Admiralty Vector Chart Service - United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
Admiralty Vector Chart Service - United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
Admiralty Vector Chart Service - United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
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Including the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay<br />
User Guide 2.3
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
The <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> <strong>Hydrographic</strong> <strong>Office</strong><br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> Way, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2DN, <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong><br />
Tel: +44 (0)1823 723366<br />
E-mail:<br /><br />
UKHO 2012 All Rights Reserved<br />
The copyright in this document, which contains information of a proprietary nature, is vested in UKHO.<br />
The content of this document may not be used for purposes other than that for which it has been supplied<br />
and may not be reproduced, either wholly or in part, in any way whatsoever.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Table of Contents<br />
Introduction........................................................................................................................1<br />
<strong>Service</strong> Overview ...............................................................................................................2<br />
What is AVCS?..................................................................................................................................................2<br />
Buying AVCS.....................................................................................................................................................2<br />
ENC Selection ....................................................................................................................................................2<br />
Transit folios .......................................................................................................................................................3<br />
Regional folios ....................................................................................................................................................4<br />
Port folios............................................................................................................................................................5<br />
Exceptions ..........................................................................................................................................................5<br />
Licence Period ..................................................................................................................................................5<br />
AVCS Certificate.................................................................................................................................................6<br />
Getting Started...................................................................................................................7<br />
Before You Start ...............................................................................................................................................7<br />
AVCS Start-Up Pack...........................................................................................................................................7<br />
AVCS Licence.....................................................................................................................................................7<br />
Replacement of AVCS Media and Files .............................................................................................................7<br />
Data Cleansing ...................................................................................................................................................7<br />
Loading <strong>Chart</strong>s for the First Time...................................................................................................................8<br />
Loading the Public Key.......................................................................................................................................8<br />
Loading <strong>Chart</strong> Permits........................................................................................................................................8<br />
Loading Base <strong>Chart</strong>s ..........................................................................................................................................8<br />
Loading Updates from the Base disks................................................................................................................9<br />
Loading the latest Update CD ............................................................................................................................9<br />
Maintaining the <strong>Chart</strong> Outfit ............................................................................................................................9<br />
New <strong>Chart</strong> Permits..............................................................................................................................................9<br />
Update CDs ........................................................................................................................................................9<br />
Re-Issued Base disks.......................................................................................................................................10<br />
README.TXT File............................................................................................................................................10<br />
Cancelled ENCs ...............................................................................................................................................10<br />
Licence Expiry ..................................................................................................................................................10<br />
Adding <strong>Chart</strong> Coverage ....................................................................................................................................11<br />
Support .............................................................................................................................................................11<br />
Emergency <strong>Chart</strong> Permit Generation ...............................................................................................................11<br />
AVCS <strong>Service</strong> Details ......................................................................................................12<br />
About AVCS ....................................................................................................................................................12<br />
ENC Cell Usage Bands and Identifiers.............................................................................................................12<br />
Validation ..........................................................................................................................................................12<br />
Authenticity .......................................................................................................................................................12<br />
Updates............................................................................................................................................................12<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay .......................................................................................13<br />
What is the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay? ...............................................................................................13<br />
Installing the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay...............................................................................................13<br />
Compatible Equipment .....................................................................................................................................13<br />
Installing Overlay Permits.................................................................................................................................13<br />
Installing Overlay Data......................................................................................................................................13<br />
Updating the Overlay........................................................................................................................................13<br />
Using the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay.....................................................................................................14<br />
Displaying the Overlay......................................................................................................................................14<br />
T&P NMs ..........................................................................................................................................................14<br />
EP NMs.............................................................................................................................................................14<br />
‘No Overlay’ Feature.........................................................................................................................................15<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Using the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay in the Navigation Process................................................................15<br />
<strong>Chart</strong> Carriage Regulations ............................................................................................16<br />
Flag State Acceptance of ECDIS...................................................................................................................16<br />
Mandatory Carriage of ECDIS .......................................................................................................................16<br />
Port State Control...........................................................................................................................................16<br />
Using Electronic <strong>Chart</strong>s in ECDIS ..................................................................................17<br />
Training............................................................................................................................................................17<br />
<strong>Chart</strong> Accuracy ...............................................................................................................................................17<br />
Source Data Quality........................................................................................................................................17<br />
<strong>Chart</strong> Display Scale ........................................................................................................................................17<br />
<strong>Chart</strong> Display...................................................................................................................................................17<br />
Scale Minimum (SCAMIN)................................................................................................................................18<br />
Contour Intervals ..............................................................................................................................................18<br />
Overlapping ENCs............................................................................................................................................18<br />
Use of other <strong>Chart</strong> Formats ...........................................................................................................................19<br />
Settings and Alarms.......................................................................................................................................19<br />
Procedures ......................................................................................................................................................19<br />
Use of ECDIS with Global Positioning Systems (GPS).................................................20<br />
Accuracy and Availability ..............................................................................................................................20<br />
GPS Reference Datum and <strong>Chart</strong> Datums ...................................................................................................20<br />
GPS Receiver Settings...................................................................................................................................20<br />
Route Planning and Datums..........................................................................................................................20<br />
Use of ECDIS with Radar ...............................................................................................................................20<br />
ARPA Targets..................................................................................................................................................20<br />
Using Radar as a check on vessel position.................................................................................................21<br />
Troubleshooting / Problem Solving ...............................................................................22<br />
Errors ...............................................................................................................................................................22<br />
Standard Error codes when loading AVCS ......................................................................................................22<br />
Decryption Failure.............................................................................................................................................22<br />
Conversion Errors.............................................................................................................................................23<br />
Copyright Information .....................................................................................................24<br />
Annexes............................................................................................................................25<br />
Table of Figures ..............................................................................................................................................25<br />
Glossary ..........................................................................................................................................................26<br />
Feedback ..........................................................................................................................27<br />
Contact Details................................................................................................................................................27<br />
Company Contact.............................................................................................................................................27<br />
ECDIS Manufacturer.........................................................................................................................................27<br />
<strong>Chart</strong> Agent.......................................................................................................................................................27<br />
UKHO ...............................................................................................................................................................27<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Introduction<br />
Thank you for choosing the <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> (AVCS). AVCS is an official, global, all-vector<br />
chart service and is designed specifically to meet the needs of the international professional mariner, whilst<br />
providing full compliance with carriage regulations.<br />
AVCS provides you with Electronic Navigational <strong>Chart</strong>s (ENCs), each of which conforms to the definition of a<br />
nautical chart set out in SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 2.2. AVCS updates are provided weekly during the<br />
licence period.<br />
This guide is designed to help you gain maximum benefit from using the service, and should be used in<br />
conjunction with your ECDIS User Manual.<br />
Equipment specific AVCS User Guides are available for some popular ECDIS. These User Guides are<br />
available from your <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> Agent and can be downloaded from<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
<strong>Service</strong> Overview<br />
What is AVCS?<br />
The <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> is supplied by the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> <strong>Hydrographic</strong> <strong>Office</strong> (UKHO). It brings<br />
together Electronic Navigational <strong>Chart</strong>s (ENCs) from the world’s National <strong>Hydrographic</strong> <strong>Office</strong>s, and fills the<br />
gaps in coverage with specially produced ENCs unique to the UKHO. The result is a comprehensive, official,<br />
world-wide ENC service that can be used within Electronic <strong>Chart</strong> Display and Information Systems (ECDIS).<br />
AVCS is aimed at international merchant shipping and covers the top ports of the world and the routes<br />
between them.<br />
AVCS also includes the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay, a layer of additional Notice to Mariners (NM)<br />
information which can be used in conjunction with ENCs to improve safety of navigation when using ECDIS.<br />
The Overlay contains all <strong>Admiralty</strong> Temporary & Preliminary Notices to Mariners (T&P NMs) and provides<br />
additional preliminary information that is specific to ENCs, such as reported navigational hazards that have<br />
been incorporated on paper charts but have not yet been included in ENCs.<br />
AVCS data is supplied on CD or DVD and maintained by weekly update CD or on-line. Individual ENCs and<br />
folios of ENCs can be licensed for periods of 3, 6, 9 or 12 months, depending on the permissions granted by<br />
the original producers of the ENCs.<br />
Buying AVCS<br />
ENC Selection<br />
In order to make it as easy as possible to select the coverage required for a vessel, AVCS is provided as<br />
individual charts and in geographically based folios giving world wide coverage.<br />
All ENCs in AVCS can be selected on a chart-by-chart basis as ENC Units. These Units are the smallest unit<br />
of sale allowed by the ENC producers and usually contain ENC data approximately equivalent to a paper<br />
chart.<br />
AVCS also offers a series of managed Folios, each of which contains all the ENCs required for its defined<br />
purpose (e.g. transiting an area). Any relevant new ENC data that becomes available is included in the<br />
appropriate AVCS Folio at no additional cost.<br />
There are 3 types of folio available, designed to maximise utility and minimise the purchase of redundant<br />
data:<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Transit folios<br />
The world is divided into Transit areas representing convenient and well-understood ocean regions. These<br />
contain predominantly Overview (band 1) and General (band 2) cell coverage, with Coastal (Band 3)<br />
coverage where appropriate (at selected choke points, capes, straits and complex coasts).<br />
Figure 1 AVCS Transit Folios<br />
Each transit folio provides sufficient coverage for a vessel to pass safely through a region, if not engaging in<br />
local trade. Only limited Coastal band coverage is included, Approach and Harbour band coverage being<br />
available separately.<br />
The objective with Transit folios is to save operators the expense of purchasing detailed coverage for regions<br />
that they are just passing through, whilst including more coverage to negotiate the choke points.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Regional folios<br />
These folios are of much smaller geographical footprint than the transit folios, of which they are usually a<br />
sub-area.<br />
Regional folios generally include all Coastal (band 3) coverage within the folio’s footprint and, where Coastal<br />
band coverage is not available (e.g. parts of Scandinavia), include Approach (band 4) cell coverage.<br />
Figure 2 AVCS Regional Folios<br />
The world’s ENC coverage at regional scales is rapidly growing. Where Regional Folios can be schemed<br />
that provide sufficient coverage for navigation in the area they will be released in AVCS. In areas where<br />
there is still insufficient coverage to populate a useful folio the individual charts are made available as ENC<br />
Units.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Port folios<br />
Coverage of the world’s top ports is schemed into a set of Port Folios. Each contains the coverage<br />
necessary to enter each port, with Approach (Band 4), Harbour (Band 5) and Berthing (Band 6) cells<br />
grouped together into a single sales unit. In very complex areas where a number of ports share approaches<br />
a single Port Folio has been schemed to provide the coverage required for all the ports in the area.<br />
Figure 3 AVCS Port Folios<br />
Typically, the operator will be able to choose just the Transit folios required to get from their current location<br />
to a particular destination port, plus one or more Regional folios to provide more detail where necessary. The<br />
vessel operator may then choose specific detailed coverage appropriate to the port(s) they will be visiting.<br />
Exceptions<br />
Norway and some other Scandinavian countries do not provide Coastal (band 3) coverage. Therefore<br />
Regional folios in these areas include Approach (band 4) coverage which is consequently not included in the<br />
Port folios within those regions<br />
The St Lawrence Seaway has little Coastal (band 3) coverage available. Therefore the Regional folio<br />
covering this area is comprised of all Coastal and Approach coverage (bands 4 and 5) available<br />
Both the Suez Canal/Red Sea/Gulf of Aden and Malacca Straits areas are narrow challenging waterways.<br />
Thus the Transit folios for these areas include all Overview, General and Coastal (bands 1, 2 and 3)<br />
coverage available. Consequently there are no separate Regional folios for these areas.<br />
Licence Period<br />
The ENCs in AVCS are provided under a licence agreement that permits their use of defined periods of time.<br />
ENC Units and Folios may be added to an AVCS licence at any time for periods of 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.<br />
At the end of the licensed period the permits issued to access the ENCs will expire and ECDIS will no longer<br />
apply updates to the ENCs. Users are warned in advance of the expiry of their permits through their<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> Agent and <strong>Admiralty</strong> e-Navigator Planning Station. Expiring ENC licenses may be renewed<br />
up to a month before the date of expiry to ensure continuity of coverage.<br />
ENC Units and Folios may be added to an AVCS licence even after all other ENC data on the licence has<br />
expired. This means that a vessel returning from dry dock, for example, can continue to use the licence<br />
number and details that were in use previously.<br />
There are restrictions on the licence duration that can be offered for some ENCs. All Folios and Units are<br />
offered for 12 month periods and, where possible, shorter periods. Please see the AVCS Pricing Schedule<br />
for more information.<br />
At the start of your licence period you will receive an <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Start-Up Pack, <strong>Chart</strong><br />
Permit files and a copy of the End User Licence Agreement and a Schedule A from your <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Chart</strong><br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Agent. The <strong>Chart</strong> Permit files unlock the specific Folios and Units added to your licence and the Schedule A<br />
lists the licensed Folios and Units for your records. If you are using e-Navigator Planning Station you will not<br />
receive a Schedule A as this information is provided in e-Navigator.<br />
During the licence period an Update CD will be supplied weekly to enable your licensed data to be<br />
maintained for Notices to Mariners. You will also be provided with all New Editions and replacement charts<br />
within the licensed Folios and Units. These updates are also available by email and over the Internet by<br />
using the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Updating <strong>Service</strong> or e-Navigator Planning Station.<br />
In addition, any new ENCs that become available in the service and within the licensed Folios are<br />
automatically provided at no additional cost. Where necessary revised <strong>Chart</strong> Permit files and a Schedule A<br />
are also be provided.<br />
AVCS Certificate<br />
When you initially subscribe to AVCS, and when you extend the period for which you have licensed ENCs,<br />
you will be supplied with an AVCS Certificate. The Certificate shows your vessel name, your licence expiry<br />
date and certifies that all charts supplied in AVCS are ENCs that conform to the requirements of SOLAS<br />
Chapter V.<br />
The Certificate is supplied as a digital file alongside your Schedule A or through e-Navigator Planning<br />
Station, can be printed if required, and will help you to satisfy inspectors that you are using carriage<br />
compliant ENCs.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Getting Started<br />
Before You Start<br />
Your <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> Agent will provide you with the following materials when subscribing to AVCS for the<br />
first time:<br />
AVCS Start-Up Pack<br />
• AVCS Quick Start Guide;<br />
• AVCS User Guide;<br />
• AVCS Base Disks (a set of CDs or a DVD labelled ‘Base’);<br />
• AVCS Update Disk (a CD labelled ‘Update’);<br />
• <strong>Admiralty</strong> Utilities installation CD (the Utilities CD is not required if you are using <strong>Admiralty</strong> e-Navigator);<br />
• <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay CD (if you have a compatible display system and the Overlay has been<br />
added to your licence);<br />
• <strong>Admiralty</strong> Digital Data <strong>Service</strong>s End User Licence Agreement (EULA).<br />
The correct issue date for all Base CDs is published in the weekly <strong>Admiralty</strong> Notices to Mariners bulletin and<br />
on the UKHO website at (click on the Licensing and Updating tab to view the AVCS<br />
distribution and issue dates).<br />
Please ensure that you have read and understood the terms of the End User Licence Agreement<br />
before starting to use the <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong>.<br />
AVCS Licence<br />
This may be supplied with the AVCS Start-Up Pack on hard media, e.g. floppy, CD, etc., separately by email<br />
or directly from e-Navigator.<br />
The initial licence pack will contain the following:<br />
• A “Schedule A” (except when using e-Navigator), this is a PDF document listing the Folios and ENC<br />
Units that the user is licensed to use. It also contains information relating “Home CD” where the licensed<br />
ENCs are held. This is particularly useful as it prevents unnecessary loading of those CDs that do not<br />
contain any licensed ENCs.<br />
• A set of ENC Permit files (PERMIT.TXT and ENC.PMT) for each ECDIS installation.<br />
• AVCS Certificate (a PDF document showing your vessel and licence details).<br />
For an initial installation, or a reinstallation, of AVCS on an ECDIS you will need all of the above. If you are<br />
applying a weekly update, you will only need the latest AVCS update disc and possibly a new ENC Permit<br />
file. If you want to install additional coverage on the ECDIS you will need the latest base disc(s), the latest<br />
update CD and a new set of ENC Permit files.<br />
Replacement of AVCS Media and Files<br />
Most <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> Agents will have a stock of AVCS Start-up packs, so base and update discs can be<br />
obtained from them. Usually digital files, such as ENC Permits, are sent as attachments to emails and these<br />
may be stored in your email system’s inbox. If not, your <strong>Chart</strong> Agent will often hold copies of any permit files<br />
previously sent to you.<br />
Data Cleansing<br />
New AVCS customers who had previously subscribed to other ENC services are strongly recommended to<br />
remove (purge) all ENC Permits and ENCs from the system before installing AVCS. It is important to do this<br />
to prevent previously installed ENCs becoming out of date if they are not licensed in AVCS. If the system is<br />
not purged redundant ENCs may remain in the system database (SENC) and be available for use. However<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
unlicensed ENCs cannot be updated and the user may be unaware of this if inadvertently navigating on one.<br />
Please consult your ECDIS system manual for instructions on how to remove ENC Permits and ENCs from<br />
the ECDIS.<br />
Loading <strong>Chart</strong>s for the First Time<br />
The procedure for loading AVCS data varies from ECDIS to ECDIS, but the same general principles apply<br />
and are outlined below. You should consult your ECDIS system manual for detailed instructions.<br />
Loading the Public Key<br />
ECDIS authenticates the source and integrity of ENC data from service providers against a pre-installed<br />
Public Key. To ensure compatibility with the widest range of ECDIS, AVCS uses the PRIMAR Public Key.<br />
Many ECDIS are pre-installed with the IHO Public Key and will fail to load AVCS until the PRIMAR Public<br />
Key is installed. If the correct Public Key is not installed the ECDIS will report an Authentication Failure.<br />
The PRIMAR Public Key is contained in a file called PRIMAR.CRT located in the root folder on any AVCS<br />
Base or Update disk. The procedure for loading the Public Key is different on each ECDIS and will be<br />
detailed in your ECDIS system manual. Specific instructions for some common models of ECDIS are<br />
available on the UKHO website at<br />
New build ECDIS, type-approved against the latest IMO ECDIS Performance Standards (Jan 2009), will<br />
report a warning when installing AVCS. The message reads as follows:<br />
SSE26 - This ENC is not authenticated by the IHO acting as the Scheme Administrator<br />
This warning can be ignored as the source and integrity of the ENCs are authenticated correctly against the<br />
PRIMAR Public Key.<br />
Loading <strong>Chart</strong> Permits<br />
AVCS charts are copy-protected. Access to the data is provided by <strong>Chart</strong> Permits which are generated for,<br />
and will only work on, the ECDIS for which they were ordered. These are normally supplied by email or from<br />
e-Navigator and loaded into the ECDIS via floppy disk (the Permit disk), CD or USB memory stick. The <strong>Chart</strong><br />
Permits are contained in 2 files; ENC.PMT and PERMIT.TXT. All <strong>Chart</strong> Permit files contain permits for all the<br />
licensed ENCs.<br />
Insert the Permit disk, or other permit media, into the ECDIS by following the procedures supplied by the<br />
ECDIS manufacturer.<br />
Loading Base <strong>Chart</strong>s<br />
All subscribers to the <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> are automatically supplied with all available AVCS Base<br />
disks, but you only need to load the Base disks that contain data you have licensed (please refer to your<br />
Schedule A or e-Navigator for this information). Certain ECDIS require the Base disks to be loaded in the<br />
correct numerical order, therefore users who have licensed charts from multiple Base disks must<br />
always ensure that they are loaded in numerical order (i.e. Base disk 1 ahead of Base disk 2). If Base<br />
disks are loaded in the wrong order, you risk having to uninstall all pre-loaded ENC data before being able to<br />
load the base data correctly.<br />
It may not be necessary to load all of the Base disks provided in your Media Pack. Your Schedule A or<br />
e-Navigator will list the Base CD required for each ENC that you have purchased. Normally only these disks<br />
need to be loaded.<br />
Most ECDIS will allow you to choose whether to load all licensed charts or just those of your choice. When<br />
initially loading charts, you should be aware that the process can take some time because the ECDIS has to<br />
reformat the charts into an equipment specific format called System ENC (SENC) before use. If you require<br />
quick access to the charts then it is suggested that you load only those needed to meet your immediate<br />
requirement.<br />
Please note that between re-issues of Base disks, all newly available charts are provided via the Update CD.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Loading Updates from the Base disks<br />
The Base disks may also contain updates. Some ECDIS systems require you to run an ‘Update ENC’<br />
process as a separate procedure from the installation described above.<br />
If you do not update from the Base disks first, subsequent updates from Update CDs may not load as they<br />
will be out of sequence.<br />
Loading the latest Update CD<br />
Once all applicable Base disks have been loaded it is important to also load the latest Update CD to ensure<br />
that all ENCs are fully up to date.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Update CDs contain cumulative information. If you receive more than one<br />
AVCS Update CD at the same time, you only need to load the most recent one. Having loaded the Base<br />
disks and Update CDs, the ECDIS system will then display the latest chart information available.<br />
Maintaining the <strong>Chart</strong> Outfit<br />
New <strong>Chart</strong> Permits<br />
You will automatically be issued with all necessary <strong>Chart</strong> Permits to provide access to newly available or<br />
replaced ENCs within your licensed AVCS Folios and Units. Please ensure that you load new <strong>Chart</strong> Permits<br />
before installing the Update CD to ensure your ECDIS has the capability to use the charts from the latest<br />
CDs.<br />
If you are updating from the Update CD (rather than over the Internet) you will receive replacement <strong>Chart</strong><br />
Permit files before you receive the corresponding Update CD. It is important that you do not install these<br />
unless you have the corresponding Update CD for the same week. Failure to follow this advice could render<br />
some of the installed ENC unavailable for use in the ECDIS. The only exception to this rule is if additional<br />
coverage is required in cases of emergencies or changes to a planned route.<br />
Update CDs<br />
The <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Update CD is issued weekly containing all the latest ‘Notice to Mariners’<br />
corrections, New Editions and any New <strong>Chart</strong>s issued. Updates are also available by e-mail and over the<br />
Internet using <strong>Admiralty</strong> e-Navigator or the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Updating <strong>Service</strong>.<br />
On receipt of the Update CDs you should load the new data using the update procedure specified in your<br />
ECDIS manual. The process should be automatic, but as required by the ECDIS specifications you will be<br />
asked by the ECDIS to accept the updates. Again, if you receive more than one <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong><br />
<strong>Service</strong> Update CD at the same time, you only need to use the most recent one because they are<br />
cumulative.<br />
If replacement AVCS Base disks have been issued, containing New Editions or updates of cells, subsequent<br />
Update CDs cannot be installed until the Base disks have been installed.<br />
It is possible that your ECDIS will occasionally report warnings or errors during the update process. Whilst it<br />
is not possible to be definitive in this matter, users are advised that a warning can be accepted as being very<br />
unlikely to corrupt data already loaded, but an error should be treated more seriously and the chart should<br />
only be used with caution since it may not reflect the latest Notices to Mariners information. Users should<br />
notify the UKHO Customer <strong>Service</strong>s Team (see contact details inside front cover) if their ECDIS system<br />
reports errors on loading of charts or updates.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
NB: Stored Routes and Updates<br />
Updates applied to the ECDIS may affect previously stored routes. It is important to check the effect of any<br />
updates on a stored route prior to its use. ECDIS is able to automatically check route safety where licensed<br />
AVCS data is available.<br />
Re-Issued Base disks<br />
The UKHO periodically re-issue Base disks (CD or DVD) in order to integrate newly available Base data that<br />
is temporarily held on the Update CD. When this happens, all currently available Base disks are issued<br />
simultaneously. All new editions and updates are also included on the replacement AVCS Base disks at this<br />
time; therefore no accompanying Update CD will be issued in a week when this occurs.<br />
On receipt of re-issued AVCS Base disks you only need to run an update routine; there is no need to reload<br />
all charts.<br />
README.TXT File<br />
The AVCS Base and Update disks contain a ‘README.TXT’ file which includes important safety information<br />
that should be read before using the service. For example it includes a caution concerning ENCs derived<br />
from charts which are not on WGS84 or a compatible datum.<br />
The file is located in the ENC_ROOT folder on each disk and contains the following information:<br />
• Specific charting practices of some ENC producers which may be significant to navigation.<br />
• Specific updating practices of some ENC producers such as delays between the issue of paper NMs and<br />
ENC updates.<br />
• Identified overlaps between ENCs which may cause problems in display systems.<br />
• ENCs which have been withdrawn from service for any reason and which should not be used (permits<br />
will not normally be issued for these ENCs).<br />
• Specific licence and disclaimer text required by some ENC producers.<br />
The README.TXT file is updated every week and changes are highlighted in a ‘Latest Corrections’ section<br />
at the beginning. The file should be read as part of the weekly ENC update process to ensure that all<br />
relevant changes are understood.<br />
Cancelled ENCs<br />
Periodically ENCs are cancelled as part of the continuous maintenance of ENC coverage worldwide.<br />
Normally cancelled ENCs are automatically replaced and you will experience no loss of coverage in your<br />
ECDIS.<br />
When an Update CD containing cancelled ENCs is loaded into ECDIS, some systems will ask the user<br />
whether or not to remove (or delete) the cancelled ENCs from the SENC (system database). It is strongly<br />
recommended that you choose to remove the cancelled ENCs from the SENC because cancelled ENCs are<br />
no longer updated.<br />
Failure to remove cancelled ENCs from the SENC may result in the ECDIS displaying out of date data<br />
in preference to more up to date data.<br />
Licence Expiry<br />
Once the licensed period for an ENC Unit or Folio has ended, the ECDIS system will prevent the loading of<br />
further updates until the licence for the ENC Unit or Folio is renewed. You will be able to continue to view all<br />
ENCs and updates that were loaded prior to licence expiry. The expiry date is shown on the Schedule A<br />
supplied at the time of purchase and in e-Navigator.<br />
AVCS must be kept up-to-date to meet IMO SOLAS requirements. ENCs beyond their expiry date will not be<br />
updated and may not meet chart carriage requirements.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Adding <strong>Chart</strong> Coverage<br />
Additional AVCS Folios and Units may be purchased during the subscription period through your chosen<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> Agent who will supply new <strong>Chart</strong> Permits to ‘unlock’ the newly added data. These permit files<br />
are cumulative so as well as unlocking the new coverage they will also hold the permits necessary to unlock<br />
all your existing coverage.<br />
Support<br />
Support for all of your <strong>Admiralty</strong> products is available from your <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> Agent.<br />
Support from the UKHO is provided through the Customer <strong>Service</strong>s Team. All enquiries are logged on<br />
receipt, allocated a unique reference number and monitored through to closure. The Customer <strong>Service</strong>s<br />
Team can be contacted with any question relating to any <strong>Admiralty</strong> product. Contact details are on the last<br />
page of this guide.<br />
Emergency <strong>Chart</strong> Permit Generation<br />
Where a vessel is diverted for commercial reasons an order can be raised through your supplier. Your<br />
supplier will receive the permits within 10 minutes of placing the order with the UKHO and these can then be<br />
forwarded on to you by arrangement with your supplier.<br />
In certain circumstances it may be necessary for a vessel to get access to an AVCS chart at very short<br />
notice, for instance if she has to divert her route due to a medical or safety emergency. In these emergency<br />
circumstances, individual AVCS <strong>Chart</strong> Permits can be obtained from the UKHO 24 hours a day, 365 days a<br />
year. These <strong>Chart</strong> Permits can be transmitted direct to the vessel by email wherever possible, by fax, or<br />
simply by reading the characters out over the telephone or radio. Each <strong>Chart</strong> Permit consists of 64<br />
characters.<br />
To obtain an AVCS <strong>Chart</strong> Permit please contact the UKHO Customer <strong>Service</strong>s Team. Please quote your<br />
vessel name, the User Permit Number of your ECDIS system and the cell number(s) required.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
AVCS <strong>Service</strong> Details<br />
About AVCS<br />
ENC Cell Usage Bands and Identifiers<br />
AVCS is an ENC-based service sold as Units and in convenient and cost-effective Folios. Each Transit,<br />
Regional and Port Folio includes selected ENC cells, and is displayed in exactly the same way.<br />
The digitised vector data in an ENC records all the relevant chart features such as coastline, buoys, lights,<br />
etc. These features, including their associated attributes and attribute values are held in a database that<br />
allows them to be selectively displayed and queried. This provides the potential to manipulate the chart<br />
image displayed on screen.<br />
Each ENC has an 8-character identifier. The first two characters indicate the producer nation (e.g. GB for a<br />
UK produced cell, NL for a Netherlands cell, etc), the third character indicates the ‘usage band’ into which<br />
the cell falls and the last 5 characters are used as the unique identifier for that ENC.<br />
The usage band designator indicates the intended navigational purpose of the ENC and will take one of the<br />
following values:<br />
1 Overview<br />
2 General<br />
3 Coastal<br />
4 Approach<br />
5 Harbour<br />
6 Berthing<br />
Therefore, GB500005 is a UK produced ENC cell in the harbour usage band.<br />
Validation<br />
Comprehensive validation checks are run on all ENCs before they are released in the <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong><br />
<strong>Service</strong> to ensure consistency with IHO standards. This minimises the chances of errors or warnings being<br />
displayed on the ECDIS during loading caused by minor interpretational differences in the standard between<br />
ENC producers and ECDIS manufacturers.<br />
If you do experience any problems with data quality, you should contact your <strong>Admiralty</strong> Distributor or the<br />
UKHO Customer <strong>Service</strong>s Team so that the situation can be promptly investigated.<br />
Authenticity<br />
It is important to ensure that the charts loaded into your ECDIS have come from an authorised source,<br />
especially if you are using ENCs as your primary source of navigational information. All ECDIS capable of<br />
using the IHO S-63 Data Protection Scheme automatically verify this by authenticating the digital certificate<br />
stored on the system against the signature file associated with each cell loaded.<br />
Newer ECDIS (post 2003) often come with the IHO digital certificate pre-installed as the IHO is the Scheme<br />
Administrator (SA) for the S-63 ENC Data Protection Scheme. The UKHO is a certified subscriber to this<br />
scheme. However, to ensure compatibility with older ECDIS, it does not use the IHO Public Key. AVCS<br />
ENCs are currently authenticated against the PRIMAR Public Key because some older ECDIS are not<br />
compatible with the IHO Public Key.<br />
Updates<br />
The <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> supplies the latest updates issued by the chart producer. These updates<br />
may or may not be synchronised with Notices to Mariners produced for their national paper chart series. UK<br />
produced ENCs are maintained for Notices to Mariners in line with the <strong>Admiralty</strong> paper chart series.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay<br />
What is the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay?<br />
The <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay is a digital dataset that is designed to be displayed over ENCs in ECDIS<br />
and other chart display systems to provide additional information to the navigator.<br />
The <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay contains all <strong>Admiralty</strong> Temporary & Preliminary Notices to Mariners (T&P<br />
NMs) and provides additional preliminary information that is specific to ENCs, such as reported navigational<br />
hazards that have been incorporated on paper charts but have not yet been included in ENCs.<br />
The Overlay gives seafarers an easy way to view the information they need, in addition to the standard chart,<br />
to navigate safely and compliantly. The Overlay makes passage planning simpler and safer by clearly<br />
showing where important Temporary or Preliminary changes may impact a voyage. It also gives seafarers<br />
the same consistent picture of the maritime environment on their ECDIS as they have always had with the<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> paper chart.<br />
The Overlay includes all <strong>Admiralty</strong> T&P NMs in force worldwide and additional information that relates<br />
specifically to ENCs, published as ENC Preliminary NMs (EP NMs).<br />
Installing the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay<br />
Compatible Equipment<br />
The Overlay can be displayed on compatible ECDIS equipment and also in <strong>Admiralty</strong> e-Navigator Planning<br />
Station. Please see the UKHO website at for an up to date list of compatible<br />
equipment, or consult your ECDIS supplier. Most ECDIS equipment installed prior to 2011 will require an<br />
upgrade before it will be able to display the Overlay.<br />
Installing Overlay Permits<br />
The Overlay data is protected in the same way as ENCs and requires a permit to unlock the data. Please<br />
notify your <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> Agent if you wish to use the Overlay on any compatible display system so that the<br />
Overlay permit can be added to the <strong>Chart</strong> Permit files issued to you.<br />
The Overlay permit will be loaded at the same time as your ENC permits when the <strong>Chart</strong> Permit files are<br />
loaded (see ‘Loading <strong>Chart</strong>s for the First Time’ above).<br />
When the Overlay is added to your AVCS licence the Overlay permit will be added to the <strong>Chart</strong> Permit files<br />
issued for all ECDIS registered on the licence. Older ECDIS that do not recognise the Overlay may display a<br />
message when attempting to load the Overlay permit. This message will not prevent the ENC permits<br />
loading correctly.<br />
Installing Overlay Data<br />
The Overlay data is provided on a single weekly CD that contains both base data and all updates up to the<br />
date of issue. Therefore only the latest CD is required for installation and all others can be discarded.<br />
The Overlay data is loaded into the display system in the same way as ENC data. Note that some display<br />
systems may require you to run an ‘Update ENC’ process after loading the base data to ensure that all<br />
updates on the disk are also applied.<br />
Updating the Overlay<br />
Updates to the Overlay are issued weekly on CD, along with the weekly AVCS Update CD, and are also<br />
available over the Internet through e-Navigator. Updates on CD should be loaded in the same way as<br />
loading ENC updates (see ‘Maintaining the <strong>Chart</strong> Outfit’ in the AVCS User Guide).<br />
The data volume in each weekly update is normally small. However it is necessary to issue a New Edition of<br />
the Overlay every 6 months, which consolidates all update data into a base data set. This New Edition may<br />
be over a hundred megabytes in size which will make it impractical for most users to download over the<br />
Internet and an <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay CD should be used.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
When an Overlay new edition is issued (see above), the new edition must be installed before any further<br />
updates can be applied. For users who normally update over the Internet this means that an Overlay update<br />
CD will need to be installed before further Internet updates can be applied.<br />
Using the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay<br />
Displaying the Overlay<br />
The Overlay is designed to be displayed on top of a standard ECDIS chart display and can be switched on<br />
and off without changing the underlying chart.<br />
Only those features relevant to the chart in use are displayed. As the user zooms in or out, the ECDIS will<br />
automatically select charts of a suitable scale and the Overlay features relevant to the selected charts will be<br />
displayed. For example, a Temporary NM that applies only to a large scale chart will not be displayed when<br />
smaller scale charts of the same area are being used.<br />
T&P NMs<br />
All <strong>Admiralty</strong> T&P NMs that are in force are included in the Overlay. Each NM is displayed as a simple red<br />
polygon (usually rectangular) with red hatched fill which indicates the area affected by the NM. Each NM<br />
carries the same NM number that is used in the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Notices to Mariners Bulletin.<br />
The full text of the NM is included as an associated text file which can be displayed by selecting the<br />
‘Temporary Notice to Mariners’ or ‘Preliminary Notice to Mariners’ feature in the ECDIS Pick Report. Any<br />
associated diagrams can also be viewed through the Pick Report.<br />
Figure 4 Preliminary (P) NM<br />
EP NMs<br />
ENC P (EP) NMs contain additional information that is specific to ENCs and cannot be published as a<br />
standard <strong>Admiralty</strong> T&P NM. These NMs are displayed in the same way as T&P NMs, as a simple red<br />
polygon (usually rectangular) with red hatched fill which indicates the area affected by the NM. Each NM is<br />
allocated a unique EP NM number.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
The full text of the NM can be viewed in the ECDIS Pick Report against the Information attribute. Where<br />
additional information is needed to explain the NM an associated picture file displays an image showing the<br />
ENC superimposed over the current paper chart information.<br />
Figure 5 ENC Preliminary (EP) NM<br />
‘No Overlay’ Feature<br />
Where there is no equivalent scale <strong>Admiralty</strong> paper chart, the UKHO does not have any additional<br />
information and the Overlay shows a ‘No Overlay’ feature. This feature is displayed as a grey polygon with a<br />
grey hatched fill indicating the area where there is no overlay information.<br />
Additional information, such as local T&P NMs, may be available in these areas from other sources.<br />
When navigating in these areas, seafarers should ensure that all appropriate sources of information<br />
have been consulted.<br />
Using the <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay in the Navigation Process<br />
The <strong>Admiralty</strong> Information Overlay contains additional information that is considered navigationally significant<br />
and may affect your voyage. This information should be referred to when planning your passage and may<br />
also be temporarily displayed during route monitoring.<br />
When planning your passage it is normal to review all charts (and therefore ENCs) that are expected to be<br />
used on the passage. When these charts are reviewed the Overlay should be turned on and any features<br />
that could affect the planned route should be investigated. Those features that are significant for the<br />
planned passage should be marked using Mariner’s Navigation Objects, which can be displayed by the<br />
ECDIS when navigating. Sufficient information should be attached to the Mariner’s Navigation Objects to<br />
inform the navigator of the action to be taken when they are encountered on passage.<br />
If the navigational ECDIS is capable of displaying the Overlay, Overlay information may temporarily be<br />
displayed when navigating. To avoid too much information obscuring the chart display the Overlay should<br />
normally be turned off and should only be turned on for brief periods when required for reference. Therefore<br />
Mariner’s Navigation Objects should be used to draw attention to relevant Overlay features when the Overlay<br />
is turned off.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
<strong>Chart</strong> Carriage Regulations<br />
Flag State Acceptance of ECDIS<br />
SOLAS regulations were amended in 2000 to specifically allow the use of ECDIS to meet carriage<br />
requirement in place of paper charts.<br />
“All ships irrespective of size shall have nautical charts and nautical publications to plan and display<br />
the ship’s route for the intended voyage and to plot and monitor positions throughout the voyage; an<br />
electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) may be accepted as meeting the chart<br />
carriage requirements of this sub paragraph.”<br />
IMO SOLAS Chapter V, Regulation 19, 2.1.4<br />
As yet, not all nations have adopted the amended regulations into their own national legislation nor have<br />
they made clear their acceptance of ECDIS. For this reason ship owners and mariners should consult their<br />
Flag State authority for guidance on meeting SOLAS obligations with ECDIS.<br />
To meet chart carriage requirements the ECDIS must be type approved, have a suitable back up that can<br />
take over in event of failure of the primary system and be using ENCs. As AVCS is an ENC-based service,<br />
when displayed in a type-approved ECDIS with an appropriate backup, it may be used for primary navigation<br />
where flag state approval exists (SOLAS V reg 19 2.1.4) and replace the paper chart.<br />
Mandatory Carriage of ECDIS<br />
In 2009, the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of the IMO agreed to the formal adoption of a mandatory<br />
carriage requirement for ECDIS. The changes to SOLAS Regulation V19 mean that all large passenger,<br />
tanker and cargo ships will be obliged to fit ECDIS on a rolling timetable that begins in July 2012.<br />
Port State Control<br />
It is normal for any Port State inspection to accept the vessel’s Flag State implementation of SOLAS<br />
regulations; the vessel should carry documentation to show compliance to their Flag State requirements.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Using Electronic <strong>Chart</strong>s in ECDIS<br />
Your ECDIS user manual will outline many useful system features and functions that can be used to assist<br />
you in navigating your vessel. However, using electronic charts, especially for the first time, presents the<br />
mariner with many new and important issues that need to be taken into consideration if the highest levels of<br />
vessel safety are to be maintained. In the following section of this guide we have outlined some of these<br />
issues and we urge you to take these into consideration when using electronic charts provided in the AVCS.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> publication NP100, The Mariner’s Handbook, contains detailed guidance on the issues outlined<br />
below, including information about the safe use of charts in general and ENCs.<br />
Training<br />
It is recommended that users undertake both generic training in the use of electronic chart systems and<br />
charts as well as type specific ECDIS training for the system to be used. Training in the use of the advanced<br />
voyage planning and monitoring facilities that these systems provide will ensure you can take maximum<br />
advantage of the benefits of electronic charts<br />
<strong>Chart</strong> Accuracy<br />
The ECDIS is a powerful navigational tool. However its usefulness is limited by the quality of the chart data<br />
that it is using. Most ENCs are derived from paper charts; therefore, the accuracy of the chart displayed on<br />
the ECDIS will generally be no better than that of the equivalent paper chart, both in terms of positional<br />
accuracy and hydrographic information content.<br />
It should be remembered that the positional accuracy of features on charts based on old surveys may not be<br />
as good as the positions that can be obtained from GPS; this fact should be taken into account when<br />
determining suitable clearance distances from charted features.<br />
Source Data Quality<br />
Source data accuracy is shown on the face of an ENC using symbols. There are 5 ‘Zone of Confidence’<br />
categories, each depicted by ‘stars’ within a triangle outline (6 stars being the best). The confidence rating<br />
refers to the level of confidence that the producer has in the accuracy of the source data from which the chart<br />
is compiled. Due to the difficulty of allocating a zone of confidence category, especially where derived from a<br />
paper chart, a 6th ‘un-assessed’ category (a ‘U’ within an ovoid outline) is commonly used.<br />
<strong>Chart</strong> Display Scale<br />
Just like paper charts, ENCs are compiled at scales suited to their intended use, taking account of all<br />
available source material. For this reason they should only be used for navigation at, or near, their<br />
compilation scale.<br />
The majority of ECDIS systems incorporate a zoom function that allows the user to enlarge or reduce the<br />
scale of the displayed image. This function can be useful, for instance, for enlarging complex areas for the<br />
purposes of clarity. However, navigating using a scale significantly different from the compilation scale is<br />
potentially dangerous as it can give a false impression of distances.<br />
For this reason, ECDIS systems give a visual warning when charts are ’over-zoomed’. This is a graphical<br />
warning appearing as vertical bars on the display. Some ECDIS also display a prominent warning message<br />
somewhere in the viewer stating that the cell is being viewed at either “OVERSCALE” or “UNDERSCALE”.<br />
Where a greater or lesser level of chart detail is required, a larger or smaller scale chart should be selected<br />
for use.<br />
<strong>Chart</strong> Display<br />
When navigating using ECDIS, users can select the amount of detail that is displayed, thereby reducing the<br />
amount of visible charted detail on screen. There are three common display modes; ‘base’, ‘standard’ and<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
‘all’. The minimum level of detail that is allowed to be displayed is contained in the ’base’ display; this is not<br />
intended to be sufficient for safe navigation.<br />
ECDIS generates warnings based on the full chart database not just from the details displayed.<br />
Scale Minimum (SCAMIN)<br />
The SCAMIN attribute defines the minimum (smallest) scale at which particular features in an ENC are<br />
displayed in an ECDIS. It is set to a smaller scale than the compilation scale, which is the scale at which the<br />
ENC is intended to be used for navigation. It is a very powerful attribute that is set against particular features<br />
with the aim of reducing ECDIS screen clutter when zooming out.<br />
The IHO has recommended best practice for setting SCAMIN, which has been accepted by the majority of<br />
<strong>Hydrographic</strong> <strong>Office</strong>s. This may take some time to implement and, until implementation is complete, there<br />
may be instances of display such as shown in Figure 6. In this case SCAMIN has been set in the eastern<br />
ENC cell, but not in the western ENC cell.<br />
Figure 6 SCAMIN set in the E ENC cell but not in the W ENC cell<br />
Whilst this view can be disconcerting it remains safe to use because the information does exist in the eastern<br />
ENC cell and will be continuously monitored by the ECDIS.<br />
Contour Intervals<br />
Adjoining paper charts often use depth contours of different values and these have been used by mariners<br />
for many years without particular problems. However, when different contour intervals are used in adjoining<br />
ENC cells an odd stepping effect can result when the ECDIS-generated safety contour crosses from one cell<br />
to the next. This problem is more obvious in ENCs because of the seamless nature of the electronic chart.<br />
A best practice for encoding contour values has been issued by the IHO, but it may be some time before this<br />
is implemented universally owing to the varied sources from which ENCs are created.<br />
Overlapping ENCs<br />
There are instances where ENC data from different suppliers overlaps within the same Usage Band.<br />
Mariners should be aware that where such overlapping data conflicts, different ECDIS systems handle and<br />
display the data in different ways, and that an ECDIS might display data that hasn’t been updated in<br />
preference to data which has. In some cases, two overlapping chart cells may be displayed at the same<br />
time. The UKHO makes every effort to minimise the impact of overlapping data in AVCS but is not permitted<br />
to modify ENC data from the hydrographic authorities of other nations.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Use of other <strong>Chart</strong> Formats<br />
As well as being able to use official S-57 data, many ECDIS systems provide the facility to use other types of<br />
electronic chart. Where other chart data is used in the ECDIS in combination with <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong><br />
<strong>Service</strong> charts, users should exercise caution as this other data may not be produced to the same standard<br />
or updated to the same date.<br />
Settings and Alarms<br />
It is vitally important that safety values, particularly relating to depth contours and ships draft, are<br />
correctly set in the ECDIS equipment. Failure to do so could lead the mariner to believe that, due to<br />
the absence of an alarm, he is in safe water. Similarly, if erroneously set in the opposite sense, the<br />
mariner may restrict himself unnecessarily when more safe water is available than indicated by the<br />
display.<br />
The mariner should always set safety contours and safety depths. In both cases the system will highlight the<br />
selected contours and depths. If safety contours are not selected, the system will display a safety contour of<br />
30m by default.<br />
A look ahead range, expressed either as a distance or a time should also be set by the mariner to control<br />
how far in advance an alert is given before a distance limit is crossed. The same look ahead range should<br />
be set for approaching boundaries of prohibited areas, areas where special conditions apply, and crossing a<br />
safety contour or proximity to danger. This range should never be set to zero.<br />
In some situations, such as in particularly confined waterways, it may be necessary to reduce the look ahead<br />
range to prevent the excessive sounding of alarms. When reducing the look ahead range it is important to<br />
ensure that all ECDIS users are aware of the altered settings and to return the settings to their normal values<br />
as soon as possible.<br />
Procedures<br />
ECDIS linked to GPS, radar and other navigation devices is a powerful aid to navigation, providing<br />
assistance for quick and sound decision making; however it should not be used in isolation to make<br />
navigational decisions.<br />
Visual observation of the world beyond the bridge windows remains vital for safe navigation. By providing<br />
continuous display of own vessel position and radar targets ECDIS can provide additional opportunity for the<br />
watch keeper to keep lookout<br />
It remains essential to monitor the correct operation of all electronic equipment. Traditional relative<br />
navigation techniques (e.g. visual fixing or radar range and bearing) should be employed to confirm that<br />
correct vessel position is shown on the ECDIS.<br />
It is important to ensure that all of the latest updates are loaded onto the system, and whenever possible, it is<br />
preferable to load available updates before you commence your voyage. Please note that loading and<br />
updating can take some time.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Use of ECDIS with Global Positioning Systems (GPS)<br />
Accuracy and Availability<br />
GPS is capable of horizontal positioning accurate to approximately ±33m for 95% of the time. DGPS (a<br />
refinement of GPS) allows a typical accuracy of ±5–10m. It should be remembered that many of the surveys<br />
on which both paper and modern electronic charts are based were carried out long before GPS was<br />
available. Thus the accuracy of charted detail will in many cases not be to the same order of accuracy as is<br />
provided by GPS. This fact should be considered in determining which scale chart to use, and what are<br />
suitable tolerances when making navigational decisions.<br />
The mariner is encouraged to employ alternative means to monitor GPS positional accuracy and to have an<br />
independent means of position fixing on the ECDIS so as to ensure continued safe navigation if GPS is<br />
subject to accuracy or availability problems.<br />
GPS Reference Datum and <strong>Chart</strong> Datums<br />
GPS is based on the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) datum. However positions on many original<br />
surveys have been established by taking astronomical observations. Historically, the survey of each<br />
geographical area might have been based on different established datum, and accordingly charts worldwide<br />
have been drawn on a variety of datums. The relationship between the positions of features surveyed on<br />
different datums is still not necessarily known. This means that any point on the Earth's surface may have a<br />
different latitude and longitude depending on the local datum to which the position is referred.<br />
For this reason GPS positions for charted objects can be very different from their local datum positions; this<br />
difference is known as the datum shift.<br />
Further information on GPS and other satellite navigation systems can be found in the <strong>Admiralty</strong> List of<br />
Radio Signals Volume 2 (NP282)<br />
GPS Receiver Settings<br />
Older GPS receivers are not able to provide Datum information via the NMEA interface to ECDIS and some<br />
earlier ECDIS systems may not recognize this information if it is provided. It is therefore strongly<br />
recommended that, when used with ECDIS, GPS receivers are set to output positions in WGS84 Datum.<br />
If the GPS is set to provide positions in other than WGS84 datum then it is possible that the ECDIS may<br />
misinterpret the data received and positions may be incorrectly displayed.<br />
Route Planning and Datums<br />
Positions stored for routes and / or overlay information may be recorded as local datum positions. If the route<br />
is later plotted on a chart having a different datum, the route may not plot correctly. Care should be taken<br />
when displaying such data on a chart other than the one on which it was created or where routes are<br />
transferred between systems.<br />
Use of ECDIS with Radar<br />
Many ECDIS systems have the capability to overlay both raw radar video and / or ARPA (Automated Radar<br />
Plotting Aid) targets onto the display. Where the full radar image is used it is possible that charted<br />
information may be obscured. Superimposition of the full radar image may cause unacceptable cluttering of<br />
detail on some charts.<br />
ARPA Targets<br />
The superimposition of ARPA targets on the ECDIS display allows the rapid assessment of the possible<br />
actions of targets with respect to shoal water, traffic separation schemes etc. The Radar should remain the<br />
primary tool for collision avoidance; ECDIS should only act as an aid to possible target intentions.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Using Radar as a check on vessel position<br />
A convenient means to monitor correct referencing of vessel position to chart is to choose a charted radar<br />
conspicuous feature and to select this as an ARPA target which is displayed on the chart. If the target<br />
remains located over the charted position of the feature this is a good indication that systems are functioning<br />
as expected.<br />
Where the ECDIS allows the display of raw video over the chart a comparison of charted coastline with the<br />
radar image can be used in the same way; however care should be exercised as the apparent RADAR<br />
coastline can vary according to the nature of coastline and height of tide.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Troubleshooting / Problem Solving<br />
Should you experience problems when loading data into your ECDIS, you may find it difficult to determine<br />
exactly which element of your system is at fault. Where one of the standard error messages shown below is<br />
encountered then you should report this to your <strong>Admiralty</strong> Distributor or contact the UKHO Customer<br />
<strong>Service</strong>s Team. If the fault appears to be hardware related (eg failure of a floppy disk or CD drive) then we<br />
advise you to contact your ECDIS system supplier.<br />
When reporting a chart related problem it is useful if you can provide the following details:<br />
• <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> licence number<br />
• ECDIS system being used (especially if you have more than one system on board)<br />
• The date (or week number) of the latest disks held on the vessel<br />
• The issue date of the latest <strong>Chart</strong> Permits held. If the problem appears to be related to the permits it is<br />
best to send a copy of the latest <strong>Chart</strong> Permits held by email if this is possible.<br />
• Any error messages displayed on the ECDIS<br />
Whilst the wording of displayed error messages may vary from ECDIS to ECDIS the error codes are<br />
constant.<br />
Errors<br />
Standard Error codes when loading AVCS<br />
Error messages likely to be displayed in an ECDIS<br />
SSE 03 Certificate is invalid (Authentication failure)<br />
SSE 04 Format of Certificate is incorrect (Authentication failure)<br />
SSE 05 SA Digital Certificate file is not available (Authentication failure)<br />
SSE 06 SA Digital Certificate is invalid (Authentication failure)<br />
SSE 07 Certificate file is not available (Authentication failure)<br />
SSE 08 Format of Private Key is incorrect (Authentication failure)<br />
SSE 09 Signature is invalid (Authentication failure)<br />
SSE 10 Files are different (check after decryption)<br />
SSE 11 Cell Permit file not found (Decryption failure)<br />
SSE 12 Cell Permit format is incorrect (Decryption failure)<br />
SSE 13 Cell Permit is invalid (checksum [CRC] is incorrect / decryption failure)<br />
SSE 14 Incorrect system date<br />
SSE 15 Subscription licence has expired<br />
SSE 16 ENC CRC value is incorrect<br />
Codes 03 to 09 relate to the ECDIS check of the authenticity of the disks being loaded.<br />
Codes 11 to 13 relate to the permits supplied<br />
Codes 14 and 15 relate to checks on licence validity<br />
Codes 10 and 16 relate to checks carried out on the consistency of the ENC data.<br />
Decryption Failure<br />
This is normally due to the <strong>Chart</strong> Permit available not being compatible with the edition number of the chart<br />
being loaded. Check that the latest <strong>Chart</strong> Permit files have been loaded. If the problem is not resolved by<br />
reloading the <strong>Chart</strong> Permits then contact the UKHO Customer <strong>Service</strong>s Team. Please inform them of the<br />
latest Base / Update being used, any error messages displayed and forward a copy of the PERMIT.TXT file<br />
from the permit disk if using email.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Conversion Errors<br />
When charts are loaded into an ECDIS they are converted from the standard format they are supplied in<br />
(S-57) to the systems specific format of the ECDIS being used (the System ENC – SENC). Conversion<br />
errors are reported when the ECDIS is unable to interpret the detailed information within the chart during the<br />
conversion process.<br />
Data being supplied within the <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> has been validated to very high standards and<br />
the number of errors being reported should be low. However the ENC data standard (S-57) is extremely<br />
complex and in some circumstances it is possible for the ECDIS supplier and ENC producer to have used<br />
subtly different interpretations of the standard and this can result in a warning message being displayed on<br />
ECDIS.<br />
When loading charts the ECDIS could report three error conditions:<br />
1. The ECDIS is unable to load the chart or Update at all. This is very uncommon; please report this<br />
problem to the UKHO Customer <strong>Service</strong>s Team.<br />
2. The ECDIS loads the chart or Update and reports an error. This is not common; users should use the<br />
chart with caution and report the error to the UKHO Customer <strong>Service</strong>s Team.<br />
3. The ECDIS loads the chart or Update and reports a warning. This is quite common on some ECDIS<br />
systems and reflects minor interpretational differences of the S-57 standard. We are not aware of any<br />
evidence that the correct operation of the chart in the ECDIS is affected in these cases.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Copyright Information<br />
The <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> is derived from Crown Copyright information and information supplied by<br />
other organisations. Except as provided in the User Licence, no part of the <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong><br />
may be sold, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical,<br />
photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express permission of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> <strong>Hydrographic</strong><br />
<strong>Office</strong>, <strong>Admiralty</strong> Way, Taunton, Somerset, <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>, TA1 2DN.<br />
All ENCs included in the <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> are issued by or on the authority of governmentauthorised<br />
<strong>Hydrographic</strong> <strong>Office</strong>s. Each country is responsible for producing ENCs of its own waters, which<br />
must be updated systematically with all safety-critical information and be fully compliant with the International<br />
<strong>Hydrographic</strong> Organisation’s (IHO’s) S-57 ENC product specification. Therefore each ENC producing nation<br />
carries the liability for its own data as supplied in this service.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Annexes<br />
Table of Figures<br />
Figure 1 AVCS Transit Folios ............................................................................................................................ 3<br />
Figure 2 AVCS Regional Folios......................................................................................................................... 4<br />
Figure 3 AVCS Port Folios ................................................................................................................................ 5<br />
Figure 4 Preliminary (P) NM ............................................................................................................................ 14<br />
Figure 5 ENC Preliminary (EP) NM ................................................................................................................. 15<br />
Figure 6 SCAMIN set in the E ENC cell but not in the W ENC cell................................................................. 18<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Glossary<br />
ARPA<br />
ECDIS<br />
ECS<br />
ENC<br />
GPS / DGPS<br />
IC-ENC<br />
IHO<br />
IMO<br />
POSACC<br />
PRIMAR<br />
RENC<br />
RNC<br />
Automated Radar Plotting Aid – a radar-based system that can create tracks from radar contacts,<br />
calculating course, speed and closest point of approach.<br />
Electronic <strong>Chart</strong> Display and Information System – a specific term to denote equipment that, when<br />
used in conjunction with up-to-date ENCs and adequate backup arrangements, may be used for<br />
primary navigation.<br />
Electronic <strong>Chart</strong> System – a generic term for any digital navigational chart display system that does<br />
not conform to the definition of an ECDIS, or to describe the mode of operation when an ECDIS is<br />
used with unofficial charts. In both cases the ECS cannot be used for primary navigation.<br />
Electronic Navigational <strong>Chart</strong> – an official, Government produced digital chart, manufactured to the<br />
IHO / IMO approved standards. When operated on IMO type-approved ECDIS equipment, ENCs<br />
may be used for primary navigation.<br />
Global Positioning System / Differential Global Positioning System<br />
International Centre for ENCs – an association of national hydrographic organisations working<br />
together to harmonise the production and distribution of ENCs. IC-ENC is one of 2 principal RENCs<br />
(PRIMAR is the other). IC-ENC is operated by the UKHO on behalf of its member nations.<br />
International <strong>Hydrographic</strong> Organisation<br />
International Maritime Organisation<br />
Positional Accuracy attribute used to encode the level of accuracy of positions of features in an ENC.<br />
One of 2 principal RENCs (the other is IC-ENC), operated by the Norwegian <strong>Hydrographic</strong> <strong>Service</strong> on<br />
behalf of its member nations.<br />
Regional ENC Co-ordinating Centre – an organisation established by IHO members who cooperate<br />
to guarantee a consistent level of high quality data, and to bring about coordinated services with<br />
official ENCs and updates to them.<br />
Raster Navigational <strong>Chart</strong> – a raster-scanned (as opposed to vectorised) digital facsimilie of a paper<br />
chart. Exceptionally, Government produced RNCs may be used for primary navigation, although an<br />
adequate paper chart backup must be carried.<br />
S-52 Mandatory IHO standard that defines the appearance of ENCs on an ECDIS screen.<br />
S-57 Mandatory IHO standard that defines the way chart information is encoded in an ENC.<br />
S-63<br />
SCAMIN<br />
Schedule A<br />
SENC<br />
SOLAS<br />
UKHO<br />
Unofficial charts<br />
WGS84<br />
IHO standard for the encryption and copy protection of ENCs. All ECDIS equipment must accept<br />
S-63 ENCs. Manufacturers may optionally add SENC capability.<br />
Scale Minimum attribute used to automatically de-clutter the ECDIS screen when zooming out.<br />
Features that have been selected by the ENC producer to be removed from the display will not be<br />
shown when the display scale is smaller (zoomed out further) than the SCAMIN value.<br />
A listing of all chart holdings purchased through a single transaction (weekly updates will only show<br />
changes to those holdings)<br />
System ENC – a manufacturer-specific data storage format for ENCs (contrast with S-63) that<br />
encrypts and copy protects ENCs and may be used for distribution.<br />
IMO Safety of Life at Sea Convention. Chapter V Safety of Navigation governs the carriage<br />
requirements for navigational information, including charts.<br />
<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> <strong>Hydrographic</strong> <strong>Office</strong><br />
A generic term to describe all digital charts that do not conform to the specifications for an ENC and<br />
may not therefore be used for primary navigation.<br />
World Geodetic System, 1984 datum – the horizontal positioning system used by GPS. All ENCs are<br />
referred to WGS84. When the source information used to create the ENCs has been shifted to<br />
WGS84 datum, the POSACC attribute may be used to encode the size of any positional error<br />
introduced. Care must be exercised when plotting information referred to another horizontal datum<br />
on an ENC.<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Vector</strong> <strong>Chart</strong> <strong>Service</strong> Version 2.3<br />
User Guide<br />
Feedback<br />
The UKHO welcomes customer comments, if you would like to provide any feedback, please forward any<br />
comments via your <strong>Admiralty</strong> Distributor or directly to the UKHO Customer <strong>Service</strong>s Team. Contact details<br />
are on the last page of this guide.<br />
Contact Details<br />
Company Contact<br />
If your company has a specific policy for obtaining support on IT and navigational systems, please enter<br />
details here, with contact details for the Support department:<br />
ECDIS Manufacturer<br />
Support Hours (Time Zone):<br />
Web:<br />
Telephone:<br />
Facsimile:<br />
Email:<br />
Contact:<br />
<strong>Chart</strong> Agent<br />
Support Hours (Time Zone):<br />
Web:<br />
Telephone:<br />
Facsimile:<br />
Email:<br />
Contact:<br />
UKHO<br />
Support Hours (Time Zone):<br />
24hrs<br />
Web:<br />
Telephone: +44 (0)1823 723366<br />
Facsimile: +44 (0)1823 330561<br />
Email:<br />
Contact: UKHO<br />