DOPS â Visual Science, More than Meets the Eye
DOPS â Visual Science, More than Meets the Eye
DOPS â Visual Science, More than Meets the Eye
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<strong>DOPS</strong> – <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Science</strong>, <strong>More</strong> <strong>than</strong> <strong>Meets</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Eye</strong><br />
<strong>DOPS</strong> – <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Science</strong>, <strong>More</strong> <strong>than</strong> <strong>Meets</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Eye</strong><br />
April 13 – April 14, 2012<br />
Dear all,<br />
As announced, <strong>the</strong> first Dutch Ophthalmology PhD Students’ (<strong>DOPS</strong>) conference meeting will take place on<br />
April 13 and 14, 2012.<br />
On this two‐day conference, PhDs will be given <strong>the</strong> opportunity to present and discuss <strong>the</strong>ir work ‐ mind<br />
you ‐ best presenters will be rewarded with a money price! <strong>More</strong>over, <strong>the</strong>re will be several key note<br />
lectures and workshops on PhD related topics such as career planning and biomedical writing. This is an<br />
unique format, because organizing, chair man, and jury positions will be fulfilled by PhDs only. We would<br />
like to emphasize that both PhDs and tutors in <strong>the</strong> field of ophthalmology in <strong>the</strong> Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands are invited.<br />
As of today, <strong>the</strong> conference is open for registration! Download <strong>the</strong> registration form attached to this email<br />
and sign up for this exciting event! The registration form can be sent to <strong>the</strong> following email address:<br /><br />
Deadline for registration and abstract submission is March 25, 2012!<br />
Please find attached an official invitation with a global scheme of <strong>the</strong> programme and all <strong>the</strong> practical<br />
information that you need.<br />
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or visit our website<br />
for additional information on:<br />
Best regards,<br />
Also on behalf of prof. dr. C.B. Hoyng, dr. C.C.W. Klaver and <strong>the</strong> ARVO‐NED organization,<br />
Yara Lechanteur<br />
Nicole Saksens<br />
John van de Ven<br />
UMC St. Radboud Nijmegen<br />
Gabriëlle Buitendijk<br />
Henriët Springelkamp<br />
Virginie Verhoeven<br />
Erasmus MC Rotterdam<br />
With <strong>the</strong> support of Novartis Pharma B.V. and Nijmeegse Oogonderzoek Stichting
Programme:<br />
Friday April 13 th<br />
On <strong>the</strong> first day PhDs will have <strong>the</strong> chance to present <strong>the</strong>ir work. This will be an excellent opportunity to<br />
share your findings with o<strong>the</strong>rs and to practice your presentation skills. Please indicate upon registration if<br />
you want to give a presentation, and email us your abstract! The best presentations – to be judged by a<br />
PhD jury on both content and presentation skills ‐ will be awarded with a money price, to be spent on print<br />
costs for your <strong>the</strong>sis.<br />
At <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> day two leading figures in ophthalmology in <strong>the</strong> Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands will both give an interesting<br />
lecture about <strong>the</strong>ir vision on <strong>the</strong>ir ambitions and careers. Their presentations will be followed by an<br />
interactive debating session on controversial topics in science and medicine in which everyone will be<br />
invited to participate.<br />
The programme continues with an informal evening. Dinner at <strong>the</strong> conference center will be followed by a<br />
fantastic evening programme, so please stay and join us!<br />
Saturday April 14 th<br />
On <strong>the</strong> second day everyone has <strong>the</strong> opportunity to participate in two different workshops, handling PhD<br />
related <strong>the</strong>mes:<br />
Venue:<br />
1. There’s no excuse for writing unreadable scientific articles (David Alexander, Ways with Words<br />
English Language Services; Lecturer in Biomedical Writing and Communication, Erasmus MC<br />
Rotterdam)<br />
2. Graphing styles and plot versus tables: choosing <strong>the</strong> most effective way to present your data (Curtis<br />
Barrett, English Editing Solutions, Senior Editor at American Journal Experts) Bring your own tables<br />
and figures on which you would like to receive feedback!<br />
The <strong>DOPS</strong> conference takes place at:<br />
Amrâth Hotel Belvoir<br />
Graadt van Roggenstraat 101<br />
6522 AX Nijmegen<br />
This location offers conference rooms as well as hotel rooms, so <strong>the</strong>re is no need to make a hotel<br />
reservation elsewhere. Travel and parking information will be send to you after registration.<br />
Registration:<br />
You will find <strong>the</strong> registration form attached in this email. We would like to ask you to specify your<br />
attendance, for organizing purposes.<br />
If you have indicated that you have an abstract for a presentation, please send us <strong>the</strong> abstract in a separate<br />
file. We require abstract in ARVO format, please see <strong>the</strong> ARVO guidelines for more information
( It is not<br />
necessary to submit your abstract upon registration, you can do this at a later time, but before <strong>the</strong><br />
deadline.<br />
Please keep in mind <strong>the</strong> registration and abstract submission deadline:<br />
Deadline for registration and abstract submission is March 25, 2012!<br />
There is a maximum of participants which can attend <strong>the</strong> meeting. Registration will close preliminary if this<br />
maximum is reached before <strong>the</strong> closing date. We <strong>the</strong>refore advise you to sign up as soon as possible.<br />
Payment:<br />
Registration will only be complete after we have received your payment.<br />
You can transfer <strong>the</strong> conference fee to bank account number, Nijmeegse Oogonderzoek<br />
Stichting. Please mention your name and institute in <strong>the</strong> transfer.<br />
If your payment is completed you will receive a confirmation by email.<br />
Prices for attending <strong>the</strong> conference and accommodation:<br />
Room type PhD‐students Tutors<br />
Conference and workshops € 40,‐ € 60,‐<br />
Conference and workshops Double € 60,‐ € 90,‐<br />
including accommodation Single € 90,‐ € 120,‐<br />
Meals:<br />
On Friday lunch and dinner are included in <strong>the</strong> conference fee. On Saturday breakfast (for those who have<br />
spent <strong>the</strong> night in <strong>the</strong> hotel) and lunch are included.<br />
Website and Facebook page:<br />
Visit our website for <strong>the</strong> latest updates. It contains information on<br />
<strong>the</strong> organizing committee and <strong>the</strong> conference venue. The registration form can also be downloaded from<br />
<strong>the</strong> site and soon <strong>the</strong> list of participants will appear online. You can also use <strong>the</strong> guestbook to get in touch<br />
with o<strong>the</strong>r PhD students and participants. Or visit our Facebook page<br />!/events/282532778473452/.