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White Paper for Rotational Stability<br />

*smith&nephew<br />

<strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong><br />

Cementless Hip Stem System

<strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong><br />

Building on the long-term success of the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> hip stem, the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> hip stem has been<br />

developed for minimally invasive surgical procedures. The design and surgical technique of this<br />

stem allow implantation with reduced lateral bone resection, preserving the tendons on the greater<br />

trochanter. The anchoring technique of the modified, dual-taper straight stem in the region of the<br />

lateral shoulder in the diaphysis is fully maintained (fig. 1, 2). The aim of this paper is to investigate<br />

the impact of the modified shoulder on the rotational stability of the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard stem<br />

compared with the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem.<br />

Due to the complex geometric conditions and biomechanics, the finite element (FEM) method is<br />

frequently utilized (3, 4, 5, 6, 7) to calculate the load distribution, displacement and the system<br />

performance in general. This method is particularly suitable for comparative calculations to evaluate<br />

various designs.<br />


<strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong><br />

Materials and methods<br />

This analysis compares the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem size 6 and the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard stem size 6<br />

in terms of their primary rotational stability using FEM calculations. A numerical 3D model of the femur<br />

was used to represent the bone. The cortical and cancellous bone were modeled separately (please<br />

refer to table 1 for material properties) and the hip stems to be studied were virtually implanted into<br />

the model bone. In both cases the size 6 stem achieved good cortical contact in the virtually rasped<br />

bony bed of the distal femur (fig. 1C) thereby reflecting the immediate postoperative situation.<br />

Cortical fixation<br />

of the stem<br />

A B C<br />

Fig. 1: Implanted hip stem in the bone model <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard (A), and <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard (B). In the semi-transparent<br />

model the cancellous bone is shown in orange. Figure C shows a cross section through the femur.<br />

The <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard stem is less prominent in the proximal/lateral femur than the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard<br />

stem (fig. 1). In accordance with the clinical procedure, care was also taken to ensure that both stems<br />

were primarily fixed into the cortical region of the diaphysis. Due to the different implant techniques,<br />

the greater trochanter major is weakened to a greater extent with the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem than with<br />

the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard stem (fig. 2).<br />

Fig. 2: Proximal view of the femur with the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard stem (left) and the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem (right).<br />

The difference in the trochanter weakening caused by the implantation techniques can be clearly seen.<br />


The 3D geometries were imported into a finite element program for further processing and loading<br />

(pre- and post-processing program MSC Patran, network with approximately 60’000 tetrahedron<br />

elements). Friction at the implant/bone surfaces of the anchoring was established with a friction<br />

coefficient of 0.5.<br />

Elasticity module Poisson ration Element types Source<br />

Cortical bone 25’000 N/mm 2 0.3 Tet-4, 4 mm [1]<br />

Cancellous bone 1’500 N/mm 2 0.3 Tet-4, 2 mm [1]<br />

Titanium 110’000 N/mm 2 0.3 Tet-4, 1 mm [2]<br />

Table 1: Material properties for the FEM calculation.<br />

Based on Bergmann et al. [8] a torsional moment of approximately 16 Nm was applied as a load<br />

along the longitudinal axis of each stem. The bone was secured distally at the isthmus. The displacement<br />

of the ball head center, representing rotational stability in this model, was calculated,<br />

as was the interface load transmission in the region of the implant/bone interface.<br />

Mz = 16 Nm<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Fig. 3: FEM models of the femora with <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard (A), and <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard (B). A torsional moment (C) was<br />

applied along the longitudinal axis of the stem.<br />


<strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong><br />

Results<br />

1. Displacement of the overall system<br />

The maximum displacement values of the ball head center were approximately 0.211 mm for the<br />

<strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard stem and approximately 0.212 mm for the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem (differ-<br />

ence = 0.5%).<br />

2. Interface load transmission<br />

The stress distribution represented in the transverse levels along the prosthesis stem shows that<br />

the load in the diaphyseal cortical anchoring for both stems leads to higher distal forces (fig. 4). In the<br />

proximal region, cortical loading is reduced for both stem designs when compared to the diaphysis.<br />

Section 9 Section 9<br />

Section 1 Section 1<br />

Fig. 4: Stress distribution in the implant (<strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard left, <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard right) and bone, as seen in the<br />

transverse plane in the anchorage zones. High stress = red, low stress = blue.<br />

Going from distal to proximal the pattern of stress distribution is virtually identical for both stems.<br />

The maximum stress below the greater trochanter is marginally higher with the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard<br />

stem. The volume of cancellous bone in the trochanter only slightly affects the rotational stability<br />

of the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem in levels 6–9 in comparison to the stress in the cortical levels 1–5.<br />

<strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard – <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard<br />

Distribution of friction<br />

5<br />

4.5<br />

4<br />

3.5<br />

3<br />

2.5<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

Distal to proximal cross section<br />

–––– <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard<br />

–––– <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard<br />

Fig. 5: Distribution of stress along the lateral edge for the<br />

<strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> stem and the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem.<br />


Discussion<br />

In this investigation a torsional moment was applied along the longitudinal axis of the stems for<br />

an isolated observation of rotational stability. This does not represent the actual physiological load<br />

situation but is well suited to allow an isolated evaluation of the impact of the design differences<br />

on the rotation stability and thus on the primary stability.<br />

Both stem models, <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard and <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard, were identically and neutrally<br />

positioned in the FEM model. In both models the lateral cortical contact ends in the region of the<br />

trochanter, representing an average clinical situation.<br />

The virtually identical values for the ball head displacement taken as a measure of the maximum total<br />

deformation of the bone implant system show that, in terms of the displacement caused by rotation,<br />

the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard stem is equivalent to the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem. The slightly lower displacement<br />

of the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard stem compared with the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem (0.5%) can be<br />

attributed to the reduced weakening of the greater trochanter, leading to greater rigidity in this region.<br />

Both systems show a primarily distally based load transmission to the cortical bone. The stress represented<br />

as a measure of the anchoring forces is greater in the distal cortical bone than in the trochanter<br />

region. In the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem these forces fall steadily above the second-lowest cross hole.<br />

Further, in the proximal region the contact is primarily between the cancellous bone and the implant,<br />

where the forces are lower due to the mechanical properties of the bone. The lateral shoulder of the<br />

<strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem, which has been eliminated in the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard stem in favor of<br />

an implantation technique that preserves more tissue, has a relatively low impact on the rotational stability,<br />

as it is mainly in the cancellous bone. This explains why, without the lateral shoulder of the<br />

<strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem, the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard stem is very similar to the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem<br />

in terms of its rotational stability under application of a torsional moment.<br />

Finally, it should be noted that, as a result of the different implantation techniques, the greater trochanter<br />

is weakened to a greater extent with the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem than with the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard<br />

stem. As the greater trochanter is not weakened to the same extent as with the implantation of the<br />

<strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> Standard stem, this seems to compensate for the anticipated loss of rotational stability resulting<br />

from the design of the <strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong> Standard stem. Both bone-implant systems show identical<br />

values for deflection during rotational loading on its own.<br />


<strong>SL</strong>-<strong>PLUS</strong> <strong>MIA</strong><br />

References<br />

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Metallische Werkstoffe in der Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie<br />

Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York, 1984<br />

P. J. Prendergast, D. Taylor<br />

Stress analysis of the proximal-medial femur after total hip replacement<br />

Journal of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 12, p. 379–382<br />

Butterworth & Co Ltd, 1990<br />

T. Vail, R. Richard, D. Theodosis<br />

The effect of hip stem material modulus on surface strains in human femora<br />

Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 31, p. 619–628, 1998<br />

M. Akay, N. Aslan<br />

Numerical and experimental stress analysis of a polymeric composite hip joint prosthesis<br />

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 31, p. 167–182<br />

John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1996<br />

E. Savidis, F. Loer, O. Werner<br />

The significance of the torque loading of the total hip prosthesis<br />

Biomechanics, Basic and Applied Research, p. 267–272<br />

G. Bergmann, R. Kölbel, A. Rohlmann<br />

Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster, 1987<br />

R. R. Tarr, I. Clarke, T. Gruen<br />

Predictions of bone cement failure criteria: Three dimensional finite element Models versus clinical reality<br />

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Finite Elements in Biomechanics, p345–359<br />

P. C. Johnson, J. F. Gross, J. Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1986<br />

G. Bergmann et. Al.<br />

Hip contact forces and gait patterns from routine activities<br />

Journal of Biomechanics Vol. 34, p. 859–871, 2001<br />


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Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics AG<br />

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