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• ••1/2<br />


self into the case and in the process finds<br />

Starring A I Pacino, Russell Crowe, she has to confront her own demons in<br />

Christopher Plummet; Diane Venom and order to have any chance at rescuing the<br />

Philip Baker Hall. Directed by Michael victim who has been buried alive, with a<br />

Mann. Written by Erie Roth and Michael limited oxygen supply, by her captors.<br />

Mann. Produced by Pieter Jan Brugge and The plot unfolds with few surprises, it<br />

MichaelMann. A Buena I ista release. Drama. sags badly in the middle and the ending is<br />

Rated Rfor language. Running time: 157 min. a pretty much foregone conclusion. But<br />

Lowell Bergman (Al Pacino. subdued the film is essentially saved by a couple of<br />

since "The Devil's Advocate") is a produc-<br />

superb acting jobs. Mike Kerrigan<br />

er at "60 Minutes." known for his ability to<br />

secure difficult interviews and for the<br />

dependability of his word. His integrity is<br />

compromised when he gains the trust of<br />

Jeffrey Wigand (Russell Crowe), an exemployee<br />

of tobacco giant Brown &<br />

Williamson whose insider knowledge of<br />

the operation threatens the safety of his<br />

wife and two little girls. Securing Wigand's<br />

testimony that the "seven dwarfs." as he<br />

calls the seven CEOs of big tobacco, were<br />

fully aware of the dangers of smoking<br />

when they testified to the contrary,<br />

Bergman is betrayed by his company. CBS<br />

refuses to air the segment because of a lawsuit<br />

threatened by Brown & Williamson.<br />

As Wigand. Crowe steals the show.<br />

Besides deliberately gaining weight and<br />

graying for the role, the Australian has<br />

adopted the nervous ticks of his character,<br />

honestly portraying the reluctant hero as a<br />

man plagued by a hot temper, belligerence<br />

and revenge, but also a loving father torn<br />

between protecting his family and revealing<br />

the truth to the American people.<br />

Writer-director-producer Michael Mann.<br />

who last directed 1995's crime drama<br />

"Heat." employs the same stylistic elements<br />

here, amply using slow motion and<br />

handheld close-ups that, while sometimes<br />

as dizzying as those in the notorious<br />

"Blair Witch Project," demonstrate the<br />

confusion and desperation experienced by<br />

the characters. Mann's elegant stylization<br />

and Crowe's superb performance pull<br />

together a picture daunted by potentially<br />

dry subject matter and a hefty running time.<br />

— Anniee Ellingson<br />

OXYGEN<br />

**l/2<br />

Starring Maura Tierney and Adrien Brody.<br />

Directed and written by Richard Shepard.<br />

Produced by Jonathan Stern. Richard<br />

Shepard, Carole Curb Nemoy and Mike Curb.<br />

A Vnapix release. Crime drama. Rated R for<br />

violence and language. Running time: 92 min.<br />

Detective Madeline Foster (Maura<br />

Tierney) is having a rough day. After a fleeing<br />

felon uses her for target practice she<br />

unwinds with a bout of rough- -make that<br />

sadistic—sex with a mystery lover and<br />

copious amounts of alcohol. All of which<br />

hardly makes her a<br />

suitable candidate to<br />

solve a kidnapping, especially as the person<br />

heading up the investigation is her<br />

unsuspecting husband. But she throws her-<br />

REVIEW<br />


Starring Geoffrey Rush, Famke Janssen,<br />

Taye Diggs, Ali Larter, Chris Rattan, Peter<br />

Gallagher and Bridgette Hi/son. Directed<br />

by William Malone. Written by Dick Beebe<br />

and William Malone. Produced by Robert<br />

Zemeckis, Joel Silver and Gilbert Adler. A<br />

Warner Bros, release. Horror. Rated R for<br />

horror violence and gore, sexual images and<br />

language. Running time: 93 min.<br />

Billionaire theme-park mogul Steven<br />

Price ("Mystery Men's" Geoffrey Rush)<br />

loves designing thrill rides and is always<br />

trying to outdo himself. So when his wife<br />

("The Faculty's" Famke Janssen) asks to<br />

have her birthday party at an abandoned<br />

psychiatric institute for the criminally<br />

insane, he sets out to make the evening a<br />

to-die-for experience. Things go smoothly<br />

until unforeseen demonic forces intervene<br />

and the staged game becomes deadly.<br />

The evil that pervades the asylum is<br />

brought to life using some of the best<br />

special effects seen on film; however, all<br />

the visual bravura doesn't fill in the gaping<br />

plot holes or generate any real frights.<br />

—Dwayne E. Leslie<br />

LIARS POKER *1/2<br />

Starring Richard Tyson, Caesar Luisi,<br />

Jimmy Blondell and Flea. Directed and<br />

written by Jeff Santo. Produced by Billy<br />

Savino and Jeff Santo. A North Branch<br />

Entertainment release. Drama! Thriller.<br />

Rated R for language, sexuality and pervasive<br />

violence. Running time: 93 min.<br />

"Nobody beats me at Liar's Poker."<br />

announces Jack (Richard Tyson) to a circle<br />

of card players—a remark that also<br />

metaphorically applies to his other dealings<br />

with members of the group, including<br />

the womanizing Niko (Caesar Luisi),<br />

the<br />

hapless Freddy (Flea) and the enigmatic<br />

Vic (Jimmy Blondell), all of whom appear<br />

to associate with Jack as more a matter of<br />

obligation than camaraderie. The film follows<br />

each character's business dealings<br />

with the alpha male, whose volatile temperament,<br />

combined with the enormous<br />

wealth he's obviously gained from sources<br />

other than his day job as a car salesman,<br />

imply he has a position as a mob boss.<br />

It's quite evident that almost every<br />

aspect of "Liar's Poker," Jeff Santos directorial<br />

debut, is supposed to create an<br />

oppressive tension. From the uniformly<br />

slow dialogue delivery by the ensemble cast<br />

to the Cimmerian soundtrack that thumps<br />

incessantly throughout the pic. one gets the<br />

impression that a sense of overwhelming<br />

dread should be sinking in. Disinterest,<br />

however, is the more pervasive feeling, with<br />

the disjointed chronological sequences<br />

forcing the viewer to work harder at following<br />

a plot that isn't very compelling in<br />

the first place.<br />

•••<br />

Francesco Dinglasan<br />

DATS<br />

Starring Dina Meyer, Lou Diamond<br />

Phillips, Leon and Bob Gunton. Directed by<br />

Louis Morneau. Written by John Logan.<br />

Produced by Brad Jenkel and Louis Rosncr.<br />

A Destination Films release. Horror. Rated<br />

PG-13 for intense sequences of bat attacks,<br />

and brief language. Running time: 91 mins.<br />

"Why? I'm a scientist, that's why," is the<br />

reason given for genetically altering two<br />

bats to be smarter, more aggressive and<br />

omnivorous. The research bats quickly<br />

spread the virus they carry amongst thousands<br />

of local bats, and soon the night<br />

belongs to the horde and nothing in<br />

path is safe once night falls.<br />

their<br />

This is a very intense film once it gets<br />

past the preliminaries of introducing<br />

everyone. After the first attack, it's apparent<br />

how vicious the bats can be—so when<br />

the town ignores warnings to stay indoors,<br />

one can't help but cringe at what's coming.<br />

The film skillfully mixes in humor without<br />

undermining the tension. Dwayne E.<br />

Leslie<br />


**l/2<br />

Starring Sean Patrick Flanery, Jerry<br />

O'Connell, Amada Peet and Tara Reid.<br />

Directed by Michael Cristofer. W ritten by<br />

David McKenna. Produced by Jennifer<br />

Keohane and Harry Colomhy. A New Line<br />

release. Drama. Rated R for strong sexual<br />

content including graphic sex-related dialogue,<br />

language, violence and scenes of alcohol<br />

abuse. Running time: 102 min.<br />

This is an old-fashioned cautionary tale<br />

under the glossy veneer of a sex romp.<br />

Much of the film is taken up with people<br />

talking dirty about the most primeval of<br />

urges, and the rest of the time they are<br />

practicing them. But the underlying theme<br />

is that sex—especially casual, drunken<br />

sex—comes with a price.<br />

Four women and four men all in their<br />

20s are independently plotting their<br />

evening which seems to basically consist of<br />

mass quantities of booze, some lively<br />

dancing and a chance of a close encounter<br />

of the carnal kind. The octet gets together<br />

in various combinations and the games<br />

begin. But even in the many steamy scenes.<br />

nobody seems to be having much fun. It is<br />

a good-looking cast but it's hard to tell<br />

how talented they really are. Mike<br />

Kerrigan<br />


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