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. . Sam<br />

. . Maury<br />

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Pull WEC Pickets<br />

As Hughes Tribute<br />

LOS ANGELES— 111 tiibiilf to Howard<br />

Hughes for his "firm stand against communism<br />

in Hollywood." the Wage Eanicis Committee<br />

has withdrawn the pickets which it<br />

established around the RKO Hillstreet Theatre<br />

when that showcase began its first run<br />

of Columbia's "The Marrying Kind " The<br />

supporting feature on the bill is "Whispering<br />

Smith vs. Scotland Yaid." a British-made<br />

film being released by Hughes' RKO Radio<br />

organization.<br />

The WEC. target of multimillion-dollar<br />

damage suits filed by Stanley Kramer and<br />

Dore Schary. has undertaken theatre picketing<br />

at spasmodic intervals, blasting at pictures<br />

on which it claims Communists or sympathizers<br />

have been employed. Kramer and<br />

Schary. in sepai-ate actions, seek heavy damages<br />

and injunctions against further picketing,<br />

alleging the WEC has wrongfully and<br />

maliciously linked their names with Communist<br />

movements.<br />

The Marrying Kind" is now in its third<br />

local week at the RKO Hillstreet and has<br />

been carding substantial grosses, bearing out<br />

the theatre management's contention that<br />

the WEC picketing did not measurably affect<br />

trade at the boxoffice.<br />

Ralph Batschelet Slated<br />

To Pilot New Denver Fox<br />

DENVER—Ralph Batschelet's recent appointment<br />

as manager of the Tabor Theatre<br />

is considered temporary<br />

until completion<br />

of the new' Fox Theatre<br />

at 16th and Cleveland<br />

place. When that<br />

house is finished,<br />

Batschelet will manage<br />

it, it is now<br />

learned. Announcement<br />

of his temporary<br />

assignment was made<br />

by Hall Baetz at a<br />

meeting of Fox theatre<br />

Ralph Batschelet<br />

Pox Denver Theatres.<br />

managers. Baetz Is<br />

district manager of<br />

Gene Manzanares, who<br />

has been managing the Tabor, takes over the<br />

Webber, another Fox first run.<br />

Before he took over the 16th and Curtis<br />

streets situation. Batschelet managed the<br />

Paramount for nine years when It was in the<br />

Fox Intermountaln chain and before it recently<br />

went to Wolfberg Theatres. He entered<br />

theatre business in Denver in 1932 and<br />

in succeeding years managed the Bluebird.<br />

Hiawatha, Mayan and Paramount. He is nationally<br />

recognized for his showmanship,<br />

established a world record in his country store<br />

promotion at the Bluebird. Inaugurated the<br />

first theatre beauty clinic in the nation at<br />

the Paramount and will take this idea with<br />

him to the Tabor. He successfully revived<br />

the cooking school idea at the Paramount and<br />

will also present it at the Tabor. His kiddy<br />

show, called Deputy Dan, will also be held<br />

at the Tabor on Saturdays at 9:30 a. m.<br />

Batschelet has been a leader in many civic<br />

organizations and promotions as well as the<br />

theatre business. He is chief barker of Variety<br />

Tent 37.<br />


"Two theatres, the North Bend in North Bend<br />

and the Issaquah in Is.saquah, formerly<br />

owned by W. K. Beckwith, have been sold to<br />

D. R. Rarey. Beckwith will continue to do<br />

the buying and booking for the houses . . .<br />

Marjorie Smith has joined the National Theatre<br />

Supply office here as a stcno-biller, replacing<br />

Dorothy Cohen. She formerly was<br />

with MGM . from trips to eastern<br />

Wasliington are Bud Hamilton, Republic<br />

salesman, who al.so was in northern Idaho:<br />

Republic Manag:er Paul D. McElhinney, who<br />

was in Yakima, and Ed Cruea. Monogram<br />

manager, also in Yakima.<br />

Visitors on the Row included Guy Spencer,<br />

Proctor Street: John Kane, Capitol; Sid<br />

Dean, Rex and Lakewood, and Jim Hofner,<br />

Shell, all of Tacoma. Others were Eddie<br />

Snow, Mount Vernon; Frank L. Wlllard,<br />

Parkland: Mr. and Mrs. George Barden.<br />

Blaine; C. J. Barney. Arlington; A. G. Peechla,<br />

Eatonville and Morton; Max and Melva<br />

Hadfleld, Colville and Chewelali; Harry Wall,<br />

Lewlston; Frank Pi'att, Bellingham; Ed Johnton,<br />

Spokane; Arnold Larson. Bellingham,<br />

and Lowell Spiess, Dayton.<br />

L. O. Seley, manager of the Manley Popcorn<br />

Co., recently returned from a trip to<br />

Spokane where he checked installations at<br />

Al Baker's Motor-In and Erma Lindsay's<br />

Band Box in Spokane and Mi-s. Mary Bergstrom's<br />

Selma at Republic. Seley reports that<br />

a new super stadium model soon will go into<br />

the Orchard Auto-In, which will be opened<br />

May 20 by Ed Metzgar. Seley will soon leave<br />

for Oregon to inspect installations in that<br />

state.<br />

Peter Barnes was in town from Toronto.<br />

He operates the Ruby Theatre In Chtlan .<br />

Two major French productions. "L'Affalre"<br />

and "Lady Paname," opened at the Music<br />

Box . . . "The African Queen." now playing<br />

at John Hamrlck's Orpheum and Blue Mouse,<br />

marks one of the few times that a first run<br />

film has played simultaneously at two downtown<br />

theatres. Wllllard Coghlan. advertising<br />

manager for the Hamrick chain, predicted<br />

the picture may set a new record.<br />

. .<br />

Vic Gauntlett, advertising manager for<br />

Evergreen Theatres, is reported seriously<br />

ill at his home . . . Carl Mahne, merchandising<br />

manager, and Frank Christie, buyer for<br />

Evergreen, were in Portland . Siegel,<br />

Columbia field representative, is back on the<br />

Row after a nine-week jaunt in the Rocky<br />

mountain states in connection with "Death of<br />

a Salesman" . Buck Seale. Columbia salesman,<br />

has returned from Spokane, and George<br />

Clarke, shipper, is back at work after a threeweek<br />

illness.<br />

. .<br />

Russ Riches, former manager of the Tower<br />

in Bremerton, has been named new manager<br />

of the Varsity in Seattle, replacing William<br />

Kostenbader, who resigned . Saffle.<br />

Saffle's Theatre Service, returned from a<br />

three-day trip to Prosser, Grandview and Yakima<br />

. Drive-in theatre operators of Washington<br />

and northern Idaho met recently at the<br />

New Washington hotel to organize a drive-in<br />

theatre association. Among those present<br />

were Arnold Larsen, Motor-View, Bellingham:<br />

Henry Wall, Lewlston, Ida., and Bud<br />

Anderson, Park-In, Kennewlck.<br />

Cerebrol Palsy Trailer available from May 15 to<br />

July 1. U.S. defense needs your copper drippings.<br />


Schuyler, transferring from the midwest,<br />

has been named western district concessions<br />

manager for National Theatre Supply.<br />

Headquartering in Los Angeles, he<br />

has 11 western states, as well as the Kansas<br />

City, Omaha and Des Moines territories,<br />

under his supervision.<br />

Salt Lake's Roundup<br />

To Be Held June 18-20<br />

SALT LAKE CITY—The seventh annual<br />

E.xhlbitors Round-up of the area will be held<br />

June 18-20 in Salt Lake. As in the past,<br />

the event will feature the golf match, a<br />

Calcutta, special teas and luncheons for<br />

women visitors and the victory dinner dance.<br />

It is expected that women golfers will participate<br />

in the tournament this year for the<br />

first time or stage an auxiliary tournament<br />

of their own.<br />

Since the roundup is staged under the direction<br />

of Variety Tent 38 of Salt Lake, several<br />

events will be at the clubhouse, although<br />

the major attracJ;lons are expected to be<br />

either at the Utah or Newhouse hotels.<br />

Members of the general committee for the<br />

roundup are K. O. Lloyd, Harry Swonson,<br />

Clyde Blaslus, Harold Green, Ralph Trathen,<br />

Shirl Thayne, Keith Pack, Bob Brady and<br />

Earl Stein.<br />

Too Many First Run Houses<br />

Cause Orpheum to Close<br />

OAKLAND—Robert Rothafel, district manager<br />

for Fox West Coast, reported the Orpheum<br />

will be closed for an indefinite period<br />

because of insufficient film product. "We<br />

have in Oakland what the trade calls a critical<br />

multiple first run situation," Rothafel explained.<br />

"This simply means that there are<br />

too many downtown theatres requiring first<br />

run product for weekly change policies."<br />

"The policy of special roadshow pictures<br />

was effectively used by the theatre with such<br />

pictures as "David and Bathsheba," "Streetcar<br />

Named Desire," "An American in Paris"<br />

and "Quo Vadis," which policy proved profitable<br />

and popular, but the supply of such pictures<br />

is now exhausted and the only other<br />

alternative would be for the house to go into<br />

reissues," said Rothafel.<br />

56 BOXOFFICE :: May 8, 1952

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