Lockdown Lockout & Evacuation - PSD - Poudre School District

Lockdown Lockout & Evacuation - PSD - Poudre School District

Lockdown Lockout & Evacuation - PSD - Poudre School District


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<strong>Lockdown</strong><br />

<strong>Lockout</strong><br />

& <strong>Evacuation</strong><br />

Crisis Response Protocols in <strong>Poudre</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

Mitigation &<br />

Prevention<br />

Preparedness<br />

Response<br />

Recovery<br />

Response<br />

Crisis Response &<br />

Management in <strong>PSD</strong><br />

Teachers’ Guide

<strong>Lockdown</strong>, <strong>Lockout</strong><br />

& <strong>Evacuation</strong><br />

Crisis Response Protocols in<br />

<strong>Poudre</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

Teachers’ Guide<br />

Contents<br />

Uniforms.............................................................1<br />

<strong>Lockdown</strong> or <strong>Lockout</strong>?..................................1<br />

<strong>Lockout</strong>...............................................................2<br />

Assessing Your Safety.....................................3<br />

<strong>Lockdown</strong>..........................................................6<br />

Security Department<br />

2407 LaPorte Avenue<br />

Fort Collins, CO 80521<br />

970-490-3523<br />

www.psdschools.org<br />

Design & Layout by <strong>PSD</strong> Graphic Services 9/17/10

Uniforms<br />

Video Question<br />

Q: What are some of the different uniforms a police officer might<br />

wear?<br />

A: • Traditional Uniform<br />

• <strong>School</strong> Resource Officer<br />

• Bike Patrol<br />

• Motorcycle Officer<br />

• Colorado State Patrol<br />

• Street Clothes (suit, business attire or jeans and shirt)<br />

• Tactical Uniform (may or may not have markings)<br />

Student Questions<br />

Q: Can police uniforms be different colors?<br />

A: Yes.<br />

Q: What colors might you see as part of a uniform?<br />

A: Dark blue, light blue, brown, green, yellow, regular clothes.<br />

<strong>Lockdown</strong> or <strong>Lockout</strong>?<br />

Video Question<br />

Q: What is the difference between a lockdown and a lockout?<br />

A: Whether or not the threat is inside the building.<br />

• <strong>Lockdown</strong>: threat is close to or inside the building—stay<br />

inside the classroom and follow lockdown procedures or<br />

consider self-evacuation options.<br />

• <strong>Lockout</strong>: threat is outside—get inside the building and lock<br />

exterior doors.<br />

<strong>Lockdown</strong>, <strong>Lockout</strong> & <strong>Evacuation</strong> Teacher’s Guide Page 1

Staff Questions<br />

Q: Who can initiate a lockdown?<br />

A: Anyone seeing the potential school violence situation:<br />

• Student, by reporting to a staff member.<br />

• Staff, by reporting to the main office and by calling 911.<br />

• <strong>School</strong> receives the call from authorities and should initiate<br />

the lockdown within the school. This should occur without<br />

having to go through a chain of command.<br />

<strong>Lockout</strong><br />

Video Questions<br />

Q: When might a lockout occur?<br />

A: When there is a security concern in the community near your<br />

school.<br />

Q: What is your role during a lockout?<br />

A: • Get inside the school<br />

• Continue learning<br />

Staff Questions<br />

Q: Who can initiate a lockout?<br />

A: • Student, by reporting to a staff member.<br />

• Staff, by reporting to the main office.<br />

• <strong>School</strong> receives the call from police and should initiate the<br />

lockout within the school. This should occur without having<br />

to go through a chain of command.<br />

Page 2<br />

<strong>Lockdown</strong>, <strong>Lockout</strong> & <strong>Evacuation</strong> Teacher’s Guide

Q: Who is responsible for locking exterior doors during a lockout?<br />

A: This is a school by-school decision and should be discussed<br />

and reviewed frequently.<br />

Q: Which exterior doors at your building are always unlocked?<br />

A: This is a school specific answer, however, most doors should<br />

already be locked.<br />

Q: How many doors are unlocked?<br />

A: This is a school specific answer.<br />

Q: Who has keys to lock the doors?<br />

A: This is a school specific answer.<br />

Q: How are students and staff outside notified?<br />

A: • Intercom system with outdoor speakers<br />

• Staff with radios. Staff outside of the building with students<br />

should have a radio at all times.<br />

Q: If you don’t have the ability to call on radio or intercom, what<br />

are your other options?<br />

A: Send a messenger to run to students and staff, and have them<br />

come inside.<br />

Q: When would a lockdown and lockout be called for at the<br />

same time?<br />

A: If there is a security concern outside of your school, but on or<br />

near school property.<br />

Assessing Your Safety<br />

Video Questions<br />

Q: What are your safety options?<br />

A: • Locks, lights, out of sight.<br />

<strong>Lockdown</strong>, <strong>Lockout</strong> & <strong>Evacuation</strong> Teacher’s Guide Page 3

• Move away from the noise/threat.<br />

• Stay behind a locked door.<br />

• Hide: where would you hide—closets, bathrooms, under<br />

desks.<br />

• Evacuate: go home, to a recreational center, business, or<br />

other safe place. Other considerations: Can you get there on<br />

foot? Should you try to get into your car?<br />

Q: What should you do once you are in a safe location?<br />

A: Once you are safely away from your school…<br />

• Call parents or guardians<br />

• Call the district<br />

Q: What is the phone number to let the school know you are<br />

safe?<br />

A: 970-490-3333<br />

Student Questions<br />

Q: What should you do if you see or hear a potential school violence<br />

situation?<br />

A: Take appropriate safety measures and report what you see to<br />

a staff member if you’re able to do so.<br />

Q: When assessing your safety, what should you consider?<br />

A: • Location of the threat. Do you know where the threat is?<br />

• Closest exit. Can you see the exit? Is it away from the threat?<br />

• Closest classroom. It may not be your regular classroom.<br />

Q: What should you do if you are in a common area (e.g., lunch<br />

room, library, auditorium)?<br />

A: Same answers as above. Consider the location of the threat and<br />

the closest exits/classrooms.<br />

Page 4<br />

<strong>Lockdown</strong>, <strong>Lockout</strong> & <strong>Evacuation</strong> Teacher’s Guide

Q: Where is the closest safe place to your school?<br />

A: • Another school • Friends house<br />

• Nearby business<br />

• Recreational center<br />

• Your house<br />

• Family member’s house<br />

Q: Is it okay for students or staff to fight back?<br />

A: Note to the teacher: the only acceptable answer to this question<br />

is:<br />

• This is a personal decision you will have to make based on<br />

the actual circumstances.<br />

• This is not a yes or no answer, it is a decision that can be<br />

made by a student in that situation.<br />

Staff Questions<br />

Q: Is staff allowed to self-evacuate?<br />

A: • Yes. Especially if they don’t typically work in a classroom setting.<br />

However, look at all the factors—is the exit close and<br />

away from the threat?<br />

• If you can do it safely, assist students in evacuation.<br />

Q: If you self-evacuate, where will you go?<br />

A: Staff members should have a predetermined evacuation site<br />

that is known to administration and police (recreational center,<br />

church, or business.)<br />

Q: Once you get to your predetermined evacuation site, what<br />

should you do?<br />

A: Call 911 or the Customer Support Center at 490-3333, and<br />

notify the dispatcher of your location. Wait there and gather<br />

all interior and exterior school keys to give to police.<br />

<strong>Lockdown</strong>, <strong>Lockout</strong> & <strong>Evacuation</strong> Teacher’s Guide Page 5

Q: Do you have predetermined evacuation sites?<br />

A: • If you have pre-planned evacuation sites, make sure all staff<br />

know what and where those are.<br />

Page 6<br />

• If you do not, you should establish them soon, and communicate<br />

your school-wide decision with all staff regularly.<br />

LockDown<br />

Video Questions<br />

Q: What is the safest location in your classroom?<br />

A: • Things to consider: SAFE ZONE—out of sight to threat, location<br />

of threat (outside or inside).<br />

• Have you already determined the SAFE ZONE in all of the<br />

classrooms you use?<br />

Q: What should you do if you are in a classroom without a<br />

teacher?<br />

A: • Locks, Lights, Out of Sight<br />

• If you don’t know where the threat is, and you are behind a<br />

locked door, this may be your safest option.<br />

• If the door isn’t locked, close the door and hide. Find the<br />

best possible hiding place (closet, behind a desk, cabinet).<br />

• You may try to evacuate if the threat is not in your immediate<br />

vicinity.<br />

Q: What should you do if you hear a fire alarm during a lockdown?<br />

A: Stay in the classroom unless you see fire or if smoke is filling<br />

your classroom. If you must evacuate due to a fire or smoke<br />

in the hallway and this exit may not be your best option, consider<br />

using an alternate door, window, or any other exterior<br />

exit.<br />

<strong>Lockdown</strong>, <strong>Lockout</strong> & <strong>Evacuation</strong> Teacher’s Guide

Student Question<br />

Q: What is your role during a lockdown?<br />

A: • Move to a safe area (SAFE ZONE) of classroom.<br />

• Be quiet. If you have a cell phone, change the ring to silent.<br />

Staff Questions<br />

Q: What is your role during a lockdown?<br />

A: • Locks, Lights, Out-Of-Sight!<br />

• Take written attendance, note who you are missing and<br />

anyone extra with you.<br />

Q: Is it okay for students to send text messages?<br />

A: Yes, but only if it is to police or parents.<br />

• Students need to change their ringtones to silent.<br />

• Do not send messages to other people within the building<br />

because this can possibly be detected and draw unwanted<br />

attention.<br />

Q: Is it okay to get students out of the hallway?<br />

A: Yes, if you can do so without compromising the safety of the<br />

students in your classroom.<br />

Q: When should you open your classroom door?<br />

A: NEVER!<br />

Video Questions<br />

Q: What should you do if somebody knocks on your door and<br />

says they are the police?<br />

A: Nothing. Remain quiet. Do NOT answer the door! Officers or<br />

school administrators will have a key to get in your room.<br />

<strong>Lockdown</strong>, <strong>Lockout</strong> & <strong>Evacuation</strong> Teacher’s Guide Page 7

Q: What can you take with you when you evacuate?<br />

A: Anything that will fit in your pockets and is readily available<br />

(keys, cell phone). Realize you will not have time to get these<br />

things if they are not already in your pockets.<br />

Q: Why is it important to hold up your hands when you<br />

evacuate?<br />

A: It allows police officers to see your hands.<br />

Student Questions<br />

Q: What is your role during an evacuation?<br />

A: Follow police instructions.<br />

Q: Can a lockdown be ended with an announcement?<br />

A: No, all doors will be unlocked by police or school<br />

administrators.<br />

Staff Questions<br />

Q: What is your role during the release and evacuation process?<br />

A: • Follow police instructions.<br />

• Take attendance to make sure you still have everyone who<br />

was with you while you were locked down in the building<br />

• If anyone in your group has injuries—display your red card<br />

• Report or any missing or extra students by displaying your<br />

red card.<br />

• If all is normal display your green card.<br />

Page 8<br />

<strong>Lockdown</strong>, <strong>Lockout</strong> & <strong>Evacuation</strong> Teacher’s Guide

Educate...<br />

Every Child, Every Day<br />

Vision<br />

<strong>Poudre</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

exists to support and<br />

inspire every child to<br />

think, to learn, to care,<br />

and to graduate prepared<br />

to be successful in a<br />

changing world.<br />

Security Department<br />

2407 LaPorte Avenue<br />

Fort Collins, CO 80521<br />

970-490-3523<br />


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