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I<br />
A<br />
Located in Heart of Largest<br />
Center Yet Built in Canada<br />
Six -loot high script and Roman letters form the name of the Golden Mile Theat<br />
making it one of the most impressive signs in the entire Golden Mile Shop/it<br />
Plaza in suburban Toronto The brilliant marquee, risible from both sides of tl'<br />
corner location, utilizes 24 and 12-inch Adler third-dimension, cast alumiim<br />
^ letters used interchangeably on Adler stainless steel Remofo-Panel frames<br />
By J.<br />
W. AGNEW<br />
Vanada's first shopping center theatre,<br />
the Golden Mile, was fittingly opened<br />
in the country's largest supermarketing<br />
center, the Golden Mile Shopping Plaza in<br />
suburban Toronto. The theatre is located<br />
almost in the heart of the large shopping<br />
area and is operated by Principal Investments.<br />
Ltd., owners of the shopping center.<br />
There are 1.000 seats, including the loges<br />
where smoking is permitted, at 20 to 60<br />
cents. Shows are every evening with a<br />
matinee on Saturday, and the stores are<br />
open every Thursday and Friday nights<br />
changeable copy marquee is flush with the<br />
corner front and also the side of the building,<br />
allowing the program to be seen in two<br />
directions and by passing traffic at the<br />
busy corner intersection.<br />
The glass and marble boxoffice is located<br />
in the immediate right corner of<br />
the building. Entrance is made through<br /> doors into a small lobby floored with<br />
rubber matting. Immediately behind the<br />
lobby is the manager's office, the ladies'<br />
powder room with full length wall mirrors<br />
and powder bar, and the candy stand.<br />
These faciUties occupy approximately tfc<br />
right half of the front portion of th'<br />
building.<br />
The spacious lounge is reached from th<br />
left side of the lobby. It extends froi<br />
the street line back, and is attractively ap<br />
pointed. The carpeting was especially de<br />
signed for the theatre, and features<br />
,<br />
black, green, red and orange feather desi^;<br />
on a soft gray background. A huge wa'<br />
mirror tends to make the foyer appea'<br />
even more spacious and reflects the tastt<br />
Continued on page J<br />
until 9 o'clock. A paved parking area is<br />
floodlit and accommodates thousands of<br />
cars. The shopping nights and the provision<br />
for parking materially benefit the boxoffice.<br />
Primarily the Golden Mile is intended<br />
to b