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POLISH JOURNAL <strong>OF</strong> ECOLOGY<br />

(Pol. J. Ecol.)<br />

57 4 805–809 2009<br />

Short research conrtibution<br />

Olga GRABCZYŃSKA 1,3* , Izabella OLEJNICZAK 1 , Anna PRĘDECKA 2 , Stefan RUSSEL 3<br />

1<br />

Centre for Ecological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Dziekanów Leśny,<br />

05-092 Lomianki, Poland, *e-mail: olga_grabczynska@cbe-pan.pl (corresponding author)<br />

2<br />

The Main School of Fire Service, Civil Safety Engineering Faculty, Department of Safety Analyses<br />

and Prognosis, Słowackiego Street 52/54, 01-629 Warsaw, Poland<br />

3<br />

Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Biology,<br />

Department of Soil Environmental Science, Nowoursynowska Street 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland<br />

<strong>SHORT</strong>-<strong>TERM</strong> <strong>EFFECTS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>PRESCRIBED</strong> <strong>FOREST</strong> <strong>FIRE</strong><br />

<strong>ON</strong> <strong>SOIL</strong> MITES (ACARI)<br />

ABSTRACT: Natural forest fires are considered<br />

as a part of natural ecosystem processes.<br />

Short-term effects of prescribed fire on densities<br />

and taxonomic diversity of soil Acari were studied<br />

in fresh pine mixed forest (“Biala” forest ) in the<br />

Mazovia region, Central-Eastern Poland. Three<br />

plots (size 1 m 2 ) of similar soil type and vegetation<br />

were selected for prescribed burning. Soil samples<br />

of an area of 10 cm 2 and the depth of 5 cm were<br />

collected in June 2005 – one day after the burning,<br />

60 days after the burning and 90 days after<br />

the burning. Samples were collected from within<br />

the border of the burned plots, from the border<br />

itself, as well as from the surroundings. Due to<br />

the burning, the density of Acari communities<br />

decreased from 11.5 × 10 3 ind. m -2 recorded in<br />

the surroundings to 3.2 × 10 3 ind. m -2 recorded<br />

in the burned plots. Values recorded within the<br />

burned plots after the fire differed significantly<br />

from those recorded on the border (P = 0.05) and<br />

in the surroundings (P = 0.0001). After 60 days,<br />

an increase in Acari abundance was observed in<br />

the burned plots (P = 0.02), becoming similar to<br />

that noted for the border of the plot and for the<br />

surroundings. After 90 days, there were no significant<br />

differences between the burned parts of the<br />

plots, their borders and the surroundings; however,<br />

generally decreased densities were observed,<br />

possibly due to the seasonal reason. The observed<br />

changes suggest the restoration of Acari community<br />

after disturbance.<br />

KEY WORDS: Acari, fire, forest, prescribed<br />

burning<br />

Natural forest fires – i.e. started by lighting<br />

– are considered a natural force involved<br />

in the ecosystem processes and having a significant<br />

evolutionary importance (B ond and<br />

Keeley 2005). Many organisms are adapted<br />

to survive them or to recolonize the disturbed<br />

areas (B engtsson 2002). Prescribed fires are<br />

used in forest management to reduce fire hazard<br />

and to create favourable conditions for<br />

plant development (Marshall 2000).<br />

Fire changes the structure and moisture of<br />

soil, decreasing the quantity of organic matter<br />

and leading to nutrient loss. It also influences<br />

the rate of organic matter decomposition. Extinction<br />

of vegetation after fire increases the<br />

rate of surface runoff as well as soil temperature<br />

(by blackening the soil surface). The sites<br />

suitable for recolonization had become deficient<br />

(Near y et al. 1999). Ecosystems can be<br />

affected by fire at diverse scales, ranging from<br />

days (short-term) to hundreds of years on the<br />

time scale, and from a single point to thousands<br />

of hectares on the spatial scale (Hardy<br />

2005).<br />

The function of soil microarthropod<br />

communities in the ecosystem is important<br />

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806<br />

Olga Grabczyńska et al.<br />

as – among others – they control the decomposition<br />

of litter (Blair et. al. 1992, S cheu<br />

and S chaefer 1998). Thus the impact of<br />

prescribed burning and wild-fire on these<br />

communities was broadly studied in many<br />

environments i.e.: grasslands (Lussenhop<br />

1976), Mediterranean phryganic ecosystem<br />

(Sgardelis and Margaris 1993), temperate<br />

(Dress and B oerner 2004) and boreal<br />

forests (Haimi et. al. 2000, Wikars and<br />

S chimmel 2001). The lethal temperature<br />

for almost all microarthropods is under<br />

40°C (Malmström 2008) but short-term<br />

response of microarthropods to fire can vary<br />

significantly and results of studies are often<br />

contrasted. Lussenhop (1976) reported no<br />

changes in abundance of microarthropods in<br />

short period after fire (up to 1 month), while<br />

Sgardelis and Margaris (1993) reported<br />

severe reduction in abundance of microarthropods,<br />

distinguished up to over 3 years.<br />

The presented study is a part of the complex<br />

investigations carried out by Department<br />

of Soil Environmental Science of Warsaw<br />

University of Life Sciences in cooperation<br />

with the Main School of Fire Service. The<br />

experiments were focused on the manner in<br />

which fire and fire-fighting techniques affect<br />

the organisms in forest soil.<br />

The aim of this study was to estimate the<br />

effect of prescribed fire upon the density and<br />

diversity of Acari. The experiment was conducted<br />

in “Biała Forest”, 60 km north-east<br />

from Warsaw, in fresh pine mixed forest with<br />

dominating podzol gley (pH 3.5) with fresh<br />

moder humus. In forest tree layer, Scots pine<br />

(Pinus sylvestris) was dominant, with numerous<br />

birches (Betula pendula), while in shrub<br />

layer – common juniper (Juniperus communis)<br />

and Frangula alnus were dominant. In<br />

herb layer, European blueberry (Vaccinium<br />

myrtillus) and Sheep’s Fescue (Festuca ovina)<br />

were most common.<br />

In June 2005, three plots, each 1 m 2 in<br />

size, with the same soil and vegetation, were<br />

randomly chosen. The prescribed fire lasted<br />

30 minutes, until total burn-out of litter and<br />

herb layer. The mean temperature of ground<br />

after fire was 377°C. The fire was extinguished<br />

with the fire-fighting substances Protektol<br />

SAT-10 and Roteor M. Both agents are waterbased<br />

and commonly used for extinguishing<br />

forest fires. The field experiments were assisted<br />

by a fire-brigade. The permission from<br />

Forest Inspectorate Ostrów Mazowiecka (letter<br />

N-24/12/05 from 2005.05.04) was received<br />

for this experimental burning.<br />

Environmental data recorded during<br />

study period – air temperature, air humidity<br />

and litter humidity – are presented in Table 1.<br />

Samples were collected thrice – in June,<br />

immediately after the burning, 60 days after<br />

the burning (August) and 90 days after the<br />

burning (September). The time of second<br />

sampling was chosen in order to allow Oribatida<br />

to complete at least one generation, i.e. at<br />

least 8 weeks (Walter and Proctor 2004).<br />

The samples were taken with a steel corer,<br />

from an area 10 cm 2 to the depth 5 cm. Ten<br />

samples were taken in each sampling plot<br />

and on each sampling occasion. In total, 90<br />

samples were taken from three experimental<br />

plots: 30 samples from burned plots (fire), 30<br />

from borders of burned plots (border) and 30<br />

from the surrounding area, at a distance of 1<br />

m from plot the borders (surroundings).<br />

The microrarthropods were extracted<br />

from the samples in Tullgren’s apparatus.<br />

Identification of Acari was based on Krantz’s<br />

(1978) key and Soil Biology Guide (Dindal<br />

1990). Wilcoxon non-parametric signedrank<br />

test and Kruskall-Wallis non-parametric<br />

analysis of variance were used.<br />

Diversity of community was calculated<br />

with the Shannon-Wiener index (H’). Statistical<br />

significance of differences in the H’ index<br />

values was checked with Hutcheson’s<br />

(1970) test.<br />

The density of Acari communities<br />

immediately after the fire within burned<br />

plots was the lowest from recorded densities<br />

and it was significantly different from<br />

those recorded for border (P = 0.05) and<br />

surroundings (P = 0.0001) (Fig. 1). 60 days<br />

after the burning, about three fold increase<br />

of Acari densities was noted in burned plots<br />

(P = 0.02), but there was no significant difference<br />

between all three parts of the plots.<br />

After 90 days, a decrease of densities in all<br />

parts was observed, but again there were no<br />

significant differences between recorded values<br />

(Fig.1).<br />

Oribatida were the dominating order during<br />

study period (Fig. 2). Their lowest participation<br />

rate was noted in borders, where Mesostigmata<br />

participation increased.<br />

journal 20.indb 806 2009-12-30 15:31:40

Influence of prescribed fire on soil Acari<br />

807<br />

m -2<br />

Fig. 1. Mean densities (± SE) of Acari recorded in burned plots (fire), at borders of burned plots (border)<br />

and from surroundings (1 m) of burned plots (surroundings), recorded 0, 60 and 90 days after fire. The<br />

same letters over the columns indicate the statistical difference at the level at least P = 0.05, n = 10.<br />

Lowest value of H’ index for diversity in<br />

Acari communities was measured for burned<br />

plots (Fig. 3). There were significant differences<br />

between the H’ indexes for burned<br />

plots and borders (P ≤0.001), burned plots<br />

and surroundings (P ≤0.001) and for borders<br />

and surroundings (P ≤0.05).<br />

In presented study the abundance of microarthropods<br />

observed immediately after<br />

fire was significantly reduced comparing to<br />

control. The same phenomenon i.e. the reduction<br />

of microrarthropod numbers by fire<br />

was reported by many authors (i.e. Metz and<br />

Farrier 1973, Henig-Sever et al. 2001, Wikars<br />

and S chimmel 2001). Severe reduction of<br />

collembolan abundance was observed in experiment<br />

conducted in similar conditions by<br />

Olejniczak et al. (2006). Because samples were<br />

collected immediately after fire, we can attributed<br />

this type of massive reduction directly to<br />

fire and high temperature on soil surface, not<br />

to post-fire alteration of soil habitat (Wikars<br />

and S chimmel 2001).<br />

Significant increase of Acari abundances<br />

60 days after fire was noted. Similar trend was<br />

found by Wikars and S chimmel (2001).<br />

Decrease of Acari abundance 90 days after<br />

fire can be related to seasonal and environmental<br />

conditions (Table 1).<br />

Mites found at burned sites might have<br />

appeared due to individuals moving from<br />

adjacent undisturbed sites or from patches<br />

not affected by fire. Many Oribatida can<br />

move relatively fast from surroundings to<br />

burned plots. Representatives of one of the<br />

Fig. 2. Dominance structure (% of the total numbers<br />

of individuals) among Acari orders recorded<br />

in burned plots (fire), at borders of burned plots<br />

(border) and from surroundings of burned plots<br />

(surroundings).<br />

most common oribatid genera, Opiella, can<br />

migrate almost 2 meters in 3 months, many<br />

other genera can cover a distance of 1 meter<br />

in the same time (Ojala and Huhta 2001).<br />

Some specimens found in burned plots<br />

could have survived the fire. Higher survival<br />

was observed among animals with greater<br />

mobility in soil and a thick cuticula (Neary<br />

et al. 1999, Wikars and Schimmel 2001).<br />

Malmström (2008) found that Oribatida survived<br />

higher temperatures than other groups<br />

of soil animals, and the thick cuticule is one of<br />

the reasons. In our study no mites with weakly<br />

sclerotized cuticule were found in burned<br />

plots, while Oribatida were still present.<br />

Dress and B oerner (2004) concluded<br />

that overall effects of fire are caused not only<br />

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Olga Grabczyńska et al.<br />

Table 1. Mean values of air temperature, air humidity and litter humidity were recorded at 1 p.m. for<br />

study period (data received from Forest Inspectorate Ostrów Mazowiecka).<br />

Month Air temperature [°C] Air humidity [%] Litter humidity [%]<br />

June 2006 20.9 57.0 21.0<br />

July 2006 26.4 46.0 15.0<br />

August 2006 23.1 53.9 19.0<br />

September 2006 19.6 53.9 19.4<br />

Bardgett R .D., C ook R . 1998 – Functional<br />

aspects of soil animal diversity in agricultural<br />

grasslands – Appl. Soil Ecol. 10: 263–276.<br />

B engtsson J. 2002 – Disturbance and resilience<br />

in soil animal communities – Eur. J. Soil. Biol.<br />

38: 119–125.<br />

Blair J.M., Crossley D.A., Callaham L.C.<br />

1992 – Effects of litter quality and microarthropods<br />

on N dynamics and retention of exogenous<br />

15 N in decomposing litter – Biol. Fert.<br />

Soils, 16: 241–252.<br />

Bond, W.J., Keeley, J.E. 2005 – Fire as a global<br />

‘herbivore’: the ecology and evolution of<br />

flammable ecosystems – TREE, 20: 387–394.<br />

Dindal D.L. 1990 – Soil Biology Guide – Wiley<br />

& Sons, New York, 1349 pp.<br />

Dress W.J., Boerner R.E.J. 2004 – Patterns<br />

of microarthropod abundance in oak-hickory<br />

forest ecosystems in relation to prescribed fire<br />

and landscape position – Pedobiologia, 48:<br />

1–8.<br />

Haimi J., Fritze H., Moilanen P. 2000 – Responses<br />

of soil decomposer animals to woodash<br />

fertilisation and burning in a coniferous<br />

forest stand – Forest Ecol. Manag. 29: 53–61.<br />

Hardy C.C. 2005 – Wildland fire hazard and<br />

risk: Problems, definitions, and context – Forest<br />

Ecol. Manag. 211: 73–82.<br />

Henig-Sever N., Poliakov D., Nroza M.<br />

2001 – A novel method of estimation wildfire<br />

intensity based on ash pH and soil microarby<br />

the fire itself, but by the fire-induced alterations<br />

in environment. Post fire changes<br />

in soil structure, like presence of ash, can be<br />

responsible for further reduction of soil microarthropod<br />

abundance (Haimi et al. 2000,<br />

Lirii et al. 2002). However, in our study,<br />

similar values of microarthropod density in<br />

burned and control (surroundings) parts of<br />

plots have been found 60 days after the fire;<br />

this may be related to environmental factors.<br />

Acari community diversity was lowered<br />

by fire, but occurrence of Oribatida and<br />

Prostigmata in dominance structure of Acari<br />

in burned plots was similar to that recorded<br />

in coniferous and mixed forest (Niedbała<br />

1980). Very low abundance of Astigmata in<br />

burned sites was also recorded by Dress and<br />

B oerner (2004). In general, however, lack of<br />

Astigmata in burned plots can be caused by<br />

their susceptibility to changes of soil moisture<br />

and high temperatures due to poorly sclerotized<br />

cuticule (Niedbała 1980).<br />

Fire lowers the numbers of all microarthropods.<br />

Mites are less susceptible to fire,<br />

high temperatures and post-fire soil altera-<br />

Fig. 3. Dominance structure (% of the total numbers<br />

of individuals) among Acari orders recorded<br />

in burned plots (fire), at borders of burned plots<br />

(border) and from surroundings of burned plots<br />

(surroundings), for study period.<br />

tions than springtails (Olejniczak et al.<br />

2006). Among mites, Oribatida seem to be<br />

the most resistant to those factors.<br />

The appearance of both mites and springtails<br />

in burned plots, suggest the returning<br />

of animals and process of recolonisation of<br />

disturbed sites and restoration of Acari community.<br />

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors<br />

would like to thank reviewers and editors for their<br />

valuable suggestions to the manuscript and Marta<br />

Karpińska for language revision.<br />


journal 20.indb 808 2009-12-30 15:31:41

Influence of prescribed fire on soil Acari<br />

809<br />

thropods communities – Pedobiologia, 45:<br />

98–106.<br />

Hutcheson K. 1970 – A test for comparing diversities<br />

based on the Shannon formula – J.<br />

Theor. Biol. 29: 151–154.<br />

Krantz G.W. 1978 – A manual of acarology.<br />

Second edition – Oregon State University<br />

Book Store, Inc. Corvallis, 509 pp.<br />

Liiri M., Haimi J., Setälä H. 2002 – Community<br />

composition of soil microarthropods<br />

of acid forest soils as affected by wood ash application<br />

– Pedobiologia, 46: 108–124.<br />

Lussenhop J. 1976 – Soil arthropod response to<br />

prairie burning – Ecology, 57: 88–98.<br />

Marshall V.G. 2000 – Impacts of forest harvesting<br />

on biological processes in northern forest<br />

soils – Forest Ecol. Manag.133: 43–60.<br />

Malmström A. 2008 – Temperature tolerance<br />

in soil microarthropods: simulation of forestfire<br />

heating in laboratory – Pedobiologia, 51:<br />

419–426.<br />

Metz L.J., Farrier M.H. 1973 – Prescribed<br />

burning and populations of soil mesofauna –<br />

Environ. Entomol. 2: 433–440.<br />

Neary D.G., Klopatek C.C., DeBano L.F.,<br />

Ffolliott P.F. 1999 – Fire effects on belowground<br />

sustainability: a review and synthesis<br />

– Forest Ecol. Manag. 122: 51–71.<br />

Niedbała W. 1980 – Mechowce – roztocze ekosystemów<br />

lądowych [Oribatida – mites of land<br />

ecosystems] – PWN, Warszawa. 256 pp.<br />

Ojala R ., Huhta V. 2001 – Dispersal of microarthropods<br />

in forest soil – Pedobiologia, 45:<br />

443–450.<br />

Olejniczak I., Grabczyńska O., Prędecka<br />

A., Russel S. 2006 – Fire and collembolans<br />

communities: Catastrophe or not (In: Proceedings<br />

of 5th International Conference on<br />

Forest Fire Research, 27-30 November 2006,<br />

Ed: Viegas D.X.), Figueira da Foz, Portugal.<br />

Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.<br />

CD-ROM. 8 pp.<br />

Scheu S., Schaefer M. 1998 – Bottom-up<br />

control of the soil macro-fauna community in<br />

a beechwood on limestone: manipulation of<br />

food resources – Ecology, 79: 1573–1585.<br />

Sgardelis S.P., Margaris N.S. 1993 – Effects<br />

of fire on soil microarthropods of a phryganic<br />

ecosystem – Pedobiologia, 37: 83–94.<br />

Walter D., Proctor H. 2004 – Mites: Ecology,<br />

Evolution and Behaviour – CABI Publishing,<br />

Wallingford, 322 pp.<br />

Wikars L., Schimmel J. 2001 – Immediate effects<br />

of fire-severity on soil invertebrates in cut<br />

and uncut pine forests – Forest Ecol. Manag.<br />

41: 189–200.<br />

Received after revision May 2009<br />

journal 20.indb 809 2009-12-30 15:31:42

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