Read Warmbloods Today Magazine 2012 article on German Riding ...

Read Warmbloods Today Magazine 2012 article on German Riding ...

Read Warmbloods Today Magazine 2012 article on German Riding ...


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iding P<strong>on</strong>ies<br />

zle<br />

er Ring<br />

By Ann Daum Kustar<br />

U.S., first for Scott Stewart, then for Chad Keenum. Chad has imported several <strong>German</strong><br />

p<strong>on</strong>ies that were licensed as stalli<strong>on</strong>s in <strong>German</strong>y before making the trip across the<br />

ocean as geldings to star in the hunter ring.<br />

The drawbacks of the <strong>German</strong> p<strong>on</strong>ies? Chad says the size can be tricky. Unlike in<br />

the U.S., <strong>German</strong> p<strong>on</strong>ies are measured in centimeters, and the maximum height for the<br />

p<strong>on</strong>y divisi<strong>on</strong>s is 148 cm—the equivalent of 14.2 and ½ hands, which is just oversize for<br />

our hunter p<strong>on</strong>y regulati<strong>on</strong>s. Also, some of the p<strong>on</strong>ies have too much knee acti<strong>on</strong> for<br />

the hunters, although Chad and other successful U.S. hunter p<strong>on</strong>y trainers have found<br />

that even some of the bigger moving <strong>German</strong> p<strong>on</strong>ies can be made into hunters by<br />

switching shoes, letting their heads go and schooling over trot poles at home.<br />

Despite those relatively small changes, he says the basics are the key to success. “I<br />

used to think that I could change a lot of things, and do them better,” Chad says with a<br />

laugh. “But the <strong>German</strong>s really are smart in their breeding and training, and I’ve learned<br />

to appreciate how they do things. It all comes down to choosing the right p<strong>on</strong>ies, and<br />

bringing them al<strong>on</strong>g the right way.”<br />

Finding trained p<strong>on</strong>ies in <strong>German</strong>y is getting easier for Americans, thanks to the<br />

popular P<strong>on</strong>y Forum sales, which showcase the best made show p<strong>on</strong>ies from dressage,<br />

jumpers and eventing, as well as young riding prospects, stalli<strong>on</strong>s and foals at aucti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

held across <strong>German</strong>y. Their professi<strong>on</strong>al team is devoted to promoting and selling <strong>on</strong>ly<br />

p<strong>on</strong>ies. Eckhard Scharf, <strong>on</strong>e of the forum’s founding members, says that some <strong>German</strong><br />

p<strong>on</strong>y breeders are starting to realize the potential in the U.S. p<strong>on</strong>y hunter market.<br />

“First, when I saw videos of hunter p<strong>on</strong>ies in the U.S., I thought they must move flat,<br />

flat flat, and not have too big of a jump. But this was not true—they must be elastic.”<br />

Eckhard explains.<br />

“The <strong>German</strong> p<strong>on</strong>ies can make top hunters for Americans. The <strong>on</strong>ly problem is that<br />

so many disappear! We hear they are successful hunters, but their names change,<br />

and we get no pictures back,” he adds. “We love that they are winning, but we think<br />

every<strong>on</strong>e should know where these great p<strong>on</strong>ies are coming from!”<br />

A <strong>German</strong> Breeder’s Perspective<br />

Sabine Meiners, owner of Hilkens Studfarm in Lower Sax<strong>on</strong>y, <strong>German</strong>y, bred the wellknown<br />

and successful p<strong>on</strong>y stalli<strong>on</strong> Hilkens Black Delight (Branduardi M x Morbidelli),<br />

as well as a colorful shopping list of other popular licensed stalli<strong>on</strong>s.<br />

“Dreamcatcher is <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e of quite a few stalli<strong>on</strong>s that were originally licensed in<br />

<strong>German</strong>y and then had a sec<strong>on</strong>d career as a hunter in the U.S. I have used (the stalli<strong>on</strong>s)<br />

Branduardi M and Dreamcatcher quite a bit, and rather successfully. I wasn’t happy when<br />

they both got sold to the U.S., because that also usually means they’ll be gelded due<br />

Three examples of p<strong>on</strong>ies sold at the<br />

P<strong>on</strong>y Forum event.<br />

Photo credit here<br />

Photo credit here<br />

Photo credit here<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>Warmbloods</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Today</str<strong>on</strong>g> 83

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