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1769 Pollinators and Pesticides<br />

6 JUNE 2013 Pollinators and Pesticides 1770<br />

[Mr Heath]<br />

We recognise that t<strong>here</strong> is still a need for targeted<br />

conservation action for our most threatened species.<br />

Natural England’s species recovery programme is designed<br />

to help with projects to support priority species, such as<br />

the short-haired bumblebee. Many Members have made<br />

the point that we are talking not just about the honey<br />

bee, but about many other native bee species and other<br />

non-bee pollinators. My noble Friend Lord de Mauley<br />

has announced that he is considering the development<br />

of a more holistic health strategy to cover all pollinators.<br />

He has been meeting interested parties, such as Friends<br />

of the Earth, to explore what added value that approach<br />

could bring.<br />

We will continue with our wider work to understand<br />

and counter the various factors that harm bees and<br />

other pollinators. DEFRA’s chief scientific adviser and<br />

Ministers have met a number of interested parties to discuss<br />

that work, including non-governmental organisations.<br />

We will seek to host discussions with other stakeholders<br />

over the summer.<br />

As I have said, t<strong>here</strong> are many things that we do not<br />

yet understand about the reductions in pollinator<br />

populations. T<strong>here</strong> are many major factors, including<br />

the varroa mite, which was mentioned by the hon.<br />

Member for Stroud (Neil Carmichael), foulbrood and<br />

the undoubted effects of climate change and environmental<br />

and ecological changes in this country. That is why<br />

some experts are very unclear as to the quantifiable<br />

effect of pesticides. The British Beekeepers Association<br />

keeps an open mind on that, as do we. We want to know<br />

what the connections are and to see the evidence.<br />

Let us return to the issue of pesticides. As we heard in<br />

the debate, the European Commission recently adopted<br />

a ban on the use of three neonicotinoids on crops that<br />

are “attractive to bees” and on some cereal crops. The<br />

ban also covers amateur use, so the Government do not<br />

need to bring in an extension.<br />

It is documented that we did not support action, the<br />

reason being that we had urged the Commission to<br />

complete a full assessment of the available scientific<br />

evidence, taking into account new field research that we<br />

had carried out. Let us talk about that because it is a<br />

serious issue. The hon. Member for Stoke-on-Trent<br />

North asked whether we reject laboratory evidence, but<br />

of course we do not; it is extraordinarily important.<br />

However, we would like some co<strong>here</strong>nce between what<br />

we see in the laboratory and what we see in field trials.<br />

That does not make field trials the only thing that<br />

matter, but such a correlation is not presently t<strong>here</strong>.<br />

From laboratory tests we are clear that neonicotinoids<br />

have a toxicity for bees. We do not know, however, what<br />

the exposure is in a natural environment, and the two<br />

things go together. Many things are toxic but do not<br />

create a deleterious effect in the field simply because the<br />

exposure is too low. That is w<strong>here</strong> we must do a lot more<br />

work, and that is exactly w<strong>here</strong> we are commissioning<br />

it. We were clear that the work done by FERA was by<br />

no means a satisfactory field trial. We never pretended<br />

that it was; it had to be done quickly to meet a timetable—<br />

set not by us, but by others—to give at least some<br />

indication of whether that correlation was t<strong>here</strong>. Incidentally,<br />

I will not accept criticism of FERA scientists on that<br />

basis. They are extremely good and do their work in a<br />

totally dispassionate and independent way on the best<br />

scientific principles. They were asked to do a quick piece<br />

of work—which they did—and that is why it was not<br />

peer reviewed, as would be normal practice. We felt it<br />

was important to put the matter in the hands of the<br />

Commission, which was about to make a decision on a<br />

highly contentious subject.<br />

I make no apologies for recognising that t<strong>here</strong> is, of<br />

course, a strong imperative to look at evidence that suggests<br />

a toxic consequence and, w<strong>here</strong> possible, to take a<br />

precautionary approach to these matters. However, a<br />

precautionary approach is not as two-dimensional as<br />

sometimes suggested and must take into account the<br />

consequences of the action in question. The hon. Member<br />

for Glasgow South mentioned the economic consequences,<br />

and of course that is a factor, although not an overriding<br />

one.<br />

Of far more concern is a point also raised by hon.<br />

Members about alternative pesticides that are fully legal<br />

under EU law and that it would be perfectly proper for<br />

people to use, such as pyrethroids, organophosphates or<br />

carbamates, because the potential is that they would be<br />

even more damaging to the pollinator population. That<br />

concern does not mean that we should not take action<br />

against neonicotinoids if the evidence is clear that they<br />

are causing problems in field conditions, but it was not<br />

unreasonable to say that the paucity of field-trial evidence<br />

was astonishing.<br />

I do not have portfolio responsibility for this matter,<br />

but when I looked at it with a view sympathetic to what<br />

the hon. Member for Stoke-on-Trent North was saying,<br />

I was amazed at how little evidence t<strong>here</strong> was in field<br />

conditions, which I think exposes a failure of the scientific<br />

world to address the problem. I hope that we can play<br />

our part in persuading others across the European<br />

Union to take a more rational view of w<strong>here</strong> we concentrate<br />

our research so that we get the evidence we need, and<br />

that is what we are trying to do. Although our assessment<br />

is that the risk to the bee population from neonicotinoids,<br />

as currently used, is low, we may be wrong and evidence<br />

may come forward from trials that shows otherwise. If<br />

such evidence is t<strong>here</strong>, we shall, of course, accept it, but<br />

we need more complete evidence than we currently have.<br />

The European Commission has committed itself to<br />

a review of evidence by 2015, which we want to be<br />

founded firmly on a strengthened scientific evidence<br />

base. We will play our part in that and are currently<br />

talking about the design of field trials that might be in<br />

place during the moratorium period, so that we can<br />

gather evidence, not just on the honey bee, but on other<br />

bee species as well. The FERA research was on the<br />

bumblebee rather than the honey bee. It is important<br />

that we understand how other species are affected.<br />

Andrew Stunell (Hazel Grove) (LD): I take a great<br />

deal of pleasure in knowing how much my hon. Friend<br />

knows about the subject and how sincerely he takes it to<br />

heart, but does he understand that some of my constituents<br />

see the careful words he has just spoken as indicating<br />

that the Government are ducking and weaving? May I<br />

ask him, in the nicest possible way, whether the Government<br />

will be in a position to take a decision when the further<br />

research is done or whether they will want still more<br />

research to be that little bit more certain?<br />

Mr Heath: Let me be very clear—I am not the world’s<br />

greatest scientist, although I have a scientific degree—that<br />

we cannot have scientific certainty; we can have only a<br />

balance of probabilities based on evidence. We think

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