Farm & Ranch Catalogue - SPECTRUM Nasco Shopping Mall ...
Farm & Ranch Catalogue - SPECTRUM Nasco Shopping Mall ...
Farm & Ranch Catalogue - SPECTRUM Nasco Shopping Mall ...
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<strong>Farm</strong><br />
Beef & Dairy<br />
Supplies<br />
& <strong>Ranch</strong>2013<br />
Horses Essentials<br />
General Livestock<br />
Equipment<br />
Field & Barn<br />
Supplies<br />
For The Home<br />
Livestock identification ........................................... 1-14<br />
showing & grooming ............................................... 15-33<br />
hoof care .................................................................. 33-36<br />
artificiaL insemination ........................................... 37-39<br />
veterinary/animaL heaLth ...................................... 40-48<br />
caLf rearing ............................................................. 49-53<br />
dairy suppLies .......................................................... 54-60<br />
generaL Livestock suppLies ..................................... 61-65<br />
fencing, safety & generaL farm ....................................66<br />
water controL equipment ....................................... 67-69<br />
testing equipment .................................................... 70-75<br />
pest controL ............................................................ 76-77<br />
goat equipment ........................................................ 78, 81<br />
sheep equipment ....................................................... 78-81<br />
pouLtry equipment .................................................. 82-84<br />
hog equipment .......................................................... 85-86<br />
horse essentiaLs ...................................................... 87-88<br />
Books & resources ........................................................89<br />
for the home & coLLectiBLes ................................... 90-93<br />
4-h cLuB activities .........................................................94<br />
index ......................................................................... 95-96<br />
terms & conditions ........................................................96<br />
order form ........................................... inside Back cover<br />
“The Red One” Hot-Shot ® Prod (Sabre Six)<br />
Standard fiberglass shaft, 1/2" dia., 36" L. Six batteries and motor in handle give balance<br />
like a fly rod. Convenient switch button. Exclusive safety clip prevents accidental<br />
operation. Does not retain a spark, eliminating unexpected harmful surprises. Small<br />
diameter makes it easy to maneuver through truck gate openings. One-year warranty<br />
on parts and labor. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />
C30358NY — $68.75<br />
Replacement Motor. For prod above. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C30359NY — $37.35<br />
“The Green One” Hot-Shot® Prod (HS 2000)<br />
Excellent performance under any condition, especially on wet animals. Provides<br />
the highest output with the least amount of power. Safety clip prohibits accidental<br />
operation and does not retain a spark, eliminating harmful surprises. Permanently<br />
sealed, maintenance-free motor. Maximum spark and battery life. Standard<br />
fiberglass shaft or a flexible polycarbonate shaft. Uses six cell batteries. One-year<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />
C30363NY 36" fiberglass shaft — $91.25<br />
C30366NY 32" flexible shaft — $98.20<br />
Replacement Motor. For prods above. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C30367NY — $66.85<br />
Replacement Battery<br />
Size “C” alkaline battery. For all shaft-type Hot-Shot® prods. Lasts four times longer<br />
than other batteries. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C12630NY Each — $1.30; 6 or more, ea. — $1.25<br />
Order Online<br /><br />
Convenient! Fast! Easy!<br />
Now you can create your own personal online account and:<br />
• Shop faster & easier!<br />
• Create favourite lists for frequently ordered items!<br />
SyrVet Livestock Prods<br />
Rugged design with solid-state electronic motor. No accidental shocks<br />
— does not retain charge after release of button. Well balanced. Features a safety<br />
clip. Shafts work with Magrath® handle units. Motor is interchangeable with most<br />
Hot Shot® prods. Water resistant. Three shaft lengths available: 22", 34", and 44".<br />
C30916NY, C30915NY, C30914NY, and C30913NY each require six “C” batteries.<br />
One-year limited warranty on electronics only.<br />
Cat. No. Description Sh. Wt. Price<br />
C30916NY 22" Prod w/Handle (batteries not included) 1.50 lbs. $73.15<br />
C30915NY 34" Prod w/Handle (batteries not included) 1.75 lbs. $74.25<br />
C30914NY 44" Prod w/Handle (batteries not included) 2.25 lbs. $73.35<br />
C30912NY 22" Shaft 0.63 lbs. $17.25<br />
C30911NY 34" Shaft 0.81 lbs. $18.10<br />
C30910NY 44" Shaft 0.88 lbs. $19.50<br />
C30913NY Prod Handle (batteries not included) 1.25 lbs. $56.05<br />
C30921NY “C” Battery 0.25 lbs. $1.35<br />
C08154NY<br />
C15294NY<br />
Standard Fiberglass Hot-Shot® Shafts<br />
These shafts fit all shaft-type prods.<br />
C07841NY 60" shaft (actual length: 513⁄4"). Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs. — $18.65<br />
C14773NY 48" shaft (actual length: 393⁄4"). Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs. — $18.40<br />
C08155NY 36" shaft (actual length: 273⁄4"). Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs. — $14.75<br />
C08154NY 24" shaft (actual length: 153⁄4"). Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs. — $13.95<br />
Flexible Polycarbonate Hot-Shot® Shafts<br />
These shafts fit all shaft-type prods.<br />
C15294NY 42" shaft (actual length: 333⁄4"). Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs. — $21.10<br />
C12447NY 32" shaft (actual length: 233⁄4"). Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs. — $18.05<br />
C19505NY 22" shaft (actual length: 131⁄2"). Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $17.30<br />
Cattle Prod with Batteries<br />
A livestock prod with a clog-free, no-ground tip. The tough, flexible 22" L shaft will<br />
bend to a 90° angle even in cold weather and return to its original shape. Durable,<br />
solid-state electronic system transmits a very low current to an animal with a<br />
strong, instantaneous jolt, so there is no danger of harming you or your livestock.<br />
A unique feature of this prod is that one shock is stored in the tip after release<br />
of the fingertip switch. Case made from high-impact yellow plastic. Uses four<br />
high-energy alkaline “C” batteries (included). 371⁄2" L overall. Includes one 22"<br />
shaft (C30362NY), one Power Pak handle (C30370NY), and four size “C” alkaline<br />
batteries (C18946NY). Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs.<br />
C30361NY — $70.95<br />
Size “C” Alkaline Replacement Battery. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C18946NY — $1.55<br />
Replacement Shaft Assemblies.<br />
Includes collar and nut.<br />
C30380NY 9" L. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. — $14.85<br />
C30362NY 22" L. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. — $17.60<br />
Power Pak Handle Only. Batteries<br />
not included. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C30370NY — $54.45
New<br />
Bigger Selection!<br />
Numbered<br />
on both sides!<br />
Tag shown<br />
actual size.<br />
Giantag<br />
3⅛" W x 3½" H<br />
Lifetime Guarantee —<br />
Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong> will replace<br />
any broken tags that<br />
are returned.<br />
Can be used for<br />
marking orchards/trees!<br />
Easy to read from<br />
a distance!<br />
Tag shown<br />
actual size.<br />
Nylon Flex Tag<br />
2" W x 3½" H<br />
Livestock Identification<br />
Neck Chain Tags<br />
Blank Tuff-Thane Neck Tag<br />
A flexible tag you can permanently mark with Fearing’s Super Mark Ear Tag Pen<br />
(C07530NY, listed on page 3). This highly flexible tag is made of rugged ethylene vinyl<br />
acetate (EVA), and has the feel and resiliency of rubber. Tag measures 2¼" W x 3½" L.<br />
Available in five colors. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C25732NY White C25733NY Yellow<br />
C25734NY Red C25735NY Orange<br />
C25736NY Green<br />
Each — $ .85; 20 or more, ea. — $ .80<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s <strong>Ranch</strong>-Type Tag<br />
Giant size, 3¼" W x 3¾" H, ranch-type tag with ½" W<br />
protector bar shield on either side of tag to protect it from<br />
wear and scratching. Pliable, yet extremely durable. Made of<br />
ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). ¼" thick.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
Blank Tag Only. White. For marking tags use Plastic Tag Marker<br />
(C16290NY, listed on page 3).<br />
C18743NY Each — $1.25; 10 or more, ea. — $1.19<br />
Numbered Tag. Specify numbers up to 9,999. Numbers are not engraved. White tag<br />
with black numbers (on both sides). Delivery approx. 1-2 weeks.<br />
C04639(Z)NY Numbered 1-999.<br />
Each — $2.30;<br />
10 or more, ea. — $2.19<br />
3¼" W x 3¾" H<br />
C18743NY<br />
C04639(ZZ)NY Numbered 1,000-9,999.<br />
Each — $2.55;<br />
10 or more, ea. — $2.42<br />
All tags are numbered on both sides. There is no extra charge for tags ordered out of sequence. Nylon Flex<br />
Tags and Giantags are proven in all climates under all conditions. These tags will help you recognize your<br />
animals at a glance. Code colours for quick identification of age, year, bloodline, stall arrangements, different<br />
sires, etc. The reinforcement of the neck ring on these tags has proven itself superior. Breakage is minimal,<br />
if at all, and we guarantee against it. Fading, which can occur after time, is not a serious concern. When you<br />
buy <strong>Nasco</strong>’s Nylon Flex Tags and Giantags, you can have confidence that you have bought the best.<br />
Tag Colour<br />
Tag Colour<br />
Blank<br />
Blank<br />
Tags with<br />
Numbers<br />
1-200<br />
Tags with<br />
Numbers<br />
1-100<br />
Tags with<br />
Numbers<br />
201-999<br />
Tags with<br />
Numbers<br />
101-999<br />
Tags with<br />
Numbers<br />
1,000-9,999<br />
Tags with<br />
Numbers<br />
1,000-9,999<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>˙s Nylon Flex Tags<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #2<br />
Straight<br />
Chain Set<br />
Blank<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #2<br />
Straight<br />
Chain Set<br />
Blank<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #2<br />
Straight<br />
Chain Set<br />
1-100<br />
All neck chains and neck ropes, even when properly used, can become entangled in various pipes, feed<br />
bunks, etc. Even with the fused safety link, strangulation can occur. <strong>Nasco</strong> cannot be responsible for<br />
situations such as this, as it is a known hazard, even with light-duty plastic chains.<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #2<br />
Straight<br />
Chain Set<br />
1-200<br />
Tags with letters or tags with more than four digits can be engraved at 10¢ per character<br />
(engraved on both sides but charged for only one). Custom tags are not returnable.<br />
Have up to six characters or two lines of four characters at ¾" H. Average number size is 1¼" for one line of print.<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #2<br />
Straight<br />
Chain Set<br />
201-999<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #2<br />
Straight<br />
Chain Set<br />
101-999<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #2<br />
Straight<br />
Chain Set<br />
1,000-9,999<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #2<br />
Straight<br />
Chain Set<br />
1,000-9,999<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #1<br />
Twist-Link<br />
Chain Set<br />
Blank<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #1<br />
Twist-Link<br />
Chain Set<br />
Blank<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #1<br />
Twist-Link<br />
Chain Set<br />
1-200<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #1<br />
Twist-Link<br />
Chain Set<br />
1-100<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #1<br />
Twist-Link<br />
Chain Set<br />
201-999<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #1<br />
Twist-Link<br />
Chain Set<br />
101-999<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #1<br />
Twist-Link<br />
Chain Set<br />
1,000-9,999<br />
Red (white #s) C07304(A)NY C07304NY C07304(B)NY C07304(C)NY C07309(D)NY C07309NY C07309(B)NY C07309(C)NY C10631(D)NY C10631NY C10631(B)NY C10631(C)NY<br />
Blue (white #s) C07305(A)NY C07305NY C07305(B)NY C07305(C)NY C07310(D)NY C07310NY C07310(B)NY C07310(C)NY C10632(D)NY C10632NY C10632(B)NY C10632(C)NY<br />
Black (white #s) C07306(A)NY C07306NY C07306(B)NY C07306(C)NY C07311(D)NY C07311NY C07311(B)NY C07311(C)NY C10633(D)NY C10633NY C10633(B)NY C10633(C)NY<br />
Sh. wt. per tag 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.69 lbs. 0.69 lbs. 0.69 lbs. 0.69 lbs. 1.25 lbs. 1.25 lbs. 1.25 lbs. 1.25 lbs.<br />
Each $1.85 $2.10 $2.30 $2.30 $4.80 $4.70 $5.50 $4.90 $6.15 $5.95 $6.20 $6.80<br />
Tag, Ring,<br />
and #1<br />
Twist-Link<br />
Chain Set<br />
1,000-9,999<br />
Red (white #s) C01447(A)NY C01447(B)NY C01447NY C01447(C)NY C01446(D)NY C01446(B)NY C01446NY C01446(C)NY C02147(D)NY C02147(B)NY C02147NY C02147(C)NY<br />
Blue (white #s) C01451(A)NY C01451(B)NY C01451NY C01451(C)NY C01450(D)NY C01450(B)NY C01450NY C01450(C)NY C02149(D)NY C02149(B)NY C02149NY C02149(C)NY<br />
Black (white #s) C01459(A)NY C01459(B)NY C01459NY C01459(C)NY C01458(D)NY C01458(B)NY C01458NY C01458(C)NY C02150(D)NY C02150(B)NY C02150NY C02150(C)NY<br />
Green (white #s) C01463(A)NY C01463(B)NY C01463NY C01463(C)NY C01462(D)NY C01462(B)NY C01462NY C01462(C)NY C02152(D)NY C02152(B)NY C02152NY C02152(C)NY<br />
Sh. wt. per tag 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.63 lbs. 0.63 lbs. 0.63 lbs. 0.63 lbs. 0.94 lbs. 0.94 lbs. 0.94 lbs. 0.94 lbs.<br />
Each $ .95 $1.45 $1.50 $1.65 $3.60 $4.00 $4.30 $5.15 $4.55 $4.50 $5.30 $5.20<br />
100 or<br />
more, ea.<br />
$ .91 $1.38 $1.43 $1.57 $3.42 $3.80 $4.09 $4.89 $4.33 $4.28 $5.04 $4.94<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>˙s Giantags<br />
Have up to seven characters or two lines of seven characters at ¾" H. Average number size is 1½" for one line of print.<br />
100 or<br />
more, ea. $1.76 $1.99 $2.19 $2.19 $4.56 $4.47 $5.23 $4.66 $5.85 $5.65 $5.89 $6.46<br /><br />
Livestock Identification<br />
Nylon Flex Tags<br />
The R.B. Fastener is recommended for use with our nylon<br />
tags, as offered here in sets, or with metal tags (except calf size).<br />
Assembled in a few seconds without any tools.<br />
IMPORTANT: Be sure to specify<br />
numbers desired on tags. Colour of<br />
Poka-Rope will be the same as colour<br />
of tag.<br />
C02622NY<br />
New<br />
Bigger Selection!<br />
R.B. Fastener Only<br />
Used to fasten the Poka-Ropes<br />
together. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C02622NY — $ .60<br />
C07088(A)NY<br />
Tag Colour<br />
54" Rope<br />
Blank<br />
C07090(A)NY<br />
Tag Sets<br />
54" Rope<br />
with #s<br />
Calf Tag Sets<br />
Tags<br />
2 1 /8" x 3 1 /2"<br />
Tag Sets<br />
54" Rope<br />
with #s<br />
Full-size tag with tough, vinyl cord (45" L).<br />
No fastener required. Tag can be used with<br />
chain and ring when animal matures.<br />
C07091(A)NY<br />
Tag Sets<br />
54" Rope<br />
with #s<br />
Tag Sets<br />
45" Rope<br />
Blank<br />
C07093(A)NY<br />
Tag Sets<br />
45" Rope<br />
with #s<br />
A variety of<br />
combinations<br />
available!<br />
• Easily Adjusted<br />
• No Tools Required<br />
• No Rattle Against<br />
Feed Bunks<br />
• Offers Matching<br />
Colour Combinations<br />
Tag Sets<br />
45" Rope<br />
with #s<br />
Poka-Ropes Only<br />
1,100-lb.<br />
breaking<br />
strength!<br />
Tag Sets<br />
45" Rope<br />
with #s<br />
1-200 201-999 1,000-9,999<br />
1-200 201-999 1,000-9,99<br />
Red (white #s) C07088(D)NY C07088(A)NY C07088NY C07088(B)NY C07094(D)NY C07094(A)NY C07094NY C07094(B)NY<br />
Blue (white #s) C07090(D)NY C07090(A)NY C07090NY C07090(B)NY C07096(D)NY C07096(A)NY C07096NY C07096(B)NY<br />
Black (white #s) C07091(D)NY C07091(A)NY C07091NY C07091(B)NY C07097(D)NY C07097(A)NY C07097NY C07097(B)NY<br />
Green (white #s) C07093(D)NY C07093(A)NY C07093NY C07093(B)NY C07099(D)NY C07099(A)NY C07099NY C07099(B)NY<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. 0.25 lbs. 0.25 lbs. 0.25 lbs. 0.25 lbs. 0.25 lbs. 0.25 lbs. 0.25 lbs.<br />
Set $2.10 $2.40 $2.70 $2.90 $2.55 $2.35 $3.15 $3.25<br />
Blank Flexible Neck Tags<br />
Rugged, flexible nylon construction. Markerfriendly<br />
flexible tags make individual identification<br />
easy. Tag measures 3½" H x 2⅛" W. Available in<br />
yellow or white. (Marker sold separately.)<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C30226NY Yellow<br />
C30227NY White<br />
Each — $ .90<br />
100 or more, each — $ .85<br />
Links<br />
1 7 /8" L x 1 1 /16" W<br />
Tag Colour<br />
Tag Sets<br />
Blank<br />
Tag Sets<br />
with #s<br />
1-200<br />
Tag Sets<br />
with #s<br />
201-999<br />
Tag Sets<br />
with #s<br />
1,000-9,999<br />
Red (white #s) C00890(D)NY C00890(B)NY C00890NY C00890(C)NY<br />
Blue (white #s) C00891(D)NY C00891(B)NY C00891NY C00891(C)NY<br />
Green (white #s) C00894(D)NY C00894(B)NY C00894NY C00894(C)NY<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. 0.19 lbs. 0.19 lbs. 0.19 lbs.<br />
Set $1.65 $1.80 $2.30 $2.45<br />
100 or more sets,<br />
per set<br />
$1.57 $1.71 $2.19 $2.33<br />
Neck Chains and Fasteners<br />
Rope Colour 54" Rope 45" Rope<br />
Red C05214NY C02488NY<br />
Blue C05215NY C02489NY<br />
Black C05216NY C02490NY<br />
Green C05217NY C02491NY<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. 0.19 lbs.<br />
Each $ .90 $ .80<br />
C07109NY<br />
C07107NY<br />
C07583NY<br />
C07582NY<br />
C07584NY<br />
C07108NY<br />
Plastic Neck Chains<br />
Chain is constructed of high-density polyethylene<br />
for high resistance to corrosion, agricultural chemicals,<br />
perspiration, ammonia, etc. This 40" L chain,<br />
while adequate for most purposes, does not<br />
have the strength of a steel chain. We do not<br />
warranty the strength or weakness of the chain<br />
and do not recommend it for tying. Order<br />
plastic chain connector (C16262NY) or largesize<br />
connecting ring (C00900NY) to attach<br />
chain. Links are 1⅞" L x 1 1⁄ 16" W.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C07109NY Black<br />
C07107NY White<br />
C07583NY Green<br />
C07582NY Red<br />
C07584NY Blue<br />
C07108NY Yellow<br />
Each — $3.20<br />
Mini Poly Chain<br />
This 40" L chain is constructed of high-density polyethylene.<br />
The links are 1⅜" L x ¾" W. Use Plastic Mini Poly<br />
Chain Connector C16268NY, listed at right. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C16274NY Black C16277NY Red<br />
C16276NY Yellow<br />
Each — $3.00<br />
New<br />
Bigger Selection!<br />
Ideal for<br />
goats!<br />
Split-Ring Pliers<br />
A specially designed pliers for<br />
conveniently attaching split-ring fasteners.<br />
Fits nicely in your hand and operates with<br />
ease and precision. This special pliers grips<br />
ring securely for positive movement.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C09894NY — $8.15<br />
C16262NY C16268NY<br />
Plastic Chain Connector<br />
Black. 2" L x 1⅛" W. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C16262NY — $ .65<br />
Plastic Mini Poly Chain<br />
Connector<br />
Black. 1½" L x 1 5 /16" W. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C16268NY — $ .65<br />
Large-Size Connecting<br />
Ring<br />
Spring steel, cadmium-plated<br />
connecting link. 1¾" dia. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C00900NY Each — $ .50<br />
10 or more, ea. — $ .45<br />
C14681NY<br />
C14682NY<br />
All-Purpose Snaps<br />
Zinc-plated, normal steel snaps.<br />
Available in two sizes.<br />
3 /16" Snap. 2" L overall. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C14681NY Each — $ .80<br />
10 or more, ea. — $ .76<br />
7 /16" Snap. Spring link. 3" L overall.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C14682NY Each — $ .95<br />
10 or more, ea. — $ .90<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
1. 40" No. 2 Straight-<br />
Link Steel Chain<br />
Made of fine-quality steel link chain.<br />
Rustproof. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C07793NY Each — $2.90<br />
10 or more, ea. — $2.76<br />
2. 40" 1/0 Twist-Link<br />
Steel Chain<br />
Made of fine-quality steel link chain.<br />
Rustproof. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C01430NY Each — $3.40<br />
10 or more, ea. — $3.23<br />
2 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Y-TEX ® Lone StarOne-Piece EZ Tags<br />
The most advanced one-piece livestock identification system available. EZ loading, EZ to apply, and EZ on<br />
the ear, the Lone Star tag provides superior retention and high visibility. The cutting tip has an advanced retention wing<br />
design which creates a very small hole in the ear, minimizing trauma and risk of infection. Available in large and medium<br />
sizes, six colours, and custom hot stamped or blank for use with Y-TEX® Tag Marking Ink or Markers (see page 10).<br />
Sold in packs of 25.<br />
Blank Tags<br />
Colour<br />
Medium<br />
4¾" H x 2½" W<br />
Large<br />
4¾" H x 3" W<br />
Yellow C29974NY C29968NY<br />
Orange C29970NY C29964NY<br />
White C29969NY C29963NY<br />
Blue C29972NY C29966NY<br />
Red C29971NY C29965NY<br />
Green C29973NY C29967NY<br />
Pack of 25 $25.25 $35.75<br />
Numbered Tags<br />
Colour<br />
Medium<br />
4¾" H x 2½" W<br />
Large<br />
4¾" H x 3" W<br />
Yellow C29986NY C29980NY<br />
Orange C29982NY C29976NY<br />
White C29981NY C29975NY<br />
Blue C29984NY C29978NY<br />
Red C29983NY C29977NY<br />
Green C29985NY C29979NY<br />
Sh. wt. per 25 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Pack of 25 $30.25 $39.90<br />
C29971NY<br />
Front<br />
Ordering Numbered Tags<br />
C29980NY<br />
Front<br />
C29968NY<br />
Back<br />
Tags numbered 1 to 100 are stocked in packages of 25. To facilitate ordering, we have assigned letter codes for numbering<br />
sequences. NOTE: Please allow extra delivery time for tags numbered over 100. Personalized tags cannot be<br />
returned for credit. Indicate number series desired by letter code(s):<br />
(A) 1-25 (B) 26-50 (C) 51-75 (D) 76-100 (Z) 101-1,000<br />
C29986(A-D)NY Medium, Yellow, 1-100<br />
C29986(A)NY Medium, Yellow, 1-25<br />
C29986(Z)NY Medium, Yellow, 101-125<br />
Numbers 101-1,000 are special order (Z). Must be ordered in multiples of 25. Call for quote on other numbers,<br />
symbols, or imprints. These numbered tags are packaged in 25 sequential numbers and can only be ordered as such.<br />
Solid Brass Tag<br />
Made of solid hard brass, approximately 2½" H x 2" W, with numbers 1⅛" H.<br />
Use to identify goats, vineyards, or any harsh environment. Tags are deeply engraved.<br />
One Blank Tag Only. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C00696(A)NY — $4.10<br />
Brass Tag Only, Numbered 1-100. Be sure to specify numbers desired on tag.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C00696NY — $6.05<br />
Brass Tag Only, Numbered 101-999. Be sure to specify numbers desired on tag.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C00696(B)NY — $6.90<br />
Brass Tag Only, Numbered 1,000 and Over. Be sure to specify numbers desired on tag.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C00696(C)NY— $7.45<br />
Brass Tag Only, Personalized. Can have up to five letters. Be sure to specify<br />
letters desired on tag. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C00696(D)NY — $8.25<br />
Complete Set. Blank brass tag with no. 1/0 chain. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C00695(A)NY — $7.00<br />
Brass Tag with Straight-Link Chain. Blank brass tag, straight chain, and connecting ring.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C00695(B)NY — $6.55<br />
Y-TEX ® Applicator<br />
for Lone Star EZ Tags<br />
Ergonomically designed applicator comes with a flip-up pin to<br />
prevent torn ears. Engineered to require less pressure during<br />
application — easier on your hands! Glass-filled nylon. Only<br />
for use with one-piece Lone Star EZ Tags. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C29987NY — $28.55<br />
2" W x 2½" H<br />
Livestock Identification<br />
Tag & Neck Straps<br />
Z10764NY<br />
Numbered<br />
Neck Strap and<br />
Buckle<br />
Straps are made from strong,<br />
plastic material. The numbers<br />
are electrowelded on both<br />
sides of the neck and are<br />
guaranteed not to fade or lose<br />
their boldness. Black numbers<br />
are featured on these straps,<br />
and a zinc-coated steel buckle<br />
Z04433(A)NY<br />
Blank Neck Strap<br />
and Buckle<br />
Colour 44" 48"<br />
Yellow Z11243NY Z11247NY<br />
White Z11240NY Z11244NY<br />
Red Z11242NY Z11246NY<br />
Blue Z11241NY Z11245NY<br />
Each $4.30 $4.60<br />
10 or more, ea. $4.09 $4.37<br />
is supplied with each strap. Highly weather resistant and tough, yet pliable at all<br />
temperatures. 1¼" W. Use on cattle or to identify horses. Be sure to specify numbers<br />
desired. Shipped directly from Illinois factory. Allow extra delivery time. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
1-3 Digit Numbered Neck Strap and Buckle<br />
Colour 44" 48" 54"<br />
Yellow Z04433(A)NY Z06081(A)NY Z04434(A)NY<br />
White Z04433NY Z06081NY Z04434NY<br />
Red Z10764NY Z10765NY Z10766NY<br />
Blue Z10761NY Z10762NY ------<br />
Each $4.95 $5.30 $6.15<br />
10 or more, ea. $4.70 $5.04 $5.84<br />
4 Digit Numbered Neck Strap and Buckle<br />
Colour 44" 48" 54"<br />
Yellow Z30386NY Z30387NY Z30388NY<br />
White Z30699NY Z30700NY Z30701NY<br />
Red Z30702NY Z30703NY Z30704NY<br />
Blue Z30705NY Z30706NY Z30707NY<br />
Each $5.20 $5.65 $6.45<br />
10 or more, ea. $4.94 $5.37 $6.13<br />
Plastic Tag Marker<br />
An easy way to number polyurethane<br />
bands for cattle and hogs.<br />
This valve-action pen etches marks<br />
into plastic for long-lasting visibility. Fast<br />
drying, nonsmearing, weather resistant, and<br />
nonfading. Black. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C16290NY — $5.80<br />
Marking Pens<br />
Use for marking<br />
blank tags<br />
and bands!<br />
Fearing’s Super<br />
Mark Ear Tag Pen<br />
New, deep-penetrating formula –– perfect for marking Fearing tags. Includes<br />
three tips: two broad, one fine. Will mark approximately 1,200 digits. Black. Five-year<br />
guarantee on numbers applied properly. Cannot be shipped by air. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C07530NY — $6.20<br /> 3
Livestock Identification<br />
Leg Bands & Tape<br />
Leg Band Removal Knife<br />
Safely remove leg bands with this handy tool — no sharp edges that could harm the<br />
animal or your hands. Designed to separate teeth from the locking mechanism on leg<br />
bands for quick, easy removal. 3" blade with wooden handle. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C16800NY Each — $6.80; 3 or more, ea. — $6.46<br />
Flagger Leg Bands<br />
Ideal method for temporarily marking cows.<br />
The red bands are recommended for<br />
marking treated cows; uses for the<br />
other colors are limitless. Made of<br />
tough nylon with Velcro®. Flagger<br />
leg bands cannot be numbered or<br />
written on. 1½" x 12".<br />
Fabric imported.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C07914NY Red C10001NY Green<br />
C09998NY Orange C14995NY Neon Pink<br />
C09999NY Yellow C14996NY Neon Green<br />
C10000NY Blue C14997NY Neon Orange<br />
Each — $ .85; 10 or more, ea. — $ .77<br />
13" L x 1¼" W<br />
Leg Quick-Straps<br />
Simple release — press a button. Developed by a New Zealand dairy farmer,<br />
Quick-Straps are the easiest of all leg straps to use, and are the most visible on the cow.<br />
The protruding end is like a “flag” waving on the cow’s leg. The leg band is released<br />
simply by pressing a button! Use these bright-coloured bands for all temporary ID<br />
needs — try red for antibiotic cows, changing to pink after recovery; daily colours<br />
on colostrum cows; pink on high SCC cows; green on CIDR cows; blue on dry or<br />
induced cows; etc. Constructed of durable DuPont® nylon. Marking pens will give<br />
temporary marks, ideal for short-term notices. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C24225NY Red C24227NY Green<br />
C24226NY Blue C24228NY Pink<br />
Each — $3.05; 10 or more, ea. — $2.89<br />
Fearing’s Super Mark Pen. Deep-penetrating formula. Includes three tips: two broad,<br />
one fine. Will mark approximately 1,200 digits. Black. Five-year guarantee on numbers<br />
applied properly. Cannot be shipped by air. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C07530(X)NY — $6.20<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Milk Dump Band<br />
Eliminate the guesswork of trying to<br />
remember when milk is safe for use<br />
with this handy leg band! Made from a<br />
tear-resistant paper material, the band is<br />
easy to apply using the strong adhesive<br />
strip provided. Usable date information<br />
can also be marked on the band with<br />
permanent markers. Bright red color for<br />
easy spotting. Package of 50 leg bands.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C13956NY Per pkg. — $18.15<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $16.35<br />
Identification Duct Tape<br />
Here’s a new use for duct tape…cow identification! Simply use a different color tape<br />
to identify cows with mastitis, staph infections, slow milkers, etc. All you do is wrap a<br />
piece of duct tape around the cow’s leg. Long lasting and economical! 60-yd. roll.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C27469NY Green<br />
C27470NY Yellow<br />
Each — $12.20<br />
C27471NY Blue<br />
C28050NY Orange<br />
2" W<br />
Z17348NY<br />
Z17351NY<br />
Z05821NY<br />
Z17350NY<br />
Z17349NY<br />
Z05822NY<br />
Z19906NY<br />
Z41805NY<br />
C10607NY<br />
C12120NY<br />
C08077NY<br />
C18915NY<br />
C12119NY<br />
C08078NY<br />
C24470NY<br />
C28398NY<br />
C14868NY<br />
Z14565NY<br />
Leg Bands for Small-Legged Animals<br />
Featured Items!<br />
13½ Leg Bands<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Leg Bands<br />
One-piece 1½" x 13½" ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) belting rides<br />
above the ankle. Adjustments on the locking end of the strap can be<br />
made at ¼" intervals, allowing fitting of<br />
all breeds. Numbers laminated onto the material and<br />
guaranteed to stay bold. Available with black numbers,<br />
1 through 999 appearing in two places on the band. Four-digit<br />
numbers can be supplied at no extra cost, but these appear only<br />
once on the band. BE SURE TO SPECIFY CATALOG ITEM<br />
Shipped directly from Illinois factory. Allow extra delivery time.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
Z17348NY Red<br />
Z17351NY Orange Z05822NY White<br />
Z05821NY Yellow Z19906NY Pink<br />
Z17350NY Lime Green Z41805NY Purple<br />
Each — $2.05; 10 or more, ea. — $1.95<br />
Blank Leg Bands<br />
These bands are easily marked on or numbered with Plastic Tag<br />
Marker (C16290N on page 6). Use only an alcohol-based marker.<br />
For best results, retrace desired marking twice. 13½" L. Made of 1½"<br />
ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C10607NY Red C12119NY Blue<br />
C12120NY Orange C08078NY White<br />
C08077NY Yellow C24470NY Pink<br />
C18915NY Lime Green C28398NY Purple<br />
Each — $1.80; 10 or more, ea. — $1.71<br />
Precautionary-Labeled<br />
Red Leg Bands<br />
Easily identify animals with illness or drug problems with labeled<br />
red leg bands. Identical to <strong>Nasco</strong>’s Leg Bands, but with the precau-<br />
tionary words CAUTION, DRY, or TREATED laminated in white<br />
for added attention. Made of 1½" x 13½" ethylene vinyl acetate<br />
(EVA). Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C08074NY CAUTION C08075NY DRY<br />
C08076NY TREATED<br />
Each — $2.00; 10 or more, ea. — $1.90<br />
9" Leg Bands<br />
Z14564NY<br />
Ideal for goats, baby ostriches, emus, rheas, cassowaries, and other small-legged animals. Quickly identify animals with<br />
easy-to-use yellow, white, and lime green leg bands. Available blank or with numbers. 9" L x 1¼" W (1¾" W at buckle).<br />
Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
Blank Leg Band. Easily marked on or numbered with Plastic Tag Marker (C16290NY on page 3).<br />
Use only an alcohol-based marker. For best results, retrace desired marking twice. Yellow.<br />
C14868NY Each — $1.55; 10 or more, ea. — $1.47<br />
Z17349NY Sky Blue<br />
Z17354NY<br />
C08074NY<br />
C08075NY<br />
C08076NY<br />
Numbered Leg Bands. Leg bands may be ordered with numbers already imprinted. Numbers<br />
1 through 999 are available; you must specify number desired when ordering each leg band. Shipped directly<br />
from Illinois factory. Allow extra delivery time.<br />
Z14564NY Yellow Z14565NY White Z17354NY Lime Green<br />
Each — $1.95; 10 or more, ea. — $1.85<br />
4<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
• Extra-Deep Stamped Numbers<br />
• Guaranteed for Life of Animal<br />
• Guaranteed Against Breaking<br />
Special Order Tags<br />
Black Green Blue Purple Pink<br />
Livestock Identification<br />
Destron Fearing<br />
Call 1-800-668-0600<br />
for more colour<br />
and imprint choices!<br />
Tags numbered 1-200<br />
are always in stock!<br />
Male Stud 1⅛"<br />
Extra Large<br />
3" x 4⅞"<br />
Large<br />
Extended<br />
2½" x 4"<br />
Colour<br />
Extra Large<br />
3" x 4⅞"<br />
Large<br />
2¼" x 2⅞"<br />
Medium<br />
1¾" x 2⅛"<br />
Yellow C08001NY C25235NY C08009NY C08025NY C08017NY<br />
Orange C08000NY C25236NY C08008NY C08024NY C08016NY<br />
White C08002NY C25237NY C08010NY C08026NY C08018NY<br />
Sh. wt. per 25 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Pack of 25 $34.05 $30.75 $25.75 $39.90 $22.55<br />
Large<br />
Extended<br />
2½" x 4"<br />
EZ-Knife Tag Remover<br />
May be used as an ear tag remover, a twine<br />
cutter, or a general-purpose cutter. Features<br />
a strong plastic handle, razor-sharp stainless<br />
steel blades, and a blade guard. Comfort design<br />
increases leverage and ease of use. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C15540NY — $5.25<br />
Numbered Tags (with Studs)<br />
Blank Tags (with Studs)<br />
Large Extended<br />
2½" x 4"<br />
Large<br />
Double Panel<br />
2¼" x 2⅞"<br />
Large<br />
Double Panel<br />
2¼" x 2⅞"<br />
Colour<br />
Extra Large<br />
3" x 4⅞"<br />
Large<br />
2¼" x 2⅞"<br />
Medium<br />
1¾" x 2⅛"<br />
Yellow C07997NY C25230NY C08005NY C08021NY C08013NY<br />
Orange C07996NY C25231NY C08004NY C08020NY C08012NY<br />
White C07998NY C25232NY C08006NY C08022NY C08014NY<br />
Red C10932NY C25233NY C10933NY C10935NY C10934NY<br />
Sh. wt. per 25 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.03 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Pack of 25 $28.55 $25.65 $23.20 $31.85 $18.65<br />
Antiseptic-Coated Studs<br />
All Duflex tags are coated with Infecta+Guard®, a stud coating that carries an effective<br />
bactericide to fight infection! The coating is applied at the factory where it is changed<br />
from a liquid to a dry film that covers the stud. This film protects and holds the bactericide<br />
until the tag is applied to the ear. When the coating comes in contact with the<br />
moist tissue, it slowly dissolves, releasing the bactericide. This system kills infectioncausing<br />
bacteria and is proven to reduce ear infections. Allows for effective healing and<br />
less tag loss. Black. Package of 25. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C10778NY Per pkg. — $11.25; 4 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $10.68<br />
Large<br />
2¼" x 2⅞"<br />
All Fearing tags are in packages of 25 including 25 Infecta+Guard® black male studs (other than the<br />
large double). The large double comes with a large male with the same number as the female.<br />
Tags numbered 1 to 200 are stocked in packages of 25. To facilitate ordering, we have assigned letter<br />
codes for numbering sequences. NOTE: Please allow extra delivery time for tags numbered over 200.<br />
Personalized tags cannot be returned for credit.<br />
Indicate number series desired by letter code(s):<br />
(A) 1-25 (C) 51-75 (E) 101-125 (G) 151-175 (Z) 201-999<br />
(B) 26-50 (D) 76-100 (F) 126-150 (H) 176-200 (ZZ)Tags numbered over 1,000<br />
Specify numbers 201 and over. Must be ordered in multiples of 25.<br />
EXAMPLES: C08000(A-H)NY Extra Large, Orange, 1-200.<br />
C08000(A)NY Extra Large, Orange, 1-25.<br />
C08000(Z)NY Extra Large, Orange, 201-225.<br />
These numbered tags are packaged in 25 sequential numbers and can only be ordered as such. When<br />
placing your tag order, you must enter 25 in the Qty. box before adding it to your order form. However,<br />
please note that the price shown is for one tag. Add 16¢ extra per tag for special printing or tags numbered<br />
out of sequence. Add a $7.99 setup charge if ordering less than 200 tags.<br />
Universal Progrip<br />
Applicator<br />
This lightweight, durable applicator tool<br />
features longer jaws for better placement of tag.<br />
ProGrip with padded hand grips. It is recommended<br />
to dip applicator in a disinfectant between tagging.<br />
This helps the piercing as well as helps prevent infection.<br />
Includes one pin. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C17245NY — $30.00<br />
Extra Pin. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C08037NY — $3.65<br />
Large Double Panel<br />
2¼" x 2⅞"<br />
Ordering Numbered Tags<br />
Works for all blank<br />
tags on pages 5 and 6!<br />
Fearing Super Mark<br />
Ear Tag Pen<br />
New, deep-penetrating formula –– perfect for<br />
marking Fearing tags. Includes three tips: two<br />
broad, one fine. Will mark approximately 1,200<br />
digits. Five-year guarantee on numbers applied<br />
properly. Cannot be shipped by air. Black.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C07530NY — $6.20<br />
ProGrip Applicator!<br />
Medium<br />
1¾" x 2⅛"<br /> 5
Livestock Identification<br />
Y-TEX ® Ear Tags & Accessories<br />
2" x 1½"<br />
Swinestar ®<br />
Y-TEX ® Ear Tags<br />
3¼" x 4¾"<br />
Large 4-Star<br />
Tags Not Shown<br />
Actual Size<br />
Tags numbered 1 to 200 are stocked in packages of 25. To facilitate ordering, we have assigned letter<br />
codes for numbering sequences. NOTE: Please allow extra delivery time for tags numbered over 200.<br />
Personalized tags cannot be returned for credit.<br />
Indicate number series desired by letter code(s):<br />
(A) 1-25 (C) 51-75 (E) 101-125 (G) 151-175 (Z) 201-999<br />
(B) 26-50 (D) 76-100 (F) 126-150 (H) 176-200 (ZZ) 1,000-9,999<br />
Specify numbers 201 and over. Must be ordered in multiples of 25.<br />
C16178(A-H)NY Large 4-Star, Yellow, 1-200<br />
C16178(A)NY Large 4-Star, Yellow, 1-25<br />
C16178(Z)NY Large 4-Star, Yellow, 201-225<br />
C16178(ZZ)NY Large 4-Star, Yellow, 1,001-1,025<br />
These numbered tags are packaged in 25 sequential numbers and can only be ordered as such. When<br />
placing your tag order, you must enter 25 in the Qty. box before adding it to your order form. However,<br />
please note that the price shown in the charts is for one tag.<br />
Replacement Male Studs<br />
Single-use button tip helps prevent infection transfer and proper button<br />
shaft length promotes rapid healing. Black with steel heads. Package of 25.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C16202NY — $9.60<br />
2½" x 4"<br />
Medium<br />
3-Star<br />
Ordering Numbered Tags<br />
Y-TEX ® Tagger<br />
For use with all Y-TEX® two-piece tags,<br />
identification tags, and insecticide tags as<br />
well as the Y-TEX® GardStar® Plus, and<br />
PYthon Insecticide Ear Tags listed on page<br />
18. Features a strong return spring, 2:4:1<br />
mechanical advantage for easy application,<br />
strong spring clip, wide-open throat that<br />
never pinches the livestock’s ear, super strong<br />
applicator pin, and straight-line application.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C15848NY — $27.45<br />
C15849NY Spare Pin Only. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs. — $5.95<br />
See page 5 for Universal Progrip<br />
Applicator and marking pen!<br />
Male Stud<br />
C15849NY<br />
TAG-SAV-R Ear Tag Remover<br />
Invented by a farmer, this tool safely unfastens<br />
two-piece ear tags from livestock without cutting<br />
— saves both parts of tag! Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />
C13600NY — $28.35<br />
Y-TEX ® tags are made of an advanced, flexible polyurethane formulation. Special<br />
ultraviolet light inhibitors stop fading for superior hot-stamped or inked imprint life.<br />
The long, ribbed neck prevents breakage, and allows greater number visibility. Sloped<br />
tag shoulders, combined with the Y-TEX ® flexible button and patented Snap-Lok<br />
collar, provide superior resistance to snagging. Single-use button tip helps prevent<br />
infection transfer; short button shaft length promotes rapid healing.<br />
Blank Tags (with Studs)<br />
Color<br />
Large 4-Star Medium 3-Star SwineStar® SheepStar<br />
3¼" x 4¾" 2½" x 4"<br />
2" x 1½"<br />
2" x ½"<br />
Yellow C16181NY C16187NY C16200NY C29245NY<br />
Orange C16183NY C16189NY C29247NY C29244NY<br />
White C16182NY C16188NY Special Order Special Order<br />
Purple C24414NY C24416NY Special Order Special Order<br />
Hot Pink C24415NY C24417NY C16201NY Special Order<br />
Blue C29249NY C29248NY Special Order Special Order<br />
Sh. wt. per 25 0.06 lbs. 0.06 0.06 lbs. lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.02 lbs.<br />
Pack of 25 $30.00 $25.95 $19.90 $23.60<br />
Numbered Tags (with Studs)<br />
Color<br />
Large 4-Star Medium 3-Star<br />
SwineStar®<br />
3¼" x 4¾"<br />
2½" x 4"<br />
2" x 1½"<br />
Yellow C16178NY C16184NY C16197NY<br />
Orange C16180NY C16186NY Special Order<br />
Purple C24441NY Special Order Special Order<br />
Hot Pink C24440NY C24438NY C16198NY<br />
Blue C29243NY C29242NY Special Order<br />
Sh. wt. per 25 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Pack of 25 $35.75 $31.35 $22.25<br />
Y-TEX ® Tag Marking Ink<br />
Deep penetrating dye formulation stands up to the environment and time. Y-TEX®<br />
tags marked with this tag marking ink are guaranteed legible for four years. Simply<br />
invert bottle and press point down to write. 1-fl.-oz. ball-tip bottle. Choose white or<br />
black ink. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C28526NY White — $6.30<br />
C29251NY Black — $6.30<br />
Y-TEX ® Tag Removal Knife<br />
This handy tool easily removes tags but<br />
can also be used as a multipurpose<br />
cutter. Plastic handle with stainless<br />
steel blades and a blade guard.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C29250NY — $5.45<br />
Y-TEX ® Tag Marker<br />
For printing on ear tags. Fine tip. Black.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C16203NY — $9.75<br />
Tag Placement Cow Ear Model<br />
Easily teach and learn proper placement of ear tags using this incredibly<br />
detailed and realistic model molded from an actual cow’s ear. Cartilage<br />
and other anatomical landmarks are readily visible. One way to use this<br />
model is to use permanent green marker to show proper application<br />
areas and red permanent marker to designate improper locations. Use for<br />
demonstration and display — if you like, you can even apply actual ear<br />
tags to the ear! Soft, pliable ear measures 7½" H x 4¼". Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C26251NY — $32.95<br />
6<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Livestock Identification<br />
Tags & Tools<br />
Why Buy Ritchey?<br />
Ritchey is the No. 1 choice of many distributors in the UK, Ireland, and many overseas countries.<br />
• Over 30 years experience in ear tag<br />
and animal identification manufacturing<br />
• All products field-tested in real conditions<br />
to ensure they do what is claimed<br />
• Continued innovation and product development<br />
• A skilled and experienced product development<br />
department, including chemists, engineers, and agricultural<br />
and equine specialists<br />
It all adds up to confidence and trust in the quality of product and service from an experienced and reliable company.<br />
Engrave permanent numbers with any high-speed engraving<br />
tool, exposing the contrasting core color. Features hard locking<br />
disc, long life and durability, high visibility, reinforced neck,<br />
and super flexibility. Tags are stocked in packages of 25 and can<br />
only be ordered as such.<br />
3" x 4¾"<br />
2 ¼" x 4½"<br />
3" x 4 5/ 8" 3" x 4"<br />
2¼" x 3⅞"<br />
2" x 3⅛"<br />
C07366NY<br />
C04929NY<br />
C04934NY<br />
C04942NY<br />
C14211NY<br />
Blank Universal Tags (Without Studs)<br />
Install with any two-piece button system.<br />
Colour<br />
Large<br />
Medium<br />
3" x 4¾"<br />
2¼" x 4½"<br />
Yellow C14212NY C14220NY<br />
Red C14211NY C14219NY<br />
Black C14214NY C14222NY<br />
Sh. wt. per 25 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Pack of 25 $33.00 $31.65<br />
Dremel ® Stylus Cordless Variable-Speed Detail Tool<br />
Perfect for engraving cattle tags! The rechargeable 7.2V lithium-ion battery holds a<br />
single charge up to two years. Variable speed (5,000-25,000 rpm) for precise control<br />
for a variety of materials and applications. The docking station continually<br />
charges, so the tool is always fully charged and ready to use. The unique<br />
contoured grip is designed for superior precision, control, and<br />
comfort in your hand. Features a fingertip on/off switch<br />
for one-handed operation and a shaft lock for quick<br />
accessory changes. Compact and ultra lightweight.<br />
Comes with 25 genuine Dremel® accessories and<br />
accessory case. Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs.<br />
C28039NY — $104.95 $89.95<br />
While quantities last!<br />
Oil-Base<br />
Spherical Pellets<br />
Lead-free, oil-based paint. Box of 120.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C03163NY Orange<br />
C03162NY Yellow<br />
Per box — $30.00<br />
Pellgun Oil<br />
C14220NY<br />
Temporary Marking<br />
Equipment and Supplies<br />
.68 Caliber<br />
Paintball Pistol<br />
A semi-automatic paintball<br />
marking pistol — no need to<br />
pump for each shot! Powered<br />
by a 12 g CO2 cartridge.<br />
Features a 10-round quickdetachable<br />
top magazine,<br />
high-grade metal body construction,<br />
adjustable velocity<br />
from 250-300+ fps, and ultrasoft<br />
nonslip contoured rubber<br />
grips. Range: 150+ feet.<br />
Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />
C29202NY — $225.45<br />
Keep your gun at peak performance! Shoot more effectively and consis-<br />
tently with regular maintenance of regularly and avoid air loss. This 1 your gun. Use Pellgun Oil to oil seals<br />
⁄4-oz. tube of specially formulated oil is<br />
used with pneumatic or CO 2<br />
-powered airguns. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C27965NY — $3.25<br />
Blank Tags<br />
Colour<br />
Jumbo<br />
Large<br />
Medium Calf/Sheep<br />
3" x 4 5/ 8"<br />
3" x 4" 2¼" x 3⅞" 2" x 3⅛"<br />
Yellow C07366NY C04932NY C04937NY C04942NY<br />
White C07364NY - C04935NY C04940NY<br />
Red C07363NY - C04934NY C04939NY<br />
Sh. wt. per 25 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Pack of 25 $33.00 $32.35 $31.65 $25.60<br />
Dewlap Tags<br />
Attached through a hole punched in the dewlap<br />
approximately 8" to 10" below the jaw. They can<br />
be installed on a week-old calf or a grown animal.<br />
Toggle punch is used to pierce the dewlap about 1"<br />
back from the fold. The hasp is then run through the<br />
holes, the tag is slipped onto the hasp, and the hasp end is bent at a right angle with the tag. Tags are<br />
¼" thick x 2½" H x 3" W. Available in eight colors. 1½" black numerals are electro-welded. Numbered<br />
1 through 999 (specify numbers desired when ordering). NOTE: Dewlap tags can be supplied with<br />
one or two extra numbers and/or letters in a line above the regular number at 20¢ per digit extra<br />
(specify numbers/letters desired when ordering). Shipped directly from Illinois factory.<br />
Allow extra delivery time. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
Z11823NY Yellow Z18599NY Green Z18602NY Purple<br />
Z11865NY White Z18600NY Blue Z20568NY Pink<br />
Z11866NY Red Z18601NY Orange<br />
Each — $2.15; 10 or more, ea. — $2.04<br />
Toggle Punch<br />
Shipped directly from Illinois factory.<br />
Allow extra delivery time. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />
Z11867NY — $61.90<br />
Ritchey Pocket-Size Installing Tool<br />
4" L. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C04749NY — $6.90<br />
Featured Items!<br />
Bending Tool<br />
Used to bend up the prongs on dewlap tags. It is basically a drilled-out bolt — works better than a<br />
lineman’s pliers! Makes installation quicker. 4¼". Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C20158NY — $1.65<br /> 7
Livestock Identification<br />
Allflex ® Tags & Accessories<br />
The two-piece Allflex ® Global Tag System has excellent retention, longevity, and readability. These<br />
durable ear tags for cattle, sheep, hogs, and goats fit livestock identification systems, ranging from<br />
simple to sophisticated. Made from specially formulated polyurethane, the tags combine flexibility<br />
and strength, allowing the animal to free itself from brush or fences without breaking the tag. Tags<br />
maintain their flexibility for years —even through seasonal temperature changes. Tags feature a new<br />
retention collar allowing for increased flexibility and motion and a proven shape for retention and<br />
durability. Using leading-edge technology, Allflex ® uses a laser beam to etch the markings into the ear<br />
tags underneath the easy-to-read dark ink overlay, making the markings absolutely permanent and<br />
guaranteed for the life of the animal. Self-piercing tip for ease of application and reduced risk of<br />
infection. Easy application with Allflex ® Universal Total Tagger.<br />
Global Medium Female<br />
• For use in all livestock species, but particularly<br />
suited for calves, hogs, goats, sheep, and ostriches<br />
• Packaged standard with Global Small Male<br />
Global Large Female<br />
• For use in beef and dairy cattle<br />
• Packaged standard with Global Small Male<br />
Colour<br />
Medium<br />
1¾" x 2"<br />
Small Male Stud Only. 1⅛" dia. Package of 25. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C24801 B NY Yellow C24801 D NY White<br />
C24801 C NY Orange C24801 E NY Red<br />
Per pkg. — $12.35<br />
Allflex ® “2 In 1”<br />
Tag Marking Pen<br />
Packaged with interchangeable<br />
broad and fine tips. Black.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C13420NY — $7.25<br />
Numbered Tags (with Studs)<br />
Large<br />
2¼" x 3"<br />
Maxi<br />
3" x 3¾"<br />
Global Maxi Female<br />
• Excellent for beef and dairy cattle<br />
• Packaged standard with Global Small Male<br />
Global Super Maxi Female<br />
• Largest panel for management information<br />
• Highly visible from both front and back<br />
• Especially useful in cold climates and for animals<br />
with longer hair<br />
• Packaged standard with Global Small Male<br />
Super Maxi<br />
3" x 4¾"<br />
Medium<br />
Double<br />
1¾" x 2"<br />
Large<br />
Double<br />
2¼" x 3"<br />
Yellow C23272NY C23266NY C23260NY C23254NY C23290NY C23284NY<br />
Orange C23273NY C23267NY C23261NY C23255NY C23291NY C23285NY<br />
White C23274NY C23268NY C23262NY C23256NY C23292NY C23286NY<br />
Red C23275NY C23269NY C23263NY C23257NY C23293NY C23287NY<br />
Sh. wt.<br />
per 25<br />
0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Pack of 25 $28.55 $35.50 $42.35 $44.55 $35.75 $50.35<br />
Colour<br />
Medium<br />
1¾" x 2"<br />
Blank Tags (with Studs)<br />
Large<br />
2¼" x 3"<br />
Special Order Tags<br />
Green Pink Blue Black<br />
Special Orders: Available At Extra Charge<br />
• Special lettering • Personalized tags are not returnable<br />
Allflex® Global Tags are packaged standard in sets of 25 — blank or numbered sequentially.<br />
Other tag combinations are available upon request.<br />
Maxi<br />
3" x 3¾"<br />
Super Maxi<br />
3" x 4¾"<br />
Medium<br />
Double<br />
1¾" x 2"<br />
Large<br />
Double<br />
2¼" x 3"<br />
Yellow C23230NY C23224NY C23218NY C23212NY C23248NY C23242NY<br />
Orange C23231NY C23225NY C23219NY C23213NY C23249NY C23243NY<br />
White C23232NY C23226NY C23220NY C23214NY C23250NY C23244NY<br />
Red C23233NY C23227NY C23221NY C23215NY C23251NY C23245NY<br />
Sh. wt. per 25 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Pack of 25 $25.40 $30.25 $39.05 $40.45 $29.15 $39.55<br />
Blue Safety Tag Knife<br />
Remove ear tags safely with this handy tool. The hook blade design slips easily between the base of the male<br />
tag and the animal’s ear and is safe for both the user and the animal. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C28796NY — $4.80<br />
Featuring a combination<br />
ink-over-laser marking guaranteed<br />
for the life of the animal!<br />
Super Maxi<br />
3" W x 4¾" H<br />
Maxi<br />
3" W x 3¾" H<br />
Large<br />
2¼" W x 3" H<br />
Medium<br />
1¾" W x 2" H<br />
Tags numbered 1 to 200 are stocked in packages of 25. To facilitate ordering we have assigned letter codes<br />
for numbering sequences. Personalized tags cannot be returned for credit.<br />
NOTE: Please allow extra delivery time for tags numbered over 200.<br />
Indicate number series desired by letter code(s):<br />
(A) 1-25 (B) 26-50 (C) 51-75 (D) 76-100<br />
(E) 101-125 (F) 126-150 (G) 151-175 (H) 176-200<br />
(Z) any number 201-999 (ZZ) Tags numbered over 1,000<br />
Specify numbers 201 and over. Must be ordered in multiples of 25.<br />
EXAMPLES: C23260(A-H)NY Maxi Tag, Yellow, 1-200. C23260(A)NY Maxi Tag, Yellow, 1-25.<br />
C23260(E)NY Maxi Tag, Yellow, 101-125. C23260(Z)NY Maxi Tag, Yellow, 201-225.<br />
These numbered tags are packaged in 25 sequential numbers and can only be ordered as such.<br />
Universal Total Tagger (Red)<br />
A must for applying Allflex® Global Tags. May also be used to apply<br />
Allflex® Tamperproof and EID tags. Deep jaw makes proper<br />
placement easier. Grip is designed to ease hand fatigue from<br />
repeated use. Comes with one red blunt pin and one black<br />
insert needed to apply all Allflex® tags. Some assembly required<br />
to configure for tagging. It is recommended to dip the applicator<br />
in a disinfectant between tagging. This helps the piercing as<br />
well as helps prevent infection. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C12355NY — $26.70<br />
Replacement Pin for Universal Total Tagger Pin (Red Blunt).<br />
Use to apply Allflex ® Global, Tamperproof, and EID tags. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C23768NY — $3.50<br />
Replacement Black Insert.<br />
Use to apply Allflex® Global and Tamperproof<br />
tags. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C23769NY — $1.20<br />
Ordering Numbered Tags<br />
Featured Items!<br />
Allflex ® Total Tagger +<br />
Applicator<br />
This applicator with flip-pin feature is designed to<br />
minimize injury to the animal’s ear. Pin flips forward if<br />
the animal pulls away during application. Deep jaw makes<br />
proper placement easier and grip is designed to ease hand<br />
fatigue from repeated use. Will apply all varieties of Allflex® two-piece tags.<br />
Comes with additional replacement pin. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C29959NY — $54.95<br />
Replacement Pin for Allflex ® Total Tagger + Applicator.<br />
Use to apply Allflex® Global, Tamperproof, and EID tags. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C30224NY — $4.30<br />
Replacement White Insert.<br />
Use to apply Allflex® tags.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C23770NY — $ .95<br />
8<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Allflex® Tags<br />
Global Hog Male Tags<br />
• Large panel holds more management information<br />
• Longer male stem allows for higher tag placement in ear<br />
• Lays flat to resist snagging and chewing<br />
• Often used in combination with Global and Tamper proof small<br />
female tags<br />
• Packaged standard with Global small female<br />
Global Sheep Female and<br />
Global Sheep Male<br />
• Ideal for sheep and goats<br />
• Provides good visibility without weighing ear down<br />
Special Order Tags<br />
Green Pink Purple Magenta<br />
Livestock Identification<br />
Allflex® & Z No Snag Tags®<br />
Numbered Tags<br />
Colour<br />
Hog<br />
Sheep<br />
2¼" x 1½" 2" x ⅝"<br />
Yellow C25695NY C23278NY<br />
Orange C25696NY C23279NY<br />
Blue C25697NY ----<br />
White C25698NY C23280NY<br />
Red C25699NY C23281NY<br />
Sh. wt. per 25 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Pack of 25 $27.80 $29.15<br />
Blank Tags<br />
Colour<br />
Hog<br />
Sheep<br />
2¼" x 1½" 2" x ⅝"<br />
Yellow C25689NY C23236NY<br />
Orange C25690NY C23237NY<br />
Blue C25691NY ----<br />
White C25692NY C23238NY<br />
Red ---- C23239NY<br />
Sh. wt. per 25 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Pack of 25 $24.75 $22.75<br />
HOG<br />
SHEEP<br />
Z No-Snag-Tags® One-Piece Ear Tags<br />
C23768(X)NY<br />
C23955NY<br />
Ordering Numbered Tags<br />
Tags numbered 1 to 100 are stocked in packages of 25. To facilitate ordering, we have assigned letter codes for numbering sequences.<br />
NOTE: Please allow extra delivery time for tags numbered over 100. Personalized tags cannot be returned for credit.<br />
Indicate number series desired by letter code(s):<br />
(A) 1-25 (C) 51-75 (Z) 101-999<br />
(B) 26-50 (D) 76-100 (ZZ) 1,000-9,999<br />
Specify numbers 101 and over. Must be ordered in multiples of 25.<br />
EXAMPLES: C25695(A-D)NY Hog, Yellow, 1-100<br />
C25695(A)NY Hog, Yellow, 1-25<br />
These numbered tags are packaged in 25 sequential numbers and can only be ordered as such.<br />
Universal Retract-O-Matic<br />
Excellent for tagging calves, sheep, and goats. Automatic applicator retracts the pin out of the ear before the<br />
animal can react. Comes complete with loaded pin and replacement pin. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C23955NY — $68.15<br />
Replacement Pin for Universal Total Tagger Pin (Red Blunt)<br />
Use to apply Allflex ® Global, Tamperproof, and EID tags. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C23768(X)NY — $3.50<br />
Black Anvil. Use as a replacement anvil for Universal Retract-O-Matic (C23955NY) above or, if you already have a Retract-O-Matic<br />
applicator gun with a silver anvil, you can purchase this black anvil and a replacement pin to use with the Hog and Sheep tags. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C23765NY — $26.85<br />
The most advanced livestock ear tags in the world! How many ear tags have you lost in the last year? Well, if you’ve lost even one, you’re<br />
not using Z tags. It takes a lot to lose a Z tag. The unique, highly flexible, one-piece design won’t break, pull out, or even snag. The self-cutting tip<br />
makes a small, surgically precise hole that hugs the neck of the tag so that it heals quickly to prevent infection. The applicator features a pivoting<br />
pin that makes loading tags easier — and prevents torn ears. And the extra-dark laser printing doesn’t fade with age. So Z tags stay easy to read —<br />
and stay IN — for the life of the animal. Guaranteed.<br />
Easier to put in! No more torn ears!<br />
Superior readability! Unique self-piercing tip!<br />
Superior retention!<br />
Numbered Tags<br />
Colour<br />
Cow Size<br />
Calf Size<br />
3" x 4½" 3¼" x 2½"<br />
Yellow C19198NY C19201NY<br />
Orange C19197NY C19200NY<br />
White C19196NY C19199NY<br />
Blue C25639NY C25640NY<br />
Green C25643NY C25644NY<br />
Sh. wt. per 25 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
#1-100, Pack of 25 $43.20 $31.65<br />
#101+, Pack of 50 $86.40 $63.30<br />
Blank Tags<br />
Colour<br />
Cow Size<br />
Calf Size<br />
3" x 4½" 3¼" x 2½"<br />
Yellow C19205NY C19208NY<br />
Orange C19206NY C19209NY<br />
White C19207NY C19210NY<br />
Blue C25637NY C25638NY<br />
Green C25641NY C25642NY<br />
Sh. wt. per 25 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
#1-100, Pack of 25 $36.25 $27.45<br />
#101+, Pack of 50 $72.50 $54.90<br />
New Z No-Fade Ink Marker<br />
Designed exclusively for use with<br />
Z tags. Comes with both a broad<br />
and fine tip. Black. 12 ml.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C19311NY — $8.75<br />
Ordering Numbered Tags<br />
Tags numbered 1 to 100 are stocked in packages of 25. Tags numbered<br />
101 to 9,999 come in packages of 50. To facilitate ordering we have<br />
assigned letter codes for numbering sequences. NOTE: Please allow<br />
extra delivery time for tags numbered over 100. Personalized tags cannot<br />
be returned for credit.<br />
Indicate number series desired by letter code(s):<br />
(A) 1-25 (C) 51-75 (Z) 101-999<br />
(B) 26-50 (D) 76-100 (ZZ)1,000-9,999<br />
Specify numbers 101 and over. Must be ordered in multiples of 50.<br />
C19198(A-D)NY Cow Size, Yellow, 1-100.<br />
C19198(A)NY Cow Size, Yellow, 1-25.<br />
Numbered tags 1 to 100 are packaged in 25 sequential numbers and<br />
can only be ordered as such. Numbered tags 101 to 9,999 come in<br />
packages of 50 sequential numbers. There is a 5¢ charge for nonsequential<br />
numbers.<br />
Z No-Snag Applicator<br />
Designed exclusively for use with Z tags for a tagging system with<br />
proven superior retention! Special pin-system applicator uses no<br />
knives or blades. Pin fits in Z tag’s hollow stem and pushes cutting tip<br />
through the ear in one smooth motion. Pin flips up instantly for fast,<br />
easy release preventing torn ears and human injury. Weighs just 6 oz.<br />
and locks closed so it can be easily put in a pocket between applications.<br />
Overall length: 10". Comes with one extra pin stored conveniently<br />
in the handle. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C19312NY — $28.90<br />
C19313NY Replacement pins only.<br />
Package of 10. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. — $28.35<br /><br />
Livestock Identification<br />
Ear Tags<br />
Base Colour<br />
Tag Colour<br />
Cow size can<br />
be numbered on<br />
both sides.<br />
Calf size is<br />
numbered<br />
on one side.<br />
CAL TAG Animal Identification Tags<br />
• Ever been fed up with the expense and inconvenience of having to replace ear tags because of fade-out?<br />
No more — EZCee tags are the tags that last!<br />
• Impervious to weather…heat, snow, cold, rain, and dust have no effect. Numbers are not printed or<br />
painted on…EZCee ear tags are permanently bonded together with the base layer a contrasting color<br />
that shows through the outer-layer cutouts.<br />
• Numbers are always clearly and strikingly visible.<br />
• These unique ear tags are made to last, yet are competitively priced.<br />
• Available as sequentially numbered tags with numbers on either one side or both sides, blank tags, or<br />
special order tags to your specifications.<br />
• No setup fee.<br />
• <strong>Catalogue</strong> numbers with a “Z” prefix are shipped directly from California factory.<br />
Allow extra delivery time.<br />
Colours<br />
Cow Size<br />
4" H x 3¼" W<br />
Numbers on<br />
One Side<br />
Numbered Tags<br />
Cow Size<br />
4" H x 3¼" W<br />
Numbers on<br />
Two Sides<br />
Ordering Numbered Tags<br />
Tags numbered 1-200 are stocked in packages of 20. To facilitate<br />
ordering, we have assigned letter codes for numbering sequences.<br />
NOTE: Please allow extra delivery time for tags numbered on two<br />
sides.<br />
Indicate number series desired by letter code(s):<br />
(A) 1-20 (B) 21-40 (C) 41-60<br />
(D) 61-80 (E) 81-100 (F) 101-120<br />
(G) 121-140 (H) 141-160 (J) 161-180<br />
(K) 181-200 (Z) 201-999 (ZZ) 1,000-9,999<br />
EXAMPLES: C28109(A-K)NY Cow Tag, Green Tag over White<br />
Base, 1-200 (numbers on one side); C28109(A)NY Cow Tag, Green<br />
Tag over White Base, 1-20 (numbers on one side); C28109(E)NY<br />
Cow Tag, Green Tag over White Base, 81-100 (numbers on one side).<br />
These numbered tags are packaged in 20 sequential numbers and can<br />
only be ordered as such.<br />
Calf Size<br />
3" H x 2¼" W<br />
Numbers on<br />
One Side<br />
Green Tag over<br />
White Base<br />
C28109NY Z41488NY C28103NY<br />
Red Tag over<br />
White Base<br />
C28110NY Z41489NY C28104NY<br />
Orange Tag over<br />
Black Base<br />
C28112NY Z41491NY C28106NY<br />
Yellow Tag over<br />
Black Base<br />
C28113NY Z41492NY C28107NY<br />
Dutch Blue over<br />
White Base<br />
C30049NY — C30048NY<br />
Sky Blue over Black<br />
Base<br />
C30051NY — C30050NY<br />
Sh. wt. per 20 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Pack of 20 $34.95 $37.40 $29.45<br />
For use with a marker only.<br />
Colours<br />
Cow Size<br />
Calf Size<br />
4" H x 3¼" W<br />
3" H x 2¼" W<br />
Green C28084NY C28090NY<br />
White C28087NY C28092NY<br />
Orange C28088NY C28093NY<br />
Yellow C28086NY C28094NY<br />
Sh. wt. per tag 0.06 lbs. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Pack of 20 $24.55 $22.00<br />
Call 1-800-668-0600 for details on how to order tags.<br />
When ordering, you will need to specify:<br />
• Tag Size (cow size or calf size)<br />
• Color Choice<br />
• Number or Letter Sequence<br />
Blank Tags<br />
Special Order Tags<br />
Special order<br />
any custom logo!<br />
Special Order Tags are printed on one side only with numbers or letters centered on the tag.<br />
Personalized tags cannot be returned for credit. Shipped directly from California factory. Allow extra<br />
delivery time. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
Please call for pricing.<br />
Universal Total Tagger (Red)<br />
Deep jaw makes proper placement easier. Grip is designed to ease hand fatigue from repeated use. Comes<br />
with one red blunt pin and one black insert needed to apply tags. Some assembly required to configure for<br />
tagging. It is recommended to dip the applicator in a disinfectant between tagging. This helps the piercing<br />
as well as helps prevent infection. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C12355XNY — $26.70<br />
Replacement Pin for Universal Total Tagger Pin (Red Blunt)<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C23768YNY — $3.50<br />
Replacement Black Insert.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C23769XNY — $1.20<br />
Replacement White Insert.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C23770XNY — $ .95<br />
10 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
• No Snagging<br />
• Coloured<br />
• No Festering<br />
• One Operation<br />
• Tamper proof<br />
• Hygienic<br />
• Numbered<br />
• Self Piercing<br />
• Swing Freely<br />
Livestock Identification<br />
Rototags & Taggers<br />
Dalton Jumbo Rototags<br />
NOTE: Tags are sold in packages of 25 only. Tags must be ordered in multiples of 25. Four-digit tags<br />
are available, please allow extra delivery time. Personalized tags cannot be returned for credit.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
Nylon ear tags for cattle,<br />
hogs, and sheep.<br />
Ideal for wildlife.<br />
Dalton Standard Rototags<br />
1¼" L x ⅜" W<br />
Nylon ear tags for sheep<br />
and small animals.<br />
Ideal for wildlife.<br />
¾"<br />
½"<br />
Tags not shown actual size.<br />
Colour shades may vary.<br />
Tags not shown actual size.<br />
Colour shades may vary.<br />
Blank Female<br />
Blank<br />
Numbered Male<br />
Colour Male & Female (Four-Digit Maximum)<br />
Yellow C15916DNY C15920NY*<br />
Red C15916ANY C15917NY*<br />
Blue C15916BNY C15918NY*<br />
Green C15916CNY C15919NY*<br />
Light Blue C15916GNY C25538NY*<br />
1-3 pkgs., per pkg. $8.45 $11.55<br />
4 or more pkgs., per pkg. $7.99 $10.99<br />
*Tags numbered 1-1,000 are stocked in packages of 25. To facilitate ordering,<br />
we have assigned letter codes for numbering sequences. Indicate number<br />
series desired by letter code. EXAMPLE: C15917(A)NY Red Dalton Standard<br />
Rototags numbered 1-25.<br />
(A)1-25 (L)251-275 (W)501-525 (AH)751-775<br />
(B)26-50 (M)276-300 (X)526-550 (AJ)776-800<br />
(C)51-75 (N)301-325 (Y)551-575 (AK)801-825<br />
(D)76-100 (P)326-350 (AA)576-600 (AL)826-850<br />
(E)101-125 (Q)351-375 (AB)601-625 (AM)851-875<br />
(F)126-150 (R)376-400 (AC)626-650 (AN)876-900<br />
(G)151-175 (S)401-425 (AD)651-675 (AP)901-925<br />
(H)176-200 (T)426-450 (AE)676-700 (AQ)926-950<br />
(J)201-225 (U)451-475 (AF)701-725 (AR)951-975<br />
(K)226-250 (V)476-500 (AG)726-750 (AS)976-1,000<br />
Special Orders for Dalton Standard Rototags<br />
Tags may be special ordered with printing on female parts (up to eight spaces, same imprint on all<br />
tags) or male parts numbered over 1,000 consecutively. Tags cannot be lettered and numbered on<br />
the same side. Tags are sold in packages of 25 only.<br />
Use part number and price from blank male and female tags and add C15921NY, $3.50 for special<br />
stamping charge per side of tag ordered.<br />
For special order tags with males numbered under 1,000 and female tags with special printing,<br />
order tags from the male numbered column and add C15921NY, $3.50 for special stamping charge.<br />
1¾" L x ¾" W<br />
Numbered<br />
Blank<br />
Male & Female<br />
Colour Male & Female (Four-Digit Max./Side)<br />
Yellow C15911(D)NY C15915NY*<br />
Red C15911(A)NY C15912NY*<br />
Blue C15911(B)NY C15913NY*<br />
Green C15911(C)NY C15914NY*<br />
Light Blue C15911(G)NY C25541NY*<br />
1-3 pkgs., per pkg. $13.50 $17.35<br />
4 or more pkgs., per pkg. $12.80 $16.48<br />
*Tags numbered 1-500 are stocked in packages of 25. To facilitate ordering, we have assigned<br />
letter codes for numbering sequences. Indicate number series desired by letter code. EXAMPLE:<br />
C15912(A)NY Red Dalton Jumbo Rototags numbered 1-25.<br />
(A)1-25 (F)126-150 (L)251-275 (R)376-400<br />
(B)26-50 (G)151-175 (M)276-300 (S)401-425<br />
(C)51-75 (H)176-200 (N)301-325 (T)426-450<br />
(D)76-100 (J)201-225 (P)326-350 (U)451-475<br />
(E)101-125 (K)226-250 (Q)351-375 (V)476-500<br />
Special Orders for Dalton Jumbo Rototags<br />
Tags may be special ordered with printing on female parts (up to 10 spaces, same imprint on all tags)<br />
or male parts numbered over 500 consecutively. Tags cannot be lettered and numbered on the same<br />
side. Tags are sold in packages of 25 only.<br />
For special order jumbo tags: Order the blank tag part number and add C15927NY, $3.50 special<br />
stamping charge per side per package of 25 tags.<br />
NOTE: Because numbered jumbo tags are stocked with both the female and male parts prenumbered<br />
up to 500, even orders with numbering under 500 will require charges for both the numbers<br />
and special stamping.<br />
Pliers<br />
Standard<br />
Rototag Pliers<br />
Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C28184NY — $58.70<br />
Jumbo<br />
Rototag Pliers<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C28265NY — $66.00<br /><br />
Livestock Identification<br />
HASCO Self-Locking Ear Tags<br />
Positive identification. Apply in one, fast, easy operation. Patented locking device clinches securely. Smoothly finished. No protruding edges. Bright plated steel. Rust resistant.<br />
Packed 25 tags on a stick, 100 tags per package. NUMBERS ONLY: Tags with consecutive numbers. EXAMPLE: 1-100. LETTERING OR SPECIAL NUMBERING:<br />
Tags with anything imprinted, other than consecutive numbers only. This includes tags with consecutive numbering imprinted with name and address or any other special lettering.<br />
NOTE: Use catalogue numbers, and don’t forget to order the tag applicator. You must have it to insert the tag. Be sure to give us stamping instructions, and stay within limitations<br />
as to number of letters. Personalized ear tags cannot be returned for credit.<br />
Fishhook Rings<br />
Shoat Rings. For sale tags. Box<br />
of 100. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C00441NY — $3.70<br />
Hog Size. Approximately 1,000<br />
per package. Sh. wt. 6 lbs.<br />
C00447NY Per pkg. — $24.15<br />
2-4 pkgs., per pkg. — $22.95<br />
5 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $21.75<br />
For tag style 681. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C02222NY — $23.30<br />
C01048(1)NY<br />
STYLE 49<br />
Tags shown<br />
actual size.<br />
Ear Punch<br />
Fast, efficient, and guaranteed for five years. The temple<br />
punch is especially designed to punch out a clean, round<br />
hole clear through the ear. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C13150NY — $26.65<br />
HASCO Pow-R-Ceps Applicator<br />
Compound action, less pressure needed for maximum sealing leverage. Tags are held tightly until applied.<br />
Spring action reopens applicator and releases tag after application. For tag style 49. Steel. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C01046NY — $42.10<br />
Sheep and Hog Tag Applicator<br />
C02222NY<br />
HASCO Cattle Tags Style 49<br />
1 7 ⁄16" x ⅜". Has wide base post for greater strength for piercing tough ears. Space for lettering permits one<br />
line of not more than eight 3 ⁄16" letters, two lines of eleven ⅛" letters, or two lines of sixteen 1 ⁄16" letters.<br />
Tags with Numbers Only<br />
How to order: Tags available in packages of 100 only,<br />
1-100 and 101-200. No splitting of packages. Above<br />
200 allow extra delivery time. To order, use stock<br />
number C01048N Y and indicate series desired by<br />
number code: (0) — 1-100; (1) — 101-200<br />
C01048NY Package of 100.<br />
Sh. wt. 3 lbs. — $11.35<br />
5-9 pkgs., per pkg. — $10.78<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $10.20<br />
Indicate numbering sequence desired by<br />
number code. EXAMPLE: C01048(0-1)NY<br />
200 Tags, Numbered 1-200.<br />
Tags with Lettering or Special Numbering<br />
Shipped directly from Kentucky factory. Allow extra delivery time.<br />
Z01096(1)NY Package of 100. Sh. wt. 3 lbs. — $28.35<br />
Z01096(5)NY Package of 500. Sh. wt. 10 lbs. — $76.45<br />
Z01096(10)NY Package of 1,000. Sh. wt. 20 lbs. — $109.20<br />
Fishhook Ringer<br />
Perfect ringer pliers for use with perfect (fishhook) hog rings.<br />
Preferred type for attaching sale tags, etc.<br />
6¾" L. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C00443NY — $14.00<br />
Lifetime warranty<br />
against breakage!<br />
HASCO Applicators<br />
Cattle Tag Applicator<br />
For tag style 49. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C01049NY — $24.75<br />
C01049NY<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s<br />
Animal ID Tag<br />
Cement<br />
A rubber-base, waterproof<br />
cement for securing hip and<br />
forehead tags to cattle, sheep,<br />
or horses. Generous 5-oz.<br />
tube, sufficient for approximately<br />
150 tags.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C12168NY — $6.30<br />
C01046NY<br />
“Big 81” Hip Tag<br />
Auction Sale Tags<br />
Heavyweight paper stock of super generous size, 2 7 ⁄16" W x 2 7 ⁄16" " H. The<br />
extreme readability of the tag has made it a first-rate choice of many<br />
sale yards. Apply with <strong>Nasco</strong>’s Animal ID Tag Cement (C12168NY,<br />
listed at right).<br />
C04754NY Set of tags numbered 1-500.<br />
Sh. wt. 2 lbs. — $32.30<br />
Durable!<br />
C06918NY Blank tags. Set of 100.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs. — $5.45<br />
“Special 59” Hip Tag<br />
A favorite in many auction and sales barns. The 11 1 ⁄16" L x 11 1 ⁄16" W<br />
size makes the tag extremely easy to see from a distance. Tag is white,<br />
numbers are black. Apply with <strong>Nasco</strong>’s Animal ID Tag Cement<br />
(C12168NY, listed below). Set of tags numbered 1-500.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C04752NY — $26.25<br />
Plastic Auction Sale Tags<br />
Durable, flexible plastic sale tags for livestock. These<br />
3" x 2½" tags have a 9 ⁄16" hole for easy attachment with<br />
a perfect (fishhook) hog ring. The tag can also be used<br />
as a hip label affixed with cattle back tag cement. The<br />
hole will also accommodate key rings, bead chains, even<br />
elastic bands, strings, etc. for nonlivestock serial marking.<br />
Available in yellow with 1⅜" H jet-black numbers or blank<br />
yellow for self-numbering with felt pens or nylon-tipped<br />
markers. Set of 1,000 tags. Sh. wt. 6.50 lbs.<br />
C13632NY 1,000 yellow tags, numbered 1-1,000<br />
(numbered on both sides) — $119.10<br />
C13633NY 1,000 yellow tags, blank — $118.75<br />
Ketchum Tamper Proof Cattle Ear Tags<br />
1¼" L x 5 ⁄16" W<br />
Self locking, this tag has a self-formed<br />
bar which “locks in” the point after<br />
piercing the ear. Virtually impossible<br />
to remove tag without breaking it. Tag<br />
is one piece of steel, nickel-zinc plated<br />
for rust resistance, stamped with any<br />
series of consecutive numbers you<br />
specify, up to seven spaces. Name,<br />
address, initials, etc., are put on other side. Limit is 11 spaces per line — one large line or two small lines.<br />
Numbers and letters cannot be on the same side of the tag. Packed 25 tags per stick. To order, use stock<br />
number Z05887NY or Z01138NY and indicate quantity desired by number code: (1) — Pkg. of 100;<br />
(2) — Pkg. of 200; (5) — Pkg. of 500; (10) — Pkg. of 1,000. EXAMPLE: Z05887(1)NY 100 tags, numbered<br />
only. 1¼" L x 5 ⁄16" W. Allow extra delivery time. Additional setup charge may apply in ordering out-ofsequence<br />
and/or less than 100 tags at a time. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs. per 100 tags.<br />
Suffix<br />
C13632NY<br />
Quantity<br />
Z05887NY<br />
Numbered Only<br />
Z01138NY<br />
Name & Number<br />
(1) 100 $24.50 $34.65<br />
(2) 200 $37.70 $47.25<br />
(5) 500 $80.85 $91.05<br />
(10) 1,000 $139.15 $149.05<br />
Double-Action Leverage<br />
Pliers. Shipped directly from<br />
New York factory.<br />
Allow extra delivery time.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
Z01139NY — $40.15<br />
12 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
C20105NY<br />
Ketchum Large<br />
Animal Tattooer<br />
Characters stay in place when lock bar is closed.<br />
The special Ketchum chisel point pin gives the<br />
illusion of continuous line character. The tattooers<br />
use a ⅜" size character (needles are 5⁄16" long). Each<br />
comes with a tattoo pliers, rubber release strips,<br />
and instructions.<br />
6-In-A-Row Large Animal Tattooer. Holds up to six<br />
characters in one row. Sh. wt. 2.44 lbs.<br />
C20105NY — $54.95<br />
C20106NY<br />
4-Over-4 Large Animal Tattooer. Holds up to eight<br />
characters in two rows of four characters each. Sh. wt. 2.56 lbs.<br />
C20106NY — $67.95<br />
Revolving Head Tattooer Set. (Not Shown) Four digits on each side. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C24007NY — $108.95<br />
Tattoo Characters Numbers and Sets.<br />
C23351NY Complete set of numbers 0-9.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs. — $49.95<br />
C23352NY Complete set of letters A-Z.<br />
Sh. wt. 3.25 lbs. — $125.95<br />
Livestock Identification<br />
Tattooers & Supplies<br />
STONE<br />
MFG 6<br />
Standard<br />
4-Digit Rotary<br />
Tattoo Pliers<br />
Digits are arranged in endless<br />
chains, each chain containing<br />
10 numbered digits (0-9),<br />
and two blank spaces. Easy to<br />
operate, just like a dating stamp.<br />
Digits are easily turned with<br />
slight pressure of the thumb.<br />
Steel handles, brass digit plates<br />
with nickel-plated steel digit<br />
needles, nylon rollers and<br />
pawls. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C00016NY — $240.65<br />
C05680NY<br />
Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong> Tattoo Outfit<br />
with Automatic Ear Release<br />
Our most popular tattoo used by leading<br />
breeders and recommended by breed associations.<br />
Precision-made of a special aluminum alloy. Ear release<br />
automatically frees ear to avoid scratches and illegible marking<br />
caused by animal jerking when instrument is removed.<br />
Holds up to four digits with each digit inserted individually<br />
from the front. Specially designed so that the digits cannot<br />
be placed upside down. Uses ⅜" digits for cattle and most other<br />
livestock. Sharp, hard steel pins ⅜" high are used in dies. Complete outfit consists of<br />
pliers, set of ⅜" digits (0-9), and 3 oz. of black tattoo ink. NOTE: This unit comes with<br />
one set of digits. To tattoo an 11 requires two sets; a 111, three sets, etc. Sh. wt. 1.38 lbs.<br />
C05680NY — $52.75<br />
C05681NY Ear release tongs only. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs. — $48.15<br />
C05676NY ⅜" numbers, set 0-9.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. —$19.65<br />
C05678NY ⅜" letters, whole alphabet.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $51.15<br />
Small Animal Tattoo Outfit<br />
The only six-digit tattoo marker available for<br />
small animals and pets. Holds up to six digits<br />
in a space of 2". Digits are ⅜” and will not fit<br />
standard pliers. Complete outfit includes pliers,<br />
set of digits 0-9, and a 3-oz. jar of black ink.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.18 lbs.<br />
C11418NY — $55.55<br />
C11419NY Set of 0-9 digits.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs. — $19.65<br />
C11420NY Set of A-Z letters.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. — $51.10<br />
C01357ANY Tattoo Ink. Black paste, 3-oz.<br />
jar. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs. — $5.45<br />
⅜" Digits<br />
Pro Rotary Tattoo<br />
Outfit — Four or Five Chain<br />
Provides better herd management with thousands<br />
of possible combinations up to five digits<br />
across. Each digit is ⅜" and is constructed of<br />
sturdy lightweight cast aluminum alloy. Doubleaction<br />
handle bites deep with short, easy pull —<br />
prevents forearm fatigue through a long day of<br />
marking. Includes pliers and 3-oz. jar of ink. Built<br />
to last. Features digits 0-9 with two blanks.<br />
Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />
C15512NY Four-digit pro rotary tattoo pliers<br />
— $276.40<br />
C13651NY Five-digit pro rotary tattoo pliers<br />
— $303.05<br />
L-H Stainless Steel Branding Irons<br />
Designed to withstand extreme temperature changes between the propane heater and the liquid nitrogen<br />
used in freeze branding. Stainless steel brands are made of 3⁄16" material that is 1" high. A set of branding iron<br />
numbers 0-9 does not include a 6 since the figure 9 can be inverted to make the figure 6. Each brand has a<br />
32" handle.<br />
C23583NY Set of 3" numbers, 0-9. Sh. wt. 30 lbs. — $213.35<br />
C23584NY Set of 4" numbers, 0-9. Sh. wt. 32 lbs. — $234.25<br />
Spaulding Electric<br />
Tattoo Marker Kit<br />
Roll-On Tattoo Ink<br />
Liquid ink in plastic roll-on dispenser<br />
bottle. Ink is rolled into the punctures with<br />
the ball at top of container, instead of with<br />
operator’s fingers. Available in black or<br />
green. 2-oz. bottle.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C02295NY Black — $6.25<br />
C02296NY Green — $8.25<br />
Quick and<br />
permanent!<br />
Permanently marks any design you want on any animal. Used<br />
similarIy to an ordinary pen, any number, design, or ranch<br />
mark may be placed on the animal, requiring less than one<br />
minute. Features a micro fingertip control switch. Deluxe coils<br />
prevent any fluctuation in current. A jack plug enables you to<br />
disconnect the machine from transformer for easy cleaning.<br />
Plugs into any 120V outlet. Kit includes: electric tattoo marker,<br />
disposable razor, #16 plexi cap holder, 20 disposable #16<br />
caps (for holding ink), extra machine spring, five marker bars,<br />
2-oz. bottle of black ink, nonsterile skin scribe, two packets of<br />
Vaseline ® , package of grommets (for the needle bars), and a<br />
5 ⁄64" hex key (for adjusting the tube). Self<br />
contained in 9" x 13" hard carrying case. Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs.<br />
C12955NY — $431.75<br />
Tattoo Ink<br />
Worx Tattoo Ink<br />
Hand Cleaner<br />
Organic, biodegradable cleaner<br />
ideal for removing tattoo inks<br />
or grease. Includes skin conditioner.<br />
6.5-oz. squeeze bottle.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C26069NY — $20.35<br />
Ketchum Tattoo Ink Pastes<br />
Suggested for all dark-eared cattle, sheep, and hogs. Highly concentrated<br />
pigments ensure deep penetration and permanent mark. Nontoxic.<br />
C01885NY Green. 1-oz. tube. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. — $6.85<br />
C15494NY Green. 5-oz. tube. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs. — $16.95<br /><br />
Livestock Identification<br />
Temporary Marking<br />
Tell Tail Fluorescent Marking Paint<br />
Animal marking paint with a brush-on applicator top used for heat detection<br />
and general marking purposes. Oil-based and weather-resistant. Lasts up to<br />
3-4 weeks. 500 ml bottle. Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />
C30438NY Yellow<br />
C30441NY Orange<br />
C30439NY Red<br />
C30442NY Green<br />
C30440NY Pink<br />
C30443NY Blue<br />
Each — $12.55<br />
Tell Tail Fluorescent Marker Spray<br />
For heat detection or general marking. Used by top breeders and farmers<br />
around the world. Weather resistant — lasts up to 30 days! 500 ml aerosol<br />
can. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />
C30444NY Yellow<br />
C30445NY Red<br />
C30446NY Pink<br />
Each — $13.75<br />
C30447NY Orange<br />
C30448NY Green<br />
C30449NY Blue<br />
C30442NY<br />
C30449NY<br />
All-Weather ® Quik Shot ®<br />
Spray Paint for Livestock Marking<br />
For the ultimate in spray paint convenience, this water-based paint is weather<br />
and fade resistant. High-visibility colors are ideal for tail painting your heifers.<br />
Powerful, extended spray reduces animal contact. Nontoxic and safe for<br />
all animals. 12-oz. can with inverted tip. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C30931NY Red<br />
C30934NY Fl. Orange<br />
C30932NY Blue<br />
C30935NY Fl. Pink<br />
C30933NY Fl. Green<br />
Each — $5.10<br />
SyrVet Animal Marking Sticks<br />
Highly visible, fade-resistant, long-lasting marks that stand up to all weather challenges! Marks<br />
wet or dry animals. Plastic tube with cap keeps hands clean — you can carry it in your pocket<br />
without staining your clothing. Twistable dispenser allows you to use the stick down to the very<br />
end — there’s virtually no waste! Nontoxic and safe for all livestock. No need to purchase a<br />
holder! 60 ml stick. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C30512NY Red<br />
C30515NY Blue<br />
C30513NY Yellow<br />
C30920NY Orange<br />
C30514NY Green<br />
Each — $1.50<br />
Hot Climate All-Weather ® Paintstik ®<br />
For extreme heat climates, the special formula is blended to withstand the 100°+ F temperatures often<br />
found in extreme hot climates, but is ideal for marking in a wide range of temperatures (40° to 130° F).<br />
Resists weather and fading. Ideal for sorting, grading, inoculations, breeding, general health maintenance,<br />
and tail chalking cows for heat detection. Marks on wet or dry animals. 1" x 4". Nontoxic and safe for all<br />
animals. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C30936NY Fl. Pink<br />
C30937NY Fl. Orange<br />
C30938NY Red<br />
C30939NY Green<br />
Each — $1.45<br />
C30940NY Orange<br />
C30941NY Blue<br />
C30942NY Fl. Green<br />
SyrVet Livestock Markers<br />
Produces highly visible, long-lasting marks in an easy-to-use push-up dispenser. A useful tool for all<br />
types of animal handling from sorting to vaccinations to artificial insemination. Will mark on both<br />
wet and dry hides. Nontoxic and safe for all animals. 4" L. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C30749NY Fl. Pink<br />
C31199NY Green<br />
C30946NY Blue<br />
C31200NY Orange<br />
C30966NY Yellow<br />
C31201NY Red<br />
Each — $1.10<br />
All-Weather ® Paintstik ® Holder<br />
Keep hands and clothing cleaner! Holds marker firmly with no slippage. Provides maximum<br />
usage of each Paintstik ® . Cleans up with standard paint solvents or abrasive cleaners and hot<br />
water. Unbreakable plastic. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C14371NY — $5.45<br />
Aerosol Spray Marker for Sheep<br />
Formulated specially not to stain wool. Long lasting; removable by washing. Dries<br />
instantly; resists fading. Environmentally friendly propellant. Makes approximately<br />
400-500 markings. Spray 4"-6" away from animal. 13 1 ⁄2-oz. spray can.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C20082NY Blue C20083NY Green C20084NY Red<br />
Each — $10.30<br />
Aerosol Spray Marker for Hogs and Cattle<br />
Meets marking needs for transportation, vaccination, marketing, slaughtering, etc. Dries<br />
instantly and resists fading. Environmentally friendly propellant. Makes approximately<br />
400-500 markings. Spray 4"-6" away from animal. Approx. 14-oz. spray can. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C20085NY Blue C20086NY Green C20087NY Red<br />
Each — $5.20<br />
MARK HER Livestock Marking Paint<br />
Highly visible, long lasting! Nonhazardous, water-based latex, animal marking paint in bright fluorescent<br />
green. Resists fading and is extremely fast drying. Fully weatherproof and waterproof when dry.<br />
Bitterguard has been added to deter licking. Makes a long-lasting pregnant mark in herds marking tailheads<br />
for heat detection or for marking on swine, cattle, sheep, or any livestock. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C25505NY — $7.15<br />
All-Weather ® Paintstik ®<br />
Use for fast, sure identification of cattle, sheep, poultry, and hogs. Highly<br />
visible, nontoxic paint resists weather and fading. Applies easily with slight<br />
pressure. Great for marking skin, hide, or pelt — wet or dry. Protective<br />
sleeve allows maximum use of stick. 4" x 1" dia. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C00010NY Yellow<br />
C00013NY Green<br />
C00011NY Red<br />
C01580NY Orange<br />
C00012NY Blue<br />
Each — $1.20<br />
C14370NY Fl. Pink<br />
C14881NY Fl. Green<br />
Each — $1.45<br />
Assorted Colors. Box of 12. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />
C00009NY Per box — $13.85<br />
All-Weather ® Twist-Stik ®<br />
This slow-dry formula marks skins, hides, and pelts. Convenient screw-up,<br />
screw-down plastic dispenser with cover. Applies easily with slight pressure.<br />
Protective sleeve allows maximum use of stick. Fade and weather resistant.<br />
Nontoxic. 4 1 ⁄2" x 1 1 ⁄4" dia. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C13920NY Yellow<br />
C13923NY Red<br />
C13921NY Orange<br />
C23401NY Fl. Pink<br />
C13922NY Blue<br />
C23402NY Fl. Green<br />
Each — $2.00<br />
14 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Nylon Collars<br />
These heavy-duty collars are made to last. The calf<br />
collar is constructed of two layers of high-quality<br />
nylon webbing; the yearling, cow, and bull collars<br />
are made from triple layers of webbing. Each collar<br />
includes a nickel-plated buckle and D-ring.<br />
Calf Collar. 30" L x 1" W. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C14329NY Blue — $7.10<br />
C18720NY Red — $7.10<br />
C19645NY Black — $7.10<br />
Yearling Collar. 37" L x 1 1 ⁄2" W.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C18722NY Blue — $8.75<br />
C14330NY Red — $8.75<br />
C19646NY Black — $8.75<br />
Cow Collar. 44" L x 11⁄2" W. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C14331NY Blue — $9.30 C18721NY Red — $9.30 C19647NY Black — $9.30<br />
X-Large Cow Collar. 50" L x 1 1 ⁄2" W. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C18723NY Blue — $10.95 C16210NY Red — $10.95 C19648NY Black — $10.95<br />
Bull Collar. 56" L x 2" W. Black. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C18724NY — $14.75<br />
Bull Neck Strap<br />
Strong, average-duty bull neck strap. Two-ply,<br />
heavy, best-grade harness leather, 2" W, sewn<br />
together for extra strength. Nickel-plated<br />
buckle. Metal D-ring held by wedges and four<br />
rivets. 50" L. Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />
C00367NY — $46.75<br />
Superior-Quality Neck Straps<br />
Made of unusually strong leather with<br />
chrome-plated buckle and D-ring.<br />
Assembled with large, sturdy rivets.<br />
Size 45" L, 1½" W, 3 ⁄16" Thick.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C00366NY Each — $20.10<br />
Size 42" L, 1¼" W, 3 ⁄16" Thick. Nickel plated. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C00365NY Each — $15.30<br />
Showing & Grooming<br />
Bells & Collars<br />
Nylon Cow Neck Strap<br />
Made of heavy nylon, 3 ⁄16" thick, this strap is<br />
actually stronger than leather. There are no<br />
rivets or buckles to weaken the strap, and the<br />
nylon will never rot or get stiff in cold weather.<br />
The one-piece white strap is equipped with an extra-large lead<br />
ring. 1 1 ⁄2" W x 42" L. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C09902NY — $12.45<br />
Nylon Neck Strap<br />
Virtually indestructible! Constructed of 1 ⁄4" rugged nylon,<br />
tested at 8,600 lbs. The heavy-duty, zinc-plated, rigid buckle has<br />
a welded hook-up ring for added ease. 48" L x 2" W x 1/4" thick.<br />
Five-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C14597NY — $11.40<br />
Nylon Neck Strap with Buckle<br />
A heavy-duty neck strap made of 3 ⁄16" nylon that<br />
will never rot or get stiff in cold weather. The buckle<br />
holes are reinforced with a leather band. Includes<br />
nickel-plated buckle and D-ring. 1½" W x 43" L.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C13506NY — $14.25<br />
1. Kentucky Cow Bells<br />
Excellent tone. Can be heard far off. Copper finished<br />
and lacquered.<br />
C07082NY 3" x 2 1 ⁄8" x 4" H. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. — $9.35<br />
C07081NY 3 9 ⁄16" x 2 3 ⁄8" x 5 1 ⁄8" H. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs. — $12.35<br />
C00135NY 4 5 ⁄8" x 3" x 6 7 ⁄8" H. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs. — $15.65<br />
2.<br />
Bells<br />
Calf Neck Strap<br />
Made of best-grade natural skirting leather, 3 ⁄16" thick. Strap is 1" W, 30" L. Stitched and riveted.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C00364NY Each — $10.35<br />
Harness Leather Center Ring Cow Neck Strap<br />
Stationary center ring makes attaching the tie rope easier. Neck strap in riveted russet harness leather<br />
with nickel-plated hardware. Cow size measures 1 3 ⁄4" x 45". Brown. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C28224NY — $21.20<br />
Bells for showing<br />
or everyday use!<br />
2. Rodeo Bull Bell<br />
You’ll know where your animals are immediately if they’re wearing this<br />
extra-large bell. Heavy black or brown metal. Dimensions: 5" W x 3" D x 6"<br />
H. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C13006NY — $23.80<br />
3. Miniature Souvenir Bell<br />
Makes a clear tinkling sound. Use for novelty and for giveaway.<br />
Excellent as a banquet favor, club member identification, etc.<br />
Size: 1" H x 1" W. All-coppered steel. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C00137NY Each — $2.00<br />
4. Long-Distance Bells<br />
Pleasant-sounding bells made from all-coppered steel.<br />
Warranted not to crack. Steel strap loop.<br />
C00968NY 2" x 1½" x 2 3 ⁄8" H. ¾" bell strap opening.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $4.05<br />
C07087NY 3" x 2 3 ⁄8" x 33⁄8" H. 1¼" bell strap opening.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs. — $5.70<br />
5. Swiss-Made Sheep Bells<br />
Handmade, steel Swiss bells complete with hanger for bell strap. All<br />
seams are sealed to ensure resonant tones. Available in three sizes.<br />
C14672NY 1½". Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs. — $6.55<br />
C14669NY 2". Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $22.35<br />
C14670NY 3". Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. — $27.80<br />
1.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
Bell Straps<br />
Russet color. High-quality, top-grade leather straps with safe, nickel-plated buckles.<br />
1" x 24" Strap. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C00808NY Each — $6.70<br />
1½" x 42" Strap. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C00810NY Each — $13.60<br />
5.<br />
Musical Swiss Cow Bell Set<br />
This pattern is the famous 1878 Saigne Legier Tuned Swiss Bell.<br />
Made of fine-cast bronze with superior ringing qualities. Plain<br />
bright finish with iron loop. Set of three bells listed below.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs.<br />
C26732NY — $87.20<br />
C19354NY 2¾" dia. 1¼" bell strap opening.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. — $21.65<br />
C19355NY 3¼" dia. 1¼" bell strap opening.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs. — $30.25<br />
C19358NY 4 3 ⁄8" dia. 1½" bell strap opening.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs. — $62.65<br />
C00808NY<br /><br />
Showing and Grooming<br />
Halters<br />
Nylon Halter<br />
Designed to be left on the show animal. Lead<br />
may be attached. Black. Available in four sizes.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C15156NY Calf — $14.45<br />
C15157NY Yearling — $14.45<br />
C15158NY Cow/steer — $14.45<br />
C18188NY Large cow/bull<br />
— $14.45<br />
Double Rope Tie<br />
Convenient polyethylene rope tie for<br />
tethering bulls in stalls or show barns. Large snap attaches to ring, and<br />
one end of each rope ties to opposite sides of stall. Can also be used as<br />
a show lead. 6-ft. rope, ½" dia. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C04723NY — $6.35<br />
C17178NY<br />
C17179NY<br />
C17832NY<br />
Cotton Lead with bull snap<br />
High-quality, white cotton rope leads. 10 ft. long. Available in two<br />
styles. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C17178NY Lead with bull snap — $6.80<br />
C17179NY Lead with brass bolt snap — $9.85<br />
Cotton Lead with Bull Snap<br />
Twisted cotton lead rope with bull snap. ⅝" x 9 ft.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C17832NY— $10.00<br />
Security Double-Tie Neck Rope<br />
An adjustable, 18-strand, security double tie unlike anything else we<br />
offer! Made of durable plastic twine, this ⅝" diameter rope has a 7- to<br />
8-ft. adjustable lead. One end is finished with a crown knot, the other<br />
end snaps into a metal ring. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C09877NY — $5.75<br />
6 or more each — $5.46 12 or more each — $5.18<br />
Polypropylene<br />
Cow Halter<br />
A strong 12 ft. halter made of three-strand, twisted, monofilament<br />
polypropylene. Ends are heat fused and end whipped. 7-ft. lead rope.<br />
½" in diameter, with 10" noseband. 3,800-lb. break strength. No metal<br />
clips. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C12269NY Black<br />
C13411NY Red<br />
C13412NY Blue<br />
C24096NY Kelly Green<br />
C24097NY Purple<br />
$5.35 ea.<br />
12 or more — $5.08 ea.<br />
Heavy-Duty<br />
Plastic Halter<br />
All-plastic halters at a bargain price! Plastic<br />
material is so much like nylon that many<br />
people call it nylon. Extremely useful<br />
when washing cattle for show because<br />
halters will not rot or swell. These durable,<br />
well-finished halters have adjustable leads and<br />
are finished with a secure crown knot. Ideal for<br />
early training and 4-H work. No metal parts.13 ft.<br />
of ⅝" rope with 9-ft. lead.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C10852NY — $8.00;<br />
12 or more — $7.60 ea.<br />
Heavy-Duty Rope Halter<br />
High quality, handmade sisal rope. Features<br />
a full ⅝" adjustable 7-ft. lead with the end<br />
smoothly finished in a crown knot. The<br />
rope’s roughness is eliminated, as all protruding<br />
fibres are carefully burned off.<br />
Adjustable to almost any size animal.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />
C00068NY— $8.35<br />
12 or more — $7.93 ea.<br />
Diamond Sisal<br />
Rope Halter<br />
Adjustable halters are practical<br />
for stable, shipping, and show<br />
use on both cattle and horses.<br />
Nosebands are top-quality russet strap<br />
leather, attached with four solid steel rivets.<br />
Has a wire clip at lead rope end. Adjustable to<br />
any size. 7-ft. lead. Fiber U.S.A. and imported.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C00066NY — $8.65 ea.<br />
3 or more — $8.22 ea.<br />
Super-Strong<br />
Rope Halter<br />
For extra-large cattle and bulls. 15 ft.<br />
of 3 ⁄4" sisal rope with 9-ft. lead. Onepiece<br />
rope with no clip at the lead<br />
end, and fully adjustable.<br />
Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />
C07431NY Each — $8.90<br />
C00066NY<br />
Polypropylene Calf Halter<br />
A calf halter made of 3-strand, twisted monofilament polypropylene,<br />
¼" in diameter, with 6" noseband. 10-ft. lead. Ends are heat fused.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C12270NY Black — $3.00<br />
C24098NY Kelly Green — $3.00<br />
12 or more — $2.85 ea.<br />
Breaking, Training, 3-In-1 Halter ®<br />
Break ’em, lead ’em, and wash ’em all with just one halter! Save your<br />
valuable leather halters and use this halter which is rot-, water-, and<br />
mildew-resistant. This fully adjustable halter is made of ⅝" solid<br />
braided polypropylene rope for extra strength. Features a chain for<br />
maximum control. Rope has approx. 4,000 lbs. breaking strength when<br />
new. Includes lead. Royal blue. Sh. wt. 2.06 lbs.<br />
C13058NY — $29.15<br />
3 or more — $27.69 ea.<br />
Polyethylene Halter<br />
Made of heavy ½" woven polyethylene. 10"<br />
noseband. Self-adjustable 7-ft. total length.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C13057NY Black/White — $6.50<br />
12 or more — $6.18 ea.<br />
C02377NY Green/White. — $6.50<br />
12 or more, ea. — $6.18<br />
Quick-Release Halter<br />
You are performing various veterinarian tasks<br />
and find when you are through, the animal is<br />
pulling so hard the halter will not come off.<br />
If this has happened to you, try this halter.<br />
Just pull the cord and your animal<br />
is free. Constructed of polypropylene<br />
so it is strong and moisture will<br />
not affect it. Complete with a<br />
built-in quick-release honda, 10<br />
ft. long. ½" dia. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C12958NY — $8.35<br />
Polypropylene X-Large<br />
Cow Halter<br />
Ideal halter for training animals to lead. A strong halter constructed<br />
of 3-strand, twisted monofilament polypropylene. ⅝"<br />
dia. 9-ft. lead with 15" noseband. Ends are heat-fused and end<br />
whipped. No metal clips. Minimum breaking strength of 5,580<br />
lbs. Sh. wt. 1.31 lbs.<br />
C14594NY Black and White — $9.30<br />
C24119NY Red, White, and Blue — $9.30<br />
C24099NY Black and Purple — $9.30<br />
16 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Showing & Grooming<br />
Weaver ® Show Halters<br />
Show Halters<br />
Give your show animal a unique look the judges will appreciate! Traditional designs with a new<br />
twist are constructed from black bridle leather. Smoothed edges and sleek, low-profile buckles<br />
offer an updated, refined look for the show ring. Each halter comes with a 20" chain and 36" lead.<br />
Halter Features Cat. No. Size Sh. Wt. Price<br />
Barbed<br />
Wire<br />
Black<br />
Magic<br />
Dark<br />
Dazzle<br />
Sleek<br />
Look<br />
Gunmetal<br />
Barbed wire hardware with classic western appeal. Double crown<br />
adjustments. Nickel-plated hardware.<br />
Black hardware blends in with animal’s hair and won’t detract judge’s<br />
attention from animal’s features. Double crown adjustments. Glossy black<br />
finish over steel hardware; glossy black finish over zinc die-cast buckles. Kirk<br />
Stierwalt signature.<br />
Crystal accents add subtle sparkle that sets animal apart without being<br />
distracting. Double crown adjustments. Zinc die-cast<br />
hardware plated with gunmetal finish and hematite-color crystal inlay on<br />
cheeks and crown straps.<br />
Round-all-the-way-around design. Thinner chain design for refined style.<br />
Single crown adjustment. Nickel-plated hardware.<br />
Gunmetal hardware adds drama and flair in the show ring. Double crown<br />
adjustments. Zinc die-cast hardware plated<br />
with gunmetal finish.<br />
C29939NY<br />
C29940NY<br />
C29941NY<br />
C29942NY<br />
C29943NY<br />
C29944NY<br />
C29945NY<br />
C29946NY<br />
C30016NY<br />
C29947NY<br />
C29948NY<br />
C29949NY<br />
C29950NY<br />
C29951NY<br />
Medium<br />
Large<br />
Small<br />
Medium<br />
Large<br />
Small<br />
Medium<br />
Large<br />
Small<br />
Medium<br />
Large<br />
Small<br />
Medium<br />
Large<br />
1.25 lbs.<br />
1.50 lbs.<br />
1.25 lbs.<br />
1.50 lbs.<br />
1.25 lbs.<br />
1.25 lbs.<br />
1.50 lbs.<br />
1.50 lbs.<br />
1.25 lbs.<br />
1.25 lbs.<br />
1.25 lbs.<br />
1.25 lbs.<br />
1.50 lbs.<br />
1.50 lbs.<br />
$46.15<br />
$47.60<br />
$42.10<br />
$43.45<br />
$45.05<br />
$63.55<br />
$64.35<br />
$67.95<br />
$39.05<br />
$39.55<br />
$40.65<br />
$42.10<br />
$43.45<br />
$45.05<br />
Small Halter<br />
650 lbs.-1,050 lbs.<br />
Medium Halter<br />
950 lbs.-1,500 lbs.<br />
Large Halter<br />
1,400 lbs.-1,650 lbs.<br />
Unique style,<br />
sure to turn heads<br />
in the ring!<br />
C30016NY<br />
C29939NY<br />
C29944NY<br />
C29941NY<br />
C29949NY<br />
Double-Buckle<br />
Slimline Round Strap<br />
Show Halters<br />
Beautiful halters made ¼" thinner to show<br />
off the animal’s head. The thinner nose<br />
piece gives the animal a more refined<br />
look. Nickel-plated, quality hardware,<br />
swivel snaps, and two adjustable buckles<br />
with a finer link chain than our other halters.<br />
¾" x 54" lead strap. Sh. wt. 1.31 lbs.<br />
C15952NY<br />
C13363NY<br />
Colour Newborn Calf Yearling Cow Large Cow<br />
Black C24091NY C15950NY C15951NY C15952NY C18979NY<br />
Chocolate C24092NY C13362NY C13364NY C13363NY C18980NY<br />
Each $38.25 $41.75 $42.85 $43.95 $48.35<br />
3 or more, ea. $36.34 $39.65 $40.70 $41.75 $45.95<br /> 17
Showing & Grooming<br />
Show Halters, Leads & Bull Rings<br />
Self-Piercing Bull Rings<br />
Easy-to-use, durable bull rings. Made from high-tensile,<br />
brass/aluminum material. Each ring is hand polished and<br />
buffed. The long, sharp point cuts a clean hole. Size 5 /16" x<br />
2½". Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C00988NY — $11.45<br />
C04967NY Size 5 ⁄16" x 3". Sh. wt. 0.37 lbs. — $12.20<br />
C02010NY Size ⅜" x 3". Sh. wt. 0.43 lbs. — $13.45<br />
C00349NY Size 7 ⁄16" x 3½". Large for big bulls. Brass/<br />
aluminum alloy. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs. — $16.10<br />
Cattle Tie Snaps<br />
Medium Snap. Nickel plated. 3¾" overall.<br />
9<br />
⁄16" snap opening. 7 ⁄8" swivel eye. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C00511NY — $3.40 ea.<br />
10 or more — $3.23 ea.<br />
Extra-Heavy Snap for Bulls.<br />
Cast iron. 5 3 ⁄16" overall. 5 ⁄8" snap<br />
opening. Swivel eye. Nickel plated.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C00512NY — $5.65 ea.<br />
10 or more — $5.37 ea.<br />
Animal Tie/Round<br />
Swivel-Eye Snap<br />
Solid brass, 1" snap opening,<br />
round swivel eye. 4" L overall.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C12879NY Each — $9.25<br />
10 or more, ea. — $8.79<br />
Bull Trigger<br />
Snap<br />
Brass, swivel-eye with<br />
easy-open spring, loadedtrigger<br />
bull snap. Easy-open<br />
trigger. 1" snap. 4" overall<br />
length. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C27488NY — $5.15<br />
Horn Weights<br />
Two-piece, clamp-type weights made of heavy cast iron.<br />
Simple to attach, but almost impossible to lose because of<br />
the locking arrangement. Weights stay firmly anchored to the<br />
horns by means of tapered points in each half of the weight.<br />
Two machine bolts with lock washers hold weights on. I.D. -<br />
7/8” to 1-1/16”.<br />
C00796NY ¾-lb. horn weights.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.63 lbs. Per pair — $29.15<br />
C00797NY 1-lb. horn weights.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs. Per pair — $33.85<br />
C00798NY 1½-lb. horn weights.<br />
Sh. wt. 3.56 lbs. Per pair — $44.85<br />
“Kantslip” Cattle Lead<br />
Made with fine-quality holding spring.<br />
Easy, quick to insert and remove. Opens<br />
to approximately 2⅝ Overall width 3",<br />
overall length 5". Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C00247NY — $8.05<br />
Tie Ring<br />
A stable necessity. Mount wherever you<br />
usually want to tie livestock in stall, stable,<br />
trailer, etc. Galvanized finish. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C05288NY — $2.60 ea.<br />
10 or more — $2.47 ea.<br />
Bull Lead<br />
Bull lead with snubber and 15" chain. Chain serves<br />
as locking device. Made of malleable cast iron with<br />
a chrome finish. Sh. wt. 1.31 lbs.<br />
C07420NY — $26.35<br />
C15052NY<br />
Bull Leader<br />
C15051NY<br />
Bull leader made of brass alloy.<br />
C15051NY Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs. — $10.95<br />
C15052NY With 15" chain. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs. — $13.00<br />
C24088NY<br />
Zinc-Plated Snaps<br />
C00060NY<br />
C02284NY<br />
C11705NY<br />
Single-Buckle Slimline Round-Strap Show Halters<br />
The “show” side buckle has been eliminated and the cheek strap reduced to ¾" to make<br />
these halters more sleek and attractive. The removal of the buckle, a round nose piece,<br />
and the thinner cheek strap allow the animal’s head to be shown off with a more refined<br />
look. Quality hardware, swivel snaps, and one adjustable buckle are all nickel-plated. Four<br />
standard sizes available in two colours. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
Colour Calf Yearling Cow Large Cow<br />
Chocolate C24083NY C24084NY C24085NY C24086NY<br />
Black C24087NY C24088NY C24089NY C24090NY<br />
Each $35.50 $35.75 $36.05 $37.15<br />
Round Strap Show Halters<br />
Beautiful halters will add to the appearance of your animals at any show.<br />
Two buckles for adjusting head strap. Round cheek and nose pieces. Matching bright<br />
nickel-plated chain. 1” x 48” lead strap. Colours available: black and chocolate. Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />
Colour Newborn Calf Yearling Cow Large Cow<br />
Chocolate C10747NY C02570NY C02284NY C02285NY C12304NY<br />
Black –– C11703NY C11702NY C11705NY C12305NY<br />
Each $42.35 $36.60 $36.85 $37.15 $37.35<br />
Flat Strap Show Halters<br />
Attractive show halters. Beautiful leather and workmanship. These outstanding halters are<br />
made of selected cowhide. Edges neatly burnished and finished. All nickel-plated hardware<br />
and swivel chains. 40” leather lead straps. Calf Halter has a ⅞” crown and cheek strap.<br />
Yearling and Cow Halters each have a 1” crown and cheek strap. Best used on beef cattle.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
Colour Calf Yearling Cow<br />
Black C10748NY C10749NY C01807NY<br />
Natural C00059NY C00060NY C00061NY<br />
Each $32.20 $32.45 $33.55<br />
Bolt/Round<br />
Swivel-Eye Snaps<br />
Light Duty. Solid brass, ⅜" snap<br />
opening, round swivel eye. 3⅜" L x 1 1 /5"<br />
overall. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C12875NY Each — $1.65; 10 or more, ea. — $1.57<br />
Heavy Duty. Solid brass, ⅝" snap opening, round swivel<br />
eye. 4⅝" L overall. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C12877NY Each — $6.45; 10 or more, ea. — $6.12<br />
Double Snap<br />
Solid brass double-end bolt<br />
snap. 4½" L with ½" openings.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C28261NY Each — $2.30;<br />
10 or more, ea. — $2.18<br />
C02840NY<br />
C02831NY<br />
All-Purpose Snap<br />
Zinc-plated, normal steel snaps. 7 /16" snap. 3" long overall. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C14682NY — $0.95 ea.; 10 or more — $0.90 ea.<br />
Heavy Double Pattern Snap<br />
4½" overall, ½" ring-size snap opening. Nickel plated. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C02840NY — $1.85 ea. 10 or more — $1.75 ea.<br />
Spring Snap<br />
Steel wire, zinc-plated, 2½" overall, ¾" snap opening. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C02831NY — $0.65 ea. 10 or more — $0.62 ea.<br />
C14682NY<br />
C15477NY<br />
Quick Links<br />
For quick connection of chain, cables, and wire rope. No tools required.<br />
Easily tightened with fingers. Can be used over and over again. Have tensile<br />
of proof coil and BBB chain. ⅛" zinc-plated steel. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C15477NY 2¼" L, 9 /32" jaw opening. — $0.85 ea.<br />
10 or more — $0.80 ea.<br />
C15476NY 2 15 /16" L, ⅜" jaw opening. — $1.40 ea.<br />
10 or more — $1.33 ea.<br />
C25113NY 1 9 /16" L, ¼" jaw opening. — $0.65 ea.<br />
10 or more — $0.62 ea.<br />
C25114NY 1 3 /16" L, 5 /16" jaw opening. — $0.75 ea.<br />
10 or more — $0.71 ea.<br />
18<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Showing & Grooming<br />
Grooming Products<br />
C.<br />
D.<br />
I.<br />
G.<br />
H.<br />
G.<br />
F. J.<br />
K.<br />
B.<br />
E.<br />
L.<br />
A.<br />
M.<br />
A. Sullivan’s Dairy Magic<br />
This is the dairy fitter’s dream! Dairy Magic is<br />
ideal for grooming the topline on dairy cattle. It<br />
delivers a lasting, yet manageable hold. 12-oz. can.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C30039NY Clear — $7.65<br />
C30040NY Black — $7.65<br />
B. Sullivan's Pink Oil<br />
For extreme fluff ! This light show day product delivers tremendous<br />
body and volume to the hair, along with a light holding power to<br />
achieve the desired fullness. Easy to use, simply spray evenly over the<br />
entire body, comb in, and blow for 15 minutes. The hair will take on<br />
a light natural shine with unbelievable body. Use as the final show day<br />
product after applying other grooming products. Works well on all<br />
types of hair coats, in all types of weather. Great for shows, sales, or clipping.<br />
11-oz. aerosol can. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C24827NY — $7.65<br />
C. Sullivan's Stain Buster<br />
Liquid Bluing Shampoo<br />
Get hair white again with this extra-strength liquid bluing shampoo.<br />
Cleans hair severely stained from urine or manure. Simply shampoo<br />
and scrub the affected area. Rinse within three minutes. Ready to use.<br />
Sold by the quart. Sh. wt. 2.31 lbs.<br />
C23957NY — $12.65<br />
D. Sullivan's Bright Lights<br />
Whitening Shampoo<br />
A fantastic highlighting shampoo for enhancing and whitening wool.<br />
Brightens white wool, intensifies colours of all coats and shampoos<br />
away yellow tint and stains. Leaves the coat with a beautiful lustre. 1-qt.<br />
bottle. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C18992NY — $12.95<br />
E. Sullivan’s Ultra White Touch-Up<br />
Covers stained or faded hair with a smooth natural powder white<br />
colour. Great for giving hair a thick full appearance and does not break<br />
down adhesives. Removes with Sullivan’s Hocus Pocus (C18997NY).<br />
11-oz. can. Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />
C20096NY — $8.75<br />
F. Sullivan's Revive<br />
Skin and Hair Conditioner<br />
A revolutionary product to promote healthy and beautiful hair coats.<br />
Restores natural oil and nutrients to the skin and hair and brings life<br />
and vigour to dull, dry hair. Great for use at home to nourish the hair or<br />
use it at the show as a grooming aid. 17-oz. can. Sh. wt. 1.44 lbs.<br />
C19005NY — $8.75<br />
G. Sullivan's Zoom Bloom<br />
Gives hair the bloom and fluff you want. Hair pops naturally. Gives set<br />
and body to hair. A favourite of professionals. Just spray on and brush<br />
or blow dry to set. Works well in hot or cold weather. Requires no<br />
washing out. Quart bottle. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C19002NY — $20.65<br />
H. Sullivan's Sudden Impact<br />
For Swine<br />
An exceptional swine grooming treatment to promote healthy skin and<br />
hair on show pigs. Restores natural oils and nutrients to animal skin.<br />
Brings life and vigour to dry, scaly skin and coarse hair. Will also help<br />
take the “red” out of dry skin. Gives show pigs an unbelievable shine.<br />
Recommended for use at home and at shows that allow oil-based products.<br />
17-oz. can. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C18995NY — $10.70<br />
I. Sullivan's Clear Choice Shampoo<br />
The ultimate in livestock shampoos. Clear Choice is pH balanced for<br />
livestock skin and hair unlike other shampoos that strip natural oils<br />
from the hair. It cuts dirt and grime deep into hair coats and allows hair<br />
to separate with ease. Rinses out easily. Quart bottle. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C18996NY — $8.05<br />
J. Sullivan's Hocus Pocus<br />
A great product for safe and effective removal of show-day preparations.<br />
Contains no harsh products that effect hair coat or skin. Simply<br />
spray on, rub in, and shampoo with Sullivan’s Clear Choice Shampoo<br />
(C18996NY). Hair will perform naturally upon completion. For best<br />
results blow out before washing. More economical than liquid adhesive<br />
removers. 17-oz can. Sh. wt. 1.63 lbs.<br />
C18997NY — $8.75<br />
K. Sullivan's Kleen Sheen<br />
The very best daily hair care formula with ultra shine. Kleen Sheen<br />
builds hair strength. It contains a built-in hair and skin conditioner<br />
and helps train hair. Animals stay cleaner and dust-free. Requires no<br />
washing out. Quart bottle. Sh. wt. 2.31 lbs.<br />
C19004NY — $13.75<br />
L. Sullivan's Final Bloom<br />
The fantastic “light oil” with a pleasant scent. Will freshen<br />
up the hair. Less greasy with all the shine. Spray on before entering the<br />
show ring for that final touch. Requires no washing out. 11-oz. can.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C19003NY — $7.65<br />
M. Sullivan’s<br />
Black Finisher <br />
This black touch-up gets deep, natural-looking black coverage without<br />
leg-adhesive breakdown. Tested to perfection. True black color<br />
and natural shine make this the number-one choice of professionals.<br />
14-oz. can. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C19813NY — $8.75<br />
Replacement Cattle Switches<br />
Carefully and accurately made of real hair and properly designed to<br />
conform correctly to tail stub. Easily attached. 21" long switches are<br />
made upon order. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C27077NY Black C27078NY White<br />
— $120.45 ea.<br />
Absorbine ® Supershine ®<br />
A high-luster hoof polish that dries in less than a minute. Available in<br />
clear and black in an 8-oz. jar with handy dauber. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C10898NY Clear C10897NY Black<br />
— $12.30 ea.<br />
Absorbine ®<br />
ShowSheen ®<br />
A labour-saving hair polish that dries to a<br />
bright, natural sheen. Produces finest show<br />
ring sheen on coat, mane, and tail that lasts a<br />
full week. Keeps manes and tails tangle free.<br />
Resists dust and stains. Comes in a handy<br />
quart spray bottle. Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />
C10895NY — $16.05<br />
Gallon Refill. Sh. wt. 10 lbs.<br />
C12912NY — $40.45<br /> 19
Showing & Grooming<br />
Grooming Products<br />
Orvus<br />
Paste Soap<br />
A neutral, synthetic<br />
detergent possessing<br />
outstanding wetting,<br />
penetrating, sudsing,<br />
and emulsifying properties. Readily<br />
soluble in hot or cold water. Rinses away<br />
freely. Unbreakable 7 ½-lb. jar.<br />
Sh. wt. 9 lbs.<br />
C01036NY Per jar — $22.90<br />
Case of 4 jars, per jar — $21.75<br />
“Doc” Brannen’s<br />
Livestock Shampoo<br />
A super-concentrated livestock<br />
shampoo. You need only a small<br />
amount of water to get the needed<br />
cleaning action that comes<br />
from thorough scrubbing. This<br />
biodegradable product rinses out<br />
easily. Does not cause skin irritation<br />
or leave a residue. Has a mild apple<br />
fragrance. 1⁄2-gal. bottle. Sh. wt. 5 lbs.<br />
C11716NY Each — $21.20<br />
2 or more, ea. — $20.14<br />
NASCO’s “Anytime”<br />
Waterless Shampoo<br />
Great for spot cleaning — no rinsing required!<br />
Ideal for those times when you don’t have easy<br />
access to water or an outdoor washing area. For<br />
use on livestock, including cattle, horses, sheep,<br />
goats, pigs, and more. Quart bottle. Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />
C26876NY — $10.15<br />
NASCO’s “White<br />
Dazzle” Shampoo<br />
Shampoos away yellow stains and leaves hair<br />
bright. Not only does White Dazzle enhance<br />
white hair and wool, it will intensify all hair<br />
colours. Quart bottle. Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />
C26875NY — $9.75<br />
Rosin Topline Powder<br />
Shake rosin powder on the topline of your<br />
dairy animal before any adhesives are applied,<br />
work in with a hot blower, and brush to make<br />
every hair stand up firm. Then apply adhesive.<br />
Works especially well on milk cows where<br />
topline hair is scarce. 4-oz. can. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C15172NY Each — $10.90<br />
12 or more, each — $10.35<br />
White ‘N Easy<br />
Spray-On Chalk<br />
A unique spray-on aerosol grooming chalk<br />
for show stock. Specially formulated to<br />
whiten white, cover leather and grass stains,<br />
discolourations and blemishes on body, face,<br />
legs, manes, and tails. This proven formula will<br />
not rub off or come off with water, but will wash<br />
out easily with shampoo. Does not contain<br />
bleach or peroxide. Absolutely safe, nonsticky,<br />
nonirritating; smells fresh and clean. 14-oz. can.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />
C13847NY — $9.65<br />
12 or more, each — $9.15<br />
NASCO’S Purple Spray Oil<br />
A livestock coat dressing with a lasting bloom. Must be applied with a<br />
hand sprayer or rag. Gallon. Sh. wt. 8 lbs.<br />
C09739NY — $31.65<br />
NASCO’S Super Shine<br />
Ready-to-use hair polish — not a concentrate like many of the hair<br />
polishes on the market. Adds clean, beautiful shine. Gallon.<br />
Sh. wt. 9.19 lbs.<br />
C14482NY — $24.70<br />
NASCO’s<br />
Anti-Adhesive<br />
Removes grease, paint, wax, adhesive,<br />
and other cosmetics from animal’s<br />
coat. Especially useful for the removal<br />
of adhesive from tails. Apply with a<br />
sprayer for best results. ½ gallon.<br />
Sh. wt. 4.63 lbs.<br />
C11748NY — $23.90<br />
Sullivan’s Prime Time <br />
Adhesive<br />
A super-strong leg adhesive designed for medium<br />
length, thinner-type hair. The natural look<br />
with a little more holding power. Remove with<br />
Sullivan’s Hocus-Pocus (C18997NY). 13-oz.<br />
can. Clear. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C18999NY — $7.65<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Quick Out<br />
A quick and gentle way to remove show<br />
day preparations from cattle’s hair. Works<br />
fast — just spray on, work in, and wipe off.<br />
Shampoo out thoroughly. 14-oz. aerosol can.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C14483NY — $9.00<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Natural<br />
Black Final Step<br />
A great final touch for adding color and covering<br />
adhesives! A natural-looking pigment, not a<br />
lacquer, that covers hair thoroughly and quickly.<br />
Create thicker, fuller-looking hair while covering<br />
adhesives. Will not rub off or break down<br />
adhesives. Remove with <strong>Nasco</strong>’s Anti-Adhesive<br />
(C11748NY). 12-oz. aerosol can. Black.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C16744NY — $9.15<br />
Compression Sprayer<br />
Perfect for insecticides, cleaners, misting<br />
plants, animal grooming, and dairy uses.<br />
Easy-to-use compression mechanism<br />
— simply pump the sprayer a few times<br />
to pressurize, then point and squeeze<br />
the trigger. Durable plastic construction<br />
in fluorescent orange and black. 4-pt.<br />
(2-liter) sprayer. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C19562NY — $23.05<br />
Super Groom<br />
Gives superior results the first time, every time, in less time. Simply<br />
attaches to your garden hose — perfect for cleaning and grooming<br />
all types of livestock (cattle, horses, hogs, sheep) and small animals.<br />
Unique cleaning nozzle gets under the hair to the skin where cleaning<br />
and skin care is most important. Quality-constructed water control<br />
valve lets you control strength of spray. An exclusive shampoo button<br />
lets you control shampoo/rinse selection at the touch of your thumb.<br />
The rugged comfort-grip handle is designed for ease of handling and<br />
comfortable one-hand positive operation. One-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />
C13085NY — $40.65<br />
Final Mist<br />
Coat dressing in handy aerosol can; a lasting<br />
bloom for fine coat appearance. Won’t<br />
discolour white hair on animals. 11-oz. can.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C06849NY — $7.65<br />
12 or more, each — $7.25<br />
20<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Perfecto Clipper<br />
Blade Grinder<br />
Saves time and money! Takes only a few<br />
minutes to sharpen a set of blades. Easyto-operate,<br />
precision-made, 12" aluminum<br />
grinding disc and base mounted on rubber.<br />
Big enough to sharpen sheep shearing and animal<br />
blades. On/off switch mounted on base of grinder. 1 lb.<br />
of regular grit and instructions included. 1⁄4 hp/110V<br />
motor. 8-ft. cord. Sh. wt. 30 lbs.<br />
C19660NY — $608.25<br />
Replacement Grit. 1-lb. plastic bottle. Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />
C19661NY Regular grit 180 — $11.55<br />
C19662NY Coarse grit 120 — $11.55<br />
Magnet. Use to hold blades while sharpening.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C10944NY — $2.15<br />
12" Replacement Disc. Sh. wt. 10 lbs.<br />
C23785NY — $257.95<br />
Pirit Heated<br />
Hose/Water Line<br />
It flows when it’s freezing! Solves the problem for<br />
anyone who needs to deliver water outdoors in belowfreezing<br />
temperatures. This hose has an electrical cord<br />
set attached which, when plugged in, activates the<br />
heating element that is built into the hose material. The<br />
thermostat in the hose is set to turn on at 45° F (7° C)<br />
and off at 57° F (12° C). The 5⁄8" orange PVC hose has<br />
brass fittings and a grounded power cord. Available in<br />
two lengths.<br />
C30345NY Orange, 25 ft. Sh. wt. 7 lbs. — $125.15<br />
C29407NY Red, 50 ft. Sh. wt. 13 lbs. — $173.00<br />
Showing & Grooming<br />
Accessories<br />
Clipper Oil<br />
Proper weight and grade of<br />
oil to keep your clipper in top<br />
operating form. 4 fl. oz.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C03825NY — $2.25<br />
Clipper and<br />
Blade Oil<br />
Premium lubricating oil for clippers<br />
and blades. 4 fl. oz. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C18040NY — $2.40<br />
Groomer’s Choice<br />
Clipper Blade Sharpener<br />
This hand-operated sharpener allows you to quickly touch up<br />
blades for just pennies. With little effort almost anyone can<br />
sharpen blades with this easy-to-use clipper blade sharpener<br />
— you’ll want to keep this kit handy in the barn when clipping.<br />
The sharpening plate surface is machined to 0.0005 of an inch<br />
for perfect grinding. Includes a special formula sharpening<br />
compound and simple instructions. Sh. wt. 5.06 lbs.<br />
C27159NY — $66.85<br />
Replacement sharpening compound.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C13323NY — $10.60<br />
Oster ® Blade Wash<br />
An excellent cleaner for use at<br />
the end of the cutting operation.<br />
Flushes out hair accumulated<br />
between upper and lower cutting<br />
blades. Lengthens blade life. 16-oz.<br />
can. Sh. wt. 1.44 lbs.<br />
C10826NY — $7.95<br />
Kool Lube ®<br />
Cool, lubricate, and clean blades while<br />
you clip. Formulated to reduce heat,<br />
friction, and even blade wear without<br />
leaving a heavy residue of oil. 16-oz.<br />
aerosol can. Sh. wt. 1.38 lbs.<br />
C06826NY — $8.95<br />
Heavy-Duty<br />
Red Rubber Hoses<br />
Remember the old-fashioned red rubber (not vinyl or<br />
reinforced vinyl or plastic) hose you used years ago?<br />
The type that seemed to last forever? We have it! Ideal<br />
for any use, especially milking parlors, and with temperatures<br />
up to 160°. Excellent in cold weather, too.<br />
Made with reinforced truck tire fiber for high-burst<br />
strength. Solid brass couplings with octagon female<br />
fittings for wrench use. 5⁄8" diameter. Do not drink<br />
from hose.<br />
C11790NY 25-ft. hose. Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs. — $25.85<br />
C11791NY 50-ft. hose. Sh. wt. 12 lbs. — $44.85<br />
C08851NY<br />
Lonn Water Savers<br />
The last water nozzle you’ll ever own, it’s virtually indestructible! Flex the rubber nozzle and it’s on — drop<br />
it and it’s off ! Instant flow adjustment from a trickle to full flow. Will not corrode. Use with hot or cold water.<br />
Let your horse step on this nozzle and it will still work. 9" L. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
Model R. Jet stream is great for blasting dirt from equipment and cleaning floors and walls.<br />
Sprays 30 ft. at 60 psi.<br />
C08849NY — $37.95<br />
Model M. Open-flow stream is great for bathing/cooling animals and filling water buckets.<br />
C08851NY — $37.95<br />
Andis ® Cool Care Plus<br />
A five-in-one coolant, disinfectant, lubricant, cleaner,<br />
and rust preventative for clipper blades. Leaves a light,<br />
lubricating film on clipper blades that reduces friction,<br />
smooths the clipping action, and prolongs the effective<br />
life of the blade. 15½-oz. aerosol can. Sh. wt. 1.31 lbs.<br />
C24665NY — $11.95<br />
Hormel Judging<br />
Computer<br />
Great for student judging contests.<br />
Computing slide uses top score of 50<br />
with penalties for switching the top,<br />
middle, and bottom pairs as the basis of<br />
grading. Easy to score individual placings<br />
of the entire class. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C07437NY Each — $53.65<br />
5 or more, each — $50.95<br />
Gilmour Water Nozzle<br />
Two-piece molded grip lets you spray boiling hot<br />
or icy cold liquids without extra hand protection.<br />
Chrome-plated finish. Threaded front with rubber<br />
guard. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C09348NY — $7.80<br />
Currycomb Brush<br />
Unbreakable, molded brush and<br />
massager. Can be connected to a<br />
hose. Includes shut-off valve. 9 3 ⁄4"<br />
4<br />
L x 3 1⁄2" W. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C03212NY — $4.90<br /> 21
Showing & Grooming<br />
Combs & Brushes<br />
C15422NY<br />
Body Fluffer Comb<br />
A 9" livestock grooming comb that is specially designed to give the hair coat more body, fullness, and a more<br />
professionally groomed appearance. Longer needles reach the hair close to the body and fluff them up instead<br />
of pulling them out. The shorter needles give the hair coat a smoother, more managed look without distinctive<br />
comb lines. Excellent for use with a blower.<br />
C15422NY Comb with wood handle. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs. — $21.85<br />
C15593NY Comb with aluminum handle. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. — $23.40<br />
Sweat Scraper<br />
Quickly wipe sweat away with this lightweight,<br />
heavy-duty scraper. 10¾" rubber blade with 5¼"<br />
plastic handle. Easy to keep clean. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C12298NY — $4.30<br />
Denman Professional<br />
Topline Brush<br />
Preferred by professional fitters. Anti-static rubber<br />
pads with rows of close-set nylon pins provide maximum<br />
grip and control for smoothing, shaping, and<br />
polishing the hair. Greater heat resistance than less<br />
expensive brushes. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C15565NY 7-row brush — $9.35<br />
C18194NY 9-row brush — $14.95<br />
One-Piece Solid Aluminum Handle Grooming Comb<br />
These one-piece, all-aluminum combs come complete with a sturdy aluminum handle. Combs have seven<br />
teeth per inch. Easily fits into your hip pocket.<br />
C11448NY 9" comb. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs. — $22.25<br />
C11449NY 6" comb. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs. — $21.60<br />
Sullivan 9" Comb<br />
The ultimate grooming comb! Contains five fewer<br />
teeth than other combs to enable the comb to work<br />
through hair easier and separate hair better. Teeth<br />
are 30% stronger. Features include: riveted comb<br />
(no stripped screws), stout round brace bars (no<br />
more bending), and a pinned-in wooden handle.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C15248NY — $24.45<br />
Sullivan Stimulator Comb<br />
The plastic teeth are constructed of the perfect<br />
synthetic material to stimulate the hair coat. It massages<br />
and is very gentle to the scalp. Pulls through<br />
the hair very easily and promotes hair growth and<br />
healthy skin. Available with wooden or aluminum<br />
handle. Not designed for grooming legs with adhesive.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C26763NY Wooden handle — $23.45<br />
C26762NY Aluminum handle — $24.95<br />
Grooming Combs<br />
C15248NY<br />
C26763NY<br />
Metal Curry Combs<br />
Reversible, steel curry combs with four circular<br />
bands, and leather inserts. double-faced, with sharp<br />
teeth on one side, rounded on the other. Sturdy<br />
moulded polypropylene handle. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C00094NY Steel comb — $5.15<br />
C02391NY Stainless steel comb — $8.25<br />
Ideal for applying<br />
show day finishing oils!<br />
Humpback Sponge<br />
A larger sponge for larger jobs! Ideal for applying<br />
show day oils. Top-quality open-pore sponge<br />
measuring 2¾" x 5" x 7½". Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C28286NY — $9.35<br />
Groomer’s Stone<br />
Soothes sensitive skin and can be used around<br />
the eyes. Use to remove hair, dirt, grease, and mud<br />
from the coat. Clean by rubbing on rough surface<br />
to expose new layer of pores. Removes botfly eggs<br />
from horses. For horses, dogs, cats, and all show<br />
animals. Massages animals as it cleans. Leaves coat<br />
soft and sleek. Hypoallergenic. Made of foamed<br />
recycled glass. 5½" L. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C25913NY — $8.55<br />
Grooming Tool<br />
Holder<br />
Keep grooming tools handy<br />
at all times! This leather<br />
holder for livestock combs<br />
clips onto a belt or the top of<br />
pants. 2" x 3". Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C14550NY — $5.35<br />
Sullivan Stimulator<br />
Fluffer Comb<br />
The perfect everyday comb for the professional or<br />
beginner. Features the same great technology as<br />
the Sullivan Stimulator Comb above in a fluffer<br />
design. Available with wooden or aluminum<br />
handle. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C26760NY Aluminum handle — $24.95<br />
C26760NY<br />
Offset Trimming Scissors<br />
The offset design makes them an excellent choice<br />
for trimming toplines of show cattle. Stainless steel.<br />
7" length. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C02545NY — $8.75<br />
NASCO’s Hi-Offset<br />
Stainless Steel Scissors<br />
Made of 345 stainless steel; this grade of steel makes<br />
the scissors more durable and blades stay sharp<br />
longer. 7" length makes them an excellent choice for<br />
trimming. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C25787NY — $14.65<br />
Sullivan Double-Stiff Comb<br />
With Wooden Handle<br />
This innovative comb offers the benefits of both a<br />
regular comb and a fluffer. Side with regular comb<br />
features a sleek tooth design, allowing comb to glide<br />
through body and leg hair with ease. The fluffer side<br />
featuring two lengths of teeth is great for use on thickhaired<br />
cattle. The short teeth pop out the long guard<br />
hairs and prevent lines that a skip-tooth comb may<br />
cause. One-piece blade is riveted to stout round brace<br />
bars. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C16022NY — $41.25<br />
NASCO’S Fitters Mat -<br />
For Added Comfort When Grooming<br />
Helps prevent aching knees, back, and feet. Mat rolls up easily for storage with a<br />
polypropylene strap and hook-and-loop closure. Loop handle for carrying. 24" x<br />
72" x ⅜". Fits inside chutes. Sh. wt. 29 lbs.<br />
C24103NY — $46.50<br />
22<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Showing & Grooming<br />
Brushes<br />
4" Face Brush<br />
Quality, white goat hair face brush. Very soft and gentle 1" bristles.<br />
Perfect for those delicate areas on the face. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C25633NY — $4.00<br />
Soft Brush<br />
For fine finishing and grooming. Long, white, soft fiber bristles and<br />
heavy, strong back. 8¼" x 2½" with 2" tufts. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C00100NY — $10.35<br />
Wash and Groom Brush Set<br />
Leave coats smooth and sleek with this set of high-quality finish brushes.<br />
Set of two includes one wash brush with ultra-soft nylon bristles<br />
and one bleached tampico, natural bristle grooming brush, both with<br />
unbreakable blocks. Each measures 8¼" x 2¾". Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C27421NY — $15.75<br />
Prince<br />
Grooming<br />
Brush<br />
Pocket-sized brush with<br />
colorful 1½" polypropylene<br />
bristles. 6¾" x 2½"<br />
durable tan polypropylene<br />
block. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C07812NY — $5.80<br />
Natural Fiber Wet Grooming Brush<br />
High quality 100% natural rice root in a comfortable 8-1/4” curved<br />
block. 2” trim. Crimped natural fibers soften in water and hold shampoo<br />
for efficient washing and wet grooming.<br />
C25049NY — $15.10<br />
Rice Root Roto Fluffer<br />
Innovative brush features staggered bristles which will work deeper<br />
into the hair, allowing the hair to “pop.” Made of half rice root bristles<br />
and half synthetic bristles. Soak in water for 12 hours before use.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C25647NY — $32.95<br />
Fine Finger Curry Comb<br />
4” x 5½” Oval with ergonomic handle designed for maximum coverage.<br />
Soft fingers provide gentle touch to clean sensitive areas.<br />
C90090NY — $10.50<br />
Solid-Colored Smooth Poly<br />
Pocket-Size Grooming Brushes<br />
Pocket-sized grooming brushes. Conveniently-sized, smooth wood<br />
handles great for general grooming or use as a foot brush. Perfect for<br />
grooming kits. Polypropylene fiber. Bristles are 2". Colours may vary.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C25751NY 6½" x 2½" — $4.65<br />
Show Ring Pocket Brush<br />
Small pocket size is great for quick touch-ups in the show ring.<br />
Convenient handle slips in back pocket. 1" trim synthetic brush. 6" L x<br />
2½" W x 3" H. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C28296NY — $4.70<br />
Black Vinyl Comb<br />
The favorite among showmen. Removes dirt and loose hair. Painless<br />
and efficient. No danger of infection or irritation due to sharp teeth.<br />
Cleans without irritation. Large comb measures 6 1 ⁄4" x 4".<br />
Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C00093NY — $3.75<br />
Mini Vinyl Comb. 5" L. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C25649NY — $2.15<br />
Sullivan Rice Root Mix Brush<br />
The choice of professionals! This 3⅜" x 1½" rice root and synthetic<br />
mix brush has bristles that contain half rice roots and half synthetic<br />
bristles to stand up to continuous use. Bristles are trimmed to 1¾" for<br />
long lasting firmness. Wooden handle. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C15249NY — $23.95<br />
Body Brush<br />
A superior-quality body and face brush with medium-firm bristles to<br />
remove fine dirt and loose hair. 8¾" L x 4" W with comfortable hand<br />
strap for better grip. 1" bristles. Wooden handle. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C12299NY — $6.90<br />
Cattle Hand<br />
Brush<br />
Well made, with brown<br />
web strap. Good-quality<br />
bristle. Tan block filled<br />
with brown union fiber.<br />
1½" trim, ⅞" x ⅜" block.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C00102NY — $7.65<br />
Flicker Brush<br />
Flexible bristles are soft enough to use on the head, but firm enough to<br />
flick off dirt on the rest of the body. Block design makes this brush feel<br />
narrow and more comfortable than most other brush blocks. Covers<br />
more area reducing the time and effort of grooming. Black synthetic 3"<br />
trim bristle. 8½" x 2⅜" block. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C28287NY — $8.95<br />
Grooming Set<br />
Set includes spiral currycomb, deep-massage comb, mini rubber comb,<br />
mane and tail comb, hoof pick, soft synthetic finish brush, general<br />
grooming brush, and oval brush with strap. Includes canvas bag with<br />
shoulder strap and zipper. Sh. wt. 3.75 lbs.<br />
C28297NY — $33.35<br /> 23
Showing & Grooming<br />
Blowers/Dryers<br />
Blowers & Dryers<br />
Circuiteer ® II Blower/Dryer<br />
Faster drying time! Now with more drying power! Cuts grooming time in half. Perfect for shows and other<br />
jobs. Portable and lightweight, this blower/dryer may be suspended, carried, or set on the ground. Two highspeed<br />
motor turbines produce 58,329 feet per minute of power. Features: adjustable shoulder strap, choice<br />
of blowing/fluffing pressures (use one or two motors to vary pressures), and 120V utility outlet for clippers.<br />
Equipped with three-hole grounded utility outlet for use with clippers and lights. No heating element. Blower<br />
only. 20-ft. cord. Includes a 15-ft. hose with blower tip, filter, and an adjustable shoulder strap. 120V/17 amps.<br />
Two-year warranty on motor only. CSA and CE approved. Allow extra shipping time. Sh. wt. 30 lbs.<br />
C24807NY Purple<br />
C24808NY Green<br />
C12017NY Metallic Blue<br />
Each — $422.70<br />
Sullivan’s Air Express III Blow Dryer<br />
Equipped with the most powerful, high-efficiency motor available with a seamless aero-dynamic body. It’s<br />
powder coat paint finish and W-shaped leg structure is welded at six points for added strength. Heavy duty<br />
industrial switches. Comes complete with blower, cartridge filter, and 15-ft. hose. CSA approved.<br />
Sh. wt. 35 lbs.<br />
C28173NY Red C24450NY Blue C24451NY Silver<br />
— $440.85<br />
Replacement Filter Only. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C20160NY — $12.30<br />
“Y” End Two Hose Connector<br />
Attaches to Circuiteer® I or II. Enables one blower to blow dry two<br />
animals simultaneously. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C13400NY — $20.15<br />
Circuiteer ® I<br />
Designed especially for your shows! This portable, lightweight (8.2 kg) blower-dryer may be suspended,<br />
carried, or set on the ground. Choice of temperatures and blowing/fluffing pressures (use<br />
one or two motors to vary pressures). Features two 1½ hp high-speed motor turbines for tremendous<br />
blow power. 115V utility outlet for clippers, etc. Includes a 10-ft. hose with blower tip, filter, and an<br />
adjustable shoulder strap. 115V, 14.85 amps. CSA approved. Sh. wt. 33 lbs.<br />
C03833NY Metallic Blue<br />
Each — $395.95<br />
Mini-Circ Blower/Dryer<br />
A blower/dryer/fluffer designed especially for use at show or sale. Provides all the blowing power<br />
you would ask of a small, portable unit. Rugged, 18-gauge steel construction is tough and durable,<br />
yet lightweight and portable. Powered by a two-stage, 9.5-amp motor turbine. Blower tip, filter,<br />
and 10-ft. hose included. CSA approved. One-year warranty on motor only. Sh. wt. 18 lbs.<br />
C12278NY Light Blue<br />
C24805NY Purple<br />
C24806NY Green<br />
Each — $283.75<br />
Circuiteer ® Replacement Pars and<br />
Accessories<br />
Fits all models<br />
C12292NY Replacement hose, 10 ft. Sh. wt. 3.19 lbs. — $42.25<br />
C15570NY Replacement hose, 15 ft. Sh. wt. 4 lbs. — $65.05<br />
C15571NY Replacement hose, 20 ft. Sh. wt. 6.56 lbs. — $85.60<br />
C07569NY Replacement filter. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs. — $4.55<br />
C10918NY Toggle switch. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $8.10<br />
C09729NY Replacement Blower Tip — $12.00<br />
24<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
More<br />
Blades on<br />
Page 30<br />
Ultraedge<br />
Fits AG, AGC &<br />
AGR Clippers<br />
Ceramic Edge<br />
Fits AG, AGC &<br />
AGR Clippers<br />
Ultraedge<br />
Fits AG, AGC &<br />
AGR Clippers<br />
Ceramic<br />
Edge<br />
Fits AG, AGC &<br />
AGR Clippers<br />
Size 4.<br />
Leaves hair<br />
⅜" (9.5<br />
mm).<br />
C0051NY<br />
$45.75<br />
---<br />
Size 4F.<br />
Leaves<br />
hair ⅜"<br />
(9.5 mm).<br />
Clipping<br />
hogs for<br />
shows.<br />
Extra-wide Blades<br />
T-84 (x-wide). Leaves hair 3 /16" (3.5 mm). Horse body clipping.<br />
blocking. Leaves hair ⅛" (3.2 mm). Extra-wide<br />
comb type for beef cattle, leg, body.<br />
andis ® detachable Blades Chart<br />
General Blades<br />
Size 10.<br />
Leaves hair<br />
1/16" (1.6<br />
mm). General<br />
clipping on<br />
under- body,<br />
face, head.<br />
C13814NY<br />
$33.35<br />
C26252NY<br />
$38.05<br />
Size 15.<br />
Leaves hair<br />
3/64" (1.2 mm).<br />
Semi-close<br />
clipping on<br />
cattle, horses,<br />
dogs, cats.<br />
Ultraedge Fits AG, AGC & AGR Clippers<br />
C25804NY — $48.50<br />
Ultraedge Fits AG, AGC & AGR Clippers<br />
C14196NY — $41.70<br />
Extra-wide Comb Type Blades<br />
Thick Type Blades<br />
C23461NY<br />
$45.75<br />
C26257NY<br />
$49.05<br />
C13815NY<br />
$24.45<br />
C26253NY<br />
$38.05<br />
extra blocking. Extra-wide comb type. Reduced<br />
bevel thickness.<br />
Size 5F.<br />
Leaves hair<br />
¼" (6.3<br />
mm). Fulltooth<br />
design<br />
— smooth<br />
finish.<br />
C25095NY<br />
$40.70<br />
Size 30.<br />
Leaves hair<br />
1/50" (0.5 mm).<br />
Very close clipping<br />
on udder,<br />
tail head.<br />
C13816NY<br />
$24.45<br />
C26254NY<br />
$38.05<br />
Ultraedge Fits AG, AGC & AGR Clippers<br />
C25981NY — $50.70<br />
Size 7.<br />
Leaves hair<br />
⅛" (3.2<br />
mm). Skiptooth<br />
design<br />
— corduroy<br />
effect.<br />
C25092NY<br />
$36.35<br />
Size 40.<br />
Leaves hair<br />
1/100" (0.25<br />
mm). Clipping<br />
on udder, surgical<br />
clipping,<br />
shaving.<br />
C13817NY<br />
$24.45<br />
C26382NY<br />
$38.95<br />
Size 7FC.<br />
Leaves hair<br />
⅛" (3.2<br />
mm). Fulltooth<br />
design<br />
— smooth<br />
finish<br />
C25093NY<br />
$36.35<br />
Size 50.<br />
Leaves hair<br />
1/125" (0.2 mm).<br />
Cuts very close<br />
for surgical/<br />
veterinary use.<br />
C25091NY<br />
$26.50<br />
C26381NY<br />
$31.45<br />
Size 5 /8.<br />
Eliminates<br />
use of comb<br />
attachments.<br />
C25090NY<br />
$83.65<br />
--- --- --- ---<br />
andis ® aGC ® Professional - One speed<br />
With size 10 detachable Blade<br />
• Powerful single speed motor clipper designed for professional use<br />
• 2700 spm blade speed<br />
• Runs so cool, fans and air vents that can become clogged with hair are not needed<br />
• Quiet operation to please even the most sensitive animal<br />
• Removable drive cap for easy cleaning<br />
• Locking blade hinge keeps blade secure<br />
• Break resistant housing material, withstands harsh chemicals<br />
• Sealed motor for cool, quiet long-life<br />
• Maintenance free - no oiling or greasing of internal parts is needed<br />
• Detachable blades for ease of changing and cleaning<br />
• Features 14' heavy duty cord<br />
• Works with all UltraEdge and CeramicEdge blades (sold separately) - the largest selection in the industry<br />
• Blades also compatible with Oster® Model A-5 and most detachable-type clippers<br />
• INCLUDES: clipper, size 10 UltraEdge blade, and clipper oil<br />
C23210NY — $179.95<br />
Showing & Grooming<br />
Andis ® Clippers & Blades<br />
andis ® aCG Professional<br />
2-speed Clipper<br />
A powerful motor clipper designed for heavy duty use. Locking switch has<br />
two speed settings: Normal - for most cutting needs and High – 25% faster<br />
for cutting heavy coats. Runs so cool, it requires no annoying air vents<br />
which can blow hair in your face and your animal’s face. Maintenance<br />
free – no oiling or greasing of internal parts. Sealed motor means<br />
cool, quiet, and long life. AG Detachable blades for ease of<br />
changing and cleaning. AG Blade Sets available separately,<br />
also compatible with Oster® Model A5 Blades.<br />
C0210NY - $184.95<br />
andis ® aGC ® super 2 speed ®<br />
detachable Blade Clipper<br />
• Professional 2-speed clipper: 3400 spm and 4400 spm<br />
• Runs so cool, fans and air vents that can become clogged with hair are not needed<br />
• Quiet operation to please even the most sensitive animal<br />
• Removable drive cap for easy cleaning<br />
• Locking blade hinge keeps blade secur<br />
• Break resistant housing material, withstands harsh chemicals<br />
• Sealed motor for cool, quiet long-life<br />
• Maintenance free - no oiling or greasing of internal parts is needed<br />
• Detachable blades for ease of changing and cleaning<br />
• Features 14' heavy duty cord<br />
• Works with all UltraEdge® and CeramicEdge® blades (sold separately) - the largest<br />
selection in the industry<br />
• Blades also compatible with Oster® Model A-5 and most detachable-type clippers<br />
• INCLUDES: clipper, size 10 UltraEdge® blade, and clipper oil<br />
C23209NY — $189.95<br />
andis ® super aGR+ ® Vet Pak<br />
• Powerful, detachable blade clipper for quick<br />
and easy results during any procedure<br />
• 15% faster, 10% smaller<br />
• Cordless operation provides easy<br />
mobility around animals<br />
• 2 removable Ni-MH battery packs<br />
can be charged seperately from clipper<br />
• Compact charger recharges battery in<br />
8-10 hours and will not overcharge<br />
• Charger recharges and conditions battery to<br />
maximum performance overnight<br />
• Runs continuously for one hour<br />
• Recharge adapter for the car<br />
• Quiet operation will not frighten sensitive or injured animals<br />
C0204NY — $284.95<br />
andis ® super aGR+ ® Cordless<br />
Rechargeable detachable Blade Clipper<br />
• Powerful cordless detachable blade clipper designed for all day heavy use<br />
• 3800 spm blade speed<br />
• Includes a high capacity battery pack that runs continuously for one<br />
hour<br />
• Sensa-Charge® charging system recharges battery in one hour or less<br />
• Refresh mode recharges and conditions battery to maximum<br />
performance overnight<br />
• Removable battery pack can be recharged separately from<br />
clipper<br />
• Has the versatility of a corded clipper when used with the AGRC<br />
cord pack - 4500 spm (sold separately)<br />
• Works with all UltraEdge and CeramicEdge blades (sold<br />
separately) - the largest selection in the industry<br />
• Blades also compatible with Oster® Model A-5 and most detachable- type clippers<br />
• INCLUDES: clipper, CeramicEdge size 10 blade, removeable battery pack, Sensa-charge®<br />
charging system, clipper oil, and sturdy carry case.<br />
C19649NY — $284.95<br />
Replacement Battery. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
Replacement Charger.<br />
C19650NY — $72.85 C0011NY — $131.00<br />
andis ® Blade drive assembly<br />
If your clipper blades no longer cut properly (be sure to try more than one blade,<br />
since blade currently being used may be dull), it could be that your blade drive<br />
assembly needs replacement. This should be changed every 6 months for regular<br />
one-speed and regular two-speed clippers, and every 3 months for super twospeed<br />
and power groomers.<br />
C0209NY - $6.95<br /><br />
Showing & Grooming<br />
Andis ® Clippers & Blades<br />
More<br />
Blades on<br />
Page 30<br />
andis ® Replacement Blades<br />
andis ® Clipper Blades<br />
Blades fit ANDIS® Models LG-C, HC, LG-3, HP and RC; Oster® Clipmaster® Models 510 and 610; and Aesculap® Large Animal Clippers.<br />
Beef and dairy<br />
Cattle Blades.<br />
23 Tooth Top.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C18966NY — $16.25<br />
21 Tooth Bottom.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C18965NY — $21.70<br />
Set of 23 tooth Top &<br />
21 tooth Bottom.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C18967NY — $34.25<br />
C18966NY<br />
C18965NY<br />
General Purpose<br />
Blades for<br />
Horses and Cattle.<br />
15 tooth Top.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C18968NY — $16.25<br />
31 tooth Bottom.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C18969NY — $21.70<br />
Set of 15 tooth Top<br />
& 31 tooth Bottom.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C18970NY — $34.25<br />
C18968NY<br />
C18969NY<br />
Blade set 53a — 23<br />
For Use With HC, LG-C, LG-3,<br />
HP and RC Clippers — Fits Oster®<br />
Clipmaster®.<br />
C0002NY — $60.45<br />
Blade set 31 — 23<br />
For Use With HC, LG-C, LG-3,<br />
HP and RC Clippers — Fits<br />
Oster® Clipmaster®.<br />
C0001NY — $34.25<br />
C0002NY<br />
C0001NY<br />
Make the grooming<br />
process easy with a variety<br />
of comb sizes!<br />
andis ® Large animal Cordless Clipper<br />
Cordless clipper with the same power as a corded clipper. Clips<br />
up to one hour on a full charge, and recharges in less than an hour.<br />
Engineered for durable, cool and quiet operation. 2100 strokes per<br />
minute. Includes clipper, blade set 31-23, clipper oil, screwdriver, blade<br />
brush, sturdy carrying case and instruction manual. Clipper fits Oster®<br />
Clipmaster blades. CSA Approved.<br />
C18976NY— $409.95<br />
Replacement Battery.<br />
C15038NY — $127.10<br />
C29814NY<br />
andis® Large Universal Comb sets<br />
For use with Andis ® detachable clippers and most other brands. Work<br />
best with blade sizes 40, 35, 30, and 10.<br />
8-Piece Set. Includes 5 ⁄8", 11 ⁄16", 3 ⁄4", 13 ⁄16", 7 ⁄8", 15 ⁄16", 1", and 1 1 ⁄4".<br />
Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C27233NY — $16.50<br />
9-Piece Set. Includes 1 ⁄16", 1 ⁄8", 3 ⁄16", 1 ⁄4", 5 ⁄16", 3 ⁄8", 7 ⁄16", 1 ⁄2", and 9 ⁄16".<br />
Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C29814NY — $16.50<br />
andis ® Heavy duty Corded<br />
Large animal Cattle & Horse Clipper -<br />
Model HC<br />
• Designed for clipping and fitting of cattle, horses and other large<br />
animals<br />
• 2200 spm blade speed<br />
• Precision engineered for durable, cool and comfortable use<br />
• Quiet operation to please even the most sensitive animal<br />
• Quick and simple blade tension adjustment<br />
• Patented tension adjustment ensures constant clipping tension,<br />
prolongs blade life<br />
• Compact and lighter weight with slim hand-grip design makes it easy<br />
to hold even with small hands<br />
• Counter balanced motor for virtually vibration free operation<br />
• Thermal overload protection<br />
• Double insulated for safety<br />
• Extra long power cord for easy use<br />
• Stewart® by Oster® Clipmaster blades fit all Andis® Cattle & Horse<br />
Clippers<br />
• INCLUDES: clipper, blade set 31-23, clipper oil, screwdriver, blade<br />
brush, sturdy carry case and instruction manual<br />
C18977NY — $309.95<br />
andis ® Progress ® Large animal<br />
Cattle & Horse Clipper - Model HP<br />
• Designed for clipping and fitting of cattle and horses - great for shows<br />
• 65 watts of power<br />
• 2400 spm blade speed<br />
• Precision engineered for durable, cool and comfortable use<br />
• Quick and simple blade tension adjustment<br />
• Slimmer grip for greater control and less fatigue<br />
• Lightweight compact design for easier handling and control<br />
• Stewart® by Oster® Clipmaster blades fit all Andis® Cattle & Horse<br />
Clippers<br />
• INCLUDES: clipper, blade set 31-23, clipper oil, screwdriver, blade<br />
brush, sturdy carry case and instruction manual<br />
C27234NY — $309.95<br />
Clipper Tote<br />
Wire-framed zipper top makes accessing clipper and accessories easier.<br />
Heavy-duty polyester tote has two carry handles plus a removable<br />
shoulder strap with shoulder pad for comfort. Features three pockets<br />
on one side, large zipper pocket on the other side, and elastic-topped<br />
pouches on each end. Blue.. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />
C28380NY — $19.95<br />
C00238(A)NY<br />
Mane and Fetlock Hand Clipper<br />
One-hand clipper for fetlocks, manes, etc. Long leverage of the handle<br />
makes it less tiring to operate. Powerful grasshopper spring permits<br />
more work. Width of bottom plate 1¾", top plate 1½". Chrome plated.<br />
5¾" L. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C00238NY — $65.75<br />
Replacement Blades. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C00238(A)NY — $40.65<br />
C00238NY<br />
26 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
SizE 10. Leaves<br />
hair 1 /16" (1.6<br />
mm). General<br />
clipping on<br />
underbody, face,<br />
head.<br />
OsTER ® detachable Cryogen x Blades Chart<br />
Fits a5, Turbo a5 and Power Pro Clippers<br />
General Blades<br />
SizE 15. Leaves<br />
hair 3 /64" (1.2<br />
mm). Semi-close<br />
clipping on cattle,<br />
horses, dogs, cats.<br />
C27070NY<br />
$29.15 C27071NY<br />
$29.15<br />
SizE 30. Leaves<br />
hair 1 /50" (0.5<br />
mm). Very close<br />
clipping on udder,<br />
tail head.<br />
C27072NY<br />
$29.15<br />
Extra-Wide Blades<br />
C27076NY<br />
$34.65<br />
Extra-Wide Comb Type Blades<br />
Thick Type Blades<br />
SizE 40. Leaves<br />
hair 1 /100" (0.25<br />
mm). Clipping<br />
on udder, surgical<br />
clipping, shaving.<br />
C27073NY<br />
$36.05<br />
SizE 50. Leaves<br />
hair 1 /125" (0.2<br />
mm). Cuts very<br />
close for surgical/veterinary<br />
use.<br />
C27105NY<br />
$29.15<br />
SizE 10 (x-widE). Leaves hair 1 /16" (1.6 mm). Cuts to medium length, general trimming.<br />
BloCkiNG. Leaves hair<br />
⅛" (3.2 mm). Extrawide<br />
comb type for<br />
beef cattle, leg, body.<br />
C27110NY<br />
$34.65<br />
SizE 4F. Leaves<br />
hair ⅜" (9.5 mm).<br />
Clipping hogs for<br />
shows.<br />
C0055NY<br />
$51.10<br />
MEdiUM. Extra-wide<br />
comb type.<br />
C25215NY<br />
$34.65<br />
SizE 5. Leaves<br />
hair ¼" (6.3 mm).<br />
Skip-tooth design<br />
— corduroy<br />
effect.<br />
C07063NY<br />
$37.15<br />
SizE 5F. Leaves<br />
hair ¼" (6.3 mm).<br />
Full-tooth design<br />
— smooth finish.<br />
CoARSE. Extra-wide<br />
comb type.<br />
C14877NY<br />
$37.15<br />
C25216NY<br />
$34.65<br />
SizE 7. Leaves<br />
hair ⅛" (3.2 mm).<br />
Skip-tooth design<br />
— corduroy<br />
effect.<br />
C14879NY<br />
$34.05<br />
ExtRA BloCkiNG.<br />
Extra-wide comb<br />
type. Reduced bevel<br />
thickness.<br />
C24243NY<br />
$39.90<br />
SizE 7F. Leaves<br />
hair ⅛" (3.2<br />
mm). Full-tooth<br />
design —<br />
smooth finish.<br />
C27075NY<br />
$34.05<br />
More<br />
Blades on<br />
Page 30<br />
Showing & Grooming<br />
Oster ® Clippers & Blades<br />
OsTER ® Replacement Blades<br />
stewart By Oster ® Large animal Blades<br />
Oster ® Clipmaster ® Top Blade<br />
(83aU). Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. C00211NY — $14.15<br />
Oster ® Clipmaster ® Bottom Blade<br />
(84aU). Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs. C00212NY — $17.55<br />
set of Blades Listed above.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. C14859NY — $31.55<br />
Oster ® surgical Blade for Clipmaster (Ea1-sUR).<br />
For veterinary use and for freeze branding. Clips as close as .002" to skin. For use with<br />
C00211NY standard top blade. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs. C04738NY — $21.10<br />
Oster ® Full Tooth Plucking Blade<br />
leaves ⅜" stubble of hair on animal and a smoother<br />
finish than the original oster® plucking blade. For use<br />
with C00211NY standard top blade. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs<br />
C15943NY — $50.25<br />
Oster ® Thick Plucking Blade (35Ba).<br />
For general clipping where it is desirable to leave a ⅜" stubble<br />
of hair on the animal. Coarse finish. For use with C00211NY<br />
Standard Top Blade. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C00226NY — $48.35<br />
SizE 5 /8. Eliminates<br />
use of comb attachments.<br />
C27074NY<br />
$35.50<br />
SizE 4. Leaves hair ⅜"<br />
(9.5 mm).<br />
C0058NY<br />
$51.10<br />
SizE 3F. Leaves hair ½"<br />
(13 mm).<br />
C0059NY<br />
$58.75<br />
SizE 9. Leaves hair<br />
5/64" (2.0 mm).<br />
C0061NY<br />
$44.00<br />
Powerpro Ultra Cordless Clipper<br />
w/ Opti-Block Blade<br />
The PowerPro Ultra Cordless clipper with Opti Block blade is powerful,<br />
lightweight, and has an improved battery for a longer battery life. The convenience<br />
of this cordless clipper and its optimized cutting performance makes<br />
it a clear choice for any grooming job you may have. The Opti Block blade is<br />
the preferred blade for fitting, and with the lightweight and ideal shape, you<br />
can grooming with ease and precision. The Power Pro Ultra has the detachable<br />
blade system, so any of the Oster Cryogen-X AgION blades will fit. Two<br />
batteries included for non-stop run time.<br />
C0012NY — $295.95<br />
Replacement Battery.<br />
C0013NY — $67.95<br />
Oster ®<br />
Golden a5 ®<br />
The industry standard. Powerful, heavy-duty, single-speed clipper. Cool running. Smooth, quiet, and quick.<br />
Includes size 10 wide Elite Cryotech blade. Detachable blade system accommodates Oster® Take-Down-<br />
Quick wide blade series. Wider sweep for faster cutting. Great for all-around and precise clipping. Virtually<br />
unbreakable housing! Includes carrying case. ULC Approved. Sh. wt. 3.69 lbs.<br />
C25557NY — $199.95<br />
Oster ® Touch-up Cordless Trimmer<br />
Sleek, lightweight trimmer that is comfortable to use and easy to<br />
manoeuvre. Provides precise trimming for the face, legs, and hard-toreach<br />
areas. The narrow blade leaves a close, clean finish on the animal.<br />
The trimmer can be charged all night and used all day, or just use<br />
the cord to plug into an outlet and go! Includes an extra blade. ULC<br />
Approved. Sh. wt. 2.88 lbs.<br />
C25559NY — $45.75<br />
Replacement Blade. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C25815NY — $18.00<br />
Oster ® Turbo a5 ® Clippers<br />
Wider sweep for faster cutting! These clippers give you both comfort and versatility with a powerful, coolerrunning<br />
universal motor. The Oster ® detachable blade system makes for quick, easy blade changes and increased<br />
versatility. Cryotech blades stay sharper longer. Virtually unbreakable housing. Available in either single or twospeed<br />
versions. Compatible with Oster ® Take-down-Quick (T.D.Q.) wide blade series. ULC approved.<br />
Sh. wt. 3.56 lbs.<br />
C24830NY Single-speed, provides over 3100 strokes per minute, gray — $221.95<br />
C24831NY Two-speed, provides over 4,000 strokes per minute, blue — $239.95<br />
Oster ® Model 510 Clipmaster ® single-speed Clipper<br />
Single speed: 3000 strokes per minute. Quiet and cool running. Operates on 120V AC, 150 watts. 15-ft. heavyduty<br />
insulated cord. Comes with deluxe storage case w/compartments. ULC Approved.<br />
C25773NY — $359.95<br /><br />
Showing & Grooming<br />
WAHL ® & Lister Clippers & Blades<br />
WaHL ® Cordless<br />
adjustable aRCO sE<br />
MOsER ® Trimmer<br />
The latest in lightweight cordless<br />
technology — fully adjustable to<br />
five cutting positions from #10-#40.<br />
This professional, rotary motor, geardriven<br />
animal clipper kit features a<br />
hard chrome finish, 5,500 strokes per<br />
minute, and cool running (no spray<br />
coolant needed). Lightweight and quiet.<br />
Includes two drop-in Ni-Cad rechargeable<br />
battery packs, charging base with<br />
indicator light, four attachment guide<br />
combs (⅛" cut #3, ¼" cut #6, ⅜" cut #9,<br />
½" cut #12), cleaning brush, lubricating<br />
oil, blade guard, and instructions. Runs<br />
up to 30 minutes before recharging is<br />
needed. CSA approved. Sh. wt. 13 lbs.<br />
C23084NY — $141.95<br />
Replacement Blades.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C23085NY Regular — $24.75<br />
C23086NY Coarse — $27.85<br />
Sold in sets. No tools required to change blades!<br />
C16641NY<br />
C16640NY<br />
C16642NY<br />
Clipper Blades<br />
Blades fit Lister clippers indicated below.<br />
C16654NY<br />
Cat. No. description Sh. wt. Price<br />
C16640NY<br />
Wizard 13 SS blade (13-tooth comb) set<br />
fits Legend, Liberty, Laser, and Star clippers (short, sharp blade<br />
has lower teeth that are no longer than the upper teeth; tips are<br />
prickly; designed to eliminate the need for shearing heads when<br />
blocking cattle)<br />
0.44 lbs. $73.65<br />
C16642NY<br />
“Cover Cote” plucking blade set fits Legend, Liberty, Laser, and<br />
Star clippers (leaves a smooth finish of 3 ⁄8" of hair)<br />
0.44 lbs. $74.75<br />
C16641NY<br />
Wizard sheep blade (13-tooth comb) set fits Legend, Liberty,<br />
Laser, and Star clippers (for slick shearing, blocking and shearing<br />
sheep, and for clipping on the skin; lower teeth extend past the<br />
cutter by 1 ⁄2")<br />
0.44 lbs. $73.65<br />
WaHL ® KM-2 Clipper<br />
Comfortable for you to hold with its lightweight, ergonomic design! This fast, smooth-running two-speed<br />
clipper includes a 16-ft. power cord, #10 detachable blade, clipper oil, cleaning brush, and instructions. Runs<br />
at speeds of 3,000 and 3,500 strokes per minute. Compatible for use with A5-type detachable blades. CSA<br />
Approved. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />
C24008NY — $141.95<br />
C16654NY<br />
Surgical A25/AC blade set fits Laser,<br />
Legend, Liberty, and Star clippers (17-tooth top/<br />
35-tooth bottom, leaves hair approx. 1 ⁄32")<br />
0.50 lbs. $59.15<br />
WaHL ® switch Blade<br />
Variable speed Professional Clipper<br />
Features variable speed control, linear drive system, easy four-step drive tip replacement, curved casing allows<br />
hair to fall away from clipper, 16-ft. heavy-duty power cord, soft rubber grip, and chemical-resistant housing.<br />
Comes with #10 detachable blade set, drive tip removal tool, two extra replacement drive tips, cleaning brush,<br />
lubricating oil, and instruction book. One-year warranty. CSA Approved. Sh. wt. 3.31 lbs.<br />
C27184NY — $164.95<br />
Lister Liberty Popular Pack<br />
This is a unique, versatile, ultra-safe clipper which can be used<br />
in any location or situation and on all species of large animal.<br />
Its reduced noise and vibration levels make it ideal for clipping<br />
nervous horses. Choice of 3 power supplies - portable, Power<br />
pack, mains adapter or 12V vechicle battery. Clipper speed: 2,500<br />
RPM. No air filters to clean.<br />
C0200NY — $384.95<br />
WaHL ® detachable Replacement Blades<br />
Fits Wahl arco sE, Pink arco and Bravura<br />
5 in 1 Champion Blade<br />
C90060NY — $58.85<br />
standard Blade<br />
C23085NY — $24.75<br />
Coarse Blade<br />
C23086NY — $27.85<br />
Lister Libretto Clipper<br />
A lightweight, compact super clipper which can<br />
be operated from the 12V Liberty Power Pack,<br />
Mains Adaptor or 12V Vehicle Leads. Ideal for<br />
trimming, yet capable of a full clip if required. Uses<br />
Wahl Competition Series blades, not the A-series.<br />
Detachable air filters. Quiet and portable.<br />
CSA Approved.<br />
C90072NY — $309.95<br />
28 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Showing & Grooming<br />
Large Animal Clippers/Shears<br />
OsTER ® sHOWMasTER ®<br />
Variable-speed Clipper/shearing Machine<br />
An improved variable-speed shearing machine — great for show fitting and trimming horses, cattle, sheep, and<br />
goats. You can create a smooth finished appearance with the 20-tooth goat comb and four-point cutter. Adjusts<br />
your cutting strokes from 700-3000 per minute. The 3" shearing head is cool running and stays oiled for up to<br />
100 hours. Comes with a durable toolbox with a removable storage tray and lots of storage space for all your<br />
grooming supplies. 120V AC, 150 watts. ULC approved.<br />
Sh. wt. 10.06 lbs.<br />
C25776NY — $424.95<br />
aEsCULaP ® Econom ii Large animal Clipper<br />
Single speed 3,200 strokes per minute. Comes with 15 tooth top blade and 31 tooth bottom set (C09882NY)<br />
and storage case. CSA Approved.<br />
C19663NY — $599.95<br />
andis ® Large animal Heavy duty — Model LG-s<br />
Features: · 220 Watts of power — more power than comparable clippers.<br />
· 2300 spm blade speed.<br />
· Precision engineered for durable, cool, quiet and comfortable use.<br />
· Quick and simple blade tension adjustment.<br />
· Shearing head designed for clipping and fitting of sheep, cattle, goats, and llamas.<br />
· Patented floating fork system prolongs comb and cutter life.<br />
· Slimmer, lighter and counter balanced for minimal vibration.<br />
· Thermal overload reset button prevents motor from burning out.<br />
· Double insulated body construction for safety.<br />
· Easy and quick access for brush replacement.<br />
· STEWART ® by OSTER ® 4 Point Clippers and 3” Combs will fit ANDIS ® Heavy Duty Sheep Shear.<br />
Includes: Shear, edge cutter and ovina comb, shear oil, screwdriver, blade brush, sturdy carry case, and<br />
instruction manual. CSA approved. Sh. wt. 7.69 lbs.<br />
C18974NY — $409.95<br />
OsTER ® sHEaRMasTER ®<br />
single-speed Clipper/shearing Machine<br />
This improved single-speed shearing machine with 3" head is lightweight and powerful. Stays oiled for up to<br />
100 hours. Its 13-tooth comb and four-point cutter gives a high quality shearing job with few second cuts in<br />
the fleece. Heavy-duty, 15-ft. insulated cord. Comes with a durable toolbox with a removable storage tray and<br />
lots of storage space for all your grooming supplies. 120V AC, 150 watts. ULC approved. Sh. wt. 9.69 lbs.<br />
C25775NY — $379.95<br />
Lister star Clipper<br />
As the first permanent magnet motor<br />
clipper of its type on the market,<br />
the star is a powerful, fast and efficient<br />
clipper that maintains speed<br />
even in tough conditions (45W).<br />
Ergonomically designed for a slimmer<br />
grip. Overload switch to protect<br />
the motor. Patented ventilated head<br />
technology to cool the blades. Clipper<br />
speed: 2,800 RPM. Replaceable air<br />
filters.<br />
C0202NY — $309.95<br />
OsTER ® CLiPMasTER ®<br />
Variable-speed Clipper<br />
The virtually maintenance free Variable Speed Clipmaster ®<br />
Clipper stays oiled for up to 100 hours of run time. Easily adjust<br />
from 700 to 3000 strokes per minute. Remains cool and quiet.<br />
Specialized zinc cast iron fan and additional air holes keep head<br />
temperatures down by 28% to ensure animals are cool and<br />
comfortable. Titanium blades are included. CSA Approved.<br />
C25774NY — $354.95<br />
Oster ® Grooming storage Case<br />
Enough room for two clippers and blades! The go-anywhere-with-everything-you-need grooming case!<br />
Offers the perfect solution to keep valuable grooming equipment and tools neat, organized, and protected.<br />
Spacious lower bin holds dryers, clippers, trimmer, and more. Covered top lid compartments hold blades,<br />
combs, oil, and brushes. Removable tray holds shampoos, lubes, nail grinder, and scissors. 18” L x 10” W x 7”<br />
H. Sh. wt. 3.75 lbs.<br />
C25802NY — $19.15<br /><br />
Showing & Grooming<br />
Harvest-all 9-Tooth Flared Comb<br />
A medium-long bevel tooth. Allows fast entry<br />
into the wool of all breeds of sheep. Leaves a<br />
medium-length stubble. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C13750NY — $29.55<br />
13-Tooth arizona<br />
Thin ® Comb<br />
A thin comb developed for shearing hard,<br />
gummy sheep. For use on all hand pieces and 3"<br />
shearing head. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C28259NY — $25.95<br />
WaHL ® detachable Competition series Blades Chart<br />
General Blades<br />
Size 10. Leaves<br />
hair 1 /16" (1.6<br />
mm). General<br />
clipping on<br />
underbody, face,<br />
head.<br />
C0025NY<br />
$32.50<br />
SizE 5 (x-widE).<br />
Size 15. Leaves<br />
hair 3 /64" (1.2<br />
mm). Semi-close<br />
clipping on cattle,<br />
horses, dogs, cats.<br />
C0030NY<br />
$32.50<br />
C0026NY<br />
$32.50<br />
medium. Extra-wide comb type.<br />
Size 4F. Leaves<br />
hair ⅜" (9.5 mm).<br />
Clipping hogs for<br />
shows.<br />
C0033NY<br />
$37.15<br />
Grazer 13-Tooth Flared Comb<br />
Leaves a smooth, short stubble. Ideal<br />
for both the professional and novice<br />
shearer. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C13749NY — $25.95<br />
20-Tooth Goat Comb (P7112)<br />
Closer spacing of teeth reduces<br />
scratches and cuts. Recommended in<br />
screwworm infested areas.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C02136NY — $25.95<br />
show Groomer 24-Tooth show<br />
Comb<br />
Designed with bevel for very close,<br />
smoother shearing and show trimming.<br />
For use with 4-pt. cutter. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C18164NY— $25.60<br />
Blocking Comb<br />
20-tooth comb for trimming, blocking, and carving. For use on all 3”<br />
shearing machines. Teeth are sharpened to a point. DO NOT use for<br />
regular shearing. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C07205NY — $25.95<br />
Size 4. Leaves hair ⅜"<br />
(9.5 mm).<br />
C0038NY<br />
$37.15<br />
C0062NY<br />
$58.15<br />
Size 30. Leaves<br />
hair 1 /50" (0.5<br />
mm). Very close<br />
clipping on udder,<br />
tail head.<br />
C0027NY<br />
$32.50<br />
Extra-Wide Blades<br />
Extra-Wide Comb Type Blades<br />
Size 5. Leaves<br />
hair ¼" (6.3 mm).<br />
Skip-tooth design<br />
— corduroy<br />
effect.<br />
C0034NY<br />
$37.15<br />
Thick Type Blades<br />
Size 3F. Leaves hair ½"<br />
(13 mm).<br />
C0039NY<br />
$37.15<br />
aaa Wide Cutter 34aB<br />
Perfect mesh of cutter teeth with comb<br />
for faster, cleaner cutting. Enters wool<br />
easier. Pkg. of 2. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C07207NY — $8.40<br />
Texas Cattle Comb<br />
Shears to Texas regulation of not more than 1⁄4” on any location of the<br />
body, excluding the tail switch. This 24-tooth show comb for steers can be<br />
used on Showmaster or Shearmaster® with 3” shearing head.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C14538NY — $25.95<br />
Size 40. Leaves<br />
hair 1 /100" (0.25<br />
mm). Clipping<br />
on udder, surgical<br />
clipping, shaving.<br />
C0028NY<br />
$32.50<br />
Size 50. Leaves<br />
hair 1 /125" (0.2<br />
mm). Cuts very<br />
close for surgical/<br />
veterinary use.<br />
C0029NY<br />
$32.50<br />
Size 10 (x-wide). Leaves hair 1 /16" (1.6 mm). Cuts to<br />
medium length, general trimming.<br />
C0031NY<br />
$40.25<br />
extra blocking. Extra-wide comb type. Reduced<br />
bevel thickness.<br />
C25803NY<br />
$58.15<br />
Size 5F. Leaves<br />
hair ¼" (6.3 mm).<br />
Full-tooth design<br />
— smooth finish.<br />
C0035NY<br />
$32.50<br />
Clipper Combs and Cutters<br />
OsTER ®<br />
Wide diamond Cutter<br />
(Thin Heel style) (80Y)<br />
For EW310C shearing head. Pkg. of 2.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C04579NY — $8.40<br />
Wide diamond Cutter<br />
(Reg. style) P2311<br />
Most widely used shearing 4-point<br />
cutter. Clean cut shape, fine angles, and<br />
finish give all-around satisfaction. Pkg. of 2. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C02128NY — $7.60<br />
Size 7. Leaves<br />
hair ⅛" (3.2 mm).<br />
Skip-tooth design<br />
— corduroy<br />
effect.<br />
C0036NY<br />
$32.50<br />
Size 8.5. Leaves hair<br />
7/64" (2.8 mm).<br />
C00400NY<br />
$32.50<br />
4-Point Cutter (GT578)<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C13171NY — $24.50<br />
Professional 13-Tooth Comb<br />
Super-fast shearing! Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C19651NY — $44.95<br />
Size 7F. Leaves<br />
hair ⅛" (3.2<br />
mm). Full-tooth<br />
design —<br />
smooth finish.<br />
C0037NY<br />
$32.50<br />
Size 9. Leaves hair<br />
5/64" (2.0 mm).<br />
C0041NY<br />
$32.50<br />
andis ®<br />
Goat Comb<br />
Bottom Blade For the LG-S Clipper and Works With<br />
Upper Blade Cobra Cutter Fits Stewert by Oster®<br />
Shearmaster® with 3+ head.<br />
C0006NY — $47.50<br />
shattle Comb<br />
Shattle Comb bottom replacement blade for the LG-S<br />
model clipper. Works with the Cobra Cutter upper<br />
blade. Used for Cattle & Slick Shearing Sheep. Fits<br />
Stewert by Oster® Shearmaster® with 3+ head.<br />
C0004NY — $37.20<br />
Blocking Comb<br />
Replacement lower blade for the LG-S Clipper. Must<br />
be used with the upper blade Cobra Cutter item<br />
#70300. Used for close cutting for cattle fitting. Fits<br />
Stewert by Oster® Shearmaster® with 3+ head.<br />
C0005NY — $27.95<br />
Cobra Cutter and Comb<br />
Special grinding process produces blades with a longerlasting,<br />
exceptionally durable cutting edge. Andis ® blades are<br />
designed to be easily resharpened.<br />
aEsCULaP ® Ovina 13-Tooth Comb. Cobra Cutter.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C18973NY — $30.25 C18971NY — $9.00<br />
Mohair Comb<br />
Bottom Blade For the LG-S Clipper and Works With<br />
Upper Blade Cobra Cutter — Fits Stewert by Oster®<br />
Shearmaster® with 3+ head.<br />
C0007NY — $47.50<br />
15-Tooth standard Top Blade (GT501)<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C14846NY — $26.95<br />
31-Tooth standard Bottom Blade (GT502)<br />
Sh wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C14847NY — $34.95<br />
23-Tooth Top Blade (GT505)<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C14848NY — $26.95<br />
Plucking Blade (GT510)<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C14849NY — $53.95<br />
surgical Blade (GT508)<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C14850NY — $45.95<br />
aEsCULaP ® Replacement Blades<br />
17-Tooth Top Blade (GT503)<br />
C0017NY — $26.95<br />
18-Tooth Bottom Blade (GT504)<br />
C0018NY — $39.95<br />
24-Tooth Bottom Blade (GT506)<br />
C0019NY — $40.50<br />
30 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602<br />
C14846NY<br />
C14849NY<br />
31-Tooth Bottom Blade (GT511)<br />
C0020NY — $49.95<br />
*Blades will fit the Oster ® , Clipmaster ® , Aesculap ® , and ANDIS ® clippers.
Showing & Grooming<br />
Circulating Fans<br />
Wall/Ceiling Bracket<br />
Mounts to walls, posts, or ceilings. Adjustable pivot bracket allows<br />
omnidirectional air circulation. Bracket has three 13 ⁄32" diameter mounting<br />
holes. (NOTE: Not recommended for use with oscillating circulators<br />
when ceiling mounted.) Sh. wt. 4 lbs.<br />
C29201NY — $68.15<br />
Upright Fan stand<br />
Set up or take down in minutes. Height is adjustable. Made of 1½"<br />
tubing. No heavy base required. Mounting brackets are included to<br />
nail to front of stall. Holds one or two 24" fans or one 30" fan.<br />
Sh. wt. 22 lbs.<br />
C15772NY — $85.00<br />
Light duty Floor/Table Circulating Fan<br />
Features a painted silver finish, 3-speed dial control, sturdy aluminum<br />
blades, and ergonomic tilt adjustment knobs. Comes complete with 6’<br />
120v grounded cord set, convenient carrying handle/cord wrap, wall<br />
mount bracket, OSHA guard. Easy to assemble – no tools required!<br />
CSA approved.<br />
C0044NY 12” - $70.00<br />
C0052NY 20” - $105.95<br />
C15250NY<br />
sULLiVan’s TURBO<br />
Livestock Fans<br />
Specially designed fans for the showman. Blade design and heavy-duty<br />
motor blows at a higher velocity. Front guard opens for easy blade<br />
cleaning. Shipped assembled. CSA approved.<br />
20" Livestock Fan. ⅓ hp motor. Sh. wt. 39 lbs.<br />
C24104NY — $258.50<br />
24" Livestock Fan. ½ hp motor. Sh. wt. 50 lbs.<br />
C15250NY — $291.80<br />
High Performance Ceiling Fan 56”<br />
Engineered and designed for spacious applications where maximum<br />
floor coverage is required. Reversible motor for both winter heat<br />
destratification and summer time cooling. Fan is sealed and suitable<br />
for high moisture applications. Designed for above average coverage<br />
and cooling velocity. CSA approved.<br />
C0054NY - $124.95<br />
adjustable Box Fan Holder<br />
A must-have in any barn, this convenient box fan holder maximizes air<br />
circulation for increased comfort. Its heavy-duty design acommodates<br />
most 20" box fans and features quick release buckles for easy fastening<br />
and slides for precise adjustment. A seperate tilt strap is included,<br />
allowing user to adjust the fan to just the right angle. Includes black 1"<br />
nylon webbing and black plastic quick-release buckles and slides.<br />
C0203NY - $21.95<br />
Commercial Oscillating Pedestal Fan 24”<br />
Commercial duty circulating fan (Knock Down). Features sturdy aluminum<br />
blades, standard OSHA guard, 3-speeds, and motors have overload protection.<br />
Complete with mounting accessories. CSA approved.<br />
C0056NY - $299.95<br />
Additional shipping charges apply. See shipping page for details.<br /><br />
Showing & Grooming<br />
Clothing, Pedigree Signs & Tack Boxes<br />
Exhibitor Harness<br />
These adjustable harnesses are constructed<br />
from 1" black nylon webbing, sculptured<br />
black elastic, sturdy black naugahyde, clear<br />
plastic, and nickel-plated hardware. Number<br />
not included. Available in three sizes.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
Small Size. Suitable for a child or small<br />
individual. 10" x 7".<br />
C14549NY — $12.55 ea.<br />
10 or more — $11.95 ea.<br />
Medium Size. Suitable for the<br />
junior showman to adult.<br />
C08041NY — $13.15 ea.<br />
10 or more — $12.50 ea.<br />
Large Size. Suitable for large adults.<br />
Adjustable on sides and shoulders.<br />
10" x 8".<br />
C14548NY — $15.80 ea.<br />
10 or more — $15.00 ea.<br />
Just add Barns Cleaner/<br />
deodorizer<br />
A clear, odourless, instantly clean deodourizer<br />
technology for all barn and stall surfaces. Walls,<br />
floors, bars, buckets, troughs, are all whistle<br />
cleaned with this no foam, easily rinsed product.<br />
Can also be used as a rinse after washing horse<br />
blankets. Carries Enviro Global rating.<br />
C0216NY 1L Bottle - $16.20<br />
Just delete Odours<br />
Instant odour control on any surface or<br />
surrounding air. This globally proben water<br />
based technology instantly encapsulates<br />
odour molecules and oxygenates them out of<br />
existence. Ideal for tack rooms, stalls, trucks,<br />
or for any animal odour.<br />
C0218NY 250mL Bottle - $9.75<br />
Tingley<br />
Comfort-Tuff <br />
Rain suit<br />
A two-piece, waterproof rain suit.<br />
Features: electronically welded<br />
seams for 100% waterproof protection;<br />
jacket with easy-access<br />
cargo pockets with flaps and snap<br />
closure; inside and outside storm<br />
flaps; outside storm flap secured<br />
with noncorrosive metal snaps;<br />
zipper-front; vented cape back;<br />
underarm vents circulate air for<br />
comfort; attached hood conveniently<br />
rolls away into corduroy-lined<br />
collar; bib overalls have snap-fly<br />
front and adjustable elastic suspenders<br />
with quick-release buckles; and<br />
adjustable take-up snaps on sleeve<br />
cuffs, leg cuffs, and waist. Rain suit is<br />
generously cut to provide maximum<br />
freedom of movement. Bright yellow<br />
.35 mm PVC on polyester fabric.<br />
Sh. wt. 4.50 lbs.<br />
large Size. 44"-46" chest/40"-42"<br />
waist/30" inseam.<br />
C18171NY — $29.45<br />
x-large Size. 48"-50" chest/44"-46" waist/31" inseam.<br />
C18172NY — $29.45<br />
nasCO’s Pedigree sign<br />
NASCO’s Pedigree Sign base is made of black styrene with slots for<br />
numbers and letters which are included. The 12" x 15" sign comes with<br />
white plastic ½" letters and numbers. A clear plastic cover keeps the<br />
dust and dirt out. Sh. wt. 1.44 lbs.<br />
C25743NY — $39.35<br />
Replacement Numbers and Letters.<br />
½" white letters and numbers. Assorted. Pkg. of 280.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C28726NY — $8.55<br />
stall secure spray<br />
Ideal and convenient to take with your<br />
horse, cattle, sheep or any show animal when<br />
travelling to shows to ensure an instand<br />
SecureClean trailer or stall. Use it with a soft<br />
cloth or brush to SecureClean walls, bars,<br />
buckets and tack. Bedding can be lightly<br />
sprayed to reduce ammonia, increase longevity<br />
and reduce work. Nothing like this water<br />
based product in the industry and now is<br />
now used by leading associations at international<br />
horse shows.<br />
C0220NY 900mL Bottle - $12.95<br />
seal-Flex Wet Weather<br />
Bib Overtrousers<br />
Seal-Flex breathable overtrousers flex and<br />
move with you to make wet weather<br />
bearable, while providing warmth<br />
and dryness. Features fully adjustable<br />
elastic braces, bib front for extra<br />
protection, double-crutch seam for<br />
maximum durability, and inside<br />
front pocket. 100% waterproof. Tear<br />
resistant. Green. Fabric imported.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
(A) Medium<br />
(28" inseam; 36" waist)<br />
(B) Large<br />
(30" inseam; 38" waist)<br />
(C) X-Large<br />
(31" inseam; 45" waist)<br />
C23530NY — $63.00<br />
Indicate size by letter code.<br />
EXAMPLE: C23530(A)NY<br />
Medium.<br />
Pedigree signs<br />
Available in three formats, these rugged plastic signs can be customized<br />
in one or two colors to include the owner, company, association, show,<br />
and farm or ranch name/logo of your choice. Signs are 12" x 18" and<br />
made of durable and reusable ⅝" thick white plastic. It is recommended<br />
that the erasable markers listed below be used with these signs so that<br />
records can be erased and signs may be reused as needed. Also has two<br />
¼" dia. holes for attachment or hanging. Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />
Standard Sign. Blue information lines on white background.<br />
C24100NY — $9.50<br />
Rubbermaid ® show Box<br />
with Cushioned Lid<br />
This rugged, all-plastic show box provides maximum outdoor protection<br />
and is designed to resist rust, dents, and bends. The 36" box provides<br />
a large storage capacity and features two half-size removable trays<br />
with built-in side grip handles, set on top for easy access. Can be locked<br />
with a padlock. Molded-in side grips allow two people to carry even the<br />
heaviest load easily. Gray. 36" L x 24" W x 24" H. Sh. wt. 41 lbs. Shipped<br />
UPS Oversized.<br />
C17631NY — $239.25<br />
Udder Tech<br />
Extra-Long Plain<br />
Waterproof apron<br />
This durable nylon apron is<br />
lightweight, comfortable, and<br />
waterproof. Machine wash and dry.<br />
Adjustable neck strap and adjustable<br />
buckles at the waist. 51" L x 35"<br />
W. Black. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C27169NY — $23.95<br />
32 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Showing Equipment & Hoof Care<br />
36" Canes<br />
Medium-Weight Stockman Octagon Cane. Plain. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C00108NY — $9.55 ea. 10 or more — $9.05 ea.<br />
Medium-Weight Stockman Octagon Cane.<br />
Burnt and lacquered. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C00109NY — $10.00 ea. 10 or more — $9.50 ea.<br />
Elephant Octagon Cane. Plain. Sh. wt. 1.44 lbs.<br />
C07434NY — $13.60 ea. 10 or more — $12.95 ea.<br />
Flexcane<br />
The ideal livestock cane for working cattle at shows, in the auction ring, or off horseback. Made of<br />
ultra-high molecular weight polymer in hot pink colour. 38" long with curved handle and no-slip<br />
grip. Unbreakable. Lifetime guarantee. PLEASE NOTE: Cannot be burned. Sh. wt. 1.31 lbs.<br />
C14364NY — $24.95<br />
Fibreglass Sorting Pole<br />
An extra long, 60" sorting pole to effectively control your animals. Has a golf club-style grip<br />
and a rubber tip on the end. Colours may vary. NOTE: Cannot be burned. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C14431NY — $10.20<br />
Show Sticks<br />
Makita Hoof Trimming Kit<br />
This kit will meet all of your animal’s hoof trimming needs. Includes a<br />
Trim Tec Shaver II wheel five replaceable carbide cutting blades, Makita<br />
4" grinder, hoof knife, wrenches, safety glasses, hoof trimming guide, and<br />
carrying case. Sh. wt. 9 lbs.<br />
C23387NY — $379.25<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
4.<br />
1. Pro Sticks<br />
Lightweight, high-impact, epoxy-coloured aluminum show sticks with pro-style sharp point.<br />
Available in two lengths. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C14753NY Quicksilver. 54" long — $28.05<br />
C14748NY FFA blue. 60" long — $28.35<br />
2. Steel Show Stick<br />
Made of steel/chrome-plated tubing with leather grip handle (like a golf shaft). Strong yet<br />
lightweight. Tip and prodding point are dull and cannot damage animal. Approximately 50"<br />
long. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C07816NY — $21.25<br />
3. Fibreglass Show Stick<br />
Guaranteed not to break! Designed by Rex Draheim, the famous Angus breeder, this show<br />
stick is extra tough and unbreakable. 46" long shaft. Perfectly balanced and lightweight. Firm<br />
and handy ventilated rubber grip. Strong cast-aluminum tip.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C02302NY — $27.30<br />
4. Adjustable Sho-Stik<br />
Lightweight aluminum show stick that locks at 38", 44", and 50" lengths. Collapses to 29" for<br />
storage. Features a 10” golf club-style grip. Cast-aluminum end hook for ease of positioning the<br />
animal and extra pulling strength. Aluminum tip. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C05725NY Black — $21.10<br />
C05724NY Silver — $21.10<br />
5. 54" Hustler two-Piece Show Stick<br />
Strong, professional show stick with durable, high-gloss finish. Two-piece stick breaks down for<br />
easy transportation and storage and fits in most show boxes. Includes nylon carrying case.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C27451NY Quick Silver C27455NY Burgundy C27453NY Black<br />
—$41.00 ea.<br />
New-Hoof <br />
A triple-action formula for managing hairy heel warts, foot rot, white line,<br />
and other associated diseases. New-Hoof is a safe, effective, biodegradable<br />
product. It can be used on cattle (beef and dairy) and sheep. Provides the<br />
benefits of ionized copper, a low adjusted pH, and a detergent/surfactant.<br />
The wide spectrum of solutions in this product enables it to work under<br />
the toughest hoof and environmental conditions.<br />
New-Hoof Topical. Spray to the point of saturation; continue<br />
to spray two or three times daily for 10 to 14 days. Convenient 1-qt. spray<br />
bottle. Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />
C17238NY — $10.20<br />
New-Hoof Concentrate. One quart of concentrate mixed in a<br />
50-gal. footbath helps control common hoof problems. 1-gal. bottle.<br />
Sh. wt. 9.50 lbs.<br />
C17239NY — $48.15<br />
HOOF-it ®<br />
2-in-1 Hoof Stand<br />
Go from a hoof stand to a hoof cradle in<br />
one quick, easy move! Easy one-step adjustment<br />
clip is safe and hidden. Soft rubber<br />
ball and cradle liner provide maximum<br />
comfort and shock absorption. Hexagon-/<br />
pyramid-shaped base for additional stability<br />
and safety. Sh. wt. 18 lbs.<br />
C28356NY — $192.45<br /><br />
Hoof Care<br />
Trimming Discs & Hoof Blocks<br />
Plastic Blocks<br />
Wooden Blocks<br />
HOOF-it ® II 20-Pack for Cows.<br />
Includes: two 1.10-lb. packages of powder, 500 ml of MMA liquid, 20<br />
spatulas, 10 large blocks, 10 small blocks, 10 right bovine boots, and 10<br />
left bovine boots. Sh. wt. 9 lbs.<br />
C27061NY — $179.25<br />
Replacement Parts<br />
C18902NY Cup/stick set. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $0.95<br />
C18904NY 454 ml liquid. Sh. wt. 2 lbs. — $38.80<br />
C18905NY Wood blck, sm. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $1.80<br />
C18906NY Wood blck, lg. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs. — $1.80<br />
C31163ANY Bovine boot, left. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs. — $1.40<br />
C31163BNY Bovine boot, right. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs. — $1.40<br />
C31138NY<br />
Hoof-it ® QuickBlock ®<br />
One shot to the block and you’re<br />
done! It just doesn’t get any easier<br />
than QuickBlock ® ! Designed to be used in conjunction<br />
with a wooden block system, it is fast<br />
curing within 30 seconds and is easy to work<br />
with. Cartridges will fit into any gun you have<br />
in your trimming block. Provides a simple<br />
one-step process with the mixing done in the<br />
tip. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />
C31135NY 400 ml — $69.60<br />
C31136NY 250 ml — $45.05<br />
C31137NY 160 ml — $32.25<br />
C31135NY<br />
400 ml Dispensing Gun. This size was specifically designed by<br />
hoof trimmers to keep the cost per squeeze low and eliminate changing<br />
cartridges. Lightweight and easy to use, heavy duty to last.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C31138NY — $59.95<br />
Roto-Clip Hoof<br />
Trimming Disc<br />
This uniquely designed trimming<br />
disc is easily attached to a 4½" or<br />
5" mini grinder. Will trim 10-15<br />
head before it needs resharpening<br />
— may be resharpened 20 to 30<br />
times. 4½" diameter.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C14790NY — $27.50<br />
Shaver II Hoof<br />
Trimming Carbide<br />
Wheel<br />
Made of aircraft aluminum, this<br />
wheel leaves a show finish, allowing<br />
for easy-manoeuvering to get<br />
between the animal’s toes while<br />
the non-gyrating wheel provides<br />
extreme control during operation.<br />
It’s the perfect size and angle to cup or<br />
model the animal’s foot. The wheel uses<br />
a long-lasting, four-sided carbide insert. The 4" wheel fits a 4" to 4½"<br />
grinder. Perfect for herdsman, dairyman, hoof trimmers, and veterinarians!<br />
Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C23388NY — $148.25<br />
C24067NY 4-sided carbide blades. Grade 2 blade.<br />
Set of 10. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. — $64.10<br />
C24067(A)NY Replacement screws for C23388NY.<br />
Set of 5. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs. — $3.30<br />
Technovit<br />
The result of polymer science, Technovit Acrylics is a proven plastic aid<br />
in bovine and equine hoof repair. Easy for practitioner to apply. Can<br />
be poured, kneaded, has nonsticky surface, keeps its shape, hardens in a<br />
few minutes, and can be sawed, filed, etc.<br />
Kit for 12 Treatments with Wooden Blocks.<br />
Contains 500cc liquid, 1000 grams powder, 12 wooden blocks, measuring<br />
beakers, and wooden spatulas for application. Sh. wt. 7.31 lbs.<br />
C07850NY — $121.55<br />
Kit for 12 Treatments with Plastic Blocks.<br />
Same as above, but with 12 plastic blocks. Sh. wt. 7 lbs.<br />
C25072NY — $118.55<br />
C15974NY<br />
Aluminum Flat Disc —<br />
6 Slot With Insert<br />
A disc with six carbide inserts that are actually screwed right into the<br />
disc. This disc will trim about 100-150 animals before the inserts need<br />
to be resharpened or replaced. The inserts are also rectangular, so<br />
when one side becomes dull, you simply unscrew the inserts and turn<br />
them 180° in the disc. Each set of inserts may be resharpened 5-6 times<br />
before needing replacement. Ideal for large herds of animals or professional<br />
trimmers. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C15974NY Set of 6 inserts. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. — $76.45<br />
C18945NY Replacement screws only. Set of 6. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs. —<br />
$9.65<br />
4-Slot/Slotted Out Carbide Flat Disc.<br />
Allows for a more aggressive cut to remove hoof material more<br />
quickly than the 6-slot version. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C19702NY — $298.65<br />
6-Slot/Slotted Out Carbide Flat Disc.<br />
An ideal disc for large herds and professional trimmers. Comes with<br />
six interchangeable inserts. Each insert has two sharpened edges that<br />
can be rotated when one side becomes dull. Slots remain open all the<br />
way to outside of disc, allowing shavings to clear out of disc more easily.<br />
Screws included. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C19703NY — $298.65<br />
Nicholson Horse Rasp<br />
14" long. Plain, half file, regular. Good quality. Sh. wt. 1.81 lbs.<br />
C00245NY — $30.00<br />
Replacement Parts<br />
C07851NY 1000 grams powder. Sh. wt. 2.56 lbs. — $78.05<br />
C08052NY 500 grams powder. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs. — $42.10<br />
C07852NY 500cc liquid. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs. — $42.65<br />
Hoof Blocks. The use of hoof blocks is very popular in the treatment<br />
of hoof problems in cattle.<br />
C23200NY Black hard plastic block, 3⁄4" thick. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. —<br />
$2.35<br />
C23201NY Wood block, 1" thick. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs. — $1.45<br />
C07854NY Wood block, 2" thick. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs. — $1.95<br />
Hoof Grinding Kit<br />
Convert your electric grinder to a hoof grinder. Kit includes a 5⁄8"-11<br />
thread size, five each of 4½" abrasive disc; a special backing pad; disc<br />
pad nut; and spanner wrench. Runs cooler preventing loading and<br />
increasing production and extending life 30-50%. Sh. wt. 1.81 lbs.<br />
C14068NY — $61.05<br />
C14072NY Pkg. of 5 replacement 4½" abrasive discs.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs. — $43.75<br />
Carbide Sharpening Burr<br />
Use to sharpen Roto-Clip steel trimming disc (C14790NY) above.<br />
Mounts in a regular wood router, Dremel, or die grinder.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C15533NY — $26.15<br />
Deluxe Hoof Block<br />
Made of beechwood and easy to install and remove, this hoof block<br />
keeps cows healthy and productive by preventing limping. 4 3 ⁄4" L x 2"<br />
W x 7 ⁄8" H. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C23588NY — $2.05<br />
34<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Hoof Care<br />
Hoof Trimming Tools<br />
C08604NY<br />
C02193NY<br />
Deluxe Swiss Hoof Knife<br />
Superior-quality hoof knife made in Switzerland. Used for cutting and<br />
cleaning large areas of the sole in cattle and other large animals. Handle<br />
design provides maximum leverage and pressure. Overall length: 7".<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C15933NY — $32.20<br />
Cattle Farrier’s Hoof Trimming Kit<br />
Now it’s easy to trim beef and dairy cattle hooves with this specially designed kit! Kit contains shoe rasp,<br />
14" hoof nipper with double cutting jaws, 3" right handled hoof knife, hand hoof chisel, 3⁄8" double-edged<br />
searcher knife, and wire hoof brush. All pieces store in a handy carrying case with latches. The 16" L x 6½" W<br />
x 3½" D high-density polyethylene storage box is rust and corrosion proof. Sh. wt. 5.75 lbs.<br />
C13594NY — $109.20<br />
Hand Hoof Chisel. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C02193NY — $7.10<br />
Wire Hoof Brush. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C08604NY — $8.05<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s<br />
Professional<br />
Quality Horse<br />
Farrier’s Kit<br />
Kit includes items below. Sh. wt. 16.38 lbs.<br />
C25922NY — $406.45<br />
A.C25918NY Semi Polished lincher. — $55.40<br />
B.C25921NY Swedish Right Hand Hoof Knife. — $14.85<br />
C.C24398NY 14” Hoof Rasp. Sh. wt. 1.56 lbs. — $28.35<br />
D.C24399NY Threaded File Handle. — $3.40<br />
E. C26400NY Rasp with handle. — $30.25<br />
F. C11410NY Ferrier Nipper. — $112.15<br />
G.C25919NY 2lb. Rounding Rammer. — $53.00<br />
H.C25920NY Polished Shoe Puller. — $91.25<br />
Hoof Tester<br />
This hoof tester is slightly larger than the standard- size<br />
testers and is all stainless steel. 13¼" L. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C07150NY — $20.00<br />
Hoof Nipper<br />
Heavier jaw allows for less chance of<br />
misuse by beginner. Do not use on<br />
hardened nails or wire. Constructed<br />
like the Hoof Parer, but has double<br />
cutting jaws. Jaws are thin so they will<br />
cut through hooves with little effort.<br />
Will cut horseshoe nails, but should<br />
not be used for other nails. 14" long.<br />
Cushion-grip handles. Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />
C00234NY — $39.55<br />
Hoof Nipper<br />
Designed exclusively for trimming hooves.<br />
This professional quality nipper features a<br />
wide, flat head and thin jaw, enabling user to get<br />
close into the hoof. Heat-treated jaw. Cushion-grip handles.<br />
Not for use on hardened nails or wire. 14" long. Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />
C13649NY — $41.55<br />
C27877NY<br />
Hoof Knives<br />
Top quality, durable hoof knives that stay sharper longer! Eliminate the danger of using dull knives that may not<br />
cut properly. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
Single-Edge AESCULAP Knife.<br />
8" long knife with wooden handle.<br />
C27877NY Right-Handed, 3¼" x ⅝" blade — $33.55 C27872NY Right-Handed 3 x 7 /16— $33.55<br />
C27875NY Left-Handed, 3" x 7 /16" blade — $33.55<br />
Stainless Steel Hoof Knife<br />
Solid, German stainless steel handle fits comfortably in your hand. Features a tightly bent closed end that has<br />
been precision sharpened. Excellent for fine hoof work. End opening measures 3/16". Overall length: 7¼".<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C08367NY — $42.85<br />
Swedish Right-Hand Hoof Knife<br />
Constructed from the highest-quality Swedish cutlery steel blades. Durable wooden handles. 8"<br />
long. Blade is 2¾" L x 5 ⁄16" W. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C25921NY — $14.85<br />
Handy Hoof Trimmer and Dehorner<br />
It’s easy to keep horses’ and cows’ hooves neatly trimmed. Safe to use, as the<br />
30" handle lets you stand further away. Use also as a dehorner. The only hoof<br />
trimmer we offer for cutting hooves on a standing animal! Sh. wt. 6.63 lbs.<br />
C02112NY — $76.95<br />
Replacement Handle. With ferrule.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.81 lbs.<br />
C02113NY — $15.15<br />
Made in Germany!<br />
C27222NY<br />
KRUUSE Broad Blade Hoof Knife<br />
Crafted from rugged stainless steel and a comfortable hard wood handle. Reliable, sharp<br />
blade for multiple uses. Blade measures 80 mm. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C27222NY Double Sided<br />
Each — $24.45<br />
C08367NY<br />
Extra Heavy-Duty<br />
Compound-Action Hoof<br />
Nipper<br />
Rubber type handle grips. Blades can be sharpened<br />
and cutting edges can be re-placed. Overall<br />
length 16½", blade opening 1⅝", blade width<br />
1⅜". Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs.<br />
C07828NY — $164.95<br /><br />
Hoof Care<br />
Trimming Discs & Hoof Blocks<br />
Farrier’s Apron<br />
Made from 5-6 oz. split-chap leather — good, heavy material to<br />
last a long time. Apron has one hoof pick pocket and a<br />
1" W x 50" L belt. Each leg piece is 28" L x 24" W. Sh. wt. 3.25 lbs.<br />
C02335NY — $75.10<br />
HOOFMAT —<br />
Premium Hoof<br />
Treatment Mat<br />
An innovative product that replaces the traditional footbath for prevention and treatment of lameness.<br />
Hoofmat is a soft, foam-filled, porous mat that is 71" x 36" x 1½". Easy to use… Just pour copper sulfate solution<br />
or other hoof treatment solutions onto the Hoofmat, then let cows walk over the mat as they enter the<br />
milking parlour, feeding station etc. After use, the mat is simply hung up to wash and drain. Benefits include<br />
lower cost, easy installation, less chemical usage, greater safety, more effective treatment, and less environmental<br />
contamination. One eight gallon fill of Hoofmat will treat 80 cows. Mat will last for approximately<br />
100,000 cow passes. Mat should be used on a level surface. Sh. wt. 12.25 lbs.<br />
C16681NY — $298.40<br />
Cowslips ®<br />
Developed by veterinary surgeons as an aid in the treatment<br />
of lameness in cattle. CowSlips® are orthopaedic shoes fitted to<br />
the healthy claw of the affected hoof, removing weight from the<br />
diseased or injured claw. Mobility is increased, thereby improving<br />
milk yield or weight gain. Made of recycled PVC with<br />
raised, non-slip latticed sole. CowSlips® are quick, clean, easy<br />
to fit, and will stay in place for several weeks and then fall off.<br />
Contains five right and five left shoes, and adhesive.<br />
Sh. wt. 5.31 lbs.<br />
C16440NY — $131.20<br />
CowSlips ® Plus. All the same features and advantages of the CowSlips® listed above<br />
(C16440NY), except these have a 1⁄2" longer sole to better enable the fitting of all sizes of<br />
hooves; slightly forward tapered sole with approximately 1⁄8" increased depth at the heel<br />
(tapered sole wears more evenly and reduces stress at the heel, taking weight off the flexor<br />
tendons); 1 mm wider; and rounded rear inside edge of sole for increased cow comfort.<br />
Sh. wt. 5 lbs.<br />
C18116NY — $131.20<br />
C18116(A)NY One right CowSlips® Plus.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. — $10.65<br />
C18116(B)NY One left CowSlips® Plus.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. — $10.65<br />
Cowslips ® XL. While the original CowSlips® (C16440NY) and Cowslips® Plus (C18116NY) listed above<br />
accommodate the overwhelming majority of hoof care problems needing weight relief, there are a number<br />
of very large or abnormal size claws that would be better fitted with a bigger shoe. Use CowSlips® XL to easily<br />
accommodate even the largest of dairy cattle — a full 51⁄2" (140 mm) long! Box of 10 (five left and five right).<br />
Sh. wt. 6 lbs.<br />
C23567NY — $166.65<br />
Cow Boot<br />
Ideal for continuous soaking when conditions such as warts, puncture wounds or other<br />
aggravated foot conditions exist. The boot also relieves pressure when signs of<br />
bruises appear. The boot opens wide for easy on/off application. The durable<br />
triple-layered bottom is made of a tough polyvinyl compound making it reusable<br />
many times over. Standard size boot fits adult cow. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C16623NY — $26.05<br />
Farrier Rollup Pouch<br />
A handy way to keep all your tools together<br />
and readily available when you’re out in the<br />
field. Made of heavy-duty coated polyester.<br />
Includes a leather rasp cover. (Tools not<br />
included.) Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C24412NY — $35.15<br />
Farrier Tool Cart<br />
Large top tray can be used to hold boxes of nails and<br />
other items. Lower tray features three compartments<br />
for keeping tools separated. Side loop holds hammer or<br />
other tools with handles. Two “V” side plates hold rasps<br />
or other flat tools. Large side loop is great for holding<br />
horseshoes. The four included casters make the cart easy<br />
to transport. 39" H x 15 3 ⁄4" W. Sh. wt. 22 lbs.<br />
C30976NY — $84.15<br />
C30977NY<br />
Hoof Lifter Mk2<br />
Easy to use — just attach the Hoof Lifter Mk2 securely<br />
to a suitable rail, release the ratchet, and pull the rope<br />
out and over a higher rail and then down to hook<br />
around the cow’s ankle. Wind the winch to lift the leg<br />
to the required height. Release the Hoof Lifter from the<br />
leg after it is tied off; release the rope to let the leg down<br />
when finished. As with any lifting device, care must be<br />
taken to release the leg quickly if the cow goes down.<br />
Fully galvanized for long life. May be used for front or<br />
rear legs. Sh. wt. 13 lbs.<br />
C30739NY — $196.65<br />
C30976NY<br />
Farrier Stand<br />
Easily perform farrier duties with more ease and less weight on<br />
your back. Supports the hoof for daily maintenance, including<br />
treatment, bandaging, and polishing. Consists of one standard<br />
adjustable base with two magnets, one rubber cradle, and one<br />
rubber post. Heavy-duty diamond-plate finish. Sh. wt. 16 lbs.<br />
C30977NY — $81.35<br />
36<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Scrotal Measuring Tape<br />
Full instruction card with a chart of the average scrotal circumference of<br />
beef breeds compared by age. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C07790NY — $29.65<br />
A.I. Thermometer<br />
A 1" pocket test bi-metal dial thermometer with 5" stem<br />
and clip holder. Insert tube in liquid and read temperature<br />
easily and quickly. Range 25° to 125° F. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C11021NY — $13.05<br />
Heat Mount Detector for Cows<br />
Takes the guesswork out of detecting heat in beef and dairy cattle. These low-cost detectors make artificial<br />
insemination easier, more practical, and more profitable. Invaluable in pregnancy determination and detection<br />
of estrus. Apply the small (4½" L x 2" W) plastic detector,<br />
with adhesive, over the sacrum of the cow (located on the<br />
line between the hipbones and the tail head). The detector<br />
remains white until it is triggered. Triggering takes place when<br />
the pressure from the brisket of a mounting cow turns the<br />
detector a bright, easy-to-spot red indicating the cow is ready<br />
to be bred. Includes adhesive.<br />
C06223CNY Box of 25. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs. — $36.25<br />
10 or more boxes, each — $34.45<br />
C06223ANY Box of 50. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs. — $69.05<br />
10 or more boxes, each — $65.60<br />
Kamar ® QuickStick <br />
Heatmount ® Detectors<br />
Peel-and-stick application — no tubed adhesive necessary! Pressure<br />
from the brisket of a mounting animal requires approximately three<br />
seconds to turn the detector from white to red. Box of 40 detectors.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C26954NY — $68.75<br />
24" LONG!<br />
Scrotal Measuring Wand<br />
Taking scrotal measurements can be a risky job. This 60 cm (24") plastic wand lets you<br />
keep a safe distance from the animal. Indicates averages at 14, 16, 18, and 20 months on a<br />
centimeter scale. One-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C25299NY — $84.65<br />
Self-Adhesive Detector<br />
ESTRUS ALERT ® - Estrotrct<br />
Device used to determine animals in standing heat. Easy to do! Keep Estrus<br />
Alert® warm before use, wipe application area with cotton towel so detector will adhere to animal’s<br />
hair, stick across the backbone, and check for heat in the morning and evenings. Signal layer<br />
will begin to show after the first mount. True standing heat can be detected after several mounts.<br />
Friction activated. Can be used in all weather conditions. Choose from three colors to manage animals<br />
and time periods. Package of 50. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C26258NY Red C26260NY Brilliant Green C26259NY Fuchsia<br />
— $84.65 ea.<br />
C13727NY<br />
Artificial Insemination<br />
Thermos ® With Thermometer And Retriever<br />
Specially designed to safely hold approximately 30 straws during thaw period,<br />
and for easy retrieval of straws after thawing. Includes pint-sized Thermos® fitted<br />
with Fahrenheit dial thermometer and perforated polypropylene thaw basket<br />
with retriever. Sh. wt. 1.38 lbs.<br />
C13727NY— $54.95<br />
Wide-Mouth Thermos ® Only<br />
One-pint capacity. 3½" W x 8" H. Sh. wt. 1.31 lbs.<br />
C11026NY — $12.05<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Master Artificial Bovine Vagina<br />
Finest artificial vagina ever offered. Its smooth finish and cushioned ends are sanitary and safe for valuable<br />
bulls. Just right stiffness. Water filling valve is smooth inside. Pressure- release control consists of three escape<br />
holes around cylinder and covering rubber band. Pressure which might cause vagina to “explode” is released<br />
inside rubber band. Saves semen and eliminates necessity of close checking of water. 16" L. Includes collection<br />
funnel and inner liner. Black. Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs.<br />
C06180NY — $102.05<br />
Cylinder Only. With pressure release. Black.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />
C06184NY — $80.60<br />
Bull-Point Marker<br />
Rugged, reinforced polyvinyl harness does not lose its shape when exposed to dirt, water,<br />
or other fluids. The 5,000-lb. test coarse nylon straps and heavy-duty, nonslip steel buckles<br />
assure easy adjustment and secure fit. Special rubber tubing on back strap prevents cutting<br />
or chafing of animal’s neck or ears. Stainless steel ink reservoir holds enough ink for 50 to 60<br />
mountings. Convenient fill plug with rubber stopper on top of the reservoir allows for clean<br />
and easy filling. Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />
C07475NY — $117.40<br />
C07475(A)NY Replacement plug. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs. — $3.15<br />
Marking Ink. Sh. wt. 11 lbs.<br />
C07476NY Yellow 1 gal. — $47.25<br />
C15971NY Lime Green 1 gal. — $47.25<br />
C07477NY Red 1 gal. — $47.25<br />
Estrous Detectors<br />
Priority Care<br />
Nonspermicidal Lubricating Jelly<br />
Virtually nontoxic, nonspermicidal, and minimizes irritation to<br />
the skin and the delicate mucous membranes of animals.<br />
8-oz. Bottle. Nonsterile. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C19628NY — $3.95<br />
Determines the most fertile moment for breeding ewes. Helps you avoid the necessity<br />
of multiple breedings, saves valuable time, and reduces expensive veterinary bills.<br />
Compact and fully portable. Monitors changes in electrical resistance of the vaginal<br />
mucous. No prior technical knowledge on the part of the operator is required. The<br />
big, easy-to-grip handle ensures that the instrument is not easily kicked out of the user’s<br />
hand and the easy-to-read LCD display makes reading the results more convenient. One<br />
or two daily readings over several successive days are recommended for fail-safe detection<br />
of estrous. Low-battery indicator. Powered by a “9V” battery (not included). Comes with<br />
instruction manual and plastic carry/storage case.<br />
For Cows/Mares. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C25982NY — $443.25<br />
C26749NY<br />
Horse Culture Swab<br />
A new approach to collecting cultures from brood mares. This 3-piece design lets you retrieve your sample in<br />
a simple and sanitary procedure. Once retrieved, the sample can be stored and transported safely in its own<br />
protective capsule. Individually wrapped and gas sterilized. Pkg. of 25. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C13728NY Pkg. of 25 — $94.55 10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $89.85<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Artificial<br />
Insemination Kit for<br />
Cattle, Fahrenheit<br />
A complete artificial insemination kit including<br />
everything you need for insemination.<br />
C11019NY — $337.65<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Artificial Insemination Kit for Cattle,<br />
Celsius. Same as C11019NY above, except<br />
includes a Centigrade thermometer instead of<br />
Fahrenheit. Sh. wt. 16 lbs.<br />
KI01640NY — $339.10<br />
EQUIVET Uterus Flushing Tube<br />
Ensures an easy and secure coupling of flushing tube and flushing liquid. Sterile, 190cm tube with bore spikes.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C18357NY — $8.10<br />
Gestation Wheel Calendars<br />
Designed to allow the farm manager to determine birthing dates<br />
quickly and accurately. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C25168NY Cattle C25169NY Sheep<br />
C25170NY Sow C25171NY Equine<br />
— $7.95 ea.<br /><br />
Artificial Insemination<br />
J-LUBE<br />
A versatile, concentrated hand<br />
lubricant. Stir into water to form<br />
a mild, nonirritating lubricant<br />
great for obstetrical and palpating<br />
purposes. May also be<br />
pumped into the uterus as an<br />
aid in prolonged “dry” cases<br />
of dystocia. Ingredients: 25%<br />
polyethylene polymer and 75%<br />
dispersing agent. One 10-oz.<br />
plastic bottle with shaker top<br />
makes 6 to 8 gallons of lubricant.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C08175NY — $12.00<br />
Priority Care<br />
Nonspermicidal<br />
Lubricating Jelly<br />
Virtually nontoxic, nonspermicidal, and minimizes<br />
irritation to the skin and the delicate<br />
mucous membranes of animals.<br />
5-oz. tube. Sterile. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C15190NY — $2.75<br />
12 or more — $2.60 ea.<br />
8-oz. bottle. Non-sterile. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C19628NY — $3.95<br />
Professional Lube<br />
An all-purpose, lubricating gel to minimize irritation to operator’s skin and<br />
animal’s mucous membranes. For animal use only. Gallon. Sh. wt. 8.75 lbs.<br />
C17341NY — $22.15<br />
C19020NY Pump for gallon container.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs. — $5.80<br />
Max-Flow Semen Gel Filters<br />
Semen gel filters offer the flexibility needed to adapt to any collection<br />
setup. The thin micro fibres improve the overall filtration of the semen,<br />
trapping less cells during the process, yet it retains twice the amount of gel.<br />
The special seams will not tear out with excessive gel output. Filters are<br />
also super colostrum filters.<br />
C25003NY Pack of 10. Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs. — $11.85<br />
C25004NY Pack of 25. Sh. wt. 5 lbs. — $20.20<br />
Standard Artificial Vagina Collection Funnel<br />
The standard type of collection funnel for many years. Made of dipped latex<br />
rubber. High quality throughout. Fits tightly over end of vagina<br />
cylinder. Ends and edges are not formed or doubled.<br />
Funnel without vent. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C06157NY — $12.85 ea.<br />
10 or more — $12.20 ea.<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Equine Artificial Vaginas — Missouri Style<br />
A Standard In The Horse Breeding World For Many Decades!<br />
These units are very well accepted by major breeders. Two sizes of the heavy-duty inner liners are<br />
available: 16” standard horse and 22” large horse. Two carrying cases are available — the leather<br />
case permits the vagina to be carried easily and gives rigidity to the inner liner; the insulated cover<br />
thermally insulates the collection liner and also provides a stable structure both lengthwise and<br />
crosswise. Each of the Missouri-style artificial vagina assemblies consists of a vagina, bottles or bags<br />
for collection, leather casing or insulated cover, and instructions.<br />
Write-On WHIRL-PAK ® Bags<br />
Write-On WHIRL-PAK® bags make sample identification easy! Designed with<br />
a white write-on strip that can be written on with an ordinary ballpoint pen<br />
or pencil. No labels to come off ! Ideal for milk, water, and food sampling. To<br />
assist in volume control, the top of the white strip can also be used as a fill line<br />
on the 2-oz. and 4-oz. bags. (All fill lines are approximate.)<br />
18-oz. Write-On Bags. 4½" W x 9" L. 2½" x 4½" white strip. For milk<br />
samples, food samples, and powder samples. Pkg. of 500. Sh. wt. 4.75 lbs.<br />
C90048NY — $70.25<br />
C26716NY<br />
Leather Casing with<br />
Plastic Bottles<br />
C26717NY<br />
Leather Casing with<br />
Whirl-Pak® Bags<br />
Standard Horse, 16” C26716NY C26717NY<br />
Each $325.90 $278.05<br />
Large Horse, 22” C26720NY C26721NY<br />
Each $346.80 $346.80<br />
Disposable Sheath Protector<br />
The disposable 12" sheath protector is used as a protective cover on insemination sheaths. The purpose of<br />
this protector is to aid against the transfer of contaminants into the uterus during the insemination process.<br />
Simply apply a slight forward thrust when reaching the exterior of the cervical canal, and the insemination<br />
sheath will “pass through” the protective tip, allowing the tube to proceed through the cervix. For Continental<br />
or French-style sheaths. Packed 25 per poly bag. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C11050NY Per bag — $7.15<br />
Replacement Rubber Liners<br />
13" Miniature Rubber Liner.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />
C18877NY — $281.35<br />
16" Standard Rubber Liner.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.43 lbs.<br />
C06250NY — $289.85<br />
22" Large Rubber Liner.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />
C12589NY — $362.20<br />
C18877NY<br />
C06250NY<br />
C12589NY<br />
Sheath with Insert<br />
These sheaths work with a 1⁄4 cc or 1⁄2 cc wick and powder straw. Coloured insert indicates type of gun best<br />
used in insemination. Green insert sheath is slit to work with O-Ring Insemination Gun C24280NY above.<br />
Blue insert sheath is designed to work with a spiral insemination gun. Pkg. of 50. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C25760NY Sheath with green insert (slit) — $3.50<br />
C25757NY Sheath with blue insert (unslit) — $3.50<br />
Next Generation Sterile Insemination Pipettes<br />
The #1 nonspermicidal insemination pipette on the market today. “Flex Tip” offers a secure hold to the<br />
syringe tip. Each 22" pipette is individually wrapped and sterilized.<br />
Pkg. of 25. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C19401NY — $9.50<br />
Preg-Alert Pro ®<br />
Ultrasound Scanner<br />
Superb results when using this unit if you plan to do<br />
pregnancy testing on cattle, mares, and other large mammals<br />
at earlier than 40 days gestation. Can also be used for<br />
measuring the thickness of backfat and loin muscle, blubber<br />
thickness in certain aquatic animals, and breast thickness in<br />
chickens. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />
C29221N — $1,785.15<br />
Leather A.V. Holder<br />
16" x 18" Holder. Sh. wt. 1.31 lbs.<br />
C06248YNY — $42.65<br />
22" Holder. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C12762ANY — $46.50<br />
38<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Key Industries’<br />
Men’s Short-Sleeved<br />
Lightweight Poplin<br />
Unlined Coveralls<br />
Short-sleeved unlined poplin<br />
coveralls with two-way nylon<br />
zipper, six pockets, action back, and<br />
elastic waist take-up. 34" inseam. 5 1 ⁄4-<br />
oz. 65% polyester/35% cotton. Fabric<br />
imported. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />
Khaki<br />
Medium (38/40)<br />
C29876(A)NY — $32.20<br />
Large (42/44)<br />
C29876(B)NY — $32.20<br />
X-Large (46/48)<br />
C29876(C)NY — $32.20<br />
XXL (50/52)<br />
C29876(D)NY — $32.20<br />
Tyvek<br />
® Disposable Coveralls<br />
Select Tyvek® coveralls for jobs requiring tear- and puncture-resistant<br />
apparel that withstands most chemi-<br />
cals and acids. Tyvek® is a polyolefin<br />
fabric that remains strong when wet<br />
or dry. Zipper front. Machine wash-<br />
able. NOTE: These may run small.<br />
We suggest purchasing one size<br />
larger. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
Medium. 47" waist, 28" inseam.<br />
C18260NY — $6.45 ea.<br />
10 or more — $6.15 ea.<br />
Large. 50" waist, 29" inseam.<br />
C18261NY — $6.45 ea.<br />
10 or more — $6.15 ea.<br />
X-Large. 56" waist, 31" inseam.<br />
C18262NY — $6.45 ea.<br />
10 or more — $6.15 ea.<br />
XX-Large. 58" waist, 32" inseam.<br />
C18263NY — $6.80 ea.<br />
10 or more — $6.45 ea.<br />
Artificial Insemination<br />
A disposable blue embossed polyethylene boot. It has an elastic top to<br />
keep the boot up on the leg. Fits men’s shoe size up to 12. Zip-close bag<br />
of 50. Available in light- or heavy-duty.<br />
C23472NY Light-duty. 17” tall, 3mL Sh. wt. 2.38 lbs. — $17.85<br />
C24395NY Heavy-duty. 17” tall 6mL Sh. wt. 5 lbs. — $20.35<br />
Super Sensitive Soft Shoulder Glove<br />
Polyethylene material is extremely sensitive and stretches for a perfect fit. 35" long. Box of 100 gloves.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.13 lbs.<br />
C17346NY — $12.60<br />
Shoulder-Length<br />
Artificial<br />
Insemination Glove<br />
A 34" shoulder-length glove with<br />
regular hand and smooth seams. 1<br />
mil thick. Blue. Box of 100.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs.<br />
C30309NY — $9.05<br />
All-2-Mate ® Barb-Style<br />
Insemination Gun<br />
Designed to utilize 1 ⁄4 cc and 1 ⁄2 cc semen straws. 18" L.<br />
For use with unslit sheaths. Packaged in clear protective tube.<br />
C31164NY — $31.35<br />
All-2-Mate ® O-Ring Insemination Gun<br />
For use with the slit sheath containing a green insert. Designed to<br />
utilize 1 ⁄4 cc and 1 ⁄2 cc semen straws. 18" L. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C24280NY— $32.75<br />
Shoulder Length Gloves — Dispenser Pack<br />
Shoulder length 1¼ mil gloves with watertight, strongly welded seams. Universal size. Convenient dispenser<br />
package. Pkg. of 100. Single usage only. Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs.<br />
C06271NY Per pkg. — $13.15<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg — $12.49 50 or more pkgs., per pkg — $12.15<br />
ECONO-BLUE Nitrile Glove<br />
Disposable gloves for a multitude of uses. Formulated with 100% synthetic nitrile<br />
polymer, these gloves are latex free, powder free, and odor free. Unique thermal sensitive,<br />
polymer compound absorbs body heat and easily conforms to the user’s hands; exerts<br />
virtually no pressure on the hands and reduces fatigue after extended wear. Box of 100 for<br />
sizes small, medium, and large; box of 90 for size X-large. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs..<br />
C20030NY Small C20031NY Medium<br />
C20032NY Large C20033NY X-large<br />
Per box — $10.90<br />
10 or more boxes — $10.35 ea.<br />
20 or more boxes — $9.80 ea.<br />
Latex Exam Gloves<br />
Disposable latex examining gloves ideal for many applications.<br />
Box of 100. Powdered with absorbable dusting powder.<br />
Regular. Sh. wt. 2.06 lbs.<br />
C09878NY — $10.70<br />
Large. Sh. wt. 2.06 lbs.<br />
C09879NY — $10.70<br />
C09878NY<br />
C12169NY C14019NY C21039NY<br />
Plastic Tie Boots<br />
Over-the-shoe plastic boots are easy to slip on and off. Handy tie closure. Made of polyethylene plastic.<br />
Can be worn once and discarded. Packed 50 per convenient dispenser box.<br />
Small Size. 13" long, 16" high.<br />
C18867NY 4 mil plastic boots. Sh. wt. 3.31 lbs. Per box — $13.45<br />
Regular Size. 14 1 ⁄2" long, 18" high.<br />
C17347NY 3 mil plastic boots. Sh. wt. 2.44 lbs. Per box — $11.50<br />
C12169NY 4 mil plastic boots. Sh. wt. 3.56 lbs. Per box — $12.35<br />
C13316NY 6 mil plastic boots. Sh. wt. 4.88 lbs. Per box — $16.45<br />
NASCO Big Boot. 16" long, 21" high.<br />
C14019NY 4 mil plastic big boot. Sh. wt. 4.25 lbs. Per box — $14.70<br />
C17348NY 6 mil plastic big boot. Sh. wt. 5.56 lbs. Per box — $20.50<br />
Jumbo Boot. 18¾" long, 21" high. Perfect to fit over those extra-large work shoes or winter boots.<br />
C21039NY 4 mil plastic jumbo boot. Sh. wt. 4.93 lbs. Per box — $19.05<br /><br />
Veterinary / Animal Health<br />
SyrFlex Sterile Bandage with Pad<br />
Sterile bandage combines an absorbent pad with a cohesive<br />
bandage. Provides consistent, lightweight compression. Selfadhesive<br />
and flexible. Pad won’t stick to wound. Tear by hand<br />
— no scissors required. 4" x 5 yards (stretched); 4" x 2.2 yards<br />
(unstretched). Black. Box of 8. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />
C30251NY — $15.55<br />
Easy B-Z Portable<br />
Calf Restraint<br />
Ideal for restraining young calves (0-2<br />
months) for dehorning, implanting, castrating,<br />
dew claw removal, etc. Highly portable and<br />
readily adaptable to a wide variety of housing<br />
situations. Built to last with rugged, welded<br />
steel construction. Veterinarian tested and<br />
approved. Sh. wt. 7 lbs.<br />
C16021NY — $140.55<br />
Co-Flex Cohesive Flexible Bandage<br />
A lightweight, flexible, cohesive bandage used in a variety of applications. It’s an excellent pressure<br />
bandage without cutting off circulation, and it wraps easily to adapt to even the most difficult body<br />
contours. Adheres to itself, no clips or fasteners are needed. Will not stick to hair. 4" x 5 yd. roll. Made in<br />
the U.S.A. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C17623NY Purple C13818NY White C13819NY Blue<br />
C17622NY Green C13820NY Red<br />
Each — $1.75; 6 or more, ea. — $1.65<br />
PREG-TONE ® Ultrasonic<br />
Pregnancy Testers<br />
Fast, safe, and accurate ultrasonic pregnancy<br />
testers. No buttons to push! No lights to watch!<br />
Ultrasonic pregnancy detection with the<br />
PREG-TONE® is a proven and accepted herd<br />
management technique. Uses high-frequency<br />
sound waves called ultrasound to detect amniotic<br />
fluid present during pregnancy. When this<br />
fluid is detected, the instrument produces a loud<br />
continuous tone. When used on an animal which is<br />
not pregnant, the instrument produces an intermittent<br />
tone. The intermittent tone also indicates that good<br />
skin contact is being made. No guessing and no question!<br />
Since the PREG-TONE® uses only loud, easy-to-hear tones to indicate both pregnancy and nonpregnancy,<br />
it can be clipped on the belt or kept in a pocket — it does not need to be seen or held during testing, so<br />
attention is not diverted from the animal. Rugged all-metal construction guarantees against interference<br />
by radio waves in the atmosphere. Uses rechargeable Nimh batteries (included) in a pack that will last for<br />
years and give many hours of testing on one overnight charge. Unique circuitry causes the PREG-TONE® to<br />
turn itself off when the battery needs recharging, preventing erroneous readings due to insufficient power.<br />
Battery charger included.<br />
PREG-TONE® for Hogs. Clinically proven 100% accurate on normal sows. Pregnancy testing in swine<br />
can begin as early as 18 days (large litters, 11-12 piglets). Open sows can be diagnosed as early as 30 days.<br />
Normal testing time in sows and gilts is 30-73 days. Sh. wt. 2.19 lbs.<br />
C16070NY — $595.40<br />
The Whiplash Complete Stomach Pump System<br />
Developed for the delivery of high volume oral fluids to ruminants. Long stainless steel, flexible stomach<br />
tube features a bulb head to pass easily down the esophagus. Nose clamp allows oral delivery without<br />
assistance. Top-quality, durable stainless steel pump delivers 335 ml per stroke, three strokes deliver one<br />
liter. Durable 6-ft. rubber hose to connect pump with stomach tube. Simple to operate, delivering precise<br />
volumes. Elongated 60° probe completely enters the rumen and allows for high-volume fluid delivery.<br />
Sh. wt. 11 lbs.<br />
C28485NY — $541.15<br />
Med-Eze Stomach Pump Only. Durable stainless steel construction. Hose accommodates various size<br />
stomach tubes. Each stroke delivers 335 ml. Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />
C28673NY — $190.60<br />
The Merck Veterinary Manual<br />
9th edition. The most comprehensive and reliable source of information<br />
on all aspects of animal health care. The classic reference for veterinary<br />
students and practitioners worldwide. This latest edition includes additional<br />
information on new and emerging animal diseases, broadened<br />
chapters on emergency and critical care, expanded coverage of exotic<br />
and laboratory animals, important coverage of animal-to-human disease<br />
transmission, plus many other added and revised chapters. Copyright<br />
2005. Cloth bound, 2,712 pages. Sh. wt. 3.56 lbs.<br />
C26853NY — $64.35<br />
Minitemp Noncontact Thermometer<br />
This compact, lightweight thermometer with laser sighting and<br />
infrared technology takes readings without contact. Safely measures<br />
animal temperature from a distance. You simply aim, pull the trigger,<br />
and read the temperature on a large, backlit LCD display. Select<br />
either °C or °F for temperature display. Temperature range: 0 to<br />
525° F (–18° to 275° C). At ambient operating temperature of 73°<br />
F (23° C) accuracy is ±2% of reading or ±3° F (±2° C), whichever is<br />
greater. Dimensions: 6" x 4" x 1½". Dis ratio of 8:1. This thermometer<br />
reads only surface temperature, so it will tell the skin or hide<br />
temperature, but not the internal temperature. The farther away<br />
from the animal, the larger the area read. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
B01376NY — $97.90<br />
Thermometers<br />
See Page 45 for<br />
more Thermometers<br />
Portable Noncontact Thermometer<br />
A handheld, noncontact thermometer that uses infrared technology<br />
to measure the temperature of animals up close or from a<br />
distance. Simply aim, pull the trigger, and read the temperature<br />
on a large, backlit LCD display. Lightweight, compact, and easy<br />
to use, the Ranger ST can safely and remotely measure animal<br />
temperature. Temperature range: –25° to 999° F (–32° to 400°<br />
C). Temperature display: select either °C or °F. Accuracy: ±1%<br />
or ±1° whichever is greater at 73° F (23° C) ambient operating<br />
temperature. Dimensions: 5 2 ⁄5" x 1 3 ⁄5" x 7 7 ⁄10". Dis ratio of 12:1. This<br />
thermometer reads only surface temperature, so it will tell the skin<br />
or hide temperature, but not the internal temperature. The farther<br />
away from the animal, the larger the area read. Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />
B01377NY — $218.90<br />
40<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Veterinary / Animal Health<br />
Deluxe Calf Snare<br />
Hold calves securely with this clear, vinyl-coated cable snare.No<br />
more punctured fingers from frayed wires. Cable crosses over with<br />
a unique tightening device — can’t slip down when pressure is<br />
applied. Heavy-duty attachment block. 33" long. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C11884NY — $71.50<br />
Economy Calf Puller<br />
Redesigned calf puller for difficult calving. Precision-made grooves to guarantee against slippage. Heavygauge<br />
100% zinc-plated components for long, rust free operation. Includes three separate hook attachments<br />
and special two-piece shaft for storing. Does not include OB chains or hip strap. 65" long. Sh. wt. 28.68 lbs.<br />
C14267NY — $155.95<br />
Stone<br />
Ratch-A-Pull<br />
Double-action calf puller…<br />
the longest and strongest<br />
available! Variable sideto-side<br />
pull for maximum<br />
control and maneuverability.<br />
Provides straight, consistent pulling action. 77" solid steel rod provides<br />
long, continuous pull and eliminates need for reattaching chains. Deep grooves on pole provide positive<br />
locking to prevent slippage of ratchet, and damage to pole. Heavy-duty, solid steel construction of pole and<br />
ratchet is strongest available. Pole threads together at midpoint for easy breakdown and assembly. Entire puller<br />
and breech spanner fits handily into canvas carry bag for easy portability and secure storage. No lost parts!<br />
Smooth, precise craftsmanship in every detail. Precision hook design grips Stone OB chain securely at any<br />
point to prevent slippage or slack (chains sold separately). Ratchet is capable of 1,400 lbs. of pull. Aluminum<br />
alloy breech spanner with washable web strap included with puller. Sh. wt. 23 lbs.<br />
C13410NY — $308.30<br />
Stone Ratch-A-Pull Kit. Includes Stone Ratch-A-Pull above with breech spanner and strap<br />
(C13410NY), plus two 30" OB chains, cleaning brush, OB hook, 8-oz. bottle of OB lube, and carry bag.<br />
Sh. wt. 35 lbs.<br />
C26888NY — $407.30<br />
Power Pull With<br />
Calf Attachment<br />
Up to one-third lighter than other pullers<br />
— easier and more convenient to<br />
use. This unit has a 14:1 power ratio<br />
with 1,500-lb. capacity. The Power Pull<br />
locks onto the calf puller attachment by a simple, foolproof “turn buckle” arrangement. The 9-ft. steel aircraft<br />
cable enables the user to deliver a calf with ease. The calf puller consists of a strong, lightweight breech<br />
spanner; a tubular steel rod in two sections; a heavy web strap; a 30" obstetrical chain; for two person use.<br />
Power Pull With Calf Puller Attachment. Sh. wt. 23 lbs.<br />
C00446NY — $406.65<br />
Power Pull Only. 9-ft. cable without calf puller attachment. Sh. wt. 6.50 lbs.<br />
C00373NY — $200.50<br />
Calf Eze<br />
Calf Puller<br />
Strong and durable:<br />
lightweight, high-tech<br />
materials provide years of<br />
service. Dual-action pull.<br />
Easy, one-person operation. Utilizing nonslip cam traction — no slipping or backing up. Traction on the calf<br />
and the counter thrust against the cow induce the spreading of the pelvic bones, the elevation of the abdomen,<br />
and arching of the cow’s back. This calf puller makes “locked hip” deliveries relatively easy. Features<br />
include: aerospace, heat-treated, aluminum alloy jack; state-of-the-art handle release; four hardened steel<br />
cams; two cam springs; precision, two-section rod assembly; 23" cast aluminum breechen; and nylon web<br />
strap. Sh. wt. 18 lbs.<br />
C17338NY — $299.15<br />
Type Price Length Weight OB Chain<br />
C13900NY<br />
Dr. Frank’s Fetal<br />
Extractor with Chains<br />
C17338NY<br />
Calf Eze Calf Puller<br />
C28565NY<br />
Hercules Calf Puller<br />
C14267NY<br />
Economy Calf Puller<br />
C13410NY<br />
Stone Ratch-A-Pull<br />
C00446NY<br />
Power Pull with Calf<br />
Puller<br />
C07591NY<br />
Westguard Calf Puller<br />
Calf Pullers<br />
Breech<br />
Width<br />
$284.10 76" 25 lbs. OB Hook 23" Plated Steel<br />
$299.15 74" 20 lbs. Not Included 22" Plated Steel<br />
Westguard Calf Puller<br />
Simple, fast, and safe ratchet-operated calf puller.<br />
Ratchet and shaft turn 360° to the right or left for<br />
easy, one-person operation. Quickly locks into<br />
position: just set the T-bolt provided. Easy to<br />
release and reset. Complete with 60" obstetrical<br />
chain and hip strap. 82" long. Sh. wt. 26.75 lbs.<br />
C07591NY — $216.65<br />
DR. Frank's Fetal Extractor<br />
with Chains<br />
This is the original obstetrical instrument developed by B.N.<br />
Frank, DVM, a specialist in veterinary obstetrics. Uniform tension<br />
— no slipping or backing up. Traction on the calf and the<br />
counter thrust against the cow induce spreading of the pelvic<br />
bones, elevation of the abdomen, and arching of the animal’s back, all assisting the natural birth process. It is<br />
operated with a rotating motion at a speed consistent with dilation of the pelvic muscles. “Locked hips” deliveries<br />
are made relatively easy. Includes 23" Breechen (breech spanner) to induce spreading of pelvic bones;<br />
adjustable rump strap; leg and traction chains; precision threaded connection for smooth operation; friction<br />
jack to maintain constant tension; and extractor shaft (made of extra duty steel Shelby tubing). Assembles in<br />
minutes. Length assembled: 76". Sh. wt. 24.50 lbs.<br />
C13900NY — $284.10<br />
Material Made Of Hip Strap Drive Mechanism<br />
Web Strap<br />
96" x 1 ⁄2"<br />
Web Strap<br />
72" x 1 ⁄2"<br />
Friction jack on<br />
smooth rod<br />
Double friction jack with side-to-side or single<br />
pull on smooth bar<br />
$226.90 65" 22 lbs. Not Included 25" Plated Steel Not Included Ratchet jack<br />
$155.95 67" 22 lbs. Not Included 23" Plated Steel Not Included<br />
$308.30 79" 23 lbs. Two 30" Chains 21" Plated Steel<br />
$406.95 65" 23 lbs. 30" Chain and OB Hook 21" Chrome Plated Steel<br />
$216.65 82" 26 lbs. 60" Chain 25" Plated Steel<br />
Hercules Calf Puller<br />
This calf puller provides an entirely new approach to difficult calvings. With one of the handles, you<br />
can move the two separate hooks alternately, pulling first one limb and then, with the next movement<br />
of the handle, the other limb. The most difficult presentation can be zig-zagged out in this manner.<br />
The extra-long, 65", no-slip shaft disassembles in the middle. Breech is supplied with an adjustable,<br />
easy-to-clean chain. Sh. wt. 22 lbs.<br />
C28565NY — $226.90<br />
Web Belt<br />
72" x 1"<br />
Web Belt<br />
80"x 1"<br />
Web Strap<br />
85" x 1 ⁄2"<br />
Ratchet, side-to-side, or single pull on grooved<br />
bar<br />
Ratchet, side-to-side pull on a grooved bar, pulls in<br />
both directions<br />
Come-along style with 9-ft. cable<br />
Ratchet operation on<br />
square tubing<br /><br />
Veterinary / Animal Health<br />
Cattle Sling<br />
Solve the problem of supporting a down cow for a longer length of<br />
time than with a cattle lift. Use with a lift, once the animal is lifted.<br />
Sturdy vinyl coated nylon material 60" L x 35" W with 4" turnover on<br />
each end. Three 4" triple stitched webbing straps run full length of<br />
material for added strength and support. 2" edge binding full length on<br />
each edge of material portion. Loops in the material to accommodate<br />
two 42" x ½" O.D. rods to attach ropes or chains for suspension. For<br />
animals up to 1,500 lbs. Designed to immobilize, not to support total<br />
animal weight. Includes rods. Sh. wt. 9.94 lbs.<br />
C07126NY — $157.05<br />
Shanks M & M Cattle Sling<br />
Designed by a practicing veterinarian to pick up a down cow by her<br />
hipbones for a short period of time for treatment, arranging bedding,<br />
or milking. To use, place over hipbones and tighten adjusting crank<br />
until sponge rubber pads have firm grip on each side. Attach block and<br />
tackle to eye bolt in center of sling and lift. Should not be left on animal<br />
for long periods of time. Hot dip galvanized. Sh. wt. 35.25 lbs.<br />
C00888NY — $335.50<br />
Replacement Parts.<br />
C07139NY Crank. Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs. — $21.20<br />
C00888ANY Right square nut. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $4.55<br />
C00888BNY Left square nut. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $13.70<br />
C24418NY Threaded rod. Sh. wt. 3.94 lbs. — $70.40<br />
Heavy-Duty Veterinary Obstetrical<br />
Chains<br />
The finest available. Stainless steel, heavy duty obstetrical chains assist<br />
in the delivery of calves. Easy to clean and convenient to use.<br />
C26348NY 30". Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs. — $60.80<br />
C26347NY 60". Sh. wt. 1.19 lbs. — $71.80<br />
Stone OB Chains<br />
Strong! Tested to withstand a minimum of 1,200 lbs. of pull. Highquality,<br />
smooth, nickel-plated steel, twisted link type. Long-lasting and<br />
easily sanitized.<br />
60" Ob Chain. 30" Ob Chain.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C26884NY — $24.35 C26885NY — $15.00<br />
Daisy Lifter Cow Lift<br />
A simple and inexpensive way to lift or move cows with a front end<br />
or bucket loader. Gentle lifting, with support from the backside to the<br />
brisket, ensures that the cow is not harmed. Daisy Lifter includes an<br />
open area for the udder to hang through, thus reducing stress and pressure.<br />
Lifting straps and buckles have been strengthened and improved<br />
to accommodate animals up to 2,200 lbs. Daisy Lifter is made from<br />
heavy-duty, reinforced, long-lasting PVC with the webbing and thread<br />
constructed of durable polyester. The cow is gently rolled onto the<br />
sling, straps are adjusted, and the C-hooks secured to a front end loader<br />
or bucket. The cow is then gently lifted and moved to a hospital. After<br />
use, the Daisy Lifter should be cleaned, dried, and stored in the handy<br />
drawstring carrying bag provided. One-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 22 lbs.<br />
C25940NY — $593.20<br />
C28191NY Standard sling only. Sh. wt. 9 lbs. — $351.75<br />
C28187NY XL model. Sh. wt. 23 lbs. — $632.45<br />
C28190NY XL sling only. Sh. wt. 8.50 lbs. — $422.95<br />
Cow Lift<br />
Specially designed for lifting cows that are<br />
down due to milk fever or calving injury,<br />
and for assisting cows down on wet<br />
cement. There is only<br />
one adjustment to<br />
make no matter<br />
what size cow it is<br />
used on. Place over the<br />
cow’s hips and crank as if<br />
cranking a jack. Tighten<br />
lift as necessary to<br />
prevent slipping when<br />
lifting cow. Use with a<br />
wire stretcher, power pull, or similar device attached to a tractor, etc.,<br />
to easily lift the animal. Rubber padded stirrups prevent scraping cow’s<br />
hips. Bronze bearings eliminate friction and binding on screw. Movable<br />
parts are sealed and permanently lubricated. Self-contained folding<br />
crank. Excellent for veterinarians! 20" folded, 28" extended. Capacity:<br />
2,000 lbs. or more. Sh. wt. 19.31 lbs.<br />
C11432NY — $228.55<br />
Front End Sling<br />
Allows the whole cow to be lifted safely to a standing position for<br />
longer periods of time. Using a hip lift alone may cause a fair amount of<br />
muscular and tissue damage around the hip area. Raised by the same<br />
methods as a sling, the front end sling takes weight off of the animal,<br />
and provides minimal discomfort to the animal. Easy to use, the 12"<br />
belt slides under the cow behind its front legs. A harness keeps the belt<br />
from slipping. Adjustable to any size cow. Sh. wt. 22 lbs.<br />
C12627NY — $351.75<br />
Calf<br />
Resuscitator<br />
with Rescue<br />
Mask and<br />
Aspirator<br />
Mask<br />
Designed to inflate<br />
the lungs of newborns<br />
which have a heartbeat<br />
but are unable to<br />
breathe. Aspirator mask fits over tion end of resuscitator and suctions any mucus that may be block-<br />
inducing<br />
the airway before commencing resuscitation. Made of durable,<br />
chemical resistant materials, the aspirator mask will not crack. Takes<br />
only 10-15 seconds to suction mucus, making it efficient, timely, and<br />
far less fatiguing than other methods. One-year warranty.<br />
C25879NY — $203.25<br />
Llocin Navel<br />
Cord Clamps<br />
The navel cord acts as a siphoning<br />
passageway for disease-carrying bacteria<br />
to enter the bloodstream of newborn<br />
animals. Llocin Clamps help prevent<br />
navel infection by sealing off the navel<br />
C06995NY<br />
cord. Apply as soon after birth as possible. Clamp may be removed in<br />
24-36 hours, or it will drop off of its own accord in 3-5 days. Reusable.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
Clamp For Pigs And<br />
Clamp For Calves<br />
Lambs. Bag of 25. and Colts. Bag of 10.<br />
C06995NY — $7.45 C07005NY— $6.40<br />
Stone OB Handle<br />
Easy-grip, heavy-duty, one-piece cast iron<br />
construction. Sturdy, smooth, nickelplated.<br />
Hook will not spring or let chain<br />
slip. Grips Stone OB chains (at left) at any<br />
point. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C26887NY — $14.65<br />
Low Trauma Nylon Calving Strap<br />
This calving strap has an advantage over either chains or rope for<br />
assisted delivery of calves in that stress is spread over a larger area of<br />
the soft tissue and bones of the newborn so the likelihood of injury is<br />
greatly reduced. Strap is 1" wide nylon webbing and is 32" overall. Two<br />
metal loops are sewn in with a double thickness of strapping and may<br />
be used to attach a calf puller or traction device for harder deliveries.<br />
The hand loop allows correct and sufficient pressure for easier deliveries.<br />
Straps are easily cleaned and disinfected. 1" strap required for each<br />
leg. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C19737NY — $7.15<br />
C10752NY<br />
C10751NY<br />
Obsterical Calf Strap<br />
Preferred by many cattlemen, this easy-to-use obstetrical strap helps<br />
you assist the unborn calf. This strap doesn’t hurt as much as the old<br />
chain types, and will not break a leg. Available in 30" and 60" sizes.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.37 lbs.<br />
C10751NY 30" strap — $3.20<br />
C10752NY 60" strap — $4.70<br />
42 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Propane Dehorner<br />
Portable newborn calf/goat dehorner uses a 14-oz.<br />
propane cylinder or a large 20-lb. tank. Four-foot<br />
propane hose gives maximum maneuverability while<br />
dehorning. Easy to use - simply trigger start ignition;<br />
after only a short preheating time, you are ready to<br />
begin. Designed to dehorn calves from birth to four<br />
months of age depending on breed and size of animal.<br />
Includes newborn calf and goat attachment. Attaches<br />
with an Allen screw (included). Even includes Allen<br />
wrench! Propane cylinder or tank not included. Tip<br />
dimensions: 5/8" I.D. Dehorner stand sold separately (C28040NY).<br />
C29554NY — $211.75<br />
Propane Dehorner Stand. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C28040NY — $18.60<br />
Express Dehorner<br />
Portable, safe, fast, and efficient! No electric cords or<br />
bulky propane gas tanks required. Compact design<br />
uses a gas cartridge (butane/propane mix) that<br />
conveniently fits in the handle. Each cartridge will last<br />
between two and five hours. Comes with an automatic<br />
ignition. No outside flame. Working temperature is<br />
reached in three minutes (752° F/400° C, thereafter<br />
1100° F/600° C). This powerful unit can dehorn<br />
calves up to 10 weeks old. Easily maintained — the tip, nozzle, and ignition can be changed by the user.<br />
Comes with two gas cartridges and a standard debudding tip (¾"/20 mm). Sh. wt. 4.75 lbs.<br />
C24555NY — $360.65<br />
GAS CARTRiDGE. Butane/propane mix. Lasts for two to five hours. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C24556NY — $10.30<br />
DebuDDINg TIPS. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C24557NY Small, 5 ⁄8"/15 mm. — $23.00<br />
C24558NY Standard, 3 ⁄4"/20 mm. — $23.00<br />
C24559NY Large,1"/25 mm. — $33.55<br />
C29554NY<br />
Dehorners<br />
Veterinary / Animal Health<br />
Refillable with<br />
standard butane!<br />
Portasol Dehorner III<br />
The perfect tool for dehorning herds of young calves 3-8 weeks old. Removing<br />
the pre-emergent (debudding) is the most humane and efficient way to eliminate<br />
horn tissue in calves. This method of dehorning simultaneously kills horn<br />
growth and controls bleeding by cauterizing the blood vessels while minimizing<br />
potential infection. Designed for and by farmers and veterinary surgeons.<br />
Portasol III makes it possible to dehorn and debud anywhere, in the field, pen,<br />
and in the barn. Length: 9-3/8". Operating time: 45 minutes. Tip temperature:<br />
1,200° F. Refill time: 20 seconds. For trouble-free performance we highly recommend<br />
using quadruple refined gas like our butane refill (C14240NY). Unit<br />
equipped with 5/8" (15mm) tip.<br />
C29559NY — $181.50<br />
*C14240NY butane refill for C29559NY. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs. — $7.00<br />
*May be subject to a $12.00 uPS Hazardous Material Surcharge,<br />
depending on quantity ordered.<br />
Knuckle Saver Precision Barnes Dehorner<br />
Plain and simple… This product helps save your knuckles.<br />
Specially designed for use in close quarters such as holding<br />
pens and around headlocks and squeeze chutes. It has 18°<br />
offset tubular steel handles that allow the user to fully open<br />
the cutting edges of the dehorner in much less space than<br />
required by straight handle dehorners. Features cutting blades<br />
that are perfectly matched so they operate smooth and easy<br />
with no binding or uneven cuts. The blades have precisionsharpened<br />
cutting surfaces for fast, clean cuts and no skin tags.<br />
This heavy-duty instrument is quality built to last a lifetime.<br />
Total length of the 18° angle tubular steel handles and rubber<br />
grip is 16".<br />
C16663NY Large. Sh. wt. 3.75 lbs. — $61.55<br />
C16664NY Extra-large. Sh. wt. 4 lbs. — $70.35<br />
Dehorning<br />
Proper care and frequent<br />
cleaning/maintenance recommended.<br />
Decrease injury in your animals by dehorning when they are young! Place the dehorner over the horn and rotate to make certain the high temperature is<br />
applied to all horn cells at the base of the horn. In four to six weeks the horn button will drop off, leaving a smooth, well-healed area. No loss of blood or<br />
severe shock during or after dehorning. Can be done safely any month of the year.<br />
Dehorner,<br />
model x-30c<br />
A 200 Watt Dehorner with 245 cm of<br />
cord length. This X-30 model maintains<br />
steady heat of 482-510 degrees<br />
Celsius and has a rapid recovery. Great<br />
for calves and goats. Certified to CSA<br />
specifications. ½" end opening.<br />
C90092NY — $84.95<br />
Dehorner, model x-50c<br />
(with tip)<br />
A 239 Watt Dehorner with 245 cm of cord<br />
length. Our premier model, the X-50C is<br />
thermostatically controlled and comes with<br />
soldering tip attachment. 239 watts provides<br />
over 540 degrees Celsius of dehorning power.<br />
Compatible with all Rhinehart attachments.<br />
CSA approved. ¾" end opening.<br />
C90094NY — $99.95<br />
Dehorner Tips<br />
Dehorner, model x-50Ac<br />
(without tip)<br />
A 239 Watt Dehorner with 245 cm of cord length. Our<br />
premier model, the X-50AC is thermostatically controlled.<br />
239 watts provides over 540 degrees Celsius of dehorning<br />
power. Compatible with all Rhinehart attachments. CSA<br />
approved.<br />
C90096NY — $89.95<br />
C0207NY ½' Small<br />
Dehorner Adapter Tip<br />
— $15.95<br />
C0205NY ⅜' Small<br />
Dehorning Adapter<br />
Tip — $15.95<br />
C0208NY Soldering Tip<br />
— $20.95<br />
C0206NY ¼' Small<br />
Dehorning Adapter Tip<br />
— $15.95<br />
Double Head Electric Dehorner<br />
Tip dimensions: 15 /16" and ¾" I.D., 1-¼" and 1" O.D., overall depth open. 450 Watts with a cord length of 9.5'.<br />
110V AC. CSA approved.<br />
C27103NY — $126.45<br />
Dr. Naylor Dehorning Paste<br />
Provides a quick, economical method of dehorning young animals<br />
at any time of the year. One application over horn button does it.<br />
No cutting or bleeding. Use as soon after birth as possible up to 8<br />
weeks old. Will dehorn over 40 calves. 4-oz. jar. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C11910NY — $5.80<br /><br />
Veterinary / Animal Health<br />
Dehorning & Castration Equipment<br />
Callicrate Bander<br />
Makes castration fast, easy, and effective<br />
without complications. Delayed castration<br />
by banding and the use of natural<br />
testosterone result in 10-15% improvement<br />
in pre- and post-weaning gain, 20%<br />
improvement in post-weaning conversion,<br />
increased muscle and frame growth.<br />
The loop and clip unit on this bander<br />
makes the job fast, easy, and convenient<br />
and works well on any size animal. The<br />
winding mechanism tightens the heavy<br />
rubber cord with little effort, and the special<br />
clip design holds the band securely in place,<br />
reducing scrotal drop time. Has a built-in tension<br />
meter that senses proper tightness every time, regardless<br />
of the operator or the size of the animal. Complete kit comes in a plastic storage<br />
case and contains the bander, instructional DVD, and cutter. Sh. wt. 5.19 lbs.<br />
C18381NY — $307.75<br />
C16150NY Bag of 25 E5-10 loops. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs. — $76.75<br />
C16151NY Bag of 100 E5-10 loops. Sh. wt. 4 lbs. — $306.65<br />
C00288NY<br />
Heavy-Duty Dehorner/Brush Cutter<br />
Blades made of tough alloy tool steel are heat-treated to provide an exceptionally<br />
long cutting life. Makes 1 1 ⁄2" cuts with ease. Can be used for dehorning and tipping cattle.<br />
Cutter handles are heat-treated spring steel with comfortable rubber grips. Length: 27". Sh. wt. 6.50 lbs.<br />
C29196NY — $114.35<br />
Convex Dehorner<br />
A strong, simple tool. When there are only a few animals to be dehorned each year, the improved Convex<br />
Dehorner will serve nicely. One knife does the entire cutting job, aided by a buffer plate which forms the<br />
lower jaw. Because there is only one cutting surface, knife can be removed from cut during operation and<br />
easily replaced. 16½" dehorner with 25" wood handles. Sh. wt. 16 lbs.<br />
C00183NY — $198.85<br />
C01605NY Extra blades. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs. — $44.55<br />
Convex Junior Dehorner<br />
Calves should be dehorned during the first year, before their horns become large and tough. This farm-tested<br />
Convex Junior Dehorner is the right instrument for operating on both calves and goats. Constructed precisely<br />
like the popular Convex Dehorner (C00183NY, above) in design and operation, it is smaller and lighter,<br />
yet powerful enough to do a neat, clean job on young animals. Just as efficient in operating on goats. 11½"<br />
dehorner with 14½" wood handles. Sh. wt. 6.13 lbs.<br />
C05638NY — $167.15<br />
C05639NY Extra blades. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs. — $34.95<br />
C00289NY<br />
+<br />
C00290NY<br />
Emasculatome Castrators<br />
Precision-made instruments for the humane and bloodless castration of livestock by severing the testicular<br />
cord without injury to the scrotum. No bloodshed, therefore no loss due to blood poisoning, flies, or screwworms.<br />
Slipping of the cord is prevented by the patented cord stops. Complete atrophy of the testicles follows<br />
in about six weeks. The animal does not suffer and no special attention or treatment is required. High-quality<br />
steel, nickel-plated, with cord stops. Instruction booklet included. For docking lamb’s tails, use either extra<br />
small or small instrument. Cut off tail inside the closed jaws. Crush of pinchers will reduce bleeding.<br />
C00287NY Extra small size: 9" long. For lambs.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.81 lbs. — $33.55<br />
C00288NY Small size: 12" long. For lambs or young calves or for docking lambs.<br />
Sh. wt. 3.25 lbs. — $47.05<br />
C00289NY Large size: 16" long. For mature bulls. Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs. — $58.25<br />
C00290NY Extra large size: 19" long. For bulls, horses, buffalo, and camels. Sh. wt. 6.06 lbs. — $63.00<br />
EZE Bloodless Castrator<br />
An easy-to-use bloodless castrating tool. Will not interrupt rate of gain and allows minimum stress and discomfort<br />
to the animal. The tool applies a latex ring around the scrotum and pulls it extremely tight, cutting<br />
off the blood supply. An aluminum clip secures the constriction. A built-in knife cuts the latex and you are<br />
ready for the next animal. The scrotum should fall off in 20-30 days. Can be used on cattle, sheep, and goats.<br />
Works best on calves 250 lbs. and over. A tetanus toxoid injection should be given at the time of banding.<br />
Comes with enough latex rings and clips to do 25 head. Includes instructional video. Sh. wt. 4.88 lbs.<br />
C18363NY — $220.55<br />
C14761NY Pkg. of 50 clips. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $35.50<br />
C18364(A)NY Pkg. of 50 latex bands. Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs. — $50.55<br />
Replacement Tubing for Original bloodless Castrator. 13-ft. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C14762NY — $10.90<br />
Improve Keystone Dehorner<br />
This is the “last word” in dehorning instruments. Outer edge of the cutting knife is pointed and its surface is<br />
parallel to the cutting edge. This makes the knife stronger and less likely to crack. 24" wooden handles.<br />
Sh. wt. 17.50 lbs.<br />
C00175NY — $186.95<br />
C00175YANY Replacement bolt. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs. — $7.70<br />
C00177NY Extra blade set. Sh. wt. 1.38 lbs — $77.55<br />
C00176NY Extra pair of handles. St. wt. 2.06 lbs. — $38.50<br />
“TRI-BAND” Bander<br />
A bigger, stronger, better bander! Bands open bigger and<br />
are two times stronger that standard bands. Designed<br />
especially for calves up to 400 lbs. or three to four months<br />
of age. Tests show that banding causes less stress than any<br />
other method of castration, and that means bigger average daily<br />
gains. If you have trouble with the standard rings popping off the<br />
applicator, or find that they are not big enough or strong enough, then this is<br />
the bander for you. “Tri-Band” bander comes with 10 bands.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.06 lbs.<br />
C24393NY — $45.95<br />
C24394NY Pkg. of 25 bands. Sh. wt. 1.19 lbs. — $8.75<br />
Henderson Castrating Tool<br />
This instrument and technique minimizes blood loss and risk of hemorrhage through the severed cord.<br />
Utilizes twisting action which effectively closes the severed cord. Used with a standard, variablespeed<br />
drill (not included) — a cordless unit is best for convenience and safety. May be used<br />
on any age bull, but is an especially effective method to use on older, heavier bulls (500<br />
to 900 lbs.) where it is important to minimize the risk of blood loss, swelling,<br />
and infection. Easy-to-use and faster than many other forms of castra-<br />
tion. Field tested by veterinarians and cattle producers. Patented.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.94 lbs.<br />
C15399NY — $229.10<br />
Elastrator<br />
The modern, bloodless method for castrating calves! The specially compounded rubber ring<br />
is easily put in place with the Elastrator, and left there. The circulation is shut<br />
off, and any sensation of discomfort passes quickly as the part<br />
becomes numb, and eventually falls off. Opens up to 2"<br />
in diameter. 9½" long. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C00232NY — $11.15<br />
elastrator Rings. Pkg. of 100. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C00233NY Per pkg. — $1.95<br />
44 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
<strong>Nasco</strong> Calf Restraint<br />
Portable calf restraining device holds the calf 's head<br />
firmly for easier dehorning and many other routine<br />
calf care tasks. The chain pulls the calf 's muzzle into<br />
the ring which attaches quickly and easily to any 2½"<br />
lumber material. It can also be positioned closer to the<br />
ground so the calf can be put on its side and yet maintain<br />
control of the animal. Then taking off extra teats<br />
on yearlings or the banding/cutting of bull calves can<br />
be performed. Sh. wt. 4.88 lbs.<br />
C26621NY — $122.65<br />
Umbilical Cord Clamps<br />
Research has confirmed that several diseases find their way into<br />
the newborn animal via the umbilical cord. Sprays and dips can<br />
cause problems, so this clamp is the solution. Simply attach as soon<br />
as possible after birth. Remove after 24 to 48 hours. Place clamp<br />
approximately 3 ⁄16" from top of umbilical cord. Cut cord below<br />
clamp to prevent suckling. Clamps can be disinfected and reused if<br />
desired, or can be left to fall off naturally. Ideal for piglets as clamps<br />
are large enough not to fall through creep floors. Clamps measure<br />
2 5 ⁄8" L. Package of 100 clamps. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C31270NY — $22.95<br />
Preferred by<br />
veterinarians!<br />
Easy Drencher<br />
Safe and convenient drencher administers lifesaving<br />
fluids to cows. The easy-grip handle<br />
makes it easy to use even with struggling<br />
animals. Mix dry or liquid concentrates<br />
right in the bottle which has a wide neck<br />
opening and is marked with 100 ml graduations.<br />
Then 5" soft plastic dispenser spout<br />
should be inserted in the side of the mouth<br />
to encourage and enable swallowing. As<br />
with all drenchers, care must be taken to<br />
allow the animal to adequately swallow during<br />
drenching. 1.2 quarts moulded bottle<br />
with dispenser spout. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C19735NY — $20.65<br />
Litmann Master Classic II Veterinary<br />
Stethoscope<br />
Excellent acoustic sensitivity! Patented suspended diaphragm assures high acoustic<br />
sensitivity and consistent frequency responses. Patented comfortable softsealing<br />
ear tips help ensure comfort and a good seal. Lightweight<br />
headset and chest piece. Crack-resistant reinforced yoke allows<br />
you to fold the scope easily into your pocket without kinking<br />
or breaking. The snap-on rim is constructed of a tough polyurethane<br />
elastomer. It won’t rust, corrode, come loose, or fall<br />
off. The internal, double-leaf binaural spring helps assure a long life<br />
and allows easy adjustment of ear tube tension. 1 3 ⁄4" dia. solid stainless steel chest piece and<br />
32" navy blue tubes. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />
C29543NY — $141.35<br />
Veterinary / Animal Health<br />
Allflex ® Heavy-Duty Drencher with<br />
Backpack – 2.5-20 ml<br />
Designed for rapid mass treatment of cattle. This automatic<br />
adjustable drencher is built to exacting standards, utilizes a<br />
chrome-plated brass body and fittings, porcelainized aluminum<br />
handle with springs that are precisely balanced for smooth<br />
and exact dosage delivery. The Lexan barrel has clearly visible<br />
graduations from 2.5 to 20 ml. Refills automatically, is easy to<br />
adjust, and holds dosage throughout use. Light and comfortable<br />
to use with adjustable tension on the handle to adjust for an easy<br />
refill with different viscosities. Comes with 5½" cattle<br />
nozzle. Complete unit includes drench nozzle, 2.5 liter<br />
poly backpack container with adjustable straps, and<br />
drencher. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C05227NY — $141.35<br />
20 ml Automatic Drencher only. Sh. wt. 1.63 lbs.<br />
C26056NY — $119.85<br />
Quicktemp Digital Thermometer<br />
Designed for accuracy, speed, and dependability. This thermometer’s compact size, fast readout, and roundtip<br />
probe make it ideal for large and small animal use, while its wide temperature range, display-hold feature,<br />
and instant Fahrenheit/Celsius conversion capabilities. Reads in tenths of a degree with ±1° accuracy across<br />
40° F to 311° F range. Automatically updates every second. Battery saver feature with 10-minute auto shutoff.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C15624NY — $31.85<br />
Digital Thermometer<br />
Easy-to-read digital Fahrenheit thermometer<br />
requires only 60 seconds for the<br />
sensing probe to take the temperature. Compact<br />
in size, 5" long. Comes in a sturdy case of high-impact plastic.<br />
Digital display reads from 89.6º to 107.6º F in 0.1 ( 1 ⁄10) degree increments.<br />
Features temp lock, low battery indicator, and automatic shutoff.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C24798NY — $4.75<br />
Large Animal Ring-Top Thermometer<br />
High quality, economically priced ring-top thermometers. Gold backing with large numbers allows for quick<br />
readouts. Fahrenheit scale reads form 96° to 110°. Normal animal temperatures on back of thermometer.<br />
Large glass ring-top for tie. Complies with ASTM-E667 Standards. 5" thermometer in plastic case with clip.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C19255NY — $2.35<br />
Stethoscope<br />
A stethoscope that monitors heart and respiratory sounds, and detects fetal sounds. Medium chest piece 1¾"<br />
diametre. Nickle- and chrome-plated. Flat chest piece has single stem. Hard rubber ear tips. Sh. wt. 0.40 lbs.<br />
SA01176NY — $4.35<br />
XL Bander<br />
This applicator requires no tightening of any kind<br />
— simply open, put in place, and release — it’s that<br />
simple! Designed specifically for castrating bulls<br />
weighing between 250 and 750 lbs. Bands<br />
(not included) open to 4" x 3" x 3". Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C28341NY — $109.95<br />
C28340NY Bag of 50 bands. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs. — $64.35<br />
Tri-Top Small Animal Thermometer<br />
Ingenious triangular top keeps this thermometer from rolling off surfaces, preventing breakage. Fahrenheit<br />
scale reads from 94° to 108°. Bright yellow background makes readout easy. 4⅞" L thermometer with plastic<br />
case. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C27366NY — $2.45<br />
Dual-Scale F0/C0 Thermometer<br />
Features both Fahrenheit and Centigrade scales — 94° F to 110° F and 35° C to 45° C. Bright yellow background<br />
for easy, accurate readouts. 5" thermometer in plastic case with pocket clip. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C27367(A)NY — $3.80<br /><br />
Veterinary / Animal Health<br />
Syringes & Accessories<br />
ALLFLEX ®<br />
Ultra Precision<br />
Syringes<br />
These volume repeater<br />
syringes accurately deliver a<br />
preselected dose ranging from 0.5 to<br />
2.5 ml for the 25cc syringe and 1 to 5 ml for the 50cc syringe. A special<br />
locking mechanism prevents air or contaminants from entering<br />
the syringe. Delivers medication when pressure is applied to the back<br />
of the grip — a more natural motion for giving injections. Chrome,<br />
metal, and Lexan construction. For use with Luer-Lock needles. Also<br />
available are coloured knobs to keep track of medications.<br />
C16505NY 25cc syringe. Sh. wt 1.25 lbs. — $94.35<br />
C15244NY 50cc syringe. Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs. — $97.65<br />
25 mL O-ring Replacement. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs. C16505ANY — $2.70<br />
25 mL barrel and O-ring Replacement. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. C16505CNY — $33.85<br />
50 mL O-Ring Replacement. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs. C15244ANY — $3.85<br />
50 mL barrel and O-Ring Replacement.<br />
Includes 50 replacement barrel and O-ring. For use with Luer-Lock needles. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C15244CNY — $20.65<br />
Feeding Nozzle Only. Luer-Lock attachment.Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C15820NY — $4.65<br />
HAUPTNER Automatic<br />
Multidose Syringes<br />
The Hauptner Automatic Syringe possesses the advantage over the normal<br />
injection syringe, that once the desired dose has been fixed, the same dose is<br />
injected by a simple pressure on the trigger until the syringe is empty. The<br />
dosages are 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5cc.<br />
30cc Syringe with glass barrel. Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />
C03828NY — $94.35<br />
50 cc Syringe with glass barrel.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C29541NY — $105.05<br />
Replacement Parts for C03828NY Syringe.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C07222NY Unbreakable barrel — $3.00<br />
C03286NY Rubber packings. Set of 5. — $7.50<br />
C29541NY<br />
Ideal 50 cc<br />
Mega-Shot<br />
Provides multidose injections of livestock.<br />
Double rubber plunger for positive<br />
seal. The plastic barrel will withstand etching<br />
from harsh drugs. The precision rear dosage dial makes<br />
it easier to change the dosage, prevents dose slippage, and<br />
has a selection of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5cc. Holds 50cc. The patented<br />
needle guard means less broken and bent needles and reduces<br />
trauma and tissue damage. For veterinary use only. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C15555NY — $61.35<br />
Plastic barrel Replacement Kit. Includes a 50cc pistol grip barrel<br />
with end washers, packings, O-ring, and Luer lock adapter washer. Holds<br />
50cc. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C15856NY — $14.60<br />
Injector/Drencher Optimizer<br />
A 12-1/2 ml applicator designed to maximize user comfort. Dial-a-dose system for easy dose settings (1<br />
ml to 12-1/2 ml in 1/2 ml increments). Handle spring covers for greater hygiene. Dual-size hose barb for<br />
either vaccine or drenching draw off tubes. Simple cleaning and relubricating process. NRG (needle release<br />
grip) cap allows simple attachment and release of needles with greater durability. Lightweight, compact, and<br />
durable. Soft-grip handle. 42" L hose. <strong>Farm</strong>er’s kit comes with 12.5 optimiser syringe with NRG Cap, one<br />
metal drench nozzle, one plastic drench nozzle, one plastic T-bar pour-on nozzle, tubing, and two needles.<br />
C24320NY — $50.55<br />
Prima Tech Bottle-Mount<br />
Vaccinators with Fast-Fit System<br />
With a Prima Bottle-Mount Vaccinator (BMV), medicine bottles<br />
can quickly and easily be changed to save time and money.<br />
Designed with a steel needle nib that adds strength to a critical<br />
stress point. Comes packaged with a metal Luer-lock needle nut;<br />
125 ml Fast Fit; 20 mm, 30 mm, and 33 mm neck bottle collars.<br />
7" x 10" x 1". Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C24336NY 2 ml — $36.85<br />
C24337NY 5 ml — $36.85<br />
C24336NY<br />
ARDES Plastic Syringes<br />
Unbreakable plastic syringe. Designed for<br />
one-hand operation. Metal plunger rod.<br />
Uses Luer lock needles.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C15631NY 10cc syringe — $6.55<br />
C15632NY 20cc syringe — $7.25<br />
C15633NY 50cc syringe — $8.75<br />
C15631NY<br />
NASCO Self-Refilling<br />
Automatic Vaccinator<br />
Specially designed for mass treatment of livestock,<br />
this 10mL capacity automatic precision vaccinator is<br />
dose adjustable from 1cc to 10cc. Virtually unbreakable<br />
transparent graduated poly-carb barrel. Luer lock<br />
needle holder. Chrome-plated metal with springless<br />
valves. Complete with draw-off and vacuum bottle<br />
spikes. Includes drench nozzle. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C13778NY — $98.95<br />
Disposable<br />
Syringes<br />
with Needles<br />
Made of polypropylene, a<br />
nontoxic plastic, compatible<br />
with all known medications.<br />
Sterile Monoject® needles and<br />
syringes are ready for use anywhere, and can be<br />
autoclaved in their sealed polypropylene containers.<br />
Luer lock tips. 1" needle length.<br />
3cc Syringe. 20-gauge, 1/10cc graduation.<br />
Box of 100. Sh. wt. 2.19 lbs.<br />
C04124NY — $19.00<br />
12cc Syringe. 18-gauge, 2/10cc graduation.<br />
Box of 80. Sh. wt. 3.63 lbs.<br />
C16638NY — $36.25<br />
Disposable<br />
Sterile Syringes<br />
without Needles<br />
A disposable type, regular<br />
Luer slip syringe ready for<br />
immediate use. Polypropylene<br />
barrel and plunger with rubber<br />
tip. Needle not included.<br />
Syringes<br />
3cc Syringe.<br />
12cc Syringe.<br />
Box of 100.<br />
Graduations: 0.2 cc.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.81 lbs.<br />
Box of 80. Sh. wt. 3.43 lbs.<br />
C15780NY — $15.15 C16639NY — $24.50<br />
20cc Syringe.<br />
60cc Syringe.<br />
Graduations:<br />
Graduations: 5cc,<br />
1cc. Box of 50. Sh. wt. 3 lbs. 2 oz. in ¼ oz. Box of 20. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C11879NY — $36.25 C30930NY — $28.35<br />
Needles for Disposable Syringes<br />
Luer-lock. Fit monoject disposable syringes, as well as any other<br />
syringes. Sterile, disposable.<br />
Polypropylene Hub — Pkg. of 100. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C30901NY 18 gauge, 1" L — $8.65<br />
C30902NY 18 gauge, 1½" L — $8.65<br />
C30903NY 20 gauge, 1" L — $8.05<br />
C30904NY 20 gauge, 1½" L — $8.05<br />
Aluminum Hub — Pkg of 100. Autoclavable. 16 gauge.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C30967NY 1" L — $21.70<br />
C30968NY 1½" L — $21.70<br />
46 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Safe-T-Flex ® Pole Syringes<br />
Pole syringes specially designed for safe, fast, and simple injection of both large and small animals. Ideal<br />
for situations where adequate restraint facilities are not available. The pole is flexible enough to give in any<br />
direction, so it eliminates the bending or breaking of needles caused by animals jumping. 42" flexible nylon<br />
handle. Needle not included.<br />
10 cc Pole Syringe. 10 cc Luer-lock tip 20 cc Pole Syringe. 20 cc Luer-lock tip<br />
attached to handle. Sh. wt. 2.19 lbs.<br />
attached to handle. Sh. wt. 1.88 lbs.<br />
C09923NY — $72.05 C11883NY — $80.85<br />
Long Shot Pole Syringe<br />
Allows you to medicate animals from up to 11 feet<br />
away — no springs, air, or complicated mechanics. The Long Shot easily injects medication automatically<br />
with forward movement of the pole. Standard 30cc syringe and 14-gauge needle are replaceable as needed.<br />
Round tube is made of tough fiberglass, positively locks easily at desired length, and measures 4½ ft. when<br />
retracted and 8 ft. when fully extended. Lightweight (3 lbs.) and evenly balanced. Sh. wt. 2.13 lbs.<br />
C16059NY — $108.20<br />
Replacement Syringe. For C16059NY. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C18920NY — $33.00<br />
Veterinary / Animal Health<br />
Instruments<br />
Obstetrical Saw Wire<br />
Quickly cuts through bones or horns. Thirty feet of rust-resistant saw<br />
wire. Tensile strength of 440 lbs./sq. mm. Wire size: 0.17mm.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C02255NY — $7.65<br />
Obstetrical Saw Handles<br />
For use with Obstetrical Saw Wire (C02255NY). Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C00624NY Per pair — $13.00<br />
Metal OB Saw Wire Handles<br />
For use with Obstetrical Saw Wire (C02255NY).<br />
Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C16023NY Per pair — $10.85<br />
Sterile Disposable Scalpels<br />
Easy-to-use, sterile, disposable scalpels featuring a stainless blade on a plastic handle. This lightweight, No.<br />
23 scalpel has a tapered handle and a thumb or finger rest for greater control. 6 7 ⁄16" long. Not autoclavable.<br />
Includes replaceable cover for blade protection before and after use. Box of 10 scalpels. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C10931NY Per box — $13.55<br />
Olsen Hegar Needle Holder<br />
Stainless steel, 6½" long. Flat shank jaws, serrated. Ratchet lock handle.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C00880NY — $6.40<br />
C05883NY<br />
Veterinary Injection Pump<br />
Continuous flow, pumps on both up and down strokes. Use with a stomach tube for drawing fluid out of the<br />
stomach by attaching the stomach tube to the bottom nipple. Heavy brass seamless tubing. Nickel-plated.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.06 lbs.<br />
C00639NY — $85.00<br />
C16360NY<br />
Artery Forceps<br />
A handy instrument around livestock — to pick up an artery end<br />
in wounds — to pull an artery in dehorning — to pick up tissue<br />
for suturing in operations. Stainless steel. 5¾" long.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C00813NY — $5.15<br />
Koroseal Stomach Tube.<br />
Repair Kit for C00639NY.<br />
3 ⁄4" O.D. x 1 ⁄2" I.D., 10 ft. Iong. Includes felt washer, felt washer retainer,<br />
Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
and O-ring. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C00640NY — $24.60 C18944NY — $14.05<br />
Frick Speculum Kit.<br />
Frick Speculum Tube.<br />
To relieve bloating in ruminant C05883NY — $22.25<br />
animals. Kit includes Frick Speculum<br />
Tube and one Koroseal Stomach Tube<br />
C21043NY — $39.90<br />
Braided Umbilical Tape<br />
20 yards of ¼" carbolized tape in plastic<br />
bottles. Use with Dr. Buhner’s Needle.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C16360NY — $13.45<br />
Size 1<br />
Size 2<br />
Size 4<br />
Size 6<br />
C16357NY<br />
Dr. Buhner's Needles<br />
For use with Braided Umbilical Tape.<br />
Stainless steel. 12" long. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C16357NY — $24.15<br />
Suture Needles<br />
Veterinary needles, best-quality stainless steel, ⅜<br />
circle, cutting edges. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs. Per dozen.<br />
C05729NY Size 1<br />
C05730NY Size 2<br />
C05731NY Size 4<br />
C05732NY Size 6<br />
Each — $4.05<br />
Large Animal Veterinary Kit<br />
A complete veterinary kit in a canvasroll case with<br />
adjustable loops which will hold additional instruments.<br />
Kit features fine quality instruments and contains the<br />
following:<br />
•Canvas roll case with two pockets •No. 11 scalpel blades (6)<br />
•6¼" stainless steel Peans hemostat<br />
•5½" stainless steel operating scissors<br />
•5½" stainless steel Kelly hemostat<br />
•4½" chrome, straight, fine-point forceps<br />
•No. 3 stainless steel scalpel handle<br />
•5½" chrome, straight, medium-point forceps<br />
•No. 10 scalpel blades (6)<br />
•5¼" section lifter<br />
•4½" stainless steel iris scissors<br />
•6" chrome probe and seeker<br />
•Metal, straight dissecting needles (2) •6" celluloid ruler<br />
•2½" double-prong flesh hooks<br />
SA01129NY Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs. 10-49, ea. — $28.05; 50 or more, ea. — $26.50<br />
Surgical Kit<br />
A good quality kit with the following stainless<br />
steel instruments: 5½" thumb forceps, 5½" tissue<br />
forceps, 6" Mayo-Hegar needle holder, 5"<br />
Halstead mosquito, 4½" straight iris scissors, scalpel<br />
handle, 5½" straight operating scissors, 5½"<br />
Littauer stitch, 5½" Lister bandage scissors, and<br />
10 Sharpex surgical blades. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C28317NY — $31.35<br />
Chromic Catgut and Needle<br />
Consists of 30" catgut and one half-circle, size 0,<br />
reverse-cutting needle. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C12644NY — $4.95<br />
DA Toggle Suture<br />
Used in the Grymer/Sterner method for nonsurgical<br />
percutaneous fixation of the left displaced<br />
abomasum (LDA). Pair. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C28570NY — $11.15<br />
BMV Applicator<br />
Ergonomically-designed, 6ml maximum dose bottle-mounted<br />
vaccinator. Very accurate, fully-adjustable screw thread dose setting<br />
(0.1mL to 6mL) and NRG cap feature. Easy to prime. Bottle mount<br />
can be rotated 360°. Easy to dismantle for cleaning and relubrication. Choice<br />
of three needle retention systems. Takes all Luer specification needles. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C24367NY — $30.00<br /><br />
Veterinary / Animal Health<br />
C28568NY<br />
FerriMAX PlastiCap<br />
Ringed Ferrite Magnet<br />
Round cylindrical-shaped magnet with maximum magnetic strength<br />
and magnet surface for the collection of hardware. ¾" diameter x 3⅜"<br />
long. Silver and gray in colour. Plastic end caps. Ringed ferrite magnet.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C13950NY Each — $2.45; 12 or more, each — $2.32<br />
Dyna-Mag<br />
Permanent rumen magnets with extraordinary magnetic power! Metal<br />
lays parallel to the length of the Dyna-Mag due to its special magnetics<br />
— all six surfaces are magnetic. This high-density magnet has a high<br />
power-to-weight ratio, and a special coating built tough to resist breakage.<br />
Fit most balling guns. Approximately 2½" L. Sh. wt. 0.37 lbs.<br />
C10944NY — $2.15<br />
Dyna-Mag Plus. All the same features as Dyna-Mag (C10944NY)<br />
except this magnet is ⅓ stronger! ½" x 1 1 ⁄16" x 2¾". Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C18150NY — $2.60<br />
C28579NY<br />
Multi-Dose Balling Guns<br />
Simplest design for ease of administration. High-impact PVC tube.<br />
Holds up to five boluses of any size for any procedure. Lightweight —<br />
only 1½ lbs. Field tested for over five years at some of the country’s<br />
largest feed yards. One-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />
C28568NY Adult size — $43.05<br />
C28579NY Calf size — $27.50<br />
Power Plate<br />
Aids in the control of hardware disease. This cattle magnet has extraordinary<br />
holding power. FDA approved nylon coating. 2-9/16" x 11/16"<br />
x 5/8".<br />
C23141NY — $2.40; 10 or more, each — $2.28<br />
Cow Magnet<br />
A strong, low-cost cow magnet of stainless steel, polished to a smooth,<br />
chrome-like finish. Size: ½" x 3". Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C27472NY Each — $2.60; 12 or more, ea. — $2.47<br />
Cow or Horse Balling Gun<br />
Straight with spring. Takes .5- and 1-oz. capsules. 17" long.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 lbs.<br />
C00302NY — $16.05<br />
Ringed Ferrite Magnet<br />
with Powerful Ends<br />
Use this maximum-strength powerful-ended magnet to protect your<br />
cows when they make a meal of farm hardware. Silver and gray in<br />
colour. ¾" dia. x 3¼" L. Sh. wt. 0.30 lbs.<br />
C23544NY — $2.90<br />
Bovivet Rumen Magnet for Cows<br />
This well-known magnet is recommended by vets everywhere due<br />
to its superior composition. The right length and deep grooves in the<br />
plastic cage provide extra protection from sharp, uneven pieces of<br />
metal. 35 mm x 100 mm. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C17692NY — $2.45<br />
GreyMAX Armorcoate<br />
One of the strongest cow magnets available on the market. Has a<br />
special Armorcoate coating, built tough to resist breakage. Fits most<br />
balling guns. Unique and effective cross magnetism. Size: 1/2" x 3/4"<br />
x 2-3/4".<br />
C13979NY — $2.75; 12 or more, each — $2.61<br />
C24224NY<br />
Rear Leg Splint Kit<br />
Designed to treat cows with calving paralysis and severed extensor<br />
tendons as well as calves with lower leg fractures of the hind leg and<br />
contracted tendons. Helps cows to walk without falling, recover<br />
quickly, and rejoin the herd. The splint is applied to the back of the<br />
hind leg and secured using the roll of elastic adhesive bandage supplied.<br />
Molded from ABS plastic and lined with closed cell foam for<br />
maximum comfort for the animal.<br />
Calf Size BOS. 15½" x 3½" x 3½". Green. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C24222NY — $60.25<br />
Large Cow Size BOS. 21" x 5" x 3". Orange. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C24224NY — $51.45<br />
FLEX-STOP Splint<br />
Specially designed to help correct the common<br />
problem of flexed pastern (knuckling<br />
over the front feet) in the new calf. Calf can<br />
move about freely while wearing splint.<br />
Eliminates casting and taping. Reusable. One<br />
splint only, complete with its own padding<br />
and three securing straps. Must order two if<br />
pair is required. 8½" long. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C11878NY — $20.65<br />
Multiple-Bolous Balling Gun<br />
Heavy-duty brass, plated with copper, nickel, and chrome. Barrel end<br />
especially curved in to eliminate sharp edges in animal’s mouth. Barrel<br />
length 17½". Easily disassembled for fast and thorough flush cleaning.<br />
Designed to hold several large-size boluses. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C04339NY — $52.00<br />
Multibolous Balling Gun<br />
Up to six, 240 grain boluses can be<br />
administered per animal. Pistol-grip handle; outside spring and trigger<br />
to prevent freezing. Spring tip retains boluses in instrument. Holds<br />
six pills. Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />
C07856NY — $43.20<br />
Stainless steel!<br />
Polansky Vaginal Speculum For Cattle<br />
For wide exposure. Features butterfly screw with two blades on top, for<br />
a total of three blades. Stainless steel. Measures 13¾" (35 cm). Max.<br />
opening 4" (10 cm). Sh. wt. 3.13 lbs.<br />
C27272NY — $131.20<br />
48 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Oral Calf<br />
Feeder Bag<br />
Designed for the administration<br />
of edication and nutritional<br />
products to newborn calves to<br />
help prevent dehydration and<br />
scours. This reusable feeder is<br />
constructed of nontoxic, heavygrade<br />
plastic. Bag features zipper<br />
top and hanging handle.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C14788NY — $15.35<br />
ADApt-A-BOttle<br />
Feeder with probe<br />
A standard calf feeder bottle adapted to be<br />
used for force feeding colostrum and fluids.<br />
The bottle can be used with milk nipple<br />
or oral feeder system. The tapered bulb<br />
end on the ⅜" plastic probe inserts easily<br />
into animal’s esophagus. Rigid, vented cap<br />
allows rapid flow. Pinch clamp controls<br />
flow rate. Includes bottle, vented cap, tube,<br />
clamp, and probe.<br />
2-qt. (2 L) Feeder.<br />
Marked in pints and ml.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C23463NY — $24.45<br />
3-qt. (3 L) Feeder.<br />
Marked in quarts and liters.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />
C26802NY — $28.05<br />
FluidFeeder<br />
An easy-to-use tool that helps save baby calves — uses an oesophageal<br />
probe to administer fluids and nutrients directly into the rumen. This<br />
simple, one-man operation requires no special training. No danger of<br />
accidentally drowning calf. Fill the durable soft plastic “roll tube” with<br />
a measured amount of drench feed product and water, etc., and affix<br />
probe assembly to “roll tube” (holds 4 pints). The probe’s teardrop<br />
design inserts easily into the oesophagus. Fold “roll tube” from end to<br />
force out fluid feed mixture. Permits relatively fast administration of<br />
liquid without regurgitation. For cattle under 300 lbs.<br />
With 16" Stainless Steel Probe. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C08376NY — $24.30<br />
With 16" Plastic Probe. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C08377NY — $12.05<br />
200 cc Drencher<br />
200 cc drencher with ergonomic<br />
handle made out of strong ABS plastic.<br />
Calibration through distal screw. Supplied<br />
with the canula. Increments of 10 cc.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C19304NY — $43.75<br />
Oral Calf Drencher<br />
Large 1-gallon container with vented screw-on<br />
cap and plastic esophageal probe with a rounded<br />
end cap. Unit measurements in ml, cc, oz., and<br />
pints. Measurements marked on one side easy<br />
reading when hanging; markings on the other<br />
side for standing upright.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C26983NY — $14.05<br />
easy Drencher<br />
Safe and convenient drencher administers<br />
life-saving fluids to cows. The easygrip<br />
handle makes it easy to use even<br />
with struggling animals. Mix dry or<br />
liquid concentrates right in the 1 1 ⁄5-qt.<br />
bottle which has a wide neck opening<br />
and is marked with 100 ml graduations.<br />
The 5" soft plastic dispenser<br />
spout should be inserted in the side of<br />
the mouth to encourage and enable<br />
swallowing. As with all drenchers, care<br />
must be taken to allow the animal to<br />
adequately swallow during drenching.<br />
1,200 ml molded bottle with dispenser<br />
spout. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C19735NY — $20.65<br />
Oral Calf Feeder<br />
Quality instrument designed<br />
to safely administer fluids<br />
to baby calves. An aid in<br />
combating calf scours and<br />
dehydration. Made of nontoxic,<br />
heavy-grade plastic. The<br />
tear-shaped ball is designed<br />
so that the oesophageal probe<br />
cannot be inserted into the<br />
trachea. The plastic is smooth<br />
to prevent needless irritation.<br />
Reusable Calf Feeder has a<br />
sturdy loop for easy hanging.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 lbs.<br />
C07326NY — $18.00<br />
Calf Rearing<br />
Feeders & Drenchers<br />
Bovine Colostrometer<br />
A practical field test to measure colostrum<br />
quality. This original colostrometer is<br />
calibrated to measure colostrum quality by<br />
utilizing an internal color-coded scale. The<br />
level at which the colostrometer floats in<br />
the included plastic shipping/measuring<br />
cylinder indicates the amount of immunoglobulins<br />
(or antibodies) in the colostrum<br />
milk. Green is considered superior, yellow<br />
moderate, and red inferior. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C10978NY — $30.25<br />
Bovine Colostrometer<br />
Measures the IgG content in a simple cow-side test.<br />
The graduated cylinder is filled with a few ounces<br />
of bovine colostrum. The colostrometer is gently<br />
inserted and floats to a level indicating the colostrum<br />
IgG content. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C29553NY — $62.70<br />
Start<br />
Bottles/Dry<br />
Feeding for<br />
Calves<br />
A dry feed bottle for<br />
calves! A faster, more<br />
efficient way to start<br />
a calf on feed. Place<br />
the Start Bottle in the<br />
pen or hutch on day<br />
one. After nursing<br />
their milk, heir natural<br />
instinct will take them to the specially designed nipple. By biting the<br />
nipple, it will dispense textured or pellet feed. Sanitary; keeps feed free<br />
of flies, dirt, etc. Weatherproof container. 2-liter capacity. Pull-off nipple.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C13849NY Each — $20.65 4 or more, ea. — $19.62<br />
Replacement Nipple. Fits any standard calf nursing bottle.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C13850NY Each — $4.35; 4 or more, ea. — $4.13<br />
Automatic Drencher<br />
Built under precise standards with the best materials giving the<br />
user quality at an economical price. Suitable for most drenches<br />
and solutions, this drencher refills automatically from the<br />
included plastic container. Comfortable aluminum alloy gloss<br />
enamel handle and lever. Adjustable, dripless stainless steel nozzle.<br />
Unbreakable graduated and transparent polycarb barrel. Uniquely<br />
designed springless valves located inside the plunger don’t require<br />
disassembling for cleaning. 50 ml drench kit includes 3-liter plastic<br />
container and strap. Adjustable from 5-50 ml. Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />
C23051NY — $110.30<br />
Washer Repair Kit. Includes five replacement washers.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C23052NY — $10.65<br />
Original Aluminum<br />
Kalf Katch<br />
Exclusive spring button feature allows<br />
Kalf Katch adjustable shaft to lock in at<br />
5 ft. or extend to 10 ft. in length. Quicker<br />
and easier than a rope for catching calves<br />
up to 250 lbs. Hook eliminates kickout;<br />
calf ’s back leg is held securely by steel<br />
hook. Fits conveniently behind pickup<br />
seat. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C14882NY — $66.55<br /> 49
Calf Rearing<br />
Nursing Bottles & Weaners<br />
Snap-On Bottles<br />
Screw-Cap Bottles<br />
Part # Description Price, ea. 5 or more, ea.<br />
Calf Nursing Bottle<br />
C01559NY<br />
with Nipple, 2 qt. (E-Z Nurse)<br />
$4.35 $4.15<br />
C01560NY Bottle Only $3.25 $3.10<br />
C01561NY Nipple Only $2.05 $1.95<br />
Calf Nursing Bottle<br />
C25546NY<br />
with Nipple, 2 qt. (Manna Pro)<br />
$4.75 ----<br />
C25547NY Bottle Only $2.95 ----<br />
C25508NY Nipple Only $2.15 ----<br />
Super Calf Bottle<br />
C25054NY<br />
with Nipple, 2 qt. (Merrick’s)<br />
$5.45 ----<br />
C25058NY Bottle Only $2.85 ----<br />
C25056NY Nipple Only $2.95 ----<br />
Calf Nursing Bottle<br />
C25545NY<br />
with Nipple, 3 qt. (E-Z Nurse)<br />
$5.80 ----<br />
C25544NY Bottle Only $4.35 ----<br />
Part # Description Price<br />
New<br />
C31211NY<br />
Bottle with Nipple, 2 qt. (Merrick’s) $5.70<br />
C25646NY Bottle Only $2.70<br />
C25057NY Nipple Only $3.00<br />
C14767NY Screw Cap Only $0.65<br />
C14765NY Bottle with Nipple, 2 qt. (E-Z Nurse) $4.80<br />
C14766NY Bottle Only $3.05<br />
C14768NY Nipple Only $2.15<br />
C14767NY Screw Cap Only $0.65<br />
New<br />
C31131NY<br />
Bottle with Nipple, 3 qt. (E-Z Nurse) $5.70<br />
New<br />
C31132NY<br />
Bottle Only $3.70<br />
C14768NY Nipple Only $2.15<br />
C14767NY Screw Cap Only $0.65<br />
C31211NY<br />
C25054NY<br />
C01561NY Nipple Only $2.05 ----<br />
Calf Nursing Bottle<br />
C13023NY<br />
with Nipple, 3 qt.<br />
$5.10 ----<br />
C25542NY Bottle Only $4.20 ----<br />
C25543NY Nipple Only $1.50 ----<br />
C19870NY Milk Bar Bottle Nipple Only $3.40 ----<br />
C01559NY<br />
C13023NY<br />
All snap-on bottles and nipples are interchangeable!<br />
Calf Weaners<br />
Quietwean<br />
The original two-step weaning program. Use the tag to eliminate the<br />
stress of weaning. First restrain calves and slide the nose tag on them to<br />
prevent nursing. Tag slides on easily by twisting the device open. In 4-7<br />
days, remove nose tags and separate cows and calves. Wash and disinfect<br />
before using again. Traditional, abruptly weaned calves call continuously<br />
when mother and milk are taken away at the same time, but calves<br />
weaned in two stages barely call at all after separation. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C30418NY — $4.70<br />
Kant Suk Weaners<br />
Guard swings free allowing animal to eat and drink freely, yet prevents<br />
sucking. No sharp prongs or edges. Nosepiece has plastic attachments. Will<br />
not irritate or work loose. Wing nut adjustment. Bright zinc-plated steel.<br />
C02511NY Calf size.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs. — $10.95<br />
C02512NY Yearling size.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs. — $12.05<br />
edming Weaner<br />
Stops all sucking cattle. Fits all sizes of cattle and calves. Will not interfere<br />
with feeding. Corrosion-proof. Fits rigidly in nose. Prongs can be bent to<br />
stop self-suckers. Can’t get lost. Lightweight. Easy to apply. Unit consists of<br />
one nosepiece and two fasteners to fit cows and calves. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C00448NY Each — $3.25; 3 or more, ea. — $3.08<br />
Crown Weaning Rings<br />
Calf weaner of simple construction and practical design. Made of aluminum<br />
and stainless steel — rust- and corrosion-proof. It is light, strong, effective,<br />
and made to give lasting service. Once in the calf ’s nose, it stays there until<br />
taken out. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C00267NY Calf — $8.25<br />
C00268NY Cow — $8.40<br />
Calf Weaner<br />
A popular and inexpensive anti-suckling device. Effectively stops calves from<br />
sucking. Made of unbreakable, reusable, nylon plastic. Apply and remove by<br />
simply turning the wing nut. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C18349NY — $3.25<br />
C25546NY<br />
C25545NY<br />
Sucking preventer for Cattle<br />
Made of flexible nylon, this device is easy to apply and will eliminate<br />
unwanted sucking behaviour. The fixing screw ensures easy adjustment<br />
and perfect fit. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C17687NY — $3.50<br />
peach teat Calf Feeding System<br />
Helpful with very young, reluctant calves, the nipple features “pump action”<br />
which causes milk to pump through the nipple when a calf ’s jaws are<br />
squeezed. The design of the stop valve makes it much easier for calves to<br />
drink, either in the tube feeding or gravity feeding configuration.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C19738NY — $5.30<br />
C19740NY Stop valve — $1.30<br />
NASCO’S Small Animal Hanging Weigh<br />
Scale and Sling Set<br />
Take the headache out of guessing the animal’s weight and accurately<br />
record the weights with this inexpensive, very efficient method of weighing.<br />
Excellent for newborn calves, baby lambs, and other small animals. One of<br />
our most popular Hanson hanging types, this 220-lb. capacity scale is very<br />
reliable and accurate. It features an adjustment to allow the indicator to be<br />
set at zero to account for the weight of the sling. The 19½" x 12" sling is constructed<br />
of a heavy nylon material with reinforced stitching, 1¾" straps, easy<br />
to connect 2" D rings. It has an overall length of 46", is easily cleaned, and<br />
won’t rot or deteriorate. Sh. wt. 5.38 lbs.<br />
C12929NY — $76.95<br />
C06388NY Scale only. Sh. wt. 5 lbs. — $55.85<br />
C12926NY Weighing sling only.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs. — $25.80<br />
50<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Single peach<br />
teat Feeder<br />
Research supports better<br />
health and growth with<br />
calves raised on improved<br />
calf nipples. The peach teat<br />
nipple is recommended by<br />
the Australian Calf Rearing<br />
Research Center. Following<br />
proper replacement and<br />
cleaning schedule, calves<br />
will have less fluid in the lungs and scours. Molded bracket hangs<br />
and stayson gates and fences. 8-qt. capacity. Sh. wt. 2.13 lbs.<br />
C26827NY — $21.80<br />
Corner Calf pail<br />
Improved pattern with milksaver<br />
valve that siphons the<br />
pail empty. Pail and nipple<br />
easily cleaned with convenient<br />
and easy assembly and disassembly.<br />
Pail is equipped with strong<br />
16-gauge welded hanging clamp,<br />
and entire unit is rust resistant, hotdip<br />
galvanized after forming. 8 qt.<br />
Nipple and valve included.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs.<br />
C00090NY — $20.85<br />
Replacement Parts<br />
C00090NY<br />
C00265NY Valve and nipple set. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $10.45<br />
C00091NY Rubber nipple only. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs. — $2.75<br />
e-Z Nurse 3-Qt.<br />
Bottle Rack<br />
Holds 3-qt. square bottles. Made of<br />
rust-resistant, heavy wire designed<br />
for heavy-duty use and long life.<br />
Hangs easily from any 2" x 4" board.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C24577NY — $12.95<br />
Calfscale Birthweight tape<br />
Accurately measures birthweights of newborn beef calves within 24 hours<br />
after birth. Place the tape around the coronary band of the front<br />
hoof, tighten, and read the circumference in centimeters<br />
and the birthweight in pounds from the tape scale. One side<br />
measures bulls, the other yearlings. Weight at birth may vary<br />
±7.0 lbs. for bulls and ±6.4 lbs. for yearlings due to hour of age<br />
and shrink or fill. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C15167NY — $7.45<br />
peach teat Nurser<br />
Keep your calves fed using the next best thing to<br />
mom with this 2-qt. nursing bottle. Peach Teat’s<br />
special nipple replicates the size, shape, feel, and<br />
even colour of a real cow’s teat. Features “pump<br />
action,” — squeezing the calf ’s jaw will pump<br />
milk through the teat and get the calf nursing<br />
on its own. The patented nonrestrictive valve<br />
enables easy sucking. The Complete Nurser<br />
comes with a pink (soft formulation) Peach<br />
Teat, screw cap, and bottle. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C23480NY — $12.80<br />
Replacement cap and Peach Teat nipple.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C23481NY — $5.45<br />
peach teat<br />
Hand Nurser<br />
Calf raisers will appreciate the ease of<br />
starting new calves with the mouldedin<br />
handle. Features a speed feeding<br />
pin for easier feeding of young calves<br />
or faster feeding of older calves. Uses<br />
the Peach Teat nipple recommended<br />
above all others by the Australian Calf<br />
Rearing Research Center for improved<br />
health of calves. Bottle capacity is 2<br />
quarts. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C26923NY — $16.80<br />
Speedy Feeder Nurser<br />
For all calves, but especially suited for small,<br />
weak calves that need extra attention. This<br />
nursing bottle features an adjustable valve<br />
which may be switched to three separate settings<br />
for the rate of milk flow. For a weak or<br />
premature calf the lowest setting is desired.<br />
The “Peach Teat,” has a natural size, shape, feel,<br />
and features “pump action” — squeezing the<br />
calf ’s jaw will pump milk through the teat. The<br />
bottle is large and well-designed with a handle<br />
which allows one-handed grip either forwards<br />
or backwards. The neck opening is a large 3"<br />
and has an easy-thread plastic cap. The bottle<br />
widens at the base for stability. Bottle capacity<br />
is 2½ qts. Sh. wt. 1.12 lbs.<br />
C19736NY — $50.35<br />
Calf Rearing<br />
Bottles & Feeders<br />
Start Bottles<br />
A dry feed bottle for calves! Replace<br />
the old hand in mouth or feed<br />
dumped in bottom of milk pail with<br />
this faster, more efficient way to<br />
start a calf on feed. Place the Start<br />
Bottle in the pen or hutch on day<br />
one. After nursing their milk, their<br />
natural instinct will take them to the<br />
specially designed nipple. By biting<br />
the nipple, it will dispense feed.<br />
Sanitary; keeps feed free of flies, dirt,<br />
etc. Weather- proof container.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C13849NY Each — $20.65<br />
Replacement Nipple for the start bottle. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C13850NY Each — $4.35<br />
Stallion peach teat 5-Calf Feeder<br />
An easy feeder for a group of up to five calves to use — only Stallion<br />
feeders have the ability to match the number of nipples to the number<br />
of calves with the use of a blank cap. Adjustable galvanized steel<br />
brackets fit different rail heights. Ultimate ease of cleaning and nipple<br />
replacement. Made of impact-resistant polyethylene which is UV safe<br />
for years. 30-qt. capacity. 28" L x 10" W x 11" H. Sh. wt. 13.38 lbs.<br />
C28042NY — $161.15<br />
Blank Caps Only.<br />
C28072NY — $2.90 each<br />
Quart Bottle Brush<br />
Designed for hand washing of quart bottles.<br />
White polyester bristles. Overall length 15",<br />
brush length 6½", diameter 2¾", taper 2⅜".<br />
Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C06114NY — $22.25<br />
C13024(A)NY<br />
C01562NY<br />
C13024NY<br />
Calf Hutch Bottle Holder<br />
Bottle holder for 3-qt. bottle. Add to any calf hutch; just cut a 6" x 7" hole, insert holder, and bolt in all<br />
four corners. This holder allows the calf to drink from inside the hutch, which is especially helpful in<br />
the winter. Sh. wt. 1.44 lbs.<br />
C13024NY — $11.15<br />
6-Bottle Suckle Bottle tote<br />
An easy-to-carry bottle tote that conveniently holds six<br />
2-qt. suckle bottles. Vinyl-covered wire construction.<br />
14" W x 9" D x 11½" H. Sh. wt. 2.43 lbs.<br />
C12657NY — $19.05<br />
Wire Rack Bottle Holder<br />
Holds 3-qt. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.87 lbs.<br />
C13024ANY — $5.95<br />
Wire Suckle Bottle Holder<br />
Heavy-gauge galvanized wire; plastic-coated, rustproof — welds will not break; bracket fits a 2" x 4" or<br />
1" x 6" in calf pen. Holds 2-qt. bottles. Sh. wt. 0.87 lbs.<br />
C01562NY — $5.05<br /> 51
Calf Rearing<br />
Calf Equipment<br />
Hanging pail Holders<br />
Hanging pail holders that will hold anything from an ice<br />
cream bucket to a 10-quart calf pail. Easy to install, hang<br />
from any 2" x 4" board. Made of ¼" wire with a black<br />
baked-on epoxy finish.<br />
C14546NY Double holder. Sh. wt. 2.88 lbs. — $14.60<br />
C12441NY Single holder. Sh. wt. 1.37 lbs. — $7.10<br />
C28966NY Single holder. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs. — $7.40<br />
Wall Mounting Pail Holders.<br />
Same as holders above, except these have eye hooks for<br />
wall mounting with screws or bolts.<br />
C19623NY Double holder. Sh. wt. 2.44 lbs. — $14.05<br />
C19624NY Single holder. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs. — $7.10<br />
C14546NY<br />
C28966NY<br />
Hay Feeder<br />
Made of ¼" wire with a smooth, powder-coat<br />
finish, which makes it durable and long lasting.<br />
Opening is 16½" W x 10¼". Mounts to<br />
wall with bolts or screws (not included).<br />
Sh. wt. 4.38 lbs.<br />
C25279NY — $14.85<br />
C12719NY<br />
C16029NY<br />
Calf Hutch pail Holders<br />
Ideal for dry feed, milk, or water. Use for calves, emus, llamas, goats, sheep, etc. Easy and secure mounting.<br />
Made of riveted galvanized steel for long life. Wide top allows even 8-qt. pails to fit without rims overlapping;<br />
5-qt. pails fit without being tipped over or knocked out by animals. Dimensions: 10" dia. hole x 6¼" deep.<br />
C16029NY Single. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs. — $13.90<br />
C12719NY Double. Sh. wt. 2.19 lbs. — $17.95<br />
Calf Hutch Bucket Holder<br />
Ideal for mounting in calf hutches, this steel bucket<br />
holder is designed to hold two 5- or 6-qt. buckets.<br />
Nails onto a wall. Made of steel. Sh. wt. 4.38 lbs.<br />
C10753NY — $16.25<br />
8-Qt. Calf Feeding pail<br />
Feeding calves is easier than ever with this 8-qt. pail featuring a low, wide<br />
shape and an extra-wide top. Exceptionally lightweight, its heavy, rubbery<br />
composition resists the effects of heat and cold, chemicals, weather,<br />
strong detergents, soaps, etc. Rounded edges for safety. Galvanized fittings.<br />
This bucket fits the double pail holder (C12719NY). Red. 8" H x<br />
10" top dia. Sh. wt. 1.31 lbs.<br />
C12813NY — $5.45; 6 or more, ea. — $5.15<br />
pVC plastic tubing<br />
Clear PVC tubing for barrel feeding. Drill 7/8 " holes, equally spaced,<br />
24" from the bottom of the barrel. 98-ft. roll. Sh. wt. 5.63 lbs.<br />
C25263NY — $42.85<br />
10-qt. plastic pail<br />
Fits hanging pail holder (C12441NY Shown above). Heavy-duty<br />
plastic with metal handle. 9" H, 10⅝" dia. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C11816NY — $5.80<br />
5-Qt. trainer pail<br />
An excellent bucket for starting calves. Extra-wide top keeps pail from<br />
falling through holders. Manufactured from virgin high-density polyethylene.<br />
Fits the double pail holder (C12719NY), and the hanging<br />
pail holder (C12441NY). Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C14383NY — $5.40<br />
Milk Bar 5 Compartment<br />
The labour-saving way to feed groups up to five calves and know that each one is getting the correct<br />
amount. Supplied complete with patented Milk Bar Teats which stop calves from guzzling, preventing<br />
choking while promoting salivation which is essential for proper digestion and stomach development. Saliva<br />
is a young calf ’s first and main defense against infection. Calves feeding with Milk Bar Teats are much less<br />
likely to suffer scours or respiratory infection. As the calves satisfy their nursing urge and produce the saliva<br />
they need while feeding, they will not cross suck after feeding. The gravity-flow nipple requires no valves or<br />
tubes. The patented Milk Bar Hook system will fit any rail width, from wire up to 3", will lock in place, and<br />
is easily removed with a light touch of the catch. Units interstack for transport and storage. Holds two quarts<br />
per compartment; total volume is one gallon. Size: 33" x 11½" x 15" D. Sh. wt. 11.56 lbs.<br />
C26008NY — $169.15<br />
6-Nipple EZ-Lock MilkBar <br />
Has 9-gallon capacity. Sh. wt. 7.50 lbs. 11 lbs.<br />
C28826NY — $157.60<br />
Mini Milk Bar Calf Feeders<br />
Designed to enable farmers to feed their calves easily and efficiently.<br />
These are gravity flow systems and have no tubes or valves, making<br />
cleanup and sterilization easy. Detergent is recommended for cleaning.<br />
Feeders have moulded hooks on the back for easy hanging on cattle<br />
panels or boards.<br />
Milk Bar 1 Feeder. Sh. wt. 2.31 lbs.<br />
C19868NY — $37.70<br />
Milk Bar 5 Feeder. Sh. wt. 6 lbs.<br />
C19869NY — $96.25<br />
Replacement Nipple. Sh. wt. 0.6 lbs<br />
C23760NY. — $4.75<br />
Milk Bar 10 Feeder. (Not Shown)<br />
Holds 15 gallons. Sh. wt. 18 lbs.<br />
Ships UPS oversized.<br />
Can ship 2 per carton.<br />
C26367NY — $204.35<br />
Milk Bar 3<br />
Compartment<br />
Ideal for use in smaller pens when calving<br />
dates are spread out. You’ll like the<br />
individual compartments for the peace of<br />
mind that each calf is receiving the correct<br />
amount of milk regardless of age. Each compartment<br />
holds 2½ quarts of milk. Comes<br />
fitted with award-winning Milk Bar Teats.<br />
Revolutionary Milk Bar Hooks allows<br />
hanging on any rail size from wire up to 3".<br />
Shaped with no rims for easy cleaning — no<br />
areas for bacteria to form. Units interstack<br />
neatly without teat damage. Size: 10" x 20" x<br />
16" D. Sh. wt. 8.19 lbs.<br />
C26007NY — $133.05<br />
52<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Improved with<br />
rear leg straps!<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Cozy Coats<br />
Insulated, adjustable, warm-up jacket protects vulnerable<br />
newborn calves from drafts, cold air, and damp conditions.<br />
The small size also fits large dogs and goats. Outer<br />
shell is 600 denier polyester and inside is quilted to 300<br />
gram, hi-loft poly fiberfill. Adjustable 1 1 ⁄2" straps have<br />
quick-release stainless steel buckles. Velcro ® closure under<br />
the chin gives snug fit around the neck. Removable rear<br />
leg straps further cinch the jacket to the animal if needed.<br />
Packed in a plastic carry bag. Available in two sizes.<br />
For Animals 80 lbs. to 110 lbs. Newborn<br />
Holstein size. Gray. Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />
C29356NY — $53.65<br />
For Animals 105 lbs. to 190 lbs. Black. Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs.<br />
C29357NY — $58.85<br />
the Original Calf Jacket<br />
With the use of calf jackets, calves can grow up to 54% bigger<br />
in the first 21-28 days by converting their energy into growth<br />
rather than warmth. These tough weather-resistant jackets<br />
have a Cordura® outer shell and quilted 3M Thinsulate lining.<br />
The durable, double stitching assures years of long life. The<br />
Velcro®, adjustable neck closure and the removable, adjustable<br />
leg straps keep the jacket securely on the calf. Measures 33" L<br />
at bottom and 24" L over back. Machine washable. Two-year<br />
warranty. Black. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C27111NY — $27.45<br />
Calf Coats<br />
Calf coats do an excellent job of cutting the wind<br />
and repelling moisture, allowing the young calf<br />
to maintain body heat. Lightweight water repellent<br />
nylon outer shell is mildew and abrasion<br />
resistant. Quilted nylon-to-Thinsulate liner for<br />
warmth without weight and bulk. Adjustable<br />
Velcro ® front closure. Quick-release rear leg<br />
buckles for easy on and off. Fully adjustable rear<br />
leg straps for custom fit and ease of movement.<br />
Machine wash and dry.<br />
C23124ANY For Holstein & large breed calves. Sh. wt. 1.19 lbs. — $49.25<br />
C23124BNY For Jersey & small breed calves. Sh. wt. 1.38 lbs. — $49.25<br />
8-Qt. plastic Flat-Back pail<br />
Additional ribs under the rim significantly improve strength.<br />
Stacking ribs allow buckets to separate easier when stacked. Wider<br />
back side increases contact area with wall, improving stability.<br />
Grooved finger grip on bottom makes pouring easier. Top diameter:<br />
11". Blue. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C24907NY — $5.45<br />
Cow trainers – with points<br />
Galvanized cross bar with 29 points gives positive contact<br />
even when rubber cow mats are used. Upright trainer<br />
bars are ¼" x ⅛" flat cadmium-plated with spring clip at<br />
top for easy hanging to overhead wire. Equipped with the<br />
Magi-Klip and insulator for shock-free adjusting without<br />
turning off electric controller. Adjustable up to 38" long.<br />
Unit of 5 trainers. Sh. wt. 3.38 lbs.<br />
C04534BNY — $39.05<br />
Unit of 15 trainers. Sh. wt. 10.50 lbs.<br />
C04534NY — $107.00<br />
Unit of 30 trainers. Sh. wt. 21 lbs.<br />
C15579NY — $213.35<br />
Calf Rearing<br />
Bestway Electric Cow Trainers<br />
These trainers save hours of work…keep stalls free of manure.<br />
The trainer hangs just above the animal’s back. When she “humps”<br />
to evacuate, her back touches it, and she receives a harmless sting.<br />
Immediately she moves back to drop urine and manure in the gutter<br />
where it belongs. Cows and bedding stay clean. Savings in bedding<br />
alone will pay for trainers in one season. Trainer connects to any<br />
electric fence controller. Recommended for inside use.<br />
Cow trainers – t-Bar type with Notched Bar<br />
These trainers save hours of work... keep stalls free of manure. Thr trainer hangs just above the<br />
animal’s back. When she “humps” to evacuate, her back touches it, and she receives a harmless<br />
sting. Immediately she moves back to drop urine and manure in the gutter where it belongs.<br />
Cows and bedding stay clean. Savings in bedding alone will pay for trainers in one season.<br />
Trainer connects to any electric fence controler<br />
recommended for inside use. Galvanized, notched<br />
bar has points at 98˚ angle for better penetration;<br />
no sharp edges. Uprights are cadmium plated and<br />
equipped with Magi-Klip and insulator for shockfree<br />
adjusting up to 38” long.<br />
Unit of 5 trainers. Sh. wt. 3.38 lbs.<br />
C05482BNY — $42.10<br />
Unit of 15 trainers. Sh. wt. 10 lbs.<br />
C05482NY — $115.45<br />
Unit of 30 trainers. Sh. wt. 20 lbs.<br />
C15577NY — $230.95<br />
8-Qt. Hook-Over plastic Feeder pail<br />
The two-in-one feed pail. Ideal for goats, sheep, miniature horses,<br />
and more. Its dual-purpose molded bracket functions as both a<br />
hanging bracket or carrying handle. The bracket snaps easily over<br />
any 2" wide board to create a sturdy feed pail in the stall, on a fence,<br />
or anywhere else. As a carrying handle, it makes transport from feed<br />
bins and water supply to the animal a breeze. For more permanent<br />
mountings, simply place two screws in the holes provided on the<br />
handle. Plus, it’s smaller size and finger grip bottom make it perfect<br />
for scooping and pouring. Blue. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C24906NY — $6.30<br />
Animal Feeding Buckets<br />
FDA-approved bucket with mounting design for easy feeding of dairy<br />
cows, calves, and other animals. Anti-bacterial mirror finish inside<br />
and out — resists adherence of feed and chemicals. Manufactured<br />
utilizing high-strength, composite plastics. Made to survive extreme,<br />
harsh environments. Easy to clean. Long lasting. Light blue.<br />
4-Qt. Bucket with Hanger. Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />
C24578NY Each — $6.35; 6 or more, ea. — $6.03<br />
10-Qt. Bucket with Hanger. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C24579NY Each — $7.85; 6 or more, ea. — $7.45<br />
C24579NY<br />
large Floating teat<br />
This complete large floating teat is really unsinkable and always teat up!<br />
The floating base has a ring to attach a stainless steel chain (not included)<br />
for securing the unit to a bucket. Supplied with one beige rubber<br />
teat. Overall dimensions of unit: 6 1 ⁄2" H x 4 3 ⁄4" dia. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C19302NY — $12.20<br />
C19303NY Pair of replacement teats. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $6.20<br />
Combination Bottle and Nipple Brush<br />
A combination brush designed to clean all areas of nursing bottles. The large brush end is designed to<br />
easily reach every corner and bend of the nursing bottle. The small end is ideal for freeing all residue<br />
from the nipple. Large multi-fan brush tip filled with mixture of green Nylex and white nylon bristles.<br />
Small single radial brush tip is filled with white nylon bristles. 17" L. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C12670NY — $9.45<br /> 53
Dairy Supplies<br />
Teat Disinfecting & Milk Testing<br />
Ambic UniDipper Dip Cup<br />
The lateral-style, low-profile design makes this dip cup suitable<br />
for low-uddered cows, goats, and sheep. Non-return style prevents<br />
used dip from returning to the bottle. Twin-tube feature<br />
enables more efficient filling with dips of varying viscosity.<br />
Wide-mouthed, squeezable bottle is made of durable, chemicalresistant<br />
materials. Blue. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C28936NY — $12.35<br />
Non-Return teat Dipper<br />
Features a deep inner liner which helps ensure that three-fourths of the teat is covered while not wasting<br />
excess dip. This dipper has non-siphon action which does not allow any contaminants to flow back into<br />
the main reservoir. By keeping the contaminants out of the main<br />
reservoir, you ensure the use of only fresh dip for each cow. Also has a<br />
wide, splash-proof mouth with a durable belt clip. All parts are made<br />
of a tough, durable, chemical-resistant plastic. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C14625NY Blue. — $10.85 ea.;<br />
5 or more, ea. — $10.30<br />
C18203NY Yellow. — $11.20 ea.;<br />
5 or more, ea. — $10.65<br />
Extra Bottle. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C19160NY — $3.95<br />
Virtually<br />
spillproof!<br />
Milk testing<br />
Write-On WHIRl-pAK ® Bags<br />
Write-On WHIRL-PAK® bags make sample identification easy!<br />
Designed with a white write-on strip that can be written on with<br />
an ordinary ballpoint pen or pencil. No labels to come off ! Ideal<br />
for milk, water, and food sampling. To assist in volume control, the<br />
top of the white strip can also be used as a fill line on the 2-oz. and<br />
4-oz. bags. (All fill lines are approximate.)<br />
18-oz. Write-On Bags. 4½" W x 9" L. 2½" x 4½" white strip. For<br />
milk samples, food samples, and powder samples. Pkg. of 500.<br />
Sh. wt. 4.75 lbs.<br />
C90048NY — $70.25<br />
NASCO's Milk<br />
Sampling Ice Chest<br />
NASCO’s Milk Sampling Ice Chest<br />
was designed especially to maintain<br />
constant temperatures in milk samples<br />
from farm to laboratory. Will maintain temperatures<br />
three times longer than most other coolers. NASCO’s<br />
Ice Chest exterior and interior walls are made of lightweight,<br />
but extremely durable cycolac. A middle ply<br />
between the interior and exterior walls is filled with a rigid<br />
polyurethane foam to ensure constant temperatures in all<br />
weather conditions. The interior is nonabsorbent and easy<br />
to clean. Designed with recessed carrying grips and a contact<br />
seal top. Milk samples must be in contact with ice or water to<br />
be effectively held at a temperature range between 32° and 40° F. The NASCO unit provides this by<br />
storing ice and milk samples side by side with a flow-through divider allowing ice water to circulate<br />
freely in the box. NOTE: Wire rack not included. Dimensions: 16¼" L x 14" W x 9¼" D. Color: pastel<br />
green. Includes cover. Sh. wt. 11.13 lbs.<br />
C06115NY — $207.05<br />
C06115ANY Cover only. Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs. — $51.85<br />
U.S. Patent 2,973,131 and Other Patents Pending.<br />
C19713NY C19716NY<br />
C24581NY C24584NY<br />
RJB Non-Return teat Dippers<br />
Save 25-75% (depending on your present teat dip application method)! This low-profile teat dip cup is<br />
virtually spillproof, only 6" tall, and very stable. The cup and bottle become a natural extension of your hand.<br />
A gentle pressure on the soft-squeeze bottle dispenses a small amount of teat dip (about 4 cc) — that’s all<br />
you need because of the patented design of the cup. When the cup is pushed up to the base of the udder, the<br />
teat completely fills the cup, causing the teat dip to be pushed up and around the teat. The result is that the<br />
entire teat is covered with dip. Made in the U.S.A. of high-tech plastics to give you a durable cup that will last.<br />
Different colors help identify pre- and post-dips. No returns.<br />
TopDipper<br />
• Spillproof<br />
• Excellent for stanchion, herringbone, and flat barns<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C19715NY Blue TopDipper — $10.25 C19716NY Yellow TopDipper — $10.25<br />
SideDipper<br />
• Allows you to reach the back teats<br />
• Accommodates low-uddered cows with ease<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C19713NY Blue SideDipper — $10.25 C19714NY Yellow SideDipper — $10.25<br />
Blue TopDipper Foamer<br />
• Foamers produce a thick, rich lather<br />
• Not necessary to use a special foaming dip<br />
• Can be converted into a regular nonfoaming dipper.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C24581NY — $14.60<br />
RJB Replacement Bottle. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C24583NY — $3.70<br />
teat Dip Cup<br />
Angled to reach the rear quarters easier, this cup has a splash-proof lip; a deep 2½"<br />
narrow cup excellent for teat immersion; and a flexible container you squeeze to fill<br />
and release to empty. 300 ml capacity. Chemical resistant; will not crack. Built-in<br />
belt/hanger hook. 8⅝" H. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C12739NY Each — $8.65; 5 or more, ea. — $8.20<br />
Extra Bottle. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C19160NY — $3.95<br />
C12739NY<br />
Stainless Steel Dipper<br />
Dipping into a bulk tank is a long reach, but NASCO’s stainless steel dipper makes the job easy.<br />
Featuring fine-quality, stainless steel, one-piece construction, this dipper eliminates any joint<br />
between the handle and the bowl where bacteria may form. This dipper will satisfy most sampling<br />
needs. 2-oz. (60 ml) dipper with 36" handle. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C90052NY — $60.25<br />
Bovaloop teat Spray Device<br />
At last — full circle spray protection throws mastitis for a loop! Developed by a practicing<br />
veterinarian, this teat spray device makes your udder sanitizer totally effective.<br />
Provides uniform spray coverage that’s quick and easy — no more hit or miss dipping<br />
or spraying. Loop design covers entire teat, including top and opposite sides in one<br />
quick action. No contamination; clean, fresh solution to every teat. Strong, long-lasting,<br />
heavy-duty pump. Non-collapsible 32-oz. plastic dispenser bottle. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C13240NY — $16.70<br />
Boovaloop Sprayer Only.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C28292NY — $16.20<br />
C13673NY<br />
C14914NY<br />
C28292NY<br />
teat Sprayer —<br />
C13240NY<br />
Stainless Steel tip<br />
Designed with a stainless steel tip that will outlast the<br />
rest of the sprayer! This 16-oz. plastic sprayer was created<br />
especially for teat spraying because it directs the teat<br />
dip upward at a 45° angle. Covers the whole teat quickly<br />
and efficiently. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C13673NY — $11.95<br />
teat Sprayer With Stainless<br />
Steel tip<br />
Features an extended, stainless steel nozzle that directs<br />
teat spray upward at a 45° angle. This 16-oz. plastic<br />
sprayer will cover the whole teat quickly and efficiently.<br />
Has two screens to prevent plugging. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C14914NY — $10.40<br />
54<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Udderly eZ<br />
Mare Milker<br />
This milker is the safest and most<br />
effective handheld, trigger-operated<br />
vacuum pump available. Ideal for rhe<br />
collection of colostrum and the milking<br />
of mares or for milking mares<br />
whose foals have inherited a different<br />
blood type than that of the mare and<br />
are at risk for NI (neonatal isoerythrolysis).<br />
An excellent option for the<br />
treatment of mastitis and for use as<br />
an aid in the prevention of mastitis at<br />
weaning time. Designed and tested<br />
over a five-year research and development<br />
period with input from leading<br />
industry professionals, flock masters, herdsmen, veterinarians, and breeding farm managers from<br />
around the world. Kit includes: Udderly EZ pump, two extraction cylinders (small and large), 1-pt.<br />
colostrum/milk collection bottle with cap, two 8-oz. colostrum/milk collection bottles with caps,<br />
bottle nipple, udder wipes, and an operation manual. Cannot be returned if used.<br />
C27172NY — $180.95<br />
12-Pack of Replacement Bottles. Sh. wt. 3.31 lbs.<br />
C27173NY — $48.15<br />
Milk House<br />
Hose Chute<br />
Telescoping galvanized hose<br />
chutes are perfect for remodeling<br />
or repositioning your milk house<br />
hose. 5" to 9". Sh. wt. 4 lbs.<br />
C23377NY — $111.95<br />
Cow tail Holder<br />
For cleaner cows and more pleasant stanchion barn milking.<br />
This nylon-coated elastic cord features an ingenious tail<br />
holder at one end and a plastic split ring at the other. Attach<br />
to tail bristles and loop into an overhead hook or line so that<br />
the tail stays about 15" above gutter. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C19252NY — $4.10<br />
C04571NY<br />
Dairy Supplies<br />
Milking Equipment<br />
tamm Net Udder Supports<br />
This net support prevents cows from leaking their milk. It supports the udder, and protects the teats from<br />
injury. Transfers weight from udders to cow’s back. Made of heavy ⅛" nylon mesh. Canvas straps. Fabric<br />
U.S.A. Sh. wt. 5 lbs. Not Returnable if Soiled.<br />
C04571NY Medium (1,100-1,600 lbs.) — $93.50<br />
C04572NY Large (1,600-2,000 lbs.) — $93.50<br />
C08346NY Extra large (for extremely large-uddered cows) — $96.25<br />
Replacement Net Bags. Nylon mesh.<br />
C04592NY Medium. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs. — $56.95<br />
C04593NY Large. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs. — $56.95<br />
C08347NY Extra large. Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs. — $58.85<br />
Repair Kit for<br />
Bou-Matic Blue Coil<br />
Identical graph and identical performance. Totally<br />
interchangeable, with additional reinforcement around<br />
and between contact screws for resistance to cracking.<br />
Kit includes two pistons, two coil base gaskets, and two<br />
bottom rubber caps. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C15736NY — $11.65<br />
pulsator Repair Kit<br />
For surge milkers. Includes 4 No. 10WSU<br />
washers, 4 No. 10KSU leathers, 2 No. 10XSU<br />
gaskets, 1 No. 10YSU O-ring, and 1 No. 102X1<br />
check valve rubber. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C05841NY — $11.50<br />
Non-Vented Shut-Off Valve<br />
Smooth white plastic shut-off valve twists cleanly to a positive stop.<br />
Facilitates shut-off of vacuum or milk flow with Transflow or rubber tubing.<br />
Fits ⅝" or 9 /16" hose. Dimensions: 3½" x 1½" x 2¾". One-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C26005NY — $12.50<br />
2-Door Utility Wall Cabinet<br />
Holds up to 50 lbs. per shelf ! This maintenance-free wall cabinet features attractive styling and durable resin<br />
construction. Easy no-tools assembly. Includes one adjustable shelf. 28" W x 28" H x 13¼" D Gray and black.<br />
Sh. wt. 21 lbs.<br />
C27986NY — $76.45<br />
transflow M-34r plastic tubing<br />
Lightweight, flexible plastic tubing that meets all FDA and 3-A standards.<br />
Easy-to-handle tubing for milk tubes and stanchion hoses. Easy<br />
to clean. Durable; won’t age, flake, or check. Clear plastic with blue<br />
stripe, available in 50 ft. and 100 ft. lengths. Size: ⅝" I.D. x 1" O.D.<br />
C06037(A)NY 50-ft. coil. Sh. wt. 16 lbs. — $63.55<br />
C06037(B)NY 100-ft. coil. Sh. wt. 32 lbs. — $126.25<br />
Surcingle<br />
Replace worn or torn milker surcingles with this special reinforced rubber surcingle. Consists of a heavy-duty<br />
strap and corrosion-resistant triangle to ensure trouble-free service. Available in 8 ft. length, 1¾" wide with 13<br />
brass grommets for adequate adjustment. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C06091NY — $30.55<br />
Enlarged to show detail<br /> 55
Dairy Supplies<br />
Milking Equipment<br />
easypour Quarter Milker<br />
Used to separate milk form a high-somatic cell count (SCC),<br />
injured, or hemorrhaged teats during the regular milking<br />
process. The Innovative EasyPour is designed with a large<br />
flapper-type lid which allows emptying like a pitcher with one<br />
hand and makes cleaning easy. There is no need to remove the<br />
lid or hoses to empty. There is little additional labor involved<br />
as the quarter milker works simultaneously with the rest of<br />
the milking. With low investment and high return, this quarter<br />
milker can pay for itself in a matter of days. Stable, low-profile<br />
jug in thick semi-transparent poly has a large 2½-gallon capacity.<br />
Unit comes complete with jug, lid, hoses, and inflation<br />
adapter. One-year warranty. Sh. wt. 6.50 lbs.<br />
C27392NY — $121.55<br />
Milk-easy Inflation Adapter<br />
Tired of those time-consuming and often frustrating attempts to<br />
speed up slow-milking cows? The Milk-Easy Inflation Adapter<br />
provides complete and efficient milk out of problem cows. Fast<br />
and easy installation — simply place it over the inflation head<br />
while the unit is being attached to the teat. Made of semi-flexible<br />
C16679NY C16680NY<br />
silicone, Milk-Easy positions the inflation lower on the teat, which keeps the milk canal open for faster milk<br />
flow. It also prevents the inflation from moving up on an infected or injured teat and pinching off the milk<br />
canal. Eliminates the need for milker-stripping slow cows and can help reduce teat end damage. Colours<br />
may vary.<br />
Regular Size. Fits inflation heads of 2" Large Size. Fits inflation heads over 2".<br />
or less. Fits most De Laval, Westfalia, and<br />
Fits most Surge, Bou-Matic, Universal, Conde,<br />
IBA silicone. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C16679NY — $9.65<br />
Choreboy, and European AlfaLaval liners.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C16680NY — $9.65<br />
PLEASE NOTE: When a quarter is treated, the drug goes into the blood and all milk in the udder is contaminated.<br />
This device is not to be used to collect a treated quarter so the remaining quarters can be sold.<br />
If the remaining quarters are mixed in your bulk tank, the entire tank is contaminated and cannot be sold.<br />
Quartermilker<br />
Allows you to isolate the milk from one quarter of an infected cow. Fits into any milking system with ease.<br />
All hoses included; 2 gal. capacity. Manufactured in strong, durable, hygienic plastic material. Also includes<br />
a safety valve to help prevent milk from backing up the claw<br />
should the jug be kicked over. 3⅜" I.D. Sh. wt. 4 lbs.<br />
C13165NY — $94.55<br />
Service Kit for Quarter Milker. This repair kit includes<br />
lid, valve, O-ring, tubes, and connector. Does not include jug<br />
and handle. One-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C19087NY — $47.05<br />
C28213NY O-Ring only. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. — $1.90<br />
C28214NY Connector only. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. — $2.40<br />
C28215NY Top only. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs. — $39.05<br />
C28216NY 50 cm rubber tube only.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs. — $10.20<br />
C28217NY Handle only. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs. — $3.20<br />
C28218NY Valve ball and cap set only. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. — $1.25<br />
QMI — Quality Milk Isolator<br />
For isolating one quarter of the cow’s milk from the other three quarters, in<br />
cases of observed evidence of high-somatic cell counts in one quarter. The<br />
milk isolator features: extra large 2-gal. capacity, extra-large 4" opening for<br />
cleaning, large bore flexible silicon rubber hoses, 90° elbow to allow inflation<br />
to hang upright, and heavy-duty stainless steel bail to hold lid in place.<br />
Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs.<br />
C19711NY — $114.15<br />
PLEASE NOTE: When a quarter is treated, the drug goes into the blood and all milk in the udder is contaminated.<br />
This device is not to be used to collect a treated quarter so the remaining quarters can be sold.<br />
If the remaining quarters are mixed in your bulk tank, the entire tank is contaminated and cannot be sold.<br />
Custom Line Dairy Inflations<br />
C13269NY<br />
Short Air tubes<br />
Molded rubber with reinforced ends. Package of 8.<br />
3⁄16" I.D. x 8". Fits Surge. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C13269NY — $9.70<br />
¼" I.D. x 7½". Fits De Laval, Bou-Matic,<br />
Nu-Pulse, and Westfalia. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C13271NY — $9.70<br />
Strip Cup<br />
Has 50% wider diameter (6¼") and larger capacity with<br />
an unusually practical black antisplash screen for detecting<br />
mastitis-infected milk. Snap the screen in and out with a<br />
simple flick of the thumb. This ensures no contact with<br />
potentially infected milk. Emptying and cleaning is simple<br />
and quick. Functional capacity: 22 oz. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C13479NY — $12.45<br />
pluggit Inflation plug<br />
Seal inflation openings the efficient way with the<br />
unique Pluggit. Fits any size inflation. Includes chain<br />
for easy removal. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C09787NY — $7.60<br />
Aluminum Strip Cups<br />
Aluminum cup in ½-pint capacity with choice of<br />
stainless steel screen or black insert. 4" diameter.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C19088NY With screen insert — $17.80<br />
C19089NY With black insert — $17.80<br />
Nylon Inflation Brush<br />
Has raised flange to clean entrance to inflations.<br />
Fits all standard sizes. Stiff action of nylon bristles<br />
removes accumulations. Nylon brushes last many<br />
times longer than other types. 18" long.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C05992NY — $3.60<br />
Bou-Matic<br />
Narrow bore. Sleeveless type, fits Bou-Matic regular stainless steel<br />
shells. Pkg. of 4. Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />
C05822NY Per pkg. — $18.85<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $17.90<br />
Universal<br />
Medium bore. Fits 2MS shell. Pkg. of 4. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C10963NY Per pkg. — $18.85<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $17.90<br />
Universal Inflation<br />
Narrow bore. Milks out fast and clean. Fits visible shells. Pkg. of 4.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C26385NY Per pkg. — $18.85<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $17.90<br />
De laval Narrow bore,<br />
thin-wall design<br />
Fits 06 shell. Pkg. of 4. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C10959NY Per pkg. — $18.85<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $17.90<br />
De laval Narrow bore,<br />
Standard design<br />
Fits 06 shell. Pkg. of 4. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C05522NY Per pkg. — $18.85<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $17.90<br />
Conde<br />
Narrow bore, thin wall, fits Conde standard-length shells. Pkg. of 4.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />
C07767NY Per pkg. — $18.85<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $17.90<br />
C05833NY<br />
C07766NY<br />
Surge<br />
Narrow Bore.<br />
Fits Jet-Flo shell. Pkg. of 4. Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />
C05833NY Per pkg. — $18.85<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $17.90<br />
C11688NY<br />
C05517NY<br />
Narrow Bore, with Rings and Reinforcing Ribs.<br />
Fits Air Saver and Continental shells. Pkg. of 4. Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />
C07766NY Per pkg. — $18.85<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $17.90<br />
Short Body with High Tension Lines.<br />
Fits Air Saver and Continental shells. Pkg. of 4. Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />
C11688NY Per pkg. — $18.85<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $17.90<br />
Medium Bore. Fits C shells. Pkg. of 4. Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />
C05517NY Per pkg. — $18.85<br />
10 or more pkgs., per pkg. — $17.90<br />
56<br />
Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Sani-Prep ® Dairy Towels<br />
Designed specifically for dairy wiping use.<br />
They are absorbent, strong, and economical<br />
replacements for sponges,<br />
rags, and towels. Excellent for<br />
drying udders before milking.<br />
The strong, absorbent towels<br />
feature a Perf-Embossed® finish<br />
for fast drying. These singleuse<br />
towels help prevent the<br />
spread of mastitis through the<br />
herd. The towels may also be used<br />
for udder prepping, livestock and<br />
domestic animal wiping, and other veterinary uses requiring a sanitary,<br />
economical wiper. Size 9" x 10½". Single fold. 110 sanitary white towels<br />
per box. 18 boxes per case. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C10906NY Per box — $4.00<br />
Case of 18 boxes, per box — $3.80<br />
Band-Wrapped<br />
Sani-Prep ®<br />
Dairy Towels<br />
Same quality towels as<br />
C10906NY listed above, but<br />
band wrapped in bundles of<br />
200. 9" x 10½" towels. White.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.31 lbs.<br />
C12897NY — $4.60 ea.<br />
12 or more — $4.40 ea.<br />
Dari-Towls ®<br />
Dairy Towels<br />
This dairy towel is un-embossed<br />
and helps prevent cross-contamination<br />
in the herd. This towel features<br />
superior wet strength and is<br />
designed for scrubbing and drying<br />
the herd. Size: 9” x 10”. Colour: Natural.<br />
C05990NY — $6.80 per pkg.<br />
Case includes 8 pkgs. of 250 — $6.46 per pkg.<br />
Sani-Sure Dairy<br />
Towels<br />
Cloth towels cost less than half of<br />
what you would spend on paper,<br />
plus they clean and dry udders<br />
better! Cloth towels are soft and<br />
absorbent — not hard and stiff like<br />
paper towels. These quality turkish<br />
towels (similar to washcloths) have<br />
finished edges and will withstand a minimum of 100 washes. 12" x 12".<br />
Fabric imported.<br />
Grade “A” heavyweight Towels.<br />
Manufactured to specifications requested by dairy farmers. 16-oz.<br />
weight fabric.<br />
C25486NY Box of 120 towels. Sh. wt. 11.63 lbs. — $118.55<br />
C25487NY Box of 300 towels. Sh. wt. 27.38 lbs. — $180.95<br />
Dr. Naylor Teat<br />
Dilators<br />
For injured, bruised,<br />
scabbed, and obstructed<br />
teats. Lubricated for the teat<br />
canal. Simply keep a dilator in the teat between milkings until teat<br />
milks free by hand. Pkg. of 40. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C01009NY — $7.15<br />
Udder Infusion Cannulae<br />
Designed for injection of suffusing solution into the udder<br />
through the teat canal. Use with syringe or intravenous outfit.<br />
Tapered end for easy insertion without gouging. Opening<br />
for passage of solution is on the side. Made of chrome-plated<br />
stainless steel. 2½" tube. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C05980NY Each — $1.55; 12 or more, ea. — $1.45<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Dairy Wipes<br />
Use these towels just before milking<br />
to wash and massage teats. Mild,<br />
non-acid, non-iodine, premoistened<br />
towels provide simple and easy teat<br />
care. Each 8" x 10" biodegradable<br />
towel is treated with Chlorhexidine<br />
Gluconate and lanolin. Pail of 600<br />
towels. Sh. wt. 9 lbs.<br />
C18069NY — $34.05 ea.<br />
4-11 — $33.00 ea.<br />
12 or more — $32.35 ea.<br />
Wipe Refills. Bag of 1,100 wipes to<br />
refill pail above (C18069NY).<br />
Sh. wt. 11 lbs.<br />
C29203NY — $45.40<br />
Dynamint Udder Cream<br />
A true oil and water emulsion which quickly delivers the healing and<br />
antibacterial properties of essential oils through the skin and into the<br />
soft tissue. Dynamint contains peppermint oil which stimulates the<br />
skin to promote healing and also adds a pleasant smell. Eucalyptus and<br />
calendula oil condition the skin and tea tree oil adds<br />
antibacterial properties. The nongreasy, water-based<br />
cream is smooth and light. As the water evaporates,<br />
the oils penetrate the skin and go to work. Use daily<br />
to help prevent udder edema, mastitis, and infection.<br />
Many dairymen report massaging with Dynamint to<br />
be as good as an oxytocin injection for milk let-down,<br />
while other report fewer and milder cases of mastitis<br />
thus reducing the need for antibiotics. 500 ml bottle.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.19 lbs.<br />
C27394NY — $14.80<br />
2,000 ml (67.6-oz.) Jug. Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs.<br />
C28828N — $43.95<br />
Two 1-Gallon Hanging Bags.<br />
Hanger and dispenser included. Bags hang in<br />
parolor. Dynamint dispenses out the bottom with<br />
a simple squeeze. No more leftover mess or wiping<br />
out jugs! Complete use of product with no waste.<br />
Dispenser and hangers are reusable. Sh. wt. 22 lbs.<br />
C29393NY — $193.90<br />
Udder Comfort <br />
Udder Comfort is an all-natural lotion or spray made with a special blend of essential oils<br />
to quickly soften and soothe udder swelling and irritation. It is a management tool for udder<br />
condition and milk quality, without discarding milk. Quick and easy<br />
application, more complete and even coverage, less waste. Helps reduce<br />
udder swelling in fresh cows. Apply evenly onto affected quarter after<br />
milking, repeat 2-4 days as needed. Available in white lotion that dries<br />
clear, blue lotion or spray that remains blue from one milking to the<br />
next, and yellow spray that vanishes. The yellow spray version is a natural,<br />
dye-free formula that “vanishes,” making it a great choice for organic<br />
farms, breeders, show cattle, and anyone who wants natural-looking<br />
udders. Goes on bright yellow, then blends in with the natural color of<br />
the udder.<br />
Lotion — 10-oz. (300 ml) Bottle. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C27560NY White (dries clear) — $30.75<br />
C27561NY Blue — $32.45<br />
Spray — 17-oz. (500 ml) Bottle. This spray formula provides the<br />
natural benefits of the lotion with the added convenience of a spray.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C27560NY<br />
C28544NY Blue — $47.25<br />
C29753NY Yellow — $47.25<br />
Bag Balm<br />
Helps allay simple congestion and promotes healing of injuries to<br />
udder and teats. Safe, makes easier milkers. Widely used for general<br />
farm healing and in household emergencies.<br />
10-oz. can. Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />
C00283NY Per can — $6.30<br />
Case of 12 cans, per can — $5.98<br />
4½-lb. pail. Sh. wt. 5.25 lbs.<br />
C13156NY — $42.85<br />
Mint Udder Cream<br />
"Udder health at its best!" A superb udder conditioning<br />
product with multiple uses. Improves udder<br />
health as it soothes the udder. The main ingredient<br />
is pure, all-natural Japanese peppermint oil, so it is<br />
safe and worry-free. It is also fast-acting–most producers<br />
see results within 12-24 hours of rubbing it<br />
on. 400 ml. tube. OMRI listed. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C25838NY — $35.15<br />
Udder Butter ®<br />
A lanolin-rich, moisture-balancing ointment<br />
formulated to relieve the pain and<br />
discomfort of chapped, sore, raw udders<br />
and teats. The antiseptic emollient also<br />
helps fight bacteria and encourages natural<br />
healing. May also be used for minor<br />
cuts, abrasions, burns, sunburn, and windburn.<br />
Great for your hands, too! 33-oz.<br />
tub. Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />
C13151NY — $18.65;<br />
2 or more — $17.70 ea.<br />
Dairy Supplies<br />
Udder Care<br />
C27561NY<br />
C28544NY<br />
C29753NY<br /><br />
Dairy Supplies<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
Powder-Free/Latex-Free<br />
Nitrile Disposable Gloves<br />
Nitrile Powder-Free Examination Gloves offer a high-valued and dependable<br />
solution to those allergic to natural latex protein. These gloves, formulated<br />
with 100% synthetic nitrile polymer, are latex free, powder free,<br />
and odor free. The unique thermal-sensitive polymer compound absorbs<br />
body heat and easily conforms to user’s hands so virtually no pressure is<br />
exerted on the hands, reducing fatigue after extended wear. Box of 100<br />
gloves. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />
C20030XNY Small<br />
C20031XNY Medium<br />
Per box — $10.90<br />
10-19 boxes, per box — $10.35<br />
20 or more boxes, per box — $9.80<br />
C20032XNY Large<br />
C20033XNY X-Large<br />
All White Nylon Brush<br />
Outlasts many natural fibre brushes. Contour design, rugged<br />
plastic block. Deep anchored tufts of 100% stiff white<br />
crimped 1⅝" nylon bristles. Bristles can’t soak up bacteria.<br />
Power grip handle, designed for dairy sanitation. 8" long.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C05961NY — $13.15<br />
Nylon Brush.<br />
20" white plastic block and handle. Brush face 5" L x 4½" W,<br />
nylon bristles trimmed to 1⅝". Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C04567NY — $16.10<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Poly-Nylon Sleeve<br />
Great for keeping your shirt sleeves dry and clean when<br />
you are milking. Waterproof, poly-nylon sleeve features<br />
elastic at the wrist opening. 18" long with an 8" opening<br />
at the top and a 6" opening at the wrist with 1¼" elastic.<br />
Assorted Colours. Pair. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs.<br />
C15833NY — $11.40<br />
Nylon Bulk Tank Brush<br />
White plastic block won’t crack, split, develop crevices, soak up water, or harbor<br />
bacteria. Bristles are thick gauge DuPont white nylon, crimped to hold equally<br />
as much water as animal or natural fibers. Estimated life is nine times that of<br />
natural fibers. Each tuft securely deep-anchored in pressure snug self-contracting<br />
tuft holes. Provides complete circle of tufts at each end for a full 360° cleaning<br />
action. 7½" wide brush. Order handle separately. Sh. wt. 0.88 lbs.<br />
C06027BNY — $32.95<br />
Plastic Handle Only. 36½" long. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C06027ANY — $17.45<br />
Dairy Barn Cart<br />
A handy cart that holds all the necessary<br />
tools and equipment to make correct milking<br />
procedures practical and convenient. Holds<br />
up to three pails (not included) and includes a<br />
bracket for a towel dispenser. The cart includes<br />
strip cup holders, a swing-around utility tray,<br />
plus a 20" x 13" x 5" bottom tray. Rubberized<br />
top hooks will carry up to eight pipeline milking<br />
units. Four-wheel cart (two 10", two 7") has<br />
noncorrosive heavy-duty plastic wheel hubs.<br />
Gray and black hard lacquer finish. Must be<br />
assembled. Shipping carton size: 28" L x 36" H<br />
x 17" W. Sh. wt. 55 lbs.<br />
C13602NY — $201.25<br />
Small Towel Tote<br />
Keep towels close and convenient. Dispenses one towel at<br />
a time. The attached belt includes loops to hang teat dip<br />
bottles. Towels not included. Ideal for stanchion barns.<br />
Holds 80 towels. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C15394NY — $22.10<br />
Large Towel Tote<br />
Tote. Ideal for parlor barns. Holds<br />
250 towels. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C18096NY — $26.65<br />
Cloth Towel Half Apron<br />
Great in the milking parlor. This durable, two-pocket bag<br />
of nylon pack-cloth is ideal for carrying cloth towels. Fill<br />
both pockets with clean towels, or use one for clean and<br />
one for dirty. Belt and adjustable buckle included. Pocket<br />
size: 12¼" W x 17" D. Each pocket holds approx. 25 towels.<br />
Fabric imported. Sh. wt. 0.63 lbs.<br />
C19110NY — $24.35<br />
Loyal Barn Limer<br />
Heavy-duty machine with a capacity of 65 lbs. of lime. The 10"<br />
spreading disc will completely cover an 8-ft. walk in one round trip.<br />
Unique lever action slide gate control regulates flow rate. Saves on<br />
lime. Ends sweeping after liming. 8" x 1.50 semipneumatic wheels,<br />
large cast-iron drive gears, sturdy agitator, and heavy-gauge tapered<br />
hopper for full feedout. No plastic gears to strip or corrode. Grease<br />
zerks on spreader shaft and drive axle for longer life. Sh. wt. 38.13 lbs.<br />
C07138NY — $268.95<br />
Dynamic Duo<br />
Two fabric bags, reinforced with webbing around<br />
the top and 2" belt for carrying cloth towels. Use<br />
one bag for clean towels, one for dirty, or both<br />
for clean. Carry cloth towels, medicine, or dairy<br />
supplies. Works well in parlors or stanchion barns<br />
because bags are off to the side when you crouch.<br />
Each bag holds approximately 25 towels. 14" L x 8"<br />
W x 4" D. Fabric imported. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C27417NY — $35.75<br />
58 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Save-A-Stall Anchor<br />
Easily repair rusted or broken steel tube stalls and pens. Cut<br />
off the broken or rusted tubing at cement floor level. Insert<br />
the Save-a-Stall Anchor into the steel tube still in the concrete.<br />
Put the good part of the stall tube into the upper part of the<br />
anchor. Tighten up two bolts on Save-a-Stall Anchor clamp<br />
and you have a solid stall, better than new, that will last a lifetime.<br />
Save-a-Stall Anchors fit most makes of barn equipment. For maximum<br />
strength, install anchor so bolt heads are facing gutter or center walkway. Fits 1⅝"<br />
pipe. Sh. wt. 2.25 lbs.<br />
C04527NY — $20.05<br />
Dairy Supplies<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
CMT Starter Kit<br />
NASCO Sterile Infusion Cannulas<br />
A roll of 100 individually stripped, sealed, 1½" cannulas packaged in<br />
a handy dispenser pack. These economical, disposable cannulas fit<br />
both Luer slip and Luer lock syringe. Since only one cannula at a time<br />
is exposed, the remaining cannulas stay sterile. This gives maximum<br />
protection against contamination by allowing you to tear open the cellophane<br />
and place a fresh cannula on the dosage bottle without ever<br />
touching the cannula. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C05084NY — $6.00<br />
Teat Bandage<br />
Teat injuries are a serious problem to the highproduction<br />
dairy cow. This cohesive polyester<br />
bandage will actually stay on the short, conical<br />
shape of the teat. Protects wound against dirt and<br />
contamination. Can be applied to a wet surface;<br />
does not stick to wound or hair. Can be applied<br />
together with teat or antibiotic ointment. Stays in<br />
place during milking. Hypoallergenic. 2½ in. W x<br />
5½ yard roll. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C15681NY — $17.50<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> offers this CMT kit designed for mastitis diagnosis and control,<br />
for it directs attention to individual mammary quarters that are secreting<br />
milk at high cell content. Cell content is normally high at both extremes<br />
of lactation, therefore, CMT should not be used before the third day<br />
after calving or on the secretion of the drying or drying-off udder. CMT<br />
kit comes with paddle, one 12-oz. bottle of reagent in dispenser bottle,<br />
colour plate, and directions. Will do 350 tests. Indefinite shelf life.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C06059NY — $14.25<br />
Replacement Paddle. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C06060NY — $5.95<br />
Replacement Reagent. Concentrated. One pint bottle<br />
makes one gallon of solution when mixed with water.<br />
Indefinite shelf life. Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C06061NY — $8.95<br />
Dairy Herd Monitor<br />
Keep track at all times of all cows in the herd according to their breeding<br />
and calving status with this simple, accurate, and visual panorama<br />
of the anatomy of your herd. Each cow in the herd is monitored,<br />
identifying her breeding status with a coding system of four colours by<br />
use of self-adhesive, removable stickers. 30" x 34" unit constructed of<br />
top-quality, high-impact material. One unit handles all herd sizes up to<br />
250 cows. Includes an ample supply of stickers, detailed instructions,<br />
and nylon fasteners for wall mounting. Sh. wt. 10 lbs.<br />
C05708NY English — $192.45<br />
Self-Adhesive Stickers for Monitors.<br />
Pkg. of 450. 150 pink, 150 blue,<br />
Pkg. of 600. 150 red, 150 blue, 150 green, and<br />
150 blue, and 150 yellow.<br />
150 yellow. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C07666NY — $9.85 C14982NY — $7.65<br />
Udder Singe ®<br />
The Udder Singe® helps control disease to produce quality milk. This is your first line of defense against<br />
mastitis and helps control Johne’s disease in newborn calves. Designed to remove hair quickly and painlessly,<br />
this system eliminates the need to clip udders manually to improve sanitation. Anyone who has ever milked<br />
cows knows that milking is cleaner and easier working with short hair on the udders. By eliminating long hair,<br />
there is less accumulation of mud and manure. You use less water and increase overall sanitation, thus teat dip<br />
is more effective. Singeing reduces environmental and sub-clinical mastitis, bacteria, and somatic cell count. As<br />
unbelievable as it sounds, the cow never knows there is work being done on her because of the low temperature<br />
of the flame and the quick pass of the wand. Recommended by veterinarians and dairy scientists. Unit<br />
consists of a 28" wand, 4-ft. hose, valve, specially calibrated regulator, and a mesh carry bag that attaches to your<br />
waist (or over your shoulder) to free your hands during the singeing process. Fits on a 1-lb. LP gas bottle (not<br />
included). Sh. wt. 7 lbs.<br />
C29430NY — $308.55<br />
Mastitis Detector<br />
A simple, efficient detector for early warning of clinical mastitis. All<br />
milk from the cow passes through the unit and is sampled for clots.<br />
If at any time the detector screen becomes entirely coated by clots,<br />
the elongated slot in the center of the screen allows the milk to<br />
pass without any restriction. The removable mesh is made of<br />
stainless steel for strength, and coated with Teflon® for cleaning<br />
ease. Cleans in place. Visible length when fitted: 3". Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C11402NY — $31.35<br />
Instant results!<br />
C24476NY<br />
Draminski ® Mastitis Detector<br />
Allows you to inspect the health of any cow in just seconds!<br />
Advanced, electronic technology detects invisible, subclinical<br />
mastitis. Sensors find and analyze minute changes<br />
occurring in the electrical resistance of the cow’s milk. Just<br />
fill the measurement cup with a few squirts of milk from<br />
the cow to be inspected. Then, simply press the switch and<br />
take the reading displayed. This early detection enables<br />
early treatment, preventing the risk of permanent damage<br />
to the udder. It also helps improve returns by unmasking<br />
mastitis in its earliest, invisible stage. Allows you to conduct<br />
quick, concise checks of your herd to ensure higher-quality<br />
milk production. Features large LCD display for easy-to-see<br />
readings with low-battery indicator. Waterproof, shockproof<br />
polypropylene construction. Requires one “9V” battery<br />
(not included). Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C24476NY — $328.10<br />
Mas-D-Tec Early Mastitis Detection<br />
Provides a simple, convenient, and instantaneous means of detecting subclinical mastitis.<br />
MAS-D-TEC measures electrical conductivity in a small sample (2 ml) of milk. This<br />
instrument will detect increases in conductivity long before other clinical symptoms are<br />
evident. The unit’s electronic circuitry is completely enclosed in a strong, waterproof case<br />
for long, dependable service in the milking parlour environment. Designed for hand-held<br />
operation, it is powered by a standard 9V battery (included). More than 1,000 cows can<br />
be tested on a single battery. One-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs.<br />
C15395NY — $417.95<br /><br />
Dairy Supplies<br />
Milking Supplies<br />
Mr. Tuff Pails<br />
A sturdy, top-quality pail for all uses, made of high-density polyethylene<br />
with a leakproof lid. It is extremely durable, resilient, and has<br />
seamless construction, so it is easy to clean. It will withstand corrosive<br />
or noncorrosive products…liquid or powder. It won’t rust, dent, or<br />
crack, and can even be steam sterilized. Galvanized wire bail with<br />
plastic grip. White. Complies with FDA specifications. 3½-gal. Pail<br />
with Lid. Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs.<br />
C05575NY — $7.10<br />
C14909NY<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Port-A-Stool<br />
The stool of 100 uses. Just strap it to your waist and it’s ready for use any<br />
place. Stool harness leaves both hands free for carrying milk, washing<br />
equipment, etc. Features plastic seat 11½" x 7½". Pedestal height, 11¾".<br />
Coil spring base provides firm support even when stool is tipped. Durable<br />
and lightweight, only 2 lbs. 8 oz. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C05989NY — $80.25<br />
Deluxe Adjustable Leg Milking Stool<br />
Especially designed for the long-legged farmer. Same qualities as Port-A-Stool (C05989NY),<br />
plus it features three adjustments to adjust from 13½" H to 17" H. Sh. wt. 3.13 lbs.<br />
C13226NY — $71.45<br />
Adjustable replacement pedestal. Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />
C13226YANY— $39.55<br />
Two-Cup Stainless Steel Measuring Cup<br />
Features a low design for stability and an open handle so it can be easily stacked.<br />
Inside gradations are in European and American and won’t wear out over time.<br />
Won’t break like glass or plastic measuring cups and can handle repeated runs in<br />
the dishwasher. Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C26280NY — $9.65<br />
Poly Fresh Milking Buckets<br />
High-density, semi-transparent, seamless polyethylene milk bucket. Milk level is<br />
easily seen and volume may be read on the permanent scale marked for pounds<br />
and kilograms. Sturdy galvanized handles. Bucket comes with solid storage lid;<br />
fresh cow lid (C14909NY) may be purchased separately. Bucket rim diametre is<br />
7⅜" I.D. and 8" O.D.<br />
40-lb. Capacity Bucket w/Lid.<br />
Sh. wt. 14 lbs.<br />
C14907NY — $182.35<br />
Stainless Steel<br />
Sanitary Milk Strainer<br />
Large-capacity strainer made of smooth, ished stainless steel. Features a 12¾" top outside<br />
diameter and a 5" bottom outside diameter.<br />
Strainer includes retainer ring, flat stainless<br />
steel mesh filter, and a loop for hanging. For<br />
additional filtering, strainer may be used with<br />
pola<br />
disposable 6½" filter disk (sold separately<br />
below). Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs.<br />
C29353NY — $119.35<br />
Tuffy Non-Gauze Disks.<br />
The thicker filter! 6½" disks.<br />
Box of 100. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C07681NY — $6.05<br />
80-lb. Capacity Bucket w/Lid. Sh. wt. 19.25 lbs.<br />
C14905NY — $214.25<br />
C14909NY Lid and gasket.<br />
Only for C14907NY or C14905NY — $79.15<br />
C29353NY<br />
The thicker filter!<br />
C07681NY<br />
Non-Gauze Disks. 6½" disks. Box of 100.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C25529NY — $7.30<br />
C25529NY<br />
1 2<br />
Pelouze ® Dial Platform Scale<br />
A precision platform scale that will weigh up to 50 lbs. in 4-oz. graduations. Easyto-read,<br />
5½", plastic covered dial features a large red hairline pointer. All-steel precision<br />
weighing mechanism. Stop mechanism extends scale life and prevents spring<br />
damage when scale is lifted by the platform. Zero adjustment knob below platform.<br />
Platform size: 6" x 4⅝". Overall dimensions: 8½" x 6½" x 6½". Sh. wt. 3.50 lbs.<br />
C18948NY — $79.75<br />
Teat Tumor Extractor<br />
This medium-size, 4.5 mm instrument is imported from Denmark and<br />
is very popular among herdsmen. Its most important advantage over<br />
the other models is the double-cutting edge.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C05588NY — $77.55<br />
1. Floating Dairy<br />
Thermometer 8" Perma-colour<br />
tube. Range 30° to 220° F, 0° to<br />
100° C. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C05914NY — $20.20<br />
12 or more — $19.15 ea.<br />
2. Milk Thermometer<br />
Keep track of milk temps with this practical<br />
milk thermometer in a plastic cage.<br />
Gauges –10° to 120° C (does not show<br />
Fahrenheit). Measures 1¼" x 1¼" x 8¼".<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C25493NY — $7.45<br />
Extra Heavy Bottom!<br />
C07303NY and C12427NY<br />
C09666NY<br />
C09789NY<br />
C07303NY<br />
Aluminum Milk Pail<br />
A handy utensil to carry milk, water, or other liquids. Sturdy, thick<br />
aluminum. Each pail is highly finished with natural finish on inside and<br />
bottom. Made with strong bail and ears, and equipped with a snugfitting<br />
cover with a deep flange. 12" H x 4½" dia. 4-qt. capacity.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 lbs.<br />
C09666NY — $45.95<br />
Covered Tote Pail — 4 5 ⁄6 Gallon<br />
Seamless, sanitary, stainless steel tote pail with satin finish inside and<br />
outside. The pail has sturdy side handles to aid in cover removal and<br />
pouring. Straight tubular design for carrying ease with a handle for<br />
convenient pickup, or lies flat against pail for storage. Triple-thick bottom,<br />
heavy-gauge wall, extra-thick rim, and rounded corners. Pail is 14<br />
gauge. Lid does not lock. 16¾" H x 9¾" dia. Grade A approved.<br />
Sh. wt. 9.50 lbs.<br />
C09789NY — $248.05<br />
C12427NY<br />
C24464NY<br />
Stainless Steel Pails<br />
Satin finished inside and outside, one-piece construction. Extra-heavy<br />
top edge reinforces pail; extra-heavy bottom gives longer service under<br />
continuous heavy use.<br />
9-qt. capacity. 9" H, 11" top diameter, 6½" base diameter.<br />
Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C07303NY — $74.55<br />
16-qt. capacity. 12" H, 12¾" top diameter, 8½" base diameter.<br />
Sh. wt. 6 lbs.<br />
C12427NY — $91.25<br />
13-qt. capacity. 10" H, 12" top diameter, 8¼" base diameter.<br />
Sh. wt. 3.75 lbs.<br />
C12829NY — $78.95<br />
20-qt. capacity. 11½" H, 14½" top diameter, 10" base diameter.<br />
Sh. wt. 9.50 lbs.<br />
C12830NY — $124.05<br />
C24462NY<br />
C26279NY<br />
Tapered Dairy or Utility Pails<br />
Dairy pails made of stainless steel resist denting, corrosion, and tarnishing.<br />
The pails clean easily to reduce the danger of bacteria growth. NSF<br />
certified.<br />
12½-Qt. Pail.<br />
14¾-Qt. Pail with Side<br />
10” H x 12” dia. Tilting Handle.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs.<br />
10⅛" H x 12" dia. Sh. wt. 4.75 lbs.<br />
C24464NY — $83.55 C24462NY — $176.55<br />
Stainless Steel Pail with Bottom Band<br />
Superior stainless steel combined with quality craftsmanship offers<br />
durability and longevity. It features one-piece construction with no<br />
welds for bacteria to hide. The bottom band functions as a handle to<br />
make tipping and emptying the pail easy. The flat handle makes it easy<br />
to use without cutting into the hand. Stacks for easy storage.<br />
C26279NY 16½-qt. capacity. Sh. wt. 4 lbs. — $90.50<br />
60 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Nylon Hobble with Felt Lining<br />
Protect your horse’s ankles with these heavy, black, poly<br />
web hobbles lined with felt. Has a heavy swivel chain<br />
(approx. 4-5") and roller buckles. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C30405NY — $18.60<br />
Split Nylon Hobble<br />
Lightweight 21" long cow hobble designed to be used at calving time to<br />
prevent slipping and splitting out. The adjustable Velcro® leg straps provide an<br />
easy on/off feature. Made of durable 2" wide nylon strap with nickel-plated,<br />
double-lock hardware. 28½” long. Sh. wt. 0.69 lbs.<br />
C16211NY — $14.15<br />
Nylon “SPLIT-GARD” Cow Hobble<br />
Lightweight cow hobble designed to be used at calving time<br />
to prevent slipping and splitting out. The adjustable Velcro® leg<br />
straps provide an easy on/off feature. Made of durable 1½" wide<br />
nylon strap with nickel-plated hardware. 28½” long. Single unit<br />
design. Sh. wt. 0.44 lbs.<br />
C11658NY — $11.25<br />
General Livestock Supplies<br />
Cow Cuff Links<br />
Protect cows from injury with these cuff links that<br />
provide stability for cows after difficult calving or<br />
milk fever cases. Made from durable 1½" nylon<br />
webbing with 6,000 lbs. of tensile strength and<br />
stainless steel components, these cuff links can<br />
be reused countless times. With adjustable 12" to<br />
21" distances between the cuffs, the cow has the<br />
freedom to walk without the danger of her legs<br />
spreading. A positive-lock buckle system allows<br />
for a snug fit on cows of all sizes. Weighs only<br />
0.75 lbs. Machine washable. Made with stainless<br />
steel. Sh. wt. 0.94 lbs.<br />
C25897NY Red — $36.60<br />
C26852NY Blue — $36.60<br />
Deluxe Split Stop Hobble<br />
Lightweight nylon hobble keeps cow’s legs from splitting<br />
out or slipping during calving. Durable 2" wide nylon<br />
strap with easy on/off Velcro® leg straps and nickelplated<br />
double lock hardware. 33½” long. Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C12927NY — $25.80<br />
19" split stop for cattle/yearlings. 12" split stop for calves.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
C26391NY — $25.80 C26393NY — $22.15<br />
17" split stop for yearlings/exotics. 4" split stop for goats.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.56 lbs.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.38 lbs.<br />
C26392NY — $25.80 C26394NY — $22.15<br />
Heavy-Duty Kick Stop<br />
For prevention of kicking at milking and udder treatment. Extra strong<br />
quality, yet weights only 4 lbs. Fits any size of animal. Easy to apply with<br />
push-button adjustment. 1¼" dia. tubing on main body. ⅛" thick metal.<br />
Sh. wt. 5 lbs.<br />
C18231NY — $27.80<br />
Cattle Controller (Kick-Stop)<br />
Unique, lightweight, quickly adjustable to five sizes with<br />
spring-loaded, snap button control. Fits snugly over back<br />
and thigh area for optimum control. Made of polished 1⅛" dia. tubing for<br />
main body, with 1" dia. tubing on the two movable legs. 1 /16" thick metal. Weighs only 2¼ lbs. Rubber end caps<br />
on legs protect animal. Fast, easy, on and off feature aids in milking parlour use as well as stanchion operations.<br />
Sh. wt. 3.88 lbs.<br />
C05300NY — $21.80<br />
C07016NY Extra springs, per pair. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. — $4.00<br />
C07017NY Extra tips, per pair. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs. — $4.00<br />
Hanging Scale with Scoop<br />
Hanging scale with screw adjustment pointer is graduated<br />
in ounces and pounds. Additional features include:<br />
capacity of 20 lbs. in two revolutions, precision adjustment<br />
knob, 8½" dia. recessed dial with large numerals, heavy<br />
steel body, and top and bottom hooks. Scale comes with a<br />
galvanized steel scoop and chain measuring 17" x 11⅝" x<br />
5 7 /16". Sh. wt. 4.50 lbs.<br />
C21047NY — $47.60<br />
Scoop with chain only. Sh. wt. 2 lbs.<br />
C06370NY — $28.05<br />
Scales<br />
Kow Kan't Kick<br />
Slips over back of animal, depressing nerves and muscles that control kicking.<br />
Makes rear legs immobile without pain or injury. Cow remains quiet for<br />
examination, surgery, artificial breeding, or for milking and routine handling.<br />
Especially good for first calf heifers. Adjusts to any size animal. Easy to apply,<br />
just slip over back and turn hand crank to tighten. Rubber tipped arms.<br />
Sh. wt. 14.50 lbs.<br />
C00104NY — $97.10<br />
Replacement Parts<br />
C02584NY Threaded bushing. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs. — $12.05<br />
C02585NY Threaded handle. Sh. wt. 1.44 lbs. — $36.25<br />
C02586NY Thrust washer. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. — $4.95<br />
C02587NY Unthreaded bushing. Sh. wt. 0.31 lbs. — $9.85<br />
C02588NY Screw ¼-20 x ½. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs. — $1.25<br />
C03827NY Replacement kit assembly. Crank, bushings, necessary bolts and washers, but not legs and<br />
castings. Sh. wt. 2.19 lbs. — $50.05<br />
Wash and Rinse Pail<br />
The handy double bucket with a pour spout. Washing<br />
solution in one compartment, rinsing water in the other,<br />
makes udder washing an easy chore. Each compartment<br />
holds 7 qts. — capacity to brim: 17 qts. 9¾" H. 12½" x<br />
12½" W. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C06083NY — $28.55<br />
Ohaus Compact Scale<br />
The economical, portable scale that is easy to<br />
use. Rugged plastic construction. Battery (3 AA,<br />
included) or optional AC operation. Energysaving<br />
shut-off. Pan measures 14.6 x 13.3cm.<br />
Overall dimensions 19.3 x 13.5 x 3.9cm. Capacity<br />
Readability 200g x 0.1 g.<br />
CC83390NY — $128.55<br />
C21047NY<br />
Chatillon Milk Scale<br />
Highest quality for professional use by DHIA supervisors. Large dial. 60-lb. capacity.<br />
Graduated in 1 /10 th lbs. Has lithographed metal dial, 8" overall diameter, and two precision<br />
calibrated springs. Has three revolutions of the indicator for full capacity. Slide indicates<br />
each revolution. Black pointer shows gross weight, and red pointer shows net weight. 16"<br />
long. Not legal for trade. One-year warranty. Sh. wt. 4 lbs.<br />
C05891NY — $185.85<br />
Model 600 Scale<br />
An all-purpose farm scale with a modern look. Features a round<br />
steel housing shape with recessed 8½" x 8½" dial and indicators,<br />
plus top and bottom hooks. Large, easily read numbers and graduations.<br />
Adjustable indicator deducts weight of pail. Capacity: 60 lbs.<br />
by 1 /10 lbs. in two revolutions. 17¾" high overall. Not for legal trade.<br />
Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C05889NY — $32.20<br /><br />
General Livestock Supplies<br />
Measuring Tapes<br />
Front<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s<br />
Holstein<br />
Dairy Calf<br />
Weigh Tape<br />
Gives weight estimation<br />
based on heart girth of<br />
the animal. For calves<br />
from newborn to approximately 12 weeks or 282 lbs. Durable stretch-resistant<br />
Tyvek ® will not rip, rot, or mildew. Includes tips for proper calf raising and feeding.<br />
54" L. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C23149NY Each — $3.85<br />
Ruler with World Dairy Expo Imprint<br />
Stainless steel ruler measuring 6" L. Sh. wt. 0.06 lbs.<br />
C30434NY — $3.40<br />
Back<br />
Holstein<br />
Weigh Tape<br />
Measures between heart girth and<br />
animal weight. This tape uses a<br />
formula which reflects the taller and<br />
leaner Holsteins that are being bred<br />
today. Features inches/pounds on<br />
one side and centimeters/kilograms<br />
on the other so the tape can be used<br />
as a handy metric converter as well. Printed in both English and Spanish, with helpful livestock tips included.<br />
Reads weights from 77 to 2,125 lbs. Overall calibrations: 277 centimeters, 985 Kilos. 108" L x 2" W.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C15907NY Each — $3.85<br />
Calfscale ® Birthweight Tape<br />
Accurately measures birthweights of newborn beef calves<br />
within 24 hours after birth. Measures from 34 to 157 lbs.<br />
Place the tape around the coronary band of the front hoof, tighten, and read the circumference in<br />
centimeters and the birthweight in pounds from the tape scale. One side measures bulls, the other<br />
heifers. Weight at birth may vary ±7.0 lbs. for bulls and ±6.4 lbs. for heifers due to hour of age and<br />
shrink or fill. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C15167NY — $7.45<br />
Weight-By-Breed<br />
Dairy Management<br />
Tape<br />
Three separate scales for Holsteins,<br />
Guernseys, and Jerseys. Greater<br />
accuracy through updated weight and<br />
heart girth relationships. Compare<br />
average weights at 3 months and 6<br />
months of age; and determine the<br />
lightest recommended breeding<br />
weights and the average first calving<br />
weights. The tape can also be used to cull young calves for future milk production to compute the most<br />
profitable rations, calculate safe drug dosages by the weight of the animal, and to estimate weights of<br />
Brown Swiss and Ayrshires. Figures 57 to 1,975 lbs., on heavy Tyvek ® plastic, 108" L, doubled and sewn,<br />
with aluminum ends. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C06070NY Each — $4.25<br />
Large bubble level and telescoping<br />
horizontal rod make leveling quick!<br />
“Teletape” Deluxe<br />
Livestock Measure<br />
A high-quality tape measure modified to easily and<br />
accurately measure height and other livestock body<br />
parts. Automatic locking large bubble level and<br />
telescoping horizontal rod make leveling quick and<br />
easy. Height is conveniently read where tape enters<br />
case. English/metric combination. 12-ft. (3.65 m)<br />
tape retracts into a case that easily fits in a pocket.<br />
Equipped with belt clasp. A favorite of dairy cattle<br />
classifiers. Ideal for checking the growth rate of young<br />
stock. Sh. wt. 0.50 lbs.<br />
C24068NY — $89.40<br />
Horse and Pony<br />
Weighing Tape<br />
This tape accurately estimates the weight of<br />
all horses from 82 to 1,321 lbs.; the height in<br />
hands up to 20 hands; and serves as a daily<br />
guide to feeding, conditioning, and maintaining<br />
the health of the animal. Double-thick,<br />
Tyvek ® plastic tape is 80" L with sewn side and<br />
metal end tips. Sh. wt. 0.19 lbs.<br />
C04487NY Each — $4.25<br />
Beef Weight Tape<br />
This Tyvek ® tape accurately estimates<br />
the weight of feeder and<br />
beef breeding cattle. One side<br />
estimates weights of feed cattle in<br />
grades Medium, Good Choice,<br />
and Fancy. Opposite side for<br />
feeder, beef breeding, and crossbred<br />
cattle. For weights from 82<br />
to 1,888 lbs. Side sewn 108" L x 1"<br />
W. Will not rip, rot, or mildew. Sh. wt. 0.13 lbs.<br />
C01037NY Each — $4.25<br />
Folds and snaps together<br />
for compact storage!<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Measuring Stick for Beef or Dairy Cattle<br />
Measures height for beef or dairy cattle. Provides accurate measurement at the hip or shoulder in either<br />
inches or centimeters by simply lowering the sliding crossbar. Built-in spirit level. Folds and snaps together<br />
for compact storage. 64". Lowest measurement is 27". Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />
C11503NY — $101.75<br />
62 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
5-Gallon Bucket Holder<br />
A 5-gal. bucket holder designed to put on a gate. One of the<br />
handiest products you’ll ever buy — saves time and money in<br />
spilled water and feed. Made of welded steel with a flat black<br />
finish. 12" H x 13½" W x 12½" D. Fits maximum 12" dia. bucket.<br />
Sh. wt. 7 lbs.<br />
C13104NY — $22.35<br />
General Livestock Supplies<br />
5-Gallon plastic<br />
Over-The-Fence Feeder<br />
A feeder that can be placed wherever you need it — designed with<br />
an adjustable, sturdy metal bracket for multiple over-the-fence or<br />
on-the-wall installations. May be attached to 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 fencing,<br />
over fences or short walls up to 2⅝" thick, over wide fences or<br />
short walls of up to 3¼", or may be attached flush to walls. Comes<br />
with two L-shaped galvanized brackets, six high-quality screws,<br />
and six anti-vibration elastic stop nuts. Sh. wt. 4.50 lbs.<br />
C14622NY — $14.65<br />
Mini High-Back<br />
Feeder with Brackets.<br />
A smaller version of the feeder above. Tapered design allows<br />
for easy animal access. Polyethylene. Includes brackets to<br />
hang on fence or gate. Overall size: 15" L x 14¼" W, depth<br />
tapers from 10½" to 7¼". Sh. wt. 4.75 lbs.<br />
C28307NY — $31.10<br />
Fortex ® 6-Qt.<br />
Over-the-Fence Feeder<br />
Innovative and practical over-the-fence feeder with molded-in<br />
plastic bracket to fit snuggly into 2" x 4" rail. No tools necessary for<br />
mounting. Heavy-duty design and construction. Capacity markings<br />
in quarts and liters. 9½" x 11" top x 5½" H. Green. Sh. wt. 1.13 lbs.<br />
C26747NY — $7.65<br />
Flat-Back Pail<br />
The flat back fits snugly against the wall for convenient feeding<br />
and watering of animals. Bail mounted through steel supports.<br />
Constructed of durable polyethylene that will not lose its shape.<br />
The pail quickly and easily attaches to double-snap fasteners.<br />
3½ -Gallon Flat-Back Pail. Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />
C16389NY — $7.40<br />
4½ -Gallon Flat-Back Pail. Sh. wt. 4.75 lbs.<br />
C08258NY Each — $9.85; 2 or more, ea. — $9.35<br />
Feeding Pans<br />
4½-Gallon Plastic Feed Pan 4½-gallon capacity.<br />
Excellent for transporting to shows for livestock feeding.<br />
Easily cleaned. Tapered style for quick nesting. Ears have<br />
holes for hanging or suspending pan if desired. Inside<br />
measurements 17" dia. at top, 101⁄2" at bottom. 7¾" deep.<br />
Green. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C02591NY — $9.00 ea.; 6 or more — $8.55 ea.<br />
5 Gallon<br />
High-Back Feeder with Brackets<br />
An extra-large feeder that offers easy access to animals<br />
with its tapered front edge. Easily hangs on fence or gate.<br />
Constructed of heavy-duty polyethylene with durable<br />
1½" x 4½" metal brackets designed to go over 2 ft. x 4 ft. or<br />
larger. Overall size: 26¾" L x 17⅜" W, depth tapers from<br />
11¾" to 7¾". Sh. wt. 11 lbs.<br />
C13440NY — $55.85<br />
Corner Feeder<br />
Reduce feed and water waste by using a corner<br />
feeder! Rugged rubber feeder can be mounted<br />
in a stall two different ways. 25½" x 19½" x 9¾".<br />
Red. Sh. wt. 3.75 lbs.<br />
C28255NY — $15.35<br />
C02591NY<br />
C29467NY<br />
15-Gallon Large-Volume Rubber-Fiber Feeder (No Handles). The large 15-gal. capacity<br />
(equivalent to 1½ bushels) is ideal for multiple feeding in less time. Makes metal and plastic feeders<br />
obsolete! Easy to clean, easy to maintain. Safe and crushproof. Cannot rust, dent, or chip. Unharmed by<br />
salt, chemicals in feed, or weather. Heavy-duty rubber-fiber construction has no sharp edges or splinters.<br />
Top dia.: 26". 9½" H. Sh. wt. 13 lbs.<br />
C07010NY — $23.00<br />
Hanging Hay Baskets<br />
Great for the lambing pen, at fairs or just hanging on a fence near a group of lambs or ewes. Helps save hay.<br />
Will hang over 1½" wide or smaller frame. One-year warranty.<br />
C18259NY Small, 20" L x 9" W x 20½" H. Sh. wt. 7 lbs. — $46.75<br />
C18258NY Large, 47" L x 12" W x 20" H. Sh. wt. 23.44 lbs. — $118.00<br />
Milking Aprons<br />
Milk Hauler Apron<br />
Popular with milk handlers. Water-repellent, doublecanvas<br />
construction with rubberized, waterproof, triplelayer<br />
thigh patches. Double sewn and riveted. Adjustable.<br />
Size: 28" x 36". Split-leg design. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C06049NY — $39.95<br />
Hycar Aprons<br />
Medium-weight aprons that are tough enough to<br />
withstand durable use in the milking parlor. Vinyl construction<br />
also provides protection from acids, alkalies,<br />
solvents, chemicals, oils, fats, greases, salts, and abrasions.<br />
Made with four metal grommets, reinforced bib, and all<br />
edges are turned and hemmed. 35" W x 45" L. Made of<br />
14-oz. plastic. Black. Sh. wt. 1.31 lbs.<br />
C13384NY Each — $17.05;<br />
10 or more, ea. — $16.20<br />
100 All-Purpose<br />
Disposable Aprons<br />
These tough, smooth, white aprons of 1.75 ml polyethylene<br />
are liquid-proof and acid-resistant. The cost per<br />
apron is often less than laundry expense for cloth type<br />
aprons, because they can be worn several times and<br />
then thrown away. The smooth surface makes it easy to<br />
wipe the apron clean after each use. Measuring 28" x 46",<br />
aprons cover most people below the knee, and the plastic<br />
ties and neckline band are designed for comfortable fit.<br />
Box of 100 aprons. Sh. wt. 7.63 lbs.<br />
W05863NY — $47.25<br />
Dairy Apron<br />
A practical dairy apron with bib pocket, adjustable neck<br />
strap, adjustable waist strap, and easy close and open<br />
side-release buckles. Poly vinyl fabric laminated to nylon<br />
taffeta keeps you dry. Royal blue color. Water-resistant.<br />
C23136NY Large, 30" W x 42" L.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs. — $22.00<br />
C23137NY X-Large, 34" W x 48" L.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.06 lbs. — $23.95<br />
C06049NY<br />
W05863NY<br />
C13384NY<br />
C23136NY<br />
½-Gallon Feeder Pan (No Handles). Ideal feeder pan for feeding smaller animals. 100% rubber<br />
composition makes this feeder extremely resistant to cold-weather cracking. Has capacity markings.<br />
Can also be used as an oat measure. 8" top dia. x 4" H. Sh. wt. 1.50 lbs.<br />
C13387NY — $3.85 ea.;<br />
3 or more — $3.65 ea.<br />
3-Gallon (1/3-Bushel) Low Pan. Nontip feed or water<br />
pan for cattle, sheep, hogs, and horses. Rubber/HDPE blend<br />
construction with UV protection. 15" top dia. x 5" H. Five-year<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 2.50 lbs.<br />
C19888NY — $5.95<br />
5-Gallon Deluxe Plastic Feed Pan. Heavy-duty construction<br />
with two easy to grip handles made of a co-polypropylene material. This 17" dia. x 7" deep pan has a 5-gal.<br />
capacity. Available in four colours. Sh. wt. 3.25 lbs.<br />
C29467NY Black C29468NY Green C29469NY Blue C29466NY Red<br />
— $13.35 ea.; 6-19 — $12.68 ea.; 20 or more — $12.00 ea.<br /><br />
General Livestock Supplies<br />
Automatic shut off, saves water!<br />
C08851NY<br />
Lonn Water Savers<br />
The last water nozzle you’ll ever own, virtually indestructible! Flex the rubber nozzle and it’s on — drop it<br />
and it’s off ! Instant flow adjustment from a trickle to full flow. Will not corrode. Use with hot or cold water.<br />
Let your horse step on this nozzle and it will still work. 9" long. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
Model R. Jet stream is great for blasting dirt from equipment and cleaning floors and walls.<br />
Sprays 50 ft. at 60 psi.<br />
C08849NY — $37.95<br />
Model M. Open flow stream is great for bathing/cooling animals and filling water buckets.<br />
C08851NY — $37.95<br />
12" Manure Hoe<br />
All-welded stainless steel livestock hoe makes cleaning up a quick and<br />
easy job. Works better than a fork. Comfortable angled handle allows<br />
just the right amount of pressure for scraping down gutter grates,<br />
cow bedding, swine pens, etc. Handle is made from triple-coated,<br />
galvanized, structural steel tubing. 12" blade; 58" L x 1" dia. handle.<br />
Sh. wt. 5 lbs.<br />
C14588NY — $33.30<br />
Heavy-Duty Stainless<br />
Steel Barn Scraper<br />
A scraper with all-welded construction and a bent handle designed<br />
for long life and rugged use. The 24" W, 20-gauge stainless steel scraper<br />
has a 1" dia. x 58" L steel tube handle with cold weather handle<br />
grips. Lightweight, easy to push. 5½" x 24" blade. Sh. wt. 11 lbs.<br />
C13604NY — $62.45<br />
Dairy Record File Folders<br />
Each folder holds important notes, registration and vaccination<br />
papers, breeding receipts, etc. In addition, they allow you to record<br />
important information for each cow, such as: date of birth, tattoo or<br />
ear tag numbers, vaccination dates, mastitis and udder health, breeding<br />
record, calf record, production records, reproductive and other<br />
diseases, and more. Each folder even includes a diagram for you to<br />
draw the cow’s markings. Pkg. of 100 folders. Sh. wt. 6.31 lbs.<br />
C06106NY — $44.30<br />
Cow Data Cards<br />
Cow Data Cards have spaces for cow’s name, classification, dam,<br />
sire, milk production, and other important information. Sturdy, seethrough<br />
plastic data card guards (not included) keep the 8½" x 11"<br />
cards safe and clean. Easy to mount on pipe or ceiling. Pkg. of 50.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.75 lbs.<br />
C07271NY — $8.60<br />
Data card guard. Sh. wt. 0.75 lbs.<br />
C07270NY — $7.45<br />
NASCO Beef Cow Record Cards<br />
Designed by a rancher. Combine the features of many available<br />
forms. Heavy cards fit a 3-ring binder. 50 per package.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.38 lbs.<br />
C12428NY — $14.95<br />
NASCO Permanent<br />
Herd Record Filler Sheets<br />
Individual cow record sheets. Package of 25. Sh. wt. 0.81 lbs.<br />
C05969NY — $8.10<br />
<strong>Farm</strong> Tough Cart<br />
Strong, durable cart carries up to 200 lbs. —<br />
ideal for use as a feed cart, muck cart, or generalpurpose<br />
farm cart. One-piece molded construction;<br />
smooth, seamless body for easy use and cleaning.<br />
Reinforced ribs add impact resistance. Large 20" x 2.125"<br />
pneumatic wheels provide easy mobility over most surfaces.<br />
3½-cu.-ft. level capacity and 6¼-cu.-ft. heaped capacity fills<br />
most agricultural needs. 27½" L x 24¾" W x 47" H. Gray.<br />
Sh. wt. 65 lbs. Shipped unassembled.<br />
C15942NY — $284.10<br />
Polar Tuff Scrapers<br />
The Polar Tuff Scraper has a new unique design, featuring a shaped<br />
heavy-duty fiberglass handle with sure-grip strips, resists twisting and<br />
slipping. The blade is made of tough, rigid polyethylene its self-sharpening<br />
and nonabrasive. Ideal as a durable and quiet barnscraper.<br />
36" Scraper. Sh. wt. 8 lbs.<br />
C26339NY — $68.50<br />
24" Scraper. Sh. wt. 5.50 lbs.<br />
C26340NY — $50.90<br />
C26339NY<br />
Hand Weighing Scoop<br />
This unique weighing scoop measures the right<br />
amount of feed to a ¼ of a pound. Easy-to-read<br />
scale. Removable dustcover. Adjusting screw is easily<br />
set. As with any weighing device, this unit must be<br />
handled with care. 7-lb. capacity. Sh. wt. 2.81 lbs.<br />
C07217NY — $94.55<br />
Heavy-Sweep 24" Floor<br />
Broom and Handle Set<br />
Stiff, orange, polypropylene bristles make this a long-wearing brush that’s not<br />
affected by water or petroleum products. Great for use on rough surfaces. Block is ⅞"<br />
thick and 2½" W. Trim: 3¼". Wood handle. Sh. wt. 4 lbs.<br />
C26397NY — $27.45<br />
Floor Squeegee<br />
A heavy-duty dirt and water chaser that has a straight steel-backed floor rubber to plow a wide, clean swath.<br />
Baked enamel 1" angle steel frame. Inlaid with 5 ⁄16" x 2" pure gum red rubber. Rugged steel handle brace.<br />
Handle not included.<br />
C08233NY 24" squeegee. Sh. wt. 2.75 lbs. — $35.15<br />
C08234NY 36" squeegee. Sh. wt. 3.75 lbs. — $45.05<br />
King Midas Heavy-Duty<br />
Fiber Broom<br />
Built to stand rough use. We believe it is the<br />
longest-wearing broom on the market for<br />
the roughest floors and heaviest use. Ideal for<br />
creameries and farm milk houses. Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C05985NY — $18.45<br />
64 Tel: 1.800.668.0600 Fax: 1.800.668.0602
Oilers<br />
These premium oilers are practical and economical for<br />
maximum insect protection for livestock. With the proper<br />
insecticide, they provide year-round protection from lice,<br />
flies, and ticks. Long-life rayon mops are desired because<br />
they tend to oil the sides of the animals as well as their backs.<br />
4-ft. Oiler. Measures 45" long with a capacity of<br />
approximately 4 gal. Sh. wt. 18.93 lbs.<br />
C18241NY — $133.65<br />
2 1 /2-ft. Oiler. Measures 28" long with a capacity of approximately 2 3 ⁄4 gal. Sh. wt. 13 lbs.<br />
C18242NY — $104.80<br />
Pest Doom Oiler<br />
An excellent addition to fly control tags or by itself, the<br />
Pest Doom Oiler allows cattle to make contact for an even<br />
distribution of protective oil through its high-quality synthetic<br />
yarn mops. Oil is dispensed only when tank is rotated,<br />
smartly eliminating waste. Tough, polyethylene tank won’t rust,<br />
leak, or corrode. Holds four gallons of oil. Includes mounting<br />
chains. Tank measures 45" L with 7" dia. Sh. wt. 13.69 lbs.<br />
C24534NY — $99.85<br />
Replacement mop and canvas.<br />
C24535NY Sh. wt. 2.31 lbs. — $42.35<br />
Fly Bullet<br />
Ideal for fly and lice control on<br />
calves. Each 19" to 22" bullet<br />
consists of a polyester stocking<br />
filled with acrylic fibre material.<br />
Simply pour one pint of insecticide<br />
solution on each bullet and<br />
hang in creep openings or on<br />
mineral feeders. Sh. wt. 1.37 lbs.<br />
C16367NY — $9.35<br />
4 or more, each — $8.85<br />
Cow Life-Cattle Rub ®<br />
Designed by a cattleman for continuous protection from<br />
horn flies without spraying and dusting. Simply hang this<br />
10-ft. polyester and acrylic Cattle Rub® so cattle will go under<br />
and pour about 2-4 gallons of insecticide solution along its<br />
length. Let the Rub do the rest! Refill about once a month.<br />
Sh. wt. 13.18 lbs.<br />
C13683NY — $30.00<br />
Face Flyps . Put insecticide where it’s needed most — on<br />
the face! Flyps wick solution directly from the Rub, giving<br />
effective pinkeye protection and face fly control. Package<br />
contains 22 Flyps which easily attach to rub. Sh. wt. 1.56 lbs.<br />
C14880NY — $19.45<br />
4 or more, each — $18.45<br />
Humane Comfeze Cow Mat<br />
Save time, labor, and money by reducing your bedding requirements while providing cushioned comfort<br />
for your cows. All cow mats are not the same — Humane Comfeze Cow Mat gives you an unbeatable combination<br />
of economy and superior quality. This mat offers greater resiliency, easier cleaning, and a textured,<br />
nonskid surface. Cuts bedding requirements by 80% or more, helps protect against udder and leg injuries, and<br />
eliminates swollen hocks associated with bedding on concrete. Sanitary, nonporous mat won’t absorb liquids,<br />
and the flat, nonribbed surface is easy to clean. Easily installed in new or existing barns or pens. 48" x 72" x ¾".<br />
Shipped truck. Sh. wt. 102 lbs.<br />
C17991NY Each — $61.20; 10 or more, ea. — $58.15<br />
General Livestock Supplies<br />
<strong>Farm</strong> Equipment & Mats<br />
Cattle Groomer/Scratchers<br />
Cattle groomer/scratchers apply fly and pest control and provide<br />
a comfortable brushing action to the animal. Lice, flies, and winter<br />
hair are removed while protective, effective pest control is applied to<br />
the cow’s back for dispersal throughout the coat. The solution tank<br />
has a valve to regulate or shut-off the supply to the upper brush. Uses<br />
oil-based insecticide solution (not included). The brushes on the<br />
groomer/scratchers are 18½" x 4," which are large enough for excellent<br />
coverage. Brushes are securely mounted in the metal frame for safety<br />
and durability, and the frame is easily attached to a wall or upright.<br />
Allow extra delivery time.<br />
Single-Spring Model. Sh. wt. 79 lbs.<br />
Z18076NY — $414.15<br />
Double-Spring Model. Two springs give extra brushing<br />
power for very strong, large cattle. Sh. wt. 92 lbs.<br />
Z19424NY — $472.75<br />
Side Brush. Sh. wt. 4.13 lbs.<br />
C31356NY — $57.50<br />
Top Brush. Sh. wt. 4.13 lbs.<br />
C31357NY — $57.50<br />
Felt Cloth for Oilers.<br />
Fabric imported. Sh. wt. 0.25 lbs.<br />
C27349NY —$9.65<br />
Z19424NY<br />
Easy-Mount Strip Door Kit<br />
Cover that exposed barn door or entryway. Easy<br />
to mount. Cuts loss of heat or cooled air. Reduces<br />
noise, dirt, dust, and odours. Two-way visibility.<br />
No wasted space as you have for swinging door<br />
clearance. High-quality, flexible, clear vinyl strips for<br />
long life. Functional from (–20° to 150° F, -29˚C to<br />
66˚C) as an effective thermal barrier. Kit includes<br />
enough 8 in. W x 8 ft. L strips and door hangers to<br />
cover a 36" wide doorway. Sh. wt. 22 lbs.<br />
C18228NY — $123.15<br />
Extra Vinyl Hanging Strip. For use on Strip<br />
Door Hanger (C18229NY) above. When ordering<br />
strips remember to allow 50% overlap for easy pass<br />
through. Strip measures 8 in. W x 8 ft. L.<br />
Sh. wt. 3 lbs.<br />
C18230NY — $26.15 per strip<br />
Interlocking Edges!<br />
Mighty Lite Portable Mat<br />
Portable stall and trailer polymer mat is made with space-age<br />
technology. Easy to clean and at only 12 lbs. each, you can<br />
snap a floor together in minutes. Use mat at show grounds,<br />
grooming areas, trailers, and even in your stalls. Durable mats<br />
can withstand heavy use. Reversible. Each mat measures 36"<br />
x 48" x 7⁄8". Black. Not for longterm outside use or on dirt/<br />
gravel floors. Sh. wt. 14 lbs.<br />
C26667NY Each — $64.85<br />
10 or more, ea. — $61.60<br />
Z18076NY<br />
C31356NY<br />
Super Penetrator Bale Mover Kit<br />
Build your own bale mover with this do-it-yourself kit. Includes a 2200-lb. capacity, 49" long, roll forged,<br />
alloy steel, gradual tapered spear (maximum dia. of 1¾"); metric nut; and internally tapered sleeve housing.<br />
One-year warranty. Sh. wt. 27 lbs.<br />
C15518NY — $175.95<br />
Additional shipping charges apply.<br />
Cattle Scratcher with Double Spring<br />
Double-spring cattle scratcher which doesn’t include<br />
pesticide tank feature. Sh. wt. 58 lbs. Allow extra delivery time.<br />
Z20623NY — $357.45<br />
Z20623NY<br /> 65
Fencing, Safety & General <strong>Farm</strong><br />
Red-D-Rod ® Fence<br />
Stretcher Splicer<br />
Powerful and easy to operate. Strong hooks grip<br />
any kind of wire. Ideal for drawing and holding<br />