Tim Solly CV - RGM Artist Group WA

Tim Solly CV - RGM Artist Group WA

Tim Solly CV - RGM Artist Group WA


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Agent – <strong>RGM</strong> <strong>WA</strong><br />

Level 1, Alexander Buildings<br />

649 Beaufort Street<br />

Mount Lawley <strong>WA</strong> 6050<br />

Tel (+618) 9328 5788<br />

www.rgmwa.com.au<br />


Waltzing the Wilarra Jack Dir. Wesley Enoch/ Yirra Yaakin<br />

Yellow Moon Stag Lee Dir. Adam Mitchell/ Black Swan STC<br />

The Shape of Things Adam Dir. Adam Mitchell/ Black Swan STC<br />

Much Ado About Nothing Boratio Dir. Kate Cherry/ Black Swan STC<br />

Checklist for an Armed<br />

Robber Mathew Dir. Chris Bendall/ Deckchair Theatre<br />

Lonely Hearts Club Dave Dir. Chris Bendall/ Deckchair Theatre<br />

The Shape of Things Phillip Dir. Kerri Foulstone/ Accidental Prod.<br />

Actors at Work Multiple Dir. John Sheedy/ Bell Shakespeare Co.<br />

Romeo and Juliet Romeo Dir: Peter Tulloch/ Essential Theatre<br />

La Da Da Rohan Dir. Simon Schumann/ Barking Dog Prod.<br />

Roulette Gordon Dir. Joh Harthog/ Bakehouse Theatre<br />

Breath Jude Dir. Russell Fewster/ Bakehouse Theatre<br />

Trojan Women Greek Soldier Dir. Rosalba Clemente/ STCSA<br />

South Pacific Harold Norville Dir. John Diedrich/ The Prod Company<br />

Woyzeck Captain Dir. Peter Evans<br />

Macbeth Captain/ Murderer Dir. Peter Dunn<br />

X-Ray David Hicks Dir. Russell Fewster<br />

Dead Man Walking Guard Dir. Michael Phillips<br />

Romeo and Juliet Romeo Dir. Peter Dunn<br />

The Indians Poncho/Captain Dir. Peter Dunn<br />

Threepeny Opera Matt of the Mint Dir. Peter Dunn<br />

FILM<br />

The Directors Cut Ricky Dir. Paul Komadina<br />

<strong>RGM</strong> <strong>Artist</strong>s <strong>WA</strong> PO Box 22, Mount Lawley <strong>WA</strong> 6929 Australia<br />

Telephone (618) 9328 5788 • Facsimile (618) 9328 6899 • Website www.rgmwa.com.au<br />

<strong>RGM</strong> <strong>Artist</strong>s Pty Ltd • ABN 78 163 055 972


Cloudstreet Sailor Dir. Mathew Saville<br />

The Infidels Ali Dir. Martin Wilson<br />

The Great Escape/<br />

The reckoning Bernard Sh. Dir. Steve Westh<br />

What If? Samuel Dir. Michelle Roget<br />

McLeods Daughters Finalist/<br />

Truckstop Manager Dir. Grant Brown/ Arnie Custo<br />


Long Day in the Office<br />

Family Reunion<br />

Dir. Shane McNeil<br />

Dir. Shane McNeil<br />

<strong>RGM</strong> <strong>Artist</strong>s <strong>WA</strong> PO Box 22, Mount Lawley <strong>WA</strong> 6929 Australia<br />

Telephone (618) 9328 5788 • Facsimile (618) 9328 6899 • Website www.rgmwa.com.au<br />

<strong>RGM</strong> <strong>Artist</strong>s Pty Ltd • ABN 78 163 055 972

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