common core state standards (ccss) - Monroe County School District
common core state standards (ccss) - Monroe County School District
common core state standards (ccss) - Monroe County School District
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Moving Ahead with Instructional Planning<br />
Student Services & Curriculum<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />
Standards Development Process<br />
2<br />
<br />
CCSS is a <strong>state</strong>-led effort coordinated by the National<br />
Governors Association and the Council of Chief State <strong>School</strong><br />
Officers.<br />
<br />
In 2009, governors and <strong>state</strong> commissioners i of education from<br />
48 <strong>state</strong>s, two territories, and the <strong>District</strong> of Columbia<br />
committed to developing a <strong>common</strong> <strong>core</strong> of <strong>state</strong> <strong>standards</strong> for<br />
English-language arts and mathematics for grades K-12.<br />
Florida Department of Education Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction
Standards Development Process<br />
3 Beginning with the End–in-Mind<br />
Summer 2009<br />
College and Career readiness <strong>standards</strong> developed<br />
College and Career readiness <strong>standards</strong> are foundation<br />
K‐12 learning progressions developed<br />
Public Hearings<br />
48 <strong>state</strong>s: teachers, researchers, higher education, and the general public<br />
Final Common Core State Standards<br />
released on June 2, 2010<br />
Adopted by 37 <strong>state</strong>s; <strong>District</strong> of Columbia and all US Territories<br />
Florida adopted CCSS<br />
July 27, 2010<br />
Florida Department of Education Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction
Why do we need …<br />
Common Core State Standards?<br />
4<br />
<br />
To ensure that all students are prepared for success in<br />
postsecondary education and the workforce.<br />
<br />
To ensure that students are receiving a high quality education<br />
consistently, from school to school and <strong>state</strong> to <strong>state</strong>.<br />
<br />
To provide a greater opportunity to share experiences and best<br />
practices within and across <strong>state</strong>s that will improve our ability to best<br />
serve the needs of students.<br />
<br />
To help teachers emphasize key knowledge and skills their students<br />
should have when building lessons and setting the classroom<br />
environment.<br />
Florida Department of Education Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction
Common Core State Standards?<br />
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards?<br />
5<br />
NGSSS<br />
Reading and<br />
Mathematics<br />
NGSSS<br />
History/Social<br />
Studies,<br />
Science, and<br />
Technical<br />
Subjects<br />
Common<br />
Core State t<br />
Standards<br />
Florida Department of Education Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction
Key Advances<br />
6<br />
<br />
CC Content Standards will replace NGSSS only in reading<br />
and mathematics<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
CCSS Literacy Standards for reading and writing in<br />
history/social studies, science, and technical subjects<br />
Do not replace NGSSS in history/social studies, science, and technical<br />
subjects<br />
Complement rather than replace content <strong>standards</strong> in those subjects<br />
Responsibility of teachers in those subjects<br />
Alignment with college and career readiness<br />
expectations<br />
Florida Department of Education Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction
Design and Organization<br />
7<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Content <strong>standards</strong> define what students should understand and<br />
be able to do<br />
Clusters are groups of related <strong>standards</strong><br />
Domains are larger groups that progress across grades<br />
Florida Department of Education Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction
Common Core State Standards?<br />
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards?<br />
Grade<br />
Level Reading Mathematics<br />
History/<br />
Social Studies Science Technical<br />
Elementary<br />
Grade 3<br />
Example<br />
RI.3.1. Ask and answer<br />
questions to demonstrate<br />
understanding of a text,<br />
referring explicitly to the<br />
text as the basis for the<br />
answers.<br />
Solve two-step word<br />
problems using the four<br />
operations. Represent<br />
these problems using<br />
equations with a letter<br />
standing for the<br />
unknown quantity.<br />
1. Ask and answer<br />
questions to<br />
1. Ask and answer<br />
questions to<br />
1. Ask and answer<br />
questions to<br />
demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate<br />
understanding of a understanding of a understanding of a<br />
text, referring text, referring text, referring<br />
explicitly to the explicitly to the explicitly to the<br />
text as the basis for text as the basis for text as the basis for<br />
the answers. the answers. the answers.<br />
Middle<br />
Grade 6<br />
Example<br />
RI.6.1. Cite textual<br />
evidence to support<br />
analysis of what the text<br />
says explicitly l as well as<br />
inferences drawn from<br />
the text.<br />
Understand solving an<br />
equation or inequality as a<br />
process of<br />
answering a question: which<br />
values from a specified set,<br />
if any, make the equation or<br />
inequality true? Use<br />
substitution to determine<br />
whether a given number in a<br />
specified set makes an<br />
equation or inequality true.<br />
1. Cite textual<br />
evidence to support<br />
analysis of<br />
what the text says<br />
explicitly as well as<br />
inferences<br />
drawn from the text.<br />
1. Cite textual<br />
evidence to support<br />
analysis of<br />
what the text says<br />
explicitly as well as<br />
inferences<br />
drawn from the text.<br />
1. Cite textual<br />
evidence to support<br />
analysis of<br />
what the text says<br />
explicitly as well as<br />
inferences<br />
drawn from the text.<br />
High<br />
Grade<br />
9-10<br />
Example<br />
RI.9-10.1. Cite strong<br />
and thorough textual<br />
evidence to support<br />
analysis of what the text<br />
says explicitly i l as well as<br />
inferences drawn from<br />
the text.<br />
Interpret expressions<br />
that represent a<br />
quantity in terms of its<br />
context.<br />
1. Cite strong and<br />
thorough textual<br />
evidence to support<br />
analysis of what the<br />
text<br />
says explicitly as<br />
well as inferences<br />
drawn from the text.<br />
1. Cite strong and<br />
thorough textual<br />
evidence to support<br />
analysis of what the<br />
text<br />
says explicitly as<br />
well as inferences<br />
drawn from the text.<br />
1. Cite strong and<br />
thorough textual<br />
evidence to support<br />
analysis of what the<br />
text<br />
says explicitly as<br />
well as inferences<br />
drawn from the text.
Standards-based<br />
Instruction Aligned to<br />
Course Description<br />
Teacher<br />
and <strong>School</strong><br />
Leader<br />
Proficiency<br />
Model<br />
Collegial<br />
Learning<br />
Teams<br />
(Lesson<br />
Studies,<br />
CoPs, PLCs)<br />
Multi-tiered System of<br />
Supports: Response to<br />
Instruction/Intervention<br />
The Vision of One System Supporting ALL Students!<br />
Florida Department of Education<br />
Division of Public <strong>School</strong>s<br />
The Vision of One System<br />
Supporting ALL Students!<br />
10<br />
A system in which instruction and learning is based<br />
upon <strong>common</strong> <strong>standards</strong>, sound research,<br />
collaboration, problem solving driven by multiple<br />
sources of student data, and culminating in increased<br />
student achievement.<br />
Florida Department of Education<br />
Division of Public <strong>School</strong>s
Standards-Based Instruction<br />
A Guide for Implementation ti in Florida’s Public <strong>School</strong>s<br />
11<br />
“The <strong>standards</strong> come alive when teachers study student work, collaborate with other teachers to<br />
improve their understanding di of subjects and students’ t ’thinking, and develop new approaches to<br />
teaching that are relevant and useful for them and their students” ‐ Linda Darling‐Hammond, 1997<br />
Standard or Benchmark<br />
Aligned to Course<br />
Description<br />
• Guides the development of the<br />
lesson beginning with the desired<br />
outcome<br />
Learning Goals<br />
• Describes what students should<br />
know and be able to do<br />
• Includes essential questions and<br />
• Rubrics to define levels of<br />
knowledge acquisition<br />
Engaging Lesson<br />
• Includes appropriate and<br />
meaningful activities that engage<br />
students in the learning process,<br />
address <strong>common</strong><br />
misconceptions, and incorporate<br />
higher-order thinking skills<br />
Formative, Interim, and/or<br />
Summative Assessments<br />
• Provides multiple sources of<br />
student data to guide decisions<br />
about adjusting instruction and/or<br />
providing interventions
Florida’s Common Core State<br />
12<br />
Standards d Implementation ti Timeline<br />
Year/Grade Level K 1 2 3-8 9-12<br />
2011-2012 FL L L L L<br />
2012-2013 F L F L L L L<br />
2013-2014<br />
CCSS fully implemented<br />
F L F L F L B L B L<br />
2014-20152015 F L F L F L F L F L<br />
CCSS fully implemented and<br />
assessed<br />
F full implementation of CCSS for all content areas<br />
L – begin full implementation of content area literacy <strong>standards</strong> including: (1) text<br />
complexity, quality and range in all grades (K-12), and (2) CCSS Literacy Standards in<br />
History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (6-12)<br />
B blended instruction of CCSS with Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS);<br />
last year of NGSSS assessed on FCAT 2.0<br />
Florida Department of Education<br />
Division of Public <strong>School</strong>s
Florida’s Common Core State Standards Implementation<br />
Plan for Professional Development<br />
13<br />
Months/Grade Level K 1 2 3-12<br />
Jun/Jul 2011 TL TL TL SL<br />
Dec/Jan 2012 SL SL SL SL<br />
Jun/Jul 2012 SL DS SL TBL<br />
Dec/Jan 2013 SL SL SL SBL<br />
Jun/Jul 2013 SL SL DSL DBL TL<br />
Dec/Jan 2014 SL SL SL SBL SL<br />
Jun/Jul 2014 SL SL SL DSL<br />
Dec/Jan 2015 SL SL SL SL<br />
T - training provided regionally by FDOE to district implementation teams<br />
S - support provided to trainers and/or districts by FDOE using WebEx<br />
D - districts provide professional development for all teachers<br />
B - focus will be on blended d curriculum (NGSSS/CCSS)<br />
L - focus will include literacy <strong>standards</strong> as appropriate for each grade level<br />
Florida Department of Education<br />
Division of Public <strong>School</strong>s
Florida’s Common Core State Standards Implementation<br />
Plan for Creating Additional Resources<br />
14<br />
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015<br />
Regional trainings on implementation for grades K-2<br />
Support provided electronically for implementation at grades K-2 and for literacy in grades K-12<br />
Regional trainings on blending the curriculum for grades 3-12<br />
Implementation of formative assessments for English/Language Arts and Reading in<br />
grades K-8<br />
Implementation of formative assessments for Mathematics in grades K-3<br />
Implementation of the revised student tutorials aligned to CCSS<br />
Support provided electronically on blending<br />
the curriculum for grades 3-12<br />
Training provided by publishers on newly adopted instructional materials<br />
aligned to CCSS for ELA/Reading and Math<br />
Florida Department of Education<br />
Division of Public <strong>School</strong>s K-12<br />
Regional trainings on implementations for grades 3-12<br />
Support provided electronically for implementation at<br />
grades K-12 including literacy support
What Standards Should I Be Teaching?<br />
A Standard or Benchmark from the Course Description<br />
Florida’s Next Generation (NGSSS) and<br />
Common Core Sunshine State Standards (CCSS)<br />
NGSSS<br />
15 Common<br />
Core State<br />
Standards<br />
NGSSS<br />
Year/Grade<br />
Level<br />
2011-2012<br />
2<br />
2012-2013<br />
2013-2014<br />
K 1 2 3-8 9-12<br />
CCSS (M+ELA)<br />
NGSSS all other<br />
CCSS (M+ELA)<br />
NGSSS all other<br />
CCSS (M+ELA)<br />
NGSSS all other<br />
CCSS (M+ELA)<br />
NGSSS all other<br />
CCSS (M+ELA)<br />
NGSSS all other<br />
CCSS (M+ELA)<br />
NGSSS all other<br />
CCSS<br />
+ All NGSSS<br />
assessed<br />
CCSS<br />
+ All NGSSS<br />
assessed<br />
2014-2015<br />
CCSS (M+ELA)<br />
NGSSS all other<br />
CCSS (M+ELA)<br />
NGSSS all other<br />
CCSS (M+ELA)<br />
NGSSS all other<br />
CCSS (M+ELA)<br />
NGSSS all other<br />
CCSS (M+ELA)<br />
NGSSS all other<br />
M = Mathematics<br />
ELA = English Language Arts and Reading
What Will Be Tested on Statewide Assessments?<br />
FCAT 2.0 = Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS)<br />
PARCC = Common Core Sunshine State Standards (CCSS)<br />
Common Core (PARCC Assessments) are ONLY for Math, English/Language Arts, and Reading<br />
16<br />
Year/Grade<br />
Level<br />
3-8 9-12<br />
FCAT 2.0 = NGSSS<br />
2011-20122012 FCAT 2.0 = NGSSS Algebra 1 EOC, Geometry EOC, Biology<br />
EOC = NGSSS<br />
2012-2013 FCAT 2.0 = NGSSS<br />
FCAT 2.0 = NGSSS<br />
Algebra 1 EOC, Geometry EOC, Biology<br />
EOC, US History EOC = NGSSS<br />
2013-2014<br />
2014-2015<br />
FCAT 2.0 = NGSSS<br />
Civics EOC = NGSSS<br />
PARCC = CCSS (M+ELA)<br />
FCAT 2.0 = Science<br />
Civics EOC = NGSSS<br />
FCAT 2.0 = NGSSS<br />
Algebra 1 EOC, Geometry EOC, Biology<br />
EOC, US History EOC = NGSSS<br />
PARCC = CCSS (ELA)<br />
Algebra 1 EOC, Geometry EOC = CCSS<br />
Biology EOC, US History EOC = NGSSS<br />
M = Mathematics<br />
ELA = English Language Arts and Reading
17<br />
…ensure that all students are prepared for success in postsecondary<br />
education and the workforce.<br />
NGSSS<br />
Reading and<br />
Mathematics<br />
NGSSS<br />
History/Social<br />
Studies, Science,<br />
and Technical<br />
Subjects<br />
Common<br />
Core State<br />