Unisa provisional examination timetables 2013 - University of South ...

Unisa provisional examination timetables 2013 - University of South ...

Unisa provisional examination timetables 2013 - University of South ...


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Module Date Time Paper Module Date Time Paper<br />

TRL4865 20140122 14:30 1<br />

TRT4862 20140203 13:30 1<br />

TST2601 20140120 14:30 1<br />

TST401C 20140122 14:30 1<br />

TSTRUTS 20140120 14:30 1<br />

TSYSISS 20140124 14:30 1<br />

U<br />

UCL5901 20140218 13:30 1<br />

UPD4701 20140205 13:30 1<br />

UTR4801 20140217 08:30 1<br />

VPH301L 20140211 13:30 1<br />

VPH401L 20140120 14:30 1<br />

V<br />

W<br />

WCQAMCX 20140210 08:30 1<br />

WEMSSRK 20140214 08:30 1<br />

WEN2601 20140213 13:30 1<br />

WEN3601 20140213 13:30 1<br />

WFS3701 20140211 13:30 1<br />

WFS3702 20140213 13:30 1<br />

WFS3703 20140123 14:30 1<br />

WISSRDJ 20140219 13:30 1<br />

WMCMHP5 20140207 13:30 1<br />

WMHACDS 20140204 08:30 1<br />

WPD101O 20140122 08:30 1<br />

WSCPR05 20140205 08:30 1<br />

WSDPMNU 20140129 14:30 1<br />

WSEISAA 20140217 08:30 1<br />

WSIBC0G 20140206 13:30 1<br />

WSISTCX 20140203 08:30 1<br />

WSTICMM 20140220 08:30 1<br />

WSTMANW 20140204 08:30 1<br />

WTC4701 20140207 13:30 1<br />

WTT4701 20140203 13:30 1<br />

WWT4701 20140123 14:30 1<br />

Z<br />

ZAU4861 20140128 08:30 1<br />

ZAU4861 20140211 14:30 2<br />

ZFA4861 20140130 08:30 1<br />

ZFA4861 20140203 14:30 2<br />

ZFA4862 20140131 08:30 1<br />

ZFA4862 20140210 14:30 2<br />

ZFA4863 20140120 08:30 1<br />

ZFA4863 20140207 14:30 2<br />

ZFA4864 20140128 08:30 1<br />

ZFA4864 20140210 14:30 2<br />

ZMA4861 20140131 08:30 1<br />

ZMA4861 20140203 14:30 2<br />

ZMA4862 20140131 08:30 1<br />

ZMA4862 20140211 14:30 2<br />

ZOL3701 20140205 08:30 1<br />

NB: Please note that the dates reflected in these <strong>timetables</strong> are <strong>provisional</strong> and the <strong>University</strong> reserves the right to change <strong>examination</strong> dates if necessary.<br />


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