MSWG Newsletter - Mountain Spinners & Weaver Guild
MSWG Newsletter - Mountain Spinners & Weaver Guild
MSWG Newsletter - Mountain Spinners & Weaver Guild
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<strong>MSWG</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />
VOLUME XXXVI NUMBER 1 September, 2012<br />
P. O. BOX 1820 PRESCOTT, AZ 86302<br />
<strong>Newsletter</strong> Archive<br />
President’s Message<br />
It’s September, and autumn is in the air. The COE judging is in less than a<br />
month, and the Holiday Show and Sale takes place in two months. All are<br />
great motivations to create. Let loose that fiber person within you!<br />
--Diane Braun<br />
September Membership Meeting<br />
Saturday, September 15, 2012<br />
9:00 a.m. meeting 10:30 a.m. program<br />
American Lutheran Church<br />
1085 Scott Dr. Prescott AZ<br />
Programs:<br />
September – “Know Your Sheep” – Diane Braun<br />
October – “Sheep Walk” – Cindy Shanks<br />
November – TBA<br />
December – Holiday Potluck<br />
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MSW 2012-2013<br />
Officers<br />
President---Diane Braun<br />
First VP---<br />
Second VP---Rebecca Bass<br />
Secretary---Donna Meyer<br />
Treasurer---Pat Anna<br />
Workshops---<br />
Support Staff<br />
Historian---Marion Patterson<br />
Hospitality---Brenda Behrens<br />
Librarian---Caralee Roberts<br />
Facebook--- Kathy Robbins<br />
Membership--- Anne Marston<br />
<strong>Newsletter</strong> Editor---Donna Meyer<br />
Web Mistress---Donna Meyer<br />
Parliamentarian---Debbie Allen<br />
Publicity---<br />
Sunshine --- Mary Bricker<br />
Ways & Means--- Sharon Richards<br />
September 14 – Beverly Pott<br />
September 18 – Roland Faulkner<br />
September 29 – Annemarie Bellem<br />
Holiday Show and Sale<br />
Our annual Holiday Show & Sale this year is November<br />
10, at the Hassayampa Inn.<br />
----Janet Lambert & Barb Kiger<br />
COE Judging coming to Prescott in<br />
October!<br />
The greater Prescott area may not be big<br />
enough to hold Convergence, the biennial<br />
convention held by the Handweaver’s <strong>Guild</strong> of America, but<br />
we are hosting HGA’s second most important program: the<br />
judging for the Certificate of Excellence in weaving. This puts<br />
our guild on the national stage October 5 th – 6 th and gives our<br />
members an opportunity to be involved in a major fiber event. Location: Yavapai Title Agency, at<br />
the light where Gurley, 89 and 69 meet. Please donate non-perishable food to their collection<br />
box for the Yavapai County food bank. The judges are Judy Eatough and Rebecca Winter.<br />
Check with Shelly Leichter to see how you can be a part of this special event!<br />
Announcements:<br />
Yavapai Fair September 27 - 30, 2012 at Tim's Toyota Center in Prescott Valley, AZ<br />
Please contact Rebecca Bass, (chair) if you can demonstrate at the fair!<br />
General entry forms are due by 9/18/2012 Drop of is: 9/24 Noon to 8pm;<br />
9/25 8am to 6 pm; 9/26 8am to Noon.<br /><br />
(The Fair website)<br /><br />
(general rules and regulations)<br /><br />
(Fair entry guidelines - dates and times)<br /><br />
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(General entry form)<br /><br />
(Weaving and Handspun yarn falls in Dept. H)<br />
<br />
<strong>Mountain</strong> <strong>Spinners</strong> & <strong>Weaver</strong>s <strong>Guild</strong><br />
Minutes of Membership Meeting August 18, 2012<br />
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by President, Diane Braun. Guest: Dorothy<br />
Secretary: Donna Meyer: May meeting minutes approved as published.<br />
1 st VP: (vacant)<br />
1. September – “Know Your Sheep” – Diane Braun.<br />
2. October – “Sheep Walk” - Cindy Shanks.<br />
3. November – TBA<br />
4. December – Holiday Potluck.<br />
2 nd VP: Rebecca Bass<br />
1. Yavapai Fair –Thursday, September 27 setup, Friday – Sunday need demonstrators.<br />
Tim’s Toyota Center, Prescott Valley, AZ.<br />
2. Holiday Party – December 15 th .<br />
Special Interest Groups: no report<br />
Historian: Photos available from the August Plaza Show.<br />
Sunshine Mary Bricker: Cindy Faulkner.<br />
Membership: Anne Marston - $25 renewal of membership due by October 1 st for directory<br />
inclusion. Forms available today or you may download a form online.<br />
<strong>Newsletter</strong>: Information due August 25 th . Email issues to be corrected.<br />
Hospitality:<br />
Brenda Behrens – Today’s hostesses: Mary Bricker and Wilda Postel.<br />
Librarian: Caralee Roberts brought new books that are available for checkout.<br />
Announcements:<br />
1. Publicity chair needed.<br />
2. Demonstration request for Alta Vista senior facility.<br />
3. Amber plate left at potluck – see Brenda Behrens.<br />
4. Sheep bank donated by Shelly Leichter.<br />
5. Combination lock for storage bin donated by Shelly Leichter.<br />
6. Due to space constraints, Studio Three requested a couple of months ago that the<br />
<strong>Guild</strong> library be moved to another location. If any <strong>Guild</strong> member has a suggestion for<br />
where the library can be located, please contact Diane Braun.<br />
7. Mary Jane Hopf will host a group on Facebook for Buy Sell Trade ads.<br />
8. <strong>Guild</strong> members will no longer be charged for ads in the newsletter. Anne Marston/Luida<br />
Gottlieb/All. Motion passed.<br />
9. Textile class to be offered at Yavapai College October 15 – November 12, Mondays<br />
from 1-3. Register online. – Diane Braun, teacher.<br />
10. Request for spinning commission. Contact Donna Meyer for details.<br />
11. Verla Davis volunteered to fill one of the vacant positions on her return to Prescott, AZ.<br />
12. Interest in bead weaving expressed by the public at the August Plaza Show.<br />
13. Kathy Robbins will monitor the Facebook group.<br />
14. Mary Turbyfill continues to be interested in <strong>Guild</strong> activities. Feel free to contact her at<br />
Prescott Lakes Senior Apartments.<br />
Old Business:<br />
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1. COE event October 5-6 th at Yavapai Title in Prescott needs food organizer, helpers,<br />
snacks and scribes. An additional host needed. Donations for the Yavapai Food Band<br />
requested by Yavapai Title who is not charging us rent. Contact Shelley Leichter.<br />
2. November 10 th Holiday Show and Sale (3 rd annual) – Flyers available. Volunteer sign-up<br />
sheets available. Take in on November 7 th 1-4 p.m. at Yvonne Johnson’s home at 7231<br />
E. Conestoga Way, Prescott Valley, AZ. Take in on November 8 th 1-4 p.m. at Wilda<br />
Postel’s home at 704 El Camino Corvo, Prescott AZ. Bring items in a container with your<br />
name and information on both the top and bottom. Tags and inventory sheets available<br />
on the website. Add personal tag include dimensions, fiber content and care. All items<br />
must be prewashed. Jewelry should be woven (knitted or crocheted). Raffle items are<br />
being collected by Carma Koester and may be dropped at A Good Yarn/Fiber Creek.<br />
Need: Demonstrators, cashiers, models, sales helpers, set-up and take-down. Morning<br />
or afternoon sign-up.<br />
New Business:<br />
1. Scholarship parameters for funds for classes at local yarn shops need to be drawn up.<br />
Committee: Mary Morel, Mary Jane Hopf, Caralee Roberts and Mary Bricker.<br />
Other Discussion: none.<br />
Show & Tell:<br />
1. Mary Bricker – woven top made from two rectangles, thrum bag, woven hanging with<br />
double weave sections learned at Ghost Ranch under teacher Susan Halverson.<br />
2. Pat Anna – 60” wall hanging using 5/2 and 3/2 pearl cotton.<br />
3. Wilda Postel – Overshot samples using tencel and cotton chenille based on Samples<br />
You Can Use by Penelope B. Drooker and petit point.<br />
4. Luida Gottieb – Skein of hand spun yarn.<br />
5. Shelly Leichter – Peruvian weavings including a bag with ikat stripe and Peruvian<br />
catalog.<br />
6. Caralee Roberts – woven pillow and wall hanging (Jason Collingwood workshop<br />
projects), chemo hats and baby blanket for Blankets for Kids.<br />
7. Kathy Robbins – Coasters based on book about tapestry weaving.<br />
8. Carma Koester – Baby blankets woven by Patty Zay for Blankets for Kids.<br />
Drawing for free membership: Gretchen Mummert.<br />
Adjournment: 10:25 a.m. Motion to adjourn: Marion Patterson/Yvonne Johnson/All.<br />
Submitted by Donna Meyer, Secretary<br />
<br />
For Sale: Harrisville 36 in. Folding Loom<br />
Contact: Dick Sanders 928-541-9789<br /><br />
The 36” workshop loom has 4 harnesses. For more information<br />
check:<br /><br />
Loom/productinfo/WLHD-3600-/<br />
<br />
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Local Suppliers<br />
High Castle Traditional Crafts<br />
Handwoven, Handspun, and Handknitted Items<br />
Cotswold Sheep, Yarn, Supplies, and Classes<br />
Diane Braun, Proprietor Wilhoit, AZ<br /> 928-442-9291<br />
Camp Verde Llamas<br />
Llamas, alpacas, and Shetland sheep<br />
Fleece, fiber, rovings, and hand-dyed yarn<br />
Homegrown fiber, Eucalan wool wash, Greener<br />
Shade dyes<br />
Chris and Nancy Wilson Camp Verde, AZ<br /> 928-567-6684<br />
A Good Yarn -- Debra and Carma<br />
Information for October newsletter due by September 22nd.<br />
Send articles or address corrections/updates to<br />
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<strong>Mountain</strong> <strong>Spinners</strong> & <strong>Weaver</strong> <strong>Guild</strong><br />
PO Box 1820<br />
Prescott, AZ 86303<br /><br />
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