Risk Management Manual - City of Portland
Risk Management Manual - City of Portland
Risk Management Manual - City of Portland
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Purpose<br />
The <strong>Risk</strong> Division<br />
This manual is an overview <strong>of</strong> the various programs, procedures and operations managed by, the<br />
<strong>Risk</strong> Division <strong>of</strong> the Human Resources Department. It is intended to be used as a resource by all<br />
department heads, managers, supervisors, employees and unions.<br />
Every department and division in the <strong>City</strong> encounters numerous risk exposures and potential<br />
losses. This manual is designed to assist you in recognizing those risks and determining what<br />
action to take to avoid them, and minimizing those losses which may be unavoidable.<br />
<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Philosophy<br />
The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Portland</strong> believes that protection <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong>’s assets, both human and physical, must<br />
be a top priority. All levels <strong>of</strong> management must take responsibility for the protection and<br />
preservation <strong>of</strong> our assets through continuous attention to safe and healthy working conditions;<br />
early identification <strong>of</strong> potential sources <strong>of</strong> loss to our employees, property, residents and the<br />
public at large. We strive to develop loss control practices and procedures to address these<br />
exposures.<br />
Following the example and encouragement <strong>of</strong> management, employees are expected to follow<br />
safe work practices and actively participate in the identification <strong>of</strong> risk exposures. Employees<br />
should be an integral part in the development <strong>of</strong> work practices, policies and programs drafted to<br />
deal with the various risks affecting their workplace.<br />
Mission Statement<br />
The <strong>Risk</strong> Division is committed to providing a variety <strong>of</strong> risk reduction and prevention<br />
programs and services, both proactive and reactive. We strive to balance these efforts to<br />
promote a safe, healthy and productive workplace for our employees, minimize risk<br />
exposures to the citizens and guests <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong>, and to insure that all city assets are<br />
protected or insulated against potential loss.<br />
The Safety, Loss Control and Insurance programs and services provided by the <strong>Risk</strong> Division are<br />
all designed to assist <strong>City</strong> departments in the management <strong>of</strong> the various risks. This manual<br />
presents a brief overview <strong>of</strong> the programs and services outlined in the table <strong>of</strong> contents, their<br />
purpose, and how to access and use them:<br />
Revised 07/12/04 3