Rhino 3D V1 - Rum

Rhino 3D V1 - Rum

Rhino 3D V1 - Rum


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<strong>Rhino</strong> <strong>3D</strong> <strong>V1</strong><br />

04/10/2010 AAA<br />

A short introduction to simple <strong>3D</strong> geometry<br />

in McNeels <strong>Rhino</strong>ceros 4.0.

SOFTWARE SKILLS 2 år E2010<br />

<strong>Rhino</strong>_2D Modul 1<br />

<strong>Rhino</strong>_<strong>3D</strong>_<strong>V1</strong><br />

V-Ray t. <strong>Rhino</strong><br />

Modul 2<br />

Modul 2<br />

<strong>Rhino</strong>_<strong>3D</strong>_V2<br />

Modul 3<br />

Illustrator_<strong>V1</strong><br />

Photoshop Adv.<br />

Modul 3<br />

Modul 3

Input<br />

Output<br />

png/jpg/tiff...<br />

Illustrator/dwg/jpg...<br />

<strong>3D</strong> studio max<br />

Script compiler<br />

Parametri<br />

Render software.<br />

Plugins<br />

png/jpg/tiff...<br />

Illustrator/dwg/jpg...<br />

<strong>3D</strong> studio max<br />

SketchUp<br />

SketchUp<br />

FormZ<br />

FormZ<br />

Excel og lign.<br />

Excel og lign.<br />

AutoCad/dwg/dxf<br />

AutoCad/dwg/dxf<br />

Revit<br />

Digitizer<br />

Makroer/scripting/etc.<br />

Revit<br />

Fabrication<br />

A.S.O...<br />



Scripting<br />


Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline

Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS)<br />

What kind of a word is “NURBS”?<br />

The word NURBS is an acronym for non-uniform rational B spline. Non uniform rational B splines can represent 3 D geometry.<br />

Why use NURBS to represent 3 D geometry?<br />

NURBS geometry has five important qualities that make it an ideal choice for computer aided modeling.<br />

There are several industry standard ways to exchange NURBS geometry. This means that customers can and should expect to be able to move their valuable<br />

geometric models between various modeling, rendering, animation, and engineering analysis programs. They can store geometric information in a way that will<br />

be usable 20 years from now.<br />

NURBS have a precise and well-known definition. The mathematics and computer science of NURBS geometry is taught in most major universities. This<br />

means that specialty software vendors, engineering teams, industrial design firms, and animation houses that need to create custom software applications, can<br />

find trained programmers who are able to work with NURBS geometry.<br />

NURBS can accurately represent both standard geometric objects like lines, circles, ellipses, spheres, and tori, and free-form geometry like car bodies and human<br />

bodies.<br />

The amount of information required for a NURBS representation of a piece of geometry is much smaller than the amount of information required by common<br />

faceted approximations.<br />

The NURBS evaluation rule, discussed below, can be implemented on a computer in a way that is both efficient and accurate.<br />

What is NURBS geometry?<br />

There are lots of ways to answer to this question. If you are comfortable reading mathematical formulae, then you can get more detailed information by going<br />

to the Books and papers on NURBS section at the openNURBS web site (http://www.opennurbs.com/books.htm) and clicking on the links<br />

<strong>Rhino</strong> uses NURBS to represent curves and surfaces. NURBS curves and surfaces behave in similar ways and share a lot of terminology. Since curves are easiest<br />

to describe, we will cover them in detail. <strong>Rhino</strong> has surface tools that are analogous to the curve tools mentioned below.<br />

A NURBS curve is defined by four things: degree, control points, knots, and an evaluation rule.<br />

The degree is a positive whole number.<br />

This number is usually 1, 2, 3 or 5. <strong>Rhino</strong> lines and polylines are degree 1, <strong>Rhino</strong> circles are degree 2, and most <strong>Rhino</strong> free-form curves are degree 3 or 5.<br />

<strong>Rhino</strong> will let you work with NURBS that have degrees from 1 to 11. Sometimes the terms linear, quadratic, cubic, and quintic are used. Linear means degree<br />

1, quadratic means degree 2, cubic means degree 3, and quintic means degree 5.<br />

You may see references to the order of a NURBS curve. The order of a NURBS curve is positive whole number equal to (degree+1). Consequently, the degree<br />

is equal to order-1.<br />

It is possible to increase the degree of a NURBS curve and not change its shape. It is not possible to reduce a NURBS curve’s degree without changing its<br />

shape.<br />

The control points are a list of at least (degree+1) points.<br />

One of easiest ways to change the geometry of a NURBS curve is to move its control points. <strong>Rhino</strong> provides several ways to move control points. To perform<br />

large free-form adjustments you simply use the mouse to drag the control point. <strong>Rhino</strong> provides other tools tailored for small precise adjustments.<br />

The control points have an associated number called a weight. With a few exceptions, weights are positive numbers. When a curve’s control points all have<br />

the same weight (usually 1), the curve is called non-rational, otherwise the curve is called rational. The R in NURBS stands for rational and indicates that a<br />

NURBS curve has the possibility of being rational. In practice, most NURBS curves are non-rational. A few NURBS curves; circles and ellipses being notable<br />

examples, are always rational. <strong>Rhino</strong> provides tools for examining and changing control point weights.

The knots are a list of degree+N-1 numbers, where N is the number of control points. Sometimes this list of numbers is called the knot vector. In this term, the<br />

word vector does not mean 3 D direction.<br />

This list of knot numbers must satisfy several technical conditions. The standard way to ensure that the technical conditions are satisfied is to require the numbers<br />

to stay the same or get larger as you go down the list and to limit the number of duplicate values to no more than the degree. For example, for a degree 3<br />

NURBS curve with 15 control points, the list of numbers 0,0,0,1,2,2,2,3,7,7,9,9,9 is a satisfactory list of knots. The list 0,0,0,1,2,2,2,2,7,7,9,9,9 is unacceptable<br />

because there are four 2s and four is larger than the degree.<br />

The number of times a knot value is duplicated is called the knot’s multiplicity. In the preceding example of a satisfactory list of knots, the knot value 0 has<br />

multiplicity three, the knot value 1 has multiplicity one, the knot value 2 has multiplicity three, the knot value 7 has multiplicity two, and the knot value 9 has<br />

multiplicity three. A knot value is said to be a full multiplicity knot if it is duplicated degree many times. In the example, the knot values 0, 2, and 9 have full<br />

multiplicity. A knot value that appears only once is called a simple knot. In the example the knot values 1 and 3 are a simple knots.<br />

If a list of knots starts with a full multiplicity knot, is followed by simple knots, terminates with a full multiplicity knot, and the values are equally spaced, then<br />

the knots are called uniform. For example, if a degree 3 NURBS curve with 7 control points has knots 0,0,0,1,2,3,4,4,4, then the curve has uniform knots. The<br />

knots 0,0,0,1,2,5,6,6,6 are not uniform. Knots that are not uniform are called non uniform. The NU in NURBS stands for non uniform and indicates that the<br />

knots in a NURBS curve are permitted to be non-uniform.<br />

Duplicate knot values in the middle of the knot list make a NURBS curve less smooth. At the extreme, a full multiplicity knot in the middle of the knot list<br />

means there is a place on the NURBS curve that can be bent into a sharp kink. For this reason, some designers like to add and remove knots and then adjust<br />

control points to make curves have smoother or kinkier shapes. <strong>Rhino</strong> has tools for removing and adding knots. Since the number of knots is equal to<br />

(N+degree+1), where N is the number of control points, adding knots also adds control points and removing knots removes control points. Knots can be added<br />

without changing the shape of a NURBS curve. In general, removing knots will change the shape of a curve. <strong>Rhino</strong> provides an advanced knot removing interface<br />

that automatically performs appropriate knot removal when a user deletes a control point.<br />

A common misconception is that each knot is paired with a control point. This is true only for degree 1 NURBS (polylines). For higher degree NURBS, there<br />

are groups of 2 x degree knots that correspond to groups of degree+1 control points. For example, suppose we have a degree 3 NURBS with 7 control points<br />

and knots 0,0,0,1,2,5,8,8,8. The first four control points are grouped with the first six knots. The second through fifth control points are grouped with the knots<br />

0,0,1,2,5,8. The third through sixth control points are grouped with the knots 0,1,2,5,8,8. The last four control points are grouped with the last six knots.<br />

Some modelers that use older algorithms for NURBS evaluation require two extra knot values for a total of degree+N+1 knots. When <strong>Rhino</strong> is exporting and<br />

importing NURBS geometry, it automatically adds and removes these two superfluous knots as the situation requires.<br />

The evaluation rule uses a mathematical formula that takes a number and assigns a point.<br />

The formula involves the degree, control points, and knots. In the formula there are some things called B-spline basis functions. The BS in NURBS stands for<br />

B-spline. The number the evaluation rule starts with is called a parameter. You can think of the evaluation rule as a black box that eats a parameter and produces<br />

a point. The degree, knots, and control points determine how the black box works.<br />

<strong>Rhino</strong> has evaluation tools. You can select a NURBS curve, type in the value of the parameter, and produce the corresponding point.<br />

Conceptually, the knots determine the B spline basis functions. The values of the B spline basis functions at the parameter determine how the control points and<br />

weights are averaged together to produce a point. Detailed discussions of the evaluation rule and B spline basis functions are available in many textbooks and<br />

Web pages.<br />

More details<br />


<strong>Rhino</strong> crash course<br />

2. år AAA, 20-09-2010<br />

A short introduction to simple 2D geometry<br />

in McNeels <strong>Rhino</strong>ceros 4.0.

<strong>Rhino</strong> 2D hvorfor ?

Alt den information der bliver givet her kan findes i de på rummet i<br />

præsentation og udlagte tutorials s. 1-100.

RHINO - INTERFACE (p. 5-30)<br />

- Viewports<br />

- Commandline<br />

- Status Bar<br />

- Toolbar<br />

- Layers (p. 40)<br />

- Properties f3


Menu bar<br />

Command history window<br />

Command prompt<br />

Layer menu<br />

Toolbars<br />

Grafics area<br />

World axis icon<br />

Viewport title<br />

Main 1 and main 2 toolbars<br />

Properties menu<br />

Osnap toolbar<br />

Status bar<br />

Menus - Flyouts -

RHINO - Navigation (p.11, 20-26)<br />

- Zoom, pan<br />

- Mouse Wheel zoom<br />

- Right mouse button pan, zoom<br />

- Toolbar

RHINO - Import<br />

- AutoCad drawing file ( dwg ) (Hør efter og skriv ned!!!)<br />

- Pictures (Hør efter og skriv ned!!!)

RHINO - 2D line drawing (Tools simple)<br />

- Line, polyline (p. 31)<br />

- Rectangle, circle, ellipse ...(p.87)<br />

- Selecting objekts (p.45)

RHINO - Transform (simple)(p.103-138)<br />

- Move (p.115)<br />

- Rotate (p.118)<br />

- Trim - extent (p.127-130)<br />

- Copy (p.117)<br />

- scale (p.121)

RHINO - Øvelse 1<br />

- Import jpg (pictureframe)<br />

- Distance, scale<br />

- Start drawing...(line, polyline...)<br />

- Toolbar

RHINO - Import pictures

RHINO - Øvelse 2<br />

- Import dwg files ( digitalt kort materiale fra sidste øvelse)<br />

- Import <strong>Rhino</strong> fil fra øvelse 1<br />

- Layers<br />

- Transformation

RHINO - Import dwg

RHINO - Print og export<br />

- Export dwg (Hør efter og skriv ned!!!)<br />

- Export Illustrator (Hør efter og skriv ned!!!)<br />

- Print pdf (p.235)<br />

- SKALA...?


Z ZoomWindow<br />

ZE ZoomExtents<br />

zea zoomextentsall<br />

zs zoomselected<br />

zsa zoomselectedall<br />

s SHOW<br />

o Offset<br />

p polyline<br />

M Move<br />

U ! _Undo<br />

POn ! _PointsOn<br />

POff ! _PointsOff<br />

c copy<br />

W Export<br />

COn ‘_CurvatureGraph<br />

COff ‘_CurvatureGraphOff<br />

SL Section<br />

l lines<br />

TX _TextObject<br />

g gcon<br />

UG _Ungroup<br />

sh shade<br />

J join<br />

ex extend<br />

DI Distance<br />

TR Trim<br />

I Import<br />

h hide<br />

LA Layer<br />

F Fillet<br />

loff _OneLayerOff<br />

sp split<br />

es edgesrf<br />

crva curvatureanalysis<br />

AA Area<br />

SC Scale<br />

SCR ReadCommandFile<br />

AR Array<br />

cs interpcrvonsrf<br />

et extrude<br />

ct contour<br />

SEC Contour<br />

PE EditPtOn<br />

PL Polyline<br />

ia importcommandaliases<br />

ih ! Invert Hide<br />

cu ! interpcrv<br />

PO Point<br />

SET Options<br />

SHA Shade<br />

POL Polygon<br />

d ! distance<br />

ii import<br />

pr project<br />

db ! dupborder<br />

ilk invert lock<br />

REC Rectangle<br />

REG PlanarSrf<br />

EXT Extrude<br />

in intersect<br />

dd ! layer<br />

iv ReadNamedViewsFromFile<br />

BR Split<br />

de dupedge<br />

REV Revolve<br />

RO Rotate<br />

k matchlayer<br />

HI Make2D<br />

lf loft<br />

lk lock<br />

CH Properties<br />

CHA Chamfer<br />

ln layeron<br />

lna alllayerson<br />

IMP Import<br />

lo layeroff<br />

loa lo *<br />

co contour<br />

ly layer<br />

m2n meshtonurb<br />

cp properties<br />

nmo SetObjectNameMultiple<br />

no setobjectname<br />

oe onelayeron<br />

of onelayeroff<br />

ol onelayeroff<br />

on onelayeron<br />

ow openworkspace<br />

pa patch<br />

pct placecameratarget<br />

pn pton<br />

rb rebuild<br />

rbs rebuildsrf<br />

s1 sweep1<br />

s2 sweep2<br />

s3 srfpt<br />

sc1 scale1<br />

se section<br />

sil silhouette<br />

sla selall<br />

slc selcrv<br />

sll sellayer<br />

LEN ExtendByLine<br />

mi mirror<br />

ca curvatureanalysis<br />

cg curvatureGraphOn<br />

cgo curvatureGraphoff<br />

ci circle<br />

da dimaligned<br />

dt detachtrim<br />

e delete<br />

ea exportcommandaliases<br />

eb endbulge<br />

ec ExtendCrvOnSrf<br />

ei extractisoparm<br />

ep editpton<br />

ew extractwireframe<br />

exc ExtrudeAlongCrv<br />

exs export<br />

fa fair<br />

fs filletsrf<br />

je JoinEdge<br />

li what CommandHistory<br />

MA Properties

ml matchlayer<br />

ms matchsrf<br />

op options<br />

os offsetsrf<br />

r rotate<br />

re renderpreview<br />

si SplitSrf<br />

sln selname<br />

slp selpolyline<br />

sls selsrf selpolysrf<br />

sm smooth<br />

SN SnapOptions<br />

spc simplifycrv<br />

ss showselected<br />

sts shrinktrimmedsrf<br />

sw saveworkspaceas<br />

sw1 sweep1<br />

sw2 sweep2<br />

sx split<br />

t trim<br />

x explode<br />

rc restorecplane<br />

ut untrim<br />

to toolbar<br />

ll linev<br />

xs extractsrf<br />

pm perspectivematch<br />

esr ExtrudeSrf<br />

pi pipe<br />

ri ribbon<br />

rw removewallpaper<br />

ics InterpCrvOnSrf<br />

RR Render<br />

oce OrientCrvToEdge<br />

fl Flow<br />

opc OrientPerpToCrv<br />

scp savecplane<br />

2d make2d<br />

a arc3pt<br />

al orient<br />

cl changelayer<br />

cr curve<br />

il invert lock<br />

DIV Divide<br />

sr planarsrf<br />

ED EditText<br />

LS What<br />

EL Ellipse<br />

ME Measure<br />

exp explode<br />

tg ! placecameratarget enter<br />

tt ! top ze<br />

u3 CPlane3Pt<br />

SPLINE InterpCrv<br />

ul all unlock invert<br />

SPL InterpCrv<br />

ORBIT RotateView<br />

uls unlockselected<br />

urs unrollsrf<br />

SU BooleanDifference<br />

vl lineV<br />

vr restoreview<br />

vs ! saveview<br />

TOR Torus<br />

wf front ww<br />

wr right ww<br />

ww export<br />

RPR RenderOptions<br />

UNI BooleanUnion<br />

V RestoreView<br />

VP PlaceCameraTarget<br />

xt extrude<br />

zd zoomdynamic<br />

3A Array<br />

<strong>3D</strong>O RotateView<br />

3F Plane<br />

3P Polyline<br />

ng setgroupname<br />

slg selgroup<br />

gr group<br />

ws _Worksession




Bolig<br />

200%<br />

Bolig<br />

Byfunktioner 100%<br />

Bebyggelsesprocent 300%<br />

Byggefelt<br />

Domæne<br />

2D Line drawing<br />

2D Transformation<br />

<strong>3D</strong> Extrusion<br />

<strong>3D</strong> Transformation<br />

REGLER<br />

FOOTPRINT MAX 50 %<br />

FOOTPRINT MIN 50 %<br />



-> FRI<br />

-> MAX 11 M

Precision modeling (p.49)

Absolute Coordinates

Relative Coordinates

Distance Constraint Entry

Modeling with Solids (p.165)

Solid Tools (p.165)

Extrude Crv (p.166)

Cut by lines


Extrude Crv



<strong>Rhino</strong> <strong>3D</strong> Øvelse_01

FOOTPRINT MIN 50 %<br />




-> FRI<br />

-> MAX 11 M

V-Ray for <strong>Rhino</strong> 4<br />

Produceres af ASGVIS<br />

30 day trial<br />

http://software.asgvis.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=296&Itemid=233<br />


http://software.asgvis.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=443&Itemid=536&limitstart=5<br />



http://download.rhino3d.com/download.asp?id=<strong>Rhino</strong>4Training<br />

http://www.rhino3.de/<br />

http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/<strong>Rhino</strong>4CPlusPlusPlugIns.html<br />

http://www.simplyrhino.co.uk/products/rhino.html<br />

http://www.rhinoscript.org/scripts<br />


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