Healthcare Catalogue - SPECTRUM Nasco Shopping Mall Divisions
Healthcare Catalogue - SPECTRUM Nasco Shopping Mall Divisions
Healthcare Catalogue - SPECTRUM Nasco Shopping Mall Divisions
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HEALTH CARE 2012-2013 1-800-668-0600 CATALOG NO. 984
Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong> <strong>Healthcare</strong><br />
2012/2013 Educational Materials <strong>Catalogue</strong><br />
Quick Index<br />
Featured Products<br />
Advanced Breast Exam Simulator ........................ 3<br />
Micro-Preemie Simulator ................................. 195<br />
Anatomy<br />
BioQuest ® Kits ...........................................150, 151<br />
Charts ............................................................... 168<br />
Games, Reference, Software, & DVD ..........166, 167<br />
Models ...............................................152-165, 169<br />
Basic Life Support<br />
AED Training..............................................133, 143<br />
Airway Management ...................................130-147<br />
Choking ....................................................142, 148<br />
CPARLENE ® ...............................................139, 140<br />
CPR Electronic Monitors .............................140, 141<br />
CPR Manikins..............................130-144, 146, 147<br />
Supplies.....................................................122, 123<br />
Emergency Simulation<br />
Advanced Life Support Manikins & Trainers ....94-97,<br />
99-111, 119-121<br />
Airway Management ...................................112-119<br />
Animal Rescue ................................................... 149<br />
Arrhythmia & Sound Modules ...................92,93, 98<br />
Casualty Simulation ....................................124-127<br />
Rescue ........................................................127-129<br />
SMART STAT Manikin ..................................186-187<br />
Supplies.....................................................122, 123<br />
Examination<br />
Breast .........................................................3, 68-70<br />
Ear ...................................................................... 67<br />
Testicular ............................................................. 71<br />
General<br />
Careers ............................................................. 177<br />
Furniture & Storage ...................................188, 189<br />
Games, Kits, & Instructional Aids................178, 179<br />
Instructor Materials ............................................ 181<br />
Multimedia .................................................183-187<br />
Reference Books ........................................182, 183<br />
Nutrition<br />
Food Guidelines, MyPlate, & Replicas ..........170-172<br />
Muscle & Fat Replicas ........................................ 169<br />
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Cervical Effacement & Dilation .......................81, 83<br />
Childbirth Simulation ................................78-83, 87<br />
Episiotomy Repair ................................................ 84<br />
Fetal Replicas....................................................... 88<br />
Pelvic Examination .........................................85, 86<br />
Pregnancy & Newborn Care ................................. 89<br />
Ready-or-Not Tot ® Parenting Simulators .........90, 91<br />
Patient Care Manikins<br />
Adolescent Nursing Skills .........................62, 64, 65<br />
Adult Nursing Skills ..................................54-61, 63<br />
Infant Nursing Skills .......................................65, 66<br />
Skills Training<br />
Arterial Puncture .................................................. 25<br />
Bandaging Simulators .......................................... 41<br />
Blood Pressure Simulators .................................... 53<br />
Central Catheterization ...................................26-29<br />
Diabetes ........................................................34, 35<br />
Dialysis ................................................................ 30<br />
Enema Administration .......................................... 48<br />
Heart & Lung Sounds ..........................................4-8<br />
Injections & Venipuncture ..................................9-24<br />
Lab Supplies ........................................................ 31<br />
Ostomy Care Simulators ...................................... 50<br />
Physical Assessment .......................................51, 52<br />
Prostate & Colonoscopy Simulators ...................... 49<br />
Respiratory, NG Tube, & Tracheostomy Care ...42, 43<br />
Spinal Injection Simulators ................................... 44<br />
Suture Practice/First Aid .................................32, 33<br />
Urinary Catheterization ...................................45-47<br />
Wound Care .............................................31, 35-41<br />
Specialized<br />
Circumcision ...................................................76-78<br />
Dental ...........................................................74, 75<br />
Radiology ............................................................ 72<br />
Vision .................................................................. 75<br />
• Unsurpassed Quality<br />
• Realistic Anatomy<br />
• Affordable Prices<br />
1-800-668-0600 FAX 1-800-668-0602<br /><br />
Key Benefits to Purchasing<br />
Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong> Products<br />
• Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong> is a North American<br />
manufacturing company serving people<br />
since 1941<br />
• Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong> has dedicated employees<br />
who strive for perfection<br />
• Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong> manufactures realistic<br />
Life/form® anatomically correct manikins and<br />
simulators which are fully functional in the specific<br />
techniques they teach<br />
• Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong> offers FAST shipping<br />
• Spectum <strong>Nasco</strong> offers quality products at<br />
affordable prices<br />
• Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong> offers a three-year warranty on<br />
Life/form® manikins and simulators<br />
Highly Specialized Skills Trainers<br />
• Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong> offers a 30-day Complete<br />
Customer Satisfaction Guarantee on all items<br />
• Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong>’s top priority is customer<br />
satisfaction<br />
• Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong> is committed exclusively to<br />
providing you with the finest training products<br />
Realism Only from<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> has been providing educators with quality products<br />
at affordable prices since 1943. In 1969, the Life/form®<br />
process of molding food replicas was first developed.<br />
The Life/form® product line was expanded when <strong>Nasco</strong><br />
began manufacturing Life/form® anatomical replicas<br />
and medical training simulators. Since that time, the<br />
Life/form® name has become one of the most respected<br />
in the industry…synonymous with realistic reproduction and unsurpassed quality.<br />
The realism of Life/form® anatomical replicas and medical training simulators is truly amazing!<br />
Extreme attention is paid to every detail — lifelike skin, natural bony landmarks, veins…even fingerprints!<br />
Life/form® products are molded from living models, or cadavers when appropriate, to ensure<br />
accuracy and well-defined features.<br />
Our Life/form® Simulators are more realistic than ever! You’ll believe you are performing procedures<br />
on a real patient when using a simulator with our new Life/like Skin. Exceptionally stretchy, yet durable,<br />
Life/like Skin replicates the feel, elasticity, and strength of real skin like no other simulator skin on the<br />
market. Nothing compares to our new life/like skin except real skin! Outlasts and outperforms!<br />
Production materials are selected to provide the proper visual appearance, as well as palpable<br />
features. <strong>Nasco</strong> also develops and produces many custom Life/form® replicas and simulators.<br />
Call 1-800-668-0600 for details.<br />
Order Online<br /><br />
Convenient!<br />
Fast! Easy!<br />
Now you can create your own<br />
personal online account and:<br />
• Shop faster & easier!<br />
• Create favourite lists for<br />
frequently ordered items!<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s “Choking Hazard” Label Information<br />
To comply with the U.S. federal government’s new/<br />
revised rule, 16 CFR Part 1500 & Labeling Requirement<br />
for Toy and Game Advertisements, <strong>Nasco</strong> is required to<br />
prominently display the appropriate “Choking Hazard”<br />
warning for products, whenever necessary. Any toy or<br />
game that requires a cautionary statement about the<br />
choking hazard associated with small parts, balloons,<br />
small balls, or<br />
1 =<br />
marbles must bear<br />
that cautionary<br />
statement in the<br />
product’s<br />
description.<br />
To the right is a<br />
key with complete<br />
explanations for<br />
each of the numbered<br />
“Choking<br />
Hazard” labels.<br />
Please refer to the<br />
information in the<br />
boxes whenever<br />
you encounter one<br />
of the following<br />
icons in a product<br />
description: 1,<br />
2, 3, 4,<br />
5, and 6.<br />
2 =<br />
3 =<br />
4 =<br />
5 =<br />
6 =<br />
Copyright © 2012 By Spectrum <strong>Nasco</strong>. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.<br />
QR code is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Incorporated
Featured Products<br />
Breast Examination<br />
Life/form® Advanced Breast Exam Simulator<br />
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women; a<br />
properly performed manual examination is an important way of detecting cancer at<br />
an early, more treatable, stage. The Life/form® Advanced Breast Exam Simulator<br />
offers unparalleled realism for teaching both clinical and self-breast examination.<br />
Unlike other simulators, tissue density actually varies within the simulated breast,<br />
just as it does in a live patient. Tumors of varying sizes (1-4 cm diameter), shapes<br />
(round, oval, irregular/stellate), and densities can be inserted by the instructor<br />
for an expanded combination of training scenarios. Tumors represent adenomas,<br />
cysts, malignant tumors, and enlarged lymph nodes. The torso is correctly positioned<br />
in the supine position and allows access to both axillae. The trainer features<br />
palpable ribs, sternum and clavicles, and enlarged lymph nodes in the axillary and<br />
subclavicular areas. Peau d’orange (“orange peel skin”) with inflammation, inverted<br />
nipple, skin dimpling, and asymmetry are also depicted on the incredibly realistic<br />
skin. The Life/form® Advanced Breast Exam Simulator has been designed for supine examination, but may<br />
also be used standing upright if desired. Training may also be done without the overlay skin. Includes a<br />
rigid underbody, right and left breast inserts, overlay skin, three tumor sets (27 lumps), 9 soft nodules to<br />
represent soft breast tissue, one hard lump to represent chestwall infiltration, baby powder, hard carry<br />
case, and instruction manual. Torso size: 14" W x 11" H x 6" D. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 7.71 kg.<br />
Designed by<br />
Women to Save<br />
Women’s Lives<br />
LF00980U — $665.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from<br />
Life/form ® simulators. 12-oz. bottle.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $19.95<br />
Life/form® Single Breast<br />
Examination Trainer<br />
The Life/form® Single Breast Examination<br />
Trainer has been designed for use in education in breast<br />
cancer prevention and breast self-examination. Breast selfexamination<br />
is an important way of detecting cancer at an<br />
early, more treatable stage. Use the trainer to demonstrate<br />
proper manual examination and discussion of normal and<br />
abnormal findings. Soft, life-like simulated breast tissue<br />
fits over a sturdy base with molded ribs. Interchangeable<br />
lumps and nodules of various sizes, shapes, and densities can<br />
be placed within the breast in any combination, offering a complete<br />
educational experience. Reddened peau d’orange area<br />
on skin represents inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). Dimpling<br />
indicates invasive disease. The Life/form® Single Breast<br />
Examination Trainer includes four soft (pink) nodules that represent<br />
normal tissue; three medium (white) lumps; and four hard<br />
(red) lumps, including a fixed-wall tumor. Lumps and nodules vary in<br />
size from 1-3 cm, are round and irregular in shape, representing both cysts and malignant tumors.<br />
Also included are baby powder, soft carry case, and instruction card. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
LF00970U — $137.50<br />
Replacement Lump and Nodule Set<br />
Includes 11 replacement lumps and nodules. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF00970(A)U — $27.45<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Breast Self-Examination LF00973U<br />
Poster & TearPad<br />
These useful visual training resources have been<br />
developed to help educate women with essential breast cancer<br />
awareness tools. Use these to help educate women on becoming<br />
familiar with the normal consistency of their breasts and what<br />
steps they take during self-examination. With attractively designed<br />
illustrations, <strong>Nasco</strong>’s Breast Self-Examination Poster and TearPad<br />
describe the breast self-examination (BSE) method, variations of<br />
self-examinations, changes to look and feel for, and important<br />
facts to remember. Make breast self-examination a health habit!<br />
Breast Self-Examination Poster<br />
18" x 24". Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF00973U — $16.95<br />
Breast Self-Examination TearPad<br />
Double-sided. Pad of 50 sheets;<br />
each 8 1 ⁄2" x 11". Sh. wt. 0.37 kg.<br />
LF00971U — $11.30<br />
LF00971U<br />
Life/form® Single Breast Examination Trainer with TearPad<br />
Includes the Life/form® Single Breast Examination Trainer (LF00970U) and <strong>Nasco</strong>’s<br />
Breast Self-Examination TearPad (LF00971U). Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
LF00974U — $141.85<br />
Replacement Tumor Set —<br />
27 Lumps<br />
Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
LF00980(C)U — $33.95<br />
Left Breast Replacement<br />
Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
LF00980(A)U — $113.25<br />
Right Breast Replacement<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
LF00980(B)U — $113.25<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Breast Self-Examination<br />
Reminder Stickers<br />
Regularly checking breasts for<br />
changes and early detection are important to a<br />
woman. As part of their annual clinical exam,<br />
give them a sheet of breast self-examination<br />
reminder stickers to help educate them on a<br />
healthy breast care plan. Each sheet contains<br />
18 peel-off reminder stickers for monthly breast<br />
self-exams, annual clinical breast exam, and<br />
annual mammogram. Package of five sheets.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.03 kg.<br />
LF00972U — $14.25<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Breast Examination<br />
Education Kit<br />
Includes the Life/form® Single<br />
Breast Examination Trainer (LF00970U),<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Breast Self-Examination TearPad<br />
(LF00971U), and the 5-Minute Breast Self-<br />
Examination DVD (SB48067U, pg. 70) that<br />
includes demonstration on how to perform<br />
a breast self-exam and discusses important<br />
findings including breast asymmetry, nipple<br />
discharge, inverted nipples, breast lump, and<br />
breast mass. Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
LF00976U — $167.15<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Complete Breast<br />
Examination Education Kit<br />
Includes the Life/form® Single<br />
Breast Examination Trainer (LF00970U),<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Breast Self-Examination Poster<br />
(LF00973U), <strong>Nasco</strong>’s Breast Self-Examination<br />
TearPad (LF00971U), and 5 pkgs. (25<br />
sheets total) <strong>Nasco</strong>’s Breast Self-Examination<br />
Reminder Stickers (LF00972U). Sh. wt. 3.18 kg.<br />
LF00975U — $213.35<br />
1-800-668-0600 3
Skills Training<br />
Heart & Lung Sounds<br />
LF01142U<br />
4<br />
First right<br />
intercostal space<br />
Second right<br />
intercostal<br />
space (aortic)<br />
(lower left)<br />
sternum<br />
Anterior Heart and Lung Sites<br />
Posterior Lung Sites<br />
Tracheal Site<br />
Features:<br />
• Completely Wireless • No Internal Speakers<br />
• Hard Storage Case Included • Palpable Landmarks<br />
• Heart and Lung Sounds • Remote Controlled<br />
Vary at Different Sites • Three-Year Warranty<br />
• Invisible Auscultation Sites<br />
First left<br />
intercostal space<br />
Second left<br />
intercostal<br />
(pulmonic)<br />
Third left<br />
intercostal space<br />
(Erb’s point)<br />
Fourth left<br />
intercostal space<br />
Apex<br />
Heart Sounds<br />
Lung Sounds<br />
Midaxillary<br />
Life/form® Auscultation<br />
Trainer and SmartScope<br />
A Major Breakthrough in Auscultation Training!<br />
The instructor selects from a menu of heart and lung conditions<br />
by wireless remote control. The trainer presents itself as a<br />
real patient without visible auscultation sites. The student must<br />
palpate to identify correct auscultation locations, and will hear<br />
different heart and lung sounds as the SmartScope is moved<br />
to different locations on the trainer. A diagnosis of the condition<br />
selected by the instructor can be made by comparing the<br />
variations in sounds occurring at different sites. Just like a<br />
real patient! Lung sounds can be detected at five anterior,<br />
10 posterior, and two midaxillary locations. Students can practice<br />
auscultation at six anterior heart sites. The remote control does<br />
not have to be pointed directly at the trainer or SmartScope<br />
to operate. One remote control will operate multiple sets of<br />
SmartScopes and/or trainers simultaneously. Great for group<br />
instruction. Listen to the sounds by either using headpieces on<br />
SmartScope or by connecting to an amplifier/speaker (not<br />
included). Range on the unit is up to 100 ft. of remote access.<br />
Three-year warranty.<br />
Auscultation Trainer and SmartScope<br />
Includes trainer, one remote control with LCD display,<br />
one SmartScope with single- and dual-user headpieces,<br />
and hard carry case. Operates using two “AA” and two<br />
“AAA” batteries (included). Sh. wt. 10.89 kg.<br />
LF01142U — $ 3,080.00<br />
Auscultation Trainer and SmartScope<br />
and Amplifier/Speaker System<br />
Comes with everything listed above, plus the<br />
Amplifier/Speaker System (LF01189U). Sh. wt. 15.88 kg.<br />
LF01172U 110V — $ 3,294.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Additional SmartScope<br />
LF01144U Sh. wt. 0.79 kg. — $ 1,094.50<br />
Additional Remote Control<br />
LF01148U Sh. wt. 0.25 kg. — $698.50<br />
Additional Body<br />
LF01145U Sh. wt. 11.79 kg. — $ 1,375.00<br /><br />
Scan this QR<br />
Code ®<br />
with your<br />
smartphone.<br />
Lung Conditions to<br />
Select with the Remote:<br />
• Bronchovesicular<br />
• Bronchial<br />
• Cavernous<br />
• Coarse Crackle<br />
• Egophony<br />
• Fine Crackle<br />
• Friction Rub<br />
• Infant<br />
Heart Conditions<br />
to Select with Remote:<br />
• Aortic Regurgitation<br />
• Atrial Septal Defect<br />
• Holosystolic<br />
• Midsystolic<br />
• Mitral Stenosis<br />
• Normal<br />
• PDA<br />
• Mono Wheeze<br />
• Normal Lung<br />
• Pectoriloquy<br />
• Pulmonary Edema<br />
• Rhonchi<br />
• Stridor<br />
• Vesicular<br />
• Wheeze<br />
• Pulmonary<br />
Stenosis<br />
• S3 Gallop<br />
• S4 Gallop<br />
• Systolic Click<br />
• VSD<br />
LF01189U<br />
Amplifier/Speaker System<br />
This 30-watt amplifier reproduces sounds with<br />
extreme clarity. For group presentations. Complete<br />
with speaker and wire connections. Sh. wt. 4.54 kg.<br />
LF01189U 110V — $253.00
Life/form® Auscultation Training Stations<br />
Skills Training<br />
Heart & Lung Sounds<br />
Life/form® Posterior Auscultation Practice Board Only<br />
The Auscultation Board can be used by itself or added as an option to enhance the<br />
auscultation training station. Features 12 posterior lung locations: six upper posterior,<br />
four lower posterior, and two mid-auxiliary. Includes 16" x 20" posterior board (no case),<br />
adhesive patches to attach to case if desired, vinyl carry case, easel, and instructions.<br />
SmartScope (LF01144U) and remote control (LF01148U) not included. Three-year<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01199U — $621.50<br />
Anterior Auscultation Practice Board with Case and SmartScope®<br />
Includes one SmartScope (LF01144U) and one remote control (LF01148U).<br />
Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 11.79 kg.<br />
LF01192U — $ 2,524.50<br />
Anterior Auscultation Practice Board with Case Only<br />
If you already have an Auscultation Trainer, SmartScope, and remote control, this unit<br />
will give you a complete training station. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 11.34 kg.<br />
LF01190U — $ 940.50<br />
LF01199U<br />
Life/form® Complete<br />
Auscultation Training Station<br />
Now there is an even better way to teach and learn auscultation<br />
skills! Included with the Life/form® Auscultation Trainer<br />
and SmartScope (LF01142U), the Auscultation Practice Board<br />
guides students through the transition from anatomical drawings<br />
to a three-dimensional torso. Using the same technology<br />
as the Auscultation Trainer, the Anterior Auscultation Practice<br />
Board (LF01190U) will cause the SmartScope to emit various<br />
sounds dependent on the location of the stethoscope. Amplifier/<br />
Speaker System included (LF01189U). Three-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 25.85 kg.<br />
LF01191U — $3,789.50<br />
LF01191U<br />
Life/form® Deluxe<br />
Auscultation Training Station<br />
Includes all of the same training products<br />
as the Complete Life/form® Training Station<br />
(LF01191U), with the addition of the Posterior<br />
Auscultation Board (LF01199U). Three-year<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 30.39 kg.<br />
LF01200U — $4,317.50<br />
LF01200U<br />
1-800-668-0600 5
Heart Conditions to<br />
Select with the Remote:<br />
• Aortic Stenosis • Stills Murmur<br />
• ASD<br />
• Venous Hum<br />
• Mitral Regurgitation • VSD<br />
• Newborn Heart • 1-year Heart<br />
• Pulmonary Stenosis • 7-month Heart<br />
• S2 Split<br />
Bowel Sounds to<br />
Select with the Remote:<br />
• Borborygmus<br />
• Normal Newborn<br />
Lung Conditions to<br />
Select with the Remote:<br />
• Asthma<br />
• Newborn Breath<br />
• Newborn Stridor<br />
• Pneumonia<br />
• Rhonchi<br />
Skills Training<br />
Heart & Lung Sounds<br />
• Normal 1 YO<br />
• Normal 2 YO<br />
• Stridor<br />
• Wheezing<br />
• 9-month Breath<br />
• 9-month Stridor<br />
Life/form® Infant Auscultation<br />
Trainer with Airway Management<br />
A dramatic training manikin that’s ideal for<br />
beginning practice and building skills to prepare<br />
for more advanced skills. Visual and tactile<br />
realism are combined in the simulator to<br />
provide students with the most realistic<br />
training possible to learn with incredible<br />
accuracy. Anatomical landmarks provide<br />
key features necessary to learn proper<br />
infant handling in emergency and nonemergency<br />
situations. Features one heart,<br />
one bowel, and two lung sites on the anterior<br />
surface, and two lung sites on the posterior surface. This trainer also features an airway management head,<br />
CPR chest skin with umbilicus, and auscultation chest skin. With the chest skin and umbilicus, practice umbilical<br />
clamping, cutting, cannulation, and blood aspiration.<br />
This full-body infant manikin is anatomically correct in both size and detail. Landmarks include gum line, tongue,<br />
oral and nasal pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, arytenoids, false and true vocal cords, cricoid ring, tracheal rings,<br />
trachea, and esophagus. Also allows practice of intubation, and suction techniques can be performed and evaluated.<br />
Designed for use with an uncuffed endotracheal tube measuring up to 1 ⁄8” (4 mm) inside diameter.<br />
The Life/form® Infant Auscultation Trainer simulates heart, bowel, and lung conditions selected by the instructor<br />
by wireless remote control. The student must palpate to identify the correct auscultation sites and will hear different<br />
heart, bowel, and lung sounds as the SmartScope ® is moved from site to site. The trainer duplicates human<br />
infant conditions as closely as electronic technology allows — it’s almost the real thing. Care and treatment<br />
should be the same as with a patient. The instructor can program the remote control and select from 11 different<br />
heart conditions, four bowel conditions, and nine lung conditions. The instructor can select any condition,<br />
then switch to another condition quickly and easily so the student can compare sounds and make a diagnosis.<br />
The remote control does not have to be pointed directly at the manikin or SmartScope ® to operate. One remote<br />
control will operate multiple sets of SmartScopes ® and manikins simultaneously. The range of the remote control<br />
is up to 100 feet. Note: Infant remote and SmartScope ® are not compatible with Adult Auscultation Trainer.<br />
Complete Infant Auscultation Simulator<br />
with Airway Management<br />
Includes full-body infant trainer, auscultation<br />
chest skin, chest skin for practicing CPR,<br />
SmartScope ® remote, umbilical cord replacements<br />
with clamps, artificial blood, IV bag,<br />
spray pump lubricant, syringe needle, instruction<br />
manual, and hard carry case. Additional<br />
SmartScope ® and remote are available separately.<br />
Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 9.53 kg.<br />
LF01201U — $3,135.00<br />
Scan this QR<br />
Code ®<br />
with your<br />
smartphone.<br />
Complete Infant Auscultation Simulator with Speaker<br />
Comes with everything listed above, plus the Amplifier/<br />
Speaker System (LF01189U, listed on page 4). Sh. wt. 14.06 kg.<br />
LF01205U — $3,239.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Additional Infant Auscultation Trainer Body<br />
Sh. wt. 8.62 kg.<br />
LF01202U — $1,353.00<br />
Replacement Lung System<br />
Sh. wt. 0.03 kg.<br />
LF03599U — $29.65<br />
Umbilical Cannulation Replacement Cords<br />
Pkg. of 10. Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
LF03642U — $ 189.15<br />
Umbilicus Clamps<br />
Pkg. of 6. Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
LF03643U — $ 22.55<br />
Life/form® Adult & Infant Auscultation Training Set<br />
The Life/form® Adult & Infant Auscultation Training Set includes<br />
innovative auscultation training simulators that deliver site-specific<br />
sounds heard through the SmartScope ® or external speaker system.<br />
This cost-effective set includes the Life/form® Auscultation Trainer<br />
and SmartScope ® (LF01142U, pg. 4) and the Life/form® Infant<br />
Auscultation Trainer with Airway Management (LF01201U, listed<br />
above). The adult trainer has six anterior heart sites with 12 conditions<br />
and five anterior, 10 posterior, and two midaxillary locations with<br />
16 conditions. The infant trainer has one anterior heart site with<br />
11 conditions, two anterior and two posterior lung sites with nine<br />
conditions, and one bowel sound site with four conditions. The conditions<br />
are selected through a remote control, and the sounds are<br />
heard through a SmartScope ® . Airway management and umbilical<br />
cannulation can also be performed on the infant. See page 4 and listing<br />
above for a complete listing of all features, functions, and conditions.<br />
For classroom training, consider adding the Amplifier/Speaker<br />
System (LF01189U) located on page 4. Note: One remote and one<br />
SmartScope ® can be used to program multiple trainers within a<br />
100-ft. radius; however, adult remotes and SmartScopes ® are<br />
only compatible with Adult Auscultation Trainers, and infant<br />
remotes and SmartScopes ® are only compatible with Infant<br />
Auscultation Trainers. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 23.59 kg.<br />
LF01220U — $5,648.50<br />
6<br />
Skills Training<br />
Heart & Lung Sounds<br />
Wireless Remote<br />
Lung Sounds Heart Sounds Voice Sounds<br />
• Asthma • Atrial septal defect • Cough<br />
• Bronchial • Congenital aortic stenosis • Crying<br />
• Coarse crackles • Normal pediatric heart sounds • Gasp<br />
• Fine crackles • Patent ductus arteriosus • Gurgling<br />
• Normal breath sounds • Pulmonary valvular stenosis • Sneeze 1<br />
• Pneumonia, lobar • Ventricular septal defect • Wheeze<br />
• Tracheal • S4.11<br />
• Wheeze<br />
• Insp. crackles, early<br />
• Stridor<br />
Child Heart and Lungs Sounds Trainer<br />
This trainer emits the real-life recorded voice, lung, and heart sounds of a 4-year-old. The trainer operates from<br />
a wireless remote that has a simple turn-and-select method of choosing the sounds you wish to emulate and at<br />
what rate. The sounds are delivered to 10 lung and one heart speaker locations that can be auscultated with any<br />
stethoscope. This limits the special equipment that your students need and reduces costs. The trainer also has<br />
available a speaker jack through which you may broadcast the sounds being generated, so that the entire class<br />
can hear the same sounds. This makes it possible to utilize the trainer as a testing device for the entire class at<br />
once. The unit comes with a power cord, user reference, and carry case. No assembly of manikin or installation of<br />
programming is required. Measures 19" x 18" x 9". One-year warranty. Sh. wt. 5.44 kg.<br />
SB48061U — $1,677.50<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Heart & Lung Sites Visual Aids<br />
These visual aids have been developed specifically to enhance instruction and study of anterior and posterior heart and lung auscultation site locations. The<br />
posters are laminated and perfect for mounting in a classroom or skills lab. The TearPad is a cost-effective handout that can be given to each student. These<br />
teaching aids will enhance auscultation education.<br />
Anterior and Posterior Heart & Lung Sites Posters Set<br />
Includes Anterior Heart & Lung Sites poster and Posterior Lung Sites poster<br />
(each listed separately). Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
LF00683U — $24.95<br />
Anterior Heart & Lung Sites Poster<br />
Illustrates six heart site locations, six lung site locations, and the tracheal site.<br />
18" x 24", laminated. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg.<br />
LF00680U — $16.95<br />
Posterior Lung Sites Poster<br />
Illustrates 12 lung site locations. 18" x 24", laminated. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
LF00681U — $16.95<br />
Heart & Lung Sites and Sounds TearPad<br />
The front sides of the double-sided sheets illustrate the six anterior heart site<br />
locations, describe 12 heart conditions, and explain what would be expected<br />
to be heard at each site based off of the condition type. The backs of the<br />
sheets illustrate anterior and posterior lung site locations, describe 16 lung<br />
conditions, and explain what would be expected to be heard at each site<br />
based off of the condition type. 50 sheets, 8 1 ⁄2" x 11". Sh. wt. 0.37 kg.<br />
LF00682U — $11.30<br />
Complete Set<br />
Includes Anterior Heart & Lung Sites poster, Posterior Lung Sites poster,<br />
and Heart & Lung Sites and Sounds TearPad (each listed separately).<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00684U — $33.95<br />
Lung Conditions Included on TearPad:<br />
• Bronchial<br />
• Bronchovesicular<br />
• Cavernous<br />
• Coarse Crackle<br />
• Egophony<br />
• Friction Rub<br />
• Infant<br />
• Mono Wheeze<br />
• Normal Lung<br />
• Pectoriloquy<br />
• Pulmonary Edema<br />
• Rhonchi<br />
• Stridor<br />
• Vesicular<br />
• Wheeze<br />
Heart Conditions Included on TearPad:<br />
• Aortic<br />
Regurgitation<br />
• Atrial Septal<br />
Defect<br />
• Holosystolic<br />
• Midsystolic<br />
• Mitral Stenosis<br />
• Normal<br />
• PDA<br />
• Pulminary Stenosis<br />
• S3 Gallop<br />
• S4 Gallop<br />
• Systolic Click<br />
• VSD<br />
1-800-668-0600 7
Skills Training<br />
Heart & Lung Sounds<br />
Heart and Lung Sounds — 5-Year Old<br />
This manikin lets you hear the appropriate heart or lung sounds as the bell<br />
of the stethoscope is moved across the front and back of the torso. Full-size<br />
pediatric manikin with palpable anatomic landmarks. Features an intubatable<br />
airway and Virtual Stethoscope ® with multiple heart and lung sounds. An<br />
external speaker plugs into the Virtual Stethoscope ® so an entire room can<br />
hear the heart and lung sounds. Includes instruction manual and carry bag.<br />
Sh. wt. 16.33 kg.<br />
SB41599U — $1,034.00<br />
Heart and Lung Sounds Torso<br />
Teach heart and lung sounds on this adult torso. Appropriate sounds are heard<br />
when student places the Virtual Stethoscope ® at correct locations. Features<br />
full-size adult torso with palpable anatomic landmarks. Sensor network hidden<br />
beneath the skin; hear the appropriate heart or lung sound as bell of stethoscope<br />
is moved across the front and back of the torso. External speaker plugs<br />
into the Virtual Stethoscope ® so the entire classroom can hear what the student<br />
hears. Manikin comes with Virtual Stethoscope ® , instruction manual, and carry<br />
bag. Sh. wt. 14.97 kg.<br />
SB32879U — $ 918.50<br />
Heart Sounds Series<br />
Familiarity with normal and abnormal heart sounds<br />
provides the foundation for many clinical assessments.<br />
Cardiac auscultation provides information about the<br />
rate and rhythm of the heart, valve function, and possible<br />
anatomical defects. It requires a methodical approach with<br />
careful attention to the sounds produced during the cardiac<br />
cycle. Nurses providing direct patient care need to have a<br />
clear understanding of auscultation techniques, practices, and<br />
skills — skills which can diminish if not routinely employed.<br />
This three-part series on cardiac auscultation provides a review<br />
of the anatomy and physiology of the heart and the sounds it<br />
produces as it works, demonstrates and describes the proper<br />
equipment and techniques used in cardiac auscultation, and<br />
provides descriptions and examples of normal heart sounds.<br />
Shipped directly from California factory. Allow extra delivery<br />
time. ©2011. Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
Cardiac Auscultation: The Anatomy and Physiology of Heart Sounds. 15 minutes.<br />
Z46583U DVD — $346.50<br />
Cardiac Auscultation: The Process of Basic Cardiac Auscultation. 14 minutes.<br />
Z46584U DVD — $346.50<br />
Cardiac Auscultation: Normal Heart Sounds. 18 minutes.<br />
Z46585U DVD — $346.50<br />
Breath & Heart Sounds Series<br />
Series includes three DVDs: Normal and Abnormal Breath<br />
Sounds (38 minutes), Heart Sounds (39 minutes), and Heart<br />
Murmurs (43 minutes). Normal and Abnormal Breath Sounds<br />
introduces the physiology and acoustic characteristics of<br />
normal breath sounds, identifies physiology components of<br />
abnormal and adventitious sounds, and more. Heart Sounds<br />
explains the physiologic principles of sound production within<br />
the heart, demonstrates the acoustic characteristics of normal<br />
and abnormal heart sounds, and more. Heart Murmurs presents<br />
fundamental principles of the pathophysicology of heart<br />
murmurs, demonstrates acoustic characteristics of the more<br />
common significant murmurs, and more. ©1986. Shipped<br />
directly from California factory. Allow extra delivery time.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
Z45678U 3 DVDs — $546.70<br />
8<br />
Secrets Heart<br />
& Lung Sounds<br />
Audio Workshop<br />
By Salvatore<br />
Mangione, MD.<br />
Second Edition.<br />
The perfect virtual<br />
teacher for mastering<br />
your skills in heart and<br />
lung auscultation. This<br />
high-quality audio<br />
workshop presents a<br />
full spectrum of both normal and abnormal<br />
heart and lung sounds recorded from actual<br />
patients, and interspersed into a lively and<br />
informative lecture format. Walks you through<br />
approx. 25 patient cases, asks you questions<br />
about sounds you are hearing, explains the<br />
answers, and presents guidelines and helpful<br />
tips on interpretation and analysis. Includes an<br />
expanded heart section and improved audio<br />
quality. Lectures and audio recordings can be<br />
found online, and they are also supported by<br />
an accompanying online lecture transcript that<br />
lets you follow along and view helpful illustrations.<br />
©2010. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
SB48093U CD-ROM — $30.75<br /><br />
Fundamentals of Lung and Heart<br />
Sounds: A Practical Guide<br />
By Robert L. Wilkins, MA, RRT; John E.<br />
Hodgkin, MD; and Brad Lopez, MS,<br />
RRT. 128 pages. Third edition.<br />
This combination book and CD program<br />
on lung sounds provides a complete guide<br />
to lung sounds and reviews essential information<br />
that clinicians must understand<br />
to auscultate patients effectively. Reviews<br />
important concepts such as what creates<br />
the sounds, appropriate terminology, and<br />
clinical significance of the finding. Provides<br />
examples of normal and abnormal lung<br />
sounds. ©2004. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB17844U Book with CD — $ 65.95
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
The History of the Life/form®<br />
Venatech IV Trainer<br />
Ellen Chiofalo, the inventor of the Life/form®<br />
Venatech IV Trainer, is the Vice President of<br />
Compliance and Institutional Effectiveness at<br />
Allied Health Institute in North Lauderdale,<br />
Florida, and has been a faculty member for<br />
over 15 years as a teacher of phlebotomy.<br />
Ellen created the Venatech IV Trainer to provide<br />
her students with a more efficient and<br />
effective way to learn IV therapy skills. She<br />
was so impressed with her students’ results<br />
that she patented her idea and looked for<br />
ways to make her trainer available to every<br />
student learning venipuncture skills. In addition<br />
to the diversity of the training device,<br />
the development of patient-interaction skills<br />
is the most noticeable benefit of using the<br />
Venatech IV Trainer.<br />
Inventor<br />
Ellen Chiofalo<br />
• Arterial Line<br />
• Basilic V<br />
• Cephalic V<br />
• Median Cubital V<br />
LF01162U<br />
LF01163U<br />
Life/form® Venatech IV Trainer<br />
This patented IV trainer is so economical each student can have their own for venipuncture practice — no more precious<br />
class time wasted waiting for their turn! This IV trainer is easily attached to a person’s arm so the student can practice<br />
venipuncture techniques on a live subject, including the proper positioning on an actual human arm, without the risks<br />
associated with puncturing living tissue. The Venatech IV trainer is ideal for practicing starting IVs in a moving ambulance.<br />
The trainer includes the three main veins used in phlebotomy — cephalic, basilic, and median cubital — all in correct<br />
anatomical position. An arterial vessel is present on the trainer for arterial blood gas simulation, and can also be used as<br />
a tool for showing how to correct the puncture through a vein into an artery. Besides performing actual IV practice, the<br />
trainer helps students learn essential communication skills and patient interaction. Three-year warranty. Trainer measures<br />
6¾" x 3¼" x 1". Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
LF01162U White — $ 65.95 LF01163U Black — $ 65.95<br />
Life/form® Venatech IV Trainer 5-Pack<br />
LF01180U White. Sh. wt. 4.99 kg. — $308.00 LF01181U Black. Sh. wt. 4.99 kg. — $308.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Vein Replacement Kit<br />
LF01177U Sh. wt. 0.20 kg. — $16.45<br />
White Skin, Vein, and Artery Replacement Kit<br />
LF01165U Sh. wt. 0.29 kg. — $27.45<br />
Black Skin, Vein, and Artery Replacement Kit<br />
LF01166U Sh. wt. 0.29 kg. — $27.45<br />
Replacement Blood, Red Only<br />
LF01188U Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $8.25<br />
Replacement Blood Kit, Red & Blue<br />
Pkg. of 5. Sh. wt. 0.03 kg.<br />
LF01178U — $8.25<br />
Life/form® Adult IV Foot<br />
In circumstances where the vascular system of the upper extremities is inaccessible,<br />
the veins of the foot or lower leg can be used to gain access. The Life/form®<br />
Adult IV Foot has been developed to assist with the techniques and skills of starting an<br />
IV in emergent situations. The foot is mounted on a sturdy stand, is extended and easily<br />
rotated. The long saphenous vein, short saphenous vein, and dorsal venous arch can be<br />
palpated. When the vein is located and the needle is inserted, blood may be withdrawn or<br />
fluid infused. The realistic skin and veins are completely replaceable. The Life/form® Adult<br />
IV Foot includes a 3 cc syringe with needle, 12 cc syringe with needle, 22-gauge needle,<br />
small white towels, infusion butterfly set, IV bags with clamps, lubricant, foot stand, foam<br />
foot support, simulated blood, and instruction manual. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 2.04 kg.<br />
LF01007U — $280.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Skin Replacement<br />
LF01007(A)U Sh. wt. 0.43 kg. — $37.35<br />
Vein Replacement<br />
LF01007(B)U Sh. wt. 0.20 kg. — $37.35<br />
Skin & Vein Replacement<br />
LF01007(C)U Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $71.45<br />
Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16"<br />
steel hooked rod.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Channels<br />
beneath<br />
the skin<br />
Vyna-Bond<br />
Repair adhesive<br />
for all Life/form®<br />
products. 2-oz. tube.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.11 kg.<br />
LF00996U — $ 20.35<br />
Tubing Sealant<br />
Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
LF01099U — $26.35<br />
1-800-668-0600 9
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
Life/form®<br />
Realism<br />
Life/form® Advanced Venipuncture and Injection Arm<br />
Complete Venous Access:<br />
• Basilic V.<br />
• Cephalic V.<br />
• Digital V.<br />
• Dorsal Metacarpal V.<br />
• Median Basilic V.<br />
• Accessory Cephalic V.<br />
• Extensive<br />
Venipuncture System<br />
• Flexible Fingers and Wrist<br />
• Intradermal Injections<br />
• Intramuscular Injections<br />
• Median Antebrachial V.<br />
• Median Cephalic V.<br />
• Median Cubital V.<br />
• Replaceable Skin<br />
and Veins<br />
• Thumb V.<br />
Venous Channels Beneath the Skin<br />
Life/form® Advanced Venipuncture and Injection Arm<br />
This revolutionary training arm provides complete venous access for IV therapy and phlebotomy,<br />
plus sites for intramuscular and intradermal injections. An extensive 8-line vascular system allows<br />
students to practice venipuncture at all primary and secondary locations, including starting IVs and<br />
introducing over-the-needle IV catheters. The venous system simplifies setup with only one external<br />
8 Fluid Lines<br />
fluid bag supplying artificial blood to all veins simultaneously. The dorsal surface of the hand includes injectable metacarpal, digital,<br />
and thumb veins. The antecubital fossa includes the median cephalic, median basilic, and median cubital veins. Venipuncture can<br />
also be performed along the basilic, cephalic, accessory cephalic, and median antebrachial veins. Intramuscular injections may be<br />
performed in the deltoid muscle and intradermal injection sites are located in the upper arm. Intramuscular injections into the deltoid<br />
muscle are enhanced by the soft, lifelike skin and by the natural bony landmarks in the region. Intradermal injections using distilled<br />
water will create characteristic skin welts at designated sites on the upper arm.<br />
The realism of the Life/form® Advanced Venipuncture and Injection Arm is truly amazing. The soft, flexible fingers are molded<br />
separately with extreme attention paid to every detail — right down to the fingerprints! Flexion of the wrist helps students develop<br />
manipulation skills. The replaceable skin rolls as the veins are palpated, and a discernable “pop” is felt when entering the veins.<br />
The Life/form® molding process reproduces the fine details of the skin to make the arm look and feel alive. Valves in the veins<br />
can be seen and palpated on the skin surface.<br />
Simulated veins and skin are completely replaceable to keep this training arm looking and working like new. Under normal use,<br />
hundreds of injections may be performed before the veins or skin need to be replaced. Complete replacement kits are available<br />
and easy to use. To extend the life of the veins, an aerosol sealant is available to seal punctures and prevent leakage.<br />
Life/form® Advanced Venipuncture and Injection Arm<br />
Includes 2 qts. simulated blood, 3 cc syringe, 12 cc syringe, needle, two fluid bags, instruction manual, and<br />
hard carry case. Fluid supply stand not included. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 9.07 kg.<br />
LF01121U White — $ 671.00<br />
LF01126U Black — $ 671.00<br />
10<br />
LF01126U<br />
LF01121U<br /><br />
• Realistic Flashback<br />
• Easy to Use
SB29863U<br />
Pitch-It IV Poles<br />
Designed to eliminate the frustration<br />
of retrieving, cleaning,<br />
bagging, and tagging of old IV<br />
poles. The lightweight poles can<br />
be packaged with other patient<br />
supplies with significant reduction<br />
in weight of the shipment.<br />
The aluminum poles are quickly<br />
unfolded, and the tripod design<br />
allows them to be used on any<br />
floor. Patients can use them at<br />
home or fold them up to take<br />
anywhere they need to continue<br />
their therapy. Eliminates the need<br />
for home infusion patients to<br />
improvise gravity-fed infusions<br />
with items around the home.<br />
Recyclable.<br />
Pitch-It Floor Mounted IV Pole<br />
Use on any floor or tabletop.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB29863U — $34.65<br />
Pitch-It Sr. IV Pole<br />
Holds any type of infusion pump<br />
and an IV bag of up to four<br />
liters. Sh. wt. 1.81 kg.<br />
SB32737U — $47.25<br />
Sharps® Recovery System<br />
Includes everything needed to collect<br />
sharps such as syringes and other medical<br />
waste for transport through the mail for<br />
proper treatment and repurposing. Each<br />
USPS-approved system includes a twogallon<br />
red OSHA compliant sharps collection<br />
container, shipping box, packaging,<br />
tracking manifest, instructions, and<br />
prepaid return postage. Leak proof. Each<br />
container holds 460 syringes (1 cc).<br />
Sharps collection container opening is set<br />
at a 45° angle for clear visibility. Built-in<br />
handle for safe transport. Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
SB34776U — $59.35<br />
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
Intravenous Therapy Collection<br />
Use these programs as initial and supplemental<br />
training for medical and nursing<br />
students, medics, hospital personnel,<br />
and EMS providers. This DVD collection<br />
shows practical, how-to-do-it skills,<br />
essential to these healthcare providers.<br />
Titles include Starting an IV, Initiate an<br />
Intravenous Infusion, Starting an IV in a<br />
Field Environment, and IV Therapy.<br />
Approx. 55 minutes. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
SB48064U DVD — $43.95<br />
Life/form® IV Arm Set-Up<br />
& Troubleshooting DVD<br />
Teaches IV arm set-up and troubleshooting<br />
on Life/form® IV training arms.<br />
Six minutes. ©2007. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg.<br />
LF01105U DVD — $11.30<br />
Life/form® IV Arm<br />
Skin & Vein Replacement<br />
Teaches IV arm skin and vein replacement<br />
in Life/form® IV training arms.<br />
six minutes. ©2007. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg.<br />
LF01104U DVD — $11.30<br />
Scan this QR Code ®<br />
with your smartphone.<br />
Scan this QR Code ®<br />
with your smartphone.<br />
Life/form®<br />
Advanced Venipuncture<br />
and Injection Arm<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Skin and Vein Replacement Kits<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
1. LF01122U White — $ 184.75<br />
2 LF01123U Black — $ 184.75<br />
Vein Replacement Kit<br />
2. LF01124U<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 kg. — $ 115.45<br />
Tubing Sealant<br />
3. LF01099U<br />
Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $ 26.35<br />
Venous Blood<br />
4. LF00845U Quart.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
5. LF00846U Gallon.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
6. LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
1.<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
7. LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
Vyna-Bond<br />
Repair adhesive for all Life/form® products.<br />
Two 1-oz. tubes. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg.<br />
8. LF00996U — $ 20.35<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form®<br />
simulators. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
9. LF09919U — $ 19.95<br />
Injection Pad Replacement<br />
10. LF00991U Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $38.45<br />
Replacement Vein Manifold<br />
11. LF00993U Sh. wt. 0.31 kg. — $75.85<br />
10.<br />
2.<br />
4.<br />
1-800-668-0600 11<br />
5.<br />
8.<br />
11.<br />
6.<br />
3.<br />
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
Life/form® Adult Venipuncture<br />
and Injection Training Arm<br />
• Complete with Fingerprints<br />
• Intramuscular Injection Site<br />
• Life/form® Realism<br />
• Realistic Flashback<br />
• Replaceable Skins<br />
LF00698U<br />
CAUTION:<br />
Use only Life/form® replacements.<br />
Do not use conventional latex tubing. This<br />
will cause malfunctioning of the simulator.<br />
See page 13.<br />
LF00997U<br />
Life/form® Adult Venipuncture and Injection Training Arm<br />
Simple and easy to use, Life/form® Venipuncture and Injection Training Arms are the ideal way to teach venipuncture and injection techniques including starting<br />
IVs and introducing over-the-needle IV catheters. These simulators end your problem of finding willing volunteers, and help avoid patient injury and liability while<br />
the students are learning new procedures. Realism begins with fine detail — right down to the fingerprints. But most important is the realistic feeling of puncture<br />
through the simulated skin and veins. The skin actually rolls as you palpate the vein and the characteristic “pop” can be felt as the needle penetrates the vein.<br />
Veins are accessible at the antecubital fossa, along the forearm, and at the back of the hand, making it possible to practice venipuncture at any of the common<br />
sites. Practice of intramuscular injection is equally realistic. A foam pad simulates muscle tissue, and the boundaries are identified by natural bonelike landmarks.<br />
Life/form® Venipuncture and Injection Arms are designed with replaceable skins and veins. Complete replacement skin kits are available and easy to use. To<br />
extend the life of each skin/vein set, an aerosol sealant is available to seal punctures in the tubing and prevent leakage. Includes a Life/form® arm with skin,<br />
22 gauge needle, butterfly set, infusion set, 3 cc syringe, 12 cc syringe, one pint Life/form® blood, fluid supply bags, instruction manual, and hard carry case. Fluid<br />
supply stand not included. Three-year warranty. Size: 35" x 12" x 6". Sh. wt. 9.98 kg.<br />
LF00698U White — $ 565.40<br />
LF00997U Black — $565.40<br />
12<br />
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
Life/form® Venipuncture and<br />
Injection Demonstration Arm<br />
• Basic<br />
• Lightweight<br />
• Convenient<br />
• Portable<br />
Life/form® Venipuncture and Injection Demonstration Arm<br />
An economical venipuncture and injection demonstration arm constructed<br />
of soft material with lifelike veins in the skin surface that are visible and palpable.<br />
No internal tubing exists, but the skin can be punctured repeatedly.<br />
No blood to set up, no mess to clean up, and no leaking. May be used in<br />
venipuncture practice when fluid return is not essential, and is suitable for<br />
allied IV demonstrations and practice (flexion, cleaning, taping). Simulated<br />
intramuscular injections can be practiced in the deltoid region. The skin and<br />
underlying foam may be cut for suturing practice. This lightweight practice arm<br />
provides a more lifelike feel than heavier models on the market, and makes it<br />
easier to transport for demonstrations. Inexpensive enough so that each student<br />
can have their own arm. NOTE: We recommend that no fluids be injected<br />
into this arm. Size: 32" x 7" x 7". Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.36 kg.<br />
LF01131U White — $ 198.00 LF01132U Black — $ 198.00<br />
1.<br />
7.<br />
2.<br />
Life/form® Venipuncture and Injection Training Arm<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Skin and Vein Replacement Kit<br />
Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
1. LF00966U White — $ 126.45<br />
2. LF00987U Black — $126.45<br />
Vein Replacement Only<br />
LF01055U Sh. wt. 0.31 kg. — $ 31.35<br />
Tubing Sealant<br />
3. LF01099U Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $ 26.35<br />
Venous Blood<br />
4. LF00845U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
5. LF00846U Gallon. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
6. LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
28" high with 5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
7. LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Vyna-Bond<br />
Repair adhesive for all Life/form® products. Two 1-oz. tubes.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.11 kg.<br />
8.<br />
8. LF00996U — $ 20.35<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form® simulators and trainers. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
9. LF09919U — $19.95<br />
4.<br />
5.<br />
1-800-668-0600 13<br />
6.<br />
For troubleshooting and<br />
skin and vein replacement<br />
tips for your IV arm, scan<br />
these QR Codes ® with your<br />
smartphone.<br />
3.<br />
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
IV Hand and Arm<br />
Realistic forearm and hand, veined with flexible tubing, allows practice of IV<br />
placement, infusion of fluids, and drawing of blood. Comes with reservoir<br />
bags, carrying tray, and simulated blood powder. (Procedure needle not<br />
included.) Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.59 kg.<br />
SB23533U — $ 250.80<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Skin<br />
SB23533(A)U Sh. wt. 0.68 kg. — $ 46.20<br />
Replacement Veins<br />
SB23533(B)U Sh. wt. 0.68 kg. — $ 22.00<br />
Venous Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Size: 6" x 6" x 3". Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Practice:<br />
• Correct Puncture of Peripheral Veins<br />
for Blood Sampling<br />
• Intramuscular Injections<br />
(without liquid)<br />
• Intravenous Injections<br />
Arterial/Venous Training Arm<br />
The only Arterial/Venous Training Arm that provides both venous and arterial<br />
vascular access. An arterial pulse is generated at the radial and brachial<br />
locations through a peristaltic pump, providing truly realistic arterial stick and<br />
AV anastomosis/hemodialysis exercises.<br />
Features include:<br />
• Administration of medication by intravenous bolus<br />
• Arterial stick exercises<br />
• AV anastomosis/hemodialysis<br />
• Instruction manual<br />
• Intramuscular injection site in the deltoid area<br />
• Mini skin/tissue suture kit<br />
• Pad for incisions and suturing exercises<br />
• Pulsatile arterial blood flow<br />
• Set-up kit with simulated blood concentrate, pressure bulb, blood<br />
dispensing bag, spare arm skin, funnel, and talcum powder<br />
• Simulation of arterial collection for monitoring blood gases<br />
• Simulation of collapsed veins<br />
• Simulated radial and brachial arteries<br />
• Smoked Lucite ® base with stand<br />
• Soft nylon carry bag<br />
• Standard intravenous, infusion, and blood collection techniques<br />
• Two subcutaneous injection sites<br />
SB26040U Sh. wt. 8.62 kg. — $ 781.00<br />
Deluxe IV Injection Arm<br />
Unique in quality and design, this venipuncture arm allows for realistic training<br />
and increased competence of medical staff. Also suitable for group<br />
instruction, the arm is made of high quality, easy-to-clean soft material.<br />
Venipuncture can be practiced as well as the correct puncture of peripheral<br />
veins for blood sampling and positioning of a venous catheter. Intramuscular<br />
injection (without liquid) can also be practiced. Includes stand, artificial<br />
blood, two replacement tubing systems, plastic bottle, syringe, and deluxe<br />
storage carton. Measures 29" x 7 1 ⁄2" x 5 1 ⁄2". Sh. wt. 3.63 kg.<br />
SB25998U — $611.60<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Skin<br />
SB28908U<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 kg. — $ 419.10<br />
Plastic Bottle w/Hanger<br />
SB28909U<br />
Sh. wt. 0.23 kg. — $ 44.55<br />
14<br />
Artificial Blood Powder Concentrate<br />
1<br />
⁄2-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
SB45268U — $ 23.45<br />
Tubing System<br />
Pkg. of 3. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
SB28911U — $ 148.50<br /><br />
Venous Training Arm<br />
Features simulated cephalic, basilic, anticubital, radial and ulnar veins.<br />
Subcutaneous injection area on volar and lateral sides of forearm, intramuscular<br />
injection capability in the deltoid area, dorsum of the hand has two<br />
veins for additional intravenous line setups, use for infusion and blood collection<br />
procedures, and allows administration of medication by intravenous<br />
bolus. Comes with set-up kit consisting of blood powder concentrate,<br />
pressure bulb, blood dispensing bag, and spare arm skin. Includes Lucite ®<br />
base with stand and carry case. Sh. wt. 3.86 kg.<br />
SB23444U — $ 401.50
Clinically Important Blood Vessels<br />
and Nerve Pathways<br />
This poster highlights blood vessels and<br />
nerve pathways in the neck, groin, arm,<br />
hand, and gluteals. Printed on premium<br />
glossy paper with ultra-thin lamination for<br />
wipe clean care. Mounted with metal rods<br />
on top to enable easy display. Convenient<br />
poster size of 20" x 26". Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
SB41520U — $20.85<br />
Venipuncture<br />
Training Hand<br />
The back of the hand is the<br />
most common site for injection<br />
training. With this model you<br />
can teach the common procedure<br />
for IV drips. Comes with<br />
powder. Measures 4 1 ⁄2" x 10".<br />
Sh. wt. 1.36 kg.<br />
SB23499U — $ 129.05<br />
SB24989U<br />
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
SB47309U<br />
Vascular Arm<br />
This life-size model provides a complete<br />
understanding of the circulatory system of<br />
the arm and hand. An excellent teaching<br />
aid for venipuncture training. Modeled in a<br />
semi-flexed position with the brachial, radial,<br />
and ulnar arteries and accompanying veins with their radicals shown. The<br />
complete circulatory system of the hand is shown on both palmar and dorsal<br />
surfaces. Comparative sizes of the various blood vessels are clearly indicated<br />
and facilitate the study of the blood circulation in the arm. Mounted on a<br />
stand with key card. 26" x 6 1 ⁄2" x 11". Sh. wt. 2.04 kg.<br />
SB24989U — $654.50<br />
Vascular Hand<br />
Life-size model of the left hand in a semi-flexed position with all major veins<br />
and arteries depicted. The circulatory system is shown on both palmar and<br />
dorsal surfaces. Hand can be rotated to allow easy viewing of model from all<br />
angles and can be removed if necessary. Mounted on stand with key card.<br />
10 1 ⁄4" x 5 7 ⁄8" x 8 5 ⁄8". One-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB47309U — $390.45<br />
SB22439U<br />
IV Training Arm and Hand<br />
These training aids were designed for practice in giving lVs. They permit<br />
detailed exercises in venipuncture so that the technique can be mastered<br />
on a realistic model before actually administering to patients. The students<br />
can palpate the arm and hand, which are made of supple, resilient<br />
plastic with a human feel. The vein is located, the needle introduced, and<br />
blood is withdrawn or fluid injected. The models can be used repeatedly.<br />
IV Training Arm<br />
Complete with blood powder and carrying tray. Three-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.81 kg.<br />
SB22439U — $269.50<br />
IV Training Hand<br />
Complete with blood powder and carrying tray. Three-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.36 kg.<br />
SB25189U — $ 269.50<br />
IV Training Arm and Hand Set<br />
Complete with blood powder and carrying trays. Sh. wt. 3.18 kg.<br />
SB32220U — $ 462.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Skin, IV Training Arm<br />
SB23926U Sh. wt. 2.04 kg. — $ 47.30<br />
Replacement Skin, IV Training Hand<br />
SB25190U Sh. wt. 2.72 kg. — $ 47.30<br />
Replacement Vein, IV Training<br />
Arm & Hand<br />
SB23929U Sh. wt. 0.14 kg. — $17.60<br />
SB25189U<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel<br />
hooked rod. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
The Applied Phlebotomy Video Series<br />
The Applied Phlebotomy DVD series is the most accurate and comprehensive<br />
training on blood specimen collection on the market. Highly researched and<br />
painstakingly detailed, this series covers the critical aspects of blood specimen<br />
collection that every health care professional must know. Each program is<br />
based on the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI, formerly<br />
NCCLS) standards and guidelines. Shipped directly from California factory.<br />
Allow extra delivery time. Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
Part 1: Basic Venipuncture<br />
Learn the basic technique for drawing blood specimens by venipuncture.<br />
Emphasis is placed on needlestick safety, proper patient identification,<br />
preventing patient injury, and obtaining specimens free from errors that<br />
can alter laboratory test results. 33 minutes. ©2004.<br />
Z45679U DVD — $324.50<br />
Part 2: Preventing Preanalytical Errors<br />
Errors that collectors can introduce into specimens during collection, transportation,<br />
and storage that can alter test results are detailed in this program.<br />
43 minutes. ©2004.<br />
Z45680U DVD — $324.50<br />
Part 3: Avoiding Phlebotomy-Related Lawsuits<br />
Identifies types of injuries patients suffer from poorly performed venipunctures<br />
that lead to legal action against those who draw blood specimens and their<br />
employers. 40 minutes. ©2004.<br />
Z45681U DVD — $324.50<br />
Part 4: Skin Punctures & Newborn Screens<br />
Demonstrates the proper technique for performing fingersticks,<br />
heelsticks, and newborn screening collection. 32 minutes. ©2008.<br />
Z46586U DVD — $324.50<br />
Part 5: Arterial Blood Gas Collection<br />
Discusses the acceptable sites for arterial sampling and the proper procedure<br />
for collection that minimizes patient injury risk. 29 minutes. ©2009.<br />
Z46587U DVD — $324.50<br />
1-800-668-0600 15
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
Life/form® Portable IV Arm and Hand Trainers<br />
The economical Life/form® Portable IV Training Arm and Hand combine realism,<br />
fine detail, and lightweight convenience in a single trainer. These self-contained<br />
trainers are packaged in a plastic case that can be converted into a work station.<br />
Trainers include everything you will need to begin training and practicing IV skills.<br />
The Life/form® Portable IV Training Arm and Hand Trainers are constructed of<br />
soft material with life-like veins in the skin surface that are visible and palpable.<br />
Veins are accessible at the antecubital fossa, along the forearm, the back of the<br />
hand, and thumb veins, making it possible to practice venipuncture at any of the<br />
common sites. When puncturing through the simulated skin and veins, the skin<br />
will actually roll as you palpate the veins and the characteristic “pop” can be<br />
felt as the needle penetrates the vein. These trainers are the ideal way to teach<br />
venipuncture techniques including starting IVs and introducing over-the-needle<br />
IV catheters, and a realistic flashback will be observed when the needle has<br />
been accurately inserted into the vein. These trainers are inexpensive enough so<br />
that each student can have their own arm and hand to practice technique and<br />
skills required in their courses. Under normal use, hundreds of injections may be<br />
performed. The skins and veins cannot be changed and trainers will eventually<br />
need to be replaced. Included with each of the trainers are two IV bags, packet<br />
of blood powder and spoon, plastic fluid supply stand, two pinch clamps, 3 cc<br />
syringe, 12 cc syringe, 12 gauge needle, a winged infusion set, and a plastic<br />
clamshell storage case. Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
IV Hand<br />
LF00700U White — $206.80<br />
LF00703U Black — $206.80<br />
Complete Set<br />
Includes both the Portable IV Hand and Arm listed above. Sh. wt. 4.08 kg.<br />
LF00702U White — $368.25 LF00705U Black — $368.25<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
IV Arm<br />
LF00701U White — $206.80<br />
LF00704U Black — $206.80<br />
Replacement Blood, Red Only<br />
Five packets. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg.<br />
LF01188U — $8.25<br />
LF00703U<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
LF00701U<br />
Life/form® Advanced IV Hand<br />
The ideal simulator for advanced IV training! Life/form® realism is available in an injectable hand simulator. The dorsal<br />
surface of the incredibly realistic hand includes injectable metacarpal, digital, and thumb veins. The soft, flexible fingers<br />
are molded separately with extreme attention to detail… right down to the fingerprints! Students have the opportunity to<br />
develop important manipulation skills provided by the flexion of the wrist. The skin rolls as you palpate the veins, and<br />
you’ll feel the characteristic “pop” when the vein is penetrated. The simulated veins and skin are completely replaceable,<br />
allowing you to keep your Advanced IV Hand working and looking like new. Under normal use, hundreds of injections<br />
may be performed before the veins or skin need to be replaced. Includes one pint simulated blood, two IV bags, butterfly<br />
set, 3 cc syringe, 12 cc syringe, 22 gauge needle, and storage box. Fluid supply stand not included. Three-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.95 kg.<br />
LF01139U White — $ 297.00<br />
LF01146U Black — $ 297.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Skin and Veins<br />
LF01140U White. Sh. wt. 0.31 kg. — $ 95.15<br />
LF01147U Black. Sh. wt. 0.31 kg. — $ 95.15<br />
Replacement Veins Only<br />
Sh. wt. 0.29 kg.<br />
LF01141U — $ 41.75<br />
Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $26.05<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $48.70<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $18.65<br />
16<br />
LF01146U<br /><br />
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
Geriatric IV Training Arm<br />
Developed from a live cast, this arm is unique to the industry. Its properties<br />
include veins that roll away or disappear as you attempt to catheterize the<br />
vessel, and a specially developed skin. Ideal for training anyone who works<br />
with the aged. Includes blood powder, IV bag, and carry bag. Three-year<br />
warranty. 35" x 13" x 9". Sh. wt. 7.71 kg.<br />
SB40134U — $605.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Geriatric Arm Replacement Skin & Veins<br />
SB42073U Sh. wt. 1.25 kg. — $143.00<br />
Geriatric Arm Replacement Veins<br />
SB42074U Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $22.00<br />
Venous Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16"<br />
steel hooked rod.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Deluxe IV Training Arm<br />
This full arm IV trainer gives unlimited access to the major veins in the arm,<br />
hand, and deltoid IM injection site. Antecubital, basilic, and cephalic sites,<br />
coupled with the dorsal metacarpal veins, allow students to practice various<br />
area skills all on the same arm. The IM site contains a foam pad designed to<br />
be squeezed out and dried to facilitate multiple uses. 35" x 13" x 9". This<br />
unit includes blood reservoirs, blood powder, carry bag, and tray. Three-year<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 6.35 kg.<br />
SB34486U — $ 607.20<br />
Available Supplies<br />
IV Replacement Skin<br />
SB34430U Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $ 55.00<br />
IV Replacement Vein Kit<br />
SB34431U Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $ 17.60<br />
Venous Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16"<br />
steel hooked rod.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Simulator Intravenous Arm II Full Set<br />
A complete set of state-of-the-art IV simulators for blood collection, intravenous<br />
injection, and drip infusion. Puncturable models are designed to<br />
allow training in real clinical settings, with delicate needle-tip resistance and<br />
“flash-back” confirmation. No needle marks remain. Simulators feature soft<br />
material with realistic tactile feeling and offer true-to-life needle tip resistance.<br />
Quiet circulation pump offers one-touch, leak-free connections and easy<br />
setup and cleanup. Includes arm model with supporter stand, two injection<br />
pads for arm model, hand model with supporter stand, one-year-old arm/<br />
hand with supporter stand, three-year-old arm/hand with supporter stand,<br />
circulation pump, jar of red coloring powder, and spoon and plastic jar set.<br />
Sh. wt. 9.07 kg.<br />
SB47330U — $2,640.00<br />
Intravenous Arm II Only<br />
Injection pad allows for more repetitive training. Practice at three veins:<br />
basilic, median antebrachial, and cephalic. Life-like touch and resistance<br />
of the injection sites allows vein palpation like a real patient. Sh. wt. 33.11 kg.<br />
SB47334U — $396.00<br />
Vascular Access Ultrasound Phantom<br />
Realistic model for the practice of using ultrasound to locate and access<br />
veins. The unique material will give you ultrasound imaging that is the same<br />
as you would see on a patient when inserting needles under ultrasound guidance.<br />
Self sealing and with anatomically correct curved surface and flesh<br />
coloring, this model is designed to be easily accessed from both sides, giving<br />
you up to four times the number of “sticks” as compared to other models.<br />
The model’s long length allows catheters to be threaded into the vein for a<br />
true insertion experience. No needle needed to refill the veins with the supplied<br />
ultrasound simulated blood. Model supplied with 4 mm and 8 mm veins<br />
at different depths, locking base and cover, 2 oz. of ultrasound simulated<br />
blood, and user’s manual. 13 1 ⁄2" x 3 3 ⁄4" x 2". Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
SB47342U — $382.80<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Simulated Ultrasound Blood<br />
2 oz. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
SB48726U — $10.45<br />
1-800-668-0600 17
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
LG02068U<br />
Multi-Venous IV Training Arm<br />
Lifelike adult arm reproduction with multi-vein system designed<br />
for peripheral intravenous therapy. Venipuncture is possible in<br />
the antecubital fossa or dorsum of the hand. Rotation at deltoid<br />
for easier access during peripheral IV line insertion and<br />
removal. Accessible veins include median, basic, and cephalic.<br />
Palpable veins enable site selection and preparation. Infusible<br />
veins allow peripheral therapy with IV bolus or push injection<br />
method. Intermittent infusion device insertion or conversion<br />
of existing IV line is possible. Peripheral IV line maintenance<br />
including assessment and rotation of site and dressing, solution,<br />
and tubing change. Replaceable skin and vein system ensure<br />
longevity of model.<br />
Multi-Venous IV Training Arm Kit<br />
Includes replacement skin and multi-vein system, simulated<br />
blood, blood bag with tubing and connector, clamp and hook,<br />
five syringes, manikin lubricant, and carry case. Sh. wt. 5.90 kg.<br />
LG02066U Male — $ 660.00<br />
LG02068U Female — $660.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Skin and Multi-Vein System<br />
LG02173U Male. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg. — $198.00<br />
LG02172U Female. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $192.50<br />
Adult IV Training Arm<br />
Lifelike adult arm reproduction with replaceable skin and veins<br />
designed for peripheral intravenous therapy. Venipuncture possible<br />
in the antecubital fossa or dorsum of the hand. Peripheral IV line<br />
insertion and removal. Palpable veins enable site selection and<br />
preparation. Infusible veins allow peripheral therapy with IV bolus<br />
or push injection method. Peripheral IV line maintenance, including<br />
assessment and rotation of site and dressing, solution and tubing<br />
change. Replaceable skin and veins ensure longevity of model. Kit<br />
includes adult male arm, replacement skin and vein set, simulated<br />
blood, blood bag with tubing and connector, clamp and hook, five<br />
syringes, manikin lubricant, and carry case. Sh. wt. 5.90 kg.<br />
LG02131U — $511.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Skin and Multi-Vein System<br />
LG02173U Sh. wt. 0.68 kg. — $198.00<br />
LG02131U<br />
18<br /><br />
Advanced Multipurpose Venous Training Arm<br />
Combines all features required for IV, IM, and sub-Q training<br />
in one challenging simulator. Features: arm rotates 180°<br />
at deltoid region; subtle venous network in arm and hand;<br />
cephalic, basilic, antecubital, radial, and ulnar veins; realistic<br />
“pop” as needle enters vein; intramuscular injection site in<br />
deltoid area; subcutaneous injection areas on the volar side<br />
of the forearm and the lateral side of the upper arm; squeeze<br />
bulb to increase or decrease venous pressure; veins stand<br />
out or collapse; easily replaceable skin and veins; administration<br />
of medication by intravenous bolus; simulation of<br />
infusion technique; blood collection exercises with simulated<br />
blood; and simulation of clenched fist and tourniquet position.<br />
Comes with simulated blood concentrate, pressure<br />
bulb, blood dispensing bag, spare arm skin, funnel, powder,<br />
instruction manual, smoked Lucite ® base with stand, and soft<br />
nylon carry bag. Sh. wt. 4.08 kg.<br />
SB32870(A)U Left Arm — $ 434.50<br />
SB32870(B)U Right Arm — $ 434.50
Advanced Four-Vein Venipuncture Training Aid<br />
This advanced IV training model has four barely discernible blue veins of three different diameters<br />
and a fourth vein deeply placed in a semi-transparent, tissue-like material which permits<br />
increased difficulty and improved skills when accessing. Made with latex-free Dermalike,<br />
which provides 50% less needle drag when starting an IV and improved tear resistance to permit<br />
a greater number of needle “sticks.” When accessing, the skin rolls as the vein is palpated<br />
and a “pop” is felt as the needle enters the vein, followed by a realistic flashback of simulated<br />
blood confirming proper needle placement. Both the withdrawal of blood and the injection of<br />
fluids can be practiced on this large 5" x 10" x 1 1 ⁄2" model. An excellent model to practice the<br />
mechanics of the “no stick” IV catheters. Redesigned, the upright backing plate is now used as<br />
a protective snap-on cover over the tissue pad. The unique design allows for quick, easy setup.<br />
This lightweight, easily transportable, economical, and nonstaining training aid is the perfect<br />
alternative to heavier and more expensive models. Sh. wt. 1.59 kg.<br />
SB29869U — $ 326.70<br />
Optional Carry Case<br />
Includes storage pouch for supplies.<br />
Measures 14" x 10" x 2". Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
SB29870U — $ 34.10<br />
Advanced Four-Vein Venipuncture<br />
Training Aid and Carry Case<br />
Includes Advanced Four-Vein<br />
Venipuncture Training Aid<br />
(SB29869U) and Carry Case<br />
(SB29870U) listed above.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.95 kg.<br />
SB41560U — $345.35<br />
SB41560U<br />
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
SB29869U<br />
SB23526U<br />
SB23527U<br />
Venipuncture Training Aids<br />
These unique training aids permit the realistic practice of starting an IV<br />
as well as being excellent models to practice the mechanics of “no stick”<br />
IV catheters. Both models display blue veins which are barely discernible<br />
through the semi-transparent, tissue-like material. When accessing,<br />
the skin rolls as you palpate the vein and a “pop” is felt as the needle<br />
enters the vein. The two-vein model has two different-sized veins positioned<br />
at the same depth. The four-vein model has three veins of different<br />
diameters and a fourth vein deeply placed. Both models enable the user<br />
to increase the difficulty and thus improve skills. Made with latex-free<br />
Dermalike that offers 50% less needle drag when accessing underlying<br />
veins and improved tear resistance which permits a greater number<br />
of needle “sticks.” Also comes with a protective, snap-on cover over the<br />
tissue pad. These lightweight, easily transportable, economical, and nonstaining<br />
training models are an alternative to larger, heavier, and more<br />
Femoral Access Simulator<br />
An adult lower torso reproduction with realistic anatomical landmarks and<br />
expensive models. Overall dimensions: 6 1 ⁄2" x 5 1 ⁄2" x 1 1 ⁄4".<br />
infusible venous and arterial systems designed for teaching femoral access<br />
procedures. Realistic palpable landmarks aid in site location: pubic symphysis, Two-Vein Model<br />
inguinal ligament, and anterior superior iliac spine. Arterial pulse may be SB23526U Each. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $ 95.70<br />
simulated manually. Blood concentrate may be infused for realistic flashback SB25039U Pkg. of 5. Sh. wt. 1.70 kg. — $ 460.85<br />
upon cannulation of the venous or arterial system. Comes with five syringes,<br />
three IV bags with hoses and clamps, blood concentrate (one blue and one red), Four-Vein Model<br />
manikin lubricant and carry case. Sh. wt. 8.16 kg.<br />
SB23527U Each. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg. — $ 138.60<br />
LG02117U — $ 671.00<br />
SB25040U Pkg. of 5. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg. — $ 660.00<br />
1-800-668-0600 19
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
Life/form® Pediatric Injection/Venipuncture Simulators<br />
Two extremely realistic simulators allow students and staff to practice and learn techniques involved for IV therapy on children and infants. The models provide<br />
realistic sensation and response. The lifelike vinyl skin actually rolls as you palpate to allow location of the vein. The synthetic rubber tubing for the veins was<br />
carefully selected to provide a lifelike simulation of vein size, and feeling of puncture and palpation for practicing venipuncture. Maintenance: The Life/form®<br />
Pediatric Injectable Simulators are designed with replaceable skin and veins. Replacement kits are available and easy to use. To extend the life of each skin/<br />
vein set, an aerosol sealant is available to seal punctures in the tubing and prevent leakage.<br />
Life/form® Pediatric Arm<br />
• Exact Reproduction of the Arm of a Six-Year-Old Child<br />
• Practice Venipuncture and Intramuscular Injection Techniques<br />
and Procedures Used in Young Children<br />
A soft foam is used to simulate the deltoid muscle and allows the student to<br />
“get the feel” of administering intramuscular injections to children. Simulated<br />
bone in the shoulder defines and limits the injection area. Water may be<br />
used as an injection fluid in the shoulder area. Includes a Life/form® arm<br />
with white skin, fluid supply bag, 3 cc syringe, one pint Life/form® blood,<br />
instruction manual, and hard carry case. Fluid supply stand not included.<br />
Three-year warranty. Carton size: 22" x 11" x 6". Sh. wt. 4.54 kg.<br />
LF00958U — $ 423.50<br />
Available Supplies for Pediatric Arm<br />
Replacement Skin and Vein Kit<br />
LF00986U Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $126.45<br />
Vein Replacements Only<br />
LF01056U Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $ 31.35<br />
Tubing Sealant<br />
LF01099U Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $ 26.35<br />
Venous Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel<br />
hooked rod. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form® simulators and trainers.<br />
12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $ 19.95<br />
For troubleshooting and skin and vein replacement tips for your IV arm,<br />
scan these QR Codes ® with your smartphone.<br />
20<br /><br />
Life/form® Pediatric Head<br />
• Functional head is realistically modeled to represent a<br />
6-month-old infant<br />
• Invaluable tool for demonstrating and practicing infusions and<br />
venipuncture in the temporal and jugular veins of a newborn to<br />
12-month-old infant<br />
The temporal vein of the Life/form® Pediatric Head is easily accessible for<br />
IV infusions. Practice in the jugular vein is equally realistic. The neck is made<br />
of soft, flexible foam to provide a realistic feel of palpation and puncture.<br />
Includes a Life/form® head with skin and veins, fluid supply bag, two different<br />
gauge winged infusion needles, one pint Life/form® blood, instruction<br />
manual, and hard carry case. Fluid supply stand not included. Three-year<br />
warranty. Carton size: 19" x 10" x 5". Sh. wt. 4.99 kg.<br />
LF00999U — $ 484.00<br />
Available Supplies for Pediatric Head<br />
Replacement Skin and Vein Kit<br />
LF01003U Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $ 119.85<br />
Vein Replacements Only<br />
LF01058U Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $ 31.35<br />
Tubing Sealant<br />
LF01099U Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $ 26.35<br />
Venous Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel<br />
hooked rod. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form® simulators and trainers.<br />
12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $19.95
Infant IV Arm<br />
Lifelike reproduction of an infant arm for mastering<br />
extremity venipuncture procedures and fluid<br />
administration in the superficial veins of the hand.<br />
Venipuncture possible in antecubital fossa and dorsum<br />
of the hand. Fluid may be infused for realistic<br />
flashback. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
LG02017U — $ 210.10<br />
Skills Training<br />
Injections & Venipuncture<br />
Life/form® Difficult Access<br />
Infant Skin for IV & I/O<br />
• It’s simple<br />
• Easy to use<br />
• Can change it out in seconds<br />
• Provides for challenging practice<br />
The Life/form® Difficult Access Infant<br />
IV & I/O skin sleeves have been developed<br />
to fit over the arms and legs of most<br />
infant training products. This soft, lifelike skin is<br />
meant to represent a chubbier infant and may be<br />
used to prepare for intravenous and intraosseous<br />
insertions where the vascular system may be difficult<br />
to access. The durable skin should allow for many<br />
uses before replacement is necessary. Can trim skin<br />
to fit individual trainer. Pkg. of 3. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
LF03594U — $72.55<br />
Life/form® Infant IV Leg<br />
A special, extremely thin, synthetic<br />
skin is paired with rubber tubing<br />
featuring a small lumen and<br />
thin walls. The greater and lesser<br />
saphenous veins are accessible, as<br />
well as the dorsal venous arch on<br />
the foot. Comes with two IV bags with<br />
clamps, one pint Life/form® blood, one 3 cc syringe, one<br />
22-gauge needle, and winged infusion set. Fluid supply stand<br />
not included. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
LF03636U — $346.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Infant IV Leg Replacement<br />
Skin/Veins<br />
Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
LF03639U — $127.55<br />
Infant IV Leg Replacement Veins<br />
Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
LF03640U — $92.35<br />
Infant IV Arm Replacement<br />
Skin/Veins<br />
Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
LF03641U — $63.75<br />
Life/form®<br />
Infant IV Arm<br />
A special, extremely thin,<br />
synthetic skin, and rubber<br />
tubing with appropriately<br />
small lumen and thin walls.<br />
The cephalic and basilic vein are<br />
accessible, as well as the dorsal<br />
venous arch on the hand. Comes<br />
with two IV bags with clamps, one<br />
pint Life/form® blood, and winged<br />
infusion set. Fluid supply stand not<br />
included. Three-year warranty.<br />
Size: 8" x 5" x 5". Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
LF03637U — $346.50<br />
Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $26.05<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $18.65<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16” steel<br />
hooked rod. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $48.70<br />
Nita Newborn Infant Venous Access Simulator<br />
A unique, anatomically correct representation of a 4-lb., 16" female baby<br />
developed to teach and practice the vascular accessing of newborns and infants.<br />
Practice accessing, securing, dressing, site care, and maintenance for standard<br />
venipuncture, central catheters, PICC lines, and umbilical 5 FR catheters.<br />
• Access the median basilic and axillary veins on the right and left arm<br />
• Right leg — saphenous and popliteal veins<br />
• Neck and head — external jugular and temporal (scalp) veins<br />
• Realistic flashback of simulated “blood” confirms proper needle<br />
location in the vein<br />
• Redesigned umbilicus and umbilical valve allows catheterization<br />
of the umbilical catheter, with proper placement verified by a<br />
blood return<br />
• Nasal and oral openings allow placement of nasal cannulas, as well<br />
as endotracheal, nasogastric, and feeding tubes to teach suctioning,<br />
securing, dressing, cleansing, care, and maintenance<br />
• Latex free<br />
Includes female baby body; umbilicus; translucent skin on arm, leg, and<br />
head; I.D. bracelet; diaper; vein tubing with umbilical valve; blood reservoir<br />
bag with attached tubing; blood concentrate; instruction manual; and carry<br />
case. Sh. wt. 2.15 kg.<br />
SB23925U — $ 684.20<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Skin and Vein Set<br />
Includes right arm skin, left arm skin, right leg skin, head-cap skin, and blue<br />
veins. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
SB45093U — $184.80<br />
Replacement Umbilicus<br />
SB45094U Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $41.80<br />
Replacement Umbilical Valve and Vein Set<br />
Umbilical valve with vein set attached. Latex free. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg.<br />
SB47305U — $105.60<br />
Pediatric<br />
Multi-Venous IV<br />
Training Arm Kit<br />
Lifelike pediatric arm<br />
reproduction with multivein<br />
system designed for<br />
peripheral intravenous<br />
therapy. Procedures<br />
include venipuncture<br />
in the antecubital fossa<br />
or dorsum of the hand;<br />
accessible veins including<br />
median, basilic, and cephalic;<br />
peripheral IV line insertion, removal, and maintenance; palpable veins enable<br />
site selection and preparation; infusible veins allow peripheral therapy with IV<br />
bolus or push injection method; intermittent infusion device insertion or conversion<br />
of existing IV line; and realistic anatomy allows IV site protection procedures<br />
such as stockinette and armboard or the use of an IV shield. Replaceable skin<br />
and vein system ensure longevity of model. Includes replacement skin and multivein<br />
system, blood concentrate, blood bag with tubing and connector, clamp<br />
and hook, five syringes, manikin lubricant, and carry case. Sh. wt. 4.31 kg.<br />
LG02062U — $ 440.00<br />
1-800-668-0600 21
Skills Training<br />
Injections<br />
Palpable Landmark Approaches<br />
• Gluteus Medius/Ventrogluteal<br />
• Gluteus Maximus/Dorsogluteal<br />
• Vastus Lateralis<br />
LF00963U<br />
Anatomical References<br />
Procedure Training<br />
Life/form® Intramuscular Injection Simulator<br />
Here is the perfect volunteer for training your beginning health care students to administer intramuscular injections. Always available for class demonstrations or<br />
practice by groups of 1 to 30, the Life/form® Intramuscular Injection Simulator offers both visual and tactile learning. A simulated bony structure is embedded<br />
in the torso and represents the superior end of the femur, or greater trochanter, the posterior superior and anterior superior iliac spines, and the sacrum. The<br />
bony structure provides palpable anatomical landmarks so students can identify proper injection sites. A section of the upper, outer quadrant of the left gluteal<br />
area is cut away to allow students to visualize the underlying structures. The gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles, sciatic nerve, and vascular structures<br />
are clearly shown. Three types of intramuscular injections can be taught and practiced on this simulator: dorsogluteal, ventrogluteal, and vastus lateralis injections.<br />
As with all Life/form® simulators and trainers, the Intramuscular Injection Simulator is extremely realistic. Skin and muscle textures, as well as bone shape<br />
and position, closely resemble a live patient. As a result, perforation of the tissue with a needle duplicates the sensation of administering an actual injection.<br />
Comes complete with instruction manual, supply of syringes, and hard carry case. Three-year warranty. Carton size: 22" x 16" x 10". Sh. wt. 8.16 kg.<br />
LF00961U — $ 643.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Muscle<br />
LF00963U Sh. wt. 0.23 kg. — $38.45<br />
22<br />
LF00695U<br />
Intramuscular Injection Sites Set<br />
These visual aids were developed specifically for teaching, demonstrating,<br />
training, and studying of intramuscular injection site locations. The poster,<br />
chart, and front of the TearPad illustrate site landmarks and muscles in<br />
the deltoid, dorsogluteal, ventrogluteal, and vastus lateralis regions. The<br />
TearPad has a second side that directs procedure steps for each injection<br />
site location. The TearPad contains 50 sheets and is a cost-effective handout<br />
that can be given to each student. The poster and chart are laminated and<br />
perfect for mounting in a classroom or skills lab. These teaching aids will<br />
enhance intramuscular injection skills teaching and training. Includes poster,<br />
chart, and TearPad (LF00697U, right). Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
LF00694U — $36.25<br /><br />
LF00697U (Back)<br />
Intramuscular Injection Sites Poster<br />
18" x 24", laminated. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
LF00695U — $16.95<br />
Intramuscular Injection Sites Chart<br />
10 1 ⁄2" x 14", laminated (same image as poster). Sh. wt. 0.02 kg.<br />
LF00696U — $13.60<br />
Intramuscular Injection Sites TearPad<br />
Front same image as poster. 50 sheets, 8 1 ⁄2" x 11". Sh. wt. 0.31 kg.<br />
LF00697U — $11.30
Intramuscular Injection Simulator<br />
This high-quality simulator represents a right<br />
upper arm with all important anatomical<br />
palpable landmarks such as the acromion<br />
and humerus. It allows practicing<br />
correct intramuscular and subcutaneous<br />
injections in an exceptionally<br />
graphic way. The built-in fine<br />
electronics produce audio-visual<br />
feedback of the result, e.g. correct<br />
or incorrect injection, bone contact,<br />
or wrong localization. Additional<br />
trainings and control modes optionally<br />
provide an immediate or subsequent performance check under training<br />
conditions. The included lifelike silicone skin is extremely durable and can<br />
be quickly and easily exchanged when necessary. The simulator is supplied<br />
with two “AA” batteries, a detailed instruction manual, replacement skin, 5 ml<br />
syringe, and a 21G/0.8 injection needle. Sh. wt. 2.04 kg.<br />
SB40228U — $1,310.10<br />
Musclemate<br />
Learn the correct position for intramuscular injection by palpation. Straps to<br />
arm for practice. Simulator is light and compact. The special skin has no needle<br />
marks. Bones such as acromion enables training for palpation. Correct or<br />
incorrect is indicated with built-in lamps and buzzer. Use with artificial injection<br />
fluid. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
SB40261U — $1,721.50<br />
Skills Training<br />
Injections<br />
Intramuscular Injection<br />
Model of Upper Arm Muscles<br />
Practice injections in the upper arm muscles safely on a realistic model that<br />
provides instant feedback to make training more effective and meaningful.<br />
This advanced medical model has been developed to avoid the danger of<br />
injecting the needle into nerves and veins in the upper arm muscles. The<br />
structure of the upper arm is shown in the model to teach proper injection.<br />
The outer skin has been specially processed to provide a very realistic simulation,<br />
and it leaves no injection marks to keep the model in good condition. The acromion<br />
apophysis and other bones are included making it possible to confirm<br />
injection spots by palpation. When an injection is made in a wrong spot or if<br />
it’s made too deep, a red light will turn on, a buzzer sounds a warning, and a<br />
nerve lamp displays where the error has been made. The model also displays<br />
a green light for injections made in safe spots. These indicators reinforce correct<br />
technique and prevent users from making the same mistakes. Medical<br />
fluids (water) can also be injected to make this model a valuable instruction<br />
tool. Dimensions: 29 1 ⁄2" W x 19 11 ⁄16" x 11 13 ⁄16". Sh. wt. 11.34 kg.<br />
SB45069U — $5,335.00<br />
IM Hip Simulator<br />
The IM Hip Simulator allows visualization of the<br />
relationship of bone to muscle while training the<br />
administration of medication via dorsogluteal injection.<br />
Realistic anatomical structures enable visualization<br />
of internal anatomy: sacrum, innominate, upper<br />
femur, and coccyx; sciatic nerve and sacral plexus;<br />
gluteus maximus and gluteus medius; and femoral<br />
artery, vein, and nerve. Student is able to visualize<br />
the line from the posterior superior iliac spine to the<br />
greater trochanter of the femur. Skin wrap simulating<br />
subcutaneous fat aids student in learning to determine<br />
appropriate needle length. Sh. wt. 3.40 kg.<br />
LG02095U — $ 1,111.00<br />
Buttock Mate<br />
Practice injections on a live<br />
Intramuscular Injection Model<br />
“patient.” Ideal for students to wear<br />
This high-tech medical model with realistic skin is perfect for teaching proper<br />
in order to understand the anxiety<br />
injection techniques and how to avoid nerves and veins. The see-through<br />
of real patients. Surface is very similar<br />
to a real body — leaves no needle<br />
right side of the model shows internal structure including bones, muscles,<br />
nerves, and veins. The gluteus medius, nerves, veins, ilium crista, and greater<br />
marks! Simulated injection liquid can be<br />
trochanter can be palpated to confirm the correct injection points. Fluid<br />
injected into it. Features “sensitive point” for<br />
injected in the proper place is discharged through a drain tube into drain<br />
correct injection area, plus lights and a buzzer<br />
bag. A green light indicates correct injection technique and positioning — a<br />
to provide feedback on correct and incorrect approaches. Light and compact<br />
buzzer and flashing red light warn students if they have gone too deep or if<br />
injection simulator. Model has drain tube, drain bag, and belt to secure and<br />
needle position is incorrect. Dimensions: 15" H x 13 3 ⁄4" W x 8 1 ⁄2" D. One-year<br />
position simulator on patient. 19<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 9.53 kg.<br />
1 ⁄2" H x 13 5 ⁄8" W x 5 1 ⁄2" D. One-year<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 2.04 kg.<br />
SB31026U — $ 4,284.50<br />
SB34774U — $ 2,194.50<br />
1-800-668-0600 23
Skills Training<br />
Injections<br />
Life/form® Venatech IM & SubQ Simulator<br />
An innovative yet affordable simulator that is realistic in nature, with a chance<br />
for aspiration. Because there is fluid in vessels deep within the simulated tissue,<br />
there is an actual possibility of seeing simulated blood in the hub of the needle<br />
on aspiration. Students will be able to use critical thinking skills they have<br />
learned through didactic training and put those skills to use in a clinical simulation.<br />
The device fits on the area of the deltoid muscle as well as the vastus<br />
lateralis, rectus femoris, ventrogluteal, and dorsogluteal areas for realism. Pad<br />
measures 6¾" x 3¼" x 1½". Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
LF01184U White — $84.65 LF01185U Black — $84.65<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Vein Replacement Kit<br />
LF01177U Sh. wt. 0.20 kg. — $16.45<br />
Skin and Vein Replacement Kits<br />
Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF01186U White — $27.45<br />
LF01187U Black — $27.45<br />
Replacement Blood<br />
LF01188U Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $8.25<br />
Life/form® Intradermal Injection Simulator<br />
Now your students can practice intradermal injections safely and conveniently<br />
with the Life/form® Intradermal Injection Simulator. The unit consists of a<br />
casting molded from a real forearm from the wrist to just below the elbow.<br />
New Life/form® soft vinyl skin provides realistic feel and appearance to<br />
ensure a realistic training experience. The arm features eight sites for practicing<br />
intracutaneous injections. If fluid is properly injected, a characteristic skin<br />
welt will form. The welt is removed by withdrawing the fluid after practice.<br />
Each site is reusable by dozens of students. Includes arm section with eight<br />
injection sites, 2-oz. bottle of liquid skin repair, syringe, instruction manual,<br />
and storage box. The included liquid skin repair (LF01009U) will extend the<br />
life of skin; however, skin is not replaceable and the simulator will eventually<br />
need replacement. Size: 13" x 11" x 5". Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
LF01008U — $219.95<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Liquid Skin Repair<br />
2-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg.<br />
LF01009U — $8.55<br />
TB Skin Testing<br />
The Mantoux tuberculin skin test (or<br />
TST) is a standard method of determining<br />
whether a person is or has been<br />
infected with this bacteria. This DVD<br />
demonstrates the technique for administering<br />
the skin test and reading the<br />
results. Using graphics, models, and<br />
live patients, standard procedures are shown. Included is the “60-Second<br />
Tuberculin Test.” Six minutes. ©2008. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
SB48071U DVD — $27.45<br />
24<br /><br />
TB Testing Arm<br />
These models realistically duplicate positive and negative TB reactions with<br />
variations in size and pigmentation. They are excellent tools for teaching<br />
health professionals how to read test results, as well as explaining readings<br />
to patients. Includes both black and beige skintone models, plus sizing card.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
SB25973U — $ 82.95<br />
Injection Teaching Model<br />
Help students overcome their fear of giving injections,<br />
and practice intradermal, subcutaneous,<br />
and intramuscular injections. The BIOLIKE<br />
soft synthetic material can be punctured<br />
repeatedly, without showing<br />
holes. Injecting with liquids is not<br />
recommended. 6" x 4 3 ⁄4" x 1 3 ⁄4".<br />
Sh. wt. 1.81 kg.<br />
SB23496U — $107.60
Skills Training<br />
Arterial Puncture<br />
LF00995U<br />
Replacement Kit<br />
Life/form® Arterial Puncture Arm<br />
In the tradition of Life/form® products, the Arterial<br />
Puncture Arm features the realism of appearance and<br />
performance necessary to provide realistic practice for<br />
trainees. Easy to set up and use, this valuable training<br />
aid is ideal for practice and demonstration in drawing<br />
arterial blood samples for monitoring blood gases. With<br />
this unique arm, students can actually identify puncture<br />
locations through palpation of the pulse at either the<br />
radial or brachial sites. Realistic arterial pressure produces<br />
a realistic backflow of blood in the syringe, confirming<br />
proper needle location in the artery. Periodic use<br />
of the tubing sealant provided will extend the life of<br />
each Skin/Artery Kit. Two replaceable tubing sections<br />
are included with each Skin/Artery Kit (one section in<br />
the arm). Includes two 3 cc syringes with needles, fluid<br />
supply bag, two replacement sections of artery, one<br />
pint Life/form® arterial blood, tubing sealant, instruction<br />
manual, and hard carry case. Fluid supply stand<br />
not included. Cannot place arterial lines. Three-year<br />
warranty. Size: 28" x 13" x 5". Sh. wt. 6.80 kg.<br />
LF00995U — $ 588.50<br />
The Life/form® Arterial Puncture Arm is easily maintained with replaceable skin<br />
and arteries. Complete Skin/Artery Kits are available and easy to use.<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Skin Replacement Kit with 3 Artery Sections<br />
LF00998U White. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $ 152.85<br />
Arterial Puncture Arm Artery Replacement Only<br />
LF01059U Sh. wt. 0.23 kg. — $ 50.55<br />
Tubing Sealant<br />
Periodic use of tubing sealant will extend the life of skin<br />
and arteries. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
LF01099U — $ 26.35<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
Arterial Blood<br />
Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF01004U — $ 18.15<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains<br />
from Life/form® simulators.<br />
12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $ 19.95<br />
Infant Arterial Training Arm<br />
Lifelike reproduction of an infant arm allows<br />
students to master infant radial artery puncture<br />
techniques. Includes percutaneous puncture sites<br />
in brachial and radial artery. Manual radial artery<br />
pulse generator provides realistic arterial pressure.<br />
Simulated blood may be infused for backflow in<br />
syringe. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
LG02001U — $ 192.50<br />
Arterial Stick Arm Kit<br />
Lifelike, adult male arm reproduction with infusible arteries designed for training the proper arterial<br />
puncture procedure for blood gas analysis. Simulation of hand placement during performance of Allen’s<br />
Test is possible. Flexible wrist enables proper positioning. Arterial pressure may be generated manually.<br />
Artery palpation is possible. Percutaneous puncture sites in both brachial and radial artery. Infusible<br />
arteries, with ability to pressurize system, enable blood backflow in syringe. Drain plug in deltoid of arm.<br />
Includes replacement skin and artery set, fi ve syringes, simulated blood, manikin lubricant, and carry<br />
case. Sh. wt. 5.90 kg.<br />
LG02024U — $ 522.50<br />
1-800-668-0600 25
Skills Training<br />
Central Catheterization<br />
Internal Jugular Vein Approaches:<br />
• Anterior<br />
• Central<br />
• Posterior<br />
External Jugular Vein Approaches<br />
Subclavian Vein Approaches:<br />
• Infraclavicular<br />
• Supraclavicular<br />
Life/form® Central Venous Cannulation Simulator<br />
Designed for learning and practicing CVC techniques, the Life/form®<br />
Central Venous Cannulation Simulator is directed to the emergency<br />
medical field. ACLS and ATLS participants will find this simulator to be<br />
the ideal trainer. Anatomically accurate, palpation is exactly the same<br />
as on a patient. The sternal notch, sternocleidomastoid, clavicle, and<br />
other supporting features make this simulator a pleasure to work with.<br />
Internal features include a replaceable muscle and bone section,<br />
subclavian, internal jugular, external jugular, and carotid. Use of a<br />
Swan-Ganz catheter is possible and changing of the internal tubing<br />
is extremely easy. The neck of the simulator is positioned to the left,<br />
making landmark identity quite easy visually. The sternal notch “sinks”<br />
1-1.5 cm when palpated. All external and internal landmarks correlate<br />
to a live patient. Modified to meet ATLS and ACLS standards, this<br />
simulator has proven itself in the emergency medical field. The consultant<br />
for this project was Forrest M. Gridley, M.A., P.A.-C. Includes<br />
fluid supply bags, replaceable skin, needles, one quart of Life/form®<br />
blood, and instruction manual in a hard carry case. Fluid supply stand<br />
not included. Three-year warranty. Size: 20" x 17" x 10".<br />
Sh. wt. 11.79 kg.<br />
LF01087U — $ 907.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Skin Repair Kit<br />
Extends the life of replacement skins with brush-on treatment.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
LF01112U — $ 34.05<br />
Replacement Tubing Kit<br />
Each set consists of one subclavian vein, one internal jugular vein,<br />
one external jugular vein, and connectors. Six sets. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
LF01113U — $ 92.35<br />
CVC Skin Replacement<br />
LF01079U Sh. wt. 1.70 kg. — $180.35<br />
26<br />
CVC Simulator Replacement Kit<br />
Includes skin and veins. Sh. wt. 1.36 kg.<br />
LF01078U — $ 197.95<br />
CVC Simulator Bone and Muscle Replacement Kit<br />
LF01093U Sh. wt. 3.18 kg. — $ 209.00<br />
Vein Tubing Sealant Kit<br />
LF01099U Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $ 26.35<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br /><br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
Venous Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05
Skills Training<br />
Central Catheterization<br />
For skin and vein replacement<br />
tips, scan this QR Code ®<br />
with your smartphone.<br />
Approaches:<br />
• Jugular<br />
• Peripheral<br />
(Antecubital Fossa)<br />
• Subclavicular<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Skin and Vein Set<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
LF01013U — $ 197.95<br />
Lubricant Kit<br />
2-oz. bottles. Pkg. of 6. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00985U — $ 31.70<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Heart Catheterization Simulator For<br />
Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) and<br />
Central Venous Catheterization<br />
Now you can train residents and staff in the techniques of performing<br />
central venous catheterization using the Life/form® TPN<br />
Simulator. All appropriate landmarks are palpable for realistic<br />
identification of insertion sites. Synthetic skin may be removed from<br />
shoulder to reveal dissected musculature and location of veins,<br />
arteries, and other landmarks. With the skin in place, you can actually<br />
insert the needle introducer. The tactile sensation is dramatically<br />
realistic. Artificial blood is connected to provide confirmation of<br />
proper needle location when “blood” flows from needle, just like<br />
the real thing! Venous catheters can be snaked into place once<br />
the introducer is properly inserted. Use of a Swan-Ganz catheter<br />
is possible. Skin and veins will stand up to repeated puncture to<br />
allow training by dozens of staff members. The Life/form® skin<br />
and veins are easily replaced once worn. Also practice proper care<br />
of the puncture site and parenteral administration of fluids. Practice<br />
measuring central venous pressure. Bandaging techniques can be<br />
practiced with no fear of infection or other harm to a patient. In<br />
emergency medical training programs, practice delivery of large<br />
volumes of fluids in trauma. Inject for swift action as required for<br />
cardiac life support procedures. Includes fluid supply bag, replaceable<br />
skin, tubing sealant, needles, one quart of Life/form® blood,<br />
and instruction manual in a hard carry case. Fluid supply stand not<br />
included. Three-year warranty. Size: 28" x 17" x 10". Sh. wt. 14.06 kg.<br />
LF01012U — $ 896.50<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
Venous Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
Vein Tubing Sealant Kit<br />
LF01099U Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $ 26.35<br />
Port — Body in a Box<br />
Compact, lightweight, and quick to set up and put away. A great tool for training, competency<br />
testing, and skill assessment of port (IVAD) palpation and accessing. With this teaching model,<br />
it is possible to simulate palpating and accessing an implanted port with the following placements:<br />
normal, “tipping,” “wandering,” or deeply placed. Successful access is confirmed by<br />
a “blood” return. Fluid can be infused and “blood” withdrawn. Unit has own 35 cc blood<br />
reservoir bag neatly tucked inside. Accessing can be taught and practiced within the case or<br />
removed for group use. The two round inserts, used to simulate the “wandering” and “tipping”<br />
port, are interchangeable to vary the experience. The skin flap has two thicknesses: the 1 ⁄4" side Deluxe Venous Access Device Model<br />
will approximate the “feel” when palpating a port at an average depth, and the 1 ⁄2" side will Teach patients and healthcare staff the care and use of two<br />
approximate the “feel” when palpating a deeply placed port. The skin flap is made of a latexfree<br />
Dermalike for 50% less needle drag when accessing and improved tear resistance to right subclavian catheter connections that may be flushed with<br />
different types of catheters with this model. Features left and<br />
permit a greater number of needle “sticks.” The underlying soft tissue block permits the port water, and a PORT-A-CATH ® implanted venous access system<br />
to “float” when palpating through the skin flap, for a truly realistic experience. Includes a real with a “skin” flap over the implant to allow viewing. Made of<br />
port with 9.6 FR catheter, 7 1 ⁄8" x 5 1 ⁄2" skin flap, soft tissue block with two interchangeable inserts, skinned, lightweight urethane foam, this model may be washed<br />
35 cc blood reservoir bag, one each of 3 ⁄4" and 1" Huber needles, 5 cc leur lock syringe, three with soap and water, or painted with antiseptics. Measures 21" x<br />
packets of lubrication gel, clear container for storage of supplies, user’s manual, and 9 1 ⁄2" x 15" x 5". Mounted on a collapsible easel and packed with its<br />
6 1 ⁄2" heavy-duty ABS case. Sh. wt. 1.59 kg.<br />
own carry case. Sh. wt. 4.99 kg.<br />
SB43089U — $202.40<br />
SB23493U — $ 539.35<br />
1-800-668-0600 27
Skills Training<br />
Central Catheterization<br />
Demonstrate Competency with:<br />
• Central Venous Catheters<br />
• Implanted Ports<br />
• Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters<br />
Utilizes three of the most commonly used<br />
long-term vascular access routes:<br />
• External central catheters<br />
• Implanted vascular access devices<br />
• Peripherally placed central catheters<br />
External Central Catheter<br />
The right chest area is provided with a prepositioned, surgically<br />
placed central catheter. The subcutaneous tunnel is visible up to and<br />
just over the clavicle. The Dacron cuff is also discernable. The<br />
catheter’s distal end is pre-attached to a “blood” reservoir<br />
bag enabling the clinician to demonstrate blood withdrawals,<br />
heparinization, and infusion techniques. The area<br />
around the catheter exit site can be used to practice site<br />
care and maintenance. This feature offers the unique<br />
opportunity for new staff, patients, and support persons<br />
to have supervised, hands-on participation in a simulated<br />
realistic situation.<br />
Peripherally Placed Central Catheter<br />
A peripherally placed central catheter is prepositioned<br />
in the detachable right arm. The arm<br />
is in a rotated and extended position, enabling<br />
easy access. Both the cephalic and basilic<br />
veins are slightly raised for easy identification,<br />
with the long arm catheter exiting from the<br />
basilic vein. The catheter is pre-attached to a<br />
“blood” reservoir bag contained within the<br />
arm, which allows blood withdrawal, heparinization,<br />
and fluid infusion while attached<br />
or separated from the chest. Like the<br />
external catheter, the area around the<br />
catheter exit site is used to practice<br />
catheter care and maintenance.<br />
Chester Chest<br />
Access routes allow opportunity to practice blood<br />
withdrawal, heparinization, and fluid infusion.<br />
Chester Chest is a unique teaching tool that enables clinicians and<br />
others to develop total competence with the most common types of long-term vascular access routes<br />
within one simple, compact, and portable training aid. A great tool for training, competency testing<br />
and skills’ assessment. Physicians, nurses, home health staff, patients, and support persons find<br />
Chester Chest the most efficient, time-saving, visual, and true-to-life aid in the teaching of implantable<br />
vascular access devices, external central catheters, and peripherally placed central catheters. This lifelike model of a human torso is the only teaching aid<br />
offering a tactile sensation that is dramatically realistic when palpating the location of implanted imports. This is achieved through a unique tissue-like material<br />
duplicating the feel of human tissue. The areas around all the device sites can be used to practice cleansing, application of dressings and securement devices.<br />
Chester Chest can be used in either an upright or supine position. Chester Chest features a detachable advanced arm which is also sold separately<br />
(SB45082U page 29). Each unit is provided with a pre-positioned, surgically placed central catheter and peripherally placed central catheter. All the catheters<br />
are attached to a simulated “blood” reservoir bag in the arm to permit the practice of “blood” withdrawal and fluid infusion. Cleansing, application of dressings<br />
and securement devices can be demonstrated on all three catheters. The right chest area has a 9.6 FR tunneled central catheter that is visible up to the clavicle.<br />
The Dacron cuff is also discernible. The external jugular vein is slightly raised with an opening for you to attach your own catheter. There is also an opening for<br />
a subclavian catheter. The left chest area is a five-piece unit consisting of a real implanted port under the chest tissue flap, a rigid underlying surface with molded<br />
ribs and a recessed area for the interchangeable Difficult Accessing Inserts, and three Difficult Accessing Inserts. The artificial blood provides confirmation of<br />
proper needle location when “blood” is aspirated — just like the real thing! Heparinization and fluid infusion can be practiced using the secondary reservoir bag.<br />
Complete unit includes life-size torso with advanced detachable right arm, real chest port, chest tissue flap, three Difficult Accessing Inserts, 9.6 FPR tunneled<br />
central catheter, 5 FR dual PICC, IV catheter, recessed area for attachment of optional peripheral port, “blood” reservoir bags, and user’s information guide.<br />
Carry case is not included. Implanted port included. Measures 20 1 ⁄2" x 15 1 ⁄2" x 5 1 ⁄4". Six-month limited warranty. Sh. wt. 4.54 kg.<br />
SB18636U — $ 828.30<br />
Blood Reservoir Bag for Chester Chest<br />
SB46515U Sh. wt. 0.02 kg. — $14.30<br />
28<br />
Skills Training<br />
Central Catheterization<br />
SB45081U<br />
SB45082U<br />
Chest Tissue Flap Replacement<br />
Made of a specially formulated material<br />
duplicating the feel of human tissue. When<br />
placed over the chest port, the chest tissue flap<br />
provides a realistic practice of palpating and<br />
accessing with proper access of the port being<br />
confirmed by a “blood” withdrawal — just like<br />
the real thing! Maintains its integrity even after<br />
numerous needle insertions. This is a replacement<br />
chest tissue flap for Chester Chest<br />
(SB18636U, page 28). Measures 11 1 ⁄2" x 8".<br />
Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
SB41587U — $124.30<br />
Chester Chest Advanced Arm<br />
Update your Chester Chest and your entire training program economically<br />
and easily just by replacing the detachable arm with this advanced version.<br />
Features a dual lumen 5 FR PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) exiting<br />
the basilic vein from the inner biceps area, which is the current preferred<br />
placement. The basilic vein is slightly raised for easy identification. Proximal<br />
to the PICC is a recessed area for the placement and suturing of a peripheral<br />
port (port is shown but not included; SB45081U sold separately, below).<br />
The peripheral port, when attached, will “float” on the underlying tissue-like<br />
material. The recessed area is covered with a removable flap that has the<br />
feel of human tissue which, when placed over the optional port, provides the<br />
realistic practice of palpating and accessing. An additional feature of the arm<br />
is a pre-positioned IV catheter in the forearm. The improved arm provides a<br />
greater degree of rotation and extension for easier access to the PICC and<br />
recessed area for the peripheral port. Measures 18" L. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB45082U — $300.30<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Peripheral Port Only. A real peripheral port with 5 FR catheter for use with<br />
the Chester Chest Advanced Arm above (SB45082U). Sh. wt. 0.25 kg.<br />
SB45081U — $75.90<br />
Blood Bag Reservoir for Advanced Arm<br />
SB46519U Sh. wt. 0.02 kg. — $16.50<br />
SB41588U<br />
SB29116U<br />
Practice Port<br />
Carry Case<br />
A real port with 9.6 FR catheter for the Soft-sided case measures<br />
left side of Chester Chest (SB18636U, 21 1 ⁄2" x 17" x 16 1 ⁄2".<br />
page 28). Sh. wt. 0.20 kg.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.27 kg.<br />
SB41588U — $75.90 SB29116U — $ 93.50<br />
Peter PICC Line<br />
The only available teaching model which permits the practice<br />
of placing Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Lines (PICC<br />
Lines). The rapid acceptance and use of PICC lines creates a<br />
need to be able to properly teach this procedure. Peter PICC<br />
Line allows both the teaching and assessment of this insertion<br />
technique. This portable teaching model has translucent<br />
arm skin that allows the visualization of the anatomically correct<br />
cephalic, basilic, and median basilic veins. The axillary jugular,<br />
subclavian, and superior vena cava veins are also present, plus<br />
a movable chin simulates the occlusion of the jugular to prevent<br />
the PICC Line from taking this path. Palpable ribs permit practice<br />
in measuring proper catheter length to the correct intercostal<br />
space. The model also permits the measurement of catheter<br />
length outside of the body and the confirmation of proper placement<br />
by viewing the distal tip of the catheter in the viewable<br />
superior vena cava. Replaceable, barely translucent arm skin<br />
allows visualization of underlying veins. Includes soft carry case.<br />
A great tool for training and skill assessment. Blue veins are<br />
made of natural latex. Sh. wt. 6.35 kg.<br />
SB20132U — $ 762.30<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Arm Skin Replacement<br />
SB41585U Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $74.80<br />
Body Skin Replacement<br />
SB41586U Sh. wt. 0.79 kg. — $136.40<br />
1-800-668-0600 29
Skills Training<br />
Dialysis<br />
Life/form® Hemodialysis Practice Arm<br />
In the tradition of Life/form® products, the Hemodialysis Practice Arm features<br />
the realistic appearance and performance necessary to provide ideal practice<br />
for trainees or patients. This valuable training aid is easy to set up and use to<br />
demonstrate preparing the patient’s arm for hemodialysis. An established fistula<br />
is accessible and the system can be pressurized with artificial blood so that<br />
there is an actual flashback when a needle is introduced. The artificial blood<br />
approximates the pale shades usually common in dialysis patients. Easily<br />
maintained, this simulator is designed with replaceable skin and vascular<br />
system. Complete with one pint Life/form® arterial blood, two<br />
fluid supply bags, instruction manual, and hard carry case.<br />
Fluid supply stand not included. Three-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 7.26 kg.<br />
LF01037U — $ 561.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Hemodialysis Practice Arm Skin & Vein Replacement Kit<br />
LF01040U Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $ 142.95<br />
Hemodialysis Practice Arm Vein Replacement<br />
LF01041U Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $34.05<br />
Hemodialysis Arterial Blood<br />
LF01048U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $ 17.55<br />
Hemodialysis Venous Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
Vein Tubing Sealant Kit<br />
LF01099U Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $ 26.35<br />
Accessible<br />
Fistula<br />
Life/form® Peritoneal Dialysis Simulator<br />
For Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis<br />
Designed to introduce patients, students, and nurses to the essentials of CAPD<br />
procedures and care. The realistic Life/form® torso offers a realistic method to<br />
demonstrate and practice peritoneal dialysis. Success with CAPD is dependent on<br />
the patient’s following dialysis procedures with extreme care. This Life/form® simulator<br />
gives the patient an opportunity to gain the confidence necessary for prolonged<br />
success with CAPD. Complete with indwelling Tenckhoff catheter in a hard<br />
carry case. Dialysis materials not included. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 9.07 kg.<br />
LF01027U — $ 638.00<br />
30<br /><br />
MICROanatomy<br />
Artery & Vein Model<br />
Shows a medium-sized muscular<br />
artery with two adjacent veins from the<br />
antebrachial area with adjoining fat<br />
tissue and muscle enlarged 14 times.<br />
Illustrates the reciprocal anatomical<br />
relationship of artery and vein and<br />
the basic functional techniques of<br />
the venous valves (valve function<br />
and muscle pump). The<br />
left vein and the middle artery<br />
are fenestrated in the upper<br />
anterior segment, revealing<br />
the various layers of the wall<br />
structure in a cross and longitudinal<br />
section and in top view. The right vein is<br />
opened throughout in the anterior segment, revealing the orifice of a<br />
feeder vein and two venous valves (flap valves) formed by a duplication<br />
of the tunica intima. On the rear of the model, the relief of two veins is<br />
shown to illustrate the functional aspect of the venous valves. Mounted<br />
on base. 10 1 ⁄4" x 7 1 ⁄2" x 7 1 ⁄16". Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
SB41493U — $322.30<br />
Help Peritoneal Dialysis<br />
The advent of patient-friendly equipment<br />
has made peritoneal dialysis a<br />
viable treatment of modality for endstage<br />
renal disease. This well-paced,<br />
concise video helps the nurse viewer<br />
understand the difference between<br />
peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis,<br />
the chemical principles involved in<br />
a dialysis exchange, and how to<br />
perform the three types of bag exchanges — spike connection, manual<br />
disconnection, and mechanical disconnection. Four patient-care focuses<br />
are addressed: prevention of infection, fluid and sodium balance, nutrition,<br />
and patient education and support. 31 minutes. Shipped directly<br />
from California factory. Allow extra delivery time. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
Z41662U VHS — $196.90
Vacutainer® Eclipse<br />
Blood Collection Needle Set<br />
This blood collection needle with pre-attached<br />
holder is designed to help you comply with OSHA<br />
SHIB 10-15-03 (Disposal of Contaminated Needles<br />
and Blood Tube Holders Used for Phlebotomy). The<br />
needle’s “bevel up” orientation toward the pink safety<br />
shield provides easy identification of bevel position.<br />
Immediate one-handed safety feature activation reduces<br />
exposure time and doesn’t require a hard surface for activation. The<br />
safety shield allows hands to remain behind the needle at all times, eliminating<br />
the need for a secondary safety accessory device. Uses PrecisionGlide<br />
needle technology to ensure highest quality and needle sharpness. 21 G x 1 1 ⁄4"<br />
Eclipse blood collection needle with luer adapter. Green hub, thin wall<br />
needle with pre-attached holder. Case of 100. Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
SB47368U — $89.65<br />
Vacutainer® Safety-Lok<br />
Blood Collection Wingset<br />
The BD Vacutainer ® Safety-Lok Shield enhances<br />
safety, yet requires no change in technique. Blood<br />
flashback is seen clearly through the translucent<br />
shield. Slim, easy-to-handle design enhances control<br />
and flexibility. Large wing size permits improved<br />
positioning during use and minimized coiling of<br />
tubing facilitates handling. Convenient, integrated<br />
multiple sample luer adapter allows specimen collection<br />
from a “closed system,” further enhancing safety in use.<br />
23 gauge x 3 ⁄4" needle x 12" tubing.<br />
Box of 25. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
SB47366U — $54.45<br />
The SmoothRack<br />
Tubes will never slip into an adjacent<br />
position with this rack. Accommodates<br />
a wide range of tubes, 10 mm-17 mm<br />
in diameter. Capacity: 72 tubes. Constructed<br />
of autoclavable polypropylene.<br />
9 3 ⁄4" x 5" x 2 1 ⁄2". Sh. wt. 0.31 kg.<br />
SB46775U — $14.85<br />
Winged Infusion Set, Pkg. of 12.<br />
Needle with tubing only. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
LF01117U — $34.05<br />
Venous Blood Collection Tubes<br />
Tubes for serum determination in chemistry<br />
and serology. Box of 100 Vacutainer ® Plus<br />
plastic serum tubes (13 mm x 75 mm x 4.0 ml)<br />
with red Hemogard closure, paper label,<br />
clot activator, and silicone-coated interior.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB47367U — $27.50<br />
Tubes not<br />
included<br />
Visualizing Blood Poster<br />
Extraordinary electron micrograph<br />
images provide a stunning, up-close<br />
look at human blood cells. Vivid illustrations<br />
detail blood types, agglutination,<br />
and clotting. Also depicted are<br />
common blood disorders including<br />
leukemia, sickle cell, and others.<br />
Measures 23" W x 35" H. Laminated.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.20 kg.<br />
SB46903U — $24.15<br />
For lab furniture,<br />
see page 188.<br />
Skills Training<br />
Wound Care & Bandaging<br />
SB46439U<br />
Knee-Length Lab Coats<br />
Lab coats that combine style, comfort, and value. Made<br />
of 65% Dacron ® and 35% finely combed cotton to<br />
withstand many launderings. Features a lapel collar;<br />
double-thickness cuffs; adjustable belt in back; upper<br />
left pencil-seamed breast pocket; two deep, roomy lower<br />
pockets; side slit openings; and buttons. Wash and dry.<br />
White. Fabric U.S.A.<br />
Men. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB08098U Medium (40)<br />
SB08099U Large (44)<br />
SB08100U X-large (48)<br />
Each — $14.75<br />
Tourniquets<br />
Nonsterile. 18" x 1". Single use.<br />
Latex free. Bag of 250.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.93 kg.<br />
SB47369U — $37.70<br />
Women. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB10912U Small (36)<br />
SB10913U Medium (40)<br />
SB10914U Large (42)<br />
Each — $20.85<br />
SB47161U<br />
E8 Centrifuges<br />
Accommodates most test tubes from 3 ml to 15 ml. The wide stance eliminates<br />
wobbles and vibrations, while the suction-cupped feet prevent slipping.<br />
The brushless 110V motor is virtually maintenance-free, and the lid port<br />
allows easy viewing and tach-ing of specimens while in use. Each centrifuge<br />
includes an eight-place tube rotor, eight 15 ml tube sleeves, and eight<br />
13 mm x 75 mm tube sleeve inserts. Maximum RCF: 1,350 g. 10" H x<br />
10" L x 10" W. One-year warranty.<br />
Fixed Speed. Features 3,300 rpm fixed speed and<br />
auto-off 30-minute timer with bell. Sh. wt. 5.90 kg.<br />
SB46439U — $336.55<br />
Variable Speed. Features 3,300 rpm variable speed,<br />
timer, and lid safety shut-off switch. Sh. wt. 5.90 kg.<br />
SB47161U — $423.50<br />
Econo-Blue Nitrile Gloves<br />
Adenna ® NPF Nitrile powder-free examination gloves<br />
offer a valuable and dependable solution for those<br />
allergic to natural latex. These gloves, formulated with<br />
100% synthetic nitrile polymer, are latex-free, powderfree,<br />
and odor-free. Superior tensile strength and<br />
barrier protection. Box of 100 for sizes small, medium,<br />
and large; box of 90 for X-large. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
C20030U Small C20031U Medium<br />
C20032U Large C20033U X-large<br />
Per box, each — $10.90<br />
10 or more boxes, each — $10.00<br />
20 or more boxes, each — $9.35<br />
1-800-668-0600 31
Skills Training<br />
Suture Practice<br />
Life/form® Suture Kit<br />
An inexpensive kit that offers practicing<br />
sutures at all levels. Suitable for students<br />
who need to learn or health care professionals<br />
who want to perfect the different<br />
types and techniques of sutures and other<br />
skills needed for wound closure. The<br />
instructor or student will have the ability<br />
to make incisions and determine the<br />
depth of suturing and the technique<br />
to be used. Practice<br />
and demonstrate tying knots,<br />
stapling and placement of<br />
staples, use of surgical glue,<br />
suturing deep tissue<br />
(placement and closure),<br />
and suturing subcutaneous<br />
tissue (placement<br />
and closure). Features<br />
epidermis, dermis, fascia,<br />
fat, and muscle layers.<br />
The skin will allow placement and closure of superficial sutures.<br />
Includes suture pad, tray to hold pad, durable carry case, needle holder, suture<br />
scissors, tissue forceps, scalpel, nylon suture, and small carry case to hold the<br />
instruments. Pad measures 6" L x 4" W x 1 1 ⁄2" D. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.36 kg.<br />
LF01042U White — $170.45<br />
NEW! LF01057U Black — $170.45<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Life/form® Suture Replacement Pad<br />
LF01043U White. Each. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg. — $49.45<br />
LF01043(A)U White. Pkg. of 10. Sh. wt. 6.35 kg.— $429.00<br />
LF01067U Black. Each. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg. — $49.45<br />
LF01067(A)U Black. Pkg. of 10. Sh. wt. 7.26 kg.— $429.00<br />
LF01057U<br />
Suture Replacement<br />
Includes 4-0 reverse cutting<br />
nylon suture.<br />
LF07000U Each.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $13.15<br />
LF07000(A)U Pkg. of 5.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $58.60<br />
Suturing Collection<br />
Use these programs as initial and supplemental<br />
training of medical and nursing students, medics,<br />
hospital, and EMS providers. This collection shows<br />
practical, how-to-do-it skills that are essential to<br />
these healthcare providers. Topics include: How to<br />
Suture a Wound, Basic Suturing in the Emergency<br />
Room, Preparation and Handling of Suture and<br />
Needles, Suturing Examples, and Knot Tying<br />
Examples. Approx. 50 minutes. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
SB48062U DVD — $43.95<br />
Life/form® Suture Kit<br />
with Suturing DVD Collection<br />
Includes Lifeform ®<br />
Suture Kit<br />
(LF01042U, left) and Suturing DVD Collection<br />
(SB48062U, above). Approx. 50 minutes.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.27 kg.<br />
LF01049U DVD — $181.45<br />
Life/form® Suture and Stapling Practice Trainers<br />
Made with a soft vinyl skin over a core of stitchable foam to provide a lifelike suturing experience<br />
for students or a realistic suturing demonstration by an instructor. Realistic skin texture<br />
with wrinkles, pores, and visible fingerprints. Soft and pliable for easy sewing, the skin is tough<br />
enough that sutures will not pull out when tightened. Each unit provides three pre-existing<br />
“wounds.” These “wounds” can be sutured repeatedly until the skin around them is finally worn<br />
out; then, new “wounds” can be cut. Although disposable, the trainers provide hundreds of<br />
suturing experiences before wearing out. Conservatively, over one hundred cuts can be made on<br />
each trainer and each of these cuts can be sutured several times. Three-year warranty.<br />
Life/form® Suture and Stapling Practice Leg<br />
Complete with a starter package of sutures and instruction manual.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.27 kg.<br />
LF01034U — $242.00<br />
Life/form® Suture and Stapling Practice Arm<br />
Complete with a starter package of sutures and instruction manual.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
LF01028U — $ 181.45<br />
Life/form® Suture and Stapling Practice Set<br />
Includes both the Leg (LF01034U) and Arm (LF01028U) Suture and<br />
Stapling Practice Trainers above. Sh. wt. 4.08 kg.<br />
LF01031U — $401.50<br />
32<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Suture Replacement<br />
Includes 4-0 reverse cutting nylon suture.<br /><br />
C00879U<br />
LF07000U Each. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $13.15<br />
LF07000(A)U Pkg. of 5. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $58.60<br />
Mayo Hegar Needle Holder<br />
Highly polished stainless steel, 6" long. Box lock narrow jaw,<br />
serrated and indented. Ratchet lock handle. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
C00879U — $4.75
Skills Training<br />
Suture Practice/First Aid<br />
LF01046U<br />
Life/form®<br />
Facial Suturing Module Set<br />
Now that your students have mastered basic<br />
suturing skills on a flat pad, offer them more challenging<br />
real-life scenarios with the Life/form® Facial Suturing<br />
Module Set. Use these handy portable trainers to help<br />
build confidence and technique in the repair of complex<br />
lacerations to the mouth, nose, ear and eye. The soft,<br />
lifelike skin can be cut and stitched many times, then<br />
easily replaced over the permanent core and base.<br />
Completely washable and nontoxic. Set includes scalpel,<br />
forceps, needle holder and scissors in a soft case, baby<br />
powder, and one nylon suture. Three-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
LF01046U — $275.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Nose Skin<br />
Includes one replacement nose skin. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF01046(A)U — $52.75<br />
Replacement Mouth Skin<br />
Includes one replacement mouth skin. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF01046(B)U — $52.75<br />
Replacement Ear Skin<br />
Includes one replacement ear skin. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF01046(C)U — $52.75<br />
Replacement Eye Skin<br />
Includes one replacement eye skin.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF01046(D)U — $52.75<br />
Suture Replacement<br />
Includes 4-0 reverse cutting nylon<br />
suture.<br />
LF07000U<br />
Each. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $13.15<br />
LF07000(A)U<br />
Pkg. of 5. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $58.60<br />
Life/form® Pediatric Suture Head Kit<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> is pleased to offer the ultimate in suture practice! This<br />
appealing trainer will build essential techniques in the repair of<br />
almost any laceration to the face and scalp. Great for practice in draping<br />
and bedside skills as well. The soft, lifelike skin can be cut and sutured<br />
hundreds of times, then simply replaced over the permanent core and base.<br />
Completely washable and nontoxic. The trainer comes with scalpel, forceps,<br />
needle holder and scissors in a soft case, one nylon suture, simulated blood,<br />
and baby powder. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 3.18 kg.<br />
LF01047U — $275.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Pediatric Head Skin<br />
Includes one replacement pediatric head skin. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
LF01047(A)U — $120.95<br />
Suture Replacement<br />
Includes 4-0 reverse cutting nylon suture.<br />
LF07000U Each. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $13.15<br />
LF07000(A)U Pkg. of 5. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $58.60<br />
Deep Tissue Suture Training Model<br />
Perfect for practicing subcutaneous and deep suturing, this unique<br />
training model includes epidermis, dermis, fat, and muscle layers.<br />
Also features a layer of fascia between the muscle and fat, allowing<br />
for more realistic practice. Additional incisions may be made to practice<br />
a variety of suturing techniques. Can also be used to demonstrate<br />
stapling and proper use of surgical glue. Layers simulate realistic<br />
retention of sutures. Comes with plastic stand. Measures 5" x 5 1 ⁄4" x 1 1 ⁄2".<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
SB43094U — $166.35<br />
1-800-668-0600 33
Skills Training<br />
Diabetes<br />
Life/form® Injection Belly<br />
This soft stomach replica will be an invaluable<br />
tool for teaching patients how to properly insert<br />
and rotate the infusion set for insulin pumps,<br />
avoiding the 2" (5 cm) area around the<br />
navel, as well as giving self-injections of<br />
many types including pen-style injections.<br />
The trainer has lifelike skin with<br />
what feels like real stomach tissue<br />
underneath. There is a soft plastic<br />
backing to keep needles from going<br />
through and holes to allow the material<br />
to breathe and dry, should you<br />
choose to inject liquids. Distilled water<br />
may be injected, but the more liquid<br />
that is injected into the simulator, the<br />
longer the time for evaporation.<br />
Actual insulin or other medications<br />
should not be used, as they may<br />
deteriorate the material. The<br />
injection belly is considered<br />
disposable; however, with<br />
proper care and treatment<br />
it will serve its purpose for a<br />
long period of time. Using the<br />
smallest needles possible when<br />
simulating injections and rotating the insertion<br />
points will help prolong the life of the<br />
trainer. Dimensions: 10" L x 6" W x 1 1 ⁄4" H.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.43 kg.<br />
WA28395U — $82.80<br />
Life/form®<br />
Diabetic Injection Pad<br />
This pad that looks and feels like human skin<br />
is ideal for diabetic instruction and injection<br />
practice. May be worn on the body in specific<br />
locations (abdomen, thigh, upper arm)<br />
to allow patients to inject fluids into the pad<br />
to practice giving themselves injections. Pad<br />
is thick enough to accept all insulin needles.<br />
For safety purposes, the 6 1 ⁄4" L x 4 1 ⁄4" W x<br />
3<br />
⁄4" D oval pad has a hard plastic backing<br />
to prevent the needle from poking through<br />
the pad and into the wearer’s skin. Has a<br />
1" wide nylon strap with an adjustable plastic<br />
buckle. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg.<br />
WA18238U — $ 60.80<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Injection Pad<br />
WA18338U Sh. wt. 0.14 kg. — $41.75<br />
Life/form® Diabetes<br />
Mellitus Teaching Kit<br />
Betty Wedman-St. Louis,<br />
PhD, RD, LD.<br />
Explain the signs, symptoms,<br />
and health problems associated<br />
with diabetes using this 3-D<br />
display. Also included in the kit<br />
is a 4-page booklet. Subjects<br />
include diagnosis, treatment,<br />
complications, eyes, kidneys,<br />
arteries, and nerves. The model<br />
is mounted on a sturdy, 9" x 12"<br />
plaque with wire stand for easy<br />
desk or tabletop display. Hand<br />
painted. Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
WA20495U — $109.20<br />
Simulated<br />
Diabetes Testing Lab<br />
Students can now learn about<br />
a disease that affects more<br />
than 38 million Americans<br />
in a hands-on lab investigation.<br />
Study the types, causes,<br />
symptoms, and treatments for<br />
diabetes. Perform standard<br />
diagnostic tests on a fictional patient using simulated blood and urine<br />
samples. Diagnose the patient based upon the test results and their<br />
medical history, then develop a plan for managing the patient’s condition.<br />
For class size up to 40. Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
SB39907U — $65.95<br />
Subcutaneous Self-Injection<br />
Certain medications, such as insulin, are best administered through injection into<br />
the subcutaneous space, just beneath the skin. Many patients learn to give themselves<br />
these injections. This 5-minute DVD is designed to assist in the training of<br />
individuals to give themselves subcutaneous injections. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
SB48066U DVD — $27.45<br />
34<br /><br />
Carb Counting TearPad<br />
Finally, a large TearPad that diabetic patients can read! These 11" x<br />
17" sheets have foods from each of the food groups as well as fats<br />
and sweets displayed as examples of one-carb servings with information<br />
identifying about 15 grams as being one carb unit. The back gives<br />
general information about counting carbs. There is a place to personalize<br />
directions for the specific patient being counseled. Give them a<br />
daily calorie target and daily carb allowance. The TearPad has ample<br />
room for patients to record food intake for a week. Also includes handy<br />
symbols for hand equivalents of 1 cup, 3 oz., 1 oz., 1 tsp., and more.<br />
TearPad of 50 sheets. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
WA26778U — $13.20
Skills Training<br />
Diabetes and Wound Care<br />
WA22223U<br />
SB43092U<br />
SB43091U<br />
Diabetic Foot Models<br />
Life-size, BIOLIKE2 replicas are ideal for student education and patient<br />
training. The Diabetic Foot Model features three ulcers in various stages of<br />
development as well as other features commonly associated with diabetes.<br />
The Severe Diabetic Foot Model illustrates more severe consequences of diabetes,<br />
including an amputated toe, Charcot foot deformity, severe infection,<br />
and gangrene. Each comes with a carrying case and instruction card. Models<br />
measure approximately 3 1 ⁄2" x 9 1 ⁄2" x 4".<br />
SB43091U Diabetic Foot Model. Sh. wt. 1.36 kg. — $122.60<br />
SB43092U Severe Diabetic Foot Model. Sh. wt. 1.36 kg. — $122.60<br />
Diabetic Foot Model Set<br />
Includes both models listed above. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
SB43093U — $232.95<br />
Type 2 Diabetes Set<br />
Educate patients about Type 2 diabetes<br />
using these models. The education<br />
card included illustrates effects associated<br />
with Type 2 diabetes, including<br />
stroke, non-inflammatory disease of<br />
the retina, hypertensive heart disease,<br />
hardening of the kidney, hardening of<br />
the arteries, insulin resistance, neuropathy,<br />
and foot ulcerations. Models<br />
include miniature brain, eye, heart,<br />
kidney, artery, pancreas, neuron, and<br />
foot. Model display stands 10" tall.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.36 kg.<br />
SB46335U — $152.35<br />
WA25981U<br />
WA21216U<br />
Complete Diabetic Foot Care Education<br />
A comprehensive kit for teaching about common foot problems and proper<br />
foot care. Includes <strong>Nasco</strong>’s Common Foot Problems Display, Life/form®<br />
Unhealthy Foot Care Kit, and <strong>Nasco</strong>’s Common Diabetic Foot Problems<br />
TearPad. The Common Foot Problems Display is an incredibly realistic, lifesize,<br />
hand-painted Life/form® foot replica molded from an actual human foot.<br />
Abnormalities include bunion, callus, corn, inflamed toenail, open sore, and dry,<br />
cracked skin. Great for use when working with diabetic patients. The Unhealthy<br />
Foot Care Kit includes a hand-painted Life/form® foot replica to help teach<br />
the importance of proper foot care and nutrition to people with diabetes. This<br />
replica shows the distal end of the foot with an invasive wound on the bottom<br />
of foot and surface inflammation around the big toe and second toe. Life-size<br />
foot is constructed of soft, lifelike material with flexible toes. The Common<br />
Diabetic Foot Problems TearPad explains common diabetic foot problems in<br />
a clear and easy-to-understand format. Just tear off a sheet and send it home<br />
with your diabetic client so they can study and learn how to care for their<br />
feet. Emphasizes eating properly and keeping blood glucose under control.<br />
The front side explains common foot problems and the back side gives<br />
tips on how to care for feet, highlighting some of the dos and don’ts.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.93 kg.<br />
WA29842U — $98.95<br />
Life/form® Common Foot Problems Display<br />
Includes three information sheets, plus a reproducible Diabetic Foot Screen sheet<br />
(all 8 1 ⁄2" x 11"). Overall dimensions: 9" L x 3 3 ⁄4" W x 4 1 ⁄2" H. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
WA22223U — $66.55<br />
Life/form® Unhealthy Foot Care Kit<br />
Includes a 4-page, 8 1 ⁄2" x 5 1 ⁄2" booklet providing information on foot care<br />
with diabetes. ©2000. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
WA21216U — $ 39.05<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Common Diabetic Foot Problems TearPad<br />
Pad of 50 sheets. 11" x 8 1 ⁄2". Sh. wt. 0.37 kg.<br />
WA25981U — $10.95<br />
Diabetes Model (4-Part)<br />
Age 11 and up.<br />
Easy model to show patients how<br />
diabetes affects body systems and organs.<br />
Indicates structures and organs with vascular<br />
effects due to diabetes. Includes sectioned<br />
model of Bowman’s capsule (kidney), artery,<br />
nerve, and posterior section of eye. Includes<br />
6 1 ⁄2" x 5 1 ⁄4" informative card. Handle does not<br />
disassemble from the model. Full model size<br />
(not including handle): 3 1 ⁄2" x 2 1 ⁄8". Handle size:<br />
4 15 ⁄16" x 1 13 ⁄16". Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
WA29777U — $47.85<br />
Diabetes<br />
Education Kit<br />
Purchase our most<br />
popular diabetes<br />
teaching products<br />
along with a few new<br />
items. A great value<br />
that includes: Diabetic<br />
Injection Pad, Foot Care<br />
Kit, Unhealthy Foot Care<br />
Kit, Diabetes Toss-Up Ball,<br />
Diabetic Foot Tear Pad, Carb<br />
Counting Tear Pad, and storage case. (1) Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
WA26786U — $150.15<br />
1-800-668-0600 35
Skills Training<br />
Wound Care<br />
Life/form® Ultra Nursing Wound Simulation Kit<br />
The “ultimate” kit designed to assist nursing educators in creating medical experiences that used to only be found in clinical settings. Nursing assessment<br />
is based on sensory experiences – what is felt, seen, heard and smelled. Wound simulation supports sensory perception in a nursing scenario and<br />
assists students in confirming physical signs, realism, and critical thinking. Realistic, simulated conditions and injuries test the natural feelings and reactions that<br />
would occur in actual patient situations. The instructor-created simulation scenarios assist students with making assessments, prioritizing patients, and determining<br />
correct treatments. Simulation allows students to make critical mistakes without endangering a live patient, providing them with realistic patient interaction and<br />
enabling them to gain experience and gain confidence before entering real-life clinical situations. The more realistic the simulation, the greater the learning experience.<br />
Applications of wounds, blisters, abrasions, bruises, and much more act as visual aids. Moulage adds enough realism for students to become completely<br />
engaged in the scenarios presented. It allows them to feel the patient or patient simulator is someone for whom they must provide appropriate care. Using very<br />
quick, basic simulations and simple makeup, the simulated three-dimensional lifelike wounds can be cleaned, sutured, bandaged, etc., for a realistic nursing<br />
experience. Nursing simulation can use simple makeup and include wounds applied to a real person’s or patient simulator’s limbs, chest, head, or any other part<br />
of the body. The simulation can be as basic or advanced as needed by also adding other elements of realism, including sweat, blood, pus, mucous, or any other<br />
“recipes” needed to create a realistic learning environment. The Life/form® Ultra Nursing Wound Simulation Kit includes everything needed to create complex<br />
scenarios to assist students with a multitude of sensory perception experiences. Included are 32 simulated wounds, makeup, and makeup accessories all packaged<br />
in a hard carry case. Sh. wt. 10.89 kg.<br />
LF00720U — $1,402.50<br />
Kit includes:<br />
Wounds:<br />
• Abrasion ( LF00734U)<br />
• Blisters (LF00726U)<br />
• Blood Blisters (LF00727U)<br />
• Boils (LF00739U)<br />
• Burns (1st degree, 2nd degree superficial<br />
partial, 2nd degree deep partial, and<br />
3rd degree) (LF00725U)<br />
• Cysts — pilar and sebaceous (LF00732U)<br />
• Dihiscence (LF00736U)<br />
• Incisions — normal and infected (LF00735U)<br />
• Infected Cyst — pus-filled (LF00733U)<br />
• Lacerations — superficial and deep<br />
(LF00737U)<br />
• Moles/Skin Cancer — normal, basal cell<br />
carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and<br />
melanoma (LF00731U)<br />
• Ostomies — normal, double barrel, infected,<br />
prolapsed, and necrotic (LF00738U)<br />
• Pressure ulcers — stages 1-4 (LF00730U)<br />
Makeup and Accessories:<br />
• Alcohol Prep Swabs<br />
• Blood Gel with Brush (LF00750U)<br />
• Blood Packets (blue and red) (LF01178U)<br />
• Blood Paste (LF00751U)<br />
• Brushes<br />
• Castor Seal (LF00790U)<br />
• Cold Cream<br />
• Cotton Balls<br />
• Cotton Swabs<br />
• Craft Sticks<br />
• Drop Cloths<br />
• Flip-Top Pint Squeeze Bottle (empty)<br />
• Foam Wedges<br />
• Glycerin<br />
• Grease Makeup<br />
• Hard Carry Case<br />
• KY Jelly (LF01116U)<br />
• Liner Pencils (white, black, red, and brown)<br />
• Liquid Latex (LF00754U)<br />
• Magic Blood Powder (LF00758U)<br />
• Makeup Remover (LF00757U)<br />
• Methyl Cellulose (LF03774U)<br />
• Mixing Palette (6-well)<br />
• Modeling Clay (beige, terra cotta, brown, sienna)<br />
• Modeling Tools<br />
• Modeling Wax — blood colored (LF00753U)<br />
• Modeling Wax — flesh colored (LF00752U)<br />
• Mucous (LF00759(C)U)<br />
• <strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner (LF09919U)<br />
• Nitrile Disposable Gloves<br />
• Palette Knife<br />
• Pencil Sharpener<br />
• Petroleum Jelly<br />
• Pus (LF00759(B)U)<br />
• Red Rubber Round<br />
• Scissors<br />
• Sea Sponge<br />
• Spirit Gum with Brush<br />
(LF00755U)<br />
• Spirit Gum Remover<br />
(LF00756U)<br />
• Spray Bottle (empty)<br />
• Stipple Sponges<br />
• Syringes<br />
• Stool (LF00759(A)U) • Wet Wipes<br />
Grease Paint Makeup Wheels<br />
Each 1-oz. wheel contains a different<br />
color palette. Sh. wt. 0.03 kg.<br />
Injury Shades Wheel. Contains<br />
six colors commonly used to create<br />
bruises and contusions: warm honey,<br />
maroon, dark purple, yellow, forest<br />
green, and thunder gray.<br />
LF00760U — $20.30<br />
Primary Colors Wheel. Includes five<br />
colors: white, black, red, yellow,<br />
and blue.<br />
LF00761U — $20.30<br />
Special Effects Shades Wheel.<br />
Six colors include: medium honey,<br />
green, light cream, ebony, red, and<br />
milk chocolate.<br />
LF00762U — $20.30<br />
36<br />
Grease Paint Makeup<br />
Made especially for use over simulated wounds and latex.<br />
Coats the simulated wounds, latex, and skin sufficiently to allow<br />
a natural look. Offers great coverage over a wide variety of skin<br />
and simulated skin surfaces. Each jar is 1 ⁄2 oz. Sh. wt. 0.03 kg.<br />
LF00763U Capillary Shadow LF00774U Forest Green<br />
LF00764U Blood Blister LF00775U Blue<br />
LF00765U Blithe Spirit LF00776U Dark Purple<br />
LF00766U Rose Blush LF00777U Clotted Red<br />
LF00767U Mold Green LF00778U Corpse Flesh<br />
LF00768U White LF00779U Frankie Gray<br />
LF00769U Black LF00780U Light Cream<br />
LF00770U Red LF00781U Ebony<br />
LF00771U Green LF00782U Milk Chocolate<br />
LF00772U Deep Yellow LF00783U Medium Honey<br />
LF00773U Yellow LF00784U Warm Honey<br />
Each — $12.05<br />
5 or more, mix-and-match, each — $10.95<br /><br />
Creme Makeup Wheel (Auguste)<br />
Colors include white, Auguste light, red, and<br />
black creme foundations. Sh. wt. 0.03 kg.<br />
LF00789U — $15.35<br />
Black Soot Powder<br />
Skin-safe specialty powder for realistic burn,<br />
charring, and grease effects. 5-oz. jar.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF00786U — $14.25<br />
Ash Dust Powder<br />
Skin-safe specialty powder for realistic<br />
distress effects. 5-oz. jar. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF00787U — $14.25<br />
Dirt Powder<br />
Skin-safe powder that simulates real dirt.<br />
5-oz. jar. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF00788U — $14.25
Skills Training<br />
Wound Care<br />
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4<br />
Life/form® Pressure Ulcer/Bedsore Models<br />
Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores or decubitus wounds,<br />
affect over one million adults every year. The wounds can range<br />
from superficial and mildly red on the skin surface to an extremely<br />
infected, deep, open wound penetrating down to the bone with<br />
blackened or dead tissue. These models illustrate all four wound<br />
stages and are used to give instruction on the care and cleaning<br />
of the ulcers. The four stages include:<br />
• Stage 1 — Reddening, unbroken skin<br />
• Stage 2 — Open wound that is reddened with partial skin loss<br />
• Stage 3 — Deep, open wound that reaches through all layers of skin<br />
and into the muscle<br />
• Stage 4 — Severe, deep, open wound that reaches through all layers<br />
of skin and damages muscle, bone, tendons, and joints<br />
The Life/form® Pressure Ulcer/Bedsore Models are made with our lifelike skin.<br />
Includes four buttocks models representing each stage, four display easels, and<br />
instruction key card. Measures 6 1 ⁄2" x 6 1 ⁄4" x 1". Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 3.63 kg.<br />
LF00934U White — $392.70<br />
LF00945U Black — $392.70<br />
LF00934U<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Glue-Off<br />
Removes gummy residue left by adhesive bandages.<br />
4-oz. container with brush. Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
LF01023U — $10.20<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form®<br />
simulators. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $19.95<br />
LF00945U<br />
LF00944U<br />
Life/form® Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot<br />
Chronic foot ulcers affect elderly the most, so we have designed the Life/form® Elderly Pressure Ulcer<br />
Foot for instruction on care and cleaning of pressure ulcers in various stages. Pressure ulcers are more<br />
likely to appear over pressure points such as heels, tips of toes, between toes, or anywhere the bones<br />
may protrude and rub against socks, shoes, or bed sheets. This replica contains all four severity stages:<br />
• Stage 1 — Located on the bottom of the toe. Surface of the skin is red.<br />
• Stage 2 — Located on the bottom of the foot just under the toe. Surface of the skin is red<br />
and deeper into the skin layers.<br />
• Stage 3 — Located on the side of the foot. Surface of the skin is red, looks more like a crater,<br />
and reaches the bottom layer of the skin.<br />
• Stage 4 — Located on the heel of the foot. Surface of the skin is red. A great amount of tissue<br />
has been damaged, including muscle, bone, joints, and tendons.<br />
The Life/form® Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot includes a foot and instruction key card. Measures<br />
9 1 ⁄2" x 4". Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
LF00933U White — $119.85 LF00944U Black — $119.85<br />
LF00933U<br />
Stage 1 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 4<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Glue-Off<br />
Removes gummy residue left by<br />
adhesive bandages. 4-oz. container<br />
with brush. Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
LF01023U — $10.20<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains<br />
from Life/form® simulators.<br />
12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $19.95<br />
Skills that can be practiced:<br />
• Assessment of stages (3+ and non-pitting)<br />
• Assessment of depth (6mm and no depth)<br />
• Assessment of rebound time to baseline<br />
• Feel of non-pitting stage<br />
Life/form®<br />
Non-Pitting<br />
Edema Trainer<br />
The Life/form®<br />
Non-Pitting Edema<br />
Trainer represents<br />
a non-pitting stage<br />
of edema, also<br />
known as brawny edema, which is a very hard, fibrotic tissue<br />
that does not indent when pressed. The life-like simulated<br />
tissue feels rock-hard, making pitting impossible. For comparison,<br />
the trainer also includes a Stage 3+ (6mm) edema pad<br />
with deep pitting that remains for a short time when the tissue<br />
is pressed. Includes two tissue pads representing a non-pitting<br />
stage and a pitting stage, insert tray, key card with cleaning/<br />
care instructions, and storage box. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
LF00946U — $56.05<br />
Skills that can be practiced:<br />
• Assessment of stages (1+ through 4+)<br />
• Assessment of depth (2mm – 8mm)<br />
• Assessment of rebound time to baseline<br />
Life/form® Pitting Edema Trainer<br />
Classroom discussions will come alive when practicing<br />
skills on this interesting and unique trainer. Part of<br />
patient assessment includes observation of swelling in<br />
the extremities. Swelling is caused by the abnormal accumulation of fluid within the interstitial<br />
spaces of tissue. Pressing on the surface of the skin may leave an indentation that does not<br />
immediately rebound once the pressure is released. This indentation is known as pitting edema.<br />
Pitting edema is a subjective observation and is graded by the depth of the indentation and the<br />
time it persists after the release of pressure. The Life/form® Pitting Edema Trainer uses life-like<br />
simulated tissue to demonstrate Stages 1+ through 4+:<br />
• Stage 1+ — Mild pitting, slight indentation (2mm), no perceptible swelling of area<br />
• Stage 2+ — Moderate pitting, indentation (4mm) subsides rapidly<br />
• Stage 3+ — Deep pitting, indentation (6mm) remains for a short time, area looks swollen<br />
• Stage 4+ — Very deep pitting, indentation (8mm) lasts a long time, area is very swollen<br />
Includes four tissue pads representing each stage, insert tray, key card with cleaning/care instructions,<br />
and storage box. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
LF00947U — $112.15<br />
1-800-668-0600 37
Skills Training<br />
Wound Care<br />
"Wilma" Wound Foot<br />
Molded from a real foot for a true-life experience when assessing the<br />
variouswounds. Twenty different conditions are presented so you can see<br />
and understand how they are different. Great care has been taken to color<br />
each wound just as you would see it on a patient. Once the different etiologies are<br />
understood, you can discuss and devise treatment plans that will deliver optimized patient<br />
care. The following wounds and abnormalities are included: pressure ulcers, deep tissue<br />
injury, callus, amputated toe, gangrene, maceration, partial thickness wounds, corn, ingrown<br />
toenail, blister, hammer toes, and skin stapled wound. Measures 12 1 ⁄2" x 8" x 3 5 ⁄8". Comes<br />
with positioning base for “hands free” access to all the sites when applying dressings or<br />
teaching. Sh. wt. 2.27 kg.<br />
SB46503U — $522.50<br />
Carry/Storage Case for “Wilma” Wound Foot<br />
Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
SB47339U — $39.60<br />
SB46503U<br />
Bottom<br />
Top<br />
Seymour II Wound<br />
Care Model<br />
Made with a flexible, lifelike<br />
material that permits the<br />
application and easy removal<br />
of dressings, without<br />
leaving an adhesive residue.<br />
Model is molded from<br />
an actual 74-year-old patient<br />
so it looks and feels like the real<br />
thing. Displays the following pressure<br />
ulcers: Stage I; Stage II; Stage III<br />
with undermining, tunneling, subcutaneous<br />
fat and slough; and deep Stage IV<br />
with exposed bones, undermining,<br />
tunneling, subcutaneous fat, eschar and<br />
slough. Also shown are a suspected Deep Tissue<br />
Injury, unstageable full eschar/slough wound, and 5 1 ⁄2" dehisced wound.<br />
The Stage III and Stage IV are positioned so that a “bridging” dressing for<br />
use with a vacuum assisted closure and negative pressure wound therapy<br />
devices can be demonstrated and practiced. You are able to demonstrate<br />
and practice wound cleansing, classification, staging, and assessment, as<br />
well as the measurement of wound length, depth, undermining, and tunneling.<br />
The positioning of the wounds permits multiple dressings to be demonstrated<br />
at the same time. Model measures 12" x 13 1 ⁄2" x 6". Sh. wt. 2.95 kg.<br />
SB46502U — $563.20<br />
Carry Case for Semour II Wound Model<br />
Durable, heavy-duty cloth case with storage area for dressing supplies.<br />
Dimensions: 14¾" x 14½" x 8¼". Sh. wt. 1.93 kg.<br />
SB30098U — $ 72.60<br />
Bedsore Cleansing and Dressing Model<br />
The varying stages of pressure sores on this unique model can be washed,<br />
treated with antiseptics or most medicines, and dressed — just like real<br />
flesh. Made from BIOLIKE2 synthetic tissue. Comes with an aluminum<br />
carry case and draping sheet. 14 1 ⁄2" x 9 1 ⁄2" x 3 1 ⁄2". Sh. wt. 4.99 kg.<br />
SB14941U — $ 231.80<br />
38<br /><br />
"Pat" Pressure<br />
Ulcer Model<br />
A unique, compact,<br />
comprehensive, and<br />
realistic model that<br />
is an effective tool<br />
for identifying and<br />
staging pressure<br />
ulcers. Also a great<br />
visual aid to show<br />
what can occur<br />
without proper<br />
care. Displays<br />
Stage I, II, III, and IV pressure ulcers; an unstageable eschar/slough wound;<br />
an intact blister; open wound; undermining; tunneling; and exposed bone,<br />
tendon, and muscle. The darkly pigmented skin section shows how different a<br />
Stage I, blood blister, and suspected Deep Tissue Injury may appear depending<br />
on the pigmentation. The DTIs have a “spongy/soft” feel, which is especially<br />
helpful in darkly pigmented patients where visualization of the injury may not<br />
be apparent. Routine cleansing and dressing changes can be taught and<br />
practiced on all wounds, and you won’t need to constantly cleanse the skin of<br />
residual adhesive. Model measures 8 1 ⁄4" x 12 1 ⁄2" x 1 3 ⁄4". Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
SB46506U — $466.40<br />
Carry/Storage Case for "Pat" Pressure Ulcer Model<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB47341U — $39.60<br />
"Stan" Stage IV<br />
Pressure Ulcer Model<br />
Designed for teaching and training<br />
with vacuum assisted closure<br />
and negative pressure wound<br />
therapy devices, this model<br />
features a large sacral Stage<br />
IV pressure ulcer, with exposed<br />
bone of the coccyx, undermining,<br />
tunneling, slough, eschar, and a<br />
Stage III pressure ulcer on the left<br />
buttocks. The large size and depth<br />
of the Stage IV pressure ulcer, as well<br />
as the undermining and tunneling,<br />
make it ideal for practicing the proper<br />
dressing and preparation of a large wound<br />
for use with a negative pressure wound<br />
therapy device. The Stage III pressure ulcer is<br />
positioned so that the Stage IV can be dressed by itself or a “bridging” dressing<br />
can be applied to the Stage IV and Stage III to demonstrate and practice<br />
this skill. Permits the application and removal of dressings without leaving an<br />
adhesive residue. Measures 9" x 9" x 4 1 ⁄2". Sh. wt. 1.36 kg.<br />
SB46505U — $387.20<br />
Carry/Storage Case for "Stan" Stage IV Pressure Ulcer Model<br />
Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
SB47340U — $39.60
Skills Training<br />
Wound Care<br />
Life/form® Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy<br />
(NPWT) Trainers<br />
The Life/form® Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Trainers<br />
assist with the instruction of advanced therapy management for many types of<br />
acute and chronic wounds. Use the trainers for demonstration of application,<br />
placement, and management of a negative-pressure wound therapy system and<br />
for the care of wounds. These unique trainers have different depths of wound care,<br />
including tunneling. The lifelike texture of the skin and realistic appearance of the<br />
wounds give added realism to training. Appropriate wound care bandaging products can<br />
be used. Trainer dimensions: 8½" L x 8½" W x 2" D, 7" L x 7" W x 1" D, and 9" L x 9" W x 2½" D.<br />
Pump device and bandaging supplies not included. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 3.40 kg.<br />
LF00948U — $275.00<br />
Pressure Ulcers<br />
Pressure ulcers and other types of chronic nonhealing wounds are a significant<br />
— even life-threatening — health risk. This program analyzes pressure<br />
ulcer formation, prevention, and treatment among paraplegics, diabetes<br />
patients, and people in hospitals and nursing homes who are unable to leave<br />
their beds. SofPulse electromagnetic field therapy is given special attention as<br />
a breakthrough technology in nonhealing wound repair. 28 minutes. ©2007.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
SB47318U DVD — $142.95<br />
Wound Care DVD Series<br />
This series is designed to instruct<br />
nurses on the physiological<br />
phases of wound healing, the different<br />
types of wounds, how to assess a wound<br />
for signs of normal healing, and signs that<br />
would indicate impaired healing. Wound<br />
care and appropriate nursing interventions<br />
including debridement, wound cleansing,<br />
and the use of common dressings are also<br />
covered. ©2007. Shipped directly from<br />
California factory. Allow extra delivery time.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
Phases of Healing and Types of Wounds<br />
9 minutes.<br />
Z45682U DVD — $306.90<br />
Normal and Impaired Healing<br />
14 minutes.<br />
Z45683U DVD — $306.90<br />
Nursing Interventions<br />
12 minutes.<br />
Z45684U DVD — $306.90<br />
1-800-668-0600 39
Skills Training<br />
Wound Care<br />
LF00725(A)U<br />
Life/form® Simulated Burns<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> has developed four simulated stages of burns to assist with simulating burn injury types, patient assessment and care.<br />
Use assessment findings to identify the burn severity and type to prepare a treatment plan and to measure performance of<br />
burn management. The burns are pliable and can easily be cut into any shape to fit any area on a human patient or patient simulator/<br />
trainer. Pieces are reusable and come ready to wear. Theatrical makeup and simulated blood may be applied to add color for realism.<br />
Consider adding Life/form® Blisters (LF00726U) or Blood Blisters (LF00727U). Includes four 7" x 10" rolls listed below. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
LF00725U — $197.95<br />
Individual Burn Rolls<br />
Each roll is 7" x 10".<br />
LF00725(A)U 1st degree (coloration is slightly pink).<br />
Sh. wt. 0.23 kg. — $76.95<br />
LF00725(B)U 2nd degree superficial partial thickness (coloration<br />
is light pink with wet appearance). Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $76.95<br />
LF00725(C)U 2nd degree deep partial thickness (coloration<br />
red, white, and dry in appearance). Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $76.95<br />
LF00725(D)U 3rd degree (coloration is leathery, brown, black,<br />
and white). Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $76.95<br />
LF00725(B)U<br />
LF00725(C)U<br />
LF00725(D)U<br />
Life/form® Skin Cancer Trainers — Enlarged<br />
Continued exposure to sunlight can cause damage to skin cells. If the damaged cells do not die or<br />
repair themselves, they degenerate and visible skin cancer develops. The Life/form® Skin Cancer<br />
Trainers have been developed to assist with educating health care providers about the various types of<br />
skin cancer and what they may look like. The enlarged trainer shows a normal mole, basal cell carcinoma<br />
(basalioma), squamous cell carcinoma (spinalioma), and malignant melanoma. Variations of how<br />
the different types of skin cancer may appear are shown. The Life/form® Skin Cancer Trainers include<br />
trainer, sturdy base, two-sided informational key card, easel, and storage box. 8 1 ⁄2" x 11" x 1 ⁄4" ( 1 ⁄2" with<br />
board). Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.59 kg.<br />
LF00950U White — $168.25<br />
LF00951U Black — $168.25<br />
5-Pieced Hinged<br />
Skin Cancer Disk Set<br />
Hinged disks illustrate five different<br />
skin diseases: actinic keratosis,<br />
basal cell carcinoma, dysplastic<br />
nevus, malignant melanoma, and<br />
squamous cell carcinoma. 4" dia. x<br />
1 5 ⁄8". Sh. wt. 0.20 kg.<br />
SB47381U — $61.60<br />
40<br />
Skin Cancer Model<br />
Model features three cancerous conditions —<br />
nodular basal cell (NBC), malignant melanoma<br />
(MM), morpheic basal cell (MBC); and three<br />
noncancerous conditions — dyplastic nevi (DN),<br />
keratoacanthoma (KA), and actinic keratosis<br />
(AK). Also shows basal layer and dermal<br />
layer cross section detail. Key card included.<br />
Model measures 4" dia. x 1 1 ⁄4".<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB28295U — $ 67.35<br /><br />
Skin Burn/<br />
Normal Model<br />
Enlarged two-sided<br />
skin cross-section.<br />
Back Side<br />
The burn side of the model shows indication of 1st,<br />
2nd, and 3rd degree burns. The reverse side illustrates<br />
normal skin anatomy. Model size: 6" x 2 1 ⁄2" x 4".<br />
Card size: 6 1 ⁄2" x 5 1 ⁄4". Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
SB46482U — $86.50
Skills Training<br />
Wound Care & Bandaging<br />
Surgical Sally features the following simulated wounds:<br />
• Abdominal Hysterectomy<br />
• Mastectomy — With<br />
• Appendectomy<br />
Simulated Drain<br />
• Cholecystectomy — With Simulated T-Tube • Mid-Sternal Split —<br />
• Colostomy<br />
With Chest Tube Drains<br />
• Ileostomy<br />
• Nephrectomy<br />
• Laminectomy<br />
• Thoracotomy<br />
• Laparotomy<br />
• Thyroidectom<br />
• Leg Amputation Stump<br />
• Sacral Decubitus<br />
Ulcer — Stage 2<br />
Front<br />
Back<br />
Life/form® “Surgical Sally” Bandaging Simulator<br />
A readily available patient with 14 surgical wounds including a Mid-Sternal<br />
Split with two simulated drains, a Sacral Decubitus Ulcer — Stage 2, and a<br />
Leg Amputation Stump. The skin has also been reformulated so it is drier,<br />
allowing the bandages to adhere better. Wound closures feature surgical<br />
staples for the Mid-Sternal Split, Thoracotomy, Nephrectomy, Laparotomy,<br />
Abdominal Hysterectomy, and Amputation Stump. Staples and sutures<br />
cannot be removed.<br />
Ideal for teaching wound management skills, dressing changes, and bandaging<br />
techniques. This simulator is just like a real patient, except the simulator<br />
remains motionless, never complains, and features wounds that won’t bleed<br />
and closures that won’t rip out. Students can conveniently practice wound<br />
management techniques, cleaning, and dressing changes.<br />
Surgical Sally is a replica of a 29" x 17" female. Special formulations have<br />
been used to create the most realistic look and feel possible. The flexible,<br />
flesh-colored skin realistically responds to adhesives and all types of bandaging<br />
procedures. Comes complete with hard carry case. Size: 33" x 25" x 12".<br />
Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 11.79 kg.<br />
LF00929U — $ 785.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Glue-Off<br />
Removes gummy residue left by adhesive<br />
bandages. 4-oz. container with brush.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
LF01023U — $ 9.25<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains<br />
from Life/form® simulators.<br />
12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $18.10<br />
Life/form® Stump Bandaging Simulators<br />
Practice and demonstrate standard bandaging procedures. The lower torso is long enough to allow carrying the bandage around the body over the uninvolved<br />
hip at the level of the iliac crest. (NOTE: There is no embedded, palpable skeletal material.) Both the upper and lower portions can be used to demonstrate the<br />
attachment of prosthetic devices.<br />
The upper torso includes the two arms: one is amputated above the elbow, the other above the wrist. Both arms are slightly extended in a patient-like position to<br />
facilitate bandaging. The compressibility of the material very closely duplicates actual experience with a patient. The lower torso is representative of a patient in<br />
a supine position with legs slightly abducted. One leg is amputated below the knee, the other at mid-thigh. Three-year warranty.<br />
Life/form® Upper Stump Bandaging Simulator<br />
Includes an instruction manual. Size: 26" x 18" x 13".<br />
Sh. wt. 7.71 kg.<br />
LF01063U — $ 245.00<br />
Life/form® Lower Stump Bandaging Simulator<br />
Includes an instruction manual. Size: 35" x 15" x 10".<br />
Sh. wt. 6.80 kg.<br />
LF01064U — $245.00<br />
Life/form® Set of 2 Stump Bandaging Simulators<br />
Includes instruction manuals. Individually boxed.<br />
Size: 35'' x 15'' x 10'' and 26'' x 18'' x 13''. Sh. wt. 11.79 kg.<br />
LF01065U — $ 430.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Glue-Off<br />
Removes gummy residue left by<br />
adhesive bandages. 4-oz. container<br />
with brush. Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
LF01023U — $ 9.25<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn<br />
stains from Life/form® simulators. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $18.10<br />
1-800-668-0600 41
Skills Training<br />
Respiratory, NG Tube, & Trach Care<br />
Life/form ® Patient Education Tracheostomy Care Set<br />
The Life/form® Patient Education Tracheostomy Care Set is ideal for teaching patients and caregivers<br />
the skills they will need to perform at home. The Adult Manikin includes oral and nasal passages,<br />
pharynx, epiglottis, trachea, esophagus, tracheostomy site, and cricoid cartilage. The mouth and jaw are<br />
flexible to allow oral suctioning. The trachea branches into the left and right bronchial trees. Students can<br />
practice suctioning techniques, proper cuff inflation, dressing changes, and other techniques. Cleansing<br />
and maintenance of the external tracheal site can be performed just as on an actual patient. The Infant<br />
Manikin can be used to teach parents and caregivers basic tracheostomy care skills, and is used extensively<br />
with children to comfort them and improve their self-esteem. The Life/form® Tracheostomy Care simulator<br />
set comes complete with one adult and one infant manikin, one adult and one infant tracheostomy tube,<br />
instruction manual, and hard carry case. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 9.98 kg.<br />
LF01159U — $ 845.00<br />
Adult Tracheostomy Care Manikin<br />
Adult manikin comes with tracheostomy<br />
tube, instruction manual,<br />
and hard carry case. Three-year<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 9.07 kg.<br />
LF01168U — $610.00<br />
Infant Tracheostomy Care Manikin<br />
Infant manikin comes with tracheostomy<br />
tube, instruction manual,<br />
and hard carry case. Three-year<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 5.90 kg.<br />
LF01167U — $ 275.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Adult Tracheostomy Tube<br />
LF01170U 6.0 mm. Sh. wt. 1.13 kg. — $84.95<br />
Infant Tracheostomy Tube<br />
LF01171U Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $84.95<br />
Lubricant Kit<br />
2-oz. bottles. Pkg. of 6. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00985U — $28.80<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form®<br />
simulators. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $ 18.10<br />
• Adult and Infant Manikins<br />
• Cuff Inflation<br />
• Dressing Changes<br />
• Suctioning<br />
Complete Internal<br />
Anatomy<br />
Visual Verification<br />
of Bronchial<br />
Location<br />
Life/form ®<br />
Tracheostomy<br />
Care Simulator<br />
Available Supplies<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form®<br />
simulators. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $ 18.10<br />
• Cuff Inflation<br />
• Dressing Changes<br />
• Suctioning<br />
• Visual Landmarks<br />
• Visual Verification of<br />
Bronchial Location<br />
The Life/form® Tracheostomy Care Simulator is the most realistic approximation of a<br />
patient available today. Careful attention to detail is incorporated into this pseudo-patient.<br />
Suctioning techniques, proper cuff inflation, dressing changes, and other techniques can be<br />
practiced and critiqued. The simulator replicates an adult male containing oral and nasal<br />
passages and all appropriate anatomy — pharynx, epiglottis, trachea, esophagus, stoma,<br />
cricoid cartilage, and representative cervical vertebrae. The chest area contains left and<br />
right bronchi and the bronchial tree. The esophagus “dead ends” two inches below the<br />
trachea opening. The side of the neck and chest area over the bronchial tree allow viewing<br />
of the suction and trachea tube. The viewing window at the bottom of the simulator shows<br />
the location of a suction catheter in the right bronchus (seen) or left bronchus (unseen).<br />
Oral, nasopharyngeal, nasotracheal, and tracheal suctioning can be practiced. Cleansing<br />
of the stoma area can be performed just as on an actual patient. Changing dressings and<br />
ties is also possible, and the experience is very close to an actual one. Confidence and<br />
practice are at your fingertips with this Life/form® Tracheostomy Care Simulator. Comes<br />
complete with instruction manual and hard carry case. Tracheostomy tube is not included<br />
(see LF01170U listed below). Three-year warranty. Size: 21" x 21" x 11". Sh. wt. 11.34 kg.<br />
LF01083U — $ 580.00<br />
Adult Tracheostomy Tube<br />
Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
LF01170U — $84.95<br />
Lubricant Kit<br />
2-oz. bottles. Pkg. of 6.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00985U — $28.80<br />
Airway Suction Trainer<br />
A representation of human respirator organs, designed for<br />
temporary airway suction and catheter insertion practice.<br />
Effective tool with lifelike tactile qualities for training in<br />
airway suction for choking patients. Three catheter routes<br />
are prepared: oral, pharynx, and tracheostomy opening. A<br />
sputum-like substance can be collected by proper suction.<br />
the airway and movement of the catheter tip are directly<br />
observed through the transparent side window.<br />
Features:<br />
• Insertion of a catheter orally, nasally, or<br />
through the tracheostomy opening<br />
• Life-size organs facilitate learning proper<br />
catheter insertion length<br />
• Model is washable and can be<br />
dismantled for easy cleaning<br />
42<br />
• Observation window allows the<br />
passage of the catheter to be observed<br />
• Realistic anatomy including mouth,<br />
tongue, oral and nasal pharynx,<br />
epiglottis, trachea, and esophagus<br />
• Realistic sticky simulated sputum<br />
Airway Suction Trainer Set<br />
Includes head and neck model with airway anatomy, bottle of lubricant, two catheters, bottle of simulated<br />
sputum, metal tray, syringe, and storage case. Dimensions: 17 3 ⁄4'' x 9'' x 6''. Sh. wt. 7.26 kg.<br />
SB47333U — $1,480.00<br /><br />
Nasogastric Tube<br />
Feeding Model<br />
Passing a feeding tube is a common<br />
hospital procedure. This model<br />
contains a molded cast of the anatomy<br />
of the nose, mouth, pharynx, trachea,<br />
esophagus, and stomach. Plastic feeding<br />
tubes or catheters may be passed<br />
through the nose or mouth into<br />
the esophagus and to the stomach<br />
within full view of students. Simulated<br />
tracheostoma has been added to<br />
demonstrate endotracheal aspiration.<br />
Model is 1 1 ⁄4" (4 cm) deep and comes<br />
with a Plexiglas ® cover so the tubes<br />
can be seen. 23" H x 12" W x 9" D<br />
with stand. Sh. wt. 4.08 kg.<br />
SB10239U — $115.35
Life/form® Special Needs Infant<br />
Special needs infants require specific yet gentle care which includes the performance<br />
of vital medical procedures. This newborn-size infant allows health care facilities and<br />
medical staff to teach special procedures and develop a nursing care plan for special<br />
needs infants. The Life/form® Special Needs Infant was developed for a wide range<br />
of educational training, including beginning nursing students. Medical devices that<br />
can be used include tracheostomy tube and suction catheter, gastrostomy tube, nasogastric<br />
tube, and urethral catheter. Other general cares that may be practiced include<br />
bathing, diapering, and various dressing changes. Three-year warranty. Soft carry bag<br />
and instruction manual included. Tracheostomy tube, gastric tubes, urinary catheter,<br />
and ostomy bag are not included (available supplies listed below). Sh. wt. 6.35 kg.<br />
Skills Training<br />
Respiratory, NG Tube, & Trach Care<br />
Procedures that can be practiced include:<br />
• Colostomy stoma (attachment of ostomy bag and basic care<br />
purposes only)<br />
• Gastrostomy care (lavage and gavage) – size 14 FR<br />
• Nasogastric care (placement, lavage, gavage, and suctioning) –<br />
size 8 FR or smaller<br />
• Tracheostomy care (placement and suctioning) – size 3.0 mm neonatal<br />
• Urethral catheterization (insertion, placement, and care) - size 8 FR<br />
LF01193U White Female — $471.90<br />
LF01194U White Male — $471.90<br />
LF01195U Black Female — $471.90<br />
LF01196U Black Male — $471.90<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Infant Tracheostomy Tube<br />
LF01171U 3.0 mm.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $93.45<br />
Pediatric Ostomy Bag<br />
Closed pouch, 5 3 ⁄4". Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF00907U — $9.65<br />
LF01213U Brown Female — $471.90<br />
LF01216U Brown Male — $471.90<br />
LF01215U Asian Female — $471.90<br />
LF01214U Asian Male — $471.90<br />
Replacement NG Tube Bladder Bag<br />
Sh. wt. 0.01 kg.<br />
LF01197U — $15.95<br />
Replacement G-Tube Bladder Bag<br />
Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
LF01198U — $15.95<br />
Infant Intermittent Catheter. 6", 8 FR.<br />
LF01074U Each. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $7.00<br />
LF01074(A)U Pkg. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.20 kg. — $41.00<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form®<br />
simulators. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $19.95<br />
Lubricant Kit. 2-oz.<br />
bottles. Pkg. of 6.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00985U — $31.70<br />
LF01174U<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Methyl Cellulose<br />
LF03774U Sh. wt. 0.14 kg. — $15.95<br />
Life/form® NG Tube & Trach Skills Simulator<br />
The Life/form® NG Tube & Trach Skills Simulator has been developed to aid with<br />
the instruction, training, and practice of vital tracheostomy skills and care for patients<br />
with respiratory conditions. The simulator is also designed for instruction of gastrointestinal<br />
care procedures through nasal and oral access. With a newly designed Life/form®<br />
head and torso, this simulator features realistic landmarks, trachea, esophagus,<br />
lungs, and trachea. For exceptional realism, methyl cellulose can be mixed with<br />
water to simulate mucous-like fluids of a real patient. Fluid can be added to the<br />
lungs and trachea for realistic tracheostomy care and suctioning. The simulator also<br />
allows for the practice of dressing changes and cuff inflation. Other realistic procedures<br />
include NG tube care, including insertion, irrigation, and removal; gastric<br />
lavage and gavage; feeding tube insertion and removal with the ability to practice<br />
feeding; nasoenteric and esophageal tube care; oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal<br />
care; and tracheostomy tube care. Intubation using a laryngoscope blade<br />
and size 6.0 ET tube may also be practiced. The simulator is designed to use size<br />
6 tracheostomy tube (LF01170U), a size 6.0 mm ET tube, and a size 6 NG tube.<br />
Spray-pump lubricant, a packet of methyl cellulose, instruction manual, and hard<br />
carry case are also included. The simulator does NOT include tracheostomy, ET, or<br />
NG tube. 10" D x 16" W x 27" H. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 10.89 kg.<br />
LF01174U — $1,098.90<br />
Adult Tracheostomy Tube<br />
LF01170U 6.0 mm. Sh. wt. 1.13 kg. — $93.45<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Lubricant Kit<br />
2-oz. bottles. Pkg. of 6. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00985U — $31.70<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form® simulators. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $19.95<br />
NG Tube & Trach Care Trainer<br />
Torso task trainer designed for instruction in the care of patients with respiratory<br />
conditions and the practice of gastrointestinal care procedures via nasal and oral<br />
access. Includes adult male torso, manikin lubricant, tank top, carry case, and<br />
directions for use. Sh. wt. 15.42 kg.<br />
LG02083U — $1,298.00<br />
LG02083U<br />
1-800-668-0600 43
Skills Training<br />
Spinal Injection Simulators<br />
Life/form® Pediatric Lumbar Puncture Simulator<br />
Infants commonly require lumbar puncture as a diagnostic<br />
procedure used to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid<br />
(CSF), measure cerebrospinal fluid pressure, or to inject<br />
medications intrathecally. The Life/form® Pediatric<br />
Lumbar Puncture Simulator represents a 10-12<br />
month old infant placed in a left lateral decubitus<br />
position with the neck and knees flexed, approximating<br />
the necessary fetal position. The embedded<br />
iliac crest offers exceptional realism, while<br />
the removable spine, spinal canal and skin pad<br />
make training simple and hassle free. Lumbar<br />
puncture may be performed in the L3-L4, L4-L5,<br />
or L5-S1 spaces. The correct site can be located<br />
by palpating the iliac crest and spine. A small “give”<br />
will be felt as the spinal needle is advanced slowly into the proper space.<br />
Fluid will flow when the needle is in proper position. Students will appreciate the<br />
opportunity to practice this delicate but commonly performed procedure on a simulator<br />
that is both appealing and anatomically accurate.<br />
Benefits:<br />
• Cerebrospinal fluid collection<br />
• Intrathecal injections<br />
• Measure cerebrospinal fluid pressure<br />
• Needle positioning and insertion<br />
• Palpation of landmarks<br />
• Skin preparation<br />
• Targets key skills specific to pediatric<br />
lumbar puncture procedures<br />
Features:<br />
• Anatomically correct and palpable<br />
• Correct body positioning<br />
• Lumbar pad is easy to replace<br />
• Realistic resistance<br />
• Simulated CSF flows with<br />
successful puncture<br />
The Life/form® Pediatric Lumbar Puncture Simulator arrives attached to a board for stability<br />
during practice. The infant measures 19" L x 7" W x 6" H and the board measures 19½" L x 11" W.<br />
Includes the Pediatric Lumbar Puncture Infant on a sturdy board, one lumbar puncture pad with<br />
spine and spinal tubing, IV bag with tubing, baby powder, hard carry case, and instruction manual.<br />
Fluid supply stand and needle not included. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 9.07 kg.<br />
LF01000U — $555.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Pediatric Lumbar Puncture Replacement Kit<br />
LF01000(A)U Sh. wt. 0.23 kg. — $73.15<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form®<br />
simulators. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $ 19.95<br />
Life/form® Spinal Injection Simulator<br />
The Life/form®Spinal Injection Simulator is a valuable training and teaching aid allowing realistic demonstration<br />
and practice of all spinal injections. Spinal injection techniques include spinal anesthesia, spinal<br />
tap, epidural analgesia, caudal analgesia, sacral nerve block, and lumbar sympathetic block. Excellent<br />
simulation qualities, in addition to an easy-to-change vertebral column and replaceable skin, make this<br />
Life/form® product the very best available. View the Life/form® Spinal Injection Simulator being used<br />
to demonstrate a Post Dura Puncture Headache (PDPH) prevention technique at<br />
spinal/hatfalvi.mpg, and for more information on PDPH prevention, visit Careful<br />
duplication of the anatomy ensures proper resistance in needle puncture and accurate palpation reference<br />
points. The replaceable skin can be changed without tools in minutes. The spinal column can be<br />
charged with fluid and placed in sitting or lateral positions for injection practice. The L1 and L2 sections<br />
of the vertebral column are clearly visible. The functional portion of this injection model includes L3-L5 vertebrae,<br />
plus the sacrum and coccyx. Includes a fluid supply bag with connectors, instruction manual, and<br />
hard carry case. Fluid supply stand and needle not included. Three-year warranty. Needle not included.<br />
Sh. wt. 12.25 kg.<br />
LF01036U — $ 1,116.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Spinal Replacement Kit<br />
44<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
With skin, musculatures, and spinal cord. 5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01039U — $ 192.45 LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Lubricant Kit<br />
Fluid Supply Bag<br />
2-oz. bottles. Pkg. of 6. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. 500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF00985U — $ 31.70 LF01130U — $ 18.65<br />
Life/form® Spinal Injection Simulator Rental Unit<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Life/form® Spinal Injection Simulator is available as a rental unit.<br />
A minimum 30-day notice and rental agreement are required. Sh. wt. 12.25 kg.<br />
LF01100U — $ 352.00<br /><br />
5 Approaches:<br />
• Epidural • Sacral<br />
• Caudal • Spinal<br />
• Lumbar<br />
Baby Stap<br />
Reproduction of a neonatal infant positioned<br />
for the practice of lumbar puncture techniques.<br />
Lateral decubitus position. Realistic<br />
interchangeable spine with spinal cord may be<br />
palpated for location of correct puncture site.<br />
Fluid may be infused. Sh. wt. 1.59 kg.<br />
LG02094U — $ 506.00
Skills Training<br />
Urinary Catheterization<br />
Catheterization is one of the basic skills all nursing students must learn, and to learn the techniques, they must practice. Any patient volunteers? Not<br />
likely! But Life/form® simulators allow demonstration and practice in urinary catheterization without embarrassment or discomfort to the patient or the<br />
students. In addition, catheterization simulators are useful for anatomical identification and demonstration of perineal care. The realism of Life/form®<br />
Catheterization Simulators will help your students bridge the gap from classroom to bedside with ease and comfort. Just as in a real patient, the cuff must<br />
be completely deflated before the catheter is removed. Improper use of a Foley can result in damage to the simulator, just as when using a Foley catheter<br />
with a real patient. Three year warranty. Note: A 16 FR Silicone Foley catheter can be used if extreme care is taken to inflate the cuff only when it is in the<br />
proper position. Use of silicone Foley catheter is recommended.<br />
Life/form® Detail<br />
LF01098U<br />
Life/form® Female Catheterization Simulator<br />
The Life/form® Female Catheterization Simulator is constructed with a bladder reservoir, patient<br />
urethra, and a valve simulating the internal urethral sphincter. The normal feeling of resistance and<br />
pressure will be experienced as a catheter is passed through the urethra, past the sphincter, and into<br />
the bladder. When the catheter enters the bladder, artificial urine (water) will flow from the catheter<br />
just as in a real patient, and the cuff must be completely deflated before the catheter is removed.<br />
Improper use of a Foley can result in damage to the simulator. This simulator is the torso of a middleaged<br />
woman with thighs abducted for proper position during catheterization. The external genitalia<br />
and perineum are molded in lifelike form. The labia minora can be spread apart naturally to reveal<br />
the clitoris, urethral opening, and vaginal introitus. Includes a hard carry case, lubricant, silicone<br />
catheter, and instruction manual. Fluid supply stand not included. Three-year warranty. Carton size:<br />
24" x 16" x 13". Sh. wt. 9.53 kg.<br />
LF00856U — $ 649.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Foley Catheter, Silicone<br />
16 FR 5 cc.<br />
LF01127U Pkg. of 1. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $ 22.30<br />
LF01128U Pkg. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg. — $ 189.15<br />
Fluid Administration Set<br />
With special adapter for Male and Female<br />
Catheterization Simulators. Includes fluid bag<br />
with tubing and a fitting. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg.<br />
LF01098U — $11.30<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Lubricant Kit<br />
2-oz. bottle. Pkg. of 6. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00985U — $ 31.70<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form ®<br />
simulators and trainers. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $ 19.95<br />
Life/form® Male Catheterization Simulator<br />
With the re-designed Life/form® Male Catheterization Simulator, catheterization<br />
can be practiced just as on a real patient. A lubricated catheter can<br />
be inserted in the urethral orifice, passed through the urethra, and into the<br />
bladder. When the bladder is successfully entered, artificial urine (water) will<br />
flow from the catheter. The student will feel the normal restrictions caused<br />
by the mucosal folds, bulbous urethra, and the internal urethral sphincter,<br />
just prior to entrance into the bladder. The experience teaches proper<br />
positioning and movement of the penis to allow the catheter to pass easily<br />
with a minimum of discomfort to the patient. Just as in a real patient, the<br />
cuff must be completely deflated before the catheter is removed. Improper<br />
use of a Foley catheter can result in damage to the simulator, just as when<br />
using a Foley catheter with a real patient. Includes a hard carry case,<br />
lubricant, silicone catheter, and instruction manual. Fluid supply stand not<br />
included. Three-year warranty. Carton size: 17" x 12" x 10". Sh. wt. 5.44 kg.<br />
LF00855U — $ 649.00<br />
Life/form® Male & Female Catheterization Simulator Set<br />
Includes Female Catheterization Simulator (LF00856U) and Male<br />
Catheterization Simulator (LF00855U). Sh. wt. 14.97 kg.<br />
LF00857U — $1,204.50<br />
1-800-668-0600 45
Skills Training<br />
Urinary Catheterization<br />
Life/form®<br />
Male & Female<br />
Catheter Models<br />
Use these realistic<br />
catheterization models<br />
to practice the proper<br />
insertion of a lubricated<br />
catheter. May also be<br />
used for teaching anatomy<br />
and sterile cleansing techniques<br />
before, during, and<br />
after insertion. Models use<br />
catheter size 16 FR or smaller.<br />
Each model includes instructions with<br />
anatomy diagram, and a storage box. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.36 kg.<br />
Male Catheter Model<br />
Anatomy includes rectum, seminal vesicle, bladder, pelvic bone, prostate,<br />
urethral sphincter muscle, urethral meatus, glans, scrotum, pelvic<br />
diaphragm, and anus.<br />
LF01150U — $ 231.00<br />
Female Catheter Model<br />
Anatomy includes rectum, uterus, bladder, pelvic bone, urethral sphincter<br />
muscle, clitoris, urethral meatus, labium minora, vagina, labium majora,<br />
pelvic diaphragm, and anus.<br />
LF01151U — $ 231.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Foley Catheter, Silicone<br />
16 FR 5 cc.<br />
LF01127U Pkg. of 1. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $22.30<br />
LF01128U Pkg. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg. — $189.15<br />
Male & Female Catheter Model Set<br />
Includes both Male (LF01150U)<br />
and Female (LF01151U) Catheter<br />
Models. Sh. wt. 3.40 kg.<br />
LF01152U — $ 423.50<br />
Lubricant Kit<br />
2-oz. bottles. Pkg. of 6. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00985U — $31.70<br />
Male & Female Catheterization<br />
Use as initial and supplemental training<br />
for medical and nursing students,<br />
medics, hospital personnel, and EMS<br />
providers. Programs show practical,<br />
how-to skills that are essential to these<br />
health care providers. Topics include the<br />
5-minute female Foley catheter, urinary<br />
catheterization, and catheterization of<br />
the male and female. 60 minutes.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
SB48065U DVD — $43.95<br />
Life/form® Cath-Ed Simulators<br />
These unique Life/form ® simulators combinevisual and tactile learning sensations of catheterization in one compact unit. The mid-sagittal dissections allow<br />
detailed study of the internal anatomy and provide students an opportunity to follow what happens when they catheterize a patient. The removable plastic<br />
cover identifies key anatomical structures. With practice on Cath-Ed 1 Male Simulator, normal restrictions at the bulbous urethra and bladder sphincter can<br />
be detected and identified. The Cath-Ed 2 provides practice in female catheterization. The vulva has been molded intact to facilitate identifying the urethra<br />
and proper spreading of the labia. A functional bladder has been incorporated to allow simulated urine to flow when the catheter is inserted properly. A Foley<br />
catheter can be demonstrated and seen through the viewing port. Three-year warranty. NOTE: Dover Products was the original sponsor for these products.<br />
LF01026U<br />
LF01025U<br />
Male Cath-Ed 1 Simulator<br />
Includes a hard carry case, lubricant, one catheter,<br />
50 cc bulb, syringe, and instruction manual.<br />
This simulator does not have a functional bladder.<br />
Size: 15" x 14" x 8". Sh. wt. 6.80 kg.<br />
LF01025U — $ 654.50<br />
Female Cath-Ed 2 Simulator<br />
Includes a hard carry case, lubricant, one<br />
catheter, 50 cc bulb, syringe, and instruction<br />
manual. Size: 15" x 14" x 8". Sh. wt. 6.35 kg.<br />
LF01026U — $ 654.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Foley Catheter, Silicone<br />
16 FR 5 cc.<br />
LF01127U Pkg. of 1. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $22.30<br />
LF01128U Pkg. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg. — $189.15<br />
46<br />
Lubricant Kit<br />
2-oz. bottles. Pkg. of 6.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00985U — $31.70<br /><br />
Both Life/form® Cath-Ed 1 and Cath-Ed 2 Set<br />
Includes Male Cath-Ed 1 Simulator (LF01025U) and Female Cath-Ed 2<br />
Simulator (LF01026U). Three-year warranty. Size: 15" x 14" x 8" each.<br />
Sh. wt. 14.06 kg.<br />
LF01029U — $ 1,204.50
Life/form® Infant Male and Female Catheterization Trainer<br />
The Life/form® Infant Male and Female Catheterization Trainer is an inexpensive<br />
2-in-1 trainer that provides realistic practice of this difficult skills procedure.<br />
• Anatomically realistic with both male and female genitals<br />
• Feel resistance and pressure as with a real patient<br />
• Genitals made of soft, lifelike material<br />
• Lower half of infant only<br />
• Practice both male and female infant catheterization training<br />
• Practice insertion, position, catheter balloon inflation and deflation<br />
• Replaceable male and female genitals<br />
• Urine flows when catheter is in proper position<br />
Includes infant torso, one male and one female genital insert, 2 oz. lubricant,<br />
infant Foley catheter, and instruction manual. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
LF01035U — $203.45<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Genital Inserts<br />
Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
Lubricant Kit<br />
2-oz. bottles. Pkg. of 6. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF01035(A)U Female — $20.35 LF00985U — $31.70<br />
LF01035(B)U Male — $20.35<br />
Infant Intermittent Catheter. 6", 8 FR.<br />
LF01074U Each. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $7.00<br />
LF01074(A)U Pkg. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.20 kg. — $41.00<br />
Skills Training<br />
Urinary Catheterization<br />
Transparent<br />
Male Catheter Model<br />
Developed as a learning tool for<br />
both male catheter simulation and<br />
anatomical study, this transparent<br />
model allows viewing and practice<br />
of the proper insertion, position, and<br />
inflation of a balloon catheter. When<br />
practicing catheter insertion, you will<br />
experience resistance and pressure<br />
as you would with an actual patient.<br />
Inside of bladder is observable. Urine<br />
(water) flows when catheter is inserted<br />
properly. For added realism, external<br />
genitalia is made of a special soft material to simulate real tissue. Comes with<br />
irrigator, irrigator stand, and case. 21" W x 9 1 ⁄2" H x 16 1 ⁄4" D. Sh. wt. 9.53 kg.<br />
SB38754U — $ 3,514.50<br />
Male & Female Catheterization<br />
Trainers<br />
Practice male and female<br />
urinary catheterization on<br />
these newly designed anatomically<br />
correct models.<br />
Training is enhanced by<br />
a new material that has a<br />
realistic feel and flexibility.<br />
Both models utilize a<br />
16 FR catheter and can<br />
be used to demonstrate<br />
balloon inflation procedures.<br />
The models are individually<br />
mounted on a training stand and<br />
can be used on a tabletop or for patient<br />
simulation. A fluid reservoir allows for urine output upon successful completion of the<br />
insertion procedure. Instructors are able to teach sterile technique and insertion and<br />
removal of catheter, as well as practice preparing the patient for the procedure.<br />
Male Catheterization Model<br />
Sh. wt. 1.36 kg.<br />
SB48080U — $258.50<br />
Male & Female Catheterization Models Set<br />
Includes both models listed below. Sh. wt. 2.95 kg.<br />
SB48079U — $511.50<br />
Female Catheterization Model<br />
Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
SB48081U — $258.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Foley Catheter, Silicone<br />
16 FR 5 cc.<br />
LF01127U Pkg. of 1. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $ 22.30<br />
LF01128U Pkg. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg. — $ 189.15<br />
Transparent Female Catheter Model<br />
Makes it possible to practice catheterization while observing what is<br />
happening internally. Allows you to view the indwelling condition of a<br />
balloon catheter, flow of urine, and the relative position of the pelvis<br />
and bladder through a transparent hypogastrium. External genitalia is<br />
made of a special soft material, making this model extremely realistic.<br />
Comes with irrigator, irrigator stand, and case. 9 1 ⁄2" H x 20 3 ⁄4" W x<br />
16 1 ⁄8". Sh. wt. 9.53 kg.<br />
SB32745U — $ 3,514.50<br />
Advanced Patient Care<br />
Male and Female<br />
Catheterization<br />
Simulator<br />
This two-in-one<br />
simulator combines<br />
the features of<br />
female and male<br />
catheterization simulators<br />
at an economical<br />
price. Use of this<br />
simulator will give your<br />
students the confidence<br />
required to perform<br />
this basic nursing<br />
procedure. Features<br />
include complete<br />
catheterization training; interchangeable, realistic male organ; fully<br />
functional stomas connected to removable, replaceable internal tanks;<br />
and modular urethral valve to prevent fluid leakage. Comes with an<br />
instruction manual and soft nylon carry bag. Sh. wt. 9.53 kg.<br />
SB28919U — $ 495.00<br />
1-800-668-0600 47
Skills Training<br />
Enema Administration<br />
Life/form® Enema Administration Simulator<br />
You will appreciate the convenience of having the<br />
Life/form® Enema Administration Simulator to teach<br />
enema procedures. Use it for group demonstrations<br />
and practice sessions of any size. Each student can<br />
realistically practice administering an enema using<br />
this lifelike model. The standard enema procedures<br />
can be performed using conventional enema apparatus<br />
— no special equipment is required. All aspects<br />
of the simulator are realistic in every detail. The upper<br />
buttock is flexible so that the trainee must raise the<br />
buttock in order to locate and make insertion into the<br />
anus. The simulator is portable and easy to use. A<br />
drain tube is provided so that the fluid can be drained<br />
directly into a large container or sink, for continuous<br />
use. Includes a hard carry case, enema administration<br />
set, and instruction manual. Fluid supply stand not included.<br />
Three-year warranty. Size: 18" x 18" x 12". Sh. wt. 8.62 kg.<br />
LF00957U — $ 643.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Hevi-Lube<br />
Specially formulated, highly concentrated lubricant for exclusive use with Life/form®<br />
Enema Administration Simulator only. Pint bottle. Sh. wt. 0.43 kg.<br />
LF01050U — $ 21.20<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form® simulators. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $19.95<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $ 48.70<br />
Interchangeable Catheterization & Enema Simulator<br />
Life-size female pelvis with interchangeable genitalia designed for practicing<br />
urologic and rectal access gastrointestinal care procedures. Realistic articulation<br />
allows proper positioning for procedures. Interchangeable genitalia,<br />
with connectors and color reservoir, facilitate rectal access gastrointestinal<br />
care procedures including rectal tube insertion and removal, administration<br />
of rectal suppositories and ointments, and enema administration. Genitalia,<br />
with connectors and urinary reservoir, facilitate urologic care procedures<br />
such as perineal care; insertion of vaginal medication; patient explanation of<br />
intermittent self-catheterization; indwelling catheter insertion, care, irrigation,<br />
and removal; urine collection; and continuous bladder irrigation. Surgical<br />
belly plate with interchangeable stoma sites allows simulation of cystostomy<br />
tube care and urinary diversion stoma care. Dorsogluteal, ventrogluteal, and<br />
vastus lateralis IM injection possible. Includes male and female genitalia, six<br />
connectors, and carry case. Sh. wt. 10.89 kg.<br />
LG02099U — $ 544.50<br />
In-Service Home Care Training Simulator<br />
Life-size male pelvis with interchangeable genitalia designed for practicing urologic and rectal<br />
access gastrointestinal care procedures. Wound care modules add realism in community health<br />
scenarios. Realistic articulation enables proper positioning for procedures. Interchangeable<br />
genitalia, with connectors and color reservoir, facilitate rectal access gastrointestinal care<br />
procedures such as administration of rectal suppositories and ointments, rectal tube insertion<br />
and removal, and enema administration. Genitalia, with connectors and urinary<br />
reservoir, facilitate urologic care procedures including perineal care; insertion<br />
of vaginal medication; patient explanation of intermittent self-catheterization;<br />
indwelling catheter insertion, care, irrigation, and removal; urine collection; and<br />
continuous bladder irrigation. Surgical belly plate with interchangeable stoma<br />
sites allows simulation of cystostomy tube care and urinary diversion stoma<br />
care. Realistic interchangeable wound care modules include gluteal and<br />
ventral-gluteal ulcer modules for pressure ulcer staging, cleaning, dressing,<br />
and prevention; thigh module for wound irrigation and packing<br />
procedures; and thigh module for mechanical debridement including<br />
excision of necrotic tissue and irrigation. Dorsogluteal, ventrogluteal,<br />
and vastus lateralis IM injection possible. Simulator comes with male and<br />
female genitalia, six connectors, two decubitus ulcer modules, two thigh<br />
wound modules, and carry case. Sh. wt. 12.70 kg.<br />
LG02098U — $ 704.00<br />
48<br />
Skills Training<br />
Prostate & Colon Examination<br />
Life/form® Prostate Examination Simulator<br />
The Prostate Examination Simulator is an indispensable model for both<br />
students and professionals. Instructors have the ability to teach techniques<br />
of prostate examination with no harm or embarrassment to real patients.<br />
Now every student can learn to detect beginning stages of prostate cancer<br />
and increase chances of patient survival. Four separate prostate glands are<br />
supplied with the torso, representing one benign gland and three stages of<br />
prostatic carcinoma in varying degrees of development. Each gland can<br />
be inserted into the prostate torso to allow realistic practice in diagnosis by<br />
rectal palpation. The Life/form® Prostate Examination Simulator is complete<br />
with four glands, hard carry case, lubricant, and instruction manual.<br />
Three-year warranty. Size: 22" W x 15" D x 12" H. Sh. wt. 8.62 kg.<br />
LF00901U — $ 1,014.20<br />
• STAGE A GLAND — Benign, slightly enlarged, but otherwise<br />
normal prostate gland.<br />
• STAGE B GLAND — A discrete, hard nodule is palpable in<br />
the upper right quadrant. This simulates a beginning stage<br />
of carcinoma.<br />
• STAGE C GLAND — The spread of carcinoma is<br />
demonstrated in this gland. The small nodule has increased<br />
in size and has become an external hard mass on the<br />
surface of the gland.<br />
• STAGE D GLAND — This gland is totally replaced with<br />
carcinoma. The entire gland will feel hard and irregular.<br />
Stage A<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Prostate Gland Replacements<br />
Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
LF00901(A)U Stage A — $65.95<br />
LF00901(B)U Stage B — $65.95<br />
LF00901(C)U Stage C — $65.95<br />
LF00901(D)U Stage D — $65.95<br />
Stage B<br />
Lubricant Kit<br />
2-oz. bottle. Pkg. of 6.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00985U — $ 31.70<br />
Stage C<br />
Stage D<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from<br />
Life/form® simulators. 12-oz. bottle.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $19.95<br />
Life/form® Colonscope<br />
Examination Simulator<br />
As the scope follows the contours of the<br />
large intestine, the student must negotiate<br />
the sigmoid colon, splenic flexure,<br />
and hepatic flexure before viewing the<br />
internal structure of the ascending colon<br />
and cecum. As the flexible Colonscope is<br />
withdrawn, the student can identify benign<br />
sessile, pedunculated and hyperplastic polyps,<br />
as well as cancerous lesions. There are a total<br />
of 12 pathological conditions to diagnose. All<br />
manipulative and photographic techniques can<br />
also be practiced. Originally produced exclusively<br />
for ACMI, this simulator has been used for<br />
physician training nationwide. The Life/form®<br />
Colonscope Examination Simulator is available on<br />
a solid oak stand complete with lubricant, instruction<br />
manual, and hard carry case. Three-year warranty.<br />
Size: 26" x 19" x 7". Sh. wt. 8.62 kg.<br />
LF01084U — $ 709.50<br />
Male Pelvis with Prostate<br />
One-half scale, mid-sagittal section of the male<br />
pelvis. Base displays three 3-D cross-sections of<br />
the prostate gland. Sections represent the stages<br />
of Benign Prostatic Hypeplasia (BPH) or enlarged<br />
prostate: normal, moderate, and advanced.<br />
8" x 2 1 ⁄2" x 1 ⁄4" panel with 6 1 ⁄2" x 5 1 ⁄4" key card.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
SB47321U — $90.75<br />
1-800-668-0600 49
Skills Training<br />
Ostomy Care Simulators<br />
Life/form® Ostomy Care Simulator<br />
Designed to help introduce the essentials of ostomy care to<br />
patients and students, this unit is ideal for demonstration and<br />
practice for several procedures. The anatomy of both a colostomy<br />
and ileostomy are carefully reproduced to provide lifelike functions<br />
and appearance. Dilation of the stomas can be demonstrated and<br />
practiced, along with application of postoperative and permanent<br />
ostomy bags. The colostomy can actually be irrigated. Syringes are<br />
included to pump materials through the unit to provide drainage<br />
and excretion at the ileostomy and colostomy. The syringes are<br />
inserted through ports in the back of the simulator. One pumps the<br />
ileostomy with clear water, or water tinted for exact realism, and the<br />
other syringe pumps synthetic stool to the colostomy. The consistency<br />
of the stool can be varied by using water to thin the material, and<br />
most of the stool can be salvaged and reused. A soft, pliable<br />
material is used for the stomas in order to achieve a most realistic<br />
tactile sensation. Complete with a hard carry case, instruction<br />
manual, and supply of simulated stool. Three-year warranty. Size: 18" x 18" x 12". Sh. wt. 10.89 kg.<br />
LF00906U — $ 708.40<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Simulated Stool<br />
LF00962U Sh. wt. 0.29 kg. — $ 26.10<br />
Adult Ostomy Bag<br />
Closed pouch. Sh. wt. 0.03 kg.<br />
LF00896U — $10.95<br />
Ostomy Care Model<br />
Made of BIOLIKE2 tissue, this model feels<br />
like real flesh. May be washed with soap<br />
and water, taped, bandaged, or fitted with<br />
ostomy bags. All four stomas may be lubricated<br />
and dilated with an inserted finger.<br />
13" x 18" x 3". Includes lubricant, draping<br />
sheet, and carry case. Sh. wt. 5.90 kg.<br />
SB23501U — $354.20<br />
Adult Ostomy Kit<br />
Includes two syringes without needles, 4-oz. jar of simulated stool, 4¼-oz.<br />
tube of lubricant, and a vinyl glove. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
LF00897U — $27.45<br />
Life/form® Infant Ostomy Trainer<br />
Caring for a baby with an ostomy may feel<br />
overwhelming. The Life/form® Infant Ostomy<br />
Trainer has been created to educate caregivers<br />
and parents on how to give special care to an<br />
infant with a stoma. This trainer will help by teaching step-by-step procedures for cleaning and<br />
caring for a baby’s stoma and changing the pouching system. The anatomy of the colostomies<br />
were carefully reproduced to provide lifelike appearance and functions. A soft, pliable material<br />
is used for the stomas in order to achieve the most realistic tactile sensation. The syringes<br />
included are used to inject simulated stool through ports to the colostomy sites. Consistency of<br />
the simulated stool can be thinned by adding water. The colostomy sites can also be irrigated.<br />
The simulated stool may be reused. Trainer comes complete with one ostomy bag, a glove,<br />
two 3 cc syringes, 1-oz. jar of stool, 1-oz. jar of lubricant, wash bottle for irrigation, instruction<br />
manual, and a storage box. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
LF00905U — $203.45<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Infant Ostomy Kit<br />
Includes two syringes without needles (3 cc), 1-oz.<br />
simulated stool, a latex-free glove, 1-oz. lubricant,<br />
and an ostomy bag ( 2 ⁄5"-1 1 ⁄2"). Sh. wt. 0.20 kg.<br />
LF00899U — $25.25<br />
Pediatric Ostomy Bag. Closed pouch. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF00907U — $9.65<br />
Simulated Stool. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg.<br />
LF00962U — $26.10<br />
LF00905U<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form®<br />
simulators. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $19.95<br />
50<br />
Otto Ostomy Package<br />
A better understanding of ostomies... from the inside<br />
out! Otto Ostomy is the ultimate educational tool<br />
for ostomies. Demonstrates how ileostomies, urostomies, and<br />
colostomies function. Model has a clear torso shell with four<br />
openings for the insertion of stomas. The torso shell is easily<br />
removed for teaching or to facilitate in accessing and manipulating<br />
the intestine. The color codes displayed include stomach,<br />
small intestine, large intestine, rectum, kidneys, ureters, and bladder.<br />
The large intestine, small intestine, rectum, and bladder are all removable to aid<br />
in teaching procedures. The ureters can be removed from the bladder, the flexible<br />
small and large intestines can be separated and attached to the backside of<br />
the stoma, and the large intestines can be separated at four different locations.<br />
Measures 16 1 ⁄4" x 10" x 16". Includes anodized aluminum base, clear torso shell<br />
with four openings for stoma placement, stomach, small intestine, large intestine,<br />
rectum, kidneys, ureters and bladder, ileal conduit, two sections of small intestines,<br />
two adaptor connectors (to demonstrate loop stoma with either the small or<br />
large intestine), 13 stomas, two 3" stents (to be used with the ileal conduit), loop<br />
stoma with rod, and user manual. Sh. wt. 6.35 kg.<br />
SB48421U — $1,633.50<br />
Otto Ostomy<br />
Includes everything listed in the complete Otto Ostomy Package above, except it contains only four stomas. Sh. wt. 4.54 kg.<br />
SB48420U — $1,203.40<br /><br />
Available Supplies<br />
Advanced Stoma Package<br />
Includes the following: 7 ⁄8" dia.<br />
stoma, 2" dia. stoma, urostomy<br />
stoma with 3" stents in place, loop<br />
stoma with rod, loop stoma without<br />
rod, double barrel stoma, oval<br />
stoma, mushroom stoma, prolapsed<br />
stoma, 3" dia. stoma, granulomas<br />
stoma, necrotic stoma, ischemic<br />
stoma, in-skin-fold stoma, parastomal<br />
hernia stoma, mucocutaneous<br />
separation stoma, recessed stoma,<br />
flush stoma, ileal conduit, small<br />
intestinal loop, small intestine loop<br />
adapter, and large intestine loop<br />
adapter. Sh. wt. 1.59 kg.<br />
SB48422U — $537.90<br />
Soft-Side Carry Case<br />
Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
SB48423U — $102.30
Skills Training<br />
Physical Assessment<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Deluxe<br />
Physical Assessment Kit<br />
All the basic tools to practice physical assessment.<br />
This deluxe kit includes digital thermometer,<br />
adult aneroid sphygmomanometer, Sprague LC<br />
Stethoscope, 5 1 ⁄2" bandage scissors, 5 1 ⁄2" Kelly<br />
forceps, 4 3 ⁄4" tissue forceps, cling gauze, Mosby's<br />
PDQ for RN, and heart and lung sounds card.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
SB41559U Per kit — $92.35<br />
10 or more kits, each — $87.85<br />
50 or more kits, each — $85.15<br />
Standard Otoscope<br />
This sturdy otoscope features 2.5 V standard<br />
illumination with dimming capability. It offers<br />
3X lens magnification and includes ten 2.5 mm<br />
and ten 4.0 mm disposable ear speculums<br />
complete in a pouch. Requires two 1.5 V “C” cell<br />
batteries (not included). Limited two-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.43 kg.<br />
SB41548U — $130.85<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Disposable Ear Specula — 2.5 mm<br />
Pkg. of 100. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
SB48102U — $17.00<br />
Disposable Ear Specula — 4.0 mm<br />
Pkg. of 100. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
SB48700U — $17.00<br />
Omron® Body Logic Body Fat Analyzer<br />
Body fat percentage and body fat weight measurements<br />
are displayed on the large digital<br />
panel. Features include easy-to-read digital<br />
display, on/off button, key pad, set button,<br />
and mode selection (height, weight, age, male/<br />
female buttons). Illustrated instruction manual<br />
and two “AA” batteries included. Battery life<br />
approximately one year (measured two times<br />
per day). Dimensions: 9 1 ⁄3" W x 5 7 ⁄8" H x 2 1 ⁄2" D.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB28528U — $65.95<br />
Physical Assessment Kit<br />
Kit includes tuning fork, illuminating ear scope, percussion<br />
hammer, penlight with batteries, and cloth<br />
carrying bag. Sh. wt. 0.43 kg.<br />
SB30986U Per kit — $ 42.85<br />
10 or more kits, each — $ 40.65<br />
50 or more kits, each — $ 38.45<br />
Veinlite EMS<br />
A lower cost option for vein access in adults and<br />
children and is well-suited to emergency response<br />
teams. Has 16 LEDs (12 orange and four red)<br />
and a single switch to illuminate both sets of<br />
LEDs. Includes disposable plastic covers, a snapon<br />
pediatric adapter, and a snap-on light shield<br />
attachment. Requires two “AA” batteries (included).<br />
Sh. wt. 0.31 kg.<br />
SB46500U — $240.90<br />
Digital Spirometer<br />
Duplicates the performance of professional instruments<br />
by quickly and accurately measuring lung<br />
volume. The large, easy-to-read digital display<br />
gives instant volume readouts. No more lengthy<br />
volume calculations that may affect results or<br />
take up time. A nice addition to human physiology,<br />
anatomy, and health class units. Includes AC<br />
adapter and 50 disposable mouth pieces; can<br />
also run on two “AA” batteries (not included).<br />
Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
SB45890U — $506.55<br />
Infrared<br />
Thermometer<br />
with Digital Readout<br />
Features a fast 1-second<br />
wide range readout with<br />
professional accuracy:<br />
50°-122° F (10°-50° C) person,<br />
32°-221° F (0°-105° C) object/<br />
liquid. Includes lighted display,<br />
fever alarm, 10-reading memory<br />
recall, measurements in F°/C°, and<br />
automatic shutoff. Comes with drawstring storage<br />
pouch and detailed guidebook in English and<br />
Spanish. Requires two “AAA” batteries (included).<br />
Five-year limited warranty. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg.<br />
SB47245U — $95.65<br />
Fingertip<br />
Pulse Oximeter<br />
A simple, easy-to-use<br />
Handheld ECG Monitor<br />
fingertip pulse oximeter<br />
that measures<br />
recorder for monitoring a heart beat. Held with<br />
A portable, easy-to-use, handheld ECG waveform<br />
blood oxygen<br />
two hands, it displays and records 30 seconds of<br />
saturation level and<br />
an ECG signal each time. Displays and records<br />
heart rate in seconds.<br />
heart rate and waveform. Features a large and<br />
Lightweight, compact,<br />
high-resolution LCD screen with back light and<br />
portable, and features<br />
automatic power off function. Unit comes with<br />
an easy-to-read LED digital display. Features onebutton<br />
operation, low power consumption, and two “AAA” batteries, and instruction manual. One-<br />
carrying pouch, USB cable, software CD-ROM,<br />
auto power-off function. Comes with two “AAA” year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
batteries, a neck/wrist cord, and user manual. SB48020U — $343.75<br />
Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
SB48022U — $97.85<br />
® XP or higher,<br />
128 MB RAM; Macintosh ® OS 10 or higher, 128 MB RAM.<br />
1-800-668-0600 51
52<br />
Skills Training<br />
Physical Assessment<br />
Aneroid Fanny Pack<br />
Set combines all of the basic diagnostic tools<br />
in one convenient fanny pack. Includes colormatched<br />
Sprague-Rappaport type stethoscope<br />
with accessory kit, no-stop manometer gauge,<br />
color-matched nylon cuff latex inflation system,<br />
stainless steel bandage scissors, reusable pen<br />
light, tape measure, and stethoscope name tag.<br />
10-year manometer warranty. Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
SB40246U Burgundy SB40249U Teal<br />
SB40247U Purple SB40250U Black<br />
SB40248U Royal Blue<br />
Each — $66.00<br />
Teaching<br />
Sphygmomanometer Set<br />
Designed as an instructional set.<br />
Includes a dual-head teaching stethoscope<br />
plus a popular aneroid sphygmomanometer.<br />
To be used for simultaneous listening by teacher<br />
and student or two students. Excellent device for<br />
assisting students in the detection of systolic and<br />
diastolic heart sounds. Sh. wt. 0.37 kg.<br />
SB27332U — $ 32.75<br />
Aneroid<br />
Sphygmomanometer<br />
Used for measuring blood<br />
pressure, this device is individually<br />
certified for accuracy.<br />
Inflation system is made of<br />
seamless, reinforced latex rubber.<br />
300 mm scale. Hook-and-loop cuff.<br />
Includes leather-like zipper case.<br />
Large Adult<br />
13"-20" cuff. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB34980U — $31.10<br />
Adult Size<br />
11"-16 2 ⁄5" cuff. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
SB34978U — $19.75<br />
Child Size<br />
7 7 ⁄10"-11 3 ⁄10" cuff. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
SB25977U — $31.10<br />
Infant Size<br />
5 1 ⁄2"-7 4 ⁄5" cuff. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
SB25976U — $31.10<br />
Spectrum® Nurse<br />
Stethoscope<br />
Offers an economical<br />
solution for health care<br />
professionals who want a<br />
quality listening device. Each<br />
stethoscope features a binaural,<br />
lightweight anodized aluminum<br />
chestpiece, and 22" vinyl Y-tubing.<br />
Packaged with a spare diaphragm and a pair of<br />
mushroom eartips. Overall stethoscope length is<br />
30". Available in six great colors — ideal for easy<br />
departmental coding. Latex free. Lifetime limited<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
SB34967U Blue SB34970U Red<br />
SB34968U Black SB34971U Navy<br />
SB34969U Gray SB34972U Hunter Green<br />
Each — $ 6.85<br />
SB46487U<br />
SB46488U<br />
MDF® Pulse Time Stethoscopes<br />
Designed to increase acoustic amplification and<br />
detect high-pitched sound, these instruments are<br />
well-suited for general examination and blood<br />
pressure measurement in an academic setting.<br />
The advanced chestpiece is made of lightweight<br />
anodized aluminum and the diaphragm is fitted<br />
with the unique raised ultra-thin fiber diaphragm<br />
for greater amplification and transmission of heart<br />
and lung sounds. The AccuFit adjustable headset<br />
crafted from chrome-plated brass is equipped<br />
with ComfortSeal eartips to provide medical<br />
professionals with an anatomic fit for extended<br />
usage comfort and superior acoustic transmission.<br />
Acoustic tube in the Y-configuration is constructed<br />
of non-cracking, nonsticking, high-density, latexfree<br />
PVC. Includes two additional ComfortSeal<br />
Eartips, ultra-sensitive diaphragm, and ID tag.<br />
Teaching Stethoscope. No longer do medical<br />
instructors have to describe faint sounds to students<br />
with this quadruple output acoustic stem.<br />
With the MDF ® Teaching Stethoscope, instructor<br />
and students listen to the same source of sound<br />
that offers multi-functional teaching applications<br />
and the necessary flexibility in all clinical and<br />
educational settings. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB46487U — $83.05<br />
Original Stethoscope. Features a liquid crystal<br />
analog quartz timepiece equipped on top of<br />
Bowle’s-type chestpiece. Enables medical professionals<br />
to maintain eye contact with patients<br />
during diagnosis, offering a more efficient and<br />
patient-friendly method of monitoring vital signs.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 kg.<br />
SB46488U — $51.65<br /><br />
Self-Taking Blood<br />
Pressure Kit<br />
The perfect blood pressure<br />
kit for students. The<br />
kit includes long-lasting<br />
adult cotton D-ring cuff;<br />
convenient one-hand operation;<br />
and black, no-stop<br />
pin, 300 mm Hg gauge.<br />
Separate professional<br />
stethoscope. Comes with<br />
vinyl carry case, illustrated<br />
instructions, and blood pressure<br />
record chart. 10-year calibration<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB10783U — $ 21.95<br />
Dual-Head Training<br />
Stethoscope<br />
This dual-head stethoscope<br />
is designed<br />
especially for instruction<br />
purposes. Both teacher<br />
and student can monitor<br />
the heart sounds simultaneously.<br />
Dual-head<br />
rotating chest piece gives<br />
excellent amplification<br />
of heart and Korotkoff sounds. Dual head sets of<br />
aluminum binaurals and “Y” aluminum tubing<br />
connector and extension tubing. Features a nonchill<br />
diaphragm retaining ring. Tube length: 24".<br />
Total length: 36". Sh. wt. 0.25 kg.<br />
SB15276U — $15.70<br />
Sprague LC Stethoscope<br />
Stethoscope is 30% lighter than<br />
standard sprague rappaport-type<br />
stethoscopes with dual tubes.<br />
Heavy-walled 22" vinyl single<br />
tubing blocks out extraneous<br />
sounds and eliminates<br />
noise of the dual tubes<br />
rubbing. Comes with five<br />
interchangeable chest pieces:<br />
two diaphragms and three bells. Also includes<br />
three different sized ear tips. The binaural has a<br />
satin finish. Latex free. Includes ID tag. The overall<br />
length is 30". Black. Limited lifetime warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.29 kg.<br />
SB40212U — $16.50<br />
Sprague<br />
Rappaport<br />
Stethoscope<br />
Comes with five<br />
interchangeable<br />
chest pieces: two diaphragms<br />
(small and<br />
large), and three bells<br />
( 3 ⁄4", 1", and 1 1 ⁄4") to<br />
offer the most complete<br />
diagnostic capability. Also includes three different<br />
sized ear-tips for maximum comfort. Double tubing<br />
offers improved acoustic separation. Complete<br />
with accessory pouch and instructions. Overall<br />
stethoscope length is 30". Black. Lifetime limited<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB39906U — $17.55<br />
Stethoscope<br />
A stethoscope that monitors<br />
heart and respiratory sounds,<br />
and detects fetal sounds.<br />
Medium chest piece 1 3 ⁄4"<br />
diameter. Nickel and chrome<br />
plated. Flat chest piece has<br />
single stem. Hard rubber ear<br />
tips. Sh. wt. 0.11 kg.<br />
SA01176U Each — $ 4.35<br />
25 or more, each — $ 3.95
Life/form ® Blood Pressure Simulator<br />
The Life/form® Blood Pressure Simulator teaches physical assessment and<br />
helps resolve the uncertainties common in teaching students to take blood<br />
pressure. This lifelike simulator allows the presetting of values for both systolic<br />
and diastolic pressures. Provides an excellent means to practice listening to<br />
and distinguishing blood pressure sounds prior to actual clinical experience.<br />
It is possible to audibly discern the five Korotkoff phases. Many times when<br />
working with a live patient, pressures are difficult to auscultate, making accurate<br />
evaluation of student proficiency almost impossible, and undermining the<br />
student’s self-confidence. With this realistic unit, the student can find the preset<br />
results and the instructor can unfailingly know if the student has performed<br />
the procedure accurately. The electronically generated sounds are digitally<br />
recorded. Includes the Life/form® Blood Pressure Arm with embedded speaker,<br />
sphygmomanometer, electronic control unit (six “AA” batteries), instruction<br />
manual, and hard carry case. No special stethoscope required (stethoscope<br />
not included). For ausculatory blood pressure only. 23" L x 4" W x 4" D.<br />
Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 4.54 kg.<br />
LF01095U — $ 1,034.00<br />
Deluxe Blood Pressure Simulator<br />
The ideal way to broadcast blood pressure sounds to an entire classroom.<br />
The instructor can instantly change Korotkoff phases to compare audible<br />
differences, vary pulse rate and volume, control systolic and diastolic<br />
pressures, and demonstrate the phenomenon of auscultatory gap. Includes<br />
Blood Pressure Simulator (LF01095U) listed above and a 110V Amplifier/<br />
Speaker System (LF01189U listed below). For ausculatory blood pressure<br />
only. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 9.07 kg.<br />
LF01129U — $ 1,265.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Amplifier/Speaker System<br />
30-watt amplifier reproduces sounds with extreme clarity. For group presentations.<br />
Complete with speaker and wire connections. AC. Sh. wt. 4.54 kg.<br />
LF01189U 110 Volt — $253.00<br />
Blood Pressure Cuff Replacement<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF01072U — $35.15<br />
Features include:<br />
• Optional external speaker<br />
• Palpable radial pulse<br />
Control Unit Allows Instructor to:<br />
Skills Training<br />
Blood Pressure Simulators<br />
• Redesigned and durable control unit<br />
• Simple calibration procedure<br />
• Adjust pulse rate • Select systolic and diastolic settings<br />
• Adjust volume • Turn ausculatory gap on or off<br />
• Easily calibrate unit for use with any sphygmomanometer<br />
Students:<br />
• Auscultate Korotkoff sounds with any stethoscope through a<br />
speaker in the arm<br />
• Check palpable pulse at the radial site<br />
• Pressures are activated at release valve<br />
• Pump cuff<br />
• Read pressures on sphygmomanometer<br />
• Use normal procedure to place cuff on arm<br />
LF01095U<br />
Blood Pressure<br />
Simulator Arm with PDA<br />
PDA technology brings you the newest training device for teaching blood<br />
pressure skills. This stand-alone unit incorporates sphygmomanometer<br />
placement, palpation of the radial pulse, variable systolic and diastolic<br />
pressures from 0-300 mm Hg in two mm increments, variable amplitude of<br />
sound heard at the antecubital site, sound jack for group listening, auscultatory<br />
gap setting, and heart rate settings. This battery operated trainer can<br />
be plugged into 110V AC to save batteries and comes with the adapter and<br />
jack. The refurbished PDA is also included, along with the programming BP<br />
cuff, and carry bag. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 7.26 kg.<br />
SB40135U — $1,045.00<br />
Blood Pressure Monitor<br />
with Extra-Large Cuff<br />
A monitor developed especially for use<br />
with bariatric (obese) patients, as well as<br />
weight lifters, body builders, and football<br />
players. This blood pressure monitor<br />
features a cuff that fits arms measuring<br />
16 1 ⁄2" to 23 1 ⁄2" in circumference (compared<br />
to standard cuffs that are only<br />
about 18"). Contains a high-performance motor that can inflate the giant<br />
AccuFit arm cuff at a comfortable rate to provide a fast and accurate reading.<br />
Also has an irregular heartbeat feature, extra-large display, large illuminated<br />
start button, and an AC adapter. Stores last 90 blood pressure and pulse rate<br />
measurements in memory. Requires four “AA” batteries (not included) or with<br />
AC adapter (included). 4 3 ⁄8" L x 6 3 ⁄8" W x 2 3 ⁄8" H. Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
SB45089U — $202.35<br />
DynaPulse® 200M<br />
Complete Curriculum Plus Five Labs!<br />
Computer-based blood pressure and<br />
cardiovascular pulse waveform monitoring<br />
provides a quick, easy way to create<br />
an exciting educational experience.<br />
This teacher-ready program includes<br />
a complete curriculum —from simple<br />
definitions to advanced subjects, plus<br />
five labs. Students will measure blood<br />
pressure, examine heartbeats, identify<br />
irregularities, analyze trends, and perform<br />
statistical analysis (all in real time) by monitoring their<br />
own cardiovascular profiles and those of their classmates. DynaPulse ® creates<br />
long-term trending graphical presentations of key cardiovascular information;<br />
stores and displays a lifetime of measurement information to manage<br />
patient care; includes a reference database of medical facts, with on-screen<br />
help capabilities; analyzes detailed cardiovascular information; expands single<br />
heartbeat wave at cursor position; displays heartbeat pressure waveform;<br />
views systolic, mean, and diastolic positions in heartbeat pressure wave; and<br />
displays blood pressure and pulse rate with time and date. Sh. wt. 1.81 kg.<br />
SB25816U — $429.00<br />
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows ® — 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, or XP, 2 MB RAM, USB port.<br />
Monitor and PC not Included.<br />
Thigh Sphygmomanometer<br />
A standard thigh sphygmomanometer to<br />
measure blood pressure. Easy to use with<br />
a comfortable-fitting, calibrated, durable<br />
nylon cuff and hook-and-loop closure.<br />
Provides an accurate reading up to<br />
+/- 3 mmHg. Latex free. Blue. 25 1 ⁄4" W<br />
x 17 1 ⁄2" H cuff. Includes zippered carrying<br />
case. 10-year calibration warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB45090U — $41.75<br />
1-800-668-0600 53
Patient Care Manikins<br />
GERi/KERi Nursing Skills Manikin<br />
Ideal For All<br />
OBRA-Required Training!<br />
Life/form® GERi The Nursing Skills Manikin<br />
Life/form ® presents the only patient care manikin that actually resembles a geriatric patient.<br />
• Complete Range of Motion • Fully Functional • Lightweight • Patient Transfer Techniques • Visually Realistic<br />
The GERi Nursing Skills Manikin is ideal for preparing students for working with real-life geriatric patients, since it features an elderly appearance with skin<br />
wrinkles and folds. No other manikin on the market is so realistic and true-to-life. When compared to similar manikins, it features the best and most lifelike<br />
range of motion; GERi moves like a person, allows realistic patient positioning, and features nonpinching joints. Life/form ® simulations are added for<br />
realism. The overall appearance of the manikin is female; however, removal of the wig and attachment of the male genitals converts it for male catheterization<br />
and prostate examination simulations. Excellent for all levels of health care education — from nursing assistants to medical students. Ideal for all OBRA<br />
required training. Full three-year warranty.<br />
Visual Inspection Features<br />
Life/form ® realism helps prepare students for<br />
working with real patients. The entire manikin is<br />
designed to teach the student to be aware of<br />
physical changes in the patient. Early detection<br />
of these changes simplifies their treatment and<br />
improves outcomes and patient health.<br />
• Cancerous Mole Comparison<br />
• Stage 1 Decubitus Sacral Ulcer<br />
• Dilated Pupil Comparison<br />
• Reddened Skin Folds<br />
• GERi has elderly appearance<br />
• KERi has younger appearance<br />
The GERi Manikin is the realistic<br />
geriatric version of the KERi Manikin<br />
Normal and Cancerous<br />
Mole Comparison<br />
Decubitus Ulcer Stage 1<br />
Reddened Skin Folds<br />
54<br />
4 Intramuscular<br />
Injection Sites<br />
Urinary<br />
Catheterization<br />
Male/Female<br />
Fully Functional Patient Care Simulation<br />
Simulates over 35 nursing and medical procedures. Fulfills all OBRA requirements — plus more.<br />
Famous Life/form ® procedure simulations are incorporated in the full body. The GERi manikin<br />
features more functioning simulations than any other manikin on the market today.<br />
• Bandaging and Wound Dressing<br />
• Bed Baths<br />
• Blood Pressure Arm (Optional)<br />
• Clothing Changes<br />
• Denture Removal — Upper and Lower<br />
• Ear Irrigation and Hearing Aid Placement<br />
• Enema Administration — Female Only<br />
• Eye Irrigation<br />
• Finger and Toe Bandaging — Flexible<br />
and Individually Molded<br />
• Gastrostomy Care, Lavage, Gavage<br />
(Complete, Advanced, and Auscultation<br />
GERi/KERi Only)<br />
• Hair Care — Washing, Combing<br />
• Heart and Lung Sounds (Auscultation<br />
GERi/KERi Only, update kit available)<br />
• Intramuscular Injection Sites — Arms,<br />
Thigh, Buttock<br /><br />
• IV Arm (Optional)<br />
• Oral and Nasal Lavage, Gavage, and<br />
Suctioning<br />
• Oral Hygiene<br />
• Ostomy Care — Ileostomy and Colostomy<br />
Lavage and Suctioning<br />
• Pap Smears and Douching<br />
• Patient Positioning<br />
• Patient Transfer Techniques<br />
• Placement of Nasogastric Tubes<br />
• Pressure Ulser Foot (Optional)<br />
• Prostate Exam — Stage B — Male<br />
• Tracheostomy Care — Lavage and<br />
Suctioning<br />
• Urinary Catheterization — Female and<br />
Male Uncircumcised (Complete, Advanced<br />
and Auscultation GERi/KERi only)
Patient Care Manikins<br />
GERi/KERi Nursing Skills Manikin<br />
Superior Range<br />
of Motion<br />
Realistic Patient Positioning, Flexibility, and Superior Range of Motion<br />
No other manikin features movements as natural as the GERi or KERi for patient positioning, range of motion, and patient flexibility. All major joints<br />
have natural movement to provide realistic practice of patient handling. Hands and feet are made of soft, flexible Life/form ® material for added realism.<br />
• Ankle — Eversion, Inversion, Dorsiflexion, Plantarflexion<br />
• Neck — Rotation, Hyperextension, Lateral Flexion<br />
• Elbow — Extension, Flexion, Pronation, Supination<br />
• Shoulder — Abduction, Adduction, Rotation, Hyperextension<br />
• Fingers — Abduction, Adduction, Flexion (Soft, Lifelike Material) • Toes — Abduction, Adduction, Flexion (Soft, Lifelike Material)<br />
• Hip — Abduction, Adduction, Rotation, Hyperextension<br />
• Trunk — Rotation, Hyperextension<br />
• Knee — Extension, Flexion<br />
• Wrist — Flexion, Hyperextension, Radial Flexion, Ulnar Flexion<br />
Life/form® Basic GERi Manikin<br />
For the economy-minded program that still wants the best!<br />
The basic GERi Manikin provides all the regular features of<br />
the GERi Complete Manikin, except internal fluid reservoirs<br />
have been eliminated for greater economy. Urinary catheterization<br />
and gastrostomy procedures cannot be performed on<br />
the Basic GERi. Basic cares can be simulated. Carry case<br />
not included. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 13.61 kg.<br />
LF04040U — $ 1,430.00<br />
Advanced GERi<br />
LF04030U<br />
Life/form®<br />
Complete GERi Manikin<br />
This manikin has all the features and simulations<br />
listed on page 54 and the simulations listed<br />
above. Carry case not included. Three-year<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 14.51 kg.<br />
LF04001U — $ 1,815.00<br />
Life/form®<br />
Advanced GERi Manikin<br />
The Advanced GERi Manikin is fully functional<br />
with the addition of a right IV Training Arm<br />
(LF04080U) and a left Blood Pressure Training<br />
Arm (LF04079U). The Life/form ® IV Arm features<br />
replaceable skins and latex veins that actually<br />
roll when palpated. A realistic flashback confirms<br />
proper needle placement, and the shoulder can<br />
be used for intramuscular injection training. The<br />
Life/form ® Blood Pressure Arm reproduces the<br />
five Korotkoff sounds and allows the instructor<br />
to vary systolic and diastolic levels, pulse rate,<br />
volume, and auscultatory gap. Includes all four<br />
arms. Carry case not included. Three-year<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 19.96 kg.<br />
LF04030U — $2,997.50<br />
Life/form®<br />
GERi and KERi Auscultation Manikin Updates<br />
Turn your existing GERi and KERi manikin into an Auscultation Trainer. Update package includes torso<br />
with auscultation sites, remote control with LCD display and SmartScope. See page 56 for complete list<br />
and description of sounds included. Sh. wt. 9.07 kg.<br />
GERi Update Package<br />
LF04004U — $ 3,201.00<br />
KERi Update Package<br />
LF04024U — $ 3,201.00<br />
1-800-668-0600 55
Patient Care Manikins<br />
GERi/KERi Nursing Skills Manikins<br />
Superior Range<br />
of Motion<br />
Life/form® KERi<br />
Nursing Skills Manikin<br />
All of the quality features and functions<br />
of the GERi Manikin. Life/form ®<br />
molding and modeling techniques have<br />
given KERi an unusually realistic<br />
appearance as a woman, or as a man<br />
when the wig is removed and attachment<br />
of male genitals converts it for male<br />
catheterization and prostate exam simulations<br />
without being age-specific. Unique<br />
visual features reinforce the importance<br />
of inspecting patients and noting changes<br />
in their appearance. All joints provide<br />
maximum realistic range of motion not<br />
found in any other manikin. Life/form ®<br />
simulations have been included in<br />
KERi to allow the practice of more<br />
than 35 patient care procedures<br />
(see page 54). The perfect<br />
manikin for all OBRA required<br />
training. Full three-year<br />
warranty.<br />
Life/form® Basic KERi Manikin<br />
For the economy-minded program that still wants the best! The<br />
basic KERi Manikin provides all the regular features of the<br />
KERi Complete Manikin, except internal fluid reservoirs have<br />
been eliminated for greater economy. Urinary catheterization<br />
and gastrostomy procedures cannot be performed on the Basic<br />
KERi. Basic cares can be simulated. Carry case not included.<br />
Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 13.61 kg.<br />
LF04021U — $1,430.00<br />
Life/form® Advanced KERi Manikin<br />
The Advanced KERi Manikin is fully functional with the addition<br />
of a right IV Training Arm (LF04080U) and a left Blood<br />
Pressure Training Arm (LF04079U). The Life/form® IV Arm<br />
features replaceable skin and veins that actually roll when<br />
palpated. A realistic flashback confirms proper needle placement,<br />
and the shoulder can be used for intramuscular injection<br />
training. The Life/form® Blood Pressure Arm reproduces the<br />
five Korotkoff sounds and allows the instructor to vary systolic<br />
and diastolic levels, pulse rate, volume, and auscultatory gap.<br />
Includes all four arms. Carry case not included. Three-year<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 19.96 kg.<br />
LF04022U — $2,997.50<br />
Life/form® Complete KERi Manikin<br />
This manikin has all the features and simulations listed on pages<br />
54 and 55. Carry case not included. Three-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 15.42 kg.<br />
LF04020U — $ 1,815.00<br />
Life/form®<br />
Ultra Nursing Wound Simulation Kit<br />
The “ultimate” kit designed to assist nursing educators<br />
in creating medical experiences that used to<br />
only be found in clinical settings. Nursing assessment<br />
is based on sensory experiences – what is felt,<br />
seen, heard and smelled. Wound simulation supports<br />
sensory perception in a nursing scenario and<br />
assists students in confirming physical signs, realism,<br />
and critical thinking. Realistic, simulated conditions and injuries test the natural feelings and reactions that would occur in actual patient situations. The instructor-created<br />
simulation scenarios assist students with making assessments, prioritizing patients, and determining correct treatments. Simulation allows students<br />
to make critical mistakes without endangering a live patient, providing them with realistic patient interaction and enabling them to gain experience and gain<br />
confidence before entering real-life clinical situations. The more realistic the simulation, the greater the learning experience. Applications of wounds, blisters,<br />
abrasions, bruises, and much more act as visual aids. Moulage adds enough realism for students to become completely engaged in the scenarios presented.<br />
It allows them to feel the patient or patient simulator is someone for whom they must provide appropriate care. Using very quick, basic simulations and simple<br />
makeup, the simulated three-dimensional lifelike wounds can be cleaned, sutured, bandaged, etc., for a realistic nursing experience. Nursing simulation can<br />
use simple makeup and include wounds applied to a real person’s or patient simulator’s limbs, chest, head, or any other part of the body. The simulation can<br />
be as basic or advanced as needed by also adding other elements of realism, including sweat, blood, pus, mucous, or any other “recipes” needed to create a<br />
realistic learning environment. The Life/form® Ultra Nursing Wound Simulation Kit includes everything needed to create complex scenarios to assist students<br />
with a multitude of sensory perception experiences. Included are 32 simulated wounds, makeup, and makeup accessories all packaged in a hard carry case.<br />
Sh. wt. 10.89 kg.<br />
LF00720U — $1,402.50<br />
56<br />
Life/form®<br />
GERi and KERi<br />
Auscultation Manikins<br />
The GERi and KERi Auscultation<br />
Manikins have all the same features<br />
as the Complete GERi and KERi<br />
Manikins (page 55 and above) with<br />
the addition of auscultation sites with<br />
Heart Conditions:<br />
• Aortic Regurgitation<br />
• Atrial Septal Defect<br />
• Holosystolic<br />
• Mid Systolic<br />
• Mitral Stenosis<br />
• Normal<br />
• PDA<br />
heart and lung sounds. For auscultation training, the instructor selects from a menu of 12 heart and 12 lung conditions by<br />
a wireless remote control. The student must palpate to identify correct auscultation locations, and will hear different heart<br />
and lung sounds as the SmartScope is moved to different locations on the manikin. Lung sounds can be detected at five<br />
anterior and 12 posterior sites and six anterior heart sites. A diagnosis of condition selected by the instructor can be made<br />
by comparing the variations in sounds occurring at the different sites — just like a real person! Each trainer includes manikin,<br />
one remote control with LCD display, one SmartScope with single-and dual-user headpieces, and batteries. Carry case<br />
not included. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 16.78 kg.<br />
GERi Auscultation Manikin KERi Auscultation Manikin<br />
LF04003U — $4,482.50 LF04023U — $4,482.50<br /><br />
• Pulmonary<br />
Stenosis<br />
• S3 Gallop<br />
• S4 Gallop<br />
• Systolic<br />
Click<br />
• VSD<br />
Lung Conditions:<br />
• Bronchial<br />
• Cavernous<br />
• Coarse Crackle<br />
• Fine Crackle<br />
• Friction Rub<br />
• Mono Wheeze<br />
• Normal<br />
• Pectoriloquy<br />
• Pulmonary<br />
Edema<br />
• Rhonchi<br />
• Stridor<br />
• Wheeze<br />
See page 36 for<br />
additional images and a<br />
complete list of wounds,<br />
makeup, and assessories.
Moulage for Manikins Book<br />
(or Cooking for Real Dummies!)<br />
By Jeanne Cleary, MA, RN, and Kaaren<br />
Harris, RN, CCRN Alum, M Ed. 130 pages.<br />
Second Edition.<br />
A wonderful compilation of simulation recipes for<br />
health care education. Sample recipes include a<br />
scratch of “flesh,” a clot of “blood,” and an ooze<br />
of choice “bodily fluids.” Developed by nursing<br />
simulation instructors at Ridgewater College, the<br />
book includes color photos of the recipes, a notes<br />
area on each page for comments, as well as tool<br />
kit ideas to stock your own simulation “kitchen.”<br />
This book is a must-have to make your manikins come alive. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB48078U – $55.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Ankle<br />
LF04069(N)U Sh. wt. 0.31 kg. — $40.85<br />
Arm, Complete Right<br />
LF04091(N)U Sh. wt. 1.59 kg. — $243.65<br />
Arm, Complete Left<br />
LF04092(N)U Sh. wt. 1.59 kg. — $243.65<br />
Arm, Upper<br />
LF04056(N)U Sh. wt. 1.02 kg. — $35.10<br />
Bladder Bag Replacement<br />
LF04097U Sh. wt. 0.01 kg. — $20.35<br />
Blood<br />
LF00845U Quart. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $ 16.95<br />
LF00846U Gallon. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg. — $ 26.05<br />
Blood Pressure Arm<br />
LF04079U Sh. wt. 4.99 kg. — $1,045.00<br />
Carry Case, Hard<br />
LF03465U Sh. wt. 12.70 kg. — $ 236.50<br />
Carry Case, Soft<br />
LF03466U Sh. wt. 2.95 kg. — $ 120.95<br />
Catheter Bag Replacement<br />
LF04095U Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $44.25<br />
Enema Reservoir Bag Replacement<br />
LF04096U Sh. wt. 0.02 kg. — $20.35<br />
Fluid Supply Bag. 500 ml. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01130U — $18.65<br />
Fluid Supply Stand<br />
5" x 8" (13 x 20 cm) base, 5 ⁄16" steel hooked rod.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
LF01022U — $48.70<br />
Foley Catheter. 16 FR. 5 cc.<br />
LF01127U Pkg. of 1.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $ 22.30<br />
LF01128U Pkg. of 10.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.29 kg. — $189.15<br />
Foot, Right<br />
LF04046(N)U Sh. wt. 0.79 kg. — $61.20<br />
Foot, Left<br />
LF04045(N)U Sh. wt. 0.79 kg. — $61.20<br />
Genitalia (Basic), Male<br />
LF04109U Sh. wt. 0.34 kg. — $137.50<br />
Genitalia (Basic), Female<br />
LF04110U Sh. wt. 0.34 kg. — $137.50<br />
Genitalia (Complete, Advanced,<br />
& Auscultation), Male<br />
LF04075(N)U Sh. wt. 1.93 kg. — $248.60<br />
Genitalia (Complete, Advanced,<br />
& Auscultation), Female<br />
LF04076(N)U Sh. wt. 1.93 kg. — $248.60<br />
Hardware Replacement Set<br />
LF04072U Sh. wt. 0.18 kg. — $105.40<br />
Head, GERi<br />
LF04088(N)U Sh. wt. 1.59 kg. — $214.50<br />
Head, KERi<br />
LF04083(N)U Sh. wt. 2.04 kg. — $214.50<br />
Elbow<br />
LF04057(N)U Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $40.80<br />
Forearm<br />
LF04058(N)U Sh. wt. 0.14 kg. — $30.60<br />
Hand, Left<br />
LF04077(N)U Sh. wt. 0.34 kg. — $56.55<br />
Hand, Right<br />
LF04078(N)U Sh. wt. 0.34 kg. — $56.55<br />
Hip<br />
LF04061(N)U Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $47.65<br />
Hip Injection Site<br />
LF04082(N)U Sh. wt. 0.31 kg. — $26.10<br />
Hip Joint, Left<br />
LF04060(N)U Sh. wt. 0.23 kg. — $35.10<br />
Hip Joint, Right<br />
LF04065(N)U Sh. wt. 0.23 kg. — $35.10<br />
IV Arm<br />
LF04080U Sh. wt. 5.90 kg. — $566.50<br />
IV Skin & Vein Replacement Kit<br />
LF04081U Sh. wt. 0.68 kg. — $116.60<br />
Leg, Complete Right<br />
LF04093(N)U Sh. wt. 3.63 kg. — $253.00<br />
Leg, Complete Left<br />
LF04094(N)U Sh. wt. 2.49 kg. — $253.00<br />
Leg Injection Site<br />
LF04052(N)U Sh. wt. 0.31 kg. — $47.65<br />
Leg, Lower<br />
LF04067(N)U Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $45.35<br />
Patient Care Manikins<br />
GERi/KERi Nursing Skills Manikins<br />
Life/form® GERi and KERi<br />
Optional Pressure Ulcer Foot<br />
The Life/form® GERi/KERi<br />
Optional Pressure Ulcer Foot will add<br />
wound care realism to your<br />
instructions on the care<br />
and cleaning of<br />
pressure ulcers at<br />
various stages.<br />
Pressure ulcers<br />
are more likely to<br />
appear on pressure<br />
points such as heels,<br />
tips of toes, between toes,<br />
or anywhere the bones may protrude and rub against socks, shoes, or bed<br />
sheets. The pressure ulcer foot contains all four severities of stages 1-4. Easily<br />
attaches to any GERi or KERi Patient Care Manikin and includes an<br />
instruction key card. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
LF04041U — $119.85<br />
Leg, Upper Left<br />
LF04062(N)U Sh. wt. 0.68 kg. — $49.85<br />
Leg, Upper Right<br />
LF04066(N)U Sh. wt. 1.02 kg. — $73.60<br />
Lubricant Kit<br />
2-oz. bottles. Pkg. of 6. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00985U — $31.70<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form®<br />
simulators. 12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $19.95<br />
Replacement Blood Pressure Cuff<br />
LF01073U Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $35.15<br />
Shoulder Injection Site<br />
LF04051(N)U Sh. wt. 0.11 kg. — $48.75<br />
Shoulder, Left<br />
LF04055(N)U Sh. wt. 0.23 kg. — $49.85<br />
Shoulder, Right<br />
LF04064(N)U Sh. wt. 0.23 kg. — $49.85<br />
Shoulder Joint, Right<br />
LF04063(N)U Sh. wt. 0.14 kg. — $38.50<br />
Shoulder Joint, Left<br />
LF04054(N)U Sh. wt. 0.14 kg. — $38.50<br />
Speaker System for Blood Pressure<br />
Arm and Auscultation Manikin. Sh. wt. 4.54 kg.<br />
LF01189U 110V AC — $ 253.00<br />
Stoma Set<br />
LF04089U Sh. wt. 0.14 kg. — $22.70<br />
Stomach Bag Replacement<br />
LF04098U Sh. wt. 0.03 kg. — $19.25<br />
Torso, Lower, KERi<br />
LF04073(N)U Sh. wt. 2.27 kg. — $243.65<br />
Torso, Lower, GERi<br />
LF04048(N)U Sh. wt. 2.49 kg. — $243.10<br />
Torso, Upper KERi<br />
LF04070(N)U Sh. wt. 1.93 kg. — $232.10<br />
Torso, Upper GERi<br />
LF04047(N)U Sh. wt. 2.27 kg. — $232.10<br />
Wrist<br />
LF04059(N)U Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $44.25<br />
1-800-668-0600 57
58<br />
Patient Care Manikins<br />
Adult Nursing Skills<br />
Susie/Simon® Hospital Training Manikins<br />
Susie/Simon ® offers training in a variety of clinical procedures to nurses and<br />
other health care professionals. The external appearance of the model is<br />
female. Attachment of the male genitals, however, converts the manikin into<br />
a male model. Susie/Simon ® can simulate a number of exercises from transverse<br />
colostomy management to tracheotomy, from intramuscular injection to<br />
opthalmological treatment.<br />
The manikin offers these additional features:<br />
• Douching and pap smear exercises<br />
• Enema administration<br />
• Head supplied with wig for combing, shampooing, and head draping exercises<br />
• Injection site on buttock for intramuscular injection<br />
• Injection sites on left arm for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections<br />
• Instruction in complete intestinal lavage with stomas connected to<br />
internal reservoir system (ostomy model only)<br />
• Instruction in gastrostomy, ileostomy, and transverse colostomy management<br />
• Interchangeable male and female organs<br />
• Male and female urinary catheterization<br />
• Otic, nasal, tracheotomy, and gastrostomy openings and connections<br />
for ear syringing, gastric suction, and tracheotomy exercises<br />
• Removable dentures<br />
• Separated fingers and toes for bandaging exercises<br />
• Separately inserted eyes for administration of orbital medications,<br />
removal of foreign bodies, and eye irrigation<br />
• Suprapubic stoma management and drainage<br />
On manikins without an ostomy, intestinal lavage can only be simulated. The joints are<br />
strong and movements lifelike, even to the extent of permitting pronation and supination<br />
of the forearm. Made from the highest quality vinyl plastic with a high degree of resistance<br />
to wear and tear. The surface is smooth, impervious to water, oils, and liniments.<br />
Susie/Simon® Hospital Training Manikin with Ostomy<br />
Sh. wt. 19.50 kg.<br />
SB20140U — $ 918.50<br />
Susie/Simon® Hospital Training Manikin without Ostomy<br />
Sh. wt. 16.33 kg.<br />
SB20142U — $ 841.50<br />
Simple Susie®<br />
Comes without internal tanks;<br />
genitals are not interchangeable.<br />
Sh. wt. 16.33 kg.<br />
SB23540U — $ 610.50<br />
Simple Simon®<br />
Comes without internal tanks;<br />
genitals are not interchangeable.<br />
Sh. wt. 15.42 kg.<br />
SB23541U — $ 610.50<br />
The Illustrated Guide to Safe<br />
Patient Handling and Movement<br />
By Audrey L. Nelson, PhD, RN, FAAN; Kathleen<br />
Motacki, MSN, BSN, RN, C; and Nancy Menzel.<br />
224 pages. Softcover.<br />
Teaches the new techniques and technologies<br />
specifically designed to reduce caregiver and patient<br />
injuries. Explains how to apply the program to specific<br />
clinical settings, such as medical and surgical, critical<br />
care, orthopedics, pediatrics, etc. The included DVD<br />
and photographs illustrate how to use the technology, as well as how to<br />
complete each task, movement, and position. ©2009. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB46521U Book & DVD — $49.50<br />
Fundamentals of Nursing<br />
By Patricia Potter, PhD, RN, FAAN,<br />
CMAC and Anne Perry, RN, MSN, EdD,<br />
FAAN. 1,824 pages. Eighth Edition.<br />
Hardcover.<br />
Learn fundamental nursing principles,<br />
concepts, and skills with ease! This edition<br />
includes accurate, cutting-edge content,<br />
active learning strategies, and the latest<br />
evidence-based research to help you excel<br />
in your classes and prepare for success in<br />
today’s competitive nursing field. This trusted,<br />
comprehensive resource was thoroughly reviewed by nursing experts and<br />
peers to ensure the most accurate content. With practical, fully integrated<br />
study support, this edition makes it easier than ever to build the understanding<br />
essential to providing excellent patient care. ©2012. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
SB47363U — $130.90<br />
Removable Dentures<br />
Meets<br />
OBRA<br />
Training<br />
Requirements<br /><br />
Interchangeable<br />
Genitals<br />
Attachable Advanced IV Training Arm<br />
Features subcutaneous injection area on flexor and<br />
lateral sides of forearm, intramuscular injection<br />
capability in the deltoid area, dorsum of the hand<br />
has two veins for additional intravenous line setups,<br />
use for infusion and blood collection procedures,<br />
and allows administration of medication by<br />
intravenous bolus. Comes with set-up kit consisting<br />
of blood powder concentrate, pressure bulb, blood<br />
dispensing bag, and spare arm skin. May be attached directly to Susie/Simon ®<br />
Hospital Training Manikin. Sh. wt. 3.18 kg.<br />
SB23445U — $368.50<br />
Mosby’s Pocket Guide to<br />
Nursing Skills & Procedures<br />
656 pages. Seventh Edition, Spiral-bound.<br />
Presents 83 key skills in a clear two-column, A-Z format. Step-bystep<br />
instructions include full-color photos plus rationales behind<br />
using specific techniques. Includes the latest in evidence-based<br />
practice to help you perform basic nursing skills safely and effectively.<br />
Features a gloving logo that identifies skills in which clean<br />
gloves should be worn or gloves should be changed, safety alerts,<br />
reporting and recording guidelines, and unexpected outcomes<br />
and related interventions. ©2011. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB47364U — $47.25<br />
Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing<br />
Protocols for Best Practice<br />
Edited by Elizabeth Capezuti, PhD, RN, FAAN; DeAnne<br />
Zwicker, MS, APRN, BC; Mathy Mezey, EdD, RN, FAAN;<br />
Terry T. Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN; Deanna Gray-Miceli,<br />
FAANP, DNSc, APRN; and Malvina Kluger. 736 pages,<br />
Third Edition. Hardcover.<br />
Addresses key clinical conditions and circumstances likely to<br />
be encountered by a hospital nurse caring for older adults.<br />
They represent “best practices” for acute care of the elderly<br />
as developed by nursing experts around the country as part<br />
of the Hartford Foundation’s Nurses Improving Care to the Hospitalized Elderly<br />
project (NICHE). Includes 17 revised and updated chapters and more than<br />
15 new topics including critical care, diabetes, hydration, oral health care,<br />
palliative care, and substance abuse. Each chapter includes educational<br />
objectives, assessment of the problem, nursing intervention or care strategies,<br />
and references; most chapters have case studies. ©2008. Sh. wt. 1.59 kg.<br />
SB46495U — $65.95
CPR Susie Advanced<br />
Patient Care Simulator<br />
Designed to provide the fundamentals of<br />
CPR instruction as well as numerous patient<br />
care exercises. This life-size adult patient<br />
care simulator has been redesigned with<br />
modularity in mind. Sh. wt. 29.03 kg.<br />
CPR Susie Advanced<br />
Patient Care Simulator<br />
SB32864U — $ 1,798.50<br />
Features include:<br />
• Amputation stump<br />
• Anatomically painted outline of<br />
cardiopulmonary features<br />
• Bends 30° at waist<br />
• Cardiopulmonary resuscitation<br />
• Electronic CPR monitor<br />
• Enema administration<br />
• Eyes open and close (one pupil is dilated)<br />
• Instruction manual<br />
• Intramuscular injection site in buttock<br />
• Intramuscular and subcutaneous<br />
injection techniques. Optional advanced<br />
training arm (see SB23445U below)<br />
• Interchangeable male and female breasts<br />
(left female breast contains malignancy)<br />
• Interchangeable male organ<br />
• Jointed elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles<br />
• Male and female catheterization<br />
CPR Monitor<br />
• Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation<br />
• Mouth-to-nose resuscitation<br />
• Movable jaw with upper and lower dentures<br />
• Neck brace<br />
• Oral, nasal, otic, tracheotomy, and<br />
gastrostomy openings for instruction in<br />
nasogastric lavage and gavage<br />
• Palpation of right and left carotids<br />
• Removable internal tanks<br />
• Sculpted stomas for transverse colostomy,<br />
ileostomy, and suprapubic stoma, each<br />
connected to an internal, removable tank<br />
• Set of 2 decubitus ulcers depicting initial<br />
stage of ulceration and deeply infected stage<br />
• Simulated intubation<br />
• Soft, lifelike face skin<br />
Patient Care Manikins<br />
Adult Nursing Skills<br />
Catheterization — Interchangeable<br />
Female and Male Genitals<br />
• Vaginal douching and pap smear exercises<br />
with realistic vagina and cervix<br />
• 360° intramuscular and subcutaneous<br />
injection site in left upper arm<br />
Clinical Chloe<br />
Patient Care Simulators<br />
Sophisticated simulators for training<br />
in clinical nursing procedures.<br />
A variety of exercises may be performed,<br />
from simple bandaging<br />
and general patient care to breast<br />
palpation, catheterization, ostomy<br />
management, injection training,<br />
and cervical examination.<br />
Clinical Chloe<br />
SB20144U Sh. wt. 15.42 kg. — $ 1,155.00<br />
Features include:<br />
• Bends 30° at waist<br />
• Detachable at the waist for ease of storage<br />
• Ear canal for otic drops and irrigation<br />
• Enema administration<br />
• Gastrostomy opening<br />
• Inside bags can be filled with fluid<br />
• Interchangeable male and female breasts<br />
(left female breast contains malignancy)<br />
• Interchangeable male organ<br />
• Instruction manual<br />
• Intramuscular injection site in buttocks<br />
• Jointed elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles<br />
• Male and female catheterization<br />
• Movable jaw with removable upper and<br />
lower dentures<br />
Optional Addition:<br />
Attachable Advanced IV Training Arm<br />
Features subcutaneous injection area on flexor and lateral sides of forearm, intramuscular injection capability<br />
in the deltoid area, and dorsum of the hand with two veins for additional intravenous line setups. Use for<br />
infusion and blood collection procedures. Also allows administration of medication by intravenous bolus.<br />
Comes with set-up kit consisting of blood powder concentrate, pressure bulb, blood dispensing bag, and<br />
spare arm skin. May be attached directly to Susie/Simon ® Hospital Training Manikin and Clinical Chloe<br />
Patient Care Simulator. Sh. wt. 3.18 kg.<br />
SB23445U — $ 368.50<br />
Meets OBRA Training Requirements<br />
• Neck brace<br />
• NG and otic exercises<br />
• Realistic eyes in eye sockets for ophthalmic exercises<br />
• Removable internal tanks<br />
• Sculpted stomas for transverse colostomy, ileostomy, and suprapubic stoma,<br />
each connected to an internal, removable tank<br />
• Soft, lifelike facial skin<br />
• Two spare bladder tanks<br />
• Tracheotomy opening<br />
• Vaginal douching and pap smear<br />
exercises with realistic vagina and cervix<br />
• Wig for hair care exercises and surgical draping<br />
• 360° intramuscular and subcutaneous<br />
injection site in upper arms<br />
1-800-668-0600 59
Patient Care Manikins<br />
Adult Nursing Skills/Bathing Care<br />
Super Chloe Patient Care Simulator<br />
A fully articulating patient care simulator with airway management features, including soft, lifelike airway with realistic tongue,<br />
trachea, and epiglottis; BVM with realistic chest rise; practice oral/nasal intubation; and pass NP/OP tubes. Practice breast examination with seven interchangeable<br />
breasts for palpation and examination. Hear the appropriate heart and lung sound as bell of stethoscope is moved across the front and back of the torso. The<br />
simulator features a blood pressure training arm that has adjustable systolic and diastolic blood pressure, adjustable auscultation gap, and adjustable pulse rate.<br />
Also provides gynecologic examination features, including pap smear; bi-annual pelvic examination; palpation of normal and pregnant uteri; vaginal examination,<br />
including insertion of speculum; visual recognition normal and abnormal cervices; and uterine sounding. General care features include stylish wig for hair care<br />
exercises and surgical draping; removable dentures; eyes in eye sockets for ophthalmic exercises; ear canal for otic drops and irrigation; injection arm for IV, IM,<br />
Sub Q, and intradermal exercises; pass NG and OG tubes; practice colostomy, ileostomy, and suprapubic care/irrigation exercises; interchangeable male/female<br />
catheterization; enema administration; decubitus ulcers; and ulcerated foot. Includes blood pressure arm. One-year limited warranty. Sh. wt. 36.29 kg.<br />
SB37716U — $ 4,383.50<br />
Bathing Care Manikin<br />
Realistically demonstrate proper bathing techniques using this manikin featuring<br />
movable joints and a lower back that bends easily for a sitting position in a tub,<br />
shower, or wheelchair. When placed in a tub, water flows into the manikin so it<br />
stays submerged in the same way a patient would; water drains quickly when the<br />
manikin is lifted out of the tub or shower. Sponges, washcloths, soap, body wash,<br />
shampoo, etc., can be safely used. The head turns 30° in both directions and<br />
up and down. Shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles move naturally<br />
to simulate an actual patient. Lower limbs can be moved backward, forward, or<br />
abducted. In addition to bathing, practice of safe lifting techniques and bedpan<br />
assistance, as well as clothing and bedding changes, may also be performed.<br />
63" tall. Sh. wt. 15.88 kg.<br />
SB45098U — $5,049.00<br />
60<br /><br />
Newborn Bathing and Nursery Care Models<br />
A life-size manikin of a 0-4 week old newborn infant with the weight<br />
and balance of a newborn, as well as palpable anterior and posterior<br />
fontanels. Ideal for practice in bathing, umbilical cord care, ear and<br />
nose care, holding and neck support, bottle feeding, changing diapers,<br />
dressing, enema, physical measurement, and more.<br />
Features:<br />
• Lifelike, life-size newborn available in male or female models<br />
• Neck of manikin is not rigid, simulating newborns before they<br />
have the ability to hold up their head<br />
• Anterior and posterior fontanels are palpable<br />
• Limbs can bend and stretch, allowing for realistic practice of<br />
baby care procedures<br />
• Waterproof model has seamless, one-piece construction that<br />
prevents water from seeping inside<br />
• Removable umbilical cord<br />
• Model is 19 1<br />
⁄2" L and weighs 6 lbs. 10 oz.<br />
Newborn Bathing and Nursery Care Models<br />
Includes newborn manikin, umbilical cord, feeding bottle, baby clothes,<br />
and cloth cover. Sh. wt. 4.99 kg.<br />
SB47331U Male — $770.00 SB47332U Female — $770.00
Patient Care Manikins<br />
Adult Nursing Skills<br />
SB20111U<br />
Deluxe Hospital Training Manikin<br />
Life-size, instructional training manikin especially developed for practicing<br />
basic treatment and care. This easy-to-maintain manikin is made of a<br />
wash-resistant plastic for long life. The non-rusting steel joints allow lifelike<br />
movements and positions necessary for various exercises — the manikin can<br />
sit in an upright position with no support. Manikin comes with removable<br />
partial dentures in the upper and lower jaw, six interchangeable injection<br />
pads, and exchangeable male and female genital organs. With an amputation<br />
stump for the right thigh and all internal organs (lungs, stomach, heart,<br />
part of the intestine, bladder, and internal genitals), this model allows the<br />
practice of virtually all patient care procedures. Includes intestine tube<br />
catheter, duodenal probe, talcum powder, petroleum jelly, and lubricant.<br />
Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 25.40 kg.<br />
Skills that may be practiced:<br />
Bandaging:<br />
• Tracheal<br />
• Wet/Dry on Normal or<br />
Amputated Limbs<br />
Enemas:<br />
• Purgative & Glycerine<br />
General Nursing:<br />
• Handling Injured Limbs<br />
• Making/Changing<br />
Bed & Clothing<br />
• Personal Hygiene/Bed Baths<br />
• Relieving Bed Sores<br />
SB20111U — $ 3,157.00<br />
Infusions/<br />
Transfusions<br />
Injections:<br />
• Buttock<br />
• Thigh<br />
• Upper Arm<br />
Irrigation:<br />
• Bladder<br />
• Ears<br />
• Eyes<br />
• Intestine<br />
• Stomach<br />
• Vagina<br />
Male or Female<br />
Catheterization<br />
Ostomy Care<br />
Respiration:<br />
• Artificial Respiration<br />
• Inhalation &<br />
Oxygen Treatment<br />
Tracheotomy Care<br />
SB20110U<br />
Patient Care Manikin<br />
Allows practice of most training applications from basic to elderly patient<br />
care, including personal hygiene and cleaning (removable partial prosthesis),<br />
lifting and mobilization, bandaging and wound dressing (including stump<br />
dressing), injections (intramuscular and subcutaneous), oxygen treatment,<br />
artificial respiration, and tracheotomy care. Sh. wt. 21.77 kg.<br />
SB20110U — $2,544.30<br />
SB23533U<br />
Patient Care Manikins<br />
The basic Patient Care Manikin is designed to meet the needs of hospitals,<br />
nursing homes, and educational facilities in training primary patient care.<br />
Made of durable-cast vinyl over a steel cable frame, the lifesize manikin has<br />
fully articulated limbs and torso for flexibility. Offers training opportunities in<br />
patient handling and transfer, and correct positioning in bed, wheelchair, on<br />
bedpan, commode, or other hospital equipment. Patient-sensitive bathing<br />
techniques and general hygiene procedures are facilitated by the manikin’s<br />
accurate, interchangeable male/female genitalia and smooth, washable surface.<br />
A removable wig permits shampooing. Vinyl skin easily accommodates<br />
wound moulages for teaching care of decubitus ulcers and realism in changing<br />
surgical dressings or practicing bandaging. Three-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 19.05 kg.<br />
SB23530U — $833.80<br />
Weighted Patient Care Manikin<br />
Same features as manikin above (SB23530U), except this manikin is<br />
weighted to 47.63 kg. to provide added realism to patient care procedures.<br />
Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 56.70 kg.<br />
SB23346U — $ 913.00<br />
Patient Care/CPR Manikin<br />
Same features as manikin above (SB23530U), but also ideal for<br />
practicing CPR techniques. Size: 51" x 24" x 12". Sh. wt. 22.68 kg.<br />
SB32269U — $1,397.00<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Optional IV Lower Arm and Hand<br />
Realistic forearm and hand, veined with flexible tubing, allows practice of IV<br />
placement, infusion of fluids, and drawing of blood. Comes with reservoir<br />
bags, carrying tray, and simulated blood powder. (Procedure needle not<br />
included.) Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.59 kg.<br />
SB23533U — $ 250.80<br />
Replacement Skin<br />
SB23533(A)U Sh. wt. 0.68 kg. — $ 46.20<br />
Replacement Veins<br />
SB23533(B)U Sh. wt. 0.68 kg. — $ 22.00<br />
Carry/Storage Bag for Patient Care Manikins<br />
SB23531U Sh. wt. 1.81 kg. — $170.50<br />
1-800-668-0600 61
62<br />
Patient Care Manikins<br />
Adult Nursing Skills<br />
SimPad<br />
SimPad<br />
is a tool that<br />
makes simulation available at<br />
your fingertips — when and<br />
where you need it. Whether<br />
you’re training on a simulator, task trainer,<br />
or standardized patient, SimPad has the flexibility<br />
to support your needs and help you provide the best<br />
possible simulation experience. System Includes:<br />
SimPad, link box, two AC power supplies, rechargeable<br />
Lithium-Ion battery, wrist strap for SimPad,<br />
manikin strap for link box, manikin adapter cable,<br />
SimPad sleeve, USB cable, and directions for use.<br />
Blood Pressure<br />
• Auscultated and palpated blood pressure<br />
simulation<br />
• Korotkoff sounds synchronized with programmable<br />
ECG<br />
• Korotkoff sounds volume control in 10 steps<br />
(0-9)<br />
• Systolic and diastolic pressure may be set<br />
individually in steps of 2 mm Hg<br />
• Systolic 0-300 mm Hg; Diastolic 0-300 mm Hg<br />
• Auscultative gap with on/off feature<br />
• Pressure accuracy ±2 mm Hg<br />
• Calibrate function to adjust pressure sensor<br />
and cuff gauge<br />
Pulses<br />
• Controls carotid, brachial, radial, and<br />
umbilical pulses (available pulses vary<br />
depending on manikin)<br />
• Pulses only active when palpated<br />
• Pulses synchronized with ECG<br />
• Pulse strengths dependent or independently set<br />
• Brachial pulse off when BP cuff pressure is<br />
above 20 mm Hg<br />
• Radial pulse off when BP cuff pressure is<br />
above Systolic BP level<br />
ECG<br />
• 3-4 lead ECG<br />
• Pacing and defibrillation capabilities<br />
• Extensive ECG library based on the SimMan<br />
3G ECG library<br />
Sounds<br />
• Heart sounds synchronized with ECG<br />
• Auscultated lung sounds synchronized with<br />
breathing (0-60 BPM)<br />
• Individual lung sound selection<br />
• Normal or abnormal bowel sounds<br />
• Vocal sounds (computer-generated sounds,<br />
recorded vocal sounds, and real-time voice<br />
input via headset)<br />
• User generated vocal sounds<br />
Logging/Scenario Function<br />
• Download log files and student data to a PC<br />
• The SimPad log files can be viewed in<br />
SimView for post-simulation reflection and<br />
debriefing<br />
General<br />
• The SimPad System includes the SimPad<br />
Remote with 5.7" color display and touchscreen<br />
operation, and compact link box with<br />
rechargeable battery<br />
• Upload scenarios and themes from a PC via<br />
a USB or download scenarios directly from<br />
SimStore<br />
Intuitive software with manual or automatic<br />
•<br />
mode<br />
Li-Ion Battery with 3-4 hours operating time<br />
•<br />
Sh. wt. 4.08 kg.<br />
LG02178U — $3,190.00<br />
LG02165U<br /><br />
Wound Care Assortment Set<br />
Nursing Anne<br />
The manikin for the development of clinical skills of in-hospital professionals. Nursing Anne is a manikin<br />
designed for scenario-based training for the care and management of a wide variety of in-hospital<br />
patients. Anne is an efficient, effective, flexible manikin for clinical training in women’s health, obstetrics,<br />
post-partum, wound assessment and care, and general patient assessment and care.<br />
Benefits:<br />
• Educationally effective for in-hospital training, targeting key skill for in-hospital care<br />
including women’s health, obstetrics, post-partum care, wound assessment and care,<br />
and general patient care<br />
• Economical and educationally efficient skills and scenario based trainer<br />
• Durable, rugged, and lifelike; made to withstand years of use<br />
• Flexible manikin platform allows multiple accessory modules to be added for use in multiple<br />
clinical settings<br />
Features:<br />
• Head with anatomical landmarks, trachea and esophagus, along with simulated lungs and<br />
stomach for the practice of many procedures, including NG, OG, tracheal care, and suctioning<br />
• Instructor-controlled blood pressure arm allows for realistic palpation and auscultation<br />
• Articulating IV arm allows for practice of V cannulation, medication administration, and site<br />
care and maintenance<br />
• Practice medication dose calculations and administration through intramuscular injections at<br />
the deltoid, gluteal, ventrogluteal, and thigh sites<br />
• Optional modules can be added — sold separately<br />
Nursing Anne Non-SimPad Capable<br />
Sh. wt. 37.65 kg.<br />
LG02166U — $3,098.70<br />
Nursing Anne SimPad Capable<br />
Sh. wt. 38.10 kg.<br />
LG02165U — $4,897.20<br />
Nursing Anne Basic Female Manikin<br />
Includes Nursing Anne Non-SimPad Capable and<br />
Female Wound Assessment Set. Does not include<br />
SimPad. Sh. wt. 61.69 kg.<br />
LG02040U — $5,005.00<br />
Mastectomy Module<br />
Used to practice post-surgical mastectomy<br />
care procedures. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
LG02163U — $492.80<br />
Female Wound Care Assessment Set<br />
LG02164U Sh. wt. 7.71 kg. — $1,906.30<br />
Fundus Skills Module<br />
Features the normal anatomy of the<br />
status-post or post-partum female abdomen<br />
designed for fundus assessment and<br />
massage skills. Sh. wt. 3.63 kg.<br />
LG02167U — $492.80<br />
Breast Exam Module<br />
Facilitates training in the recognition of<br />
breast abnormalities, sizes of nodules, and<br />
relative locations by simulating multiple<br />
abnormalities found during breast examinations.<br />
Sh. wt. 3.40 kg.<br />
LG02168U — $685.30<br />
Hard Case<br />
Sh. wt. 17.69 kg.<br />
LG02161U — $1,023.00
Patient Care Manikins<br />
Adult Nursing Skills<br />
Nursing Kelly<br />
Nursing Kelly is a manikin designed<br />
for scenario-based training of the care<br />
and management of a wide variety of<br />
in-hospital patients. Training includes<br />
blood pressure measurement, sounds<br />
auscultation, and wound care assessment<br />
and management. This full-body<br />
adult male manikin is perfect for<br />
beginning education for in-hospital<br />
healthcare professionals.<br />
Benefits:<br />
• Educationally effective for in-hospital training, targeting key<br />
skills of hospital care providers<br />
• Economical and educationally efficient skills and scenario based trainer develops<br />
critical thinking by allowing students to perform assessments and interventions<br />
• Durable, rugged, and lifelike; made to withstand years of use<br />
• Flexible manikin platform allows multiple accessory modules to be added for<br />
use in multiple clincal settings<br />
Features:<br />
• Head with anatomical landmarks, trachea and esophagus, along with simulated<br />
lungs and stomach for the practice of many procedures, including NG, OG,<br />
tracheal care, and suctioning<br />
• Instructor-controlled blood pressure arm allows for realistic palpation and<br />
auscultation<br />
• IV cannulation, medication administration, and site care and maintenance are<br />
allowed in the antecubital area and the dorsum of the hand, accessing the<br />
median, basilic, and cephalic veins<br />
• Practice medication dose calculations and administration through intramuscular<br />
injections at the deltoid, gluteal, ventrogluteal, and thigh sites<br />
• Wound modules can be added (sold separately) to create realistic scenarios for<br />
wound assessment and care<br />
• Male and female catheterization<br />
Nursing Kelly SimPad Capable<br />
LG02171U Sh. wt. 44.45 kg. — $4,614.50<br />
Nursing Kelly Non-SimPad Capable<br />
LG02045U Sh. wt. 37.65 kg. — $2,823.70<br />
Nursing Kelly Basic Male Manikin<br />
Includes Nursing Kelly Non-SimPad Capable and Male Wound<br />
Assessment Kit. Does not include SimPad. Sh. wt. 46.27 kg.<br />
LG02046U — $4,642.00<br />
Male Wound Care Assessment Set<br />
LG02159U Sh. wt. 10.43 kg. — $1,818.30<br />
SimPad<br />
See page 62 for a complete description. Sh. wt. 4.08 kg.<br />
LG02178U — $3,190.00<br />
Patient Kelly<br />
Designed for basic patient care simulation, this manikin combines durability with modular design, making it the perfect starter manikin.<br />
Features:<br />
• Head with nostril and mouth openings facilitates NG tube insertion for gastric lavage and gavage<br />
• Trach opening for tube placement and care<br />
• Bilateral forearm IV pads<br />
• Deltoid, dorsogluteal, ventrogluteal, and vastus lateralis intramuscular injections possible<br />
• Belly plate with interchangeable stoma locations facilitates colostomy and ileostomy care and colostomy irrigation<br />
• Interchangeable female and male genitalia with reservoirs facilitates urinary catheterization and enema procedures using fluid for realistic return<br />
• Subclavian IV, various ostomy and chest tube openings for site care and maintenance<br />
Includes full body, adult male manikin; manikin lubricant; hospital gown; and assembly tool kit. Sh. wt. 36.74 kg.<br />
LG02130U — $2,238.50<br />
1-800-668-0600 63
64<br />
Patient Care Manikins<br />
Adolescent & Infant Nursing Skills<br />
Nursing Kid<br />
A training manikin realistically representing a six-year-old child.<br />
Designed for skill and scenario-based training for the care and<br />
management of variety of pediatric in-hospital patients. Training<br />
includes sound auscultation, IV cannulation, urinary catheterization,<br />
and general pediatric patient care. This child is ideal for clinical<br />
training in core pediatric in-hospital clinical skills.<br />
Benefits:<br />
• Delivers education efficiently, targeting key skills specific to<br />
pediatric care providers<br />
• Durable, rugged, and lifelike; made to withstand years of use<br />
• Highly mobile use in multiple clinical settings and<br />
hospital transport<br />
• Efficient training care and management of a variety of both<br />
common and uncommon in-hospital pediatric patients<br />
including wound assessment and care, first aid, and child<br />
abuse training<br />
Features:<br />
• Articulating IV arm allows for practice of IV cannulation,<br />
medication administration, and site care and maintenance<br />
• Bilateral deltoid, bilateral thigh, and gluteal intramuscular<br />
injections possible<br />
• Head with anatomical landmarks, trachea and esophagus,<br />
along with simulated lungs and stomach for the practice<br />
of many procedures, including NG, OG, tracheal care,<br />
suctioning and insertion, and securing and care of<br />
endotracheal tubes<br />
Nursing Kid SimPad Capable<br />
LG02170U Sh. wt. 16.33 kg. — $2,610.30<br />
Nursing Kid Non-SimPad Capable<br />
LG02100U Sh. wt. 14.06 kg. — $2,059.20<br />
Pediatric I/O Leg<br />
LG02158U Sh. wt. 1.70 kg. — $128.70<br />
SimPad<br />
See page 62 for complete description. Sh. wt. 4.08 kg.<br />
LG02178U — $3,190.00<br />
Nursing Baby<br />
The clinical skills training manikin for in-hospital infant professionals. Designed<br />
for scenario-based training for the care and management of variety of infant<br />
in-hospital patients. Training includes sound auscultation, IV and I/O skills, fontanel<br />
assessment, urinary catheterization, and general pediatric patient care. This<br />
infant is unrivaled for clinical training in core pediatric in-hospital clinical skills.<br /><br />
Benefits:<br />
• Durable, rugged, and lifelike; made to withstand years of use<br />
• Economical and educationally efficient skills and scenariobased<br />
trainer for care and management of a variety of common<br />
and uncommon in-hospital infant patients in multiple clinical<br />
settings and hospital transport<br />
• Educationally effective for training of in-hospital infant skills<br />
Features:<br />
• Articulating IV arm and IV leg allows for practice of IV<br />
cannulation, medication administration, and site care and<br />
maintenance<br />
• Bilateral deltoid and bilateral thigh intramuscular injections<br />
possible<br />
• Gastronomy tube opening for care and feeding<br />
• Head with anatomical landmarks, trachea and esophagus,<br />
along with simulated lungs and stomach for the practice of<br />
many procedures, including NG, OG, tracheal care, and<br />
suctioning<br />
• Interchangeable genitalia allows for urinary catheterization<br />
with fluid return, rectal temperature simulation, and<br />
administration of suppositories<br />
• Medication and fluid administration through intraosseous<br />
infusion allowed via tibia access with landmarks at the tibial<br />
tuberosity and medial malleolus<br />
• Normal, bulging, and depressed fontanels for assessment<br />
and diagnosis<br />
Nursing Baby SimPad Capable<br />
LG02169U Sh. wt. 9.07 kg. — $2,553.10<br />
Nursing Baby Non-SimPad Capable<br />
LG02057U Sh. wt. 7.71 kg. — $1,996.50<br />
SimPad<br />
See page 62 for complete description. Sh. wt. 4.08 kg.<br />
LG02178U — $3,190.00
Patient Care Manikins<br />
Adolescent Nursing Skills<br />
Multipurpose Patient Care<br />
and CPR Pediatric Simulators<br />
A realistic simulator for student practice of pediatric<br />
patient care techniques. Features include<br />
articulating head, jaw, arms, and legs; eye<br />
irrigation; oral, nasal, and digital intubation;<br />
place OP/NP tubes; right/left main stem<br />
bronchi; place nasal and oral gastric tubes;<br />
suctioning; BVM; chest compression/<br />
rise; lavage/gavage; G-tube placement;<br />
stomas for ileostomy, colostomy,<br />
and suprapubic exercises;<br />
intraosseous infusion; IV arm with<br />
variable, palpable pulses; and<br />
placement of rectal suppositories.<br />
One-Year-Old Manikin<br />
SB32866U Sh. wt. 7.71 kg. — $ 1,265.00<br />
Five-Year-Old Manikin<br />
SB32865U Sh. wt. 13.15 kg. — $ 1,496.00<br />
SB32865U<br />
Airway Training<br />
Intraosseous Infusion<br />
IV<br />
SB22746U<br />
Articulated Joints<br />
Finger Prick<br />
Mike® and Michelle® Pediatric Care Simulators<br />
Sophisticated pediatric simulators for training in standard and advanced<br />
clinical procedures. The realistic face, body, and fully jointed elbows, wrists,<br />
knees, and ankles permit the student and teacher to simulate authentic<br />
nursing care and medical treatment of the young child. Great for bathing and<br />
bandaging activities. Simulators feature soft, childlike face skin; self-molded<br />
hair; eyes open and close in realistic eye sockets for ophthalmic procedures; fully<br />
SB26392U<br />
articulated head and jaw with teeth and tongue; NG and otic exercises; bends 30º at waist; jointed elbows and<br />
knees; realistic hands, feet, fingers, and toes; soft upper body skin over hard upper body for realistic feel; intramuscular<br />
injection sites in left and right upper thighs; TB test site; interchangeable male organ; tracheostomy opening;<br />
male and female catheterization; removable internal tanks; enema administration; and neck brace. Simulators are<br />
detachable at waist for easy storage.<br />
1-Year-Old Pediatric Care Simulator<br />
Comes dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. Includes an instruction manual and a soft nylon carry bag. 32" long.<br />
Sh. wt. 5.90 kg.<br />
SB26392U — $ 489.50<br />
5-Year-Old Pediatric Care Simulator<br />
Fully jointed wrists and ankles. Comes with nylon carry bag. 44" long. Sh. wt. 10.43 kg.<br />
SB22746U — $ 566.50<br />
1-800-668-0600 65
66<br />
LF01212U<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Consumables Kit for Micro-Preemie<br />
Includes 5 diapers, blood pack, and lubricant.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
LF01206(A)U — $22.55<br />
Tubing Kit for Micro-Preemie<br />
Includes 3 drain tube sets and bulb. Sh. wt. 0.20 kg.<br />
LF01206(B)U — $30.25<br />
Replacement Kit for Micro-Preemie<br />
LF01206U<br />
Life/form® Micro-Preemie Simulator<br />
Nearly one out of every eight newborns arrives prematurely. To help you give<br />
your tiniest patients the best care possible, <strong>Nasco</strong> is proud to introduce the<br />
Life/form® Micro-Preemie Simulator. This 25-week ELBW (Extremely Low Birth<br />
Weight) neonate is the smallest and most realistic pre-term infant available.<br />
Realistically designed using soft, durable Life/like skin. Invaluable for training<br />
health care professionals at every level in care and handling techniques for<br />
babies that need to have multiple medical interventions; the perfect team<br />
training aid for multiples or other high-risk delivery and transport scenarios.<br />
Includes Micro-Preemie, diaper, hat, umbilicus, omphalocele, neural tube<br />
defect, 3 cc syringe, 25 G. butterfly needle, lubricant, blood powder, bulb and<br />
tube assembly, and drain tubing kit. Hat color may vary. ET tube, NG tube,<br />
umbilical catheter, ostomy bag, and chest tube are not included. NG tube<br />
size 5 FR. ET tube size 3.5 mm. Simulator dimensions: 12" long, 4" deep, and<br />
18 1 ⁄2" across from hand to hand. For complete details, features, and functions,<br />
see page 195. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.70 kg.<br />
Features & Functions:<br />
Patient Care Manikins<br />
Infant Nursing Skills<br />
• Airway, breathing, and ventilation •<br />
• Chest tube<br />
•<br />
• Cleaning and diaper changing •<br />
• Delivery<br />
•<br />
• GI<br />
• IV access<br />
•<br />
• Monitoring<br />
• Neural tube defect<br />
• Observation and measurement<br />
• Scenarios<br />
• Simulated breathing<br />
• Skin and wound care<br />
LF01206U Micro-Preemie; White — $275.00<br />
LF01212U Micro-Preemie; Black — $275.00<br />
Skin is very soft and lifelike<br />
Stoma care<br />
Suction<br />
Umbilicus with optional<br />
omphalocele<br />
Various monitors, sensors,<br />
electrodes, etc., can be<br />
attached to the manikin<br />
wherever needed<br />
• Ventilation<br />
Scan this QR Code ®<br />
with your smartphone.<br />
Includes umbilical cord, omphalocele, and neural tube defect. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg.<br />
LF01206(C)U For White Micro-Preemie — $23.65<br />
LF01212(A)U For Black Micro-Preemie — $23.65<br />
Hat for Micro-Preemie<br />
LF01211U Sh. wt. 0.01 kg. — $16.45<br />
Optional Carry Case. Blue nylon case with zip closure and carry handle.<br />
10" L x 7" H x 3 1 ⁄2" D. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
LF03461U — $17.55<br /><br />
Susie® and Simon®<br />
Newborn Advanced<br />
Care Simulator<br />
This PEDI ® newborn simulator<br />
looks just like a 0- to 8-week-old<br />
baby. The chubby face and body<br />
with beautifully detailed tiny, soft<br />
hands and feet make you want to hold<br />
and care for it. Features include<br />
training arm and hand for intravenous<br />
access (also features<br />
radial and brachial arterial sites);<br />
external stoma sites with internal<br />
tanks; umbilical catheterization<br />
site with internal tank; temporal<br />
venous access sites with internal<br />
tank; soft and flexible facial skin;<br />
self-molded hair; realistic eyes;<br />
NG exercises to demonstrate<br />
tube feeding and gastric suction;<br />
simulated ear canal; tongue<br />
may be moved from side to side; soft arms<br />
and legs rotate within the torso body for<br />
lifelike feel and position; soft hands, feet,<br />
fingers, and toes; heel stick and finger prick<br />
technique; soft upper body skin over torso<br />
for baby-like feel; bathing and bandaging<br />
activity; intramuscular injection site in upper<br />
thigh; TB test site; interchangeable male<br />
organ; urethral passage and bladder; male<br />
and female catheterization; removable internal<br />
tanks; enema administration; T-shirt and<br />
diapers; soft nylon carrying bag; and instruction manual. Sh. wt. 3.18 kg.<br />
SB27321U — $ 973.50<br />
Susie® and Simon® Newborn Care Simulator<br />
Same as Advanced Care Simulator above (SB27321U), but without training<br />
arm and hand for intravenous access, external stoma sites with internal tanks,<br />
umbilical catheterization site with internal tank, and temporal venous access<br />
sites with internal tank. Comes complete with T-shirt and diaper, soft nylon<br />
carrying bag, and instruction manual. Sh. wt. 3.18 kg.<br />
SB32863U — $ 456.50<br />
Deluxe Nurse Training<br />
Baby Newborn<br />
This advanced and<br />
incredibly realistic<br />
model features internal<br />
organs (heart, lung,<br />
intestine system, stomach,<br />
and bladder), a<br />
removable belly covering,<br />
interchangeable<br />
genital organs, soft<br />
ears, and fully movable<br />
head, arms, and<br />
legs. It allows students<br />
to practice both basic<br />
and medical infant<br />
care such as tracheostomy<br />
care, male and<br />
female catheterization,<br />
insertion of stomach<br />
tube, and enema insertion,<br />
as well as femoral<br />
and gluteal intramuscular<br />
and subcutaneous injections. The fontanels can be palpated. Additionally, this<br />
model allows practice in dressing; changing; feeding simulation; navel care;<br />
mouth, ear, and nose cleaning; insertion of a rectal thermometer; and proper<br />
carrying techniques. Baby is 20 1 ⁄2" long and weighs 6.63 lbs. Includes syringe,<br />
suction catheter, feeding tube, urinary catheter, urine collection bag, catheter<br />
lubricant, and a carry bag. Sh. wt. 4.54 kg.<br />
SB25999U — $ 860.20
Examination<br />
Ear<br />
SB19254U<br />
SB19254U<br />
SB19254U<br />
SB41430U<br />
SB41430U<br />
Giant Ear (3 Times Life-Size)<br />
Classic Version (4-Part)<br />
Representation of outer, middle, and inner ear. Removable eardrum with<br />
hammer and anvil as well as 2-part labyrinth with stirrup, cochlea, and<br />
auditory/balance nerve. On base with multilingual keycard. 13 3 ⁄8" x 6 1 ⁄4" x 7 1 ⁄2".<br />
Sh. wt. 1.81 kg.<br />
SB19254U — $ 136.70<br />
Advanced Version (6-Part)<br />
Same features as SB19254U but with two removable bone sections to close<br />
the middle and inner ear. Sh. wt. 1.70 kg.<br />
SB41430U — $174.90<br />
Ear Model<br />
One-piece, full-size model shows outer<br />
ear, ear canal, and inner ear mechanisms<br />
including ossicles, cochlea, nerve,<br />
and eustachian tube. Mounted on a<br />
plastic base. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB27237U — $ 73.50<br />
Standard Otoscope<br />
This sturdy otoscope features 2.5 V standard illumination<br />
with dimming capability. It offers 3X lens magnification and<br />
includes ten 2.5 mm and ten 4.0 mm disposable ear speculums<br />
complete in a pouch. Requires two 1.5 V “C” cell batteries<br />
(not included). Limited two-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.43 kg.<br />
SB41548U — $130.85<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Disposable Ear Specula — 2.5 mm<br />
Pkg. of 100. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
SB48102U — $17.00<br />
Disposable Ear Specula — 4.0 mm<br />
Pkg. of 100. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
SB48700U — $17.00<br />
Life/form® Ear Examination Simulator and Basic Nursing Set<br />
The Life/form® Ear Examination Simulator makes it possible to practice<br />
examination of the human ear. Specially molded to exactly simulate external<br />
and internal physical appearance and dimensions, the plug-in removable<br />
ears are easily changed. Life-size full-color prints on film, embedded at the<br />
tympanic membrane, provide the same realistic views experienced with a<br />
live patient.<br />
The lifelike, flexible texture of the ears requires the same manipulation when<br />
using the otoscope as required on a live patient. Realistic irrigation and<br />
cleaning exercises are possible with the two tubes of synthetic earwax that<br />
are provided with the simulator. A supplementary set of five ears is available<br />
separately for advanced nursing and medical school training.<br />
Includes normal tympanic membrane; mucoid otitis media, serous otitis<br />
media with fluid level, chronic otitis media with perforation, and normal<br />
tympanic membrane with slanted ear canal (all photos embedded); normal<br />
ear without photo for earwax removal exercise; two tubes of synthetic earwax;<br />
a set of nine 35 mm slides showing each condition; instruction manual; and<br />
hard carry case. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 7.26 kg.<br />
LF01019U — $ 877.80<br />
Supplementary Set for Advanced Training<br />
Includes chronic otitis media with large perforation, attic cholesteatoma (A),<br />
attic cholesteatoma (B), and atelectatic middle ear otitis and tympanosclerosis<br />
(all photos embedded). Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
LF01020U — $ 185.85<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Earwax<br />
Applicator included. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF01018U — $ 25.85<br />
1-800-668-0600 67
Examination<br />
Breast<br />
Breastology Bag<br />
The perfect interactive BSE teaching tool for individual and group learning. These<br />
soft-sculpture breasts teach how to feel for breast changes. Six individual models<br />
inside of the Breastology Bag illustrate breast anatomy, frequent locations of<br />
harmful lumps, how to feel for changes, and the difference between fibrocystic and<br />
harmful lumps. Teaching instructions are printed on the back of each model. Soft<br />
sculptures and tote bag are machine washable. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB47346U — $98.95<br />
Life/form® Breast Examination Simulator<br />
Use the Life/form® Breast Examination Simulator for teaching and practicing breast<br />
palpation techniques. Useful for both health care students and patients, this is an<br />
excellent model for hospitals and medical clinics to use in teaching women the proper<br />
techniques of breast examination.<br />
Special skin creates a lifelike look and feel. A unique feature of this simulator is the realistic<br />
fluid breast mass. This mass allows displacement of breast tissue under palpation almost<br />
exactly as it occurs in a live patient.<br />
Each breast contains abnormalities. The left has a small nodule in the upper outer quadrant<br />
and a fibroadenoma in the lower inside quadrant. The right breast has a fixed lump<br />
in the upper outer quadrant, and a fluid-filled cyst in the lower inside quadrant.<br />
The simulator allows women to practice all phases of breast examination in both a sitting and<br />
supine position. This lightweight simulator is designed with a concave back to allow placement<br />
against the patient for ease in demonstrating or practicing palpation techniques. Can<br />
be used as a body overlay or attached to body for a standing examination.<br />
The Life/form® Breast Examination Simulator is complete with an instruction manual,<br />
American Cancer Society Guide to Breast Examination, and storage box. Also includes<br />
a neck strap (3 ft. long) and a waist strap (4 ft. long) that are adjustable and can be<br />
strapped on. Use lying down or standing up. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg.<br />
LF00984U — $ 478.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Breast Replacement, Right<br />
Contains fixed lump, fluid filled cyst, and round lump. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
LF01014U — $ 87.45<br />
Breast Replacement, Left<br />
Contains small nodularity and fibroadenoma. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
LF01015U — $87.45<br />
Breast Vest<br />
An incredibly realistic model that allows a woman to learn breast selfexamination<br />
with both hands. Made of BIOLIKE2, the vest fits naturally over<br />
a woman’s own breasts, and provides the added advantage of letting her<br />
look at the model from the perspective of her own body. Plus, it also allows<br />
the instructor to observe the technique the woman would use on herself.<br />
The Breast Vest contains nine lumps, all different in size and consistency to<br />
simulate realistic tumors. Washable with soap and water. Includes adjustable<br />
hook-and-loop neck and back straps. Sh. wt. 5.90 kg.<br />
SB14915U — $ 295.10<br />
68<br /><br />
Breast Self-Examination Simulator<br />
This simulator combines state-of-the-art materials to create a realistic look,<br />
feel, and texture. An excellent platform to teach how to perform breast<br />
examinations as well as demonstrate self-examination techniques. Left breast<br />
contains four masses in the breast tissue and two masses in the axilla region.<br />
The masses range in size from 14 mm to 19 mm, and their depths range<br />
from 6 mm to 16 mm. Right breast contains two masses designed to simulate<br />
an enlarged axillary lymph node and two fluid-filled cysts (19 mm and<br />
24 mm). Includes user guide, a Breast Examination Learning Package CD,<br />
and carry case. Sh. wt. 5.90 kg.<br />
SB32869U Simulator and CD — $ 544.50
Examination<br />
Breast<br />
Breast<br />
Self-Exam Form<br />
A lifelike teaching form made from BIOLIKE 2 synthetic tissue which is also<br />
used to make breast prostheses. The form is embedded with five simulated<br />
tumors illustrating different types of common lumps in the breast. A form may<br />
be examined while held over the woman’s breast, or while it lies in its carry<br />
case. The form’s skinlike feel to the touch is almost magical, but it is durable<br />
and may be washed with soap and water. Includes slipcover, penlight, and<br />
carry case. Sh. wt. 4.08 kg.<br />
SB13139U — $ 108.75<br />
Heavy-Duty Breast<br />
Self-Examination Model<br />
A durable breast self-examination model<br />
that uses the “teach by touch” method<br />
so women can learn the feel of five<br />
different lumps simulated to duplicate<br />
real tumors. Women can<br />
feel the model in their hands<br />
or over their own breast.<br />
Washable with soap and water.<br />
Includes a permanent cover<br />
for high-volume use. Includes<br />
carry case. Measures<br />
6" L x 4" W. Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
SB14913U — $ 117.25<br />
A-B-C Breast Examination Set<br />
Teaching models available in three different breast (cup) sizes, because all<br />
women are not the same. The set includes small (5 oz.), medium (9 oz.), and<br />
large (28 oz.) models. Each model contains five lumps which, just as in real<br />
life, are more difficult to detect in larger breasts than in the smaller breasts.<br />
Each model is washable with soap and water. A must for any comprehensive<br />
teaching program. Includes slipcovers and carry case. Sh. wt. 2.49 kg.<br />
SB14912U White — $ 282.00 SB25969U Brown — $ 282.00<br />
Fibrocystic<br />
Breast Model<br />
Benign cysts are often mistaken for malignant tumors. This model has<br />
multiple lumps to simulate a fibrocystic condition. Comes with slipcover and<br />
carry case. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
SB23328U — $115.95<br />
Breast Care Flip Chart<br />
Find out the facts about breast<br />
cancer, mammography, and BSE<br />
with this educational flip chart. Text<br />
on the back of six full-color panels<br />
helps the instructor give a clear<br />
presentation. Measures 12" x 17".<br />
Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
SB27395U — $ 95.25<br />
Breast Cross-Section Model<br />
Full size cross-section model depicts common<br />
pathologies such as adenocarcinoma, cysts,<br />
fibroadenoma, and infiltrating scirrhus carcinoma.<br />
Model also shows breast structures<br />
such a suspensory ligaments, fat tissue, lymph<br />
nodes, muscles, and ribs. Model measures<br />
6 1 ⁄2" x 4 1 ⁄2" x 3". Card measures 8 1 ⁄4" x 6 1 ⁄4".<br />
Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
SB35436U — $73.70<br />
Breast Model with Interchangeable Nodules<br />
This educational model comes with five different-sized lumps that can be<br />
inserted and removed from the back of the breast. Perfect for mammography<br />
and BSE motivation. Includes a carry case and extra set of nodules.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
SB23327U — $ 137.60<br />
BSE Multi-Type Model<br />
Three breast models are mounted<br />
on one piece of heavy plastic — an<br />
average breast without lumps, a<br />
fibrocystic breast, and an average<br />
breast with lumps. 13 1 ⁄2" x 11 1 ⁄2 x<br />
14 1 ⁄2". Comes with wire easel and<br />
carry case. Sh. wt. 4.54 kg.<br />
SB23332U — $ 289.95<br />
1-800-668-0600 69
Examination<br />
Breast<br />
Life/form®<br />
Single Breast<br />
Examination<br />
Trainer<br />
The Life/form®<br />
Single Breast<br />
Examination Trainer<br />
has been designed for<br />
use in education in breast<br />
cancer prevention and<br />
breast self-examination.<br />
Breast self-examination is<br />
an important way of detecting<br />
cancer at an early, more<br />
treatable stage. Use the<br />
trainer to demonstrate proper<br />
manual examination and discussion<br />
of normal and abnormal findings. Soft, life-like simulated breast tissue<br />
fits over a sturdy base with molded ribs. Interchangeable lumps and nodules<br />
of various sizes, shapes, and densities can be placed within the breast in any<br />
combination, offering a complete educational experience. Reddened peau<br />
d’orange area on skin represents inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). Dimpling<br />
indicates invasive disease. The Life/form® Single Breast Examination Trainer<br />
includes four soft (pink) nodules that represent normal tissue; three medium<br />
(white) lumps; and four hard (red) lumps, including a fixed-wall tumor. Lumps<br />
and nodules vary in size from 1-3 cm, are round and irregular in shape, representing<br />
both cysts and malignant tumors. Also included are baby powder,<br />
soft carry case, and instruction card. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
LF00970U — $137.50<br />
Replacement Lump and Nodule Set<br />
Includes 11 replacement lumps and nodules. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF00970(A)U — $27.45<br />
Advanced Patient Care Breast Palpation Trainer<br />
Seven interchangeable breasts demonstrate chronic mastitis, benign growth,<br />
carcinoma and the “skin orange” effect, giant sarcoma, scirrhus carcinoma,<br />
the lymphatic drainage system, and the movement of the mammary gland on<br />
the surface of the pectoralis major muscle for comprehensive training. The<br />
soft, vinyl trainer is mounted on a Lucite ® stand. Includes instruction manual<br />
and a soft nylon carry bag. Sh. wt. 5.44 kg.<br />
SB43106U — $313.50<br />
Nonsexual Breast<br />
Self-Examination<br />
(BSE)/Testicular<br />
Self-Examination<br />
(TSE) Model<br />
Designed to minimize<br />
embarrassment in mixed<br />
groups, this display<br />
features simulated breast<br />
tissue and a simulated scrotum molded in generic shapes. The models contain<br />
lumps that can be felt using the correct techniques for breast and testicular<br />
self-examination. Simulated scrotum can be felt on both sides of display.<br />
12" x 9". Comes with powder and wire easel. Sh. wt. 1.59 kg.<br />
SB34569U — $189.75<br />
BSE Trainer<br />
This Breast Self Examination<br />
(BSE) Trainer is a flesh-based<br />
product for realistic practice. You will no longer<br />
have to struggle with keeping the exam model<br />
clean because the new, nontoxic material is very<br />
stain resistant and cleans up easily with mild soap.<br />
Within the breast resides five lumps representing<br />
different disease states: cysts (fluid related), fibroadenomas<br />
(calcifications), sclerosing adenosis, or fat necrosis.<br />
is a website with information pertinent to BSE. The filling is a water-based gel<br />
that emulates the natural consistency of a breast. The material is also very<br />
durable so that constant use in labs or teaching facilities won’t wear it out or<br />
tear it. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB43000U — $187.00<br />
Men’s Breast Cancer Awareness Model<br />
Many men are unaware that they can develop breast cancer. With two palpable<br />
lumps, this unique model educates men about the importance of detecting<br />
lumps early. The model’s outer layer, made of soft BIOLIKE 2, simulates the<br />
feel of male breast tissue, and a rigid, underlying layer of simulated muscle<br />
adds to the realism of the model. Ideal for teaching men about self-exams or<br />
warning signs of breast cancer. Comes with a carry case. 6" x 2 1 ⁄4" x 6".<br />
Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
SB40243U — $116.85<br />
70<br /><br />
Breast Health Education Kit<br />
Effectively teach groups or individuals breast cancer prevention, breast selfexamination<br />
(BSE), and other critical breast health topics with a single kit. This<br />
kit comes with all the tools needed for meaningful and memorable instruction<br />
and is designed to meet the needs of groups of any size. Kit includes the video<br />
Breast Health: Every Woman’s Responsibility, both group and standard BSE models,<br />
and the How to Perform Breast Self-Examination (BSE) chart. Sh. wt. 9.53 kg.<br />
SB43102U — $568.30<br />
5-Minute Breast Self-Exam<br />
This 5-minute program demonstrates how<br />
to perform a breast self-exam and discusses<br />
some of the important findings. Abnormal<br />
findings include breast asymmetry, nipple<br />
discharge, inverted nipples, breast lump, and<br />
breast mass. Five minutes. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
SB48067U DVD — $27.45
Examination<br />
Testicular<br />
Testicle Model<br />
Life-size testicle model offers an<br />
extremely natural feel. By using<br />
SKINlike (dermatologically<br />
tested), high-quality silicon,<br />
learning and practicing selfexaminations<br />
of the testicles<br />
becomes even more realistic.<br />
The scrotum contains two movable<br />
testicles, the epididymi, and<br />
the spermatic cords for palpation.<br />
Two pathological findings<br />
can be felt in the left testicle. The<br />
front of the model also includes<br />
a replica of the beginning of the<br />
penis. Supplied with detailed<br />
instructions for self-examination<br />
and a carry bag. 3 9 ⁄16" x 3 1 ⁄8" x<br />
1 9 ⁄16". Three-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB41491U — $150.70<br />
LF03461U<br />
Life/form® Testicular Exam Simulator<br />
Self-examination of the testicles is just as important as<br />
self-examination of the female breasts for early detection<br />
of tumors. Providing exceptional realism, this simulator<br />
features soft, thin outer skin with delicate underlying structures<br />
and four embedded, simulated tumors. Ideal for teaching proper palpation techniques.<br />
Simulator comes with baby powder, laminated tumor location and simulator care card, Male Self-Exam brochure,<br />
and storage box. An optional carry case is available. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF01143U — $ 141.85<br />
LF01143(A)U Testicles Only. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg. — $105.55<br />
Optional Carry Case. Blue nylon case with zip closure and carry handle. 10" L x 7" H x 3 1 ⁄2" D. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
LF03461U — $17.55<br />
LF01143U<br />
Cutaway View<br />
Testicle Models<br />
Made from soft BIOLIKE 2 synthetic tissue, these life-size models are available<br />
in two variations: one contains two lumps in one testicle and no lumps in<br />
Testicular Self-Exam (TSE) Flip Chart<br />
Cancer of the testicles is hard for most men and boys to talk about. The six the other, and one contains two lumps in each testicle. Perfect for teaching TSE.<br />
front panels of this flip chart have excellent illustrated instructions for doing Comes with powder, slipcover, and carry case. 3" x 3 1 ⁄2" x 2". Beige.<br />
TSE. A straightforward script on the back of each panel helps the instructor Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
give a clear presentation. 12" x 17". Sh. wt. 1.36 kg.<br />
SB41580U 2 Lumps in 1 Testicle — $122.30<br />
SB23334U — $ 95.25<br />
SB41581U 2 Lumps in Each Testicle — $128.65<br />
1-800-668-0600 71
Specialized<br />
Radiology<br />
Life/form® Imaging Fracture Simulator<br />
An exciting training device designed to aid radiology educators as well as radiology students.<br />
Educators will be able to enhance hands-on training of identifying radiographic pathology with a tool<br />
that will encourage students to utilize their critical thinking skills. Students will be excited to image a<br />
body part that will challenge their ability to create optimal images of a bone that demonstrate pathology<br />
common to the upper extremity. This life-like upper extremity is uniquely designed to permit the<br />
user access to the fracture site in which various fracture types can be easily interchanged. Student can<br />
quickly visualize the difference between a spiral fracture and a splinter fracture within minutes of taking<br />
the radiographic exposures. The simulator is designed to allow students the capability of rotating the<br />
arm easily to place the humerus in routine and special projections common to imaging with protocols.<br />
With the Life/form® Imaging Fracture Simulator, students will be able to practice positioning<br />
skills, technical skills, and critical thinking skills as they produce radiographic images that will make<br />
learning anatomy, pathology, and image production an exciting educational experience. Exposure<br />
techniques for the simulator are in line with techniques typical to an adult humerus. Students will<br />
be able to visualize, create, and reduce bone (anterior/posterior) displacement. Imaging concepts<br />
will become easy to understand as students see how changing the position and/or projection of the<br />
X-ray beam alters the perspective of the anatomy visualized. Included with the simulator are two<br />
interchangeable fracture types (spiral and splinter). Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 2.27 kg.<br />
LF01210U — $225.50<br />
Ultrasound Examination Training Model<br />
Unique high-fidelity ultrasound phantom facilitates effective training in abdominal<br />
ultrasound scanning with your own clinical devices. Simulated lesions embedded as<br />
targets provide wider educational opportunities.<br />
Features:<br />
• Any ultrasound device with a convex probe can be used<br />
• Detailed hepatobiliary, pancreatic, and other abdominal anatomy meet<br />
requirement for excellent training<br />
• Eight Couinaud’s hepatic segments can be localized<br />
• Tool for everything from training a novice to demonstration by an expert<br />
The phantom includes:<br />
• biliary tract (gallbladder, cystic duct, intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts)<br />
• liver (segmental anatomy, portal and hepatic venous systems, ligamentum<br />
teres, and ligamentum venosum)<br />
• pancreas (pancreatic duct), spleen, kidneys, detailed vascular structures (aorta,<br />
vena cava, celiac artery and its branches, portal vein and its branches, superior<br />
mesenteric vessels, renal vessels, etc.)<br />
Pathology includes:<br />
• gallbladder and bile duct stones<br />
• hepatic lesions (cystic and solid)<br />
• pancreatic tumors<br />
(one invading the portal vein)<br />
Includes: ultrasound phantom, two silicon sheets, one set of positioning pillows, talcum<br />
powder, and carry case. Size: 7" x 10" x 11" H. Sh. wt. 22.68 kg.<br />
SB46533U — $11,000.00<br />
72<br />
MRI Torso<br />
(15 Transverse Sections)<br />
This extraordinary torso represents<br />
valuable aid for all professional groups concerned<br />
with modern imaging processes (ultrasound,<br />
computer imaging and magnetic resonance<br />
tomography). Also a useful orientation<br />
aid to students when studying anatomy and<br />
pathology. The torso is horizontally divided<br />
into 15 slices. At each individual cut plane the<br />
topographical relationships are represented<br />
in colored relief. To aid study the discs can be<br />
shifted horizontally, and rotated around their<br />
sagittal axis. Each slice can be removed individually.<br />
51" x 15 3 ⁄4" x 13 3 ⁄4". Sh. wt. 21.77 kg.<br />
SB41443U — $ 5,307.50<br /><br />
Vascular Access Ultrasound Phantom<br />
Realistic model for the practice of using ultrasound to locate and access<br />
veins. The unique material will give you ultrasound imaging that is<br />
the same as you would see on a patient when inserting needles under<br />
ultrasound guidance. Self sealing and with anatomically correct curved<br />
surface and flesh coloring, this model is designed to be easily accessed<br />
from both sides, giving you up to four times the number of “sticks” as<br />
compared to other models. The model’s long length allows catheters<br />
to be threaded into the vein for a true insertion experience. No needle<br />
needed to refill the veins with the supplied ultrasound simulated blood.<br />
Model supplied with 4 mm and 8 mm veins at different depths, locking<br />
base and cover, 2 oz. of ultrasound simulated blood, and user’s manual.<br />
13 1 ⁄2" x 3 3 ⁄4" x 2". Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
SB47342U — $382.80
Specialized<br />
Diagnostic & Procedural Ear Trainer<br />
Samples of Ear Conditions Viewed<br />
Using Diagnostic Cartridges<br />
LF01090U<br />
LF01085U<br />
Life/form® Diagnostic and Procedural Ear Trainer<br />
Now with one exciting new trainer students, residents and practicing physicians<br />
can master the skills needed to examine the human ear using visual<br />
cues, correctly diagnose common diseases, clean the ear canal, remove<br />
a foreign body, and perform a myringotomy with ear tube insertion. The<br />
Life/form® Diagnostic and Procedural Ear Trainer is anatomically correct.<br />
Lifelike right and left ears teach diagnostic and procedural techniques and<br />
are removable for easy maintenance and storage. For the ultimate in realism,<br />
the middle ear can be filled with various fluids. The instructor controls<br />
the color and consistency of the fluids. Another feature that brings this<br />
trainer as close to life as possible is the inclusion of nine diagnostic<br />
cartridges with full-color photo prints illustrating:<br />
• Chronic otitis media with<br />
small and large tympanic<br />
membrane perforations<br />
• Normal tympanic membrane<br />
• Otitis media with effusion<br />
• Retracted tympanic membrane<br />
• Serous otitis media<br />
• Two views of attic<br />
cholesteatoma<br />
• Tympanosclerosis<br />
Trainer comes complete with two ears, approximately 100 pre-cut eardrums,<br />
specially formulated ear wax, three standard middle ear cartridges<br />
with syringe, adjustable stand, and a hard carry case. Otoscope, ventilation<br />
tubes, and surgical instruments are not provided. Sh. wt. 5.44 kg.<br />
LF01090U — $830.50<br />
Life/form® Pneumatic Otoscopy Kit<br />
Partnering with the University of Virginia, <strong>Nasco</strong> also offers an exciting<br />
additional feature for the Life/form® Diagnostic and Procedural Ear<br />
Trainer. While pneumatic otoscopy is indispensable for examination of the<br />
ear, studies have shown that most are performed incorrectly! Now with the<br />
valuable feedback offered by this kit, students, residents, and practicing<br />
physicians can learn how to generate the correct amount of air pressure<br />
needed to perform accurate pneumatic otoscopy to test for tympanic membrane<br />
mobility. Kit includes a pneumatic pressure gauge, two pneumatic<br />
ears with pressure tubing, and a package of approximately 100 eardrums.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
LF01085U — $418.00<br />
Life/form® Diagnostic & Procedural Ear Trainer<br />
with Pneumatic Otoscopy Kit<br />
Includes both the Life/form® Diagnostic and Procedural Ear Trainer and<br />
the Life/form® Pneumatic Otoscopy Kit listed above. Sh. wt. 7.26 kg.<br />
LF01066U — $1,098.90<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Pneumatic Ears<br />
Set of 2. Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
LF01076U — $41.75<br />
5 PSI Manometer for Pneumatic Ears<br />
Reads gauge and differential pressure in up<br />
to 11 units of measure and features large<br />
backlight display, max-min, hold, and auto<br />
power off functions. Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
LF01077U — $253.00<br />
Replacement Eardrums<br />
Pkg. of 100. Sh. wt. 0.01 kg.<br />
LF01091U — $11.95<br />
Ear Wax Jar<br />
Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
LF01092U — $13.05<br />
Child’s Ear Model<br />
One and one-half times<br />
the size of a child’s ear.<br />
Illustrates semi-circular<br />
canals and cochlea of the<br />
inner ear, auditory ossicles,<br />
otitis media (inflammation<br />
and simulated fluid in the<br />
middle ear), tympanic membrane,<br />
temporal and tympani<br />
muscles, plus presents a<br />
horizontal eustachian tube<br />
typical of a child. Made of<br />
durable, high quality materials.<br />
Model measures 4 3 ⁄4" x<br />
4" x 3 1 ⁄2"; base is 6 1 ⁄2" x 5" x<br />
1". Card size: 6 1 ⁄2" x 5 1 ⁄4".<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB46544U — $77.45<br />
Replacement<br />
Standard Cartridge<br />
Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01094U — $23.65<br />
Replacement Ears<br />
Set of 2. Sh. wt. 0.23 kg.<br />
LF01089U — $61.05<br />
Diagnostic Cartridges<br />
Set of 9. Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
LF01086U — $118.75<br />
Diseases of the Ear<br />
Projection Slides<br />
Set of 9. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF01088U — $61.05<br />
1-800-668-0600 73
Specialized<br />
Dental<br />
Dental Manikin<br />
A simple and economical chair manikin for auxiliary training of assistants<br />
and hygienists in the dental office. Unit includes DENTOFORM ®<br />
model for technique training, Aluminal skull, and soft outer Plassein<br />
head. Universal ball-joint allows for rotation of head into a<br />
variety of positions. Includes chair mount. Sh. wt. 2.95 kg.<br />
SB23464U — $1,194.60<br />
X-Ray Dental Manikin<br />
This X-ray dental manikin includes a special<br />
DENTOFORM ® model with radio-opaque metal<br />
teeth, flexible finger for holding film, bite-opening<br />
instruments, and latex tongue. Includes chair<br />
mount. Sh. wt. 2.72 kg.<br />
SB23463U — $ 1,971.20<br />
Pediatric X-Ray Dental Manikin<br />
This manikin provides simulation of a deciduous dentition (mixed<br />
dentition) attached to a chair mounted simulator. The special model<br />
design and attachments permit students to learn proper pedodontic<br />
radiographic techniques. Sh. wt. 1.93 kg.<br />
SB31044U — $1,045.85<br />
Dental Manikin<br />
Bench Mount<br />
This small portable bench-clamp<br />
is popular with dental assistant<br />
and dental hygiene classes,<br />
as well as for dentistry students.<br />
It has a lightweight universal<br />
ball-joint for simulating neck<br />
movement. Use with Dental<br />
Manikin (SB23464U) listed left.<br />
Dimensions 19 1 ⁄2" x 3".<br />
Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
SB23467U — $ 330.00<br />
Review Questions and<br />
Answers for Dental Assisting<br />
280 pages. Softcover.<br />
Three simulated practice certification exams —<br />
960 multiple choice questions in all — closely mirror<br />
the content you’ll be tested on to become a<br />
Certified Dental Assistant. Accompanying CD lets<br />
you generate unlimited practice exams with randomized<br />
questions from the book, as well as test your knowledge of state-specific<br />
expanded function requirements. ©2009. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
SB47358U Book & CD-ROM — $58.25<br />
74<br /><br />
Mosby’s Dental Hygiene<br />
By Susan Daniel, RDH, BS D.A.T.E.,<br />
MS; Sherry Harfst, RDH, BSDH, MS;<br />
and Rebecca Wilder, RDH, BSDH,<br />
MS. 1040 pages. Second Edition.<br />
Hardcover.<br />
This full-color textbook/CD-ROM<br />
learning package makes it easy to<br />
master dental hygiene concepts. The text presents essential dental hygiene<br />
information in a logical sequence from setup to assessment to treatment.<br />
Includes how-to videos on procedures and techniques, along with many<br />
case studies and interactive exercises. ©2008. Sh. wt. 2.95 kg.<br />
SB47361U Book & CD-ROM — $108.85
Specialized<br />
Dental/Vision<br />
Dental Disease Model<br />
Based on an adult’s lower jaw with soft gums and<br />
16 removable teeth. One half of the model shows<br />
eight healthy teeth and healthy gums. The other<br />
shows the following dental diseases: plaque, calculus<br />
(tartar), periodontitis, inflammation of the root,<br />
and fissure, approximal and smooth surface caries.<br />
One part of the front bone section can be removed<br />
to view the roots, vessels, and nerves. Two molars<br />
are sectioned along the length to show the inside of<br />
the tooth. 21 parts, mounted on base. 7" x 10 1 ⁄4" x<br />
7 1 ⁄4". Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
SB41498U — $295.90<br />
Dentition Development<br />
Cast from natural specimen. These four upper<br />
and lower jaw halves show four different stages of<br />
development:<br />
• Newborn infant<br />
• Approx. 5-year old child<br />
• Approx. 9-year old child<br />
• Young adult<br />
13" x 4" x 7 7 ⁄8". Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB41406U — $220.00<br />
Mr. Gross Mouth<br />
Gross them out with Mr. Gross Mouth! This<br />
hinged model of the teeth, tongue, and oral cavity<br />
show the effects of using smokeless tobacco. A<br />
bottle of simulated tobacco juice comes with each<br />
model and instructions show how to make the<br />
tongue “spit.” This model is three times normal size<br />
and is mounted on a wooden base. 6" x 4" x 8".<br />
Sh. wt. 1.59 kg.<br />
SB22331U — $139.00<br />
Mr. Clean<br />
Mouth Display<br />
This model is three times life size and has normal<br />
anatomy. It’s great for teaching proper brushing<br />
and flossing techniques. Comes with a giant<br />
toothbrush and carrying case. Sh. wt. 3.40 kg.<br />
SB29825U — $ 182.55<br />
Clear Human Jaw with Teeth<br />
Full-size hinged clear cast jaw allows<br />
viewing of roots. Healthy side shows normal<br />
dentition and occlusion. Affected side shows<br />
multiple pathologies, including super eruption,<br />
apical alveolar abscess with caries, periodontal<br />
disease, lateral abscess, abfraction, irregular root<br />
curvature, impacted canine, erosion, fractured<br />
tooth, horizontal impact, radicular pulpitis, root<br />
canal with crown, internal resorption, attrition,<br />
external resorption of root, implants, and fractured<br />
root. Model size: 3 1 ⁄2" x 2 3 ⁄4" x 2 1 ⁄2". Includes 6 1 ⁄2" x<br />
5 1 ⁄4" education card. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB48717U — $131.45<br />
Teeth<br />
Oversized model<br />
of pre-molars and<br />
molars featuring<br />
many common dental<br />
problems, some of<br />
which are: abscess,<br />
advanced periodontitis,<br />
cavity, crown decay,<br />
filling, gingivitis,<br />
plaque, and severe<br />
bone loss. Model<br />
size: 5 1 ⁄2" x 2" x<br />
3 1 ⁄2". Includes 6 1 ⁄2" x 5 1 ⁄4"<br />
education card. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
SB35432U — $ 91.00<br />
Rubin’s Eye and Vision Lab<br />
Through a series of engaging hands-on, eyes-on experimental activities, your students<br />
will not only witness how the human visual organ functions, they will also recreate common<br />
visual disorders and discover how to correct them. Topics include emmetropia,<br />
accommodation, myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, and astigmatism. For each disorder,<br />
your students will have to implement appropriate corrective steps — reinforcing the<br />
learning experience as they do so. Lab includes optical bench with track and indicator<br />
markings, object slide holder, anterior eye hemisphere, posterior eye hemisphere<br />
with retina, long-life halogen light source, four adjustable supports for positioning<br />
components on bench, set of five interchangeable color-coded corneal lenses made of<br />
impact-resistant optical plastic (plano lens, concave lens, convex lens, two astigmatic<br />
lenses), lens caddy, and step-by-step illustrated instructional guide to experiments.<br />
18" L x 4 1 ⁄2" W x 8" H. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg.<br />
SB48053U — $464.20<br />
1-800-668-06000600<br />
Specialized<br />
Circumcision<br />
Life/form® Circumcision Trainers<br />
The Life/form® Circumcision Trainers have been developed with the assistance from one of the top medical schools in Wisconsin, as well as medical professionals<br />
in South Africa and Indonesia. There are four accurately designed sizes and age groups: infant, pre-teen (10-12 years old), teen (13-14 year-old),<br />
and young adult. The trainers include the foreskin, glans penis, frenulum, meatus, and coronal groove. These trainers are made with our soft, lifelike material,<br />
which is pliable, delicate, and realistic to the touch. Medical students, physicians, and other practitioners can learn, practice, and improve realistic, hands-on<br />
skills for this delicate procedure without the worry of learning on a live patient. Practice simulating dorsal block injection, separating the inner lining of the<br />
foreskin (preputial epithelium) from its attachment to the glans, surgical removal of the foreskin, and suturing techniques. These trainers may also be used<br />
to demonstrate the procedure and practice aftercare skills to family members. The infant trainer is designed as a torso and has a one-piece foreskin/glans<br />
replacement and realistically simulates foreskin separation from the glans penis. The pre-teen, teen, and young adult trainers are each designed with an inner<br />
core of the glans penis and replaceable outer foreskin sleeve. The glans penis core can be used multiple times prior to replacement and has a sturdy base<br />
that can be used continuously. Replacement glans and foreskin are inexpensive and simple to replace. Since there are different methods of circumcision, the<br />
Life/form® Circumcision Trainers have been designed for Mogen clamp method, Guillotine clamp method, Gomco clamp method, Plastibell method, dorsal slit<br />
method, forceps guided method, and sleeve circumcision.<br />
LF00902U<br />
LF00908U<br />
LF00912U<br />
Life/form® Infant Circumcision Training Kit<br />
The Life/form® Infant Circumcision Training Kit is a complete kit for all circumcision<br />
training needs. Includes one infant torso, six glans with attached<br />
foreskins, instruments (scalpel, 4½" micro-forceps, 6" precision probe, Iris<br />
research scissors, 5" straight Halstead mosquito forceps, 5" curved Halstead<br />
mosquito forceps, Ethicon suture thread with needle), instrument case,<br />
instructions, and soft nylon carrying case. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
LF00908U White — $214.45 LF00910U Brown — $214.45<br />
LF00909U Black — $214.45<br />
Life/form® Infant Circumcision Trainer<br />
The Life/form® Infant Circumcision Trainer includes infant torso, six glans<br />
with attached foreskins, instructions, and storage box. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
LF00904U White — $203.45 LF00902U Brown — $203.45<br />
LF00900U Black — $203.45<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Glans & Foreskin for Life/form® Infant Circumcision Trainers<br />
Pkgs. of 50. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF00904(B)U White — $266.15<br />
LF00900(B)U Black — $266.15<br />
LF00902(B)U Brown — $266.15<br />
Pkgs. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg.<br />
LF00904(A)U White — $56.05<br />
LF00900(A)U Black — $56.05<br />
LF00902(A)U Brown — $56.05<br />
Suture Replacement<br />
Includes 4-0 reverse cutting nylon suture.<br />
LF07000U Each. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $13.15<br />
LF07000(A)U Pkg. of 5. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $58.60<br />
76<br /><br />
Life/form® Pre-Teen (10-12 years old)<br />
Circumcision Training Kit<br />
The Life/form® Pre-Teen Circumcision Training Kit is a complete kit for all<br />
circumcision training needs. Includes one base, six glans penis cores, six foreskins,<br />
instruments (scalpel, 4½" micro-forceps, 6" precision probe, Iris research<br />
scissors, 5" straight Halstead mosquito forceps, 5" curved Halstead mosquito<br />
forceps, Ethicon suture thread with needle), instrument case, instructions, and<br />
soft nylon carrying case. Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
LF00911U White — $219.95 LF00913U Brown — $219.95<br />
LF00912U Black — $219.95<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Glans Penis Core for Life/form® Pre-Teen Circumcision Trainers<br />
Pkgs. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF00914U White — $79.15 LF00918U Brown — $79.15<br />
LF00916U Black — $79.15<br />
Replacement Base for Life/form® Pre-Teen Circumcision Trainers<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
LF00941U White — $28.05 LF00943U Brown — $28.05<br />
LF00942U Black — $28.05<br />
Replacement Foreskins for Life/form® Pre-Teen Circumcision Trainers<br />
Pkgs. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.20 kg. Pkgs. of 50. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00915U White — $100.05 LF00915(A)U White — $388.25<br />
LF00917U Black — $100.05 LF00917(A)U Black — $388.25<br />
LF00919U Brown — $100.05 LF00919(A)U Brown — $388.25<br />
Suture Replacement<br />
Includes 4-0 reverse cutting nylon suture.<br />
LF07000U Each. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $13.15<br />
LF07000(A)U Pkg. of 5. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $58.60
Life/form® Teen (13-14 years old) Circumcision Training Kit<br />
The Life/form® Teen Circumcision Training Kit is a complete kit for all<br />
circumcision training needs. Includes one base, six glans penis cores, six<br />
foreskins, instruments (scalpel, 4½" micro-forceps, 6" precision probe, Iris<br />
research scissors, 5" straight Halstead mosquito forceps, 5" curved Halstead<br />
mosquito forceps, and Ethicon suture thread with needle), instrument case,<br />
instructions, and soft nylon carry case. Sh. wt. 1.70 kg.<br />
LF00920U White — $225.45<br />
LF00921U Black — $225.45<br />
LF00922U Brown — $225.45<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Glans Penis Core for Life/form® Teen Circumcision Trainers<br />
Pkgs. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
LF00923U White — $81.35<br />
LF00925U Black — $81.35<br />
LF00927U Brown — $81.35<br />
Replacement Foreskins for Life/form® Teen Circumcision Trainers<br />
Pkgs. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg.<br />
Pkgs. of 50. Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
LF00924U White — $104.45 LF00924(A)U White — $489.45<br />
LF00926U Black — $104.45 LF00926(A)U Black — $489.45<br />
LF00928U Brown — $104.45 LF00928(A)U Brown — $489.45<br />
Replacement Base for Life/form®<br />
Teen Circumcision Trainers<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
Suture Replacement<br />
LF00941U White — $28.05 Includes 4-0 reverse cutting nylon suture.<br />
LF00942U Black — $28.05 LF07000U Each. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $13.15<br />
LF00943U Brown — $28.05 LF07000(A)U Pkg. of 5. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $58.60<br />
Specialized<br />
Circumcision<br />
LF00927U<br />
LF00935U<br />
Circumcision<br />
This program shows the circumcision<br />
of a newborn, including positioning,<br />
administering anesthesia, creating a<br />
dorsal slit, and use of Gomko clamp to<br />
remove the foreskin. 5 minutes.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
SB48063U DVD — $27.45<br />
Life/form® Young Adult Circumcision Training Kit<br />
The Life/form® Young Adult Circumcision Training Kit is a complete kit for<br />
all circumcision training needs. Includes one base, six glans penis cores, six<br />
foreskins, instruments (scalpel, 4½" micro-forceps, 6" precision probe, Iris<br />
research scissors, 5" straight Halstead mosquito forceps, 5" curved Halstead<br />
mosquito forceps, and Ethicon suture thread with needle), instrument case,<br />
instructions, and soft nylon carry case. Sh. wt. 1.81 kg.<br />
LF00935U White — $230.95<br />
LF00936U Black — $230.95<br />
LF00937U Brown — $230.95<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Replacement Glans Penis Core for<br />
Life/form® Young Adult Circumcision Trainers<br />
Pkg. 10. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
LF00938U White — $81.35<br />
LF00939U Black — $81.35<br />
LF00940U Brown — $81.35<br />
Replacement Foreskins Life/form® Young Adult Circumcision Trainers<br />
Pkgs. of 10. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg. Pkgs. of 50. Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
LF00924U White — $104.45 LF00924(A)U White — $489.45<br />
LF00926U Black — $104.45 LF00926(A)U Black — $489.45<br />
LF00928U Brown — $104.45 LF00928(A)U Brown — $489.45<br />
Replacement Base for Life/form® Young Adult Circumcision Trainers<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
LF00941U White — $28.05<br />
LF00942U Black — $28.05<br />
LF00943U Brown — $28.05<br />
Suture Replacement<br />
Includes 4-0 reverse cutting nylon suture.<br />
LF07000U Each. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $13.15<br />
LF07000(A)U Pkg. of 5. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $58.60<br />
1-800-668-0600 77
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Childbirth Simulation<br />
NOELLE® Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulator with PEDI® Blue Neonate<br />
Designed to provide a complete birthing experience before, during, and after delivery. Features articulating full-body<br />
female manikin, intubatable airway with chest rise, IV arm for meds/fluids, removable stomach cover, practice C-section<br />
and forceps delivery, practice Leopold maneuvers, multiple fetal heart sounds, automatic birthing system, measure head descent and cervical dilation, multiple<br />
placenta locations, replaceable dilating cervices, practice postpartum suturing on three vulval inserts, one articulating birthing baby with placenta, and PEDI ® Blue<br />
Neonatal Simulator with SmartSkin technology. The PEDI ® Blue Neonatal Simulator has the unique ability to change color based upon an initial pre-selected<br />
condition and the effectiveness of airway ventilation and chest compression provided. A Code Blue ® monitor, containing a small computer, observes ventilations<br />
and compressions and determines whether they meet or exceed conventional neonatal CPR standards. If acceptable, the monitor causes the skin to turn to a<br />
more healthy color. If ventilations and compressions are determined to be inadequate or nonexistent, the monitor causes the skin to turn toward an ominous blue<br />
color. Comes with two umbilical cords, two dilating cervices, two umbilical clamps, two vulval inserts, three vulva for postpartum suturing, talcum powder, silicone<br />
lubricant, training guide, teaching guide with scenarios, and carry bags. One-year limited warranty. Sh. wt. 49.90 kg.<br />
SB37713U — $ 4,394.50<br />
NOELLE® Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Torso<br />
An economical simulator for those programs dedicated to practicing all facets of childbirth. This fullsize<br />
upper and lower female torso comes with removable stomach cover and one articulating birthing<br />
baby with umbilical cord and placenta. The automatic birthing system rotates baby as it moves through<br />
the birth canal. Allows you to listen to fetal heart sounds, measure head descent, and cervical dilation.<br />
Features multiple placenta positions. Replaceable dilating cervices, practice on postpartum suturing on<br />
vulval inserts, and practice of Leopold maneuvers. The torso comes with two umbilical cords, two dilating<br />
cervices, two umbilical clamps, two vulva inserts, three vulva for postpartum suturing, talcum powder,<br />
water soluble silicone lubricant, teaching guide, training guide, and soft carry bag. Sh. wt. 23.13 kg.<br />
SB37714U — $2,035.00<br />
78<br /><br />
NOELLE®<br />
Training Guide<br />
311 pages.<br />
Spiral-bound softcover.<br />
Contains both basic and advanced interactive<br />
scenarios. An easy-to-read guide for obstetrics<br />
and neonatal care. Scenarios include normal<br />
labor and delivery, variations on normal labor,<br />
shoulder dystocia, pre-term breech delivery, PIH<br />
labor and delivery, C/S for active Herpes, ruptured<br />
membranes with cord prolapse, and hemorrhage.<br />
Also includes discussion questions, quizzes,<br />
puzzles, and student readings. Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
SB40267U — $67.40
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Childbirth Simulation<br />
Umbilical Cannulation<br />
Resuscitation Baby<br />
Articulating Newborn<br />
Noelle® Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulator<br />
Designed to provide a complete birthing experience before, during, and after delivery. Simulator features<br />
include full-size articulating female manikin, intubatable airway with chest rise, IV arm for meds/<br />
fluids, removable stomach cover, practice Leopold maneuvers, multiple fetal heart sounds, automatic<br />
birthing system, measure head descent and cervical dilation, multiple placenta locations, replaceable<br />
Fetal Heart<br />
Sounds<br />
Dilating<br />
Cervix<br />
dilating cervices, one articulating birthing baby (SB32873U below) with placenta, and one resuscitation baby with intubatable airway and umbilical catheter<br />
site. Also contains postpartum hemorrhage and palpation module. Comes with two umbilical cords, two dilating cervices, two umbilical clamps, two vulval<br />
inserts, three vulva for postpartum suturing, talcum powder, silicone lubricant, training guide, teaching guide with scenarios, and carry bag. Sh. wt. 48.08 kg.<br />
SB32878U — $ 3,844.50<br />
PREMIE Blue Simulator<br />
with SmartSkin Technology<br />
PREMIE Blue depicts a 28-week premature infant, and includes<br />
an injection arm as well as an intraosseous leg. Practice intubation<br />
as well as performing BVM and CPR. PREMIE Blue changes<br />
color based upon an initial pre-selected condition, and measures<br />
the effectiveness of airway ventilation and chest compression.<br />
Features include realistic airway with tongue, vocal cords, trachea,<br />
and esophagus for airway management exercises; heart,<br />
lungs, and ribs; perform intubation plus suctioning; bilateral lung<br />
expansion with realistic chest rise; practice delicate intraosseous<br />
access, injection and IV techniques; and placement of umbilical<br />
lines. Includes manikin, neonatal monitor, power supply (100-<br />
240 V AC), connecting cables, instruction manual, and carry<br />
bag. One-year limited warranty. Sh. wt. 3.40 kg.<br />
SB37545U — $ 2,249.50<br />
Susie® Articulating Newborn for<br />
Leopold Maneuvers and Birthing Exercises<br />
Now you can show delivery room nurses a hands-on demonstration<br />
of all those strange birth positions that you only see<br />
in textbooks — this newborn simulator can mimic them all!<br />
Features 19-part simulator including articulating head and<br />
neck, shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees; realistic mouth and<br />
nostrils for simulated suctioning; palpable fontanels, spine,<br />
shoulders, buttocks, elbows, and knees; position of newborn<br />
raised or lowered by air pressure in lower “cushion”; and<br />
ease of newborn palpation adjusted by air pressure in upper<br />
“cushion.” Measuring approximately 16 1 ⁄2", Susie ® may be<br />
used with the Advanced Childbirth Simulator (SB22438U,<br />
page 81). Comes with soft carry bag. Sh. wt. 2.72 kg.<br />
SB32873U — $ 324.50<br />
PEDI® Blue Neonatal Simulator<br />
with SmartSkin Technology<br />
Sized to simulate a newborn during its first 28 days of life,<br />
this neonatal simulator features full-size articulating<br />
neonate; realistic airway with tongue, vocal cords,<br />
trachea, and esophagus; heart, lungs, ribs, stomach,<br />
and liver; BVM or CPR; oral or nasal intubation<br />
plus suctioning; and bilateral<br />
lung expansion with realistic chest<br />
rise. Allows neonatal personnel<br />
to practice incubating or perform<br />
CPR. The simulator’s cricoid<br />
prominence permits the Sellick<br />
maneuver. Choose to present the<br />
neonate as healthy, with peripheral<br />
cyanosis, or with central cyanosis.<br />
The simulator has the unique ability<br />
to change color based upon an initial<br />
pre-selected condition and the effectiveness<br />
Peripheral<br />
Cyanosis<br />
of airway ventilation and chest compression provided. A Code Blue ® monitor, containing a<br />
small computer, observes ventilations and compressions and determines whether they meet<br />
or exceed conventional neonatal CPR standards. If acceptable, the monitor causes the skin<br />
to turn to a healthier color. If ventilations and compressions are determined to be inadequate<br />
or nonexistent, the monitor causes the skin to turn toward an ominous blue color. Includes<br />
PEDI ® Blue neonate, neonatal monitor, international power supply 100-240V AC, connecting<br />
cables, instruction manual, and carry bag. Sh. wt. 5.90 kg.<br />
SB34989U — $ 1,842.50<br />
1-800-668-0600 79
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Childbirth Simulation<br />
Minus Two<br />
Station<br />
Zero<br />
Station<br />
Plus Three<br />
Station<br />
Life/form® Birthing Station Simulator<br />
Designed to facilitate demonstration and practice of palpating the internal birthing canal. The simulator<br />
clearly shows the relationship between the fetal head and the ischial spines of the pelvic bone of the<br />
mother during the birth process. The realism of this Life/form® simulator will help students bridge the<br />
gap from classroom to bedside with ease and comfort. The simulator is designed to highlight the ischial<br />
spines which are of great obstetrical importance. The line drawn between the ischial spines typically represents<br />
the shortest diameter of the pelvic cavity. The ischial spines can be readily felt during a vaginal<br />
examination, and serve as valuable landmarks in ascertaining the level to which the presenting part of the<br />
fetus has descended into the pelvis. The Birthing Station Simulator features a fetal head which will lock in<br />
any one of three lock stations. Minus Two Station shows the position of the fetal head when it lies above<br />
the ischial spines. Zero Station shows the fetal head directly between the ischial spines. Plus Three Station<br />
shows the fetal head below the ischial spines ready to enter into the birthing canal. The Life/form®<br />
Birthing Station Simulator includes instruction manual and hard carry case. Three-year warranty.<br />
Size: 23" x 14" x 7". Sh. wt. 10.89 kg.<br />
LF01070U — $ 935.00<br />
Pelvic Bone with Fetal Heads on Stand<br />
A female pelvis and two fetal heads designed<br />
to demonstrate the birth process. The two<br />
interchangeable heads, one full term, the other<br />
premature, are fastened to a flexible shaft to allow<br />
passage, in different positions, through the pelvic<br />
outlet. Both fetal heads contain skulls with palpable<br />
cranial sutures and anterior and posterior fontanels.<br />
The models can also be used in demonstrating<br />
forceps and vacuum assisted deliveries. Size:<br />
16" x 16" x 13". Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 4.08 kg.<br />
SB32536U — $ 437.80<br />
Obstetrical Manikin<br />
An anatomically correct pelvic model<br />
with full term newborn and placenta to<br />
give your trainees realistic practice in<br />
multiple techniques, and to learn the<br />
procedure for emergency childbirth.<br />
Disposable umbilical cords with clamps,<br />
easily replaced extra vulva, powder<br />
to make simulated blood, a modular<br />
pregnant belly overlay with permanently<br />
installed fetus for training practice of<br />
Leopold’s maneuver to determine the<br />
fetus’ lie by palpating its skull and kneecaps,<br />
and a clear abdominal overlay<br />
to see positioning are all included. The<br />
lifelike pelvic cavity has pronounced<br />
pelvic landmarks, located spinal column,<br />
angled birth canal, ilium, ischium,<br />
sacrum, sacro spinous ligaments, and<br />
greater sciatic notch. The fetus provided<br />
is of a realistic newborn size with fontanels<br />
and cranial sutures. The manikin<br />
is available in white or black skin tone.<br />
A soft carry bag is included. Size:<br />
21" x 13" x 17". Three-year<br />
warranty. Sh. wt. 12.70 kg.<br />
SB23536U White — $ 676.50<br />
SB23537U Black — $ 676.50<br />
Cross section of<br />
pregnant overlay<br />
containing fetus<br />
80<br />
Advanced Childbirth Simulator<br />
A total simulator for demonstration of all standard<br />
obstetrical procedures:<br />
• Breech Birth<br />
• C-Section Delivery<br />
• Episiotomy<br />
• Fetal Palpation<br />
• Normal Birth<br />
• Prolapse of Umbilical Cord<br />
• Vertex Presentation<br />
Features include a removable diaphragm end<br />
plate and removable stomach cover for manual<br />
positioning of fetus, life-size pelvic cavity with<br />
all major anatomical landmarks, ultra-soft<br />
vulval insert for episiotomy exercises, simulated<br />
dorsosacral position for realistic delivery<br />
technique, and hand-painted outline of the<br />
bony pelvis. Cannot do the Leopold procedure<br />
on this simulator. Forceps can be used during<br />
simulation. All parts in this simulator are replaceable.<br />
The Advanced Childbirth Simulator with vinyl<br />
skin includes two fetal babies with umbilical cords and<br />
placentas, spare stomach cover, two vulva inserts, four<br />
spare umbilical cords, two umbilical clamps, talcum powder,<br />
instruction manual, and soft carry case. One-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 9.07 kg.<br />
SB22438U — $550.00<br />
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Childbirth Simulation<br />
Torso sold separately. See SB22438U (above).<br />
Birthing Mechanism<br />
This system frees the instructor from “birthing duties”<br />
as the fetus descends through the birth canal.<br />
Features removable end-plate for insertion<br />
of automatic birthing system;<br />
removable cervices automatically<br />
dilate as labor progresses; advance<br />
and rotation of fetus through birth<br />
canal; crowning of fetal head; manipulation<br />
of the vulva to pass the forehead,<br />
nose, and ears; syringe mouth<br />
and nose, rotation of the shoulders to<br />
enable correct delivery technique of neonate;<br />
birthing fetus; and two dilating cervices. May<br />
be used with the Advanced Childbirth Simulator<br />
(SB22438U above) sold separately. Comes with<br />
instruction manual and soft carry bag. Sh. wt. 5.44 kg.<br />
SB32872U — $ 412.50<br />
Palpation Module for<br />
Leopold’s Maneuvers<br />
This module will fit any<br />
Gaumard Advanced Childbirth<br />
Simulator purchased since<br />
1989. Full-term fetal baby<br />
with palpable fontanels, spine,<br />
shoulders, elbows, and knees.<br />
This fetal baby may be placed<br />
in normal, breech, or transverse<br />
positions. It is cradled<br />
between two “cushions” which<br />
may be inflated independently<br />
of each other — inflation of<br />
the lower cushion raises the<br />
fetus to the desired position;<br />
inflation of the upper cushion<br />
creates a firm abdomen as in<br />
the ninth month of pregnancy.<br />
Sh. wt. 2.27 kg.<br />
SB29930U — $ 275.00<br />
Labor Delivery Module<br />
These modules will fit any Gaumard Advanced Childbirth Simulator purchased<br />
since 1989. Six labor stations selected to represent conditions of the<br />
cervix and vagina prior to labor, during labor, and at birth in a primigravid<br />
woman. Stations illustrated are: STA –5 prior to onset of labor, STA –4 cervix<br />
partially effaced, STA –3 cervix fully effaced, STA 0 fetal head at plane of<br />
ischial spine, STA +2 cervix nearing full dilation, and STA +5 crowning of<br />
the fetal head. Six labor stations come in a carry case. Sh. wt. 6.80 kg.<br />
SB29931U — $ 302.50<br />
Total Childbirth Education Station<br />
Maximize your childbirth training capabilities with this complete simulation package. Includes the Advanced Childbirth Simulator, the Birthing System Module,<br />
the Palpation Module for Leopold’s Maneuvers, and the Labor Delivery Module. Sh. wt. 19.50 kg.<br />
SB38758U — $ 1,314.50<br />
1-800-668-0600 81
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Childbirth Simulation<br />
Infant Multipurpose Patient Care and CPR Simulator<br />
Looks just like a 0-8 week old baby. The face and body offer extraordinary detail.<br />
Realistic characteristics include soft hands, feet, fingers, and toes; soft, flexible<br />
face skin and upper body skin; self-molded hair; realistic eyes; simulated ear canal;<br />
tongue may be moved from side to side; and arms and legs rotate within the torso body<br />
for lifelike feel and position. Simulator allows practice of heel stick and finger prick; bathing<br />
and bandaging; male and female catheterization; umbilical catheterization; enema administration;<br />
oral, nasal, and digital intubation; placement of OP/NP tubes and nasal and oral gastric<br />
tubes; suctioning; and intraosseous infusion. Also features intramuscular injection site in upper thigh,<br />
interchangeable male organ, urethral passage and bladder, removable internal tanks, external stoma sites with internal tanks,<br />
right/left mainstem bronchi, BVM with realistic chest rise, chest compression, and IV arm with variable and palpable pulses.<br />
Infant Multipurpose Patient Care and CPR Simulator<br />
CPRLink Multipurpose Monitoring System<br />
Includes T-shirt, diapers, nylon carrying bag, and instruction manual. Sh. wt. 6.35 kg. Monitor, view, store, and print results of CPR exercises. Reports ventilation/compression<br />
waveforms and assesses student performance. Links<br />
SB45372U — $1,094.50<br />
CPR manikin to most computers. Sh. wt. 1.59 kg.<br />
Code Blue® I Life Monitoring System<br />
SB45374U — $874.50<br />
Monitors cadence and depth of cardiac compression and airway ventilation.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
SB45373U — $385.00<br />
Baby Hippy<br />
Reproduction of the lower torso and<br />
limbs of a female newborn designed to<br />
train professionals in diagnosing both<br />
congenital hip dislocation and hip<br />
dislocatability. Dislocated left hip for<br />
practice of the Ortolani Jerk-Sign. Lax<br />
right hip for performing the Barlow<br />
Maneuver. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LG02091U — $ 506.00<br />
Childbirth Procedures<br />
DVD collection of three popular 5-minute segments: Vaginal Delivery, Episiotomy,<br />
and Circumcision. The vaginal delivery segment shows the normal delivery of a<br />
baby, illustrating the seven cardinal movements of labor. The episiotomy segment<br />
shows the making of an episiotomy to facilitate a normal vaginal delivery of a<br />
baby. The circumcision video shows this procedure on a newborn, including position,<br />
administering anesthesia, creating a dorsal slit, and use of Gomko clamp to<br />
remove the foreskin. 15 minutes. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
SB48076U DVD — $43.95<br />
Fetal Head Simulator<br />
A life-size fetal head made<br />
from a soft, tissue-like<br />
material to give a very lifelike<br />
feel. The internal bony<br />
structure has realistic fontanels;<br />
the individual bones<br />
move independently and<br />
the head can be molded.<br />
The delicate realism of this<br />
model requires it be handled<br />
as carefully as you would<br />
a live infant’s head. Sh. wt. 1.02 kg.<br />
SB47308U — $204.55<br />
Labor and Delivery Nursing<br />
By Michelle Murray, Ph. D., RNC and<br />
Gayle Huelsmann, BSN, RNC.<br />
432 pages, 8 1 ⁄2" x 11". Softcover.<br />
A clinically oriented guide to help labor and<br />
delivery nurses make wise decisions in the delivery<br />
room. Provides a wealth of insight on how<br />
to maximize both maternal and fetal outcomes.<br />
This book provides authoritative guidance on<br />
intervention options, creation of patient-centered<br />
plans of care, and improved communication<br />
with other member of the obstetrics team. Explains the stages and<br />
phases of delivery, pain management, patient assessment, and much<br />
more. Features references, relevant graphics, skills checklists, and review<br />
questions at the end section. Useful for RNs new to the field, seasoned<br />
practitioners looking for updated methods and data, and nurses preparing<br />
for certification and licensure. ©2009. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB46494U — $71.50<br />
OB-GYN Educator Pack<br />
Those involved in OB-GYN education will find<br />
this collection of 17 DVDs and three multimedia<br />
CDs to be invaluable. Over 50 video clips are on<br />
the OB-GYN 101 CD and Obstetric and Newborn<br />
Care CD, each available for cutting and pasting<br />
into PowerPoint ® lectures. CDs also includes pages<br />
of text, drawings and photographs, videos, and<br />
demonstrations of many OB-GYN procedures. The<br />
17 high-resolution DVDs provide more in-depth<br />
instruction and cover such topics as breast and pelvic<br />
exams, catheter insertion, circumcision, and others. Also includes two textbooks, one oriented toward the junior medical students during their first clinical<br />
rotation in women’s health care, and the other oriented toward nursing students during their child/maternal health training. The 120 fact cards include<br />
academic notes, and are ready to be printed on 4 x 6 index cards. 34 full-length, five minute videos. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB48070U 17 DVDs — $439.95<br />
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows ® 98 or higher; PDF reader; Microsoft ® Word; video program capable of playing .wmv, .mpg, and .avi files<br />
82<br />
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Childbirth Simulation<br />
Stage One<br />
Stage Four<br />
Stage One<br />
no dilatation,<br />
no effacement<br />
Stage Four<br />
5 cm dilatation,<br />
full effacement<br />
Stage Two<br />
2 cm dilatation,<br />
50% effacement<br />
Stage Five<br />
7 cm dilatation,<br />
full effacement<br />
Stage Three<br />
2 cm dilatation,<br />
full effacement<br />
Stage Six<br />
9 cm dilatation,<br />
full effacement<br />
Life/form® Cervical Dilatation/Effacement Simulators<br />
Designed to facilitate the teaching, demonstration, and practice of cervical<br />
examination prior to birth. Every effort has been made to provide exceptional<br />
realism in these simulators so that the visual and tactile sensations experienced<br />
provide a positive transition to patient procedures. The complete simulator set<br />
consists of six separate 5" x 5" x 5" pelvic blocks. The external appearance of all<br />
six blocks is identical with the variations being in the internal structure. Internal<br />
texture, tissue density, and correct anatomical size are all carefully represented<br />
to provide the most realistic condition possible. The simulators depict six different<br />
cervical conditions prior to birth. Each pelvic block is clearly identified on the<br />
bottom to indicate which condition exists internally. With predetermined measurements<br />
of the internal cervical condition, all guesswork or estimating on the part<br />
of the student and instructor is eliminated. Almost everyone’s tactile understanding<br />
of 2 cm, 5 cm, 7 cm, and 9 cm dilatation and effacement conditions is identical,<br />
eliminating misconceptions and inaccurate patient condition evaluations.<br />
The Life/form® Cervical Dilatation/Effacement Simulators include six separate<br />
pelvic blocks, instruction manual, and hard carry case. Three-year warranty.<br />
Sh. wt. 7.71 kg.<br />
LF01069U — $ 841.50<br />
Fetal Monitoring and Labor Progress Model<br />
This versatile 3-D model provides a lifelike simulation for performance of vaginal examinations, application<br />
of the fetal spiral electrode and intrauterine pressure catheter, assessing dilation, palpating fetal fontanels and<br />
suture lines, and assessing position of the vertex. This three-dimensional model includes the fetal head, lower<br />
uterine segment, and cervix made from lifelike materials. The fetal model is encased in a durable plastic<br />
case which allows for easy visualization of parts. The fetal head can also be removed to practice fetal spiral<br />
electrode application while visualizing the procedure. Also includes fetal buttocks for breech presentation and<br />
four interchangeable cervical dilatation models. All parts are easily removed for washing. A practice/resource<br />
guide is included with directions for use. Comes with lubricant and carry case. Sh. wt. 5.90 kg.<br />
SB23508U — $ 493.80<br />
Internal Fetal Monitor Trainer<br />
This lifelike 3-D trainer provides realistic simulation<br />
for proper insertion of an internal electrode for fetal heart<br />
monitoring. Includes similar components to model listed<br />
above, except no fetal buttocks are included and includes<br />
only one model of cervical dilatation depicting 4 cm of<br />
dilatation. Includes lubricant, instructions, and nylon carry<br />
case. 5 1 ⁄2" x 5" x 8 1 ⁄2". Sh. wt. 3.63 kg.<br />
SB48718U — $333.15<br />
SB48718U<br />
SB23508U<br />
1-800-668-0600<br />
Fundus Skills and Assessment Trainer<br />
Features the normal anatomy of the status-post<br />
and postpartum female abdomen designed for<br />
training fundus assessment and massage skills.<br />
• Anal hemorrhoids visible<br />
• Fundus offset secondary to bladder distention<br />
• Genitalia are elongated with swelling to the<br />
clitoral area<br />
• Interchangeable uteri (firm, well<br />
contracted uterus and “boggy” uterus)<br />
• Labium minus more flapped to expose<br />
the vaginal canal<br />
• 2nd degree midline episiotomy<br />
• Upper thighs articulate for positioning<br />
• Vaginal orifice is more visible and opened<br />
Includes female pelvis and upper thighs, firm<br />
fundus, “boggy” fundus, simulated blood, five<br />
peri pads, baby powder, and instructions for use.<br />
Sh. wt. 13.15 kg.<br />
LG02176U — $968.00<br />
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Episiotomy Repair<br />
Incredibly Soft,<br />
Realistic Feel!<br />
Life/form® Episiotomy & Perineal<br />
Laceration Training Kit<br />
This obstetrical simulator offers an unprecedented opportunity for<br />
students to master the techniques needed to repair most common<br />
birth injuries. By making their own incision into the soft, lifelike pad,<br />
students and instructors can create a traditional episiotomy or nearly<br />
any type of first- through fourth-degree lacerations. Embedded within<br />
the tissue are discreet structures representing the bulbocavernous<br />
muscle, transverse perineal muscle, and external anal sphincter. These<br />
muscles can be cut and repaired individually just as they would be in<br />
a real patient. Don’t be fooled by its incredible soft, realistic feel; the<br />
simulated tissue will remain tough and resilient through many training<br />
sessions. The lifelike feel allows the development of instrument<br />
handling skills, amount of tension on sutures, and different knot-tying<br />
methods. A fully adjustable stand holds the pad and molded base at any<br />
angle. Includes soft pad with molded base, adjustable stand, suturing<br />
instruments and scalpel in soft case, one suture, and a soft carry case.<br />
Replacement pads available. It is recommended that only one incision<br />
be made through the muscle area of each pad. Sh. wt. 1.13 kg.<br />
LF01044U — $192.45<br />
Episiotomy & Perineal Laceration Training Kit and DVD<br />
Includes LF01044U and SB48073U 5-minute Episiotomy DVD.<br />
Sh. wt. 1.25 kg.<br />
LF01054U Kit & DVD — $203.45<br />
5-Minute Episiotomy<br />
This program shows how to properly<br />
perform an episiotomy to<br />
facilitate a normal vaginal delivery<br />
of a baby. Following delivery,<br />
the episiotomy is closed using<br />
sutures and standard technique.<br />
Five minutes. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
SB48073U DVD — $27.45<br />
Available Supplies:<br />
Episiotomy Laceration Pad Replacement<br />
LF01045U Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $119.85<br />
Episiotomy Laceration Pad Replacements<br />
Pkg. of 3. Sh. wt. 1.47 kg.<br />
LF01045(A)U — $324.50<br />
Suture Thread with Needle<br />
LF07000U Each. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $13.15<br />
LF07000(A)U Pkg. of 5. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $58.60<br />
LF00691U<br />
Life/form® Episiotomy Suturing Simulators<br />
Now with new lifelike skin for the most realistic suturing practice! These new and improved<br />
Life/form® Episiotomy Suturing Simulators provide a realistic way for students to learn good<br />
surgical techniques. The simulators provide students with a variety of repair experiences without<br />
the constraint of time and concern for safety, which are factors with a live patient. The simulators<br />
can be used by the student in a learning lab with an instructor, or by the student individually in the<br />
clinical setting just prior to a patient experience. They are also useful as homework teaching aids<br />
that can be signed out at night and returned the next day. In addition to being portable, the lifelike<br />
texture allows the learner to develop a “feel” for instrument handling, tension on suture, and the<br />
advantages of one method of tying knots over another. Each simulator comes with an instruction<br />
manual and is individually boxed. Three-year warranty.<br />
Midline Suture Simulator<br />
LF00691U Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $198.00<br />
Left Mediolateral Suture Simulator<br />
LF00692U Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $198.00<br />
Right Mediolateral Suture Simulator<br />
LF00693U Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $198.00<br />
Episiotomy Suturing Simulator Set<br />
Includes three simulators listed above.<br />
Sh. wt. 3.40 kg.<br />
LF00690U — $489.50<br />
84<br />
Available Supplies:<br />
Suture Thread with Needle<br />
LF07000U Each. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $13.15<br />
LF07000(A)U Pkg. of 5.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg. — $58.60<br />
Mayo Hegar Needle Holder<br />
Highly polished stainless steel, 6" long. Box lock<br />
narrow jaw, serrated and indented. Ratchet lock<br />
handle. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
C00879U — $4.75<br /><br />
LF00693U<br />
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Pelvic Examination<br />
Zoe® Gynecologic Simulator<br />
Designed by physicians for physicians and health care providers, this gynecologic examination simulator<br />
combines the ability to demonstrate multiple gynecologic procedures as well as practice laparoscopic<br />
examination and minilaparotomy. Features full-size adult female lower torso with relevant internal anatomic<br />
landmarks, bi-manual pelvic examination, palpation of normal and pregnant uteri, vaginal examination<br />
(including insertion of speculum), visual recognition of normal and abnormal cervices, uterine<br />
sounding, IUD insertion and removal, contraceptive sponge insertion and removal, female condom<br />
insertion and removal, diaphragm and cervical cap insertion and removal, laparoscopic visualization<br />
and occlusion of fallopian tubes, minilaparotomy, one anteverted and one retroverted parous uterus,<br />
one 10-week pregnant uterus, one postpartum uterus, five normal cervices with patent os, four abnormal<br />
cervices, 10 fallopian tubes, realistically sculpted and anatomically accurate ovaries and fimbriae, and<br />
uterus and cervix feature patented “screw” design for fast and easy change-out. Simulator comes<br />
with talcum powder, K-Y Jelly, instruction<br />
manual, and soft nylon carry bag.<br />
Note: Actual model has complete<br />
skin covering. Sh. wt. 13.61 kg.<br />
SB28796U — $ 588.50<br />
Abdominal Palpation Model<br />
This unique three-dimensional model is used to demonstrate palpation<br />
of the abdomen to determine fetal lie, presentation, and<br />
position. The ability to perform Leopold’s maneuvers and provide<br />
immediate visualization of the fetus after demonstration of the<br />
palpation skills is an advantage in teaching health professionals<br />
and students. Allows for visualization of the concepts of breech<br />
and vertex presentations as well as anterior and posterior positions.<br />
The model includes a fetus with a weighted body, movable arms<br />
and legs, firm buttocks, and a head with palpable anterior and<br />
posterior fontanels to allow for easy differentiation of fetal parts<br />
being palpated. The body flexes to permit demonstration of all<br />
presentations and positions. The fetus and vinyl pelvis rest within<br />
the abdominal portion of the model. The abdomen is padded cloth<br />
attached by hook-and-loop strips to the base which allows for<br />
easy removal and replacement in order to visualize and change<br />
fetal positions. Movable gel packs are included to simulate amniotic<br />
fluid. Includes a practice/resource guide. Sh. wt. 8.16 kg.<br />
SB23476U — $ 589.20<br />
IUD Trainer<br />
Use this trainer to<br />
demonstrate proper<br />
IUD insertion techniques.<br />
Dimensions:<br />
3" x 4 1 ⁄4" x 3 ⁄4".<br />
Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
SB31019U — $16.50<br />
5-Minute IUD Insertion<br />
This 5-minute program demonstrates<br />
how to insert and remove<br />
intrauterine devices (IUDs) for<br />
contraception. Several IUDs are<br />
shown on live patients and models<br />
for illustration purposes. Five<br />
minutes. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
SB48074U DVD — $27.45<br />
Female Pelvic<br />
Organs Model<br />
Features coronal section<br />
of uterus, ovaries, and<br />
fimbriae. Uterus covered<br />
by clear plastic window to<br />
permit easy viewing of<br />
correct IUD placement.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB40534U — $93.50<br />
Gynecological Simulator<br />
A state-of-the-art patient care simulator for training in<br />
vaginal examination, bi-manual pelvic examination, IUD<br />
insertion techniques, and viewing cervical normality vs.<br />
abnormalities. Includes seven normal and abnormal uteri,<br />
one normal uterus with six detachable cervical replicas,<br />
two uteri for IUD introduction, two spare internal tanks,<br />
stomach cover, lubricant, and carry bag. Simulator is also<br />
available in black skintone on a special-order basis.<br />
Sh. wt. 9.07 kg.<br />
SB23542U — $ 572.00<br />
1-800-668-0600 85
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Pelvic Examination<br />
Life/form® Pelvic Examination Simulator Set<br />
Life/form® Pelvic Examination Simulators are designed to<br />
facilitate the teaching, demonstrating, and practicing of<br />
pelvic examination for tumor detection.<br />
This Life/form® product consists of a set of two simulators.<br />
Each simulator is identical in outward appearance, as each<br />
was made from the same mold. However, the palpable<br />
internal structure differs.<br />
One of the simulators is considered “normal” and contains<br />
normal ovaries, cervix, and uterus. The other “abnormal”<br />
simulator has an ovarian cyst; the ovary has a solid tumor,<br />
and the uterus is indicative of leiomyoma uteri.<br />
Bony landmarks and normal and atypical organs are anatomically<br />
correct in size, shape, texture, and location. The<br />
tumor and masses are also placed to ensure anatomical<br />
accuracy, and are texturally realistic.<br />
Palpation and manipulation with hands and fingers in and on<br />
the internal and external genitalia, abdominal wall, ovaries,<br />
and uterus can be performed with very realistic tactile experience.<br />
These simulators are intended for digital examination<br />
only; use of a vaginal speculum is not recommended.<br />
The Pelvic Examination Simulator Set includes “Normal”<br />
and “Abnormal” pelvic exam simulators (listed below),<br />
instruction manual, lubricant, glove, and two hard carry<br />
cases. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 20.87 kg.<br />
LF01062U — $ 1,292.50<br />
Normal Pelvic Examination Simulator<br />
LF01060U Sh. wt. 9.98 kg. — $687.50<br />
Abnormal Pelvic Examination Simulator<br />
LF01061U Sh. wt. 12.25 kg. — $687.50<br />
Available Supplies<br />
Lubricant Kit<br />
2-oz. bottle. Pkg. of 6. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
LF00985U — $ 31.70<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong> Cleaner<br />
Use to remove stubborn stains from Life/form ® simulators.<br />
12-oz. bottle. Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
LF09919U — $ 19.95<br />
Normal<br />
All Palpable Landmarks<br />
Abnormal<br />
86<br /><br />
EVA Gynecological Training Manikin<br />
A lifelike female pelvis for developing diagnostic skills in gynecologic<br />
procedures, anatomical instruction, abdominal palpation,<br />
and speculum instruction. EVA allows the comprehensive,<br />
stress-free introduction of gynecological examinations, or more<br />
advanced tactile comparisons of pelvic pathologic conditions<br />
in a classroom setting, easing the way into clinical experience.<br />
Constructed of soft, easily cleaned, vinyl materials that approximate<br />
skin texture, EVA provides detailed, life-like anatomical<br />
features and references. Included are the following interchangeable<br />
inserts: normal cervix for IUD insertion and removal,<br />
normal parous cervix, cervix with endocervical polyp, cervix with<br />
ectropian characteristics, cervix with neoplasia (carcinoma),<br />
normal uterus for IUD insertion and removal, pregnant 10-week<br />
uterus, and two adnexal masses. Does not include ovaries. Size:<br />
13" x 13" x 12". Manikin comes with instruction sheet and soft<br />
nylon bag. Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 3.63 kg.<br />
SB22442U — $ 734.80
Obsterics & Gynecology<br />
Childbirth Simulation<br />
Intrauterine Human Development<br />
Models and Fetal Ultrasounds<br />
Features eight beautiful, hand-painted, anatomically<br />
accurate models from 4 weeks to 7 months<br />
(including 5-month twins). This series of models<br />
depict the fetus inside coronally dissected pregnant<br />
uteri from the first through the seventh month of<br />
pregnancy. Second and third trimester fetuses are<br />
removable. The CD-ROM lets you view over 200<br />
digital videos with accompanying text describing<br />
normal and abnormal fetal conditions during the<br />
first, second, and third trimesters. Fetal images on<br />
the CD-ROM range from 12 weeks to near term<br />
and were prepared in cooperation with experts at<br />
major teaching centers. Models are individually<br />
mounted on smoked Lucite ® base. Models come<br />
with instruction manual. CD-ROM for Windows ®<br />
98/ME operating systems. Sh. wt. 7.26 kg.<br />
SB46516U Display and CD-ROM — $ 918.50<br />
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Windows ® 98 and higher<br />
Pregnancy Model Set<br />
This set, composed of nine life-size models,<br />
illustrates human fetal development from the<br />
4th week through the 6th month:<br />
• 4th week — 1-piece model<br />
• 9th week — 1-piece model<br />
• 3rd month — 1-piece model (uterus and fetus)<br />
• 4th month — 2-piece model (uterus and fetus)<br />
• 5th month — two 3-part models (uterus<br />
and twins) showing two different positions<br />
that twins can have (both in podalic position<br />
or with only one in podalic position)<br />
• 6th month — two 2-piece models (uterus and<br />
fetus) showing two different positions of the<br />
fetus (cephalic position or transverse position)<br />
Two of the models show the different position of<br />
twins. All the main anatomical structures of the<br />
uterus and fetus are well represented and identified<br />
on the accompanying key card. Each of the<br />
nine models comes mounted on a base with<br />
stand. Models range in size from 5" x 4" x 5" to<br />
9 1 ⁄2" x 7 1 ⁄2" x 9 3 ⁄4". Sh. wt. 7.71 kg.<br />
LA00258U — $649.00<br />
Childbirth Model<br />
This life-size model shows the five stages of birth: fetus in uterus with os uteri closed, with os uteri open,<br />
the beginning of the emergence of the head, the complete emergence of the head, and the placenta in<br />
the uterus. Each stage is on a separate base. Sh. wt. 12.70 kg.<br />
SB23505U — $ 907.50<br />
Stage 2<br />
Stage 1<br />
Stage 3<br />
Childbearing, the Classic Series<br />
A unique and beautiful series of illustrations by<br />
artist Jan Ruby Baird. Includes illustrations of<br />
female and male reproductive anatomies, conception,<br />
fetal development, pregnancy changes,<br />
entire birth process, and normal newborn<br />
appearance. Over 70 line drawings provide<br />
additional topics for quick reference. These 57<br />
full-color illustrations are combined in a set of 22<br />
charts (23" x 20") wire-bound in a storage case<br />
that opens to create its own display easel. Fully<br />
illustrated teaching notes included. Sh. wt. 3.63 kg.<br />
SB15913U — $ 170.15<br />
Life in the Womb<br />
Prenatal Education Set<br />
Full-Term Pregnancy<br />
This exciting set of products brings any prenatal education<br />
program to life. Three soft, palpable fetal models<br />
represent different developmental stages of pregnancy. Pregnant Woman Model<br />
Reviewing development from conception to 6 weeks A life-size median section of a female in<br />
postpartum is made easy with the accompanying “With the ninth month of pregnancy is shown in<br />
Child” Life-Size Display. Set includes three fetal models this three-part model. The placenta is in<br />
(3 1 ⁄2, 7, and 9 month), “With Child” Life-Size Display the uterus, and the fetus is removable.<br />
(18" x 24"), and carrying case on wheels. Sh. wt. 19.96 kg. Sh. wt. 7.26 kg.<br />
SB32703U — $571.00<br />
SB23480U — $581.90<br />
1-800-668-0600 87
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Fetal Replicas<br />
7-8 Weeks<br />
B. C. D.<br />
A.<br />
This picture only shown<br />
Life Size<br />
E.<br />
F. G.<br />
88<br />
WA25759U<br />
WA16001U<br />
Human Reproduction and Development Kit<br />
There’s no better way to depict the actual size and developmental<br />
stages of a fetus than with these incredibly realistic replicas!<br />
A thorough multimedia program, this kit presents an in-depth look at embryo<br />
and fetus development in humans. The accompanying text and teaching<br />
guide provide background information and study questions and include<br />
transparencies and blackline masters. The DVD titled The Miracle of Life,<br />
along with the transparencies, tells the fascinating story of embryonic and<br />
fetal growth. The blackline masters highlight important study points for students.<br />
The dramatic Life/form® reproductions show the stages of human<br />
development in a unique, innovative way — plastic models and replicas<br />
each student can examine and study. The kit offers a direct and complete<br />
approach to an understanding of human reproduction from fertilization to<br />
birth. Sh. wt. 7.26 kg.<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s total teaching program offers nine realistic Life/form®<br />
reproductions, four models of the early stages of the embryo,<br />
five actual replicas of the growing fetus, PLUS…<br />
• The Miracle of Life DVD<br />
• Detailed text and teaching guide with<br />
13 transparencies and 12 blackline masters<br />
WA25812U Kit with DVD — $539.00<br />
The Miracle Of Life<br />
This 60-minute program takes you on an incredible voyage through the<br />
human body as new life begins. The camera follows the development of<br />
the single new cell into an embryo, then a fetus, until finally a baby is born.<br />
Sh. wt. 0.25 kg.<br />
WA25759U DVD — $38.45<br />
Human Reproduction and Development Text and Teaching Guide<br />
Includes background information and study questions, plus 13 overhead<br />
transparencies and 12 blackline masters. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg.<br />
WA16001U — $25.25<br />
Fetal Development PowerPoint®<br />
If you have the kit (WA25812U) above and don’t use an overhead<br />
projector any longer, you can purchase this new CD-ROM to project from<br />
your computer. The images are now in a PowerPoint ® program. PowerPoint ®<br />
Viewer included. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg.<br />
WA29730U CD-ROM — $6.55<br />
Human Fetus Replicas<br /><br />
• Actual Reproductions — No Modeling<br />
• Dramatic Detail<br />
• Durable Vinyl — Allows Student Handling<br />
• 7 Stages Available<br />
Life/form® Fetus Replicas add dramatic realism to the study of prenatal<br />
human development. Each replica is an actual reproduction, and offers an<br />
accurate and exciting way to study external development and growth of the<br />
fetus. Teaching guide included. Three-year warranty.<br />
A. *LF00707U 7-8 Week. Sh. wt. 0.09 kg. — $27.20<br />
B. *LF00828U 13 Week. Sh. wt. 0.17 kg. — $49.85<br />
C. LF00813U 20 Week. Sh. wt. 0.29 kg. — $70.25<br />
D. LF00829U 5 Month Female. Sh. wt. 0.34 kg. — $61.05<br />
E. *LF00830U 5 Month Male. Sh. wt. 0.34 kg. — $61.05<br />
F. *LF00708U 7 Month Female. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg. — $116.55<br />
G. LF00931U Full-Term Male. Sh. wt. 3.18 kg. — $141.60<br />
*Indicates replica included in kit WA25812U shown left.<br />
Fetal Development<br />
TearPad<br />
TearPad teaches students<br />
about the major developmental<br />
stages of a human<br />
fetus. Use alone or as a<br />
handout with Life/form®<br />
Human Reproduction<br />
and Development Kit<br />
(WA25812U, left). Doublesided.<br />
50 pages, 8 1 ⁄2" x<br />
11". Sh. wt. 0.40 kg.<br />
WA28966U — $13.20
The Empathy Belly ® Pregnancy Simulator<br />
A specially designed multi-component, weighted vest that allows men, women, boys, and girls to<br />
temporarily experience typical symptoms and effects of being pregnant. Developed by Birthways, Inc.<br />
Over 20 symptoms and effects of pregnancy are felt including:<br />
• Awkwardness in body movements<br />
• Pregnant profile — enlarged breasts and abdomen<br />
• Change in personal and sexual self-image • Pressure on bladder and other internal organs<br />
• Increased body temperature and perspiration • Shortness of breath<br />
• Mild fetal kicking “movements”<br />
• Weight gain of 30-33 lbs.<br />
• Postural changes of back and shift<br />
in center of gravity<br />
Effects are simulated through the use of a rib belt and strategic positioning of various weighted<br />
components. In order for the “pregnant” belly to look and feel realistic (rounder), it needs more<br />
water in the vinyl bladder. This teaching model includes items shown in diagram, along with an<br />
instructor’s training manual and DVD, laminated flashcard, 30 informed consent release forms,<br />
and a laminated color poster on the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Comes in two sizes: adult and teen.<br />
Adult Version with Expectant Father/Adult DVD<br />
SB43113U Sh. wt. 14.51 kg. — $768.90<br />
Teen Version with Pregnancy Prevention DVD<br />
SB43112U Sh. wt. 14.51 kg. — $768.90<br />
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Pregnancy & Newborn Care<br />
The 3-D Model includes:<br />
• One Main Torso Garment<br />
• Two Pregnant Breast Inserts<br />
• One Rib Belt<br />
• One Vinyl Belly Bladder<br />
with 2-lb. Weight<br />
• Two 7-lb. Insert Weights<br />
• One 6-lb. Bladder Pouch<br />
• One Maternity Smock<br />
• One Safety Holding Tray<br />
• One Bottle Water Conditioner<br />
• One Vinyl Repair Kit<br />
• One Nylon Tote Carrying Bag<br />
Guide to Contraceptives Display<br />
Present the full spectrum of birth control choices with this 3-D exhibit!<br />
Contraceptives and hand-painted anatomical models are mounted in an<br />
attractive carrying case with fold-out information panels that give the facts<br />
about various birth-control methods. Great for schools, clinics, or medical<br />
offices, the display measures 29" x 20" when open, and is designed<br />
to sit on any tabletop surface. Stand alone panels are 12" x 17 1 ⁄2" each.<br />
Reproducible handout included. Sh. wt. 6.80 kg.<br />
SB23376U — $ 341.10<br />
Newborn Baby Dolls<br />
This lifelike baby is only one<br />
day old, its eyes are just<br />
slightly open, its umbilical<br />
cord is still visible, and it<br />
has a “soft spot” on its<br />
carefully sculpted head.<br />
Soft vinyl body with jointed<br />
arms and legs. Surface<br />
washable and posable.<br />
Each doll is anatomically<br />
correct for complete realism.<br />
Baby dolls arrive with diapers.<br />
21" long. Sh. wt. 2.27 kg. each doll.<br />
White Baby Boy and Girl<br />
SB17162U — $104.45<br />
White Baby Boy<br />
SB17156U — $ 58.25<br />
White Baby Girl<br />
SB17157U — $ 58.25<br />
Asian Baby Boy and Girl<br />
SB26945U — $104.45<br />
Asian Baby Boy<br />
SB26943U — $ 58.25<br />
Asian Baby Girl<br />
SB26944U — $ 58.25<br />
Brown Baby Boy and Girl<br />
SB17163U — $104.45<br />
Brown Baby Boy<br />
SB17158U — $ 58.25<br />
Brown Baby Girl<br />
SB17159U — $ 58.25<br />
Baby Care Kit<br />
Teach the following<br />
baby care skills:<br />
• Bathing<br />
• Diapering<br />
• Dressing<br />
• Feeding<br />
• Proper lifting<br />
and carrying<br />
•Swaddling<br />
Teach students or<br />
expectant parents<br />
the basics of baby<br />
care with the materials<br />
in these kits.<br />
Each life-like female<br />
baby doll is 20" long<br />
with jointed arms and legs to allow for changing positions. The soft vinyl body<br />
is washable and may be submerged in water (drain water before storing). Each<br />
kit includes: one newborn white doll, one newborn black doll, tub for bathing,<br />
three cloth diapers, three disposable diapers, plastic pants, moist towelettes,<br />
diaper pins, baby gown, three undershirts, booties, baby bottle, baby spoon,<br />
soap, bib, shampoo, washcloth, towel, cotton balls, baby oil, baby lotion, baby<br />
powder, receiving blanket, and 20 baby care booklets. Sh. wt. 9.53 kg.<br />
WA24066U — $193.35<br />
1-800-668-0600 89
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Ready-or-Not Tot® Parenting Simulators<br />
Ready-or-Not Tot® Baby Simulators<br />
A range of parenting simulation manikins to fit every need and budget. The original manikin that simulates a baby’s varying needs! Take the glamour out of<br />
teen pregnancy and demonstrate the realities of the real world to your students. Newborn-size dolls represents a baby of a teen mom — 5 lbs. 8 oz., 20" long.<br />
<strong>Nasco</strong>’s Ready-or-Not Tots ® provide the most for your money. They require the student/parent to give multiple types of care with easy recording for the student<br />
and quick evaluation and grading for the teacher. You will never have to worry if students neglected the manikin. Ready-or-Not Tot ® uses set programs so the<br />
teacher always knows when the manikin requires care. Student response to the manikin’s needs are easily checked using the template provided.<br />
A range of parenting simulation manikins to fit every need and budget!<br />
• Basic • Standard<br />
• Intermediate<br />
• Enhanced/Drug-Affected<br />
Used to Teach Many Parenting Concepts:<br />
• How to quiet and comfort a real baby.<br />
Scan this QR Code<br />
• How a baby should be held, diapered, fed, burped, and more.<br />
®<br />
with your smartphone.<br />
• Babies’ needs can be costly.<br />
• What it takes to be a good parent.<br />
• Babies cry for many reasons; they require constant care and attention.<br />
• A baby means lifestyle changes, which can cause loneliness, isolation, and loss of friends.<br />
• Day care and babysitting are a normal part of parenting, but not always available or affordable.<br />
Basic Ready-or-Not Tot®<br />
Finally, a crying parenting manikin to teach teen pregnancy prevention! Cries at pre-selected<br />
intervals around the clock. The student will press a button to quiet the manikin for a 10-minute<br />
tending time. When tending is completed, the manikin will cry and student will again push the<br />
button to put manikin to sleep. Teaches students the demands of parenting as well as proper<br />
baby handling and care. Non-sexed white and black models.<br />
Ready-or-Not Tot® Manikin. Sh. wt. 2.04 kg.<br />
WA20514U White — $142.95<br />
WA20515U Black — $142.95<br />
Ready-or-Not Tot® 5-Pack. Set of 5 Basic Ready-or-Not Tot ®<br />
manikins in a nylon carry bag. Sh. wt. 8.62 kg.<br />
WA20516U White — $659.45<br />
WA20517U Black — $659.45<br />
Lost your manual?<br />
Download it free at:<br />
e<strong>Nasco</strong>.com/healthcare<br />
Ready-or-Not Tot® 10-Pack. Set of 10 Basic Ready-or-Not Tot ® manikins in a nylon carry bag.<br />
Sh. wt. 11.79 kg.<br />
WA20518U White — $1,253.45<br />
WA20519U Black — $1,253.45<br />
WA20520U White & Black (5 of each) — $1,253.45<br />
Standard Ready-or-Not Tot®<br />
Why <strong>Nasco</strong>’s Ready-or-Not Tots® are the best:<br />
• Offers three different tending programs typical of most babies,<br />
to simulate normal baby-tending needs along with fussy<br />
periods in each program.<br />
• Provides programmed tending events that are unpredictable<br />
to the student, but easy for the teacher to monitor, unlike<br />
other simulators.<br />
• Cries, coos, and burps in response to appropriate care.<br />
Programs are 48 hours in length and run continuously.<br />
• Includes a “demo” option.<br />
• Demands student’s attention for periods of 5 minutes to<br />
30 minutes for each tending occurrence. There are 25-27<br />
tending occurrences within each 48-hour time frame<br />
(for a total of 7 hours of care).<br />
• Provides teacher with complete control of the child care<br />
experience.<br />
• Includes a “panic” key for quieting difficulties without discontinuing<br />
the entire simulation.<br />
• Alerts teacher to a student’s abuse, panic, or tampering with the control box.<br />
• Anatomically correct in four ethnicities.<br />
Comes complete with one set of student keys, one set of teacher keys, reproducible parental consent<br />
form/permission slip, reproducible student response sheet, teacher correction template, diaper, 9V battery,<br />
and instructions. Sh. wt. 4.08 kg.<br />
WA18306U White Male WA19646U Black Male<br />
WA18307U White Female WA19647U Black Female<br />
WA18308U Brown Male WA19015U Asian Male<br />
WA18309U Brown Female WA19016U Asian Female<br />
Each — $335.50 5 or more, each — $318.75 10 or more, each — $301.95<br />
WA18310U Extra student keys — $7.15 WA18311U Extra teacher keys — $9.35<br />
90<br /><br />
Insert<br />
easy-to-use<br />
keys to simulate<br />
various types of<br />
infant care<br />
Standard Ready-or-Not Tot®<br />
Control Box<br />
Now you can convert your current G-4 Baby<br />
Think It Over ® * doll into a state-of-the-art,<br />
interactive parenting manikin with both positive<br />
and negative feedback. The Ready-or-Not Tot ®<br />
Control Box comes complete with student keys,<br />
teacher keys, battery, teacher correction templates,<br />
hook-and-loop strips for installation, and<br />
instruction book. Sh. wt. 0.79 kg.<br />
WA18876U — $214.50<br />
5 or more, each — $182.35<br />
*Baby Think It Over ® is a trademark of BTIO Educational Products, Inc.
For a free replacement manual,<br />
go to: e<strong>Nasco</strong>.com/healthcare<br />
Obstetrics & Gynecology<br />
Ready-or-Not Tot® Parenting Simulators<br />
Intermediate and Enhanced Drug-Affected Ready-or-Not Tots®<br />
At last! A cost-effective parenting simulator with the “day care” feature teachers have been asking for! Now the FIRST manikins to simulate a baby’s<br />
varying needs is even better! The Day Care Pause lets you pause the simulation so students can bring their babies to the “day care center” at school and continue<br />
the simulation at the end of the day. Use the baby sitting feature to interrupt the program during the day. After school, simply reactivate the program and<br />
return the manikin to the student to continue the simulation. The program will resume where the simulation left off in the morning. This provides a more realistic<br />
way of carrying out the simulation without interrupting other classes. After all, in the real world, teen parents are not allowed to carry their children with them<br />
throughout the school or work day. Teen parents must find proper day care, just as all other working parents. This feature not only makes it easier to conduct the<br />
simulations during the normal weekday, but also is a great way to introduce the subject of day care! Manikins include all the features of the Standard Ready-or-<br />
Not Tot ® . Each manikin comes complete with one set of student keys, one set of teacher keys, reproducible parental consent form/permission slip, reproducible<br />
student response sheet, teacher correction template, diaper, 9V battery, and instructions. Sh. wt. 4.08 kg.<br />
Intermediate Ready-or-Not Tot®<br />
• Provides a teacher-activated Day Care Pause when needed during the school day.<br />
• Cries, coos, and burps in response to appropriate care.<br />
• Offers 4 different baby-tending programs where student must determine type of care:<br />
Three programs simulate normal baby-tending needs along with fussy periods in each<br />
program; 25-27 tending occurrences in each 48-hour program.<br />
A fourth, more demanding program simulates the more irritating cry of an alcohol or<br />
drug-affected baby; requires care 31 times during each 48-hour program.<br />
• Care periods range from 5-30 minutes each.<br />
• Includes a “panic” key for quieting difficulties without discontinuing the entire simulation.<br />
• Alerts teacher if student has abused the simulator, panicked, or tampered with the control box.<br />
• Easy-to-use teacher correction template allows for quick student evaluation.<br />
• Choose from 4 different ethnicities; male or female, anatomically correct.<br />
WA21377(A)U White Male WA21377(B)U White Female<br />
WA21377(C)U Brown Male WA21377(D)U Brown Female<br />
WA21377(E)U Black Male WA21377(F)U Black Female<br />
WA21377(G)U Asian Male WA21377(H)U Asian Female<br />
Each — $374.00 5 or more, each — $354.35 10 or more, each — $336.60<br />
WA18310U Extra student keys — $7.15 WA20529U Extra teacher keys — $9.50<br />
Enhanced/Drug-Affected<br />
Ready-or-Not Tot®<br />
The drug-enhanced manikin is BOTH<br />
a drug prevention baby and a general<br />
teen pregnancy baby!<br />
• Teaches students to properly support a baby’s<br />
head with a bendable neck feature.<br />
• Choose programs A, B, or C for regular care.<br />
• Or, select drug-enhanced program D, where…<br />
The manikin continues to cry 30 seconds longer after<br />
being tended by the student. The cry simulates the<br />
more annoying cry of a drug- or alcohol-affected baby.<br />
The simulator requires care 31 times, instead of the<br />
standard 25, in a 48-hour period. Differentiate between shaken baby syndrome and other types of<br />
abuse. Provides a teacher-activated Day Care Pause when needed during the school day. Includes all<br />
features of the Intermediate Ready-or-Not Tots ® .<br />
WA20521U White Male WA20522U White Female<br />
WA20523U Brown Male WA20524U Brown Female<br />
WA20525U Black Male WA20526U Black Female<br />
WA20527U Asian Male WA20528U Asian Female<br />
Each — $418.00 5 or more, each — $391.80 10 or more, each — $376.10<br />
WA18310U Extra student keys — $7.15 WA20529U Extra teacher keys — $9.50<br />
Properly Brace a Baby’s Head:<br />
Teach students how to properly brace a baby’s<br />
head when lifting, carrying, or cradling a baby.<br />
This feature is only on the drug/enhanced<br />
version to simulate the lack of muscle development<br />
a baby born from an alcohol- or<br />
drug-dependent mother has. It gives students an<br />
opportunity to learn the importance of proper<br />
handling of the head and neck without complicating<br />
the simulation. Students can experiment<br />
with various positions without interrupting the<br />
other simulation features or causing needless<br />
crying while a student is trying to learn. Use this<br />
feature to lead a discussion of infant bone and<br />
muscle development, while alerting students to<br />
the hazards of improper techniques.<br />
Enhanced/Drug-Affected Electronic Box<br />
Updates standard Ready-or-Not Tot ® or G-4 Baby<br />
Think It Over ® * dolls. Provides all of the features of<br />
the Enhanced/Drug-Affected manikin except the head<br />
support. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
WA20551U — $273.90<br />
5 or more, each — $260.25<br />
1-800-668-0600 91
Emergency Simulation<br />
Arrythmia & Sound Modules<br />
Arrhythmia TUTOR I<br />
A versatile patient simulator that works with most ALS manikins, or<br />
directly with most monitors. The ACLS Arrhythmia Module 5 from page<br />
93 is included and provides 16 rhythm selections, including those<br />
recommended for CPR/ECG in the guidelines of the American Heart<br />
Association. Can be used with defibrillation chest skin or regular ECG<br />
monitor. An ECG patient cable snaps on the three button snaps for<br />
monitor presentation of items selected from the menu seen above the<br />
keyboard. Additional modules 4-10 from page 93 can be used with this<br />
patient simulator. Hand-held size: 5 3 ⁄10" x 3 3 ⁄8" x 1 1 ⁄8". Sh. wt. 1.36 kg.<br />
LF03668U — $ 654.50<br />
Arrhythmia Display<br />
Interface (ADI)<br />
A universal interface that will<br />
allow the instructor to display<br />
arrhythmias on a regular television<br />
screen (not included).<br />
The ADI is compatible with all<br />
makes and models of 3 and 4 lead<br />
arrhythmia simulators on the market.<br />
TV ECGs<br />
The unit has an on/off switch and a freeze button allowing the<br />
instructor to freeze the action on the screen, in order to explain<br />
the QRS complexes of each rhythm. Comes complete with a<br />
3-lead cable that connects to the simulator and an interface<br />
cable that connects to the TV. Can also be used with any of the<br />
CRiSis manikins to monitor from the ECG sites. The unit is<br />
powered by AC current. Two-year warranty. Sh. wt. 3.18 kg.<br />
SB28920U — $1,138.50<br />
Sounds TUTOR<br />
(Sounds and Arrhythmias)<br />
Reproduces digitally stored heart sounds,<br />
murmurs, and breath sounds. These sounds<br />
are heard with stethoscopes from Sounders,<br />
either the two mounted in the top or from<br />
other Sounders, with up to 50 connected at<br />
the rear panel jacks. Menu items that are<br />
selected from the 16 button keypad have<br />
their number digitally displayed adjacent to<br />
the keyboard. Arrhythmia menus may also<br />
be displayed on patient monitors. Comes<br />
with two built-in Sounders plus two extra<br />
Sounders. Uses Plug-In Modules 1-10 (not<br />
included, listed on page 93). ECG monitor<br />
not included. Sh. wt. 1.70 kg.<br />
SB28957U — $ 1,138.50<br />
TUTOR Accessories<br />
TUTOR<br />
MS — Data<br />
Selector<br />
(Sounds)<br />
Faithfully<br />
reproduces<br />
actual patient<br />
heart sounds,<br />
murmurs, and<br />
breath sounds with<br />
the advantage of<br />
instantly changing between sounds for<br />
comparisons. Stethoscopes are placed<br />
on the pliable pads of the Sounders for<br />
lifelike use in hearing the sounds. Up to<br />
15 Sounders may be used together in<br />
chain-like fashion. LEDs on both sides<br />
of the volume control light only during<br />
systole to permit differentiation between<br />
systolic and diastolic events. This batteryoperated<br />
unit is ideal for individual and<br />
classroom use and is also used during<br />
rounds for comparisons with other<br />
real patient sounds. Comes with two<br />
Sounders. Uses Plug-In Modules 1, 2,<br />
and 3 (listed on page 93). Modules sold<br />
separately. Sh. wt. 0.68 kg.<br />
SB28954U — $ 704.00<br />
TUTOR VII — Data Selector<br />
(Sounds, Arrhythmias, and Hemodynamics)<br />
It looks just like the Sounds TUTOR with built-in Sounders and three ECG snaps, plus<br />
the digital indicator for menu items. However, additional circuitry adds hemodynamics,<br />
and on the rear panel are the connectors for Pressure Display Cables. The TUTOR<br />
VII is CPU controlled and presents data specific to the module in use. Includes two<br />
built-in Sounders, plus two extra Sounders, two Hemodynamic Modules (Modules<br />
11 and 12), and a carrying case. Compatible with optional Modules 1-12 (listed on<br />
page 93). NOTE: In order to monitor the hemodynamics, a Pressure Display Cable is<br />
required (available upon request). ECG monitor not included. Sh. wt. 3.63 kg.<br />
SB28953U — $ 1,540.00<br />
Stethoscope Sounders<br />
For use with Sounds TUTOR<br />
(SB28957U), TUTOR VII<br />
(SB28953U), and TUTOR MS<br />
(SB28954U). Sh. wt. 0.14 kg.<br />
SB28951U Each — $ 49.50<br />
10 or more, each — $43.35<br />
20 or more, each — $ 39.60<br />
Network Assembly<br />
10-ft. extension cable for multiple Sounders.<br />
Extends the length from the first Sounder to the<br />
tutor. For use with Sounds TUTOR (SB28957U),<br />
TUTOR VII (SB28953U), and TUTOR MS<br />
(SB28954U). Shipped directly from Ohio factory.<br />
Allow extra delivery time. Sh. wt. 0.57 kg.<br />
Z15548U — $ 55.00<br />
Code Simulator 12-Lead Arrhythmia Simulator<br />
Pace and defibrillate directly into this interactive 12-lead<br />
ECG simulator through your hands-free defibrillation cable.<br />
• Simulate electrical capture with your external pacer. Press<br />
simulator capture key to select one of four preset pacing capture<br />
levels: 70, 80, 90, or 100mA. When pacer current is greater<br />
than selected capture level, paced beats appear on your monitor.<br />
Waveforms for pacing include: Sinus Brady (two), 1st degree A-V<br />
block, 2nd degree type I A-V block, 2nd degree type II A-V block,<br />
2nd degree type II A-V block with PVCs, and 3rd degree A-V block.<br />
• Simulate cardioversion with your manual, semi-automatic,<br />
or automatic defibrillator. Activate “convert” feature to<br />
select — before defib discharge — another rhythm to run<br />
immediately after defib discharge. Waveforms for defibrillator<br />
training include: V. Fib., V. Tach (high rate), V. Tach (low rate), Torsade, A. Fib, A. Flutter,<br />
PSVT, Sinus Tach, Sinus Rhythm, Sinus Rhythm with PVCs, Asystole, and NSR.<br />
• Generate realistic 12-lead ECG rhythms. Connect your ECG cable to simulator’s 10 ECG snaps.<br />
Independent chest lead and limb lead ECG signals create realistic 12-lead ECGs for each rhythm<br />
Generate ST segment and T wave abnormalities including: Anterior MI, Inferior MI, Antero-Septal<br />
ST Elevation, Anterior ST Depression, Lateral ST Elevation, and Inferior ST Elevation.<br />
• LED indicators: pacer pulse detection, defib discharge detection, and low battery.<br />
• Connects directly to monitor. Does not work with manikin.<br />
Three-year warranty. Sh. wt. 0.91 kg.<br />
SB33608U ZOLL — $ 935.00<br />
SB33609U Physio Quik Combo — $ 935.00<br />
SB33610U Marquette — $ 935.00<br />
SB47353U HeartStart/Phillips with Late FV Waveform — $935.00<br />
92<br />
NEW! SB37728U Phillips — $ 935.00<br />
SB37729U R2 — $ 935.00<br /><br />
Rhythm Display Interface<br />
This versatile display interface is ideal for teaching<br />
students in a classroom environment or as<br />
a cost alternative to expensive patient monitors.<br />
The Rhythm Displace Interface (RDI) is an<br />
interface device which allows 3-lead, 12-lead,<br />
and hemodynamic simulator output to be displayed<br />
on a conventional television monitor,<br />
projector, or LCD display screen. The RDI can<br />
be connected to any simulator or manikin to<br />
display the rhythms on a television. Additional<br />
features allow the RDI to freeze action, display<br />