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t Hollywood<br />


Office— Suite 219 at 6404 Hollywood Blvd.: Ivan Spear, Wci:tcrii Manaycr)<br />

Unveiling of 'Groom' W. R. Frank Series fo Be Released<br />

In Milwaukee Soon Simultaneously to Theatres, TV<br />

HOT.T.Vwnnr)— with Tnnv niirtis Pinpr ' '<br />

HOLLYWOOD—With Tony Curtis, Piper<br />

Laurie and Chill Wills on hand for personal<br />

appearances, U-I's "No Room for the Groom"<br />

will have its world premiere Tuesday (6) at<br />

the Warner Theatre in Milwaukee, with proceeds<br />

from the opening earmarked for the<br />

American Cancer society. Following the premiere<br />

the players will trek to St. Louis for<br />

similar participation in connection with the<br />

picture's debut there.<br />

* *<br />

Republic is completing plans for a double<br />

world premiere of "Minnesota," starring Rod<br />

Cameron and Ruth Hussey, with the historical<br />

action opus to bow July 16 at the North Shore<br />

Theatre in Duluth, Minn., and at the State<br />

in Minneapolis on the following day.<br />

Film Labor Front Fights<br />

Anti-Hollywood Politics<br />

HOLLYWOOD — Representative<br />

segments<br />

of filmdom's labor front plunged allout into<br />

the political arena when, at an organizational<br />

meeting, nearly 100 industryites formed a<br />

coalition group to campaign for the defeat<br />

of candidates for public office who have<br />

records of anti-Hollywood sentiments.<br />

Keynote speakers at the session were Roy<br />

M. Brewer, chairman of the Hollywood AFL<br />

Film Council and lATSE studio representative,<br />

and Allen Rivkin of the Screen Writers<br />

Guild. The group will support Rep. Clyde<br />

Doyle for re-election to Congress but opposes<br />

Rep. Donald Jackson, who recently charged<br />

the film unions with failing to weed out Communists,<br />

and Jack Tenny, California state<br />

senator, both of whom seek to be re-elected.<br />

Reps. Doyle and Jackson are both members<br />

of the House Un-American Activities Committee.<br />

The latter was recently sent a strong<br />

letter of protest by the AFL film council,<br />

charging that the congressman is "not helping<br />

our natien when you falsely accuse the<br />

very organizations which have been the speai'-<br />

head of the battle against Communist conspirators<br />

in Hollywood."<br />

Lester W. Roth Resigns<br />

From Columbia Pictures<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Effective Thursday (li,<br />

Lester W. Roth resigned as a vice-president<br />

of Columbia Pictures, a post he had held since<br />

1947, in order to re-enter the private practice<br />

of law. He will continue to function on a<br />

pai't-time basis until July 1.<br />

Roth served as a legal advisor on contract<br />

commitments and other matters. He was at<br />

one time a superior court judge here.<br />

HOLLYWOOD— Another manifestation of<br />

a production trend which undertakes to turn<br />

out celluloid for simulta:ieous theatrical and<br />

TV release is demonstrated in the expanded<br />

plans being blueprinted by exhibitor-producer<br />

W. R. Frank.<br />

Returning to active filmmaking after a<br />

hiatus of three years, the Minnesota showman<br />

will launch his new schedule within 30 days<br />

with the production of 13 half-hour subjects<br />

titled "Congressional Medal of Honor," which<br />

will be made available for theatrical and<br />

video distribution at the same time.<br />

While the shorts are in work, Frank also<br />

will gun his next full-length theatrical feature,<br />

"Sitting Bull," within the next 60 days.<br />

The historical western, to be photographed in<br />

color, will be directed by Sidney Salkow from<br />

a script by William Bowers, who also is penning<br />

the "Medal of Honor" series. Distribution<br />

arrangements for the feature will be announced<br />

shortly.<br />

Scripts for six of the "Medal of Honor"<br />

subjects have been completed. The initial<br />

three to be lensed, in chronological order, are<br />

the stories of Julius Langbein, a Civil war<br />

drummer boy; Mary E. Walker, woman doctor<br />

who also was active in that conflict, and<br />

Richard Pierson Hobson, Spanish-American<br />

war hero. Theatrical distribution is planned<br />

Warners Ask Transfer<br />

Of Suit by Donaldsons<br />

SALT LAKE CITY—A petition<br />

was introduced<br />

this week asking that a suit in connection<br />

with "I'll See You in My Dreams" be<br />

transfei-red from the Utah third district<br />

court to federal district court. Warner Pictures<br />

and Intermountain Theatres, defendants<br />

in the $450,000 suit brought by heirs of<br />

the late composer, Walter Donaldson, filed<br />

the petition.<br />

In asking for the transfer, they noted that<br />

the amount in controversy is in excess of<br />

$3,000, that the plaintiffs are Californians,<br />

and that there is a wide diversity of citizenship<br />

among the defendants and other parties<br />

named in the suit.<br />

The heirs of Donaldson claimed that the<br />

picture, "I'll See You in My Dreams," portrayed<br />

the composer in "an unfavorable light."<br />

Point Theatre Reopened<br />

WOLF POINT, MONT.—The Point Theatre<br />

had its spring reopening last Friday.<br />

W. R. Frank, center, vtlL-riii .Minnesota<br />

showman and film producer, huddles<br />

with his two associates, William<br />

Dean, left, and scenarist William Bowers,<br />

on Frank's return to filmmaking activity.<br />

In addition to "Sitting Bull," a<br />

historical western for major release, he<br />

has 13 half-hour subjects, titled "Congressional<br />

Medal of Honor," on the docket<br />

for simultaneous video and theatrical<br />

distribution.<br />

on a state-right basis, in addition to TV<br />

bookings and 16mm prints for schools,<br />

churches, etc. Frank has the allout cooperation<br />

of the Defense department in the venture.<br />

'Clash by Night' Troupe<br />

To Make Ten-City Tour<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Contending that in today's<br />

market each picture must be sold individually.<br />

Producer Jerry Wald of Wald-Krasna<br />

Productions at RKO has formulated plans for<br />

a ten-city personal appearance tour by the<br />

principals involved in the making of "Clash<br />

by Night," which is soon to go into national<br />

release.<br />

Members of the barnstorming troupe will<br />

include Barbara Stanwyck, Paul Douglas.<br />

Marilyn Monroe and J. Carrol Naish of the<br />

picture's cast, as well as Producer Harriet<br />

Parsons and Director Fritz Lang. Their first<br />

date will be Wednesday i28> in New York,<br />

followed by appearances in other eastern and<br />

midwestern cities. They will be on the road<br />

approximately three weeks.<br />

Thespian members of the group will make<br />

theatre, radio and TV appearances; Lang<br />

will address student groups and cultural organizations;<br />

and Mi.ss Par.sons will appear before<br />

women's groups, women's page editors<br />

and on radio and video shows aimed principally<br />

toward femme audiences.<br />

BOXOFnCE :: May 3, 1952 49

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