Kriegsbuch 1496 - Societa italiana di storia militare
Kriegsbuch 1496 - Societa italiana di storia militare
Kriegsbuch 1496 - Societa italiana di storia militare
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Philipp Mönch<br />
<strong>Kriegsbuch</strong><br />
This opening page of '<strong>Kriegsbuch</strong>' (war book) shows the author with his [?]guild seal and the banderole records the title and<br />
confirms the author and artist as Philipp Mönch the gun master and the year as <strong>1496</strong>. The seventy or so illustrations in this paper<br />
manuscript probably functioned in the same way as a resume or portfolio does today - to showcase Mönch's talents and abilities<br />
for prospective employers. [If you click through to the enlarged version, you can see he's tucked an early pair of rivet spectacles<br />
into his hat]<br />
In Me<strong>di</strong>eval times, gun manufacturing was something of a covert occupation because artisans with the specialist metalwork and<br />
pyrotechnical skills tended to keep the knowledge secret. So the formulae for explosive powders and the like were passed on by<br />
word of mouth to trusted apprentices and colleagues rather than being written down.<br />
The connection of gunpowder to alchemy and, by extension, witchcraft would be a persuasive deterrent against sharing the<br />
knowledge anyway - lest the authorities mark you down as a heretic - but also, your value in the marketplace would only go down<br />
if your competitors were able to reproduce your designs and recipes. Further pressure limiting the open <strong>di</strong>ssemination of gunsmith<br />
tra<strong>di</strong>tions came from feudal estate owners or regional warlords who would hire weapons experts as their exclusive employees in<br />
order to boost their security and power.<br />
Philipp Mönch was a master gunsmith and most likely employed by the Elector Palatine of the Holy Roman Empire (SW<br />
Germany). His '<strong>Kriegsbuch</strong>' obviously <strong>di</strong>splays much more than just cannon and rifle designs. Specialisation was a loose concept<br />
back then and it was probably customary for anyone working with weapons to be part-engineer, part-architect, part-metalworker<br />
and part-carpenter. If this military manuscript was, in fact, Mönch's resume, it may well be embellished (he once opened an image<br />
file in MS Paint but he's saying he's actually got mad photoshop skills). Alternatively, it may simply be a record of Mönch's<br />
interests and/or designs while in the service of the Palatinate.<br />
In either case, the sketches in his manuscript are fairly unremarkable for their time, in terms of innovation, and could easily have<br />
been adaptations from earlier works. Nevertheless it's an important contemporary record showing a range of mechanical<br />
technologies with drawbridges, gun styles, siege engines, cranes, water-wheels, rampart scalers and milling <strong>di</strong>agrams etc all<br />
featured. It was far safer to have a sketch album of your designs to show prospective patrons than it would have been to maintain<br />
a written record.<br />
• '<strong>Kriegsbuch</strong>' [aka 'buch der stryt vnd büchßen'], <strong>1496</strong>, by Philipp Mönch is available from Universitätsbibliothek<br />
Heidelberg (click anything below 'Inhalt' and then 'Vorschau' for thumbnail pages.<br />
• '<strong>Kriegsbuch</strong>' featured at a Stuttgart University exhibition earlier in the year which includes models and CAD animations<br />
of the Mönch designs [translation]<br />
• Previously: combat & machines & me<strong>di</strong>eval.<br />
Posted by peacay at4:5 5 PM T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 9<br />
Philipp Mönch war „der pfalcz buchsennmeister". Das Titelblatt der Bilderhandschrift „buch der stryt vn buchsse" von seiner<br />
Hand zeigt das Selbstbildnis des Verfassers mit Spruchband und anhängendem Siegel.