Catholic University of Peru's SME Student Chapter

Catholic University of Peru's SME Student Chapter

Catholic University of Peru's SME Student Chapter


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2009-2010<br />

ANNUAL<br />

REPORT<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong><br />

<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009 <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> Fall Membership Challenge!<br />

Congratulations to the following <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong>s for renewing and recruiting the most<br />

members: and the winner is<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Peru – 1st place winner <strong>of</strong> the New Member Contest – grew chapter’s<br />

membership by 107.7%!<br />

Extract from <strong>SME</strong> facebook the 5th january 2010<br />

<strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />


SOME OF OUR GRADUATES (<strong>SME</strong><br />

MEMBERS)<br />

Eduardo Manuel Cruz Romero<br />

To study at the PUCP has been a unique<br />

experience. The interaction with<br />

classmates from several and different<br />

engineering programs and the analysis <strong>of</strong><br />

their opinions made me more critic and<br />

tolerant in my way <strong>of</strong> thinking. At the end<br />

<strong>of</strong> my studies I consider that I don’t only<br />

have a pr<strong>of</strong>ession otherwise I am more<br />

human. I’ve got the opportunity to do my<br />

pre-pr<strong>of</strong>essional training in two important<br />

enterprises: in a mining Company and in<br />

a consulting one that dedicates to the<br />

mining sector; both experiences served<br />

me to check how Mining Engineers can<br />

do lots <strong>of</strong> things and that’s motivating for<br />

me. Something I’ve learned is that in<br />

these important times the most important<br />

thing is the communication between all<br />

that join this workteam.<br />

human factor, that’s why my main<br />

objective is lead a group <strong>of</strong> people and<br />

develop my potential in the organization<br />

where I will work.<br />

Ana Maria Ruiz Ramirez<br />

The experience at university has been<br />

great, I’ve got a solid education that<br />

include the domain <strong>of</strong> the high mining<br />

technologies , the training for dealing with<br />

team works, in addition to have the<br />

investigation techniques to give solution<br />

to the current problems that appear in<br />

mining operations here in Peru. The<br />

university as well has let me attend to<br />

different national and international<br />

academics events, which show me from<br />

another perspective the mining industry. I<br />

feel very thankful for my parents’ support.<br />

I’d like to start my carrier working for an<br />

enterprise that let me fill all my<br />

knowledge and develop my abilities in<br />

Now graduated I will look for a strategic<br />

position in a enterprise that let me apply<br />

my knowledge, boost my abilities and<br />

learn more about a mine operation.<br />

In the future I’d like to continue with a<br />

Master in Administration. I consider that<br />

the main asset <strong>of</strong> any company is the<br />

different areas (planning, operation,<br />

drilling and blasting, safety, environment,<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 2

etc.). Like this I’ll have a wide sight about<br />

mining in my country.<br />

In the future I’d like to specialize in<br />

mining safety and environment areas to<br />

develop a better administration in mining<br />

jobs.<br />

Katia Alexandra Rivera Ingar<br />

I decided to study Mining Engineering<br />

because Mining is a very important<br />

activity which is developed mainly in the<br />

highland <strong>of</strong> Peru, where we find the<br />

poorest villages.<br />

My stay at university has led me to get<br />

lots <strong>of</strong> knowledge through all the subjects<br />

that I got here. All the moments here in<br />

university are unforgettables. Each one <strong>of</strong><br />

Now graduated I hope to work in a<br />

Mining enterprise that let me develop and<br />

boost my abilities. In the future I’d like to<br />

specialize in environment so I am<br />

planning to do a Master abroad. I’ve<br />

always been worried about the miningmetallurgic<br />

environment impacts and the<br />

alternatives <strong>of</strong> remediation <strong>of</strong> this<br />

environmental impact. I wish to come<br />

back and put into practice my knowledge<br />

and experience. I aspire to be a mining<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional who contributes toward the<br />

social development <strong>of</strong> the highland<br />

communities, improving their quality <strong>of</strong><br />

life by means <strong>of</strong> sustainability develop <strong>of</strong><br />

the mining.<br />

Manuel Arturo Vidal Loli<br />

I can divide the experience acquired in<br />

the PUCP into two important aspects: on<br />

the one hand the knowledge and on the<br />

other hand an integral education. About<br />

this last one, It`s very important to me<br />

because it frames aspects <strong>of</strong> the inner<br />

person, The ethic, the respect, the<br />

the extracurricular activities has let me<br />

enrich and shape a unique experience in<br />

life. My parents have been my main<br />

support in this my best time <strong>of</strong> my life.<br />

support toward the people, the wisdom <strong>of</strong><br />

distinguish between what it’s good and<br />

what is not when you face a problem and<br />

choose the adequate decision looking for<br />

the common good.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 3

In my pr<strong>of</strong>essional life I’d like to join a<br />

responsible enterprise, which respect all<br />

regulations, the life, the environment, the<br />

water and that search the constant<br />

development and care about its<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and the place where it<br />

operates.<br />

possibility to grow in my pr<strong>of</strong>essional and<br />

personal aspects.<br />

In the future, I am planning to do Master<br />

in Economics or in Finances. To learn<br />

everything that I can because everyone<br />

will never finish learning and at the same<br />

time we teach what we know. My dream<br />

is come back to these classrooms <strong>of</strong> this<br />

my Alma Mater, but this time as a<br />

teacher.<br />

Carlos Eduardo Coloma Bardales<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the main raisons why I decided to<br />

study Mining Engineering is because I<br />

firmly believed that Mining is the motor <strong>of</strong><br />

develop and growing <strong>of</strong> our country.<br />

At university I met several people,<br />

cultures characters; I made lots <strong>of</strong><br />

friendships which I am sure will last<br />

forever. I appreciate a lot the experiences<br />

and knowledge shared for our excellent<br />

teachers. I am proud to be part <strong>of</strong> this<br />

“Huascaminera Family” and I am aware<br />

that being part <strong>of</strong> this family involves<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional engagements such as:<br />

continue with the prestige in this national<br />

and international Mining field. I thank my<br />

family for all the support in these years <strong>of</strong><br />

my life.<br />

Extracted from the “Pontificia<br />

Universidad Catolica del Perú’s Semester<br />

bulletin Mining Engineering Section 2009-<br />

II”.<br />

Now graduated I’ll try to join a serious<br />

and success enterprise that contributes<br />

toward the development where it<br />

operates and that give the possibility to<br />

grow pr<strong>of</strong>essionally. Between the mining<br />

areas I long to develop myself in<br />

planning. In a not distant future I aspire to<br />

do postgraduate studies abroad, I<br />

estimate that a Master will give me the<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 4


SOME OF OUR GRADUATES (<strong>SME</strong> MEMBERS) 2<br />






4.3.-TREASURY REPORT 10<br />



5.1.-TRIP TO CHILE 13<br />

5.2.-29 TH MINING CONVENTION PERUMIN 2009 28<br />


5.4.-MINING THURSDAYS 35<br />






Vision<br />

To grow as a <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> and be part <strong>of</strong> the society support and canalize the potential<br />

<strong>of</strong> our members for help them to develop and be part <strong>of</strong> the Education and Pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

Development <strong>of</strong> our country.<br />

Mission<br />

To be looking forward to serving as the 2009 to 2010 <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers, seed<br />

in them the exploring spirit for them to be able <strong>of</strong> getting their dreams.<br />


The <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Peru’s <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> is well organized. It is organized<br />

as demanded by <strong>SME</strong>.<br />

The next lines give the structure <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chapter</strong>.<br />

<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> Officers<br />

President: Cesar Garcia<br />

Vice-President: Jose Zevallos<br />

Treasurer: Akemi Lucero<br />

Secretary <strong>of</strong> Projects: Ned Vasquez<br />

Secretary <strong>of</strong> Communications: Frank Gomez<br />

Faculty Sponsor:<br />

Eng. Mario Cedron Lassus<br />

<strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> Officers<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 6


The following list is in order <strong>of</strong> time, starting by the last new members 2009 then 2008 and<br />

finally 2007.<br />

2009 Date <strong>of</strong> Expiration Name e-mail<br />

1 31/12/2010 Javier Barboza a20062016@pucp.edu.pe<br />

2 31/12/2010 Oscar Cabello cabello.oscar@pucp.edu.pe<br />

3 31/12/2010 Oscar Carbajal a20064112@pucp.edu.pe<br />

4 31/12/2010 Johann Chilquillo jchilquillo@pucp.edu.pe<br />

5 31/12/2010 Rodrigo Cordova rodrigo.cordova@pucp.edu.pe<br />

6 31/12/2010 Paulo Fernandez paulo.fernandez@pucp.edu.pe<br />

7 31/12/2010 Jorge Llerena j.llerenam@pucp.edu.pe<br />

8 31/12/2010 Diana Martell a20060417@pucp.edu.pe<br />

9 31/12/2010 Luis Mendieta a20067070@pucp.edu.pe<br />

10 31/12/2010 Nicolas Pastor a20052174@pucp.edu.pe<br />

11 31/12/2010 Pablo Ramos pablo.ramos@pucp.edu.pe<br />

12 31/12/2010 Humberto Santa Maria hsantamaria@pucp.edu.pe<br />

13 31/12/2010 Juan Alvarado manuel.alvarad@pucp.edu.pe<br />

14 31/12/2010 Jairo Benavides j.benavides@pucp.edu.pe<br />

15 31/12/2010 Carlos Paredes c.paredes@pucp.edu.pe<br />

16 31/12/2010 Fernando Tello a20080524@pucp.edu.pe<br />

17 31/12/2010 Daniel Zaravia a20040489@pucp.edu.pe<br />

18 31/12/2010 Yoan Barriga yoan.barriga@pucp.edu.pe<br />

19 31/12/2010 Augusto Sotomayor a.sotomayor@pucp.edu.pe<br />

20 31/12/2010 Angel Ramirez s.ramirez@pucp.edu.pe<br />

21 31/12/2010 Omar jesusi apolinario ojesusi@pucp.edu.pe<br />

22 31/12/2010 Geancarlo Gutierrez a20062080@pucp.edu.pe<br />

23 31/12/2010 Walter Gomez a20002201@pucp.edu.pe<br />

24 31/12/2010 Anderson Silva a20050505@pucp.edu.pe<br />

25 31/12/2010 Victor Gongora vgongora@pucp.edu.pe<br />

26 31/12/2010 Paulo Gamarra p.gamarra@pucp.edu.pe<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 7

2008 date <strong>of</strong> expiration Name e-mail<br />

1 31/12/2009 Héctor A. Acevedo h.acevedo@pucp.edu.pe<br />

2 31/12/2009 Max K. Alcala a20037067@pucp.edu.pe<br />

3 31/12/2009 Rogger H. Becerra rhbecerra@pucp.edu.pe<br />

4 31/12/2009 Edwin J. Castro castro.e@pucp.edu.pe<br />

5 31/12/2009 Julio Cordero Lozano a20032053@pucp.edu.pe<br />

6 31/12/2009 Cesar A. Garcia cesargarcia@hotmail.com<br />

7 31/12/2009 Frank R. Gomez a20052068@pucp.edu.pe<br />

8 31/12/2009 Zhenia J. Gonzales zgonzales@pucp.edu.pe<br />

9 31/12/2009 Ronald J. Hernandez r.hernandez@pucp.edu.pe<br />

10 31/12/2009 Bequer Inocente Ochoa b.inocente@pucp.edu.pe<br />

11 31/12/2009 Carlos F. Lopez a20042303@pucp.edu.pe<br />

12 31/12/2009 Javier Maguina a20042136@pucp.edu.pe<br />

13 31/12/2009 Yajaira N. Mosqueira ymosqueira@pucp.edu.pe<br />

14 31/12/2009 Jhon E. Navarro edu.navarro@pucp.edu.pe<br />

15 31/12/2009 Alexander M. Nieto a20082146@pucp.edu.pe<br />

16 31/12/2009 Katya M. Nunez a20060419@pucp.edu.pe<br />

17 31/12/2009 Paul Pajares pajarillo777@hotmail.com<br />

18 31/12/2009 Alvaro Rondon a20030590@pucp.edu.pe<br />

19 31/12/2009 Alberto Silva a20064926@pucp.edu.pe<br />

20 31/12/2009 Daniel D. Valderrama a20029061@pucp.edu.pe<br />

21 31/12/2009 Victor Valdiviezo pavalvel77@hotmail.com<br />

22 31/12/2009 Ned S. Vasquez a20060473@pucp.edu.pe<br />

23 31/12/2009 Manuel A. Vidal Loli manuel.vidal@pucp.edu.pe<br />

24 31/12/2009 Jose F. Yupanqui a20052316@pucp.edu.pe<br />

25 31/12/2009 Jose A. Zeballos a20052203@pucp.edu.pe<br />

26 31/12/2009 Marco A. Zeballos a20039019@pucp.edu.pe<br />

27 31/12/2010 Diego Rojas rojas.diego@pucp.edu.pe<br />

2007 date <strong>of</strong> expiration Name e-mail<br />

1 31/12/2008 Eduardo M. Cruz a20040421@pucp.edu.pe<br />

2 31/12/2009 Akemi Lucero a20052097@pucp.edu.pe<br />

3 31/12/2008 Heins F. Molina a20037107@pucp.edu.pe<br />

4 31/12/2008 Mayra I. Montesinos a20050473@pucp.edu.pe<br />

5 31/12/2008 Enzo E. Olivera Martinez a20037140@pucp.edu.pe<br />

6 31/12/2008 Ana Maria Ruiz a20032174@pucp.edu.pe<br />

7 31/12/2008 Julissa R. Zapata a20043245@pucp.edu.pe<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 8


Allow me to introduce myself, I am Cesar Garcia the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> President for<br />

2009-2010 and it’s a huge pleasure to represent all my classmates through this capital<br />

Society. I am agree with our <strong>SME</strong> President William Wilkinson when he says “ The future<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>SME</strong> is bright” and “ young graduates must be involves in the big world decisions”.<br />

I am in my fourth<br />

year in the<br />

program <strong>of</strong> Mining<br />

Engineering at this<br />

prestigious, my<br />

Alma Mater the<br />

Pontificia<br />

Universidad<br />

Catolica del Peru<br />

(<strong>Catholic</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

¨Peru). And I<br />

switched to this<br />

program because<br />

as our Faculty<br />

Sponsor says<br />

Eng. Mario<br />

Cedron : “ Mining<br />

is the Dynamo <strong>of</strong> the economy, Mining plays a important role throughout the world” and<br />

<strong>of</strong> course I want to be part <strong>of</strong> it. Our priority goals are: prepare our <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> to<br />

participate in the Design competition. And to do so, we are planning to do and internal<br />

Design Competition with the same rules to get used to and show what this chapter is able<br />

to do.<br />

Then as a second objective we want to prepare mining s<strong>of</strong>tware courses and earmark the<br />

funds in visiting the biggest mines here in Peru and give the opportunity to our members to<br />

know deeply about mine operations.<br />

Finally establish strengthening linkages between graduate members and students for<br />

inserting these junior engineers in the industry as soon as they graduate.<br />

I want to thanks our faculty Sponsor Eng. Mario Cedron for all the support and all my<br />

classmates that let me perform in this challenge.<br />

Cesar Garcia<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 9


My name is Jose Antonio Zeballos Raczy, I am senior student <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Peru. I’ve got the privilege to have the position <strong>of</strong> vice-president <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong><br />

<strong>Chapter</strong> from 2009 to 2010.<br />

Since the beginning our management we were worried about increasing the number <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>SME</strong> members and as well to <strong>of</strong>fer the most <strong>of</strong> benefit to our present members.<br />

All <strong>of</strong> this was achieved through the organization <strong>of</strong> meetings, c<strong>of</strong>fee breaks toward the<br />

students <strong>of</strong> our section. Between the best<br />

meetings we’ve share with our section, it<br />

was the university <strong>of</strong> Queensland-Australia,<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the best Mining Engineering Schools<br />

worldwide.<br />

In addition, we do events that help to<br />

complement the pr<strong>of</strong>essional formation <strong>of</strong><br />

our classmates. Between these courses,<br />

we made mining s<strong>of</strong>tware related to Mining,<br />

technical mining operation visits, etc. As<br />

well we promote and help to fund their<br />

attend to congress such as Mining Meeting<br />

in Arequipa in September 2009 and<br />

Symposiums like the one in Chile.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the more important goals en our<br />

management was to win again the <strong>SME</strong><br />

<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> Challenge, this goal contributes with the good driving <strong>of</strong> the development<br />

<strong>of</strong> this our Peru<br />

In this present I execute my pre-pr<strong>of</strong>essional trainings in one <strong>of</strong> the leader enterprise <strong>of</strong> the<br />

country and I can give a piece <strong>of</strong> advice and It is to bet for a high technology mining,<br />

committed with the rules <strong>of</strong> conduct, safety and taking care <strong>of</strong> the environment.<br />

Jose Antonio Zevallos<br />


To be a <strong>SME</strong> student membership is a great experience and a world with different kind <strong>of</strong><br />

opportunities in my pr<strong>of</strong>essional development and to be in contact with the mining<br />

industry.I feel very satisfied to be part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong>’s directory and to cover<br />

all the necessities <strong>of</strong> the other students chapter like making student activities such a great<br />

courses to help them to improve them knowledge in different mining<br />

topic’s.About <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> treasury balance, we are really<br />

pleased to say that we had a good period, supported by many<br />

sources, principally by the economic award given by <strong>SME</strong> wining<br />

the first place in the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> Membership Challenge. The<br />

<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> recruited 28 new members for <strong>SME</strong> and our<br />

<strong>Chapter</strong> which is a 107 percent growth.Other sources have been<br />

gotten by local activities like for example: organizing courses related<br />

to mining programs which let us bring discounts and better<br />

economical opportunities to our members.<br />

In conclusion, this has been an excellent opportunity to manage to<br />

the best group.<br />

Andrea Lucero<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 10


My name is Ned Vasquez and I am a senior mining engineering student who has the<br />

honor to be part <strong>of</strong> the leadership <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> during the period 2009 –<br />

2010.<br />

There are many goals that our policy aims, but in my area I belong, we must inform all<br />

students <strong>of</strong> the Mining Engineering Section about <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong>, so that in a not<br />

too distant future we may achieve that all mining engineering students are members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>SME</strong>. This is reflected in the increase in the number <strong>of</strong> members <strong>of</strong> our student chapter.<br />

Merit has led us to be winners and get an award for the most new member entries. On the<br />

other hand is also the duty area which I belong, keep informed about the various activities<br />

undertaken by the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong>. For this year new activities, and an ambitious project<br />

to conduct a meeting <strong>of</strong> students from different universities in Peru. Hopefully everything<br />

goes as planned for benefit <strong>of</strong> the student chapter members.<br />

Ned Vasquez<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 11


The <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> focuses in different matters including academics, sports, social and<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional.<br />

During this year the <strong>Chapter</strong> activity has increased in different directions. In campus<br />

activities have included conferences and short courses while out Campus activities<br />

included mining events, field trips and charity activities.<br />

The activities achieved this last year are the following:<br />

Trip to Chile<br />

PERUMIN 29 th Mining Meeting in Arequipa organized by the Mining Engineering<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> Peru<br />

Mining Thursdays<br />

Short Courses<br />

Bring Mining to high schools<br />

A day to share with those who it need most<br />

Each <strong>of</strong> these activities was supported and sponsored by the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong>-Lima<br />

and the Mining Engineering Department.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 12

5.1.-TRIP TO CHILE<br />

The trip to the city <strong>of</strong> Santiago de Chile was promoted by the <strong>SME</strong> Lima-Section and the<br />

<strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> and under the recommendation <strong>of</strong> the Engineer Mario Cedron<br />

Lassus. The delegation was represented by twenty <strong>SME</strong> members from the <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Peru and under the direction <strong>of</strong> the Engineer Mario.<br />

Remaining in Santiago de Chile city for a week, from 17 to 22 August 2009.<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this trip was to attend the symposium organized by Santiago de Chile<br />

<strong>University</strong> (USACH) <strong>University</strong>, which was held from the 18th to the 21st August.<br />

This symposium is held every year in this prestigious university and is characterized by the<br />

organization <strong>of</strong> the whole event and it is in charge <strong>of</strong> Mining Engineering students from this<br />

university.<br />

Cristian Herrera and Emilio Chavez, president and vice president <strong>of</strong> the meeting, argued<br />

that "the idea is that students have access to a high level symposium".<br />

President and Vice-president <strong>of</strong> SIMIN 2009<br />

This event has great significance because the period <strong>of</strong> crisis plaguing the industry.<br />

Furthermore, SIMIN 2009 was developed in the context <strong>of</strong> the Month Mining and<br />

inaugurated by the appropriate minister, Santiago Gonzalez.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 13

The organization also highlighted, for the first time in history "Award for woman miner<br />

Outstanding "as a way to encourage gender equality in the industry.<br />

The day <strong>of</strong> inauguration SIMIN 2009<br />

SIMIN 2009 proposed as an objective "to create strengthening linkages between<br />

universities and mining industry, to discuss the challenges in times <strong>of</strong> crisis, to create<br />

employment opportunities for graduates through a mini-job interviews and finally mine<br />

visits, such as: The Bronzes Mine, The El Soldado (both Anglo American’s) and El<br />

Teniente (Codelco’s).<br />

Delegation <strong>of</strong> mining engineering students <strong>of</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Peru All <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> Members<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 14

At “El Soldado” Mine<br />

Some students at “El Soldado” Mine<br />

Group <strong>of</strong> students who visited “El Soldado” mine<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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At “Los Bronces” Mine<br />

Group <strong>of</strong> students accompanied by Mario Cedron who visited “Los Bronces” Mine<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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These visits served to enrich the knowledge and clear doubts <strong>of</strong> the students, who also<br />

had the opportunity to share experiences with students from other universities.<br />

The presentations were varied, such as: Energy, sustainability, environment and industry<br />

perspectives.<br />

In addition, the meeting tried to focus on the pr<strong>of</strong>essional pr<strong>of</strong>ile and needs <strong>of</strong> mining<br />

industry and environmental ( mine closure), analysis done by the National Congress.<br />

Other matters discussed were: rock engineering, exploration and decreased laws minerals<br />

and machinery presentations by companies such as Atlas Copco, Caterpillar and Sandvik.<br />

Machinery show in the symposium SIMIN 2009<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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It should be noted Simin 2009 had the support <strong>of</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Mines <strong>of</strong> Chile, Ministry <strong>of</strong><br />

Education, Cochilco, Sernageomin, Sonami, Mining Council, Institute <strong>of</strong> Mining<br />

Engineering, College <strong>of</strong> Engineers, Aprimin, Cesco and especially <strong>SME</strong> (Society for<br />

Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration).<br />

This shows the importance attached by the companies, promoting relations between<br />

students and the middle <strong>of</strong> the mining industry.<br />

As part <strong>of</strong> this trip, we could visit the facilities <strong>of</strong> the transport machinery companies and<br />

drilling largest mines in the world. These are Atlas Copco and Sandvik. The receptions <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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oth visits were very productive, as it contributed to enrich our knowledge in these<br />

respective areas.<br />

Besides, we visited the assembly plant and laboratory analysis <strong>of</strong> pieces used in the<br />

manufacture <strong>of</strong> machinery.<br />

At Atlas Copco<br />

Atlas Copco technology<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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Edu Navarro in one <strong>of</strong> the jumbos<br />

Atlas Copco breastplate<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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Atlas Copco Installations<br />

From left to righ : Oscar Cabello, Yajaira Mosqueira, Zhenia Gonzales, Humberto Santa Maria, Our <strong>SME</strong> Lima-<br />

Section Sponsor: Mario Cedron, Diego Rojas and Katya Nunez.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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At Sandvik<br />

Sandvik Machinery<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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From left to right(<strong>Student</strong>s): Jorge Llerena, Carlos Coloma, Paulo Gamarra, Humberto Santa Maria and<br />

Manuel Vidal<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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From left to righ and up and down: Manuel Vidal, Diego Rojas, Humberto Santa Maria, Paulo Gamarra, Edu<br />

Navarro and Jorge Llerena.<br />

Diego Rojas and Katya Nunez having lunch<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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As part <strong>of</strong> the visit to the city <strong>of</strong> Santiago, our pr<strong>of</strong>essor, the engineer Mario Cedron,<br />

organized the visit to the Institute <strong>of</strong> Mining Engineers <strong>of</strong> Chile, the National Mining Society<br />

(SONAMI) and <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Chile.<br />

At “Society National <strong>of</strong> Mining”<br />

SONAMI<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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Paulo Gamarra at <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Chile<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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At the Institute <strong>of</strong> Mining Engineering <strong>of</strong> Chile<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> Mining Engineering <strong>of</strong> Chile Directory<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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A time <strong>of</strong> fun!!!<br />

From left to right and up and down: Edwin Castro Leiva, Daniel Valderrama, Javier Barboza, Manuel Vidal, Our<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Lima-Section Sponsor: Mario Cedron, Humberto Santa Maria, Jorge Llerena, Edu Navarro and Katya<br />

Nunez.<br />


This annual Mining Convention entitled “An opportunity vein for all” was held in the<br />

beautiful white city <strong>of</strong> Arequipa. And white because <strong>of</strong> the sillar, a volcanic rock useful in<br />

the architecture <strong>of</strong> this city.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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The Misti Volcano<br />

All the conferences were held at TECSUP Installations and started Monday 14 th<br />

September to Friday 18 th September 2009. Thank to the alliance <strong>of</strong> the AEIMIN and the<br />

<strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> we could get round trip bus ticket for this Convention.<br />

AEIMIN and <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong>s<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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It’s a pleasure that in this convention the PUCP stand have a jumbo simulator for<br />

underground drilling. Dr. Maribel Guzman and Dr. Edmundo Alfaro showed their<br />

techniques informs about environment and extractive metallurgic respectively. Dr. Silvia<br />

Rosas conform the committee <strong>of</strong> technical informs in geology field.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Peru Stand<br />

Tuesday we’ve got the Coctel Huascaminero organized by Freddy Gomez, <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Peru graduate in the program <strong>of</strong> Mining Engineering.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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All the assistances at the Coctel Huascaminero<br />

This international event quite accomplished one <strong>of</strong> the goals <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

and is to be International and to involve in Mining. There were stands from all continents,<br />

Mining Machine was exhibits, the best expositors and the presences <strong>of</strong> multinational<br />

companies.<br />

We assist to the <strong>SME</strong> Dinner Wednesday night and we have the opportunity to share a<br />

great moment with <strong>SME</strong> Board Executives. William Wilkinson was invited to give some<br />

words <strong>of</strong> honor.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 31

From left to right: Cesar Garcia, Eng. Mario Cedron and Felipe Lira Chilean student Exchange<br />

Honor Table<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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Friday was the good bye lunch and had place in the “Lago Hotel” there was typical food ,<br />

typical dancing, awards and for all the assistants a typical Arequipa hat.<br />

Eng. Dan Bench receiving an operator award.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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“La Marinera” typical dance from Arequipa<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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In the frame relations between the university and the industry the inauguration <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Sandvik Room is a big step regarding the prestigious <strong>of</strong> our future graduates. Hans<br />

Neumann, General Manager <strong>of</strong> Sandvik Peru and the Mining Section Chief <strong>of</strong> the PUCP<br />

Engineer Mario Cedron informed about all the benefits <strong>of</strong> this alliance.<br />

From left to right: Our <strong>SME</strong> Lima-Section Sponsor: Mario Cedron, Ms. Teresa Barocco and Hans Neumann,<br />

General Manager <strong>of</strong> Sandvik Peru<br />


This is a traditional event in our Mining Engineering Section. The aim <strong>of</strong> each Mining<br />

Thursday is to arrange 1 hour length conferences delivered by important pr<strong>of</strong>essionals in<br />

our mining industry.<br />

During these conferences, pr<strong>of</strong>essionals share their ideas and experiences to young<br />

students to learn and receive inputs to be more competitive.<br />

<strong>Student</strong>s have the chance to be part <strong>of</strong> it and to ask and answer and let them get every<br />

concept clear and go even further about these relevant topics.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> our Mining Thursdays:<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

“Environment Sustainability and Chinese Investment in Latin-American “<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 35

It was held the 3rd September at 12:30 at George Petersen Museum at Mining<br />

Engineering Section Pavilion 1st floor.<br />

The expose was in charge <strong>of</strong> Xiaohuan Tang an Environmental Engineer <strong>of</strong> the Centre for<br />

the Environment <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cambridge.<br />

Xiaohuan Tang<br />

Magister <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cambrigde with the Thesis intitled “The sustainability<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Steel Industry. An empirical Approach, with China as A Case Study”. During the<br />

period for 2006-2009, he executed a dissertation that was named “water Option A New<br />

Mechanism <strong>of</strong> Drought Management” In the Center for the environment <strong>of</strong> the university <strong>of</strong><br />

Oxford. Currently he coordinates investigation projects with the faculty <strong>of</strong> Sciences and<br />

Engineering <strong>of</strong> the PUCP.<br />

Event commentators<br />

Mrs Sra. Cynthia Sanborn<br />

CIUP Director<br />

Centro de investigación de la Universidad del Pacifico<br />

Sir. Mario Cedrón<br />

Mining Engineering Section Chief<br />

Faculty <strong>of</strong> Sciences and Engineering <strong>of</strong> the PUCP<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 36

From left to right: Our <strong>SME</strong> Lima-Section Sponsor: Mario Cedron, Eng. Xiahxuan Tang and Ms Sandborn.<br />

Mining Equipment and its further tendency<br />

Exhibitor: Eng. Santiago Arenas, Atlas Copco Peruana Sales Manager<br />

In this dynamic times, technology progresses everyday in any field in every Industry;<br />

therefore, mining suppliers have to adapt their equipments in order to be update it and<br />

satisfy client´s demands. As a leader mining supplier in Peru, Eng. Santiago Arenas<br />

showed us the variety <strong>of</strong> Atlas Copco’s mining equipments and its further features<br />

tendency based on an Atlas Copco’s market study.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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Challenges for the Mining Industry during the International Crisis<br />

Exhibitor: Eng Roque Benavides Buenaventura Mining Company General Manager<br />

This conference was held in the auditorium <strong>of</strong> the faculty <strong>of</strong> Sciences and<br />

Engineering <strong>of</strong> the PCUP. This reunion gave students a global view <strong>of</strong> the<br />

mining sector in our country and how the worldwide crisis is affecting the<br />

development <strong>of</strong> new and existent projects. But Mr. Benavides focused also highlighted<br />

why here in Peru we are not so influenced by the crisis and It’s because Peru in some<br />

aspect is independent. We enjoyed the visit <strong>of</strong> this great Engineer and Director <strong>of</strong><br />

Bonaventura Company.<br />

Eng. Roque Benavides, General<br />

Manager <strong>of</strong> Buenaventura<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 38


Our plans are to prepare these courses to earmark funds for Mine visits. The last semester<br />

courses were:<br />

Access 2007 – Advanced level<br />

Course co-organized by the AEIMIN and the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

Datamine Studio-3 – Beginner’s trainee<br />

This course was not arranged this semester because <strong>of</strong> the rust by we have plan the next<br />

beginner’s trainee <strong>of</strong> Datamine in the mi-part <strong>of</strong> March.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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The person in charge <strong>of</strong> this activity was Santiago Cortes. accompanied <strong>of</strong> the our project<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer visit high school with the finality to inform high school students about the important<br />

role that mining in our country.<br />

He’s not alone, he met several mining organization to make this more informative and with<br />

responsibility. We are working with the INGEMMET Geological Mining Metallurgic Institute<br />

as the acronym in Spanish.<br />

We invited high school students to our campus, we <strong>of</strong>fered then brochures about what<br />

Mining is and what’s so important.<br />

Santiago Cortes is a Junior Mining Engineering <strong>Student</strong> with a great solidarity and<br />

collaboration spirit we’re glad to work with.<br />

Santiago Cortes showing Yanacocha Open Pits.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 40

Santiago Cortes showing the Museum George Petersen to the students. He’s at the Mining Engineering<br />

Section <strong>of</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Peru.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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As tradition, every end <strong>of</strong> the year the “Huascaminas family” <strong>of</strong>fers joy to those who it need<br />

most, in this occasion we combine forces. The three associations The AEIMIN (Mining<br />

Engineering <strong>Student</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> the PUCP) from its acronym in Spanish, <strong>SME</strong> Lima-<br />

Section and <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> made a Chocolate Christmas evening with the delivery<br />

<strong>of</strong> gifts and hot chocolate lunch and we didn’t find a better place that the “Casa Hogar<br />

Juan Pablo I” in district <strong>of</strong> San Miguel.<br />

This place takes refuge <strong>of</strong> orphan, abandoned and special children.<br />

All started days before the chosen day, 19 th December with the purchase <strong>of</strong> the gifts and<br />

the ingredients necessaries to prepare the chocolate milk, Akemi Lucero, Cesar Garcia<br />

and Ned Vasquez part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> directory, went to buy the gifts to Lima<br />

downtown. Cesar Garcia’s family prepared the Chocolate Milk. The same day <strong>SME</strong><br />

<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> Members came to wrap the gifts. Between them were: Javier Barboza,<br />

Paulo Gamarra and Santiago Cortes. Finally we wrapped 35 gifts.<br />

The day arrived, we met at the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> chapter president house at 11 am to get<br />

every organized. They were witness <strong>of</strong> our Mining Engineering Section “Share”.<br />

At 6 pm, Santiago Cortes disguised <strong>of</strong> Santa Claus, The AEIMIN, the <strong>SME</strong> Lima-Section<br />

and the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> arrived to the place to start with the activity with a big Jo,<br />

Jo, Jo , Jo . In time to the music by clapping Santa was welcome. For an instant the<br />

children forgot all their sorrows and they roared with laughter with this so funny show. We<br />

want to give thanks to all those who were there and helped us to make this possible, next<br />

year we aim to reach more children with the big hearth that characterizes miners.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 42

From left to right: Richard Lazo, Ned Vasquez, Akemi Lucero, Javier Barboza, Josue Meza, Santiago Cortes<br />

Santa Claus, Jaky Rodriguez and Cesar Garcia.<br />

Sharing with the children<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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A girl singing to get the gift<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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Ned Vasquez organizing the room.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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Santa Claus and the winner that declaimed poetry.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 46


PUCP Mining Section<br />

2009-II<br />

Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Perú’s Semester bulletin<br />

Mining Engineering Section 2009-II<br />

<strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

<strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2008-2009 Annual Report<br />

Seccion Minas<br />

Visit: Feb 2010<br />

Mining Section at the PUCP. Photo at the front cover.<br />

http://historiafci.pucp.edu.pe/node/166<br />

PUCP<br />

Visit: 2010<br />

Pontificia Universida Catolica del Peru (<strong>Catholic</strong> Univeristy <strong>of</strong><br />

Peru)<br />

www.pucp.edu.pe<br />

<strong>SME</strong><br />

Visit: 2010<br />

Society for Miningm Metallurgic & Exploration<br />

www.smenet.org<br />

Mining Engineering<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> Peru<br />

Visit: 2010<br />

29th Mining Conventioon<br />

www.convencionminera.com<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

2009-2010 Annual Report Page 47

Mining Technology<br />

Visit: 2010<br />

Sandvik room inaguration<br />

www.tecnologiaminera.com<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Peru's</strong> <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong><br />

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