Curriculums: College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Curriculums: College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Curriculums: College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences


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The information contained in this brochure was accurate<br />

at the time <strong>of</strong> publication (30 September 2011).<br />

For updates, please go to the Unisa website<br />

http://www.unisa.ac.za or to the Unisa mobi site http://mobi.unisa.ac.za.

Qualification for the <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Agriculture</strong> <strong>and</strong> Enviromental <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

National Diplomas<br />

National Diploma: Agricultural Management (NDAGR) 4<br />

National Diploma: Animal Health (NDANM) 5<br />

National Diploma: Horticulture (NDHOT) 6<br />

National Diploma: Nature Conservation (NDNTR) 7<br />

Diplomas<br />

Diploma in Nature Conservation (98024) 8<br />

Diploma in Ornamental Horticulture (98025) 9<br />

Bachelor Degrees<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts <strong>Environmental</strong> Management (02038–ENN) 10<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts <strong>Environmental</strong> Management (02038–ENV) 11<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts in <strong>Environmental</strong> Management (98055) 13<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Botany (02089–BAB) 14<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Microbiology<br />

(02089–BAM) 15<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong> (Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Microbiology Major)<br />

(98053 – BAM) 16<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Physiology<br />

(02089 – BAP) 17<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Zoology (02089 – BAZ) 18<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Biochemistry (or Physiology or Microbiology)<br />

With Business Management (02089 – BBM) 19<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong> (Biochemistry (or Physiology or Microbiology)<br />

With Business Management Major) (98053 – BBM) 20<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Botany <strong>and</strong> Microbiology (02089 – BNM) 21<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Botany <strong>and</strong> Zoology (With Geography)<br />

(02089 – BZG) 22<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science <strong>Environmental</strong> Management: Botany Stream<br />

(02089 – EBO) 23<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science <strong>Environmental</strong> Management: Botany Stream<br />

(02089 – ENB) 24<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in <strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

(Botany Major) (98052 – EBO) 25<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science <strong>Environmental</strong> Management: Chemistry Stream<br />

(02089 – ECH) 27<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science <strong>Environmental</strong> Management: Chemistry Stream<br />

(02089 – ENC) 29<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in <strong>Environmental</strong> Management (Chemistry Major)<br />

(98052 – ECH) 31<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science <strong>Environmental</strong> Management: Zoology Stream<br />

(02089 – ENZ) 32<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science <strong>Environmental</strong> Management: Zoology Stream<br />

(02089 – EZO) 34<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in <strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

(Zoology Major) (98052 – EZO) 35<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Genetics <strong>and</strong> Zoology (or Botany, Microbiology,<br />

Physiology or Biochemistry) (02089 – GZB) 36<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong> (Genetics <strong>and</strong> Zoology or<br />

Botany/Microbiology/Biochemistry/Physiology Major) (98053 – GZB) 37<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Physiology<br />

(02089 – MAP) 38<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Zoology (02089 – MAZ) 39<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: Botany <strong>and</strong> Chemistry Stream<br />

(02089 – NBC) 40<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: Botany <strong>and</strong> Microbiology Stream<br />

(02089 – NBK) 41<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: Botany <strong>and</strong> Zoology Stream<br />

(02089 – NBZ) 42<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong> (Botany <strong>and</strong> Zoology Stream Major)<br />

(98053 – BZG) 43<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: Chemistry <strong>and</strong> Zoology Stream<br />

(02089 – NCZ) 44<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Physiology Stream<br />

(02089 – NKP) 45<br />

98053 – MAP Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong> (Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Physiology<br />

Major) (98053 – MAP) 46<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Zoology Stream<br />

(02089 – NKZ) 47<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong> (Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Zoology Major)<br />

(98053 – MAZ) 48<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Botany Stream<br />

(02089 – NOB) 49<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong> (Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Botany Major)<br />

(98053 – BAB) 50<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Chemistry Stream<br />

(02089 – NOC) 51<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Microbiology Stream<br />

(02089 – NOK) 52<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong> (Botany <strong>and</strong> Microbiology Stream Major)<br />

(98053 – BNM) 53<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Physiology Stream<br />

(02089 – NOP) 54<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong> (Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Physiology Stream Major<br />

(98053 – BAP) 55<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Zoology Stream<br />

(02089 – NOZ) 56<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong> (Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Zoology Major)<br />

(98053 – BAZ) 57<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: Physiology <strong>and</strong> Zoology Stream<br />

(02089 – NPZ) 58<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Physiology <strong>and</strong> Zoology (02089 – PAZ) 59<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong> (Physiology <strong>and</strong> Zoology Major)<br />

(98053 – PAZ) 60<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Psychology <strong>and</strong> Physiology (With Genetics)<br />

(02089 – PPG) 61<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong> (Psychology <strong>and</strong> Physiology Major)<br />

(98053 – PPG) 62<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Human Ecology (Community <strong>Agriculture</strong>) New Curriculum 2010<br />

(02674 - N10) 64<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Human Ecology (Community Nutrition) New Curriculum 2010<br />

(02682 - N10) 66<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science Hospitality Management (0331X – HOS) 68<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science (Agricultural Science) (03336) 70<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science Clothing Management (97543 – CLT) 71<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science General (97543 – GEN) 72<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Consumer Science Journalism Major)<br />

(98005 – CSJ) 73<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science<br />

(Fashion Retail Management Major) (98005 – FAR) 74<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Food <strong>and</strong> Clothing Major) (98005 – FCL) 75<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Food <strong>and</strong> Nutrition Major) (98005 – FNU) 76<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Food Retail Management Major)<br />

(98005 – FOR) 77<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Fashion Small-Business Management Major)<br />

(98005 – FSB) 78<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Hospitality Management Major)<br />

(98005 – HOM) 79<br />


Baccalaureus Technologiae Degrees<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Agricultural Management (BTAGM) 80<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Animal Health (BTANM) 80<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Horticulture (BTHOR) 80<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Nature Conservation (BTNAT) 81<br />

Honours Degrees<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science Honours (98104) 81<br />

Honours Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts in Geography (04111) 82<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts Honours in Geography (98101) 82<br />

Honours Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Geography (04464) 83<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Honours in Geography (98105) 83<br />

Honours Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in <strong>Environmental</strong> Monitoring <strong>and</strong> Modelling<br />

(05568) 84<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Honours in <strong>Environmental</strong> Monitoring <strong>and</strong> Modelling<br />

(98103) 84<br />

Honours Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts in <strong>Environmental</strong> Management (05592) 85<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts Honours in <strong>Environmental</strong> Management (98108) 86<br />

Honours Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Botany (05606) 86<br />

Honours Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in <strong>Environmental</strong> Management (05614) 87<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Honours in <strong>Environmental</strong> Management (98102) 88<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification National Diploma: Agricultural Management NQF Exit Level 6<br />

Qualification code NDAGR Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Diploma) OR Senior Certificate with Mathematics <strong>and</strong> either Agricultural Science, Physical Science or Biology (Life <strong>Sciences</strong>)<br />

passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 3 or a minimum <strong>of</strong> 40%.<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

AGE111A - Agricultural<br />

Engineering I<br />

AGM211A - Agricultural<br />

Management II<br />

Pre: AGM111A<br />

AGP301A - Agricultural<br />

Practice III<br />

AGM111A - Agricultural<br />

Management I<br />

ANP111A - Animal<br />

Production I<br />

ASC111A - Agricultural Soil<br />

Science I<br />

EUC1501 - End-User<br />

Computing I (Theory)<br />

GPM201A - Agricultural<br />

Production Management II<br />

OMN101M - Operations<br />

Management I<br />

OMN1501 - Operations<br />

Management IA (Offered<br />

from 2013)<br />

PTP111A - Plant Production<br />

I<br />

Group B. Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following : Beginners practical<br />

course<br />

PRA003K - Beginners<br />

Practical Course (Kwazulu<br />

Natal)<br />

PRA003N - Beginners<br />

Practical Course (Northern<br />

Province)<br />

AGT201A - Agricultural<br />

Production Techniques II<br />

ANP211A - Animal<br />

Pre: ANP111A<br />

Production II<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

PAS111A - Pasture Science<br />

I<br />

PTP211A - Plant Production Pre: PTP111A<br />

II<br />

Group B. Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following : Advanced Practical<br />

Course<br />

PRA004F - Advanced<br />

Practical Course (Free<br />

State)<br />

PRA004N - Advanced<br />

Practical Course (Northern<br />

Province)<br />

CAA211A - Computer Pre: EUC131T & EUP1501<br />

Applications (<strong>Agriculture</strong> II)<br />

CLA1501 - Commercial<br />

Law 1A<br />

CLA1502 - Commercial<br />

Law 1B<br />

FAC1501 - Introductory<br />

Financial Accounting<br />

PLA111A - Personnel<br />

Management<br />

Group B. Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ANP311A - Animal<br />

Production III<br />

PTP311A - Plant Production<br />

III<br />

Pre: ANP211A<br />

Pre: PTP211A<br />


Qualification National Diploma: Animal Health NQF Exit Level 6<br />

Qualification code NDANM Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Diploma) with Mathematics, English & Physical Science or Biology (Life <strong>Sciences</strong>) passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 3 OR Senior Certificate<br />

with at least E(40%) for Higher Grade Mathematics, English & Physical Science or Biology or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard<br />

Grade Mathematics, English & Physical Science or Biology.<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

AHPRW2G - Anatomy<br />

& Physiology Practical<br />

(Gauteng) Week 2<br />

Co: PAH131S<br />

AHPR02G - Laboratory<br />

Diagnostics (Practical)<br />

AEA271V - Agricultural<br />

Economics (Animal Health I)<br />

AND1016 - Animal Diseases<br />

(Animal Health I)<br />

COM1501 - Fundamentals<br />

<strong>of</strong> Communication<br />

(Communication Science)<br />

EPD101T - Epidemiology<br />

(Animal Health I)<br />

EUC1501 - End-User<br />

Computing I (Theory)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNG1502 - Management I A<br />

MNG1602 - Management IB<br />

PAH131S - Anatomy <strong>and</strong><br />

Physiology (Animal Health I)<br />

PAH1501 - Anatomy <strong>and</strong><br />

Physiology: Animal Helath 1<br />

(Offered from 2013)<br />

Co: PAH131S<br />

Co: AHPRW2G<br />

Co: PAH1502<br />

AHPR03G - Reproduction<br />

Management (Practical)<br />

AND201A - Animal Diseases<br />

II (Animal Health)<br />

ANH301A - Animal Health<br />

Practice III<br />

EPD201F - Epidemiology<br />

(Animal Health II)<br />

LDS141Q - Laboratory<br />

Diagnostics I<br />

PHT201J - Pharmacology<br />

<strong>and</strong> Toxicology (Animal<br />

Health II)<br />

PNH151U - Pasture <strong>and</strong><br />

Nutrition (Animal Health I)<br />

Pre: AND1016; Co:<br />

AHPR03G<br />

Pre: EPD101T<br />

Co: AND1016 & AHPR02G<br />

AHPR04G - Tuberculosis/<br />

Brucellosis Practical<br />

AHPR05G - Meat Hygiene<br />

Practical<br />

AND301D - Animal Diseases<br />

(Animal Health III)<br />

EPD301J - Epidemiology<br />

(Animal Health III)<br />

TLG1016 - Legislation:<br />

Animal Health I<br />

VPH301L - Veterinary Public<br />

Health III<br />

Pre: AND201A; Co:<br />

AHPR04G<br />

Pre: EPD201F<br />

Co: AHPR05G<br />

Rules<br />

It is compulsory for each student to register with the South African Veterinary Council (SAVC) <strong>and</strong> maintain registration annually until completion <strong>of</strong> studies. the<br />

relevant form is available on the SAVC website http:www.savc.co.za <strong>and</strong> at the registration points. the form should be completed by the student <strong>and</strong> then stamped by<br />

Unisa. the student should thus liaise with the SAVC at Tel: 012 342 1612, Fax: 012 342 4354 in order to complete the registration process. No students are allowed<br />

to proceed with their studies if they are not registered with the SAVC. the ND: Animal Health is approved for registration with the SAVC. Completion <strong>of</strong> the B-Tech:<br />

Animal Health is not sufficient for registration with the SAVC if graduates do not hold an approved SAVC qualification. Practical work forms an integral part <strong>of</strong> this<br />

qualification.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification National Diploma: Horticulture NQF Exit Level 6<br />

Qualification code NDHOT Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Diploma) OR Senior Certificate.<br />

Repeaters only Until 2016<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

ENS121U - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

ENS211V - <strong>Environmental</strong> Pre: ENS121U HOR341T - Horticulture III Pre: HOR251W<br />

Studies I<br />

Studies II<br />

GMT111H - Growth Media<br />

Technology<br />

HOC131X - Horticultural<br />

Mechanisation I<br />

HPM311H - Horticultural<br />

Production Management III<br />

HOR141Z - Horticulture I HOR251W - Horticulture II Pre: HOR141Z HTP201H - Horticultural<br />

Practice II<br />

MNG1502 - Management I A<br />

MNG1602 - Management IB<br />

PMS131X - Plant Material<br />

Studies I<br />

SIT141R - Site Planning I<br />

TGC111L - Turfgrass<br />

Culture I<br />

Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following.<br />

SIT001G - Site Planning<br />

Workshop (Gauteng)<br />

SIT001K - Site Planning<br />

Workshop (Kwazulu Natal)<br />

SIT001W - Site Planning<br />

Workshop (Western Cape)<br />

Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following.<br />

PRA001G - Beginner's<br />

Practical Course (Gauteng)<br />

PRA001K - Beginner's<br />

Practical Course (Kwazulu<br />

Natal)<br />

PRA001W - Beginner's<br />

Practical Session (Western<br />

Cape)<br />

Co: Site Planning Workshop<br />

(SIT001G, SIT001K,<br />

SIT001W)<br />

CO: SIT141R<br />

CO: SIT141R<br />

CO: SIT141R<br />

HTM201X - Horticultural<br />

Management II<br />

HTP101H - Horticultural<br />

Practice I<br />

PMS221Z - Plant Material<br />

Studies II<br />

Pre: PMS131X<br />

PMS311Z - Plant Material<br />

Studies III<br />

PPN211H - Plant Protection<br />

II<br />

Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following.<br />

PRA002G - Advanced<br />

Practical Course (Gauteng)<br />

PRA002K - Advanced<br />

Practical Course (Kwazulu<br />

Natal)<br />

PRA002W - Advanced<br />

Practical Course (Western<br />

Cape)<br />

Pre: HTM201X<br />

Pre: PMS221Z<br />


Qualification National Diploma: Nature Conservation NQF Exit Level 6<br />

Qualification code NDNTR Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

Repeaters only Until 2016<br />

NSC (Diploma) with a pass in Biology or Geography OR Senior Certificate with a pass in Biology or Geography or Agricultural Science<br />

or Science.<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

ANS1501 - Animal Studies I Co: PSO1501 & COC1501 ANS211S - Animal Studies II Pre: ANS101T or ANS1501 ANS321W - Animal Studies<br />

III<br />

CEC1501 - Conservation<br />

Ecology I<br />

CIN1501 - Conservation<br />

Interpretation I<br />

COA1501 - Conservation<br />

Administration I<br />

COC1501 - Contact Course<br />

I<br />

COM1501 - Fundamentals<br />

<strong>of</strong> Communication<br />

(Communication Science)<br />

CVM1501 - Conservation<br />

Resource Management I<br />

EUC1501 - End-User<br />

Computing I (Theory)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

FOC1501 - Fundamentals <strong>of</strong><br />

Conservation I<br />

PSO1501 - Plant Studies I<br />

SSC1501 - Soil Science I<br />

SSC151N - Soil Science I<br />

(Nature Conservation)<br />

Co: ANS1501 & PSO1501<br />

Co: ANS1501 & COC1501<br />

CEC211Q - Conservation<br />

Ecology II<br />

COM1502 - Communication<br />

Contexts <strong>and</strong> Applications<br />

(Communication Science)<br />

CVC281T - Conservation<br />

Communication II<br />

DNA030I - Inl<strong>and</strong> Practical<br />

Contact Course<br />

HBB281X - Resource<br />

Management II<br />

NCP101N - Nature<br />

Conservation Application I<br />

PSO281Z - Plant Studies II<br />

Pre: ANS211S<br />

Pre: CEC131S or CEC1501 CEC331Z - Conservation<br />

Ecology III<br />

Co: DNA020M<br />

DNA020M - Marine Co: CEC331Z<br />

Practicalcontact Course<br />

(Month 10)<br />

HBB331V - Resource Pre: HBB281X<br />

Management III<br />

Co: PSO281Z<br />

NCP201N - Nature<br />

Pre: DNA011B<br />

Conservation Application II<br />

Pre: HBB121R or CVM1501 PSO391W - Plant Studies III Pre: PSO281Z & DNA030I<br />

Pre: DNA011B or COC1501<br />

Pre: (PSO141Q or<br />

PSO1501) or (DNA011B or<br />

COC1501)<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification Diploma in Nature Conservation NQF Exit Level 6<br />

Qualification code 98024 Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Diploma) with a pass in Biology (Life <strong>Sciences</strong>) or Geography OR Senior Certificate with a pass in Biology (Life <strong>Sciences</strong>) or<br />

Geography or Agricultural Science or Science.<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Goup A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

ANS1501 - Animal Studies I Co: COC1501 & PSO1501 ANS2601 - Animal Studies II<br />

(Offered from 2013)<br />

PRE: ANS1501<br />

ANS3701 - Animal Studies<br />

III (Offered from 2014)<br />

Pre: ANS2601<br />

CEC1501 - Conservation<br />

Ecology I<br />

CIN1501 - Conservation<br />

Interpretation I<br />

COA1501 - Conservation<br />

Administration I<br />

COC1501 - Contact Course<br />

I<br />

CVM1501 - Conservation<br />

Resource Management I<br />

EUC1501 - End-User<br />

Computing I (Theory)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

FOC1501 - Fundamentals <strong>of</strong><br />

Conservation I<br />

Co: ANS1501 & PSO1501<br />

CEC2601 - Conservation<br />

Ecology II (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

COC2602 - Contact Course<br />

II (Offered from 2014)<br />

CVM2601 - Conservation<br />

Resource Management II<br />

(Offered from 2013)<br />

NCA1501 - Nature<br />

Conservation Application IA<br />

(Offered from 2013)<br />

NCA1502 - Nature<br />

Conservation Application IB<br />

(Offered from 2013)<br />

NCA1503 - Nature<br />

Conservation Application IIa<br />

(Offered from 2013)<br />

NCA1504 - Nature<br />

Conservation Application IIb<br />

(Offered from 2013)<br />

PSO2601 - Plant Studies II<br />

(Offered from 2013)<br />

PRE: CEC1501<br />

Pre: COC1501; Co:<br />

CEC3701 & CVM3701<br />

Pre: CVM1501; Co:<br />

CEC3701 & COC2602<br />

Pre: COC1501<br />

Pre: COC1501<br />

Pre: COC1501<br />

Pre: COC1501<br />

PRE: PSO1501<br />

CEC3701 - Conservation<br />

Ecology III (Offered from<br />

2014)<br />

COC2601 - Contact Course<br />

III (Offered from 2013)<br />

COC2603 - Contact Course<br />

IV (Offered from 2014)<br />

CVM3701 - Conservation<br />

Resource Management III<br />

(Offered from 2014)<br />

NCA2601 - Nature<br />

Conservation Application IIIa<br />

(Offered from 2014)<br />

NCA2602 - Nature<br />

Conservation Application IIIb<br />

(Offered from 2014)<br />

NCA3701 - Nature<br />

Conservation Application<br />

IVa* (Offered from 2014)<br />

NCA3702 - Nature<br />

Conservation Application<br />

IVb* (Offered from 2014)<br />

PSO1501 - Plant Studies I Co: ANS1501 & COC1501 PSO3701 - Plant Studies III<br />

(Offered from 2014)<br />

SSC1501 - Soil Science I<br />

Pre: CEC2601; Co:<br />

COC2601 & CVM2601<br />

Pre: COC2601; Co:<br />

CVM3701 & PSO3701<br />

Co: CIN1501<br />

Pre: CVM2601; Co:<br />

COC2601 & PSO3701<br />

Pre: COC1501<br />

Pre: COC1501<br />

Pre: COC2601<br />

Pre: COC2601<br />

Pre: PSO2601; Co:<br />

COC2601 & CVM3701<br />


Qualification Diploma in Ornamental Horticulture NQF Exit Level 6<br />

Qualification code 98025 Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Diploma) OR Senior Certificate (Life Science/Biology recommended).<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CEC1501 - Conservation<br />

Ecology I<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

HOR1501 - Ornamental<br />

Plant Propagation<br />

HOR1503 - Plant Growing<br />

<strong>and</strong> Care<br />

HOR1504 - Horticulture<br />

Practical I<br />

HOR1601 - Horticulture<br />

Practice I<br />

LDS1501 - L<strong>and</strong>scape<br />

Maintenance<br />

PMS1501 - Ornamental<br />

Plant Use I<br />

PSO1501 - Plant Studies I<br />

SSC1501 - Soil Science I<br />

Co: LDS1501<br />

Co: HOR1503<br />

EMG2601 - Horticultural<br />

Resource Management I<br />

(Offered from 2013)<br />

ENS2602 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Studies I (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

HOR2601 - Nursery Design<br />

<strong>and</strong> Layout (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

HOR2602 - Plant Growth<br />

Structures (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

HOR2603 - Horticultural<br />

Mechanisation I (Offered<br />

from 2013)<br />

HOR2604 - Horticulture<br />

Practical II (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

LDS2601 - Introductory<br />

L<strong>and</strong>scape Design<br />

Techniques (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

PMS2601 - Ornamental<br />

Plant Use II (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

PMS2602 - Ornamental<br />

Plant Use III (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

PSO2601 - Plant Studies II<br />

(Offered from 2013)<br />

Pre: CEC1501<br />

Pre: HOR1501 & HOR1503<br />

Pre: LDS1501<br />

Pre: HOR1504<br />

Pre: LDS1501<br />

Pre: PSO1501<br />

Pre: PMS2601<br />

Pre: PSO1501<br />

EMG3701 - Horticulture<br />

Resource Management II<br />

(Offered from 2014)<br />

EMG3702 - Horticultural<br />

Resource Management<br />

Practice (Offered from 2014)<br />

ENS3601 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Studies II (Offered from<br />

2014)<br />

HOR3601 - Ornamental<br />

Crop Production (Offered<br />

from 2014)<br />

HOR3602 - Plant Pests<br />

<strong>and</strong> Diseases (Offered from<br />

2014)<br />

LDS3601 - L<strong>and</strong>scape<br />

Construction <strong>and</strong> Installation<br />

(Offered from 2014)<br />

LDS3701 - Advanced<br />

L<strong>and</strong>scape Design<br />

Techniques (Offered from<br />

2014)<br />

LDS3702 - L<strong>and</strong>scape<br />

Design Practical (Offered<br />

from 2014)<br />

LDS3703 - L<strong>and</strong>scape<br />

Design Practice (Will)<br />

(Offered from 2014)<br />

PMS3601 - Ornamental<br />

Plant Use Practice (Offered<br />

from 2014)<br />

Pre: EMG2601<br />

Pre: ENS2602<br />

Pre: HOR2602<br />

Pre: LDS2601<br />

Pre: LDS2601; Co:<br />

LDS3702<br />

Pre: LDS2601; Co:<br />

LDS3701<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 6<br />

Management<br />

Qualification code 02038 - ENN Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) OR Matric Exemption<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

CMH1503 - Health <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Environment<br />

ECS2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Economics<br />

GGH301W - State <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Environment in Southern Africa<br />

COM1501 - Fundamentals <strong>of</strong><br />

Communication (Communication<br />

Science)<br />

ENE2601 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education: Concepts <strong>and</strong><br />

Principles (<strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education)<br />

GGH302X - Spatial Economic<br />

Development (Geography 302)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your World:<br />

Introduction to Geography<br />

GGH2601 - the African<br />

Challenge: People <strong>and</strong><br />

Environment<br />

GGH303Y - Introduction to<br />

Geographical Information<br />

Systems (Geography 303)<br />

GGH1502 - World Issues: A<br />

Geographical Perspective<br />

GGH2602 - the Geography <strong>of</strong><br />

Services Provision<br />

GGH3043 - Development <strong>of</strong><br />

Urban Space (Geography 304)<br />

GGH1503 - Our Living Earth<br />

GGH2603 - the Interpretation <strong>of</strong><br />

Maps, Aerial Photographs <strong>and</strong><br />

Satellite Images<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

GGH2604 - People <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Natural Environment: Use <strong>and</strong><br />

Impact (Geography)<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following groups <strong>of</strong> 2 modules:<br />

GGH2605 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Politics (Geography)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong> Responsibility<br />

AGE1501 - Introduction to<br />

Archaeology<br />

LEG2601 - Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

INS3059 - Information <strong>and</strong><br />

Knowledge Management<br />

(Information Science 305)<br />

APY1501 - the Anthropological<br />

Study <strong>of</strong> Culture in A<br />

Multicultural Context<br />

(Anthropology)<br />

PLS3701 - Theoretical <strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Ethics<br />

PUB301E - Public Management<br />

Skills<br />

OR.<br />

PUB2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Affairs<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

DVA1501 - Introduction to<br />

Development Studies<br />

RSC2601 - Research in Social<br />

<strong>Sciences</strong><br />

AGE3702 - Applied Archaeology:<br />

Heritage Conservation, Cultural<br />

Resource Management <strong>and</strong><br />

Archaeotourism (Archaeology)<br />

INS1502 - Developing<br />

Information Skills for Lifelong<br />

Learning<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

COM306D - Communication<br />

Research (Communication<br />

Science 306)<br />

Pre: RSC201-H/ RSC2601<br />

OR.<br />

AGE2601 - Archaeological<br />

Fieldwork Techniques <strong>and</strong><br />

Analytical Methods<br />

DVA3702 - Rural <strong>and</strong> Urban<br />

Development<br />

SOC1501 - Introduction to<br />

Sociology: Societal Structures<br />

<strong>and</strong> Processes (Sociology 101)<br />

DVA2601 - Projects <strong>and</strong><br />

Programmes as Instruments <strong>of</strong><br />

Development<br />

DVA3703 - Development Policy<br />

<strong>and</strong> Strategies (Development<br />

Studies 301)<br />

SOC1502 - Societal Structures<br />

<strong>and</strong> Processes in the South<br />

African Context (Sociology 102)<br />

GGH206Y - Geography <strong>of</strong><br />

Tourism (Geography 206)<br />

INS3707 - Information<br />

Organisation <strong>and</strong> Retrieval<br />

OR.<br />

INS2701 - Information <strong>and</strong><br />

Communication Technology for<br />

Information Science<br />

PYC3701 - Social Psychology<br />

(Psychology)<br />

ECS1501 - Economics 1A<br />

SOC2603 - Sociology <strong>of</strong><br />

Population (Sociology 204)<br />

Pre: SOC1501 & SOC1502<br />

SOC306B - Group Dynamics<br />

(Sociology 306)<br />

Pre: SOC1501 & SOC1502<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

SOC2604 - Sociology <strong>of</strong><br />

Families <strong>and</strong> Social Problems<br />

(Sociology 206)<br />

Pre: SOC1501 & SOC1502<br />

OR.<br />

PYC1501 - Basic Psychology<br />

PYC1502 - Psychology in<br />

Society (Psychology)<br />

Rules<br />

Students registered for this curriculum must complete their degree by 2015.<br />

When re-registering, students are recommended to switch to curriculum 98055, which is structured identically.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 6<br />

Management<br />

Qualification code 02038 - ENV Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) OR Matric Exemption<br />

Repeaters only Until 2014<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

APY1601 - Culture<br />

as Human Resource<br />

in the African Context<br />

(Anthropology)<br />

COM1501 - Fundamentals<br />

<strong>of</strong> Communication<br />

(Communication Science)<br />

ENN1504 - Practising<br />

Workplace English<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

GGH1502 - World Issues: A<br />

Geographical Perspective<br />

GGH1503 - Our Living Earth<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following groups <strong>of</strong> 2 modules.<br />

APY1501 - the<br />

Anthropological Study <strong>of</strong><br />

Culture in A Multicultural<br />

Context (Anthropology)<br />

PYC1502 - Psychology in<br />

Society (Psychology)<br />

OR.<br />

DVA1501 - Introduction to<br />

Development Studies<br />

DVA1601 - Development<br />

Problems <strong>and</strong> Institutions<br />

OR.<br />

SOC1501 - Introduction<br />

to Sociology: Societal<br />

Structures <strong>and</strong> Processes<br />

(Sociology 101)<br />

SOC1502 - Societal<br />

Structures <strong>and</strong> Processes<br />

in the South African Context<br />

(Sociology 102)<br />

Co:DVA101Q/ DVA1501<br />

ECS2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Economics<br />

ENE2601 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education: Concepts <strong>and</strong><br />

Principles (<strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education)<br />

GGH2601 - the African<br />

Challenge: People <strong>and</strong><br />

Environment<br />

GGH2602 - the Geography<br />

<strong>of</strong> Services Provision<br />

GGH2603 - the<br />

Interpretation <strong>of</strong> Maps,<br />

Aerial Photographs <strong>and</strong><br />

Satellite Images<br />

GGH2604 - People <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Natural Environment: Use<br />

<strong>and</strong> Impact (Geography)<br />

GGH2605 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Politics (Geography)<br />

LEG2601 - Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

RSC2601 - Research in<br />

Social <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

AGE2601 - Archaeological<br />

Fieldwork Techniques <strong>and</strong><br />

Analytical Methods<br />

COM2603 - Intercultural,<br />

Development <strong>and</strong><br />

Health Communication<br />

(Communication Science)<br />

DVA3701 - Development<br />

Theories<br />

DVA3702 - Rural <strong>and</strong> Urban<br />

Development<br />

GGH206Y - Geography <strong>of</strong><br />

Tourism (Geography 206)<br />

IOP205U - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Psychology<br />

PUB2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Affairs<br />

AGE3702 - Applied<br />

Archaeology: Heritage<br />

Conservation, Cultural<br />

Resource Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Archaeotourism<br />

(Archaeology)<br />

DVA2601 - Projects <strong>and</strong><br />

Programmes as Instruments<br />

<strong>of</strong> Development<br />

GGH301W - State <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Environment in Southern<br />

Africa<br />

GGH302X - Spatial<br />

Economic Development<br />

(Geography 302)<br />

GGH303Y - Introduction to<br />

Geographical Information<br />

Systems (Geography 303)<br />

GGH3043 - Development <strong>of</strong><br />

Urban Space (Geography<br />

304)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

PLS3701 - Theoretical <strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Ethics<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

APY3701 - Qualitative<br />

Research Methodology: the<br />

Anthropological Strategy<br />

(Anthropology)<br />

APY3704 - Themes in<br />

Anthropology: Tourism <strong>and</strong><br />

Pilgrimage (Anthropology)<br />

DVA2602 - Community<br />

Development <strong>and</strong> the Basic<br />

Needs Approach<br />

DVA3705 - Empowerment<br />

<strong>and</strong> Popular Initiatives<br />

PYC3705 - Transformative<br />

Counselling Encounters<br />

(Psychology)<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

OR.<br />

RST2705 - Divinity <strong>and</strong><br />

Nature in Religious History<br />

ECS1501 - Economics 1A<br />

SOC2603 - Sociology <strong>of</strong><br />

Population (Sociology 204)<br />

ECS1601 - Economics 1B Co: ECS101 or ECS1501 SOC2604 - Sociology<br />

<strong>of</strong> Families <strong>and</strong> Social<br />

Problems (Sociology 206)<br />

OR.<br />

AGE1501 - Introduction to<br />

Archaeology<br />

AGE1601 - the Prehistory <strong>of</strong><br />

South Africa (Archaeology)<br />

Pre: SOC1501 & SOC1502<br />

Pre: SOC1501 & SOC1502<br />

Rules<br />

Students registered for this curriculum must complete their degree by 2014. in terms <strong>of</strong> modules phasing out during this period, departmental transitional arrangements<br />

would apply.<br />

When re-registering, students are recommended to switch to curriculum 98055, which is structured identically.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts in <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management<br />

Qualification code 98055 Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) OR Matric Exemption<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CMH1503 - Health <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Environment<br />

COM1501 - Fundamentals<br />

<strong>of</strong> Communication<br />

(Communication Science)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your World:<br />

Introduction to Geography<br />

GGH1502 - World Issues: A<br />

Geographical Perspective<br />

GGH1503 - Our Living Earth<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following groups <strong>of</strong> 2 modules: Group B<br />

AGE1501 - Introduction to<br />

Archaeology<br />

APY1501 - the<br />

Anthropological Study <strong>of</strong><br />

Culture in A Multicultural<br />

Context (Anthropology)<br />

OR. Group C<br />

DVA1501 - Introduction to<br />

Development Studies<br />

INS1502 - Developing<br />

Information Skills for Lifelong<br />

Learning<br />

OR. Group D<br />

SOC1501 - Introduction to<br />

Sociology: Societal Structures<br />

<strong>and</strong> Processes (Sociology<br />

101)<br />

SOC1502 - Societal<br />

Structures <strong>and</strong> Processes<br />

in the South African Context<br />

(Sociology 102)<br />

OR. Group E<br />

ECS1501 - Economics 1A<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

OR. Group F<br />

PYC1501 - Basic Psychology<br />

PYC1502 - Psychology in<br />

Society (Psychology)<br />

ECS2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Economics<br />

ENE2601 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education: Concepts <strong>and</strong><br />

Principles (<strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education)<br />

GGH2601 - the African<br />

Challenge: People <strong>and</strong><br />

Environment<br />

GGH2602 - the Geography <strong>of</strong><br />

Services Provision<br />

GGH2603 - the Interpretation<br />

<strong>of</strong> Maps, Aerial Photographs<br />

<strong>and</strong> Satellite Images<br />

GGH2604 - People <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Natural Environment: Use <strong>and</strong><br />

Impact (Geography)<br />

GGH2605 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Politics (Geography)<br />

LEG2601 - Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

PLS3701 - Theoretical <strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Ethics<br />

PUB2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Affairs<br />

RSC2601 - Research in<br />

Social <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

Group B. Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

AGE2601 - Archaeological<br />

Fieldwork Techniques <strong>and</strong><br />

Analytical Methods<br />

DVA2601 - Projects <strong>and</strong><br />

Programmes as Instruments<br />

<strong>of</strong> Development<br />

GGH206Y - Geography <strong>of</strong><br />

Tourism (Geography 206)<br />

INS2701 - Information <strong>and</strong><br />

Communication Technology<br />

for Information Science<br />

SOC2603 - Sociology <strong>of</strong><br />

Population (Sociology 204)<br />

SOC2604 - Sociology <strong>of</strong><br />

Families <strong>and</strong> Social Problems<br />

(Sociology 206)<br />

SOC2604 - Sociology <strong>of</strong><br />

Families <strong>and</strong> Social Problems<br />

(Sociology 206)<br />

GGH301W - State <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Environment in Southern<br />

Africa<br />

GGH302X - Spatial Economic<br />

Development (Geography<br />

302)<br />

GGH303Y - Introduction to<br />

Geographical Information<br />

Systems (Geography 303)<br />

GGH3043 - Development <strong>of</strong><br />

Urban Space (Geography<br />

304)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong> Responsibility<br />

INS3059 - Information <strong>and</strong><br />

Knowledge Management<br />

(Information Science 305)<br />

PUB301E - Public<br />

Management Skills<br />

Group B. Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

AGE3702 - Applied<br />

Archaeology: Heritage<br />

Conservation, Cultural<br />

Resource Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Archaeotourism<br />

(Archaeology)<br />

COM306D - Communication<br />

Research (Communication<br />

Science 306)<br />

DVA3702 - Rural <strong>and</strong> Urban<br />

Development<br />

DVA3703 - Development<br />

Policy <strong>and</strong> Strategies<br />

(Development Studies 301)<br />

INS3707 - Information<br />

Organisation <strong>and</strong> Retrieval<br />

PYC3701 - Social Psychology<br />

(Psychology)<br />

SOC306B - Group Dynamics<br />

(Sociology 306)<br />

SOC306B - Group Dynamics<br />

(Sociology 306)<br />

Pre: RSC2601<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in<br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Botany<br />

Qualification code 02089 - BAB Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC with Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English passed at level 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501& CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB101 or MNB1501<br />

BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced<br />

Metabolism<br />

BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BCH2602<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Co: BOT1501 BOT3701 - Plant Physiology Pre: BOT2603<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT2603<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

BOT3704 - Botany III<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT3701, BOT3702,<br />

BOT3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Rules<br />

Students must clearly indicate the option <strong>of</strong> their choice <strong>of</strong> major subject when registering. Students must also take note that their final degree certificate will only<br />

indicate that they hold a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, <strong>and</strong> not their particular choice <strong>of</strong> major. This will only be reflected on the academic record.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in<br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Microbiology<br />

Qualification code 02089 - BAM Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC with Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English passed at level 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English.<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BLG1501 - Basic Biology<br />

BLG1502 - Animal <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Diversity<br />

BLG1603 - Biology Practical Co: BLG1501 & BLG1502 BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB101 or MNB1501<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced Co: BCH2602<br />

Metabolism<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

MIB2601 - Introductory<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB2602 - Microbial Ecology<br />

MIB2603 - Introductory<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Epidemiology<br />

MIB2604 - Microbiology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> MIB2601,<br />

MIB2602, MIB2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MIB3701 - Microbial<br />

Physiology<br />

MIB3702 - Advanced<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Recombinant Dna<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Industrial<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB3703 - Microbial<br />

Diversity<br />

MIB3704 - Microbiology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Pre: MIB2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: MIB3701,<br />

MIB3702, MIB3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Rules<br />

Students must clearly indicate the option <strong>of</strong> their choice <strong>of</strong> major subject when registering. Students must also take note that their final degree certificate will only<br />

indicate that they hold a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, <strong>and</strong> not their particular choice <strong>of</strong> major. This will only be reflected on the academic record.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

(Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Microbiology Major)<br />

Qualification code 98053 - BAM Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

BLG1501 - Basic Biology<br />

BLG1502 - Animal <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Diversity<br />

BLG1603 - Biology Practical Co: BLG1501 & BLG1502 BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Pre: CHE1501; Co:<br />

CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB1501<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501& CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced Co: BCH2602<br />

Metabolism<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

MIB2601 - Introductory<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB2602 - Microbial Ecology<br />

MIB2603 - Introductory<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Epidemiology<br />

MIB2604 - Microbiology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

MIB2601, MIB2602,<br />

MIB2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MIB3701 - Microbial<br />

Physiology<br />

MIB3702 - Advanced<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Recombinant Dna<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Industrial<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB3703 - Microbial<br />

Diversity<br />

MIB3704 - Microbiology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

MIB3701, MIB3702,<br />

MIB3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in<br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Physiology<br />

Qualification code 02089 - BAP Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC with Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English passed at level 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English.<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BLG1501 - Basic Biology<br />

BLG1502 - Animal <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Diversity<br />

BLG1603 - Biology Practical Co: BLG1501 & BLG1502 BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Pre: CHE1501; Co:<br />

CHE1502<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced Co: BCH2602<br />

Metabolism<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

FIS2601 - Digestion,<br />

Endocrine Control <strong>and</strong><br />

Metabolism<br />

FIS2602 - Respiration <strong>and</strong><br />

Excretion<br />

FIS2603 - Physiological<br />

Defence Mechanisms<br />

Co: MNB101 or MNB1501 FIS2604 - Physiology 2<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

FIS2601, FIS2602, FIS2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

FIS3701 - Physiology <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Nervous System<br />

FIS3702 - Cardiovascular<br />

System<br />

FIS3703 - Membrane <strong>and</strong><br />

Effector Physiology<br />

FIS3704 - Physiology<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Pre: FIS2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: FIS3701,<br />

FIS3702, FIS3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Rules<br />

Students must clearly indicate the option <strong>of</strong> their choice <strong>of</strong> major subject when registering. Students must also take note that their final degree certificate will only<br />

indicate that they hold a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, <strong>and</strong> not their particular choice <strong>of</strong> major. This will only be reflected on the academic record.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in<br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Zoology<br />

Qualification code 02089 - BAZ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC with Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English passed at level 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English.<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

Co: CHE1501 BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced<br />

Metabolism<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB101 or MNB1501<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Co: BCH2602<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

& ZOL1603; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602 & ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: ZOL2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL3701,<br />

ZOL3702, ZOL3703<br />

Rules<br />

Students must clearly indicate the option <strong>of</strong> their choice <strong>of</strong> major subject when registering. Students must also take note that their final degree certificate will only<br />

indicate that they hold a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, <strong>and</strong> not their particular choice <strong>of</strong> major. This will only be reflected on the academic record.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in<br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Biochemistry (or Physiology or<br />

Microbiology) With Business Management<br />

Qualification code 02089 - BBM Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC with Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English passed at level 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English.<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Pre: CHE1501<br />

Pre: CHE1501; Co:<br />

CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB101D or MNB1501<br />

BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced<br />

Metabolism<br />

BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

MNG2016 - General<br />

Management<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BCH2602<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Co: BOT1501 BOT3701 - Plant Physiology Co: BOT2603<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

Co: BOT1501 MNE3701 -<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

Pre: MNB101 or MNB1501,<br />

MNB102 or MNB1601<br />

MNE3702 - Corporate<br />

Entrepreneurship<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

MNG301A - Strategic<br />

Planning 3a<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Pre: MNB1501, MNB1602 &<br />

MNG2016<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Pre: MNG2016<br />

Rules<br />

Students must clearly indicate the option <strong>of</strong> their choice <strong>of</strong> major subject when registering. Students must also take note that their final degree certificate will only<br />

indicate that they hold a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, <strong>and</strong> not their particular choice <strong>of</strong> major. This will only be reflected on the academic record.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

(Biochemistry (or Physiology or<br />

Microbiology) With Business Management<br />

Major)<br />

Qualification code 98053 - BBM Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Pre: CHE1501;<br />

Co:CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB1501<br />

BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced<br />

Metabolism<br />

BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

MNG2016 - General<br />

Management<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BCH2602<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Co: BOT1501 BOT3701 - Plant Physiology Co: BOT2603<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

Co: BOT1501 MNE3701 -<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

MNE3702 - Corporate<br />

Entrepreneurship<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

MNG301A - Strategic<br />

Planning 3a<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Pre: MNG2016<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Botany <strong>and</strong> NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Microbiology<br />

Qualification code 02089 - BNM Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC with Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English passed at level 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English.<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

Co: BOT1501 BOT3701 - Plant Physiology Co: BOT2603<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501& CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB101 or MNB1501<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

MIB2601 - Introductory<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB2602 - Microbial Ecology<br />

MIB2603 - Introductory<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Epidemiology<br />

MIB2604 - Microbiology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT2603<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> MIB2601,<br />

MIB2602, MIB2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

BOT3704 - Botany III<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MIB3701 - Microbial<br />

Physiology<br />

MIB3702 - Advanced<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Recombinant Dna<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Industrial<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB3703 - Microbial<br />

Diversity<br />

MIB3704 - Microbiology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT3701, BOT3702,<br />

BOT3703<br />

Pre: MIB2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: MIB3701,<br />

MIB3702, MIB3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Rules<br />

Students must clearly indicate the option <strong>of</strong> their choice <strong>of</strong> major. subject when registering. Students must also take note that their final degree certificate will only<br />

indicate that they hold a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, <strong>and</strong> not their particular choice <strong>of</strong> major. This will only be reflected on the academic record.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Botany <strong>and</strong> NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Zoology (With Geography)<br />

Qualification code 02089 - BZG Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC with Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English passed at level 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English.<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

Co: BOT1501 BOT3701 - Plant Physiology Pre: BOT2603<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501& CHE1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH2603 - the<br />

Interpretation <strong>of</strong> Maps,<br />

Aerial Photographs <strong>and</strong><br />

Satellite Images<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

BOT3704 - Botany III<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT3701, BOT3702,<br />

BOT3703<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

& ZOL1603; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602 & ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: ZOL2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL3701,<br />

ZOL3702, ZOL3703<br />

Rules<br />

Students must clearly indicate the option <strong>of</strong> their choice <strong>of</strong> major subject when registering. Students must also take note that their final degree certificate will only<br />

indicate that they hold a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, <strong>and</strong> not their particular choice <strong>of</strong> major. This will only be reflected on the academic record.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management: Botany Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - EBO Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502 GGH301W - State <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Environment in Southern<br />

Africa<br />

BOT1502 - Plant Biodiversity<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

GGH1502 - World Issues: A<br />

Geographical Perspective<br />

GGH1503 - Our Living Earth<br />

Rules<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

ECS2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Economics<br />

GGH2601 - the African<br />

Challenge: People <strong>and</strong><br />

Environment<br />

GGH2603 - the Interpretation<br />

<strong>of</strong> Maps, Aerial Photographs<br />

<strong>and</strong> Satellite Images<br />

GGH2604 - People <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Natural Environment: Use<br />

<strong>and</strong> Impact (Geography)<br />

GGH2605 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Politics (Geography)<br />

LEG2601 - Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

PLS3701 - Theoretical <strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Ethics<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or CHE1502)<br />

& BOT1603; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: BOT2601,<br />

BOT2602, BOT2603<br />

Students registered for this curriculum must complete their degree by 2015.<br />

When re-registering, students are recommended to switch to curriculum 98052 - EBO, which is structured identically.<br />

GGH302X - Spatial Economic<br />

Development (Geography<br />

302)<br />

GGH303Y - Introduction to<br />

Geographical Information<br />

Systems (Geography 303)<br />

GGH3043 - Development <strong>of</strong><br />

Urban Space (Geography<br />

304)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

PUB301E - Public<br />

Management Skills<br />

Choose 2 from the following. 1 must be a BOT module<br />

AGE3702 - Applied<br />

Archaeology: Heritage<br />

Conservation, Cultural<br />

Resource Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Archaeotourism<br />

(Archaeology)<br />

BOT3701 - Plant Physiology<br />

BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

DVA3703 - Development<br />

Policy <strong>and</strong> Strategies<br />

(Development Studies 301)<br />

INS3059 - Information <strong>and</strong><br />

Knowledge Management<br />

(Information Science 305)<br />

INS3707 - Information<br />

Organisation <strong>and</strong> Retrieval<br />

PLC3703 - Political<br />

Development <strong>and</strong> Political<br />

Economy (Politics 303)<br />

PYC3701 - Social Psychology<br />

(Psychology)<br />

SOC306B - Group Dynamics<br />

(Sociology 306)<br />

Co: BOT2603<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management: Botany Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - ENB Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

DVA2601 - Projects <strong>and</strong><br />

Programmes as Instruments<br />

<strong>of</strong> Development<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

GEL1503 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Geology<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

GGH1502 - World Issues: A<br />

Geographical Perspective<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

GGH301W - State <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Environment in Southern<br />

Africa<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502 BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology GGH302X - Spatial<br />

Economic Development<br />

(Geography 302)<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


a rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE111/<br />

CHE112<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

ECS2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Economics<br />

ENB2243 - Botany<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH2601 - the African<br />

Challenge: People <strong>and</strong><br />

Environment<br />

GGH2603 - the<br />

Interpretation <strong>of</strong> Maps,<br />

Aerial Photographs <strong>and</strong><br />

Satellite Images<br />

GGH2604 - People <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Natural Environment: Use<br />

<strong>and</strong> Impact (Geography)<br />

GGH2605 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Politics (Geography)<br />

LEG2601 - Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

Pre: BOT1603 & CHE1501<br />

& CHE1502; Co: Any TWO<br />

<strong>of</strong> BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT3702, BOT 3703<br />

GGH303Y - Introduction to<br />

Geographical Information<br />

Systems (Geography 303)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

PLS3701 - Theoretical <strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Ethics<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

AGE3702 - Applied<br />

Archaeology: Heritage<br />

Conservation, Cultural<br />

Resource Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Archaeotourism<br />

(Archaeology)<br />

GGH3043 - Development <strong>of</strong><br />

Urban Space (Geography<br />

304)<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

PYC3705 - Transformative<br />

Counselling Encounters<br />

(Psychology)<br />

APY1501 - the<br />

Anthropological Study <strong>of</strong><br />

Culture in A Multicultural<br />

Context (Anthropology)<br />

APY1601 - Culture<br />

as Human Resource<br />

in the African Context<br />

(Anthropology)<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

COM1501 - Fundamentals<br />

<strong>of</strong> Communication<br />

(Communication Science)<br />

DSC1510 - Introduction to<br />

the Business World<br />

Co: CHE1501& CHE1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 4 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

AGE2601 - Archaeological<br />

Fieldwork Techniques <strong>and</strong><br />

Analytical Methods<br />

ENE2601 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education: Concepts <strong>and</strong><br />

Principles (<strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education)<br />

GGH206Y - Geography <strong>of</strong><br />

Tourism (Geography 206)<br />

IOP205U - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Psychology<br />

PUB2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Affairs<br />


First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

DVA1501 - Introduction to<br />

Development Studies<br />

PYC1502 - Psychology in<br />

Society (Psychology)<br />

SOC1501 - Introduction<br />

to Sociology: Societal<br />

Structures <strong>and</strong> Processes<br />

(Sociology 101)<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2014 to complete the qualification.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in <strong>Environmental</strong> NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management (Botany Major)<br />

Qualification code 98052 - EBO Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502 GGH301W - State <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Environment in Southern<br />

Africa<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

GGH1502 - World Issues: A<br />

Geographical Perspective<br />

GGH1503 - Our Living Earth<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Pre: CHE1501; Co:<br />

CHE1502<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

ECS2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Economics<br />

GGH2601 - the African<br />

Challenge: People <strong>and</strong><br />

Environment<br />

GGH2603 - the<br />

Interpretation <strong>of</strong> Maps,<br />

Aerial Photographs <strong>and</strong><br />

Satellite Images<br />

GGH2604 - People <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Natural Environment: Use<br />

<strong>and</strong> Impact (Geography)<br />

GGH2605 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Politics (Geography)<br />

LEG2601 - Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

PLS3701 - Theoretical <strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Ethics<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602 &<br />

BOT2603<br />

GGH302X - Spatial<br />

Economic Development<br />

(Geography 302)<br />

GGH303Y - Introduction to<br />

Geographical Information<br />

Systems (Geography 303)<br />

GGH3043 - Development <strong>of</strong><br />

Urban Space (Geography<br />

304)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

PUB301E - Public<br />

Management Skills<br />

Group B. Choose 1 from the following:<br />

BOT3701 - Plant Physiology<br />

BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology<br />

Co: BOT2603<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

Group C. Choose 1 from the following:<br />

AGE3702 - Applied<br />

Archaeology: Heritage<br />

Conservation, Cultural<br />

Resource Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Archaeotourism<br />

(Archaeology)<br />

DVA3703 - Development<br />

Policy <strong>and</strong> Strategies<br />

(Development Studies 301)<br />

INS3059 - Information <strong>and</strong><br />

Knowledge Management<br />

(Information Science 305)<br />

INS3707 - Information<br />

Organisation <strong>and</strong> Retrieval<br />

PLC3703 - Political<br />

Development <strong>and</strong> Political<br />

Economy (Politics 303)<br />

PYC3701 - Social<br />

Psychology (Psychology)<br />

SOC306B - Group<br />

Dynamics (Sociology 306)<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management: Chemistry Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - ECH Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE2611 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

GEL1503 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Geology<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

GGH1502 - World Issues: A<br />

Geographical Perspective<br />

MAT1511 - Precalculus<br />

Mathematics B<br />

MAT1512 - Calculus A<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

AGE1501 - Introduction to<br />

Archaeology<br />

APY1501 - the<br />

Anthropological Study <strong>of</strong><br />

Culture in A Multicultural<br />

Context (Anthropology)<br />

COM1501 - Fundamentals<br />

<strong>of</strong> Communication<br />

(Communication Science)<br />

DSC1510 - Introduction to<br />

the Business World<br />

PYC1502 - Psychology in<br />

Society (Psychology)<br />

SOC1501 - Introduction<br />

to Sociology: Societal<br />

Structures <strong>and</strong> Processes<br />

(Sociology 101)<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 4 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

CHE2612 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2614 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2621 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2622 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2624 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

ECS2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Economics<br />

GGH2601 - the African<br />

Challenge: People <strong>and</strong><br />

Environment<br />

GGH2603 - the<br />

Interpretation <strong>of</strong> Maps,<br />

Aerial Photographs <strong>and</strong><br />

Satellite Images<br />

GGH2604 - People <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Natural Environment: Use<br />

<strong>and</strong> Impact (Geography)<br />

GGH2605 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Politics (Geography)<br />

LEG2601 - Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

PLS3701 - Theoretical <strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Ethics<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2611<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2612<br />

Co: CHE2613<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2614<br />

GGH301W - State <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Environment in Southern<br />

Africa<br />

GGH302X - Spatial<br />

Economic Development<br />

(Geography 302)<br />

GGH303Y - Introduction to<br />

Geographical Information<br />

Systems (Geography 303)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

PUB301E - Public<br />

Management Skills<br />

SOC3049 - Industrial<br />

Sociology (Sociology 304)<br />

Choose 2 from the following.<br />

AGE3702 - Applied<br />

Archaeology: Heritage<br />

Conservation, Cultural<br />

Resource Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Archaeotourism<br />

(Archaeology)<br />

DVA3703 - Development<br />

Policy <strong>and</strong> Strategies<br />

(Development Studies 301)<br />

GGH3043 - Development <strong>of</strong><br />

Urban Space (Geography<br />

304)<br />

INS3059 - Information <strong>and</strong><br />

Knowledge Management<br />

(Information Science 305)<br />

INS3707 - Information<br />

Organisation <strong>and</strong> Retrieval<br />

PLC3703 - Political<br />

Development <strong>and</strong> Political<br />

Economy (Politics 303)<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics Choose 1 from the following. PYC3701 - Social<br />

Psychology (Psychology)<br />

ENE2601 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education: Concepts <strong>and</strong><br />

Principles (<strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education)<br />

GGH206Y - Geography <strong>of</strong><br />

Tourism (Geography 206)<br />

GGH2602 - the Geography<br />

<strong>of</strong> Services Provision<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

INS2701 - Information <strong>and</strong><br />

Communication Technology<br />

for Information Science<br />

PUB2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Affairs<br />

SOC2602 - Globalisation<br />

<strong>and</strong> Social Change in South<br />

Africa (Sociology 202)<br />

Rules<br />

Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management: Chemistry Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - ENC Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BLG1501 - Basic Biology<br />

CHE2611 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503 DVA2601 - Projects <strong>and</strong><br />

Programmes as Instruments<br />

<strong>of</strong> Development<br />

BLG1502 - Animal <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Diversity<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

GEL1503 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Geology<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

GGH1502 - World Issues: A<br />

Geographical Perspective<br />

MAT1511 - Precalculus<br />

Mathematics B<br />

MAT1512 - Calculus A<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Choose one <strong>of</strong> the following.<br />

APY1501 - the<br />

Anthropological Study <strong>of</strong><br />

Culture in A Multicultural<br />

Context (Anthropology)<br />

APY1601 - Culture<br />

as Human Resource<br />

in the African Context<br />

(Anthropology)<br />

COM1501 - Fundamentals<br />

<strong>of</strong> Communication<br />

(Communication Science)<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

CHE2612 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2621 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2622 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

ECS2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Economics<br />

GGH2601 - the African<br />

Challenge: People <strong>and</strong><br />

Environment<br />

GGH2603 - the<br />

Interpretation <strong>of</strong> Maps,<br />

Aerial Photographs <strong>and</strong><br />

Satellite Images<br />

GGH2604 - People <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Natural Environment: Use<br />

<strong>and</strong> Impact (Geography)<br />

GGH2605 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Politics (Geography)<br />

LEG2601 - Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

Choose one <strong>of</strong> the following.<br />

AGE2601 - Archaeological<br />

Fieldwork Techniques <strong>and</strong><br />

Analytical Methods<br />

CHE2614 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2624 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

ENE2601 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education: Concepts <strong>and</strong><br />

Principles (<strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education)<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2611<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512 & CHE2612<br />

Co: CHE2613<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2614<br />

GGH301W - State <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Environment in Southern<br />

Africa<br />

GGH302X - Spatial<br />

Economic Development<br />

(Geography 302)<br />

GGH303Y - Introduction to<br />

Geographical Information<br />

Systems (Geography 303)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

PLS3701 - Theoretical <strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Ethics<br />

Choose one <strong>of</strong> the following.<br />

AGE3702 - Applied<br />

Archaeology: Heritage<br />

Conservation, Cultural<br />

Resource Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Archaeotourism<br />

(Archaeology)<br />

GGH3043 - Development <strong>of</strong><br />

Urban Space (Geography<br />

304)<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

PYC3705 - Transformative<br />

Counselling Encounters<br />

(Psychology)<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

DSC1510 - Introduction to<br />

the Business World<br />

DVA1501 - Introduction to<br />

Development Studies<br />

PYC1502 - Psychology in<br />

Society (Psychology)<br />

SOC1501 - Introduction<br />

to Sociology: Societal<br />

Structures <strong>and</strong> Processes<br />

(Sociology 101)<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 4 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

GGH206Y - Geography <strong>of</strong><br />

Tourism (Geography 206)<br />

IOP205U - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Psychology<br />

PUB2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Affairs<br />

Rules<br />

Students must clearly indicate the option <strong>of</strong> their choice <strong>of</strong> major subject when registering. Students must also take note that their final degree certificate will only<br />

indicate that they hold a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, <strong>and</strong> not their particular choice <strong>of</strong> major. This will only be reflected on the academic record.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in <strong>Environmental</strong> NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management (Chemistry Major)<br />

Qualification code 98052 - ECH Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE2611 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

GGH1502 - World Issues: A<br />

Geographical Perspective<br />

GGH1503 - Our Living Earth<br />

MAT1511 - Precalculus<br />

Mathematics B<br />

MAT1512 - Calculus A<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501; Co:<br />

CHE1502<br />

CHE2612 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2614 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2621 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2622 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2624 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

ECS2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Economics<br />

GGH2601 - the African<br />

Challenge: People <strong>and</strong><br />

Environment<br />

GGH2603 - the<br />

Interpretation <strong>of</strong> Maps,<br />

Aerial Photographs <strong>and</strong><br />

Satellite Images<br />

GGH2604 - People <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Natural Environment: Use<br />

<strong>and</strong> Impact (Geography)<br />

GGH2605 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Politics (Geography)<br />

LEG2601 - Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

PLS3701 - Theoretical <strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Ethics<br />

Group B. Choose 1 from the following:<br />

ENE2601 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education: Concepts <strong>and</strong><br />

Principles (<strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education)<br />

GGH206Y - Geography <strong>of</strong><br />

Tourism (Geography 206)<br />

GGH2602 - the Geography<br />

<strong>of</strong> Services Provision<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2611<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2612<br />

Co: CHE2613<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2614<br />

GGH301W - State <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Environment in Southern<br />

Africa<br />

GGH302X - Spatial<br />

Economic Development<br />

(Geography 302)<br />

GGH303Y - Introduction to<br />

Geographical Information<br />

Systems (Geography 303)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

PUB301E - Public<br />

Management Skills<br />

SOC3049 - Industrial<br />

Sociology (Sociology 304)<br />

Group B. Choose 1 from the following:<br />

CHE3701 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 3 (Chemistry)<br />

CHE3702 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 3 (Chemistry)<br />

CHE3703 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 3<br />

Pre: CHE2611<br />

Pre: CHE2612<br />

Pre: CHE2613<br />

CHE3704 - Analytical Pre: CHE2614<br />

Chemistry 3<br />

Group C. Choose 1 from the following:<br />

AGE3702 - Applied<br />

Archaeology: Heritage<br />

Conservation, Cultural<br />

Resource Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Archaeotourism<br />

(Archaeology)<br />

DVA3703 - Development<br />

Policy <strong>and</strong> Strategies<br />

(Development Studies 301)<br />

GGH3043 - Development <strong>of</strong><br />

Urban Space (Geography<br />

304)<br />

INS3059 - Information <strong>and</strong><br />

Knowledge Management<br />

(Information Science 305)<br />

INS3707 - Information<br />

Organisation <strong>and</strong> Retrieval<br />

PLC3703 - Political<br />

Development <strong>and</strong> Political<br />

Economy (Politics 303)<br />

PYC3701 - Social<br />

Psychology (Psychology)<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management: Zoology Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - ENZ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

GEL1503 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Geology<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

GGH1502 - World Issues: A<br />

Geographical Perspective<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

APY1501 - the<br />

Anthropological Study <strong>of</strong><br />

Culture in A Multicultural<br />

Context (Anthropology)<br />

APY1601 - Culture<br />

as Human Resource<br />

in the African Context<br />

(Anthropology)<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

COM1501 - Fundamentals<br />

<strong>of</strong> Communication<br />

(Communication Science)<br />

DSC1510 - Introduction to<br />

the Business World<br />

DVA1501 - Introduction to<br />

Development Studies<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

ECS2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Economics<br />

ENZ224D - Zoology<br />

Practical (Zoology 224)<br />

GGH2601 - the African<br />

Challenge: People <strong>and</strong><br />

Environment<br />

GGH2603 - the<br />

Interpretation <strong>of</strong> Maps,<br />

Aerial Photographs <strong>and</strong><br />

Satellite Images<br />

GGH2604 - People <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Natural Environment: Use<br />

<strong>and</strong> Impact (Geography)<br />

GGH2605 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Politics (Geography)<br />

LEG2601 - Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Pre: ZOL1603, CHE1501,<br />

CHE1502; Co: any TWO<br />

<strong>of</strong> ZOL2601, ZOL2603,<br />

ZOL3701, ZOL3702<br />

DVA2601 - Projects <strong>and</strong><br />

Programmes as Instruments<br />

<strong>of</strong> Development<br />

GGH301W - State <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Environment in Southern<br />

Africa<br />

GGH302X - Spatial<br />

Economic Development<br />

(Geography 302)<br />

GGH303Y - Introduction to<br />

Geographical Information<br />

Systems (Geography 303)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

PLS3701 - Theoretical <strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Ethics<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 AGE3702 - Applied<br />

Archaeology: Heritage<br />

Conservation, Cultural<br />

Resource Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Archaeotourism<br />

(Archaeology)<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 GGH3043 - Development <strong>of</strong><br />

Urban Space (Geography<br />

304)<br />

Co: ZOL2601 & ZOL2603 GGH3076 - Ecotourism Pre: GGH1501 & GGH1502<br />

OR any 4 first level modules<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL122R ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: ZOL2601 & ZOL2603 PYC3705 - Transformative<br />

Counselling Encounters<br />

(Psychology)<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

AGE2601 - Archaeological<br />

Fieldwork Techniques <strong>and</strong><br />

Analytical Methods<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 4 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

ENE2601 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education: Concepts <strong>and</strong><br />

Principles (<strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Education)<br />

GGH206Y - Geography <strong>of</strong><br />

Tourism (Geography 206)<br />

IOP205U - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Psychology<br />

PUB2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Affairs<br />


First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

PYC1502 - Psychology in<br />

Society (Psychology)<br />

SOC1501 - Introduction<br />

to Sociology: Societal<br />

Structures <strong>and</strong> Processes<br />

(Sociology 101)<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2014 to complete the qualification.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management: Zoology Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - EZO Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

CHE1501 - General Chemistry<br />

1A<br />

CHE1502 - General Chemistry<br />

1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your World:<br />

Introduction to Geography<br />

GGH1502 - World Issues: A<br />

Geographical Perspective<br />

GGH1503 - Our Living Earth<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity 1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal<br />

Diversity 2<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a rating<br />

<strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 & PHYSICAL<br />

SCIENCE with a rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or<br />

CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

ECS2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Economics<br />

GGH2601 - the African<br />

Challenge: People <strong>and</strong><br />

Environment<br />

GGH2603 - the Interpretation<br />

<strong>of</strong> Maps, Aerial Photographs<br />

<strong>and</strong> Satellite Images<br />

GGH2604 - People <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Natural Environment: Use <strong>and</strong><br />

Impact (Geography)<br />

GGH2605 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Politics (Geography)<br />

LEG2601 - Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

PLS3701 - Theoretical <strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Ethics<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics <strong>and</strong><br />

Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or CHE1502)<br />

& ZOL1603; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602 & ZOL2603<br />

GGH301W - State <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Environment in Southern<br />

Africa<br />

GGH302X - Spatial Economic<br />

Development (Geography<br />

302)<br />

GGH303Y - Introduction to<br />

Geographical Information<br />

Systems (Geography 303)<br />

GGH3043 - Development <strong>of</strong><br />

Urban Space (Geography<br />

304)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong> Responsibility<br />

PUB301E - Public<br />

Management Skills<br />

Choose 2 from the following. 1 must be a ZOL module<br />

AGE3702 - Applied<br />

Archaeology: Heritage<br />

Conservation, Cultural<br />

Resource Management <strong>and</strong><br />

Archaeotourism (Archaeology)<br />

DVA3703 - Development<br />

Policy <strong>and</strong> Strategies<br />

(Development Studies 301)<br />

INS3059 - Information <strong>and</strong><br />

Knowledge Management<br />

(Information Science 305)<br />

INS3707 - Information<br />

Organisation <strong>and</strong> Retrieval<br />

PLC3703 - Political<br />

Development <strong>and</strong> Political<br />

Economy (Politics 303)<br />

PYC3701 - Social Psychology<br />

(Psychology)<br />

SOC306B - Group Dynamics<br />

(Sociology 306)<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

ZOL3702 - Ecology<br />

ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Rules<br />

Students must clearly indicate the option <strong>of</strong> their choice <strong>of</strong> major subject when registering. Students must also take note that their final degree certificate will only<br />

indicate that they hold a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, <strong>and</strong> not their particular choice <strong>of</strong> major. This will only be reflected on the academic record.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in <strong>Environmental</strong> NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management (Zoology Major)<br />

Qualification code 98052 - EZO Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

GGH1502 - World Issues: A<br />

Geographical Perspective<br />

GGH1503 - Our Living Earth<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511<br />

& Physical Science with<br />

a rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE111/<br />

CHE112 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Pre: CHE1501; Co:<br />

CHE1502<br />

ECS2606 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Economics<br />

GGH2601 - the African<br />

Challenge: People <strong>and</strong><br />

Environment<br />

GGH2603 - the<br />

Interpretation <strong>of</strong> Maps,<br />

Aerial Photographs <strong>and</strong><br />

Satellite Images<br />

GGH2604 - People <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Natural Environment: Use<br />

<strong>and</strong> Impact (Geography)<br />

GGH2605 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Politics (Geography)<br />

LEG2601 - Legal Aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

PLS3701 - Theoretical <strong>and</strong><br />

Applied Ethics<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: ZOL1501 & ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 & ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 & ZOL1502<br />

GGH301W - State <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Environment in Southern<br />

Africa<br />

GGH302X - Spatial<br />

Economic Development<br />

(Geography 302)<br />

GGH303Y - Introduction to<br />

Geographical Information<br />

Systems (Geography 303)<br />

GGH3043 - Development <strong>of</strong><br />

Urban Space (Geography<br />

304)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

PUB301E - Public<br />

Management Skills<br />

Group B. Choose 1 from the following:<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

: ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 & ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

: ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

CHE1502) & ZOL1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602 &<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Group C. Choose 1 from the following:<br />

AGE3702 - Applied<br />

Archaeology: Heritage<br />

Conservation, Cultural<br />

Resource Management<br />

<strong>and</strong> Archaeotourism<br />

(Archaeology)<br />

DVA3703 - Development<br />

Policy <strong>and</strong> Strategies<br />

(Development Studies 301)<br />

INS3059 - Information <strong>and</strong><br />

Knowledge Management<br />

(Information Science 305)<br />

INS3707 - Information<br />

Organisation <strong>and</strong> Retrieval<br />

PYC3701 - Social<br />

Psychology (Psychology)<br />

SOC306B - Group<br />

Dynamics (Sociology 306)<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in<br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Genetics <strong>and</strong> Zoology (or Botany,<br />

Microbiology, Physiology or Biochemistry)<br />

Qualification code 02089 - GZB Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB101 or MNB1501<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

GNE2601 - General<br />

Genetics A<br />

GNE2602 - General<br />

Genetics B<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: GNE2601<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

GNE3701 - Advanced<br />

Molecular Genetics (Offered<br />

from 2013)<br />

GNE3702 - Advanced<br />

Genetics (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

GNE2603 - Cyto Genetics Co: GNE2601 & GNE2602 GNE3703 - Population<br />

Genetics (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

GNE2604 - Genetics<br />

(Practical) (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: GNE2601 & GNE2602<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

GNE3704 - Genetics<br />

(Practical) (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Co: GNE2601 & GNE2602<br />

Co: GNE2601 & GNE2602<br />

Co: GNE2601 & GNE2602<br />

Co: GNE3701 & GNE3702<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & ZOL1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602 &<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: ZOL2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL3701,<br />

ZOL3702, ZOL3703<br />

Rules<br />

Students must clearly indicate the option <strong>of</strong> their choice <strong>of</strong> major subject when registering. Students must also take note that their final degree certificate will only<br />

indicate that they hold a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, <strong>and</strong> not their particular choice <strong>of</strong> major. This will only be reflected on the academic record.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

(Genetics <strong>and</strong> Zoology or Botany/<br />

Microbiology/Biochemistry/Physiology<br />

Major)<br />

Qualification code 98053 - GZB Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Pre: CHE1501; Co:<br />

CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB1501<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

GNE2601 - General<br />

Genetics A<br />

GNE2602 - General<br />

Genetics B<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: GNE2601<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

GNE3701 - Advanced<br />

Molecular Genetics (Offered<br />

from 2013)<br />

GNE3702 - Advanced<br />

Genetics (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

GNE2603 - Cyto Genetics Co: GNE2601 & GNE2602 GNE3703 - Population<br />

Genetics (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

GNE2604 - Genetics<br />

(Practical) (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: GNE2601 & GNE2602<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

GNE3704 - Genetics<br />

(Practical) (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Co: GNE2601 & GNE2602<br />

Co: GNE2601 & GNE2602<br />

CO: GNE2601 & GNE2602<br />

Co: GNE3701 & GNE3702<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & ZOL1603;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL3701, ZOL3702,<br />

ZOL3703<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in<br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Physiology<br />

Qualification code 02089 - MAP Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB101 or MNB1501<br />

FIS2601 - Digestion,<br />

Endocrine Control <strong>and</strong><br />

Metabolism<br />

FIS2602 - Respiration <strong>and</strong><br />

Excretion<br />

FIS2603 - Physiological<br />

Defence Mechanisms<br />

FIS2604 - Physiology 2<br />

(Practical)<br />

MIB2601 - Introductory<br />

Microbiology<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

FIS2601, FIS2602, FIS2603<br />

FIS3701 - Physiology <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Nervous System<br />

FIS3702 - Cardiovascular<br />

System<br />

FIS3703 - Membrane <strong>and</strong><br />

Effector Physiology<br />

FIS3704 - Physiology<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MIB3701 - Microbial<br />

Physiology<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics MIB2602 - Microbial Ecology MIB3702 - Advanced<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Recombinant Dna<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Industrial<br />

Microbiology<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

MIB2603 - Introductory<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Epidemiology<br />

MIB2604 - Microbiology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> MIB2601,<br />

MIB2602, MIB2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

MIB3703 - Microbial<br />

Diversity<br />

MIB3704 - Microbiology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

Pre: FIS2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: FIS3701,<br />

FIS3702, FIS3703<br />

Pre: MIB2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: MIB3701,<br />

MIB3702, MIB3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Rules<br />

Students must clearly indicate the option <strong>of</strong> their choice <strong>of</strong> major subject when registering. Students must also take note that their final degree certificate will only<br />

indicate that they hold a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, <strong>and</strong> not their particular choice <strong>of</strong> major. This will only be reflected on the academic record.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in<br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Zoology<br />

Qualification code 02089 - MAZ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

MIB2601 - Introductory<br />

Microbiology<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MIB3701 - Microbial<br />

Physiology<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502 MIB2602 - Microbial Ecology MIB3702 - Advanced<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Recombinant Dna<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Industrial<br />

Microbiology<br />

Co: MNB101 or MNB1501<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

MIB2603 - Introductory<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Epidemiology<br />

MIB2604 - Microbiology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> MIB2601,<br />

MIB2602, MIB2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

MIB3703 - Microbial<br />

Diversity<br />

MIB3704 - Microbiology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Pre: MIB2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: MIB3701,<br />

MIB3702, MIB3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & ZOL1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602 &<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: ZOL2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL3701,<br />

ZOL3702, ZOL3703<br />

Rules<br />

Students must clearly indicate the option <strong>of</strong> their choice <strong>of</strong> major subject when registering. Students must also take note that their final degree certificate will only<br />

indicate that they hold a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, <strong>and</strong> not their particular choice <strong>of</strong> major. This will only be reflected on the academic record.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Botany <strong>and</strong> Chemistry Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - NBC Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MAT1503 - Linear Algebra<br />

MAT1511 - Precalculus<br />

Mathematics B<br />

MAT1512 - Calculus A<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE2611 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2612 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2614 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2621 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2622 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2624 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501 BOT3701 - Plant Physiology Co: BOT2603<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT2603<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2611<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512 & CHE2612<br />

Co: CHE2613<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2614<br />

BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

BOT3704 - Botany III<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE3701 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 3 (Chemistry)<br />

CHE3702 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 3 (Chemistry)<br />

CHE3703 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 3<br />

CHE3704 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 3<br />

CHE3705 - Chemistry 3<br />

(Practical) (Chemistry)<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT3701, BOT3702,<br />

BOT3703<br />

Pre: CHE2611<br />

Pre: CHE2612<br />

Pre: CHE2613<br />

Pre: CHE2614<br />

Pre: CHE2611, CHE2612,<br />

CHE2613 & CHE2614;<br />

Co: CHE3701, CHE3702,<br />

CHE3703 & CHE3704<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Botany <strong>and</strong> Microbiology Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - NBK Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

Co: BOT1501 BOT3701 - Plant Physiology Co: BOT2603<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE2611 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2621 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

MIB2601 - Introductory<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB2602 - Microbial Ecology<br />

MIB2603 - Introductory<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Epidemiology<br />

MIB2604 - Microbiology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT2603<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2611<br />

Co: CHE2613<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> MIB2601,<br />

MIB2602, MIB2603<br />

BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

BOT3704 - Botany III<br />

(Practical)<br />

MIB3701 - Microbial<br />

Physiology<br />

MIB3702 - Advanced<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Recombinant Dna<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Industrial<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB3703 - Microbial<br />

Diversity<br />

MIB3704 - Microbiology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT3701, BOT3702,<br />

BOT3703<br />

Pre: MIB2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: MIB3701,<br />

MIB3702, MIB3703<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Botany <strong>and</strong> Zoology Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - NBZ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

BOT3701 - Plant Physiology<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

BOT3704 - Botany III<br />

(Practical)<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT3701, BOT3702,<br />

BOT3703<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & ZOL1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602 &<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: ZOL2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL3701,<br />

ZOL3702, ZOL3703<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

(Botany <strong>and</strong> Zoology Stream Major)<br />

Qualification code 98053 - BZG Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC with Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English passed at level 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English.<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502 BOT3701 - Plant Physiology Co: BOT2603<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

GGH2603 - the<br />

Interpretation <strong>of</strong> Maps,<br />

Aerial Photographs <strong>and</strong><br />

Satellite Images<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Pre: CHE1501; Co:<br />

CHE1502<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

BOT3704 - Botany III<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3054 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Impact<br />

Assessment<br />

GGH3076 - Ecotourism<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT3701, BOT3702,<br />

BOT3703<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL3701, ZOL3702,<br />

ZOL3703<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Chemistry <strong>and</strong> Zoology Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - NCZ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

CHE2611 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503 CHE3701 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 3 (Chemistry)<br />

Pre: CHE2611<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MAT1503 - Linear Algebra<br />

MAT1511 - Precalculus<br />

Mathematics B<br />

MAT1512 - Calculus A<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

CHE2612 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2614 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2621 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2622 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2624 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2611<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512 & CHE2612<br />

CHE3702 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 3 (Chemistry)<br />

CHE3703 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 3<br />

CHE3704 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 3<br />

CHE3705 - Chemistry 3<br />

(Practical) (Chemistry)<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Pre: CHE2612<br />

Pre: CHE2613<br />

Pre: CHE2614<br />

Pre: CHE2611, CHE2612,<br />

CHE2613 & CHE2614;<br />

Co: CHE3701, CHE3702,<br />

CHE3703 & CHE3704<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: CHE2613 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2614<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & ZOL1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602 &<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: ZOL2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL3701,<br />

ZOL3702, ZOL3703<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Physiology Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - NKP Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

CHE2611 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503 FIS3701 - Physiology <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Nervous System<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2621 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

FIS2601 - Digestion,<br />

Endocrine Control <strong>and</strong><br />

Metabolism<br />

FIS2602 - Respiration <strong>and</strong><br />

Excretion<br />

FIS2603 - Physiological<br />

Defence Mechanisms<br />

FIS2604 - Physiology 2<br />

(Practical)<br />

MIB2601 - Introductory<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB2602 - Microbial Ecology<br />

MIB2603 - Introductory<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Epidemiology<br />

MIB2604 - Microbiology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2611<br />

Co: CHE2613<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

FIS2601, FIS2602, FIS2603<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> MIB2601,<br />

MIB2602, MIB2603<br />

FIS3702 - Cardiovascular<br />

System<br />

FIS3703 - Membrane <strong>and</strong><br />

Effector Physiology<br />

FIS3704 - Physiology<br />

(Practical)<br />

MIB3701 - Microbial<br />

Physiology<br />

MIB3702 - Advanced<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Recombinant Dna<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Industrial<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB3703 - Microbial<br />

Diversity<br />

MIB3704 - Microbiology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: FIS2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: FIS3701,<br />

FIS3702, FIS3703<br />

Pre: MIB2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: MIB3701,<br />

MIB3702, MIB3703<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

(Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Physiology Major)<br />

Qualification code 98053 - MAP Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502 FIS3701 - Physiology <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Nervous System<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB1501<br />

FIS2601 - Digestion,<br />

Endocrine Control <strong>and</strong><br />

Metabolism<br />

FIS2602 - Respiration <strong>and</strong><br />

Excretion<br />

FIS2603 - Physiological<br />

Defence Mechanisms<br />

FIS2604 - Physiology 2<br />

(Practical)<br />

MIB2601 - Introductory<br />

Microbiology<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

FIS2601, FIS2602, FIS2603<br />

FIS3702 - Cardiovascular<br />

System<br />

FIS3703 - Membrane <strong>and</strong><br />

Effector Physiology<br />

FIS3704 - Physiology<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MIB3701 - Microbial<br />

Physiology<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics MIB2602 - Microbial Ecology MIB3702 - Advanced<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Recombinant Dna<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Industrial<br />

Microbiology<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

MIB2603 - Introductory<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Epidemiology<br />

MIB2604 - Microbiology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> MIB2601,<br />

MIB2602, MIB2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

MIB3703 - Microbial<br />

Diversity<br />

MIB3704 - Microbiology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

Pre: FIS2604; Co: Any 2<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: FIS3701,<br />

FIS3702, FIS3703<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

MIB3701, MIB3702,<br />

MIB3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Zoology Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - NKZ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

CHE2611 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2621 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

MIB2601 - Introductory<br />

Microbiology<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2611<br />

Co: CHE2613<br />

MIB3701 - Microbial<br />

Physiology<br />

MIB3702 - Advanced<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Recombinant Dna<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Industrial<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB3703 - Microbial<br />

Diversity<br />

MIB3704 - Microbiology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Pre: MIB2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: MIB3701,<br />

MIB3702, MIB3703<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502 MIB2602 - Microbial Ecology ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

MIB2603 - Introductory<br />

ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Epidemiology<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

MIB2604 - Microbiology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> MIB2601,<br />

MIB2602, MIB2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & ZOL1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602 &<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: ZOL2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL3701,<br />

ZOL3702, ZOL3703<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

(Microbiology <strong>and</strong> Zoology Major)<br />

Qualification code 98053 - MAZ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511<br />

& Physical Science with<br />

a rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE111/<br />

CHE112 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

MIB2601 - Introductory<br />

Microbiology<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MIB3701 - Microbial<br />

Physiology<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502 MIB2602 - Microbial Ecology MIB3702 - Advanced<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Recombinant Dna<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Industrial<br />

Microbiology<br />

Co: MNB1501<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

MIB2603 - Introductory<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Epidemiology<br />

MIB2604 - Microbiology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

MIB2601, MIB2602,<br />

MIB2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

MIB3703 - Microbial<br />

Diversity<br />

MIB3704 - Microbiology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Pre: MIB2604; Co: Any 2<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: MIB3701,<br />

MIB3702, MIB3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & ZOL1603;Co:<br />

Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: ZOL2604; Co: Any 2<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL3701,<br />

ZOL3702, ZOL3703<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Botany Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - NOB Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

MAT1511 - Precalculus<br />

Mathematics B<br />

MAT1512 - Calculus A<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced<br />

Metabolism<br />

BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE2612 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2622 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BCH2602<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: BOT1501 BOT3701 - Plant Physiology Co: BOT2603<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT2603<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512 & CHE2612<br />

Co: CHE2613<br />

BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

BOT3704 - Botany III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT3701, BOT3702,<br />

BOT3703<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

(Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Botany Major)<br />

Qualification code 98053 - BAB Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Pre: CHE1501; Co:<br />

CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB1601<br />

BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced<br />

Metabolism<br />

BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BCH2602<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: BOT1501 BOT3701 - Plant Physiology Co: BOT2603<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT2603<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

BOT3704 - Botany III<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702 &<br />

BCH3703<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT3701, BOT3702,<br />

BOT3703<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Chemistry Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - NOC Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC with Mathematics & English passed at level 4 OR matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade Mathematics<br />

& English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BLG1501 - Basic Biology<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

Biochemistry<br />

BLG1502 - Animal <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Diversity<br />

BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced<br />

Metabolism<br />

Co: BCH2602<br />

BLG1603 - Biology Practical Co: BLG1501 & BLG1502 BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MAT1511 - Precalculus<br />

Mathematics B<br />

MAT1512 - Calculus A<br />

Choose 3 from the following.<br />

DSC1510 - Introduction to<br />

the Business World<br />

MAT1503 - Linear Algebra<br />

PLS2607 - Philosophy <strong>of</strong><br />

Science<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 4 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE2611 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2612 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2614 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2621 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2622 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2624 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE3701 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 3 (Chemistry)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2611<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512 & CHE2612<br />

Co: CHE2613<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2614<br />

Pre: CHE2611<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE3701 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 3 (Chemistry)<br />

CHE3702 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 3 (Chemistry)<br />

CHE3703 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 3<br />

CHE3704 - Analytical<br />

Chemistry 3<br />

CHE3705 - Chemistry 3<br />

(Practical) (Chemistry)<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Pre: CHE2611<br />

Pre: CHE2612<br />

Pre: CHE2613<br />

Pre: CHE2614<br />

Pre: CHE2611, CHE2612,<br />

CHE2613 & CHE2614;<br />

Co: CHE3701, CHE3702,<br />

CHE3703 & CHE3704<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Microbiology Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - NOK Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BLG1501 - Basic Biology<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

Biochemistry<br />

BLG1502 - Animal <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Diversity<br />

BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced<br />

Metabolism<br />

Co: BCH2602<br />

BLG1603 - Biology Practical Co: BLG1501 & BLG1502 BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MAT1511 - Precalculus<br />

Mathematics B<br />

MAT1512 - Calculus A<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE2611 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2612 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2621 - Inorganic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2622 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

MIB2601 - Introductory<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB2602 - Microbial Ecology<br />

MIB2603 - Introductory<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Epidemiology<br />

MIB2604 - Microbiology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: CHE2611<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512 & CHE2612<br />

Co: CHE2613<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> MIB2601,<br />

MIB2602, MIB2603<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

MIB3701 - Microbial<br />

Physiology<br />

MIB3702 - Advanced<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Recombinant Dna<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Industrial<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB3703 - Microbial<br />

Diversity<br />

MIB3704 - Microbiology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Pre: MIB2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: MIB3701,<br />

MIB3702, MIB3703<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

(Botany <strong>and</strong> Microbiology Stream Major)<br />

Qualification code 98053 - BNM Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BOT2601 - Plant Anatomy,<br />

Structure <strong>and</strong> Function<br />

Co: BOT1501 BOT3701 - Plant Physiology Co: BOT2603<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC Maths with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Pre: CHE1501; Co:<br />

CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB1501<br />

BOT2602 - Systematics <strong>of</strong><br />

Vascular Plants<br />

BOT2603 - Plant Physiology,<br />

Water Relations <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

BOT2604 - Botany II<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

MIB2601 - Introductory<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB2602 - Microbial Ecology<br />

MIB2603 - Introductory<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Immunology <strong>and</strong><br />

Epidemiology<br />

MIB2604 - Microbiology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

Co: BOT1502<br />

Co: BOT1501<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT2601, BOT2602,<br />

BOT2603<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> MIB2601,<br />

MIB2602 & MIB2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

BOT3702 - Aquatic Ecology<br />

BOT3703 - Terrestrial<br />

Ecology<br />

BOT3704 - Botany III<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MIB3701 - Microbial<br />

Physiology<br />

MIB3702 - Advanced<br />

Microbial Genetics,<br />

Recombinant Dna<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Industrial<br />

Microbiology<br />

MIB3703 - Microbial<br />

Diversity<br />

MIB3704 - Microbiology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BOT3701, BOT3702 &<br />

BOT3703<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

MIB3701, MIB3702 &<br />

MIB3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Physiology Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - NOP Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BLG1501 - Basic Biology<br />

BLG1502 - Animal <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Diversity<br />

BLG1603 - Biology Practical Co: BLG1501 & BLG1502 BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

MAT1511 - Precalculus<br />

Mathematics B<br />

MAT1512 - Calculus A<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced Co: BCH2602<br />

Metabolism<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE2612 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2622 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

FIS2601 - Digestion,<br />

Endocrine Control <strong>and</strong><br />

Metabolism<br />

FIS2602 - Respiration <strong>and</strong><br />

Excretion<br />

FIS2603 - Physiological<br />

Defence Mechanisms<br />

FIS2604 - Physiology 2<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512 & CHE2612<br />

Co: CHE2613<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

FIS2601, FIS2602, FIS2603<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

FIS3701 - Physiology <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Nervous System<br />

FIS3702 - Cardiovascular<br />

System<br />

FIS3703 - Membrane <strong>and</strong><br />

Effector Physiology<br />

FIS3704 - Physiology<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Pre: FIS2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: FIS3701,<br />

FIS3702, FIS3703<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

(Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Physiology Stream<br />

Major)<br />

Qualification code 98053 - BAP Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

BLG1501 - Basic Biology<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

Biochemistry<br />

BLG1502 - Animal <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Diversity<br />

BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced<br />

Metabolism<br />

Co: BCH2602<br />

BLG1603 - Biology Practical Co: BLG1501 BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Pre: CHE1501; Co:<br />

CHE1502<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

FIS2601 - Digestion,<br />

Endocrine Control <strong>and</strong><br />

Metabolism<br />

FIS2602 - Respiration <strong>and</strong><br />

Excretion<br />

FIS2603 - Physiological<br />

Defence Mechanisms<br />

Co: MNB1501 FIS2604 - Physiology 2<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

FIS2601, FIS2602, FIS2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

FIS3701 - Physiology <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Nervous System<br />

FIS3702 - Cardiovascular<br />

System<br />

FIS3703 - Membrane <strong>and</strong><br />

Effector Physiology<br />

FIS3704 - Physiology<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Pre: FIS2604; Co: Any 2<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: FIS3701,<br />

FIS3702, FIS3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Zoology Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - NOZ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

MAT1511 - Precalculus<br />

Mathematics B<br />

MAT1512 - Calculus A<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: CHE1501 BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced<br />

Metabolism<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT1510 or<br />

MAT0511 with 75%<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE2612 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2613 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Theory)<br />

CHE2622 - Physical<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

CHE2623 - Organic<br />

Chemistry 2 (Practical)<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & BOT1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503;<br />

Co: MAT1512<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Co: BCH2602<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1503 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Pre: CHE1502 & CHE1503; ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Co: MAT1512 & CHE2612<br />

Co: CHE2613<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & ZOL1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602 &<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: ZOL2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL3701,<br />

ZOL3702, ZOL3703<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

(Biochemistry <strong>and</strong> Zoology Major)<br />

Qualification code 98053 - BAZ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

BCH2601 - Introductory<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502 BCH3701 - Enzymology Co: BCH2601<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: CHE1501 BCH2602 - Bioenergetics Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502 BCH3702 - Advanced<br />

Metabolism<br />

Pre: CHE1501; Co:<br />

CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB1501<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

BCH2603 - Biopolymers <strong>of</strong><br />

Heredity<br />

BCH2604 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH2601, BCH2602,<br />

BCH2603<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

BCH3703 - Molecular<br />

Genetics<br />

BCH3704 - Biochemistry<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Co: BCH2602<br />

Co: BCH2603<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

BCH3701, BCH3702,<br />

BCH3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL3701, ZOL3702,<br />

ZOL3703<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Natural <strong>Sciences</strong>: NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Physiology <strong>and</strong> Zoology Stream<br />

Qualification code 02089 - NPZ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & English passed with a rating <strong>of</strong> 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & English or at least D(50%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics & English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BOT1501 - Plant Structure:<br />

Cytology, Morphology <strong>and</strong><br />

Anatomy<br />

BOT1502 - Plant<br />

Biodiversity <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Botany<br />

BOT1603 - Botany I<br />

(Practical)<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

CSS101H - Comprehension<br />

Skills for Science<br />

(Comprehension Skills for<br />

Science 101)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

GGH1501 - Know Your<br />

World: Introduction to<br />

Geography<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: BOT1501 or BOT1502<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

FIS2601 - Digestion,<br />

Endocrine Control <strong>and</strong><br />

Metabolism<br />

FIS2602 - Respiration <strong>and</strong><br />

Excretion<br />

FIS2603 - Physiological<br />

Defence Mechanisms<br />

FIS2604 - Physiology 2<br />

(Practical)<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

FIS2601, FIS2602, FIS2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

FIS3701 - Physiology <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Nervous System<br />

FIS3702 - Cardiovascular<br />

System<br />

FIS3703 - Membrane <strong>and</strong><br />

Effector Physiology<br />

FIS3704 - Physiology<br />

(Practical)<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Pre: FIS2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: FIS3701,<br />

FIS3702, FIS3703<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & ZOL1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602 &<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: ZOL2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL3701,<br />

ZOL3702, ZOL3703<br />

Rules<br />

the last year <strong>of</strong> new registrations for this stream was 2009. Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Physiology NQF Exit Level 7<br />

<strong>and</strong> Zoology<br />

Qualification code 02089 - PAZ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC with Mathematics & English passed at level 4 OR matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade Mathematics<br />

& English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502 FIS3701 - Physiology <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Nervous System<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB101 or MNB1501<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

FIS2601 - Digestion,<br />

Endocrine Control <strong>and</strong><br />

Metabolism<br />

FIS2602 - Respiration <strong>and</strong><br />

Excretion<br />

FIS2603 - Physiological<br />

Defence Mechanisms<br />

FIS2604 - Physiology 2<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

FIS2601, FIS2602, FIS2603<br />

&<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

FIS3702 - Cardiovascular<br />

System<br />

FIS3703 - Membrane <strong>and</strong><br />

Effector Physiology<br />

FIS3704 - Physiology<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Pre: FIS2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: FIS3701,<br />

FIS3702, FIS3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following<br />

modules: ZOL2601,<br />

ZOL2602, ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & ZOL1603; Co:<br />

Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602 &<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: ZOL2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL3701,<br />

ZOL3702, ZOL3703<br />

Rules<br />

Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

(Physiology <strong>and</strong> Zoology Major)<br />

Qualification code 98053 - PAZ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC with Mathematics & English passed at level 4 OR matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade Mathematics<br />

& English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

BOT2605 - Introduction to<br />

Medicinal Plants<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502 FIS3701 - Physiology <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Nervous System<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

ZOL1501 - Animal Diversity<br />

1<br />

ZOL1502 - Animal Diversity<br />

2<br />

ZOL1603 - Zoology I<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

Co: MNB1501<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

FIS2601 - Digestion,<br />

Endocrine Control <strong>and</strong><br />

Metabolism<br />

FIS2602 - Respiration <strong>and</strong><br />

Excretion<br />

FIS2603 - Physiological<br />

Defence Mechanisms<br />

FIS2604 - Physiology 2<br />

(Practical)<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

ZOL2601 - Comparative<br />

Animal Physiology<br />

ZOL2602 - Cytogenetics<br />

<strong>and</strong> Embryology<br />

ZOL2603 - Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Evolution<br />

ZOL2604 - Zoology II<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

FIS2601, FIS2602, FIS2603<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502<br />

FIS3702 - Cardiovascular<br />

System<br />

FIS3703 - Membrane <strong>and</strong><br />

Effector Physiology<br />

FIS3704 - Physiology<br />

(Practical)<br />

GGH3708 - <strong>Environmental</strong><br />

Awareness <strong>and</strong><br />

Responsibility<br />

MNE3703 - Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Technology<br />

ZOL3701 - Ethology <strong>and</strong><br />

Project<br />

Pre: FIS2604; Co: Any 2<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: FIS3701,<br />

FIS3702, FIS3703<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3702 - Ecology Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

Co: ZOL1501 or ZOL1502 ZOL3703 - Applied Zoology<br />

Pre: (CHE1501 or<br />

CHE1502) & ZOL1603;Co:<br />

Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

ZOL2601, ZOL2602,<br />

ZOL2603<br />

ZOL3704 - Zoology III<br />

(Practical)<br />

Pre: ZOL2604; Co: Any 2<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: ZOL3701,<br />

ZOL3702, ZOL3703<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Majoring in Psychology NQF Exit Level 7<br />

<strong>and</strong> Physiology (With Genetics)<br />

Qualification code 02089 - PPG Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC with Mathematics & English passed at level 4 OR matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade Mathematics<br />

& English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

BLG1501 - Basic Biology<br />

FIS2601 - Digestion,<br />

Endocrine Control <strong>and</strong><br />

Metabolism<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 FIS3701 - Physiology <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Nervous System<br />

BLG1502 - Animal <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Diversity<br />

FIS2602 - Respiration <strong>and</strong><br />

Excretion<br />

BLG1603 - Biology Practical Co: BLG1501 & BLG1502 FIS2603 - Physiological<br />

Defence Mechanisms<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

PYC1501 - Basic<br />

Psychology<br />

PYC1502 - Psychology in<br />

Society (Psychology)<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />


rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

FIS2604 - Physiology 2<br />

(Practical)<br />

GNE2601 - General<br />

Genetics A<br />

GNE2602 - General<br />

Genetics B<br />

MGG202X - Marriage<br />

Guidance <strong>and</strong> Counselling:<br />

Sexual Trauma<br />

PYC2601 - Personality<br />

Theories (Psychology)<br />

PYC2602 - Child <strong>and</strong><br />

Adolescent Development<br />

(Psychology)<br />

RSC2601 - Research in<br />

Social <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any two <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

FIS2601, FIS2602, FIS2603<br />

Co: GNE2601<br />

Pre: Any FOUR first level<br />

modules<br />

Pre:PYC101Y/PYC1501<br />

Pre:PYC101Y/PYC1501<br />

FIS3702 - Cardiovascular<br />

System<br />

FIS3703 - Membrane <strong>and</strong><br />

Effector Physiology<br />

FIS3704 - Physiology<br />

(Practical)<br />

GNE3702 - Advanced<br />

Genetics (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

PYC3701 - Social<br />

Psychology (Psychology)<br />

PYC3702 - Abnormal<br />

Behaviour <strong>and</strong> Mental<br />

Health (Psychology)<br />

PYC3703 - Cognition:<br />

Thinking, Memory<br />

<strong>and</strong> Problem Solving<br />

(Psychology)<br />

PYC3704 - Psychological<br />

Research (Psychology)<br />

PYC3705 - Transformative<br />

Counselling Encounters<br />

(Psychology)<br />

Pre: FIS2604; Co: Any two<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: FIS3701,<br />

FIS3702, FIS3703<br />

Co: GNE2601 & GNE2602<br />

Pre PYC1501 & PYC1502<br />

Pre: PYC1501 & PYC1502<br />

Pre: PYC1501 & PYC1502<br />

Rules<br />

Students have until the end <strong>of</strong> 2015 to complete the qualification.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Life <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

(Psychology <strong>and</strong> Physiology Major)<br />

Qualification code 98053 - PPG Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

NSC with Mathematics & English passed at level 4 OR matriculation exemption with at least an E symbol for Higher Grade Mathematics<br />

& English or at least a D symbol for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics <strong>and</strong> English<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

BLG1501 - Basic Biology<br />

FIS2601 - Digestion,<br />

Endocrine Control <strong>and</strong><br />

Metabolism<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502 FIS3701 - Physiology <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Nervous System<br />

BLG1502 - Animal <strong>and</strong> Plant<br />

Diversity<br />

FIS2602 - Respiration <strong>and</strong><br />

Excretion<br />

BLG1603 - Biology Practical Co: BLG1501 & BLG1502 FIS2603 - Physiological<br />

Defence Mechanisms<br />

CHE1501 - General<br />

Chemistry 1A<br />

CHE1502 - General<br />

Chemistry 1B<br />

CHE1503 - Chemistry 1<br />

(Practical)<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

PYC1501 - Basic<br />

Psychology<br />

PYC1502 - Psychology in<br />

Society (Psychology)<br />

STA1510 - Basic Statistics<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 &<br />

Physical Science with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or CHE1500<br />

Co: CHE1501<br />

Co: CHE1501 & CHE1502<br />

FIS2604 - Physiology 2<br />

(Practical)<br />

GNE2601 - General<br />

Genetics A<br />

GNE2602 - General<br />

Genetics B<br />

MGG202X - Marriage<br />

Guidance <strong>and</strong> Counselling:<br />

Sexual Trauma<br />

PYC2601 - Personality<br />

Theories (Psychology)<br />

PYC2602 - Child <strong>and</strong><br />

Adolescent Development<br />

(Psychology)<br />

RSC2601 - Research in<br />

Social <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Pre: CHE1501 or CHE1502;<br />

Co: Any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following:<br />

FIS2601, FIS2602, FIS2603<br />

Co: CHE1501 or CHE1502<br />

Co: GNE2601<br />

Pre: PYC1501<br />

Pre: PYC1501<br />

FIS3702 - Cardiovascular<br />

System<br />

FIS3703 - Membrane <strong>and</strong><br />

Effector Physiology<br />

FIS3704 - Physiology<br />

(Practical)<br />

GNE3702 - Advanced<br />

Genetics (Offered from<br />

2013)<br />

PYC3701 - Social<br />

Psychology (Psychology)<br />

PYC3702 - Abnormal<br />

Behaviour <strong>and</strong> Mental<br />

Health (Psychology)<br />

PYC3703 - Cognition:<br />

Thinking, Memory<br />

<strong>and</strong> Problem Solving<br />

(Psychology)<br />

PYC3704 - Psychological<br />

Research (Psychology)<br />

PYC3705 - Transformative<br />

Counselling Encounters<br />

(Psychology)<br />

Pre: FIS2604; Co: Any 2<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following: FIS3701,<br />

FIS3702, FIS3703<br />

Co: GNE2601 & GNE2602<br />

Pre: PYC1501 & PYC1502<br />

Pre: PYC1501 & PYC1502<br />

Pre: PYC1501 & PYC1502<br />


<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Human Ecology (Community NQF Exit Level 6<br />

<strong>Agriculture</strong>) New Curriculum 2010<br />

Qualification code 02674 - N10 Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify for conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Repeaters only Until 2014<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory.<br />

AGR101U - Applied Science Practical<br />

AGR102V - Practical <strong>Agriculture</strong> 1p<br />

ASA102M - Animal Nutrition 1<br />

Compulsory.<br />

AGR202Y - Practical Crop & Plant Science<br />

ASP212U - Vegetable Science Principles<br />

MNB1501 - Business Management 1A<br />

ASA103N - Livestock Production Systems MNB1601 - Business Management 1B Co: MNB101 or MNB1501<br />

ASP101N - Bioresource Ecology<br />

NUT1602 - Nutrition <strong>and</strong> Nutrient Deficiency<br />

Diseases<br />

CSP1501 - Introduction to Applied <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

RA5501P - Ecosystems<br />

EUP1501 - End-User Computing (Practical)<br />

RA5502Q - Management as A Process<br />

FOO1501 - Food Preparation 1<br />

RA5503R - Development <strong>of</strong> Resources<br />

FOO1602 - Food Preparation Practical 1 Co: FOO1501 RA5504S - Resource Allocation <strong>and</strong> Gender<br />

NUT1501 - Introduction to Nutrition <strong>and</strong><br />

Energy Yielding Nutrients<br />

SSW201G - Irrigation & Water Management<br />

SSW202H - Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition<br />

Rules<br />

the practical sessions will be conducted in Gauteng.<br />


Third Level Pre/Co-requisites Fourth Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory.<br />

AGR201X - Practical Animal Science<br />

AGR307B - Horticulture Practical<br />

AGR308C - Crops Practical<br />

ASP213V - Weed Management<br />

ASP312X - Vegetable Science Practices<br />

ASP3165 - Food & Fodder Crops<br />

CX60018 - Development Approaches<br />

CX6003A - Adult Education <strong>and</strong> Extension<br />

FO5501M - Food Behaviour<br />

FO5502N - Food Security<br />

FO5503P - Indigenous Cuisine<br />

FO55P5Y - Practical Food Security <strong>and</strong><br />

Behaviour<br />

Compulsory.<br />

AGR3025 - Poultry Practical<br />

AGR3059 - Sheep Practical<br />

ASA301S - Poultry Production<br />

ASA306X - Small Stock Production<br />

CP7001W - Designing A Project<br />

CP7002X - Community Project<br />

FO6001A - Food Preservation<br />

FO6005E - Food Processing<br />

FO60P2J - Food Preservation (Practical)<br />

FO60P6N - Food Processing (Practical)<br />

PM7005A - Strategic Mngt in Non-Pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

Organisations<br />

PM7006B - Resource Allocation <strong>and</strong><br />

Participation<br />

PM7007C - Monitoring <strong>and</strong> Evaluation<br />

PM7008D - Project Programme<br />

Management<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Human Ecology (Community NQF Exit Level 6<br />

Nutrition) New Curriculum 2010<br />

Qualification code 02682 - N10 Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify for conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Repeaters only Until 2014<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory.<br />

CSP1501 - Introduction to Applied <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

Compulsory.<br />

EG6004R - Personal Management<br />

EUP1501 - End-User Computing (Practical) FOO2601 - Food Preparation 2<br />

FOO1501 - Food Preparation 1 FOO2602 - Food Preparation Practical 2 Co: FOO2601<br />

FOO1602 - Food Preparation Practical 1 Co: FOO1501 MND204T - Customer Behaviour Pre: MNB101 or MNB1501, MNB102 or<br />

MNB1601<br />

MNB1501 - Business Management 1A NUT2601 - Nutritional Care Pre: NUT1501; Co: NUT1602<br />

MNB1601 - Business Management 1B Co: MNB101 or MNB1501 NUT2602 - Pregnancy <strong>and</strong> Infant Nutrition Co: NUT1501 & NUT1602<br />

NUT1501 - Introduction to Nutrition <strong>and</strong><br />

RA5501P - Ecosystems<br />

Energy Yielding Nutrients<br />

NUT1602 - Nutrition <strong>and</strong> Nutrient Deficiency<br />

RA5502Q - Management as A Process<br />

Diseases<br />

SOC1501 - Introduction to Sociology:<br />

RA5503R - Development <strong>of</strong> Resources<br />

Societal Structures <strong>and</strong> Processes<br />

(Sociology 101)<br />

SOC1502 - Societal Structures <strong>and</strong><br />

Processes in the South African Context<br />

(Sociology 102)<br />

RA5504S - Resource Allocation <strong>and</strong> Gender<br />


Third Level Pre/Co-requisites Fourth Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory.<br />

CN6001G - Nutrition Education<br />

CN6002H - Nutrition Education <strong>and</strong><br />

Development<br />

Compulsory.<br />

CP7001W - Designing A Project<br />

CP7002X - Community Project<br />

CN6003J - Nutrition Education & Extension FO6001A - Food Preservation Co: FO6005E & FO60P2J & FO60P6N<br />

CN6004K - the Community Nutrition<br />

FO6005E - Food Processing<br />

Co: FO6001A & FO60P2J & FO60P6N<br />

Facilitator<br />

CX60018 - Development Approaches FO60P2J - Food Preservation (Practical) Co: FO6005E & FO6001A & FO60P6N<br />

CX6003A - Adult Education <strong>and</strong> Extension FO60P6N - Food Processing (Practical) Co: FO6005E & FO60P2J & FO6001A<br />

FO5501M - Food Behaviour<br />

PM7005A - Strategic Mngt in Non-Pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

Organisations<br />

FO5502N - Food Security<br />

PM7006B - Resource Allocation <strong>and</strong><br />

Participation<br />

FO5503P - Indigenous Cuisine<br />

PM7007C - Monitoring <strong>and</strong> Evaluation<br />

FO55P5Y - Practical Food Security <strong>and</strong><br />

Behaviour<br />

NUT3701 - Nutrition During the Life Cycle<br />

NUT3702 - Chronic Lifestyle Diseases<br />

NUT3703 - Infectious Diseases<br />

NUT3704 - Nutrition <strong>and</strong> Health Promotion<br />

NUT3705 - Nutrition <strong>and</strong> Alternative<br />

Medicine<br />

Pre: NUT2601; Co: NUT2602<br />

Co: NUT2601<br />

Co: NUT2601<br />

Co: NUT2602 & NUT3701 & NUT3702 &<br />

NUT3703<br />

Co: NUT3702<br />

PM7008D - Project Programme<br />

Management<br />

Rules<br />

the practical sessions will be conducted in Gauteng.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science Hospitality NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management<br />

Qualification code 0331X - HOS Total NQF Credits 480<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify for conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory.<br />

Compulsory.<br />

CLA1501 - Commercial Law 1A APH2601 - Applied Practice Co: FOO2603<br />

CLA1502 - Commercial Law 1B FOO2601 - Food Preparation 2<br />

ENN1504 - Practising Workplace English FOO2602 - Food Preparation Practical 2 Co: FOO2601<br />

EUP1501 - End-User Computing (Practical)<br />

FAC1502 - Financial Accounting Principles,<br />

Concepts <strong>and</strong> Procedures<br />

FOO1501 - Food Preparation 1<br />

FOO2603 - Food Production Principles<br />

FOO3701 - International Cuisine<br />

GGH206Y - Geography <strong>of</strong> Tourism<br />

(Geography 206)<br />

FOO1602 - Food Preparation Practical 1 Co: FOO1501 HPM2601 - Food Service Organisation <strong>and</strong><br />

Management<br />

MNB1501 - Business Management 1A HPM2602 - Meal Management Pre: NUT1501<br />

MNB1601 - Business Management 1B Co: MNB101 or MNB1501 HPM2603 - Hospitality Industry Regulations<br />

NUT1501 - Introduction to Nutrition <strong>and</strong><br />

Energy Yielding Nutrients<br />

HPM2604 - Events Management<br />


Third Level Pre/Co-requisites Fourth Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory.<br />

APH3701 - Applied Food <strong>and</strong> Beverage<br />

Practice<br />

FOO3702 - Food <strong>and</strong> Beverage Service<br />

FOO3703 - Beverage Studies<br />

FOO3704 - Food Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry (Theory)<br />

FOO3705 - Food Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry (Practical)<br />

HPS3701 - Introduction to Housekeeping<br />

Pre: FOO2602; Co: APH2601 & HPM2601<br />

Compulsory.<br />

CFS4801 - Contemporary Food Studies<br />

CHM4801 - Contemporary Hospitality<br />

Management<br />

Choose either APH4801 or the 3 CSR<br />

modules.<br />

Co: FOO1501 & FOO2601 APH4801 - Applied Hospitality Practice Co: HPS3702 & HPS3703 & HPS3705<br />

Co: FOO3701<br />

CSR4801 - Research Methodology<br />

CSR4802 - Advanced Consumer Science<br />

HPS3702 - Front Office Operations Co: HPM2603 CSR4803 - Research Project Co: CSR4801<br />

HPS3703 - Accommodation Operations Co: HPM2603<br />

HPS3704 - Hospitality Project<br />

Co: HPM2601 & HPM2602 & HPM2603<br />

HPS3705 - Operations: Data Systems Co: HPM2602 & HPS3702 & HPS3703<br />

Rules<br />

Students who have not completed all the modules <strong>of</strong> the first <strong>and</strong> second year must please contact the department with the view <strong>of</strong> changing over to the new Bachelor<br />

<strong>of</strong> Consumer Science: Hospitality Management degree. the practical sessions will be conducted in Gauteng.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science (Agricultural Science) NQF Exit Level 6<br />

Qualification code 03336 Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) with Mathematics, Physical Science, English & Biology (Life <strong>Sciences</strong>) or <strong>Agriculture</strong> or Geography passed with a<br />

rating <strong>of</strong> 3 OR Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) for St<strong>and</strong>ard Grade Mathematics, Physical Science, English & Biology<br />

or <strong>Agriculture</strong> or Geography OR a completed Diploma in <strong>Agriculture</strong>/Agricultural Management (with majors in animal production<br />

<strong>and</strong> crop production)<br />

Repeaters only Until 2018<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

AGR101U - Applied Science<br />

Practical<br />

AGR102V - Practical <strong>Agriculture</strong><br />

1p<br />

AME1015 - Fin Management &<br />

Production Economics<br />

AME1602 - Introduction to Agri-<br />

Business Management (Offered<br />

from 2013)<br />

ASA101L - Animal Physiology<br />

ASA102M - Animal Nutrition 1<br />

ASA103N - Livestock Production<br />

Systems<br />

ASA1602 - Animal Nutrition 1<br />

(Offered from 2013)<br />

Rules<br />

AGR201X - Practical Animal<br />

Science<br />

AGR202Y - Practical Crop &<br />

Plant Science<br />

AGR2033 - Practical Pasture &<br />

Plant Science<br />

AGR2044 - Practical Weeds,<br />

Soil & Water<br />

AME2019 - Agricultural<br />

Marketing & Management<br />

AME202A - Financial Analysis<br />

& Budgets<br />

AME203B - Developing<br />

<strong>Agriculture</strong> Production<br />

ASA201P - Advanced<br />

Physiology<br />

AGR308C - Crops Practical<br />

ASA301S - Poultry Production<br />

ASA302T - Pig Production<br />

ASA303U - Beef Production<br />

ASA304V - Dairy Farming<br />

ASA305W - Game Ranching &<br />

Fodder Flow<br />

ASA306X - Small Stock<br />

Production<br />

ASP311W - Veld Rehabilitation<br />

ASP101N - Bioresource Ecology ASA202Q - Animal Breeding ASP312X - Vegetable Science<br />

Practices<br />

CHE1501 - General Chemistry<br />

1A<br />

EUP1501 - End-User Computing<br />

(Practical)<br />

MAT1511 - Precalculus<br />

Mathematics B<br />

PHY1501 - Elementary<br />

Mechanics<br />

SSW101D - Agricultural<br />

Meteorology & Ecozones<br />

SSW102E - Soil Chemistry<br />

SSW103F - Pedology & Soil<br />

Classification<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS with a rating<br />

<strong>of</strong> 5 or MAT0511 & PHYSICAL<br />

SCIENCE with a rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or<br />

CHE111/CHE112<br />

Pre: NSC Maths with a rating <strong>of</strong><br />

4 OR HG 40% OR SG 50%<br />

Pre: NSC MATHS & Physical<br />

Science with a rating <strong>of</strong> 5 or<br />

MAT1510 or MAT0511 with 75%<br />

ASP211T - Pasture<br />

Management<br />

ASP212U - Vegetable Science<br />

Principles<br />

ASP213V - Weed Management<br />

ASP214W - Crop Physiology<br />

SSW201G - Irrigation & Water<br />

Management<br />

SSW202H - Soil Fertility & Plant<br />

Nutrition<br />

SSW203J - L<strong>and</strong> Use Planning<br />

ASP313Y - Plant Pests &<br />

Diseases<br />

ASP3143 - Fruit Production I<br />

ASP3154 - Fruit Production II<br />

ASP3165 - Food & Fodder<br />

Crops<br />

Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following.<br />

AGR3014 - Pig Practical<br />

AGR3025 - Poultry Practical<br />

Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following.<br />

AGR3036 - Dairy Practical<br />

AGR3048 - Beef Practical<br />

AGR3059 - Sheep Practical<br />

Choose 1 <strong>of</strong> the following.<br />

AGR306A - Fruit Practical<br />

AGR307B - Horticulture<br />

Practical<br />

All practical modules are compulsory <strong>and</strong> are <strong>of</strong>fered as YEAR MODULES. Students have to complete 2 Practical modules at Level One, 4 Practical modules at Level<br />

Two <strong>and</strong> 4 Practical modules in Level Three. Students may ONLY register for Practical modules in Semester One in order to complete Practical modules in April or<br />

August. Local or resident students in South Africa will be invited to attend<br />

Practical Contact Sessions at selected venues in South Africa in April or August. the duration <strong>of</strong> Practical Contact Sessions in South Africa will be 5 working days.<br />

Local or resident students in South Africa will be required to make their own arrangements for transport to a central point (e.g. Pretoria); <strong>and</strong> accommodation <strong>and</strong><br />

meals at the central point. the Department will provide additional transport from the central point to the farms <strong>and</strong> laboratories <strong>and</strong> back to the central point every day.<br />

Students outside South Africa will be provided with TWO options to complete Practical modules in April or August. Option One: they may be required to liaise with the<br />

Department for approval to register for the same Practical modules at other universities in their own countries, or Option Two: they may obtain permission from the<br />

relevant Lecturer to submit a Portfolio <strong>of</strong> Evidence or Project Report on a specific topic to be selected by the Lecturer.<br />

the new BSC AGRIC is not yet available. New students interested in pursuing the BSC AGRIC may contact Dianne Metzer at CAESenquiries@unisa.ac.za or 011<br />

6709351”<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science Clothing NQF Exit Level 6<br />

Management<br />

Qualification code 97543 - CLT Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify for conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Compulsory.<br />

CLA1501 - Commercial<br />

Law 1A<br />

CLO2601 - Textiles: Fibres<br />

CLO3702 - Wardrobe<br />

Planning<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

CLA1502 - Commercial<br />

Law 1B<br />

CLO1501 - Clothing<br />

Construction: Theory<br />

CLO1602 - Clothing<br />

Construction: Practical<br />

CSP1501 - Introduction to<br />

Applied <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

ENN1504 - Practising<br />

Workplace English<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

Choose 1 from the<br />

following.<br />

FAC1502 - Financial<br />

Accounting Principles,<br />

Concepts <strong>and</strong> Procedures<br />

MNM1503 - Introduction to<br />

Marketing<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

Co: MNB101 or MNB1501<br />

CLO2602 - Ethnic <strong>and</strong><br />

Entrepreneurial Clothing<br />

Production: Practical<br />

CLO2603 - History <strong>of</strong><br />

Costume<br />

CLO2604 - Clothing <strong>and</strong><br />

Textile Practice<br />

CLO2605 - Fashion <strong>and</strong><br />

Visual Merch<strong>and</strong>ising<br />

CLO3701 - Social<br />

Psychology <strong>of</strong> Clothing<br />

MND202R - Introduction to<br />

Retailing<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

MNG2016 - General<br />

Management<br />

MNM202Y - Marketing<br />

Management<br />

Pre: CLO1501 & CLO1602<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

Pre: MNB101 or MNB1501&<br />

MNB102 or MNB1601<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

Pre: MNB101 or MNB1501,<br />

MNB102 or MNB1601<br />

Pre: MNB101 or MNB1501,<br />

MNB102 or MNB1601<br />

CLO3703 - Evaluation <strong>of</strong><br />

Apparel<br />

CLO3704 - Textiles: Yarns,<br />

Fabric <strong>and</strong> Finishes<br />

CLO3705 - Tailoring:<br />

Practical<br />

CLO3706 - Fashion<br />

Development, Production<br />

<strong>and</strong> Marketing<br />

MND301T - Retail<br />

Merch<strong>and</strong>ising Management<br />

MNE3701 -<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

MNG301A - Strategic<br />

Planning 3a<br />

MNM3036 - Product<br />

Management<br />

MNM3048 - Promotion<br />

Management<br />

Co: CLO1501 & CLO2601<br />

Co: CLO2601<br />

Pre: CLO2602; Co:<br />

CLO2601<br />

Co: CLO2601 & CLO2604 &<br />

CLO2605<br />

Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Pre: MNE2601<br />

Pre: MNG2016<br />

Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Rules<br />

Students who have not completed all or any <strong>of</strong> the modules on first <strong>and</strong> second year must please contact the department with the view <strong>of</strong> changing over to the new<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science degree. the practical sessions will be conducted in Gauteng.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science General NQF Exit Level 6<br />

Qualification code 97543 - GEN Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify for conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory. Compulsory. Choose any 2 <strong>of</strong> the following groups. Group 1<br />

CLO1501 - Clothing<br />

Construction: Theory<br />

CLO1602 - Clothing<br />

Construction: Practical<br />

CSP1501 - Introduction to<br />

Applied <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

FOO1501 - Food<br />

Preparation 1<br />

FOO1602 - Food<br />

Preparation Practical 1<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

NUT1501 - Introduction<br />

to Nutrition <strong>and</strong> Energy<br />

Yielding Nutrients<br />

NUT1602 - Nutrition<br />

<strong>and</strong> Nutrient Deficiency<br />

Diseases<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

Co: FOO1501<br />

MND202R - Introduction to<br />

Retailing<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

MNG2016 - General<br />

Management<br />

MNM202Y - Marketing<br />

Management<br />

Choose any 3 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

following groups. Group 1<br />

FOO2601 - Food<br />

Preparation 2<br />

FOO2602 - Food<br />

Preparation Practical 2<br />

Pre: MNB101 or MNB1501,<br />

MNB102 or MNB1601<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

Pre: MNB101 or MNB1501,<br />

MNB102 or MNB1601<br />

Pre: MNB101 or MNB1501,<br />

MNB102 or MNB1601<br />

Co: FOO2601<br />

FOO3701 - International<br />

Cuisine<br />

FOO3702 - Food <strong>and</strong><br />

Beverage Service<br />

FOO3703 - Beverage<br />

Studies<br />

FOO3704 - Food<br />

Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry (Theory)<br />

FOO3705 - Food<br />

Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry<br />

(Practical)<br />

Group 2.<br />

CLO3701 - Social<br />

Psychology <strong>of</strong> Clothing<br />

Co: MNB101 or MNB1501 Group 2. CLO3702 - Wardrobe<br />

Planning<br />

CLO2601 - Textiles: Fibres<br />

CLO3703 - Evaluation <strong>of</strong><br />

Apparel<br />

CLO2602 - Ethnic <strong>and</strong><br />

Entrepreneurial Clothing<br />

Production: Practical<br />

Group 3.<br />

NUT2601 - Nutritional Care<br />

NUT2602 - Pregnancy <strong>and</strong><br />

Infant Nutrition<br />

Group 4.<br />

HPM2601 - Food Service<br />

Organisation <strong>and</strong><br />

Management<br />

HPM2602 - Meal<br />

Management<br />

Pre: CLO1501 & CLO1602<br />

Pre: NUT1501; Co:<br />

NUT1602<br />

Co: NUT1501 & NUT1602<br />

Co: NUT1501<br />

CLO3704 - Textiles: Yarns,<br />

Fabric <strong>and</strong> Finishes<br />

CLO3705 - Tailoring:<br />

Practical<br />

Group 3.<br />

NUT3701 - Nutrition During<br />

the Life Cycle<br />

NUT3702 - Chronic Lifestyle<br />

Diseases<br />

NUT3703 - Infectious<br />

Diseases<br />

NUT3704 - Nutrition <strong>and</strong><br />

Health Promotion<br />

NUT3705 - Nutrition <strong>and</strong><br />

Alternative Medicine<br />

Group 4.<br />

HPS3701 - Introduction to<br />

Housekeeping<br />

HPS3702 - Front Office<br />

Operations<br />

HPS3703 - Accommodation<br />

Operations<br />

HPS3704 - Hospitality<br />

Project<br />

HPS3705 - Operations: Data<br />

Systems<br />

Co: FOO1501 & FOO2601<br />

Co: FOO3701<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

Co: CLO1501 & CLO2601<br />

Co: CLO2601<br />

Pre: CLO2602; Co:<br />

CLO2601<br />

Pre: NUT2601; Co:<br />

NUT2602<br />

Co: NUT2601<br />

Co: NUT2601<br />

Co: NUT2602 & NUT3701 &<br />

NUT3702 & NUT3703<br />

Co: NUT3702<br />

Co: HPM2603<br />

Co: HPM2601 & HPM2602<br />

& HPM2603<br />

Co: HPM2602 & HPS3702 &<br />

HPS3703<br />

Rules<br />

Students who have not completed all or any <strong>of</strong> the modules on first <strong>and</strong> second year must please contact the department with the view <strong>of</strong> changing over to the new<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science degree. the practical sessions will be conducted in Gauteng.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Consumer NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Science Journalism Major)<br />

Qualification code 98005 - CSJ Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify for conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CLO1501 - Clothing<br />

Construction: Theory<br />

CLO2601 - Textiles: Fibres<br />

CLO3702 - Wardrobe<br />

Planning<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

COP1501 - Communication<br />

Science for Public Relations<br />

I<br />

CSP1501 - Introduction to<br />

Applied <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

ENN101D - English Studies:<br />

Approaching Literature <strong>and</strong><br />

Writing<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

FOO1501 - Food<br />

Preparation 1<br />

FOO1602 - Food<br />

Preparation Practical 1<br />

MDS181Z - Media Studies<br />

for Public Relations I<br />

NUT1501 - Introduction<br />

to Nutrition <strong>and</strong> Energy<br />

Yielding Nutrients<br />

NUT1602 - Nutrition<br />

<strong>and</strong> Nutrient Deficiency<br />

Diseases<br />

Co: FOO1501<br />

CLO2605 - Fashion <strong>and</strong><br />

Visual Merch<strong>and</strong>ising<br />

COP2601 - Communication<br />

Science for Public Relations<br />

II<br />

CSJ2601 - Consumer<br />

Science Journalism II<br />

FOO2601 - Food<br />

Preparation 2<br />

FOO2602 - Food<br />

Preparation Practical 2<br />

FOO2603 - Food Production<br />

Principles<br />

MDS291R - Media Studies<br />

for Public Relations II<br />

NUT2601 - Nutritional Care<br />

NUT2602 - Pregnancy <strong>and</strong><br />

Infant Nutrition<br />

Pre: COP1501<br />

Pre: ENN101D<br />

Co: FOO2601<br />

Pre: NUT1501; Co:<br />

NUT1602<br />

Co: NUT1501 & NUT1602<br />

CLO3707 - Fashion Buying<br />

<strong>and</strong> Styling (Theory)<br />

COP3701 - Communication<br />

Science for Public Relations<br />

III<br />

CSJ3701 - Consumer<br />

Science Journalism III<br />

FOO3701 - International<br />

Cuisine<br />

FOO3702 - Food <strong>and</strong><br />

Beverage Service<br />

FOO3703 - Beverage<br />

Studies<br />

FOO3704 - Food<br />

Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry (Theory)<br />

NUT3701 - Nutrition During<br />

the Life Cycle<br />

NUT3702 - Chronic Lifestyle<br />

Diseases<br />

Co: CLO2605<br />

Pre: COP2601<br />

Pre: ENN101D<br />

Co: FOO1501 & FOO2601<br />

Pre: NUT2601; Co:<br />

NUT2602<br />

Co: NUT2601<br />

Rules<br />

the practical sessions will be conducted in Gauteng.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Fashion NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Retail Management Major)<br />

Qualification code 98005 - FAR Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify for conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CLO1501 - Clothing<br />

Construction: Theory<br />

CLO2601 - Textiles: Fibres<br />

CLO3702 - Wardrobe<br />

Planning<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

CLO1602 - Clothing<br />

Construction: Practical<br />

CSP1501 - Introduction to<br />

Applied <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

ENN1504 - Practising<br />

Workplace English<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

MNM1503 - Introduction to<br />

Marketing<br />

MNM1504 - Introduction to<br />

Retailing<br />

MNM1505 - Introduction to<br />

Consumer Behaviour<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

Co: MNB1501<br />

CLO2603 - History <strong>of</strong><br />

Costume<br />

CLO2604 - Clothing <strong>and</strong><br />

Textile Practice<br />

CLO2605 - Fashion <strong>and</strong><br />

Visual Merch<strong>and</strong>ising<br />

CLO2606 - Fashion Retail<br />

CLO3701 - Social<br />

Psychology <strong>of</strong> Clothing<br />

MND204T - Customer<br />

Behaviour<br />

MNM202Y - Marketing<br />

Management<br />

MNM2601 - Marketing<br />

Management<br />

MNM2606 - Advertising <strong>and</strong><br />

Sales Promotion<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

CLO3703 - Evaluation <strong>of</strong><br />

Apparel<br />

CLO3704 - Textiles: Yarns,<br />

Fabric <strong>and</strong> Finishes<br />

CLO3706 - Fashion<br />

Development, Production<br />

<strong>and</strong> Marketing<br />

CLO3707 - Fashion Buying<br />

<strong>and</strong> Styling (Theory)<br />

CLO3708 - Fashion Buying<br />

<strong>and</strong> Styling Practice<br />

MND301T - Retail<br />

Merch<strong>and</strong>ising Management<br />

Co: CLO1501 & CLO2601<br />

Co: CLO2601<br />

Co: CLO2601 & CLO2604 &<br />

CLO2605<br />

Co: CLO2605<br />

Co: CLO3707<br />

Pre: MNM202Y or<br />

MNM2601<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601 MND303V - Retail Planning Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Pre: MNM1503<br />

MND3073 - Strategic Retail<br />

Marketing<br />

MNM3036 - Product<br />

Management<br />

Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Rules<br />

the practical sessions will be conducted in Gauteng.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Food <strong>and</strong> NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Clothing Major)<br />

Qualification code 98005 - FCL Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify for conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CLO1501 - Clothing<br />

Construction: Theory<br />

CLO2601 - Textiles: Fibres<br />

CLO3701 - Social<br />

Psychology <strong>of</strong> Clothing<br />

CLO1602 - Clothing<br />

Construction: Practical<br />

CSP1501 - Introduction to<br />

Applied <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

FOO1501 - Food<br />

Preparation 1<br />

FOO1602 - Food<br />

Preparation Practical 1<br />

MNM1503 - Introduction to<br />

Marketing<br />

MNM1505 - Introduction to<br />

Consumer Behaviour<br />

NUT1501 - Introduction<br />

to Nutrition <strong>and</strong> Energy<br />

Yielding Nutrients<br />

NUT1602 - Nutrition<br />

<strong>and</strong> Nutrient Deficiency<br />

Diseases<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

Co: FOO1501<br />

CLO2602 - Ethnic <strong>and</strong><br />

Entrepreneurial Clothing<br />

Production: Practical<br />

CLO2603 - History <strong>of</strong><br />

Costume<br />

FOO2601 - Food<br />

Preparation 2<br />

FOO2602 - Food<br />

Preparation Practical 2<br />

FOO2603 - Food Production<br />

Principles<br />

MND204T - Customer<br />

Behaviour<br />

MNM202Y - Marketing<br />

Management<br />

MNM2601 - Marketing<br />

Management<br />

NUT2601 - Nutritional Care<br />

Pre: CLO1501 & CLO1602<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

Co: FOO2601<br />

Pre: MNM1503<br />

Pre: NUT1501; Co:<br />

NUT1602<br />

CLO3702 - Wardrobe<br />

Planning<br />

CLO3703 - Evaluation <strong>of</strong><br />

Apparel<br />

CLO3704 - Textiles: Yarns,<br />

Fabric <strong>and</strong> Finishes<br />

CLO3705 - Tailoring:<br />

Practical<br />

FOO3701 - International<br />

Cuisine<br />

FOO3702 - Food <strong>and</strong><br />

Beverage Service<br />

FOO3703 - Beverage<br />

Studies<br />

FOO3704 - Food<br />

Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry (Theory)<br />

FOO3705 - Food<br />

Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry<br />

(Practical)<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

Co: CLO1501 & CLO2601<br />

Co: CLO2601<br />

Pre: CLO2602; Co:<br />

CLO2601<br />

Co: FOO1501 & FOO2601<br />

Co: FOO3701<br />

Rules<br />

the practical sessions will be conducted in Gauteng.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Food <strong>and</strong> NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Nutrition Major)<br />

Qualification code 98005 - FNU Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify for conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CSP1501 - Introduction to<br />

Applied <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

ENN1504 - Practising<br />

Workplace English<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

FAC1502 - Financial<br />

Accounting Principles,<br />

Concepts <strong>and</strong> Procedures<br />

FOO1501 - Food<br />

Preparation 1<br />

FOO1602 - Food<br />

Preparation Practical 1<br />

MNM1503 - Introduction to<br />

Marketing<br />

MNM1505 - Introduction to<br />

Consumer Behaviour<br />

NUT1501 - Introduction<br />

to Nutrition <strong>and</strong> Energy<br />

Yielding Nutrients<br />

NUT1602 - Nutrition<br />

<strong>and</strong> Nutrient Deficiency<br />

Diseases<br />

Co: FOO1501<br />

FOO2601 - Food<br />

Preparation 2<br />

FOO2602 - Food<br />

Preparation Practical 2<br />

FOO2603 - Food Production<br />

Principles<br />

HPM2602 - Meal<br />

Management<br />

MND204T - Customer<br />

Behaviour<br />

MNM202Y - Marketing<br />

Management<br />

MNM2601 - Marketing<br />

Management<br />

MNM2606 - Advertising <strong>and</strong><br />

Sales Promotion<br />

NUT2601 - Nutritional Care<br />

NUT2602 - Pregnancy <strong>and</strong><br />

Infant Nutrition<br />

Co: FOO2601<br />

Co: NUT1501<br />

Pre: MNM1503<br />

Pre: NUT1501; Co:<br />

NUT1602<br />

Co: NUT1501 & NUT1602<br />

FOO3701 - International<br />

Cuisine<br />

FOO3702 - Food <strong>and</strong><br />

Beverage Service<br />

FOO3703 - Beverage<br />

Studies<br />

FOO3704 - Food<br />

Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry (Theory)<br />

FOO3705 - Food<br />

Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry<br />

(Practical)<br />

NUT3701 - Nutrition During<br />

the Life Cycle<br />

NUT3702 - Chronic Lifestyle<br />

Diseases<br />

NUT3703 - Infectious<br />

Diseases<br />

NUT3704 - Nutrition <strong>and</strong><br />

Health Promotion<br />

NUT3705 - Nutrition <strong>and</strong><br />

Alternative Medicine<br />

Co: FOO1501 & FOO2601<br />

Co: FOO3701<br />

Pre: NUT2601; Co:<br />

NUT2602<br />

Co: NUT2601<br />

Co: NUT2601<br />

Co: NUT2602, NUT3701,<br />

NUT3702 & NUT3703<br />

Co: NUT3702<br />

Rules<br />

the practical sessions will be conducted in Gauteng.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Food Retail NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management Major)<br />

Qualification code 98005 - FOR Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify for conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CSP1501 - Introduction to<br />

Applied <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

FOO1501 - Food<br />

Preparation 1<br />

FOO1602 - Food<br />

Preparation Practical 1<br />

HRM1501 - Introduction<br />

to Human Resource<br />

Management<br />

MNM1503 - Introduction to<br />

Marketing<br />

MNM1504 - Introduction to<br />

Retailing<br />

MNM1505 - Introduction to<br />

Consumer Behaviour<br />

NUT1501 - Introduction<br />

to Nutrition <strong>and</strong> Energy<br />

Yielding Nutrients<br />

NUT1602 - Nutrition<br />

<strong>and</strong> Nutrient Deficiency<br />

Diseases<br />

Co: FOO1501<br />

FOO2601 - Food<br />

Preparation 2<br />

FOO2602 - Food<br />

Preparation Practical 2<br />

FOO2603 - Food Production<br />

Principles<br />

FOO2604 - Food Product<br />

Development<br />

FOO2605 - Food Product<br />

Packaging, Labelling &<br />

Visual Merch<strong>and</strong>ising<br />

(Theory)<br />

FOO2706 - Food Product<br />

Packaging, Labelling &<br />

Visual Merch<strong>and</strong>ising<br />

Practice<br />

MND204T - Customer<br />

Behaviour<br />

MNM202Y - Marketing<br />

Management<br />

MNM2601 - Marketing<br />

Management<br />

MNM2606 - Advertising <strong>and</strong><br />

Sales Promotion<br />

Co: FOO2601<br />

Co: FOO2605<br />

Pre: MNM1503<br />

Pre: MNM1503<br />

FOO3701 - International<br />

Cuisine<br />

FOO3703 - Beverage<br />

Studies<br />

FOO3704 - Food<br />

Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry (Theory)<br />

FOO3705 - Food<br />

Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry<br />

(Practical)<br />

FOO3706 - Food Retail<br />

MND301T - Retail<br />

Merch<strong>and</strong>ising Management<br />

MND303V - Retail Planning<br />

MND3073 - Strategic Retail<br />

Marketing<br />

MNM3014 - Relationship<br />

Marketing<br />

MNM3036 - Product<br />

Management<br />

Co: FOO1501 & FOO2601<br />

Co: FOO3701<br />

Co: FOO2605<br />

Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Rules<br />

the practical sessions will be conducted in Gauteng.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Fashion NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Small-Business Management Major)<br />

Qualification code 98005 - FSB Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify for conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CLO1501 - Clothing<br />

Construction: Theory<br />

CLO2601 - Textiles: Fibres<br />

CLO3703 - Evaluation <strong>of</strong><br />

Apparel<br />

Co: CLO1501 & CLO2601<br />

CLO1602 - Clothing<br />

Construction: Practical<br />

CSP1501 - Introduction to<br />

Applied <strong>Sciences</strong><br />

ENN1504 - Practising<br />

Workplace English<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

MNB1501 - Business<br />

Management 1A<br />

MNB1601 - Business<br />

Management 1B<br />

MNM1503 - Introduction to<br />

Marketing<br />

MNM1504 - Introduction to<br />

Retailing<br />

MNM1505 - Introduction to<br />

Consumer Behaviour<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

Co: MNB1501<br />

CLO2602 - Ethnic <strong>and</strong><br />

Entrepreneurial Clothing<br />

Production: Practical<br />

CLO2603 - History <strong>of</strong><br />

Costume<br />

CLO2605 - Fashion <strong>and</strong><br />

Visual Merch<strong>and</strong>ising<br />

CLO3701 - Social<br />

Psychology <strong>of</strong> Clothing<br />

CLO3702 - Wardrobe<br />

Planning<br />

MND204T - Customer<br />

Behaviour<br />

MNE2601 - Introduction to<br />

Entrepreneurship <strong>and</strong> Small<br />

Business Management<br />

MNM202Y - Marketing<br />

Management<br />

MNM2601 - Marketing<br />

Management<br />

Pre: CLO1501 & CLO1602<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

Co: CLO1501<br />

Pre: MNB1501 & MNB1601<br />

Pre: MNM1503<br />

CLO3704 - Textiles: Yarns,<br />

Fabric <strong>and</strong> Finishes<br />

CLO3705 - Tailoring:<br />

Practical<br />

CLO3706 - Fashion<br />

Development, Production<br />

<strong>and</strong> Marketing<br />

CLO3707 - Fashion Buying<br />

<strong>and</strong> Styling (Theory)<br />

CLO3708 - Fashion Buying<br />

<strong>and</strong> Styling Practice<br />

MND301T - Retail<br />

Merch<strong>and</strong>ising Management<br />

MND3073 - Strategic Retail<br />

Marketing<br />

MNM3014 - Relationship<br />

Marketing<br />

MNM3036 - Product<br />

Management<br />

Co: CLO2601<br />

Pre: CLO2602; Co:<br />

CLO2601<br />

Co: CLO2601 & CLO2604 &<br />

CLO2605<br />

Co: CLO2605<br />

Co: CLO3707<br />

Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Pre: MNM202Y<br />

Rules<br />

the practical sessions will be conducted in Gauteng.<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science (Hospitality NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management Major)<br />

Qualification code 98005 - HOM Total NQF Credits 360<br />

Admission Requirements NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify for conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites Third Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory Group A. Compulsory<br />

CLA1501 - Commercial<br />

Law 1A<br />

CLA1502 - Commercial<br />

Law 1B<br />

ENN1504 - Practising<br />

Workplace English<br />

EUP1501 - End-User<br />

Computing (Practical)<br />

FAC1502 - Financial<br />

Accounting Principles,<br />

Concepts <strong>and</strong> Procedures<br />

FOO1501 - Food<br />

Preparation 1<br />

FOO1602 - Food<br />

Preparation Practical 1<br />

MNM1503 - Introduction to<br />

Marketing<br />

MNM1505 - Introduction to<br />

Consumer Behaviour<br />

NUT1501 - Introduction<br />

to Nutrition <strong>and</strong> Energy<br />

Yielding Nutrients<br />

Co: FOO1501<br />

APH2601 - Applied Practice Co: FOO2603 APH3701 - Applied Food<br />

<strong>and</strong> Beverage Practice<br />

FOO2601 - Food<br />

Preparation 2<br />

FOO2602 - Food<br />

Preparation Practical 2<br />

FOO2603 - Food Production<br />

Principles<br />

FOO3701 - International<br />

Cuisine<br />

GGH206Y - Geography <strong>of</strong><br />

Tourism (Geography 206)<br />

HPM2601 - Food Service<br />

Organisation <strong>and</strong><br />

Management<br />

HPM2602 - Meal<br />

Management<br />

HPM2603 - Hospitality<br />

Industry Regulations<br />

HPM2604 - Events<br />

Management<br />

Co: FOO2601<br />

Co: NUT1501<br />

FOO3702 - Food <strong>and</strong><br />

Beverage Service<br />

FOO3703 - Beverage<br />

Studies<br />

FOO3704 - Food<br />

Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry (Theory)<br />

FOO3705 - Food<br />

Preparation for the<br />

Hospitality Industry<br />

(Practical)<br />

HPS3701 - Introduction to<br />

Housekeeping<br />

HPS3702 - Front Office<br />

Operations<br />

HPS3703 - Accommodation<br />

Operations<br />

HPS3704 - Hospitality<br />

Project<br />

HPS3705 - Operations: Data<br />

Systems<br />

Pre: FOO2602; Co:<br />

APH2602 & HPM2602<br />

Co: FOO1501 & FOO2601<br />

Co: FOO3701<br />

Co: HPM2603<br />

Co: HPM2603<br />

Co: HPM2601 & HPM2602<br />

& HPM2603<br />

Co: HPM2602 & HPS3702 &<br />

HPS3703<br />

Rules<br />

the practical sessions will be conducted in Gauteng.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Agricultural NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management<br />

Qualification code BTAGM Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements National Diploma in <strong>Agriculture</strong> <strong>and</strong> related fields.<br />

First Level<br />

Compulsory.<br />

BSM1602 - Business Management 1B<br />

ETP2M1E - Entrepreneurship II (Module 1): Entrepreneurship & Entrpreneurial Skills<br />

FMA401V - Financial Management IV<br />

MNG301A - Strategic Planning 3a<br />

MNG302B - Strategic Implementation 3b<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

ANP411A - Animal Production IV<br />

PTP411A - Plant Production IV<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Co: MNG301A<br />

Qualification Baccalaureus Technologiae: Animal Health NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Qualification code BTANM Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements Completed National Diploma: Animal Health<br />

First Level<br />

Compulsory.<br />

BSM1501 - Business Management IA<br />

BSM1602 - Business Management 1B<br />

EPD401J - Epidemiology IV (Animal Health IV)<br />

RMY101Q - Research Methodology<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

AND401D - Animal Diseases (Animal Health IV)<br />

VPH401L - Veterinary Public Health IV<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Qualification Baccalaureus Technologiae: Horticulture NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Qualification code BTHOR Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements Completed National Diploma: Horticulture.<br />

First Level<br />

Compulsory.<br />

HPM411H - Horticultural Production Management IV<br />

HPT411H - Horticultural Production Technology IV<br />

RMY101Q - Research Methodology<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />


Qualification<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Nature<br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Conservation<br />

Qualification code BTNAT Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements Completed National Diploma: Nature Conservation, with an average <strong>of</strong> 60% in all the third level subjects.<br />

First Level Pre/Co-requisites Second Level Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Compulsory.<br />

Compulsory.<br />

BTN001P - First Practical Contact Course<br />

(Nature Conservation)<br />

BTN002P - Second Practical Contact<br />

Course (Nature Conservation)<br />

CVM111Y - Conservation Management I<br />

PSO411Z - Plant Studies IV (Module A)<br />

RMM451U - Resource Management IV<br />

(Module A)<br />

BTN003P - Third Practical Contact Course<br />

(Btech Nature Conservation)<br />

FMA401V - Financial Management IV<br />

MNG1502 - Management I A<br />

MNG1602 - Management IB<br />

PRO101N - Research Project (Nature<br />

Conservation)<br />

RMY101Q - Research Methodology PSO421Y - Plant Studies IV (Module B)<br />

RMM461T - Resource Management IV<br />

(Module B)<br />

Qualification Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Consumer Science Honours NQF Exit Level 8<br />

Qualification code 98104 Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average <strong>of</strong> 60% or more.<br />

First Level<br />

Group A. Compulsory<br />

CSR4801 - Research Methodology<br />

CSR4802 - Advanced Consumer Science<br />

CSR4803 - Research Project<br />

Group B. Choose 2 from the following:<br />

CFS4801 - Contemporary Food Studies<br />

CHM4801 - Contemporary Hospitality Management<br />

CLO4801 - Advanced Social Psychology <strong>of</strong> Clothing<br />

NUT4801 - Advanced Nutrition<br />

STRBESC - Strategic Management<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Co: CSR4801<br />

Pre: CSR4801; Co: CFS4801or CHM4801 or CLO4801<br />

Pre: MNG301A or equivalent<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification Honours Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts in Geography NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Qualification code 04111 Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts degree with an average 60% in in the relevant major subject). Should you have less than 60% for your geography<br />

modules in the third year you may still apply for admission, which will be considered by the Chair <strong>of</strong> the Department<br />

First Level<br />

Compulsory.<br />

HPGGH80 - Guidelines to Geographical Research <strong>and</strong> Compiling A Research Proposal<br />

HRGGH81 - Geography Research Report<br />

Choose 3 from the following.<br />

GGH4801 - Geographical Information Systems<br />

GGH4802 - Geographical Perspectives on the City<br />

GGH4803 - the Geography for Tourism<br />

GGH4804 - Climatic Changes, Humans <strong>and</strong> Environment<br />

GGH4805 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Co: HPGGH80<br />

Rules<br />

Students must have regular access to myUnisa. Modules passed prior to 2011 will be retained for a period <strong>of</strong> 4 years only. Students wishing to complete the programme<br />

over a period longer than two years, should take HPGGH80 in their first year <strong>of</strong> registration, <strong>and</strong> only take HRGGH81 in their last year <strong>of</strong> registration.<br />

Qualification Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts Honours in Geography NQF Exit Level 8<br />

Qualification code 98101 Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average <strong>of</strong> 60% or more. in instances where a student does not have an average <strong>of</strong><br />

60% or more a submission may be made to the relevant <strong>College</strong> to allow such a student admission. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation <strong>of</strong> not more three pages requesting admission to the college. Each college will determine the requirements for the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherwise,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the student; the language capabilities <strong>of</strong> the student; alternative options for access into the programme; any other factor deemed<br />

necessary by the college.<br />

First Level<br />

Group A. Compulsory<br />

HPGGH80 - Guidelines to Geographical Research <strong>and</strong> Compiling A Research Proposal<br />

HRGGH81 - Geography Research Report<br />

Group B. Choose 3 from the following:<br />

GGH4801 - Geographical Information Systems<br />

GGH4802 - Geographical Perspectives on the City<br />

GGH4803 - the Geography for Tourism<br />

GGH4804 - Climatic Changes, Humans <strong>and</strong> Environment<br />

GGH4805 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Co: HPGGH80<br />

Rules<br />

Students must have regular access to myUnisa. Modules passed prior to 2011 will be retained for a period <strong>of</strong> 4 years only. Students wishing to complete the programme<br />

over a period longer than two years, should take HPGGH80 in their first year <strong>of</strong> registration, <strong>and</strong> only take HRGGH81 in their last year <strong>of</strong> registration.<br />


Qualification Honours Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Geography NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Qualification code 04464 Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

Repeaters only Until 2015<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree with an average <strong>of</strong> 60% in the relevant major subject. Should you have less than 60% for your geography<br />

modules in the third year you may still apply for admission, which will be considered by the Chair <strong>of</strong> the Department.<br />

First Level<br />

Compulsory.<br />

HPGGH80 - Guidelines to Geographical Research <strong>and</strong> Compiling A Research Proposal<br />

HRGGH81 - Geography Research Report<br />

Choose 3 from the following.<br />

GGH4801 - Geographical Information Systems<br />

GGH4802 - Geographical Perspectives on the City<br />

GGH4803 - the Geography for Tourism<br />

GGH4804 - Climatic Changes, Humans <strong>and</strong> Environment<br />

GGH4805 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Co: HPGGH80<br />

Rules<br />

Students must have regular access to myUnisa. Modules passed prior to 2011 will be retained for a period <strong>of</strong> 4 years only. Students wishing to complete the programme<br />

over a period longer than two years, should take HPGGH80 in their first year <strong>of</strong> registration, <strong>and</strong> only take HRGGH81 in their last year <strong>of</strong> registration.<br />

Qualification Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Honours in Geography NQF Exit Level 8<br />

Qualification code 98105 Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average <strong>of</strong> 60% or more. in instances where a student does not have an average <strong>of</strong><br />

60% or more a submission may be made to the relevant <strong>College</strong> to allow such a student admission. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation <strong>of</strong> not more three pages requesting admission to the college. Each college will determine the requirements for the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherwise,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the student; the language capabilities <strong>of</strong> the student; alternative options for access into the programme; any other factor deemed<br />

necessary by the college.<br />

First Level<br />

Group A. Compulsory<br />

GGH4801 - Geographical Information Systems<br />

HPGGH80 - Guidelines to Geographical Research <strong>and</strong> Compiling A Research Proposal<br />

HRGGH81 - Geography Research Report<br />

Group B. Choose 3 from the following:<br />

GGH4802 - Geographical Perspectives on the City<br />

GGH4803 - the Geography for Tourism<br />

GGH4804 - Climatic Changes, Humans <strong>and</strong> Environment<br />

GGH4805 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Evaluation <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Co: HPGGH80<br />

Rules<br />

Students must have regular access to myUnisa. Modules passed prior to 2011 will be retained for a period <strong>of</strong> 4 years only. Students wishing to complete the programme<br />

over a period longer than two years, should take HPGGH80 in their first year <strong>of</strong> registration, <strong>and</strong> only take HRGGH81 in their last year <strong>of</strong> registration.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Honours Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in<br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Monitoring <strong>and</strong> Modelling<br />

Qualification code 05568 Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements Completed Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree, with an average <strong>of</strong> 60% in the relevant major subject.<br />

Repeaters only Until 2016<br />

First Level<br />

Group A. Compulsory<br />

HES4802 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Monitoring<br />

HES4803 - Ecotoxicology<br />

HES4806 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Remote Sensing <strong>and</strong> Modelling<br />

HMENV80 - Research Methodolgy<br />

Group B. Choose 1 from the following<br />

GGH4801 - Geographical Information Systems<br />

GGH4805 - <strong>Environmental</strong> evaluation <strong>and</strong> management<br />

HESFESY - Integrated <strong>Environmental</strong> systems <strong>and</strong> processes<br />

HESRPRX - Research Project<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Recommendation : First year Chemistry<br />

Rules<br />

Please note that postgraduate modules/courses are delivered on-line <strong>and</strong> are available on MyUnisa.<br />

HES4802 <strong>and</strong> HES4806 have a compulsory practical component. It is recommended that students register for HESRPRX in the second year <strong>of</strong> registration.<br />

HESFESY is recommended for students with insufficient environmental background.<br />

Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Honours in<br />

NQF Exit Level 8<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Monitoring <strong>and</strong> Modelling<br />

Qualification code 98103 Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

A Completed Bachelor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sciences</strong> degree or equivalent qualification with an average <strong>of</strong> 60% in the major subject.<br />

First Level<br />

Group A. Compulsory<br />

HES4802 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Monitoring<br />

HES4803 - Ecotoxicology<br />

HES4806 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Remote Sensing <strong>and</strong> Modelling<br />

HMENV80 - Research Methodolgy<br />

HRENV82 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Research Project<br />

Choose 1 from the following<br />

HES4801 - Earth Systems <strong>and</strong> Processes<br />

HES4809 - Integrated <strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

HES4808 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Risk Assessment <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Recommendation: First year chemistry<br />

Co: HMENV80<br />

Rules<br />

Please note that postgraduate modules/courses are delivered on-line <strong>and</strong> are available on MyUnisa,<br />

HES4802, HES4806 <strong>and</strong> HES4809 have a compulsory practical component. It is recommended that students register for HRENV82 in the second year <strong>of</strong> registration,<br />

HES4801 is recommended for students with insufficient environmental background.<br />

Recommended sequence <strong>of</strong> modules: HMENV80; HES4801 (If chosen as an elective); HES4806; HES4802; HES4803; HRENV82 + elective.<br />


Qualification<br />

Honours Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts in <strong>Environmental</strong> NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Management<br />

Qualification code 05592 Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements A completed Bachelors degree or equivalent qualification with an average <strong>of</strong> 60% in the major subject.<br />

Repeaters only Until 2016<br />

First Level<br />

Group A. Compulsory<br />

HES4808 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Risk Assessment <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

HES4809 - Integrated <strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

HES4810 - Impact Mitigation <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

HES4811 - Integrated <strong>Environmental</strong> Management Systems <strong>and</strong> Auditing<br />

HES4812 - Ecological <strong>and</strong> Social Impact Assessment<br />

HMENV80 - Research Methodolgy<br />

PMN501B - Project Management V<br />

Group B. Choose 1 from the following:<br />

HES4806 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Remote Sensing <strong>and</strong> Modelling<br />

HES4802 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Monitoring<br />

HESFESY - Integrated <strong>Environmental</strong> systems <strong>and</strong> processes<br />

HESRPRX - Research Project<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Rules<br />

Please note that postgraduate modules/courses are delivered on-line <strong>and</strong> are available on myUnisa.<br />

HES4802, HES4806 <strong>and</strong> HES4809 have a compulsory practical component. It is recommended that students register for HRENV82 in the second year <strong>of</strong> registration.<br />

HESFESY is recommended for students with insufficient environmental background.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts Honours in <strong>Environmental</strong> NQF Exit Level 8<br />

Management<br />

Qualification code 98108 Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements A completed Bachelors degree or equivalent qualification with an average <strong>of</strong> 60% in the major subject.<br />

First Level<br />

Group A. Compulsory<br />

HES4809 - Integrated <strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

HES4810 - Impact Mitigation <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

HES4811 - Integrated <strong>Environmental</strong> Management Systems <strong>and</strong> Auditing<br />

HES4812 - Ecological <strong>and</strong> Social Impact Assessment<br />

HMENV80 - Research Methodolgy<br />

HRENV82 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Research project<br />

PMN501B - Project Management V<br />

Group B. Choose 1 from the following:<br />

HES4806 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Remote Sensing <strong>and</strong> Modelling<br />

HES4807 - Conservation Ecology<br />

Group C. or, Choose the following 2 modules<br />

HES4801 - Earth Systems <strong>and</strong> Processes<br />

HES4808 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Risk Assessment <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

HMENV80<br />

Rules<br />

Please note that postgraduate modules/courses are delivered on-line <strong>and</strong> are available on myUnisa.<br />

HES4802, HES4806, HES4807 <strong>and</strong> HES4809 have a compulsory practical component. It is recommended that students register for HRENV82 in the second year <strong>of</strong><br />

registration.<br />

HES4801 is recommended for students with insufficient environmental background.<br />

Qualification Honours Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in Botany NQF Exit Level 7<br />

Qualification code 05606 Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average <strong>of</strong> 60% or more.<br />

First Level<br />

Compulsory.<br />

BOT4801 - Medicinal Plant Use<br />

BOT4802 - Advanced Plant Taxonomy <strong>and</strong> Nomenclature<br />

BOT4803 - Research Project (Botany)<br />

CSR4801 - Research Methodology<br />

Choose 1 from the following.<br />

HES4803 - Ecotoxicology<br />

HES4807 - Conservation Ecology<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Pre: CHE1501, CHE1502 & CHE1503<br />

Rules<br />

Students who register for this degree should have regular access to myUnisa. Postgraduate modules are delivered on line <strong>and</strong> are available on myUnisa.<br />


Qualification<br />

Honours Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science in<br />

NQF Exit Level 7<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

Qualification code 05614 Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

Repeaters only Until 2016<br />

Completed Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree or an equivalent qualification with an average <strong>of</strong> 60% in the relevant major subject.<br />

First Level<br />

Group A. Compulsory<br />

HES4808 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Risk Assessment <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

HES4809 - Integrated <strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

HES4810 - Impact Mitigation <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

HES4811 - Integrated <strong>Environmental</strong> Management Systems <strong>and</strong> Auditing<br />

HES4812 - Ecological <strong>and</strong> Social Impact Assessment<br />

HMENV80 - Research Methodolgy<br />

PMN501B - Project Management V<br />

Group B. Choose 1 from the following:<br />

HES4802 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Monitoring<br />

HES4803 - Ecotoxicology<br />

HES4806 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Remote Sensing <strong>and</strong> Modelling<br />

HES4807: Conservation Ecology<br />

HESFESY - Integrated <strong>Environmental</strong> systems <strong>and</strong> processes<br />

HESRPRX - Research Project<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Recommendation : First year Chemistry<br />

Rules<br />

Please note that postgraduate modules/courses are delivered on-line <strong>and</strong> are available on MyUnisa.<br />

HES4802, HES4806, HES4809 <strong>and</strong> HES4807 have a compulsory practical component. It is recommended that students register for HESRPRX in the second year <strong>of</strong><br />

registration.<br />

HESFESY is recommended for students with insufficient environmental background.<br />

<strong>Curriculums</strong> 2012: CAES<br />


Qualification<br />

Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Honours in<br />

NQF Exit Level 8<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

Qualification code 98102 Total NQF Credits 120<br />

Admission Requirements<br />

Completed Bachelor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sciences</strong> degree or equivalent qualification with an average <strong>of</strong> 60% in the major subject.<br />

First Level<br />

Group A. Compulsory<br />

HES4808 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Risk Assessment <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

HES4809 - Integrated <strong>Environmental</strong> Management<br />

HES4810 - Impact Mitigation <strong>and</strong> Management<br />

HES4811 - Integrated <strong>Environmental</strong> Management Systems <strong>and</strong> Auditing<br />

HES4812 - Ecological <strong>and</strong> Social Impact Assessment<br />

HMENV80 - Research Methodolgy<br />

HRENV82 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Research Project<br />

Group B. Choose 1 from the following:<br />

HES4802 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Monitoring<br />

HES4803 - Ecotoxicology<br />

HES4806 - <strong>Environmental</strong> Remote Sensing <strong>and</strong> Modelling<br />

Group C: Choose the following two:<br />

HES4801 - Earth Systems <strong>and</strong> Processes<br />

PMN501B - Project Management V<br />

Pre/Co-requisites<br />

Co: HMENV80<br />

Recommendation: First year chemistry<br />

Rules<br />

Please note that postgraduate modules/courses are delivered on-line <strong>and</strong> are available on MyUnisa,<br />

HES4802, HES4806 <strong>and</strong> HES4809 have a compulsory practical component.<br />

It is recommended that students register for HRENV82 in the second year <strong>of</strong> registration,<br />

HES4801 is recommended for students with insufficient environmental background.<br />

Recommended sequence <strong>of</strong> modules: HMENV80; HES4801 (If chosen as an elective); HES4809; HES4810; HES4812; HES4808; HES4811; HRENV82 + elective.<br />


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