A Newsletter INSIDE HOME BEST No 16.cdr - VMCC - Isle of Man
A Newsletter INSIDE HOME BEST No 16.cdr - VMCC - Isle of Man
A Newsletter INSIDE HOME BEST No 16.cdr - VMCC - Isle of Man
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V M<br />
The Official Journal <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> Section V.M.C.C.<br />
Issue 16<br />
Dec '08<br />
Spares • Accessories • Workbenches<br />
from<br />
Tony East<br />
New boxed 6v and 12v coils<br />
- £15.00 each<br />
40 and 50 grade oils - £20.00 per 5 litre<br />
Rubber plug caps new<br />
- £2.50 each<br />
Amal monoblock main jets various<br />
- £3.50 each<br />
Comma 2 stroke oil 1 litre bottle<br />
- £4.00 each<br />
Emigo horns 12v boxed new<br />
- £7.50 each<br />
Crossland <strong>No</strong>rton Commando air filters - £8.00 each<br />
Vincent twin/single felt oil filters<br />
- £8.00 each<br />
Banner Accugard car/bike charger new - £28.00 each<br />
Banner 12v/24v Acu Pro charger new - £40.00 each<br />
LED mini twisting torch new (must for bikers) - £5.00 each<br />
Spray cans <strong>of</strong> Gunk<br />
- £3.50 each<br />
Brush on Gunk 500ml cans<br />
- £3.50 each<br />
Blackspur 18v cordless, 2 gear hammer drill<br />
and driver. Still in sealed box - £30.00<br />
6 volt batteries 12 amps Sealed for life - £15.50<br />
6 volt " 4.5 amps - do - - £6.50<br />
12 volt Batteries (sealed for life)<br />
from £12.50<br />
12 volt voltage tester<br />
- £10.00<br />
6v/12v chargers (AccuMate) - £35.00<br />
New and unused Foxley rae starter - £900.00<br />
1 litre bottles battery acid - £5.00<br />
New hydraulic motor cycle work bench<br />
N32 scissor stands for motor cycles<br />
£350.00 each<br />
£60.00 each<br />
Hydraulic benches for motorcycles, quad bikes and garden tractors.<br />
Competitively priced and delivered to your door within 7 - 10 days.<br />
Telephone Tony East on 878242 or mobile 474074<br />
-<br />
Dear Member,<br />
Well, the chair is hardly cold and I`m in at the deep end! As the new boy in this<br />
position I think that it is appropriate to thank Job for his outstanding<br />
contribution as Chairman and the club activities in general, not to mention the<br />
ongoing role <strong>of</strong> editor in chief for this magazine, for which we are all grateful.<br />
Another riding season is drawing to a close for most <strong>of</strong> us s<strong>of</strong>ties, although we<br />
have a few hardy annuals who continue on all year round.<br />
Looking back over the year we have had a number <strong>of</strong> memorable events and<br />
runs both on and <strong>of</strong>f the island which, in the case <strong>of</strong> the home events have been<br />
held in relatively dry conditions although the away venues made up for it!<br />
Looking forward to the winter we have a number <strong>of</strong> club nights which, if all<br />
comes <strong>of</strong>f, will be interesting with guest speakers in addition to our usual<br />
activities. Harry`s trials fixtures are in full swing and always provide<br />
entertainment, go along and <strong>of</strong>fer your services or just enjoy the events.<br />
As you are all aware by now, your section has elected to run the <strong>Man</strong>x rally in<br />
2009, I won`t keep banging the drum (yet) but we will need your help and<br />
support for this major event, details will be released as soon as we have<br />
finalised things. The TT rally will also need organising , why not give it a go.<br />
Another major change for 2009 will be the Terrot Club event Held in Sept. if<br />
you have been considering this, please contact Job if you haven`t already so<br />
that he can finalise things. I know they ride on the other side <strong>of</strong> the road over<br />
there, but lets face it, its not uncommon here!<br />
The magazine continues to flourish, but if you would like to add your<br />
contribution I`m sure it will be gratefully received, please do not worry if you<br />
cannot spell or punctuate that can be overcome , if you need pro<strong>of</strong> your ready<br />
this!!<br />
All that remains for me to say for this <strong>of</strong>fering is wish you all a very happy<br />
Christmas and healthy and enjoyable 2009.<br />
See you all at the annual dinner and prize giving.<br />
Richard Birch<br />
Front Cover: Phil Newman's 1949 B31 B.S.A. stands proudly at the Arctic Circle<br />
Stone. (see "The Blood Road beyond Hell!" later in the mag.)
Secretary's <strong>No</strong>tes<br />
Support for our Social Road Runs has once again increased with 375 members taking part in<br />
2008, an increase <strong>of</strong> 70 over the previous year. Membership has also increased this year and<br />
is now up to a healthy 206.<br />
More good news is that the Section has accepted the challenge to run the 37th International<br />
<strong>VMCC</strong> <strong>Man</strong>x G.P. Rally. Previously run as a <strong>VMCC</strong> Ltd event by H/Q, it will now be totally<br />
in the hands <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> Section. The Rally Committee felt that the chance to run the<br />
prestigious MGP Rally was an opportunity not to be turned down. Building on the good<br />
works <strong>of</strong> the previous team, led by Terry Cooper, your Committee intends to <strong>of</strong>fer a Rally<br />
Experience second to none. The most popular aspects <strong>of</strong> the Rally such as the Closed Roads<br />
Runs will be kept, but we intend to bring in new events as well. New timed events for<br />
individuals and teams are to be introduced, not using the Mountain Circuit but an entirely<br />
new route that will be both enjoyable and testing, with check points on route. If plans go<br />
ahead, the BIG event will be the “Festival <strong>of</strong> Jurby Race Circuit” Entrants will no longer<br />
have to use just one machine for the entire Rally. It would be great to get enough entries for a<br />
Parade <strong>of</strong> Veteran/Pioneer machines to do a few laps <strong>of</strong> Jurby. Decisions still have to be made<br />
about the Gala Dinner and Prize Presentation, depending on the funding made available to us,<br />
and the entry fee is expected to be similar to that <strong>of</strong> 2008. There will be more information on<br />
this as we get nearer to the Event. We will be asking for help from members with specific<br />
tasks to achieve this goal, and we do ask that you support us in this ambitious undertaking.<br />
With a lot <strong>of</strong> effort being put into the <strong>Man</strong>x Grand Prix Rally, the Committee felt it had no<br />
choice but to <strong>of</strong>fer a scaled down T.T. Rally for 2009. It will be held over three days and once<br />
again will include the Harold Rowall Run on Sunday June 14th. There will be no Gala<br />
Dinner, but in its place will be a BBQ and Prize Presentation at the Old Vicarage with a jazz<br />
band and entertainment. Secretary <strong>of</strong> the Rally is to be Rupert Murden and the entry fee <strong>of</strong><br />
£20 per person will still represent excellent value.<br />
Entry forms will be available early in the New Year.<br />
A lot <strong>of</strong> work and effort has gone into organising all the various events that the Section has<br />
put on in 2008, and I must also give thanks to the ladies <strong>of</strong> the Section who have worked hard<br />
in <strong>of</strong>fering refreshments at many <strong>of</strong> our Social Runs. Some things that we wanted to achieve<br />
in 2008 have not come to fruition, such as the spares scheme and a discounted purchasing<br />
scheme, both discussed at the AGM held in 2007. Be assured that these items have not been<br />
forgotten, merely put on the “back burner” for another time.<br />
Recently a delegation from the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> Section was received by the Rt. Hon. Martyn<br />
Quayle M.H.K. Minister <strong>of</strong> Tourism. A discussion took place on how the Section can help<br />
tourism, and how the Dept. <strong>of</strong> Tourism can help the Section. The outcome was a better<br />
understanding, by the Minister, <strong>of</strong> the history and future aims <strong>of</strong> the V.M.C.C. movement,<br />
both here on the Island and across. We also now have a point <strong>of</strong> contact to assist us with our<br />
planning and funding for future Rallies. The delegates, Richard Birch, Rupert Murden, Alex<br />
Downie M.L.C. and Tony East, made history as it was the first time in the Club's many years<br />
<strong>of</strong> activity in the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> that such a meeting has taken place.<br />
Have a Happy Christmas and hopefully a prosperous New Year.<br />
Yellowbelly <strong>No</strong>tes<br />
from our Lincolnshire correspondent<br />
Since becoming Lincolnshire correspondent for Vintage <strong>Man</strong>n I look forward<br />
to receiving my copy and reading the interesting articles with photographs<br />
presented in a pr<strong>of</strong>essional format. I suspect that, as is <strong>of</strong>ten the case, this is<br />
down to the enthusiasm <strong>of</strong> a small dedicated team. I particularly enjoyed<br />
reading the Aermacchi story by Dudley Robinson as I own a couple <strong>of</strong> that<br />
marque's race machines.<br />
Firstly, a 1975 350c.c. two stroke , pic 1.<br />
In 2003 I ran this bike in this country and on the continent in a series <strong>of</strong> races<br />
with Mike Sch<strong>of</strong>ield as rider. We tried to keep it as standard as possible and it<br />
proved to be a most rewarding machine to run. Every paddock we went to<br />
always produced “ I remember those from the 70s comments” and a few<br />
“That's not a Harley “ remarks. Well it might not be , but the only world<br />
championships won in the name <strong>of</strong> Harley Davidson, were won by these bikes.<br />
I was invited to run the bike in the “Classic Paddock” at Stafford recently and it<br />
was daunting, not only to have to speak into the microphone in front <strong>of</strong> the<br />
large crowd but to expect a fussy old two-stroke racer to fire up first time.<br />
Maybe it was the fresh avgas in the tank or that it was re-united with its<br />
Pic<br />
pilot,<br />
1<br />
Mike Sch<strong>of</strong>ield, but it burst into life straight away and the pipes crackled and<br />
the blue smoke brought smiles from the most appreciative audience. Well done<br />
old girl!
Secondly, a 1967 Rickman 250c.c. four-stroke racer, pic 2.<br />
I write about this bike after the 1975 bike, because it is in fact, a replica. I hope<br />
to write a piece in the future on the subject <strong>of</strong> replicas. For the moment, this<br />
bike has a six speed short stroke motor and was made in Holland. It has a<br />
modern carburettor with a home made float bowl, electronic ignition and a<br />
carbon fibre exhaust. The rest is 1967 spec..<br />
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The frame is a copy <strong>of</strong> one produced in<br />
1966 by the Rickman brothers in<br />
conjunction with Swiss racer, Othmar<br />
Drixl, who went on to make his own<br />
frames( Drixton). It was built to run on<br />
the big Belgian road circuits such as<br />
Mettet , Chimay and Gedinne, but I am<br />
sure it would be equally at home on the<br />
<strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>.<br />
One thing that the two bikes have in<br />
common is the same dry clutch which<br />
when lifted by the lever when the bikes<br />
are running, produce s the fabulous noise<br />
<strong>of</strong> jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle and on that<br />
note, Happy Christmas.<br />
Pat Sproston.
PROFILE <strong>No</strong>.4<br />
This cup was bought by the section<br />
in 1972 and is awarded each year<br />
to the trials rider with the best<br />
results in the club championship.<br />
The first winner in 1973<br />
was P. C. Murray<br />
The current holder is Michael Owen<br />
PROFILE <strong>No</strong>.5<br />
This shield is awarded for the best<br />
performance on a Four stroke<br />
machine overall in the Club Trials<br />
Championship. The first winner<br />
Was Ge<strong>of</strong>f Cannell in 1985. The<br />
Current holder is Raymond Jones.
The show must go on...<br />
Part 2<br />
During the summer <strong>of</strong> 1930 Earle Ketering had set up shop at the Kursaal,<br />
Southend, a favourite summer holiday resort for Londoners. Ketering¹s act was<br />
a two fold earner, cash from his troupe's acts and he promoted his Wall kits.<br />
Trade papers including The World's Fair and local weeklies hailed his<br />
performances as revolutionary. Earle's noisy brash act captivated one creative<br />
young man, George William Smith who happened to be in Southend to drop <strong>of</strong>f<br />
a taxi fare.<br />
Richard Rosenthal continues...<br />
Tornado Smith<br />
Born on 19 June 1908 at Newton Green, George was oldest <strong>of</strong> a string <strong>of</strong> four<br />
sons born to Liz and George Smith. WW1 over Liz and George, already in the<br />
licensed trade, took over the White Hart at Boxford, Suffolk in 1921 where<br />
Bert Dearman at Wembley Stadium 1960. Real Bricks!
they famously were hosts for over 30 years.<br />
George was a nervous child who feared school but he was also brave and loved<br />
speed. Although even this got him to trouble at school, once he was even caned<br />
for going to fast on a wheeled soap box after lessons had ended. Little wonder<br />
mum sought medical help to cure his dread <strong>of</strong> teachers.<br />
At 14 he was apprenticed to local carpenter and wheelwright Frank Self,<br />
however although learning the trade quickly and becoming highly skilled it<br />
wasn't the life for George. Creative, gifted and daring Smith wanted more from<br />
life than a steady safe job. At 17 he joined a local coal firm just to drive their<br />
new coal lorry, earning well he saved the cash to buy his first motorcycle, a<br />
Triumph belt driver. Then he became an AA motorcycle patrolman, then a<br />
cabbie ......... and <strong>of</strong> course like many young men girls featured in his life.<br />
Following his Kursaal experience Smith applied for a succession <strong>of</strong> Wall <strong>of</strong><br />
Death jobs without success. All a bit surprising considering George's<br />
mechanical skills and the proliferation <strong>of</strong> Walls including home grown ones run<br />
in competition to those imported from the USA. Finally Smith secured<br />
employment as mechanic and starter with the new Wall which opened at the<br />
Spanish City amusement park, Whitley Bay, Newcastle. The determined lad<br />
had ridden his 350cc AJS from Boxford to Newcastle and back in the day for<br />
his interview.<br />
Soon due to rider injury and his own guile George persuaded his bosses he<br />
should try the Wall, in fact he'd already had a go after hours when the guv'nor<br />
had counted the day's takings and gone home. Despite crashes including one at<br />
a claimed 50mph Smith mastered the act and gained a job with Silidromes Ltd,<br />
a touring company. On 11th September 1930 he made his first public top<br />
billing at Malmo, Sweden alongside Bud Leggatt and for the first time in print<br />
George Smith had become Tornado Smith. Bespectacled and wearing his<br />
trademark beret he was to earn his corn on the Wall for almost four decades.<br />
Returning to the UK Tornado did an early season turn at Brighton in 1931 and<br />
later established himself at the Kursaal, Southend for a continuous run which<br />
lasted until 1966. How the Wall at Southend was initially financed is lost in the<br />
mists <strong>of</strong> time but what is known is that Smith along with his Wall was <strong>of</strong>fered a<br />
six week contract by the Bertram Mills Circus for the 1931 winter season at<br />
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Olympia, London.<br />
The all timber structures were designed to be taken down and erected endlessly<br />
when part <strong>of</strong> a touring show and <strong>of</strong>ten over the coming years Tornado would<br />
run his act at other venues after his Southend summer season was over.<br />
Occasionally he even set-up shop in the yard at his parent's pub. From the<br />
outset Wall <strong>of</strong> Death riders altered and enhanced their acts in an effort to<br />
continually attract fresh audiences and Tornado became the master <strong>of</strong> exciting<br />
his public.<br />
Tornado's first season with the Bertram Mills Circus proved a double bonus.<br />
Extra income and during his six week stint his eyes alighted on a 19 year old<br />
Fun Fair cosmetics salesgirl, Doris Craven. Smith in his own words "literally<br />
swept her <strong>of</strong>f her feet" taking her for a 50mph ride on his Indian Scout high up<br />
on the Wall. "I took her up on the handlebars" Tornado claimed "and though<br />
she passed out with giddiness, and collapsed into my arms ......... on coming<br />
round she asked for more, so Wall <strong>of</strong> Death rider she had to be and later my<br />
wife." Hmmmmm, well .......... its at least a different slant on a traditional tale.<br />
Doris, who later adopted the show name Marjorie Dare later told the story<br />
rather differently but who cares the end result was identical and <strong>of</strong> course a<br />
lady should always be a little coy. After some intensive winter training Doris<br />
debuted at the Barry Island, Glamorgan amusement park for a pre summer<br />
season warm-up as Dynamite Doris adding to the excitement <strong>of</strong> Tornado's act.<br />
A summer season at the Kursaal was followed by a return to Olympia, her<br />
cosmetic's counter forsaken for the Wall. The change from Dynamite Doris to<br />
Marjorie Dare came a few months after she joined Smith on the Wall.<br />
Keeping ahead <strong>of</strong> the game the act was honed and developed. When not riding<br />
Marjorie would sit at the bottom nonchalantly knitting or even reading the<br />
paper while Tornado¹s Scout circulated above her head, open exhaust crackling<br />
and spitting - all part <strong>of</strong> the act. Doris was for a short time joined on the wall<br />
by her sister Daredevil Kitty, they performed as the Craven sisters. Mum<br />
........... was less than pleased!<br />
During the winter <strong>of</strong> 1933 Tornado bought a lion cub with a view to training it<br />
for his act. The female cub was pretty aggressive, possibly not helped by the<br />
fact that Tornado gave it the masculine name Briton. The lioness was a<br />
gimmick which endured for five years and made Smith one <strong>of</strong> the UK's truly<br />
famous showmen. The lioness became a regular on the Wall, either in a sidecar<br />
or on the Indian's handlebars and for added publicity Tornado exercised her<br />
daily along Southend's sea front on a lead <strong>of</strong>ten with the attractive Marjorie<br />
Dare who became his wife on Christmas day 1934 alongside.<br />
For five years Briton and Tornado courted publicity turning up a butchers<br />
shops, asking local small holders if they had any spare goat kids and <strong>of</strong> course
Tornado Smith (Indian Scout) & 'Briton', Southern Wall <strong>of</strong> Death 1930's<br />
worrying the police and local populous always with the press tipped <strong>of</strong>f and<br />
just a pace or two behind. The 1930s were Smith's hay days, fun included a<br />
film made by Pathe entitled 'Tornado Smith and his lion' and when Briton was<br />
safely in her pen Tornado could be spotted cycling on Southend sea front or<br />
around Boxford on a penny farthing or capitalising on his speeding<br />
convictions. During his time with Briton its believed Smith always carried a<br />
loaded revolver in case the unthinkable should happen. How she died is<br />
uncertain but in the late 1930s Briton was buried at his parent's pub in Boxford.<br />
Despite their brilliant publicity gimmick the Smiths had continued to develop<br />
their act including incorporating a small car into the performance, probably the<br />
most dangerous vehicle to go onto a wall. And one which claimed the lives <strong>of</strong> a<br />
number <strong>of</strong> rivals. However ever the thinking man Smith built a narrow track<br />
open car which was easier to drive onto the Wall than a duff Austin Seven<br />
which at least improved the odds. More modern acts used go-karts. Throughout<br />
his career Tornado and his assistants suffered mishaps, sometimes they were<br />
lucky including when the sidecar wheel came <strong>of</strong>f, he managed to land that one<br />
safely. On other occasions hospital visits, plaster casts and bandages were<br />
involved. In common with all Wall exponents Smith's only insurance was the<br />
extra cash thrown in by the thrilled spectators at the act's end. A practice which<br />
continues to this day.<br />
Without doubt amongst the most famous <strong>of</strong> showmen as WW11 began Tornado<br />
volunteered as a fighter pilot, was rejected due to poor eyesight and instead
usefully and willingly served in the Merchant Navy and later as a DR for the<br />
Fire Service. His marriage to Doris ended during the war but after the conflict<br />
the ever enterprising Tornado soon had his Wall up and running with new tricks<br />
and new riders. Negotiating a deal will BSA he had new bikes too, rigid 500cc<br />
A7 parallel twins. However many were still thrilled by the aging Scouts.<br />
As George Smith he remarried, to Eveline, and the couple had a daughter. But<br />
if domestic life was again settled his day job was becoming harder. <strong>Man</strong>y<br />
pr<strong>of</strong>essional stunt teams who worked the bigger country shows and arenas<br />
including the Wembley Stadium were thrilling <strong>of</strong>ten huge crowds through the<br />
1950s and 1960s. Cyclotrix, Cyclo <strong>Man</strong>iacs and other plied their trade jumping<br />
through fire and walls, over lines <strong>of</strong> team members and balancing on tightropes<br />
while the precision <strong>of</strong> the military teams including the White Helmets was<br />
breath taking. From having it all pretty much their own way before WWII the<br />
Wall exponents were suddenly struggling for bit parts in the second act.<br />
Despite this Tornado made a comfortable living, financially if not always health<br />
wise, through the 1950s with a team <strong>of</strong> skilled riders including Cindy Grant. In<br />
1963 Eveline and Tornado divorced and two years later Tornado suddenly<br />
retired from his wall. The final straw a fallout over site fees with the Kursaal's<br />
owners. His wall taken over by Yvonne Stagg and finally closed in 1973 when<br />
the Kursaal put the shutters up for the last time. A victim <strong>of</strong> changing times and<br />
tastes.<br />
Rumour and myth surround Smith's last years. Some claim he built a boat at<br />
Southend, planning to sail round the world - but it burnt out before completion,<br />
others claimed he committed suicide and yet others that he moved to France.<br />
<strong>Man</strong>y thought they spotted him at major motorcycle events including the early<br />
BMF rallies at Peterborough and a lot claim he was on the run just one step<br />
ahead <strong>of</strong> the taxman.<br />
Other than the suicide tale all may hold a little water as the facts tells us he<br />
moved to Spain in 1966 'chasing the sun' and then to what is now known as The<br />
Republic <strong>of</strong> South Africa where he spent his last years living in a caravan.<br />
However this is little change from his earlier life with the Wall when he spent<br />
much time living in the caravan 'Gypsy Moth' he'd built himself and which was<br />
always sited as near his Wall as possible. Cremated in his new country Tornado<br />
Smith died a wealthy man, not the penniless hombre some skeptics claim,<br />
leaving an estate valued at more than £200,000, a sizable sum in 1971. Whether<br />
the taxman had a claim on any <strong>of</strong> this is open to speculation and on this note his<br />
story should perhaps finish.<br />
Author's note:<br />
From a small boy I've always been fascinated by the Wall <strong>of</strong> Death. The sounds
and sights <strong>of</strong> Scouts and A7s on open exhausts thundering round and round as<br />
the Wall heaves and moves under their weight, needing a pull <strong>of</strong> three and half<br />
times that <strong>of</strong> gravity to keep on the 30 - 34ft diameter Wall is magic. As a<br />
youngster I was given my spending money for one memorable fair on<br />
Midsummer Common, Cambridge in the early 1960s. Schoolboy maths told me<br />
I'd enough cash for five junior tickets for the Wall and 3d left over. Mesmerised<br />
by my five turns in the spectator's gallery and all but spent out I lobbed my last<br />
3d into the rider's insurance fund. Then I was greeted by an angry mother,<br />
apparently I'd wasted all my money on 'that ridiculous display by riders who<br />
were only after an easy living.' Even today nearly 50 years later I know I'd<br />
invested wisely. And just a few years ago I was tempted to invest far more for<br />
what was claimed Tornado's old Wall.<br />
Offered at a Cheffins, Cambridgeshire specialist auctions was the wooden wall<br />
sections, pay booth and much more <strong>of</strong> the Kursaal wall, refinished in grey<br />
primer it almost filled two huge lorry trailers. And with it came three Indian<br />
Scouts. The Scouts range from the mildly incomplete to the just about running.<br />
They were splendid and I could almost hear them crackling and spitting as I<br />
stood in the auction. At the £15,000 mark the bidding faltered and I was so<br />
tempted but the problem <strong>of</strong> where to store all that woodwork suddenly<br />
overcame me and before I could recover the hammer was down. He who<br />
hesitates is lost! but then I'd never make a showman.<br />
Richard Rosenthal<br />
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07624 - 453344
Jack Brett - Rider Pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>No</strong>. 4<br />
th<br />
Jack Brett was born near Leeds on the 17 June 1917. From an early age he<br />
had an interest in bikes. 1946 saw the start <strong>of</strong> his racing career when he entered<br />
all three races in the first postwar M.G.P. In the Lightweight he finished sixth<br />
on an Excelsior, the race being won by L.W. Parsons. Rudge, second Ben<br />
Drinkwater and third R.S. Simpson. The Junior was won by Ken Bills, second<br />
Peter Aitcheson and third Denis Parkinson – Jack Brett again finishing in sixth<br />
position. The six lap Senior, held in atrocious conditions, was won by Ernie<br />
Lyons – Triumph, second Ken Bills and third Harold Rowell – <strong>No</strong>rtons. Jack<br />
Brett – Velocette, finished in seventh place.<br />
His T.T. challenge commenced the following year 1947. From then on he raced<br />
until 1960, mostly riding <strong>No</strong>rtons – apart from one year with A.J.S. In 1952.<br />
Though he retired in both Junior and Senior T.T.'s <strong>of</strong> that year, he won the<br />
Swiss G.P. In Berne on a 500cc A.J.S. Porcupine.<br />
His best year on the Island was 1953 when he was second in the Senior behind<br />
Ray Amm, both on works <strong>No</strong>rtons followed by Red Armstrong – Gilera. He<br />
was fourth in the Junior. Jack Brett was third on three occasions in the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Man</strong> T.T. 1951 Junior behind Duke and Lockett., 1954 he followed Amm and<br />
Brett (<strong>No</strong>rton) dives down Bray Hill
Jack Brett (3rd from left) poses with Ken Kavanagh, Ray Amm and John Surtees<br />
Duke in the Senior and his final step up to the rostrum the 1956 Senior<br />
following home the two Johns – Surtees, M.V. and Hartle, <strong>No</strong>rton.<br />
He continued racing until 1960, he was then 42 years old, and decided<br />
somewhat reluctantly to hang up his leathers.<br />
When he eventually retired from his work commitments he led a<br />
comparatively quiet life, enjoying golf in particular. Sadly whilst playing golf<br />
th<br />
he had a fatal heart attack on the 29 December 1982, he was 66 years old. Jack<br />
was a typical Yorkshire-man, forthright, great company and always cheerful.<br />
Dorothy Greenwood
Tittle Tattle<br />
PT 2 – IOM TT 1970<br />
In 1970 I was invited to join a group <strong>of</strong> friends<br />
from Salford who were to come across to the TT<br />
– count me in!<br />
Our digs were Ardlui, Woodville Terrace, which<br />
promised spectacular sea views, but not from<br />
our room unfortunately for all we got was a peep<br />
<strong>of</strong> Padgett's back yard and a whiff <strong>of</strong> the Chinese<br />
on Broadway! At least we had a nice handy ratrun<br />
down to the Central Hotel rock 'n roll back<br />
bar!<br />
My Viper (with shiny red go-faster fibre glass<br />
side panels) stood outside in the rain, and boy<br />
did it rain! But all week I had noticed a sleek<br />
black Thruxton a few doors away, and that had<br />
not moved much either. On the first non-race afternoon when it did not rain I<br />
plucked up the courage to sidle along as a fellow Velo chap, to see how my<br />
new found Velo cousin was doing.<br />
What a mess he was in! His fabulous GP carb was in bits on the kerb, his<br />
points from the quirky Lucas trigger unit were likewise in the dirt, but what<br />
about the plug? Plug? (Ahah, can we come back to that later please?)<br />
He was from West Yorkshire and we discussed where he had bought the bike<br />
from, for how much, he had really wanted a Triumph but the local dealer could<br />
not promise delivery and he needed a reliable bike quickly for work. The Velo<br />
was an as new bike returned to the dealer who had supplied it with low miles<br />
on the clock, our man had bought it 'on the rebound' the previous year and still<br />
owed a whopping £172-0-0d on HP, his dad had guaranteed the deal and was<br />
pestering him to get rid – what could he do, would I take over the payments at<br />
£16-10-0d per month?<br />
Anyway, back to that plug! – what type was it? - super-cool for production<br />
racing? - titanium tipped perhaps? I looked on with baited breath while he<br />
….… looked for his plug spanner! <strong>No</strong>, not got one, so I cheerily brought mine<br />
over and an 'ordinary' cooking job (Champion N5). Suffice to say that we<br />
cobbled together the GP and points without any great problems or meaningful<br />
tweaks.<br />
'Would I like to try to start it?' – Wow, my moment had come!<br />
Tickle, dribble, swing, swing, brumm brumm.<br />
Never was any good at business……………………
d<br />
Look forward to my 3 great-Velo-Thruxton-I-never-owned in the next VM.<br />
You will note I referred to my humble Viper having the much maligned side<br />
panels (mine were red), unlike the Thruxton which always showed <strong>of</strong>f its shiny<br />
polished timing cover.<br />
Veloce had 'a thing' about making their range look more modern and the glass<br />
fibre enclosures were the way they chose to go, at least they caught a lot <strong>of</strong> the<br />
oil drips! But they were heavy and we boy-racers invariably removed them,<br />
hence mine are still at the back <strong>of</strong> the shed 40 years on (I bet Jim, Ken and<br />
Brian have a set too, yes?). Once removed what you saw was a huge<br />
disappointment - the crank cases and timing cover were a dull unpolished grey,<br />
there was no cover for the v-belt driving the dynamo, and no cover at all for the<br />
rear drive sprocket. Thus those fastidious enough to grease and oil the rear<br />
chain were rewarded by a build up <strong>of</strong> greasy crud within the rear portion <strong>of</strong> the<br />
drive side cover.<br />
And while I am on my soap-box, these panels were fitted to the MSS and<br />
Venom & Viper Sports from 1959 onwards and the later last ditch 'Special'<br />
models. These are not to be confused with the 'Vee-line' variant, so named<br />
because <strong>of</strong> its stylish (though again very heavy) full sports fairing.<br />
Admiring the Velo "Special"
Unscrupulous e-bay sellers invariably try to talk up a Venom or Viper for sale<br />
as a Vee-line if the side panels are fitted, which they are not.<br />
Incidentally those who remember Barrie Tullett, VOC IOM secretary in the<br />
early '90s had the finest original example <strong>of</strong> a swinging arm MSS I ever saw,<br />
and that had the side panels, in gleaming black, and it did look a real picture,<br />
one <strong>of</strong> the nicest Velos I have known.<br />
(See pictures from period catalogues - a Special whose colour was probably<br />
pale blue enamel, and a dismal looking MSS. (above)<br />
Steve, the Velo Fello<br />
A hearty welcome to these three new members :-<br />
Stephen Edward Moore - 33 Castle Mona Avenue, Douglas. IM2 4EA<br />
Peter David Blackburn - 57 Port-e-Chee Avenue, Douglas. IM2 5EH<br />
Peter Allen - 38 Millenium Court, Queens Promenade, Douglas. IM2 4NN<br />
Floggers Corner<br />
For Sale:- Pre-Unit 1953 Tiger 100 Engine almost complete £225<br />
Telephone 878284<br />
M<br />
Printed by Peel Copy Centre<br />
Tel / Fax: +44 (0)1624 845339
The Blood Road beyond Hell !<br />
A plan was hatched in Sulby – my neighbour Orry would ride his Triumph and<br />
me my B31 up to the Arctic Circle and if the bikes seemed fine, to continue<br />
through Lapland to <strong>No</strong>rway's <strong>No</strong>rth Cape. It's really easy over a cup <strong>of</strong> tea ! So I<br />
popped in to see Bill Snelling, Bill being very good with “them computer things”<br />
enabled me to leave with ferry tickets (thanks Bill).<br />
Back home Orry quietly accepted his fate and and pulled a dusty Triumph from<br />
the back shed, seriously upsetting a family <strong>of</strong> spiders and breaking the bindweed!<br />
th<br />
Neither <strong>of</strong> us was particularly ready but we took the ferry to Heysham on 6<br />
July. Our crossing <strong>of</strong> the adjacent island was damp to say the least, so the fact that<br />
our cabin on the Newcastle-Bergen sailing was far too hot has some advantages.<br />
We left Bergen in glorious sunshine and immediately we left the city <strong>No</strong>rway's<br />
amazing beauty struck home, it's impossibly photogenic. Travelling north we<br />
initially took the almost empty minor roads, the huge temperature differences<br />
wreaking havoc with the tarmac and there are some sneaky spine jarring potholes<br />
<strong>of</strong>ten discovered a wee bit late "Oh my B.S.A". Camping in the wilderness for<br />
free is a basic legal right that the locals use and with beer at £6 a pint, something<br />
“free” is as wonderful as our photographic subjects.( I wouldn't want to break<br />
down there! ).<br />
Bumping along, the road started to climb, slowly and steadily at first through<br />
aromatic pine forests and then far more steeply through grassland with pockets <strong>of</strong><br />
nd<br />
snow. My bike was stuck in 2 gear for miles and miles, climbing the stunningly<br />
scenic “Snovegan” (snow road) reaching a height <strong>of</strong> 5,000 feet. This takes in the<br />
highest road in the country with frozen lakes and ice caps replacing waterfalls and<br />
fjiords. On the descent there are miles <strong>of</strong> footrest scraping hairpin bends, creating<br />
a mixture <strong>of</strong> fear and euphoria. So exciting I could have turned around for another<br />
go.Beneath us the longest road tunnel in <strong>No</strong>rway misses all the fun and the<br />
sapphire blue sky.<br />
We continued though lush green valleys and meadows <strong>of</strong> wild flowers via a short<br />
ferry crossing to the start <strong>of</strong> the mighty “Troll” road, a further series <strong>of</strong> incredible<br />
hairpin bends clinging impossibly to the sheer mountain side. Motorcycling really<br />
doesn't come any better than that, and the camp sites are excellent. Steadily<br />
heading north and keeping to the modest speed limit <strong>of</strong> 50mph we rode into<br />
“Hell”, a rather quiet little town near Trondheim with a quaint wooden railway<br />
station. Interesting possibility a train to “Hell”!.<br />
th<br />
The weather was really excellent and we crossed the Arctic Circle on July 11 still
in glorious sunshine. From now on it didn't get dark at all and for a brief few<br />
weeks the Arctic had its summer. Believe me the searing heat <strong>of</strong> the Arctic, like<br />
the deafening silence <strong>of</strong> the jungle is a reality. The poor reindeer wilt and look for<br />
shade or sit in any remaining snow. The wild flowers performed amazingly and<br />
the bumble bees worked 24-7, but what do the bees do the other nine months <strong>of</strong><br />
the year ?<br />
The <strong>No</strong>rwegians are very keen on motorcycles, and almost every time we stopped<br />
we got “the” questions “How old are those ?” “You're going where ?”Above the<br />
Arctic Circle the climate is unpredictable, and can change dramatically and<br />
violently. So after answering the questions, a very nice <strong>No</strong>rwegian chap (with an<br />
Ariel Red Hunter) told us it would stay fine for a few more days. That did it !<br />
<strong>No</strong>w we were on the Arctic Highway proper and crossing Lapland, Orry<br />
suggested “cracking on” a bit. We did and over the next three days covered 926<br />
miles (rather a lot on a rigid 350). This section <strong>of</strong> the highway is well known as<br />
the blood road. Built across Lapland by the Nazi Germans with slave labour, the<br />
consequences were awful.<br />
What amazed me up there are the vast areas <strong>of</strong> forest, mostly pine with silver<br />
birch mixed in, and all along the sides <strong>of</strong> these roads are a pr<strong>of</strong>usion <strong>of</strong> sweet<br />
smelling wild flowers and warning signs for elk and reindeer, neither <strong>of</strong> which<br />
has any road sense at all ! The elk method <strong>of</strong> road crossing it to wait nervously,<br />
concealed behind a tree until enough courage is plucked up – then all <strong>of</strong> a sudden<br />
run for it.<br />
On July 14th we camped out at the world's most northerly camp side, the<br />
midnight sun still shone and our mileage reading was 1,805 miles from Sulby. We<br />
had reached the Arctic <strong>No</strong>rth Cape. Ahead <strong>of</strong> us was only the sea, Spitsbergen and<br />
the <strong>No</strong>rth Pole. At this point the bikes were performing well. Orry's Triumph<br />
developed an unusual rust pro<strong>of</strong> coating and my BSA suffered a broken speedo<br />
cable at the cape. So from now the road speed and mileage had to be considered<br />
(Orry doesn't have a speedo)<br />
The plan for our return was to ride towards the coast, leaving the Arctic Highway<br />
and following the much slower coast road, with its bridges and ferries across the<br />
fijords, then to explore the remote L<strong>of</strong>oten archipeligo which according to my<br />
guide book had the most spectacular scenery.<br />
Riding south we realised that Joseph Lucas is the Prince <strong>of</strong> Darkness and<br />
unfortunately Orry's alternator was starting to give free service. So, as riding with<br />
dipped headlights is mandatory in <strong>No</strong>rway, we took to the minor roads where<br />
Orry could use his lights on the most economical setting ! There was also a bit<br />
more or a rattle than usual, so we took the chain case <strong>of</strong>f, to reveal - not a lot -<br />
only a slack primary chain. The alternator looked fine? Reassembled we rode on<br />
and camped by the coast at the beautiful Gryble fijord. The pristine turquoise
water is flanked by towering granite sentinals, easily reached by ship or less so by<br />
road via yet another unbelievable series <strong>of</strong> switchbacks. All is not well however<br />
with the Triumph, there was barely enough charge to run the engine and Sulby is<br />
a long way <strong>of</strong>f.<br />
The following morning July 17th, we took the ferry to Andoya Island, a 2 1/2<br />
hour crossing and spent the whole voyage whale watching from the deck. We had<br />
several good sightings and there were so many sea birds, including puffins.<br />
During this crossing the bikes had to be roped down, and I think Orry's ignition<br />
switch may have been accidentally switched on.The Triumph did start but it died<br />
altogether on Andoya Island with a very flat battery. I rode <strong>of</strong>f and found a very<br />
attractive young lady. "Oh" AND she had a battery charger, so three hours later<br />
there were some amps and a running Triumph but a total loss ignition. It's really<br />
the end <strong>of</strong> Orry's touring trip - so an escape plan was made - "The Mail Boat".<br />
It's was leaving at 11am the next day and took three days to reach Bergen,<br />
stopping at all the main ports.<br />
Orry bought a small car battery as back up and booked his passage south to<br />
Trondheim, far enough for the remaining journey on battery alone. Actually Orry<br />
had planned a shorter trip than me due to the pressures <strong>of</strong> work and having<br />
achieved our goal the Triumph returned him to Sulby with no further trouble.I<br />
stayed on, although something was definitely missing !<br />
Travelling cautiously on the narrow and pot holed Island roads, I followed the<br />
beautiful and sparsely populated L<strong>of</strong>oten Islands, linked by ferries and bridges to<br />
Crosby Injury Rehabilitation Clinic<br />
Do you have any <strong>of</strong> the following troubles?<br />
• Back / Neck problems • Acute or chronic pain<br />
• Lack <strong>of</strong> exercise<br />
• Stiff joints<br />
• Joint and muscle problems<br />
If so book in for a service with John Barton<br />
at the Crosby Injury Rehabilitation Clinic!<br />
For experienced and expert treatment at very favourable<br />
rates give John a call and book your appointment today.<br />
Telephone: 01624 851122<br />
Mobile: 07624 497889<br />
Cladryn<br />
Kermode Close<br />
Crosby, <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>
their western extremity. Saw another whale from the cliffs and incredibly a pair<br />
<strong>of</strong> white tailed sea eagles flew over my tent. I'm sure it went dark for a second,<br />
these birds are huge !<br />
Pure white sandy beaches and gin clear water is typical <strong>of</strong> the Bahamas and it<br />
was exactly what you find in these islands. So it was sunny and warm and I<br />
was going in for a swim only to be instantly reminded <strong>of</strong> my latitude ! The<br />
locals, who were admiring my <strong>Man</strong>x flag were also swimming, so not wanting<br />
to let the side down I ploughed across the bay - what is the best treatment for<br />
Hyperthermia ?<br />
Cruising smoothly, the ultra modern ferry was now taking me to Bodo back on<br />
the mainland and cost just £25 for the 5 1/2 hour voyage (IOMSPC note the<br />
price).Back on the thickly forested coast road, I started to meet other<br />
motorcyclists again, usually travelling Charlie and Evan style, from all over<br />
Europe. They always waved and sometimes stopped for a chat, but the British<br />
are an endangered species and vintage motorcycles extinct (well almost).<br />
Going steadily south I crossed Saltstavmen Fijord allegedly the site <strong>of</strong> the<br />
world's strongest maelstrom. From a vantage point on the road bridge I<br />
watched the 20 knot watery chaos that shifts 520 million cubic yards <strong>of</strong> water<br />
one way and then the other every 6 hours. Should you fall in, there's a pathetic<br />
looking life belt on the shore and a little piece <strong>of</strong> rope !<br />
Rattling south and now east enabled me to visit Saltzjellet National Park and<br />
after a fairly strenuous trek, arrived at the foot <strong>of</strong> the creaking and groaning<br />
Ostisen glacier which is a southern finger <strong>of</strong> the massive Svartisen Ice Cap<br />
covering 13- sq.miles and in places 1,900 feet thick. A left over from the Ice<br />
Age, parts <strong>of</strong> it are a strange and eerie pale blue colour.<br />
I'm now getting a little short <strong>of</strong> time and increase my speed south, covering<br />
418 miles in one long day. Do you remember how John Wayne use to walk ?<br />
Well he had a B31 as well ! Stopping to see the 4,000 year old rock carvings <strong>of</strong><br />
reindeer at Bolaren I then rode on to Stavanger and the boat home, it's 31st<br />
July.<br />
On the ferry amid a sea <strong>of</strong> gleaming motorcycles I spotted a grotty Honda C90,<br />
tatty luggage tied with string. The travel stained grey haired owner was busy<br />
securing his steed. My eye focused on the number plate (Spain) and his<br />
homemade sign CADIZ-NORTH CAPE.<br />
<strong>No</strong>tes:<br />
What's <strong>No</strong>rth ? Iceland is south <strong>of</strong> the Arctic Circle and 99 per cent <strong>of</strong> Alaska<br />
is South <strong>of</strong> the <strong>No</strong>rth Cape .<br />
Total Miles 4,130 Fuel mpg 85<br />
Philip Newman
Bernie (sorry, Harry!) the Bolt<br />
Azzy Paints Ltd are dedicated motorcycle<br />
repair specialists focused on providing a<br />
second to none service to bikers. They were<br />
established in 2004 when Azzy, who has 30<br />
years experience in the industry, decided that<br />
as most car body shops were expensive and<br />
uninterested in bike repairs there was a niche<br />
in the market for quality work at reasonable<br />
prices.<br />
Azzy Paints comprehensive service includes:<br />
• Grit Blasting using the correct grade and finally aluminium oxide to give a<br />
fine finish for painting<br />
• Mig Welding, to give a clean weld with minimal distortion<br />
• Panel Beating,to reshape and smooth your dinges and dents<br />
• Plastic Welding, using a special Leister plastic welder. Rods are available for<br />
most plastics. Even large cracks can be successfully repaired<br />
• Refinishing, using the correct undercoat in either two pack or cellulose<br />
Original colours are perfectly matched on a PPG Access refinishing<br />
programme using the latest on screen colour matching techniques, water<br />
based base coats and PPG Envirobase HP paint which accurately reproduces<br />
the original paint finish and colour.<br />
Frames, tool boxes, hubs, fuel tanks, headlamps,mudguards, anything from a<br />
few brackets to a complete machine can be restored So your rusty dented and<br />
split original parts can be returned to as new condition by people who really<br />
care about getting it right.<br />
You can contact Azzy on (01624) 619019 or<br />
(07624) 420896 when he will be happy to<br />
discuss your requirements or call in at<br />
Victoria Place, Douglas. It's up the hill past<br />
the Villa Marina, right at the lights and left<br />
into Victoria Place just before Eurocycles.<br />
Azzy is on the left halfway up. If you are in<br />
the car it's best to park and walk up the alley.
Azzy Paints<br />
Victoria Place<br />
Douglas<br />
IM2 4ET<br />
Phone/Fax: 01624 619019 Mobile: 07624 420896 www.azzypaints.com<br />
Classic and Vintage Motorcycles repaired and painted.<br />
Plastic welding to fairings and panels, any size from a<br />
small scratch to full accident repairs.<br />
We have access to original colours and paints, all types<br />
<strong>of</strong> paints available also van & car body painting.<br />
We can provide a very competitive quote<br />
and a quality job that you can afford.<br />
Azzy rides the rocks at Dhoon Glen
Oh Deer - which way will they go?<br />
Orry and Phil - in Heaven in Hell
The only campsite - luckily 1st Class<br />
Elks Ahead!
MANX RALLY 2008<br />
------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
Awarded to the <strong>Man</strong>x resident with the best<br />
time in any class not winning a major award<br />
------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
-------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
B ROUTE<br />
A Wifes Saga<br />
A HELPING HAND? - by Vintage Woman<br />
‘Will you marry me?’ said Great Master one Saturday afternoon as we stood<br />
cleaning the bike in the garage. ‘Yes’ was my speedy reply but privately I<br />
thought there was possibly a more romantic setting for a proposal, but Great<br />
Master was a motorcyclist and this was his trusty steed.<br />
So we got married and started life together. The bike was kept safely in the<br />
garage while the house was used for living in – or so I thought.<br />
The first few weeks went well, bike still securely locked in the garage, house<br />
still used for living in, that was what I thought anyway. One day in early spring<br />
I was <strong>of</strong>f work so decided it was time for a full spring clean – what a revelation<br />
THAT turned out to be. In the small back bedroom secreted in an unused<br />
wardrobe (yes unused lads. <strong>No</strong>t all women spend on clothes) was a bike engine<br />
and under the bed a box <strong>of</strong> carb bits. So, wondered I, what is in the other spare<br />
bedroom? Sure enough there were bits and pieces secreted around the room<br />
that could only be found when doors and drawers were opened, there were<br />
even silencers and pipes under the bed. I decided to tactfully ask Great Master<br />
to ensure all motorbike parts were returned to the garage. Great Master duly<br />
agreed bearing in mind we had only been married for a few months (keep the<br />
wife sweet I believe these men call it!)<br />
So house for living in, garage for bikes – back to normal.<br />
I went out shopping a few weeks later leaving Great Master happily fiddling<br />
with bike bits in the garage – or so I thought. Unbeknown to me Great Master<br />
had a cunning plan he was willing me to go out to give him some time ‘to<br />
himself’. On my departure Great Master decided to take over the kitchen to<br />
secretly boil up some bike parts in caustic soda using a large Swarfega drum<br />
perched on my new cooker. All went well with his plan until the container<br />
Great Master was using got hot and split down the side seams and boiling<br />
caustic soda poured out all over the cooker and onto my highly polished red<br />
ceramic tiled floor. When I returned from shopping I was greeted at the front<br />
door by Great Master who helped me carry the bags into the house, ‘I’ll put<br />
this shopping away for you’ said he ‘just go and put your feet up and relax in<br />
the lounge and I will make a cup <strong>of</strong> tea for you’. I thought this is nice, it’s nice<br />
to be missed even if it was only a few hours – ah well newly married this<br />
treatment was bliss. It never dawned on me to ask what Great Master had done<br />
wrong!<br />
An hour or so later I took my mug back in to the kitchen and there it was a<br />
large pink stain in the middle <strong>of</strong> the kitchen floor – my highly polished red tiles
had a large puddle shaped pink stain plonk in the middle <strong>of</strong> the floor. Joy <strong>of</strong><br />
joys, that floor was never the same again but the cooker I had was the cleanest<br />
cooker in town!<br />
I eventually forgave him but did suggest it would be a good idea not to try the<br />
same trick again. So a couple <strong>of</strong> years passed, we had moved a couple <strong>of</strong> times<br />
and started a family. One day, again it was Spring, I decided the house we were<br />
in at that time needed the mandatory Spring clean. <strong>No</strong>thing was found in the<br />
house at this time but Great Master had got wise and would dial in to me saying<br />
the Spring clean would start and would ensure his goodies were safely tucked<br />
up in the garage out <strong>of</strong> harms way. So the house got cleaned and to my surprise<br />
no bike bits were found. It was at this point I opened the garage door and<br />
discovered to my dismay the whole place in total disarray, frankly a cat could<br />
not have found its kittens in this mess. Being house proud at that time, this did<br />
not sit well with me so I got a couple <strong>of</strong> enormous cardboard boxes from the<br />
local shop and gently put everything laying around into them in order to clean<br />
the garage, the big parts went in separately and all the nuts, bolts and washers<br />
were sorted into 3 jars before putting them in the boxes. To stop any oil and<br />
grease being walked into the house. I spent hours tidying up the work benches<br />
and scrubbing the garage floor – once I had finished I stood back and patted<br />
myself on the back, it really did look smart and clean – a job well done. So <strong>of</strong>f<br />
in doors to make a cup <strong>of</strong> c<strong>of</strong>fee and reflect on how grateful Great Master<br />
would be at the order I had brought to the garage. It was much easier for him to<br />
work on the bikes now with no bits and pieces lying around all over the floor<br />
and benches. As I relaxed with my c<strong>of</strong>fee I wondered what size bunch <strong>of</strong><br />
flowers will he buy me for helping him get some order into his garage or would<br />
it be a large box <strong>of</strong> chocolates?<br />
When Great Master returned from work I excitedly told him how I had helped<br />
him in the garage expecting to be thanked pr<strong>of</strong>usely, but he just went quiet with<br />
his face turning a rather disturbing shade <strong>of</strong> purple. It was at this point I thought<br />
he’s not as happy as I expected him to be, how ungrateful Great Master is<br />
being. Alas Great Master had completely stripped 2 bikes down and had<br />
carefully laid out the parts in order <strong>of</strong> their return to the bikes when the rebuilds<br />
were to be done - how was I supposed to know that? Suffice to say I was not<br />
the most popular wife on the planet and the rebuilds took Great Master many<br />
months longer than anticipated.<br />
There were further problems with bike bits and my cleaning habits such as the<br />
time Great Master was at work and I went into the garage to clean the bike as a<br />
pleasant surprise for him. I spent all afternoon polishing this and that with wax<br />
polish and Solvol Autosol. I had done a wonderful job <strong>of</strong> cleaning the bike and<br />
even the brake discs were gleaming as new, all the rust was gone and they<br />
shone beautifully, Solvol had done a good job. Again I gathered from the colour<br />
<strong>of</strong> his face and the tone <strong>of</strong> his voice I had done wrong by polishing the brake
discs – but they did look good all shiny and glinting as the sun caught them,<br />
how was I supposed to know they would not work properly? ‘Mistakes happen’<br />
I pr<strong>of</strong>fered before making a hasty retreat. I just thought I was helping I<br />
muttered as I skulked <strong>of</strong>f.<br />
Unfortunately it did not stop there, I still had not yet learnt my lesson. I always<br />
enjoyed cleaning the bikes and one sunny afternoon a nice high powered<br />
Japanese bike was wheeled out <strong>of</strong> the garage and Great Master said ‘we will go<br />
out for a run this afternoon weather is gorgeous and we can get a fast run over<br />
the mountain’. Great thought I and popped upstairs to get properly togged up.<br />
In the mean time a sea gull had flown over the bike leaving its calling card on<br />
the seat. <strong>No</strong> problem to me, the <strong>of</strong>fending deposit was wiped <strong>of</strong>f and out came<br />
the bees wax polish and I polished the dual seat till you could see your face in<br />
it. So <strong>of</strong>f we went on the bike, Great Master on the front and me perched on the<br />
back. All went well till we had to brake quite severely at the bottom <strong>of</strong> Bray<br />
Hill, it was just at this point the highly polished seat came into play, Great<br />
Master shot up on to the tank like a bullet from a gun and I found myself sitting<br />
on the front section <strong>of</strong> the dual seat. Once Great Master had overcome the pain<br />
and collected himself together he turned round to me and said in a severe tone,<br />
‘NEVER, EVER clean the bikes or the garage again’<br />
<strong>No</strong>w you see ladies the moral <strong>of</strong> this story is, if you don’t enjoy cleaning the<br />
bikes and would rather sit down and read a good book make sure you get the<br />
cleaning wrong. I have now spent many a happy summers afternoon lazing in<br />
the garden with a glass <strong>of</strong> wine while Great Master huffs and puffs cleaning the<br />
bikes and I don’t feel guilty. I used to work so hard cleaning the bikes and<br />
garage and I am convinced Great Master never appreciated all the hard work I<br />
did for him.<br />
And yes folks all the above it true – really happened and we are still married<br />
but I never dared venture in to the garage again!<br />
Vintage Woman<br />
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THE Vincent Firefly<br />
Petrol rationing imposed on Britain’s motorcyclists in 1939 ended in May<br />
1950; almost a full five years after the cessation <strong>of</strong> World War II hostilities. But<br />
this did little to alleviate the lack <strong>of</strong> personal transport. Cars were priced<br />
beyond the reach <strong>of</strong> most and new motorcycles were reserved mainly for<br />
export, with long waiting lists for the handful allowed to reach the home<br />
market. Such was the demand for two- wheeled personal transport that prices<br />
asked for second hand machines frequently exceeded that <strong>of</strong> the new<br />
unobtainable similar models. Enter the cyclemotor.<br />
The idea <strong>of</strong> attaching a small engine to drive a pedal bicycle that practically<br />
almost everybody owned was a sound one and was enthusiastically taken up. In<br />
1954 twelve manufacturers were listed with Government figures for that year<br />
showing over 270,000 such machines registered for the road.<br />
Engines were attached in every position imaginable: over the front wheel,<br />
under the pedals, in front <strong>of</strong>, above and inside the rear wheel. An equally wide<br />
diversity <strong>of</strong> driving the bicycle’s wheel was employed from chain, belt and<br />
roller friction drive. The smallest capacity unit was the Lohmann, a diminutive<br />
18cc two stroke with compression ignition, i.e. no spark plug. But most were<br />
View <strong>of</strong> the Miller Bill Snelling 9W AC rides alternator. the ES2 note engined the geared <strong>No</strong>rton primary drive
The Firefly - originally designed by a Polish engineer<br />
between 25cc to 50cc with the bicycle’s rear wheel being driven by a friction<br />
roller. It is into this category that what was to become the Firefly falls<br />
A Polish engineer, designed a 47.6cc single cylinder two stroke roller-drive<br />
unit and sold the drawings and all rights to the Birmingham electrical firm <strong>of</strong> H<br />
Miller sometime in early 1951. H. Miller lost no time in development for at the<br />
Belgian Motorcycle Show held in Brussels in January 1952 they exhibited their<br />
own bicycle mounted cyclemotor complete with the Miller diamond shaped<br />
emblem on the chaincase.<br />
As far as is known, this machine was a prototype only, with no sales to the<br />
public. However in June 1953 it reappeared when Vincent Engineers<br />
(Stevenage) Limited announced the launch <strong>of</strong> their cyclemotor attachment: the<br />
Vincent Firefly.<br />
The new owners had tidied up the original design. The coil was now hidden<br />
inside a recess in the bottom <strong>of</strong> the fuel tank (no health and safety concerns<br />
then). The control <strong>of</strong> the sliding engine unit was now effected by a handlebar<br />
lever with a locking trigger to keep the roller/tyre engagement. But it was still<br />
basically the Miller design with its 9 watt AC alternator and every nut and bolt<br />
in the electrical BA size, including steel studs into the alloy crankcase.<br />
Vincents had also done some tuning with the quoted Miller figures <strong>of</strong> 0.9 hp at<br />
3,800rpm. improved to 1 hp at 4,200rpm.<br />
Sold as a boxed kit at £25 it was competitively priced alongside other<br />
cyclemotors such as the popular BSA Winged Wheel at £25, Power Pak at £20
and Cyclemaster at £27. With a total weight <strong>of</strong> 23.5lbs – engine unit 18lbs – it<br />
was capable <strong>of</strong> over 25mph with up to 160mpg from its 5 pint fuel tank<br />
containing a 20 to 1 or 16 to 1 petroil mixture: both were acceptable. Sales<br />
were good but problems arose very early on with the alternator secured with<br />
only 4 miniscule 4BA bolts continually coming adrift but far more seriously<br />
with the friction drive roller. The cast iron 3.25 inch diameter roller was<br />
bonded by rubber to its shaft which was prone to splitting, <strong>of</strong>ten within a very<br />
short time. Much was made <strong>of</strong> this flexible mounting at the unveiling <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Firefly, claiming a smoother take up from starts and the easing <strong>of</strong> tyre wear.<br />
Although special heavy treaded tyres were used, unless the correct depth <strong>of</strong><br />
roller engagement was observed, rear tyre wear could be spectacularly rapid.<br />
This was especially so when, in an effort to avoid roller slip in wet weather,<br />
owners adjusted the engagement to increase the amount by which the roller bit<br />
into the tyre carcass.<br />
These problems were resolved and in 1955 the Firefly was revamped as the<br />
‘Power Cycle’. This took the form <strong>of</strong> the unit being fitted to a complete bicycle<br />
from the Sun company, with sprung front forks <strong>of</strong> the Webb pattern. Priced at<br />
£38 19s 3d it was good value but the design could not really complete with the<br />
early mopeds beginning to emerge from France and the Netherlands and it<br />
reverted to being sold as a boxed kit, within a short time.<br />
One <strong>of</strong> the main problems with the Firefly was the chosen position <strong>of</strong><br />
mounting the unit. By fixing it beneath the pedals, only a four inch ground<br />
Minimal ground clearance is evident in this close-up
clearance existed and although one road tester claimed ‘such a position imparts<br />
good handling’(!) it was very vulnerable. With most kerbs being higher than<br />
four inches unless the rider remembered to lift the machine over them terminal<br />
damage could result. Rider comfort also was a problem with the recommended<br />
60psi rear tyre pressure and no rear suspension and a heavy-action roller<br />
engagement lever. The routing <strong>of</strong> the very long control cable was critical for<br />
easy operation and detached nipples were not uncommon. On the Miller<br />
prototype, roller engagement was accomplished by a hand operated 14 inch<br />
long lever attached to the sliding engine mounts. It operated within a gate<br />
mechanism, rather like a hand change bike, with the three slots being OFF,<br />
DRIVE and WET. Ungainly perhaps, but one would have thought easier to use.<br />
In 1958 production ceased, brought about in the main by the now very<br />
sophisticated mopeds available. <strong>No</strong>t the least <strong>of</strong> which being the NSU Quickly<br />
<strong>of</strong>fering ultra reliability and superb comfort. Ironically, initially the Vincent<br />
company was the importer <strong>of</strong> the Quickly until NSU realised what a winner<br />
they had and set up their own distribution network.<br />
Over the period 1953 to 1958 some 3,000 Fireflys were produced but very few<br />
working examples survive today. The reason being, expired Fireflys could<br />
easily be disposed <strong>of</strong> in dustbins, whilst the engine made a good doorstop for<br />
the allotment shed!<br />
‘Clubmann’<br />
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A Triumphant Adventure<br />
Riding in the Banbury Run this year,together with a few <strong>Man</strong>x <strong>VMCC</strong><br />
members and my nephew Philip, I once again finished too early to win an<br />
award. Philip, who rode my Ner-a-Car, failed to finish due to running out fuel<br />
on the ascent <strong>of</strong> Sunrising Hill. Afterwards I drove back to Worksop and left<br />
my motorhome, bike and trailer at Philip's home and flew back to the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Man</strong>.<br />
Once home I set about completing the rebuild <strong>of</strong> a 1981 Triumph T140<br />
Bonneville Electric Start Executive which I had purchased some time earlier. It<br />
was discovered standing in a shed, unused for over 15 years and red rusty from<br />
the tank downwards. The owner's father, in an attempt to be helpful, decided to<br />
remove the sparking plugs to put oil down the bores, but he broke <strong>of</strong>f a plug<br />
flush with the head face. I had started the “bodywork” restoration first, thinking<br />
that the mechanics were a bit <strong>of</strong> a breeze. I encountered a problem finding<br />
someone with the ability to paint the mudguards to the correct spec. I removed<br />
the head after failing to get the plug out in situ, even with the application <strong>of</strong><br />
some heat. It had to be spark eroded out and then helicoiled.<br />
An electronic charging system, purchased at the earlier Stafford Classic Bike<br />
Show, to replace the broken rectifier and diode system, was installed, but no<br />
Brian on his BSA at the Festival <strong>of</strong> 1000 Bikes
Aboard his 1981 Triumph T140 Bonneville electric start<br />
charge was evident. Lots <strong>of</strong> head scratching and phone calls later it was<br />
discovered a single phase unit had been supplied, but a three phase one was<br />
needed.<br />
st<br />
By this time I was getting pretty desperate as it was Tuesday 1 August and I<br />
had arranged to go with the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> contingent to the Lakeland Rally on<br />
th<br />
the 8.45 am sailing on Friday 4 August. The bike had still to be tested and<br />
<strong>Man</strong>x registered, so I put a spare fully charged battery into the top box and<br />
rode it to the test station on spec. I spoke to Barry who arranged to be it tested<br />
that day and collected at 4.45pm. Riding back to Kirk Michael in an absolute<br />
downpour was not a pleasant experience on a bike fitted with brand new tyres,<br />
discs and pads. The following day the correct charging control arrived and was<br />
fitted. Thankfully all was OK electrically. The original hard luggage had been<br />
obtained with the bike and this was fitted, the bike registered, taxed and<br />
prepared for the Lakeland.<br />
Having ridden some nearly 450 miles in mainly horribly wet conditions during<br />
the rally, I bade goodbye to the rest <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> party who heading<br />
home. I then set <strong>of</strong> to ride the 150 miles to Worksop in the rain where I spent a<br />
few days visiting my ailing siblings.
On the following Friday I set <strong>of</strong> for Mallory Park and the <strong>VMCC</strong> Festival <strong>of</strong><br />
1000 Bikes. The BSA and Triumph were cantered round the race circuit (See<br />
pics.) during the Saturday road bike sessions, Philip again riding my Ner-a-Car<br />
and having a first ride on the Panther Model 50 Grand Sport he had just<br />
completed rebuilding.Sunday's session was spent on marshalling duties at the<br />
Esses. We enjoyed watching the many historic racing bikes being paraded by<br />
the likes <strong>of</strong> Agostini, Miller, Grant, Cooper et al.<br />
I returned to the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> having thoroughly enjoyed my adventure<br />
especially the fact that the Bonneville covered some 650 miles without a<br />
problem.It started after the rebuild on the electric starter after the button was<br />
inadvertently touched, despite warnings <strong>of</strong> dire consequences if it was used. It<br />
ran extremely well apart from adjusting the chain ( newly fitted together with<br />
front and rear sprockets) and a drop <strong>of</strong> engine oil to top up the level. <strong>No</strong>t bad<br />
for a bike which had not been ridden for such a long time nor for a rider who<br />
hadn't ridden that amount <strong>of</strong> mileage in such a short period for some 45 years.<br />
Brian Ward<br />
Lavacious Lunches<br />
Despatch riding for a living is a stressful<br />
way to earn a crust, but it has perks.<br />
One our clients was a 'gentleman's club',<br />
you know the sort <strong>of</strong> place, a bit rundown<br />
'cos the waitresses could not afford to buy<br />
too many clothes and were reduced to<br />
nearly wearing their school uniforms, that<br />
sort <strong>of</strong> thing. It was my onerous duty to call<br />
and collect the days takings, depositing it<br />
in their bank on Regent Street. The job was due every day at 2 pm. By rushing<br />
around the capital at breakneck speed, one could arrive early, which meant<br />
hanging around in the <strong>of</strong>fice/dressing room! It didn't cost me much to bribe the<br />
rest <strong>of</strong> the lads to 'leave this job to me'. A Met Police colleague had passed me an<br />
Everoak helmet, standard issue in those days. <strong>No</strong>t wishing to look like the fuzz, I<br />
had decorated it with red tape in an 'undesign' pattern - see picture.<br />
This particular day, some <strong>of</strong> the clientele had over imbibed and had forgotten the<br />
golden rule <strong>of</strong> such establishments: "Look but don't touch". I appeared, early as<br />
usual and made my way to the observation center - sorry <strong>of</strong>fice/dressing room. I<br />
had to pass the door to the restaurant and tarried for a few seconds as I heard the<br />
commotion, still wearing my helmet. Under red lights the stripes vanished and to<br />
the boozy party inside, it looked like a police raid! Things went a bit quieter, and<br />
Gladys, the boss, sizing up the situation, asked me to dwell just outside the door<br />
for a while until they had emptied the rowdy's out. By this time most <strong>of</strong> the girls<br />
'working clothes' such as they were, had all but disappeared. I think I must have<br />
tarried for quite a while as I just made the bank before it closed that day! And I<br />
got a healthy tip on top <strong>of</strong> an eyeful!<br />
One particular client in the PR field was always late in getting adverts, designs<br />
etc. ready to take to the publishing houses. They were one <strong>of</strong> our major clients so<br />
it was down to us to take the blame! You had to stand there like a crash-testdummy<br />
whilst the receptionist ranted about 'poor service, couldn't they get a<br />
more reliable courier, etc.' You had to be thick-skinned in that job.<br />
My longest days work was: Pick up from Western Super Mare at 9 am, get the<br />
goods back to South London asap, then collect another packet from <strong>No</strong>rth<br />
London to deliver to <strong>Man</strong>chester Airport - 750 miles in a day. And I was back in<br />
the <strong>of</strong>fice for 9 am the next day. I enjoyed it, but it's a young man's game.<br />
Bill Snelling
The History <strong>of</strong> Motor Cycle Racing<br />
Chapter Two: The Antwerp Devil & The Great War<br />
Jan Olieslagers<br />
Another <strong>of</strong> the great riders from the first decade <strong>of</strong> the twentieth century was<br />
Jan Olieslagers, dubbed "the Antwerp Devil". Born on 14 May 1883, he began<br />
working in a bicycle repair workshop and then found his way to the newly<br />
established Minerva bicycle company, whose products he raced under the<br />
pseudonym "John Max."<br />
In 1901, Minerva acquired a Swiss Zurcher & Luthi engine which Olieslagers<br />
installed in a bicycle frame and started to race. At the age <strong>of</strong> 18, he won the<br />
first ever race at Antwerp's Zurenborg velodrome.<br />
On 24 February 1904, he was granted the first racing licence to be issued by<br />
the Belgian federation and he moved to Paris for Minerva. In April, he won the<br />
eight stage Paris-Bordeaux-Paris race on a single cylinder 325 cc Minerva. In<br />
July, he took part in the Ostend race week, with his 7 bhp vee-twin, aiming to<br />
win the standing start mile. His preparation was meticulous; the front wheel<br />
was changed for a lighter version, a special compound tyres were fitted. As the<br />
tyres lasted for only three few miles, his bike was carried to the start line by a<br />
Oliver Godfrey at Ramsey Hairpin in 1911 - Indian
Captain Robert Arbuthnot, 1908 TT - Triumph<br />
horse and cart. He duly recorded the fastest time, covering the mile at a speed<br />
<strong>of</strong> 97.51 km/h, with a speed <strong>of</strong> 109 km/h over the flying kilometre.<br />
After taking sixth place in the Circuit des Ardennes, he ventured to Spa, which<br />
even then was a centre <strong>of</strong> racing, to participate in, and win, the prestigious<br />
Malchamps hill-climb. Then he met a challenge from the Frenchman<br />
Lamberjack, who alleged that no Belgian rider could reach 100 km/h unless the<br />
timekeeper was also a Belgian. So on 2 October Olieslagers ventured to the<br />
Dourdan 1,000 metre championship. His bike was fitted with wooden wheels<br />
and Dunlop tyres were glued to them. He covered the course in 62.2 seconds<br />
for a speed <strong>of</strong> 109 km/h.<br />
He was Belgian champion in 1904 and 1905 although the latter year was<br />
marred by the puncture which caused him to fall and lose the world title<br />
decider to Anzani. A return match was planned with Anzani for 6 May 1906<br />
and Olieslagers managed to obtain an ex-Giuppone machine from Peugeot,<br />
then the fastest race bikes available. But two days before the race, he was shot<br />
in the neck during a shooting party; he convinced the doctor to delay the<br />
necessary operation until he had met Anzani. In great pain, he had to give best<br />
to the Franco-Italian by half a wheel.
Having retired from racing in 1908, Olieslagers turned to flying, buying a<br />
Bleriot in 1909 and starting a career as a stunt pilot. He was rumoured to have<br />
met <strong>Man</strong>fred von Richth<strong>of</strong>en and Goring before the Great War. On the<br />
outbreak <strong>of</strong> the conflict he and his two bothers signed up for the Belgian Air<br />
Force and donated their three Bleriot planes to the cause. As a fighter pilot,<br />
Olieslagers initially took to the air armed with nothing more than a pistol but as<br />
the War progressed he became a recognised ace, although he rarely bothered to<br />
record the "kills" achieved in 97 combats in 518 patrols. As well as Belgian<br />
honours, he was awarded the French Croix de Guerre and honours bestowed by<br />
the governments <strong>of</strong> Russia and Serbia.<br />
In peace time, he opened a garage in 1919 and was the driving force behind the<br />
opening <strong>of</strong> Antwerp airport in 1923. When he died in 1942, his c<strong>of</strong>fin was<br />
draped with a Belgian flag, in open defiance <strong>of</strong> the ban imposed by the<br />
occupying German forces.<br />
One <strong>of</strong> his bikes survives. Minerva reputedly built two special vee-twins for<br />
1904 and presented him with the second bike one as a reward for victory in the<br />
Paris-Bordeaux-Paris endurance race <strong>of</strong> that year. The bike was modified with<br />
twin rear wheels and handlebars for pace riding, and somehow eventually the<br />
bike somehow found its way to the UK, where it was bought by Charlie<br />
Murray. It was then placed on display in the famous Murray's Museum on the<br />
slopes <strong>of</strong> Snaefell until the closure <strong>of</strong> the museum and the sale <strong>of</strong> its contents at<br />
the end <strong>of</strong> 2005, when Peter Murray cried "enough".<br />
Casualties <strong>of</strong> the Great War<br />
Mention <strong>of</strong> the exploits <strong>of</strong> Olieslagers brings to the fore the sacrifice made by<br />
many <strong>of</strong> the ace riders during the Great War. One <strong>of</strong> the most well-known<br />
casualties was Sir Robert Arbuthnot. Born on 23 March 1864, Arbuthnot had<br />
been a keen boxer in his youth and was an enthusiastic member <strong>of</strong> the Motor<br />
Cycling Club. His claim to fame as a racer was his third place, on a Triumph,<br />
in the single cylinder class <strong>of</strong> the 1908 TT, on leave while, as Captain<br />
Arbuthnot, he was waiting for his ship, the "Lord Nelson", to be<br />
commissioned. As Rear Admiral Arbuthnot, he was in command <strong>of</strong> "HMS<br />
Defence" and he went down with his ship at the Battle <strong>of</strong> Jutland on 31 May<br />
1916. He <strong>of</strong>ten took his bikes on board with him and a rumour had it that a<br />
Triumph went to the floor <strong>of</strong> the <strong>No</strong>rth Sea.<br />
Another keen Triumph exponent was Ivan Hart-Davies. The son <strong>of</strong> the Rector<br />
<strong>of</strong> Southam, born in 1884, Hart-Davies had been a teacher but founded an<br />
insurance brokerage; he was a man <strong>of</strong> many parts - a cricketer, rugby player, a<br />
cycle racer, a bobsleigh racer and a scout master.
Ivan Hart-Davies, Ramsey, 1912 Senior TT - Triumph<br />
But his first love was his Triumph motorcycle on which he accomplished his<br />
major ambition in 1909 by breaking the End to End record covering the 880<br />
miles from Lands End to John - o'- Groats in 33 hours 22 minutes. In June<br />
1911 he cut the time to 29 hours 12 minutes and that proved to be the final<br />
record as such attempts were subsequently banned in the interests <strong>of</strong> safety.<br />
A teddy bear, given to him by Miss Jennie Ward, was always strapped to his<br />
motorcycle when competing. Their relationship was unacceptable in the eyes<br />
<strong>of</strong> Ivan's father, the Rector. Miss Ward's father was an undertaker and therefore<br />
in a lower social bracket than the elevated Hart-Davies family. Hart-Davies<br />
th<br />
finished in 19 position in the 1912 Senior TT, no doubt encourage to compete<br />
by his close friend Jack Haswell (who finished as runner-up in the race on his<br />
Triumph).<br />
Hart-Davies had gained his pilot's licence before the War but, as his business<br />
had expanded dramatically, he did not sign up. In 1915, however, he received a<br />
white feather and an anonymous letter telling him to "Be a man; play the<br />
game". He published a public response via the "Rugby Advertiser". He<br />
subsequently signed up to be a RFC flying instructor and was awarded his<br />
"wings" at the age <strong>of</strong> 38.<br />
In July 1916, on the eve <strong>of</strong> his departure to join his Royal Flying Corps
squadron in France, he took a training flight. About 200 feet from the ground,<br />
his plane went into a sudden dive from which it did not recover; it was thought<br />
that he had fainted as he had manoeuvred the plane. His body was found<br />
completely unmarked but he had been killed instantly. His observer Lieutenant<br />
Miller was seriously injured but survived. Hart-Davies was buried in Southam<br />
churchyard and, in 2005, a new memorial stone was placed on his grave.<br />
Another star to lose his life in the service <strong>of</strong> the RFC was Oliver Godfrey. On<br />
13 December 1916, Second-Lieutenant Godfrey was reported by the War<br />
Office as killed, probably shot down flying over enemy lines in Flanders.<br />
Godfrey started hitting the news in 1906 aboard a bright yellow Werner,<br />
winning hill climbs. He then established a 500 cc hour record at Brooklands on<br />
a Rex and founded the famous Godfreys Ltd acting as London agents for<br />
Indian. His TT exploits aboard the Indian twins included victory in the Senior<br />
TT in 1911 and joint second place in the 1914 race, tied with Howard Davies<br />
(Sunbeam).<br />
Raymond Ainscoe<br />
2008 MANX RALLY VIDEO BY J. MARTIN WARR - Pr<strong>of</strong>its to next years rally<br />
Disc 1 - The Saturday run from Port Erin to Tony East's museum, the Castletown gathering on<br />
Sunday and the parade jumping Ballaugh Bridge on Wednesday.<br />
Disc 2 - Thursday, Laxey harbour to Ramsey and activity there, then Villa Marina evening and<br />
Friday's social run to Peel. Price £7.50 inc. P&P. Orders with Cheques and PO's made<br />
out to J. Martin Warr. Address:- J. Martin Warr, The Park, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 1DF.<br />
by Email warrim@hotmail.co.uk Paypal - ensure names can be tied up with orders and cash.
Sweet Dreams<br />
A 3 Stroke tale for Xmas<br />
IT all started the day that I had both motors in bits together on the bench. I had<br />
to get one running in a hurry and there were 'all those bits so I suppose it was<br />
inevitable that some <strong>of</strong> them should get mixed up. They were both the same<br />
bore and stroke so perhaps the mistake was not quite as stupid as it sounds.<br />
And there were the same number <strong>of</strong> holes up the barrel as well - three. As I<br />
coaxed the Triumph's pistons up the Suzuki's bore my mistake only registered<br />
when I spotted the transfer ports.<br />
Then it hit me. Why not combine the principles <strong>of</strong> four stroke and two stroke?<br />
Maybe crankcase compression could be used to inject an extra charge <strong>of</strong> gas<br />
into the four stroke's cylinderhead under pressure just before the normal<br />
induction cycle has been completed - after the inlet valve had closed but<br />
before the mixture had been fired. It seemed (on paper at least) that a more<br />
than useful power bonus should result. OK in theory but how to achieve this<br />
in practice? Well an external transfer port grafted onto the Suzuki's crankcase<br />
would have to carry the charge up to the Triumph cylinderhead which would<br />
need an extra inlet valve, since it would have. to gulp petrol through<br />
carburetors as well as swallowing the draught forced in from below.<br />
<strong>No</strong>w the situation is not so difficult to cope with, as four valve heads and<br />
double overhead camshafts have been around for years. However, it so<br />
happened that the last thing on the drawing board in what was the old<br />
Triumph racing department, had been a four valve double overhead camshaft<br />
cylinder head for the racing Trident. A hammer was supposed to have been put<br />
through the racing engines that were left, but knowing one <strong>of</strong> the former race<br />
mechanics and enlisting him into my scheme produced just<br />
that cylinder head and the idea began to take shape in reality. I must say it<br />
looked a bit <strong>of</strong> a lashup with three pipes coming out <strong>of</strong> the Suzy case and<br />
diving into the head next to the carbs.<br />
However, we now had a motor to run and it dropped nicely into the Suzuki's<br />
engine plates and with the fairing fitted you'd hardly guess that it wasn't the<br />
docile water cooled roadster that it once had been. Out on the road on its first<br />
try, standard gearing turned out to be a bit on the low side and the. rev counter<br />
was showing some 12.000, but the needle was wavering about and I though it<br />
Elated, I went back to the garage full <strong>of</strong> ideas for improving the performance.<br />
Firstly, I was doubtful whether the timing <strong>of</strong> the extra inlet charge was at<br />
optimum. The solution to this one was in fact to make the cam timing variable<br />
via a twistgrip on the left handlebar. Next thing was to raise crankcase<br />
compression as per good two-stroke tuning techniques and this would naturally<br />
boost the inlet charge.<br />
But then there was the need to improve the normally-aspirated charge through<br />
the carb, and so the size <strong>of</strong> instrument was increased, larger valves fitted and<br />
the timing on inlet and exhaust valves altered to give more overlap. Trident<br />
racing 11:1 pistons completed the tuning treatment and we were ready for<br />
another try.<br />
Ray's recently restored Royal Enfield Meteor 700. It came in a pile <strong>of</strong> three supermarket crates<br />
via Hitchcocks. He still needs the right hand toolbox and an air cleaner if anyone can help.<br />
This time I'd also fitted a set <strong>of</strong> racing ratios in the gearbox and with the left<br />
hand grip rolled back, (thus retarding the. inlet boost charge) the motor coped<br />
easily with the high first gear, pulling like a steam engine. Up the box and this<br />
time out on the road the thing took <strong>of</strong>f like a rocketship but the phenomenal<br />
speeds it achieved soon uncovered handling deficiencies and although it was on<br />
a dead straight and flat road the bike gradually started to weave from side to<br />
<strong>No</strong>w the 150mph speedo was going <strong>of</strong>f the clock and then I remembered that<br />
the way to get out a speed wobble was to accelerate. The valves started to<br />
bounce and I did likewise -down the road - as the roadster frame tied itself in a<br />
knot and the granddaddy <strong>of</strong> all tank-slappers pitched me <strong>of</strong>f.<br />
After coming out <strong>of</strong> hospital (in Which I'd had time to develop further ideas)<br />
the first job was to find a frame that would cope with speeds <strong>of</strong> which I thought<br />
the motor was really capable. Also it had been apparent that the power had still<br />
been coming in fast when valve float had been reached. The solution <strong>of</strong> the<br />
first problem was easy. One <strong>of</strong> the Rob <strong>No</strong>rth ex-works Triumph racing frames<br />
was obtained and modified to take the Suzuki bottom end but the valve bounce<br />
problem was a little more difficult.<br />
This was solved by adopting the Ducati desmodromic system so the springs<br />
were dispensed with altogether. Once more back on the road it soon became<br />
obvious that the roadholding problems were solved and I could concentrate on<br />
extracting the best from the motor. The advantages <strong>of</strong> the variable inlet valve<br />
timing soon became obvious but the powerband flattened right out at 18000.<br />
The solution to this I had reasoned from my hospital bed was, anticipating the<br />
problem, in the timing not <strong>of</strong> the admittance <strong>of</strong> the inlet charge -controlled by<br />
the inlet valve but <strong>of</strong> the charge itself from the crankcase. This was now to be<br />
controlled by fitting a disc inlet to the crankcase and a further disc controlling<br />
its exit up the induction tract to the cylinder head. These would be so timed<br />
that the pressure in the crankcase would be confined until pressure really built<br />
up and released at the optimum moment when the inlet valve would be open to<br />
receive it. The extra pressure gained would greatly boost the inlet charge and<br />
so the power.<br />
The further increase in power made ii obvious that more development could<br />
only be carried out on the racetrack. So for the first time I faced the starter<br />
from the back <strong>of</strong> the grid and as the flag dropped I watched the field disappear<br />
into the distance and made a mental note to polish up my bumpstarting<br />
technique. However, once on the move the special really came into its own.<br />
Down the long straight it proved to be grossly overgeared but at 21000 in third<br />
it passed some <strong>of</strong> the back markers on the first lap. . Braking for the corners<br />
left much to be desired and it was not only that I was braking at the million<br />
yard marker board but that even the twin discs on the front were not coping too<br />
well anyway. That meant the cornering ability left rather a lot <strong>of</strong> room for<br />
improvement. The remedy in the retardition department was to fit another set<br />
<strong>of</strong> calipers to the discs. These were fitted behind the fork legs (the others were<br />
in front) and racing pads fitted all round. Racing tyres were fitted as the<br />
standard tread had started to lift at the speeds attained.
After another club race and with a first easy win it was obvious that stiffer<br />
competition was required to really test its capabilities. With the speeds possible<br />
a high speed track would suit it best so I got accepted for the supporting<br />
1,000cc event at Silverstone and, on the first lap soon got stuck in behind the<br />
leading bunch at Copse, lost a few yards in the elbowing that was going on,<br />
caught up a little in the rush round to Maggots Curve, down to Becketts and<br />
then lost about 50 yards through the Chapel Bends. But you should have seen<br />
the Special down Hangar Straight. It ate the entire field comprising all the<br />
aspiring works riders <strong>of</strong> the day.<br />
I got a bit carried away here trying to stay with the hard scratchers round the<br />
corners and nearly drifted onto the grass losing yards and yards. After<br />
scrabbling back on line I found that I'd forgotten to change down and lost out<br />
on initial acceleration. However, with a quick twiddle on the left twistgrip to<br />
bring the inlet charge timing to optimum and a shade more overlap on the valve<br />
timing left the rest <strong>of</strong> the pack in the dust and closed back up on the leading<br />
two<br />
Last lap and once more passing the field down Hanger Straight, there was only<br />
the run round Woodcote Corner now to the start/finish and I'd got to get far<br />
enough in front <strong>of</strong> before the finish line. So I just let the revs go and hoped it<br />
would not blow itself apart and although the rev counter was calibrated up to<br />
25000 it went <strong>of</strong>f the clock as I went by.<br />
Then it blew. It could have been a rod that let go. Maybe the valves finally<br />
tangled. The parts travelled so far that they were picking them out <strong>of</strong> the stands.<br />
Nevertheless the impetus <strong>of</strong> the colossal speed attained was sufficient to get a<br />
second place. It was <strong>of</strong> course the usual race distance - one lap. Silverstone was<br />
a long circuit and the fuel restrictions only allowed one gallon per race which<br />
gave Grand Prix machines something like five<br />
There turned out to be little point in trying to develop the principle further as<br />
while collecting the necessary bits to rebuild it I learned that all the major<br />
factories had similar models on the stocks. But one evening in my local,<br />
someone made a crack about a three-stroke motor. <strong>No</strong>w that could be<br />
something. By harnessing both induction and exhaust motions into the one<br />
stroke. Hmmm! Must talk to Father Christmas. When I wake up that is!<br />
Floggers Corner<br />
Ray Knight<br />
self start and self propelled. Little used -- £90 for quick sale 897164
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