Annual Meeting Preliminary Program - Full Brochure (PDF) - SME

Annual Meeting Preliminary Program - Full Brochure (PDF) - SME

Annual Meeting Preliminary Program - Full Brochure (PDF) - SME


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2013 <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> & Exhibit<br />

and CMA 115 th National Western Mining Conference<br />

February 24-27, 2013 • Denver, Colorado, USA<br />

Official <strong>Meeting</strong> Sponsor: Newmont Mining Corporation<br />


www.smenet.org<br />


Join <strong>SME</strong><br />

Before You<br />

Register and<br />

Save $$$<br />

<strong>SME</strong>’s <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> is the best opportunity to develop<br />

and sharpen your professional skills and knowledge.<br />

Technical presentations will feature new horizons and<br />

new challenges facing the minerals industry. Networking<br />

with 5,000+ professionals is priceless. The Exhibit will<br />

feature over 700 companies exhibiting state-of-the-art<br />

products and services that you won’t want to miss.<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Membership Has VALUE:<br />

• OneMine.org – online global mining and mineral library – over<br />

100,000 technical papers and books available for download - FREE!<br />

• Members receive a free monthly subscription to Mining<br />

Engineering magazine.<br />

• Members save an average of 25% on books.<br />

• Members save an average of $100 on <strong>SME</strong> meetings and short courses.<br />

• Members have access to the career site – www.miningjobs.com.<br />

• Free Membership Directory: includes over 14,000<br />

professionals in the mining industry.<br />

• Over 34 eLearning courses at special member prices - earn<br />

CEUs from anywhere!<br />

• <strong>SME</strong> Website provides: Discussion Forums with members<br />

around the world; the <strong>SME</strong> Directory; The <strong>SME</strong> Community;<br />

Industry Newsfeeds and Commodity Indexes/Prices; <strong>SME</strong> Link<br />

List with more than 200 listings, and much more.<br />

• Members are eligible for Life and Medical Insurance; Credit<br />

<strong>Program</strong>; Car Rental Discounts; and Liability Insurance.<br />

www.smenet.org • sme@smenet.org<br />

12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle<br />

Englewood, CO 80112<br />

800-763-3132 • 303-948-4200<br />

Join <strong>SME</strong> by January 28, 2013 and<br />

SAVE $140<br />

on Your 2013 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

Registration Fees!<br />

SAVE AN<br />

ADDITIONAL $100<br />

When You Register For Short<br />

Courses Held in Conjunction<br />

with the <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

IT’S EASY!<br />

Once your paid application<br />

is received and approved<br />

you will be given a member<br />

number which can be used to<br />

register at member rates<br />

(a savings of $140 for the 2013<br />

<strong>SME</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>).


For <strong>Meeting</strong> Registration and<br />

Hotel Reservation<br />

ONLINE<br />

www.smenet.org<br />


Telephone: 1-866-229-2386<br />

Fax: 301-694-5124 (Secure Line)<br />

MAIL<br />

<strong>SME</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> Registration (RET132)<br />

c/o Experient<br />

PO Box 4088<br />

Frederick, MD 21705<br />

<strong>Full</strong> payment MUST be received with<br />

completed registration form.<br />

Registration and Housing forms are provided in this mailer.<br />

When registering online, or by phone/fax<br />


Confirmations will be e-mailed to the individual at the<br />

address provided on the form. If no e-mail address is<br />

provided, confirmation will be sent by regular mail.<br />


Alumni and Special Functions................... 37<br />

Calendar of Events.....................................7<br />

Colorado Mining Association <strong>Program</strong>..... 11<br />

Education Agenda.................................... 35<br />

Exhibit Floor Plan................................... 122<br />

Exhibit Highlights................................... 121<br />

Exhibitor Listing..................................... 124<br />

Field Trips................................................ 30<br />

General Information...................................4<br />

Graduate Student Poster Contest.............. 34<br />

Hotel Information.................................... 133<br />

HOTEL RESERVATION FORM............. 134<br />

Keynote Session..........................................3<br />

Membership, <strong>SME</strong>............Inside Front Cover<br />

NEW Mentor/Mentee <strong>Program</strong>................. 32<br />

New Activities for 2013............................. 38<br />

Photo Contest......................................... 120<br />

<strong>Program</strong> Committee................................. 44<br />

REGISTRATION FORM........................ 135<br />

Short Courses........................................... 25<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Foundation Dinner & Casino Night......2<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Foundation Silent Auction................. 36<br />

Social/Division Highlights........................ 40<br />

Sponsors/Sponsorship............................ 128<br />

Student Activities...................................... 31<br />


Sessions-at-a-Glance.......................... 45<br />

Monday............................................... 32<br />

Tuesday.............................................. 40<br />

Wednesday......................................... 69<br />

Things to See & Do in Denver................... 39<br />

Young Leaders.......................................... 33<br />


Specially prepared registration forms have been provided in your exhibitor service kit. Booth<br />

personnel of exhibiting firms should NOT use the registration form contained in this brochure.<br />

For more information contact: <strong>SME</strong> Exhibit Sales and Operations, 303-948-4213

<strong>SME</strong> FOUNDATION<br />

Mardi Gras<br />

and Casino Night<br />

Please join the <strong>SME</strong> Foundation for their <strong>Annual</strong> Banquet<br />

Featuring Mardi Gras, Casino Night and Silent Auction<br />

Sunday, February 24, 2013<br />

Cocktail reception 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm<br />

Dinner and casino 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm<br />

Centennial Ballroom<br />

Hyatt Regency Denver Convention Center<br />

Denver, CO<br />

Dress – Business or Mardi Gras Festive<br />

(Gold, Green and Purple)<br />

Sponsor a table of 8 - $ 2,500<br />

Individual tickets - $ 95<br />

Contact Liz Jones to sponsor a table<br />

jones@smenet.org 303-948-4216<br />

Benefits of sponsoring a table:<br />

1. Your logo and name on sign in middle of table showing sponsorship.<br />

2. Special thank you in Mining Engineering magazine in April issue.<br />

3. Your name/logo scrolling on the overhead screen throughout the dinner.<br />

4. Listing in the dinner program as sponsor.<br />

5. Listing in the <strong>SME</strong> pocket program as a sponsor (deadlines apply).<br />

6. Tickets to the dinner for 8 people.<br />


<strong>SME</strong>/CMA Keynote Session<br />

Mining: It’s About the People<br />

8:30am • Monday, February 25, 2013<br />

Colorado Convention Center<br />

The Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory<br />

contracted with the National Academies’ National Research Council to<br />

perform a study, entitled “Emerging Workforce Trends in the U.S. Energy<br />

and Mining Industries” on the availability of skilled workers to meet the<br />

energy and mineral security requirements of the U.S. <strong>SME</strong> was asked by the<br />

National Academy to collect, analyze and report on workforce trends in the<br />

mining industry.<br />

<strong>SME</strong>’s report concluded that it is unlikely that there will be sufficient<br />

skilled mine labor to satisfy the demand over the next 20 years. This does<br />

not mean the positions will not be filled. Retirement and a projected global<br />

increase in demand for mine labor will likely provide a steady stream of new<br />

jobs with attractive wages. For a period of time, the U.S. mining industry<br />

will have a workforce composed of very young and very senior workers. The<br />

shortage of skilled miners raises implications for the health and safety of<br />

the workforce, and may force companies to instigate process improvements<br />

and new automation solutions. Resource nationalism and a potential rise in<br />

commodity prices due to a rapidly expanding global middle class may force<br />

the U.S. to boost domestic mineral production and take active measures to<br />

reduce our increasing import dependence on key minerals. This session<br />

will address this issue and its ramifications on the future viability and<br />

competitiveness of the U.S. mining industry.<br />

Moderator:<br />

Dr. M.W. Bill Scoggins, President, Colorado School of Mines<br />

Speakers:<br />

Cy Butner, Senior <strong>Program</strong> Officer, National Academy of Sciences<br />

Gerry Wheeler, Executive Director, National Science Teachers Association<br />

Tana Utley, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Caterpillar Inc<br />

Andrew Slentz, Senior Vice-President Human Resources, Peabody Energy



For Hotel Reservations and <strong>Meeting</strong> Registration<br />

All technical sessions, division luncheons, and short courses will be conducted at:<br />

Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th Street, Denver, Colorado 80202<br />

Website: www.denverconvention.com<br />

Registration Fees<br />

To receive advance registration rates, <strong>SME</strong> must receive<br />

your registration form and payment by January 28, 2013.<br />

After January 28, 2013 on-site registration fees apply.<br />

One-day advance registration is available for members<br />

and authors only.<br />

Nonmember Registrants<br />

Join <strong>SME</strong> or CMA by January 28, 2013 and save money<br />

on your full meeting registration fee.<br />

Registration Policy<br />

All attendees and authors at the <strong>SME</strong>/CMA <strong>Annual</strong><br />

<strong>Meeting</strong> are required to register. Nonmember authors<br />

may register at the member rate. The one-day rate<br />

for members is available only for the day you want to<br />

attend (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday). The<br />

appropriate badge is required for admittance to the<br />

technical sessions and exhibit and will be checked at the<br />

entrance of all activities. Attendees interested in touring<br />

the exhibit only can purchase a one-day pass. Exhibitonly<br />

registrations ARE NOT permitted to attend the<br />

technical sessions.<br />

Legion of Honor Registration Policy<br />

Legion of Honor Members are entitled to receive<br />

reduced registration fees for the 2013 <strong>SME</strong>/CMA<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>. Attendees requesting this category of<br />

registration must meet eligibility requirements and must<br />

be on record at <strong>SME</strong> as a Legion of Honor Member.<br />

A Legion of Honor Member must have acquired 50<br />

years of membership. <strong>SME</strong> Members are automatically<br />

moved to this membership class.<br />

Senior Member Registration Policy<br />

Retired Senior members are entitled to receive reduced<br />

registration fees for the 2013 <strong>SME</strong>/CMA <strong>Annual</strong><br />

<strong>Meeting</strong>. Attendees requesting this category of<br />

registration must meet eligibility requirements and must<br />

be on record at <strong>SME</strong> as a Senior Member. A Senior<br />

Member is a retired member who has reached 70 years<br />

of age with 30 continuous years of membership with<br />

<strong>SME</strong>. Individuals must contact the <strong>SME</strong> Membership<br />

Department and request this category of membership<br />

(based on qualifications). Questions regarding<br />

Senior Member status should be directed to the <strong>SME</strong><br />

Membership Coordinator at 303-948-4204.<br />

Student Registration Policy<br />

Student registrants for the 2013 <strong>SME</strong>/CMA <strong>Annual</strong><br />

<strong>Meeting</strong> & Exhibit must meet eligibility requirements.<br />

<strong>SME</strong> requires that an individual must be attending a<br />

college, university, or higher education institution on a<br />

full-time basis to qualify for student registration rates.<br />

<strong>SME</strong> cannot process student registrations without<br />

evidence that you are a full-time student. Students<br />

enrolled in 12 or more semester credit hours are<br />

considered full-time. When sending your registration<br />

please provide registration confirmation from your<br />

educational institution. Acceptable confirmation<br />

includes: transcript, most recent report card, or official<br />

school registration documents. Student registration<br />

forms without this information will not be processed.<br />

Cancellation/Substitution Policy<br />

If circumstances require you to cancel your <strong>SME</strong>/<br />

CMA registration, you must do so in writing. Written<br />

notice must be sent to <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> Registration,<br />

c/o Experient, PO Box 4088, Frederick, MD 21705.<br />

Cancellations received by January 28, 2013 will receive<br />

a full refund, less a $100 processing fee. There are no<br />

refunds for no-shows and cancellations postmarked<br />

after January 28, 2013. Registrants are responsible<br />

for cancellation of their own hotel accommodations.<br />

Substitutions will be accepted in writing at no charge<br />

until January 28, 2013. After January 28, 2013 a $25 fee<br />

will be charged for substitutions.<br />

NO REFUNDS – for Registration, Short Course, Social<br />

Function, Tour and Field Trip tickets will be issued after<br />

the January 28, 2013 DEADLINE.<br />

International Delegates –<br />

Letter of Invitation<br />

<strong>SME</strong> will send a letter of invitation to paid, full<br />

registrants upon request. Invitations are intended to<br />

help international delegates raise travel funds or obtain<br />

a visa. It is not a commitment from the Conference<br />

or the organizers to provide any financial support.<br />

Request for letters of invitation must include: attendee<br />

name, job title, company name, mailing address (PO<br />

Boxes are not acceptable), city, state/province, country,<br />

zip/postal code, phone and fax number, and beginning<br />

and end dates of travel. Also provide the address,<br />

phone and fax number of your embassy. All items must<br />

be submitted to complete a letter of invitation.<br />

Send your written request to: <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>s Dept.,<br />

12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle, Englewood, CO 80112<br />

USA or e-mail: meetings@smenet.org.<br />



Housing Reservation Information<br />

Hotel accommodations are available at the Grand<br />

Hyatt, Embassy Suites, Hyatt Regency at Colorado<br />

Convention Center, Marriott City Center, Sheraton<br />

Denver, Westin Tabor Center, and the Hilton Garden<br />

Inn. See page 133 for detailed hotel and address information.<br />

Please complete the Hotel Reservation form and<br />


<strong>SME</strong> Housing Bureau, c/o Experient<br />

Event Code: RET 132<br />

PO Box 4088<br />

Frederick, MD 21705<br />

Phone: 1-866-229-2386<br />

Fax: 301-694-5124<br />

E-mail: smeattendee@experient-inc.com<br />

Online: www.smenet.org<br />

DO NOT send your housing form to <strong>SME</strong>.<br />





Acknowledgements will be sent either by e-mail or fax<br />

from the <strong>SME</strong> Housing Bureau.<br />

IMPORTANT NOTICE: <strong>SME</strong> has received several<br />

reports that wholesalers have been contacting attendees<br />

and exhibitors offering great deals on hotels for the<br />

<strong>SME</strong>/CMA <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> & Exhibit. While it is<br />

not illegal for a travel firm or booking agent to solicit<br />

potential customers, it can be difficult to determine<br />

the legitimacy of offers from these organizations.<br />

Those who opt for alternatives to the <strong>SME</strong> negotiated rates<br />

may find themselves at risk. <strong>SME</strong> and CMA remind their<br />

attendees that we have no affiliation with any of these<br />

room brokers. The official <strong>SME</strong>/CMA Housing Office<br />

is Experient.<br />

Purchasing Tickets<br />

Attendees must register to purchase tickets for social<br />

functions and/or field trips. Registrants may purchase<br />

multiple tickets.<br />

CD-ROM – <strong>Meeting</strong> Pre-prints<br />

Sponsored by Mintec, Inc.<br />

Each full, one-day and student registrants will receive<br />

a CD-ROM of pre-prints from the 2013 <strong>SME</strong>/CMA<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>. Additional CD-ROMs are available<br />

for purchase. See Registration Form in this mailer.<br />

These will be available for pick-up in the <strong>SME</strong> Bookstore<br />

during the meeting (offer excludes discounted and<br />

exhibits only registrations).<br />

5<br />

Short Courses<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Short Courses will be conducted at the Colorado<br />

Convention Center. See page 25 for details.<br />

Technical Sessions<br />

All technical sessions will be conducted at the Colorado<br />

Convention Center. Technical session information starts on<br />

page 47.<br />

Field Trips<br />

Field trips are subject to cancellation based on limited<br />

attendance. Make your reservations early using the<br />

registration form. See page 30 for field trip details.<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Cyber Cafe<br />

The Cyber Cafe will be located in the exhibit hall at<br />

the Colorado Convention Center. Computers will be<br />

available during exhibit hours to surf the net, retrieve<br />

and send e-mail messages, and view mining websites.<br />

Registration Hours<br />

On-site registration will be conducted during the<br />

following hours in the Convention Center.<br />

Saturday, February 23<br />

(Short Courses Only)<br />

Saturday, February 23<br />

(Exhibitor Registration Only)<br />

Sunday, February 24<br />

Monday, February 25<br />

Tuesday, February 26<br />

Wednesday, February 27<br />

7:00am – 5:00pm<br />

8:00am – 5:00pm<br />

7:00am – 6:00pm<br />

7:00am – 5:30pm<br />

7:00am – 5:00pm<br />

7:00am – 2:00pm<br />

Exhibit Hours<br />

Exhibitor products and services will be showcased at<br />

the 2013 <strong>SME</strong>/CMA <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> at the Colorado<br />

Convention Center. Badges are required for admittance.<br />

All food and beverage functions held in the exhibit hall<br />

will be located in the three lounges and restaurants.<br />

Sunday, February 24<br />

Monday, February 25<br />

Tuesday, February 26<br />

Wednesday, February 27<br />

4:00pm – 6:00pm<br />

11:00am – 5:30pm<br />

11:00am – 5:30pm<br />

8:00am – Noon<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Bookstore Hours<br />

The <strong>SME</strong> Bookstore will be located in the Colorado<br />

Convention Center. It will feature <strong>SME</strong> publications<br />

and a large selection of merchandise. You can also pick<br />

up your copy of the pre-print CD-ROM of the 2013<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> by redeeming the ticket enclosed in<br />

your registration packet on-site.<br />

The <strong>SME</strong> Bookstore will be open the following hours:<br />

Sunday, February 24<br />

8:00am – 6:00pm<br />

Monday, February 25<br />

8:00am – 5:30pm<br />

Tuesday, February 26<br />

8:00am – 5:00pm<br />

Wednesday, February 27 8:00am – 2:00pm


Airport<br />

Denver International Airport<br />

Airport Code: DEN<br />

For further detailed information regarding<br />

Denver International Airport, please contact the<br />

airport directly or visit the official Web page at:<br />

www.flydenver.com.<br />

Transportation Services<br />

Downtown Denver is accessible via shuttle, taxi, and<br />

personal vehicle.<br />

<strong>Meeting</strong> Registration Includes<br />


• 2013 Pre-print CD-ROM<br />

• Daily Exhibit Hall Access<br />

• Grand Opening Reception (Sunday, Exhibit Hall)<br />

• Welcoming Luncheon (Monday, Exhibit Hall)<br />

• Admittance to Technical Sessions<br />

• Admittance to Keynote Session<br />

• Afternoon Social (Tuesday, Exhibit Hall)<br />

• Continental Breakfast (Wednesday, Exhibit Hall)<br />

SuperShuttle<br />

Phone: 800-525-3177 or 303-370-1300<br />

Approximate cost for shuttle service from Denver<br />

International Airport (DEN) to downtown Denver is $19<br />

one-way / $34 round trip. Please contact SuperShuttle<br />

for the prevailing rates. Reservations are not required.<br />

Proceed to Level 5 / Baggage Claim of the main terminal.<br />

SuperShuttle’s counter is adjacent to the car rental<br />

counters. For further details, please visit SuperShuttle’s<br />

official Web page at www.supershuttledenver.com.<br />

Taxis<br />

Taxi service from Denver International Airport to<br />

downtown Denver is approximately $50 one-way.<br />

• Freedom Cab 303-444-4444<br />

• Metrotaxi 303-333-3333<br />

• Yellowcab 303-777-7777<br />

Driving directions from Denver International<br />

Airport to downtown Denver:<br />

• Follow signs to Peña Blvd.<br />

• Take Peña Blvd West towards Denver<br />

• Take I-70 West<br />

• Take I-25 South<br />

• Exit onto Speer Blvd. South<br />


• 2013 Pre-print CD-ROM<br />

• Exhibit Hall Access (On Registered Day)<br />

• Grand Opening Reception<br />

(Sunday Registrants Only, Exhibit Hall)<br />

• Welcoming Luncheon<br />

(Monday Registrants Only, Exhibit Hall)<br />

• Admittance to Technical Sessions (On Registered Day)<br />

• Admittance to Keynote Session (Monday Registrants Only)<br />

• Afternoon Social (Tuesday Registrants Only, Exhibit Hall)<br />

• Continental Breakfast (Wednesday, Exhibit Hall)<br />


• Exhibit Hall Access (On Registered Day)<br />

• Grand Opening Reception<br />

(Sunday Registrants Only, Exhibit Hall)<br />

• Welcoming Luncheon<br />

(Monday Registrants Only, Exhibit Hall)<br />

• Admittance to Keynote Session (Monday Registrants Only)<br />

• Afternoon Social (Tuesday Registrants Only, Exhibit Hall)<br />

• Continental Breakfast (Wednesday, Exhibit Hall)<br />

Please refer to page 133 for addresses<br />

and locations of hotels.<br />

Parking<br />

There are a number of parking options near the<br />

Colorado Convention Center that range from $6 – $13/<br />

day. Please visit www.downtowndenver.com for updated<br />

information regarding surface and garage parking<br />

options in downtown Denver. Check with your selected<br />

hotel regarding parking services, rates and availability.<br />

Shuttle Service<br />

There will be NO SHUTTLE SERVICE<br />

provided between hotels and the Colorado<br />

Convention Center. Please see the hotel<br />

concierge for alternatives.<br />



CC - Colorado Convention Center • H - Hyatt Regency Convention Center Hotel<br />

Friday, February 22, 2013<br />

Exhibitor Booth Set-Up<br />

10x20 Booths and Larger<br />

(by appointment only)<br />

11am – 5pm • CC<br />

Saturday, February 23, 2013<br />


8am – 5pm • Exhibit Hall • CC<br />


8am – 5pm • CC<br />


Short Course Registration<br />

7am – 9am • CC<br />

Short Course Coffee Break<br />

7:15am – 9am • CC<br />

Short Course: Copper Heap Leach<br />

9am – 5pm • CC<br />

Short Course: Ore Reserve Risk<br />

and Optimization in Strategic<br />

Mine Planning: Stochastic Models<br />

and Optimization<br />

9am – 5pm • CC<br />

Short Course: Introduction to the<br />

Design of Bulk Material Handling<br />

Conveyors<br />

9am – 5pm • CC<br />

Short Course Coffee Break<br />

10:15am – 10:30am • CC<br />

Short Course Lunch<br />

Noon – 1:00pm • CC<br />

Short Course Break<br />

2:30pm – 3pm • CC<br />



Leadership Orientation<br />

8am – Noon • H<br />

Audit Committee<br />

9am – 11am • H<br />

ABET General Information &<br />

Training Lunch<br />

Noon – 1pm • H<br />

ABET General Information<br />

& Training<br />

1pm – 5pm • H<br />

Strategic Committees Breakout<br />

<strong>Meeting</strong>s<br />

1pm – 4pm • H<br />

Strategic Committees Joint<br />

<strong>Meeting</strong><br />

4pm – 5pm • H<br />

Online Services Committee<br />

3pm – 5pm • H<br />

Board of Directors <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

(Closed Session)<br />

5pm – 6:30pm • H<br />

Sunday, February 24, 2013<br />


8am – 2pm • CC<br />


8am – 2pm • Exhibit Hall • CC<br />


7am – 7pm • Lobby B • CC<br />

<strong>SME</strong> BOOKSTORE<br />

8am – 5pm • Lobby B • CC<br />


4pm – 6pm • Exhibit Hall • CC<br />


Short Course Registration<br />

7am – 9am • CC<br />

Short Course Coffee Break<br />

7:15am – 9am • CC<br />

Short Course: Copper Heap Leach<br />

9am – 5pm • CC<br />

Short Course: Introduction to the<br />

Design of Bilk Material Handling<br />

Conveyors<br />

9am – 5pm • CC<br />

Short Course: Ore Reserve and<br />

Optimization in Strategic Mine<br />

Planning: Stochastic Models and<br />

Optimization<br />

9am – 5pm • CC<br />

Short Course: Basic Safety and<br />

Health Practices for the Mining<br />

Industry<br />

9am – 5pm • CC<br />

Short Course: Seismic Analysis<br />

and Interpretation for Mining<br />

9am – 5pm • CC<br />

Short Course: Ground Freezing for<br />

Mining Applications<br />

9am – 5pm • CC<br />

Short Course: Mine Water Balance<br />

9am – 5pm • CC<br />

Short Course: Overview of<br />

Sustainability Reporting and GRI<br />

for Extractive Professionals<br />

9am – 5pm • CC<br />

Short Course Coffee Break<br />

10:15am – 10:30am • CC<br />

Short Course Luncheon<br />

Noon – 1pm • CC<br />

Short Course Break<br />

2:30pm – 3pm • CC<br />



CC - Colorado Convention Center • H - Hyatt Regency Convention Center Hotel<br />

Sunday, February 24, 2013<br />



<strong>SME</strong>/NSSGA Student Design<br />

Competition Finals Presentations<br />

7am – 2pm • H<br />

Foundation Campaign Steering<br />

Committee<br />

7:30am – 9:30am • H<br />

WAAIME Executive Committee<br />

8am – Noon • H<br />

Professional Engineers Exam<br />

Committee Workshop<br />

8am – 4pm • H<br />

Coal & Energy Division Executive<br />

Committee<br />

9am – Noon • H<br />

Environmental Division Executive<br />

Committee<br />

9am – Noon • H<br />

IM&AD Executive Committee<br />

9am – Noon • H<br />

M&E Division Executive<br />

Committee<br />

9am – Noon • H<br />

MPD Executive Committee<br />

9am – Noon • H<br />

Mineral Schools<br />

Department Heads<br />

9:30am – Noon • H<br />

Student Chapter Reps<br />

Subcommittee<br />

11am – Noon • H<br />

Board of Directors<br />

12pm – 4pm • H<br />

ADTI – MMS <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

1pm – 4pm • H<br />

IM&AD <strong>Program</strong> Committee<br />

1pm – 2pm • H<br />

Student Forum and Reception<br />

1pm – 3pm • CC<br />

Coal & Energy Unit Committee<br />

2pm – 3pm • H<br />

MPD Unit Committee<br />

2pm – 3pm • H<br />

Mentor <strong>Meeting</strong> Place<br />

3pm – 5pm • CC<br />

Educators Forum<br />

3pm – 5pm • CC<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> of Members<br />

4pm – 5pm • H<br />

MMSA <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

4pm – 6pm • H<br />


Exhibit Hall Grand Opening<br />

Reception<br />

4pm – 6pm • CC<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Foundation Dinner and Mardi<br />

Gras/Casino Night (Ticketed)<br />

6:30pm – 7pm: Cocktails • H<br />

7pm – 11pm: Dinner, Awards and<br />

Casino Night • H<br />

Student Mixer<br />

9pm – Midnight • H<br />

Monday, February 25, 2013<br />


7am – 5:30pm • CC<br />


7:30am – 8:30am • CC<br />


7:30am – 5pm • CC<br />

<strong>SME</strong> BOOKSTORE<br />

8am – 5pm • CC<br />

<strong>SME</strong> KEYNOTE SESSION<br />

8:30am – 11am • CC<br />


11am – 5:30pm • Exhibit Hall• CC<br />


1:30pm – 2:30pm • CC<br />


Gaudin, Richards, and<br />

Wadsworth Lectures<br />

2:00pm – 4:30pm • CC<br />



MPD Nominating Committee<br />

7am – 9am • H<br />

M&MP Editorial Board<br />

8am – 10am • H<br />

Young Leaders Committee<br />

8am – 11am • H<br />

IM&AD Technical Committee<br />

8am – 9am • CC<br />

Environmental Division<br />

Business <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

8am – 9am • CC<br />

WAAIME Scholarship Committee<br />

8am – 4pm • H<br />

Young Leaders Mentoring Session<br />

(by ticket only)<br />

11am – 1pm • CC<br />

Bulk Material Handling Committee<br />

11:30am – 1pm • CC<br />

Health & Safety Committee <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

11:30am – 1:30pm • CC<br />

Section Reps <strong>Meeting</strong> & Luncheon<br />

11:30am – 1:30pm • CC<br />

Accreditation and Curricular Issues<br />

1pm – 3pm • CC<br />

Peer Review Editorial Board <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

1pm – 2:30pm • CC<br />

Research Committee & Educational<br />

Sustainability Task Force Session<br />

1pm – 3pm • CC<br />

OneMine Board <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

2pm – 4pm • H<br />

Mining Engineering Committee<br />

2:30pm – 4:30pm • CC<br />

ABET Visitor Selection Committee<br />

(Closed)<br />

3pm – 5pm • CC<br />

CMA <strong>Annual</strong> Membership <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

3:45pm • CC<br />

IM&AD Nominating Committee<br />

4pm – 5pm • H<br />

Dreyer Award Committee<br />

4pm – 5:30pm • H<br />



CC - Colorado Convention Center • H - Hyatt Regency Convention Center Hotel<br />

Monday, February 25, 2013<br />


Spouse/Guest Meet and Greet<br />

Brunch<br />

11am – 1pm • H<br />

Exhibit Hall Luncheon<br />

11:30am – 1pm • Exhibit Hall • CC<br />

New Member Orientation<br />

& Reception<br />

5pm – 6:30pm • CC<br />

WAAIME Members & Scholarship<br />

Recipients Reception (Invitation Only)<br />

5pm – 6:30pm • H<br />

Innovation in Metallurgical<br />

Processing Keynote & Reception<br />

(Ticketed)<br />

5pm – 7pm • H<br />

Rising Professionals Social (Ticketed)<br />

7pm – 9pm • H<br />

Tuesday, February 26, 2013<br />


7am – 5pm • CC<br />


7:30am – 8:30am • CC<br />


7:30am – 5pm • CC<br />

<strong>SME</strong> BOOKSTORE<br />

8am – 5pm • CC<br />


11am – 5:30pm • Exhibit Hall • CC<br />

<strong>SME</strong> 2014 ANNUAL MEETING<br />


10am – 5pm • CC<br />



Foundation Board of Trustees<br />

<strong>Meeting</strong><br />

7am – 9am • H<br />

OTC Planning Committee<br />

7am – 9am • H<br />

<strong>SME</strong>/NSSGA Student Design<br />

Competition Planning <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

8am – 9am • CC<br />

Sustainable Development<br />

Committee<br />

8am – 9am • CC<br />

<strong>SME</strong> e-Learning Committee<br />

<strong>Meeting</strong><br />

9am – 10:30am • CC<br />

Student Member Affairs Committee<br />

10am – Noon • CC<br />

Silent Auction – Environmental Div.<br />

11am – 4pm • Exhibit Hall • CC<br />

Coal & Energy Division Business<br />

<strong>Meeting</strong> (held during Luncheon)<br />

Noon – 2pm • CC<br />

IM&AD Business <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

1:45pm – 2pm • CC<br />

Research Council <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

2pm – 4pm • CC<br />

Information Publishing Committee<br />

3pm – 5pm • H<br />

Government & Public Affairs<br />

Committee<br />

3pm – 5pm • H<br />

Council of Education<br />

& Accreditation<br />

4pm – 5pm • CC<br />

M&E/Coal Underground<br />

Ventilation Unit Committee<br />

4pm – 5pm • CC<br />


Women of <strong>SME</strong> Breakfast (Ticketed)<br />

7:30am – 9am • H<br />

Coal & Energy Division Luncheon,<br />

Silent Auction and Business<br />

<strong>Meeting</strong> (Ticketed)<br />

Noon – 1:30pm • CC<br />

Environmental Division Luncheon<br />

(Ticketed)<br />

Noon – 1:30pm • CC<br />

IM&AD Luncheon and Silent<br />

Auction (Ticketed)<br />

Noon – 2pm • CC<br />

Exhibit Hall Afternoon Social<br />

3:30pm – 5:30pm • Exhibit Hall • CC<br />

Plant Operators Open Forum<br />

4pm – 5pm • CC<br />

International Visitor’s Reception<br />

(Invitation Only)<br />

5:30pm – 7pm • H<br />

CMA Environmental Stewardship<br />

Awards Banquet (Ticketed)<br />

6pm – 9pm • H<br />

Scotch Nightcap<br />

Scholarship Fundraiser (Ticketed)<br />

8pm – 11pm • H<br />



CC - Colorado Convention Center • H - Hyatt Regency Convention Center Hotel<br />

Wednesday, February 27, 2013<br />


7am – 2pm • Foyer • CC<br />


7:30am – 8:30am • CC<br />


7:30am – 5pm • CC<br />

<strong>SME</strong> BOOKSTORE<br />

8am – 2pm • CC<br />


8am – Noon • Exhibit Hall • CC<br />


Noon – 8pm • Exhibit Hall • CC<br />


1:30pm – 2pm • CC<br />

2014 <strong>SME</strong> ANNUAL MEETING<br />


8am – 11am • CC<br />



2014 <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

<strong>Program</strong> Committee<br />

7:30am – 9am • CC<br />

<strong>SME</strong>/AIME Past President’s<br />

Breakfast<br />

7:30am – 9am • H<br />

2015 <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

<strong>Program</strong> Committee<br />

9am – 10am • CC<br />

Minerals Education Coalition<br />

(formerly GEM & Mii <strong>Meeting</strong>s)<br />

9am – Noon • CC<br />

AIME Mudd Fund Committee<br />

9:30am – Noon • H<br />

Distinguished Member Award<br />

Nominating Committee (Closed)<br />

10am – 11am • CC<br />

Educational Sustainability<br />

10am – Noon • CC<br />

Registered Member Admissions<br />

Committee<br />

11am – 12:30pm • CC<br />

MPD Business <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

1:45pm – 2pm • CC<br />

International Committee <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

2pm – 4pm • CC<br />

M&E Division Business <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

2pm – 2:30pm • CC<br />

M&E Division Unit Committee<br />

2:30pm – 3:30pm • CC<br />

Environmental Division Nominating<br />

Planning Committee <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

3pm – 5pm • CC<br />

MPD Executive Committee<br />

3pm – 4pm • CC<br />

Resources & Reserves Committee<br />

<strong>Meeting</strong><br />

3pm – 4:30pm • CC<br />

Nominating Strategic Committee<br />

(Closed)<br />

3:30pm – 5pm • CC<br />


Exhibit Hall Continental Breakfast<br />

8am – 9:30am • Exhibit Hall • CC<br />

M&E Division Luncheon &<br />

Silent Auction (Ticketed)<br />

Noon – 2pm • CC<br />

MPD Division Luncheon /<br />

Student Poster Session (Ticketed)<br />

Noon – 1:30pm • CC<br />

CMA/Colorado Division of<br />

Mining, Reclamation & Safety<br />

Awards Luncheon (Ticketed)<br />

Noon – 2pm • CC<br />

<strong>SME</strong>/AIME Dinner VIP Reception<br />

5:30pm – 7pm • H<br />

<strong>SME</strong>/AIME Dinner Reception<br />

(COD)<br />

6pm – 7pm • H<br />

<strong>SME</strong>/AIME Dinner (Ticketed)<br />

7pm – 9:30pm • H<br />

President’s Reception<br />

(Invitation Only)<br />

9:30pm – Midnight • H<br />

Thursday, February 28, 2013<br />


7am – Noon • Exhibit Hall • CC<br />



8am – 11:30am • H<br />


Henderson Mine<br />

8am – 12:30pm • H<br />


Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> & Exhibit<br />

Mining in Colorado:<br />

It’s about the People<br />

and the jobs!<br />

Colorado Mining Association 115th National Western Mining Conference<br />

FEBRUARY 25 — 27, 2013<br />

Colorado Convention Center<br />

Denver, Colorado<br />

Mining is one of Colorado’s great economic engines. Mineral production in the state<br />

accounts for more than $6 billion in wealth. Often overlooked in this array of wealth creation<br />

is the human factor; mining employs over 12,000 people directly and accounts for more than<br />

46,000 jobs in Colorado’s economy. The industry pays top wages, but more importantly,<br />

contributes to sustainable, long term employment throughout the state.<br />

This year’s conference focuses on the contributions of these industries, the opportunities<br />

in mining throughout Colorado and the west, what the industry is doing in terms of public<br />

outreach and education, and the challenges the industry faces going forward. A special<br />

session will address the industry’s and CMA’s actions in shaping regulations – both state<br />

and federal – that impact our future. The final session will address political realities in the era<br />

of “campaign finance reform” and the role of political organizations in the election process.<br />

So make plans to attend the CMA’s 115th National Western Mining Conference — held in<br />

conjunction with the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> Members <strong>Meeting</strong> — which will draw more than 6,000<br />

mining and resource professionals from all sectors of the industry to Denver, Colorado, the<br />

mining capital of the world.<br />

This program has been approved for 11 Colorado Continuing Legal Education Credits

Monday, February 25, 2013<br />

Session Chairman: Jerry Nettleton<br />


1:15 P.M. TO 5 P.M.<br />

Room 605/607<br />

Environmental Manager, Twentymile Coal, LLC., Oak Creek, Colorado<br />

Colorado is still a leading mineral producing state, and the mining industry<br />

offers many opportunities, notwithstanding the challenges that mining<br />

companies face. Colorado ranks 1st in the production of molybdenum,<br />

4th in gold and 9th in coal production. This session will highlight what’s new and<br />

exciting in Colorado mining, leading off with an update of the historic reopening<br />

of the Climax molybdenum mine, which involved a $700 million investment<br />

in the mine and mill, and a discussion of activities at Henderson. The health<br />

of the coal mining industry has been the subject of much discussion, with<br />

potential new opportunities in the export markets but considerable uncertainty<br />

at home. While coal production in Colorado increased slightly in 2011 and again in the<br />

industry’s future both at home and throughout the U. S. This session will attempt to<br />

provide answers from the perspective of one of the world’s leading producers.<br />

Speaking of leading producers, the Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mining Company<br />

will also discuss recently announced plans to expand and extend the mine life for an<br />

additional ten years beyond 2016. And it’s important not to overlook silver, as the<br />

session includes a presentation on the Rio Grande Silver project (owned and operated<br />

by a subsidiary of Hecla Mining) in Mineral County. The afternoon will conclude with<br />

a small miner perspective on project development in historic mining areas.<br />

Molybdenum: An Update on the Henderson and Climax Mines<br />

Michael McDonald, General Manager, Climax Molybdenum Company, Climax, Colorado<br />

Arch Western Bituminous Group: Past, Present and Future<br />

Gene DiClaudio, President, Arch Western Bituminous Group, Grand Junction, Colorado

Continuing the Mining Heritage: The Cresson Mine Expansion<br />

Raymond G. DuBois, Vice President, Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mining Company,<br />

Victor, Colorado<br />

Rio Grande Silver, Inc.: The San Juan Silver Project<br />

Randall McClure, Acting General Manager, Rio Grande Silver, Inc., Creede, Colorado<br />

Mining in Historic Districts: The San Juan Gold Project<br />

C. Stephen Guyer, Chief Financial Officer, Colorado Goldfields, Inc., Littleton, Colorado<br />




3:45 P.M.<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> of Officers and Directors<br />

Chairman and President’s Report<br />

Election of Officers and Directors<br />












Tuesday, February 26, 2013<br />


9 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M.<br />

Chairman: Doug Magee<br />

Room 605/607<br />

Vice President, Research, MGA Communications, Inc., Denver, Colorado<br />

The mining industry is making great progress in getting the message out to<br />

the public about the importance of mining. This session will address the many<br />

programs undertaken by associations and by individual companies throughout<br />

Colorado, the west and the country to raise public awareness of mining and to<br />

support important charitable projects. Starting in Colorado with the project to<br />

restore one of the state’s most important symbols, the Capitol Dome, the session will<br />

discuss the National Mining Association’s Minerals Make Life program, the Society<br />

for Mining Metallurgy & Exploration’s Minerals Education Coalition, and the Northwest<br />

Mining Association’s award winning The More You Dig initiative. The session will<br />

conclude with a presentation by the Colorado Mining Association Education Foundation’s<br />

summer course entitled All About Mining.<br />

Share in the Care Colorado: Restoring the Capitol Dome<br />

Marie Patterson, Manager, State Government Affairs, AngloGold Ashanti North<br />

America Inc., Centennial, Colorado<br />

Minerals Make Life<br />

Carol Raulston, Senior Vice President, Communications, National Mining Association,<br />

Washington, DC<br />

The More You Dig<br />

Laura Skaer, Executive Director, Northwest Mining Association, Spokane, Washington<br />

The Minerals Education Coalition<br />

Michael D. Sheahan, President/CEO, Front Range Aggregates, Castle Rock, Colorado<br />

All About Mining<br />

Paul Jones, Chairman, Colorado Mining Association Education Foundation, Golden,<br />




1 P.M. TO 5 P.M.<br />

Room 605/607<br />

Chairman: John Watson<br />

Partner, Berenbaum, Weinshienk, Denver, Colorado<br />

The mining industry faces some of the most serious regulatory, legal and political<br />

challenges in its history. State water quality initiatives will raise costs of compliance<br />

to staggering levels. The sage grouse initiative threatens coal mining and<br />

other development throughout Colorado. SEC Guide 7 will also impact mining<br />

companies worldwide.<br />

mining industry throughout Colorado and the United States, with emphasis on<br />

what CMA is doing to defend the industry’s interests in these arenas, including the<br />

recent changes to arsenic standards and stormwater permitting requirements. The<br />

session will also review some of CMA’s accomplishments, including the successful<br />

promulgation of the Colorado roadless rule and what that will do keep the mining<br />

industry “in business” throughout the state. The session will also review CMA’s<br />

efforts and those in other states to update aquatic life water quality criteria for<br />

aluminum and iron.<br />

The Sage Grouse, the Colorado Roadless Rule<br />

and How Colorado is Responding<br />

Mike King, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Natural Resources,<br />

Denver, Colorado<br />

Water Quality Rules in Colorado: What the State is Doing<br />

and What the Industry is Doing About It<br />

Eric Fry, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Peabody Energy, Evansville, Indiana<br />

Studies to Support Implementation of Aquatic Life Criteria<br />

for Poorly Soluble Metals<br />

Steve Canton, Bob Gensemer, and Stephanie Baker, GEI Consultants, Inc.,<br />

Denver, Colorado

Challenges of SEC Industry Guide 7 for U. S. Mining Companies<br />

Michelle Shepston, Partner, Davis, Graham, & Stubbs, LLP, Denver, Colorado<br />

Challenges: Fuel Switching, Public Lands Constraints,<br />

Paul Seby, Partner, Moye White, LLP, Denver, Colorado<br />





6:00 P.M. TO 7 PM.<br />


7 P.M. – 9 P.M.<br />


Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment<br />




<strong>Meeting</strong> Energizer Craig Zablocki or one of his humorous<br />

associates will provide a hilarious boost to your bottom line!<br />

This is one motivational evening you will not want to miss.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013<br />




8:45 A.M. TO 11 A.M.<br />

Chairman: Shayne Madsen<br />

Room 605/607<br />

Partner, Jackson Kelly, PLLC, Denver, Colorado<br />

on direct contributions to candidate campaigns and prohibited corporations from giving<br />

keynote presentation by Colorado’s Secretary of State on the current rules that govern<br />

and ensure the integrity of elections in Colorado. Following his presentation, two of<br />








Michael Feeley, Partner, Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber & Schreck, Denver, Colorado<br />

Richard Wadhams, Independent Political Consultant, Denver, Colorado<br />

Moderator: Shayne Madsen, Partner, Jackson Kelly, PLLC, Denver, Colorado<br />

As co-chair of Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber & Schreck’s Government Relations Group,<br />

State Senate from 1993-2001, all but one of those years as Senate Minority Leader.<br />

Richard Wadhams, independent political consultant, served most recently as Colorado<br />

Republican Party Chairman, and previously as campaign manager in several national<br />

reform, how various constituencies have formed organizations to assist them in meeting<br />

their election goals, and the role that businesses may play in promoting their<br />

interests before state and national legislatures.<br />


Stuart Sanderson, President, Colorado Mining Association<br />


NOON TO 2 P.M.<br />

(DOORS OPEN AT 11:45 A.M.)<br />









A decorated Navy Veteran and former TOPGUN instructor pilot, Bluto Saporito knows<br />

the value of safety. Having flown over 2,900 hours in the F-14, F-18, F-14A Tomcat<br />

and other fighter aircraft, he has engaged in 45 combat missions, and 449 carrier<br />

arrested landings. Bluto’s high energy presentation will share the proven practices from<br />

aircraft carrier operations, airline aviation, and space operations. He will identify how<br />

aviation’s tragic incidents kick-started their performance/safety initiatives into a journey<br />

towards zero incident operations, and how lessons learned can be applied in other<br />

high-reliability industries.<br />




CMA Wishes to Thank the Members of the<br />

115 Th National Western Mining Conference & Exhibition<br />

Planning Committee for their<br />

Invaluable Assistance in Assembling the <strong>Program</strong><br />




















216 16th Street, Suite 1250<br />

Denver, CO 80202<br />

Phone: 303-575-9199<br />

Fax: 303-575-9194<br />

Email: colomine@coloradomining.org<br />

Web: www.coloradomining.org<br />

As a sustaining member, your company will receive added value for your investment<br />

in the mining industry. Your membership admits you to a network of<br />

nearly 900 individuals and companies engaged in mining throughout the world.<br />

CMA sustaining members receive a special, separate listing in the annual membership<br />

directory, discounts up to 15% for advertising in the CMA Directory, and a free link on the<br />

CMA website that includes your logo, website address, and description of your company’s<br />

activities. Finally, sustaining members receive a substantial discount on exhibit space<br />

when the National Western Mining Conference is held as a stand-alone event. All of these<br />

savings can add up to over $2,000 annually.<br />

Additional Sustaining<br />

Membership Benefits<br />

Between $200 - $500 for additional<br />

individual members at $100 each<br />

Cost without<br />

Sustaining Membership<br />

$200 - $500<br />

Advertising in the CMA Directory Up to $300<br />

Directory company listing and<br />

company description with contact info<br />

Published Company info and<br />

company contact on the CMA website<br />

Discount on Exhibit Space (when<br />

the Conference is a stand-alone event)<br />

$200 - $500<br />

$250<br />

$700<br />

Approx. Total Savings<br />

$1,350 - $2,250<br />

Sustaining members are further entitled to all of the benefits that are available<br />

through regular membership in CMA. These include a complimentary subscription<br />

to the newsletter, Rock & Coal, the annual membership directory and participation<br />

in CMA standing committees. All sustaining members may also apply to participate<br />

in the CMA/Pinnacol Assurance Group Dividend program, which enables companies<br />

to obtain lower rates on workers compensation insurance. Contact or email<br />

Jody Courtney at jcourtney@coloradomining.org for information on how<br />

your company can benefit from sustaining membership.<br />

Visit us at<br />

www.coloradomining.org<br />

to Like CMA on Facebook<br />

and Follow Us on Twitter


<strong>Annual</strong> dues for sustaining members are based on<br />

the size and type of your business.<br />

Small Mining Companies –<br />

Fewer than 50 employees in Colorado $2,500<br />

Large Mining Companies –<br />

Contact<br />

50 or more employees in Colorado CMA<br />

Small Service and Supplier Firms –<br />

Fewer than 50 employees in Colorado $1,000<br />

Large Service and Supplier Firms –<br />

50 or more employees in Colorado $2,500<br />


Company<br />

Phone Fax<br />

Company Representative<br />

Position or Title<br />

Email<br />

Street Address<br />

City, State, Zip<br />

Type of Company<br />

Number of Employees<br />

Brief Company Description<br />

Date<br />

Card #<br />

Visit us at<br />

www.coloradomining.org<br />

to Like CMA on Facebook<br />

and Follow Us on Twitter<br />

Expiration Date<br />


How can I get involved in CMA?<br />

Join a Committee!<br />

Membership also affords you the opportunity to<br />

participate in CMA’s standing committees, which<br />

develop positions on policies impacting the mining<br />

industry. You may join any one or more of the following<br />

committees:<br />

• Coal<br />

• Hardrock<br />

• Outreach<br />

• Health & Safety<br />

• International Affairs<br />

• Air Quality<br />

• Water Quality<br />

• Uranium<br />

These committees provide a wealth of volunteer<br />

technical support and give you opportunities to<br />

build business relationships with industry clients.<br />


CMA annual dues are $100 for individual<br />

members. There is no initiation fee.<br />


<strong>Full</strong> Name<br />

Your Position<br />

Business Name<br />

Email Address<br />

Business Mailing Address<br />

Business City, State, Zip<br />

Business Phone Fax<br />

Home Address<br />

Home City, State, Zip<br />

Home Phone<br />

Preferred Mailing Address Home<br />

Business<br />


216 16th Street, Suite 1250 Denver, CO 80202<br />

Phone: 303-575-9199 Fax: 303-575-9194<br />

Email: colomine@coloradomining.org<br />

Web: www.coloradomining.org<br />

Card #<br />

Expiration Date<br />

Visa MC AMEX Discover<br />

Visit us at<br />

www.coloradomining.org<br />

to Like CMA on Facebook<br />

and Follow Us on Twitter<br />



Saturday & Sunday, February 23 & 24, 2013<br />

Colorado Convention Center<br />

Copper Heap Leach<br />

Member: $495 • Nonmember: $595<br />

Student Member: $350<br />

Overview:<br />

The Copper Heap Leach course is designed to provide<br />

the attendees with a comprehensive understanding<br />

of the technology and economics of copper heap<br />

leaching. It focuses on the basic principles that<br />

underpin copper heap leaching and provides a detailed<br />

review of geometallurgy related to copper leaching,<br />

the design and implementation of metallurgical testing<br />

programs, the interpretation of test results, and the<br />

use of the results to design, construct, and operate<br />

successful copper heap leach operations. The course<br />

will cover the following specific aspects of copper<br />

heap leaching: 1) the history of copper leaching and<br />

solvent extraction electrowinning of copper, 2) the<br />

design and implementation of metallurgical testing<br />

programs and the interpretation of test results, 3) the<br />

geometallurgy and chemistry of copper leaching, the<br />

interaction of the leach solutions with specific minerals<br />

in the ore, and the importance of quantifying the ore/<br />

gangue mineralogy, 4)solvent extraction of metals,<br />

5) The geotechnical aspects of copper heap leaching,<br />

including water balance issues and the design and<br />

construction of pads and ponds, 6) the design of SX/<br />

EW plants, and 7) the dissection of one or more failed<br />

copper heap leach operations. The course will include<br />

a course summary with a question and answer period.<br />

Course Content by Day:<br />

Day 1:<br />

• Introduction and Course Overview Keane/Dreier<br />

• The Geometallurgy and Chemistry of Copper<br />

Leaching – J.E. Dreier<br />

• Commercial Ore Testing – J. Keane<br />

• Heap Construction – Randy Scheffel<br />

• Bioleaching - Corale Brierley<br />

• Overview of Copper Heap Leaching – G. Kordosky<br />

Day 2:<br />

• Solvent Extraction of Metals - G. Kordosky<br />

• Pad and Pond Lay-Out and Site Investigation –<br />

Dave Kidd<br />

• Water Balance and Liner Design - Dave Kidd<br />

• Design of SX-EW Plants – Paul Thompsen<br />

• Evaluation of a Successful Operation (Cerro<br />

Verde) – Joe Campbell<br />

• Evaluation of a Failed Operation (Equitorial<br />

Tonopah) – Joe Keane<br />

• Discussion and Recap<br />

Instructors:<br />

Joseph M. Keane<br />

K D Engineering<br />

520-579-8315<br />

jkeane@kdengco.com<br />

Gary Kordosky, Ph. D.<br />

520-743-0677<br />

John E. Dreier Ph.D<br />

303-278-4445<br />

Paul Thompson<br />

Jacobs Engineering<br />

Phone: 520-917-5500<br />

David Kidd<br />

Golder Associates<br />

520-888-8818<br />

Randolph Scheffel<br />

303-663-7542<br />

Saturday & Sunday, February 23 & 24, 2013<br />

Colorado Convention Center<br />

Introduction to the Design of Bulk<br />

Material Handling Conveyors<br />

Member: $495 • Nonmember: $595<br />

Student Member: $350<br />

Overview:<br />

This course will provide training in the process of<br />

designing Bulk Material Handling Conveyors starting<br />

with a system design overview and then reviewing<br />

tension and power calculations. Discussions on key<br />

components in a conveyor system will be presented<br />

and considerations for the proper selection of these<br />

components will be reviewed. Open discussion<br />

throughout the course will be encouraged. The course<br />

is designed for engineers involved in conveyor design<br />

and component selection. Some prior experience in<br />

conveyor design will be helpful but not required.<br />

Course Content by Day:<br />

Day 1:<br />

• Introduction and review of course objectives<br />

• Conveyor system design overview<br />

• Tension and power calculations<br />

• Drives, Electrical<br />

• Drives, Mechanical<br />

• Belting<br />

• Open discussion<br />



Day 2<br />

• Pulley Assemblies<br />

• Bearings<br />

• Idlers<br />

• Wrap up<br />

Instructors:<br />

Steve Shadow<br />

Baldor Electric Company<br />

303-840-0048<br />

sshadow@baldor.com<br />

Leo J. Laughlin<br />

641-621-2548<br />

Saturday & Sunday, February 23 & 24, 2013<br />

Colorado Convention Center<br />

Ore Reserve Risk and Optimization<br />

in Strategic Mine Planning:<br />

Stochastic Models and Optimization<br />

Member: $495 • Nonmember: $595<br />

Student Member: $350<br />

The final stage of the course is a series of computer<br />

workshops, and introduces to participants new<br />

powerful public domain software (SGeMS). Data and<br />

software remains with the participants.<br />

Please note: It is strongly recommended that participants<br />

bring a laptop.<br />

Course Content:<br />

• Introduction<br />

• Quantification of uncertainty in strategic planning<br />

creates opportunities, value, shelters investment<br />

and maximises profits<br />

• Frameworks for uncertainty modelling,<br />

profitability, optimization and mining operations<br />

• Concepts and Techniques<br />

• New Technologies<br />

• Practice of Simulations for Risk Modelling in<br />

Mining<br />

• Computer Workshops<br />

Instructor:<br />

Roussos Dimitrakopoulos<br />

McGill University, Canada<br />

Overview:<br />

This two-day course presents the new generation<br />

of applied technologies integrating geostatistical<br />

simulation methods for reserve risk management<br />

with new stochastic mine planning optimization<br />

developments, leading to improved cash flow<br />

assessments. Emphasis is placed on the downstream<br />

applications pertinent to the feasibility, design,<br />

development and planning stages of mining ventures,<br />

as well as in the financial optimization of relevant<br />

aspects of operations and production. Computer<br />

workshops introduce participants to the practical aspects<br />

of the technologies taught in lectures. New public domain<br />

software with graphic capabilities is introduced.<br />

Participants will:<br />

• Discover how and why risk-based models create<br />

value and opportunities<br />

• Understand how to quantify and utilize grade/<br />

tonnage/metal uncertainty and variability<br />

• Learn about new efficient simulation methods for<br />

modelling orebodies and how to utilise the results<br />

in a diversity mining applications<br />

• Understand how to use quantified orebody risk in<br />

ore reserve estimation, mine planning and design,<br />

and mineral project valuation<br />

• Learn about the new stochastic mine planning<br />

framework for life of mine optimization<br />

• Learn from actual industry examples and diverse<br />

applications<br />

• Participate in hands-on computer workshops using<br />

real case studies<br />

26<br />

Sunday, February 24, 2013<br />

Colorado Convention Center<br />

Basic Safety and Health Practices<br />

for the Mining Industry<br />

Member: $395 • Nonmember: $495<br />

Student Member: $250<br />

Overview:<br />

The objective of this course is to provide a basic<br />

understanding of safety and health management and<br />

federal requirements applicable to the mining industry.<br />

This course is designed to provide individuals an<br />

introduction to the knowledge and skills necessary<br />

to carry out the responsibilities and duties of an<br />

inexperienced safety representative. The course<br />

will cover the basics of safety management and the<br />

elements of a mine safety program, responsibilities<br />

under the Mine Safety and Health Act, conducting<br />

inspections and accident investigations. The course<br />

will also provide classroom practice in performing<br />

Job Safety Analysis, determining causal factors, and<br />

properly completing the required MSHA forms for<br />

accident reporting, training record completion and<br />

other Part 50 recordkeeping requirements. This course<br />

is designed for supervisors (new and potential future<br />

supervisors) and technical professionals, particularly<br />

recent college graduates, wanting to know more about<br />

safety and health management as it is applied to the<br />

mining industry.


Course Content:<br />

• Safety management basics<br />

• Elements of a mine safety program<br />

• Responsibilities under the Mine Safety and Health Act<br />

• Conducting inspections and accident investigations<br />

• Job Safety Analysis<br />

• Root Cause Analysis<br />

• Completing required MSHA forms (accident<br />

reporting, training record completion and other<br />

Part 50 recordkeeping requirements)<br />

Instructors:<br />

Jerry Powers<br />

Colorado School of Mines<br />

303-278-0710<br />

jlpowers@mines.edu<br />

Robert Ferriter<br />

Colorado School of Mines<br />

303-278-0710<br />

Janet Torma-Krajewski<br />

Colorado School of Mines<br />

303-278-0710<br />

Sunday, February 24, 2013<br />

Colorado Convention Center<br />

Seismic Analysis and Interpretation<br />

for Mining<br />

Member: $395 • Nonmember: $495<br />

Student Member: $250<br />

Overview:<br />

Today many underground mines and some open pit<br />

mines install and use seismic monitoring systems to<br />

track seismic activity on a daily basis. However the<br />

information in seismic data, often, is not used to its best<br />

capacity. Recent advances in technology and seismology<br />

techniques have enabled the extraction of more detailed<br />

information from full-waveform seismic data that can<br />

better explain the rockmass behavior. This additional<br />

information can be used in a variety of geotechnical<br />

tools and analysis. This workshop discusses techniques<br />

for standard and advanced seismic analysis and their<br />

application covering topic such as: Ray tracing and<br />

event location for simple and complex media such as<br />

block caves, backfilled areas and open pits, identifying<br />

trends in seismicity and their potential sources (which<br />

can be used in the identification of geological structures<br />

in inaccessible areas of the mine), advances in re-entry<br />

protocols following larger magnitude events and stress<br />

distribution analysis using seismic source mechanisms.<br />

The purpose of this course is to demonstrate how<br />

standard and advanced seismological techniques and<br />

the history of seismic data can be used to take the<br />

most value out of a seismic system and gather more<br />

information from the recorded mine signals. Seismic<br />

results such as more accurate relocations and source<br />

mechanisms (moment tensors) determined from fullwaveform<br />

data can be used to better interpret the<br />

rockmass reaction to mining, and use this additional<br />

database in geotechnical models and analysis.<br />

This workshop targets geotechnical and mine design<br />

engineers, ground control specialists, researchers, or<br />

anyone who has some knowledge about basic seismic<br />

monitoring and is interested in learning about the seismic<br />

analysis techniques and how the results can be used in<br />

mining operations to assess hazard and improve safety.<br />

Course Content:<br />

• Introduction: The Basics of Seismology and<br />

Source Parameters<br />

• Event Locations Around Voids an in Complex Media<br />

• Source Parameter Analysis and Re- entry Protocol<br />

• Source Mechanism and Stress Model Calibration<br />

• Identification and Characterization of Trends in<br />

Seismicity<br />

• Advances in Seismic Technology – State of the Art<br />

• Conclusions and Discussion<br />

Instructors:<br />

Cezar Trifu<br />

ESG Solutions<br />

613-548-8287<br />

Trifu@esgsolutions.com<br />

Dave Collins<br />

ESG Solutions<br />

613-548-8287<br />

Sunday, February 24, 2013<br />

Colorado Convention Center<br />

Ground Freezing for Mining<br />

Applications<br />

Member: $395 • Nonmember: $495<br />

Student Member: $250<br />

Overview:<br />

This course will provide attendees with a practical<br />

understanding of ground freezing, with a focus on<br />

mining applications and deep shaft sinking in particular.<br />

Participants will learn how to plan, appropriate actions<br />

for, and implement, a ground freezing program. Topics<br />

covered will include general principles, ground freezing<br />

methods, applications, design aspects, installation,<br />

behavior of frozen ground, and critical quality control<br />

measures. Case histories will be presented to illustrate<br />

the course content. Case histories will illustrate several<br />

different applications.<br />



The temporary control of groundwater is a critical<br />

aspect of deep shaft sinking. Ground freezing, which<br />

also eliminates the need for shoring or internal bracing,<br />

has proven highly effective in allowing safe excavation<br />

within the surrounding frozen soil matrix and can<br />

readily be accomplished in even the most difficult<br />

subsurface conditions and at great depths. At times<br />

ground freezing is be the only viable option. Although<br />

ground freezing has been practiced for well over 100<br />

years, this technology, and its advantages, is not well<br />

understood outside of a narrow specialty area. This<br />

course will provide industry professionals with a greater<br />

knowledge of this versatile and valuable technology,<br />

and the benefits of applying it to future projects.<br />

Course Content<br />

• Introduction & Historical Overview<br />

• Fundamental of Ground Freezing<br />

• Ground Conditions & Applicability of Ground<br />

Freezing<br />

• Comparison With Other Techniques<br />

• Applications Currently Employed in the Mining<br />

Industry<br />

• Groundwater Cut-off for Mine Workings<br />

• Case Studies<br />

Instructors:<br />

Paul C. Schmall, P.E.<br />

Moretrench American Corporation<br />

973-627-2011<br />

pschmall@mtac.com<br />

Joseph A. Sopko, Ph. D, P.E.<br />

Moretrench American Corporation<br />

920-889-0190<br />

Bernd Braun<br />

Ground Freezing Consultant<br />

972-304-9090<br />

Derek Maishman, P.E.<br />

Ground Freezing Consultant<br />

973-627-3679<br />

Sunday, February 24, 2013<br />

Colorado Convention Center<br />

Mine Water Balance 101<br />

Member: $395 • Nonmember: $495<br />

Student Member: $250<br />

Many of the challenges faced by mining companies<br />

involve water. This workshop will focus on water<br />

balance studies and water balance modeling as a tool<br />

for managing water quantity and (to a lesser extent)<br />

quality at mine and processing sites. The course will<br />

cover the following topics:<br />

• What is a water balance and why is it important?<br />

• What could a water balance be used for?<br />

• Defining the water balance objectives<br />

• Selecting water balance methodology and models<br />

• Collecting and evaluating the water balance input<br />

data<br />

• Developing and calibrating the model<br />

• Addressing water quality aspects<br />

• Generating data for reporting requirements<br />

(sustainability, closure, permitting)<br />

• Using the water balance for decision making<br />

A number of examples will be presented with the<br />

objective to cover a range of site conditions and<br />

project challenges. The use of different models will<br />

be demonstrated for achieving optimal results. The<br />

examples will also illustrate the use of the water<br />

balance model for decision making. Participants<br />

should bring their water balance issues/challenges; we<br />

will choose one issue (more if time permits) during<br />

the panel discussion at the end of the day to discuss /<br />

develop a strategy to address the water balance.<br />

This short course is targeted at participants who:<br />

• Have or anticipate having water challenges at their<br />

site.<br />

• Want to optimize their current water management<br />

practices.<br />

• Want to understand how to approach and structure<br />

a water balance study.<br />

• Want to understand the current trends and best<br />

practices for water balance modeling.<br />

• Are curious about water balance modeling and how<br />

to make sure models are calibrated and accurate.<br />

Instructors:<br />

Tatyana Alexieva<br />

MWH Global Water and Tailing Management Lead<br />

Melanie Davis<br />

Zygi Zurakowski<br />

Overview:<br />

This short course will provide an overview of water<br />

balance studies for mine and processing facility sites,<br />

what they are, why they are important, and how to<br />

interpret and use the results.<br />



Sunday, February 24, 2013<br />

Colorado Convention Center<br />

Overview of Sustainability Reporting<br />

and GRI for Extractive Professionals<br />

Member: $395 • Nonmember: $495<br />

Student Member: $250<br />

Overview:<br />

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a nonprofit<br />

organization that promotes transparent<br />

disclosure regarding economic, environmental and<br />

social sustainability performance. GRI publishes a<br />

comprehensive sustainability reporting framework that<br />

is highly respected and widely used around the world.<br />

The GRI framework was developed through a global,<br />

multi-stakeholder process. This workshop will help<br />

<strong>SME</strong> attendees understand the overarching trends and<br />

drivers for sustainability reporting, particularly within<br />

the extractives sector.<br />

Corporate sustainability reporting is rapidly growing all<br />

over the world. In 2011, over 2000 companies published<br />

GRI reports. In the United States, an increasing number<br />

of companies are reporting in accordance with the GRI<br />

Guidelines (30% increase 2009 to 2010 and another<br />

46% 2010 to 2011 – over 300 companies in total).<br />

More than 75% of the top 100 companies in the US<br />

report on their corporate responsibility performance.<br />

Sustainability reporting is expanding even more rapidly<br />

across the extractives sector as stakeholder demands for<br />

transparency continue to grow.<br />

ERM is one of a small group of firms approved as GRIcertified<br />

training partners in the US and is proposing<br />

a workshop addressing sustainability reporting and the<br />

GRI guidelines and reporting process. ERM’s workshop<br />

will be targeted for <strong>SME</strong> members that want to develop<br />

a greater understanding of sustainability issues and<br />

emerging trends in sustainability reporting. This<br />

training will benefit <strong>SME</strong> conference attendees involved<br />

in site-level EHS management, as well as corporate staff<br />

who consolidate and analyze facility data used in GRI<br />

sustainability reports. This workshop will also benefit<br />

attendees wanting to further develop and broaden their<br />

professional credentials in this emerging area. As a<br />

takeaway, ERM will provide participants with a copy of<br />

the presentation materials used.<br />

Course Content:<br />

• Overview of Sustainability, Sustainability<br />

Reporting and GRI<br />

• Envisioning the Sustainability Report and<br />

Planning the Reporting Process<br />

• Stakeholder Engagement<br />

• Focusing on Material and Emerging Issues<br />

• Sustainability Metrics and Goals<br />

• Mining and Metals Sector Supplement<br />

• Data Collection and Management<br />

• Writing, Reviewing, Assuring and Approving the<br />

Report<br />

• Continuous Improvement: Lessons Learned and<br />

Best Practices<br />

Instructors:<br />

James Margolis<br />

Environmental Resources Management (ERM)<br />

610-524-3512<br />

james.margolis@erm.com<br />

Jennifer Eastes<br />

Environmental Resources Management (ERM)<br />

303-741-5050<br />


Cripple Creek &<br />

Victor Gold Mine<br />

Date: Saturday, February 23<br />

Time: TBD - approx. 10 hr. total trip<br />

Departs: Hyatt Regency Convention Center<br />

Tickets: $75<br />

Includes: Transportation, Tour and Lunch<br />

Please Note: 30 maximum participants. All participants need to<br />

provide their own PPE.<br />


<strong>SME</strong> Young Leaders will be hosting a field trip to Cripple<br />

Creek & Victor Gold Mine on Saturday, February 23rd,<br />

2013. Cripple Creek Gold Mine is a modern surface<br />

mining operation owned and operated AngloGold<br />

Ashanti North America, Inc. and is located near Victor,<br />

Colorado. This mine is built upon historic remnants of<br />

both underground and surface mining, dating back to<br />

1890. Current mining operations have been ongoing<br />

since 1994, and are scheduled to continue till 2016.<br />

Young Leaders will be touring and observing this gold<br />

mining operation and welcome others to attend as well.<br />

Henderson Mine<br />

Date: Thursday, February 28<br />

Time: 7:30am – 3:30pm<br />

Departs: Hyatt Regency Convention Center<br />

Tickets: $75<br />

Includes: Transportation, Tour and Lunch<br />

Please Note: 50 maximum participants. Dress for a winter<br />

mountain climate that is normally 15°F to 20°F cooler than<br />

that of downtown Denver. Comfortable walking shoes/boots,<br />

winter gloves, parka and hats are recommended. Henderson will<br />

provide hard hats.<br />

Climax Molybdenum Co., a subsidiary of Freeport<br />

McMoRan, is the world’s largest primary molybdenum<br />

producer. Climax Molybdenum Co.’s Henderson Operations<br />

are located approximately 50 miles west of Denver, CO. It<br />

is Freeport McMoRan’s only active underground mine.<br />

The Henderson Operation, commissioned in 1976,<br />

operates half a mile under the Continental Divide.<br />

Henderson currently mines 30,000 tons/day of ore in<br />

one of the world’s largest block cave operations. The tour<br />

will begin with an overview of the mining operation and<br />

a safety orientation. Participants will then take the cage<br />

from the surface at 10,200 feet in elevation to the 7,500<br />

level elevation of the mine. The steps involved in pannel<br />

development will be seen including the development<br />

and initial blasting of the cave drawpoints. A variety of<br />

drills are used or blastholes. Active drawpoints will then<br />

be seen and ventiliation will be discussed. Participants<br />

will see the geometry used in pulling the ore with CAT<br />

Elphenstone 1,700 LHD’s.<br />

From the dump chutes ore is transferred to the<br />

underground gyratory primary crusher using Supra 80<br />

ton rigid frame five-axle trucks. These unique units have<br />

two driven axles and four steering axles. Crushed ore<br />

is transported to the mill by three series conveyors that<br />

constitute one of the longest conveyor trains in the world.<br />

PC1 is 1.6km in length from the ore storage pocket to a<br />

point near the old haulage level of the mine. PC2 is 16.8km<br />

in length and is reported to be one of the longest single<br />

flight conveyor in the world. Approximately 14km of this<br />

flight is underground in the existing railroad tunnel. PC3<br />

is 6.4km in length and negotiates several vertical and<br />

horizontal curves in route to the mill stockpile.<br />

The conveyor design incorporated many interesting<br />

features including custom designed idlers and special<br />

optimized belt rubber compounding that resulted in<br />

30% less power draw than was originally designed.<br />

Other design features include variable frequency drives<br />

that allow matching of conveyor speed with tonnage,<br />

belt turnovers to mitigate carry back and winch-assisted<br />

counterweight take-up systems which automatically lock<br />

during emergency stops.Participants will see part of the<br />

underground conveyor system, then will head back to the<br />

surface. The mill is 15 miles from the mine on the opposite<br />

side of the continental divide. The mill will not be included<br />

in the tour. After the tour, a box lunch will be provided, and<br />

all questions will be answered by Henderson personnel.<br />



Sunday, February 24, 2013<br />



7:00am – 2:00pm<br />

Hyatt Regency Convention Center<br />

Sponsored by:<br />

Hitachi Construction and Mining<br />




11:00am – Noon<br />

Hyatt Regency Convention Center<br />

Hosted by: Colorado School of Mines<br />

Student Chapter officers and members are<br />

invited to attend the subcommittee meeting.<br />

2013 STUDENT FORUM<br />

1:00pm – 3:00pm • Convention Center<br />

Hosted by: Colorado School of Mines<br />

Sponsored by: MWH Global<br />

A continuing tradition for <strong>SME</strong> Student<br />

Members and Professionals. Join us for<br />

Food, Fun, Information and Prizes!<br />


9:00pm – Midnight<br />

Hyatt Regency Convention Center<br />

Sponsored by: Newmont Mining Corp.<br />

Registered students are invited to attend<br />

this social featuring music and refreshments.<br />



<strong>SME</strong>’S NEW MENTORING PROGRAM<br />



<strong>SME</strong> is excited to introduce our new online<br />

mentoring program. Everyone is encouraged to take<br />

advantage of this wonderful opportunity to be a<br />

mentor or mentee. The new online mentor program<br />

will enhance the present on-site mentor program.<br />

The Mentoring <strong>Meeting</strong> Place will still be held on<br />

Sunday from 3:00pm – 5:00pm at the Colorado<br />

Convention during the <strong>SME</strong>/CMA <strong>Annual</strong><br />

<strong>Meeting</strong>. This meeting time will provide a venue for<br />

Mentors and Mentees to meet in person.<br />

To participate in the <strong>SME</strong> Online Mentor <strong>Program</strong>:<br />

• Go to the <strong>SME</strong> Website (smenet.org) and log in<br />

• Once you have logged onto the <strong>SME</strong> Website click<br />

on the <strong>SME</strong> Community tab located near the top<br />

of the page, which will direct you to your profile.<br />

• If you have not been in the community before you<br />

will be directed to the Terms and Agreements<br />

page where you must accept the terms of use. This<br />

will only appear the first time you enter the community.<br />

Once accepted the system will take you to<br />

your Profile page.<br />

• In the upper right corner of your profile page you<br />

can select the mentee/ mentor tab.<br />

• Click on the link that says mentee/mentor status.<br />

• Click edit status and enter appropriate information,<br />

then click save at the bottom of that page. You<br />

will then see a notification that your enrollment<br />

was saved successfully.<br />

• Next, choose from the left hand menu to find a<br />

mentor or mentee. On the Find page enter the<br />

criteria of the mentor/mentee profile that would<br />

suit you best.<br />

• Selecting which <strong>SME</strong> events you will be attending<br />

such as the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> & Exhibit will enable<br />

you to be matched with others attending that<br />

meeting.<br />

• At the bottom of that page click find mentors/<br />

mentees.<br />

• When search results appear choose the mentor/<br />

mentee to view their profile. Under their photo<br />

there is a mentor/mentee contact button. Simply<br />

click to send your mentor/mentee request.<br />

• Once the request is sent, it must be accepted for<br />

the connection to be complete. Keep in mind that<br />

the mentor/mentee has the option to decline the<br />

request as well accept it.<br />

• To view the status of your relationships, go to the<br />

Mentoring menu and choose My Mentoring Relationships.<br />

If your request was not accepted within<br />

3-5 days please search again and select another<br />

mentor/mentee from the search results.<br />





For more information or to apply for the 2013 <strong>SME</strong>/CMA <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> Mentor <strong>Program</strong> you can contact:<br />

Mona Vandervoort, <strong>SME</strong> Education Coordinator<br />

1-800-763-3132, ext. 227. 303-948-4227 • Fax: 303-948-4265. Vandervoort@smenet.org<br />




Cripple Creek and Victor Gold Mine<br />

Saturday, February 23<br />

For more information, see page 30<br />

See registration form to order tickets<br />



Monday, February 25<br />

Hyatt Regency Convention Center<br />



Monday, February 25<br />

Speaker: Bruce Watzman, VP, National Mining Association<br />

Ticketed Event. Only 12 spots available.<br />

You must be 35 or younger. See registration form.<br />


Monday, February 25<br />

Chair: Joshua Chlopek,<br />

Staff Engineer, MEPCO, LLC<br />

Session abstract:<br />

The Young Professional-Student Engineer has or will encounter<br />

numerous issues making the transition from being a student to<br />

a professional. These issues and how they are dealt with will<br />

serve as a cornerstone to their development. The main issues<br />

that are encountered: cross application of geological principles<br />

to a mining operation, dealing with the generation gap and<br />

the current workplace establishment, the outgoing legacy of<br />

knowledge, and how a how a young engineer may rise from a<br />

student to a professional. This is challenging time for most in<br />

the mining industry especially the young professional-student<br />

engineer, but it is a great opportunity to those who can understand<br />

the upcoming difficulties and embody its solutions.<br />




Monday, February 25<br />

7pm - 9pm • Ticketed Event<br />

Hyatt Regency Convention Center<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Young Leaders will be hosting,“Rising Professionals<br />

Reception” to gather young industry professionals together<br />

to enjoy each other’s company and get caught up<br />

on each other’s career development.<br />




Co-Chaired by Task Force Members<br />

Mary Poulton, University of Arizona and<br />

Rick Sweigard, University of Kentucky<br />

Sponsored by: Alpha Natural Resources<br />

FOR: Graduate Students from all <strong>SME</strong> Disciplines.<br />

LOCATION: <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> – Exhibit Hall<br />

TOPIC: Open Topic reflecting the graduate’s thesis. The topic should highlight the graduate’s research.<br />

ABSTRACT: The abstract should be 250 words and is due by December 1, 2012. It should describe<br />

what the graduate student intends to display on the poster.<br />


The entries will be judged on:<br />

1. Technical competence<br />

2. Thoroughness of approach<br />

3. Quality of the presentation<br />

Abstracts should be e-mailed to Dr. Rick Sweigard at rsweigard@engr.uky.edu. They should include<br />

all author names, complete contact information, the school they attend, title, an abstract of no more<br />

than 250 words, the faculty advisor, and the authors’ disciplines. Information must be sent no later than<br />

December 1, 2012.<br />

Authors will be notified of acceptance by December 15, 2012). Those accepted will be sent Poster<br />

Guidelines and should plan on presenting their posters during the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>, February<br />

24-27, 2013 in Denver, Colorado For additional information; please contact Mona Vandervoort at<br />

vandervoort@smenet.org.<br />

The Educational Sustainability Task Force is organizing the Third <strong>Annual</strong> Graduate Student Poster<br />

Contest to be held at the 2013 <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>. The Task Force believes that the greatest obstacle<br />

facing educational sustainability in the mineral industries is the pending shortage of qualified faculty<br />

members. The purpose of the Graduate Student Poster Contest is to recognize excellence in research by<br />

<strong>SME</strong> graduate student members and to encourage them to continue their pursuit of excellence through<br />

an academic career. The contest will provide an opportunity for the graduate students to showcase<br />

their work in a visible setting and to compete for cash prizes based on the quality of their posters as<br />

determined by a team of judges. It is hoped that this will be the first of many initiatives by the Task<br />

Force aimed at bolstering graduate student education and increasing the number of faculty members.<br />

The Graduate Student Poster Contest will be open to any <strong>SME</strong> student member who is currently<br />

enrolled in a minerals-related graduate program. The posters will be on display in a designated area<br />

in the vicinity of the Exhibit Hall for the duration of the exhibit. The contestants will be required to<br />

be present at a pre-determined time to discuss their research with interested attendees and to answer<br />

questions posed by the judges. The judging team will consist of five members of the Task Force and<br />

prizes will be awarded to the top three places as follows: 1st place - $1000, 2nd place - $650, and 3rd<br />

place - $350.<br />



Sunday, February 24, 2013<br />

Mineral Schools Department Heads <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

9:30am – Noon • Hyatt Regency Convention Center Hotel<br />

2013 Educators’ Forum<br />

“What I wish I had known five years ago when I graduated with my B.S. in Engineering!”<br />

3pm – 5pm • Colorado Convention Center<br />

This year’s Educators’ Forum will focus on<br />

early career experiences of recent graduates<br />

from mining and geological engineering degree<br />

programs. We will gather to hear these Young<br />

Leaders of <strong>SME</strong> reflect upon their undergraduate<br />

educational experiences compared with the<br />

educational and experience needs during their<br />

first few years in the world of work. Each<br />

presenter will be asked to give a short summary<br />

of the strengths and weaknesses of his/her<br />

Bachelor’s Degree educational experiences vs.<br />

what the Young Member’s professional position<br />

required in the work place as a new employee<br />

as well as what is/was needed to advance in<br />

the position. It is anticipated that these Young<br />

Leader professionals will provide valuable<br />

feedback not only to educators as they strive to<br />

improve their degree program offerings, but also<br />

that this feedback will be valuable to employers<br />

as they strive to fill positions with new graduates,<br />

seek to retain highly qualified new engineering<br />

employees, and as these employers seek to refine<br />

their expectations of new, recently graduated<br />

engineers that they hire.<br />

Monday, February 25, 2013<br />

Creating a Successful Research Proposal<br />

Co-Chaired by Rick Sweigard, University of Colorado,<br />

Jurgen Brune, Colorado School of Mines and<br />

Lee Saperstein, Missouri University of Science & Technology, Retired<br />

Education Sustainability Task Force and Research Committee<br />

Young faculty members and graduate students<br />

who intend to become faculty members may<br />

benefit from mentoring in the development<br />

of research and instructional development<br />

proposals. Success in proposal writing brings<br />

independent funding, support for graduate<br />

students, and attendant professional growth.<br />

<strong>SME</strong>’s Educational Sustainability Task Force<br />

in concert with its Research Committee have<br />

assembled a panel of successful researchers to<br />

talk about their successes and failures, to help<br />

attendees to identify funding sources, to help<br />

them to organize responses to RFPs (requests<br />

for proposals), to help them write unsolicited<br />

proposals, and to hold an informal colloquium<br />

with attendees in support of their research<br />

efforts. This session is directed toward new<br />

faculty members – new implies new to the job<br />

not an age – and those, such as graduate students,<br />

who would be faculty members. All interested in<br />

education, however, are welcome to attend.<br />


<strong>SME</strong> Foundation<br />

Silent Auctions<br />

Mardi Gras Themed Gala and Casino Night!<br />

In addition to the 3-day Silent Auction on the exhibit floor, the<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Foundation will feature a special Silent Auction during our<br />

Mardi Gras themed Gala at the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> in Denver,<br />

February 24, 2013.<br />

Help us kick off the most successful auction ever by donating unique<br />

and distinctive items. All proceeds benefit the <strong>SME</strong> Foundation <strong>Program</strong>s.<br />

Best Sellers Include:<br />

Scale Models of Mining Equipment<br />

Jewelry • Rock and Mineral Samples • Sports Memorabilia<br />

Maps • Charts • Engineering Diagrams<br />

Historic Mining Company Stock Certificates<br />

Works of Art • Electronics • Framed Paintings • Sculptures<br />

To donate items or for any questions or comments please contact AnnMarie at:<br />

303-948-4239 • estrada@smenet.org • www.smenet.org/foundation


ALUMNI FUNCTIONS – Tuesday, February 26, 2013<br />

*Held at the Hyatt Regency unless otherwise noted<br />

University of Arizona Reception<br />

Dept. of Mining & Geological Engineering<br />

5:30pm – 7:30pm<br />

Contact: Patricia Bosco<br />

520-621-5292 • pbosco@u.arizona.edu<br />

Colorado School of Mines<br />

*Held at the Denver Press Club<br />

5pm – 7pm<br />

Contact: Shannon Mann<br />

303-273-3701 • smann@mines.edu<br />

Columbia University Henry Krumb School of<br />

Mines Earth & Environmental Engineering<br />

6pm – 7:30pm<br />

Contact: Peter Rennee<br />

212-854-7081 • dd0264@columbia.edu<br />

University of Kentucky<br />

Dept. of Mining Engineering<br />

5pm – 7pm<br />

Contact: Christie Oliver<br />

859-257-8026 • coliver@engr.uky.edu<br />

Michigan Tech University Dept. of Geological<br />

& Mining Engineering Sciences<br />

6pm – 8pm<br />

Contact: Amie Ledgerwood<br />

906-487-2531 • asledger@mtu.edu<br />

Friends of Minnesota Reception<br />

5:30pm – 7:30pm<br />

Contact: Harvey Thorleifson<br />

612-627-4780 • thorleif@umn.edu<br />

Missouri University of Science & Technology<br />

Alumni Reception<br />

5:30pm – 7:30pm<br />

573-341-4897 • laymank@mst.edu<br />

Montana Tech Alumni Reception<br />

6pm – 8pm<br />

Contact: Peggy McCoy<br />

406-496-4434 • pmccoy@mtech.edu<br />

University of Nevada - Reno Mackay School of<br />

Earth Sciences & Engineering Reception<br />

6pm – 8pm<br />

Contact: Lorene Addison<br />

775-682-8786 • laddison@unr.edu<br />

Penn State Alumni & Friends Reception<br />

5:30pm – 7:30pm<br />

Contact: Rachel Altemus<br />

814-865-3439 • rla7@psu.edu<br />

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology<br />

Alumni Reception<br />

5pm – 8pm<br />

Contact: Tim Vottero<br />

605-394-2347 • tim.vottero@sdsmt.edu<br />

University of Utah College of Mines<br />

& Earth Sciences<br />

5pm – 7pm<br />

Contact: Pam Hofmann<br />

801-585-5176 • pam.hofmann@utah.edu<br />

Virginia Tech Mining & Minerals Engineering<br />

Alumni Reception<br />

5pm – 7pm<br />

Contact: Kathryn A. Dew<br />

540-231-7055 • dewk@holdendomain.com<br />

West Virginia University<br />

5:30pm – 7:30pm<br />

Contact: Royce J. Watts<br />

304-293-5695 ext. 2102 • royce.watts@mail.wvu.edu<br />

MMSA 2013 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

Sunday, February 24, 2013<br />

4pm – 6pm<br />

Hyatt Regency Convention Center<br />

MMSA 2013 <strong>Annual</strong> Banquet<br />

Monday, February 25, 2013<br />

7pm – 10:30pm<br />

University Club<br />

For further information and tickets contact:<br />

MMSA • 303-444-6032 • contactmmsa@mmsa.net<br />


U.S. Bureau of Mines National Reunion<br />

at the 2013 <strong>SME</strong>/CMA <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong><br />

Monday, February 25, 2013<br />

7pm – 9pm<br />

Wynkoop Brewing Company • 1634 18th Street<br />

All friends and former employees of the U.S. Bureau of<br />

Mines are invited. You must check in at the host stand<br />

upon arrival to be directed to the meeting location. No<br />

RSVPs required. Pay-your-own-way. You do not have to be<br />

registered at the <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> to attend this event!<br />

For more info contact DanielWitkowsky@aol.com<br />



<strong>SME</strong> Educational<br />

Sustainability Graduate<br />

Student Poster Contest<br />

Sponsored by: Alpha Natural Resources<br />

Date: February 24 - 27<br />

Time: During Exhibit Hours<br />

Place: Colorado Convention Center<br />

Exhibit Hall<br />

The purpose of the Graduate Student Poster<br />

Contest is to recognize excellence in research<br />

by <strong>SME</strong> graduate student members and to<br />

encourage them to continue their pursuit of<br />

excellence through an academic career. The<br />

contest will provide an opportunity for the<br />

graduate students to showcase their work in<br />

a very visible setting and to compete for cash<br />

prizes based on the quality of their posters and<br />

determined by a team of judges.<br />

The Graduate Student Poster Contest is open<br />

to any <strong>SME</strong> member who is currently enrolled<br />

in a graduate program at one of the mineralrelated<br />

schools. The posters will be on display<br />

in a designated area in the Exhibit Hall for the<br />

duration of the exhibit. The contestants will be<br />

required to be present at a pre-determined time<br />

to discuss their research with interested attendees<br />

and to answer questions posed by the judges.<br />

Spouse/Guest Meet & Greet<br />

Brunch<br />

Date: Monday, February 25<br />

Time: 11am – 1pm<br />

Place: Hyatt Regency Hotel<br />

If you are registered in the Spouse/Guest<br />

category, please plan on attending this exciting<br />

encore event specifically planned for you. Meet<br />

special guests of honor Dixie Meyer and Robert<br />

Kogel as well as the spouses and guests of<br />

meeting attendees while enjoying a light brunch.<br />

Plan on attending and meeting new friends.<br />

New Member Orientation &<br />

Reception<br />

Date: Monday, February 25<br />

Time: 5pm – 6:30pm<br />

Place: Colorado Convention Center<br />

Members who joined <strong>SME</strong> in 2012 or 2013,<br />

please plan on attending this reception to<br />

learn about the benefits of membership while<br />

networking with your peers. This is a great<br />

opportunity to gather information and maximize<br />

your <strong>SME</strong> membership experience while meeting<br />

many of the wonderful people in the industry.<br />

WAAIME Members and<br />

Scholarship Recipients<br />

Reception (Invitation Only)<br />

Date: Monday, February 25<br />

Time: 5pm – 6:30pm<br />

Place: Hyatt Regency Hotel<br />

WAAIME members and scholarship recipients<br />

will be invited to attend this formal mixer.<br />

Young Leaders/Rising<br />

Professionals Social<br />

Date: Monday, February 25<br />

Time: 7pm – 9pm: Rising Professionals Social (Ticketed)<br />

Place: Hyatt Regency Hotel<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Young Leaders will be hosting a reception<br />

to gather young industry professionals together<br />

to enjoy each others company and meet new<br />

people.<br />



Denver Restaurant Week<br />

February 23 - March 8, 2013<br />

Experience Denver’s best restaurants at substantial<br />

savings. Dinner for two for just $52.80 at participating<br />

restaurants.<br />

www.visitdenver.org<br />

The Denver Zoo<br />

2300 Steele Street<br />

(on 23rd between Colorado and York)<br />

Phone: 303-376-4800<br />

www.denverzoo.org<br />

Downtown Aquarium<br />

700 Water Street<br />

Phone: 303-561-4450<br />

www.oceanjourney.org<br />

Larimer Square<br />

A restored section of Denver’s oldest street, this block<br />

of victorian buildings house restaurants, shops and<br />

clubs.<br />

14th - 15th on Larimer<br />

Phone: 303-534-2367<br />

Denver Art Museum<br />

100 W. 14th Avenue Parkway<br />

Phone: 720-865-5000<br />

www.denverartmuseum.org<br />

Denver Museum<br />

of Nature and Science<br />

2100 Colorado Boulevard<br />

Phone: 303-322-7009<br />

www.dmns.org<br />

16th Street Mall<br />

Enjoy Denver’s pedestrian mall and Denver Pavilions<br />

between Market and Broadway Streets - only a few<br />

blocks from the Convention Center.<br />

(A free shuttle is available for<br />

transportation up and down the<br />

16th Street Mall)<br />

Please visit the <strong>SME</strong> website at www.smenet.org<br />

for more things to see<br />

and do in Denver.<br />




<strong>SME</strong> / AIME Dinner<br />

Date: Wednesday, February 27<br />

Time:<br />

Place:<br />

6pm – Cash Bar Reception<br />

7pm – Dinner<br />

Hyatt Regency Convention Center<br />

Tickets: $80<br />

$800 – Table of Ten<br />

President’s Citation:<br />

Local Section Recognition<br />

Richard Katz, Alabama Section<br />

Outstanding Student Chapter<br />

University of Kentucky<br />

Henry Krumb Lecturers<br />

Dragan Bogunovic<br />

Robert Dunne<br />

Vishal Gupta<br />

James J. Gusek<br />

R. Larry Grayson<br />

Rick Honaker<br />

Yi Luo<br />

Hamid Maleki<br />

Lucas Moore<br />

Past President’s Plaque<br />

Drew A. Meyer<br />

The 2013 <strong>SME</strong> Dinner program is conducted by<br />

2012 <strong>SME</strong> President, Drew A. Meyer<br />

The following awards are<br />

presented or recognized:<br />

Distinguished Members<br />

Kadri Dagdelen<br />

Raymond W. Henn<br />

Tim O’Neil<br />

Harry M. Parker<br />

Robert M. Dreyer Award<br />

Daniel Wood<br />

MEC Partnership Appreciation Award<br />

Mining Foundation of the Southwest<br />

MEC Student Chapter Award<br />

University of Kentucky<br />

MEC Visionary Award<br />

Richard Beach<br />

Ivan B. Rahn Education Award<br />

Rick Sweigard<br />

Syd S. Peng<br />

Ground Control in Mining Award<br />

Bruce Hebblewhite<br />

President’s Citation: Individual<br />

Gary Skaggs<br />

Richard Whiting<br />

Red Conger<br />

<strong>SME</strong>/AIME Awards:<br />

AIME Honorary Member<br />

Nikhil C. Trivedi<br />

Frank F. Aplan Award<br />

James Douglas Gold Medal<br />

Patrick R. Taylor<br />

Hal Williams Hardinge Award<br />

Sarkis Ampian<br />

Mineral Economics Award<br />

Roussos Dimitrakopoulos<br />

Robert Earll McConnell Award<br />

Larry Watters<br />

Erskine Ramsay Medal<br />

Michael Karmis<br />

Charles F. Rand Gold Medal<br />

Arthur A. Schweizer<br />

Rossiter W. Raymond Award<br />

Timothy W. Beck<br />

Robert H. Richards Award<br />

Nick Hazen<br />

William L. Saunders Gold Medal<br />

Ronald W. Thiessen<br />




<strong>SME</strong> Highlights<br />

Exhibit Hall Grand<br />

Opening Reception<br />

Date: Sunday, February 24<br />

Time: 4pm - 6pm<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Foundation Dinner and<br />

Mardi Gras/Casino Night<br />

Date: Sunday, February 24<br />

Time: 6:30pm – 7pm: Cocktails<br />

7pm – Midnight: Dinner,<br />

Awards, Dancing<br />

Place: Hyatt Regency Hotel<br />

Tickets: $95, Table of 8: $2,500<br />

Student Mixer<br />

Sponsored by:<br />

Newmont Mining Corporation<br />

Date: Sunday, February 24<br />

Time: 9pm<br />

Place: Hyatt Regency Hotel<br />

Complimentary for registered<br />

students and their guest only.<br />

4th <strong>Annual</strong> Spouse/<br />

Guest Brunch<br />

Date: Monday, February 25<br />

Time: 11am – 1pm<br />

Place: Hyatt Regency Hotel<br />

Wives, husbands and significant<br />

others of <strong>SME</strong> members please mark<br />

your calendar for a light brunch on<br />

Monday! It’s the perfect time for<br />

spouses to relax, connect and meet<br />

other spouses of <strong>SME</strong> members<br />

while your “significant others” are<br />

attending other functions. You will<br />

meet special “Guests of Honor,”<br />

Dixie Meyer, wife of current <strong>SME</strong><br />

President, Drew Meyer and Robert<br />

Kogel, husband of incoming <strong>SME</strong><br />

President, Jessica Kogel. This event is<br />

open to any spouse/guest of an <strong>SME</strong><br />

member who pays the $120 spouse/<br />

guest fee. Please RSVP to this event<br />

on your registration form.<br />

Exhibit Hall Luncheon<br />

Date: Monday, February 25<br />

Time: 11:30am – 1pm<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

New Member Orientation<br />

& Reception<br />

Date: Monday, February 25<br />

Time: 5pm – 6:30pm<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

People who joined <strong>SME</strong> in 2012 and<br />

2013 are invited to this information<br />

and networking reception.<br />

Women of <strong>SME</strong> Breakfast<br />

and Panel Discussion<br />

Date: Tuesday, February 26<br />

Time: 7:30am<br />

Place: Hyatt Regency Hotel<br />

Tickets: $35<br />

Panel Discussion:<br />

“Women in Mining:<br />

Climbing the Corporate<br />

Ladder”<br />

Exhibit Hall Afternoon Social<br />

Date: Tuesday, February 26<br />

Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center - Exhibit Hall<br />

Barrick North America<br />

Plant Operators Session<br />

Date: Tuesday, February 26<br />

Time: 4pm<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

Speaker:<br />

Michael Rayburn<br />

“What If ?”<br />

Exhibit Hall<br />

Continental Breakfast<br />

Date: Wednesday, February 27<br />

Time: 8am - 9:30am<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center - Exhibit Hall<br />

Industrial Minerals<br />

& Aggregates<br />

Division Highlights<br />

Industrial Minerals & Aggregates<br />

Division serves to further the<br />

arts and science in exploration,<br />

production, and use of nonmetallics.<br />

Industrial Minerals &<br />

Aggregates Division<br />

Luncheon & Silent Auction<br />

Date: Tuesday, February 26<br />

Time: Noon<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

Tickets: $45<br />

Speaker:<br />

David Hanson<br />

President<br />

Chieftan Sand & Proppant, LLC<br />

The following awards are<br />

presented or recognized:<br />

Distinguished Service Award<br />

Robert Pruett<br />

Young Scientist Award<br />

Vishal Gupta<br />

Hal Williams Hardinge Award<br />

Sarkis Ampian<br />

Robert W. Piekarz Award<br />

Michael D. Sheahan<br />

Candace Trimble<br />

Industrial Minerals & Aggregates<br />

Division Chair Award<br />

Mark J. Zdunczyk<br />




Coal & Energy<br />

Division Highlights<br />

The Coal & Energy Divison<br />

encompasses technologies in coal<br />

exploration, mining, preparation<br />

and utilization.<br />

Coal & Energy Division<br />

Luncheon & Silent Auction<br />

Sponsored by: Preptech, Inc.<br />

Date: Tuesday, February 26<br />

Time: Noon<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

Tickets: $45<br />

The following awards are<br />

presented or recognized:<br />

Distinguished Service Award<br />

Jürgen Brune<br />

Howard N. Eavenson Awar<br />

Pramod Thakur<br />

Erskine Ramsay Medal<br />

Michael Karmis<br />

Rock Mechanics Award<br />

Mark Board<br />

Stefanko Best Paper Award<br />

Andrew Cecala<br />

James Noll<br />

John Organiscak<br />

J.W. Woomer Award<br />

Kramer Luxbacher<br />

Coal & Energy Division Chair Award<br />

Joseph C. Zelanko<br />

Environmental<br />

Division Highlights<br />

The Environmental Division<br />

provides a means for cooperation and<br />

communication among professionals<br />

in the minerals industry engaged<br />

in any aspect of the physical<br />

environment and its condition.<br />

Environmental Division<br />

Silent Auction<br />

Date: Tuesday, February 26<br />

Time: 11am – 4pm<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

Environmental Division<br />

Luncheon<br />

Sponsored by: CH2M Hill<br />

Date: Tuesday, February 26<br />

Time: Noon<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

Tickets: $45<br />

Speaker:<br />

Raymond Lazuk<br />

Environmental Manager, Climax<br />

Molybdenum Company<br />

“Environmental/Regulatory Aspects<br />

of the Climax Mine Restart”<br />

The following awards are<br />

presented or recognized:<br />

Distinguished Service Award<br />

Robert W. Reisinger<br />

Environmental Division Chair Award<br />

Patrick Williamson<br />

Mineral &<br />

Metallurgical<br />

Processing Division<br />

Highlights<br />

Mineral & Metallurgical Processing<br />

Division was established for the<br />

advancement of metallurgical and<br />

mineral technology as applied to the<br />

mining industry.<br />

Gaudin Lecture<br />

Date: Monday, February 25<br />

Time: 2:00pm<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

Award Recipient/Lecturer:<br />

Graeme J. Jameson<br />

“Adventures in Flotation”<br />

Richards Lecture<br />

Date: Monday, February 25<br />

Time: 2:00pm<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

Award Recipient/Lecturer:<br />

Nick Hazen<br />

42<br />

Wadsworth Lecture<br />

Date: Monday, February 25<br />

Time: 2:00pm<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

Award Recipient/Lecturer:<br />

Jan D. Miller<br />

“X-ray Tomography for the 3D<br />

Analysis of Hydrometallurgical<br />

Systems”<br />

Mineral & Metallurgical<br />

Processing Division Luncheon<br />

Date: Wednesday, February 27<br />

Time: Noon<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

Tickets: $45<br />

The following awards are<br />

presented or recognized:<br />

Outstanding Young Engineer Award<br />

(in memory of Subhash Chander)<br />

Lisa Schlink<br />

Antoine M. Gaudin Award<br />

Graeme J. Jameson<br />

Robert H. Richards Award<br />

Nick Hazen<br />

Arthur F. Taggart Award<br />

Glenn Hoffman<br />

S. Jayson Ripke<br />

Milton E. Wadsworth Award<br />

Jan D. Miller<br />

Millman Award<br />

S. Jayson Ripke<br />

MPD Scotch Nightcap<br />

Social Function -<br />

Scholarship Fundraiser<br />

Sponsored by: ASD Inc. &<br />

Weir Minerals<br />

100% of the proceeds from this<br />

event go to the MPD Scholarship<br />

Fund for those college students<br />

who want to make a career in the<br />

mining industry. The event will<br />

feature hors d’oeuvres, live music,<br />

and cocktails. Each attendee<br />

receives two complimentary drink<br />

tickets to redeem during the event.<br />

Date: Tuesday, February 26<br />

Time: 8pm – 11pm<br />

Place: Hyatt Regency Hotel<br />

Tickets: $50



Mining & Exploration<br />

Division Highlights<br />

Mining & Exploration Division<br />

specializes in exploration,<br />

production, research, and specialized<br />

aspects of metal mining.<br />

Mining & Exploration Division<br />

Luncheon & Silent Auction<br />

Sponsored by:<br />

Hitachi Construction & Mining<br />

Date: Wednesday, February 27<br />

Time: Noon<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

Tickets: $45<br />

The following awards are<br />

presented or recognized:<br />

Ben F. Dickerson, III Award<br />

Thomas C. Patton<br />

Distinguished Service Award<br />

William A. Warfield<br />

Daniel C. Jackling Award<br />

Edward C. Dowling<br />

Miner of the Year Award<br />

Cherie M. Tilley<br />

Outstanding Young Professional Award<br />

Elaina Ware<br />

Robert Peele Memorial Award<br />

Ananta Lakshmi Yennamani<br />

<strong>Program</strong> Area Manager Awards<br />

Brad Atkinson<br />

Thomas Camm<br />

Leslie Gertsch<br />

Jamal Rostami<br />

William L. Saunders Gold Medal<br />

Ronald W. Thiessen<br />

M&E Division Chair Award<br />

Steven C. Holmes<br />

Jackling Lecture<br />

(Held in conjunction with the M&E Luncheon)<br />

Date: Wednesday, February 27<br />

Time: 1:30pm<br />

Award Recipient/Lecturer:<br />

Edward C. Dowling<br />

“After a Few Good Years, What<br />

Does Mining Look Like Going<br />

Forward?”<br />

CMA Highlights<br />

CMA Environmental<br />

Stewardship Awards Banquet<br />

Date: Tuesday, February 26<br />

Time: 6pm – 9pm<br />

Place: Hyatt Regency<br />

Convention Center<br />

Centennial Ballroom<br />

Tickets: $95<br />

CMA/Colorado Division of<br />

Reclamation, Mining & Safety<br />

Luncheon and Colorado<br />

Mined Land Board Awards<br />

Date: Wednesday, February 27<br />

Time: Noon<br />

Place: Colorado Convention<br />

Center<br />

Four Seasons Ballroom<br />

Tickets: $50<br />


2013 <strong>SME</strong> PROGRAM COMMITTEE<br />

2013 <strong>Program</strong> Commitee Chair:<br />

James Humphrey<br />

Caterpillar Inc.<br />

Coal & Energy<br />

Division:<br />

Thomas Novak<br />

University of<br />

Kentucky<br />

Environmental<br />

Division:<br />

Alicia Duex<br />

Rio Tinto<br />

Industrial Minerals<br />

& Aggregates<br />

Division:<br />

Candace<br />

Trimble<br />

Oil-Dri Corporation<br />

of America<br />

Industrial Minerals<br />

& Aggregates<br />

Division:<br />

Michael<br />

Sheahan<br />

Front Range<br />

Aggregates<br />

Mining &<br />

Exploration<br />

Division:<br />

Catherine<br />

Dreesbach<br />

Micon International<br />

Ltd<br />

Mineral &<br />

Metallurgical<br />

Processing<br />

Division:<br />

Corby<br />

Anderson<br />

Colorado School of<br />

Mines<br />

Underground<br />

Construction<br />

Association of <strong>SME</strong>:<br />

Ray Henn<br />

Brierley Associates<br />

LLC<br />

Underground<br />

Construction<br />

Association of <strong>SME</strong>:<br />

Robert Stier<br />

Kiewit<br />

Infrastructure Co.<br />


Monday, February 25 – Morning<br />

Keynote Session<br />

Mining: It’s About the People<br />

Monday, February 25 - Afternoon<br />

• Coal & Energy: Carbon Management I<br />

• Coal & Energy: Underground I<br />

• Coal & Energy: Ventilation I<br />

• Environmental: Environmental Topics<br />

• Environmental: Uranium<br />

• Industrial Minerals & Aggregates: Aggregates:<br />

Aggregates and Silica Sand Supply<br />

• Industrial Minerals & Aggregates: Industrial<br />

Minerals: End Uses of Industrial Minerals<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Geology: Exploration<br />

Health and Safety<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Geology: Geomechanics<br />

• Mineral & Metallurgical Processing: Plenary<br />

Session<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Hot Topics: Are<br />

American Mining Colleges Sustainable?<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Operations: Ventilation I:<br />

Planning and Case Studies<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Technology: Technology<br />

Innovations in Open Pit Mining Production<br />

Systems<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Technology: Technology<br />

Innovations in Open Pit Mining Production<br />

Systems<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Technology: Technology<br />

Innovations in Underground Mining<br />

Production Systems<br />

• Research: Advances in Geometallurgy<br />

• Sustainability<br />

• Young Leaders Session<br />


• Innovation in Metallurgical Processing<br />

Symposium Keynote Session and Reception<br />

Tuesday, February 26 - Morning<br />

• Coal & Energy: Carbon Management II<br />

• Coal & Energy: Mine Environmental Issues<br />

• Coal & Energy: Underground II<br />

• Coal & Energy: Ventilation II<br />

• Environmental: Process Solution and Drainage<br />

Management for the Metal Mining Sector<br />

• Environmental: Water Treatment for Processing<br />

and Discharge<br />

• Industrial Minerals and Aggregates: Industrial<br />

Minerals Research at Universities<br />

• Innovation in Metallurgical Processing<br />

Symposium: Innovations in Comminution<br />

• Innovation in Metallurgical Processing<br />

Symposium: Innovations in Smelting<br />

• International<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Geology: Entering the<br />

Realm of the Rare Earths<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Implementing Success:<br />

Global Mining Standards and Guidelines for<br />

Operational Excellence<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Management: Project<br />

Cost Estimates and Economic Analysis<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Operations: When<br />

Optimization, Planning & Reality Collide in<br />

Surface Mining Operations<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Technology: How<br />

Software Technology Makes My Job Easier –<br />

Session I<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Technology: Imaging<br />

Technology in Mining<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Technology: Next<br />

Generation Safety: Research and Technology<br />

Focused on Developing Functional Safety<br />

Cultures in Industry<br />

• Minerals & Metallurgical Processing:<br />

Comminution I<br />

• Minerals & Metallurgical Processing: Flotation I<br />

• Minerals & Metallurgical Processing: Plant<br />

Design and Optimization I<br />

• Minerals & Metallurgical Processing: Research<br />

and Characterization<br />

• Underground Construction Association of <strong>SME</strong><br />

• <strong>SME</strong> Research Committee: <strong>SME</strong> Exhibitors:<br />

Focus on Innovation I<br />

• Valuation I: Lessons Learned<br />

Tuesday, February 26 – Afternoon<br />

• Coal & Energy: Health and Safety Management<br />

Systems<br />

• Coal & Energy: Research and Development<br />

• Coal & Energy: Ventilation III<br />

• Environmental: Geological Influences on Acid<br />

Mine Drainage<br />

• Environmental: Mine Water Treatment I<br />



• Industrial Minerals & Aggregates: Industrial<br />

Minerals Research at Universities<br />

• Innovation in Metallurgical Processing<br />

Symposium: Separations Innovation I<br />

• Innovation in Metallurgical Processing<br />

Symposium: Hydrometallurgy Innovations I<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Geology: Strategic<br />

Minerals – Treasures of the Lithosphere<br />

• Mining & Exploration: GPAC: Stake Your<br />

Claim on the Next Four Years: A New<br />

Administration and Its Impact on the Mining<br />

Industry<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Management: Mine<br />

Management<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Operations: Operational<br />

Safety and Risk Management in Mining<br />

Operations<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Technology: How<br />

Software Technology Makes My Job Easier –<br />

Session II<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Technology: Mine<br />

Planning and Optimization<br />

• Mineral & Metallurgical Processing:<br />

Comminution II<br />

• Mineral & Metallurgical Processing: Flotation II<br />

• Mineral & Metallurgical Processing: Plant<br />

Design: Plant Design and Optimization II<br />

• Mineral & Metallurgical Processing: Problematic<br />

Non-sulfide Gangue Minerals and Their<br />

Detrimental Effects in Flotation Performance<br />

• <strong>SME</strong> Research Committee: <strong>SME</strong> Exhibitors:<br />

Focus on Innovation II<br />

• Valuation II: Case Histories<br />

• Environmental: Waste Management<br />

• Barrick North America’s Operators Session<br />

Wednesday, February 27 – Morning<br />

• Coal & Energy: Dust Control<br />

• Coal & Energy: Surface Mining I<br />

• Coal & Energy: The Best of Ground Control<br />

• Environmental: Mine Water Treatment II<br />

• Environmental: Resource Recovery<br />

• Industrial Minerals & Aggregates: Sustainability<br />

in Industrial Minerals & Aggregates<br />

• Industrial Minerals & Aggregates: Industrial<br />

Minerals: Innovations in Industrial Minerals<br />

Processing<br />

• Innovation in Metallurgical Processing<br />

Symposium: Separations Innovation II<br />

• Innovation in Metallurgical Processing<br />

Symposium: Hydrometallurgy Innovations II<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Geology: Rare Earths,<br />

Thorium, and Potash: America’s Future<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Management: Managing<br />

a Culture of Safety<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Operations: My First<br />

Five Years in Operations<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Operations: Strategic<br />

Mine Planning<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Technology: Ventilation<br />

II: Ventilation Modeling and Monitoring<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Technology: Widgets,<br />

Wands and Whatchamacallits: New<br />

Technology for the Mining Industry and What<br />

it Does<br />

• Minerals & Metallurgical Processing:<br />

Hydrometallurgy<br />

• Mineral & Metallurgical Processing: Modeling<br />

and Simulation I<br />

• Mineral & Metallurgical Processing: Phase<br />

Separations<br />

Wednesday, February 27 – Afternoon<br />

• Coal & Energy: Coal Preparation<br />

• Coal & Energy: Refuge Alternatives<br />

• Coal & Energy: Surface Mining II<br />

• Environmental: Mine Remediation<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Geology: Water<br />

Management in Exploration, Mining, and<br />

Milling Systems<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Management:<br />

Construction/Startup Project Management<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Operations: Discovery<br />

and Innovation in Underground Mining<br />

• Mining & Exploration: Technology: Technology<br />

Applications for Safety in Mining and Mining<br />

Equipment<br />

• Mineral & Metallurgical Processing: Flotation III<br />

• Mineral & Metallurgical Processing: Modeling<br />

and Simulation II<br />

• Mineral & Metallurgical Processing:<br />

Pyrometallurgy<br />



This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SubjecT To change.<br />

Please see the onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.<br />

Monday, February 25<br />

aFternoon<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Accelerated Carbonation of Silicate Minerals for Safe and<br />

Permanent Storage of Anthropogenic CO2<br />

dreyer Lecture<br />

1:30 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

Daniel Wood<br />

Adjunct Professor, University of Queensland<br />

coal & energy:<br />

carbon Management I<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

chairs: M. Mohanty, Southern Illinois Univ. Carbondale,<br />

Carbondale, IL<br />

T. Yegulalp, Columbia University, New York, NY<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

2:05 PM<br />

CO2 Separations Using Room Temperature Ionic<br />

Liquid Membranes<br />

R. Noble; University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO<br />

Room Temperature Ionic Liquids (RTILs) are solvents consisting entirely of<br />

ions resembling the ionic melts of metallic salts; however, RTILs are liquids at<br />

much lower temperatures. RTILs have high thermal stability, high ionic conductivity,<br />

negligible vapor pressure and are non-flammable. This presentation provides<br />

an overview of our recent efforts and research directions in the design and<br />

synthesis of several new types of functionalized, imidazolium-based RTILs,<br />

poly(RTIL)s, and RTIL-based composite materials for use in the area of targeted<br />

gas separations. Polymeric versions of ILs have been synthesized and used as<br />

membranes for gas separations. In addition to a physical solvent, RTILs might<br />

also be incorporated into RTIL polymers or in supported ionic liquid membranes<br />

(SILMs) as the selective component. For example, the addition of 20%<br />

RTIL into an RTIL polymer increases the permeability ten fold (100 vs. 10 barrer)<br />

while maintaining selectivity. Gelled versions exhibit large permeabilities (~<br />

1000 barrers) as well as CO2/N2 selectivities (~ 30) that outperform many polymer<br />

membranes in that application.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Solid Sorbents as a Retrofit CO2 Capture Technology:<br />

Sorbent Selection and 1 MW Pilot Design<br />

H. Krutka; ADA Environmental Solutions, Highlands Ranch, CO<br />

Post-combustion CO2 capture (PCCC) is one of only a few viable means to reduce<br />

CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants. While there are currently no<br />

commercial installations for this application, aqueous amines are considered the<br />

most advanced technologies (PCCC). However, there are both economic and environmental<br />

concerns related to the use of aqueous amines. Therefore, ADA<br />

Environmental Solutions (ADA) is in the process of developing a dry sorbent<br />

based CO2 capture technology. Results from sorbent evaluation as well as a description<br />

of the 1 MWe pilot currently under construction will be discussed. This<br />

project is funded in part by the DOE National Energy Technology Laboratorys<br />

Innovations for Existing Plants (IEP) <strong>Program</strong>.<br />

A. Park; Columbia University, New York, NY<br />

One of the most stable and long-term solutions for storing CO2 is via carbon mineralization,<br />

where minerals containing metal oxides of Ca or Mg are reacted with<br />

CO2 to produce thermodynamically stable Ca- and Mg-carbonates that are insoluble<br />

in water. While the kinetics of in-situ carbon mineralization is naturally slow,<br />

it can be enhanced at high temperature and high partial pressure of CO2. The addition<br />

of weak organic acids produced from food waste has been shown to enhance<br />

mineral weathering kinetics. Organic ligands such as oxalate, citrate and acetate<br />

bind to divalent metal ions such as Mg2+ and Ca2+ and accelerate the rate<br />

of mineral dissolution. Minerals of interest include olivine, serpentine, labradorite<br />

and basalt (mixture of silicate minerals). Both dissolution and single-step carbonation<br />

experiments were performed to investigate fast and long-term kinetics of<br />

mineral weathering. In the case of the ex-situ carbon mineralization process, high<br />

magnesium dissolution rates often lead to the formation of a silica rich passivation<br />

layer. The chemically catalyzed removal of this passivation layer has been<br />

demonstrated through the use of silica targeting chelating agents.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Increased Carbon Dioxide Absorption Rates in Alkali Solutions by<br />

Surfactant Addition<br />

B. Spigarelli and K. Kawatra; Chemical Engineering, Michigan<br />

Technological University, Houghton, MI<br />

To meet the growing need for CO2 capture and storage technology, Michigan<br />

Technological University is researching CO2 capture and storage by bubbling<br />

CO2 through alkali solutions. The objective of the present study was to find a<br />

way to increase the absorption rate of CO2 into the alkali solution without reducing<br />

the absorption capacity of the solution. This approach used a neutral<br />

charge, polypropylene glycol methyl ether (PPGME) surfactant called<br />

DOWFROTH 200 to chemically alter the gas bubble size. Experiments were conducted<br />

to study the absorption rate of CO2 at varying surfactant concentrations<br />

of 0, 0.12, 0.24, 0.36, and 0.48 g/L in the alkali solution. Results showed that as<br />

the concentration of PPGME increased in solution, the absorption rate also increased.<br />

The CO2 absorption rate increased from 3.45*10-3 mol/min CO2 at<br />

0g/L PPGME to 3.92*10-3 mol/min CO2 at 0.48 g/L PPGME. This amounted<br />

to a 14% increase in the CO2 absorption rate with only a 3% loss in absorption<br />

capacity of the solution.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

A Hot Carbonate Absorption Process with High Pressure Stripping<br />

to Reduce Energy Use for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture<br />

Y. Lu 1 , M. Sahu1, X. Ye1, Q. Ye 1 , J. Hirschi 2 and A. Jones 3 ;<br />

1<br />

ISGS/UIUC, Champaign, IL; 2 ICCI, Carterville, IL and<br />

3<br />

DOE/NETL, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

A novel Hot Carbonate Absorption Process with Crystallization-Enabled High<br />

Pressure Stripping (Hot-CAP) is being developed to overcome the energy use disadvantage<br />

of conventional monoethanolamine (MEA)-based processes. The Hot-<br />

CAP employs a potassium or sodium carbonate aqueous solution as a solvent for<br />

CO2 absorption. A unique feature of the process is a high pressure CO2 stripping<br />

that employs a slurry of bicarbonate generated from crystallization of the CO2-<br />

laden solution. This process reduces: 1) stripping heat associated with water vaporization,<br />

2) sensible heat due to low specific heat capacity of the slurry, and 3)<br />

CO2 compression work compared to the MEA-based processes. As part of a<br />

process development study, laboratory- and bench-scale experiments are being<br />

conducted to generate process engineering and scale-up data for determining the<br />

technical and economic feasibility of the process. This presentation will provide a<br />

summary of results from the ongoing experimental and techno-economic studies.<br />

3:45 PM<br />

CO2 Emissions Reductions Are On Their Way, But Not Quite<br />

Here Yet<br />

D. Nummedal; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO<br />

The general outlines of effective strategies for CO2 emissions abatement from the<br />

power industry are beginning to emerge. They vary across the world because of<br />



differences in fossil energy resource endowment, technology maturity levels and<br />

emerging national and regional regulations. The cost of CO2 emissions avoidance<br />

with current technologies for capture is in the range of US $ 60 to 120 per<br />

ton. In regions with abundant unconventional gas, such as the U.S., projected sustained<br />

low natural gas prices have essentially driven new coal plants out of the<br />

market. In China, in contrast, coal is still king and the emphasis is on the development<br />

of super-critical and ultra-super critical coal plants to increase efficiency.<br />

Both in the US, China and most of the rest of the world, there is also a rapid<br />

growth in carbon capture and utilization (CCUS), with enhanced oil recovery<br />

being seen as the dominant near-term market for use of the captured CO2. Still,<br />

the market demand for CO2 is way below the emission rate on a global basis, requiring<br />

long-term storage until renewable energy sources someday rule the roost.<br />

4:05 PM<br />

Coal in a Carbon-Constrained World with Ample Natural Gas<br />

K. Lackner; Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy, Columbia<br />

University, New York, NY<br />

Coal’s dominant role in electricity generation is challenged by two long-term developments.<br />

First, natural gas availability is increasing and now seems assured for<br />

a long time. Second, stabilizing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere<br />

because of climate change concerns will result in severe restrictions on carbon<br />

dioxide emission driving net world emissions gradually to zero. Without carbon<br />

dioxide capture and storage technologies, the use of coal and ultimately of natural<br />

gas is not limited by the size of the available resource but by the capacity of<br />

the atmosphere to hold carbon dioxide as about half of the carbon dioxide will<br />

remain in the atmosphere for centuries. We analyze the options for coal under<br />

various scenarios and conclude that retrofitting old coal plants with carbon capture<br />

technology is unlikely to be economic. For coal to survive requires significant<br />

reductions in mining cost; new markets for coal, e.g. in the production of liquid<br />

fuels; more options for carbon dioxide storage; and advanced energy conversion<br />

technologies that combine high efficiency with integrated carbon dioxide capture<br />

and storage.<br />

coal & energy:<br />

underground I<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

chair: G. Buchan, Alpha Natural Resources,<br />

Waynesburg, PA<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Numerical Analyses of Stability of Three-way and Four-way<br />

Coal Mine Intersections in Illinois<br />

B. Abbasi and Y. Chugh; Mining and Mineral Resources Engineering,<br />

Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL<br />

Roof falls in Illinois are more likely to occur in mining intersection and this has<br />

not changed in the last two decades. This research develops an improved scientific<br />

understanding of stress distribution and failure behavior around 4-way and<br />

3-way coal mine intersections. Three-dimensional numerical analyses were performed<br />

to determine factors that influence intersection stability. The analyses<br />

used a modified hardening/softening Hoek-Brown failure criterion. Yielded<br />

zones around 3-way and 4-way intersections were developed. Intersection span<br />

and horizontal stress have a major influence on intersection stability. For the 4-<br />

way intersection, pillar corners across the intersection fail first and lead to progressive<br />

failure of immediate roof and floor layers. The mechanism of failure is<br />

similar for the 3-way entry but the shape and extension of yielded zones differ.<br />

Coal ribs mostly fail due to tensile stress, while roof and floor strata fail due to<br />

shear stresses. Rib corners fail due to a combination of shear and tensile stresses.<br />

In addition to stress-based approach, displacement-based analyses were also performed<br />

to delineate stability problems around intersections.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Stress Distribution in Set-Up Rooms and Adjoining Areas for<br />

Longwall Panels Oriented At Two Different Angles to In-Situ<br />

Stress Orientation<br />

B. Abbasi, Y. Chugh and H. Gurley; Mining and Mineral Resources<br />

Engineering, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL<br />

Design of stable set-up rooms and adjoining areas of a longwall face are critical<br />

for safety and productivity. Illinois longwall faces have typically experienced<br />

ground control problems in set-up rooms. Under a research project from the<br />

State of Illinois over the last two years, the authors have successfully performed<br />

field instrumentation studies and numerical analyses to improve design of set-up<br />

rooms and adjoining areas. Some of these studies have been already published.<br />

This paper presents a comparison of stress distribution in set-up rooms and in the<br />

head gate and tail gate entries for a longwall face oriented in the E-W and N 28 E<br />

orientations. The maximum compressive in-situ stress orientation in the area is<br />

assumed to be N 70 E. The results indicate that the head gate entries for a longwall<br />

face oriented N28E is subject to higher shear stress concentrations as compared<br />

to a longwall face oriented E-W. This stress concentration area travels forward<br />

as the longwall face is advanced. Therefore, additional supports should be<br />

considered along the belt entry to ensure a stable and productive longwall face.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Development of CISPM-MS and Its Applications in Assessing<br />

Multi-Seam Mining Interactions<br />

B. Qiu and Y. Luo; Mining Engineering, West Virginia University,<br />

Morgantown, WV<br />

Longwall and/or room-and-pillar mining operations in multiple coal seams<br />

could not only induce subsurface and surface subsidence but also cause interactions<br />

between these mined coal seams. The interaction might destabilize mine<br />

structures and subsequently induce additional strata movements. Mechanical<br />

models to utilize the predicted subsurface deformations to assess the interactions<br />

and the consequences have been developed. The models are incorporated into a<br />

computer program, CISPM-MS, for predicting the final surface movements and<br />

deformations as well as the mining interactions associated with multi-seam coal<br />

mining operations. It predicts final surface movements and deformations caused<br />

by the individual mining operations and by the interactive effects. The program<br />

can also be used to assess mine structural stability in multi-seam mining operations.<br />

The paper presents the developed interaction models and their application<br />

in surface subsidence prediction caused by multi-seam mining operations. A case<br />

study involving mining in two coal seams, using longwall and room-and-pillar<br />

mining methods, respectively, will be used to validate the program.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Rationalize Drilling Control for Noise Reduction During Roof<br />

Bolting Operation<br />

Y. Luo 1 , B. Qiu 1 , C. Collins 2 and M. Li 1 ; 1 Mining Engineering,<br />

West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV and 2 J.H. Fletcher<br />

Mining Machinery, Huntington, WV<br />

Roof bolter operators are a group of underground miners being exposed to high<br />

doses of noise, especially when drilling hard rock. Previous research shows that<br />

the specific energy of drilling decreases as bite depth (penetration per revolution<br />

of drilling) increases. Less specific energy means less energy is wasted by producing<br />

heat, bit wear and noise in the drilling process. This clearly implies that<br />

proper control of drilling parameters provides an opportunity to reduce drilling<br />

noise. Controlling noise from its sources can proactively reduce the noise exposure<br />

to miners. Drilling tests have been conducted to prove this noise control<br />

strategy. In the tests, noise levels are measured along with a number of other parameters.<br />

The preliminary results show a noise reduction from 4 to 10 dB can be<br />

achieved by drilling at a reasonably high bite depth in medium hard rock.<br />

Applying this approach in drilling hard rock (e.g., sandstone) may expect even<br />

better noise reduction. Based on the theoretical and experimental studies, rational<br />

drilling control strategy could be developed for noise control while maintaining<br />

a safe and productive roof bolting operation.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Calibrated ALPS: Integrating Local Information into the ALPS<br />

Pillar Design Approach<br />

H. Lawson and J. Whyatt; Ground Control, NIOSH, Spokane, WA<br />

The ALPS program has become a widely accepted tool for the design of pillars in<br />

longwall coal mines. The current version of ALPS defines the critical stability<br />

factor based on a national data base of case studies. The critical stability factor<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

48<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


can also be derived from local production experience. Both of these approaches<br />

are based on standard assumptions about the ground response to mining. This<br />

paper examines how the ALPS calculation process can be revised to reflect<br />

ground response characteristics. These include caving and gob formation, pillar<br />

capacity and redistribution of ground stresses. While some of these are not accessible<br />

in the ALPS program, ALPS calculations are easily implemented in a<br />

spreadsheet and thus, can be readily customized as needed. The relevance of stability<br />

factors can be improved by integration local ground behavior and, at the<br />

least, incorporation of these factors may demonstrate why very low ALPS stability<br />

factors can be valid. A parameter study explores how variations in ground<br />

characteristics impact stability factor calculations.<br />

chair:<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

coal & energy:<br />

Ventilation I<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

J. Brune, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Challenges of CFD Modeling of Open Pit Mines<br />

K. Raj, W. Collingwood and S. Bandopadhyay; Mining and<br />

Geological Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks,<br />

Fairbanks, AK<br />

In the mining industry, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is being extensively<br />

used for simulating air flow in underground mines. CFD modeling of pollutant<br />

transport problems in an open pit mine is relatively new. Modeling the actual pit<br />

geometry of an open pit mine and the open domain is complex. The complexity<br />

is primarily due to the faceted geometry of an open pit with associated numerous<br />

sharp features. Important issues which are not considered carefully at the geometry<br />

level are generally propagated to the subsequent processes. Several challenges<br />

and the pitfalls are encountered while modeling of the pollutant transport in open<br />

pit mines which are related to the geometry, meshing, boundary conditions, and<br />

the turbulence modeling parameterization. An appropriate selection of the mesh<br />

is critical. A detail discussion of the meshing an open pit domain is presented.<br />

The selection of an appropriate turbulence model such as ≡-∝, LES, RSM, etc. to<br />

obtain a better solution is equally significant. This paper will discuss the various<br />

challenges in modeling of the pollutant transport process in an open pit and some<br />

of the approaches adopted to deal with these challenges.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

The Transient Behavior of Mine Ventilation Networks via<br />

Multi-dimensional Numerical Simulation<br />

W. Wedding and A. Wala; University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY<br />

A comparison between two simulation methods, a network based technique with<br />

a compressible multi-dimensional model, is presented. The network model used<br />

is Ventgraph. The multi-dimensional model is a compressible network model<br />

coupled to a three dimensional CFD domain, SC Tetra. Results from both simulation<br />

techniques are included for normal operating conditions as well as a transient<br />

analysis of the influence of a fire upon a coal beltline. The effects of entry<br />

inclination with regards to heat induced buoyancy are examined.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Application of a CFD-simulation for an Optimization of<br />

Ventilation In Case of the Occurrence of NOx-blast-emissions<br />

E. Clausen, A. Agasty, M. Kellner and O. Langefeld; Institute of<br />

Mining, TU Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany<br />

With regard to the current discussions within the EU to set new exposure limits for<br />

NO and NO2 in the workplace, the mining industry will be required to minimize<br />

the pollutant concentrations. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that the<br />

MAK-Commission recommendations, responsible for setting the national pollutant<br />

concentration limits in the Federal Republic of Germany, provide for a reduction<br />

of NOx gases by 90 and 98% at 0.5 ppm for NO and NO2 respectively. In addition<br />

to the diesel vehicles employed underground, the use of explosives, causing<br />

NOx emissions, constitutes a major pollutant source. In order to analyze and evaluate<br />

the behavior of nitrogen oxides after a blast, a simulation was performed with<br />

the help of a three-phase CFD model (air, NO, NO2). Based on the simulation,<br />

different concepts and measures, dependent on the volume of the released nitrogen<br />

oxides, for a purposeful dilution of the air could be tested and assessed in<br />

terms of their effectiveness with regard to optimization of mine ventilation.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

The Effect of Overall Pit Slope and Pit Geometry on the Dispersion<br />

of Pollutants in a Hypothetical Arctic Open-pit Mine<br />

A. Choudhury 1 and S. Bandopadhyay 2 ; 1 Mining Engineering,<br />

Montana Tech of the University of Montana, Butte, MT and<br />

2<br />

Mining and Geological Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks,<br />

Fairbanks, AK<br />

Deep open-pit minesare becoming increasingly common in the highly mineralized<br />

arctic and sub-arctic regions. Air inversion is a frequent occurrence in these regions,<br />

and is exacerbated by the natural topography of an open-pit mine. The resulting<br />

inversion cap is known to contribute to the fouling of air in the open pit, resulting<br />

in loss of production. This paper discusses the construction and validation<br />

of a three-dimensional model that simulate the flow of air and the transport of<br />

gaseous contaminants in an arctic open-pit mine and the effect of the geometry of<br />

the mine and the slope angle of the pit on the contaminants profiles in the mine.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Analysis of Recirculation in Booster Fan Systems Using CFD<br />

J. Wempen and M. Nelson; Mining Engineering, University of Utah,<br />

Salt Lake City, UT<br />

Booster fans, large underground fans, can increase the volumetric efficiency of<br />

ventilation systems by helping to balance the pressure and quantity distribution<br />

throughout a mine, reducing leakage and reducing the total power requirement.<br />

However, in ventilation systems that use booster fans there is a potential for system<br />

recirculation, the leakage of return air to intake air, and also for localized recirculation<br />

near the fan through the bulkhead and airlock doors. Air that is recirculated<br />

locally decreases the system efficiency because the quantity of air flow<br />

through the fan increases without increasing the airflow throughout the system.<br />

To understand the detailed flow characteristics of a ventilation system with a<br />

booster fan, two-dimensional computation fluid dynamics (CFD) models were<br />

developed. The CFD models were used to evaluate how the number of booster<br />

fans, the booster fan placement, the location and geometry of the fan installation,<br />

and the construction of the airlock system affect the flow characteristics and the<br />

localized efficiency of the ventilation system.<br />

3:45 PM<br />

Numerical Modeling of Contaminant Gas Transport in<br />

Underground Openings<br />

P. Rostami; Mining Engineering, UNR, Reno, NV<br />

Transport of contaminant gases can occur due to: advection by forced ventilation,<br />

natural convection, dispersion along the length of the concentration front<br />

and finally transversal dispersion in a cross-section of the airway. In a turbulence<br />

analysis, the diffusion is promoted by a turbulent eddy. This diffusion is very<br />

strong compared to the molecular diffusion, and therefore the result is hardly affected<br />

by the molecular diffusion in a turbulence analysis. Turbulent eddy diffusion<br />

is automatically solved in Computational Fluid Dynamic programs. In case<br />

of non-CFD models, simulating the contaminant transport is achieved using a<br />

dispersion coefficient for individual species, addressing molecular and turbulent<br />

diffusion. The goal of this study is to find the dispersion coefficient as a function<br />

of air velocity for the species of interest and propose a theoretical solution to calculate<br />

a safe distance beyond which the contaminant level is below the threshold<br />

value. Various scenarios were model in a CFD program (cradle V9). From simulation<br />

results, a representative dispersion coefficient is calculated for CO2 and<br />

SO2 gases and later used for prediction of spread and dilution.<br />

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This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

49<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


chair:<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

environmental:<br />

environmental topics<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

A. Duex, Rio Tinto, South Jordan, UT<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Kennecott Utah Copper Quality Hectares Assessment Framework<br />

B. Boyle 1 , M. Wheeler 3 , T. Gullison 2 and A. Neville 4 ; 1 Ecology and<br />

Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; 2 Hardner<br />

& Gullison Associates, LLC, Lantzville, BC, Canada; 3 WP Natural<br />

Resource Consulting, Inc, Salt Lake City, UT and 4 Sustainable<br />

Development, Kennecott Utah Copper, South Jordan, UT<br />

Rio Tintos goal is to have a net positive impact on biodiversity in the regions<br />

where its mines operate. For most species and habitats area-based metrics adjusted<br />

for habitat quality are used to determine a sites net impact. These qualityhectares<br />

measures provide a common currency for integrating the positive and<br />

negative impacts to native vegetation at a site with the biodiversity benefits provided<br />

by reclamation and restoration. Rio Tintos Kennecott Utah Copper site in<br />

Utah developed the quality-hectares framework in the following steps: (i) identification<br />

and description of the natural vegetation communities present on property;<br />

(ii) identification of benchmark conditions of structure and composition for<br />

each vegetation type in order to function as a point of comparison for the actual<br />

natural and restored areas of vegetation present the property; and (iii) development<br />

of a scoring system for natural vegetation and reclaimed and restored sites<br />

against the benchmark sites. <strong>Preliminary</strong> results of the application of the qualityhectares<br />

framework will be presented as well as a description of the vegetation<br />

monitoring program Kennecott is implementing.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Managing Air Quality Impacts of a Global Diversified<br />

Mining Company<br />

F. Turatti; Group HSEC, Rio Tinto, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

Rio Tinto is one of the world’s largest international mining groups with operations<br />

located in more than 50 countries in multiple continents. This diversity of<br />

operations and variation in the nature, amount and impacts of air emissions<br />

poses a significant environmental management challenge in an increasingly regulated<br />

environment. A global strategy was developed to manage air quality impacts,<br />

consisting of three objectives: improving air quality performance of operations,<br />

developing industry leading practices and engaging and influencing in air<br />

issues. Each objective is supported by comprehensive work programs that are delivered<br />

globally and tailored regionally for a holistic global approach. This presentation<br />

will discuss Rio Tintos approach to global air quality management and<br />

the successes this approach has secured. Three programs of work are highlighted.<br />

Firstly, how airshed resources are managed in constrained airsheds where we<br />

have operations. Secondly, how financial modeling has allowed a true value to be<br />

placed on air constraints and thirdly, how a rigorous e-learning course was developed<br />

to improve the overall level of air management knowledge of environment<br />

managers.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Arsenic Leaching from a Mine Tailing by Acidithiobacillus<br />

Ferrooxidans: Role of Temperature, pH, and Pulp Density<br />

J. Park 1 , E. Lee 1 , J. Hong 1 , K. Yoo 2 , J. Park 3 , U. Choi 3 and H. Kim 1 ;<br />

1<br />

Department of Mineral Resources and Energy Engineering, Chonbuk<br />

National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea; 2 Department of<br />

Energy & Resources Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Busan,<br />

Republic of Korea and 3 R&D Team, Institute of Mine Reclamation<br />

Corporation, Seoul, Republic of Korea<br />

Arsenic leaching behavior from a mine tailing by Acidithiobacillus Ferrooxidans<br />

(A. Ferrooxidans) was i emp=30 oC), and temperature (25-35 oC, pulp density=0.5%,<br />

pH=1.8). The reaction speed and initial cell concentration were fixed<br />

to 150 rpm and 1E8 cells/ml, respectively. To complement leaching experiments,<br />

zeta potential measurements for cells and tailings, and SEM, XRD, and particle<br />

size analyses for tailings before and after leaching were conducted. Overall, the<br />

arsenic leaching efficiency increased with decreasing pulp density, decreasing pH,<br />

and increasing temperature regardless of the presence of A. Ferrooxidans.<br />

Additionally, the arsenic leaching rate was faster for the samples in the presence<br />

of A. Ferrooxidans as compared to those in the absence of A. Ferrooxidans at the<br />

conditions investigated in this study.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Aquatic Life Criteria Are Protective Against Copper-caused<br />

Impairment of Olfaction in Salmonid Fishes<br />

J. Meyer 1 , D. DeForest 2 , R. Gensemer 3 , J. Gorsuch 4 and W. Adams 5 ;<br />

1ARCADIS U.S., Lakewood, CO; 2 Windward Environmental,<br />

Seattle, WA; 3 GEI Consultants, Denver, CO; 4 Copper Development<br />

Association, Webster, NY and 5 Rio Tinto, Lake Point, UT<br />

Major concerns have recently been expressed that short-term exposures to low<br />

Cu concentrations might cause olfactory impairment in fish [especially migratory<br />

Pacific salmon and trout (Oncorhynchus spp.)], which might limit their ability<br />

to detect predators, reproduce, or migrate. This is becoming an important<br />

issue for the mining sector, and other metals are also of concern for olfactory impairment<br />

(e.g., Cd, Zn). However, water chemistry matters in determining lethal<br />

and sublethal effects (including olfaction) of metals to aquatic organisms. For example,<br />

although olfactory impairment can occur at low Cu concentrations in dilute<br />

laboratory waters, we demonstrate that the USEPAs biotic ligand model<br />

(BLM)-based aquatic life criteria for Cu are protective against olfactory impairment<br />

across a wide range of fresh waters. Additionally, we propose a unified<br />

freshwater-saltwater BLM to predict olfactory effects of Cu to salmonid fishes,<br />

which suggests that the threshold-effect concentrations of Cu will be even higher<br />

in salt water than in fresh water and that the current saltwater Cu criteria are protective<br />

across a wide range of saltwater chemistries.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Regulatory Implications of Chemosensory and Behavioral Effects<br />

of Copper to Fish<br />

R. Gensemer 1 , D. DeForest 2 and J. Gorsuch 3 ; 1 Ecology Division, GEI<br />

Consultants, Inc., Denver, CO; 2 Windward Environmental, Seattle,<br />

WA and 3 Copper Development Association, Webster, NY<br />

Regulatory criteria for aquatic life protection are based primarily on laboratory<br />

toxicity data using test endpoints derived on the basis of survival, growth, and reproduction.<br />

These endpoints are believed to provide the best representation of<br />

overall ecological impacts of chemicals to aquatic organisms in the field.<br />

However, some have proposed that aquatic life criteria for copper are insufficiently<br />

protective of sublethal chemosensory and behavioral endpoints in<br />

salmonid fishes, and therefore regulatory criteria need to be revisited. We review<br />

the ecological basis of aquatic life criteria derivation using the more traditional<br />

endpoints of survival, growth, and reproduction, and discuss the extent to which<br />

other sublethal endpoints may influence how criteria are derived. For copper, we<br />

contend that traditionally based aquatic life criteria are adequately protective<br />

against chemosensory or behavioral effects in salmonid fishes. This is because<br />

other aquatic species are more sensitive to copper than salmon, but also owing to<br />

the influence of water chemistry on the toxicity of copper regardless of whether<br />

traditional or non-traditional sublethal endpoints are considered.<br />

chair:<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

environmental:<br />

uranium<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

G. Robinson, R Squared, Inc., Greenwood Village, CO<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Are We There Yet?<br />

W. Heili; Ur-Energy, Casper, WY<br />

Eight years after the initiation of permitting activities for Ur-Energy’s Lost Creek<br />

Project, the long road is coming to a successful conclusion. Facility construction<br />

is scheduled to be underway in the fall of 2012 with production commencing in<br />

2013. This presentation will take a look back at some of the pioneering efforts<br />

that went into permitting of a new ISR uranium production facility in Wyoming.<br />

Additionally, the presentation will review several technological and design innovations<br />

that are featured in the production plant and well field designs for this<br />

state-of-the-art In Situ Recovery site.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

50<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


2:25 PM<br />

Groundwater and Surface Water Strategies for Uranium Selecting<br />

the Right In Situ Approach<br />

J. Gillow, A. Griffin, L. Christoffersen, M. Gentile, S. Doyle,<br />

M. Hay, C. Divine and P. DeDycker; ARCADIS U.S., Inc.,<br />

Highlands Ranch, CO<br />

Uranium mining and milling can affect surface and groundwater systems due to<br />

alteration of the ore body geochemical and hydrogeological regime. Restoration<br />

choices compared here include: 1) driving the system anoxic/anaerobic through<br />

the introduction of electron donors to re-establish pre-mining/milling conditions<br />

and 2) creation of low solubility uranium minerals without alteration of redox<br />

conditions. The former can be accomplished through biogeochemical reactions.<br />

The later involves chemical amendments to precipitate/co-precipitate uranium<br />

phosphate. In situ approaches to restoration have inherent benefits over most<br />

other strategies, including lower cost, minimal infrastructure, sustainability, and<br />

the ability to treat the source of dissolved uranium. Approaches are challenged by<br />

difficulty in injecting and delivering amendments while minimizing biofouling<br />

and secondary water quality effects. Recent advances in the application of soluble<br />

forms of phosphate and emplaced reactive barriers show promise. Consideration<br />

must be given to the natural redox conditions and the stability of the precipitates.<br />

Choices will be discussed for tailings, pit lakes, aquifers, and ISR operations.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

The Use of Strong Base Anion Exchange Resin in<br />

Uranium Recovery<br />

J. Milbourne 1 and C. Marston 2 ; 1 Sulliden Gold Corp., Toronto,<br />

ON, Canada and 2 Larkin Laboratory, Dow Chemical Company,<br />

Midland, MI<br />

Uranium recovery from ores and other sources over the last 60 years has been<br />

made possible in large part to the unique characteristics of strong base anion exchange<br />

resin (SAR). The chemistry as well as the history of SAR development<br />

and implementation will be reviewed. The use of SAR has been closely linked<br />

with equipment design and the paper will also review the systems that have been<br />

used in the past. The future of SAR will also be discussed.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Contrasting Mineralogic and Geochemical Characteristics of<br />

Uranium and Vanadium Distribution at a Proposed Uranium<br />

In-Situ Recovery (ISR) Site, South Dakota<br />

S. Diehl, R. Johnson, W. Benzel and H. Lowers; U.S. Geological<br />

Survey, Denver, CO<br />

Core from uranium roll-front deposits, hosted in lower Cretaceous strata, was examined<br />

from the proposed Dewey Burdock in-situ recovery site in the northern<br />

part of the Edgemont uranium district, South Dakota. Uraninite (UO2), doloresite<br />

(H8V6O16), and haggite (V2O2(OH)3) occur as pore-occluding cements in<br />

the Fall River Formation, Dewey area; whereas uranium (with little vanadium) is<br />

absorbed onto woody fragments and amorphous carbonaceous material in pressure-solution<br />

seams in the Lakota Formation, Burdock area. Chert, an amorphous<br />

silica more soluble than quartz, is more abundant in the Lakota<br />

Formation, so there is greater development of pressure solution. Both areas have<br />

gangue minerals typical of uranium roll-front deposits with 0.5 wt. % pyrite in<br />

the reduced solid phase, and no pyrite in the oxidized solid phase. Dissolved oxygen<br />

is below detection in the groundwater at the ore zones, so the uranium is relatively<br />

insoluble. Uranium in solution at Dewey is


2:45 PM<br />

The New York City Metropolitan Aggregate Market<br />

M. Zdunczyk; Mark Zdunczyk Consulting Geologist,<br />

East Greenbush, NY<br />

The New York City (NYC) and vicinity crushed stone and sand and gravel market<br />

is large: some industry personnel estimate over 23 million metric tons. The<br />

Metropolitan area is made up of the 5 boroughs of NYC, Long Island,<br />

Westchester County (NY) and Bergen and Hudson counties (NJ). There is no<br />

local production currently, but there was legacy production. Aggregates are supplied<br />

by major multi-national companies and a few other producers with unique<br />

market niches. Material currently comes from NY, NY and PA, with crushed<br />

stone also being imported from Nova Scotia by all bulk modes of transport. The<br />

quality (specifications) of the material is set and monitored by the New York<br />

State Department of transportation (NYSDOT) Bureau of Materials and the<br />

Port Authority (Authority) of NY and NJ. The Authority governs the airports,<br />

bridges, tunnels, rail, bus terminals and ferries in the area. Both entities sometimes<br />

have different aggregate specifications for the same project. For those producers<br />

supplying this market, the various specifications, rock, sand, gravel types<br />

and the different products needed to supply this area makes the NYC and vicinity<br />

market complicated and dynamic.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Smart Growth for Sustainable Aggregate Production in Illinois<br />

D. Mikulic and Z. Lasemi; Prairie Research Institute, University of<br />

Illinois, Urbana-champaign, IL<br />

Illinois is challenged with the continuous loss of aggregate resources to urban development,<br />

especially in the growing areas of northeastern Illinois and the St.<br />

Louis Metro East regions. Expansion of residential and industrial complexes and<br />

lack of specific guidelines from the state for managing aggregate resources before<br />

they are preempted continue to result in loss of valuable resources. The reserves<br />

in existing quarries are nearly depleted. Difficult permitting makes it doubtful<br />

that new surface mines will be developed in many urbanized areas. The increased<br />

demand for construction aggregates has resulted in a growing need for up-to-date<br />

geologic information to ensure the continued availability of high-quality, low-cost<br />

construction. Intense competition for land and mineral resources has increased<br />

the need for current, detailed geologic information ahead of pressing land-use decisions.<br />

Geologic research and mapping will ensure a balanced approach to landuse<br />

planning in order to protect natural resources and the environment now and<br />

in the future. An example from McHenry County in northeastern Illinois illustrates<br />

the importance of such studies.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Maximizing the Reserve Potential in a Sustainable Development<br />

Culture through a Drill & Blast Optimization <strong>Program</strong> Best<br />

Sand Company<br />

K. Przybyla 1 and K. Oakes 2 ; 1 Best Sand Corporation, Chardon, OH<br />

and 2 Olson Explosives, Inc., Decorah, IA<br />

Best Sand Company, a Fairmount Minerals Company, is located south of<br />

Chardon, Ohio, an outlying suburb in the Cleveland Metropolitan Area. This industrial<br />

sand operation mines a unique sandstone conglomerate formation which<br />

presents many design and operational challenges in order for the mining cycle to<br />

safely and efficiently proceed. Fairmount Minerals and their subsidiary companies<br />

truly embrace a culture founded on the principals of sustainable development<br />

at the forefront. Doing so by making continual investments in their people,<br />

the communities in which they operate, and the environmental stewardship programs<br />

which ensure a bright future for both their businesses, as well as the communities<br />

in which they live and operate. This paper will discuss an ongoing operationally<br />

focused sustainability project related to Drilling & Blasting at the<br />

operation, with the goal of maximizing reserves, while not compromising their<br />

long standing and well founded relationships with their surrounding stakeholding<br />

neighbors.<br />

3:45 PM<br />

St. Peter Sandstone Mineral Resource Evaluation, Missouri, USA<br />

J. Davis; Industrial Minerals, Missouri Geological Survey, Rolla, MO<br />

The St. Peter Sandstone is typically a well-sorted, friable, ultra-pure, fine- to<br />

medium-grained, quartzose sandstone with silica content higher than 99 percent<br />

in places. The sand grains are rounded, spherical and characteristically frosted.<br />

They typically vary in size from 2 millimeters to less than 0.08 millimeters. The<br />

St. Peter is continuously present in the subsurface in the northern half of the state<br />

and the southeastern edge of the state. The St. Peter crops out in a narrow band<br />

that starts in western Montgomery County and runs southeastward, along the<br />

Missouri River, to just west of St. Louis and continues south, just west of the<br />

Mississippi River, through Scott County. The formation averages 80-100 feet<br />

thick. There is an estimated 3.8 trillion short tons of St. Peter in Missouri. Sieve<br />

analyses indicate three subsurface locations in northeastern Missouri with<br />

greater than 10 percent by weight of the sample falling in the 20-40 U.S. Standard<br />

Sieve Series size range.<br />

4:05 PM<br />

Industrial Sand Resources and Industry of Wisconsin<br />

B. Brown; Wisconsin Geological Survey, Madison, WI<br />

Wisconsin has been a leading producer of industrial sand for many years. In the<br />

past foundry sand accounted for the largest share of production, but the recent<br />

growth in demand for hydrofrac sand by the oil and gas industry has resulted in<br />

rapid expansion in both number of mines and production. Wisconsin has extensive<br />

resources of high quality quartz sand in the Upper Cambrian Jordan,<br />

Wonewoc, and Mount Simon sandstones, the Ordovician St. Peter sandstone,<br />

and alluvial sands of Quaternary age. The Cambrian sandstones and the St. Peter<br />

are very mature quartz arenites, consisting of well-rounded pure quartz grains<br />

with high crush strength, ideal for frac sand. The St. Peter is finer and is primarily<br />

used for foundry sand. Quaternary sands are generally used as aggregate and<br />

foundry sand. Quaternary alluvial sands derived from Cambrian sandstones are<br />

however an important source of frac sand. The sand boom has raised many local<br />

and state regulatory issues and caused much public concern, but the exceptional<br />

quality and ready availability of sand that meets the highest standards for frac<br />

sand is likely to sustain many of the new mines well into the future.<br />

4:25 PM<br />

A New Era for Silica Sand-An Essential Mineral for 21st Century<br />

Oil & Gas Production<br />

M. Schwalen; Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI<br />

Silicon dioxide, otherwise known as silica sand is an essential chemical element<br />

in glass, silicate and ceramic production and a key component for foundries and<br />

filtration applications. Today, oil & gas service companies have increased their<br />

demand for the white sand to levels never reach by any other consumer and all<br />

this has taken place in less than a decade. It is this growth that makes it such a fascinating<br />

topic in the area of industrial minerals at this time. The focus of this<br />

paper will outline the current market and issues, mining and processing methods,<br />

geological characteristics of the deposits and future challenges.<br />

Industrial Minerals & aggregates:<br />

Industrial Minerals:<br />

end uses of Industrial Minerals<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

chairs: P. Macy, Kemira, Kennesaw, GA<br />

J. Gauntt, Golder Associates, Centennial, CO<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Whats All the Talc About?<br />

G. Tomaino; Analytical Services Group, Minerals Technologies Inc.,<br />

Easton, PA<br />

For over 130 years, Talc has and continues to provide developing and developed<br />

nations with an industrial mineral capable of performing as a commodity or as a<br />

functional and high performance mineral additive that increases the value of<br />

products to the end use customer. It is a combination of talc attributes physical,<br />

chemical, or mineralogical that allow for a variety of current uses as well as developing<br />

specialty market applications. A brief overview of historical and current<br />

regulatory and environmental concerns and misconceptions will also be covered.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Indium and Tellurium Availability<br />

R. Eggert; Division of Economics and Business, Colorado School of<br />

Mines, Golden, CO<br />

Indium and tellurium provide essential properties in emerging thin-film photovoltaic<br />

materials. Both are produced today almost exclusively as byproducts of<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

52<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


zinc (in the case of indium) and copper (in the case of tellurium) production. If<br />

demand for these elements increases, will incremental supplies come from expanded<br />

byproduct production at costs similar to recent prices? If not, where<br />

might incremental supply come from and what costs?<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Palygorskite End Uses: Functions Follow Form<br />

C. Trimble; Oil Dri Corporation of America, Ochlocknee, GA<br />

Palygorskite (AKA Attapulgite) is a peculiar clay mineral with an interesting<br />

structure. The characteristics that distinguish it from other clay minerals are the<br />

source of these materials useful properties. This talk is a brief overview of how<br />

these clays differ structurally from other phyllosilicates, with discussion of the<br />

mineral classification and structure relating structure to end uses. Includes a review<br />

of known distribution of world class deposits, and covers historic uses and<br />

records, development of the many current uses and benefits, and speculation regarding<br />

potential future uses.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Lithium End Uses and Developments<br />

D. Bryan; Western Lithium Corp., Reno, NV<br />

Lithium has been a commodity of great interest the last few years, primarily because<br />

of its inroads into use in batteries, and more particularly into the electrification<br />

of transportation. As more hybrids hit the road and the introduction of all<br />

electric vehicles takes hold the future for lithium looks bright indeed. The unique<br />

properties of lithium dictate its choice as the battery of the future. But there are<br />

other uses as well. They may not be as well recognizable but they are nonetheless<br />

an important influence on the lithium market, such as greases, ceramics, glass,<br />

pharmaceuticals, drilling muds, etc. In addition to these end use developments<br />

the paper will also give an update on who the players are, both those who have an<br />

established market share, and those who hope to get a foot into this growing industry.<br />

The different lithium host environments, i.e. pegmatites, brines, clays, will<br />

also be discussed with reference to their share of the market.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Kaolin Forms and Formulations for Multiple End Uses<br />

R. Pruett; Imerys, Sandersville, GA<br />

About five million tons per year of kaolin is produced in Georgia, USA for use in<br />

paper, ceramics and performance mineral applications such as rubber and paint.<br />

Up to about 20% to 30% of Georgia kaolin is shipped within North America by<br />

truck or rail as a slurry form. The remaining kaolin is shipped dry bulk or bagged<br />

as spray dried or pulverized forms. Kaolin product formulations have been developed<br />

to maintain product fitness-for-use in different forms and end uses. This<br />

paper will discuss how kaolin is formulated for ease of handling and make-down<br />

into end-use applications. The use of dispersants to improve kaolin performance<br />

over time will be reviewed.<br />

3:45 PM<br />

Ochre – A Natural Iron Oxide in the Colored Pigment Market<br />

S. Bearden; New Riverside Ochre Company, Cartersville, GA<br />

Color enhances expression and communication in all physical objects experienced<br />

in life. Pigments provide color and in some applications have a specific additional<br />

function. Iron oxide ores are widely distributed throughout the world but<br />

only a few deposits are sufficiently pure and possess acceptable color and brightness<br />

properties to merit their processing into pigment form. Ochre, the common<br />

name for goethite ore, is the best and most under used material in the buff colored<br />

pigment market. The geological occurrence of ochre in the basal Shady<br />

Formation of the Cartersville Mining District (Georgia) is described.<br />

Exploration, processing, and product applications of New Riverside Ochre<br />

Company, Inc., are discussed. A brief overview of the worldwide pigment market<br />

is presented with emphasis placed upon the North American activity in iron<br />

oxide production and application. The purpose of this paper is to increase the<br />

awareness of ochre and its potential market in the colored iron oxide pigment industry,<br />

encourage research on the origin of ochre deposits, and stimulate interest<br />

in new applications of this unique substance.<br />

Mineral & Metallurgical Processing<br />

PLenary SeSSIon<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

chairs: M. Bender, Newmont Mining Corp.<br />

C. Young, Montana Tech of the University of<br />

Montana<br />

M. Moats, Missouri University of Science and<br />

Technology<br />

8<br />

GaudIn Lecturer:<br />

Graeme J. Jameson, University of Newcastle<br />

chair:<br />

rIchardS Lecturer:<br />

Nick Hazen, Hazen Research Inc.<br />

WadSWorth Lecturer:<br />

Jan D. Miller, University of Utah<br />

Mining & exploration:<br />

hot topics: are american Mining<br />

colleges Sustainable?<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

T.D. Arnold, Geovic Mining, Denver, CO<br />

Mining Colleges and Universities have been struggling for many years. Funding<br />

cuts, lack of students, lack of professors, and pressure from administration are<br />

just some of the common problems with many schools across the nation. This<br />

session will focus on what colleges and industry can do to make a steady flow of<br />

mining graduates a reality. Academics and industry professionals close to the<br />

issue will discuss changing the way we look at mining colleges, the way they are<br />

funded, and debate new and drastic changes that may be needed from academia,<br />

college administrators, and industry.<br />


Dr. Thomas O’Neil<br />

Corporate Director, former professor at the University of Arizona and<br />

retired President and COO, Cleveland-Cliffs.<br />

Dr. Nigel Middleton<br />

Senior Vice President for Strategic Enterprises,<br />

Colorado School of Mines<br />

Dr. Jeffrey S. Thompson<br />

Dean, College of Science, University of Nevada, Reno<br />

Hugh E. Harvey, Jr.<br />

Executive Vice Chairman of the Board of<br />

Intrepid Potash<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

53<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


Mining & exploration:<br />

operations: Ventilation I:<br />

Planning and case Studies<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

chairs: A. Martikainen, NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

G. Goodman, NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Ventilation on Demand Study for Room and Pillar Mining in<br />

Flat Seams<br />

H. Mischo and S. Noll; Department of Mining Engineering, Technical<br />

University Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany<br />

Ventilation is a neccessary part of underground mining operations in order to<br />

provide fresh air for workers and machinery, keep up adequate mine climate and<br />

dilute and dissipate noxious gases. Possible changing of circumstances in the future,<br />

e.g. increasing energy costs or the expected lowering of occupational health<br />

and safety limits are pressing for the optimization of distribution of air flow<br />

within a mine. This can be one approach to reduce the concentration of noxious<br />

gases at the working area of underground miners. This paper discusses the behavior<br />

and influence of parameters of ventilation according to level of concentration<br />

of noxious gases and under consideration of technical possible set up for<br />

mine fans. This study was accomplished by a test series in an underground potash<br />

mine with a flat seam room and pillar mining system.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Comprehensive Pressure Quantity Survey for Investigating the<br />

Effect of Booster Fans in a Metal/Non Metal Mine<br />

A. Habibi 1 , R. Kramer 2 , J. Rowland 3 and S. Gillies 1 ; 1 Mining and<br />

Nuclear, Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO; 2 Engineering department, FMC<br />

Corporation, Green River, WY and 3 Dallas Mining Technology, Pty<br />

Ltd, Green River, NSW, Australia<br />

The ventilation survey has been conducted in an underground longwall Trona<br />

mine. The ventilation system consists of nine shafts (three intakes and six exhausts).<br />

Three axial surface fans are ventilating the mine in a blowing system.<br />

During the ventilation survey airflow quantity, frictional pressure losses and air<br />

psychrometric characteristics have been measured and quantified. The accurate<br />

resistance survey has been conducted to calculate the pressure drop with regard<br />

to moving the cage and skids in the shafts. This paper discusses the benefits of utilizing<br />

highly accurate pressure transducers and digital psychrometers in a<br />

leapfrogging survey to build the computer ventilation model. Two underground<br />

booster fans with variable frequency drives are available at the mine. The model<br />

has been used to determine the optimal location of the booster fans to decrease<br />

the operating cost by reducing the load carried by the main fans. The leakage<br />

study has been conducted to evaluate the effect of additional pressure by a<br />

booster fan. The study follows by preparing the future ventilation model for the<br />

next fifteen years of the mine and investigating the effect of booster fans.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Numerical Modeling of Adsorption of Contaminant Gases<br />

in an Underground Mine Opening<br />

P. Rostami; Mining Engineering, UNR, Reno, NV<br />

Adhesion of molecules or biomolecules of gas, liquid or dissolved solid to a surface<br />

is known as adsorption. This phenomenon occurs due to the attraction<br />

forces between solid adsorbent and adsorbate. The goal of this study is to propose<br />

the best theoretical solution for simulating the adsorption of contaminants in<br />

mines. Collected data from Barrik Goldstrik mine were used in this transient<br />

study. Introduction of contaminants is achieved by bursting a plug of desired gas<br />

trapped in a weather balloon at one point of the drift. Concentration values are<br />

measured against the background readings, for further analysis of the arrival<br />

time, dispersion coefficient and calculating the best safe distances at which mixing<br />

is complete in the air flow. Adsorption coefficients were later determined by<br />

fitting the numerical concentration variation model with unknown adsorption coefficient<br />

to measured data.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Thermal Displacement Ventilation in Metals Refining Operations<br />

to Control Metallic Dust and Fume Exposures<br />

W. Mele, C. Strode, D. Hall and R. Strode; Chemistry & Industrial<br />

Hygiene, Inc., Wheat Ridge, CO<br />

The first priority in controlling airborne contaminants in industrial settings is the<br />

institution of engineering controls. These typically include local exhaust ventilation<br />

(LEV) utilizing low volumes of exhaust air with high velocity entrainment<br />

and capture, and, when the application does not lend itself to LEV, general dilution<br />

ventilation (GDV). GDV usually requires large volumes of exhaust air and<br />

tempered make-up air to dilute contaminants making GDV both costly to furnish<br />

and install, and expensive to operate. An alternative to GDV is thermal displacement<br />

ventilation (TDV), which utilizes lower volumes of air to reduce worker exposures.<br />

In TDV, make-up air is delivered to the space at the floor level at a low<br />

temperature and velocity, allowing the air to naturally rise toward the ceiling in a<br />

piston flow manner. This air movement effectively pushes contaminants upward<br />

and away from the workers breathing zone, exhausting contaminants at the upper<br />

levels of the space. The discussion will present the application of TDV in metals<br />

refining to reduce employee exposures while minimizing total exhaust flow rates,<br />

and will discuss the possible uses and pitfalls of this technique.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

A Case Study Discussing Analysis of DPM Data for Underground<br />

Barrick Mines in Nevada<br />

A. Rai; Barrick Turquoise Ridge Inc., Winnemucca, NV<br />

This paper provides an overview of the current use of DPM filters for Barrick underground<br />

metal mines in Nevada and understand the requirement for diesel exhaust<br />

gas dilution to justify permitted diesel equipment underground. The statistical<br />

analysis supported by modelling is highlighted using equipment hours and<br />

horse power. Overall equipment utilization factors were obtained from existing<br />

mine data or extrapolated from data at other similar Barrick operations. These<br />

factors were used to determine the overall mine air volume requirements. The impact<br />

of installing DPM filters and using Biodisel on the Haulage Trucks and<br />

LHDs was also investigated for each option.<br />

3:45 PM<br />

A Case Study Discussing Analysis of DPM Data for Underground<br />

Barrick Mines in Nevada<br />

A. Rai; Barrick Turquoise Ridge Inc., Winnemucca, NV<br />

This paper provides an overview of the current use of DPM filters for Barrick underground<br />

metal mines in Nevada and understand the requirement for diesel exhaust<br />

gas dilution to justify permitted diesel equipment underground. The statistical<br />

analysis supported by modelling is highlighted using equipment hours and<br />

horse power. Overall equipment utilization factors were obtained from existing<br />

mine data or extrapolated from data at other similar Barrick operations. These<br />

factors were used to determine the overall mine air volume requirements. The impact<br />

of installing DPM filters and using Biodisel on the Haulage Trucks and<br />

LHDs was also investigated for each option.<br />

4:05 PM<br />

Design and Construction of the 3,700 kW (5,000 HP) No. 5 Shaft<br />

Main Exhaust Fans at Henderson Mine<br />

D. Loring 1 and J. Gillon 2 ; 1 formerly of Freeport McMoRan Copper<br />

and Gold, Lakewood, CO and 2 Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold,<br />

Empire, CO<br />

The Climax Molybdenum Companys Henderson Mine, owned by Freeport<br />

McMoRan Copper & Gold, is a large panel caving molybdenum mine located 69<br />

km west of Denver, Colorado, currently producing approximately 31,750 tonnes<br />

per day. In late 2010, the mine commissioned two parallel vane-axial 3,700 kW<br />

(5,000 HP) surface exhaust fans as part of a major main mine ventilation upgrade.<br />

The fans, provided by TLT Babcock, included features such as sound attenuators<br />

to reduce noise, VFDs and design modifications to reduce energy consumption<br />

and minimize the risk of stall. Construction of the foundation was<br />

completed in 2008, while the majority of the fan construction and final commissioning<br />

was completed in 2010. This paper describes the design, features, and<br />

construction of the mine fans that now provide main exhaust ventilation to<br />

Henderson Mine, as well as the final conversion sequence to the new fan system.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

54<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


4:25 PM<br />

A Ventilation Concept for a Steep Immersed Tunnel in<br />

Hazardous Situation<br />

W. Heiser, S. Ravipati and N. Gidda; TADKA, Karlaruhe, Germany<br />

A ventilation concept used for the hazardous situation in a steep immersed road<br />

tunnel of 1 km length in Limerick, Ireland. The tunnel geometry shows a two<br />

bore directional tunnel with emergency doors from one bore to the next to allow<br />

escaping during pollution with exhaust gas or fire gases. The investigations for<br />

the ventilation development were done using CFD simulations (Ansys CFX).<br />

The CAD work for the model design of the tunnel was done with Catia V5 TAD<br />

as a consulting office for aerodynamic simulations was involved in creating a ventilation<br />

system for both the cases: 1) normal operation with standard ventilation<br />

specifications 2) hazardous situations, burning trucks, cars, escape scenarios for<br />

persons inside the tunnel after vacating their cars. TAD developed longitudinal<br />

ventilation based on a Saccardo nozzle with separate hardware buildings on each<br />

side of the tunnel. The main challenge of the ventilation system was given by the<br />

high gradient of the tunnel. The required air mass flow should be induced<br />

through the Saccardo nozzle and should enter the tunnel bore, so that the polluted<br />

air could be forced out to the opposite side of the tunnel.<br />

Mining & exploration:<br />

technology Innovations in open Pit Mining<br />

Production Systems<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

chair:<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

L. Clark, Newmont Mining Corporation,<br />

Greenwood Village, CO<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Trends in Control and Power Technologies and Its Impact for<br />

Mineral Recovery Rates<br />

F. Mielli 1 and R. Marrill 2 ; 1 Schneider Electric, Alpharetta, GA and<br />

2<br />

Schneider Electric, Denver, CO<br />

Mining is a complex and intensive industry. Extracting raw material from the<br />

earth crust with different shapes, sizes, chemistry and transform them to a standardized<br />

and hi quality final product is a big process challenge - Also it involves<br />

huge material movement, scheduling, synchronization and tracking in large scale<br />

If the above is not enough, the mining industry is facing unprecedented challenges:<br />

Decline of mineral grade and reserves, cost escalation for new developments<br />

and modernization, regulations, safety, lack of skilled people and market<br />

uncertainty became the new constant. From the statements above it is clear the<br />

process control and power role and its importance in the recovery rates the mine<br />

will achieve. The objective of this paper is to provide a quick vision about the future<br />

trends and evolutions in technology related to these fields and their impact to<br />

the mineral recovery in mining world. The paper will cover trends in information<br />

systems, reporting systems, energy management and efficiency, communications,<br />

process control, plant integration and other control technologies and how these<br />

technologies are aligned to address current industry challenges.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Recent Advances from Mine to Port<br />

D. Fisk; Mining Solutions, Honeywell Advanced Solutions, Toronto,<br />

ON, Canada<br />

Recent improvements in mine production mangement applications provide more<br />

accurate and timely tracking of inventories, quality and location of stockpiles. 3D<br />

stockpile analysis introduces new accruary to stockpile tracking.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Mobile and Semi-mobile IPCC Systems in Deep Open Pit Mines –<br />

A General Study<br />

M. Kressner; TAKRAF Chile S.A., Santiago, Chile<br />

In-Pit Crushing and Conveying (IPCC) systems provide attractive key features<br />

such as superior energy efficiency, high automation level, long lifetime and low<br />

labor demand. Associated effects are low operating costs and significant reductions<br />

of safety risks. The use of electric energy and the application of dust sup-<br />

pression and collection techniques make IPCC systems clean and environmentally<br />

friendly. The presented study analyzed general application aspects of IPCC<br />

technology in deep open pits. The concept of the study was to test different IPCC<br />

equipment setups and operation modes on an ideal mine model and operation scenarios<br />

which represent average conditions in large surface copper mines. The analyzed<br />

IPCC equipment setups include semi-mobile and fully mobile crushing<br />

units. Within the consideration of different operation modes the exclusive transport<br />

of waste material by the IPCC system was compared with the requirements<br />

of selective mining operations. As part of the study economic indicators were<br />

evaluated and compared, such as break-even points by year of operation and by<br />

mine depth as well as the results of sensitivity analysis for the key cost parameters.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Holistic Production Management to Reduce Production Bottlenecks<br />

M. Kahraman and S. Dessureault; Mining and Geological<br />

Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ<br />

In operations management, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to the<br />

mine plan and coordination of the production schedule will be analyzed on a<br />

daily, weekly, or quarterly basis to assess adherence to the mine plan, often with<br />

the assumption that the original capacities designed into the processes in the<br />

value chain were balanced (i.e. fragmentation keeps-up with loading which<br />

keeps-up with haulage, etc.). Modern systems allow this process to be managed<br />

in real-time allowing for bottlenecks to be continuously cleared at a tactical level.<br />

Tracking the maximum capacities of each process using historical records will<br />

help identify true bottlenecks as well as set long-term capacities; while tracking<br />

real-time flows of each process will help decision makers identify the bottlenecks<br />

and set the short term strategy to minimize the impact of the barrier. This paper<br />

discusses the development of a new information-rich algorithmic approach for<br />

the automated identification of historical and real-time bottlenecks in the operations.<br />

It also discusses the practical application in an integrated control room environment,<br />

monitoring a very large surface coal mine.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Proximity Detection – PPE for Equipment<br />

P. Wan 1 and T. Ruff 2 ; 1 Applied Research & Technology, Teck<br />

Resources, TRAIL, BC, Canada and 2 SAFEmine Technology,<br />

Oakland, CA<br />

Vehicle collisions are a major source of equipment damage, lost productivity and<br />

even personnel injury or death in open-pit mining. Teck Resources is introducing<br />

technology to raise operator awareness of their surroundings and minimize vehicle<br />

to vehicle contact incidents. The SAFEmine Traffic Awareness systems is one<br />

component of an overall solution to meet Tecks functional requirements. The<br />

SAFEmine System was trialed at Line Creek to evaluate effectiveness in the difficult<br />

conditions seen at this operation. Closed environment tests were performed<br />

as well as a 6- week field trial of the system. The trial commenced with an OFF<br />

phase where baseline data was gathered,followed by an ON phase to see how operator<br />

behavior was affected by the systems active alarms. Data collected<br />

throughout the trial was interpreted to determine what effect the SAFEmine system<br />

had on site safety. Areas of interest were speeding, following too close, light<br />

vehicle to heavy vehicle interactions and heavy to heavy vehicle interactions.<br />

Trial success was based on factors including GPS accuracy, system reliability, intelligent<br />

alarming, system usability, and overall site improvement.<br />

3:45 PM<br />

Bring New Life to Your Electric Shovel!<br />

P. Spels; ABB Inc, New Berlin, WI<br />

Equipment obsolescence is a challenge when maintaining long-lived mining<br />

equipment, such as electric rope shovels and draglines. When the mining machinery<br />

has a life expectancy of more than 15-20 years an overall or partial electrical<br />

system replacement can bring improved availability and productivity to the machine<br />

along with energy efficiency and power quality benefits. A customer in central<br />

Alabama replaced its obsolete drives and controls on a rope shovel with ABB<br />

AC Mining drive technology resulting in operational and energy saving benefits.<br />

4:05 PM<br />

Evolution of Blasting Practices at Dragon Products Company<br />

Quarry Operation, Maine, USA<br />

K. Boakye 1 and D. Scarpato 2 ; 1 Mining Department, Dragon Products<br />

Company, Waldoboro, ME and 2 Rock Mechanics, Harley & Aldrich,<br />

Inc., Bedford, NH<br />

This paper presents the results of a review of historic blast design practices with<br />

respect to the recently improved blasting practices at the Dragon Quarry<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

55<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


Operation, along with the results from two different blast design vibration monitoring<br />

programs. The reason for modification was to increase production volume<br />

per shot, and decrease highwall instability. A vibration monitoring program was<br />

undertaken to investigate PPV and relate the data to the blastability of the jointed<br />

onsite rock mass, utilizing the relationship between PPV and dynamic stress and<br />

strain. The Dragon Quarry Operation has historically been using a 6-in. diameter,<br />

14-ft by 14-ft production blast pattern, with blast holes loaded manually using<br />

cartridged explosive products. Within the past year, the quarry introduced a 6-in<br />

diameter, 16-ft by 16-ft production blasting pattern, making use of pre-mixed<br />

truck-loaded bulk emulsion/ANFO blends. This paper summarizes the results of<br />

blast design modifications, the monitoring data gathered to date for the two different<br />

blast designs, and describes how production blasting and excavation at the<br />

Dragon Quarry has benefited from such modifications.<br />

Mining & exploration:<br />

technology Innovations in underground<br />

Mining Production Systems<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

chair:<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

H. Wang, Newmont Mining, Aurora, CO<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Underground Mine Plan and Optimization with Interactions to<br />

Open Pit Mining an Integrated Scheduling Problem-and-Solution<br />

H. Wang; Newmont Mining Co., Greenwood Village, CO<br />

Underground mining with interactions to open pit production adds another dimension<br />

to the complexity of mine planning, especially for the underground long<br />

term mine scheduling. Two approaches to solve this problem will be discussed in<br />

this paper. The conventional processes is to design OP and UG separately with<br />

different design and optimization tools, run multiple scenarios and select the one<br />

that will potentially generate the highest value. The interaction between OP and<br />

UG, which could have positive or negative impact on each other, sometimes cannot<br />

be fully calculated. A new process proposed here is to build a UG + OP<br />

model, treat them as one project and seek optimal solutions with linear programming<br />

tools such as CPLEX. Newmont projects including Herradura in Mexico<br />

and Subika in Ghana will be presented as cases studies.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Underground Mine Production Schedule Optimization with<br />

Ventilation Requirements<br />

A. Brickey 1 and A. Newman 2 ; 1 Dept. of Mining Engineering,<br />

Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO and 2 Division of Economics<br />

and Business, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO<br />

Underground mines have been subjected to increasing restrictions on diesel particulate<br />

matter associated with the exhaust produced by the internal combustion engines<br />

of diesel-fueled mining equipment. We present ideas on developing a mixed<br />

integer nonlinear optimization model to determine an activity based production<br />

schedule and ventilation quantities for a large-scale underground gold mine. The<br />

objective is to maximize discounted metal extraction based on various constraints<br />

including physical precedence, production requirements, and ventilation restrictions.<br />

We expect the results to provide a realistic production schedule that will assist<br />

in maintaining diesel particulate matter levels below regulatory limits.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Incorporating Semi-autonomous Mucking into a Working Mine<br />

J. Rahn; Newmont, Elko, NV<br />

The presentation will provide an overview of the Caterpillar semi-autonomous<br />

mucking system. It will also discuss the challenges associated with adapting an already<br />

developed mine to new technology that was not initially planned for.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Challenges from Jackleg to Mechanized Bolter for Narrow<br />

Vein Mining<br />

A. Rai; Barrick Turquoise Ridge Inc., Winnemucca, NV<br />

The Turquoise Ridge Mine at present is an underground mine utilizing the underhand<br />

cut-and-fill mining method or box stoping due to the relatively low rock<br />

quality in the ore. (Ref-ARMA 12-288) The majority of our production is based<br />

on underhand cut and fill, or box stoping methods. In the underhand cut and fill<br />

method, the ore is initially mined out in 3m x 3m (10W x 10H) or 3m x 3.7m (10<br />

W x12H) panels called topcuts. Drifting is normally completed using jacklegdrilling<br />

techniques with excavation by conventional drill and blast or by underground<br />

LHD. Jackleg often expose the miner to unsupported face and potential<br />

safety concern. The paper will share the challenges and results of a Small mechanized<br />

jumbos tested to eliminate the use of jacklegs, and to minimize workers at<br />

the face of the drift. In very weak ground, excavation is often completed by<br />

mucking for advance without drilling and blasting.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Mining ROI Improvement Opportunity<br />

A. MacKenzie and N. Fung; Consulting Studies Group, Tetratech,<br />

Toronto, ON, Canada<br />

The simplest way to optimize return on investment (ROI) is to reduce mine life.<br />

The authors explore alternative and proven industrial techniques that if applied<br />

to mining in North America could improve reserve recovery times. When North<br />

American material handling practices were compared to a well proven European<br />

technology the European technology consistently demonstrated superior results.<br />

Projects suitable to the technology include mines of more than 1,600 tpd production<br />

and less than 1000m in depth or shaft limited or ventilation constrained.<br />

Projects with ore dipping between 20 and 55 degrees seem to have the greatest<br />

ROI improvements. Mines with poor ground find the MMT interesting due to its<br />

small profile as will mines that have long lives and are squeezed for sustaining<br />

capital. The MMT tradeoff success is based on this technologys high level of<br />

safety, low maintenance, high reliability, electric or diesel suitability, roof suspension<br />

and narrow profile. This paper will describe the ROI implications as a comparative<br />

analysis between Shafts, Conveyors, Trucks and Monorails. North<br />

American operations already betting on the technology will also be discussed.<br />

3:45 PM<br />

Integrating Automation Technologies in Underground Mines<br />

D. Dormer; Newmont Mining, Greenwood Village, CO<br />

The underground mining environment has many challenges due to its cyclical<br />

nature which result. Significant time losses are experienced around blasting practices<br />

and personnel deployment which result in a relatively poor capital efficiency<br />

of the mine. Automation technologies provide a tool for addressing these losses<br />

however the uptake of these technologies has been limited and their real potential<br />

not realized. The most positive improvements in underground automation have<br />

centered on the loaders for stope mucking and long-hole auto drill functions.<br />

These technologies have also been limited as they only target unit automation<br />

and do not interact with other automation technologies. The real gains of automation<br />

are realized in interfacing the unit automation (current and future) into<br />

a full automation system however current consensus has viewed this as an unviable<br />

proposition for the majority of mines due to the perceived cost. Is essence<br />

the problem has been trying to fit automation and technology to our current way<br />

of thinking, rather than adjusting our thinking to make a full automation system<br />

a cost effective reality.<br />

4:05 PM<br />

Underground Mine Planning – Scheduling Software –<br />

Opportunities in Planning and Reconcilliation<br />

R. Kintzel; Newmont Mining, Greenwood Village, CO<br />

There have been a number of new software tools developed for Underground that<br />

can improve the time and versitility of the planning and scheduling tasks. These<br />

include faster stope creation tools like Mineable Shape Optimiser ‘MSO’ to more<br />

powerful planning tools like Deswik design and scheduling software. This discussion<br />

will centre around how these tools were used within a given project to maximise<br />

option analysis and minimise scheduling time and changes. However the<br />

possibilities for some of these tools is endless. For instance we can potentially not<br />

just produce better plans for where we are going in the mine design, but also keep<br />

track of where we have been with real data. This could potentially improve reconcilliation<br />

understanding. Better flow process between long, medium and short<br />

term planners could be developed where new design is added to long term plans<br />

with actual new up to date shapes incorperated into the plan. Much of the current<br />

software used fails to bridge the gap between these planning time spans to<br />

truely intergrate the mine plan from conceptual to actual.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

56<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


research: advances in Geometallurgy<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

chairs: A. Samal, Rio Tinto, Riverton, UT<br />

M. Singh, Singh Associates, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Geomet: The Platform for Life-of-Project Evaluation<br />

K. Olson Hoal 1 and J. Jackson 2 ; 1 JKTech Pty Ltd, Denver, CO and<br />

2<br />

JKTech Pty Ltd, Indooroopilly, QLD, Australia<br />

Geomet provides the overarching platform for Life-of-Project evaluations, which<br />

involve the analysis of key components of an operation where value can be improved<br />

via audit or review. Mine-to-Mill and Mine-to-Plant implementations, for<br />

example, are effective in integrating the mine and plant from blasting to flotation<br />

for enhancing the key elements of throughput and recovery. Similarly, the Triad<br />

approach to waste management integrates site characterization, remediation, and<br />

closure through planning strategies. Both of these approaches integrate parts of<br />

the value chain for more effective management of internal costs, schedules and<br />

product. Geomet, on the other hand, provides the orebody knowledge for the entire<br />

life-of-project process, for which understanding the impacts of variability is<br />

critical for prediction and forecasting. As the platform integrator, geomet bolts together<br />

other unit approaches and allows us to identify and manage the drivers for<br />

extraction and remediation, enabling a level of risk reduction across operations.<br />

The key component of geomet is effective orebody characterisation, and is<br />

demonstrated for copper and gold projects in the Americas.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Geometallurgy for a Two Recovery Process Operation Cripple<br />

Creek and Victor Gold Mine, Colorado<br />

S. Leichliter and D. Larson; AngloGold Ashanti, Victor, CO<br />

Cripple Creek and Victor Gold Mine is an epithermal gold deposit located in the<br />

Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Surface operations are continuing along with an<br />

expansion for an onsite mill to take place in the next couple of years. The surface<br />

pit is currently progressing downward from an oxidized zone into a transitional,<br />

more sulfide zone. Gold mineralization includes native gold, electrum, and tellurides.<br />

Cyanide heap leaching is the recovery process for the oxidized ore with<br />

the sulfide ore processed at the new onsite mill. Ore characterization prior to<br />

mining is vital when there are two possible recovery processes. This characterization<br />

is dependent on geometallurgy. To identify the causes of the variability, multiple<br />

parameters are analyzed and assayed. These parameters are measured by a<br />

variety of analytical testwork. The analytical testwork provides measurements for<br />

the desired parameters. Geometallurgical models are developed for the parameters<br />

per recovery process, so estimations can be inserted into the resource model<br />

to optimize operations and recoveries.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Using Geometallurgical Models to Aid in Variability and Recovery<br />

Testwork for Pre-feasibility Projects, La Colosa, Colombia<br />

S. Leichliter 1 and R. Jahoda 2 ; 1 AngloGold Ashanti, Victor, CO and<br />

2<br />

AngloGold Ashanti Colombia, Bogota, Colombia<br />

The La Colosa, Colombia porphyry gold deposit is currently in the pre-feasibility<br />

stage. This large deposit has many types of gold mineralization, native gold, electrum,<br />

and tellurides. These variations in the gold mineralization lead to variability<br />

in the gold recovery. The final process flowsheet may include gravity concentration<br />

with cyanide leaching. Metallurgical testwork is utilized to identify the<br />

zones of ore that may be problematic to recover. To help select the samples that<br />

represent the fluctuating variability zones, geometallurgical models are constructed<br />

using mineralogy and geology data. These zones are then wireframed<br />

and compared to the geological and structural models for spatial correlation.<br />

Samples for the variability testwork will be selected from these different zones to<br />

identify and analyse the effect the different gold mineralization types have on the<br />

recovery. By using geometallurgy to aid in the sample selection for metallurgical<br />

testwork, the variability in the ore body can be understood and constrained to aid<br />

in process optimization.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Evaluation and Isolation of Trace Mineral Particles by Dual Energy<br />

Rapid Scan Radiography<br />

T. Tserendagva, C. Hsieh, C. Lin and J. Miller; Metallurgical<br />

Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

Theory and procedures are described for the evaluation and isolation of trace<br />

mineral particles from sample populations by dual energy (DE) rapid scan radiography.<br />

Particulate samples are split into narrow size fractions, each size fraction<br />

distributed/assembled on projection plates, and then the radiography projection<br />

of the plates collected at two energy levels (DE analysis). In this way, for<br />

example, more than 200,000 particles (250x150 micron in size) can be interrogated<br />

in less than one hour, particles containing high density mineral phases<br />

identified, and composition estimated. In addition, rapid scan radiography can<br />

be used for the examination of drill core samples, tailings samples, or any other<br />

particulate sample containing trace mineral particles.<br />

chair:<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

Sustainability<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

M. Singh, Singh Assoc LLC, Scottsdale, AZ<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Development of the Greenness Index: A Holistic Evaluation of<br />

Mining Reagents<br />

C. Lo 1 , P. Somasundaran 1 , R. Farinato 2 and D. Nagaraj 2 ; 1 Earth and<br />

Environmental Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY<br />

and 2 Mining, Cytec Industries, Stamford, CT<br />

Many chemical companies have adopted the Twelve Principles of Green<br />

Chemistry and have developed rankings tools to assess sustainability of their products<br />

and operations. Mining companies have adopted ICMMs 10 Principles as a<br />

means for evaluating their sustainable development efforts; however, there are no<br />

specific means of by which the impact of chemicals in their processes can be<br />

quantified. There has yet to be an established and effective Greenness Index for<br />

mineral processing operations. Our approach is to develop a Greenness Index to<br />

quantify the impact of chemicals in a more comprehensive way. Additionally our<br />

objective is to integrate the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry and ICMMs 10<br />

principles for Sustainable Mining Development into this Greenness Index. We intend<br />

to take a systems approach to establish a metric for sustainability based on<br />

constructing and combining Greenness Metrics for each unit process in the plant<br />

operation, thereby holistically evaluating the overall mineral operation process.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

iSustain: A Data Warehouse for Sustainable Resource<br />

Development Analyses<br />

M. Poulton and P. Mather; Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources,<br />

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ<br />

We have built a dynamic data warehouse, iSustain, which aids in understanding<br />

the complexities of sustainable materials production, from social license to operate<br />

to community well-being, to supply risk. The iSustain data warehouse and related<br />

tools and analytical framework is a significant aid in analyzing the global<br />

impacts and tradeoffs in providing critical and important minerals. iSustain data<br />

warehouse supports a diverse group of researchers and policy analysts with the<br />

strategic goal of making more data available to more people. The warehouse contains<br />

data on resources and reserves for all commodities tracked by the USGS,<br />

along with worldwide financial, socioeconomic, cultural, ecological, climatic<br />

data, and more. Analyses can be statistical or map based. The data warehouse<br />

can support a wide range of queries from an analysis of supply risk for a suite of<br />

minerals used in a new cell phone to identifying predictive factors for social license<br />

to operate, or detailed studies of economic impact of resource development<br />

at a county level.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Predictors of a Social License to Operate<br />

C. John; College of Public Health, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ<br />

This project identifies key determinants of a social license to operate (SOL), and<br />

attempts to quantitatively predict a communitys acceptance of a company and its<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

57<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


local venture. Social risk and community acceptance have historically been considered<br />

intangible concepts, yet the relationship between community and company<br />

can considerably impact the outcome of a project. Through a review of literature<br />

and case studies, we identified four key clusters of determinants of<br />

opposition , to borrow a term from Stanford University Professor Ryan J. Orr, that<br />

influence a SOL. The four clusters are: Indigenous Populations, Societal<br />

Structure, Trust, and Environmental and Social Impact. To test the hypothesis<br />

that the determinants of opposition can accurately predict the reception of a SOL<br />

in a specific region, we will use a regression analysis on existing data sets from<br />

sources such as the World Bank, OECD, and UN that are loaded into the<br />

University of Arizonas iSustain Data Warehouse. This analysis will enable us to<br />

rate a specific region from worst (withholding an SOL) to best (project co-ownership);<br />

a useful rating to a mining company during project development.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Nature Friendly Sustainability: Mining<br />

M. Javier; EnviroMINE, Denver, CO<br />

This is a concept paper for a nature friendly definition of sustainability aiming to<br />

extend the longevity of mankind, a critical first step for the protection of nature<br />

and mankind. It is an important responsible first step in creating a healthy sustainability<br />

concept that, when implemented, extends the longevity of mankind by<br />

the most efficient use of the finite resources on this limited Planet Earth, it will affect<br />

the designs of engineered structures and revolutionize the recovery methods<br />

and processing of natural resources, such as mineral resources, for human consumption<br />

in the most efficient manner of nature. All the while is taking into consideration<br />

the increase in anthropogenic activities due to exponential human population<br />

growth. Finally, this paper intends to stimulate critical thinking and<br />

which initiate serious discussions aiming at producing general consensuses for<br />

the best definition for human society to not only enrich, but to extend its existence.<br />

It is food for thought. Thus, the spirit of this new definition is pro future<br />

generations and environment, and aims to be most efficient in terms of natural resource<br />

utilization.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Social License and Mineral Economics: New Modeling Approaches<br />

P. Rogers, S. Dessureault, M. Poulton and P. Hiol; University of<br />

Arizona, Tucson, AZ<br />

Historically, mineral economic theory was developed on macro-level data to<br />

study the impacts of supply policy decisions. This approach does not fully take<br />

into account societal pressures and political complexities inherent in modern development.<br />

Stakeholders can directly impact a project more than ever.<br />

Sustainable mineral development must incorporate complexities like social license<br />

into future economic modeling. Fortunately, the modern information age<br />

can facilitate more robust economic models through advanced data flows.<br />

Descriptive indicators of stakeholders can be found and used in predictive models<br />

used to test economics theories. We present an initial study which emphasizes<br />

more granular and comprehensive data to establish and test theories related to<br />

natural resource based economies. A brief case study is presented on per capita<br />

income growth and education investment in Wyoming. We refute the findings of<br />

an economic study in the US about the resource curse by expanding the studys<br />

time horizon and scope of variables. A brief discussion is also given on other data<br />

flows and modeling approaches.<br />

younG LeaderS SeSSIon<br />

2:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

Young Leaders will be presenting a program that will relate to the student engineer,<br />

the young professional, and the experienced person. These sessions will entail<br />

different perspectives on professional development and guidance, communications<br />

training, legacy of knowledge, and other pertinent information as it<br />

applies to mining engineering and associated fields.<br />

Innovation in Metallurgical Processing Symposium<br />

Keynote SeSSIon<br />

& recePtIon<br />

5:00 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

Hyatt Regency Convention Center<br />

(Reception is a Ticketed Event)<br />

What Drives Innovation?<br />

Barney Guarnera, Broadlands Mineral Advisory Services Ltd.<br />

Historical Perspective of Innovation<br />

in the Minerals Industry<br />

Martin Kuhn, Minerals Advisory Group<br />

History of Innovations in Extractive Metallurgy<br />

Fathi Habashi, Universite Laval<br />

Mining & exploration:<br />

Geology: exploration health and Safety<br />

2:30 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

chairs: C. Dreesbach, Micon International, Helena, MT<br />

C. Spencer, AMEC Mining & Metals, Sparks, NV<br />

J. Olsen, Barrick Gold, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Using GPS Technology as a Way to Mitigate Safety Risks on<br />

Greenfield Exploration Sites<br />

J. Melfi; Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold, Phoenix, AZ<br />

Some of the top risks associated with exploration Greenfield operations include,<br />

vehicle travel, helicopter travel and civil unrest. A natural disaster such as earthquake,<br />

landslide or forest fire can also occur unpredictably. There is always the<br />

potential for vehicle breaks down in a remote area or adverse weather moves in<br />

and an aircraft fails to pick you up. GPS technology has given us the ability to locate<br />

missing persons, track vehicles and map out emergency routes in advance all<br />

of which can make these extreme situations more bearable. The new devices also<br />

come equipped with emergency panic buttons and texting options which allow<br />

for communication even when other forms of communication fail.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

A Case Study on the Adoption of a Fatigue Risk Management<br />

<strong>Program</strong> at Remote Exploration Sites<br />

J. Olsen and T. Chism; Barrick Gold, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

Long rosters and working hours in remote exploration settings may increase the<br />

risk of incidents associated with worker fatigue. This presentation focuses on a<br />

pilot project conducted at a remote ‘fly-in/fly-out’ camp in Zambia to examine<br />

the feasibility of implementing specific controls measures designed to reduce the<br />

effect of fatigue on exploration workers.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Health Hazard Recognition and Control in Remote<br />

Exploration Sites<br />

J. Olsen 1 and R. Barbour 2 ; 1 Barrick Gold, Salt Lake City, UT and<br />

2<br />

Corporate Health & Safety, Barrick Gold, Toronto, ON, Canada<br />

Significant health hazards can occur in remote exploration sites in the developing<br />

world. Proprer identification and evaluation of risk along with the application of<br />

practical approaches to expeditions and remote camp settings can reduce the risk<br />

of illness and other health related events.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

58<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


3:05 PM<br />

E3 Plus Excellence in Health & Safety: The EHS e-Toolkit<br />

J. Olsen 1 and B. Mercer 2 ; 1 Barrick Gold, Salt Lake City, UT and<br />

2<br />

Exploration, Avalon Rare Metals, Toronto, ON, Canada<br />

The E3 Plus program provides off-the-shelf guidelines for Junior exploration<br />

companies which are designed to be incorporated directly as Corporate policy.<br />

The adherence rate for the Canadian Junior exploration companies is well over<br />

60%, with the US companies lagging far behind.Recently, universities in Canada<br />

have begun to adhere to the E3 Plus principles in their curriculums. The excellence<br />

in Health & Safety (EHS) e-toolkit addresses General Safety Principles,<br />

Emergency Response, Survival, Weather & Environmental Risks and much<br />

more. This sessionwill present a case study on success using the EHS e-Toolkit.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Thoughts and Considerations for an Exploration<br />

Health & Safety <strong>Program</strong><br />

C. Spencer; AMEC Mining & Metals, Sparks, NV<br />

Mineral exploration is often performed in remote environments away from the<br />

typical support infrastructure common to mining and therefore has different<br />

safety requirements. The projects are often hours, or sometimes days, away from<br />

urban environments with definitive medical care. Many of the field staff are<br />

young and new to working remotely in the field and their experience can present<br />

an additional layer of challenges. The demographic often comprising experienced<br />

management also calls for some special considerations when developing a<br />

health and safety program.<br />

3:45 PM<br />

The PDAC Health & Safety Pocket Guide<br />

W. Mercer 1 , K. Mulchinock 2 and C. Mitchell 3 ; 1 Exploration, Avalon<br />

Rare Metals Inc., Toronto, ON, Canada; 2 PDAC, Toronto, ON,<br />

Canada and 3 Consultant, Vancouver, BC, Canada<br />

Canada is leading the world in the scale and dynamism of the exploration industry<br />

developments. The PDAC aims to ensure that the exploration industry adopts<br />

consistent and robust risk management to prevent and mitigate significant health<br />

and safety (H&S) hazards for field workers. The PDAC Pocket Guide is aimed at<br />

providing an overview and insight into the strategic safety risks that field workers<br />

have a responsibility to address. It evolved from the 784 page H&S Toolkit available<br />

from the E3 Plus website. The Pocket Guide has 116 pages printed on special<br />

water resistant paper. Whilst prevention must always be the primary focus the<br />

guidelines are for field workers so they can properly and responsibly prevent and<br />

manage (1) the most common field injuries, which are slips and falls, and injuries<br />

caused by the improper use of tools, and (2) accidents and fatalities associated<br />

with field transportation, especially helicopters and vehicles (including all-terrain<br />

vehicles). The presentation will focus on the development and content of the<br />

PDAC Field Safety Pocket Guide, its importance for the mineral exploration industry<br />

and how companies can use it as part of their H&S strategy.<br />

4:05 PM<br />

The PDAC-AMEBC <strong>Annual</strong> Health & Safety Survey<br />

W. Mercer 1 , K. Mulchinock 2 and J. Buchanan 3 ; 1 Exploration, Avalon<br />

Rare Metals Inc., Toronto, ON, Canada; 2 PDAC, Toronto, ON,<br />

Canada and 3 AME BC, Vancouver, BC, Canada<br />

The Canadian Mineral Exploration Health & Safety Survey conducted by the<br />

Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada and the Association for<br />

Mineral Exploration British Columbia is the single survey that measures safety<br />

performance across 12 provincial and territorial jurisdictions in Canada. The survey<br />

gathers data covering the range of health and safety (H&S) incidents. The<br />

survey has been completed for 6 years with over 1,300 incident descriptions. The<br />

survey enables a understanding of the causes of exploration H&S incidents. This<br />

is supplemented by a 31 year database of fatalities, with basic information on<br />

causes. For 2012, the PDAC and AMEBC are seeking ways to increase participation<br />

in a voluntary survey that doubles as an information collection mechanism<br />

for the Safe Day Everyday Award and Safe Day Everyday Gold Award. The presentation<br />

will give an overview of the survey as well as insights into the lessons<br />

that companies can learn from its results. The survey data is a valuable key input<br />

for the risk analysis that any company should undertake prior to any exploration<br />

field program.<br />

chair:<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

Mining & exploration:<br />

Geology: Geomechanics<br />

2:30 PM • Monday, February 25<br />

P. Kulatilake, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Evaluation of Temperature Effect on P-wave Velocity, UCS and<br />

Elasticity Modulus of Rocks, Using Newly Developed Apparatus<br />

M. Sharifzadeh 1 , J. Ashrafi 2 and A. Modiriasari 1 ; 1 Department of<br />

Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of<br />

Technology (AUT), Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran and 2 Faculty of<br />

Mining Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz,<br />

Islamic Republic of Iran<br />

Instabilities occurred as a result of climate changes caused to investigate the rock<br />

behavior dependency to temperature changes, in this paper. In the natural earth<br />

condition, the phase transition of pore water has known to be the most effective<br />

factor causing different rocks mechanical properties due to temperature changes.<br />

So, the temperature range of [-30, 30]∞C is selected in laboratory tests of this<br />

study. P-wave velocity, unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and elasticity<br />

modulus of rocks at different temperatures are studied by developing a temperature<br />

adjusting apparatus. The tests were performed on three rock types. The results<br />

show that firstly, the temperature reduction and pore fluid freezing improves<br />

these rocks mechanical properties. Secondly, the dependency of rock properties<br />

to climate changes depends on the type and shape of its porosity as well as porosity<br />

percent. The improvement of rock mechanical properties in jointed rocks exceeds<br />

rocks with spherical pores. Finally, maximum changes in rocks properties<br />

occur at [-10, 0]∞C, which includes the phase transition of pore fluid.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

An Investigation of Grout Penetration Depth in Fractured Rocks<br />

M. Sharifzadeh 1 , A. Modiriasari 1 and J. Khani 2 ; 1 Department of<br />

Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of<br />

Technology, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran and 2 Soils Engineering<br />

Services (SES) Company, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran<br />

Grouting is mainly used to improve mechanical properties or decrease the permeability<br />

of rock mass around civil and mining projects. The purpose of this<br />

paper is to present the most effective factors on grout penetration depth in rock<br />

mass. Such factors are essential for reliable estimation of the grout penetration<br />

depth and the expense for cement take of any grouting project. In this paper,<br />

about 50 different types of the relations presented so far by various researchers to<br />

estimate the depth of penetration in fractured rock were studied. The effective<br />

factors are classified to rock mass properties, grout properties, and operational<br />

factors. <strong>Preliminary</strong> results show that firstly, the discontinuities aperture and<br />

Lugeon value are respectively the most investigated factors of rock mass properties<br />

influencing on penetration depth. Secondly, the yielding stress, viscosity, and<br />

density of grout are the most effective factors of grout properties. Finally, grouting<br />

pressure has an intense effect among other operational factors. The investigations<br />

were also verified in Siah Bishe dam case study.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Role of Gas Pressure in Underground Coal Mine Bursts<br />

W. Pariseau; Mining Engineering, University of Utah,<br />

Salt Lake City, UT<br />

Face and pillar bursts, bumps and bounces are violent failures that occur in underground<br />

coal mines in response to a complicated interplay of face and pillar<br />

geometry, seam depth, coal strength and moduli and interactions between roof,<br />

seam and floor strata. Additional complications arise from the presence of gas,<br />

mainly methane, and associated pressure and flow that vary with time and are influenced<br />

by the rate of face advance. A fully coupled hydro-mechanical finite element<br />

code, UTAH4, allows study of these interactions that determine stability<br />

during face. Face advance is often fast compared with gas flow and depressurization.<br />

Consequently, gas pressure is high at the face and strength is low at the face.<br />

If longwall is stationary, depressurization occurs at the face, effective stress and<br />

strength increase. However, quantitative analysis of a site-specific case involving<br />

a deep coal mine in central Utah shows that high stress concentration is likely to<br />

pose a threat to face and pillar wall stability regardless of gas pressure.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

59<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


3:05 PM<br />

Application of Fuzzy Set Theory to RMR Classification System for<br />

Weak and Very Weak Rock Masses<br />

P. Roghanchi, R. Kallu and R. Thareja; Mining Engineering,<br />

University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV<br />

The Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system is an internationally recognized classification<br />

system that can be used for preliminary ground control design. Assigning a<br />

single value rather than a range to each parameter of RMR is a source of uncertainty.<br />

However, assigning a single value can be useful for further studies related<br />

to RMR ratings. Fuzzy systems have been successfully used in geotechnical and<br />

mining engineering problems to cope with uncertain data as well as vagueness. In<br />

such scenarios, linguistic rules and rating-based classification of rock masses have<br />

always been questionable. The objective of this study is to apply fuzzy set theory<br />

to the RMR classification system. Fuzzy system proposed in this study is specified<br />

for weak and very weak rock masses (RMR


primarily a waste material to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of concrete.<br />

The feedstock for the geopolymer-based concrete is mostly the non-metallic<br />

content of the F-type fly ash usually produced from the combustion of bituminous<br />

coal. It may be noted that more than 100 million tons of fly ash is produced<br />

in the U.S. each year; only half of which is being put to beneficial applications.<br />

The authors envision to extract some of the valuable metal oxides from fly ash<br />

and use the residual, which is about 80% of the original fly ash, as the feed material<br />

for the geopolymerization process. The results obtained from the geopolymer<br />

concrete study will be the subject matter of this paper.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Carbon Dioxide Capture with Oxy-Combustion Technology<br />

W. Morris; ADA Environmental Solutions, Highlands Ranch, CO<br />

There are three main technologies available for CO2 capture from coal combustion.<br />

They are pre-combustion integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC),<br />

oxy-fuel combustion, and post combustion capture. Oxy-fuel combustion is a<br />

promising technology that utilizes a combination of oxygen and recycled flue<br />

gas in the combustion environment in order to produce a highly concentrated<br />

stream of CO2 for capture. A review of the current state of the art in oxy-fuel<br />

combustion will be presented highlighting current demonstration efforts and<br />

technological hurdles. Furthermore, an examination of how coal quality affects<br />

the oxy-fuel process for mercury control, NOX, SOX, ash deposition, and ash<br />

handling will be presented in order to elucidate the affects of fuel chemistry on<br />

the oxy-fuel process.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Quantification of Long-term Risks for Geologic CO2 Sequestration<br />

Sites Through US DOEs National Risk Assessment Partnership<br />

(NRAP)<br />

R. Pawar; Earth & Environmental Sciences Division (EES-16),<br />

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM<br />

Injection and storage of CO2 in deep geologic formations is one of the technologies<br />

currently being explored and deployed to mitigate the increasing amount of<br />

anthropogenic CO2 into the atmosphere. One of the critical issues in effective,<br />

large-scale deployment of this technology is characterization of long-term risks.<br />

A comprehensive risk assessment approach provides the scientific basis for assessing<br />

residual risks associated with long-term stewardship as well as to help<br />

guide site operational decision making and risk management. The National Risk<br />

Assessment Partnership (NRAP) is a US-DOE effort focused on developing a defensible,<br />

science-based methodology and platform for quantifying risk profiles at<br />

geologic CO2 sequestration sites. Risk profiles provide a time evolution of the<br />

probability of a particular adverse impact, thereby allowing an assessment of the<br />

risk integrated over a period of time. This talk will give the results of risk profile<br />

quantification effort within NRAP and demonstrate their applicability.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint With Filtration<br />

C. Bauer; Scientific and Laboratory Services (SLS), Pall Corporation,<br />

Port Washington, NY<br />

Contamination control through filtration is critical to ensuring a mine’s reliability<br />

and productivity. Stricter regulatory requirements in respect to a mine’s carbon<br />

footprint -the environmental impact of energy use- encourage operators to identify<br />

areas of improvement. How does filtration factor into this? When determining<br />

the environmental impact of filtration, operators must consider areas such as<br />

fluid consumption, waste disposal and energy costs. As a filter removes contamination,<br />

the differential pressure across the filter element increases and with it the<br />

pump’s energy usage. Longer filter element service life, and fewer change-outs<br />

over a period of time, will thus result in a lower energy requirement, which can be<br />

expressed in terms of CO2 emission equivalents. While the pump energy usage<br />

has the largest impact on the overall environmental impact, other factors such as<br />

filter element disposal and fluid losses during change-out must be considered. In<br />

this work, the author discusses an approach of quantifying the benefits of utilizing<br />

modern filtration by means of several case studies, including a mine fuel<br />

supply chain and large hydraulic shovels.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

The Impact of Climate Change Policies on the U.S. Coal Industry:<br />

Looking to the Future<br />

I. Miskovic; Mining Engineering, University of Utah,<br />

Salt Lake City, UT<br />

It is well recognized by policymakers, scientists, and stakeholders that implementation<br />

of climate change legislation in the U.S. can significantly increase uncertainties<br />

about the future of the domestic coal industry. Without development and<br />

implementation of novel clean coal technologies, such as carbon capture and sequestration<br />

and underground coal gasification, continued utilization of coal will<br />

face great opposition that can lead to significant decrease in coal consumption by<br />

the power generation industry and other industrial users. Falls in coal production<br />

will inevitably cause significant drop in coal mining employment and related direct<br />

and indirect revenues and expenditures. The central goal of this study is to<br />

investigate potential effects of different climate and energy policy scenarios on<br />

U.S. coal producers, electric utilities, and non-utility industrial coal users, over a<br />

long-term time horizon. The paper will summarize results from different scenario<br />

simulations performed with The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System (TIMES)<br />

bottom-up partial equilibrium model, and assess effects of the implementation of<br />

new carbon abatement technologies on the long-term U.S. coal outlook.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change: A Review for the<br />

Coal Industry<br />

M. Mohanty 1 , X. Yang 2 and H. Akbari 3 ; 1 Mining Engineering, Southern<br />

Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL; 2 Mining Engineering,<br />

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL and 3 Mining<br />

Engineering, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL<br />

The intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) reported that the global<br />

mean temperature has risen by 0.74 ±0.18 ∞C over the 100 year period starting<br />

1906. It also indicated that the concentration of atmospheric CO2 has increased<br />

from about 280 ppm to 379 ppm apparently due to the high use of fossil fuels that<br />

drove the industrialization over the same time period, all over the world.<br />

Numerous such studies claiming a link of atmospheric CO2 concentration to<br />

global warming have compared the earth’s temperature of only last 100 to 150<br />

years to the preindustrialization time. Many others, including the NIPCC (nongovernmental<br />

panel on climate change), by examining earth’s temperature over a<br />

much longer period of time, believe that the natural variations like that of solar<br />

activity, earth’s orbital changes and magnetic field variations as well as urban<br />

heat-island effect, deforestations and increasing human populations may have<br />

greater role in affecting the global climate. In this paper, we attempt to point out<br />

the key issues from both sides of the isle to assist the coal community in taking informed<br />

decisions for its continued survival/growth in future.<br />

chair:<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

coal & energy:<br />

Mine environmental Issues<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

D. Elifrits, Northern Kentucky University,<br />

Highland Heights, KY<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Stability Analysis for Steep-slope Mines Reclaimed Using the<br />

Forestry Reclamation Approach<br />

D. Kumar 1 , J. Silva 2 and R. Sweigard 3 ; 1 Civil & Environmental Engg,<br />

Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO; 2 Department of Mining<br />

Engg, University of Kentucky, Lexigton, KY and 3 Department of<br />

Mining Engg, University of Kentucky, Lexigton, KY<br />

The Forestry Reclamation Approach (FRA) specifies that the upper 1.22 m of<br />

material on the reclaimed surface should be left as uncompacted as possible to facilitate<br />

root growth. One of the main concerns about applying the FRA to steep<br />

slopes is that the upper 1.22 m of material could cause the reclaimed slopes to be<br />

unstable. Successful application of FRA on flat and rolling surfaces precipitated<br />

this investigation. Details of a field investigation conducted at a steep-slope mine<br />

are available in an earlier publication (Kumar and Sweigard, 2011). The stability<br />

analysis was conducted using classical limit equilibrium and finite elements<br />

methods. For limit equilibrium, the Rotational Equilibrium Analysis of<br />

Multilayered Earthworks (REAME) and Geo-Slope computer programs were<br />

used. In all computer programs, two kinds of analyses were done: with top 1.22<br />

m of loose material and without top loose material. Finally, the field investigation<br />

results were compared with stability analysis results. Both of these approaches<br />

showed that application of the FRA on steep slopes is not causing any<br />

significant instability problems that would not exist otherwise for overly steepened<br />

slopes.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

61<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


9:25 AM<br />

Climate Change for Mine Planners: Some Fundamentals<br />

D. Williams; Bureau of Land Management, Butte, MT<br />

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change November 2011 and March<br />

2012 reports on Extreme Weather Events suggest that a wide variety of weather<br />

extremes will become more common with a changing climate. 2011 and 2012 in<br />

North America have featured an astonishing array of extreme storm and<br />

drought events. The standard disclaimer regarding individual weather events<br />

and climate change may still apply but the reality is the industry is making closure,<br />

reclamation, and drainage treatment predictions based on a historic climate<br />

that no longer exists. An example of an extreme weather event at a closed<br />

mine site will be evaluated. Possible implications of the extreme weather predictions<br />

for mine planners and abandoned mine sites will be discussed and some<br />

practical suggestions incorporating climate change into mine design, operations,<br />

and closure suggested.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Sustainability Information in Mining: Technologies and Process for<br />

Data Aggregation, Management, and Reporting – A Case Study<br />

J. Hoekstra 2 and F. Mielli 1 ; 1 Schneider Electric, Alpharetta, GA and<br />

2<br />

Summit Energy / Schneider Electric, Boulder, CO<br />

Given the complex regulatory and financial pressures placed upon the mining industry<br />

with regard to issues such as air / water quality,emissions and energy efficiency,<br />

most organizations need to be equipped with the proper subject matter expertise<br />

to be able to manage this process. In addition when it comes to data<br />

collection,management,and reporting on key corporate energy and sustainability<br />

metrics such as greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions,there is often a lack of human<br />

resource capacity, data collection processes, accountability and tools available<br />

within the organization to respond to these pressures. With varying reporting<br />

protocols such as EPA MRR, Carbon Disclosure Project(CDP), Global<br />

Reporting Initiative (GRI) and others, reporting, data management and accuracy<br />

has become a burden for many organizations. Also, the volatility of energy pricing<br />

results in a significant financial benefit for companies to streamline the monitoring<br />

and management of energy and fuels using technology. Using a real life example,<br />

this presentation will outline the necessary steps that need to be taken for<br />

an organization to develop such a process, using services and technology.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

Satellite Remote Sensing-based Estimates of Biomass Production<br />

on Reclaimed Coal Mines<br />

S. Raval 1 , E. Sarver 2 , D. Evans 3 , C. Zipper 3 and P. Donovan 3 ;<br />

1<br />

School of Mining Engineering, University of New South Wales,<br />

Sydney, NSW, Australia; 2 Mining and Minerals Engineering, Virginia<br />

Tech, Blacksburg, VA and 3 Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences,<br />

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA<br />

Remote sensing methods have been used to evaluate vegetative growth patterns<br />

for many applications, though relatively little work has focused on tracking mine<br />

reclamation progress. For coalmines in Central Appalachia, reclamation approaches<br />

that include production of biofuel feedstocks are increasingly attractive,<br />

as these may yield significant post-mining land values and contribute to carbonneutral<br />

energy supplies. To optimize productivity, the influence of reclamation<br />

parameters must be well understood which necessitates tracking biomass production<br />

over long time periods time. Satellite-based estimations may offer low-cost<br />

alternatives to conventional biomass appraisals, and also the potential to provide<br />

critical input for carbon accounting at varied spatial scales. In this paper, we use<br />

established reclamation plots at the Powell River Project (PRP) for a comparative<br />

study between satellite measurements of Normalized Difference Vegetation<br />

Index and inventory estimates of biomass under a variety of conditions. PRP is a<br />

unique public-private partnership in the coalfields of southwestern Virginia dedicated<br />

to enhancing beneficial use and environmental protection of mined lands.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Strategies to Minimize the Release of Trace Elements from Coal<br />

Waste Sources<br />

M. Rezaee 1 , F. Huggins 2 , R. Honaker 1 and Z. Duan 1 ; 1 Mining<br />

Engineering, Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY and 2 Chemical<br />

Engineering, Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY<br />

To assess strategies aimed at minimizing the impact of coal waste materials on the<br />

environment, two long-term leaching experiments were performed using waste<br />

materials from a plant treating high sulfur bituminous coal. The tests evaluated the<br />

mobility of trace elements under different disposal scenarios. The results indicate<br />

that the mobility of most elements is enhanced under either highly alkaline or<br />

acidic conditions with a few being mobilized under both conditions. As such, the<br />

minimization of element mobility requires the pH value of the medium to be<br />

maintained around neutral. In addition, most of the heavy metals were associated<br />

with the illite and pyrite minerals. Three strategies of treating coal refuse were<br />

evaluated: fly ash mixed with coarse refuse, co-disposal of coarse and fine refuse<br />

and solidification of the coal waste with cement. All three methods were found to<br />

neutralize the pH conditions and thus reduce mobility of the trace elements in<br />

static leaching tests whereas the opposite was found from dynamic experiments.<br />

These results indicate that combined storage under water could eliminate acid<br />

generation and thus minimize the mobility of trace elements.<br />

chair:<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

coal & energy:<br />

underground II<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

G. Buchan, Alpha Natural Resources,<br />

Waynesburg, PA<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Performance of an Intelligent Proximity Detection System for<br />

Continuous Mining Machines<br />

J. Carr and J. DuCarme; NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

In 2011, MSHA published a proposed regulation that would require the use of<br />

proximity detection systems on all CMM. Researchers at the National Institute<br />

for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) have developed the Intelligent<br />

Proximity Detection (iPD) system, which is expected to enhance safety by preventing<br />

hazardous motions while still allowing the miners the flexibility to<br />

choose where they position themselves to avoid other hazards such as other<br />

equipment or unsupported mine roof. The iPD system has been installed and<br />

tested on a Joy 14CM continuous mining machine at the NIOSH laboratory in<br />

Pittsburgh. Measurements were recorded around the machine to quantify and<br />

map the accuracy of the system. A number of variables including receiver orientation,<br />

position of machine appendages and presence of metallic objects such as<br />

the trailing cable were analyzed. Based on this analysis, the performance of the<br />

iPD system has been shown to provide the accuracy needed to provide intelligent<br />

response to striking and pinning hazards and represents a major advance in the<br />

field of proximity detection.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Stress Distributions Around Typical Field Intersection Geometries<br />

in Coal Mines<br />

S. Bastola, C. Carlton, B. Abbasi and Y. Chugh; Mining and Mineral<br />

Resources Engineering, Southern Illinois University Carbondale,<br />

Carbondale, IL<br />

Over 80% of roof falls in Illinois coal mines occur at the intersections of entries.<br />

Regular intersection geometries have been typically analyzed in the previous literature.<br />

This study has analyzed stress distribution around typical field intersection<br />

geometries and compared it with similar data for regular four-way intersection<br />

geometries. Three-dimensional numerical analyses were performed for a<br />

typical lithology associated with No 6 coal seam in southern Illinois. Linear elastic<br />

and non-linear analyses were performed using Hoek-Brown failure criteria for<br />

different lithologic units. The three-dimensional models developed incorporated<br />

bedding planes and the in-situ horizontal stresses. Yielded zones were developed<br />

for various types of irregular intersections. Effect of diagonal widths of the intersection<br />

and pre-mining horizontal stresses were examined extensively due to their<br />

influence on stability. Progressive failure zones and contours for safety factors<br />

were developed. In addition to stress distribution, displacement analyses were<br />

also performed to assess stability of intersections.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

A Discussion on TBM Cutter Change Time<br />

and Cutter Consumption<br />

E. Farrokh and J. Rostami; PSU, State College, PA<br />

Cutter change time is defined as the average time required for changing a cutter<br />

on the cutter head and cutter consumption is the average number of cutters worn<br />

out for excavation of one cubic meter of rock. Estimation of these two parame-<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

62<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


ters requires certain intact rock and rock mass properties (such as abrasivity) as<br />

well as machine parameters are needed. Analysis of cutter consumption information<br />

of several tunnel projects from around the world has revealed that the available<br />

models for estimation of cutter consumption require some revisions to provide<br />

more accurate predictions. The results of the statistical analysis show that in<br />

most cases, NTH model underestimates cutter change time. The preliminary<br />

analysis of data shows that average cutter change time is approximately 66 minutes<br />

for different cutter sizes and there is a minimal difference between corresponding<br />

cutter change times of the large versus small cutters. This paper reviews<br />

the available models for cutter life estimation and cutter consumption data from<br />

various projects. It offers new models for estimation of cutter consumption and<br />

cutter change time as part of TBM down time analysis.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

Installation of Internal Hydraulic Seals for Additional<br />

Environmental Protection<br />

M. Castner; Engineering, Rosebud Mining Company, Kittanning, PA<br />

Permit applications for deep mines in the state of PA require environmental provisions<br />

to prevent post mining water discharge. In some instances, the permit applications<br />

have required the installation of hydraulic seals prior to the completion<br />

of the final drift seals at a mine. Such was the case for Rosebud Mining Company<br />

and the Little Toby Mine, located in Elk County. When the permit was approved,<br />

it was done so on the condition that hydraulic seals would be installed and an acceptable<br />

design was approved as part of the permit issuance. Over the years, conditions<br />

and ideas have changed and developed which resulted in new ideas and<br />

resources that provide some alternative ways for the construction of hydraulic<br />

seal. Thus, the purpose of this report is to show the design of a recently installed<br />

hydraulic seal application, how this new seal design compared to the previously<br />

approved design, and finally how the entire installation procedure was executed<br />

for this new hydraulic seal.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Using Chemical Grout to Control Groundwater Infiltration<br />

J. Gentry; Avanti International, Webster, TX<br />

Acrylamide grout was selected to address groundwater seepage on three unique<br />

projects. Each project provided special circumstances and geological conditions:<br />

Pre-excavation grouting for combined sewer overflow tanks, 27 miles of leaking<br />

subway, and encapsulation of radioactive hazardous waste. Acrylamide grout<br />

was chosen primarily for its specific characteristics: thinnest grout on the market,<br />

no suspended solids, adjustable set times, and a 362-year half-life in soil as determined<br />

by the U.S. Department of Energy.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

Interaction of Roof Rock Mass Characterization and Ground<br />

Control Design in Weak Roof Conditions<br />

A. Osouli; Civil Engineering, Southern Illinois University,<br />

Edwardsville, IL<br />

Roof rock mass characterization is the critical element for evaluating roof conditions<br />

and designing roof support systems in underground coal mines. Coal Mine<br />

Roof Rating (CMRR) is the most internationally used and empirical-based rock<br />

mass classification system which was developed using a limited number of case<br />

studies. Therefore, using CMRR for cases outside its database has raised concerns.<br />

It was discovered that the current procedure of determining CMRR may<br />

not be appropriate for Illinois coal mines, where due to its weak and moisture<br />

sensitive roof, has the highest number of roof falls among all the United States<br />

(U.S.) coal regions. The erroneous roof rock mass characterization will affect the<br />

selection of roof control methods, mining methods, and as a consequence marketability<br />

of coal. Utilizing CMRR for roof rock mass evaluation has many advantages<br />

including its flexibility to adapt to different roof conditions. This study<br />

will focus on the shortcomings in application of CMRR for weak moisture sensitive<br />

roof conditions and possible modifications to address these shortcomings.<br />

chair:<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

coal & energy:<br />

Ventilation II<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

K. Luxbacher, Virginia Polytech Institute and State<br />

University, Blacksburg, VA<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Studies of Controlled Recirculation Using CO2 Gas Injection:<br />

Laboratory and Simulation Results<br />

M. Nelson, M. Shriwas and F. Calizaya; Mining Engineering,<br />

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

As an underground mine gets deeper, ventilation systems become more complex.<br />

Conventional methods of ventilation using only surface fans may be inadequate<br />

because of the limitations to increasing surface fan pressure. A high main fan<br />

pressure increases leakage and poses other risks. Controlled recirculation provided<br />

by booster fans can offer advantages, particularly for dust and climate control.<br />

However, the booster fans must be designed, installed, and managed properly.<br />

This study determined the concentrations of CO2 tracer gas in intakes and<br />

returns during controlled recirculation, the recirculation fraction for multiple<br />

headings, and the best combination of main and booster fan pressures to achieve<br />

allowable levels of air contaminants. Results from the laboratory model were<br />

used to calibrate a VentSim numerical. Recirculation can increase air velocity at<br />

the face, reducing risk by decreasing concentrations of gasses to allowable levels.<br />

Controlled recirculation can be a safe method of ventilation, to improve the environmental<br />

conditions at working faces and make them more comfortable and tolerable<br />

for the miners.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment for the Use of Booster<br />

Fans in Underground Coal Mines<br />

F. Calizaya, M. Nelson and M. Shriwas; Mining Engineering,<br />

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

A booster fan is an underground ventilation device installed in the main airstream<br />

to handle the total quantity of air circulated to one or more working districts. It is<br />

installed in a permanent stopping and equipped with airlock doors, a monitoring<br />

system, and interlocking devices between the main fan and the booster fan. When<br />

adequately installed, a booster fan can be used to reduce the main fan pressure, reduce<br />

leakage, and decrease the power requirements. However, an inadequate installation<br />

can also increase the likelihood of mine fires and recirculation of air<br />

contaminants. This study identifies hazards associated with the operation and<br />

maintenance of booster fans. It analyzes the accompanying risks and suggests<br />

control barriers to reduce those risks to acceptable levels. In particular, the ventilation<br />

network of an existing coal mine was updated to include a booster fan system.<br />

The hazards associated with the operation of the fan were identified, the<br />

risks analyzed, and the response to each failure mode established.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Evaluation of Novel Fire Suppression Systems for<br />

Conveyor Belt Fires<br />

K. Teacoach and R. Thomas; NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

For decades the majority of underground coal mine fire suppression systems<br />

have relied on water applied by sprinkler heads to protect the belt line. However,<br />

many other industries utilize fire suppression systems and suppression agents<br />

which are not listed in 30 CFR, but may be practical and effective in coal mines.<br />

This paper summarizes eight full scale conveyor belt fire experiments conducted<br />

under ventilated conditions in the Fire Suppression Facility at Lake Lynn<br />

Laboratory. It also evaluates the suppression capabilities of firefighting foam and<br />

gel in systems installed according to water sprinkler regulations, and the suppression<br />

capabilities of a deluge-type water mist system. The efficacy of these systems<br />

was assessed by comparing several fire characteristics and outcomes to previous<br />

experiments with standard water sprinkler systems. All three novel systems<br />

were able to suppress established fires located in the belt drive area as well as a<br />

typical water sprinkler system. The results were consistent with previous water<br />

sprinkler tests which determined water supply and nozzle placement to be the<br />

two most important factors in the efficacy of a drive area suppression system.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

63<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


10:05 AM<br />

Development of Computer-Based Training Exercise for<br />

Underground Mine Firefighting<br />

S. Arya and A. Wala; Department of Mining Engineering, University<br />

of Kentucky, Lexington, KY<br />

This paper presents the development of a Computer-Based training exercise to<br />

fight fire in an underground longwall development panel (headgate). It discusses<br />

the effects of fire on the mine ventilation system for different panel arrangements.<br />

The differences include inclination of entries, location of intake, belt, and return<br />

entries, and mine ventilation system (forcing and exhaust). Also, the advantages<br />

and disadvantages of approaching the fire from different directions, the sequence<br />

of firefighting actions, the spread of combustion products throughout the ventilation<br />

system, and the effect of buoyancy on an ascensional or a descensional ventilation<br />

system are discussed. Moreover, the effect of fire controlling actions, such<br />

as implementing check curtains, breaching a stopping, opening and closing a<br />

door, and applying water/foam, are discussed. The paper concludes that the<br />

Computer-Based training exercise can help in decision making during firefighting,<br />

and it can also significantly enhance the understanding of the behavior of<br />

mine ventilation system in the case of fire.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

West Elk Mine: The Conversion from an Exhausting to a Forcing<br />

Ventilation System<br />

J. Poulos; Engineering, Mountain Coal Co., Somerset, CO<br />

Arch Coal, Inc., Mountain Coal Co., West Elk Mine (WEM) is a large underground<br />

longwall coalmine located in western Colorado. Past production ranges<br />

between 5.5 and 7.0 million tons per year. The West Elk Mine moved longwall<br />

production from the B Seam to the E Seam in December 2008. The resultant ventilation<br />

system is comprised of both exhausting and forcing ventilation. This<br />

paper will discuss: 1) The actual mine layout and the need to implement a forcing<br />

system for the new E Seam Reserve while at the same time maintaining the exhausting<br />

system for the F Seam and B Seam portions of the mine. 2) How the<br />

conversion was accomplished. 3) How the two systems perform together.<br />

environmental:<br />

Process Solution and drainage<br />

Management for the Metal Mining Sector<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: E. Milosavljevic, Newmont Mining Corporation,<br />

Englewood, CO<br />

J. Croall, Newmont Mining, Englewood, CO<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

9:05 AM<br />

ASTM Standardization of the Acid Neutralization Potential<br />

Acidity Titration (ANPA) in the Low Range for Investigation of<br />

“Uncertain” Results<br />

C. Bucknam; Water Technologies, Nemont Metallurgical<br />

Technologies, Englewood, CO<br />

Classical acid-base accounting using modified Sobek titration methods has resulted<br />

in interpretation of results for materials with neutralization potential (NP)<br />

less than 20 tons of CaCO3/ton of material (2% CaCO3) as “uncertain” due to<br />

lack of sensitivity within that content range. Standardization of a “fizless” acid<br />

neutralization potential (ANP) method was undertaken in the American Society<br />

for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International using two ranges of sulfuric acid<br />

additions based on reaction pH and carbonate carbon estimates rather than subjective<br />

fizz testing as well as hydrogen peroxide additions to correct for mineral<br />

acidity. The method is identified as the acid neutralization potential acidity<br />

(ANPA) titration method. During interlaboratory testing a positive bias was discovered<br />

within the “uncertain” range with was further investigated and resolved<br />

by increasing the test sample weight from one to five grams for samples needing<br />

improved accuracy in materials with ANP


(5) prolonged closure obligations due to slow tailings water drainage all in addition<br />

to even more pressing environmental issues. The value of providing solutions<br />

for these key challenges has driven a tremendous development effort over the past<br />

two years resulting in numerous advances in geosynthetic materials available. (1)<br />

Geocomposites have been developed specifically for heap leach pads, (2) electrically<br />

isolating weld techniques are now available for conductive geomembranes,<br />

and (3) high performance geomembranes have been developed to provide increased<br />

performance and life span at elevated temperatures. In addition to these<br />

advancements, further development is also taking shape to solve more mining industry<br />

challenges in ways that were never previously thought possible.<br />

chair:<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

environmental:<br />

Water treatment for Processing<br />

and discharge<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

S. Benowitz, Water Engineering Technologies, Inc.,<br />

Bozeman, MT<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Two Ways to Deal with Mine/Plant Effluents Residues:<br />

Store Them, or Sell Them<br />

K. Tabra; Water Treatment, ARCADIS Peru, Lima, Peru<br />

As a mine operator, the proper strategy to handle residues is one of our main concerns;<br />

in particular dealing with mine/plant liquid effluents, where the most common<br />

technology to deal with (the extensive lime usage) just postpones the problem<br />

to sludge disposal. Here its shown two main strategic alternatives to deal<br />

with effluents: a) transform dissolved metals into sludge to be stored; or b) extract<br />

the dissolved metals to sell them In general terms, we have two active treatment<br />

strategies which consist of 1) extensive lime usage to create hydroxides and finally<br />

sediment them (clean water in overflow), 2) the selective use of NaSH or<br />

Fe(OH)3 to create new molecules, then clog them, and finally float them with dissolved<br />

air (clean water in underflow) This article shows a roadmap for the decision<br />

process, between using conventional lime-based technology (which generates<br />

gypsum to be stored); or use a more efficient, automated, selective, reliable,<br />

low CAPEX, low deployment times, to extract dissolved metals in the form of<br />

byproducts to be sold (instead of store them). The Roadmap consist of<br />

1) Characterization 2) Abatement test 3) Flocculation test 4) Solid/liquid separation<br />

test<br />

9:25 AM<br />

How to Optimize the Water Usage at the Whole Operation<br />

in 4 Key Steps<br />

G. Tiravanti; Water Managment, Arcadis, Lima, Peru<br />

A recurrent concern in mining operations is how to deal with the large volumes<br />

of fresh water used which generates large volumes of effluents that have to be<br />

treated. In that regard we face with two main strategies: 1) treat the effluent as it<br />

comes, or 2) use simulation tools to optimize the overall process to reduce water<br />

usage and contaminants. Optimize fresh water usage in the operations could reduce<br />

effluents generated, maintenance costs, etc. This article shows a successful<br />

tool developed in Matlab-SimulinkÆ that allows modeling a complete operation<br />

and simulating potential improvements to evaluate the results. This tool was already<br />

proven in Cu-Mo as well as polymetallic operations. This article reviews<br />

the 4 Key Steps required to achieve our goals: a) Build a Blocks Diagram (3<br />

weeks), which is based on field survey; b) Input process water flows and qualities<br />

(4 weeks) in strategic locations; c) Simulate new alternatives (3 weeks) like local<br />

recirculation, changes in reagents and dosage, partial treatment, flows<br />

merges/separation, etc; and d) Implement the Final Choice (4 weeks) which consist<br />

on developing conceptual engineering to determine the CAPEX required and<br />

new OPEX.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Sulfate Reduction from Membrane Concentrate Applicable to<br />

Mining Water<br />

K. Banerjee; Process, Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies,<br />

Moon Township, PA<br />

The high solubility and stability of sulfate ions in aqueous solutions make<br />

processes for removal of this anion from water to low levels extremely complex.<br />

With the increased interest in wastewater reuse, the application of nano-filtration<br />

(NF) for sulfate reduction is becoming popular. However, handling of the NF<br />

concentrate with high sulfate is problematic. The primary objectives of this project<br />

were to determine and validate an appropriate membrane (NF) process to reduce<br />

the sulfate concentration in water as well as to establish an innovative sulfate<br />

treatment technology for the membrane reject. Some of the results from this<br />

project were presented at the 2012 <strong>SME</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> in Seattle, Washington.<br />

This abstract continues our report on the work that was presented last year.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

Transforming Waste into Production via<br />

Powerful DeMet" Technology<br />

P. James and M. Baker; Blue Planet Strategies, Madison, WI<br />

New DeMet" water treatment technology (Blue Planet Strategies) wrings new<br />

value from mining and processing wastes. This powerful platform technology enables<br />

various new economical treatment options to extract key metals from traditional<br />

low level and waste stream sources normally left by traditional processing<br />

methods. DeMet" use can enhance profits or reduce environmental processing<br />

costs. Applications of DeMet" technology to several persistent key environmental<br />

and processing challenges to mining will be presented. The profitable reclamation<br />

of metals from Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) will be discussed and illustrated<br />

with key results. Processing of weak Pregnant Leach Solution (PLS) by<br />

DeMet" to enable cost-effective final production by conventional facilities will<br />

also be illustrated. The immediate and longer term benefits to mine lives, cut-off<br />

grades, and extracting the value from wastes like ARD and old tailings by applying<br />

DeMet" will be examined. The economic impacts of utilizing DeMet at several<br />

representative sites and situations will be reviewed. Exciting DeMet" enabled<br />

recycling options to reduce chemical consumption needs for traditional processing<br />

will also be noted.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

A Treatment Process for Removal of Molybdenum from<br />

Copper Mine Tailings Pond Water<br />

K. Banerjee; Process Engineering, Veoliawater solutions &<br />

Technologies, Moon Township, PA<br />

A treatment process was developed to remove molybdenum from copper mine<br />

tailings pond water. Among all the technologies evaluated, adsorption onto<br />

Hydrous Ferric Oxide (HFO) including iron coprecipitation and adsorption<br />

process; and adsorption onto iron oxide based media showed the most promising<br />

and consistent results. Bench-scale studies were conducted to determine the kinetics<br />

and treatment efficiency of the adsorption process. The effects of reaction<br />

pH, adsorbent dosage, reaction time, and particle size of the media on the adsorption<br />

capacity for molybdenum were investigated. An on-site pilot scale study<br />

was conducted to verify the laboratory data. Results reveal that HFO is capable<br />

of reducing molybdenum from 1 to less than 0.01 mg/L, under slightly acidic<br />

condition (pH between 6.5 and 7.0) within 10 minutes of reaction. Kinetics data<br />

indicate that the reaction is fast, and can be approximated by 1st order kinetics.<br />

Molybdenum [Mo(VI)] adsorption capacity was found to decrease with the increasing<br />

ionic strength. Results from the laboratory and pilot scale studies on<br />

molybdenum removal will be presented and discussed.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

Applications of Coagulants and Flocculants<br />

D. Christophersen; Technical, Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies,<br />

Vandalia, OH<br />

Coagulants and flocculants have many applications in the mining process. The<br />

selection and use of these chemicals requires some knowledge of how they work<br />

and how they should be prepared to maiximize their benefit and to minimize<br />

cost. This presentation will go over the different types of coagulants and flocculants<br />

and give recommendations on how to select and apply them.<br />

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Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


Industrial Minerals & aggregates:<br />

Industrial Minerals research<br />

at universities<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: B. Li, Michigan Technological Univ., Houghton, MI<br />

R. Pruett, Imerys, Milledgeville, GA<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Mineralogical Characteristics and Applications of Vermiculite from<br />

Seven Major Mines in China<br />

T. Peng and H. Sun; Institute of Mineral Materials and Application,<br />

Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang, China<br />

Mineralogical characteristics of the vermiculite samples from seven mines in<br />

China have been studied. Three types of interstratified structures were found in<br />

the investigated samples: regular 1:1 interstratified structure, segregated interstratified<br />

structure, and random interstratified structure. The vermiculite samples<br />

from six of the seven mines are mainly composed of phlogopite-vermiculite interstratified<br />

minerals, and that from another mine is chlorite-vermiculite interstratified<br />

mineral. The contents of K2O, TiO2 and Na2O are higher for the samples<br />

with phlogopite-vermiculite structure, and MgO and Al2O3 are higher for<br />

the samples with chlorite-vermiculite structure. The cation exchange capacity of<br />

the samples is 17.3 - 99.0mmol/100g.The exchangeable cations of phlogopitevermiculite<br />

samples from Weili Mine are mainly Na+, Ca2+, while that from<br />

Tongguan Mine are Mg2+ and Ca2+. The thermal expansion ratio of the samples<br />

is between 9 and 32. The exfoliated vermiculite products from Weili Mines<br />

have the best mechanical strength.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Property Difference of Vermiculite Made by Microwave and<br />

Traditional Exfoliations<br />

B. Li; Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI<br />

Exfoliated vermiculite has been widely applied in various industries with its<br />

unique property. Microwave radiation can be used to produce exfoliated vermiculite<br />

with low energy consumption at ambient temperature, while traditional exfoliations<br />

need to be performed at high temperature. Since the different mechanisms<br />

for energy transfer, the vermiculite exfoliated by microwave radiation shown<br />

higher mechanical strength, lower water absorption, and unique porous aspects,<br />

comparing to traditional calcinations. The exfoliation mechanisms conducted by<br />

traditional calcinations and microwave radiation will also be discussed.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Anisotropic Surface Charging of Chlorite<br />

X. Yin 1 , L. Yan 2 , J. Liu 1 , Z. Xu 2 and J. Miller 1 ; 1 Metallurgical<br />

Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT and 2 Chemical<br />

and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,<br />

Canada<br />

A more detailed analysis of the surface charge of chlorite minerals is important<br />

in order to improve the fundamental understanding of such particle structures<br />

and their behavior in suspension. In this research, the anisotropic surface charging<br />

of chlorite has been established using AFM surface force measurements with<br />

a silicon nitride tip. The surface charge densities and surface potentials at the<br />

chlorite basal plane surfaces and edge surfaces were obtained by fitting force<br />

curves with the DLVO (Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek) theoretical model.<br />

The results demonstrated the anisotropic surface characteristics of chlorite. It is<br />

expected that the findings from this research will provide a fundamental foundation<br />

in the analysis of industrial situations, for example, issues including collector<br />

adsorption, slime coating, and particle interactions in the area of mineral processing<br />

technology.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

An Investigation of the Dynamic Strength and Stiffness Properties<br />

of the Nonesuch Shale Formation for Mechanical Mining<br />

S. Vitton 1 , K. Crawford 2 and C. Gilbertson 3 ; 1 Civil & Environmental<br />

Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI;<br />

2<br />

Civil & Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological<br />

University, Houghton, MI and 3 Civil & Environmental Engineering,<br />

Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI<br />

The research presented in this paper deals with an analysis of the dynamic properties<br />

of a siltstone shale formation of the Nonesuch Formation, a Precambrian<br />

age rock, which will be mined by the proposed Copperwood Mine which is now<br />

in the permitting stage and has considered using mechanical mining. To further<br />

investigate the rock properties of the Nonesuch Shale formation ore zone, additional<br />

dynamic testing has been conducted. The testing consisted of both static<br />

and dynamic compressive testing utilizing the SHPB. In addition, rock was tested<br />

in both dry and saturated condition, since the siltstone/shale is moisture sensitive.<br />

The results indicated that the Copperwood ore is rate sensitive with the dynamic<br />

strength and stiffness about two times the static strength for dry specimens.<br />

However, the rate sensitivities decreased for the fully saturated tests. This<br />

effect has been observed in other sedimentary rock types and could have significance<br />

in better understanding whether a rock can be mined using mechanical<br />

mining methods. The paper also speculates as to the cause of the decrease in the<br />

rate sensitivity of ore with saturation.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Value Added Engineered Mineral Particulate Systems<br />

B. Moudgil; Materials Science & Engineering, University of Florida,<br />

Gainesville, FL<br />

Researchers at the Particle Engineering Research Center (PERC), University of<br />

Florida are developing engineered particle systems for improving efficiency and<br />

value addition in products. For instance, polyhydroxy fullerenes-titania<br />

nanocomposites coatings show significant promise in degrading microbial contaminants<br />

on surfaces by visible light activated photocatalysis. Multifunctional<br />

silica based nanoparticles are effective in cancer imaging, targeted drug delivery<br />

and therapy. Copper coated silica nanoparticles have proven to be significantly<br />

more effective odor control agents as compared to conventional products.<br />

Environmentally benign modified clay encapsulating chemicals/pesticides can<br />

serve as green alternative and effective agents for crop protection. The overall objective<br />

is sustainable development of value added minerals with minimum environmental<br />

footprint. This presentation will highlight some these developments<br />

with the aid of specific examples.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

Mineralogical Characterization of Brazilian Kaolin Ore Using<br />

Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy<br />

ÕTALO. GonÁalves 1 , C. Petter 1 , N. Dani 2 , G. Kolbe 2 and R. Pruett 3 ;<br />

1<br />

Mining Engineering Department, Universidade Federal do Rio<br />

Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; 2 Geosciences Institute,<br />

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil and<br />

3<br />

Minerals Technology Dept., Imerys Pigments for Paper & Packaging,<br />

Sandersville, GA<br />

Brazilian kaolin ores are usually contaminated by hematite (Fe 2 O 3 ), goethite<br />

(FeOOH), and anatase (TiO 2 ), whose strong colors degrade the quality of the<br />

final product. Variations in particle size and degree of element substitution cause<br />

a great impact over these minerals optical properties, as well as in their response<br />

to processing operations. The total Fe content obtained through X-Ray<br />

Fluorescence (XRF) shows a poor correlation with the brightness of kaolin, due<br />

to the inability to differentiate between the Fe contained in the oxides/hydroxides<br />

and the Fe present inside the crystalline structure of kaolinite, especially when<br />

the Fe-bearing minerals occur in small quantities. This paper presents a new<br />

generic technique to quantify oxide/hydroxide impurities in kaolin, based on reflectance<br />

measurements in the visible range and the Kubelka-Munk (K-M) theory.<br />

The technique has a great potential to improve the knowledge regarding the<br />

kaolins quality and processability, and to help bridge the gap between the mine<br />

and the processing plant.<br />

Be A Sponsor!<br />

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Innovation in Metallurgical Processing<br />

Symposium:<br />

Innovations in comminution<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

Innovations in Fragmentation and Mine to Mill<br />

Sarma Kanchibotla, JK Tech<br />

Innovation in Comminution Equipment<br />

Mark Erickson, Newmont Mining<br />

Innovations in Comminution Modeling and Testing<br />

Steve Morrell, SMCC Pty Ltd<br />

Innovations in Comminutions Instrument and Control<br />

Brian Flintoff, Metso Minerals Canada<br />

Innovations in Comminutions Discrete Element Modeling<br />

Raj Rajamani, University of Utah<br />

Innovations in Process Mineralogy and Laboratory Automation<br />

Wolfgang Baum, FLSmidth Salt Lake City<br />

The Future of Comminution<br />

Jens Lichter, Lyntek Inc.<br />

Innovation in Metallurgical Processing<br />

Symposium:<br />

Innovations in Smelting<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

Innovations in Pyrometallurgy<br />

Patrick Taylor, Colorado School of Mines<br />

Innovations in the Processing of Platinum Group Metals<br />

Neville Plint, Anglo American Platinum<br />

Innovations in the Pyrometallurgical treatment of Lead and Zinc<br />

Len Harris, Self-Employed Consultant<br />

Innovations in Copper Smelting<br />

Eric Partelpoeg, EHP Consulting Inc.<br />

Innovations in the Pyrometallurgy of Iron and Steel<br />

Glenn Hoffman, Cardero Iron Ore Co. Ltd.<br />

Innovation in Air Pollution Control<br />

Darrel Longwell, MFG Inc.<br />

Phil Mackey<br />

chair:<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

International<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

M. Gavrilovic, E3 Consulting LLC, Englewood, CO<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Mining Heritage: Preservation and Sustainable Development of an<br />

Outstanding Universal Value<br />

J. Kretschmann 1 and S. Brueggerhoff 2 ; 1 TFH Georg Agricola<br />

University, Bochum, Germany and 2 Deutsches Bergbau-Museum,<br />

Bochum, Germany<br />

Mining heritage can be of outstanding value for many regions around the world,<br />

because mining has been done for thousands of years for the benefit of mankind<br />

and its development. This paper presents an ongoing project creating a general<br />

guideline for the handling of mining heritage on the basis of experiences made in<br />

Germany. Interactions of stakeholders in the heritage network as well as strategies<br />

for the technical proceeding will be described. An action plan for the sustainable<br />

handling of mining heritage will be developed, which includes necessary<br />

measures. Best-practice recommendations will be derived.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Sustainable Development in India Mining Sector<br />

K. Galla, M. Poulton and S. Annavarapu; Mining and Geological<br />

Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ<br />

The forest regions in India are endowed with significant mineral resources which<br />

make them the nations richest lands. The local indigenous people face displacement<br />

whenever a mining activity begins. The mining sector in western countries<br />

is under continuous pressure despite many sustainable practices. However it is<br />

very different in India; unsustainable mining practices are at a very large scale<br />

and there is little or no government or NGO pressure on the mining industry.<br />

Sustainability is not yet a core value of many companies. The regulatory mechanisms<br />

like DGMS, IBM and ministry of environment and forests are present but<br />

not adequately empowered. India is one of the largest producers of coal and iron<br />

ore in the world. The current total production value of all minerals in India is<br />

$38.18 billion, which has doubled over the last five years. More than 90% of mineral<br />

production in India comes from just 11 states out of the total 28 states and 7<br />

union territories. This paper will focus on the present scenario of mining sector in<br />

India and its consequences. The necessity of a business model to address sustainable<br />

development in mining in India will also be discussed.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Asbestos Mining in Russia: Approaches to Public Health<br />

Risk Assessment<br />

A. Korchevskiy, E. Rasmuson, J. Rasmuson and R. Strode; Chemistry<br />

& Industrial Hygiene, Inc., Wheat Ridge, CO<br />

While Russia continues to be the worldwide leader in asbestos production, the<br />

environmental and health situation around asbestos mines in this country is not<br />

well understood. A literature review was performed to evaluate the potential impact<br />

of Russian mining operations on the asbestos-related cancer incidence in the<br />

Ural region where the majority of asbestos deposits are located. The Nicholson-<br />

Peto (1986) model was applied to the reported mesothelioma mortality statistics<br />

in different cities and villages of the region. It was demonstrated that the<br />

mesothelioma potency factors, as determined by Berman and Crump (2008),<br />

could be used to predict the mesothelioma risks in the locations where either pure<br />

chrysotile or crocidolite and chrysotile were mined and milled. The highest<br />

mesothelioma incidence was identified in a town close to a crocidolite mine.<br />

Also, a mesothelioma potency factor was calculated for anthophyllite<br />

(KM=1.00*10-8) based on the Russian data. The study confirmed the validity of<br />

asbestos risk modeling related to asbestos mining, and provided context regarding<br />

the extent of asbestos-related public health issues in the former Soviet republics<br />

(FSRs).<br />

10:05 AM<br />

Transportation Planning for Major Mine Projects<br />

B. Sussman; Environmental Resources Management, Inc.,<br />

Annapolis, MD<br />

Management of mine-related transportation is an increasingly important aspect<br />

of mine planning, construction, and operations. Safe and efficient transportation<br />

of supplies, personnel, and extracted and/or processed materials affects the mine<br />

s economic, environmental, and social performance (including community support<br />

or opposition), and is increasingly tied to lending and regulatory decisions.<br />

This presentation will draw upon the authors experience of preparing transportation<br />

studies for mines on four continents. Participants will gain insight into existing<br />

mine-related transportation best practices, typical obstacles to effective transportation<br />

planning and operations, and recommendations for future practices.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Lessons Learned from Social Mining Conflicts in Peru<br />

R. Mucho; E3 Consulting LLC, Englewood, CO<br />

Romulo is the President of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

Traveling in Suriname<br />

F. Habashi; Laval University, Quebec City, QC, Canada<br />

Fathi travels yet again!<br />

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Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


11:05 AM<br />

A Social Development Project: Meerschaum Mining and Processing<br />

Activities in Eskisehir<br />

M. Yavuz; Mining Engineering, Eskisehir Osmangazi University,<br />

Eskisehir, Turkey<br />

Sepiolite [Mg4Si6O15(OH)2.6H2O] is widely used in industry because of its adsorptive,<br />

rheological and catalytic properties. There are two genetic types of sepiolite<br />

around the Eskisehir, Turkey. The most common type is the so-called<br />

Meerschaum which occurs as nodules and concretions in Miocene-Pliocene conglomerate<br />

surrounding the magnesite deposits around Eskisehir. Meerschaum<br />

mining has been doing for centuries by local farmers two different region of<br />

Eskisehir. Traditional tunneling methods are used in production activities by<br />

local farmers. The produced raw meerschaum is processed by many artists in<br />

Eskisehir. The best nodules are carved into objects such as pipe bowls, bracelets<br />

and necklaces. In recent years, various problems are encountered both processing<br />

and mining in sepiolite. Primarily, meerschaum production dramatically decreased.<br />

For this reason, artists cannot find quality meerschaum. So, domestic<br />

and external demand for processed meerschaum cannot provide by artists. In this<br />

paper, the studies for solving the problems are described. The solutions for meerschaum<br />

sector both production and processing processes have been developed.<br />

Mineral & Metallurgical Processing:<br />

comminution I<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: E. Spiller, Tetra Tech, Aurora, CO<br />

M. Jorgensen, CH2MHill, Centennial, CO<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

9:05 AM<br />

A Modified Bond Abrasion-Index Machine Acoustic and Torque<br />

Spectra Correlated to Ore-Induced Metal-Wear Characteristics<br />

M. Uceda 1 , J. Seidel 2 , G. Martins 3 and P. Taylor 3 ; 1 Jacobs<br />

Engineering, Golden, CO; 2 Newmont Mining Corporation,<br />

Englewood, CO and 3 Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO<br />

The two principal operating costs in commercial crushing and grinding are energy<br />

and metal wear. It is established that estimation of metal-wear costs during<br />

process development studies is problematic. The Bond Abrasion Index determined<br />

by the Bond Abrasion Test is employed in the mining industry as a tool to<br />

predict metal consumption. The goals of this research were to improve reliability<br />

of the prediction of metal consumption by incorporating acoustic emission and<br />

torque-transducer instrumentation into the design of the abrasion machine.<br />

Three ores sized to æ + Ω inch with varying grinding characteristics were employed<br />

in the investigation. Fast Fourier Transform was performed on the fluctuating<br />

acoustic and torque signals to obtain ore-related characteristic “signatures”<br />

in the frequency domain. In addition, the mass of the paddle (wear element) was<br />

measured as a function of time and a non-linear correlation was obtained that described<br />

the wear-characteristic of the paddle for each ore. The results reported<br />

represent a significant contribution to the interpretation and consequently the<br />

confidence-level of the Bond Abrasion Test.<br />

control system. Each action above would serve to make the crusher more productive<br />

and more energy efficient, and would also have mechanical benefits for<br />

the machine.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

New Generation of Gearless Mill Drive – When High Efficiency<br />

Meets High Availability<br />

R. Errath 1 , A. Fuerst 1 and L. Arana 2 ; 1 Minerals, ABB, Baden,<br />

Switzerland and 2 Newmont / Yanacocha, Cajamarca, Peru<br />

When in 2006 at the <strong>SME</strong> conference ABB presented the paper Gearless Mill<br />

Drive the working horse for SAG and Ball mills a very experienced mining engineer<br />

were really impressed about the efficiency of 95% but he asked about the<br />

availability of the drive system and the entire plant? Remember: Availability<br />

stands for production and efficiency for energy cost! Since then ABB has modified<br />

and improved many design details related to the motor. In parallel a smart<br />

control system has been developed which is able to check motor condition long<br />

before some problem could occur. This new generation of Gearless Mill drives<br />

definitely needs less maintenance, however the key for high availability also remains<br />

in the hands of the plant maintenance staff. The paper shows what kind of<br />

improvements have been made on the motor and which steps forward in smart<br />

controlling have been achieved. It also shows what kind of approach, coordination<br />

and activities of the plant maintenance staff is applying to get an availability<br />

of more than 99% on the Gearless Mill Drives and 94% on the plant. The paper<br />

shows detailed figures of efficiencies and availabilities reached in 2011 and 2012.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

HPGR Technical Development & Applications in<br />

Hard Rock Mining<br />

E. Burchardt 2 and H. Plath 1 ; 1 Polysius Corp, Atlanta, GA and<br />

2<br />

ThyssenKrupp Polysius AG, Neubeckum, Germany<br />

HPGR technology has been established and has proven itself in a variety of challenging<br />

applications in the mining industry worldwide. The continued development<br />

of HPGR-based grinding systems follows the requirements set by the trends<br />

in the industry. Mining companies are increasingly challenged to exploit very<br />

large deposits consisting of low grade ore, often in extremely remote locations,<br />

with water being a scarce resource. The consequences for the strategic development<br />

of mineral processing technology and thus HPGR are evident: - Large capacity<br />

units are required to limit the number of machines needed for concentrators<br />

of 150,000 tpd and more. New large HPGR units are already available and<br />

even larger ones are on the drawing boards. What are the implications of these<br />

large HPGRs? - Low grade deposits and growing costs for energy and wear materials<br />

require highly efficient grinding circuits. New HPGR based grinding systems<br />

and their economic benefits are presented. - To reduce overall process water<br />

requirements for such plants, dry grinding systems with or without HPGRs - can<br />

be applied to mineral processing plants. Benefits and limitations of such systems<br />

are presented.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Worlds Greatest Throughput Cone Crusher<br />

J. Dulmes and K. O’Bryan; FLSmidth, Wales, WI<br />

Preparation, planning and production for the Worlds Greatest Throughput Cone<br />

Crusher operating at Osiskos Canadian Malarctic Gold Mine.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Pilot Study on the Influence of Eccentric Speed on Cone Crusher<br />

Production and Operation<br />

D. Jacobson; Metso, Waukesha, WI<br />

There are many different machine setup parameters and variables that affect the<br />

production of cone crushers in a mineral processing plant, including the eccentric<br />

speed. Pilot tests were conducted on a 200 hp cone crusher to determine the production<br />

and operating conditions over a wide spectrum of eccentric speed. For<br />

high speed cones, the crusher will exhibit a different capacity, power, and discharge<br />

as the speed ranges over the design limits. This study documents the measured<br />

variation in production and energy efficiency over a range of speeds.<br />

Overall, the capacity and power fluctuated by XX% and XX%, respectively over<br />

the speed range when operated full. The results with a fixed feed rate were more<br />

telling, as the crushers were XX% more productive on average when operating at<br />

an optimal speed versus non-optimal. Varying the speed of the crusher can be<br />

used to tune the crusher speed during commissioning, adapt to changing ore conditions<br />

over long periods of time, or be used as a dynamic input into an advanced<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

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Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


Mineral & Metallurgical Processing:<br />

Flotation I<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: S. Miskovic, Univeristy of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

T. Olson, FLSmidth Minerals, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

J. Hohn, RSR Technologies, Irving, TX<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Evaluatin of an In-plant Pre-aeration Feed System Using Cavitation<br />

for Enhanced Recovery<br />

M. Saracoglu 1 , R. Honaker 1 , E. Yan 2 , J. Kohmuench 2 and M.<br />

Mankosa 2 ; 1 Mining Engineering, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY<br />

and 2 Eriez Manufacturing, Erie, PA<br />

Pre-aeration of flotation feed has proven to be an effective method to improve recovery<br />

and reduce collector requirements. Laboratory tests have revealed that recovery<br />

can be increased by as much as 20 absolute percentage points when treating<br />

difficult-to-float coals. A full-scale in-plant test program is being performed<br />

to evaluate and quantify the technical feasibility and economic benefits of using<br />

a cavitation system to pre-aerate flotation feed of a three-stage StackCell flotation<br />

circuit. The results of this study will be presented and discussed in this publication.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Picco-Nano Bubble Flotation Using Static Mixer-Venturi-Tube for<br />

Pittsburgh No. 8 Seam Coal<br />

F. Peng and Y. Xiong; Mining Engineering, West Virginia University,<br />

Morgantown, WV<br />

Flotation process is particle hydrophobic surface-based separation technique. To<br />

improve the essential flotation steps of collision and attachment, and reduce detachment<br />

probabilities between air bubbles and hydrophobic particles, a selectively<br />

designed cavitaion venture tube can be used to generate very high numbers of pico<br />

and/or nano bubbles. <strong>Full</strong>y embraced by those high numbers of tiny bubbles, hydrophobic<br />

particles are readily attracting those tiny bubbles to their surfaces.<br />

Particles and bubbles might attach to larger bubbles for faster flotation. The results<br />

of flotation of Pittsburgh No.8 seam coal are obtained in a 50cm ID and 172cm<br />

height flotation column equipped with static mixer and cavitation venture tube,<br />

using fuel oil no. 2 as collector and MIBC as frother. Combustible material recovery<br />

(CMR) of 85-90% at clean coal product of 6-7% ash are produced from feed of<br />

23% ash, with reduced amount of frother and collector than that in conventional<br />

column flotation. Major operating parameters include feed rate, solid concentration,<br />

reagent dosages, and size effects on CMR are presented and discussed.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Increasing Flotation Recovery Using the Selective Froth<br />

Recovery System<br />

K. Caldwell; Research, FLSmidth, Midvale, UT<br />

In flotation, coarse and fine particles are harder to float and recent trends in research<br />

and flotation improvement have been toward increasing recovery in these<br />

problem areas. In response to this, FLSmidth has developed the Selective Froth<br />

Recovery (SFR) System. The SFR is a devise that will remove froth using suction<br />

from a desired location or depth within the froth. From current field testing it has<br />

been shown that the SFR system was successful in increasing the amount of<br />

coarse copper recovered from a scavenger float cell. Depending on the depth at<br />

which the SFR device was placed within the cell lower grade coarse concentrate<br />

could be collected or higher grade concentrate similar to the existing froth.<br />

Concentrate was sent from the SFR extraction device to a hydrocyclone for size<br />

classification. When positioned at the top of the froth, the SFR system can be<br />

used to collect froth that has become stiff and is too far from the edge of the cell<br />

to be collected in the launder. The SFR system has been designed to maintain an<br />

offset distance from the slurry level that is adjustable by the user. End design of<br />

the system will be plant specific.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

Study of Hydrodynamic Instability in A Self-aspirated<br />

Flotation Machine<br />

Y. Yang; FLSmidth, Midvale, UT<br />

Flotation machines can be classified as forced-air and self-aspirated cells on the<br />

basis of different aeration methods. The former one uses auxiliary air pump to inject<br />

air into rotor region, while the latter induces air into the rotor region by the<br />

vaccum force generated by rotor rotation movement. Naturally self-aspirated machines<br />

have more complicated hydodynamic characteristics since the rotor bears<br />

more functions. The air suction procedure includes air entrainment, air-liquid interaction,<br />

force-balance and vortex stability problems, which results in unstable<br />

flow in the rotor region under certain operation conditions. The unstable flow<br />

condition leads to asthma, i.e. unconstant air flow rate. In this paper, the Wemco<br />

machine is used as an example to study the hydrodynamic characteristics of selfaspiration<br />

to probe the flow instability problem. At the end, a modified design is<br />

proposed and tested for machine optimization. The investigation is performed in<br />

lab-scale, pilot-scale and commercial size machines and the experimental data<br />

will be presented.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

FLS Forced Air Machine Developments<br />

R. Silva, K. Caldwell, T. Olson and Z. Huang; R&D, FLSmidth,<br />

Salt Lake, Midvale, UT<br />

A methodology was developed to evaluate changes in flotation machine design in<br />

order to improve performance, particularly for forced air machines. This approach<br />

includes: 1) a hydrodynamic testing apparatus to evaluate our in house<br />

CFD and rapid prototype concepts, 2) large scale laboratory flotation machines<br />

and 3) a pilot unit of 1.5 m3. Bubble size, power, pumping capacity, Jg, velocity<br />

profiles, and tip speed tests were performed on both lab size and pilot units following<br />

a sequence that goes from hydrodynamic tests with water and solids to a<br />

flotation kinetic test in the lab and pilot tests. Over 200-laboratory flotation tests<br />

were conducted, with over 100 design combinations showing improved recovery<br />

from the original Dorr Oliver design. From the lab and CFD evaluation, including<br />

an innovated CFD model to predict the flotation probability for the new designs,<br />

designs were chosen with a better potential to be run in a 1.5m3 pilot flotation<br />

cell. As a result, FLSmidth came up with a unique mechanism design (rotor<br />

and stator) to decrease power and improve recovery. In addition, some designs<br />

have been identified to improve fine and/or coarse particle recovery.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

Assessment of Particles-bubbles Collision Frequency Models Using<br />

Large-eddy Simulation of Homogenous Turbulence<br />

S. Ragab and H. Fayed; Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA<br />

Collision frequency is a major contributor to the recovery rate constant of flotation<br />

cells, and therefore it must be computed accurately for reliable computation<br />

of the recovery rate within the pulp phase. Abrahamson model and its subsequent<br />

modifications by other researchers is almost always used to compute the<br />

collision frequency, but it is only valid for very high inertia particles (infinite<br />

Stokes number), and therefore it severely overestimates the collision frequency.<br />

New theoretical frequency models have been recently developed for finite inertia<br />

particles, but they need to be validated. In this paper, Large-eddy simulation<br />

(LES) has been used to validate new theoretical models for collision frequency of<br />

bubbles and particles suspended in isotropic homogeneous turbulence. The frequency<br />

found by LES is compared to theoretical frequency models in the practical<br />

range of particle Stokes number. The validated theoretical frequency of collision<br />

models have been implemented into a CFD-based flotation model and<br />

applied to two well known industrial flotation machines.<br />

11:05 AM<br />

CFD Analysis of Two-phase Flow in WEMCO SuperCells<br />

H. Fayed and S. Ragab; Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA<br />

Two-phase (water and air) flow in a self aerated WEMCO flotation machine has<br />

been investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Flow in WEMCO<br />

300 m3 and 500 m3 machines are simulated. Due to the large volume of these<br />

flotation cells, a 72-deg sector has been simulated to reduce the computation<br />

time. The flow is resolved in the hood and disperser holes. Since Wemco machines<br />

are self aerated machines, air flow rate is not known a priori. Inlet and<br />

outlet boundary conditions that allow air to flow in and out of the machine at a<br />

specified atmospheric pressure are imposed. These boundary conditions allow<br />

prediction of air flow rate through the Wemco machines as a function of time instead<br />

of forcing an assumed air flow rate. An overflow tank is utilized to allow<br />

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the pulp interface in the tank to rise as air accumulates in the pulp. A uniform<br />

bubble diameter of 0.7 mm is assumed. Air volume fraction contours, velocity<br />

vectors and profiles are presented and discussed.<br />

chair:<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

Mineral & Metallurgical Processing:<br />

Plant design and optimization I<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

J. Lommen, Consultant, Socorro, NM<br />

9:05 AM<br />

When Laboratory Work and Operating Plant Don’t Agree:<br />

Commercializing the Caron Ammonia-ammonia Carbonate<br />

Ni Process<br />

L. Southwick; L.M. Southwick & Assoc., Cincinnati, OH<br />

In the early 1940s, the Caron ammonia-ammonia carbonate leach process was<br />

used to produce nickel from Mayari ores at the Nicaro plant in Oriente Province,<br />

Cuba. While plant operation was generally successful, it was not broadly economical<br />

and was shut down. The plant was later restarted in the 1950s and a<br />

number of investigations initiated to resolve the more serious operational and<br />

performance issues. Troublesome processing steps studied included iron reduction<br />

(chemistry nickel and iron, reductant, equipment), ore variability (homogeneity<br />

and consistency of mineral concentrations, serpentine vs. laterite), leach<br />

solution strength, nickel recovery (temperature reduction and leaching, reoxidation)<br />

and a variety of other topics. These studies and their findings will be discussed.<br />

Caron himself obtained good results on these ores in the laboratory. They<br />

could not be duplicated in the field, the reasons for which will be reviewed.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Electrowinning Precious Metals from Cyanide Solution Using<br />

EMEW Technology<br />

M. Mooiman 1 , I. Ewart 2 and J. Robinson 2 ; 1 College of Graduate and<br />

Professional Studies, Franklin Pierce University, Concord, NH and<br />

2<br />

Electrometals Technologies Ltd, O’ Fallon, MO<br />

The recovery of gold and silver from cyanide bearing solutions using electrowinning<br />

technology designed by Electrometals Corporation is reviewed. The technology<br />

can be considered as a complete or partial replacement for Merrill Crowe<br />

technology and offers several advantages in high grade solutions. It has been successfully<br />

implemented in copper electrowinning applications, silver refining and<br />

in mining operations for recovery of gold and silver. The advantages of the<br />

EMEW approach and actual plant applications and practices are evaluated<br />

and discussed.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Best Practices in Material Selection and Design for<br />

Hydrometallurgical Equipment<br />

D. Kelley and T. Johnson; Ashland Inc, Dublin, OH<br />

Hydrometallurgical processes can be exceptionally corrosive. Operating conditions<br />

associated with metal extraction and refining require materials of construction<br />

that can withstand process acids and acid chlorides at temperatures up to<br />

90∞C. Process vessels, piping, scrubbers and ducting can be rapidly compromised<br />

in these aggressive environments if not designed with great care. Design engineers<br />

are frequently challenged to find materials of construction that can stand<br />

up to hydrometallurgical processes especially for copper, zinc, nickel, cobalt and<br />

uranium. This paper will evaluate a variety of material solutions to determine<br />

which provide attractive economics for initial procurement as well as high durability<br />

for reasonable life cycle costs. The comparative cost and durability information<br />

presented is intended to enable design engineers and material specialists to<br />

choose materials of construction that will be the most beneficial for their projects.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

25 Years of FRP Performance at a Copper Smelting<br />

Sulfuric Acid Plant<br />

R. Moubarac 1 , G. Landry 2 , G. Clarkson 3 and K. Townsend 4 ; 1 Experco<br />

Composites Inc., Pierrefonds, QC, Canada; 2 Fabricated Plastics,<br />

Maple, ON, Canada; 3 UTComp, Cambridge, ON, Canada and 4 RPS<br />

Composites, Mahon Bay, NS, Canada<br />

The sulfuric acid plant at a copper smelting operation in Northern Quebec will<br />

celebrate its silver jubilee in 2013, with 25 years in service. The performance of<br />

FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics) equipment will be reviewed. Case histories<br />

will be presented by the FRP equipment manufacturers, with a video, and pictures<br />

of the FRP tanks, absorption towers, piping, ducting, electrostatic precipitators,<br />

and grating, in service since 1988. A report of the yearly inspections of that<br />

equipment will be given by the inspection company.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Molybdenum Flotation Practice – Cell Selection Types and<br />

Design Considerations<br />

D. Meadows, D. Jensen, A. Weber, F. Traczyk and S. Yu; FLSmidth,<br />

Salt Lake City, UT<br />

Several of the larger copper projects built in recent times have included a<br />

Molybdenum byproduct circuit as part of the overall project due to the favorable<br />

molybdenum market conditions and overall economic contribution to the project.<br />

This paper provides a summary of moly plant flotation practices across a<br />

number of both recent projects and historical ones. Modern Moly flotation flowsheets<br />

predominantly incorporate either Inert gas cells or forced air machines<br />

with nitrogen addition and as a final cleaner column flotation . The paper provides<br />

an insight into the process considerations, capital and operating costs associated<br />

with both of the cell types. It also reviews metallurgical aspects and important<br />

safety aspects. Other aspects including instrumentation and degree of<br />

automation are also discussed along with overall plant design aspects.<br />

Mineral & Metallurgical Processing:<br />

research and characterization<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: T. Bhambhani, Cytec Industries, Inc., Stamford, CT<br />

M. Vasudevan, Cytec Industries, Inc., Stamford, CT<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

9:05 AM<br />

The Simulation of Solvent Extraction Plants: Application to the<br />

Separation of Rare Earth Elements<br />

C. Bazin and V. Ouellet; Mining and metallurgy, Laval University,<br />

Quebec, QC, Canada<br />

The separation of rare earth elements is a complicated process that is currently<br />

carried out using liquid/liquid separation. Detailed flow sheets of solvent extraction<br />

plants for the separation of rare earth elements are rarely available in the literature<br />

which limits the opportunity to teach and test the applicability of modern<br />

methods of data reconciliation and process control to these processes. A simulator<br />

for solvent extraction for the separation of rare earth elements is described in this<br />

paper. A module is used to simulate the operation of a mixer settler. Mixer settlers<br />

are then combined into batteries of units for extraction, scrubbing and stripping.<br />

Finally batteries are combined to simulate circuits for the separation of heavy rare<br />

earth elements from light rare earth elements, and to simulate the separation of individual<br />

rare earths. The program simulates the steady state process separation of<br />

several rare earth elements and provides data for testing the application of data<br />

reconciliation techniques for material balancing of the plant operation.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Estimating the Residual Inventory of a Large Gold Heap Leach<br />

J. Winterton; AngloGold Ashanti, Denver, CO<br />

Estimating the residual metal inventory of large heap leaching operations is desirable<br />

for many reasons. Several methods have been tried with limited success.<br />

Drilling data from the Valley Leach Facility at AngloGold Ashanti’s Cripple<br />

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Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


Creek and Victor Gold Mine has been used to develop a robust inventory estimation<br />

technique. The technique is presented along with discussion of the particular<br />

inventory components and evaluation methodologies.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Understanding and Modeling Xanthate Decomposition Behavior<br />

Under Processing Conditions<br />

Y. Shen 1 , P. Somasundaran 1 , R. Farinato 2 and D. Nagaraj 2 ; 1 Earth and<br />

Environmental Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY<br />

and 2 Mining Department, Cytec Industries, Stamford, CT<br />

Large efforts have gone into the investigation of the role of xanthate in the mineral<br />

processing and the understanding of its mechanism for optimum metallurgical<br />

performance, while another equally essential challenge understanding xanthate<br />

decomposition behavior has not received enough attention. The majority of past<br />

work was sporadic and unilateral on idealized systems. This deviation from pragmatic<br />

practice involving in the complex real systems leads to a lack of complete<br />

understanding of its contributions to SHE (safety, health and environment) concerns.<br />

Thus this study aims to provide a complete understanding and modeling of<br />

the xanthate decomposition behavior under simulated real processing conditions.<br />

Current research with the focus on decomposition behavior in flotation shows that<br />

various aspects of the conditions, such as solid content, time and xanthate dosage,<br />

all affect xanthate decomposition variously. Even though the mechanism of decomposition<br />

is still under investigation, the preliminary results provide insights on<br />

xanthate decomposition behavior under high solids allowing reduced water consumption<br />

and also possibility of utilization of sea water.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

Partial Volume Correction for 3D Segmentation of<br />

Tomographic Data<br />

Y. Wang, C. Lin and J. Miller; Metallurgical Engineering, University<br />

of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

Recently high resolution X-ray micro CT (HRXMT) systems have been used for<br />

3D quantitative analysis of multiphase particulate systems. The analysis involves<br />

the separation and identification of individual particles in a packed particle bed.<br />

The spatial mineralogical composition of each particle is then established. In this<br />

way, sampling and analysis of multiphase particle populations can be facilitated<br />

to provide 3D information for liberation analysis. One of the problems faced in<br />

determination of the three-dimensional spatial distribution of mineral phases in a<br />

multiphase particle population is the partial volume effect (PVE) which can limit<br />

quantitative analysis in some cases. PVE refers to the blurring effect and sampling<br />

error of the finite discrete voxels which affect image intensities of multiphase particles.<br />

This paper presents an approach for PVE correction based on the computation<br />

of boundary characteristics in a multiphase particle and using this information<br />

to guide the identification of the correct boundaries for high density<br />

mineral phases. With this new approach, improvement in the determination of<br />

the liberation-limited grade/recovery curve is discussed.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling of an Air-Based<br />

Table Separator<br />

T. Ghosh, A. Salazar and R. Honaker; Mining Engineering,<br />

University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY<br />

Contemporary dry coal cleaning technologies offer significant benefits including<br />

effective, low-cost separations while reducing the environmental impacts from<br />

processing coal and minerals due to the elimination of water as a medium. Dry<br />

density-based air tables have proven to be a favorable technology in the processing<br />

of both raw and recyclable materials. Previous efforts to understand the separation<br />

mechanisms provided by the air table units have mainly been empirical in<br />

nature. This publication reports the findings of the first attempts to study the separation<br />

process based on a numerical modeling approach. Commercial computation<br />

fluid dynamic (CFD) software was used to model the fluidized particle bed<br />

on a vibrating vertical plane using a 3-dimensional simulation. The vibration of<br />

the separator pan was accounted for by using dynamically moving grids. The<br />

model was developed and correlated using experimental data collected from a<br />

laboratory air table separator. After correlation, simulations were performed to<br />

study the physical and operating parameter effects on performance in an attempt<br />

to maximize the efficiency achievable by the dry cleaning process.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

Coupled Role of Ionic Strength and Ion Valence on<br />

Bubble-malachite Interaction<br />

W. Chae 1 , J. Choi 1 , G. Hwang 1 , W. Kim 2 , S. Kim 2 , S. Kim 1 and H.<br />

Kim 1 ; 1 Department of Mineral Resources and Energy Engineering,<br />

Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea and<br />

2<br />

Mineral Resources Research Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience<br />

and Mineral Resources, Daejeon, Republic of Korea<br />

The influence of solution ionic strength and electrolyte valence on the flotation<br />

behavior of malachite has been investigated. The microflotation tests were conducted<br />

over a range of solution ionic strength (IS) (1300 mM) at a constant<br />

speed, pH (pH=9.5), flotation time (10 min), and collector (sodium oleate)<br />

dosage (2x10-6 moles/g). The size of malachite ranged from 45 to 53 …m, and<br />

two different types of electrolytes (NaCl and CaCl2) were employed.<br />

Electrophoretic mobility was also measured over the same IS range employed in<br />

the microflotation study. Overall, strong coupled effect of solution IS and ion valence<br />

was observed. Specifically, the flotability of malachite increased with increasing<br />

IS in the presence of monovalent cations (Na+) while the flotability increased<br />

up to 30 mM and decreased with increasing IS in the presence of divalent<br />

cations (Ca2+). Notably, the flotability of malachite was greater with the presence<br />

of Na+ compared with Ca2+ under high IS conditions(IS>30 mM). The<br />

characterization and flotation results suggest that the trend was explained by the<br />

extended Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (XDLVO) prediction.<br />

11:05 AM<br />

Coupled Role of Sulphidizers and Xanthates on the Electrokinetic<br />

Property and Flotation Behavior of Malachite<br />

G. Park 1 , J. Choi 1 , Y. Han 2 , H. Kim 3 and H. Kim 1 ; 1 Department of<br />

Mineral Resources and Energy Engineering, Chonbuk National<br />

University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea; 2 Department of Natural<br />

Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University,<br />

Seoul, Republic of Korea and 3 Mineral Resources Research Division,<br />

Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon,<br />

Republic of Korea<br />

Coupled influence of sulphidizers and xanthates on the electrokinetic property<br />

and flotation behavior of malachite was systematically examined via electrophoretic<br />

mobility (EM) measurements and microflotation tests. The EM results<br />

for the malachite before and after surface modification with different types<br />

(Na2S, NaHS, (NH4)2S) and amounts (1E-7-5E-4 moles/g) of sulphidizers,<br />

showed that the isoelectric points (IEP) of malachite differed at the low dosage<br />

level depending on the type of the sulphidizer, which ranged between 5.5 and<br />

9.2. However, the IEP values were observed to be shifted from high to low pH<br />

values with increasing amount of sulphidizers and finally reached plateau at ca.<br />

pH 3, indicating that the sulphidizers played a different role on changing the surface<br />

property of malachite, which were qualitatively consistent with the adsorption<br />

behavior of sulfur ions onto the malachite surface. In order to further understand<br />

the effect of sulphidizers on the electrokinetic property and flotation<br />

behavior of malachite in a sulphidizer+xanthate system, IEP and flotation efficiency<br />

were determined and theoretical approach based on extended DLVO theory<br />

was conducted.<br />

Mining & exploration:<br />

Geology:<br />

entering the realm of the rare earths<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: J. Hedrick, Hedrick Consultants Inc., Burke, VA<br />

J. Davis, Missouri Geological Survey, Rolla, MO<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Exploration for REE and Gold in the Bear Lodge Tertiary Alkaline<br />

Complex, Crook County, Wyoming<br />

J. Ray and R. Geological Staff; Rare Element Resources Inc.,<br />

Wheat Ridge, CO<br />

RER is developing the Bear Lodge REE deposit in NE Wyoming. REE mineralization<br />

is hosted in carbonatites that intrude diatremic breccias and alkalic intru-<br />

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Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


sive rocks of Tertiary age. Significant gold mineralization is distributed peripheral<br />

to and partly overlapping the REE mineralization. Exploration techniques, including<br />

geologic mapping, geophysics, soil and rock geochemistry and drilling<br />

were effectively used to discover minable reserves of REE and more than 1 million<br />

ounces of gold. Geologic mapping of lithology, structure, alteration, and<br />

mineralization provides a foundation for the exploration of the 50 square mile igneous<br />

complex. Poor rock exposure in the Bear Lodge complex is compensated<br />

by the collection and analysis of over 9000 soil and 7000 rock samples, which reveal<br />

geochemical vectors for both REE and gold mineralization. Geophysical<br />

methods employed include airborne and ground magnetics and radiometrics,<br />

gravity and CSAMT. Specific geophysical signatures are correlated with aspects<br />

of lithology, structure, alteration, and mineralization. These varied data are currently<br />

playing a key role in the delineation of mineralization and district-wide<br />

REE and gold zonation.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Research on Chinese Rare Earth Current Situation and<br />

Development Strategy<br />

C. Lou and J. Tien; Mining Engineering, Missouri University of<br />

Science and Technology, Rolla, MO<br />

Never is there a kind of mineral like rare earth that catches peoples eyes with its<br />

unique characteristics such as resource-nonrenewable, regional-maldistribution<br />

and function- irreplaceable as well as muti-intervention since globally large scale<br />

mining, development and utilization began in the mid-twentieth century. China,<br />

as the biggest economic entity in rare earth production, application and exportation<br />

currently, plays a significant role in rare earth supplement and raw processing<br />

around the world and cooperates closely with other counties in production,<br />

supplement, quota, pricing and exportation as the economic globalization goes<br />

deeply, however ramifications and contradictions exist. This article will give a<br />

comprehensive exposition about Chinese current situation of REs development,<br />

Chinese government planning for future RE mining and protection as well as the<br />

global trading and cooperation. The article will also thoroughly discuss the RE<br />

project and plan in China deployed by Japan, Australia and United States.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Molycorp Project Phoenix<br />

D. Cordier; Geology, Molycorp, Greenwood Village, CO<br />

Molycorp will provide an update on Project Phoenix, its historic expansion and<br />

modernization of its flagship rare earth facility at Mountain Pass, California.<br />

where we are the only producer of rare earths in the Western Hemisphere.<br />

Following our modernization and expansion, we will become one of a major<br />

global producer of rare earths. The first phase of our new plant will be completed<br />

in the 4th quarter of 2012. The second phase of our plant expansion will be completed<br />

in 2013.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

High-Neodymium, -Samarium and -Yttrium Contents in Monazite-<br />

(Nd) at Lemhi Pass, Idaho and Montana, USA<br />

G. Schifrin 1 and J. Hedrick 2 ; 1 Minex Exploration, Sandpoint, ID and<br />

2<br />

Hedrick Consultants, Inc., Burke, VA<br />

Rock samples were collected by U.S. Rare Earths (USRE) at various veins along<br />

the Dan Patch fault in the Lemhi Pass area of Idaho and Montana. Rock samples<br />

were analyzed for a range of elements including the REEs using fusion- and ICPmass<br />

spectrometry. Data confirmed and expanded the earlier USGS work by<br />

Mortimer Staatz in 1972 that primarily focused on thorium, but included thoriumbearing<br />

monazite. Based on earlier work by Anthony N. Mariano, Ph.D., the highneodymium,<br />

samarium, and yttrium content is believed to occur almost entirely in<br />

the mineral monazite-(Nd). Research to confirm this was completed in 2011 using<br />

unfiltered short wave ultraviolet reflection which showed no rare-earth bearing<br />

minerals, other than monazite, which exhibited the green reflected light phenomena<br />

caused by the presence of light-group rare-earth elements (LREE).<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Matamec Explorations Inc.: the HREE-Zr-Y Kipawa Deposit and<br />

Other Showings<br />

A. Gauthier and F. Fleury; Matamec Explorations Inc., Montreal,<br />

QC, Canada<br />

The Kipawa Heavy Rare Earth Deposit, under development by Matamec<br />

Explorations, is located in southern Canada, on the Quebec-side of the Ontario-<br />

Quebec border. The deposit is set in a peralcaline intrusive syenite with two silicate<br />

(Eudialyte and Mosandrite) as the main rare-earth-bearing minerals. The<br />

project is in the advanced stages of development, with the beginning of production<br />

set for 2015-2016. In that fast-track optics, a lot of exciting events have occurred<br />

in the past year. Chief among these are a 20 000 meters definition and exploration<br />

drilling campaign, the completion of two 15-ton pilot plants based on<br />

Matamecs simple, 2-step extraction process and the signing of the final papers<br />

with Toyota Tsusho Corp’s subsidiary Toyotsu Rare Earth Canada Inc.<br />

Feasibility Study is scheduled for 2013, with production slated for 2015-2016.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

The Nechalacho Rare Metal Deposit, Northwest Territories,<br />

Canada The Importance of Mineralogy<br />

W. Mercer 1 , M. Heiligmann 1 , V. Moller 2 , T. Grammatikopolous 3 ,<br />

A. Williams-Jones 2 and J. Pedersen 1 ; 1 Exploration, Avalon Rare<br />

Metals Inc., Toronto, ON, Canada; 2 Earth and Planetary Sciences,<br />

McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada and 3 SGS Minerals,<br />

Peterborough, ON, Canada<br />

The Nechalacho rare earth element (REE), Zr, Nb and Ta deposit is hosted in the<br />

Aphebian Blachford Lake alkaline intrusive complex. Avalon Rare Metals is focused<br />

on development of the high heavy rare earth Basal Zone. Basal Zone measured<br />

and indicated resources comprise 72.66 Mt grading 1.53% TREO (total rare<br />

earth oxides) including 0.26% HREO (Eu through Lu, including Y). REE mineralization<br />

is hosted in hydrothermally altered >1100 m thick, 2 km wide, layered<br />

aegirine-nepheline-sodalite syenite. Mineralogical studies involving petrography,<br />

electron microprobe, Qemscan© and Laser ICP-MS has enhanced understanding<br />

of REE-mineralogy and textures leading to successful metallurgical processing.<br />

The ore zone contains an assemblage of zircon, monazite, allanite, bastn‰site,<br />

fergusonite, columbite, magnetite, biotite and quartz replacing primary magmatic<br />

zircono-silicates such as eudialyte and other minerals. Textures referred to<br />

as cumulate, pseudomorphs and wavy banded have been recognised and logged<br />

in detail. These are recognised as geometallurgical ore types and are a key input<br />

into understanding the metallurgical performance of the deposit.<br />

11:05 AM<br />

Spectral Studies of Neodymium (III) in Bastnasites and Monazite –<br />

Extreme Nephaleuxetic Effect<br />

S. Sinha 1 and J. Hedrick 2 ; 1 Rare Earths R Us, Dayton, OH and<br />

2<br />

Hedrick Consultants, Inc., Burke, VA<br />

Europium is a menber of the light-group rare-earth elements (LREE) with six f-<br />

electrons in its ourer shell. Europium oxide occurs as a sesquioxide with the formula<br />

Eu2O3, however it will readily form divalent compounds.This property is<br />

important in separating it from the orther rare-earth lelemens. Its electronic structure<br />

in both the trivalent and divalent states sets europium apart from the rest of<br />

the group and provides it with a myriad of properties and charateristics. An array<br />

of colors can be created from europiums compounds, creating reds, greens, and<br />

blues, and combined to create white. .Although its phosphorescent compounds<br />

are its primary use its structure as both a metal, alloy, and compound provide an<br />

array of applications.<br />

Mining & exploration:<br />

Implementing Success:<br />

Global Mining Standards and Guidelines<br />

for operational excellence<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

H. Ednie 1 ; P. Wan 2 ; A. Chapman 3 ; T. Skinner 4 ; Z. Lukacs 5 ; 1 CIM<br />

Mining Standards and Guidelines Committee, Montreal, QC,<br />

Canada; 2 Teck Resources, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 3 Barrick Gold<br />

Corporation, Toronto, ON, Canada; 4 SMART Systems Group,<br />

Calgary, AB, Canada; 5 KMC Mining, Calgary, AB, Canada<br />

Mining operations around the globe strive to operate safely, efficiently, while<br />

achieving continuous improvement. The high tech, complicated operating environment<br />

is further challenged by a sense of operating in silos, as mining companies<br />

aim to increase performance. In this environment, a more cohesive approach<br />

is needed. The CIM Mining Standards and Guidelines Committee (MSGC) was<br />

launched in spring 2012 to fill a void and create an information hub and global<br />

network on standards and guidelines for mining, and to support the advancement<br />

of utilization of standards and guidelines in the global mining industry. MSGC<br />

brings all stakeholders together, supporting the creation and application of new<br />

and existing standards and guidelines.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

72<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


With the proliferation of intelligent onboard devices on mining equipment, developing<br />

an industry standard or guideline for connectivity to onboard devices is<br />

a critical next step in facilitating easy access to the data, which is still a major<br />

challenge for industry stakeholders, and is a primary project for MSGC. Other<br />

key projects include: Development of a Common User Interface for Large<br />

Shovels by SA Technologies with support of Barrick and Teck; onboard information<br />

usage benchmark definitions for engineering, operations, maintenance and<br />

reliability; and a Global operational mining standards scoping study to establish<br />

the baseline of what standards exist.<br />

Mining & exploration:<br />

Management: Project cost estimates and<br />

economic analysis<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chair:<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

S. Stebbins, Aventurine Mine Cost Engineering,<br />

Spokane, WA<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Cost Estimating Standards for NI 43-101 Reports: What Are They?<br />

What Should They Be?<br />

O. Schumacher; InfoMine USA, Inc., Spokane, WA<br />

Canadian National Instrument 43-101 establishes detailed standards for reporting<br />

of resource and reserve information, while standards for estimating and reporting<br />

the cost of mining those resources are seriously lacking. This paper explores<br />

what the standards are and how they are applied. It concludes with the<br />

authors opinion of what the standards should be.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Are Estimators Getting it Right? Comparing Actual and<br />

Estimated Costs<br />

J. Leinart; InfoMine USA, Inc., Spokane Valley, WA<br />

One of the issues that plagues cost estimators is whether all aspects (i.e., labor,<br />

supplies, equipment operation, and equipment purchase) of the primary cost<br />

data used in the economic evaluation of mineral projects are accurate. What is<br />

their relative importance and impact on project costs? In this study, these relationships<br />

were examined separately for underground and surface mining, and<br />

mineral processing. After isolating pertinent cost aspects, comparisons were<br />

made between the data from published sources and actual wages, supply costs,<br />

and equipment purchase prices as reported by mine and mineral processing<br />

plant operators. Upon analyzing the relevance of the datas reliability for each<br />

cost aspect, the differences between the published pre-feasibility cost data and<br />

the reported actual development and operating cost data were quantified and the<br />

impacts discussed. Here, the results of the study are presented in terms both of<br />

the quantified reliability of available cost data versus reported cost data, and of<br />

the impact of the reliability of published cost data on the relevance of the results<br />

of a pre-feasibility analysis.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Applications of Mine Cost Estimations in U.S. Bureau of Land<br />

Management Work<br />

M. Shumaker 1 , R. Deery 2 and A. Young 3 ; 1 Washington Office,<br />

WO-320, Division of Solid Minerals, Bureau of Land Management,<br />

Phoenix, AZ; 2 Washington Office, WO-320, Division of Solid Minerals,<br />

Bureau of Land Management, Washington, DC, DC and 3 Idaho<br />

State Office, Bureau of Land Management, Boise, ID<br />

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) uses mine cost estimates in a<br />

number of different ways. These include estimating any and all aspects of the<br />

costs of mining, milling, processing and reclamation (called mine cost estimates<br />

for simplicity). The estimates are used when performing mining claim validity examinations<br />

and valid existing rights evaluations and then comparing them<br />

against the gross in-place value (an oft-misused term nowadays) of potential resources<br />

in the ground, as well as the probable returns based on the actual cost estimate.<br />

Other uses of mine cost estimates include the costs of reclamation, remediation<br />

and any other situations that fit. When a mine cost estimate must be<br />

submitted to BLM, we dont require a particular method of estimation, only that<br />

the outcome be reasonable and well-documented. We need to be able to figure<br />

out what was done in the estimate we receive and be able to confirm it independently.<br />

For these purposes, BLM employs a very small cadre of Certified Mineral<br />

Examiners who are trained in aspects of mineral property evaluation.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

Enterprice Value – An Alternative Approach to Project Delivery<br />

R. Roos; ABB, Milton, QLD, Australia<br />

As we are all well aware, embarking on a major project within the resources sector<br />

is a high stakes, high risk investment. Years are spent in exploration, geotechnical<br />

studies, various levels of feasibility studies, and sourcing funding, in an effort<br />

to establish a productive mining operation that will generate sufficient<br />

financial returns to attract investors to the project. Investors often sink huge sums<br />

of money into projects in the expectation that they will achieve the desired returns<br />

over time. However investors are also aware that projects are likely to have<br />

significant negative cash flows for months possibly even years before expected<br />

returns are generated. While there are many risks that are exogenous to the project<br />

exchange rates, commodity prices etc. There are many project centric risks<br />

that can be controlled, and when done so effectively, will yield improved financial<br />

performance. This paper considers the issues associated with the building of capital<br />

assets for mining projects with particular attention focused on the traditional<br />

methods currently used to source and procure key elements of the project, and alternatives<br />

that should be considered today.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Price Prediction of Copper Using Artificial Neural Network and<br />

Time Series Techniques<br />

M. Basiri and Z. Fathabadi; Mining Eng., Tarbiat Modares<br />

University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran<br />

Manufacturing enterprises are always encountered risks and price volatility for<br />

their financial activities such as economical analysis, investment, etc. These fluctuations<br />

and future uncertainties have a substantial impact in their evaluations.<br />

Consequently the market scholars are constantly looking for an optimum forecasting<br />

technique enable them to have a tranquility market. Copper has several<br />

uses in the industries and plays a central role in the industrial and economical development<br />

of countries. The copper price fluctuations in the different periods act<br />

as an indicator for presenting the world economical conditions. In this paper, we<br />

introduce a method which can predict the copper price using the Artificial Neural<br />

Network and Time Series methods as well as considering the monthly copper<br />

prices and the effective parameters on price changes. Finally the validity of the<br />

constructed model was evaluated. The results present that the intelligent methods<br />

such as Artificial Neural Networks are enable to forecast the copper price with<br />

lower level of errors, comparison with the other time series techniques with R2=<br />

0.96, MSE=0.003, VAF= 80.7 and NSE=0.99.<br />

Mining & exploration:<br />

operations: When optimization,<br />

Planning & reality collide in Surface<br />

Mining operations<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: C. Roos, Newmont Mining Corp.,<br />

Greenwood Village, CO<br />

T. Elenbaas, Newmont Mining Corp.,<br />

Greenwood Village, CO<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Changing Perspective: Maintaining Production Through<br />

Challenging Geotechnical Events at Gold Quarry<br />

N. Bennett 2 , R. Sheets 2 , T. Webber 2 and C. Weber 1 ; 1 Newmont Mining<br />

Corp., Greenwood Village, CO and 2 Newmont Mining Corporation,<br />

Carlin, NV<br />

On December 24, 2009 a major geotechnical event shut down production at<br />

Newmonts Gold Quarry open pit mine in Carlin, Nevada. A second event closed<br />

off access to the Chukar underground portal mine in December 2010. With<br />

safety as a priority, an innovative plan was developed and achieved to stabilize<br />

the highwall, develop a new access to the Chukar underground mine, and bring<br />

Gold Quarry back into gold production by April 2011.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

73<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


9:25 AM<br />

What Happened to My Gold? Questions to Ask Your Modeler<br />

A. Jewbali, T. Elenbaas and C. Roos; Newmont Mining Corp, Greenwood<br />

Village, CO<br />

Mining engineers rely on resource models as the basis for their mine plans.<br />

However, many of the assumptions for grade-tonnage relationships or resource<br />

classification are not well-communicated between the geostatistician and the<br />

mine planner. This talk outlines some of the common assumptions and the risks<br />

that engineers may be taking when elevating cutoff grades, optimizing schedules,<br />

or generating forecasts.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Tired of Hearing Why Did the Mine Plan Change?<br />

T. Bush and C. Roos; Newmont Mining Corp.,<br />

Greenwood Village, CO<br />

Plan erosion is the term given to the loss in value as the mine planning level of detail<br />

increases. The value loss could be associated with a project as it transitions<br />

from pre-feasibility to feasibility and then in to operation or could be the loss in<br />

value as the long range mine plan becomes the short range mine plan. This paper<br />

documents some of the techniques in the areas of practical mining constraints<br />

and model variability that Newmont uses to minimize the impacts of plan erosion<br />

on advanced projects.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

Take Time for Pit Phase Design<br />

A. Eccles; Newmont Mining Corp, Greenwood Village, CO<br />

Phase designs are the foundation upon which all open pit mine sequence optimizations<br />

and budgets should be built. Unfortunately, at times, mine engineers<br />

skip the step of developing realistic pit phase designs - designs that include access<br />

ramps and mineable widths. Without mineable phase designs, their Optimized<br />

schedules are based on theoretical pit shells or quick-and-dirty plans with no<br />

ramps. The output from such optimizations is almost always overly optimistic.<br />

Without mineable designs, the production estimates are misleading, because they<br />

overestimate ore, and underestimate waste stripping requirements. Worse yet,<br />

when plans are not based on realistic phase designs, they can point to exactly the<br />

wrong decision in feasibility studies (i.e. go when it should be no-go ). This paper<br />

discusses the importance and features of good pit phase design, and demonstrates<br />

the pitfalls of relying on optimized production sequences that are not<br />

based on properly designed pit phases.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Mine Production Scheduling Optimization at Newmonts<br />

Twin Creeks Mine<br />

K. Kawahata, P. Schumacher and R. Hufford; Newmont Mining<br />

Corporation, Golconda, NV<br />

Newmonts Twin Creeks Mine, located in northern Nevada, is producing gold ore<br />

from surface mining operations. The ore is currently processed at three different<br />

on site facilities depending on the ore type and the grade. The processing facilities<br />

operate under stringent geochemical blending contraints that must be met from<br />

mine ore deliveries and off site sourced ore. To analyze various strategic options,<br />

we utilize the mathematical optimization approach. However, due to the size and<br />

the complexity of the operation, we face challenges in optimizing life of mine<br />

production scheduling. We describe those challenges and the methodology that<br />

we are taking to overcome those by using different scheduling software to compensate<br />

each other to get reasonable guidance. We also describe how those scheduling<br />

results are reflected in detailed mine plan and cost estimate work.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

From Optimization to Operations: Bridging the Planning Gap<br />

C. Taylor 1 and O. Wyberneit 2 ; 1 Runge Mining Canada Ltd., Toronto,<br />

ON, Canada and 2 Runge Inc., Denver, CO<br />

Bridging the gap between long and mid-range planning horizons in order to develop<br />

an executable plan without destroying value is a problem which is faced by<br />

many planning engineers. Due to the complexity of most mines optimization<br />

tools tend to simplify the problem so it becomes more manageable. This often<br />

means reducing the number of scheduling blocks, number of materials and number<br />

of destinations. This approach does not lend itself to modelling of real world<br />

mining constraints which often leads to unachievable plans and unrealistic expectations.<br />

The approach used by Runge at many sites to bridge this planning gap involves<br />

stewarding to the optimized plan while utilizing a rules based heuristic<br />

scheduling engine which ensures the sequence generated is operationally feasible.<br />

To ensure that as much of the original NPV is preserved as possible a post scheduling<br />

period product optimization logic is applied. This combination of heuristic<br />

scheduling and optimization logic ensures the value of each sequence is maximized.<br />

This process enables mine planners to deviate from the optimized sequence,<br />

when required, while ensuring the resultant plan is still maximizing potential<br />

value.<br />

11:05 AM<br />

Incorporating Cycle Time Dependency in Truck/Shovel Modeling<br />

A. Anani, B. Osei and K. Awuah-Offei; Mining, Missouri University<br />

of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO<br />

The need to optimize surface mining operations has led to the use of discrete<br />

event simulation (DES) modeling of truck-shovel systems. Often, these models<br />

assume truck cycle times are independent and identically distributed (iid) random<br />

variables although when there is significant bunching on the haul routes,<br />

this may not be valid. The objective of this paper is to present a methodology to<br />

(i) test whether cycle time data is iid; and (ii) account for dependence in truck<br />

cycle times. To test for dependence, truck cycle times were converted to a time series<br />

and statistical correlation test done on the time and cycle time differences. A<br />

time series approach that account for dependence caused by truck bunching is<br />

proposed and validated in ArenaÆ. This work extends the usefulness of DES in<br />

truck-shovel applications<br />

11:25 AM<br />

Mine Planning Efforts Associated with the Round Mountain Pit<br />

Northeast Wall Failure<br />

C. Mimica; Kinross Gold Corporation, CopiapÛ, Chile<br />

Truly understanding geotechnical parameters to reduce the risk associated with<br />

highwall instabilities is an issue throughout the mining industry due to limited<br />

capital availability. Even with the geotechnical investigations and modeling that<br />

are completed when a new pit design or pushback design is proposed, they do not<br />

ensure the absence risk. This paper presents the sequence of events that occurred<br />

when a major slide occurred on the northeast wall of the Round Mountain Pit in<br />

a major ore producing section of the mine and the mitigation effort to allow access<br />

to the affected area. Site technical services personnel worked closely with geotechnical<br />

consultants to prepare a remediation plan that included removing the<br />

upper benches of the slide while maintaining production access to a portion of<br />

the area below the failure during remediation. <strong>Full</strong> access to the affected area was<br />

achieved approximately 8 months after the slide occurred.<br />

Mining & exploration:<br />

technology: how Software technology<br />

Makes My Job easier<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chair: R. Diaz, Maptek, Lakewood, CO<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

9:05 AM<br />

A GIS Model for Selection of Suitable Sites for Underground<br />

Coal Gasification<br />

Z. Hyder, N. Ripepi and M. Karmis; Mining and Minerals<br />

Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA<br />

Proper site selection is key to the success of Underground Coal Gasification<br />

(UCG) projects. Most important site selection parameters include coal rank, seam<br />

depth, seam thickness, dip, porosity & permeability, groundwater, available infrastructure<br />

and coal quality. This paper describes the development of a GIS model<br />

that helps in the selection of suitable sites for UCG, based on these selection parameters.<br />

The model uses powerful features of GIS software, ArcGIS and IDRISI<br />

and develops a general flowchart of the process that may be applied to any site.<br />

The paper explains all the steps required to develop and use this model such as<br />

data acquisition, data development, importing features from different data sources<br />

and databases, preparation of data layers in GIS software, identification of factors<br />

and constraints, standardizing, weighting and combining factors to form suitability<br />

scores and finally identification & ranking of suitable sites. The paper also describes<br />

the decision support techniques used for this model including development<br />

of tradeoff levels between factors, ranking and scaling of factors based on fuzzy<br />

membership, data uncertainty evaluation and risk management.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

74<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


9:25 AM<br />

Predictive Modeling Applications in Mobile Equipment Monitoring<br />

D. Fisk; Mining Solutions, Honeywell Advanced Solutions, Toronto,<br />

ON, Canada<br />

Applying predictive modeling techniques is helping to improve the reliability of<br />

our hauling fleet and providing early indications of developing failures in engines,<br />

transmissions and frames. In this paper we discuss the modeling techniques<br />

being used, and the results that are being seen at copper and coal mines in<br />

North America. Once the model is created, the components being studied are<br />

continuously evaluated providing early indications of wear and developing<br />

faults that could affect the performance of the components, such as deteriorating<br />

suspension struts that can induce frame cracking. A number of examples will<br />

be reviewed.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Advanced Weather Systems for Mining Operations<br />

J. Foerster 2 and F. Mielli 1 ; 1 Schneider Electric, Alpharetta, GA and<br />

2<br />

Telvent / Schneider Electric, Burnsville, MN<br />

Mining operation is a complex business, besides the complexity of the ore characteristics<br />

and variability itself, mining planing and operations suffers from several<br />

external conditions and weather is one of them. Severe weather conditions<br />

can affect several aspects of the mining operations: Blasting, planing and scheduling,<br />

people safety, flooding among others. The objective is this paper is to present<br />

an advanced weather system able to deliver real-time critical weather information<br />

able to support mining operations and people safety; the proposed<br />

technology brings the most advanced technology for weather forecast, lightning<br />

information, precipitation forecasts, and alerts.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

RockWorks EarthApps – A Free Collection of 74 Geology<br />

<strong>Program</strong>s That Work With Google Earth<br />

J. Reed; Software Development, RockWare Incorporated,<br />

Golden, CO<br />

The RockWorks EarthApps represent a free collection of 74 mining-related programs<br />

that fall into two categories; (1) <strong>Program</strong>s that read data from a built-in<br />

datasheet and create diagrams within Google Earth, and (2) programs that extract<br />

data from Google Earth. <strong>Program</strong>s that create diagrams include: point<br />

mapping (e.g. borehole locations), proportionally scaled icons (e.g. geochemistry),<br />

and strike & dip symbols. Line mapping utilities include; polylines,<br />

parabolas and pipelines. Polygon mapping programs include; thematic mapping<br />

(e.g. geology), mining claims, and public land survey sections. Image overlay capabilities<br />

include; draping (e.g. geologic maps) and time-based animations.<br />

Vertical image display capabilities are centered on either midpoints (e.g. drillhole<br />

logs) or stretched between endpoints (e.g. cross-sections). The Flyover programs<br />

create virtual tours for site presentations. The cell-mapping includes a variety<br />

of algorithms (e.g. geochemical and geophysical contouring). Survey<br />

programs convert and export survey data to Google Earth as points and polygons.<br />

<strong>Program</strong>s that extract data from Google Earth include; points, lineations,<br />

polylines, and polygons.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

How Pitram Puts Newmont in Control with Automated<br />

Underground Data Capture<br />

L. Freemire 1 and J. Thompson 2 ; 1 Marketing, MICROMINE,<br />

Englewood, CO and 2 Pitram, MICROMINE, Denver, CO<br />

Todays miners must account for a vast array of data in the development and production<br />

stages of a mineral mine and particularly in the underground space.<br />

Fortunately, MICROMINEs automated data collection in underground mines<br />

has come to the rescue! As the global leader in high-tech mining solutions, MI-<br />

CROMINE produces a technology growth path for mine control as a mine develops.<br />

MICROMINEs mine control and management reporting software suite,<br />

Pitram, records, manages, processes and reports mine site data in real time. This<br />

allows for greater operational control which in turn allows for increased production,<br />

reduced costs, improved safety and reliable business intelligence to monitor<br />

progress against the mine plan. It is for these reasons that Newmont Mining<br />

Corp. chose to implement the Pitram software at its Leeville and Midas gold<br />

mines to continue building its legacy of industry-leading performance. Newmont<br />

attests to how timely and flexible Pitram is, and how valuable it has become for<br />

the mine managers who need the latest performance information to monitor and<br />

measure the mining operations against the mine plans.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

Optimizing Mine Performance With Operational Analytics<br />

L. Berry; Operational Products, Mintec, Inc., Tucson, AZ<br />

Mines today are dealing with more data than ever, including heterogeneous data<br />

types and sources. Meanwhile, demand for information from the corporate office<br />

to the front-line engineersis ever increasing. Immediate access to business insight<br />

and analysis is becoming an operational imperative. The MineSight<br />

Performance Manager provides dashboards and analysis that goes beyond the<br />

what happened . It provides information that gives us why it happened and the<br />

impact on the performance of the plan, now and in the future. The benefits of<br />

having this performance information at our fingertips are immense, and have included<br />

improved fragmentation at a lower cost, improved truck/shovel productivity,<br />

and enhanced ore processing.<br />

11:05 AM<br />

The Mine Central Control Room: From Concept to Reality<br />

F. Mielli and K. Short; Schneider Electric, Alpharetta, GA<br />

One of the potential issues of modern mining operations is the excess of information,<br />

mostly generated by different systems and field devices. In other hand,<br />

mining operations lacks of specialized people in the field able to gather and use<br />

properly this information. The main concept of a central control room, is the<br />

ability to gather and transform automatically information from different sources<br />

and mines into business decisions, centralizing and monitoring them from a single<br />

location. Also the central control room acts as a complete repository of all the<br />

business operations: Mine planning, metrics, asset management, quality, process<br />

control, surveillance, sustainability information, emissions, energy information /<br />

energy efficiency projects, weather, among others. The objective of this paper, is<br />

to show the available tools today that enables the central control room concept<br />

able to empower people and keep them focused on their core operations.<br />

Mining & exploration:<br />

technology: Imaging technology in Mining<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chair:<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

W. Johnson, Lhoist North America, Ripplemead, VA<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Determination of Volumetric Changes from Laser Scanning at an<br />

Underground Limestone Mine<br />

B. Slaker; Mining Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA<br />

The ability to detect and quantify ground movements in underground mine<br />

workings is of the utmost importance to the safety of miners and continuity of<br />

operations. Rib sloughage is one of the most common forms of underground deformations.<br />

Remote sensing techniques, such as laser scanning, can be used to<br />

quantify this rib sloughage, by recording precise, time-lapse point clouds of mine<br />

workings. In order to determine sloughage volumes and locations, a total of 11<br />

laser scans were performed 41 days apart around a pillar at the Kimballton underground<br />

limestone mine in Giles County, Virginia. During this period, significant<br />

sloughage and scaling occurred, allowing for differentiation between the initial<br />

and final point clouds.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

3D Feed Belt Image Analysis<br />

L. Hales, M. Hales and D. Collins; KnowledgeScape,<br />

Salt Lake City, UT<br />

Image analysis for feed belts and flotation has been used for over 20 years.<br />

However 3D analysis has just recently become feasible using steroscopic cameras<br />

and software. One such system will be described as well as its use in real-time mill<br />

modeling and expert control. 3D analysis has great potential to improve real-time<br />

control over that previously achieved with older 2D technologies and analysis.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

75<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


9:45 AM<br />

An Overview of Imaging Technologies at Newmont Mine Sites<br />

A. Adu-Acheampong; Newmont Gold, Denver, CO<br />

Photogrammetry and laser scanning are been employed at a number of<br />

Newmont mine sites to mitigate risks associated with conventional structural<br />

mapping, determining the geometry of voids from old underground workings,<br />

and generating topography in areas of slope instability. Laser scanning has also<br />

been used to evaluate as-built pit slope configurations with respect to design assumptions,<br />

operational practices, and rockfall potential. Remote sensing applications<br />

carried on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) have been used to generate<br />

base or progress topography at some sites in the recent past. This has been found<br />

to more convenient and less expensive in areas where cloud cover complicates<br />

planning of manned aerial photography missions. This paper discusses these applications,<br />

and provides commentary on advantages and disadvantages based on<br />

recent experience.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

Application of Close Range Photogrammetry to Monitor<br />

Displacements in Mines<br />

S. Rezaei and A. Rahnama; Freeport McMoRan, Phoenix, AZ<br />

Moving ground in mining activities is inevitable; however comprehensive awareness<br />

of these movements is necessary to mitigate risk. Monitoring displacements<br />

in mining industry is a key tool for geomechanics risk management. Good monitoring<br />

may prevent unexpected failures and protect men and equipment. Close<br />

Range Photogrammetry (CRP) is a monitoring method with high accuracy, reliability,<br />

and cost effectiveness, and ability for measuring places that are inaccessible.<br />

This method has been demonstrated at the Freeport-McMoRan Safford<br />

Mine in Arizona. A fault related instability in part of the pit is reactive to mining,<br />

and provided opportunity to compare results between traditional monitoring<br />

methods and CRP. Both instability movements and tension crack changes<br />

have been monitored using CRP. In this project, multiple series of photos are<br />

taken at different times using Canon 5D Mark III digital camera, then<br />

PhotoModeler software has been used to make 3D models for each specific<br />

measurement event. Movement rates are determined by comparing different 3D<br />

models. These results are then compared to results of other monitoring methods to<br />

validate the CRP displacement method.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Comprehensive Geotechnical Assessment Using Laser Scanner<br />

Imaging at Underground Mines<br />

M. Haddock 1 , S. Otto 1 , Z. Hladysz 1 , M. Luxbacher 2 and S. Schiele 3 ;<br />

1<br />

Golder Associates Inc., St. Charles, MO; 2 Lhoist North America,<br />

Ripplemead, VA and 3 Maptek Inc., Lakewood, CO<br />

Accurate prediction of rock behavior and use of this information to select optimum<br />

ground control methods is of paramount importance to ensure safe, sustained<br />

mine operations. To respond to the needs of the mining industry, laser<br />

scanning technology has been developed to provide enhanced geotechnical assessment<br />

from laser-based mapping of structural features to analysis of data, culminating<br />

in the design of safe and stable excavations. In 2011 Golder Associates<br />

and Maptek, Inc., supported by engineering personnel from an active underground<br />

mine, performed laser scanning, underground excavation mapping and<br />

geotechnical assessment of room-and-pillar operations at a mine in the Eastern<br />

USA. The significant size of the excavations (100 ft in height and 60 ft in width),<br />

and the required accuracy and digital resolution presented a mapping and surveying<br />

challenge that was successfully addressed. The 3D digital models of the<br />

excavations and rock structure were used to develop a probabilistic assessment of<br />

structural controls on excavation stability for mine planning purposes.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

Subsurface Imaging of an Underground Mine Using Electrical<br />

Resistivity Imaging<br />

M. Haddock, B. Waters and K. Davis; Golder Associates Inc.,<br />

St. Charles, MO<br />

Advances in electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) have led to more detailed and accurate<br />

prediction of subsurface conditions even in complex and highly irregular<br />

karst terrains. Geophysical data, when constrained by and calibrated to borehole<br />

data, can be used to fill in wide data gaps at a site in between intrusive borehole<br />

data and improve the overall understanding and conceptual model of subsurface<br />

conditions. This can result in better estimation of reserve and overburden volumes<br />

and can be used to provide geotechnical information such as identifying<br />

areas of weak fractured rock, karst solutioning, and groundwater inflow. A case<br />

study is provided where an extensive, detailed ERI survey was completed where<br />

an underground limestone mine is being planned. The land surface is characterized<br />

as a karst peneplain with a high density of sinkholes. The ERI data clearly<br />

delineate the top of bedrock and reveal the presence of lower resistivity cavities,<br />

interpreted as sediment and water filled karst voids, beneath the sinkholes. The<br />

ERI data are compared with borehole data and used to project a 3-dimensional<br />

model of the bedrock surface and subsurface voids.<br />

11:05 AM<br />

New Trends in Video Analytics and Surveillance Systems and its<br />

Potential Applications for the Mining Industry<br />

S. Paul 1 and F. Mielli 2 ; 1 Pelco by Schneider Electric, Fort Collins, CO<br />

and 2 Schneider Electric, Alpharetta, GA<br />

Mining operations is a complex industry that require an wider approach for surveillance<br />

systems: From process monitoring to people and assets protection<br />

Camera systems dont have eyes and brains but intelligent video analytics are the<br />

next best trend. Through constant automated digital screening and filtering,<br />

video analytics can identify specific conditions and notify operators of potential<br />

issues, allowing mining operations to make quick, informed decisions. The objective<br />

of this paper is to show new technologies in camera systems, thermal imaging<br />

and software able to bring intelligence to the security and surveillance systems<br />

and how they can help the mining industry.<br />

Mining & exploration:<br />

technology: next Generation Safety:<br />

research and technology Focused on<br />

developing Functional Safety<br />

cultures in Industry<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: K. Ray, Orica USA Inc., Gillette, NM<br />

M. Blattman, Blattman Brothers Consulting LLC,<br />

Cypress, TX<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Utilizing the Brain to Achieve a Culture that Values Safe Work<br />

E. Prazeres and M. Brown; Sentis USA, Aurora, CO<br />

Anyone who has attempted to change an organizations culture will attest to the<br />

complexities involved with such an endeavor. Culture is more than just the way<br />

things are done around here, but is a complex interaction of people with their environment.<br />

People carry their thoughts and attitudes with them to work every<br />

day, and it is these thoughts and attitudes that influence their behavior and ultimately<br />

determine the success of an initiative. Organizations focused on creating<br />

a culture that values safety must look at strategies that effectively change individual<br />

attitudes, and when it comes to change, motivation and moving thought into<br />

action, we are talking about the brain. In this presentation, we will examine what<br />

the new science of the brain tells us about decision making, error reduction, enhancing<br />

safety, and creating sustainable change in everything we do. Further to<br />

that we will present how the philosophy and approach was put into practice at a<br />

mine in the US.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Fatigue Risk Management Systems Applying ANSI Standards to<br />

Improve Occupational Health and Safety<br />

W. Sirois; Circadian Technologies, Inc., Stoneham, MA<br />

There is now a global body of scientific evidence that shiftwork in the 24/7 workplace<br />

is a high risk, occupational health and safety exposure, and that the development<br />

of Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) has emerged as the internationally<br />

accepted standard for managing the inherent costs, risks and liabilities<br />

of shiftwork. This session will review the new API/ANSI 755 standard for<br />

FRMS, along with a systems approach for achieving compliance.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

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Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


9:45 AM<br />

The New Frontier of Safety Training: Going Mobile and Micro<br />

D. Stober; Cognitive Change Concepts, Fort Collins, CO<br />

How do we make our training fit todays realities and needs in safety performance?<br />

All of us would like to get answers to that question. A new generation of<br />

safety training takes learning mobile—out of the classroom to the field or floor<br />

and micro—embedding it into the daily schedule. How many times have you<br />

heard, we need more training ? While no one would argue that training is not important,<br />

two of the biggest challenges to organizations are how to make training<br />

stick and how to do more with less. E-learning has been one approach to being<br />

more effective in delivering training. Being able to deliver training outside the traditional<br />

classroom has helped with efficiency, however, challenges with sustainability<br />

also persist within e-learning. The next generation of training must move<br />

beyond courseware and classrooms and into work (Rosenberg, 2006). We need to<br />

shift our thinking about training formats, delivery, and how to make it stick. It is<br />

becoming clear that the next frontier in learning is both mobile and micro. This<br />

presentation will focus on where shifts need to happen and new approaches built<br />

on solid evidence and illustrated by a case study.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

“Springboard to Safety” Training – Cognitive Safety at Work<br />

A. Stirling; Sustainability, Orica USA Inc., Watkins, CO<br />

Orica dedicates a great deal of time, effort and money to provide employees<br />

with safe working environments, the correct PPE, tools and training as well as<br />

safety controls for equipment in the field and at our manufacturing facilities.<br />

Even with all this focus on safety, our employees are still getting hurt at work.<br />

The traditional approach to People, Plant and Procedures was no longer leading<br />

to improved safety performance. Orica is not alone in this predicament, many<br />

companies have invested heavily on improving safety but have hit a plateau in<br />

their performance. During 2011, Orica USA Inc. partnered with Cognitive<br />

Change Concepts and embarked on a journey into cognitive behavioral safety<br />

training. The challenges were to create relevant, effective training for our front<br />

line people and to imbed cognitive safety into Orica’s established safety culture.<br />

The “Springboard to Safety” training program is a purpose built iPad App that<br />

delivers personalized, interactive training for our front line people where they<br />

work. This paper discusses the development of the “Springboard to Safety”<br />

training program and the impact it has had on the safety performance of our<br />

front line people.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Colorado School of Mines – Mine Rescue Training Using<br />

Computer Simulations<br />

C. Geier, E. Keogh and J. Torma-Krajewski; Mining Engineering,<br />

Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO<br />

Previous mine incidents show weaknesses in mine rescue preparedness from poor<br />

training in decision making, leadership, and incident command center (ICC) protocols.<br />

Computer simulations offer a larger range of training opportunities for<br />

mine rescue teams focusing on exploration and communications. The mine rescue<br />

simulator developed by the Colorado School of Mines and Rite Solutions,<br />

Inc. utilizes four computers for the instructor and team, with the instructor monitoring<br />

the teams progress. As the team explores, they relay information back to<br />

the Fresh Air Base who then reports to the ICC. This forces a three-step communication<br />

procedure, enhancing the teams overall communication skills and developing<br />

ICC protocols. The simulator is decision-based, demanding team decisions<br />

be made quickly. Upon completion, teams commented positively. Generally, participants<br />

said that the simulator is useful for learning how to communicate and<br />

make decisions during mine rescue emergencies. This mine rescue simulator improves<br />

team training; with easy setup, no production interruption and communications<br />

practice.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

An Overview of NIOSH Mine Illumination Research:<br />

Past, Present, and Future<br />

J. Sammarco; Human Factors Branch, NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

Illumination is fundamental for mine safety because miners depend most heavily<br />

on visual cues to detect hazards associated slips/trips/falls and powered haulage.<br />

NIOSH is conducting mine illumination to improve miner safety by improving a<br />

miners ability to see mine hazards. Thus far, 16 papers have been published covering<br />

diverse topics such as cap lamps, machine-mounted lighting, glare, lighting<br />

maintenance, and light-emitting diode (LED) technology issues. NIOSH has also<br />

developed an LED cap lamp, LED area lighting, and a Visual Warning System<br />

(VWS). This paper provides an overview of the improvements from NIOSH-developed<br />

lighting that include: 94% better trip hazard detection with the NIOSH<br />

LED cap lamp; 79% better peripheral motion detection to detect pinning/striking<br />

hazards; no increase in glare; 71% better machine movement hazard detection<br />

with the VWS. Current research is described concerning an LED cap lamp for<br />

metal/nonmetal miners, illumination for rescue chamber deployment and inspection,<br />

and research to determine if lighting could be used to improve miner escape<br />

and rescue in smoke. Lastly, future possibilities of using lighting to improve<br />

miner safety are described.<br />

SMe research committee:<br />

SMe exhibitors: Focus on Innovation I<br />

9:00AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: Madan M. Singh, Singh Associates LLC.,<br />

Scottsdale, AZ<br />

S. A. Ravishankar, Cytec Industries Inc.,<br />

Stamford, CT<br />

<strong>SME</strong> Exhibiting companies will highlight advances and innovations that are<br />

being introduced to the mining/mineral processing business. During the 2013<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong> we will feature presentations from those selected.<br />

1. Drill Bit Isolator – Protecting Roof Bolter Operator Hearing<br />

By James Thompson<br />

This device is based on NIOSH technology that reduces hazardous noise from<br />

roof bolting machines. The isolator is simple to use - it snaps right between the<br />

standard drill steel and bit. The device was developed in cooperation with<br />

Kennametal and Cory Rubber.<br />

2. Fabric Structures as Cost-Effective, Durable Onsite Facilities<br />

By Joe Teixeira, ClearSpan, Windsor, CT<br />

ClearSpan Hercules Truss Arch Buildings feature high clearances and spacious<br />

interiors without support posts. These buildings are outfitted with frames constructed<br />

from USA-made, triple-galvanized structural steel that will hold up<br />

strong in corrosive environments.<br />

3. Herringbone Wing<br />

By Leo J. Laughlin, Precision Pulley & Idler, Pella, IA, USA<br />

Spiral drum pulleys for tail pulleys were developed to auger material out and<br />

away from the tail pulley and belt, but the spirals tend to plug. Wing pulleys cause<br />

excessive belt vibration and throw the material back onto the belt. Herringbone<br />

Wing pulleys are a cross between these and resolve the problems encountered.<br />

4. J-Seal – An Innovative Mine Seal<br />

By Kevin J. Ma and John C. Stankus, Keystone Mining Services,<br />

LLC, and Bevan Thompson, JennChem, LLC, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

Keystone Mining Services, LLC and JennChem, LLC, affiliates of Jennmar<br />

Corporation, Inc., have formulated an innovative cementatious foamed grout J-<br />

Seal and developed a pumpable mine seal design for ventilation control, approved<br />

as 120-psi mainline seal by Mine Safety and Health Administration<br />

(MSHA).<br />

5. Dual-sprocket Coated Chain – Protecting Continuous Mining<br />

Machine Operator Hearing<br />

By James Thompson<br />

This device is based on NIOSH technology that reduces hazardous noise from<br />

continuous mining machines. The coated chain is simple to use – it’s a direct replacement<br />

for the manufacturers’ standard dual-sprocket chain. The device was<br />

developed in cooperation with Joy Mining Machinery.<br />

6. LTM Probe for Flotation Bank Pulp Level Control<br />

By Bill A. Hancock, Zeroday Enterprises, LLC, Wilsonville, OR and<br />

Raymond Karsten, Instek Control, Pretoria, South Africa<br />

The LTM level probe dramatically increases pulp level measurement accuracy,<br />

which operates conductively and provides near instantaneous measurements<br />

(100 ms) with 1% accuracy and measurement linearity.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

77<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


7. Process Control Using Real Time Analysis of Conveyed<br />

Bulk Materials<br />

By Henry Kurth, Scantech International Pty Ltd, Springwood,<br />

Queensland, Australia<br />

Bulk sorting conveyed plant feed enables waste increment removal. Blending ores<br />

allows more consistent feed grades to improve process efficiencies (recoveries)<br />

and product quality without increasing plant throughput. Metal accounting and<br />

ore reconciliation is significantly improved through accurate measurement of<br />

feed; dry tonnage (moisture analysis) and quality (elemental analysis).<br />

8. A New Chapter in Underground Mapping Using Sirovision<br />

By Brianne Beaulieu, CAE Mining North America, Littleton, CO<br />

Sirovision Underground has been developed in collaboration between CAE<br />

Mining and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization<br />

(CSIRO). It is an integrated hardware and software system designed to provide<br />

safe and cost-effective mapping and analysis of rock structure and underground<br />

topography.<br />

9. TeleStacker® Conveyor Offers Unmatched Productivity,<br />

Strength and Safety<br />

By Mathew Voigt, Superior Industries, Morris, MN<br />

The TeleStacker® Conveyor from Superior Industries is a heavy-duty telescoping<br />

radial stacking conveyor designed for efficient, dependable and safe operation.<br />

Built for high production, the conveyor offers the ability to stockpile 30-percent<br />

more material per move than similar radial stackers, and an operating tonnage<br />

ranging from 200 to 5,000 TPH.<br />

10. Mobile Equipment Simulator Training<br />

By Paula Oransky, CAE Mining North America, Littleton, CO<br />

Mobile Equipment Simulator Solutions are aimed at reducing training costs, increasing<br />

employee retention and improving operator performance in both safety<br />

and efficiency. They offer enhanced realism, ergonomic instructor station, a collaborative<br />

training environment, fully simulated rock dynamics and climatic conditions,<br />

evidence-based training, and monitoring and performance system.<br />

11. A Novel Gas Feed Concept for Agitated Tanks<br />

By Jochen Jung and Wolfgang Keller<br />

To avoid the disadvantages of a susceptible gas feed device a new gas spargerimpeller<br />

type has been developed. The gas is directly added to the impeller by a<br />

single pipe and distributed through the impeller spar directly to the impeller<br />

blades. Since pipe diameters are quite big blocking will not occur. Other advantages<br />

are reduced investment and maintenance costs.<br />

underground construction association<br />

of SMe<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: R. Henn, Brierley Assoc LLC, Denver, CO<br />

R. Stier, Kiewit Infrastructure Co., Omaha, NE<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

9:05 AM<br />

TBMs for Mining Applications, Situation in 2013<br />

D. Ofiara; Engineering, The Robbins Company, Solon, OH<br />

TBMs have been used in mining before. Such use has been rather limited and sporadic<br />

due to perceived, and real, applications difficulties. This is changing.<br />

Currently, TBMs are being considered and utilized for many mining applications.<br />

This presentation reviews the 2013 status of TBMs in mining applications. These<br />

mining projects include both coal mining and metal mining, and use both<br />

hardrock and shielded, mixed ground TBMs. The special requirements of the<br />

mining projects, and the adapted TBM features will be described.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

Mine Plugs<br />

W. Harrison; Brierley Assoc LLC, Denver, CO<br />

We will present a paper that discusses the good. the bad and the ugly or the many<br />

shades of grey experienced while constructing the Mine plug at Summitville,<br />

Colorado; the mine plug repair at Kohler No.2, Silverton, Colorado; and the decant<br />

outlet plug at Urad Mine, Empire Colorado. We will discuss anchoring, concrete<br />

placement, cement and chemical grouting and cellular grout.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

High Quality Precast Concrete Tunnel Liners<br />

L. Worden; CSI, Denver, CO<br />

The paper describes the disciplined process of manufacturing precision precast<br />

concrete tunnel liners via carousel production techniques for consistent and large<br />

outputs utilizing high strength durable concrete. The design and use of precast<br />

concrete for long term durability will be discussed together with the quality assurance<br />

methods used to ensure the high standards required. The use of high<br />

yield reinforcement and steel fibers will be discussed to provide an overview of<br />

the two options. Discussion on the durability of the tunnel liners in a hydrogen<br />

sulphide environment will include solutions with specialized concretes and internal<br />

lining techniques to provide long term durability.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

Challenges in Coal Mine Slope Construction<br />

D. Rogstad; FK Constructors, Denver, CO<br />

Coal mines in the eastern US often use sloped shafts as production beltways for<br />

ore removal, as means of access for supplies, and for ventilation. These structures<br />

are usually completed with the help of a contractor. In late 2011, Frontier-<br />

Kemper Constructors was engaged to build a slope for a coal mine in southern<br />

Indiana. Although the site was located in familiar Illinois basin formations, the<br />

geology proved to be very difficult. This paper describes some of the challenges<br />

faced during excavation of this slope and the methods used to overcome them, including<br />

changing the method from conventional drill and blast to cutting with a<br />

continuous miner.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Roadheader Performance on the Caldecott 4th Bore Tunnel<br />

D. Kwietnewski and S. Harvey; Brierley Assoc. LLC, Denver, CO<br />

The 4th bore of the Caldecott Tunnel is a 50-ft horseshoe shaped highway tunnel<br />

located in the hills east of Oakland, California. Tunnel excavation was mostly<br />

completed using one of the worlds largest commercially available roadheaders, a<br />

Wirth T3.20. The geologic profile included seven different geologic units, which<br />

displayed a range of different behavior with regard to excavation and initial support.<br />

Following a brief introduction to the excavation and support methods, this<br />

paper will discuss roadheader performance in the various geologic units encountered<br />

during excavation. Comments will also be made concerning the relationship<br />

between the roadheader method of excavation and observed ground convergence<br />

during excavation.<br />

10:45 AM<br />

Hard Rock Double Shield for Gran San Bernardo Service and<br />

Safety Tunnel between Italy and Switzerland<br />

W. Trisi; Caterpiller Tunneling Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada<br />

Italian contractor Condotte S.p.A was awarded the new Gran San Bernardo<br />

Service and Safety (GSBSS) Tunnel. This new tunnel would run parallel to the<br />

existing Gran San Bernardo (GSB) Tunnel located between Italy and<br />

Switzerland. The new service and safety tunnel would be approximately 5.8km<br />

long, 4.2m in diameter, and would utilize a Caterpillar Hard Rock Double Shield<br />

Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) to excavate and line the tunnel. The tunnel was<br />

to be built to improve safety, efficiency and ventilation of the existing GSB tunnel.<br />

The GSB and GSBSS would be linked via 23 cross passages approximately<br />

every 240m. The tunnel alignment would run through transalpine rock formations<br />

suck as gneiss, schist and sandstone with up to 950m of cover in areas. This<br />

paper will discuss the TBM specifications, tunnel lining details, jobsite conditions<br />

and highlights of this successful project.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

78<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


11:05 AM<br />

Disc Cutter Monitoring on Hard Rock Tunnel Boring Machines<br />

H. Lashkari 1 , A. Shanahan 2 , S. Smading 2 and J. Rostami 1 ;<br />

1<br />

Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA and 2 Robbins<br />

Company, Kent, WA<br />

Monitoring the condition of disc cutters in real-time has always been a challenge<br />

on tunnel boring machines (TBMs). Having certain types of data available can<br />

help maximize boring efficiency and reduce damage to cutters. This includes the<br />

rotational speed, temperature, and the vibration level of each cutter. Having this<br />

information available allows for prediction of the cutter wear rate and an overall<br />

assessment of the condition of the disc cutter. By looking at the combined data<br />

vs. machine parameter, the machine operational parameters can be adjusted to<br />

maximize the efficiency of the excavation process. Cutter wear can be calculated<br />

from the cutter rpm, cutter position, and cutterhead rpm, which can minimize<br />

the frequency of cutter inspection and increase machine utilization. This paper<br />

will discuss the disc cutter monitoring system on some of the recent Robbins<br />

TBMs and the advantages of having the additional data in optimizing the machine<br />

operation and improving machine utilization and daily advance rates.<br />

Valuation I: Lessons Learned<br />

9:00 AM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: J. Gustavson, Mineral Appraiser LLC, Boulder, CO<br />

J. Manes, CMC Inc., Scottsdale, AZ<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Introductions<br />

9:05 AM<br />

Appraising Sliding-Scale Mineral Royalties: A Method for<br />

Incorporating Commodity Price Projections<br />

D. Hammond 1 and A. Courtney 2 ; 1 Hammond International Group,<br />

Highlands Ranch, CO and 2 Consultant, Highlands Ranch, CO<br />

Commodity price projections are major inputs for the appraisal of any mineral<br />

asset but are even more critical in valuing sliding-scale mineral royalties. In such<br />

valuations the timing of price excursions from trend assumptions becomes a principal<br />

determinant of DCF value. Commonly used linear price projection assumptions<br />

typically miss this aspect, and probabilistic techniques can be difficult for<br />

non-experts to understand. The discussion outlines a practical approach to projecting<br />

commodity prices based on historical trends and volatility to generate expected<br />

NPVs for such royalties.<br />

9:25 AM<br />

If This Deposit is Worth That Much, Why Hasn’t It Already Been<br />

Mined Out?, and Other Lessons for Minerals Appraisers<br />

T. Ellis; Ellis International Services, Denver, CO<br />

The author presents a varied compilation of lessons learned from his career as a<br />

mineral property appraiser, consultant, expert witness, and valuation standards<br />

developer.<br />

9:45 AM<br />

Lessons Learned: Documentation and Recordkeeping on Appraisals<br />

Used for Conservation/Donation Purposes<br />

J. Manes and T. Quartiero; CMC Inc, Scottsdale, AZ<br />

In late 2006, an appraiser working for CMC, Inc. prepared a mineral interest appraisal<br />

report to be used for charitable conservation/donation purposes. In 2010,<br />

Special Agents of the Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigation division<br />

performed an unexpected gation and audit of the appraiser and appraisal report.<br />

Following an extensive review process, it was revealed that the landowners of the<br />

mineral property fraudulently obtained title to the mineral property, and the possibility<br />

of collusion between the landowner and appraiser was being investigated.<br />

The appraiser, appraisal report and company were all determined by the Internal<br />

Revenue Service to not have been involved, and the company was later asked to<br />

represent the Internal Revenue Service with prosecution of the landowners. The<br />

author of this paper was not the appraiser being investigated, however witnessed<br />

the overall process as an executive of the company. Several valuable lessons about<br />

contracting, clients, donation appraisals, reports and paperwork were learned.<br />

10:05 AM<br />

Correct Calculation of the Alternate Valuation Date<br />

Fair Market Value<br />

L. Posgate; LRP Business Appraisal, Driftwood, TX<br />

In Valuing a Producing Royalty or Working Interest on an alternate valuation date<br />

6 months post-date of death (D of D ) for estate tax purpose and in compliance<br />

with IRC Sec. 2032, the in-place value of the severed production must be calculated<br />

(in the intervening 6 months post D of D (AVD) and pre- alternate date), and<br />

added back to the AVD. The severed mineral value must also be discounted to D<br />

of D by an appropriate discount rate considering all relevant risks and a return<br />

ON and OF capital. This interim value addition must be more than offset to allow<br />

the AVD election to be useful in reflecting lower market values than those prevailing<br />

on the D of D. This presentation reviews the Holl v. U.S. Federal tax calculation<br />

methods employed by the petitioner and case decision that, upon 1992 appellate<br />

court remand, prevailed, and we discuss correct and incorrect AVD methods.<br />

Reflecting on case law and reviewing several appraisal cases performed, the accepted<br />

method was considered for both a mineral estate value and also considering<br />

an alternate value of a limited partnership holding the minerals.<br />

10:25 AM<br />

Lessons Learned from Marcellus Shale Appraisals<br />

T. Knobloch 1 and J. Gustavson 2 ; 1 James Knobloch Petroleum<br />

Consultants Inc., Marietta, OH and 2 Mineral Appraiser LLC,<br />

Boulder, OH<br />

Historically, FMV appraisals in the Appalachians were limited to valuing royalty<br />

income from marginal wells for estate tax purposes. FMV was typically based on<br />

1) a multiple of monthly income and/or 2) production decline curve and related<br />

DCF analysis. The Marcellus Shale with its significant future income from BCFlevel<br />

reserves from horizontal wells demanded the approach required to include<br />

also sales comparison and lease bonus methods. Appraisals to date have focused<br />

on small, single-interest owners in remote areas with limited Marcellus development,<br />

to much larger 70,000+ acre ORRI valuation. The latter included properties<br />

owned by multiple individuals and with multiple well operators, various<br />

stages of well development, but with limited public data. Valuable lessons<br />

learned through these appraisals included: client-provided information, sticks-ofthe-bundle<br />

to be valued, lease limitations, Highest & Best Use, adjustments of<br />

comparable sales, state and other public resources, company presentations, lease<br />

broker interviews, variations in gas quality, water availability and markets for natural<br />

gas and NGLs.<br />

tueSday, February 26<br />

aFternoon<br />

coal & energy:<br />

health and Safety Management Systems<br />

2:00 PM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: E. Hall, Office of Mine Safety & Health<br />

Research/NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

D. Reinke, NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

2:05 PM<br />

MineSAFE: A New Software Architecture for<br />

Mine Safety Education<br />

L. Brown 1 , J. Hill 2 and M. Poulton 2 ; 1 Computer Science, University of<br />

Arizona, Tucson, AZ and 2 Mining & Geological Engineering,<br />

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ<br />

With the expansion and diversification of the mining industry workforce, trainers<br />

have identified a growing need for new and more versatile training materials.<br />

Well-designed computer games can serve a valuable role in supplementing established<br />

best practices in workplace learning. MineSAFE is an evolving platform<br />

that is being used to create computer games for mine safety education. The objectives<br />

of this platform are three-fold: (1) to elicit critical thinking about mine<br />

safety practices through interactive and contextualized learning; (2) to allow cus-<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

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Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


tomization of learning materials for specific audiences, mine methods, and sites,<br />

with a particular emphasis on workplace literacy; and (3) to empower trainers to<br />

evaluate user understanding and decision making through a suite of integrated<br />

evaluation tools. In this work, we discuss the design and architecture of the<br />

MineSAFE platform. We give examples of training tools that are being developed<br />

through MineSAFE, including an interactive fatalgram simulator and a<br />

mine emergency preparedness game. We look at possible usage cases and discuss<br />

initial user feedback.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

The Transformation of Underground Coal Contractor Injury Rates<br />

S. Bealko and J. Helbig; Safety, GMS Mine Repair and Maintenance,<br />

Mt. Lake Park, MD<br />

Injury rates for underground coal contractors transformed from mediocre to considerably<br />

improved in recent years. A 2011 NIOSH report showed that u.g. coal<br />

contractors (1992 2007) had a higher injury rate (IR) than coal operators but<br />

started to converge towards the end of the study. They also concluded that larger<br />

companies had higher IR than smaller ones. Since then, contractor safety has improved.<br />

Same data analysis from 2008 2011 tell a more encouraging story. This<br />

paper discusses a brief history and role of underground contractors and describes<br />

the challenges unique to contractors. It verifies trends in improved contractor incident<br />

rates as well as enhanced production hours and specialty functions.<br />

Finally, this paper provides a comprehensive case study of the largest coal contractor<br />

in the U.S. that has maintained an IR two to three times lower than underground<br />

coal operators and main competitors for over three years. Much of<br />

their company success comes from strict background checks and pre-employment<br />

screening, 100% drug testing policy, underground hands-on safety training, continuous<br />

safety education, and a sheer determination to improve safety.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

<strong>Program</strong> to Reduce Personal Injuries to Ukrainian Coal Miners<br />

J. Sottile 1 , R. Sweigard 1 and B. O’Dea 2 ; 1 Mining Engineering,<br />

University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY and 2 Alpha Natural<br />

Resources, Julian, WV<br />

This paper describes a project undertaken to reduce personal injuries suffered by<br />

Ukrainian coal miners. The approach used is based, as much as practical, on the<br />

framework adopted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health<br />

(NIOSH) for injury research and prevention. Several visits were made to Ukraine<br />

to visit coal mines to meet with mine managers and observe various mining operations.<br />

Visits were also made to government offices to collect injury data and discuss<br />

the injury reporting system. Analysis of injury reports were conducted to determine<br />

type and frequency of injuries and the locations and conditions under<br />

which they were occurring. During this process, it was recognized that the collection<br />

and analysis steps could be significantly enhanced by the development of an<br />

electronic injury reporting system designed specifically to facilitate collecting and<br />

analyzing injury data. As a result, one outcome of the work was the development<br />

and testing of an on-line injury report form. Subsequent analysis of the injuries<br />

led to recommendations for additional mining equipment/tools, personal protective<br />

equipment, and changes to some mining operations.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Automatic Land Movement Monitoring Using Terrestrial Based<br />

Static LiDAR<br />

M. Leslar, D. Adams and A. Pelkie; Optech Inc., West Henrietta, NY<br />

Change detection has been an important part of the static terrestrial LiDAR industry<br />

since its inception (Field Note: ILRIS 3-D, One Tool, Multiple Uses: Mine<br />

Safety, Volume Calculation, Change Detection, 2006). The ability of LiDAR to<br />

provide accurate and timely comparisons between two separate objects, or a single<br />

object over time, has made LiDAR a valuable tool to a variety of occupational<br />

disciplines and industries, including mining, geology, and engineering. Recently,<br />

interest has been generated in the automation of a terrestrial laser scanner for the<br />

purposes of change monitoring in three dimensional landscapes. To this end, an<br />

automated monitoring solution was recently developed and successfully implemented<br />

for a large mining operation in the United States. This automated system,<br />

coupled with the mines internal alarm system, is programmed to activate the<br />

alarms when there is movement outside of the acceptable tolerance limits, allowing<br />

for the pit to be vacated quickly and safely.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Computational Fluid Dynamics Validation Utilizing a Tracer Gas<br />

Study Related to a Mine Mill Area Toxic Gas Release for<br />

Emergency Response Planning<br />

D. Hall, C. Strode, E. Rasmuson, A. Korchevskiy, J. Rasmuson and<br />

R. Strode; Chemistry & Industrial Hygiene, Inc., Wheat Ridge, CO<br />

CFD, an occupational and community exposure modeling tool, was utilized to<br />

determine personnel emergency evacuation response times based on a potential<br />

toxic gas release at a mine mill area. Initially, the Area Locations of Hazardous<br />

Atmospheres (ALOHA) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration<br />

(NOAA) software was used to characterize the toxic gas dispersion, however due<br />

to the varied terrain and building arrangements a more complex model was utilized<br />

to refine the contours. This presentation will cover the details, drawbacks<br />

and benefits of conducting an onsite tracer gas validation study and comparing<br />

those results with the CFD model results. Model validation case scenarios will be<br />

presented based upon study findings. The unique advantages in using CFD models<br />

for the mining emergency response planning will be demonstrated.<br />

chair:<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

coal & energy:<br />

research and development<br />

2:00 PM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

M. Trevits, NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Improvement on Mathematical Model for Studying Coals<br />

Propensity of Spontaneous Combustion<br />

X. Wang and Y. Luo; Mining Engineering, West Virginia University,<br />

Morgantown, WV<br />

It is believed that sulfur and volatile matter contents in coals are the main intrinsic<br />

properties to cause the self-heating of coal. Their oxidation at lower temperatures<br />

than that of fixed carbon to initiate coals self-heating should be quantified.<br />

This study is aimed to improve the previous mathematical model developed by<br />

the authors for studying the coals propensity for spontaneous combustion. It enhances<br />

the models ability to consider the effects of sulfur, volatile matter and<br />

moisture content in the coal three important factors affecting the coals self-heating<br />

process. Sulfur exists in coal primarily in the form of pyrite which will be oxidized<br />

rapidly under suitable conditions. Volatile matters, higher in low rank<br />

coals, are more easily to be oxidized. The determination of the relationship between<br />

oxidation rate and temperature for these two components are built in the<br />

model. Heat of water condensation which provides initial energy for low temperature<br />

oxidation is also incorporated into the model. Adiabatic tests on coal samples<br />

are conducted in air from ambient temperature, similar to actual mining and<br />

storage conditions, to verify the improved model.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

The Assessment of the Effect of Carbide-Silicone Particle Size and<br />

the Type of Gating System on Composite Micro-Structure<br />

Produced by Lost Foam Casting Method<br />

M. Basiri 1 and E. Asadi 2 ; 1 Mining Eng., Tarbiat Modares University,<br />

Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran and 2 Metalurgy Dept., IUST,<br />

Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran<br />

The application of aluminum matrix composites, due to their unique properties,<br />

significantly is growing up in the variety of industries such as aerospace and automobile.<br />

The aluminum has low price comparison with the other light metals<br />

such as magnesium and titanium. These are the advantage that dominates this<br />

metal to the others. In this research, first by applying the lost foam casting<br />

method, the SiCp/A356 composite was casted in the bottom and side gate conditions<br />

with 690 Celsius degree and volume fraction of 10%. Then the effects of reinforcement<br />

particles (60 µm, 75 µm) were examined. The results presents the<br />

particle distribution in the side gate methods are more uniformed than bottom<br />

gate casting method. Also, by increasing the particles size, the fading rate, in the<br />

side gate, are reduced from 22% to 19%, as well as from 26.4% to 25.4% in the<br />

bottom gate.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

80<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


2:45 PM<br />

Use of Magnetic Proximity Detection Systems in the<br />

Presence of Coal<br />

J. Carr, J. Li and A. Smith; NIOSH, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

Severe injuries and fatalities occur every year when a miner is struck or pinned by<br />

a continuous mining machine (CMM), or other piece of mobile equipment.<br />

Proximity detection systems offer a means to prevent these types of injuries and<br />

fatalities. There are now three proximity detection systems approved by MSHA<br />

for use in underground coal mines. However, the influence that coal has on the<br />

electromagnetic fields used in these systems has never before been rigorously<br />

quantified. NIOSH researchers have conducted a test to measure whether the<br />

proximity of coal has a significant influence on a popular design of proximity detection<br />

system. The system tested utilizes a low frequency magnetic field generator<br />

that could be mounted on the mining machine. At the Safety Research Coal<br />

Mine (SRCM) in Pittsburgh, the electrical properties and the performance of a<br />

simplified proximity detection system were measured on the surface and at varying<br />

distance from a coal face underground. These measurements show that the<br />

coal has practically zero impact on the performance of the system. For the system<br />

design tested, placing the generators near a coal rib is not expected to degrade system<br />

performance.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

An Evaluation of Potential Perfluoromethylcyclohexane (PMCH)<br />

Release Vessel Designs for Tracer Gas Studies in<br />

Underground Mines<br />

E. Jong 1 , S. Underwood 1 , K. Luxbacher 1 and H. McNair 2 ; 1 Mining<br />

Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA and 2 Chemistry, Virginia<br />

Tech, Blacksburg, VA<br />

Perfluoromethylcyclohexane (PMCH) is a member of the perfluorocarbon tracer<br />

(PFT) group of compounds. PMCH has been identified as a viable alternative to<br />

the widely used tracer gas sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). This viability stems from the<br />

fact that PMCH can be used concurrently with SF6 while maintaining adequate<br />

chromatographic separation and comparable sensitivity during analysis.<br />

However, the release of PMCH in an underground mine ventilation system is<br />

challenging due to its physical characteristics. SF6 exists as a gas at room temperature<br />

and pressure and can be released in accurate quantities using a variety of<br />

means including flow meters and flow controllers. In contrast, PMCH exists as a<br />

volatile liquid at room temperature and pressure, a characteristic that prevents<br />

PMCH from being deployed using traditional means. One of the methods used to<br />

release PMCH utilizes a hollow aluminum cylinder, allowing for diffusion of the<br />

gas out of the cylinder. This paper evaluates several designs with varying cylinder<br />

diameters, plug thicknesses, and plug materials for the aluminum vessel release<br />

method, so that a source that is appropriate for the mine scale may be developed.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Noise Exposure Assessment for Five Underground Metal<br />

Mining Machines<br />

A. Alamuru, S. Peterson, D. Yantek and R. Randolph; HLPB,<br />

NIOSH/CDC, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is developing noise<br />

control solutions to address high rates of hazardous noise exposure in underground<br />

metal mines. A noise exposure assessment was conducted on load-hauldumps,<br />

haul trucks, jumbo drills, locomotives, and jackleg drills. For each machine,<br />

the complete work cycle was broken down into individual operations. The<br />

noise exposure attributable to each cycle was assessed by collecting data from<br />

dosimeters affixed to the machine operators and recording timed observations of<br />

the operating cycles. The collected data were used to calculate the dose per hour<br />

and dose per cycle using the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)<br />

permissible exposure level (PEL) and the NIOSH recommended exposure limit<br />

(REL). The data helps identify individual operations for each machine type<br />

which contributes significantly to operator noise dose. The analysis conducted for<br />

this paper will be used in focusing noise control development on reducing noise<br />

exposure while performing those machine operations which result in a significant<br />

dose per cycle.<br />

3:45 PM<br />

Characterization and Prediction of Froth Pump Performance<br />

J. Furlan and R. Visintainer; Engineering, R&D, GIW Industries,<br />

Grovetown, GA<br />

Due to the time consuming nature of froth testing in a laboratory environment, it<br />

is required, due to practical limitations, to develop a method of applying a single<br />

set of performance test data (Visintainer and Whitlock, 2012) obtained for a single<br />

froth pump at a given speed, to a range of froth pump speeds and sizes, % air<br />

contents, and liquid viscosities. Head, efficiency, and flow all vary as functions of<br />

both liquid viscosity and air content. As such, it is necessary to develop a technique<br />

which can be used to interpolate from existing test data in order to predict<br />

froth pump performance for pumps of various sizes running at variable speeds.<br />

Details of the technique developed in order to achieve this goal are discussed.<br />

Additionally, comparisons are made between the performance predictions of this<br />

test-derived method and those of the Hydraulic Institute Standard for the effects<br />

of liquid viscosity on centrifugal pump performance.<br />

chair:<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

coal & energy:<br />

Ventilation III<br />

2:00 PM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

K. Luxbacher, Virginia Polytech Institute and State<br />

University, Blacksburg, VA<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Pressure and Flow Investigation of an Axial Booster Fan with<br />

Variable Blade Settings Experimental and CFD Approach<br />

A. Habibi, M. Thiruvengadam and S. Gillies; Mining and Nuclear<br />

Engineering, Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO<br />

The study has been undertaken on a 1.12 m diameter industrial booster fan operating<br />

under the different blades settings with 1200 rpm at Missouri University of<br />

Science and Technology. The fan total pressure varies up to 1kPa, blowing 30<br />

m3/s. The pressure-quantity survey has been conducted with different blade settings<br />

to investigate the pressure fluctuations specifically during fan startup. The<br />

study then follows up by involving the Variable speed drive to determine the effect<br />

of rotational frequency in the system. Computational fluid dynamics is used for<br />

analyzing three dimensional flow structures in time domain and calculating the<br />

corresponding unsteady pressure fluctuations. The geometric model of the fan<br />

and the bulkhead has been built. This is followed by meshing and defining the<br />

boundary conditions. The sliding and dynamic mesh techniques will be used to<br />

study the unsteady flow interaction arising due to the rotation of the fan blades.<br />

The numerical predictions of the variables in the form of velocity vectors and contour<br />

plots detailing the flow characteristics are then analyzed, compared and verified<br />

according to the known physical situation and existing experimental data.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Design and Construction of a Test Tunnel to Obtain Fan<br />

Performance Curves. Case Study: Field Tests in Coal Mines<br />

N. Rueda and C. Toro; MSO Industrial, Medellin, Colombia<br />

Fans are the most important component in an underground ventilation system<br />

and their operation is defined by their performance curve. With this curve is possible<br />

to select the optimum fan according to the desired airflow and mine resistance.<br />

Manufacturers provide curves for new fans but old or existing fans usually<br />

do not have a curve. To replace all existing fans for new ones can be costly therefore<br />

obtain curves for existing fans is a viable option. This paper shows a standardized<br />

method based on ANSI/AMCA 2210 07 ANSI/ASHRAE 51 07 that<br />

covers different stages of the characterization process: the design of the bench,<br />

the screening of the fans to be tested, the assembly and installation of the bench<br />

in the mine, the analysis of the resultant curves, the implementation into the simulation<br />

software and the analysis of the results. This method is presented with a<br />

field study in a coal company with 5 different mines and more than 50 evaluated<br />

fans of medium and small size.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

3D CFD Simulation of Airflow Re-distribution and Associated<br />

Pressure Drops Inside the Overcast in Underground Coal Mines<br />

J. Tien and M. Thiruvengadam; Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO<br />

Overcast are indispensible ventilation devices in room and pillar coal mines to<br />

permit one airway to pass over another without mixing. The airflow distribution<br />

inside the overcast depends on its specific configuration at which the flow enters<br />

into it. This study focuses on the three dimensional numerical simulations of turbulent<br />

airflow to examine the pressure and velocity distributions inside an overcast.<br />

The effects of the overcast angle on the flow field are also examined.<br />

Simulated results reveal flow separation and recirculation regions of different<br />

size occurring not only upstream and downstream from the overcast but also in-<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

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Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


side it. The results also show that the size of the recirculation regions increased<br />

with the increase in the angle of the overcast influencing significantly the flow<br />

field and pressure losses. Results for the pressure and velocity distributions and<br />

the effect of overcast angles on these results are presented. The streamlines are<br />

also plotted to show the three-dimensional structure of the flow field. The results<br />

from the simulation can guide design of overcast in underground coal mines.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Ventilation Risk Management in Underground Coal Mines:<br />

Atmospheric Monitoring in the United States<br />

K. Griffin 1 , K. Luxbacher 1 and M. Karmis 2 ; 1 Mining and Minerals<br />

Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA and 2 Virginia Center for<br />

Coal and Energy Research, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA<br />

Atmospheric conditions underground are constantly trending which makes it<br />

necessary to examine a mines ventilation using a risk based approach. The implementation<br />

of risk assessment and management allows operators to identify<br />

comprehensive site specific ventilation parameters, trends, and modify ventilation<br />

plans as a mine develops. Atmospheric monitoring in underground coal mines allows<br />

mine operators to analyze atmospheric conditions underground in real-time.<br />

Real-time monitoring can be used to identify whether atmospheric conditions underground<br />

are abnormally trending or have become problematic. Ventilation risk<br />

assessment and management allows developing atmospheric monitoring technologies<br />

to be fully utilized in order to increase safety standards in the United<br />

States. This paper reviews general risk assessment approaches, state of the art<br />

ventilation based risk assessment, and risk assessment and management application<br />

within the United States regulatory framework.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Impact of Nitrogen Inertization on Methane Distribution in<br />

Bleederless Longwall Gobs<br />

J. Brune, D. Worrall, J. Grubb and D. Munoz; Mining Engineering,<br />

Colo. School of Miners, Golden, CO<br />

Underground longwall coal mining sections are operated as bleederless or sealed<br />

gobs if the coal is prone to spontaneous combustion. Sealing along the gate roads<br />

as the longwall face retreats limits the flow of fresh air into the gob and thus deprives<br />

spontaneous combustion of oxygen. In a project sponsored by the National<br />

Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), researchers at the<br />

Colorado School of Mines have used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling<br />

to simulate the flow of gases in longwall gobs. Following validation with<br />

limited operational mine data, the models indicate that targeted injection of nitrogen<br />

along the gate roads inby the face can be used to control the size and location<br />

of methane and air clouds within the gob and to minimize or eliminate the<br />

explosion hazard resulting from the formation of flammable methane-air mixtures<br />

in longwall gobs.<br />

chair:<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

environmental:<br />

Geological Influences on<br />

acid Mine drainage<br />

2:00 PM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

D. Carpenter, ARCADIS, Brighton, MI<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Understanding Uranium Roll-front Ore Body Formation Aids in<br />

Predicting Mine Closure Challenges<br />

D. Carpenter; ARCADIS, Brighton, MI<br />

Previous work (Carpenter, 2012) documented the specific benefits associated<br />

with application of the understanding of the ore genesis of porphyry copper deposits<br />

to acid mine drainage potential and associated mine closure challenges.<br />

This present work will continue this discussion and focus on the currently accepted<br />

ore genesis model for uranium roll-front type deposits; an important uranium<br />

ore body-type especially within the United States. This presentation will describe<br />

the evolution of geochemical conditions leading to ore body formation and<br />

the geochemical effects induced by open pit mining and how these may be used to<br />

understand both the geochemical controls and constraints on residual mine<br />

water. The consequences of thess processes will be shown to represent specific<br />

mine closure challenges. Reference Carpenter, D. J., 2012, Understanding How<br />

Ore Body Formation Aids in Predicting Acid Mine Drainage Potential, <strong>SME</strong><br />

2012 Conference.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Microbial Ecology of Iron Cycling in Mined Environments<br />

L. Kirk, L. Bozeman and M. Kozubal; Enviromin, Inc.,<br />

Bozeman, MT<br />

Biogeochemical cycling of iron is critically important to effective management of<br />

acid rock drainage, trace element attenuation, and carbon cycling in mined environments,<br />

but its control requires better understanding of microbial community<br />

structure and metabolism. A data mining approach has been employed to compile<br />

and characterize the geomicrobiology of iron cycling in mining environments<br />

worldwide where geochemistry, microbial populations and metabolic data<br />

have been published. Results show important differences in microbial ecology depending<br />

on mineralogy, aqueous chemistry, pH, and temperature, and suggest<br />

that conceptual geochemical models of iron cycling can be significantly expanded<br />

through inclusion of microbiological data. Analysis of isolate and environmental<br />

genomes is especially valuable in characterizing the metabolic potential<br />

of in situ microbial communities. This work also indicates important gaps in<br />

understanding of geomicrobiology in mining environments, and offers insight<br />

into methods need to address gaps in knowledge about biogeochemical processes<br />

of critical importance to the mining industry.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Mineralogical Characterization for Environmental Applications<br />

K. Smith 1 , K. Olson Hoal 2 and K. Pietersen 3 ; 1 Crustal Geophysics<br />

and Geochemistry Science Center, USGS, Denver, CO; 2 JKTech Pty<br />

Ltd., Denver, CO and 3 JKTech Pty Ltd., Brisbane, QLD, Australia<br />

Characterization of ore and gange material using quantitative micro-mineralogical<br />

and elemental techniques (e.g., Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA),<br />

QEMSCAN, and Mineral Liberation Analysis (MLA)) have the potential to<br />

complement traditional acid-base accounting techniques when predicting acid<br />

generation and metal release from waste rock. These characterization techniques,<br />

which are currently being used for metallurgical and geometallurgical applications,<br />

can be more broadly applied throughout the mine-life cycle to include environmental<br />

applications. Critical insights into mineral liberation, mineral associations,<br />

particle size, particle texture, and mineralogical residence phase(s) of<br />

environmentally important elements can be used to anticipate potential environmental<br />

challenges. Mineralogical and textural information can be used to help interpret<br />

predictive tests. Resources spent on initial characterization result in lower<br />

uncertainties of environmental impact and potential cost savings associated with<br />

remediation and closure. Examples illustrate mineralogical and textural characterization<br />

of tailings and mining waste materials from sites in the western USA.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Predicting Total Dissolved Solids Release from Overburden in<br />

West Virginia<br />

J. Skousen, J. Odenheimer and L. McDonald; West Virginia<br />

University, Morgantown, WV<br />

Tthe Appalachian coal industry has been successful in developing technologies to<br />

identify, handle, treat and isolate potentially acid-forming overburden materials<br />

at coal mines in the region. However, the techniques to predict acid mine<br />

drainage potential do not adequately predict the release of total dissolved solids<br />

(TDS). Our objective was to determine the effect of different acidic solutions on<br />

overburden dissolution and the release of constituents contributing to TDS.<br />

Fifteen overburden samples (five strata from three locations) were collected from<br />

surface mines in West Virginia. Ground samples were leached separately with dilute<br />

HNO3 acid, EDTA, and HF acid to obtain the most accurate in-lab experiment<br />

to determine TDS release from overburden materials. Supernatants were<br />

analyzed biweekly for pH, EC, TDS, and other selected ions. Leachate pH was<br />

initially low at around pH 2.0 due to the acid used to leach the materials, but the<br />

majority of the samples quickly increased to pH greater than 7.0. Leachate EC (a<br />

surrogate for TDS) showed high levels initially (some as high as 2,000 uS/cm)<br />

but they quickly dropped to


3:25 PM<br />

Microbial Ecology of Iron Cycling in Mined Environments<br />

L. Kirk, L. Bozeman and M. Kozubal; Enviromin, Inc.,<br />

Bozeman, MT<br />

Biogeochemical cycling of iron is critically important to effective management of<br />

acid rock drainage, trace element attenuation, and carbon cycling in mined environments,<br />

but its control requires better understanding of microbial community<br />

structure and metabolism. A data mining approach has been employed to compile<br />

and characterize the geomicrobiology of iron cycling in mining environments<br />

worldwide where geochemistry, microbial populations and metabolic data<br />

have been published. Results show important differences in microbial ecology depending<br />

on mineralogy, aqueous chemistry, pH, and temperature, and suggest<br />

that conceptual geochemical models of iron cycling can be significantly expanded<br />

through inclusion of microbiological data. Analysis of isolate and environmental<br />

genomes is especially valuable in characterizing the metabolic potential<br />

of in situ microbial communities. This work also indicates important gaps in<br />

understanding of geomicrobiology in mining environments, and offers insight<br />

into methods need to address gaps in knowledge about biogeochemical processes<br />

of critical importance to the mining industry.<br />

chair:<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

environmental:<br />

Mine Water treatment I<br />

2:00 PM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

M. Mierzejewski, CH2MHill, Richmond, VA<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Thermodynamic Constraints on Arsenic and Heavy Metals<br />

Removal from Water with Limestone-Based Material<br />

A. Davis 1 , C. Webb 2 , J. Sorensen 3 and D. Dixon 4 ; 1 Geological<br />

Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology,<br />

Rapid City, SD; 2 Chemistry Dept., Western Kentucky University,<br />

Bowling Green, KY; 3 RESPEC, Rapid City, SD and 4 Chemical and<br />

Biological Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines and<br />

Technology, Rapid City, SD<br />

Limestone-based material is effective for reducing arsenic concentrations below<br />

the current limit of 10 parts per billion for drinking water, typically resulting in<br />

final concentrations of about 4 to 6 ppb. However, in laboratory and field testing,<br />

further reductions to the 1 ppb range are difficult to achieve with limestone. The<br />

removal mechanism appears to be the formation of a low-solubility precipitate of<br />

hydrated calcium arsenate. Likely reactions and thermodynamic data indicate a<br />

theoretical removal limit of about 2 to 4 ppb for arsenic. Limestone also can reduce<br />

concentrations of cadmium and lead below 1 ppb, resulting in >99% removal<br />

efficiency. Thermodynamic constraints appear to be favorable for reactions<br />

involving the formation of hydrocerussite during lead removal and the formation<br />

of otavite during cadmium removal.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Targeted Removal of Molybdenum, Radium, Uranium and<br />

Selenium from a Mining<br />

H. Liang and J. Tamburini; Tetra Tech, Denver, CO<br />

Although uranium, radium, molybdenum, and selenium occur naturally and can<br />

be found in waters throughout many parts of the world, ingesting water containing<br />

these substances above established concentrations is considered harmful to<br />

human health and can also harm aquatic life. Therefore, successful treatment and<br />

removal of these toxicants is crucial to protecting human and environmental<br />

health. This presentation will highlight research conducted at a water treatment<br />

plant where optimization of conventional treatment processes such as lime softening<br />

and ferric coagulation led to the successful treatment of all four inorganic<br />

contaminants to their target levels. Because uranium, molybdenum, and selenium<br />

all undergo complex speciation chemistry in aqueous solution, much of the<br />

presentation will focus on details of the water chemistry and speciation considerations<br />

for optimizing the removal of these contaminants. Both bench scale tests<br />

and full scale water treatment plant data and analyses will be presented, and the<br />

rationales for the refinement of the inorganic contaminants removal treatment<br />

processes will be discussed.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Design and Construction of Twin-PRBs to Intercept Arsenic in a<br />

Former Arroyo<br />

J. Horst 1 , G. Leone 2 and A. Griffin 3 ; 1 ARCADIS, Newtown, PA;<br />

2<br />

ARCADIS, Denver, CO and 3 ARCADIS, Seattle, WA<br />

The 100+ year history of operation at a former lead and copper smelter has resulted<br />

in groundwater across most of the site footprint being impacted primarily<br />

with arsenic. The highest concentrations of arsenic and the majority of groundwater<br />

flow are both focused along former (now buried) arroyos. These features<br />

represent the greatest contribution of contaminant mass flux toward off- site receptors,<br />

and are the key to an integrated strategy for groundwater restoration.<br />

With groundwater seepage velocities ranging between approximately 4 and 10<br />

feet per day, one part of that strategy involved the use of sequential permeable reactive<br />

barriers to reduce contaminant flux toward off-site receptors. This presentation<br />

will review the pre-design, design, and final configuration of a pair of test<br />

barriers. It will also review the construction of the barriers and present some<br />

post-construction performance data.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Successful Negotiation of Natural Attenuation for Arsenic Using<br />

the EPA Framework<br />

J. Horst 1 and M. Gentile 2 ; 1 ARCADIS, Newtown, PA and<br />

2<br />

ARCADIS, San Francisco, CA<br />

EPA recently released a new framework for supporting natural attenuation<br />

demonstrations associated with metals and other inorganics. This framework<br />

was applied for a site with an arsenic plume in groundwater, sourced by the flushing<br />

of residual organics from beneath a former waste repository. Natural<br />

biodegradation of these organics resulted in an anaerobic environment and<br />

caused naturally occurring arsenic in the aquifer matrix to dissolve into groundwater<br />

via reductive dissolution. This presentation will review the details of a<br />

phased biogeochemical evaluation that included geochemical analysis of aquifer<br />

solids and identification of precedents at other EPA-lead sites, and summarize<br />

the demonstration that supported EPA approval of a change in remedy from<br />

pump and treat to MNA.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Constructed Wetland Treatment Systems for Mine Drainage Can<br />

They Really Provide Green and Sustainable Solutions?<br />

P. Eger 1 and C. KairiesBeatty 2 ; 1 Global Minerals Engineering,<br />

Hibbing, MN and 2 Winona State University, Winona, MN<br />

The use of wetlands to treat mine drainage has become increasingly common.<br />

They offer the promise of a green and sustainable solution, but how long will<br />

they really work? Treatment lifetime is a function of the metal removal processes.<br />

In surface flow wetlands, trace metals can be removed from neutral mine<br />

drainage by reactions with the organic substrate. Over 90% of the copper and<br />

nickel have been removed in these systems in Minnesota. The primary removal<br />

processes include adsorption, ion exchange and complexation. These processes<br />

are finite since they depend on the existence of suitable removal sites. Removal<br />

will cease unless new removal sites are generated. Two wetlands in northeastern<br />

Minnesota have been treating mine drainage for almost 20 years and are believed<br />

to be the oldest wetlands treating metal mine drainage in the United States.<br />

Treatment lifetime has been estimated to exceed a hundred years. At one of the<br />

wetlands, the annual production of new removal sites has been estimated to be<br />

equal to the annual metal input. As a result, metal removal should theoretically<br />

continue indefinitely resulting in a green and sustainable solution.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

83<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


Industrial Minerals & aggregates:<br />

Industrial Minerals research at<br />

universities<br />

2:00 PM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: B. Li, Michigan Technological University,<br />

Houghton, MI<br />

R. Pruett, Imerys, Milledgeville, GA<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Chemical Resistance of Waste-based Green-cement Mortars<br />

H. Wu and P. Sun; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI<br />

Fly ash and other waste based cements have many advantages over Portland cement:<br />

energy efficient, less greenhouse emission, and better high temperature resistance.<br />

Green cements made from fly ash are particularly advantageous because<br />

of their environmental benefits and cost efficiency. In this study, the chemical resistance<br />

of fly ash based mortars was investigated.<br />

Innovation in Metallurgical Processing<br />

Symposium:<br />

Separations Innovation I<br />

2:00 PM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

Innovations in Flotation Equipment<br />

Mike Nelson<br />

Innovations in Flotation Reagents<br />

'Nag' Nagaraj<br />

Innovations in Flotation Modeling and Testing<br />

Peter Ameluxen<br />

Innovations in Flotation Practice<br />

Stephen Grano, University of Adelaide<br />

Innovations in Surface Measurement Techniques<br />

Roger Smart<br />

Innovations in Industrial Minerals Processing<br />

Nikhil Trivedi, Idekin International<br />

Innovations in Mineral Sands Beneficiation<br />

Erik Spiller, Tetra Tech Inc.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Beneficiation of Terrestrial Resources for the Production of Lunar<br />

Simulant Separates<br />

C. Young; Met & Mat Eng, MT Tech, Butte, MT<br />

NASA has received direction for lunar habitation beginning in 2024. By then, it<br />

will be necessary to learn how lunar soil can be used to promote civilization on<br />

the moon. Questions must be answered: Will it support plant life?, Can it be used<br />

as a construction material?, What is needed to maximize health and safety?, and<br />

Will it affect equipment, tools, machinery, and clothes? The only samples available<br />

for study came from the Apollo Missions. Because the expense of bringing<br />

more back to Earth is prohibitive, there is not enough available to answer the<br />

above questions. Hence, there is a great need for its synthesis. Most efforts have<br />

concentrated on making simulant from single natural resources of volcanic rock.<br />

Another possibility is to use resources on Earth to extract the minerals of interest<br />

into concentrates or so-called separates using traditional mineral processing techniques,<br />

and then mix the separates in appropriate ratios to simulate the lunar soil.<br />

In this presentation, results from a study in which an outcrop material and mill<br />

tailings were examined with the inside challenge of making separates from<br />

gangue minerals.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Bioflotation of Malachite Using Rhodococcus Opacus:<br />

Role of Bacterial Growth Phase<br />

G. Kim, S. Sim, W. Chae and H. Kim; Department of Mineral Resources<br />

and Energy Engineering, Chonbuk National University,<br />

Jeonju, Republic of Korea<br />

The influence of bacterial growth phase on the flotation behavior of malachite<br />

has been investigated in a well-controlled Hallimond tube system. The microflotation<br />

tests were conducted for malachite (45-53 …m) using different levels<br />

(1E8-1E10 cells/g) of Rodococcus opacus as a collector, which was grown at<br />

mid-exponential versus stationary phase, at a constant speed (340 rpm), pH<br />

(pH=6), and malachite-bacteria interaction and flotation time (each 10 min). In<br />

order to further understand the role of cell growth phase on the flotation behavior<br />

of malachite, additional characterization experiments for cells and malachite<br />

(e.g., zeta potential, contact angle, and cell-malachite adsorption tests) as well as<br />

theoretical analysis (extended Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) theory)<br />

were performed. Overall, the results showed that malachite flotability was<br />

greater for stationary phase cells compared to mid-exponential cells at the cell<br />

dosage level of 1E9 and 1E10 cells/g. Furthermore, the flotation efficiency increased<br />

with increasing cell dosage for stationary phase cells while no distinct difference<br />

was observed for mid-exponential cells.<br />

Innovation in Metallurgical Processing<br />

Symposium:<br />

hydrometallurgy Innovations I<br />

2:00 PM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

Innovations in Copper/Molybdenum Processing<br />

Brent Hiskey, University of Arizona<br />

Innovations in the Recovery of Gold and Silver<br />

John Marsden, John O Marsden LLC<br />

Innovations in Bioleaching Technology<br />

Jim Brierley, Brierley Consultancy LLC<br />

Innovations in Chemical and Bacterial Water Treatment<br />

Jay McCloskey, University of Montana<br />

Larry Twidwell, University of Montana<br />

Innovations in Acid Drainage Control and Mitigation<br />

Tom Wideman<br />

Innovations in Analytical Chemistry<br />

Mark Lewis<br />

Innovations in Uranium Processing<br />

Henry Schnell, HA Schnell Consulting Inc.<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

84<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


Mineral & Metallurgical Processing:<br />

comminution II<br />

2:00 PM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: M. Dennis, PERI, CO<br />

H. Walqui, Cliffs Natural Resources - Michigan<br />

Operations, Ishpeming, MI<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Effect of Ore Particle Size on Gold Dissolution<br />

in a Cyanide Solution<br />

C. Bazin 1 , D. Hodouin 1 and J. Egan 2 ; 1 Mining and Metallurgy,<br />

Laval University, Quebec, QC, Canada and 2 Produits Chimiques<br />

Magnus, Boucherville, QC, Canada<br />

The recovery of gold by ore leaching is influenced by the size of the particles and<br />

the chemical environment. Within the experimental error associated to the testing<br />

of gold ore, results of a series of leaching tests conducted with natural ores<br />

rather than mono sized samples confirm that gold dissolution increases with decreasing<br />

ore particle size. The tests also indicate that the dissolution of gold in the<br />

ore within a size interval is weakly affected by the intensity of the size reduction<br />

method used to produce the material in the size interval.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

A Non-Nuclear Density Meter and Mass Flow System Measuring<br />

Mining Slurry with Entrained Gas<br />

R. Batey; Sciam Worldwide, Orlando, FL<br />

DuPonts Maxville Mine in Florida was chosen to evaluate comparative costs of a<br />

nuclear density meter and a new non-nuclear direct mass per unit volume type.<br />

Considerable ambiguity of cost in annual production implies a nuclear gauge accuracy<br />

of ± 2% at best, which together with operational costs for a 16 pipe carrying<br />

zirconium slurry, amounts to nominally $962,000 per year. This paper describes<br />

this new Density Meter with gas entrainment compensation. It<br />

significantly reduces costs and overcomes the disadvantages of nuclear devices. A<br />

typical on-site accuracy of ± 0.285% can be shown. In the example above, this<br />

equates to an annual saving of over $880,000.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Empire Pebble Crushing Circuit, Going Back to Basics, Is the<br />

Crusher Crushing?<br />

H. Walqui, B. Routhier, M. Olgren, C. Mahoski and B. Koski;<br />

Empire Concentrator, Cliffs Natural Resources - Michigan<br />

Operations, Ishpeming, MI<br />

This paper describes operating gains resulting from standardizing operating and<br />

maintenance practices to improve the performance of the pebble crushing circuit<br />

at the Empire concentrator. Past efforts have led to improved operating time but<br />

no additional throughput gains. New operating standards and checklists were developed<br />

and introduced. The content and frequency of the review of the process<br />

indicators was then changed to take advantage of the new practices resulting in<br />

an increase in feed rate and availability through the pebble crushing circuit.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

Non-invasive Technologies for Entrained Air and Enhanced Flow<br />

Measurements in Slurry Pipes and for Rock Detection in Cyclone<br />

Overflows<br />

C. O’Keefe 1 , J. Russell 1 , D. Cirulus 2 , P. Thwaites 3 , R. Peacock 4 and<br />

T. Huysamen 4 ; 1 CiDRA Minerals Processing, Wallingford, CT;<br />

2<br />

Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation, Salt Lake City, UT;<br />

3<br />

Xstrata Process Support, Falconbridge, ON, Canada and<br />

4<br />

Xstrata Alloys, Eland Platinum Concentrator, Brits, South Africa<br />

A new generation of instrumentation based on innovative non-invasive sensing<br />

and processing technology has enabled novel measurements at concentrators and<br />

on pipelines. To date this technology has been used to create instruments that can<br />

accurately measure multiphase flow rates and gas void fraction (entrained air)<br />

levels in pipes, and that can monitor hydrocyclone overflow. This paper will cover<br />

the use of the multiphase flow and gas void fraction measurements at several<br />

flotation concentrators to obtain true slurry volumetric flow rates and corrected<br />

mass flow rates in the presence of entrained air. This paper will also detail the use<br />

of non-invasive sensing technology at a concentrator to monitor for large oversize<br />

material passing through the overflow on each of its hydrocyclones in order<br />

to prevent sanding of its flotation cells.<br />

Mineral & Metallurgical Processing:<br />

Flotation II<br />

2:00 PM • Tuesday, February 26<br />

chairs: T. Olson, FLSmidth Minerals, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

S. Miskovic, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Introductions<br />

2:05 PM<br />

Bubble Coalescence and Particle Detachment in<br />

Flotation-influence of Frothers<br />

S. Ata; University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia<br />

Bubble coalescence occurs frequently in froth flotation, particularly in the froth<br />

layer. This paper investigates how the presence of frothing agents affects the coalescence<br />

of air bubbles and the detachment of hydrophobic particles following<br />

the coalescence process. Two air bubbles of similar sizes were merged under<br />

well-controlled experimental conditions and the mass of particles detaching from<br />

the bubbles was measured. The bubbles were coated with glass spheres and<br />

galena particles. The influence of frother type and concentration on the bubble<br />

stability and strength of bubble-particle aggregates were studied. The results<br />

highlighted the role of flotation frothers in stabilising bubble surface deformation<br />

and particle detachment during coalescence.<br />

2:25 PM<br />

Frothing Behaviour and Adsorption Mechanism of Anionic<br />

Collectors at the Gas-solution Interface<br />

A. Atrafi; Mining Engineering, University of British Columbia,<br />

Vancouver, BC, Canada<br />

Frothing behaviour of surfactants originate from their preferential adsorption at<br />

the gas-solution interface. Different surfactants may demonstrate different adsorption<br />

behaviours depending on their molecular structure and surface activity.<br />

The quantity and rate of adsorption of surfactants at the gas- solution interface in<br />

flotation systems will certainly affect kinetics of reaction and fractionation of<br />

surfactant between bulk and foam phase and subsequently their frothing characteristics.<br />

In this paper the frothing characteristics of sodium oleate which is the<br />

main constituent of fatty acids used in flotation systems is explained. The adsorption<br />

behaviour of sodium oleate is then compared to a typical non-ionic<br />

frother (Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol, MIBC), a strong electrolyte anionic surfactant<br />

(sodium n-octadecyl sulfate) and a shorter chain fatty acid (Lauric acid) in terms<br />

of different adsorption behaviour at the gas-solution interface. Dynamic surface<br />

tension measurements were accompanied to explain the adsorption behaviour,<br />

though finally equilibrium surface tension turn out to better explain the foamability<br />

characteristics.<br />

2:45 PM<br />

Flotation Solutions to Addressing Acid Rock Drainage (ARD)<br />

From South African Coal Ultrafine Slurry Wastes<br />

J. Franzidis, S. Harrison and J. Broadhurst; Dept. of Chemical<br />

Engineering, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa<br />

Ultrafine slurry wastes from coal processing operations contain sulfide-bearing<br />

minerals, particularly pyrite, which may oxidize and give rise to acid rock<br />

drainage (ARD). If not treated, this can contaminate ground and surface waters.<br />

This paper reports the development of a two stage flotation process to treat ultrafine<br />

coal slurry before disposal to produce: (i) a low-volume sulfide-rich concentrate<br />

that can be treated chemically or biologically or disposed of in a contained<br />

manner; (ii) a high-volume sulfide-lean (benign) tailings, with low ARD potential,<br />

which is safe for disposal; and (iii) a coal concentrate with low sulfur and ash<br />

content. Results are presented of laboratory-scale batch flotation tests carried out<br />

on samples from the Witbank and Waterberg coalfields. For all the coals studied,<br />

novel collectors for coal flotation, at reasonable dosages, produced significant<br />

yields of saleable coal, with reduced ash and sulfur contents. Low-sulfur tailings<br />

This is the Technical <strong>Program</strong> as of September 1, 2012. IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<br />

85<br />

Please see the Onsite <strong>Program</strong> for final details.


were obtained from second-stage flotation with conventional sulfide collectors.<br />

Static and bio-kinetic ARD potential tests confirmed that these low-sulfur tailings<br />

were non-acid forming.<br />

3:05 PM<br />

An Investigation on the Surface Chemistry of Some Rare Earth<br />

Minerals During Flotation by TOF-SIMS<br />

S. Chelgani 1 , B. Hart 2 and L. Xia 3 ; 1 Earth Science, Surface Science,<br />

University of Western, London, ON, Canada; 2 Surface Science,<br />

University of Western, London, ON, Canada and 3 Surface Science,<br />

University of Western, London, ON, Canada<br />

The Thor lake deposit is a world class resource of REE in Canada. Development<br />

work to optimize a REE recovery process flow sheet is under way, however, given<br />

the ore mineralogy; the developed reagent scheme is relatively complex. Micro<br />

flotation tests were conducted on a feed sample in order to examine factors affecting<br />

stream partitioning. SEM-EDX was performed to evaluate variability in grain<br />

composition between streams and TOF-SIMS analysis was used to determine statistically<br />

differences in surface species particularly related to potential activation of<br />

the examined mineral phases. SEM-EDX analyses reveal that the concentrate has<br />

a significantly higher proportion of REE bearing grains relative to the tail. Spectral<br />

fingerprinting by TOF-SIMS has allowed for the identification of all reagent<br />

species investigated. Reagent signal intensity discrimination on test stream mineral<br />

surfaces was observed by the TOF-SIMS analysis using reagents at plant concentration<br />

levels. TOF-SIMS analysis confirmed that REE bearing grains reporting<br />

to the concentrate are doing so in response to collector attachment. The<br />

surface analyses of gangues reveal similar reagent discrimination as well.<br />

3:25 PM<br />

Analysis of Collector Adsorption in K