LER A COOL - Jordao.com

LER A COOL - Jordao.com

LER A COOL - Jordao.com


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The relationship with the suppliers and clients has also changed,<br />

with a greater capacity for interaction. "Everything is much<br />

quicker, so we can respond faster to our client," explains the<br />

JORDÃO Managing Director, remembering that in the beginning<br />

the delivery deadline could take three months, whereas today<br />

just two weeks are needed. "This is only possible thanks to new<br />

technology and partnerships with more efficient suppliers," adds<br />

Isidro Lobo.<br />

Apresentação da nova gama VISTA em Milão durante a feira<br />

HOST 2011.<br />

The new VISTA range was unveiled during the HOST 2011<br />

trade fair.<br />

Periodicamente são feitas ações de formação aos colaboradores no<br />

âmbito da Qualidade e Ambiente e, sempre que necessário, são feitas<br />

algumas re<strong>com</strong>endações aos parceiros de negócio quanto à implementação<br />

de boas práticas nesta área, que se revelam ainda mais<br />

cruciais em tempos de crise.<br />

<br />

A exportação de produtos tem um peso muito importante nas contas<br />

da empresa. “Em 2012, a JORDÃO espera exportar cerca de 70% do<br />

total da sua produção”, revela Isidro Lobo. A internacionalização obriga<br />

a que a empresa seja <strong>com</strong>petitiva e esteja a par das mais recentes<br />

evoluções tecnológicas de forma a desenvolver soluções à altura da<br />

exigência dos diversos mercados onde atua.<br />

Para manter a posição de líder no mercado nacional e continuar a<br />

crescer no mercado internacional, a JORDÃO participa regularmente<br />

em feiras internacionais, onde são apresentadas as últimas tendências,<br />

contacta organismos que regulam e legislam o setor da alimentação<br />

e produção de equipamentos, e aposta na criação de parcerias<br />

<strong>com</strong> academias, universidades e outras organizações, as quais “têm<br />

tido um efeito preponderante na descoberta de novas tecnologias,<br />

métodos de trabalho inovadores, novos materiais, design e funcionalidade<br />

dos equipamentos”, refere Sérgio Carvalho.<br />

Isidro Lobo considera ainda que “a JORDÃO deverá continuar a investir,<br />

tanto ao nível de parque de máquinas, de processos produtivos<br />

e de recursos humanos, nunca esquecendo, um serviço <strong>com</strong>ercial<br />

cada vez mais próximo das necessidades dos clientes, <strong>com</strong> uma<br />

<br />

<br />

Impact on the Environment<br />

Technological development has had, at times, less positive<br />

consequences within the JORDÃO environment, which has<br />

always sought to develop new strategies and processes to<br />

minimise its industrial footprint on the environment, JORDÃO<br />

being the first <strong>com</strong>pany in the sector to obtain the environmental<br />

certificate NP EN ISO 14001, in 2005.<br />

JORDÃO's strategy is centred on the non-creation of residuals<br />

in the first place, acquiring and transforming recyclable and<br />

environmentally friendly materials, and secondly and finally, in a<br />

responsible and effective segregation of the respective tiers of<br />

industrial waste generated by the activity as well as supervising<br />

it to its final destination.<br />

Throughout the whole productive process, areas dedicated to<br />

waste segregation were created and a station to <strong>com</strong>press<br />

and package cardboard and plastic. In addition, all electrical<br />

materials acquired outside <strong>com</strong>ply with the RoHS directive.<br />

Staff training sessions are carried out periodically in terms of<br />

Quality and the Environment and, whenever necessary, some<br />

re<strong>com</strong>mendations are made to business partners as to the<br />

implementation of good practices in this area, which are even<br />

more important in times of crisis.<br />

Internationalisation demands innovation<br />

Product exports have an important impact on the <strong>com</strong>pany's<br />

balance sheet. "In 2012, JORDÃO expects to export around 70%<br />

of its total production", Isidro Lobo reveals. Internationalisation<br />

means that the <strong>com</strong>pany has to be <strong>com</strong>petitive and be up to<br />

date with the latest technological developments so it can develop<br />

solutions on demand in the various markets where it is present.<br />

In order to maintain its position of leadership in the national<br />

market and continue to grow in the international market,<br />

JORDÃO regularly takes part in international fairs, where the<br />

latest trends are presented, contacting organisations that<br />

regulate and legislate in the food and food equipment production<br />

sectors, and invests in the creation of partnerships with<br />

academies, universities and other organisations, which have<br />

had "an important effect in the discovery of new technology,<br />

innovative working methods, new materials, designs and<br />

functionality of equipment", says Sérgio Carvalho.<br />

Isidro Lobo also believes that "JORDÃO should continue investing,<br />

in terms of machinery stock, production processes, and human<br />

resources, never forgetting that a <strong>com</strong>mercial service needs to<br />

be increasingly closer to its clients' needs, with greater flexibility<br />

and a post-sales service in which the client feels that it can have<br />

confidence in our <strong>com</strong>pany." <br />

1991<br />

- Fim da União Soviética.<br />

- Dissolvido o Pacto de Varsóvia.<br />

- Nasce o Mercosul.<br />

- Comercializada a primeira soja transgénica.<br />

- Fall of the Soviet Union.<br />

- Warsaw Pact dissolved.<br />

- Mercosul is formed.<br />

- The first genetically modified soya is put on sale.<br />


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