Ankle and Foot 47 - Department of Radiology - University of ...

Ankle and Foot 47 - Department of Radiology - University of ...

Ankle and Foot 47 - Department of Radiology - University of ...


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Ken L. Schreibman<br />

Richard Bruce<br />

<strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> <strong>47</strong><br />

This chapter is intended to serve as a practical approach to<br />

imaging the ankle <strong>and</strong> foot using computed tomography<br />

(CT) <strong>and</strong> magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Rather than<br />

providing an exhaustive review <strong>of</strong> the literature, we illustrate<br />

the anatomic structures <strong>and</strong> common pathologic<br />

processes seen with CT <strong>and</strong> MRI scans. In addition, we have<br />

included discussions regarding the techniques for obtaining<br />

these scans, including the CT <strong>and</strong> MR protocol sheets<br />

we use daily in the <strong>Radiology</strong> <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Wisconsin in Madison (UW). The most up-to-date versions<br />

<strong>of</strong> these protocol sheets are available for free download<br />

at www.schreibman.info. Throughout this chapter, we<br />

have endeavored to include references to review articles for<br />

readers who wish to explore topics in more detail. The<br />

images <strong>and</strong> content <strong>of</strong> this chapter are based on Dr.<br />

Schreibman’s lecture series.<br />

Anatomy<br />

• Tarsal Bones<br />

• Gross Anatomy <strong>of</strong> the Tarsal Bones 15<br />

Talus<br />

Figures <strong>47</strong>-1 through <strong>47</strong>-4 are photographs <strong>of</strong> cadaveric<br />

bones arranged to illustrate the relationships <strong>of</strong> the major<br />

tarsal bones <strong>and</strong> joints. Figure <strong>47</strong>-1 represents the bones<br />

we typically cover when scanning the distal tibia/ankle/<br />

foot. Central to all this is the talus, labeled Ta. (The label<br />

abbreviations in Fig. <strong>47</strong>-1 will be consistent throughout all<br />

figures.) Indeed, the word talus is Latin for “ankle,” indicating<br />

that early anatomists considered the talus the center <strong>of</strong><br />

the ankle. Underst<strong>and</strong>ing the articulations between the<br />

talus <strong>and</strong> the surrounding bones is the key to underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

the anatomy <strong>of</strong> the ankle <strong>and</strong> foot.<br />

Two views <strong>of</strong> the talus are shown in Figure <strong>47</strong>-2. The<br />

dome is the broad, curved articular surface on the top <strong>of</strong><br />

the talus. (The specimen in Fig. <strong>47</strong>-2 has an osteochondral<br />

lesion centrally in the medial edge <strong>of</strong> the talar dome.<br />

Osteochondral lesions are discussed later in the chapter.)<br />

The head is the rounded process at the anterior aspect <strong>of</strong><br />

the talus, <strong>and</strong> it articulates with the navicular bone. The<br />

body <strong>of</strong> the talus comprises everything between the dome<br />

<strong>and</strong> head. The dome <strong>of</strong> the talus along with the distal ends<br />

<strong>of</strong> the tibia <strong>and</strong> fibula make up the ankle joint (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-3).<br />

(<strong>Ankle</strong> joint is the preferred name <strong>of</strong> this joint in the radiology<br />

<strong>and</strong> orthopedic surgery literature, rather than “tibiotalar<br />

joint” or “crural joint.”)<br />

Mortise<br />

The flat talar dome articulates with the flat surface at the<br />

distal end <strong>of</strong> the tibia known as the plafond. Plafond is an<br />

architectural term meaning “a ceiling formed by the underside<br />

<strong>of</strong> a floor.” In essence, the plafond is the ceiling <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ankle joint, formed by the floor <strong>of</strong> the tibia. The ankle joint<br />

is bounded on the sides by the inner articular surfaces <strong>of</strong><br />

the medial <strong>and</strong> lateral malleoli. The plafond <strong>and</strong> malleoli<br />

together form a rectangular opening called the mortise into<br />

which the talar domes fit, analogous to a mortise-<strong>and</strong>tenon<br />

joint in woodworking. The ankle mortise is a remarkably<br />

sturdy joint. Like the hip <strong>and</strong> knee joints, the ankle<br />

must bear our entire body weight with every step. But<br />

although it is common for primary osteoarthritis to affect<br />

the hips <strong>and</strong> knees <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> us as we age, it is uncommon<br />

to have primary osteoarthritis <strong>of</strong> the ankle.<br />

The joint between the distal tibia <strong>and</strong> fibula is called<br />

the syndesmosis. Syndesmosis is a Greek term meaning “to<br />

bind together,” <strong>and</strong> in general a syndesmosis joint is held<br />

together by thick connective ligaments. (Most joints in the<br />

body, including the ankle <strong>and</strong> subtalar joints, are synovial<br />

joints in that they are enclosed by a synovium-lined capsule<br />

that creates synovial fluid.) The distal fibula, just above the<br />

lateral malleolus, fits into a shallow groove in the adjacent<br />

tibia, <strong>and</strong> this relationship is best visualized in the axial<br />

plane <strong>of</strong> a CT scan.<br />

Subtalar Joint<br />

The talus articulates with the tibia from above <strong>and</strong> with the<br />

navicular in front. It is at the undersurface <strong>of</strong> the talus<br />

where it articulates with the calcaneus that things get complicated.<br />

This joint below the talus is called the subtalar<br />

joint, which is preferred over “talocalcaneal joint.” Figure<br />

<strong>47</strong>-4 illustrates the three facets that make up the subtalar<br />

joint. In Figure <strong>47</strong>-4A to D, the talus <strong>and</strong> calcaneus were<br />

attached using colored modeling clay. In Figure <strong>47</strong>-4E, the<br />

two bones have been disarticulated <strong>and</strong> the talus flipped<br />

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over, displaying the talar <strong>and</strong> calcaneal articular surfaces <strong>of</strong><br />

the posterior, middle, <strong>and</strong> anterior facets <strong>of</strong> the subtalar<br />

joint in red, blue, <strong>and</strong> green, respectively.<br />

The posterior facet is the largest <strong>and</strong> is the primary<br />

weight-bearing portion <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint. At the anterolateral<br />

corner <strong>of</strong> the posterior facet, the talus comes to an<br />

acutely angled corner, the lateral process <strong>of</strong> the talus. When<br />

the subtalar joint experiences an extreme axial load, such<br />

as when a person falls from a height or undergoes a deceleration<br />

injury in a motor vehicle collision, the pointy<br />

lateral process <strong>of</strong> the talus acts like a wedge, splitting<br />

<strong>and</strong> fracturing the calcaneus. 13 Calcaneal fractures tend to<br />

extend into the posterior facet, <strong>and</strong> when imaging calcaneal<br />

fractures we obliquely angle our coronally reformatted<br />

CT slices to be perpendicular to the posterior facet.<br />

The middle facet is defined by the sustentaculum tali,<br />

a shelflike projection from the anteromedial portion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

calcaneus that supports the middle <strong>of</strong> the talus. Sustentaculum<br />

in Latin means “a supporting structure.” The flexor<br />

hallucis longus tendon passes under the sustentaculum<br />

tali. The middle facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint is a completely<br />

separate articulation from the posterior facet. When injecting<br />

contrast (<strong>of</strong>ten mixed with anesthetic) into the posterior<br />

facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint, we do not expect it to<br />

communicate with the middle facet. Across the middle<br />

facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint is one <strong>of</strong> the two most common<br />

locations for tarsal coalitions to occur, the other being<br />

between the anterior process <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus <strong>and</strong> the<br />

lateral pole <strong>of</strong> the navicular.<br />

Unlike the posterior <strong>and</strong> middle facets, the anterior<br />

facet is not well defined <strong>and</strong> may even be absent. When<br />

present, the anterior facet is a smooth continuation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

middle facet, extending under the head <strong>of</strong> the talus. Directly<br />

lateral to the anterior <strong>and</strong> middle facet is the sinus tarsi, an<br />

area devoid <strong>of</strong> bone <strong>and</strong> filled primarily with fat.<br />

• Anatomic Divisions<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-5 is a three-dimensionally reformatted CT image<br />

showing the anatomic divisions between the tarsals <strong>and</strong><br />

metatarsals. The hindfoot consists <strong>of</strong> the talus <strong>and</strong> the calcaneus<br />

<strong>and</strong> is separated from the midfoot by the Chopart*<br />

joint, a smooth continuation between the talonavicular<br />

<strong>and</strong> calcaneocuboid joints. The midfoot consists <strong>of</strong> the<br />

other five tarsal bones, the navicular, the cuboid, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

three cuneiforms. The forefoot consists <strong>of</strong> the metatarsals<br />

<strong>and</strong> phalanges <strong>and</strong> is separated from the midfoot by the<br />

tarsometatarsal joint, also known as the Lisfranc † joint. Along<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-1. Gross anatomy <strong>of</strong> the tarsals <strong>and</strong> surrounding bones.<br />

Ti, tibia; Fi; fibula; Ta, talus; Ca, calcaneus; ST, sustentaculum tali;<br />

N, navicular; Cu, cuboid; 1, 2, <strong>and</strong> 3, refer respectively to the first,<br />

second, <strong>and</strong> third cuneiforms (sometimes referred to as the medial,<br />

intermediate, <strong>and</strong> lateral cuneiforms, respectively); I, II, III, IV, <strong>and</strong> V<br />

refer to the first through fifth metatarsals, respectively.<br />

*François Chopart (1743-1795), a pioneer in urology, was known for the particular<br />

attention he gave to recording his numerous clinical observations. Thus, it<br />

is somewhat surprising that he never wrote about the midtarsal amputation that<br />

bears his name almost three centuries later. He performed this surgery only once,<br />

on August 21, 1791, to resect a presumed liposarcoma <strong>of</strong> the foot. The approach<br />

was based on Chopart’s knowledge <strong>of</strong> the anatomy <strong>of</strong> the midfoot <strong>and</strong> was published<br />

by his student, Laffiteau, in 1792.<br />

† Jacques Lisfranc (1790-18<strong>47</strong>) was a very aggressive surgeon who wrote<br />

extensively <strong>and</strong> described many new procedures, including disarticulation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

shoulder, excision <strong>of</strong> the rectum, <strong>and</strong> amputation <strong>of</strong> the cervix. At age 23 he joined<br />

Napoleon’s army as a battlefront surgeon, a setting where amputations were the<br />

norm. Military surgeons (<strong>of</strong> the period) were not given the calm <strong>and</strong> unhurried<br />

atmosphere necessary for the task <strong>of</strong> laboriously picking out bone splinters <strong>and</strong><br />

bits <strong>of</strong> clothing from gaping wounds. Locating the open ends <strong>of</strong> severed arteries<br />

<strong>and</strong> tying them <strong>of</strong>f in the smoke <strong>of</strong> battle or by flickering c<strong>and</strong>lelight was an enormous<br />

problem. Although some wounds did not themselves dictate amputation, it<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten had to be done because the patient could not otherwise survive the rigors<br />

<strong>of</strong> transport to the rear. The mind did not have time to reason. Experience <strong>and</strong><br />

cold-bloodedness counted for more than talent. Everything had to be done with<br />

prompt <strong>and</strong> decisive action. In 1815, the final year <strong>of</strong> the war, Lisfranc wrote a 50-<br />

page paper describing his technique for performing a partial amputation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

foot at the tarsometatarsal joint, with the sole being preserved to make the flap.<br />

The technique was used to treat forefoot gangrene from frostbite. Lisfranc was<br />

widely known for his ability to amputate a foot in less than a minute, an important<br />

skill in that preanesthesia era.<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2209 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-2. Gross anatomy <strong>of</strong> the talus as viewed<br />

from the top <strong>and</strong> medial sides. The green arrows show<br />

an osteochondral lesion <strong>of</strong> the talus (OLT) in the<br />

medial edge <strong>of</strong> the dome.<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-3. Gross anatomy <strong>of</strong> the ankle joint.<br />

A, The plafond (dotted line) is the transverse cortical<br />

articular surface at the distal end <strong>of</strong> the tibia. The<br />

mortise is the rectangular opening consisting <strong>of</strong> the<br />

plafond as well as the inner cortical articular surfaces<br />

(solid lines) <strong>of</strong> the medial malleolus (MM) <strong>and</strong> lateral<br />

malleolus (LM). B, The talar dome fits into the ankle<br />

mortise. The joint between the distal tibia <strong>and</strong> fibula is<br />

the syndesmosis (black bracket).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

the Lisfranc joint is a common site for fracture-dislocations<br />

to occur, particularly in diabetic patients with peripheral<br />

neuropathy. Figure <strong>47</strong>-5 illustrates how the base <strong>of</strong> the<br />

second metatarsal (II) sticks down like a keystone, disrupting<br />

the otherwise relatively smooth tarsometatarsal joint.<br />

For this reason dislocations along the Lisfranc joint are<br />

typically accompanied by fractures across the base <strong>of</strong> the<br />

second metatarsal.<br />

• Cross-sectional Anatomy <strong>of</strong> the Tarsal Bones<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-6 is a series <strong>of</strong> straight axial images through the<br />

ankle <strong>and</strong> hindfoot, from proximal (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-6A) to<br />

distal (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-6F). The straight axial plane is well suited<br />

to examine the syndesmosis (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-6B, arrow). The<br />

two joints that make up the Chopart joint, the talonavicular<br />

joint (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-6D) <strong>and</strong> the calcaneocuboid joint<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-6F), are also well pr<strong>of</strong>iled in the axial plane.<br />

However, the ankle <strong>and</strong> subtalar joints are not well pr<strong>of</strong>iled<br />

in the axial plane, <strong>and</strong> because examination <strong>of</strong> these two<br />

joints is usually the primary indication for requesting a CT<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ankle or hindfoot, other reformatted planes are<br />

required.<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-7 is a series <strong>of</strong> straight sagittal images through<br />

the hindfoot, from lateral (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-7A) to medial (see<br />

Fig. <strong>47</strong>-7C). Nearly all <strong>of</strong> the joints are pr<strong>of</strong>iled in the sagittal<br />

plane, including the ankle joint, the calcaneocuboid<br />

<strong>and</strong> talonavicular joints, <strong>and</strong> the posterior <strong>and</strong> middle<br />

facets <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint. The only joint not well seen in<br />

the sagittal plane is the syndesmosis, but this is easily seen<br />

in the axial plane. The lateral sagittal images are also useful<br />

for visualizing the lateral process <strong>of</strong> the talus <strong>and</strong> the anterior<br />

process <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus (compare Fig. <strong>47</strong>-7A with<br />

Fig. <strong>47</strong>-4C).<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-8 is a series <strong>of</strong> oblique coronal images<br />

through the hindfoot, from posterior (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-8A) to<br />

anterior (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-8D). This plane best pr<strong>of</strong>iles the subtalar<br />

joint, <strong>and</strong> the broad posterior facet can be followed<br />

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2210 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-4. Various views <strong>of</strong> the gross anatomy <strong>of</strong><br />

the subtalar joint. A, Medial view. ST, sustentaculum<br />

tali. B, Inferior medial view. ST, sustentaculum tali.<br />

C, Lateral view. LPT, lateral process <strong>of</strong> talus; APC,<br />

anterior process <strong>of</strong> calcaneus. D, Anterior lateral view<br />

looking into the sinus tarsi (asterisk). E, The subtalar<br />

joint has been disarticulated: left, talus (flipped over);<br />

right, calcaneus. The articular surfaces <strong>of</strong> the three<br />

facets <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint are coated with colored<br />

modeling clay: posterior (red), middle (blue), anterior<br />

(yellow).<br />

B<br />

D<br />

E<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-5. Three-dimensional CT scan illustrating anatomic<br />

divisions <strong>of</strong> the foot. The Chopart joint separates the hindfoot (talus [Ta]<br />

<strong>and</strong> calcaneus [Ca]) from the midfoot (navicular [N], cuboid [Cu], <strong>and</strong><br />

the three cuneiforms [1, 2, 3]). The Lisfranc joint separates the midfoot<br />

from the forefoot (metatarsals <strong>and</strong> phalanges).<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2211 <strong>47</strong><br />

A B C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-6. Straight axial images through the ankle<br />

<strong>and</strong> hindfoot, proximal (A) to distal (F). A, Proximal to<br />

syndesmosis. Fi, fibula; Ti, tibia. B, Through the<br />

syndesmosis (arrow). Fi, fibula; Ti, tibia. C, Through the<br />

top <strong>of</strong> the mortise. LM, lateral malleolus; MM, medial<br />

malleolus; Ta, talus. D, Through the sustentaculum tali<br />

(ST). Ca, calcaneus; N, navicular; Ta, talus; TNJ,<br />

talonavicular joint. E, Through the level where the<br />

calcaneus gets close to the navicular (arrowhead) but<br />

does not normally form a joint. If there were an<br />

articulation here, or osseous bridging, that would be<br />

tarsal coalition. Ca, calcaneus; Cu, cuboid. Numerals<br />

indicate cuneiforms. F, Through the calcaneocuboid<br />

joint (CCJ). Ca, calcaneus; Cu, cuboid. Roman numerals<br />

indicate metatarsals.<br />

D E F<br />

over several 3-mm slices (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-8A). As the posterior<br />

facet ends the middle facet begins, as defined by the sustentaculum<br />

tali (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-8B). When the oblique coronal<br />

slices are properly angled, the middle facet appears horizontally<br />

oriented (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-8C). The sinus tarsi is the<br />

cone <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t tissues directly lateral to the middle facet.<br />

Anterior to the subtalar joint, the round head <strong>of</strong> the talus<br />

is seen as a circle forming the talonavicular joint (see Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-8D). This demarcates the Chopart joint, the division<br />

between the hindfoot <strong>and</strong> midfoot.<br />

• <strong>Ankle</strong> Tendons<br />

There are 10 tendons that cross the ankle joint. For imaging<br />

purposes, these tendons can be clustered into four groups<br />

based on their anatomic locations, as illustrated by the<br />

colored curved lines drawn atop three-dimensional CT<br />

images in Figure <strong>47</strong>-9. The anterior tendons are the anterior<br />

tibial, the extensor hallucis longus, <strong>and</strong> the extensor<br />

digitorum longus (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-9A). Posteriorly, there are the<br />

Achilles <strong>and</strong> plantaris tendons (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-9B). Laterally,<br />

the peroneus longus <strong>and</strong> peroneus brevis tendons pass<br />

under the lateral malleolus (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-9C). Medially, the<br />

posterior tibial <strong>and</strong> flexor digitorum longus tendons pass<br />

under the medial malleolus, whereas the flexor hallucis<br />

longus passes under the sustentaculum tali (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-9D<br />

<strong>and</strong> E).<br />

On MRI, ankle tendons are best appreciated in cross<br />

section in the direct axial plane (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-10). The oblique<br />

coronal plane (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-11) is a good secondary plane to<br />

observe the medial <strong>and</strong> lateral tendons as they course<br />

under the malleoli. Normal tendons should appear uniformly<br />

black on all imaging sequences <strong>and</strong> have a sharply<br />

defined interface with adjacent fatty s<strong>of</strong>t tissues. Any<br />

increased signal in a tendon on a T2-weighted image indicates<br />

the presence <strong>of</strong> pathology, typically an intrasubstance<br />

tear. In addition, more than a trace amount <strong>of</strong> fluid around<br />

an ankle tendon is abnormal, indicating inflammation or<br />

some other pathologic process. The exception to this is the<br />

flexor hallucis longus, which can normally contain some<br />

fluid in its tendon sheath.<br />

• Anterior Tendons<br />

Normal Anatomy<br />

The normal anterior tibial tendon serves as a useful internal<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard with which to compare the size <strong>of</strong> the other<br />

ankle tendons. The anterior tibial is normally the largest<br />

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2212 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-7. Straight sagittal images. Ca, calcaneus; Cu, cuboid;<br />

N, navicular; Ta, talus; Ti, tibia. A, Through the lateral hindfoot,<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>iling the calcaneocuboid joint (CCJ), the ankle joint (AJ), <strong>and</strong> the<br />

posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint (P-STJ). The brown arrow points<br />

to the lateral process <strong>of</strong> the talus (LPT), <strong>and</strong> the red arrow points to<br />

the anterior process <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus (APC). Fractures through these<br />

pointed bony projections are <strong>of</strong>ten difficult to see on radiographs<br />

<strong>and</strong> are typically worked up with CT. B, Through the middle <strong>of</strong> the<br />

hindfoot, pr<strong>of</strong>iling the talonavicular joint (TNJ), the ankle joint (AJ),<br />

<strong>and</strong> the posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint (P-STJ). The middle facet<br />

<strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint (M-STJ) can now be seen. C, Through the medial<br />

hindfoot, now pr<strong>of</strong>iling the middle facet, above the sustentaculum<br />

tali (ST). Straight alignment should normally be present between the<br />

talus, navicular, medial cuneiform (1), <strong>and</strong> first metatarsal (I).<br />

A B C D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-8. Oblique coronal images through the hindfoot, posterior (A) to anterior (D). Ca, calcaneus; Fi, fibula; ST, sustentaculum tali; Ta, talus;<br />

Ti, tibia. A, This plane best pr<strong>of</strong>iles the posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint (red arrow). The ankle mortise (yellow line) can be appreciated in the<br />

oblique coronal plane but would be better pr<strong>of</strong>iled in the mortise coronal plane. B, This oblique slice is just anterior to the ankle joint, where the<br />

posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint is ending (red arrow) <strong>and</strong> the middle facet is beginning (blue arrow). C, The oblique coronal slices are angled<br />

correctly if the middle facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint (blue arrow) has a horizontal orientation. The cone <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t tissues lateral to the middle facet is the<br />

sinus tarsi (asterisk). D, The junction <strong>of</strong> the hindfoot <strong>and</strong> midfoot is at the round head <strong>of</strong> the talus at the talonavicular joint (circle).<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2213 <strong>47</strong><br />

A B C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-9. The 10 ankle tendons are illustrated as colored lines drawn over three-dimensional CT images. A, Anterior view <strong>of</strong> the anterior<br />

tendons: anterior tibial (AT; red), extensor hallucis longus (EHL; green), <strong>and</strong> extensor digitorum longus (EDL; blue). B, Posterior view <strong>of</strong> the<br />

posterior tendons: Achilles (Ach; light blue) <strong>and</strong> plantaris (yellow). Also labeled are the medial pole <strong>of</strong> the navicular (N) <strong>and</strong> the sustentaculum tali<br />

(ST). C, Posterolateral view <strong>of</strong> the lateral tendons: peroneus brevis (PB; dark purple) inserting into the base <strong>of</strong> the fifth metatarsal, <strong>and</strong> peroneus<br />

longus (PL; light purple) wrapping under the cuboid. Medial (D) <strong>and</strong> posterior (E) views <strong>of</strong> the medial tendons, illustrating the “Tom, Dick, <strong>and</strong><br />

Harry” mnemonic: the posterior tibial (PT; red) wraps under the medial malleolus <strong>and</strong> inserts on the medial pole <strong>of</strong> the navicular (N); the flexor<br />

digitorum longus (FDL; blue) runs behind the PT, under N, <strong>and</strong> out to the second to fifth toes; <strong>and</strong> the flexor hallucis longus (FHL; green) runs<br />

behind the talus, wraps under the sustentaculum tali (ST), crosses under the FDL at the master knot <strong>of</strong> Henry, <strong>and</strong> passes between the two great<br />

toe sesamoids (white arrows), inserting on the distal phalanx.<br />

tendon in axial cross section, except the Achilles<br />

tendon. 42<br />

The anterior tendons extend, uncrossed, over the ankle<br />

joint <strong>and</strong> foot (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-9A). The anterior tibial is the<br />

most medial <strong>of</strong> the three anterior tendons. It extends along<br />

the medial aspect <strong>of</strong> the great toe tarsometatarsal joint to<br />

insert on the plantar aspect <strong>of</strong> the base <strong>of</strong> the first metatarsal<br />

<strong>and</strong> the adjacent medial cuneiform bone. The extensor<br />

hallucis longus is the middle <strong>of</strong> the three anterior tendons,<br />

proceeding straight to its insertion at the dorsal base <strong>of</strong> the<br />

great toe distal phalanx. The most lateral <strong>of</strong> the three anterior<br />

ankle tendons is the extensor digitorum longus. At the<br />

level <strong>of</strong> the midfoot, the extensor digitorum longus fans<br />

out into four separate tendon slips, which, in turn, proceed<br />

along the forefoot to insert at the dorsal bases <strong>of</strong> the second<br />

through fifth middle <strong>and</strong> distal phalanges. 21,31<br />

Whereas the anterior tibial <strong>and</strong> extensor digitorum<br />

longus tendons can be followed over a series <strong>of</strong> axial<br />

images (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-10), it is common to lose visualization<br />

<strong>of</strong> the extensor hallucis longus tendon as it curves anterior<br />

to the midfoot (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-10C). This is in part due to<br />

“magic-angle” effects. 7 It is important not to misinterpret<br />

this lack <strong>of</strong> visualization as a rupture <strong>of</strong> the extensor hallucis<br />

longus tendon, a condition that is exceedingly rare.<br />

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2214 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-10. MRI <strong>of</strong> normal ankle tendons in the straight axial plane. Ach, Achilles tendon; AT, anterior tibial tendon; EDL, extensor digitorum<br />

longus tendon; EHL, extensor hallucis longus tendon; FDL, flexor digitorum longus tendon; FHL, flexor hallucis longus tendon. PB, peroneus brevis<br />

tendon; PL, peroneus longus tendon; PT, posterior tibial tendon; A&N (artery <strong>and</strong> nerve) points to the dotted circle surrounding the neurovascular<br />

bundle that includes the posterior tibial artery <strong>and</strong> nerve. A, Just above the syndesmosis. B, Through the tip <strong>of</strong> the medial malleolus. C, One slice<br />

distal to B there is loss <strong>of</strong> the dark signal from the EHL tendon. D, Image through the talonavicular joint demonstrates the PT tendon inserting on<br />

the navicular (N), <strong>and</strong> the FHL tendon passing under the sustentaculum tali (ST). At this level, the EDL is dividing into separate tendon slips.<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2215 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-11. MRI <strong>of</strong> normal ankle tendons in the oblique<br />

coronal plane. FDL, flexor digitorum longus tendon; FHL,<br />

flexor hallucis longus tendon; PB, peroneus brevis tendon;<br />

PL, peroneus longus tendon; PT, posterior tibial tendon.<br />

A, Through the posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint.<br />

B, Through the middle facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint. ST,<br />

sustentaculum tali. A&N (artery <strong>and</strong> nerve) points to<br />

the dotted circle surrounding the neurovascular bundle that<br />

includes the posterior tibial artery <strong>and</strong> nerve. C, Through the<br />

talonavicular joint. At this level, the PT tendon has divided<br />

into separate slips. The white line with the round end points<br />

to the portion <strong>of</strong> the PT that inserts onto the medial pole <strong>of</strong><br />

the navicular (N). The white line with the square end points<br />

to the portion <strong>of</strong> the PT that passes under the navicular. This<br />

patient has an os peroneum, which is why the PL tendon<br />

appears enlarged <strong>and</strong> gray at this level (dark gray arrow).<br />

The lack <strong>of</strong> edematous signal along the course <strong>of</strong> the extensor<br />

hallucis longus on T2-weighted images should reassure<br />

the radiologist there is no pathologic process.<br />

Injury<br />

Tears <strong>of</strong> the anterior ankle tendons are rare, <strong>and</strong> if the<br />

patient indicates that the point <strong>of</strong> maximal tenderness is<br />

directly over the anterior tendons, it is prudent to search<br />

for other causes for pain, such as an unsuspected stress<br />

fracture (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-12).<br />

Ganglion cysts can arise from any synovium-lined<br />

structure, including the anterior ankle tendons. Figure<br />

<strong>47</strong>-13 shows a synovial cyst arising from <strong>and</strong> partially<br />

enveloping the anterior tibial tendon.<br />

• Posterior Tendons<br />

Normal Anatomy<br />

For anatomic purposes, the Achilles <strong>and</strong> plantaris tendons<br />

together make up the posterior group. The Achilles tendon<br />

is the largest tendon in the body, originating in the midcalf<br />

at the junction <strong>of</strong> the two heads <strong>of</strong> the gastrocnemius<br />

muscle <strong>and</strong> the soleus muscle, <strong>and</strong> inserts onto the back<br />

<strong>of</strong> the calcaneal tuberosity. Unlike the anterior, medial,<br />

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2216 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-12. The patient is a 45-year-old with pain over the dorsum <strong>of</strong> the midfoot, indicated by the marker (m). Axial proton-density–<br />

weighted (A) <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted (B) images well demonstrate normal anterior tibial (AT) <strong>and</strong> extensor digitorum longus (EDL) tendons. The extensor<br />

hallucis longus (EHL) tendon, which was well seen <strong>and</strong> normal on more proximal slices, is not seen on this slice, although it should be just below<br />

the marker. Could this be a rare EHL tear? The lack <strong>of</strong> edema in (B) argues against this diagnosis. The answer is revealed on the sagittal T1-<br />

weighted (C) <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted fat-suppressed (D) images: there is a navicular stress fracture (black arrow). The normal Achilles tendon (Ach) is<br />

uniform in thickness <strong>and</strong> dark signal in both sagittal sequences <strong>and</strong> has a sharp interface with the adjacent Kager’s fat pad. A portion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

normal AT tendon is seen, as well as a normal amount <strong>of</strong> fluid in the retrocalcaneal bursa (white arrowhead in D).<br />

<strong>and</strong> lateral ankle tendons, all <strong>of</strong> which are surrounded by<br />

synovial sheaths, the Achilles is surrounded by thin layers<br />

<strong>of</strong> filmy fibrous tissue with fine internal blood vessels,<br />

called the paratenon or paratendon. This paratenon is analogous<br />

to synovium in that it provides nutrients for the<br />

tendon, but because the Achilles tendon does not change<br />

its axis <strong>of</strong> motion, there is no need for the lubrication function<br />

<strong>of</strong> synovium. Thus, there should never be any fluid<br />

seen around a normal Achilles tendon.<br />

Directly anterior to the Achilles tendon is a triangular<br />

fat pad described radiographically by Kager in 1939. 26<br />

Kager’s fat pad is located in the retromalleolar region <strong>and</strong><br />

is defined anteriorly by the posterior aspect <strong>of</strong> the tibia <strong>and</strong><br />

posteriorly by the Achilles tendon, with the base being the<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2217 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-13. Synovial cyst <strong>of</strong><br />

the anterior tibial tendon in a 23-<br />

year-old. Axial (A) <strong>and</strong> sagittal (B)<br />

T2-weighted images demonstrate<br />

the cystic outpouching (white<br />

arrow) <strong>of</strong> the synovial sheath<br />

surrounding the anterior tibial<br />

tendon (black arrow). The tendon<br />

itself is normal.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

proximal aspect <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus. The space contained<br />

within this triangle is filled with fatty tissue, producing a<br />

well-defined lucent triangle that can be seen on lateral<br />

radiographs <strong>of</strong> the ankle (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-14A). On rupture <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Achilles tendon, this space becomes poorly demarcated,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the normally lucent fatty tissue space becomes obscured<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-21A).<br />

The Achilles tendon is easily evaluated by physical<br />

examination as well as by MRI or ultrasonography. 23 In the<br />

sagittal plane, the Achilles tendon should appear uniformly<br />

straight <strong>and</strong> black on T1-weighted images (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-14B)<br />

as well as on fluid-sensitive images (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-14C). There<br />

should be a sharp interface between the Achilles tendon<br />

<strong>and</strong> Kager’s fat pad directly ventral to it. A normal retrocalcaneal<br />

bursa may be present just in front <strong>of</strong> the Achilles<br />

tendon (white arrowhead, Figs. <strong>47</strong>-12D <strong>and</strong> <strong>47</strong>-14C). The<br />

normal retrocalcaneal bursa should measure less than<br />

6 mm superior to inferior, 3 mm medial to lateral, <strong>and</strong><br />

2 mm anterior to posterior. 41 Any fluid behind the Achilles<br />

tendon, in a retro-Achilles bursa, is abnormal. In the axial<br />

plane, the Achilles tendon should appear flattened in the<br />

anteroposterior direction. Distally, the ventral margin <strong>of</strong><br />

the tendon becomes concave, with upturned corners resembling<br />

a smile (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-10D).<br />

Injury<br />

For practical purposes, the plantaris tendon is seldom clinically<br />

relevant in the ankle. Tears <strong>of</strong> the plantaris tendon<br />

tend to occur high in the calf, at the plantaris musculotendinous<br />

junction, <strong>and</strong> have been called “tennis leg.” By<br />

MRI, plantaris tears present as fluid tracking along the<br />

length <strong>of</strong> the calf, between the underlying soleus <strong>and</strong> more<br />

superficial gastrocnemius muscles (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-15). Figure<br />

<strong>47</strong>-16 illustrates a chronically swollen <strong>and</strong> scarred posterior<br />

tibial tendon, with its cross-sectional area greater than<br />

that <strong>of</strong> the normal anterior tibial tendon.<br />

Ruptures <strong>of</strong> the Achilles tendon are usually diagnosed<br />

clinically, <strong>of</strong>ten by the patients themselves. Patients can<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten recall the exact instant the Achilles ruptured, describing<br />

the sensation “as if someone kicked me.” The classic<br />

Achilles tendon rupture occurs with forced dorsiflexion <strong>of</strong><br />

the planted foot, such as occurs in basketball or other<br />

jumping sports. The classic patient is a middle-age<br />

“weekend warrior” who leads a sedentary life <strong>and</strong> attempts<br />

to participate in sports, perhaps with younger players,<br />

without an adequate warm-up. Of all the tendons <strong>of</strong> the<br />

foot <strong>and</strong> ankle, the Achilles is the only one for which disorders<br />

have a male predominance. Complete ruptures <strong>of</strong><br />

the Achilles tendon typically occur at one <strong>of</strong> two locations.<br />

One site is low, 3 to 5 cm just proximal to the calcaneal<br />

insertion (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-17). This is a relatively hypovascular<br />

watershed region. The other site is relatively high, up at the<br />

musculotendinous junction (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-18). These more proximal<br />

tears may require that the imaging coil be repositioned<br />

around the lower calf rather than around the ankle<br />

to visualize the torn <strong>and</strong> retracted proximal end (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-19). When it is clinically apparent to all that the Achilles<br />

tendon is completely ruptured, confirmation with MRI<br />

is usually unnecessary. However, imaging with MRI or<br />

ultrasonography is used to measure the tendinous gap<br />

between the retracted ends <strong>of</strong> a complete tear.<br />

Partial tears <strong>of</strong> the Achilles tendon are usually intrasubstance<br />

tears, <strong>and</strong> edema-sensitive images reveal increased<br />

signal in a swollen, abnormally rounded tendon (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-20). Partial tears can also present as nearly complete<br />

ruptures, with only a few remaining fibers intact (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-21). In these cases, abnormal fluid can be seen surrounding<br />

the intact fibers, within the distended paratenon<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-21E). Imaging with MRI or ultrasonography is<br />

used to assess the extent <strong>of</strong> partial tears.<br />

An Achilles tendon that has undergone internal healing<br />

<strong>and</strong> scar formation from a prior intrasubstance tear tends<br />

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2218 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-14. Normal Achilles tendon in a 14-year-old with a calcaneal<br />

stress fracture. A, Lateral radiograph shows the normal sharp interface<br />

between the lucent Kager’s fat pad <strong>and</strong> the semiradiopaque Achilles<br />

tendon (white arrows). The sclerosis in the calcaneal tuberosity (black<br />

arrowheads) is more subtle radiographically. B, Midsagittal T1-weighted<br />

image shows the sharp interface between the normal, bright Kager’s fat<br />

pad <strong>and</strong> the normal, straight <strong>and</strong> uniformly dark Achilles tendon (Ach),<br />

which is uniform in thickness throughout its length. The dark line running<br />

perpendicular to the trabeculae in the calcaneal tuberosity is the stress<br />

fracture (black arrowheads). C, Midsagittal inversion recovery image<br />

reveals no abnormally increased signal in the uniformly dark Achilles<br />

tendon. A normal amount <strong>of</strong> fluid is present in the retrocalcaneal bursa<br />

(white arrowhead). There is bone marrow edema throughout the calcaneus<br />

as a response to the stress fracture in the tuberosity.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2219 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-15. Plantaris tear in a 71-year-old who, while playing tennis, heard a “snap” <strong>and</strong> experienced sudden onset <strong>of</strong> posterior calf pain.<br />

A, Coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed images through both calves reveal a b<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> edema tracking between the left calf muscles (white<br />

arrowheads). B, Axial T2-weighted fat-suppressed images taken at the level <strong>of</strong> the dotted line in A show the edema tracking between the left<br />

soleus (S) <strong>and</strong> the gastrocnemius (G) muscles.<br />

A B C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-16. Stenosing tenosynovitis <strong>of</strong> the posterior tibial tendon (PT) in a 57-year-old with chronic medial ankle pain. These are straight<br />

axial images, obtained at the same level, with different sequences. A, T1-weighted image shows loss <strong>of</strong> the normal sharp fat–tendon interface<br />

around the PT (arrowhead). B, Proton-density–weighted image shows that the chronically swollen <strong>and</strong> scarred PT is larger in axial cross section<br />

than the normal anterior tibial tendon (AT). C, T2-weighted image shows that the tissue surrounding the PT is not fluid but the chronic fibrotic<br />

scarring <strong>of</strong> stenosing tenosynovitis.<br />

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2220 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-17. Complete Achilles tendon rupture in<br />

a 41-year-old with history <strong>of</strong> renal transplantation <strong>and</strong><br />

steroid use, who experienced acute posterior ankle<br />

pain 5 days earlier when bending over while<br />

gardening. Sagittal T1-weighted (A) <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted<br />

fat-suppressed (B) images reveal the complete<br />

Achilles tendon tear at the critical zone, 3 to 5 cm<br />

proximal to the calcaneal insertion. The arrows show<br />

the torn ends <strong>of</strong> the retracted fibers. C, Axial T1-<br />

weighted image through the tear reveals no intact<br />

Achilles tendon fibers (arrowhead). Incidentally noted<br />

is the intact plantaris tendon (arrow).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-18. Complete Achilles tendon rupture in<br />

a 38-year-old who, while playing volleyball, felt a<br />

sudden “pop” <strong>and</strong> pain “like getting hit in the back <strong>of</strong><br />

the leg.” A, Midsagittal T1-weighted image shows that<br />

the tear occurred at the musculotendinous junction<br />

(white arrow). B, Midsagittal T2-weighted fatsuppressed<br />

image shows the torn ends <strong>of</strong> the<br />

retracted fibers (arrows). This Achilles tendon tear<br />

required surgical repair.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2221 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-19. Complete Achilles tendon rupture at<br />

the musculotendinous junction in a 52-year-old. A, An<br />

initial set <strong>of</strong> sagittal images was obtained with the<br />

extremity coil centered on the heel, which was too low<br />

to include the proximal end <strong>of</strong> the tear. B, The coil was<br />

repositioned proximal to the ankle joint to include the<br />

musculotendinous junction. The marker (m) is at the<br />

palpable defect.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-20. Intrasubstance tear <strong>of</strong> the Achilles<br />

tendon in a 54-year-old with a history <strong>of</strong> rheumatoid<br />

arthritis <strong>and</strong> several months <strong>of</strong> persistent heel pain.<br />

T2-weighted fat-suppressed images in the sagittal (A)<br />

<strong>and</strong> axial (B) planes reveal that the distal Achilles<br />

tendon is abnormally swollen with increased<br />

intrasubstance signal (black arrow). An incidental<br />

finding is an abnormal amount <strong>of</strong> fluid in the posterior<br />

tibial tendon sheath (white arrow in B).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

to retain its thickened fusiform shape. However, unlike the<br />

acute intrasubstance tear, a healed Achilles tendon does<br />

not contain internal signal (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-22).<br />

• Medial Tendons<br />

Normal Anatomy<br />

The classic mnemonic “Tom, Dick, <strong>and</strong> Harry” is useful for<br />

remembering the order <strong>of</strong> the medial ankle tendons; T<br />

represents the posterior tibial tendon, D the flexor digitorum<br />

longus tendon, <strong>and</strong> H the flexor hallucis longus<br />

tendon. By changing the emphasis to “Tom, Dick, ANd<br />

Harry,” with the AN st<strong>and</strong>ing for the posterior tibial artery<br />

<strong>and</strong> nerve, it is easier to remember the neurovascular<br />

bundle that runs between the flexor digitorum longus<br />

<strong>and</strong> flexor hallucis longus tendons (see Figs. <strong>47</strong>-10 <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>47</strong>-11).<br />

The posterior tibial tendon runs directly behind <strong>and</strong><br />

under the medial malleolus, proceeds medial to the talus,<br />

<strong>and</strong> inserts on the medial pole <strong>of</strong> the navicular (see Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-10D). At this insertion site there is a focal osseous<br />

prominence, called the navicular tubercle. The bulk <strong>of</strong> the<br />

posterior tibial tendon inserts on the navicular tubercle,<br />

although smaller slips <strong>of</strong> tendon pass under the navicular<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-11C) to insert on the plantar aspects <strong>of</strong> all three<br />

cuneiforms as well as the bases <strong>of</strong> the second through<br />

fourth metatarsals.<br />

The flexor digitorum longus tendon runs directly<br />

behind the posterior tibial tendon, although these two<br />

tendons maintain individual tendon sheaths. The flexor<br />

digitorum longus tendon extends plantar to the bones <strong>of</strong><br />

the midfoot, crossing superficially to the flexor hallucis<br />

longus tendon. This crossover point has been called the<br />

master knot <strong>of</strong> Henry, 24 <strong>and</strong> the sheaths <strong>of</strong> these two flexor<br />

tendons communicate at this point. Distally, the flexor<br />

digitorum longus divides into separate tendon slips that<br />

insert on the plantar bases <strong>of</strong> the second through fifth<br />

distal phalanges.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2221<br />

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2222 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-21. Near-complete<br />

Achilles tendon rupture in a<br />

54-year-old who, while playing<br />

racquetball, felt a pain “like being<br />

kicked in the back <strong>of</strong> the heel.”<br />

A, Lateral radiograph shows<br />

obscuration <strong>of</strong> the normally lucent<br />

Kager’s fat pad. B, Midsagittal T1-<br />

weighted image shows only a few<br />

remaining intact Achilles tendon<br />

fibers (arrow). C, Midsagittal T2-<br />

weighted fat-suppressed image<br />

shows the retracted ends <strong>of</strong> the<br />

torn fibers (black arrows). White<br />

arrow shows the few remaining<br />

fibers. D, Axial T1-weighted image<br />

through the level <strong>of</strong> the<br />

syndesmosis shows the markedly<br />

thinned intact Achilles tendon<br />

fibers (arrow). E, Axial T2-weighted<br />

fat-suppressed image at the same<br />

level shows bright abnormal fluid<br />

in the abnormally thickened <strong>and</strong><br />

distended paratenon (arrowheads).<br />

White arrow shows the thinned<br />

intact Achilles tendon fibers. This<br />

Achilles tear ultimately required<br />

surgical repair.<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2222<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2223 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-22. A 57-year-old with<br />

an Achilles tendon that has healed<br />

with chronic scarring. Axial T1-<br />

weighted (A), axial T2-weighted<br />

(B), <strong>and</strong> sagittal T2-weighted (C)<br />

images reveal that the distal<br />

Achilles tendon is too round <strong>and</strong><br />

thick but contains no increased<br />

signal.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

The flexor hallucis longus muscle is a posterior structure<br />

originating from the lower two thirds <strong>of</strong> the back <strong>of</strong><br />

the fibula. The musculotendinous junction extends distally<br />

to the level <strong>of</strong> the ankle joint, <strong>and</strong> the proximal end <strong>of</strong> the<br />

tendon passes through a groove along the posterior talus.<br />

Whereas the posterior tibial <strong>and</strong> flexor digitorum longus<br />

tendons pass under the medial malleolus, the flexor hallucis<br />

longus tendon passes under the sustentaculum tali.<br />

The flexor hallucis longus then crosses deep to the flexor<br />

digitorum longus, extends under the first metatarsal, <strong>and</strong><br />

passes between the two great toe sesamoids, to insert on<br />

the plantar base <strong>of</strong> the distal phalanx (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-9D<br />

<strong>and</strong> E).<br />

A<br />

Medial<br />

malleolus<br />

B<br />

Injury<br />

Of the three medial ankle tendons, the posterior tibial is<br />

the most prone to tear, characteristically along the portion<br />

that curves around the medial malleolus. The posterior<br />

tibial tendon is relatively hypovascular in this region. 39<br />

This region <strong>of</strong> the tendon is also susceptible to mechanical<br />

wear as the tendon rubs against the medial malleolus (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-23). If the surrounding tendon sheath does not provide<br />

adequate lubrication, such as in stenosing tenosynovitis<br />

or rheumatoid pannus formation, this frictional wear<br />

increases. Perhaps because <strong>of</strong> these longitudinal frictional<br />

stresses, the posterior tibial tendon tends to tear with a<br />

longitudinal split, rather than the transverse rupture seen<br />

in Achilles tendon tears. When imaged in the axial plane,<br />

a longitudinal split in the posterior tibial tendon resembles<br />

two individual tendons. This longitudinally split posterior<br />

tibial tendon, when grouped with the flexor digitorum <strong>and</strong><br />

hallucis longus tendons, has been called the four-tendon<br />

sign (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-24).<br />

Tenosynovitis refers to inflammation between the<br />

tendon <strong>and</strong> the surrounding synovial sheath. This is <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

a chronic irritative process, more commonly affecting<br />

C D E<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-23. Illustration <strong>of</strong> posterior tibial tendon mechanical<br />

wear becoming a longitudinal tear. A, Medial view <strong>of</strong> the posterior<br />

tibial tendon (PT; red) as it wraps over the medial malleolus <strong>and</strong><br />

under the flexor digitorum longus tendon (FDL; blue). The PT is<br />

susceptible to mechanical wear as it rubs back <strong>and</strong> forth (as indicated<br />

by the double-headed black arrow) between the underlying medial<br />

malleolus (gray lightning bolts) <strong>and</strong> the overlying FDL (white lightning<br />

bolts). B, A more anterior view <strong>of</strong> a partially torn PT as it might appear<br />

if it were laid flat. The tendon is thickened <strong>and</strong> butterflied open, with<br />

the gray region representing abnormal internal signal. (The dashed<br />

line represents the location <strong>of</strong> cross sections C to E). C to E, MRI cross<br />

sections <strong>of</strong> the PT only (now shown as a black ellipse), taken in the<br />

axial or oblique coronal plane through the longitudinal tear as it<br />

develops. In C, there is a gray wedge <strong>of</strong> abnormally increased<br />

signal along the inner aspect <strong>of</strong> the flattened PT (black ellipse).<br />

In D, tendinopathy (gray wedges) now involves the outer <strong>and</strong> inner<br />

surfaces <strong>of</strong> the PT. In E, the wedges <strong>of</strong> tendinopathy have progressed<br />

to a longitudinal tear, giving the appearance in cross section that the<br />

PT is two tendons.<br />

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2224 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A B C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-24. Longitudinal split in the posterior tibial tendon (PT) in a 39-year-old. Shown are the same straight axial images obtained through<br />

the tip <strong>of</strong> the medial malleolus (MM). A, T1-weighted image well demonstrates the anatomy <strong>of</strong> the tendons as well as the neurovascular bundle<br />

(dotted oval). B, Proton-density–weighted image shows what appears to be four medial tendons, the four-tendon sign, where 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 are the two<br />

halves <strong>of</strong> the split PT, <strong>and</strong> 3 <strong>and</strong> 4 are the normal flexor digitorum longus (FDL) <strong>and</strong> flexor hallucis longus (FHL) tendons. C, T2-weighted image<br />

demonstrates not bright fluid but gray scar (gray arrowhead) around the split PT, suggesting that this is chronic stenosing tenosynovitis. There is<br />

an abnormal amount <strong>of</strong> fluid in the FDL sheath (black arrowhead), suggesting active tenosynovitis here. The fluid in the FHL sheath (white<br />

arrowhead) is within normal limits for this tendon only.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-25. Active posterior tibial tenosynovitis in a 46-year-old with chronic pain in the distribution <strong>of</strong> the posterior tibial tendon (PT).<br />

A, Straight axial proton-density–weighted image demonstrates that the PT is intact <strong>and</strong> contains no abnormal internal signal. The PT is slightly<br />

larger in cross section than the normal anterior tibial tendon, <strong>and</strong> there is loss <strong>of</strong> the normal fat signal around the tendon (gray arrowhead).<br />

B, Straight axial T2-weighted image at the same level reveals an abnormal amount <strong>of</strong> fluid in the posterior tibial tendon sheath (black arrowhead),<br />

indicating active tenosynovitis.<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2225 <strong>47</strong><br />

A B C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-26. Chronic posterior<br />

tibial stenosing tenosynovitis in a<br />

57-year-old with chronic pain in<br />

the distribution <strong>of</strong> the posterior<br />

tibial tendon (PT). (This is the<br />

same patient as in Fig. <strong>47</strong>-16; these<br />

straight axial images are two slices<br />

distal to those.) T1-weighted (A),<br />

proton-density–weighted (B), <strong>and</strong><br />

T2-weighted (C) images all show<br />

abnormally dark signal (gray<br />

arrowhead) around the PT.<br />

women than men, particularly workers who are on their<br />

feet all day, such as waitresses <strong>and</strong> sales clerks. In the ankle,<br />

tenosynovitis most frequently occurs in the posterior tibial<br />

tendon <strong>and</strong> in the two peroneal tendons. Even when these<br />

tendons are intact, their tendon sheaths <strong>and</strong> surrounding<br />

s<strong>of</strong>t tissues should be carefully examined. An abnormal<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> fluid in the tendon sheath indicates active tenosynovitis<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-25). Dark, fibrous tissue around the<br />

tendon suggests chronic scarring or stenosing tenosynovitis<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-26). Rheumatoid pannus can also be demonstrated<br />

by MRI (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-55) <strong>and</strong> should enhance if<br />

intravenous contrast is administered. It has been suggested<br />

that these inflammatory conditions <strong>of</strong> the tendon sheath<br />

can be ameliorated by therapeutic tenography. 40<br />

• Lateral Tendons<br />

Laterally, the peroneus brevis <strong>and</strong> longus tendons share a<br />

common sheath as they pass under the lateral malleolus.<br />

Distal to the lateral malleolus, the tendons are enveloped<br />

with individual sheaths. The peroneus brevis tendon<br />

extends along the lateral aspect <strong>of</strong> the midfoot <strong>and</strong> inserts<br />

on the tuberosity at the lateral base <strong>of</strong> the fifth metatarsal.<br />

The peroneus longus tendon passes through a groove in<br />

the plantar surface <strong>of</strong> the cuboid, crosses under the midfoot<br />

deep to the master knot <strong>of</strong> Henry, <strong>and</strong> extends medially to<br />

insert on the plantar aspect <strong>of</strong> the medial cuneiform <strong>and</strong><br />

the base <strong>of</strong> the first metatarsal, just lateral to the anterior<br />

tibial tendon insertion site.<br />

A trick for identifying the peroneal tendons is to think<br />

<strong>of</strong> the lateral malleolus as a race track (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-27). The<br />

peroneus brevis, being the shortest, hugs the inside curve<br />

<strong>and</strong> is thus closest to the fibula. The peroneus longus<br />

follows the outside <strong>of</strong> the curve, running posterior <strong>and</strong><br />

inferior to the peroneus brevis.<br />

Unlike the medial ankle tendons, which are normally<br />

round or oval in axial cross section, the peroneus brevis<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-27. Coronal MRI (left) <strong>and</strong> graphic representation in the<br />

sagittal plane (right) demonstrate the relationship <strong>of</strong> the peroneal<br />

tendons to the lateral malleolus (LM); the peroneus brevis (PB) is<br />

closer to the distal fibula than is the peroneus longus (PL).<br />

can normally appear flattened as it passes around the<br />

lateral malleolus. The presence <strong>of</strong> increased signal in<br />

the substance <strong>of</strong> the tendon, or the presence <strong>of</strong> fluid in the<br />

surrounding sheath, aids in the diagnosis <strong>of</strong> pathology <strong>of</strong><br />

the peroneal tendons. It is <strong>of</strong>ten helpful to examine the<br />

peroneal tendons over multiple slices, using several imaging<br />

planes <strong>and</strong> sequences (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-28).<br />

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2226 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A B C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-28. Longitudinal split<br />

<strong>of</strong> the peroneus brevis tendon (PB)<br />

in a 62-year-old. Straight axial T1-<br />

weighted (A), proton-density (PD)–<br />

weighted (B), <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted<br />

images through the syndesmosis.<br />

The PB (black arrow) is well seen<br />

on T1 <strong>and</strong> PD weighting, located<br />

between the lateral malleolus (LM)<br />

<strong>and</strong> the peroneus longus tendon<br />

(PL). At this level, the PB has a<br />

normal flattened appearance.<br />

However, the T2-weighted image<br />

shows an abnormal amount <strong>of</strong><br />

fluid in the common peroneal<br />

tendon sheath (white arrowhead).<br />

Straight axial T1-weighted (D), PDweighted<br />

(E), <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted (F)<br />

images through the LM. At this<br />

level, the PB is abnormally<br />

flattened to such an extent that it is<br />

draped over the PL, best seen on<br />

the PD image (E). Straight axial T1-<br />

weighted (G), PD-weighted (H), <strong>and</strong><br />

T2-weighted (I) images distal to<br />

the LM.<br />

D E F<br />

G H I<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2226<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2227 <strong>47</strong><br />

J K L<br />

M<br />

N<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-28, cont’d The marker (m) indicates the site <strong>of</strong> maximal tenderness. At this level, the PB is split into two pieces (black arrows),<br />

separated by the intact PL (white arrow). Oblique coronal T1-weighted (J), PD-weighted (K), <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted (L) images anterior to the LM,<br />

through the pain marker (m). All three sequences show increased signal in the PB (black arrow) as opposed to the normal black signal in the PL<br />

(white arrow). Although the “magic angle” can artifactually increase the intratendinous signal on the short TE sequences (T1 <strong>and</strong> PD), magic angle<br />

does not affect the long TE T2-weighted sequence. Thus, the bright signal in the PB on the T2-weighted image represents a true intrasubstance<br />

tear. The abnormal fluid in the common peroneal tendon sheath (white arrowhead) indicates active tenosynovitis. M <strong>and</strong> N, Far lateral sagittal<br />

inversion recovery images demonstrate the abnormal fluid in the common peroneal tendon sheath (white dotted rectangle) as well as the edema<br />

in the swollen PB (black dotted rectangle).<br />

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2228 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

• <strong>Ankle</strong> Ligaments 14<br />

There are three sets <strong>of</strong> ligaments around the ankle joint.<br />

Laterally there are the syndesmotic ligaments <strong>and</strong> the<br />

lateral capsular ligaments. The syndesmotic ligaments<br />

consist <strong>of</strong> the thin anterior tibi<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament <strong>and</strong> the<br />

broader posterior tibi<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament. These ligaments<br />

are typically best seen in the straight axial plane (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-29A), although they may be seen in the coronal<br />

plane if a single image serendipitously cuts though one<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-29C). It is these syndesmotic ligaments that are<br />

disrupted in a Weber type C ankle fracture (see Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-60C).<br />

The lateral capsular ligaments consist <strong>of</strong> the thin anterior<br />

tal<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament <strong>and</strong> the broader posterior tal<strong>of</strong>ibular<br />

ligament, both <strong>of</strong> which are transversely oriented <strong>and</strong><br />

thus best seen in the straight axial plane (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-29B), <strong>and</strong><br />

the longitudinally oriented calcane<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament, best<br />

seen in the coronal plane (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-29D).<br />

Of the lateral ankle ligaments, the anterior ones are<br />

more subject than the posterior ones to tearing from twisting<br />

injuries (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-30).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-29. The normal lateral ankle ligaments. These are all T1-weighted images obtained using a high-resolution 512 acquisition matrix, in<br />

the same normal volunteer as in Figure <strong>47</strong>-10. A, Axial image through the bottom <strong>of</strong> the syndesmosis shows the two syndesmotic ligaments: the<br />

anterior tibi<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament (ATiFL; white arrow) <strong>and</strong> the posterior tibi<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament (PTiFL; black arrow). B, Axial image two slices distal to A,<br />

through the top <strong>of</strong> the talar dome, shows two <strong>of</strong> the three lateral capsular ligaments: the anterior tal<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament (ATaFL; white arrowhead)<br />

<strong>and</strong> the posterior tal<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament (PTaFL; black arrowhead). C, Coronal image through the back <strong>of</strong> the ankle joint shows the PTiFL (black<br />

arrow) running between the posterior malleolus <strong>of</strong> the talus <strong>and</strong> the fibula. D, Coronal image two slices anterior to C shows the PTaFL (black<br />

arrowhead) running between the back <strong>of</strong> the talus <strong>and</strong> the fibula. Also seen is a portion <strong>of</strong> the third <strong>of</strong> the three lateral capsular ligaments, the<br />

calcane<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament (CFL; gray arrowhead).<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2229 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-30. Tears <strong>of</strong> the anterior lateral ankle<br />

ligaments in a <strong>47</strong>-year-old. Straight axial protondensity<br />

(PD)–weighted (A) <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted fatsuppressed<br />

(B) images through the syndesmosis show<br />

disruption <strong>of</strong> the anterior tibi<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament (arrow).<br />

Straight axial PD-weighted (C) <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted fatsuppressed<br />

(D) images through the top <strong>of</strong> the ankle<br />

mortise show an interruption (arrowhead) <strong>of</strong> the<br />

anterior tal<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Medially, the ankle joint is stabilized by a group <strong>of</strong><br />

ligaments that fan out from the distal tip <strong>of</strong> the medial<br />

malleolus in a triangular configuration <strong>and</strong> collectively are<br />

called the deltoid ligament. When viewed in the coronal<br />

plane (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-31), the deltoid ligament can be seen to<br />

consist <strong>of</strong> deep fibers that insert on the medial process <strong>of</strong><br />

the talus <strong>and</strong> superficial fibers that insert on the calcaneus<br />

at the sustentaculum tali. Injuries <strong>of</strong> the deltoid ligament<br />

tend to be sprains* rather than complete ruptures, although<br />

they may be accompanied by bone marrow edema (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-32) or even avulsion fractures.<br />

Unlike the ankle tendons, which when visualized by<br />

MRI can be followed over a series <strong>of</strong> sequential slices in<br />

several planes, the ankle ligaments are usually seen on only<br />

*”Sprains” are defined as stretching or tearing <strong>of</strong> ligaments <strong>and</strong> are due to<br />

twisting injuries. “Strains” are defined as stretching or tearing <strong>of</strong> muscles, <strong>of</strong>ten at<br />

the musculotendinous junction, <strong>and</strong> are caused by sudden <strong>and</strong> powerful contractions<br />

or from overuse.<br />

one or two slices in a single imaging plane. And when they<br />

are seen in a piecemeal fashion on two images, it can be<br />

difficult to determine whether the two halves <strong>of</strong> the ligament<br />

are continuous. Certainly, seeing fluid extending<br />

through or around the ankle ligament helps confirm the<br />

diagnosis <strong>of</strong> a tear, but at the UW our sports medicine clinicians<br />

<strong>and</strong> orthopedic surgeons do not use MRI to evaluate<br />

the ankle ligaments. They rely on physical examination,<br />

<strong>and</strong> sometimes stress radiographs, to assess the functional<br />

integrity <strong>of</strong> the ankle ligaments, ordering MRI primarily for<br />

the bones <strong>and</strong> tendons.<br />

There are many accessory ossicles that can be present<br />

throughout the skeleton, <strong>and</strong> these are well documented<br />

in the encyclopedic text by Keats. 27 Many <strong>of</strong> these normal<br />

variants can be found in the feet. Three <strong>of</strong> the most commonly<br />

found accessory ossicles in the feet are the os trigonum<br />

posterior to the talus, the accessory navicular medial<br />

to the navicular bone, <strong>and</strong> the os peroneum plantar to the<br />

calcaneocuboid joint. Although in the vast majority <strong>of</strong><br />

people these are nothing more than asymptomatic inci-<br />

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2230 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

dental findings, in rare circumstances they are painful<br />

normal variants, conditions that can be difficult to diagnose<br />

<strong>and</strong> difficult to treat.<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-31. The normal medial ankle ligaments on a T1-weighted<br />

image obtained using a high-resolution 512 acquisition matrix. This<br />

coronal image is located just behind the middle facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar<br />

joint. (This image is seven slices anterior to Fig. <strong>47</strong>-29D). The<br />

magnified dashed box to the right shows the superficial <strong>and</strong> deep<br />

components <strong>of</strong> the deltoid ligament. The broader deep fibers (black<br />

arrow) run from the medial malleolus (MM) to the medial process <strong>of</strong><br />

the talus. The more slender superficial fibers (white arrow) run from<br />

the MM to the calcaneus at the sustentaculum tali (ST). Also shown is<br />

the flexor retinaculum (open arrowheads), forming the ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the<br />

tarsal tunnel atop the three medial tendons (T, posterior tibial; D,<br />

flexor digitorum longus; H, flexor hallucis longus) <strong>and</strong> the posterior<br />

tibial neurovascular bundle (dotted oval).<br />

• Os Trigonum Syndrome<br />

The os trigonum is a common accessory ossicle located<br />

directly behind the talus, at the posterior end <strong>of</strong> the<br />

subtalar joint, adjacent to where the flexor hallucis longus<br />

wraps around the back <strong>of</strong> the talus. The os trigonum develops<br />

as a separate ossification center. During growth this<br />

fuses to the talus in most people, but in 5% to 15% <strong>of</strong><br />

normal feet it remains nonunited <strong>and</strong> is variable in size<br />

<strong>and</strong> shape. There are no radiographic findings in a patient<br />

with symptomatic os trigonum syndrome, 44 although the<br />

diagnosis can be made with MRI by demonstrating marrow<br />

edema in the os trigonum <strong>and</strong> the adjacent talus<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-33).<br />

• Accessory Navicular Syndrome<br />

The accessory navicular bone (os tibiale externum) is a<br />

common normal variant found adjacent to the medial pole<br />

<strong>of</strong> the navicular in approximately 10% <strong>of</strong> the population.<br />

As previously mentioned under “Medial Tendons,” the<br />

medial pole <strong>of</strong> the navicular is the primary insertion site<br />

<strong>of</strong> the posterior tibial tendon (see Figs. <strong>47</strong>-10D <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>47</strong>-11C). Small accessory navicular bones are called type 1<br />

<strong>and</strong> are simply sesamoid bones in the substance <strong>of</strong> the<br />

posterior tibial tendon (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-34). The posterior tibial<br />

tendon still inserts normally on the navicular, <strong>and</strong> the type<br />

1 accessory navicular bones are <strong>of</strong> no clinical significance.<br />

Larger accessory navicular bones are called type 2 (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-35), <strong>and</strong> with these the posterior tibial tendon inserts<br />

onto the accessory navicular, rather than on the navicular<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-32. Deltoid ligament sprain in an 18-yearold.<br />

Mortise coronal T1-weighted (A) <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted<br />

fat-suppressed (B) images show abnormally increased<br />

signal in the deep deltoid (black arrow). There is bone<br />

marrow edema at its insertion site on the medial talus<br />

(arrowhead). The superficial deltoid (white arrow) is<br />

intact.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2231 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-33. Os trigonum syndrome in an 11-yearold<br />

competitive Irish dancer. Lateral view <strong>of</strong> the<br />

symptomatic left ankle (A) shows a small os trigonum,<br />

a common normal variant. The asymptomatic right<br />

side (B) is shown for comparison. C, Midsagittal T1-<br />

weighted image shows the small os trigonum (arrow).<br />

D, Corresponding sagittal inversion recovery image<br />

shows bone marrow edema in the os trigonum (arrow)<br />

as well as in the adjacent talus (arrowhead). E, Straight<br />

axial proton-density–weighted image shows the<br />

irregular cleft (arrowhead) between the os trigonum<br />

<strong>and</strong> the talus. Well seen are the normal structures<br />

in the tarsal tunnel: the posterior tibial tendon (T),<br />

flexor digitorum longus tendon (D), neurovascular<br />

bundle (&), <strong>and</strong> flexor hallucis longus tendon (H).<br />

F, Corresponding axial T2-weighted fat-suppressed<br />

image shows bone marrow edema in the os trigonum<br />

(arrow) <strong>and</strong> in the adjacent talus (arrowhead).<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

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2232 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-34. Normal type 1 (small) accessory<br />

navicular (arrow in dashed magnified box).<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-35. Normal type 2 (large) accessory<br />

navicular (white arrow in dashed magnified box).<br />

Incidentally seen is a normal os peroneum (black<br />

arrow).<br />

bone itself. Patients with this normal variation are typically<br />

asymptomatic unless they have a fracture through the<br />

normal fibrous union between the navicular <strong>and</strong> accessory<br />

navicular. A painful accessory navicular syndrome can be<br />

diagnosed by MRI by the presence <strong>of</strong> marrow edema in the<br />

accessory navicular <strong>and</strong> the adjacent navicular bone, especially<br />

if this corresponds to the point <strong>of</strong> maximum pain<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-36). Normally, there should be a solid fibrous<br />

union between the type 2 accessory navicular <strong>and</strong> the<br />

navicular. The presence <strong>of</strong> a line <strong>of</strong> fluid between<br />

these bones is abnormal <strong>and</strong> indicates a pseudarthrosis,<br />

another MRI finding in accessory navicular syndrome<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-37).<br />

• Os Peroneum Syndrome<br />

The os peroneum is a common sesamoid bone located in<br />

the peroneus longus tendon as it passes under the cuboid.<br />

In rare cases, this normal ossicle can become inflamed <strong>and</strong><br />

painful. Chronic inflammation can be suspected radiographically<br />

if the os peroneum is abnormally sclerotic,<br />

although this finding is subjective. A more objective finding<br />

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A<br />

C<br />

E<br />

B<br />

D<br />

F<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-36. Accessory navicular syndrome in<br />

a 20-year-old with focal pain directly over the left<br />

medial navicular. A, St<strong>and</strong>ing anteroposterior<br />

radiograph <strong>of</strong> the asymptomatic right foot shows<br />

an elongated medial pole <strong>of</strong> an otherwise normal<br />

navicular (arrow). This has been referred to as a<br />

cornuate navicular <strong>and</strong> as a type 3 accessory navicular.<br />

B, St<strong>and</strong>ing anteroposterior radiograph <strong>of</strong> the<br />

symptomatic left foot barely reveals the type 2<br />

accessory navicular (arrow in the magnified dashed<br />

box). C, Far-medial sagittal T1-weighted image well<br />

shows the posterior tibial tendon (T) inserting onto<br />

the type 2 accessory navicular (A), as well as the<br />

fibrous union (arrowhead) between it <strong>and</strong> the<br />

navicular bone (N). D, Corresponding sagittal<br />

inversion recovery image shows subcortical edema<br />

(arrows) on both sides <strong>of</strong> this fibrous union.<br />

E, Oblique coronal T1-weighted image through the<br />

round head <strong>of</strong> the talus (Ta) shows the marker (m)<br />

indicating that the site <strong>of</strong> focal tenderness is directly<br />

over the abnormal articulation between the type 2<br />

accessory navicular (A) <strong>and</strong> the navicular bone (N).<br />

F, Corresponding coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed<br />

image shows subcortical edema (arrows) on both<br />

sides <strong>of</strong> this abnormal articulation. G, Oblique axial<br />

T1-weighted image shows that the marker (m)<br />

indicating the site <strong>of</strong> focal tenderness is directly over<br />

the abnormal articulation between the type 2<br />

accessory navicular (A) <strong>and</strong> the navicular bone (N).<br />

H, Corresponding axial T2-weighted fat-suppressed<br />

image shows subcortical edema (arrows) on both<br />

sides <strong>of</strong> this abnormal articulation.<br />

G<br />

H<br />

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2234 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

B<br />

A<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-37. Accessory navicular syndrome in a 38-year-old. A, Anteroposterior radiograph shows a type 2 accessory navicular (white arrow<br />

in magnified gray dashed box). B, On the lateral radiograph, the accessory navicular can faintly be seen through the anterior calcaneus (open<br />

arrow in magnified white dashed box). Axial (C) <strong>and</strong> far-medial sagittal (D) T2-weighted fat-suppressed images reveal a line <strong>of</strong> fluid (white<br />

arrowhead) indicating an abnormal joint where there should be a solid fibrous union between the navicular (N) <strong>and</strong> accessory navicular (A).<br />

The far-medial sagittal image shows the posterior tibial tendon (T) inserting on the type 2 accessory navicular.<br />

<strong>of</strong> os peroneum syndrome is edema in <strong>and</strong> around the<br />

small ossicle, best shown with an edema-sensitive MRI<br />

sequence targeted to the lesion (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-38).<br />

• Os Calcaneus Secondarius<br />

Os calcaneus secondarius is an occasionally seen normal<br />

variant that resides between the anterior process <strong>of</strong> the<br />

calcaneus (APC) <strong>and</strong> the lateral pole <strong>of</strong> the navicular (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-39). It is discussed in more detail later.<br />

Imaging Protocol<br />

All imaging <strong>of</strong> the ankle <strong>and</strong> foot must begin with radiographs.<br />

Traumatic fractures are the most common cause<br />

<strong>of</strong> ankle <strong>and</strong> foot pain, <strong>and</strong> radiographs are the quickest<br />

<strong>and</strong> least expensive imaging modality for the detection<br />

<strong>and</strong> follow-up <strong>of</strong> these fractures. However, the question<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten arises as to which imaging modality should be<br />

obtained next if radiographs do not sufficiently delineate<br />

the fracture or do not demonstrate the cause <strong>of</strong> symptoms.<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2235 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-38. Os peroneum syndrome in a 58-yearold<br />

who developed chronic lateral foot pain after<br />

ballroom dancing. (Case courtesy <strong>of</strong> Edwin Rogers,<br />

MD.) Oblique (A) <strong>and</strong> lateral (B) radiographs reveal an<br />

os peroneum (white arrow) below the calcaneocuboid<br />

joint, a common normal variant. C, Far-lateral sagittal<br />

T1-weighted image shows the peroneus longus<br />

tendon (PB), wrapping around the lateral malleolus<br />

(LM), toward the base <strong>of</strong> the fifth metatarsal (5).<br />

Behind <strong>and</strong> below the PB is the peroneus longus<br />

tendon (PL). D, Sagittal T1-weighted image one slice<br />

medial to C. Here, the PL is passing under the<br />

calcaneus (Ca) <strong>and</strong> cuboid (Cu). Directly plantar to<br />

the calcaneocuboid joint is the os peroneum (black<br />

arrow), a sesamoid <strong>of</strong> the PL. (The os peroneum is<br />

difficult to see on this T1-weighted image because its<br />

edematous bone marrow is dark.) E, Corresponding<br />

inversion recovery image <strong>of</strong> slice at D demonstrates<br />

bone marrow edema throughout the os peroneum<br />

(arrow).<br />

Continued<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

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2236 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

F G H<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-38, cont’d F, Coronal<br />

T1-weighted slice through the os<br />

peroneum (arrow) shows its<br />

marrow to be darker than that <strong>of</strong><br />

the other bones. G, T2-weighted<br />

image without fat suppression,<br />

corresponding coronal slice to (F).<br />

This sequence is not particularly<br />

edema sensitive, <strong>and</strong> the marrow<br />

signal <strong>of</strong> the os peroneum (arrow)<br />

is isointense to that <strong>of</strong> the other<br />

bones. H, Corresponding coronal<br />

inversion recovery image <strong>of</strong> slice<br />

at F <strong>and</strong> G. This sequence is so<br />

fluid sensitive it shows marrow<br />

edema not only in the os<br />

peroneum (arrow) but also in the<br />

adjacent cuboid (arrowhead).<br />

I, Axial T1-weighted image through<br />

the bottom <strong>of</strong> the foot shows the<br />

os peroneum (arrow). J, Axial<br />

inversion recovery image<br />

corresponding to slice at I shows<br />

the bone marrow edema in the os<br />

peroneum (arrow). K, Bone scan,<br />

both-feet-on-detector view, shows<br />

increased activity in the os<br />

peroneum (arrow) <strong>of</strong> the left foot.<br />

The normal right foot is included<br />

for comparison. To help with<br />

localization, also included is an<br />

axial scout MRI (L) showing the os<br />

peroneum (arrow).<br />

I<br />

J<br />

K<br />

L<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2237 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-39. The os calcaneus secondarius (OCS)<br />

is an occasionally seen normal variant that resides<br />

between the anterior process <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus (APC)<br />

<strong>and</strong> the lateral pole <strong>of</strong> the navicular (N).<br />

Radiographs<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-40.<br />

Flow chart for imaging ankle <strong>and</strong> foot (see text).<br />

CT<br />

MRI US NM<br />

Assess cortex<br />

• Fractures<br />

-Calcaneus<br />

-Distal tibia<br />

-Lateral<br />

process <strong>of</strong> talus<br />

• Arthritis<br />

• Fusions<br />

• Coalitions<br />

-Osseous<br />

-Nonosseous<br />

Everything else<br />

• Tendons<br />

-Tears<br />

-Tenosynovitis<br />

• Masses<br />

-S<strong>of</strong>t tissue<br />

-Osseous<br />

• Bone pathology<br />

-Occult fracture<br />

-Osteochondral<br />

lesions<br />

-Infection<br />

• Tendons<br />

-Achilles<br />

• Toes<br />

-Morton’s<br />

-Plantar plate<br />

• Masses<br />

-Vascularity<br />

-Cyst vs solid<br />

• Foreign bodies<br />

-Wood<br />

• Screening<br />

-Sesamoid<br />

• Charcot<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-40 is a flow chart outlining which modalities we<br />

use to image various pathologic processes.<br />

CT is used when we specifically need to assess<br />

bone cortex. The ability to reformat CT data into twodimensional<br />

cross-sectional images in any plane desired<br />

makes it the ideal modality to assess the intra-articular<br />

extent <strong>of</strong> fractures, especially complex fractures involving<br />

the distal tibia or calcaneus. This is particularly helpful to<br />

orthopedic surgeons as part <strong>of</strong> their presurgical planning.<br />

CT data can also be volume rendered into threedimensional<br />

projections to show the alignment <strong>of</strong> comminuted<br />

fractures. CT is also useful for showing fractures<br />

that are difficult to see radiographically, such as the lateral<br />

process <strong>of</strong> the talus or the anterior process <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus.<br />

CT can be used to show arthritic narrowing <strong>of</strong> joints that<br />

are difficult to visualize radiographically, such as the subtalar<br />

joint. In patients who have undergone a surgical<br />

arthrodesis in an attempt to fuse a painful arthritic joint<br />

who remain symptomatic, CT can show the degree <strong>of</strong> bone<br />

fusion at the cortical level. CT is also the best modality to<br />

show the abnormal bone cortex in cases <strong>of</strong> tarsal coalition,<br />

both solid osseous <strong>and</strong> nonosseous coalitions.<br />

MRI is essentially used for everything else. MRI is the<br />

best way to evaluate all <strong>of</strong> the ankle tendons at once for<br />

tears or tenosynovitis. It is the best way to evaluate masses<br />

arising from either the s<strong>of</strong>t tissues or bones <strong>of</strong> the extremities.<br />

MRI is extremely sensitive for the detection <strong>of</strong> bone<br />

marrow <strong>and</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t tissue edema/inflammation, <strong>and</strong> as such<br />

is it useful for the detection <strong>of</strong> conditions that may be<br />

radiographically occult, including stress fractures, osteochondral<br />

lesions, <strong>and</strong> infection.<br />

Ultrasonography (US) can be used to perform a<br />

focused examination <strong>of</strong> the s<strong>of</strong>t tissues <strong>of</strong> the ankle or foot.<br />

Unlike MRI, which images all <strong>of</strong> the ankle bones <strong>and</strong><br />

tendons at once, US is used when we wish to examine one<br />

specific tendon. US is particularly useful when we wish to<br />

examine a torn Achilles tendon in a dynamic fashion to<br />

see how much the tendinous gap opens between plantar<br />

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2238 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

flexion <strong>and</strong> dorsiflexion. US is used to evaluate small<br />

superficial structures that are sometimes difficult to see on<br />

MRI, such as Morton’s neuromas or the plantar plate. US<br />

can also be used to characterize s<strong>of</strong>t tissue masses, particularly<br />

to assess the degree <strong>of</strong> vascularity or to determine if<br />

the mass is cystic or solid. US is also extremely sensitive<br />

for the detection <strong>of</strong> subcutaneous foreign bodies in the<br />

extremities, particularly wooden splinters, which can be<br />

difficult to detect with radiographs, CT, or MRI. (A discussion<br />

<strong>of</strong> US <strong>of</strong> the ankle <strong>and</strong> foot is beyond the scope <strong>of</strong><br />

this chapter.)<br />

Nuclear medicine (NM) plays a limited role when it<br />

comes to imaging the ankle <strong>and</strong> foot, although in certain<br />

circumstances a bone scan can be helpful. Fractures <strong>of</strong> the<br />

sesamoid bones <strong>of</strong> the great toe tend to be less conspicuous<br />

on MRI than on bone scans, especially when the both-feeton-detector<br />

view is used. In neuropathic feet in which<br />

radiographs show Charcot changes <strong>of</strong> collapse <strong>and</strong> bone<br />

fragmentation, a bone scan combined with a white blood<br />

cell scan can be as sensitive <strong>and</strong> more specific for the detection<br />

<strong>of</strong> osteomyelitis than MRI. (A discussion <strong>of</strong> nuclear<br />

medicine is beyond the scope <strong>of</strong> this chapter.)<br />

• Radiography<br />

Because radiographs are a necessary first step in the workup<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ankle or foot, let us now briefly review how these<br />

should be obtained.<br />

• <strong>Ankle</strong> Radiography<br />

<strong>Ankle</strong> radiographs can be either weight bearing or non–<br />

weight bearing, depending on the preference <strong>of</strong> the ordering<br />

clinician. A st<strong>and</strong>ard radiographic ankle series consists<br />

<strong>of</strong> three projectional views: anteroposterior (AP), mortise,<br />

<strong>and</strong> lateral (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-41). The mortise view is similar to the<br />

AP view, with the leg internally rotated 15 degrees to obtain<br />

a better pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the ankle mortise.<br />

When obtaining radiographs <strong>of</strong> the ankle, it is important<br />

that the technologist include the base <strong>of</strong> the fifth<br />

metatarsal on at least one view. Patients with fractures <strong>of</strong><br />

the base <strong>of</strong> the fifth metatarsal clinically present complaining<br />

<strong>of</strong> lateral ankle pain, <strong>and</strong> this can cause the clinician<br />

to request radiographs <strong>of</strong> the ankle rather than <strong>of</strong> the foot.<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-41 is such a case, where the Jones* fracture can<br />

be seen at the edge <strong>of</strong> the lateral view.<br />

*Sir Robert Jones (1857-1933) was the father <strong>of</strong> orthopedic surgery in Engl<strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> revolutionized the care <strong>of</strong> wounded soldiers during World War I. An early<br />

proponent <strong>of</strong> x-rays, Jones imaged the transverse extra-articular fracture across<br />

the proximal diaphysis <strong>of</strong> the fifth metatarsal just a few months after Röntgen published<br />

“On a New Kind <strong>of</strong> Rays” (December 28, 1895). Jones first described this<br />

fracture after having sustained such an injury himself “whilst dancing.” (This was<br />

not ballroom dancing; rather it was “dancing in a circle round the tent pole” with<br />

his military colleagues. There was no mention as to whether alcohol was involved.)<br />

He subsequently identified this fracture on radiographs <strong>of</strong> two other patients <strong>and</strong><br />

published his series <strong>of</strong> three in the Annals <strong>of</strong> Surgery in 1902, “Fracture <strong>of</strong> the Base<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Fifth Metatarsal Bone by Indirect Violence.”<br />

• <strong>Foot</strong> Radiography<br />

It is preferable to obtain radiographs <strong>of</strong> the foot with the<br />

patient st<strong>and</strong>ing to visualize the bones in their weightbearing<br />

alignment. 5 AP <strong>and</strong> oblique views (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-42A <strong>and</strong><br />

B) can be obtained by placing the x-ray cassette on the floor<br />

<strong>and</strong> having the patient st<strong>and</strong> on the cassette while the x-ray<br />

beam is pointed downward. It is important to closely scrutinize<br />

the alignment <strong>of</strong> the tarsometatarsal joints on both<br />

<strong>of</strong> these views when assessing for a Lisfranc fracturedislocation.<br />

Normally, the first metatarsal should line up<br />

perfectly with the first (medial) cuneiform, the second<br />

metatarsal with the middle cuneiform, the third metatarsal<br />

with the third cuneiform, <strong>and</strong> the fourth <strong>and</strong> fifth metatarsals<br />

with the cuboid.<br />

The st<strong>and</strong>ing lateral view <strong>of</strong> the foot (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-42C) is<br />

somewhat more difficult to obtain because it is usually not<br />

possible to lower the x-ray tube all the way down to the<br />

floor. Consequently, we use a set <strong>of</strong> wooden steps (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-<br />

43). This elevates the feet to a level where the x-ray beam<br />

can be oriented horizontally while the cassette is held<br />

between the feet. Figure <strong>47</strong>-44 is an example <strong>of</strong> differences<br />

that can be seen between st<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> non–weight-bearing<br />

views.<br />

• Computed Tomography<br />

• Overview<br />

Bone CT protocols have evolved as scanner technology has<br />

progressed. In the broadest terms, a CT gantry consists <strong>of</strong><br />

a spinning ring on which is mounted an x-ray tube. The<br />

tube emits a fan-shaped x-ray beam, aimed through the<br />

center <strong>of</strong> the ring to an array <strong>of</strong> x-ray detectors mounted<br />

on the other side. The patient lies on a padded table that<br />

moves through the spinning gantry. With early generations<br />

<strong>of</strong> single-slice CT scanners the gantry would spin clockwise<br />

one rotation, then stop <strong>and</strong> spin counter-clockwise one<br />

rotation to prevent tangling <strong>of</strong> the power cables supplying<br />

the x-ray tube. The patient table would be stationary during<br />

each <strong>of</strong> the scanning rotations while the gantry was spinning<br />

<strong>and</strong> the tube was emitting x-rays. The table would<br />

move between gantry rotations <strong>and</strong> stop at each slice position.<br />

These were the days <strong>of</strong> true CAT, in which “A” stood<br />

for “axial,” <strong>and</strong> scans consisted only <strong>of</strong> a series <strong>of</strong> axial<br />

slides. Scans were relatively slow because time was lost<br />

stopping the gantry’s clockwise momentum to reverse its<br />

rotation.<br />

With the innovation <strong>of</strong> slip-ring technology, tangled<br />

power cables were eliminated <strong>and</strong> the gantry could spin in<br />

one direction continuously while the table moved continuously<br />

through it. Thus, helical CT (also known as spiral CT,<br />

analogous to a spiral-sliced ham) was born. Now the data<br />

stream coming out <strong>of</strong> the x-ray detectors no longer represents<br />

individual axial slices, but rather a continuous volume<br />

<strong>of</strong> patient imaging information. The raw data are then<br />

reconstructed into a series <strong>of</strong> axial slices that we refer to as<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2239 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-41. Non–weight-bearing radiographic<br />

ankle series in a 37-year-old with lateral ankle pain<br />

after an acute inversion injury. Anteroposterior view<br />

(A) <strong>and</strong> mortise view (B) demonstrate a normal<br />

appearance <strong>of</strong> the ankle joint. C, The lateral ankle view<br />

reveals no abnormalities <strong>of</strong> the hindfoot. (The region<br />

outlined by the dashed rectangle is magnified <strong>and</strong><br />

displayed to the right). Close inspection <strong>of</strong> the base <strong>of</strong><br />

the fifth metatarsal on the lateral view <strong>of</strong> the ankle<br />

reveals a proximal diaphyseal fracture, a Jones<br />

fracture (arrow). Fractures <strong>of</strong> the base <strong>of</strong> the fifth<br />

metatarsal <strong>of</strong>ten present clinically as lateral ankle<br />

pain. The technologist must be careful always to<br />

include the base <strong>of</strong> the fifth metatarsal on at least one<br />

view <strong>of</strong> all ankle radiographic series.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

the source images. Because <strong>of</strong> its volumetric nature, helical<br />

data can be reconstructed at any slice width, <strong>and</strong> with any<br />

interval spacing between slices. These axial source images<br />

can then be reformatted into two-dimensional slices in any<br />

desired plane <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> any desired width, or into threedimensional<br />

volume-rendered images. In the past decade,<br />

single-slice helical scanners have evolved into multislice<br />

scanners, able to acquire larger volumes <strong>of</strong> patient data<br />

with each gantry rotation. This technology has largely been<br />

driven by the desire to scan the entire chest within a single<br />

breath-hold <strong>and</strong> the coronary arteries in a single heartbeat.<br />

Although a multislice CT scanner is not absolutely required<br />

for bone CT, covering the desired volume faster minimizes<br />

artifacts related to patient motion as well as minimizing<br />

the amount <strong>of</strong> time the patient has to lie still on the<br />

scanner table.<br />

Thus, the modern bone CT scan consists <strong>of</strong> the acquisition<br />

<strong>of</strong> three sets <strong>of</strong> imaging data. The raw data tend not to<br />

be archived; they are temporarily stored on the scanner’s<br />

hard drive <strong>and</strong> are overwritten as the hard drive becomes<br />

full (<strong>of</strong>ten after 24 hours). The source images are reconstructed<br />

from the raw data using a variety <strong>of</strong> filtered backprojection<br />

algorithms. These images are oriented in a plane<br />

axial to the scanner gantry. Once the raw data are overwritten,<br />

no additional source images can be reconstructed;<br />

thus, it behooves the CT technologist to create whichever<br />

source image data sets are needed for future reformats.<br />

These source images can be viewed by the radiologist as<br />

desired <strong>and</strong> can be sent to the picture archiving <strong>and</strong> communications<br />

system (PACS) for short- or long-term storage.<br />

However, the multiplanar two- <strong>and</strong> three-dimensional images<br />

reformatted from the source images are the ones primarily<br />

used for diagnostic <strong>and</strong> planning purposes <strong>and</strong> ultimately<br />

sent to the PACS for archiving.<br />

Achieving the highest-resolution two-dimensional<br />

reformatted images requires the source images to be<br />

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2240 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-43. Method <strong>of</strong> obtaining weight-bearing lateral view. In<br />

most radiology departments the x-ray tube cannot be lowered to the<br />

floor. Weight-bearing lateral views can be obtained by having the<br />

patient st<strong>and</strong> on a wooden box. The central x-ray beam (dashed<br />

arrow) passes through the foot, from lateral to medial, striking the<br />

x-ray cassette held upright between the feet.<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-42. Weight-bearing radiographic foot series in an<br />

asymptomatic 41-year-old male volunteer. A, Anteroposterior view;<br />

B, oblique view; C, lateral view. The upward-pointing white arrow was<br />

placed by the technologist to indicate the patient was st<strong>and</strong>ing. The<br />

heel spur (black arrow in C) at the origin <strong>of</strong> the plantar fascia is <strong>of</strong><br />

doubtful clinical significance in this normal volunteer who has never<br />

had heel pain. (This person is not st<strong>and</strong>ing on screws, but on the<br />

wooden box in Figure <strong>47</strong>-43, held together by screws.)<br />

reconstructed into relatively thin slices, <strong>of</strong>ten the width <strong>of</strong><br />

a detector element. To minimize the stair-step quantization<br />

artifact that can occur between axial slices, the source<br />

images should be reconstructed at intervals such that they<br />

overlap each other. We have found that a 50% overlap<br />

(interslice interval equals one-half slice width) works well.<br />

We use an edge-enhanced reconstruction algorithm (called<br />

a “bone” algorithm by some CT manufacturers) to yield<br />

two-dimensional reformatted images with sharp cortical<br />

detail.<br />

Thin <strong>and</strong> overlapping source images also yield good<br />

three-dimensional reformatted images. However, threedimensional<br />

images by their nature represent a smooth<br />

rendering <strong>of</strong> the volumetric data, <strong>and</strong> edge-enhanced<br />

source images can yield excessively noisy threedimensional<br />

images. We create a second set <strong>of</strong> source<br />

images, using a smoothing reconstruction algorithm (called<br />

a “st<strong>and</strong>ard” algorithm by some manufacturers) for threedimensional<br />

reformatting.<br />

Depending on the length <strong>of</strong> the body part being<br />

scanned, the thin overlapping source images may consist<br />

<strong>of</strong> hundreds, or sometimes thous<strong>and</strong>s, <strong>of</strong> images—twice<br />

that if both edge-enhanced <strong>and</strong> smoothed data sets are<br />

created. At our institution we choose to store these source<br />

images permanently on our PACS, although we save them<br />

in a separate imaging folder from the multiplanar reformatted<br />

images, which typically consist <strong>of</strong> merely dozens <strong>of</strong><br />

images per plane.<br />

• Protocol for <strong>Foot</strong>, <strong>Ankle</strong>, <strong>and</strong> Tibia (Distal)<br />

Scanning Technique<br />

At the UW we have developed our “F/A/T” protocol—a single<br />

scanning protocol that allows us to create multiplanar<br />

reformatted images optimized to visualize the foot,<br />

ankle, <strong>and</strong> distal tibia. (The latest versions <strong>of</strong> all the<br />

UW musculoskeletal protocol sheets can be viewed<br />

<strong>and</strong> downloaded for free at www.<strong>Radiology</strong>.Wisc.Edu/<br />

MSKprotocols.)<br />

The patient is positioned supine on the CT table, with<br />

legs straight, feet together in the center <strong>of</strong> the gantry, <strong>and</strong><br />

toes pointing up at the ceiling (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-45A). We typically<br />

scan through both ankles <strong>and</strong> feet simultaneously because<br />

this position is most comfortable for the patient <strong>and</strong> allows<br />

us to compare the injured side with the contralateral<br />

normal side when questions arise regarding subtle alignment<br />

abnormalities. Unless the contralateral foot contains<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2240<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2241 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-44. Importance <strong>of</strong> weight-bearing view.<br />

A, Non–weight-bearing lateral view, obtained<br />

portably. On this image, the long axis <strong>of</strong> the talus<br />

(dashed white line) is parallel to the long axis <strong>of</strong> the<br />

first metatarsal (dashed black line), suggesting normal<br />

alignment. B, Same patient as in A, obtained upright at<br />

a follow-up clinic visit 3 months later. On this weightbearing<br />

lateral view, the long axis <strong>of</strong> the talus (solid<br />

white line) is now angled downward relative to the<br />

first metatarsal (solid black line). This indicates that<br />

the patient has a nonrigid flat-foot deformity (pes<br />

planus), demonstrable only with weight bearing.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-45. A, The patient is positioned supine on the CT table<br />

with her legs straight, feet together, toes pointing to the ceiling.<br />

B, Example <strong>of</strong> a foot holder we built to help keep patients’ feet<br />

centered in the CT scanner in neutral position. C, In lieu <strong>of</strong> a<br />

dedicated foot holder, we have used a box.<br />

metal, including it in the scanning field-<strong>of</strong>-view (FOV)<br />

does not cause excessive streak artifacts <strong>and</strong> does not<br />

increase the radiation exposure to organs in the torso.<br />

Securing the patient’s feet to a dedicated holder (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-45B) or to a box (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-45C) helps to hold the feet in<br />

neutral position <strong>and</strong> to prevent motion during the scan.<br />

Scout views are obtained in both the AP <strong>and</strong> lateral<br />

projections (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-46). The scanning FOV should be<br />

set wide enough to include both the right <strong>and</strong> left lateral<br />

malleoli; for most patients this is less than 25 cm. The<br />

coverage should begin superior to both syndesmoses<br />

<strong>and</strong> extend below the calcanei. In cases <strong>of</strong> pilon fractures,<br />

which are comminuted fractures involving the plafond,<br />

coverage is extended superiorly to include more <strong>of</strong> the<br />

distal tibia. We typically scan using 120 kVp at less than<br />

200 mA.<br />

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2242 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-46. Anteroposterior (A) <strong>and</strong> lateral<br />

(B) scout CT views. The scanning field should cover<br />

both ankles <strong>and</strong> should extend from above the<br />

syndesmosis to below the calcaneus (white<br />

rectangles). In cases <strong>of</strong> pilon fractures, more <strong>of</strong> the<br />

distal tibia is covered (dashed rectangle).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

We can achieve the highest resolution on the reformatted<br />

images by reconstructing the source images at a width<br />

equal to the width <strong>of</strong> the narrowest detector. The reconstruction<br />

interval between source images is equal to onehalf<br />

the detector width, <strong>and</strong> this allows for a 50% overlap<br />

between slices. We reconstruct two sets <strong>of</strong> source images;<br />

one uses an edge-enhanced bone algorithm for the twodimensional<br />

multiplanar reformatted images, the other a<br />

smoothing st<strong>and</strong>ard algorithm for reformatting in threedimensions.<br />

Both sets <strong>of</strong> source images are sent to the<br />

PACS for archival storage <strong>and</strong> can be accessed any time in<br />

the future if additional two- or three-dimensional reformatted<br />

images are desired. Because these thin overlapping<br />

slices yield hundreds <strong>of</strong> source images, we store these<br />

source images on the PACS in their own folder—a folder<br />

separate from where we store the reformatted images,<br />

which are images most <strong>of</strong> us primarily view.<br />

Reformatting Technique<br />

At the UW we have identified at least 15 different ways that<br />

we are commonly asked to create two-dimensional reformatted<br />

images <strong>of</strong> the ankle <strong>and</strong> foot. These are delineated<br />

on our downloadable protocol sheets, portions <strong>of</strong> which<br />

are shown in Figure <strong>47</strong>-<strong>47</strong>. The reformatting protocols are<br />

centered on the anatomic divisions illustrated in Figures<br />

<strong>47</strong>-5 <strong>and</strong> <strong>47</strong>-48.<br />

<strong>Ankle</strong>/Distal Tibia Protocol. Our ankle/distal tibia protocol<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-<strong>47</strong>A) is centered on the ankle joint. This<br />

protocol is used for scanning fractures <strong>of</strong> the distal tibia<br />

(e.g., pilon, malleoli, triplane, juvenile Tillaux) or <strong>of</strong> the<br />

talar dome (e.g., osteochondral lesions). Using a midsagittal<br />

reference image, straight axial images are created in a<br />

plane parallel to the bottom <strong>of</strong> the foot. Then, using an<br />

axial reference image through the top <strong>of</strong> the ankle mortise,<br />

mortise coronal <strong>and</strong> mortise sagittal images are created<br />

parallel <strong>and</strong> perpendicular to an imaginary line through<br />

the anterior cortex <strong>of</strong> the medial <strong>and</strong> lateral malleoli. For<br />

distal tibial fractures, we find that creating reformatted<br />

images that are 3 mm thick at 3-mm intervals (no gap or<br />

overlap between reformatted slices) yields crisp images<br />

that do not appear noisy. However, for osteochondral<br />

lesions <strong>of</strong> the talar dome, our surgeons prefer that the<br />

mortise coronal <strong>and</strong> mortise sagittal images be reformatted<br />

at 1 mm, yielding images <strong>of</strong> higher resolution but also with<br />

more noise.<br />

Hindfoot/Midfoot Protocol. Our hindfoot/midfoot protocol<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-<strong>47</strong>B) is centered on the Chopart joint <strong>and</strong><br />

is used to evaluate hindfoot fractures (e.g., calcaneus, talar<br />

body) <strong>and</strong> the subtalar joint (e.g., tarsal coalitions). Using<br />

an axial reference image, straight sagittal images are reformatted<br />

along a plane parallel to the long axis <strong>of</strong> the foot.<br />

The other three planes are reformatted <strong>of</strong>f a midsagittal<br />

reference image. Straight axial images are reformatted in a<br />

plane parallel to the bottom <strong>of</strong> the foot. Oblique coronal<br />

<strong>and</strong> oblique axial images are reformatted in planes both<br />

perpendicular <strong>and</strong> parallel to the posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the<br />

subtalar joint.<br />

Forefoot/Midfoot Protocol. Our forefoot/midfoot protocol<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-<strong>47</strong>C) is primarily used to assess the alignment<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Lisfranc joint <strong>and</strong> the integrity <strong>of</strong> the adjacent<br />

bones. We find that it works best to create reformatted<br />

images in three planes relative to the first metatarsal shaft.<br />

A sagittal reference image that best delineates the entire<br />

length <strong>of</strong> the first metatarsal is selected. Long-axis <strong>and</strong><br />

short-axis planes are reformatted both parallel <strong>and</strong> perpendicular<br />

to the sagittal length <strong>of</strong> the first metatarsal. The<br />

third plane, sagittal to the first metatarsal, is best obtained<br />

<strong>of</strong>f an axial reference image that has been obliqued to<br />

include the entire length <strong>of</strong> the first metatarsal.<br />

Navicular Protocol. Our dedicated navicular protocol<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-<strong>47</strong>D) is used to assess the healing <strong>of</strong> a known<br />

navicular fatigue fracture that has perhaps been previously<br />

diagnosed by MRI. Because these navicular fatigue fractures<br />

tend to be incomplete hairline cracks, we increase the resolution<br />

by creating thin (1 mm) reformatted images in a<br />

small (6 cm) FOV. Oblique coronal <strong>and</strong> oblique axial<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2242<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2243 <strong>47</strong><br />

A <strong>Ankle</strong>/distal tibia (centered on ankle joint)<br />

1. Straight axial (<strong>of</strong>f a sagittal)<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard: 3 × 3 mm<br />

For OLT: 3 × 3 mm<br />

2. Mortise coronal (<strong>of</strong>f an axial)<br />

3 × 3 mm<br />

1 × 1 mm<br />

3. Mortise sagittal (<strong>of</strong>f an axial)<br />

3 × 3 mm<br />

1 × 1 mm<br />

B Hindfoot/midfoot (centered on Chopart joint)<br />

1. Straight sagittal (<strong>of</strong>f an axial)<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard: 3 × 3 mm<br />

2. Oblique coronal (<strong>of</strong>f a sagittal)<br />

3 × 3 mm<br />

3. Straight axial (<strong>of</strong>f a sagittal)<br />

3 × 3 mm<br />

4. Oblique axial (<strong>of</strong>f a sagittal)<br />

3 × 3 mm<br />

C Forefoot/midfoot (centered on Lisfranc joint)<br />

All planes are relative to 1st metatarsal<br />

1. Axial (long axis) (<strong>of</strong>f a sagittal)<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard: 3 × 3 mm<br />

2. Short axis<br />

(<strong>of</strong>f a sagittal)<br />

3 × 3 mm<br />

3. Sagittal<br />

(<strong>of</strong>f an axial; may<br />

have to oblique<br />

reference image<br />

to see 1st metatarsal)<br />

3 × 3 mm<br />

D Navicular (stress fracture)<br />

Reformat 6 cm FOV<br />

Reformat 1 × 1 mm<br />

1 <strong>and</strong> 2. Coronal <strong>and</strong> axial<br />

(<strong>of</strong>f a sagittal)<br />

3. Sagittal (<strong>of</strong>f<br />

an axial)<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-<strong>47</strong>. These are portions <strong>of</strong> our <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin foot/ankle/distal tibia (F/A/T) protocol sheet. A, <strong>Ankle</strong>/distal tibia protocol.<br />

This protocol is appropriate for distal tibial fractures (pilon, malleoli, triplane, <strong>and</strong> juvenile Tillaux) <strong>and</strong> for talar dome fractures (osteochondral<br />

lesions <strong>of</strong> the talus [OLT], osteochondritis dissecans). B, Hindfoot/midfoot protocol. This protocol is appropriate for hindfoot fractures (calcaneus,<br />

talar body, <strong>and</strong> subtalar joint) <strong>and</strong> for tarsal coalitions. C, Forefoot/midfoot protocol. This protocol is appropriate for forefoot fractures (Lisfranc<br />

dislocation, metatarsals). D, Navicular protocol.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2243<br />

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2244 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-48. Anatomic division <strong>and</strong> major joints shown on a<br />

sagittal CT. The joint between the tibia (Ti) <strong>and</strong> talus (Ta) is the ankle<br />

joint (AJ), shown with the yellow line. The joint between the talus <strong>and</strong><br />

calcaneus (Ca) is the subtalar joint; the posterior facet (P-STJ) is shown<br />

with the red line. The Chopart joint, shown with the curved blue line,<br />

separates the hindfoot from midfoot. The Lisfranc joint, shown with<br />

the angled green line, separates the midfoot from forefoot.<br />

images are reformatted <strong>of</strong>f a sagittal reference image, <strong>and</strong><br />

oblique sagittal images are reformatted <strong>of</strong>f an axial reference<br />

image.<br />

• Magnetic Resonance Imaging<br />

• Coils <strong>and</strong> Markers<br />

When imaging the ankle or foot with MR, it is vital to<br />

underst<strong>and</strong> the clinical question that the scan is being requested<br />

to address. No one st<strong>and</strong>ardized protocol can<br />

answer all possible questions. The imaging planes,<br />

sequences, <strong>and</strong> even the selection <strong>of</strong> which coil to use will<br />

vary depending on the clinical circumstances. Whenever<br />

possible, an extremity coil should be used. We use a dedicated<br />

foot <strong>and</strong> ankle coil (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-49) that incorporates a<br />

chimney-like extension so that the toes can be included in<br />

the FOV. This chimney design also helps to hold the<br />

patient’s foot <strong>and</strong> ankle in a neutral position, that is, with<br />

the bottom <strong>of</strong> the foot perpendicular to the tibia, as it<br />

would be if the patient were st<strong>and</strong>ing. Some designs <strong>of</strong><br />

knee coils have an open top that allows the toes to protrude<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-50A). Custom cushioned inserts (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-50B) help to keep the heel immobilized <strong>and</strong> centered<br />

in the coil. Although the neutral positioning shown in<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-50A is fine for imaging the ankle <strong>and</strong> hindfoot,<br />

it would not be appropriate for the phalanges. When it is<br />

necessary to image the toes, <strong>and</strong> a foot coil as in Figure<br />

<strong>47</strong>-49 is not available, the knee coil can be used with the<br />

patient’s foot held in plantar flexion. In these circumstances,<br />

the technologist should see if having the patient<br />

lie prone makes it more comfortable to maintain plantar<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-49. This dedicated foot <strong>and</strong> ankle coil incorporates a<br />

chimney-like extension (arrow) so that the phalanges can be included<br />

in the field <strong>of</strong> view.<br />

flexion. Also, patients tend to feel less claustrophobic when<br />

prone. Sometimes we have to be creative in our coil selection<br />

to accommodate the patient’s physical limitations<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-51).<br />

We encourage our technologists to place a marker over<br />

the sight <strong>of</strong> maximal tenderness or near a nonhealing ulcer.<br />

Markers can be helpful to draw the attention <strong>of</strong> both the<br />

technologist acquiring the images <strong>and</strong> the radiologist interpreting<br />

the images. Do not be dissuaded when the patient<br />

initially points to a wide area, such as across the midfoot<br />

or around the malleoli. This is typical. Instead, ask the<br />

patient to point to one spot with one finger—which, when<br />

encouraged, they usually can do. The marker should be<br />

placed there. Such a marker needs to be conspicuous on<br />

all imaging sequences, including fat-suppressed sequences,<br />

<strong>and</strong> should be placed on the patient in such a way as<br />

not to deform the contour <strong>of</strong> the skin. Although markers<br />

are commercially available,* generic capsules containing<br />

vitamin E or docusate sodium (Colace) are <strong>of</strong>ten used.<br />

• Scanning Technique<br />

Imaging Planes<br />

We use at least nine st<strong>and</strong>ard imaging planes in our foot<br />

<strong>and</strong> ankle MRI protocols (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-52). The exact slice thickness,<br />

interslice gap, <strong>and</strong> FOV should be optimized to take<br />

advantage <strong>of</strong> the characteristics <strong>of</strong> the MRI scanner <strong>and</strong> coil<br />

being used. The parameters used at the UW for our GE<br />

1.5-T scanners are spelled out in detail on our MRI scanning<br />

parameters <strong>and</strong> protocols sheets, the most up to<br />

date <strong>of</strong> which can be found at our website (http://www.<br />

<strong>Radiology</strong>.Wisc.Edu/MSKprotocols).<br />

*IZI Multi-Modality Radiographic Markers, IZI Medical Products, 7020<br />

Tudsbury Road, Baltimore, MD 21244; (410) 594-9403; http://www.izimed.com.<br />

Beekley MR-Spots, Beekley Corporation, 150 Dolphin Road, Bristol, CT 06010;<br />

(860) 583-<strong>47</strong>00; http://www.beekley.com.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2244<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2245 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-50. A knee coil can be used to scan the ankle. A, The open top on this knee coil allows the toes to extend through the coil while<br />

keeping the foot in neutral position. B, A customized foam pad (white arrow) helps immobilize the hindfoot being scanned. A second pad next to<br />

the coil (black arrow) give the contralateral foot a place to rest.<br />

B<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-51. Example <strong>of</strong> a patient who could not be positioned in the foot or knee coil. This is a 41-year-old with paraplegia from spina bifida<br />

who is essentially frozen in the fetal position. The clinical concern was for infection in <strong>and</strong> around the ankle joint. Because the patient was<br />

physically unable to straighten her legs, we could not use the foot coil. Instead, we used a torso coil <strong>and</strong> covered the leg <strong>and</strong> ankle. A, Lateral<br />

radiograph shows s<strong>of</strong>t tissue swelling. B, T1-weighted, large field-<strong>of</strong>-view image covering the entire leg as well as the ankle. Because <strong>of</strong> difficulty<br />

positioning the patient, a portion <strong>of</strong> the other leg is also within the coil. C, Inversion recovery image shows no bone marrow edema but diffuse<br />

edema <strong>of</strong> the subcutaneous fat. D, T1-weighted image with fat suppression after the administration <strong>of</strong> intravenous gadolinium shows diffuse<br />

enhancement <strong>of</strong> the subcutaneous fat, indicative <strong>of</strong> cellulitis. The lack <strong>of</strong> enhancement <strong>and</strong> edema in the bone marrow exclude osteomyelitis. The<br />

gray arrow points to inadequate fat suppression at the edge <strong>of</strong> the coil, a common occurrence with large fields <strong>of</strong> view.<br />

The straight sagittal plane (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-52A) is our survey<br />

plane, <strong>and</strong> it is usually the first plane acquired in all <strong>of</strong> our<br />

ankle <strong>and</strong> foot MRI protocols. Most <strong>of</strong> the other imaging<br />

planes are acquired relative to a straight sagittal reference<br />

image. The straight sagittal slices are set up <strong>of</strong>f an axial scout<br />

image <strong>and</strong> are oriented parallel to the long axis <strong>of</strong> the foot.<br />

At least two axial orientations are typically used.<br />

Straight axial slices (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-52B) are set up <strong>of</strong>f a straight<br />

sagittal reference image, either a sagittal scout image or<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the midsagittal slices from the preceding acquisition.<br />

The straight axial slices should be roughly perpendicular<br />

to the long axis <strong>of</strong> the tibia <strong>and</strong> if the ankle is<br />

held in the neutral position will be roughly parallel to<br />

the bottom <strong>of</strong> the foot. The slices should begin well proximal<br />

to the level <strong>of</strong> the malleoli <strong>and</strong> extend distal to<br />

the calcaneus. This is our primary plane for imaging the<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2245<br />

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2246 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

Legend on opposite page.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2246<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 22<strong>47</strong> <strong>47</strong><br />

ankle tendons <strong>and</strong> is also useful for the ankle ligaments<br />

<strong>and</strong> syndesmosis.<br />

Oblique axial slices (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-52C) are set up <strong>of</strong>f the<br />

same straight sagittal reference image as previously but are<br />

oriented parallel to the long axis <strong>of</strong> the metatarsals. This is<br />

our primary plane for imaging the tarsal bones, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

slices should include all <strong>of</strong> the tarsals from the back <strong>of</strong> the<br />

calcaneus through the metatarsal bases.<br />

There are at least three ways to orient slices in the<br />

coronal plane. Least commonly used is the straight coronal<br />

plane (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-52D). These slices are set up <strong>of</strong>f a sagittal<br />

reference image, are oriented roughly perpendicular to the<br />

plantar aponeurosis, <strong>and</strong> are used primarily when evaluating<br />

the plantar fascia.<br />

Oblique coronal slices (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-52E) are used much<br />

more <strong>of</strong>ten then straight coronal slices <strong>and</strong> are set up <strong>of</strong>f<br />

the same sagittal reference slice as previously. The oblique<br />

coronal slices are oriented perpendicular to the posterior<br />

facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint. (See Fig. <strong>47</strong>-7 to review the<br />

anatomy <strong>of</strong> the posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint.) This<br />

is a good secondary plane to evaluate the tendons <strong>and</strong><br />

tarsals, <strong>and</strong> the slices should include all <strong>of</strong> the hindfoot<br />

<strong>and</strong> midfoot.<br />

Mortise coronal slices (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-52F) are set up <strong>of</strong>f<br />

a straight axial reference image taken through the top <strong>of</strong><br />

the talar dome. This axial reference image can be either an<br />

axial scout image or one <strong>of</strong> the straight axial slices from a<br />

preceding acquisition. The slices are aligned parallel to a<br />

line drawn between the medial <strong>and</strong> lateral malleoli. This<br />

is one <strong>of</strong> the primary planes used for imaging osteochondral<br />

lesions <strong>of</strong> the talus (OLTs), <strong>and</strong> it is also good for<br />

looking at the malleoli <strong>and</strong> the ankle ligaments.<br />

Mortise sagittal slices (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-52G) are set up <strong>of</strong>f<br />

the same straight axial reference image as previously, <strong>and</strong><br />

the slices are oriented perpendicular to the mortise coronal<br />

slices. This, rather than the straight sagittal plane, is the<br />

survey plane we use for OLTs.<br />

With regard to the forefoot, we have found that there<br />

is come confusion among technologists as to the coronal<br />

<strong>and</strong> axial planes, <strong>and</strong> to avoid potential ambiguity we refer<br />

to the short-axis <strong>and</strong> long-axis planes relative to the metatarsals.<br />

Short-axis images are obtained <strong>of</strong>f a straight sagittal<br />

reference image <strong>and</strong> are oriented perpendicular to the long<br />

axis <strong>of</strong> the metatarsals (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-52H). This yields a series<br />

<strong>of</strong> short-axis slices that cut transversely through the metatarsals<br />

<strong>and</strong> phalanges, an example <strong>of</strong> which is shown in<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-52I. This is a good plane to evaluate for bone<br />

marrow edema in the forefoot.<br />

Long-axis images are obtained <strong>of</strong>f a short-axis reference<br />

image through the metatarsals <strong>and</strong> are oriented to<br />

include all five, or at least four, metatarsals on individual<br />

slices (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-52I). This is the best way to obtain a<br />

side-by-side comparison <strong>of</strong> the metatarsals <strong>and</strong> is used<br />

when evaluating for stress fractures or osteomyelitis.<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-52. The st<strong>and</strong>ard imaging planes we use for MRI <strong>of</strong> the foot <strong>and</strong> ankle. The white lines represent the orientation, but not the actual<br />

number or spacing, <strong>of</strong> the slices. A, Straight sagittal slices are set up <strong>of</strong>f an axial scout image <strong>and</strong> are oriented parallel to the long axis <strong>of</strong> the foot.<br />

(Using a cushioned foot holder, as in Figs. <strong>47</strong>-49 <strong>and</strong> <strong>47</strong>-50, helps keep the foot in place relative to the scanner.) This is our survey plane, <strong>and</strong> it is<br />

the first plane acquired in all <strong>of</strong> our ankle <strong>and</strong> foot MRI protocols. Most <strong>of</strong> the other imaging planes are acquired relative to a straight sagittal<br />

reference image. B, Straight axial slices are set up <strong>of</strong>f a straight sagittal reference image, either a sagittal scout image or one <strong>of</strong> the midsagittal<br />

slices acquired in A. The straight axial slices should be roughly perpendicular to the long axis <strong>of</strong> the tibia <strong>and</strong>, if the ankle is held in the neutral<br />

position, will be roughly parallel to the bottom <strong>of</strong> the foot. The slices should begin well proximal to the level <strong>of</strong> the malleoli <strong>and</strong> extend distal to<br />

the calcaneus. This is our primary plane for imaging the ankle tendons. C, Oblique axial slices are set up <strong>of</strong>f the same straight sagittal reference<br />

image as in B <strong>and</strong> are oriented parallel to the long axis <strong>of</strong> the metatarsals. This is our primary plane for imaging the tarsal bones, <strong>and</strong> the slices<br />

should include all <strong>of</strong> the tarsals from the back <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus through the metatarsal bases. (Although the field <strong>of</strong> view can be enlarged to<br />

include the metatarsals <strong>and</strong> phalanges in their entirety, we prefer to use the short-axis <strong>and</strong> long-axis planes delineated in H <strong>and</strong> I when the<br />

clinical question involves the forefoot.) D, Straight coronal slices, set up <strong>of</strong>f a sagittal reference image, are used primarily when evaluating the<br />

plantar fascia <strong>and</strong> should be oriented roughly perpendicular to the plantar aponeurosis. E, Oblique coronal slices are used much more <strong>of</strong>ten then<br />

straight coronal slices <strong>and</strong> are set up <strong>of</strong>f the same sagittal reference slice as in B. The oblique coronal slices are oriented perpendicular to the<br />

posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint. (Refer to Fig. <strong>47</strong>-7 to review the anatomy <strong>of</strong> the posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint.) This is a good secondary<br />

plane to evaluate the tendons <strong>and</strong> tarsals, <strong>and</strong> the slices should include all <strong>of</strong> the hindfoot <strong>and</strong> midfoot. F, Mortise coronal slices are set up <strong>of</strong>f a<br />

straight axial reference image taken through the top <strong>of</strong> the talar dome. This axial reference image can be either an axial scout image or one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

straight axial slices acquired in B. The slices are aligned parallel to a line drawn between the medial <strong>and</strong> lateral malleoli. This is one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

primary planes used for imaging osteochondral lesions <strong>of</strong> the talus (OLT), <strong>and</strong> it is also good for looking at the malleoli <strong>and</strong> the ankle ligaments.<br />

G, Mortise sagittal slices are set up <strong>of</strong>f the same straight axial reference image as in F, <strong>and</strong> the slices are oriented perpendicular to the mortise<br />

coronal slices. This is the survey plane for OLT. (The marker [m] indicates the site <strong>of</strong> maximal tenderness.) With regard to the forefoot, we prefer<br />

to refer to the short-axis <strong>and</strong> long-axis planes, rather than coronal or axial, to avoid ambiguity. H, Short-axis images are obtained <strong>of</strong>f a straight<br />

sagittal reference image <strong>and</strong> are oriented perpendicular to the long axis <strong>of</strong> the metatarsals. A short-axis image through the metatarsals is shown in<br />

I. I, Long-axis images are obtained <strong>of</strong>f a short-axis reference image through the metatarsals <strong>and</strong> are oriented to try to include all five, or at least<br />

four, metatarsals on individual slices. This is the best way to obtain a side-by-side comparison <strong>of</strong> the metatarsals <strong>and</strong> is used when evaluating for<br />

stress fractures or osteomyelitis.<br />

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2248 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-53. Comparison <strong>of</strong> T2-weighted, fatsuppressed<br />

(A) <strong>and</strong> inversion recovery (B) MRIs in a<br />

35-year-old with plantar fasciitis. Both <strong>of</strong> these sagittal<br />

images <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus delineate the plantar<br />

aponeurosis (open arrowheads), as well as the edema<br />

in the adjacent heel fat pad (white arrowheads) <strong>and</strong> in<br />

the bone marrow at its origin (white arrow).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Protocols<br />

Our ankle/foot MRI protocols call for acquiring images in<br />

three <strong>of</strong> the st<strong>and</strong>ard planes <strong>and</strong> typically take 45 to 60<br />

minutes. We start with straight sagittal images to survey the<br />

bones. For an ankle MRI, the FOV needs to include the<br />

distal tibia <strong>and</strong> fibula, all <strong>of</strong> the tarsal bones, <strong>and</strong> the bases<br />

<strong>of</strong> the metatarsals. For a foot MRI, the FOV needs to include<br />

all <strong>of</strong> the phalanges, all <strong>of</strong> the metatarsals, <strong>and</strong> the midfoot<br />

tarsal bones back to the Chopart joint. In cases in which<br />

the area <strong>of</strong> clinical concern is vague, the sagittal FOV can<br />

be enlarged to include the ankle <strong>and</strong> forefoot. When they<br />

are available, the radiologist should check these first sets<br />

<strong>of</strong> sagittal survey images, particularly the edema-sensitive<br />

sequence. If the radiologist observes edema in the talar<br />

dome, images can then be acquired in the mortise coronal<br />

<strong>and</strong> mortise sagittal planes (our OLT protocol). If there is<br />

edema elsewhere in the tarsal bones, oblique axial <strong>and</strong><br />

oblique coronal images are acquired (our tarsal stress fracture<br />

protocol). If the marrow edema is in a metatarsal, this<br />

is usually best demonstrated with short- <strong>and</strong> long-axis<br />

images (our metatarsal stress fracture protocol). If no bone<br />

marrow edema is found, we generally proceed with our<br />

tendon protocol (straight axial <strong>and</strong> oblique coronal) unless<br />

some other site is clinically requested.<br />

Sequences<br />

Because detecting abnormally edematous signal in the<br />

bones, tendons, <strong>and</strong> surrounding s<strong>of</strong>t tissues is the key to<br />

all musculoskeletal MRI, we run edema-sensitive sequences<br />

in all the planes we image. This can be either a fatsuppressed<br />

fast-spin echo T2-weighted sequence or an<br />

inversion recovery sequence. Although for the most part<br />

these two sequences are equivalent (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-53), we find<br />

that we get the best images when we use inversion recovery<br />

for the straight sagittal survey plane <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted<br />

sequences in all other planes.<br />

T1-weighted images, being inherently fat sensitive,<br />

well demonstrate the normal fat in yellow bone marrow<br />

as well as the subcutaneus fat <strong>and</strong> the deeper fat between<br />

muscles <strong>and</strong> tendons. We use T1 weighting in all imaging<br />

planes whenever the tendons are not the primary site <strong>of</strong><br />

interest.<br />

When the tendons are the site <strong>of</strong> clinical concern,<br />

we use proton-density–weighted images, along with T2-<br />

weighted sequences, in the straight axial <strong>and</strong> oblique<br />

coronal planes. The straight axial plane well images all 10<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ankle tendons in cross section at <strong>and</strong> above the level<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ankle joint. The oblique coronal plane well images<br />

the medial <strong>and</strong> lateral ankle tendons in cross section as<br />

they curve under the malleoli. Tears in the substance <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ankle tendons are usually best seen with proton-density–<br />

weighted images (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-54). However, because protondensity–weighted<br />

images are relatively insensitive for fluid,<br />

they should always be read side-by-side with edemasensitive<br />

images to look for abnormal amounts <strong>of</strong> fluid in<br />

the tendon sheaths, indicative <strong>of</strong> active tenosynovitis.<br />

• Use <strong>of</strong> Contrast<br />

Although the intravenous administration <strong>of</strong> a gadoliniumbased<br />

contrast agent (IVGd) is not needed for most<br />

musculoskeletal MRI, there are particular circumstances in<br />

which its use is invaluable.*<br />

Whenever possible, we use IVGd when there is a clinical<br />

concern for an inflammatory arthropathy or synovitis,<br />

such as in rheumatoid arthritis (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-55). The IVGd<br />

causes T1 signal enhancement <strong>of</strong> the hypervascularized<br />

inflammatory synovium (pannus) but not <strong>of</strong> the adjacent<br />

synovial fluid, a distinction that may not otherwise be seen<br />

on noncontrast T1-weighted or T2-weighted images.<br />

Likewise, we prefer to use IVGd whenever possible in<br />

cases <strong>of</strong> infection. IVGd can help distinguish an enhancing<br />

phlegmon from a nonenhancing pus pocket. Also, IVGd<br />

can distinguish cellulitis, which demonstrates contrast<br />

enhancement <strong>of</strong> the edematous skin, from “nonspecific<br />

edema from other causes” that does not enhance.<br />

*During the year leading up to the publication <strong>of</strong> this chapter, the U.S. Food<br />

<strong>and</strong> Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warnings describing the risk for nephrogenic<br />

systemic fibrosis (NSF) after exposure to gadolinium-containing contrast<br />

agents in patients with acute or chronic severe renal insufficiency. Information<br />

can be found at http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/gcca. Before any contrast<br />

agent is administered to any patient, that patient should be screened in<br />

accordance to your institution’s policies.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2248<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2249 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-54. Peroneus brevis<br />

tear in a 62-year-old. This is a sideby-side<br />

comparison <strong>of</strong> the same<br />

straight axial slice acquired using<br />

T1-weighted (A), proton-density<br />

(PD)–weighted (B), <strong>and</strong> T2-<br />

weighted (C) images. Although T1<br />

shows the fat best <strong>and</strong> T2 shows<br />

the fluid best, PD shows the<br />

tendons best, particularly the<br />

abnormally increased signal in the<br />

split/abnormally flattened<br />

peroneus brevis tendon (white<br />

arrowhead).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-55. Comparison <strong>of</strong> T2 weighting with<br />

fat suppression (A) <strong>and</strong> T1 weighting with fat<br />

suppression after intravenous gadolinium (B) in a 65-<br />

year-old with rheumatoid arthritis. The bright T2<br />

signal in A in the posterior tibial (white arrow) <strong>and</strong><br />

flexor digitorum longus (white arrowhead) tendon<br />

sheaths is shown to be enhancing pannus in B. In<br />

comparison, the bright T2 signal in A adjacent to the<br />

extensor digitorum longus (black arrow) <strong>and</strong> the<br />

anterolateral ankle joint (black arrowhead) is shown to<br />

be nonenhancing fluid surrounded by a thin rim <strong>of</strong><br />

enhancing synovium in B.<br />

We sometimes use IVGd when we detect a s<strong>of</strong>t tissue<br />

mass that is bright on T2-weighted sequences <strong>and</strong> we wish<br />

to confirm whether it is solid (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-56) or cystic (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-57). IVGd is also useful for the detection <strong>of</strong> Morton’s<br />

neuroma by MRI (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-58). At UW, we prefer to image<br />

Morton’s neuroma with ultrasonography rather than<br />

MRI. 36<br />

The contrast-enhanced tissue can be made all the more<br />

conspicuous on T1-weighted images by suppressing the<br />

signal from fat, <strong>and</strong> we use fat suppression on nearly all <strong>of</strong><br />

our postcontrast images. When there is a concern that the<br />

degree <strong>of</strong> fat suppression may not be uniform throughout<br />

the image, fat-suppressed T1-weighted images can be<br />

obtained before the administration <strong>of</strong> IVGd to be compared<br />

side-by-side with the postcontrast fat-suppressed T1-<br />

weighted images.<br />

<strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> Injuries<br />

• <strong>Ankle</strong> Mortise Fractures<br />

• Malleoli/Syndesmosis 12<br />

Fractures <strong>of</strong> the medial <strong>and</strong> lateral malleoli are commonly<br />

the result <strong>of</strong> twisting injury <strong>of</strong> the talus in ankle mortise.<br />

Radiographs are usually sufficient for the management <strong>of</strong><br />

what are typically simple fractures. CT axial images through<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2249<br />

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2250 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-56. Schwannoma in a 67-year-old.<br />

A, Lateral radiograph shows a round s<strong>of</strong>t tissue mass<br />

posterior to the talus. B, Sagittal T1-weighted image<br />

shows the mass to be homogeneously relatively dark,<br />

with no invasion into the overlying subcutaneus fat or<br />

the underlying talus. C, Sagittal inversion recovery<br />

image shows the mass to be heterogeneously bright.<br />

This is the classic appearance <strong>of</strong> a schwannoma.<br />

D, Sagittal T1-weighted fat-suppressed image after<br />

intravenous gadolinium administration shows<br />

heterogeneous enhancement, confirming that this is a<br />

vascularized mass <strong>and</strong> not a cyst.<br />

C<br />

D<br />

A<br />

C<br />

B<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-57. Synovial cyst in a 51-year-old.<br />

A, Lateral radiograph shows a round s<strong>of</strong>t tissue mass<br />

dorsal to the metatarsals. B, Sagittal T1-weighted<br />

image shows the mass to be homogeneously relatively<br />

dark. C, Sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed image<br />

shows the mass to be homogeneously bright. This is<br />

the classic appearance <strong>of</strong> a simple cyst. There is a<br />

small lobule distal to the main cyst. D, Sagittal T1-<br />

weighted fat-suppressed image after intravenous<br />

gadolinium (IVGd) shows enhancement <strong>of</strong> only the<br />

thin synovial lining but not the cyst fluid. Short-axis<br />

T1-weighted (E), T2-weighted fat-suppressed (F), <strong>and</strong><br />

T1-weighted fat-suppressed post-IVGd (G) images<br />

through the cyst demonstrate the same signal<br />

characteristics as in the sagittal plane. The gray arrows<br />

in F <strong>and</strong> G indicate areas <strong>of</strong> inadequate fat<br />

suppression near the fifth toe.<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2251 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-58. Morton’s neuroma in a 44-year-old: short-axis images<br />

through the second metatarsal head. The marker (m) indicates the site<br />

<strong>of</strong> maximum tenderness. A, T1-weighted image demonstrates a small<br />

lobule <strong>of</strong> decreased signal (black arrow) between <strong>and</strong> below the heads<br />

<strong>of</strong> the second <strong>and</strong> third metatarsals. Morton’s neuromas are seldom<br />

more conspicuous than this on T1-weighted images. B, T2-weighted<br />

fat-suppressed images <strong>of</strong> Morton’s neuromas usually show little (open<br />

arrowhead), if any, edema. C, The administration <strong>of</strong> intravenous<br />

gadolinium makes the vascularized Morton’s neuroma (arrow) much<br />

more conspicuous on this T1-weighted fat-suppressed image.<br />

both ankles are useful when the integrity <strong>of</strong> the syndesmosis<br />

is questioned. To underst<strong>and</strong> the mechanism <strong>of</strong> syndesmotic<br />

injury, we find it is helpful to review the Weber*<br />

staging system for ankle fractures.<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-59 shows two models <strong>of</strong> the ankle mortise.<br />

On the left is a skeleton model showing the relationship<br />

<strong>of</strong> the talus to the malleoli <strong>and</strong> syndesmosis. On the right<br />

is a schematic. The tibia is connected to the fibula by the<br />

intraosseous membrane (IOM), a sheet <strong>of</strong> connective tissue<br />

that runs along the length <strong>of</strong> the diaphyses. Where the<br />

distal fibula fits into a groove in the distal tibia is the syndesmosis.<br />

The syndesmotic ligaments, the anterior <strong>and</strong><br />

posterior tibi<strong>of</strong>ibular ligaments, maintain the integrity <strong>of</strong><br />

this syndesmotic joint. The integrity <strong>of</strong> the ankle joint is<br />

maintained laterally by the anterior <strong>and</strong> posterior tal<strong>of</strong>ibular<br />

ligaments, <strong>and</strong> medially by the deltoid ligament.<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-60 illustrates how either inversion or eversion<br />

rotational injuries to the talus cause both avulsive<br />

<strong>and</strong> compressive forces on the malleoli. Figure <strong>47</strong>-60A<br />

illustrates a Weber type A injury, radiographically on the<br />

left <strong>and</strong> schematically on the right. As the talus undergoes<br />

an inversion rotational injury, it applies avulsive pulling<br />

forces on the lateral side <strong>of</strong> the mortise <strong>and</strong> compressive<br />

pushing forces on the medial side. The lateral avulsive<br />

forces may cause strain or tearing <strong>of</strong> the tal<strong>of</strong>ibular ligaments,<br />

or they may cause an avulsion fracture through the<br />

lateral malleolus, pulling it <strong>of</strong>f the fibular shaft. Conversely,<br />

the compressive forces on the medial side can fracture<br />

through the medial malleolus, pushing it away from the<br />

*Bernhard Georg Weber (1927-2002), a Swiss orthopedist, nearly gave up<br />

medicine <strong>and</strong> surgery to pursue his dream <strong>of</strong> becoming an architect. During his<br />

surgical training in Zurich, though, he recognized that orthopedics would satisfy<br />

his interest in medicine <strong>and</strong> technology <strong>and</strong> his need for artistic expression.<br />

Besides fracture treatment, he designed a new hip prosthesis <strong>and</strong> developed a<br />

tibial realignment osteotomy procedure to treat prematurely degenerated knees.<br />

In fact, he underwent this realignment procedure himself bilaterally to enable him<br />

to continue with two <strong>of</strong> his passions, skiing <strong>and</strong> tennis. His skill at skiing was such<br />

that he was certified as a championship instructor.<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-59. Models <strong>of</strong> the ankle mortise. Left,<br />

Skeletal model. Right, Schematic. The intraosseous<br />

membrane (IOM) is shown in yellow. The syndesmotic<br />

ligaments, the anterior <strong>and</strong> posterior tibi<strong>of</strong>ibular<br />

ligaments (Tib-Fig Lig), are modeled in green. The<br />

anterior <strong>and</strong> posterior tal<strong>of</strong>ibular ligaments (Talo-Fib<br />

Lig) are modeled in purple. The deltoid ligament (Delt<br />

Lig) is shown in blue. LM, lateral malleolus; MM,<br />

medial malleolus.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2251<br />

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2252 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-60. Weber injuries. Structures are as<br />

identified in Figure <strong>47</strong>-59. A, Weber type A. Left,<br />

Anteroposterior radiograph <strong>of</strong> the ankle showing<br />

medial displacement <strong>of</strong> the talus relative to the tibia, a<br />

horizontal avulsion fracture through the lateral<br />

malleolus, <strong>and</strong> a vertically oriented compression<br />

fracture through the medial malleolus. Right,<br />

Schematic showing the mechanism <strong>of</strong> a Weber type A<br />

ankle fracture. As the talus undergoes an inversion<br />

rotational injury, it applies avulsive pulling forces on<br />

the lateral side <strong>of</strong> the mortise <strong>and</strong> compressive<br />

pushing forces on the medial side. B, Weber type B.<br />

Left, Anteroposterior radiograph <strong>of</strong> the ankle showing<br />

lateral displacement <strong>of</strong> the talus relative to the tibia, a<br />

horizontal avulsion fracture through the medial<br />

malleolus, <strong>and</strong> an obliquely vertically oriented<br />

compression fracture through the distal fibular, below<br />

the level <strong>of</strong> the syndesmosis. Right, Schematic showing<br />

the mechanism <strong>of</strong> a Weber type B ankle fracture. As<br />

the talus undergoes an eversion rotational injury, it<br />

applies avulsive pulling forces on the medial<br />

malleolus <strong>and</strong> compressive pushing forces on the<br />

fibula. C, Weber type C. Left, Anteroposterior<br />

radiograph <strong>of</strong> the ankle showing a horizontal avulsion<br />

fracture through the medial malleolus <strong>and</strong> an<br />

obliquely vertically oriented compression fracture<br />

through the distal fibular, above the level <strong>of</strong> the<br />

syndesmosis. The syndesmosis is disrupted <strong>and</strong><br />

abnormally widened, with no overlap between the<br />

tibia <strong>and</strong> fibula. Right, Schematic showing the<br />

mechanism <strong>of</strong> a Weber type C ankle fracture. This is<br />

the same as a Weber type B, except now the<br />

compressive forces extend through the syndesmosis,<br />

tearing the tibi<strong>of</strong>ibular ligaments <strong>and</strong> the distal<br />

intraosseous membrane (IOM), with the oblique<br />

fracture higher up on the fibula. (If the compressive<br />

forces extend proximally up the length <strong>of</strong> the IOM,<br />

fracturing through the proximal fibula up near the<br />

knee, this is referred to as a Maisonneuve fracture<br />

[not illustrated].)<br />

C<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2252<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2253 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-61. CT <strong>of</strong> Weber type C injury. A, Axial<br />

images through both ankles show the abnormally<br />

widened left syndesmosis (black arrows) compared<br />

with the width <strong>of</strong> the contralateral normal right<br />

syndesmosis (white arrows). B, Mortise coronal<br />

image shows widened syndesmosis (black arrows)<br />

<strong>and</strong> the high fibula fracture (white arrow),<br />

characteristic <strong>of</strong> a Weber type C injury.<br />

A Right<br />

Left<br />

B<br />

tibial plafond. Radiographically, avulsion fractures can be<br />

distinguished from compression fractures by the orientation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fracture margins. Avulsion fractures are horizontally<br />

oriented, in a direction roughly perpendicular to<br />

the lines <strong>of</strong> force. Compression fractures are more obliquely<br />

or vertically oriented, in the same direction as the force.<br />

This principle is the key to underst<strong>and</strong>ing the Weber<br />

fractures.<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-60B illustrates a Weber type B injury, radiographically<br />

on the left <strong>and</strong> schematically on the right. Here<br />

the talus is undergoing an eversion rotational injury, with<br />

the avulsive pulling forces on the medial malleolus <strong>and</strong> the<br />

compressive pushing forces on the lateral side. The medial<br />

avulsive forces may cause strain or tearing <strong>of</strong> the deltoid<br />

ligaments, or they may cause a horizontal avulsion fracture<br />

through the medial malleolus. The compressive forces on<br />

the lateral side cause a vertically oblique fracture through<br />

the fibula. If the fibular fracture is distal to the syndesmosis<br />

it is characterized as a Weber type B. The syndesmotic ligaments<br />

<strong>and</strong> IOM remain intact.<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-60C illustrates a Weber type C injury, radiographically<br />

on the left <strong>and</strong> schematically on the right. This<br />

is the same mechanism as a Weber type B injury, except<br />

now the compressive lateral forces extend through the syndesmosis,<br />

tearing the tibi<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament as well as the<br />

distal IOM. In this case the obliquely oriented fibula fracture<br />

will be higher up, above the level <strong>of</strong> the syndesmosis.<br />

Identifying this high fibula fracture is important to recognizing<br />

that the syndesmotic ligaments are disrupted,<br />

because radiographically the syndesmosis may not appear<br />

abnormally widened if not stressed.<br />

Indeed, sometimes the fibula fracture is so high that it<br />

occurs through the proximal fibula, near the knee joint,<br />

<strong>and</strong> is thus not imaged on ankle radiographs. This is<br />

referred to as a Maisonneuve* fracture <strong>and</strong> can be sus-<br />

*Jules Germain François Maisonneuve (1809-1897), a French surgeon <strong>and</strong> a<br />

student <strong>of</strong> Guillaume Dupuytren, was the first to describe external rotation as a<br />

contributing mechanism in the production <strong>of</strong> ankle fractures.<br />

pected when the ankle radiographs demonstrate an avulsion<br />

fracture through the medial malleolus without an<br />

accompanying fibula fracture. If you cannot tell from ankle<br />

radiographs whether you are looking at a Weber type B or<br />

C, this is a clue that you may be looking at a Maisonneuve,<br />

<strong>and</strong> radiographs that include the entire length <strong>of</strong> the fibula<br />

should be obtained.<br />

Determining the integrity <strong>of</strong> the syndesmosis is an<br />

important surgical consideration because syndesmotic<br />

injuries usually require screw fixation. When the integrity<br />

<strong>of</strong> the syndesmosis is unclear based on physical examination<br />

<strong>and</strong> radiographs, a CT scan can be helpful (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-61). Scanning in the axial plane through both ankles<br />

simultaneously allows for side-by-side comparison <strong>of</strong> the<br />

widths <strong>of</strong> the injured <strong>and</strong> uninjured syndesmoses.<br />

• Fracture through the Tibial Plafond<br />

Intra-articular fractures through the tibial plafond <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

require surgical open reduction with internal fixation<br />

(ORIF) to restore the anatomic alignment <strong>of</strong> the articular<br />

surfaces, <strong>and</strong> multiplanar reformatted CT scans are <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

instrumental in such surgical planning. Three fractures in<br />

particular that typically come to CT are the pilon 10 fracture<br />

in adults, <strong>and</strong> the juvenile Tillaux 35 <strong>and</strong> triplane 38 fractures<br />

in adolescents.<br />

Pilon Fracture<br />

Pilon fractures are any tibial fracture that involves the distal<br />

articular plafond <strong>and</strong> are typically the result <strong>of</strong> an axial<br />

loading force. Pilon is French for “pestle,” an instrument<br />

used for crushing or pounding, <strong>and</strong> was first used to describe<br />

this fracture in 1911 by Étienne Destot, the father <strong>of</strong><br />

radiology in France. When they are the result <strong>of</strong> a highenergy<br />

injury, such as a fall from height or a high-speed<br />

motor vehicle front-end collision, pilon fractures can<br />

produce significant comminution with multiple displaced<br />

fracture fragments. Although these comminuted fractures<br />

invariably require internal fixation, they are typically not<br />

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2254 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

surgical emergencies. The patients with significantly displaced<br />

fractures may go to the operating room the day <strong>of</strong><br />

the injury for traction reduction <strong>and</strong> external fixation to<br />

restore relative alignment to the mortise, <strong>and</strong> then wait<br />

several days for the swelling <strong>of</strong> the surrounding s<strong>of</strong>t tissues<br />

to reduce before returning to the operating room for the<br />

more anatomic ORIF <strong>of</strong> the pilon fracture. This means that<br />

these patients typically receive their CT scans during this<br />

interim period, after the external fixator is in place. However,<br />

as illustrated in Figure <strong>47</strong>-62, such external fixation hardware<br />

is no impediment to obtaining the CT images the<br />

surgeon requires. To maintain alignment between the hindfoot<br />

<strong>and</strong> leg, the surgeon will percutaneously drill thick<br />

metal pins through the calcaneus (white arrows in Fig. <strong>47</strong>-<br />

62A, B, <strong>and</strong> D) <strong>and</strong> through the tibia proximal to the fracture<br />

(this pin is not seen in Fig. <strong>47</strong>-62). These pins are<br />

rigidly attached by metal clamps (white arrowheads in Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-62A <strong>and</strong> B) to nonmetallic connecting bars (gray arrows<br />

in Fig. <strong>47</strong>-62A to C). It is these nonmetallic bars that span<br />

the length <strong>of</strong> the fracture <strong>and</strong> maintain the tibia length.<br />

Because these nonmetallic bars are made <strong>of</strong> materials<br />

(usually carbon fiber) that block very few x-rays from reaching<br />

the detectors, they are nearly radiolucent <strong>and</strong> cause no<br />

CT streak artifacts (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-62C). The metal pin-bar<br />

clamps block many x-rays from reaching detectors <strong>and</strong> thus<br />

will cause some CT streak artifacts. However, because the<br />

clamps are always placed proximal <strong>and</strong> distal to the pilon<br />

fracture, they never cause any CT streak artifacts across the<br />

reformatted fracture margins (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-62B <strong>and</strong> D). Using<br />

our st<strong>and</strong>ard bone CT scanning protocol <strong>of</strong> thin/overlapping<br />

slices, metallic streak artifacts are <strong>of</strong>ten not appreciable.<br />

Notice the good visualization <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus cortex<br />

in Figure <strong>47</strong>-62B <strong>and</strong> D, which is only minimally affected<br />

by streaking caused by the metal pin-bar clamps.<br />

Juvenile Tillaux Fracture<br />

Juvenile Tillaux fractures are Salter-Harris type 3 fractures.*<br />

These fractures have a characteristic appearance, particularly<br />

on CT. The fracture is the result <strong>of</strong> an external rotation<br />

force pulling on the anterior tibi<strong>of</strong>ibular ligament, causing<br />

avulsion <strong>of</strong> the anterolateral corner <strong>of</strong> the distal tibial<br />

epiphysis (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-63A). These fractures always occur laterally<br />

because the distal tibial physis fuses from medial to<br />

lateral as a child matures (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-63B). As such, juvenile<br />

Tillaux fractures occur exclusively in adolescents in whom<br />

the lateral growth plates have not yet fused, usually between<br />

the ages <strong>of</strong> 12 <strong>and</strong> 15 years. Coronal <strong>and</strong> sagittal images<br />

are useful to demonstrate the degree <strong>of</strong> displacement particularly<br />

at the articular surface (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-63B <strong>and</strong> C, white<br />

arrow). While minimally displaced juvenile Tillaux fractures<br />

are usually treated nonoperatively, fractures displaced<br />

more than 2 mm should have orthopedic consultation <strong>and</strong><br />

surgery to restore the congruity <strong>of</strong> the joint surface.<br />

Triplane Fracture<br />

Triplane fractures are Salter-Harris type 4 fractures. Like the<br />

juvenile Tillaux fracture, triplane fractures occur in adolescents<br />

in whom the lateral growth plates have not yet fused.<br />

When minimally displaced, triplane fractures can be difficult<br />

to see radiographically, <strong>and</strong> frontal <strong>and</strong> lateral views are<br />

needed to appreciate their multiplanar nature (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-64A<br />

to C): the epiphysis fracture running vertically in a sagittal<br />

orientation (plane 1), the physeal fracture running horizontally<br />

in the axial plane (plane 2), <strong>and</strong> the metaphyseal fracture<br />

running obliquely vertically in a coronal orientation<br />

(plane 3). Multiplanar CT scans are ideally suited to visualize<br />

these fractures in all planes (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-64D to F) <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

reveal more deformity <strong>of</strong> the articular surface than would<br />

be anticipated from radiographs alone.<br />

• Talar Fractures 3,<strong>47</strong><br />

Talar fractures can be thought <strong>of</strong> as either traumatic or<br />

insidious. Traumatic fractures are considered surgical emergencies<br />

because <strong>of</strong> the high risk <strong>of</strong> avascular necrosis, <strong>and</strong><br />

patients usually go straight from the emergency department<br />

to the operating room without stopping at CT (although<br />

CT scans <strong>of</strong> displaced fractures <strong>of</strong> the body <strong>of</strong> the talus can<br />

be dramatic; Fig. <strong>47</strong>-65). Even with anatomic internal fixation,<br />

avascular necrosis sometimes occurs, <strong>and</strong> CT can be<br />

useful to confirm the presence <strong>of</strong> abnormal medullary sclerosis<br />

suspected radiographically (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-66).<br />

• Osteochondral Lesions <strong>of</strong> the Talus<br />

Fractures <strong>of</strong> the talar dome are insidious. They typically<br />

occur at the medial edge or posterolateral corners <strong>of</strong> the<br />

talar dome <strong>and</strong> are thought to be the result <strong>of</strong> an impaction<br />

<strong>of</strong> the talar dome on the tibial plafond during an inversion<br />

or eversion twisting injury. Refer to the illustrations <strong>of</strong><br />

Weber injuries (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-60). Because they involve the<br />

cortical bone <strong>and</strong> the overlying articular hyaline cartilage,<br />

they are referred to as osteochondral fractures. A gross example<br />

is indicated by the green arrow in Figure <strong>47</strong>-2. Osteochondral<br />

fractures notoriously occur on convex articular surfaces,<br />

including the femoral condyles <strong>of</strong> the knee <strong>and</strong><br />

capitellum <strong>of</strong> the elbow. Generically, these fractures have<br />

been referred to by many names, including osteochondral<br />

defect, osteochondral lesion, <strong>and</strong> osteochondritis dissecans. The<br />

last term is the oldest <strong>and</strong> perhaps the most misleading,<br />

for although the suffix “itis” by definition implies inflammation,<br />

histologically these lesions have not been shown<br />

to be inflammatory. We prefer the term osteochondral lesions<br />

<strong>of</strong> the talus, to distinguish them from osteochondral lesions<br />

at other sites.<br />

*The Salter-Harris system is applied to fractures that involve the growth plate<br />

(physis) at the ends <strong>of</strong> skeletally immature bones. Type 1 refers to simple transverse<br />

fractures that involve the physis only. Type 2, the most common, refers to<br />

fractures that involve the physis <strong>and</strong> the adjacent metaphysis. Type 3 fractures<br />

extend from the physis through the epiphysis at the end <strong>of</strong> the bone, typically disrupting<br />

the articular surface at a joint. Type 4 fractures involve the epiphysis, the<br />

physis, <strong>and</strong> the metaphysis. Type 5 fractures are rare <strong>and</strong> are crush injuries to the<br />

growth plate. Text continued on p. 2260<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2255 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-62. Pilon fracture. A, Anteroposterior radiograph showing an external fixation device. The radiopaque hardware that could<br />

potentially cause streak artifacts on CT—the thick metal pin through the calcaneus (white arrows), the distal pin-bar clamps (white arrowheads),<br />

<strong>and</strong> the proximal pin-bar clamps (black arrowheads)—are below <strong>and</strong> above the pilon fracture <strong>and</strong> thus will not be in the axial CT scanning plane<br />

through the fracture. The longitudinal carbon fiber connecting bars are barely radiopaque, <strong>and</strong> as such they are barely discernible on this<br />

radiograph (gray arrows). These will cause no CT streak artifacts. B, Coronal plane CT scan. The carbon fiber connecting bars (gray arrows) cause<br />

no CT streak artifacts across the fractures. The CT streak artifacts from the metal percutaneous pin (white arrows) <strong>and</strong> pin-bar clamps (white<br />

arrowheads) are all distal to the pilon fracture <strong>and</strong> only minimally effect visualization <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus cortex. C, Axial plane CT scan through the<br />

level <strong>of</strong> the fractured plafond. The carbon fiber connecting bars (gray arrows) cause no CT streak artifacts across the fractures. D, Sagittal plane<br />

showing the talar dome impacted into a large cortical gap in the plafond. This is the type <strong>of</strong> visual information the surgeon needs to plan the open<br />

reduction <strong>and</strong> internal fixation. The white arrow shows the percutaneous pin passing through the calcaneus.<br />

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2256 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-63. Juvenile Tillaux fracture in a 13-year-old who reported hearing or feeling a snap when, during cheerleading, she l<strong>and</strong>ed very<br />

forcefully on the left foot with the ankle twisted. A Salter-Harris type 3 fracture was seen on outside radiographs (not shown). A CT series was<br />

requested to assess the degree <strong>of</strong> fracture displacement. A, Axial CT image through both distal tibial physes demonstrates the avulsion fracture <strong>of</strong><br />

the left anterolateral quadrant (sad face). B, Coronal CT image shows the Salter-Harris type 3 fracture with a longitudinal component through the<br />

epiphysis (arrow) <strong>and</strong> a transverse component through the unfused lateral physis (white arrowheads). The fused medial physis is indicated by the<br />

black arrowheads. C, Sagittal CT image shows the Salter-Harris type 3 fracture with a longitudinal component through the epiphysis (arrow) <strong>and</strong> a<br />

transverse component through the unfused physis (arrowheads). Because CT showed that the fracture fragments were displaced more than 2 mm,<br />

open reduction <strong>and</strong> internal fixation was performed electively 1 week after the injury. Postoperatively the patient did well after being non–weight<br />

bearing in a cast for 6 weeks <strong>and</strong> in a weight-bearing boot for 4 weeks.<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2257 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-64. Triplane fracture in a 13-year-old who twisted an ankle in a sledding accident. Non–weight-bearing anteroposterior (A) <strong>and</strong><br />

mortise (B) radiographs. When minimally displaced, the fracture margins can be difficult to see on radiographs. The black arrow points to the<br />

epiphysis fracture, running vertically in the sagittal plane (plane 1). The white arrow points to the physis fracture, running horizontally in the axial<br />

plane (plane 2). C, Lateral non–weight-bearing radiograph. The arrow points to the physis fracture, running horizontally in the axial plane. The<br />

arrowheads point to the metaphysis fracture, running obliquely vertically in the coronal plane (plane 3).<br />

Continued<br />

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2258 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

E<br />

D<br />

F<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-64, cont’d D to F, CT scanning was performed after closed reduction <strong>and</strong> casting to assess the degree <strong>of</strong> fracture displacement.<br />

D, Axial CT scan. The avulsion fracture <strong>of</strong> the anterolateral quadrant (sad face) resembles the juvenile Tillaux fracture (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-63A). The<br />

surrounding plaster cast causes no streak artifacts <strong>and</strong> helps to immobilize the patient’s ankle during scanning. E, Coronal CT scan. The black<br />

arrow points to the epiphysis fracture, running vertically in the sagittal plane (plane 1). The white arrow points to the physis fracture, running<br />

horizontally in the axial plane (plane 2). F, Sagittal CT scan. The arrow points to the physis fracture, running horizontally in the axial plane (plane<br />

2). The arrowheads point to the metaphysis fracture, running obliquely vertically in the coronal plane (plane 3). These images clearly showed the<br />

surgeons that the closed reduction still had unacceptable displacement, <strong>and</strong> open reduction <strong>and</strong> internal fixation was performed the next day.<br />

After surgery, the patient was non–weight bearing in a cast for 4 weeks <strong>and</strong> was pain free after 1 week in a walking boot.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2258<br />

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A<br />

B<br />

<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2259 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-65. CT scan <strong>of</strong> a 69-year-old patient<br />

transferred to our emergency department after having<br />

undergone nonsurgical reduction <strong>and</strong> casting <strong>of</strong> an<br />

open ankle fracture-dislocation. The patient was sent<br />

for CT to better visualize the fracture. A, In the axial<br />

plane, we recognize the head <strong>of</strong> the talus (h-Ta) by its<br />

articulation with the navicular (N), but the body <strong>of</strong> the<br />

talus behind the head is missing. Small collections <strong>of</strong><br />

air, seen as black on CT, are scattered around the<br />

fracture fragments, indicating that this was an open<br />

fracture. B, The coronal plane shows no talus between<br />

the tibia (Ti) <strong>and</strong> calcaneus (Ca). C, The sagittal plane<br />

tells the whole story: the body <strong>of</strong> the talus (b-Ta) has<br />

been sheered <strong>of</strong>f the head <strong>and</strong> posteriorly displaced<br />

behind the ankle mortise.<br />

C<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-66. Development <strong>of</strong> avascular necrosis<br />

(AVN) <strong>of</strong> the talus after trauma in a 25-year-old who<br />

was transferred to our emergency department with<br />

the ankle already in a cast. A, Our initial casted lateral<br />

radiograph revealed a vertical fracture (arrowhead)<br />

through the body <strong>of</strong> the talus. Because <strong>of</strong> the risk <strong>of</strong><br />

AVN with talus fractures, the patient was immediately<br />

taken to the operating room. B, Intraoperative<br />

radiograph reveals anatomic reduction <strong>of</strong> the fracture<br />

with two screws. No sclerosis is present in the talus.<br />

C, On a lateral radiograph obtained 8 weeks later, the<br />

body <strong>of</strong> the talus appears more sclerotic than the<br />

surrounding bones. D, Midsagittal CT scan obtained 5<br />

days after the CT scan in part C revealed a broad b<strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> sclerosis in the talar dome <strong>and</strong> body, characteristic<br />

<strong>of</strong> AVN.<br />

C<br />

D<br />

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2260 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-67. Acute talar dome fracture in<br />

a 23-year-old who fell from a ladder. A <strong>and</strong> B,<br />

Anteroposterior <strong>and</strong> mortise radiographs in which the<br />

cortical fracture <strong>of</strong> the lateral corner <strong>of</strong> the talar dome<br />

is so nondisplaced it is barely discernible (arrow). C<br />

<strong>and</strong> D, Mortise coronal CT images obtained the same<br />

day well demonstrate the cortical fragment (arrow) as<br />

well as the full extent <strong>of</strong> the fracture (arrowheads).<br />

C<br />

D<br />

<strong>Radiology</strong> <strong>and</strong> Computed Tomography<br />

Although the development <strong>of</strong> a symptomatic OLT can<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten be traced to a specific injury, radiographs are usually<br />

read as normal early on. In part, this is because many <strong>of</strong><br />

these fractures are so nondisplaced that they can be difficult<br />

to see radiographically (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-67). But sometimes,<br />

even in retrospect, the initial radiographs truly are negative,<br />

<strong>and</strong> it may take months for the OLT to be radiographically<br />

apparent (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-68). At the UW we have a special<br />

reformatting protocol just for such talar dome fractures<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-<strong>47</strong>A) that includes 1-mm-thin slices reformatted<br />

with no gaps in the mortise coronal <strong>and</strong> mortise sagittal<br />

planes.<br />

Magnetic Resonance Imaging <strong>and</strong> Staging<br />

Although CT is good at showing a displaced fragment <strong>and</strong><br />

the size <strong>of</strong> the talar dome defect, MRI is better at showing<br />

the integrity <strong>of</strong> the overlying articular hyaline cartilage<br />

<strong>and</strong> the underlying bone marrow. Edema-sensitive MRI is<br />

used to detect OLTs that are radiographically occult <strong>and</strong><br />

also is used to stage known OLTs to assess for healing<br />

potential or need for surgery.<br />

Several staging systems have been proposed. In 1959,<br />

Berndt, 8 an orthopedic surgeon from the Clevel<strong>and</strong> Clinic,<br />

working with Harty, an anatomist from the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Pennsylvania, analyzed 24 cases <strong>of</strong> what they called “transchondral<br />

fractures <strong>of</strong> the talus.” In the process <strong>of</strong> tabulating<br />

their data, “an arbitrary classification was developed to<br />

aid underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> the mechanism <strong>of</strong> the fracture <strong>and</strong><br />

to help in determining the appropriate treatment.” This<br />

staging system was based solely on the radiographic appearance<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fracture:<br />

Stage I: A small compression fracture<br />

Stage II: Incomplete avulsion fragment<br />

Stage III: Complete avulsion without displacement<br />

Stage IV: Avulsed fragment displaced within the joint<br />

Thirty years later, Anderson <strong>and</strong> colleagues 2 from Australia<br />

modified this staging system based on the MRI<br />

appearance <strong>of</strong> the fracture. Anderson called stage I “subchondral<br />

trabecular compression” <strong>and</strong> defined it as radiographically<br />

negative, but with bone marrow edema on MRI<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-69). Anderson called stage II “incomplete separation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fragment,” requiring demonstration <strong>of</strong> an intact<br />

attachment by either CT or MR (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-70). Anderson<br />

added a stage IIA, “formation <strong>of</strong> a subchondral cyst” (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-71). Stage IIA cysts are thought to develop from stage I<br />

injuries with post-traumatic necrosis <strong>of</strong> bone <strong>and</strong> subsequent<br />

resorption <strong>of</strong> the necrotic trabeculae, leaving behind<br />

a subchondral cyst. Anderson stage III, “unattached, undisplaced<br />

fragment,” is the same as Berndt <strong>and</strong> Harty stage III.<br />

Anderson noted, “In the T2 weighted image, the presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> synovial fluid around a large fragment can help to differentiate<br />

between stages II <strong>and</strong> III.” However, Anderson<br />

went on to question the utility <strong>of</strong> MRI over CT in making<br />

this determination (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-72). Anderson stage IV, “displaced<br />

fragment,” is the same as Berndt <strong>and</strong> Harty stage IV<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-73).<br />

Around the same time as Anderson but half a world<br />

away, De Smet <strong>and</strong> coworkers 19 from the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Wisconsin, Madison, were correlating surgical <strong>and</strong> MRI<br />

findings <strong>and</strong> dividing OLTs into stable or unstable lesions.<br />

Stable fragments were defined as being fixed firmly<br />

with fibrous tissue or fibrocartilage, <strong>and</strong> these patients<br />

were thought not to need surgery. Unstable fractures are<br />

those that can be shown by MRI to be partially attached or<br />

unattached, <strong>and</strong> these fractures were thought to require<br />

more aggressive treatment with surgery or prolonged<br />

immobilization. De Smet showed that the key factor in<br />

distinguishing stability from instability by MRI is the<br />

presence <strong>of</strong> bright signal on T2-weighted images at the<br />

interface between the fragment <strong>and</strong> the donor site. In unattached<br />

fragments this signal was as bright as fluid, <strong>and</strong><br />

surgery confirmed that these fragments were surrounded<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2260<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2261 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

C<br />

B<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-68. Osteochondral lesion (OLT) in a 9-<br />

year-old with right ankle pain, without any specific<br />

trauma. A, Mortise radiograph, even in retrospect, is<br />

negative for a lesion in the medial talar dome. B, Nine<br />

months later, the same mortise view reveals a subtle<br />

lesion in the medial talar dome (arrows). C <strong>and</strong> D, CT<br />

scans obtained 1 month after the radiograph in part B<br />

well demonstrate the medial osteochondral lesion <strong>of</strong><br />

the talus (open <strong>and</strong> black arrows). The difference<br />

between C <strong>and</strong> D is the way the images were<br />

reformatted: C was reformatted using our hindfoot<br />

protocol (3 × 3 mm in the oblique coronal plane),<br />

whereas D was reformatted using our specialized OLT<br />

protocol (1 × 1 mm in the mortise coronal plane). The<br />

thinner, 1-mm reformatted images yield edges with<br />

sharper margins. E, Mortise coronal reformatted CT<br />

well shows the extent <strong>of</strong> the OLT (black arrows).<br />

F, Axial source images through both ankles<br />

demonstrate not only the symptomatic OLT in the<br />

posterior medial corner <strong>of</strong> the right talar dome (black<br />

arrows), but an asymptomatic OLT in the posterior<br />

medial corner <strong>of</strong> the left talar dome (white arrows).<br />

The patient was treated conservatively <strong>and</strong> was<br />

asymptomatic bilaterally. LM, lateral malleolus; MM,<br />

medial malleolus; Ta, talus.<br />

E<br />

F<br />

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2262 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-69. Anderson stage I osteochondral<br />

lesion <strong>of</strong> the talus—subchondral trabecular<br />

compression. Mortise coronal T1-weighted (A) <strong>and</strong><br />

T2-weighted fat-suppressed (B) images show bone<br />

marrow edema (arrows) emanating from the lateral<br />

corner <strong>of</strong> the talar dome. The overlying cortex <strong>and</strong><br />

cartilage are intact. (Courtesy <strong>of</strong> Richard Kijowski,<br />

MD.)<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-70. Anderson stage II osteochondral<br />

lesion <strong>of</strong> the talus—incomplete separation <strong>of</strong><br />

fragment. A, Mortise radiograph; B, mortise coronal CT<br />

scan; C, mortise coronal T1-weighted MRI; D, mortise<br />

coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MRI. The black<br />

arrow points to the fragment <strong>and</strong> the black<br />

arrowheads to the donor site. The white arrow in B<br />

<strong>and</strong> D shows where the fragment is still attached to<br />

the donor site. (Courtesy <strong>of</strong> Richard Kijowski, MD.)<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2262<br />

9/9/2008 5:35:01 PM

A<br />

B<br />

<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2263 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-71. Anderson stage IIA osteochondral<br />

lesion <strong>of</strong> the talus—formation <strong>of</strong> a subchondral cyst.<br />

A, Mortise radiograph; B, mortise coronal CT scan;<br />

C, mortise coronal T1-weighted MRI; D, mortise<br />

coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MRI. All images<br />

show the subcortical cyst <strong>of</strong> the medial talar dome<br />

with a thin sclerotic border (black arrows). The<br />

overlying cortex is intact except for a small focal<br />

irregularity (short white arrow). There is edema <strong>of</strong> the<br />

underlying bone marrow (long white arrow). (Courtesy<br />

<strong>of</strong> Richard Kijowski, MD.)<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-72. Anderson stage III osteochondral<br />

lesion <strong>of</strong> the talus—unattached, undisplaced<br />

fragment. A, Mortise radiograph; B, mortise coronal CT<br />

scan; C, mortise coronal T1-weighted MRI; D, mortise<br />

coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MRI. All images<br />

show the unattached nondisplaced fragment (short<br />

arrows). Arrowheads point to the donor site. Long<br />

arrow points to edema at the donor site. (Courtesy <strong>of</strong><br />

Richard Kijowski, MD.)<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2263<br />

9/9/2008 5:35:02 PM

2264 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-73. Anderson stage IV osteochondral<br />

lesion <strong>of</strong> the talus—displaced fragment. A, Mortise<br />

radiograph; B, mortise coronal CT scan; C, mortise<br />

coronal T1-weighted MRI; D, mortise coronal T2-<br />

weighted fat-suppressed MRI. All images show the<br />

displaced fragment (arrowheads) as well as the talar<br />

donor site (short arrows). Long arrows point to marrow<br />

edema at the donor site. (Courtesy <strong>of</strong> Richard<br />

Kijowski, MD.)<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

by joint fluid. In the partially attached fragments, the<br />

interface line was more irregular <strong>and</strong> not as bright as fluid,<br />

<strong>and</strong> at surgery this was found to represent loose granulation<br />

tissue. The stable lesions did not have increased T2<br />

signal at their interface (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-74). De Smet also found<br />

several patients with “focal oval or spherical lesions<br />

resembling cysts,” similar to the Anderson stage IIA lesions.<br />

These were all at the bases <strong>of</strong> unstable lesions, although<br />

at surgery these were found to be filled with loose granulation<br />

tissue rather than fluid. De Smet speculated that<br />

“these defects were traumatic cysts that were filled by the<br />

reactive tissue forming at the unstable interface.” De Smet<br />

also noted that the signal within the fragment, whether<br />

high, normal, or low on T2-weighted images, was not<br />

useful in distinguishing stable from unstable lesions (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-75).<br />

These seminal works by Anderson <strong>and</strong> De Smet <strong>and</strong><br />

colleagues point out the need for close communication<br />

between radiologists <strong>and</strong> orthopedic surgeons with regard<br />

to imaging <strong>and</strong> managing patients with OLT.<br />

Once the diagnosis <strong>of</strong> OLT has been established, the<br />

decision as to whether to treat the patient conservatively<br />

or surgically <strong>of</strong>ten comes down to determining whether the<br />

fracture is stable <strong>and</strong> has a potential for continued healing,<br />

or unstable <strong>and</strong> at risk <strong>of</strong> dislocating.<br />

• Lateral Process <strong>of</strong> Talus<br />

The lateral process <strong>of</strong> the talus (LPT) is the pointed anterolateral<br />

corner <strong>of</strong> the posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint,<br />

indicated by the brown arrow on gross Figure <strong>47</strong>-4C <strong>and</strong><br />

on sagittal CT Figure <strong>47</strong>-7A. LPT fractures are the result <strong>of</strong><br />

trauma, <strong>of</strong>ten athletic trauma. Snowboarding, in particular,<br />

is so <strong>of</strong>ten cited that fractures <strong>of</strong> the LPT are also referred<br />

to as snowboarder’s ankle. 48 The LPT fracture lines tend to be<br />

transversely oriented (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-76), although vertically oriented<br />

LPT fractures can occur (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-77). LPT fractures<br />

are <strong>of</strong>ten difficult to see radiographically (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-78A) <strong>and</strong><br />

are best imaged with CT. Because LPT fractures are typically<br />

transversely oriented in the axial plane, they are best visualized<br />

in the sagittal (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-78B) <strong>and</strong> oblique coronal<br />

planes (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-78C) to appreciate the size <strong>of</strong> the fracture<br />

fragment as well as the extension <strong>of</strong> the fracture line into<br />

the subtalar joint. Like OLT, LPT fractures are <strong>of</strong>ten diagnosed<br />

months after injury, <strong>and</strong> reports in the orthopedic<br />

literature state that “40% are missed at initial presentation.”<br />

It is incumbent on anyone who looks at radiographs<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ankle to scrutinize the LPT on all views because these<br />

fractures can be subtle <strong>and</strong> sometimes are seen only on<br />

frontal views (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-79).<br />

Text continued on p. 2269<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2264<br />

9/9/2008 5:35:03 PM

<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2265 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-74. Osteochondral lesion <strong>of</strong> the talus<br />

(OLT) in a 26-year-old with a remote history <strong>of</strong> an<br />

ankle strain, with diffuse ankle pain for the past year.<br />

Anteroposterior (A) <strong>and</strong> mortise (B) radiographs<br />

demonstrate the OLT <strong>of</strong> the medial talar dome (open<br />

arrow). MRI was obtained 1 week later. C, Mortise<br />

coronal T1-weighted image demonstrates the OLT <strong>of</strong><br />

the medial talar dome (open arrow). D, The<br />

corresponding mortise coronal T2-weighted fatsuppressed<br />

image shows no bright signal around the<br />

OLT, indicating that it is stable.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2265<br />

9/9/2008 5:35:05 PM

2266 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System <strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2266 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-75. Osteochondral lesion <strong>of</strong> the talus<br />

(OLT) in a 14-year-old with ankle pain.<br />

Anteroposterior (A) <strong>and</strong> mortise (B) radiographs<br />

demonstrate a subtle OLT <strong>of</strong> the medial talar dome<br />

(open arrow). MRI was obtained 2 months later.<br />

C, Coronal T1-weighted image demonstrates the OLT<br />

<strong>of</strong> the medial talar dome (open arrow). D, The<br />

corresponding coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed<br />

image shows a bright line <strong>of</strong> fluid (arrows) around the<br />

OLT, indicating it is unstable.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-76. Lateral process <strong>of</strong> the talus (LPT) fracture in a 17-year-old gymnast who l<strong>and</strong>ed awkwardly after a vault. A, Lateral radiograph<br />

demonstrates the slightly displaced, transversely oriented LPT fracture (arrowheads). B, Sagittal CT confirms the LPT fracture (arrowheads) seen in<br />

A. Given the relatively small size <strong>of</strong> this fracture, the patient was treated nonoperatively with casting <strong>and</strong> then with physical therapy. (This scan<br />

was performed using an older protocol, with source images 1 mm thick at 1-mm intervals. This lack <strong>of</strong> overlap yields reformatted images with<br />

some stair-step artifacts that can be seen in the metatarsal shaft. This artifact can be avoided by reconstructing source images with a 50% overlap.)<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2266<br />

9/9/2008 5:35:07 PM

<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2267 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-77. Subtle lateral process <strong>of</strong> the talus (LPT) fractures in a<br />

28-year-old who sustained multiple injuries from a motor vehicle<br />

collision. Lateral radiograph demonstrates a minimally displaced,<br />

vertically oriented LPT fracture (arrowhead).<br />

A<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-78. Fracture <strong>of</strong> lateral process <strong>of</strong> the talus<br />

(LPT) in a 22-year-old who walked away from a motor<br />

vehicle collision <strong>and</strong> presented 1 day later with ankle<br />

pain. A, Lateral radiograph does not clearly<br />

demonstrate the fracture. Incidentally noted is an os<br />

trigonum (white arrow) <strong>and</strong> a bone isl<strong>and</strong> (black<br />

arrow), both <strong>of</strong> no clinical significance. B <strong>and</strong> C, CT<br />

scans obtained the same day as A, reformatted in the<br />

direct sagittal (B) <strong>and</strong> oblique coronal (C) planes. Both<br />

planes well demonstrate the transverse LPT fracture,<br />

with extension into the posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar<br />

joint (arrowheads). The patient did well after 6 weeks<br />

<strong>of</strong> non–weight bearing, <strong>and</strong> no surgery was required.<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2267<br />

9/9/2008 5:35:09 PM

2268 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

D<br />

B<br />

E<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-79. Fracture <strong>of</strong> lateral<br />

process <strong>of</strong> the talus (LPT) in a 45-<br />

year-old who was the driver in a<br />

front-end automobile collision.<br />

A, Lateral radiograph does not<br />

clearly demonstrate the LPT<br />

fracture. There is a small ossicle<br />

(gray arrow) just behind the<br />

subtalar joint that could be<br />

mistaken for an os trigonum but is<br />

in fact a small fragment <strong>of</strong>f the<br />

posterior corner <strong>of</strong> the talus.<br />

B, Mortise radiograph shows a tiny<br />

ossicle (white arrow) between the<br />

LPT <strong>and</strong> lateral malleolus, too<br />

small to characterize. C,<br />

Anteroposterior radiograph<br />

reveals the large LPT fragment<br />

(white arrow) as well as a medial<br />

fragment (open arrow). D <strong>and</strong> E, CT<br />

scans obtained the same day as<br />

the radiographs, reformatted<br />

in the oblique coronal plane,<br />

perpendicular to the subtalar joint.<br />

D, Image through the middle facet<br />

<strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint (M-STJ) shows<br />

the large LPT fragment (arrow).<br />

E, A more posterior image<br />

demonstrates the LPT fracture<br />

extending into the posterior facet<br />

(arrowhead), as well as the<br />

separate fragment <strong>of</strong>f the medial<br />

talus (arrow). Surgery was<br />

performed 1 week later, after the<br />

s<strong>of</strong>t tissue swelling had<br />

diminished. Lateral (F) <strong>and</strong> mortise<br />

(G) radiographs were obtained<br />

after the LPT fracture was repaired<br />

with two screws. (There is also a<br />

Mitek suture anchor in the lateral<br />

malleolus.)<br />

F<br />

G<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2268<br />

9/9/2008 5:35:11 PM

• Calcaneal Fractures 6,18,33<br />

<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2269 <strong>47</strong><br />

The calcaneus is the most commonly fractured tarsal bone,<br />

with fractures typically occurring as the result <strong>of</strong> traumatic<br />

axial loading, such as can occur with a front-end automotive<br />

collision or falling from a height <strong>and</strong> striking the<br />

ground feet first. Here in Wisconsin, we have hunters falling<br />

from their tree-mounted deer st<strong>and</strong>s. As a clinical aside,<br />

patients who present to the emergency department with<br />

bilateral calcaneal fractures should also be evaluated for<br />

lumbar spine fractures at the time <strong>of</strong> the initial trauma<br />

workup. The same traumatic axial loading that drives the<br />

talus into the calcaneus also drives the lumbar vertebrae<br />

together, <strong>and</strong> the risk <strong>of</strong> a lumbar burst fracture with fragments<br />

retropulsed into the vertebral canal is high. An<br />

example <strong>of</strong> the workup <strong>of</strong> such a patient with nondisplaced<br />

lumbar fractures is outlined in Figure <strong>47</strong>-80.<br />

Calcaneal fractures can usually be recognized on the<br />

lateral radiograph by the presence <strong>of</strong> lucent fracture lines<br />

<strong>and</strong> displaced fragments (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-80A) or by a compression<br />

deformity <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus with flattening <strong>of</strong> “Böhler’s*<br />

angle” (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-80B). 9 When calcaneal fractures are<br />

identified, it is important to evaluate for related injuries.<br />

Lumbar compression fractures related to axial loading<br />

forces are particularly associated with calcaneal fractures.<br />

At the UW it is typical for severely traumatized patients to<br />

receive a contrast-enhanced CT scan <strong>of</strong> the abdomen <strong>and</strong><br />

pelvis as part <strong>of</strong> the initial trauma workup (see Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-80C). Although this scan is designed to reconstruct the<br />

raw data into large FOV images that are relatively thick<br />

(5 mm) to assess for s<strong>of</strong>t tissue organ injury, the same raw<br />

data can also be reconstructed into images centered on the<br />

spine with a smaller FOV <strong>and</strong> thinner (1 mm), overlapping<br />

slices (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-80D). These thin, overlapping source<br />

images can then be reformatted into sagittal (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-<br />

80E) <strong>and</strong> other planes. Although CT images <strong>of</strong> the spine<br />

are well suited to demonstrate the presence or absence <strong>of</strong><br />

cortical fragments displaced into the vertebral canal as well<br />

as the overall alignment <strong>of</strong> the spine, MRI is used to visualize<br />

epidural hematomas <strong>and</strong> other possible s<strong>of</strong>t tissue<br />

causes for neural compromise. T1-weighted (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-<br />

80F) <strong>and</strong> proton-density–weighted (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-80G)<br />

images are less sensitive to bone marrow edema than are<br />

fat-suppressed T2-weighted (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-80H <strong>and</strong> I) or<br />

inversion recovery images.<br />

With traumatic axial loading, the wedge-shaped LPT is<br />

driven into the calcaneus at the angle <strong>of</strong> Gissane, fracturing<br />

<strong>and</strong> depressing the calcaneus (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-80J; Fig. <strong>47</strong>-81B).<br />

This fracture invariably involves the calcaneal articular<br />

surface <strong>of</strong> the posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint (see Figs.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-80K <strong>and</strong> <strong>47</strong>-81C). The fracture then propagates inferiorly<br />

<strong>and</strong> medially (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-81C), involving the sustentaculum<br />

tali <strong>and</strong> the middle facet to varying degrees (see<br />

Figs. <strong>47</strong>-80L <strong>and</strong> <strong>47</strong>-81D). Assessment <strong>of</strong> the integrity <strong>of</strong> the<br />

middle facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint is an important part <strong>of</strong><br />

preoperative surgical planning. Surgeons prefer to operate<br />

on the calcaneus from the lateral side, meaning that they<br />

will not directly visualize the middle facet <strong>and</strong> sustentaculum<br />

tali. Thus, they require the preoperative CT scan to<br />

show them these structures. For this reason, the oblique<br />

coronal plane, angled perpendicular to the subtalar joint, is<br />

the primary imaging plane in the assessment <strong>of</strong> calcaneal<br />

fractures. Our CT hindfoot/midfoot reformatting protocol<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-<strong>47</strong>B) also includes straight sagittal <strong>and</strong> straight<br />

<strong>and</strong> oblique axial images to assess for extension into the<br />

calcaneocuboid joint (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-81E).<br />

One additional clinical point regarding calcaneal fractures:<br />

they tend not to be surgical emergencies. Surgeons<br />

typically wait for several days after the initial trauma for<br />

the s<strong>of</strong>t tissue swelling to decrease before operating. Therefore,<br />

the preoperative CT scan <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus does not<br />

need to be performed emergently when there may be other,<br />

more serious injuries that need to be addressed.<br />

• Anterior Process <strong>of</strong> the Calcaneus<br />

The APC is the upper outer corner <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus where<br />

it articulates with the cuboid, indicated by the orange box<br />

on gross Figure <strong>47</strong>-4C <strong>and</strong> the red arrow on sagittal CT<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-7A. Like LPT fractures, APC fractures can be easily<br />

overlooked, <strong>and</strong> this structure should be carefully scrutinized<br />

on all lateral radiographs <strong>of</strong> the ankle <strong>and</strong> foot (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-82). APC fractures are more common in women <strong>and</strong><br />

are the result <strong>of</strong> an inversion injury while the foot is in<br />

plantar flexion, such as when wearing high-heeled shoes.<br />

Even when APC fractures are only minimally displaced<br />

they have a tendency for nonunion despite prolonged<br />

immobilization (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-83). CT is useful for both detecting<br />

these fractures <strong>and</strong> following their progress.<br />

One potential pitfall in the diagnosis <strong>of</strong> an APC fracture<br />

is the os calcaneus secondarius, an occasionally seen<br />

normal variant that resides between the APC <strong>and</strong> the lateral<br />

pole <strong>of</strong> the navicular (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-39). The os calcaneus<br />

secondarius can be thought <strong>of</strong> as a forme fruste <strong>of</strong> tarsal<br />

coalition, <strong>and</strong> it should not articulate with the cuboid as<br />

the APC does. CT can be used to distinguish an acute<br />

APC fracture from the normal-variant accessory ossicle<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-84).<br />

• Lisfranc Dislocation<br />

Dislocations along the tarsometatarsal joint are not uncommon.<br />

These can be the result <strong>of</strong> severe acute trauma, but<br />

the Lisfranc joint is also a common site for dislocation in<br />

diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy. As mentioned<br />

in a footnote earlier in this chapter, Jacques Lisfranc<br />

was a very aggressive surgeon in Napoleon’s army, <strong>and</strong><br />

although he did not describe the dislocation that now<br />

*Lorenz Böhler (1885-1973) is most notable as the creator <strong>of</strong> modern accident<br />

surgery. He was the head <strong>of</strong> the AUVA-Hospital in Vienna, Austria, that was later<br />

named for him. This hospital was an international model during his time as the<br />

leading surgeon there. Text continued on p. 2277<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2269<br />

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2270 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

C<br />

A<br />

D<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-80. Bilateral calcaneal<br />

fractures in a 25-year-old who<br />

fell from a three-story parking<br />

garage, l<strong>and</strong>ing feet first. Lateral<br />

radiographs <strong>of</strong> the left (A) <strong>and</strong><br />

right (B) ankles were obtained. In<br />

the left ankle, lucent fracture lines<br />

are clearly seen (arrowheads). In<br />

the right ankle, Böhler’s angle is<br />

flattened (compare with part N,<br />

after open reduction <strong>and</strong> internal<br />

fixation [ORIF]). As part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

trauma workup, a CT scan <strong>of</strong> the<br />

abdomen <strong>and</strong> pelvis was<br />

performed, hence the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

oral contrast in the colon on the<br />

anteroposterior scout image (C).<br />

Because <strong>of</strong> the mechanism causing<br />

bilateral calcaneal fractures, it was<br />

necessary to evaluate the lumbar<br />

spine for fractures. The same raw<br />

data from the large field-<strong>of</strong>-view<br />

(FOV) scan <strong>of</strong> the abdomen <strong>and</strong><br />

pelvis were reconstructed into<br />

thin, overlapping, small FOV<br />

images centered on the lumbar<br />

spine as source images (D). The<br />

arrowheads point to a fracture<br />

through the anterosuperior end<br />

plate <strong>of</strong> L1. E, Sagittal reformatted<br />

CT image <strong>of</strong> the lumbar spine<br />

shows the thin fracture through the<br />

anterosuperior corner <strong>of</strong> L1<br />

(arrowhead). F <strong>and</strong> G, MR sagittal<br />

T1- <strong>and</strong> proton-density–weighted<br />

images do not well demonstrate<br />

the L1 fracture.<br />

E F G<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2270<br />

9/9/2008 5:35:13 PM

<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2271 <strong>47</strong><br />

H<br />

J<br />

I<br />

LPT<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-80, cont’d H <strong>and</strong> I,<br />

MR sagittal <strong>and</strong> coronal fatsuppressed<br />

T2-weighted images<br />

show bone marrow edema<br />

throughout the superior halves <strong>of</strong><br />

the L1 <strong>and</strong> L2 vertebral bodies.<br />

The next day, a CT scan was<br />

performed through both ankles<br />

simultaneously <strong>and</strong> reformatted in<br />

multiple planes for each ankle<br />

individually using our hindfoot<br />

protocol. Displayed are images <strong>of</strong><br />

the right calcaneus. J, Sagittal<br />

image through the lateral process<br />

<strong>of</strong> the talus (LPT). The calcaneus is<br />

fractured just below the LPT,<br />

where the wedge-shaped LPT was<br />

driven into the calcaneus at the<br />

angle <strong>of</strong> Gissane. The small back<br />

spots with the fractured calcaneus<br />

are air, indicating that this was<br />

an open fracture that was<br />

subsequently reduced. Coronal<br />

oblique images through the<br />

posterior (K) <strong>and</strong> middle (L) facets<br />

<strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint were obtained.<br />

These calcaneal fractures typically<br />

begin with impaction from the LPT,<br />

<strong>and</strong> there is extension into the<br />

posterior facet (white arrowhead).<br />

In this patient, the fracture also<br />

extends through the sustentaculum<br />

tali (ST) into the middle facet<br />

(black arrowhead).<br />

Continued<br />

M-STJ<br />

LPT<br />

P-STJ<br />

ST<br />

K<br />

L<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2271<br />

9/9/2008 5:35:15 PM

2272 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

Böhler’s<br />

angle<br />

CCJ<br />

N<br />

M<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-80, cont’d M, Axial image through the<br />

calcaneocuboid joint (CCJ) shows that this joint is not<br />

involved in this patient. N, After ORIF <strong>of</strong> the calcaneal<br />

fracture, Böhler’s angle is restored (compare with B).<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2272<br />

9/9/2008 5:35:17 PM

<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2273 <strong>47</strong><br />

LPT<br />

N<br />

APC<br />

A<br />

B<br />

LM<br />

M-STJ<br />

ST<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

CCJ<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-81. Calcaneal fracture in a 40-year-old who fell<br />

from a 4-foot ladder, l<strong>and</strong>ing on the heel. A, Lateral<br />

radiograph shows a calcaneal fracture. B, CT scan in the<br />

sagittal plane shows where the lateral process <strong>of</strong> the talus<br />

(LPT; black arrow) drove into the calcaneus, causing wide<br />

separation <strong>of</strong> the posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint<br />

(bidirectional arrow). Incidentally seen is a nonosseous tarsal<br />

coalition (arrowheads) between the anterior process <strong>of</strong> the<br />

calcaneus (APC) <strong>and</strong> the navicular (N). C, CT scan in the<br />

coronal oblique plane through the posterior facet <strong>of</strong> the<br />

subtalar joint demonstrates the typical inferomedial direction<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fracture (dashed arrow). There are <strong>of</strong>ten laterally<br />

displaced fragments (black arrow). Normally, none <strong>of</strong> the<br />

calcaneus should be below the lateral malleolus (LM). D, CT<br />

scan in the coronal oblique plane through the middle facet<br />

(arrow) shows that in this patient the sustentaculum tali (ST)<br />

is in one large piece <strong>and</strong> that the fracture does not extend<br />

into the middle facet. E, Axial CT scan through the<br />

calcaneocuboid joint (CCJ) shows involvement <strong>of</strong> this joint<br />

(arrowhead).<br />

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2274 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

APC<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-82. Anterior process <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus (APC) fracture in a<br />

48-year-old who fell while st<strong>and</strong>ing on a picnic table, sustained a<br />

twisting injury to the foot. This lateral radiograph was obtained in the<br />

emergency department the next day. The arrowheads in the magnified<br />

dashed box show the minimally displaced lucent fracture lines through<br />

the APC. The patient did well after nonoperative treatment with a non–<br />

weight-bearing cast for 12 weeks.<br />

A<br />

C<br />

B<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-83. Anterior process <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus<br />

(APC) fracture in a 29-year-old who tripped down<br />

some steps. A, Oblique, non–weight-bearing foot<br />

radiograph shows a nondisplaced APC fracture (white<br />

arrowheads in magnified dashed box). B, Radiographs<br />

6 months later show that the APC fracture is still<br />

unhealed. CT scans were also obtained on the same<br />

day as the initial radiographs. C, Source axial images<br />

through both hindfeet reveal the minimally displaced<br />

transverse fracture (white arrowheads in dotted<br />

magnified box) <strong>of</strong> the left APC. The contralateral right<br />

foot serves as a useful normal comparison when both<br />

feet are included in the small scanning field <strong>of</strong> view.<br />

D, Sagittal reformatted image shows the ACP fracture<br />

disrupting the superior cortex (arrow). The acute<br />

fracture margins are not corticated. The patient was<br />

initially treated conservatively, including 4 months <strong>of</strong><br />

non–weight bearing <strong>and</strong> 4 months with a bone<br />

stimulator. When the patient remained symptomatic<br />

7 months later, a repeat CT scan was requested.<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2275 <strong>47</strong><br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-83, cont’d E, The axial source images reveal that the transverse fracture remains nonunited (arrowheads in magnified dashed box).<br />

F, The sagittal image shows that the fracture margins are becoming sclerotic <strong>and</strong> corticated (arrow), a sign <strong>of</strong> nonunion. Because CT confirmed the<br />

clinical suspicion that the APC fracture was not healing, surgical intervention was warranted. G, Oblique radiograph obtained portably in the<br />

recovery room immediately after open reduction <strong>and</strong> internal fixation shows the lucent fracture line (arrowheads) bridged by a Whipple-type<br />

Herbert screw. H, Oblique radiograph obtained 9 months after surgery reveals that the fracture lines are essentially healed <strong>and</strong> barely discernible<br />

(arrowheads).<br />

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2276 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-84. Anterior process <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus (APC) fracture in a 34-year-old who presented to the urgent care clinic 1 day after a minor<br />

motor vehicle collision, complaining <strong>of</strong> pain along the lateral midfoot. A, Lateral radiograph shows the small APC fracture resembling an os<br />

calcaneus secondarius (arrowheads in magnified dashed box). CT scans were obtained the next day. B, Sagittal scan through the APC<br />

demonstrating sharp, noncorticated, margins (arrowheads in dotted magnified box) on the vertically oriented fracture. C, The axial source scan<br />

confirms that this is an acute fracture with sharp but nonsclerotic margins (arrowheads in dashed magnified box).<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2277 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-85. Example <strong>of</strong> a Lisfranc amputation<br />

in a 53-year-old who has had chronic peripheral<br />

neuropathy <strong>of</strong> unknown cause since 16 years <strong>of</strong> age.<br />

Lateral (A), anteroposterior (B), <strong>and</strong> (C) oblique<br />

radiographs. Cu, cuboid; 1, 2, <strong>and</strong> 3 indicate the first,<br />

second, <strong>and</strong> third cuneiforms.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

bears his name, he did describe an amputation along the<br />

tarsometatarsal joint, an example <strong>of</strong> which is shown in<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-85.<br />

In a Lisfranc dislocation, the second to fifth metatarsals<br />

are dislocated laterally, or dorsolaterally, relative to the<br />

tarsal bones. The Lisfranc dislocations are subdivided into<br />

two categories based on what happens to the first metatarsal<br />

relative to the other four. If the first metatarsal dislocates<br />

laterally along with the second to fifth metatarsals, it<br />

is called homolateral (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-86). If the first metatarsal<br />

diverges from the other four metatarsals, remaining aligned<br />

with the medial cuneiform (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-87), or if the first<br />

metatarsal dislocates medially (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-88), it is called<br />

divergent.<br />

When a Lisfranc fracture is grossly displaced, a CT scan<br />

is not needed to confirm the diagnosis. However, because<br />

the exact location <strong>of</strong> dislocated metatarsals may be difficult<br />

to discern based solely on radiographs, a threedimensionally<br />

reformatted CT scan may prove useful in<br />

presurgical planning (see Figs. <strong>47</strong>-86H <strong>and</strong> <strong>47</strong>-87F <strong>and</strong> G).<br />

The three-dimensional nature <strong>of</strong> these dislocations can<br />

best be appreciated by creating a series <strong>of</strong> three-dimensional<br />

images rotated along longitudinal <strong>and</strong> transverse<br />

axes <strong>and</strong> played as a movie loop on the PACS. We find that<br />

a series <strong>of</strong> 36 images, each 10 degrees apart, works well.<br />

When only minimally displaced, Lisfranc dislocations<br />

can be difficult to discern radiographically, <strong>and</strong> close attention<br />

should be paid to the Lisfranc joint on all views <strong>of</strong> the<br />

foot. Normally there is perfect alignment between the first<br />

metatarsal base <strong>and</strong> first (or medial) cuneiform, between<br />

the second metatarsal <strong>and</strong> the second (or middle) cuneiform,<br />

<strong>and</strong> between the third metatarsal <strong>and</strong> the third (or<br />

lateral) cuneiform. Also, the bases <strong>of</strong> the fourth <strong>and</strong> fifth<br />

metatarsals should be perfectly aligned with their individual<br />

facets on the cuboid (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-86A <strong>and</strong> B). One clue<br />

that a nondisplaced Lisfranc dislocation may be present is<br />

fracture fragments <strong>of</strong>f the base <strong>of</strong> the second metatarsal. As<br />

shown on the three-dimensional CT in Figure <strong>47</strong>-5, the<br />

base <strong>of</strong> the second metatarsal extends more proximally<br />

across the Lisfranc joint than do the other metatarsals.<br />

Thus, when dislocations occur along the Lisfranc joint, it<br />

Text continued on p. 2282<br />

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2278 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

C<br />

A<br />

B<br />

D<br />

E<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-86. Example <strong>of</strong> progression from normal to neuropathic Lisfranc dislocation. The patient was 49 years <strong>of</strong> age at presentation <strong>and</strong> had<br />

diabetes mellitus. Anteroposterior (A) <strong>and</strong> oblique (B) radiographs reveals normal anatomic alignment between the first (1), second (2), <strong>and</strong> third<br />

(3) cuneiforms <strong>and</strong> the first (I), second (II), <strong>and</strong> third (III) metatarsals, as well as between the cuboid (Cu) <strong>and</strong> the fourth (IV) <strong>and</strong> fifth (V)<br />

metatarsals. C, Lateral radiograph shows normal alignment between the midfoot <strong>and</strong> forefoot. Arterial calcifications (arrow) are present, consistent<br />

with the patient’s history <strong>of</strong> diabetes. The patient returned 2.5 years later. He had been having episodes <strong>of</strong> passing out <strong>and</strong> falling, although he did<br />

not remember these episodes well. He did not remember injuring himself, <strong>and</strong> because <strong>of</strong> peripheral neuropathy he had no sensation in his foot.<br />

He first noticed swelling <strong>and</strong> blisters on his foot the morning the following radiographs were taken. He ambulated normally without the assistance<br />

<strong>of</strong> a walker or cane. Anteroposterior (D) <strong>and</strong> oblique (E) radiographs illustrate a homolateral Lisfranc dislocation, with lateral dislocations <strong>of</strong> all<br />

five metatarsals. The first metatarsal (I) is not articulating with the first cuneiform (1) but is instead articulating with the second cuneiform (2). The<br />

base <strong>of</strong> the second metatarsal (II; arrowhead) is not articulating with anything.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2278<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2279 <strong>47</strong><br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-86, cont’d F, Lateral radiograph shows the dorsal dislocation <strong>of</strong> the second metatarsal (arrowhead). A CT scan was obtained to<br />

underst<strong>and</strong> better the extent <strong>of</strong> the dislocation. G, Axial oblique scan shows that none <strong>of</strong> the metatarsals are articulating with their appropriate<br />

tarsals. In cases <strong>of</strong> complex fracture-dislocations, three-dimensional (3D) reformatted images can help in underst<strong>and</strong>ing the relative locations <strong>of</strong><br />

the bones. H, This 3D image as viewed from above shows lateral displacement <strong>of</strong> all five metatarsals, <strong>and</strong> dorsal dislocation <strong>of</strong> the second through<br />

fourth metatarsals.<br />

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2280 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

E<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-87. Divergent Lisfranc dislocation in a 34-year-old who was the front passenger in a motor vehicle accident. Radiographs were<br />

obtained in the emergency department. Anteroposterior (A) <strong>and</strong> oblique (B) views <strong>of</strong> the foot reveal lateral dislocation <strong>of</strong> the second through fifth<br />

metatarsals. The white arrow points to a fragment fractured <strong>of</strong>f the base <strong>of</strong> the second metatarsal. The black arrowhead points to the base <strong>of</strong> the<br />

fourth metatarsal, which is not articulating with anything. C, The Lisfranc dislocation is less obvious on the lateral view, although the base <strong>of</strong> the<br />

fourth metatarsal (black arrowhead) is not articulating with anything. A closed reduction was attempted at the bedside but was unsuccessful.<br />

D <strong>and</strong> E, CT scans were obtained to aid in surgical planning. Straight axial (long-axis) (D) <strong>and</strong> coronal oblique (long-axis) (E) images through the<br />

Lisfranc joint show that none <strong>of</strong> the metatarsals (II to V) is articulating properly with its respective tarsal bone. Cu, cuboid; N, navicular.<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2281 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-87, cont’d F <strong>and</strong> G, Three-dimensional<br />

reformatted views help in underst<strong>and</strong>ing the<br />

multiplanar nature <strong>of</strong> the Lisfranc dislocation.<br />

F, Viewed from above, the second through fifth<br />

metatarsals can be seen to be dislocated dorsally <strong>and</strong><br />

laterally. G, The view from below the foot (“Star Wars”<br />

view) shows a large fragment <strong>of</strong>f the base <strong>of</strong> the<br />

second metatarsal (white arrow) <strong>and</strong> a smaller<br />

fragment <strong>of</strong>f the third metatarsal (black arrow).<br />

Postoperative anteroposterior (H), oblique (I), <strong>and</strong><br />

lateral (J) radiographs show that seven screws were<br />

required to restore the anatomic alignment <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Lisfranc joint.<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

I<br />

J<br />

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2282 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

D<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-88. Divergent Lisfranc dislocation in a 22-year-old who was driving on the highway when struck by another car going the wrong way.<br />

The patient also sustained a fracture <strong>of</strong> the contralateral femoral shaft. Anteroposterior (A) <strong>and</strong> oblique (B) radiographs demonstrate medial<br />

dislocation <strong>of</strong> the first metatarsal <strong>and</strong> lateral dislocation <strong>of</strong> the second through fourth metatarsals. The patient was taken to the operating room for<br />

open reduction <strong>and</strong> internal fixation <strong>of</strong> the femoral fracture with an intramedullary nail. Once the patient was fully anesthetized, the surgeon was<br />

able to apply longitudinal traction on the first ray <strong>and</strong> achieve closed anatomic reduction <strong>of</strong> the Lisfranc joint. C, Oblique port intra-operative<br />

radiograph. D, The patient returned to the operating room 1 week later, after the swelling had diminished, for elective fixation <strong>of</strong> the Lisfranc joint.<br />

is common for a base <strong>of</strong> the second metatarsal to be<br />

sheared <strong>of</strong>f or avulsed. In some cases, axial oblique CT<br />

images can help to demonstrate subtle <strong>of</strong>fsets at the<br />

tarsometatarsal joints, particularly when compared with<br />

the normal contralateral side (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-89). In other cases,<br />

the dislocations along the Lisfranc joint may be manifest<br />

only when a lateral stress is applied to the forefoot. In these<br />

patients, the nonstressed CT scan may fail to demonstrate<br />

the degree <strong>of</strong> potential displacement (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-90).<br />

• Arthritis 45<br />

The hallmarks <strong>of</strong> osteoarthritis—nonuniform joint space<br />

narrowing accompanied by the formation <strong>of</strong> osteophytes,<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2283 <strong>47</strong><br />

LEFT<br />

LEFT<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-89. Subtle Lisfranc dislocation in a 39-year-old who fell backward down a 3-foot wall <strong>and</strong> injured the left foot. The patient bicycled<br />

home <strong>and</strong> continued to walk on this foot for 3 days before coming to the emergency department, concerned because the pain was not<br />

diminishing. Anteroposterior (A) <strong>and</strong> oblique (B) non–weight-bearing radiographs were obtained. Close scrutiny <strong>of</strong> the Lisfranc joint on the<br />

oblique view (dashed box) reveals small fractures <strong>of</strong>f the bases <strong>of</strong> the second <strong>and</strong> first metatarsals (arrowheads). The Lisfranc joint appears<br />

anatomically aligned. The presence <strong>of</strong> the fragments along the Lisfranc joint raised the concern that this may represent a Lisfranc dislocation.<br />

C <strong>and</strong> D, CT scans were performed to assess the integrity <strong>of</strong> the tarsometatarsal joint. C, Axial oblique scan through both medial Lisfranc joints.<br />

In the normal right foot there is anatomic alignment across the first, second, <strong>and</strong> third cuneiform-metatarsal joints. In the injured left foot there<br />

is lateral subluxation <strong>of</strong> the first (white arrow) <strong>and</strong> third (black arrow) metatarsals as well as small fragments <strong>of</strong>f the second metatarsal (white<br />

arrowhead) <strong>and</strong> second cuneiform (black arrowhead). D, Axial oblique scan, slightly more plantar <strong>and</strong> more angled than C, through the lateral<br />

tarsometatarsal joint. On the normal right side the articular surfaces <strong>of</strong> the fifth metatarsal (V) <strong>and</strong> the cuboid (Cu) are aligned (white arrows).<br />

On the left, the lateral corner <strong>of</strong> the fifth metatarsal (black arrow) is laterally displaced relative to the cuboid’s impacted lateral corner (open<br />

arrowhead). These findings confirmed that the patient had sustained a disruption <strong>of</strong> the Lisfranc joint, which was treated with a boot <strong>and</strong> non–<br />

weight bearing.<br />

D<br />

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2284 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-90. Subtle Lisfranc dislocation in a 56-<br />

year-old, nondiabetic patient who mis-stepped from<br />

a high curb <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>ed awkwardly, injuring the foot.<br />

A, Initial radiograph shows the fracture <strong>of</strong>f the base <strong>of</strong><br />

the second metatarsal (arrow). The alignment <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Lisfranc joint is relatively maintained. Because <strong>of</strong> the<br />

degree <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t tissue swelling, the patient was initially<br />

treated with a boot. B, Axial CT scan obtained 5 days<br />

later showed the second metatarsal fracture to be<br />

essentially nondisplaced <strong>and</strong> the first <strong>and</strong> second<br />

tarsometatarsal joints to be in anatomic alignment.<br />

When the s<strong>of</strong>t tissue swelling subsided 4 days later,<br />

the boot was exchanged for a cast. C, Postcasting<br />

anteroposterior radiograph reveals that there is lateral<br />

displacement <strong>of</strong> the first (white arrow) <strong>and</strong> second<br />

(black arrow) metatarsals. Because this demonstrated<br />

that the Lisfranc joint was not stable, 3 days later the<br />

patient was taken to the operating room for open<br />

reduction <strong>and</strong> internal fixation (D).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

subcortical sclerosis, <strong>and</strong> subcortical round lucencies called<br />

geodes—are typically well seen radiographically. But some<br />

joints, such as the ankle <strong>and</strong> subtalar joints, can be difficult<br />

to pr<strong>of</strong>ile radiographically, <strong>and</strong> in such cases CT should be<br />

well able to demonstrate all these osteoarthritic changes<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-91).<br />

• Rheumatoid Arthritis<br />

For rheumatoid arthritis, we prefer MRI to CT when crosssectional<br />

imaging is required. MRI after the administration<br />

<strong>of</strong> intravenous contrast well demonstrates abnormally vas-<br />

cularized synovium <strong>and</strong> thickened pannus (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-55)<br />

as well as small cortical erosions before they become radiographically<br />

apparent.<br />

• Gout<br />

Gout is uric acid crystal deposition arthropathy with a<br />

predilection for the foot, particularly the first metatarsophalangeal<br />

joint. The cortical erosions caused by gout form<br />

slowly <strong>and</strong> can take as long as a decade to be manifest<br />

radiographically. These erosions are classically described as<br />

being well circumscribed with sharp overhanging edges.<br />

The diagnosis <strong>of</strong> gout is confirmed when an aspirate <strong>of</strong><br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2285 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-91. CT scan <strong>of</strong> osteoarthritis in a 71-yearold<br />

patient. A, Axial scan through the tops <strong>of</strong> both<br />

ankle joints demonstrates nonuniform narrowing <strong>of</strong><br />

the medial ankle mortise bilaterally (black arrows).<br />

Many small geodes with well-circumscribed,<br />

corticated margins (black arrowheads) are seen in<br />

both talar domes. B, Coronal scan demonstrates<br />

nonuniform narrowing medially in both mortises<br />

(black arrows), subcortical geodes (black arrowheads),<br />

<strong>and</strong> subcortical sclerosis (white arrowheads).<br />

C, Sagittal scan demonstrates nonuniform joint space<br />

narrowing (black arrows) as well as a small anterior<br />

osteophyte (white arrow).<br />

B<br />

C<br />

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2286 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-92. A 34-year-old man came to the<br />

emergency department complaining <strong>of</strong> acute<br />

onset <strong>of</strong> nontraumatic pain <strong>of</strong> his left great toe.<br />

A, Anteroposterior radiograph <strong>of</strong> the left foot, with the<br />

area in the dashed box magnified to the right. A thin,<br />

white, curved line was observed just outside the<br />

lateral diaphyseal cortex <strong>of</strong> the first metatarsal<br />

(ellipse). Initially, this was mistakenly thought to<br />

present a periosteal reaction from the first metatarsal,<br />

rather than what it truly was: an eroded lateral<br />

sesamoid. There is also a marginal erosion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

medial first metatarsal head (white arrow). B, Axial CT<br />

scan through the sesamoids <strong>of</strong> the great toes<br />

bilaterally shows two normal sesamoids on the right,<br />

whereas on the left only a thin shell <strong>of</strong> the eroded<br />

lateral sesamoid remains (ellipse).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

joint fluid reveals strongly negative birefringent crystals<br />

under a polarizing microscope. CT is seldom used in the<br />

workup <strong>of</strong> gout. However, CT scans <strong>of</strong> the feet obtained<br />

for other reasons may unexpectedly reveal the finding <strong>of</strong><br />

gout (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-92).<br />

• Arthrodesis<br />

When the chronic pain from severe arthritis cannot be<br />

controlled medically, a surgical arthrodesis may be<br />

desirable. Once solid bony fusion across the joint has been<br />

achieved, that fused joint should be pain free. And even<br />

though the patient no longer has any motion at that joint<br />

after arthrodesis, before arthrodesis the joint may have<br />

been so limited by pain <strong>and</strong> lack <strong>of</strong> articular hyaline cartilage<br />

that the patient may have had very little functional<br />

range <strong>of</strong> motion to begin with.<br />

When patients remain symptomatic after an attempted<br />

arthrodesis, CT can be used to assess the degree <strong>of</strong> solid<br />

bony bridging, if any. Although there may be several metal<br />

plates <strong>and</strong> screws within the scanning FOV, these tend to<br />

cause relatively little CT streak artifact, especially when<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2286<br />

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C<br />

D<br />

<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2287 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-92, cont’d C, Shortaxis<br />

(coronal) CT scan confirms the<br />

erosion <strong>of</strong> the left lateral sesamoid<br />

(ellipse) as well as an erosion in<br />

the adjacent metatarsal head<br />

(arrow). D, Axial CT scan proximal<br />

to B reveals the marginal erosion<br />

seen radiographically in the left<br />

medial first metatarsal head (white<br />

arrow) <strong>and</strong> an erosion in the right<br />

second cuneiform (black arrow).<br />

Both erosions have well-defined,<br />

slightly sclerotic margins with<br />

sharp overhanging edges,<br />

characteristic <strong>of</strong> gout. Aspiration<br />

<strong>of</strong> the patient’s left great toe<br />

metatarsophalangeal joint yielded<br />

uric acid crystals.<br />

the source images consist <strong>of</strong> thin, overlapping slices<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-93).<br />

• Tarsal Coalitions 17,32<br />

The term coalition comes from the verb “coalesce,” which<br />

means “to grow together <strong>and</strong> form a union.” These abnormal<br />

unions are either osseous, in which there is a solid cortical<br />

bridge between the bones, or nonosseous, in which there<br />

is a fibrous or cartilaginous union between the bones.<br />

Although abnormal bone coalitions have been reported<br />

throughout the body, certain locations predominate. In the<br />

wrist, for example, carpal coalitions usually occur between<br />

the lunate <strong>and</strong> triquetrum. In the hindfoot, tarsal coalitions<br />

most commonly occur across the middle facet <strong>of</strong> the<br />

subtalar joint, <strong>and</strong> between the APC <strong>and</strong> the lateral pole<br />

<strong>of</strong> the navicular. 46 An example <strong>of</strong> the latter was already seen<br />

as an incidental finding in Figure <strong>47</strong>-81B.<br />

The subtalar joint complex consists <strong>of</strong> the subtalar<br />

joint itself <strong>and</strong> the talonavicular <strong>and</strong> calcaneocuboid joints.<br />

These joints function in unison during the gait cycle, <strong>and</strong><br />

limitation <strong>of</strong> motion <strong>of</strong> any one <strong>of</strong> these joints limits the<br />

motion <strong>of</strong> the other joints. 37 The clinical syndrome <strong>of</strong> tarsal<br />

coalition consists <strong>of</strong> pain <strong>and</strong> reduced or absent subtalar<br />

motion, as well as pes planus (flat-foot) <strong>and</strong> peroneal<br />

muscle spasm (clonus on inversion stress). 4,43 The exact<br />

cause <strong>of</strong> the peroneal spasm is uncertain; however, peroneal<br />

muscle tightness is the result <strong>of</strong> tarsal coalition, not<br />

the cause. Symptoms usually manifest between 12 <strong>and</strong> 16<br />

years <strong>of</strong> age <strong>and</strong> worsen with increasing age. Conservative<br />

treatment options include anti-inflammatory medication<br />

<strong>and</strong> a trial <strong>of</strong> reduced activity, cast immobilization, <strong>and</strong><br />

molded orthoses. If conservative treatment fails, surgical<br />

options include resection <strong>of</strong> the coalition <strong>and</strong> arthrodesis<br />

if secondary osteoarthritis has developed.<br />

According to the literature, tarsal coalitions are bilateral<br />

in 50% to 60% <strong>of</strong> cases. However, in searching our<br />

database for examples for this chapter, we found that bilaterality<br />

was the rule. Perhaps because our CT protocol<br />

entails scanning both feet, we are apt to find asymptomatic<br />

coalitions <strong>and</strong> other incidental variants, such as the os<br />

calcaneus secondarius (a forme fruste <strong>of</strong> calcaneonavicular<br />

coalition), in the contralateral foot (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-94).<br />

A talar beak is an indirect sign <strong>of</strong> a tarsal coalition. Seen<br />

best radiographically on the lateral view (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-95A) or<br />

on a sagittal CT (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-95C), the talar beak is not part <strong>of</strong><br />

the coalition but a result <strong>of</strong> it. The altered biomechanics<br />

across the talonavicular joint can result in a traction spur<br />

(enthesophyte) arising from the dorsal head <strong>of</strong> the talus.<br />

Text continued on p. 2293<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2287<br />

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2288 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A B C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-93. Attempted<br />

arthrodesis. The patient is a 68-<br />

year-old farmer who injured his<br />

ankle 6 years earlier when he misstepped<br />

getting <strong>of</strong>f his tractor. He<br />

underwent arthrodesis surgery 3<br />

years ago, <strong>and</strong> this was revised 1<br />

year ago because <strong>of</strong> failure <strong>of</strong><br />

fusion. The patient is experiencing<br />

persistent pain. Anteroposterior<br />

(A), mortise (B), <strong>and</strong> lateral (C)<br />

radiographs reveal a plate <strong>and</strong><br />

several screws across the ankle<br />

mortise <strong>and</strong> syndesmosis.<br />

Although the metal obscures<br />

visualization <strong>of</strong> portions <strong>of</strong> the<br />

mortise, no bony fusion is seen<br />

medially (black arrowheads).<br />

D <strong>and</strong> E, CT scans were requested<br />

to see if any fusion was present.<br />

Mortise coronal (D) <strong>and</strong> mortise<br />

sagittal (E) images clearly show no<br />

bony bridging throughout the<br />

ankle mortise (black arrowheads).<br />

D<br />

E<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2288<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2289 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-93, cont’d Although<br />

there are some metallic streak<br />

artifacts, the resolution is high<br />

enough to visualize the widely<br />

spaced cancellous threads <strong>of</strong> the<br />

lag screw in the talus (white arrow)<br />

<strong>and</strong> the narrowly spaced cortical<br />

threads <strong>of</strong> the syndesmotic screw<br />

(white arrowhead). One operation<br />

<strong>and</strong> 16 months later,<br />

anteroposterior (F), mortise (G),<br />

<strong>and</strong> lateral (H) radiographs no<br />

longer demonstrate residual<br />

lucency along the mortise. Mortise<br />

coronal (I) <strong>and</strong> mortise sagittal (J)<br />

CT scans now reveal solid bony<br />

fusion between the tibia (Ti), talus<br />

(Ta), <strong>and</strong> fibula (Fi).<br />

F G H<br />

I<br />

J<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2289<br />

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2290 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-94. Calcaneonavicular coalition in an 11-<br />

year-old with right foot pain. A, Oblique radiograph<br />

shows the abnormal joint in this nonosseous coalition<br />

(arrowheads in magnified dashed box). B, Axial<br />

oblique CT scan through the bottoms <strong>of</strong> the talar<br />

heads (H) shows the symptomatic coalition on the<br />

right foot (black arrowhead) between the elongated<br />

anterior process <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus (APC) <strong>and</strong> the<br />

navicular (N). Incidentally seen is an asymptomatic<br />

coalition on the left (white arrowhead) between the<br />

abnormally broad APC <strong>and</strong> the navicular. C, Axial<br />

oblique CT scan slightly plantar to B. On the right foot<br />

is the symptomatic abnormal joint (arrowhead)<br />

between the broad APC <strong>and</strong> the navicular. On the left<br />

is an extra bone, an os calcaneus secondarius (OCS),<br />

articulating with both the APC <strong>and</strong> navicular.<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2290<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2291 <strong>47</strong><br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-94, cont’d D, Sagittal CT scan <strong>of</strong> the right foot shows the nonosseous coalition (arrowhead) between the navicular <strong>and</strong> APC. E, Sagittal<br />

CT scan <strong>of</strong> the left foot shows the OCS between the navicular <strong>and</strong> APC. Surgery was elected. F <strong>and</strong> G, Fluoroscopic spot views were obtained at the<br />

beginning (F) <strong>and</strong> end (G) <strong>of</strong> the resection. The pointer in F is a metal instrument that the surgeon uses to localize the coalition fluoroscopically.<br />

The white rectangle in G outlines the resection site. H, Postoperative radiograph shows the calcaneus <strong>and</strong> navicular no longer in contact with each<br />

other (white rectangle).<br />

H<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2291<br />

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2292 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-95. Tarsal coalition in a 29-year-old radiology resident with a long history <strong>of</strong> bilateral foot pain. The pain is worse on the right, is<br />

aggravated by athletics, <strong>and</strong> was improved with custom orthoses. A, Lateral radiograph <strong>of</strong> the more symptomatic right ankle reveals a talar beak<br />

(arrow). B, Lateral radiograph <strong>of</strong> the less symptomatic left ankle shows no enthesophyte arising from the dorsal head <strong>of</strong> the talus. Oblique<br />

radiographs <strong>of</strong> the right (C) <strong>and</strong> left (D) feet reveal no coalition between the calcaneus <strong>and</strong> navicular (bidirectional arrows). E, Sagittal CT scan <strong>of</strong><br />

the right foot reveals the talar beak (arrow) as well as a portion <strong>of</strong> the solid osseous coalition across the subtalar joint (arrowhead). F, CT scan in<br />

the coronal oblique plane through the middle facets <strong>of</strong> both subtalar joints demonstrates solid osseous coalition across the right middle facet<br />

(white arrowheads). There is also a nonosseous coalition <strong>of</strong> the left middle facet (black arrowheads), as manifest by a joint that is abnormally<br />

broad with irregular, noncongruent articular surfaces.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2292<br />

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A<br />

C<br />

B<br />

D<br />

<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2293 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-96. Calcaneonavicular coalition seen<br />

radiographically in this 21-year-old who has been<br />

complaining <strong>of</strong> left ankle pain for at least 7 years. On<br />

physical examination, the subtalar range <strong>of</strong> motion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

left foot is half that <strong>of</strong> the asymptomatic right. A, Oblique<br />

radiograph <strong>of</strong> the asymptomatic right midfoot shows the<br />

normal relationship between the calcaneus (Ca) <strong>and</strong><br />

navicular (N), with no contact between them. B, Oblique<br />

radiograph <strong>of</strong> the symptomatic left foot shows the<br />

abnormal joint (arrowheads) between the calcaneus <strong>and</strong><br />

navicular. This is a nonosseous coalition. Lateral<br />

radiographs <strong>of</strong> the right (C) <strong>and</strong> left (D) ankles reveal<br />

elongated anterior processes <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus bilaterally<br />

(arrows). These bilateral “ant-eater” signs suggest that<br />

the patient has an asymptomatic calcaneonavicular<br />

coalition on the right that was not radiographically<br />

apparent on the oblique view (A).<br />

Talar beaks occur less frequently with nonosseous coalition<br />

because some subtalar motion remains.<br />

• Calcaneonavicular Coalition<br />

Of the two common locations for tarsal coalitions, calcaneonavicular<br />

coalitions can <strong>of</strong>ten be seen radiographically<br />

on the oblique view (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-96). Normally, the calcaneus<br />

<strong>and</strong> navicular do not touch (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-96A); it is abnormal<br />

any time they get close enough to each other to form<br />

a joint (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-96B), let alone a solid bony bridge.<br />

Another radiographic indication <strong>of</strong> a calcaneonavicular<br />

coalition is the presence <strong>of</strong> an elongated APC, sometimes<br />

called an ant-eater sign (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-96C <strong>and</strong> D). An elongated<br />

APC <strong>and</strong> an asymptomatic calcaneonavicular coalition<br />

may be seen as incidental findings on radiographs <strong>and</strong> CTs<br />

obtained for other reasons. And although an elongated<br />

APC may not cause a symptomatic coalition, it may be at<br />

increased risk <strong>of</strong> fracture (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-97).<br />

• Talocalcaneal Coalition<br />

Talocalcaneal coalitions, which occur across the middle<br />

facet <strong>of</strong> the subtalar joint, are difficult to demonstrate with<br />

conventional radiographs because these radiographs do not<br />

well pr<strong>of</strong>ile the middle facet. For this reason, coronal CT<br />

images obliqued to be perpendicular to the subtalar joint<br />

are the key imaging plane (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-95F). With osseous coalitions,<br />

solid bony ankylosis is present across the middle facet<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-95F, white arrowheads). Nonosseous coalitions<br />

across the middle facet are not difficult to recognize by CT<br />

because they do not look like the flat, uniform middle facet<br />

we typically see on coronal oblique CT. In nonosseous<br />

coalitions, the articular surfaces are not smooth or congruous<br />

<strong>and</strong> tend to have an overgrown appearance (see Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-95F, black arrowheads). An additional example <strong>of</strong> nonosseous<br />

middle facet coalition is shown in Figure <strong>47</strong>-98.<br />

• Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome<br />

The tarsal tunnel in the ankle is analogous to the carpal<br />

tunnel in the wrist. Both are spaces confined by the underlying<br />

bones <strong>and</strong> overlying fibrous ligaments through which<br />

pass tendons, blood vessels, <strong>and</strong> nerves. The ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the<br />

tarsal tunnel is the flexor retinaculum, a broad, fibrous<br />

b<strong>and</strong> extending between the medial malleolus <strong>and</strong> the<br />

medial tubercle <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-99A). These retinacular<br />

fibers help prevent the medial tendons from<br />

becoming dislocated <strong>and</strong> can be identified on highresolution<br />

images (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-99B; see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-31). Because the<br />

tarsal tunnel is a relatively tight space, otherwise innocuous<br />

volume-occupying lesions, such as synovial cysts (Fig.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2293<br />

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2294 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-97. Anterior process <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus (APC) fracture in a 51-year-old who was playing a jumping game. The patient, who was wearing<br />

s<strong>and</strong>als, l<strong>and</strong>ed awkwardly <strong>and</strong> felt a large “pop” after forcefully inverting the foot. A, Lateral radiograph obtained when the patient came into the<br />

emergency department the next day revealed the previously asymptomatic elongated APC (arrows). Careful scrutiny also reveals disruption <strong>of</strong><br />

the cortex (arrowhead), indicating a nondisplaced APC fracture. B <strong>and</strong> C, CT scans were obtained the same day. Sagittal (B) <strong>and</strong> axial (C) scans<br />

revealed the APC fracture (black arrowheads) as well as the incidental finding <strong>of</strong> a calcaneonavicular nonosseous coalition (white arrowhead;<br />

N, navicular). The patient was treated nonoperatively with a non–weight-bearing cast. When no healing was seen radiographically 9 weeks later,<br />

an ultrasonic bone stimulator was used. Five weeks after that, healing was evident radiographically. Twenty-three weeks later, the injury was<br />

essentially asymptomatic.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-100), small nerve sheath tumors, focal synovitis, or<br />

rarely even varicose veins, can potentially impinge on the<br />

posterior tibial nerve. 22,30<br />

• Stress Injuries<br />

When the foot is subjected to new or excessive forces, such<br />

as a change in physical activity or an increased level <strong>of</strong><br />

workout, certain bones may be subjected to a disproportionate<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> the increased stress <strong>and</strong> exhibit a stress<br />

response. The pattern <strong>of</strong> stress response depends on which<br />

bone is involved <strong>and</strong> how long it has been untreated.<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-98. Bilateral nonosseous coalitions <strong>of</strong> the middle facet <strong>of</strong><br />

the subtalar joint in an 8-year-old. Coronal CT scan reveals an<br />

abnormal vertical orientation <strong>of</strong> the right middle facet (white arrow).<br />

On the left, the talar-side middle facet has an abnormal rounded<br />

cortical surface (black arrow).<br />

• Navicular Stress Fractures 34<br />

Navicular stress fractures begin at the dorsal, central, proximal<br />

navicular where it articulates with the head <strong>of</strong> the talus<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2294<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2295 <strong>47</strong><br />

Tarsal<br />

tunnel<br />

Flexor<br />

retinaculum<br />

B<br />

A<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-99. Location <strong>of</strong> the tarsal tunnel. A, Illustration <strong>of</strong> the location <strong>of</strong> the tarsal tunnel (arrow), deep to the flexor retinaculum.<br />

(Artist, M. Schenk, MS, CMI.) B, Axial high-resolution T1-weighted image shows the medial neurovascular bundle (dotted ellipse) deep to the<br />

flexor retinaculum (arrows).<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-100. Tarsal tunnel containing a synovial<br />

cyst (arrow): axial (A) <strong>and</strong> sagittal (B) T2-weighted fatsuppressed<br />

images.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-101A). These fractures tend to be the result <strong>of</strong><br />

repetitive injuries rather than a specific traumatic event. In<br />

our practice, such fatigue injuries are commonly seen in<br />

college athletes. Often the athlete’s prognosis <strong>and</strong> the<br />

length <strong>of</strong> time needed to rest the fatigue injury depend on<br />

whether the cortex is broken. When MRI demonstrates just<br />

bone marrow edema without a breach in the cortex, these<br />

will be radiographically occult, <strong>and</strong> our sports medicine<br />

physicians prefer we use the term stress reaction. We use<br />

stress fracture to refer to bones that exhibit a discrete line<br />

extending through the cortex by MRI, CT, or plain radiography<br />

(Figs. <strong>47</strong>-102 <strong>and</strong> <strong>47</strong>-103).<br />

Although navicular fatigue fractures may be suspected<br />

clinically, initial radiographs are <strong>of</strong>ten negative, <strong>and</strong> MRI<br />

is the next imaging study ordered to confirm the diagnosis.<br />

As with most stress fractures, MRI is more sensitive than<br />

CT for the detection <strong>of</strong> the bone marrow edema that develops<br />

before the cortex breaks (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-101). But MRI,<br />

owing to its exquisite sensitivity to marrow edema, may be<br />

too sensitive to assess fracture healing. At the UW we have<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2295<br />

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2296 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

C<br />

B<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-101. Navicular stress reaction in a<br />

36-year-old avid runner who had recently begun<br />

marathon training. The markers (m) indicate the<br />

proximal <strong>and</strong> distal extents <strong>of</strong> the patient’s pain.<br />

A, Sagittal T1-weighted MRI shows abnormally dark<br />

bone marrow in the dorsal half <strong>of</strong> the navicular<br />

(arrow). B, Sagittal inversion recovery (IR) image,<br />

being more sensitive for edema, shows abnormally<br />

bright signal throughout the navicular (arrows).<br />

C, Long-axis, oblique axial T1-weighted image shows<br />

abnormally dark bone marrow in the central third <strong>of</strong><br />

the navicular, emanating from the proximal articular<br />

surface adjacent to the head <strong>of</strong> the talus (arrow).<br />

D, Fat-suppressed T2-weighted image in the same<br />

plane, being more sensitive for edema, shows<br />

abnormally bright signal throughout the navicular<br />

(arrows). E, Short-axis, oblique coronal T1-weighted<br />

image just distal to the talonavicular joint shows<br />

abnormally dark bone marrow in the dorsal central<br />

portion <strong>of</strong> the navicular (arrow). F, Fat-suppressed<br />

T2-weighted image at that same location, being more<br />

sensitive for edema, shows abnormally bright signal<br />

throughout the navicular (arrows). None <strong>of</strong> these MRIs<br />

demonstrates a discrete fracture line, <strong>and</strong> we call this<br />

a stress reaction rather than a stress fracture.<br />

E<br />

F<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2296<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2297 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-102. Navicular fatigue (stress) fracture<br />

in a 16-year-old who developed midfoot pain while<br />

cross-country skiing. A, Anteroposterior radiograph <strong>of</strong><br />

the foot reveals a subtle nondisplaced fracture in the<br />

middle third <strong>of</strong> the navicular (arrowhead in magnified<br />

dashed box). MRI was obtained 4 days later. Axial<br />

oblique T1- (B) <strong>and</strong> fat-suppressed T2-weighted (C)<br />

images reveal a discrete fracture in the middle third <strong>of</strong><br />

the navicular (arrowhead) as well as diffuse bone<br />

marrow edema.<br />

Continued<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

developed a specific CT protocol that reformats the images<br />

in thin, 1-mm slices using a small, 6-cm FOV centered on<br />

the navicular (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-<strong>47</strong>D).<br />

Whether seen by CT or MRI, navicular fatigue injuries<br />

begin at the dorsal, central, proximal navicular where it<br />

articulates with the head <strong>of</strong> the talus. This is illustrated by<br />

the black arrows pointing to the dark regions <strong>of</strong> bone<br />

marrow on the T1-weighted images in the stress reaction<br />

in Figure <strong>47</strong>-101. More fluid-sensitive fat-suppressed T2-<br />

weighted or inversion recovery images show bone marrow<br />

edema emanating from this dorsal/central/proximal site.<br />

This is illustrated by the white arrows in Figure <strong>47</strong>-101.<br />

When stress reactions progress to stress fractures, the cortical<br />

disruption starts at the dorsal/central/proximal site<br />

on the navicular <strong>and</strong> propagates in a plantar direction<br />

vertically in the sagittal plane (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-102) or in an<br />

oblique sagittal plane (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-103). Because <strong>of</strong> the<br />

primarily sagittal orientation <strong>of</strong> these fractures, they may<br />

be difficult to appreciate on sagittal CT images <strong>and</strong> are<br />

better seen on oblique coronal (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-102F) <strong>and</strong><br />

oblique axial (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-102G) images. Because they tend<br />

to be nondisplaced incomplete fractures, they are best seen<br />

on images that are reformatted into a small FOV with thin<br />

slices. Because these patients may undergo serial CT scans<br />

to follow the progress <strong>of</strong> fracture healing, it is useful to<br />

have a st<strong>and</strong>ard protocol (as in Fig. <strong>47</strong>-<strong>47</strong>D) to help retain<br />

uniform reformatting parameters from one scan to the next<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-103C to F).<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2297<br />

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2298 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

D<br />

E<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-102, cont’d Coronal oblique T1- (D) <strong>and</strong><br />

fat-suppressed T2-weighted (E) images show that this<br />

is an incomplete fracture, beginning from the dorsal<br />

cortex (arrowhead) <strong>and</strong> extending inferiorly in the<br />

sagittal plane, but not extending completely to the<br />

plantar cortex. A CT scan obtained 2 months later,<br />

reformatted using a 6-cm field <strong>of</strong> view in the oblique<br />

coronal (F) <strong>and</strong> oblique axial (G) planes, reveals that<br />

the fracture remains nonunited (arrowhead) <strong>and</strong> the<br />

bones are diffusely osteopenic from the patient’s<br />

being non–weight bearing.<br />

F<br />

G<br />

• Calcaneal Stress Fractures<br />

Calcaneal stress fractures occur in a characteristic location,<br />

arising from the posterior third <strong>of</strong> the calcaneal tuberosity<br />

beginning at the superior cortex a few centimeters anterior<br />

to the Achilles insertion, <strong>and</strong> extending inferiorly <strong>and</strong><br />

slightly anteriorly, running perpendicular to the trabeculae.<br />

When radiographically apparent, these fractures are seen as<br />

a white sclerotic line on the lateral view (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-104A). On<br />

MRI, calcaneal stress fractures are seen as a black line on<br />

sagittal T1-weighted images (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-104B) surrounded by<br />

bone marrow edema on fat-suppressed T2-weighted (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-104C) <strong>and</strong> inversion recovery (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-104D) images.<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-105 is a an example <strong>of</strong> a calcaneal stress fracture<br />

that was subtle on initial radiographs <strong>and</strong> was ultimately<br />

imaged using CT, a nuclear medicine bone scan, <strong>and</strong> MRI.<br />

• Plantar Fasciitis<br />

Plantar fasciitis is a stress reaction occurring at the origin<br />

<strong>of</strong> the plantar aponeurosis from the calcaneus, typically at<br />

the medial calcaneal tubercle. Degenerative changes from<br />

repetitive microtrauma in the origin <strong>of</strong> the plantar fascia<br />

cause traction periostitis <strong>and</strong> microtears, resulting in pain<br />

<strong>and</strong> inflammation. Plantar fasciitis is the most common<br />

cause <strong>of</strong> pain in the inferior aspect <strong>of</strong> the heel, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

diagnosis is typically made based on clinical symptoms<br />

<strong>and</strong> physical examination revealing tenderness along the<br />

medial calcaneal tuberosity. The relationship between<br />

plantar fasciitis <strong>and</strong> heel spurs has never been firmly established.<br />

Most patients with plantar fasciitis respond to conservative<br />

treatments that include calf stretching, orthoses,<br />

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, ultrasonic<br />

therapy, <strong>and</strong> occasionally casting. Patients with atypical<br />

clinical presentations or who fail conservative therapies<br />

may benefit from MRI to determine if their pain is indeed<br />

related to the plantar fascia or to some other etiology such<br />

as a tarsal stress fracture. An MRI <strong>of</strong> plantar fasciitis reveals<br />

edema around the origin <strong>of</strong> the aponeurosis. The plantar<br />

fascia itself may be abnormally thickened, <strong>and</strong> there may<br />

be edema in the underlying calcaneal bone marrow (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-106; see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-53).<br />

• Metatarsal Stress Fractures<br />

Metatarsal stress fractures occur at such characteristic locations<br />

that some carry eponyms.<br />

Jones Fracture. The Jones fracture occurs at the proximal<br />

metadiaphysis <strong>of</strong> the fifth metatarsal <strong>and</strong> is seen radiographically<br />

as a transverse lucency (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-41C).<br />

Although Jones fractures can be caused by a single traumatic<br />

injury, they are commonly seen as the result <strong>of</strong> repet-<br />

Text continued on p. 2304<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2299 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-103. Navicular stress fracture in a 20-year-old college decathlete complaining <strong>of</strong> lateral ankle pain not localized to the navicular. An<br />

MRI requested to evaluate the ankle joint found no abnormalities in or around the ankle but revealed abnormal bone marrow signal limited to the<br />

navicular. Coronal oblique T1- (A) <strong>and</strong> fat-suppressed T2-weighted (B) images, just distal to the talonavicular joint, reveal the dark fracture line<br />

extending from the dorsal cortex (arrowhead) in a plantar-lateral direction. Serial CT scans using our navicular protocol were ordered to follow the<br />

progress <strong>of</strong> healing. Shown here is the same coronal oblique slice, just distal to the talonavicular joint, from scans taken over a period longer than<br />

1 year. C, The first CT scan, obtained 2 months after the MRI, during which time the patient was non–weight bearing on this foot <strong>and</strong> using an<br />

ultrasonic bone stimulator. The fracture (white arrowhead) is very narrow, with indistinct, noncorticated margins, suggesting that it is healing.<br />

D, The second CT scan, obtained 1 month after C, during which time the patient was weight bearing in a boot <strong>and</strong> using the bone stimulator. The<br />

fracture line (gray arrowhead) is much less distinct, consistent with continued interval healing. E, The third CT scan, obtained 3 months after<br />

D, during which time the patient resumed his training regimen. The fracture line (dark gray arrowhead) is now barely discernible. F, The final CT<br />

scan was obtained 9 months after E, when the patient’s symptoms returned. The fracture (black arrowhead) has recurred along the original<br />

fracture lines, which are now wider <strong>and</strong> more distinct than on the first CT scan (C).<br />

F<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2299<br />

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2300 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-104. Calcaneal stress fracture in a 62-year-old. A, Lateral radiograph shows a sclerotic b<strong>and</strong> (black arrowheads) in the characteristic<br />

position <strong>of</strong> a calcaneal stress fracture, perpendicular to the trabeculae (white arrowheads). Incidentally seen is an os peroneum (arrow), a<br />

common normal variant. B, Midsagittal T1-weighted image shows the characteristic well-defined black line (arrowheads) <strong>of</strong> a calcaneal stress<br />

fracture. C, The corresponding midsagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed (T2FS) image also shows the dark fracture line (arrowheads) as well as<br />

surrounding bone marrow edema. D, Sagittal inversion recovery (IR) image shown for comparison with the T2FS image (C). On the IR image, the<br />

normal fatty bone marrow is very dark, making the bone marrow edema more conspicuous. Arrowheads show the calcaneal stress fracture.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2300<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2301 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-105. Calcaneal stress fracture in a 14-year-old cross-country runner. A, Lateral radiograph shows a subtle sclerotic b<strong>and</strong> (arrowheads<br />

in the magnified dashed box). CT scans in the axial (B) <strong>and</strong> sagittal (C) planes show the sclerotic line in the right calcaneus (arrowheads). The<br />

normal left calcaneus is included for comparison.<br />

Continued<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2301<br />

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2302 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-105, cont’d Bone scan images, both-feet-on-detector (D) <strong>and</strong> lateral (E) views, show increased activity in the right calcaneal<br />

tuberosity. Incidentally noted is normal activity in the distal tibial physis (arrowheads) in this skeletally immature patient. Midsagittal T1-weighted<br />

(F) <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted fat-suppressed (G) images show the characteristic well-defined black line (arrowheads) <strong>of</strong> a calcaneal stress fracture, as well<br />

as edema in the surrounding bone marrow.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2302<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2303 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-106. Plantar fasciitis in a 52-year-old with chronic bilateral heel pain. The left (A to C) <strong>and</strong> right (D to F) hindfeet were scanned<br />

individually. A, Sagittal T1-weighted image reveals thickening <strong>of</strong> the plantar fascia (white arrows). B, The corresponding sagittal inversion<br />

recovery (IR) image reveals edema (white arrowhead) deep to the plantar fascia (white arrow). Open arrow points to OS trigonum. C, Coronal T2-<br />

weighted fat-suppressed image demonstrates a line <strong>of</strong> fluid (white arrowhead) as well as some focal bone marrow edema (black arrowhead) deep<br />

to the origin <strong>of</strong> the plantar fascia (white arrow). (“med” <strong>and</strong> “lat” represent the medial <strong>and</strong> lateral sides <strong>of</strong> the image, respectively.) Incidentally<br />

seen is a normal os trigonum (open arrow in A to C) with bone marrow signal isointense to the normal bone marrow in the other bones. D, Sagittal<br />

T1-weighted image <strong>of</strong> the contralateral right foot also demonstrates a thickened plantar fascia (arrows). The calcaneal bone marrow edema is less<br />

conspicuous than on more fluid-sensitive sequences. E, The corresponding IR images reveal extensive bone marrow edema along the plantar<br />

portion <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus (arrowheads). F, Coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed image shows the bone marrow edema (white arrowhead) radiating<br />

from the medial-plantar surface <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus, at the origin <strong>of</strong> the plantar fascia.<br />

F<br />

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2304 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

B<br />

C<br />

A<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-107. Early Jones fracture in a 21-year-old college athlete. A, On the initial anteroposterior radiograph <strong>of</strong> the base <strong>of</strong> the fifth<br />

metatarsal there is a very subtle periosteal reaction (white arrow). There is a questionable lucency (open arrowheads) extending transversely<br />

through the lateral cortex. B, Far lateral sagittal inversion recovery (IR) image reveals bone marrow edema throughout the fifth metatarsal.<br />

C, Sagittal IR image through the asymptomatic fourth metatarsal for comparison revealed normal dark marrow signal. Because <strong>of</strong> the high<br />

propensity for Jones fractures to have delayed union or nonunion, elective internal fixation with a lag screw was performed the next day.<br />

D, Follow-up anteroposterior radiograph 2 weeks later reveals bone resorption (arrowheads) along the questionable lucency in A, part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

normal early healing response. Subsequent radiographs (not shown) demonstrated solid bony bridging 1 month later.<br />

D<br />

itive stress in athletes, or as in the case <strong>of</strong> Sir Robert Jones,<br />

“whilst dancing.” 25 The Jones fracture is well recognized to<br />

have a high rate <strong>of</strong> nonunion or delayed union because <strong>of</strong><br />

the relative hypovascularity <strong>of</strong> this portion <strong>of</strong> the fifth<br />

metatarsal, prompting orthopedic surgeons to recommend<br />

early screw fixation. MRI is useful in confirming the diagnosis<br />

when it is suspected in athletes with radiographically<br />

occult injuries (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-107).<br />

March Fracture. The march fracture is found most commonly<br />

in the mid- to distal diaphysis <strong>of</strong> the second metatarsal<br />

<strong>and</strong> less <strong>of</strong>ten in the third. Unlike the Jones fracture,<br />

which occurs in high-performance athletes, stress fractures<br />

in the second <strong>and</strong> third metatarsals occur in individuals<br />

who have previously led relatively sedentary lifestyles, then<br />

suddenly increase their level <strong>of</strong> activity. This fracture was<br />

first reported by Breithaupt in 1855, 11 when he described<br />

foot pain <strong>and</strong> swelling in military recruits in the Prussian<br />

army who were forced to go on long marches—hence the<br />

name “march fracture.” This was <strong>of</strong> course 40 years before<br />

Röntgen’s discovery <strong>of</strong> x-rays. The first radiographic reports<br />

<strong>of</strong> march fractures were in 1897.* Radiographically, the<br />

*In his 2006 academic dissertation for the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Helsinki, Bone Stress<br />

Injuries <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Foot</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> (http://ethesis.helsinki.fi/julkaisut/laa/kliin/vk/<br />

sormaala/bonestre.pdf), Sormaala cites these two references:<br />

Schulte: Die sogenannte Fussgeschwulst. Arch Klin Chir 1897;55:872.<br />

Stechow: Fussödem und Röntgenstrahlen. Deutsche Militärärztliche Zeitschrift<br />

1897;26:465-<strong>47</strong>1.<br />

second <strong>and</strong> third metatarsals respond to stress by forming<br />

a periosteal reaction, although this may be imperceptible<br />

or subtle early on (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-108). Edema-sensitive MRI<br />

reveals abnormally bright marrow signal in the diaphysis<br />

as well as bright periosteal reaction outside the cortex.<br />

• Sesamoid Stress Fractures<br />

Sesamoid stress fractures are notoriously difficult to diagnosis<br />

radiographically. Perhaps because <strong>of</strong> their varying<br />

presence <strong>and</strong> appearance, radiologists tend to have a “blind<br />

spot” when it comes to the sesamoids. However, when<br />

looking at the sesamoids <strong>of</strong> the first metatarsophalangeal<br />

joint, there are some helpful statistics to keep in mind.<br />

Although the other sesamoid bones <strong>of</strong> the foot are present<br />

in less than 10% <strong>of</strong> people, the two sesamoids plantar to<br />

the head <strong>of</strong> the first metatarsal are present in 100% <strong>of</strong> the<br />

population. 16 Absence <strong>of</strong> either the medial (tibial) or lateral<br />

(fibular) sesamoids is always abnormal, <strong>and</strong> a destructive<br />

process should be considered (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-92). And<br />

although a multipartite medial sesamoid bone is a common<br />

normal variant found in 13% to 30% <strong>of</strong> the population, a<br />

multipartite lateral sesamoid bone is an uncommon variant,<br />

found in only 1% <strong>of</strong> normal feet.<br />

When symptoms are referable to the lateral sesamoid<br />

<strong>and</strong> radiographs reveal it to be multipartite, this should be<br />

diagnosed as a fracture (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-109). Additional diagnostic<br />

imaging should not be required, although MRI or a nuclear<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2305 <strong>47</strong><br />

A<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-108. Second metatarsal stress fracture in<br />

a 22-year-old who developed foot pain during a 1-<br />

week vacation in which the patient did a lot <strong>of</strong> walking<br />

in s<strong>and</strong>als. A, Oblique radiograph reveals a periosteal<br />

reaction along the medial cortex (white bracket in<br />

magnified dashed box). B, Long-axis T1-weighted<br />

image through the second metatarsal well illustrates<br />

the anatomy, but not the pathology. C, Corresponding<br />

long-axis T2-weighted fat-suppressed image reveals<br />

bone marrow edema throughout the second<br />

metatarsal diaphysis, the thickened medial cortex/<br />

periosteum, <strong>and</strong> edema <strong>of</strong> the adjacent medial s<strong>of</strong>t<br />

tissues. Short-axis T1-weighted (D) <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted<br />

fat-suppressed (E) images through the metatarsal<br />

shafts reveal edema in the second metatarsal bone<br />

marrow <strong>and</strong> in the adjacent medial s<strong>of</strong>t tissues<br />

overlying the periosteal reaction. Sagittal T1-weighted<br />

(F) <strong>and</strong> inversion recovery (G) images through the<br />

marker (m) indicating the site <strong>of</strong> maximal tenderness<br />

show edema in <strong>and</strong> around the second metatarsal.<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2305<br />

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2306 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

B<br />

D<br />

C<br />

E<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-109. Fracture <strong>of</strong> the lateral sesamoid in a 34-year-old who complained <strong>of</strong> localized pain plantar <strong>and</strong> lateral to the first metatarsal<br />

head, made worse with weight bearing <strong>and</strong> extension <strong>of</strong> the great toe, for 1.5 years before the diagnosis was made. Anteroposterior (A), oblique<br />

(B), <strong>and</strong> sesamoid (C) radiographs all clearly show the transverse split across the lateral sesamoid <strong>of</strong> the great toe. A bipartite lateral sesamoid is<br />

an uncommon variant, present in only 1% <strong>of</strong> the population, <strong>and</strong> when symptomatic should be interpreted as a fracture. Short-axis T1-weighted<br />

(D) <strong>and</strong> inversion recovery (E) images through the marker (m) indicating the site <strong>of</strong> maximum pain show normal bone marrow signal in the medial<br />

sesamoid (white arrow) <strong>and</strong> bone marrow edema in the lateral sesamoid (black arrow).<br />

medicine bone scan could be obtained if confirmation is<br />

necessary.<br />

Fractures <strong>of</strong> the medial sesamoid are more difficult to<br />

diagnose radiographically because this sesamoid is not<br />

infrequently multipartite in normal people. Here radiographs<br />

are <strong>of</strong> limited value, <strong>and</strong> more sensitive imaging<br />

modalities are <strong>of</strong>ten required. Although MRI can demonstrate<br />

abnormal marrow signal in the sesamoids, owing to<br />

the small size <strong>of</strong> these bones this may be present on only<br />

a single slice, <strong>and</strong> all imaging planes should be carefully<br />

scrutinized. Short-axis images are particularly helpful in<br />

comparing the marrow signal from the medial <strong>and</strong> lateral<br />

sesamoids side-by-side (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-110). The imaging <strong>of</strong> sesamoiditis<br />

is one <strong>of</strong> the few instances when we recommend a<br />

nuclear medicine bone scan over an MRI. In particular, the<br />

both-feet-on-the-detector view is extremely effective for<br />

localizing abnormal radiotracer uptake to one <strong>of</strong> the sesamoids<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-110C).<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2306<br />

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A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2307 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-110. Fracture <strong>of</strong> the medial sesamoid in a<br />

27-year-old with a several-month history <strong>of</strong> pain<br />

localized to the head <strong>of</strong> the first metatarsal. Short-axis<br />

T1-weighted (A) <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted fat-suppressed (B)<br />

images show normal bone marrow signal in the lateral<br />

sesamoid (white arrow) <strong>and</strong> bone marrow edema in<br />

the medial sesamoid (black arrow). C, Bone scan, bothfeet-on-detector<br />

view, localizes the increased uptake<br />

to the medial sesamoid <strong>of</strong> the left foot. This patient<br />

failed to respond to conservative therapy <strong>and</strong><br />

ultimately had the medial sesamoid resected.<br />

Infection<br />

Osteomyelitis is always a diagnostic dilemma. The term<br />

osteomyelitis comes from the Greek roots osteon meaning<br />

“bone,” myelos meaning “marrow,” <strong>and</strong> itis meaning<br />

“inflammation.” Thus, osteomyelitis literally means “inflammation<br />

<strong>of</strong> bone marrow,” <strong>and</strong> this is perhaps symbolic <strong>of</strong><br />

the dilemma. MRI is extremely sensitive for the detection<br />

<strong>of</strong> marrow inflammation, but it is not specific for the<br />

inflammation caused by infection. By MRI, the bone<br />

marrow edema caused by infection looks just like the bone<br />

marrow edema caused by a stress response as well as the<br />

edema caused by a nonhealing fracture or even a healing<br />

fracture. For this reason, an MRI for osteomyelitis should<br />

not be read in isolation. It is difficult to arrive at the correct<br />

diagnosis without a thorough clinical workup <strong>and</strong><br />

complete underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> any prior surgical resections or<br />

debridements.<br />

• Imaging Techniques<br />

• Radiography<br />

Radiographs are essential in the workup <strong>of</strong> osteomyelitis,<br />

<strong>and</strong> at the UW we insist on having recent radiographs<br />

before we will perform an MRI for infection. Although it<br />

is true that radiographs are insensitive to the bone marrow<br />

<strong>and</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t tissue edema seen on MRI, they are not without<br />

value. First, radiographs are crucial to screen for the presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> metal, particularly in the feet <strong>of</strong> diabetic patients<br />

who may be insensate <strong>and</strong> thus unknowingly stepped<br />

on pins, not to mention the presence <strong>of</strong> orthopedic<br />

hardware.<br />

Second, in diabetic feet it is necessary to screen for the<br />

joint-centered collapse that is typically seen with peripheral<br />

neuropathy, the Charcot joint. These radiographic<br />

findings have been described as “the six Ds”: destruction,<br />

increased density, dislocation, debris, distension, <strong>and</strong> disorganization.<br />

The bone marrow <strong>and</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t tissue edema seen<br />

with MRI in patients with sterile neuropathic osseous<br />

changes may be indistinguishable from infection, <strong>and</strong> for<br />

this reason at the UW we recommend that patients who<br />

exhibit radiographic findings <strong>of</strong> a Charcot joint undergo a<br />

nuclear medicine bone scan <strong>and</strong> white blood cell scan,<br />

rather than MRI, for the workup <strong>of</strong> osteomyelitis. And<br />

because neuropathic collapse can occur relatively quickly<br />

<strong>and</strong> go unnoticed by a patient with an insensate foot (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-111), we require that the pre-MRI radiographs be recent,<br />

preferably within the last week.<br />

Third, radiographs may reveal findings that, in the<br />

proper clinical setting, are diagnostic for osteomyelitis.<br />

New cortical erosions (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-112) in a bone deep to a<br />

nonhealing ulcer or unresponsive cellulitis are as diagnostic<br />

as MRI for active osteomyelitis. Periosteal reactions,<br />

particularly the aggressive periosteal reaction <strong>of</strong> acute<br />

osteomyelitis or the thick involucrum <strong>of</strong> chronic osteomyelitis<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-113), can be diagnostic. Gas in the s<strong>of</strong>t<br />

tissues, such as from a gas-forming organism, is easily<br />

detected on radiographs yet may be hard to interpret on<br />

MRI because it can cause susceptibility artifacts similar to<br />

those caused by metal.<br />

• Magnetic Resonance Imaging<br />

Ultimately, it is easier to rule out osteomyelitis by MRI than<br />

it is to confirm its presence. The absence <strong>of</strong> increased bone<br />

marrow signal on a good edema-sensitive MRI effectively<br />

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Figure <strong>47</strong>-111. Rapid onset <strong>of</strong> severe Charcot<br />

neuropathic collapse in a diabetic patient.<br />

Anteroposterior (A) <strong>and</strong> oblique (B) radiographs show<br />

anatomic alignment along the Lisfranc joint.<br />

Anteroposterior (C) <strong>and</strong> oblique (D) radiographs only<br />

3 months later reveal complete destruction <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Lisfranc joint.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-112. Radiographic evidence <strong>of</strong> active<br />

osteomyelitis in a 39-year-old. A, Oblique radiograph<br />

<strong>of</strong> the toes reveals subtle erosions in the lateral cortex<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fourth middle phalanx (arrow) <strong>and</strong> the lateral<br />

head <strong>of</strong> the fourth proximal phalanx (black<br />

arrowhead). Incidentally seen is a metallic foreign<br />

body (white arrowhead), not an uncommon finding in<br />

patients who are insensate because <strong>of</strong> peripheral<br />

neuropathy. B, Same oblique view just 2 months later<br />

reveals a new erosion in the medial cortex <strong>of</strong> the<br />

fourth middle phalanx (white arrow). The rapid onset<br />

<strong>of</strong> this erosion is highly suggestive <strong>of</strong> osteomyelitis.<br />

Marginal erosions from noninfectious inflammatory<br />

arthropathies such as rheumatoid arthritis, or<br />

crystalline arthropathies such as gout, could have a<br />

similar appearance but would not be expected to<br />

exhibit such rapid changes.<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2308<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2309 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-113. Evolution <strong>of</strong> involucrum in<br />

chronic osteomyelitis in a patient with diabetes.<br />

A, Anteroposterior radiograph reveals a somewhat<br />

lamellated periosteal reaction around the diaphysis <strong>of</strong><br />

the fifth metatarsal. B, Six weeks later, the periosteal<br />

reaction is thicker <strong>and</strong> more mature. C, Eleven weeks<br />

later, the periosteal reaction has developed the thick,<br />

irregular appearance <strong>of</strong> an involucrum. The<br />

underlying metatarsal has become a dead <strong>and</strong><br />

sclerotic sequestrum.<br />

A B C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-114. Early neuropathic changes in a 66-<br />

year-old with a long history <strong>of</strong> diabetes. Oblique axial<br />

T1-weighted (A) <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted fat-suppressed (B)<br />

images show marrow edema throughout the midfoot<br />

bones.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

rules out the diagnosis <strong>of</strong> osteomyelitis. However, the<br />

converse is not true. Although the presence <strong>of</strong> bone<br />

marrow edema may be due to infection, the edema may<br />

represent a sterile stress response owing to the altered<br />

biomechanics <strong>of</strong> the patient walking on a neuropathic<br />

foot that has not yet collapsed. Indeed, marrow edema<br />

diffusely involving several <strong>of</strong> the tarsal bones can indicate<br />

neuropathic precollapse (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-114), <strong>and</strong> such patients<br />

need to be treated with a prolonged period <strong>of</strong> non–weight<br />

bearing.<br />

The diagnosis <strong>of</strong> osteomyelitis can be presumed when<br />

MRI shows not only marrow edema but also abscess in the<br />

adjacent s<strong>of</strong>t tissues (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-115) or a sinus tract communicating<br />

from the infected bone to the skin. 1 IVGd-based<br />

contrast is extremely helpful in diagnosing the abscess,<br />

which exhibits thick, irregular enhancement peripherally<br />

but not centrally (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-115H <strong>and</strong> K).<br />

• Brodie’s Abscess<br />

Brodie’s* abscess is a chronic intraosseous abscess resulting<br />

from incomplete resolution <strong>of</strong> acute osteomyelitis <strong>and</strong> isolation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the infection by surrounding bone. These abscess<br />

pockets are typically found in the metaphyses <strong>of</strong> skeletally<br />

immature children, <strong>and</strong> the usual pathogen is Staphylococcus<br />

aureus. However, the organisms tend to be <strong>of</strong> low virulence,<br />

*Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783-1862) was an English physiologist <strong>and</strong><br />

surgeon who pioneered research into bone <strong>and</strong> joint disease. His most important<br />

work is widely acknowledged to be the 1818 treatise Pathological <strong>and</strong> Surgical<br />

Observations on the Diseases <strong>of</strong> the Joints, in which he attempts to trace the<br />

beginnings <strong>of</strong> disease in the different tissues that form a joint <strong>and</strong> to give an exact<br />

value to the symptom <strong>of</strong> pain as evidence <strong>of</strong> organic disease. This volume led to<br />

the adoption by surgeons <strong>of</strong> more conservative measures in the treatment <strong>of</strong> diseases<br />

<strong>of</strong> the joints, with consequent reduction in the number <strong>of</strong> amputations <strong>and</strong><br />

the saving <strong>of</strong> many limbs <strong>and</strong> lives.<br />

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2310 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A<br />

C<br />

E<br />

G<br />

B<br />

D<br />

F<br />

H<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-115. Developing calcaneal osteomyelitis<br />

in a 63-year-old diabetic patient. A, Lateral radiograph<br />

<strong>of</strong> the calcaneus shows intact cortex along the plantar<br />

surface (white arrowheads). Incidentally seen is mural<br />

calcification <strong>of</strong> the posterior tibial artery (gray<br />

arrowheads). Such arterial calcifications are common<br />

in diabetic patients. B, Midsagittal T1-weighted image<br />

shows no bone destruction. C, Corresponding sagittal<br />

inversion recovery (IR) image shows little, if any, bone<br />

marrow edema. D, Corresponding sagittal post–<br />

intravenous (IV) gadolinium contrast T1-weighted fatsuppressed<br />

image reveals diffuse enhancement <strong>of</strong> the<br />

plantar s<strong>of</strong>t tissues, indicative <strong>of</strong> cellulitis, but no<br />

nonenhancing abscess pockets. When the patient’s<br />

symptoms did not respond to antibiotics, repeat<br />

imaging was obtained 2 weeks later. E, Lateral<br />

radiograph now demonstrates loss <strong>of</strong> cortex along the<br />

plantar surface <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus (arrowheads).<br />

F, Midsagittal T1-weighted image reveals infiltration <strong>of</strong><br />

the fatty heel pad (arrows). G, Corresponding sagittal<br />

inversion recovery image reveals fluid bright signal<br />

(arrows) in the s<strong>of</strong>t tissues adjacent to the calcaneus,<br />

as well as bone marrow edema in calcaneus<br />

(arrowheads). H, Corresponding sagittal post-IV<br />

gadolinium contrast T1-weighted fat-suppressed<br />

image reveals a nonenhancing abscess pocket<br />

(arrows) as well as enhancing bone marrow<br />

(arrowheads). Coronal T1-weighted (I), inversion<br />

recovery (J), <strong>and</strong> post-IV gadolinium contrast T1-<br />

weighted fat-suppressed (K) images through the<br />

abscess pocket confirm the findings seen in the<br />

sagittal plane: an abscess pocket (gray, white, <strong>and</strong><br />

black arrows) adjacent to the osteomyelitis (white<br />

arrowhead) <strong>of</strong> the planter surface <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus.<br />

I J K<br />

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A<br />

B<br />

C D E<br />

T1<br />

T2fs<br />

T1fs<br />

IVGd<br />

F G H<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-116. Brodie’s abscess in a young child. A, Anteroposterior radiograph <strong>of</strong> the asymptomatic right leg. B, Anteroposterior radiograph <strong>of</strong><br />

the swollen left leg reveals a lucency in the distal fibula metaphysis (arrow in the magnified dashed box). This lucency has a well-defined <strong>and</strong><br />

sclerotic margin, indicating chronicity. There are also thick, chronic periosteal reactions (arrowheads) extending up the diaphysis. C, Coronal<br />

T1-weighted image through the distal fibula confirms the radiographic findings <strong>of</strong> a thick chronic periosteal reaction (white arrowheads), as well as<br />

the well-circumscribed dark line (open arrowheads) around the lesion corresponding to the sclerotic margin. D, The corresponding coronal<br />

T2-weighted fat-suppressed image shows that the well-circumscribed lesion (arrow) is as bright as fluid <strong>and</strong> thus probably cystic. E, The<br />

corresponding coronal T1-weighted fat-suppressed post–intravenous (IV) gadolinium contrast image not only confirms that the lesion (arrow) is<br />

mostly nonenhancing <strong>and</strong> thus mostly cystic, but demonstrates peripheral enhancement, in some places thick (black arrowhead), characteristic <strong>of</strong><br />

an abscess, in this case an intraosseous or Brodie’s abscess. (There is inadequate fat suppression <strong>of</strong> the heel pad [large white arrowhead] on both<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fat-suppressed sequences, D <strong>and</strong> E.) F to H, Axial images through the fibular abscess reveal it to be isointense to muscle on T1-weighted<br />

image (F, arrow) <strong>and</strong> fluid bright on T2-weighted fat-suppressed image (G, arrow), with peripheral but not central enhancement on fat-suppressed<br />

T1-weighted image after IV gadolinium (H, arrow). There are edema <strong>and</strong> enhancement <strong>of</strong> the s<strong>of</strong>t tissues surrounding the fibula, indicating an<br />

active inflammatory component to this chronic Brodie’s abscess.<br />

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2312 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A B C<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-117. Plantar fibroma in a 44-year-old.<br />

Coronal T1-weighted (A), proton-density–weighted<br />

(B), <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted (C) images reveal that the lesion<br />

(arrows) is relatively dark on all sequences <strong>and</strong><br />

confined to the fat <strong>of</strong> the plantar heel pad.<br />

<strong>and</strong> it is not uncommon for cultures <strong>of</strong> such aspirates to<br />

yield no growth. Clinical symptoms are <strong>of</strong>ten mild, generally<br />

presenting with persistent local pain.<br />

Radiographs show an intramedullary lucency with surrounding<br />

sclerosis, the density <strong>of</strong> which depends on the<br />

chronicity <strong>of</strong> the abscess. A thick chronic periosteal reaction<br />

may also be present (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-116B). MRI after the<br />

administration <strong>of</strong> IV contrast reveals an intraosseous<br />

abscess with peripheral but not central enhancement<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-116E). 29<br />

Tumors<br />

• S<strong>of</strong>t Tissue Masses<br />

S<strong>of</strong>t tissue tumors <strong>of</strong> the feet <strong>and</strong> ankle are common, <strong>and</strong><br />

MRI is useful in determining the tissue type as well as<br />

demonstrating the relationship <strong>of</strong> the mass to the adjacent<br />

anatomic structures. Synovial cysts or ganglia are among<br />

the most common s<strong>of</strong>t tissue “masses” found around the<br />

foot <strong>and</strong> ankle. These are uniformly bright on fluidsensitive<br />

images <strong>and</strong> exhibit minimal if any peripheral<br />

enhancement after the administration <strong>of</strong> IVGd-based contrast<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-57). In comparison, nerve sheath tumors<br />

such are schwannomas are heterogeneously bright on T2-<br />

weighted <strong>and</strong> inversion recovery images, <strong>and</strong> they demonstrate<br />

heterogeneous contrast enhancement (see Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-56).<br />

Plantar fibromas can have variable signal characteristics<br />

but are typically dark on all sequences (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-117).<br />

These are usually found in the plantar fat adjacent to the<br />

aponeurosis, usually close to the calcaneus.<br />

Morton’s neuromas usually occur between the heads<br />

<strong>of</strong> the second <strong>and</strong> third or third <strong>and</strong> fourth metatarsals <strong>and</strong><br />

are also usually dark on noncontrast images, although they<br />

can exhibit postcontrast enhancement (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-58).<br />

Giant cell tumor <strong>of</strong> the tendon sheath is a localized<br />

form <strong>of</strong> pigmented villonodular synovitis, the latter being<br />

a joint-centered synovial proliferative condition. Both diseases<br />

show areas <strong>of</strong> decreased signal on T1-images, protondensity–images,<br />

<strong>and</strong> T2-weighted images, secondary to<br />

hemosiderin deposition (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-118A to C). The presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> hemosiderin can be detected on gradient echo <strong>and</strong> precontrast<br />

fat-suppressed T1-weighted images (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-118D),<br />

<strong>and</strong> the vascularized proliferative synovium should exhibit<br />

some contrast enhancement (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-118E).<br />

• Bone Tumors 28<br />

Osseous tumors are much less common than s<strong>of</strong>t tissue<br />

tumors <strong>of</strong> the foot <strong>and</strong> ankle. Like all bone lesions, these<br />

tumors should be initially evaluated radiographically. MRI,<br />

however, is useful in localizing tumors <strong>and</strong> staging their<br />

extent. Because most tumors have nonspecific signal characteristics,<br />

MRI is <strong>of</strong>ten unable to render a specific preoperative<br />

diagnosis.<br />

Primary bone tumors <strong>of</strong> the feet are rare, accounting<br />

for only 4% <strong>of</strong> all bone tumors. 20 Benign bone neoplasms<br />

are more common than malignant ones, although in the<br />

foot, most bone neoplasms are primary tumors because<br />

metastases to the foot are rare.<br />

• Benign Tumors<br />

The most common benign tumors <strong>of</strong> the foot are enchondromas<br />

<strong>and</strong> osteoid osteomas. An osteoid osteoma is a relatively<br />

common cause <strong>of</strong> bone pain in adolescents <strong>and</strong> young<br />

adults, accounting for approximately 10% <strong>of</strong> all benign<br />

bone tumors. The classic history is pain at night, relieved by<br />

aspirin. Osteoid osteomas are one <strong>of</strong> the few tumors that<br />

are better imaged by CT than MRI. Thin-slice CT well demonstrates<br />

the lucent nidus as well as the tiny sclerotic component<br />

that is characteristically associated with it (Fig.<br />

<strong>47</strong>-119A). CT is also used by radiologists for the purpose <strong>of</strong><br />

percutaneously ablating the nidus. On MRI, osteoid osteomas<br />

are seen as a nonspecific edema pattern emanating<br />

from a tiny, dark nidus (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-119B to D).<br />

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<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2313 <strong>47</strong><br />

A B C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-118. Giant cell tumor <strong>of</strong> the tendon sheath in a 19-year-old with a palpable medial mass. A, Straight axial T1-weighted image through<br />

the mass (arrow) demonstrates that it lies within the s<strong>of</strong>t tissues medial to the navicular (N), talus (Ta), <strong>and</strong> sustentaculum tali (ST) but does not<br />

invade the bones. B, The corresponding axial proton-density–weighted image shows that the mass has grown through a split tendon sheath<br />

(arrowheads). The tendons themselves—posterior tibial (T), flexor digitorum longus (D), <strong>and</strong> flexor hallucis longus (H)—are intact <strong>and</strong> normal<br />

in appearance with no evidence <strong>of</strong> tumor involvement. C, The corresponding axial T2-weighted image shows that the mass (arrow) has<br />

heterogeneous signal intensity, consistent with the presence <strong>of</strong> blood products <strong>of</strong> varying ages. D, Corresponding axial precontrast fat-suppressed<br />

T1-weighted image reveals that some signal in the mass is brighter than the surrounding suppressed fat, consistent with methemoglobin.<br />

E, Corresponding axial post–intravenous gadolinium fat-suppressed T1-weighted image demonstrates heterogeneous enhancement, indicative <strong>of</strong><br />

the vascularity <strong>of</strong> this synovial proliferation.<br />

Chondroblastomas are rare benign cartilaginous neoplasms,<br />

<strong>and</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the few tumors that arise from the<br />

epiphysis in a skeletally immature patient. Chondroblastomas<br />

can exp<strong>and</strong> the cortex but should not cross the unfused<br />

growth plate (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-120A). Radiographically, chondroblastomas<br />

can have either a lucent or chondroid matrix. By<br />

MRI, these lesions may exhibit considerable edema in the<br />

surrounding s<strong>of</strong>t tissues, but the tumor itself should have<br />

a sharp, non–aggressive-appearing interface with the<br />

normal bone (see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-120B to D).<br />

Intraosseous lipomas <strong>of</strong> the calcaneus are rare but have<br />

a characteristic radiographic appearance in that they are<br />

well circumscribed <strong>and</strong> nearly totally lucent except for a<br />

tiny central sclerotic focus (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-121A). By MRI, the<br />

intraosseous lipoma is uniformly isointense to fat on all<br />

sequences, except for a signal void corresponding to the<br />

sclerotic focus (Fig. <strong>47</strong>-121C <strong>and</strong> D).<br />

• Malignant Tumors<br />

The most common primary malignant tumor <strong>of</strong> the foot<br />

is chondrosarcoma, which has a propensity for the calcaneus<br />

(Fig. <strong>47</strong>-122). High-grade chondrosarcomas have a<br />

calcified matrix that appears radiographically sclerotic (see<br />

Fig. <strong>47</strong>-122A) <strong>and</strong> dark on T1- <strong>and</strong> T2-weighted sequences.<br />

Chondrosarcomas are not highly vascularized tumors <strong>and</strong><br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2313<br />

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2314 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

A B C<br />

T1<br />

T2fs<br />

D<br />

IR<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-119. Osteoid osteoma in a 19-year-old with symptoms clinically thought to be due to a tibial stress fracture. A, Axial CT scan through the<br />

level <strong>of</strong> the syndesmosis. The nidus is the small lucent lesion (black circle). B, Axial T1-weighted image through same level as A. The low-intensity<br />

nidus (white circle) is masked by the surrounding marrow edema. C, Corresponding T2-weighted fat-suppressed image. The low-intensity nidus<br />

(white circle) is unmasked by the bright signal <strong>of</strong> the surrounding marrow edema. D, Sagittal inversion recovery (IR) image reveals bone marrow<br />

edema around the small nidus (white circle).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-120. Chondroblastoma in a 16-year-old.<br />

A, Lateral radiograph demonstrates an expansile mass<br />

arising from the back <strong>of</strong> the tibia. B, Midsagittal T1-<br />

weighted image shows that the mass is purely<br />

epiphyseal, deforming but not crossing the distal<br />

physis in this patient who is not yet skeletally mature.<br />

C, Corresponding sagittal T2-weighted image shows<br />

heterogeneous bright signal in the mass. There is also<br />

edema in the adjacent s<strong>of</strong>t tissues (arrows), a common<br />

finding with chondroblastomas. D, Corresponding<br />

sagittal cartilage-sensitive sequence (fat-suppressed<br />

three-dimensional gradient echo) reveals signal<br />

intensity in this cartilaginous tumor that is nearly as<br />

bright as the nearby normal articular hyaline cartilage.<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2314<br />

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A<br />

B<br />

<strong>47</strong> <strong>Ankle</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Foot</strong> 2315 <strong>47</strong><br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-121. Intraosseous lipoma discovered as<br />

an incidental finding in a 43-year-old. A, Lateral<br />

radiograph <strong>of</strong> the right calcaneus shows the lucent<br />

lesion in the anterior half with a well-circumscribed<br />

border (open arrowheads). Centrally, there is a small<br />

sclerotic focus (black arrowhead), characteristic <strong>of</strong> an<br />

intraosseous lipoma. B, Lateral radiograph <strong>of</strong> the<br />

contralateral left calcaneus is shown for comparison.<br />

A lipoma, intraosseous or otherwise, should<br />

be isointense to fat on all imaging sequences. C,<br />

Midsagittal T1-weighted image shows the signal<br />

intensity <strong>of</strong> the lipoma (open arrowheads) to be<br />

isointense to that <strong>of</strong> the surrounding fatty bone<br />

marrow. The central sclerotic focus (black arrowhead)<br />

is dark on all imaging sequences. D, On the<br />

corresponding T2-weighted fat-suppressed image, the<br />

fat in the lipoma suppresses to a degree similar to that<br />

<strong>of</strong> the surrounding fatty bone marrow so that it is<br />

nearly inconspicuous.<br />

C<br />

D<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Figure <strong>47</strong>-122. Chondrosarcoma arising from the<br />

calcaneal tuberosity 30-year-old. A, Lateral<br />

radiograph. This patient complained <strong>of</strong> heel pain for<br />

10 months until the sclerosis in her calcaneus was<br />

recognized. B, Sagittal T1-weighted image shows<br />

diffusely decreased signal in the calcaneus<br />

corresponding to the radiographic sclerosis. C, Sagittal<br />

fat-suppressed T2-weighted image reveals marrow<br />

edema only at the periphery <strong>of</strong> the sclerotic region.<br />

There is, however, extensive bright signal in the s<strong>of</strong>t<br />

tissues immediately plantar to the calcaneus,<br />

indicating that the tumor is extending out <strong>of</strong> the bone<br />

<strong>and</strong> into the s<strong>of</strong>t tissues. D, Sagittal post–gadolinium<br />

contrast fat-suppressed T1-weighted image<br />

demonstrates enhancement only at the periphery <strong>of</strong><br />

the osseous <strong>and</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t tissue masses. This enhancement<br />

pattern is due to the relative hypovascularity <strong>of</strong><br />

chondrosarcomas.<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Ch0<strong>47</strong>-A05375.indd 2315<br />

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2316 VII Imaging <strong>of</strong> the Musculoskeletal System<br />

hence demonstrate poor contrast enhancement as well as<br />

a poor response to chemotherapy. Contrast enhancement<br />

can be seen at the margins <strong>of</strong> the tumor where it is aggressively<br />

invading the bone <strong>and</strong> in the surrounding s<strong>of</strong>t tissues<br />

(see Fig. <strong>47</strong>-122D). Low-grade chondrosarcomas are difficult<br />

to distinguish from benign enchondromas for both<br />

radiologists <strong>and</strong> pathologists, <strong>and</strong> the clinical symptom<br />

<strong>of</strong> pain is <strong>of</strong>ten the deciding factor. Although many<br />

enchondromas are asymptomatic <strong>and</strong> may be discovered<br />

incidentally when imaging the foot for other reasons, all<br />

chondrosarcomas are painful.<br />

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