Persoonlijk CV - UHasselt

Persoonlijk CV - UHasselt

Persoonlijk CV - UHasselt


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Caroline Ariën<br />

Universiteit Hasselt| Campus Diepenbeek<br />

Instituut voor Mobiliteit (IMOB)<br />

Wetenschapspark 5 | bus 6<br />

BE-3590 Diepenbeek | België<br />

Tel: +32 (0)11 26 91 35<br />

Fax: +32 (0)11 26 91 99<br />

E-mail: caroline.arien@uhasselt.be<br />


Place of birth:<br />

Date of birth:<br />

Nationality:<br />

Geel, Belgium<br />

05/02/1987<br />

Belgian<br />


09/2010 – present Hasselt University – Transportation Research Institute (IMOB)<br />

Ph.D. student Traffic Safety<br />

Promotor: Prof. dr. Tom Brijs<br />


2008 – 2010<br />

2005 – 2008<br />

1999 - 2005<br />

Master of Transportation Sciences – Traffic safety<br />

Hasselt University<br />

Degree: Summa cum laude<br />

Master thesis: Driving simulator study on the effectiveness of<br />

different thoroughfare configurations<br />

Promotor: Prof. dr. Tom Brijs<br />

AXA-award: € 500<br />

Bachelor of Transportation Sciences<br />

Hasselt University<br />

Degree: Magna cum laude<br />

Bachelor thesis: Freight transport between the Economic Network<br />

Albertkanaal and the Kempen Axis (Vrachtverkeer tussen het<br />

Economisch Netwerk Albertkanaal en de Kempische As)<br />

Promotor: Prof. dr. Tom Brijs<br />

Science and mathematics<br />

Rozenberg S.O., Mol


Technical skills<br />

- Conceptual thinking: developing new reserach topics, solving acute problems<br />

- Planning and organizing: developing and executing research, collecting data<br />

- Analyzing data: analyzing specific data into useful information (for instance policy<br />

recommendations)<br />

- Computer skills:<br />

• Advanced knowledge of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook and STISIM<br />

simulator definition language<br />

• Intermediate knowledge of Access, Visio, SPSS and MySQL<br />

• Basic knowledge of R, TransCAD and AutoCAD<br />

Communication<br />

- Writing skills: writing of reports and journal articles<br />

- Presenting and teaching<br />

- Meeting with team and experts, networking<br />

- Evaluating: reviewing of reports, evaluation of theses<br />

Language skills<br />

- Presenting on (inter)national conferences in Dutch and English<br />

- Teaching in Dutch and English<br />

- Writing publications in Dutch and English<br />

Reading Spoken Writing<br />

Dutch<br />

Native language<br />

English Advanced Advanced Advanced<br />

French Intermediate Basic Basic<br />

Other skills<br />

- Mentor work in the education program of Transportation Sciences at Hasselt<br />

University<br />

- Supervision of master theses as co-promoter<br />


- Member of the research group Traffic Safety, Hasselt University – Transportation<br />

Research Institute<br />

- Member of the education team at Hasselt University: Traffic sciences 1, Current<br />

topics in traffic (capita selecta) and Traffic and mobility behavior


Caroline Ariën<br />


- ARIËN, Caroline, JONGEN, Ellen M.M., BRIJS, Kris, BRIJS, TOM, WETS, Geert (in<br />

review, 3rd round). A Simulator Study on the Impact of Traffic Calming Measures<br />

in Urban Areas on Driving Behavior and Workload. Accident Analysis and<br />

Prevention, special issue Emerging Research Methods and Their Application to<br />

Road Safety. [web of science: impact factor 1.647].<br />

- ARIËN, Caroline & HERMANS, Elke (september 2012). Verkeersveiligheid in 2015:<br />

doorrekening van een aantal maatregelen uit het Verkeersveiligheidsplan<br />

Vlaanderen. Verkeersspecialist, nr. 189.<br />


- ARIËN, Caroline; BRIJS, Kris; CEULEMANS, Wesley; BRIJS, Tom & WETS, Geert<br />

(2012). Driving behavior at transitions from motorways to secondary roads: A<br />

driving simulator study. In: Proceedings of 5 th International Conference of Traffic<br />

and Transport Psychology (ICTTP 2012). Groningen (The Netherlands), August,<br />

29-31, 2012.<br />

- ARIËN, Caroline & HERMANS, Elke (2012). Verkeersveiligheid in 2015:<br />

doorrekening van een aantal maatregelen uit het verkeersveiligheidsplan<br />

Vlaanderen. In: online Proceedings van Vlaams Congres Verkeersveiligheid. Gent<br />

(Belgium), May 22, 2012.<br />

- ARIËN, Caroline; BRIJS, Kris; CEULEMANS, Wesley; JONGEN, Ellen M.M.;<br />

DANIELS, Stijn; BRIJS, Tom & WETS, Geert (2012). The effect of pavement<br />

markings on driving behavior in curves: A driving simulator study. In: Proceedings<br />

van Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting. Washington, (U.S.),<br />

January 22-26, 2012.<br />

- ARIËN, Caroline; HERMANS, Elke; WETS, Geert & BRIJS, TOM (2011). Assessing<br />

the impact of road safety policy measures at the regional level: modelling<br />

approach and application. In: Proceedings of the 24th ICTCT Workshop<br />

(abstractproceedings). Warsaw (Poland), October 27-28, 2011.<br />

- ARIËN, Caroline; JONGEN, Ellen M.M.; BRIJS, Kris; BRIJS, Tom & WETS, Geert<br />

(2011). A simulator study on the impact of traffic calming measures in urban<br />

areas on driving behavior and workload. In: Proceedings van Transportation<br />

Research Board 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation.<br />

Indiana (U.S.), September 14-16, 2011.


- ARIËN, Caroline; HERMANS, Elke; REUMERS, Sofie; DANIELS, Stijn; WETS, Geert<br />

& BRIJS, Tom (2012). Assessing the impact of road safety policy measures in<br />

Flanders: modelling approach and application. Steunpuntrapport RA-MOW-2011-<br />

025. Diepenbeek, België: Steunpunt Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken, spoor<br />

Verkeersveiligheid.<br />


Karin; KUPPENS, Johan & VAN DER LINDEN, Max (2011). Signalisatiesimulator<br />

Signalisatieplan bedrijventerrein Genk. Uitgevoerd in opdracht van Agentschap<br />

Wegen en Verkeer (AWV) Limburg.<br />

- BRIJS, Kris; ARIËN, Caroline; BRIJS, Tom; VAN VLIERDEN Karin; KUPPENS, Johan<br />

& VAN DER LINDEN, Max (2011). Signalisatiesimulatie Werken Aan R7 Viaduct te<br />

Vilvoorde. Uitgevoerd in opdracht van Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer (AWV)<br />

Vlaams Brabant.

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