student services - SUNY Institute of Technology

student services - SUNY Institute of Technology

student services - SUNY Institute of Technology


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2008-20 09<br />

Student<br />

Handbook<br />

State University <strong>of</strong> New York <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong><br />



Student Life Information................................................................................................................................. 2<br />

History <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT.................................................................................................................................... 3<br />

President......................................................................................................................................................... 3<br />

Academic Affairs............................................................................................................................................. 3<br />

Administration ............................................................................................................................................... 3<br />

Division <strong>of</strong> Student Affairs and Enrollment Management............................................................................... 3<br />

Getting Help................................................................................................................................................... 4<br />

Student Services.............................................................................................................................................. 4<br />

Clubs and Organizations............................................................................................................................... 19<br />

Alumni Association....................................................................................................................................... 22<br />

Commencement............................................................................................................................................ 22<br />

Campus Center Building Policies.................................................................................................................. 22<br />

Athletic Facilities........................................................................................................................................... 23<br />

Bookstore Policies......................................................................................................................................... 23<br />

Computer Policies......................................................................................................................................... 24<br />

Parking Regulations and Vehicle Registration................................................................................................ 24<br />

Student Groups and Organizations Registration Policy.................................................................................. 24<br />

Sales and Solicitation Policy.......................................................................................................................... 24<br />

Campus Posting Policy.................................................................................................................................. 24<br />

Campus Dining Services............................................................................................................................... 25<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT Card Procedures and Policies.......................................................................................................... 27<br />

Student Judicial System................................................................................................................................. 27<br />

Student Rights within the College Community............................................................................................. 27<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Rights for Student Campus Crime Victims................................................................................ 28<br />

Statement <strong>of</strong> Rights for Student Campus Sexual Assault Victims................................................................... 28<br />

Recommended Procedures for Victims <strong>of</strong> Sexual Assault............................................................................... 29<br />

Campus and Community Resources Available for the Victims <strong>of</strong> Campus Crime .......................................... 29<br />

Sex Offenses.................................................................................................................................................. 29<br />

Bias Crimes Prevention................................................................................................................................. 29<br />

Standards for the Conduct <strong>of</strong> Students.......................................................................................................... 30<br />

Code <strong>of</strong> Academic Conduct.......................................................................................................................... 30<br />

Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct............................................................................................................................. 34<br />

State University Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees Rules for the Maintenance <strong>of</strong> Public Order ............................................. 38<br />

Mediation Services........................................................................................................................................ 43<br />

Student Judicial System Procedures.............................................................................................................. 43<br />

College Policies and Additional Information................................................................................................. 47<br />

Notification <strong>of</strong> Student Fatality or Serious Injury.......................................................................................... 47<br />

Class Attendance........................................................................................................................................... 47<br />

Absentee Policy for Student-Athletes............................................................................................................. 47<br />

Medical Review Policy................................................................................................................................... 47<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT Student Academic Grievance Procedures ........................................................................................ 47<br />

Academic Research Involving Human Subjects............................................................................................. 48<br />

Confidentiality <strong>of</strong> Student Records................................................................................................................ 48<br />

Cancellation <strong>of</strong> Classes Due to Inclement Weather or Other Emergency ..................................................... 51<br />

Affirmative Action Statement........................................................................................................................ 51<br />

Harassment Statement................................................................................................................................... 51<br />

College Policy Statement on Sexual Harassment............................................................................................ 51<br />

Reporting Suspicious or Disruptive Persons.................................................................................................. 51<br />

Location <strong>of</strong> Red Emergency Phones............................................................................................................... 51<br />

Location <strong>of</strong> Emergency Call Boxes................................................................................................................. 52<br />

Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Calendars................................................................ Inside Back Cover<br />



OPPORTUNITIES AT <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

Welcome to <strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong>!<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT provides an environment where you will have every opportunity to learn and develop. This Student<br />

Handbook is designed to address a wide range <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong> concerns and questions, especially from those who are<br />

new to <strong>SUNY</strong>IT. This handbook will also help you find the member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT faculty, staff or administration<br />

who might best respond to whatever issue you need to address.<br />

It is important to become well acquainted with its contents and retain it as an important reference – the handbook<br />

provides a broad description <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong> rights and expectations. The rules and regulations provide a<br />

defined framework upon which each member <strong>of</strong> the campus community must adhere throughout the year.<br />

Whether you are a resident <strong>student</strong>, full- or part-time commuter, please take the opportunity to become involved<br />

in the campus community. I urge you to commit your time, energy and imagination to helping us enhance<br />

the quality <strong>of</strong> campus life at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT. Your investment will benefit you now and in the years to come.<br />

Again, welcome! Best wishes for success as you work to achieve your personal and pr<strong>of</strong>essional goals.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Wm. Murabito, Ph.D.<br />

Vice President<br />

for Student Affairs<br />

and Enrollment Management<br />



<strong>SUNY</strong> INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY<br />

Established by the <strong>SUNY</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees in 1966,<br />

“Upper Division College at Herkimer-Rome-Utica” began<br />

<strong>of</strong>fering graduate education classes in 1969 using classrooms<br />

at West Frankfort Elementary School. In May 1971,<br />

the college began operating in the former Globe Mill building<br />

in West Utica. The former mill was gradually remodeled<br />

into classrooms, <strong>of</strong>fices, and a library. In 1973, the<br />

college was granted authority to <strong>of</strong>fer bachelor’s degree programs;<br />

the first full-time undergraduates began attending<br />

classes in the fall. With growing enrollment, the institution<br />

leased three additional buildings in West Utica, and adopted<br />

a new name in 1977: the State University <strong>of</strong> New York<br />

College <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong>.<br />

In 1981, groundbreaking ceremonies were held in Marcy,<br />

just north <strong>of</strong> Utica, for the new campus. The first building,<br />

Kunsela Hall, was completed in 1984. Other buildings followed:<br />

Donovan Hall, the Campus Center, a service building,<br />

and two residential complexes; Adirondack Residence<br />

Hall opened in 1991, Mohawk Residence Hall opened in<br />

1996. The newest addition to the campus, the $14 million<br />

Cayan Library, was dedicated in 2003. Four new buildings<br />

are planned: a $13.6 million <strong>student</strong> center, a $20 million<br />

field house, a $27.5 million technology center and $20 million<br />

plus residence hall complex.<br />

The campus now includes:<br />

• Donovan Hall, which contains faculty <strong>of</strong>fices and<br />

classrooms, as well as the engineering technology and<br />

science laboratories.<br />

• Kunsela Hall houses a 241-seat lecture hall, administrative<br />

<strong>of</strong>fices, Information <strong>Technology</strong> Services,<br />

Instructional Resources, the Gannett Gallery, classrooms,<br />

laboratories, mail room, and faculty <strong>of</strong>fices.<br />

• The Cayan Library comprises traditional and technologically<br />

sophisticated library and information<br />

resources.<br />

• The Campus Center contains the <strong>student</strong> dining hall,<br />

athletic, recreational and social facilities, health and<br />

wellness center and <strong>student</strong> organization <strong>of</strong>fices.<br />

• The 400-bed Adirondack Residence Hall opened in 1991.<br />

• The 180-bed Mohawk Residence Hall opened in 1996.<br />

• The Service building contains the Facilities Management<br />

<strong>of</strong>fices and workshops.<br />

In 1989, the <strong>SUNY</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees approved “State University<br />

<strong>of</strong> New York <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> at Utica/Rome”<br />

as an institutional name more accurately reflecting the<br />

evolving mission and curriculum. A new short-form name<br />

– <strong>SUNY</strong>IT – was adopted in 2002. Founded as a graduate<br />

and transfer institution, <strong>SUNY</strong>IT added traditional fouryear<br />

undergraduate degree programs in 2003.<br />

Even as the physical campus continues to develop SU-<br />

NYIT has continued to expand its academic <strong>of</strong>ferings over<br />

the past five years, launching two MBA programs, a B.S.<br />

in Electrical Engineering in cooperation with Binghamton<br />

University, a B.S. in Criminal Justice, and additional graduate<br />

nursing programs.<br />

3<br />


The president, <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer, is appointed<br />

by the <strong>SUNY</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees on the recommendation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the College Council and the Chancellor, after consultation<br />

with the representatives <strong>of</strong> the faculty, staff, and<br />

<strong>student</strong>s.<br />



The vice president for academic affairs serves as the chief<br />

academic <strong>of</strong>ficer and reports to the president. <strong>SUNY</strong>IT is<br />

organized into four academic schools: arts and sciences,<br />

business, information systems and engineering technology,<br />

and nursing and health systems. Each school is headed by a<br />

dean who reports to the vice president for academic affairs.<br />

Academic support <strong>services</strong> (library <strong>services</strong>, instructional<br />

resources, information technology <strong>services</strong>, and the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong><br />

continuing pr<strong>of</strong>essional education, sponsored research and<br />

conference <strong>services</strong>) are directly under the jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> the<br />

vice president for academic affairs.<br />


A number <strong>of</strong> business and auxiliary service <strong>of</strong>fices are organized<br />

under the direction <strong>of</strong> the vice president for administration.<br />

The Bookmark (college bookstore), housing/residential<br />

life, business affairs, facilities management, human<br />

resources, print shop, and university police department<br />

provide important <strong>services</strong> for <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s <strong>student</strong>s, faculty,<br />

and staff.<br />

The vice president for administration also serves as the<br />

execu tive <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the College Association, which oversees<br />

the dis bursement <strong>of</strong> funds collected through auxiliary operations.<br />




The Division <strong>of</strong> Student Affairs and Enrollment Management<br />

consists <strong>of</strong> the Vice President’s <strong>of</strong>fice and a variety <strong>of</strong> departments:<br />

Athletics and Recreation, Career Services/Office <strong>of</strong><br />

Transitions, Student Services Center (Bursar, Financial Aid,<br />

Registrar) Enrollment Management, Student Success Center<br />

(Collegiate Science and <strong>Technology</strong> Entry Program [CSTEP],<br />

Educational Opportunity Program [E.O.P.], International<br />

Student Affairs, Counseling), Campus Life, the Health and<br />

Wellness Center, Student Activities, and Admissions.<br />

In April 1994, the Division adopted a mission statement,<br />

which says, in part:

The mission <strong>of</strong> the Division <strong>of</strong> Student Affairs, in partnership<br />

with other members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong> community, is<br />

to provide for the intellectual, cultural, academic, social,<br />

physical, ethical, spiritual, and emotional development <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>student</strong>s so that they will be fully prepared as citizens <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>Institute</strong> and the broader society. The Division is an<br />

integral contributor to the <strong>Institute</strong>’s teaching and service<br />

mission and provides a supportive role for <strong>student</strong>s and<br />

faculty toward the success <strong>of</strong> this mission.<br />


1. Faculty Advisor. Every <strong>student</strong> is assigned a faculty<br />

advisor within his/her curriculum. Your advisor will<br />

help you plan your program <strong>of</strong> course work and help you<br />

find answers to your questions about personal academic<br />

goals, requirements, and regulations. Each <strong>student</strong><br />

should share responsibility in the advising process by<br />

taking the initiative in seeking advise ment and<br />

developing a working relationship with the advisor. In<br />

order to do this effectively, each <strong>student</strong> should:<br />

a. learn the academic advisor’s name and <strong>of</strong>fice location<br />

as soon as possible.<br />

b. become familiar with curriculum, departmental,<br />

program, and graduation requirements. These are<br />

listed in a variety <strong>of</strong> places (e.g., catalog, department<br />

checksheets, etc.).<br />

c. consult with the advisor prior to making any changes<br />

in the academic program and/or schedule (e.g., adding<br />

or dropping courses, summer courses, etc.).<br />

d. consult with the advisor if experiencing academic or<br />

personal problems affecting academic performance.<br />

e. consult with the advisor when considering a change <strong>of</strong><br />

curriculum or program, transfer to another college, or<br />

withdrawal from college.<br />

f. meet with the advisor at least twice during each<br />

semester–once during registration days or during the<br />

first week <strong>of</strong> classes, to be followed by a second<br />

meeting during the fifth week.<br />

g. discuss class requirements and grades with advisor,<br />

and schedule a meeting to get academic advice when<br />

needed.<br />

h. accept final responsibility for decision making after<br />

consulting with the advisor.<br />

i. keep all scheduled appointments made with the advisor.<br />

2. Counseling. The Student Success Center and the Career<br />

Services <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>services</strong> to assist you with a wide<br />

range <strong>of</strong> con cerns. These include academic, personal/<br />

social, study skills, and career or curriculum choice. It is<br />

your responsibility to request the help you want and to<br />

keep all scheduled ap pointments. Your counselor will<br />

help you explore all options, but in the end, all decisions<br />

will be yours to make.<br />

3. Tutoring. When you need additional clarification, review,<br />

or drills for difficult course work–after you have sought<br />

help from the course instructor–you should request a peer<br />

tutor through the Learning Center. It is your responsibility<br />

to contact the tutor. Additional responsibilities include:<br />

4<br />

a. keeping all tutoring appointments and arriving on<br />

time.<br />

b. attending all classes and being attentive.<br />

c. reading all textbook assignments and working on all<br />

homework problems as far as you can on your own.<br />

d. studying for all quizzes and exams.<br />

e. preparing specific questions about the subject matter<br />

to guide the tutor in providing you with review, drills,<br />

and/or clarification.<br />

f. seeking additional help when it is recommended–don’t<br />

wait until it’s too late.<br />

NOTE: All tutoring <strong>services</strong> are based on availability <strong>of</strong> qualified tutors.<br />


The faculty and staff are com mitted to providing a full range<br />

<strong>of</strong> advising, counseling, tuto rial, and other <strong>services</strong> to support<br />

the academic progress <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s. On-campus health<br />

care, housing, career <strong>services</strong>, recreation/sports programs,<br />

and <strong>student</strong> activities programs are also provided by <strong>student</strong><br />

<strong>services</strong> <strong>of</strong>fices.<br />

Admissions <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Kunsela Hall Room A108, 792-7500<br />

The Admissions <strong>of</strong>fice is the first point <strong>of</strong> contact for new<br />

<strong>student</strong>s at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT. Prospective <strong>student</strong>s can arrange for an<br />

interview to discuss general information, admission into an<br />

undergraduate program, transferability <strong>of</strong> credit as well as<br />

arrange a campus and residence hall tour. The Admissions<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice also schedules Open Houses in the fall and spring.<br />

The Admissions staff regularly travels to high schools and<br />

two-year colleges throughout New York State and parts <strong>of</strong><br />

the northeast promoting <strong>SUNY</strong>IT.<br />

The Admissions <strong>of</strong>fice assists returning <strong>student</strong>s with readmission<br />

if they have been out for more than one year or have<br />

been academically dismissed.<br />

Athletics and Recreation<br />

Campus Center Room 221, 792-7520<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT <strong>student</strong>-athletes participate in the National Collegiate<br />

Athletic Conference (NCAA III) and compete in the<br />

Northeast Athletic Conference (NEAC). Intercollegiate teams<br />

include baseball, men’s and women’s basketball, bowling,<br />

men’s and women’s cross country, golf, men’s and women’s<br />

soccer, women’s s<strong>of</strong>tball and men and women’s volleyball.<br />

Swimming and men’s volleyball are the newest intercollegiate<br />

sports. The intercollegiate coaching staff invites you to<br />

try out for a team or to take part in the Wildcat sports program<br />

by cheering on fellow <strong>student</strong>s at all home games.<br />

Exercise opportunities, recreation and intramural sports<br />

programs abound for <strong>SUNY</strong>IT <strong>student</strong>s. The Wildcat Fitness<br />

Center and the weight and aerobic exercise rooms are fully<br />

equipped with state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art fitness equipment. Recreation<br />

and intramural activities take place in the modern athletic<br />

facilities, which include a pool, full gymnasium, indoor<br />

running track, racquetball court and outdoor basketball and<br />

tennis courts. Students can enjoy the beautiful outdoor setting<br />

<strong>of</strong> the campus by hiking the Roemer Fitness Trail.

The Athletics Department has added a series <strong>of</strong> one-credit<br />

physical activity courses to the college curriculum. Courses<br />

such as Introduction to Fitness and Athletic Conditioning<br />

can help you achieve your personal health goals and classes<br />

on recreational sports can help you hone your skills.<br />

For intercollegiate game schedules, facility hours, intramural<br />

and recreational sports activities or more information, feel<br />

free to stop by or call the Department <strong>of</strong> Athletics and Recreation<br />

or visit the athletic website at sunyit.edu.<br />

Bursar/Student Accounts Office<br />

Student Services Center<br />

Kunsela Hall Suite A208-A210<br />

792-7412<br />

The Bursar’s <strong>of</strong>fice, located in the Student Services Center,<br />

is the focal point for the billing and collection <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong><br />

accounts and the distribution <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong> financial aid and<br />

tuition refunds. The Bursar’s <strong>of</strong>fice also functions as the<br />

contact for third party sponsors such as state and federal<br />

vocational rehabilitation <strong>of</strong>fices, state and county displaced<br />

worker programs, U.S. Armed Forces, private scholarships,<br />

and employer sponsors. All third party documentation and<br />

contracts are maintained in <strong>student</strong> accounts folders. The <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

staff will answer all questions regarding <strong>student</strong> account<br />

charges, payments, record holds, and refunds. Financial aid<br />

and tuition refunds are made available as they are received,<br />

in accordance with state and federal regulations.<br />

Financial Aid<br />

Student Services Center<br />

Kunsela Hall Suite A208-A210<br />

792-7210<br />

More than 85% <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s who apply receive some form <strong>of</strong><br />

financial aid at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT, and all <strong>student</strong>s are encouraged to<br />

apply for assistance. Aid comes in a variety <strong>of</strong> forms, including<br />

grants, loans, and part-time employment. In addition,<br />

<strong>student</strong>s who have demonstrated high academic achievement<br />

may be eligible for scholarship assistance. The staff<br />

at the Financial Aid <strong>of</strong>fice encourages <strong>student</strong>s to apply for<br />

financial aid as early as possible in order to qualify for all<br />

available aid programs. Students may also obtain an emergency<br />

loan and receive financial counseling through the Financial<br />

Aid <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

Registrar<br />

Student Services Center<br />

Kunsela Hall Suite A208-A210<br />

792-7267<br />

The Registrar’s <strong>of</strong>fice, located in the Student Services Center,<br />

is responsible for maintaining <strong>student</strong> academic records<br />

and for preparing the master course sched ule each semester.<br />

The <strong>of</strong>fice processes <strong>student</strong> course regis tration, drop/add<br />

requests, academic petitions, transcript re quests, graduation<br />

applications, changes <strong>of</strong> program, certifies <strong>student</strong> enrollment,<br />

and verifies graduation requirements. The Registrar’s<br />

Office is also responsible for processing Academic Dismissals<br />

and coordinating re-admission after dismissal.<br />

5<br />

Bookmark<br />

Kunsela Hall Room B112, 792-7257<br />

The Bookmark serves as the college bookstore and as a<br />

full-service academic supply and specialty shop. Students<br />

can purchase new and used textbooks, collegiate apparel,<br />

computer s<strong>of</strong>tware, newspapers, snack foods, beverages,<br />

and a variety <strong>of</strong> other specialty items. The Bookmark <strong>of</strong>fers<br />

a check-cashing service. (See page 23 <strong>of</strong> this handbook for<br />

information on the Bookmark’s policies.)<br />

Bus Service<br />

During the day, bus service is available to the college by the<br />

Centro Bus Service. Bus passes are available at a discount for<br />

<strong>student</strong>s. Limited evening service is also available. Current<br />

schedules and ticket passes for busses can be obtained at the<br />

College Association <strong>of</strong>fice, A217 Kunsela Hall.<br />

Career Services<br />

Kunsela Hall Room B101, 792-7165<br />

Career Services mission is to link the college with the world<br />

<strong>of</strong> work and enhance our <strong>student</strong>s’ and alumni’s ability to<br />

make meaningful career decisions.<br />

Registering with Career Services is an easy, important process<br />

that allows <strong>student</strong>s and alumni to fully utilize our <strong>services</strong>.<br />

The Student/Alumni Registration form is located at “http://<br />

www.career<strong>services</strong>.sunyit.edu/apps/form/?resource=car_<br />

<strong>student</strong>_registration”. When registered, <strong>student</strong>s will receive<br />

an email advising them <strong>of</strong> their PIN number, a link<br />

to instructions for accessing the eRecruiting database, and<br />

directions to upload their resume. New <strong>student</strong>s are encouraged<br />

to register with Career Services at orientation. Current<br />

<strong>student</strong>s are reminded to register through various campus<br />

mediums.<br />

eRecruiting is a database used by Career Services for employers<br />

to post job and internship opportunities. Students<br />

and alumni who are registered with Career Services receive<br />

emails regarding these opportunities. Students must be registered<br />

with Career Services to utilize this service.<br />

Visit Career Services website, career<strong>services</strong>.sunyit.edu, to<br />

learn about career planning and preparation, initiating a job<br />

search, resume and cover letter writing tips, interviewing<br />

preparation techniques, etc. The website also includes a listing<br />

<strong>of</strong> news and events and career-related links to a host <strong>of</strong><br />

other websites.<br />

Career Fair is a yearly event that provides an opportunity<br />

for <strong>student</strong>s, alumni, and employers to meet informally. Students<br />

and alumni have the opportunity to learn more about<br />

prospective employers while employers have the opportunity<br />

to meet <strong>student</strong>s and alumni interested in full-time, parttime,<br />

or summer employment and internships.<br />

Career Services Programming/Events include weekly Interview<br />

and Resume Workshops, Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals for a Day (job<br />

shadowing with local employers), a yearly Business Etiquette<br />

Luncheon, On-campus Recruiting, Intern Seminars, and an<br />

Internship Panel Discussion.

Individual Career Counseling is an opportunity for <strong>student</strong>s<br />

and alumni to talk with a counselor about self-assessment<br />

(skills, values, interests, and abilities), career decision-making,<br />

and job search strategies.<br />

Consulting Sessions are available for <strong>student</strong>s and alumni<br />

to meet with a pr<strong>of</strong>essional staff member primarily for the<br />

purpose <strong>of</strong> resume and cover letter critiques.<br />

Career Planning Strategies<br />

Many college <strong>student</strong>s, especially during the early stages <strong>of</strong><br />

campus life, view a “career” or even a “job” as something<br />

to think about in the future. Career planning is a more involved,<br />

time-consuming activity than many <strong>student</strong>s realize.<br />

It’s never too early to start, or at least to think about starting,<br />

the process. Here are several guidelines for career planning.<br />

1. Work on your resume the first semester<br />

Begin by keeping track <strong>of</strong> things that can be included on<br />

your resume such as special projects, volunteer and committee<br />

work, field trips, and research activities that can enhance<br />

your academic background. Later, when you meet with a<br />

career counselor to begin writing a resume, some <strong>of</strong> these<br />

experiences may have to be pared down or eliminated for<br />

various reasons. However, it is beneficial to be able to select<br />

from an abundant collection <strong>of</strong> experiences. Often, when an<br />

employer is choosing between two recent college graduates,<br />

the one with more extracurricular experiences and transferable<br />

skills will be the one hired.<br />

2. Participate in at least one or two internships/co-ops<br />

Take advantage <strong>of</strong> internships or co-ops to gain experience<br />

in your field. These opportunities may or may not be eligible<br />

for course credit, but they will provide many <strong>of</strong> the<br />

desired skills that prospective employers look for when the<br />

job search begins.<br />

3. Develop communication skills<br />

College can be viewed as one large communications course.<br />

Regardless <strong>of</strong> the subject matter, every course requires <strong>student</strong>s<br />

to express themselves (orally, literally, or artistically).<br />

Students who can fit public speaking and writing courses<br />

into their schedules have a special advantage. Seize every<br />

opportunity to write and speak in class. It’s invaluable practice<br />

for the future. Nearly every job held by college graduates<br />

requires the ability to write reports and correspondence, interview<br />

clients, or conduct meetings.<br />

4. Learn to get along with all types <strong>of</strong> people<br />

College is a crucial time to build social skills which are crucial<br />

in virtually every pr<strong>of</strong>ession. You will meet a variety<br />

<strong>of</strong> people on campus, and some will be easier to deal with<br />

than others. In each case, ask yourself why you relate to the<br />

individual the way you do. Then work on improving your<br />

versatility with others. This does not mean that you have to<br />

like everyone. Merely try to get along with as many people<br />

as you can, and handle conflicts diplomatically. After graduating<br />

from college, you will have to work with many <strong>of</strong> the<br />

same types <strong>of</strong> personalities that you have encountered on<br />

campus. However, on the job, more than in college, you will<br />

be held accountable for your interpersonal skills. In an organization,<br />

there are people who perform their duties well<br />

6<br />

but have trouble holding their jobs because they cannot get<br />

along with their co-workers.<br />

5. Establish personal relationships to be used for references<br />

Employers and graduate schools will ask for references, so<br />

begin the process early. During your undergraduate education,<br />

the most likely sources <strong>of</strong> references are your pr<strong>of</strong>essors<br />

and advisors. If you’ve taken a course that appears relevant<br />

to your career goals or one in which the pr<strong>of</strong>essor has recognized<br />

your achievements and efforts, ask the pr<strong>of</strong>essor for a<br />

letter <strong>of</strong> reference. If you develop a good relationship with an<br />

advisor or counselor, also ask them for a letter <strong>of</strong> reference.<br />

Letters <strong>of</strong> reference should be requested several weeks prior<br />

to the end <strong>of</strong> the semester.<br />

Career planning, in the broadest sense, includes everything<br />

that must be done in preparation for your work career.<br />

Choosing courses, taking notes during lectures, writing papers,<br />

reading books, journals, and articles (course-related or<br />

otherwise) should all be viewed as components <strong>of</strong> the career<br />

planning process, for all will affect one’s pr<strong>of</strong>essional life.<br />

You should work with your career counselor to develop your<br />

portfolio which includes references.<br />

Career planning becomes more intensive as graduation approaches.<br />

You will be updating and editing your resume and<br />

cover letters, preparing for and attending job interviews, filling<br />

out applications, and arranging for references. Start early<br />

and visit Career Services in Kunsela Hall, Room B101, (315)<br />

792-7165. Visit our website at career<strong>services</strong>.sunyit.edu<br />

Computer Labs<br />

All <strong>student</strong>s may use lab G161 Donovan Hall and B118 Kunsela<br />

Hall on a first-come first-served basis. These labs are not<br />

scheduled for classes. The Donovan Hall lab is open during<br />

building hours and the Kunsela Hall lab is open 24 hours a<br />

day, 7 days a week.<br />

The Lanigan Room on the second floor <strong>of</strong> the Peter J. Cayan<br />

library is a computer lab that is also available to all <strong>student</strong>s<br />

for Internet access and word-processing when it is not reserved<br />

for classes. It is open during library hours.<br />

Additional information about the computer and network resources<br />

is posted on the Information <strong>Technology</strong> Services<br />

web pages at http://its.sunyit.edu.<br />

Food Service<br />

Campus Center Room 115C, 792-7224<br />

Sodexo Dining Services provides the food service for the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong>, and <strong>student</strong>s can choose from a variety <strong>of</strong> dining<br />

options.<br />

Resident <strong>student</strong>s must purchase either a 19, 14, or block<br />

meal plan. The resident dining hall is in the Campus Center<br />

and is open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on weekdays<br />

with continuous service at the grill station, salad bar, and<br />

sandwich bar. During primary meal times, the dining hall<br />

<strong>of</strong>fers hot entrees and other food specials. On weekends, the<br />

dining hall is open from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from<br />

4:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.<br />

Resident <strong>student</strong>s receive “points” with their meal plans<br />

which can be used to purchase food at all campus dining

locations. Cafe Kunsela is open for breakfast and lunch on<br />

weekdays, the ‘Cats’ Den in the Campus Center is open for<br />

dinner and late evening cuisine daily, and The Basement<br />

Bistro in Donovan Hall is open for snacks and sandwiches<br />

throughout the day on weekdays.<br />

Non-resident <strong>student</strong>s may purchase a prepaid meal plan at<br />

the Food Service <strong>of</strong>fice in the Campus Center. This plan allows<br />

the purchase <strong>of</strong> food and beverages at a discount at all<br />

campus dining locations. The resident <strong>student</strong> dining hall in<br />

the Campus Center does not provide ala carte service, but<br />

non-resident <strong>student</strong>s are invited to purchase meals in the<br />

dining hall at any time.<br />

Further information about the Food Service is available from<br />

the Dining Services Guide available at all food service locations<br />

and on page 25 <strong>of</strong> this handbook.<br />

Graduate Center<br />

Kunsela Hall Room A010, 792-7347<br />

gradcenter@sunyit.edu<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT <strong>of</strong>fers Master <strong>of</strong> Science degree programs in accountancy*,<br />

advanced technology, adult nurse practitioner,<br />

applied sociology, computer & information science, family<br />

nurse practitioner, gerontological nurse practitioner, health<br />

<strong>services</strong> administration*, information design & technology*,<br />

nursing administration, nursing education and telecommunications.<br />

Two MBA (Master <strong>of</strong> Business Administration)<br />

degree programs are also <strong>of</strong>fered in health <strong>services</strong><br />

management* and technology management*. In addition,<br />

certificates for advanced study are available in all nursing<br />

programs. Programs noted with an asterisk are <strong>of</strong>fered in<br />

both on-campus and on-line formats. The Graduate Center<br />

provides information on graduate programs, admission<br />

requirements, the application process and assistantships/fellowships.<br />

Interviews for prospective graduate <strong>student</strong>s are<br />

available by appointment.<br />

Health and Wellness Center<br />

Campus Center Room 217, 792-7172<br />

The Health and Wellness Center, conveniently located in<br />

the Campus Center, provides evaluation, treatment and prevention<br />

<strong>of</strong> health-related problems for full-time, part-time,<br />

undergraduate and graduate <strong>student</strong>s. The Health and<br />

Wellness Center is staffed by a part-time physician, nurse<br />

practitioners, registered nurses, a health educator and support<br />

personnel. It is open daily Monday through Friday with<br />

the hours posted each semester. Please visit www.sunyit.edu<br />

– <strong>of</strong>fices/health & wellness for information and forms.<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT has a mandatory health fee for each semester. This<br />

fee provides each <strong>student</strong> intermittent, comprehensive, confidential<br />

health-related <strong>services</strong> by appointment or a walk-in<br />

basis. Some <strong>services</strong> provided by the mandatory health fee<br />

include:<br />

Clinical Services:<br />

• Sick/Injury Care - medical evaluation, treatment &<br />

follow-up medical care<br />

• Vaccinations - MMR, Influenza, etc.<br />

• Women’s & Men’s Health - examinations, birth control,<br />

7<br />

STD testing, etc.<br />

• Laboratory work - throat cultures, HIV, etc.<br />

• Medications - prescription & over the counter<br />

• Medical Equipment/Supplies/Other - crutches,<br />

band-aids, cough drops, etc.<br />

• Referrals - to private practitioners, community agencies, etc.<br />

Health Education:<br />

• Free, confidential HIV rapid testing & counseling<br />

• Alcohol/substance abuse screening & counseling<br />

• Smoking cessation <strong>services</strong><br />

• Prevention focused programs<br />

• Peer education programs<br />

• Current health-related educational literature/resources<br />

• Appropriate health guidance with referral.<br />

Student Health Requirements for Attending <strong>SUNY</strong>IT:<br />

New York State Public Health Laws § 2165 and § 2167 mandate<br />

specific health documentation that must be provided to<br />

the Health and Wellness Center by August 15th for fall admission,<br />

January 15th for spring admission. Non-compliant<br />

<strong>student</strong>s will be de-registered pursuant to the directives <strong>of</strong><br />

the law.<br />

Required health documentation:<br />

1. Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) – NYS Health Law<br />

§ 2165 requires that all <strong>student</strong>s registered for six (6) or<br />

more credits provide documentation <strong>of</strong> immunity to<br />

MMR by either immunization or positive blood titers.<br />

Persons born prior to 1/1/57 are exempt.<br />

✓ Measles: Two dates <strong>of</strong> immunization given after 1967,<br />

at least 4 days prior to the 1st birthday<br />

✓ Mumps: One date <strong>of</strong> immunization given at least 4<br />

days prior to the 1st birthday<br />

✓ Rubella: One date <strong>of</strong> immunization given at least 4<br />

days prior to the 1st birthday<br />

2. Meningococcal Meningitis – NYS Health Law § 2167<br />

requires that all on-or-<strong>of</strong>f campus <strong>student</strong>s provide the<br />

date <strong>of</strong> the meningococcal immunization given within<br />

the past 10 years or completion <strong>of</strong> the Meningococcal<br />

Information Response Form indicating<br />

acknowledgement <strong>of</strong> meningococcal disease risks and<br />

refusal <strong>of</strong> the meningococcal meningitis immunization<br />

signed by the <strong>student</strong> (or <strong>student</strong>’s parent/guardian if<br />

under 18 years old).<br />

3. Health History and Physical Examination within the<br />

last two (2) years – Mandatory for all <strong>student</strong>s registered<br />

for twelve (12) or more credits. The <strong>student</strong> may only<br />

receive clinical <strong>services</strong> at the Health & Wellness Center<br />

after the health history and physical examination has<br />

been submitted. Full-time <strong>student</strong>s will not be<br />

permitted to register for another term until this health<br />

requirement has been met.<br />

4. Health Insurance – Mandatory for all <strong>student</strong>s registered<br />

for twelve (12) or more credits. All full-time <strong>student</strong>s<br />

must possess some type <strong>of</strong> health insurance. <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

provides a basic, economical health insurance plan for<br />

<strong>student</strong>s who need coverage or wish to purchase<br />

additional coverage.

a) Domestic Health Insurance Policy – EACH<br />

semester all domestic <strong>student</strong>s taking twelve (12)<br />

or more credits are automatically billed for a<br />

health insurance policy as designated by<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT. If a <strong>student</strong> has other health insurance<br />

coverage, i.e. under a parent or employer, and the<br />

<strong>student</strong> does not wish to purchase the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

designated health insurance, a waiver must be<br />

completed prior to attendance EACH semester.<br />

Automatic billing will occur if a waiver is not<br />

completed EACH semester. The health insurance<br />

waiver is completed electronically at http://health<br />

waiver.sunyit.edu .<br />

Students taking less than twelve (12) credits are not billed<br />

for the health insurance designed by <strong>SUNY</strong>IT but may purchase<br />

it at the Student Accounts Office each semester.<br />

b) International Health Insurance Policy- The State<br />

University <strong>of</strong> New York requires all international<br />

<strong>student</strong>s entering the country for study or research,<br />

or any US <strong>student</strong> studying abroad in a<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>-sponsored program purchase a <strong>SUNY</strong><br />

health insurance policy. Health insurance<br />

information is mailed upon admission and<br />

<strong>student</strong>s are automatically billed.<br />

Student Success Services<br />

Donovan Hall Room G174, 792-7805<br />

Discover the way to build a foundation for academic and<br />

personal success and life-long learning. Student Success<br />

Services provides a variety <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, programs and<br />

activities designed to support <strong>student</strong>s and promote academic<br />

achievement, personal growth, and progress toward<br />

graduation. Our mission is to promote <strong>student</strong> learning,<br />

leading to academic and personal success. The Counseling<br />

Center, Disabilities Services, Freshman Mentor Program,<br />

Educational Opportunity Program, Collegiate Science and<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> Entry Program and International Student Services<br />

Offices make up the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Student Success Services.<br />

Counseling Center<br />

Donovan Hall Room G174, 792-7805<br />

Counseling <strong>services</strong> are provided for <strong>student</strong>s who seek personal,<br />

educational, or vocational advice in a confidential setting.<br />

The Center <strong>of</strong>fers workshops throughout the academic<br />

year on a variety <strong>of</strong> topics including stress management,<br />

test-taking skills, study skills and relaxation. Students are<br />

encouraged to visit the Counseling Center to discuss personal<br />

concerns, for assistance with problem solving, or for a<br />

referral if long-term psychological counseling or psychiatric<br />

<strong>services</strong> are required.<br />

Disabilities Services Office<br />

Donovan Hall Room G174, 792-7805<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT welcomes <strong>student</strong>s with disabilities and strives to<br />

ensure compliance with Section 504 <strong>of</strong> the Rehabilitation Act<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1973 and Title II (The Americans with Disabilities Act <strong>of</strong><br />

1990). It is important to note that postsecondary schools have<br />

8<br />

different requirements than high schools with regard to these<br />

laws. Some <strong>student</strong>s may have an identified disability which<br />

affects learning or physical accessibility, and may be entitled<br />

to reasonable accommodations if supported by appropriate<br />

documentation. Students seeking accommodations must register<br />

with the Disabilities Services Office and provide consent<br />

for <strong>SUNY</strong>IT to request supporting documentation. Disclosure<br />

<strong>of</strong> a disability is always voluntary, but accommodations cannot<br />

be made without such disclosure. The exact nature <strong>of</strong> the<br />

disability is maintained as confidential by the Disabilities Services<br />

Office. Accommodations plans must be updated each<br />

semester. The Disabilities Services Office is not responsible<br />

for or able to provide evaluation <strong>services</strong>. The Disabilities Services<br />

Office does <strong>of</strong>fer resource information and referral, supportive<br />

counseling, and advocacy <strong>services</strong>. It is important for<br />

<strong>student</strong>s to consider help as early as possible. It is difficult to<br />

address issues <strong>of</strong> poor academic performance once they have<br />

occurred. Planning and prevention are the best solutions.<br />

Collegiate Science and <strong>Technology</strong><br />

Entry Program (CSTEP)<br />

Donovan Hall Room G174, 792-7805<br />

The college <strong>of</strong>fers an academic and career preparation program<br />

for promising African-American, Hispanic, Native<br />

American Indian, Alaskan Native and economically disadvantaged<br />

<strong>student</strong>s enrolled in mathematics, science, technology<br />

or health-related majors, and to those who enter fields<br />

in which they may seek pr<strong>of</strong>essional licensure. CSTEP is<br />

funded by a grant from the New York State Education Department.<br />

Participants must be full-time matriculated <strong>student</strong>s<br />

in good academic standing, and are required to participate<br />

in program <strong>of</strong>ferings such as tutorials, internships/<br />

job shadowing, career counseling and information sessions<br />

about graduate school. Additionally, workshops are <strong>of</strong>fered<br />

to enhance career awareness – including resume writing,<br />

effective interviewing and networking skills.<br />

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)<br />

Donovan Hall Room G174, 792-7805<br />

EOP is designed to identify New York State <strong>student</strong>s who<br />

are educationally under-prepared, talented and in need <strong>of</strong><br />

academic and financial support to attend college. Student<br />

<strong>services</strong> include tutorials, personal counseling, career planning<br />

and financial assistance. EOP <strong>of</strong>fers higher education<br />

opportunities to freshmen and transfer applicants. Though<br />

freshmen candidates do not meet normal admissions criteria,<br />

they are talented and have the potential for post-secondary<br />

academic success. Transfer candidates must have<br />

previously been enrolled in EOP, the Higher Educational<br />

Opportunity Program (HEOP), and the Search for Education,<br />

Elevation and Knowledge Program (SEEK), the College<br />

Discovery Program, or a similar academic and financial support<br />

program. Freshmen applicants interested in applying<br />

for EOP must indicate their intent on the <strong>SUNY</strong> application<br />

for undergraduate admission. For transfer candidates, admission<br />

criteria and procedures are the same as other <strong>student</strong>s.<br />

Subsequently, freshmen and transfer applicants must<br />

submit supplemental materials supplied by the EOP <strong>of</strong>fice to<br />

determine their eligibility.

International Student Services<br />

Donovan Hall Room G174, 792-7805<br />

The Office <strong>of</strong> International Student Services provides programs<br />

and <strong>services</strong> for our <strong>SUNY</strong>IT International community.<br />

International <strong>student</strong>s receive assistance with travel<br />

to the United States, orientation, employment information,<br />

<strong>student</strong> advocacy, health insurance, taxes, regulatory updates,<br />

essential forms, and liaison with USCIS on immigration<br />

issues.<br />

The Learning Center<br />

Donovan Hall Room G155, 792-7316<br />

The resources <strong>of</strong> the Learning Center are available free <strong>of</strong><br />

charge to all <strong>student</strong>s. The Center’s primary service is tutoring.<br />

There are both peer tutors, <strong>student</strong>s trained to help others<br />

with master course material, as well as pr<strong>of</strong>essional tutors<br />

with advanced degrees in their fields. Tutors are available in<br />

writing, reading, mathematics, physics, statistics, com puter<br />

science, and other subject areas depending on need and the<br />

availability <strong>of</strong> qualified tutors.<br />

The Center has computers for <strong>student</strong> use with s<strong>of</strong>tware<br />

available for tu torial review in mathematics, physics, economics,<br />

reading skills, and a variety <strong>of</strong> other subjects. The<br />

staff at the Learning Center help lead several workshops<br />

each semester to help <strong>student</strong>s improve study and test-taking<br />

skills. The Learning Center has some adaptive technology<br />

to assist <strong>student</strong>s with disabilities. Contact the Learning<br />

Center Director for more information.<br />

Legal Services<br />

Campus Center Room 229A, 792-7135<br />

The <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Student Association has arranged for a local<br />

attorney to meet with <strong>student</strong>s by appointment to discuss<br />

landlord/tenant disputes and other legal concerns. Legal advice<br />

is provided to <strong>student</strong>s free <strong>of</strong> charge. Students may<br />

contact the Student Association <strong>of</strong>fice to schedule an appointment<br />

with the attorney.<br />

Library<br />

Named after <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s third president, the Peter J. Cayan<br />

Library opened its doors on March 17, 2003. The building<br />

has over 45,000 net square feet <strong>of</strong> usable space, housing all<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s library resources. Cayan Library includes 10<br />

group study rooms which <strong>student</strong>s can use on a first come,<br />

first serve basis and a dedicated library instruction laboratory<br />

which is open for <strong>student</strong> use when it is not scheduled<br />

for classes.<br />

The current collection is over 200,000 volumes, <strong>of</strong> which<br />

165,000 are books. In addition, Cayan Library has micr<strong>of</strong>ilm,<br />

bound periodicals, government documents, archives<br />

and special collections. The library is a selective U.S. government<br />

depository, receiving about 15% <strong>of</strong> the available<br />

documents. <strong>SUNY</strong>IT is a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>Connect which<br />

<strong>of</strong>fers numerous electronic databases and a unified Library<br />

Management System. Currently, the library <strong>of</strong>fers over 35<br />

electronic databases and over 1,400 on-line journals.<br />

During the spring and fall semesters, the library is open<br />

9<br />

seven days a week for a total <strong>of</strong> 86 hours. There is always a<br />

librarian on duty, when the library is open, to assist <strong>student</strong>s<br />

with their informational needs. Using electronic library resources<br />

is not limited to coming into the building. All registered<br />

<strong>student</strong>s have access to most <strong>of</strong> the electronic resources<br />

available in the library from <strong>of</strong>f-campus with a valid SITNet<br />

account.<br />

Please refer to the library website www.sunyit.edu/library<br />

for current hours and <strong>services</strong>. At any time, if a <strong>student</strong> has<br />

any questions about library policies or procedures, he or she<br />

should feel free to ask any <strong>of</strong> the library staff for clarification.<br />

Lost and Found<br />

Located in University Police (Kunsela Hall B126).<br />

Mail and Messages<br />

Resident <strong>student</strong> mailboxes are located in the residence hall<br />

commons area. To send campus mail or first class mail to a resident<br />

<strong>student</strong>, send it to his or her campus mailbox number.<br />

Commuter <strong>student</strong> mail folders are located near each <strong>of</strong> the<br />

academic <strong>of</strong>fices. The commuter mail folders are used to distribute<br />

campus mail and personal messages. First class mail<br />

will not be placed in commuter <strong>student</strong> mail folders. Students<br />

are encouraged to check their mail fold ers regularly.<br />

Notary Public<br />

Several <strong>Institute</strong> employees have agreed to provide notary<br />

public <strong>services</strong> to <strong>student</strong>s. If you need to notarize a document,<br />

contact Abbie Gorczynski, Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management <strong>of</strong>fice (Kunsela Hall<br />

Room A221) or Angelina Mercurio, Athletics Office (Campus<br />

Center 221).<br />

Residential Life and Housing<br />

Kunsela Hall, Room A226, 792-7810<br />

Adirondack Hall, 792-7422<br />

Mohawk Hall, 792-7811<br />

Campus housing at the <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers the many benefits <strong>of</strong><br />

townhouse apartment living with on-campus convenience<br />

and safety. The 400-bed Adirondack residence halls opened<br />

in the fall <strong>of</strong> 1991. The 180-bed Mohawk residence halls<br />

opened in the fall <strong>of</strong> 1996. Each apartment is equipped with<br />

a furnished living room, bathroom, microwave/re frigerator<br />

unit, and single or double bedrooms. There are also convenient<br />

laundry centers and a commons lounge/TV room for<br />

the resident <strong>student</strong>s.<br />

Resident <strong>student</strong>s are required to purchase a meal plan.<br />

A number <strong>of</strong> convenient meal plans are available for residents.<br />

Meals are served in the dining hall in the Campus<br />

Center, but residents can also use meal card “points” in the<br />

three campus snack bars. The Residential Life and Housing<br />

staff and Hall Council work with the residents to develop<br />

programs, activities, and <strong>services</strong> that enhance the high<br />

quality <strong>of</strong> campus life at the college.<br />

Although the campus is a secure place for <strong>student</strong>s, the college<br />

staff puts a high priority on safety and security. The<br />

residence halls are protected by central smoke and fire de-

tectors, and the exterior doors are secured with computerized<br />

card readers. University Police monitors the residence<br />

halls 24 hours a day with regular patrols and closed-circuit<br />

television.<br />

(See page 11 <strong>of</strong> this handbook for Residence Hall License<br />

Agreement and additional residence hall information.)<br />

Student Activities/<br />

Campus Life<br />

Campus Center Room 208/209,<br />

792-7530<br />

The Student Activities/Campus Life <strong>of</strong>fice helps create and<br />

support positive out-<strong>of</strong>-classroom experiences and environments.<br />

The <strong>of</strong>fice works closely with <strong>student</strong> leaders to foster<br />

the development <strong>of</strong> campus clubs and organizations. In addition,<br />

the Student Activities/Campus Life <strong>of</strong>fice plays a supportive<br />

role in the management <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong> and campus-wide<br />

events. Some <strong>of</strong> these events include the New Student Orientation<br />

program, Fall Fest, opening week events each semester,<br />

low ropes leadership course and Apocalypse. Please<br />

stop in if you have ideas for programs or events or would like<br />

to become involved.<br />

Student Government<br />

Campus Center Room 229A, 792-7135<br />

The <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Student Association (<strong>SUNY</strong>ITSA) is the elected<br />

<strong>student</strong> government organization for the <strong>student</strong> body.<br />

Through <strong>student</strong> activity fees, <strong>SUNY</strong>ITSA provides funding<br />

for three <strong>student</strong> publications, a <strong>student</strong>-run FM radio/TV<br />

cable station, and major campus programming and special<br />

events. Student organizations at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT provide <strong>student</strong>s<br />

with leadership opportunities and with outlets for creative<br />

expression and campus involvement.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional, academic, and special interest clubs are open to<br />

all <strong>student</strong>s. The Black Student Union, the Latino/a Student<br />

Association, Pride, Caribbean Club and the In ternational<br />

Student Association provide peer support and multicultural<br />

activities for the campus. Student govern ment sponsors various<br />

clubs, such as ski club, running and mountain biking<br />

club, outdoor club, and hockey and cricket club to supplement<br />

the college’s recreational pro gram; and clubs such as<br />

the chess/gamers club and ruiter club for <strong>student</strong>s’ general<br />

interest. Academic honor societies and honorary fraternities<br />

are also an important component <strong>of</strong> campus life at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT.<br />

Throughout the year, a number <strong>of</strong> campus-wide special<br />

events are held which involve not only <strong>student</strong>s but their<br />

families and alumni as well. These include Fall Fest, Children’s<br />

Holiday Party, and Apocalypse. The Utica area also<br />

boasts a fine schedule <strong>of</strong> cultural and social events planned<br />

under the auspices <strong>of</strong> the Munson-Williams-Proctor <strong>Institute</strong>,<br />

the Broadway Theatre League, the Cosmopolitan Center,<br />

La Familia, and the Great Artist Series.<br />

Student Lockers<br />

There are two sets <strong>of</strong> lockers in the Campus Center which<br />

are available for <strong>student</strong>s to use. One set is available on the<br />

2nd floor outside <strong>of</strong> the ‘Cats’ Den. These are primarily used<br />

by commuting <strong>student</strong>s as a location for extra supplies and<br />

10<br />

to serve as a ‘home base’ while they are on campus. The other<br />

lockers are available in the 1st floor locker rooms. These are<br />

used for either short- or long-term storage <strong>of</strong> athletic clothes<br />

and equipment.<br />

The 2nd floor lockers may be signed out through the Cam pus<br />

Life <strong>of</strong>fice, Campus Center Room 209, for a period <strong>of</strong> one academic<br />

year. These are available on a first-come, first-served<br />

basis. Following sign-out, <strong>student</strong>s place their own lock on<br />

the chosen locker. Any non-registered locks will be cut and<br />

the locker contents will be removed and disposed <strong>of</strong>.<br />

Small lockers in the athletic locker rooms, based on availability,<br />

may be signed out for one semester at a time. Visit<br />

the Athletic <strong>of</strong>fice, Campus Center Room 221, to obtain a<br />

locker.<br />

The large lockers in the athletic locker rooms are designed<br />

for short-term usage while people are using the athletic facilities.<br />

Locks are permitted to be used during the day only.<br />

Any locks left overnight will be cut, and the contents will<br />

be removed.<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard<br />

The <strong>student</strong> identification card at the <strong>Institute</strong> is known as<br />

the “<strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard.” Students are issued a <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard with<br />

their photograph and <strong>student</strong> identification number. The<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard provides access to library lending privi leges,<br />

athletic facilities, computer laboratories, the college dining<br />

hall, and the residence halls.<br />

Lost or damaged <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCards may be replaced for a $15<br />

fee by contacting the Bookmark, Kunsela Hall B112, (315)<br />

792-7257. (See <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard policies on page 27 for more<br />

information about regulations governing the use <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard.)<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT Student Ambassadors<br />

Each year, the Admissions <strong>of</strong>fice recruits <strong>student</strong> volun teers<br />

to participate in the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Student Ambassador program.<br />

Ambassadors are selected during the fall to as sist the admissions<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice in two ways, tours and school visitations. Following<br />

a training session, Ambassadors are asked to commit<br />

to one hour a week where they will give tours <strong>of</strong> the campus<br />

to potential <strong>student</strong>s and their families or they are asked to<br />

meet with <strong>student</strong>s and/or faculty at their two-year college<br />

or high school. The Ambassadors provide valuable information<br />

to prospective <strong>student</strong>s about <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s programs, <strong>student</strong><br />

life, and campus facilities. For more information about<br />

the Ambassadors program, contact the Admissions <strong>of</strong>fice at<br />

792-7500.<br />

University Police<br />

Kunsela Hall Room B126, 792-7106<br />

The University Police Department provides patrol, investigative,<br />

and emergency <strong>services</strong> to the campus 24 hours a day.<br />

University <strong>of</strong>ficers are police <strong>of</strong>ficers in the State <strong>of</strong> New York<br />

with authority to enforce New York State Vehicle & Traffic<br />

laws, New York State Penal Laws, investigate criminal complaints,<br />

and make arrests.<br />

In an emergency, <strong>student</strong>s can use outdoor emergency call<br />

boxes (marked with blue lights at night) or indoor red emer-

gency telephones to call the <strong>of</strong>fice. As part <strong>of</strong> their service<br />

mis sion, University Police <strong>of</strong>ficers will escort <strong>student</strong>s to<br />

campus buildings or parking lots, provide emergency first<br />

aid, and provide emergency vehicle assistance. Campus<br />

programs are scheduled to educate <strong>student</strong>s about personal<br />

safety, sexual assault, drug and alcohol abuse, and crime<br />

prevention. The <strong>of</strong>fice also provides vehicle registration and<br />

environmental health and safety <strong>services</strong>.<br />

The University Police Department maintains a daily log that<br />

records all crimes reported. The log reports the nature, date,<br />

time and general location <strong>of</strong> each crime, and the disposition<br />

<strong>of</strong> the complainant, if known. The log is open to the<br />

public. A request for information can be made in writing to<br />

the Chief <strong>of</strong> University Police. The Chief will review the entry<br />

with the requestee and information will be released that<br />

does not interfere with a current investigation or violate the<br />

confidentiality <strong>of</strong> a victim.<br />

(See page 24 <strong>of</strong> this handbook for Parking and Motor<br />

Ve hicle Information.)<br />

The College Campus Safety Report<br />

This report is filed as required by the federal “Crime Awareness<br />

and Campus Security Act,” (hereafter referred to as the<br />

Jeanne Clery Act) which was last amended in 1998. The<br />

purpose <strong>of</strong> this report is to provide our faculty, staff and<br />

<strong>student</strong>s with campus safety information including crime<br />

statistics and procedures to follow to report a crime. The<br />

report is prepared by the Chief <strong>of</strong> University Police and is<br />

electronically available in the University Police section <strong>of</strong> the<br />

campus website, www.sunyit.edu. Any questions regarding<br />

this report should be directed to room B126 <strong>of</strong> Kunsela<br />

Hall, University Police, or telephone (315) 792-7106. A copy<br />

<strong>of</strong> the State University <strong>of</strong> New York <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong><br />

Campus Crime Statistics as reported annu ally to the U.S.<br />

Dept. <strong>of</strong> Education will be provided upon request by <strong>SUNY</strong>-<br />

IT University Police. Information can also be obtained from<br />

the U.S. Dept. <strong>of</strong> Education website at www.ope.ed.gov/security.<br />

Veterans Services<br />

Student Services Center<br />

Kunsela Hall Suite A208-A210<br />

792-7267<br />

The Veterans <strong>of</strong>fice, located in the Student Services Center,<br />

provides educational assistance and certification <strong>of</strong> benefits<br />

for military veterans, military de pendents, reservists, and<br />

active duty military personnel.<br />

Voter Registration<br />

Campus Center Room 208/209<br />

Student Life Office<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong> encourages all eligible <strong>student</strong>s to register to<br />

vote and to become involved in the American democratic<br />

process. Each year, voter registration information forms are<br />

distributed to all <strong>student</strong>s registered at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT. In order to<br />

vote in a local or general election, <strong>student</strong>s must submit a<br />

voter registration form to the county board <strong>of</strong> elections no<br />

11<br />

later than 25 days before the scheduled election. For more<br />

information contact the Campus Life Office at 792-7530 or<br />

call the New York State voter registration hotline at (800)<br />

FOR VOTE.<br />

Wellness Committee<br />

Campus Center Room 217, 792-7808<br />

Wellness is a philosophy to describe a holistic approach to a<br />

healthy lifestyle. <strong>SUNY</strong>IT has a Wellness Committee comprised<br />

<strong>of</strong> faculty, staff and <strong>student</strong> representatives who plan<br />

and schedule campus-wide programs and activities which<br />

highlight the many benefits <strong>of</strong> adopting a healthy lifestyle.<br />

Wellness involves the following dimen sions <strong>of</strong> health: physical,<br />

emotional, occupational, social, cultural, environmental,<br />

spiritual, and intellectual. Some <strong>of</strong> the wellness activities<br />

held include: participation in health fairs, lifestyle change<br />

programs, fun run/walk, study break massage with healthy<br />

snacks, and support for various national and local health organizations.<br />

The Wellness Committee coordinates programs<br />

with other campus <strong>of</strong>fices such as Student Activities for yoga,<br />

kickboxing & aerobics classes. Students are encouraged to<br />

adopt the wellness lifestyle to effectively manage stress, become<br />

better educated on topics such as exercise and nutrition,<br />

as well as seek positive emotional and spiritual interactions.<br />

The <strong>SUNY</strong>IT campus <strong>of</strong>fers excellent facilities and<br />

resources to pursue a personal wellness program. Some <strong>of</strong><br />

the facilities/resources include a fitness center, weight room,<br />

swimming pool, tennis, racquetball, hiking trail and basketball<br />

courts.<br />

Student Health Advisory Committee<br />

(SHAC)<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT has a Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)<br />

that is chaired by director <strong>of</strong> the Health & Wellness Center.<br />

The SHAC committee is instrumental in providing guidance<br />

to the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Health & Wellness Center to ascertain<br />

necessary health related <strong>services</strong> for the <strong>student</strong>s. Committee<br />

members include representation from the campus community:<br />

<strong>student</strong>s, faculty & staff. Participation as a member<br />

<strong>of</strong> this committee is welcomed. Please contact the Health &<br />

Wellness Center 792-7172 for more information.<br />


This license is extended by the State University <strong>of</strong> New York<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> at Utica/Rome (<strong>SUNY</strong>IT) to individual<br />

<strong>student</strong>s for an assigned space in <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s residence<br />

halls. This license is for a residence hall space, not a particular<br />

room, and should not be construed to be a lease. This<br />

license is for the period <strong>of</strong> time the residential facilities are<br />

open as specified in <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s academic calendar. Failure<br />

to occupy a space after signing this license does not relieve<br />

the <strong>student</strong> <strong>of</strong> the respon sibility to fulfill its terms. Likewise,<br />

a <strong>student</strong> who occupies a space without signing the license<br />

is nevertheless responsible for all its terms and conditions.<br />

Students may not lease a space in their assigned apartment<br />

or sub-let their housing assignment to another person. Students<br />

may not occupy rooms when the residential facilities<br />

are closed.

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT believes that having first-time undergraduate <strong>student</strong>s<br />

reside on campus better supports their academic and<br />

personal develop ment. Living on campus maximizes a <strong>student</strong>’s<br />

adjustment to college life and provides the tools and<br />

experiences necessary to be a successful <strong>student</strong>.<br />

All full-time freshmen and sophomores are required to live<br />

on campus; those with extenuating circumstances may petition<br />

for a waiver by contacting the Director <strong>of</strong> Col lege Housing.<br />

Waivers may be <strong>of</strong>fered to <strong>student</strong>s with the following<br />

circumstances: live with parent/parents or legal guardian,<br />

reside within a 30-mile radius from campus, have dependents,<br />

live with a spouse, have verification <strong>of</strong> prior military<br />

experience, or other special circumstances. Transfers and<br />

graduate <strong>student</strong>s are encouraged to live on campus; however,<br />

available rooms are limited. Except during summer<br />

sessions, all resident <strong>student</strong>s must have a meal plan contract<br />

through the College Association.<br />

Residents in <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s housing are expected to conduct<br />

themselves in a manner appropriate to a community living<br />

environment. Residents must abide by the policies and<br />

regu lations <strong>of</strong> this license and by the Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct.<br />

Residents are jointly and individually liable for damages<br />

which occur to assigned residence hall suite and common<br />

areas. Resident <strong>student</strong>s are expected to be familiar<br />

with these policies and with the terms and conditions <strong>of</strong><br />

this housing license. The relationship be tween <strong>SUNY</strong>IT and<br />

its <strong>student</strong>s is non-custodial in nature and no “special relationship”<br />

is established as a result <strong>of</strong> an individual’s <strong>student</strong><br />

status or residential status.<br />

Eligibility<br />

To be eligible for residence in <strong>SUNY</strong>IT housing, a <strong>student</strong><br />

must be registered as a full-time undergraduate or graduate<br />

<strong>student</strong> at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT and be in good financial standing with<br />

the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Bursar <strong>of</strong>fice. Each resident <strong>student</strong> is required<br />

to sign and submit a Request for Accommodations form<br />

which is binding for the entire academic year. Residents<br />

who drop below full-time status at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT will be required<br />

to vacate their rooms and may not remain as the “guest” <strong>of</strong><br />

another resident. Additionally, residents who have not satisfied<br />

their financial obligations to <strong>SUNY</strong>IT will not be permitted<br />

to reside on campus.<br />

Academic Dismissal policy<br />

Students who participate in room selection and are later academically<br />

dismissed will lose their housing. Students who<br />

are readmitted to <strong>SUNY</strong>IT must reapply for housing.<br />

Housing Assignment and<br />

Administrative Room Changes<br />

The Residential Life and Housing (RLH) <strong>of</strong>fice has the authority<br />

to make room assignments and reassignments in the<br />

residence halls. Students may be reassigned to another bedroom<br />

or suite (at any time) at the discretion <strong>of</strong> the Director <strong>of</strong><br />

College Housing. These adminis trative reassignments may<br />

take place when it is determined that a <strong>student</strong>’s lifestyle,<br />

hygiene, health, or behavior may be adversely affecting the<br />

other <strong>student</strong>s in the suite or building. When possible, a <strong>student</strong><br />

will be given 24 hours notice before an administrative<br />

room change takes place.<br />

12<br />

Students are not guaranteed their specific housing preference<br />

and are liable for the room rent at the specified rate <strong>of</strong><br />

the room to which they are assigned. Students assigned to<br />

triple rooms may be de-tripled if space becomes available.<br />

When de-tripling occurs, all <strong>student</strong>s involved will have a<br />

prorated charge applied to the <strong>student</strong>s account. For example,<br />

a <strong>student</strong> moving out <strong>of</strong> a triple into a double or single<br />

will receive a prorated charge for the new room. The <strong>student</strong>s<br />

left in the de-tripled room (now a double) will receive<br />

a prorated charge for a double room. Additional charges will<br />

apply regardless <strong>of</strong> the reason for de-tripling.<br />

RLH makes every attempt to fill the residence halls; therefore,<br />

housing preference cannot be guaranteed. As vacancies<br />

become available, residents may be reassigned for the<br />

purpose <strong>of</strong> consolidation. When housing space is limited,<br />

housing preference may be given to those <strong>student</strong>s whose<br />

permanent home address is more than 30 miles from the<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT campus.<br />

Students who participate in room selection and are later academically<br />

dismissed will lose their housing. Students who<br />

are readmitted to <strong>SUNY</strong>IT must reapply for housing.<br />

Terms <strong>of</strong> the License<br />

This license is in effect for the academic year. Residents enrolled<br />

in the fall semester will be permitted to cancel their<br />

license if they will not be attending <strong>SUNY</strong>IT in the following<br />

spring semester because <strong>of</strong> withdrawal from <strong>SUNY</strong>IT, graduation,<br />

transfer, or participation in a <strong>SUNY</strong>-sponsored study<br />

abroad pro gram. Students who move <strong>of</strong>f campus without<br />

an approved license cancellation will be liable for room rent<br />

fees for the balance <strong>of</strong> the academic year. Eligible residents<br />

who wish to be released from their license must submit a<br />

Residence Hall Release Application.<br />

Residence Halls will remain open during the fall and spring<br />

semesters. Students are required to vacate the residence<br />

halls by 5 p.m. on graduation day. Exceptions may be granted<br />

by the Director <strong>of</strong> College Housing or his/her designee.<br />

Students who are disruptive may be required to vacate their<br />

room prior to or immediately following exams.<br />

Summer Occupancy<br />

This license is in effect for <strong>student</strong>s who request housing for<br />

the summer session. Students requesting summer housing<br />

will be assigned to campus suites designated for that purpose.<br />

In addition to <strong>student</strong>s, conference guests may occupy<br />

certain residence hall rooms during the summer months.<br />

Therefore, summer <strong>student</strong>s may be subject to special policies<br />

and regulations related to conference groups housed<br />

on campus. Also, <strong>student</strong>s may be required to move to accommodate<br />

maintenance work in the residence halls. Fire<br />

and safety regulations and health regulations prohibit the<br />

cooking <strong>of</strong> meals in the residence hall suites. Students may<br />

prepare light snacks using the micro-fridge unit provided in<br />

the suite. There is also a kitchen unit in the common area <strong>of</strong><br />

each residential complex.<br />

Early Arrivals<br />

Generally, <strong>student</strong>s may not occupy or deliver items to their<br />

rooms, suites, or storage areas prior to the semester’s opening<br />

date. Students whose presence on campus is required by SU-

NYIT (e.g., athletics) may be granted permission to arrive early.<br />

Please contact RLH to arrange early arrival.<br />

Late Arrivals<br />

Students must notify RLH if they plan to arrive after the <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

opening date for campus housing or they may forfeit their<br />

housing deposit and room assignment.<br />

Right <strong>of</strong> Inspection<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT reserves authorized employees’ right to enter residence<br />

hall suites at any time to ensure both the safety and well-being<br />

<strong>of</strong> members <strong>of</strong> the college community and the good condition<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT property, and for the following purposes:<br />

• Housekeeping<br />

• Damage and safety inspections<br />

• Occupancy and vacancy determination<br />

• Emergencies<br />

• Investigation <strong>of</strong> suspected violations <strong>of</strong> the Student<br />

Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct and/or the Residence Hall License<br />

Agreement<br />

• Scheduled inspections following advance notice to<br />

residents<br />

Housing Deposits and Room Reservation<br />

New Students must have:<br />

• $150 housing deposit on record at the Bursar’s Office<br />

• Completed Request for Accommodations Form on<br />

file in RLH at the time <strong>of</strong> deposit.<br />

Returning Students must have:<br />

• $150 housing deposit on record at the Bursar’s Office<br />

by the deadline established by RLH<br />

• Participated in the room selection process and<br />

completed and returned a Request for<br />

Accommodations Form to RLH<br />

• Registered (full-time) for fall classes by May 1 and<br />

December 1 for spring classes.<br />

Note: Students who participate in room selection and are later<br />

aca demically dismissed will lose their housing. Students who are<br />

readmitted to <strong>SUNY</strong>IT must reapply for housing.<br />

Refunds<br />

Students registering and occupying a room for two weeks<br />

or less who move out for a college-approved reason will receive<br />

a pro-rata refund for housing based on the number <strong>of</strong><br />

weeks (a partial week is considered a full week) in housing.<br />

For this purpose, weeks are defined as beginning on<br />

Sunday and ending the following Saturday at midnight. Any<br />

<strong>student</strong> who occupies a room after the Saturday following<br />

the second full week <strong>of</strong> classes is responsible for the entire<br />

semester’s housing charge. Exceptions may be made when a<br />

<strong>student</strong> withdraws to enter active military service or due to<br />

circumstances beyond his or her control.<br />

Termination <strong>of</strong> Housing License<br />

Before withdrawing from <strong>SUNY</strong>IT, a <strong>student</strong> must terminate<br />

his/her housing license by notifying RLH in writing at the<br />

earliest possible date. Failure to terminate the license in the<br />

prescribed manner may result in charges for room rental,<br />

moving, and storage.<br />

13<br />

Upon withdrawal, a <strong>student</strong> must terminate his/her occupancy<br />

<strong>of</strong> the residence hall by:<br />

• submitting a completed mail forwarding card to RLH<br />

• removing all belongings and cleaning the assigned<br />

room<br />

• contacting a RLH staff member to complete the<br />

checkout process<br />

• signing the Room Condition Report<br />

• turning in all residence hall keys to the RLH<br />

Residents withdrawing from <strong>SUNY</strong>IT must vacate the residence<br />

halls and remove all personal belongings from its<br />

premises no later than midnight <strong>of</strong> the date on which the<br />

withdrawal becomes effec tive. Items left in storage will be<br />

held for a reasonable period <strong>of</strong> time and then appropriately<br />

discarded. The Bursar’s <strong>of</strong>fice will mail any refund check to<br />

a withdrawing resident’s permanent mailing address in the<br />

order in which the approved refund request is received.<br />

Rental Rates<br />

Rent is paid by the semester upon receipt <strong>of</strong> a bill from the<br />

Bursar. The provisions <strong>of</strong> this license are not in effect and<br />

room assignments are not made until a <strong>student</strong> is formally<br />

admitted to <strong>SUNY</strong>IT, a $150 room reservation deposit has<br />

been received, a Room and Board Accommodations Form<br />

has been signed and returned to RLH, and the <strong>student</strong> has<br />

registered for classes (full-time).<br />

Standard accommodation is a suite occupied by four persons<br />

<strong>of</strong> the same sex and bedrooms occupied by one or two persons.<br />

As necessary, <strong>SUNY</strong>IT reserves the right to triple the<br />

standard double rooms. Once rooms have been assigned,<br />

any changes in assignment must be ap proved in writing by<br />

the Director.<br />

Residents are billed for standard occupancy before the<br />

begin ning <strong>of</strong> each semester. The tentative room and board<br />

rates for the 2008-2009 academic year are as follows:<br />

Per Semester<br />

Room Meal Plan Room Meal Total<br />

Single 19/week * $2,925.00 $1,595.00 $4,520.00<br />

Single 14/week $2,925.00 $1,480.00 $4,405.00<br />

Single 125/semester $2,925.00 $1,535.00 $4,460.00<br />

Single 100/semester $2,925.00 $1,560.00 $4,485.00<br />

Double 19/week $2,565.00 $1,595.00 $4,160.00<br />

Double 14/week $2,565.00 $1,480.00 $4,045.00<br />

Double 125/semester $2,565.00 $1,535.00 $4,100.00<br />

Double 100/semester $2,565.00 $1,560.00 $4,125.00<br />

* Default plan<br />

The Director reserves the right to reassign a <strong>student</strong> to another<br />

room to consolidate rooms. If a reassignment is refused,<br />

the <strong>student</strong> may lose his or her housing.<br />

In accordance with the college’s equal opportunity policy<br />

and federal housing guidelines, RLH does not discriminate<br />

against individuals during the housing assignment process.<br />

Resident Advisor Position Description<br />

The Resident Advisor (RA) works closely with the Hall Director<br />

and the Director <strong>of</strong> College Housing to create a resi-

dential community, which encourage the academic, personal,<br />

and social growth <strong>of</strong> each individual resident.<br />

The RA experiences opportunities for personal growth as a<br />

programmer, advisor, and administrator. To be successful<br />

in the position, the RA must make a serious commitment <strong>of</strong><br />

time and energy to both the training sessions and the work<br />

with residents. Specific duties include but are not limited<br />

to: Office Duty, Programming, Community Building, Hall<br />

Council, Discipline/Crisis Management, Peer Counseling,<br />

Administrative Duties, Policy Enforcement and Developing<br />

an Educational Environment. Interested <strong>student</strong>s are encouraged<br />

to contact the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Residential Life and Housing.<br />



Resident <strong>student</strong>s and their guests are considered adults<br />

who are responsible for conducting themselves in accordance<br />

with state and local laws as well as with the college’s<br />

alcohol and drug policy. Resident <strong>student</strong>s and their guests<br />

are required to abide by the following college policies:<br />

Alcohol Policy<br />

21 Years <strong>of</strong> Age and Over<br />

Resident <strong>student</strong>s who are 21 years <strong>of</strong> age or older and do<br />

not live in substance free housing, may possess limited<br />

quantities <strong>of</strong> alcoholic beverages. They may serve alcohol<br />

to resident and non resident guests provided the guests are<br />

at least 21 years <strong>of</strong> age. Resident <strong>student</strong> hosts will be responsible<br />

for ensuring that intoxicated guests are not served<br />

alcohol and for compliance with residence hall alcohol and<br />

guest policies. The sale <strong>of</strong> alcohol to any person is strictly<br />

prohibited.<br />

In accordance with the established regulations, possession<br />

and consumption <strong>of</strong> alcoholic beverages is permitted in the<br />

private living areas <strong>of</strong> the residence apartments. Alcohol can<br />

be consumed by <strong>student</strong>s <strong>of</strong> age within the residential enclosed<br />

quad areas only. Glass containers <strong>of</strong> any kind may<br />

not be used outdoors.<br />

Alcohol games such as, but not limited to, beer pong, quarters<br />

and other games that promote excessive drinking <strong>of</strong> alcohol<br />

are prohibited from being played.<br />

Quantity Limits<br />

Each resident <strong>student</strong> <strong>of</strong> legal drinking age is limited to the<br />

possession <strong>of</strong> the following amounts <strong>of</strong> four kinds <strong>of</strong> alcoholic<br />

beverages:<br />

• no more than one 12-pack <strong>of</strong> beer (16 ounce<br />

maximum) per resident living within that suite; or<br />

• no more than one 12-pack <strong>of</strong> wine coolers (16 ounce<br />

maximum) per resident living within that suite; or<br />

• no more than one liter <strong>of</strong> distilled alcohol per<br />

resident living within that suite; or<br />

• no more than one liter <strong>of</strong> wine per resident living<br />

within that suite.<br />

Alcohol Violations (State Laws Enforced)<br />

Course <strong>of</strong> action is determined by the nature <strong>of</strong> the viola tion.<br />

Refer to Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct, Section B, for sanctions.<br />

14<br />

Prohibition <strong>of</strong> Bulk Dispensers<br />

The possession or use <strong>of</strong> kegs, beer balls, beer taps, alcoholic<br />

punches, or any form <strong>of</strong> alcoholic bulk dispensers is<br />

prohibited in the residence halls. The possession or use <strong>of</strong><br />

grain alcohol and drinking funnels is prohibited. University<br />

Police will confiscate these items for disposal, return and<br />

removal <strong>of</strong>f campus.<br />

Substance Free Housing (Space Limited)<br />

A townhouse may be designated as a substance free building.<br />

Residents <strong>of</strong> this building are prohibited from using tobacco<br />

products, alcohol, or illegal drugs. Students agree ing<br />

to live in this environment will be required to sign an agreement<br />

and know that violations <strong>of</strong> this agreement may result<br />

in removal from substance free housing, and judicial action<br />

beginning with an educational component. All freshman<br />

housing is considered substance free.<br />

Alcohol Policy – Under 21 Years <strong>of</strong> Age<br />

Possession and/or consumption <strong>of</strong> alcoholic beverages by<br />

persons under the age <strong>of</strong> 21 is strictly prohibited on the SU-<br />

NYIT campus and is a violation <strong>of</strong> Section 65c New York<br />

State Law.<br />

All persons are prohibited from selling or serving alcohol<br />

as well as purchasing alcohol for those under the age <strong>of</strong> 21.<br />

This is a violation <strong>of</strong> Section 260.20, New York State Penal<br />

Laws.<br />

Maximum Occupancy <strong>of</strong> Apartments<br />

In accordance with the residence hall guest policy and applicable<br />

fire/safety regulations, the college has determined<br />

the maximum occupancy for each <strong>student</strong> apartment to be<br />

20 persons (including those who are the resident <strong>student</strong>s).<br />

Apartment residents are responsible for ensuring that this<br />

maximum occupancy is not exceeded.<br />

Bottles and Cans<br />

Bottles and cans should be returned immediately and not<br />

stored in the residence hall apartments, for health and safety<br />

reasons.<br />

Guest Alcohol Policy<br />

Guest(s), in total, visiting a resident are allowed to bring the<br />

following:<br />

• no more than one 6-pack <strong>of</strong> beer (16 ounce<br />

maximum); or<br />

• no more than one 6-pack <strong>of</strong> wine coolers (16 ounce<br />

maximum); or<br />

• no more than one 500 ml (1/2 liter) distilled alcohol; or<br />

• no more than one 750 ml (3/4 liter) <strong>of</strong> wine.<br />

This means that regardless <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> visitors a resident<br />

may have, they are permitted to bring no more than the<br />

above stated quantities.<br />

Intoxication is not an excuse for violation <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT rules<br />

and expectations.<br />

Overall Focus<br />

• Primary prevention – to prevent any drug or alcohol<br />

problem before it starts• Educational process with behavior<br />

modification over punitive measures• Responsibility and

15<br />

independence before parental involvement• Students are<br />

considered adults who are responsible for conducting themselves<br />

in accordance with state/ local laws as well as with the<br />

college alcohol & drug policy<br />

Appliances<br />

Air conditioners, and all cooking appliances, other than<br />

those permitted below, are pro hibited. Fire and safety regulations<br />

and health regulations prohibit the cooking <strong>of</strong> meals<br />

in the residence hall apartments. For snack preparation, the<br />

following appliances, UL approved only, are permitted: air<br />

popcorn popper, thermo statically controlled percolator/c<strong>of</strong>feemaker<br />

(auto shut-<strong>of</strong>f), hot pots with temperature control.<br />

Students may prepare light snacks using the micro-fridge<br />

unit provided in the suite. Refrigerators other than those<br />

provided by the college are prohibited. Refrigerators must<br />

be cleared <strong>of</strong> all food, discon nected, and the doors left open<br />

during any <strong>of</strong>ficial college recess, when the residential facilities<br />

are closed for a period <strong>of</strong> more than five days. Refrigerators<br />

may be authorized for medical needs by completing the<br />

Special Housing Request for a Medical Issue/Concern form<br />

found on the Residential Life and Housing Website.<br />

Bicycles/Motor Vehicles<br />

The storage <strong>of</strong> bicycles and motor vehicles in <strong>student</strong> rooms<br />

or apartments is prohibited. Motor vehicles, including motorcycles,<br />

may not be driven on sidewalks.<br />

Care <strong>of</strong> the Facilities<br />

The furnishings and equipment have been provided for the<br />

enjoyment, convenience, and safety <strong>of</strong> all residents. Residents<br />

are responsible for the care and cleanliness <strong>of</strong> their<br />

suite or room and in abiding by college policies in maintaining<br />

these facilities. Personal furniture is not permitted.<br />

Residents are responsible for their guests or visitors and may<br />

be held responsible for their actions. Theft or vandalism is<br />

prohibited.<br />

Commercial Activity<br />

No commercial activity may be conducted in or from any<br />

residential facility unless approval has been provided under<br />

the guidelines <strong>of</strong> the campus Sales and Solicitation Policy.<br />

Computer Network Access<br />

The <strong>SUNY</strong>IT data network is a state-<strong>of</strong>-the art high speed<br />

infrastructure that supports a broad range <strong>of</strong> academic, administrative<br />

and <strong>student</strong> computing requirements.<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT maintains several documents that directly address<br />

a constituent’s use <strong>of</strong> our computer <strong>services</strong> and corresponding<br />

data network. Included are the: “Computer and Network<br />

Resources Statement <strong>of</strong> Responsibility,” “Com puter S<strong>of</strong>tware<br />

Policy,” “Computer Use Policy,” “Dormitory Connection<br />

Policy,” “Instructional Computing Guide”, and “Web Policy.”<br />

They are available online at http://its.sunyit.edu/. Students<br />

should also be aware that the policies outlined in the Student<br />

Handbook and Residence Hall License are additionally<br />

enforced. Students should pay particular atten tion to<br />

the “Code <strong>of</strong> Academic Conduct” and the “Student Code <strong>of</strong><br />

Conduct” policies and procedures.<br />

Condition <strong>of</strong> Apartments/Rooms & Townhouses<br />

Room and suite inventory forms must be completed no later<br />

than the Friday ending the second week <strong>of</strong> classes. Residents<br />

who choose not to complete inventory forms by the<br />

date outlined above will not be permitted to appeal damage<br />

charges as it will be assumed that the suite/room was in<br />

perfect condition.<br />

Common area damage is considered damage that occurs in<br />

areas where more than one <strong>student</strong> has access. Access is<br />

defined as having keys to, or card access to, a specific area<br />

<strong>of</strong> the residence halls, (e.g., bathroom, living room, hallway,<br />

lounges, laundry rooms...). Common area damage can include<br />

the vestibule and stairway <strong>of</strong> each townhouse. Common<br />

area damage will be assessed to all stu dents who have<br />

access to the damaged area only after efforts are made to<br />

determine the responsible party (Students are responsible<br />

for themselves and their guests.)<br />

Contraband Items<br />

Students are prohibited from possessing the following items<br />

in residence halls: space heaters, incense, firearms or other<br />

weap ons, immersion heaters, open fires, cooking appliances,<br />

air conditioners, hot plates, explosives, dartboards,<br />

microwave ovens (other than provided), extra furniture (unless<br />

specifically approved), refrigerators (un less specifically<br />

approved), ceiling fans, and halogen torchiere lamps are prohibited.<br />

Extension cords are prohibited; however, UL approved, electrical,<br />

polarized, grounded power strips with fuses (or circuit<br />

breakers) are acceptable. The maximum amperage <strong>of</strong><br />

such devices may not exceed 15 amps.<br />

Decorations<br />

Students are encouraged to decorate their rooms and apartments<br />

but cautioned that any damage caused by nail holes,<br />

stripped paint, etc., may be assessed (residents may use<br />

tacks to display posters or banners on their room/apartment<br />

wall(s), with respect to fire and safety policies.) Fire<br />

regulations prohibit the blocking <strong>of</strong> free entry to and from<br />

the apartment and stipulate that paper and other flammable<br />

decorations may not exceed 20 percent <strong>of</strong> the wall space in<br />

any room. No com bustible materials or items may be affixed<br />

to the ceiling. The use <strong>of</strong> fabrics (including bed linens), fishnetting,<br />

tapestries, etc., may not be used to decorate walls<br />

or ceilings. Natural boughs and trees for holiday decorating<br />

are also prohibited. Students are required to adhere to safe<br />

practices when dis playing electrically illuminated lights or<br />

decorations. (See “Window Displays” for additional information.)<br />

Disruptive Behavior<br />

Disruptive behavior, including physical abuse, assault, harassment,<br />

threats, excessive noise (which may include loud<br />

playing stereos or musical equipment), and unruly behavior<br />

is prohibited. Behaviors which compromise the peace,<br />

safety, and/or health <strong>of</strong> other residents or compromise the<br />

educa tional mission <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT are prohibited. (See also<br />

Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct.)<br />

Drugs<br />

The possession or use, without a physician’s prescription, <strong>of</strong><br />

any drug defined as a controlled substance by federal, State,<br />

or local laws is strictly prohibited on the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT premises.<br />

Controlled substances are defined in broadest terms to cover<br />

narcotics, depres sants, stimulants, and hallucinogens. Drugs

or drug related paraphernalia may be confiscated and used<br />

as evidence. (See also Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct.)<br />

Facilities and Services<br />

Facilities and <strong>services</strong> provided by <strong>SUNY</strong>IT include: Bedroom<br />

furniture: bed, desk chair, window blinds, mat tress,<br />

dresser, mirror, desk, closet, floor lamp, telephone service,<br />

wired/wireless LAN connection, wall-to-wall carpeting<br />

Living room furniture: c<strong>of</strong>fee table, couch, chair, micr<strong>of</strong>ridge,<br />

window blinds, floor lamp, table lamp, wall-to-wall<br />

carpeting (except in hallway)<br />

Safety and security: 24/7 staffing, smoke and heat detectors,<br />

sprinklers, closed circuit security cameras covering quad<br />

and parking areas, locks on all doors, proximity card access<br />

to buildings<br />

Other conveniences: parking (permit must be purchased),<br />

cable TV (50 channels including HBO), limited storage,<br />

grills, mail, laundry, utilities<br />

Removal <strong>of</strong> college provided furniture is prohibited. You<br />

must provide your own toiletries, bedding and personal<br />

items.<br />

Fire Safety<br />

Residents are required to abide by all fire regulations, and<br />

the evacuation <strong>of</strong> the residence halls during fire alarm is<br />

manda tory. Tampering with fire equipment and/or noncompliance<br />

with fire regulations may result in disciplinary<br />

and/or civil action. The use <strong>of</strong> candles, potpourri burners,<br />

and incense is prohibited. Microwave ovens are provided for<br />

snack prepara tion only. Gas or propane grills, internal combustion<br />

engines, or tires may not be operated or stored in the<br />

residence halls or apartments. Residential life or college staff<br />

may enter resident <strong>student</strong> apartments and rooms to verify<br />

compliance at any time.<br />

Keys/ID Cards<br />

Keys/ID Cards (proximity cards used to access residence<br />

halls) are provided for residents as a matter <strong>of</strong> convenience<br />

and security. The unauthorized use or reproduc tion <strong>of</strong> a<br />

Key/ID Cards for any college room or facility is prohibited.<br />

Lost Keys/ID Cards must be reported to the Residential Life<br />

Staff immediately. The loss <strong>of</strong> a room key may result in the<br />

re-keying <strong>of</strong> your room and all other rooms in the suite and<br />

all affected mailboxes. The resident is responsible for associated<br />

charges.<br />

Noxious or Offensive Odors<br />

A noxious or <strong>of</strong>fensive odor is any aroma <strong>of</strong> such intensity that<br />

it becomes disruptive to others. Nearly any aroma can become<br />

noxious or <strong>of</strong>fensive when it is overwhelmingly strong.<br />

Some examples might include cigarette, cigar, or pipe smoke<br />

(note: smoking is prohibited in all buildings); perfume; air<br />

freshening spray; or even large amounts <strong>of</strong> dirty laundry or<br />

garbage. Residents are urged to use courtesy and good judgment<br />

about this potentially annoying concern. Residential<br />

Life and Housing staff members may ask residents to take<br />

corrective action if complaints about odors are received.<br />

Outdoor Recreation and Weightlifting Equipment<br />

Residents are prohibited from engaging in outdoor recreation<br />

activities in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> the residence hall area if the<br />

16<br />

activity presents a danger to personal safety or property or<br />

a disruption to the academic/living environment. Residents<br />

are urged to be respectful <strong>of</strong> others and to use good judgment<br />

when participating in outdoor recreational activities<br />

near the residence halls.<br />

The use or storage <strong>of</strong> athletic free weights and weight benches<br />

in the residence halls or in the residence hall area is prohibited.<br />

Guest Policy<br />

This policy is intended to protect the rights <strong>of</strong> all residents in<br />

a suite and to support the academic mission <strong>of</strong> the residence<br />

halls. Therefore, residents and their guests must follow this<br />

policy.<br />

The consent <strong>of</strong> roommates must be obtained before guests<br />

are invited to visit.<br />

Resident <strong>student</strong>s may not host overnight guests for more<br />

than three consecutive nights or more than six nights in any<br />

one calendar month. A resident <strong>student</strong> may host no more<br />

than three overnight guests at one time. Persons who have<br />

been suspended or dismissed from <strong>SUNY</strong>IT or the residence<br />

halls are not permitted to be overnight guests.<br />

Resident <strong>student</strong> hosts are responsible for the conduct <strong>of</strong><br />

their guests and are advised to make their guests familiar<br />

with college policies. Residents will also be held financially<br />

accountable for any damage caused by their guests.<br />

The use <strong>of</strong> residence hall laundry facilities are for resident<br />

<strong>student</strong>s only.<br />

Visitors and overnight guests are required to park in designated<br />

parking located in E, F, and J lots.<br />

For social gatherings, maximum apartment occupancy has<br />

been established at 20 persons, including the suite residents.<br />

Pets<br />

Except for aquarium fish, pets are not permitted to visit or be<br />

kept in the residence halls. Fish must be kept in aquarium<br />

tanks <strong>of</strong> less than 20 gallons. Specially trained companion<br />

dogs for disabled persons are not classified as “pets” under<br />

this policy.<br />

Quiet Hours/Courtesy Hours<br />

Residence halls provide environments conducive to study<br />

and sleep, as well as social interaction. At all times each resident<br />

is expected to be courteous <strong>of</strong> others by monitoring<br />

noise levels so others are not disturbed and by responding<br />

to requests to be more quiet.<br />

The Residence Hall Council and RLH have outlined specific<br />

quiet hours which are designed to support an environment<br />

to study and sleep.<br />

Quiet Hours: Sunday through Thursday, 11 p.m. to 8 a.m.<br />

Friday and Saturday, Midnight to 8 a.m.<br />

Courtesy hours exist at all other times and are a minimum<br />

condi tion to allow residents the right to study and sleep.<br />

During finals weeks, 24 hour Quiet Hours will be determined<br />

by RLH in conjunction with <strong>student</strong> feedback from<br />

the Residence Hall Council.

Each resident is expected to initially confront any noise<br />

problem that is <strong>of</strong> concern to him/her and to call upon the<br />

staff if assistance is needed.<br />

Trash Removal<br />

Residents are provided with a limited amount <strong>of</strong> trash bags<br />

at the start <strong>of</strong> the semester and are responsible for taking<br />

their trash to the designated dumpsters. Additional trash<br />

bags needed above the number provided will be the responsibility<br />

<strong>of</strong> the residents. Residents who do not dispose<br />

<strong>of</strong> their trash in designated containers may be referred for<br />

disciplinary action. The campus is in the process <strong>of</strong> developing<br />

a comprehensive recycling program; residents should<br />

review notices outlining the program.<br />

Trash can not be placed in hallways, stairways, lobbies or<br />

outside for any length <strong>of</strong> time.<br />

Repairs<br />

Residents are responsible for immediately reporting needed<br />

repairs for their apartment or room and all fixtures, furniture,<br />

fire and safety equipment, and effects therein, to RLH.<br />

Prompt notification is required to prevent serious problems<br />

from developing. Students are prohibited from doing their<br />

own repairs in college-owned housing. Spackling, painting,<br />

and any other repairs are prohibited.<br />

Residence Hall Non-Smoking Policy<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> the non-smoking policy is to limit exposure<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT residence hall community to the effects <strong>of</strong><br />

second hand smoke, and to reduce the risk <strong>of</strong> fire in and<br />

around the residence halls.<br />

• Absolutely no smoking will be permitted inside any<br />

residence hall room, suite or building (including<br />

entry canopy).<br />

• Smoking will be permitted outside <strong>of</strong> the buildings<br />

only in designated smoking areas.<br />

• Students are responsible for the proper disposal <strong>of</strong><br />

smoking material in campus provided smoking<br />

receptacles.<br />

• Students are responsible for notifying their guests <strong>of</strong><br />

the smoking policy and ensuring they are abiding by<br />

the policy.<br />

• Damage/cleaning charges as well as judicial action<br />

may apply to <strong>student</strong>s who choose to violate the<br />

smoking policy.<br />

• This policy stresses the rights <strong>of</strong> non-smokers to<br />

enjoy a smoke free environment in the residence<br />

halls. It relies on the cooperation <strong>of</strong> the entire college<br />

community, smokers and non-smokers. It is the<br />

responsibility <strong>of</strong> all members in the college<br />

community to observe the smoking policy and to<br />

direct those who choose to smoke to do so only in<br />

the designated smoking areas.<br />

Complaints relating to the implementation <strong>of</strong> this policy<br />

should initially be referred to the appropriate Resident<br />

Assistant (RA). If the RA cannot satisfactorily resolve the<br />

complaint, then the Director <strong>of</strong> College Housing should be<br />

contacted. ALL <strong>student</strong>s have a responsibility to remind<br />

<strong>of</strong>fenders <strong>of</strong> this policy, otherwise they provide passive approval<br />

by their silence.<br />

Sales and Solicitation<br />

(commercial, political, religious)<br />

Solicitation and/or sales by residents or outside agents are<br />

not permitted in the residence halls. The posting <strong>of</strong> any<br />

advertise ment or non-college related material must be authorized<br />

by the Director <strong>of</strong> College Housing (or designee)<br />

and only be posted on designated vendor boards (laundry<br />

room, mail room).<br />

Screens and Windows<br />

The removal, loss, or damage <strong>of</strong> a window or screen from<br />

<strong>student</strong> rooms or suites is prohibited and may result in installation/replacement<br />

charges and disciplinary action. The<br />

throwing <strong>of</strong> objects from windows and the placing <strong>of</strong> any<br />

objects outside the window, including aerials, banners, flyers,<br />

and other equipment, is prohibited.<br />

Security<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT has provided each residence hall with various security<br />

systems which are designed to enhance the safety <strong>of</strong><br />

the residents. However, security and safety is a shared responsibility<br />

between <strong>SUNY</strong>IT and <strong>student</strong>s residing in the<br />

residence halls. Therefore, residents are required to comply<br />

with policies in order to maintain the security <strong>of</strong> the buildings.<br />

Residents are encouraged to keep their room/apartment<br />

locked at all times. Residents are strongly advised to insure<br />

all <strong>of</strong> their personal property against loss, damage, and/or<br />

theft by appropri ate individual or family insurance coverage.<br />

Unless the campus is responsible for a particular loss, SU-<br />

NYIT does not accept liability for residents’ personal property.<br />

Students are advised to seek insurance for personal<br />

belongings.<br />

Snow Removal<br />

In order to keep parking lots open to traffic, emergency<br />

snow removal procedures are enacted in the residence hall<br />

parking lots during the winter months. Residents may be<br />

required to move vehicles from the parking lots in the residence<br />

hall area during the snow removal process. Vehicles<br />

that are not moved may be ticketed and/or towed away for<br />

impoundment with the <strong>student</strong> responsible for all associated<br />

charges. Residents will be notified by advance posting<br />

for snow removal. Failure to comply with snow removal directives<br />

may result in judicial action.<br />

Displays<br />

Resident <strong>student</strong>s are permitted to display any posters or other<br />

items in their apartments that do not violate fire codes or SU-<br />

NYIT policies on harassment and discrimination. Displays in<br />

the exterior windows or doors are subject to regulation. In the<br />

interest <strong>of</strong> promoting an academic environment, alcoholic beverage<br />

containers, alcohol promotional signs, and items which<br />

may affront or alarm members <strong>of</strong> the college community may<br />

not be displayed to the outside <strong>of</strong> a <strong>student</strong> apartment. Fire and<br />

safety regulations also prohibit displaying any items in the windows<br />

which would interfere with an emergency exit or rescue.<br />

Students with questions about this policy may contact the Director<br />

<strong>of</strong> College Housing.<br />




Fall Semester 2008<br />

Sat., Aug. 23 New and returning <strong>student</strong>s move in at 9<br />

a.m. (Food Service opens for dinner)<br />

Tues., Nov. 25<br />

Sun., Nov. 30<br />

Thanksgiving Break (Food Service closes<br />

after dinner)<br />

Food Service opens for dinner<br />

Sat., Dec. 13 Halls close for semester break at 5 p.m.<br />

(Students must check out within 24 hours<br />

after their last final. Food Service closes Fri.,<br />

Dec. 12, after dinner)<br />

Spring Semester 2009<br />

Sun., Jan. 18<br />

Sun., Mar. 8<br />

Sun., Mar. 15<br />

Sat., May 9<br />

Halls open for new and returning <strong>student</strong>s<br />

at 9 a.m. (Food Service opens for dinner)<br />

Spring Break (Food Service closes Fri., Mar.<br />

6, after dinner)<br />

Food Service opens for dinner<br />

Halls close for residents at 5 p.m. (Nongraduating<br />

residents must check out within<br />

24 hours after their last final. Graduating<br />

<strong>student</strong>s are permitted to stay until 5 p.m.<br />

on Sat., May 9.) (Food Service closes Fri.,<br />

May 8, after Dinner)<br />



Obligations and Duration <strong>of</strong> Board License<br />

Basic Meal Plan: This plan is the basic meal plan <strong>of</strong>fered<br />

with an on-campus residency. A “Basic Plan” entitles you to<br />

a total number <strong>of</strong> meals per week during the semester and<br />

points per semester. The two plans are the 14 meals-perweek<br />

or the 19-meals-per-week plan. Each <strong>of</strong> these plans<br />

includes 100 points. For example, if you pur chase a 19 meal<br />

plan, it entitles you to use up to 19 meals in a week and $100<br />

in points throughout the semester.<br />

Block Meal Plan: A “Block Plan” entitles you to a total number<br />

<strong>of</strong> meals over the course <strong>of</strong> a semester and points per<br />

semester, depending on the plan you select. The two block<br />

plans are the 100 block + 400 points or 125 block + 200<br />

points. For example, if you purchase the 125 Block Plan, it<br />

entitles you to 125 meals + $200 in points per semester. The<br />

125 block plan also allows you to transfer up to 25 meals<br />

into points at $5.50 per meal prior to November 30 for the<br />

fall and April 30 for the spring. Points can be used at any<br />

campus food service location.<br />

Information regarding dining facilities, as well as any questions<br />

or concerns, may be directed to the Director <strong>of</strong> Sodexo<br />

Dining Services, 315-792-7224. The College Housing <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

will accept requests from <strong>student</strong>s who desire to change<br />

their meal plan prior to the beginning <strong>of</strong> the semester. Once<br />

a semester has begun, requests for a change in meal plan<br />

may not be processed. Any misuse <strong>of</strong> dining <strong>services</strong> may<br />

be subject to the college disciplinary process. (See information<br />

about Dining Services and Policies on page 25 <strong>of</strong> this<br />

handbook.)<br />

Withdrawals, Terminations, and Refund <strong>of</strong> Board Plan<br />

(Food Service)<br />

Students registering and occupying a room for three weeks<br />

or less who move out for a college-approved reason will receive<br />

a pro-rata refund for board based on the number <strong>of</strong><br />

weeks (a par tial week is considered a full week) on the meal<br />

plan. For this purpose, weeks are defined as beginning on<br />

Sunday and ending the following Saturday at midnight. Any<br />

<strong>student</strong> who occupies a room after the Saturday following<br />

the second full week <strong>of</strong> classes is responsible for the entire<br />

semester’s board charge. Exceptions may be made when a<br />

<strong>student</strong> withdraws to enter active military service or due to<br />

circumstances beyond his or her control. The Vice President<br />

for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management approves<br />

all exceptions.<br />

All regulations and provisions herein shall remain in effect<br />

unless changed or modified by <strong>of</strong>ficial written notice.<br />



Introduction<br />

In accordance with the requirements <strong>of</strong> Chapter 416 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Laws <strong>of</strong> 1988, the State University <strong>of</strong> New York <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Technology</strong> Col lege Council has approved minimum living<br />

condition standards. These minimum living condition standards<br />

have been submitted to the Chancellor or designee for<br />

review for conformance with the University-wide standard<br />

guidelines. The minimum living condi tion standards have<br />

been incorporated into <strong>student</strong> handbooks and guidelines<br />

for residence hall living.<br />

Standard I<br />

The residences are constructed and maintained to conform<br />

with all applicable safety codes and health standards.<br />

Guidelines<br />

1. Furnishings and equipment purchased by <strong>SUNY</strong>IT meet<br />

applicable fire and safety code standards promulgated by<br />

the State <strong>of</strong> New York.<br />

2. Each resident’s sleeping room is equipped with an<br />

operational smoke detector. <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s Environ mental<br />

Health and Safety <strong>of</strong>ficer inspects all smoke detectors<br />

bi-annually. Once notified <strong>of</strong> a non-working smoke<br />

detector, repair will be done immediately.<br />

3. Student residents are required to adhere to all<br />

applicable safety codes and health standards in the use<br />

<strong>of</strong> private equipment and appliances (where permitted)<br />

as outlined in the license.<br />

4. Access to residence hall living at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT is provided<br />

for <strong>student</strong>s with disabilities in accordance with<br />

applicable codes and standards (e.g., Section 504 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Rehabilitation Act <strong>of</strong> 1973).<br />

5. Inspection and assessment <strong>of</strong> the physical facility and its<br />

components (e.g., water, electricity, and heating systems)<br />

are conducted annually by appropriate <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Facilities<br />


personnel. The report <strong>of</strong> this inspection is available at the<br />

Facilities <strong>of</strong>fice and RLH.<br />

Standard II<br />

The campus maintenance plan shall provide for a regular<br />

schedule <strong>of</strong> cleaning and repair for all common areas in residence<br />

halls.<br />

Guidelines<br />

1. A regular schedule for cleaning <strong>of</strong> commons areas,<br />

including lounges, hallways, public restrooms, and areas<br />

used by all residents, is established. Under normal circumstances,<br />

the commons areas will be cleaned on a<br />

daily basis, Monday through Friday, between the hours<br />

<strong>of</strong> 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.<br />

2. Every reasonable effort will be made by the RLH and<br />

Facilities to keep residence halls sanitary and vermin-free.<br />

Student residents have an equal re sponsibility to<br />

maintain their living area to prevent unsanitary conditions.<br />

Students encountering problems should contact<br />

RLH immediately.<br />

All furnishings and appliances provided by <strong>SUNY</strong>IT are in<br />

working order. Repair and replace ment <strong>of</strong> appliances are<br />

usually completed in two days <strong>of</strong> the completion <strong>of</strong> the appropriate<br />

request under normal conditions.<br />

3. The Director <strong>of</strong> College Housing or designee have the<br />

authority to decide if a <strong>student</strong> room is unlivable and<br />

should be removed from service based on pertinent<br />

infor mation from the Director <strong>of</strong> Facilities and/or other<br />

appropriate campus personnel. The Director or designee<br />

will consider the life, health, and safety <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong><br />

residents and whether continued occupancy could harm<br />

the occupants or further impair the condition <strong>of</strong> the<br />

facil ity. Students affected by this decision, as well as the<br />

Director <strong>of</strong> Facilities, should be contacted in writing with<br />

this information.<br />

Standard III<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT shall provide each <strong>student</strong> resident with adequate<br />

living space, furniture, and appropriate and sufficient heat,<br />

light, and hot water.<br />

Guidelines<br />

1. <strong>SUNY</strong>IT will provide each <strong>student</strong> resident with<br />

adequate living space and furniture. At a minimum,<br />

except in the case <strong>of</strong> tripling, each <strong>student</strong> resident will<br />

be provided with: a bed, lamp, chair, dresser/chest,<br />

desk/carrel unit, closet or wardrobe. All such equipment<br />

is inspected annually and will be clean, sturdy, free from<br />

major scarring, and <strong>of</strong> acceptable appearance.<br />

2. The campus has a scheduled replacement and<br />

rehabilita tion outline for residence hall furnishings. A<br />

schedule <strong>of</strong> replacement <strong>of</strong> furniture is available in RLH.<br />

Standard IV<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT shall establish procedures for routine and emergency<br />

repairs to residence hall facilities.<br />

Guidelines<br />

1. Students should report heat, light and hot water concerns<br />

to the main <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> their residence hall. RLH staff<br />

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will contact Facilities, and Facilities personnel will follow<br />

through on requests regarding routine building repairs<br />

and maintenance themselves or through the work order<br />

system. If a problem persists for more than 24 hours,<br />

<strong>student</strong>s should notify RLH and staff will submit a work<br />

order request form to Facilities for a status update.<br />

2. To the extent possible, major rehabilitation or other<br />

capital projects will take place at times when the<br />

residence halls are largely unoccupied, e.g., those<br />

periods between semesters. When possible, potentially<br />

disruptive major construc tion projects will be suspended<br />

during scheduled examination periods.<br />

Standard V<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT shall establish procedures for redress for <strong>student</strong><br />

residents in the event <strong>of</strong> the loss <strong>of</strong> <strong>services</strong> such as heat,<br />

light, and hot water in the residence halls for extended periods<br />

that are within the control <strong>of</strong> the campus.<br />

Guidelines<br />

1. If a <strong>student</strong> at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT goes without heat, electricity, or<br />

hot water for three or more consecutive days, or the room<br />

is declared unlivable for any other reason and the<br />

situation is determined to be within the control <strong>of</strong> the<br />

campus, then that <strong>student</strong> should be reimbursed for the<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> time they were inconvenienced. The<br />

reimbursement shall never exceed the full cost <strong>of</strong> room<br />

rent for the number <strong>of</strong> days the <strong>student</strong> has been affected<br />

by the detrimental condition. RLH staff members and<br />

administrative staff from Facilities shall review all<br />

applications for redress and determine the appropriate<br />

level <strong>of</strong> reimbursement. When a <strong>student</strong>’s room has<br />

been declared unlivable and is removed from service, the<br />

occupant(s) <strong>of</strong> that room shall be reassigned as follows:<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT reserves the right to assign to: a) any available<br />

space on campus, b) any guest room on campus, c) any<br />

common area on campus.<br />

2. If reassignment on campus is not possible, alternate<br />

<strong>of</strong>f-campus housing will be assigned by RLH and a<br />

refund will be made <strong>of</strong> a portion <strong>of</strong> room rental charges<br />

where applicable.<br />


Accounting Club<br />

The Accounting Club is a pr<strong>of</strong>essionally oriented group that<br />

maintains an active membership in the National Association<br />

<strong>of</strong> Accountants (NAA). The major objectives <strong>of</strong> the club are<br />

to encourage, support, and assist all Business and Accounting<br />

stu dents in the world <strong>of</strong> Public Accounting. Club activities<br />

include NAA seminars, on-campus lectures, and social<br />

events.<br />

Alpha Kappa Delta (Sociology Honor Society)<br />

Alpha Kappa Delta Honor Society was founded to provide<br />

recognition for high standards <strong>of</strong> scholarship and involvement<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s in the field <strong>of</strong> Sociology.<br />

American Society for Quality/Society<br />

<strong>of</strong> Manufacturing Engineers (ASQ/SME)<br />

This organization is dedicated to improving quality in manu-

facturing processes and all enterprises world-wide. We strive<br />

to instill a sense <strong>of</strong> concern and awareness throughout the<br />

quality and manufacturing communities <strong>of</strong> public health,<br />

safety, conservation, and environmental issues related to<br />

qual ity manufacturing and application <strong>of</strong> sound engineering<br />

and management principles. Open to all disciplines.<br />

American Society <strong>of</strong> Mechanical Engineers (ASME)<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> ASME is to inform and introduce interested<br />

stu dents in Mechanical Engineering <strong>Technology</strong> and other<br />

majors the benefits <strong>of</strong> being involved with a national organization.<br />

Such benefits relate to being associated with pr<strong>of</strong>essionals<br />

in related fields and interaction with other <strong>student</strong>s<br />

through participation in regional conferences, field<br />

trips, tours, and guest speakers. Social events are generally<br />

planned to raise funds and network with members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Senior Chapter <strong>of</strong> ASME.<br />

Badminton Club<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this club is to acquaint members with the<br />

rules and procedures <strong>of</strong> badminton, to participate in the<br />

sport <strong>of</strong> badminton and enhance physical fitness, and to<br />

further enhance the <strong>student</strong>s social life on campus by organizing<br />

tournaments and fundraisers for the club.<br />

Black Student Union (BSU)<br />

The primary purpose <strong>of</strong> the Black Student Union is to unite<br />

and to help educate minority <strong>student</strong>s through cultural, social,<br />

and academic programming activities. The BSU coordinates<br />

and sponsors activities during Black History month<br />

and provides valuable input to campus-wide com mittees.<br />

All <strong>student</strong>s are welcome to join the BSU.<br />

Brothers and Sisters in Christ (BASIC)<br />

Brothers and Sisters in Christ is a charismatic college ministry<br />

which connects local churches to <strong>student</strong>s on nearby<br />

cam puses. The purpose <strong>of</strong> this chapter is threefold: discipleship,<br />

evangelism, and fellowship.<br />

Campus Activities Board (CAB)<br />

This group plans and implements all campus programming<br />

throughout the school year. These events range from singers<br />

and comedians to educational programs as well as community<br />

service projects. CAB welcomes your ideas.<br />

Chess Club<br />

The Chess Club is a group <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s brought together socially<br />

to play the game <strong>of</strong> chess. The club sponsors tournaments<br />

and holds informal weekly meetings where new<br />

members are always welcome.<br />

Civil Engineering <strong>Technology</strong> Club<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this club is to have a voice in the development<br />

and improvement <strong>of</strong> academic engineering and<br />

technical resources at the <strong>Institute</strong>. The club provides an<br />

opportunity to exchange ideas and opportunities related to<br />

the Civil <strong>Technology</strong> field. The club has won regional and<br />

national recognition in academic competition.<br />

Club Funding Board (CFB)<br />

The Club Funding Board is made up <strong>of</strong> representatives <strong>of</strong><br />

each <strong>of</strong> the recognized clubs. This group shares information<br />

about club events and activities and approves requests for<br />

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additional funding.<br />

Computer Science Club (Comp Sci)<br />

The Computer Science Club provides <strong>student</strong>s with an<br />

opportunity to have a voice in the development and improvement<br />

<strong>of</strong> the academic computing facilities. An added<br />

goal <strong>of</strong> the Computer Science Club is to provide a forum for<br />

the exchange <strong>of</strong> ideas in computer science.<br />

Cricket Club<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this club is to promote cricket as a sport,<br />

promote social and cultural activities in accordance with the<br />

needs <strong>of</strong> members, and to promote unification among <strong>student</strong>s<br />

both international and domestic.<br />

Environmental Club<br />

This group has received awards for its commitment to the<br />

environment and to campus life. They sponsor Earth Day<br />

Celebrations as well as a number <strong>of</strong> awareness campaigns,<br />

information, and clean-up projects.<br />

Factory Times<br />

The <strong>student</strong> newspaper is run entirely by <strong>student</strong>s and is put<br />

out approximately every two weeks. The publication provides<br />

a place to share information about campus life, current<br />

issues, and the local community.<br />

Gamer’s Club<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this club is to bring together all <strong>student</strong>s who<br />

share a common interest in electronic gaming <strong>of</strong> any kind.<br />

This includes video games, handheld games, PC games and<br />

online games.<br />

Genesis<br />

The yearbook is a permanent record <strong>of</strong> the year which<br />

chronicles both the people and the events which shape the<br />

college community.<br />

Hockey Club<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> the Hockey Club is to acquaint members<br />

with the rules and procedures <strong>of</strong> hockey, to participate in<br />

playing and viewing games, and to further enhance social<br />

life on campus.<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Electrical and Electronic Engineers is comprised<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s interested in Electrical Engineering <strong>Technology</strong>,<br />

Computer Science, or Telecommunications. IEEE<br />

increases <strong>student</strong> awareness <strong>of</strong> opportunities in these fields.<br />

IEEE plans several events each year, including lec tures, plant<br />

tours, and other trips.<br />

International Student Association (ISA)<br />

The International Student Association is a group dedicated<br />

to bringing the many <strong>student</strong>s at the college who come from<br />

other countries into contact with American <strong>student</strong>s and<br />

each other. Both groups benefit from the exchange <strong>of</strong> culture.<br />

Activities are planned occasionally to expose <strong>student</strong>s<br />

to international foods and activities.<br />

Latino Student Association (LSA)<br />

The Latino Student Association is designed to engage in<br />

cultural and social activities <strong>of</strong> particular interest to Latino<br />

<strong>student</strong>s. The association will provide a support peer group

for Latino <strong>student</strong>s. This organization, open to all <strong>student</strong>s,<br />

will act as an advocate for the Latino culture and enhance<br />

the college community’s awareness <strong>of</strong> the contributions <strong>of</strong><br />

Latinos.<br />

National Society <strong>of</strong> Black Engineers (NSBE)<br />

The National Society <strong>of</strong> Black Engineers, mission is to increase<br />

the number <strong>of</strong> culturally responsible Black engineers<br />

who excel academically, succeed pr<strong>of</strong>essionally, and positively<br />

impact the community through the development <strong>of</strong><br />

multiple programs. NSBE is dedicated to the development<br />

<strong>of</strong> programs for increasing Black and other ethnic minority<br />

participation in the field <strong>of</strong> engineering and engineering<br />

technology.<br />

Muslim Student Association<br />

The Muslim Student Association dedicates its efforts to<br />

gaining a strong Muslim community on campus, helping<br />

Muslims strengthen their faith, gain knowledge about their<br />

religion, build Islamic character and interact with other<br />

Muslims. Additionally, MSA events are aimed at promoting<br />

an understanding <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ten misunderstood religion <strong>of</strong><br />

Islam among all members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT community and<br />

providing community service. The MSA <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT aims<br />

to increase awareness <strong>of</strong> Islamic issues and to create a more<br />

positive atmosphere between Muslims and non-Muslims<br />

alike. MSA is dedicated to educating the general public<br />

about Islam and to allow non-Muslims and Muslims to better<br />

understand one another. It is here to provide a unique<br />

point <strong>of</strong> view in the hopes that more people will better understand<br />

Islam.<br />

Outdoors Club<br />

The Outdoors Club promotes participation in outdoor activities<br />

and a better understanding <strong>of</strong> nature. The club sponsors<br />

various field trips throughout Central New York and the<br />

Adirondack Mountains.<br />

Paintball Club<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this club is to provide <strong>student</strong>s the opportunity<br />

to enjoy the sport <strong>of</strong> paintball on a regular basis.<br />

Phi Beta Lambda<br />

This club is affiliated with the School <strong>of</strong> Business. This club<br />

<strong>of</strong>fers <strong>student</strong>s the opportunity to become more knowledgeable<br />

about the dynamics <strong>of</strong> large and small business ventures<br />

and participates in a variety <strong>of</strong> community service projects.<br />

They participate in statewide and national academic competitions.<br />

Pride (Gay/Lesbian/Bi-Sexual)<br />

Pride is a group <strong>of</strong> gay and/or gay friendly <strong>student</strong>s who are<br />

dedicated to educating the college community about gay<br />

issues and issues <strong>of</strong> diversity. The club accomplishes this<br />

through cultural and social activities.<br />

Psi Chi<br />

Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology, recognizes<br />

outstanding academic achievement and promotes active<br />

<strong>student</strong> involvement in the field <strong>of</strong> psychology.<br />

Psychology Club<br />

This club is intended for <strong>student</strong>s majoring in psychology. Its<br />

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goals are to increase members’ interest in, and understanding<br />

<strong>of</strong>, psychology. Its activities include lectures on topics on<br />

psychology and discussions <strong>of</strong> graduate school and careers.<br />

It meets twice monthly.<br />

Residence Hall Council<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this organization is to provide a forum for<br />

the discussion <strong>of</strong> issues pertaining to residential living and<br />

<strong>student</strong> life at the <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

Ruiter Club<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this social club is to <strong>of</strong>fer our members a retreat<br />

from the academic grind; to promote honorable friendships;<br />

to cultivate intellectual excellence and to make connections<br />

between alumni, undergraduates, graduates, and<br />

members <strong>of</strong> the college community.<br />

Senate<br />

The senate is the legislative branch <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong> government<br />

which oversees each <strong>of</strong> the listed organizations. It also works<br />

in partnership with the <strong>Institute</strong> to <strong>of</strong>fer advice and consultation<br />

to policy-making committees and administrators.<br />

Sigma Theta Tau<br />

Sigma Theta Tau International is the National Honor Society<br />

<strong>of</strong> Nursing. The School <strong>of</strong> Nursing’s Iota Delta Chapter<br />

includes in its membership <strong>student</strong>s, alumni, faculty, and<br />

community leaders in nursing. The purposes <strong>of</strong> this society<br />

are to recognize superior achievement and the development<br />

<strong>of</strong> leadership qualities, to foster high pr<strong>of</strong>essional standards,<br />

to encourage creative work, and to strengthen commitment<br />

to the ideals and purposes <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>ession.<br />

Ski Club<br />

The Ski Club is a group <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s who ski or simply want<br />

to learn. In either case, the members’ primary objective is to<br />

enjoy the snow while it lasts. Several ski trips are scheduled<br />

every winter, with at least one weekend trip to a major ski<br />

resort.<br />

Soccer Club<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this club is to promote exercise, health, and<br />

nutrition and provide a means <strong>of</strong> recreational soccer interaction<br />

among club members and the college community.<br />

Sociology Club<br />

The Sociology Club is open to all <strong>student</strong>s on campus for<br />

the purpose <strong>of</strong> enhancing the <strong>student</strong>s’ social life and to<br />

promote a social awareness among members <strong>of</strong> the college<br />

community. The club supports such activities as Earth Day,<br />

recycling programs, and the development <strong>of</strong> a state-wide<br />

Par ent Advocates Network.<br />

Student Association <strong>of</strong> Health Administrators (SAHA)<br />

The Student Association <strong>of</strong> Health Administrators is a club<br />

for the Health Services Management <strong>student</strong>s. In addition<br />

to making its contribution to the college’s social life, SAHA<br />

sponsors pr<strong>of</strong>essional and educational events.<br />

Student Health Information<br />

Management Association (SHIMA)<br />

SHIMA is a group <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s dedicated to providing a forum<br />

for discussion <strong>of</strong> health information issues and promoting<br />

health information in the college and community. They

ac complish this through guest lecturers and other media<br />

and also to further their knowledge <strong>of</strong> the Health Information<br />

Management field.<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong> Jazz<br />

This group plays jazz and performs at campus functions and<br />

local venues. <strong>SUNY</strong> Jazz welcomes new musicians, especially<br />

trumpets, trombones, saxophones, keyboard, guitar, bass<br />

and drums.<br />

Requirements: Any <strong>student</strong> or faculty member who is approved<br />

by the director/instructor may join the club or take<br />

the course for credit.<br />

Previous musical experience is required as well as an interest<br />

in learning jazz music reading and improvisation. Attendance<br />

at rehearsals and performances is also necessary.<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Registered Nurses (SPRN)<br />

This group is unique from any other <strong>student</strong> nursing organization<br />

because every nursing <strong>student</strong> is already a registered<br />

nurse. As a result, the focus is to promote pr<strong>of</strong>essional activities<br />

that will expand the awareness <strong>of</strong> current issues in<br />

nursing, education and wellness opportunities, and nursing<br />

politics.<br />

Tau Alpha Pi<br />

Tau Alpha Pi National Honor Society was founded to provide<br />

recognition for high standards <strong>of</strong> scholarship among<br />

<strong>student</strong>s in technical colleges and universities. Realizing<br />

<strong>student</strong> achievement is an important aspect <strong>of</strong> every educational<br />

institution, in 1980, the Beta Kappa Chapter <strong>of</strong> Tau<br />

Alpha Pi was established at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT. The Beta Kappa Chapter<br />

oper ates with the intent <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fering recognition for those<br />

<strong>student</strong>s who have demonstrated academic excellence.<br />

Technical Communication Club (TCC)<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this club is to expand writing on campus<br />

and to participate in activities related to the Technical Communication<br />

field. Once a year the club travels to Rochester<br />

for the Society for Technical Communication (STC) Spectrum<br />

conference.<br />

Telecommunications Club<br />

This club helps to broaden each member’s understanding <strong>of</strong><br />

the practical side <strong>of</strong> their technology training. The club sponsors<br />

trips to telecommunication facilities, research centers,<br />

and companies seeking to hire telecommunications graduates.<br />

Many opportunities are provided for the members to<br />

par ticipate in on-campus projects involving telecommunications<br />

systems and networks. The club uses fund-raising<br />

events to support these activities.<br />

Theatre Club<br />

The Theatre Club puts on various plays and Improv skits<br />

and other performing arts projects. This club enhances the<br />

cultural programs <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT and the surrounding community<br />

as well as the performing arts <strong>of</strong> the campus community.<br />

Women’s Organization <strong>of</strong> Excellence (WOE)<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> WOE is to promote unity and leadership<br />

among <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Women and the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Community.<br />

WOE also fo cuses on recruiting more women to attend SU-<br />

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NYIT and become involved in campus life.<br />

Wildcat Media (Radio/TV)<br />

The mission <strong>of</strong> WM is to provide quality entertainment<br />

through both its radio and tv stations. The station’s radio<br />

signal is broadcast via AM 1590 and cable FM 89.1. Television<br />

broadcast is available on the college’s cable system via<br />

channel 10. WM has moved to the WWW with music for<br />

the world.<br />


<strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> at Utica-Rome has more than<br />

20,000 alumni, meaning those who have completed all degree<br />

requirements and graduated from <strong>SUNY</strong>IT. The Alumni<br />

Association represents the needs and interests <strong>of</strong> alumni<br />

and future alumni (<strong>student</strong>s), and is led by an all-volunteer<br />

board comprised <strong>of</strong> two Student Association representatives,<br />

alumni representatives, and <strong>SUNY</strong>IT administrators.<br />

The Alumni Office provides staff support to the alumni board<br />

and works with the board members and <strong>student</strong> leaders to<br />

research, plan, and implement programs that are meaningful<br />

to graduates and future alumni. The alumni board and<br />

Alumni Office work to foster a sense <strong>of</strong> community among<br />

all members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT family: past, present and future.<br />

Therefore, an important goal <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s alumni operation<br />

is to help <strong>student</strong>s develop an awareness <strong>of</strong> both the Alumni<br />

Office and Alumni Association before graduation and provide<br />

<strong>student</strong>s with programs that help them prepare for personal,<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional, and career opportunities.<br />

The <strong>student</strong>-paid Alumni Fee supports alumni programs<br />

for <strong>student</strong>s, and <strong>student</strong>s become members <strong>of</strong> the Alumni<br />

Association upon receiving their <strong>SUNY</strong>IT diploma. All<br />

<strong>student</strong>s are encouraged to participate in <strong>student</strong>-oriented<br />

Alumni Association programs, including activities that help<br />

build connections between <strong>student</strong>s and alumni and foster<br />

personal and pr<strong>of</strong>essional contacts. Information about these<br />

programs is posted on the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT website and publicized<br />

elsewhere on campus.<br />


Commencement is held twice each year, in May and December.<br />

In May, ample seating in a local venue al lows graduates<br />

the opportunity to invite plenty <strong>of</strong> family members and<br />

friends; December Commencement, a more intimate yet<br />

still formal ceremony, is held in the Campus Center Gymnasium.<br />

Academic regalia (available from the Bookmark) are<br />

required for all graduates. Specific infor mation about Commencement<br />

is distributed to graduates several weeks prior<br />

to each ceremony.<br />

In keeping with tradition, Commencement is <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s most<br />

important academic event; many guests travel great distances<br />

to share in the achievements <strong>of</strong> graduates. Our faculty<br />

and staff expect <strong>student</strong>s to celebrate and enjoy the occasion<br />

but also to respect the solemnity <strong>of</strong> Com mencement.<br />


1. All building facilities may be used only during

established service hours. Common areas, lounges, and<br />

<strong>student</strong> organization <strong>of</strong>fices may be used only during<br />

regular Campus Center hours.<br />

2. Groups or individuals who use the meeting room,<br />

confer ence room, ‘Cats’ Den, Dining Hall, or lounge<br />

spaces are responsible for ensuring that furniture is<br />

returned to its proper location.<br />

3. Campus Center furnishings may not be removed from<br />

their assigned areas <strong>of</strong> the building without consent from<br />

the Director <strong>of</strong> Student Activities or his/her designee.<br />

4. Bicycles are not permitted in the Campus Center.<br />

Stu dents are encouraged to lock bicycles to the bicycle<br />

racks located outside the lower entrances.<br />

5. Campus Center visitors are required to wear shirts and<br />

shoes in any area <strong>of</strong> the Campus Center, and follow<br />

ath letics and recreation facilities rules and regulations.<br />

6. Pets are not permitted in any part <strong>of</strong> the Campus Center,<br />

except for animals which aid persons with disabilities.<br />

7. To use any Campus Center space, <strong>student</strong>s or<br />

organiza tions must first reserve that space. Reservations<br />

are taken on a first come, first served basis, with at least<br />

two weeks advance notice. The athletic and recreation<br />

spaces are re served through the Athletic <strong>of</strong>fice, Campus<br />

Center Room 221. All other spaces within, and<br />

immediately adjacent to, the Campus Center (including<br />

the Student/Alumni Pavilion) are reserved through<br />

Campus and Corporate Events, Kunsela Room A239.<br />

8. Only registered <strong>student</strong> organizations are eligible to<br />

pro vide transportation to events <strong>of</strong>f campus. Pick up<br />

and drop <strong>of</strong>f will be allowed at either the Campus<br />

Center or Kunsela Hall circles, except for those events<br />

which in terfere with the academic or <strong>student</strong> activities<br />

calendar as determined by the Director <strong>of</strong> Student Activities.<br />

9. Building hours for the Campus Center are as follows:<br />

Academic Year: Sunday - Thursday 7 a.m. - midnight,<br />

Friday & Saturday 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Breaks: (Holidays &<br />

Summer) Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Saturday &<br />

Sunday Closed.<br />

10. The game room is available when the building is open.<br />

Pool table equipment is available through the Student<br />

Association <strong>of</strong>fice, Campus Center Room 229A, during<br />

the day. Other games are available for checkout at no cost<br />

at night and on weekends.<br />


The athletic facilities, consisting <strong>of</strong> the swimming pool,<br />

locker rooms, gymnasium, indoor running track, saunas,<br />

weight room, exercise room, and racquetball courts, are primarily<br />

for the use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong>s, faculty, College Council<br />

members, and staff <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong>. Permission<br />

to use the facility is extended to the following groups<br />

as a privilege and not a right. As such, the college reserves<br />

the right to withdraw this permis sion from an individual or<br />

group and will give appropriate (maximum available) notice<br />

there<strong>of</strong>. Individuals shall be given a non-transferable identification<br />

card which will identify them as having permission<br />

to use the facilities. These cards must be shown upon<br />

23<br />

demand while in the facility.<br />

The following may use the athletic facilities:<br />

Spouse/Immediate Family <strong>of</strong> Students, Faculty, Administration,<br />

College Council Members, and Staff may use the facilities<br />

during posted hours <strong>of</strong> operation when it does not interfere<br />

with intercollegiate practices or games and scheduled<br />

intramural activities. The college does not assume responsibility<br />

for injury or loss <strong>of</strong> personal belongings.<br />

Children <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s, faculty, administration, council members,<br />

and staff 15 years <strong>of</strong> age or older have the same privileges<br />

in the facility as <strong>student</strong>s but they cannot participate<br />

in intramural activities. Children fourteen years <strong>of</strong> age and<br />

younger must be directly supervised by their parents when<br />

using the facility.<br />

Alumni (persons who have been granted a <strong>SUNY</strong>IT degree)<br />

who have paid the appropriate Alumni Fee via the Alumni<br />

Association may use the facility by purchasing a fitness<br />

membership (fee is $150 annually; $75 semi-annually) and<br />

providing pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> his or her own current personal health<br />

insurance with a completed Fitness Application Form.<br />

Foundation Members may make a donation to the Foundation<br />

($50 annually) to qualify them to purchase a Use <strong>of</strong> Facility<br />

membership ($200 annually or $100 semi-annually).<br />

Each member is required to provide pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> current health<br />

insurance.<br />


A bona fide user <strong>of</strong> the facility may bring a maximum <strong>of</strong> two<br />

guests on any given occasion. All guests must sign in at the<br />

Athletic <strong>of</strong>fice prior to use <strong>of</strong> the facility.<br />

The President <strong>of</strong> the college or his duly noted designee can<br />

waive any part <strong>of</strong> these guidelines for good and sufficient<br />

reason.<br />

Note: Application forms for alumni and foundation members can<br />

be obtained from the Business <strong>of</strong>fice in Kunsela Hall. Alumni application<br />

forms are also available at www.sunyit.edu/alumni, and<br />

additional information can be obtained by contacting the Business<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice at 792-7342.<br />


The Bookmark provides a number <strong>of</strong> <strong>services</strong> to augment<br />

the academic and residential needs <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong>s.<br />

Check Cashing: The Bookmark provides a personal check<br />

cashing service for <strong>student</strong>s, faculty, and staff during the semester<br />

for up to $30 daily. A $0.25 fee will be charged per<br />

check. A valid <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard and driver license are required.<br />

If a check is returned to the Bookmark, there is a $30 charge<br />

to cover bank fees.<br />

General Books: The Bookmark has a wide selection <strong>of</strong> books<br />

for reference, supplementary course work and academic interest.<br />

Special Orders: Books can be special ordered through the<br />

Assistant Bookstore Manager. All special orders must be prepaid.<br />

Shipping charges will apply to any rush orders.<br />

Supplies: A wide variety <strong>of</strong> notebooks, paper supplies, writing<br />

instruments, folders, desktop notions, computer sup-

plies, s<strong>of</strong>tware, collegiate apparel, daily newspapers, and<br />

much more is available to cover all your academic and residential<br />

needs.<br />

Refund Policy: The refund policy varies by item, and copies<br />

<strong>of</strong> the policy may be picked up at the checkout counter.<br />

The Bookmark honors all major credit cards.<br />


The <strong>Institute</strong> maintains several policy documents that directly<br />

address a constituent’s use <strong>of</strong> college computer systems,<br />

<strong>services</strong> and network. Included are the: “Com puter<br />

and Network Resources Statement <strong>of</strong> Responsibil ity,” “Computer<br />

S<strong>of</strong>tware Policy,” “Acceptable Use Policy,” “ResNet Policy,”<br />

“Community Mail Policy,” and ”Web Publishing Policy.”<br />

All <strong>of</strong> these documents are posted on the Informa tion <strong>Technology</strong><br />

Services website. The “Web Publishing Policy” policy<br />

is under Web Publishing and all others are under Policies.<br />

Users should also be aware that the policies outlined in<br />

the Student Handbook are additionally enforced. Students<br />

should pay particular attention to the “Code <strong>of</strong> Academic<br />

Conduct” and the “Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct” policies and<br />

procedures.<br />



All vehicles parked on campus must display a current parking<br />

decal and be registered with the University Police Department.<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong> has established parking and traffic<br />

regulations which motorists must follow along with New<br />

York State traffic laws. A brochure containing campus and<br />

parking regulations is available at the University Police Department.<br />



POLICY<br />

All <strong>student</strong> groups and organizations must register with the<br />

Student Activities <strong>of</strong>fice. Upon initial application, the organization<br />

will be provisionally registered for a period <strong>of</strong> four<br />

weeks. During this time the group will be afforded all rights<br />

and responsibilities <strong>of</strong> a registered group. The group is expected<br />

to complete the application for registration packet<br />

and submit it to the Student Activities <strong>of</strong>fice, Campus Center<br />

208.<br />

To register, a <strong>student</strong> organization must fill out and return<br />

the following:<br />

1. an application for Student Organization Registration,<br />

which includes:<br />

a. list <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers, their addresses, and phone numbers;<br />

b. list <strong>of</strong> members;<br />

c. statement <strong>of</strong> non-discrimination and hazing;<br />

d. rights and responsibilities <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers.<br />

2. the organization’s constitution and by-laws;<br />

3. an advisor agreement letter.<br />

Registered <strong>student</strong> groups are afforded several privileges,<br />

including, but not limited to:<br />

24<br />

1. eligible to use campus facilities, <strong>services</strong>, and<br />

equip ment;<br />

2. posting on campus bulletin boards;<br />

3. eligible to receive advising and other <strong>services</strong> from the<br />

Student Activities <strong>of</strong>fice;<br />

4. eligible to apply for funding from the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Student<br />

Association;<br />

5. eligible to be listed in <strong>Institute</strong>/<strong>student</strong> publications.<br />

For a complete description <strong>of</strong> the registration process, please<br />

refer to the “Guidelines for Student Organization” packet,<br />

available through the Student Activities <strong>of</strong>fice, Campus Center<br />

Room 208.<br />


All sales, solicitation, or fund-raising for the campus must be<br />

coordinated through, and approved by, the Student Activities<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice. Sales and solicitation within the Residence Hall<br />

areas is strictly prohibited.<br />

Revenue generating activities by outside interests on the<br />

cam pus <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> are strictly prohibited<br />

under the guidelines for campus sales and solicitation<br />

estab lished by the <strong>Institute</strong>. However, under certain<br />

circumstances, a registered <strong>student</strong> organization or campus<br />

department may sell commercial items, do fund-raising, or<br />

sponsor <strong>services</strong> for the exchange <strong>of</strong> revenue. For more information,<br />

please refer to the “Guidelines for Campus Sales<br />

and Solicitation” available through the Student Activities <strong>of</strong>fice,<br />

Campus Center Room 208.<br />


Statement on Posting<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong> maintains several spaces on campus where its<br />

members can share information about upcoming events and<br />

activities which may be <strong>of</strong> interest to others. The focus <strong>of</strong><br />

the poster is to inform the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT community about an<br />

event taking place, the time, and location. We have developed<br />

these standards so that all members will have an equal<br />

opportunity to utilize these spaces without <strong>of</strong>fending other<br />

members <strong>of</strong> the community.<br />

1. There are two types <strong>of</strong> posting boards on the <strong>SUNY</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> campus:<br />

a. Events Boards: for registered campus organizations<br />

and departments for notices to the college community;<br />

b. Vendor Boards: for all other organizations or<br />

businesses and for the sale <strong>of</strong> items.<br />

2. Posting on these boards will be limited to posters sized<br />

11” x 17” or smaller. Anything larger must be first approved<br />

in writing by the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Student Activities.<br />

Contact the Student Activities <strong>of</strong>fice for more information<br />

about creating and posting banners and other large<br />

posters.<br />

3. All posters will focus on the event and will responsibly<br />

promote the activity in good taste.<br />

4. In the interest <strong>of</strong> maintaining an academic<br />

environment, alcohol will not be mentioned on posters.<br />

This includes any reference to drink specials.<br />

5. There are several special use bulletin boards around

cam pus. They are to be used only by those designated<br />

on that board. These may include, but are not limited<br />

to, academic departments, campus <strong>of</strong>fices, and<br />

employee unions.<br />

6. All classroom bulletin boards are to be used for<br />

academic notices only.<br />

7. There will be no placing <strong>of</strong> advertising materials on<br />

car windshields, doors, or wall surfaces other than<br />

bulletin boards. Exceptions may be granted, in writing,<br />

by the Student Activities <strong>of</strong>fice for special functions.<br />

8. Any notices on tables will be in approved table tent<br />

form. The table tent must be free standing and easily<br />

moved and replaced during cleaning.<br />

9. Posting materials can be distributed two weeks previous<br />

to an event and are expected to be removed the day<br />

following the event. Any exceptions to this must be<br />

obtained in writ ing from the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Student Activities.<br />

10. Door to door solicitation in the residence halls is not<br />

per mitted. This includes handing out flyers at each<br />

door. For additional information on posting in the<br />

residence hall complex, see the Residence Hall Policies.<br />

11. All materials must clearly indicate the sponsoring<br />

orga nization.<br />


The food service program is provided by Sodexo Dining<br />

Services, a diversified food service company. Sodexo’s goal<br />

is to provide the finest food service program at the most reasonable<br />

cost and is included as part <strong>of</strong> a residential <strong>student</strong>s<br />

room and board plan costs.<br />

Food service operations are conducted at the following campus<br />

locations:<br />

Campus Center Dining Hall: open seven days a week, this<br />

facility serves the resident <strong>student</strong>s with breakfast, lunch,<br />

and dinner Monday through Friday, and brunch and dinner<br />

on the weekends. Services <strong>of</strong>fered include deli, grill, hot<br />

entrees, salad bar, desserts, and beverages. Some stations<br />

are self-service and unlimited seconds are always available.<br />

Continuous service and repeat entry allow the resident diner<br />

constant access to the dining hall. Resident <strong>student</strong>s enter<br />

using their <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard; non-resident <strong>student</strong>s and guests<br />

may pay cash or purchase a meal plan.<br />

Café Kunsela: the snack bar located in Kunsela Hall, Cafe<br />

Kunsela is open weekdays and <strong>of</strong>fers breakfast items and<br />

cold and hot sandwiches, soups, grill items, pizza, daily specials,<br />

and a full selection <strong>of</strong> beverages and desserts.<br />

The Basement Bistro: located on the Donovan Hall ground<br />

floor, The Basement Bistro <strong>of</strong>fers a variety <strong>of</strong> beverages, soup,<br />

sandwiches, hot dogs, and snacks for a quick bite between<br />

classes.<br />

The ‘Cats’ Den: the ‘Cats’ Den in the Campus Center is open<br />

seven nights a week, <strong>of</strong>fering the finest <strong>of</strong> your favor ites: pizza,<br />

wings, deli, sandwiches, grill items, and a wide variety<br />

<strong>of</strong> beverages. All menu items are available for eat in or take<br />

out.<br />

Catering Services: Sodexo <strong>of</strong>fers a wide selection <strong>of</strong> items<br />

and will help plan your special event, both on campus and<br />

25<br />

<strong>of</strong>f. Stop by the Campus and Corporate Events <strong>of</strong>fice for details.<br />

Serving Hours<br />

Campus Center Dining Hall<br />

Monday - Friday Continuous Service 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.<br />

Primary Meal Times Breakfast 7:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.<br />

Lunch<br />

11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.<br />

Dinner<br />

4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.<br />

Saturday - Sunday Brunch 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.<br />

Dinner<br />

4:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.<br />

Continuous service not <strong>of</strong>fered on weekends.<br />

Cafe Kunsela Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.<br />

‘Cats’ Den Daily 6:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.<br />

The Basement Bistro Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.<br />

Hours are subject to change.<br />

Campus Meal Plans<br />

If living on campus all <strong>student</strong>s are required to have a combined<br />

room and board plan. Presently there are four meal<br />

plans (2 weekly & 2 block).<br />

Basic Meal Plan: This plan is the basic meal plan <strong>of</strong>fered with<br />

an on-campus residency. A “Basic Plan” entitles you to a total<br />

number <strong>of</strong> meals per week during the semester and points<br />

per semester. The two weekly plans are the 14 meals-perweek<br />

or the 19-meals-per-week plan. Each <strong>of</strong> these plans<br />

includes 100 points. For example, if you pur chase a 19 meal<br />

plan, it entitles you to use up to 19 meals in a week and $100<br />

in points throughout the semester.<br />

Block Meal Plan: A “Block Plan” entitles you to a total number<br />

<strong>of</strong> meals over the course <strong>of</strong> a semester and points per<br />

semester, depending on the plan you select. The two block<br />

plans are the 100 block + 400 points or 125 block + 200<br />

points. For example, if you purchase the 125 Block Plan, it<br />

entitles you to 125 meals + $200 in points per semester. The<br />

125 block plan also allows you to transfer up to 25 meals<br />

into points at $5.50 per meal prior to November 30 for the<br />

fall and April 30 for the spring. Points can be used at any<br />

campus food service location.<br />

Meals are deducted upon entering the dining room. The<br />

meal plan week begins Sunday breakfast and ends the following<br />

Saturday at midnight.<br />

The repeat entry feature allows reentry into the dining room<br />

during the same meal period without another meal being<br />

deducted from the account.<br />

The meal plan is not transferable; others may not use your<br />

meal plan or repeat entry for entrance into the dining room.<br />

No refunds will be given for meals not eaten. Meal plans<br />

may only be changed up to the first Friday at the beginning<br />

<strong>of</strong> each semester. Meal plan changes for subsequent semesters<br />

may be requested at the Residential Life and Housing <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

The <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard serves as the Dining Services access<br />

card. The magnetic stripe on the back <strong>of</strong> the ID contains information<br />

about your food service account. You must present<br />

your <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard to the food service employee when<br />

entering the Campus Center Dining Hall where it will be<br />

checked for eligibility to enter. Entry to the Dining Hall will<br />

not be permitted without a <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard. Please be sure to<br />

remember to bring it.

Points: These funds may be used to purchase meals for<br />

friends and family at the Campus Center, for purchases at<br />

Café Kunsela, Basement Bistro, or the ‘Cats’ Den. Points are<br />

carried over from fall to spring semester; however, unused<br />

points are forfeited at the end <strong>of</strong> the spring semester. Additional<br />

points may be added at the food service <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

The Wildcat Plan, for non-resident <strong>student</strong>s, faculty, and<br />

staff is a prepaid dining (“points”) account that may be used<br />

at any college food service location or for catered events. The<br />

cost <strong>of</strong> the purchase is deducted from the balance in your<br />

account. Wildcat Plan points are carried over from semester<br />

to semester. Accounts are inactivated after one year without<br />

use. Purchases receive an 8% discount at the time <strong>of</strong> sale.<br />

Accounts may be opened for as little as $25. For additions <strong>of</strong><br />

$100 or more to an account at any one time, a 2% enhancement<br />

will be made to the account. Payments for Wildcat Plan<br />

accounts may be made by mail or in person, with checks<br />

made out to “Sodexo Dining Services,” and delivered to the<br />

Food Service <strong>of</strong>fice, Campus Center Room 115C, <strong>SUNY</strong>IT,<br />

P. O. Box 3050, Utica, New York, 13504. Please include your<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard number on the check.<br />

A non-resident <strong>student</strong> may purchase any meal plan. This<br />

is an excellent option for <strong>student</strong>s who will be spending a<br />

great deal <strong>of</strong> time on campus and want the benefits <strong>of</strong> an<br />

extensive set <strong>of</strong> meal options without having to worry about<br />

shopping, cooking, and cleaning up. Resident meal plans<br />

can be purchased through the Residential Life and Hous ing<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

Lost Cards: If you participate in a Food Service meal plan<br />

(resident or non-resident, faculty, or staff) and lose your<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard, notify the Food Service <strong>of</strong>fice in the Campus<br />

Center immediately and your dining account will be suspended.<br />

Resident <strong>student</strong>s will be issued a one-day temporary<br />

card for admission to the dining hall. There is a charge<br />

<strong>of</strong> $2.00 per day for the temporary card. Upon receipt <strong>of</strong> a<br />

new <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard, please report in person to the Food Service<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice in the Campus Center with the new <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard<br />

to reactivate the account.<br />

As part <strong>of</strong> their residing in campus housing, all <strong>student</strong>s living<br />

on campus are required to purchase a meal plan.<br />

Information regarding dining facilities, as well as any questions<br />

or concerns, may be directed to the Director <strong>of</strong> Sodexo<br />

Dining Services at 792-7224. The Residential Life and Housing<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice will accept requests from <strong>student</strong>s who desire to<br />

change their meal plan prior to the beginning <strong>of</strong> the semester.<br />

Students are advised that once a semester has begun,<br />

requests for a change in meal plan may not be processed.<br />

Any misuse <strong>of</strong> dining <strong>services</strong> may be subject to the college<br />

disciplinary process.<br />

Withdrawals, Terminations, and<br />

Refund <strong>of</strong> Board Plan (Food Service)<br />

Students registering and occupying a room for three weeks<br />

or less who move out for a college-approved reason will receive<br />

a pro-rata refund for board based on the number <strong>of</strong><br />

weeks (a partial week is considered a full week) on the meal<br />

plan. For this purpose, weeks are defined as beginning on<br />

Sunday and ending the following Saturday at midnight. Any<br />

<strong>student</strong> who occupies a room after the Saturday following<br />

26<br />

the second full week <strong>of</strong> classes is responsible for the entire<br />

semester’s board charge. Exceptions may be made when a<br />

<strong>student</strong> withdraws to enter active military service or due to<br />

circumstances beyond his or her control. The Vice President<br />

for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management approves<br />

all exceptions.<br />

All regulations and provisions herein shall remain in effect<br />

unless changed or modified by <strong>of</strong>ficial written notice from<br />

the Director, President, or Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees.<br />

Student Employment<br />

The Sodexo Dining Services on campus employs nearly<br />

thirty <strong>student</strong>s each semester, with an average work schedule<br />

<strong>of</strong> six hours per week. The <strong>student</strong> manager program is<br />

an opportunity to learn more about college dining <strong>services</strong><br />

and opportunities with Sodexo. Applications are available at<br />

the Food Service <strong>of</strong>fice, Campus Center Room 115C. Please<br />

bring along your class schedule when you apply.<br />

Sick Trays and Bag Meals for Resident Students<br />

If you are ill and have to miss a meal, a special “sick tray” can<br />

be picked up by a friend with an authorization from Health<br />

Services or the Residence Hall staff. Should you require an<br />

extended modified diet, our Chef will work with you to assure<br />

your nutritional needs are met.<br />

Bag meals are provided for class conflicts only. Please bring<br />

your class schedule to the Food Service <strong>of</strong>fice at the beginning<br />

<strong>of</strong> the semester to arrange for a bag meal. A copy <strong>of</strong><br />

the bag meal policy is available at the Food Service <strong>of</strong>fice,<br />

Campus Center Room 115C.<br />

Dining Hall Policies<br />

You may eat as much as you want but please don’t take food<br />

out <strong>of</strong> the Campus Center Dining Hall. We also ask your<br />

cooperation in leaving equipment such as trays, utensils,<br />

plates, and glasses in the dining hall. Replacement expense<br />

for china and silverware is very high and it is paid for through<br />

your meal plan cost. Please help keep those costs down.<br />

Please do not bring large purses or bags into the dining hall.<br />

We cannot be responsible for any lost or stolen property, and<br />

recommend, whenever possible, that you leave your bags,<br />

books, etc., in your room or locker.<br />

As with any dining facility, shirts and shoes must be worn in<br />

the dining room and serving area.<br />

Communicating with the Food Service<br />

You are our customer and we are here to serve you by ensuring<br />

that you enjoy healthy and hearty meals. We have several<br />

means for you to communicate with us with your suggestions<br />

or concerns.<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>ITSA Food Service Committee: open to anyone, the<br />

Food Service Committee meets biweekly during the semester,<br />

or more frequently if needed. The Food Service Director<br />

and Food Production Manager participate in the committee,<br />

and it is our primary means <strong>of</strong> responding to your needs.<br />

Watch for signs announcing the first meeting early in the<br />

semester.<br />

Suggestion boxes: suggestion boxes are located in the Campus<br />

Center Dining Hall and Cafe Kunsela. We reply to and<br />

post all comments received.

A food service manager or supervisor is on duty at all meals.<br />

Never hesitate to approach us during the meal period with<br />

any immediate concern.<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT CARD PROCEDURES<br />


The <strong>student</strong> identification card at the <strong>Institute</strong> is known as<br />

the “<strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard.” Students are issued a <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard with<br />

their photograph and <strong>student</strong> identification number. The<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard provides access to library lending privileges,<br />

athletic facilities, computer laboratories, the college dining<br />

hall, and the residence halls.<br />

If your <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard is lost or stolen, it should be immediately<br />

reported to the University Police Department at (315)<br />

792-7106. The <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard should be protected the same<br />

way you would protect cash, a credit card or a bank card.<br />

Lost or damaged <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCards may be replaced for a $15<br />

fee by contacting the Bookmark, Kunsela Hall B112, (315)<br />

792-7257.<br />

The <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard should be treated with care. Stickers,<br />

creases, worn vending stripes or punched holes will render<br />

the card inoperable. The <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard should not be left in<br />

direct sunlight or near any heat source or magnetic field.<br />

Terms and Conditions for <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard Users<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard users agree to the following terms and conditions:<br />

1. The <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard is the <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong>’s identification<br />

card and is the property <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong>. Use <strong>of</strong><br />

the card to fraudulently identify any individual, other<br />

than the issued cardholder, is prohibited.<br />

2. Fraudulent use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard to gain unauthorized<br />

campus access or to illegally obtain goods and <strong>services</strong> is<br />

prohibited.<br />

3. The <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard is not transferable to any other person.<br />

4. <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard holders are responsible for contacting the<br />

appropriate campus <strong>of</strong>fices to report a change in account<br />

status or to report the loss or theft <strong>of</strong> a card. Please refer<br />

to the <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard Replacement Policy<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard Replacement Policy<br />

To obtain a replacement card for a lost, stolen, or damaged<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard, a $15 fee will be charged.<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard Replacement Instructions<br />

1. Immediately report lost, stolen, or damaged <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard<br />

to University Police, Kunsela Hall Room B126 or call<br />

(315) 792-7106, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.<br />

2. Replace ment <strong>SUNY</strong>IT ID must be obtained on the first<br />

business day after the card is reported lost, stolen, or<br />

damaged.<br />

3. Make payment at the Bookstore, located in Kunsela Hall<br />

B112, during regular business hours. Waiver <strong>of</strong> the $15<br />

fee may be granted by the Director <strong>of</strong> University Police<br />

for extenuating circumstances.<br />

Food Service: Dining plan and points program participants<br />

must immediately notify the Food Service <strong>of</strong>fice at (315)<br />

792-7224 to suspend their dining plan account. Dining plan<br />

27<br />

participants can obtain a one-day temporary admis sion to<br />

the Dining Hall at the Campus Dining Hall, to allow for<br />

meals when the Bookstore is closed.<br />

Once the <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard has been replaced, it must be presented<br />

at the Food Service Office for dining plan account<br />

reactivation.<br />

Residence Halls: Students residing in the residence halls<br />

must inform Residential Life & Housing to deactivate card<br />

access. Residential Life & Housing will issue a temporary<br />

access code for entry during periods when the Bookstore is<br />

closed.<br />

Once the <strong>SUNY</strong>ITCard has been replaced, it must be presented<br />

at Residential Life & Housing Office for card access<br />

reactivation.<br />




With the approval <strong>of</strong> the College Council, the <strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> affirms the following <strong>student</strong> rights and<br />

privi leges within the context <strong>of</strong> the college community:<br />

1. to engage in discussion; to make inquiries; to exchange<br />

findings and recommendations; to speak, write, or print<br />

freely on any subject; and to sponsor speakers <strong>of</strong> their<br />

choice, in accordance with the guarantees <strong>of</strong> our Federal<br />

and State Constitutions, subject only to the right <strong>of</strong> the<br />

college to make reasonable rules and regulations related<br />

thereto.<br />

2. to associate freely with others.<br />

3. to engage in the educational process.<br />

4. to engage in peaceful, orderly, and non-destructive<br />

picket ing, protests, and demonstrations, to the extent<br />

they do not violate public law or college rules on the use<br />

<strong>of</strong> facili ties, time, place, and manner, and do not interfere<br />

with the educational process, or the rights <strong>of</strong> other<br />

members <strong>of</strong> the college.<br />

5. to be secure in their persons, living quarters, papers and<br />

ef fects, from unreasonable, illegal, or unauthorized<br />

searches and seizures; and in the event <strong>of</strong> a legally<br />

authorized search, whenever possible to have present an<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>of</strong> the college and the <strong>student</strong> against whom the<br />

legally authorized search is directed.<br />

6. to organize one’s own personal behavior as long as such<br />

behavior does not violate public law or rights <strong>of</strong> others,<br />

and does not interfere with the educational process.<br />

7. to be informed <strong>of</strong> the standards and the norms <strong>of</strong> conduct<br />

established by the college, and the right to have advance<br />

notice <strong>of</strong> any sanctions for violations there<strong>of</strong>.<br />

8. to have the benefit <strong>of</strong> fair and equitable procedures for<br />

determining the validity <strong>of</strong> charges <strong>of</strong> alleged violations<br />

<strong>of</strong> college standards <strong>of</strong> conduct. All procedures shall be<br />

structured to facilitate a reliable determination <strong>of</strong> the<br />

truth or falsity <strong>of</strong> charges, while providing due process<br />

and fundamental fairness to all persons.

9. to retain unaltered status as a member <strong>of</strong> the college<br />

com munity and to be present on the campus and attend<br />

classes during the consideration <strong>of</strong> any disciplinary<br />

matter, except for reasons relating to the safety and well<br />

being <strong>of</strong> members <strong>of</strong> the college community or college<br />

prop erty or a <strong>student</strong>’s own physical or emotional safety<br />

and well-being.<br />

10. to petition for redress <strong>of</strong> a grievance arising from<br />

negligent, malicious, or irresponsible actions <strong>of</strong> a<br />

member <strong>of</strong> the college community.<br />

11. to have college records reflect only such information as<br />

is reasonably related to the educational purposes <strong>of</strong> the<br />

college.<br />

12. to be informed <strong>of</strong> the existence, custodianship, and<br />

gen eral character <strong>of</strong> all personal records maintained by<br />

the college.<br />

13. to inspect all personal records, except those records<br />

de termined to be confidential in accordance with<br />

properly established criteria.<br />

14. to have protection from disclosure <strong>of</strong> personal records<br />

to unauthorized persons. Information will not be released<br />

outside <strong>of</strong> the college community without the expressed<br />

consent <strong>of</strong>, or waiver by, the <strong>student</strong> involved, except<br />

under guidelines established by the Family Educational<br />

Rights and Privacy Act.<br />

15. to establish and elect a representative, democratic<br />

<strong>student</strong> government which is accountable to the college<br />

and the <strong>student</strong> community.<br />

16. to be heard and have one’s views considered at<br />

appropriate levels <strong>of</strong> the decision-making process within<br />

the college community.<br />

17. to use designated college facilities as individuals and<br />

mem bers <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong> organizations for extracurricular<br />

activities sponsored by registered <strong>student</strong> organizations<br />

and <strong>student</strong> groups, subject to the priority <strong>of</strong> academic<br />

needs and to reasonable college rules and regulations<br />

regarding use <strong>of</strong> facilities.<br />



Every victim <strong>of</strong> a crime who reports the incident to the University<br />

Police Department or the Student Affairs staff will be<br />

afforded the following rights:<br />

1. The right to have the incident promptly and thoroughly<br />

investigated by appropriate college <strong>of</strong>ficials.<br />

2. The right to have the incident duly adjudicated by<br />

campus, civil, and/or criminal authorities with<br />

appropriate jurisdic tion.<br />

3. The right to full and prompt cooperation from the<br />

ap propriate college <strong>of</strong>ficials in order to notify the proper<br />

investigating or judicial authorities.<br />

4. The right to be free from any pressure from college<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficials who would suggest that the victim:<br />

a. not report crimes committed against them to civil<br />

and criminal authorities or to campus University<br />

Police and Student Affairs <strong>of</strong>ficials.<br />

b. report crimes as lesser <strong>of</strong>fenses than the victim<br />

perceives them to be.<br />

5. The right to have complete access to the college’s<br />

counseling <strong>services</strong> or other available community-based<br />

counseling or victim advocate <strong>services</strong>.<br />

6. The right to receive written notice <strong>of</strong> these rights from<br />

the University Police Department when a crime is<br />

reported to them.<br />

7. For victims <strong>of</strong> violent or sexual assault <strong>of</strong>fenses, the right<br />

to re ceive regular information about the proceedings<br />

<strong>of</strong> any college judicial action resulting from the<br />

complaint. This includes the composition <strong>of</strong> the judicial<br />

hearing board, the witnesses who will testify, and the<br />

final outcome <strong>of</strong> the judicial proceeding after the appeal<br />

process is complete.<br />



A <strong>student</strong> who reports a sexual assault or other sexual <strong>of</strong>fense,<br />

which took place on property under the college’s jurisdiction<br />

or at a college-sponsored event, will be afforded<br />

the following rights:<br />

1. The right to be free from suggestions by college <strong>of</strong>ficials<br />

that:<br />

a. sexual assault or sexual <strong>of</strong>fense victims are<br />

“responsible” for the commission <strong>of</strong> crimes against<br />

them.<br />

b. sexual assault victims were contributorily negligent<br />

or “assumed the risk” <strong>of</strong> being assaulted.<br />

c. by reporting crimes the college would incur<br />

unwanted publicity.<br />

2. The right to have complete access to immediate medical<br />

treat ment and/or counseling support <strong>services</strong>.<br />

3. The right to decline to go forward with criminal<br />

proceedi ngs.<br />

4. The right to be treated with dignity and compassion<br />

by each college <strong>of</strong>ficial who is involved in the counseling,<br />

investiga tive, or adjudicatory process.<br />

5. The right to receive regular information about the<br />

proceedings <strong>of</strong> any college judicial action resulting from<br />

the complaint. This includes the composition <strong>of</strong> the<br />

judicial hearing board, the witnesses who will testify,<br />

and the outcome <strong>of</strong> the judicial proceeding after the<br />

appeals process is complete.<br />

6. The same right to assistance, or right to have others<br />

present, which is afforded the accused during any college<br />

judicial action.<br />

7. The right to request that campus personnel take the<br />

neces sary steps reasonably available to prevent unwanted<br />

con tact or proximity with an alleged assailant(s). This<br />

could include a reassignment <strong>of</strong> the victim’s campus<br />

housing, reassignment <strong>of</strong> the victim’s academic class<br />

schedule, or interim suspension <strong>of</strong> the alleged assailant(s)<br />

from the college.<br />




A number <strong>of</strong> campus support <strong>services</strong> and community agencies<br />

are available to assist victims <strong>of</strong> sexual assault. Victims<br />

are encour aged to report sexual <strong>of</strong>fenses to the appropriate<br />

law enforcement agency. A victim’s first priority, however, is<br />

to get to a safe location and to seek medical assistance. The<br />

Oneida County Rape Crisis & Domestic Violence Services<br />

Agency in Utica will provide a support person to accompany<br />

a victim through the medical examination and, if a criminal<br />

complaint is filed, through the investigation and subsequent<br />

legal process.<br />

The following procedures are recommended:<br />

1. Get to a safe place away from the attacker.<br />

2. Contact an on-campus support person and/or call the<br />

Oneida County Rape Crisis & Domestic Violence<br />

Services Agency hotline (797-7740).<br />

3. Call an ambulance or go to a hospital emergency room<br />

for treatment <strong>of</strong> injuries/sexually transmitted disease,<br />

preg nancy testing, and forensic examination to obtain<br />

physical evidence.<br />

Students are encouraged to immediately report a sexual assault<br />

to the police:<br />

1. Call the University Police Department (111) if on campus<br />

or other police agency if you are <strong>of</strong>f-campus.<br />

2. Contact the Oneida County Rape Crisis & Domestic<br />

Violence Services Agency <strong>of</strong>fice and/or a campus support<br />

person and go to an emergency room.<br />

3. Preserve physical evidence: do not wash, urinate, douche,<br />

or change your clothes. If clothing is removed, keep it in<br />

a paper (not plastic) bag for evidence preservation. If<br />

forced oral sex was involved in the assault, do not drink<br />

anything, brush your teeth, or use mouthwash.<br />

4. Preserve the crime scene: do not move anything in or<br />

near the scene <strong>of</strong> the assault.<br />

5. Victims may need longer-term personal counseling or<br />

advice from legal counsel.<br />




University Police Department<br />

Mr. Jeffrey Jecko, Chief (792-7106)(criminal investigations,<br />

personal security information)<br />

• Dial 111 Emergency from an on-campus telephone or<br />

pick up any outside emergency telephone with a blue<br />

light<br />

• Dial 792-7105 Emergency from an <strong>of</strong>f-campus telephone<br />

Division <strong>of</strong> Student Affairs<br />

Mr. David Garrett, Director <strong>of</strong> Counseling Center<br />

(792-7805) (personal counselor)<br />

Ms. Elizabeth Briggs, Counseling Center<br />

(792-7805) (personal counselor)<br />

29<br />

Ms. Ellen Gooch, Counseling Center<br />

(792-7805) (personal counselor)<br />

Mrs. Josephine Ruffrage, Coordinator <strong>of</strong> Health and<br />

Wellness Center (792-7172) (medical assistance)<br />

Mr. John Borner, Director <strong>of</strong> Campus Life<br />

(792-7530) (judicial affairs <strong>of</strong>ficer, personal counselor)<br />

Community Resources<br />

• University Police 792-7106<br />

• New York State Police 736-0121<br />

• Oneida County Sheriff’s <strong>of</strong>fice 736-0141<br />

• Oneida County Rape Crisis &Domestic Violence<br />

Services Agency797-7740<br />

• Maynard Emergency Response (Ambulance)911<br />

• St. Elizabeth Hospital Emergency 798-8111<br />

• St. Luke’s Hospital Emergency 624-6112<br />

• Faxton Urgent Care 624-5226<br />

• Family Services, Inc.735-2236<br />


The following are sex <strong>of</strong>fenses taken from the New York State<br />

Penal Law. All are crimes in New York State and punishable<br />

by fines or imprisonment, or both:<br />

Section 130.25<br />

Rape in the Third Degree<br />

A person is guilty <strong>of</strong> rape in the third degree when:<br />

1. he or she engages in sexual intercourse with another<br />

person to whom the actor is not married, who is<br />

incapable <strong>of</strong> consent by reason <strong>of</strong> some factor other than<br />

being less than seventeen years old; or<br />

2. being twenty-one years old or more, he or she engages in<br />

sexual intercourse with another person to whom the<br />

actor is not married, less than seventeen years old.<br />

Rape in the third degree is a Class E felony.<br />

Section 130.30<br />

Rape in the Second Degree<br />

A person is guilty <strong>of</strong> rape in the second degree when, being<br />

eighteen years old or more, he or she engages in sexual<br />

inter course with another person to whom the actor is not<br />

married, less than fifteen years old.<br />

Rape in the second degree is a Class D felony.<br />

Section 130.35<br />

Rape in the First Degree<br />

A male is guilty <strong>of</strong> rape in the first degree when he engages<br />

in sexual intercourse with a female:<br />

1. by forcible compulsion; or<br />

2. who is incapable <strong>of</strong> consent by reason <strong>of</strong> being physically<br />

helpless; or<br />

3. who is less than thirteen years old.<br />

Rape in the first degree is a Class B felony.<br />


Hate Crimes and the Law<br />

It is a State University <strong>of</strong> New York <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Technol ogy<br />

(<strong>SUNY</strong>IT) Police mandate to protect all members <strong>of</strong> the SU-

NYIT community by preventing and prosecuting bias or<br />

hate crimes that occur within the campus jurisdiction.<br />

Hate crimes, also called bias crimes or bias-related crimes,<br />

are criminal activities motivated by the perpetrator’s bias or<br />

attitude against an individual victim or group based on perceived<br />

or actual personal characteristics, such as their race,<br />

religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.<br />

Hate/bias crimes have received renewed attention in recent<br />

years, particularly since the passage <strong>of</strong> the federal Hate/Bias<br />

Crime Reporting Act <strong>of</strong> 1990 and the New York State Hate<br />

Crimes Act <strong>of</strong> 2000 (Penal Law Article 485). Copies <strong>of</strong> the<br />

New York law are available from University Police.<br />

Penalties for bias-related crimes are very serious and range<br />

from fines to imprisonment for lengthy periods, depending<br />

on the nature <strong>of</strong> the underlying criminal <strong>of</strong>fense, the use <strong>of</strong><br />

violence or previous convictions <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fender. Perpetrators<br />

who are <strong>student</strong>s will also be subject to campus disciplinary<br />

procedures where sanctions including dismissal are<br />

possible.<br />

In addition to preventing and prosecuting hate/bias crimes,<br />

State University <strong>of</strong> New York <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> Police<br />

also assist in addressing bias-related activities that do not<br />

rise to the level <strong>of</strong> a crime. These activities, referred to as bias<br />

inci dents and defined by the University as acts <strong>of</strong> bigotry,<br />

harass ment, or intimidation directed at a member or group<br />

within the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT community based on national origin,<br />

ethnicity, race, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability,<br />

veteran sta tus, color, creed, or marital status, may<br />

be addressed through the State University’s Discrimination<br />

Complaint Procedure or the campus conduct code. Bias incidents<br />

can be reported to University Police as well as to<br />

Human Resources.<br />

If you are a victim <strong>of</strong>, or witness to, a hate/bias crime on<br />

campus, report it to University Police by calling 111 in an<br />

emergency, using a Blue Light or red emergency phone, calling<br />

792-7106, or stopping by University Police. Uni versity<br />

Police will investigate and follow the appropriate adjudication<br />

procedures.<br />

Victims <strong>of</strong> bias crime or bias incidents can avail themselves<br />

<strong>of</strong> counseling and support <strong>services</strong> from the campus as follows:<br />

Counseling Center, Donovan Hall Room G172, phone<br />

792-7805.<br />

For general information on <strong>SUNY</strong>IT security procedures,<br />

see http://www.sunyit.edu/administration/<strong>of</strong>fices/police/,<br />

Student Handbook page 10, or call 792-7106.<br />

More information about bias-related and bias crimes, including<br />

up-to-date statistics on bias crimes, is available from<br />

University Police, 792-7106.<br />



The <strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong>, a college community comprised<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s, faculty and staff, has established standards<br />

<strong>of</strong> conduct which are intended to guarantee the protection<br />

<strong>of</strong> individual rights and promote the development <strong>of</strong><br />

a learn ing environment conducive to academic achievement<br />

and personal growth.<br />

30<br />

The conduct <strong>of</strong> our faculty and staff is regulated by established<br />

personnel policies and applicable collective bargaining<br />

agree ments. The standards <strong>of</strong> conduct for <strong>student</strong>s are<br />

divided into four sections: 1) the Code <strong>of</strong> Academic Conduct,<br />

2) the Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct, 3) the <strong>SUNY</strong> Rules<br />

for the Main tenance <strong>of</strong> Public Order, and 4) the Penal Law<br />

<strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> New York.<br />

The administration <strong>of</strong> the standards for the conduct <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s<br />

is intended to be educational and not punitive. Student<br />

judicial hearings will be conducted with a commitment to<br />

fundamental fairness and will provide the appropriate level<br />

<strong>of</strong> due process. Because <strong>of</strong> the educational emphasis <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>student</strong> judicial system, hearing procedures will be informal<br />

and are not intended to model those held in the criminal<br />

justice system.<br />

Students who are charged with a violation are presumed to<br />

be innocent, and the complainant will assume the burden <strong>of</strong><br />

pro<strong>of</strong>. Cases will be judged based on the standard <strong>of</strong> “clear<br />

and convincing evidence.”<br />

The Code <strong>of</strong> Academic Conduct is administered by the Vice<br />

President for Academic Affairs, and alleged violations may<br />

be referred to him/her for adjudication.<br />

The Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management<br />

is responsible for the administration <strong>of</strong> the Student<br />

Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct and the <strong>SUNY</strong> Rules for the Maintenance<br />

<strong>of</strong> Public Order. Alleged violation <strong>of</strong> these codes may be adjudicated<br />

by an assigned administrator, the Student Judicial<br />

Board, or an Administrative Judicial Board.<br />

The enforcement <strong>of</strong> violations <strong>of</strong> the Penal Law and Vehicle<br />

and Traffic Law <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> New York which occur on<br />

campus is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the University<br />

Police De partment. The Vice President for Student Affairs<br />

and Enrollment Management is responsible for determining<br />

the appropriate adjudication through the disciplinary process<br />

<strong>of</strong> alleged on-campus violations <strong>of</strong> law or rules.<br />

Serious violations <strong>of</strong> law which occur <strong>of</strong>f-campus are also<br />

subject to adjudication by the <strong>student</strong> judicial system if the<br />

Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management<br />

determines that the alleged conduct presents a clear<br />

and present danger to the college community or a serious<br />

disruption to the academic environment <strong>of</strong> the college.<br />


I. Standards <strong>of</strong> Academic Conduct<br />

The <strong>student</strong>’s first obligation is to pursue his or her academic<br />

objectives conscientiously and honestly. The <strong>student</strong> is required<br />

to conform to all regulations <strong>of</strong> the University and<br />

<strong>Institute</strong>, the school and program in which the <strong>student</strong> is<br />

matriculated, and the classes in which the <strong>student</strong> is enrolled.<br />

The <strong>student</strong> is expected to complete all academic<br />

work, including but not limited to pa pers, examinations,<br />

laboratory reports, and other assignments, in compliance<br />

with the standards set forth in this code.<br />

Academic achievement is ordinarily evaluated on the basis<br />

<strong>of</strong> the work that the <strong>student</strong> has produced independently.<br />

A <strong>student</strong> who attempts to obtain credit for work, words,<br />

or ideas that are not the products <strong>of</strong> his or her own effort is

dishonest. Dishonesty undermines the integrity <strong>of</strong> academic<br />

standards. Infringement <strong>of</strong> this academic code entails penalties<br />

ranging from reprimand to dismissal from college.<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong> expects <strong>student</strong>s to tell the truth. Misrepresentation<br />

<strong>of</strong> facts, significant omissions or falsifications in any<br />

academic work are violations <strong>of</strong> the code.<br />

Misunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the code is not an acceptable excuse<br />

for dishonesty. If a <strong>student</strong> is uncertain whether a practice is<br />

permit ted in a particular course, the <strong>student</strong> should consult<br />

the course’s instructor or the dean <strong>of</strong> the academic school, in<br />

order to avoid the charge <strong>of</strong> academic dishonesty.<br />

II. Summary <strong>of</strong> Academic Integrity Code<br />

A <strong>student</strong>’s name on any course exercise (theme, report,<br />

notebook, performance, computer program, course paper,<br />

laboratory or practicum or co-op report, examination, quiz)<br />

is taken as assur ance that the exercise is the product <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>student</strong>’s own thoughts and study, and that it is expressed in<br />

the <strong>student</strong>’s own words and produced without assistance,<br />

except as indicated by quotation marks, references and footnotes<br />

acknowledging use <strong>of</strong> printed sources or other outside<br />

help.<br />

In some instances, the instructor or department may authorize<br />

<strong>student</strong>s to work together to solve problems, complete<br />

projects, or produce written or performed coursework; any<br />

such effort must be clearly marked the product <strong>of</strong> collaboration.<br />

Unless permission is obtained ahead <strong>of</strong> time from<br />

the instructor, a <strong>student</strong> may not submit the same exercise<br />

in more than one course. The <strong>student</strong> who sees the possibility<br />

<strong>of</strong> overlapping assignments should consult with both<br />

instructors before pro ceeding. Where collaboration is authorized,<br />

<strong>student</strong>s should indicate clearly which parts <strong>of</strong> the assignment<br />

were performed independently.<br />

III. Prohibited Behavior<br />

The following <strong>of</strong>fenses are violations <strong>of</strong> the Code <strong>of</strong> Academic<br />

Conduct.<br />

A. Plagiarism<br />

Any piece <strong>of</strong> work that has been presented as the<br />

individual creation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong> is assumed to involve<br />

no other assistance than incidental comment from any<br />

other per son.<br />

Plagiarism is the use <strong>of</strong> another person’s work, words,<br />

or ideas without attribution. It may involve using<br />

another’s words without quotation marks and footnotes<br />

to indicate the appropriate source. Paraphrasing or<br />

summarizing the content <strong>of</strong> another’s work is not<br />

dishonest as long as the source is clearly identified.<br />

Paraphrasing does not consti tute independent work,<br />

however; the instructor may thus reject it as insufficient<br />

or unsuitable. Plagiarism may also involve misrepresenting<br />

the sources that were used. The issue <strong>of</strong><br />

plagiarism applies to any type <strong>of</strong> academic work,<br />

including but not limited to papers, examinations and<br />

quizzes, computer programs, works <strong>of</strong> art, photography<br />

or video.<br />

B. Inappropriate Collaboration<br />

Collaboration on academic work requires acknowledgment.<br />

It is academically dishonest to work with an-<br />

31<br />

other person to develop, organize, or revise a project (e.g.,<br />

a paper, oral presentation, research project, or take home<br />

examination) without acknowledging that person’s help.<br />

Specific policies regarding collaborative work, peer review,<br />

use <strong>of</strong> tutors, and editing vary from instructor to<br />

instructor. It is the <strong>student</strong>’s obligation to check with the<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essor concerning any collaborative academic effort.<br />

C. Dishonesty in Examinations (In-Class or Take-home)<br />

An examination must be solely the <strong>student</strong>’s own work,<br />

unless otherwise directed by the instructor. Communi -<br />

cation is not allowed between or among <strong>student</strong>s while<br />

an examination or quiz is being taken, nor are <strong>student</strong>s<br />

permitted to consult books, papers, study aids, or notes,<br />

without the instructor’s explicit permission.<br />

Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying from<br />

another’s paper, giving unauthorized assistance to another,<br />

obtaining unauthorized advance knowledge <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ques tions to an examination or quiz, or use <strong>of</strong><br />

mechanical or marking devices or procedures to achieve<br />

false scores on machine graded examinations. Specific<br />

policies concern ing examinations may vary from<br />

instructor to instruc tor.<br />

D. Dishonesty in Papers and Reports<br />

The <strong>student</strong> is prohibited from submitting any material<br />

pre pared by or purchased from another person or<br />

company. All written materials submitted in fulfillment<br />

<strong>of</strong> course requirements must be the <strong>student</strong>’s original<br />

work, unless sources are cited following the accepted<br />

protocols for citation <strong>of</strong> another person’s words or ideas.<br />

E. Work Done For One Course and Submitted To Another<br />

The <strong>student</strong> may not present the same work for credit<br />

in more than one course. Under exceptional<br />

circumstances, the <strong>student</strong> may be permitted to submit<br />

a paper or other written assignment to satisfy<br />

requirements in two courses. However, both pr<strong>of</strong>essors<br />

must agree in advance to this arrangement. When<br />

incorporating past research into current projects, the<br />

<strong>student</strong> must reference the previous work.<br />

F. Falsification <strong>of</strong> Data<br />

The <strong>student</strong> may not deliberately falsify data or distort<br />

sup porting documentation for coursework or other<br />

academic activity.<br />

G. Interference With Another Student’s Work<br />

The <strong>student</strong> may not intentionally interfere with the<br />

work <strong>of</strong> others, by sabotaging laboratory experiments or<br />

research, or computer programs or computer<br />

laboratories, by giving misleading information, or by<br />

disrupting class work or library work, including study.<br />

H. Copyright Violation<br />

Copyrighted material is the property <strong>of</strong> the copyright<br />

holder and may only be used with appropriate<br />

authorization. The <strong>student</strong> must observe the copyright<br />

laws, which govern practices <strong>of</strong> using printed materials,<br />

duplicating computer s<strong>of</strong>tware, photoduplicating<br />

copyrighted materi als, and reproducing video and<br />

audio-cassettes and other audio-visual materials.

The Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct prohibits theft or<br />

unauthor ized use <strong>of</strong> another’s property and requires<br />

adherence to federal and State laws. This provision will<br />

be enforced by the Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management, under the<br />

provisions <strong>of</strong> the Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct and the State<br />

University <strong>of</strong> New York Rules for the Maintenance <strong>of</strong><br />

Public Order.<br />

I. Other Offenses Against the Academic Integrity Code<br />

In addition to the practices specified above, academic<br />

dishonesty embraces all other practices that circumvent<br />

procedures to assure a fair grade.<br />

Use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>services</strong> <strong>of</strong> commercial term paper or “research”<br />

companies is cheating, and a punishable <strong>of</strong>fense.<br />

Student groups may not maintain and re-use papers,<br />

reports, course exercises, or examinations that have been<br />

kept on file from prior years.<br />

Falsification <strong>of</strong> records or routines for grading is<br />

dishonest, whether before or after graduation.<br />

Gaining access to a confidential recommendation<br />

without permission, after waiving right <strong>of</strong> access, is a<br />

violation <strong>of</strong> the code.<br />

Withholding, altering or destroying materials needed by<br />

other <strong>student</strong>s for course exercises is an <strong>of</strong>fense against<br />

the academic code.<br />

Lying in the course <strong>of</strong> an investigation <strong>of</strong> an academic<br />

<strong>of</strong>fense or during a hearing is a violation <strong>of</strong> the Student<br />

Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct, and will be referred to the Vice<br />

President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management<br />

for disciplinary action.<br />

IV. Adjudication <strong>of</strong> Charges<br />

A. Faculty Action<br />

If the instructor is convinced that the alleged <strong>of</strong>fense<br />

was an error in judgment on the part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong> and<br />

not willful dishonesty, the instructor may elect to use the<br />

occasion to educate the <strong>student</strong> on academic obligations<br />

and standards within the <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong>. In<br />

such cases, the instructor may require the <strong>student</strong> to rewrite<br />

or correct the original assignment, or submit a<br />

substitute assignment.<br />

If the instructor believes the <strong>student</strong> has been willfully<br />

dis honest, the instructor will assess an appropriate<br />

penalty, based on the seriousness <strong>of</strong> the violation and the<br />

range <strong>of</strong> penalties outlined below, in the section headed<br />

Penalties for Academic Dishonesty.<br />

In either case, within two weeks the instructor should<br />

make a written record <strong>of</strong> the incident and convey this to<br />

the dean <strong>of</strong> the School in which the course resides.<br />

In the event the <strong>student</strong> wishes to dispute the finding <strong>of</strong><br />

the instructor, or the penalty assessed by the instructor,<br />

the <strong>student</strong> may appeal, through the dean, and request a<br />

hearing before the Academic Conduct Board.<br />

B. Academic Conduct Board<br />

The <strong>student</strong> who disagrees with an instructor’s finding<br />

<strong>of</strong> aca demic dishonesty, or with the penalty assessed for<br />

academic dishonesty, may request that the matter be ad-<br />

32<br />

judged by the Academic Conduct Board. In all hearings<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Board, the following procedure will be observed:<br />

1. The instructor reporting a charge <strong>of</strong> academic dishonesty<br />

must do so in writing within two calendar<br />

weeks <strong>of</strong> discovery <strong>of</strong> the alleged <strong>of</strong>fense,<br />

supporting the charge with appropriate<br />

documentation, to the dean <strong>of</strong> the school within<br />

which the course resides.<br />

If the instructor recommends a penalty <strong>of</strong> censure,<br />

dismissal, or suspension, the Academic Conduct<br />

Board will be caused to convene.<br />

2. The dean notifies the <strong>student</strong> <strong>of</strong> the charge in<br />

writing within one calendar week <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong><br />

notice from the instructor. (S)he also advises the<br />

<strong>student</strong> that a hearing <strong>of</strong> the Board is being<br />

scheduled, and outlines the procedure and the s<br />

<strong>student</strong>’s rights. The dean asks the Vice President to<br />

convene the Board.<br />

3. Within one calendar week, the Academic Conduct<br />

Board hears the case. The chairperson <strong>of</strong> the Board<br />

submits a written summary <strong>of</strong> findings and a<br />

recommendation <strong>of</strong> penalties to the dean (copy to<br />

the Vice President) within one calendar week <strong>of</strong><br />

completion <strong>of</strong> the hearing.<br />

4. The dean renders a decision to all parties (<strong>student</strong>,<br />

instructor, Vice President, Board) within one<br />

calendar week <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> the Board’s findings and<br />

recommendation.<br />

5. In the case <strong>of</strong> a recommendation <strong>of</strong> suspension or<br />

dismissal, the dean recommends penalty to the Vice<br />

President, the Vice President consults with the<br />

President, and the President renders a decision<br />

within two calendar weeks.<br />

Throughout the process, nothing shall prevent the<br />

<strong>student</strong> and the instructor from reaching agreement<br />

on a suitable resolution <strong>of</strong> the case.<br />

The dean or Vice President may extend any stage <strong>of</strong><br />

the hearing calendar as appropriate and necessary.<br />

C. Appeal<br />

The <strong>student</strong> may appeal the decision <strong>of</strong> the dean by<br />

peti tioning the Vice President in writing within one<br />

calendar week <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> the dean’s decision. The Vice<br />

President renders a decision on the appeal within one<br />

calendar week <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> the petition.<br />

Appeal from a decision <strong>of</strong> suspension or dismissal is<br />

directly to the President. The same calendar applies.<br />

The Vice President or President may extend any stage <strong>of</strong><br />

the hearing calendar as appropriate and necessary.<br />

V. Academic Conduct Board<br />

The Academic Conduct Board is composed <strong>of</strong> four faculty<br />

and two <strong>student</strong>s, appointed respectively for each hearing<br />

by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Student Association from a pool <strong>of</strong> eight faculty (two<br />

per school) and four <strong>student</strong>s. The purpose <strong>of</strong> the pool <strong>of</strong><br />

faculty and <strong>student</strong>s is to provide a hedge against conflict <strong>of</strong><br />

interest or schedule in any particular hearing.

V.1. Officers<br />

The board selects a chairperson and secretary for each hearing.<br />

The secretary maintains a record <strong>of</strong> the hearing. This<br />

record and all documents pertaining to the hearing are circulated<br />

only to persons involved in the hearing and to the<br />

appropri ate appeals <strong>of</strong>ficer (Vice President or President) in<br />

the case <strong>of</strong> an appeal<br />

V.2. Quorum. Decision<br />

A quorum consists <strong>of</strong> at least four members, with a majority<br />

<strong>of</strong> faculty and at least one <strong>student</strong> in attendance. Decision is<br />

rendered by majority vote.<br />

V.3. Parties Excluded from the Board<br />

Any member <strong>of</strong> the Board who is party to the dispute under<br />

consideration, or has other reason to feel that there is a legitimate<br />

conflict <strong>of</strong> interest involved in his or her hearing a case,<br />

is excluded from participating in the hearing.<br />

V.4. Hearing Procedure<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> the hearing is educational as well as disciplinary.<br />

Thus, courtroom procedures and rules <strong>of</strong> evidence<br />

need not be followed in the interest <strong>of</strong> ascertaining the facts<br />

<strong>of</strong> the case.<br />

Both <strong>student</strong> and instructor have the right to examine all<br />

writ ten evidence prior to the hearing; this evidence shall be<br />

kept in a restricted file in the dean’s <strong>of</strong>fice pending hearing.<br />

Both <strong>student</strong> and instructor have the right to attend the<br />

hearing and question and respond to witnesses. The <strong>student</strong><br />

may bring up to two advisors, provided one <strong>of</strong> them is a<br />

member <strong>of</strong> the Col lege Community (faculty, staff, <strong>student</strong>).<br />

The advisor(s) may advise the <strong>student</strong> and, with the permission<br />

<strong>of</strong> the chairperson <strong>of</strong> the Board, address the Board.<br />

The chairperson <strong>of</strong> the Board may remove any person from<br />

the hearing room for obstruction <strong>of</strong> hearing.<br />

V.5. Special Periods<br />

The appropriate dean has authority to resolve disputes during<br />

special periods, when the Academic Conduct Board cannot<br />

meet.<br />

VI. Class Attendance Pending Decision<br />

The <strong>student</strong> accused <strong>of</strong> academic dishonesty may continue<br />

in class until a final decision has been reached, including<br />

appeal. Pending final determination <strong>of</strong> the charge, a grade<br />

<strong>of</strong> Incom plete may be assigned in the disputed course or<br />

courses.<br />

VII. Penalties for Academic Dishonesty<br />

The <strong>student</strong> found in violation <strong>of</strong> this policy may receive any<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following sanctions, depending on the severity <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>of</strong>fense and the number or repetition <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fenses committed<br />

by the <strong>student</strong>.<br />

VII.1. Reprimand<br />

When a first <strong>of</strong>fense is judged to merit a minor penalty, the<br />

<strong>student</strong> shall receive a written reprimand from the dean <strong>of</strong><br />

the school in which the course resides. The <strong>student</strong> may be<br />

required to repeat the exercise or complete an alternative assignment,<br />

as determined by the instructor.<br />

Copies <strong>of</strong> the letter <strong>of</strong> reprimand will be sent to the school in<br />

which the <strong>student</strong> is matriculated and to the Vice President<br />

33<br />

for Academic Affairs, where it will be placed in the <strong>student</strong>’s<br />

academic discipline folder (located in the Vice President’s <strong>of</strong>fice).<br />

The dean may specify that the letter be removed from<br />

the <strong>student</strong>’s folder after a specified length <strong>of</strong> time, upon<br />

condition <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong>’s good behavior.<br />

VII.2. Loss <strong>of</strong> Credit for the Exercise<br />

The <strong>student</strong> will be allowed to continue in the course, but<br />

may not receive credit for the assignment or for any alternative<br />

as signment that is required.<br />

The <strong>student</strong> also receives a letter <strong>of</strong> reprimand. Copies <strong>of</strong><br />

the letter <strong>of</strong> reprimand will be sent to the school in which<br />

the <strong>student</strong> is matriculated and to the Vice President for<br />

Academic Affairs, where it will be placed in the <strong>student</strong>’s<br />

academic discipline folder (located in the Vice President’s<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice). If the <strong>student</strong> later requests an institutional letter <strong>of</strong><br />

reference, the letter may refer to the incident.<br />

VII.3. Failing Grade in the Course<br />

Notice is made in the <strong>student</strong>’s confidential academic discipline<br />

folder <strong>of</strong> this penalty. If the <strong>student</strong> later requests an<br />

institu tional letter <strong>of</strong> reference, the letter may refer to the<br />

incident.<br />

VII.4. Censure and Failing Grade<br />

Repeated <strong>of</strong>fenses, or a sufficiently serious first <strong>of</strong>fense, may<br />

result in the imposition <strong>of</strong> both the penalty <strong>of</strong> a failing grade<br />

in the course and academic censure. The words “Censured<br />

for Academic Dishonesty” appear in the <strong>student</strong>’s confidential<br />

academic discipline folder. If the <strong>student</strong> later requests<br />

an institutional letter <strong>of</strong> reference, the letter may refer to the<br />

incident.<br />

VII.5. Suspension or Dismissal<br />

An unusually serious first <strong>of</strong>fense, or repeated <strong>of</strong>fenses, may<br />

result in suspension or dismissal from college. The <strong>student</strong><br />

is suspended or dismissed from college as <strong>of</strong> the date <strong>of</strong> the<br />

infraction and receives grades <strong>of</strong> F in all coursework for the<br />

semester. Only the President may suspend or dismiss a <strong>student</strong><br />

from the college.<br />

The words “Suspended” or “Dismissed for Academic Dishonesty”<br />

appear on the <strong>student</strong>’s permanent academic transcript.<br />

If the <strong>student</strong> later requests an institutional letter <strong>of</strong><br />

reference, the letter may refer to the incident.<br />

Suspension is temporary withdrawal from the college for a<br />

specified period <strong>of</strong> at least one semester, after which the <strong>student</strong><br />

may return in good standing, in accordance with the<br />

standing regulations governing matriculation, by submitting<br />

a petition for readmission.<br />

Dismissal is withdrawal from the college without promise<br />

<strong>of</strong> reinstatement and with loss <strong>of</strong> matriculated status.<br />

Reinstate ment after dismissal requires the approval <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Vice President for Academic Affairs, who must interview the<br />

<strong>student</strong> and approve reinstatement. A <strong>student</strong> who has been<br />

academi cally dismissed loses matriculated status and must<br />

apply for matriculation at the time <strong>of</strong> reinstatement. The <strong>student</strong><br />

may not petition for readmission until at least one year<br />

has passed after dismissal.<br />

VIII. Record <strong>of</strong> Disciplinary Actions<br />

Records pertaining to <strong>student</strong> violations <strong>of</strong> the Code <strong>of</strong>

Aca demic Conduct are maintained for five years after the<br />

<strong>student</strong>’s last registration at the <strong>Institute</strong>. When penalties become<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong>’s permanent academic record, the<br />

record is maintained indefinitely. These records are subject<br />

to Univer sity and <strong>Institute</strong> regulations concerning the confidentiality<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong> records.<br />

Upon written request, the <strong>student</strong> has the right to inspect<br />

his or her record.<br />


Article I: Definitions<br />

1. The term “<strong>SUNY</strong>IT” means State University <strong>of</strong> New York<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong>.<br />

2. The term “<strong>student</strong>” includes all persons taking courses at<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT, both full-time and part-time, pursuing undergraduate,<br />

graduate, or pr<strong>of</strong>essional studies and those<br />

who attend post-secondary educational institutions other<br />

than <strong>SUNY</strong>IT, and who reside in <strong>SUNY</strong>IT residence<br />

halls. Persons who are not <strong>of</strong>ficially enrolled for a<br />

particular term but who have a continuing relationship<br />

with <strong>SUNY</strong>IT are considered “<strong>student</strong>s.”<br />

3. The term “faculty member” means any person hired by<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT to conduct classroom activities.<br />

4. The term “<strong>SUNY</strong>IT <strong>of</strong>ficial” includes any person<br />

employed by <strong>SUNY</strong>IT, performing assigned<br />

administrative or pr<strong>of</strong>essional responsibilities. This term<br />

also includes Resident Advisors performing duties within<br />

their responsibilities.<br />

5. The term “member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT community” includes<br />

any person who is a <strong>student</strong>, faculty member, <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial, or any other person employed by <strong>SUNY</strong>IT. A<br />

person’s status in a particular situation shall be<br />

determined by the Vice President for Student Affairs and<br />

Enrollment Management.<br />

6. The term “<strong>SUNY</strong>IT premises” includes all land,<br />

buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession<br />

<strong>of</strong> or owned, used, or controlled by <strong>SUNY</strong>IT (including<br />

adjacent streets and/or sidewalks).<br />

7. The term “organization” means any number <strong>of</strong> persons<br />

who have complied with the formal requirements for<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT recognition.<br />

8. The term “judicial body” means any person or persons<br />

authorized by the Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management to determine<br />

whether a <strong>student</strong> has violated the Student Code <strong>of</strong><br />

Conduct and to recommend imposition <strong>of</strong> sanctions.<br />

9. The term “Judicial Officer” means a <strong>SUNY</strong>IT <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

authorized on a case-by-case basis by the Vice President<br />

for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management<br />

to impose sanctions upon <strong>student</strong>s<br />

found to have violated the <strong>student</strong> code. The Vice<br />

President for Student Affairs and Enrollment<br />

Management may authorize a Judicial Officer to<br />

serve simultaneously as a Judicial Officer and the sole<br />

member or one <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> a judicial body.<br />

Nothing shall prevent the Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management from authorizing<br />

the same Judicial Officer to impose sanctions in all cases.<br />

34<br />

10. The term “appellate board” means any person or persons<br />

authorized by the Vice President for Student Affairs and<br />

Enrollment Management to consider an appeal from a<br />

judicial body’s determination that a <strong>student</strong> has violated<br />

the Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct or from the sanctions<br />

imposed by the Judicial Officer.<br />

11. The term “shall” is used in the imperative sense.<br />

12. The term “may” is used in the permissive sense.<br />

13. The Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment<br />

Management is that person designated by the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

President to be responsible for the administration <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct.<br />

14. The term “policy” is defined as the written regulations <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT as found in, but not limited to, the Student<br />

Handbook and graduate and/or undergraduate catalogs.<br />

15. The term “Rules for the Maintenance <strong>of</strong> Public Order” is<br />

defined as regulations to all <strong>SUNY</strong> campuses mandated<br />

by the Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees <strong>of</strong> the State University <strong>of</strong> New<br />

York. A copy <strong>of</strong> these rules can be found on page 38.<br />

Article II: Judicial Authority<br />

1. The Judicial Officer shall determine the composition<br />

<strong>of</strong> the judicial bodies and appellate boards and determine<br />

which judicial body and appellate board shall be<br />

authorized to hear each case.<br />

2. The Judicial Officer shall develop policies for the<br />

administration <strong>of</strong> the judicial program and procedural<br />

rules for the conduct <strong>of</strong> hearings that are not inconsistent<br />

with provisions <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong> code.<br />

3. Decisions made by a judicial body and/or Judicial Officer<br />

shall be final, pending the normal appeal process.<br />

4. Decisions made by an appellate board shall be final,<br />

unless the President <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT considers it necessary to<br />

review the case.<br />

5. A judicial body may be designated as mediator <strong>of</strong><br />

disputes within the <strong>student</strong> community in cases that do<br />

not involve a violation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong> code. All parties<br />

must agree to mediation, and to be bound by the<br />

decision with no right <strong>of</strong> appeal.<br />

Article III: Proscribed Conduct<br />

A. Jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

Generally, <strong>SUNY</strong>IT jurisdiction and discipline shall be<br />

limited to conduct which occurs on <strong>SUNY</strong>IT premises or<br />

<strong>of</strong>f campus where a definite, legitimate, and/or<br />

substantial college inter est exists.<br />

B. Conduct Rules and Regulations<br />

Any <strong>student</strong> found to have committed the following mis<br />

conduct is subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined<br />

in Article IV:<br />

1. Acts <strong>of</strong> dishonesty, including but not limited to the<br />

following:<br />

a. Furnishing false information to any <strong>SUNY</strong>IT faculty<br />

member or <strong>of</strong>ficial.<br />

b. Forgery, alteration, or misuse <strong>of</strong> any <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

document, record, or instrument <strong>of</strong> identification.<br />

c. Tampering with the election related to any <strong>SUNY</strong>IT

ecognized <strong>student</strong> organization.<br />

2. Disruption or obstruction <strong>of</strong> teaching, research,<br />

administration, disciplinary proceedings, other <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

activities, including its public-service functions on or <strong>of</strong>f<br />

campus, or other authorized non <strong>SUNY</strong>IT activities,<br />

when the act occurs on <strong>SUNY</strong>IT premises.<br />

3. Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation,<br />

harassment, coercion and/or other conduct which<br />

threatens or endangers the health or safety <strong>of</strong> any person.<br />

4. Attempted or actual theft <strong>of</strong> and/or damage to property<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT, or property <strong>of</strong> a member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

community, or other personal or public property.<br />

5. Hazing, defined as an act which endangers the mental or<br />

physical health or safety <strong>of</strong> a <strong>student</strong>, or which destroys<br />

or removes public or private property, for the purpose <strong>of</strong><br />

initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a<br />

condition for continued membership in a group or<br />

organization.<br />

6. Failure to comply with the directions <strong>of</strong> a <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial or law enforcement <strong>of</strong>ficer acting in performance<br />

<strong>of</strong> their duties and/or failure to identify oneself to these<br />

persons when requested to do so.<br />

7. Unauthorized possession, duplication, or use <strong>of</strong> keys<br />

and/or access card to any <strong>SUNY</strong>IT premises, or unauthorized<br />

entry to or use <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT premises.<br />

8. Violation <strong>of</strong> published <strong>SUNY</strong>IT policies, rules, or<br />

regulations.<br />

9. Violation <strong>of</strong> federal, state, or local law on or <strong>of</strong>f <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

premises, at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT sponsored or supervised activities.<br />

10. Use, possession, or distribution <strong>of</strong> narcotic or other<br />

controlled substances except as expressly permitted by law.<br />

11. Use, possession, or distribution <strong>of</strong> alcoholic beverages<br />

except as expressly permitted by the law and <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

regulations (See Residence Hall Policies for more<br />

information), or public intoxication.<br />

12. Illegal or unauthorized possession <strong>of</strong> firearms, fireworks<br />

and other explosives, weapons, or dangerous chemicals<br />

on <strong>SUNY</strong>IT premises.<br />

13. Participation in a campus demonstration which disrupts<br />

the normal operations <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT and in fringes on the<br />

rights <strong>of</strong> other members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT community;<br />

leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or<br />

normal activities within any campus building or area;<br />

intentional obstruction which unreasonably interferes<br />

with freedom <strong>of</strong> movement, either pedestrian or<br />

vehicular, on campus.<br />

14. Obstruction <strong>of</strong> the free flow <strong>of</strong> pedestrian or vehicular<br />

traffic on <strong>SUNY</strong>IT premises or at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT sponsored or<br />

supervised functions.<br />

15. Conduct which is disorderly, lewd, or indecent; breach<br />

<strong>of</strong> peace; or aiding, abetting, or procuring another<br />

person to breach the peace on <strong>SUNY</strong>IT premises or at<br />

functions sponsored by, or participated in by, <strong>SUNY</strong>IT.<br />

16. Theft or other abuse <strong>of</strong> computer privileges, including<br />

but not limited to:<br />

a. Unauthorized entry into a file, to use, read, or change<br />

35<br />

the contents, or for any other purpose.<br />

b. Unauthorized transfer or sharing <strong>of</strong> a file.<br />

c. Unauthorized use <strong>of</strong> another individual’s<br />

identification and password.<br />

d. Use <strong>of</strong> computing facilities to interfere with the work<br />

<strong>of</strong> another <strong>student</strong>, faculty member, or <strong>SUNY</strong>IT <strong>of</strong>ficial.<br />

e. Use <strong>of</strong> computing facilities to send obscene or abusive<br />

messages.<br />

f. Use <strong>of</strong> computing facilities to interfere with normal<br />

operation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT computing or network system.<br />

g. Lending individual’s identification and password to<br />

another person.<br />

h. Negligently spreading viruses, worms, or any<br />

programs that act to degrade, violate, disable, or affect<br />

service or operation <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s or <strong>student</strong>s’ personal<br />

computers connected to <strong>SUNY</strong>IT’s network.<br />

17. Abuse <strong>of</strong> the judicial system, including but not limited<br />

to:<br />

a. Failure to obey the summons <strong>of</strong> a judicial body or<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT <strong>of</strong>ficial.<br />

b. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation <strong>of</strong><br />

information before a judicial body.<br />

c. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct <strong>of</strong><br />

a judicial proceeding.<br />

d. Initiation <strong>of</strong> a judicial proceeding knowingly without<br />

cause.<br />

e. Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper<br />

participation in, or use <strong>of</strong>, the judicial system.<br />

f. Attempting to influence the impartiality <strong>of</strong> a member<br />

<strong>of</strong> a judicial body prior to, and/or during the course <strong>of</strong>,<br />

the judicial proceeding.<br />

g. Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation <strong>of</strong><br />

a member <strong>of</strong> a judicial body prior to, during, and/or<br />

after a judicial proceeding.<br />

h. Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under<br />

the <strong>student</strong> code.<br />

i. Influencing or attempting to influence another person<br />

to commit an abuse <strong>of</strong> the judicial system.<br />

C. Violation <strong>of</strong> Law and <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Discipline<br />

1. <strong>SUNY</strong>IT disciplinary proceedings may be instituted<br />

against a <strong>student</strong> charged with violation <strong>of</strong> a law, which<br />

is also a violation <strong>of</strong> this <strong>student</strong> code, if both violations<br />

result from the same factual situation. Proceedings under<br />

this <strong>student</strong> code will be pursued without regard to<br />

pending civil litigation in court or criminal arrest and<br />

prosecution.<br />

2. When a <strong>student</strong> is charged by federal, state, or local<br />

authorities with a violation <strong>of</strong> law, <strong>SUNY</strong>IT will not<br />

request or agree to special consideration for that<br />

individual because <strong>of</strong> his or her status as a <strong>student</strong>. If<br />

the alleged <strong>of</strong>fense is also the subject <strong>of</strong> a proceeding<br />

before a judicial body under the <strong>student</strong> code, however,<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT may advise <strong>of</strong>f-campus authorities <strong>of</strong> the<br />

existence <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong> code and <strong>of</strong> how such matters<br />

will be handled internally within the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT

community. <strong>SUNY</strong>IT will cooperate fully with law<br />

enforcement and other agencies in the enforcement <strong>of</strong><br />

criminal law on campus and in the conditions imposed<br />

by criminal courts for the rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong><br />

violators. Individual <strong>student</strong>s and <strong>SUNY</strong>IT community<br />

members, acting in their personal capacities, remain free<br />

to interact with governmental representatives, as they<br />

deem appropriate.<br />

Article IV: Judicial Policies<br />

A. Charges and Hearings<br />

1. Any member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT community may file<br />

charges against any <strong>student</strong> for misconduct. Charges<br />

shall be prepared in writing and directed to the Judicial<br />

Officer responsible for the administration <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

judicial system. Any charge should be submitted as soon<br />

as possible after the event takes place.<br />

2. The Judicial Officer may conduct an investigation to<br />

determine if the charges have merit and/or if they can<br />

be disposed <strong>of</strong> administratively by mutual consent <strong>of</strong> the<br />

parties involved on a basis acceptable to the Judicial<br />

Officer. Such disposition shall be final and there shall be<br />

no subsequent proceedings. If the charges cannot be<br />

disposed <strong>of</strong> by mutual consent, the Judicial Officer may<br />

later serve in the same matter as the judicial body or a<br />

member there<strong>of</strong>.<br />

3. If charges are warranted, a judicial body will inform the<br />

accused in writing <strong>of</strong> the charges and stating the time <strong>of</strong><br />

a prehearing.<br />

4. During the prehearing the judicial body will:<br />

a. Ensure that the accused understands the judicial<br />

process and his/her due process rights.<br />

b. Offer the accused the opportunity to informally<br />

resolve the charges. Informal resolutions will be in<br />

writing and signed by both parties. All informal<br />

resolutions are final and there shall be no subsequent<br />

proceedings.<br />

5. If an informal resolution is not obtained, the accused will<br />

be informed in writing <strong>of</strong> the time <strong>of</strong> a hearing, not less<br />

than five (5) nor more than fifteen (15) school days<br />

after the <strong>student</strong> has been notified. Maximum time limits<br />

for scheduling <strong>of</strong> hearings may be extended at the<br />

discretion <strong>of</strong> the Judicial Officer.<br />

6. Hearings shall be conducted by a judicial body according<br />

to the following guidelines:<br />

a. Hearings normally shall be conducted in private.<br />

b. Admission <strong>of</strong> any person to the hearing shall be at the<br />

discretion <strong>of</strong> the judicial body and/or its Judicial Officer.<br />

c. In hearings involving more than one accused <strong>student</strong>,<br />

the chairperson <strong>of</strong> the judicial body, in his or her<br />

discretion, may permit the hearing concerning each<br />

<strong>student</strong> to be conducted separately.<br />

d. The complainant and the accused have the right to be<br />

assisted by an advisor they choose. The advisor must<br />

be a member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Community (faculty,<br />

administrator, staff, or <strong>student</strong>). Advisors cannot be<br />

attorneys. The complainant and/or the accused is re-<br />

36<br />

sponsible for presenting his or her own case and,<br />

therefore, advisors are not permitted to speak or to<br />

participate directly in any hearing before a judicial body.<br />

e. The complainant, the accused, and the judicial body<br />

shall have the privilege <strong>of</strong> presenting witnesses,<br />

subject to the right <strong>of</strong> cross- examination.<br />

f. Pertinent records and exhibits may be accepted as<br />

evidence for consideration by the judicial body at the<br />

discretion <strong>of</strong> the chairperson.<br />

g. All procedural questions are subject to the final<br />

decision <strong>of</strong> the chairperson <strong>of</strong> the judicial body.<br />

h. After the hearing, the judicial body shall determine<br />

(by majority vote) whether the <strong>student</strong> has<br />

violated each section <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong> code, which the<br />

<strong>student</strong> is charged with violating.<br />

i. The judicial body’s determination shall be made on<br />

the basis <strong>of</strong> whether it is more likely than not that the<br />

accused <strong>student</strong> violated the <strong>student</strong> code.<br />

7. There shall be a single verbatim record, such as a tape<br />

recording, <strong>of</strong> all hearings before a judicial body. The<br />

record shall be the property <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT.<br />

8. Except in the case <strong>of</strong> a <strong>student</strong> charged with failing to<br />

obey the summons <strong>of</strong> a judicial body or <strong>SUNY</strong>IT <strong>of</strong>ficial,<br />

no <strong>student</strong> may be found to have violated the <strong>student</strong><br />

code solely because the <strong>student</strong> failed to appear before<br />

a judicial body. In all cases, the evidence in support <strong>of</strong><br />

the charges shall be presented and considered.<br />

9. In accordance with federal laws, the Vice President for<br />

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management may release<br />

information concerning a <strong>student</strong>’s judicial record to<br />

those with a legitimate educational interest.<br />

B. Sanctions<br />

1. The following sanctions may be imposed upon any<br />

<strong>student</strong> found to have violated the <strong>student</strong> code:<br />

a. Warning: A notice in writing to the <strong>student</strong> that the<br />

<strong>student</strong> is in violation or has violated institutional<br />

regulations.<br />

b. Probation: A written reprimand for violation <strong>of</strong><br />

specified regulations. Probation is for a designated<br />

period <strong>of</strong> time and includes the probability <strong>of</strong> more<br />

severe disciplinary sanctions if the <strong>student</strong> is found to<br />

be violating any institutional regulation(s) during the<br />

probationary period.<br />

c. Loss <strong>of</strong> Privileges: Denial <strong>of</strong> specified privileges for a<br />

designated period <strong>of</strong> time.<br />

d. Restitution: Monetary compensation for loss or<br />

damages.<br />

e. Community Service: Work assignments, service to<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT or other related discretionary assignments<br />

(such assignments must have the prior approval <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Judicial Officer).<br />

f. Educational Paper: Student is required to submit a<br />

typed paper on a topic specified by a judicial body.<br />

The judicial body determines the topic and length <strong>of</strong><br />

the paper.

g. Educational Sanction: Student is required to, but not<br />

limited to, attending an alcohol education program,<br />

college counseling, or other educational opportunity<br />

that the judicial body deems appropriate.<br />

h. Change in Residence Hall Assignment: Written<br />

direction to relocate a <strong>student</strong> to an alternative<br />

residence hall accommodation.<br />

i. Persona Non Grata Status: Exclusion from part or all<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT premises for a specified period <strong>of</strong> time.<br />

During this time, the <strong>student</strong> is prohibited from<br />

entering or participating in any function within the<br />

restricted area(s).<br />

j. Residence Hall Probation: A written reprimand for<br />

violations <strong>of</strong> specified Residence Hall Policies.<br />

Residence Hall Probation is for a designated period <strong>of</strong><br />

time and includes the probability <strong>of</strong> more severe<br />

disciplinary sanctions if the <strong>student</strong> is found to be in<br />

violation <strong>of</strong> any institutional regulation(s) during the<br />

probationary period.<br />

k. Residence Hall Suspension: Separation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong><br />

from the residence halls for a definite period <strong>of</strong> time,<br />

after which the <strong>student</strong> is eligible to return.<br />

Conditions for readmission may be specified.<br />

l. Residence Hall Expulsion: Permanent separation <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>student</strong> from the residence halls.<br />

m. <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Suspension: Separation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong> from<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT for a definite period <strong>of</strong> time, after which the<br />

<strong>student</strong> is eligible to return. Conditions for<br />

readmission may be specified.<br />

n. <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Expulsion: permanent separation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>student</strong> from <strong>SUNY</strong>IT.<br />

2. More than one <strong>of</strong> the sanctions listed above may be<br />

imposed for any single violation.<br />

3. The following sanctions may be imposed upon groups or<br />

organizations:<br />

a. Those sanctions listed above in Section B 1, a through g.<br />

b. Deactivation: Loss <strong>of</strong> all privileges, including <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

recognition, for a specified period <strong>of</strong> time.<br />

4. In each case in which a judicial <strong>of</strong>ficer determines that a<br />

<strong>student</strong> has violated the <strong>student</strong> code, the sanction(s)<br />

shall be determined and imposed by the Judicial Officer.<br />

In cases in which persons other than or in addition to the<br />

Judicial Officer have been authorized to serve as the<br />

judicial body, the recommendation <strong>of</strong> all members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

judicial body shall be considered by the Vice President for<br />

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management in<br />

determining the imposed sanction(s). The Judicial Officer<br />

is not limited to sanctions recommended by the<br />

members <strong>of</strong> the judicial body. Following the hearing, the<br />

Judicial Officer shall advise the accused in writing <strong>of</strong> its<br />

determinations <strong>of</strong> responsibility and the sanctions(s)<br />

imposed, if any.<br />

5. Penalty enhancement for bias-related <strong>of</strong>fenses. For any<br />

violation where there is clear and convincing evidence<br />

that the conduct was directed toward the victim’s race/<br />

ethnicity, gender, religion, national origin, sexual<br />

orientation, age, disability, marital status, status as a<br />

37<br />

Vietnam era or disabled veteran, a penalty enhancement<br />

will be added to the sanction.<br />

C. Interim Suspension<br />

In certain circumstances, the Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management, or a designee, may<br />

impose a <strong>SUNY</strong>IT or residence hall suspension prior to<br />

the hearing before a judicial body.<br />

1. Interim suspension may be imposed only (a) to ensure<br />

the safety and well-being <strong>of</strong> members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

community or preservation <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT property; (b) to<br />

ensure the <strong>student</strong>’s own physical or emotional safety<br />

and well-being; (c) if the <strong>student</strong> poses a definite threat <strong>of</strong><br />

disruption <strong>of</strong> or interference with the normal operations<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong>IT; or (d) in the case tampering has occurred<br />

with any fire detection, notification, suppression<br />

protection system or equipment.<br />

2. During the interim suspension, <strong>student</strong>s shall be<br />

considered Persona Non Grata from the residence halls,<br />

campus (including classes), and/or other <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

activities or privileges for which the <strong>student</strong> might other<br />

wise be eligible, as the Vice President for Student Affairs<br />

and Enrollment Management or the Judicial Officer may<br />

determine to be appropriate.<br />

3. Interim suspension will be imposed for at least 24 hours<br />

with the length <strong>of</strong> time determined by the Vice President<br />

for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management or the<br />

judicial <strong>of</strong>ficer.<br />

D. Appeals<br />

1. A decision reached by the judicial body or a sanction<br />

imposed by the Judicial Officer may be appealed by<br />

accused <strong>student</strong>s or complainants to an appellate board<br />

within five (5) school days <strong>of</strong> the decision. Such appeals<br />

shall be in writing, stating the reason for the appeal (see<br />

Section 2 below), and shall be delivered to the Judicial<br />

Officer or his or her designee.<br />

2. Except as required to explain the basis <strong>of</strong> new evidence,<br />

an appeal shall be limited to review <strong>of</strong> the verbatim<br />

record <strong>of</strong> the initial hearing, and supporting documents<br />

for one or more <strong>of</strong> the following purposes:<br />

a. To determine whether the original hearing was<br />

conducted fairly in light <strong>of</strong> the charges and evidence<br />

presented, and in conformity with prescribed<br />

procedures giving the complaining party a reasonable<br />

opportunity to prepare and present evidence that the<br />

<strong>student</strong> code was violated, and giving the accused<br />

<strong>student</strong> a reasonable opportunity to prepare and to<br />

present a rebuttal <strong>of</strong> those allegations.<br />

b. To determine whether the decision reached regarding<br />

the accused <strong>student</strong> was based on substantial<br />

evidence; that is, whether the facts in the case were<br />

sufficient to establish that a violation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong> code<br />

occurred.<br />

c. To whether the sanction(s) imposed were appropriate<br />

for the violation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong> code, which the <strong>student</strong><br />

was found to have committed.<br />

d. To consider new evidence, sufficient to alter a decision<br />

or other relevant facts not brought out in the original

hearing, because such evidence and/or facts were not<br />

known to the person appealing at the time <strong>of</strong> the original<br />

hearing.<br />

3. In cases involving appeals by a <strong>student</strong> accused <strong>of</strong><br />

violating the <strong>student</strong> code, review <strong>of</strong> the sanction by the<br />

appellate board may not result in more severe sanction(s)<br />

for the accused <strong>student</strong>.<br />

Article V: Student Rights<br />

A. College Responsibilities to the Student<br />

In preserving the rights <strong>of</strong> the individual <strong>student</strong>,<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT shall have the obligation:<br />

1. To describe its standards clearly.<br />

2. To make known its standards in a form readily available<br />

to its <strong>student</strong>s and in a manner that will provide fair<br />

notice <strong>of</strong> what is expected and what is prohibited.<br />

3. To apply rules and regulations fairly, impartially, and<br />

equally to all <strong>student</strong>s.<br />

B. Students Rights<br />

For any disciplinary action for which sanctions may be<br />

im posed, the <strong>student</strong> shall have the right:<br />

1. To be informed <strong>of</strong> his/her rights.<br />

2. To be informed <strong>of</strong> the format and procedures <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT Judicial System.<br />

3. To receive written, timely, and complete notice <strong>of</strong> the<br />

specific charges to be resolved.<br />

4. To seek advice from any member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT<br />

community (attorneys are not permitted).<br />

5. To have a fair disposition <strong>of</strong> all matters as promptly as<br />

possible under the circumstances.<br />

6. To elect to dispose <strong>of</strong> the charges administratively by<br />

mutual consent with the Judicial Officer, or to have his/<br />

her case heard by a judicial body.<br />

7. To hold unaltered <strong>student</strong> status pending a final<br />

adjudication and disposition <strong>of</strong> all charges, unless the<br />

<strong>student</strong> has been placed on Interim Suspension.<br />

8. To be informed <strong>of</strong> the general nature <strong>of</strong> the evidence to<br />

be presented.<br />

9. To confront and question all parties and witnesses<br />

except when extraordinary circumstance (as determined<br />

by the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment<br />

Management) make this impossible.<br />

10. To present a factual defense through witnesses, personal<br />

testimony, and other relevant evidence.<br />

11. To decline to testify against oneself. Silence will not be<br />

considered an admission <strong>of</strong> responsibility.<br />

12. To request attendance <strong>of</strong> witnesses upon a showing <strong>of</strong><br />

relevance.<br />

13. To have only relevant evidence considered by the judicial<br />

body.<br />

14. To be informed <strong>of</strong> all decisions within a reasonable<br />

time.<br />

15. To listen to a recording <strong>of</strong> a hearing for an appeal upon<br />

written request.<br />

38<br />

16. To appeal a decision and be informed <strong>of</strong> the criteria and<br />

procedures to be followed.<br />

Article VI: Interpretation and Revision<br />

A. Any questions <strong>of</strong> interpretation regarding the <strong>student</strong><br />

code shall be referred to the Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management or his/her designee<br />

for final determination.<br />

B. The <strong>student</strong> code shall be reviewed every year under the<br />

direction <strong>of</strong> the Judicial Officer.<br />




§ 535.1 Statement <strong>of</strong> purpose.<br />

The following rules are adopted in compliance with section<br />

6450 <strong>of</strong> the Education Law and shall be filed with the Commissioner<br />

<strong>of</strong> Education and the Board <strong>of</strong> Regents on or before<br />

July 20, 1969, as required by that section. Said rules shall<br />

be subject to amendment or revision and any amendments<br />

or revisions there<strong>of</strong> shall be filed with the Commissioner <strong>of</strong><br />

Education and Board <strong>of</strong> Regents within 10 days after adoption.<br />

Nothing herein is intended, nor shall it be construed,<br />

to limit or restrict the freedom <strong>of</strong> speech or peaceful assembly.<br />

Free inquiry and free expression are indispensable to<br />

the objectives <strong>of</strong> a higher educational institution. Similarly,<br />

experience has demonstrated that the traditional autonomy<br />

<strong>of</strong> the educational institution (and the accompanying institutional<br />

responsibility for the maintenance <strong>of</strong> order) is best<br />

suited to achieve these objectives. These rules shall not be<br />

construed to prevent or limit communication between and<br />

among faculty, <strong>student</strong>s and administration, or to relieve the<br />

institution <strong>of</strong> its special responsibility for self-regulation in<br />

the preservation <strong>of</strong> public order. Their purpose is not to prevent<br />

or restrain controversy and dissent but to prevent abuse<br />

<strong>of</strong> the rights <strong>of</strong> others and to maintain that public order appropriate<br />

to a college or university campus without which<br />

there can be no intellectual freedom and they shall be interpreted<br />

and applied to that end.<br />

§ 535.2 Application <strong>of</strong> rules.<br />

These rules shall apply to all State-operated institutions <strong>of</strong><br />

the State University except as provided in Part 550 as applicable<br />

to the State University Maritime College. These rules<br />

may be supplemented by additional rules for the maintenance<br />

<strong>of</strong> public order heret<strong>of</strong>ore or hereafter adopted for any<br />

individual insti tution, approved and adopted by the State<br />

University trustees and filed with the Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Education<br />

and Board <strong>of</strong> Regents, but only to the extent that such<br />

additional rules are not inconsistent herewith. The rules<br />

hereby adopted shall gov ern the conduct <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s, faculty<br />

and other staff, licensees, invitees, and all other persons,<br />

whether or not their presence is authorized, upon the campus<br />

<strong>of</strong> any institution to which such rules are applicable and<br />

also upon or with respect to any other premises or property,<br />

under the control <strong>of</strong> such institution, used in its teaching,<br />

research, administrative, service, cultural, rec reational, athletic<br />

and other programs and activities; provided, however,<br />

that charges against any <strong>student</strong> for violation <strong>of</strong> these rules

upon the premises <strong>of</strong> any such institution other than the one<br />

at which he is in attendance shall be heard and determined<br />

at the institution in which he is enrolled as a <strong>student</strong>.<br />

§ 535.3 Prohibited conduct.<br />

No person, either singly or in concert with others, shall:<br />

(a) willfully cause physical injury to any other person, nor<br />

threaten to do so for the purpose <strong>of</strong> compelling or<br />

inducing such other person to refrain from any act<br />

which he has a lawful right to do or to do any act<br />

which he has a lawful right not to do;<br />

(b) physically restrain or detain any other person, nor remove<br />

such person from any place where he is<br />

authorized to remain;<br />

(c) willfully damage or destroy property <strong>of</strong> the<br />

institution or under its jurisdiction, nor remove or<br />

use such property without authorization;<br />

(d) without permission, expressed or implied, enter into<br />

any private <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> an administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer,<br />

member <strong>of</strong> the faculty or staff member;<br />

(e) enter upon and remain in any building or facility for<br />

any purpose other than its authorized uses or in such<br />

manner as to obstruct its authorized use by others;<br />

(f) without authorization, remain in any building or<br />

facility after it is normally closed;<br />

(g) refuse to leave any building or facility after being<br />

required to do so by an authorized administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer;<br />

(h) obstruct the free movement <strong>of</strong> persons and vehicles<br />

in any place to which these rules apply;<br />

(i) deliberately disrupt or prevent the peaceful and<br />

orderly conduct <strong>of</strong> classes, lectures and meetings or<br />

deliberately interfere with the freedom <strong>of</strong> any person to<br />

express his views, including invited speakers;<br />

(j) knowingly have in his possession upon any premises<br />

to which these rules apply, any rifle, shotgun,<br />

pistol, revolver, or other firearm or weapon without<br />

the written authorization <strong>of</strong> the chief administrative<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer; whether or not a license to possess the same<br />

has been issued to such person;<br />

(k) willfully incite others to commit any <strong>of</strong> the acts<br />

herein prohibited with specific intent to procure<br />

them to do so; or<br />

(l) take any action, create, or participate in the creation<br />

<strong>of</strong>, any situation which recklessly or intentionally<br />

endangers mental or physical health or which involves<br />

the forced consumption <strong>of</strong> liquor or drugs for the<br />

purpose <strong>of</strong> initiation into or affiliation with any<br />

organization.<br />

§ 535.4 Freedom <strong>of</strong> speech and assembly; picketing<br />

and demonstrations.<br />

(a) No <strong>student</strong>, faculty or other staff member or<br />

authorized visitor shall be subject to any limitation or<br />

penalty solely for the expression <strong>of</strong> his views nor for<br />

having assembled with others for such purpose.<br />

Peaceful picketing and other orderly demonstrations<br />

in public areas <strong>of</strong> ground and building will not be<br />

39<br />

interfered with. Those involved in picketing and<br />

demonstrations may not, however, engage in specific<br />

conduct in violation <strong>of</strong> the provisions <strong>of</strong> the<br />

preceding section.<br />

(b) In order to afford maximum protection to the<br />

participants and to the institutional community,<br />

each State-operated institution <strong>of</strong> the State<br />

University shall promptly adopt and promulgate, and<br />

thereafter continue in effect as revised from time<br />

to time, procedures appropriate to such institution for<br />

the giving <strong>of</strong> reasonable advance notice to such<br />

institution <strong>of</strong> any planned assembly, picketing or<br />

demonstration upon the grounds <strong>of</strong> such institution,<br />

its proposed locale and intended purpose; provided,<br />

however, that the giving <strong>of</strong> such notice shall not be<br />

made a condition precedent to any such assembly,<br />

picketing or demonstration and provided, further,<br />

that this provision shall not supersede nor preclude<br />

the procedures in effect at such institution for<br />

obtaining permission to use the facilities there<strong>of</strong>.<br />

§ 535.5 Penalties.<br />

A person who shall violate any <strong>of</strong> the provisions <strong>of</strong> these<br />

rules (or <strong>of</strong> the rules <strong>of</strong> any individual institution) shall:<br />

(a) If he is a licensee or invitee, have his authorization to<br />

remain upon the campus or other property withdrawn<br />

and shall be directed to leave the premises. In<br />

the event <strong>of</strong> his failure or refusal to do so he shall be<br />

subject to ejection.<br />

(b) If he is a trespasser or visitor without specific license<br />

or invitation, be subject to ejection.<br />

(c) If he is a <strong>student</strong>, be subject to expulsion or such<br />

lesser disciplinary action as the facts <strong>of</strong> the case may<br />

warrant, including suspension, probation, loss <strong>of</strong><br />

privileges, reprimand or warning.<br />

(d) If he is a faculty member having a term or<br />

continuing appointment, be guilty <strong>of</strong> misconduct and<br />

be subject to dismissal or termination <strong>of</strong> his<br />

employment or such lesser disciplinary action as the<br />

facts may warrant including suspension without pay<br />

or censure.<br />

(e) If he is a staff member in the classified service <strong>of</strong> the<br />

civil service, described in section 75 <strong>of</strong> the Civil<br />

Service Law, be guilty <strong>of</strong> misconduct, and be subject<br />

to the penalties prescribed in said section.<br />

(f) If he is a staff member other than one described in<br />

subdivisions (d) and (e) <strong>of</strong> this section, be subject to<br />

dismissal, suspension without pay or censure.<br />

§ 535.6 Procedure.<br />

(a) The chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer or his designee shall<br />

inform any licensee or invitee who shall violate any<br />

provisions <strong>of</strong> these rules (or <strong>of</strong> the rules <strong>of</strong> any<br />

individual institution supplementing or<br />

implementing these rules) that his license or<br />

invitation is withdrawn and shall direct him to leave<br />

the campus or other property <strong>of</strong> the institution. In<br />

the event <strong>of</strong> his failure or refusal to do so such <strong>of</strong>ficer<br />

shall cause his ejection from such campus or property.

(b) In the case <strong>of</strong> any other violator, who is neither a<br />

<strong>student</strong> nor faculty or other staff member, the chief<br />

administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer or his designee shall inform<br />

him that he is not authorized to remain on the<br />

campus or other property <strong>of</strong> the institution and<br />

direct him to leave such premises. In the event <strong>of</strong> his<br />

failure or refusal to do so such <strong>of</strong>ficer shall cause his<br />

ejection from such campus or property. Nothing in<br />

this subdivision shall be construed to authorize the<br />

presence <strong>of</strong> any such person at any time prior to such<br />

violation nor to affect his liability to prosecution for<br />

trespass or loitering as prescribed in the Penal Law.<br />

(c) In the case <strong>of</strong> a <strong>student</strong>, charges for violation <strong>of</strong> any<br />

<strong>of</strong> these rules (or <strong>of</strong> the rules <strong>of</strong> any individual institution<br />

supplementing or implementing these rules)<br />

shall be presented and shall be heard and determined<br />

in the manner hereinafter provided in section 535.9<br />

<strong>of</strong> this Part.<br />

(d) In the case <strong>of</strong> a faculty member having a<br />

continuing or term appointment, charges <strong>of</strong><br />

misconduct in violation <strong>of</strong> these rules (or <strong>of</strong> the rules<br />

<strong>of</strong> any individual institution supplementing or<br />

implementing these rules) shall be made, heard and<br />

determined in accordance with title D <strong>of</strong> Part 338 <strong>of</strong><br />

the policies <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees.<br />

e) In the case <strong>of</strong> any staff member who holds a<br />

position in the classified civil service, described in<br />

section 75 <strong>of</strong> the Civil Service Law, charges <strong>of</strong> misconduct<br />

in violation <strong>of</strong> these rules (or <strong>of</strong> the rules <strong>of</strong><br />

any individual institution supplementing or<br />

implementing these rules) shall be made, heard and<br />

determined as prescribed in that section.<br />

(f) Any other faculty or staff member who shall violate<br />

any provision <strong>of</strong> these rules (or <strong>of</strong> the rules <strong>of</strong> any<br />

individual institution supplementing or<br />

implementing these rules) shall be dismissed,<br />

suspended or censured by the appointing authority<br />

prescribed in the policies <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees.<br />

§ 535.7 Enforcement program.<br />

(a) The chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer shall be responsible<br />

for the enforcement <strong>of</strong> these rules (or <strong>of</strong> the rules <strong>of</strong><br />

any individual institution supplementing or<br />

implementing these rules) and shall designate the<br />

other administrative <strong>of</strong>ficers who are authorized to<br />

take action in accordance with such rules when<br />

required or appropriate to carry them into effect.<br />

(b) It is not intended by any provision herein to curtail<br />

the right <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s, faculty or staff to be heard upon<br />

any matter affecting them in their relations with the<br />

institution. In the case <strong>of</strong> any apparent violation <strong>of</strong><br />

these rules (or <strong>of</strong> the rules <strong>of</strong> any individual<br />

institution supplementing or implementing these<br />

rules) by such persons, which, in the judgment <strong>of</strong> the<br />

chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer or his designee, does not<br />

pose any immediate threat <strong>of</strong> injury to person or<br />

property, such <strong>of</strong>ficer may make reasonable effort to<br />

learn the cause <strong>of</strong> the conduct in question and to<br />

persuade those engaged therein to desist and to<br />

40<br />

resort to permissible methods for the resolution <strong>of</strong><br />

any issues which may be presented. In doing so such<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer shall warn such persons <strong>of</strong> the consequences<br />

<strong>of</strong> persistence in the prohibited conduct, including<br />

their ejection from any premises <strong>of</strong> the institution<br />

where their continued presence and conduct is in<br />

violation <strong>of</strong> these rules (or <strong>of</strong> the rules <strong>of</strong> any<br />

individual institution supplementing or<br />

implementing these rules).<br />

(c) In any case where violation <strong>of</strong> these rules (or <strong>of</strong> the<br />

rules <strong>of</strong> any individual institution supplementing or<br />

implementing these rules) does not cease after such<br />

warning and in other cases <strong>of</strong> willful violation <strong>of</strong> such<br />

rules, the chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer or his designee<br />

shall cause the ejection <strong>of</strong> the violator from any<br />

premises which he occupies in such violation and<br />

shall initiate disciplinary action as hereinbefore provided.<br />

(d) The chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer or his designee may<br />

apply to the public authorities for any aid which<br />

he deems necessary in causing the ejection <strong>of</strong> any<br />

violator <strong>of</strong> these rules (or <strong>of</strong> the rules <strong>of</strong> any individual<br />

institution supplementing or implementing these<br />

rules) and he may request the State University<br />

counsel to apply to any court <strong>of</strong> appropriate<br />

jurisdiction for an injunction to restrain the violation<br />

or threatened violation <strong>of</strong> such rules.<br />

§ 535.8 Communication.<br />

In matters <strong>of</strong> the sort to which these rules are addressed,<br />

full and prompt communication among all components <strong>of</strong><br />

the institutional community, faculty, <strong>student</strong>s and administration,<br />

is highly desirable. To the extent that time and<br />

circumstances permit, such communication should precede<br />

the exercise <strong>of</strong> the authority, discretion and responsibilities<br />

granted and imposed in these rules. To these ends each<br />

State-operated institution <strong>of</strong> the State University shall employ<br />

such procedures and means, formal and informal, as<br />

will promote such communication.<br />

§ 535.9 Notice, hearing and determination <strong>of</strong> charges<br />

against <strong>student</strong>s.*<br />

(a) The term chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer, as used in these<br />

rules, shall be deemed to mean and include any<br />

person authorized to exercise the powers <strong>of</strong> that <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

during a vacancy therein or during the absence or<br />

disability <strong>of</strong> the incumbent and for purposes <strong>of</strong> this<br />

section shall also include any designee appointed by<br />

said <strong>of</strong>ficer.<br />

(b) Whenever a complaint is made to the chief<br />

administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> any State-operated<br />

institution <strong>of</strong> the university <strong>of</strong> a violation by a <strong>student</strong><br />

or <strong>student</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the rules prescribed in this Part (or <strong>of</strong><br />

any rules adopted by an individual institution<br />

supplementing or implementing such rules) or whenever<br />

he has knowledge that such a violation may have<br />

occurred, he shall cause an investigation to be made<br />

and the statements <strong>of</strong> the complainants, if any, and<br />

<strong>of</strong> other persons having knowledge <strong>of</strong> the facts<br />

reduced to writing. If he is satisfied from such

investigation and statements that there is reasonable<br />

ground to believe that there has been such a violation,<br />

he shall prepare or cause to be prepared charges<br />

against the <strong>student</strong> or <strong>student</strong>s alleged to have<br />

committed such violation which shall state the<br />

provision prescribing the <strong>of</strong>fense and shall specify<br />

the ultimate facts alleged to constitute such <strong>of</strong>fense.<br />

(c) Such charges shall be in writing and shall be served<br />

on the <strong>student</strong> or <strong>student</strong>s named therein by<br />

delivering the same to him or them personally, if<br />

possible, or, if not, by mailing a copy <strong>of</strong> such charges<br />

by registered mail to such <strong>student</strong> or <strong>student</strong>s at his<br />

or their usual place or places <strong>of</strong> abode while attending<br />

college and also to his or their home address or addresses,<br />

if different.<br />

(d) The notice <strong>of</strong> charges so served shall fix a date for<br />

hearing thereon not less than 10 or more than 15<br />

days from the date <strong>of</strong> service which shall be the date<br />

<strong>of</strong> mailing where necessary to effect service by mail.<br />

Failure to appear in response to the charges on the<br />

date fixed for hearing, unless there has been a<br />

continuance for good cause shown, shall be deemed<br />

to be an admission <strong>of</strong> the facts stated in such charges<br />

and shall warrant such action as may then be appropriate<br />

thereon. Before taking such action the<br />

hearing committee, hereinafter referred to, shall give<br />

notice to any <strong>student</strong>, who has failed to appear, in<br />

the manner prescribed in subdivision (c), <strong>of</strong> its<br />

proposed findings and recommendations to be<br />

submitted to the chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer and shall<br />

so submit such findings and recommendations 10<br />

days thereafter unless the <strong>student</strong> has meanwhile<br />

shown good cause for his failure to appear, in which<br />

case a date for hearing shall be fixed.<br />

(e) Upon demand at any time before or at the hearing,<br />

the <strong>student</strong> charged or his representative, duly<br />

designated, shall be furnished a copy <strong>of</strong> the<br />

statements taken by the chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer<br />

in relation to such charges and with the names <strong>of</strong> any<br />

other witnesses who will be produced at the hearing<br />

in support <strong>of</strong> the charges; provided, however, that<br />

this shall not preclude the testimony <strong>of</strong> witnesses<br />

who were unknown at the time <strong>of</strong> such demand.<br />

(f) The chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer may, upon the service<br />

<strong>of</strong> charges, suspend the <strong>student</strong> named therein, from<br />

all or any part <strong>of</strong> the institution’s premises or facilities,<br />

pending the hearing and determination there<strong>of</strong>,<br />

whenever, in his judgment, the continued presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> such <strong>student</strong> would constitute a clear danger to<br />

himself or to the safety <strong>of</strong> persons or property on the<br />

premises <strong>of</strong> the institution or would pose an<br />

immediate threat <strong>of</strong> disruptive interference with the<br />

normal conduct <strong>of</strong> the institution’s activities and<br />

functions; provided, however, that the chief<br />

administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer shall grant an immediate<br />

hearing on request <strong>of</strong> any <strong>student</strong> so suspended with<br />

respect to the basis for such suspension.<br />

(g) There shall be constituted at each State-operated<br />

41<br />

institution a hearing committee to hear charges<br />

against <strong>student</strong>s <strong>of</strong> violation <strong>of</strong> the rules for<br />

maintenance <strong>of</strong> public order prescribed by or<br />

referred to in this Part. Such committee shall<br />

consist <strong>of</strong> three members <strong>of</strong> the administrative staff<br />

and three members <strong>of</strong> the faculty, designated by the<br />

chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer, and three <strong>student</strong>s who<br />

shall be designated by the members named by the<br />

chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer. Each such member shall<br />

serve until his successor or replacement has been<br />

designated. No member <strong>of</strong> the committee shall serve<br />

in any case where he is witness or is or has been<br />

directly involved in the events upon which the<br />

charges are based. In order to provide for cases where<br />

there may be such a disqualification and for cases <strong>of</strong><br />

absence or disability, the chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer<br />

shall designate an alternate member <strong>of</strong> the<br />

administrative staff and an alternate member <strong>of</strong> the<br />

faculty, and his principal designees shall designate an<br />

alternate <strong>student</strong> member, to serve in such cases.<br />

Any five members <strong>of</strong> the committee may conduct<br />

hearings and make findings and recommendations<br />

as hereinafter provided. At any institution where the<br />

chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer determines that the<br />

number <strong>of</strong> hearings which will be required to be<br />

held is, or may be, so great that they cannot otherwise<br />

be disposed <strong>of</strong> with reasonable speed, he may<br />

determine that the hearing committee shall consist<br />

<strong>of</strong> six members <strong>of</strong> the administrative staff and six<br />

members <strong>of</strong> the faculty to be designated by him and<br />

<strong>of</strong> six <strong>student</strong>s who shall be designated by the<br />

members so designated by him. In such event the<br />

chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer shall designate one <strong>of</strong><br />

such members as chairman who may divide<br />

the membership <strong>of</strong> the committee into three divisions<br />

each to consist <strong>of</strong> two members <strong>of</strong> the administrative<br />

staff, two faculty members and two <strong>student</strong>s and may<br />

assign charges among such divisions for hearing. Any<br />

four members <strong>of</strong> each such division may conduct<br />

hearings and make recommendations as hereinafter<br />

provided.<br />

(h) The hearing committee shall not be bound by the<br />

technical rules <strong>of</strong> evidence but may hear or receive<br />

any testimony or evidence which is relevant and<br />

material to the issues presented by the charges and<br />

which will contribute to a full and fair consideration<br />

there<strong>of</strong> and determination thereon. A <strong>student</strong> against<br />

whom the charges are made may appear by and with<br />

representatives <strong>of</strong> his choice. He may confront and<br />

examine witnesses against him and may produce<br />

witnesses and documentary evidence in his own<br />

behalf. There may be present at the hearing: the<br />

<strong>student</strong> charged and his representatives and<br />

witnesses; other witnesses; representatives <strong>of</strong> the<br />

institutional administration; and, unless the <strong>student</strong><br />

shall request a closed hearing, such other members<br />

<strong>of</strong> the institutional community or other persons, or<br />

both, as may be admitted by the hearing committee.<br />

A transcript <strong>of</strong> the proceedings shall be made.

(i) Within 20 days after the close <strong>of</strong> a hearing, the<br />

hearing committee shall submit a report <strong>of</strong> its<br />

findings <strong>of</strong> fact and recommendations for disposition<br />

<strong>of</strong> the charges to the chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer,<br />

together with a transcript <strong>of</strong> the proceedings, and<br />

shall at the same time transmit a copy <strong>of</strong> its report to<br />

the <strong>student</strong> concerned or his representative. Within<br />

10 days thereafter the chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer shall<br />

make his determination thereon. Final authority to<br />

dismiss the charges or to determine the guilt <strong>of</strong> those<br />

against whom they are made and to expel, suspend<br />

or otherwise discipline them shall be vested in the<br />

chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer. If he shall reject the<br />

findings <strong>of</strong> the hearing committee in whole or in part,<br />

he shall make new findings which must be based on<br />

substantial evidence in the record and shall include<br />

them in the notice <strong>of</strong> his final determination which<br />

shall be served upon the <strong>student</strong> or <strong>student</strong>s with<br />

respect to whom it is made.<br />

* Applies to charges for violation <strong>of</strong> the rules prescribed by or<br />

referred to in this Part heret<strong>of</strong>ore served which have not been<br />

finally determined within 60 days after the adoption here<strong>of</strong>,<br />

which charges shall be referred to the committee constituted<br />

pursuant to said section 535.9 for determination in accordance<br />

therewith, and said section shall apply to all charges for<br />

violation <strong>of</strong> such rules hereafter made, whether for violations<br />

heret<strong>of</strong>ore or hereafter committed.<br />

§ 535.10 Rules for organizations.<br />

(a) Organizations. Organizations which operate upon<br />

the campus <strong>of</strong> any State- operated institution or upon<br />

the property <strong>of</strong> any State-operated institution used<br />

for educational purposes shall be prohibited from<br />

authorizing the conduct described in subdivision (l)<br />

<strong>of</strong> section 535.3 <strong>of</strong> this Part.<br />

(b) Procedure. The chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer at each<br />

state-operated institution shall be responsible for the<br />

enforcement <strong>of</strong> this section, and, as used herein, the<br />

term chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer shall include any<br />

designee appointed by said <strong>of</strong>ficer.<br />

(1) Whenever the chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer has<br />

determined on the basis <strong>of</strong> a complaint or<br />

personal knowledge that there is reasonable<br />

ground to believe that there has been a violation<br />

<strong>of</strong> this section by any organization, the chief administrative<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer shall prepare or cause<br />

to be prepared written charges against<br />

the organization which shall state the provision<br />

proscribing the conduct and shall specify the<br />

ultimate facts alleged to constitute such violation.<br />

(2) Such written charges shall be served upon<br />

the principal <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the organization by<br />

registered or certified mail, return receipt<br />

requested, to the organization’s current address<br />

and shall be accompanied by a notice that the<br />

organization may respond in writing to the<br />

charges within 10 days <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> said notice.<br />

The notice <strong>of</strong> the charge so served shall include<br />

a statement that the failure to submit a response<br />

within 10 days shall be deemed to be an<br />

42<br />

admission <strong>of</strong> the facts stated in such charges and<br />

shall warrant the imposition <strong>of</strong> the penalty<br />

described in subdivision (c) <strong>of</strong> this section. The<br />

response shall be submitted to the chief<br />

administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer and shall constitute the<br />

formal denial or affirmation <strong>of</strong> the ultimate facts<br />

alleged in the charge. The chief administrative<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer may allow an extension <strong>of</strong> the 10-day<br />

response period.<br />

(3) Upon written request, by an authorized<br />

representative <strong>of</strong> the organization, the chief<br />

administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer shall provide the<br />

representative organization an opportunity for a<br />

hearing. A hearing panel designated by the chief<br />

administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer shall hear or receive<br />

any testimony or evidence which is relevant<br />

and material to the issues presented by the<br />

charge and which will contribute to a full and fair<br />

consideration there<strong>of</strong> and determination thereon.<br />

The organization’s representative may confront<br />

and examine witnesses against it and may<br />

produce witnesses and documentary evidence on<br />

its behalf. The hearing panel shall submit<br />

written findings <strong>of</strong> fact and recommendations for<br />

disposition <strong>of</strong> the charge to the chief<br />

administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer within 20 days after the<br />

close <strong>of</strong> the hearing.<br />

(4) Final authority to dismiss the charges or to<br />

make a final determination shall be vested in the<br />

chief administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer. Notice <strong>of</strong> the decision<br />

shall be in writing; shall include the reasons<br />

supporting such decision; and shall be served on<br />

the principal <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the organization by mail in<br />

the manner described in paragraph (2) <strong>of</strong> this<br />

subdivision within a reasonable time after such<br />

decision is made.<br />

(c) Penalties. Any organization which authorizes the<br />

prohibited conduct described in subdivision (l) <strong>of</strong><br />

section 535.3 <strong>of</strong> this Part shall be subject to the<br />

rescission <strong>of</strong> permission to operate upon the campus<br />

or upon the property <strong>of</strong> the State-operated institution<br />

used for educational purposes. The penalty provided<br />

in this subdivision shall be in addition to any penalty<br />

which may be imposed pursuant to the Penal Law<br />

and any other provision <strong>of</strong> law, or to any penalty to<br />

which an individual may be subject pursuant to this Part.<br />

(d) Bylaws. Section 6450(1) <strong>of</strong> the Education Law<br />

requires that the provisions <strong>of</strong> this Part which<br />

prohibit reckless or intentional endangerment to<br />

health or forced consumption <strong>of</strong> liquor or drugs for<br />

the purpose <strong>of</strong> initiation into or affiliation with any<br />

organization shall be deemed to be part <strong>of</strong> the bylaws<br />

<strong>of</strong> all organizations which operate upon the campus<br />

<strong>of</strong> any State-operated institution used for educational<br />

purposes. The statute further requires that each such<br />

organization shall review these bylaws annually with<br />

individuals affiliated with the organization.<br />

(e) Distribution. Copies <strong>of</strong> the provisions <strong>of</strong> this Part<br />

which prohibit reckless or intentional endangerment

to health or forced consumption <strong>of</strong> liquor or drugs for<br />

the purpose <strong>of</strong> initiation into or affiliation with any<br />

organization shall be given to all <strong>student</strong>s enrolled in<br />

each State-operated institution.<br />



Student conflicts which do not involve a clear violation <strong>of</strong><br />

college judicial policies may be submitted to mediation. Mediation<br />

is a voluntary process that is conducted by a Student<br />

Affairs pr<strong>of</strong>essional or <strong>student</strong> Resident Advisor. Mediators<br />

will conduct the session with a commitment to fairness, objectivity,<br />

confidentiality, and with a non-judgmental style. Both<br />

parties to the dispute will be encouraged by the mediator to<br />

seek their own solution and develop a written agreement to<br />

resolve the conflict. Typically, mediation can be effective for<br />

resolving conflicts between resident <strong>student</strong> roommates and<br />

for resolving disputes over bills, personal property damage,<br />

and interpersonal relationships. Mediation sessions result<br />

in a formal, written, and binding agreement between the<br />

involved parties. Students who fail to comply with signed<br />

mediation agreements may be subject to disciplinary action<br />

(if appropriate) or administrative housing reassignment (for<br />

resident <strong>student</strong>s).<br />



The Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management<br />

shall serve as the liaison with <strong>student</strong>s who have<br />

been placed on Disciplinary Probation or separated from<br />

the college or the residence halls; the Vice President shall<br />

be responsible for informing the <strong>student</strong> <strong>of</strong> the procedure<br />

for reinstatement. The Vice President has authority to carry<br />

out or direct Interim Suspension <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s as authorized<br />

by the President <strong>of</strong> the college. The Vice President also has<br />

authority either to recommend or to place holds from further<br />

registration on a <strong>student</strong>’s record if a <strong>student</strong> fails to<br />

comply with estab lished judicial procedures. In accordance<br />

with federal higher education laws, in certain types <strong>of</strong> cases,<br />

the Vice President may release information concerning the<br />

status <strong>of</strong> a discipline case to persons involved in the case.<br />

These may include the accuser, the witnesses, the Student<br />

Affairs staff, and other appropriate college <strong>of</strong>ficials.<br />

The Director <strong>of</strong> Campus Life serves as an advisor to the various<br />

campus judicial boards. He/she may not, however, be a<br />

member <strong>of</strong> any board, nor may he/she impose a more severe<br />

sanction than the most severe sanction recommended to<br />

him/her by either the Student Judicial Board or the Administrative<br />

Judicial Board.<br />

The Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management<br />

shall have responsibility for receiving complaints<br />

against <strong>student</strong>s from any member <strong>of</strong> the college community,<br />

from local and state agencies, and from the local community.<br />

The Director <strong>of</strong> Campus Life will receive com plaints<br />

for alleged violations <strong>of</strong> the residence hall regulations and for<br />

<strong>student</strong> code <strong>of</strong> conduct violations which occur on campus<br />

or in the residence halls. The Director <strong>of</strong> Campus Life or his/<br />

her designee may hold administrative hearings to adjudicate<br />

these complaints, provided a formal hearing is waived. Any<br />

43<br />

sanc tions, with the exception <strong>of</strong> suspension or expulsion<br />

from the college, may be administered by an administrative<br />

hearing with the Director <strong>of</strong> Campus Life or his/her designee.<br />

Complaints which appear to be substantially indicative <strong>of</strong> a<br />

violation <strong>of</strong> a college regulation shall be reason for the Vice<br />

President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management<br />

or his/her designee to charge the <strong>student</strong>. The Vice President<br />

for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management or his/her<br />

designee shall notify the <strong>student</strong> in writing <strong>of</strong> the specific<br />

charges placed against him/her and shall inform the <strong>student</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> his/her rights, together with a statement <strong>of</strong> the hearing<br />

procedures and sanctions. The accused <strong>student</strong>, in consultation<br />

with the Vice President or his/her designee, shall decide<br />

upon one <strong>of</strong> the following three options:<br />

a. To dispose <strong>of</strong> the charges informally by mutual<br />

consent without the initiation <strong>of</strong> a formal hearing. Such<br />

disposal will be final and there shall be no subsequent<br />

proceedings or appeals.<br />

b. To take the case to the Student Judicial Board for<br />

adjudica tion (Fall and Spring semesters only).<br />

c. To take the case to the Administrative Judicial Board<br />

for adjudication.<br />

As the administrative <strong>of</strong>ficer for the College Student Judicial<br />

System, the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment<br />

Management will conduct and supervise administrative<br />

operations <strong>of</strong> the judicial system.<br />


<strong>SUNY</strong>IT OFFICIALS<br />

All cases which involve any allegation <strong>of</strong> misconduct, or verbal<br />

or physical abuse which is directed against a <strong>SUNY</strong>IT <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

will be heard by the <strong>Institute</strong>’s Administrative Judicial<br />

Board. This action will occur regardless <strong>of</strong> whether or not<br />

the <strong>student</strong> accepts responsibility for the alleged misconduct<br />

or abuse.<br />


The <strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> Student Judicial Board<br />

and Administrative Judicial Board are duly authorized judicial<br />

bod ies which have jurisdiction over all <strong>student</strong>s for<br />

matters arising from the Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct, Rules for<br />

the Maintenance <strong>of</strong> Public Order, and Residence Hall Regulations.<br />

These boards shall conduct hearings, make findings<br />

<strong>of</strong> facts, recommend disciplinary sanctions where appropriate,<br />

and provide due process for <strong>student</strong>s while protecting<br />

the rights <strong>of</strong> all members <strong>of</strong> the college community. Campus<br />

judicial hearings are closed administrative proceedings.<br />

Except with the consent <strong>of</strong> the Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management, only those who are<br />

complainants, accused, witnesses or approved advisors will<br />

be permitted to attend.<br />

In extraordinary circumstances where the complexity <strong>of</strong> factual<br />

issues and/or matters <strong>of</strong> law so dictate, the President <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> may appoint an ad hoc<br />

hearing committee to hear cases. Any proceedings before<br />

such an ad hoc body shall provide due process and ensure<br />

the rights <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong>s.


Jurisdiction<br />

During the Fall and Spring semesters, the Student Judicial<br />

Board shall have jurisdiction over cases <strong>of</strong> alleged violations<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct referred to the Board by the<br />

Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management,<br />

unless the <strong>student</strong> does not contest the validity <strong>of</strong> the<br />

charges and wishes to reconcile his/her case informally by<br />

mutual consent with the Vice President for Student Affairs<br />

and Enrollment Management, or designee, or unless the case<br />

is referred to the Administrative Judicial Board by the Vice<br />

President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.<br />

Composition<br />

The Student Judicial Board shall be composed <strong>of</strong> eight (8)<br />

<strong>student</strong>s and one (1) <strong>student</strong> chairperson. For each case, the<br />

chairperson and four (4) <strong>student</strong> members shall be pres ent<br />

for the hearing. It is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Student<br />

Association, in consultation with the Vice President<br />

for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, to recommend<br />

the chairperson and <strong>student</strong> members <strong>of</strong> the Student<br />

Judicial Board to the President <strong>of</strong> the college for appointment<br />

to the Board.<br />

Term <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> the Student Judicial Board shall serve for a term<br />

<strong>of</strong> one academic year, commencing on the first day <strong>of</strong> the<br />

fall semester, and may be appointed for additional terms <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong>fice. Vacancies may be filled at any time by the President.<br />

Sanctions<br />

The Student Judicial Board may recommend any sanctions<br />

provided for in College Sanctions. The recommendations<br />

shall be forwarded to the Vice President for Student Affairs<br />

and Enrollment Management. The Vice Presi dent may either<br />

implement the sanctions as recommended, or he/she may<br />

lessen the severity <strong>of</strong> the sanctions. He/she may not increase<br />

the severity <strong>of</strong> the sanctions.<br />

Appeals<br />

A <strong>student</strong> who wishes to appeal the findings and/or recommendations<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Student Judicial Board must submit a<br />

written request for an appeal within five (5) days <strong>of</strong> the initial<br />

hearing. The request shall be directed to the judicial <strong>of</strong>ficer<br />

or his/her designee. An appeal shall stay the imposition<br />

<strong>of</strong> a sanction unless the Vice President for Student Affairs<br />

and Enrollment Management, with the concurrence <strong>of</strong> the<br />

President, for good cause, directs in writing that the sanction<br />

be imposed immediately.<br />


Jurisdiction<br />

The Administrative Judicial Board shall have jurisdiction<br />

over cases <strong>of</strong> alleged violations <strong>of</strong> the Student Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct<br />

when the Student Judicial Board is not in session or<br />

when, as determined by the Vice President for Student Affairs<br />

and Enrollment Management, a case should be adjudicated<br />

by a group <strong>of</strong> college administrators and/or faculty.<br />

Composition<br />

The Administrative Judicial Board shall be composed <strong>of</strong><br />

three (3) administrators and/or faculty members from within<br />

the <strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong>. It is the responsibility<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment<br />

Management to recommend names to the College Presi dent<br />

for appointment to the Administrative Judicial Board.<br />

Sanctions<br />

The Administrative Judicial Board may recommend any<br />

sanc tions provided for in College Sanctions. The recommendations<br />

shall be forwarded to the Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management. The Vice Presi dent<br />

may either implement the sanctions as recommended, or he/<br />

she may lessen the severity <strong>of</strong> the sanctions. He/she may not<br />

increase the severity <strong>of</strong> the sanctions.<br />

Appeals<br />

A <strong>student</strong> who wishes to appeal the findings and/or recommendations<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Administrative Judicial Board must submit<br />

a written request for an appeal within five (5) days <strong>of</strong> the<br />

initial hearing. The request shall be directed to the judicial<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer or his/her designee. An appeal shall stay the imposition<br />

<strong>of</strong> a sanction unless the Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management, with the concurrence<br />

<strong>of</strong> the President, for good cause, directs in writing that the<br />

sanction be imposed immediately.<br />



Recommendations for appointment to the Student Judicial<br />

Board shall be at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the fall semester by<br />

a selec tion committee composed <strong>of</strong> the President and Vice<br />

President <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Student Association and the Vice<br />

President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.<br />

Recommendations for appointment must be approved by<br />

the President <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong>. The <strong>student</strong> representative to<br />

the College Council will serve on the Judicial Board as one<br />

<strong>of</strong> the nine members by Presidential appointment unless he<br />

or she is otherwise ineligible.<br />

Applicants shall be solicited from the <strong>student</strong> population<br />

and shall meet the following requirements:<br />

a. must be a registered <strong>student</strong>.<br />

b. must not be on academic warning or disciplinary<br />

proba tion.<br />

Applicants may be interviewed by the selection committee<br />

and recommendations shall be made by a majority vote.<br />



A member <strong>of</strong> the Student Judicial Board shall be removed<br />

automatically for the following:<br />

a. Academic Warning<br />

b. Disciplinary Probation<br />

c. Residence Hall Suspension<br />

d. Residence Hall Dismissal<br />

A member may be removed by a majority vote <strong>of</strong> the Student<br />

Judicial Board membership for failure to discharge the<br />

respon sibilities <strong>of</strong> his/her position.<br />




Any member <strong>of</strong> the college community may institute a proceeding<br />

before a judicial body by filing a complaint in the<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment<br />

Management. A complaint against a stu dent must set<br />

forth the following:<br />

a. The name and address <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong> against whom a<br />

com plaint is being lodged.<br />

b. The name <strong>of</strong> the complainant and his/her status in<br />

the col lege community.<br />

c. The alleged <strong>of</strong>fense which is the basis <strong>of</strong> the<br />

complaint.<br />

d. A statement demonstrating the facts <strong>of</strong> the alleged<br />

<strong>of</strong>fense, which should include:<br />

1. date <strong>of</strong> occurrence.<br />

2. time <strong>of</strong> occurrence.<br />

3. place <strong>of</strong> occurrence.<br />

4. narrative <strong>of</strong> events.<br />

e. The names <strong>of</strong> persons having personal knowledge <strong>of</strong><br />

cir cumstances or events.<br />

f. The general nature and description <strong>of</strong> all evidence.<br />

g. The signature <strong>of</strong> the complainant.<br />

Notice <strong>of</strong> a Complaint<br />

Upon receipt <strong>of</strong> a properly filed complaint, the Vice President<br />

for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, or<br />

his/her designee, shall notify the accused <strong>student</strong> by mail<br />

that proceedings have been instituted. The written notice<br />

shall include:<br />

a. a notice <strong>of</strong> the complaint.<br />

b. a request for a preliminary conference.<br />

Preliminary Conference<br />

The Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management,<br />

or his/her designee, shall schedule a preliminary<br />

conference. The purpose <strong>of</strong> the preliminary conference is<br />

to provide guidance to the accused in the dis position <strong>of</strong> the<br />

charges, to answer questions regarding the procedures and<br />

format <strong>of</strong> the Campus Judicial Boards, to make arrangements<br />

for a hearing, and to provide other assistance when<br />

appropriate.<br />

Hearing Notification<br />

After a reasonable attempt to confer with all parties, a hearing<br />

shall be scheduled. All parties shall receive written notification<br />

<strong>of</strong> the hearing, which shall include the time, date, and<br />

place <strong>of</strong> the hearing.<br />

Witnesses<br />

All parties involved in the hearing may request witnesses to<br />

attend the hearing if it can be shown that the witness has<br />

relevant testimony or other evidence to <strong>of</strong>fer. Witnesses will<br />

be summoned to the hearing by the Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management.<br />

The call or request to witnesses shall set forth:<br />

a. names <strong>of</strong> parties.<br />

b. request to appear.<br />

c. time <strong>of</strong> the hearing.<br />

d. date <strong>of</strong> the hearing.<br />

45<br />

e. place <strong>of</strong> the hearing.<br />

f. signature <strong>of</strong> the Vice President for Student Affairs and<br />

Enroll ment Management.<br />

Hearing Format<br />

The Campus Judicial Boards, under the direction <strong>of</strong> their<br />

respec tive chairperson and with advisorship from the Director<br />

<strong>of</strong> Campus Life, do not function as civil or criminal<br />

courts <strong>of</strong> law but rather as administrative hearing boards.<br />

Therefore, legal technicalities are kept to a minimum while<br />

an emphasis is placed upon maintaining the interdependent<br />

network <strong>of</strong> rights and responsibilities between the individual<br />

<strong>student</strong> and the college. Hearings held by the Campus<br />

Judicial Boards are oriented toward the achievement <strong>of</strong> an<br />

understanding among all parties involved. Within this conceptual<br />

framework, the legal doctrine <strong>of</strong> procedural due process<br />

is operationally defined as fundamental fairness. Thus,<br />

the judicial system works to ensure that there is fundamental<br />

fairness throughout the entire disciplin ary process.<br />

Judicial Boards shall adhere to the following format for all<br />

hearings:<br />

1. The Chairperson shall introduce the members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Board and request the names <strong>of</strong> all persons present at the<br />

hearing. The Chairperson shall then explain the<br />

procedure to be fol lowed and ask if there are any<br />

questions. The hearing will be recorded on tape.<br />

2. The Chairperson will read the charges being filed against<br />

the <strong>student</strong> and will ask the accused to respond with<br />

respect to his/her responsibility. The accused <strong>student</strong><br />

will be asked to give his/her account <strong>of</strong> the incident or<br />

alleged policy viola tion.<br />

3. The Chairperson will ask the party filing charges if they<br />

have any additional information or clarification.<br />

4. Witnesses for both sides will be asked to give their account<br />

<strong>of</strong> the incident or alleged policy violation.<br />

5. At the conclusion <strong>of</strong> the two presentations, both <strong>of</strong> the<br />

parties involved will be free to ask questions for<br />

clarifica tion.<br />

6. Board members reserve the right to ask questions <strong>of</strong><br />

clari fication at any time during the course <strong>of</strong> the hearing.<br />

7. When all aspects <strong>of</strong> the case have been discussed to the<br />

sat isfaction <strong>of</strong> the parties involved, the Chairperson will<br />

ask all people to leave the room, except the Board<br />

members and their advisors.<br />

8. During deliberations, the Board will first decide as to<br />

whether or not the accused <strong>student</strong> is responsible for<br />

violation <strong>of</strong> the charges as indicated. If found<br />

responsible, the <strong>student</strong> will be sanctioned in accordance<br />

with the sanctions stated under the Student Code <strong>of</strong><br />

Conduct.<br />

9. The accused <strong>student</strong> will be asked to return to the room,<br />

and the decision will be read. The accused <strong>student</strong> will<br />

be told that the decision is a recommendation to the Vice<br />

President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management,<br />

and that it may be administered as recommended<br />

or made less severe. It cannot be made more severe. The<br />

<strong>student</strong> will be told <strong>of</strong> his/her right to appeal the decision.

Final Adjudication<br />

The Campus Judicial Boards, in their deliberations, shall<br />

consider only relevant evidence presented at the hearing.<br />

The final adjudication shall be sent to the Vice President for<br />

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management for approval. It<br />

shall then be sent in letter form to the accused <strong>student</strong> and<br />

shall set forth:<br />

a. names <strong>of</strong> the parties.<br />

b. date <strong>of</strong> the hearing.<br />

c. <strong>of</strong>fenses involved.<br />

d. finding <strong>of</strong> fact.<br />

e. recommended sanction.<br />

f. approval and signature <strong>of</strong> the Vice President for<br />

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.<br />

Where a sanction has been imposed, a record <strong>of</strong> the adjudication<br />

shall be maintained in the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the Vice President<br />

for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.<br />

A record <strong>of</strong> a judicial sanction may be properly introduced<br />

at a subsequent disciplinary hearing if it is determined that<br />

a <strong>student</strong> has committed another <strong>of</strong>fense.<br />


Jurisdiction<br />

The Judicial Appeals Board shall hear appeals by <strong>student</strong>s<br />

from findings and/or recommendations <strong>of</strong> the Student Judicial<br />

Board and/or the Administrative Judicial Board. The<br />

Judicial Appeals Board shall also review findings and/or recommendations<br />

<strong>of</strong> either <strong>of</strong> these Boards at the request <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.<br />

Composition<br />

The Judicial Appeals Board shall be composed <strong>of</strong> two (2)<br />

stu dents, two (2) faculty members, and one (1) administrator.<br />

The President and Vice President <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT Student<br />

Associa tion and the Vice President for Student Affairs<br />

and Enrollment Management shall select the membership<br />

from the college community.<br />

Term <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> the Judicial Appeals Board shall serve for a term<br />

<strong>of</strong> one year, commencing on the first day <strong>of</strong> the fall semester,<br />

and may be appointed for additional terms <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice. Vacancies<br />

may be filled at any time.<br />

Sanctions<br />

The Judicial Appeals Board may either uphold the decision<br />

and sanction <strong>of</strong> a Campus Judicial Board or it may lower<br />

the severity <strong>of</strong> the sanction. It may not increase the severity<br />

<strong>of</strong> the sanction. Recommendations <strong>of</strong> the Judicial Appeals<br />

Board shall be forwarded to the Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management. The Vice Presi dent<br />

shall implement the recommendation(s) unless he/she refers<br />

the case to the President <strong>of</strong> the college as provided for in<br />

Procedures for Appeal or Review.<br />

Appeals<br />

A <strong>student</strong> may appeal the recommendation(s) <strong>of</strong> the Judicial<br />

Appeals Board to the President <strong>of</strong> the college only when<br />

the sanction involves separation from the college. When the<br />

46<br />

President agrees to consider an appeal, he/she shall review<br />

the records <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> original jurisdiction and <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Judicial Appeals Board and such written submissions and<br />

oral arguments as the President requests. The President<br />

shall make such disposition <strong>of</strong> the case as he/she deems appropriate.<br />


Student defendants have the right to appeal a decision <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Student Judicial Board or the Administrative Judicial Board<br />

and shall be informed <strong>of</strong> that right when notified <strong>of</strong> the final<br />

adjudication. Appeal from a decision <strong>of</strong> either Board shall be<br />

made in writing to the Judicial Appeals Board.<br />

Procedures for Appeal or Review<br />

All requests for appeals must be submitted to the Vice President<br />

for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management within<br />

two (2) days after the receipt <strong>of</strong> the letter or the initial<br />

hearing. A <strong>student</strong> may request an appeal on one or more <strong>of</strong><br />

the following grounds:<br />

1. the <strong>student</strong> has been deprived <strong>of</strong> his/her rights as<br />

defined herein.<br />

2. the facts appear to be insufficient to establish his/her<br />

re sponsibility.<br />

3. the sanction(s) recommended by the initial hearing board<br />

was not justified by the nature <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fense.<br />

In reviewing an appeal, the Judicial Appeals Board shall<br />

limit itself to consideration <strong>of</strong> the following questions:<br />

1. whether the rights set forth in the college’s judicial<br />

procedures have been denied.<br />

2. whether the adjudicatory process <strong>of</strong> an initial hearing<br />

was conducted fairly and in conformity with properly<br />

pre scribed procedures.<br />

3. whether the adjudication was supported by substantial<br />

evidence.<br />

4. whether the regulations involved were properly applied<br />

in the particular case.<br />

5. whether the sanction or remedy imposed was in due<br />

pro portion to the gravity and nature <strong>of</strong> the conduct.<br />

After reviewing the audio tape and all material relevant to<br />

the appealed case, the Judicial Appeals Board may choose<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the following three options:<br />

1. Recommend to the Vice President for Student Affairs and<br />

Enroll ment Management that:<br />

a. the decision <strong>of</strong> the initial hearing board should be upheld,<br />

and the sanction should be implemented as<br />

recommended.<br />

b. the decision <strong>of</strong> the initial hearing board should be upheld,<br />

but the severity <strong>of</strong> the sanction should be<br />

decreased.<br />

c. the decision <strong>of</strong> the initial hearing board should be<br />

overturned. Reasons must be given for this<br />

recommendation.<br />

2. Recommend that the case be reheard by the initial<br />

hearing board. Reasons must be given for this<br />

recommenda tion.<br />

3. Decide to hear the case by the Judicial Appeals Board.

If this option is followed, the same format will be used as<br />

described in the Hearing Format. Recommendations<br />

will be forwarded to the Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management. The<br />

Vice President shall either implement the<br />

recommendation(s) or transmit the case and all case<br />

materials to the Presi dent for disposition. The Vice<br />

President shall notify the <strong>student</strong> <strong>of</strong> the status <strong>of</strong> his/her case.<br />

In reviewing any appeal, the Judicial Appeals Board may not<br />

recommend a sanction more severe than the sanction recommended<br />

by the initial board.<br />





Members <strong>of</strong> the college community are encouraged to notify<br />

the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment<br />

Management <strong>of</strong>fice if word is received about a <strong>student</strong> death<br />

or serious injury. The <strong>Institute</strong> has established a protocol to<br />

<strong>of</strong>fer assistance to the <strong>student</strong> or his/her family.<br />


Although the <strong>Institute</strong> has no formal attendance policy common<br />

to all courses, <strong>student</strong>s are expected to attend class<br />

regularly. It is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong> to notify the<br />

instructor if a class will be missed. Generally, a prolonged<br />

absence from class is permitted only for an emergency, such<br />

as an illness or a death in the immediate family. Students are<br />

responsible for any class assignments missed because <strong>of</strong> absence,<br />

regardless <strong>of</strong> cause. Faculty members are encouraged<br />

to provide specific information about attendance requirements<br />

in the course syllabus.<br />


Each <strong>student</strong>-athlete must present a Notice <strong>of</strong> Class Absence<br />

Due to Competition form to the appropriate faculty member<br />

at the beginning <strong>of</strong> each semester or sports sea son. Studentathletes<br />

representing <strong>SUNY</strong>IT in intercollegiate sports competition<br />

may be excused at the discretion <strong>of</strong> the instructor<br />

from required course activities due to participation in scheduled<br />

contests or due to travel related to a scheduled contest.<br />

The <strong>student</strong>-athletes are responsible for all material and announcements<br />

covered during their absence and should be<br />

fully aware that they are <strong>student</strong>s first and athletes second<br />

while enrolled at <strong>SUNY</strong>IT.<br />


A medical review proceeding can be initiated for a <strong>student</strong><br />

by directing information to the Vice President for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management for an initial judgment<br />

<strong>of</strong> whether the process should be invoked. If information<br />

indicates that a <strong>student</strong>’s continued presence on campus<br />

constitutes a serious threat to the health or safety <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong><br />

or others on the campus or a serious disruption <strong>of</strong> the<br />

normal conduct <strong>of</strong> college functions, the Vice President for<br />

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will give written<br />

notice to the <strong>student</strong> requiring that the <strong>student</strong> cooperate<br />

in an appropriate medical or psychological evaluation as<br />

determined by the Vice President for Student Affairs and<br />

47<br />

Enrollment Management. This notification will advise that<br />

the <strong>student</strong> has the right to present medical documentation<br />

secured independently and to be accompanied by a support<br />

person (friend, relative, faculty member, medical/mental<br />

health staff person). Failure to appear for a medical evaluation<br />

may result in an involuntary medical dismissal without<br />

further process. Official notification <strong>of</strong> the involuntary medical<br />

dismissal will be sent from the President <strong>of</strong> the college.<br />

Interim suspension may be invoked by the Vice President<br />

for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management while proceedings<br />

for medical review are in progress.<br />

Following the medical evaluation, the Vice President for<br />

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will receive a<br />

report and recommendations from the appropriate staff persons.<br />

Some examples <strong>of</strong> possible out comes include referrals<br />

to medical or mental health agen cies, changes in the campus<br />

residence, and involuntary medical dismissal. Should involuntary<br />

medical dismissal be recommended, and should the<br />

Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management<br />

concur, the recommendation will be forwarded to the<br />

President for notice to the <strong>student</strong>, to be sent within forty-eight<br />

(48) hours <strong>of</strong> the medical evaluation. Involuntary<br />

medical dismissal is normally for at least one semester. Following<br />

that period, a <strong>student</strong> may apply to the Vice President<br />

for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management for<br />

readmission, presenting, in writing, evidence <strong>of</strong> treatment<br />

for the condition originally identified. If the evi dence is appropriate,<br />

the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment<br />

Management will arrange for a new evaluation and,<br />

depending on the outcome <strong>of</strong> that evaluation, may recommend<br />

to the President continuation <strong>of</strong> involuntary medical<br />

dismissal or readmission.<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT STUDENT ACADEMIC<br />


This document describes the process by which grievances<br />

or expressions <strong>of</strong> concern by <strong>student</strong>s – against members<br />

<strong>of</strong> the faculty or administration – are to be considered and<br />

resolved.<br />

Department Chairs/Program Coordinators shall serve as a<br />

resource for questions or concerns about the process.<br />

A <strong>student</strong> who believes that he/she has been subject to inappropriate,<br />

capricious, or arbitrary treatment, by a member <strong>of</strong><br />

the faculty or administration, shall follow these steps:<br />

1) First, schedule a meeting with the faculty or<br />

administration member to discuss concerns. Every<br />

attempt should be made to resolve the potential<br />

grievance at this level.<br />

2) If the <strong>student</strong> believes that the issue has not been<br />

resolved, the <strong>student</strong> should then schedule an<br />

appointment with the Department Chair/Coordinator<br />

or administrative supervisor who will attempt to<br />

facilitate an informal resolution.<br />

3) If this fails, the <strong>student</strong> may submit a Letter <strong>of</strong> Appeal<br />

to the Department Chair/Coordinator and Dean (or<br />

administrative supervisor), which must be sent no<br />

later than two weeks after the completion <strong>of</strong> step 2 and<br />

within four weeks <strong>of</strong> the time the dispute originated.

Upon receipt <strong>of</strong> a Letter <strong>of</strong> Appeal, the Department Chair/<br />

Coordinator and Dean (or administrative supervisor) shall<br />

consult with both the <strong>student</strong> and the faculty or administration<br />

member and formulate a written Letter <strong>of</strong> Appeal<br />

Recommen dation. The Recommendation shall be completed<br />

and issued to the <strong>student</strong> and faculty or administration<br />

member within four weeks <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> the Letter <strong>of</strong> Appeal.<br />

If the <strong>student</strong> feels that further deliberation is necessary, he/<br />

she may submit a Letter <strong>of</strong> Appeal to the Vice President for<br />

Academic Affairs (VPAA). The VPAA shall review the recommendations<br />

<strong>of</strong> the department and the Dean to ensure<br />

diligence <strong>of</strong> consideration and deliberation. Within four<br />

weeks, the VPAA will either affirm the recommendations <strong>of</strong><br />

the department and Dean (or administrative supervisor), or<br />

the VPAA may choose to make other recommendations. The<br />

VPAA shall communicate the results <strong>of</strong> his/her review to the<br />

appropriate parties.<br />

In matters <strong>of</strong> grade dispute, recommendations <strong>of</strong> a Department<br />

Chair or Program Coordinator, the Dean, and the<br />

VPAA are advisory only and are not binding on an instructor.<br />



Before any research project involving human subjects can<br />

be initiated, a review must be conducted by a committee<br />

<strong>of</strong> faculty members appointed to insure that safe protocols<br />

and confidential procedures are followed. A broad range <strong>of</strong><br />

experimental and survey research methods fall under the<br />

auspices <strong>of</strong> the Committee on Research Involving Human<br />

Subjects. Forms may be obtained from the Vice President for<br />

Academic Affairs, Kunsela B223.<br />



Student Rights Under Federal Law<br />

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords<br />

<strong>student</strong>s certain rights with respect to their educa tion<br />

records. They are:<br />

1. The right to inspect and review the <strong>student</strong>’s education<br />

records.<br />

2. The right to request the amendment <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong>’s<br />

education records to ensure that they are not<br />

inac curate, misleading, or otherwise in violation <strong>of</strong><br />

the <strong>student</strong>’s privacy or other rights.<br />

3. The right to consent to disclosures <strong>of</strong> personally<br />

identi fiable information contained in the <strong>student</strong>’s<br />

education records, except to the extent that FERPA<br />

authorizes disclosure without consent.<br />

4. The right to file with the U.S. Department <strong>of</strong><br />

Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by<br />

the <strong>Institute</strong> to comply with the requirements <strong>of</strong> FERPA.<br />

5. The right to obtain a copy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong>’s <strong>student</strong><br />

records policy. The <strong>student</strong> records policy is published<br />

each year in the <strong>student</strong> handbook.<br />

48<br />

Definitions<br />

For the purposes <strong>of</strong> this policy, the following definitions <strong>of</strong><br />

terms are applicable:<br />

Student: any person who attends or has attended the <strong>SUNY</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong>.<br />

Education records: any record (in handwriting, print, tapes,<br />

film, computer, or other medium) maintained by the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

or an agent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong> which is directly related to a<br />

<strong>student</strong>, except:<br />

1. A personal record kept by a staff member if it is kept in<br />

the sole possession <strong>of</strong> the maker <strong>of</strong> the record and is<br />

not accessible or revealed to any other person except a<br />

temporary substitute for the maker <strong>of</strong> the record;<br />

2. Records created and maintained by the <strong>Institute</strong>’s<br />

University Police Department for law enforcement<br />

purposes;<br />

3. An employment record <strong>of</strong> an individual whose<br />

em ployment is not contingent on the fact that he or<br />

she is a <strong>student</strong>, provided the record is used only in<br />

relation to the individual’s employment;<br />

4. Records made or maintained by a physician, nurse<br />

practitioner, registered nurse, psychiatrist,<br />

psycholo gist, counselor, or other recognized<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional or parapr<strong>of</strong>essional if the records are used<br />

only for treat ment <strong>of</strong> a <strong>student</strong> and made available<br />

only to those persons providing the treatment;<br />

5. Alumni records which contain information about a<br />

<strong>student</strong> after he or she is no longer in attendance at<br />

the University and which do not relate to the person as<br />

a <strong>student</strong>.<br />

Procedure to Inspect Education Records<br />

Students may inspect and review their education records<br />

upon request to the appropriate records custodian.<br />

Students should submit to the records custodian or an appropriate<br />

University staff person a written request which<br />

identifies as precisely as possible the record or records he or<br />

she wishes to inspect.<br />

The records custodian or an appropriate University staff<br />

person will make the needed arrangements for access as<br />

promptly as possible and notify the <strong>student</strong> <strong>of</strong> the time and<br />

place where the records may be inspected. Access must be<br />

given in 45 days or less from the date <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> the request.<br />

When a record contains information about more than one<br />

<strong>student</strong>, the <strong>student</strong> may inspect and review only the records<br />

which relate to him or her.<br />

Limitation on Right <strong>of</strong> Access<br />

The <strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> reserves the right to refuse<br />

to permit a <strong>student</strong> to inspect the following records:<br />

1. The financial statement <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong>’s parents;<br />

2. Letters and statements <strong>of</strong> recommendation for which<br />

the <strong>student</strong> has waived his or her right <strong>of</strong> access, or<br />

which were maintained before January 1, 1975;<br />

3. Records connected with an application to attend the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> or a component unit <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong> if that

application was denied;<br />

4. Those records which are excluded from the FERPA<br />

definition <strong>of</strong> education records;<br />

5. Student transcripts received from other institutions.<br />

Refusal to Provide Copies<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong> reserves the right to deny copies <strong>of</strong> records,<br />

including transcripts, not required to be made available by<br />

FERPA in any <strong>of</strong> the following situations:<br />

1. The <strong>student</strong> lives within commuting distance <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong>’s Marcy campus;<br />

2. The <strong>student</strong> has an unpaid financial obligation to the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong>;<br />

3. There is an unresolved disciplinary action against the<br />

<strong>student</strong>;<br />

4. The education record requested is an exam, quiz, or<br />

set <strong>of</strong> standardized test questions.<br />

Fees for Copies <strong>of</strong> Records<br />

The fee for copies will be $1.00 per page.<br />

Types, Locations, and Custodians <strong>of</strong><br />

Education Records<br />

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act <strong>of</strong> 1974<br />

(FERPA), as amended, establishes federal guidelines for the<br />

maintenance and access <strong>of</strong> <strong>student</strong> records. Questions about<br />

access to <strong>student</strong> records should be directed to the College<br />

Public Relations Director. Student educational re cords at the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> are located in the following <strong>of</strong>fices:<br />

Type: Admissions Records<br />

Location: Admissions <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Kunsela Hall Room A108<br />

Custodian: Director, Admissions<br />

Type: Admissions Records<br />

Location: Registrar’s <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Kunsela Hall Room A208<br />

Custodian: Registrar<br />

Type: Cumulative Academic Records<br />

(current and former <strong>student</strong>s)<br />

Location: Admissions <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Kunsela Hall Room A108<br />

Custodian: Director, Admissions<br />

Type: Cumulative Academic Records<br />

(current and former <strong>student</strong>s)<br />

Location: Registrar’s <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Kunsela Hall Room A208<br />

Custodian: Registrar<br />

Type: Health Records<br />

Location: Health and Wellness Center<br />

Campus Center Room 217<br />

Custodian: Director, Wellness Center<br />

Type: Financial Records<br />

Location: Bursar’s <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Kunsela Hall Room A210<br />

Custodian: Bursar<br />

Type: Career Services Records<br />

Location: Career Services <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

49<br />

Kunsela Hall Room B101<br />

Custodian: Director, Career Services<br />

Type: Academic Progress Records<br />

Location: Dean’s <strong>of</strong>fice at each School<br />

Custodian: Dean<br />

Type: Academic Progress Records<br />

Location: Faculty <strong>of</strong>fice at each Department<br />

Custodian: Instructor<br />

Type: Student Judicial Records<br />

Location: Vice President for Student Affairs and<br />

Enrollment Management <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Kunsela Hall Room A221<br />

Custodian: Vice President for Student Affairs and<br />

Enrollment Management<br />

Type: Campus Housing Records<br />

Location: Residential Life & Housing <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Kunsela Hall Room A226<br />

Custodian: Director, College Housing<br />

Type: International Student Records<br />

Location: Admissions <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

Kunsela Hall Room A108<br />

Custodian: Director, International Student Services<br />

Type: Disabled Student Records<br />

Location: Student Success Center<br />

Donovan Hall Room G172<br />

Custodian: Director, Student Success Center<br />

Disclosure <strong>of</strong> Education Records<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> will disclose information from<br />

a <strong>student</strong>’s education records only with the written consent<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong>, except that records may be disclosed without<br />

consent when the disclosure is:<br />

1. To school <strong>of</strong>ficials who have a legitimate educational<br />

interest in the records.<br />

A school <strong>of</strong>ficial is:<br />

• a person employed by the <strong>Institute</strong> in an<br />

administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or<br />

support staff position, including health, medical staff,<br />

<strong>student</strong> resident advisor, or Campus Center staff;<br />

• a person who is a member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>SUNY</strong> Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Trustees or the <strong>Institute</strong>’s College Council;<br />

• a person employed by or under contract to <strong>SUNY</strong> or<br />

the <strong>Institute</strong> to perform a special task, such as the<br />

attorney or auditor;<br />

• a person who is employed by the <strong>Institute</strong>’s University<br />

Police Department;<br />

• a person who is employed by <strong>SUNY</strong> System<br />

Administration staff;<br />

• a <strong>student</strong> serving on an <strong>of</strong>ficial committee, such as a<br />

disciplinary or grievance committee, or who is<br />

assisting another school <strong>of</strong>ficial in performing his or<br />

her tasks.<br />

A school <strong>of</strong>ficial has a legitimate educational interest if the<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial is:<br />

• performing a task that is specified in his or her<br />

position description or contract agreement;

• performing a task related to a <strong>student</strong>’s education;<br />

• performing a task related to the discipline <strong>of</strong> a <strong>student</strong>;<br />

• providing a service or benefit relating to the <strong>student</strong> or<br />

<strong>student</strong>’s family, such as health care, counseling, job<br />

placement, or financial aid;<br />

• maintaining the safety and security <strong>of</strong> the campus.<br />

2. To <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong> another school, upon request, in which a<br />

<strong>student</strong> seeks or intends to enroll.<br />

3. To certain <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong> the U.S. Department <strong>of</strong> Educa tion,<br />

the Comptroller General, and New York State and local<br />

educational authorities, in connection with audit or<br />

evaluation <strong>of</strong> certain State or federally supported<br />

education programs.<br />

4. In connection with a <strong>student</strong>’s request for or receipt <strong>of</strong><br />

financial aid to determine the eligibility, amount, or<br />

con ditions <strong>of</strong> the financial aid, or to enforce the terms<br />

and conditions <strong>of</strong> the aid.<br />

5. To State and local <strong>of</strong>ficials or authorities if specifically<br />

required by a State law that was adopted before<br />

November 19, 1974.<br />

6. To organizations conducting certain studies for or on<br />

behalf <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong> or the <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

7. To accrediting organizations to carry out their func tions.<br />

8. To parents <strong>of</strong> an eligible <strong>student</strong> who is claimed as a<br />

dependent for income tax purposes.<br />

9. To comply with a court order or a lawfully issued subpoena.<br />

10. To appropriate parties in a health or safety emer gency.<br />

11. To individuals requesting directory information so<br />

designated by the <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

12. The results <strong>of</strong> any disciplinary proceeding conducted by<br />

the University against an alleged perpetrator <strong>of</strong> a crime <strong>of</strong><br />

violence to the alleged victim <strong>of</strong> that crime.<br />

Record <strong>of</strong> Requests for Disclosure<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong> will maintain a record <strong>of</strong> all requests for<br />

and/or disclosures <strong>of</strong> information from a <strong>student</strong>’s education<br />

records. The record will indicate the name <strong>of</strong> the party<br />

making the request, any additional party to whom it may<br />

be redisclosed, and the legitimate interest the party had in<br />

requesting or obtaining the information. The record may be<br />

reviewed by the eligible <strong>student</strong>.<br />

Directory Information<br />

A <strong>student</strong> may prevent the release <strong>of</strong> Directory Information<br />

by contacting the Public Relations & Communications <strong>of</strong>fice,<br />

phone 792-7113; fax 792-7266, before the first Friday<br />

<strong>of</strong> each semester. A request for an information hold is valid<br />

for one semester and must be resubmitted each sub sequent<br />

semester. Student directory information will not be released<br />

for commercial use.<br />

<strong>SUNY</strong>IT designates the following items as Direc tory Information:<br />

<strong>student</strong> name, parent’s name, address, telephone<br />

number, date and place <strong>of</strong> birth, major field <strong>of</strong> study, class<br />

schedule/roster, full- or part-time status, participation in <strong>of</strong>ficially<br />

recognized activities and sports, weight and height <strong>of</strong><br />

members <strong>of</strong> athletic teams, dates <strong>of</strong> attendance, degrees and<br />

awards received, most recent previous school attended, e-<br />

mail address, and photograph. <strong>SUNY</strong>IT may disclose any <strong>of</strong><br />

those items without prior written consent, unless the Public<br />

Relations & Communications <strong>of</strong>fice is notified in writing to<br />

the contrary before the first Friday <strong>of</strong> each semester.<br />

Correction <strong>of</strong> Education Records<br />

Students have the right to ask to have records corrected<br />

that they believe are inaccurate, misleading, or in violation<br />

<strong>of</strong> their privacy rights. Following are the procedures for the<br />

correction <strong>of</strong> records:<br />

1. A <strong>student</strong> must ask the Director <strong>of</strong> Public Relations <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> to amend a record. In so doing, the <strong>student</strong><br />

should identify the part <strong>of</strong> the record to be amended and<br />

specify why the <strong>student</strong> believes it is inaccurate,<br />

mislead ing, or in violation <strong>of</strong> his or her privacy rights.<br />

2. The <strong>Institute</strong> may comply with the request or it may<br />

decide not to comply. If it decides not to comply, the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> will notify the <strong>student</strong> <strong>of</strong> the decision and<br />

advise the <strong>student</strong> <strong>of</strong> his or her right to a hearing to<br />

challenge the information believed to be inaccurate,<br />

misleading, or in violation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong>’s privacy rights.<br />

3. Upon request, the <strong>Institute</strong> will arrange for a hearing,<br />

and notify the <strong>student</strong>, reasonably in advance, <strong>of</strong> the<br />

date, place, and time <strong>of</strong> the hearing.<br />

4. The hearing will be conducted by the Vice President for<br />

Academic Affairs (or designee) or by the Vice President for<br />

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management (or<br />

designee). The <strong>student</strong> shall be afforded a full and fair<br />

opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues<br />

raised in the original request to amend the <strong>student</strong>’s<br />

education records. The <strong>student</strong> may be advised by one or<br />

more individuals, including an attorney. Advi sors are<br />

limited to speaking only to the <strong>student</strong> during the hearing.<br />

5. The <strong>Institute</strong> will prepare a written decision based solely<br />

on the evidence presented at the hearing. The decision<br />

will include a summary <strong>of</strong> the evidence presented and<br />

the reasons for the decision.<br />

6. If the <strong>Institute</strong> decides that the information is inaccurate,<br />

misleading, or in violation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>student</strong>’s right <strong>of</strong><br />

privacy, it will amend the record and notify the <strong>student</strong>,<br />

in writing, that the record has been amended.<br />

7. If the <strong>Institute</strong> decides that the challenged information<br />

is not inaccurate, misleading, or in violation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>student</strong>’s right <strong>of</strong> privacy, it will notify the <strong>student</strong> that<br />

he or she has a right to place in the record a statement<br />

commenting on the challenged information and/or a<br />

statement setting forth reasons for disagreeing with the<br />

decision.<br />

8. The statement will be maintained as a part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>student</strong>’s education records as long as the contested<br />

portion is maintained. If the <strong>Institute</strong> discloses the<br />

contested por tion <strong>of</strong> the record, it will also disclose the<br />

statement.<br />





<strong>SUNY</strong>IT has a 24-hour hotline to inform <strong>student</strong>s, faculty<br />

and staff when severe winter weather prompts the cancellation<br />

<strong>of</strong> all classes. On-campus, you can call the “Snowline”<br />

by dialing ext. 7669 (“SNOW”). Off-campus, Snowline<br />

can be reached by calling 315-792-7385. Snowline cards are<br />

available in various locations on campus.<br />

In the event <strong>of</strong> severe weather, Snowline will announce only<br />

the cancellation <strong>of</strong> ALL classes. The cancellation <strong>of</strong> all classes<br />

will also be posted online, at www.sunyit.edu, and will<br />

be broadcast on radio and television stations in the Utica-<br />

Rome, Syracuse, and Albany areas. Individual class cancellations<br />

are always available at www.sunyit.edu.<br />



Consistent with the policy <strong>of</strong> the State University <strong>of</strong> New<br />

York, the <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> does not dis criminate on<br />

the basis <strong>of</strong> race, sex, color, age, national origin, disability,<br />

marital status, or veteran status dur ing the process <strong>of</strong><br />

recruiting <strong>student</strong>s, recruiting and employing faculty and<br />

staff, or in the operation <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> its programs and activities<br />

as specified by federal and state laws and regulations.<br />

Additionally, discrimination on the basis <strong>of</strong> sexual orientation<br />

and the provision <strong>of</strong> <strong>services</strong> or benefits by state agencies<br />

relating to employment is prohib ited by the Governor’s<br />

Executive Order Number 28 (with exceptions for recruiters<br />

<strong>of</strong> the United States Military as amended by Governor’s<br />

Executive Order Number 34). The policies <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong><br />

Trustees <strong>of</strong> the State University <strong>of</strong> New York also require<br />

that personal preferences <strong>of</strong> individuals which are unre lated<br />

to job or academic performance, such as sexual orientation,<br />

shall provide no basis for judgment <strong>of</strong> such individuals.<br />


The <strong>Institute</strong> is committed to maintaining a learning and<br />

working environment which is free <strong>of</strong> inappropri ate and<br />

unwelcome sexual conduct and communica tion, especially<br />

when the behavior creates a hostile or intimidating learning<br />

environment for a <strong>student</strong>. Employees and agents <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

are prohibited by policy from engaging in any behavior<br />

which could be defined as sexual harassment.<br />



Sexual harassment consists <strong>of</strong> unwelcome sexual advances,<br />

requests for sexual favors, and other ver bal or physical conduct<br />

<strong>of</strong> a sexual nature when: 1) submission is made an explicit<br />

or implicit term or condition <strong>of</strong> a <strong>student</strong>’s academic<br />

progress or an individual’s employment; 2) submission or<br />

rejection is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting<br />

an individual; or 3) such conduct substantially interferes<br />

with a <strong>student</strong>’s or employee’s work performance or creates<br />

an intimidating, hostile, or <strong>of</strong>fensive academic or working<br />

environment.<br />

51<br />



Students alleging sexual harassment or discrimination<br />

brought about by the action <strong>of</strong> an employee <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

may use the <strong>SUNY</strong> Discrimination Complaint Procedure.<br />

In most cases, the deadline for filing a complaint against an<br />

employee <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong> is within 90 calendar days <strong>of</strong> the<br />

alleged discriminatory act. A <strong>student</strong> who files a complaint<br />

with the Insti tute is also entitled to file a complaint with<br />

external regulatory agencies.<br />

The Associate Vice President for Human Resources is the<br />

designated coordinator in the <strong>Institute</strong>’s continuing compliance<br />

with relevant federal and state laws and regulations<br />

with respect to non-discrimination issues and allegations <strong>of</strong><br />

sexual harassment brought against an employee <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

The Human Resources <strong>of</strong>fice may be consulted during<br />

regular business hours on the ground floor <strong>of</strong> Kunsela Hall<br />

(A011) or by call ing (315) 792-7191.<br />

Student complaints alleging sexual harassment by another<br />

<strong>student</strong> should be directed to the Vice Presi dent for Student<br />

Affairs and Enrollment Management for adjudication via the<br />

Student Judicial System.<br />



The <strong>Institute</strong>’s University Police Department, Residential<br />

Life and Housing <strong>of</strong>fice, and Facilities Management <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

have developed a comprehensive approach toward making<br />

the cam pus a safe and secure place for <strong>student</strong>s. Outdoor<br />

emergency call boxes, indoor red emergency telephones,<br />

closed circuit video monitors, and electronic door locks in<br />

residence halls have been added to increase campus safety.<br />

Students who observe a suspicious person on campus or feel<br />

threatened in any way should immediately contact the University<br />

Police Department.<br />



Kunsela Hall Ground Floor Computer Wing<br />

Donovan Hall Ground Floor North & South Hallway<br />

First Floor North & South Hallway<br />

Second Floor East Hallway<br />

Campus Center<br />

Adirondack Halls<br />

Mohawk Halls<br />

Facilities<br />

Lower Lobby<br />

Laundry Rooms<br />

Central Commons Lounge Entrance<br />

Residence Life <strong>of</strong>fice Entrance<br />

Laundry Entrance<br />

Study Lounge Entrance<br />

Recreational Lounge Entrance<br />

Front Door




Emergency Call Boxes have blue lights for identification at<br />

night and in inclement weather.<br />

1. Campus Drive (near Edic Road entrance)<br />

2. Parking Lot A (sidewalk “C” wing entrance to Kunsela<br />

Hall)<br />

3. Parking Lot B (west side)<br />

4. Bus Stop in front <strong>of</strong> Kunsela Hall<br />

5. Parking Lot C (near front entrance to Donovan Hall)<br />

6. Intersection <strong>of</strong> Flanagan Road and Campus Drive<br />

7. Parking Lot F (near soccer field)<br />

8. Parking Lot H (near Central Commons)<br />

9. South Quad <strong>of</strong> Adirondack Residence Halls<br />

10. North Quad <strong>of</strong> Adirondack Residence Halls<br />

11. Residence Hall Bridge (Adirondack Hall side)<br />

12. By Student/Alumni Pavilion<br />

13. On the circle in front <strong>of</strong> Campus Center<br />

14. Parking Lot J<br />

15. Parking Lot D (near basketball courts)<br />

16. Campus Center Bridge (Campus Center side)<br />

17. Outside ground floor exit <strong>of</strong> Kunsela Hall (near<br />

University Police)<br />

18. Parking Lot K<br />

19. Parking Lot L<br />

20. Parking Lot M<br />

21. Inside Quad <strong>of</strong> Mohawk Halls<br />

22. Service Roadway near Campus Center Service Entrance<br />

23. Campus Drive (near athletic fields)<br />

Note: There are YELLOW emergency call boxes at the baseball<br />

field and nature trail (west <strong>of</strong> F Lot).<br />




<strong>SUNY</strong>IT, in compliance with Federal law (Americans with<br />

Disabilities Act; Section 504 <strong>of</strong> the Rehabilitation Act <strong>of</strong><br />

1973), does not discriminate on the basis <strong>of</strong> race, color,<br />

national origin, handicap, sex, religion, or age in any <strong>of</strong> its<br />

polices, practices or procedures. This includes but is not<br />

limited to admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational<br />

<strong>services</strong>.<br />

College Credit Card<br />

Marketing Policy<br />

Whereas, pursuant to Article 129-a <strong>of</strong> the Education Law,<br />

any college chartered by the New York State Board <strong>of</strong> Regents<br />

or incorporated by special act <strong>of</strong> the New York State<br />

Legislature shall establish an <strong>of</strong>ficial college credit card marketing<br />

policy; and<br />

Whereas, such <strong>of</strong>ficial college credit card marketing policy<br />

shall prohibit the advertising, marketing, or merchandising<br />

<strong>of</strong> credit cards on college campuses to <strong>student</strong>s, except as<br />

provided in said policy; and<br />

Whereas, Article 129-a requires that the penalties for individuals<br />

violating such <strong>of</strong>ficial credit card marketing policy<br />

be clearly set forth therein;<br />

Now, therefore, let it be known that the <strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Technology</strong> has adopted the following <strong>of</strong>ficial college credit<br />

card marketing policy on March 3, 2008.<br />

1. Prohibition. The advertising, marketing or merchandising<br />

<strong>of</strong> credit cards to <strong>student</strong>s on campus <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> is strictly prohibited, except as<br />

provided in paragraph 3.<br />

2. Penalty. Any individual visitor, licensee, or invitee on<br />

said campus found violating this policy shall be banned<br />

from the campus for a period <strong>of</strong> two years and any credit<br />

card issuer represented by said visitor, licensee, or<br />

invitee shall be banned from the campus for a period <strong>of</strong><br />

one year. Any <strong>student</strong>, faculty, or other staff found<br />

violating this policy shall receive a warning and be<br />

prohibited from any and all future credit card marketing<br />

on the campus.<br />

3. Restrictions. The following restrictions shall be imposed<br />

on any individual wishing to advertise, market, or<br />

merchandise credit cards, hereinafter referred to as<br />

“vendor”, on the campus <strong>of</strong> <strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Technology</strong>:<br />

A. The vendor shall register with the Vice President for<br />

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management or<br />

designee and receive express written authorization to<br />

be on campus property for the purpose <strong>of</strong> advertising,<br />

marketing, or merchandising <strong>of</strong> credit cards.<br />

B. On subsequent visits, vendor must register with the<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the Vice President for Student Affairs and<br />

Enrollment Management atleast three (3) business<br />

days prior to the day <strong>of</strong> vending, to receive proper<br />

authorization to vend.<br />

C. A credit card vendor is allowed to solicit only for one<br />

type <strong>of</strong> card.<br />

D. There shall be no inducement or gifts provided to the<br />

<strong>student</strong> in exchange for completing a credit card<br />

application.<br />

E. Vendors may only <strong>of</strong>fer an application to an<br />

individual once.<br />

F. The vendor shall be restricted to locations and hours<br />

determined at the time <strong>of</strong> the request.<br />

G. Vendors must show proper ID and authorization to<br />

vend upon request by University <strong>of</strong>ficials. Failure to<br />

do so will result in the vendor being asked to leave<br />

and possibly barred from the campus.<br />


H. Vendors must be notified that they may not misrepresent<br />

credit card policies or ask or suggest that<br />

<strong>student</strong>s put wrongful information on credit card<br />

applications.<br />

I. Vendors may be prohibited at campus option from<br />

collecting credit card applications.<br />

J. Credit card policies must be clearly displayed at the<br />

site <strong>of</strong> vending and copies <strong>of</strong> the credit card policies<br />

must be handed out to all individuals who accept (or<br />

complete) an application (these policies must include,<br />

but are not limited to interest rates, teaser rates, and<br />

annual fees).<br />

K. Vendors must clearly post at the site <strong>of</strong> vending and<br />

distribute handouts on the dangers and consequences<br />

<strong>of</strong> consumer debt to all individuals who have<br />

taken (or completed) an application. This posting<br />

shall occur only on the day the marketer is on the<br />

campus and is limited to the immediate vicinity<br />

where the marketer has permission to operate.<br />

L. The vendor shall provide to each <strong>student</strong> applying for<br />

a credit card, a pamphlet with information about<br />

good credit management practices, including how<br />

to access any information or <strong>services</strong> provided by the<br />

New York State Consumer Protection Board.<br />

The information in this <strong>student</strong> handbook is current as <strong>of</strong> August 1, 2008. The college reserves the right to cancel any<br />

program described herein and to change any rules governing curricu lum, administration, tuition, fees, admissions,<br />

regulations affecting <strong>student</strong>s, dates, and program content.<br />

Each registered <strong>student</strong> at the <strong>SUNY</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> is expected to have knowledge <strong>of</strong> the information contained<br />

in this handbook and in other college publications. Consult the college’s current undergraduate catalog for<br />

complete information on academic policies and undergraduate pro grams <strong>of</strong>fered by the college.<br />

This <strong>student</strong> handbook is a publication <strong>of</strong> the Division <strong>of</strong> Student Affairs at the <strong>SUNY</strong>IT. We acknowledge the production<br />

assistance <strong>of</strong> Jennifer Orr, Assistant Director <strong>of</strong> Student Activities; Matthew Kopytowski, Graphic Designer; Robert<br />

Jones and the Print Shop staff; and Michael De Cicco, Director <strong>of</strong> Publications, and we thank the many other members<br />

<strong>of</strong> our college community who contributed to this publication.<br />


Fall Semester 2008<br />

Comprehensive Academic Calendar Undergraduate/graduate<br />

August 1 Fri $40 Late Fee to Register for Fall 2008 Courses Begins for Returning Students<br />

August 25 Mon All Classes Begin<br />

Please refer to Campus Refund Policy &<br />

First Half Semester Calendar on the reverse side<br />

Add/Drop Begins - No Fees Charged<br />

August 30 Sat Saturday Classes are in Session<br />

September 1 Mon<br />

September 2 Tues<br />

LABOR DAY HOLIDAY - No Classes<br />

Add/Drop Fees Begin<br />

(Students Must Obtain Instructor’s Signature to Add a Course)<br />

$40 Late Fee Charged for ALL Students Registering for Fall 2008<br />

September 8 Mon Last Day to Add/Register for Courses<br />

September 15 Mon Last Day to Drop Courses Without Academic Record<br />

September 16 Tues Withdrawal (W Grade) from Courses Begins<br />

October 10 Fri Last Day <strong>of</strong> Classes for First Half Semester Courses<br />

October 11-14 Sat-Tues Mid-Semester Break<br />

October 15 Wed First Day <strong>of</strong> Classes for Second Half Semester Courses<br />

Incomplete Grades from Spring & Summer 2008 Revert to “F” Grades<br />

October 31 Fri Last Day to Officially Withdraw (W Grade) from Courses<br />

November 3 Mon Last Day to File for May 2009 Graduation<br />

Nov. 10-14 Mon-Fri Advance Registration - Spring 2009<br />

(Matriculated Students: See Academic Department for Advising Schedule)<br />


(Recess begins at 8:00 AM, Wednesday, November 26th)<br />

Nov. 27-30 Thur-Sun College Closed for ALL Business<br />

December 1 Mon Classes Resume<br />

December 6 Sat Classes End<br />

December 8 Mon Final Exams Begin<br />

December 11 Thur Final Exams End<br />

December 13 Sat Commencement – 10 AM<br />

December 15 Mon Final Grades Due – 2:00 PM<br />

Spring Semester 2009<br />

Comprehensive Academic Calendar Undergraduate/graduate<br />

January 5 (Mon) $40 Late Fee to Register for Spring 2009 Courses Begins for Returning Students<br />

January 20 (Tues) ALL CLASSES BEGIN<br />

Please refer to Campus Refund Policy on the reverse side<br />

Add/Drop Begins - No Fees Charged<br />

January 24 (Sat) Saturday Classes are in Session<br />

January 27 (Tues) Add/Drop Fees Begin<br />

(Students Must Obtain Instructor’s Signature to Add a Course)<br />

$40 Late Fee Charged to ALL Students Registering for Spring 2009<br />

February 9 (Mon) Last Day to Add a Course or Drop Without Academic Record<br />

February 10 (Tues) Withdrawal (W Grade) from courses Begins<br />

March 8-15 (Sun-Sun) SPRING BREAK<br />

March 16 (Mon) Classes Resume<br />

Last Day <strong>of</strong> Classes for First Half Semester Courses<br />

March 17 (Tues) First Day <strong>of</strong> Classes for Second Half Semester Courses<br />

Incomplete Grades from Fall 2008 Revert to “F” Grades<br />

April 1 (Wed) Last Day to File for August 2009 Graduation<br />

April 3 (Fri) Last Day to Officially Withdraw (W Grade) from Courses<br />

April 6-10 (Mon-Fri) Advance registration – Summer and Fall 2009<br />

(Matriculated Students: See Academic Department for Advising Schedule)<br />

May 2 (Sat) CLASSES END<br />

May 4 (Mon) Final Exams Begin<br />

May 7 (Thurs) Final Exams End<br />

May 9 (Sat) Commencement – 10:00 AM<br />

May 12 (Tues) Final Grades Due – 2:00 PM<br />

June 1 (Mon) Last Day to File for December 2009 Graduation<br />



All Campus Emergencies<br />

University Police Department, Kunsela Hall<br />

On campus........................................................ 111<br />

Off campus............................................. 792‐7105<br />

On-Campus Emergencies<br />

Campus Health Center,<br />

Campus Center....................................... 792-7172<br />

Maynard Fire/EMT............................................ 911<br />

Off-Campus Emergencies<br />

(from <strong>of</strong>f-campus telephones only)<br />

Utica City Fire Department.............................. 911<br />

Utica City Police................................................ 911<br />

New York State Police....................................... 911<br />

Kunkel Ambulance........................................... 911<br />

Personal Crisis Services<br />

Campus Counseling Center.................... 792‐7805<br />

Crisis Services Hotline ‐ 24 hrs............... 732-6228<br />

(Suicide and mental health crisis)<br />

Oneida County Rape Crisis<br />

& Domestic Violence Services................ 797‐7740<br />

Herkimer County<br />

Sexual Assault Hotline ........................... 866‐0458<br />

Herkimer County<br />

Rape Crisis Hotline ‐ 24 hrs..................... 866‐4120<br />

General Campus<br />

Information ...................................... 792‐7100<br />

Campus Lost and Found .............. 792‐7106

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