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<strong>Freelancer</strong><br />

Liberty Systems<br />

New York<br />

Colorado<br />

Name Type Place Remark Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump gate D2 to Colorado - jump gate B3 to Kepler<br />

Baltimore space station E2 Shipyard Rio Grande battleship C4 -<br />

Ford Bush space station E2 Outposts Gunnison planet C4 landing is not possible<br />

Pittsburgh planet F2 Deep Space Engeeniring Pueblo space station C5 Ageira Technologie<br />

Maine planet F2 landing is not possible Ouray space station C/D 6 Xeno Basis<br />

West Point space station C5 Militärakademie - jump hole D7 to New York<br />

- jump gate B6 to California - jump gate E7 to New York<br />

Manhatten planet C4 Government planet Denver planet E4 Ageira Techn., Cryer Pharmazeutika<br />

Trenton space station C4 Universal Shipping HQ - jump hole D 2/3 to Galileo<br />

- jump hole C3 to Colorado - jump hole B4 to Kepler<br />

Agressor wreck D6 Equipment - jump gate E2 to Galileo<br />

Flint wreck C6 20x Cardamine Durango planet D5 landing is not possible<br />

Missouri battleship F5 -<br />

Norfolk space station F5 Shipyard Caliornia<br />

- jump gate G5 to Alaska Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump gate F6 to Texas San Diego space station C6 Border station<br />

Buffalo space station E7 Rogues station - jump gate C6 to Magellan<br />

- jump hole E7 to Texas Los Angeles planet C4 Liberty planet<br />

- jump hole F/E7 internal jump hole to to F/G 6 Yukon battleship C4 -<br />

- jump gate D7 to Magellan - jump hole C5 to Cortez<br />

Newark space station C4 Interspace Commerce California Minor planet E6 Planetform Inc.<br />

Detroiter Munitionsw. space station B4 Ageira weapons factory Willard space station D6 Military research station<br />

Rochester space station D3 Rogues station Mojave planet E4 landing is not possible<br />

Patrol27 wreck E6 Equipment - jump gate F3 to New York<br />

- jump hole F5 to Texas<br />

Cortez Alcatraz space station F5 Rogues pirate depot<br />

Name Type Place Remark - jump gate B4 to Cortez<br />

Montezuma space station E6 Outcasts base Balboa wreck C/D 5/6 20x Cardamine<br />

Charles Kane wreck C5 10xGold and equipment<br />

Curaqao planet D3 Planet from Spa and Cruise Texas<br />

- jump gate B5 to Manchester Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump gate G4 to California - jump gate E2 to New York<br />

- jump hole E6 to Magellan - jump hole D3 to New York<br />

- jump hole F5 to California Beaumont space station D3 Junkers base<br />

Chisos planet D4 landing is not possible<br />

Alaska - jump hole C4 to California<br />

Name Type Place Remark Houston planet F4 Deep Space Engeneering, Bounty Hunter<br />

Mitchell space station G5 Prison from the Liberty Police Hundsville space station F4 Prison<br />

- jump gate G6 to New York Mississippi battleship F4 -<br />

Juneau space station G6 Shipyard,landing is not possible Brazos planet F5 landing is not possible<br />

Otherwise there is nothing more in this system. After the story you can't visit it Sugarland space station F5 Prison<br />

more, because the jump gate in the New York System is closed. It brings nothing Abilene planet F4 landing is not possible<br />

when you manipulate the game and you can fly in again, because you can just fly - jump gate G5 to Bering<br />

around.<br />

- jump gate E7 to Hudson<br />

Avenger wreck C4 Equipment<br />

Prudhoe wreck C/D 3 20x diamonds and equipment<br />

- jump hole D7 to Hudson<br />

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<strong>Freelancer</strong><br />

Kusari Systems<br />

New Tokyo<br />

Honshu<br />

Name Type Place Remark Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump gate B5 to Kyushu - jump gate F6 to Sigma 13<br />

Shinjuku space station C5 Samura HQ Akita space station F5 Border station<br />

New Tokio planet D6 Government planet - jump gate G4 to Sigma 19<br />

Roppongi space station D6 Interspace Commerce Aomori space station G4 Gas Mining Guild<br />

Shinagawa space station F5 Kishiro HQ Honshu planet E/F 3 Kishiro<br />

Izu planet F6 landing is not possible Yukawa space station C4 Kishiro Shipyard<br />

Fuji planet F6 landing is not possible - jump hole C 3/4 to New Tokio<br />

- jump gate E7 to Shikoku - jump gate B5 to New Tokio<br />

- jump gate D2 to Hokkaido - jump gate C3 to Chugoku<br />

Kitadake planet D3 landing is not possible - jump hole D 2/3 to Chugoku<br />

Yokohama space station D3 Shipyard Osaka space station D6 Samura Base<br />

Narita space station E4 Outpost with Bowex and Gateway - jump hole F7 to Sigma 13<br />

- jump hole G4 to Honshu - jump hole G3 to Sigma 19<br />

- jump gate G5 to Honshu Kansai space station C3 Kusari Naval forces research station<br />

Kabukicho space station C5 Hogosha depot Malaga wreck F 6/7 Equipment<br />

- jump hole C6 to Kyushu Fugako wreck C3 Equipment<br />

Shikoku<br />

Chugoku<br />

Name Type Place Remark Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump gate E2 to New Tokyo - jump hole D 5/6 to Hokkaido<br />

Oharshi space station E2 Border station - jump hole E5 to Honshu<br />

Seto planet F4 landing is not possible Kyoto space station D5 Blood Dragon base<br />

Junyo planet F4 Samura - jump hole E5 to Sigma 13<br />

Myoko battleship F6 - - jump hole E 4/5 to Tohoku<br />

Deshima space station E6 Kishiro, Bounty Hunters<br />

- jump gate D7 to Kepler Tohoku<br />

- jump gate F7 to Galileo Name Type Place Remark<br />

Shibuya Maru wreck D6 20x Cardamine and equipment Planet Ring space station C/B 5 Tekagis base<br />

Kobe Maru wreck C5 20x Artifacts and equipment Ryuku space station B5 Blood Dragon base<br />

- jump hole D3 to Kyushu - jump hole A/B 5 to Chugoku<br />

- jump hole E7 to Galileo - jump hole B6 to Hokkaido<br />

Prisonship Fuchu space station F6 -<br />

Hokkaido<br />

Kyushu Name Type Place Remark<br />

Name Type Place Remark Sappuro space station D/E 6 Samura Base<br />

- jump hole G4 to NewTokio - jump gate D/E 6 to New Tokio<br />

- jump hole G4 to Shikoku - jump hole C6 to Kyushu<br />

Kagoshima space station G4 Samura Basis Ainu space station C6 Base from the Blood Dragons<br />

- jump hole B4 to Tau 23 James Morrell wreck F4 10x jump gate/trade lane parts<br />

- jump gate B5 to Tau 29 Matsumoto battleship D3 -<br />

Nagumo battleship B5 - Gate Construction Sitespace station D3 Deep Space Ing.<br />

Aso planet C3 landing is not possible - jump hole E3 to Tohoku<br />

Tsushima space station D3 Samura Station 3 Kusari military fighters wreck C3 Equipment<br />

Kyushu planet E3 Colony - jump hole C3 to Chugoku<br />

- jump gate G3 to Neu Tokio<br />

- jump hole E2 to Hokkaido<br />

Ohtori wreck D2 Equipment<br />

Nansei space station C4 Research station<br />

Shoki wreck B4 Equipment<br />

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<strong>Freelancer</strong><br />

Bretonia Systems<br />

New London<br />

Manchester<br />

Name Type Place Remark Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump gate G3 to Manchester Kingston space station F2 Border station<br />

Canterbury space station F4 Planetform Inc. - jump gate F2 to Cortez<br />

Dover planet F4 landing is not possible Birmingham space station D4 Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing base<br />

Kensington space station F4 Gateway Shipping Wight planet D4 landing is not possible<br />

Southampton space station D3 BMM and Military shipyard Jersey planet E4 landing is not possible<br />

Suffolk battleship D6 - Sheffield space station E4 Bowex, Gateway S., Bounty Hunters<br />

New London planet D6 Government planet - jump gate G4 to Magellan<br />

Waterloo space station D6 Interspace Com., Un. Shipping - jump hole F3 to Magellan<br />

Thames space station D6 Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing - jump gate B4 to New London<br />

- jump gate D2 to Leeds - jump hole D3 to Leeds<br />

- jump hole B5 to Dublin Liverpool space station G4 Border station<br />

- jump hole C3 to Leeds<br />

Trafalgar space station C3 Junkers base Cambridge<br />

Vonguard wreck C5 Gold and equipment Name Type Place Remark<br />

Trujillo wreck G4 20x Artifacts - jump gate G4 to Omega 3<br />

Puno wreck C3/4 20x Cardamine and equipment Ross planetoid F5 landing is not possible<br />

- jump gate B6 to Dublin Norfolk battleship F5 -<br />

- jump gate G6 to Cambridge Cambridge planet D6 Cambridge Research Institut<br />

- jump hole G5 to Cambridge Cambridge space station D6 Cryer Pharmaceuticals Base<br />

- jump gate B3 to New London<br />

Dublin Sarum planet E3 landing is not possible<br />

Name Type Place Remark Cardiff space station E3 Independent Miners Guild<br />

- jump gate F4 to New London - jump hole F6 to Omega 5<br />

Essex battleship F4 - - jump hole F3 to Leeds<br />

Hood battleship D4 old battleship Caraz wreck E6 10x Gold and equipment<br />

- jump hole E3 to New London - jump hole C3 to New London<br />

Storm wreck D6 Equipment Henry Jones wreck F5 20x Artifacts and equipment<br />

Scargill wreck E6 20x Gold and equipment<br />

Arranmore space station C6 Molly base Leeds<br />

Graves space station E6 BMM (gold you can find around) Name Type Place Remark<br />

The Ring - D4 Race Course Durham space station D7 Border station<br />

- jump hole E3 to Leeds - jump gate D7 to New London<br />

Leeds planet E6 Bretonia Mining Manufacturing / Bowex<br />

Edinburgh - jump hole E6 to Magellan<br />

Name Type Place Remark - jump hole C6 to Dublin<br />

- jump gate F 4/5 to Leeds Stokes space station F4 Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing<br />

Aberdeen space station F 4/5 Border station LD14 space station D3 BMM base<br />

Ayr planet E5 landing is not possible Glasgow space station F2 Outpost, Bowex base<br />

Perth space station E5 Planetform Inc. - jump gate F2 to Tau31<br />

Islay space station F3 Gaians Base - jump hole D6 to New London<br />

- jump hole F3 to Leeds - jump gate B5 to Edinburgh<br />

Shetland Luxury liner E3 Spa and Cruise - jump hole C3 to Edinburgh<br />

Gaia planet E3 landing is not possible San Vincente wreck D6 Equipment<br />

- jump hole C/D3 to Tau 31 Lorenzo wreck C2 Equipment and 14x Cardamine<br />

Waterford planet E3 landing is not possible<br />

York battleship E3 -<br />

- jump hole F6 to Manchester<br />

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<strong>Freelancer</strong><br />

Rheinland Systems<br />

New Berlin<br />

Stuttgart<br />

Name Type Place Remark Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump gate D7 to Dresden - jump gate G3 to Neu Berlin<br />

- jump hole E5 to Sigma 13 Stuttgart planet E3 Colony<br />

Neu Berlin planet F6 Government planet Aalen planet E 3/4 landing is not possible<br />

Oder Shipyard space station F6 large shipyard Bresgau planet C3 landing is not possible<br />

Der Ring space station F6 Shipyard Freiburg space station C3 Republican Shipping<br />

- jump hole D6 to Dresden - jump gate B4 to Omega 7<br />

Brandenburg space station D6 Border station Ulm space station B4 Border station<br />

Potsdam planet F4 landing is not possible Baden Baden planet E6 Spa and Cruise base<br />

- jump gate G4 to Frankfurt - jump gate C7 to Omega 11<br />

Bonn space station C5 HQ from Interspace Commerce - jump hole G4 to Dresden<br />

- Spruntor B5 to Stuttgart Darmstadt space station F4 LWB Base<br />

- jump gate D/E2 to Hamburg Babylon wreck F5 10x luxury consumer goods, equipment<br />

Dortmund space station D3 ALG Waste Disposal Beknap wreck G4 20x luxury foods<br />

Essen space station D3 HQ from Krüger Minerals Nürnberg wreck C6 20x light arms, equipment<br />

- jump hole C3 to Hamburg Patrol 421 wreck D6 Equipment<br />

Kreuzberg space station C4 Junkers base - jump hole C6 to Omega 11<br />

Unions figther wreck C3 Equipment Konstanz space station C7 Border station<br />

Dresden<br />

Hamburg<br />

Name Type Place Remark Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump gate E2 to Neu Berlin - jump gate C3 to Hudson<br />

Bautzen space station F4 Krüger Minerals Westfalen battleship D3 -<br />

- jump hole G4 to Frankfurt Kiel planet D3 landing is not possible<br />

Pirna space station E6 Police station - jump gate F2 to Bering<br />

Leipzig space station C6 Daumann Hamburg planet F4 Republican Shipping<br />

- jump hole C4 to Omega 11 Altona space station F4 Republican Shipping<br />

- jump hole D3 to Neu Berlin - jump hole F/G 4 to Frankfurt<br />

- jump hole C3 to Stuttgart - jump hole F5 to Frankfurt<br />

Vogtland space station D3 Rote Hessen Alster space station E5 Shipyard<br />

Danzig wreck D3 20x Diamonds and Equipment Lübeck space station E7 Border station<br />

- jump gate E7 to Neu Berlin<br />

Frankfurt Hannover planet D6 landing is not possible<br />

Name Type Place Remark Vierlande space station D6 Prison<br />

- jump hole C/D 3 to Hamburg - jump hole E7 to Neu Berlin<br />

- jump hole D 3/4 to Hamburg - jump hole E2 to Bering<br />

Holstein planet D4 Daumann base Rochester space station D3 Rogues pirate station<br />

Stühlingen planet D4 landing is not possible<br />

Mainz space station D4 Republican Shipping<br />

Bruchsal space station E/D 3 Bundschuh Base<br />

München planet D6 landing is not possible<br />

Mannheim space station D6 Krüger Minerals<br />

- jump gate B6 to Neu Berlin<br />

- jump gate D2 to Sigma 13<br />

- jump hole D7 to Desden<br />

- jump hole E3 to Sigma 13<br />

Fulda space station D2 Border station<br />

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<strong>Freelancer</strong><br />

Independent Systems<br />

Magellan<br />

Kepler<br />

Name Type Place Remark Name Type Place Remark<br />

Freeport 4 space station E5 best price for engine components - jump gate D2 to Shikoku<br />

- jump gate G4 to California - jump gate D7 to Colorado<br />

- jump hole C3 to Leeds Ames space station D4 Research Station<br />

Mactan space station C4 Hackers base - jump hole C6 to Colorado<br />

- jump gate D4 to New York - jump hole F4 to Galileo<br />

- jump gate B5 to Manchester Nome space station C6 Xeno Base<br />

- jump hole E2 to Cortez Kamakura Maru wreck E3 20x Niobium<br />

Bradley wreck C7 11x jump gate/trade lane parts Nikko Maru wreck E3 Equipment, 8x luxury consumer goods<br />

Hudson<br />

Galileo<br />

Name Type Place Remark Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump gate D2 to Texas - jump hole B3 to Kepler<br />

- jump hole D3 to Texas Leiden space station B3 -<br />

Atka planet C5 landing is not possible - jump gate E2 to Shikoku<br />

- jump gate D7 to Hamburg - jump gate D7 to Colorado<br />

- jump hole F 5/6 to Bering - jump hole C6 to Colorado<br />

Dawson space station E5 Rogues pirate base Padua space station C6 Rogues Basis<br />

Barow space station E/F 3 Xenon base Feespirit wreck D5 20x Artifacts, equipment<br />

- jump hole B2 to Shikoku<br />

Bering Chesapeake wreck C3 20x Pharmaceuticals<br />

Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump gate E7 to Hamburg<br />

Freeport 2 space station F5 Zoners, Unioners, Bounty Hunters<br />

- jump gate D2 to Texas<br />

- jump hole C4 to Hudson<br />

Pacifica space station C5 Unioners base<br />

Lonestar wreck C6 Equipment<br />

- jump hole D6 to Hamburg<br />

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<strong>Freelancer</strong><br />

Other Systems<br />

Omicron Alpha<br />

Name Type Place Remark<br />

Omicron Gamma<br />

Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump hole C5 to Tau 37 Vengeance wreck C5 2xGuardian, Equipment<br />

Malta planet D5 Home planet from the Outcasts - jump hole C5 to Omega 41<br />

- jump hole F5 to Omicron Beta Cella Dor planet C4 landing is not possible<br />

- jump hole F5 to Omicron Theta - jump hole D3 to Omicron Theta<br />

Vesuv planet D 5/6 landing is not possible - jump hole F2 to the unknown solar system 1<br />

Mallorca planet E6 landing is not possible Corsairs Fighters wreck F2 ca.15 wreck's with artifacts/equipment<br />

Carinea planet F3 landing is not possible Kalhmera planet E6 landing is not possible<br />

Viking wreck D6 2xPrometheus Kreta planet E5 Homeplanet from the Corsairs<br />

Hispania wreck D6 the famous battleship Tripoli space station D6 Corsairs Shipyard<br />

Prenta planet E6 landing is not possible<br />

- jump hole F4 to the unknown solar system 2 Omicron Theta<br />

Outcast Fighter wreck F4 2xGuardian Name Type Place Remark<br />

Outcast Fighter wreck F4 Equipment - jump hole E3 to Sigma 17<br />

Outcast Fighter wreck F4 2xCerberus Vespus planet F/G 4 landing is not possible<br />

- jump hole F 3/4 to Omircon Alpha<br />

Omicron Beta Fearless wreck G4 20x Artifacts and equipment<br />

Name Type Place Remark Freeport 9 space station E4 Zoner base (very heavy fighter Eagle)<br />

Ruiz space station E5 to Tau 23 - jump hole E6 to Omicron Gamma<br />

Pathfinder wreck E5 2xWild Fire Rebel wreck E6 2xThor'sHammer, equipment<br />

- jump hole D/E 3 to Omicron Alpa Pygar planet C4 landing is not possible<br />

- jump hole E6 to Sigma 19 - jump hole C5 to Omega 41<br />

Hosho Maru Escort wreck E4 Equipment<br />

Elysium planet C5 landing is not possible Unbekannt 1<br />

Name Type Place Remark<br />

Omikron Minor<br />

Primus planet C/D 5/6 Planet with monkeys<br />

Name Type Place Remark - jump hole E6 to Omicron Gamma<br />

Toledo planet D4 Orden base Gammu planet F6 Planet with robots<br />

- jump hole G4 to home system from Nomads<br />

- jump hole D3 to a base from the Nomads Unbekannt 2<br />

You can visit the solar system just in the story. Later is it not more possible to use a Name Type Place Remark<br />

jump hole.<br />

- jump hole E6 to Omicron Alpha<br />

Just the Nomads you can meet here again, in this system with the hard radiation.<br />

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<strong>Freelancer</strong><br />

Other Systems<br />

Omega 3 Omega 5<br />

Name Type Place Remark Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump gate G5 to Omega 7 - jump hole D4 to Omega 3<br />

Freeport 1 space station C4 Zoners Base - jump hole D4 to Omega 7<br />

Sprague planet C/D 5 landing is not possible - jump hole C5 to Cambridge<br />

- jump gate B4 to Cambridge Cardiz space station D5 Base from the Corsairs<br />

- jump hole B 5/6 to Cambridge - jump hole D6 to Omega 41<br />

Douglas space station D6 Bretonia Mining and Metals (BMM) Corsairs&Red Hessians wrecks Fighter<br />

many wrecks and 3 with equipment<br />

- jump hole D7 to Omega 5 Runneburg space station E4 Base from the Red Hessians<br />

Baxter space station C5 Research station - jump hole E4 to Omega 11<br />

Rügen space station F6 Daumann Base<br />

Omega 41<br />

Omega 11 Name Type Place Remark<br />

Name Type Place Remark - jump hole E5 to Omicron Gamma<br />

- jump gate E3 to Dresden Leon space station D5 Corsairs Base<br />

- jump hole F3 to Dresden - jump hole C5 to Omega 5<br />

- jump hole D3 to Stuttgart - jump hole D 3/4 to Omega 11<br />

Schutz planet C3 landing is not possible - jump hole E4 to Omicron Theta<br />

Solarius space station C3 Base from the Dauman company Freeport 5 space station E5 Zoners<br />

- jump hole B4 to Omega 5 Independence wreck D4 20x Diamonds, Equipment<br />

- jump hole C 3/4 to Omega 7 Volsung wreck D4 2x Archangel<br />

Freital space station B/C 4 Base from the Red Hessians<br />

- jump hole C5 to Omega 41 Omega 7<br />

Corsairs Fighter wreck D6 20x Diamonds Name Type Place Remark<br />

Deidus planet D6 landing is not possible Wismar space station E3 Krüger Minerals mining station<br />

Daumann Fighter wreck E6 20x Diamonds Monschau wreck E3 5x Silver, Equipment<br />

Bounty Hunter Fighter wreck E6 2 xDiamonds, Golden Blade Freistadt space station D5 Bounty Hunter, Deep Space Ing.<br />

Red Hessians Fighter wreck F5 20x Diamonds, Equipment - jump gate B5 to Omega 3<br />

In the radiation field around the dying sun gives many wrecks, but only the listed<br />

contain valuable freight. But be carfuly the Omega-11 System is a treacherous place<br />

- jump gate G5 to Stuttgart<br />

Erlangen space station F5 Daumann Base<br />

Bremerhafen wreck E6 20x Engine components<br />

- jump hole F6 to Omega 11<br />

Sigma 17 3 Corsairs Fighter wreck C 5/6 Equipment<br />

Name Type Place Remark - jump hole C6 to Omega 5<br />

Kurilen planet F5 Samura<br />

Mongoose wreck E6 2xBlue Blaze, Equipment Sigma 13<br />

- jump hole F6 to Omicron Theta Name Type Place Remark<br />

Robert Fitzgerald wreck F4 20xAlien Organisms, Equipment - jump gate D/E 7 to Frankfurt<br />

- jump hole C4 to Sigma 13 Helgoland space station D6 ALG Waste Disposal<br />

Atka space station C/D 4 Cryer Pharmazeutika Naha space station D4 Gas Mining Guild<br />

- jump hole D3 to Sigma 19 - jump hole F5 to Sigma 17<br />

- jump hole E2 to Sigma 13 old military fighter wreck C5 2xJade, Equipment<br />

- jump gate D3 to Sigma 19 old military fighter wreck C5 2xDiamondback, Equipment<br />

Yanagi Depot space station C5 Junkers base<br />

Sigma 19 - jump hole C5 to New Berlin<br />

Name Type Place Remark old military fighter wreck C4 2xOnyx, Equipment<br />

- jump gate C3 to Honshu old military fighter wreck C4 2xBloodstone, Equipment<br />

- jump hole C5 to Honshu old military fighter wreck C3 2xSilverfire, Equipment<br />

Ogashawa space station C/D 5 Gas Mining Guild old military fighter wreck C3 2xIron Hammer<br />

Hiran planet D/E 6 landing is not possible - jump hole C3 to Honshu<br />

Hawaii Cruise ship D/E 6 OrbitalSpa and Cruise - jump gate D3 to Honshu<br />

- jump gate E6 to Sigma 17 - jump hole E3 to Sigma 19<br />

- jump hole F6 to Sigma 17 - jump hole C6 to Frankfurt<br />

Cerberus planet E3 landing is not possible - jump hole D4 to Chugoku<br />

Hades planet E3 landing is not possible<br />

- jump hole E3 to Omicron Beta<br />

Hien wreck E3 Equipment<br />

Menorca wreck F6 20x Artifacts, Equipment<br />

Perez wreck C/D 3 20x Cardamine<br />

In this solar system gives many wrecks with class 10 weapons. This weapons you<br />

can use just with the ships: Eagle (Zoners on Freeport 9), Sabre (Outcasts) and the<br />

Titan (Corsairs).<br />

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<strong>Freelancer</strong><br />

Other Systems<br />

Tau 23 Tau 29<br />

Name Type Place Remark Name Type Place Remark<br />

- jump gate C7 to Tau 31 Freeport 6 space station D6 Zoners Basis<br />

Tau31 Gate Construction Site space station C7 Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing - jump gate B5 to Tau 31<br />

- jump hole G5 to Tau 29 Nago space station F5 Kishiro base<br />

- jump hole F3 to Kyushu - jump hole B5 to Tau 31<br />

Wolverine wreck E5 Equipment Shinkuku space station C5 Samura Base<br />

Cali Base space station F4 Outcasts base - jump hole D3 to Tau 23<br />

Edmund Marshall wreck F6 15 Byrilium - jump gate F3 to Kyushu<br />

Java space station D3 Independent Miners Guild<br />

- jump hole E2 to Tau 37 Tau 31<br />

Name Type Place Remark<br />

Tau 37 - jump gate C7 to Leeds<br />

Name Type Place Remark Holman space station E6 Independent Miners Guild outpost<br />

- jump hole D6 to Tau 23 Harris planet B4 Planetform Inc.<br />

Falkland space station C6 Independent Miners Guild Whetstone wreck D4 20x Construction machinery & equipment<br />

Barossa wreck E6 20xNiobium and Equipment Valiant wreck D3 Equipment<br />

- jump hole E3 to Omicron Alpha - jump gate E2 to Tau 23<br />

Freeport 10 space station F4 Zoners - jump hole A/B 5 to Edinburgh<br />

Griffin wreck D/E 2 2xDark Blossom - jump hole F4 to Tau 29<br />

- jump gate G4 to Tau 29<br />

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