1 - The Black Vault

1 - The Black Vault

1 - The Black Vault


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MR. A. POTTS,<br />

DSTI.<br />

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otlbiL. 1<br />

, , .·.., '.:' Reference ............................ i;.i:-?<br />

U. F. O.'s<br />

I :recently discussed with you the problem<br />

which U.F.O.'s present and you enC.orsed the<br />

provisional ruling I had made in DI. 55 that they<br />

were to receive the lowest priority of all the<br />

cuxTent tasks of the Space Section.<br />

2. I nov;· enclose a note by the DI. 55 Space<br />

'ileapons Systems Office:::· (S/Ldr. E.A.F.. EUM:FS'j~OH)<br />

'•7hich sets out in greater detail the handling by<br />

the 1iinistry o.f Iie.fence of U.F.O. sightings.<br />

3. When vve are so sho:::·t of ste.:ff for tasks of<br />

much higher ].:j!'iO:r'i ty, it is clear that Vie cannot<br />

contemplate a s:;ecia.l appointment for the<br />

investigation of U.F.O. 's and we must ther:·e:·ore<br />

always fall short of v:h2t is requireC. to implement<br />

the stated cfi"icial policy.<br />

13th June 1967<br />

CODE 18·76

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