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1671 Onshore Wind (Planning Policy) 6 JUNE 2013 Onshore Wind (Planning Policy) 1672<br />

Annette Brooke (Mid Dorset and North Poole) (LD):<br />

I find myself much in accord with the Minister’s expressions<br />

of support for balance, as that is absolutely right, but I<br />

have some concerns that the pendulum might swing too<br />

far the other way. Will he be carefully monitoring things<br />

as the new guidance is implemented?<br />

Mr Prisk: I will certainly monitor w<strong>here</strong> the pendulum<br />

sits with the greatest of care.<br />

Stephen Barclay (North East Cambridgeshire) (Con):<br />

In joining colleagues in welcoming the announcement,<br />

may I pay tribute to the work of my right hon. Friend<br />

the Member for South Holland and The Deepings<br />

(Mr Hayes) on this issue?<br />

May I push the Minister to be clear that w<strong>here</strong> an<br />

appeal has concluded taking evidence but the inspector<br />

has not published their decision, today’s announcement<br />

will be taken into account, because that will give great<br />

comfort to my constituents, particularly those in Tydd<br />

St Giles, who are awaiting a decision on 17 July?<br />

Mr Prisk: W<strong>here</strong> no decision has been published, as<br />

would be the case for local planners at that stage in the<br />

process, planning inspectors will now have to give<br />

consideration to this change in the guidance.<br />

Mr David Nuttall (Bury North) (Con): My constituents<br />

in Bury North will warmly welcome this statement.<br />

Many of them can already see a massive wind farm<br />

development over at Scout Moor, but it is very often the<br />

individual turbines going <strong>here</strong>, t<strong>here</strong> and everyw<strong>here</strong><br />

across my constituency that create a great deal of concern.<br />

Can the Minister confirm that these guidelines will<br />

apply to individual turbine applications, as well as those<br />

for large farms, which may already be affecting the<br />

landscape?<br />

Mr Prisk: As I said earlier, we are trying to make sure<br />

that the principal concern people have about the impact,<br />

and particularly the cumulative impact, is properly and<br />

clearly set out in the guidance. That will make sure that<br />

decisions on the kinds of application to which my hon.<br />

Friend refers will be influenced in the same way.<br />

Mr Peter Bone (Wellingborough) (Con): I congratulate<br />

my hon. Friend the Member for Daventry (Chris Heaton-<br />

Harris) on leading the campaign against wind farms in<br />

this House, and I have a sneaking feeling that I can<br />

detect the hand of my right hon. Friend the Member for<br />

South Holland and The Deepings (Mr Hayes) in this<br />

new revised policy.<br />

Until now, planning applications were refused for<br />

wind farms, but on appeal were granted. Under this<br />

new guidance, as I understand it, if local councils act<br />

properly and say no to a wind farm, normally they will<br />

not be overturned on appeal. Am I right in thinking<br />

that?<br />

Mr Prisk: My hon. Friend is right to highlight that<br />

t<strong>here</strong> have been a number of contributions in this<br />

particular debate. What I would say to him is that we<br />

want to make sure the system is balanced. What most<br />

constituents have been concerned about—I am, perhaps,<br />

speaking now as a constituency MP—is that they feel<br />

their views are ridden roughshod over. That is what my<br />

hon. Friend referred to, and that is what we are seeking<br />

to correct.<br />

Duncan Hames (Chippenham) (LD): I note the Minister’s<br />

emphasis on significant and cumulative impact. Does<br />

he agree that minimum separation distances, as espoused<br />

by Wiltshire council, are arbitrary and t<strong>here</strong>fore totally<br />

incapable of taking that into account?<br />

Mr Prisk: We are not promoting buffer zones, as I<br />

think they are known in that context. We are a localist<br />

Government, and we want to make sure that the councils,<br />

which are accountable to their local electorates, take the<br />

appropriate decisions. The fact that we have specifically<br />

highlighted the issue of cumulative impact can, I think,<br />

give my hon. Friend some reassurance.<br />

Andrew Percy (Brigg and Goole) (Con): In addition<br />

to the turbines we already have, sometimes turning, in<br />

my constituency, we have 70 further ones consented, the<br />

largest development being for 34 turbines on the Isle of<br />

Axholme, which was granted by the previous Government<br />

on appeal, against the wishes of local people. Just<br />

yesterday another wind farm application was rejected,<br />

and a couple of weeks ago I spoke at an appeal against<br />

yet another wind farm application. T<strong>here</strong>fore, while I<br />

welcome the announcement, as will my constituents,<br />

may I urge the Minister to do a full and thorough<br />

review of how the appeal system works, because it is<br />

often at that point that my constituents are let down,<br />

not by their democratically elected councillors?<br />

Mr Prisk: I understand that point, and the Secretary<br />

of State, the planning Minister, my hon. Friend the<br />

Member for Grantham and Stamford (Nick Boles), and<br />

I are all very much aware of the need to make sure<br />

planning at the local level and at appeals runs appropriately,<br />

and we will always give consideration to representations.<br />

Andrew Jones (Harrogate and Knaresborough) (Con):<br />

I welcome the statement, which will also be welcomed<br />

by the constituents of Harrogate and Knaresborough,<br />

w<strong>here</strong> t<strong>here</strong> have been significant concerns about<br />

developments of a proposed wind farm along the Knabs<br />

ridge area. Does the Minister agree that the measures<br />

announced will help to address the confusion and anger<br />

about the fact that local landscapes and local environments<br />

can be damaged in the name of protecting our environment?<br />

Mr Prisk: I know that my hon. Friend is a fantastic<br />

campaigner for local people in his glorious part of<br />

Yorkshire. I think he is absolutely right and he can now<br />

say to his constituents that this is a Government who<br />

are on their side.<br />

Guy Opperman (Hexham) (Con): This is wonderful<br />

news and the result of a long campaign. I welcome the<br />

announcement, because in Northumberland we have<br />

sporadic applications and sporadic wind farms that<br />

have no impact other than destroying the landscape in a<br />

very bad way. Cumulative impact is a massive issue, but<br />

how will it go into a local development plan when a<br />

local authority has not completed a local development<br />

plan thus far?

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