The Farm Journal Illustrated Rural Directory of Monroe County, New ...
The Farm Journal Illustrated Rural Directory of Monroe County, New ...
The Farm Journal Illustrated Rural Directory of Monroe County, New ...
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Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
i ^ T H E F A R M .1 () L K X A L 1 L L I S T R A T E D<br />
191s NEW YORK ID j:;<br />
MfARUE TdlN'TV C( t RT Hoi'SE. ROCHESTER, N. Y<br />
P U B L I S H E R S OK T H E F A R M J O U R N A L<br />
W A S H I N G T O N S QU A R E , I'm i.A DELPH I A
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
H. S. SLADE<br />
25 ELM ST (tW) ROCHESTER, N. Y<br />
Standard Makes <strong>of</strong> Watches, Clocks and Jewelry at Lowest<br />
Possible Prices.<br />
Write for Prices on Your Needs.<br />
T0 US<br />
Manufacturers and Distributors<br />
Pure Culture Seed and Soil Inoculation for Legumes<br />
Legume crops <strong>of</strong>fer the best-known means <strong>of</strong> maintaining soil fertility and building up<br />
run-down fields. <strong>The</strong>y add both nitrogen and humus to your soil and thus increase your yields<br />
<strong>of</strong> Grain, Potatoes, Corn and other non-legume crops. Alfalfa, Clovers, Vetch, Beans, Peas and<br />
other legume crops produce best results only when the proper legume bacteria are present.<br />
Nodule-Bacter supplies strong, active bacteria to inoculate Alfalfa and all other legumes at<br />
very small cost. Thorough inoculation is easily accomplished with Nodule-Bacter as seed for<br />
10 acres can be inoculated in 10 minutes.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
3 9077 03555 6656<br />
Tha is a modem dry goods store, covering more than thirteen acres <strong>of</strong> floor space, and supplying most <strong>of</strong> the<br />
requirements <strong>of</strong> mankind. It is grtatlu worth while to look here anyway; you sace time and money.<br />
You Will Find in This Store<br />
A commodious Tea Room on the Sixth Floor, away from dust<br />
and noise, where good food with excellent service may be<br />
obtained at moderate cost. An ideal place to meet your<br />
friends and spend the luncheon hour.<br />
On Main Floor near North Street entrance, a Bureau <strong>of</strong><br />
Information, Free Checking Room, Express, Mail, Money<br />
Order and Trolley Ticket Office.<br />
Men's Furnishing Department, exceptionally large and well<br />
equipped, in Aisles A and B, Main Floor.<br />
One <strong>of</strong> the largest Grocery Departments, in any store between<br />
<strong>New</strong> York and Chicago.<br />
Large departments for Furniture, Rugs, Curtains and Upholsteries.<br />
A Decorating and Designing Department where wall paper,<br />
draperies and all accessories <strong>of</strong> home decorating may be<br />
obtained and the work done if desired.<br />
It is an institution that aims at all times to render to its<br />
patrons a Service <strong>of</strong> Satisfaction.<br />
Clinton Ave., Main and North Sts. : Rochester, N. Y.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Standard Fertilizers<br />
Wagons & Carriages<br />
Dealer in<br />
General Produce, Coal, Wood<br />
Potatoes, Onions,Cabbage, Apples,Carrots, in car lots, a Specialty<br />
Terms, Coal Strictly Cash<br />
N. Y —HOME 'PH0NE39A<br />
Wagon Springs, Barrel Salt, Land Plaster, Sewer Pipe,<br />
Drain Tile, Brick, Portland Cement<br />
Warehouse and Coal Sheds on N. Y C. Freight Tracks<br />
Ready-Built Philo System<br />
Save Time and Money<br />
As well as provide the best possible conditions for the fowls.<br />
A trial side by side with old style houses will prove that<br />
fowls in Philo System Coops will mature more quickly, gain<br />
more pounds at less cost, lay more eggs, and are freer from<br />
disease. Coops come ready to set up; built in complete sections<br />
that are quickly screwed together. Cost less than to<br />
build your own old style houses. Sizes from 6 to 25 hens.<br />
Prices, #8 to 335. Send for free illustrated catalogue.<br />
Also manufacturers <strong>of</strong> the "CYCLE" HATCHER, the best 50-egg<br />
all metal, fire-pro<strong>of</strong> incubator. Price, $6.00
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
K Ton-115 or 130-in. Wheelbase $60<br />
X Ton-115 or 130-in.Wheelbase $125<br />
1 Ton-115 or 130-in. Wheelbase $265<br />
V/ 2 Ton-125-in. Wheelbase $350<br />
<strong>The</strong> Rochester Hay Dee Co.<br />
428 Main St., East, Rochester, N. Y.<br />
Rochester, N. Y<br />
Capital - - $250,000.00<br />
Surplus - - $125,000.00<br />
Resources over $ 1,600,000.00<br />
JAMES L. HOTCHKISS - President BRADLEY W, FENN Vice President<br />
GEORGE G. FORD Vice President JOHN C. FRANKLAND Cashier<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
When You Think <strong>of</strong><br />
Think <strong>of</strong><br />
Burr & Starkweather Co.<br />
42-48 Stone Street, Rochester, <strong>New</strong> York<br />
FRANK B. SHEA Both Telephones: Main 1049—Stone 2383 WALTER L. BEAN<br />
<strong>The</strong> more you know about human nature, the less<br />
you will wonder why we are so popular with<br />
both country and city FOLKS <strong>of</strong> <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />
13 Years Successful Business Experience<br />
221-223 Granits Building Rochester, N. Y
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
OF<br />
NEW YORK<br />
(With a Complete Road Map <strong>of</strong> the <strong>County</strong>)<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Howe & Rogers Co,<br />
ROCHESTER, N. Y.<br />
Our new building and location<br />
since January, 1916. At 89<br />
and 91 Clinton Avenue South,<br />
near Mam Street.<br />
Rugs, Furniture, Carpets,<br />
Draperies, Etc. Freight Paid.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Peaceful, Prosperous and Pr<strong>of</strong>itable.<br />
IT \<br />
Mare, as a rule, <strong>of</strong> more than average size, about 12 per cent, being under<br />
OXROE COUNTY with a total <strong>of</strong> 5,971 farms in an area<br />
<strong>of</strong> 663 square miles, is distinctly a farm county. More than<br />
90 per cent, <strong>of</strong> the entire area <strong>of</strong> the county is in its farms,<br />
and more than 89 per cent, is under cultivation. <strong>The</strong> farms<br />
ten acres. <strong>The</strong>y are, almost without exception, pr<strong>of</strong>itable and correspondingly<br />
valuable. <strong>The</strong> farmers, as a class, are the most prosperous<br />
folks in the county. In view <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> farms, that is in itself<br />
a statement <strong>of</strong> the wealth <strong>of</strong> this section.<br />
<strong>The</strong> farm population <strong>of</strong> <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> is almost exclusively<br />
native-born white.<br />
It is interesting to note the number <strong>of</strong> farms in the county operated<br />
by their owners. Of this class there are 4,322, or 72 per cent. One<br />
thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, or 44 per cent, <strong>of</strong> them are<br />
reported free <strong>of</strong> mortgage debt. This is an exceptionally large percentage.<br />
Of the balance, the remarkably low mortgage indebtedness <strong>of</strong><br />
only 34 per cent <strong>of</strong> the entire valuation is carried. Even in the absence<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
* ', r " C *<br />
r _ r c<br />
COUNTY<br />
' c c "• f '-• e <<br />
r<br />
£<br />
COAL Solvay Agricultural Lime<br />
Ground Extra Fine<br />
Vulcanite Portland Cement<br />
Worcester<br />
and Common Fine Salt, Etc.<br />
A. M. LOOMIS<br />
Both Phones • If 1001110<br />
FAI p °*<br />
N R T T<br />
Tomkinson, Kenyon &Tomkinson Co.<br />
Merchants and<br />
Custom Millers<br />
Mill at Honeoye Falls, N. Y., Rush, N. Y.<br />
and Genesee, N. Y<br />
Also Dealers in<br />
Studebaker, Maxwell and Ford Cars<br />
Garage at Rush, N. Y.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
<strong>of</strong> other statistical figures, these mortgage statements alone would indicate<br />
exceptional prosperity among <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> farmers.<br />
<strong>The</strong> largest single crop, and the one produced most generally<br />
throughout the entire county, is potatoes, <strong>of</strong> which 2,796,728 bushels<br />
were produced in 1910, a notably bad crop year, but the latest for which<br />
authoritative figures are available. Following closely on this for quantity<br />
is oats, with a total <strong>of</strong> 1,385,560 bushels; wheat comes next, with<br />
866,903 bushels, and corn fourth, with 779,032 bushels. <strong>The</strong> combined<br />
total <strong>of</strong> value <strong>of</strong> these four crops was in excess <strong>of</strong> three million<br />
dollars.<br />
Everywhere is an atmosphere <strong>of</strong> hard work. Everyone takes work<br />
seriously and as a matter <strong>of</strong> course. <strong>The</strong>re is no false pride about it, and<br />
no failure to realize its importance and its necessity. Rich farmers'<br />
wives and sons and daughters take pride in their fine butter, their eggs,<br />
their vegetables, their chickens and their stock. <strong>The</strong> relations between<br />
the people <strong>of</strong> the farms and the people <strong>of</strong> the towns are most cordial.<br />
<strong>The</strong> farmers deposit their savings in the local banks, and deal in the local<br />
stores.<br />
This directory is published in the belief that it will serve to acquaint<br />
the residents <strong>of</strong> one end <strong>of</strong> the county with those <strong>of</strong> the other. We<br />
believe it to be accurate. We realize, however, that even in the most<br />
carefully compiled and printed books certain errors are bound to appear,<br />
and we apologize in advance for any such that may be found by our<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Lincoln National Bank<br />
<strong>of</strong> Rochester, N. Y<br />
President<br />
Vice President<br />
J. J. L. FRIEDERICH Vice President<br />
PETER A. VAY<br />
Vice Pres. and Cashier<br />
WM. B. FARNHAM<br />
Assistant Cashier<br />
Assistant Cashier<br />
WM. G. WATSON<br />
Asst. Cashier and Auditor<br />
Our large resources enable us to give you prompt, dependable<br />
and efficient service. For your benefit we<br />
employ a working capital <strong>of</strong><br />
$2,600,000.00<br />
Total Resources, $21,000,000.00<br />
For the women is provided a department separated from the main<br />
banking room<br />
WE SELL: Everything for your Stock and Poultry, and<br />
have every facility for handling your orders. Our Pilot<br />
Poultry Feed, a carefully-blended and well-balanced ration,<br />
is peerless as an egg-producer.<br />
WE BUY: Hay, Straw, Wheat, Buckwheat, Barley, etc.<br />
ROOFING: Asbestos and Asphalt Ro<strong>of</strong>ings, Ro<strong>of</strong> Coatings<br />
and Asphalt Waterpro<strong>of</strong>ing Materials. Samples and prices<br />
upon request.<br />
We respectfully solicit your patronage<br />
Main Office and Mill:204 Troup St. and Penn. R. R.<br />
Warehouse: N. Y C. R. R. at Portland Avenue<br />
<strong>New</strong>man Bros. Grain Co.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Sheriff—CHARLES S. OWEN<br />
<strong>County</strong> Treasurer—CHARLES J. BROWN<br />
<strong>County</strong> Clerk—JAMES L. HOTCHKISS<br />
<strong>County</strong> Judge—HON. J. B. M. STEPHENS<br />
Special <strong>County</strong> Judge—HON. JOHN A. BARHITE<br />
Surrogate—HON. SELDEN S. BROWN<br />
<strong>County</strong> Attorney—GEORGE Y. WEBSTER<br />
District Attorney—JOHN W. BARRETT<br />
Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Jurors—JOHN M. STEELE<br />
<strong>County</strong> Superintendent—J. Y. MCCLINTOCK<br />
Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Poor—WILLIAM E. PORTER<br />
Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Penitentiary—WILLIAM H. CRAIG<br />
Coroners—THOMAS A. KILLIP, M.D.<br />
<strong>County</strong> Sealer—W A. PAYNE
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bell Phone 14-R Home Phone 083<br />
Foundry Garage<br />
R. T. YORKS, Prop.<br />
LIVERY<br />
(Night—Day)<br />
North Main Street<br />
Honeoye Falls, N. Y.<br />
From<br />
Factory to <strong>Farm</strong>er<br />
Rollers Bob Shoes<br />
Cultivators Wagon Shoes<br />
Water Drawers Post Mauls<br />
Hog Troughs Sash Weights<br />
Hitching Weights<br />
Feed Boxes and Other<br />
Castings<br />
Yorks Foundry and<br />
Machine Shop<br />
Honeoye Falls <strong>New</strong> York<br />
Home Phone, Stone 2470 Bell, Main 1690-W<br />
James Van As Company<br />
Hay, Straw, Shavings,<br />
Grain and Feed ....<br />
Distributors <strong>of</strong><br />
Purina Horse, Poultry and<br />
Cattle Feeds<br />
118-122 Portland Avenue<br />
Rochester :: :: <strong>New</strong> York<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Automobile Tractor & Truck<br />
Sales Corp. Rochester 338<br />
Bank <strong>of</strong> Honeoye Falls<br />
... Honeoye Falls,<br />
See Bottom <strong>of</strong> Page<br />
Berger 's Furniture Store. Rochester .. 344<br />
Bruce, Marshall R., Co.,<br />
<strong>The</strong> r Wallpaper Brockport 365<br />
33urke, Fitzsimons Hone Co.,<br />
Inc., <strong>The</strong> Women s Wear .. Rochester,<br />
See Bottom <strong>of</strong> Page<br />
3urr & Starkweather Co.. Dairy and Poultry Supplies. Rochester 2<br />
iCarpenter Hardware Co..<br />
East Rochester,<br />
See Bottom <strong>of</strong> Page<br />
Central Avenue Garage.... ;. .., Rochester ...346<br />
jDhurehville Garage -.. - , Churchville . 380<br />
^Citizens Bank Rochester 1<br />
•Conant & Conant .... Chiropractors Rochester 365<br />
€onnor, John & Son Ladders, Hay and Grain. .. Rochester 353<br />
€y£le Hatcher Co '- Pdultry Supplies Elmira Front Fly Leaf<br />
Dailey, Wm., Corporation.. Preserves and Produce. ..Brockport ... 16<br />
Despatch Coal & Produce<br />
Co East Rochester ... 349<br />
Ihiffy Powers Co. .. Department Store Rochester Fourth Cover<br />
Durward, L Painting and Decorating... Rochester 355<br />
Dyer, R, J, . Poultry Breeder East Rochester .. 357<br />
Ebner & Whaling, Inc.. Coal and Produce Webster 372<br />
Ellsworth Orchestra, <strong>The</strong> Fairport 356<br />
Ellsworth, P. S<br />
Swine Breeder and Dead<br />
Animal Remover Fairport 356<br />
•Empire Powder Corporation,<br />
<strong>The</strong> ..<br />
LeR °F ••<br />
343<br />
Enright, M. L General Store Mcndon 351<br />
First National Bank Brockport 16<br />
Fly, John, Garage, <strong>The</strong>.... • Rochester ..... 376<br />
Foundry Garage .. Honeoye Falls 10<br />
Prench, Chas. E Chiropractor .. Rochester 376<br />
Priedrieh, Friedrich .. Harness Rochester 350<br />
Tryatt B J Department Store ... East Rochester,<br />
'<br />
See Bottom <strong>of</strong> Page<br />
Garson Store, <strong>The</strong> Clothing Rochester ... 380<br />
Genesee Lime Co..<br />
• • • • Honeoye Falls,<br />
See Bottom <strong>of</strong> Page<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
SEEDS<br />
PLANTS<br />
America's Oldest Mail Order Concern<br />
High-grade Vegetable and Flower Seeds shipped to all parts <strong>of</strong><br />
the world.<br />
Largest Flower Seed <strong>Farm</strong>s anywhere in America except the<br />
California Sweet Pea ranches.<br />
Largest growers <strong>of</strong> Asters in the world.<br />
Large growers <strong>of</strong> fancy quality Vegetable Seeds, Bulbs and<br />
Roots.<br />
Over 500 acres and 12 large greenhouses in the heart <strong>of</strong> the<br />
best Vegetable and Flower-growing section in America.<br />
At our store on Stone Street, near Main, we <strong>of</strong>fer a larger list<br />
<strong>of</strong> varieties <strong>of</strong> Seeds, Plants and Bulbs than any other store between<br />
<strong>New</strong> York and Chicago.<br />
Our Garden and Floral Guide, handsomely illustrated, will be<br />
mailed free upon request. Please mention this directory.<br />
20 Stone Street Rochester, <strong>New</strong> York<br />
"<strong>The</strong> Flower City"<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
NAME<br />
Graves Co., H. B<br />
Hall Cement Block Mfg.<br />
Co<br />
Harmon Monumental Wks.<br />
Harrison & Co., £<br />
Hart, Frank J., Monument<br />
Co<br />
Hewes, William D<br />
Holden & Lord<br />
Holman, Geo. S<br />
Produee and Coal<br />
Honeoye Falls Times, <strong>The</strong>. <strong>New</strong>spaper<br />
Howe & Rogers Co..<br />
Humphrey, 0. L. & Co<br />
Hutchinson, J. H<br />
Jayne & Mason<br />
Keene &. Keene<br />
Knortz, A. J., Electric Co..<br />
Ladd, Clare D.<br />
Leve •Brothers<br />
Lincoln National Bank <strong>of</strong><br />
Loom is, A. M..<br />
UtacPherson, J. <strong>New</strong>ton... .<br />
<strong>New</strong> England Furniture &<br />
Carpet Co., <strong>The</strong><br />
<strong>New</strong> Idea Double Tire Co.,<br />
Inc<br />
*8Jewman Bros Grain Co...<br />
<strong>New</strong> York Auto Service<br />
Osborn, W. H., Co..<br />
Pariftinn ("!1nak TToiisp<br />
&qrcey & Clark.<br />
Relyea, Huldah<br />
Boehester Hay Dee Co., <strong>The</strong>.<br />
Rochester Trust & Safe<br />
^Deposit Co<br />
8au»ders, Irving<br />
Scottsville House<br />
Department Store<br />
Clothing and Men's Furnishing<br />
Real Estate and Insurance.<br />
Insurance ...<br />
Carpets and Furniture.<br />
Coal and Lumber<br />
Produce<br />
Bankers<br />
Chiropractors<br />
Auctioneer<br />
Chiropractors<br />
Coal and Fertilizers.<br />
Sheep, Swine and Poultry<br />
Breeder<br />
Canners<br />
Hardware<br />
Undertaker<br />
Automobiles<br />
Photographer<br />
Hotel<br />
13<br />
TOWN<br />
. .Rochester,<br />
See Bottom<br />
Honeoye Falls<br />
. Brockport<br />
: Brockport \<br />
. Honeoye Falls<br />
East Rochester,<br />
See Bottom<br />
. Honeoye Falls,<br />
See Bottom<br />
. Fairport .. Front<br />
Honeoye Falls,<br />
Back :<br />
. Rochester<br />
. Honeoye Falls... .<br />
Pittsford<br />
Webster Back<br />
Rochester<br />
. Honeoye Falls ....<br />
. Henrietta<br />
Rochester,<br />
See Bottom<br />
. Rochester<br />
. Fairport<br />
Scottsville .... .... 340<br />
Rochester<br />
. Rochester<br />
Rochester<br />
. Rochester ....<br />
Honeoye Falls ..<br />
. Rochester<br />
Fairport<br />
Fairport ,<br />
. Brockport<br />
East Rochester<br />
. Rochester .....<br />
Rochester ...<br />
Scottsville<br />
.'.<br />
PAGE<br />
<strong>of</strong> Page<br />
398<br />
354<br />
342<br />
... 398<br />
<strong>of</strong> Page<br />
i <strong>of</strong> Page<br />
Fly Leaf<br />
Ply Leaf<br />
4<br />
341<br />
.... 345<br />
Fly Leaf<br />
... 380<br />
70<br />
*336<br />
<strong>of</strong> Page<br />
8<br />
6<br />
... 347<br />
372<br />
8<br />
.... 346<br />
3'45<br />
372<br />
14<br />
376<br />
358<br />
1<br />
337<br />
34<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Smithfields Pure Food Co., Inc.<br />
Packers <strong>of</strong> High Grade<br />
Vegetables and Fruits<br />
Clarkson :: :: :: <strong>New</strong> York<br />
ANDLf<br />
STRONG—MOTORS, Inc., Distributors, Rochester, N. Y<br />
C. A. WEILAND, D. C. Ph. C.<br />
BARNARD, N. Y<br />
DAVENPORT, IOWA. (Chiropractic Fbuntain Head)<br />
Hardware, Plumbing, Steam, Hot Water and<br />
Hot Air Heating<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Sergeant Motor Co Automobiles Rochester,<br />
See Bottom <strong>of</strong> Page<br />
Shea-Bean Co Real Estate and Brokers. .. Rochester 2<br />
Sherman, Harriet K.. .. Chiropractor .. Rochester. ... Third Cover<br />
Sherman, Ray W Chiropractor Rochester Third Cover<br />
Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co. Department Store Rochester... Front Fly Leaf<br />
Slade, H. S Jeweler and Optician Rochester ... .Second Cover<br />
Slosson, William Plumbing and Heating. East Rochester ... 380<br />
- Smith, J. A., & Co Feed Mill Pittsford 344<br />
Smithfields Pure Food Co... Canners Clarkson 14<br />
Snow, Edward C Clothing and Furniture Fairport 34<br />
Spencerport Nurseries Spencerport .. 365<br />
Standard Inoculation Co Seeds Rochester. ... Second Cover<br />
Stappenbeck, Win. Fertilizer Rochester Back Fly Leaf<br />
Stothard & Simmons. ... Hardware and Plumbing... Hilton 372<br />
Strong-Motors., Ine Automobiles ...: .. .• Rochester 14<br />
Stuart Smith Co., W., Inc...Ro<strong>of</strong>ers Rochester 398<br />
Tomkinson, Kenyon &<br />
Tomkinson Co. .. Flour, Feed and Garage... Honeoye Falls, Rush and<br />
Geneseo 6<br />
Touhey Co., Inc., <strong>The</strong> Women's Wear Rochester,<br />
See Bottom <strong>of</strong> Page<br />
Townsend, F. J Wire Stretcher Painted Post 360<br />
Unigraph Shorthand Institute,<br />
<strong>The</strong> Rochester 339<br />
Union & Advertiser Co <strong>New</strong>spaper ...... Rochester 353<br />
Union Trust Co... Rochester 60<br />
United States Rubber Co<br />
Rochester. ..Back Fly Leaf<br />
Van As Company, James. Hay and Grain Rochester .. 10<br />
Viek's James, Sons Seeds .. Rochester 12<br />
Warder, Clark & Chaplin. Electrical Contractors .. Rochester 376<br />
Warren, E. D General Merchandise . Fairport 348<br />
Webster Marble & Granite<br />
Works .. : Webster Back Fly Leaf<br />
Weiland, C. A Chiropractor Barnard 14<br />
Westminster Park Resort West Henrietta 359<br />
York Foundry & Machine<br />
ghop • • •Honeoye Falls 10<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
OF<br />
Established 1864<br />
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Pr<strong>of</strong>its over $125,000.00<br />
LUTHER GORDON, President<br />
THOMAS C. GORDON, Vice President<br />
GEORGE E. BENEDICT, Cashier<br />
RODNEY C. SHULL, Asst. Cashier<br />
Solicits accounts <strong>of</strong> corporations, firms and individuals,<br />
granting such accommodation as sound<br />
banking principles may warrant.<br />
WM. DAILEY<br />
Receivers, Shippers, Manufacturers,<br />
Preservers<br />
Highest cash prices paid for Grain, Beans, Wool,<br />
Cabbage, Apples, Peaches, Cherries, Cider Apples,<br />
Tomatoes and all kinds <strong>of</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> Products<br />
Come in and have a talk with us<br />
Park Avenue, near N. Y C. Railroad, BROCKPORT, N. Y<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Main Street, Brockport, N. Y.<br />
ABBREVIATION'S.—a, means acres; bds, boards; B tel, Bell telephone; 4 ch, 4 children;<br />
H&L, house and lot; < >, owns; R], <strong>Rural</strong> Route No. 1; ret., retired; T, tenant; 4h, 4 horses;<br />
2c, 2 cattle.<br />
Names in CAPITALS are those <strong>of</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> subscribers—always the most intelligent<br />
and progressive people in any county. No Tumbledowns, for no farmer can keep on reading<br />
the F. J. and being a Tumbledown, too. Many have tried, but all have to quit one or the other.<br />
Aberle, Edward (Janet) 1 ch drug<br />
store T H&L Erie St B & Ind tels.<br />
Adams, F. mechanic Market St.<br />
Adams, Mrs. Louise C. (widow) O H&L<br />
Fayette St Ind tel.<br />
Adsit, William (Elizabeth) 2 ch piano<br />
finisher T H&L Richmond Place.<br />
Alborn, George G. (Caroline) laundryman<br />
O H&L 23 Fair St Lad tel.<br />
^Albas, Walter J. (Ella) 5 ch shoemaker<br />
I' >T H&L Millard St.<br />
LAQen, Mrs. Henry (widow) bookkeeper<br />
T 103 Holley St B tel.<br />
ALLEN, MRS. MABEL A. 64 Fayette St.<br />
Alvord, J. D. (Alice) second-hand store<br />
0 H&L Clinton St.<br />
Amidon, Boyd (Hattie) painter O H&L<br />
1 auto 16 Liberty St B tel.<br />
Amidon, Clyde (Gladys) 1 ch T H&L<br />
Utica St Ind tel.<br />
Amrose, Thomas (Marjorie) 1 ch shoemaker<br />
T H&L 7 South Ave Ind tel.<br />
Anderson, Katherine stenographer Utiea<br />
St Ind teL<br />
17<br />
Andrews, Mrs. M. J. (widow) O H&L<br />
22 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Andross, Edward (Margaret) finisher<br />
O H&L 59 High St.<br />
Andross, Mildred 59 High St.<br />
Appleton, Daniel H. railroad 64 Spring<br />
St.<br />
Appleton, Flossie kodak employee 64<br />
Spring St.<br />
Appleton, James (Lena) 1 ch shoemaker<br />
T H&L 75 Fair St B tel.<br />
Appleton, Mrs. Rhoda (widow) T 64<br />
Spring St.<br />
Appleton, Richard R. shoemaker 1 motorcycle<br />
75 Fair St B tel.<br />
Apthorp, Mrs. E. J. 336 S Main St B<br />
tel.<br />
Armstrong, George (Electa) farmer O<br />
H&L 65 Fair St B tel.<br />
Armstrong, Mable 65 Fair St B tel.<br />
ARNOLD, EDWIN L. (Nella) 3 ch telephone<br />
inspector T H&L 24 Millard<br />
St Ind tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Arnold, W. S. (Nettie) ret O H&L<br />
Kenyon St B tel.<br />
Ashworth, Albert (Harriet) 3 ch decorator<br />
O H&L Kenyon St Ind tel.<br />
.txustin, Mrs. William (widow) O H&L<br />
lh 19 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Avery, B. H. (Clara) ret O H&L 349<br />
S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Avery, Samuel ret T H&L 107 South<br />
Ave.<br />
Babcock, Mrs. M. E. (widow) O H&L<br />
Spring St Ind tel.<br />
Backus, Samuel (Mena) 1 ch laborer<br />
148 Holley St.<br />
Bailey, F. (Mary) laborer 0 H&L Erie<br />
St.<br />
Baker, Mrs. Alien (widow) O H&L 73<br />
Park Ave. ,<br />
Ball, Charles printer 65 Liberty St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Ball, Ferdinand section hand T H&L lh<br />
lc 129 Barry St.<br />
Ball, Frank laborer T H&L 129 Barry<br />
St.<br />
Ball, George laborer 129 Barry St.<br />
Ball, Harvey O H&L 65 Liberty St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Ball, Jane 129 Barry St.<br />
Bannel, Frank (Sarah) machinist T<br />
H&L 67 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Barker, Mrs. (widow) T H&L 36 Barry<br />
St.<br />
Barnden, Pearl 73 South Ave.<br />
Barnden, William (Jennie) laborer T<br />
H&L 73 South Ave.<br />
Barry, James 1 ch ret T H&L 1 auto<br />
Utica St.<br />
Beaman, Charles (Jennie) 2 eh supt <strong>of</strong><br />
High School Dept <strong>of</strong> B N S O H&L<br />
40 Chappell St Ind tel.<br />
Benedict, Mrs. Celia E. (widow) 3 ch<br />
O H&L Park Ave.<br />
Bennett, Edna stenographer Clark St.<br />
Bennett, Herbert carting O H&L lh<br />
Clark St.<br />
Benson, Chas. (Elva) 1 ch village wkr<br />
O 35 King St.<br />
Benson, David (Jane) 2 ch laborer O<br />
H&L 48 Clark St B tel.<br />
Benson, George (Emma) harnessmaker<br />
O H&L 76 Holley St Ind tel.<br />
Benson, Lillian bean picker 48 Clark<br />
St.<br />
Berry, Eobert, Jr. (Nellie) 2 ch fengineer<br />
1 auto 28 Union St Ind tel.<br />
Berry, Mrs. Sara (widow) O H&L 28<br />
Union St Ind tel.<br />
Beurlein, Carl (Irene) 3 ch clothing O<br />
H&L 1 auto 104 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Bibbe, B. J. (Eosie) 5 ch electric light<br />
and gas company O 110 Erie St IndteL<br />
Bird, Louise 133 Barry St.<br />
Birdsall, Mrs. Abbie teacher O H&L<br />
59 South Ave Ind tel.<br />
Birdsall, Frances 59 South Ave Ind tel.<br />
Blanchard, Elmer carpenter O H&L 44<br />
High St.<br />
Blanchard, Inez 44 High St.<br />
Blodget, Mrs. W. O H&L 159 Main St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Blossom, William E. (Gertrude) ret O<br />
H&L lh 1 auto 16 Kenyon St.<br />
Boardman, Mrs. Henry (widow) bds 10<br />
Union St.<br />
Boardwell, Camelley (Euby) 1 ch O<br />
H&L 112 State St.<br />
Bolt, Bora dressmaker O K&L <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
Ave.<br />
Boot, Ed. 2 eh traveling salesman O<br />
King St.<br />
Boots, Mrs. Effie (widow) 116 Holley<br />
St.<br />
Boots, Fred lineman 116 Holley St.<br />
Boots, John bartender at Grills 116 Holley<br />
St.<br />
Bopp, Earle (Bessie) canning company<br />
117'Erie St.<br />
Bopp, Frank canning company 117 Erie<br />
St.<br />
Bopp, Louis, Jr. (Eleanor) 1 eh foreman<br />
<strong>of</strong> gas house O Erie St Ind tel.<br />
Bopp. Louis, Sr. (Emma) painter O<br />
Erie St.<br />
Boyce, E. J. (Ora) 1 ch iunk dealer<br />
O 3h Clinton St.<br />
Brennan, James (Alberta) hardware O<br />
H&L 1 auto 44 Union St Tud tel.<br />
Brennan, Wallace hardware 1 auto 44<br />
Union St Ind tel.<br />
Brewster, Mrs. William (widow) 2 eh<br />
Park Ave.<br />
BRIGHAM, E. W.<br />
Brodie, Ethel stenographer T H&L 21<br />
Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Brodie, Mrs. James 3 ch boarding<br />
house O H&L 21 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Brodie, Thomas C. (Eose W.) EFD<br />
mail carrier O H&L 1 auto 46 Adams<br />
St B tel.<br />
Bronson, Walter shoemaker O H&L<br />
45 Chappell St Ind tel.<br />
Brow, Catherina bean picker; X) H&L<br />
75 Clark St.<br />
Brown, Eliza T H&L Erie St B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Brown, F. 3 ch electric light station %<br />
H&L 16, Clinton St B & Ind tels.<br />
Brown, George blacksmith O H&L J<br /> 21 Spring St Ind tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Brown, Marie school teacher Clinton Caswell, Fred (Mary) 1 ch insurance<br />
St.<br />
O H&L 52 South Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
Brown, Sarah 21 Spring St Ind tel. Caswell, Mrs. Josephine (widow) 3 ch<br />
Brown, T. (Louise) manufacturer O T H&L Park Ave B tel.<br />
Clinton St.<br />
Chadwick, Steven L. (Margaret) carpenter<br />
O H&L 47 High St Ind tel.<br />
Brown, William livery O H&L 5h 1<br />
auto Erie St B & Ind tels.<br />
Chapman, E. B. (Jula) 1 ch physician<br />
Brownbridge, John 1 ch traveling salesman<br />
T H&L Chappell St Ind tel. Ind tels.<br />
O H&L lh 1 auto 184 Main St B &<br />
Bruce, Hern telephone operator 175 Christwell, Devere Utica St Ind tel.<br />
Utica St Ind tel.<br />
Christwell, Homer (Maria) 2 ch shoemaker<br />
O H&L Utica St Ind tel.<br />
Bruce, M. B. (Elizabeth) 1 ch merchant<br />
wall paper O H&L 1 auto 147 Main Chriswell, Emma 78 N. Main St.<br />
St B & Ind tels.<br />
Clark, Miss 139 Main St Ind tel.<br />
Brule, Howard furniture repairer Market<br />
St B tel.<br />
Clark, Mrs. Horace (widow) O H&L lh<br />
Clark, Hattie teacher Utiea St B tel.<br />
Buckley, George (Alice) farmer O H&L 19 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
lh State St B & Ind tels.<br />
Clark, Mrs. Lelia M. (widow) O H&L<br />
Bulger, Anna O H&L VT Berry St. Utica St B tel.<br />
Bunting, Mrs. Annie (widow) T H&L Clark, Mrs. Lottie 2 ch bean house 20<br />
408 S Main St.<br />
Barry St.<br />
Bunting, Ruby R. bookkeeper 408 S Clark, Mrs. Mary (widow) dressmaker<br />
Main St.<br />
O H&L Union St.<br />
Burch, Albert W. sales stable 2h auto Clark, May teacher Utica St B tel.<br />
30 Main St.<br />
Cleffy, David Utica St B tel.<br />
Burch, Mrs. Mary D. (widow) O H&L Clow, E. B. machinist O 80 Erie St<br />
30 Main St Ind tel.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Buraet, Mrs. Flora (widow) 3 ch O Clow, Jennie O 80 Erie St Ind tel.<br />
H&L 1 auto 88 Park Ave Ind tel. Clow, Mrs. Lucy (widow) O H&L 62<br />
Burrill, Emmons (Louise) 3 eh pastor Spring St.<br />
T H&L Main St Ind tel.<br />
Coan, Mrs. (widow) O H&L Spring St<br />
Burrill, Myra bookkeeper 71 Park Ave. B tel.<br />
Burroughs, J. W. (Mary L.) 1 ch landlord<br />
O H&L 82 Park Ave.<br />
stable O H&L 44 Chappell St Ind tel.<br />
COATS, EDWARD (Anna) mason & eon-<br />
Butler, Dean 1 ch coal dealer O H&L Coats, George H. T H&L 23 Park Ave.<br />
King St.<br />
Coch, Mrs. Augusta (widow) Allen St<br />
Butler, Jewet C. (Avis) 2 eh grocery O Ind tel.<br />
H&L 77 State St Ind tel.<br />
Cogan, Lester (Carrie) laborer T H&L<br />
Byrant, Charles (Emma) 2 eh paperhanger<br />
O H&L 40 Union St Ind tel. Conklin, Warren B. (Mildred) auto-<br />
36 Clark St Ind tel.<br />
Cahain, Mort. shoemaker <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave. mobile O H&L 2 auto 356 S Main St<br />
Carges, Augustus (Rose) 7 eh shoemaker<br />
O H&L Maxon St.<br />
Conklin, William L. (Imogene) shoe-<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Carls, Joseph F. (Elizabeth) 3 eh life maker O H&L 354 S Main St B &<br />
insurance T H&L ErieSt B tel. Ind tels.<br />
Carney, John (Etta) 2 eh foreman in Conklin, William (Louise) 1 ch clerk in<br />
warehouse O H&L 2 High St.<br />
freight <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> N Y C O H&L 24<br />
CARTON, MRS. F.<br />
Adams St.<br />
Carver, Ellen T H&L 159 Main St Ind Conley, Blanche school teacher 89 State<br />
tel.<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Casey, Alice 41 Smith St.<br />
Conley, Eugene T H&L State St.<br />
Casey, James teamster O H&L 2h 41 Conley, Grover T H&L State St.<br />
Smith St.<br />
Conley, Harold 89 State St Ind tel.<br />
Casey, Margaret shoe factory 41 Smith Conley, J. E. (Mary) 2 ch grocer O<br />
St.<br />
H&L lh 89 State St Ind tel.<br />
Cashman, John (Anna) clock works T Conley, Mrs. Kathrine (widow) 3 ch<br />
H&L 48 South St.<br />
O H&L State St.<br />
Caswell, Erna (Ora) 1 ch shoeman O Conley, Ruth stenographer 89 State St<br />
H&L Park Ave.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Caawell, Francis piano finisher T H&L<br />
Constable, Frank G. piano factory O<br />
#»rk Ave B tel.<br />
H&L Spring St Ind tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Cook, Ada teacher Brockway Place Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Cook, Gertrude school teacher Spring St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Cook, Lucille Brockway Place Ind tel.<br />
Cook, Marcus (Carrie) automobile repairer<br />
O H&L 1 auto Holley St B tel.<br />
Cook, Maude teacher Brockway Place<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Cook, U. physician 153 Main St.<br />
Cook, W. E. (Jennie) hardware T H&L<br />
1 auto Brockway Place Ind tel.<br />
Cooley, Augusta H. T H&L 8 High St.<br />
Cooley Buford (Mable) farmer T H&L<br />
64 Payette St Ind tel.<br />
Cooley, Jessey TJtica St Ind tel.<br />
Cooley, John (Susan) 1 ch freight clerk<br />
O H&L 1 auto Utiea St Ind tel.<br />
Cooley, Milton H (Mila) ret O H&L 12<br />
High St.<br />
Cooley, Thomas ret O H&L 25 Brockway<br />
Place B tel.<br />
Cooley, William P. (Ida) carpenter 1<br />
auto 25 Brockway Place B tel.<br />
Cooper, Charles D. (Sarah) 1 ch head<br />
<strong>of</strong> Training Dept <strong>of</strong> B N S T H&L<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
Corbett, Corinne stenographer Kenyon<br />
St.<br />
Corbett, Helen school teacher Kenyon<br />
St.<br />
Corbett, James (Elizabeth) T H&L<br />
Allen St Ind tel.<br />
Corbett, John (Joanna) 3 ch manufacturer<br />
T H&L Kenyon St.<br />
Corbett, M. J. (Mabel) cold storage<br />
employee T H&L Allen St.<br />
Corbett, P. F. (Dilla) 'grain buyer T<br />
H&L 306 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Corcoran, John (Margaret) plumber O<br />
H&L Kenyon St.<br />
Cornwall, Carl H. (Lorena) 4 ch merchant<br />
O H&L 292 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Costigan, Ed machinist O H&L 12<br />
Perry St.<br />
Costigan, James shoe cutter 27 Adams<br />
St B tel.<br />
Costigan, Mrs. Julia (widow) 0 H&L<br />
27 Adams St B tel.<br />
Costigan, Mary dressmaker O H&L 12<br />
Perry St.<br />
Costigan, Mary 27 Adams St B tel.<br />
Cotter, Mrs. (widow) O H&L Clark St.<br />
Cottom, Thomas (Sarah) teamster O<br />
H&L 2h 1 auto 49 Liberty St B tel.<br />
Cottom, Tom garage works 49 Liberty<br />
St B tel.<br />
Coughlin, James (Mary) 4 ch livery O<br />
H&L 5h 2c 1 auto Erie St B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Courtney, L. B. ret 100 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Cousona, Alta T H&L 167 Main St<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Covert, Fred (Stella) 2 ch baker T<br />
H&L Utica St Ind tel.<br />
Crary, James (Mary) 2 ch laborer T<br />
H&L lh 108 Clark St.<br />
Crippen, Mrs. Alice O H&L2h 355 S<br />
Main St Ind tel.<br />
CRIPPEN, F. G. S Main St.<br />
Crippen, Terzah 355 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Crisp, Alfred (Margaret) 2 ch gardener<br />
& florist T Fayette St Ind tel.<br />
Crisp, Arthur gardener & florist Fayette<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Crisp, George Ashton gardener & florist<br />
Fayette St Ind tel.<br />
Cronis, George candy store 210 Main<br />
St.<br />
Cronis, <strong>The</strong>odore candy store 210 Main<br />
St.<br />
Crotty, Morris (Minne) shoemaker O<br />
H&L 51 King St B tel.<br />
Crowell, Nelson (Gertrude) 2 ch laborer<br />
T H&L 63 Smith St.<br />
Cultin, Milton (Mildred) 2 ch mail carrier<br />
O H&L 1 auto 100 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Cunningham, Mrs. Margaret (widow) 1<br />
ch O H&L Liberty St Ind tel.<br />
Cunningham, Wm. (Mary) ret O Holley<br />
St.<br />
Dagner, E. shoe cobbler Market St B<br />
tel.<br />
Dailey, Mrs. A. D. (widow) O lh 30<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Dailey, Donald 2 ch eoal dealer O H&L<br />
2h 1 auto Park Ave B.& Ind tels.<br />
Dailey, Frank 48 South Aye B tel,<br />
Dailey, George (Kathrine) grain dealer<br />
O H&L Park Ave B tel.<br />
Dailey, Vincent (Corrine) 3 ch coal<br />
dealer O H&L 1 auto Park Ave B<br />
tel.<br />
DAILEY, WM. (Jessie) ret O H&L lh<br />
1 auto 48 South Ave B tel.<br />
Daily, Thomas Eugene factory work 119<br />
Fayette St Ind tel.<br />
Daily, Thomas E. (Annie) 2 ch agent<br />
O H&L 1 auto 119 Fayette St led<br />
tel.<br />
Davis, Adelaide E. O H&L 23 South<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
DAVIS, HERBERT G. 11 Erie St.<br />
Davis, Lucie O 140 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Davis, Mrs. Mary (widow) O H&L 53<br />
Fayette St.<br />
Davis, Ray P. (Ethel) grocer O H&L<br />
69 State St Ind tel.<br />
Davis, T. H. physician T H&L 1 auto<br />
1&3 Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Deal, Henry (Emma) boatman O H&L<br />
20 Erie St Ind tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Dean, George W. (Amelia) produce<br />
buyer O HAL lh 171 West Ave B<br />
teL<br />
Decker, Charles (Margaret) 1 ch hardware<br />
dealer O HAL 1 auto 23 Adams<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
DOAOTB, GEORGE (Ethel) 2 ch shoemaker<br />
T H&L 129 Utiea St Ind tel.<br />
Doane, George, Sr. foreman T H&L<br />
39 Unon St Ind tel.<br />
Doane, William (Bertha) clerk T H&L<br />
39 Unon St Ind tel.<br />
Dobson, George clerk College Sfc Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Dobson, Harold G. (Helen) 2 ch drugs<br />
O H&L 11 South Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
Dobson, Rodney clerk College St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Dobson, Tl H. (Mary) druggist O H&L<br />
College St Ind teL<br />
Donahue, John (Mary) 2 ch shoemaker<br />
T H&L Gordon St Ind teL<br />
Donahue, John (Regina) 7 eh shoemaker<br />
T H&L Utica St.<br />
Donahue, Lewis shoemaker Utica St.<br />
Donald, William (Ida) painter T H&L<br />
79 Fair St B & Ind tels.<br />
Donley, Charles (Pearl) 1 ch dairy T<br />
H&L Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Dowdell, Thomas (•Cora) shoemaker O<br />
H&L Kenyon St.<br />
Drake, Louise Chappell St Ind tel.<br />
Drake, Mrs. L. (widow) O H&L Chappell<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Draper, George (Cornelia) 4 ch laborer<br />
T H&L 112 Clark St.<br />
Dresser, James bridge tender O H&L<br />
82 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Duffy, Anna shoe factory 53 Smith St.<br />
Duffy, Dennis (Delia) piano factory T<br />
H&L 31 Smith St.<br />
Duffy, Mrs. Dona (widow) O H&L 70 N<br />
Main St B tel.<br />
Duffy, Elizabeth shoe factory 53 Smith<br />
St.<br />
Duffy, Frank (Ella) ret O H&L 1 auto<br />
South Ave B tel.<br />
Duffy, John laborer 31 Smith St.<br />
Duffy, Mary laborer 53 Smith St.<br />
Duffy, Mrs. Mary (widow) O H&L 31<br />
Smith St.<br />
Duffy, Patriek cooper 31 Smith St.<br />
Duffy, Terrance (Sarah) 1 ch laborer<br />
O H&L 56 Smith St Ind tel.<br />
Eadie, Prank (Mary) 2 ch finisher T<br />
51 South Ave.<br />
Edwards, Alletta C. school teacher 1<br />
auto Gordon St Ind tel.<br />
Edwards, David ret O H&L Gordon St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Efford, John J. (Eliza) 1 ch gardener<br />
T H&L 16 Fair St.<br />
Efford, Minnie F. 16 Fair St.<br />
Efford, S. R. (Jane) 1 ch stonecutter<br />
O H&L Clinton St.<br />
Elliott, Helena Bell telephone operator<br />
162 Erie St B & Ind tels<br />
Elliott, James (Mary) janitor O 162<br />
Erie St B & Ind tels.<br />
Elliott, Mary 162 Erie St.<br />
Ellis. J. M. (Maude) blacksmith O<br />
H&L 1 auto 146 Erie St,B & Ind tels.<br />
Elster, Judson (Bertha) 3 ch Fair St.<br />
Elwell, Arthur (Minnie) 3 ch painter<br />
O H&L 6 Park Ave B tel.<br />
Elwell, George (Georgie) 2 ch painter<br />
0 H&L 27 Park Ave.<br />
Elwell, Wm. 8 ch engineer O H&L<br />
1 auto 92 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Ely, David (Jennie) 1 eh undertakers'<br />
helper O H&L 72 Erie St Ind tel.<br />
Engel, George (Florence) 2 ch jeweler<br />
O H&L 1 auto <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Erdle, James (Elizabeth) draftsman 27<br />
Adams St B tel.<br />
<strong>Farm</strong>er, Charles shoemaker O H&L 68<br />
Fayette St.<br />
<strong>Farm</strong>er, Harriet Fayette St.<br />
<strong>Farm</strong>er, Trese postal telegrapher 68<br />
Fayette St.<br />
Farrell, Mrs. Louise poultry Holley St.<br />
Fay, F. F. (Mabel) 1 ch hardware T<br />
H&L 4,9 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave Ind tel.<br />
Fay, Stella bookkeeper 27 Spring St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Feltner, Robert (Mary) 0 H&L 99 Fair<br />
St B tel.<br />
Feltz, John (Laura) 1 ch barber Maxon<br />
St.<br />
Fel^z, Louis shoemaker Maxon St.<br />
Feltz, Mary piano teacher Maxon St.<br />
Feltz, Mrs. Sophia (widow) O H&L<br />
Maxon St B tel.<br />
Finnegan, Mrs. Alice (widow) canning<br />
factory O H&L 87 Clark St.<br />
Fishbaugh, Alexander (May) 7 ch<br />
works for gas company O H&L Clinton<br />
St.<br />
Fishbaugh, Jerome (Adelia) T H&L 67<br />
Fayette St B tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Fleming, J. (Kate) farming T 104 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
Ave.<br />
25 Brockway Place B tel.<br />
Gillespie, Fred Gr. (Nettie) flour & feed<br />
Flemming, Warren pharmacist Gordon Gillespie, Garrison (Kate) restaurant<br />
St.<br />
waiter O 128 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Flemming, William (Jennie) 1 ch railroad<br />
baggage man O H&L Gordon St. H&L.<br />
Gleason, Frank (Ella) shoemaker O<br />
Flynn, Mary T H&L Utiea St B & Ind Gleason, Margaret shoe T H&L bds 48<br />
tels.<br />
South St.<br />
Forbes, Yale (Louise) insurance O H&L Gleason, William P. (Mary A.) canning<br />
15 Park Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
factory O H&L 1 auto Clinton St B<br />
Fowler, Alonzo V. (Olive C.) 2 ch furniture<br />
& undertaking O H&L lh 1 G<strong>of</strong>f, Elmer railroad inspector O Clin-<br />
tel.<br />
auto 1 auto hearse 39 South Ave B ton St.<br />
& Ind tels.<br />
G<strong>of</strong>f, Frank 1 ch 16 Clinton St.<br />
Fowler, A. W. (Adel) farmer O H&L G<strong>of</strong>f, Sam (Mary) general work T Clinton<br />
St.<br />
5h 19 Adams St.<br />
Fox, Charles (Ethel) clerk T H&L Adams<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Spring St.<br />
G<strong>of</strong>fe, Hubert S. gardener O H&L 66<br />
Foye, Catherine stenographer 107 West G<strong>of</strong>fe, Mary A. 66 Spring St.<br />
Ave.<br />
Golf, Charles (Lora) 1 ch tailor merchant<br />
O H&L Adams St Ind tel.<br />
Foye, John canning factory & farmer<br />
6 H&L lOh 1 auto 107 West Ave Ind Golf, J. H. (Marion) tailor O H&L 31<br />
tel.<br />
Adams St Ind tel.<br />
Foye, Mrs. Mary (widow) 107 West Golfe, Alvin (Mildred) kodak worker<br />
Ave.<br />
T H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
FOYE, MAKY E. dressmaker 107 West Golfe, E. P. (Lillian E.) tailor O H&L<br />
Ave.<br />
152 Holley St Ind tel.<br />
Friar, Edward (Susan) railroad foreman<br />
O H&L State St.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Golfe, Gilbert chauffeur 152 Holley St<br />
Furney, Mrs. (widow) O H&L 72 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
Ave.<br />
worker T'H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave Ind tel.<br />
Golfe, William E. (Hazel) 2 ch wood<br />
Furney, W. chauffeur O H&L 72 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
Ave.<br />
Gordon, Bertha 35 South St Ind tel.<br />
GOOD, CHAS.<br />
Galagan, George (Mary) 1 ch works on Gordon, Geo. C. O H&L lh 1 auto 215<br />
ice wagon T H&L Clinton St. Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Gallagher, James (Frances) 2 ch meat Gordon, Louis (Nellie) shoe business O<br />
market O 6h 3 autos 115 Holley St H&L 1 auto 35 South St Ind tel.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Gordon, Luther (Grace) 2 eh banker O<br />
Gallagher, Joseph (Sarah) market O H&L 1 auto <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
H&L 1 auto Utica St B tel.<br />
Gordon, T. C. 2 ch banker O H&L 2<br />
Gallagher, Peter (Mary) 2 eh driver autos Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
on feed wagon T Holley St.<br />
GOUGH, E. E.<br />
Gallup, John (Anna) 1 ch ret O H&L Gould, Edgar A. (Grace) 2 ch supt<br />
11 Park Ave.<br />
clock works T H&L 1 auto 56 Park<br />
Gallup, May J. music teacher T H&L Ave Ind tel.<br />
11 Park Ave.<br />
Gardener, Lucy Utica St Ind tel. Gould, Edward (Margaret) 3 ch railroad<br />
man T H&L 1 auto cor Spring<br />
Gardner, Mrs. Blanche (widow) O H&L<br />
lh 19 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
& Gordon Sts.<br />
Gardner, Mrs. Celia (widow) O H&L Graf, Mrs. S<strong>of</strong>ie (widow) 5 ch T H&L<br />
lh 19 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
28 Fayette St.<br />
Gartley, Arthur gardener T H&L State Graley, T. (Tillie) woodworker O Erie<br />
St.<br />
St.<br />
Gartley, Charles 1 ch bridge tender O Graley, T. leather work Erie St.<br />
H&L State St.<br />
Graves, E. W. (Fannie) 2 ch ticket<br />
Gartshore, Sterling (Blanche) 1 ch agent N Y C T H&L 15 Brockway<br />
baker O H&L 1 auto 10 Union St. Place Ind tel.<br />
Gaylord, Mrs. C. T. (widow) 36 Kenyon<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Graves, Mildred 15 Brockway Place Ind<br />
Gaylord, H. A. (Alice) railroad man T tel.<br />
H&L 36 Kenyon St Ind tel. Gray, Edith A. teacher O H&L 336 S<br />
22 Main St B tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Greenough, Fred P. (Nina) 2 ch plumber<br />
T H&L Adams St B tel.<br />
Greenough, R. G. (Elizabeth) 2 ch<br />
agent T H&L Adams St Ind tel.<br />
Gretton, Avery T. (Hattie) kodak employee<br />
T H&L 51 High St Ind tel.<br />
Gretton, Mrs. Elsie E. (widow) T H&L<br />
41 Market St.<br />
Gretton, Harry A. 41 Market St.<br />
Gretton, Steven A. (E. Jennie) meat O<br />
H&L 51 High St Ind tel.<br />
Griffin, Harry C. (May) 3 ch shoe cutter<br />
O H&L 33 High St.<br />
Guelf, George printer 19 Union St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Guelf, Mrs. Mary (widow) O H&L 19<br />
Union St Ind tel.<br />
Hager, Harry (Florence) American Express<br />
employee T H&L W College St.<br />
Hahn, F. D. (Mary P.) ret O H&L<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Hallick, Mrs. Cora O H&L 56 Liberty<br />
St B tel.<br />
Hallick, Elra factory work 56 Liberty<br />
St B tel.<br />
Hamburg, Peter (Sophia) shoemaker O<br />
H&L 43 Maxon St Ind tel.<br />
Hamil, Earl J. (Bertha) 2 ch Prudential<br />
insurance agent O H&L 53 Adams<br />
St.<br />
Hanna, Clara Centennial Ave.<br />
Hanna, John (Maggie) 3 ch laborer T<br />
H&L Centennial Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
Harmon, Mrs. Geo. B. (widow) O H&L<br />
Market St Ind tel.<br />
HARMON, GEO. B. marble & granite<br />
Market St. See adv.<br />
Harmon, George B. (Ethelind) 2 ch<br />
insurance agent O H&L 2 autos 100<br />
Park Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
Harr, Mrs. Mary 1 ch bds 184 Main<br />
St B & Ind tels.<br />
Harris, Edwin farmer Holley St.<br />
HARRISON, E. clothing & furnishings<br />
Main St. See adv.<br />
Harrison, Henry (Emma) produce<br />
dealer O H&L 1 auto 83 South Ave<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Harrison, Mrs. Margarette (widow)<br />
clothing O H&L 234 Main St B tel.<br />
Hayes, Frank (Margaret) clerk O Gord'on<br />
St.<br />
Hayes, Mrs. Jane (widow) Gordon St.<br />
Hays, Annie canning factory T H&L<br />
37 Fayette St.<br />
Hazen, Caroline M. corner Main & College<br />
Sts B & Ind tels.<br />
Hazen, H. E. corner Main & College Sts<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Hazen, John (Laura C.) 1 ch physician.<br />
O H&L 1 auto corner Main & College<br />
Sts B & Ind tels.<br />
Heanen, Melvin O H&L 47 Spring St.<br />
Heath, Mrs. Elizabeth (widow) O 85<br />
Fayette St.<br />
Heath, Ella dressmaking 85 Fayette St.<br />
Calf In a Modern Shipping Crate.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Heden, Mrs. Orelia (widow) O H&L HOWES, MURRAY (Nell) veterinarian O<br />
Park Ave.<br />
H&L 1 auto Erie St B & Ind tele.<br />
Heinrich, Edith teacher <strong>Monroe</strong> St Ind Hoyt, Levi (Maude M.) 4 ch billiard<br />
tel.<br />
parlor O H&L 96 Barry St.<br />
Heinrich, J. L. (Angie) contractor O Hudson, Geo. S. canning bds 284 Main<br />
H&L 1 auto <strong>Monroe</strong> St Ind tel. St B tel.<br />
Hendrick, Horace J. (Luella) factory Hudson, Harold T. canning bds 284<br />
work O H&L 31 Fayette St B tel. Main St B tel.<br />
Hendrick, Mrs. Lucretia (widow) O Hudson, Raymond canning bds 284<br />
H&L 1 auto 35 Spring St Ind tel. Main St B tel.<br />
Hendrick, Norma E. stenographer 31 Hudson, Wm. M. (Mary W.) canning T<br />
Fayette St B tel.<br />
H&L 1 auto 284 Main St B tel.<br />
Henten, Loren T. (Mary E.) shoe repairer<br />
Mercer St B tel.<br />
H&L 105 Fair St.<br />
Hull, Horace (Minnie) 6 ch teamster O<br />
Hewitt, Wm. (Joanna) 2 ch substation Hull, William (Ida) O H&L 51 Fair<br />
operator O 144 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
St.<br />
Heyer, Mrs. H. C. (widow) O H&L 80 Hune, Mrs. Anna E. (widow) O H&L<br />
Adams St Ind tel.<br />
59 Spring St.<br />
Hiekey, John (Jennie) 3 ch painter T Huntington, G. W. (Alice) 1 ch electrician<br />
T H&L 169 Erie St Ind tel.<br />
H&L Oxford St.<br />
Hiekey, John laborer 71 Clark St. Hurley, Henry (Amanda) machinist O<br />
Hiekey, Mrs. (widow) O H&L 71 Clark H&L Kenyon St.<br />
St.<br />
Hurley, Isabell dressmaker's helper<br />
Highland, John (Harriet) 1 ch shoe Kenyon St.<br />
factory T H&L 108 Fayette St B tel. HYLAND, MRS. HATTIE 108 Fayette St.<br />
Hiler, Carl student T Park Ave. Ireland, John (Fannie) 5 ch farming<br />
Hiler, Henry (Jessie) 3 ch banker O 0 H&L.<br />
H&L 2 autos Park Ave B & Ind tels. Jefford, Clark (Louise) *• 3 ch O H&L<br />
Hill, John (Mary) horse trainer O lh le 17 Graves St Ind tel.<br />
Erie St.<br />
Johnson, Harry (Catherine) 3 ch canning<br />
O H&K 23 High St.<br />
Himle, Ed. (Mable) 1 ch canning company<br />
O Erie St.<br />
Johnston, J. M. (Mary) weaver O H&L<br />
Hinten, Mrs. S. V. (widow) O H&L Holley .St.<br />
Mercer St B tel.<br />
Johnston, Norton (Maria) O H&L<br />
Hoag, Samuel (Nine) 5 ch plumber T lh Utica St B & Ind tels.<br />
H&L 58 Fayette St,<br />
Johnston, S. P. (Marion) 1 eh farmer T<br />
Hobbs, Edward (Rose) fish peddler T H&L 2h le 51 Fayette St.<br />
H&L lh 123 West Ave B tel. Jones, Mrs. Amelia (widow) Gordon St.<br />
Holdstead, Adelbert (Roxanna) T H&L Jones, Fred (Anna) 1 ch janitor O<br />
12 Fayette St B tel.<br />
H&L 20 Gordon St.<br />
Holdstead, William 12 Fayette St. Jones, Fred farmer 20 Gordon St.<br />
Holliday, A. W. (Frona) 1 eh jeweler Jones, Katherine 20 Gordon St.<br />
T H&L 1 auto 31 Kenyon St Ind tel. Kane, P. (Ella) agent O H&L 1 auto<br />
Holmes, Harris (Mary E.) O H&L 342 219 Main St Ind tel.<br />
S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Keenan, Rev. pastor O H&L 1 auto<br />
Holmes, Mrs. H. C. (widow) O H&L Utica St B & Ind tels.<br />
Chappell St Ind tel.<br />
KELLY, MARCUS (Jane) farmer O H&L<br />
Holt, Stella nurse girl T Park Ave B 1 auto 20 South Ave Ind tel.<br />
tel.<br />
Keon, James Oxford St.<br />
Hooker, Mrs. T. C. (widow) O H&L, 300 Keon, Patrick (Mary) ret T H&L lh<br />
S Main St Ind tel.<br />
lc Oxford St.<br />
Hotman, David (Naomi) tailor O H&L Kerwin, George grocery clerk Kiag St.<br />
Brockway Place.<br />
Kerwin, Mrs. Mary (widow) King St.<br />
Hotman, Emma shoemaker Brockway Keyle, John (Katherine) 1 ch gardener<br />
T H&L* 61 Park Ave.<br />
Place.<br />
Houbrugk, Henry 1 ch painter T 86 King, Emmalinda 27 South Ave.<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
KING, JNO. 236 Holley St.<br />
Houghton, Roland (Alice) farmer O King, Rachel 27 South Ave.<br />
H&L 161 West Ave.<br />
King, William (Ruth B.) 1 ch hardware<br />
Hovey, Fred C. (Cornelia) 2 ch lawyer<br />
O H&L 1 auto 131 Utica St Ind Kinsella, Esther T H&L 84 State St Ind<br />
T H&L 78 South Ave Ind tel.<br />
tel.<br />
tel.*<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
KINSELLA., MRS. JOHN (widow) 2 ch saloonkeeper<br />
O H&L 84 State St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Knapp, Elmer (Bessie) 2 ch carpenter<br />
O HAL lh Fayette St B tel.<br />
Knebel, Louise shoemaker Maxon St.<br />
Knebel, <strong>The</strong>odore (Effie) ret O H&L<br />
Maxon St.<br />
Kniffen, Harriet T H&L 42 Park Ave<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Kniffen, Melvin (Harriet) 1 ch trainman<br />
O H&L 72 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Knight, Frederick W. (Stella) 1 ch telephone<br />
lineman T H&L 1 anto Fair St<br />
B tel.<br />
Knowles, Edward (Mary) shoemaker O<br />
H&L 51 Adams St Ind tel.<br />
Knowles, Millicent E. teacher 51 Adams<br />
St Ind teL<br />
Korn, Henry E. (Amelia) 1 eh foreman<br />
O H&L Kenyon St Ind tel.<br />
Krutnat, August (Augusta) 7 eh tailor<br />
O H&L 111 Clark St.<br />
Kueemynda, Thomas (Anna) 6 ch laborer<br />
T H&L 83 Smith St.<br />
Kuppinger, H. (Mary) 3 ch shoemaker<br />
T H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave B tel.<br />
La Baron, Mrs. Margaret (widow) O<br />
H&L Holley St.<br />
La Due, Elmer J. (Libbie) 2 ch carpenter<br />
T H&L '49 Spring St B tel.<br />
Ladue, Jasper (Nell) 3 ch real estate<br />
O H&L 1 auto Erie St B tel.<br />
Laffan, Thomas (Charlotte) 1 eh O H&L<br />
Market St B tel.<br />
Laird, Mrs. Mary E. (widow) 132 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
Ave.<br />
Laird, T. T.<br />
Lampen, Harlen (Cora) merchant T<br />
H&L 163 Main St Ind tel.<br />
Lampen, Harry (Delia) 2 ch laborer<br />
T H&L 29 West Ave.<br />
Lanceshire, George (Maude) 2 ch supt<br />
<strong>of</strong> canning factory T H&L 67 Adams<br />
St B tel.<br />
Lane, C. P. shoe-manufacturer O H&L<br />
11 Union St.<br />
Larkin, Helene teacher T H&L 25 Park<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Larkin, James (Mary) 2 ch postmaster<br />
O & T H&L 1 auto 25 Park Ave Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Larkin, Wilfred insurance agent T H&L<br />
25 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Lathrop, Henry J. teaeher T H&L Centennial<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Lawler, Donald D. 31 South Ave Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Lawler, John (Mary E.) 1 ch freight<br />
man O H&L lh 3c 31 South Ave Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Lawrence, Mrs. T. nurse O H&L Fair St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Lawton, Charles L. (Emma )1 ch moving<br />
picture O H&L South St.<br />
Lawton, George (Mary) farmer O H&L<br />
1 auto Kenyon St Ind tel.<br />
Lawton, Stanley shipping clerk 24<br />
South St Ind tel.<br />
Leary, Mary O H&L 39 High St.<br />
Leason, Blanch stenographer 99 South<br />
Ave.<br />
Leason, John (Bessie) 1 ch mason O<br />
H&L lc 99 Fourth Ave.<br />
Le Baron, Charles cabinetmaker 132<br />
Holley St.<br />
Le Baron, Orpha 132 Holley St.<br />
Leiter, Mrs. Flora (widow) boarding<br />
house O H&L 108 Holley St.<br />
Little, Mrs. Helen (widow) O H&L<br />
86 Fair St.<br />
Little, Jeannette laborer 86 Fair St.<br />
Locke, George (Mary E.) dentist O<br />
H&L 1 auto <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Locke, Gilbert <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Locke, Marion <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
L<strong>of</strong>lan, Dan N E Electric Works Market<br />
St.<br />
L<strong>of</strong>lan, Frank munition factory Market<br />
St.<br />
Lorebach, John railroad bds 12 Fayette<br />
St.<br />
Luedecke, Ernest laborer lh 133 Barry<br />
St.<br />
Luedecke, William, Jr. laborer lh 133<br />
Barry St.<br />
Luedecke, Win., Sr. laborer O H&L 133<br />
Barry St Ind tel.<br />
Luskey, Frank (Ida) 3 ch grocery O<br />
H&L 18 Gordon. St Ind tel.<br />
Lynch, Kathlene stenographer Utica St.<br />
Lynch, Mary O Utica St.<br />
Lynch, Thomas 5 ch hardware 0 H&L<br />
Utica St B tel.<br />
Lyons, D. F. (Kathaline B.) 1 ch Tuns<br />
pool room T H&L Centennial Ave.<br />
Lyons, Patrick (Catherine) shoe laster<br />
d H&L Brockway Place.<br />
McArthur, H. E. (Leota) attorney O<br />
H&L 1 auto Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
McBride, Mathew livery King St.<br />
Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass and Glazing ——_._____<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
McBride, Stephen (Mary) livery O<br />
H&L King St B & Ind tels.<br />
McCaffary, John 1 auto Perry St.<br />
McCaffray, Mrs. (widow) 2 ch general<br />
work T Perry St.<br />
McConnel E: (Ida) 1 ch veterinary surgeon<br />
T H&L 1 auto 52 King St B &<br />
Ind tels.<br />
McConnell, Dorothy King St B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
McConnell, Frank King St.<br />
McConnell, John canning factory King<br />
St.<br />
McCool, Frank (Kathrine) 2 ch coal<br />
dealer O H&L 1 auto Utica St B &<br />
Ind tels.<br />
McDonald, Charles trucks Holley St.<br />
McDonald, Mrs. James (widow) O lh<br />
82 Holley St Ind tel.<br />
McDonald, Marie milliner 82 Holley St.<br />
McDonald, Teresa milliner clerk Holley<br />
St.<br />
MeGeever, Kate ret O H&L Perry St.<br />
McGinn, Edward (Margaret) 1 eh mail<br />
carrier O H&L lh 115 Fayette St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
McGivin, William (Mary) 1 ch laborer<br />
T H&L King St.<br />
McGregor, David (Jane) laborer O<br />
H&L 40 Barry St.<br />
McLaughlin, Florence College St.<br />
McLaughlin, Jim College St.<br />
McManis, Hugh (Mary) O H&L 68<br />
Fair St.<br />
Macins, C. ret Brockway Place.<br />
MacLachlan, Mrs. Elizabeth (widow) T<br />
H&L 16 Union St.<br />
MacLachlan, Florence chief telephone<br />
operator 16 Union St Ind tel.<br />
MacLachlan, Helen school teacher 16<br />
Union St Ind tel.<br />
MacLean, Alexander (Laura) conductor<br />
on B L & R O H&L 75 Adams St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
MacLean, Kenneth school teacher 75<br />
Adams St Ind tel.<br />
MacLean, Marjorie 75 Adams St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Madden, Ada R. teacher Utica St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Madden, Mrs. Mary (widow) O H&L<br />
Utica St Ind tel.<br />
Madison, Willis (Annis) plumber T<br />
H&L 69 Adams St B tel.<br />
Maloney, Mrs. Margaret (widow) 1 ch<br />
O 10 Berry St.<br />
Man, M. teacher 139 Main St Ind tel.<br />
Man, Wm. ret O H&L 139 Main St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Manly, W. H. (Kate L.) ret 0 H&L 19<br />
Brockway Place B tel.<br />
26<br />
Manning, Mrs. G. M. (widow) 1 auto<br />
Main St B tel.<br />
Marks, Mrs. Randall (Eloise) 1 ch<br />
janitor T H&L 32 Fayette St.<br />
Marsh, Charles H. (Susie) 2 ch farmer<br />
O H&L lh lc 91 West Ave Ind tel.<br />
Marsh, Marion C. 91 West Ave.<br />
Marsh, Wilber (Alta) farming 91 West<br />
Ave.<br />
Martin, Elizabeth O H&L Erie St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Martin, Loren shoemaker <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Martin, May clerk bds 71 Park Ave.<br />
MATTHEWS, E. L. <strong>The</strong> Uplands.<br />
Maw, Lillian bookkeeper O H&L Utica<br />
St.<br />
Maw, Wallace (Gertrude) 1 ch pianomaker<br />
T H&L Utiea St.<br />
Meade, Warren (Alice) 1 ch refinishing<br />
furniture* T H&L 29 Union St.<br />
Meehan, John Joseph works for town<br />
28 Liberty St.<br />
Meehan, Margaret Mary telephone operator<br />
28 Liberty St.<br />
Meehan, Owen (Marie) factory work<br />
on pianos T 28 Liberty St B tel.<br />
Meinhardt, Elsie L. village clerk Kenyon<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Meinhardt, Louis student Kenyon St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Meinhardt, Mrs. Mary A. (widow) O<br />
H&L Kenyon St Ind tel.<br />
Mercer Helen I. teacher 24 Chappell St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Mercer, Lois O H&L Chappell St Ind.<br />
tel.<br />
Merrill, John F. (Belle) earpenter O<br />
H&L 72 Liberty St Ind tel.<br />
MERRITT, SHERMAN D. 178 Holley St.<br />
Mershon, Mildred school teacher 27<br />
Spring St Ind tel.<br />
Mershon, Mrs. Minnie (widow) boarding<br />
house O H&L 27 Spring St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Meskill, Joe clerk 55 King St.<br />
Meskill, Mrs. Julia (widow) O 55 King<br />
St.<br />
Meskill, Lucie 55 Utiea St.<br />
Meskill, Marie bookkeeper O 55 Utica<br />
St.<br />
Metcalf, Mrs. Harriet (widow) O H&L<br />
47 Union St Ind tel.<br />
Michaels, Augustus (Margaret) 3 ch<br />
carpenter O H&L 1 auto 127 Barry<br />
J<br />
St B tel.<br />
Michaels, Carrie shoe factory 127 Barry<br />
St.<br />
Michaels, Clarence shoe factory 127<br />
Barry St.<br />
Michaels, Daniel railroad 127 Barry St.<br />
Michaels, Esther 127 Barry St.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Michaels, Frances shoe factory 127<br />
Barry St.<br />
Michaels, Henry shoe factory 127 Barry<br />
St.<br />
Millard, Chas. (Ida) 2 ch fence mender<br />
O Clinton St.<br />
Millard, Wm. Rubin (Sybil) ret O Clinton<br />
St.<br />
Miller, Christian (Mary) mechanic O<br />
143 Holley St.<br />
Miller, Frank 1 ch bookkeeper O H&L<br />
42 Chappell St Ind tel.<br />
Miller, Nelson (Mahalie) farmer O<br />
H&L 2 ch 1 auto 26 Park Ave.<br />
Mills, Milton C. (Florence) ret T H&L<br />
Ih 310 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Minehardt, Henry' (Lillian) 1 ch salesman<br />
O H&L lh 74 Adams St Ind tel.<br />
Mink, Mrs. (widow) O Holley St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Mitchell, G. O Utica St.<br />
Mix, W. S. (Julia) shoe shop O H&L<br />
8 South Ave Ind tel.<br />
Monaghan, Mrs. Bridget (widow) Erie<br />
St B teL<br />
Monaghan, Chas saloonkeeper O H&L<br />
Erie St B tel.<br />
Montgomery, Everitt (Helen) chauffeur •<br />
T H&L Spring St Ind tel.<br />
Montgomery, Mrs. James (widow) O<br />
H&L 1 auto Spring St Ind tel.<br />
Mook, C. shoemaker O H&L Millard St.<br />
Mook, Dean Millard St.<br />
Mook, John Millard St.<br />
Moore, William (Daisy) 1 ch shoemaker<br />
T H&L 23 Union St.<br />
Morgan, Esther stenographer O H&L<br />
Utica St.<br />
Morgan, Mrs. P. S. (widow) O H&L<br />
cohner Main & South St B tel.<br />
Morrison, A. student <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Morrison, James 2 eh student <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
Ave.<br />
Morrison, Mrs. (widow) 2 ch O H&L<br />
10 chiekens 108 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Mosier, Herbert (May) 1 ch shoemaker<br />
T H&L 22 Fair St Ind tel.<br />
Mosier, Lewis (Margaret) 1 ch shoemaker<br />
T H&L Fair St.<br />
Mosier, Mrs. Minnie (widow) 1 ch O<br />
H&L Fair St Ind tel.<br />
Motley, Mrs. Thomas (widow) O H&L<br />
Utica St Ind tel.<br />
MUESEBECK, CARL 22 Allen St.<br />
Mulhern, Edward T. (Alice) mailman<br />
T H&L Fair St Ind tel.<br />
Mumford, Mrs. Florence shoe factory T<br />
H&L 153 Main St.<br />
Muntz, Mrs. Minnie (widow) 2 ch washing<br />
& ironing T H&L 29 West Ave.<br />
Murray, B. teacher 187 Main St B tel.<br />
27<br />
Murray, Willard E. (Amelia) works in<br />
Northeast Electric Works T H&L 115<br />
Erie St.<br />
Musenbeck, Alfreda dressmaker Allen<br />
St.<br />
Musenbeck, William (Mary) tailor O<br />
H&L Allen St.<br />
Myers, Mrs. (widow) canning factory<br />
etc O H&L Barry St.<br />
Myron, Mrs. Nellie O H&L 20 Berry St.<br />
Neidert, Frank (Ida) 5 ch butcher T<br />
H&L 11 Richmond Place.<br />
Neth, Wilbur (Mildred) T H&L Brockway<br />
Place.<br />
Nichols, Isabell school teacher 103 Fayette<br />
St.<br />
Northington, Mrs. A. L. (widow) bds<br />
Adams St.<br />
Northrup, W. J. (Lillie) farmer O H&L<br />
1 auto 75 State St.<br />
Norton, Herbert E. (Clara) 1 ch salesman<br />
T H&L Brockway Place B tel.<br />
Nugent, Mrs. Garrett nurse girl T H&L<br />
94 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Oakley, Arthur (Mary) shoe cutter O<br />
H&L 21 Maxon St Ind tel.<br />
Oakley, Robert (Eliza) ret Kenyon St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
O'Brian, Jerry (Kate) ret O H&L 55<br />
Park Ave.<br />
O'Brien, Mrs. 2 ch Erie St.<br />
Osteraolt, N. W. (Ester) shoemaker O<br />
Erie St.<br />
Otelling, Ed. (Mary) 1 ch hotel O King<br />
St.<br />
Owens, John 1 ch grocery O H&L 81<br />
State St B tel.<br />
Owens, John S. (Anna) grocer 81 State<br />
St.<br />
Owens, Mary F. State St.<br />
Owens, Peter (Edna) 1 ch pianomaker<br />
O H&L 18 High St Ind tel.<br />
Palmateer, Dennis (Louise) 1 ch carting<br />
O H&L 2h 1 auto 29 Higli St B<br />
& Ind tels.<br />
Palmer, Mrs. Betsy (widow) dressmaker<br />
T H&L 28 Park Ave.<br />
Palmer, C. S. O H&L 71 Park Ave.<br />
Palmer, F. W. (Mary E.) teamster O<br />
H&L 2h 319 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Palmer, Henry J. farmer T H&L 71<br />
Park Ave.<br />
Palmer, Phebe school teacher T 71 Park<br />
Ave.<br />
Palmer, W. E. (Elizabeth) farm manager<br />
O H&L 1 auto S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Pangborn, W. G. shoemaker 153 Erie<br />
St. ,<br />
Parker, Mrs. Ellen (widow") O H&L 41<br />
Union St Ind tel.<br />
Parks, Roy (Lena) piano tuner 1 auto<br />
bds 24 South St Ind teL
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Parmer, John (Mary) 3 ch bartender O. Quinn, Frank (Josephine) automobile T<br />
Patterson, Mrs. P. (widow) O 135 Holley<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Quinn, Leonard (Marian) 1 ch shoe-<br />
H&L 1 auto 55 High St.<br />
Peak, H. (Ellen) teamster O H&L 35 maker T H&L 32 Spring St.<br />
Kenyon St Ind tel.<br />
Raff, Mrs. Ellen (widow) O H&L 20<br />
Peek, Mrs. Kesiah (widow) bds 108 Barry St.<br />
Fayette St B tel.<br />
Raleigh, Charles (Catherine) 1 ch<br />
PECKHAM, C. H. 67 Fair St.<br />
chauffeur & gardener O H&L 32 South<br />
PECKHAM, FRANK T. (Charlotte) 2 eh Ave Ind tel.<br />
mgr vinegar works T H&L 89 Fair Raleigh, Charles, Jr. chauffeur & gardener<br />
1 auto 32 South Ave Ind tel.<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Pellon, Leo (Avis) barber 55 Kenyon Raleigh, Ed. (Carrie) general work T<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
H&L 410 S Main St.<br />
Perrigo, Arthur (Genevieve) real estate<br />
47 Union St Ind tel.<br />
tel.<br />
Raleigh, George laborer Oxford St Ind<br />
Perry, Adam (Florence) 3 eh insurance Raleigh, Harry (Lena) 1 ch shoemaker<br />
agent T King St.<br />
T H&L Adams St Ind tel.<br />
Perry, Charles ret lh 349 S Main St Raleigh, Kenneth shoe factory Oxford<br />
Ind tel.<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
ferry, Mrs. Cora (widow) O H&L 40 Raleigh, Lyman teamster O.vf OTd St Ind<br />
Spring St.<br />
tel.<br />
Perry, George (Ola) 3 eh shoe cutter O Raleigh, May 59 Liberty St Ind tel.<br />
H&L 44 Spring St Ind tel.<br />
Raleigh, .M. A. O H&L cor Main &<br />
Peters, Hilda A. 1 auto 9 South Ave B Brockway Ind tel.<br />
tel.<br />
Raleigh, Rose 32 South Ave Ind tel.<br />
Peters, Stephen (Charlotte) 2 ch chauffeur<br />
O H&L 9 South Ave B tel. H&L Oxford St Ind tel.<br />
Raleigh, Mrs. Watterman (widow) T<br />
Pettit, Walter (Lillian) 2 ch shoemaker .Raleigh, William (Nellie) clerk O H&L<br />
O H&L 24 Union St Ind tel.<br />
59 Liberty St Ind tel.<br />
PHH», MRS. GERTRUDE 21 Millard St. Randall, Hiram laborer O H&L 51 Soutlr<br />
Philips, Mrs. Gertrude (widow) O H&L St.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Rapalee, Morris (E.) contractor O H&L<br />
Picket, Mrs. Helen (widow) 31 <strong>Monroe</strong> 1 auto 65 State St Ind tel.<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Rayborn, Irving (Anna) 1 ch shoemaker<br />
O H&L Brockway Place.<br />
Pickett, Joseph Bernard salesman T<br />
50 Liberty St B tel.<br />
Rayburn. Harry barber 1 auto 25 Fair<br />
Pickett, Mary Teresa nurse O H&L 50 St Ind tel.<br />
Liberty St B tel.<br />
Rayburn, Thomas (Emma) T H&L 25<br />
Pike, Mrs. O H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave. Fair St Ind tel.<br />
PIKE, N. B.<br />
Read, Edwin student 187 Main St B tel.<br />
Pits, T>. W. (Sarah) 2 ch barber T Reed, Emerson U S Army Clinton St<br />
H&L 19 Kenyon St.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Pledger, William 3 ch insurance agent T Reed, Jason E. (Cora) 7 ch night watchman<br />
T H&L Clinton St Ind tel.<br />
H&L'l auto 15 Kenyon St Ind tel,<br />
Pluglesy, Miss <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Reed, Jesse U S Army (cavalry) Clinton<br />
St.<br />
Praedel, Anna 121 West Ave.<br />
Praedel, Ida teacher 121 West Ave. Reed, M. G. (Mary) ret O H&L 1 auto<br />
Praedel, Joseph carpenter O H&L 121 187 Main St B tel.<br />
West Ave B tel.<br />
Rehizer, Peter (Mary) laborer O H&L<br />
Pratt, Clark 1 auto 262 Main St B & Erie St B tel.<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Remington, Dudley L. (Adaline) decorator<br />
O H&L 1 auto 43 Chappell St<br />
Pratt, Ethel telephone operator 252<br />
Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Pratt, Glen (Gertrude) coal & wood Remington. Mrs. Mary T H&L Kenyon<br />
O H&L 3h 1 auto 252 Main St B & St Ind tel.<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Pratt, S. C. (Nettie) ret T lh 9c 125<br />
Remington, William painter ^ds Kenyon<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Holley St.<br />
Prentice, Mrs. Elizabeth (widow) O Reynold, J, librarian O H&L <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
H&L 24 Park Ave.<br />
Ave.<br />
Preston, Carrie O lh 25 Gordon St. Rice, Calvin teamster O H&L 28 Park<br />
Preston, Joe farmer 25 Gordon St. Ave.*<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Rice, Edward shoemaker O H&L 28<br />
Park Ave.<br />
Richardson, John (Agnes) 2 ch works<br />
on delivery wagon T H&L Clinton St.<br />
Richmond, Alice O H&L 52 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
Ave.<br />
Richmond, Frances A. O IT&L Mntroe<br />
Ave.<br />
Richmond, George (Etta) carpenter O<br />
H&L 113 Erie St.<br />
Richmond, Louise O II&L 52 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
Ave<br />
Richmond, Willard (Jeannette) cabinetmaker<br />
O 153 Erie St.<br />
Rider, Mrs. A. A. (widow) O H&L 35<br />
Fayette St.<br />
Ridgemond, Mrs. Elmina (widow) 0<br />
H&L 19 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave Ind tel.<br />
Ridgemond, Mame dressmaker 19 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
Ave.<br />
RrexrNGER, MARY 168 Holley St.<br />
Riley, William 1 ch plumber O H&L 1<br />
auto Spring St Ind tel.<br />
Robertson, Mrs. George L. 0 H&L 44<br />
Spring St Ind tel.<br />
Robin, M. J. O 140 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Robinson, Frank (Mary) 1
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Schaub, Emma O H&L Utica St. Short, Anna tailoress O H&L 36 Liberty<br />
Schaub, Louise Utica St.<br />
St In4 tel.<br />
Schaub, Phoebe Utica St.<br />
Short, Rebecca tailoress O H&L 36 Liberty<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Schlick, C. P. (Roberta) 1 ch druggist<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Shumway, Julius (Carrie) 1 ch ret O<br />
Schlick, F. T. (Elizabeth) barber O H&L 1 auto 28 South Ave Ind tel.<br />
H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Sime, Chester R. (May) farmer T<br />
Schlosser, Fred (Lula) saloonkeeper O H&L 1 auto N Main St Ind tel.<br />
H&L 116 State St B tel.<br />
SIME, WM. J.<br />
Schultz, George 2 ch paperhanger T 98 Simmons, C. A. ret O H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
B tel.<br />
Scott, George (Lula) blacksmith O Simmons, Hattie E. 31 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave B<br />
H&L 1 auto 376 S Main St.<br />
tel.<br />
Scott, Mrs. T. (widow) 135 Holley St. Simmons, Mrs. Julia (widow) O H&L<br />
Seever, Orley (Laura) millwright T 33 West Ave<br />
H&L 55 Liberty St.<br />
Simmons, Wm. carpenter O H&L Spring<br />
Servis, Clarence clockworker 123 Erie St.<br />
St.<br />
Sizer, Grace 7 Gordon St.<br />
Servis, Harold 123 Erie St.<br />
Sizer, N. B. (Eva) carpenter O 7 Gordon<br />
St B tel.<br />
Servis, Mrs. Laura (widow) 3 ch buttonmaker<br />
O H&L 123 Erie St.<br />
Slaven, F. carpenter 23 Gordon St.<br />
Shafer, Frank (May) traveling salesman<br />
O H&L 1 auto 16 Park Ave Ind Smith, Ada King St.<br />
Slaven, R. ret Gordon St.<br />
tel.<br />
Smith, A. (Elizabeth) ret O H&L King<br />
Shafer, Fred H. (Josephine E.) 2 ch ret St Ind tel.<br />
O H&L Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Smith, Edward (Amy) 1 ch kodak<br />
Shafer, Katherine T H&L 237 Main St worker T «H&L 47 Millard St.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Smith, Gladys M teacher T H&L 160<br />
Shafer, Leland T. student T H&L Park Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Smith, Lena S King St.<br />
Shafer, Manly (Sarah) shoe manufacturer<br />
O H&L 1 auto 219 Main St Ind Maxon St.<br />
Smith, Lloyd (Edith) janitor T H&L<br />
tel.<br />
Smith, L. E. (Susane) railroad fence<br />
Shafer, Marian 1 auto 219 Main St Ind builder T Perry St.<br />
tel.<br />
Smith, Perry (Lotfa) 2 ch farmer O<br />
Shafer, Perry C. (Eleanor) merchant T H&L 160 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
H&L 1 auto 47 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave Ind tel. Smith, P. (Emma) teamster T H&L 153<br />
Shafer, Vivian student T H&L Park Main St.<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Smith, Sara O H&L 16 Union St Ind<br />
Shafer, Wilson salesman 219 Main St tel.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Snover Mrs. M. (widow) O King St B<br />
Shannon, R. C. (Grace) 1 ch engineer tel.<br />
O H&L 1 auto corner Main & College Snover, Norton ret King St.<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Snyder, Mrs. GraCe (widow) 2 ch O<br />
Shattuck, Jerome E. (Alicia) mechanic H&L Erie St Ind tel.<br />
O H&L Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Snyder, Latta (Grace) shoe factory O<br />
Shay, Mrs. Adelaide, F. (widow) O H&L H&L Erie St Ind tel.<br />
Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Sparlin, Mrs. Sarah (widow) O H&L<br />
Shay, George (Margaret) 1 ch assistant 14 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
postmaster T H&L South St Ind tel. Spaulding, William (Elene) carter O lh<br />
Shay, Michol (Rose) shoe factory O 6 Erie St Ind tel.<br />
H&L 22 Fayette St.<br />
Spaven, Mrs. E. W. (widow") O H&L<br />
Sheffard, William Adams St.<br />
103 South Ave.<br />
Shelters, E. M. (Cora) ret T H&L State Spencer, Fred A. (Mildred F.) 1 ch insurance<br />
with state bank T H&L 1<br />
St.<br />
Sheppard, Mrs. Elian (widow) O H&L auto Allen St Ind tel.<br />
Spicer, Ralph (Ella) laborer O H&L 38<br />
365 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Spring St B tel.<br />
Sheppard, Francis telegraph operator 1 Stanley, George meat market King St.<br />
auto 365 S. Main St Ind tel. Stanley, James (Florence) 1 ch butcher<br />
Sheppard, John insurance 365 S Main T H&L King St.<br />
Stanley^ Margery King St.<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Stanley, Samuel meat King St.<br />
Stanley, Mrs. Sarah (widow) O H&L<br />
King St.<br />
Starker, Emma factory work 32 Fayette<br />
St.<br />
Steaster, Mrs. E. T H&L 139 Main St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Steel, George (Carrie) 1 eh post <strong>of</strong>fice<br />
clerk O H&L 10 Chappell St Ind tel.<br />
Steel, Pearl 10 Chappell St Ind tel.<br />
Steele, Edward (Olive C.) 2 ch insurance<br />
O H&L 284 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
STEELE, FANNIE timekeeper shoe factory<br />
54 Spring St Ind tel.<br />
Steele, Henrietta school teacher 54<br />
Spring St Ind tel.<br />
Steele, Mary ret 54 Spring St In«l tel.<br />
Steele, Mrs. Sarah (widow) O H&L<br />
54 Spring St Ind tel.<br />
Stock. Perry (Grace) 4 ch dry goods O<br />
H&L 1 auto Spring St B tel.<br />
StuII, Fred (Alice) 1 ch mgr <strong>of</strong> lumber<br />
yard O H&L 1 auto South St Ind tel.<br />
Stull, William (Clara") 1 ch mgr L. Gordon<br />
lumber yard O H&L 1 auto 39<br />
South St B & Ind tels.<br />
SWEETING, MRS. M. L. Erie St.<br />
Swift, P. canning T H&L 151 Main St.<br />
Taylor, Mrs. A. B. (widow) O H&L<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Taylor, Mrs. Mary (widow) O H&L<br />
State St.<br />
Teighe, Charles (Alice) 3 ch janitor<br />
O H&L 1 auto Ind teL<br />
Telley, Gus (Bertha) saloonkeeper O<br />
H&L State St Ind tel.<br />
Thayer, Arthur (Sarah) 1 eh lunch<br />
room O 165 Erie St.<br />
Thayer, Elmer (Katherine) 2 ch lunch<br />
room O 76 Erie St B tel.<br />
Thayer. John (Augusta) bridge lender<br />
O H&L 151 West Ave B tel.<br />
Thomas, Ed. 2 ch mail carrier O H&L<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> Ave Ind tel.<br />
Thompson. Alfred (Edith) 1 ch principal<br />
<strong>of</strong> B N S T H&L 1 auto College<br />
St B & Ind tels.<br />
Thompson. Mariam B & Ind tels.<br />
Thuring. Walter fMary) O Utiea St.<br />
Tiehe. Edward (Ella) 1 ch milkman O<br />
H&L lh Adams St B & Ind tels.<br />
Tiehe, Merton milkman T H&L Mercer<br />
St.<br />
Toben. William (Mary) warehouse mgr<br />
O H&L King St Ind tel.<br />
I TOUHEY CO., Inc.<br />
31<br />
Tobin, Thomas (Kate) T H&L Park<br />
Ave.<br />
T-ompson, Mrs. Mary (widow) T H&L<br />
38 Clark St.<br />
Tracy, Francis 103 Fayette St.<br />
Tracy, Mrs. Helen (widow) 1 ch T lc<br />
103 Fayette St.<br />
Tracy, Victor 103 Fayette St.<br />
Tripp, E. W. (Emma F.) salesman O<br />
H&L 210 Main St.<br />
Tuller, Aliee O H&L 84 Holley St.<br />
Tuttle, Alice printer 87 State St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Tuttle, Charles (Florence) 2 ch canning<br />
T H&L 151 Main St.<br />
Tuttle, Elmer (Clarie) 3 ch freight<br />
clerk T H&L 87 State St Ind tel.<br />
Tuttle, Martha T H&L 151 Main St.<br />
Udell, F. (Jane) 1 ch ret O H&L 136<br />
Main St Ind tel.<br />
Udell, Mrs. Phoebe (widow) O H&L 43<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> Ave Ind tel.'<br />
Vahue, Franklin (Nellie) carting O<br />
H&L 2k 1 auto 1 auto truck 22 N<br />
Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Vahue, Hazel teacher 22 N Main St.<br />
Vahue, Ruth teacher 22 N Main St.<br />
Van Orden, Lewis (Minnie) 1 ch metal<br />
works T H&L 60 Park Ave B tel.<br />
Veazie, Clark H. (Harriet) salesman<br />
O H&L 1 auto 78 N Main St B tel.<br />
Vickumon, M. canning T H&L 151<br />
Main St.<br />
Wadhams, Mrs. Anna (widow) O H&L<br />
Fair St.<br />
Wadhams, Mrs. Lucy S. (widow) O<br />
H&L 16 South Ave.<br />
Wadhams, S. W. (Lucie) ret T lh 1 auto<br />
32 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Walden, Mrs. M. A. (widow) O H&L<br />
Adams St.<br />
Waldock, Adelbert (Pearl) chauffeur<br />
O H&L 1 auto 16 Graves St Ind tel.<br />
Waldock, Chas. (Minnie) 1 ch clerk in<br />
drug store T 139 Holley St.<br />
WALKER, S. R.<br />
Wallace, Harry bookkeeper T H&L 118<br />
State St.<br />
Wallace, Lucy teacher T H&L State St.<br />
Wallace, Marjorie teacher T H&L 118<br />
State St.<br />
Wallace. R. C. ("Elizabeth) 1 ch osteopath<br />
O H&L 1 auto Wallace Court B<br />
& Ind tels.<br />
Wallace, Thomas 4 ch carpenter O H&L<br />
118 State St.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Walner, J. G. (Minnie) foreman <strong>of</strong> shoe<br />
company T H&L 31 Brockway Place<br />
Ind tel.*<br />
Walters, Fred flagman 1 Perry St.<br />
Walters, Mrs. (widow) • O H&L Perry<br />
St.<br />
Warren, Jene 84 Holley St.<br />
Waterman, M. R. (Edith) 1 eh physician<br />
O H&L 1 auto 105 Park Ave B<br />
& Ind tels.<br />
Way, Amelia insurance <strong>of</strong>fice 112 Fayette<br />
St B tel.<br />
Way, Charles (May) 3 ch paperhanger<br />
T H&L Erie St Ind tel.<br />
Way, Joseph (Ada) 1 ch bridge tender<br />
O 112 Fayette St B tel.<br />
Web, W. D. (Helen) 1 ch mgr <strong>of</strong> Standard<br />
Oil Co O H&L Gordon St B tel.<br />
Webster, Aaron farm work 1 motorcycle<br />
135 Fayette St.<br />
Webster, Bessie school teacher 60 Kenyon<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Webster, Clara factory 135 Fayette St.<br />
Webster, Emma Toleta factory 135 Fayette<br />
St.<br />
Webster, John O H&L 1 auto 135 Fayette<br />
St.<br />
Webster, Lester (Jeanie) highway inspector<br />
O H&L 60 Kenyon St Ind tel.<br />
Webster, M. L. carpenter 135 Fayette<br />
St.<br />
Webster, Ralph farm work 136 Fayette<br />
St.<br />
Welch, Albertine clerk College St B tel.<br />
Welch, Henry (Sarah) mason O H&L<br />
53 Clark St.<br />
Welch, John (Katherine) 3 ch grocer<br />
0 H&L College St B tel.<br />
Welch, Julia O H&L lh Erie St B &<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Wells, Mrs. Stella (widow) O H&L<br />
South Ave B tel.<br />
Wessel, Norris (Matt) 1 ch lumberman<br />
T H&L State St.<br />
Wheeler, Bert (Mina) shoemaker O 67<br />
Perry St.<br />
Wheeler, Mrs. Catherine 2 ch shoe factory<br />
O H&L Barry St.<br />
Wheeler, E. O 67 Perry St.<br />
Wheeler, Fred (Mary Etta) works in<br />
lunch room 0 H&L 77 Fayette St B<br />
tel.<br />
Wheeler, Mrs. (widow) O 67 Perry St.<br />
WHIPPLE, ARTHUR G. (Mary) O H&L<br />
76 South Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
Whipple, Cora L. O H&L Kenyon St.<br />
Whipple, Edward (Harriet) ret O H&L<br />
1 auto South St Ind tel.<br />
32<br />
Whipple, Helene 76 South Ave B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Whipple, Robert (Isabell) 2 ch cabinetmaker<br />
O H&L 52 South St Ind tel.<br />
Whipple, Stella bds 76 South Ave B &<br />
Ind, tels.<br />
Whipple, Mrs. Zerlina (widow) Kenyon<br />
St.<br />
White, Alfred M. (Sarah) ret O H&L 1<br />
auto 176 Main St Ind tel.<br />
White, George (Anna) 2 ch merchandise<br />
T 53 Liberty St.<br />
Whittle, Mrs. Bertha (widow) clerk<br />
Union St.<br />
Whittle, John ret 75 Adams St Ind tel.<br />
Wiers, Lester machinist 84 Clark St.<br />
Wiers, Wesley (Anna) 1 ch mason O<br />
H&L 84 Clark St.<br />
Wiers, Wesley, Jr. (Jessie) 3 ch laborer<br />
T H&L 107 Clark St.<br />
Wiley, J. mason O H&L 1 auto 122 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
Ave.<br />
Williams, Belle T H&L 41 Union St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Williams, C. S. (Carrie) farmer O H&L<br />
2h 1 auto 348 S. Main St Ind tel.<br />
Williamson, George (Anna) magazine<br />
agent O H&L.<br />
Wilson, D. (Nettie) paperhanger Holley<br />
St.<br />
Wilson, Frank E. (Edith) 2 ch merchant<br />
O H&L 1 auto 35 Brockway PI B tel.<br />
Wilson, Fred E. (Rose) 1 eh chauffeur<br />
T H&L 1 auto 36 Park Ave Ind tel.<br />
Wilson, P. (Pauline) T 39 King St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Wilson, P. J. (Fannie) printer O H&L<br />
167 Main St B & Ind tel.<br />
Wimer, Edward (Florence) shoemaker<br />
T H&L Millard St.<br />
Winegard, William (Anna) contractor<br />
Perry St Ind tel.<br />
Winne, Alsina teacher O Holley St.<br />
Winne, Beatrice teacher H&L 40 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
Ave.<br />
Winne, Mrs. Gertrude (widow) O H&L<br />
40 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Winne, Gladys teacher 40 <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Winnie, Chas. (Elizabeth) foreman O<br />
H&L 40 Liberty St Ind tel.<br />
Winnie, Clara telephone operator 40 Liberty<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Winnie, Lulu school teacher 40 Liberty<br />
St.<br />
Winslow, Louise school teacher O H&L<br />
235 Main St.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Wishnech, Fred (Augusta) foreman at<br />
shoe factory O H&L 1 auto Adams<br />
St<br />
Wood, Francis J. (Eunice) 1 ch supt <strong>of</strong><br />
Bkpt Cold Storage T H&L 1 auto 42<br />
Adams St B tel.<br />
Wright, Mrs. A. M. (widow) T H&L 8<br />
Adams St.<br />
Wright, Liddie T H&L 34 Clark St.<br />
Wright, Mame shoe packing dept 8 Adams<br />
St.<br />
Wright, William farmer T H&L 8 Adams<br />
St.<br />
Zeller, Mrs. Amelia (widow) O H&L<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Zeller, Arthur works in canning factory<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Chores.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Clothing Shoes Gents' Furnishings<br />
Rugs Furniture Linoleum<br />
Exclusive Agency for W. L. Douglas Shoes<br />
Exclusive Agency for Dutchess Trousers<br />
Main St. and West Ave. Fairport, N. Y.<br />
When Your Boy<br />
Goes Into the Trenches<br />
See That He Takes With Him<br />
He will treasure one <strong>of</strong> my "Mezzo Photos" <strong>of</strong> yourself more than<br />
all else on earth. Put up in a little leather case for the pocket. A<br />
consolation in times <strong>of</strong> loneliness and trial; always with him.<br />
For yourself, one <strong>of</strong> those beautiful portraits <strong>of</strong> your boy in khaki<br />
for the wall, your dresser or a locket.<br />
A 10% discount to Grange Members with card.<br />
Saunders, Photographer<br />
72 East Avenue, Rochester, N. Y Open all the time<br />
Fairport, N. Y Open at 2 P r M. Wednesday and Saturday
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Main Street, Fairport, N. Y.<br />
ABBREVIATIONS.—a, means acres; bds, boards; B tel, Bell telephone; 4 ch, 4 children;<br />
H&L, house and lot; O, owns; Rl, <strong>Rural</strong> Route No. 1; ret, retired; T, tenant; 4 h, 4 horses;<br />
2c, 2 cattle.<br />
Names in CAPITALS are those <strong>of</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> subscribers—always the most intelligent<br />
and progressive people in any county. No Turabledowns, for no farmer can keep on reading<br />
the F. J. and being a Tumbledown, too. Many have tried, but all have to quit one or the other.<br />
Abigail, Wilfred insurance agent T 6 Aldrich, Leo C. (Helen L.) 1 ch makes<br />
E Church St.<br />
boxes at Sanitary Can Co T H&L 47<br />
Adams, Mrs. Etta H. (widow) 1 ch O North St.<br />
130 S Main St Home tel.<br />
Aldrich, Olive bookkeeper 37 W Church<br />
Adams, Orlo (Maitie) 2 ch traffic dept St.<br />
A. Can. Co. O H&L 7 Cole St B & Ind Aldrich, Rolin C. (Verona) 2 ch ret O<br />
tel s.<br />
H&L 37 W Church St.<br />
Ainsworth, Sadie 46 Dewey Ave. Aldrich, William (Mary) 3 ch engineer<br />
Aitchison, Bruce timekeeper 40 South O H&L 67 E Church St B tel.<br />
Ave.<br />
Allen, Howard (Louise) 1 ch auto agent<br />
Aitchison, Mrs. Elizabeth A. (widow) 48 W Church St B tel.<br />
2 ch O 40 South Ave.<br />
Allen. Marie timekeeper 48 W Church<br />
Aitchison, George C. car inspector 40 St B tel.<br />
South Ave.<br />
Alles, Fred (Elizabeth) 1 ch plumber 45<br />
Albright, Gustard (Laura) 1 ch mechanic<br />
in piano works T &L 17 North Anderson, Jennie teacher bds 149 West<br />
East Ave.<br />
St.<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Albright, William (Hattie A.) 1 ch mechanic<br />
T 111 North St.<br />
man O H&L 149 West Ave Ind tel.<br />
Anderson, John (Sarah J.) 2 ch sales-<br />
Alcorn, William H. (Anna W.) 2 ch Anderson, S. D. (Anna) farmer T H&L<br />
ret R R man O l%a 100 High St. 38 Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Aldrich, Charles D. (Katherine) 1 ch Arms, Sam'l D., Jr. bookkeeper T 42<br />
moving picture house O H&L 25 Filkins<br />
St B tel.<br />
Perrin St B tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Arnold, Hugh (Cora G.) ass't supt in Barranco, James shoemaker 41 West<br />
tin plate room <strong>of</strong> Sanitary Can Co 24 Ave B tel.<br />
North St B tel.<br />
Bauman, Jacob ret bds 51 Summit St<br />
Arnold, Mrs. Maryetta J. .(widow) O Ind tel.<br />
224 S Main St.<br />
Baumer, Alvah J. carpenter bds 1 auto<br />
Auburn, Arthur (Clara) 2 ch carpenter 51 Summit St B tel.<br />
0 H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
BAUMER, CLAYTON F. printer bds 51<br />
Austin, Martin (Frances) ret 0 52 Summit St B tel.<br />
W Church St.<br />
Baumer, Frank N. (Jennie D.) carpenter<br />
O H&L 51 Summit St B tel.<br />
Axon, Emma 17 W Church St B tel.<br />
Axon, William (Ada) 1 ch ret O H&L Baumer, Jacob 10 ch ret bds 51 Summit<br />
17 W Church St B tel.<br />
St B tel.<br />
Babcock, Fred machinist 19 East Ave Beach, John (Mary) 1 ch York State<br />
B tel.<br />
Fruit Co. T 108 W Church St B tel.<br />
Bahler, Addie O H&L 29 Perrin St B Beach, Ludwig student 108 W Church<br />
tel.<br />
St B tel.<br />
Bahler, Henry (Erma) laborer T 83 S Beard, John (Effie) barber T 24 West<br />
Main St.<br />
Ave.<br />
Bahler, Ida clerk O H&L 29 Perrin St Beard, William (Mae) 2 ch mechanic<br />
B tel.<br />
T 75 High St.<br />
Bahler, John M. hardware clerk O H&L Beardsley, Mrs. Augusta (widow) T 21<br />
29 Perrin St B tel.<br />
W Church St.<br />
Bailey. Effa <strong>of</strong>fice work 24 Woodlawn Beardsley) Homer (Adelaide) machinist<br />
Ave'B tel.<br />
O H&L 1 auto 27 Paree Ave B tel.<br />
Bailey, Horace (Mary) 2 ch painter O Beardsley, Mabel 124 S Main St B tel.<br />
H&L 24 Woodlawn Ave B tel. Beardsley, Warren F. 2 ch ret O 124<br />
Baird, Mrs. Emogene (widow) O H&L S Main St B tel.<br />
14 South Ave B tel.<br />
Beaton, Pearl stenographer 12 Filkins<br />
Baker, Charles H. (Emma) ret T H&L St Ind tel.<br />
1 auto 29 West St B tel.<br />
Beaton, Ruth stenographer 12 Filkins<br />
Baker, Eugene (Pearl) machinist T St Ind tel.<br />
H&L 15 Parce Ave.<br />
Beaton, Willia'm A. (Elizabeth) 3 ch<br />
Baker, Mrs. Mary (widow) 2 eh O H&L chauffeur O H&L 12 Filkins St Ind<br />
49 High St Ind tel.<br />
tel.<br />
Baker, William (Minerva) ret O H&L Beaumont, Edward (Emma) 2 ch O<br />
8 West St Ind tel.<br />
179 W Church St.<br />
Balcom, Percy (Maud) 4 ch mechanic Beaumont, Frank student 20 Filkins St<br />
O H&L 9 East St.<br />
Beaumont, Harry (Louise) 2 ch carpenter<br />
O H&L 20 Filkins St.<br />
Bancr<strong>of</strong>t, Carrie 8 Woodlawn Ave B<br />
tel.<br />
Becker, Mrs. Anne (widow) 2 ch O<br />
Bancr<strong>of</strong>t, Charles (Emma) 3 ch salesman<br />
O H&L 8 Woodlawn Ave B tel. Becker, J. Wade (Cora J.) real estate<br />
H&L 43 Perrin St Ind tel.<br />
Bancr<strong>of</strong>t, Nettie school teacher 20 O H&L 37 Perrin St Ind tel.<br />
Woodlawn Ave B tel.<br />
Beckwith, C. C. (Anna) 1 ch harnessmaker<br />
O H&L 15 Dewey Ave.<br />
Banhold, Ernest (Anna) 2 ch carpenter<br />
T 63 High St.<br />
Beilby, Mrs. Delia (widow) O 103 High<br />
Banhold, John (Charlotte) 4 ch Sani- St B tel.<br />
. tary Can Co. O 79 High St. Bell, Mrs. (widow) T H&L 69 Filkins<br />
St.<br />
Bannen, Wayne (Angeline) bookkeeper Bemus, Mrs. Johanna (widow) 7 ch O<br />
T 15 Pleasant St B & Ind tels. 44 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Barger, Dorothy teacher 176 N Main Benedict, Hattie O H&L 80 West Ave<br />
B tel.<br />
St.<br />
Benedict, J. Wells (Inez) 1 ch foreman<br />
Barnes, Belle O H&L 16 South Ave. in piano factory T 6 De Land Park A.<br />
Barney, Mrs. Thresa (widow) T 39 Benedict, Mrs. Laura 29 Woodlawn<br />
West Ave.<br />
Ave.<br />
Barnhart, DeWitt Clinton 3 ch agricultural<br />
implements O H&L 10 East ping clerk T 1 auto 52 West Ave.<br />
BENEDICT, MORTON (Helena) 2 ch ship-<br />
Ave.<br />
Bennett, Ella milliner T 173 S Main St..<br />
Barranco, George shoemaker 41 West BENNETT, BOLLIN A. 2 ch station agent<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
T 11 Fourth Ave B tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bieler, diaries J. (€arrie) 3 ch truckman<br />
O H&L 67 Pilkins St B tel. H&L 127 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Bown, Lawrence (Euth) machinist T<br />
Bieler, Earl 67 Pilkins St.<br />
Boyer, Joseph (Elizabeth) pool & billiards<br />
O 30 West Ave.<br />
Bieler, Maey 67 Filkins St.<br />
Billinghurst, Chas. H. (Ruth) ass't supt Boyland, William H. (Belle) miller O<br />
Sanitary Can Co O 1 auto 109 W H&L 2h 1 auto 30 West St Ind tel.<br />
Church St B tel.<br />
Brainard, J. L. (Amelia M.) ret O 166<br />
Billinghurst, J. Henry (Augusta) 1 ch West Ave.<br />
ret 109 W Church St B tel.<br />
Braman, George ret O H&L 97 West<br />
Bills, Mrs. Annie H. (widow) 4 ch Ave.<br />
19 De Land Park A.<br />
Braman, Myra 97 West Ave.<br />
Bills, Burtis EL (Julia) 2 ch Sanitary Bramer, Irving D. 3 ch druggist O H&L<br />
Can Co T 89 High St B tel.<br />
35 West St B tel.<br />
Bills, Daniel (Elizabeth) 3 ch mechanic Brandt, Emil (Sadie) 1 ch letter carrier<br />
O H&L 24 Filkins St Ind tel.<br />
Sanitary Can Co O H&L 19 Orchard<br />
St.<br />
Briggs, Anna T 161 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Bills, Eugene engraver O H&L 23 Orchard<br />
St.<br />
ch physician O lh 116 West Ave B<br />
BRIGGS, C&ARLES M. (Nettie Palmer) 3<br />
Bills, F. R. (Belle) engineer T 19 De & Ind tels.<br />
Land Park A.<br />
Briggs, Charles Palmer (Lyda Consler)<br />
Bills, Lee (Elsie) 1 ch Sanitary Can Co. 2 ch bookkeeper T 121 West Ave.<br />
T 121 High St.<br />
Briggs, Edith social worker bds 116<br />
Bills, Ray (Flora) 4 ch carpenter T West Ave.<br />
H&L 58 E Church St.<br />
Briggs. Mrs. Maryetta 42 N Main St.<br />
Bills, Raymond (Delia) 2 ch laborer O Briggs, Roy (Emma) clerk 10 De Land<br />
H&L lh 23 Orchard St.<br />
Park B.<br />
Bills, Smith (Carrie) 1 ch Sanitary Can Brislin, Hugh machinist bds 96 Paree<br />
Co O 123 High St.<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Bills, Wayne Sanitary Can Co 89 High Bristol, James (Minnie)painter & paperhanger<br />
O H&L 21 Woodlawn Ave.<br />
St B tei;<br />
Bingham, A. Rowe (Martha) 4 ch BRODBECK, GBO. (Minnie) 4 ch, florist<br />
printer O H&L 31 Woodlawn Ave. T H&L 8 Elm St Ind tel.<br />
Birdsall, James ret 164 W Church St Brooks, Mrs. Annie A. (widow) 2 ch<br />
B tel.<br />
T H&L 60 West Ave.<br />
Blood, Inez teacher O 31 Parker St. Brooks, Everett H. (Charlotte) bakery<br />
Blum, Albert 2 ch restaurant O H&L T 60 West Ave.<br />
31 N Main St B & Ind tels. Brooks, J. Willard 200 S Main St B<br />
Blyer, Joseph (Catherine) 3 ch employed<br />
in ear shops O H&L South Brooks, Mrs. Mary C. (widow) 5 ch O<br />
tel.<br />
Ave.<br />
H&L 200 S Main St B tel.<br />
Blythe, Mrs. Emma J. (widow) 1 eh O Brooks, Mary L. 200 S Main St B tel.<br />
H&L 31 West St B tel.<br />
Brothers, Elizabeth tel operator 47 East<br />
Bolton, Eriek Sanitary Can Co. employee<br />
19 East Ave B tel.<br />
Brothers, John salesman 47 East Ave B<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Bolton, James (Edith Maud) 3 eh laborer<br />
172 N Main St.<br />
Brothers, Thos. 2 eh janitor O 47 East<br />
tel.<br />
Bonaldi. Guiseppe 4 eh laborer O 64 Ave B tel.<br />
High St.<br />
Brown, Albert G. (Mary) 2 ch Sanitary<br />
JBoneher, H. J. (Nancy) 2 ch laborer Can Co l%a 130 High St.<br />
O 31 Hulbert Ave B tel.<br />
Brown, Edward R. (Edith) 1 eh traveling<br />
salesman O 1 auto 73 W Church<br />
Borden, Frank electrician O 128 North<br />
St B teL<br />
St B tel.<br />
Bortle, Emma musician O H&L 29 Brown, George H. (Lola) 1 eh factory<br />
Woodlawn Ave.<br />
employee T 11 De Land Park A Home<br />
Bowerman, George ret T 30a E Church tel.<br />
St.<br />
Brown, Huburt M. (Nettie) undertaker<br />
Bowerman, Mary E. 30 E Church St. O H&L 62 West Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
Bown, F. F. (Ella) auto repairer O 126 Brown, Ira (Caroline) 1 ch bridge operator<br />
T 11 De Land Park A Home<br />
5 Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Bown, Gardener (Bertha) 3 ch garage tel.<br />
6 carriage company O H&L 127 S Brown, John (Alice) 11 eh janitor at<br />
Main St Ind tel.<br />
school O 1 auto 29 South Ave B tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Brown, Leon (Myrtle) 1 ch machinist Burshaski, Henry canning 26 Filkins<br />
O H&L 12 De Land Park A Home tel. St.<br />
Brown, Mrs. Sophia (widow) 5 ch O Busch, Albert Sanitary Can Co 143<br />
H&L E Whitney Road.<br />
High St.<br />
Brown, William 4 ch foreman Sanitary Busch, Mrs. Louise (widow) 2 ch T 143<br />
Can Co. O 37 East St.<br />
High St.<br />
Brown, William W. (Carrie) 2 ch traveling<br />
man T H&L 21 Clinton St B tel. St.<br />
Bush, Albert farmer T H&L lh- High<br />
Bryant, Jessie V. stenographer 58 North Bush, Joseph (Bertha) 2 eh lawyer T.<br />
St B tel.<br />
H&L 46 Dewey Ave Ind tel.<br />
Bryant, William J. (Jennie W.) shoemaker<br />
O H&L 58 North St B tel. ist O H&L 70 North St.<br />
Buss, Arthur J. (Mina J.) 1 ch machin-<br />
Bryant, William E. printer 58 North St Bussie, Lewis (Mary) 2 ch trolley car<br />
B tel.<br />
section work T H&L 110 High 'St.<br />
Brydges, Hattie 51 East Ave B tel. Bussie, Nicholas (Frank) 1 eh trolley<br />
Brydges, Henry (Mary) 4 ch hardware section work T H&L 84 High St.<br />
O H&L lh 16 Woodlawn Ave. Butler, Benjamin ret O bloek 15 West<br />
Brydges, Mabel 16 Woodlawn Ave. Ave.<br />
BRYDGES, THOMAS J. 1 ch farmer O 16 Butler, B. F. (Ethel) 2 ch foreman 1<br />
East Ave Ind tel.<br />
auto 21 Paree Ave B tel.<br />
Bucher, Margaret student H&L 27 N Butler, Charles (Bertha) lawyer O 7<br />
Main St.<br />
Pleasant St B & Ind tels.<br />
Buck, Mrs. Edna (widow) 2 ch T H&L Butler, Charles (Josephine) 2 ch laborer<br />
T H&L ,50 E Church St.<br />
52 East Ave.<br />
Buck, Frank Sanitary Can Co O H&L Butler, Mrs. Lydia (widow) T 18 Filkins<br />
St.<br />
52 East Ave.<br />
Buck, Howard laborer bds 40 Parce Button, Millard F. 1 eh ret 32 South<br />
Ave.<br />
Ave.<br />
Buckley, Mrs. Alice (widow) 24 Filkins Byrne, Martin (Catherine) 3 ch R E<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
gate tender O H&L 134 High St B<br />
Budgeon, Leonard (Louisa) 2 ch engineer<br />
O H&L 19 West St.<br />
Caffrey, Winifred 63 North St Ind tel.<br />
tel.<br />
Bullard, Sarah A. 11 De Land Park A Caler, James laborer O 76 E Church St.<br />
Home tel.<br />
Caler, Mrs. Kathryn (widow) Q<br />
Buller, Fred (Mabel} 4 ch mechanic H&L 76 E Church St.<br />
2 autos 32 Parce Ave B tel. Caler, Mary O H&L 76 E Church St.<br />
Bumpus, Ethel chauffeur 1 auto 107 W Came, Mrs. Gertrude L. (widow) O<br />
Church St Ind tel.<br />
H&L 11 Cole St Ind tel.<br />
Bumpus, William (Elizabeth) 2 eh ret Campbell, Frank (Ida) 6 eh York State<br />
O 107 W Church St Ind tel.<br />
Fruit Co 12 Clinton St.<br />
Burlingame, Clark L. machinist T 1 Campbell, J. M. ret O H&L 166 N Main.<br />
auto 101 West Ave B tel.<br />
St. B tel.<br />
Burlingame, George T. (Edith E.) 2 ch Candelore, Antonio (Flora) machinist T<br />
fruit & produce buyer O H&L 101 Frank St.<br />
West Ave B tel.<br />
Candelore, Guistine laborer Maple St.<br />
Burlingame, Gertrude school teacher Carlomusto, Antonio harnessmaker O<br />
bds 127 North St B tel.<br />
H&L 112 North Main St B tel.<br />
Burlingame, Mrs. Mary (widow) O 127 Carman, Raymond S. (Geraldine M.) 2<br />
North St B tel.<br />
ch clergyman T 11 Pleasant St B &<br />
Burnham, Frank E. (Edith) 2 eh insurance<br />
agent O 182 W Church St B tel. Carney, Mrs. Francis 2 ch T 20 West<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Burnham, Leland student 182 W Church Ave.<br />
St.<br />
Carpenter, Anna E. (widow) 1 ch O<br />
Burns, Irma bookkeeper 14 East St. H&L 15 Clinton St B tel.<br />
Burns, James clerk bds 58 West St. Carpenter, Chas. cigar store O H&L 15<br />
Burns, Mary Ann 66 North St.<br />
Clinton St B tel.<br />
Burns, M. J. (Mary E.) 1 ch foreman Carpenter, Ella U. saleslady 73 North<br />
T H&L 30 De Land Park A.<br />
St.<br />
Burns, Thomas ret O H&L 66 North Carpenter, Thomas H. (Myrtie C.) ret<br />
St.<br />
T H&L 73 North St.<br />
BurrowS, Wilson ret 114 High St B tel. Carrol, Catherine 72 East St.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Carroll, Patrick 2 ch ret O H&L 72<br />
East St.<br />
Carroll, Sylvester machinist 72 East St.<br />
Cartwright, Cora 32 East St Ind tel.<br />
Cary, Edward J. (Katherine) 2 ch<br />
hotel proprietor O H&L lh lc 1 auto<br />
185 North Main St Ind tel.<br />
CART, F. ARTHUR hotel clerk 185 Main<br />
St B & Ind tels.<br />
Cary, Mrs. Sarah M. (widow) 2 ch<br />
boarding house & lunch room O H&L<br />
1 auto 96 Parce Ave B tel.<br />
Case, Clarence E. film inspector 158<br />
S Main St B tel.<br />
Case, Dick laborer bds 29 Parker St.<br />
Casey, Prank 17 Hart St.<br />
Casey, John 17 Hart St.<br />
Casey, Nellie T H&L 17 Hart St.<br />
Castor Bernal (Claire) telephone man<br />
T 24 Pleasant St Ind tel.<br />
Caulkins, Adelbert L. (Mary) 3 eh farmer<br />
O H&L 9 Fourth Ave.<br />
Chadwick, Charles (Martha) 3 ch livery<br />
O 36 Perrin St B tel.<br />
Chapin, Harlow F. (Lucetta) 2 ch gardening<br />
O H&L 13 Fourth Ave B tel.<br />
Chase, John ret O H&L 119 N Main St<br />
Cheesborough, Ida librarian O H&L 12<br />
Perrin St B tel.<br />
Chesebro, Fred M. Cobb's Preserving<br />
Company 38 South Ave B tel.<br />
Chesebro, Mabel I. teacher 38 South<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Chesebro, May L. teacher 38 South Ave.<br />
Chesebro, Paris I. (Matilda) 3 ch tinsmith<br />
O H&L 38 South Ave B tel.<br />
Ghesley, Franc O H&L 58 West Ave.<br />
Churchill, Chris. (Rose) 1 eh mail clerk<br />
0 H&L 179 N Main St Ind tel.<br />
Cieehine, Joseph ("Victoria Marietta) 3<br />
ch E R man T 21 High St.<br />
Claflin, John machinist 22 Perrin St.<br />
Clancy, James (Nellie) foreman O H&L<br />
1 auto 70 Parce Ave Ind tel.<br />
Clapp, Charlotte teacher 15 Perrin St<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Clapp, Marian 15 Perrin St B & Ind tels.<br />
Clapp, Robert electrician 15 Perrin St<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Clapp, Wesley F. (Roxy J.) 3 ch physician<br />
O H&L 15 Perrin St B & Ind tels.<br />
Clark, Mrs. Ada V. (widow) 1 ch O<br />
H&L 102 E Church St B tel.<br />
Clark, Adelaide Johnson school student<br />
249 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Clark, Albert E. (Susan) 1 ch electrician<br />
O H&L 2 West St.<br />
Clark, Charles Johnson (Lucy) 4 ch<br />
orchardist O 249 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Clark, Frank (Mellie) 2 ch electrical<br />
engineer O H&L 1 auto 60 Parce Ave.<br />
Clark, G. F. (Clara) 2 ch hardware T<br />
10 Fourth Ave.<br />
Clark, James (Frances) 3 ch teamster<br />
O H&L 32 East St Ind tel.<br />
Clark, John Griffith school student 249<br />
S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Claycomb, Harry (Anna) 3 ch" carpenter<br />
T 104 North St.<br />
Claycomb, Jonas (Susanna) carpenter<br />
O H&L 68 North St.<br />
Clench, Mrs. Lucy (widow) 1 ch 61 S<br />
Main St.<br />
Cleverly, Howard (Marion) 2 ch electrician<br />
O H&L 17 Fourth Ave.<br />
Clifford, Elizabeth Sanitary Can Company<br />
152 Parce Ave.<br />
Clifford, James (Bridget) 5 ch laborer<br />
T 152 Parce Ave.<br />
Clifford, John R. (Marie) 1 ch O 29 E<br />
Church St B tel.<br />
Clifford, Margaret bds 152 Paree Ave.<br />
Clingen, John J. (Blanche) mgr York<br />
State Fruit Company O 1 auto 69 W<br />
Church St B tel.<br />
Clinton, Mathew (Elizabeth) ret O<br />
H&L 13 Clinton St.<br />
Clow, George (<strong>The</strong>da) 1 ch blacksmith<br />
T 72 West Ave.<br />
Clow, Peter (Sarah) 2 ch laborer 20<br />
Parker St B tel.<br />
Cobb, Charles (Eva) 1 ch machinist T<br />
36 Perrin St.<br />
Cobb, Clarence S. (Catherine) 3 ch<br />
canner O H&L 118 E Church St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Codyn, J. L. clergyman O 30 East Ave.<br />
C<strong>of</strong>field, C. E. (Frances) canmaker T<br />
142 S Main St.<br />
Cole, George (Emma) 2 ch piano factory<br />
T H&L 20 Summit St.<br />
Collins, Gilbert laborer bds 40 Parce<br />
Ave.<br />
Collins, Orrin E. 1 ch <strong>of</strong>fice manager O<br />
H&L 28 Dewey Ave.<br />
Collins, Ruth 28 Dewey Ave.<br />
Conant, Austin (Mary) ret O H&L 6<br />
Beardsley St.<br />
Cook, Bertha C. student 43 North St.<br />
Cook, Elmer E. (Harriet) experimental<br />
machinist T 7 De Land Park B.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Cook, Emma J. dressmaker 43 North St. Crowell, Margaret 53 East Ave Ind tel.<br />
Cook, Fred bookkeeper 43 North St. Crowley, Helen M. 4 West St B tel.<br />
Cook, Harry H. machinist 43 North St. Cuthbert,, Lowell (Blanch) 1 ch chemist<br />
T 75 S Main St B tel.<br />
Cook, Mrs. Louise M. (widow) 5 ch T<br />
H&L 43 North St.<br />
Dadd, JameB (Gladys) 1 ch advertising<br />
Cook, Mary L. wraps packages 43 T 1-64 West Ave Ind tel.<br />
North St.<br />
Dancy, Arthur; (Bessie) 3 ch contractor<br />
Cook, Sanford machinist 20 De Land O H&L 156 Parce Ave.<br />
Park A.<br />
Davies, J. W. (Nellie B.) 1 eh clergyman<br />
T 120 S Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Coomber, Edward (Amelia) 2 ch clerk<br />
O 33 East Ave.<br />
Davis, Fred (Emma) T 75 S Main St.<br />
Coomber, Raymond student 33 East Davis, Oliver (Blossom) 1 eh machinist<br />
Ave.<br />
T 20 De Land Park A.<br />
COON, RAY (Charlotte) 5 ch engineer Deal, John (Belle) teaches printing Rochester<br />
schools O 82 W Church St Ind<br />
O H&L 1 auto 34 Summit St.<br />
Coons, Herbert E. (Nellie G.) 2 ch carpenter<br />
T H&L 98 North St.<br />
Deal, Mrs. Laura P. (widow) 2 ch O<br />
tel.<br />
Copeland, Burton (Lily) 1 ch timekeeper<br />
T 78 West Ave.<br />
Dean, Edward Allen (Ida May) 4 ch<br />
H&L 177 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Copp, Clara B. inspector <strong>of</strong> tin in San <strong>New</strong> York Fruit Co T 122 N Main St.<br />
Can Co 32 North St B tel.<br />
De Bone, Michael (Flora) 1 ch fruit<br />
Copp, Fred P. (Eva D.) 1 ch carpenter dealer T 23 West Ave.<br />
T H&L 32 North St B tel.<br />
Defendorf, F. A. (Gertrude) 3 ch ret<br />
Copp, Walton C. machinist 32 North St O 33 E Church St Ind tel.<br />
B tel.<br />
DeLand, Daniel B. (Esther) 2 ch supt<br />
Corkhill, Frances school teacher O H&L Sanitary Can Co. O H&L 1 auto 10<br />
74 Parce Ave B tel.<br />
Potter Place Ind tel.<br />
Cornish, Edwin S. (Emma E.) 1 ch De Land, Dorothy student 43 Perrin St<br />
night watchman O H&L 113 High St. Ind tel.<br />
Cornish, James (Ida) 2 ch lumber Deland, Helen in <strong>Monroe</strong> Co Chem<br />
dealer T H&L 96 E Church St B & Ind Works T H&L 170 S Main St Ind<br />
tels.<br />
tel.<br />
Cornish, Jay E. engineer T 113 High St. De Land, Mrs. L. J. (widow) 8 eh O<br />
Cornwall, George L. ret 43 Filkins St. 14 Potter Place B tel.<br />
Costa, D. A. Mrs. Clara W. (widow) 2 De Land, Minerva L. teacher 14 Potter<br />
ch 35 West St B tel.<br />
Place B tel.<br />
Cotter, James 5 ch salesman O H&L De Land, Oneita L. 14 Potter Place B<br />
112 West Ave Ind tel.<br />
tel.<br />
Cotter, Majorie clerk 112 West Ave. De Land, Page, student 43 Perrin St Ind<br />
Couse, Adelbert (Mattie) 1 ch millwright<br />
T 131 West Ave.<br />
De Land, Ruth student 14 Potter Place<br />
tel.<br />
Covey, Howard clerk 19 East Ave B tel. B tel.<br />
Covey, Mrs. Mary (widow) 2 ch O H&L Delano, Mrs. Cora Hende 6 ch T 148<br />
19 East Ave B* tel.<br />
Parce Ave.<br />
Cowles, Fred (Bertha) 5 ch machinist Delano, Leah nurse 58 Hulbert Ave.<br />
T H&L 38 Filkins St B tel.<br />
Delano, Mrs. Sarah C. (widow) 3 ch<br />
Crane, A. E. (E. M.) 4 eh painter O glove maker O H&L 51 Summit St B<br />
H&L lh 11 Woodlawn Ave B tel. tel.<br />
Crane, Ester student 11 Woodlawn Ave Delano, Willis (Elizabeth) 4 ch teamster<br />
T 58 Hulbert Ave.<br />
B tel.<br />
Crawford, Mrs. Elizabeth 2 ch 16 De Mite, Clinton A. (Elizabeth) 1 ch<br />
Parker St.<br />
painter O H&L 56 E Church St.<br />
Creque, Frank laborer bds 156 Parce De Mooney, Earnest (Clara N.) fireman<br />
Ave.<br />
& engineer O H&L 34 North St B<br />
Crocker, Andrew J. (Emily L.) 1 ch tel.<br />
gardener O 10a 166 High St. De Mooney, Mrs. Georgia L. (widow)<br />
Crouch, Joshua B. (Carrie) insurance 34 North St B tel.<br />
O H&L 205 S Main St Ind tel. De Munn, Mrs. Emily (widow) 18 West<br />
Crowell, Chas. painter 53 East Ave Ind St B & Ind tels.<br />
tel.<br />
DE NISE, M. G.<br />
Crowell, Mrs. Margaret (widow) 2 ch Denn, Mary telephone operator T 2<br />
O H&L 53 East Ave Ind tel.<br />
West St Ind tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
DENNIS, BESSIE T 89 S Main St.<br />
Dennis, George laborer T 89 S Main St.<br />
Dennis, James 3 eh woodworker T 17<br />
Summit St.<br />
Detro, Guy H. (Elsie M.) 1 ch signalman<br />
T 19 Clinton St B tel.<br />
Deuel, George 3 ch laborer T 144 Parce<br />
Ave.<br />
Deuel, Jesse (Ethel) 2 ch laborer T<br />
144 Parce Ave.<br />
De Witt, Mrs. C. G. (widow) 1 ch O<br />
H&L 25 East Ave B tel.<br />
Dillon, Mrs. Mary (widow) O 15 East<br />
St.<br />
Dillon, Richard dry cleaning O 15 East<br />
St.<br />
Di Matteo, Vincenzo laborer bds H&L<br />
46 Frank St,<br />
Dinarde, Domenic (Maria Domenica) 4<br />
ch laborer T 48 Frank St.<br />
Ditmas, Adrianna T 133 West Ave.<br />
Di Tullo, Bastiane (Carmen) 1 ch laborer<br />
T 46 Frank St.<br />
Dixon, Gertrude 47 W Church St B &<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Dixon, John 5 ch real estate & insurance<br />
O H&L lh 47 W Church St B<br />
& Ind tels.<br />
Dixon, Sarah clerk in real estate &<br />
insurance <strong>of</strong>fice 47 W Church St B &<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Dobbin, Elizabeth bds 141 West Ave.<br />
Dobbin, Helen cashier & ass't bookkeeper<br />
141 West Ave.<br />
Dobbin, William (Margaret) 5 ch ret<br />
O 141 West Ave B tel.<br />
Dodd, Andrew H. (Harriet) 7 ch engineer<br />
O H&L 2 Prospect St.<br />
Dolan, William J. restaurant O H&L<br />
49 N Main St B tel.<br />
DONK, JOHN.<br />
Dougherty, Leo student 42 Summit St<br />
B tel.<br />
Dougherty, Mrs. Mary (widow) rooming<br />
house O H&L 104 Parce Ave.<br />
Dougherty, Patriek (Margaret) 2 ch insurance<br />
agent O H&L 42 Summit St<br />
B tel.<br />
Doyle, Patrick attorney bds 129. West<br />
Ave.<br />
Doyle, Peter J.. (Louise) 2 ch can<br />
maker O 129 West Ave.<br />
Dryer, Chas. A. (May) 4 ch farmer O<br />
H&L 3h autos 27 Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Dryer, Henry (Hattie) 8 eh carpenter<br />
T 116 North St.<br />
Dryer, Mildred L. teacher 27 Dewey<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Du Boyse, E. (Lois) decorator T 84 S<br />
Main St.<br />
Ducat, Evelyn bds 24 George St.<br />
Dudley, Edward L. (Frances B.) 1 ch<br />
manufacturer <strong>of</strong> baking powder O<br />
H&L 1 auto 161 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Dudley, Ray (Edith) 2 ch manufacturer<br />
<strong>of</strong> baking powder & soda O H&L 20<br />
Potter Place Ind tel.<br />
Dunbar, Charles H. (Julia G.) ret O<br />
H&L 63 North St Ind tel.<br />
Duncan, Mrs. Hannah (widow) 30<br />
Woodland Ave B tel.<br />
Dunham, Nolan (Mary) teamster 70 E<br />
Church St.<br />
Durant, Joshua H. (Olive) 1 ch Sanitary<br />
Can Co employee O 8 Durant<br />
Place Ind tel.<br />
Durant, Wm. Lee Sanitary Can Co employee<br />
1 auto 8 Durant Place B tel.<br />
DURFEE, ARTHUR C. (Bertha) 1 ch railroad<br />
man treas <strong>of</strong>BR&PRRO<br />
H&L 36 Woodlawn Ave B tel.<br />
Durston. George 1 ch plumber O 1<br />
Durston Place B tel.<br />
Dussett, Lewis (Ada) 5 ch blacksmith<br />
T H&L 30 Filkins St.<br />
Dussett, Marguerite student 30 Filkins<br />
St.<br />
Dwello, Boyd laborer 73 High S,t.<br />
Dwello, David 2 eh laborer T 73 High<br />
St.<br />
Dwyer, Richard (Anna) 1 eh teamster<br />
on road T 35 George St.<br />
Ebert, Michael (Nettie) 2 ch laborer T<br />
1 Cole St.<br />
Eddy, G. E. (Aliee) 1 ch teacher O<br />
H&L 30 Fourth Ave B teJ.<br />
Edgett, Mary nurse T 112 S Main St<br />
B tel.<br />
Ef ner, Chas. ret O H&L 56 High St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Eldridge, Mrs. Alcesta R. T 62 West<br />
Ave.<br />
Elliott, Bertha 41 S Main St Bk Ind<br />
tels.<br />
ELLIOTT, THOS. J. (Anna) 4 ch carpenter<br />
& contractor O H&L 10 East St.<br />
Ellis, Edward ret O H&L 172 N Main<br />
St.<br />
Ellison, Mrs. Phebe (widow) 29 West<br />
St B tel.<br />
Ellsworth, Edward (Delia) carpenter<br />
O H&L 54 E Chureh St.<br />
Ellsworth, Warren (Catherine) painter<br />
O H&L 33 George St B tel.<br />
Elthrope, Frank vinegar works 48 South<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Emery, Day (Carrie) 3 ch drill works<br />
O H&L 61 Filkins St.<br />
Emery, Harry Sanitary Can Co 61 Filkins<br />
St.<br />
Emery, Irma saleslady 61 Filkins St.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Emler, Charles barber T H&L 76 High<br />
St.<br />
Emler, Fred ret O 13 East St.<br />
Emler, Lewis (Minnie) 5 ch barber T<br />
T H&L 76 High St.<br />
Emler, Wm. (Daisy) barber T H&L 56<br />
High St.<br />
Emmons, Mrs. M. (widow) 44 South<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Emrich, Geo. (Catherine) 1 ch mail<br />
carrier O 12 Miles Ave B tel.<br />
Ennis, Louise insurance agent T 124<br />
West Ave B tel.<br />
Enter, James (Mabel) carpenter O<br />
H&L 52 Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Esten, G. W. (Charlptte) 2 ch monument<br />
dealer & ret former O H&L 1<br />
auto 57 S Main St B tel.<br />
Esten, Vesta bds 57 S Main St B tel.<br />
Estes, Mrs. Elvira (widow) 1 ch T 127<br />
S Main St B tel.<br />
Estey, Balph (Florence F.) 2 ch piano<br />
tuner T H&L 28 North St B tel.<br />
Ewing, Robert (Martha) 1 ch gate<br />
tender NTCEEO H&L 102 North<br />
St B tel.<br />
Ewing, William 2 ch carpenter 102<br />
North St B tel.<br />
Fake, Raymond G. (Helen S.) grocer O<br />
T 19 Clinton St B tel..<br />
<strong>Farm</strong>er, Mrs. M. (widow) bds 41 S<br />
Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Farrar, Mrs. Alice E. 1 ch O H&L 82<br />
West Ave.<br />
Fellows, Geo A. (Katharine) 1 eh stationery<br />
store O H&L 8 Filkins St<br />
B tel.<br />
Fellows, Mrs. Mary Jane (widow) 1 ch<br />
O 43 W Church St.<br />
Ferguson, Mrs. Elizabeth M. (widow)<br />
O H&L 119 S Main St B tel.<br />
Ferguson, Oliver ret 172 N Main St.<br />
Ferris, Francis R. (Frances) signal<br />
maintainer O H&L 35 Dewey Ave.<br />
Fett, August machinist 33 Filkins St<br />
B tel.<br />
Fett, John W. (Louise) janitor O H&L<br />
33 Filkins St B tel.<br />
Fiandache, Sam (Peppina) 4 eh laborer<br />
O H 9 Maple St.<br />
Filkins, Alan G. carpenter & contractor<br />
bds 61 S Main St.<br />
Filkins, George (Mary) 3 ch ret O H&L<br />
17 George St Ind tel.<br />
Filkins, Gerald mail carrier 17 George<br />
St.<br />
Filkins, Howard butcher 1 auto bds 132<br />
N Main St.<br />
Filkins, Loren clerk in post <strong>of</strong>fice 17<br />
George St.<br />
Filkins, Lydia 44 South Ave B tel.<br />
42<br />
Finnegan, Alice clerk 72 East Ave.<br />
Finnegan, James student bds 17 Orchard<br />
St.<br />
Finnegan, John (Catherine) 3 ch shoe<br />
cutter O H&L 17 Orchard St!<br />
Finnegan, Thos. 3 ch laborer O 72 East<br />
Ave. ,<br />
Fishbeck, Mrs. Ruth (widow) O H&L<br />
42 Filkins St.<br />
Fisher, C. F. (Ella V.) 2 eh civil engineer<br />
T H&L 102 West Ave B tel.<br />
Fisk, Doris student 100 W Church St.<br />
Fisk, Elliot student 100 W Church St<br />
B tel.<br />
Fisk/ Ephraim J. (Margaret) 4 ch postmaster<br />
& attorney O 100 W Church<br />
St B tel.<br />
Fisk, Hazel teacher 100 W'Church St.<br />
Fisk, Mildred teacher 100 W Church St<br />
B tel.<br />
Fitzgerald, Catherine clerk 23 West St.<br />
Fitzgerald, Edward laborer 24 Hulbert<br />
Ave.<br />
Fitzgerald, James (Bridget) 4 ch gate<br />
tender 0.24 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Fitzgerald, Mrs.. Mary (widow) 3 eh<br />
laundry'O H&L 23 West St.<br />
Fitzgerald, Sadie 24 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Fitzgerald, William laborer 24 Hulbert<br />
Ave.<br />
Fitzgerald, William (Margaret) 3 ch<br />
foreman-O 15 Hart St.<br />
Flannigan, Mrs. Ellen 5 eh O 34 East<br />
St B tel.<br />
Flannigan, Francis clerk 34 East Ave<br />
B tel.<br />
Flannigan, Gerald 34 East Ave B tel.<br />
Flannigan, Justin 34 East Ave B tel.<br />
Flannigan, Mrs. Margaret (widow) O<br />
117 High St. 1<br />
Flannigan, Margaret 34 East Ave B tel.<br />
Ford, Elmer 1 ch carpenter T 170 W<br />
Church St.<br />
Forester, Homer (Bertie) millwright T<br />
86 West Ave.<br />
Forman, Richard (Adie) ret T H&L 22<br />
Perrin St.<br />
Foster, Howard employed in Sanitary<br />
Can Company 7 George St B tel.<br />
Foster, Lubin C. (Bertha J.) 3 ch automobile<br />
salesman O H&L 110 North St<br />
B tel.<br />
Foster, Mrs. Nellie (widow) 1 ch<br />
dressmaker O H&L 7 George St B<br />
tel.<br />
Foulkes, Charles (Rose) signal inspector<br />
O 163 West Ave.<br />
Fox, Bertie millinery trimmer 20 Woodlawn<br />
Ave.<br />
Fox, J. Wilson (Georgia) physician O<br />
H&L 41 S Main St B & Ind tels.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Frank, Etta music teacher 8 Beardsley<br />
St. *<br />
Fraiik, William H. (Emma) 1 ch driver<br />
O H&L 8 Beardsley St.<br />
French, Averil student 32 South Ave.<br />
French, Carl E. (Jane L.) 2 ch barber O<br />
H&L 46 South Ave B tel.<br />
French, Charles A. (Anna) traveling<br />
salesman O 84 W Church St B tel.<br />
French, William R. (Grace S.) 1 ch<br />
Sanitary Can Company T 32 South<br />
Ave.<br />
Fry, Charles (Jennie) laborer O H&L<br />
13 George St.<br />
Fuller, Mrs. Adelaide (widow) O H&L<br />
9 Filkins St B tel.<br />
Fuller, Buren D. (Rozilia) 2 ch ret O<br />
Houses & Lots 13 South Ave.<br />
Fuller, Chas W. mechanic Sanitary Can<br />
Company T 22 W Church St B tel.<br />
Fuller, Daniel Buren 2 ch merchant O<br />
H&L 40 Perrin St B tel.<br />
Fuller, Fred (Alice R.) canmaker O<br />
221 S Main St.<br />
Fuller, Mrs. F. <strong>New</strong>ton (widow) bds<br />
80 West Ave.<br />
Fuller, F. F. 2 ch laborer for Sanitary<br />
Can Company O H&L 96 Parce Ave<br />
B tel.<br />
Fuller, L. J. (Lettie) 2 ch merchant<br />
shoe O H&L 234 S Main St B tel.<br />
Fuller, Martin L. (Mary H.) 3 ch farm<br />
implements O H&L 13 South Ave.<br />
Furman, Charles laborer 25 Hulbert<br />
Ave.<br />
Furman, I. Thompson (Mary) 2 ch carpenter<br />
O H&L 9 Beardsley St.<br />
Furman, May T H&L 9 -Beardsley St.<br />
Furman, Mrs. Rose (widow) 6 ch O<br />
25 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Furman, Silas S. (Nellie L.) baggagemaster<br />
T 137 S Main St.<br />
Gage, Edw. D. (Amarilla) 2 ch ret O<br />
H&L 17 West St.<br />
Gage, Lulu clerk 17 West St.<br />
Galante, Guilo laborer bds 46 Frank St.<br />
Gallagher, John V. (Elsie A.) 1 ch<br />
barber T 34 South Ave B tel.<br />
Galusha, Martin J. ret O 128 W Church<br />
St B tel.<br />
Gardner, Elmer draftsman 1 auto bds<br />
52 Summit St.<br />
Gardner, Emma teacher O H&L 34<br />
Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Gardner, Jerome (Catherine) 3 ch laborer<br />
O 58 East St.<br />
Gardner, R. H. (Elizabeth) 1 ch ret 34<br />
Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Gardner, Watson (Margaret) 1 ch York<br />
State Fruit Company O H&L 52 Summit<br />
St.<br />
43<br />
Gardner, William (Mildred) 2 ch T 29<br />
East Ave B tel.<br />
Garlock, Ethel 23 Woodlawn Ave.<br />
Garnham, Herbert (Letty) caretaker<br />
<strong>of</strong> houses O H&L 57 Filkins St.<br />
Gaston, Mrs. Jane A. (widow) 3 ch 36<br />
South Ave.<br />
Gazley, Carl (Jennie) T. 155 S Main St<br />
B tel.<br />
Gazley, Catherine student 161 S Main<br />
St B tel.<br />
Gazley, Glener (Mable) 2 ch extraet<br />
mfg O 166 S Main St B tel.<br />
Gazley, Mrs. Carrie (widow) 4 ch O<br />
155 S Main St B tel.<br />
Gears, Charles (Irene) 1 ch works in<br />
piano factory T H&L 98 E Chursh St.<br />
Gilbert, Harry C. (Mabel) 1 ch coal<br />
yard & produce O 92 W Church St B<br />
& Ind tels.<br />
Gilbert, Irving T. 10 Fourth Ave.<br />
Gilbert, Mrs. Mary (widow) O H&L<br />
36 West St Ind tel.<br />
Gilbert, Zelmar (Olive) 2 ch electrician<br />
O H&L 42 Parce Ave.<br />
Gildea, Mary 137 West Ave Ind tel.<br />
Gildea, Richard railway mail clerk bds<br />
137 West Ave Ind tel.<br />
Gildea, Thomas J. 3 ch traveling salesman<br />
O H&L 137 West Ave.<br />
Gilleland, Harry 3 ch 113 North St.<br />
Gillette, James B. (Ida M.) mechanic<br />
in piano works O H&L 90 North St.<br />
Gimble, John (Mary) 1 ch milk dealer<br />
T H&L 5h 113 W Church St B tel.<br />
Glancy, Nora 128 W Church St B teL<br />
Gleason, John (Lina) 1 ch painter T<br />
10 Cole St.<br />
Goetten, John (Margaret) 2 ch salesman<br />
O & T H&L 49 Dewey Ave B<br />
tel.<br />
Goetten, Laurence ret 49 Dewey Ave<br />
B tel.<br />
Golden, Mrs. H. (widow) O H&L 32<br />
Water St.<br />
Good, Harland (Edith) 2 ch factory<br />
employee T 14 De Land Park A B<br />
tel.<br />
Good, John (Anna) 2 ch saw operator<br />
T 14 De Land Park A B tel.<br />
Goodnow, Charles L. 2 ch produce dealer<br />
O H&L 24 North St B tel.<br />
Goodrich, Charles (Winifred) 1 ch<br />
foreman H&L 7 Beardsley St B tel.<br />
Goodrich, George (Nina) 1 ch clerk 14<br />
Filkins St.<br />
Grabb, Clarence student 50 Filkins St<br />
B tel.<br />
Grabb, Fred (Lizzie) butcher O H&L<br />
50 Filkins St B tel.<br />
Grabb, Lottie teacher 50 Filkins St<br />
B tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Granger, Chas. (Cora) 8 ch teamster<br />
T 46 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Granger, Clayton Sanitary Can Co. 57<br />
Hulbert Ave.<br />
Granger, Ona Sanitary Can Co. 57<br />
Hulbert Ave.<br />
Grant, Louis car shop O 60 Hulbert<br />
Ave.<br />
Grant, Mrs. Mary (widow) 27 Parker<br />
St B tel.<br />
Grawbarger, Daniel (Dellia) 2 ch ret O<br />
38 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Grawbarger, Henry (Electa) janitor<br />
town hall O H&L 21 Perrin St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Gray, Charles (Cora) 1 eh insurance<br />
O H&L 162 West Ave B tel.<br />
Green, Clarence (Ada) 1 ch banker 6<br />
35 Parker St B tel.<br />
Green, Dorothea cashier 62 West Ave B<br />
& Ind tels.<br />
Greene, Will O. (Jessie) editor O H&L<br />
23 Woodlawn Ave Ind tel.<br />
Greenfield, Samuel (Grace) 1 ch<br />
moulder O H&L 38 George St.<br />
Greenman, Harry (Pearl) 1 eh druggist<br />
T 39 Fourth Ave.<br />
GRTEVSON, F. Jefferson Ave.<br />
Griffith, Dorothy student 239 S Main<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Griffith, H. B. B. (Emma) 2 ch insurance<br />
agent O 239 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Griffith, John carpenter bds 104 Paree<br />
Ave.<br />
Grinton, Gaylord (Ada M.) 1 ch machinist<br />
T 23 Clinton St.<br />
Groat, Mrs. A. (widow) 3 ch T 41 East<br />
Ave.<br />
Groat, Florence bookkeeper 41 East<br />
Ave.<br />
Grodell, Mrs. H. A. (widow) O H&L<br />
23 Orchard St.<br />
Groose. Benjamin (Ellen) 1 eh laborer<br />
O H&L 55 Summit St.<br />
Guardia, Luigi Delia labored bds 46<br />
Frank St.<br />
Guerin, George 1 ch carpenter O H&L<br />
60 North St.<br />
Gunsal, Mrs. Calista (widow) bds 89 S<br />
Main St.<br />
Gunsal, William laborer T 89 S Mairi<br />
St.<br />
Gwendolene, Ellsworth clerk 54 E<br />
Church St.<br />
Hagen, Mrs. Alice 2 ch H&L 158 N<br />
Main St.<br />
Hall, Raymond (Nellie) works in piano<br />
works T 28 E Church St.<br />
Hall, William (Cora) 1 ch employed in<br />
car shop O H&L South Ave.<br />
Halleck, Mrs. Abbie J. (widow) T 9<br />
De Land Park A.<br />
Hammond, Angeline clerk 34 Filkins<br />
St.<br />
Hammond, Charles C. (Anna) 2 ah constable<br />
O 29 Parker St B tel.<br />
Hammond, Mrs. Delia (widow) 10'<br />
Dewey Ave.<br />
Hammond, Joshua E. (Adelaide E.) 3<br />
ch ret O lc 30 Nelson St B tel.<br />
Hammond, Lulu teacher 29 Parker St<br />
B tel.<br />
Hammond, Mrs. Mary (widow) 3 ch T<br />
H&L 34 Filkins St.<br />
Hammond, Morris (Laura) 3 ch commercial<br />
traveler T H&L 10 Dewey<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Hammond, Stanley (Anna H.) engineer<br />
O 29 Parker St B tel.<br />
Hance, Sam'l F. 1 ch physician 110<br />
W Church St Ind tel.<br />
Handford, Walter (Abagail) 4 ch wagonmaker<br />
O H&L 21 Summit St.<br />
Hanlon, Edward watchman O H&L 74<br />
High St.<br />
Hansen, Amelia stenographer E Whitney<br />
Road B teL<br />
Hansen, Carrie stenographer E Whitney<br />
Road B tel.<br />
Hansen, Eureka teaeher E Whitney<br />
Road B tel.<br />
Hansen, Hans (Julia) 6 ch mail carrier<br />
RFD O 10a Ih lc 1 auto E Whitney<br />
Road B tel.<br />
Hansom, Alfred mail clerk E Whitney<br />
Road B tel.<br />
Hardiman, George (Lillian) mfr &<br />
chemist O 24 Potter Place B tel.<br />
Hare, Leon Carl (Edith Mildred) 5 eh<br />
machinist T H&L 17 Durant Place.<br />
Hare, Mary L. trained nurse 150 N<br />
Main St Ind tel.<br />
Harrington, Walter C. (Cora F.) general<br />
manager for Rochester Brick<br />
Corp O 167 S Main St.<br />
Harris, Mrs. Frances L. (widow) O<br />
H&L 1 auto 176 N Main St B tel.<br />
Harris, Frank H. 3 ch plumber O H&L<br />
11 Orchard St.<br />
Harris, Goldie 151 N Main St B tel.<br />
Harris, James H. (Anna) ret O H&L<br />
18 East St.<br />
Harris, Inez student bds 11 Orchard St.<br />
Harris, Leslie plumber bds 11 Orchard<br />
St.<br />
Harris, 1 Mary K. teacher T 15 Pleasant<br />
St B tel.<br />
Harris, Mrs. Mary L. (widow) 2 eh O<br />
15 Pleasant St B tel.<br />
Harris, Mrs. Nora (widow) O H&L 159<br />
N Main St Ind tel.<br />
Hart, Alonzo E. (Sarah E.) 4 ch truck<br />
44 man T 20 South Ave.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Hart, Benjamin employed in car shop<br />
T South Ave.<br />
HART, CHARLES I. (Mary) 1 ch farmer<br />
O H&L lh 44 South Ave B tel.<br />
HART, MRS. F. H. 66 Lees Place.<br />
Hart, Harvey S. draftsman 87 North<br />
St B tel.<br />
Hart, Homer (Ruth) ass't postmaster<br />
O H&L 34 Fourth Ave B tel.<br />
Hart, Samuel O. (Lydia J.) 4 ch freight<br />
agent O H&L 87 North St B tel.<br />
Hart, Thomas A. (Wilma) 3 ch truckman<br />
T H&L 40 Filkins St B tel.<br />
Hartley, Philip (Etta) , 3 ch canning<br />
factory O H&L 65 Summit St.<br />
Hartman, John (Arta) 2 eh Sanitary<br />
Can Co. T E Whitney Road.<br />
Hathaway, Chas. P. (Norma I.) 4 ch<br />
manufacturer T H&L 14 West St B<br />
teL<br />
Hawley, Mrs. Nora C. (widow) T 31<br />
West St B tel.<br />
Haynes, Boseoe E. (Stella) reporter O<br />
165 West Ave B tel.<br />
Hecker, Charles P. (Frederika F.) ret<br />
O H&L 62 North St.<br />
Hefferon, Minnie O 5a W Whitney<br />
Road.<br />
Hefferon, Roger laborer W Whitney<br />
Road.<br />
Hendrick, Etta teacher bds 26 Summit<br />
St B tel.<br />
Hendrick, Harry machinist bds 26 Summit<br />
St.<br />
Hendrick, Harry mechanic 26 Summit<br />
St B tel.<br />
Hendrick, Leah 26 Summit St B tel.<br />
Hendrick, Rochester 3 ch piano works<br />
O H&L 26 Summit St B tel.<br />
Herley, Walter T 164 W Church St.<br />
Herman, David laborer 104 Parce Ave.<br />
Herman, Mrs. Sopha (widow) T 104<br />
Paree Ave.<br />
Hertel, George (Blanche) 2 ch machinist<br />
T H&L 40 Perrin St B tel.<br />
Hess, Karmerl (Louise J.) 7 ch pianomaker<br />
T 132 North St. .,<br />
Hess, Louis, pianomaker 132 North St.<br />
Higbie, Ella O H&L 146 N Main St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Higbie, Florence W. 24 South Ave.<br />
Higbie, Mrs. Mary W (widow) 2 ch O<br />
H&L 24 South Ave B tel.<br />
Hilbert, Frances student 10 De Land<br />
Park A.<br />
Hilbert, Jacob (Elizabeth) 3 ch machinist<br />
T 10 De Land Park A.<br />
Hill, Albert A. (Ida) 2 ch baggageman<br />
& painter O H&L 30 Woodlawn Ave<br />
B tel.<br />
Hill, Charles (Catherine) 4 ch Sanitary<br />
Can Works O H&L 114 High St B<br />
tel.<br />
Hill, Elizabeth bookkeeper 30 Woodlawn<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Hill, Emery J. (Lillian) 1 ch tank<br />
builder H&L 5 Beardsley St Home<br />
tel.<br />
Hill, Mrs. Frank (widow) nurse O 40<br />
Hulbert Ave.<br />
Hill, Harold A. musician Lot 1 auto 5<br />
Beardsley St.<br />
Hill, Olney (Martha A.) ret O 6 East<br />
St B tel.<br />
Hill, Roy express clerk 30 Woodlawn<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Hinch, Mrs. Ida (widow) T 19 Parker<br />
St.<br />
Hinch, Roy (Lottie) plumber 20 Parker<br />
St B tel.<br />
Hinch, Thomas C. 2 ch tailor T 60<br />
West Ave.<br />
Hirchman, Catherine O 12 Elm St.<br />
Hirehman, Mrs. Mary O H&L 12 Elm<br />
St.<br />
HOAG, B. LINBLET (Fanny) machinist<br />
O H&L 17 Filkins St Ind tel.<br />
Hoag, C. A. (Lillian) T 33 East Ave.<br />
Hodgson, Frederick H. (Margaret) 1 eh<br />
mail clerk T 103 High St B tel.<br />
Hodskin, E. L. (Elizabeth A.) ret O<br />
H&L 180 N Main St.<br />
H<strong>of</strong>fman, Floyd (Clara) 1 ch automobile<br />
mechanic T H&L 24 Dewey Ave<br />
B tel.<br />
H<strong>of</strong>fman, Martin (Sadie) 1 eh canning<br />
factory 114 N Main St.<br />
Hollander, Lewis (Minnie) 1 ch meat<br />
& grocery O H&L 12 Woodlawn Ave<br />
B tel.<br />
Holley, William (Eva) 1 ch pianomaker<br />
T 158 S Main St B tel.<br />
HoiiMAN, GEO. S. (Emily) coal & produce<br />
O 44 High St. See adv.<br />
Holmes, Arthur (Lulu) 2 ch plumber T<br />
H&L 118 High St B tel.<br />
Holmes, Caroline telephone operator 45<br />
Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Holmes, Chas. (Frances) 4 ch meat cutter<br />
O H&L 45 Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Holmes, Mrs. Fanny A. (widow) 2 ch O<br />
H&L 99 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Holmes, Irene bookkeeper 45 Dewey<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Holmes, Mrs. Mary 1 ch 23 De Land<br />
Park A Ind tel.<br />
Holmes, Eegina telephone operator 45<br />
Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Holmes, Simeon (Frances) conductor on<br />
steam road T 23 De Land Park A.<br />
Honeck, Mary 35 West St B tel.<br />
Hooker, Alice 10 Perrin St.<br />
Hooker, Mrs. Aliee C. (widow) 2 ch O<br />
H&L 10 Perrin St Ind tel.<br />
Hooker, Francis E. (Eliza) 2 ch ret O<br />
H&L 10 Perrin St.<br />
Hooker, Myrta teacher 10 Perrin St.<br />
Hopkins, A. H. (Euth) 2 eh canmaker<br />
O H&L 135 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Hopkins, Howard (May) 2 ch machinist<br />
T 23 George St.<br />
Hopkins, Jesse D (Hester) 3 ch manager<br />
<strong>of</strong> canning factory T 25 De Land<br />
Park B.<br />
Hopkins, John Lee (Fannie) supt pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />
<strong>of</strong> public school T 131 S Main<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Hopkins, Lucile 135 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Hopson, Eemington (Myrtle) 3 ch<br />
chauffeur T H&L 1 auto 112 E Church<br />
St.<br />
Horn, Ray (Anna) 3 ch concrete foreman<br />
O H&L 66 Parce Ave.<br />
Horn, Samuel (Ethel) 4 ch jeweler T<br />
20 De Land Park B.<br />
Horton, Mrs. Elizabeth (widow) O<br />
H&L 57 West Ave.<br />
Howard, Carlton G. (Amy) stationery<br />
& jewelry store O 77 W Church St B<br />
tel.<br />
Howard, Frank W. (Clara) 2 eh clerk<br />
O H&L 38 East Ave B tel.<br />
Howard, Mrs. K. B. (widow) 2ch O<br />
H&L 26 Fourth Ave B tel.<br />
Howard, Mrs. Lulu (widow) 2 ch 24<br />
Fourth Ave B tel.<br />
Howard, Mary boarding house O 61 S<br />
Main St.<br />
Howard, Nancy 61 S Main St.<br />
Howe, Clarence (Alice) 2 ch clerk T<br />
34 E Whitney Road B tel.<br />
Howe, John W. laborer H&L 122 High<br />
St.<br />
Howell, Mrs. Carrie (widow) 1 eh O<br />
H&L 44 W Church St Ind tel.<br />
Howk, J. W. (Daisy) clerk T H&L 84<br />
S Main St.<br />
Hoyt, William (Ida) 1 ch <strong>of</strong>fice work T<br />
22 Pleasant St.<br />
Hubbard, Jesse B. printer & mechanic<br />
T H&L 105 West Ave.<br />
Hubbard, Mrs. Mary J. (widow) 3 ch<br />
T 105 West Ave.<br />
Huckle, Clarence (Reba H-) 1 ch<br />
chemist T H&L 28 W Church St.<br />
Hulbert, Arthur (Frances) 3 ch painter<br />
T 12 George St.<br />
Hulbert, Mrs. Jennie (widow) O 35<br />
Hulbert Ave.<br />
Hulbert, E. laborer bds 19. Parker St.<br />
Hulbert, Thomas L. (Adella) 4 ch attorney<br />
O 86 Hulbert Ave B tel.<br />
Hulburt, Frank (Florence) 7 ch detective<br />
T H&L 74 North St.<br />
Hulburt, O. T. ret T 12 Perrin St B tel.<br />
Hull, Charles (Carrie) barber O H&L<br />
11 Filkins St.<br />
Hull, Chester B. United States Army<br />
T 130 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Hunter, Mrs. Mary W. (widow) 6 Whitney<br />
Road.<br />
Hupp, Albert H. (Alice W.) druggist O<br />
H&L 98 West Ave B tel.<br />
Hurlbert, Mrs. Jennie (widow) ,2" ch T<br />
H&L 35 W Church St.<br />
Hurley, Frank 1 ch O H&L 95 High St.<br />
Hutchinson, Chester (Hattie) O H&L 6<br />
Prospect St B tel.<br />
Hutehinson, Frances bookkeeper 6 Prospect<br />
St.<br />
Hutchinson, Lewis G. (Mable) 4 eh<br />
Sanitary Can Works O H&L lc 11<br />
Barnum St B tel.<br />
Hyde; Frank R R telegraph operator<br />
58 East Ave.<br />
Hyde, Mrs. Hannah (widow) 3 eh O<br />
58 East Ave.<br />
Ikawood, John laborer 1 Cole St.<br />
Ingraham, Arthur farming T 19 Filkins<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Ingraham, Mrs. Maria (widow) 5 ch T<br />
H&L 19 Filkins St.<br />
Jackson, Mrs. Augusta D. (widow) 70<br />
North St.<br />
Jackson, Dewey (Augusta) coal dealer<br />
O 2h 1 auto 120 West Ave B tel.<br />
Jackson, Howard works in Sanitary Can<br />
Company 26 N Main St.<br />
Jackson, Hugh leborer T 26 N Main St.<br />
Jackson, John L. machinist 70 North<br />
St.<br />
Jacobs, Gustav butcher T 42 Filkins St.<br />
Jacobs, <strong>The</strong>odore (Mary) 1 ch machinist<br />
T 36 De Land Park A.<br />
Jacobson, Samuel H. (Catherine) 3 ch<br />
tailor O H&L 12 Dewey Ave.<br />
Jacobus, Philetus D. (Lydia) 3 ch clergyman<br />
O H&L 153 West Ave.<br />
Jacobus, Roland D. jeweler bds 153<br />
West Ave.<br />
Jaggen, John H. (Jessie) 1 ch ret O<br />
H&L 80 W Church St B tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Jargensen, Herbert mechanic 19 West<br />
St.<br />
Jefferson, Albert telephone on canal<br />
0 H&L 57 Summit St.<br />
Jefferson, Marcia teacher 57 Summit St.<br />
Jenkins, Mrs. Wealtha (widow) boarding<br />
house THUS Main St.<br />
Jennings, Mrs. Jos. 2 ch O 142 West<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Jerrells, Glenn (Eliabeth) ret T 11 W<br />
Church St B tel.<br />
Jewell, Marvin M. (Alice K.) ret O<br />
H&L 1 auto 24 West St B tel.<br />
Johnson, Mrs. Hannah O 27 Park St.<br />
Johnson, James H. (Josephine E.) 1 ch<br />
plumber T H&L 10 Clinton St.<br />
Johnson, Ray (Ethel) car builder O<br />
1 auto 14 Durant Place B tel.<br />
Johnson, Roy carpenter 9 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Johnson, Richard 5 ch carpenter O 9<br />
Hulbert Ave.<br />
Johnston, Mrs. Mercy (widow) 52 Filkins<br />
St.<br />
Jomes, Frank (Lois) 1 ch finisher T<br />
H&L 36 Summit St.<br />
Jones, Amos (Mary) lumber dealer T<br />
24 West Ave.<br />
Jones r Edgar O. (Clara) postal clerk<br />
T 44 W Church St B tel.<br />
Jordan, Edw. W. (Anna) freight auto<br />
truck T H&L 5 W Church St B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Jordan, Fenton (May) machinist T 2<br />
De Land Park A.<br />
Jordan, Frank 4 ch Sanitary Can Co.<br />
O 69 High St.<br />
Jordan, Lillian glove factory 69 High<br />
St.<br />
Jordan, Mary forelady 69 High St.<br />
Joseph, Battaglio laborer O 22 Elm St.<br />
Joslyn, George (Nettie) 3 eh fireman<br />
T 73 High St.<br />
Judd, Oscar (Emma) 3 eh gas operator<br />
O H&L 18 De Land Park A.<br />
JTJMPH, C. R.<br />
Keating, Nora 185 N Main St.<br />
Kellogg, Gordon Hill (Alice Stringer)<br />
3 ch sales manager O H&L 126 West<br />
Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
Kellogg, Mrs. Mary Hill 1 ch bds 126<br />
West Ave.<br />
KELSEY, CHARLES (Alice) 7 ch maehininst.O<br />
H&L 1 auto 19 Summit St.<br />
Kelsey, Grant (Ada) 1 ch bookkeeper<br />
O H&L 18 Fourth Ave B teL<br />
Kelsey, Harlow garage & auto salesman<br />
O H&L autos 150 N Main St.<br />
Kelsey, Joseph F. (Ester M.) ret O<br />
H&L 173 S Main St.<br />
Kelsey, Pearl telephone operator bds 23<br />
Orchard St.<br />
47<br />
Kelsey, Roy Sidney machinist garage<br />
150 N Main St.<br />
Kelsey, Ruby teacher 19 Summit St.<br />
Kennedy, Philip (Agnes) telegrapher<br />
O 123 West Ave.<br />
Kennedy, Simeon (Catherine) farming<br />
O la lc E Whitney Road.<br />
Kenney, Carron (Anna) 5 ch night<br />
watchman T H&L 98 High St B tel.<br />
Kenney, Charles signalman on R R<br />
98 High St B tel.<br />
Kenney, Mary telephone operator 98<br />
High St B tel.<br />
Kenyon, Mrs. Lucy (widow) 3 ch O<br />
H&L 27 Pleasant St B tel.<br />
Kerns, Floyd laborer 136 Parce Ave Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Kerr, Alice cook 126 West Ave.<br />
Kessler, John (Elizabeth) 1 ch machinist<br />
T H&L 12 Hart St.<br />
Kier, Ernest 27 High St.<br />
Kier, William H. (Mary) 2 eh laborer<br />
O H&L 27 High St.<br />
Kimbal, Mrs. Sarah (widow) T 10<br />
George St.<br />
King, Alexander (Mary) 4 ch Sanitary<br />
Can Co. O H&L 68 Summit St.<br />
King, Eugene (Verna) 5 ch ret O 42<br />
Hulbert Ave.<br />
King, Ezekial (Cora) 5 eh teamster O<br />
42 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Kinsella, Alvin B. (Gertrude) mail carrier<br />
H&L 1 auto 1 Beardsley St.<br />
Kleinhenc, Adam (Louise K.) 1 ch laborer<br />
O H&L 94 North St.<br />
Kleinhenc, Charles A. machinist 94<br />
North St.<br />
Kleinhenc, Clarence J. buffer & polisher<br />
<strong>of</strong> pianos 94 North St.<br />
Kleinhenc, Osear A. machinist 94 North<br />
St.<br />
Kleinhenc, Richard W. laborer 94 North<br />
St.<br />
Klett, Conrad (Rose) 2 ch cabinetmaker<br />
O H&L 37 Woodlawn Ave.<br />
KNAPP, CHAS. H.<br />
Knapp, Edward (Roberta) 2 ch tinsmith<br />
O 4a 20 Farnum St.<br />
Knapp, Mrs. H. H. (widow) O 68 West<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Knibbs, Mrs. Hazel (widow) 1 ch Sanitary<br />
Can Co. 89 High St B tel.<br />
Knickerbocker, Joseph (Rose) 1 ch laborer<br />
O H&L 17 Woodlawn St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Knowling, Frank (Jennie) painter O<br />
H&L 8 Prospect St.<br />
Kohler, Arthur (Katherine) 1 ch dentist<br />
O H&L 1 auto 16 Potter Place<br />
B tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Kohler, Daisy Louise 19 South Ave B Lemme, Donate laborer bds 46 Frank<br />
tel.<br />
St.<br />
Kohler, John D. 7 ch ret 19 South Ave Leonard, Franklyn A. (Eleanor) 3 ch<br />
B tel.<br />
O H&L 54 East Ave Ind tel.<br />
Kohler, Milton W. (Bertha E.) dentistry<br />
O H&L 19 South Ave B tel. kins St.<br />
Leonard, Eaymond (Alverina) 41 Fil-<br />
Konz, Frank (Clara) 6 ch millwright O Lewis, Mrs. Bennett (widow) T 123<br />
%a 25 Barnum St.<br />
North St.<br />
Kopp, William (Mable E.) 2 eh machinist<br />
T 16 De Land Park A B tel. nisher <strong>of</strong> pianos T 107 North St.<br />
Lewis, Clarence N. (Dorothy P.) var-<br />
Kossow, Mrs. Mary (widow) 4 ch Lewis, Grant (Emma) 1 ch Sanitary<br />
T 29 George St.<br />
Can Company worker. T 95 High St.<br />
Kunzmann, Mrs. Kate (widow) 12 Lewis, Hazel 123 North St.<br />
Dewey Ave.<br />
Lewis, Lester (Frances P.) 6 ch Fairport<br />
Ice Company O 2h 123 North St<br />
Kurtz, Anna nurse 92 W Church St B<br />
teL<br />
B tel.<br />
La Clear, Arthur N. (Jessie) 1 ch cashier<br />
in bank O H&L 31 Filkins St B Woodlawn Ave.<br />
Lewis, Mrs. Mary 1 ch O H&L 21<br />
teL<br />
Lewis, Eoy mechanic bds 123 North St.<br />
Lamb, Arnold (Dorothy) 1 ch bookkeeper<br />
O 1 auto 220 S Main St B Woedlawn Ave B tel.<br />
Lippincott^ Albert claim adjuster 7<br />
tel.<br />
Lippincott, Frank (Mary) 3 ch laborer<br />
Land, Cathrine 11 Barnum St B tel. O H&L 7 Woodlawn Ave B tel.<br />
Land, Edward (Annie) 3 cb car builder Lippincott, Lulu bookkeeper 7 Woodlawn<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
T H&L 35 Summit St.<br />
Land, Levi M. (Bertha) Sanitary Can Lloyd, Millie milliner bds 20 Summit<br />
Co. employee T 21 Durant Place. St.<br />
Land, Thomas E. (Maude P.) 2 ch carpenter<br />
T H&L 84 North St.<br />
T H&L 23 Parker St.<br />
Ldckard, David (Olivia) 2 ch laborer<br />
Land, William (Carrie) 2 ch cartman Lockard, Eaymond (Jessie) laborer T<br />
O H&L 1 auto truck 41 Frank St H&L 23 Parker St.<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Lockwood,. Inez T 54 West Ave.<br />
Lane, Horace (Minnie) 1 ch mason O Loney, Edward J (Bessie C.) 1 ch mechanic<br />
T H&L 30 North St B tel.<br />
H&L 77 E Church St B tel.<br />
Langford, Patty cook 53 W Church St Longly, Frank (Mary) O H&L 6 E<br />
Ind tel..<br />
Church St.<br />
LARRABEE, WM. A. 177 High St.<br />
LOOMIS, A. M. (Zaida E.) coal lime &<br />
Larwood, Clarence (Emma) 1 ch York cement O 2h 2 autos 35 Parce Ave.<br />
State Fruit Co. T H&L 24 Summit St. See. adv.<br />
Lash, Mrs. Alice (widow) 2 ch O H&L<br />
80 North St.<br />
Lord, Glenn S. (Genevieve) 1 ch Bell<br />
Lash, Seymour (Ellen) 3 ch lithographer<br />
O H&L 35 South Ave. B tel.<br />
Telephone manager T H&L 7 Cole St<br />
Lathrop, Charles (Nina)- 7 ch carpenter Lucas, Mrs. B. O H&L 17 East St.<br />
T H&L 53 Summit St.<br />
Lucas, Georgia 83 West Ave.<br />
Lathrop, Genevieve shoemaker H&L 53 Lucas, Thomas (Flora) 4 ch Sanitary<br />
Summit St.<br />
Can Company T 85 High St,<br />
Lawler, Vincent (Mary) 1 ch foreman Luchansky, William (Minnie) 1 ch boxmaker<br />
T H&L 15 De Land Park A.<br />
Sanitary Can Co. T 58 East St.<br />
Leajoint, Marshal (Jennie) 3 ch laborer<br />
114 N Main St.<br />
works O H&L 61 Summit St.<br />
Ludwig, August (Millie) 1 ch piano<br />
Leary, Mrs. Catherine (widow) 1 ch Ludwig, Eugenia teacher 61 Summit St.<br />
O H&L 34 Perrin St.<br />
Luitweiler, Daisie bookkeeper Baker<br />
Lee, Fred (Eva) ret O H&L 62 S Main Eoad B tel.<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Luitweiler, George 2 ch machinist O<br />
Lee, Eaymond J. (Mabel) lawyer T 10a H&L lh Baker Eoad B tel.<br />
H&L 1 auto 44 W Church St Ind tel. LUMBARD, CHAS. M. 33 Dewey Ave.<br />
Leicht, John H. (Emma) 2 ch foreman Lumbard, Claud 2 ch Mason O H&L 33<br />
O 30 East St B tel.<br />
Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Leigh, Glendora teacher 0 170 S Main Lumbard, Mrs. Lucy (widow) I ch 33<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
LYONS, SCOTT E. (Edith) 4 ch filmmaker<br />
T 223 S Main St.<br />
Manzek, Emil (Nellie) 1 ch machinist<br />
Maloney, John ret O H&L 90 West Ave.<br />
McCarthy, Edward supt <strong>of</strong> canning factory<br />
22 Fourth Ave B tel.<br />
Manzek, R. (Adelaide) 2 eh blacksmith<br />
T 127 High St.<br />
McCarthy, Frank laborer 22 Fourth T H&L 56 Filkins St.<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Marbric, Marie shoemaker bds Baker<br />
McCarthy, Hilary attending school at Road.<br />
Philadelphia 22 Fourth Ave. Marchania, John laborer bds 49 Frank<br />
McCarthy, Leon studying for law 22 St.<br />
Fourth Ave B tel.<br />
Marchener, Clarence (Marie) 1 ch<br />
McCarthy, Mrs. Mary (widow) 8 ch O vinegar works employee O 11 High<br />
H&L 22 Fourth Ave B tel.<br />
St.<br />
McCarthy, Morgan manufacturing <strong>of</strong> Marks, Mrs. Julia (widow) 55 Filkins<br />
cans 81 Woodlawn Ave.<br />
St.<br />
McCarthy, Ray shoe salesman 22 Fourth MARLETT, J. R.<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Marsh, Glen (Minnie) 2 ch electrician<br />
McCarthy, Will supt <strong>of</strong> canning factory<br />
22 Fourth Ave B tel.<br />
Martin, George J. (Dace L.) 1 eh en-<br />
T 154 West Ave.<br />
McCartney, James (Emma) O H&L 1 gineer O 1 auto 8 Pleasant St Ind<br />
auto 32 E Church St B teL<br />
tel.<br />
McConnell, Robert (Cora) 2 ch machinist<br />
T 17 De Land Park A.<br />
H&L 156 West Ave.<br />
MARTIN, HORACE (Katherine) ret O<br />
McGreal, Agnes O 70 High St. Martin, Hubert C. (Mable) 1 ch car<br />
McGreal, Mary O 70 High St.<br />
inspector 227 S Main St B & Ind<br />
McGuitfe, MTB. Anna (widow) O H&L tels.<br />
62 East Ave.<br />
MARTIN, JAMES 4 eh florist O 227 S<br />
McKinley, Fred O. (Alice J.) 3 ch Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
laborer T H&L 69 E Church St. Martin, Thomas (Matilda) 3 ch mason<br />
McKinley, Mrs. Lydia (widow) -39 E T H&L 1 auto Baker Road Home tel.<br />
Church St.<br />
Mason, Wallace J. (Elizabeth) 1 eh<br />
MeKinny, James (Rose) 1 ch laborer janitor O H&L 35 W Church St B tel.<br />
O H&L 21 George St.<br />
Mason, Wayland (Edith) 4 ch mail<br />
MeKinny, Lottie clerk in dry goods clerk O H&L 163 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
store 21 George St.<br />
Masonglo, John laborer O H&L 52 John<br />
McLaren, Mrs. Laura (widow) 1 ch O St.<br />
99 High St.<br />
Maurh<strong>of</strong>er, John (Lilly C.) 1 ch ret O<br />
McLoughlin, Frank (Alta) 2 eh truekman<br />
T H&L lh 37 Filkins St B tel. May, Joseph (Matilda) carpenter O<br />
H&L 16 Fourth Ave B tel.<br />
McMahon, Mrs. Frances (widow) O H&L 24 East St.<br />
H&L 54 West Ave.<br />
Maybie, Ezra (Nora) 7 ch fireman T<br />
McMahon, J. Milton (Nellie) 1 ch H&L 43 E Church St.<br />
produee T 178 S Main St.<br />
Mead, Mrs. Eleanor V. (widow) 1 ch<br />
McNaughten, Elizabeth O H&L 146 S 124 S Main St B tel. '<br />
Main St.<br />
Mead, Norman B. (Mary D.) 2 ch ear<br />
MeNichols, Alexander (Mary) works in builder O H&L 14 South Ave B tel.<br />
Sanitary Can Company T, H&L 19 Mellen, Hugh D. (Ellen) 7 ch justice<br />
High St Ind tel.<br />
<strong>of</strong> peace T H&L 30 South Ave B tel.<br />
McNiff, Pat (Emily) foreman O H&L Mellen, Mollie 30 South Ave B tel.<br />
133 High St.<br />
Merlow, Wm. (Charlotte) 2 ch mason<br />
Mabie, Fred (Carrie) laborer T H&L O H&L 63 Filkins St.<br />
67 E Church St.<br />
Meyers, Emma dressmaker 51 Dewey<br />
MacMurray, Arthur R. (Jennie F.) Ave B tel.<br />
mechanic O H&L 149 N Main St B Meyers, Frederick J. (Edna) machinist<br />
tel.<br />
O H&L 51 Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Madden, Thomas 3 ch bds 96 Parce Ave Miller, Hazel employed in factory T 11<br />
B tel.<br />
George St.<br />
Maine, Mark (Gertrude) 7 ch carpenter<br />
T H&L 136 Parce Ave Ind tel. tel.<br />
Miner, Etna C. student 46'West St B<br />
Malcolm, Clifford (Lucille) 3 ch maehinist<br />
T 35 High St.<br />
Miner, Floyd B. (Mary) 1 ch editor O<br />
H&L 46 West St B tel.<br />
Malcolm, Percy N. (Nellie S.) 1 ch<br />
Monihan, Mrs. Mary (widow) 2 ch O<br />
electrician O H&L 78 North St.<br />
H&L 122 High St.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong>, Mae boarding house T H&L<br />
122 Parce Ave B tel.<br />
Montagliono, Domenico (Lucia) 2 eh<br />
vinegar works employee T 13 High<br />
St.<br />
Moak, Oscar (Erva) finisher T 57 East<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Moore, Mrs. Anna (widow) O H&L 23<br />
Pleasant St B tel.<br />
Moore, George (Mary) 6 ch laborer T<br />
118 North St.<br />
Moore, Grover (Elizabeth) 1 ch machinist<br />
O H&L 112 Parce Ave.<br />
Moore, Win. grocery & market 1 auto<br />
116 Parce Ave.<br />
Morey, Smith (Laura L.) 2 ch dry<br />
goods merchant O H&L 17 Perrin<br />
St B tel.<br />
Morey, Mrs. Smith (widow) 1 eh O 44<br />
S Main St.<br />
Morne, Charles (Kate) manufacturer T<br />
9 De Land Park A.<br />
Morrell, Arlie 32 Filkins St B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Morrell, Cora telephone operator 32<br />
Filkins St B & Ind tels.<br />
Morrell, Jacob (Aliee) driver O H&L<br />
32 Filkins St B & Ind tels.<br />
Morrell, James (Marion) laborer apple<br />
dryer T H&L 20 East St B tel.<br />
Morrey, Harriet 42 S Main St B tel.<br />
Morrey, Joseph 4 ch merchant O 42 S<br />
Main St B tel.<br />
Morrey, Julia 42 S Main St B tel.<br />
Moyer, Charles ret O H&L 58 Filkins<br />
St.<br />
Mullens, Patrick 2 ch carpenter O H&L<br />
53 Frank St.<br />
Mulliner, Mrs. Eleanor (widow) T 114<br />
S Main St.<br />
Mulliner, Fred.(Pearl) 1 eh ret O H&L<br />
lh 26 Woodlawn Ave B tel.<br />
Mulliner, George G. (Elizabeth) bookkeeper<br />
at bank O H&L 1 auto 97<br />
W Church St Ind tel.<br />
Mulliner, Mrs. Sarah (widow) O 26<br />
Woodlawn Ave.<br />
Munger, Mrs. May (widow) 2 ch O<br />
H&L 57 Summit St.<br />
Munson, Charles H. (Leona M.) 1 ch<br />
publisher T H&L 111 West Ave B tel.<br />
Munson, John G. carpenter O H&L 64<br />
John St.<br />
Munson, Myrtle student 111 West Ave<br />
B tel. /<br />
Murdock, Whitney painter T H&L 65<br />
East Ave.<br />
•<br />
Murphy, Henry G. (Effa B.) meat- cutter<br />
T H&L 98 North St.<br />
Murphy, Sydney 3 ch T 15 Hart St.<br />
Murphy, William (Mamie) 1 ph laborer<br />
T 43 East Ave.<br />
Murray. Harry (Alida) machinist T<br />
H&L 136 High St.<br />
Myers, Archibald laborer 136 Parce<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Myers, Dora C. stenographer 79 North<br />
St.<br />
Myers, Henry (Margaret F.) 3 ch laborer<br />
T H&L 79 North St.<br />
Nash, Mrs. Jennie (widow) demonstrator<br />
T 17 De Land Park B.<br />
Nash, Pearson (Bessie) decorator T<br />
17 De Land Park B.<br />
NAUGHTON, B.<br />
Nearbach, William (Charlotte) 4 ch<br />
clerk O E Whitney Koad.<br />
Nebeling, Paul laborer 19 East Ave B<br />
tel.<br />
Neiss, Arthur (Inez B.) 4 ch machinist<br />
O H&L 38 North St.<br />
Neiss, Irva L. T H&L 5 De Land<br />
Park B.<br />
Neiss, Irving (Hannah) 2 ch foreman<br />
in faetory T 5 De Land Park B.<br />
Nelson, Charles machinist boarding 40<br />
Paree Ave.<br />
<strong>New</strong>man, Frank 1 ch night watchman<br />
T H&L 42 E Church Stl<br />
<strong>New</strong>man, Mrs. Julia 1 ch O H&L 60<br />
John St.<br />
Nichols, B. B. (Fannie) traveling salesman<br />
O 217 S Main St.<br />
Northrop, Jamin machinist 123 High<br />
St.<br />
O'Brien, William (Adelaide) 1 ch barber<br />
T H&L 18 Pleasant St.<br />
O'Farrell, Chas. (Minnie) 1 ch machinist<br />
T 27 N Main St.<br />
O'FABKELL, FRANK 3 ch laborer O 59<br />
John St.<br />
O'Harra, William (Elizabeth) 1 ch<br />
printer T H&L 7 W Chureh St B<br />
& Ind tels.<br />
O'Neil,, Mrs. Anna (widow) O H&L 68<br />
John St.<br />
O 'Bay, Charles (Jennie) 1 ch laborer T<br />
37 West Ave.<br />
O'Bay, Charles Mathew foreman in<br />
vinegar works T la 24 West Are.<br />
O'Bay, Mrs. Ellen (widow) T 24 West<br />
Ave.<br />
O 'Bay,, Margaret works for Sanitary<br />
Can Co T H&L 37 West Ave.<br />
Olin, Gilbert S. (Clara A.) ret O H&L<br />
28 South Ave B tel.<br />
Oliver, William (Caroline B.) ret O<br />
H&L 95 North St.<br />
Olney, Mrs. Margaret (widow) O H&L<br />
61 West Ave.<br />
Oram, Henry J. (Eva) 1 eh grocer O<br />
H&L 12 South Ave B tel.<br />
Qrnt, Lena social worker T 99 S Main<br />
Siy Ind tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Osburn, Mrs. Emma (widow) T 112 S<br />
Main St.<br />
Ostrike, Earnest factory employee 13<br />
De Land Park B.<br />
Ostrike, Frank (Mina) 6 eh foreman on<br />
guard work T 13 De Land Park B.<br />
Ostrike, George 13 De Land Park B.<br />
Ostrike, Millie T 13 De Land Park B.<br />
Ostrike, Richard 13 De Land Park B.<br />
Otis, Dr. Chas. 3 ch ret bds 58 S Main<br />
St B tel.<br />
Otis, Rutherford (Elizabeth) 1 ch shoe<br />
dealer O HAL 1 auto 58 S Main St B<br />
tel.<br />
Page, Charles H. ret O H&L lh 11 W<br />
Church St B tel.<br />
Page, Mrs. Mary (widow) 2 ch 11 W<br />
Church St B tel.<br />
Palmer, Mrs. Alma 2 ch dressmaker<br />
T 158 N Main St.<br />
Palmer, Clarence B. (Millie) carpenter<br />
O H&L 26 East St*B tel.<br />
Palmer, Edwin (Elizabeth) 1 ch ret bds<br />
116 West Ave.<br />
Palmer, Mrs. T 76 East St.<br />
Palmer, Worth (Helen) insurance O 115<br />
West Ave B tel.<br />
Pannell, Lillian bookkeeper 42 Woodlawn<br />
Ave B teL<br />
Pannell, Warren (Mattie) 2 ch laborer<br />
O H&L 42 Woodlawn Ave B tel.<br />
Paree, Harold student 74 W Church St<br />
B tel.<br />
Paree, Walter H. (Carried 4 ch real<br />
estate O H&L 74 W Church "St B tel.<br />
Paree, Yale (Mable) 1 ch real estate<br />
0 H&L 39 Woodlawn Ave B tel.<br />
Park, Howard B. (Emma G.) 2 ch lawyer<br />
O H&L 59 North St.<br />
Parker, Carrie school teacher O H&L<br />
125 S Main St B tel.<br />
PaTker, Fred (Fannie) 2 ch laborer T<br />
114 S Main St B tel.<br />
PARKER, JEROME (Edna) 1 ch ret O H&L<br />
1 auto 36 West St Ind tel.<br />
Parker, Mrs. Rebecca (widow) 3 ch O<br />
H&L 125 S Main St B tel.<br />
Parker, Richard chemist 114 S Main<br />
St B tel.<br />
Parkinson, William P. (Jennie)* 4 ch<br />
caretaker & driver T H&L 5 S Main<br />
St.<br />
Paterson, Clifford (Ella) laborer T 10<br />
E Church St.<br />
Paterson, Floyd (Bertha) 1 ch carpenter<br />
O l%a 27 Barnum St.<br />
51<br />
Patterson, Mrs. Truby (widow) 1 ch 13<br />
Fourth Ave B tel.<br />
Patterson, Wallace (Ida) car shop T<br />
35 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Patterson, W. J. (Marie) chauffeur for<br />
doctor T H&L 12 Perrin St B tel.<br />
Payne, George 6 eh ret 112 S Main St.<br />
Payne, John (Corrine) 2 ch O 112 S<br />
Main St B tel.<br />
Payne, W. J. (Flora) 1 ch veterinary<br />
surgeon O H&L 1 auto 92 S Mam St<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Peacock, Mrs. Mercie M. (widow) O<br />
H&L 131 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Peacock, Stanley H. bookkeeper 131 S<br />
Main St Ind tel.<br />
Peck, Mrs. Celia (widow) 1 ch O H&L<br />
15 E Church St B tel.<br />
Peck, Charles W. (Emma) machinist<br />
T 55 High St.<br />
Peck, Mrs. Emma (widow) 3 ch T<br />
7 Pleasant St B tel.<br />
Percy, Sanford (Flora) hardware<br />
dealer T 20 Pleasant St.<br />
Perkins, Mrs. Martha (widow) O H&L<br />
23 Perrin St.<br />
Perkins, Mrs. N. S. (widow) O H&L<br />
29 East Ave.<br />
Peter, Monihan (Nell) 4 ch railroad<br />
conductor O 11 Hart St.<br />
Peters, Bertha clerk T 138 West Ave.<br />
Peters, Isaac (Mercy) 2 ch ret O 138<br />
West Ave.<br />
Peters, John F. (Minnie) machinist O<br />
H&L 15 Park St.<br />
Peters, Walter canning factory employee<br />
T 138 West Ave.<br />
Phillips, Fred (Marie Cotter) 1 eh mech<br />
engineer T 112 West Ave.<br />
Phillips, Kenneth freight <strong>of</strong>fice clerk 42<br />
North Main St.<br />
Pickett, John 1 ch receiving clerk 24<br />
De Land Park B B tel.<br />
Pickett, Lester (Martha) 3 ch machinist<br />
O H&L 27 De Land Park A.<br />
Pickett, Mrs. Linda M. (widow) 5 ch<br />
24 De Land Park B B tel.<br />
PIER, JAMES H. Baird Road.<br />
Pierce, Marion bds 29 West Ave B tel.<br />
Pierce, Thomas P. (Anna) 3 ch T H<br />
1 auto 16 W Church St B tel.<br />
Pike, Mrs. Carrie M. (widow) T H&L<br />
142 S Main St.<br />
Pike, Clarence (Eva) carpenter 0 H&L<br />
52 Filkins St.<br />
Mortgage Loans Negotiated<br />
Bell Phone 45-W<br />
6 and 7 Eyer Building,<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Plum, Fred overseer 5 Beardsley St.<br />
Pockett, Sarah clerk 19 Dewey Ave Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Polvens, Tony laborer O 20 Elm St.<br />
Potter, Mrs. A. B. (widow) 3 ch O 10a<br />
H&L 1 auto 53 West Church St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Potter, Frederick A. ret O 1 auto 53 W<br />
Church St Ind tel.<br />
Potter, Glen H. (Maude) bookkeeper<br />
T 27 Pleasant St B tel.<br />
Poulson, Mrs. (widow) nurse 53 W<br />
Church St Ind tel.<br />
Povey, Blanch 15 Filkins St Ind tel.<br />
Povey, Peter (Anna) engineer O H&L<br />
15 Filkins St B tel.<br />
Powers, John laborer 19 East Ave B<br />
tel.<br />
Pranato, Carmelo (Carmina) laborer O<br />
H&L 9 Water St.<br />
Pratt, Mrs. Emma (widow) T H&L 9<br />
Durant Place.<br />
Preceps, Wm. (Harriet) 4 eh T 18 Hulbert<br />
Ave.<br />
Pretmore, Antony laborer O H&L 53<br />
John St.<br />
Price, George S. (Daisy) 1 ch physician<br />
O H&L 52 S Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Price, Ruth studying to be nurse 52 S<br />
Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Priest, Charles A. laborer T 37 Frank St<br />
B tel.<br />
Primanello, Antonio laborer O H&L 17<br />
John St.<br />
Pritchard, Harry (Bertha) 1 ch Cobb<br />
Preserving Company O 164 W Church<br />
St B tel<br />
Pritchard, James (Lillian) 1 ch milk<br />
dealer T lh 180 W Church St.<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>eta, Giusseppe (Angelina) 4 ch laborer<br />
O H 15 Maple St.<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>eta, Joseph 15 Maple St.<br />
Pr<strong>of</strong>eta, Sarah machine operator 15<br />
Maple St.<br />
Prousae, Frederick W. ret 45 Filkins St<br />
B tel.<br />
Pulver, Helen forelady at Cobb's Canning<br />
Factory bds 18 Filkins St.<br />
Purcell, Ralph E. (Lydia) expressman<br />
T H&L 19 Filkins St Ind tel.<br />
Purcell, Sabina 55 N Main St.<br />
Purcell, Wm. ret O H&L 55 N Main St<br />
B tel.<br />
Putnam, Geo. (Margaret) 1 eh contractor<br />
O H&L 37 East Ave B tel.<br />
Putnam, Mrs. S. (widow) 1 ch nursing<br />
O H&L 14 Filkins St.<br />
Quigley, John W. (Julia) carpenter O<br />
H&L 4 West St.<br />
Quinn, Mrs. Catherine (widow) 86 Hulbert<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
52<br />
Rafoth, William F. 2 ch town supt <strong>of</strong><br />
highways 0 H&L 139 S Main St B<br />
tel.<br />
Randolph, Mrs. Anna (widow) 28<br />
Dewey Ave.<br />
Rapp, Carl (Elsie) 2 ch clerk T 8 De<br />
Land Park A.<br />
Raymond, Paul manufacturing <strong>of</strong> cans<br />
31 Woodlawn Ave.<br />
Redmond, George A. (Stetta) 1 ch laborer<br />
O H&L 21 W Church St.<br />
Reed, L. R. (Margarette) 1 ch barber<br />
0 H&L 69 S Main St B tel.<br />
Reed, Wilmarth (Alice) machinist 16<br />
Parker St.<br />
REEVES, HENRY C. (Jennie P.) 3 ch dentist<br />
O H&L 1 auto 26 Perrin St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Reeves, Mildred student 26 Perrin St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Regan, Mrs. Margaret 1 eh factory emi<br />
ployee 36 De Land. Park A.<br />
RELYEA, MRS. HULDAH (widow) undertaker<br />
O H&L 1 auto 39 West Ave B<br />
& Ind tels. See adv.<br />
Remington, Preston (Mary Florence) 5<br />
ch machinist T H&L 147 S Main St.<br />
Renner, Walter (Bertha) 2 eh Sanitary<br />
Can Company T 117 High St.<br />
Reynolds, John ret O H&L 83 West<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Rhoda, Charlotte 59 Summit St.<br />
Rhoda, Ralph (Rose) mason's helper<br />
59 Summit St.<br />
Rhoda, William (Charlotte) 2 ch Sanitary<br />
Can Company O H&L 59 Summit<br />
St.<br />
Ricci, Antonio foreman on railroad bds<br />
48 Frank St.<br />
Rich, Mrs. Elizabeth J. (widow) 1 eh<br />
bds 154 West Ave.<br />
Rich, Frank (Alice) 2 ch timekeeper T<br />
1 De Land Park A B tel.<br />
Rishard, Arnold (Matilda) 4 ch gardener<br />
O 2a le W Whitney Road Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Richard, Jacob J. (Anna E.) 1 eh nurseryman<br />
O 2a H&L lh 53 North St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Richard, Mamie E. bookkeeper 1 auto<br />
53 North St Ind tel.<br />
Richard, Martha stenographer W Whitney<br />
Road Ind tel.<br />
Richard, Ralph electrician 1 auto W<br />
Whitney Road Ind tel.<br />
Richard, William gardener W Whitney<br />
Road Ind tel.<br />
Richards, Wm. (<strong>The</strong>resa) printer' O<br />
H&L 58 Parce Ave.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Richardson, Fred (Ella) 2 ch traveling<br />
salesman O 209 S Main St.<br />
Richburg, Anna nurse T 25 Summit St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Richburg, Catherine T 25 Summit St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
RICHBURG, FRED 2 ch finisher T H&L 25<br />
Summit St Ind tel.<br />
Richburg, J. Duane (Jessie) 1 ch team<br />
work T 5a 150 High St Ind tel.<br />
Richer, Henrietta 187 S Main St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Rigby, Mark (Minnie) laborer 19 East<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Rightmire, Nathan laborer O H&L 39<br />
E Church St.<br />
Rightmire, William G. (Gertrude) clerk<br />
O H&L 38 E Church St.<br />
Ritter, George (Mabel B.) 1 ch teamster<br />
T H&L 41 North St.<br />
Roberts, James electrician 55 Filkins<br />
St.<br />
Roberts, J. G. (Chloe)' carpenter O H&L<br />
55 Filkins St.<br />
Roberts, Moses A. (Eva) 1 ch carpenter<br />
O H&L 42 Perrin St B tel.<br />
Roberts, Richard M. (Florence K.) 2 ch<br />
carpenter O H&L 22 W Church St B<br />
tel.<br />
Roberts, William (Winifred) 3 ch laborer<br />
O H&L 160 West Ave.<br />
Robinson, Abe (Hattie) 2 ch laborer T<br />
106 West Ave.<br />
Robison, William (Gertrude) 1 ch merchant<br />
delivery O H&L 45 Filkins St<br />
B tel.<br />
Robison, Wm. (Sarah) laborer O 102<br />
Parce Ave.<br />
Rocheville, Margaret dressmaker 36<br />
George St B tel.<br />
Rocheville, Mrs. Mary (widow) 2 ch O<br />
H&L 36 George St B tel.<br />
Rocheville, Robert carpenter 36 George<br />
St.<br />
Roderns, Ada M. milliner 20 Woodlawn<br />
Ave.<br />
Rogan, John Frances (Mable Henrietta)<br />
JL eh foreman O H&L 14 De<br />
Land Park B.<br />
Rogers, Mrs. Irene (widow) milliner T<br />
H&L 105 West Ave.<br />
Romig, Ralph E. O H&L 5 Elm St.<br />
Root, Carl B. (Lucy) 1 ch market O 1<br />
auto 93 West Church St B tel.<br />
Root, Earl (Bessie) 1 ch ret 1 auto 176<br />
N Main St B tel.<br />
Root, James H. (Carrie J.) 1 ch cartman<br />
O'lh 155 West Ave Ind tel.<br />
Root, Mrs. Selina (widow) 19 De Land<br />
Park A.<br />
Rose, William (Bessie) 3 ch laborer O<br />
H&L 31 George St.<br />
Rowell, Lewis junior dental student 27<br />
Filkins St..<br />
Bowell, Lewis E. (Cora) carpenter O<br />
H&L 27 Filkins St.<br />
Royce, J. W. (Marie) 1 ch bookkeeper<br />
T H&L 32 Summit St B tel.<br />
Rulifson, Frances teacher T 22 W<br />
Church St B tel.<br />
Rundel, Beda 20 Woodlawn Ave B tel.<br />
Rundel, Jerome 3 ch ret O H&L In 20<br />
Woodlawn Ave B tel.<br />
Rundel, Sarah T 115 West Ave B tel.<br />
Rundel, Will salesman 20 Woodiawn<br />
Ave.<br />
Russell, Mrs. J. E. (widow) O 61 East<br />
Ave.<br />
Russell, Merrit A. (Katherine) auto<br />
trucks O H&L 16 Clinton St.<br />
Ryan, Ed. ret O H&L 94 High St.<br />
Ryan, Philip ret 94 High St./<br />
Ryan, Philip farming O 114 N Main St.<br />
Rymer, Clyde draughtsman bds 58 West<br />
Ave.<br />
Sage, Mrs. John (widow) 1 ch T 11<br />
George St B tel.<br />
Salisbury, E. A. (Adelia) 1 eh blacksmith<br />
O 43 East St.<br />
Salk, Henry (Violia) 3 ch carpenter<br />
O H&L 31 Fourth Ave.<br />
Salmon, Edward (Margaret) 5 ch laborer<br />
T 68 East Ave.<br />
Salmon, Frank (Anna) traveling salesman<br />
T H&L 100 E Church St B tel.<br />
Salmon, Herbert 68 East Ave.<br />
Salomino, Antonio laborer O H&L 24<br />
Elm St.<br />
Sanders, Elizabeth telephone 71 Summit<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Sanders, Ella clerk 71 Summit St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Sanders, George (Nellie) 4 ch car<br />
builder O H&L 71 Summit St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Sanders, Marie telephone operator 71<br />
Summit St Ind tel.<br />
Sandmeyer, John H. (Almira M.) 3 ch<br />
clergyman T H&L 16 Perrin St B &<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Sanford, Lloyd (Chloe) 1 ch machinist<br />
T 28 De Land Park A.<br />
Saporito, Rosario grocer O H&L 23<br />
Water St B tel.<br />
Saporito, Roy (P.) grocer O H&L 21<br />
Water St B tel.<br />
Sauers, Henry L. (Florence M.) 1 ch<br />
carpenter T H&L 79 North St.<br />
Saunders, H. R. (Marguerite) minister<br />
Baptist Church T H&L 1 auto 12 E<br />
Church St B & Ind tels.<br />
Saunders, Laura works in Sanitary Can<br />
53 Co. 25 West St.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Saunders, Richard L. (Emma) attorney<br />
T H&L 1 auto 11 Perrin St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Saunders, William (Evelyn) 3 eh<br />
plumber T H&L 25 West St.<br />
Sawver, Mrs. Carrie (widow) 1 Ch S3<br />
West St.<br />
Sawyer, Clara A. 138 S Main St B tel.<br />
Sawyer, William H. ret O 138 S Main<br />
St B tel.<br />
Schmidt, Fred W. foreman Sanitary Can<br />
Co. O 16 Elm St.<br />
Schmidt, John C. (Matilda) 4 ch teamster<br />
T 37 North St B tel.<br />
Schmidt, William (Mildred J.) T H&L<br />
105 West Ave.<br />
Schneiter, Edward F. freight ngent<br />
N Y C T H&L 1 auto 33 West St.<br />
Schumacker, Herman (Catherine)<br />
chauffeur O 21 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Schumenski, Mrs. Sophia (widow) 2.<br />
eh paperhanger O H&L 13 Parker St.<br />
Schummers, Fredrick (Flora) 4 eh<br />
hardware dealer O 69 West Ave B<br />
tel.<br />
Schummers, Gladys librarian 69 West<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Schummers, Sabin C. (Elizabeth M.)<br />
hardware store O H&L 79 West Ave<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Schutt, Harold mechanic South Ave.<br />
Sehutt, Will (Kate) 4 ch mechanic O<br />
H&L South Ave.<br />
Seott, Colon, Jr. (Mertie) machinist T<br />
H&L 7 Barnum St.<br />
Seott, Colon, Sr. (Mary) 3 eh machinist<br />
T H&L 26 Barnum St.<br />
Seoville, Emma clerk 12 Woodlawn Ave<br />
B tel.<br />
Seaman, Leland (Mae) 1 eh pay roll<br />
clerk T4De Land Park A.<br />
SEELET, MRS. LULU B. O H&L 42 West<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Selano, Will O 1 auto 32 E Church St<br />
B tel.<br />
Shaw, Mrs. Josephine E. O H&L 29<br />
West Ave B tel.<br />
Shearn, Nell stenographer 17 E Church<br />
St.<br />
Shedd, Edgar S.. (Maude S.) 1 eh machinist<br />
T 93 North'St B tel.<br />
Shedd, Frank (Mary) 2 ch ret T H&L<br />
111 S Main St B tel.<br />
Shedd, Lulu clerk in P-0 111 S Main<br />
St.<br />
Shepard, F. E. (Alice) 4 ch president<br />
<strong>of</strong> Fairport Bank O 1 auto 199 S<br />
Main St Ind tel.<br />
SHEPARD, HOWARD bookkeeper 1 auto<br />
199 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Shepard, Marion student 199 S Main<br />
St.<br />
Sherman, Carrie May bds 122 Parce<br />
Ave.<br />
Sherman, Elma bds 122 N Main St,<br />
Sherman, Samuel 122 N Main St.<br />
Shilling, Alfred B. (Elizabeth N.) 2<br />
ch ret O H&L 15 South Ave.<br />
Shilling, Clara Belle attending college<br />
15 South Ave.<br />
Shilling, Hollis A. Sanitary Can Co 15<br />
South Ave.<br />
Shoemaker, Catherine 90 West Ave.<br />
Shoemaker, George (Ida) 4 ch miller O<br />
H&L 14 George St.<br />
Shoemaker, Taneta clerk 14 George St.<br />
Short, John (Julia) 1 ch taxi T 139<br />
High St.<br />
Shrader, Frank C. (Mary) 1 ch vinegar<br />
works O H&L 48 South Ave B<br />
tel.<br />
Shraeder, Florence student 48 South<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Shuler, Martin (Mary) laborer T H&L.<br />
32 S Main St.<br />
Shuler, Martin laborer 49 S Main St.<br />
Shumay, Mrs. Elmira (widow) T 20<br />
Pleasant St. ;<br />
Simmons, Esbon O. (Elizabeth S.) 5 ch<br />
laundry O H&L 36 South Ave.<br />
Simmons, Harland chauffeur 36 South<br />
Ave.<br />
Simmons, Mrs. Mary M. (widow) 3<br />
ch 156 S Main St.<br />
Simmons, William (Mabel) machinist<br />
T 8 De Land Park B.-<br />
Simmons, Wilson 36 South Ave.<br />
Simpson, Leon (Euth) 3 eh laborer T<br />
H&L 23 East St.<br />
Simpson, Oscar (Jennie) 3 ch jeweler<br />
T H 32 S Main St.<br />
Simpson, Roy laborer 32 S Main St.<br />
Sinamus, Fred (Phebe) 3 ch ret O<br />
H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave.<br />
Slater, William (Carrie) 3 ch piano<br />
agent O H&L 35 Filkins St.<br />
Slocum, Burton H. tool designer 36<br />
Fourth Ave Ind tel.<br />
Slocum, Charles (Mary) 1 ch engineer<br />
O H&L 66 E Church St B tel.<br />
SLOCUM, GEORGE A. (Lanah) 3 ch insurance<br />
O H&L 36 Fourth Ave Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Slocum, Helen dressmaker 36 Fourth<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Slocum, Howard (Ina) 1 eh teamster O<br />
H&L 2h 84 E Church St B tel.<br />
Slocum, Baymond insurance 36 Fourth<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Slocum, Thomas (Mary) teamster O<br />
H&L 4h 84 E Church St B tel.<br />
Smith, Mrs. Amelia 1 ch O 164 S Main<br />
St B tel.<br />
Smith, Bert (Elizabeth) T South Ave.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Smith, Chancy (Christie) foreman T Stebbins, John 35 Fourth Ave.<br />
2 East St B tel.<br />
Steele, John (Myrta) 3 ch ret O 145<br />
Smith, Mrs. Delia 1 ch 48 E Church St. West Ave Ind tel.<br />
Smith, Eleanor C. 54 East Ave B tel. Steffler, Mrs. Gertrude (widow) 1 ch<br />
Smith, Elizabeth dressmaker T H&L 48 93 W Church St B tel.<br />
E Church St.<br />
STBNSON, MRS. LUCY (widow) T 42<br />
Smith, James A. (Catherine) 3 ch West St Ind tel.<br />
Sanitary Can Company O H&L E Steubing, Earl laborer bds 150 West<br />
Whitney Road.<br />
Ave.<br />
Smith, Louis (Jennie) canmaker O Steubing, Geo H. (Emma) 1 ch signal<br />
HAL 29 George St.<br />
maintainer T H&L 19 Dewey Ave Ind<br />
Smith, Myrtle chemist teacher 164 S tel.<br />
Main St.<br />
Steubing, Walter C. machinist bds 150<br />
Smith, Oscar (Dora A.) chicken hatching<br />
O H&L 40 Parce Ave.<br />
Steubing, William (Minnie) 5 ch la-<br />
West Ave.<br />
Smith, Otis A. (Irma S.) 1 ch machinist borer T 150 West Ave B tel.<br />
O H&L 75 North St.<br />
Steuellyn, W. E. G. (Ada) railroad fore-<br />
Smith, <strong>The</strong>odore (Emily) mechanic O ' man T 1 auto 28 Paree Place.<br />
H&L 143 S Main St.<br />
Stevens, Bert (Nellie) 2 ch wire chief<br />
Smith, Traey B. (Lulu) 2 ch civil engineer<br />
O H&L 99 W Church St Ind Stevens, Charles printer 29 Summit St.<br />
T 3 De Land Park A B tel.<br />
tel.<br />
Stevens, Elmer laborer 19 East Ave B<br />
Snow, Alice teaching 88 W Church St tel.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Stewart, Augustine (Cora) 1 ch woodworker<br />
T 88 West Ave.<br />
SNOW, EDWARD C. (Lillie) 4 ch clothing<br />
& furniture merchant O 88 W Church Stewart, Elizabeth 68 West Ave.<br />
St Ind tel. See adv.<br />
Stiffner, Roy (Lillian) T H&L 67 East<br />
Snow, Evelyn student 88 W Church St Ave.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Still, Mrs. Jennie (widow) 1 ch O H&L<br />
Snow, Helen teacher T 88 W Church St 25 George St.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Stilwell, A. E. ret O H&L 48 East Ave.<br />
Snow, Joseph H. (Carrie) 1 eh paper Stilwell, Clair H. (Edith) 2 ch time<br />
box maker O 54 W Church St Ind tel. clerk O H&L 22 Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Sours, Henry (Florence M.) 1 ch T Stocum, James (Dora) 1 ch machinist<br />
H&L 23 Perrin St.<br />
O H&L 106 High St.<br />
South, Mrs. Emerette (widow) 18 De Stolt, Frank grocery T H&L 27 John St<br />
Land Park A.<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Spencer, Ed. machinist 19 East Ave B Stolt, Sabatine 3 ch laborer T 9 Maple<br />
tel.<br />
St.<br />
Spencer, Merritt (Luella) masseur Stolt, Vineenzo (Margaret) 2 ch laborer<br />
T 50 Frank St.<br />
Turkish baths O H&L 43 Filkins St.<br />
Springett, Prank (Bessie) 3 ch machinist<br />
O H&L 39 East St.<br />
hanger T H&L 14 Pleasant St Ind<br />
Stone, Curtis (Stella) painter & paper-<br />
Springett, George (Sarah A.) 4 ch sexion<br />
O H&L 9 South Ave B tel. Stone, Mrs. Mame Lee (widow) 1 ch O<br />
tel.<br />
Springett, Harriett M. typist 9 South 14 Pleasant St Ind tel.<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Stornes, Emerson (Lettie) 2 ch ret O<br />
Springett, Lorin W. (Elizabeth) 1 ch 24 Pleasant St Ind tel.<br />
York State Fruit Company O H&L Streppa, Peter (Jennie) 4 ch storekeeper<br />
O H 46 Frank St.<br />
60 Summit St.<br />
Springett, Orlm E. (Marie S. F.) 3 ch Stripa, James (Louisa) 6 ch trolley car<br />
baker T 18 S Main St Ind tel. O H&L 80 High St.<br />
Springett, Violet clerk 18 S Main St Stubbings, Alfred (Catherine) 4 ch<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Sanitary Can Company employee T<br />
Stattler, Mrs. S. E. (widow) 2 ch O 21 Durant Place.<br />
H&L 18 Woodlawn Ave.<br />
Stubbings, Burton machinist 41 Filkins<br />
Stebbins, Chas A. (Margaret) chemist St.<br />
31 Summit St B tel.<br />
Stubbings, Charles (Lena) 2 ch painter<br />
Stebbins, Charles H. 6 ch ret O H&L & paperhanger O H&L 41 Filkins St<br />
31 Summit St B tel.<br />
B tel.<br />
Stebbins, Edward Sanitary Can Company<br />
31 Summit St B tel.<br />
tin plate dept O 134 West Ave.<br />
Stubbings, George (Lydia) foreman in<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Stubings, Charles (Mame) 2 ch foreman<br />
in Sanitary Can Works O 3%a W<br />
Whitney Road Ind tel.<br />
Sullivan, Arthur (Anna) 2 ch canmaker<br />
T H&L 24 George St.<br />
Sullivan, Arthur (Celia) 1 ch piana<br />
varnisher & polisher T H&L 27 West<br />
St.<br />
Sullivan, Chas J. (Mary) 2 ch electrician<br />
T H&L 48 Perrin St B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Sullivan, Airs. Effie (widow) 1 eh works<br />
in can factory T H&L 94 E Church<br />
St.<br />
Sutherland, Harry clerk 59 Filkins St.<br />
Sufeber, William Sanitary Can Company<br />
O Lot 45 Frank St.<br />
Sutton, Burr iceman T bds 36 Nelson<br />
St.<br />
Swartz, Albert (Elizabeth) 1 ch machinist<br />
O 4% a lc W Whitney Road.<br />
Sweeney, Frank works in canning factory<br />
11 E Church St.<br />
Sweeney, Helen 17 E Church St.<br />
Sweeney, Mrs. Mary (widow) 1 ch T<br />
H&L 17 E Church St.<br />
Swift, Maynard F. (Mary L.) chief <strong>of</strong><br />
police T 57 West Ave B tel.<br />
Tallman, Darius 71 East Ave B tel.<br />
Tallman, Ezra (Minnie) 1 ch O H&L<br />
15 E Church St.<br />
Tallman, Luther (Arminta S.) ret O<br />
H&L 71 East Ave B tel.<br />
Talman, Mrs. Sarah (widow) 1 eh O<br />
146 West Ave.<br />
Tapp, Grover L. (Mary) 2 ch clerk in<br />
Kee Lox Company T H&L 6 E Whitney<br />
Road.<br />
Taylor, Abram B. (Rebecca) 1 ch barber<br />
O 134 S Main St.<br />
Taylor, John (Rika) 2 ch Sanitary Can<br />
Company E Whitney Road.<br />
Taylor, Mary Emma 134 S Main St.<br />
Taylor, Lois ret 104 N Main St.<br />
Taylor, Mrs. Minnie (widow) dressmaker<br />
O H&L 26 Filkins St.<br />
Terpening, Floyd A. (Louise) merchant<br />
O H&L 31 Dewey Ave B tel.<br />
Terpening, Mrs. Franc E (widow) 2' ch<br />
11 Barnum St B tel.<br />
Tetlow, Harry B. (Winifred) 1 ch traveling<br />
salesman O H&L 20 Clinton St.-<br />
Thayer, Carlton merchant 32 Parker St<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Thayer, E. S. (Carrie) 2 ch ret O H&L<br />
32 Pleasant St B tel.<br />
Thayer, Stacy (Josephine) clerk 32<br />
Pleasant St.<br />
Thistlewaite, C. J. (Jennie) mfgr O 110<br />
W Church St Ind tel.<br />
Thompson, Daniel (Anna) 1 ch employed<br />
in Sanitary Can Company O<br />
H&L 15 George~St.<br />
Thompson, Mrs. Emma A. (widow) O<br />
H&L 39 Fourth Ave B tel.<br />
Thompson, Erma nurse 15 George St.<br />
Tietsworth, Carrie nurse 131 S Main St<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Tolhurst, Frank (Dorothy L.) 4 ch<br />
watchman O 10 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Tooley, William (Emma) 3 ch teamster<br />
T H&L 82 E Church St.<br />
TRESCOTT, WILLIS A. (E. Loraine)<br />
manufacturer O H&L 1 auto 18 West<br />
St B & Ind tels.<br />
Trimble, George (Alice) 2 ch teamster<br />
T H&L 2h 22 Summit St B tel.<br />
Trimble, Harris teamster bds 2h 22<br />
Summit St B tel.<br />
Trullo, Frank (Maria) 4 eh laborer T<br />
48 Frank St.<br />
Tubbs, Mrs. J. F. (widow) 2 eh O 75 S<br />
Main St B tel.<br />
Tuck, Harrison W. (Laura B.) telegraph<br />
operator T H&L 88 North St.<br />
Turner, Wm. teamster 114 N Main St.<br />
Upthegrow, James (Sarah) T H&L 81 E<br />
Church St.<br />
Van Alst/John (Grace) ret O H&L 1<br />
auto 76 S Main St B tel.<br />
Van Alst, Mrs. Julia (widow) 76 S<br />
Main St.<br />
Van Alstyne, Abraham (Mary) ret O<br />
H&L 37 High St.<br />
Van Buren, Mrs. Edith 1 ch bookkeeper<br />
7 Woodlawn Ave B tel.<br />
Vanderpool, Harry (Bertha) barber T<br />
34 West Ave.<br />
Van Houten: Mrs. Mary (widow) 2 eh<br />
T 19 West St.<br />
VAN HOUTEN, MES. M. M. 150 N Main<br />
St.<br />
Van Houten, Olive clerk 19 West St.<br />
Van Leeren, Fred (Grace) elerk O H&L<br />
44 Filkins St B tel.<br />
Van Ness, Mrs. Catherine (widow) 1<br />
ch T H&L 24 West St.<br />
Van Ness, Floyd elerk T 24 Perrin St.<br />
Van Norman, John (Caroline) 4 eh laborer<br />
O H&L 51 East Ave B tel.<br />
Van Norman, Roy (Harriett) 2 ch machinist<br />
O H&L 1 auto 45 South Ave<br />
Btel.<br />
Van Wagnen, James 2 ch R R man 102<br />
West Ave B tel.<br />
Van Wagnen, Lilly nurse T 102 West<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Varlan, George (Mary) 3 ch candy<br />
kitchen confectionery O 5 Clinton St.<br />
Varlan, Thomas (Genula) candy maker<br />
O 152 S Main St.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Vebbard, William. (Nellie) 3 ch laborer<br />
T H&L 84 West Ave.<br />
Ver Howe, Clarence (Nora) 1 ch carpenter<br />
O 36 East St.<br />
Vickery, Jno. R. (Victoria) 1 ch architect<br />
O 99 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
Vigaretta, Sam (Julia) 4 ch laborer T<br />
49 Prank St.<br />
Wackman, Eugene C. (Keta H.) clerk<br />
O H&L 11 De Land Park B.<br />
Waddell, Edward electrician 112 North<br />
St B tel.<br />
Waddell, Prank (May) shipping clerk<br />
T 156 S Main St.<br />
Waddell, Horace (Jennie) ret O H&L<br />
51 North St.<br />
Wagner, Adelbert piano varnisher 77<br />
North St.<br />
Wagner, Earl student &7 W Church St<br />
B tel.<br />
Wagner, Mrs. Emma (widow) 2 ch T<br />
30 Barnum St B tel. .<br />
Wagner, Harold machinist 87 W Church<br />
St B teL<br />
Wagner, William (Nellie)' 2 ch ret O<br />
H&L 1 auto 87 W Church St B tel.<br />
Wakely, Chas. R. (Ella) finisher O H&L<br />
23 Pilkins St.<br />
Wakely, Chas. W. finisher 23 Pilkins St.<br />
Walker, Charles (Birdie) 8 eh carpenter<br />
T H&L 61 East St.<br />
Walker, Henry A. (Roselle P.) ret lawyer<br />
O H&L 76 West Ave.<br />
Wallenbach, Mrs. Agnes (widow) 3 ch<br />
. 27 De Land Park A.<br />
Walling, Reginald (Dora) 3 ch manufacturing<br />
O H&L 35 Woodlawn Ave<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Ward, Mrs. Bridget (widow) 1 ch O<br />
H&L 56 Summit St.<br />
Ward, Nellie canning factory employee<br />
bds 56 Summit St.<br />
Ward, Robert (Marion) 2 ch plumber<br />
T 13 George St B tel.<br />
Ward, William (Marguerite) 1 ch machinist<br />
T 160 S Main St.<br />
Warn, Charles H. (Emma) 2 ch ice<br />
dealer O 4h 36 Nelson St B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Warner, Mrs. Emma H. (widow) 1 ch<br />
O H&L 27 South Ave Ind tel.<br />
Warner, Frederick ret O H&L 46 West<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Warner, George (Alice) 4 eh can<br />
maker O H&L 25 Woodlawn Ave B<br />
tel.<br />
Your HEALTH depends upon the condition<br />
<strong>of</strong> your SPINE. If your SPINE is<br />
right, your HEALTH will be right.<br />
57<br />
Warner, Lansing student 11 West St<br />
B tel.<br />
Warner, Levi L. (Grace) 2 ch painter<br />
& paperhanger O H&L 11 West St B<br />
tel. '<br />
Warner, Mae E. teacher O H&L 27<br />
South Ave Ind tel.<br />
Warner, Manly painter & paperhanger<br />
bds 46 West Ave B tel.<br />
Warner, Samuel (Cornelia) 3 ch ret O<br />
H&L 32 Perrin St.<br />
WARREN, EDWARD D. (Eloise) 1 ch general<br />
store O H&L 1 auto 75 W<br />
Church St B tel. See adv.<br />
Warren, Sybil student 75 W Church St<br />
B tel.<br />
Washburn, M. Adelbert , (Fannie) carpenter<br />
T 11 W Chureh St B tel.<br />
Waters, Isaac (Emily) 1 ch piano polisher<br />
O H&L 22 West St.<br />
Waterstraat, Harvey E Whitney Road.<br />
Waterstraw, Everett 26 East St B tel,<br />
Watkins, Mrs. Carrie (widow) 2 ch O<br />
H&L 205 S Main St.<br />
Watson, Geo. W. (Mattie) 2 ch ret O<br />
15 East Ave B tel.<br />
Watson, John (Cora A.) ret O H&L 77<br />
North St.<br />
Watson, Josephine bookkeeper 15 East<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Watson, Mrs. Mildred milliner 95 High<br />
St.<br />
Watson, Winfield S., Jr. student 77<br />
North St.<br />
Watson, Winfield S. 1 ch ret O H&L<br />
14 East St.<br />
WATT, ALEXANDRIA (Joan) ret 27 Pleasant<br />
St.<br />
Weatherwax, Will (Elizabeth) ret T 30<br />
Filkins St.<br />
Weaver, Eugene O. (Carrie) 3 ch gardener<br />
O l%a H&L 90 High St Ind<br />
teL<br />
Webb, Ed. (Margaret) 2 eh foreman O<br />
H&L 12 East St.<br />
Webb, John D. (Elizabeth) market O<br />
94 West Ave B tel.<br />
Webb, Mrs. Mary (widow) 94 West<br />
Ave.<br />
Wegner, Albert H. student 20 W<br />
Church St Ind tel.<br />
Wegner, Edna teacher 20 W Church<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Wegner, Fred (Anna) 3 ch master mechanic<br />
O H&L 1 auto 20 W Chureh<br />
St Ind tel<br />
Chiropractors<br />
154 East Avenue ROCHESTER, N. Y.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Wegner Walter college student mechanic<br />
20 W Church St Ind tel<br />
Weisheim Henry (Margaret) harnessmaker<br />
T H&L 12 Pleasant St.<br />
Welch, Catherine O 66 East Ave.<br />
Welch, Elizabeth 14 East Ave B tel.<br />
Welch, James W. (Mabel) dentist T<br />
H&L 9 Dewey Ave B tel<br />
Welch John (Cora) works for coal" company<br />
T H&L 92 E Church St B tel.<br />
Welch, John watchman O H&L 66 East<br />
Ave.<br />
Welch, John L. (Bertha) 1 ch clerk O<br />
H&L 12 Filkins St.<br />
Welch, Lawrence (Marie) 2 ch ret 0<br />
H&L 2h 7 W Church St B tel.<br />
Welch, P. A. gate tender O H&L 14<br />
East Ave B tel.<br />
WEJXS, THELMA E. telephone operator<br />
56 North St B tel.<br />
Wells, Williard M. 1 ch plumber T H&L<br />
56 North St B tel.<br />
Welsh, Mrs. Mary (widow) 4 West St.<br />
Wemes, John (Julia) 4 eh teamster<br />
O 10 John St B tel.<br />
West, Charles laborer O H&L 57 John<br />
St.<br />
Westerman. Mrs. Caroline (widow) 1 ch<br />
O H&L 98 West Ave B tel.<br />
Westfall, Arthur S. (Adela) 3 ch billing<br />
clerk O H&L 83 North St B tel.<br />
Westfall, Edna C. teacher 83 North St<br />
B teL<br />
WHEELER, WM. O. (Eliza M.) 1 ch foreman<br />
<strong>of</strong> shipping dept Sanitary Can<br />
Co O 25 South Ave.<br />
Wheton, Charlotte 213 S Main St.<br />
Wheton, Ernest 1 eh laborer O 213 S<br />
Main St.<br />
WMte, Artmas (Abbie M.) 3 ch ret<br />
O H&L 137 S Main St Ind tel.<br />
White Clara 132 N Main St.<br />
White C. E. 2 ch-physician O H&L 70<br />
S Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
White, P. Hulbert physician 70 S Main<br />
St B & Ind tels.<br />
White, Mrs. Minnie (widow) 1 ch O<br />
H&L 132 N Main St.<br />
Whitmer, Mrs. Augusta (widow) 2 ch<br />
O 93 High St B tel.<br />
Whitmer, Edward (Ella) 1 ch machinist<br />
T 29 West Ave B tel.<br />
Whitmeyer, Fred (Jessie) towerman<br />
O H&L 23 Fourth Ave.<br />
WEEDRICK:, MRS. G. 120 Parce Ave.<br />
Wignal, Eobert (Emma C.) ret O H&L<br />
2 Beardsley St Ind tel.<br />
Wignall, Albert H. (Hattie Hart) 1 ch<br />
cigar merchant O 130 West Ave.<br />
Wileox, Glezen G. (Ida) ret O H&L 1<br />
auto 37 West St B tel.<br />
Wilcbx, Jamin lch Sanitary Can Company<br />
O 165 W Church St.<br />
Wileox, Leon J. '(Inez) 1 ch clerk T<br />
28 De Land Park B Ind tel.<br />
Wileox, Eeginald S. (Ethel T.) 28 De<br />
Land Park B.<br />
Wilder, Mrs. Harriet (widow) 3 eh O<br />
70 W Church St B tel.<br />
Wilder, Inez demonstrator 70 W Church<br />
St B tel.<br />
Williams, Arthur M. traveling salesman<br />
O H&L 50 South Ave Ind tel.<br />
Williams, Carrie E. printing <strong>of</strong>fice 50<br />
South Ave Ind tel.<br />
Williams, Donald machinist 46 West<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Williams, Doris cashier 46 West Ave<br />
• B tel.<br />
Williams, Fred (Anna) yardman at coal<br />
yards T H&L 4 Woodlawn Ave.,<br />
Williams, Herman Sanitary Can Com'<br />
pany T 82 West Ave.<br />
Williams, Howard timekeeper 46 West<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Williams, Isabel employed in can factory<br />
8 George St.<br />
Williams, Mrs. Marie (widow) T 103<br />
High St B tel.<br />
Williams, Marsden C. (Addie) 2 ch<br />
truck farmer O H&L 40 East St B tel.<br />
Williams, Mrs. Mary (widow) 2 eh O<br />
H&L 50 South Ave Ind tel.<br />
Williams, Richard (Maggie) 5 ch<br />
painter & paperhanger 46 West Ave<br />
B tel.<br />
Williams, Sarah 40 East St B tel.<br />
Williams, Shirley F. clerk bds 60 West<br />
Ave.<br />
Williams, Wm. laborer T 8 George St.<br />
Williams, Wm. L. (Alice M,) 1 ch millwright<br />
O 90 E Churoh St.<br />
Willis, Mrs. Mary (widow) 3 ch T<br />
H&L 18 Summit Ave.<br />
Wilson, MTS. Augusta 4 ch O H&L 15<br />
Woodlawn Ave.<br />
Wilson, Bertha factory hand 15 Woodlawn<br />
Ave.<br />
Wilson, Ralph (Lottie) 2 eh canmaker<br />
T 16 George St.<br />
Winnegal, Clarence (Bessie) bookkeeper<br />
O 172 S Main St.<br />
Wissick, Daniel (Anna) 1 ch employee<br />
<strong>of</strong> York State Fruit Company T 38<br />
De Land Park A.<br />
Witt, Fred L. (Mildred) 1 ch laborer<br />
T 78 Parce Ave.<br />
Wolbeck, Fred J. (Minnie) 8 ch towerman<br />
on R R O H&L 23 W Church St.<br />
Wolf, J. J. (E. J.) 1 ch farmer T 146<br />
S Main St.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Wolf. Minnie forelady in glove factory<br />
T 173 S Main St.<br />
Woolsey, Byron J. (Sarah) 4 eh grocery<br />
O H&L lh 6 Perrin St Ind tel.<br />
Woolsey, Freda music teacher 6 Perrin<br />
St.<br />
Woolsey, Leah clerk 6 Perrin St.<br />
Woolsey, Para O H&L 27 Parker St B<br />
tel.<br />
Woplsey, Raymond (Norma) grocer T<br />
H&L 61 West Ave Ind tel.<br />
Woolston, Clarence B. (Emma Frances)<br />
law clerk O 162 N Main St Ind tel.<br />
Woolston, Louis lh 162 N Main St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
WOOLSTON, WM. J. (Clara) 1 ch ret O<br />
H&L lh 162 N Main St B tel:<br />
Worrell, Mrs. Libbie (widow) T 114 S<br />
Main St.<br />
Worthing, Adelbert (Eva) 1 ch bookkeeper<br />
O 20 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Worthing, Andrew 1 eh carpenter O<br />
H&L 19 Dewey Ave Ind tel.<br />
Worthing, Chas.- (Dorcas) 1 ch Sanitary<br />
Can Company O H&L 21 Dewey<br />
Ave.<br />
Worthing, George (Matie) Gleason Machine<br />
Works O H&L Baker Road Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Worthing, Phyllis 20 Hulbert Ave.<br />
Worthing, Rollin (Kate) 3 ch car shops<br />
O 174 W Church St.<br />
Wyckstrow, August (May) 2 ch<br />
plumber 133 High St.<br />
Wyman, Mrs. Anna B. (widow) 1 ch<br />
T 27 Pleasant St B tel.<br />
Wyman, Geo. (Jennie) mgr Federal<br />
Tel Company O 1 auto 26 Hulbert<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Yhands, George (Hattie W.) 2 ch laborer<br />
T 112 North St B tel.<br />
Young, Mrs, Louise flasket works 93<br />
High St B tel.<br />
Secrets.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bank Your Money<br />
at 4% Interest<br />
IS the money you accumulate earning this<br />
liberal rate <strong>of</strong> interest ?<br />
By our system <strong>of</strong> banking by mail, you<br />
can make deposits with this institution with<br />
perfect safety and as easily as if the bank<br />
were right at your door.<br />
May we send our booklet "A Money<br />
Message" explaining how?<br />
Union Trust Company<br />
25 State St., Rochester, N. Y.<br />
Capital - $1,000,000<br />
Surplus - $ 500,000<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
<strong>The</strong> Four Corners, Honeoye Falls, N. Y.<br />
ABBREVIATIONS.—a, means acres; bds, boards; B tel, Bell telephone; 4 ch, 4 children;<br />
H&L, house and lot; O, owns; Rl, <strong>Rural</strong> Route No. 1; ret, retired; T, tenant; 4h, 4 horses;<br />
2c, 2 cattle.<br />
Names in CAPITALS are those <strong>of</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> subscribers—always the most intelligent<br />
and progressive people in any county. No Tumbledowns, for no farmer can keep on reading<br />
the F. J. and being a Tumbledown, too. Many have tried, but all have to quit one or the other.<br />
Allen, D. H. (Gertrude) 2 ch dentist T<br />
H&L West Main St B tel.<br />
Allen, Ezra D. (Alyda) farmer part<br />
owner 18a lc 13 Maplewood Ave Ind<br />
tel.<br />
ALLEN, E. B.<br />
Allen, Frank (Mary) 3 ch barber T<br />
H&L 1 auto 37 Maplewood Ave.<br />
Allen, George (Rhobe) R R watchman<br />
O H&L East St B tel.<br />
Allen, Mrs. Harriet C. (widow) T H&L<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Ameden, Edwin P. (Flora E.) carpenter<br />
O H&L 1 auto 23 Locust St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Amsden, F. O. (Frances) 1 ch furniture<br />
mfr O H&L 55 Ontario St B tel. ,<br />
Appleton, Chester (Mary) 2 ch teamster<br />
T H&L East St B tel.<br />
Austin, Benj. (Laura) 1 ch carpenter<br />
0 H&L 1 auto Railroad St B tel.<br />
AUSTIN, WILLIAM (Libbie) carpenter O<br />
H&L 1 auto Bailroad St B tel.<br />
Baab, William A. (Helen) merchant O<br />
H&L lh X Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Bachman, Irwin (Gladys) 3 ch laborer<br />
O H&L Yorks St.<br />
Badgley, Albert (Bertha) 1 ch nurseryman<br />
T H&L N Main St.<br />
BALB, W. A. Main St.<br />
Banser, William (Lulu) 5 ch bookkeeper<br />
O H&L West Main St B tel.<br />
Barber, W. J., Jr. tinner bds 2 Episcopal<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Barber, W. J. (Marion O.) nurse O<br />
H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Barnard, Frank E. (Florence) 1 ch<br />
general mdse O H&L 1 auto Ontario<br />
St B tel.<br />
Barnard, J. H. (Sarah) general store O<br />
H&L 1 auto 24 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Barnum, L. H. (M. Salina) miller O<br />
H&L N Main St B tel.<br />
Bartlett, Gertrude school teacher 15<br />
Church St B tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bartlett, J. D. (Margaret) barber O<br />
H&L 15 Church St B tel.<br />
Behents, Charles (Nellie) 5 ch railroad<br />
T H&L Pier St.<br />
Bellinger, C. E. (Bessie) 2 ch carpenter<br />
T H&L 25 Church St.<br />
Benham, Harry S. (Bertha) physician &<br />
surgeon O H&L 2 autos 9 <strong>Monroe</strong> St<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Bennett, John (Maude M.) 1 ch nurseryman<br />
T H&L N Main St B tel.<br />
Blacken, George (Edith) 1 ch mgr A &<br />
P Tea Company T H&L 63 Ontario<br />
St.<br />
Blew, Abraham O H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> St B<br />
tel.<br />
Blew, Abram veteran T H&L 85 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Blew, Mae <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Boult, Mrs. Bertha (widow) O H&L 28<br />
Ontario St.<br />
Bowerman, Alice W Main St.<br />
Bowerman, Emma W Main St.<br />
Bowerman, J. R. (Anna) ret O la H&L<br />
lh W Main St Ind tel.<br />
Bowerman, Mable W Main St.<br />
Bowers, William (Ada) 2 ch water<br />
works engineer T H&L N Main St B<br />
tel.<br />
BRESTON, GEO. A.<br />
Briggs, An son (Carrie) farmer O H&L<br />
lh lc Ontario St.<br />
Briggs, Cyrus (Mary) machinist O H&L<br />
50 Ontario St.<br />
Briggs, Mrs. William (widow) T H&L<br />
Ontario St.<br />
Brogan, E. J. (Nora) laborer O H&L<br />
Church St B tel.<br />
Brooks, Dewey laborer Railroad St.<br />
Brooks, Ed (Jennie) undertaker & furniture<br />
O H&L lh 1 auto N Main St B<br />
& Ind tels.<br />
Brooks, Etta Railroad St.<br />
Brooks, Henry ret T H&L.<br />
Brooks, William 3 ch laborer O H&L<br />
Railroad St.<br />
Brown, A. J. (Mary) ret O H&L 2h W<br />
Main St B tel.<br />
Brown, Irving veterinary assistant T<br />
H&L 56 Ontario St.<br />
BROWN, JOHN R. garage. See adv.<br />
Brown, J. S. (Florence) 1 ch grocery &<br />
bakery O H&L 1 auto 19 Ontario St<br />
B tel.<br />
Brownback, Oscar D. pastor T'H&L 39<br />
N Main St Ind tel.<br />
Buckland, Jesse (Anna) 6 ch grocery<br />
store T H&L 1 auto 7 Episcopal Ave<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Buggy, Catherine 84 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Buggy, Richard K. ret O H&L 84 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St.<br />
Burton, Clyde (Flora) 10 ch farmer O<br />
36a H 4h 4c East St.<br />
Burton, George (Harriett) ret O H&L<br />
lc 1 auto 26 Church St B tel.<br />
Burton, Leonora nurse 37 Ontario St B.<br />
tel.<br />
Burton, Louise 16 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Burton, Luetta clerk 37 Ontario St B<br />
tel.<br />
Burton, Ralph (Lena) 2 ch deputy<br />
sheriff O H&L 1 auto 29 Maplewood<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Burton, Mrs. Sarah (widow) 7 ch O<br />
H&L 37 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Cargill, S. J. (Kate) ret O H&L Maplewood<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Carlisle, George (Elsie)- blacksmith 6<br />
H&L 44 N Main St Ind tel. :<br />
Carlisle, Mrs. Susan (widow) 54 N<br />
Main St B tel.<br />
Carter, H. P. (Helen L.) ret O H&L 10<br />
Locust St B tel.<br />
Case, George A. (Carrie J.) woodworker<br />
O H&L 50 N Main St B tel.<br />
CHAMBERS, H. F.<br />
Claffee, A. T. (Lena) 2 ch cooper T<br />
H&L 1 auto 54 East St B tel.<br />
Claffee, Mrs. Mary (widow) O H&L<br />
East St B tel.<br />
Clarke, W. G. (Alta) 2 ch hardware<br />
merchant T H&L 1 auto 25 Ontario<br />
St B tel.<br />
Cleary, John (Nellie) 3 eh- laborer T<br />
H&L 2h 31 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Cleaver, E. J. (Mary) hardwood finisher<br />
T H&L East St.<br />
Clement, Patrick (Lena) billiard parlor<br />
O H&L. 1 auto N Main St.<br />
Cluney, Martin O H&L Maplewood Ave<br />
B tel.<br />
Collins, Edward 3 ch water works O<br />
H&L lh lc 1 auto 20 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B<br />
tel.<br />
Collins, Marie 20 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Conklin; Agnes Railroad St.<br />
Conklin, Bafthon ret O H&L Railroad<br />
St.<br />
Conklin, Mary O H&L Railroad St.<br />
Cook, Lewis (Anna) 1 ch nurseryman<br />
T 2a N Main, St B tel.<br />
Cooper, Raymond canning factory 70<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Cooper, William (Ella) laborer O H&L<br />
70 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Corby, Bently (Cornelia) ret O H&L W<br />
Main St B tel.<br />
Cornell, E. T H&L 27 Locust St Jnd
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Cornell, S. F. T H&L 27 Locust St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Cornwall, Arthur (Bell) 1 ch O H&L W<br />
Main St Ind tel.<br />
Costello, Harry (Agnes) carpenter T<br />
H&L 9 Locust St.<br />
Courneen, Mrs. Mary (widow) dressmaker<br />
O H&L 14 Church St B tel.<br />
Courtney, Owen (Anna) night watchman<br />
T H&L lh B tel.<br />
Coville, Mrs. E. (widow) O H&L lh B<br />
tel.<br />
Cox, George (Ellen) laborer O H&L<br />
East St B tel.<br />
Crawford, Elizabeth T H&L Ontario St.<br />
Crennell, Grace 12 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Crennell, Robert supt <strong>of</strong> conduit line T<br />
H&L 12 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
CROFT, CHARLES P. farmer O 20a 2h<br />
Church St B tel.<br />
Cr<strong>of</strong>t, Edwin (Louise) farmer & ice<br />
dealer O 24a 2h 1 auto <strong>Monroe</strong> St<br />
B tel.<br />
Dailey, Evelyn 46 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Dailey, Geo. (May) 3 ch laborer T H&L<br />
11 <strong>Monroe</strong> St Ind tel.<br />
Dailey, Mrs. Hattie (widow) T H&L<br />
46 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Dailey, Lavina dressmaker 46 Ontario<br />
St B tel.<br />
Danker, Walter C (Hattie) blacksmith<br />
0 H&L 1 auto 11 Chureh St B tel.<br />
Darrohn, Joseph (Lavinia) 3 ch produce<br />
dealer O H&L 1 auto 26 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Darrohn, W. E. (Ada) Miller T H&L 1<br />
auto 39 N Main St Ind tel.<br />
Dee, Katherine T H&L East St.<br />
Delano, E. A. farmer East St.<br />
Delano, E. L. (Jennie) ret T H&L 2h<br />
1 auto 1 truck East St Ind tel.<br />
Delano, Lottie B. East St.<br />
Dennis, George (Nellie) watchman O<br />
H&L East St.<br />
Desmond, Mrs. Kate (widow) O H&L 38<br />
Maplewood Ave.<br />
Despard, Mrs. Eliza (widow) N Main<br />
St B tel.<br />
Despard, William (Millicent) 2 ch implements<br />
O H&L 1 auto N Main St<br />
B tel.<br />
Dillon, William (Margaret) laborer O<br />
H&L Railroad St B tel.<br />
Dolbeer, Clara P. East St B tel.<br />
Dolbeer, W. C. (Nellie) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 9a H lh East St B tel.<br />
We have a record for courtesy<br />
and fair dealing <strong>of</strong> over fifty<br />
years<br />
Donahoe, Alice A. school teacher 80<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Donahoe, Leo J. student 80 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Donahoe, Patrick ret O H&L lc 1 auto<br />
80 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Druschel, Daniel (Lena) laborer 0 H&L<br />
Maplewood Ave.<br />
Druschel, Margaret telephone operator<br />
16 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Druschel, Fred (Rose) 1 ch laborer O<br />
H&L 16 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Duffy, Dee student York St.<br />
Duffy, Margaret student York St. B tel.<br />
Duffy, Peter (Alice) blacksmith O H&L<br />
1 auto York St.<br />
Duffy, Walter student York St.<br />
Durant, Dr. J. B. (Harriett) 2 ch dentist<br />
T H&L 54 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Dyer, Walter (Harriett) laborer T H&L<br />
2h N Main St.<br />
EarL Roy (Emily) 1 ch postmaster O<br />
H&L " auto East St B tel.<br />
Eberly, John laborer bds Maplewood<br />
Ave.<br />
Eberly, Mary O H&L Maplewood Ave.<br />
Ewer, Mary E. O H&L Yorks St B tel.<br />
Fairbairn, Mrs. Laura Jane (widow) O<br />
H&L Maplewood Ave B tel.<br />
Fairbairn, Robert J. (Eliza) cement<br />
work O 2a H&L East St B tel.<br />
Fairbairn, William J. (Inez) 1 eh mail<br />
carrier O H&L 1 auto East St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Fairchild, Mrs. C. H. (widow) 1 ch<br />
O H&L lh Ontario St B tel.<br />
Fiaschetti, Tony shoe shop O H&L 45<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Fifield, Frank (Nancy) 3 ch expressman<br />
O H&L lh East St B tel.<br />
Fifield, Frank (Mary) carpenter O H&L<br />
W Main St B tel.<br />
Finnegan, Mrs. Mary (widow) O H&L<br />
21 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Fisher, J. W. (Annie A.) nurseryman<br />
O H&L N Main St.<br />
Fitzgerald, Angela 41 N Main St B tel.<br />
Fitzgerald, J. F. (Elizabeth) merchant<br />
O H&L 41 N Main St B tel.<br />
Fowler, Charles (Alberta) 4 ch market<br />
gardener O 2%a lc N Main St B &<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Franees, Caroline teacher O 2a H&L<br />
W Main St.<br />
Frances, Charlotte teacher O 2a H&L<br />
W Main St B tel.<br />
Frank, Doris student East St.<br />
Bank <strong>of</strong> Honeoye Falls<br />
A. M. Holden, Banker<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Frank, Elliott (Francela) 4 ^h mail carrier<br />
O H&L 1 auto East St.<br />
Frank, Verda teacher East St.<br />
Freeman, G. P. (Leah) 4 ch sewing machine<br />
agent T H&L lh 2 autos Ind<br />
tel.<br />
French, Irene teacher Torks St.<br />
French, Mrs. Mary O H&L Yorks St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Fuller, A. G. (Ida) 2 ch laborer T H&L<br />
N Main St B tel.<br />
Garbutt, Mrs. Ellen (widow) T H&L<br />
50 Ontario St.<br />
Gates, Gertrude teacher W Main St.<br />
Gates, Mrs. Helen R. (widow) O H&L<br />
W Main St B tel.<br />
Gates, L. E. (Emily) plumber O H&L<br />
W Main St B tel.<br />
GELL, BENJ. (Elvira) 6 ch O H&L lc<br />
W Main St.<br />
Glasier, Martin (Matilda) cooper O<br />
H&L lc 81 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Glasier, Raymond auto repairer 88 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St.<br />
Gleason, James contractor O H&L 75<br />
Ontario St B tel.<br />
Gleason, Lizzie T H&L 75 Ontario St<br />
B tel.<br />
Glendon, Isabel East St.<br />
Glendon, John ret O H&L 1 auto East<br />
St.<br />
Goldsmith, Ferd W. (Clara) 4 ch police<br />
justice & barber T H&L 5 Episcopal<br />
Ave.<br />
GRACE, JOHN.<br />
Graham, Frank A. painter & paperhanger<br />
O H&L.<br />
Graham, F. P. (Emma) painter T H&L<br />
N Main St.<br />
Green, Mrs. Clara (widow) 1 ch T H&L<br />
East St.<br />
Green, E. A. (Josephine) ret 0 H&L<br />
1 auto 12 Church St B tel.<br />
Green, H. L. (Jessie M.) 1 ch farmer T<br />
H&L 2h 2c 1 auto Maplewood Ave<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Green, James R. ret 15 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B<br />
tel.<br />
Green, L. R. (Carrie) farmer O la H lh<br />
lc Yorks St Ind tel.<br />
Green, William (Rebecca) farmer 0 la<br />
2h lc Yorks St.<br />
Green, William, Jr. Yorks St.<br />
Griffin, Arthur H. (Mary) nurseryman<br />
T H&L N. Main St.<br />
Gross. Mrs. Bertha (widow) 1 ch T<br />
H W Main St.<br />
Guerney, James laborer 15 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Gustin, E. A. (Lydia J.) 1 ch janitor<br />
<strong>of</strong> school O H&L 81 Ontario St B<br />
tel.<br />
HALL, JESSE (Mary) 4 ch concrete &<br />
cement T H&L 2h 1 auto 54 N Main<br />
St B tel. See adv.<br />
Hanchet, Frank (Mary) farmer O H&L<br />
Yorks St Ind tel.<br />
HANFOKD. F. S.<br />
Harnish, E. K. (Josephine) 3 ch drug*<br />
gist telephone mgr O H&L 1 auto<br />
27 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Harnish, Jay (€ora) 1 eh druggist O<br />
H&L Yorks St B tel.<br />
Harris, Frank W. (Nevada) 3 ch baker<br />
0 H&L N Main St.<br />
Harris, • Mrs. Helen Cole (widow) O<br />
H&L Ontario St B tel.<br />
Harris, Mrs. Rebecca (widow) O H&L<br />
43 N Main St B tel.<br />
HART, FRANK (Minnie) 2 ch marble &<br />
granite O H&L 2 autos Hyde Park B -<br />
tel. See adv.<br />
Hart, Iolene Hyde Park.<br />
Hart, Raymond marble worker Hyde<br />
Park.<br />
Haul, Mark (Anna) painter lh Yorks<br />
St B tel.<br />
Hayes, Kate factory worker East St.<br />
Hayes. Mrs. Mary (widow) (O H&L East<br />
St.<br />
Headley, Allen laborer T H&L Episcopal<br />
Ave.<br />
Headley, Byron laborer O H&L Episcopal<br />
Ave.<br />
Heath, James M. (Anna J.) lawyer O<br />
H&L 31 N Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Hembrew, Harry (Madaline) property<br />
man T H W Main St.<br />
Herendeen, J. H. (Nellie) 3 ch clergyman<br />
T H&L 1 auto 18 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B<br />
tel.<br />
Hibbard, William- (Belle) 2 ch T H&L<br />
1 auto Hyde Park.<br />
Hill, Geo. (Ida C.) 1 ch carpenter O<br />
H&L 1 auto 57 Ontario St Ind tel.<br />
Hill, Levi 2 ch ret O H&L 41 Ontario<br />
St B tel.<br />
HOLDEN, A. M. (Lois) banker & insurance<br />
O H&L 1 auto W Main St B tel.<br />
See adv.<br />
Holden, Raleigh W. (Eleanor) 2 ch<br />
bank clerk O H&L 1 auto W Main St<br />
B tel.<br />
Holdridge, Mrs. John (widow) T H&L<br />
34 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Hook, George 1 ch hardware O H&L 1<br />
auto 52 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Hoskins, Chas. (Estella) ret O 2a H<br />
East St B tel.<br />
Hoyt, Edwin D. (Adelaide E.) ret O<br />
H&L lh Railroad St B tel.<br />
Hubbell, George (Henrietta) ret 0 H&L<br />
1 aujto West Main St B tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Hubbell, Gertrude West Main St.<br />
Hudson, Bernice E. 39 Maplewood Ave.<br />
Hudson, C. W. ret O H&L Maplewood<br />
Ave.<br />
Hudson, J. W. (Etta) manager Bean<br />
Elevator T H&L Locust St B tel.<br />
Hulse, Oliver (Edna) 2 ch printer T<br />
H&L East St Ind tel.<br />
Humphrey, Luman fanner bds 34 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
HUMPHREY, O. L. (Martha) coal lumber<br />
and cement O H&L lh 2 autos West<br />
Main St B tel. See adv.<br />
Hunt, A. H. (Harriet) 2 eh ret O H&L<br />
47 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Huntington, Mrs. Franc (widow) 1 ch<br />
O H&L 26 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Huntington, Franc 26 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Hurst, Mrs. Elizabeth B. (widow) O<br />
H&L Ontario St.<br />
Hutchinson, Charles laborer T H&L W"<br />
Main St<br />
Hutchinson, Frank (Mary L.) janitor<br />
O H&L 40 Maplewood Ave B tel.<br />
Ingraham, John farmer Hyde Park.<br />
Ingraham, R. J. (Emma) fanner O 12e<br />
1 H 2h 3c Hyde Park B tel.<br />
Ives, Charles S. (Myrtle) 2 ch molder<br />
0 H&L 2c Yorks St B tel.<br />
Ives, George W. (Katherine) molder T<br />
H&L West Main St.<br />
Johnson, Byron (Eunice) 1 ch ret O H&L<br />
Ontario St Ind tel.<br />
Johnson, George R. (Leola) 2 eh insurance<br />
agt O 20a lh 1 auto 53 Maplewood<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Jones, F. H. (Gertrude) truckman T<br />
H&L 2 trucks Maplewood Ave B tel.<br />
Jones, Harry (Christine) 2 ch guard R<br />
Water Works O H&L 43 Maplewood<br />
Ave.<br />
Kellogg, Dale W. laborer 15 Ontario St<br />
B tel.<br />
Kellogg, F. L. (Annette 1 ) 1 eh supt Gas<br />
Co T H&L 1 auto 24 Church St B tel.<br />
Kent, Edward (Clara) painter T H&L<br />
East St.<br />
Kent, Fred (Ida) 2 ch cigar mfr T H&L<br />
1 auto 41 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Kent, Sherman (Mary) painter O H&L<br />
16 Maplewood Ave.<br />
Kenyon. C. merchant miller O H&L 1<br />
auto N Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Keppler. Harry (Mary) 1 ch woodworker<br />
O H&L B tel.<br />
Killins. Abraham (Brownie) supt Water<br />
Works O H&L 1 auto 56 <strong>Monroe</strong> St<br />
B tel.<br />
KNOETZ, A. J. electrical contractor. See<br />
adv.<br />
Kramer, Frank (Lillian) teamster T<br />
H&L 3h East St.<br />
La Mont, Mrs. Elizabeth (widow) clerk<br />
O H&L 35 N Main St.<br />
Lange, C. S. (Fannie H.) 5 ch millwright<br />
O H&L 43 Ontario St B &<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Lange, Harriet E. student 43 Ontario<br />
St. B & Ind tels.<br />
Lange, Mrs. S. (widow) O H&L 22 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Lay, B. Griffin coal dealer 11 Railroad<br />
Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
Lay, Harry auto mechanic bds 11 Railroad<br />
Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
Lay, Mrs. William (widow) coal dealer<br />
O H&L lh 1 auto 11 Railroad Ave<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Lee, Oscar (Margaret) barber T Yorks<br />
St.<br />
"Lerch, Estella telephone operator, 1 Episcopal<br />
Ave.<br />
Lerch, Florence telephone operator 1<br />
Episcopal Ave B tel.<br />
Lerch, George laborer T H&L 1 Episcopal<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Lereh, Louise telephone operator 1 Episcopal<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Leyden, Mrs. Sarah (widow) O H&L 35<br />
Maplewood Ave B tel.<br />
Lillibridge, Benj. druggist East St.<br />
Lillibridge, Chas. chauffeur East St.<br />
65<br />
LILLIBRIDGE, JAMES (May) druggist O<br />
H&L 1 auto East St Ind tel.<br />
Lillibridge, John chauffeur 9 <strong>Monroe</strong> St<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Lillibridge, Mrs. Louise (widow) O 2a<br />
H&L East St Ind tel.<br />
Lillibridge, Marv asst postmistress East<br />
St.<br />
Lillibridge, William (Margaret) laborer<br />
O H&L East St.<br />
Lord, A. H. (Jennie) bookkeeper O H&L<br />
80 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Lord. Chester E. (Ethel) carpenter T<br />
H&L Church St.<br />
Lotee, Mrs. Ann E. (widow) part owner<br />
H&L Ontario St B tel.<br />
Lotee, E. Louise music teacher part<br />
owner H&L Ontario St B tel.<br />
Lotee, Frances B. school teacher part<br />
owner H&L Ontario St B tel.<br />
Lunemaker, W. G. (Mary) 7 ch miller<br />
Yorks St.<br />
Lytle, Alma school teacher Church St.<br />
Lytle, Mrs. Dora (widow) O H&L Church<br />
St.<br />
Lytle, Edith school teacher O H&L<br />
Church St.<br />
Lytle, Helen school teacher Church St.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
McCann, Richard (Kate) laborer O H&L<br />
2c S Church St.<br />
McCarthy, M. H. (Edith) 1 ch carpenter<br />
T H&L S Church St B tel.<br />
McClain, Alec (Margaret) 1 ch mason T<br />
H&L 1 auto Railroad St.<br />
McClain, Ernest Railroad St.<br />
McClain, Ruth nursing Railroad St.<br />
McCloy, James (Bertha) cooper O H&L<br />
40 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
McDonald, Andrew (Minnie) 6 ch livery<br />
and farmer O H&L 15h 2c 1 auto<br />
37 N Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
McKenzie, Alfred clerk East St.<br />
McKenzie, Mrs. Kate (widow) O H&L<br />
East St.<br />
McKenzie, Neal East St.<br />
McKenzie, William 1 ch cooper T H<br />
East St.<br />
McKinney, Minnie East St.<br />
McKinney, Warren (Mary) ret O H&L<br />
East St.<br />
McMahon, John clerk T East St.<br />
McMahon. Mrs. John (widow) O H&L<br />
East Si<br />
McOmber, Guy (Berniee) 2 ch jeweler<br />
O H&L 31 Maplewood Ave Ind tel.<br />
MacVean, E. Arnold (Irene) 2 ch manager<br />
Federal Tel Co T H&L 43 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Maitland, Margaret teacher 39 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St.<br />
Maitland, Richard (Sarah) 2 ch ret O<br />
H&L 39 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Maloney, James E. (Mary E.) 2 ch carpenter<br />
T H&L 80 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Marasco, Joseph (Angelina) 5 ch laborer<br />
0 H&L Paper Mill St.<br />
Marlatt, Ella West Main St B tel.<br />
Marlatt, Horace sexton O H&L West<br />
Main St B tel.<br />
Marlatt, H. R. (Myra) physician T H&L<br />
1 auto 30 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Marlatt, Jennie West Main St B tel.<br />
Marr, Clara L. school teacher <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Marr, Patrick (Katie M.) ret O H&L<br />
lh <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Martin, Carrie stenographer O H&L<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Martin, Ellen 16 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Martin, Elvira teacher O H&L <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Martin, Grace M. 15 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Martin, James R. attorney O H&L <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Martin, John D. (Gertrude) 2 ch piano<br />
dealer O H&L 15 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Martin, Mrs. Louise (widow) 5 ch 0<br />
H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
66<br />
Martin, Lucille teacher O H&L <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Martin, Mary teacher O H&L <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Mason, Clyde laborer 17 Railroad Ave<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Mason, Ella T H&L N Main St.<br />
Mason, Mrs. Jennie C. (widow) hotel<br />
O H&L 17 Railroad Ave Ind tel.<br />
Mason, Mary E. housework T H&L N<br />
Main St.<br />
Mason, Wealthy T H&L N Main St.<br />
Mattern, George (Emma) 6 eh laborer<br />
T H&L Yorks St Ind tel.<br />
Mattern, Myrtle kodak employee Yorks<br />
St.<br />
Menihan, M. J. (Mary) 1 eh wagonmaker<br />
O H&L lc 1 auto East Ave B<br />
tel.<br />
Merkle, George J. laborer Yorks St.<br />
Mevers, Mrs. Mary (widow) 4 ch O<br />
H&L East St.<br />
Meyers, Raymond miller East St.<br />
Miller, Clara Maplewood Ave.<br />
Miller, Mrs. Mary (widow) O H&L<br />
Maplewood Ave.<br />
Milton, Samuel (Jane) laborer O H&L<br />
East St B tel.<br />
M<strong>of</strong>fitt, Harland (Edna) 1 ch clerk T<br />
H&L 18 Church St B tel.<br />
M<strong>of</strong>fitt, Mrs. Sarah nurse 3 Episcopal<br />
Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
Montague, Mrs. Margaret (widow) T<br />
H Yorks St B tel.<br />
Morrison, Mrs. Agnes (widow) bds 40<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Nau, Elma W Main St.<br />
Nau, Fred C. (Georgia) undertaker 0<br />
H&L W Main St B tel.<br />
Nau, William J. (Belle) undertaker O<br />
H&L Locust St B & Ind tels.<br />
Neal, Albert (Sophie) vinegar mfr T<br />
H&L 48 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Neal, A.B. (Margaret B.) 1 ch vinegar<br />
mfr T 4c. Ontario St B tel.<br />
Nenardo, Dominick (Mary) 3 ch O H&L<br />
Pier St.<br />
Nichols, Farrie bookkeeper 82 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Nichols, John D. (Ida) 2 ch teamster<br />
T H&L 17 <strong>Monroe</strong> St Ind tel.<br />
NICHOLS, WILLIAM F. (Rosella) 1 ch<br />
supervisor tracks L V R R T H&L 82<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Nixon, C. E. (Ella) woodworker O<br />
H&L Locust St.<br />
Noades, Angelyn teacher O H&L 33<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> St,<br />
Noades, Edward ret T H&L 33 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Noades, Elizabeth O H&L 33 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St.<br />
Nolan, Grace 31 Ontario St Ind tel.<br />
Noonan, John 1 ch ret O H&L 49 Maplewood<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Noonan, Marie 49 Maplewood Ave B<br />
tel.<br />
Nowack, Pred (Augusta) 6 ch laborer<br />
T H&L Railroad St.<br />
Nowack, Pred, Jr. R R employee Railroad<br />
St.<br />
Nowack, Mattie waitress Railroad St.<br />
Nowack, Minnie canning factory worker<br />
Railroad St.<br />
NOXON, J. D. (P. J.) ret O H&L lh<br />
13 Locust St B tel.<br />
O'Brien, Harry L editor Honeoye Falls<br />
Times 1 auto <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
O'Brien, Mathew Edward (Margaret) 3<br />
eh guard at State Industrial School<br />
O H&L 9 S Church St B tel.<br />
O'Brien, William (Prances M.) 2 ch<br />
printer & editor O H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> St B<br />
tel.<br />
O'Brien, William McKendry editor<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Osborn, Gaylord F. canning factory<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Osborn, Leon (Catherine) 1 eh canning<br />
factory T H&L 65 Ontario St B tel.<br />
OSBORN, W. H. (Lillian) 1 ch canning<br />
faetory O H&L 1 auto <strong>Monroe</strong> St B<br />
& Ind tels. See adv.<br />
Palmer, Cloyd electrician Church St.<br />
Palmer, Elmo mechanic W Main St.<br />
PALHKR, ELTON (Margaret) farmer 117a<br />
6h 18e 1 auto W Main St B tel.<br />
Palmer, Mrs. Emma (widow) 1 eh T<br />
H&L Church St.<br />
Palmer, Kern (Graee) farmer T W<br />
Main St Ind tel.<br />
PALIOB, WM.<br />
Palo, Tracy (Graee) 2 ch laborer O<br />
H&L East St.<br />
Park, E. H. (Nettie) grocer O H&L<br />
lh W Main St B tel.<br />
Park, Frank (Anna) 2 eh supt water<br />
works T H&L 1 auto Ontario St B<br />
teL<br />
Park, Mrs. Georgiana W Main St.<br />
Parkhurst, Emily O H&L 37 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Parkhurgt, Malvina O H&L 37 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Parks, Daniel carpenter O H&L Ontario<br />
St B tel.<br />
Parmalee, Ralph 66 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Parmelee, Clarence (Vallie) painter T<br />
H&L S Church St.<br />
Parmelee, Howard (Genevieve) painter<br />
T H&L Ontario St.<br />
Parraelee, Isaac (Florence B.) painter<br />
paperhanger O H&L 1 auto 66 Ontario<br />
St B tel.<br />
Paul, Kathreen student Yorks St.<br />
Peer, B. 1 ch real estate O H&L 31<br />
Ontario St Ind tel.<br />
Peet, Mary T H East St B tel.<br />
Peterson, Will (Katherine) 4 ch laborer<br />
T H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Pierce, Addison (Josephine) 1 ch traveling<br />
salesman T H&L 1 auto 76 Ontario<br />
St Ind tel.<br />
Pieree, Charles (Grace) bank clerk O<br />
H&L 1 auto 24 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Pieree, Clara B. 52 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Pierce, Mrs. E. S. (widow) 25 Ontario<br />
St B tel.<br />
PIERCE, FRANK M. (Melvina) ret O H&L<br />
52 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Pierce, Leonard canning faetory 76 Ontario<br />
St Irid tel.<br />
Polini, Guy (Mary) 3 ch fruit O 2<br />
autos East St B & Ind tels.<br />
PORTER, JOSEPH (Johanna) laborer T<br />
H&L 11 Locust St.<br />
Potter, Frank (Clara) millinery T H&L<br />
14 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Prescott, Frank (Emma) 2 ch laborer T<br />
H&L 9 S Church St.<br />
Price, Charles B. (Celestia) cooper T<br />
H&L Railroad Ave.<br />
Pride, J. M. (Maria) 1 ch hardware<br />
& genl mdse O H&L 13 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B<br />
tel.<br />
Pride, Raymond (Edith) 2 ch hardware<br />
O H&L W Main St B tel.<br />
Reese, Howard B. (Jennie) 1 ch track<br />
foreman T H&L 90 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Reeves, A. B. (Jessie) 1 c produce 1<br />
auto 12 Church St B tel.<br />
Reeves, Carleton elerk 12 Church St B<br />
tel.<br />
Richards, Angelina clerk Ontario St.<br />
Richardson, W. Frank (Vida) woodworker<br />
O H&L N 'Main St.<br />
Riley, Patrick (Sarah) 7 ch section<br />
foreman T H&L Railroad Ave.<br />
Rittenhouse, Arthur E. (Flora) 1 ch<br />
electrician O H&L East St B tel.<br />
67<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Ritzenthaler, Pierce (Mary) 1 ch pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />
in mason work concrete etc<br />
0 H&L 43 <strong>Monroe</strong> St Ind tel.<br />
Rood, Vernon J. (Jennie) supt furniture<br />
factory T H&L 1 auto Maplewood<br />
Ave B tel.<br />
Rotzel, Grace teacher W Main St. .<br />
Rotzel, Warren R. (Alice S.) ret O H&L<br />
1 auto W Main St Ind tel.<br />
Rowan, Mary 13 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Rumsey, Mrs. Emily (widow) N Main<br />
St.<br />
Rumsey, Floyd teamster O H&L.<br />
Salter, Jay (Gladys) 1 ch produce dealer<br />
O H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> St B & Ind tels.<br />
Sanford, Mrs. Mary (widow) 1 ch stenographer<br />
O H&L 54 <strong>Monroe</strong> St.<br />
Schallmam, Josep (Mary) road commissioner<br />
O H&L 1 auto 46 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B<br />
teL<br />
Scheck, C. C. (Charlotte) 1 eh pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />
in school T H&L 1 auto 32 Ontario<br />
St B tel.<br />
Scott, Henry (Maria) ret O H&L lh<br />
East St.<br />
Semmel, Mrs. Gertrude F. (widow) O<br />
H&L 1 auto East St B tel.<br />
Semmel, John (Elizabeth) farmer O<br />
H&L Maplewood Ave.<br />
Semmel, Matilda East St.<br />
Semmel, William (Marjory) farmer O<br />
H&L Ontario St B tel.<br />
Seymour, Michael (Katherine) 2 ch<br />
hardware O H&L East St B tel.<br />
Shaffer Edna part owner 2a <strong>Monroe</strong> St<br />
B tel.<br />
Shaffer, Maude part owner 2a <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Sheldon, Mrs. Lulu (widow) Yorks St.<br />
Shepard, V. L. (Mabel) foreman for<br />
contractor O H&L 1 auto 18 Ontario<br />
St B tel.<br />
SHERMAN, MRS. L. E.<br />
Shuart, C. A. (Frances) 1 ch attorney<br />
O H&L Ontario St B tel.<br />
Shuart, Dorothy stenographer Ontario<br />
' St B tel.<br />
Smallidge, Floyd (Charlotte) 3 ch laborer<br />
O H&L 2 trucks 1 auto Railroad<br />
St.<br />
Smith, Ernest U. (Vallie C.) photographer<br />
O H&L Ontario St B tel.<br />
Smith, Sheldon (Allie) 1 ch meat cutter<br />
O H&L 2h 1 auto 22 Church St B tel.<br />
Smith, William Henry (Sarah R.) clergyman<br />
O H&L 1 auto 39 Ontario St B<br />
tel.<br />
Snoddy, James L. (Blanche) 5 ch machinist<br />
T H&L Yorks St.<br />
Snooks, Fred G. (Annis) relief agt<br />
L V R R T H&L 1 auto 30 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Starr, Mrs. M. K. (widow) O H&L 16<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Stefano, John (<strong>The</strong>resa) 3 ch farmer<br />
O 7a Paper Mill St.<br />
Stefano, Melly Paper Mill St.<br />
Steffen, Mrs. Charles 2 ch T H&L Pier<br />
St.<br />
Sterling, Elizabeth T H East St.<br />
Stetner, Fred (Ha) 2 ch vulcanizing<br />
works T H&L N Main St B tel.<br />
Stillwell, I. D. ret T H&L 3 Episcopal -<br />
Ave B & Ind tels.<br />
Stirges, Ray (Lyda) expressman T H&L<br />
lh 35 N Main St B tel.<br />
Stoudinger, George farmer W Main St.<br />
Stoudinger, Mike (Rachel) ret T H&L<br />
lh W Main St B tel.<br />
Sturgess, Mrs. Alice (widow) T H&L<br />
13 Church St.<br />
Swan, Helen clerk Hyde Park.<br />
Swan, Lillie telephone operator Hyde<br />
Park.<br />
Swan, Sanford B. (Adelle H.) 4 eh laborer<br />
T H&L Hyde Park.<br />
Tanner, Richard (Florence) supt canning<br />
company T H&L 49 Ontario St.<br />
Thompson, Erastus (Pearl) veterinarian<br />
0 H&L 2 autos 69 Ontario St B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Thompson, Mrs. Nellie C. (widow) 1 ch<br />
N Main St B tel.<br />
Thompson, Sarah 1 nurse <strong>Monroe</strong> St B<br />
tel.<br />
THUBSTON, L. E.<br />
Tiffany, E. H. (M. E.) 1 ch court attendant<br />
O H&L 45 Maplewood Ave B<br />
tel.<br />
Tomkinson, Roscoe (Marilla) 1 ch merchant<br />
miller T H&L N Main St Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Tring, W. H. (Narcissa) ret O 10a lh<br />
4 autos N Main St B tel.<br />
Tripp, H. A. (Emma) ret O l%a lh Ontario<br />
St B tel.<br />
Tubbs, Raymond laborer 31 <strong>Monroe</strong> St<br />
B tel.<br />
Tucker, Michael (Ruby) laborer O H&L<br />
1 auto W Main St.<br />
Vahue, Clara Bell bookkeeper N Main<br />
St B tel.<br />
Vallance, Bruce 2 ch miller O H&L 48<br />
<strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
Vallanee, Geo. (Belle) supt flour mill O<br />
H&L 1 auto 29 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel. '<br />
Varney, Frances bookkeeper S Church<br />
St. 68
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Varney, George (Dora) 1 ch laundryman<br />
O H&L 19 Church St.<br />
Varney, Harold D. canning factory 19<br />
Church St.<br />
Varney, Seymour 2 ch laborer T H&L<br />
S Church St.<br />
Walker, Calvin (Lydia) 1 ch nurseryman<br />
part owner 18a lc 13 Maplewood<br />
Ave Ind tel.<br />
Ward, D. C. (Martha) ret T H&L 61<br />
Ontario St B tel.<br />
Warren, Augustus (Hannah) farmer O<br />
H&L 1 auto 64 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Warren, Bert (Mattie) 1 ch foreman O<br />
H&L 59 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Warren, Flossie bookkeeper & stenographer<br />
64 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Washburn, Mrs. Henrietta (widow) N<br />
Main St.<br />
Welch, Lottie dressmaking T H&L <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St B tel.<br />
Welch, Michael (Margaret) 4 ch section<br />
foreman T la Maplewood Ave.<br />
Wells, Wesley (Florence) laborer T<br />
H&L Railroad Ave.<br />
Wettling, Mark (Nettie) dentist O<br />
H&L 1 auto East St B tel.<br />
Wheeler, Mrs. Lavina (widow) 37 Ontario<br />
St B tel.<br />
WHITE, BKNJ. (Dora) 3 ch physician O<br />
H&L 2c 1 auto East St B tel.<br />
White, Walter wood finisher O H&L<br />
East St.<br />
Wiggins, Ida nurse T H&L 46 Ontario<br />
St B tel.<br />
Wilcox, Mrs. Marion (widow) O H&L<br />
2h 8 <strong>Monroe</strong> St B tel.<br />
WILKINSON, MILES (Ella) farmer O<br />
H&L lh Ontario St.<br />
Wilkinson, Samuel (Carrie) ret O H&L<br />
lh W Main St Ind tel.<br />
Williams, Andrew, Jr. (Ethel) cigarmaker<br />
T H&L lh Railroad Ave B tel.<br />
Williams, Andrew (Mary) clock rerepairer<br />
O H&L lh Railroad St.<br />
Williams, Charles (Jennie) 2 eh ret O<br />
H&L lh Ontario St.<br />
Williams, Fred (Emma) 1 ch laborer O<br />
H&L East St.<br />
Williams, Roy (Fannie) cigarmaker O<br />
H&L 1 auto W Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
Wilson, Frank B. painter and paperhanger<br />
T H&L 1 auto 77 Ontario St<br />
B tel.<br />
Wilson, Mrs. Mary M. (widow) 1 ch O<br />
H&L 77 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Wing, Mabel M. clerk Torks St.<br />
Wing, <strong>The</strong>o. H. O H&L Yorks St.<br />
Wing, Wallace S. (Isabella) ret O H&L<br />
1 auto Yorks St B tel.<br />
Witt, Frank (Anna) 1 ch nurseryman<br />
T H&L Ind tel.<br />
Wolfsburger, Fred (Sarah) merchant O<br />
3a H&L 2 autos East St.<br />
Wren, Frederick John telegraph pperator<br />
Railroad Ave.<br />
Wren, Mrs. Mary E. (widow) ticket<br />
agent N Y C R R T H&L Railroad<br />
Ave.<br />
Wright, Henry (Luella) laborer O H&L<br />
12 Locust St.<br />
Yates, Norman S. (Catharine K.) agent<br />
L V R R O H&L 1 auto 44 <strong>Monroe</strong><br />
St.<br />
Yeomans, Louise clerk Ontario St.<br />
Yeomans, Mrs. Mary (widow) T H&L<br />
14 Ontario St B tel.<br />
Yorks, Corabelle stenographer W Main<br />
St.<br />
YORKS, HENRY (Cora) O Yorks Foundry<br />
& Machine Shop O 5a W Main St B<br />
tel.<br />
Yorks, May bookkeeper O H&L W<br />
Main St B & Ind tels.<br />
YORKS, RAYEN T. (Sibyl) garage &<br />
foundry T H&L 1 auto W Main St B<br />
tel. See adv.<br />
Young, Mrs. Jerome (widow) T H&L<br />
13 Church St B tel.<br />
Young, Jessie telephone operator 13<br />
Church St B tel.<br />
ZAVITZ, WILLIAM C. (Mary) 1 ch clerk O<br />
H&L 74 <strong>Monroe</strong> St Ind tel.<br />
H. B. Graves Co.,<br />
69<br />
Homes furnished<br />
with quality, economy,<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
All kinds <strong>of</strong> Auto<br />
Accessories<br />
Electric Goods<br />
Dry Batteries<br />
Storage Batteries<br />
Flashlight<br />
Batteries, Etc.<br />
<strong>Farm</strong> Electric Lighting<br />
Plants Complete<br />
$260 and<br />
up<br />
Automobilists<br />
We are Trouble<br />
Experts on<br />
Starters,<br />
Generators and<br />
Ignition Systems<br />
Bring your Batteries to<br />
us for winter- storage.<br />
Knortz Electric Co. HONEOYE FALLS<br />
Bell 156-J—27-W. Phones Home 683
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
East Avenue, Brighton, N. Y., or Road to Pittsford.<br />
ABBREVIATIONS.—a, means acres; bds, boards; B tel, Bell Telephone; 4 ch, 4 children;<br />
H&L, house and lot; Iron 10, Iromlequoit Township Road Xo. 10; O, owns; Rl, <strong>Rural</strong> Route<br />
No. 1; ret, retired; T, tenant; 4h, 4 horses; 2c, 2 cattle.<br />
<strong>The</strong> abbreviations used for the Townships <strong>of</strong> <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> are as follows:<br />
Brighton, Bri.<br />
Chili, Chi.<br />
Clarkson, Clar.<br />
Gates, Gat.<br />
Greece, Gre.<br />
Hamlin, Ham.<br />
Henrietta, Henr.<br />
Irondequoit, Iron.<br />
Mendon, Men.<br />
Ogden, Ogd.<br />
Parma, Par.<br />
Penfield, Penf.<br />
Perinton, Per.<br />
Pittsfield, Ptsfld.<br />
Pittsford, Pitt.<br />
Riga, Riga.<br />
Rush, Rush.<br />
Sweden, Swe.<br />
Webster, Web.<br />
Wheatland, Whtld.<br />
Names in CAPITALS are those <strong>of</strong> <strong>Farm</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> subscribers—always the most intelligent<br />
and progressive people in any county. No Tumbledowns, for no farmer can keep on reading<br />
the F. J. and being a Tumbledown, too. Many have tried, but all have to quit one or the other.<br />
Abbott, Mrs. Esther (widow) Dunning<br />
Av Webster.<br />
Abbott, Prank N. (Alice) 1 eh traveling<br />
salesman T 63a 3h 3e 2 pigs Rl Henrietta<br />
Henr 65 B tel.<br />
Abbott, George, (Martha) 3 ch assistant<br />
superintendent quarry O H&L lh Main<br />
St Mumford B tel.<br />
71<br />
Abbott, George- \V. locomotive engineer<br />
Main St Mumford B tel.<br />
Abbott, H. O. clergyman Lapham Pk<br />
Webster.<br />
Abbott, H. S. (Frances) 2 ch fanner<br />
O 15a 2h lc 1 auto Rl Webster<br />
Web 54 B tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Abbott, Jane Louise, chief telephone operator<br />
Main St Mumford B tel.<br />
Abbott, Mrs. Margaret 2 ch Rochester st<br />
Scottsville Whtld.<br />
Abbs, William Edward (Annie E.) ret 0<br />
H&L 1 auto E Jefferson Road Pittsford<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Abel, John P. (Margaret) 2 ch farming<br />
0 148a 6h 2c 5 pigs R2 Went Henrietta<br />
Henr 29.<br />
Able, John (Catherine) 2 ch farmer O<br />
109a 4h 6c R2 Spencerport Par 78.<br />
Abraius, George (Alta) 2 ch cooper O 5a<br />
1 auto R2 Webster Web 30.<br />
ABRAMS, JAMES (Gertrude) 1 ch night<br />
watchman T H&L 1 pig Rl Brighton<br />
Station Bri 37.<br />
Abrams, James farmer T 5a lh R2 Webster<br />
Web 30.<br />
Abrams, James (Ida) 3 ch farmer and<br />
cooper O 19a lh lc 2 hogs R2 Webster<br />
Web 56 B tel.<br />
Abrams, Will (Harriett) 8 ch farmer O<br />
15a 3h lc 2 hogs Rl W Webster<br />
Web 13.<br />
Abrey, William (Elizabeth) 2 ch gardener<br />
O H&L R3 Brighton Station Bri<br />
45%.<br />
Abshagen, Charles (Laura) 3 eh farmer<br />
T Brockport Swe 25.<br />
Acker, Wm. (Clara) 2 ch laborer O 6a<br />
Rl Pittsford Per 12.<br />
Ackerman, Peter (Catherine) farmer O<br />
18a 2h 2c Rl Scottsville Chi 48.<br />
Ackley, Edward (Gertrude) 2 ch laborer<br />
T 6a 2h R2 Honeoye Falls Men. 91.<br />
Ackley, Ira (Olive) laborer T H&L R2<br />
Honeoye Falls Men 91.<br />
Adams, Albert J. (Ruth). 5 ch manager<br />
feed store O H&L R3 Brighton Station<br />
Bri 45%.<br />
Adams, Alexander 1 ch laborer T H&L<br />
Rl Barnard Gre 76 B tel.<br />
Adams, Andrew (Caroline) 2 ch Sperry<br />
Milling Co. T H&L R3 Brighton Station<br />
Bri 45%.<br />
Adams, Bert (Jennie) 9 ch farmer T<br />
62a 2h 2c 8 hogs R3 Churehville Riga<br />
32.<br />
Adams, Charles (Roxena) 6 ch farmer 0<br />
74a 4h 2c R2 Churchville Riga 50 B<br />
tel.<br />
Adams, Charles B. (Eva T.) 2 ch laborer<br />
O H&L lc N Main St Churchville.<br />
Adams, Chauncey (Alice) 2 ch farmer O<br />
83a 5h 3c 9 hogs 1 auto R2 Spencerport<br />
Par 38 B tel.<br />
Adams, C. (Arabelle) clothier T H&L<br />
R2 Brighton Station Bri 8%.<br />
ADAMS, MRS. C. F. JR. Mumford.<br />
Adams, David (Laura) 5 ch laborer T<br />
H&L R3 Brighton Station Bri 49.<br />
Adams, Edward (Rose) 3 ch laborer T<br />
H&L 1 auto R2 Brighton Station Bri<br />
34%.<br />
Adams, Elmer (Mary) 4 ch teamster O<br />
H&L 2h North Greece Gre 12.<br />
Adams, Erwin J. (Effie G.)' 1 ch bookkeeper<br />
O la Rl Barnard Gre 105 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Adams, E. J. (S. Gertrude) 5 ch farmer<br />
O 150a 5h 20e R3 Spencerport Ogd 11<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Adams, Frank (Mary) 4 ch farmer O<br />
54a 2h 2c' 1 auto Rl W Webster<br />
Web 16.<br />
Adams, Frank Jr. farmhand Rl W Webster<br />
Web 16.<br />
Adams, Frank S. (Clara) 5 ch farmer O<br />
61a 5h 9c 12 hogs Rl Churchville Riga<br />
58<br />
Adams, Fred C. (Lydia) 1 ch farmer O<br />
17a 2h 1 pig Rl Barnard Gre 34 B tel.<br />
Adams, George F. (Elizabeth) 3 ch<br />
teamster T l%a 3h Rl Barnard Gre<br />
Adams, Mrs. Harriet (widow) T H&L<br />
Rl Barnard Gre 76 B tel.<br />
ADAS, JAMES L. (Grace) farming T<br />
133a 7h 5c 50 sheep 4 hogs R2 Spencerport<br />
Par 33 Ind tel.<br />
Adams, John (Mary) laborer Q H&L lh<br />
R2 ChuTchville Riga 47.<br />
Adams,-John (Caroline), gardener O 2a<br />
R3 Brighton Station Bri 45%.<br />
Adams, John (Rose) 5 ch laborer T<br />
H&L Rl .Brighton Station Bri 34%.<br />
Adams, L. W. (Ella H.) farmer O 118a<br />
7h 8c 12 hogs 1 auto Ri Adams Basin<br />
Ogd 13 B & Ind tels.<br />
Adams, Mary Helen Rl Adams Basin<br />
Ogd 8 B & Ind tels.<br />
Adams, Milo J. (Harriet A.) farmer O<br />
112a 6h 4c Rl Adams Basin Ogd 8<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Adams,* Milton B. farming O 52a 3h<br />
6c 6 pigs Rl Chili Station Chi 4 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Adams, Myron O. (Helen) driver O<br />
H&L lh North St Penfield.<br />
Adams, M. Earl farmer T 112a Rl Adams<br />
Basin Ogd 8 B & Ind tels.<br />
Adams, S. J. (Vivian) 1 ch' farmer O<br />
40a 3h 3e 1 auto R2 Spencerport Par<br />
38 B tel.<br />
Adams, Thomas (Pearl) 2 ch chauffeur<br />
T H&L North Greece.<br />
ADAMS, WIZARD (Elizabeth) 3 ch farmer<br />
T 70a 2h 5c R2 Churchville Riga<br />
30 Ind tel.<br />
Adams, William (Marie) 2 ch assembler<br />
O H&L R3 Brighton Station Bri<br />
46%.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Adamson, Jno (Sophia) farmer and laborer<br />
O H&L Bl Fairport Per 34.<br />
Adriance, George (Carrie) 2 ch laborer<br />
T H&L Rl PittsfoTd Per 15.<br />
Aeis, John (Overmeire) farmer O 10a<br />
lh Rl Lincoln Park Gat 38 B tel.<br />
Affolter, L. P. (Susan) 1 ch dairying O<br />
74a 4h 15c 11 hogs 1 auto truck R2<br />
E Rochester Penf 68 B tel.<br />
Agate, John (Mary) ret O H&L Main<br />
St Pittsford Ind tel.<br />
Agate, John H. (Nellie) lawyer O H&L<br />
Rand Place Pittsford.<br />
Ageate, Charles (Rose) 2 ch farmer O<br />
35a 2h 4c 2 pigs Rl Henrietta Henr<br />
83.<br />
Aggate, Frank (Beulah) farmer O 90a<br />
3h*3c R3 Pitteford Pitt 20.<br />
Aggate, Harriet R3 Pittsford Pitt.<br />
Aglfrich, Anna school teacher bds<br />
Maplewood Av Spencerport.<br />
Aglfrich, George P. (Anna) 2 ch mason<br />
O H&L lh Maplewood Av Spencerport.<br />
Aglfrich, Phillip (Emily) 2 eh machinist<br />
O H&L Maplewood Av Spencerport.<br />
Agnew, S. H. (Florence) 1 ch manager<br />
East Ave Tennis Club T 10^a 2h Rl<br />
Pittsford Pitt 37 B tel.<br />
Ahrns, Charles (Mamie) 2 ch farmer T<br />
69a 3h 3c 4 hogs R2 Hilton Par 73<br />
B teL<br />
Ahrns, Fred (Lena) gardener O H&L<br />
lh 1 pig R2 Barnard Gre 22.<br />
Aikost, Charles * (Minnie) farmer T<br />
H&L lc Rl Morton Ham 7.<br />
Ainsworth, George ret bds with W. H.<br />
Gates Walker Ham 63 B tel.<br />
Ainsworth, George (Etta) farmer O 38a<br />
R2 Barnard Ogd 99.<br />
Ainsworth, Matt laborer West Av Hilton<br />
B teL<br />
Akins, H. F. (Carrie) 2 ch carpenter O<br />
H&L Stokes St R2 Brighton Station<br />
BrL<br />
Albert, Clara Louise (dau Frank) North<br />
Bloomfield Men 30 B tel.<br />
Albert, Francis Herbert (son Frank)<br />
farmer North Bloomfield Men 30 B tel.<br />
Albert, Frank (Joanna) 3 ch farmer T<br />
135a 7h 4c 55 sheep 11 hogs North<br />
Bloomfield Men 30 B tel.<br />
Albert, Marguerite (dau Frank) North<br />
Bloomfield Men 30 B tel.<br />
Albert, R. (Ella) 1 ch farmer O 234a<br />
lOh 30c 12 hogs Rl Rochester Junction<br />
Men 38 B tel.<br />
Albertson, Lewis C. (Carrie) farmer T<br />
H&L lh R2 Honeoye Falls Men 40.<br />
Albertson, Oscar (Ellie) farmer T lh<br />
lc Rl West Rush Rush 19.<br />
Albiker, Andrew (Philinda) stone mason<br />
O H&L Railroad Av Hilton B, tel.<br />
Albiker, Mina E. bookkeeper Railroad<br />
Av Hilton B tel.<br />
Albiker, Nellie, Railroad Av Hilton B<br />
tel.<br />
Albiston, James (Carrie) 2 ch traveling<br />
salesman O 8a Rl West Webster Web<br />
14 B tel.<br />
Albright, Isaac (Carrie) 3 ch farmer O<br />
21a 2h lc 2 hogs R2 Webster Web 59<br />
B tel.<br />
Albright, .James (Minnie) laborer O<br />
H&L Dunning Av Webster B tel.<br />
Alcoek, Herbert (Mary) 3 ch blacksmith<br />
T H&L Rl West Henrietta Henr 26<br />
B tel.<br />
Alcoek, Jesse (Mable) 2 eh gardener T<br />
H&L Irondequoit Iron 23.<br />
Alcoek, Robert (Louise) 1 eh gardener<br />
T H&L Rl Irondequoit Iron 21.<br />
Aldrich, Robert (Deborah) 1 ch laborer<br />
T H&L R4 Charlotte Gre 107.<br />
Alelunas, John farm hand R3 Pittsford<br />
Pitt 28 Ind teL<br />
Alexander, Dangerfield (Ethel) farmer<br />
T H&L Scottsville Whtld 57 B tel.<br />
Alexander, Emily Wivel Av Seottsville.<br />
Alexander, George (Annie) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 117a 5h 5c R2 Churehville Riga 24<br />
B tel.<br />
Alexander, George, Jr. (Ruth) farmer<br />
T 167a 7h 3c Rl Churehville Riga 59<br />
B tel.<br />
Alexander Jno (Millie) farmer O 50a<br />
3h 2e 1 auto Scottsville Whtld 57.<br />
Alexander, Mrs. Mary (widow) O H&L<br />
Wivel Av Scottsville.<br />
Alexander, O. (Lucy) mechanic T H&L<br />
Kircher Pk Webster.<br />
Alexander, Phillip (Nellie) 1 eh farmer<br />
part owner lll^a 6h 5c 10 hogs Rl<br />
Chili Station Riga 49.<br />
Alexander, Richard (Mattie) 7 ch farmer<br />
T H&L Wivel Av Seottsville.<br />
Alexander, Robert farmhand R2 Churchville<br />
Riga 24 B tel.<br />
Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings,<br />
B. J. Fryatt Department Store<br />
f—.rrriilSL<br />
73<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Alexander, William (Daisy E.) 1 ch<br />
farmer T 130a 9h 6c 13 hogs E2<br />
Churchville Riga 33 B tel.<br />
Alexander, William (Ethel) 4 ch farmer<br />
part owner Ilia 6h 5c 10 hogs Rl<br />
Chili Station Riga 49.<br />
Alford, H. (Elizabeth) chauffeur T<br />
H&L Jefferson Road Pittsford Ind tel.<br />
Alger, James (Maggie) 1 ch railroad<br />
foreman O H&L Rl Hamlin Ham 40<br />
B tel.<br />
Alger, Mrs. Mary J. (widow) Hilton<br />
Par 13 B tel.<br />
Alger, Willis (Sadie A.) 2 ch farmer T<br />
160a 7h 4c 50 sheep 6 hogs 1 auto R2<br />
Brockport Swe 35 B tel.<br />
Alhart, Henry (Ida) 2 ch farmer O 173a<br />
9h 3c 60 sheep 9 hogs 1 auto Rl<br />
Churehville Swe 50 B tel.<br />
Alhart, William (Mary Ann) 3 ch<br />
farmer O 160a 7h 3c 57 sheep 4 hogs<br />
Rl Churchville Swe 48.<br />
Allbacker, Guy (Elizabeth) 4 ch mason<br />
O H&L lh Mariah St Hilton B tel.<br />
Allen, Arthur (Rebecca) 1 ch farming<br />
T 120a 7h 5c Rl Clarkson Clar 17 B<br />
tel.<br />
Allen, Barton (Lillian) farmer O 20a<br />
lh lc Rl Clarkson Clar 25 B tel.<br />
ALLEN, B. C. (Ethel M.) 1 ch farmer<br />
0 62a 3h 2c 12 sheep 15 hogs 1 auto<br />
RD Clarkson Clar 3 Ind tel.<br />
Allen, B. F. (Elizabeth) farmer O 15a<br />
lh lc R3 Webster Penf 61.<br />
Allen, Charles (Florence) 3 ch farmer<br />
T H&L R3 Webster Penf 78.<br />
Allen, Charles (Grace) 3 ch farmer T<br />
45a 2h 2c Rl East Rochester Per 3.<br />
ALLEN, CHARLES (Lillian) motorman O<br />
4a 3h 6 pigs Lincoln Park Chi 76 Ind<br />
tels.<br />
ALLEN, CHARLES F. (Stella) farmer T<br />
lh lc Rl Adams Basin Ogd 9 B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Allen, Mrs. Clark (widow) O H&L Hamlin<br />
Ham 43 B tel.<br />
Allen ,Claude A. (Sarah) 2 ch farmer<br />
and stock dealer O 133a 5h 9
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Aman, George farmer O 70a R2 East Amidon, W. W. farmer O H&L 5h 6c<br />
Rochester Penf 93 %.<br />
4 pigs South Av Hilton B tel.<br />
Aman, Henry farmer O R2 East Rochester<br />
Penf 97.<br />
Union St Spencerport Ind tel.<br />
Amish, Mrs. Anna (widow) T H&L S<br />
Aman, Jacob farmer O 43a 2h 3c Rl Amish, Charles F. engineer lh R3 Spencerport<br />
Ogd 35 B & Ind tels.<br />
Irondequoit Iron 22%.<br />
Aman, John C (Louise J.) 5 ch fruit Amish, Frank (Elizabeth) farmer O 30a<br />
grower O 21a 2h lc 1 auto Rl Irondequoit<br />
Iron 22% Ind tel.<br />
tels.<br />
2h lc R3 Spencerport Ogd 35 B & Ind<br />
Aman, Jos. (Josephine) gardener O 23a Amish, George 1 ch ret O H West Ave<br />
4h lc 2 autos Rl Irondequoit Iron Spencerport B & Ind tels.<br />
22% Ind tel.<br />
Amish, John (Minnie) farmer O 63a 3h<br />
Aman, Rupert (Nora) 2 ch fanner T 2c Rl Lincoln Park Chi 72.<br />
30a 2h lc 2 hogs 1 auto Rl Irondequoit<br />
Iron 36 Ind tel.<br />
58a 3h 4c 1 auto R3 Speneerport Ogd<br />
Amish, Louis (Lavina) 2 ch farmer O<br />
Aman, Wm. (Loretta) 1 ch gardener T 83 Ind tel.<br />
20a 2h 1 auto Rl Irondequoit Iron Ammon, Charles (Ella) 1 ch laborer O<br />
22%' Ind tel.<br />
la Rl Brighton Station Bri.<br />
AHAKN, Fred R2 Honeoye Falls Men 41. Ammon, J. H. (Pearl) 3 ch auto repairing<br />
T H&L 1 auto R2 East Rochester<br />
\AmnTin > George farmer bds with Godfrey<br />
R2 Honeoye Falls Men 41. Penf 9.<br />
Am.-imij Godfrey (Cora) 1 ch farmer O Amsden, Gilbert T. (Louise P.) general<br />
65a 3h 8c R2 Honeoye Falls Men 41. insurance O l%a 1 auto Rl Brighton<br />
Ambeau, Adalord H. solderer T H&L Station Bri 42 Ind tel.<br />
1 auto Rl West Webster Penf 4. Amsler, Fred (Carrie) 4 ch farmer O<br />
Ambeau Mrs. Georgiana (widow) 3 ch 66a 2h lc Rl Webster Web 70.<br />
T H&L Rl West Webster Penf 4. Anchor, William (Kate) 3 eh laborer T<br />
Ambeau, Leon E. (Mildred C.) tinsmith<br />
T HMJ Rl West Webster ANDERSON, ABRAHAM (Anna) 1 ch ma-<br />
H&L R2 Churchville Chi 11.<br />
Penf 4.<br />
chinist O H&L Rl Brighton Station<br />
Ames, Charles (Rose J.) 1 ch conductor Bri 28.<br />
N. Y. C. R. R. O 10a Rl Churchville Anderson, Andrew (Johanna) 1 ch carpenter<br />
O H&L R2 Brighton Station<br />
Riga 61.<br />
Ames, Mrs. Edna D. Rl Churchville Bri 5.<br />
Riga 61.<br />
Anderson, Andrew (Margaret) machinist<br />
O 3%a R3 Brighton Station Bri<br />
Ames, Mrs. Eliza (widow) O H&L<br />
Howard St Churchville.<br />
45.<br />
Ames, E. J. (Matie) 2 ch .hotel & f awner Anderson, A. R. (Grace) lawyer O H&L<br />
O H&L 2h 2c South Main St Churehville<br />
B tel.<br />
Anderson, Charles farmer T 100a 4h<br />
West Av Hilton B tel.<br />
Ames, Mrs. E. J. (widow) O H&L 2c 2 hogs 1 auto R3 Spencerport Ogd<br />
West Buffalo St Churchville.<br />
14 B & Ind tels.<br />
Ames, James (Lillian) 4 ch physieian Anderson, Charles W. (Josephine) 3 ch<br />
O H&L lh 1 auto West Henrietta B farmer O la 2h R2 Barnard Gre 74.<br />
& Ind tels. ,<br />
Anderson, Cornelius ret T H&L Rl Irondequoit<br />
Iron 42 B tel.<br />
Amesbury, C. A. (Jennie) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 20a 4h 2e 3 hogs R3 Churchville Anderson, Edward 2 ch painter T H&L<br />
Riga 48 B tel.<br />
lc 1 auto Hilton Par 14 B tel.<br />
Amesbury, Mrs. Martha Borgus (widow) "Anderson, Frank scenic artist T 1 auto<br />
R2 Churchville Riga 47.<br />
Amity St Spencerport.<br />
Amey, Fred (Sadie) 3 ch farmer T Rl ANDERSON, FREDRICK (Clara) farmer O<br />
Adams Basin Swe 58.<br />
43a 2h 3c R3 Spencerport Ogd 14 B<br />
Amfly, Charles (Rosa) 2 eh shoemaker & Ind tels.<br />
T 4a Rl Chili Station Chi 5.<br />
ANDEKSON, GKOKGE (Almira C.) 2 ch<br />
Amidon, F. W. (Adelaide) postmaster farmer O 129a 6h 6c 19 hogs 1 auto<br />
T 1 auto South Av Hilton B tel. Rl Hilton Par 17 B tel.<br />
Amidon, Giles B. (Nell) farmer O 20a<br />
lh le R2 Clarkson Clar 11 B tel.<br />
Anderson, Isaac (Lizzie) 6 ch farmer T<br />
Amidon, M. D. (Maude) farmer T 60a 100a lh le Rl Irondequoit Iron 42 B<br />
6h 3c Rl Hilton Par 44 B tel.<br />
tel.<br />
AiriDON, O. C. (Hattie) farmer O 60a Anderson, James farmer Rl Adams<br />
6h 3e 2 hogs Rl Hilton Par 44 B tel. Basin Ogd 41.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Anderson, John (Anna) farmer T 140a<br />
7h 4c R2 'Irondequoit Iron 32.<br />
Anderson, John H. ret O 52a lh R3<br />
Spencerport Ogd 14 B & Ind tels.<br />
Anderson, Mrs. Klaudina (widow) 1 ch<br />
O 5a lh Rl Morton Ham 12 B tel.<br />
Anderson, Leon T. (Eva May) 1 ch<br />
farmer O H&L Rl Hamlin Ham 36<br />
B tel.<br />
Anderson, <strong>Monroe</strong> (Nellie) 7 ch farmer<br />
T 3a Rl Barnard Gre 76.<br />
Anderson, Myron (Lottie) 7 ch stationary<br />
engineer O H&L Rl Hamilin Ham<br />
40%.<br />
Anderson, Nicholas (Eliza J.) ret O 10a<br />
lc R2 Honeoye Falls Men 99.<br />
Anderson, Norma E. (dau Nicholas) R2<br />
Honeoye Falls Men 99.<br />
Anderson, Oscar farmer 3h 3c 1 auto<br />
RD Morton Ham 12 B tel.<br />
Anderson, T. (Elma) 2 ch farmer O 8a<br />
lc Rl Fairport Per 42 B tel.<br />
Andraszek, Martin (Mary) 6 eh laborer<br />
T H&L lc 2 pigs R4 Charlotte Gre 60.<br />
Andre, Ed. (Elizabeth A.) 3 ch engineer<br />
T H&L Rl Pittsford Per 29.<br />
Andrews, Albert (Josephine) 2 ch editor<br />
O H&L Elm St Webster B tel.<br />
Andrews, Catherine <strong>of</strong>fice work North<br />
Av Webster.<br />
Andrews, Edward (Graee) 2 ch farmer<br />
T H&L Mumford Whtld 16.<br />
Andrews, H. C. "(Lucy Robertson) farmer<br />
O Ilia 5h 7e 2 pigs Rl Lincoln<br />
Park Chi 79 B tel.<br />
ANDREWS, WILLIS (Pauline) 5 ch general<br />
store O H&L R2 Fairport Per 53<br />
B tel.<br />
Andrus, Mrs. Edith 1 ch farming O 4a<br />
lh lc R2 Speneerport Par 30 Ind tel.<br />
Andrus, Esther farmer O 51a lh lc R2<br />
East Rochester Penf 49.<br />
ANDRUS. HAROLD H. chicken farming T<br />
4a R2 Spencerport Par 30 Ind tel.<br />
Andrus, John W. (Maud) 3^ ch railway<br />
conductor O la Rl Lincoln Park Chi<br />
76 Ind tel.<br />
Angert, Fred H. (Adella) 2 ch farmer<br />
O 112a 4h 28c 23 hogs 1 auto Rl*<br />
Pittsford Per 7.<br />
Annan, William G. (Mary) 3 ch tailor<br />
O 2a Rl Barnard Gre 77.<br />
Annlot. John (Jatta) farmer T H&L<br />
lc Rl Brockport Swe 31.<br />
Anscomb, J. B. Main St Pittsford.<br />
ANSCOMB, WILLIAM (Minerva) farmer<br />
O 65a 4h 9c R2 Pittsford Pitt 14 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Anson, Frank C. (Inez) 2 ch foreman<br />
<strong>of</strong> mechanics T H&L R2 Brighton<br />
Station Bri 5%.<br />
76<br />
Anson, Mary clerk R2 Brighton Station<br />
Bri 5V 2 B tel.<br />
Antes, Anson E. (May) 1 ch farmer O<br />
34a 2h 3c 3 hogs R2 East Rochester<br />
Penf 68 B tel.<br />
Antes, Mrs. C. A. (widow) farmer O 25a<br />
lc Rl West Webster Web 8 B tel.<br />
ANTES, JOHN (Louisa) farmer O 19a<br />
2h 2c 3 hogs R2 Webster Web 36 B<br />
tel.<br />
ANTES, WARREN (Amelia) 2 ch farmer<br />
O 79a 4h 4c 4 hogs R2 Webster Web<br />
34 B tel.<br />
Anthony, G. B. (Mary) 1 ch ice dealer<br />
and drayman O H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> Av<br />
Pittsford Ind tel.<br />
Anthony, Kenneth <strong>Monroe</strong> Av Pittsford.<br />
Anthony, Lucy student <strong>Monroe</strong> Av Pittsford.<br />
Anthony, Ruth student <strong>Monroe</strong> Av Pittsford.<br />
Appell, Mrs. Lillian (widow) 1 eh Rl<br />
West Rush Rush 18.<br />
fApthorp, Bert (Anna) 3 eh farmer T<br />
66a 3h lc 1 auto R3 Churehville Riga<br />
13 Ind tel.<br />
Apthorp, Charles F. (Marina) farmer O<br />
80a 7h 2c 30 sheep 3 hogs R33 Bergen<br />
Riga 10 Ind tel.<br />
Archer, Mrs. Delia (widow) farmer O<br />
95a 2h 2c South Av* Hilton B tel.<br />
Archer, Edward (Louise) 2 ch farmer O<br />
90a- 5h 4c 4 pigs Rl Lincoln Park<br />
Chi 56.<br />
Archer, E. C. (Florence) 1 ch farmer O<br />
72a 4h 5e 4 hogs R2 Hilton Par 68<br />
B tel.<br />
Archer, Frederick A. (Anna Belle) ret O<br />
3%a R2 Fairport Per 44.<br />
Archer, George printer T Main St<br />
Spencerport.<br />
Archer, James O.. (Hannah M.) 3 ch<br />
student T H&L North Chili CM 24.<br />
Archer, John (Charlotte) 1 ch farmer O<br />
40a 2h 2c 3 hogs RD Clarkson Clar 26<br />
Btel.<br />
Archer, Marion South Av Hilton.<br />
Archer, Ruby, South Av Hilton B tel.<br />
Archer, Samuel (Maggie) farming O<br />
70a 3h 3c Rl Lineoln Park Chi 57 B<br />
tel.<br />
Archer, William H. (Ethel) 1 ch farmer<br />
T 148a 5h 5c Rl Lincoln Park Chi 73.<br />
Archibald, Oliver farmer bds with Etta<br />
Gardner Rl Rochester Junction Men<br />
13 B & Ind tels.<br />
ARCHIBALD, MRS. W. West Rush.<br />
Arend, Fred farmer R2 Honeoye Falls
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Arend, Henry (Ola) 2 ch fanner T 89a<br />
4h 4c 1 hog R2 Honeoye Falls Men<br />
101 B teL<br />
Arft, William (Emma) 2 ch carpenter O<br />
2a Rl Pittsford Pitt 1.<br />
Ariole, Dominick (Frances) 4 ch shoemaker<br />
O 3%a lh Rl Spencerport Gat<br />
42%.<br />
Ariole, Joe (Clara)) 2 ch shoemaker O<br />
3%a Rl Spencerport Gat 42%.<br />
Arlidge, William (Cordelia) 2 ch United<br />
Shoe Machinery expert O 17a R2 Barnard<br />
Gre 82.<br />
Armer, Bert (Minnie) 3 ch farmer T<br />
118a 5h 8c Rl Brockport Swe 6 Ind<br />
teL<br />
Armer, Charles (Belle) farmer O 120a<br />
6h 14c 6 hogs 1 auto Rl Clarkson Clar<br />
30 B teL<br />
Anner, Richard (Emma) farmer O 118a<br />
lh Ridge Road Clarkson B tel.<br />
Armes, J. D. (Anna) 7 ch farmer O<br />
57a 4h 3c 3 hogs 1 auto Walker Ham<br />
63.<br />
Annrod, William ret O R2 Churchville<br />
Riga 26 B tel.<br />
Armsby, Charles (Julia) 1 eh farm hand<br />
T R2 Maeedon Per 72.<br />
Armstrong, Charlotte dressmaker O<br />
H&L Mendon Men 81 B teL<br />
Armstrong, Earl (son William) farmer<br />
R3 Pittsford Men 56 B tel.<br />
Armstrong, Edith (dau William)) R3<br />
Pittsford Men 56 B tel.<br />
Armstrong, Ezra R. (Alice) 3 eh agent<br />
O l%a lh R3 Irondequoit Iron 6 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Armstrong, Frank J. farmer O 117a 4h<br />
8c 4 hogs 1 auto Rl Hamlin Ham 35<br />
B tel.<br />
Armstrong, Homer farming O 13a 2h 3<br />
pigs R4 Charlotte Gre 103 B tel.<br />
Armstrong, James (Ella) ret O H&L<br />
Creek St Mumford.<br />
Armstrong, Janet Creek St Mumford.<br />
Armstrong, John (Helen) 2 ch painter<br />
and paperhanger T 3a 1 ch R4 Charlotte<br />
Gre 97.<br />
Armstrong, Jno farmer O 168a 12h 15c<br />
8 Hogs 50 sheep Mumford Whtld 19.<br />
Armstrong, Mrs. Susan (widow) fruit<br />
farming O 13a 2h 3 pigs R4 Charlotte<br />
Gre 103 B tel.<br />
Armstrong, Vera (dau William) postmistress<br />
at Mendon R3 Pittsford Men<br />
56 B tel.<br />
Armstrong, William (Lillie) 4 ch farmer<br />
O 108a 6h 7c 25 sheep .6 hogs R3<br />
Pittsford Men 56 B tel.<br />
Arndt, W. (Lillian) 3 ch clergyman O<br />
H&L W Main St Webster B tel.<br />
Ames, Henry O 5%a Rl West Rush<br />
Rush 41.<br />
Ames, Mary O 5%a Rl West Rush<br />
Rush 41.<br />
Arnold, Abner (Elsie) farmer O 100a<br />
3h 8c R2 Spencerport Par 25 Ind tel.<br />
Arnold, Alfred M. (Lina) farmer T<br />
145a Rl Clarkson Clar 30. ,<br />
Arnold, Allen M. (Laura V.) farmer O<br />
137a 9h 5c 12 hogs 1 auto R2 Brockport<br />
Swe 57 Ind tel.<br />
Arnold, Arthur J., farmer O 145a 6h 4c<br />
Rl Clarkson Clar 30.<br />
Arnold, A. J. (Mary E.) 3 eh ret O<br />
H&L S Union St Spencerport Ind tel.<br />
Arnold, E. W. farmer O 150a 8h 5e 1<br />
auto Rl Adams Basin Ogd 13 B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Arnold, Homer (Jessie G.) 2 eh farmer<br />
T 75a 4h 3c 1 tractor Rl Clarkson<br />
Clar 31 B tel.<br />
ARNOLD, HOWARD M. (Addie) 3 ch<br />
farmer T 4h lc 1 auto Rl Fairport<br />
Per 69 B tel.<br />
Arnold, Lewis (Sarah) 2 ch farmer O<br />
100a 3h 30e 1 hog 1 auto R2 Spencerport<br />
Par 25 Ind tel.<br />
Arnold, Schuyler wholesale seedman and<br />
florist Rl Spencerport Ogd 83 B &<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Arnold, William (Treda) 2 ch farming<br />
T 50a 3h 3e 4 hogs R2 Spencerport<br />
Par 26 Ind tel.<br />
Arrandale, Mrs. Ellen (widow) Lake Av<br />
Hilton Ind tel.<br />
Arthur, Mrs. Margaret (widow) 2 eh T<br />
H&L Church St Scottsville B tel.<br />
Ascher, Jos., (Wilhelmina) 1 eh laborer<br />
T 5%a lc Rl Irondequoit Iron 42.<br />
Ash, Chester (Nellie) farming O 68%a<br />
4h 2c 9 pigs Rl Henrietta Henr 74.<br />
Ashbaw, Fred (Dora) farmer T 110a<br />
R2 Speneerport Par 81.<br />
Ashbaw, William (Cora E.) 3 ch farmer<br />
T 66a 3h 3c 2 hogs Rl Hilton Par 54<br />
B tel.<br />
ASHE, THOMAS ret O H&L 1 auto Rl<br />
Pittsford Pitt 37.<br />
Ashman, William J. (Mary) huckster<br />
T 8a lh R3 Brighton Station Bri 49.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Ashmead, T. S. (May) 2 ch Herald<br />
employee T 12a 2 autos R2 Brighton<br />
Station Bri 21 Ind tel.<br />
Ashmont, Wm. laborer bds Rl Rush<br />
Rush 29 Ind tel.<br />
Ashton, Harry (Clara) 5 ch farmer T<br />
75a 4h 4c R2 Barnard Par 80.<br />
ASHTON, JAMES D. (Emma) 2 ch farming<br />
T 80a 4h 1 pig R2 Barnard Gre<br />
22 B tel.<br />
Ashton, Joseph (Alice) farmer T 12a<br />
lh R2 Spencerport Par 81.<br />
Ashton, Mrs. Lucy R2 Barnard Gre 21<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Ashton, William C. (Hazel) 1 ch-laborer<br />
T H&L Rl Barnard Gre 105.<br />
Ash worth, Gordon laborer O la lh Rl<br />
Broekport Swe 29.<br />
Ashworth, H. G .(Cora) 1 ch farmer O<br />
145a 6h 5c 1 auto 13 sheep 10 hogs<br />
RD Brockport Swe 40 Ind tel.<br />
Aslett, Alfred (Adelaide) farmer O<br />
50a 5h 8c 2 hogs R2 Churchville Riga-<br />
44.<br />
Aslett, Roscoe farmer R2 Churchville<br />
Riga 44.<br />
Aspeliter, Mrs. Margaret (widow) O 4a<br />
R2 Churchville Riga 50.<br />
Aspenlighter, Andrew (Augusta) farmer<br />
O 60a 2h lc Rl Scottsville Chi 45.<br />
Ater, Cyrus (Mildred) 2 ch laborer T<br />
H&L Howard St Churchville.<br />
Ater, Mrs. Jennie (widow) O H&L<br />
Howard St Churehville.<br />
Atkin, Thos F. (Nellie) 1 eh mail ord6r<br />
O 19a lh le 1 auto Rl Pittsf ord Pitt<br />
37 B tel.<br />
Attridge, Thomas (Carrie E.) car foreman<br />
T la Rl Lincoln Park Chi 76.<br />
Atwater, Alonzo (Yinnie) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 30a 2h 2c R3 Webster Penf 55<br />
B tel.<br />
Atwater, Fred hired man T H&L Rl<br />
Spencerport Gat 1.<br />
Atwater, Maynard farmer 1 auto R3<br />
Webster Penf 55 B tel.<br />
Atwater, Willis (Sarah) ret O H&L<br />
Main St West Webster B tel.<br />
Auchter, William D. (Florence) real<br />
estate O 40a R2 Barnard Gre 24 B<br />
tel.<br />
Auer, Christ carpenter O H&L E2 Irondequoit<br />
Iron 28.<br />
Auer, Henry (Anna) 1 ch gardener O<br />
5%a lh R2 Irondequpit Iron 29.<br />
Austain, Edwin (Sarah) 2 eh railroading<br />
and drug store O West Ave<br />
Speneerport.<br />
Austain, Ruth drug clerk West Ave<br />
Spencerport.<br />
78<br />
Austain, Wallace R. pharmacist West<br />
Ave Spencerport.<br />
Austin, Alfred 1 ch employee <strong>of</strong> Eastman<br />
Kodak Co T H&L Rand Place<br />
Pittsford.<br />
AUSTIN, A. G. (Lila) farmer O 60a 2h<br />
6c R2 Webster Web 29.<br />
Austin, Mrs. Barbara widow 2 ch laundry<br />
work O H&L Wivel Ave Seottsville.<br />
Austin, Dan (Edith) farmer O 60a 3h<br />
2e 1 auto 10 sheep R2 Clarkson Clar<br />
4 Ind tel.<br />
Austin, D. C. (Florence) bookkeeper O<br />
H&L Maplewood Ave Speneerport<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Austin, Edwin Earl (Florence) 2 eh<br />
druggist O H&L S Union St Spencerport<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Austin, Genella kindergarten teacher<br />
Jefferson Road Pittsford.<br />
Austin, Geo. farmer O 80a 3h 6e 3 hogs<br />
R3 Pittsford Per 24.<br />
Austin, George (Elizabeth) laborer O<br />
H&L Creek St Mumford.<br />
Austin, Glenn gardener Jefferson Road<br />
Pittsford.<br />
Austin, Irving (Lillian) 3 ch farmer O<br />
H&L 1 auto Rl Morton Ham 9 B tel.<br />
Austin, James (Rhoda) farmer O 160a<br />
8h 8e 1 auto 12 hogs RD Morton<br />
Ham 9 B tel.<br />
Austin, J. Alfred (Mary) 3 ch farmer<br />
T.H&L Locust St Pittsford.<br />
Austin, Leon munition worker R2 Webster<br />
Web 29.<br />
Austin, Ralph A. (Louise B.) 1 ch<br />
woodworking R2 Honeoye Falls Men<br />
50 B, tel.<br />
Austin,* William (Delia) 4 ch gardener<br />
O H&L Jefferson Road Pittsford.<br />
Avel, John J. (Anna B.) 1 ch farmer<br />
T H&L Rl Hamlin Ham 37.<br />
Avery, Frederick M. (Daisy) 3 ch postmaster<br />
O l%a Rl Lincoln Park Chi<br />
64.<br />
Awett, Edward (Julia) 3 ch farmer O<br />
5a lh lc Rl East Rochester Penf 18.<br />
Ayrault, Allen (Alfreda) 5 ch farmer<br />
O 115a 4h 6c 70 sheep R2'Fairport<br />
Per 44.<br />
Ayrault, John W. (Kate M.) 1 ch farming<br />
O 75a 5h 8c 30 sheep 2 hogs R2<br />
Fairport Per 44 Ind tel.<br />
Baart, Abram (Susanna) 2 ch gardener<br />
O 12%a lh R3 Brighton Station<br />
Bri 45 B tel.<br />
Baart, August (Stella) 4 ch farmer<br />
T 38a 3h lc Rl East Ro&heater Penf<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Baart, Isaac W. laborer R3 Brighton<br />
Station Bri 45.<br />
Baart, Nellie R3 Brighton Station Bri<br />
45.<br />
Baas, Abraham farmer O Sa Rl Spencerport<br />
Gat 40.<br />
Baas, Jennie T Sa RD Spencerport<br />
Gat 40.<br />
Baas, John farmer T 8a lh le Rl Spencerport<br />
Gat 40.<br />
Baase, Albert (Minnie) farmhand T<br />
62a 2h 2c 2 hogs Rl Hamlin Ham 27<br />
B tel.<br />
Baase, Charles (Dora) farmer O 117a<br />
7h 8c 1 auto 4 hogs RD Hamlin Hani<br />
24% B tel.<br />
Baase, John (Annie) 3 ch farmer T<br />
84a 4h 4c 3 hogs Rl Walker Ham 73.<br />
Baase, William (Lydia) 2 ch farmer O<br />
100a 6h 5c Rl Hamlin Ham :\7 B tel.<br />
Babcock, Abram 1 ch blacksmith T<br />
H&L R2 Barnard Par SO.<br />
Babcock, A. Emerson (Blanche) fruit<br />
grower O 100a 4h lc 1 tractor 2<br />
antos Rl Brighton Station Bri 34 B<br />
& Ind tels.<br />
Babcock, Charles V. (Jessie M.) carpenter<br />
O H&L East Ave Hilton.<br />
Babcock, R. A. farmer O auto Martha<br />
St Spencerport.<br />
Babcock, Mrs. Sarah widow 2 ch bds<br />
Lake Ave Hilton B tel.<br />
Bacamm, August (Kate) trunkmaker<br />
O lla 2h R2 Irondequoit Iron \Y2 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Bach, Henry (Rosie) 3 ch farmer &<br />
teamster O 9a 3h 7c 2 lings Rl Irondequoit<br />
Iron 44.<br />
Bachman, Albert laborer West Ave<br />
Penfield B tel.<br />
Bachman, Charles (Mary) 3 ch blacksmith<br />
O H&L E Buffalo St Churchville<br />
B tel.<br />
Bachman, Crawford (Cora) car shops<br />
T H&L Liberty St Peufield B tel.<br />
Bachman, Luther M. (Ann C.) piano<br />
maker O H&L 1 auto West Ave Penfield<br />
B tel.<br />
Backus, Thomas (Sarah) gardener O<br />
H&L West Rush Rush 16.<br />
Bacon, Byron R. farmer T H&L North<br />
Chili Chi 1.<br />
Bacon, Harold P. (Ruth) fruit grower<br />
O 56a 3h Rl Adams Basin Ogd 41<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Bacon, Howard R. Main St Pittsford.<br />
Bacon, J. B. (F. R.) ret O Main St<br />
Pittsford Ind tel.<br />
Bacon, J. B. (Rosa) nurseryman T 125a<br />
R2 Churchville Riga 42.<br />
Bacon, Mortimer E. (Vera S.) 2 ch<br />
farmer and draughtsman O 8%a lh<br />
Rl Webster Web 81 B tel.<br />
Bacon, Mrs. Ruth (widow) T H&L<br />
North Chili Chi 1.<br />
Bacon, Wilbur F. (Carrie) 3 ch farmer<br />
T 75a 5h Pittsford Pitt B tel.<br />
Badge, Joseph (Etta) 6 ch farmer T<br />
150a 6h 6c 6 pigs R4 Charlotte Ore<br />
45.<br />
Badge, Miss Luella Lake Ave Hilton.<br />
Badger, Oscar farm hand R2 Pittsford<br />
Pitt 62 Ind tel.<br />
Baehman, C. E. (Cora) car repairer T<br />
Rl East Rochester Penf 12^.<br />
Baer, Fred (Addie) harnessmaker O<br />
H&L Mendon Men 71 B tel.<br />
BAETZEL, HENRY F. (Alma) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 155a 5h 7c 9 hogs Rl Honeoye<br />
Falls Rush 43 B tel.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Way We Used To Do It.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bagamensty John farmer O 65a 2h 4c<br />
Rl Lincoln Park Gat 38.<br />
BAGLEY, ARTHUR G. (Edna M.) 3 ch<br />
farmer T 100a 3h lc 8 pigs Rl Henrietta<br />
Henr 81.<br />
Bagley, Elsie Hazen St Hilton B tel.<br />
Bagley, Fay (Anna) 1 ch farming O<br />
100a 5h 7c 11 pigs B2 Hilton Gre<br />
10% B tel.<br />
Bagley, Forest (Anna) farmer O 100a<br />
3h 8c 1 auto R2 Hilton Par 66 B tel.<br />
Bagley, Henry (Ella) farmer O 100a<br />
Bailey, L. T. farmer Rl West Webster<br />
Web 13.<br />
Bailey, Mrs. Mary (widow) farmer O<br />
23a lc R2 Hilton Par 74.<br />
Bailey, Mrs. Mary (widow) T H&L Rl<br />
Morton Ham 13.<br />
Bailey, Richmond (Florence) teamster<br />
bds E Buffalo St Churehville.<br />
BAILEY, R. L. (May) 2 ch farmer T 25a<br />
Rl West Webster Web 31.<br />
Bailey, Mrs. Sarah (widow) O H&L<br />
Baker St Churchville.<br />
5h 7c 11 pigs R2 Hilton Gre 10% Bailey, William (Elizabeth) farming O<br />
B tel.<br />
Bagley, Herbert (Caroline) 2 ch clerk<br />
O H&L Hazen St Hilton B tel.<br />
Bahler, George (Sophia) farmer O 88a<br />
6h 15c RD East Rochester Penf 11<br />
B tel.<br />
Bahrenburg, "W. H. (Anna)' 6 ch produce<br />
dealer O H&L 2 autos West Ave<br />
Hilton B tel.<br />
Bahringer, Daniel (Frieda) 2 ch mail<br />
carrier O 3a 2h lc 1 automobile E2<br />
Pittsford Pitt 4.<br />
80a 5h 4c 7 pigs Rl Chili Station Chi<br />
33.<br />
Bailey, Wm. A. (Minia) 1 ch gardener<br />
T 9a R2 Irondequoit Iron 6 Ind tel.<br />
Baird, A. G. (Adelaide E.) farmer &<br />
carpenter O H&L lh Hamlin Ham 41<br />
Btel.<br />
Baird, Eclith E. cashier Main St Pittsford.<br />
Baird, Grace Spencerport Ogd 41 B &<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Baird, Henry (Mattie I.) ret, O 20a<br />
Bahringer, Frank (Margaret) lock le Speneerport Ogd 41 B & Ind tels.<br />
tender O H&L Rl Pittsford Pitt 35%.<br />
Bailey, Albert (Rtosie) 1 ch farmer O<br />
20a 2h lc 2 hogs Rl Webster Web.<br />
55.<br />
Bailey, Arthur (Ruby E.) 2 ch farming<br />
T 80a Rl Chili Station Chi 33.<br />
Bailey, Arthur fann hand R2 Churchville<br />
Riga 48% B tel.<br />
BAILEY, BRAINARD T. farmer O 157a 6h<br />
3c 7 pigs Rl Henrietta H^nr 31 B<br />
tel.<br />
Bailey, Charles (Clara) 8 ch farmer T<br />
16a Mendon Men 71.<br />
Bailey, Charles H. (Elizabeth A.) lawyer<br />
& farmer O 157a 6h 3c Rl West<br />
Henrietta Henr 31 B tel.<br />
Bailey, Delbert (Mary) farmer O 3a<br />
le 1 automobile 2 pigs Rl Fairport<br />
Per 8.<br />
Bailey, E. F. (Riebecca) farmer T 35a<br />
2h 2e Rl West Webster Web 13.<br />
Bailey, Frank (Libbie J.) farmer O 77a<br />
8h 5e Rl Scottsville Chi 35.<br />
Bailey, G. C. (Rebecca) 2 ch farmer T<br />
240a 5h 23c R2 Churchville Riga 48%<br />
BAIRD, JAMES (Alice) farming T 18a 2h<br />
le Rl Henrietta Henr 78.<br />
Baird, John H. painter 0 40a R2 Spencerport<br />
Ogd 41 B & Ind tels.<br />
Baird, Maurice (Clara) 1 ch farmer T<br />
H&L lh lc Rl Clarkson Clar 22.<br />
Baird, Walter J. (Maud) 5 ch farmer<br />
0 50a 3h 5c Rl Irondequoit Iron 11.<br />
Baird, Wm. (Lillian) 3 ch farmer O<br />
50a 3h 5e Rl Irondequoit Iron 11 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
BAITINGER, LEONARD 20 Truesdale St<br />
Barnard.<br />
Baitsell, M. T. (Sadie) '7 ch basketmaker<br />
T Rl Adams Basin Okd 34.<br />
Baker, Albert H. (May), 2 eh. fruit<br />
grower O 113a 6h 2c R2 Barnard Gre<br />
105 Ind tel.<br />
Baker, Albert W. (Henrietta). 2 eh<br />
farmer O 74a 5h 3c 2 hogs 1 automobile<br />
Rl Adams Basin Ogd 39 B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Baker, Mrs. Amanda Baker Park Webster<br />
B tel. v<br />
BAKER, ANDREW Rl Pittsford.<br />
B tel.<br />
Baker, Burton C. (Anna L.) farmer O<br />
Bailey, Mrs. Ida (widow) T H&L Rl 12a 2h lc Rl West Webster Web 10<br />
Morton Ham 13.<br />
B tel.<br />
Bailey, Mrs. Jennie 2 ch T H&L Main Baker, Charles L. (Maria) farmer T<br />
St Webster.<br />
Bailey, John W. (Bertha) 1 ch steam<br />
"'. H&L Hamlin Ham 40.<br />
Baker, Clarence farm hand for W. D.<br />
fitter O H&L Rl Barnard Gre 107' B Carter R2 Honeoye Falls Men 55 B<br />
tel.<br />
tel.<br />
Bailey, Lewis (Helen) farmer T 120a<br />
Baker, Clarence L. farmer Rl Hamlin<br />
Ham 40.<br />
7h 8c 10 pigs R4 Charlotte Gre 48.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Baker, Clifton H. farmer Rl Webster<br />
Web 64 B tel.<br />
Baker, Conrad (Lydia L.) fruit grower<br />
O 113a 6h 2c automobile R2 Barnard<br />
Gre 105 Ind tel.<br />
Baker. C. B. ret Rl West Webster Web<br />
10 B tel.<br />
Baker, Ethel M. Rl Adams Basin Ogd<br />
39 B & Ind tels.<br />
Baker, Everett (Ida) 2 ch lumber dealer<br />
O H&L South Ave Webster.<br />
Baker, Ewell D. (Gertrude L.) 1 ch<br />
farmer O 126a 4h lc 1 automobile Rl<br />
West Webster Web 19 B tel.<br />
Baker, Gust (May) 1 ch gardener T 10a<br />
2h R2 Irondequoit Iron 8.<br />
Baker, G. W. (Emma E.) ret T H&L<br />
8 Union St Spencerport Ind tel.<br />
Baker, Joseph C. (Anne) 3 ch pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />
gardener T H&L Rl Pittsford<br />
Pitt 37.<br />
Baker, Myron (Mary) farmer O 140a<br />
8h 4c 6 hogs 1 automobile R2 Churchville<br />
Whtld 30 Ind tel.<br />
Baker, <strong>New</strong>ton (Sarah) 3 ch farmer T<br />
89a 4h 3c 2 hogs Rl Hamlin Ham 22<br />
B tel.<br />
Baker, Richard (Anna) ret O 2a R2<br />
Irondequoit Iron 3.<br />
Baker, Richard (Maritta) 1 ch fanning<br />
' T 97a 5h le 4 pigs R4 Charlotte Gre<br />
63 B tel.<br />
Baker, Ross M. (Addie E.) 3 eh farmer<br />
O 108a 6h 2c 1 hog R3 Spencerport<br />
Ogd 61 B & Ind tels.<br />
Baker, R. H. (Caroline G.) 1 ch mail<br />
earlier O 22a lh lc 1 automobile Rl<br />
Webster Web 64 B tel.<br />
Baker, Samuel (Sarah) 4 ch farmer T<br />
140a 8h 4c 6 hogs R2 Churchville<br />
Whtld 30.<br />
Baker, Stalham (Hattie) fruit grower<br />
O 113a 6h 2c B2 Barnard Gre 105 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Baker, S. H. (Amanda) 2 ch blaeksmith<br />
O la R2 East Rochester Penf 100 B<br />
tel.<br />
BAKKB, WALLACE (Lena) 7 ch foreman<br />
in factory T la lh 17 hogs Buffalo<br />
Road Lincoln Park Gat 37.<br />
Baker, William (Lena) 2 ch farmer T<br />
100a 4h 5e 10 hogs R2 Churchville<br />
Riga 33 B & Ind tels.<br />
Baker, William J. ret bds Bl Rochester<br />
Junction Men 11 Ind tel.<br />
Baker, W. A. (Susan) 1 ch farmer O<br />
163a 9h 8e 1 automobile R2 Fairport<br />
Per 50 B tel.<br />
Baldasaare, Charles (Philomina) hotel<br />
T H*L 1 automobile Rl Clarkson Clar<br />
22lndtel.<br />
Baldwin, Mrs. Cora (widow) Rl Chili<br />
Station Riga 55 B tel.<br />
BALDWIN, FRANK C. (Lorena) farming<br />
O 10a lh 2c Rl Henrietta Henr 56<br />
B tel.<br />
Baldwin, Henry L. farmer O lla 2h R2<br />
Spencerport Par 33.<br />
Baldwin, Lorena P. G. (Frank C. B.)<br />
farming O 10a lh 2c 2 pigs Rl Henrietta<br />
Henr 56 B tel.<br />
Baldwin, Mrs. Lousie O H&L State St<br />
Pittsford Ind tel.<br />
Baldwin, Vincent T. (Bertha) 2 ch<br />
farmer T 98a 3h 7c 9 pigs Rl Pittsford<br />
Henr 78.<br />
Ball, Edward (Augusta) laborer T H&L<br />
Mortimer Henr 51.<br />
Ball, Geo. E. railroader Mill St Spencerport<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Ball, Marie practical nurse bds R3<br />
Churchville Riga 22.<br />
BALL, NATHAN A. ret bds Mill St Spencerport<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Ball, Mrs. Rebecca (widow) 1 ch O H&L<br />
Mill St Spencerport Ind tel.<br />
Ballard, Charles painter & paperhanger<br />
O H&L Spencerport Ogd 51.<br />
Ballard, Charles W. (Ethel M.) Northeast<br />
Electric T Mill St Spencerport.<br />
Ballard, Mrs. Cynthia (widow) 1 ch<br />
Amity St Speneerport.<br />
Ballard, Geo. M. hardwood floors O H&L<br />
Amity St Spencerport.<br />
Ballard, John C. (Olive) 2 ch superintendent<br />
village works O H&L Canal<br />
St Spencerport Ind tel.<br />
Ballard, Martin (Lizzie) 1 ch farmer<br />
T Rl Hilton Par 50.<br />
Ballard, William E. (Margaret) 1 ch<br />
farmer T West Ave Spencerport B<br />
& Ind tels.<br />
Ballauel, Louis (Louise) 2 Ch farmer<br />
T H&L Rl Pittsford Pitt 37.<br />
Balmer, Harry (Frances) 1 ch farmer<br />
T 90a 4h 2c Rl Spencerport Gat 40.<br />
Bang, John (Minnie) 2 ch bartender<br />
O H&L North Aye Webster.<br />
Bangs, Mrs. Harriet R3 Spencerport<br />
Ogd 53 B & Ind tel.<br />
Bangs, Henry carpenter bds W Buffalo<br />
St Churehville.<br />
Bangs, H. D. (Grace) 4 ch farmer O<br />
140a 6h 6c Rl Churehville Ogd 25 B<br />
tel.<br />
Bangs, Mrs. Stella 3 ch farmer O 106a<br />
lh 2c Rl Adams Basin Ogd 20 B<br />
tel.<br />
Banker, Charles (Lucy) 5 ch farmer T<br />
80a 5h Rl Morton Ham 12.<br />
Banker, F. (Marjorie) checks parcels<br />
at N Y C Depot O H&L R2 Brighton<br />
Station Bri 7%.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Banks, Edwin thresher 1 automobile<br />
Bush.<br />
Banks, Fred. F. (Mamie) 2 ch thresher<br />
O H&L lh 1 automobile Bush Ind tel.<br />
Banks, Ida Bush.<br />
BANKS, JAMES (Minnie) farmer O<br />
H&L Mumford Whtld 19 B tel.<br />
Banks, John, Jr. engineer 1 automobile<br />
Bush.<br />
Banks, John 1 eh thresher O H&L 2h<br />
le Bush Ind tel.<br />
Bannig, Paul (Blanch) .1 eh painter &<br />
decorator O 23a Bl Henrietta Henr<br />
49.<br />
Bannister. E. A. (Ella) 2 ch farmer O<br />
63a 4h 6c Bl Churehville Ogd 25 B<br />
teL<br />
Banno, Mrs. Edith (widow) 2 ch East<br />
Av Hilton.<br />
Barbagalls, Toney (Depon) farmer T<br />
47a lh ED Bochester Chi 77% B tel.<br />
Barben, Ttlied (Goser) 5 ch farmer O<br />
90a 4h 15c 22 sheep 3 hogs B2 Honeoye<br />
Falls Men 54 B tel.<br />
Barber, Alphons (Lida) 4 ch hired man<br />
. T H&L Bl Irondequoit Iron 9.<br />
BARBER, WM. C. (Antoinette M.) 3 ch<br />
plumber O %a Bl Irondequoit Iron 9<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Barber, Wi J. (Hattie) 2 ch auto driver<br />
T H&L lc B2 Brighton Station Bri<br />
21 Ind tel.<br />
Barclay, Alvin (Climena) 1 eh farmer<br />
O H&31i lh lc 2 hogs Bl Adams Basin<br />
Ogd 7.<br />
Barelay, Charles O. farmer O 85a 2h<br />
lc Bl Adams Basin Ogd 7 B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Barelay, Spencer (Jennie) 3 ch farmer<br />
O H&L lh lc 2 hogs Bl Adams Basin<br />
Ogd 7.<br />
Bard, John gardener O 13a 2h Bl Irondequoit<br />
Iron 11.<br />
Bardoon, August (Amelia) laborer T<br />
H&L B2 Pittsford Pitt 62.<br />
Bardun, Budolph (Lottie) 3 ch laborer<br />
T H&L Elm St Pittsford. ,<br />
Bareis, John (Bertha) 2 eh farmer O<br />
10a lh lc 2 hogs 1 auto B2 Webster<br />
Web 32 B tel.<br />
Barker, Mrs. Caroline farmer O 85a Bl<br />
West Bush Bush 21 Ind tel.<br />
BARKER, CHARLES farmer T 85a 4h 8c<br />
4 hogs Bl West Bush Bush 21 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Barker, Clair (Franees) ret O 107a lh<br />
2c E2 Pittsford Pitt 55 Ind tel.<br />
Barker, C. W. (Mabelle) farmer O 125a<br />
8h 9e El Spencerport Ogd 80 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Barker, Edward butcher 1 auto Bl West<br />
Bush Bush 21 Ind tel.<br />
Barker, Eugene (Olive A.) 3 ch merchant<br />
O la 2 autos Bl West Bush<br />
Bush 4 B & Ind tels.<br />
Barker, Geo. H. (Evelyn) 2 ch salesman<br />
O 140a 7h 2c B3 Pittsford Pitt 16<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Barker, H. L. O El Spencerport Ogd 89.<br />
Barker, Sara B. E3 Pittsford Pitt 31<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Barker, Mrs. Susan O H&L Church St<br />
Pittsford.<br />
Barker, William G. (Lottie N.) 1 ch<br />
blacksmith O H&L 1 auto Bowery St<br />
Spencerport Ind tel.<br />
Barker, Mrs. W. H. (widow) 1 ch O<br />
150a E3 Pittsford Pitt 31 Ind tel.<br />
Barlow, Mrs. A. <strong>Monroe</strong> Av Pittsford:<br />
Barmar, Mr. farmer O H&L E2 Fairport<br />
Per 45 Ind tel.<br />
Barmaster,, George farmer B2 E Bochester<br />
Penf 88.<br />
Bannaster, Joseph (Minnie) farmer O<br />
51a 4h 5e 3 hogs B2 E Eoehester<br />
Penf 88.<br />
Barnard, A. H. (Mina) 2 ch farmer<br />
O 50a 3h 2e E2 Pittsford Pitt 61 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Barnard, Daniel (Delia) 2 ch farmer T<br />
130a 3h.8e 1 auto E2 Pittsford Men<br />
67.<br />
Barnard, Frederick ret O 130a B2 Pittsford<br />
Men 67.<br />
BARNARD, HENRY ret O lll%a 4h lie<br />
E2 Pittsford Men 67 Ind tel.<br />
Barnard, J. B. (Kathleen) 2 ch clothier<br />
O H&L Elm St Webster B tel.<br />
Barnard, Lamira B. O H&L N Union<br />
St Speneerport B & Ind tels.<br />
Barnard, Margaret O H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> Av<br />
Pittsford Ind tel.<br />
Barnard, Stanley J. (Cora) 1 ch optician<br />
T H&L Adams Basin Ogd.<br />
Barnard Sterling E. (Daisy) 1 ch<br />
farmer O 121a 6h 30 sheep 7 hogs 1<br />
auto B2 Pittsford Men 67 Ind tel.<br />
Barnes, Charles M. miller T H&L 3h Bl<br />
Brighton Station Bri 43 Ind tel.<br />
Barnes, Charles P. post <strong>of</strong>fice clerk O 6a<br />
3h Bl Brighton Station Bri 43 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Barnes, C. A. West Av Hilton.<br />
Barnes, Fidlia O H&L East Av Hilton<br />
B tel.<br />
Barnes, F. H. O H&L West Av Hilton.<br />
BARNES, HIRAM ret bds H&L East Av<br />
Hilton 1 auto B tel.<br />
Barnett, Mrs. Mary (widow) T H&L<br />
Bl Pittsford Pitt 53.<br />
Barney, George (Lydia) 2 ch railroad<br />
man O H&L le B2 Spencerport Par<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Barney, Wallace D. (Lucy) 3 ch laborer<br />
O 4a 2c R3 Brighton Station Penf 10.<br />
Barney, Warren (Mildred) 1 ch laborer<br />
T H&L State St Mumford.<br />
Barney, William J., Jr. (Ida) 3 ch laborer<br />
O H&L R3 Brighton Station<br />
Penf 10.<br />
Barney, William L. (Emma) 4 ch farmer<br />
O 6a lh lc 1 auto R3 Brighton Station<br />
Penf 10.<br />
Barnhart, Frank (Virginia) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 80a 2h 8c Rl Victor Per 21.<br />
Barnstorke, John (Ella) carpenter O 8a<br />
lh lc Rl Barnard Gre 18.<br />
Barnum, Mrs. Emily (widow) E Buffalo<br />
St Churehville B tel.<br />
Barnum, N. C. real estate Main St<br />
Pittsford.<br />
Barons, Burdett farm hand T 107a 5h 2c<br />
2 hogs R2 Spencerport Par 77 B tel.<br />
Barons, Edward (Amanda) 5 ch farmer<br />
O 4a 2h R2 Hilton Gre 13 B tel.<br />
Barons, Francis (Jennie) farmer T 55a<br />
2h 6c 3 hogs 1 auto R2 Spencerport<br />
Par 76.<br />
Barons, F. W. farmer T 107a 5h 3c 2<br />
hogs R2 Spencerport Par 77.<br />
Barons, George E. (Lettie) farmer O<br />
85a 5h 6e 1 auto R2 Hilton Par 71<br />
B tel.<br />
Barowske, Henry (Nettie) farmer O<br />
62a 2h 5e 1 auto R2 Honeoye Falls<br />
Men 95.<br />
BAROWSKE, LOU farmer T 90a 4h 21c<br />
10 hogs Mendon Men 84.<br />
Barr, J. A. farmer and fruit grower O<br />
10a Rl Spencerport Gat 38 Ind tel.<br />
Barr, T. D. farmer and fruit grower O<br />
10a Bl Speneerport Gat 38.<br />
Barrett, Mrs. Anna ret bds with F. T.<br />
Shulters Mendon Men 71 B tel.<br />
Barrett, Mrs. Bessie 2 ch O H&L Fairport<br />
Rd Pittsford.<br />
Barrett, Eben W. (Kittie J.) electric<br />
contractor O H&L 1 anto Mill St<br />
Speneerport Ind tel.<br />
Barrett, Edw. la.borer T H&L Rl Irondequoit<br />
Iron 16.<br />
Barrett, Florence J. T H&L Rl lrondequoit<br />
Iron 16.<br />
Barrett, Frank farmer O 140a 2h 3c<br />
Rl Pitteford Pitt 37.<br />
Barrett, F. F. (Emma) 1 ch farmer O<br />
120a 4h 12e 1 auto R2 Clarkson Clar<br />
16 B teL<br />
Barrett, Horace (Helen) 3 ch carpenter<br />
T H&L East Ave Penfield.<br />
Barrett,- John W. (Elizabeth) 2 eh district<br />
attorney O H&L Elm St Webster<br />
B tel.<br />
Barrett, Walter (Etta) 9 eh farmer T<br />
95a 5h 3c R2 Hilton Par 70 B tel.<br />
Barrett, W. R. (Katherine) dentist O<br />
H&L 1 auto Lyell Av Spencerport Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Barringer, Everett (Grace) 2 ch painter<br />
and cooper O H&L 1 auto Hamlin<br />
Ham 40 B tel.<br />
Barringer, Fred E. (Martha) ch farming<br />
T 54a 2h 1 pig R2 Barnard Gre<br />
68.<br />
Barringer, Mrs. H. C. O H&L North<br />
Av Webster B tel.<br />
Barringer, James (Lillian) casket maker<br />
T H&L North Av Webster B tel.<br />
Barringer, John (Minnie) farmer T 95a<br />
5h 2c 6 pigs R2 Hilton Gre 6 B tel.<br />
Barrs, James (Gertrude) 2 ch moulder<br />
2 H&L Rl Irondequoit Iron 33.<br />
Barry, James G. (Lillian V.) cooper O<br />
l%a Morton Ham 13 B tel.<br />
Barson, G. M. O H&L R2 Brighton Station<br />
Bri 8%.<br />
Bart, Fred (Freida) 8 ch farmer O 10a<br />
lh lc Rl Irondequoit Iron 11.<br />
Barth, Mrs. Castie (widow) T H&L<br />
Main St West Webster.<br />
Barth, Jacob C. (Hattie Belle) 2 ch<br />
farmer T 65a lh Rl West Webster<br />
Web 6.<br />
Barth, John (Elbertina) 2 ch farmer T<br />
H&L lh West Webster Web 13 B tel.<br />
Barth, S. (Caroline) farmer O 46a 3h<br />
2e 15 sheep R3 Spencerport Ogd 82.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Bartholf, George E. (Florence) 1 ch<br />
gardener O 40a 2h 1 auto R2 Barnard<br />
Gre 81 Ind tel.<br />
BARTHOLOMAY, WILLIAM (Agnes) 3 ch<br />
farmer & dairyman O 95a 6h 20e<br />
Rl Henrietta Henr 57 B tel.<br />
Bartholomew, Amos (Delia) farmer T<br />
48a 3h lc Rl Barnard Gre 34 B tel.<br />
Bartle, Victor farmer O 170a 7h 8c 2<br />
pigs Rl Chili Station Chi 19.<br />
Bartlett, Mrs. Catherine (widow) O<br />
H&L Rl West Webster Web 10.<br />
Bartlett, Charles (Mildred) 5 ch garage<br />
O H&L Mendon Men 81.<br />
Nearly All <strong>Farm</strong> Land Needs LIME<br />
Hydrated Lime is the most available and economical form to use<br />
83<br />
N. Y.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bartlett, F. B. (Jennie) meat market<br />
and farmer O 10a 2h lc 1 auto Mendon<br />
Men 81 B tel.<br />
Bartlett, James (Mary) patrolman on<br />
road O la lh R2 Barnard Par 80.<br />
Bartman, Carl (Augusta 5 ch farmer<br />
T 318a 9h 5c £2 Churehville Riga 39<br />
B tel.<br />
Barton, Evelyn F. stenographer Mill St<br />
Speneerport.<br />
Barton, Harry (Nellie) 6 ch farmer T<br />
92a 5h 9c 2 pigs R2 Barnard Gre 23.<br />
BARTON, ROBT. J. care George Foates<br />
Speneerport.<br />
Barton, Wm. farm laborer lh Rl Spencerport<br />
Ogd 50.<br />
Bartte, Mrs. K. (widow) T West Webster<br />
Web 27.<br />
Basch, Anthony farm hand Rl Webster<br />
Web 63 B tel.<br />
Basch, Carl E. R. (Marion R.) optician<br />
O la auto Rl Pittsf ord Bri 41 Ind tel.<br />
Basch, Joseph (Mary) 6 ch farmer O<br />
74a 4h 6c 3 hogs Rl Webster Web<br />
63 B tel.<br />
Basch, Louis (Anna O.) 1 ch farmer O<br />
20a 2h 2c R2 Webster Web 41 B<br />
tel.<br />
Basolt, Mrs. (widow) O 10a R2 Brighton<br />
Station Bri 3.<br />
Bass, Fern school teacher Park Ave<br />
Webster B tel.<br />
Bass, Floyd druggist Park Ave Webster<br />
B tel.<br />
Bass, Hanford (Adaline C.) ret O H&L<br />
West Ave Hilton B tel.<br />
Bass, Mrs. John (widow) O H&L Park<br />
Ave Webster B tel.<br />
Bassage, Mrs. Hattie boarding house<br />
T H&L South Ave Webster.<br />
Bassage, O. G. (Lorretta) 1 ch clerk T<br />
West Webster Web 27.<br />
Bassett, John H. (Gertrude) 5 ch pastor<br />
Christian Church T 2a lh 2 pigs<br />
R2 Hilton Gre 13 B tel.<br />
Bassett, J. L. (Annie) 3 ch farmer T<br />
R2 Brockport Swe 35 B tel.<br />
Bassett, Peter (Mary) farmer O 123a<br />
7h 13c 1 auto 6 hogs R2 Brockport<br />
Swe 35 B tel.<br />
BASSETT, RICHARD farmer O 60a 5h 3c<br />
3 hogs 1 farm tractor Rl Hilton Par<br />
14 B tel.<br />
Bastedo, J. L. (Eva E.) cigar mfr T<br />
17a R2 Spencerport Par 27.<br />
Bastian, W. C. (Augusta) 4 ch farmer<br />
T 100a 4h 8c 4 hogs R15 Broekport<br />
Clar 7 Ind tel.<br />
Bateman, Albert laborer bds East Ave<br />
Hilton.<br />
Bateman, Clark (Lucy) painter So paperhanger<br />
O H&L North Ave Webster<br />
B tel.<br />
Bateman, Frank (Lucy) 1 ch farmer T<br />
113a 4h 6c 1 auto Rl Clarkson Clar<br />
32 B tel.<br />
Bates, Clarence E. (Clara) foreman on<br />
fruit farm O H&L Rl Barnard Gre<br />
105 Ind tel.<br />
Bates, Harry W. (Florence) 1 ch produce<br />
O H&L 1 auto Walker Ham 63<br />
Btel.<br />
Bates, Mrs. Mary (widow) O H&L Rl<br />
Barnard Gre 107 Ind tel.<br />
Bates, William (Lena M.) farmer O<br />
60a 2h lc 1 auto Walker Ham 08 B<br />
tel.<br />
Battams, John W. (Sarah) farmer O<br />
75a 7h 2c R2 Pittsford Pitt 48.<br />
Battams, Laura teacher State St Pittsford.<br />
Battams, Wm. (Anna) ret O H&L State<br />
St Pittsford.<br />
Batty, Benjamin (Carrie) 2 ch farmer<br />
T la 3h 3c 2 pigs Lake Ave Hilton<br />
B tel.<br />
Batty, John (Lydia) 2 ch farmer O<br />
57a 2h 2c RD Walker Ham 47.<br />
Batz, Mrs. Mary (widow) T Rl Hilton*<br />
Par 43 B tel.<br />
Batzel, Charles, Sr. (Louisa) farmer<br />
T 64a 2h 3c 1 hog R2 Honeoye Falls<br />
Men 42 B tel.<br />
Batzel, Fred (Lucy) 1 ch farmer T<br />
155a 7h 7c 1 hog Rl Rochester Junction<br />
Men 45 B tel.<br />
Batzel, Fred farmer T 63a 3h 3c R3<br />
Pittsford Per 13.<br />
Batzel, Minnie (dau Chas.) R2 Honeoye<br />
Falls Men 42 B tel.<br />
BATZING, JOHN (Louise) 7 ch farmer T<br />
180a llh 8e 15 hogs Rl West Rush<br />
Rush 41 Ind tel.<br />
Bauch, Albert C. (Esther) 1 eh bookkeeper<br />
T H&L 1 auto Rl Hamlin Ham<br />
40 B tel.<br />
Bauch, Carl C. (Minnie) teamster ice<br />
wagon T H&L Brighton Station Bri<br />
21.<br />
Bauch, Charles (Louise) 4 ch farmer<br />
O 116a 5h 14c 6 hogs 1 auto R2 Spencerport<br />
Par 76 B tel.<br />
Bauch, Frank (Minnie) 4 ch farmer O<br />
119a 4h 3c 1 hog R2 Clarkson Ham<br />
17.<br />
Bauch, Henry farmer O 80a 2h Rl Hamlin<br />
Ham 37.<br />
Bauch, John (Anna) 2 ch implement<br />
dealer O 55a 2h lc 6 autos Hamlin,<br />
Ham 41 B tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bauch, William, Jr. (Bertha) 3 eh<br />
farmer O 68a 3h 5c 1 auto 3 hogs Rl<br />
Hamlin Ham 37 B tel.<br />
Bauch, W. C. (Teny) 1 ch farmer O<br />
110a 6h 9c 1 auto 5 hogs Rl Hamliu<br />
Ham 33 B tel.<br />
BAUCHLE, ADAM (Lucy) 2 ch farming<br />
O 52a 3h 4c 4 pigs Rl West Henrietta<br />
Henr 10 B tel.<br />
Bauchle, George mail carrier O 2a Rl<br />
Rush Rush- 24.<br />
Bauer, Charles 3 ch farmer T 100a 5h<br />
lc Rl Walker Ham 66.<br />
Bauer, Charles F. (Josephine) 1 eh<br />
carpenter O 2a Rl Barnard Gre 77.<br />
Bauer, Chris (Augusta) farmer O 97a<br />
3c 1 auto R2 Clarkson Clar 3.<br />
Bauer, Edward J. (Lulu) 4 ch plumber<br />
T 7a lh Rl Adams Basin Ogd 63.<br />
Bauer, Prank (Mary) farmer O 22a<br />
2h 10c 2 pigs 1 "auto R3 Brighton<br />
Station Bri 44.<br />
Bauer, Fred (Lena) 1 ch farmer O 15a<br />
2h 8c 2 hogs Rl Irondequoit Iron 43<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Bauer, Henry (Bertha) 1 ch farmer O<br />
108a 5h 5c Rl Morton Ham 12 B tel.<br />
Bauer, Henry (Minnie) 1 ch farmer T<br />
124a 6h 10c 9 hogs Rl Rochester<br />
Junction Men 44 B tel.<br />
BAUER, WILLIAM (Lillie) 1 eh farmer<br />
T 74a 3h 3c 1 tractor Rll Walker Ham<br />
68 B tel.<br />
Bauer, Wm. (Reka) farmer O H&L R2<br />
Irondequoit Iron 29.<br />
Bauman, C. farmer T 48a 2h 4c 3 hogs<br />
Rl Irondequoit Iron 38.<br />
Bauman, Daniel (Catharine) 6 ch farming<br />
T 75a 3h 4c 4 pigs R4 Charlotte<br />
Gre 59.<br />
Bauman, E. W. (Mary) 5 ch farmer O<br />
115a 6h 25c Rl Irondequoit Iron 38<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Bauman, Henry (Katharine) 6 ch laborer<br />
O la lc Rl Spencerport Gat<br />
42%.<br />
Bauman, Henry J. (Catharine) farmer<br />
O 48a 2h 4c 3 hogs Rl Irondequoit<br />
Iron 38.<br />
Bauman, Joseph (Emma) 4 ch farmer<br />
O 93a 4h 8e 1 auto R2 Webster Penf<br />
24 B tel.<br />
Bauman, Sylvester (Hattie) 4 ch farmer<br />
O 102a 6h 4c B2 East Rochester Penf<br />
98 B tel.<br />
Baumer, Howard E. (Mary R.) farmer<br />
O 10a 3h 2c R2 Fairport Per 33 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Baumgartner, Fred (Amelia) optician<br />
T 2a El Henrietta Henr 64.<br />
Baur, Fred farmer O 70a lh lc Rl Morton<br />
Ham 11 B tel.<br />
Baur, John farmer O 93a lh 3c Rl Hamlin<br />
Ham 27.<br />
Baur, <strong>Monroe</strong> T. (Ida C.) patternmaker<br />
T Mill St Spencerport Ind tel.<br />
Baur, Will farmer Rl Hamlin Ham 27.<br />
Bautner, Herman (Anna) 1 ch artist<br />
T 5a 1 auto Rl Irondequoit Iron 33<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Baxter, Albert farmer T l%a Rl Hamlin<br />
Ham 54.<br />
Baxter, Mrs. Delia (widow) 1 ch O<br />
H&L Cosman Terrace Hilton B tel.<br />
Baxter, Dennison farmer T 75a Rl Hilton<br />
Par 43 B tel.<br />
Baxter, Myron (Louise) 2 ch farmer<br />
T H&L lh Rl Hamlin Ham 36.<br />
Baxter, Oscar A. (Maud M.) carpenter<br />
O H&L Walker Ham 63.<br />
Baxter, Mrs. Polly (widow) O 75a<br />
Rl Hilton Par 43 B tel.<br />
Bayer, Frank (Anna) farmer O 25a<br />
2h lc 2 pigs R2 Barnard Gre 28.<br />
Beach, Fred (Mamie) 2 ch auto salesman<br />
T 8a 1 auto R2 Barnard Gre 77<br />
Ind tel.<br />
BEADLE, MRS. ADELLE M. O 2%a Rl<br />
Spencerport Ogd 51 B & Ind tels.<br />
Beadle, William (Lottie) 1 ch farmer T<br />
55a 3h 5c 3 hogs R2 Brockport<br />
Swe 4.<br />
Beaham, Edward M. (Helen) well drilling<br />
O la lh 2c Rl Lincoln Park Chi<br />
75 B tel.<br />
Beal, B. D. (Jane E.) farmer O 87a<br />
lh lc Rl Lincoln Park Chi 73 B<br />
tel.<br />
BEALS, F. L. Industry.<br />
Beaman, C. A. (Jennie) 5 ch farmer O<br />
57a 4h 7c 19 hogs Rl Chili Station<br />
Ogd 75 B & Ind tels.<br />
Beaman, C. C. ret O 50a lh 2c Rl Lincoln<br />
Park Gat 12.<br />
Beaman, E. R. (Edith) 1 eh farmer 0<br />
124a 6h 12c 15 hogs Rl Chili Station<br />
Ogd 77.<br />
Beaman, F. C. 1 ch farmer & carpenter<br />
O 35a 2h lc 1 hog Cold Water Road<br />
Cold Water Gat 9% B tel.<br />
Beaman, Roy (Dora) 1 ch laborer O<br />
H&L 1 auto Cold Water Road Cold<br />
Water Gat 9%.<br />
Bean, Joseph farming O 136a 5h 10c 2<br />
pigs R2 West Henrietta Henr 23 B<br />
tel.<br />
Bean, R. (Harriet) brickyard employee<br />
T H&L Rl Brighton Station Bri 26<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Bean, Walter E. (Niel) bridge builder<br />
T R2 Brighton Station Bri 8y 2 .<br />
Bean, William (Mary) 1 ch farmer O<br />
28a 2h 3c 2 pigs 1 auto Rl West<br />
Henrietta Henr 36 B tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Beaney, Bertie farmer N Union St<br />
Spencerport B & Ind tels.<br />
Beaney, Dewey A. truck driver N Union<br />
St Spencerport.<br />
Beaney, Emily A. clerk N Union St<br />
Spencerport B & Ind tels.<br />
Beaney, William H. (Hattie) 5 ch meat<br />
market & farmer O H&L 4h 2 pigs<br />
& truck N Union St Spencerport B &<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Beardsley, Mrs. Anna G. (widow) North<br />
Chili Chi 4.<br />
Beardsley, Mrs. Eliza (widow) part<br />
owner 102a Rl Churchville Riga 2 B<br />
tel.<br />
Beardsley, Lewis J. (Marion L.)<br />
farmer T 102a 4h 2c 1 auto 5 hogs Rl<br />
Churchville Riga 2 B tel.<br />
BEARHOPE, J. A. (Cora) auto salesman<br />
O H&L Rl Fairport Per 8.<br />
Bearss, Mrs. Katharine (widow) 3 eh<br />
O %a Rl Spencerport Gat 42 V>.<br />
Beasley, Howard (Laura) laborer O<br />
H&L 2e Clifton Chi 14.<br />
Beattie, Thomas farm superintendent<br />
bds Prospect St Spencerport.<br />
Beattv, Charles (Gladys) stock dealer<br />
T H&L 1 auto Rl Hilton Par 58.<br />
Beaty, Mrs. Mina (widow) O 52a lc<br />
R4 Charlotte Gre 56.<br />
Beaty, William (Mina) 6- ch farming<br />
O 92a 5h 3c 3 pigs R4 Charlotte Gre<br />
56 Ind tel.<br />
BEAVER, GEO. W. R2 Honeoye Falls.<br />
Beck, Godfrey (Louise) farmer O 50a<br />
2h 3c 2 hogs R2 Churchville Riga 50.<br />
Beck, Peter (Madaline) farmer O 90a<br />
5h 8c R2 Churchville Riga 52.<br />
Becker, Adolph bookkeeper Vacuum Oil<br />
Co Main St Pittsford.<br />
BECKER, C. A. Rl Lincoln Park Gat 21.<br />
BECKER, C. F. (Eliza) 4 ch farmer &<br />
butcher O 41a 7h lc 16 hogs 1 auto<br />
Rl Lincoln Park Gat 21 B tel.<br />
Becker, Mrs. Elta A. (widow) 3 ch<br />
bookkeeper Main St Pittsford.<br />
Becker, Felix (Lena) farmer O 5a lh<br />
lc Rl West Webster Web 24.<br />
Becker, Fred (Ella) 1 ch wholesale<br />
meat business O' 20a 1 auto Rl Lincoln<br />
Park Gat 37 B tel.<br />
Becker, John C. (Cora) gardener T<br />
H&L Rl Brighton Station Bri 41.<br />
BECKERT, JOHN (E. L.) farmer O 37y 2 a,<br />
3h 4c West Webster Web 13 B tel.<br />
Beckert, Leon (Clara) 1 ch farmer T<br />
% West Webster Web 13 B tel.<br />
Beckert, Lewis farmer West Webster<br />
Web 13 B tel.<br />
Beckert, Merton farmer West Webster<br />
Web 13 B tel.<br />
Sfi<br />
Beckwith, Henry M. (Matilda) 4 ch<br />
milk dealer T H&L lh 1 auto R2<br />
Brighton Station Bri 31.<br />
Beckwith, John F. (Lillian C.) 2 ch ret<br />
O 20a 1 auto R2 Brighton Station<br />
Bri 31 B tel.<br />
Beckwith, Samuel P. (Katharine) farming<br />
O 76a 5h 12e 5 pigs R2 Brighton<br />
Station Bri 31.<br />
Bedford, Richard (Pearl) 1 ch laborer<br />
T H&L George St Munrford.<br />
Bedford, Thomas laborer bds Rochester<br />
St Scottsville.<br />
Bedo, C. D. 1 ch stationary engineer<br />
O H&L R2 Brighton Station Bri 8%.<br />
Beebe, A. P. farmer O 80a 4h 4c 1 auto<br />
R2 Barnard Par 84 B tel.<br />
BEEBE, HENRT (Charlotte) 2 ch farmer<br />
T Rl Broekport Swe 27.<br />
Beecher, William (Kate) 5 ch auctioneer<br />
and pester O la Mendon<br />
Men 106 B tel.<br />
Beedle, Bert farmer O 40a 2h lc Rl<br />
Hamlin Ham 31%. "<br />
Beedle, Charles (Anna) 4 eh farm<br />
hand T Rl Hilton Par 15.<br />
BEEDLE, GEO. A. (Wilhelmina) 4, ch<br />
farmer O190a 9h 6e 5 hogs Brockport<br />
Swe 45 Ind tel.<br />
Beedle, H. J. (Mary) farmer O 56a 2h<br />
2c 4 hogs R2 Brockport Swe 41 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Beedle, J. E. farmer O 280a 12h 33c 1<br />
auto 33 sheep 18 hogs Rl Brockport<br />
Swe 25 Ind tel.<br />
Beedle, Randall (Kittie M.) 1 ch section<br />
hand O H&L lh Rl Hamlin<br />
Ham 31.<br />
Beedle Roy (Carrie) 1 ch farmer O<br />
49a 3h 3c 4 hogs Rl Broekport Swe<br />
24.<br />
Beehler, Henry H. (Mary) 4 ch farmer<br />
T- 50a 2h 5e 12 hogs Rl Clarkson<br />
Clar 24 B tel.<br />
Beehler, Mrs. Sadie 1 ch R2 Spencerport<br />
Par 33.<br />
Beehler, W. E. (Sadie) 1 ch farmer T<br />
93a 4h 2c 3 hogs R2 Speneerport Par.<br />
77 B tel.<br />
Beeker, John (Mary) 1 ch basket factory<br />
worker O H&L Donovan Park<br />
Webster.<br />
Beeman, Catherine student West Rush<br />
Rush.<br />
Beeman, Irene student West Rush Rush.<br />
Beeman, JosepTi (Minnie) T H&L West<br />
Rush Rush 16.<br />
Been, Frank H. (Caroline) 4 ch farmer<br />
& wholesale butcher O 40a 3h 2c 9<br />
pigs 100 sheep 1 auto truck 1 auto<br />
*R1 West Henrietta Henr 39 B tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Beer, William E. (Tessie) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 14a lh li- Pittsford Pitt 43 Ind tel.<br />
Beeton, Samuel (Emma) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 20a 2h lc R2 E:»*t Rochester Penf<br />
101>{. Ind tel.<br />
Beh, Jos. (<strong>The</strong>resa) ret O II&L R2<br />
Irondequoit Iron 2S.<br />
Beham, Patrick T H&L Grove St<br />
Scottsville.<br />
Behan, Anna nurse O H&L Garbutt<br />
Whtld 46.<br />
Behan, Richard (Jennie) farmer O 68a<br />
3h 8c 2 hogs Rl Rush Rush 60 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Behan, Ward farmer T Garbutt Whtld<br />
46.<br />
Behl, Chas A. (Mary L.) 2 ch machinist<br />
O %a R2 Irondequoit Iron 28.<br />
Behnk, Carl merchant 1 auto Rush.<br />
Behnk, Charles farmer O 2a 2h lc 2<br />
hogs Rush Rush 30 Ind tel.<br />
Behnk, Dora Rush.<br />
Behnk, Phillip farmer Rush.<br />
Behnk, C. J. merchant O l x ia Rush<br />
Rush 30 Ind tel.<br />
Behnk, Dora E. clerk bds Rush Rush<br />
30 Ind tel.<br />
Behnk, Fred E. (Mamie) 2 ch thresher<br />
O %a lh Rush Rush 30 Ind tel.<br />
Behnk, Philip teamster bds Rush Rush<br />
30 Ind tel.<br />
Behrman, John farm hand R2 Pittsford<br />
Pitt 62 Ind tel.<br />
Behrns, Charles (Julia) 1 ch rural mail<br />
carrier O H&L 2h Rl Barnard Gre<br />
78.<br />
Beideck, Wm. J. (Elizabeth) 2 ch<br />
plumber T H&L R2 Irondequoit Iron<br />
32.<br />
Beisheim, Ernest (Louisa) 2 ch engineer<br />
T H&L R2 Brighton Station Bri<br />
25 ȣ.<br />
Belano, Chas B. (Mandy) 2 ch ret O<br />
H&L lh 4c North Ave Webster B tel.<br />
Bell, Albert farmer R3 Church ville<br />
Riga 24 Ind tel.<br />
Bell, Arthur (Olive) 5 ch gardener O<br />
8a 2h Rl Irondequoit Iron 23 Ind tel.<br />
Bell, Charles (Alice) 1 eh farmer T 60a<br />
4h lc 3 hogs R3 Churchville Riga 24<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Bell, David K. farmer O 50a 3h lc 75<br />
sheep 1 auto R2 Brighton Station Bri<br />
7 Ind tel.<br />
Bell, Mrs. Emma J. (widow) O 10a Rl<br />
Irondequoit Iron 23.<br />
Bell, John (Bertha) 1 ch gardener O<br />
10a 2h 1 auto Rl Irondequoit, Iron<br />
23 Ind tel.<br />
Bell, J. R. (Minnie) farmer O 8a lh<br />
lc Rl Pittsford Pitt 49.<br />
Bell, R.. H. (Edna) 2 ch gardener T<br />
10a lh Rl Irondequoit Iron 23.<br />
Bell, Wesley farmer O 60a 3h 4c 2 pigs<br />
Rl West Henrietta Henr 46 B tel.<br />
Bell, Wm. (Maud) 7 ch gardener O 14a<br />
2h 1 auto R2 Irondequoit Iron 8 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Bell, Mrs. William (widow) farmer O<br />
7a lh 1 auto R2 Spencerport Par 33.<br />
Belldo, Thos (Anna> farmer O 17a 2h<br />
Brooks Ave Lincoln Park Gat 32.<br />
A Yoke <strong>of</strong> Oxen.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bellgarde, Chester (Anna) 1 ch stationary<br />
engineer T 10a lh Bl Scottsville<br />
Chi 84.<br />
BELLINGER, CHRIS (Nettie) farmer T<br />
114a 4h 13c 2 hogs B2 Honeoye Falls<br />
Men 42 B tel.<br />
Bellinger, Ed (Mary) 1 ch laborer T<br />
H&L R3 Irondequoit, Iron 6.<br />
Belzerak, Valentine (Lena) 6 ch tailor<br />
O H&L R2 Irondequoit Iron 30.<br />
BEMISH, DWIGHT R4 Charlotte.<br />
Bemish, Frank (Clara) farmer O 100a<br />
lOh 25c E4 Charlotte Gre 61 B tel.<br />
Bemish, John (Laura) farmer O 50a<br />
2h 7c 2 pigs 1 auto E4 Charlotte Gre<br />
61 B tel.<br />
Bemish, John A. (Louise) steam fitter<br />
0 26a 2h 2c 1 pig R! West Henrietta<br />
Henr 8.<br />
Bemish, Lewis H. (Idella) ret O 102a<br />
1 auto West Henrietta B tel.<br />
Bemish, Richard W. (Bernice) 1 ch<br />
farmer O 100a lOh 25c R4 Charlotte<br />
Gre 61 B tel.<br />
Bend, Samuel T. (Lottie) farmer O 4a<br />
lh 1 auto Buffalo Road Lincoln Park<br />
Gat 37.<br />
Bender, Lloyd (Elizabeth) 1 ch stationary<br />
engineer T 2a Rl Irondequoit<br />
Iron 22% Ind tel.<br />
farmer O 93a 7h 8c Rl Fairport Per<br />
39% B tel.<br />
Bendschneider, Frank farmer T 55a 4h<br />
5e 9 hogs R2 East Rochester Penf<br />
95 B teL<br />
BENDSCHNEIDER, WILL (Elsie) 1 ch<br />
farmer T 49a 3h 2c 3 hogs R2 East<br />
Rochester Penf 95 B tel.<br />
BENDSCHNEIDER, WM. Penfield.<br />
Bendzes, William (Beatrice) 3 ch<br />
farmer T 27a lh lc Sea Breeze Web<br />
5.<br />
Benedict, A. L. (Irene) farmer O 90a<br />
4h 2c 1 auto Rl Fairport Per 26 B<br />
tel.<br />
Benedict, Charles A. (Margaret) 2 ch<br />
builder & contractor O 6%a lh lc<br />
2 pigs 1 auto Maplewood Ave Speneerport<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Benedict, D. E. farmer O 103a 2h 6c<br />
5 hogs Rl Chili Station Riga 55 B<br />
tel.<br />
Benedict, Glenn farm hand 1 auto Rl<br />
Chili Station Riga 55 B tel.<br />
Benedict, Harlem 1 ch farmer O 50a<br />
2h 3c Rl Pittsford Per 11.<br />
Benedict, Henry W. (Genevieve) 1 ch<br />
carpenter T 5a Rl Churehville Riga<br />
55 B tel.<br />
Benedict, Homer E. (Maud L.) 2 ch<br />
farmer T 100a 6h 6c 5 pigs Rl West<br />
Henrietta Henr 46 B tel.<br />
Benedict, Lucretia bds Maplewood AT<br />
Spencerport.<br />
Benedict, Norman carpenter 1 auto Rl<br />
Chili Station Riga 55 B tel.<br />
Benedict, Oliver farmer O 100a Rl West<br />
Henrietta Henr 46 B tel.<br />
Benedict, Ora (M.) 1 ch mail carrier O<br />
lh 1 auto West Webster Web 27.<br />
Benedict, Orlo C. (Emma) 2 ch gardener<br />
O 20a 3h Rl Irondequoit Iron 12 Ind.<br />
tel.<br />
Benedict, <strong>The</strong>odore (Laura) 1 ch bank<br />
clerk O 2a Rl Brighton Station Bri<br />
42 Ind tel.<br />
Benge, Charles (Clara) 1 ch janitor O<br />
H&L <strong>Monroe</strong> Ave Pittsford Ind tel.<br />
Benge, Mrs. John laundry work T H&L-<br />
South St Pittsford.<br />
Benjamin, J. A. (Julia) grower <strong>of</strong><br />
plants O 10a 1 auto Pittsford Pitt<br />
37 B tel.<br />
BENJAMIN, J. E. (Bertha) 3 ch farmer<br />
O 78a 2h 2e 1 hog 1 auto R2 Webster<br />
Web 26 B tel.<br />
Benjamin, Martha E. school teacher S<br />
Union St Spencerport Ind tel.<br />
Benjamin, Mrs. Mary C. (widow) 3 ch<br />
O H&L S Union St Speneerport Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Benner, Ephraim, 2 ch farmer T 160a<br />
Rl West Rush Rush 18.<br />
Bennett, Mrs. (widow) 1 ch O H&L R2<br />
Brighton Station Bri 8%.<br />
Bennett, Burton G. (Adala H.) insurance<br />
O 95a 4h 2c 2 autos R4 Charlotte<br />
Gre 96 B tel.<br />
BENNETT, C. O. (Louie H.) 2 ch farmer<br />
O 117a 8h 5c 2 hogs Rl Hilton Par<br />
62 B tel.<br />
Bennett, David E. (Louise) 4 ch sales<br />
manager for Morgan Machine Co. T<br />
la 1 auto Rl Brighton Station Bri<br />
43 Ind tel.<br />
Bennett, Mrs. Frances F. (widow) T<br />
H&L R2 Hilton Gre 49 B tel.<br />
Bennett, Fred laborer Main St West<br />
Webster.<br />
Bennett, Gordon farmhand 1 auto Rl<br />
Hilton Par 21 B tel.<br />
BENNETT, GRANT (Matie) 3 ch farmer<br />
and carpenter O 50a 2h 3c 9 hogs Rl<br />
Hilton Par 21 B tel.<br />
'<br />
Bennett, H. L. farmer O 43a 2h Rl<br />
Walker Ham 69 B tel.<br />
Bennett, John (Hattie) farmer O 100a<br />
lOh 7c Rl Hilton Par 50 B tel.<br />
Bennett, Mrs. Mary (widow) O H&L<br />
Main St Webster.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bennett, Orion farmer T 1 auto R2<br />
Clarkson Clar 12.<br />
Bennett, Thomas carpenter and lather<br />
O H&L Rl Pittaford Pitt 36.<br />
Bennett, Wm. mechanic R2 Brighton<br />
Station Bri 8%.<br />
Bennion, Henry H. (Tillie) 2 ch farmer<br />
O 2a lh lc R2 Churchville Whtld 30.<br />
Benson, William J. (Luana) 2 ch farmer<br />
T 84a 5h 2c 9 hogs Hamlin Ham 46<br />
B tel.<br />
Bentley, D. A. (Mary) farmer O 50a 3h<br />
2c 20 sheep 2 hogs Rl Brockport Swe<br />
16 Ind tel.<br />
Bentley, John (Jennie) 1 ch farmer T<br />
80a 3h le Rl Adams Basin Ogd 41<br />
B ft Ind tels.<br />
Benton, Alice L. West Ave Spencerport<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Benton, Ethel M. West Ave Spencerport<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Benton, George A. (Catharine) 3 ch<br />
Judge <strong>of</strong> {Supreme Court O lh 3c 2<br />
pigs 1 auto West Ave Spencerport B<br />
ft Ind tels.<br />
Benwitz, August (Bertha) 1 ch laborer<br />
T 103a lc 2 pigs Rl West Henrietta<br />
Henr 47.<br />
Benz, J. Henry (Bertha) hotel keeper<br />
O H&L lh lc R2 Brighton Station<br />
Bri 8% B tel.<br />
Bereh, Charles (Minnie) laborer T<br />
HAL Rl Brighton Station Bri 26.<br />
Berg, Henry (Mary) 1 ch farming O<br />
100a 6h 10c 10 pigs Rl Henrietta<br />
Henr 54 B tel.<br />
Berg, William, Jr. 2 ch farmer T 10a<br />
Rl West Webster Web 14.<br />
Berg, William (Ricka) farmer O 25a<br />
3h 3c 1 auto Rl West Webster Web 14.<br />
Berger, Frank (Margaret) 1 eh farmer<br />
T 45a 2h lc Rl Spencerport Gat 14.<br />
BERGT, HERMAN 1 eh farmer O 15% a 2h<br />
2e Rl Lincoln Park Chi 58.<br />
Berl, J. (Winnie) 2 ch laborer T H&L<br />
Rl Lincoln Park Gat 38.<br />
Berle, Frances Howard St Churchville.<br />
Berle, Joseph 5 ch laborer O H&L Howard<br />
St Churchville.<br />
Berle, Joseph H. (Adelaide) 3 ch<br />
painter O H&L 1 auto N Main St<br />
Churchville B tel.<br />
Berman, Henry M. (Marian) 1 ch accountant<br />
O HftL 1 auto R2 Rochester<br />
Bri 21 Ind tel.<br />
Berman, Soloman (Gertrude) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 80a lc R2 Brighton Station Bri<br />
21 Ind tel.<br />
Berna, Edward tinsmith O 9Ms a Rl<br />
Barnard Gre 39.<br />
Bernard, John (Mary) 1 ch ret O H&L<br />
1 auto Rl Brighton Station Bri 42.<br />
Bernbaum, Samuel (Rose) 1 ch guard<br />
state school T H&L West Rush Kush<br />
14.<br />
Berndt, Fred (Augusta) 4 ch laborer O<br />
6a R2 Irondequoit Iron 30.<br />
Bernst, Henry (son Katherine) carpenter<br />
T H&L Rochester Junction Men<br />
14.<br />
Bernst, Mrs. Katherine (widow) RD<br />
Rochester Men 14.<br />
BERRTDGE, WiiiLiAM (Lizzie) 7 ch farmer<br />
O 95a 9h 7e 5 hogs 1 auto Rl Hilton<br />
Par 62 B tel.<br />
Berry, Frank (Kittie) 1 ch shipping<br />
clerk O 2a Emerson St Spencerport<br />
Gat 44.<br />
Berry, James farmhand R3 Webster<br />
Penf 57.<br />
Bertch, G. (Louisa) farmer O 37a 2h<br />
2c 4 hogs Rl Webster Web 46 B tel.<br />
Bertch, Henry (Emily) 5 ch farmer O<br />
36a 2h 3c Rl East Rochester Penf 35<br />
B tel.<br />
Berthold, Jacob (Kate) 3 ch farmer O<br />
60a 2h 2c 3 hogs Rl Webster Web 84<br />
B tel.<br />
Berwind, Edwin (Eva) farmer O 10a lh<br />
2c R3 Spencerport Ogd 83.<br />
Berz, William G~ (Cora) fanner O 50a<br />
3h 5e Rl Henrietta Henr 65 B tel.<br />
Best, Arthur (Ethel) 1 ch farmer T<br />
H&L 1 hog Rl Clarkson Par 25.<br />
Bethmeen, Mrs. Wilhelmina (widow)<br />
farming O 60a 4h 6c 11 pigs Rl Barnard<br />
Gre 20 B tel.<br />
Betteridge, Edwin (Sarah) 2 ch farmer<br />
T 80a 5h 4c R2 Churehyille Riga 44%.<br />
Betteridge, Fred (Katherine) 4 ch farmer<br />
O 65a 5h 3c R2 Brighton Station<br />
Bri 4%.<br />
BETTERIDGE JOB (Mary) farmer O 60a<br />
3h 4c R2 Churchville Riga 44%.<br />
Betteridge, William (Mable) 1 ch<br />
farmer O 68a 6h 2c Clifton Chi 14.<br />
Betts, George farming T 5%a R24 Chili<br />
Station Chi 25.<br />
Betts, Thomas (Helen) 1 ch hotel T 3a<br />
Buffalo Road Lincoln Park Gat 37 B<br />
tel.<br />
-Sole For<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bevean, Edw. (Elizabeth) 1 ch laborer Bills, George (Lottie) 3 ch farmer T<br />
O H&L lh R2 Irondequoit Ifon 28. 80a 2h 15e R3 Brighton Station Penf<br />
Bialynski, Jacob (Viola) 1 ch laborer T 10.<br />
4a 1 auto R3 Brighton Station Bri 42. BILLS, G. W. (Frances L.) traveling<br />
Bianchi, Dominick farmhand R3 Churchville<br />
Riga 6 B tel.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
salesman O 4a lh Union Hill Web 76<br />
BIANCHI, GIUSEPPE (Josephine) 1 ch Bills, S. S. farmer T 160a 7h 15c 16<br />
farmer part owner 68a 3h 5c R3 hogs R2 Fairport Per 57 Ind tel.<br />
Churchville Riga 6 B tel.<br />
Bills, William (Louise) farmer T 129a<br />
BIANCHI, SABATINE (Lulu) 3 ch farmer Rl Clarkson Clar 31 B tel.<br />
O 21a 2h 2c 2 pigs Mortimer Henr 1. Bim, William (Catherine) 3 ch farmer<br />
Bickford, Mary F. farmer O 79a Rl T R2 Webster Web 37.<br />
Adams Basin Ogd 63 B & Ind tels. Binder, Carl (Alice) 2 eh piano factory<br />
T H&L West Ave Penfield.<br />
Bickford, Mrs. Sarah C. Rl Adams Basin<br />
Ogd 63 B & Ind tels.<br />
BINGGELI, ADOLPH (Louise) 8 ch farmer<br />
Bidwell, Mrs. Adeline E. (widow) farmer<br />
O 10a R3 Brighton Station Penf 31.<br />
O 20a 2h le 2 pigs R2 Webster Web<br />
10.<br />
Binggeli, Clara R2 Webster Web 31.<br />
Bidwell, George carpenter R3 Brighton Birch, Mrs. C. H. (widow) farmer O<br />
Station Penf 10.<br />
25a lh 2c 1 automobile Rl Fairport<br />
Bidwell, Mrs. M. E. (widow) T H&L Per 36 y 2 Ind tel.<br />
Rl Spencerport Ogd 48.<br />
Bird, Arthur (Eva L.) 1 ch farmer T<br />
Bidwell, William, traveling salesman Rl 390a 12h 12e 70 sheep 30 hogs Rl<br />
Spencerport Ogd 48.<br />
Brockport Swe 13 Ind tel.<br />
Bidwell, William farmer R3 Brighton Bird, Chauncey (Jennie) 1 ch farmer<br />
Station Penf 10.<br />
T 92a 6h 3c 13 hogs Rl Brockpoxt<br />
Bigelow, C. E. (Nellie) 2 eh bookkeeper Swe 25.<br />
O H&L Rl Spencerport Gat 39 B teL Bird, Georganna student Lapham Park<br />
Bigelow, Elmer S. (Ada) 2 ch painter Webster. •<br />
and decorator T 1 auto Hovey St Bird, Harvey (Lula) real estate O H&L<br />
Hilton B tel.<br />
Lapham Park Webster B tel.<br />
Bigford, Millard F.' (Anna) mason O Bird, Hazel student Lapham Park Webster.<br />
H&L William St Mumford.<br />
Bigger, George laborer Lake Ave Hilton Bird, Joseph (Daisy) 1 ch farmer T<br />
B tel.<br />
4a lh Rl West Webster Web 10.<br />
Bigger, John (Louisa) 2 eh laborer T Bird, Samuel (Ada) 3 ch farmer O<br />
H&L Lake Ave Hilton B tel.<br />
100a 5h 24c 22 sheep Rl East Rochester<br />
Penf 34 B tel.<br />
Bilger, Edward (Gertrude) farmer T<br />
90a 4h 4c 1 hog Rl Webster Web 88. Bisch<strong>of</strong>ing, Anthony (Mary) 3 eh<br />
farmer O 97a 5h 5e 5 hogs Rl Webster<br />
Web 63 B tel.<br />
Bilger, George (Georgia) 1 ch farmer<br />
T H R2 Ontario Web 79.<br />
Bishop, Andrew J. Rl Adams Basin<br />
Billings, Mrs. Henry (widow) O H&L Ogd 19.<br />
RD Morton Ham 13 B tel.<br />
BISHOP, MRS. C. Spencerport Road Spencerport.<br />
Billings, H. M. fruit grower South Ave<br />
Bishop, C. M. (Ottie) supt gravel .pit<br />
Webster B tel.<br />
T H&L Caledonia Ave Seottsville B<br />
Billings, J. N. (Helen) foreman for tel.<br />
Eastman Kodak Co. O H&L Spencerport<br />
Ogd 51.<br />
3a Rl Spencerport Gat 15 B tel.<br />
Bishop, Geo. (Eva)" 3 ch machinist T<br />
Billings, Mrs. L. J. South Ave Webster. Bishop, Wm. (Mary) 1 eh gardener T<br />
Billings, Mina South Ave Webster. H&L R2 Irondequoit Iron 6.<br />
Billings, B. R. (May) 2 eh wire chief, BISHOPP, MRS. CORA CATE (widow)<br />
T H&L 1 auto Rush Ind tel.<br />
farming O 65a 4h 2 pigs Rl Lincoln<br />
Billings, W. M. fruit grower South Ave Park Chi 36.<br />
Webster B tel.<br />
Bisiegel, David (Mary) farmer O 30a<br />
Bills, Charles (Bertie) 4 ch farmer O lh Rl West Webster Penf 7y 2 .<br />
70a 3h 7e 7 sheep 1 hog 1 auto Rl<br />
Bissell, Frank gardener O H&L Seottsville<br />
Whtld 56.<br />
Fairport Per 70.<br />
BILLS, ERWIN Rl Fairport.<br />
Bitner, Lewis (Elizabeth) carpenter<br />
Bills, George farmer T 129a 5h 3c 2<br />
O H&L Second St Seottsville B tel.<br />
hogs Rl Clarkson Clar 31 B tel.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bitner, Louis (Sophia) .1 eh laborer T<br />
H&L Rl Brighton Station Bri 26.<br />
Bittker, David (Anna) 4 ch farming O<br />
225a 9h 30c automobile R2 Barnard<br />
Gre 26 B tel.<br />
Bittle, Mrs. Anna A. (widow O H&L<br />
North Chili Chi 28.<br />
Bittner, Ernest (Catherine) 2 ch piano<br />
works O H&L West Ave Penfield.<br />
Bixby, Albert F. (Ruth F.) farming O<br />
25a 2h 4c 2 pigs automobile West<br />
Henrietta B tel.<br />
Bixby, Archie (Marv) 1 ch farmer T<br />
Rl Webster Web 87.<br />
BIXBY, CHATJNCEY E. gardener O %a<br />
2 pigs North Chili Chi 4.<br />
Black, Frank (Louise) 3 eh farmer O<br />
65a 4h lie 1 automobile R2 Hilton<br />
Par 45 B tel.<br />
Black, W. J. (Mary) farmer O 64a<br />
3h 3c 11 hogs R2 Brockport Swe 42<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Blackburn, H. D. (Clara) 2 ch laborer<br />
O H&L George St Mumford B tel.<br />
Blackburn, Mrs. Ina (widow) 2 ch<br />
box factory O 10a Rl Barnard Gre<br />
106%.<br />
Blackburn, Mrs. Maggie (widow) T<br />
H&L State St Mumford.<br />
Blackford, F. C. (Alice) 2 ch deputy<br />
U. S. marshal O H&L Adams Basin<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Blackloek, Edward (Anna) farmer O<br />
2a lh R5 Holley Clar 2 Ind tel.<br />
Blaekman, August (Merill) 5 ch hired<br />
man T H&L Rl Irondequoit Iron 9.<br />
Blaekwell, Horace (Essie) leather cutter<br />
T H&L R2 Irondequoit Iron 10.<br />
Blair, Frank G. (Maggie May) 5 ch<br />
farmer O 96a 6h 6e 4 hogs Rl Rush<br />
Rush 26 B tel.<br />
Blair, Fred (Lena) 2 ch farmer O 75a<br />
3h 5c 4 pigs Rl West Henrietta Henr<br />
39 B tel.<br />
Blakeley, Benjamin farmer T H&L<br />
Clifton Chi 14.<br />
Blaker, George (Emma M.) 2 ch farmer<br />
T 204a 8h 30c 13 hogs R3 Churehville<br />
Riga 32 Ind tel.<br />
Blanehard, E. A. (Harriett) farmer O<br />
52a 3h 3c 1 hog 1 automobile Rl<br />
West Webster Penf 22 B tel.<br />
Blatner, Andrew (Regina) 1 eh farmer<br />
O 23a 2h 2e 1 automobile Rl Walker<br />
Ham 56.<br />
Blatz, William (Christina) farmer O<br />
30a 2h 1 automobile R2 Spencerport<br />
Par 77.<br />
Bleier, Fred (Elizabeth) 4 ch gardener<br />
O 16a 2h le R2 Irondequoit Iron 3.<br />
Bleier, L. (Julia) 5 ch farmer O 12%<br />
lh lc 2 hogs Rl Pittsford Per 7.<br />
91<br />
Blim, Albert E. (Grace) station agent<br />
N C R O la Rl Chili Station Chi 4<br />
B tel.<br />
Blim, Alonzo farmer R31 Bergen Swe<br />
22 Ind tel.<br />
BLIM, CHARLES farming O 40a 2h 2c 2<br />
pigs Rl Lincoln Park Chi 64.<br />
Blim, Jacob (Mary) 4 ch farmer T 137a<br />
6h 3e 12 hogs R31 Bergen Swe 22 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Blintz, Thomas 5 ch farmer O 5a lh lc<br />
Rl Irondequoit Iron 11.<br />
Blodgett, F. M. (Elsie) extension work<br />
plant diseases T H&L 1 automobile<br />
Lake Ave Hilton B tel.<br />
Blodgett, Geo. farmer O 33a 2h 3c Rl<br />
Clarkson Clar 17 B tel.<br />
Blodgett, Ike (Dolly) 4 ch farmer T<br />
3h 2c Rl Walker Ham 62.<br />
Blodgett, Samuel (Mary) 1 ch farmer'<br />
O 150a 5h 7c R2 Pittsford Pitt 62<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Blodgett, Spencer (Minnie) 3 ch farmer<br />
T 94a 4h 14c Rl Clarkson Clar 18<br />
Btel.<br />
Blodgett, William (Nellie) 7 ch laborer<br />
O 19a lh R2 Hilton Par 65 B tel.<br />
Blodgett, Wm. (Jennie) farmer &<br />
breeder <strong>of</strong> Jersey cattle O 94a 4h 14e<br />
Rl Clarkson Clar 18 B tel.<br />
Blood, Bert (Myrta) 2 ch farmer O<br />
& T 80a 3h 12c 1 automobile R2 Fairport<br />
Per 47 B tel.<br />
Blood, Martin A. (Jane R.) farmer O<br />
40a 2h 4c 1 automobile R2 Fairport<br />
Per 33 B tel.<br />
Bloom, Cornell (Mary C.) 1 ch carpenter<br />
O 2a Rl Irondequoit Iron 36.<br />
Bloomfield, Charles laborer O la Star<br />
Route Chili Station Chi 24.<br />
Blossom, J. E. (Amelia F.) farmer O<br />
180a 6h Se 1 automobile 6 hogs Rl<br />
Walker Ham 62 Ind tel.<br />
Blossom, Myron (Clara) 3 ch farmer T<br />
180a 1 automobile Rl Walker Ham 61<br />
B tel.<br />
Blossom, Roy (Ethel) 1 eh agent T<br />
2 automobiles Berridge St Hilton B<br />
tel.<br />
Blossom, Seymour (Luella) farmer T<br />
90a 4h 4c 1 automobile 4 hogs Hamlin<br />
Ham 36 B tel.<br />
Blossom, T. E. (Carrie) farmer T 100a<br />
5h 5e 1 automobile 3 hogs R2 Brockport<br />
Swe 65 B tel.<br />
Blue, Mrs. Catherine (widow) R3<br />
Churchville Riga 19 B tel.<br />
Blue, William R. (Gertrude) 4 ch<br />
farmer T 100a 5h 2c R3 Churehville<br />
Riga 19 B tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bluhm, Frank (Augusta) 2 ch farmer Bohmacker, J. W. (Frances) 2 ch farmer<br />
O 14a 2h lc 3 hogs R3 Pittsford O 23a lh lc 1 hog R2 Webster Web<br />
Pitt 30.<br />
43. *<br />
Bluhm, Geo. farmer O 25a 4h 6c 1 automobile<br />
R2 Fairport Per 52.<br />
er and fruit evaporator O 16a 2h lc<br />
Bohnenblust, James (Carrie) 1 ch farm-<br />
BLUHM, JNO. (Anna) farmer O 74a lh R2 Webster Web 32 B tel.<br />
6c R2 Fairport Per 78.<br />
Bohnenblust, William (Cora) farmer O<br />
Bluhm, Phillip bds 3h R2 Fairport Per 21a 2h lc 2 hogs 1 auto R2 Webster<br />
78.<br />
Web 36 B tel.<br />
BLUM, ANDREW" Spencerport.<br />
Boholtz, Charles (Anna) 2 eh machinist<br />
Bly, C. W. insurance agent Rl Pittsford<br />
Per 7.<br />
Boland, Henry (Jennie) railroad laborer<br />
T 5a 2h Rl Fairport Per 8.<br />
Bly, George (Nellie) 3 ch market T O H&L Rl Fairport Per 34.<br />
H&L lc 1 automobile Main St Scottsville.<br />
H&L Rl Brighton Station Bri 43.<br />
Bolcho, Joseph (Mary) 2 ch laborer O<br />
Bly, Howard (Grace) traveling salesman<br />
O la Cold Water Road Cold Wa-<br />
O la Rl Brighton Station Bri 43.<br />
Bolcho, William (Emma) 4 ch shoeman<br />
ter Gat 9Y 2 .<br />
Bolda Henry (Mary) 1 ch farmer O<br />
Bly, John Second St Scottsville B tel. 100a 4h lie 6 hogs Rl Honeoye Falls<br />
Bly, Stewart (Ruth E.) 1 ch meat market<br />
T H&L 1 auto truck Church St BOLDT, ERNEST H. 1 ch farmer O 52a<br />
Rush 47.<br />
Scottsville.<br />
3h 3c 4 hogs R2 Honeoye Falls Men<br />
Bly, Wesley farmer O 40a 2h lc Rl 40 B tel.<br />
Pittsford Per 7.<br />
Boldt, John ret bds with Henry Orend<br />
Blye, Martin (Mary) farmer T 100a R2 Honeoye Falls Men 101 B tel.<br />
7h 12c 12 pigs Rl West Henrietta Boname, Pete, Jr. farmhand R2 Barnard<br />
Par 80.<br />
Henr 40 B tel.<br />
Boardman, Enos farmer O 3%a lh Rl Boname, Pete, Sr. (Anna) farmer T 30a<br />
West Webster Web 9.<br />
2h R2 Barnard Par 80.<br />
Boas, Mrs. Sophia (widow) O H&L Boneke, Henry (Bertha) ret O 30a Rl<br />
Caledonia Ave Scottsville.<br />
Irondequoit Iron 39 Ind tel.<br />
Bock, George (Emma) 3 ch laborer T BONCKE, WM. (Anna) farmer O 3a 4h<br />
, H&L 2e Rush Ind tel.<br />
15c Rl Irondequoit Iron 39 Ind tel.<br />
Bock, Lester laborer Rush.<br />
Bond, Abel (Carrie E.) 4 eh farmer O<br />
Bodette, Elijah (Lydia) shoe dealer O 48a 3h 2c Rl Churchville Riga 63 B<br />
H&L 1 automobile W Buffalo St tel.<br />
Churchville B tel.<br />
BOND, JOHN H. farmhand Rl Churchville<br />
Riga 63 B tel.<br />
Bodette, Eugene W Buffalo St Churchville.<br />
Bond, Milton (Cora) 3 ch farmer T 32a<br />
Bodette, Lula piano teacher W Buffalo 3h 2c 2 hogs Rl Rochester Junction<br />
St Churchville B tel.<br />
Men 5 Ind tel.<br />
Bodler, O. W. (Emily) 2 ch electrical Bond, Mrs. Rachel O H&L Henrietta.<br />
engineer O la R2 Pittsford Pitt 35V? Bone, John ret O 10a lh lc Rl Rochester<br />
Junction Men 51.<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Boe, Conrad (Laura) 2 ch mason O 3a Bonenblust, L. J. (Ella) 1 ch garage O<br />
3 pigs Rl Barnard Gre 20.<br />
H&L Lapham Park Webster B tel.<br />
Boehan, Charles (Louisa) laborer O Bonesteele, Charles (Mary) 2 ch fence<br />
H&L Creek St Mumf ord.<br />
builder T H&L R2 Barnard Gre 76<br />
Boehly, Mrs. R. A. (widow) O la R2 B tel.<br />
Irondequoit Iron 32.<br />
Bonesteele, J. L. (Clara F.) O 15%a 2h<br />
Boehm, Henry (Nora) farmer O 54a lc Rl Spencerport Gat 14.<br />
3h 8c Mumford Whtld 19.<br />
Bonhurst, Cajrrie teacher Jefferson Road<br />
Boerjan, John (Bodana) 2 ch farmer & Pittsford.<br />
gardener O 17a 2h 3 pigs Rl Barnard Bonhurst, Charles laborer Jefferson Road<br />
Gre 64.<br />
Pittsford.<br />
BOES, ERNEST F. (Minnie) 1 ch wood Bonhurst, Elwood laborer Jefferson Road,<br />
worker O la Rl West Webster Penf 1. Pittsford.<br />
Bogaert, Maurice (Isabelle) hired man Bonhurst, Louis (Anna) 5 ch laborer O<br />
T H&L Rl Irondequoit Iron 9.<br />
H&L Jefferson Road Pittsford.<br />
BOHM, ALBERT J. (Mamie R.) farmer Bonnet, Andrew, Jr. (Lena) 2 ch farmer<br />
and dairyman O 28a 3h 3c Rl Brighton<br />
Station Bri 12 Ind tel.<br />
Lincoln Park Gat 24 B tel.<br />
and fruit grower O 20%a 2h lc Rl<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bonnet, A. C. (Barbara) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 80a 4h 4c 4 hogs Buffalo Road Lincoln<br />
Park Gat 37.<br />
Bonier, Harry (Minnie) 1 ch truck<br />
gardener O 6a lh R2 Irondequoit<br />
Iron 26.<br />
Bookout, Abraham (Anna) 2 ch gardener<br />
O 6a lh Rl Irondequoit Iron<br />
21%.<br />
Booramn, J. E. (Myrtle) 1 ch auto<br />
driver T H&L R2 Brighton Station<br />
Bri 23.<br />
Boos, CHRISTIAN farmer O 91a 5h 5c 7<br />
pigs R2 Hilton Gre 10% B tel.<br />
Booske, Richard (Rebecca) tinsmith O<br />
3a Rl Barnard Gre 104.<br />
Booth, Abiel, ret R2 Brockport Swe 54<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Booth, E. R. (Estella) farmer T 67a<br />
3h lc Rl Broekport Swe 45 Ind tel.<br />
BOOTN, FRANK B. Mumford.<br />
Borgus, A. (Mildred) 2 ch farmer T<br />
175a 8h 6c R2 Seottsville Whtld 39<br />
B tel.<br />
Borgus, William farmer T 3a lh R2<br />
Ghurchville Riga.<br />
Borgyon, Alois (Mary) 1 ch mason T<br />
H&L 1 auto Rl Barnard Gre 65%<br />
B tel.<br />
Borgyon, Mauriee mason T H&L 1 auto<br />
' Rl Barnard Gre 65% B tel.<br />
Borkhuis, Henry (Bertha) 3 ch farmer<br />
O 20a 2h 2c 3 hogs R3 Webster Penf<br />
75.<br />
Borkhuis, J. (Anna) 1 ch farmer T<br />
H&L R3 Webster Penf 62.<br />
BOEKHUIS, Louis H. (Edith B.) 4 ch<br />
basket factory worker Donovan Park<br />
Webster.<br />
Borrelli, Dominiek (Mary) grocer Main<br />
St Mumford Ind tel.<br />
Borrelli, Mrs. Emma (widow) 1 ch Rl<br />
W Webster Web 16.<br />
Borrelli, James (Bridget) grocery O<br />
H&L 1 auto Main St Mumford Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Bortle. Harlan (Lillian) 2 ch farmer T<br />
4h 6c B2 Pairport Per 52.<br />
Bortle, Major J. (Belle) 2 ch machinist<br />
helper O 2a R3 Brighton Station Penf<br />
10.<br />
Bortle. T. W. (Mary) farmer O 95a<br />
6c R2 Fairport Per 52.<br />
Borina, Richard (Mary) 2 ch farmhand<br />
T lc R2 Fairport Penf 48.<br />
Botsford, J. A. (Jessie) 2 ch farmer &<br />
milling O 58a 4h 5c R2 E Rochester<br />
Penf 88 Ind tel.<br />
Bott, A. J. (Eugenia) 1 ch farmer O<br />
115a 4h 8c Mortimer Bri 2.<br />
Bott, Jos. laborer O 5a lh 1 auto Rl<br />
Irondequoit Iron 21% Ind tel.<br />
Bouekhaart, Abraham (Katharine) 1 ch<br />
gardener O 6a lh Rl Irondequoit<br />
Iron 21% Ind tel.<br />
Bough ton, Charles E. (Jennie E.) farmer<br />
O 73a 4h 6c Rl Adams Basin Ogd<br />
12 B & Ind tels.<br />
Boughton, Delbert ret O H&L Main St<br />
Webster B teL<br />
BOUGHTON, EDNA Adams Basin.<br />
Boughton, Edward T. farmer T 73a 2h<br />
3c Rl Adams Basin Ogd 12 B & Ind<br />
tels.<br />
Boughton, Everett J. (Irene) 1 ch farmer<br />
T 90a 6h 4c 9 hogs R3 Spencerport<br />
Ogd 14 B & Ind tels.<br />
Boughton, Fern student Main St Webster.<br />
Boughton, Fred botanist Main St Pittsford.<br />
BOUGHTON, JAMES H. (Sarah) farmer<br />
O 90a 3h 4c 9 hogs R3 Spencerport<br />
Ogd 14 B & Ind tels.<br />
Boughton, J-'As teacher Main St Webster.<br />
Boughton, Roy J. (Ida M.) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 95a 5h 8c 5 hogs Spencerport Ogd<br />
14 B & Ind tels.<br />
Boulton, Mrs. Emma (widow) Rl<br />
Brighton Station Bri 28 Ind tel.<br />
Bourne, Daniel R. (Mary) night watchman<br />
O H&L West Av Penfield B tel.<br />
Bourne, George T. (Maud M.) 2 ch<br />
farmer O 50a 5h Rl Spencerport Ogd<br />
57 B tel.<br />
Bourque, Leo (Edith) 1 ch foreman in<br />
canning factory T H&L Hazen St<br />
Hilton B tel.<br />
Boutwell, Louis E. (Elizabeth) 3 ch<br />
school principal O 32a lh R2 Scottsville<br />
Whtld 55 B tel.<br />
Bovaird, Henry (Sarah) 5 eh locomotive<br />
fireman O H&L Oatka Place Seottsville<br />
Whtld.<br />
Bovee, William (Lottie) 7 ch farmer T<br />
180a 9h 5c 30 sheep 15 hogs 1 auto<br />
Rl Churchville Riga 63 B tel.<br />
Bowen, Benjamin (Freda) 3 ch farmer<br />
O 33a 2h 3c 1 hog R2 Honeoye Falls<br />
Men 47.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Bowen, Mrs. Charles (widow) T East<br />
Buffalo St Churehville.<br />
Bowen, Ellsworth (Sarah) painter anil<br />
paper hanger O H&L R5 Holley Ham<br />
15.<br />
Bowen, Frances C. farming O 290a lh<br />
le Star Route Chili Station Chi 10<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Bowen, Nathan A. (Rosen) farmer T<br />
99a 2h 7c 6 pigs R4 Charlotte Gre<br />
63 B tel.<br />
Bowen, William (Emaline) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 17a 2h lc 4 hogs Rl E Rochester<br />
Per 3.<br />
Bower, Andrew (Lillie) 3 ch farmer O<br />
55a 4h 2c 5 pigs R2 Barnard Gre 21.<br />
Bower, Blanche student Rush.<br />
Bower, Clarence (Marie) 1 ch telephone<br />
manager T H&L Rush.<br />
Bower, Etta R2 E Rochester Penf 101.<br />
Bower George farmer T H&L R2 E<br />
Rochester Penf 101.<br />
Bower, Mrs. Mary (widow) 2 ch Rl<br />
Hamlin Ham 26 B tel.<br />
Bowerman, C. H. (Emma) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 5h 15c 12 hogs 1 auto Rl Victor<br />
Per 85 B tel.<br />
Bowerman, Mrs. Mary (widow) 1 ch T<br />
3a Rl Spencerport Gat 3.<br />
Bowers, George (Minnie) 4 ch butcher<br />
O H&L 4h lc Clarkson Clar 10 B tel.<br />
Bowers, Harry (Lena) 1 ch farmer O<br />
60a 3h 3c 2 hogs 1 auto Rl Clarkson<br />
Clar 29 B tel.<br />
Bowersox, C. S. (Blanche) 3 ch farmer<br />
T H&L R2 Honeoye Falls Men 47.<br />
Bowman, Carlton (Hannah) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 30a 2h lc Rl Webster Web 63.<br />
BOWMAN EVERETT L. (Edith) 1 ch<br />
farmer T R2 Webster Web 38.<br />
Bowman, George (Mary) 4 ch painter<br />
O 5a Rl W Webster Penf 2.<br />
Bowman, Henry A. (Birdella F.) 1 ch<br />
farmer and town supervisor O 150a<br />
10 h 9c 10 hogs 1 auto R2 Webster<br />
Web 38 B tel.<br />
Bowman, Mary cor Main and Dunning<br />
Av Webster<br />
Bown, A. H. (Ellen) dried fruit O 40a<br />
2h 2e 1 auto East Ave Penfield B &<br />
Ind tels.<br />
Bown, Bruner G. (Margaret Case) 1 ch<br />
general farming 122a 3h 10c 29 sheep<br />
2 hogs R2 Fairport Per 76 Ind tel.<br />
Boyce, Craig (Addie) salesman T la<br />
Star Route Chili Station Chi 10.<br />
Boyce, Harry laborer Boughton Ave<br />
Pittsford.<br />
Boyce, Hazel tele operator Boughton<br />
Ave Pittsford.<br />
94<br />
Boyce, Lafayett (Margaret) 2 ch shipping<br />
clerk T H&L Rl Lincoln Park<br />
Gat 31.<br />
Boyce, Oliver B. (Bell) 4 ch post <strong>of</strong>fice<br />
& storekeeper T H&L Clifton Chi 15<br />
B tel.<br />
Boyce, T. H. (Mary) 3 ch carpenter.O<br />
H&L Rl Spencerport Gat 38.<br />
Boyce, Wm. laborer T H&L Boughton<br />
Ave Pittsford Ind tel.<br />
Boyd, Walter E. (Carrie) 4 ch farmer<br />
O 24a 2h lc 2 pigs R2 Barnard Gre<br />
82 Ind tel.<br />
Boyd, William E. farmer R2 Barnard<br />
Gre 82 Ind tel.<br />
Boyer, Charles F. (Anna) 4 ch farming<br />
O 50a 2h 2c 1 auto Rl Barnard Gre<br />
16 B tel.<br />
Boyer, Clayton farmer T 75a 4h 2e 10<br />
hogs R2 Spencerport Par 77 B tel.<br />
Boylan, E. J. (Mary) 6 ch barber O<br />
H&L lh Smith St Mumford B tel.<br />
Boylin, Peter Paul (Emma) 5 eh farmer<br />
O 80a 5h 3c 4 hogs R2 Barnard<br />
Par 80.<br />
BOYLIN, PETER R. (Jennie) 1 ch farmer<br />
T 58a 2h 2c R2 Hilton Par 79.<br />
Brabon, John (Minnie) laborer T H&L<br />
Main St Mumford.<br />
Brace, Bert (Uniee) farmer O 28a 2h<br />
le R3 Webster Penf 81.<br />
Brace, William W. (Elizabeth) ret O<br />
4a Rl Churehville Riga 5 B tel.<br />
Bradford, Mrs. Hannah (widow) Berridge<br />
St Hilton.<br />
Bradford, Mrs. Margaret (widow) O<br />
H&L Rl Hamlin Ham 39%.<br />
Bradshaw, Charles (Marion) 4 ch farmer<br />
T 8%a le Rl West Webster Web<br />
10.<br />
Bradstreet, Austin F. (Mary) 4 eh ret<br />
O l%a Rl Irondequoit Iron 23.<br />
Bradstreet, H. W. (Atta) 1 ch agriculturist<br />
T 50a 2h 6c Rl Honeoye Falls<br />
Rush 44 Ind tel.<br />
Bradstreet, Willard A. (Gertie) 1 ch<br />
floor layer T H&L Rl Irondequoit<br />
Iron 23.<br />
Brady, John (Anna) farmer T 13a 31L<br />
3c 2 hogs Rl Churchville Riga 60<br />
B tel.<br />
Brady, Mrs. Julia (widow) O 13a Rl<br />
Churchville Riga 60 B tel.<br />
Brady, William (Mary) farmer O 32a<br />
2h 2c Rl Lincoln Park Chi 58.<br />
Brahler, Mrs. Anna (widow) O H&L<br />
North St Penfield.<br />
Brahler, Ezra (Mary) farmer O 14a lh<br />
413 Brighton Station Penf 11 B tel.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Brahler, J. E. (Elizabeth) 5 ch dairyman<br />
O 48a 2h 18c 1 auto R3 Brighton<br />
Station Penf 11 B tel.<br />
Brahler, Louie (Mary) 4 ch farmer O<br />
40a 2h 2c R3 Webster Penf 27 B tel.<br />
Brahler, L. A. (Marie) electrical contractor<br />
O H&L 1 auto West Ave<br />
Penfield B tel.<br />
Brainard, Chauncey (Emily) insurance<br />
O H&L S Union St Spencerport.<br />
Brainard, Emma O H&L Chili Station<br />
Chi 28%.<br />
Brainard, 6. J. farmer O 66a 3h 2c 6<br />
hogs Rl Brockport Swe 12 Ind tel.<br />
Brainard, Harry C. (Anna) 3 ch farming<br />
O 65a 2h 3c 9 pigs Rl Chili Station<br />
Chi 6.<br />
Braman, Clifford laborer O H&L R2<br />
East Rochester Penf 98.<br />
Braman, C. F. (Alice M.) 4 ch farmer<br />
O 120a 6h 12c 1 hog 1 auto R2 East<br />
Rochester Penf 93.<br />
Braman, Mrs. Emma J. (widow) 5 ch<br />
O 8a 2h 2c R2 East Rochester Penf<br />
98 B teL<br />
Braman, Mrs. Harriet (widow) O H&L<br />
R2 East Rochester Penf 98.<br />
Braman, H. J. (Eva) farmer T 2h 6c<br />
R2 East Rochester Penf 93.<br />
Braman, Lewis plumber 1 auto R2 East<br />
Rochester Penf 98.<br />
Brand, William farm hand R2 Churchville<br />
Whtld.<br />
Brandon, William J. (Wanda) farmer O<br />
35a 3h 2c 4 hogs Rl Churchville Riga<br />
3 B tel.<br />
Brandstetter, Amelia West Ave Penfield<br />
B tel.<br />
Brandt, August (Minnie E.) farmer &<br />
carpenter O 9a lh Rl Spencerport<br />
Gat 3.<br />
Brannon, D. B. (Cornelia) 2 ch farmer<br />
O 122a 7h 9c 23 hogs R2 East Rochester<br />
Penf 49 B tel.<br />
Brant, Charles (Wilhelmina) farmer O<br />
91%a 6h 8c Rl West Rush Rush 20.<br />
Brant, George farmer Rl West Rush<br />
Rush 20.<br />
Brasser, Jacob (Margaret) ret O %a<br />
Rl Irondequoit Iron 23.<br />
Brautigan, Carl farmer bds with Chris<br />
R3 Pittsford Men 74 B tel.<br />
BRAUTIGAN, CHRIS (Carrie) farmer O<br />
115a 5h 8c 3 hogs R3 Pittsford Men<br />
74 B tel.<br />
BKAUTIGAN, JOHN (Emma) 2 ch farming<br />
T 124a 5h 25c Rl Henrietta Henr<br />
82.<br />
Brautigan, Mrs. Mary bds with Chris<br />
R3 Pittsford Men 74 B tel.<br />
Bray, A. M. (Millie) 1 ch farmer T<br />
40a 4h 2c 1 auto Rl West Webster<br />
Web 9.<br />
Breckenridge, James (Jennie) 2 eh<br />
farmer O H&L R2 Spencerport Par<br />
33.<br />
Breekenridge, Joseph (Lillian) 1 eh<br />
farmer O 53a 2h 6c 4 hogs Rl Clarkson<br />
Par 25.<br />
Breekenridge, K. C. (Minnie) farmer<br />
O 14a lh R2 Speneerport Par 77.<br />
It is Not Always Summer on the <strong>Farm</strong>.<br />
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Breckenridge, Samuel farm hand lh 32<br />
sheep 1 hog El Clarkson Par 25 B<br />
tel.<br />
Breckenridge, Thomas farmer O 162a<br />
8h 8c 65 sheep 2 hogs Bl Clarkson<br />
Par 25 B tel.<br />
Bree, Edward farm hand B2 Pittsford<br />
Pitt 61 Ind tel.<br />
Breeze, Margaret T H R2 Spencerport<br />
Par 33.<br />
Brei, Fred C. (Bertha) 2 ch farmer T<br />
121a 6h 2c 3 pigs 1 auto Bl West<br />
Henrietta Henr 39 B tel.<br />
Brei, John (Mary) ret O H&L State<br />
St Pittsford.<br />
Brei, Lewis (Helen) 2 ch carpenter O<br />
H&L State St Pittsford.<br />
Brenan, James laborer O H&L Walker<br />
Ham 63.<br />
Brennan, Edward (Louisa) 6 ch miner<br />
O H&L Mumford Whtld 19.<br />
Bresee, F. L. (Edith) 2 ch machinist<br />
T H&L ED Fairport Per 40 B tel.<br />
Brew, Duncan (Catherine A.) 2 ch<br />
farmer O 156a 6h 18c B33 Bergen<br />
Eiga 12 Ind tel.<br />
Brew, Florence B33 Bergen Eiga 12<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Brew, Morris farmer B33 Bergen Biga<br />
12 Ind tel.<br />
Brew, Stanley farmer B33 Bergen Eiga<br />
12 Ind tel.<br />
Brew, Walter (Cora) 1 ch farmer T<br />
98a 5h 7c 10 hogs E33 Bergen Biga<br />
11 Ind tel.<br />
Brewer, George (Matie) traveling<br />
salesman O 30a H&L Main St West<br />
Webster B tel.<br />
Brewer, Samuel (Mary) Main St Webster.<br />
BREWER, SYLVESTER (Harriet) ret O<br />
H&L Main St West Webster Web 27.<br />
Brewer, William H., Sr. ret O H&L Bl<br />
West Webster Penf 4 B tel.<br />
Brewer, W. Harry (Florence) 2 ch<br />
farmer O 35a 3h 4c 1 hog 1 auto Bl<br />
West Webster Penf 3 B tel.<br />
Brezee, Gilbert farmer O H&L Bl Pittsford<br />
Pitt 53.<br />
Brice, G. (Margaret) 4 ch blacksmith<br />
O H&L lh B3 Churchville Biga 26<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Brice, Harry (Edna) 1 ch farmer T<br />
350a B3 Churehville Whtld 1 Ind tel.<br />
BRICE, I. A. (Dolly) clergyman T<br />
H&L Adams Basin.<br />
Brice, James 2 ch farmer T 350a 8h<br />
18c 1 auto 250 sheep 6 hogs B3 96<br />
Churchville Whtld 1 Ind tel.<br />
Bricker, Edward (Gertrude) 4 ch RPD<br />
carrier No. 2 T 4a 2h 2c 1 auto Bl<br />
Fairport Per 35.<br />
Brickie, Geo. W. draftsman T H&L Bl<br />
Pittsford Pitt 36.<br />
Brickie, Walter P. driver T H&L El<br />
Pittsford Pitt 36.<br />
Bricks, Fred (Marion) farmer O 48a<br />
3h 2c 1 pig 1 auto Bl Henrietta Henr<br />
61.<br />
BRIDGES, CLAYTON T. El Fairport.<br />
Bridges, C. S. (Jessie T.) 1 ch farmer<br />
O 110a 3h 4c E2 Maeedon Per 72.<br />
Bridges, Henry farmer O 125a 7hf 4c<br />
Bl Fairport Per 71% Ind tel.<br />
Bridges, Tom (Lillian) 3 ch farmer O<br />
3h Bl Fairport Per 70 Ind tel.<br />
Bridgman, Arthur farmer B3 Church :<br />
ville Eiga 24 Ind tel.<br />
Bridgman, David farmer T 175a 7h 3c<br />
3 hogs B3 Churchville Eiga 24 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Bridgman, George (Carrie) 1 ch farmer<br />
O H&L 5h 6c 6 pigs 1 auto Star Boute<br />
North Greece Gre 10 B tel.<br />
Bridgman, Harry farm hand B31 Bergen<br />
Swe 18.<br />
Bridgman, Homer (Florence) 2 ch<br />
farmer T 35a 2h 2e 2 hogs B2 Spencerport<br />
Par 81 Ind • tel.<br />
Bridgman, John (Nettie) coal & fertilizer<br />
O 115a 5h 6c 6 pigs 1 auto Star<br />
Boute North Greece Gre 10 B tel.<br />
Bridgman, Mrs. M. {widow) O 35c B2<br />
Spencerport Par 81 B tel.<br />
Briggle, Frank (Mary) carpenter O<br />
H&L East Buffalo St Churchville.<br />
Briggs, Arthur (son C. M.) B2 Honeoye<br />
Falls Men 96.<br />
Briggs, C. M. (Charlotte L.) farmer O<br />
10a 3h lc B2 Honeoye Falls Men 96.<br />
Briggs, Florence O. North Ave Web<br />
ster.<br />
Briggs, S. C. pickling & sauerkraut<br />
mfg T H&L North Ave Webster.<br />
Brigham, E. W. (Harriet E.) lch<br />
farmer O 60a 5h 2c Bl Brockport Swe<br />
5 Ind tel.<br />
BRIGHAM, J. CLIFFORD (Mary Louise)<br />
farming O 108a 9h 6c Spencerport<br />
Ogd 52 B & Ind tels.<br />
Brikh<strong>of</strong>f, John (Mary) 1 ch superintendent<br />
T 300a 9h 35c 27 pigs B4 Charlotte<br />
GTe 101 B & Ind tels.<br />
Brill, Domonick laborer Clarkson Clar Z<br />
B tels.<br />
Brill, Boswell C. (Marion) 1 ch laborer<br />
T H&L Barnard Gre 81 B tel.<br />
Brink, Delbert laborer bds with Ira<br />
Ackl^y E2 Honeoye Falls Men 91.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Brinkerh<strong>of</strong>f, J. Harold (Laura) clerk T<br />
Evergreen St Spencerport.<br />
Briscoe, C. H. (Carrie S.) banker O<br />
H&L 1 automobile N Main St Churchville<br />
B tel.<br />
Bristol, Chester A. (Luella) 2 cb tailor<br />
OH&L Rl Irondequoit Iron 12.<br />
Britt, Frank J. (Mary E.) 3 ch farmer<br />
T 120a 7h 2c 1 automobile 4 hogs Rl<br />
Adams Basin Par 2S B tel.<br />
BRITT, G. F. Rl Adams Basin.<br />
Britt, Orin F. ret Rl Adams Basin Par<br />
28 B tel.<br />
Britton, Alva O. (Maryann) 1 ch<br />
farmer O 2a lc 3 pigs Rl Barnard Gre<br />
65.<br />
BUTTON, W. N. (Lottie) 1 ch farmer O<br />
O 442a 8h 30c Lincoln Park Chi 76 B<br />
tel.<br />
Brizee, M. J. (Mary L.) 1 ch farmer O<br />
123a 4h 7c Rl Pittsford Pitt 44 Ind<br />
tel.<br />
Brodie, Catherine O H&L W Buffalo St<br />
Churchville.<br />
Brodie, George (Anna) farmer O 102a<br />
8h 3c 14 sheep 6 hogs Rl Churchville<br />
Riga 1 B tel.<br />
Brodie, George farmer Rl Churchville<br />
Riga 1 B tel.<br />
Brodie, John (Eliza) 5 ch farmer O<br />
107a 6h 4c 1 automobile R3 Churchville<br />
Riga 24 B teL<br />
Brodie, Walter (Catharine) 2 ch farming<br />
O 53a 2h lc 7 pigs Rl Barnard<br />
Gre 19.<br />
Brodie, Warren (Bertha 1 ch farm hand<br />
T Rl Churchville Riga 58 B tel.<br />
Brody, Irving carpenter Rl Webster<br />
Web 54.<br />
Brogan, Andrew (Lottie) farmer T<br />
100a 6h 8c 6 pigs Rl Henrietta Henr<br />
65 B tel.<br />
Bromley, Mrs. Carrie (widow) part<br />
owner H&L N Main St Churchville B<br />
tel.<br />
Bromley, Charles D. (Clarisse) cigar<br />
store prop T 1 automobile Lyell Ave<br />
Spencerport Ind teL<br />
Bromley, Julia Rl Churchville Riga 55.<br />
Bromley, J. B. (Georgine) druggist<br />
part owner H&L N Main St Churchville<br />
B tel.<br />
Bromley, Walter farmer O 90a 2h 2e 2<br />
hogs Rl Churchville Riga 55.<br />
Bromley, William H. (Kate M.) ret O<br />
H&L Martha St Spencerport.<br />
Bronson, A. (Jennie) farmer T 56a 3h<br />
2c R2 Brockport Swe 2.<br />
BBONSON, DAVID (Eugenia) 1 ch farmer<br />
T 88a B2 Spencerport Par 21 B tel.<br />
Bronson, Mrs. Frances (widow) N<br />
Main St Churchville B tel.<br />
97<br />
Bronson, Henry H. (Mable Ester) laborer<br />
T H&L R2 Spencerport Par 33.<br />
Brooks, Arthur L. (Dorothy) 1 ch<br />
farmer T 154a 9h 8c Rl Scottsville<br />
Chi 21.<br />
Brooks, A. II. (Justine E.) chief engineer<br />
O 10a lh 1 automobile R3 Brighton<br />
Station Penf 11 B tel.<br />
Brooks, Burton S. (Mabel) 4 ch farmer<br />
T 60a 3h 20c 31 sheep 13 hogs R2<br />
East Rochester Penf 99.<br />
BROOKS, C. G. (Minnie) 1 ch farmer O<br />
175a 5h 7e 1 automobile Rl Pittsford<br />
Pitt 44 B tel.<br />
Brooks, Dougald (Addie E.) farming<br />
O 154a 9h 8c 17 pigs Rl Scottsville<br />
Chi 21.<br />
Brooks, Frank J. (Sarah L.) farmer O<br />
60a 3h 20c 31 sheep 13 hogs R2 East<br />
Rochester Penf 99 Ind tel.<br />
Brooks, John H. farmer T H&L Rl<br />
Churehville Ogd 29 B tel.<br />
Brooks, John J. real estate T H&L Rl<br />
Churchville Ogd 29 B tel.<br />
Brooks, Joseph (Elizabeth) 1 ch wire<br />
chief for ?s Y Tel Co T H&L lh lc<br />
Honeoye Falls Men 31 B tel.<br />
Brooks, J. L. (Bessie) 2 eh farmer O<br />
160a 9h 6c 1 automobile 4 hogs Rl<br />
West Rush Rush 18 Ind tel.<br />
BROOKS, WILL H. (Bertha) 1 eh farmer<br />
O 98a 6h 4c 16 sheep 2 hogs 1 automobile<br />
R2 Honeoye Falls Men 42<br />
Btel.<br />
BROOMFIELD, EARL J. R2 Honeoye Falls<br />
Men 91.<br />
Broomfield, Mrs. Hannah (widow) 3 ch<br />
farmer O 75a 5h 7e 2 sheep 1 hog R2<br />
Honeoye Falls Men 91 B tel.<br />
Brower, Chester L. (Marion F.) 1 ch<br />
pay roll department T West Ave<br />
Spencerport.<br />
Brower, Edgar A. (Mary A.) 4 ch<br />
hardware O H&L 2c 2 automobiles<br />
E Buffalo St Churchville B tel.<br />
Brower, E. A. (Katherine F.) 2 ch<br />
farmer O 90a 5h 10c Rl Spencerport<br />
Ogd 60 Ind tel.<br />
Brower, F. W. (Carrie L.) farmer O<br />
100a 7h 7e 1 automobile 6 hogs Rl<br />
Speneerport Ogd 50 Ind tel.<br />
Brower, Gifford R. clerk bds E Buffalo<br />
St Churchville B tel.<br />
Brower, Henry G. (Gertrude) 7 eh<br />
farmer O 50a 3h 5c R2 Spencerport<br />
Ogd 60 B & Ind tels.<br />
Brower, W. (Alice) farmer O 75a 3h<br />
5e 1 automobile Rl Pittsford Per 10<br />
Ind tel.<br />
BROWN, ALBERT RD Honeoye Falls.<br />
Brown. Albert farmer T 90a 4h 3c 2<br />
hogs Rl Rush Rush 57.
Central Library <strong>of</strong> Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · <strong>County</strong> Directories Collection<br />
Brown, Albert (Elizabeth) 2 ch farming<br />
O 114a 3h Rl Chili Station Chi<br />
33.<br />
Brown, Alec (Anna) 4 ch blacksmith<br />
O H&L R2 Brighton Station Bri 8%.<br />
Brown, Amarette seamstress Bush.<br />
Brown, Mrs. Angeline ret O H&L Main<br />
St Scottsville.<br />
Brown, Mrs. Anna (widow) O Main St<br />
West Webster Web 27.<br />
Brown, A. D. (Catherine) fruit grower<br />
O 76a 5h lc 1 automobile Bl Rochester<br />
Penf 4% B tel.<br />
Brown, A. E. (Ida L.) farmer O 65a<br />
3h 6e 2 hogs Rl Adams Basin Ogd 1.<br />
BROWN, BERT farm hand R2 East Rochester<br />
Penf 98 B tel.<br />
Brown, Bert (son Mary) laborer Mendon<br />
Men 81.<br />
Brown, Berton W. (Mary J,) lawyer<br />
O H&L 1 automobile Amity St Spencerport<br />
B & Ind tels.<br />
Brown, Blanch student Lapham St Webster.<br />
BROWN, B. A. (Emaline A.) signalman<br />
N Y C B B O 70a 3h 2c 1 automobile<br />
Bl Churchville Biga 54 3 tel.<br />
Brown, Carl T. (Anna G.) 2 ch truck<br />
farmer r 17a 2h le B2 Barnard Gre<br />
30 B tel.<br />
Brown, Charles (Bertha) clergyman T<br />
H&L Lapham Park Webster B tel.<br />
Brown, Charles farmer O 4*4a 1 automobile<br />
Bl Honeoye Falls Bush 12.<br />
Brown, Charles (Fannie) hotel O. H&L<br />
lc 1 automobile Mumford Ind tel.<br />
Brown, Charles F. (Emily C.) 1 ch<br />
grocery store T H&L Bl Barnard Gre<br />
77.<br />
Brown, Chas. (Louise) 1 ch repairer <strong>of</strong><br />
auto fenders T H&L E2 Brighton Station<br />
Bri 7%.<br />
Brown, C. H. (Nellie) 1 ch tailor O<br />
H&L E2 Irondequoit Iron 23 Ind tel.<br />
BROWN, DELLA E. ED Bush.<br />
Brown, D. (Mary) ret T 5a Bl Spencerport<br />
Gat 31.<br />
Brown, Elmer E. (Anna M.) 1 ch<br />
farmer O 76a 3h 4c El East Boehester<br />
Penf 21.<br />
Brown, Elmer 0. farmer 0 69a 3h 3c 2<br />
pigs Bl Lincoln Park Chi 75.<br />
Brown, Edwin F. (Adia M.) 5 ch farming<br />
O 60a B2 Pittsford Henr 71.<br />
Brown, Mrs. Ely (widow) O H&L Maplewood<br />
Ave Spencerport.<br />
Brown, E. D. (B. W.) 3 ch farmer 0<br />
500a 15h 40c Scottsville Whtld 66<br />
B tel.<br />
Brown, E. G. (Anna) 3 ch farmer &<br />
woodworker T 13a lh El Spencerport<br />
Gat 38.<br />
98<br />
Brown, E. H. (Mary) clerk on Lehigh<br />
Valley B R T H&L Bochester Junction<br />
Men 9 Ind tel.<br />
Brown, Frank (Irma B.) 6 ch car inspector<br />
for B L R T Canal St Spencerport<br />
Ind tel.<br />
Brown, Frank (Jennie) laborer O 2a lh<br />
Rl Honeoye Falls Bush 47 B tel.<br />
BROWN, FRED (Ella) 3 ch farmer