DFI Slurry Wall Seminar - SME
DFI Slurry Wall Seminar - SME
DFI Slurry Wall Seminar - SME
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<strong>Seminar</strong> Details<br />
Venue and Accommodations<br />
Washington Marriott<br />
Wardman Park<br />
2660 Woodley Road NW<br />
Washington, DC 20008-4106<br />
Hotel Reservations and<br />
Travel Arrangements<br />
Please know that <strong>DFI</strong> does not have a<br />
‘housing committee’ to reserve rooms<br />
for its event attendees. When you reserve your room at the<br />
Washington Marriott Wardman Park, you should know there are<br />
only three ways to do so:<br />
1. By using the following reservation link:<br />
https://resweb.passkey.com/go/<strong>DFI</strong><br />
2. By calling Washington Marriott Wardman Park directly, toll free,<br />
at 1-877-212-5752, with the Group Code: <strong>DFI</strong>; or<br />
3. By contacting <strong>DFI</strong>'s Official Travel Coordinator, Lorraine<br />
Engelman, of Blue Ribbon Travel at 718-767-5455 or<br />
lorraine@travelblueribbon.com<br />
The discounted <strong>DFI</strong> <strong>Seminar</strong> Rate is $239.00 per night plus tax.<br />
These rates are available three days before and after the <strong>Seminar</strong>.<br />
Please make reservations early as space and rate are subject to<br />
availability with a cut-off date of Wednesday, June 5, 2013.<br />
Parking<br />
Complimentary Daytime Self-Parking is available to attendees<br />
staying at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park. Your room key<br />
will be programmed for parking access. For seminar attendees who<br />
are not staying at the Marriott, the daily parking rate is $36.00 for<br />
self-parking and $41.00 for valet parking. Please know the hotel<br />
does not extend in-and-out privileges for attendees who are not<br />
hotel guests.<br />
Airport Transportation<br />
Ground transportation between Ronald Reagan Washington<br />
National Airport and Dulles International Airport is available<br />
through the following vendors:<br />
SuperShuttle | www.supershuttle.com<br />
10% off these rates with Group Code 'DEEPF'<br />
• Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport - about $14 roundtrip<br />
• Dulles International Airport - about $29 round-trip<br />
Taxi Service<br />
• Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport - about $30 one-way<br />
• Dulles International Airport - about $60 one-way<br />
ExecuCar | www.execucar.com<br />
10% discount with Group Code 'DEEPF'<br />
• Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport - about $59 roundtrip<br />
• Dulles International Airport - about $99 round-trip<br />
Abe's Transportation | www.abestrans.com<br />
• Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport - about $75 one-way<br />
• Dulles International Airport - about $250 one-way<br />
Underwriting Opportunities<br />
<strong>DFI</strong> Corporate Membership Required<br />
Flash Drive Sponsor $1,500<br />
One opportunity available SOLD OUT<br />
Sponsorship Deadline: Thursday, May 23.<br />
Logo must be submitted at that time.*<br />
Our Flash Drive Sponsor gets their company logo seen by every<br />
attendee. Technical presentations are loaded onto each drive and<br />
keeps your brand in the hands of your audience long after the<br />
event ends.<br />
Room Key Sponsor: $1,000<br />
One opportunity available SOLD OUT<br />
Sponsorship Deadline: Thursday, May 23.<br />
Logo must be submitted at that time.*<br />
Our Hotel Room Key Sponsor has a unique opportunity to put<br />
their company logo in the hand of every attendee staying at the<br />
hotel. Each time an attendee handles their room key, your brand<br />
logo makes another impression.<br />
Pen Sponsor: $500<br />
One opportunity available SOLD OUT<br />
Pens must be shipped to:<br />
Washington Marriott Wardman Park,<br />
ATTN: Lauren Nance-<strong>DFI</strong> for arrival no later than<br />
Monday, June 24, 2013.<br />
At this sponsorship level, you provide your company-branded<br />
pen and we provide one to every attendee (about 100).<br />
General Sponsor $350<br />
(Additional Slides $150)<br />
Logo/Slide Submission Deadline: Thursday, June 20, 2013.*<br />
As a General Sponsor you provide <strong>DFI</strong> with a PowerPoint slide<br />
which will run during breaks in the session room for all<br />
attendees to see. Additional slides can be purchased at<br />
$150/slide. Sponsors will see their logo on event-related emails<br />
with a link to your company website.<br />
Young Professional Sponsor: $295<br />
Student Sponsor: $100<br />
Sponsorship Deadline: Friday, June 20, 2013.*<br />
Allow a Young Professional (35 and younger) or Student the<br />
opportunity to gain useful knowledge and networking<br />
opportunities by underwriting their attendance. You will receive<br />
recognition during the event and in the <strong>DFI</strong> Magazine for your<br />
generous contribution.<br />
*Logo Information: Sponsors’ logos will be included in marketing<br />
material whenever possible (will depend if sponsorship is confirmed and<br />
logo available at time of marketing material release). Your logo needs to<br />
be an original file at the original size (at least 2" wide and 150KB or<br />
more). Please do not copy logos or images from websites. These are low<br />
resolution and not suitable for print. Original files include: AI, PSD,<br />
EPS, TIF, High resolution (bit-mapped image/photo) 300 dpi or higher<br />
PDF or JPG. With AI (Illustrator) and PSD all type must be converted to<br />
curves, graphics or outlines. Logos should be sent to Lauren Nance at<br />
lnance@dfi.org.<br />
<strong>Seminar</strong> Program*<br />
For presentation descriptions visit: www.regonline.com/slurrywall<br />
What You Can Expect<br />
This one-day technical seminar, hosted by the <strong>Slurry</strong> <strong>Wall</strong> Committee of <strong>DFI</strong>, will explore<br />
the use of slurry wall in infrastructure projects. State-of-the-art industry trends, design<br />
procedures and case histories of slurry walls used for temporary and permanent support<br />
of excavation systems, access shafts and seepage cutoffs will be the focus of this event.<br />
The seminar will be of particular interest to contractors, developers, agencies, local and<br />
federal authority representatives, designers, consultants and educators involved in major<br />
infrastructure projects.<br />
Sponsored By:<br />
<strong>Seminar</strong> Schedule / Highlights<br />
Our time in the nation's capital begins with two <strong>DFI</strong> committee meetings on Wednesday,<br />
June 26 in the Marriott's Conference Suite 8226:<br />
n 3:00-5:30 p.m.: <strong>DFI</strong> Sustainability Committee Meeting<br />
n 6:00-7:30 p.m.: <strong>DFI</strong> <strong>Slurry</strong> <strong>Wall</strong> Committee Meeting<br />
Committee Meetings are open to the public and we welcome your participation.<br />
Thursday, June 27<br />
7:30 – 8:00 am Registration /Breakfast/Speaker Preparation<br />
8:00 – 8:35 am <strong>Slurry</strong> <strong>Wall</strong> State of Practice - The Owner's Perspective<br />
Dan Adams, Jacobs Associates<br />
8:35 – 9:10 am Design and Construction of the Cannelton Hydroelectric<br />
Project Cofferdam and Cut-Off <strong>Wall</strong> | Cannelton, IN<br />
Roderic Ellman, P.E. and James Tantalla, Ph.D.,<br />
Mueser Rutledge, Consulting Engineers;<br />
Dwight Metcalf, P.E., Kiewit, Infrastructure Engineers;<br />
Gilbert Tallard, Liquid Earth Support<br />
9:10 – 9:45 am Sustainable Practices for <strong>Slurry</strong> <strong>Wall</strong> Construction<br />
Marine Lasne, Eng. Master, Soletanche Freyssinet<br />
9:45 – 10:15 am Networking Break<br />
10:15 – 10:50 am OSIS Augmentation and Relief Sewer –<br />
Shafts 1, 2 and 6 | Columbus, OH<br />
Eugene Mirsky, Nicholson Construction Company<br />
10:50– 11:25 am Marriott Marquis Hotel | Washington, DC<br />
Brandon Johnston, Andrew Cameron and<br />
Nathan Rosenker, Hensel Phelps Construction Company<br />
11:25 am – Noon Wolf Creek Dam Barrier <strong>Wall</strong> Construction |<br />
South Central, KY<br />
Brook Brosi, P.G., US Army Corps of Engineers;<br />
Lyndon Bedford, Soletanche-Bachy and Pablo Bassola,<br />
Treviicos-Soletanche JV<br />
Noon – 1:30 pm<br />
Networking Lunch - Exhibit Hall and Session Room<br />
1:30 – 2:05 pm Green Construction Method for Deep Shafts in<br />
Saturated Ground<br />
Gilbert Tallard, Liquid Earth Support<br />
2:05 – 2:40 pm Infinity Tower Excavation Collapse | Dubai, UAE<br />
Bill Walton, P.E., S.E., GEI Consultants Inc.<br />
2:40 – 3:15 pm USACE Seepage Control Cutoffs for Dams and Levees<br />
Engineering Manual<br />
David Paul, USACE - Risk Management Center<br />
3:15 – 3:45 pm Networking Break<br />
3:45– 4:20 pm Blue Plains Tunnel: Design and Construction of Large<br />
Diameter Diaphragm <strong>Wall</strong> Shafts | Washington, DC<br />
Ihab Allam, Bencor Corporation of America<br />
4:20– 5:15 pm Panel Discussion<br />
Professional Development Hours: Attendees will receive a certificate<br />
verifying Professional Development Hours (PDH)*<br />
*New York State approval pending | *Florida State Provider #4072<br />
*Program and Speakers are subject to change.<br />
Exhibitor Information<br />
Each 8' wide by 6' deep Exhibit Space Includes:<br />
n One Attendee Registration Fee<br />
n One 2’ x 6’ Skirted Table<br />
n Two Chairs<br />
n One Waste Basket<br />
n One Electrical Outlet<br />
All persons tending Exhibits must be registered as full<br />
seminar attendees. Exhibitors are expected to show for the<br />
entire event. Early breakdown fees of $250.00 will apply.<br />
Exhibitor Set-Up: Wed., June 26, 6:00 p.m. - Midnight<br />
Exhibitor Tear-Down: Thurs., June, 27, 5:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.<br />
Labels for Exhibit Shipments should be marked as follows:<br />
Exhibitor-<strong>DFI</strong> <strong>Seminar</strong>, Arriving (INSERT ARRIVAL DATE)<br />
Washington Marriott Wardman Park<br />
2660 Woodley Road NW<br />
Washington DC 20008<br />
Washington, DC • June 27, 2013<br />
One of the world’s most talked-about destinations,<br />
Washington, DC attracts nearly 18 million visitors each<br />
year. People come from around the world to see all that<br />
the nation’s capital has to offer. Only in DC can you see<br />
the original U.S. Constitution and stand where Martin<br />
Luther King, Jr. said “I have a dream.” From the<br />
magnificent memorials and monuments on the National<br />
Mall to must-see sites like the National Gallery of Art, the<br />
Library of Congress and the museums of the Smithsonian<br />
Institution, we’ve got once-in-a-lifetime attractions you<br />
should make part of your history.<br />
Venue and Accommodations<br />
Washington Marriott<br />
Wardman Park<br />
2660 Woodley Road NW<br />
Washington, DC 20008-4106<br />
Hotel Reservations: (877) 212-5752<br />
Web reservation link:<br />
https://resweb.passkey.com/go/<strong>DFI</strong><br />
Conference Rate is $239 per night plus tax, subject<br />
to availability. Specify Group Code “<strong>DFI</strong>” for this rate.<br />
<strong>DFI</strong> 2013 <strong>Slurry</strong> <strong>Wall</strong> <strong>Seminar</strong> Registration<br />
Attendee Contact Information<br />
Name: Suffix (Jr., III, etc.): Professional (P.E., PhD):<br />
Position:<br />
Organization:<br />
o Yes, I need my Florida State PDH Credit. My license number is:<br />
Organization Type: o Contractor o Engineer o Services o Material/Equipment Supplier o Educational<br />
Address:<br />
City: State: Zip: Country:<br />
Phone: Fax: email:<br />
Event Registration<br />
(Registration includes event attendance, networking breakfast, breaks and lunch,<br />
registration materials and session proceedings. All amounts are in USD.)<br />
<strong>DFI</strong> / ADSC Members: o $395<br />
Non-Member: o $495<br />
Cooperating Organization: o $445<br />
o ABMS o ADSC o AEG o Other____________________<br />
Government Employee: o $295<br />
Young Professional (35 years and younger): o $295<br />
Student Registration: o $50<br />
Discounted Student Registrations are limited and require a current student I.D.<br />
<strong>DFI</strong> Membership:<br />
o <strong>DFI</strong> Individual Membership Dues: $50 (Join now and save on your<br />
registration fee plus enjoy member benefits for the remainder of the year.)<br />
Exhibit Registration:<br />
o Exhibit: $695 (Includes one attendee. Exhibitors are expected to show for<br />
the entire event. Early breakdown fees will apply.)<br />
Event Sponsorship Options*:<br />
o Flash Drive Sponsor - $1,500 (One opportunity) SOLD OUT<br />
o Room Key Sponsor - $1,000 (One opportunity) SOLD OUT<br />
o Pen Sponsor - $500 (One opportunity) SOLD OUT<br />
o General Sponsor - $350<br />
o Additional Slides: $150 each. Quantity:<br />
o Young Professional Sponsor - $295<br />
o Student Sponsor - $100 (2 per sponsor)<br />
Payment<br />
Total: $<br />
Payment By: o Check or Money Order Enclosed o VISA o Amex o MasterCard o Discover o Diners Club<br />
Credit Card Number:|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| Expiration Date: ___ ___ / ___ ___ Security Code: ___ ___ ___<br />
Name on Credit Card:<br />
Signature:<br />
Mail: Credit card payment or check payable to: <strong>DFI</strong>, 326 Lafayette Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ 07506 USA<br />
Fax: Credit card payment to: 973.423.4031 | Inquiries: Tel: 973.423.4030 or e-mail: staff@dfi.org<br />
*Sponsors must be Corporate Members in good standing. Sponsorship fees are non-refundable once received by <strong>DFI</strong>.<br />
Registration for this event is not included in your sponsorship.<br />
Register online at www.regonline.com/slurrywall • No Refunds after Wednesday, June 5, 2013