Katya Shevtsov CV - RGM Artist Group WA

Katya Shevtsov CV - RGM Artist Group WA

Katya Shevtsov CV - RGM Artist Group WA


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Agent – <strong>RGM</strong> <strong>WA</strong><br />

Level 1, Alexander Buildings<br />

649 Beaufort Street<br />

Mount Lawley <strong>WA</strong> 6050<br />

Tel (+618) 9328 5788<br />

www.rgmwa.com.au<br />


Miss Lily’s Fabulous<br />

Feather Boa Potoroo/Puppeteer Dir: Michael Barlow/Spare Parts<br />

The Deep Alice Dir: Noriko Nishimoto/Spare Parts<br />

Cured *Director* Mondo di Corpo<br />

Oráculos Galina Teatro de los Sentidos/PIAF<br />

If I Drown I Can Swim B Carazon Da Vaca/Brisbane&Dreaming Festivals<br />

Turtle and the Trade Winds Lizzy/Dancer/<br />

Puppeteer<br />

Sandpiper Productions/Deckchair Theatre<br />

Honey Spot Peggy Dir: Kyle Morisson/Yirra Yaakin<br />

The Night Zoo Jamie/Puppeteer Dir: Michael Barlow/Spare Parts<br />

The Ghost’s Child Maddie/Ensemble Dir: Sally Richardson/Steamworks<br />

STC <strong>WA</strong> Opening Puppeteer Dir: Philip Mitchell/Andrew Lewis<br />

Les Girafes Ensemble Compagnie Off/PIAF<br />

Who’s Afraid of the Working<br />

Class - Eat My Monologue Leon Dir: George <strong>Shevtsov</strong>/So Frenchy<br />

The Modern International<br />

Dead - Eat My Monologue Barton Dir: Adam Mitchell/So Frenchy<br />

The Dog Logs - Eat My Borys the Rottweiler Dir: Marisa Garreffa/So Frenchy Monologue<br />

The Bugalugs Bum Thief Ensemble Dir: Noriko Nishimoto/Spare Parts<br />

Presence Penny Dir: Bruce Denny/So Frenchy<br />

Cat Balloon Cat Balloon Dir: Noriko Nishimoto/Spare Parts<br />

Our Countrys Good Liz Morden/Dawes Dir: Glenda Linscott/Preferred Play Company<br />

Today A Day Like No Other Ensemble<br />

ACCA<br />

A Taste of Honey Josephine VCA<br />

The Cherry Orchard Charlotta Ivanovna Dir: Robert Meldrum/VCA<br />

Not Him - The Possibilities Woman A Dir: Robert Draffin/VCA<br />

The Grudge Ensemble Dir: Jacob Williams/VCA<br />

The Weaver’s Ecstasy Girl Dir: Robert Draffin/VCA<br />

<strong>RGM</strong> <strong>Artist</strong>s <strong>WA</strong> PO Box 22, Mount Lawley <strong>WA</strong> 6929 Australia<br />

Telephone (618) 9328 5788 • Facsimile (618) 9328 6899 • Website www.rgmwa.com.au<br />

<strong>RGM</strong> <strong>Artist</strong>s Pty Ltd • ABN 78 163 055 972

Ulysses Ensemble Dir: Tanya Gerstle/VCA<br />

The Travels of Marco Polo Ensemble Dir: Annie Stainer/Total Theatre<br />

FILM<br />

The Short Shrift Ana Dir: Megan Palinkas/Noodle Films<br />

Sororal Mother-to-be Dir: Sam Barrett/Nakatomi Pictures<br />

Game On! Wendy Dir: Rikki Gabriel/Go Monkey Productions<br />

Red Coat Nicole Dir: Aisling Lawless<br />

Love That Zombie! Elaine DIr: Wade Savage/Darkhouse Productions<br />

I love Jon Dodd Jen Dir: Bette Westerhoff<br />

Bunny & Sam Bunny Dir: Kevin Mack<br />

Born Again Heathen Colleen Dir: Wade Savage/Wayne Barrow Productions<br />


2004-2006 VCA - Bachelor of Dramatic Arts in Acting<br />

ITNY International Actors Workshop - Berlin<br />

Margaret Cameron performance creation training - Magdalena Festival<br />

Legs on the Wall - Physical theatre training<br />

IUGTE International Theatre Laboratory - Slovenia<br />

Spare Parts - Intensive Puppetry Manipulation and Performance Skills<br />

Legs on the Wall - Secondment<br />

Total Theatre - one year intensive<br />

<strong>WA</strong>APA Advanced Diploma of Dance<br />

<strong>RGM</strong> <strong>Artist</strong>s <strong>WA</strong> PO Box 22, Mount Lawley <strong>WA</strong> 6929 Australia<br />

Telephone (618) 9328 5788 • Facsimile (618) 9328 6899 • Website www.rgmwa.com.au<br />

<strong>RGM</strong> <strong>Artist</strong>s Pty Ltd • ABN 78 163 055 972

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