be as close to 100%<br />

recycled as possible ·<br />

The minimum requirement should<br />

be not less than 50% recycled and<br />

50% from managed forests and<br />

FSC accredited<br />

Print companies should use some<br />

or all of these processes:<br />

Computer-to-plate origination<br />

Waterless press capacity<br />

Alcohol-free printing process<br />

Inks should be vegetable based<br />

Where possible the finish should<br />

be uncoated<br />

Print companies should have<br />

accreditation in one or more or the<br />

following and locally based printers<br />

are preferable:·<br />

FSC, Carbon neutral status<br />

ISO 14001<br />

EMAS (European Ecomanagement<br />

& Audit Scheme)<br />

WPA (Waterless Printing Association)<br />

The following pages give examples<br />

of how the <strong>brand</strong> elements could<br />

come together.

72 In application – Core <strong>brand</strong>ing elements<br />

ABCDE<br />

abcdef<br />

aBcde<br />

abcdef<br />

ABCDE<br />

abcdef<br />

+ + +<br />

Master<strong>brand</strong> logo Colour Palette Typography Imagery

73 In application<br />

AnnA QuEnBy<br />

Head of Public Relations<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong>, <strong>Kew</strong><br />

Richmond, surrey tW9 3aB, UK<br />

T +44(0)20 8332 5619<br />

M +44(0)7766 162 855<br />

F +44(0)20 8332 5610<br />

E a.quenby@kew.org<br />

www.kew.org<br />

The Director and Trustees of the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong>, <strong>Kew</strong><br />

request the pleasure of the company of<br />

at the presentation of the<br />


by Sir David Attenborough OM CH CVO CBE FRS<br />

In the Jodrell Lecture Theatre<br />

on Friday 9 September 2011 at 3.00 pm and afterwards to an<br />

afternoon tea in the School of Horticulture<br />

RSVP by 20 August: Judy Hancock, Administration Officer,<br />

School of Horticulture, <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong>, <strong>Kew</strong>,<br />

Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB<br />

Telephone: 020 8332 5545<br />

Facsimile: 020 8332 5574<br />

Email: J.Hancock@kew.org<br />

Please be seated by 2.50pm<br />

Please bring this card with you<br />

Entry by Jodrell Gate. Please see map overleaf

74 In application<br />

That time of year thou mayst in me behold<br />

In me<br />

or none,<br />

thou<br />

or few,<br />

see'st the<br />

glowing of<br />

do hang<br />

such<br />

Upon those<br />

That on<br />

boughs which shake<br />

the ashes<br />

against the cold,<br />

of his youth<br />

Bare runied choirs,<br />

doth lie,<br />

where late the<br />

As the death-bed,<br />

whereon it<br />

sweet birds sang.<br />

In me thou see'st the<br />

must expire,<br />

Consum'd with<br />

twilight of such a day<br />

As after sunset<br />

fadeth in the west;<br />

that which it was<br />

nourish'd by.<br />

This thou<br />

Which by and by<br />

black night doth take away,<br />

Death's second self,<br />

perceiv'st,<br />

which makes thy<br />

love more strong,<br />

fire,<br />

To love that well, which thou<br />

must leave ere long.<br />

Poetry inspired<br />

by nature<br />

Exhibition<br />

that seals up all the rest.<br />

Helping<br />

the planet breathe

75 In application<br />

newsletter<br />

Discover<br />

more!<br />


76 In application<br />

AUTUMN<br />

2011<br />


77 In application<br />


MORE!<br />

SPRING<br />


78 In application<br />

Autumn<br />

Winter<br />

Spring<br />


79 In application

80 In application<br />

Exhibition<br />

continues<br />

September<br />

2011<br />

DISC<br />


81 In application<br />

Plants<br />

matter<br />

Discovering<br />

& learning

82 In application – Sample layouts<br />

Styling from covers should be extended into<br />

internal spreads.<br />

Plants<br />

matter<br />

Discovering<br />

& learning<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor<br />

sit amet, consectetur<br />

adipiscing elit. nam<br />

molestie ultrices tristique.<br />

nunc id elementum<br />

lorem. Curabitur<br />

consequat sem ut.<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing<br />

elit. nam molestie ultrices tristique. nunc id<br />

elementum lorem. Curabitur eleifend consequat<br />

sem ut dictum. Aliquam dapibus arcu id orci<br />

pulvinar mattis in id elit. Suspendisse potenti.<br />

Praesent ac ipsum vitae orci tempus consectetur<br />

non vitae purus. Morbi ut tellus a lectus blandit<br />

dapibus aliquet vitae neque. Etiam sed pretium<br />

ipsum. Pellentesque feugiat iaculis magna sed<br />

scelerisque. Aenean pretium interdum nulla,<br />

quis feugiat ante accumsan id. Morbi nisl lectus,<br />

molestie sed tempor sed, aliquam a arcu.<br />

Phasellus bibendum, ipsum non tincidunt<br />

placerat, purus neque interdum eros, id<br />

imperdiet ipsum odio sit amet sapien. aenean<br />

ut suscipit mauris. nulla eu justo tellus. Ut vel<br />

ligula vel lectus volutpat tristique sed non lorem.<br />

Vestibulum auctor dolor et nibh placerat varius.<br />

Vivamus pulvinar porta arcu blandit blandit.<br />

aenean ac augue quis dui cursus bibendum ac<br />

rhoncus mi. nunc iaculis, risus sit amet volutpat<br />

ultricies, mauris nulla imperdiet elit, id tempor<br />

dolor massa in purus. Pellentesque rhoncus semper<br />

eros suscipit sollicitudin. duis lobortis dapibus<br />

risus suscipit imperdiet. Proin gravida blandit<br />

lorem, in mollis ipsum sollicitudin ac. integer velit<br />

lectus, mollis sed commodo in, vestibulum nec<br />

lectus. Quisque urna erat, dictum eu egestas quis,<br />

molestie quis lorem.<br />

in pharetra rhoncus viverra. Praesent a felis<br />

nibh. Mauris molestie, lectus vel laoreet condimentum,<br />

augue justo molestie urna, et elementum<br />

purus nunc et dolor. Vestibulum felis urna,<br />

lobortis sed iaculis vitae, suscipit id libero. donec<br />

eu scelerisque odio. Quisque quis enim tellus.<br />

Morbi a elit in nunc tristique convallis vitae at<br />

nisl. suspendisse eu nisi eu elit fringilla egestas<br />

eu nec augue. Phasellus urna enim, convallis sit<br />

amet convallis in, hendrerit non turpis. Quisque<br />

vel dolor rhoncus odio dictum pellentesque nec<br />

non nunc. nulla arcu ante, blandit ullamcorper<br />

facilisis at, ornare nec ipsum. sed consequat<br />

convallis placerat. curabitur auctor varius commodo.<br />

etiam ut eros enim, sed dictum tortor.<br />

integer adipiscing, ligula at cursus faucibus, diam<br />

purus auctor nibh, sit amet varius neque ipsum<br />

ac ligula.<br />

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing<br />

elit. nam molestie ultrices tristique. nunc<br />

id elementum lorem. curabitur eleifend consequat<br />

sem ut dictum. aliquam dapibus arcu id orci<br />

pulvinar mattis in id elit. suspendisse potenti.<br />

Praesent ac ipsum vitae orci tempus consectetur<br />

non vitae purus. Morbi ut tellus a lectus blandit<br />

dapibus aliquet vitae neque. etiam sed pretium<br />

ipsum. Pellentesque feugiat iaculis magna sed<br />

scelerisque. aenean pretium interdum nulla,<br />

quis feugiat ante accumsan id. Morbi nisl lectus,<br />

molestie sed tempor sed, aliquam a arcu.<br />

Phasellus bibendum, ipsum non tincidunt<br />

placerat, purus neque interdum eros, id<br />

imperdiet ipsum odio sit amet sapien. aenean<br />

ut suscipit mauris. nulla eu justo tellus. Ut vel<br />

ligula vel lectus volutpat tristique sed non lorem.<br />

Vestibulum auctor dolor et nibh placerat varius.<br />

Vivamus pulvinar porta arcu blandit blandit.<br />

aenean ac augue quis dui cursus bibendum ac<br />

rhoncus mi. nunc iaculis, risus sit amet volutpat<br />

ultricies, mauris nulla imperdiet elit, id tempor<br />

dolor massa in purus. Pellentesque rhoncus semper<br />

eros suscipit sollicitudin. duis lobortis dapibus<br />

risus suscipit imperdiet. Proin gravida blandit<br />

lorem, in mollis ipsum sollicitudin ac. integer velit<br />

lectus, mollis sed commodo in, vestibulum nec<br />

lectus. Quisque urna erat, dictum eu egestas quis,<br />

molestie quis lorem.

83 In application – Sample layouts<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor<br />

sit amet, consectetur<br />

adipiscing elit. nam<br />

molestie ultrices tristique.<br />

nunc id elementum<br />

lorem. Curabitur<br />

consequat sem ut. Lorem<br />

ipsum dolor sit amet,<br />

consectetur adipiscing<br />

elit. nam molestie<br />

ultrices tristique. nunc id<br />

elementum<br />

lorem. Curabitur<br />

consequat sem ut.<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur<br />

adipiscing elit. nam molestie ultrices tristique.<br />

nunc id elementum lorem. Curabitur eleifend<br />

consequat sem ut dictum. Aliquam dapibus arcu<br />

id orci pulvinar mattis in id elit. Suspendisse<br />

potenti. Praesent ac ipsum vitae orci tempus<br />

consectetur non vitae purus. Morbi ut tellus<br />

a lectus blandit dapibus aliquet vitae neque.<br />

Etiam sed pretium ipsum. Pellentesque feugiat<br />

iaculis magna sed scelerisque. Aenean pretium<br />

interdum nulla, quis feugiat ante accumsan<br />

id. Morbi nisl lectus, molestie sed tempor sed,<br />

aliquam a arcu.<br />

egestas eu nec augue. Phasellus urna enim,<br />

convallis sit amet convallis in, hendrerit non<br />

turpis. Quisque vel dolor rhoncus odio dictum<br />

pellentesque nec non nunc. nulla arcu ante,<br />

blandit ullamcorper facilisis at, ornare nec ipsum.<br />

sed consequat convallis placerat. curabitur<br />

auctor varius commodo. etiam ut eros enim, sed<br />

dictum tortor. integer adipiscing, ligula at cursus<br />

faucibus, diam purus auctor nibh, sit amet varius.<br />

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur<br />

adipiscing elit. nam molestie ultrices tristique.<br />

nunc id elementum lorem. curabitur eleifend<br />

consequat sem ut dictum. aliquam dapibus arcu<br />

id orci pulvinar mattis in id elit. suspendisse<br />

potenti. Praesent ac ipsum vitae orci tempus<br />

consectetur non vitae purus. Morbi ut tellus a<br />

lectus blandit dapibus aliquet vitae neque. etiam<br />

sed pretium ipsum. Pellentesque feugiat iaculis<br />

magna sed scelerisque. aenean pretium.<br />

DISC<br />

VER<br />

mentum, augue justo molestie urna, et<br />

elementum purus nunc et dolor. Vestibulum felis<br />

urna, lobortis sed iaculis vitae, suscipit id libero.<br />

donec eu scelerisque odio. Quisque quis enim<br />

tellus. Morbi a elit in nunc tristique convallis<br />

vitae at nisl. suspendisse eu nisi eu elit fringilla

84 In application – Sample layouts<br />

Recommended font sizes...<br />

Quotes:<br />

Frutiger Bold 65<br />

15pt/17pt<br />

Titles: Frutiger Bold 65<br />

Body copy: Frutiger Roman 55<br />

8.5pt/10pt<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor<br />

sit amet, consectetur<br />

adipiscing elit. nam<br />

molestie ultrices<br />

tristique. nunc id<br />

elementum lorem.<br />

Curabitur consequat.<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing<br />

elit. nam molestie ultrices tristique. nunc<br />

id elementum lorem. Curabitur eleifend consequat<br />

sem ut dictum. Aliquam dapibus arcu<br />

id orci pulvinar mattis in id elit. Suspendisse<br />

potenti. Praesent ac ipsum vitae orci tempus<br />

consectetur non vitae purus. Morbi ut tellus<br />

a lectus blandit dapibus aliquet vitae neque.<br />

Etiam sed pretium ipsum. Pellentesque feugiat<br />

iaculis magna sed scelerisque. Aenean pretium<br />

interdum nulla, quis feugiat ante accumsan<br />

id. Morbi nisl lectus, molestie sed tempor sed,<br />

aliquam a arcu.<br />

Phasellus bibendum, ipsum non tincidunt<br />

placerat, purus neque interdum eros, id imperdiet<br />

ipsum odio sit amet sapien. aenean ut suscipit<br />

mauris. nulla eu justo tellus. Ut vel ligula<br />

vel lectus volutpat tristique sed non lorem.<br />

Vestibulum auctor dolor et nibh placerat varius.<br />

Vivamus pulvinar porta arcu blandit blandit.<br />

aenean ac augue quis dui cursus bibendum ac<br />

rhoncus mi. nunc iaculis, risus sit amet volutpat<br />

ultricies, mauris nulla imperdiet elit, id tempor<br />

dolor massa in purus. Pellentesque rhoncus<br />

semper eros suscipit sollicitudin. duis lobortis<br />

dapibus risus suscipit imperdiet. Proin gravida<br />

blandit lorem, in mollis ipsum sollicitudin ac.<br />

integer velit lectus, mollis sed commodo in, vestibulum<br />

nec lectus. Quisque urna erat, dictum<br />

eu egestas quis, molestie quis lorem.<br />

in pharetra rhoncus viverra. Praesent a<br />

felis nibh. Mauris molestie, lectus vel laoreet<br />

condimentum, augue justo molestie urna, et<br />

elementum purus nunc et dolor. Vestibulum<br />

felis urna, lobortis sed iaculis vitae, suscipit<br />

id libero. donec eu scelerisque odio. Quisque<br />

quis enim tellus. Morbi a elit in nunc tristique<br />

convallis vitae at nisl. suspendisse eu nisi eu elit<br />

fringilla egestas eu nec augue. Phasellus urna<br />

enim, convallis sit amet convallis in, hendrerit<br />

non turpis. Quisque vel dolor rhoncus odio<br />

dictum pellentesque nec non nunc. nulla arcu<br />

ante, blandit ullamcorper facilisis at, ornare<br />

nec ipsum. sed consequat convallis placerat.<br />

curabitur auctor varius commodo. etiam ut<br />

eros enim, sed dictum tortor. integer adipiscing,<br />

ligula at cursus faucibus, diam purus auctor<br />

nibh, sit amet varius neque ipsum ac ligula.<br />

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur<br />

adipiscing elit. nam molestie ultrices tristique.<br />

nunc id elementum lorem. curabitur eleifend<br />

consequat sem ut dictum. aliquam dapibus<br />

arcu id orci pulvinar mattis in id elit. suspendisse<br />

potenti. Praesent ac ipsum vitae orci tempus<br />

consectetur non vitae purus. Morbi ut tellus<br />

a lectus blandit dapibus aliquet vitae neque.<br />

etiam sed pretium ipsum. Pellentesque feugiat<br />

iaculis magna sed scelerisque. aenean pretium<br />

interdum nulla, quis feugiat ante accumsan<br />

id. Morbi nisl lectus, molestie sed tempor sed,<br />

aliquam a arcu.<br />

Phasellus bibendum, ipsum non tincidunt<br />

placerat, purus neque interdum eros, id imperdiet<br />

ipsum odio sit amet sapien. aenean ut suscipit<br />

mauris. nulla eu justo tellus. Ut vel ligula<br />

vel lectus volutpat tristique sed non lorem.<br />

Vestibulum auctor dolor et nibh placerat varius.<br />

Vivamus pulvinar porta arcu blandit blandit.<br />

aenean ac augue quis dui cursus bibendum ac<br />

rhoncus mi. nunc iaculis, risus sit amet volutpat<br />

ultricies, mauris nulla imperdiet elit, id tempor<br />

dolor massa in purus. Pellentesque rhoncus<br />

semper eros suscipit sollicitudin. duis lobortis<br />

dapibus risus suscipit imperdiet. Proin gravida<br />

blandit lorem, in mollis ipsum sollicitudin ac.<br />

integer velit lectus, mollis sed commodo in, vestibulum<br />

nec lectus. Quisque urna erat, dictum<br />

eu egestas quis, molestie quis lorem.

85 In application – Bags

86 In application – Bags

87 In application – Powerpoint<br />

Visitors per quarter — 4 year period<br />

40k+<br />

30k<br />

Education<br />

programme<br />

for Autumn 2011<br />

20k<br />

15k<br />

10k<br />

0<br />

2008<br />

2009 2010 2011<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,<br />

consectetur adipiscing elit.<br />

Cras aliquet feugiat sapien<br />

et ornare. Mauris consequat<br />

neque non diam varius<br />

faucibus.<br />

Mauris et dui turpis, id fermentum<br />

tortor. Aliquam tristique sem nec<br />

elit ultricies nec elementum turpis<br />

luctus. Ut quis augue magna.<br />

Mauris auctor eleifend vehicula.<br />

Quisque nec diam massa.<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,<br />

consectetur adipiscing elit.<br />

Cras aliquet feugiat sapien<br />

et ornare. Mauris consequat<br />

neque non diam varius<br />

faucibus.<br />

Mauris et dui turpis, id fermentum<br />

tortor. Aliquam tristique sem nec<br />

elit ultricies nec elementum turpis<br />

luctus. Ut quis augue magna.<br />

Mauris auctor eleifend vehicula.<br />

Quisque nec diam massa.<br />

Aliquam pellentesque faucibus<br />

placerat. Donec libero risus,<br />

dignissim vel interdum eget,<br />

laoreet vitae ante. Aliquam<br />

commodo tincidunt odio, a<br />

commodo ante lobortis iaculis.<br />

Proin ut odio velit, id tincidunt<br />

Aliquam pellentesque faucibus<br />

placerat. Donec libero risus,<br />

dignissim vel interdum eget,<br />

laoreet vitae ante. Aliquam<br />

commodo tincidunt odio, a<br />

commodo ante lobortis iaculis.<br />

Proin ut odio velit, id tincidunt

88 In application – Microsite<br />

Learning<br />

& discovering<br />

at <strong>Kew</strong><br />

this summer!<br />

Find out more ><br />

Exhibition<br />

continues<br />

September<br />

2011<br />

Find out more >

89 In application – Pop up banners<br />

Discovering<br />

& learning<br />

Education<br />

workshop<br />

July 2011<br />

kew.org<br />


90 In application – Interpretation signage<br />

Pink rock orchid<br />

Dendrobium speciosum<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,<br />

consectetur adipiscing elit. In<br />

dapibus ullamcorper dui eget<br />

iaculis. Aliquam erat volutpat.<br />

Mauris non nisi justo, eu lacinia<br />

Purple lotus<br />

flower<br />

Dendrobium<br />

speciosum<br />

Lorem ipsum<br />

dolor sit amet,<br />

consectetur<br />

adipiscing elit.<br />

In dapibus<br />

ullamcorper<br />

dui eget iaculis.<br />

Aliquam erat<br />

volutpat. Mauris<br />

non nisi justo,<br />

eu lacinia enim.<br />

Proin eget dolor<br />

Purple lotus<br />

flower<br />

Dendrobium<br />

speciosum<br />

Lorem ipsum<br />

dolor sit amet,<br />

consectetur<br />

adipiscing elit.<br />

In dapibus<br />

ullamcorper<br />

dui eget iaculis.<br />

Aliquam erat<br />

volutpat. Mauris<br />

non nisi justo,<br />

eu lacinia enim.<br />

Proin eget dolor<br />

Purple lotus flower<br />

Dendrobium speciosum<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,<br />

consectetur adipiscing elit. In<br />

dapibus ullamcorper dui eget<br />

iaculis. Aliquam erat volutpat.

91 In application – App<br />

What is this plant<br />

Anthriscus<br />

LOADInG<br />

Rate<br />

of<br />


Brand<br />


93 Brand architecture – Wakehurst<br />

All Wakehurst materials should follow these<br />

guidelines, including logo position, size, colour<br />

and also how we use imagery and typography. This<br />

is to ensure the audience instantly recognises that<br />

Wakehurst is a part of <strong>Kew</strong>.<br />

The name Wakehurst should be included in the<br />

publication title, it should not be incorporated into<br />

the master<strong>brand</strong> logo.<br />




94 Brand architecture – Wakehurst<br />

at<br />

Wakehurst<br />


95 Brand architecture – Wakehurst<br />

Education<br />

programme<br />

at Wakehurst<br />

for Autumn 2011

95 Brand architecture – Wakehurst<br />

Discovering<br />

& learning<br />

at Wakehurst

Master<strong>brand</strong><br />

Other on-site logos<br />

Retail idents<br />

MSB<br />

TBC<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> Crest

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> GaRdens<br />

For help & guidance please<br />

email <strong>brand</strong>@kew.org

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