IJO Spring 2006.qxp - Indiana University School of Optometry

IJO Spring 2006.qxp - Indiana University School of Optometry

IJO Spring 2006.qxp - Indiana University School of Optometry


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<strong>Spring</strong> 2006<br />

Volume 9, Number 1<br />


T. Rowan Candy<br />

FEATURED REVIEW: Infants and Toddlers:<br />

How w to Examine Them<br />

and What t to Expect<br />

CLINICAL THEORY: Use <strong>of</strong> Dynamic RetinoscopR<br />

etinoscopy y to Determine<br />

Changes in Accommodati<br />

tive e Response R<br />

with Varying<br />

Amounts <strong>of</strong> Plus<br />

Add<br />

BOOK REVIEW: Phantoms in the Brain:<br />

Probing the Mysteries <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Human Mind<br />

REVIEW: Recent Studies on Conver<br />

ergence ence Insufficienc<br />

iciency Treatments<br />

and Associations<br />




In This Issue<br />

The <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> faculty member whose pr<strong>of</strong>ile is featured in this issue is T. Rowan<br />

Candy, who joined the faculty at IU in 2000. She and a former student and resident<br />

whom she helped to train, Christy Hohenbary, team to present information on the<br />

examination <strong>of</strong> infants and toddlers. They discuss appropriate tests and the types <strong>of</strong><br />

conditions that are likely to be found in that age group.<br />

Also in this issue there is an article addressing clinical theory surrounding<br />

accommodative response to plus lens adds and the use <strong>of</strong> dynamic retinoscopy in<br />

nearpoint problems. <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> alumnus Craig Andrews contributed a review <strong>of</strong><br />

a book about the brain and perception that he has found to be particularly enlightening.<br />

A short literature review discusses some interesting recent studies on the treatment <strong>of</strong><br />

convergence insufficiency and on an apparent association <strong>of</strong> convergence insufficiency<br />

with ADHD. Lastly, a letter to the editor expands upon some <strong>of</strong> the material published in<br />

our last issue.<br />

David A. Goss<br />

Editor<br />

ERRATUM:<br />

On page 39 <strong>of</strong> the Fall, 2005 issue, the authorship for the photoessay on Terson’s Syndrome should have been<br />

listed as: Ali A. Bodla, M.D., and Arvind K. Singh, F.R.C.S., F.R.C.Ophth., Ophthalmology Department, The Ayr<br />

Hospital, Dalmellington Road, Ayr, Scotland. The authorship was listed correctly in the table <strong>of</strong> contents for the<br />

issue, but not on page 39.<br />

Correspondence and manuscripts submitted for publication should be sent to the Editor: David A.<br />

Goss, <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong>, <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA (or<br />

dgoss@indiana.edu). Business correspondence should be addressed to the Production Manager:<br />

J. Craig Combs, <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong>, <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA (or jocombs<br />

@indiana.edu). Address changes or subscription requests should be sent to Sue Gilmore, <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong>, <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA (or sgilmore@indiana.edu).<br />

Our appreciation is extended to Essilor <strong>of</strong> America for<br />

financial support <strong>of</strong> this publication.<br />

Varilux® is a registered trademark <strong>of</strong> Essilor International, S.A

<strong>Spring</strong> 2006<br />

Volume 9, Number 1<br />

Table <strong>of</strong> Contents<br />

<strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong><br />

Administration:<br />

Gerald E. Lowther, O.D., Ph.D.,<br />

Dean<br />

Clifford W. Brooks, O.D.,<br />

Director,<br />

Optician/Technician Program<br />

Daniel R. Gerstman, O.D., M.S.,<br />

Executive Associate Dean for<br />

Budgetary Planning and<br />

Administration<br />

Joseph A. Bonanno, Ph.D.,<br />

Associate Dean for Research<br />

Steven A. Hitzeman, O.D.,<br />

Director <strong>of</strong> Clinics<br />

Edwin C. Marshall, O.D., M.S.,<br />

M.P.H., Associate Dean for<br />

Academic Affairs<br />

Graeme Wilson, O.D., Ph.D.,<br />

Associate Dean for<br />

Graduate Programs<br />

Sandra L. Pickel, B.G.S., A.S.,<br />

Opt.T.R., Associate Director,<br />

Optician/Technician Program<br />

Cindy Vance,<br />

Director <strong>of</strong> Student Administration<br />


FACULTY PROFILE: T. Rowan Candy<br />

by Don W. Lyon ................................................................................................... 2<br />


Infants and Toddlers: How to Examine Them and What to Expect<br />

by T. Rowan Candy and Christy C. Hohenbary .............................................. 3<br />


Use <strong>of</strong> Dynamic Retinoscopy to Determine Changes in<br />

Accommodative Response with Varying Amounts <strong>of</strong> Plus Add<br />

by David A. Goss and Danielle F. Warren ...................................................... 9<br />


Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries <strong>of</strong> the Human Mind<br />

Reviewed by Craig Andrews ............................................................................. 15<br />

REVIEW:<br />

Recent Studies on Convergence Insufficiency<br />

Treatments and Associations<br />

by David A. Goss ................................................................................................ 16<br />


by Steven F. Sampson, Ali A. Bodla, and Elli J. Kollbaum .......................... 20<br />

<strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong><br />

Editor:<br />

David A. Goss, O.D., Ph.D.<br />

Editorial Board:<br />

Arthur Bradley, Ph.D.<br />

Clifford W. Brooks, O.D.<br />

Daniel R. Gerstman, O.D., M.S.<br />

Victor E. Malinovsky, O.D.<br />

Neil A. Pence, O.D.<br />

Production and Layout<br />

J. Craig Combs, M.H.A.<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Purpose: The <strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> is published by the <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> to provide members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Indiana</strong> Optometric Association, Alumni <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong>, and other interested persons with information on the<br />

research and clinical expertise at the <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong>, and on new<br />

developments in optometry/vision care.<br />

The <strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> and <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> are not responsible for the opinions and<br />

statements <strong>of</strong> the contributors to this journal. The authors and <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> have taken care<br />

that the information and recommendations contained herein are accurate and compatible with the<br />

standards generally accepted at the time <strong>of</strong> publication. Nevertheless, it is impossible to ensure that<br />

all the information given is entirely applicable for all circumstances. <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> disclaims<br />

any liability, loss, or damage incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, <strong>of</strong> the use and<br />

application <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the contents <strong>of</strong> this journal. This journal is also available on the world wide<br />

web at: http://www.opt.indiana.edu/IndJOpt/home.html

Faculty Pr<strong>of</strong>ile: T. Rowan Candy, Ph.D.<br />

by Don W. Lyon, O.D.<br />

Rowan Candy joined the faculty <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Indiana</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> in 2000. Her main<br />

interest is the development <strong>of</strong> the visual system and<br />

visual function. She spent her optometry, Ph.D., and<br />

post-doctoral training gaining the skills and experience to<br />

work with the infant population after her<br />

interest was stimulated by a single<br />

lecture early in her undergraduate<br />

optometry training in Wales. She was<br />

struck by the fact that visual experience<br />

could define the development <strong>of</strong> the<br />

brain, and that optical abnormality could<br />

completely restructure synaptic<br />

connections in the visual cortex <strong>of</strong><br />

animal models. Management <strong>of</strong> infants’<br />

neural development through optical correction leapt out<br />

as an opportunity to make a significant contribution using<br />

the existing strengths <strong>of</strong> optometry.<br />

She spent her spare time during optometry school at<br />

the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Wales getting additional training in<br />

clinical techniques for assessing visual development,<br />

plus learning how to change diapers, find particularly<br />

colorful and noisy toys, and make assorted animal<br />

noises – all which are critical components <strong>of</strong> infant<br />

vision examinations.<br />

By the end <strong>of</strong> her optometry training, Rowan was<br />

frustrated by problems <strong>of</strong> determining which infants<br />

needed optical correction and predicting which infants<br />

were going to develop strabismus or amblyopia if left<br />

uncorrected. Studies suggested that infants were to be<br />

left uncorrected to encourage emmetropization, while<br />

other studies promoted optical correction to prevent<br />

refractive strabismus and amblyopia. After two years <strong>of</strong><br />

primary care optometry practice in Great Britain, Rowan<br />

was still driven by these issues and looked for an<br />

opportunity to gain further understanding and training.<br />

She was accepted into the Ph.D. program in Vision<br />

Science at <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> California Berkeley, and<br />

completed her degree in 1997. There she worked with<br />

Marty Banks learning the subtleties <strong>of</strong> the development<br />

<strong>of</strong> visual function. Her Ph.D. thesis work included<br />

computational analyses <strong>of</strong> retinal function in infancy and<br />

an EEG based analysis <strong>of</strong> the optical performance <strong>of</strong> the<br />

infant eye. This work helped provide further insight into<br />

the way in which information is processed by and<br />

passed through the developing visual system. Rowan<br />

then went to work as a research associate at the Smith<br />

Kettlewell Eye Research Institute in San Francisco. She<br />

spent three years there working with Tony Norcia<br />

recording visual-evoked potentials from infants and<br />

adults with various developmental visual abnormalities<br />

focusing on understanding the development <strong>of</strong> the visual<br />

cortex.<br />

The <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> a job at <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> was an<br />

exciting opportunity, as Rowan was now able to stop<br />

spending all day commuting and spend the time she<br />

saved interacting with the optics experts at the school,<br />

particularly Larry Thibos and Arthur Bradley. She could<br />

complement her training and knowledge in the<br />

development <strong>of</strong> the neural visual system with their visual<br />

optics expertise.<br />

In addition to teaching a course in pediatric<br />

optometry, Rowan was given the task to start infant<br />

vision clinics at the Atwater and the <strong>Indiana</strong>polis Eye<br />

Care Centers. These clinics were designed to examine<br />

children from birth to three years <strong>of</strong> age by providing the<br />

necessary tools and instructions to fourth year<br />

optometry interns on how to appropriately care for this<br />

young population. Through these clinics, the school has<br />

been able to promote infant vision care to parents and to<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionals who work with children on a daily basis.<br />

In 2003, Rowan was awarded a four year grant by the<br />

National Eye Institute examining the role <strong>of</strong><br />

accommodation and defocus in infants’ visual<br />

performance and development. She has an active<br />

laboratory that studies the typical development <strong>of</strong><br />

infants’ refractive error, accommodation, retinal image<br />

quality, and neural function. They gear their studies and<br />

the equipment they have developed towards defining<br />

the relationship between the optical and neural<br />

characteristics required for normal development. They<br />

also bring older children with high hyperopia,<br />

strabismus, and amblyopia to the lab to understand how<br />

their visual systems have developed.<br />

Rowan is excited about the potential to prevent<br />

developmental visual abnormalities such as strabismus<br />

and amblyopia through her research, through training<br />

optometry and technician students about infants in both<br />

clinical and classroom settings, and through providing<br />

ODs with continuing education. In addition to her<br />

research and other responsibilities at the school, Rowan<br />

was appointed as a topical editor for <strong>Optometry</strong> and<br />

Vision Science, a member <strong>of</strong> the American Academy <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Optometry</strong>’s research committee, and a member <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology<br />

program committee that assembles the scientific<br />

program for its annual meeting.<br />

Don W. Lyon is Clinical Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Optometry</strong> and Chief <strong>of</strong> the Pediatrics/Binocular<br />

Vision Clinic at <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong>. He graduated<br />

from <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> in<br />

1999, and completed a Residency in Binocular<br />

Vision/Pediatrics at IU in 1999/2000.<br />

Page 2 ... Vol. 9, No. 1 ... <strong>Spring</strong> 2006 ... <strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> ..............................................................................

Infants and Toddlers: How to Examine<br />

Them and What to Expect<br />

by T. Rowan Candy, Ph.D., and Christy C. Hohenbary, O.D.<br />

In recent years we have gained a deeper<br />

understanding <strong>of</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong> postnatal<br />

visual experience in the development <strong>of</strong> the visual<br />

system, both in terms <strong>of</strong> synaptic refinement in the<br />

visual cortex and control <strong>of</strong> refractive error during<br />

growth <strong>of</strong> the eye. We are now exploring<br />

strategies for intervention at earlier and earlier<br />

ages to prevent clinical conditions such as<br />

refractive esotropia, amblyopia and myopia. As a<br />

result, we need to focus our efforts on younger and<br />

younger patients. Hopefully, we can prevent these<br />

conditions rather than merely treat them when the<br />

child has failed a vision screening. The goal <strong>of</strong> this<br />

piece is to review the procedures and expectations<br />

for testing very young patients for practitioners who<br />

might be considering examining this age group.<br />

We include suggestions to help make these exams<br />

a positive experience for the patient, parent and<br />

doctor.<br />

At What Age Should an Infant Have an Eye<br />

Examination and How do Infants <strong>of</strong> Differnt<br />

Ages Behave?<br />

The American Optometric Association currently<br />

suggests that infants should have their first eye<br />

examination at around six months <strong>of</strong> age, and then<br />

be examined again at three years and five years if<br />

there are no clinical concerns. It so happens that<br />

six months, three years and five years are typically<br />

easy times to interact with a child, but parents will<br />

obviously book an exam at any time if they are<br />

concerned. Before moving into techniques and<br />

expectations for the eye examination, we therefore<br />

want to provide general predictions for how infants<br />

<strong>of</strong> different ages will behave and concerns that<br />

bring them to a primary care <strong>of</strong>fice (although not<br />

included in this list, ocular disease can obviously<br />

bring them in at any age).<br />

i) Infants less than 3 months <strong>of</strong> age typically do<br />

little more than eat and sleep, with periods <strong>of</strong> calm<br />

quiet looking around or crying. If they are crying,<br />

they are typically hungry, tired or uncomfortable<br />

and need to be moved around. Parents are <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

worried about a naso-lacrimal duct obstruction<br />

(NLDO), red eyes, or ‘odd-looking’ eye movements<br />

at this age.<br />

ii) Infants become more alert and adventurous<br />

between 3 and 8 months <strong>of</strong> age. They are still<br />

relatively easy to test, however, as they typically sit<br />

still and want to look at, and reach for, objects.<br />

They are starting to smile and attend to people.<br />

Ideally (and typically) they will sit and smile at you.<br />

Parents bringing an infant <strong>of</strong> this age have <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

heard that their child should be examined at 6<br />

months or are worried about NLDO or an ‘eye<br />

turn’.<br />

iii) At 8 months things start to get much harder.<br />

Infants <strong>of</strong> this age are focused on moving.<br />

Language is not interesting to them at this point,<br />

and they just want to move around to explore.<br />

Holding them in one place is usually not popular.<br />

To make things worse they are also starting to<br />

become anxious about strangers and may not let<br />

you near them. These parents may be concerned<br />

about NLDO or an eye turn again.<br />

iv) The nervous wriggling continues until around<br />

18 months <strong>of</strong> age, when toddlers start to become<br />

interested in language. They start to want to sit<br />

still and listen to people. The examination<br />

becomes easier again. At this age, parents are<br />

starting to notice refractive esotropia, or are <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

worried that their child is stumbling or sitting too<br />

close to the TV.<br />

v) The average two- to five-year-old is very verbal<br />

and fun to play with, but developing a will. It is<br />

important to gently and calmly win them over<br />

before trying to work with them at this age. They<br />

may be having an eye examination because they<br />

have failed a vision screening, or because<br />

somebody had noticed an eye turn.<br />

As we start the eye examination we find the<br />

following general approaches useful:<br />

i) We will <strong>of</strong>ten ask parents if they have a<br />

photograph <strong>of</strong> the child showing the eye turn that<br />

they are concerned about.<br />

ii) If the concern is that the child gets too close to<br />

the TV, we ask if the child seems to see things in<br />

the distance in other environments.<br />

iii) We hide brightly colored plastic toys in the<br />

exam room so that we can bring them out as<br />

something new and exciting whenever necessary<br />

(and be able to clean plastic after the exam).<br />

iv) We try to not keep wrigglers waiting before the<br />

exam as they become harder to test if they are<br />

bored.<br />

v) We advise parents that it is just fine if infants<br />

fall asleep while they are dilating. After gently<br />

touching the sleeping infant’s head and eyelid, it<br />

becomes easy to lift the eyelid and complete a<br />

retinoscopy and fundus examination while the<br />

infant stays asleep.<br />

vi) Retinoscopy and a fundus examination may<br />

also be performed while the infant is eating. A<br />

bottle is a useful tool to keep the child’s hands<br />

occupied.<br />

............................................................ <strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> ... <strong>Spring</strong> 2006 ... Vol. 9, No. 1... page 3

Performing the Eye Examination<br />

The following section describes the core<br />

components <strong>of</strong> the eye examination: binocularity,<br />

visual acuity, refractive error, and ocular health.<br />

We will lay out the tests in the order that we<br />

typically do them and provide the expected results<br />

as a function <strong>of</strong> age.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the most important parts <strong>of</strong> the<br />

examination is to spend a minute or two at the<br />

beginning gently talking to/with the child. This<br />

gives a sense <strong>of</strong> how comfortable the child is in the<br />

exam room environment. Holding out a toy will<br />

reveal how close they are willing to let a stranger<br />

get - their ‘comfort zone’. Most children will be<br />

fine, but some become anxious as the toy<br />

approaches. These children will <strong>of</strong>ten not tolerate<br />

a cover test until late in the exam when they have<br />

become more relaxed and comfortable.<br />

History<br />

Typical infants will probably only be calm and<br />

cooperative for 10 to 20 minutes, if they are the<br />

center <strong>of</strong> attention. The history must therefore be<br />

gathered briefly, during the exam, or through a<br />

survey completed by the parent in the waiting<br />

room. If the parent has a concern, we most <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

hear histories that describe infantile esotropia,<br />

refractive/accommodative esotropia, intermittent<br />

exotropia, or incomitant strabismus. In our<br />

environment it appears that most significant<br />

pathology presents to the pediatrician, although we<br />

are always careful to be aware <strong>of</strong> the occasional<br />

history <strong>of</strong> leucocoria in photographs.<br />

Motility<br />

Before three months <strong>of</strong> age infants typically<br />

have poor smooth pursuit eye movements. They<br />

will track a bunch <strong>of</strong> keys with a series <strong>of</strong> moderate<br />

amplitude saccades. This is normal. They should<br />

be able to move their eyes into all positions <strong>of</strong><br />

gaze, however, although their vergence responses<br />

may appear slow.<br />

By three to four months infants should produce<br />

coarsely adult-looking version movements. At a<br />

year <strong>of</strong> age it may be hard to get them to track a<br />

toy on a penlight – they are much more interested<br />

in watching the examiner’s face than moving to the<br />

peripheral gaze positions. If necessary, we move<br />

our faces along with the target to keep their<br />

attention. It is not uncommon to find incomitant<br />

strabismus for the first time in toddlers, and so<br />

versions should be performed on all <strong>of</strong> these<br />

patients. It is a good first test, for two reasons: i)<br />

The child is still a little nervous and so will watch<br />

the examiner’s every move intently. ii) Versions<br />

can be made into a fun game that does not<br />

threaten the child’s spatial comfort zone – it is a<br />

test that does not require approaching the child.<br />

Hirschberg & Cover Test<br />

After completing versions, it is easy to take a<br />

toy <strong>of</strong>f a penlight and use the penlight to assess<br />

eye alignment with the Hirschberg test. The first<br />

Purkinje image reflecting from the cornea should<br />

be symmetrically positioned in the two eyes, and if<br />

anything centered 0.5 mm nasally from the center<br />

<strong>of</strong> each pupil (due to angle lambda). If the<br />

reflection is relatively centered in one eye and<br />

displaced in the other eye the strabismus can be<br />

estimated using a conversion <strong>of</strong> 1mm<br />

displacement to approximately 22 prism diopters <strong>of</strong><br />

deviation. 1 Although it is very hard to detect a<br />

strabismus <strong>of</strong> less than 10 prism diopters with this<br />

test, it is extremely helpful in confirming a<br />

pseudostrabismus due to epicanthal folds and a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> parents are able to understand this<br />

demonstration that their child’s eyes are fixating<br />

symmetrically. An estimate <strong>of</strong> a real strabismus<br />

can be found by determining how much prism is<br />

required to move the reflection from its deviated<br />

location back to the fixating position (0.5 mm<br />

nasally from pupil center). The prism is placed<br />

over the eye that is fixating. This is known as the<br />

Krimsky method.<br />

The Hirschberg assessment can be confirmed<br />

with a cover test for children who are comfortable<br />

with the examiner approaching them. There is<br />

usually no problem with this, and we find it easiest<br />

if we introduce a game <strong>of</strong> ‘peekaboo’. Children are<br />

comfortable with this word and have an<br />

expectation that eyes are going to be covered. We<br />

find that covering and uncovering one <strong>of</strong> our eyes<br />

and saying ‘peekaboo’ works wonders. We are<br />

typically able to calmly approach the infant/child<br />

and do the same thing.<br />

A toy on a penlight usually works well for a<br />

near target, and an assessment at distance can be<br />

attempted with a flashing light across the room or<br />

by attracting the child’s attention to a toy over<br />

there. Some children will do well watching a video<br />

across a room. Using the video can result in<br />

problems with getting their attention on to a<br />

different task for the rest <strong>of</strong> the exam though. We<br />

recommend covering the eyes with a hand or a<br />

thumb rather than a cover paddle, as it is more<br />

natural and less distracting.<br />

It is <strong>of</strong>ten difficult to assess an infant’s phoria<br />

with a cover test, but the most important piece is to<br />

exclude the presence <strong>of</strong> strabismus. An<br />

intermittent strabismus before 3 months <strong>of</strong> age<br />

may reflect normal infants’ poor control <strong>of</strong> their eye<br />

movements. It may only require monitoring if there<br />

is no sign <strong>of</strong> significant hyperopia and refractive<br />

esotropia. Intermittent strabismus at a later age<br />

needs further work-up. Every child with a history <strong>of</strong><br />

or evidence <strong>of</strong> intermittent esotropia needs to have<br />

a cycloplegic refraction. Refractive esotropia<br />

typically has an onset at around 18 months <strong>of</strong> age,<br />

but can appear from around 4 months until 3 or 4<br />

Page 4 ... Vol 9, No. 2 ... <strong>Spring</strong> 2006 ... <strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> ..............................................................

years <strong>of</strong> age. It is usually intermittent for a few<br />

months and then decompensates to a constant<br />

deviation. Prescribing glasses during the<br />

intermittent period is typically all that is needed to<br />

straighten the eyes. The parents do have to be<br />

warned, however, that the child is still likely to have<br />

a deviation with the glasses <strong>of</strong>f - the focusing effort<br />

is reintroduced and linked to convergence.<br />

A child’s refractive error needs to be greater<br />

than around +2.50D in order for glasses to be likely<br />

to have a significant effect on intermittent<br />

esotropia. Hyperopia <strong>of</strong> less than this amount is<br />

typically not a good explanation for the strabismus.<br />

Some people advocate prescribing the full<br />

hyperopic refractive error to reduce the<br />

accommodative demand, while others recommend<br />

a partial correction to encourage emmetropization.<br />

The critical point is that children with an intermittent<br />

deviation must be given enough <strong>of</strong> their hyperopic<br />

correction to straighten their eyes completely, and<br />

prevent a constant deviation. Moderate to high<br />

hyperopes with an intermittent esotropia usually<br />

adapt to their glasses in a matter <strong>of</strong> days at any<br />

age. They happily wear them full-time.<br />

Cooperation with full-time wear can be much<br />

harder if the child has decompensated into a<br />

constant strabismus.<br />

While an intermittent esotrope needs<br />

immediate management because they will<br />

decompensate rapidly to a constant deviation and<br />

develop amblyopia, the intermittent exotrope can<br />

continue for years with their intermittent condition.<br />

Intermittent exotropia can have an onset in the first<br />

year <strong>of</strong> life, and actually be hard to elicit in an<br />

examination if the infant is controlling it well. The<br />

reassuring point with these patients is that, if the<br />

child is straight most <strong>of</strong> the time, the strabismus<br />

should not be leading to a loss <strong>of</strong> binocularity and<br />

amblyopia. Management <strong>of</strong> these exotropes,<br />

therefore, consists <strong>of</strong> helping them control their<br />

deviation for as long as possible so that there are<br />

no consequences for the neural visual system.<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> the very young ones can merely be<br />

monitored until they are old enough to perform<br />

vision therapy. A constant exotropia before one<br />

year <strong>of</strong> age, however, is associated with a higher<br />

incidence <strong>of</strong> other neurological conditions and is<br />

therefore worth referring for further examination<br />

(especially if there is any question <strong>of</strong> a pupil<br />

defect). 2<br />

Near Point <strong>of</strong> Convergence<br />

Telling a toddler that the toy on the penlight is<br />

going to kiss their nose usually relaxes them and<br />

allows the examiner to test the near point <strong>of</strong><br />

convergence (NPC). The convergence should look<br />

responsive and smooth by 4 months <strong>of</strong> age,<br />

although the test may need to be performed slowly<br />

at that age for them to keep up. A normal<br />

response is approximately 3 to 5 cm. We <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

record NPC for adults as ‘bridge <strong>of</strong> nose’, however,<br />

infants have not yet developed a nasal bridge.<br />

Figure 1. Performing a confrontation visual field test on a<br />

young infant. The infant’s attention had been attracted to<br />

the brightly-colored plastic toy held in front <strong>of</strong> her. The<br />

target was then brought in from her left peripheral field<br />

and she turned her head to look at it.<br />

Pupils<br />

Infants <strong>of</strong> less than 3 months may have small<br />

looking pupils that are relatively unresponsive<br />

(including to dilation). By five to six months<br />

however the pupils should be large and very<br />

responsive. Carefully check for an afferent<br />

pupillary defect, especially with toddlers, as this<br />

can reveal neurological pathology that would<br />

otherwise not be found in the rest <strong>of</strong> the exam.<br />

The combination <strong>of</strong> an exotropia and positive<br />

afferent pupillary defect should be a red flag and<br />

result in an immediate referral for further testing.<br />

Visual field/Confrontation<br />

The easiest way to test the peripheral visual<br />

field in an infant or toddler is to have one person sit<br />

with a central fixation toy. When the patient is<br />

fixating the target, a second person brings an<br />

illuminated toy in from the periphery (while<br />

standing behind the patient’s chair). A finger over<br />

the end <strong>of</strong> a penlight is typically sufficient in a dimly<br />

lit room (Figure 1). The task is to estimate the<br />

point at which the patient orients to the peripheral<br />

target. The response will depend heavily on the<br />

patient’s interest in the central target (how<br />

distractible they are) in addition to the size <strong>of</strong> their<br />

peripheral visual field. Infants will therefore have a<br />

wide range <strong>of</strong> apparent visual field sizes while<br />

having no clinical field defect. This test is most<br />

informative for detecting asymmetries (e.g.,<br />

hemianopia) in the visual field, when there is a<br />

question <strong>of</strong> cortical visual impairment, for example.<br />

It is helpful to practice this test on a number <strong>of</strong><br />

normal infants first, however, to get a sense <strong>of</strong> the<br />

responses to expect.<br />

Acuity<br />

The most basic acuity test is to look for an<br />

occlusion preference on cover test. With practice,<br />

the strength <strong>of</strong> a preference can be graded into<br />

three or four levels. It is worth noting that some<br />

children dislike having either eye covered, and so it<br />

is really an asymmetry in avoidance response that<br />

............................................................ <strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> ... <strong>Spring</strong> 2006 ... Vol 9, No. 1... page 5

should raise concern. The next level <strong>of</strong><br />

sophistication is to note whether the patient will<br />

fixate a target and track it smoothly (the ‘fix and<br />

follow’ response). It is much more informative if<br />

the patient responds to a small detailed target than<br />

a large internally-illuminated toy that can be<br />

tracked with poor acuity.<br />

The most popular acuity tests designed for<br />

infants are currently the Teller cards, Cardiff cards,<br />

Lea Symbols, and HOTV letters (Figure 2). In our<br />

experience, the Teller cards work very well with<br />

young infants, but infants become bored with them<br />

at around 9 months <strong>of</strong> age. At this point, they<br />

usually do well with the Cardiff cards (which have<br />

the added interest <strong>of</strong> shapes to find). When the<br />

child becomes capable <strong>of</strong> matching symbols,<br />

usually at around 2 years, it is an advantage to<br />

move up to the Lea symbols as they are available<br />

in a crowded format. Crowded targets are a more<br />

sensitive test for amblyopia than either resolution<br />

(Teller or Cardiff cards) or single optotype<br />

formats. 3, 4 The child will usually proudly progress<br />

from matching the target to naming the shapes or<br />

letters at around 2.5 to 3 years <strong>of</strong> age. A shy older<br />

child will do much better showing the matching<br />

shape on the card than naming it however. We<br />

usually start playing the matching game sitting with<br />

the acuity test and reference card literally next to<br />

each other in the patient’s lap, while they gain<br />

practice and confidence. We then move back<br />

across the room telling the child that they are so<br />

good at the game that we will have to go all the<br />

way over to the other end <strong>of</strong> the room now to see if<br />

they can do it there too. It is helpful to start with<br />

binocular acuities first to get the child acquainted<br />

with the game before attempting monocular<br />

acuities.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the big goals <strong>of</strong> the exam is to record<br />

monocular acuity values for each child. We use<br />

three approaches to this: a conventional adhesive<br />

B<br />

A<br />

Figure 2. Acuity tests designed for use with infants and toddlers.<br />

Panel A – Crowded Lea symbols, with matching card. Panel B –<br />

Cardiff acuity card, also for use in a preferential-looking protocol.<br />

Panel C – Teller acuity card for use in a preferential-looking<br />

protocol.<br />

occlusion patch, pairs <strong>of</strong> kids sunglasses that have<br />

had one lens removed and the other painted black,<br />

or the palm <strong>of</strong> a hand. If the patient has glasses,<br />

we stick an occlusion patch over one lens. If they<br />

have no glasses, we try the sunglasses first. Many<br />

young patients are happy to wear them, although<br />

they tell us that they are broken. If that doesn’t<br />

work we don’t persevere, as we are likely to upset<br />

them – we play ‘peekaboo’ with the palm <strong>of</strong> our<br />

hand. If that doesn’t work, we try the palm <strong>of</strong> a<br />

parent’s hand. If we can still not get a reliable<br />

monocular acuity measurement because the child<br />

is fatigued and we are concerned about possible<br />

amblyopia, we continue with the rest <strong>of</strong> the exam<br />

but have the parent bring the child back on a<br />

different day and test monocular acuities first.<br />

All <strong>of</strong> the acuity tests have different visual<br />

demands, and require different levels <strong>of</strong> maturity<br />

from the child. The results are therefore very<br />

variable across children. Each test comes with<br />

expected values for the normal population, which<br />

cover a relatively wide range. Even though a wide<br />

range <strong>of</strong> binocular values can be considered<br />

normal, a reliable difference between the eyes<br />

should raise concern. If this difference is greater<br />

than a couple <strong>of</strong> lines and stable, it is unlikely to be<br />

due to lack <strong>of</strong> practice with the test.<br />

Refraction<br />

Infants are typically hyperopic at birth. 5 The<br />

mean refraction is approximately +2.00D and the<br />

standard deviation is also around 2D. Therefore<br />

70% <strong>of</strong> babies will have routine refractions<br />

between plano and +4.00D at birth. Approximately<br />

60% <strong>of</strong> them will also have astigmatism <strong>of</strong> greater<br />

than 1.00D with an axis either with- or against-therule.<br />

Oblique astigmatism is actually relatively rare<br />

in infants. 6 Although they are typically hyperopic,<br />

infants less than two months <strong>of</strong> age tend to overaccommodate<br />

for distant targets. They focus<br />

between 30 and 50cm and appear myopic on a dry<br />

retinoscopy even though they are hyperopic.<br />

As infants age, they typically lose their<br />

hyperopia and astigmatism. The mean refraction<br />

by a year <strong>of</strong> age is +1.00D with a standard<br />

deviation <strong>of</strong> 1.00D. Thus infants tend to undergo<br />

‘emmetropization’. Although anisometropia is also<br />

prevalent during infancy, longitudinal studies 7<br />

suggest that it appears and disappears in an<br />

individual over time, so small amounts (less than<br />

approximately 1.50D) 8 can be monitored for a few<br />

months without prescribing correction. The total<br />

optical power <strong>of</strong> the small newborn eye is<br />

approximately 90D at birth, with a loss <strong>of</strong> around<br />

30D to reach 60D in adulthood. There is,<br />

therefore, a dramatic reconfiguration <strong>of</strong> the optical<br />

components <strong>of</strong> the eye during growth.<br />

While we are used to seeing hyperopia and<br />

astigmatism in infancy and typically do not<br />

prescribe a correction for them (to encourage<br />

emmetropization), there are obviously some<br />

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patients who are at risk for refractive esotropia<br />

and amblyopia. What constitutes a high<br />

hyperopia in infancy? This question is actually<br />

Age/Error OD MD<br />

6 Months 4.5 D 5.5D<br />

2 Years 3.5 D 5.0D<br />

4 Years 3.0 D 4.5D<br />

Table 1. The mean level <strong>of</strong> asymptomatic hyperopia at which the<br />

ODs and MDs surveyed by Lyons et al. 9 prescribe optical correction<br />

as a function <strong>of</strong> age.<br />

poorly understood at present but being explored<br />

in studies at IU and in other research<br />

environments. Lyons et al. 9 surveyed<br />

optometrists and ophthalmologists to determine<br />

the amount <strong>of</strong> asymptomatic hyperopia that they<br />

typically prescribe for as a function <strong>of</strong> age. An<br />

analysis <strong>of</strong> their results is shown in Table 1. The<br />

core point is that we have little systematic data<br />

on the topic, but clinical wisdom suggests we<br />

prescribe only for amounts greater than<br />

approximately 5 D at 6 months and<br />

approximately 4 D at 4 years.<br />

Which is the easiest way to measure the<br />

refractive error <strong>of</strong> an infant? It is helpful to do an<br />

uncyclopleged retinoscopy even if a cycloplegic<br />

refraction is going to be done. Seeing how well<br />

an infant accommodates to a near target reveals<br />

anisometropia (sweeping both eyes<br />

simultaneously is very helpful) and how well they<br />

are coping with their refractive error <strong>of</strong> potentially<br />

four or five diopters <strong>of</strong> hyperopia. A Mohindra<br />

retinoscopy can also be performed. For this<br />

technique the room lights are turned <strong>of</strong>f<br />

completely and the child is encouraged to look in<br />

the direction <strong>of</strong> the retinoscope beam (the only<br />

thing visible in the room), while their other eye is<br />

covered. The idea is that the retinoscope beam<br />

forms a poor accommodative target and infants<br />

will relax their accommodation. They do not<br />

relax completely and so, although the<br />

retinoscopy is done at 50cm, a working distance<br />

compensation <strong>of</strong> only 0.75D is removed. 10 This<br />

technique works well, but does require significant<br />

practice.<br />

Alternatively one can perform a conventional<br />

cycloplegic retinoscopy, especially if the eyes are<br />

going to be dilated anyway for an ocular health<br />

check. Some pediatric specialists recommend<br />

using an anesthetic before the cycloplegic drops,<br />

for the logical reasons <strong>of</strong> decreasing discomfort<br />

when the cycloplegic drop is instilled and<br />

increasing its effect. However, we find for<br />

patients aged birth to three that it is easiest to<br />

just use one drop <strong>of</strong> the cycloplegic in each eye,<br />

as the child is typically more frustrated by being<br />

held to put the drop in than by the drop itself.<br />

They are easily distracted into playing with a toy<br />

after the drops have been put into the eyes<br />

quickly and efficiently. We use one drop <strong>of</strong> 0.5%<br />

cyclopentolate in each eye at less than 6 months<br />

<strong>of</strong> age, and one drop <strong>of</strong> 1.0% cyclopentolate at<br />

more than 6 months. Some people use two<br />

drops in each eye separated by 5 minutes, while<br />

others use tropicamide – preferences vary. 11<br />

After playing with toys in the waiting room<br />

while the drops take effect a small number <strong>of</strong><br />

patients will be upset with the prospect <strong>of</strong> coming<br />

back into the exam room. If this happens, it is<br />

much easier to take them into any other dark<br />

room to perform retinoscopy and the health<br />

check than to deal with their anxiety in the real<br />

exam room. Infants and toddlers will usually<br />

tolerate 3 to 4 lenses being held in front <strong>of</strong> their<br />

eye (particularly if they are described as ‘magic<br />

windows’, and the lenses are allowing them to<br />

see in their cyclopleged hyperopic state). The<br />

most efficient strategy is therefore to estimate the<br />

refraction from the uncorrected retinoscopy reflex<br />

and then take large jumps in lens power (2 or 3D<br />

steps) to bracket the neutral point. If the patient<br />

cooperates the neutralization is performed<br />

precisely, while if they become uncooperative the<br />

bracketing provides a good estimate.<br />

Health check<br />

Once the refraction has been determined, the<br />

health <strong>of</strong> the eyes can be assessed. This can be<br />

achieved using a hand-held slit lamp or<br />

combination <strong>of</strong> transilluminator and 20D lens for<br />

the anterior segment, and a monocular or<br />

binocular indirect ophthalmoscope for the<br />

posterior segment (use <strong>of</strong> a direct<br />

ophthalmoscope requires practice). The<br />

youngest infants <strong>of</strong>ten don’t dilate fully, but<br />

should still be manageable. It is not possible to<br />

routinely examine the peripheral fundus in<br />

infants, and any infant requiring a rigorous<br />

peripheral exam should be referred for<br />

examination under anesthesia. It is important to<br />

see the posterior pole, however, and the nerve<br />

and macula area should be examined in every<br />

case. Significant pathology is relatively rare in<br />

infancy fortunately, but is still <strong>of</strong>ten only detected<br />

at the stage <strong>of</strong> a leucocoria in a flash photograph<br />

unfortunately. Detecting pathology prior to that<br />

time is a critical goal.<br />

Excessive tearing is one <strong>of</strong> the most common<br />

parental concerns with infants. The most<br />

common cause <strong>of</strong> tearing is NLDO. A good<br />

number <strong>of</strong> cases <strong>of</strong> NLDO will spontaneously<br />

resolve within in the first year and referral<br />

strategies vary according to the preference <strong>of</strong> the<br />

pediatric ophthalmologist. Some prefer to see<br />

infants while they are around 6 months <strong>of</strong> age,<br />

for an in-<strong>of</strong>fice procedure, while others prefer to<br />

wait in the hope that it will resolve but then need<br />

to anesthetize the older infant to do the<br />

...........................................<strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> ... <strong>Spring</strong> 2006 ... Vol 9, No. 1... page 7

procedure. It is important to remember that<br />

excessive tearing can also be a sign <strong>of</strong> infantile<br />

glaucoma, particularly in the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

photophobia, megalocornea, myopia and corneal<br />

clouding. Infants with a number <strong>of</strong> these signs will<br />

need to have their IOP checked.<br />

Retinopathy <strong>of</strong> prematurity (ROP) is more<br />

common again now, as babies <strong>of</strong> lower and lower<br />

birthweight are surviving. This is a disruption <strong>of</strong><br />

the growth <strong>of</strong> the retinal vasculature as it reaches<br />

the peripheral retina near the end <strong>of</strong> gestation.<br />

Infants at risk for ROP should have had their<br />

peripheral fundus examined before leaving<br />

hospital. If they are found to have the condition,<br />

they should have been or should be managed<br />

within the ophthalmological setting. The condition<br />

is usually only active for a few months after birth.<br />

The risk <strong>of</strong> retinoblastoma sometimes<br />

discourages optometrists from examining infants.<br />

This condition is currently being detected most<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten as leucocoria, 2 however. We can do better<br />

than this. Retinoblastoma has an average age at<br />

presentation <strong>of</strong> between one and three years for<br />

sporadic monocular cases and around 12 months<br />

for binocular and familial cases. It is relatively rare<br />

(1 in 15,000) and so it is only by examining large<br />

numbers <strong>of</strong> infants that we will be able to find and<br />

help these patients.<br />

Summary<br />

In summary 90 to 95% <strong>of</strong> infants and toddlers<br />

have no clinical abnormalities and may follow the<br />

schedule <strong>of</strong> routine checks. Other infants with<br />

externally obvious conditions (e.g., NLDO,<br />

strabismus, leucocoria) will hopefully be taken for<br />

an examination by their caregivers. The hardest<br />

questions currently involve conditions such as<br />

anisometropia and amblyopia, which are not<br />

externally obvious. There is much discussion<br />

about the ways in which to find these children, and<br />

potentially how to prevent these conditions. Even<br />

if a child is not going to be taken for an eye<br />

examination, we try to impress upon the public the<br />

idea that a game <strong>of</strong> covering one eye after the<br />

other and comparing vision in the two eyes is a<br />

very valuable exercise.<br />

We have attempted to provide enough<br />

information here to perform a ‘hassle-free’ infant<br />

eye examination, and hope that some ODs might<br />

feel comfortable doing this. If a clinical abnormality<br />

is found, we usually have an initial follow-up<br />

schedule centered on visits every 6 weeks or so<br />

until the situation becomes stable. Particularly if<br />

an optical correction has been prescribed. Six<br />

weeks <strong>of</strong> full-time glasses wear is a good initial<br />

adaptation period after which strabismus can be<br />

reassessed, or, if the patient is not willing to wear<br />

the glasses this is a good time to check in with the<br />

family and provide help, moral support and<br />

encouragement. The last thing we want to happen<br />

is for a family to decide that glasses or patching<br />

are not going to work and find months later that<br />

they have stopped trying.<br />

References<br />

1. Brodie SE. Photographic calibration <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Hirschberg test. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci<br />

1987;28:736-42.<br />

2. American Academy <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology Basic and<br />

Clinical Science Course. Volume 6: LEO; 2004.<br />

3. Morad Y, Werker E, Nemet P. Visual acuity tests<br />

using chart, line, and single optotype in healthy and<br />

amblyopic children. J Am Assoc Ped Ophthalmol<br />

Strab 1999;3:94-7.<br />

4. Rydberg A, Ericson B, Lennerstrand G, Jacobson L,<br />

Lindstedt E. Assessment <strong>of</strong> visual acuity in children<br />

aged 1 1/2-6 years, with normal and subnormal<br />

vision. Strabismus 1999;7:1-24.<br />

5. Mayer DL, Hansen RM, Moore BD, Kim S, Fulton<br />

AB. Cycloplegic refractions in healthy children aged<br />

1 through 48 months. Arch Ophthalmol<br />

2001;119:1625-8.<br />

6. Saunders KJ. Early refractive development in<br />

humans. Surv Ophthalmol 1995;40:207-16.<br />

7. Almeder LM, Peck LB, Howland HC. Prevalence <strong>of</strong><br />

anisometropia in volunteer laboratory and school<br />

screening populations. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci<br />

1990;31:2448-55.<br />

8. American Academy <strong>of</strong> Ophthalmology. Preferred<br />

Practice Pattern - Pediatric Eye Evaluations; 2002.<br />

9. Lyons SA, Jones LA, Walline JJ, Bartolone AG,<br />

Carlson NB, Kattouf V, Harris M, Moore B, Mutti DO,<br />

Twelker JD. A survey <strong>of</strong> clinical prescribing<br />

philosophies for hyperopia. Optom Vis Sci<br />

2004;81:233-7.<br />

10. Saunders KJ, Westall CA. Comparison between<br />

near retinoscopy and cycloplegic retinoscopy in the<br />

refraction <strong>of</strong> infants and children. Optom Vis Sci<br />

1992;69:615-22.<br />

11. Twelker JD, Mutti DO. Retinoscopy in infants using a<br />

near noncycloplegic technique, cycloplegia with<br />

tropicamide 1%, and cycloplegia with cyclopentolate<br />

1%. Optom Vis Sci 2001;78:215-22.<br />

A pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> Dr. Candy and her work at <strong>Indiana</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> can be found in this issue. Dr. Hohenbary<br />

is a 2003 graduate <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Optometry</strong>. She completed a residency in pediatrics<br />

and binocular vision at <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> in 2003-<br />

2004. She currently is at Effingham Ophthalmology<br />

Associates <strong>of</strong> Effingham, Illinois.<br />

Page 8 ... Vol 9, No. 1 ... <strong>Spring</strong> 2006 ... <strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> ...........................................................

Clinical Theory: Use <strong>of</strong> Dynamic Retinoscopy to<br />

Determine Changes in Accommodative Response<br />

with Varying Amounts <strong>of</strong> Plus Add<br />

by David A. Goss, O.D. Ph.D., and Danielle F. Warren, O.D.<br />

Dynamic retinoscopy is a useful clinical<br />

procedure for assessing accommodative<br />

response. And it is commonly used for prescribing<br />

plus adds for nearpoint vision disorders. Probably<br />

the most commonly used form <strong>of</strong> dynamic<br />

retinoscopy is the monocular estimation method<br />

(MEM). 1 Another common dynamic retinoscopy<br />

procedure is the low neutral method (LN). 2<br />

With MEM retinoscopy, the amount <strong>of</strong> lag or<br />

lead <strong>of</strong> accommodation is estimated while patients<br />

view a nearpoint target through lenses which are<br />

usually equal in power to their subjective refraction.<br />

On LN retinoscopy, plus lenses are added<br />

binocularly until the first neutral reflex is observed.<br />

Therefore, MEM retinoscopy, as it is typically<br />

performed, yields the lag (or lead) <strong>of</strong><br />

accommodation at one accommodative stimulus<br />

level. And LN retinoscopy determines the<br />

accommodative stimulus level at which<br />

accommodative response and accommodative<br />

stimulus are equal – again only one<br />

accommodative stimulus level.<br />

It would be helpful to the practitioner to know<br />

how patients respond to plus adds. Therefore, it<br />

would be advantageous to know how<br />

accommodative response changes with the<br />

changes in accommodative stimulus produced by<br />

plus adds. This could easily be done in the clinical<br />

setting by performing MEM retinoscopy not only<br />

through the subjective refraction lenses, but also<br />

through varying amounts <strong>of</strong> plus add. Haynes 3<br />

referred to that as a combined MEM-LN procedure.<br />

Tassinari 4 has described what he calls a MEMtwice<br />

procedure to evaluate response to plus adds.<br />

This paper will review the work by Haynes and<br />

Tassinari and will present some preliminary data<br />

on the use <strong>of</strong> dynamic retinoscopy to find<br />

accommodative response with varying amounts <strong>of</strong><br />

plus add.<br />

Haynes’ MEM-LN procedure<br />

Haynes 3 suggested that MEM could be<br />

performed first with the subjective refraction lenses<br />

and then with increasing amounts <strong>of</strong> plus until<br />

neutral and then “against” motion was observed.<br />

MEM performed with the subjective refraction<br />

lenses would be the typical manner in which MEM<br />

is performed. The amount <strong>of</strong> plus at which neutral<br />

is first observed would be the low neutral finding –<br />

thus the acronym MEM-LN for the procedure.<br />

Haynes presented seven patterns <strong>of</strong> results<br />

which were obtained with MEM-LN with subjects<br />

looking at letters 40 cm from them. Because the<br />

target was at 40 cm, the accommodative stimulus<br />

was 2.50 D when subjects were viewing through<br />

their subjective refraction lenses, 2.25 D when<br />

viewing through a +0.25 D add, 2.00 D when<br />

viewing through a +0.50 D add, and so on. MEM<br />

retinoscopy was performed with the different lens<br />

powers in place. A 0.25 D “with” motion indicated<br />

Retinoscopy findings with varying plus add powers in diopters<br />

(Accommodative stimulus in diopters in parentheses)<br />

Patient 0 +0.25 +0.50 +0.75 +1.00 +1.25 +1.50 +1.75 +2.00 +2.25<br />

pattern (2.50) (2.25) (2.00) (1.75) (1.50) (1.25) (1.00) (0.75) (0.50) (0.25)<br />

A 0.25W 0.25W 0.25W 0.12W N 0.25A 0.50A<br />

B 0.25W 0.12W N N 0.12A 0.25A 0.50A<br />

C 1.00W 0.75W 0.50W 0.25W N 0.25A 0.50A<br />

D 1.00W 0.75W 0.50W 0.25W N<br />

E 0.75W 0.50W 0.50W 0.50W 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W 0.25W N 0.25A<br />

F 1.50W 1.50W 1.50W 1.25W 1.00W 0.75W 0.50W 0.25W N 0.25A<br />

G 2.00W 1.75W 1.50W 0.37W 0.37W 0.25W 0.25W N 0.25A<br />

Table 1. Patterns <strong>of</strong> change in accommodative response with plus adds as determined by Haynes 3 with the MEM-LN procedure. W indicates with<br />

motion on dynamic retinoscopy and A indicates against motion, so, for example, 0.25W indicates 0.25 D <strong>of</strong> with motion. N indicates a neutral<br />

retinoscopy motion.<br />

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that the accommodative response was 0.25 D less<br />

than the accommodative stimulus. A neutral reflex<br />

indicated that accommodative response and<br />

accommodative stimulus were equal, and a 0.25 D<br />

“against” motion indicated that the accommodative<br />

response was 0.25 D greater than the<br />

accommodative stimulus.<br />

Table 1 is a table with the findings that Haynes<br />

presented as seven patterns <strong>of</strong> MEM-LN results.<br />

Haynes gave these patterns as examples, with<br />

only a few occasional passing comments<br />

concerning how common the patterns were.<br />

Further he did not state whether he thought these<br />

patterns were representative <strong>of</strong> the entire<br />

population, or whether some patients have other<br />

patterns. He considered patterns A and B to<br />

represent “normal to superior accommodative<br />

behavior,” patterns C, D, F, and G to represent<br />

findings in accommodative dysfunctions, and<br />

pattern E to be a marginal case. Such conclusions<br />

Figure 1. The plot <strong>of</strong><br />

accommodative response (AR)<br />

as a function <strong>of</strong> accommodative<br />

stimulus (AS) for Haynes’ case<br />

A. The units for<br />

accommodative stimulus and<br />

accommodative response are<br />

diopters. The diagonal line<br />

from lower left to upper right is<br />

a 1:1 line indicating points<br />

where AR and AS would be<br />

equal. Points on the 1:1 line<br />

would be points where neutral<br />

was observed on retinoscopy,<br />

points below it would indicate<br />

where with motion was<br />

observed, and points above it would be points where there was against motion.<br />

The dioptric distance <strong>of</strong> a given point from the 1:1 line would indicate the<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> retinoscopy motion.<br />

Figure 2. The AR/AS plot<br />

for Haynes’ case C. The units<br />

for accommodative stimulus<br />

and accommodative response<br />

are diopters. The diagonal<br />

line from lower left to upper<br />

right is a 1:1 line indicating<br />

points where AR and AS<br />

would be equal.<br />

Figure 3. The AR/AS plot<br />

for Haynes’ case D. The units<br />

for accommodative stimulus<br />

and accommodative response<br />

are diopters. The diagonal line<br />

from lower left to upper right is<br />

a 1:1 line indicating points<br />

where AR and AS would be<br />

equal.<br />

could be reached by simply looking at the MEM<br />

with 0 add: the lag <strong>of</strong> accommodation is normal in<br />

A and B; high in C, D, F, and G; and marginal in E.<br />

However, Haynes suggested that the lag by itself<br />

would not predict the response to plus lenses (nor<br />

would the low neutral by itself), because different<br />

individuals change accommodation differently in<br />

response to plus lenses. In other words, slopes <strong>of</strong><br />

the accommodative response/accommodative<br />

stimulus (AR/AS) curve are variable from one<br />

person to another.<br />

Figures 1-3 show the findings <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> these<br />

cases in the form <strong>of</strong> graphs <strong>of</strong> accommodative<br />

response as a function <strong>of</strong> accommodative stimulus.<br />

Figure 1 shows the graph for case A. The lag <strong>of</strong><br />

accommodation through the subjective refraction is<br />

0.25 D. Accommodative response decreases by<br />

0.25 D for the 0.25 D step reduction in stimulus<br />

from the subjective to a +0.25 D add and then to a<br />

+0.50 D add. The low neutral finding is +1.00 D,<br />

so the accommodative response and<br />

accommodative stimulus are equal at 1.50 D.<br />

Figures 2 and 3 show the graphs for cases C<br />

and D, respectively. Both have lags <strong>of</strong><br />

accommodation <strong>of</strong> 1.00 D through the subjective<br />

refraction. However, in case C, the amount <strong>of</strong> with<br />

motion decreases by 0.25 D for each 0.25 D<br />

increase in plus add. In other words, the slope for<br />

case is zero, as can be seen in Figure 2. Because<br />

the slope is zero, the low neutral is equal to the lag<br />

through the subjective refraction (+1.00 D). In<br />

case D (Figure 3), accommodative response<br />

decreases with the addition <strong>of</strong> plus up to +1.00 D,<br />

and the low neutral finding is +1.50 D.<br />

Haynes noted that different criteria for<br />

prescribing nearpoint plus adds can be applied to<br />

dynamic retinoscopy results. He used four<br />

example criteria: (1) plus add equal to the MEM<br />

lag, (2) plus add which yields a 0.50 D with motion<br />

on MEM, (3) plus add to low neutral minus 0.87 D,<br />

and (4) the low neutral finding minus 0.37 D, to<br />

show that the plus adds derived from these four<br />

methods differed from each other for a given<br />

patient in an unpredictable manner (except for<br />

criteria 3 and 4). 3 The reason that the results <strong>of</strong><br />

the criteria do not show a repeatable relationship to<br />

each other is because the slope <strong>of</strong> the<br />

accommodative response to accommodative<br />

stimulus curve varies from one patient to another.<br />

Haynes did not go as far as suggesting the<br />

criterion that would be most likely to improve<br />

patient accommodative function.<br />

As an interesting aside, Haynes’s case G<br />

appears to correspond to what is <strong>of</strong>ten called the<br />

pseudo convergence insufficiency case type, in<br />

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which there is an abnormally high exophoria at<br />

near due to a very low accommodative response.<br />

The increase in accommodative response with a<br />

plus add in case G would explain the observation<br />

<strong>of</strong> clinicians that the near point <strong>of</strong> convergence<br />

improves with a plus add in pseudo convergence<br />

insufficiency. 5<br />

Tassinari’s MEM-twice procedure<br />

Tassinari 4 reported results on 211 nonpresbyopic<br />

patients with what he called an MEMtwice<br />

procedure. MEM was performed first with<br />

the distance subjective refraction lenses in place<br />

and then with lenses derived on the basis <strong>of</strong> the<br />

binocular cross cylinder (BCC) test. When the<br />

BCC finding was +0.50 D or more over the<br />

subjective refraction, the add for the second MEM<br />

test was equal to the BCC finding. When the BCC<br />

was +0.25 D or less, the add for the second MEM<br />

retinoscopy was +0.50 D. The most commonly<br />

used add was +0.75 D (121 patients). Fifty-seven<br />

patients were tested with a +1.00 D add. The<br />

highest add used was +1.50 D (5 patients).<br />

Tassinari observed that a plus add could affect<br />

accommodative response in one <strong>of</strong> four ways:<br />

• Type 1 response: Accommodative response<br />

decreases an amount equal to the power <strong>of</strong> the<br />

plus add. In this type <strong>of</strong> response, the slope <strong>of</strong> the<br />

AR/AS curve would be 1 between the two points in<br />

question.<br />

• Type 2 response: Accommodative response<br />

decreases by an amount less than the power <strong>of</strong> the<br />

plus add. Here the slope <strong>of</strong> the AR/AS function<br />

would be less than 1 but greater than 0.<br />

• Type 3 response: Accommodative response<br />

does not change with the plus add. In this type <strong>of</strong><br />

response, the AR/AS slope would be 0 between<br />

the two AS points. Haynes’ case C would fit into<br />

this response type.<br />

• Type 4 response: Accommodative response<br />

increases with the plus add. Here, the AR/AS<br />

curve slope would be negative. Haynes’ case G<br />

would fit into Tassinari’s Type 4 response.<br />

The 211 patients in Tassinari’s paper were 6 to<br />

37 years <strong>of</strong> age, with 169 <strong>of</strong> them 6 to 20 years<br />

old. Tassinari found a mean lag <strong>of</strong> accommodation<br />

<strong>of</strong> 0.35 D (SD=0.34 D) through the distance<br />

subjective refraction. One hundred sixty patients<br />

had lags <strong>of</strong> accommodation ranging from 0.25 to<br />

1.75 D, 39 patients had no lag or lead, and 12 had<br />

a lead <strong>of</strong> accommodation. Thirty-six patients had a<br />

lag <strong>of</strong> 0.75 D or greater. The median and mode<br />

MEM with the distance subjective refraction were<br />

both a lag <strong>of</strong> 0.25 D.<br />

The mean plus add used for the second MEM<br />

was +0.82 D. The mean decrease in<br />

accommodative response to the plus add was 0.51<br />

D. Tassinari noted that the mean decrease in<br />

accommodative response expressed as a<br />

percentage <strong>of</strong> the mean plus add power was 62%.<br />

The most common response type was the<br />

Type 2 response, observed in 146 (69%) <strong>of</strong> the<br />

patients. A Type 1 response was found in 50<br />

(24%) <strong>of</strong> the patients. A type 3 response was<br />

observed in 15 patients (7%). Tassinari did not<br />

find any Type 4 responses in the 211 patients.<br />

Based on the mean + 1 SD <strong>of</strong> the MEM with<br />

the distance refraction, Tassinari established 0 to<br />

0.70 D as a normal range for the lag <strong>of</strong><br />

accommodation. Thirty-six patients had a high lag.<br />

When those patients were tested with the plus add<br />

based on the BCC, 25 (69%) then had a normal<br />

lag, 9 (25%) still had a high lag, and 2 (6%) had a<br />

lead. Thus, if a normal lag is the desired endpoint,<br />

MEM might have to be repeated with additional<br />

plus lens powers.<br />

Tassinari suggested that “The MEM-twice<br />

procedure could be used as one test among<br />

several in the ultimate determination <strong>of</strong> prescribing<br />

a plus lens addition and its amount. A useful line<br />

<strong>of</strong> research would be to investigate which test or<br />

tests are the best predictor <strong>of</strong> a successful plus<br />

lens addition.”<br />

Introduction to a Preliminary Study<br />

There is no one firmly established guideline for<br />

prescribing plus lens adds from dynamic<br />

retinoscopy. One common approach is to subtract<br />

some set amount from the MEM lag, as for<br />

example, prescribing a plus add with a power<br />

which is 0.25 D less than the amount <strong>of</strong> the lag<br />

through the distance refraction. Similarly, some<br />

amount, such as 0.50 D, could be subtracted from<br />

the low neutral finding. However, neither the MEM<br />

as it is usually performed (through only one lens<br />

power) nor the LN by itself tells us how the patient<br />

responds to other lens powers. In other words,<br />

each test represents only one point on the AR/AS<br />

function.<br />

Research approaches that might lead to more<br />

authoritative prescribing guidelines could include<br />

collecting more data with the Haynes MEM-LN<br />

procedure to better understand the variability in<br />

patient responses to plus adds and investigating<br />

lens powers which yield patient preference or best<br />

patient performance. The following describes a<br />

preliminary study on a small sample <strong>of</strong> subjects.<br />

The study consisted <strong>of</strong> two parts. In one part<br />

testing was done with the Haynes MEM-LN<br />

procedure. Another part involved having subjects<br />

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indicate preferences <strong>of</strong> lenses derived from<br />

arbitrary MEM and LN criteria.<br />

Methods<br />

Twenty subjects were recruited from a<br />

population <strong>of</strong> optometry students. Ages ranged<br />

from 23 to 28 years. All subjects were required to<br />

have vision correctable to 20/20 at distance and<br />

near, without strabismus (confirmed by cover test),<br />

prior to participation. All subjects had an eye and<br />

vision examination in the previous year and<br />

reported not having any ocular disease discovered.<br />

The protocols <strong>of</strong> this study were approved by the<br />

<strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> Human Subjects Committee,<br />

and all subjects were provided informed consent in<br />

order to participate.<br />

The Haynes MEM-LN retinoscopy procedure<br />

was performed with a Welch Allyn streak<br />

retinoscope. That is, MEM was performed through<br />

the subject’s distance prescription and then<br />

through varying amounts <strong>of</strong> plus add. Subjects<br />

wore the habitual prescription that was prescribed<br />

at their last eye and vision examination. Subjects<br />

who did not have glasses or contact lenses with<br />

them when they presented for the testing were<br />

refracted and their subjective refraction lenses<br />

were placed in a trial frame during the experiment.<br />

The retinoscope was placed 40 cm from the<br />

subject’s spectacle plane. The examiner estimated<br />

the dioptric value <strong>of</strong> the observed motion as the<br />

subjects viewed words on a magnetized nearpoint<br />

card (20/40, adult level words) attached to the<br />

retinoscope. The subjects viewed the words<br />

binocularly and read the words aloud. The<br />

examiner confirmed the estimate <strong>of</strong> the retinoscopy<br />

motion by inserting a neutralizing lens for less than<br />

one second. That confirming lens was in place for<br />

less than a second to decrease the likelihood <strong>of</strong><br />

the lens affecting the accommodative response by<br />

becoming part <strong>of</strong> the stimulus.<br />

Then MEM was done through each <strong>of</strong> several<br />

plus adds. Plus sphere lenses were added<br />

binocularly, in 0.25 D steps until the first neutral<br />

was observed and then until the second against<br />

motion reflex was observed or until testing with a<br />

+2.00 D add was completed. The stimulus was a<br />

20/40 paragraph set at 40 cm that the subject was<br />

asked to read aloud as the MEM-LN procedure<br />

was performed. The interocular differences in<br />

accommodative responses were judged to be less<br />

than 0.25 D throughout the experiment for all<br />

subjects.<br />

In the lens comparison part <strong>of</strong> the study, a<br />

separate MEM retinoscopy was performed on the<br />

same subjects. MEM was performed with subjects<br />

viewing through the distance prescription. The<br />

same test target and target distance was used as<br />

in the first phase <strong>of</strong> the study. After the<br />

Table 2. Patterns <strong>of</strong><br />

change in accommodative<br />

response with plus adds as<br />

determined in the present<br />

preliminary study with the<br />

MEM-LN procedure. W<br />

indicates with motion on<br />

dynamic retinoscopy and A<br />

indicates against motion,<br />

so, for example, 0.25W<br />

indicates 0.25 D <strong>of</strong> with<br />

motion. N indicates a<br />

neutral retinoscopy motion.<br />

Retinoscopy findings with varying plus add powers in diopters<br />

(Accommodative stimulus in diopters in parentheses)<br />

0 +0.25 +0.50 +0.75 +1.00 +1.25 +1.50 +1.75 +2.00<br />

Sub. (2.50) (2.25) (2.00) (1.75) (1.50) (1.25) (1.00) (0.75) (0.50)<br />

1 0.25W 0.25W N 0.25A 0.25A 0.50A<br />

2 0.50W 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W 0.25W N N 0.25A 0.50A<br />

3 0.75W 0.5W 0.25W N N N N 0.25A 0.25A<br />

4 0.25W 0.25W 0.25W N N 0.25A<br />

5 0.25W 0.25W 0.25W N N N 0.25A 0.25A 0.50A<br />

6 0.75W 0.50W 0.50W 0.25W N N N 0.25A<br />

7 0.25W N 0.25A<br />

8 0.25W 0.25W 0.25W 0.25W N N 0.25A<br />

9 0.75W 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W N N 0.25A<br />

10 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W N N N 0 0.25A<br />

11 1.00W 0.75W 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W N N N 0.25A<br />

12 0.75W 0.50W 0.25W N N 0.25A<br />

13 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W N 0.25A<br />

14 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W N N N N 0.25A<br />

15 1.00W 0.75W 0.75W 0.50W 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W N N<br />

16 1.00W 0.75W 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W N N N 0.25A<br />

17 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W N N N 0.25A<br />

18 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W N N N 0.25A<br />

19 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W N N N 0.25A<br />

20 0.50W 0.25W 0.25W N N N 0.25A<br />

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etinoscopy procedure was completed, nearpoint<br />

test lenses were determined from the subject’s<br />

response to the retinoscopy procedures. The<br />

nearpoint lenses were determined by subtracting<br />

0.25 D from the MEM through the distance<br />

prescription lenses and 0.37 D from the LN<br />

endpoint from the first phase <strong>of</strong> the study. A<br />

control nearpoint add <strong>of</strong> 0.12 D was also used for<br />

comparison. Subjects were asked to read<br />

newspaper print with each <strong>of</strong> the three nearpoint<br />

adds over their habitual distance prescriptions.<br />

The lenses were presented in random order as<br />

subjects were given a one question questionnaire<br />

that asked “which <strong>of</strong> the lenses, did you feel, made<br />

the print the clearest and/or made you feel the<br />

most comfortable?” The lenses were labeled A, B<br />

and C and presented to the subjects in a random<br />

order. The subjects put the lenses in order from 1<br />

to 3, with 1 being the clearest/most comfortable<br />

and 3 being the least clear/comfortable.<br />

Results<br />

Individual subject results for the Haynes MEM-<br />

LN part <strong>of</strong> the study are summarized in Table 2.<br />

The individual AR/AS plots were mostly quite<br />

similar to Haynes’ patterns A, B, and E. The mean<br />

MEM through the distance prescription was 0.56 D<br />

(SD=0.25). The mean low neutral was 0.88 D<br />

(SD=0.32). An AR/AS plot <strong>of</strong> the mean responses<br />

at the different stimulus levels is shown in Figure 4.<br />

The AR/AS slopes determined by linear regression<br />

for individual subjects varied from 0 (subject 7) to<br />

0.68 (subject 8). The mean AR/AS slope was 0.49<br />

Figure 4. Mean<br />

accommodative<br />

responses for the 20<br />

subjects in the<br />

present study.<br />

(SD=0.17). The Pearson correlation coefficient <strong>of</strong><br />

AR with AS was over 0.92 for 17 <strong>of</strong> the 20<br />

subjects. The AR/AS slopes in the other three<br />

subjects were 0 (subject 7), 0.23 (subject 12), and<br />

0.30 (subject 13). The slopes in the 17 subjects<br />

with correlation coefficients over 0.9 averaged 0.54<br />

(SD=0.09), and ranged from 0.37 (subject 1) to<br />

0.68 (subject 8).<br />

The individual results from the lens comparison<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the study are summarized in Table 3. The<br />

mean MEM with the distance prescription in this<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the study was 0.65 D (SD=0.31). Fourteen<br />

subjects had lags between 0.25 and 0.75 D. MEM<br />

lags within this range are typically considered to be<br />

normal or close to normal. 1,6-8 Of the fourteen<br />

subjects with normal lags, five preferred the MEM-<br />

0.25 D add over the other two adds, two preferred<br />

LN-0.37 D, and seven preferred the 0.12 D control<br />

add. However, for subjects within this normal lag<br />

range, the lenses being compared were frequently<br />

0.25 D or less different from each other. Six<br />

subjects had lags <strong>of</strong> 1.00 and 1.25 D. Of these six<br />

subjects, four preferred the MEM-0.25 D add over<br />

Subject MEM LN MEM-0.25 LN-0.37 ADD Preferred<br />

1 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.12 MEM-0.25<br />

2 0.50 1.25 0.25 0.87 MEM-0.25<br />

3 1.25 0.75 1.00 0.37 MEM-0.25<br />

4 0.25 0.75 0 0.37 LN-0.37<br />

5 0.25 0.75 0 0.37 0.12D CONTROL<br />

6 0.75 1.00 0.50 0.62 LN-0.37<br />

7 0.25 0.25 0 -0.12 0.12D CONTROL<br />

8 0.25 1.00 0 0.62 MEM-0.25<br />

9 0.75 1.00 0.50 0.62 0.12D CONTROL<br />

10 1.50 0.75 0.25 0.37 0.12D CONTROL<br />

11 1.00 1.25 0.75 0.87 MEM-0.25<br />

12 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.37 LN-0.37<br />

13 0.50 0.75 0.25 0.37 MEM-0.25<br />

14 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.37 0.12D CONTROL<br />

15 1.00 1.75 0.75 1.37 MEM-0.25<br />

16 1.00 1.25 0.75 0.87 MEM-0.25<br />

17 0.50 0.75 0.25 0.37 012D CONTROL<br />

18 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.37 0.12D CONTROL<br />

19 0.25 0.75 0.25 0.37 0.12D CONTROL<br />

20 0.50 0.75 0.25 0.37 MEM-0.25<br />

Table 3. Data for the subject plus add<br />

preference comparison. The three adds<br />

compared were MEM-0.25 D, LN-<br />

0.37 D, and a 0.12 D control add.<br />

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the others, one preferred the LN-0.37 D add, and<br />

one preferred the 0.12 D add. While the sample<br />

size is obviously too small to draw any<br />

conclusions, it appears that there might be a trend<br />

toward preference <strong>of</strong> the MEM-0.25 D add in these<br />

higher lag cases where the use <strong>of</strong> nearpoint plus<br />

add would be more likely.<br />

Discussion<br />

The mean AR/AS slope <strong>of</strong> about 0.5 from the<br />

present study can be compared to the finding <strong>of</strong><br />

Tassinari <strong>of</strong> the mean change in accommodation<br />

being 62% <strong>of</strong> the mean plus add power. While the<br />

range <strong>of</strong> lens powers over which testing was done<br />

was greater in the present study than in Tassinari’s<br />

study, it is apparent that during dynamic<br />

retinoscopy accommodative response changes on<br />

average only about half or little more <strong>of</strong> the amount<br />

<strong>of</strong> added lens power. There was quite a bit <strong>of</strong><br />

variability in the slopes in the present study, with<br />

the range being 0 to 0.68.<br />

The repetition <strong>of</strong> MEM retinoscopy with plus<br />

adds after it is done in the traditional manner with<br />

the distance refraction can provide the examiner<br />

with information on how the patient responds to<br />

plus adds. The patterns published by Haynes, the<br />

data from Tassinari, and the data from the present<br />

preliminary study show that individuals differ in<br />

how much they change accommodation in<br />

response to a given power plus lens add. This has<br />

implications for the prescription <strong>of</strong> nearpoint plus<br />

adds from dynamic retinoscopy.<br />

A common guideline for prescription <strong>of</strong> plus<br />

adds from MEM retinoscopy is to subtract 0.25 D<br />

from the lag. Repetition <strong>of</strong> MEM with plus adds<br />

could provide further information to the practitioner.<br />

One approach could be to prescribe an add which<br />

would make the motion on MEM be within the<br />

normal range <strong>of</strong> lags <strong>of</strong> accommodation.<br />

Birnbaum 9 recommended prescribing the plus add<br />

that would result in the 0.12 to 0.50D with motion<br />

that he considered to be normal on MEM. The<br />

plus add to be prescribed can also be refined by<br />

observing effects on performance measures such<br />

as reading performance, eye movements, or<br />

stereopsis. 10-12 The familiar refrain that further<br />

study is needed appears to apply to this topic.<br />

lens power determination. Am J Optom Physiol<br />

Opt 1985;62:375-385.<br />

4. Tassinari JT. Change in accommodative<br />

response and posture induced by nearpoint plus<br />

lenses per monocular estimate method<br />

retinoscopy. J Behav Optom 2005;16:87-93.<br />

5. Richman JE, Cron MT. Guide to Vision Therapy.<br />

South Bend, IN: Bernell corporation, 1987:17-18.<br />

6. Cooper J. Accommodative dysfunction. In:<br />

Amos JF, ed. Diagnosis and Management in<br />

Vision Care. Boston: Butterworths, 1987:431-<br />

459.<br />

7. Daum KM. Accommodative response. In:<br />

Eskridge JB, Amos JF, Bartlett JD, eds. Clinical<br />

Procedures in <strong>Optometry</strong>. Philadelphia:<br />

Lippincott, 1991:677-686.<br />

8. Tassinari JT. Monocular estimate method<br />

retinoscopy: central tendency measures and<br />

relationship to refractive status and<br />

heterophoria. Optom Vis Sci 2002;79:708-714.<br />

9. Birnbaum MH. Optometric Management <strong>of</strong><br />

Nearpoint Vision Disorders. Boston: Butterworth-<br />

Heinemann, 1993:173.<br />

10. Sohrab-Jam G. Eye movement patterns and<br />

reading performance in poor readers:<br />

immediate effects <strong>of</strong> convex lenses indicated<br />

by book retinoscopy. Am J Optom Physiol Opt<br />

1976;53:720-726.<br />

11. Apell RJ. Performance test battery: A very<br />

useful tool for prescribing lenses. J Behav<br />

Optom 1996;7:7-10.<br />

12. Saladin JJ. Stereopsis from a performance<br />

perspective. Optom Vis Sci 2005;82:186-205.<br />

References<br />

1. Saladin JJ. Phorometry and stereopsis. In:<br />

Benjamin WJ, ed. Borish’s Clinical Refraction.<br />

Philadelphia: Saunders, 1998:724-773.<br />

2. Grosvenor T. Primary Care <strong>Optometry</strong>, 4th ed.<br />

Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002:242.<br />

3. Haynes HM. Clinical approaches to nearpoint<br />

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Book Review: Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the<br />

Mysteries <strong>of</strong> the Human Mind.<br />

Reviewed by Craig Andrews, O.D.<br />

Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries <strong>of</strong> the Human Mind. V.S. Ramachandran<br />

and Sandra Blakeslee. New York, NY: Harper Collins, 1998. Pages: 328. Paperback. Price:<br />

$16.00. ISBN 0-688-17217-2.<br />

The primary author, V.S. Ramachandran, M.D.,<br />

Ph.D., is a neuroscientist who is Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and<br />

Director <strong>of</strong> the Center for Brain and Cognition at<br />

the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> California, San Diego.<br />

Ramachandran is a story teller who weaves his<br />

tales with humor and insights. Newsweek lists him<br />

as one <strong>of</strong> the one<br />

hundred most important<br />

people to watch in the<br />

next century.<br />

Ramachandran has<br />

spoken to at least one<br />

optometric audience, at a<br />

meeting <strong>of</strong> NORA<br />

(Neurological Optometric<br />

Rehabilitation<br />

Association). The<br />

second author, Sandra<br />

Blakeslee, is a science<br />

writer for The New York<br />

Times.<br />

The book thoroughly discusses modern<br />

concepts <strong>of</strong> vision and neurology and their<br />

anatomical basis. Twelve chapters deal with topics<br />

such as “phantom limbs” and his experiments on<br />

visual treatments <strong>of</strong> their pain, blindsight where<br />

one has usable vision without a cortex, motion<br />

blindness and V4, Charles Bonnet syndrome seen<br />

in many older patients who visually hallucinate,<br />

hemi-neglect, Capgras’ syndrome where a patient<br />

believes his parents are imposters, and other<br />

syndromes. The author presents case histories<br />

and his hypotheses for each <strong>of</strong> these interesting<br />

areas. Finally, the author develops his theory <strong>of</strong><br />

consciousness.<br />

The publishers give the following apt<br />

description <strong>of</strong> the book: “A brilliant ‘Sherlock<br />

Holmes’ <strong>of</strong> neuroscience reveals the strangest<br />

cases he has solved – and the insights they yield<br />

about human nature and the mind…. Dr.<br />

Ramachandran uncovers answers to deep and<br />

quirky questions <strong>of</strong> human nature that few<br />

scientists have dared to address, including why we<br />

laugh or become depressed; how we make<br />

decisions, deceive ourselves, and dream; why we<br />

may believe in God; and more….” Nobel laureate<br />

Francis Crick wrote that: “This is a splendid<br />

book…If you are interested in how your brain<br />

works, this is a book you must read.”<br />

Ramachandran has been compared to<br />

neurologist Oliver Sacks, who is noted for<br />

authorship <strong>of</strong> such books as Awakenings, The Man<br />

Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, and A Leg to<br />

Stand On. Sacks contributed a foreword to this<br />

book. The book contains a bibliography and<br />

suggested reading list.<br />

Dr. Andrews graduated from optometry school<br />

at IU in 1979. He started the Salem Eye Clinic<br />

in Salem, IL, which is now a five doctor <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

He is also the President <strong>of</strong> Bernell Corporation<br />

(Mishawaka, IN; 800-348-2225). He and his<br />

optometry school classmate, Charlie Shearer,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mishawaka, resurrected the company in 1997<br />

when a bank was going to close its doors.<br />

Andrews notes that “Bernell sells this book,<br />

but you can also get it elsewhere.”<br />

............................................................ <strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> ... <strong>Spring</strong> 2006 ... Vol 9, No. 1... page 15

Review: Recent Studies on Convergence<br />

Insufficiency Treatments and Associations<br />

by David A. Goss, O.D., Ph.D.<br />

Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a common<br />

clinical condition which can cause eyestrain<br />

symptoms, occasional diplopia, and blurred vision<br />

during near work activities. It is characterized by a<br />

high exophoria at near, receded near point <strong>of</strong><br />

convergence, and reduced base-out vergence<br />

ranges at near. There have been several studies<br />

on convergence insufficiency published in the last<br />

three or four years. This short review will briefly<br />

summarize some <strong>of</strong> the best and most provocative<br />

<strong>of</strong> those studies.<br />

Association with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity<br />

Disorder (ADHD)<br />

A study headed by David Granet, an<br />

ophthalmologist at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> California, San<br />

Diego (UCSD), suggested an association <strong>of</strong><br />

convergence insufficiency with ADHD. 1 Granet<br />

and his coauthors did a chart review <strong>of</strong> 266<br />

patients that had been diagnosed with<br />

convergence insufficiency by the first author in his<br />

academic pediatric ophthalmology practice.<br />

Twenty-six <strong>of</strong> those patients (9.8%) had a history<br />

<strong>of</strong> ADHD. Twenty-one <strong>of</strong> the 26 were male.<br />

Twenty <strong>of</strong> the 26 were using some medication for<br />

ADHD at the time that CI was diagnosed. The<br />

authors noted that the 9.8% prevalence <strong>of</strong> ADHD<br />

in patients with convergence insufficiency was<br />

much higher than the 1.8 to 3.3% prevalence <strong>of</strong><br />

ADHD in the general population <strong>of</strong> the United<br />

States.<br />

The authors also searched the UCSD<br />

electronic patient database for patients with a<br />

diagnosis <strong>of</strong> ADHD. There were records <strong>of</strong> eye<br />

examinations for 176 <strong>of</strong> those patients. Of those<br />

176 patients, 28 (15.9%) had a diagnosis <strong>of</strong><br />

convergence insufficiency. The authors observed<br />

that this 15.9% prevalence <strong>of</strong> CI in patients with<br />

ADHD was much higher than the convergence<br />

insufficiency prevalences <strong>of</strong> 2.25 to 4.2% in the<br />

literature that they cited.<br />

The authors <strong>of</strong> the paper recognized that a<br />

limitation <strong>of</strong> their study was that they examined a<br />

selected sample. They further noted that it was not<br />

possible to determine whether the medication for<br />

ADHD or the lack <strong>of</strong> attention that ADHD patients<br />

might have during clinical testing could have<br />

contributed to a convergence insufficiency<br />

diagnosis. However, they state that, “It seems<br />

obvious that CI could aggravate the academic<br />

performance <strong>of</strong> a patient with ADHD.” They<br />

recommended that patients with ADHD or<br />

suspected <strong>of</strong> having ADHD should be evaluated for<br />

convergence insufficiency. In addition, they<br />

suggested that treatment <strong>of</strong> convergence<br />

insufficiency without relief <strong>of</strong> symptoms might be<br />

explained by the presence <strong>of</strong> ADHD.<br />

Survey on Most Common Treatment Methods<br />

Scheiman et al. 2 mailed surveys concerning<br />

treatment methods for convergence insufficiency to<br />

863 ophthalmologists and 863 optometrists.<br />

Addresses for optometrists were obtained from the<br />

American Optometric Association. Addresses for<br />

general and pediatric ophthalmologists were<br />

obtained from the Official American Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Medical Specialties Directory <strong>of</strong> Board Certified<br />

Medical Specialists. Lists were arranged by zip<br />

code and then names were selected at regular<br />

intervals, every 20th name in the case <strong>of</strong> the<br />

optometrists.<br />

Fifty-eight percent <strong>of</strong> the optometrists returned<br />

the survey, and 23% <strong>of</strong> the ophthalmologists<br />

responded. Respondents indicated how <strong>of</strong>ten they<br />

used the following treatments: base-in prism<br />

reading glasses, reading glasses with no prism,<br />

pencil push-ups, home-based vision therapy,<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice-based vision therapy, or no treatment. They<br />

marked whether they used each <strong>of</strong> those<br />

treatments never, occasionally, fairly <strong>of</strong>ten, <strong>of</strong>ten,<br />

or always.<br />

For the optometrists, the most common<br />

treatment method was pencil push-ups (36% <strong>of</strong><br />

respondents), with home-based vision therapy<br />

(22%) next, followed by <strong>of</strong>fice-based vision therapy<br />

(16%). Among the ophthalmologists, the most<br />

common treatment was pencil push-ups (50%),<br />

with home-based vision therapy next (21%), and<br />

base-in prism glasses third (10%). The authors<br />

pointed out that while pencil push-ups, the most<br />

common treatment, require a minimum <strong>of</strong> cost and<br />

time, there is more support in the literature for<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice-based vision therapy.<br />

Effectiveness <strong>of</strong> Base-In Prism Reading<br />

Glasses in Children<br />

Having studied how commonly different<br />

treatment methods were used, Mitch Scheiman, a<br />

faculty member at Pennsylvania College <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Optometry</strong>, and his co-investigators turned their<br />

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Pencil Push Ups<br />

Office-based<br />

Vision Therapy<br />

# Subjects 11 15 12<br />

Symptom survey<br />

Score at Baseline<br />

Symptom survey Score<br />

after treatment<br />

Stat. sig. <strong>of</strong> change in<br />

symptom score<br />

NPC break at<br />

baseline (cm)<br />

NPC Break after<br />

treatment (cm)<br />

Stat. sig.<strong>of</strong> change<br />

in NPC<br />

Near BO break at<br />

baseline (Δ)<br />

Near BO break after<br />

treatment (Δ)<br />

Stat. sig. <strong>of</strong> change on<br />

BO break<br />

29.3<br />

(5.4)<br />

25.9<br />

(7.3)<br />

32.1<br />

(7.9)<br />

9.5<br />

(8.2)<br />

Placebo<br />

Vision Therapy<br />

30.7<br />

(10.6)<br />

24.2<br />

(11.9)<br />

p=0.24 p

Subjects were recruited and followed at five<br />

locations, all <strong>of</strong> them optometry schools. Eligibility<br />

and exclusion criteria were very similar to those for<br />

the base-in prism study. Subjects were<br />

randomized into one <strong>of</strong> three groups: pencil pushups,<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice-based vision therapy, and placebo<br />

vision therapy.<br />

Treatment was conducted over a twelve week<br />

period. The training procedures for the <strong>of</strong>ficebased<br />

vision therapy included accommodative<br />

facility, Brock string, barrel card, vectograms,<br />

computer orthoptics, aperture rule, eccentric circles<br />

free space fusion cards, life saver free-space<br />

fusion cards, and loose prism facility. The placebo<br />

group did procedures which simulated <strong>of</strong>fice-based<br />

vision therapy without changing stimuli to<br />

accommodation or vergence or saccades.<br />

The primary outcome variable to test the<br />

effectiveness <strong>of</strong> treatment was the 15 question<br />

symptom survey questionnaire that was also used<br />

in the base-in prism study. Other data presented<br />

in the paper were the NPC and the near base-out<br />

(BO) vergence range break.<br />

The study results are summarized in Table 1.<br />

The changes in symptom scores, NPC, and BO<br />

break were statistically significant in the <strong>of</strong>ficebased<br />

vision therapy group, but not in the pencil<br />

push-up group. The symptom score, NPC, and BO<br />

break at the end <strong>of</strong> the study were all significantly<br />

better in the <strong>of</strong>fice-based VT group than in either<br />

the pencil push-up group or the placebo group.<br />


group achieved an NPC <strong>of</strong> less than 6 cm by the<br />

end <strong>of</strong> the study: 67% <strong>of</strong> the vision therapy group,<br />

23% <strong>of</strong> the placebo group, and 47% <strong>of</strong> the pencil<br />

push-up group. The mean NPC for the <strong>of</strong>ficebased<br />

vision therapy group at the end <strong>of</strong> the study<br />

was significantly better than that <strong>of</strong> the placebo<br />

group (p=0.02), but not compared to that for the<br />

pencil push-up group (p=0.18).<br />

All three groups had statistically significant<br />

improvements in near BO break findings, but the<br />

largest increase occurred in the vision therapy<br />

group. At the end <strong>of</strong> the study, the BO break in the<br />

vision therapy group was significantly greater than<br />

those <strong>of</strong> both the placebo group (p=0.002) and the<br />

pencil push-ups group (p=0.04).<br />

The authors observed that <strong>of</strong> the three<br />

treatments, “only vision therapy/orthoptics was<br />

effective in achieving normal clinical values for<br />

both the near point <strong>of</strong> convergence and positive<br />

fusional vergence.” They noted that the<br />

improvements from vision therapy could not be<br />

explained on the basis <strong>of</strong> a placebo effect. They<br />

further concluded that the improvement with pencil<br />

push-ups, though statistically significant, may not<br />

be considered to be clinically significant.<br />

Comments<br />

The findings <strong>of</strong> the recent studies reviewed<br />

here suggest that although pencil push-ups may be<br />

the most commonly used method <strong>of</strong> treating<br />

convergence insufficiency, it is not as effective as<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice-based vision therapy. The fact that<br />

programs <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice-based placebo training<br />

procedures were not as effective as vision therapy<br />

shows that the greater results with vision therapy<br />

over pencil push-ups were not due simply to<br />

contact with the therapist. The administration <strong>of</strong><br />

proper procedures in the <strong>of</strong>fice might increase the<br />

likelihood <strong>of</strong> success over the less controlled home<br />

environment.<br />

The better results with vision therapy over<br />

pencil push-ups could also be due to the fact that<br />

several <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fice-based procedures train<br />

fusional vergence independent <strong>of</strong> accommodation.<br />

With pencil push-ups, both the convergence<br />

stimulus and the accommodative stimulus are<br />

increasing as the pencil is brought closer.<br />

Therefore, accommodative convergence is<br />

assisting positive fusional vergence during the<br />

training. The <strong>of</strong>fice-based vision therapy included<br />

training with vectograms, aperture rules, eccentric<br />

circles and life saver free space fusion cards, and<br />

loose prism facility. On all <strong>of</strong> those procedures, the<br />

vergence stimulus changes as the accommodative<br />

stimulus remains constant. Having patients keep<br />

the targets for these procedures clear requires<br />

them to use positive fusional vergence without an<br />

assist from accommodative convergence, thus<br />

providing a greater training effect on fusional<br />

vergence.<br />

References<br />

1. Granet DB, Gomi CF, Ventura R, Miller-Scholte<br />

A. The relationship between convergence<br />

insufficiency and ADHD. Strabismus<br />

2005;13:163-168.<br />

2. Scheiman M, Cooper J, Mitchell GL, et al. A<br />

survey <strong>of</strong> treatment modalities for convergence<br />

insufficiency. Optom Vis Sci 2002;79:151-157.<br />

3. Scheiman M, Cotter S, Mitchell GL, et al.<br />

Randomised clinical trial <strong>of</strong> the effectiveness <strong>of</strong><br />

base-in prism reading glasses versus placebo<br />

reading glasses for symptomatic convergence<br />

insufficiency in children. Br J Ophthalmol<br />

2005;89:1318-1323.<br />

4. Stavis M, Murray M, Jenkins P, et al. Objective<br />

improvement from base-in prisms for reading<br />

discomfort associated with mini-convergence<br />

insufficiency type exophoria in school children.<br />

Bin Vis Strab Quart 2002;17:135-142.<br />

5. Scheiman M, Mitchell GL, Cotter S, et al. A<br />

randomized clinical trial <strong>of</strong> treatments for<br />

convergence insufficiency in children. Arch<br />

Ophthalmol 2005;123:14-24.<br />

6. Scheiman M, Mitchell GL, Cotter S, et al. A<br />

randomized clinical trial <strong>of</strong> vision<br />

therapy/orthoptics versus pencil push-ups for<br />

the treatment <strong>of</strong> convergence insufficiency in<br />

young adults. Optom Vis Sci 2005;82:583-593.<br />

............................................................ <strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> ... <strong>Spring</strong> 2006 ... Vol 9, No. 1... page 19

Letter to the Editor and Author’s Replies<br />

Ithoroughly enjoy the <strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Optometry</strong> and usually read the entire journal. I<br />

received the Fall, 2005 issue and read the entire<br />

issue. The following lists a few comments on the<br />

articles.<br />

Terson’s syndrome is one condition all<br />

optometrists should be familiar with. In addition to<br />

Terson’s syndrome, subarachnoid hemorrhage<br />

(SAH) can result from many causes including<br />

closed head injury (CHI), traumatic brain injury<br />

(TBI), arteriovenous (A/V) malformations, and<br />

aneurysms. The classic case is <strong>of</strong> severe<br />

headache - the worst the person has ever had.<br />

Because <strong>of</strong> the patient base I see, I average about<br />

twelve <strong>of</strong> these each year. The first one that I saw<br />

was from TBI and the patient was about three<br />

months old at the time. The blood had moved<br />

anterior and was only a partial hemorrhage. The<br />

appearance <strong>of</strong> the vitreous was such that there<br />

were areas <strong>of</strong> clear retina and other areas that<br />

appeared like a retinal detachment.<br />

One patient <strong>of</strong> interest relates to binocular<br />

vision and a complete unilateral Terson’s<br />

syndrome. The patient was seen in the<br />

rehabilitation hospital within two to three weeks <strong>of</strong><br />

the SAH. The patient’s eye was completely filled<br />

with hemorrhage and there was no fundus view. In<br />

such cases, I always ask for a retinal consult for<br />

ultrasound scan and confirmation <strong>of</strong> my diagnosis.<br />

(Best for insurance to have the diagnosis<br />

confirmed) The patient also had a partial third<br />

nerve exotropia. I had instructed the therapist to<br />

occlude the eye with the hemorrhage and the<br />

exotropia. The retinal ophthalmologist confirmed<br />

the Terson’s syndrome, and he told the hospital to<br />

not occlude the eye. The next visit to the hospital<br />

the patient was waiting to be seen. She had gone<br />

in the van to the mall for shopping with the hospital<br />

staff. She had to close her eyes until the van<br />

reached the mall. The patient was nauseated with<br />

both eyes open. The patient had a Fresnel press<br />

on prism placed over her glasses to reduce the<br />

visual confusion. The argument can be made for<br />

the parvo/magno pathways as a cause <strong>of</strong> the<br />

confusion or the fact the one eye now turns out<br />

and the proprioception from the muscle is causing<br />

the confusion. Terson’s syndrome is <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

accompanied by an ocular motor disorder which<br />

could be obvious, such as complete nerve palsy or<br />

more frequently a subtle vertical deviation.<br />

The article by Elli J. Kollbaum on driving and<br />

hemianopsia was interesting. The article starts on<br />

the premise that the diagnosis <strong>of</strong> hemianopsia<br />

alone can or should be used as a means <strong>of</strong><br />

determining how a person will drive. A visual<br />

acuity standard as a means to determine if the<br />

visual system is functioning sufficiently to allow a<br />

person to drive is a similar false standard. The<br />

patient who has a field loss will usually have other<br />

neurologic deficits. A question each <strong>of</strong> us should<br />

ask would be what area <strong>of</strong> the brain had the injury<br />

that caused the field loss. Also: What kind <strong>of</strong> injury<br />

did they have? Was the injury to the brain a<br />

stroke? Was it ischemic in nature or hemorrhagic?<br />

Did you get to read the radiological report or the<br />

hospital record to see is if any other areas <strong>of</strong> the<br />

brain were involved? Was the field loss from a CHI<br />

or TBI injury and what type <strong>of</strong> brain injury was<br />

listed on the report? Was the brain injury on the<br />

dominant or nondominant side <strong>of</strong> the brain? How<br />

is the patient’s speech, and does the patient have<br />

aphasia or perseveration? Did the patient have<br />

neglect initially? Was there an initial gaze<br />

“paralysis”? Did the patient have posture distortion<br />

right after the event? Was stereopsis preserved or<br />

was the field loss too close to the midline and<br />

stereopsis compromised?<br />

The nature <strong>of</strong> my practice allows ample<br />

opportunity to see many <strong>of</strong> these patients. I <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

see them early in the recovery process in the<br />

hospital setting. The patient will have multiple<br />

deficits besides the hemianopsia. The deficits may<br />

improve just by the recovery process <strong>of</strong> the brain<br />

healing or they may need multiple therapies to<br />

improve. I can think <strong>of</strong> very few patients that I<br />

have seen where only field loss existed.<br />

The patient should have smooth motor<br />

pursuits checked as early in the recovery as<br />

possible. If the patient has the lesion in the<br />

parietal area the pursuits will be affected. Such<br />

patients will have problems with pursuits into the<br />

blind field years later if they don’t have intensive<br />

therapies. Saccadic eye movements are also<br />

affected and the deficit can also be seen even after<br />

therapies. The local hospital therapy program<br />

uses a computer program called Captain’s log.<br />

The program has multiple visual programs to aid in<br />

both recovery and to follow the recovery progress.<br />

A test that optometrists can use which other<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionals don’t <strong>of</strong>ten use is a tachistoscope. I<br />

prefer to use four numbers for 1/10 <strong>of</strong> a second<br />

and run ten trials. The patient may no longer show<br />

neglect on a pencil and paper test but will show it<br />

on the tachistoscope. The tachistoscope will also<br />

show sequence errors and number reversals.<br />

I would encourage all optometrists to look<br />

beyond the visual field loss, diplopia, or other initial<br />

presenting diagnosis and look for any other<br />

deficits. The example that comes to my mind is a<br />

young 20 year old referred for evaluation regarding<br />

possible employment or education placement. I<br />

personally prefer to watch patients walk to the<br />

exam room and watch how they seat themselves.<br />

This particular patient had difficulty in walking. The<br />

patient had significant medical history with the<br />

diagnosis <strong>of</strong> cerebral palsy (CP). The available<br />

history included two recent examinations by two<br />

different neurologists. The diagnosis <strong>of</strong> CP was<br />

consistent in both reports. The chart also included<br />

two neuro-psychology reports by the same<br />

Page 20 ... Vol 9, No. 1 ... <strong>Spring</strong> 2006 ... <strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> ..............................................................................

examiner in which the patient had lost cognitive<br />

abilities over the five years between exams. The<br />

patient had recent eye exams which showed<br />

myopia but no other problems.<br />

The patient told me in the case history that he<br />

didn’t like to read. The patient says moving his<br />

eyes bothered him. The other history was only<br />

significant for myopia. The significant testing was<br />

in pursuits and saccades. The patient was asked<br />

to follow a moving object. The second time<br />

through the pattern he could not follow the object<br />

vertically. Saccade testing also confirmed the<br />

vertical loss within two cycles. The only other<br />

ocular finding <strong>of</strong> significance was greatly reduced<br />

accommodation. The visual fields, external,<br />

tonometry, and dilated internal exam were normal.<br />

The neurology reports both listed pursuits as<br />

being intact. I called the neurologist that I work<br />

with. I explained the test findings from the other<br />

neurologists. I also explained my observations <strong>of</strong><br />

ataxia, pursuit and saccade abnormalities, and<br />

partial 3rd nerve lesion. The patient was seen and<br />

even though several reference texts would match<br />

this with progressive supernuclear palsy the patient<br />

is not in the right age category. Living in the<br />

computer age makes finding references much<br />

easier. Checking the search engine <strong>of</strong> your choice<br />

with ataxia, pursuit and saccade abnormalities, and<br />

accommodation deficit will bring up congenital<br />

cerebellum stem degenerations as the most likely<br />

diagnosis.<br />

The point is, don’t assume the diagnosis is<br />

correct just because the patient has more than one<br />

confirming diagnosis. The patient should be tested<br />

thoroughly and the case history matched to the<br />

symptoms. Then if the previous diagnosis does<br />

not match your findings, start looking for other<br />

possible explanations.<br />

An important principle for brain injury patients<br />

is to look for other problems like the hemianopsia<br />

and driving difficulties. The hemianopsia will not<br />

exist in isolation. Once one determines whether<br />

the patient has other findings, then one can talk<br />

about driving and how the brain insult has changed<br />

the visual process.<br />

Steven F. Sampson, O.D.<br />

Dr. Sampson completed undergraduate school<br />

at <strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> with an A.B. degree in<br />

chemistry in 1974 and is a 1978 graduate <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong>. He is<br />

a member <strong>of</strong> several optometric organizations,<br />

including the <strong>Indiana</strong> Optometric Association,<br />

American Optometric Association, College <strong>of</strong><br />

Optometrists in Vision Development, and<br />

Neurological Optometric Rehabilitation<br />

Association, and is a Fellow <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

Academy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong>. He practices in<br />

Evansville, <strong>Indiana</strong>.<br />

Authors’ Replies<br />

It was a pleasure to see the letter written by<br />

Steven F. Sampson. He has highlighted a very<br />

important scenario which many patients with<br />

Terson’s syndrome experience, i.e., nausea,<br />

confusion, and problems with binocular vision.<br />

Clinical practice in the United States is slightly<br />

different from the way we proceed in the United<br />

Kingdom. For all the patients with Terson’s<br />

syndrome undergoing rehabilitation in our unit, we<br />

make sure that it is a joint effort involving<br />

ophthalmologists, orthoptists, and optometrists<br />

under the supervision <strong>of</strong> geriatrics. This not only<br />

provides us with the best clinical results addressing<br />

the patient’s symptoms but is also a continuous<br />

reminder for medics <strong>of</strong> the greater morbidity they<br />

have as compared to patients with subarachnoid<br />

hemorrhage not having vitreous hemorrhage. Our<br />

orthoptics department recently came up with a<br />

protocol to make sure that every patient with<br />

subarachnoid hemorrhage gets a routine<br />

assessment including visual fields even in absence<br />

<strong>of</strong> any symptoms. This has helped us to identify<br />

some Terson’s syndrome patients who otherwise<br />

could have been missed.<br />

Ali A. Bodla, M.D.<br />

Dr. Bodla and his colleagues contributed two<br />

photo essays to the Fall, 2005 issue <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong>. Dr. Bodla is at<br />

the Ophthalmology Department, The Ayr<br />

Hospital, Dalmellington Road, Ayr, Scotland.<br />

I thank Dr. Sampson for his comments on my<br />

article, “Homonymous Hemianopsia and Driving:<br />

Is It Safe?”, that appeared in the Fall, 2005 issue <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>IJO</strong>. He expressed valid points that the patient<br />

with hemianopsia may have additional cognitive<br />

and visual deficits. These areas need to be<br />

addressed in the evaluation along with the patient’s<br />

other medical conditions. A helpful website that<br />

addresses the health care provider’s role in the<br />

driving evaluation is:<br />

http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/PEOPLE/injury/olddrive/<br />

OlderDriversBook<br />

Elli J. Kollbaum, O.D.<br />

Dr. Kollbaum, a member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Indiana</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> faculty, was<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>iled in the Fall, 2005 issue <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Indiana</strong><br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong>.<br />

............................................................ <strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong> ... <strong>Spring</strong> 2006 ... Vol 9, No. 1... page 21

<strong>Indiana</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong><br />

<strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optometry</strong><br />

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