Korea-Denmark - Kromann Reumert
Korea-Denmark - Kromann Reumert
Korea-Denmark - Kromann Reumert
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<strong>Korea</strong>-<strong>Denmark</strong><br />
“Inspiring & Inspired”<br />
- <strong>Korea</strong>-EU FTA -<br />
Ambassador HYE MIN LEE<br />
<strong>Kromann</strong> <strong>Reumert</strong>, Copenhagen<br />
November 29, 2012
Contents<br />
I. What is FTA ?<br />
II.<br />
III.<br />
IV.<br />
Global Expansion of FTAs<br />
Overview of <strong>Korea</strong>’s FTA Policy<br />
<strong>Korea</strong>-EU FTA<br />
V. Major Issues of the <strong>Korea</strong>-EU FTA<br />
VI.<br />
Impact of the <strong>Korea</strong>-EU FTA<br />
VII. FTA & Multilateral trading system
I. What is FTA ?<br />
WTO<br />
Principle of non-discrimination<br />
Most-Favored-Nation (MFN)<br />
FTA<br />
An exception to the MFN principle<br />
shall cover “substantially all the trade”<br />
shall carry out liberalization within “reasonable length of<br />
time”<br />
II. Global Expansion of FTAs<br />
Until March 2012<br />
World Trade Share under FTA<br />
Effective FTAs 330 More than 50%<br />
Factors for the proliferation of FTAs<br />
* Regional economic integration : EU, NAFTA<br />
* Uncertain prospect of the DDA negotiations<br />
* Pressure from locally based businesses<br />
III. Overview of <strong>Korea</strong>’s FTA Policy<br />
FTA roadmap in 2003<br />
Key objectives<br />
- To increase global market access<br />
- To enhance the efficiency of the <strong>Korea</strong>n economy<br />
8 FTAs with 46 countries (as of March 2012)<br />
- Chile (2004), Singapore (2006), EFTA (2006), ASEAN (2009), India (2010),<br />
EU (2011. 7.1), Peru (2011. 8.1), US (2012.3.15)<br />
<strong>Korea</strong> trade share under the FTAs : 34.2% of <strong>Korea</strong>’s total trade<br />
- <strong>Korea</strong> aims to increase the trade share up to 80%<br />
IV. <strong>Korea</strong>-EU FTA<br />
<strong>Korea</strong> is the EU’s 4 th largest trading partner outside of Europe<br />
EU is <strong>Korea</strong>’s 3 rd largest trading partner<br />
- Bilateral trade volume : 103 billion US$, 2011<br />
- EU is the largest foreign investor in <strong>Korea</strong> (64.7 billion US$, 2011)<br />
[ For EU ] A flagship of the Global Europe FTAs<br />
* Launch of the <strong>Korea</strong>-US FTA in 2006<br />
* Sluggish progress of the Doha Round of WTO<br />
[ For <strong>Korea</strong> ] A way to achieve access to the world largest market<br />
2007.5.6<br />
Launched<br />
2009.7.13<br />
2009.10.15<br />
2010.10.6<br />
2011.7.1<br />
(shortly after<br />
<strong>Korea</strong>-US FTA)<br />
Concluded<br />
Initialed<br />
Officially<br />
Signed<br />
Provisional<br />
Application<br />
V. Major Issues of the <strong>Korea</strong>-EU FTA (1)<br />
Industrial Tariffs<br />
- “High-LEVEL” trade deal<br />
Staging<br />
Category<br />
Entry into<br />
force<br />
Number of<br />
tariff lines<br />
(%)<br />
90.7<br />
3 years 5.1<br />
5 years 3.7<br />
7 years 0.5<br />
KOREA<br />
Items<br />
auto parts, TV,<br />
refrigerator<br />
medium & large-sized<br />
cars,<br />
small-sized cars,<br />
cosmetics<br />
woolen fabric,<br />
plywood<br />
Number<br />
of tariff<br />
lines (%)<br />
97.3<br />
2.1<br />
0.6<br />
Total 100.0 100.0<br />
-<br />
EU<br />
Items<br />
auto parts, airconditioner<br />
medium & largesized<br />
cars<br />
small-sized cars,<br />
TV<br />
V. Major Issues of the <strong>Korea</strong>-EU FTA (2)<br />
Automobiles<br />
3-5years<br />
- EU : 10%<br />
- <strong>Korea</strong> : 8%<br />
Duty Drawback<br />
Safeguard mechanism<br />
Services<br />
Agricultural products<br />
Rules of Origin<br />
Basically same as<br />
<strong>Korea</strong>-US FTA<br />
Generally same as<br />
<strong>Korea</strong>-US FTA<br />
CTC or VAR<br />
* CTC : Change in Tariff Classification<br />
* VAR : Value Added Rule<br />
VAR criteria<br />
* A ceiling on the non-originating<br />
material used<br />
V. Major Issues of the <strong>Korea</strong>-EU FTA (3)<br />
Geographical Indication<br />
Protection by the list<br />
- 64 for <strong>Korea</strong><br />
- 162 for EU<br />
Mediation in NTBs<br />
Rapid resolution<br />
- Non-biding<br />
Dispute Settlement<br />
WTO Dispute Settlement<br />
- Fast track for Auto<br />
& Duty drawback<br />
Cultural Cooperation<br />
Cultural Framework<br />
- Audio-visual works<br />
- Animation<br />
VI. Impact of the <strong>Korea</strong>-EU FTA (1)<br />
Privileged market access<br />
[During the first 14 months]<br />
<strong>Korea</strong>’s exports to EU : decreased by 11.1%<br />
<strong>Korea</strong>’s imports from EU : increased by 11.0%<br />
[Utilization rate]<br />
<strong>Korea</strong>n exporters : 81%<br />
Assess the full benefits<br />
Upon the full recovery of the European economy<br />
VI. Impact of the <strong>Korea</strong>-EU FTA (2)<br />
Strengthened predictability & transparency<br />
Provide legal stability for foreign investors<br />
Promote the foreign direct investment<br />
Improve business environment<br />
Develop domestic market more competitive<br />
VII. FTA & Multilateral trading system<br />
Contribute to enhancing market liberalization<br />
Facilitate the multilateral trade liberalization efforts<br />
Set liberalizing benchmarks through “WTO plus”<br />
Complement the multilateral trading system<br />