December - Manly Yacht Club
December - Manly Yacht Club
December - Manly Yacht Club
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MYC NEWS<br />
Issue No.10 <strong>December</strong> 2009<br />
2009/Season<br />
President’s Report<br />
There is a lot more to our sport than the week<br />
in week out grind of competition. This has been<br />
brought home to me in two ways over the past month.<br />
Firstly with the passing of a long time volunteer member<br />
Mary Peacock. Mary was a face that many of the competitors would<br />
not have seen; she would be at the club before many of us were even<br />
on our boats and would often leave not long after the last boat crossed<br />
the finish line, well before the sailors got back to the club.<br />
Mary was one of many current non sailing members who enjoy our<br />
sport and our club as a place to socialise close to one of the greatest<br />
waterways in the world. It was good to see so many <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />
members at her funeral to say goodbye and show their appreciation for<br />
the years of service and friendship she provided.<br />
The second and happier event of the last month was the wedding of<br />
members John Mudge and Louise Tofts, again the club was well<br />
represented over a weekend of festivities in Terrigal. I am sure you will all<br />
join me in wishing John and Louise all the best for their future together.<br />
The Christmas Race and Party is on <strong>December</strong> 20th, this is a short non<br />
spinnaker event followed by a BYO food, family, and friends BBQ back<br />
at the club from 1 pm. I have it on good authority that Santa may again<br />
make a special appearance.<br />
The <strong>Manly</strong> Junior 50th celebrations have come and gone, it was great<br />
to see the combined sailing resources of <strong>Manly</strong> used to great effect for<br />
this event. Organised primarily by the <strong>Manly</strong> Junior Association and the<br />
Skiff <strong>Club</strong> many MYC members were involved so thank you to all those<br />
who contributed to its success.<br />
I am hoping that by the time this newsletter is published that we will<br />
have received good news about our grant application for the renovation<br />
of the bathrooms. If we are not successful in this application there are<br />
other grants we can apply for so not all will be lost, let's keep our<br />
fingers crossed.<br />
As the year comes to a close and many of you head off for a well<br />
earned break I would again like to thank the dozens of people that keep<br />
us all sailing for their time and their efforts, and wish you all a safe<br />
and enjoyable Christmas.<br />
Merry Christmas<br />
Ian Dennewald - President<br />
Vale Mary Peacock.<br />
Sad news on the 26 November 2009.<br />
Mary Peacock our much loved and<br />
esteemed MYC Volunteer Member<br />
passed away. Mary gave freely of<br />
herself to the <strong>Club</strong> over a period of 10<br />
years, with numerous duties on<br />
Sundays, Open Days and 6 years as<br />
Twilight Time Keeper, which was<br />
recognised with the award of the<br />
'Graeme Cotton MYC Good Citizen<br />
Trophy', in 2003.<br />
Born in England where she gained a<br />
degree in Biology, which led to teaching,<br />
marriage and 20 years spent in<br />
Zimbabwe, with her husband, working<br />
and raising a family. After returning<br />
to England, Australia called where she<br />
was reunited with her daughter Suz,<br />
who also served MYC as a Director<br />
of Membership, assisting with the<br />
Newsletter, as well as being a key<br />
worker in the 'Pontoon Project'. Quite a<br />
family contribution.<br />
Mary's cheery company and dedication<br />
will be missed by all who had the good<br />
fortune of meeting her and the obvious<br />
pleasure she gleaned from assisting<br />
others in enjoying themselves is a<br />
continuing inspiration.<br />
One of the many volunteers the MYC<br />
really appreciates – she will be missed.<br />
Judy Richardson<br />
A fantastic sight of the<br />
MYC rigging deck at<br />
the MJ Associations<br />
50th Anniversary.<br />
More photos<br />
Page 4 &5<br />
P.O. Box 22 <strong>Manly</strong> NSW 1655<br />
Tel: 02 9977 4949<br />
Fax: 02 9977 3573<br />
Email:<br />
It seems like the weather is going to keep us on our toes<br />
again this year! <strong>Club</strong> Championship Race 4 saw winds<br />
shifting between NW and NE, alternating hot and cold blasts<br />
of wind, or no wind at all. It was a very challenging for the<br />
Race Committee who not only had to deal with setting a<br />
course for the yachts, also had a large turnout of<br />
centreboards and a small Sailability fleet. I think they deserve<br />
a gold star and our wholehearted thanks.<br />
The November Mini Regatta was rescheduled for Sunday<br />
13th <strong>December</strong>. The Race Director is ready; the Race<br />
Committee is ready; the Handicapper is ready; …where are<br />
the competitors? Equally, we need to know some numbers<br />
for our Christmas Race on Sunday 20th <strong>December</strong>. Join in<br />
for a bit of fun; and a not so serious race - see the NOR and<br />
SI in the MYC handbook.<br />
So, while you are thinking about what to enter, remember that<br />
the February Mini Regatta will be done and dusted before the<br />
next newsletter goes to print - so enter them both. If you<br />
aren't sure whether you've already entered, then check with<br />
the relevant race directors.<br />
Our training day in November “At One with the Wind” was<br />
well attended. Mike Fletcher OAM, 9 times Australian<br />
Olympic Tornado and Finn Class Coach, regaled us with<br />
anecdotes while explaining how to pick the wind - “what kind<br />
of day is it today?” Thanks Cary, for organising such an<br />
entertaining speaker.<br />
You may have noticed that our deck was abuzz with <strong>Manly</strong><br />
Juniors during the weekend of the MJ50 anniversary<br />
celebrations which were held in conjunction with the State<br />
Titles. By all accounts it was a very successful celebration<br />
with only a few minor incidents. The deck was, and will be,<br />
used from “time to time” by the <strong>Manly</strong> 16ft Sailing Skiff <strong>Club</strong>,<br />
for additional rigging space when State Titles, like the ones a<br />
few weeks ago, or International Regattas, like the one<br />
between Christmas and into the New Year. At other times,<br />
members should courteously remind strangers that the<br />
rigging deck, pontoon and wharf are not public areas.<br />
As there is no newsletter in January, I'd like to take this<br />
opportunity to remind you that the first race in the New Year<br />
is Zilzie Twilight Race 10 on Friday 8th January 2010. So how<br />
are you going in the point score so far? Drop 2 races from the<br />
spring series…are you looking good? There are 2 drops in the<br />
summer series (races 10 to 20) to go.<br />
Copernicus will again be competing in the Sydney to Hobart<br />
Race so it doesn't look like the Offshore Race Director and<br />
his boat will be able to compete in the smaller but much more<br />
prestigious MYC Blackheart Three Islands Offshore Race<br />
again! This race is scheduled for Sunday 10th January 2010.<br />
The MYC Australia Day Regatta on Tuesday 26th January<br />
2010, held in competition with the main event at the other<br />
end of the harbour, will again attract Sailability entries from<br />
several clubs this year. So if you can't make it to the main<br />
harbour to watch the festivities, hang around <strong>Manly</strong> and<br />
watch the colourful sails scoot around <strong>Manly</strong> Cove.<br />
Thank you all who contributed to the success of 2009. Please<br />
let me encourage you all to continue making this club the<br />
friendly and successful club that it is. Thanks particularly to<br />
Margaret Lucas, our newsletter editor, for producing such a<br />
wonderful publication.<br />
If you are boating over the holiday period, I'd like to remind<br />
you all to keep a good lookout on the water, especially if you<br />
intend travelling at night. I want to see you all back racing in<br />
the New Year.<br />
On behalf of the Sailing Committee I would like<br />
to wish you all a safe and joyous Christmas and<br />
bright prospects for the coming year.<br />
Safe Sailing! Maz: Commodore<br />
RACE 5 [22/11/2009] MYC 2009-2010 <strong>Club</strong> Championships CC - 4<br />
Division 1 Keel TOT HC results Start : 13:15:00<br />
Pl Sail No Boat Name Elapsd AHC HC Cor'd T BCH CHC Skipper Class Sc F/Tim ETOrd<br />
1 MYC12 San Toy 2:04:29 1.05 2:10:42 1.055 1.052 G Radford Radford12 1 15:19:29 1<br />
2 KA16 Pam 2:20:36 0.934 2:11:19 0.934 0.93 M Walker Inter/5.5 2 15:35:36 4<br />
3 AUS1161Wild LIfe 2:10:17 1.043 2:15:53 1.008 1.03 B Davis Etchells 3 15:25:17 3<br />
4 6499 Supernova 2:05:20 1.085 2:15:59 1.048 1.07 D Bates Sydney36 4 15:20:20 2<br />
DNC 3354 W/Kite 0.974 G James DartSb3 8<br />
DNC 6689 Copernicus 1.06 G Zyner Radford12 8<br />
DNC MYC100 Shear Magic 0.967 R XDecomps Adams10 8<br />
Division 2 Keel TOT HC results Start : 13:05:00<br />
Pl Sail No Boat Name Elapsd AHC HC Cor'd T BCH CHC Skipper Class Sc F/Tim ETOrd<br />
1 557 Occum's Razor 1:55:34 0.828 1:35:41 0.835 0.827 Fairclough-Garmston Dun/Offshore30 1 15:00:34 1<br />
2 MYC9 Beausoleil 2:10:39 0.739 1:36:33 0.739 0.735 B AThomson Cavalier28 2 15:15:39 4<br />
3 1255 Melody 2:05:16 0.787 1:38:35 0.771 0.787 C MottR SwansonDart 3 15:10:16 3<br />
4 5830 Cheap Thrills 2:03:30 0.803 1:39:10 0.782 0.795 B Miflin Ross830 4 15:08:30 2<br />
5 MYC34Sip Ahoy 2:39:37 0.86 2:17:16 0.605 0.757 Duncan-Bailes Northshore34e 5 15:44:37 5<br />
AVGAUS160Kaotic 0.818 A Crothers J24<br />
DNC1152 Bokarra 0.722 C Cameron Santana22 11<br />
DNCA73 Top Odds 0.75 K Petersen Northshore27 11<br />
DNCAUS147 Okavanga Delta 0.845 E Reid J24 11<br />
RAFMYC5 Eos 0.732 B Wilson BrittanySloop 8<br />
Photos by Greg Wilkins<br />
p 2
Race Management News<br />
The race management teams seem to have had more fun<br />
than the competitors recently. They have had to deal with no<br />
wind, wind gusts reaching the limit for racing, and changing<br />
wind directions that have been so dramatic that choosing a<br />
good course has been crystal ball stuff. Then at the finish<br />
they had a few boats within shouting distance of the finish<br />
line, but becalmed and out of time and the line has to be<br />
pulled. The race officers have done a great job and are<br />
congratulated for following the sailing instructions and<br />
conducting our races to a very high standard.<br />
There have been a few incidents on the water lately and the<br />
word PROTEST has been mentioned. Just a few things to<br />
note if you are intending to protest:<br />
1) A boat intending to protest needs to inform the other<br />
boat, hail protest and fly a red flag (if you are above 6m<br />
in length).<br />
2) It would be a nice courtesy to inform the race officer as<br />
you cross the finish line that you are intending to protest<br />
and which boat you are protesting<br />
3) The protest must be written on the protest form in the MYC<br />
office. The duty officer can provide you with the form.<br />
4) The protest must be lodged within 2 hours after the time<br />
of the last boat's finish.<br />
5) To lodge the form it needs to be signed by the duty officer<br />
or other race official who will also record the time of<br />
receipt on the form.<br />
Please check the blue book and the MYC sailing<br />
instructions for more details on protests.<br />
Thanks must go to 41 members who have helped with<br />
conducting the MYC racing this season -see the list of<br />
members below. Special thanks to some of you who have<br />
come along on more than one occasion- very much<br />
appreciated. Thanks also to the shop duty boats for cooking<br />
and selling the after race goodies.<br />
Now it is time to finalise the race management teams for the<br />
second half of the season. If you are not on the list yet,<br />
check out the race management roster on the web, and<br />
book in a date to join a team. No experience or special skills<br />
required. Not only is it a fun day, you are helping your fellow<br />
members and it will give you a whole new outlook on racing<br />
and may even help to improve your race starts!<br />
Contact Pam Davis at or call<br />
99391972 or 0416 240 194.<br />
Thanks to our race team members for the first half of the<br />
2009 - 2010 season:<br />
Greg Zyner, Hector Lambie, Manny Mitternacht, Ken<br />
Terrens, Leanne Zyner, Bruce Davis, Michael Cahill,<br />
Deanne Smyth, Laef Hosking, Pam Davis, Britta Huttel,<br />
Graham Miller, Louise Tofts, Jim Thomas, Geoff Pridgeon,<br />
David Ashton, Robyn Dennewald, Peter Bennell, Edward<br />
van Oort-Pieck, Patrick Lynch, Judith van Oort-Pieck,<br />
Brian Wilson, Candace Christensen, Timothy Stewart,<br />
Greg James, Gabrielle James, David Parle, Al Thomson,<br />
Howard Sullivan, Jack Morrison, Lynda Shelley,<br />
Judy Cole, Barry Newell, Greg Wilkins, Christabel Casimir,<br />
Mark Bode, Jackie Morgan, Gene Scott, Graham Radford,<br />
Cary Budd, Maz Theaker.<br />
Well done MYC<br />
Pam Davis<br />
BOTANY BAY 15th November 2009<br />
The Race day was cloudy with a southerly change<br />
arriving early Sunday morning. By Race start at<br />
11.00am the breeze was 15knts gusting to 20knts<br />
160-180degrees.<br />
A fleet of 8 yachts including Torquil from SA a Cruising<br />
Adams 10 and Polaris of Belmont a Cole 43 lined up<br />
for the start<br />
Supernova and DWW had the best of the start after<br />
Pensive and Copernicus had an altercation on the<br />
start line. Torquil was barging and was forced around<br />
and behind the fleet. The start seemed to be quite<br />
even as the start team had set a pretty fair line!<br />
The trek down the coast was quite bumpy and the bow<br />
went under a few waves causing a few screams from<br />
the crew on the rail.<br />
DWW and Supernova headed the fleet out to sea with<br />
a strong run out tide down the coast. Better breeze<br />
further off shore the further the Starboard tack took<br />
you .At 500 metre to the Northern Point of Botany Bay<br />
Supernova was leading, however a tactical error by<br />
Supernova allowed DWW to slip into the lead and<br />
round the turning mark a couple of boat lengths<br />
ahead. The wind was now gusting to 23knts through<br />
the Heads. No spinnakers from the leading boats.<br />
However Copernicus popped a kite for a tight reach to<br />
the mark and was closing on the leaders, Pensive was<br />
then followed by San Toy and Torquil who also had a<br />
tight reaching kite. Polaris and Eos bring up the rear.<br />
The run home was a lot quicker and smoother than the<br />
work down. The wind did not shift as much to the East<br />
as expected.<br />
Copernicus was making ground on the leaders with<br />
Supernova and DWW reaching speeds of 10.5knots<br />
under kite. Most boats followed the Rum Line back to<br />
Sydney Heads except Supernova!!. They decided to<br />
head to sea with A- symmetrical Kite to gain maximum<br />
speed. Unfortunately when they returned to the Coast<br />
their position had changed from clear 2nd to 5th. A lesson<br />
somewhere hear on angles, distance and speed?<br />
DWW managed to lay the finish without gybing and<br />
the crew commented on a number of the fleet behind<br />
us having spinnaker gybe problems in the middle of<br />
the Heads.<br />
DWW crossed the line 1st by 8 mins from Copernicus<br />
2nd then Pensive by 4 mins further away 3rd.<br />
The conditions for the race were challenging and<br />
eventful and most enjoyable for all the boats entered.<br />
Next Race 10/1/2010 BlackHeart Three Islands.<br />
Jim Thomas - DWW<br />
Photo by<br />
Ken Terrens:<br />
Start Line -<br />
Copernicus.<br />
P 3
Interview Saturday November 14<br />
“Are you interested in <strong>Manly</strong> Juniors?”<br />
Standing next to the beautifully<br />
restored MJ 285 the white haired<br />
gentleman turned and said to me<br />
“Interested? I designed them!”<br />
And so I first met Mr Ralph Tobias.<br />
Mr Tobias has remained vitally<br />
interested in his creation since its<br />
beginning in 1959. Designed and first<br />
boat built in only 3 weeks the plans<br />
were dated 20th October 1959. Ralph<br />
and his brother were viewing the two<br />
Mark 1 Juniors on display - MJ 1 on<br />
loan from the Sydney Heritage Fleet<br />
and, next to it, MJ 285 faithfully<br />
restored to as close to original as<br />
possible by Robert Luttrell.<br />
The idea for a “boys boat”<br />
Mr Tobias recalled that he sailed a 14 ft<br />
skiff he bought with another boy for 70<br />
pounds as a 14 year old on Port Phillip<br />
Bay with 4 other crew in 1946. It had a<br />
6 ft bowsprit, a 26 ft mast, and a huge<br />
sail area. He described some wild<br />
experiences surfing in Southerly<br />
Busters at Middle Harbour when his<br />
14ft skiff “submarined” while going<br />
downwind leaving only the last few feet<br />
of boat stern above water. He realized<br />
that sailing a “mans' boat” was beyond<br />
the physical and financial capabilities<br />
of young sailors, so he had the idea of<br />
designing a “boys' boat” to give<br />
younger kids some sailing experience<br />
before graduating to larger craft.<br />
The midget racing skiff had all of the<br />
features of the full size racing skiff for 2<br />
crew with main and jib and a spinnaker,<br />
and from the outset the boat was<br />
restricted in its design, so that it would<br />
remain simple and affordable. The first<br />
sets of sails made by Ralph's sailmaker<br />
friend Laurie Mitchell were made of<br />
cotton. Ralph noticed immediately that<br />
the sails on MJ 285 were terylene not<br />
cotton, and although they are very old<br />
they may not be her first set of sails.<br />
Addition of modifications was an<br />
awkward point. The boats needed to<br />
remain competitive and needed to<br />
evolve but without the addition of<br />
expensive modifications.<br />
The early days<br />
A group of keen young sailors owned<br />
the first boats and Ralph recalls that one<br />
of their favourite pastimes was to wait<br />
for a strong southerly and sail the boats<br />
towards Middle Head one-up to surf off<br />
the wind breakers. One particularly wild<br />
day Ian Perdriau went a little too far and<br />
capsized his boat off the Bombora.<br />
Some of the original skippers of the<br />
Mark 1 <strong>Manly</strong> Junior were looking over<br />
the boat. Tim Alexander and Zoe Lane<br />
nee Mason pointed out that the boat<br />
p 4<br />
didn't have a vang. Tim said that his<br />
boat - Number 9 - had a vang but<br />
when shown a photo of himself<br />
standing next to his boat he agreed<br />
that it had been added later but he had<br />
forgotten. Suzy Ebeling (one of the<br />
first female MJ champions) who saw a<br />
photo of the reconstructed boat sailing<br />
and she and everyone including Ralph<br />
said the reconstructed boat needed a<br />
vang. It wasn't in the original plans!<br />
After sailing the restored MJ 285 on<br />
Saturday 1st November I had to agree<br />
- it needed a vang. So it was that<br />
simple additions like these improved<br />
the boat over time.<br />
Tim pointed out that the mainsheet<br />
system in the plans was the English<br />
style system - it tends to tangle in the<br />
tiller extension. Again this system was<br />
quickly modified to the current style<br />
which left the tiller and extension<br />
unencumbered.<br />
Controversy<br />
During the mid 1970's, after the<br />
addition of a metal mast track had<br />
been permitted, Ralph was infuriated<br />
to see at a National Championship the<br />
addition of a 6” deep aluminium track<br />
which substantially increased the<br />
mainsail area, as this distorted the<br />
principles of his design. A fiery meeting<br />
held after the incident saw the addition<br />
of a paragraph in the plans exhorting<br />
sailors to keep modifications within the<br />
“spirit” of the design.<br />
Jibing the spinnaker<br />
From the original plans, it was difficult<br />
to see how the spinnaker pole was<br />
attached to the mast. Tim Alexander<br />
described how the mast end of the<br />
spinnaker pole fitted into a double<br />
looped rope snotter on the mast,<br />
which was spliced by senior skiff<br />
sailors. One dad modified this with a<br />
metal cup on a universal joint which<br />
fitted the end of the pole.<br />
The kids who had sailed in the fifth heat<br />
of the <strong>Manly</strong> Junior championships on<br />
the 14th came up to the display area<br />
when they finished their race. They<br />
were as interested as I was to know<br />
how the spinnaker was jibed - the original<br />
<strong>Manly</strong> Junior had an asymmetrical<br />
spinnaker with a spinnaker pole attached<br />
at the leading edge with a single tack or<br />
kicker and a single clew sheet at the<br />
other corner. Tim demonstrated how the<br />
kicker sheet was attached to the<br />
spinnaker pole and how the pole was<br />
passed (or thrown) around the forestay<br />
and the kicker also thrown around the<br />
forestay and rerigged on the other side.<br />
The kids marveled at how difficult that<br />
would be and said that they were glad of<br />
the new and easier systems that had<br />
been developed.<br />
Bailing not sinking<br />
Zoe Lane told me that instead of a<br />
screw-in bung her boat had a cork in<br />
the back tank. If the boat capsized or<br />
filled up, a gallon bucket needed to be<br />
enthusiastically employed by the<br />
helmsman while the little forward hand<br />
clung to the forestay to keep the bow<br />
of the boat into the wind. Needless to<br />
say, it was difficult and sometimes<br />
impossible to resume racing under<br />
these circumstances, which led to a<br />
big change in the design.<br />
Ralph explained the major changes<br />
which were included in the Mark 2<br />
<strong>Manly</strong> Junior which he designed in the<br />
late 1960's and starting with number<br />
1400. This design had side tanks and<br />
venturis to drain the boat when it<br />
capsized, mast track for the main,<br />
improved mainsheet system and vang<br />
and other changes but the hull shape<br />
was not changed. This was necessary<br />
to keep the <strong>Manly</strong> Junior a one design<br />
boat to foster sailing skills in future<br />
champion sailors rather than quibbling<br />
over design development. A specially<br />
designed forestay/foredeck fitting<br />
included a tow ring for the Mark 2. It was<br />
easy to forget that it was not included in<br />
the original plans for Mark 1. It was after<br />
all 50 years ago.<br />
MJ 285<br />
Craig Baker who gifted the boat to the<br />
<strong>Manly</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> had been given the<br />
boat by the original owners. Craig<br />
collects interesting wooden boats<br />
and realized that MJ 285 would<br />
be a valuable addition to the 50th<br />
anniversary of <strong>Manly</strong> Juniors. The<br />
original owners asked only that the<br />
boat be restored to a condition in which<br />
it could be sailed.<br />
With devoted attention to detail Robert<br />
has done that. The boat will be on<br />
display in the front foyer of the club<br />
along with its history and copy of the<br />
original plans to record a proud part of<br />
MYC history.<br />
Lee Ebeling
Photo by Alan J. Bimson: Wayne Teagle (Dobroyd<br />
Sailability) and Tarsha Burns (<strong>Manly</strong> Sailability)<br />
as crew in 303 Access Dinghy "Integrity"<br />
<strong>Manly</strong> Sailability .<br />
174th AUSTRALIA DAY REGATTA 2010<br />
The Australia Day Regatta, previously the Anniversary Day Regatta, was first<br />
held on Sydney Harbour on 26 January 1837 to commemorate the founding of<br />
the colony of New South Wales. It has been held every year since and is the<br />
world's oldest continuous annual sailing regatta.<br />
<strong>Manly</strong> Sailability will celebrate Australia Day 2010 by participating in the<br />
Regatta. It is hoped the <strong>Manly</strong> Sailability's fleet of seven 303 Access Dinghies<br />
will be joined by boats from Sailability <strong>Club</strong>s at Dobroyd, Kogarah, Middle<br />
Harbour and Pittwater.<br />
The 2009 <strong>Manly</strong> Sailability Australia Day Regatta race was won by “Integrity”<br />
skippered by Wayne Teagle (Dobroyd Sailability) with Tarsha Burn (<strong>Manly</strong><br />
Sailability) as crew. Wayne and Tarsha were presented with their Gold Medals<br />
at a prizegiving at the Sydney Town Hall hosted by the Lord Mayor of Sydney,<br />
Councillor Clover Moore.<br />
The races start at 11.00am and will be followed by sausage<br />
sizzle on the deck. Members of the MYC who would be<br />
interested in volunteering on the morning of 26 January<br />
would be most welcome and can contact me on<br />
Ph: 9975 1434 or email: for details.<br />
Peter Hamilton - <strong>Manly</strong> Sailability<br />
For those in the cruising frame of mind. We at the Sailing Committee are sometimes asked why we don't have<br />
a Cruising Division. The usual answer is "who is going to run it"? While you ponder this question, I'd like to introduce you<br />
to a club that's been around for a very long time. The Coastal Cruising <strong>Club</strong> of Australia is organising a cruise to Lake<br />
Macquarie between 27th Dec and 8th January. If you'd like more details, check out<br />
Or if you'd like to head south, Middle Harbour Cruising Division is heading for Jarvis Bay.<br />
If you really think there is a future for a Cruising Division then all you need to do is volunteer to set it up; get enough people<br />
interested to make it worth while and run it. Where ever you go this holiday season, sail smart and sail safe<br />
MJ’s Continued from page 4<br />
If you want to see the story in sail world follow this link<br /><br />
<strong>Manly</strong>-Junior-NSW-State-Championship/63405<br />
The MJ fleet in <strong>Manly</strong> Cove<br />
L to R: Rob, Lee and Jacqui setting up MJ 285 for display -<br />
Craig Baker and Rob - MJ’s getting ready to race -<br />
Photos: Page 1 & 5 Colin Cameron - Chris & Anne Stcokdale<br />
p 5
Pl Sail No <strong>Yacht</strong> Name Owner/Helm <strong>Yacht</strong> Type St/Time Ac/ St/Time Fin/Times Ela/Times<br />
1 1152 Bokarra Iain Cameron Santana 22 18:02:00 18:02:03 19:27:03 01:25:00<br />
2 4863 TwoCan Stephen Teudt/David Lewis Masram 920 18:21:00 18:21:35 19:35:14 01:13:39<br />
3 557 Occum's Razor D Fairclough/S Garmsten Dun/Offshore 30 18:19:00 18:19:08 19:35:32 01:16:24<br />
4 MYC5 Eos Brian Wilson Brittany Sloop 33 18:15:00 18:15:17 19:36:07 01:20:50<br />
5 MYC27 Esra Tew Jackie Morgan Northshore 27 18:01:00 18:01:29 19:36:18 01:34:49<br />
6 6295 Ratty Tooey Ian Dennewald Northshore 340 18:18:00 18:18:52 19:36:29 01:17:37<br />
7 MYC157 Lady Canasta Edward Pieck Catalina 380 18:14:00 18:14:35 19:36:45 01:22:10<br />
8 1124 Puffin Adams 18:08:00 18:07:48 19:37:46 01:29:58<br />
9 MYC7 Ten Sixty Phil Vidler Radford 10.6 18:28:00 18:28:01 19:37:58 01:09:57<br />
10 AUS102 Flying Carpet Nick Chatham J24 18:19:00 18:19:33 19:37:59 01:18:26<br />
11 MYC24 J Curve Jack Morrison/ Alan McKay J24 18:15:00 18:15:10 19:38:10 01:23:00<br />
12 MYC375Out There Gabrielle James Cavalier 375 18:28:00 18:28:23 19:38:27 01:10:04<br />
13 MYC12 San Toy G. Radford/Maz Theaker Radford 12 18:31:00 18:31:02 19:38:44 01:07:42<br />
14 6510 Poets Day Elan 30 18:30:00 18:30:21 19:38:58 01:08:37<br />
15 MYC25 Topaz John Malins Holland 24 18:11:00 18:11:24 19:39:11 01:27:47<br />
16 5393 Runaway Taxi Matt McKenzie/R. Sadleir Cus/Jog Racer 2318:02:00 18:03:49 19:39:54 01:36:05<br />
17 MYC34 Sip Ahoy Paul Duncan/Murray Bailes Northshore 340 18:19:00 18:19:52 19:39:55 01:20:03<br />
18 MYC9 Beausoleil Spence/Thomson/Donnelly Cavalier 28 18:16:00 18:16:03 19:40:54 01:24:51<br />
19 6499 Supernova David Bates Sydney 36 18:36:00 18:36:18 19:41:32 01:05:14<br />
20 NH555 Gramarye Andrew Morrison Top Hat Mk III 18:04:00 18:04:20 19:41:32 01:37:12<br />
21 MYC10 Pensive Pam Davis NSX38 18:30:00 18:30:10 19:42:24 01:12:14<br />
22 MYC37 Moonraker Tomas Kliman/Muir Watson Bene/Oceanis 37 18:21:00 18:21:10 19:42:40 01:21:30<br />
23 169 Palga James Roberts East Coast 31 18:08:00 18:09:38 19:42:53 01:33:15<br />
24 KA55 Atalanta David Harris J24 18:11:00 18:12:08 19:44:35 01:32:27<br />
25 MYC100Shear Magic Robert Steffens Adams 10 18:27:00 18:27:21 19:45:16 01:17:55<br />
26 MYC79 Pompadi Steve Frith/John O'Brien Catalina 309 18:13:00 18:14:03 19:47:10 01:33:07<br />
27 A73 Top Odds Karen Petersen Northshore 27 18:07:00 18:21:46 19:59:24 01:37:38<br />
28 MYC28 Kestrel II Jeff Lea Herreshoff 28 17:59:00 18:00:32 20:02:52 02:02:20<br />
M313 Minder Tim Stewart Triton 24 17:53:00 18:05:26 RET #VALUE!<br />
MYC820Good Intent Peter Bennell Clansman 30 18:04:00 DNC dnc #VALUE!<br />
MYC1 Aussie Rules Gene Scott Cavalier 975 18:13:00 DNC dnc #VALUE!<br />
MYC33 Lautrec Helen Ebeling Passage 33 18:15:00 DNC dnc #VALUE!<br />
NH14 Hagar IV Chris Cope Endeavor 30 18:19:00 DNC dnc #VALUE!<br />
AU135 Boudicea Jonathon Sinton J24 18:20:00 DNC dnc #VALUE!<br />
KA355 Nickel Michael Troy/Simon Grosser Mod/ Etchells 22 18:22:00 DNC dnc #VALUE!<br />
AUS147 Okavango Delta Emma Reid/Julian McPherson J24 18:24:00 DNC dnc #VALUE!<br />
5216 Starship Peter Richter Hudson 34 18:26:00 DNC dnc #VALUE!<br />
KA16 Pam Matt Walker International 5.5 18:27:00 DNC dnc #VALUE!<br />
6776 D/W/Waves Jim Thomas Bene/First 40.7 18:33:00 DNC dnc #VALUE!<br />
6689 Copernicus Greg Zyner/Leanne Zyner Radford 12 18:34:00 DNC dnc #VALUE!<br />
1236 Local Hero Peter Mosely Sydney 36 18:35:00 DNC dnc #VALUE!<br />
Sail No Pl <strong>Yacht</strong> Name Owner/Helm <strong>Yacht</strong> Type St/Time Ac/ St/Time Fin/Times Ela/Times<br />
MYC25 1 Topaz John Malins Holland 24 18:10:00 18:10:11 19:24:23 01:14:12<br />
MYC24 2 J Curve Jack Morrison/ Alan McKay J24 18:15:00 18:15:05 19:24:36 01:09:31<br />
AU135 3 Boudicea Jonathon Sinton J24 18:20:00 18:20:14 19:25:16 01:05:02<br />
MYC10 4 Pensive Pam Davis NSX38 18:28:00 18:28:24 19:25:39 00:57:15<br />
MYC5 5 Eos Brian Wilson Brittany Sloop 33 18:17:00 18:17:19 19:27:21 01:10:02<br />
MYC12 6 San Toy Graham Radford/Maz Theaker Radford 12 18:30:00 18:30:03 19:28:59 00:58:56<br />
MYC157 7 Lady Canasta Edward Pieck Catalina 380 18:14:00 18:14:31 19:29:15 01:14:44<br />
MYC100 8 Shear Magic Robert Steffens Adams 10 18:27:00 18:28:20 19:29:20 01:01:00<br />
557 9 Occum's Razor D. Fairclough/S. Garmsten Dun/Offshore 30 18:23:00 18:23:20 19:29:39 01:06:19<br />
AUS147 10 Okavango Delta Emma Reid/Julian McPhersonJ24 18:24:00 18:24:31 19:29:44 01:05:13<br />
AUS102 11 Flying Carpet Nick Chatham J24 18:23:00 18:23:10 19:29:45 01:06:35<br />
6510 12 Poets Day Steve Wilton Elan 40 18:29:00 18:29:53 19:30:12 01:00:19<br />
NH14 13 Hagar IV Chris Cope Endeavor 30 18:19:00 18:19:31 19:30:15 01:10:44<br />
6776 14 D/W/Waves Jim Thomas Beneteau First 40.7 18:33:00 18:34:20 19:30:18 00:55:58<br />
MYC37515 Out There Gabrielle James Cavalier 375 18:28:00 18:28:16 19:30:29 01:02:13<br />
6499 16 Supernova David Bates Sydney 36 18:35:00 18:35:08 19:30:49 00:55:41<br />
169 17 Palga James Roberts East Coast 31 18:12:00 18:13:07 19:32:08 01:19:01<br />
KA55 18 Atalanta David Harris J24 18:09:00 18:09:12 19:32:09 01:22:57<br />
MYC79 19 Pompadi Steve Frith/John O'Brien Catalina 309 18:11:00 18:11:20 19:32:21 01:21:01<br />
5393 20 Runaway Taxi M. McKenzie/Rebecca Sadleir Cus/Jog Racer 23 18:01:00 18:01:04 19:32:47 01:31:43<br />
A73 21 Top Odds Karen Petersen Northshore 27 18:05:00 18:05:16 19:33:01 01:27:45<br />
MYC37 22 Moonraker Tomas Kliman/Muir Watson Beneteau Oceanis 37 18:19:00 18:20:40 19:33:13 01:12:33<br />
MYC7 23 Ten Sixty Phil Vidler Radford 10.6 18:28:00 18:28:44 19:33:34 01:04:50<br />
MYC9 24 Beausoleil Spence/Thomson/Donnelly Cavalier 28 18:15:00 18:15:08 19:34:25 01:19:17<br />
1124 25 Puffin Bevan Cavenagh Adams 31 18:16:00 18:16:56 19:34:41 01:17:45<br />
6295 26 Ratty Tooey Ian Dennewald Northshore 340 18:18:00 18:19:17 19:34:51 01:15:34<br />
1152 27 Bokarra Iain Cameron Santana 22 18:10:00 18:10:22 19:36:33 01:26:11<br />
5216 28 Starship Peter Richter Hudson 34 18:26:00 18:34:50 19:37:00 01:02:10<br />
NH555 29 Gramarye Andrew Morrison Top Hat Mk III 18:03:00 18:02:17 19:37:38 01:35:21<br />
4863 30 TwoCan Stephen Teudt/David Lewis Masram 920 18:27:00 18:27:03 19:37:42 01:10:39<br />
M313 31 Minder Tim Stewart Triton 24 17:53:00 17:53:00 19:41:06 01:48:06<br />
MYC27 32 Esra Tew Jackie Morgan Northshore 27 18:01:00 17:59:58 19:46:21 01:46:23<br />
MYC28 Kestrel II Jeff Lea Herreshoff 28 17:57:00 17:58:01 DNF<br />
MYC820 Good Intent Peter Bennell Clansman 30 18:04:00 DNC<br />
MYC1 Aussie Rules Gene Scott Cavalier 975 18:13:00 DNC<br />
MYC33 Lautrec Helen Ebeling Passage 33 18:15:00 DNC<br />
MYC34 Sip Ahoy Paul Duncan/Murray Bailes Northshore 340 18:18:00 DNC<br />
KA355 Nickel Michael Troy/Simon Grosser Mod/Etchells 22 18:22:00 DNC<br />
KA16 Pam Matt Walker International 5.5 18:27:00 DNC<br />
6439 James Arthur Bavaria 44 Matt Triglione 18:29:00 DNC<br />
6689 Copernicus Greg Zyner/Leanne Zyner Radford 12 18:34:00 DNC<br />
1236 Local Hero Peter Mosely Sydney 36 18:35:00 DNC<br />
Sail No <strong>Yacht</strong> Name Owner/Helm <strong>Yacht</strong> Type St/Time Ac/ St/Time Fin/Times Ela/Times<br />
1124 Puffin Adams 18:08:00 18:08:20 19:42:34 01:34:14<br />
169 Palga James Roberts East Coast 31 18:06:00 18:06:46 20:00:12 01:53:26<br />
AUS102 Flying Carpet Nick Chatham J24 18:19:00 18:19:20 20:06:00 01:46:40<br />
MYC79 Pompadi Steve Frith/John O'Brien Catalina 309 18:11:00 18:10:31 DNF<br />
557 Occum's RazorD. Fairclough/S. Garmsten Dun/Offshore 30 18:23:00 18:23:03 DNF<br />
MYC25 Topaz John Malins Holland 24 18:10:00 18:10:26 DNF<br />
6499 Supernova David Bates Sydney 36 18:35:00 18:35:01 DNF<br />
NH555 Gramarye Andrew Morrison Top Hat Mk III 18:03:00 18:03:02 DNF<br />
6776 D/W/Waves Jim Thomas Beneteau First 40.7 18:33:00 18:33:02 DNF<br />
MYC375 Out There Gabrielle James Cavalier 375 18:28:00 18:28:10 DNF<br />
MYC10 Pensive Pam Davis NSX38 18:28:00 18:28:11 DNF<br />
MYC157 Lady Canasta Edward Pieck Catalina 380 18:14:00 18:14:25 DNF<br />
MYC820 Good Intent Peter Bennell Clansman 30 18:04:00 18:04:34 DNF<br />
MYC28 Kestrel II Jeff Lea Herreshoff 28 17:57:00 17:57:36 DNF<br />
MYC34 Sip Ahoy Paul Duncan/Murray Bailes Northshore 340 18:18:00 18:18:50 DNF<br />
MYC27 Esra Tew Jackie Morgan Northshore 27 18:01:00 18:06:06 DNF<br />
5393 Runaway Taxi Matt McKenzie/R. Sadleir Custom Jog Racer 2318:01:00 18:06:26 DNF<br />
6439 James Arthur Bavaria 44 Matt Triglione 18:29:00 18:25:34 DNF<br />
1152 Bokarra Iain Cameron Santana 22 18:10:00 18:10:06 DNF<br />
MYC24 J Curve Jack Morrison/ Alan McKay J24 18:15:00 18:15:10 DNF<br />
MYC9 Beausoleil Spence/Thomson/Donnelly Cavalier 28 18:15:00 18:15:10 DNF<br />
6510 Poets Day Elan 30 18:29:00 18:29:23 DNF<br />
MYC37 Moonraker Tomas Kliman/Muir Watson Beneteau Oceanis 37 18:19:00 18:24:25 DNF<br />
M313 Minder Tim Stewart Triton 24 17:53:00 DNC<br />
A73 Top Odds Karen Petersen Northshore 27 18:05:00 DNC<br />
KA55 Atalanta David Harris J24 18:09:00 DNC<br />
MYC1 Aussie Rules Gene Scott Cavalier 975 18:13:00 DNC<br />
MYC33 Lautrec Helen Ebeling Passage 33 18:15:00 DNC<br />
MYC5 Eos Brian Wilson Brittany Sloop 33 18:17:00 DNC<br />
6295 Ratty Tooey Ian Dennewald Northshore 340 18:18:00 DNC<br />
NH14 Hagar IV Chris Cope Endeavor 30 18:19:00 DNC<br />
AU135 Boudicea Jonathon Sinton J24 18:20:00 DNC<br />
KA355 Nickel Michael Troy/Simon Grosser Modified Etchells 22 18:22:00 DNC<br />
AUS147 Okavango Reid/Julian McPherson J24 18:24:00 DNC<br />
5216 Starship Peter Richter Hudson 34 18:26:00 DNC<br />
4863 TwoCan Stephen Teudt/David Lewis Masram 920 18:27:00 DNc<br />
MYC100 Shear Magic Robert Steffens Adams 10 18:27:00 DNC<br />
KA16 Pam Matt Walker International 5.5 18:27:00 DNC<br />
MYC7 Ten Sixty Phil Vidler Radford 10.6 18:28:00 DNC<br />
MYC12 San Toy Graham Radford/Maz Theaker Radford 12 18:30:00 DNC<br />
6689 Copernicus Greg Zyner/Leanne Zyner Radford 12 18:34:00 DNC<br />
1236 Local Hero Peter Mosely Sydney 36 18:35:00 DNC<br />
Sail No Pl <strong>Yacht</strong> Name Owner/Helm <strong>Yacht</strong> Type St/Time Ac/ St/Time Fin/Times<br />
MYC7 1 Ten Sixty Phil Vidler Radford 10.6 18:27:00 18:27:09 19:27:27<br />
MYC375 2 Out There Gabrielle James Cavalier 375 18:27:00 18:27:05 19:28:22<br />
MYC37 3 Moonraker Tomas Kliman/Muir Watson Beneteau Oceanis 37 18:18:00 18:19:21 19:28:59<br />
MYC10 4 Pensive Pam Davis NSX38 18:30:00 18:30:00 19:30:10<br />
6510 5 Poets Day Steve Wilton Elan 40 18:29:00 18:29:00 19:30:21<br />
MYC100 6 Shear Magic Robert Steffens Adams 10 18:27:00 18:27:22 19:30:22<br />
MYC9 7 Beausoleil Spence/Thomson/Donnelly Cavalier 28 18:14:00 18:14:26 19:31:02<br />
MYC34 8 Sip Ahoy Paul Duncan/Murray Bailes Northshore 340 18:18:00 18:18:12 19:31:06<br />
MYC28 9 Kestrel II Jeff Lea Herreshoff 28 17:57:00 17:59:54 19:31:52<br />
A73 10 Top Odds Karen Petersen Northshore 27 18:04:00 18:05:17 19:31:53<br />
1152 11 Bokarra Iain Cameron Santana 22 18:08:00 18:07:56 19:32:11<br />
NH14 12 Hagar IV Chris Cope Endeavor 30 18:19:00 18:19:39 19:32:50<br />
MYC5 13 Eos Brian Wilson Brittany Sloop 33 18:17:00 18:17:09 19:33:14<br />
6776 14 D/W/Waves Jim Thomas Beneteau First 40.7 18:33:00 18:33:50 19:33:31<br />
6499 15 Supernova David Bates Sydney 36 18:34:00 18:35:20 19:33:37<br />
MYC12 16 San Toy Graham Radford/Maz Theaker Radford 12 18:30:00 18:29:56 19:33:51<br />
AUS102 17 Flying Carpet Nick Chatham J24 18:23:00 18:23:23 19:35:09<br />
AUS147 18 Okavango Delta Emma Reid/Julian McPherson J24 18:24:00 18:24:09 19:35:12<br />
4863 19 TwoCan Stephen Teudt/David Lewis Masram 920 18:25:00 18:25:15 19:35:24<br />
MYC27 20 Esra Tew Jackie Morgan Northshore 27 18:01:00 18:00:50 19:35:36<br />
6689 21 Copernicus Greg Zyner/Leanne Zyner Radford 12 18:34:00 18:34:39 19:35:59<br />
MYC79 22 Pompadi Steve Frith/John O'Brien Catalina 309 18:10:00 18:10:56 19:36:09<br />
MYC24 23 J Curve Jack Morrison/ Alan McKay J24 18:21:00 18:21:29 19:36:54<br />
MYC25 24 Topaz John Malins Holland 24 18:18:00 18:18:10 19:38:08<br />
NH555 Gramarye Andrew Morrison Top Hat Mk III 18:03:00 18:05:41 DSQ<br />
Krestal 11<br />
Race 4<br />
A Scott<br />
giving Zilzie<br />
1st prize to<br />
another Scott,<br />
Colin C on<br />
on ‘Bokarra’<br />
TR: Race 6<br />
Pam Davis<br />
on ‘Pensive‘<br />
MYC fleet Race 6<br />
P 6
The Loftus family<br />
Overseas visitors to MYC … a plea for help<br />
In the October MYC Newsletter the Loftus family (Tony, Sharon<br />
and their 2 kids) from Liverpool in England put in a plea<br />
for offers of accommodation over the Christmas - New Year<br />
period because Sharon was partaking in a sailing “clipper<br />
round the world” race from Cape Town, South Africa<br />
to Geraldton, WA…as you do!!! (check it out at:<br /><br />
As it happens, I'll be away during that period going on a “driveabout”<br />
from Sydney to country Victoria via the Australian Alps and<br />
thought why no…? Since I have the added problem of needing<br />
someone to look after my elder, more-than-slightly neurotic<br />
Burmese “cat” (she seems to think she's a goddess with special<br />
privileges! and my defence is that I didn't bring her up!!) I thought<br />
having the Loftus family take over the place was a great idea!<br />
They arrive on the 27th <strong>December</strong> and are off again on the 1st<br />
January. They're already in touch with Maz, but if any of you are<br />
interested in seeing them during their visit, send an email to Tony<br />
on: - I'm sure they'd love to talk to<br />
other sailors (Sharon tells me that Tony has crossed the Atlantic<br />
a couple of times, so presumably he'd have some stories to tell!)<br />
- Feel free to get in touch with me before then on 0407 493 524<br />
or at - and I can forward it to them.<br />
Britta<br />
The YA-NSW presented course called ‘One with the<br />
Wind’ was delivered by Olympic gold medallist and<br />
Australian Olympic coach Mike Fletcher. Described<br />
as sailing royalty, Mike shared his knowledge and skill with<br />
22 attending MYC members and guests. We were exposed<br />
to coaching tips, wind creating theory, impact on the wind<br />
by landmass, predicting wind shifts, yacht balance, and a<br />
series of golden rules.<br />
This course completes the scheduled 2009 training<br />
sessions.<br />
On 9th of February 2010 and the following Saturday,<br />
13th of February, I've scheduled The Race Management<br />
course followed by the induction for the safety boat.<br />
Subsequent training in 2010 includes chartwork<br />
(magnetic compass), chartwork (position fixing) and a<br />
third session of chartwork (plotting courses)- essential<br />
manual skills when our array of modern technology is<br />
not available.<br />
I look forward to seeing improved race results from the<br />
courses I've coordinated this year and recommend further<br />
boat handling training amongst skippers and their crew and<br />
putting into practice our sail trim, wind reading and sailing<br />
strategies over the coming months.<br />
Cary Budd: MYC Training Coordinator<br />
Australian<br />
Olympic<br />
coach<br />
Mike Fletcher<br />
Maintenance Director's Report<br />
Since the working Bee the electrician (Brian Gray) has tackled the problem of the lights going out in the hall when it rained. The<br />
outside bollard lights, thought to be the source of the problem with water getting into the wiring, have been totally disconnected<br />
and the circuit breaker has been replaced.<br />
The diggers have replaced all their Honour Boards and the Torch is about to be replaced in its new position.<br />
Kees has taken on the task of replacing some rotten timber in the hand rail to the balcony.<br />
Colin Cameron has drawn to the attention of board members the perilous condition of the wharf and steps are under way to<br />
have it repaired. This will be an expensive job requiring the use of external contractors.<br />
Other jobs which may be addressed before the next working Bee includes creating a step between the piers which support the<br />
davits for Robbie R which will make life easier for crew with gear getting in and out of the boat. A suitable baulk of timber has<br />
been identified at Davis Marina which is superfluous to Marina requirements and I will be looking for some muscle to help<br />
transfer it to the club.<br />
The saga of the security gates/fence continues with the various powers that be contradicting themselves about what is required.<br />
Watch this space but don't hold your breath.<br />
Brian Wilson - Director Building Maintenance<br />
Are you aware that currently we have a vast array of crew who are looking<br />
to sail in our Friday Zilzie Twilight Series?<br />
Some are seasoned sailors, others are willing, keen novices looking to gain<br />
experience and participate in other races. Conversely, sailors, there is<br />
usually boats looking for crew for the Sunday Summer Series and <strong>Club</strong><br />
Championships. So if you are looking for crew or fancy a sail email Jo:<br /><br />
Joanne Huggins - MYC Crew Co-ordinator<br />
Welcome to<br />
New Member<br />
Associate: Andrew Bowman
Diary Dates<br />
Fri 11 Dec Zilzie Zilzie Twilight - 8<br />
Sat 12 Dec Sailability Picnic & Race Day<br />
Fri 18 Dec Zilzie Zilzie Twilight - 9<br />
Sat 19 Dec Sailability Family Fun Day<br />
Sun 20 Dec Christmas Race and BBQ<br />
Thu 24 Dec Christmas Eve<br />
Friday 25 <strong>December</strong> Christmas Day<br />
Saturday 26 <strong>December</strong> Boxing Day<br />
Thursday 31 NEW YEARS EVE<br />
Friday 1st January New Year’s Day 2010<br />
Fri 8 Jan <strong>Yacht</strong>s Zilzie Twilights - 10<br />
Sat 9 Jan Sailability<br />
Hornsby Lifestyles, General<br />
Sun 10 Jan Three Island Race - OS-3<br />
Wed 13 Jan Sailability - MAPS Forestville,<br />
MAPS Pymble<br />
Thu 14 Jan Sailability - National Titles<br />
Fri 15 Jan Sailability - National Titles<br />
Sat 16 Jan Sailability - National Titles<br />
Sun 17 Jan Sailability - National Titles<br />
Fri 15 Jan <strong>Yacht</strong>s Zilzie Twilights - 11<br />
Sun 17 Jan <strong>Yacht</strong>s - CC-6<br />
CBs - APS-1/CC-6<br />
Juniors - BBS Fun Day<br />
Fri 22 Jan <strong>Yacht</strong>s Zilzie Twilights 12<br />
Sat 23 Jan Sailability - BIRDS, General<br />
Sun 24 Jan <strong>Yacht</strong>s - SS-5<br />
CBs - APS-2<br />
Mon 25 Jan Sailing Committee Meeting<br />
Tue 26 Jan Australia Day Regatta -<br />
Centreboards & Sailability<br />
Fri 29 Jan <strong>Yacht</strong>s Zilzie Twilights 13<br />
Sun 24 Jan <strong>Yacht</strong>s - CC-7<br />
CBs - APS-3/CC7<br />
Juniors - BBS Fun Day<br />
Tue 2 Feb Board Meeting<br />
Fri 5 Feb <strong>Yacht</strong>s Zilzie Twilights 14<br />
Sat 6 Feb Sailability<br />
Hornsby Lifestyles, General<br />
Sun 7 Feb MR-2<br />
Juniors - BBS Fun Day<br />
Tue 9 Feb Race Management Course<br />
Wed 10 Feb Sailability - RFW/Fisher Rd,<br />
MAPS Turramurra<br />
Fri 12 Feb <strong>Yacht</strong>s Zilzie Twilights 15<br />
Sat 13 Feb Training - Safety Boat<br />
induction - Practical<br />
Sun 14 Feb <strong>Yacht</strong>s - SS-6<br />
CBs - APS-4<br />
Fri 19 Feb <strong>Yacht</strong>s Zilzie Twilights - 16<br />
Sat 20 feb Sailability - State Titles,<br />
BIRDS, General<br />
Sun 21 Feb Sailability - State Titles<br />
Sun 21 Feb <strong>Yacht</strong>s - Longitude Race OS-4<br />
Juniors - BBS Fun Day<br />
Please check the<br />
2009 - 2010 Handbook<br />
CONTACT Pam Davis: 9939 1972<br /><br />
p 8<br />
Ian Dennewald - President MYC<br />
On 9th of February 2010 and the following Saturday, 13th of<br />
February, I've scheduled The Race Management course followed<br />
by the induction for the safety boat. Subsequent training in 2010<br />
includes chartwork (magnetic compass), chartwork (position<br />
fixing) and a third session of chartwork (plotting courses)-<br />
essential manual skills when our array of modern technology is<br />
not available.<br />
Cary Budd<br />
Wondering why you have not received important notices<br />
to MYC events and the Newsletter? Have you changed<br />
your contact details? Please email the MYC office with<br />
your new contact details to:<br />
Subject: NEW contact details<br />
Thank you Sue<br />
There will be no January MYC Newsletter<br />
February Newsletter Deadline: 10th February<br />
Thank you to everyone for your support<br />
and the many fabulous stories and photos.<br />
Keep the contributions coming in:<br />
YOU make the newsletter!<br />
email:<br />
or phone Margo:<br />
9977 1611 M: 044 7654 100<br />
Have a Happy New Sailing Year<br />