Extensive CV Nadine Roijakkers December 2012 - UHasselt

Extensive CV Nadine Roijakkers December 2012 - UHasselt

Extensive CV Nadine Roijakkers December 2012 - UHasselt


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<strong>Extensive</strong> <strong>CV</strong> <strong>Nadine</strong> <strong>Roijakkers</strong><br />

<strong>December</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />


Personal information<br />

Names and surname<br />

Anna, Helena, Wilhelmina, Maria (<strong>Nadine</strong>) <strong>Roijakkers</strong> (married name is Willekens)<br />

Address of correspondence<br />

Lariksstraat 25<br />

6101 KE Echt (NL)<br />

+31 475 48 88 52 (home)/+31 6 54 97 55 14 (mobile)<br />

E-mail address<br />

nadine.roijakkers@uhasselt.be<br />

Date and place of birth<br />

10 September 1976, Maasbracht (NL)<br />

Gender<br />

Female<br />

Nationality<br />

Dutch<br />

Marital status<br />

Married, two daughters<br />


Academic titles, degrees, and study program results<br />

Bachelor<br />

First year<br />

Second<br />

year<br />

University<br />

School of Business<br />

and<br />

Economics/Maastricht<br />

University (NL)<br />

School of Business<br />

and<br />

Economics/Maastricht<br />

University<br />

Study<br />

program<br />

International<br />

Business (in<br />

English)<br />

International<br />

Business (in<br />

English)<br />

Results<br />

Passed all<br />

courses with<br />

14/20 or<br />

higher in<br />

first<br />

examination<br />

period<br />

Passed all<br />

courses with<br />

14/20 or<br />

higher in<br />

first<br />

examination<br />

period<br />

Results in<br />

%<br />

Year<br />

100% 1994/95<br />

100% 1995/96<br />

Master<br />

First<br />

year<br />

Second<br />

year<br />

University Study program Results Results<br />

in %<br />

School of Business<br />

and<br />

Economics/Maastricht<br />

University<br />

School of Business<br />

and<br />

Economics/Maastricht<br />

University<br />

Fakultät für<br />

Volkswirtschaft und<br />

Statistik, Leopold<br />

Franzens Universität<br />

Innsbruck (AU)<br />

International<br />

Business (in English)<br />

Majors:<br />

- Strategy and<br />

organization<br />

- Innovation<br />

management<br />

International<br />

Business (in English)<br />

Majors:<br />

- Strategy and<br />

organization<br />

- Innovation<br />

management<br />

Angewandte<br />

Ökonomik (in<br />

German)<br />

Passed all<br />

courses<br />

with 14/20<br />

or higher in<br />

first<br />

examination<br />

period<br />

Passed all<br />

courses<br />

with 16/20<br />

or higher in<br />

first<br />

examination<br />

period<br />

Passed all<br />

courses<br />

with 16/20<br />

or higher in<br />

first<br />

examination<br />

period<br />

Year<br />

100% 1996/97<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

1997/98<br />

1998<br />


Master thesis<br />

Title: The influence of locus of control and self-monitoring on Austrian students' behavior with<br />

respect to study choice<br />

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. C. Boone, Professor of Organizational Theory and Organizational Behavior at the<br />

Faculty of Applied Economics of the University of Antwerp (BE)<br />

Grade: 16/20<br />

The results of the master thesis are published with reference: Boone, C., van Olffen, W., <strong>Roijakkers</strong>, N., 2004,<br />

Selection on the road to a career: evidence of personality sorting in educational choice, Journal of Career<br />

Development, 31, pp. 61-78.<br />

PhD thesis<br />

Title: Inter-firm cooperation in high-tech industries-a study of R&D partnerships in pharmaceutical<br />

biotechnology<br />

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. J. Hagedoorn, Professor of Strategy and International Business at the School of<br />

Business and Economics of Maastricht University and United Nations University (UNU)-Maastricht<br />

Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (MERIT) (NL)<br />

Doctoral committee: Prof. Dr. J. Lemmink (Maastricht University); Prof. Dr. R. Cowan (UNU-MERIT);<br />

Prof. Dr. W. Powell (Stanford University, California, USA)<br />

University where PhD program was completed: Maastricht University and UNU-MERIT<br />

Date of defense: 19 September 2003<br />

During the first two years of her PhD program <strong>Nadine</strong> took part in a curriculum for PhD students where she<br />

completed both internally provided and externally taught courses. <strong>Nadine</strong> passed all of these courses with<br />

14/20 or higher.<br />


Current and former positions<br />

November 2009-Current (Academia)<br />

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Economics, Knowledge Centre for Entrepreneurship and<br />

Innovation (KIZOK), Strategy and Innovation Management, Hasselt University (BE)<br />

March 2007-October 2009 (Business)<br />

Senior Strategy Advisor/Project Leader, Strategy and Innovation Unit, Atos-KPMG Consultancy,<br />

Utrecht (NL), additional functions: Knowledge Manager of Line of Business Telecom, Utilities, Media<br />

and internal Strategic Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Atos Origin Global (mother<br />

company of Atos-KPMG Consultancy), Paris (FR)<br />

September 2004-February 2007 (Academia)<br />

Assistant Professor, ECIS Fellow and member of the ECIS Scientific Board, Eindhoven Centre for<br />

Innovation Studies (ECIS), Organizational Science and Marketing, Faculty of Technology<br />

Management, Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) (NL)<br />

September 2002-August 2004 (Academia)<br />

Post-Doc Researcher and Maastricht Research School of Economics of Technology and Organizations<br />

(METEOR) Fellow, UNU–MERIT<br />

September 1998-August 2002 (Academia)<br />

PhD Student and Tutor, Maastricht University and UNU–MERIT<br />


Overview of scientific activities and publications in the field of (open)<br />

innovation, technology management, and entrepreneurship<br />

General description of research activities<br />

September 1998-August 2002<br />

During her PhD period at Maastricht University <strong>Nadine</strong> worked on the completion of her thesis and<br />

the various publications resulting from this research. Her PhD thesis is focused on the collaborative<br />

relationships between large pharmaceutical companies and entrepreneurial biotechnology firms<br />

aimed at joint innovation and technology development. Her thesis is largely based on the MERIT-<br />

Cooperative Agreements and Technology Indicators (MERIT-CATI) database and the econometric<br />

analysis of these longitudinal data. The MERIT-CATI database holds information concerning the<br />

cooperative innovation strategies of small entrepreneurial firms and traditional companies in<br />

innovative sectors of industry. During her years as a PhD Student <strong>Nadine</strong> regularly participated in<br />

both internally taught and externally provided courses on several topics, such as advanced<br />

quantitative research methods (e.g. methodology courses of the Dutch Association for Research in<br />

Business, NOBO).<br />

September 2002-August 2004<br />

In her function as Post-Doc Researcher at UNU-MERIT <strong>Nadine</strong> published several articles on the<br />

(open) innovation and technology strategy of both large companies and small, entrepreneurial hightech<br />

companies in well-established international journals. The main component of her work was<br />

related to the attraction of external project financing. As a result of her endeavors in this respect<br />

<strong>Nadine</strong> was able to work on the Science, Technologies, and Innovation-Network Indicators (STI-NET)<br />

project for two years. This project was financed by the European Commission (Contract HPV2-<br />

CT2001-00014) within the 'Improving Human Potential and Socio-Economic Knowledge Base'<br />

program. The project was headed by Prof. Dr. F. Malerba, Centre for Research on Innovation and<br />

Internationalization (CESPRI), Bocconi University, Milan (IT) and was aimed at the definition of<br />

network indicators to measure the innovativeness and collaborative character of European<br />

innovation networks and the empirical testing of these indicators in high-tech sectors. For the benefit<br />

of this research <strong>Nadine</strong> was regularly working in Milan.<br />

September 2004-February 2007<br />

In her role as Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology <strong>Nadine</strong> worked on several<br />

international publications in the field of (open) innovation, technology management, and<br />

entrepreneurship. Besides publishing in internationally acclaimed journals <strong>Nadine</strong> was also<br />

responsible for attracting external financing. In this respect <strong>Nadine</strong> took part in several scientific<br />

projects. Within the Transforum Agro en Groen (TAG) project, financed by the Dutch Ministry of<br />

Agriculture, <strong>Nadine</strong> was involved in the setting-up and writing-up of several case studies in the field<br />

of sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship in the Dutch agricultural and horticultural sectors.<br />

Jointly with Prof. Dr. A-P. de Man of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL) <strong>Nadine</strong> also completed a<br />

book based on multiple case studies for the benefit of the Dutch Stichting Management Studies<br />


(SMS). The case studies deal with alliance governance and the balance between trust and control in<br />

collaborative relations aimed at joint innovation. The case studies and interviews were positioned in<br />

the context of large innovative companies such as Philips and small entrepreneurial firms such as<br />

Keerpunt. Several international publications resulted from this research (see list of publications) and<br />

the resulting book was nominated for the ‘Management Book of the Year’ award in 2006.<br />

March 2007-October 2009<br />

As Senior Strategy Advisor and Project Leader at Atos-KPMG Consultancy <strong>Nadine</strong> was involved in a<br />

large number of strategic innovation projects for the benefit of several large companies and<br />

innovative entrepreneurial firms. Besides writing several practice-oriented articles and white papers<br />

for the purpose of acquisition <strong>Nadine</strong> also continued working on her academic, international<br />

publications during this time. These publications mainly deal with (open) innovation and alliances<br />

and are based on econometric analysis as well as case studies. In 2009 <strong>Nadine</strong> was part of a selective<br />

think-tank of fifty Atos Origin employees holding a PhD degree who served as strategic advisors to<br />

the CEO of Atos Origin Global in Paris. This think-tank wrote and presented their advice on the<br />

strategy to follow during and after the crisis. To prepare this advice <strong>Nadine</strong> carried out large-scale<br />

research on several relevant strategic themes (such as collaboration with innovative, entrepreneurial<br />

firms) within different international teams formed on the basis of these themes.<br />

November 2009-Current<br />

In her function of Assistant Professor at Hasselt University <strong>Nadine</strong> is involved in the definition and<br />

implementation of scientific research in the field of (open) innovation strategy, technology<br />

management, and entrepreneurial firms. This research is based on econometric analysis of large<br />

datasets (e.g. alliances, patents, M&As, open innovation projects, licensing activities, etc.).<br />

Furthermore, <strong>Nadine</strong> carries out case study research, such as an extensive case study describing the<br />

success of innovation ecosystem orchestrator IMEC in Leuven (BE). Several international publications<br />

in renowned journals have resulted from these research activities (see list of publications). <strong>Nadine</strong> is<br />

also dedicated to attracting external financing through, for example, FP7 proposals, TEMPUS<br />

applications, FWO research projects, and NSFC scholarships. Currently, in collaboration with Prof. Dr.<br />

W. Vanhaverbeke, she is working on an externally funded project entitled: “Reverse globalization of<br />

innovation activities and organization". This project is based on a number of case studies at large<br />

multinationals and investigates the effects of Chinese innovative activities on corporate innovation<br />

strategies. The research is part of a series of studies initiated by Prof. Dr. G. Yip, CEIBS, Shanghai (Ch).<br />

Awards<br />

2001<br />

Best Paper, High Technology Small Firms (HTSF) Conference, Manchester Business School,<br />

Manchester (UK)<br />


2003<br />

Nomination Best Paper, Strategic Management Society 23rd Annual International Conference,<br />

Baltimore, Maryland (USA)<br />

2004<br />

METEOR nomination PhD thesis for the Christiaan Huygens Science Prize Economics, Royal Dutch<br />

Academy of Science (KNAW)<br />

2009-2010<br />

Best Practice Awards for publications in Long Range Planning and European Management Journal,<br />

Association Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP), Canton, Massachusetts (USA)<br />

A number of consultancy firms in the Netherlands and abroad make use of <strong>Nadine</strong>’s articles in their<br />

best practice programs in the fields of alliances and innovation taught to clients.<br />

Additional functions<br />

TUE<br />

President of the ECIS Seminar Committee-this committee is in charge of organizing weekly research<br />

seminars in the field of (open) innovation and technology strategy<br />

Member of the ECIS Scientific Board-the Board is entrusted with the decision-making in relation to<br />

scientific activities (e.g. evaluation of PhD thesis proposals)<br />

Daily supervisor of ECIS PhD students<br />

Reviewer of several scientific journals<br />

Co-founder and member of the management team of the Alliance Science Centre for research,<br />

teaching, and accreditation in the field of alliance management<br />

Hasselt University<br />

Member of the Educational Management Team (OMT) for the Master of Management (MoM)<br />

Daily supervisor/co-promoter of PhD students working for the Strategy and Innovation management<br />

unit<br />

Member of the PhD thesis committee of numerous external PhD students<br />

Member of the Scientific Panel-International Society for Professional Innovation Management<br />

(ISPIM)<br />

Reviewer of several scientific journals<br />


Uhasselt representative for “Researchers in Action", a platform that represents all Flemish<br />

universities and research institutes and protests against decreasing governmental funding of basic<br />

research<br />

Member of the scientific network of Exnovate (network of excellence on collaborative and open<br />

innovation)<br />

Scientific publications (excluding conference proceedings)<br />

2002<br />

Small entrepreneurial firms and large companies in inter-firm R&D networks-the international<br />

biotechnology industry, in M. Hitt, D. Ireland, M. Camp and D. Sexton (eds.), Strategic<br />

entrepreneurship: creating a new mindset, London, Blackwell, pp. 223-252, i.c.w. J. Hagedoorn<br />

2003<br />

Inter-firm R&D partnering in high technology industries-patterns in the international biotechnology<br />

industry since 1975, in J.H. Dunning and G. Boyd (eds.), Alliance capitalism and corporate<br />

management, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 63-91, i.c.w. J. Hagedoorn<br />

Inter-firm cooperation in high-tech industries: a study of R&D partnerships in pharmaceutical<br />

biotechnology, PhD thesis Maastricht University, Maastricht, Datawyse-Universitaire Pers Maastricht,<br />

207 pages<br />

2004<br />

Selection on the road to a career: evidence of personality sorting in educational choice, Journal of<br />

Career Development, 31, pp. 61-78, i.c.w. C. Boone and W. van Olffen, impact factor 1.522<br />

2005<br />

Dual market structures and the likelihood of repeated ties-evidence from pharmaceutical<br />

biotechnology, Research Policy, 34, pp. 235-245, i.c.w. J. Hagedoorn and H. van Kranenburg, impact<br />

factor 2.520<br />

Book review, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 15, pp. 477-479, impact factor 1.000<br />

2006<br />

Trends and patterns in inter-firm R&D networks in the global computer industry: a historical analysis<br />

of major developments during the period 1970-1999, Harvard Business History Review, 80, pp.725-<br />

746, i.c.w. M. Cloodt and J. Hagedoorn, impact factor 0.684<br />

Inter-firm R&D networks: the importance of strategic network capabilities for high-tech partnership<br />

formation, British Journal of Management, 17, pp. 39-53, i.c.w. J. Hagedoorn and H. van Kranenburg,<br />

impact factor 1.516<br />


Inter-firm R&D partnering in pharmaceutical biotechnology since 1975: trends, patterns, and<br />

networks, Research Policy, 35, pp. 431-446, i.c.w. J. Hagedoorn, impact factor 2.520<br />

2007<br />

Strategic and organizational understanding of inter-firm partnerships and networks, in H. Hanusch<br />

and A. Pyka (eds.), Elgar companion to neo-Schumpeterian economics, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar,<br />

pp. 201-210, i.c.w. J. Hagedoorn<br />

Alliance networks, inter-firm learning, and communication: a search for new insights, in A. Salazar<br />

and S. Sawyer (eds.), Handbook of information technology in organizations and electronic markets,<br />

London, World Scientific Publishing, pp. 223-244, i.c.w. G. Duysters and G. Sadowski<br />

Allianties in de telecom: een mediacircus?, Atos-KPMG White Paper for the Telecom and Media<br />

Round Table on 6 November 2007, i.c.w. A-P. de Man and I. Gubbels<br />

2008<br />

The formation of subsequent inter-firm R&D partnerships between large pharmaceutical companies<br />

and small, entrepreneurial biotechnology firms-how important is inter organizational trust?,<br />

International Journal of Technology Management, 44, pp. 81-91, i.c.w. J. Hagedoorn and H. van<br />

Kranenburg, impact factor 0.516<br />

Zijn allianties te besturen? Beheersing en vertrouwen in samenwerkingsverbanden, M&O, 3/4, pp.<br />

137-152, i.c.w. A-P. de Man<br />

Bestuurbaarheid van allianties, in B. Dankbaar, B. Kessener, J. Boonstra (eds.), Nieuwe<br />

maakbaarheid-doelgericht veranderen in bedrijf en samenleving in de 21 ste eeuw, Deventer, Kluwer,<br />

pp. 167-182, i.c.w. A-P. de Man<br />

2009<br />

Alliance governance: balancing control and trust in dealing with risk, Long Range Planning, 42, pp. 75-<br />

95, i.c.w. A-P. de Man, impact factor 2.197<br />

How open innovation can help firms deal with crisis, Adaptive Options, 4, pp. 4-6, i.c.w. W.<br />

Vanhaverbeke<br />

2010<br />

Managing dynamics through robust alliance governance structures: the case of KLM and Northwest<br />

Airlines, European Management Journal, 28, pp. 171-181, i.c.w. A-P. de Man and H. De Graauw,<br />

impact factor 0.795<br />

Inter-firm R&D networks in the global software industry: an overview of major trends and patterns,<br />

Business History, 52, pp. 120-149, i.c.w. M. Cloodt and J. Hagedoorn, impact factor 0.557<br />


2011<br />

Turning experience into alliance capability: alliance evaluation in Rolls-Royce, in T.K. Das (ed.),<br />

Strategic alliances in a globalizing world, Information Age Publishing, pp.117-138, i.c.w. A-P. de Man<br />

and M. Nevin<br />

Linking open innovation to national systems of innovation: a co-evolutionary perspective,<br />

International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, 3, pp. 446-464, i.c.w. Y. Wang and W.<br />

Vanhaverbeke<br />

Markt convergentie en organisatorische convergentie in de Nederlandse telecommunicatie en media<br />

industrieën: de rol van verschillende typen allianties, MAB, 85, pp. 284-293, i.c.w. A-P. de Man and I.<br />

Gubbels<br />

<strong>2012</strong><br />

Exploring the impact of open innovation on national systems of innovation-a theoretical analysis,<br />

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 79, pp. 419-428, i.c.w. Y. Wang and W. Vanhaverbeke,<br />

impact factor 1.709<br />

How Chinese firms employ open innovation to accelerate the development of their technological<br />

capability, International Journal of Technology Management, 59, pp. 235-254, i.c.w. Y. Wang, W.<br />

Vanhaverbeke, and J. Chen, impact factor 0.516<br />

Learning-by-licensing: how Chinese firms benefit from licensing in technologies, IEEE Transactions on<br />

Engineering Management, forthcoming, i.c.w. Y. Wang and W. Vanhaverbeke, impact factor 1.344<br />

Open innovation practices in SMEs and large enterprises in Belgium, i.c.w. A. Spithoven and W.<br />

Vanhaverbeke, forthcoming, Small Business Economics, impact factor 1.549<br />

2013<br />

Open innovation, i.c.w. Wim Vanhaverbeke, chapter for Encyclopedia of Management, 3rd Edition,<br />

Technology and Innovation Volume 13, V.K. Narayanan and G. O’Conner (eds.), Wiley, forthcoming<br />

Current projects<br />

Articles under review<br />

From birth through growth to maturation: the evolution of technology-based alliance networks,<br />

i.c.w. V. Gilsing and M. Cloodt, second review, Journal of Product Innovation Management, impact<br />

factor 2.109<br />

Orchestrating innovation ecosystems through an IP-based business model: the case of IMEC, a worldclass<br />

research institute in nano-electronics, i.c.w. B. Leten, W. Vanhaverbeke and A. Clerix, second<br />

review, California Management Review, impact factor 1.706<br />

Invited book chapter<br />


Getting help from high-touch intermediaries-what innovating companies can do to increase value in<br />

external knowledge searches, i.c.w. A. Zynga (CEO Ninesigma) and C. Bishop (CEO IXC), chapter for<br />

2013 OUP book-Exploring the next wave of open innovation research, H. Chesbrough, J. West, W.<br />

Vanhaverbeke (eds.), forthcoming<br />

Research stays<br />

During her Master program (1998) <strong>Nadine</strong> studied Applied Economics in German at the Leopold<br />

Franzens Universität Innsbruck for six months. During this stay she collected data that formed the<br />

basis of her Master thesis research.<br />

During her PhD trajectory (1998-2002) <strong>Nadine</strong> participated in several doctoral consortia, part of<br />

international conferences, such as the doctoral consortium of the Academy of Management (AOM)<br />

1999 Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois (USA).<br />

During her PhD trajectory (1998-2002) <strong>Nadine</strong> studied with Prof. Dr. F. Rothaermel, at the time<br />

employed by the Eli Broad Graduate School of Management of Michigan State University, East<br />

Lansing, Michigan (USA) who is a renowned researcher in the field of strategy and innovation. <strong>Nadine</strong><br />

followed several of his Master classes focused on carrying out solid academic research.<br />

During her post-doc period at UNU-MERIT (2002-2004) <strong>Nadine</strong> regularly worked at the CESPRI<br />

Institute of Bocconi University in Milan as member of an international team of researchers working<br />

on the STI-NET project of the European Commission, lead by Prof. Dr. F. Malerba.<br />

Conferences<br />

Landelijk Assistenten in Opleiding Overleg Bedrijfskunde (LAiOOB) fifth conference on PhD research<br />

in the field of business administration and management science, 23 November 1998, Amersfoort<br />

(NL), presentation of PhD proposal<br />

AOM 1999 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois (USA), 6 August 1999, presentation PhD proposal during<br />

doctoral consortium<br />

High Technology Small Firms (HTSF) Conference, Manchester Business School, Manchester (UK), 1<br />

June 2001, paper presentation, Best Paper<br />

Academy of International Business (AIB) 2002 Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico (USA), 30 June<br />

2002, paper presentation<br />

Strategic Management Society (SMS) 2003 Annual International Conference, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

(USA), 11 November 2003, paper presentation, nomination Best Paper, participation in doctoral<br />

consortium<br />

EGOS, subtheme 'Un-locking biotech', Berlin (GER), 30 June 2005, paper presentation<br />

Druid Summer Conference, Copenhagen (DEN), 18 June 2006, paper presentation<br />


Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Conference, Cairo (EG), 26 January 2010, key note speaker<br />

AOM 2011 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas (USA), 12 August 2011, paper presentation<br />


Overview of teaching activities in the field of (open) innovation, technology<br />

management, and entrepreneurship<br />

Teaching activities<br />

<strong>Nadine</strong> has gained experience in teaching (open) innovation strategy, technology management, and<br />

entrepreneurship courses at three different universities. She mainly teaches in English (certified). At<br />

all of these universities <strong>Nadine</strong> also served/serves as Master thesis supervisor. An overview of the<br />

courses <strong>Nadine</strong> has developed and taught over the past years can be found below.<br />

September 1998-August 2002<br />

As PhD Student at Maastricht University <strong>Nadine</strong> was teaching courses that were coordinated by staff<br />

members. For four years she was responsible for six tutorships per year. A tutorship boils down to<br />

the following: A tutor facilitates the learning process of a group of approximately ten students for<br />

two times two hours per week during a period of six weeks. Typically, <strong>Nadine</strong> was actively involved in<br />

two courses each year (she would then take up four tutorships in one course and two tutorships in<br />

the other course). On the basis of this involvement she was teaching the following courses:<br />

International Business Strategy (Bachelor)<br />

European Business Strategy (Bachelor)<br />

International Business Research Methods (Bachelor)<br />

Alliances and Mergers and Acquisitions (Master)<br />

These courses were all grounded in a problem-based learning approach where students work in<br />

groups on solving a set of relevant problems. As a tutor <strong>Nadine</strong> provided these groups of students<br />

with her guidance, feedback, and expertise.<br />

As PhD student <strong>Nadine</strong> was also actively involved in post-doctoral study programs at Maastricht<br />

University. In her final years as a PhD student <strong>Nadine</strong> lectured about alliances, (open) innovation<br />

networks, and entrepreneurship to students (financial managers) of the post-doctoral chartered<br />

accounting program.<br />

September 2004-February 2007<br />

In her function of Assistant Professor at the TUE <strong>Nadine</strong> was responsible for teaching, designing, and<br />

coordinating courses in the field of (open) innovation management, technology management, and<br />

entrepreneurship. Within the innovation management program she was the coordinator of the<br />

following courses:<br />

Strategy and Organization for Mathematics and Computer Science (Bachelor)<br />

International Comparative Management (Master)<br />


Entrepreneurial Strategy (Master)<br />

Within the teaching tradition of the TUE these courses were based on interactive lectures. Each of<br />

these courses was taught on a yearly basis where <strong>Nadine</strong> was teaching for three hours per course<br />

each week during a semester. For each course <strong>Nadine</strong> wrote her own teaching materials. Students<br />

were involved in the lectures by problem statements and active stimulation of discussions. During<br />

her employment at the TUE <strong>Nadine</strong> was also teaching (open) innovation management and<br />

entrepreneurship at the University of Liege (BE). On a yearly basis she taught a series of lectures<br />

about the external technological knowledge acquisition strategies of small entrepreneurial high-tech<br />

firms at this university.<br />

November 2009-Current<br />

In her role as Assistant Professor at Hasselt University <strong>Nadine</strong> designs, teaches, and coordinates<br />

several courses in the fields of (open) innovation strategy and technology management. <strong>Nadine</strong><br />

serves as designer/coordinator of the following courses at Master program level:<br />

Innovation and Value Chain Management<br />

This course is based on a set of interactive lectures and guest lectures of three hours each week<br />

during the course of a semester. Every week <strong>Nadine</strong> provides an introductory lecture on the basis of<br />

her own teaching materials after which she facilitates interactive case-solving sessions with groups of<br />

students.<br />

Cases in Technology, Innovation, and Sustainability Management<br />

This course focuses on applied science where managers of entrepreneurial high-tech firms present a<br />

real-life case in the fields of technology management or innovation management where groups of<br />

students work on during the course of a semester. By means of weekly supervision sessions <strong>Nadine</strong><br />

helps these students come up with solutions that add value to both science and to the companies<br />

involved.<br />

Business Strategy<br />

This course is based on a set of interactive lectures (three hours per week during a semester). Every<br />

week <strong>Nadine</strong> illustrates a strategic concept by means of her scientific knowledge and practical<br />

business experience. In light of the experience of the international student group and their different<br />

cultural backgrounds the concept is further discussed. Groups of students then present a relevant<br />

business case and provide their answers to questions posed in advance. This presentation is<br />

discussed by discussants whose task it is to act as critics of the solutions presented.<br />

Training<br />

At her different academic employers <strong>Nadine</strong> took part in extensive training sessions, where the<br />

specific teaching concept of the institution is explained and general teaching methods, such as<br />

facilitating group work, are taught. At Hasselt University this training trajectory leads to certification.<br />


Other relevant teaching activities<br />

At Atos-KPMG Consultancy <strong>Nadine</strong> fulfilled the role of advisor to the nation-wide Atos-KPMG<br />

internship platform. This platform aims to guarantee the professional, consistent guidance and<br />

supervision of all interns within the company. Within the Strategy and Innovation Unit of Atos-KPMG<br />

Consultancy <strong>Nadine</strong> was the primary internship supervisor of all interns within this unit. The unit, for<br />

example, has many interns coming from the TUE who did their internship at the unit, assisted<br />

consultants in their assignments, and carried out their Master thesis research.<br />

At Atos-KPMG Consultancy <strong>Nadine</strong> was co-founder and member of the management team of the<br />

Strategy Academy. This teaching institution has as its primary goal to teach partners and senior<br />

consultants about (open) innovation and technology management and to disperse accumulated<br />

knowledge regarding innovation strategy across the organization in order to optimize service<br />

provision to clients.<br />


Experience outside academia and other relevant experience<br />

Speeches, workshops, and conferences<br />

At different employers <strong>Nadine</strong> gained significant experience in providing speeches, facilitating<br />

workshops (among others for the benefit of Innotek, the Innovationschool, VOKA Mechelen during<br />

her employment at Hasselt University), and organizing conferences where the exchange of<br />

knowledge with respect to (open) innovation strategy is the main purpose (such as the innovation<br />

seminar "Innovating in networks: Finding the balance" on 22 March 2009 for the clients of Atos-<br />

KPMG Consultancy and the workshop "Open innovation and the internationalization of R&D<br />

activities" on 5 November 2010 at Hasselt University). In 2013 <strong>Nadine</strong> is co-organizer of the 35th<br />

DRUID Celebration Conference on Innovation, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship, Barcelona (SP).<br />

Applied science<br />

At different employers <strong>Nadine</strong> was involved in applied projects in the field of (open) innovation<br />

strategy implementation at (entrepreneurial) firms. What follows is a selection of these projects and<br />

short project descriptions.<br />

Assignment : Evaluating the alliance/network strategy and matching toolkit<br />

Period : 2006-2006<br />

Company : Large Dutch electronics company<br />

Task area : Researcher/advisor<br />

Context : The client requested a thorough screening and analysis of its<br />

alliance toolkit. On the basis of existing literature on alliances<br />

and networks additions to the toolkit were made.<br />

Methods & technologies : Research/analytical skills & tools<br />


Assignment : Alliance diagnosis<br />

Period : November 2007-October 2009<br />

Company : Large French chemical company<br />

Task area : Researcher/advisor<br />

Context : The client selected three alliances for extensive diagnosis.<br />

The project team in cooperation with Alliance Best Practice<br />

from the UK developed a web-based survey for alliance<br />

professionals to fill in. Furthermore, in-depth interviews were<br />

conducted with the client’s alliance experts and experts at<br />

partner companies to develop an elaborate overview of<br />

individual alliance performance. On the basis of the analyses,<br />

areas for improvement were identified in the field of<br />

technology, operations, strategy, culture, etc.<br />

Methods & technologies : Research/analytical skills & tools, advisory skills<br />

Assignment : Joint venture governance<br />

Period : July 2007–November 2007<br />

Company : Large Dutch gas infrastructure company/Executive Board<br />

Task area : Researcher/facilitator/advisor/coordinator<br />

Context : The Executive Board of the client organisation hired the<br />

project team to perform an evaluation of the governance of<br />

its major joint ventures. This particular form of cooperation<br />

has become of strategic importance to the client. Bij means<br />

of interviews, a workshop, and tools developed by the<br />

project team, joint venture governance at the client was<br />

evaluated and "best practices" were identified.<br />

Methods & technologies : Research/analytical skills & tools<br />

Assignment : New business development<br />

Period : July 2007–August 2007<br />

Company : Small financial service provider-Management Team<br />

Task area : Advisor<br />

Context : The client is a 50-50 joint venture between two large Dutch<br />

insurance companies and offers reintegration services to its<br />

shareholders/clients. As the joint venture can only offer<br />

services to clients or shareholders, the company cannot grow<br />

larger. The company was experiencing high employee<br />

turnover rates as career opportunities at the company are<br />

limited due to restricted growth possibilities. The JV's<br />

management team formulated ideas to broaden its service<br />

package and provide its employees with new challenges. The<br />

management team asked the project team to evaluate these<br />

plans.<br />

Methods & technologies : Research/analytical skills & tools, financial skills<br />


Assignment : Facilitation start-up consortium in sustainable construction<br />

Period : April 2010-Present<br />

Company : Group of small Dutch construction companies<br />

Task area : Advisor<br />

Context<br />

A number of small companies working on sustainable<br />

building concepts are interested in starting up a consortium<br />

for offering complete solutions to their customer base. The<br />

assignment involves advising the parties with respect to<br />

mission, vision, strategy, and implementation of an alliance<br />

management process.<br />

Methods & technologies : Advisory skills<br />

Assignment : Improving service provision at innomediary<br />

Period : June 2011-August 2011<br />

Company : Small technology broker-Management Team<br />

Task area : Strategic advisor and project leader<br />

Context<br />

On the basis of a large-scale survey research/interviews at<br />

clients of the innomediary the project team identifies the<br />

critical success factors of the services provided and pins<br />

down what clients can do themselves to improve the<br />

likelihood of success when engaging with the innomediary.<br />

Methods & technologies : Research/analytical skills & tools, advisory skills, and project<br />

management techniques<br />

Charities<br />

During her employment at Atos-KPMG Consultancy <strong>Nadine</strong> served as a strategic advisor to several<br />

charitable causes such as the Foundation “Racing against Cancer”.<br />


Recommendations<br />

Jingshu Du, PhD Student, Hasselt University: "I first met <strong>Nadine</strong> in September 2009; she is a person<br />

that I would highly recommend. As a colleague, <strong>Nadine</strong> is a very bright and sharp professional, she<br />

has deep knowledge in the field of innovation and strategy, and she is willing to share knowledge<br />

with colleagues and help students. As a friend, <strong>Nadine</strong> is a happy person and her positive attitude<br />

easily influences the people around her. She has a kind heart and is highly reliable. In sum, <strong>Nadine</strong> is<br />

a very experienced, efficient, punctual, and structured person who is of high capability. We are<br />

happy to have her around us."<br />

Myriam Cloodt, Assistant Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology: "Ever since I met <strong>Nadine</strong> I<br />

have been impressed with her theoretical and empirical work. She is an outstanding researcher who<br />

is able to deal with complex theoretical issues and conceptual models but who also possesses the<br />

talent to test these models empirically by means of advanced methodological skills. She is an<br />

intelligent, extremely reliable, and well-organized colleague who is passionate about her work and<br />

dedicated to delivering high quality results. In addition, she is a likeable person who is able to get<br />

along with everybody. Her research talent, teaching achievements, organization skills, and other<br />

accomplishments to date make her one of the most promising people I have worked with. I therefore<br />

give her my strongest recommendation."<br />

Ard-Pieter de Man, Professor, VU Amsterdam and principal consultant, Atos-KPMG Consultancy:<br />

"<strong>Nadine</strong> and I collaborated on a number of research projects, articles, and consulting assignments.<br />

She is proactive, goal-oriented, and has creative solutions for complex problems. As a researcher she<br />

has been a great colleague who made substantial contributions to our joint projects. It always is a<br />

pleasure to work with her."<br />

Geert Duysters, Professor, Tilburg University: "I have worked with <strong>Nadine</strong> extensively at Eindhoven<br />

University of Technology. <strong>Nadine</strong> is a very talented researcher and an excellent teacher. Over the<br />

past years she has shown that she is able to deal with complex theoretical issues and is not afraid to<br />

think out of the box. Her ability to handle large datasets, to use advanced statistical methodologies,<br />

and to deal with complex conceptual frameworks makes her an exceptional researcher. Her track<br />

record is impressive in terms of publications, teaching qualifications, and consulting work. I therefore<br />

give her my strongest recommendation."<br />

Wim Vanhaverbeke, Professor, Hasselt University, Esade Business School, National University of<br />

Singapore: "<strong>Nadine</strong> <strong>Roijakkers</strong> was working with me some years ago as assistant professor at<br />


Eindhoven University of Technology. She is one of the brightest researchers I have met. She is hard<br />

working, results oriented, efficiently in managing her time, and she is regarded as a very promising<br />

scholar in collaborative and open innovation. I can strongly recommend her as a co-author or coworker."<br />

Sjoerd Romme, Dean/Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology: "<strong>Nadine</strong> is a bright young<br />

scholar in the area of innovation management, who has demonstrated to be an all-round academic<br />

with excellent analytical skills at the TUE."<br />

Piet Pauwels, Dean/Professor, Hasselt University: "<strong>Nadine</strong> is a dedicated, modern academic<br />

professional."<br />

André Spithoven, Senior Researcher, Belgian Science Policy: "<strong>Nadine</strong> is a very dedicated scholar in<br />

innovation with an eye for coherence and detail. It is a pleasure to work with her as she is open to<br />

collaboration. She doesn't get back on a given word and meets her deadlines. And she expects the<br />

same from her collaborators."<br />

Rob Kirschbaum, Vice President Innovation, DSM: “<strong>Nadine</strong> is a highly active and capable advocate<br />

and champion of Open Innovation in the broadest sense. Based on her analytical thinking<br />

capabilities, she can drill into the heart of the case and come with several well thought options to<br />

improve mindset, behavior or organizational set-up, necessary to bring the concept of Open<br />

Innovation into practice and profit from that.”<br />

Frank Tropper, Manager, Ninesigma: “<strong>Nadine</strong> is a detail oriented person who has expertly managed<br />

an important project for our firm. Working very well within a group environment, she managed the<br />

project very diligently and delivered a high quality analysis in her final report. I recommend working<br />

with <strong>Nadine</strong>.”<br />


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