College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 2011 Highlights ...
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 2011 Highlights ...
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 2011 Highlights ...
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Recycling at schools project<br />
This project is focused on creating awareness amongst school children with regards to recycling <strong>of</strong> waste. Partners in this project<br />
are the Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Sciences</strong> <strong>of</strong> Unisa, Nets-Africa, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality <strong>and</strong> Jahmy Cleaning<br />
<strong>and</strong> Recycling.<br />
A series <strong>of</strong> events were organised on 8 <strong>and</strong> 9 March, 18, 19 <strong>and</strong> 20 October in the Benoni area in Ekurhuleni during school<br />
time to raise <strong>Environmental</strong> Awareness under the pupils. The counsellor <strong>of</strong> the area also gave a short speech to motivate learners<br />
<strong>and</strong> teachers. Questionnaires were distributed amongst pupils to determine their level <strong>of</strong> awareness. Many were eager to fill in<br />
the “test”.<br />
awards Awards<br />
Working with Communities is her Passion<br />
Mpho <strong>and</strong> his team presented a play to bring the message <strong>of</strong> “there is money in waste” <strong>and</strong> good waste management creates<br />
a clean environment. Unisa was provided the opportunity to give a talk on recycling in terms <strong>of</strong> why is recycling important <strong>and</strong><br />
what becomes <strong>of</strong> the recyclable material.<br />
On request training for teachers were provided by Unisa lecturers. Unisa will also provide recycling posters <strong>and</strong> stickers for the<br />
waste bins to assist them in their recycling initiatives. Follow-up visits will be done to the schools.<br />
The champion teacher are requested to keep book <strong>of</strong> the waste collected, <strong>and</strong> the information made available to us to measure<br />
the success <strong>of</strong> the project. More than 350 questionnaires were filled in by teachers <strong>and</strong> learners will be evaluated <strong>and</strong> used for<br />
research. 25 schools in Ekurhuleni <strong>and</strong> Tshwane had been visited.<br />
Ms Melanie Nicolau, Chair <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Geography in the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />
<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Sciences</strong> was awarded a certificate “Honorary Citizen <strong>of</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Economic<br />
Management <strong>Sciences</strong> for her contribution in the field <strong>of</strong> Community Engagement”<br />
Jahme Cleaning <strong>and</strong> Recycling ensured<br />
that the pupils at the Benoni Primary<br />
school in Actonville learn about reduce,<br />
re-use <strong>and</strong> recycling<br />
Growing <strong>and</strong> honing horticulturists at Garden World<br />
Growing <strong>and</strong> honing horticulturists at Garden World (herb garden): The bench in the herb garden is a peaceful place to sit<br />
<strong>and</strong> enjoy the colourful flowers <strong>and</strong> breathe in the scents <strong>of</strong> lavender. The colourful succulent Kalanchoes in the foreground also<br />
provide year round colour, but have low water requirements compared to the containers.<br />
Growing <strong>and</strong> honing horticulturists at Garden World (gravel pathway): A gravel pathway rings the isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> dill, mustard,<br />
origanum <strong>and</strong> wild garlic, which grows around the base <strong>of</strong> three wild olive trees. Beneath the gravel is a layer <strong>of</strong> weedmat, which<br />
suppresses weed growth <strong>and</strong> keeps the gravel clean, while still allowing precious water to soak into the soil.<br />
Learners filling in the questionnaires<br />
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2012/03/08 6:14 PM