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ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong><br />
User’s Manual<br />
Table of Contents:<br />
INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................8<br />
TYPOGRAPHIC CONVENTIONS ......................................................................8<br />
THE HANDBOOK CHAPTERS .........................................................................9<br />
BEFORE YOU BEGIN ...............................................................................10<br />
THE PURPOSE OF PRONAV CS-<strong>300</strong> ............................................................10<br />
ELECTRONIC NAVIGATIONAL CHART FORMAT ..........................................10<br />
EXTERNAL DEVICES AND NMEA-0183 MESSAGES ...................................10<br />
QUICK START ...........................................................................................13<br />
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION .........................................................................13<br />
MULTI LANGUAGE SUPPORT ......................................................................13<br />
START MENU CONTENTS............................................................................13<br />
PROGRAM DIRECTORIES.............................................................................14<br />
RUNNING PRONAV CS-<strong>300</strong>........................................................................14<br />
CHECKING THE COMMUNICATION..............................................................14<br />
GET ACCESS TO C-MAP COLLECTION ........................................................14<br />
HORIZONTAL DATUM.................................................................................14<br />
THE STRUCTURE OF PRONAV CS-<strong>300</strong>........................................................15<br />
Main Screen...........................................................................................15<br />
Operation Modes ...................................................................................15<br />
USER INTERFACE OF PRONAV CS-<strong>300</strong> .......................................................16<br />
Mouse Standard Interface......................................................................16<br />
Keyboard ...............................................................................................17<br />
Cursor....................................................................................................17<br />
Controlling the Program .......................................................................17<br />
Screen Elements’ ToolTips................................................................17<br />
How to Use Elements ........................................................................17<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> Help .........................................................................18<br />
Print ...................................................................................................18<br />
Exiting the Program...........................................................................19<br />
WORKING WITH CHARTS IN PRONAV CS-<strong>300</strong>............................................19<br />
Zooming In and Out...............................................................................19<br />
Chart’s Centering on Cursor’s Position................................................19<br />
Scrolling the Chart ................................................................................19<br />
Restoring Previous Scale and Area of Presentation..............................20<br />
Full Screen Mode...................................................................................20<br />
Reference Box........................................................................................20<br />
Measuring On Chart..............................................................................20<br />
Units of Measuring Depths and Heights on the Chart...........................21<br />
Chart Linear Scale.................................................................................21<br />
Display Palette ......................................................................................21<br />
Objects information ...............................................................................21<br />
Objects’ ToolTips..............................................................................21<br />
Object Information Window..............................................................22<br />
Chart Objects’ Attributes Retrieval ...................................................22<br />
ROUTE MONITORING ............................................................................23<br />
THE PURPOSE OF ROUTE MONITORING MODE............................................23<br />
PLOTTING OWN POSITION ..........................................................................23<br />
Main Reckoning Mode...........................................................................23<br />
Emergency Mode ...................................................................................24<br />
Log and Compass ..................................................................................24<br />
Position Information Window................................................................24<br />
Time Setting ......................................................................................25<br />
Dead Reckoning Parameters..............................................................25<br />
Ship Watching on Chart ........................................................................26<br />
“Tails” & “Tracks” ............................................................................26<br />
Ship Watching Mode Selector ...........................................................26<br />
Ship’s Redraw Area .......................................................................... 26<br />
Dual Reckoning..................................................................................... 27<br />
Electronic Chart in Use ........................................................................ 28<br />
Current Chart Information Window.................................................. 28<br />
Automatic Chart Scrolling ................................................................ 28<br />
Automatic Chart Selection and Loading ........................................... 28<br />
Selecting a Chart for Display ............................................................ 28<br />
Charts’ Orientation Selecting............................................................ 29<br />
Chart Presentation Level ................................................................... 29<br />
Additional Information On Chart...................................................... 29<br />
Presentation Scale Selecting.............................................................. 30<br />
Restoring Original Scale of Chart ..................................................... 30<br />
ROUTE INFORMATION & CALCULATIONS .................................................. 30<br />
Current Route........................................................................................ 30<br />
Current Way Point ................................................................................ 30<br />
Routes’ and Way Points’ ToolTips........................................................ 31<br />
Current Route Information Window...................................................... 31<br />
Browse a Route on Chart .................................................................. 31<br />
Browse a Way Point on Chart........................................................... 31<br />
Refresh Current Route Information................................................... 31<br />
ETA/Speed for ETA to End of Route Calculations........................... 32<br />
Route Control Window.......................................................................... 32<br />
Selecting Route to Go ....................................................................... 32<br />
Selecting Way Point to Go................................................................ 32<br />
ETA/Speed to Way Point Calculations ............................................. 33<br />
Setting Way Mark to Go........................................................................ 33<br />
Route Indications and Warnings........................................................... 34<br />
ALARM INDICATOR.................................................................................... 34<br />
ARPA AND TRANSPONDER TARGETS WATCHING ..................................... 35<br />
ARPA Targets on Chart ........................................................................ 35<br />
Transponder Targets on Chart.............................................................. 35<br />
ARPA and Transponder Targets ToolTips ............................................ 35<br />
ARPA Target Information Window ....................................................... 35<br />
Transponder Targets Information Window........................................... 36<br />
ARPA and Transponder Targets Warnings........................................... 37<br />
DEPTH PROFILE DIAGRAM ......................................................................... 37<br />
3-D MODELING.......................................................................................... 38<br />
Creation and viewing of 3-dimensional model...................................... 38<br />
Data selection for 3D model ................................................................. 38<br />
Selection of information displayed on 3D model .................................. 39<br />
Creation of depth profile between two points on the chart ................... 39<br />
Optional Colors for Depth Areas Presentation..................................... 40<br />
INTERFACE TO THE AUTO PILOT ................................................................ 40<br />
ROUTE PLANNING .................................................................................. 41<br />
THE PURPOSE OF ROUTE PLANNING MODE................................................ 41<br />
WORKING WITH ROUTES’ DATABASE........................................................ 42<br />
Route Planning Window........................................................................ 42<br />
Selecting Route to Edit.......................................................................... 42<br />
Browse a Route on Chart ...................................................................... 43<br />
Show Way Points Table......................................................................... 43<br />
Show Routes on the Maps Area............................................................. 43<br />
Creating New Empty Route................................................................... 43<br />
Copy a Route......................................................................................... 43<br />
Rename a Route .................................................................................... 43<br />
Delete a Route from Data Base............................................................. 43<br />
Setting the Color of Route..................................................................... 44<br />
Constructing Reverse Route.................................................................. 44<br />
Import and Export of Routes................................................................. 44<br />
Accept changes and quit route planning............................................... 45<br />
ROUTE PLANNING IN TABLE FORM............................................................ 45<br />
3<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
Way Point Table Structure.....................................................................45<br />
Customize Way Point Table...................................................................47<br />
Editing Way Points in the Table ............................................................47<br />
Add a Way Point................................................................................47<br />
Insert a Way Point .............................................................................48<br />
Delete a Way Point ............................................................................48<br />
Radius of Gyration.............................................................................48<br />
Browse a WP on Chart ......................................................................48<br />
Editing Route Calculations....................................................................48<br />
Reverse Route ........................................................................................48<br />
Setting the Color of a Route...................................................................48<br />
Display Borders of Lights Sectors .........................................................48<br />
Browse a Route on Chart.......................................................................49<br />
Create a Route from the Logbook..........................................................49<br />
Add a Route ...........................................................................................49<br />
Great Circle Line Calculations .............................................................49<br />
Print Current Route...............................................................................50<br />
Undo/Redo the Last Operation..............................................................50<br />
Close Way Points Table.........................................................................50<br />
ROUTE PLANNING ON CHART.....................................................................50<br />
Adding Way Point..................................................................................50<br />
Moving Way Point .................................................................................51<br />
Dividing a Route Leg into Two..............................................................51<br />
Displaying Way Points’ Coordinates during Editing ............................51<br />
Deleting Way Point................................................................................51<br />
USER LAYERS EDITOR...........................................................................52<br />
THE PURPOSE OF USER LAYERS EDITOR ....................................................52<br />
DISPLAYING OF USER LAYER OBJECTS........................................................52<br />
Selecting Area and Objects to be Displayed..........................................52<br />
User Layer Import/Export .....................................................................53<br />
User Objects ToolTips ...........................................................................53<br />
USER OBJECTS CREATING & EDITING........................................................54<br />
Tracks Recording...................................................................................54<br />
Track’s Type, Color & Interval Selecting..........................................54<br />
Start track recording to UL................................................................55<br />
Stop track recording to UL ................................................................55<br />
Targets’ Tracks Recording ................................................................55<br />
Track Editing.........................................................................................55<br />
Track Information Window....................................................................55<br />
Setting Marks on the Chart....................................................................56<br />
Setting Event Marks on the chart...........................................................56<br />
Editing Marks and Event Marks ............................................................56<br />
Mark and Event Mark Information Window..........................................57<br />
Lines and Areas Drawing ......................................................................57<br />
Editing Line/Area ..................................................................................58<br />
Line and Area Information window.......................................................58<br />
Deleting user objects in the selected AREA...........................................58<br />
Rectangular area selection .................................................................58<br />
Random area selection.......................................................................59<br />
Deleting user objects .........................................................................59<br />
ELECTRONIC LOGBOOK.......................................................................60<br />
THE PURPOSE OF ELECTRONIC LOGBOOK ..................................................60<br />
LOGBOOK FILES .........................................................................................60<br />
LOGBOOK SCREEN......................................................................................60<br />
RANGE OF DATES SELECTION......................................................................61<br />
BROWSING LOGBOOK TABLE .....................................................................61<br />
Logbook Record Classes .......................................................................62<br />
Setting Table Configuration ..................................................................63<br />
Selecting Date and Time.......................................................................63<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 4
Updating Logbook Records................................................................... 63<br />
REPLAY MODE........................................................................................... 63<br />
Browse logbook Information on Chart.................................................. 64<br />
Start-up moment Selecting .................................................................... 64<br />
Replay Scale Selecting .......................................................................... 64<br />
Playback Start/Stop and Pause ............................................................. 64<br />
Replaying depth profile......................................................................... 65<br />
SAVING LOGBOOK RECORDS TO A TEXT FILE............................................ 65<br />
IMPORT LOGBOOK...................................................................................... 65<br />
EXPORT LOGBOOK..................................................................................... 65<br />
PRINT LOGBOOK TABLE ............................................................................ 65<br />
EXIT FROM LOGBOOK................................................................................ 65<br />
TIDE DATABASE ...................................................................................... 66<br />
TIDE LEVEL WINDOW................................................................................. 66<br />
TIDE LEVEL CALCULATIONS...................................................................... 66<br />
SELECTING A GAUGE ................................................................................. 67<br />
SURVEY DATABASE ............................................................................... 68<br />
RECORDING USER’S SOUNDINGS INFORMATION........................................ 68<br />
FISHERY DATABASE .............................................................................. 69<br />
RADAR OVERLAY (OPTIONAL) .......................................................... 70<br />
DUAL DISPLAY (OPTIONAL)................................................................ 71<br />
DUAL DISPLAY SETTINGS .......................................................................... 71<br />
START DUAL DISPLAY MODE .................................................................... 71<br />
Working with Charts ............................................................................. 71<br />
Reference Box ....................................................................................... 72<br />
Measuring on Chart.............................................................................. 72<br />
Ship Watching Mode Selector ............................................................... 72<br />
Ship’s Redraw Area .............................................................................. 72<br />
Current Chart Information Window...................................................... 72<br />
Selecting a Chart for Display................................................................ 72<br />
Charts’ Orientation Selecting ............................................................... 72<br />
Chart Presentation Level ...................................................................... 72<br />
Additional Information On Chart.......................................................... 72<br />
Presentation Scale Selecting................................................................. 73<br />
Restoring Original Scale of Chart ........................................................ 73<br />
Depth Profile Diagram ......................................................................... 73<br />
3-D Modeling........................................................................................ 73<br />
Route Planning...................................................................................... 73<br />
User Objects Creating & Editing.......................................................... 73<br />
Electronic Logbook............................................................................... 73<br />
Tide Database ....................................................................................... 73<br />
Radar Overlay Mode............................................................................. 73<br />
Print ...................................................................................................... 73<br />
RETURN FROM DUAL DISPLAY TO SINGLE DISPLAY MODE ....................... 73<br />
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .................................................................. 75<br />
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION WINDOW........................................................... 75<br />
ABOUT PAGE ............................................................................................. 75<br />
COMMUNICATION PORTS PAGE.................................................................. 76<br />
Connecting COM Ports......................................................................... 76<br />
Disconnecting COM Ports .................................................................... 77<br />
Testing COM Ports ............................................................................... 77<br />
NMEA-0183 Messages Filter................................................................ 77<br />
5<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
NAVIGATION DEVICES PAGE......................................................................77<br />
Connecting Navigation Devices ............................................................78<br />
Switching from Main to Emergency Reckoning Mode...........................78<br />
Switching to Dual Reckoning Mode.......................................................79<br />
COG and SOG Calculation ...................................................................79<br />
Disable Route Import.............................................................................79<br />
Configure Audible Alarms .....................................................................79<br />
AUTOPILOT PAGE.......................................................................................80<br />
NMEA messages to AutoPilot group .....................................................80<br />
Drift Correction.....................................................................................82<br />
Port for Communication with AutoPilot................................................82<br />
NMEA Identifier Mnemoni<strong>cs</strong> .................................................................82<br />
Navigational Data to AutoPilot Redirection..........................................82<br />
Enabling Messages to Autopilot in Dead Reckoning Mode...................83<br />
Arrival at Way Point..............................................................................83<br />
TRANSPONDER PAGE..................................................................................84<br />
SHIP’S DATA PAGE.....................................................................................85<br />
DEPTH PAGE...............................................................................................86<br />
C-MAP 93V3 DATA ACCESS.......................................................................87<br />
Controlling the chart .............................................................................87<br />
Data set licensing ..................................................................................87<br />
Register C-Map 93v3 database..........................................................88<br />
Select datasets to be licensed.............................................................88<br />
Deliver the dataset list to the distributor............................................89<br />
Add licenses to the database ..............................................................90<br />
Browse licensed data sets ..................................................................90<br />
C-MAP 93V3 UPDATES...............................................................................91<br />
Order Updates for C-Map 93v3 database .............................................92<br />
View Updates of C-Map 93v3 database ................................................92<br />
DATUMS PAGE ...........................................................................................93<br />
Selecting Geographical Datum for External Devices............................93<br />
Selecting Format for Coordinates .........................................................93<br />
FORMAT PAGE............................................................................................94<br />
C-MAP 93V3 PRESENTATION PAGE...........................................................95<br />
TRACKS PAGE ............................................................................................96<br />
MARKS PAGE .............................................................................................96<br />
RADAR PAGE (OPTIONAL)..........................................................................97<br />
APPENDIX I. INSTALLATION ...............................................................99<br />
WIRING AND HARDWARE ...........................................................................99<br />
Exploring Your Navigational Equipment ..............................................99<br />
Exploring Serial Ports of the Computer ..............................................100<br />
Connecting Cables...............................................................................100<br />
RS-232 C DB9 Pin Assignment............................................................101<br />
RS-232 C DB25 Pin Assignment..........................................................101<br />
Protection Device ................................................................................102<br />
SOFTWARE ...............................................................................................102<br />
Exploring Your Environment...............................................................102<br />
Hard Disk Requirements .....................................................................102<br />
System Requirements ...........................................................................103<br />
APPENDIX II. COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS. ............................104<br />
APPENDIX III. TESTING AUTOPILOT ..............................................105<br />
INITIAL PRONAV CS-<strong>300</strong> SETTINGS.........................................................105<br />
STEERING BY BEARING TO WAYPOINT (CTS)............................................105<br />
STEERING BY ROUTE XTE (CROSS-TRACK ERROR) .................................105<br />
MIXED MODE (XTE AND CTS).................................................................106<br />
"DRIFT CORRECTION" CHECKBOX ............................................................106<br />
APPENDIX IV. KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS LIST................................107<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 6
APPENDIX V. APPLICABLE STANDARDS. ...................................... 108<br />
APPENDIX VI. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...................................... 109<br />
APPENDIX VII. C-MAP CARTOGRAPHIC SERVICE ..................... 111<br />
REGISTRATION OF THE SYSTEM AT C-MAP NORWAY. ............................ 111<br />
ORDERING CHARTS.................................................................................. 111<br />
APPLYING LICENSES ................................................................................ 111<br />
TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................. 111<br />
7<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
This Handbook describes ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> Electronic Chart System.<br />
Typographic Conventions<br />
The following conventions are used throughout this document:<br />
Stressed used to highlight important parts of the text,<br />
Chapter: Paragraph indicates cross-reference within the text,<br />
Key designates keys of keyboard (for instance, F1 or Enter).<br />
Key combinations have the following meanings:<br />
Alt-F1 holding Alt, press F1;<br />
Ctrl-Alt-M hold Ctrl, press and hold Alt and press M.<br />
The Handbook Chapters<br />
Before You Begin<br />
Quick Start<br />
Route Monitoring<br />
Route Planning<br />
User Layers Editor<br />
Electronic Logbook<br />
Tide Database<br />
Survey Database<br />
Fishery Database<br />
Dual Display<br />
Radar Overlay<br />
System Configuration<br />
Appendices:<br />
Appendix I. Installation (description of installation procedure)<br />
Appendix II. Communication problems (possible communication problems and how to improve situation)<br />
Appendix III. Testing Autopilot (step-by-step checking of different Autopilot and ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> operation<br />
modes to select the best possible configuration for your vessel and Autopilot)<br />
Appendix IV. Keyboard Functions List (list of all “hotkeys” used in the program)<br />
Appendix V. Applicable standards (list of standards applied in the program and Manual)<br />
Appendix VI. List of abbreviations (abbreviations used in the text)<br />
9<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
Please read this chapter before starting actual navigation procedures.<br />
The Purpose of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong><br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> is the Electronic Chart System; specialized software system for marine navigational purposes.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will – in combination with GPS, speed Log, Compass, Echosounder, ARPA – accomplish the<br />
following tasks:<br />
• display the own ship’s position on the electronic chart,<br />
• track the ship movements and its deviation from the route line,<br />
• automatically track and display targets,<br />
• solve a number of navigational tasks and calculations.<br />
Electronic Navigational Chart Format<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> is an Electronic Chart System (ECS). When working with ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> you are dealing<br />
with electronic charts.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> is capable of working with vector CM-93 version 3 electronic navigational charts developed by<br />
C-MAP. C-MAP electronic charts provide worldwide coverage. CM-93 is a de facto standard for a large<br />
number of commercial navigational applications.<br />
A vector electronic navigational chart (ENC) offers advantages over the paper chart. In addition to the<br />
information transferred from paper charts, ENC may include information from any number of other sources –<br />
such as List of Lights and Notices to Mariners.<br />
A vector electronic chart consists of objects. Each object belongs to an object class. An object class<br />
comprises items or objects with common main characteristi<strong>cs</strong>, such as: land areas, lights, restricted areas,<br />
depth contours, underwater rock, etc. An object is a single instance of an item belonging in an object class.<br />
Each object is defined by two blocks of information – spatial and feature. Spatial information describes the<br />
geographical position and, when applicable, the area of an object. Feature information describes the<br />
attributes. An object’s attribute describes a particular property of the object. For example: color of light, depth<br />
of spot sounding, name of land area are attributes of the corresponding objects.<br />
External Devices and NMEA-0183 Messages<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> performs a number of navigational tasks using computer power. To provide this service the<br />
program needs information about the position and movement of the ship. GPS, speed Log, Compass, and<br />
ARPA are examples of navigational devices that are used as sources of external information for ProNav CS-<br />
<strong>300</strong>.<br />
Communication between ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> and external navigational devices is based on NMEA-0183 protocol.<br />
This protocol defines the format of data to be used in navigational information exchange.<br />
NMEA-0183 information is organized in messages. A message contains mnemonic (signature) of its initiator,<br />
type of message and the appropriate data. ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> is capable of receiving and understanding<br />
messages of the following types:<br />
Fig. 1 List of messages, received by ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong><br />
Message Type<br />
DBT<br />
DPT<br />
GGA<br />
GLL<br />
GNS<br />
GSA<br />
HDM<br />
HDT<br />
OSD<br />
RMA<br />
Depth below transducer<br />
Depth under ship<br />
Meaning<br />
Global positioning system (GPS) fix data<br />
Geographical Position–<br />
latitude/longitude<br />
Fix data for single or combined satellite navigation<br />
systems (GNSS)<br />
GPS DOP and active satellites<br />
Vessel course – magnetic<br />
Actual vessel heading in degrees<br />
Own ship data (heading, course, speed, set and drift<br />
summary)<br />
Recommended minimum specific LORAN-C data<br />
RMC<br />
RSD<br />
TLL<br />
TTM<br />
Recommended minimum specific GPS/TRANSIT<br />
data<br />
Radar system data<br />
Target longitude and latitude<br />
Tracked target message from ARPA<br />
VHW<br />
VTG<br />
ZDA<br />
Water speed and heading<br />
The actual course and speed relative to the ground<br />
UTC time and date<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> needs to receive the ship’s position by a combination of suitable messages at least once per<br />
second.<br />
Please refer to manufacturers’ <strong>manual</strong>s to make sure that your navigational equipment uses the standard<br />
NMEA - 0183 protocol and messages sent or accepted by ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>. In case of deviation from the<br />
standard external converters/filters must be installed.<br />
If necessary, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> can retranslate any received messages to other devices. The program<br />
generates the required messages for correct operation of the autopilot and sends information about the route<br />
and waypoints:<br />
Fig. 2 List of messages, sent by ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong><br />
Message Type<br />
APB<br />
BOD<br />
BWC<br />
GLL<br />
Meaning<br />
Heading/Track controller (autopilot) sentence B<br />
Bearing origin to destination<br />
Bearing and distance to waypoint<br />
Geographic position – latitude/longitude<br />
11<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
RMB<br />
RTE<br />
WPL<br />
XTE<br />
Recommended minimum navigation information<br />
Route – waypoint identifiers, in order<br />
Waypoint location<br />
Cross-track error dead reckoning<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 12
The present chapter describes how to launch ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> and to display your position on the electronic<br />
chart. The process implies three major steps – installation, start-up and gathering charts.<br />
Software Installation<br />
Insert the distribution CD into CD-ROM of your computer – Setup program is started automatically. If not, start<br />
Startup.exe program <strong>manual</strong>ly – setup menu appears with the following variants:<br />
• ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> Setup<br />
• Hardlock Driver Setup<br />
• View Readme<br />
• Exit<br />
If there is no installed HARDLOCK (Dongle) driver, proceed as follows before activating Setup.<br />
Othervise, proceed starting from point 5 in below description:<br />
1. Connect HARDLOCK (Dongle) device to parallel port.<br />
2. Start Windows and log on with administrative rights.<br />
3. Start Startup.exe from the distribution disk.<br />
4. Select Hardlock Driver Setup from the menu.<br />
5. After successful driver installation, restart Windows and log on with user rights.<br />
6. Start Startup.exe from the distribution disk.<br />
7. Select ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> Setup from the menu and follow instructions in Setup dialogs.<br />
Please see Appendix I. INSTALLATION of the Manual for detailed information on software installation and<br />
hardware cabling.<br />
Multi Language Support<br />
The language of ProNav CS <strong>300</strong> user interface (except for HELP) is selected using Windows Regional<br />
Settings (Start/Settings/Control Panel/Regional Settings) before the program startup.<br />
If required, you may define Norwegian as HELP language. To do so, select Yes for the program confirmation<br />
message “Do you want to use Norwegian Help?” after system installation.<br />
Start Menu Contents<br />
After the installation has been finished, the shortcuts to the program files are created in ProNav CS <strong>300</strong> folder:<br />
– start HardLock driver installation;<br />
– start ProNav CS <strong>300</strong> Help;<br />
– start ProNav CS <strong>300</strong>;<br />
– display Readme file;<br />
– program uninstall;<br />
– start Preventing Collisions Regulations electronic version;<br />
– CM-93 Edition 3 System Development Kit (SDK) uninstall.<br />
– the file to be sent to C-MAP 93v3 data distributor to get a license (see C-Map 93v3 Data<br />
Access on page 85).<br />
User’s Manual<br />
Program Directories<br />
After installation of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> you will find the following directories on your hard disk:<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> is the name of the working directory. It contains executable files and other files for program<br />
launching.<br />
Charts is the directory, containing system electronic navigational charts as well as 3D<br />
model files.<br />
Logbook directory contains the Logbook records.<br />
Route directory contains the database of planned routes.<br />
UserObj directory contains user layers data.<br />
CMRoot directory is the program working and CM93v3 charts directory.<br />
Rpfiles directory contains radar processor files.<br />
ColReg directory contains Preventing Collisions Regulations electronic version.<br />
All the files created during installation are vital for ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>. Do not delete or rename any of<br />
them.<br />
Running ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong><br />
To run the program, click ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> shortcut from Windows Desktop or select its shortcut from Windows’<br />
START menu (Start/Programs/ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>).<br />
By default the system is adjusted to receive positioning data from GPS receiver via COM1 serial port. If you<br />
have plugged in the cable correctly, the program displays the ship’s symbol on the chart and your positioning<br />
coordinates are shown in Position information window in black color (see also Position Information Window on<br />
page 24). The system is ready to operate.<br />
If the program fails to display the ship symbol and coordinates, “Position undefined” program message is<br />
displayed in Position Information window instead of current coordinates. In this case proceed as described in<br />
Checking the Communication on page 14.<br />
If the signal is missing, the program will load a chart for the last saved ship’s position and a red field with the<br />
corresponding text will appear at the lower right corner of the screen. See also Appendix II.<br />
Checking the Communication<br />
Check the communication with external devices:<br />
1. Configure the communication ports for external devices, see Navigation Devices Page on page 77.<br />
2. Test the communication, see Testing COM Ports paragraph on page 77 to learn how to run the test.<br />
In case of problems, see Appendix II. COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS.<br />
Do not proceed until this test has been successfully completed.<br />
Get access to C-MAP collection<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> uses data of C-MAP 93 version 3 Worldwide charts' collection. You will need to get access to<br />
C-MAP collection (see C-Map 93v3 Data Access on page 87).<br />
Horizontal Datum<br />
The geographical coordinates of the ship position, cartographic and non-cartographic objects relate to a<br />
Horizontal Datum (“local geodetic datum”, “ellipsoid”).<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 14
To ensure correct navigational calculations, Horizontal Datums of the ship coordinates, chart coordinates,<br />
routes, user objects, etc. must coincide.<br />
Usually, the coordinates from GPS-receivers are set using WGS-84 datum according to international<br />
standards; though, some receiver types do not support this feature.<br />
All calculations are conducted in ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> using WGS-84 Horizontal Datum. To omit errors,<br />
define the datum of your GPS-receiver on Datums page of System Configuration mode (see Datums<br />
Page on page 93), and the program makes these datums coincide automatically.<br />
The Structure of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong><br />
Main Screen<br />
Fig. 3 Route Monitoring Screen<br />
On starting ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>, Route Monitoring Screen is activated.<br />
Electronic Chart is located in the left part of the screen.<br />
The right window part contains the Control Panel, containing the following elements (downwards):<br />
• Position Information Window;<br />
• Route Control Window;<br />
• Current Chart Information Window;<br />
• Buttons, activating different navigation functions and modes;<br />
• Reference Box;<br />
• Chart control buttons;<br />
• Alarm Indicator.<br />
Operation Modes<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> consists of sections, described below.<br />
Route Monitoring - the most powerful mode of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>. When the program starts, this mode is<br />
activated. In Route Monitoring the navigator will continually perform route calculations. Even if another section<br />
is open and occupies the entire screen, functions of route calculations are active and monitor the ship<br />
movements. When you exit any other program mode, Route Monitoring mode is activated again.<br />
15<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
Access to other sections is provided by the following buttons in the lower part of the Control Panel:<br />
Route Planning. This section helps you in planning your voyage on the chart or in table form. Routes may be<br />
exported and imported. Use button to enter the section.<br />
User Layers Editor allows creation and edition of various user objects. Different User Layer functions may be<br />
activated using the following buttons: , , , and .<br />
Electronic Logbook. The Electronic Logbook feature allows reviewing the past tracks and events. Press<br />
button to start the module.<br />
Tidal Database. This mode allows you to calculate the tide level at the specified point (gauge) and time. Start<br />
the mode by clicking left button over a gauge’s symbol on the chart.<br />
Survey Database is used for collecting and displaying information concerning depths according to<br />
echosounder data.<br />
Fishery Database<br />
This mode allows working with fishery database. Use button to enter the section.<br />
System Configuration. Here you are free to define the necessary parameters of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> operating.<br />
To access this mode, press<br />
button.<br />
Radar Overlay – to start the module, press<br />
button; this function is optional.<br />
Dual Display – to start the function, press<br />
button; this function is optional.<br />
User Interface of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong><br />
User Interface comprises a set of software tools helping you work with the program in a convenient way. All<br />
these tools are constructed in a consistent manner to provide a consistent operating environment.<br />
Mouse Standard Interface<br />
Mouse (or trackball, in this handbook we will use ‘mouse’ meaning both devices) is the main tool used to<br />
control ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>. Some functions can be performed by mouse only.<br />
To operate with ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>, three-button trackball (mouse) is used with a Scroll Wheel on its middle<br />
button.<br />
The Wheel is used with the following purposes:<br />
• Chart’s Zooming In/Out (scroll wheel down/up);<br />
• Chart’s Centering (clicking the wheel on chart);<br />
• Scrolling tables and lists up and down;<br />
• Entering numeric values (see How to Use Elements on page 17).<br />
Left mouse button in most cases is used to:<br />
• Activate control screen elements (clicking left button over a control screen element);<br />
• Display information window of user objects, targets, planned routes and tidal gauges (clicking left button<br />
over an object);<br />
• Chart objects’ attributes retrieval (double click left button over a chart object).<br />
Right mouse button is used mainly to start editing user objects and planned routes (after clicking right button<br />
over an object).<br />
All cases of special mouse interface are described in the Manual individually.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 16
Keyboard<br />
Keyboard is mainly used to input digits and characters. Some mouse functions are doubled by the keyboard<br />
keys; such cases are described in the corresponding parts of the <strong>manual</strong> (see also Appendix IV. KEYBOARD<br />
Cursor<br />
Working with a mouse you see a cursor on the screen. In its standard form the cursor appears as a cross –<br />
. The cursor may have different forms, depending on the task you are to fulfill. To perform an action,<br />
move the cursor to the desired place and click a mouse button.<br />
Use Ctrl-arrow up, down, right and left key combinations to move the cursor on the screen from the<br />
keyboard.<br />
Controlling the Program<br />
Working with ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> you deal with control screen elements. An element is a graphic representation –<br />
button, list, tab, table, etc.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> has a limited number of element types. The below text contains brief description of each<br />
element.<br />
Screen Elements’ ToolTips<br />
When you move the cursor over a screen element, a short description (tooltip) of its function appears at cursor<br />
position.<br />
How to Use Elements<br />
Buttons are used to start functions or processes.<br />
icon. To push a button place the cursor on it and<br />
A button can have a picture or text<br />
click left mouse button.<br />
Check-box is used to adjust certain parameters. It works like a trigger with<br />
two states - on and off, selected by clicking<br />
left mouse button.<br />
Radio buttons (menu) allow the choice of one of several possible alternatives or parameters. The<br />
active choice is indicated by a black dot. To activate the choice, click on its dot with left<br />
mouse button.<br />
A List also offers a choice between alternatives. An<br />
figure.<br />
To select a choice from the list double click left<br />
list and press Enter. To leave the list without selection,<br />
• press Cancel button<br />
• press Esc key<br />
• click any mouse button outside the list.<br />
example of the list is shown on the<br />
mouse button or highlight it in the<br />
you may do one of the following:<br />
Output Field is a word or string displayed on the screen. Since output fields are passive they cannot be<br />
activated by mouse or keyboard.<br />
Input Box allows entering/editing text from the keyboard. You can move the cursor<br />
within the box with Left and Right keys. Del and Backspace keys erase the<br />
character at the cursor position, Enter starts a new line. On pressing Esc all<br />
characters of the line will be erased. An Input Box may have only one line (such boxes<br />
are used in Tables, see below).<br />
Entry (Input Field) accepts input of digits and characters from the keyboard or with spin buttons. Spins are<br />
used for entering course, speed, position, etc. To edit a value, select the required value range (degrees,<br />
minutes, seconds) with the mouse and then use spin buttons, wheel or Up, Down, Right and Left arrows on<br />
the keyboard.<br />
17<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
Please remember how spin buttons control different parameters:<br />
Longitude – left spin button moves longitude westward, right spin button -<br />
eastward.<br />
Latitude – upper spin button moves latitude to the North, lower spin button – to the<br />
South.<br />
Speed, Course – upper spin button increases the speed, lower spin button decreases it.<br />
If you hold a spin button pressed longer than one second, the value will start changing automatically.<br />
You may enter the characters either typing them or using up and down keys to increase and decrease values<br />
respectively; move the cursor with Left and Right keys.<br />
Spin functions are duplicated by the wheel in the following way:<br />
Scrolling the wheel Up increases the value, scrolling Down –decreases it.<br />
Table – a composite element consisting of rows and columns. The crossing of a row and a column forms a<br />
table field. A field may contain text or another element (usually an Input Box, see above). Rows and columns<br />
of the table may also have headings.<br />
Fig. 4 Example of table<br />
To select a table field for editing, either double click left mouse button on it or click left mouse button on it<br />
and press Enter key. An editable field looks like an entry (see above). To save the changes you have made<br />
either press Enter key once more or select another table field.<br />
A table can contain more rows or columns than are displayed. To scroll a table in order to reach the hidden<br />
parts, use the scrollbars. If the table contains no scrollbars, that means that the whole table is visible on the<br />
screen. The wheel may be also used for scrolling tables up and down. To scroll the table from left to right or<br />
vice versa, use Shift key and the mouse wheel.<br />
Tabs look like a card file. Each tab corresponds to a page. A tab is a convenient way of switching between<br />
different tasks. To switch a page click left mouse button on its tab. You are also free to use Ctrl-Tab<br />
key combination to switch between pages.<br />
Fig. 5 Example of tabs<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> Help<br />
When you operate with ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> a situation may occur, when you hesitate about this or that program<br />
function or element. For such cases the program is supported by Help system, allowing quick and<br />
comprehensible answers to any question that may interest you.<br />
To get Help from ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>, press button in the right upper corner of the program window – the<br />
cursor will look like an arrow with a question mark. Then move the cursor to the element you want to know<br />
about and click left mouse button – you will see the related Help topic with the description of the<br />
element you need.<br />
You may also call Help window by pressing F1.<br />
Alt-F1 and Ctrl-F1 key combinations activate<br />
button.<br />
Print<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 18
Use either button or Ctrl-P key combination to print the ProNav CS-<br />
<strong>300</strong> information.<br />
After the button has been clicked a window<br />
appears with the following variants:<br />
• Whole screen – print entire screen;<br />
• Map Area – print electronic chart area;<br />
• LogBook – print logbook contents in a textual form. The function<br />
operates only when Log Book mode is ON<br />
(See Print LogBook Table on page<br />
65).<br />
• Current Route – print route waypoints table. The function operates only<br />
when Route Planning mode is ON (See Print Current Route on page 50).<br />
After you have selected the required variant, the program displays the standard Print window. Printing is<br />
curried out without interruption of the program operation.<br />
Exiting the Program<br />
To exit ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>, press button on the screen or Alt-F4 key combination on the keyboard. Quit<br />
window will appear. Select OK to exit the program or Cancel to revoke the command.<br />
The program will close all temporary files, clean up the memory and save the configuration on the hard disk –<br />
this may take some time.<br />
Working with Charts in ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong><br />
When you have the chart on the screen, you can carry out a number of program aided ‘<strong>manual</strong>’ operations,<br />
without interfering with the functions running automatically.<br />
Zooming In and Out<br />
You can change the scale of presentation of the current chart. This operation does not change the accuracy of<br />
chart data.<br />
However, if a chart is overscaled, note that inaccuracies in the chart data will be enlarged on the screen and<br />
may lead to wrong conclusions as to the actual distances between the ship position and location of objects<br />
such as coast lines and depth contours.<br />
To increase/decrease the scale of presentation use Scroll Wheel/middle button:<br />
Scroll down – ZOOM IN<br />
Scroll up – ZOOM OUT<br />
When you scroll the wheel, an additional window appears near cursor position, displaying the selected scale.<br />
These functions are doubled by + and – keys, and Alt + and Alt – key combinations, zooming the current<br />
presentation scale in or out step-by-step.<br />
You can also select the presentation scale from the standard list (see also Presentation Scale Selecting on page<br />
30)<br />
Chart’s Centering on Cursor’s Position<br />
With this function you may move the chart so that the selected point becomes the center of the screen.<br />
To center the chart at the cursor position, place the cursor on the required chart point and press the wheel –<br />
this point becomes the center of the chart area.<br />
Scrolling the Chart<br />
To scroll a chart within the screen chart area:<br />
19<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
1. Place the cursor close to the screen’s border. The cursor will change its shape to an arrow ( )<br />
indicating the direction of scrolling.<br />
2. Click left mouse button to scroll the chart in the direction of the arrow or right mouse button to<br />
scroll the chart in the opposite direction.<br />
These functions may be activated using the following key combinations: Alt-“Arrow UP”/”Down”/”Left”/”Right”.<br />
To scroll the chart diagonally, place the cursor on a corner of the chart border and click a mouse button.<br />
This function is available if Shifting arrows checkbox have been activated (see Format Page on page<br />
94)<br />
Restoring Previous Scale and Area of Presentation<br />
To return the chart to the previous scale and area of presentation push button.<br />
Each press will bring you one step back. You cannot make more than two steps back.<br />
Full Screen Mode<br />
If you push button, the control panel will be removed from the screen. If you press this button again the<br />
panel will be restored.<br />
Reference Box<br />
The Reference Box is located at the bottom of the control panel. If the cursor is<br />
on the chart, the geographical coordinates of the cursor position are shown in<br />
the left part of the Reference Box. Its right part displays bearing and distance<br />
from the current ship position to the cursor. The lower line of the reference box right field may display either<br />
bearing or relative bearing, see the next paragraph to learn how to adjust this option.<br />
Measuring On Chart<br />
To start measuring on chart, press<br />
button. This function provides several<br />
measuring tools (electronic ruler and EBL –<br />
Electronic Bearing Line).<br />
There are two independent ways to measure<br />
distances on a chart – between ship<br />
and the cursor and between a specified<br />
reference point and the cursor.<br />
To measure distance between own ship and the cursor, select the required<br />
alternative from Draw on Chart field:<br />
Cursor (D+B) – the coordinates of the cursor<br />
on the chart; distance and<br />
bearing/reverse bearing from the ship are<br />
continually displayed in the right<br />
section of the Reference Box.<br />
EBL (D+B) – the ship symbol and the cursor<br />
are connected with an EBL ‘rubber<br />
band’; distance and bearing/reverse bearing<br />
from the ship are continually displayed<br />
in the Reference Box at the bottom of the<br />
screen.<br />
EBL (D+RB) – cursor and EBL on chart;<br />
distance and relative bearing are<br />
measured and indicated in the Reference<br />
Box.<br />
EBL+VRM (D+B) – EBL and the circle of VRM (Variable Range Mark) are displayed on the chart; distance<br />
and bearing/reverse bearing from the ship are continually displayed in the Reference Box at the bottom of<br />
the screen.<br />
‘From ship’ measuring task remains active even after you have left Measurings on Chart window.<br />
Measuring on chart without involving the ship position may be performed in two ways – (a) distance/bearing<br />
between two points and (b) length of long broken line.<br />
You are free to use both variants, either measuring along Great Circle Line or along Rhumb Line; choose the<br />
corresponding Great Circle or Rhumb Line button.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 20
To measure distance between a specified reference point and the cursor, do:<br />
1. Select B, D radiobutton in Divider field.<br />
2. Place the cursor over the electronic chart. Select the place for the reference point, and click left mouse<br />
button. A cross marker is left on the chart at that position.<br />
3. Move the cursor to another point on the chart. The two points are connected with bearing line from the<br />
cursor to the marker. The result is shown in the current window: bearing/reverse bearing from the cursor to<br />
the mark in B: field and distance from the cursor to the mark in D: field.<br />
To measure the total distance along a broken line, do:<br />
1. Select Sum radiobox in Divider field.<br />
2. Place the cursor over the electronic chart; select place for the reference point and click left mouse<br />
button. A cross will be left on chart at that position.<br />
3. Repeat step 2 as many times as desired.<br />
4. The result is shown in Divider field: Summ is the total length of all line legs in miles, B and D are shown for<br />
the last leg only (ending at the cursor position).<br />
Click Delete last button to delete the last reference point on line and Delete All to erase the whole line.<br />
Units of Measuring Depths and Heights on the Chart<br />
Units of measuring depths and heights on the chart are indicated with a symbol in the left lower corner of the<br />
chart: «М» – unit of measurement – meters. The symbol has its own tooltip.<br />
Chart Linear Scale<br />
You may find the chart linear scale along its left border. When you place the cursor over it, the program<br />
displays its ToolTip with the information on the scale division value.<br />
Display Palette<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> provides seven screen palettes – sets of colors to be applied in different light conditions. To<br />
select the required screen palette, use button.<br />
The first six are specified in S-52 and known as standard ECDIS screen colors.<br />
The last one is used in all software products of Morintech Navigation AS.<br />
You may use any palette you prefer. To select, either double click left mouse button on the desired<br />
palette or highlight it in the list and press OK button.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> stores the selected palette in the configuration file so that it will be used automatically the you<br />
run the program.<br />
Objects information<br />
Objects’ ToolTips<br />
Positioning the cursor over some objects in the chart area automatically brings the ToolTip to the screen.<br />
ToolTips automatically appear in 0.5 seconds after the mouse button has been placed over the object. ToolTip<br />
disappears either when the mouse moves from the object or automatically 10 seconds after it was placed on<br />
the object.<br />
ToolTips are displayed for the following objects:<br />
• Lighthouse & Navigation marks (cartographic chart objects)<br />
• Marks<br />
• Lines & Areas<br />
• Route legs & Way points<br />
21<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
• ARPA/AIS Targets<br />
• Tracks (own ship & ARPA/AIS tracks)<br />
Lighthouse & Navigation marks ToolTip contains the following information:<br />
Type, Name, Light particulars.<br />
For example:<br />
See description of other objects’ ToolTips in the corresponding chapters of the Manual.<br />
Object Information Window<br />
This function may be applied to the following objects:<br />
• Tracks (own ship & ARPA/AIS targets’ tracks), see also Track Information Window on page 55;<br />
• Marks, Event marks (see Mark and Event Mark Information Window on page 57);<br />
• Lines and Areas (see Line and Area Information window on page 58);<br />
• Routes (see Current Route Information Window on page 31);<br />
• ARPA/AIS Targets (see ARPA Target Information Window on page 35 and Transponder Targets Information<br />
Window on page 36).<br />
Clicking left mouse button over an object on the chart brings the information window to the screen.<br />
Object Information window, corresponding to different objects, will be described below in the related chapters.<br />
Chart Objects’ Attributes Retrieval<br />
You can display all the attributes of any cartographic object from ENC database.<br />
To see the objects and their attributes in table form, do:<br />
1. Place the cursor on the object whose attributes you want to display.<br />
2. Double click left mouse button. A list of the objects ‘pierced’ by the cursor will appear.<br />
Object window consists of two parts: the leftmost column lists the classes of the objects found, the<br />
rightmost column displays attributes and their values for the selected object.<br />
3. Select an object from the list and all its attributes will be displayed in Attribute column, their values – in<br />
Value column.<br />
Composite objects in the list are indicated with + and are expanded into a tree of their components as soon as<br />
you click on + (see Lighthouse object).<br />
While Found list window is active, you may still work with the chart as usual – all program functions will be<br />
accessible to operate with the chart.<br />
To close the window click left mouse button on x button or press Esc.<br />
Fig. 6 List of Chart Objects<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 22
The Purpose of Route Monitoring Mode<br />
Route Monitoring Mode is the basic module of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>, providing continual displaying of ship symbol<br />
and its movement parameters, controlling navigation safety and route deviations. Being the main program<br />
module, Route Monitoring does not interrupt operation of other program modes or producing of necessary<br />
signals and alarms.<br />
On launching the program, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> starts Route Monitoring Mode automatically, a number of<br />
continual processes are activated to run on the background:<br />
Data Acquisition – receives data from external devices and calculates the current position and movement<br />
of the own ship and the ARPA & AIS targets.<br />
Own ship plotting – displays the own ship’s position on the chart and finds the optimum chart to load for<br />
this position.<br />
Route Calculations – provides recommendations on how to sail the planned route in the best way.<br />
Logbook feature – writes and stores information on all navigational events during the voyage.<br />
Plotting Own Position<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> must always know the position of your ship in order to provide the services described above.<br />
The main source of positioning information is the GPS receiver, although ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> can read position<br />
data from any type of external device which is capable of providing the appropriate NMEA-0183 message, see<br />
External Devices and NMEA-0183 Messages on page 10.<br />
When a chart has been loaded and displayed on the screen, the ship symbol indicates your geographical<br />
position.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> provides 3 reckoning modes. In each mode a positioning system is used in order to obtain<br />
ship’s coordinates. Positioning system for each mode is assigned by the mariner.<br />
1. Main Mode. This mode is used by default. ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> works in main reckoning mode while the<br />
corresponding positioning system is functioning correctly. Usually GPS or DGPS is used as a positioning<br />
system for the main mode.<br />
2. Emergency Mode. ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> switches to the emergency mode if the positioning system used for the<br />
main mode stops working.<br />
3. Dual Mode. Two ship symbols (the one from the positioning system of the main or emergency mode and<br />
another from the system of the dual mode) will be displayed on the chart simultaneously, see Dual<br />
Reckoning on page 27.<br />
Switching from the main mode to emergency mode is carried out automatically, see Switching from<br />
Main to Emergency Reckoning Mode on page 78.<br />
The Main and Emergency modes are indicated on the screen by different colors of coordinates presentation<br />
(see Position Information Window on page 24):<br />
Black – main mode<br />
Blue – emergency mode. If Dead Reckoning is selected for the emergency mode, coordinates in Position<br />
Information window change for “Dead Reckoning” message once in 5 seconds.<br />
Red – data acquisition stopped.<br />
Main Reckoning Mode<br />
The following positioning systems can be used for plotting in the main mode:<br />
1. Automatic systems:<br />
DGPS (GPS) – Global Positioning System<br />
User’s Manual<br />
DECCA, LORAN–C – provided these systems are able to output positional data in NMEA-0183 format.<br />
2. Dead reckoning based on speed and course (see Dead Reckoning Parameters on page 25):<br />
LOG & Gyro – automatic dead reckoning on data from speed log and compass (gyro or magnetic)<br />
LOG & MC – dead reckoning on speed from the log and course defined by the mariner (MC, Manual<br />
Course)<br />
MS & Gyro – dead reckoning on course from the compass and speed defined by the mariner (MS, Manual<br />
Speed)<br />
Manual – dead reckoning basing on data defined by the mariner<br />
Emergency Mode<br />
Emergency mode is intended for ship’s reckoning if a positioning system selected for the main mode stops<br />
working (it is applicable to automatic systems only).<br />
The list of positioning systems for the emergency mode is the same as the list for the main mode.<br />
Switching from the main mode to emergency mode and vice versa is carried out automatically, see<br />
Switching from Main to Emergency Reckoning Mode on page 78.<br />
Log and Compass<br />
If you use a GPS (or DECCA, LORAN-C) as the only positioning system, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will draw on chart<br />
the ship’s true movement vector only (‘true’ = ‘over ground’).<br />
If you have a speed Log and a compass connected, you will see two vectors simultaneously – one for<br />
movement over ground and another based on the data from Log and Compass.<br />
The length of a movement vector depends on the ship’s speed. Looking at the end of the vector you may<br />
estimate where your ship will be after a predetermined period of time. See Additional Information On Chart on<br />
page 29 for details.<br />
Position Information Window<br />
In this window the ship’s movement<br />
parameters are displayed.<br />
The main parameter is the ship’s position<br />
coordinates (large font).<br />
Above the position coordinates you will find<br />
Loc – Local (Ship) Time and Date<br />
received from satellite via the GPS. See Time Setting on page 25.<br />
The current positioning system (main or emergency) is indicated below<br />
(DGPS in our sample).<br />
D letter indicates the GPS differential mode<br />
(“DGPS” - on/”GPS ” - off).<br />
HDOP value (Horizontal Dilution of Precision) is displayed in HDOP field.<br />
The more this value is, the less is the positioning precision. For more information refer to your GPS receiver<br />
Manual.<br />
SOG and COG are speed and course over ground (true) received from GPS or from another Positioning<br />
System.<br />
LOG and HDG are the data received from speed Log and Compass respectively.<br />
You may adjust the data presentation in this window at your wish:<br />
• If you click left mouse button over the coordinates, they will be enlarged. Click left mouse button once<br />
again to return the coordinates to the standard size.<br />
• If you click left mouse button over any other data below the coordinates, it will be enlarged and displayed<br />
in the center of the window. Click left mouse button once again to return the window to the standard<br />
presentation.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 24
Time Setting<br />
To switch to this function, click right mouse button in time/date row in the Position Information window – Time<br />
Settings window appears.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> treats UTC as the universal time from satellite. Hence, it will be available only when the<br />
received NMEA-0183 messages include the time data. In this respect, the GPS, ZDA or RMC message<br />
is preferred.<br />
You may set time in two ways:<br />
From GPS - Ship’s (Local) Time will be set<br />
as UTC plus the correction defined in<br />
Correction to UTC entry. This will work<br />
only when UTC is received from<br />
external devices. If there are no data<br />
from GPS in this mode, time and date<br />
will become red.<br />
Manual - This feature allows you to set<br />
Ship’s Time independently from UTC.<br />
In this case you need to correct the time<br />
periodically.<br />
If there are no NMEA data or GPS does not<br />
work, set the time <strong>manual</strong>ly.<br />
To enter exact time in <strong>manual</strong> mode, do:<br />
1. Select Manual alternative. See the time going in Loc field.<br />
2. Push Stop button – time in Loc field will stop and the field will become accessible.<br />
3. Enter exact time value in Loc field.<br />
4. Push Start button at the proper moment to synchronize ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> clock and your ship clock.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> saves <strong>manual</strong> time settings in its configuration file. Hence, it is not necessary to set up the<br />
ship time each time you start ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>.<br />
If you set the time <strong>manual</strong>ly, UTC or Loc indication in the Position Information window will become blue (see<br />
Position Information Window on page 24).<br />
Dead Reckoning Parameters<br />
This function is accessible when data from the positioning system are not available. In this case Position<br />
Information Window displays either Dead Reckoning or Position Undefined messages.<br />
To start the function, click right mouse button in coordinates field of Position Information Window – Dead<br />
Reckoning window appears.<br />
This function lets you perform the following operations:<br />
1. Reckon in Dead Reckoning mode, i.e. the program reckons the ship’s track basing on the course and<br />
speed,<br />
2. Set the ship’s position basing on data received from other sources,<br />
In Dead Reckoning mode the following variants are possible:<br />
1. Reckoning basing on data received from log and compass (LOG+GYRO),<br />
2. Reckoning basing on data from log and course <strong>manual</strong>ly entered (LOG+MC),<br />
3. Reckoning basing on data from compass and speed, <strong>manual</strong>ly entered (MS+GYRO).<br />
4. Reckoning basing on course and speed <strong>manual</strong>ly entered (MS+MC).<br />
Depending on the variant selected for the<br />
current mode (Main or Emergency,<br />
see Navigation Devices Page of Settings window<br />
on page 77) the corresponding input<br />
fields are accessible in the function window<br />
(they are not shaded); shaded fields<br />
are not accessible. See the example on the<br />
figure: let the selected variant be<br />
Manual Speed + Compass (MS+GYRO), which<br />
means that you are free to enter<br />
speed in MS field (<strong>manual</strong>ly) as well as ship’s<br />
coordinates in Lat and Lon fields;<br />
course is based on data from compass, thus<br />
MC field is not accessible.<br />
You may enter parameters either from the<br />
keyboard or using spin buttons.<br />
Adjust and Send buttons help to synchronize<br />
the scale of log and/or compass<br />
analog devices.<br />
You may enter position based on coordinates<br />
in several ways:<br />
25<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
• With the help of the cursor – place the cursor to the required position on chart and push Set Manual<br />
Position button.<br />
• Enter latitude and longitude values in the corresponding fields and push Set Manual Position button.<br />
When you press Stop DR button, the program ceases Dead Reckoning. The button name is changed into “DR<br />
Stopped” and Position Information window displays the latest values of ship coordinates. On pressing this<br />
button again the program restarts dead reckoning.<br />
Ship Watching on Chart<br />
The position of your ship is displayed on the chart as symbol with one or two movement vectors (see<br />
previous paragraphs). If the scale of the current chart presentation allows the actual ship outline to be<br />
displayed instead of the symbol, the outline will be shown in accordance with the parameters defined on<br />
Ship’s Data page of System Configuration mode (see Ship’s Data Page on page 85).<br />
“Tails” & “Tracks”<br />
The ship run way, recorded into the logbook in accordance with data from the positioning (reckoning) system,<br />
is displayed on the chart as second’s and minute’s (thicker) marks, provided the corresponding checkboxes in<br />
Show on Chart window have been activated, see also Additional Information On Chart on page 29).<br />
In Route Monitoring mode minute’s marks may indicate a route passed up to 30 days, second’s marks – for<br />
the latest 30 minutes. ARPA or AIS target routes may be indicated in the logbook analogously.<br />
This method to display ship run way is called hereinafter “OWN SHIP’S TAIL”. The operator can not edit<br />
neither Tails presentation, nor Logbook information. Ship’s Tail is shown on the chart with thicker marks,<br />
comparing with Targets’ Tails:<br />
Own ship’s tail;<br />
Target’s tail.<br />
The program allows creation of “OWN SHIP’S TRACK” User Layer objects, basing on ship Tails. To create a<br />
Track, ship Tail should be transformed by the program (smoothed, assigned shape and color according to<br />
operator’s choice, see Tracks Recording on page 54). Being User Layer objects, Tracks may be edited later<br />
(see Track Editing on page 55).<br />
Besides, Tails may be saved as special Routes (see Create a Route from the Logbook on page 49).<br />
Ship Watching Mode Selector<br />
There are two selectable alternatives for monitoring the chart: (1) The program can automatically change the<br />
chart under the ship to keep the ship symbol always visible within the screen or (2) you may browse the chart<br />
regardless of the ship position and visibility.<br />
Click left mouse button over button to switch between the ship watched and ship dropped alternatives.<br />
When this button is ”down”, the ship will always be displayed within the screen area, defined by the operator<br />
(see Ship’s Redraw Area below). AUTO CENTER indication appears in the current chart information window<br />
and the button indicator turns green. When the button is ”up”, you can freely scroll the chart on the screen<br />
regardless of the ship position while the indication SHIP OUTSIDE appears in red on the control panel under<br />
the chart number and the button indicator turns red. SHIP OUTSIDE mode is set automatically when using<br />
some of the chart presentation control functions.<br />
To return to the automatic ship watched mode, click button once more.<br />
This function may be activated by pressing Alt-Home key combination.<br />
Ship’s Redraw Area<br />
When ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> is set up to work in ship watched mode, the electronic chart will scroll under the ship as<br />
it moves. When the ship reaches a preset limit on the screen, the electronic chart redraws to show the ship<br />
symbol in a specified initial position within the displayed chart area.<br />
This function allows defining of the screen area to display the ship symbol in AUTO CENTER mode.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 26
To switch to this function, click right mouse button over button.<br />
The program provides two ways of automatic ship<br />
watching:<br />
1. Center Ship checkbox is off. When the ship reaches ship redraw area limit, the<br />
chart will redraw.<br />
2. Center Ship checkbox is on. The chart is continually redrawn, the ship and<br />
the chart redraw area always remain at the<br />
same position on the chart.<br />
The first variant – Center Ship checkbox is off:<br />
Ship’s Redraw Area window allows you to define<br />
the redraw limits (shown as red lines)<br />
and the ship’s initial position.<br />
By default, the initial position is the center of the chart. To return to default values, click on Default Area<br />
button.<br />
To define the redraw area limits and the ship position, proceed as follows:<br />
• to move the entire rectangular area, place cursor somewhere within the area and drag it with left<br />
mouse button,<br />
• to change particular limit of the area, place the cursor on the area red frame line, or on one of its corners<br />
(the cursor will change into a two-way arrow), and drag with left mouse button,<br />
• to define the ship’s position inside the redraw area, place the cursor to the desired place and click right<br />
mouse button. The ship symbol moves to this position.<br />
Thus, changing the redraw area and the ship’s position, you may select the most suitable way of presentation<br />
(screen limits are shown as a black frame).<br />
Maximize course area checkbox will set the ship’s initial position close to the area border opposite to the<br />
current heading, reserving maximum free space in the direction of movement.<br />
The second variant – Center Ship checkbox is on:<br />
In this case the ship always remains at the same position on the screen (similar to radar presentation).<br />
Dual Reckoning<br />
This function provides Dual reckoning mode when using 2 independent<br />
positioning systems (e.g. GPS and Loran). This mode can be used for visual<br />
estimation of positioning accuracy.<br />
Select the required positioning system for dual<br />
reckoning and activate it using<br />
Navigation Devices page of Settings window (see Navigation Devices Page on page 77).<br />
After the Dual System has been switched on,<br />
Dual Navigational Data window<br />
appears. In the upper part of this window the<br />
current coordinates are displayed<br />
according to the selected positioning system<br />
(Loran C in our sample).<br />
Under the coordinates you find:<br />
SOG – speed over ground,<br />
COG – course over ground,<br />
Show Ship’s Symbol – this checkbox is used to display ship’s symbol, according to data, received from<br />
dual positioning system,<br />
dLat – Latitude correction from the current positioning system to the dual system,<br />
dLon – Longitude correction from the current positioning system to the dual system,<br />
C – discrepancy between current and dual systems; direction is given in degrees and nautical miles from<br />
the current system.<br />
If Show Ship’s Symbol checkbox is activated, two ship symbols will be displayed on the chart – basing on data<br />
from main (emergency) reckoning system and Dual System (see Fig. 7).<br />
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User’s Manual<br />
Fig. 7 Ship Position & Tail in Dual Reckoning<br />
Electronic Chart in Use<br />
Current Chart Information Window<br />
This window displays the most important information about the current electronic chart and its presentation:<br />
• the Number of the chart (left upper corner of the window),<br />
• the chart original scale (right upper corner of the window),<br />
• the current scale of chart’s presentation (under the original scale).<br />
The color of the current scale indication may be: black when the<br />
current scale is equal to the original<br />
scale, red when the current scale is<br />
smaller (underscale) or larger than<br />
the original (overscale).<br />
• Under the current chart's Number you will find an indication of the ship watching mode – AUTO CENTER<br />
or SHIP OUTSIDE.<br />
Automatic Chart Scrolling<br />
In the ship watched mode, the program will automatically scroll the chart under the ship as it moves.<br />
Automatic Chart Selection and Loading<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> can automatically select and load the most suitable (largest scale) chart under the ship.<br />
When the ship leaves the current chart, the next chart will be loaded.<br />
Selecting a Chart for Display<br />
Use this function to select an electronic chart at the ship position <strong>manual</strong>ly or for<br />
browsing a random geographical area.<br />
To select a chart, click right mouse button over the chart number in Chart<br />
Information window – Charts under Ship<br />
window appears, containing a list of<br />
charts covering the position of your ship. The<br />
list is sorted by chart scale in<br />
descending order.<br />
To load the selected chart, do:<br />
• Either double click left mouse button on it in the list,<br />
• or highlight it in the list and press OK button.<br />
If Chart autoscale checkbox is on, the<br />
program will be looking for the most<br />
suitable chart while zooming in/out.<br />
When Scale remains during loading checkbox is switched on, the program<br />
loads charts with the previous scale.<br />
You may also get all the charts available at cursor’s position: click left mouse button over the chart when<br />
Charts under Ship window is active – the window changes into Charts under Cursor window. This window<br />
opens by clicking right mouse button over the chart’s number, if data from the positioning system are missing.<br />
After the window appears on the screen, the cursor presentation changes as well: . If you want to see a<br />
specific position on chart, enter the coordinates in Lat and Lon fields and press Show Chart by Coordinates<br />
button – the program will display the required chart position in the center of the screen (the position will be<br />
marked with a red cross).<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 28
When the cursor looks like , locate it onto the needed chart place and click<br />
left mouse button – the program adds the<br />
relevant charts into the window list<br />
box; Lat and Lon fields are filled automatically.<br />
Charts’ Orientation Selecting<br />
There are four (4) possible chart’s orientations.<br />
The current chart orientation is<br />
displayed under the chart number. Use this list to select North Up, Head Up or 000<br />
Up alternatives. If you select 000 up, you will<br />
get additional window where you<br />
should select COG Up orientation or any other<br />
orientation at your will by entering<br />
the required value in Direction Up field.<br />
Chart Presentation Level<br />
Use this function to set the chart presentation level while the chart is on the screen. In accordance with the<br />
IHO S-52 specification, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> provides 3 levels of chart content presentation:<br />
Basic level displays the objects of high importance to safe navigation (e.g. obstructions, land areas, etc.).<br />
These objects cannot be removed from the display.<br />
Standard level displays additional objects, such as navigational aids, restricted areas, etc.<br />
Full level displays all objects of the electronic chart (including texts).<br />
The level of presentation is to be selected from the list to the right from chart’s orientation field.<br />
Additional Information On Chart<br />
This function allows defining auxiliary information to be displayed on the chart.<br />
On clicking right mouse button in chart presentation level field, Show on Chart window appears.<br />
This window contains a number of entry fields and check-boxes controlling the mechanism of loading and<br />
presentation of auxiliary navigational data on the chart. All features are described below.<br />
Draught+UKC field displays the value of the ship draught plus underkeel clearance. Draught value is to be<br />
entered in the corresponding field of Depth page (see Depth Page on page 86).<br />
You may define the safety depth. To do it, enter the value in the corresponding field. You may not enter a<br />
depth that is shallower than the ship draught as defined on Depth page (see Depth Page on page 86). When<br />
you enter the safety depth, the underkeel clearance value in Draught + UKC field changes respectively.<br />
When the underkeel clearance value becomes less than 0,1 m, the program produces the following warning:<br />
After you have entered the safety depth, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will immediately scan the electronic chart for depth<br />
information and draw the safety contour around the area in which the depths curves are deeper than or equal<br />
to the safety depth.<br />
When Highlight contour check-box is on, the safety<br />
contour is displayed on<br />
the chart as a thick curve. When Show Safe Depths<br />
check-box is off, all<br />
depths deeper than the safety depth are removed from<br />
the screen presentation.<br />
Show safe depths checkbox controls display of safety<br />
depths on the chart.<br />
If you have switched on Highlight Obstructions<br />
checkbox, the program<br />
will be highlighting the objects belonging to “Obstructions”<br />
class.<br />
COG Vector – if the checkbox is on, the vector of true<br />
movement will be<br />
displayed on the chart.<br />
HDG Vector – if the checkbox is on, you will see the<br />
vector based on the data<br />
from log and compass.<br />
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User’s Manual<br />
In the right part of the window there are input fields for entering scales of vectors. Please note that<br />
vector scales are to be entered in this function only and are applied to all ARPA and Transponder<br />
targets beside own ship.<br />
Mark every – when this checkbox is on, the ship’s tail is marked with periodical time stamps - red dots with<br />
indication of minutes. Enter the desired time lapse between marks, in minutes. Marks with hour period are<br />
shown with hours and minutes indication.<br />
Mark every minute – if this checkbox is on, the ship’s tail is displayed on the chart, one mark per minute.<br />
Mark every second – if this check-box is on, the ship’s tail for the last 30 minutes is displayed on the chart,<br />
one mark per second.<br />
Distance Nm – when this checkbox is on, the ship symbol or outline on the chart is surrounded with a black<br />
circle of specified radius. Enter the radius in the input field to the right from the checkbox. This feature is<br />
useful when you use radar and select the radius equal to the range of it. Enter the radius in cables.<br />
Show Lights Circles - when this checkbox is on, Aids to Navigation lights are indicated on the chart as small<br />
circles of the color, corresponding to the light sector the ship goes in.<br />
Show Tidal Marks - when this checkbox is on, the tidal marks (see TIDE DATABASE on page 66) are<br />
indicated on the chart as “Т” symbols.<br />
Load old tails when start – this checkbox controls tails presentation (see above) on the program start-up:<br />
when this checkbox is off, only own ship’s tail, created from the moment of the program start-up will be<br />
indicated on the chart. If the checkbox is on, when the program starts, all tails stored in the Log Book are<br />
displayed on the chart.<br />
Remove tails – when you press this button, own ship tail (up to the current moment) as well as previous tails<br />
are removed from the chart. Use Show Dual Nav. Tail checkbox to display the own ship tail on the chart<br />
according to the data from dual navigational system (see also Dual Reckoning on page 27).<br />
Presentation Scale Selecting<br />
Using this function you may select the required scale of chart presentation – click right mouse button in the<br />
chart current scale field of Chart Information window. A list of all available scales appears on the screen.<br />
Select the scale to display the current chart from the list.<br />
To display the chart in the selected scale, do:<br />
• Either double click left mouse button on it in the list,<br />
• or highlight it in the list and press OK button.<br />
Restoring Original Scale of Chart<br />
Chart presentation in the original scale is selected by clicking left mouse button in the current chart original<br />
scale field of Chart Information Window.<br />
Route Information & Calculations<br />
Current Route<br />
Use Route Planning program mode to create and maintain routes database (see also ROUTE PLANNING on<br />
page 41). The program performs route calculations for a “current route”.<br />
See Selecting Route to Go on page 32 for instructions how to select the route to go. If you do not intend to use<br />
a route, you may disable the route calculations by selecting No Route.<br />
If a route has been selected, it is displayed on the electronic chart within an XTE corridor between numbered<br />
way points. You may join the route legs using curves; to do this, define the radius of each curve (see Radius of<br />
Gyration on page 48).<br />
Current Way Point<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> guides you from one Way Point to another in order to produce warnings and indications. The<br />
program advises you to steer the ship to the turning point – if gyration radius is defined it will be the starting<br />
point of the curve, if no radius has been entered – the Way Point itself.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 30
There are two ways to select the current WP (i.e. the WP to go to) – automatically and <strong>manual</strong>ly. The program<br />
will automatically select the current Way Point according to the following rules:<br />
1. Primarily the nearest WP will be identified.<br />
2. If the ship has already passed the nearest WP, the next WP from the route is selected. Define the current<br />
WP selection parameters on Autopilot page of System Configuration mode (see AutoPilot Page on page<br />
80).<br />
3. If the ship sails on the route and current turning point has been passed, the next WP of the route becomes<br />
the current WP. The last WP of the route will not change automatically.<br />
Alternatively, you may select <strong>manual</strong>ly the WP to go (see Selecting Way Point to Go on page 32). The program<br />
will switch back to automatic WP selection when this WP has been reached.<br />
You may also set a temporary Way Point – a Way Mark (see Setting Way Mark to Go on page 33). The<br />
program will lead the ship towards the Way Mark until the Mark is reached, then return to the planned route.<br />
Routes’ and Way Points’ ToolTips<br />
When you place the cursor over a Way point or a Route leg, the program displays its ToolTip.<br />
Way Points’ ToolTips contain the following information:<br />
Route Name, WP#, WP NAME, ETA.<br />
For example:<br />
SPB-Riga, WP12, Aegna, ETA 12:00:00 17 June 2000<br />
Route legs’ ToolTips contain the following information:<br />
Route Name, WP to WP, Course, Distance.<br />
For example:<br />
SPB-Riga, 10-11, 150.5, 45.5 Nm<br />
Current Route Information Window<br />
Route Information window contains general information on the current route; to<br />
display this window, click left mouse button over<br />
the route legs or way points inside<br />
the chart. The window elements help you browse<br />
the current route and its way points,<br />
as well as perform ETA/Speed for ETA to End of<br />
Route Calculations.<br />
All data in Route Information window refer to the<br />
moment it was activated.<br />
Two lower window rows display:<br />
• DTG to end of route – distance to go from the current ship position to the end of<br />
the route;<br />
• Total Distance – total distance from the first way point to the current one.<br />
Browse a Route on Chart<br />
This function allows displaying the entire current route on the chart; to do this, press Show Route button.<br />
Browse a Way Point on Chart<br />
Use this function to browse way points of the current route on the chart. Double click over the required point<br />
number (name) from the list in the upper part of the window – the program displays the selected point in the<br />
center of the screen. Use Go to Point button to return the point to the center of the screen after the chart<br />
scrolling.<br />
Refresh Current Route Information<br />
To refresh the information in Current Route Information window for the current moment, press Refresh button.<br />
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User’s Manual<br />
ETA/Speed for ETA to End of Route Calculations<br />
With this function you may calculate time to go (TTG) and estimated time of arrival (ETA) to the ending point<br />
of the route with the current or defined speed, and vice versa – to calculate speed to go to achieve the end of<br />
the route at a defined time.<br />
1) ETA calculation<br />
TTG and ETA values for the current speed are currently displayed in Route Information window. The current<br />
speed for the moment of window activating is displayed in Speed field.<br />
If you need to calculate TTG and ETA for another speed (not for current), define its value in Speed entry. The<br />
program will display calculated values of TTG and ETA in the corresponding fields.<br />
2) Speed calculation<br />
To calculate speed, define the required value in ETA field – the program will display the calculated speed<br />
value.<br />
Route Control Window<br />
Route Control window continuously displays parameters of ship coordinates<br />
relative to the current route and the current<br />
Way Point.<br />
The upper part of this window displays the<br />
current route’s name in use.<br />
In the lower field you find:<br />
WP # – Number and Name of the Way<br />
Point to go to,<br />
WTG – Way To Go to the Way Point<br />
(bearing to the Way Point),<br />
RB – Relative Bearing to the Way Point is given to the right side of WTG (-2.2° in our sample); minus<br />
indicates RB of Port side and plus indicates RB of Starboard side,<br />
TTG – Time to go to the current WP,<br />
DTG – Distance To Go to the Way Point,<br />
XTE – current ship’s deviation from the course (maximum permissible deviation from the course is given in<br />
brackets), see Way Point Table Structure on page 45 and Route Indications and Warnings on page 34).<br />
You may adjust the data presentation in this window at your wish: if you click left mouse button over WTG,<br />
DTG or XTE values, they will be enlarged. Click left mouse button once again to return the data to the<br />
standard size.<br />
Selecting Route to Go<br />
Use this function to fetch a route from the<br />
Routes’ database.<br />
After pressing right mouse button over current<br />
route’s name in Route Information<br />
window, the list of existing routes appears.<br />
If the database is empty (i.e. no route has been<br />
created in Route Planning section),<br />
the list will contain NO ROUTE option only.<br />
Otherwise, existing routes will appear<br />
in the list in the alphabetical order.<br />
Select a route to be loaded and displayed on the screen; ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will start route calculations. If you<br />
select NO ROUTE from the list, route calculations will be disabled and the corresponding indication will<br />
appear in the Alarm Indicator (see Route Indications and Warnings on page 34).<br />
Selecting Way Point to Go<br />
Use this function to select a current Way Point <strong>manual</strong>ly from the route (see Current Way Point on page 30).<br />
After clicking right mouse button over the WP’s number row in Route Control window – the list of all available<br />
way points appears on the screen:<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 32
Click on the desired way point, and it will become current. If you select AUTO, the program will switch to<br />
automatic Way Point searching.<br />
The current way point is connected to the ship symbol on the chart with a green dotted line.<br />
ETA/Speed to Way Point Calculations<br />
This function may be used to calculate the<br />
specified Way Point or the recommended speed to<br />
All calculations are performed along the<br />
the specified Way Point.<br />
estimated time of arrival (ETA) to a<br />
arrive at a specified time.<br />
current route from ship position to<br />
After pressing left mouse button over the WP<br />
number, ETA to Way Point window<br />
appears.<br />
Entries and fields of the window are:<br />
WP# – Way Point to go to,<br />
SOG – speed over ground, estimated or<br />
ordered,<br />
Estimated Time of Arrival – time/date of arrival to WP#, estimated or ordered,<br />
DTG – distance along the route to WP#,<br />
TTG – time to reach WP#.<br />
To calculate ETA, proceed as follows:<br />
1. Select the Way Point in WP# entry.<br />
2. Define speed in SOG field (this is the value of ordered SOG)<br />
3. Push ETA Calculation button.<br />
4. See result in Estimated Time of Arrival entry.<br />
To calculate STG (Speed To Go), do:<br />
1. Select the Way Point in WP# entry.<br />
2. Define date and time of arrival in ETA field (this is the value of OTA – Ordered Time of Arrival).<br />
3. Push Speed to go button.<br />
4. See result in SOG entry.<br />
Each time you enter WP, SOG or ETA, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> calculates and displays the distance and time to go<br />
(DTG and TTG) to the WP.<br />
Setting Way Mark to Go<br />
If you need to change the planned route<br />
Planning section, you can set a Way Mark – a<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> provides all necessary route<br />
was an ordinary Way Point.<br />
instantly, without entering Route<br />
temporary Way Point to go to.<br />
calculations, as if the Route Mark<br />
To start the function, press button – Set Way Mark window appears.<br />
To create a Way Mark, proceed as follows.<br />
When the window is open, the cursor changes into . Place the cursor on the<br />
electronic chart in the required position and<br />
click left mouse button. The<br />
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ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
mark is shown on the chart, and the window disappears.<br />
If necessary, you may enter exact Way mark coordinates in Lat and Lon fields.<br />
1. Use Cancel when reached check-box to indicate whether the program must return to the route<br />
calculations when the beam to the Mark has been reached or keep the Mark until you delete it <strong>manual</strong>ly.<br />
2. Click OK button to accept changes – the mark will change its color from black to red; press Cancel button<br />
to delete the changes.<br />
As soon as the way Mark information has been entered, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> starts to use the Route Mark in its<br />
calculations. The way mark is connected to the ship symbol (for the moment when you close the window) on<br />
the chart with a green dotted line.<br />
To change position of an existing Mark either click left mouse button at the chart position, to which you wish<br />
to move the Mark, or change Lat and Lon entries; then push OK button.<br />
After the Way Mark set up, the autopilot data is automatically changed according to the Way Mark.<br />
Along with that, a green dotted line is constantly displayed on the chart, connecting the current ship position<br />
and Way Mark.<br />
To delete a Way mark, press button – Set Way Mark window appears, where you are to press Enable<br />
Way Mark button. After this press OK – the window disappears and the program removes the marker from the<br />
chart.<br />
Route Indications and Warnings<br />
During Route Monitoring a number of indications and warnings are produced by the program.<br />
All route information will be continually displayed in the Current Route Information Window.<br />
Furthermore, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will indicate the following situations in the Alarm Indicator (see Alarm Indicator<br />
on page 34):<br />
• NO ROUTE – indication in the upper part of Route Information Window when no route has been selected<br />
and route calculations are disabled,<br />
• WP – either 1 minute or 1 Nm before the ship arrival to the current Way Point (to the turning point if there<br />
is Radius of Guration for this point),<br />
• XTE – the ship is out of the planned XTE corridor; data in Route Information Window will be marked red,<br />
• COMPLETE – current route is completed (when the ship is abeam of the last Way Point of the current<br />
route) or the Route Mark is reached (when the ship is abeam of the Way Mark). Data in Route Information<br />
Window will be marked blue.<br />
Each indication is accompanied by sound warnings.<br />
Alarm Indicator<br />
Indicates a situation<br />
on your route :<br />
XTE, WP, NO<br />
Displays AP when<br />
data are being sent<br />
to Autopilot.<br />
Shows which external<br />
device does not send<br />
data to ProNav CS-<br />
<strong>300</strong> : GPS, ARPA or<br />
Log / Com, Radar<br />
Indicates ship’s<br />
position in<br />
waters and<br />
absence of<br />
SAFETY<br />
CONTOUR on the<br />
current chart<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 34
The Alarm Indicator is located in the lower right corner of the screen. It comprises 3 fields corresponding to<br />
three different events. When an event occurs, the corresponding field of the indicator turns red, and an audible<br />
warning is emitted.<br />
The above table briefly describes the fields of the indicator. For more information on each field, see the related<br />
handbook chapters.<br />
ARPA and Transponder Targets Watching<br />
ARPA Targets on Chart<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> may be configured to receive data from ARPA and to display ARPA targets on the electronic<br />
chart as circles with movement vectors.<br />
Each target will be numbered on the chart according to its number on the ARPA display. Targets appear,<br />
move and vanish according to data received from the ARPA. ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> is capable of displaying up to 99<br />
targets.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> warns you when a target becomes dangerous (see ARPA and Transponder Targets Warnings<br />
on page 37).<br />
Transponder Targets on Chart<br />
If your ship is equipped with AIS R3 transponder, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> can receive and display transponder targets<br />
on the screen. The targets are presented as triangles with movement vectors.<br />
Fig. 8 Transponder Targets on the Chart<br />
ARPA and Transponder Targets ToolTips<br />
When the cursor has its standard form and is positioned for more than half a second on a target’s symbol, the<br />
system automatically displays the ToolTip with the following information:<br />
• Target name;<br />
• CPA (distance between own ship and the target at the Closest Point of Approach);<br />
• TCPA (Time to go to the Closest Point of Approach);<br />
• Speed;<br />
• Heading.<br />
For example:<br />
Odyssey, CPA 1.5Nm, TCPA 00:02:15, 8.3kn, 256°<br />
ARPA Target Information Window<br />
After pressing left mouse button over an<br />
window appears. The window contains<br />
it was opened. Current target is surrounded<br />
ARPA target, ARPA Target View<br />
information about the target for which<br />
by the circle on the chart.<br />
35<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
The window helps you do the following:<br />
1. Search and display targets on chart, retrieve a target’s movement parameters as well as calculate CPA<br />
and TCPA, CCP and TCCP.<br />
2. Enter the target name <strong>manual</strong>ly, if ARPA does not transmit the corresponding information (Name field).<br />
3. Enable/disable target display on the chart.<br />
To select a target for display, do:<br />
• either enter its number in Target # entry field,<br />
• or click left mouse button on the target.<br />
Output fields of the window are:<br />
Bearing – bearing to the target from own ship position,<br />
Distance – distance to the target,<br />
Course – target course,<br />
Speed – target speed,<br />
CPA – distance between own ship and the target at the Closest Point of Approach<br />
TCPA – Time to go to the Closest Point of Approach, may be negative if your ship and the target have<br />
passed this point,<br />
CCP – distance between own ship and the target at the Crossing Courses Point, may be negative if your<br />
ship and the target have passed this point,<br />
TCCP – Time to go to the Crossing Courses Point.<br />
Enter the target name in Name window field.<br />
Target Tracked button switches on/off current target display on the chart. Press this button to display the<br />
target.<br />
This function is not applicable to dangerous targets: all dangerous targets are continuously displayed on<br />
the chart; if a target display has been disabled, this target appears on the chart as soon as it becomes<br />
dangerous according to the criteria you have selected (see ARPA and Transponder Targets Warnings on<br />
page 37).<br />
ARPA target may not necessarily be seen on the screen. If at any moment you need to see the target on the<br />
chart, tick off Set Chart by Target checkbox – the program will redraw the chart to locate the target in the<br />
center of the screen.<br />
Transponder Targets Information Window<br />
After pressing left mouse button over the Transponder target, an R3 AIS Targets View window appears. The<br />
window contains information about the target for which it was opened. Current target is surrounded by a circle<br />
on the chart.<br />
In ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> this function may be activated if R3 AIS transponder is connected.<br />
This function provides displaying static and<br />
dynamic parameters of targets in the<br />
function window.<br />
To see target’s parameters, select the target<br />
from the list in the upper part of the<br />
window; from this moment the following parameters of the selected target will<br />
be continually displayed:<br />
• Target name,<br />
• Target number according to Transponder Identifier,<br />
• Target latitude,<br />
• Target longitude,<br />
• Distance from own ship’s position to the target,<br />
• Bearing from own ship’s position to the target,<br />
• Target SOG,<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 36
• Target COG,<br />
• Target CPA, TCPA, CCP and TCCP.<br />
• Ship type,<br />
• Additional information about the ship,<br />
• Destination port,<br />
• Ship’s draught,<br />
• Ship’s status,<br />
Set chart by vessel checkbox loads charts according to target’s coordinates.<br />
To exit the function and close the window, press Cancel button.<br />
Please note that shore based stations working in the same network are targets of Transponder, that is<br />
why some of the above listed parameters may be absent in the window.<br />
ARPA and Transponder Targets Warnings<br />
In Targets Warnings window you define criteria for the program to decide if a target is dangerous or not.<br />
Dangerous targets are displayed on the screen as red symbols.<br />
To display Targets Warnings window, click left mouse button on one of the CPA, TCPA, CCP or TCCP fields<br />
of ARPA Target View or R3 AIS Targets View windows.<br />
In Targets Warnings window you may define the following:<br />
DST – minimal permissible distance between<br />
your ship and a target<br />
CPA – distance between own ship and the<br />
target at the Closest Point of<br />
Approach<br />
TCPA – Time to go to the Closest Point of<br />
Approach, may be negative if your<br />
ship and the target have passed this point,<br />
CCP – distance between own ship and the<br />
target at the Crossing Courses Point,<br />
may be negative if your ship and the target<br />
have passed this point,<br />
TCCP – Time to go to the Crossing Courses<br />
Point.<br />
A target becomes dangerous, if either distance to<br />
it is shorter than DST or TCPA and<br />
CPA (TCCP and CCP) become both less than<br />
defined.<br />
Depth Profile Diagram<br />
The program may be configured to show the depth profile diagram. To see the depth diagram, do:<br />
1. Press button – the program displays a new window in the lower part of the screen, containing the<br />
diagram. The diagram displays the following parameters:<br />
• underkeel depth according to the data received from echosounder as the depth profile, measured for<br />
the selected time interval<br />
• under keel clearance (indicated with red dots);<br />
2. Adjust the diagram presentation at your wish.<br />
When you change time value in View time field, the program changes the diagram horizontal scale.<br />
37<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
Using the lower scrollbar you may browse the earlier moments of the diagram. You may adjust the echogram<br />
to display information for up to three hours. Using Go To Start button you may return the diagram to the<br />
present moment.<br />
If Auto button is pressed, the program selects the optimal echogram vertical scale to make depths always<br />
visible on it. If this button is not pressed, you may select the echogram vertical scale <strong>manual</strong>ly using the entry<br />
field to the right from Auto button.<br />
3-D Modeling<br />
This function allows creation and viewing of 3-dimensional model of the bottom together with displaying of the<br />
ship symbol on it. The model is created based on the depth data of the current chart database and sounding<br />
surveys.<br />
Creation and viewing of 3-dimensional model<br />
To apply this function, set the required chart area on the screen (area and scale) and press button on<br />
the control panel. See the new window appearing in the lower part of the screen, containing the model of the<br />
bottom profile (see the picture below).<br />
If button has been pressed in SHIP ON SCREEN mode, the ship symbol is continuously displayed<br />
within 3D model and the model is redrawn as soon as the ship reaches borders of the redraw area.<br />
The ship on the sea surface is indicated as a triangle oriented in the direction of the heading vector. The<br />
current ship position is connected to the sea bottom with a vertical line. The plane, formed by this line and<br />
center line–plane, creates another triangle, whose vertical cathetus corresponds to the ship draught (in the<br />
model scale).<br />
Use<br />
list to select the required scale of the vertical axis.<br />
, and buttons to control the image presentation angle relative to the ship (port side view, head up<br />
view and starboard view, respectively). By default, the program displays the model in head up view mode.<br />
Use , , and buttons to rotate the image to the required direction and , , and<br />
buttons to control the degree of image luminance.<br />
You may rotate the model horizontally by moving the mouse wheel back and forth, and vertically by moving<br />
the mouse button while left mouse button is pressed. Controlling model luminance is analogous – hold Ctrl<br />
key while moving the mouse wheel.<br />
Use and buttons to zoom the 3D – image in and out.<br />
Use button to view the 3D – image in the scale of the current chart.<br />
Use Cancel button to close the window and exit the function.<br />
Data selection for 3D model<br />
Use drop-down combo box in the upper left corner of the window to select depth data source for<br />
creation and viewing of the 3D model:<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 38
ENC Data – only depth data of the current chart database;<br />
Survey DB – only depth data of the survey database;<br />
Combined – combination of both.<br />
Selection of information displayed on 3D model<br />
By pressing of Show button, the operator will be shown 3D Control window. The bottom part of the window<br />
contains checkboxes for selection of objects displayed on the 3D model:<br />
- Own Ship – own ship symbol;<br />
- Planned Route –– route legs and way points<br />
of the current route;<br />
- Own Tail – run way marks;<br />
- Event Markers – Way Marks and Event<br />
Marks connected to the sea bottom with<br />
vertical lines;<br />
- Surveyed soundings – dotes of the surveyed<br />
soundings on the sea bottom.<br />
Creation of depth profile between two points on the chart<br />
This function allows creation of depth profile between two selected points on the chart based on the 3D model<br />
data.<br />
Press Depth Profile from 3D button in 3D Control window – a new window will be displayed on the screen,<br />
cursor on the chart will change to . To create depth profile, do:<br />
1. Move cursor to the starting point of the profile and press the left mouse button – a cross marker will<br />
appear on the chart, its coordinates will be automatically viewed in the left part of the Depth Profile<br />
window. When you move the cursor, its presentation changes into .<br />
2. Move cursor to the final point of the profile and press the right mouse button – another cross marker will<br />
appear. Both points become connected with a dotted line; arrows indicate the direction from the starting<br />
point to the final point. The selected profile will also be displayed on the 3D Model.<br />
When the second marker is set a diagram with depths of the selected profile is shown in the window. The<br />
sequence of depths on the diagram is from left to right, and it corresponds to the movement from the starting<br />
point to the final point. In the left part of the window maximal and minimal depth values are displayed, and in<br />
the right part – depth difference of the section. The title bar of the window shows the distance between the<br />
points and direct bearing of the final point in relation to the starting point.<br />
To change the position of the starting point, move cursor to a new position and press the left mouse button.<br />
Another click on the chart will change the position of the final point, etc.<br />
39<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
When cursor is placed over the profile line on the chart, it changes to . If you press the left mouse button<br />
now, a marker showing depth in the selected point of the profile will appear.<br />
A similar indicator will be viewed on the diagram near the vertical line corresponding to the selected point. The<br />
marker is displayed on the 3D Model as a vertical straight line from the surface to the sea bottom with the<br />
depth value indication.<br />
The marker may be also set by clicking left mouse button over the diagram in Depth Profile window.<br />
Coordinates of the marker are displayed in the middle part of the Depth Profile window, and the distance<br />
from the marker to the starting point – on the title bar.<br />
Use Cancel button to close the window and exit the function.<br />
Optional Colors for Depth Areas Presentation<br />
After the 3-D Modeling mode start, the chart in the upper window may be displayed either via the regular<br />
presentation or with the presentation that uses gradient depth coloring based on 3-D model data. In the last<br />
mode sea bottom areas are presented as a set of rectangles of 5 x 5 mm size (in chart’s scale) colored in blue<br />
gradient. The lightest color denotes 0 depth, the darkest one presents depth values that are equal or deeper<br />
than the value entered by the operator. To toggle on/off this mode, press Show button – 3D Control window<br />
appears. Press 2D Presentation button to activate<br />
field and define the required depth interval.<br />
Using Transparency input field of 3D Control window, the operator may select desired level of colored image<br />
transparency, which is overlaid on the ENC.<br />
To tune gradient colors use related input field located at the right part of 3D Model window.<br />
Interface to the Auto Pilot<br />
If ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> has been set up to work with an autopilot, it starts sending data via the communication line<br />
in NMEA 0183 format.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> is able to produce data for the auto pilot if:<br />
You have selected a route.<br />
The ship is on the route line and beam of the first Way Point has been passed.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> also sends data to the auto pilot for temporary way points (Route Mark). In such cases<br />
transmitted XTE value will be omitted.<br />
When data are being sent you see AP in the Alarm Indicator, see Alarm Indicator on page 34.<br />
The auto pilot feature of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> provides automatic navigation along route legs (straight lines<br />
between way points) only, and should not be relied upon during turns and other non-linear movements.<br />
See also AutoPilot Page on page 80.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 40
The Purpose of Route Planning Mode<br />
Route planning mode assists you in planning your voyage in table form and on the electronic chart and<br />
operating with routes database.<br />
To start Route planning mode, press button. A Route Planning window located over the control buttons<br />
area appear (see Fig. 9). Use this window to work with Route Database.<br />
When you click right mouse button over such objects as a Way Point or a Route Leg, a table containing route<br />
waypoints appears in the bottom of the screen. You may use either of the two possible ways of planning a<br />
route: in the table or directly on the chart (in this case all data will be moved to the table automatically).<br />
During the current route editing (if the data are sent to the autopilot) a warning alarm and message about data<br />
transition interruption is shown:<br />
User’s Manual<br />
Working with Routes’ Database<br />
Route Planning Window<br />
Fig. 9 Route Planning Screen<br />
Route Planning window for working with Routes’ Database contains the following elements:<br />
Select the route to edit;<br />
Create a new empty route;<br />
Rename the route;<br />
Copy the route, thus creating a new route for editing;<br />
Delete the route from the data base;<br />
Reverse the route (reverse the order of<br />
way points);<br />
Setting the color of route;<br />
, Import and export of routes.<br />
Display the route on the chart.<br />
Display the route WP table.<br />
Selecting Route to Edit<br />
When you press button, the current route name is displayed in Route Planning<br />
window, the route is highlighted on the chart and may be edited (see below).<br />
To choose another route, click the spin button of the list and select the required route.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will load the selected route, and display it on the current chart.<br />
The total distance of the selected route is displayed in Total Distance field. When you edit the route, total<br />
distance value changes respectively.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 42
Browse a Route on Chart<br />
When this function is activated, the program searches for the most suitable area and scale of presentation to<br />
display the entire route on the chart. To switch to this function, press button.<br />
Show Way Points Table<br />
Use<br />
button to display the WP Table of the current route.<br />
Show Routes on the Maps Area<br />
This function allows displaying of all routes from the database that may be seen on the current chart area. To<br />
do so, activate Show routes on the chart checkbox. If this checkbox is not activated, the program displays<br />
the selected route only.<br />
Note that if Show routes on the chart checkbox is activated, Route Planning Window contains only<br />
routes included into the current Chart Area. If you want Route Planning Window to contain all routes<br />
from the database, switch off Show routes on the chart checkbox.<br />
Creating New Empty Route<br />
To create a new route:<br />
1. Press button.<br />
2. Enter the name of the new route into route name field.<br />
3. Press Enter key or button once again to enter a new route (see a new empty WP Table for the<br />
new route appearing on the screen) or press Esc to cancel the operation.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> does not allow creation of several routes with identical names, but produces a warning<br />
if there is a route with the same name in the data base.<br />
Now, a new route has been created and you may start adding Way Points.<br />
Copy a Route<br />
You may copy any route to edit it afterwards:<br />
1. Select the required route from the list.<br />
2. Press button.<br />
3. Enter the name for the new route into route name field.<br />
4. Press Enter key. The program copies the route and assigns this name to the copy.<br />
Rename a Route<br />
To rename a route, proceed as follows:<br />
1. Select the route to rename from the list.<br />
2. Press button.<br />
3. Enter a new name for the route into route name field.<br />
4. Press Enter key or button once again to save the changes or Esc to cancel the operation.<br />
Delete a Route from Data Base<br />
To delete a route, proceed as described:<br />
1. Select the route to delete from the list.<br />
2. Press button.<br />
3. Question window appears where you are to select Yes if you intend to delete the selected route.<br />
43<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
Setting the Color of Route<br />
Using this function, you may define the color of the route being edited – this route will be displayed in the<br />
selected color in all program modes.<br />
To define the route color, press button and select the required color from the window.<br />
We recommend to proceed as described above for all screen palettes to simplify operating with the route.<br />
Constructing Reverse Route<br />
A route is unidirectional. You may use the route to go from the first WP to the last one, but not for the return<br />
voyage. You must create another route, to be able to go in both directions:<br />
1. Select the route to be inverted from the list of routes.<br />
2. Press button. The program will change the order of way points, thus reversing the route.<br />
You may also save the initial route by copying it before following these 2 steps.<br />
Import and Export of Routes<br />
You may save the selected route to the hard disk, or to a diskette for backup or exchange with other users of<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>.<br />
To export a route, proceed as described:<br />
1. Select a route in Routes table.<br />
2. Press button.<br />
3. A dynamic menu appears at the cursor position:<br />
4. If you want to save a route as a file with .rte extension, select To File option – Save As window appears;<br />
select the drive and the directory to which you wish to save the route file. The file name coincides with the<br />
route name (for instance, Stockholm-Oslo), where .rte is the file extension. Press Save button to save the<br />
route.<br />
5. You may also define the password to protect your route from unauthorized access. Press OK button in<br />
Enter Password window – and the program will write the file to the specified directory with the password<br />
you have created. If you do not need to specify a password, leave the password entry blank and press OK<br />
button.<br />
6. If you want to save a route as a text file, select To Text File option – Save As window appears; select the<br />
drive and the directory to which you wish to save the route file – the program saves the route as a text file<br />
with .txt extension. This file will have the following structure:<br />
7. If you want to export a route to an external device (e.g., to a GPS receiver), select Through Com Port<br />
option – the program displays Transmit Route To window, where you need to select the required COM port<br />
from the list and press Send button. In accordance with IEC 61162-1<br />
(NMEA-0183) v.2.0 protocol, the program<br />
sends two types of messages:<br />
• RTE – waypoint identifiers, listed in order with starting waypoint first, for the<br />
identified route (1 message of this type is<br />
sent at the minimum).<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 44
• WPL – waypoint location, i.e. latitude and longitude of each specified waypoint (the number of such<br />
messages corresponds to the number of waypoints). The waypoint location is automatically set according<br />
to the datum, corresponding to that of the external device. In case the datum of the external device does<br />
not correspond to that of the chart presentation, the program translates the coordinates automatically.<br />
8. If you wish to export the route into Microsoft Excel format, select the lower menu command – the program<br />
saves the route as a Microsoft Excel table and offers to display it.<br />
To import a route from diskette or hard disk, do:<br />
1. Press button.<br />
2. Open window appears; select the route file you wish to load and press Open button.<br />
3. The program will offer to enter the password.<br />
4. Press OK button in Enter Password window. The program will read the file from the specified directory and<br />
add the route to the database.<br />
If there is a file with the same name in this directory, the program produces a warning. If you select Yes,<br />
the route file will be overwritten; if you press No, select another name for the route in the data base.<br />
5. If you have imported the route successfully, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> window appears – press OK button to finish<br />
importing.<br />
If you do not want to define a password, leave the password entry blank. Thus you will not need to enter<br />
a password when importing this route.<br />
6. Routes received from an external device (e.g., NMEA) are imported automatically. The program accepts<br />
RTE and WPL NMEA sentences. After the route have been transmitted, the program produces the<br />
following message:<br />
Then ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> offers you to edit the route and, if you select Yes, the program offers to make the<br />
route current. The datum is set according to that of the external device. In case the program finds an error<br />
during the data transmission, it produces the corresponding warning and offers to save the route as it has<br />
been received.<br />
Accept changes and quit route planning<br />
To exit Route Planning and save the changes you have made, press OK button in Route Planning window.<br />
The route whose name is displayed in Route Planning window is assigned as current.<br />
Route Planning in Table Form<br />
Way Point Table Structure<br />
The Way Point Table is displayed:<br />
• When you create a new route and quit Route Planning Window by pressing Enter key;<br />
• After you pressed button in Route Planning window.<br />
• When you click right mouse button over a route on the chart.<br />
The Way Point table occupies the lower part of the screen in Route Planning section. Each row of the table<br />
represents one Way Point. A pair of successive rows forms a route leg. The Way Point table comprises data<br />
relating to Way Points, as well as to route legs. You may edit the information in some fields, others display<br />
data calculated by the program (not editable).<br />
The WP table is actually wider than it appears on the screen. To access the invisible columns press<br />
button to remove the control panel from the screen and use the scrollbars.<br />
45<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
The list of all columns, with short description, is presented below:<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 46
Column<br />
Title<br />
Data source<br />
Description<br />
Number Automatic Successive number of WP in the route<br />
Name <strong>manual</strong> Optional name of WP<br />
Lat <strong>manual</strong> Latitude of WP<br />
Lon <strong>manual</strong> Longitude of WP<br />
XTE<br />
cbl<br />
Speed<br />
kn<br />
Rad gyr<br />
cbl<br />
<strong>manual</strong><br />
<strong>manual</strong><br />
<strong>manual</strong><br />
XTE for route’s leg in cables. Program uses<br />
this parameter as maximum deviation from<br />
route line and as criterion for automatic WP<br />
changing<br />
Intended speed for route’s leg to be used in<br />
time calculations<br />
Optional radius of gyration for WP, in cables<br />
Course<br />
°<br />
RBD<br />
Nm<br />
GCD<br />
Nm<br />
∆GCD<br />
Nm<br />
Total RBD<br />
Nm<br />
Automatic<br />
Automatic<br />
Automatic<br />
Automatic<br />
Automatic<br />
Course of route’s leg formed by current and<br />
previous WP<br />
Length of route’s leg along rhumb line, in<br />
miles<br />
Length of route’s leg along Great Circle line, in<br />
miles<br />
Difference between two previous parameters,<br />
in miles<br />
Total rhumb line distance from first WP down<br />
to current WP along route line (‘broken line’<br />
length)<br />
TTG to WP Automatic Time to go from the first WP to current WP<br />
based on intended speed<br />
ETA to WP Automatic Estimated time of arrival to WP<br />
Customize Way Point Table<br />
You are free to choose the WP table presentation – press Customize button and select the required table<br />
columns by activating the corresponding checkboxes.<br />
Editing Way Points in the Table<br />
Load the required route to edit – a new route or one of the routes you have previously copied or reversed.<br />
Add a Way Point<br />
To add a new WP to the end of the route, proceed as follows:<br />
1. Press button. A new row will be created at the bottom of the table. This row will contain<br />
information from the previous Way Point row.<br />
2. Change the name of WP in Name column if necessary. You may leave the name entry blank; the WP<br />
number will be used instead.<br />
3. Correct the coordinates of the new WP in Lat and Lon fields.<br />
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ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
4. Assign XTE value for the route leg defined by the current and the previous WP (you cannot edit XTE field<br />
in the first row of the table). Selecting XTE please take into consideration the explanation in Route Control<br />
Window on page 32. Do not ever fill in this entry for the first way point of the route.<br />
5. Leave Rad gyr field blank (see below).<br />
6. The WP is now defined. Automatically calculated data will appear in the rest fields of the row.<br />
Insert a Way Point<br />
To insert a new WP between two existing ones, do:<br />
1. Highlight the row, above which you wish to insert a new WP.<br />
2. Press Insert Point button. The program will add a blank row at the specified position.<br />
3. Repeat all steps from item 2 in above explanations.<br />
Delete a Way Point<br />
To delete a WP from the route, proceed as follows:<br />
1. In the table highlight the point to be deleted.<br />
2. Press Delete Point button. The program produces a warning – select Yes to delete the point or No to<br />
cancel the operation.<br />
Radius of Gyration<br />
You may create a curve joint between two route legs by defining the radius of gyration. The radius will be used<br />
for route drawing only. Looking at the curve on the screen during actual navigation, you may estimate your<br />
position relative to the point where you should start the turn. To define the radius:<br />
1. Highlight a row corresponding to the WP at which you want to insert a curve.<br />
2. Go to Rad gyr table field.<br />
3. Input the radius in cables. Note that the radius cannot be larger than the length of any of the two route legs<br />
you are connecting.<br />
It is not possible to define a radius for the first and the last Way Point in the route.<br />
Browse a WP on Chart<br />
With the help of this function you may display the way point you are currently editing (its row is highlighted in<br />
the table) in the center of the chart; to do so, activate Center Chart by Way Point checkbox.<br />
Editing Route Calculations<br />
When you edit a route, the following parameters, calculated by the program are currently displayed above the<br />
WP table:<br />
• ETA – estimated time and date of arrival to the end point of the route;<br />
• Tot Dist – total route distance.<br />
To enable such calculations, select the mean speed value in Speed field (10 knots is assigned by default)<br />
Reverse Route<br />
Use this function to change the order of way points, thus reversing the route you are currently editing. To do<br />
so, press Reverse button.<br />
Setting the Color of a Route<br />
Press Color button to define the color of the route you are currently editing.<br />
Display Borders of Lights Sectors<br />
Use this function to display the borders of lights sectors along the route you are currently editing. To do so,<br />
activate Show sector length checkbox and define the required length of the lines, restricting sectors (in Nm).<br />
Sector borders will be displayed as dotted lines of the corresponding length.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 48
Browse a Route on Chart<br />
When this function is activated, the program searches for the most suitable area and scale of presentation to<br />
display the entire route on the chart. To switch to this function, press<br />
button.<br />
Create a Route from the Logbook<br />
The system allows creation of a route from the selected logbook record. To create such a route, press<br />
button – Route from Logbook Track Record window appears. In this window proceed as<br />
described:<br />
1. The checkbox in Route field is activated by default and a unique name is assigned to the route by the<br />
following scheme: trk00001, trk00002, etc. You may rename the route at your wish – type a new name in<br />
this entry.<br />
2. Assign XTE value in XTE entry of the Route field, in cables. XTE value influences both the accuracy of<br />
approximation of the route and the procedure duration. The less is XTE value, the more route legs the<br />
program will generate.<br />
3. Select the required time and date of logbook in the corresponding<br />
entries of Date and Time field –<br />
the first row of entries is for<br />
entering the start date and time<br />
of the record, the lower row – for<br />
end time and date. Use<br />
buttons to enter the exact period<br />
of time.<br />
4. Use See on Screen button to display the ship’s tail,<br />
corresponding to the selected<br />
interval.<br />
5. Press Make button.<br />
6. See the progress indicator during the creation process.<br />
7. If there are any records in the selected time interval, the program creates a route with the defined XTE and<br />
offers to make it current. If you select Yes, the route will be loaded as current and located on the chart in<br />
such a way that the entire route would be visible on the screen.<br />
Add a Route<br />
The program allows addition of a planned route between the current and the next way points. To do this,<br />
proceed as described:<br />
1. Press button – Select route to add window appears:<br />
2. Choose the required route from the list.<br />
3. Activate Set chart by route checkbox to display the route on the chart during selection.<br />
4. Press OK button – the selected route will be added between the current and destination way points of the<br />
current route.<br />
Great Circle Line Calculations<br />
Route legs are normally assumed to be rhumb lines. If you need you may draw a Great Circle Line -<br />
approximated by a number of rhumbic lines. ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will assist you in this task.<br />
To turn one long route leg into several rhumbic line sections:<br />
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ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
1. Highlight the row of the WP table corresponding to the end of the long leg.<br />
2. Press button.<br />
3. Great Circle Planning window will appear and you will be asked to define the angle of course changing.<br />
This angle is the preferred angle difference between the courses of two successive rhumb line sections. A<br />
smaller angle will divide the long leg into a larger number of small sections.<br />
4. Press OK button. The program will create and insert the sufficient number of intermediate Way Points into<br />
the route and change their numbers.<br />
Print Current Route<br />
With this function you may print data from the current WP table in accordance with settings you made in<br />
Customize function – simply press button (see also Print on page 18).<br />
Undo/Redo the Last Operation<br />
Use Undo and Redo buttons to undo/redo the last operations you made while editing a route.<br />
Close Way Points Table<br />
To remove the table, press<br />
button. If Route Planning Window was active when you pressed<br />
button, the WP table will be removed from the screen without exiting Route Planning mode –<br />
Route Planning on chart remains available (see below). If Route Planning Window was not on the screen, the<br />
program quits Route Planning mode.<br />
Route Planning on Chart<br />
Route Planning (Way Points editing) on chart is available using cursor and mouse only and includes the<br />
following functions:<br />
• Adding Way Point<br />
• Dividing a Route Leg into Two<br />
• Deleting Way Point<br />
• Moving Way Point<br />
These functions are available when Route Planning Window and/or Way Points’ Table are on the screen.<br />
Otherwise, you may perform Route Planning on Chart only after clicking right mouse button over any route<br />
legs or way points.<br />
The function depends on the point that has been selected, indicated by the corresponding cursor presentation.<br />
All functions of route editing on chart are activated with left mouse button. Clicking right mouse button cancels<br />
the function, activated by left button.<br />
If you need to edit a WP that is not displayed on the current Chart area, double click left mouse button<br />
over the corresponding WP table row. Provided Center Chart by WP checkbox has been activated, the<br />
program displays the corresponding WP in the center of the screen.<br />
Adding Way Point<br />
After you have created a new empty route (see Creating New Empty Route on page 43), the cursor changes<br />
into .<br />
To locate the first way point, place the tip of the arrow to the required position on the chart and click left mouse<br />
button. The way point will be placed on the chart, its coordinates presented in the table.<br />
To add the next WP, or a starting/ending WP, do:<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 50
1) place the cursor over the last (first) route point – the cursor changes into ;<br />
2) WITHOUT pressing mouse buttons, move the cursor – it changes into . Place the tip of the arrow to<br />
the required place on the chart and click left mouse button.<br />
Moving Way Point<br />
To move a WP, proceed as described:<br />
1. Place the cursor over the WP – it changes into , and click left mouse button.<br />
2. Place the tip of the arrow to the required position and click left mouse button once more.<br />
Dividing a Route Leg into Two<br />
To insert a WP between two existing way points, do:<br />
1) Place the cursor over the route, it changes into – click left mouse button;<br />
2) Move the tip of the arrow to the required position on the chart and click left mouse button once again.<br />
Displaying Way Points’ Coordinates during Editing<br />
When you enter or move the first or the last WP of the route, a new window appears beside the cursor,<br />
indicating bearing and distance from the closest WP of the route to the WP you are currently editing.<br />
When moving a Way Point (provided it is not the first or the last WP of the route), or when dividing a route leg<br />
into two, a new window appears beside the cursor with indication of the WP current coordinates relatively to<br />
the previous and the next way points:<br />
Deleting Way Point<br />
To delete the way point, place the cursor over it and either double click left mouse button, or press and hold<br />
left button for 2 seconds. In both cases the program asks for deletion confirmation. If you select Yes, the WP<br />
will be deleted.<br />
51<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
The Purpose of User Layers Editor<br />
You may need to create your own object on the chart, for example, to mark a desired place or to draw a line or<br />
an area on the chart, etc. Each object has its own geometry – its shape and position on the Earth.<br />
User objects include:<br />
1) mark and event mark – object with point geometry (one pair of latitude - longitude):<br />
• mark – point object, whose coordinates are defined by the user. To set a mark, use button on<br />
the control panel;<br />
• event mark – point object, corresponding to the ship position in a specific moment, relating to an event.<br />
To set an event mark, use button.<br />
2) line – object with linear geometry (several coordinate pairs), such as pipeline, anchor chain, cable, etc.<br />
3) area – object with area geometry, such as caution area, fish bank, guard zone, anchorage and so on.<br />
To create a line or an area, press button.<br />
The user object geometry always refers to a geographical position and implies no connection to a chart.<br />
You may create an object on a certain chart, but the object will be displayed on any chart loaded at the<br />
object’s position.<br />
In ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> program user objects also include “Tracks” (own ship tracks and targets’ tracks) – linear<br />
objects, received as a result of smoothing own ship and targets Run Ways from the Logbook. Smoothing<br />
parameters are defined by the user with Tracks Recording function (see Tracks Recording on page 54),<br />
activated by button. After this function has been activated, the program creates tracks automatically.<br />
The program allows displaying and editing of UL objects only inside the selected area (excluding own<br />
ship’s track currently recorded; this track remains always visible).<br />
Use button to select the area and the layers to be displayed in it (see Displaying of user layer objects on<br />
page 52 for details).<br />
Displaying of user layer objects<br />
Selecting Area and Objects to be Displayed<br />
button controls displaying of user layer<br />
In a passive state it has red indicator in the right<br />
UL objects are displayed on the chart.<br />
In the active state it has green indicator in the<br />
case the program will display the UL objects,<br />
the selected area only (excluding own ship’s<br />
objects in the selected window (area).<br />
upper corner. In this button state no<br />
button’s right upper corner. In this<br />
defined by the operator and located in<br />
track currently recorded).<br />
By clicking button when it is switched off (with red indicator), Select Type<br />
window appears. In this window you are to define<br />
the way of selecting the area to<br />
display UL objects. The following variants are<br />
available:<br />
• If you press Present Window button, the program selects the current Chart area.<br />
• When you press New Area button, you are free to select a random rectangular area on the chart. To do<br />
so, place the cursor into one of the corners of the desired area, press left mouse button, drag the cursor to<br />
the opposite corner and release the button.<br />
• When you press Previous Selection button, the program selects the area you defined when you applied<br />
this function for the last time.<br />
Pressing Cancel button cancels the operation.<br />
In all cases listed above the selected area will be<br />
indicated on the chart with red<br />
dashed line as a border and User Layer window<br />
appears.<br />
In this window use Marks, Areas, Line and<br />
Tracks checkboxes to select the<br />
required UL objects to be displayed in the<br />
selected area. When a checkbox is<br />
switched on, the corresponding UL type is<br />
displayed on the chart. Tracks (Own<br />
Ship’s Tracks and Targets’ Tracks) are indicated<br />
as dates when the record was<br />
started. Use Show All and Hide All buttons to<br />
include and exclude all tracks from<br />
the selected area, respectively.<br />
When you operate with these checkboxes, the<br />
corresponding UL types appear<br />
(disappear) on the chart before you close User<br />
Layer window, thus allowing visual<br />
estimation of chart presentation.<br />
When you click OK, the program shows the<br />
selected<br />
objects in the chosen area, activates<br />
UL button and<br />
shows a GREEN indicator.<br />
When you click Cancel, User Layer window disappears and button<br />
remains in a passive state (with red indicator).<br />
As soon as the ship leaves the selected area borders, the program displays<br />
«UL OUT» warning in the left lower part of the alarm indicator.<br />
User Layer Import/Export<br />
Use Import and Export buttons of User Layer window to import/export UL objects located in the selected<br />
area (no matter whether they are displayed on the chart or not).<br />
When you export a user layer, Save as window appears, where you are to select the required directory to<br />
export the file to and press Save button. You may also define the password to protect your User layer from<br />
unauthorized access. Press OK button in Enter Password window – and the program will write the file to the<br />
specified directory with the password you have created. If you do not need to specify a password, leave the<br />
password entry blank and press OK button.<br />
When you import a user layer, Open window appears, where you are to select the required directory and<br />
press Open button. The program will offer to enter the password. Press OK button in Enter Password window.<br />
The program will read the file from the specified directory and add the User layer to the database.<br />
Only files with *.uoe extension may be imported/exported.<br />
User Objects ToolTips<br />
When the cursor is placed over a user object, you see its toolip near the cursor position.<br />
ToolTips of own ship tracks contain the following information:<br />
• Time,<br />
• Date,<br />
• Speed,<br />
• Depth.<br />
For example:<br />
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ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
When the program received no data, the tooltip will contain the corresponding No… data message.<br />
For example:<br />
ToolTips of target tracks contain the following information:<br />
• Time,<br />
• Date,<br />
• Speed,<br />
• Course.<br />
For example:<br />
ToolTips of Marks, Event Marks, Areas and Lines contain the following information:<br />
• Object NAME,<br />
• Date of creation.<br />
ToolTips of Marks and Event Marks are supplemented by Latitude and Longitude data.<br />
For example:<br />
User Objects Creating & Editing<br />
Tracks Recording<br />
This function assists in creation of Own ship’s and target’s tracks objects; to start the function, use<br />
button.<br />
Track’s Type, Color & Interval Selecting<br />
When you press button, Track recording window appears. The<br />
window elements are:<br />
1. Type field – use this field to select the type of the current track (from the list);<br />
2. Color button – use this button to define the track color, if depth-topresentation<br />
dependence has not been<br />
activated (see point 3 below)<br />
3. Depth checkbox and entry fields for selecting depth intervals – use<br />
these elements to define conditions and<br />
depth-to-color dependence. When<br />
the checkbox is active, the program displays<br />
the track parts, matching the<br />
depth intervals you have selected in From<br />
and To fields. The minimal depth<br />
parts are displayed red on the chart, the<br />
maximal depth parts – black. The<br />
program sets the intermediate depth colors<br />
(from red to black) automatically,<br />
dividing depth intervals into 12 equal<br />
portions.<br />
4. Interval field – use this section to define parameters of the track tail<br />
smoothing. The program supports three<br />
variants of smoothing:<br />
• Smoothing by time – Time radiobutton. If this variant has been activated and time interval has been<br />
selected in MM:SS field, the track tail will be presented as legs, connecting voyage moments/route points,<br />
multiple to the selected interval. The program allows entering time values up to 60 minutes.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 54
• Smoothing by distance – Distance radiobutton. If this variant has been activated and the interval has<br />
been selected in Nm field, the track tail will be presented as legs with length, multiple to the selected<br />
distance. The program allows entering distance values up to 1 Nm.<br />
• Smoothing by route deviation – XTE radiobutton. If this variant has been selected, the track tail will be<br />
linearized so that the distance/space to the actual track line would not exceed the defined XTE value. The<br />
program allows entering XTE values up to 1 Nm.<br />
Use Show all button to display all tracks hidden during editing (see Track Editing on page 55).<br />
Start track recording to UL<br />
When you press OK button, the program closes the window and starts track recording. A green indicator is<br />
shown in the right upper corner of the button – data are being recorded to the memory.<br />
Cancel button closes the window and cancels track recording.<br />
Stop track recording to UL<br />
To abort track recording, press button once again. If the button was active, a red indicator appears<br />
showing that track recording was interrupted.<br />
Targets’ Tracks Recording<br />
Targets’ tracks recording starts and ceases<br />
synchronously with own ship track<br />
recording. Parameters of smoothing and presenting targets’ tracks also<br />
coincide with that of own ship track.<br />
The only exception is that tracks of all<br />
targets are displayed in the same<br />
color, defined in the upper part of Track<br />
Recording window.<br />
Track Editing<br />
Use this function to edit recorded tracks.<br />
Clicking right mouse button over an existing<br />
Track Editing window.<br />
track highlights the track and invokes<br />
Window elements are:<br />
• Name field displays the name of the track to display and edit;<br />
• Comment field – use this field to change comment information;<br />
• Use Type, Color, Depth and Smooth elements to change track<br />
parameters, previously selected. Proceed analogously to operating with these elements described in<br />
Tracks Recording chapter on page 54.<br />
• Smooth field – new parameters of smoothing are applied after you press Apply Smooth button. Initial<br />
tails are smoothed with new parameters.<br />
• Use Hide button to hide the selected track (remove it from the screen). When this function is selected, the<br />
conformation window appears. After confirmation the track is removed from the screen;<br />
• Use Delete button to delete the track from the memory. When this function is selected, the track is<br />
highlighted, and the conformation window appears with an explanation that the deleted track is not<br />
restorable. After confirmation the track is removed from the memory;<br />
• Use Show all button to display all hidden tracks within the current editing;<br />
• On pressing OK button the program saves the changes you have made and quits the window.<br />
Track Information Window<br />
Click left mouse button over the track (of the own<br />
Information window.<br />
ship or target) to display Track<br />
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ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
Window fields are:<br />
Recorded – displays date and time of the corresponding selected track point;<br />
Name – displays the track name;<br />
Comment – use this field to enter track comments.<br />
Setting Marks on the Chart<br />
The function is used for setting marks on the<br />
electronic chart. When you press<br />
button, Input New Marker window<br />
appears.<br />
To set the marker on chart, proceed as<br />
described:<br />
1) Select the required marker type (presentation) – highlight the<br />
required table field. After this the symbol<br />
name is displayed in Name field.<br />
The table contains 12 symbols, defined<br />
in System Configuration mode (see<br />
Marks Page on page 96);<br />
2) Press Color button and select the marker color from the window;<br />
3) Enter textual information in Comment field, if required;<br />
4) Move the cursor to the position where you can set the Mark and click left<br />
mouse button. Marker symbol will be displayed on the chart. You may<br />
enter coordinates of the marker using Lat and<br />
Lon field.<br />
You are free to set the required number of marks while the window is active –<br />
repeat steps 1-4.<br />
Use Set by specified position button to<br />
place the marker according to the<br />
coordinates entered.<br />
You may edit the marker you have created<br />
without exiting the function. To do so,<br />
place the cursor over the marker and click<br />
right mouse button – the program<br />
highlights it with a yellow circle.<br />
To quit the function and save the marker press OK button.<br />
Setting Event Marks on the chart<br />
This is an ordinary red flag mark, placed by the ship’s present position automatically after you press<br />
button.<br />
Editing Marks and Event Marks<br />
Use this function to edit parameters of existing<br />
Marks and Event Marks.<br />
Clicking right mouse button over a Mark<br />
highlights the Mark and invokes Edit<br />
Marker window.<br />
In this window you may change the marker color, symbol and comments.<br />
Proceed analogously to operating with these parameters described in Setting<br />
Marks on the Chart on page 56).<br />
You may enter exact coordinates of the marker<br />
using Lat and Lon field.<br />
Press Move button to change marker position<br />
on the chart. To do so, proceed as<br />
described:<br />
• Click left mouse button on a new marker location – program confirmation<br />
window appears.<br />
• Select Yes to confirm the marker new location.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 56
If you press Hide button, the object is not displayed on the chart (on confirmation).<br />
If you press Show All button the program displays all previously hidden markers.<br />
Press Delete button to remove the selected marker from the User Layer.<br />
To edit another marker, click right mouse button over the required marker without closing the window.<br />
Mark and Event Mark Information Window<br />
Click left mouse button over the required mark/event mark to display its<br />
Information window.<br />
Window fields are:<br />
Created – displays date and time of the marker<br />
creation;<br />
Name – displays the marker name;<br />
Comment – use this field to enter marker<br />
comments;<br />
Lat and Lon fields display the marker coordinates.<br />
Lines and Areas Drawing<br />
The function assists in drawing lines and areas. When you press button, Draw<br />
Line/Area window appears.<br />
The window elements are:<br />
• Area checkbox – serves for distinguishing areas and lines during data input.<br />
• Name field – use this field to enter/edit name of the line/area;<br />
• Comment field – use this field to enter/edit comment’s info;<br />
• Type field – contains the list of lines/areas patterns;<br />
• Color button – use this button to select the color of line or area from<br />
Color window.<br />
To create a line or an area, proceed as<br />
described:<br />
1. Select their type and color;<br />
2. Indicate points (nodes) of the object on the chart by clicking left mouse<br />
button or in the table (see below);<br />
3. Click right mouse button after you have defined all points of the object.<br />
If Area checkbox has been activated, the last entered point is automatically<br />
connected with the first one and the resulted<br />
area is filled with the selected pattern.<br />
When you place the cursor over an object’s<br />
point on the chart and click right<br />
mouse button, a dynamic menu appears<br />
presenting two alternatives: Move and<br />
Delete. If you select Move command, a<br />
“rubber-band” cursor appears – use<br />
this cursor to change the point location. If<br />
you select Delete command, the point<br />
is removed from the chart.<br />
Another way to move a point:<br />
1. Place the cursor over it – the cursor changes its presentation; click left<br />
mouse button – a “rubber-band” cursor appears;<br />
2. Place the cursor to the required location and click left mouse button again.<br />
When you place the cursor over a line between two points, a dynamic menu appears containing Insert<br />
command – select this command to insert a new point between two existing ones.<br />
Another way to insert a point:<br />
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ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
1. Place the cursor over the required segment between two neighboring points – the cursor changes its<br />
presentation; click left mouse button – a “rubber-band” cursor appears;<br />
2. Place the cursor to the required location and click left mouse button again.<br />
Use the table in the lower part of the window to edit the object geometry:<br />
• To edit a point, either click right mouse button over it in the table and select Edit command from the<br />
dynamic menu, or double click left mouse button over it; use the input field with spin buttons appearing in<br />
the corresponding table row to enter exact point coordinates.<br />
• To insert a point between the current point and the next one, click right mouse button over it in the table<br />
and select Insert command from the dynamic menu; see the red point appearing between these points.<br />
You may either move this point to the required location directly on the chart or enter its exact coordinates<br />
in the table.<br />
• To delete a point, click right mouse button over it and select Delete command from the menu;<br />
Press OK button to close the window and save the changes you have made.<br />
Editing Line/Area<br />
Use this function to edit Lines and Areas.<br />
Clicking right mouse button over the Line/Area<br />
object highlights it and invokes Edit<br />
Line/Area window.<br />
Use this window to edit name, comments, type,<br />
color and coordinates of an existing<br />
line or area. See the previous paragraph to<br />
learn how to use this functions.<br />
If you press Hide button, the object is not displayed on the chart (on<br />
confirmation).<br />
If you press Show All button the program displays all previously hidden<br />
objects.<br />
To delete an object, press Delete button and select Yes in the program<br />
confirmation window.<br />
Line and Area Information window<br />
Click left mouse button over the required line/area<br />
Window fields are:<br />
Created – displays date and time of the line/area<br />
Name – displays the object name;<br />
Comment – use this field to enter object<br />
to display its Information window.<br />
creation;<br />
comments.<br />
Deleting user objects in the selected<br />
AREA<br />
This function allows deletion of user objects in the<br />
selected Area.<br />
Marks, Own ship Tracks and ARPA/AIS Tracks may be the subjects to editing in a rectangular area or in a<br />
polygon with user-defined borders.<br />
Rectangular area selection<br />
Rectangular areas are to be defined with the mouse – click left mouse button and drag the mouse in the chart<br />
window from one area corner to another.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 58
Random area selection<br />
Click right mouse button and drag the mouse to<br />
window with solid thick XOR-line. Releasing<br />
draw a random area in the chart<br />
the mouse button closes the contour.<br />
Deleting user objects<br />
When the mouse button is released, in both<br />
containing the following fields with checkboxes:<br />
• Marks;<br />
• Own Tracks;<br />
• ARPA/AIS tracks;<br />
cases a new window appears,<br />
• Users’ Depth (see Deleting User’s Soundings Information from<br />
the Database on page 68).<br />
After you have selected the objects to delete and selected OK, a confirmation window appears. After<br />
confirmation the program removes the objects. In case the track partially lies outside the area, this part/parts<br />
of the track remain visible.<br />
59<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
The Purpose of Electronic Logbook<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> records all program events to the Electronic Logbook. The Logbook section of the program<br />
allows you to browse the logbook in table form, to study the navigational situation in a specific moment or to<br />
play back the ship (and targets) movements on the electronic chart.<br />
Logbook Files<br />
Physically the logbook is a set of files on your hard drive. Each file contains a voyage recording for up to 24<br />
hours. A new file starts at 00:00:00 a.m. and is closed at 11:59:59 p.m. The file may contain ‘holes’ – periods<br />
of time with no data when the program was not running.<br />
Each logbook record belongs to a certain class of records and describes one event in the program. There are<br />
8 different classes and many various events in each class. The below table presents the list of all classes with<br />
a short description of events.<br />
Time stamps in the logbook file are set according to ship’s time Loc, not UTC.<br />
Logbook files are stored in the Logbook sub-directory of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>. They may occupy considerable disk<br />
space.<br />
If you need to free disk space, you may delete redundant logbook files or move them to diskettes for storage.<br />
Do not edit or rename logbook files in Logbook sub-directory by any means.<br />
Logbook Screen<br />
To start working with the electronic logbook, press<br />
screen:<br />
button – the following window appears on the<br />
Fig. 10 Logbook screen<br />
In this mode Select Dates Interval window is displayed instead of the program control buttons; in this window<br />
you select dates to operate with in Electronic Logbook mode.<br />
The lower part of the screen contains the logbook table with control buttons above:<br />
– Updating logbook records in the table;<br />
– Setting table configuration;<br />
– Saving Logbook Records to text File;<br />
and<br />
– Import and Export of Logbook files;<br />
– enable depth profile playback.<br />
Above the table control buttons there are elements of controlling Replay Mode (See Replay Mode on page 63).<br />
See below how to operate with control elements.<br />
Logbook table remains empty until you select the date to display records for.<br />
Range of dates selection<br />
To start working with the Logbook, select<br />
the required date or date interval,<br />
whose information you intend to display on<br />
the chart or in the table. Dates are to<br />
be selected in Select Dates Interval window, containing the calendar,<br />
where you need to define the required<br />
year and month.<br />
The calendar includes only dates<br />
(years), included into the interval<br />
between the first and last Logbook<br />
file.<br />
Dates, for which there are Logbook files,<br />
are indicated bold in the calendar.<br />
To select a date/date interval, highlight<br />
them in the calendar.<br />
To operate with all records simultaneously,<br />
activate Select all dates checkbox.<br />
Press OK button – Select Dates Interval window disappears and Logbook start operating with the selected<br />
dates.<br />
When you close the window, Route Monitoring information disappears from Position information and Route<br />
Control Windows, a twinkling R symbol (Replay) appears in the right upper corner of the chart area, and the<br />
following information becomes available on the screen (relating to the latest date of the selected interval):<br />
1) On the chart – tails of own ship and targets for all records of the current day;<br />
2) In the table – the latest Logbook File data of the current day. The topmost table row corresponds to its<br />
latest moment. If the selected interval includes the current date, the topmost table row corresponds to the<br />
moment of Electronic Logbook startup.<br />
When operating with the Logbook, Alarm Indicator presents information of the current Route<br />
Monitoring moment.<br />
Browsing Logbook Table<br />
The logbook table consists of 4 columns and a large number of rows.<br />
The columns present (left to right):<br />
• Record number within the current day;<br />
• Record class;<br />
• Record time;<br />
• The record itself.<br />
61<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
Each row corresponds to a single logbook entry. Entries are chronologized in the table upwards.<br />
Logbook Record Classes<br />
Logbook records are divided into classes; in the table record class is indicated in the second column (counting<br />
left to right).<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 62
See the table to learn more about each class:<br />
Logbook record<br />
class (abbreviation)<br />
System<br />
Warnings<br />
Route<br />
Position<br />
ARPA<br />
AIS<br />
Watch info<br />
Events<br />
Logon/logoff, hour terminator<br />
Alarm signals produced by the program<br />
Route and WP selection, Way Marks<br />
Plotting mode changes, position from GPS or<br />
<strong>manual</strong> observations, depth from echosounder,<br />
dual navigation system<br />
Target appearing/disappearing, target position<br />
Target appearing/disappearing, target position<br />
Total state of the program when watch begins<br />
Setting Table Configuration<br />
Use Config button to configure records presentation in the table. Press Config button – Configuration window<br />
appears. In this window select the interval of displaying the ship coordinates, speed, depth, ARPA and<br />
Transponder targets information in the table from the list in Position every: entry. By default, the program<br />
records position information every 10 seconds.<br />
Show position at event checkbox controls whether the program should supply alarm events with position<br />
information. If you switch on this checkbox, it will be recording coordinates for each alarm message.<br />
Selecting Date and Time<br />
To find the logbook entry for a specific moment, select the desired date from the list in the left upper corner of<br />
the table. This list includes dates from the interval, selected in Select Dates Interval window. After the<br />
required date has been selected, the program displays the latest record of this day in the topmost table row.<br />
When you select the current date, the topmost row corresponds to the moment of Electronic Logbook startup.<br />
Use standard table operations to find the required moment (see How to Use Elements on page 17 for details).<br />
When you double click left mouse button on a table row, the program displays on the chart the corresponding<br />
ship and target’s location for the selected moment.<br />
Updating Logbook Records<br />
If you select the current date from the list, you will browse the active logbook file, which is not yet completed.<br />
The program will keep adding records to it, but new records will not appear in the table until you update the<br />
visible logbook by clicking<br />
button. This button 'binds' new information to the end of the table.<br />
Replay Mode<br />
Replay Mode assists you in replaying navigation circumstances on the chart.<br />
Replay Mode control elements are:<br />
selecting time scale for replaying<br />
play forward<br />
play backward<br />
63<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
pause<br />
display all logbook information of the day<br />
Browse logbook Information on Chart<br />
After you have selected the record date, the program displays on the chart tails of own ship and targets for all<br />
records of the day.<br />
The program automatically presents the chart so that the required information would be visible within the chart<br />
area.<br />
If you have changed the chart scale and area, press<br />
button and the program returns to<br />
displaying all information for the day.<br />
When the cursor is placed over the tail of either own ship or target, the cursor changes its presentation and a<br />
ToolTip appears with information on this point of the tail:<br />
If you click left mouse button, own ship/target symbol will be displayed in this point. A record, corresponding to<br />
the selected moment is presented in the topmost row of the logbook table.<br />
Start-up moment Selecting<br />
You may select the replaying start-up moment by either of the two methods:<br />
1) On the chart – click left mouse button in a point of the ship’s or a target’s tail. Use the ToolTip to find the<br />
required point (moment).<br />
2) In the table – double click left mouse button in a table row, relating to the required moment.<br />
In both cases the ship’s and target’s positions in replaying start-up moment would be indicated with a symbols<br />
on the chart.<br />
Replay Scale Selecting<br />
Use list to select the time scale of replaying (from 1:1 up to 1:20).<br />
Playback Start/Stop and Pause<br />
To start forward or backward replaying, press and buttons, respectively.<br />
Use button to make a pause in replaying.<br />
During the replay:<br />
• If Set Table by Ship’s Position checkbox is on, the logbook table is constantly changing, since the<br />
topmost row displays the record for the moment currently replayed;<br />
• Position Information Window, Route Control Window and Current Chart Information Window represent<br />
information, relating to the moment currently replayed;<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 64
Replaying depth profile<br />
To display the depth profile for the moment currently replayed, press either or button on<br />
the control panel.<br />
When you click left mouse button over a ship tail point, the program indicates this moment on the depth profile<br />
diagram as a vertical line (See also Depth Profile Diagram on page 37).<br />
Saving Logbook Records to a Text File<br />
If you need a copy of logbook records as a text file, click File button. Output to File window opens. Use<br />
Browse button and type a name for the text file in File Name input box of Save As window. Specify the range<br />
of record numbers to be stored in the file in From and Till entries of Output To File window.<br />
Click File button to store the text file.<br />
Import logbook<br />
Using this function, you may import Logbook Files into Logbook program catalogue, for example, save into the<br />
program Logbook Files of other ships, using ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>, to be used for the replay. When you press<br />
Import button, Select File for Import window appears – select the file(s) to import in this window. Then press<br />
Save button – the program produces “Completed” message, informing that the files have been imported<br />
successfully. If the name of an imported file coincides with that of the program file, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> offers to<br />
replace the existing file.<br />
Press Cancel button to abort the operation.<br />
Be especially careful not to lose the program own Logbook Files during files replacement. If necessary,<br />
program files may be exported into any other program folder beforehand (see the next function).<br />
Export Logbook<br />
Use this function to export Logbook Files, relating to the selected day, from Logbook program catalogue.<br />
When you press Export button, Select Folder for Logbook Export window appears – select the folder<br />
(external media is also accepted), to which you intend to export the logbook file(s). Then press OK button and<br />
the program produces “Completed” message, informing that the files have been exported successfully.<br />
Press Cancel button to abort the operation.<br />
Print LogBook Table<br />
This function allows printing data from the Log Book table for the selected date in accordance with the settings<br />
you have made (Config. button). To print the data, press Print button in Replay mode – Print window<br />
appears where you may configure printing of the Log Book table (see also Print on page 18).<br />
Exit from LogBook<br />
To quit the Logbook mode press Cancel button.<br />
65<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
Tide Level window<br />
The Tide Database contains a number of tide gauges. The program can calculate the tide level at the<br />
specified point (gauge) and time.<br />
Gauges, for which there is information in the database, are indicated on the chart with T red symbol.<br />
To enter Tide database section, press left mouse button over the gauge’s symbol on the chart – see Tide<br />
Level window appearing in the lower part of the window (is shown on Fig. 11). The upper line contains (left to<br />
right):<br />
gauge name and coordinates (Fair Isle on the figure);<br />
date of level application;<br />
selected tide height.<br />
Below you find Show on Chart checkbox. When this checkbox is on, the program displays the selected<br />
gauge in the center of the chart. Automatically, a chart with the largest scale is loaded when the checkbox is<br />
ticked off.<br />
The next four fields present information concerning time and height of the current gauge. THW and HHW<br />
stand for Time High Water and Height High Water, whereas TLW and HLW stand for Time Low Water and<br />
Height Low Water, respectively.<br />
In the middle of the page the tide graph is located. On the graph you can see level height depending on the<br />
time of the day.<br />
Fig. 11 Tide Level Window<br />
Tide Level Calculations<br />
To calculate a tide level, do:<br />
1. Select a gauge (see the next paragraph for details).<br />
2. Enter the required date in Date: field. See the graph on the screen.<br />
3. To calculate the time when the water is higher then specified, do one of the following:<br />
• either enter the desired level at Marker: field,<br />
• or place the cursor at the desired coordinate of vertical axis and click any mouse button. You are also<br />
free to select the required coordinate for your marker, manipulating with Up and Down keys.<br />
The program will calculate time periods with water level higher than specified and display the appropriate part<br />
of the curve in green colour.<br />
Selecting a Gauge<br />
To select a gauge, either use spin button and select the necessary gauge from the list, or push button. In<br />
the latter case Choose gauge window will appear (see Fig. 12).<br />
In the upper part of the window the list of gauges is located. Gauges in the list are gathered depending on the<br />
settings you make. You may look through the list with the help of the scrollbar located along the right side of<br />
the window.<br />
If All gauges switch is on, the list will always contain all gauges from the database. If this switch is off,<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will select gauges around the specified position.<br />
To find a gauge by coordinates, do:<br />
Fig. 12 Choose gauge window<br />
1. Enter approximate gauge position in Lat and Lon fields.<br />
To enter the current ship’s position, click Ship coordinates button.<br />
2. Activate Gauges in … miles area radio button. ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will list down all gauges from the database<br />
located within the circle of the required radius from the specified position.<br />
3. Click left mouse button twice on the required gauge to select it.<br />
Use Show on chart checkbox to display the gauges on the chart. The number of the gauges displayed<br />
depends on the variant you have chosen in Gauges for choosing field (in case you used All gauges<br />
checkbox, all gauges from the database will be displayed on the screen).<br />
67<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
Survey Database is used for storage of depth data measured by echo sounder.<br />
Recording User’s Soundings Information<br />
Data on echo sounding surveys is logged in Charts/Echo subdirectory of the program directory and is<br />
comprised of a set of files, each file corresponding to a separate square of the 1 x 1 km of Earth surface. The<br />
files contain geographical coordinates of the regular depth grid nodes (distance between the nodes is 5 m)<br />
and matching soundings values.<br />
Use Write switch located on Depth Page of System Configuration window to log new data in the Survey<br />
Database (see Depth Page on page 86).<br />
Displaying User’s Soundings Information on a Chart<br />
Use Show Soundings checkbox located on the Depth Page of System Configuration Mode to display the<br />
user’s soundings information on the chart.<br />
Deleting User’s Soundings Information from the Database<br />
Deleting of user’s survey data from the Survey Database is analogous to deleting of user objects (see Deleting<br />
user objects on page 59). Prior to deleting sounding marks use Value checkbox located on Depth Page of<br />
System Configuration Mode to display them on the chart, then select the marks for deletion with Deletion<br />
Area, toggle on Users’ Depths checkbox and click OK. The selected marks will be deleted from the chart and<br />
related information – from the Survey Database.<br />
Use this mode to operate with the special Fishery Database. Start the mode by pressing<br />
control button.<br />
Radar Overlay Mode is optional.<br />
Interaction between your radar and the system helps in achieving the best possible results in presenting radar<br />
information together with cartographic data. Besides, when you compare the radar image with the chart<br />
presentation you have a more solid criterion of estimating both the navigational situation and the reliability of<br />
the system operating.<br />
First you need to connect your radar to the radar processor card, which is a device to be installed into the<br />
computer that runs ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>.<br />
The video-signal received from the radar is to be digitized, brought to the corresponding scale and Datum and<br />
then the radar image is laid over the electronic chart.<br />
The radar image is to be adjusted on Radar page of System Configuration module (see Radar Page (Optional)<br />
on page 97). After you have made the required settings and pressed Start Radar and Apply buttons, an<br />
additional toolbar appears on the top of the screen (you may quickly call this toolbar and radar overlay by<br />
pressing<br />
button):<br />
Please remember that the scale that you define on Radar page must always coincide with that of your<br />
radar.<br />
When you press button, the program displays the chart in such a way that the entire radar image would be<br />
visible on the screen.<br />
button brings to the screen Radar control window, where you may adjust the required parameters<br />
according to your wish.<br />
By pressing<br />
from the radar.<br />
button you bring the radar image to its initial presentation, i.e. to the presentation, received<br />
Use buttons to move the radar image in the required direction, and<br />
buttons to rotate it anti-clockwise and<br />
clockwise, respectively. When you<br />
move the image, all changes concerning its<br />
scrolling, as well as change of distance<br />
and bearing to the conning point (see Ship’s Data<br />
Page on page 85) are displayed in the<br />
toolbar to the right of the buttons.<br />
The accuracy of radar image matching with the<br />
coast line on the chart depends on the<br />
positioning system precision. Standard GPS<br />
mode does not provide high positioning<br />
precision, which may result in slight deviations of<br />
the radar image relative to the coast<br />
line on the chart.<br />
button sets the radar image in the<br />
transparency mode, which means that<br />
you will be able to see all cartographic information “through” the radar image on the chart.<br />
Please note that this mode is resource consuming, so be careful to use it on low-end computers.<br />
Use<br />
button to exit the radar overlay mode.<br />
Dual Display Mode is a powerful tool, enlarging data presentation capabilities of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> to a great<br />
extent. With the help of this function you may simultaneously operate with two different chart areas, displayed<br />
on different screens. For example, you are free to monitor your voyage on one of the screens, while browsing<br />
a random chart area with another scale, presentation level and orientation on the other.<br />
In the single-display mode such objects as Way Points’ and Logbook tables, 3D images, Depth Profile<br />
Diagram, etc, occupy considerable screen space. In Dual display mode these objects are presented on a<br />
separate screen.<br />
Dual Display Mode is available if you have a special video display adapter installed on your PC. One of the<br />
variants is Matrox G400.<br />
Dual Display Settings<br />
If you have Matrox G400 display adapter, proceed as follows to make the required settings:<br />
1. Double click left mouse button on the display icon near the clock in the Windows system control bar –<br />
Matrox Display Properties window appears;<br />
2. Select Settings page and press Multi-Display Desktop button;<br />
3. Select 2048/768 for Desktop Area;<br />
4. Select DualHead page and choose DualHead Multi-Display radio button;<br />
5. Select Power Desk page and:<br />
• select Center dialog boxes checkbox;<br />
• activate In Display radiobutton and assign 2 value;<br />
• activate Open program windows in display checkbox and assign 2 value.<br />
6. Press OK button.<br />
Start Dual Display Mode<br />
To start Dual Display mode, press control button.<br />
Using Dual Display Mode, you have ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> information presented on two screens simultaneously –<br />
main and additional. Navigational information and interface of the main screen remain the same as in single<br />
display mode.<br />
When you first start the mode, the additional screen displays the current Chart Area in Full Screen Mode,<br />
which may be later changed with the help of chart control functions (see Working with Charts in ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong><br />
on page 19). When you quit Dual Display mode, the program stores the latest presentation of the dual screen<br />
and restores it the next time you enter the Mode.<br />
Dual Display allows access to all basic program functions; some of them, however, are limited to a certain<br />
extent and have own peculiarities, which are described below.<br />
Limits and Peculiarities of some Dual Display functions<br />
Working with Charts<br />
When the cursor is within Dual Display area, the following functions operate in the same way as in the main<br />
program mode (see Working with Charts in ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> on page 19):<br />
• Zooming In and Out (by means of either wheel scrolling or keyboard);<br />
User’s Manual<br />
• Chart’s Centering on Cursor’s Position (by pressing mouse wheel);<br />
• Scrolling the Chart.<br />
To restore previous scale and area of chart presentation in Dual Display mode, click left mouse button in the<br />
chart area and use Alt-Backspace key combination.<br />
Reference Box<br />
To display cursor coordinates (see Reference Box on page 20), in the Reference Box in Dual Display mode,<br />
click left mouse button on the chart.<br />
Measuring on Chart<br />
Measuring on chart (see Measuring On Chart on page 20) in Dual Display mode obey the same principles as<br />
in the main program mode. Results of measurements are displayed on both screens simultaneously, except<br />
for variable range marker and “rubber band” cursor, which are displayed on the screen within which the cursor<br />
is currently located.<br />
Ship Watching Mode Selector<br />
You may return to AUTO CENTER mode (see Ship Watching Mode Selector on page 26) in Dual Display using<br />
Alt + Home key combination only when the cursor is within the dual screen.<br />
Ship’s Redraw Area<br />
Ship’s Redraw Area function (see Ship’s Redraw Area on page 26) operates analogously for both screens, but<br />
when Center Ship Mode is set, the function operates for the main display only.<br />
Current Chart Information Window<br />
Current Chart Information window (see Current Chart Information Window on page 28) displays information on<br />
the main screen only.<br />
Selecting a Chart for Display<br />
Charts under Cursor (see Selecting a Chart for Display on page 28) are selected in the same way as in the<br />
main program mode. When Charts under Ship window is active, click left mouse button over the Dual Display<br />
chart – the cursor changes its presentation and Charts under Ship window changes into Charts under Cursor,<br />
containing the list of charts. When you select a chart either from the list or using its coordinates, the program<br />
loads this chart on Dual Display; information in Current Chart Information window refers to the chart on the<br />
main display.<br />
Charts’ Orientation Selecting<br />
You are free to select the Сharts’ Orientation (see Charts’ Orientation Selecting on page 29) only for the main<br />
display. Dual Display always operates in North Up mode.<br />
Chart Presentation Level<br />
Chart Presentation Level (see Chart Presentation Level on page 29) for Dual Display is selected in the same<br />
way as in the main mode. Click left mouse button over Dual Display to start selecting the required level.<br />
The level indicated in Current Chart Information window refers to the main screen.<br />
Additional Information On Chart<br />
Additional Information On Chart (see Additional Information On Chart on page 29) is selected in Show on<br />
Chart window for both screens analogously.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 72
Presentation Scale Selecting<br />
This function (see Presentation Scale Selecting on page 30) operates for the current chart of the main screen<br />
only.<br />
Restoring Original Scale of Chart<br />
This function (see Restoring Original Scale of Chart on page 30) operates for the current chart of the main<br />
screen only.<br />
Depth Profile Diagram<br />
Depth Profile Diagram (see Depth Profile Diagram on page 37) is displayed on Dual Display, filling the entire<br />
screen. When you close the window, the program returns to single display mode.<br />
3-D Modeling<br />
3-D Model (see 3-D Modeling on page 38) is displayed on Dual Display, filling the entire screen. When you<br />
close the window, the program returns to single display mode.<br />
Route Planning<br />
Way Point Table (see Way Point Table Structure on page 45) is displayed on Dual Display, filling the entire<br />
screen. Route Planning on Chart is performed on the main display. When you close the WP table, the<br />
program returns to single display mode. The same results are achieved when you open/close Route Planning<br />
window (see Route Planning Window on page 42).<br />
User Objects Creating & Editing<br />
All functions of User Objects Creating and Editing may be performed on either screen, all graphic images<br />
created are duplicated on the other screen simultaneously.<br />
Electronic Logbook<br />
Logbook Table (see Browsing Logbook Table on page 61) is displayed on Dual Display, filling the entire screen.<br />
Play Back on Chart is performed on the main display. When you exit the Logbook, the program returns to<br />
single display mode.<br />
Tide Database<br />
Tide Level window (see TIDE DATABASE on page 66) is displayed on Dual Display, filling the entire screen.<br />
The chart is displayed on the main screen. When you exit the Tide Database, the program returns to single<br />
display mode.<br />
Radar Overlay Mode<br />
When you start Radar Overlay Mode (see RADAR OVERLAY (OPTIONAL) on page 70) the program returns<br />
to single display mode.<br />
Print<br />
When you press button (see Print on page 18) and select Whole Screen variant, the program prints<br />
information concerning both screens, with a vertical line dividing the two of them. when you select Map Area,<br />
the program prints the objects related to the main screen only.<br />
Return from Dual Display to Single Display Mode<br />
To exit Dual Display mode, click left mouse button on the Dual Display Area and press Esc key.<br />
73<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 74
The System Configuration module assists in:<br />
• adjusting of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> for the most efficient operation;<br />
• selecting and decoding/activating of C-MAP chart zones/areas.<br />
You may need the assistance of this module if you intend to change the system parameters, such as external<br />
device configuration or C-MAP data coverage.<br />
System Configuration Window<br />
To start the module, press button – Settings window appears. Fifteen different screen pages may be<br />
selected at the top of the window. At the bottom of Settings window you find the following buttons:<br />
OK, Cancel and Apply buttons are the standard Windows buttons, allowing to save the changes you have<br />
made or to cancel them. Press Help button to see help on the currently selected page.<br />
Using of the following two buttons raises the reliability of the system operation:<br />
Save to Disc button allows exporting of the current program configuration to the selected disk or diskette,<br />
Repair button – to restore previously saved configuration, including COM-ports settings, navigation devices<br />
settings and access codes to the cartographic information.<br />
This chapter describes all functions of the module.<br />
About Page<br />
On this screen page you will find the Serial Number of the program, the ship name.<br />
Fig. 13 About Page<br />
About page displays the following information:<br />
• Program version in use<br />
• Serial number<br />
User’s Manual<br />
• Ship name (used during installation)<br />
• PID – product ID, used for C-Map 93v.3 user’s identification.<br />
Communication Ports Page<br />
This page assists you in the following:<br />
• to plug in COM ports,<br />
• to set their configuration,<br />
• to check COM ports of your PC,<br />
• to define external navigational devices (sensors), connected to your PC.<br />
Fig. 14 Communication Ports Page<br />
On opening this page, the program displays the list of available COM ports of your PC in Port Settings field<br />
and shows you which of them are available for connecting external devices.<br />
Connecting COM Ports<br />
To connect a COM port, select it from the list and press Settings button. Comm Port Settings window will<br />
appear – set the required port according to NMEA-0183 Protocol:<br />
1. Press NMEA-0183 button,<br />
2. Press Apply button,<br />
3. Press OK button.<br />
In the window you may adjust the low-level communication protocol for COM ports.<br />
Use the entry of the window to adjust the parameters. If a trackball or mouse occupies the port, it cannot be<br />
used for data communication.<br />
Baud Rate – the rate of data exchange, bits per second;<br />
Data Bits – number of bits in 1 byte of data;<br />
Parity – parity bit control;<br />
Stop Bits – number of stop bits for 1 byte of data.<br />
The port is now ready for data exchange.<br />
If you no more intend to use the settings you have made, press Cancel button.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 76
Disconnecting COM Ports<br />
To disconnect a COM port, select it from the list and press Disconnect button.<br />
Testing COM Ports<br />
To test the signals received by all the ports press Start Test button – the system will display all NMEA-0183<br />
messages being received.<br />
Result of the test will be shown in the bottom of the page.<br />
If no data is received within 10 seconds you will see PORT TIMEOUT program message.<br />
In this case make sure that:<br />
1. the appropriate device (sensor) is connected to the port.<br />
2. the device power is on.<br />
3. the device can provide output in accordance with the NMEA-0183 protocol.<br />
4. the low-level PC port protocol, defined on Comm Port Settings page, meets the protocol specification of<br />
the device.<br />
5. the device port does meet RS-232 or RS-422 interface specifications. In case of RS-422 interface, an<br />
RS422 to RS232 converter may have to be installed between the device and the PC.<br />
6. the expansion card proprietary driver has been loaded.<br />
If the connection does not work when everything else seems OK, the COM port or the cable may be faulty.<br />
Please note that the electric (ground) potentials may vary between different locations onboard a vessel and<br />
that current- or voltage spikes generated by electric generators or appliances may occur.<br />
Under such conditions when connecting the signal cables between navigational equipment and computers in<br />
different locations, you may get unpredictable results, and sometimes burned-out port circuitry. Rely on an<br />
experienced installation engineer, and install an opto-coupler device for galvanic isolation, or use optical cable<br />
for the connections.<br />
NMEA-0183 Messages Filter<br />
You may control the messages received by the program. To do this go to Message filter window and select<br />
All or RMC button depending on what message types you want to control.<br />
Navigation Devices Page<br />
Use this page to do the following:<br />
• select the device for Main, Emergency and Dual Reckoning modes,<br />
• connect the required devices to your PC,<br />
• control automatic switching between Main and Emergency Reckoning modes,<br />
• switch to Continuous Reckoning mode,<br />
• switch to Dual Reckoning mode.<br />
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Fig. 15 Navigation Devices Page<br />
Connecting Navigation Devices<br />
To connect a navigation device to ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>, do the following:<br />
1. Select the device for the corresponding reckoning mode from the list.<br />
2. Device Settings window opens. Select Customize… alternative in Mode field to define the necessary<br />
settings, i.e. the COM port the device is connected to, the device ID, as well as messages to be received.<br />
Use Apply and OK buttons to save the changes you have made and exit System Configuration section or<br />
Cancel button to quit without saving.<br />
A connected device (sensor) must provide messages as follows:<br />
GPS (DGPS) - must provide RMC alone or CGA, ZDA, VTG together; GGA is the minimum requirement<br />
for plotting the ship position.<br />
Log - must send VHW, in which the speed is part of the message (see below).<br />
Compass - must send VHW or HDT, in VHW the speed is part of the message (see below).<br />
ARPA - TTM and RSD messages required from Radar/ARPA, any others will be ignored.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> does not recognize the real source of NMEA-0183 data. Your ARPA may send VHW or HDT<br />
through its communication line, as well as GPS may collect all messages from other sensors, and send the<br />
total sum of messages to a single PC serial port.<br />
Modern navigational instrument systems provide integration, even the systems for leisure craft. These<br />
systems may have a central server, collecting and distributing NMEA or proprietary messages between the<br />
system sensors and displays. The server is usually capable of exporting any or all NMEA messages to the<br />
PC, in one train and via a single serial port. In such cases, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> can handle all external data<br />
reception on a single PC port.<br />
Switching from Main to Emergency Reckoning Mode<br />
If there are no more data received for Main Reckoning Mode, the program automatically switches to<br />
Emergency Mode. If for some reason the program cannot switch to Emergency mode, the ship coordinates in<br />
Position Information window become red (see Position Information Window on page 24).<br />
If the program starts receiving data from the main device again, it will automatically switch back to Main<br />
Reckoning Mode.<br />
Thus, the program will continually provide automatic switching between the two modes.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 78
Switching to Dual Reckoning Mode<br />
Press Display Dual System button to switch to Dual Reckoning mode – Dual Navigational Data window<br />
appears. In this window proceed as described in Dual Reckoning chapter on page 27.<br />
COG and SOG Calculation<br />
The program is able to calculate COG and SOG values, when the external device transmits coordinate<br />
information only. Mode settings may be done in COG SOG Calculation field.<br />
1. Auto button is toggled off (released):<br />
Select the method of COG and SOG calculation from the list in COG SOG Calculation field.<br />
If the selected variant is Accept from NMEA, the program calculates COG and SOG basing on values<br />
received from the navigation system according to NMEA-0183 protocol.<br />
If you select time interval from 10 up to <strong>300</strong> seconds, the program calculates COG and SOG values basing on<br />
positioning information and selected time interval.<br />
2. Auto button is toggled on (pressed):<br />
In this mode the program automatically detects NMEA-messages containing COG and SOG information. If<br />
related messages are not detected, the program calculates COG and SOG values automatically.<br />
Disable Route Import<br />
Disable Route Import button is used to disable receiving (importing) of route data coming from external<br />
device. It is wise to disable route importing if it is not needed, thus saving computer recourses.<br />
Configure Audible Alarms<br />
The system sounding is to be adjusted on Sound field of Navigation Devices page. Here you have the<br />
following variants:<br />
• Switch off all sound alarms (Off radio button);<br />
• Use PC speaker only to produce sound alarms (PC Speaker radio button);<br />
• Use the Sound Blaster to produce sound alarms (Sound Blaster radio button).<br />
Use Rep. list to select the frequency (from 30 up to <strong>300</strong> seconds) of a repeated sound alarm until the operator<br />
checks the program message. If you select Don’t Repeat, the sound alarm is produced only once – the<br />
moment the message was received.<br />
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AutoPilot Page<br />
Fig. 16 Autopilot page<br />
This page allows you to adjust the output information intended for the Autopilot. You must define:<br />
• how often ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> shall send data to the port and<br />
• which port the program should use for NMEA-0183 messages<br />
To use AutoPilot with ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> you should at first refer to the Manual of your Autopilot to<br />
properly set up Autopilot with ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>. Before you start working with the program, make all the<br />
recommended tests to make sure it is compatible with the program.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> can produce correct messages to Autopilot using results of route calculations. Thus you have<br />
to plan and activate the appropriate route. There is difference between (a) route navigation and (b) way mark<br />
navigation modes.<br />
(a) When a route is active, two points – current WP and previous WP determine the current route leg. Crosstrack<br />
error (XTE) is calculated relatively to this leg.<br />
We recommend not to use Gyration radius (set it to 0) in route planning when Autopilot is connected. If<br />
Gyration radius is used, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> performs all route calculations for gyration start point, not for<br />
way point.<br />
(b) When Way mark mode is used no true XTE may be calculated because no route leg has been defined. In<br />
Way Mark mode ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> calculates “Pseudo XTE”, depending on course/bearing difference and<br />
distance from Way mark. “Arrival circle entered“ state is generated to set Autopilot in the Course to steer<br />
mode. Course to steer in Way Mark mode is a reliable value.<br />
Some obsolete autopiot types (for instance, Robertson AP45) can not work with XTE, APB and RMB<br />
messages that have more than 2 decimals. If you have an autopilot of this kind, activate XTE 2 decimals<br />
chechbox – the program will be reducing the corresponding messages. Use this mode in case of need only,<br />
since abridging of messages leads to increasing of control discrete from 2 up to 20 meters.<br />
NMEA messages to AutoPilot group<br />
All coordinates (Position) of Ship and Destination (Current) Way Point are sent to AutoPilot in WGS 84<br />
Datum only.<br />
If Current Datum of Charts' Presentation is NOT WGS 84, the position of the ship and Destination (Current)<br />
Way Point on the Monitor will shift from that of the values being sent by ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> to AutoPilot.<br />
This group contains 4 switches for 4 possible NMEA-0183 messages. When a switch is on, the corresponding<br />
message will be sent by ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> to the Auto Pilot, at the rate selected in Send every entry.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 80
You must set the transmitting rate relative to the rate of data received from the GPS. For example, if<br />
your GPS sends data once per second, by selecting Send every 1:1 you instruct the ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> to<br />
transmit the NMEA-0183 message once per second. If you select Send every 1:5, the ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong><br />
will send data once per 5 seconds.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> can send the following NMEA Messages:<br />
1. APB – use this message for XTE and combined XTE /HTS mode:<br />
“Arrival circle entered” symbol is used to inform the Autopilot about the time for changing the current Way<br />
point, i.e. for changing the current route leg. Sometimes this implies switching from XTE mode to HTS mode.<br />
If “APB arrival circle” radio button is on, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> sets Arrival mark at ‘A’ state when distance to WP is<br />
less than indicated distance value. As soon as the ship enters the borders of the next route leg, the program<br />
changes the displayed current way point and “Arrival circle entered” symbol disappears.<br />
2. BWC – use this message for Heading (Course) to Steer Autopilot mode<br />
3. RMB – use this message in XTE, HTS or combined Autopilot mode<br />
4. XTE – magnitude of the position error perpendicular to the intended track line and the direction to steer to<br />
return to track;<br />
• Cross - Track Error Message with Three Digits after Decimal Point:<br />
• Cross - Track Error Message with Two Digits after Decimal Point (XTE 2 decimals checkbox is on,<br />
see AutoPilot Page on page 80):<br />
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5. BOD – bearing angle of the line, calculated at the origin waypoint, extending to the destination waypoint<br />
from the origin waypoint for the active navigation leg of the journey.<br />
6. GLL – contains Current Ship's Position (Latitude & Longitude) and UTC (GMT) of Observation.<br />
See your autopilot <strong>manual</strong> for further advice.<br />
Drift Correction<br />
There are two ways to determine which parameter will be sent in NMEA APB Message as HTS.<br />
1. If "Drift Correction" checkbox is ON, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will send WTG corrected for Drift angle as HTS.<br />
HTS (HDG) = WTG - (+ / -α), where α (Drift Angle) = COG - HDG (Gyro or Magnetic).<br />
2. If "Drift Correction" checkbox is OFF, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will send WTG instead of HTS. In other words, last<br />
two angle Parameters in APB Message will be the same: WTG = HTS.<br />
If you use "Drift Correction" checkbox, the results will depend on SOG & COG calculations accuracy. As<br />
a rule in STANDARD GPS mode on slow velocity COG calculations are inaccurate, thus calculated drift<br />
is not acceptable for exact HTS calculations. Usually, more precise results may be achieved using<br />
DGPS mode.<br />
Port for Communication with AutoPilot<br />
This entry allows you to define the communication port to be used for transmitting data to the autopilot. You<br />
may select any port made available on Devices page.<br />
NMEA Identifier Mnemoni<strong>cs</strong><br />
Select in this entry the mnemonic to be used in NMEA-0183 messages for the AutoPilot. This feature will<br />
enable ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> to emulate another navigational device from which your AutoPilot will require data<br />
input. The mnemoni<strong>cs</strong> are:<br />
EC - Electronic Chart System<br />
GP - GPS receiver<br />
II - Integrated Instrumentation<br />
IN - Integrated Navigation<br />
SN - Electronic Positioning System, other/general<br />
Navigational Data to AutoPilot Redirection<br />
If your autopilot has a limited number of communication ports and requires data from GPS, Log and Compass,<br />
it may have no free port for communication with ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>. In such a case the NMEA data received by<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> from the GPS may be re-transmitted to the AutoPilot via the communication line connecting<br />
the AutoPilot with ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>’s port.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 82
To activate re-transmission, select Redirect alternative in Navigation to Autopilot Redirection field and ProNav<br />
CS-<strong>300</strong> will transmit to the AutoPilot all NMEA-0183 messages containing geographical position as received<br />
from other navigational devices (i.e. RMC or GGA). The Default alternative for this entry is Do not redirect.<br />
Enabling Messages to Autopilot in Dead Reckoning Mode<br />
Use Enable in DR checkbox to adjust the system to send messages to the autopilot in Dead Reckoning mode<br />
(see Dead Reckoning Parameters on page 25). You should note, however, that the system will be using<br />
reckoning data that may be inexact.<br />
Arrival at Way Point<br />
You should select here a criterion, which will be used for Way Points’ changing.<br />
There are two options:<br />
1. APB arrival circle – it is a distance defined by a mariner between the Ship and the Way Point where<br />
current Way Point will be changed to the next one.<br />
Way Points’ changing will take place when the ship crosses the Circle with Radius defined by a<br />
mariner or when the ship crosses the line of Perpendicular to the Route Line at current Way Point;<br />
thus, it depends on which line will be crossed first.<br />
If you activate Draw arrival circle checkbox, the program will be displaying ABP arrival circles around way<br />
points according to the values you defined in APB arrival circle field.<br />
Fig. 17 APB arrival circle (with gyration radius)<br />
If you have not set the gyration radius for the current way point, Way Points’ changing will take place on<br />
the APB circle with the current way point as the center or when the ship crosses the Line of<br />
Perpendicular to the Route Line at the current Way Point.<br />
The above mentioned condition is a requirement of IEC Standart 61162-1 (Protocol NMEA – 0183).<br />
Fig. 18 APB arrival circle (without gyration radius)<br />
2. Current route settings – in this case Way Points’ changing will take place on the Line of Perpendicular to<br />
the Route Line at the turning point in case of presence of Radius of ship’s Gyration set in Route Planning<br />
or on the Line of Bisector of turning angle; thus, it will depend on which line will be crossed first, see<br />
below.<br />
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Fig. 19 Current Route settings (with gyration radius)<br />
If you have not set Radius of ship’s Gyration for current Way point in Route Planning, Way Points’<br />
changing will take place when the ship crosses the Line of Perpendicular to the Route Line at the<br />
current Way Point (WP #10 in our example) or when the ship crosses the Line of Bisector of turning<br />
angle; thus, it depends on which line will be crossed first.<br />
Fig. 20 Current Route settings (without gyration radius)<br />
The above mentioned conditions concerns automatic WP changing. If the current way point have been<br />
selected <strong>manual</strong>ly, way points’ changing will take place only when the ship crosses APB circle.<br />
Transponder Page<br />
Use this page for the following purposes:<br />
• To define transponder type (ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> allows working with AIS R3 Transponder).<br />
• To set parameters of data exchange between your PC and Transponder.<br />
• To define the identification number of the ship and its destination port.<br />
• For data exchange between own ship and other ship/onshore station.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 84
Fig. 21 Transponder Page<br />
Ship’s Data Page<br />
This page is indented for setting up of the ship’s Name, Type and Navigational Condition, main Dimensions<br />
and position of conning point and Antennae.<br />
Use entries of Dimensions of Ship field to define the following:<br />
• Enter length and width of the vessel in Length and Beam entries;<br />
• Use Origin X-pos and Origin Y-pos fields to define the position of the conning point;<br />
• GPS X-pos and GPS Y-pos entries help to enter the position of GPS antenna, allowing to transfer<br />
coordinates received from GPS to the conning point;<br />
• Use ARPA X-pos and ARPA Y-pos fields to set the position of the radar antenna.<br />
Fig. 19 Ship’s Data Page<br />
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Depth Page<br />
Fig. 22 Depth Page<br />
This page helps to adjust the program to indicate the required echosounder parameters.<br />
Here you are free to define the following:<br />
• Use Vertical particularies field to define the ship draught, vertical clearance and Total height.<br />
• Whether the program should display depth below keel or a defined depth below transducer (Display<br />
Echosounder Depth field)<br />
• Whether the program should indicate approaching to shallow water areas. You may choose the parameter<br />
the program calculations should be based on – either safety depth, defined in Set Show window (see<br />
Additional Information On Chart on page 29) or user-defined depth. You are also free to set how many<br />
minutes before approaching to shallow water area the program should produce the corresponding<br />
warning in the lower part of the screen.<br />
Use the bottommost field for Survey Database control:<br />
• Write Survey DB checkbox is used for enabling information recording into the database (see<br />
Recording User’s Soundings Information on page 68);<br />
• Show Soundings checkbox switches on/off displaying of measured soundings on the chart (see<br />
Displaying User’s Soundings Information on a Chart on page 68)<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 86
C-Map 93v3 Data Access<br />
Use C-Map 93v3 License page to get a license to access C-Map 93v3 data (see also Appendix VII. C-<br />
MAP Cartographic Service).<br />
When you switch to C-Map 93v3 License page for the first time, you see the following:<br />
You will need the following:<br />
1. CD-ROM drive on your PC.<br />
2. C-Map 93v3 CD-ROM disc, which is to be ordered from your distributor.<br />
To get a more quick data access, copy the data disc contents to your hard drive.<br />
First of all, make sure that Use C-Map 93/3 Charts checkbox is activated. Otherwise you will not be able to<br />
access the data licensing.<br />
Controlling the chart<br />
Four buttons located to the right from the mini-chart assist you in controlling it (downward):<br />
1. Increase chart scale<br />
2. Decrease chart scale<br />
3. Chart overview<br />
4. Return to the previous chart scale<br />
When you click left mouse button over a chart point, it becomes the center of the screen.<br />
Data set licensing<br />
To license data, proceed as described:<br />
1. Register C-Map 93v3 database<br />
2. Select the required datasets to be licensed<br />
3. Send the list of selected datasets to your distributor<br />
4. Receive the list of licenses from the distributor<br />
5. Add the received licenses to C-Map 93v3 database.<br />
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After all these steps have been followed, you get access to C-Map 93v3 data.<br />
Beneath is a more detailed description of this procedure.<br />
Register C-Map 93v3 database<br />
To register a database press Register New Database button – a new window appears. Select the required<br />
location of the database on your PC and press OK button. The database will be registered, its name and issue<br />
number appears in Name field and the page changes into:<br />
After you have registered the database, you may start selecting datasets to be licensed.<br />
Select datasets to be licensed<br />
To start selecting data to be licensed, switch on Order datasets radio-box.<br />
A dataset to be licensed may present a zone, area, cartridge or chart.<br />
Zone 0 covers the whole surface of the Earth. Other zones (from 1 up to 9 ) divide the surface of the Earth into<br />
9 areas, that do not overlap.<br />
Area is a part of a zone. Areas may overlap.<br />
Cartridge is a certain geographical area, for instance, “NORTHERN NORWAY”.<br />
With the help of Select By list you may choose any type of datasets to work with. If you select All from the list,<br />
all datasets types become accessible. Borders of accessible datasets are displayed with red lines on the minichart<br />
in the center of the page.<br />
When you click right mouse button over the chart, you will see the list of datasets, corresponding to the cursor<br />
position:<br />
The datasets that have been already selected are ticked off in the list.<br />
You may select the dataset using either of two methods:<br />
1. Select the required dataset from All datasets list and press >> button.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 88
2. Click right mouse button on the chart – a new window appears with the list of datasets, corresponding to<br />
the cursor position. Select a row that is not ticked off from the list.<br />
After you have chosen a dataset, it is displayed in Selected datasets list and its borders are displayed green<br />
on the mini-chart. The program also deletes from All datasets list the datasets that are covered by the<br />
selected one.<br />
An erroneous dataset selection may be canceled by one of the following ways:<br />
1. Select the required dataset from Selected datasets list and press
User’s Manual<br />
In this window proceed as described:<br />
1. Select the licensing type – select either Purchase or Subscribe radio button, respectively.<br />
2. Browse the dataset list. In case some of the datasets have been included into the list by mistake, deselect<br />
them from the list.<br />
3. Under the dataset list you may see information concerning the total number of the datasets to be ordered<br />
as well as the number of datasets of each type.<br />
4. Enter name and location of the order file in File field (order.usr file is selected by default). Use Browse<br />
button, if required – Open window appears, where you select the required file as usual.<br />
5. Press OK button. The program saves the file and closes Create order file window.<br />
Find two files on your PC (order.usr defined earlier and user.usr from the program folder), send them to the<br />
distributor and wait for a reply file with licenses.<br />
Add licenses to the database<br />
Licenses may be received either as files, or as non-electronic licenses. In the latter case proceed as follows to<br />
add a license:<br />
1. Press Add license <strong>manual</strong>ly button – the following window appears:<br />
Dataset list contains datasets that were included in Selected datasets table when you pressed Add<br />
license <strong>manual</strong>ly button.<br />
2. One by one, select all datasets that have been licensed from Dataset list, enter the License string for each<br />
of them and press Add license button.<br />
3. Close the window by pressing x button.<br />
After this the datasets that have been licensed are ready to work in ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>.<br />
To add an electronic license, press Load Licenses from File button – Open window appears where you are<br />
to find the received license file and press Open button. After this the datasets that have been licensed are<br />
ready to work in ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>.<br />
Browse licensed data sets<br />
To browse the list of licensed datasets activate Show licensed datasets radio-button. The window changes<br />
its presentation:<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 90
Each table row in the lower part of the screen contains:<br />
1. Area name (Datasets column);<br />
2. License expiry date (Expired column);<br />
3. License (License column).<br />
If you have ordered a purchase (not subscription), Expired column indicates the word NEVER instead of<br />
expiry date.<br />
To browse the list of datasets that expire on a certain date, do:<br />
1. Activate Expired At checkbox – date input box becomes accessible.<br />
2. Enter the date in MM-YYYY format.<br />
After that the table will display the datasets whose licenses expire on the date entered.<br />
C-Map 93v3 Updates<br />
Use this page to get order for C-Map 93v3 updates and to view these updates.<br />
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Order Updates for C-Map 93v3 database<br />
To order an updating for C-Map 93v3 database, press C-Map Updates button the following window appears<br />
on the screen:<br />
The updating may be obtained using either of two methods:<br />
• Using the diskette:<br />
1. Press Order Updates button in Cm93v3 Updates window – Save As window appears<br />
2. Select file name and location and press Save button<br />
3. Find the file on your PC and send it to the distributor (on a diskette, via e-mail or other)<br />
4. Wait for the updating file from the distributor<br />
5. Press Obtain Answer button – Open window appears<br />
6. Find the received file and select it.<br />
The database has been corrected.<br />
• Via Internet:<br />
1. Using the standard methods connect to the server of your Internet provider<br />
2. Press Request button – the program starts connecting to the C-Map server. See the current state of the<br />
connection in Connection state field. Request button is inaccessible until the connection is over.<br />
3. To abort the connection, press Cancel button.<br />
After the connection is over, the database will be corrected.<br />
View Updates of C-Map 93v3 database<br />
To view C-Map 93v3 database updates, press View Updates button – the following window appears:<br />
This window contains the list of charts that have been updated. When you click on + symbol to the left from<br />
the chart name, the program displays the list of chart objects that the updating has been applied to. Double<br />
click on the object in the list to display it on the chart.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 92
Datums Page<br />
In this page you may select the following:<br />
• geodetic datum for transmitting data from positioning navigational system (DGPS, GPS, DECCA, LORAN-<br />
C),<br />
• data format to display latitude and longitude.<br />
Fig. 23 Datums Page<br />
Selecting Geographical Datum for External Devices<br />
To define the current datum for external devices select the required datum from the list in External Device<br />
Local Geodetic Datum field and press Apply button afterwards. The selected geographic datum becomes<br />
current.<br />
The list contains data for more than 250 ellipsoids according to S-60.<br />
Selecting Format for Coordinates<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> provides the following ways of coordinates presentation:<br />
• Deg Min Sec – 56 02’ 32.0” N<br />
• Deg Min – 56 02.533’ N<br />
• Deg – 56.04222 N<br />
93<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
Format Page<br />
Fig. 24 Format page<br />
Use options of this page to adjust symbol presentation on the chart.<br />
Area Center Symbols checkbox controls whether special symbols should be displayed on the chart to<br />
indicate the corresponding areas.<br />
Quality symbols checkbox controls, whether the quality symbols should be displayed on the chart (provided<br />
the data contains such symbols in accordance with S-52).<br />
Overscale indication – when displaying several cells overscaled area is identified with vertical pattern.<br />
If Text generating checkbox is on, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> generates texts on charts automatically basing on the<br />
values of corresponding attributes.<br />
National text checkbox allows recognition of texts in every national language (provided it is included into the<br />
cartographic dataset).<br />
Standard button brings symbol presentation to default values.<br />
You are also free to adjust presentation of ship symbol and markers in the corresponding boxes of Navigator<br />
symbols field. Here you may select size, boldness and color of symbols, as well as boldness and color of the<br />
ship’s and target’s tail and the route.<br />
To select the color of a symbol, route or ship’s tail, press the corresponding button and choose the required<br />
color from the standard palette. It is also possible to customize colors at your wish. This function is extremely<br />
helpful when using night palettes, where symbols usually cannot be seen clearly.<br />
Changes you make in symbol color presentation refer to one of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> screen palettes,<br />
currently set (see Display Palette on page 21).<br />
Standard button brings marker color to default value.<br />
Use Line Width entry field to define the width of user objects (such as lines, area borders, tracks, green line).<br />
Use Shifting Arrows checkbox to enable chart scrolling function.<br />
Use Tails length field to define the length of ship tail to be displayed on the chart (up to 30 days). This<br />
function is available provided Remove tails button was not pressed and Load old tails when start checkbox<br />
is activated on Show on Chart window (see also Additional Information On Chart on page 29).<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 94
C-MAP 93v3 Presentation Page<br />
C-Mар 93/3 original presentation checkbox is used for CM-93v3 charts on-screen presentation setup:<br />
• checkbox is toggled on – original presentation of С-МАР is used;<br />
• checkbox is toggled off – S-52 presentation is used.<br />
Text important and Text other checkboxes switch on/off texts displaying on the chart.<br />
Being toggled on, Lights leg length checkbox instructs the program to display borders of lights sectors.<br />
Borders are drawn as dashes lines of the length equal to the light visibility distance.<br />
Being toggled on, Safety contour only checkbox instructs the program to hide all depths contours except for<br />
the safety contour. With the checkbox switched off, all contours are shown.<br />
With the Shallow pattern checkbox has been toggled on (available for S-52 presentation only) all depth areas<br />
shallower that the safaety contour are filled with the special pattern.<br />
Plain borders checkbox (available for S-52 presentation only) toggles on/off non-standard (in a form of plain<br />
line legs) area borders presentation.<br />
With the Plain depth contour checkbox has been toggled on, all depth contours are shown as plain lines.<br />
When the checkbox is toggled off, depth contours are shown as lines with gaps and depth values inserted.<br />
Remaining checkboxes may be used for enabling/disabling of related objects displaying.<br />
95<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
Tracks Page<br />
Use this page to restore tracks for a defined period of time, disabled with the help of Hide function in Track<br />
Editing window (see also Track Editing on page 55). Information about the track coordinates is saved in the<br />
memory and may be restored, if necessary (excluding Delete function). To do so, select the starting and<br />
ending dates of the interval you intend to restore tracks for and press Restore Tracks button.<br />
Marks Page<br />
Use this page to select 12 predefined Marks, their size and orientation. Twelve selected Marks will be<br />
displayed in Input New Marker and Edit Marks windows afterwards (see also Setting Marks on the Chart on<br />
page 56 and Editing Marks and Event Marks on page 56).<br />
The page contains a list of all possible Marks with predefined names. Click left mouse button and drag the<br />
necessary Mark to the table to add the required Mark to the table of 12 most frequently selected Marks.<br />
Mark size (for each Mark separately) and Mark rotation angle (for each Mark separately) are to be set.<br />
Name fields are editable, including those already having a name (commonly known or most frequently used).<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 96
Note that if you change mark size, name or orientation in MARKS program folder, all previously set<br />
marks will be changed.<br />
Radar Page (Optional)<br />
Radar page allows adjusting your radar for correct operating with the program. Interaction between your radar<br />
and the system helps in achieving the best possible results in presenting radar information together with<br />
cartographic data.<br />
First you need to connect your radar to the radar processor card, which is a device to be installed into the<br />
computer that runs ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>.<br />
The video-signal received from the radar is to be digitized, brought to the corresponding scale and Datum and<br />
then the radar image is laid over the electronic chart (see also RADAR OVERLAY (OPTIONAL) on page 70).<br />
Fields and buttons of Radar page and their functions:<br />
1. Start Radar/Stop Radar button – use this button to start/cease generating radar image, respectively;<br />
2. Entries of Interference control field are used to adjust the radar image by removing the interference from<br />
sea, rain and total gain, respectively;<br />
3. Below is a list of scales, where you are to select the scale, corresponding to that of your radar; these scale<br />
values must always coincide;<br />
4. Brightness and Contrast entries are used to additionally adjust the radar image presentation to provide<br />
its best possible combination with the cartographic data on the screen;<br />
5. Use Rings list to select the required range of the rings, in nautical miles;<br />
6. Use the below list to select the required radar image orientation;<br />
7. When you switch on Scanning Emulation checkbox, the emulation of the radar scanning line appears on<br />
the screen.<br />
8. If you press Set Color button, Color window appears on the screen, where you are to select the desired<br />
color for radar image presentation.<br />
9. Test button starts internal test of the radar processor;<br />
10. Reset button resets the radar processor in case it does not respond to the system.<br />
In case you have managed to make the radar image of the shore coincide with the coastline on the<br />
chart, but ARPA targets do not correspond to their radar presentation, test the fine-tuning of your radar<br />
in the fore and aft line.<br />
97<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 98
Appendix I. INSTALLATION<br />
Installation of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> includes a number of steps and considerations, depending on the software and<br />
hardware configuration of the computer, and the characteristi<strong>cs</strong> of the connected navigation equipment<br />
(sensors).<br />
We recommend you to rely on the regional dealer to perform the necessary preparations, installation, testing<br />
and operator training.<br />
Although mentioned elsewhere in the handbook, we will repeat our warning concerning shipboard system<br />
cable connections. Please note that the electric (ground) potentials may vary between different locations<br />
onboard a vessel, and that current- or voltage spikes generated by electric generators or appliances may<br />
occur. Under such conditions, when connecting the signal cables between navigational equipment and<br />
computers in different locations, you may get unpredictable results, and sometimes burned-out port circuitry.<br />
Rely on an experienced installation engineer, and install an opto-coupler device for galvanic isolation, or use<br />
optical cable for the connections.<br />
Nevertheless, if you have the necessary qualifications as installation engineer, the present Appendix will guide<br />
you through the essential steps of installation.<br />
If you decided not to apply to the service representative and proceed all the installation steps on your own, do:<br />
Insert the distribution CD into CD-ROM of your computer – Setup program is started automatically. If not, start<br />
Startup.exe program <strong>manual</strong>ly – setup menu appears with the following variants:<br />
• ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> Setup<br />
• Hardlock Driver Setup<br />
• View Readme<br />
• Exit<br />
If there is no installed HARDLOCK (Dongle) driver, proceed as follows before activating Setup.<br />
Othervise, proceed starting from point 5 in below description:<br />
1. Connect HARDLOCK (Dongle) device to parallel port.<br />
2. Start Windows and log on with administrative rights.<br />
3. Start Startup.exe from the distribution disk.<br />
4. Select Hardlock Driver Setup from the menu.<br />
5. After successful driver installation, restart Windows and log on with user rights.<br />
6. Start Startup.exe from the distribution disk.<br />
7. Select ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> Setup from the menu and follow instructions in Setup dialogs.<br />
Wiring and Hardware<br />
Exploring Your Navigational Equipment<br />
Please consider which Navigational Devices to use with ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>. For efficient operation we<br />
recommend following equipment:<br />
• GPS (Differential Mode is most preferable)<br />
• Gyro (or fluxgate/magnetic) compass<br />
• Speed Log<br />
• Transponder<br />
• Echosounder<br />
• Autopilot<br />
User’s Manual<br />
Each unit must be capable of transmitting data in digital form, via an RS-232 or RS-422 interface<br />
according to the NMEA-0183 (IEC 61162-1) protocol (the auto pilot must be able to receive such data).<br />
For other interface types, converters must be installed.<br />
Log and compass may provide analog output only, in which case special hardware converters must be used<br />
to produce the required NMEA-0183 messages (see list of applicable messages in External Devices and<br />
NMEA-0183 Messages on page 10).<br />
Some (military) ARPA types may produce data according to proprietary protocols, and may require program<br />
modifications.<br />
Make a list of the devices, and a wiring diagram to show their present interconnections, before ProNav CS-<br />
<strong>300</strong> installation. In the list, specify the output port (for auto pilot – the input port) pin configuration, interface<br />
standard (RS-232 or RS-422), communication protocol, handshaking standard, and communication speed.<br />
Make a new wiring diagram for the system, including ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> and its computer port(s), showing the<br />
required interconnecting cables. Where the interface, data speed or protocol standards are different at the<br />
ends of a cable, indicate a ”black box” converter for standard equalization. You may now have a diagram with<br />
a separate cable from each of the sensors, to the computer.<br />
If your sensors are already interconnected in an integrated system, consult the system supplier to have a<br />
proposal for connecting NMEA 0183 output/input to computer serial ports, to handle the data messages as<br />
specified elsewhere in this handbook.<br />
If your sensors have not been integrated yet, consider the characteristi<strong>cs</strong> of each sensor. If any sensor, say<br />
the GPS, can collect data from other sensors, and can re-transmit the total data package on a single<br />
communication line, rearrange the diagram until you have a minimum of interconnecting cables and interface<br />
boxes.<br />
Exploring Serial Ports of the Computer<br />
When your connection diagram has been completed, note the number of required serial ports at the computer<br />
side.<br />
If the required number of serial ports is not available at the computer, the missing number must be added. A<br />
standard computer seldom has more than 2 serial ports: COM 1 and COM 2 and, if the computer does not<br />
have an extra PS2 mouse port, one of the COM ports will be occupied by mouse or trackball.<br />
If the number of free COM ports is less than the number of cables to be connected, you will need to install a<br />
serial ports expansion card.<br />
Connecting Cables<br />
If you use a serial ports expansion card:<br />
1. Remove the cover from your PC.<br />
2. Set the jumpers on the card according to the producer’s <strong>manual</strong>. An adjustment of IRQ and DMA allocation<br />
may be required, to avoid conflict with other installed cards. This procedure requires PC configuration<br />
experience.<br />
3. Find a free ISA slot on the motherboard. Pay attention to the size of the card you are going to insert, and<br />
select a slot where the card will fit without touching other components.<br />
4. Plug the card into the selected slot and secure it with a screw.<br />
5. Replace the PC cover.<br />
6. If you have a cable cluster connector, attach it to the card.<br />
Consider the physical location of each unit in this configuration, the possible cable ducts, required cable<br />
lengths, the presence of parallel cables for other equipment which may induce interfering signals, the<br />
presence of strong electromagnetic fields or pulses (radio transmitters, echo sounders), the electrical ground<br />
potentials and ground connection points at the various equipment sites. Consider the necessary grounding<br />
point locations for equipment and cable screens. Decide if galvanic isolation or optical cabling must be used to<br />
prevent signal corruption.<br />
Prepare and lay the cables (use double screened signal cables), and install the connectors. Do not lay signal<br />
cables close to power cables, echo sounder cables, antenna cables or other cables, which may produce<br />
electromagnetic fields or pulses. Make the cables at least 0.5 m longer than required at each end. Check each<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 100
Appendix I. INSTALLATION<br />
conductor for proper pin connection, pin-to-pin resistance, and pin-to-ground isolation. Inspect plug solderings<br />
and check that no loose strand clippings are left in the plugs. Spray the pins with CRC corrosion protective oil.<br />
Check that each hardware unit of the system is connected to the common ground (the same electrical ground<br />
potential). You must not rely on the serial (signal) cable screens for the equalization of ground potentials. If<br />
you do, the ports may be permanently damaged if a plug is pulled or a screw connection comes loose.<br />
Make sure that the power has been turned off for all units, and connect the cables to the appropriate ports.<br />
Your COM ports and the corresponding device serial interfaces must match: always connect RS-232 to RS-<br />
232 and RS-422 to RS-422.<br />
If the interfaces differ, you must install RS-232/422 hardware converters. ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will provide<br />
±12V power to the converter, when using the appropriate UART settings. Attach the converter(s)<br />
between the cable and the computer port.<br />
RS-232 C DB9 Pin Assignment<br />
Fig. 25 RS-232 C DB9 pin assignment<br />
The following table is the table of IBM PC/AT DB9 connector pin assignments:<br />
Pin #<br />
1 DCD<br />
2 RD<br />
3 TD<br />
4 DTR<br />
5 GND<br />
6 DSR<br />
7 RTS<br />
8 CTS<br />
9 RI<br />
Description<br />
RS-232 C DB25 Pin Assignment<br />
Fig. 26 RS-232 C DB25 pin assignment<br />
The following is the complete list of C DB25 pin assignments for the RS-232 standard:<br />
Pin # Mnemonic Description<br />
1 PG Protective ground<br />
2 TD Transmitted data<br />
3 RD Received data<br />
4 RTS Request to send<br />
5 CTS Clear to send<br />
101<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
User’s Manual<br />
6 DSR Data set ready<br />
7 SG Signal ground<br />
8 DCD Received line signal detector<br />
9 - (reserved for data set testing)<br />
10 - (reserved for data set testing)<br />
11 Unassigned<br />
12 (S) DCD Secondary received line signal detector<br />
13 (S) CTS Secondary clear to send<br />
14 (S) TD Secondary transmitted data<br />
15 TSET Transmission signal element timing<br />
16 (S) RD Secondary received data<br />
17 RSET Received signal element timing<br />
18 Unassigned<br />
19 (S) RTS Secondary request to send<br />
20 DTR Data terminal ready<br />
Pin # Mnemonic Description<br />
21 SQ Signal quality detector<br />
22 RI Ring indicator<br />
23 CH/CI Data signal rate selector<br />
24 TSET Transmit signal element timing<br />
25 Unassigned<br />
Table of commonly used asynchronous communication signals is given below:<br />
Pin #<br />
Description<br />
1 GND(protective ground)<br />
2 TD<br />
3 RD<br />
4 RTS<br />
5 CTS<br />
6 DSR<br />
7 GND<br />
8 DCD<br />
20 DTR<br />
22 RI<br />
23 DSRD<br />
Protection Device<br />
The Protection Device (dongle) is a special hardware unit, included in your ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> pack. ProNav CS-<br />
<strong>300</strong> software will not run unless this unit is attached to your computer parallel port.<br />
Before installing the program from the distribution diskettes, attach the Protection Device to any free<br />
LPT port of your computer and secure it with screws.<br />
If you have only one LPT port, which is currently used for printing, plug the Device between the printer cable<br />
and the LPT port. In this case your printer must be set On Line all the time while ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> is working.<br />
Before attaching the protection device to your computer, make sure that the printer is switched off,<br />
otherwise there is a serious risk of burning out the LPT port.<br />
Software<br />
Exploring Your Environment<br />
The best environment for ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> is Windows NT and 2000.<br />
Hard Disk Requirements<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> needs a minimum of 60M free space for installation. For operation, further space must be<br />
reserved for the CM93 cache and the storage of logbooks. It is recommended that you dedicate an entire<br />
partition of minimum <strong>300</strong>M for ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> only.<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 102
Appendix I. INSTALLATION<br />
When working, ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> will access the hard disk to load charts, store logbook and to save<br />
temporary data. Therefore the efficiency of operation of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> depends on hard drive<br />
performance.<br />
System Requirements<br />
1. Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, SP5 at the minimum, Windows 2000.<br />
2. CPU Pentium – II, 500 MHz at the minimum.<br />
3. RAM 128 MB at the minimum.<br />
4. Video mode with 16 bit color is required (modes with more colors are preferable) and 1024x768 resolution<br />
for better results.<br />
5. CDROM 24x.<br />
6. Please set Small fonts option in Start/Settings/Control Panel/Display/Settings dialog for better results.<br />
7. We recommend you to set Arial font for icons in Control Panel/Appearance.<br />
103<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>
The list of possible communication problems, and suggested solutions:<br />
Symptoms<br />
Communication test in<br />
Service module says<br />
Communication test shows<br />
correct NMEA-0183<br />
messages for the port, but<br />
sometimes TIMEOUT<br />
message for this port<br />
appears.<br />
Communication test works<br />
OK, but in Route Monitoring<br />
mode the ship’s symbol does<br />
not appear and the device<br />
failure indicator appears<br />
instead.<br />
Suggested remedy<br />
1. Make sure that the external device<br />
attached to that port is working.<br />
2. Check the cable – it must be connected<br />
to the PC and device.<br />
3. Check settings on the device – it must<br />
provide applicable NMEA-0183<br />
messages.<br />
4. Check that PC port and device port has<br />
the same hardware interface, RS-232 or<br />
RS-422. In latter case, check the<br />
converter in the communication line.<br />
5. Check settings of the communication<br />
port in the Service module. The binary<br />
protocols must match.<br />
The external device sends data more<br />
seldom that once per 2 seconds. Adjust the<br />
device to make it send data at the rate of 1<br />
per second.<br />
1. Make sure that the device sends<br />
applicable NMEA-0183 messages.<br />
2. Refer to device documentation, to check<br />
that the device fills all vital fields of a<br />
message with data and uses correct<br />
data format.<br />
3. The program may have found a check<br />
sum mismatch, caused by interference<br />
from other navigational equipment or<br />
badly arranged cables.<br />
Initial ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> Settings<br />
Before you start testing compatibility of your system with autopilot, complete the following settings:<br />
1. Select AutoPilot page of System Configuration mode<br />
2. Make sure that all checkboxes of Nmea messages to Autopilot field are OFF.<br />
3. Make sure that Do not redirect option is on in Navigation to Autopilot redirection field.<br />
4. Make sure that Current Route settings radio-box is ON.<br />
5. Make sure that Enable in DR mode checkbox is OFF.<br />
6. In NMEA identifier mnemoni<strong>cs</strong> field an acceptable abbreviation is set (EC at default).<br />
7. Check that the communication serial port is properly selected and configured.<br />
8. Please check that no other navigation systems may send any control messages to Autopilot. Course and<br />
position messages from Gyro and GPS must be sent in accordance with Autopilot <strong>manual</strong><br />
recommendations.<br />
Now ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> does not send any Autopilot or navigation messages. We recommended you to perform<br />
step-by-step checking of different Autopilot and ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> operation modes to select the best possible<br />
configuration for your vessel and Autopilot.<br />
Steering by bearing to waypoint (CTS)<br />
1. In the Steering by bearing to waypoint (CTS) Autopilot mode ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> sends BWC messages.<br />
Please refer to Autopilot <strong>manual</strong> to select the correct settings and perform all necessary Autopilot<br />
adjustments to achieve satisfactory Autopilot performing WITHOUT control of the program.<br />
2. Select Route planning mode of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>. Plan a single-leg route from the current position. Route<br />
leg length must not be shorter than it is recommended in your Autopilot <strong>manual</strong>.<br />
3. Before you start the testing procedure, ensure that the actual course is within 10° sector from the planned<br />
course to avoid a hazardous change of the course.<br />
4. Set Autopilot to Manual mode. Make a starboard course change at 5° after Autopilot course becomes<br />
stabilized.<br />
5. On the Autopilot page of System Configuration mode set BWC checkbox ON and all other checkboxes<br />
OFF. Sending of BWC by default is every 1s. If your Autopilot <strong>manual</strong> recommends another value, adjust it<br />
using the spin control. Your vessel is under control of the Bearing to next waypoint (or course to steer).<br />
Make sure that the actual course is being corrected by autopilot to make the vessel steer towards the<br />
waypoint.<br />
6. Set Autopilot to Manual mode. Make a port course change at 5° after Autopilot course becomes stabilized.<br />
7. Set Autopilot to Navigation mode. Make sure that the actual course is being corrected by autopilot to make<br />
the vessel steer towards the waypoint.<br />
8. Select Route planing mode of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>. Plan a multiple-leg route from the current position. Route<br />
leg length must not be shorter than it is recommended in your Autopilot <strong>manual</strong>. Do not use Gyration<br />
radius. Pass along the route forward and backward.<br />
If autopilot performance is satisfactory, the vessel CTS control test phase is finished.<br />
Steering by route XTE (Cross-Track Error)<br />
1. In the Navigational steering Autopilot mode ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> sends APB or RMB messages. Please refer to<br />
Autopilot <strong>manual</strong> to apply the correct settings.<br />
2. Plan a single-leg route from the current position.<br />
User’s Manual<br />
3. Before you start testing, ensure that the XTE is within 0.1Nm to avoid a hazardous change of the course.<br />
4. Set Autopilot to Manual mode. Make a starboard course change at 5° after XTE is 0.05 Nm.<br />
5. On the Autopilot page of the System Configuration mode set APB checkbox ON and all other checkboxes<br />
OFF. Your vessel is under control of the XTE, calculated by ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>. Make sure that XTE<br />
decreases and vessel steers to the route line.<br />
6. Set Autopilot to Manual mode. Make a port course change at 5° after XTE is 0.05 Nm.<br />
7. Set Autopilot to Navigation mode. Make sure that XTE decreases and vessel steers to the route line.<br />
NOTE: Navigational steering is a slow acting process and actual deviation may be non-zero value.<br />
Please refer to Autopilot <strong>manual</strong> and check normal deviations from track in the Navigation mode.<br />
8. Select Route planning mode of ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong>. Plan a multiple-leg route from the current position. Route<br />
leg length must not be shorter than it is recommended in your Autopilot <strong>manual</strong>. Do not use Gyration<br />
radius. Pass along the route forward and backward.<br />
If Autopilot performance is satisfactory, the vessel XTE control test phase is finished.<br />
Mixed mode (XTE and CTS)<br />
1. In the mixed steering Autopilot mode ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> sends APB or RMB messages. Autopilot considers<br />
both XTE information between waypoints and CTS information at the waypoint. Please refer to Autopilot<br />
<strong>manual</strong> to select the correct settings for establishing the mixed mode. Select ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> APB arrival<br />
circle equal to gyration radius of your vessel at current speed, weather, sea and rudder conditions. Do not<br />
use Gyration radius (set to 0) during route planning.<br />
2. Perform the test route as described in steps 11-15.<br />
If Autopilot performance is satisfactory, the vessel XTE and CTS mixed control test phase is finished.<br />
"Drift correction" checkbox<br />
Using of this checkbox leads to automatic correction of the Heading to steer value in Autopilot NMEA<br />
messages.<br />
Since the drift value may be obtained from COG and CRS measurements, and COG is GPS value, results of<br />
using Drift Correction may be acceptable only in long straight routes and with the speed not less than 3-5 kn<br />
(See AutoPilot Page on page 80).<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 106
+ zoom the chart in<br />
– zoom the chart out<br />
Alt-+<br />
Alt-–<br />
zoom the chart in<br />
zoom the chart out<br />
Alt-arrow up, down, right and left<br />
scroll the chart<br />
Alt-F1 key combination activates (Help) button<br />
Alt-F4 exit the program<br />
Alt-Backspace restore previous scale and area of chart presentation in Dual Display<br />
Alt-Home return to the automatic ship watched mode<br />
Ctrl-arrow up, down, right and left move the cursor on the screen<br />
Ctrl-F1 activate (Help) button<br />
Ctrl-mouse wheel<br />
control 3D model luminance<br />
Ctrl-P print the ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> information<br />
Ctrl-Tab switch between window tabs<br />
Down arrow doubles spin buttons, decreasing parameter values<br />
F1<br />
invokes Help-context system<br />
Left arrow move the cursor left during parameters input<br />
Right arrow move the cursor right during parameters input<br />
Shift-mouse wheel<br />
scroll the table from left to right or vice versa<br />
Space<br />
separate degrees from minutes and seconds in the table<br />
Up arrow<br />
doubles spin buttons, increasing parameter values<br />
INT1. “International Chart Series. Symbols, Abbreviations, Terms used on Charts”<br />
ISO 646. “Information processing — ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange”<br />
ISO 8211. “Information processing — Specification for a data descriptive file for information interchange”<br />
IHO S-52. “Specification of chart content and display aspects of ECDIS”, December 1994.<br />
IHO S-57. “IHO Transfer Standard for digital hydrographic data”, November 1993.<br />
IHO Provisional Product Specification for EN [&ER] Application Profiles, version 0.2.1, 22 February 1995.<br />
IEC 61162-1 “Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems”, May 1994<br />
IEC 61174 “ECDIS. Operational and Performance Requirements, methods of Testing and Required Test<br />
Results”, August 1998<br />
dKart Product Specification for EN Application Profile, version 1.0.<br />
IMO Resolution A.817(19) “Performance Standard for Electronic Charts Display and Information Systems<br />
(ECDIS)”<br />
B — Bearing (Mercator line)<br />
BRG — BeaRinG (Mercator line)<br />
C — Discreapancy between current ship’s position and Manual Observation (or ARPA observation, Dual Device)<br />
cbl — cables<br />
COG — Course Over Ground (true course)<br />
COM — serial communication computer’s port<br />
CPA — distance of the Closest Point of Approach in nautical miles (Nm)<br />
CCP — Crossing Courses Point (distance in nautical miles between ships at the moment of crossing courses)<br />
HDG — HeaDinG (Gyro or Magnetic course)<br />
D — Distance in nautical miles (Nm)<br />
DST — Distance in nautical miles (Nm)<br />
DTG — Distance To Go to the way point<br />
ETA — Estimated Time of Arrival<br />
GCD — Great Circle line Distance<br />
GCL — Great Circle Line<br />
GCS — Great Circle line Sailing<br />
GCW — Great Circle line Way<br />
GMT — Greenwich Mean Time<br />
GPS — Global Positioning System<br />
H — Depth under keel<br />
h — hours<br />
HO — Hydrographic Office (National)<br />
IHO — International Hydrographic Organization<br />
kn — knots (nautical miles per hour)<br />
LED — Light Emission Diode (small lamp)<br />
LOG — LOG speed<br />
LT, Loc — Local Time<br />
LTP — parallel (printer) computer’s port<br />
M — Soundings in Meters<br />
m — meters<br />
min — minutes<br />
MC — Manual Course<br />
MS — Manual Speed<br />
Nm — Nautical miles<br />
OTA — Ordered Time of Arrival<br />
RB — Relative Bearing<br />
RBD — RhumB Line Distance<br />
RBL — RhumB Line (Mercator line)<br />
RBS — RhumB line Sailing<br />
RBW — RhumB line Way (Mercator way), bearing to the way point — WTG<br />
RM — Relative Motion<br />
sec — seconds<br />
SOG — Speed Over Ground (true speed)<br />
SHT — Ship’s Time<br />
STG — Speed To Go (Estimated speed to arrive at WP at Ordered Time)<br />
User’s Manual<br />
TCPA — Time of the Closest Point of Approach<br />
TCCP — Time of the Crossing Courses Point<br />
TM — True Motion<br />
TTG — Time To Go to the way point<br />
UTC — Universal Time Coordinated<br />
WP — Way Point<br />
WTG — Way To Go to the way point<br />
WYSIWYG — What You See Is What You Get (mode of screen presentation)<br />
XTE — Cross Track Error (deviation from route line)<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 110
Appendix VII. C-MAP<br />
Cartographic Service<br />
The system that you are now using has the capability of using and displaying the latest C-MAP CM-93/3<br />
worldwide vector chart database. These charts are fully compliant with the latest IHO S-57 3.1 specifications<br />
and, when using the CM-93/3 ENC database in an approved ECDIS, are considered equivalent to the<br />
navigational charts required by the SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) convention.<br />
In order to prepare the system for use with the C-MAP CM-93/3 database, there are a number of things that<br />
will first need to be carried out:<br />
Registration of the system at C-MAP Norway.<br />
When a system is installed that has the capability to use the CM-93/3 database, a file called USER.USR will<br />
be automatically created (normally in the Program Files\CM93v3 SDK directory). This file contains the<br />
Company ID and System ID assigned to the ECDIS/ECS system when it is installed. These ID’s can be found<br />
on the back of the installation CD box or on a sticker placed on the equipment. This file must always be sent<br />
to C-MAP Norway by email ( or by direct connection to Internet, when installing the<br />
software. Licenses can only be generated once this file has been received and registered by C-MAP. It is<br />
important to note that the software may need to be reinstalled and reinitialised if the operating system or<br />
hardware is upgraded (see the troubleshooting section). In some cases the manufacturer of the system will<br />
have already pre-registered the system.<br />
If, when installing a new system, you do not know your Company ID or System ID, please contact C-MAP<br />
Norway before continuing installation of the software.<br />
Ordering Charts<br />
It is very possible that charts will not be ordered together with the registration of the system as described<br />
above. It is therefore essential that as much information as possible is sent to C-MAP when ordering charts for<br />
a system. To order CM-93/3 charts, the System Information section should first be completed (normally found<br />
in the License Administrator section of your software). This contains vital information that will allow us to<br />
monitor and maintain your licenses throughout the lifetime of the system. Once this section is completed you<br />
can order charts by choosing the ORDER LICENSES section in the License Administrator. Charts can be<br />
ordered by Zone, Area or Cell and these can be seen on our Internet pages at Prices<br />
quotations can be obtained via your chart dealer or direct from your local C-MAP office. Once the license<br />
order has been prepared it should be emailed ( or faxed to C-MAP Norway AS (+47<br />
51464701).<br />
Applying Licenses<br />
Once the order has been received at C-MAP, a license will be generated and transmitted back to the user.<br />
This may be in the form of a single alphanumerical string (16 characters), or in the form of a file called<br />
PASSWORD.USR. Once this license has been received it should be input using the License Administrator or<br />
the software designed by the ECDIS/ECS manufacturer. There are two types of licenses, purchase and<br />
subscription. Purchase licences are valid indefinitely while subscription licenses need to be renewed each 12<br />
months from the start of the subscription. Failure to renew a subscription will result in the charts becoming<br />
unavailable.<br />
Troubleshooting<br />
If you are having problems installing your software or charts please check the following before calling C-MAP:<br />
• You are installing on Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows 98 second edition. The system will not<br />
normally run under Windows 95 or Windows 98 first edition.<br />
User’s Manual<br />
• That you have registered the WORLD database in the GDBADMIN application.<br />
• That the registered WORLD database is available. If you are running the database from the CD drive,<br />
the CD-ROM must be loaded.<br />
• That you have correctly typed the license string.<br />
• That you have not reinstalled Windows or any major hardware components. If you have done this you<br />
will probably need to reinstall your software.<br />
Contact Information:<br />
For information or help please call you’re nearest C-MAP Office (details can be found on the reverse side of<br />
the C-MAP chart CD box) or contact C-MAP Norway:<br />
C-MAP Norway AS<br />
Post Box 212<br />
Hovlandsveien 52<br />
4379 Egersund<br />
Norway<br />
Tel. +47 51464700<br />
Fax.+47 51464701<br />
Email:<br />
ProNav CS-<strong>300</strong> 112